Loboscelidia vietnamensis sp. nov.

urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: B71E7738-E5FB-4D91-9643-EF4752F3472A

Figs 2A, 24, 25Q


The specific named after the type country, ‘Vietnam’.

Type material

Holotype VIETNAM • ♂; Thua Thien Hue Province, Bach Ma NP, 19 km point; 16.198° N, 107.860° E; 3–6 Aug. 2016; T. Mita and Y. Komeda leg.; YPT; VNMN.

Paratype VIETNAM • 1 ♂; Ninh Binh Province, Cuc Phuong NP; Y. Komeda leg.; VNMN.


Male (Fig. 24A)

MEASUREMENTS. Body length 3.05 mm; forewing length 2.8 mm.

HEAD. Head (Fig. 24B–D) 1.8 times as long as high; 1.2–1.3 times as long as wide; inner ocular length 0.59 times as long as head width; frontal projection rectangular in frontal view (Fig. 24B); apical margin of frontal projection depressed; lower part of frontal projection longer than upper part (Fig. 24D); frons granulate, finely microstriate (Fig. 24C); frons with low ridge extending from median ocellus along inner orbit of eye (Fig. 24C); spraclypeal area with transverse carinae (Fig. 24B); temple 0.24–0.30 times as long as MOD (Fig. 24C); POL 1.2–1.3 times as long as MOD; OOL 1.3–1.7 times as long as MOD; LOL 0.33–0.38 times as long as MOD; behind ocelli without transverse depression (Fig. 24C); cervical expansion convex in lateral view (Fig. 24D); basal part of cervical expansion constricted weakly in dorsal view (Fig. 24C); scape polished, 2.5 times as long as wide; scape without longitudinal grooves (Fig. 24B); F1 1.8–2.0 times as long as wide; F2 2.0 times as long as wide; F11 3.2–3.3 times as long as wide; relative length of F1–F11: 1.0: 1.0: 1.0: 1.1: 1.1: 1.1: 1.1: 1.1: 1.1: 1.0: 1.6.

MESOSOMA. Pronotum 0.76 times as long as posterior width of pronotum (Fig. 24E); posterior width of pronotum 1.4–1.6 times as wide as anterior width and 1.1–1.2 times as wide as head width; dorsolateral surface of pronotum carinate (Fig. 24A); notauli of scutum parallel, not reaching posterior margin (Fig. 24F); scutellum polished, with lateral carina (Fig. 24F); scrobal sulcus present, strongly depressed; metanotum with medial low ridge; metanotum 0.42–0.50 times as long as scutellum (Fig. 24F); propodeal angle weakly developed; propodeum without transverse carina above foramen.

WINGS. Forewing (Fig. 24G) with M curved; cu-a 0.33–0.60 times as long as R; A extending half of Cu+M; R1 0.83–0.90 times as long as R; Rs 3.0–3.2 times as long as R.

LEGS. Tibiae carinate; flange on forefemur 0.56–0.60 times longer, as wide as tubular part of forefemur; flange on foretibia 0.55–0.72 times longer, 0.63–1.0 times wider than tubular part of foretibia; flange on midfemur 0.78–0.84 times longer, 1.1 times wider than tubular part of midfemur; flange on midtibia 0.70–0.88 times longer, 0.75–0.86 times wider than tubular part of midtibia; hindcoxa dorso-laterally carinate; basal part of hindfemur producing, strongly producing, simple; hindfemur basally stout; ventral margin of hindfemur flat; outer surface of hindfemur smooth; flange on hindfemur 0.78–0.94 times longer, 0.79–0.89 times wider than tubular part of hindfemur; outer surface of hindtibia smooth; flange on hindtibia 0.74–0.80 times longer, 1.5–2.0 times wider than tubular part of hindtibia.

PILOSITY. Temple with sparse decumbent simple setae (Fig. 24D); cervical expansion with sparse decumbent and suberect simple setae; scape with sparse decumbent and suberect simple setae; pedicel with sparse suberect simple setae; dorsal part of pronotum with sparse decumbent and suberect simple setae (Fig. 24A, F); lateral part of propodeum with sparse decumbent and suberect simple setae; forefemur with sparse decumbent and suberect simple setae; hindcoxa with sparse decumbent cuneate setae.

COLORATION. Body reddish brown; antenna reddish brown; legs reddish brown; flanges yellowish brown; ribbon-like setae whitish yellow.




Vietnam (Northern Vietnam, Central Vietnam) (Fig. 29).


This species closely resembles L. bachmaensis sp. nov.; however, it can be distinguished by the following combined characteristics: frontal projection longer than above in lateral view (equal to shorter than above in L. bachmaensis sp. nov.); shorter temple, about 0.20 times as long as MOD (0.80 times as long as MOD in L. bachmaensis sp. nov.); pronotum as long as head width (much wider than head in L. bachmaensis sp. nov.); tooth of hindtarsal claw less than 0.2 times as long as hindtarsal claw (longer than 0.4 times as long as hindtarsal claw).