33. Acalypha herzogiana Pax & K.Hoffm

Mededeelingen van’s Rijks-Herbarium 40: 24 (Pax 1921).

= Acalypha nitschkeana Pax & K.Hoffm.

Voucher specimens

ARGENTINA – MisionesMolfino, J.F. s.n.; BAF.

BOLIVIA – La PazBeck, S. 27697; LPB, MA.

BRAZIL – ParanáDombrowski, L.T. 2950; MBM, P.

PARAGUAY – ParaguaríArbo, M.M. 1768; C, K, MO.


Herb. Native.


Eastern Highlands: Atlantic Forests; Gran Chaco: Western Dry Chaco, alt. 200‒ 600 m.


Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, and Paraguay.


Steinmann & Levin (2011), Cardiel et al. (2013b, 2022b).

Provisional conservation status



In addition to the wild specimens of Acalypha herzogiana, also appear specimens of a cultivar of this species, usually from gardens or urban areas. This cultivar is of uncertain origin and is characterised by the showy terminal pistillate inflorescences formed by numerous densely clustered, ebracteate, pistillate flowers. It was studied by Steinmann & Levin (2011), who hypothesised that it is the result of homeotic mutation resulting in the stamens being replaced by styles.