Published July 26, 2023 | Version 1
Dataset Restricted

Eddy Covariance and Agronomical Meta Data Set from a Two Year Agroecosystem Site (RNG5)

  • 1. Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
  • 2. ARVA Intelligence Corp.


Dataset of soil, plant, forage, agronomical and eddy flux data from two years of commercial bioenergy feedstock production in Arkansas funded under the DOE ARPA-E SMARTFARM program in Phase I. Data set is provided to restricted users only. Data sets include 2 years of all 30 minute interval data. Full data sets will be published through Ameriflux at starting August 12, 2022, with annual updates thereafter. Some data, such as methane and nitrous oxide are embargoed.

This work was funded through the U.S. Department of Energy, ARPA-E, under Cooperative Agreement DE-AR0001228 led by ARVA Intelligence Corp. ( in collaboration with Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL).



The record is publicly accessible, but files are restricted to users with access.

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You need to satisfy these conditions in order for this request to be accepted:

Data Sharing Principles

Data to be kept and marked proprietary and confidential and exempt from FOIA requests

Protection of site meta-information and geoprivacy through anonymization and separation of site-identifiable parameters

No front-running by data recipient prior to release of data or publication by data providers

No re-release through other channels

Use is limited to the data requester for stated and shared research purpose and hypotheses.

Quarterly joint meetings on progress with obligation for data recipient to share progress on analyzing data

Sharing of research plan, and hypotheses prior to receipt of data

Sharing of methods, algorithms, and code with data provider for inspection

Mandatory review by the data provider for publications and/or patents from or using the data provided by the data provider 14 days prior to submission.

Listing of DOI reference in References for all publications built on or using the data as provided by the data provider

Option for data provider PIs to choose to be listed as co-authors and/or co-inventors for all publications built on or using the data

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