Ajorama siargaoensis (Tan, Gorochov, Baroga-Barbecho & Yap, 2019) comb. nov.

(Figs 9D, 9E)

Endodrelanva siargaoensis Tan et al., 2019a: 288 (also includes calling song description)

Remarks. Ajorama siargaoensis comb. nov. was first placed under the genus Endodrelanva Gorochov, 2000 and the authors mentioned about its peculiarity (Tan et al., 2019). New material of Ajorama balatukanis allowed us to compare these two species, leading us to create a new combination for Ajorama siargaoensis comb. nov. Despite overall similarities in both the genitalia morphology and calling songs, there are still characteristic differences.

Ajorama siargaoensis comb. nov. has smaller male genitalia than Ajorama balatukanis (Fig. 9). In both posterior and lateral views, Ajorama siargaoensis comb. nov. has the pseudepiphallic lophi [posterolateral epiphallic lobe] longer and distinctly slenderer, with the apex more acute than in Ajorama balatukanis (Fig. 9). In lateral view, the posterior process of pseudepiphallic posteromedial lophi [posteromedial epiphallic lobe] of Ajorama siargaoensis comb. nov. is more broadly rounded (instead of obtusely triangular in Ajorama balatukanis); whereas the anterior process of pseudepiphallic posteromedial lophi of Ajorama siargaoensis comb. nov. is slightly more obtuse than of Ajorama balatukanis, which is more elongated and slightly curved (this character is more plastic) (Fig. 9).

Ajorama siargaoensis comb. nov. produces short echemes, similar to Ajorama balatukanis, but the calling song differs by: (1) echeme made up of 7–8 syllables of very similar amplitudes (instead of 10–11 syllables) and hence having a shorter echeme duration (0.35 s instead of 0.64 s), (2) shorter syllable duration of 17.0 ms (instead of 25.9 ms) and (3) higher dominant frequency of 6.08 kHz (instead of 4.41 kHz).

These differences support the hypothesis that Ajorama siargaoensis comb. nov. from Siargao Island is a distinct species from Ajorama balatukanis from Mindanao Island (not far from Siargao Island).

Ecology. Not different from Ajorama balatukanis; but this species is found in lowland of Siargao Island and was found calling on trunks of coconut palm (a common plant there), instead of trees covered in moss (typical of mossy forest in the highlands).

Type locality. PHILIPPINES, Siargao Island

Distribution. PHILIPPINES (Siargao Island)

Calling song. See remarks and Tan et al. (2019a).