SUMMARY OF FILES exp1_DENV_vir1_data.csv Comma-separated values file containing data from the first experiment for dengue virus (DENV) infection status, DENV load, and vir-1 gene expression exp1_eclosion_data_1.csv Comma-separated values file containing data from the first experiment for time-to-eclosion (used for data analysis) exp1_eclosion_data_2.csv Comma-separated values file containing data from the first experiment for time-to-eclosion (used for plotting Figure 1b) exp1_survival_data.csv Comma-separated values file containing data from the first experiment for survival status exp2_adult_flight_data.csv Comma-separated values file containing data from the second experiment for flight capacity exp2_adult_mass_data.csv Comma-separated values file containing data from the second experiment for adult fresh mass and fraction body water at eclosion exp2_adult_VCO2_data.csv Comma-separated values file containing data from the second experiment for adult metabolic rate exp2_eclosion_data_1.csv Comma-separated values file containing data from the second experiment for time-to-eclosion (used for data analysis) exp2_eclosion_data_2.csv Comma-separated values file containing data from the second experiment for time-to-eclosion (used for plotting Figure 2b) exp2_fecundity_data.csv Comma-separated values file containing data from the second experiment for female fecundity exp2_larval_activity_data.csv Comma-separated values file containing data from the second experiment for larval activity exp2_larval_size_data.csv Comma-separated values file containing data from the second experiment for larval size exp2_pupal_melanin_data.csv Comma-separated values file containing data from the second experiment for pupal cuticular melanin content exp2_survival_data.csv Comma-separated values file containing data from the second experiment for survival status R_code.txt Text file containing the R script to run statistical analyses in R SUMMARY OF COLUMN HEADINGS exp1_DENV_vir1_data.csv treatment = radiation treatment (Control, UVA, or UVB) DENV.infection = dengue virus (DENV) infection status (0 = DENV negative, i.e., not infected, 1 = DENV positive, i.e, infected) DENV.load = dengue virus (DENV) load (DENV copies per nanogram of total RNA) vir1 = Body-wide expression ratio of the vir-1 effector gene relative to housekeeping RpS17 gene exp1_eclosion_data_1.csv treatment = radiation treatment (Control, UVA, or UVB) sex = sex (F = female, M = male) time1 = start of time interval during which the individual eclosed time2 = end of time interval during which the individual eclosed exp1_eclosion_data_2.csv treatment = radiation treatment (Control, UVA, or UVB) time1 = start of time interval time2 = end of time interval male.count = cumulative number of males that eclosed during each time interval female.count = cumulative number of females that eclosed during each time interval male.proportion = cumulative proportion of all males that eclosed during each time interval female.proportion = cumulative proportion of all females that eclosed during each time interval exp1_survival_data.csv treatment = radiation treatment (Control, UVA, or UVB) dead = survival status (0 = alive, 1 = dead) exp2_adult_flight_data.csv date = date of measurement (DD_MM_YY) treatment = radiation treatment (Control, UVA, or UVB) sex = sex (F = female, M = male) age = days of age following eclosion recorder = observer who recorded time-to-exhaustion time = time to exhaustion (min) exp2_adult_mass_data.csv treatment = radiation treatment (Control, UVA, or UVB) sex = sex (F = female, M = male) wet_mass = fresh mass (mg) dry_mass = dry mass (mg) exp2_adult_VCO2_data.csv treatment = radiation treatment (Control, UVA, or UVB) sex = sex (F = female, M = male) date_run = measurement block (DD_MM_YY_block) ch = measurement channel (1-8) wet_mass = fresh mass (mg) age = days of age following eclosion VCO2 = mean rate of carbon dioxide production (ul/h) rest.VCO2 = resting VCO2 (ul/h) (VCO2 corrected for random effects and standardised to the mean sex-specific fresh mass) exp2_eclosion_data_1.csv treatment = radiation treatment (Control, UVA, or UVB) sex = sex (F = female, M = male) time1 = start of time interval during which the individual eclosed time2 = end of time interval during which the individual eclosed exp2_eclosion_data_2.csv treatment = radiation treatment (Control, UVA, or UVB) time1 = start of time interval time2 = end of time interval male.count = cumulative number of males that eclosed during each time interval female.count = cumulative number of females that eclosed during each time interval male.proportion = cumulative proportion of all males that eclosed during each time interval female.proportion = cumulative proportion of all females that eclosed during each time interval exp2_fecundity_data.csv treatment = radiation treatment (Control, UVA, or UVB) egg_count = total number of eggs laid by a female exp2_larval_activity_data.csv treatment = radiation treatment (Control, UVA, or UVB) sex = sex (F = female, M = male) video_duration = duration of recording (min) activity_duration = total time a larvae spent moving (min) exp2_larval_size_data.csv treatment = radiation treatment (Control, UVA, or UVB) sex = sex (F = female, M = male) total_length = total length (mm) thorax_length = thorax length (mm) thorax_width = thorax width (mm) head_length = head length (mm) head_width = head width (mm) exp2_pupal_melanin_data.csv treatment = radiation treatment (Control, UVA, or UVB) no_exuviae = number of exuviae in the sample dry_mass_mg = dry mass of exuviae sample (mg) dilution_volume_ml = extraction volume (ml) of NaOH/DMSO solution = melanin concentration (ug/ml) melanin_ug_per_mg_exuviae = cuticular melanin content expressed as the amount of melanin (ug) per mg of exuviae dry mass exp2_survival_data.csv treatment = radiation treatment (Control, UVA, or UVB) dead = survival status (0 = alive, 1 = dead)