PsPM-AOB_UW dataset ================= Repository Version: 2023.08.16 This dataset includes eye tracker (including pupillometry) measurements from an auditory oddball task with an ITI of 2 s (session 1) and a luminance task in which discs with different shades of grey were presented. Also included are task information, keypress responses, keypress response times and key correctness for the oddball task. Data come from 23 healthy unmedicated female participants aged 41.87 +/- 3.9 years as a control group for a lesion patient with Urbach-Wiethe syndrome. Stimuli consist of sine tones (50-ms length; 10-ms ramp; 440 or 660 Hz). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This repository is curated by the PsPM team, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset is described and used in following references: - Abivardi A., Korn C.W., Rojkov I., Gerster S. Hurlemann R., Bach D.R. Acceleration of inferred neural responses to oddball targets in an individual with bilateral amygdala lesion compared to healthy controls. (forthcoming) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File Structure: -README.txt // This document -+Data // Folder Containing all data files |-AOB_UW_pupil_xx_snY.mat // 45* files holding measurements for eye tracking |-AOB__UW_cogent_xx_snY.mat // 46 files holding key presses and task information * Pupil data from the luminance task for one participant is missing due to technical failure ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Data Files: - Files holding eyetracking and time markers, recorded with Eyelink software. - Pupil left (channel 1) in mm - Pupil right (channel 2) in mm - Gaze_x left (channel 3) - Gaze_y left (channel 4) - Gaze_x right (channel 5) - Gaze_y right (channel 6) - Event markers (channel 7) used for synchronization with Cogent files. See Cogent files for their meaning. - Files holding: - Keyboard presses in response to oddballs (no key presses were required for standards), and task information, recorded with Cogent 2000 software. - Screen geometry (screen size, eyetracker distance,w and screen-subject distance in mm) for conversion of gaze coordinates from pixels to mm. The data file name is composed of: - AOB_UW The dataset name - pupil/cogent The type of data recorded (see above) - XX The subject number - Y The session number (1: oddball; 2: luminance) Data are stored as .mat files for use with MATLAB (The MathWorks Inc., Natick, USA) in a format readable by the PsPM toolbox ( All Matlab files are saved in MATLAB R2022b format.