Published July 3, 2023 | Version 1
Project deliverable Open

Reports on the effectiveness of training programs

  • 1. University of Turin


The deliverable reports on the effectiveness of the Intercomprehension (IC) training programs created and delivered to students, teachers and staff.
In order to get the data, questionnaires were submitted at the end of the courses and will be presented in this document together with the results of the different trainings, aligning them with the IC evaluation criteria elaborated within the PhD program (based on REFIC and EVAL-IC).
Since IC courses have reached a population of more than 2000 people in UNITA in the last two years, this document will relate upon some general significant quantitative results only and deal with an overview of some qualitative responses that have been given by the people enrolled in the training


UNITA Grant number 101004082


D3.3_Reports on the effectiveness of training programs.pdf

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