Published April 30, 2019 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Prasiini Matsumura 1917

  • 1. Programa de Pós – Graduação em Biologia Animal, Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Av. Bento Gonçalves 9500, Prédio 43435, Sala 201, 91501 – 970, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil


TRIBE PRASIINI Matsumura, 1917

Prasinaria Matsumura, 1917: 209.

Prasiini Kato, 1932: 188.

Type genus: Prasia Stål (type species P. faticina Stål).

Included genera: Arfaka Distant, 1905; Jacatra Distant, 1905; Lembeja Distant, 1892; Mariekea Jong & Boer, 2004; Prasia Stål, 1863.

Included species: Arfaka fulva (Walker, 1870); A. hariola (Stål, 1863); Jacatra typica Distant, 1905; Lembeja brendelli Jong, 1986; L. consanguinea Jong, 1987; L. dekkeri Jong, 1986; L. distanti Jong, 1986; L. elongata Jong, 1986; L. fatiloqua (Stål, 1870); L. foliata (Walker, 1858); L. fruhstorferi Distant, 1897; L. hollowayi Jong, 1986; L. incisa Jong, 1986; L. lieftincki Jong, 1987; L. maculosa (Distant, 1883); L. majuscula Jong, 1986; L. minahassae Jong, 1986; L. mirandae Jong, 1986; L. oligorhanta Jong, 1986; L. papuensis Distant, 1897; L. paradoxa (Karsch, 1890); L. parvula Jong, 1987; L. pectinulata Jong, 1986; L. robusta Distant, 1909; L. roehli Schmidt, 1925; L. sangihensis Jong, 1986; L. sanguinolenta Distant, 1909; L. sumbawensis Jong, 1987; L. tincta (Distant, 1909); L. vitticollis (Ashton, 1912); L. wallacei Jong, 1987; Mariekea acuta Jong, 2004; M. euharderi Jong, 2004; M. floresiensis Jong, 2004; M. groenendaeli Boer, 2004; M. harderi (Schmidt, 1925); M. major Jong, 2004; Prasia breddini Jong, 1985; P. faticina Stål, 1863; P. nigropercula Jong, 1985; P. princeps Distant, 1888; P. sarasinorum Jong, 1985; P. senilirata Jong, 1985; P. tuberculata Jong, 1985.

KEY TO THE GENERA OF HEMIDICTYINISENSU NOVO1. Forewings semi-opaque (Fig. 6D–G)...............................................................................................................… 2 –Forewings pigmented but translucent (Fig. 6A) or colourless (Fig. 6B) ........................................................ 3 2. Forewings wide, covering the whole abdomen in lateral view (Figs 13B, 16B)............................................... 4 –Forewings narrow, leaving the ventral margin of abdomen exposed in lateral view (Figs 20B, 21B) .... …Lacetas3. Paranota present (Fig. 2F) ........................................................................................................................Iruana–Paranota absent (Fig. 22A) ............................................................................................................Sapantanga4. Apical area reticulated separated from proximal area by a median line (Figs 13A, B; 14D).....…Hemidictya–Apical area reticulated not separated from proximal area by a median line (Figs 16A, B; 17B) ..… Hovana

Diagnosis: Head with supra-antennal plate meeting eye (Moulds, 2005); eyes protruding laterally, wider than vertex; scape longer, twice the size of pedicel; supra-antennal plates narrow, almost the same width of ocelli; ocellus closely spaced (Boer, 1995a); ocular tubercle present; vertex narrow (Boer, 1995a), width equal to diameter of ocellus; length of postclypeus equal to the vertex in dorsal view; postclypeus very prominent and obtuse in lateral view, keel-shape in frontal view; tumid processes present in transverse grooves (except Lembeja). Pronotum with median groove present; pronotal lobes thick; paranota absent (except Prasia); pronotal collar with lateral margin confluent with adjoining lateral lobes [as pronotal sclerites in Moulds (2005)]; lateral angle of pronotal collar round. Mesonotum with scutellum cruciform with lateral area obtuse; operculum small, covering at least half of the tympanal cavity. Metanotum expanded. Forewing veins C and R+Sc close together (Moulds, 2005); expansion (shelf-like) of vein C present; vein RA aligned closely with subcosta (Sc) for its length (Moulds, 2005); apical area of forewings not reticulated; apical cells in number of eight; subapical cells absent; marginal area absent. Hindwing with anal lobe either broad or narrow and vein 3A either separated or adjacent to wing margin (Moulds, 2005). Male abdominal tergites with sides straight or convex in cross-section (Moulds, 2005); tergites 2 and 3 similar in size to tergites 4–7 (Moulds, 2005); tergite 2 short, reaching the base of timbal; timbals extend below wing bases (Moulds, 2005). Uncus present. Clasper present (except in Arfaka) and distally directed. Pygofer with upper lobe present, thickened rather than flat (Moulds, 2005), longer than or the same length as anal styles; pygofer secondary upper lobe absent; pygofer basal lobe ill-defined (except in Arfaka); dorsal beak present. Aedeagus lateral crest absent. Theca straight or curved in a gentle arc (Moulds, 2005) with apex bilobed; pseudoparameres present in some species.

Distinguishing characters: Scape long, twice the size of pedicel; vertex narrow; ocelli closely spaced; postclypeus keel-shaped in frontal view; clasper and uncus present together, the uncus poorly developed and the claspers, located below, distally developed. The long scape and the keel-shaped postclypeus are proposed for the first time as diagnostic of Prasiini.

Remarks: Some of the characters proposed by Boer (1995a), such as a large obconical and triangularly protruding postclypeus, a very narrow hyaline border along the hind margin of the wing, and well-developed and posteriorly-projecting protuberances on the lateral lobes of the male pygofer (used here as characters 7, 8, 40 and 52), cannot be used as diagnostic for Prasiini because they are also present in species of Hemidictyini and Chlorocystini.


Published as part of Ruschel, Tatiana Petersen & Campos, Luiz Alexandre, 2019, Phylogeny and biogeography of the leaf-winged cicadas (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Cicadidae), pp. 1150-1187 in Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 185 (4) on pages 1183-1184, DOI: 10.1093/zoolinnean/zly087,


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Prasiini Matsumura, 1917 sec. Ruschel & Campos, 2019


  • Matsumura S. 1917. A list of the Japanese annd Formosan Cicadidae, with descriptions of new species and genera. Transactions of the Sapporo Natural History Society 6: 186 - 212.
  • Kato M. 1932. Monograph of Cicadidae. Tokyo: Sanseido.
  • Distant WL. 1905 a. Rhynchotal notes - XXXIV. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 16: 203 - 216.
  • Jong MR de, Boer AJ de. 2004. Taxonomy and biogeography of the Oriental Prasiini 4: the genu Mariekea gen. n. (Homoptera, Tibicinidae). Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 147: 265 - 281.
  • Jong MR de. 1986. The taxonomy and biogeography of Oriental Prasiini 2: the foliata group of the genus Lembeja. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 129: 141 - 80.
  • Jong MR de. 1987. Taxonomy and biogeography of Oriental Prasini 3: the fatiloqua and parvula groups of the genus Lembeja Distant, 1892 (Homoptera, Tibicinidae). Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 130: 177 - 209.
  • Jong MR de. 1985. The taxonomy and biogeography of Oriental Prasiini. 1. The genus Prasia. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 128: 165 - 91.
  • Moulds MS. 2005. An appraisal of the higher classification of cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadoidea) with special reference to the Australian fauna. Records of the Australian Museum 57: 375 - 446.
  • Boer AJ de. 1995 a. The phylogeny and taxonomic status of the Chlorocystini (sensu stricto) (Homoptera, Tibicinidae). Contributions to Zoology 65: 201 - 231.