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Published August 4, 2023 | Version v1
Software Open

R script to download and pre-process Eurostat migration data

  • 1. University of Southampton


Project leader:

  • 1. University of Southampton


This R script was written by Georgios Aristotelous in October 2020 to download and pre-process Eurostat migration data, contained in the file migr_imm5prv, to be used in the Bayesian hierarchal model to estimate European migration flows, developed as part of the project Quantifying Migration Scenarios for Better Policy (QuantMig,; see Aristotelous, Smith and Bijak (2022) for details. Since the code will need modifying each time a new version of migr_imm5prv is used and when the years of interest are changed, the script should not be run as is, but rather used as a template to develop the code to obtain the migration flow data required for further analysis. With this in mind, Peter W.F. Smith added a commentary in July 2023 indicating where modification may be required and where different results will be obtained. His comments are preceded by PWFS Comment. Finally, note that with a new version of migr_imm5prv or different years, the means, proportions and counts calculated will be different to those reported in the comments.


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QuantMig – Quantifying Migration Scenarios for Better Policy 870299
European Commission


  • Aristotelous, G., Smith, P. W. F., and Bijak, J. (2022). Technical report: Estimation methodology. QuantMig Deliverable D6.3, University of Southampton, Southampton.
  • Raymer, J., Wiśniowski, A., Forster, J. J., Smith, P. W. F., and Bijak, J. (2013). Integrated modeling of European migration. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 108(503):801–819.
  • Wiśniowski, A., Forster, J. J., Smith, P. W. F., Bijak, J., and Raymer, J. (2016). Integrated modelling of age and sex patterns of European migration. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society), 179(4):1007–1024.