A a+iṃthyā (var. ayṃthyā) n. kind of bread of twisted shape (made of flour, sugar and ghee) a+itihāsik adj. historical a+irābat n. Indra's elephant a+ila adj. last, youngest (child) a+ilaṃ adj. contrary a+ila|-kāy n. hon. youngest son; ~macā n.anim. youngest child; ~mhyāy n. hon. (-mhyāca-) youngest daughter a+ilāḥ -> aylāḥ a+ilmay adv. in a moment, in a hurry: palakh pyu, ji ailmay vay. Please wait, I will come in a moment. thva jyā ailmay chāy yāyegu. Why should (we) do this work in a hurry. a+is n. luxury, pleasure a+isā n. {Pg} kind of child's disease causing weakness (cf. ariṃ) a+isvarya n. 1. prosperity, fortune 2. dominion, power aī n. (aila-) inauspicious time a+u {Kirt} -> gau1 a+uṃsi n. (-nhu) fifteenth day of the dark half of the lunar month, new moon day a+uka+i {Pg} -> ukai a+ukāta (var. augāta) n. circumstance, position, social status a+ucā -> agūcā a+utāli -> aputā a+ul n. malaria; aulaṃ kāye to catch malaria: vayāta aulaṃ kāla. He caught malaria. aulaṃ siye to die from malaria; ~jvar n. malaria a+usar n. opportunity, occasion, chance aṂ interj. expressing assent or approval aṂja -> ajaḥ1 aṂta n. (-pu) bowels, entrails, intestines (cf. bhaṃgaḥ, khipvāḥ) aṂlāy -> aṃlāy aṃ1 n. (ana-,-gaḥ) mango aṃ2 adv. {ch.lg.} nicely, carefully aṃkathi n. (-pu) long stick with a loop on the end used to thread a loom aṃkusi n. (-pu) 1. hook 2. iron rod for lifting things 3. hook for controlling elephants aṃgaḥ (var. agaḥ) n. (-gala-,-gaḥ) 1. wall 2. brick; ~tāḥ n. (-tāla-,-tāḥ) cross tie of an inner and outer frame aṃgaḥdyaḥcā n.anim. infant who is learning to stand; ~ yāye, svaye to encourage an infant to stand up aṃgaḥ|-bhū n. (-bhuli-,-gū) joint between bricks; ~siliṃ n. (-lima-) wall edge; ~siliṃ gaye to climb a wall; to try to burgle aṃgur n. (-gaḥ,-jvāḥ) grape aṃgū n. (-guli-,-pā) 1. ring 2. finger; ~kathi n. (-pu) long stick with a loop on the end used to thread a loom; ~kāpi n. (-gū) space between the fingers; ~kvalā meas. span (distance between the tip of the ring finger and the tip of the thumb fully spread); ~cā -> aṃgūkathi; ~chi meas. one digit; ~ nhyāye to slip a ring on one's finger; ~paciṃ n. (-cina-,-pu) ring finger; ~lā n. (-pu) 1. finger 2. ring finger aṃgrej (var. aṃgreji) n.anim. Englishman; ~bhāy n. (-bhāsa-) the English language aṃgsa -> aṃsa1 aṃjir n. 1. (-gaḥ) fig 2. (-mā) fig tree aṃta -> anta aṃtay -> antay aṃtar -> antar aṃtarāp -> antarāp aṃtali(-cā) n. (-mā) kind of wild vegetable (in paddy fields) aṃti -> anti aṃtuye v.i. (-tula) to be lazy aṃtū adj. lazy; ~pahaḥ n. (-hala-) laziness, tendency to be lazy; ~sū n. (-suli-) {neol.} laziness aṃdāj -> andāj aṃdval -> andval aṃpa -> ampa aṃpi -> ampi aṃpī n. (-pila-,-pā) cake of dried mango juice aṃbaḥ1 -> ambaḥ aṃbaḥ2 adj. horrible, fearful; ~ juye 1. to be horrible 2. to be obstinate aṃbāsi -> ambāsi aṃ|-mā n. (-mā) mango tree; ~mārā n. (-pā) cake of dried mango juice aṃlā1 -> aṃlāy aṃlā2 n. 1. independence, freedom 2. public office, public responsibility aṃlāy (var. aṂlāy, aṃlā) n. (-lāsa-,-gaḥ) 1. wall plate 2. wall beam supporting the floor beams of the next storey 3. (-gū) {fig.} base, principle, theory aṃlāye v.t. (-lāta) to balance, to keep level aṃsa1 (var. aṃgsa) n. 1. share 2. share of an inheritance; ~ thaye to divide an inheritance aṃsa2 adj. similar; ~ vaye to be similar aṃsa3 n. (-gū) egg-shaped decoration of pillars; ~ vay+ke to decorate with an ~ aṃsa|-bandā n. share of an inheritance; ~bhāg n. id. akamakay juye v.i. to be perplexed, to be confused akay -> akhaḥ akarkalā n. (-mā) kind of medicinal herb used to clear the throat, chamomile, Anthemis Pyreth. akarna n. (-gū) official record, report (written by an official on retirement) akal (var. akil, akkal) n. (-gū) wisdom, sense, thought, cleverness; ~dumha adj. intelligent, skilful akasmāt adv. unexpectedly akāy interj. {Bhp} call to address strangers (cf. aju) akāymā adv. there, over there akāl n. (-gū) famine akāḥ interj. implying pity, sorrow, regret akiṃ -> ukiṃ akil -> akal akulāṃ n. (-lāma-) 1. (-pā) cornice brick 2. (-gū) brick cornice akkar n. (-gū) difficulty, dilemma akkal -> akal aksatā -> ākhe aksar adv. generally, usually; ~yānāḥ adv. id. akhataṃ adv. on the contrary, in the opposite direction, reversed: mvatar ~ vala. The car came in reverse gear.; ~ lāke to turn inside out: vaṃ kamij akhataṃ lākala. He turned the shirt inside out.; ~ lāye to be turned round, inside out akhaye v.i. (akhala) to be reversed, to be turned round, upside down, inside out (ant.: nhyaḥ khaye) akharā n. (-gū) 1. stadium, place for wrestling or exercise 2. meeting place 3. dwelling place for monks and hermits akhaḥ (var. akay, aḥkhaḥ) 1. adj. contrary, reverse, the wrong way round, upside down, inside out, against the grain (ant. nhyaḥkhaḥ) 2. n. unpolished rice grain; ~jyā n. (-gū) wrong purpose, bad business, undutiful work; ~ tyāye to reverse, to treat against the grain; ~nhyaḥkhaḥ adv. vice-versa; ~bataṃ adv. opposing, against expectation, contrary to the truth: vaṃ jitaḥ akhaḥbataṃ khuṂ lhāta. He wrongly accused me of being a thief.; ~mājā n. paste for kite strings (prepared to cut other strings against the grain when reeled in); ~ taḥgū sukā kite string pasted against the grain; ~māy+kā n. 1. (-pu) drive belt of a spinning wheel to turn the reel and spindle in opposite directions 2. (-gū) inside, reverse side (of cloth); ~māḥ n. (-māla-,-māḥ) garland used in funeral rites (with sets of blossoms pointing both outside and inside); ~ lāke to turn inside out; ~ lāye to be turned inside out akhuṃ (var. akhū, aḥkhuṃ) n. (akhuna-,-pu) 1. spout (of a pot) 2. {sl.} penis akhunu (var. ukhunu) adv. on that day akhū -> akhuṃ akhe {Kirt} -> ukhe akhtiyār n. (-gū) power, authorization akh+barmaltā n. (-gaḥ) very hot red pepper akh+bār n. (-gū) newspaper (cf. pau) agaṃ-tagaṃ adj. insignificant, irrelevant agatay adv. ordinary, casually: ji chaṃthāy agatay jaka vay. I will drop in at your house. agati1 n.anim. (evil) spirit of an ancestor (whose funeral rites have not been properly performed); ~ hāle (for an evil spirit) to cry out agati2 adj. ordinary, common: agatigu vasaḥ, ordinary, everyday clothes agatiṃ (var. agasiṃ) adv. ordinary, usually, casually, leisurely: agatiṃ vaṃ parsi jaka sini. Usually she wears only saris.; ~ nhyāye to wear the same clothes always, to be plainly dressed, to wear ordinary clothes (of lower garments, e.g. trousers, shoes etc.); ~ phiye id. (of upper garments not reserved for special occasions, e.g. shirts, coats) agam adj. secret, unknown agarākh n. kind of tree of hard wood, sal tree, Shorea robusta agasiṃ -> agatiṃ agasti 1. n.anim. greedy person, glutton 2. adj. greedy, insatiable (for food); ~pahaḥ n. (-hala-) greediness agaḥ n. (agala-,-gaḥ) brick-kiln (cf. ata); ~kaḥmi n.anim. day labourer in brick-kiln work; ~cheṂ n. (-khā) small house without windows; ~nāyaḥ n.anim. (-yeka-) owner of brick-kilns agiṃ n. (agina-,-gū) fire pit; ~ thane {fig.} to revolt; ~mathaḥ n. (-thala-,-gū) sacred fire which is always kept lit, place for a sacred fire, agnimaṭha agucā -> agū aguru n. kind of wood, fragrant aloe wood, Excoecaria agallocha agū(-cā) (var. aucā, agucā) n. (aguti-,-pvāḥ) stove (of metal or clay, which burns charcoal or husks) agelā n. upturned palm, position of the hand in offering oblations to the deceased; agelāṃ taye to offer with the wrong (i.e. left) hand aggā 1. n.anim. leader, guide, winner in a competitive game 2. n. target, starter in a game of marbles (cf. baggā); ~ juye to be prominent; ~ bvaye to start a game of marbles; ~ yāye 1. to go ahead 2. to be made leader: vayāta aggā yāta. He was made the leader. agyāṃ n. (agyāna-) ignorance agyāni adj. ignorant aghay juye v.i. to be satiated, to have sufficient (of food and drink) aghū adj. ordinary, common (proverb: aghū māykeṂ ghau siṃkeṂ. "Pulse curry for every day, fermented curry for a special time", signifying inappropriateness) aghvari n.anim. 1. ascetic of a particular sect, aghorī 2. person of dirty appearance, sinister person (cf. araghvari) aghvaḥpāḥ adj. charmless (of a child); ~ lāye to be charmless acamba n. amazement: chu acamba jula. What a surprise! acal adj. steady acalay adv. vehemently, severely, hurtingly: vaṃ acalay dāla ale macā banā vana. He struck so severely that the child fainted. acaḥ n. (acala-) 1. body part 2. wound, hurt, injury 3. blame or liability for s.o. else's injury; ~ juye, lāye to be seriously injured: macāyāta acaḥ lāta. The child was seriously wounded. acākali (var. acākil) adv. excessively, too much, improperly; acākaliṃ gāye to have a stroke, to suffer from paralysis acānak adv. suddenly acār n. pickle, relish (cf. sanāṃ); ~ phiye to ferment acār, to preserve in pickles. acet adj. unconscious acetan adj. unconscious achiṃ (var. athiṃ) pron. (achina-) something, something or other, `what's-its-name' aja -> ajha ajaṃgara adj. large, vast-bodied ajaṃbar (var. ajammari) adj. immortal; ~pahaḥ n. (-hala-) immortality ajagar-bi n.anim. python ajay n. ignominy, dishonour; ~ phaye to be slandered; ~ biye to blame, to slander; ~ yāye to dishonour ajaḥ1 (var. aṂja) n. (ajala-) mascara, black collyrium (consisting of soot, cardamom, camphor and nutmeg, boilt in oil) for protection of the eyes; ~ ule to apply collyrium; ~ khāke to prepare collyrium; ~ khāye 1. to become blackish (at the approach of death): māṃyā mhutusī ajaḥ khāta. Mother's lips became blackish. 2. to be in a bad temper; ~ taye 1. to prepare collyrium 2. to apply collyrium; ~ phaye to collect soot for collyrium; ~ phvaye 1. id. 2. to apply collyrium ajaḥ2 (var. ajāḥ, ajyāḥ, ajvaḥ, anyaḥ, anyāḥ) pron. something like that ajaḥ|-khyāḥ n.anim. (-khyāla-) child whose face is smeared with soot; ~tayesalā n. (-gaḥ) small box for keeping mascara (usually made of silver, part of a bride's dowry); ~phulisvāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) kind of flower; ~batta n. (-gaḥ) box for mascara (part of a bride's dowry) ajaḥ-bijaḥ (var.ajvabijva) adv. uneven, ill-matched, wrong, odd ajaḥmū (var. ajimū) n. (-muli-,-mā) 1. carraway (used as a spice and as a medicinal herb), Apium involucratum 2. celery ajaḥ|-salā n. box for collyrium; ~salī n. (-gaḥ) vessel for preparing collyrium ajā -> ājā ajāyab+ghar n. museum ajāḥ1 adj. troublesome, mischievous, obstinate ajāḥ2 -> ajaḥ2 aji n. hon. 1. grandmother 2. midwife (rendering services by the jajmāni system) (cf. didiaji) ajiṃgar n.anim. python ajikaḥ1 n. (-kata-) sediment of beer; ~thvaṂ n. strong beer, beer from the dregs after distillation ajikaḥ2 adj. excessively pock-marked aji|-cā 1. n.anim. {derogatory} midwife 2. adj. next to last, second youngest (of a son or daughter); ~ju n. hon. polite term of address, "madam"; ~didi n.anim. midwife; ~dyaḥ n. pr. (-deva-) goddess inflicting diseases upon children, esp. smallpox, `sītalāmāju' (or `vajravārāhī'), a form of the goddess Taleju; ~bva n. plate of food served to a midwife; ~mā n. hon. kind of goddess, mother goddess; ~māju 1. n. hon. grandmother-in-law (husband's father's mother) 2. n.anim. small girl behaving like a grown woman ajimū -> ajaḥmū ajirna n. indigestion aju interj. {Bhp} call to address strangers (cf. akāy) ajugati (var. ajuguti) n. wonder, surprise, amazement; ~ cāye, juye to be astonished, to be amazed ajū n. (ajuli-) start, surprise, wonder, amazement; ~ cāye to be astonished, to be amazed, to feel surprised: ji ajū cāla. I was surprised.; ~ciṃ n. (-cina-,-gū) exclamation mark ajūsvāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) yellow jasmine ajyāḥ -> ajaḥ2 ajva-bijva -> ajaḥ-bijaḥ ajvaḥ -> ajaḥ2 ajha (var. aja, ajhaṃ) adv. up to now, still, yet: khaṂ ajha he kvamajyū ni kā. The matter is not decided up to now.; ~taka adv. even now, up till now.; ~naṃ adv. id. ata n. (-pā,-gaḥ) {old-fash.} brick; ~gaḥ n. (-gala-,-gaḥ) id. (cf. agaḥ) atambasiṂ n. (-mā) arjun tree, Terminalia arjuna ataye v.t. (atala) to skip, to alternate, to take every second one: bhalinaṃ jitaḥ atala. The bearer skipped me (in serving food). jiṃ svāne atayā vayā. I came up the stair skipping every second step. (cf. ataḥ gāye) atar (var. attar) n. scent, fragrance, essence, odour; ~gulāph n. (-mā) fragrant rose atarasa n. 1. high noon, siesta: atarasay pihāṃ jvi mate nhiṃ. Don't go out during the hot noon time! 2. inauspicious occasion, bad time, inappropriate time: atarasay nyāḥ vanāṃ vāuṃcā gathe dai? How can you get green vegetables out of season? atasbāji -> atāsbaji ataḥ adv. one after another, intermittently, alternately, skipping, by turns; chagu ataḥ every second (skipping one), nigu ataḥ every third (skipping two); ~gāṃ n. (-gāma-,-gū) outskirts; ~gāmāḥ n.anim. s.b. living in the outskirts of a town; ~ gāye 1. to do by turns 2. to skip over: va ataḥ gāyā svāne thāṃ vana. He went upstairs skipping every other step. va ataḥ dinay vaigu. He comes every second day.; ~jvar n. remittent fever recurring every second day; ~degu pujā n. ritual for the family patron deity performed during Caitra or Vaiśākha; ~bicāḥ n. (-cāla-,-gū) visit to a family in mourning (for which certain unsuitable days have to be avoided); ~bitaḥ adv. alternately; ~butaḥ n. alternation; ~butaḥ gāye to do by turns, to skip by turns ataḥli n. {Pat} refreshment taken during work in a field, tiffin atā -> tatā atāli n. (-gū) 1. flat roof 2. verandah, balcony atāsbaji (var. atasbāji, ātasbāji) n. fireworks; ~ kene, taye, tvaḥte to perform fireworks ati1 n. (-ati) joint of sugar-cane ati2 (atiṂ) adv. excessively; ~kanaṃ adv. id.; ~kaṃ adv. id. atithi n.anim. guest atibhanaṃ adv. very much atiyas n. (-mā) kind of medicinal herb, Aconitum heterophyllum atilihā n. (-mā) kind of medicinal herb atisār n. diarrhoea ateri (var. nateri) adj. disobedient attar -> atar attā-pattā n. (-pu) trace atyanta adv. very much atyācār n. tyranny, misrule athabāḥ conj. or athaḥ n. (athala-,-pā,-gaḥ) open-mouthed earthen pot for washing clothes; ~makaḥ n. (-kala-,-pā,-gaḥ) open-mouthed vessel for charcoal (cf. vaḥlāḥ bhegaḥ) athāhā adj. deep, unfathomable athiṃ -> achiṃ athitu n. (-pu) inferior kind of sugar-cane (cf. tu) athe (var. ay, are, areṃ, areyka) adv. like that: athe yāye phaḥsā jyugu. If it could be done like this, it would be all right. ~athehe adv. in the same way atheṃ adv. 1. easily, without an effort 2. in vain, without any reason, without a purpose: nhichi atheṃ he vana. A whole day is wasted. ipiṃ atheṃ he lvā kā. They fought for no reason at all. atheṃ vala. He came without a definite purpose. 3. by the way athe|-ka adv. like that; athe .. sā if so: athe jū sā if it so happens. athe khaḥ sā if that is so.; athe .. sā naṃ although, even then: athe jū sā naṃ even if it is so.; ~thathe adv. somewhat, to a certain extent; ~naṃ conj. although: ~he adv. 1. in the same way 2. approximately, nearly, about: athehe nīmha manū du. There are about twenty people there. adanā -> adhanā adap (var. adab) n. (-gū) respect (cf. hasibasi); ~ taye to show respect; ~ daye (dala) to have a proper sense of respect adal-badal n. exchange, interchange; ~ juye to be exchanged by accident; ~ daye to be changed (of rules, regulations) adā n. hon. {Bhp} elder brother; ~ju n. hon. term of address for an elder brother or persons of similar status (cf. dāju) adālat n. (-gū) court of justice adālati adj. legal, pertaining to civil courts aduvā -> āruvāḥ addā n. (-gū) 1. station, post, office, institution 2. perch of a bird-cage addā-adālat n. court of justice adhakatti n. ticket (torn in half as a mark for having been used) adhanā (var. adanā) n.anim. helpless person adharma n. sin, evil, injustice adharmi adj. sinful, unjust, impious adhika 1. adj. excessive 2. n. hyperbole adhikār n. 1. authority, power 2. claim, possession 3. rite, religious observance adhikāri 1. n. hon., n.anim. official, proprietor 2. adj. official, endowed with authority adhin 1. n. dependence 2. adj. dependent adhiyā n. 1. equal partnership 2. half the share of the produce of land adhyāche n. hon. official in charge, head, chairman ana 1. adv. there, at that place (far from the speaker) 2. adv. meanwhile 3. pron. {hon.} he, she: anayāta laḥ bhapiki. Give him some water to drink! anaṃ adv. 1. then, from that time on 2. after that 3. from here (speaker's position); ~li adv. 1. from then, after that, further, besides 2. here now, you see (modifying a previous statement); ~lipā adv. after that; ~lilyu adv. from that time, since anaginti adj. countless ana|-thana adv. here and there, hither and thither; ~thāy adv. at that time or place anay-tanay adj. 1. this and that, of various kinds: keheṂpini anaytanay khaṂ khānā cvana. The younger sisters were chatting about this and that. 2. irrelevant, inapproppriate: vaṃ anaytanay khaṂ pikāla. He brought up irrelevant things. anarasā (var. anaḥrasā) n. (-pā) kind of cake made of rice-d flour, sugar and ghee anartha n. meaningless, wrong; ~ yāye to misinterpret analā (var. anālā) n. (-gū) leap month in the lunar calendar, occurring between the the ninth (dillā) and the tenth month (guṃlā), corresponding to ādhikaśrāvaṇa (July-August) anasaṃ adv. fairly near, not so far anasan n. fasting, fast unto death anahe adv. exactly there, at that very place anaḥrasā -> anarasā anāṂlā n. (-pu) ring finger anāgārikā n.anim. female Buddhist novice, Buddhist nun anāj n. grain, corn anār n. (-gaḥ) pomegranate (cf. dhālay) anālā -> analā ani n. salutation; ~ kāye to acknowledge; ~ biye to bow down: bhaupisaṃ bāḥjuyāta ani bī māḥ. Daughters-in-law must bow down to their fathers-in-law.; ~ yāye (var. anyāye) 1. id. 2. to pay homage, to give one's reverence anikāl 1. n. (-gū) famine, extreme scarcity of food 2. n.anim. greedy person; anikālaṃ thiye, naye to be greedy anudān n. donation, grant anupān n. drink taken with or after medicine anubād n. (-gū) translation anubhab n. (-gū) 1. experience, practical knowledge 2. result anumān n. inference anuvār n. appearance, countenance, type anusaran n. (-gū) discipline, precept, following of a rule anusār postp. according to: vaṃ dhāḥgu anusār vayāta svarkā māla. According to what he says he needs three rupees. jigu bicāḥ anusār vayāta dhebā biye jyū. I think, it's all right to give him the money. anta (var. aṃta) n. end antay (var. aṃtay) adv. at the last moment, finally; ~ lāka adv. id. antar (var. aṃtar) adj. inner; ~ juye to vanish; ~ yāye to hide, to make disappear antarāp (var. aṃtarāp) n. (-gū) padlock, metal bar (closing a door) antar|-yāmi n.anim. 1. god, supreme spirit 2. one who knows s.o.'s secret; ~hyāmi n.anim. ruffian, impolite person anti (var. aṃti) n. (-gaḥ) liquor jar with a spout (of silver or brass) andāj (var. aṃdāj) n. (-gū) guess; ~ taye to guess andval (var. aṃdval) n. confusion; ~ juye to be undecided, to hesitate; ~ yāye to doubt anyaḥ -> ajaḥ2 anyāye -> ani yāye anyāḥ1 -> ajaḥ2 anyāḥ2 n. (anyāla-,-gū) injustice apamān n. disgrace, disrespect, disobedience aparājitā n. (-mā) kind of medicinal plant aparādh n. (-gū) crime, sin apasaṃ (var. abasaṃ, absaṃ) n. fasting, fast; ~ cvane to observe a fast; ~ taye to put s.o. to a fast apasvac (var. absvac) n. sorrow, regret apā -> appā apāy (var. upāy) adj. equal in size: kātā va camcā apāy dhāḥ. Fork and spoon are of the same size. (cf. gapāy, thapāy); ~gvaḥ adj. as big as that; ~cā (var. apcā, apīcā) adv. very little, very small; ~cvataṃ adv. with so much force, very much; ~cvaḥ adv. so much, so often: va jithāy vaḥ tara apāycvaḥ makhu. He does come to me, but not so very often.; ~ji adj. very valuable, so valuable; ~jimha adj. dignified, great; ~dhaṃ adj. of that size, that large, that small: apāy dhaṃgu cakuṃ gapāy khūgu ghāḥ yāḥgu. Such a little knife has made such a big wound.; ~dhikaḥ adj. of equal hight, as tall as that: ipiṃ nimha apāydhikaḥ. The two are equally tall.; ~pā adj. as large as that (of flat objects); ~hākaḥ adj. as long as that apālaṃ (var. āpālaṃ) adv. many, much apāḥ (var. āpāḥ) adv. very much; ~mha more or less; ~yānāḥ adv. often apiṃ -> ipiṃ apīcā -> apāycā aputā (var. autāli) adj. childless, without child; ~li n. inherited property (from a childless person) (cf. dahaṂ) apcā -> apāycā aptār -> abatār appā (var. apā, aḥpā) n. (-pā) brick; ~cuṃ n. (-cuna-) brick dust, brick morsels; ~ chiye to cast bricks; ~ siye (sila) to pave (a level surface) with bricks apvaye (var. appvaye, upvaye) v.i. (apvala) 1. to be too much, to be surplus, to be left over 2. to be proud, to boast apvay+ka (var. appvayka, upvayka) adv. 1. excessively 2. vehemently, rudely apvaḥ (var. appvaḥ, upvaḥ) adj. more, too much: apvaḥ dusā jitaḥ byu. If there is too much, give it to me.; ~ yānāḥ adv. often, usually, as usual: apvaḥ yānāḥ va nhiṃ chanhu thana vaḥ. He usually comes here once a day. apsarā n.anim. 1. divine nymph 2. {fig.} beautiful woman aphaḥ n. (aphala-,-gaḥ) small furnace used by blacksmiths aphim (var. āphim) n. opium; ~svāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) poppy aphis n. (-gū) office abatār (var. aptār) n. incarnation; ~ kāye to incarnate o.s. abatāri adj. 1. incarnate 2. ridiculous, ludicrous abatārlāmā 1. n. hon. Tibetan Buddhist priest 2. n.anim. {sl.} ridiculous person abadān n. (-pu) Buddhist mythical legend abadhi n. (-gū) time limit, fixed period of time, ultimatum abay adj. ill-treated, dishonoured; ~ hane to dishonour, to humiliate abalay adv. at that time; ~niseṃ adv. from that time, henceforward abasaṃ -> apasaṃ abasaṃniseṃ adv. from that time, henceforward abase (abaseṃ) adv. surely, certainly, inevitably, actually; ~nāṃ adv. {emph.} id. abases n. residue, remains (cf. lyaṃpulyaṃ) abāyta adv. so long, for a long time: abāyta kvathāy yākaḥ chu yānā cvanā? what are you doing so long in the room alone? abitabi juye (var. abhitabhi ~) v.i. to be fatally ill, to be on one's death bed abir (var. abīr, abhir) n. red ṭīkā powder thrown at the Holi festival, mica powder; ~ mhite, hvale to hurl red powder abu, abvā n. hon. father (cf. bau, bā, bvā); ~bājyā n. hon. ancestor, {coll.} ancestors absvac -> apasvac abhāgi adj. unfortunate, unlucky (cf. asakhvatā) abhitabhi -> abitabi abhir -> abir abhisek n. consecration abhītabhī-> abitabi abhīhā n. (-pu) root of asparagus amakhvaḥdha+u n. (-dhali-) kind of thin curd, buttermilk amay (var. ame) n. (amasa-) food which is not fit for sacrifice, impure food, unholy food; ~ cāye to feel sick, to be about to vomit (cf. may) amāi -> āmāi amān n. disgrace, humiliation amāli -> āmāli amāḥsi -> āmāḥsi ami -> imi amuli (var. amū) -> umū ame -> amay am+khvarā (var. amkharā, āmkhvarā) n. (-gaḥ) kind of brass pot for drinking ampa (var. aṃpa) n. (-gaḥ) small earthen jar (used for drinking or for washing one's hands) ampi (var. aṃpi, aḥpi) n. spleen (body part) ambaḥ (var. ambāsi, aṃbaḥ, aṃbāsi) n. (-bala-,-gaḥ) kind of fruit, myrobalan (a kind of astringent Indian plum); ~sāḥ n. (-sāla-) myrobalan pattern (in carving, engraving); ~si n. myrobalan; ~sukū n. (-kuti-) dried piece of myrobalan ambāsi n. (-gaḥ) base of a strut ammal n. small offer, small casual gift (such as a drink or a smoke) ay -> athe ayāḥ interj. expressing pain or fatigue ayṃ interj. no ayṃtā meas. quarter of a pau; ~chi meas. one quarter of a pau ayṃthyā -> aiṃthyā ay+ka adv. like this, in this way: ayka yā. Do like this.; ~svaybalay adv. apparently, seemingly, outwardly: aykasvaybalay vaḥ vai theṃ cvaṃ. It looks as if it would rain. aykasvaybalay va vai theṃ macvaṃ. Apparently he does not come. ay+kvaye -> yekvaye ay+kvaḥ -> yekvaḥ ay+guni (var. aygviṂ) n. (-pu) rod suspended from the ceiling by ropes for hanging clothes ay+tā meas. unit of weight equivalent to four tola or a quarter of a pau (restricted to the num. chi: aytāchi four tola) ay+naṃ 1. conj. nevertheless, in spite of, against expectation: aynaṃ thathe jula. Nevertheless it came that way. aynaṃ ji suṂka cvanā. In spite of (this), I kept silent. 2. adv. furthermore, moreover ay+piye -> āypiye ay+bay n. responsibility; ~ kāye to take a responsibility; ~ kvabuye to hold a responsibility ay+lāḥ (var. ailāḥ) n. (-lākha-) liquor; aylākhaṃ kāye to be intoxicated, drunk; ~kaḥ n. (-kata-) brewed rice or millet, dregs of liquor; ~ kāye to distil liquor; ~kāybātā n. (-gaḥ) brass or copper vessel for condensing distilled liquor; ~kāsān. fermented mash for liquor distillation; ~ghaḥ n. (-ghala-,-gaḥ) storage pot for liquor; ~ thuye to ferment; ~suliṃ n. (-lina-,-gū) liquor shop; ~ hāye 1. to distil 2. to drink out of a liquor jar ay+li (var. ayliṃ) n. (-gaḥ) unbaked clay vessel used for sacrificial gifts ay+sā (var. of athesā) conj. if so, even if so: aysā ji vane makhu. If that is so, I shall not go. ay+sāṃ conj. nevertheless: chiṃ daḥ vane mate dhayā dila aysāṃ ji vane. Though you told me not to go, I shall go nevertheless. ay+sāṃ cāye v.i. to lose patience, to be frustrated, to be irritated (cf. āy buye): kijāyāta pipyuṃ aysāṃ cāla. As he kept waiting for his brother, he got impatient. araghvari n.anim. {sl.} extremely dirty person (cf. aghvari); ~bābā n.anim. ascetic of the aghorī sect arapa+ucā n. (-gaḥ) small earthen water pot arā n. hon. {Bhp} elder sister's husband arāvaḥ n.anim. (-vala-) spoilt child, naughty child arāḥ (var. arhāḥ) n. waste, loss (cf. hantāḥ, vāpū); ~ chvaye to spend wastefully; ~ thane to waste; ~ dane to be wasted; ~marāḥ thane to waste; ~marāḥ dane to be wasted; ~ yāye to cause waste ariṃ (var. arhiṃ, āimāṃ, yeriṂ) n. (arina-) kind of child's disease causing a disposition to weep, loss of weight, diarrhoea, and a general weakness (cf. aisā); ~ cāye 1. to suffer from emaciation 2. to be love-sick aruvā (var. aluvā) n. kind of rice from the Terai aruvāḥ 1. -> āluvāḥ 2. -> āruvāḥ are (var. areṃ, areyka) -> athe arkaca adj. 1. insufficient, lacking 2. unfinished (due to lack of s.th. ) arkay n. scarcity, lack, want; ~ cāye to feel the want of, to have a need for; ~ juye 1. to need 2. to be finished, to be lacking argha n. pouring out water in honour of a deity (done either with the arghapātra or with the palms of both hands forming a hollow); ~pātra n. (-gaḥ) conch-shaped vessel for pouring water in rituals; ~ biye to offer by pouring out water arti n. (-gū) 1. religious instruction 2. advice; ~buddhi n. instruction, teaching artha n. (-gū) meaning; ~ chyāye to interpret, to explain; ~ jyāye to interact; ~ pikāye 1. id. 2. to interpret, to explain; ~ biye to interpret, to explain arnā n.anim. wild buffalo; ~mey n.anim. (-mesa-) id. arbhut n. puzzle arhanta-ī n. (-ila-,-gū) 1. high noon 2. time of siesta arhay yāye v.t. to order: vaṃ vayāta jyā arhay yāta. He ordered him to work. (cf. bvaye) arhāḥ -> arāḥ arhiṃ -> ariṃ ala+iṃci n. (-gaḥ,-pu) large cardamom (cf. yelā) alakatrā (var. alkattā) n. coal-tar alagga adv. separately, aside, apart; ~ cvane 1. to sit alone, apart 2. to live in a separate household; ~ taye 1. to separate, put aside, to reserve 2. to cause to live in a separate household: imisaṃ tarhimha kāyyāta alagga tala. They made the eldest son live by himself, keep his own household. alachin (var. alchin) 1. n. ill omen 2. adj. notorious, ill-omened alachināḥ adj. 1. notorious (in a bad sense), ill-omened 2. unfortunate, unlucky; ~mha n.anim. one who has bad luck all the time alata n. (-pu) half burnt firewood (cf. milākhvāṃ, milāpū) alaḥ n. (alata-,-pti) kind of red resin used by women to dye their feet; ~ka+i n. (-kaica-,-gaḥ) piles, hemorrhoids; ~cikaṃ n. (-kana-) castor-oil; ~ chiye, taye to dye with ~; ~raṅg n. deep red colour; ~pu n. (-gaḥ) olive; ~mā n. (-mā) castor plant alāy -> ale alāycva (var. alāḥcva) n. cow's urine intercepted before it reaches the ground (considered unpolluted) alāynagu n. (-gaḥ) meteor, shooting star alāysa+u n. (-sali-) cow-dung intercepted before it reaches the ground (considered unpolluted) alāḥcva -> alāycva ali n. (-gū) bamboo joint with an eye to develop a new shoot aliṃ adj. out of order, unsuitable, irrelevant, inconsistent aliphache n. time limit, fixed period of time, ultimatum alī adj. opposed, adverse, disliked aluvā -> aruvā ale (var. alāy) conj. 1. then, after that: ale thva jyā tvaḥte niscit jula. Then I decided to give up that job. 2. later on: va jyā ale yāḥ. Do this work later on. 3. thus, so 4. (with question intonation) what then?, what next?, here, now: ale chu jula? Then, what happened?; ~cā (var. alcā) adv. later on, in a little while: ji alecā jaka vay kā. I shall come in a little while.; ~chu interj. even so, so what? you see? (implying the assertion that the speaker is right) aletale n. delay alkattā -> alakatrā alcā -> alecā alchin -> alachin alpakā n. alpaca, fabric made from the wool of alpaca alphal -> almal almal n. confusion, unclear thinking; almalay juye to be confused; ~ yāye to think, to brood (in vain): almal yāyāṃ he nhichi bita, khaṂ kvamajyu. Though a whole day was spent to think (it) over, the matter has not been settled.; ~ lāye to be confused almāngā n. (-pu) silken shawl alyākh adj. infinite, innumerable alsi adj. lazy, slothful alhana -> ahala aval adj. fertile (land of the most productive kind) avāḥ -> āvāḥ asaṃ n. Asantole, a ward in the centre of Kathmandu asakhvatā adj. unfortunate, unlucky asambhab 1. n. impossibility 2. adj. impossible asar n. influence, effect; ~ lāye to be influenced asarphi -> asalphi asalā n.anim. kind of flat, glittering small fish, minnow; ~nyā n.anim. id. asalphi (var. asarphi) n. (-gū) gold coin; ~aṃgu n. (-guli-,-pā) ring with a gold coin; ~māḥ n. (-māla-,-māḥ) necklace of gold coins; ~svāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) Calendula officinalis asaha (var. asahai) 1. n. famine, extreme scarcity of food 2. adj. unbearable, intolerable asāmi n.anim. debtor (cf. ant. sāhu creditor) asār n. 1. fourth month (counting according to the Hindu calendar) 2. rainy season, paddy planting season asuddha adj. impure, incorrect asul n. realization of a debt astadhātu n set of the `eight metals', used in rituals (either in the form of metal dust or melted into one lump), viz. gold, silver, copper, lead, bronze, iron, mercury and tin astamātrikā n. the set of the `eight mother deities' astami n. eighth day of the lunar month astar n. 1. lining (of garments) (cf. dubaḥ, dubaḥsāḥ) 2. first coat of painting onvak a wall astarā n. kind of musical rhythm astalvahaṃ n. (-haṂta-,-gū) immovable property, entire property, inventory; ~thaṃ adj. exclusively one's own (of an inheritance) asti (var. asthi) n. ashes or small pieces of bone to be scattered into a river after cremation; ~ kāye 1. to incinerate 2. to preserve the ashes of a cremated body in an urn; ~ pvike to perform the rites of dispersing the ashes of a cremated body astidhikā n. kind of tantric initiation, given on the eighth day of the rites, 'aṣṭamī dikhā' astuti n. chant, hymn, prayer, song asthi n. -> asti aspatāḥ n. (-tāla-,-gū) hospital asyaḥ n.anim. (asela-) mischievous person; ~pāḥ n.anim. (-pāla-) difficult period in adolescence, puberty; ~ lāye to be mischievous, naughty asvak+bhujiṃ n.anim. (-jina-) kind of large fly asvay+svāṃ -> asvalasvāṃ asvala|-siṂ n. (-mā) Aśoka tree; ~svāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) flower of the Aśoka tree aha n 1. care, consideration 2. respect, reverence ahaṃ interj. no ahaṃkār n. (-gū) pride, conceit, arrogance ahala (var. alhana, ahara, ahil) n. hunt, chase; ~ mhite to hunt, to chase ahalyā (var. ahaliyā) n.anim. hunter ahi n. sense of neatness, cleanliness; ~ thane to clean; ~ daye to have a sense for neatness, cleanliness; ~ yāye 1. to arrange s.th. in order 2. to clean; ~ lāye 1. to be tidy 2. to arrange things in order ahil -> ahala ahī n. feeling, sensibility, remembrance; ~ tane to be forgetful; ~ daye to keep in mind aḥkhaḥ -> akhaḥ aḥkhuṃ -> akhuṃ aḥpā -> appā aḥpi -> ampi aḥpuye v.i. (-pula) 1. to be easy, to be simplified: va jyā aḥpula. This work has become easy. aḥpū adj. easy; ~se cvane to be easy, simple aḥvaḥ(sā) interj. exclam. of surprise or anxiety Ā āiṃ n. {ch.lg.} 1. biting 2. exclam. of satisfaction about s.o.'s misfortune ; āiṃka vāṃ nyāye to bite; ~ yāye {ch.lg.} to bite āiṃ-āiṃcā n.anim. {ch.lg.} buffalo āiṃāiṃ-pāiṃpāiṃ onom. whimpering of a sick child; ~ juye (for a child) to be chronically ailing āikar n. (-pu) 1. awl, auger 2. bit and brace āitabār n. Sunday āitā n. life span; ~ daye to live long āimāṃ cāye {Pg} -> ariṃ āuṂ n. dysentery; ~ juye to suffer from dysentery āṂ; ~ khāye, yāye to open one's mouth wide āṂtay 1. n. confusion, nervousness 2. adv. (of fever) slightly; ~ yāye 1. to harass, to cause to hurry: jitaḥ āṂtay yāye mate nhiṃ thva jyā seni. Don't you hurry me (or I) will bungle this job. 2. to dare āṂti1 adj. courageous āṂti2 n. rough wheat flour (cf. chvacuṃ, cuṃ) āṂsā n. sacred tuft of hair (left in the tonsure ceremony) āṃca n. (-gū) heat of fire, flame, blaze (cf. jaḥ1, jalā) āṃcala n. (-pā) tool to cut leather (of drum makers) āṃta n. courage, bravery āṃti -> āti2 āṃlā n.anim. 1. dumb man, half-wit; ~ye (-lāla) (for a man) to be a half-wit; ~sū n. (-suli-,-gū) whim of a half-wit āṃli n.anim. half-witted woman; ~ye(-lila) (for a woman) to be a half-wit āṃsiṃ -> ākasiṃ ākasiṃ (var. āsiṃ, āṃsiṃ) n. 1. (-gaḥ) axle 2. (-pu) spoke of a wheel ākāṃ -> lākāṃ ākācāli (var. ākācali, ācāḥkali) n. paralysis; ākācāliṃ gāye, juye, daye to be paralysed ākā|-jhākā n. (-gū) accidental event, unforeseen event; ~jhākāy, ~jhākāṃ adv. unawares, without previous notice, accidentally ākār n. (-gū) shape (cf. bāṃ); ~ luye to be shaped; ~ vaye to be shaped like (s.th.): va simā manūyā ākār vaḥ. That tree is shaped like a man. ākās n. sky; ākāsaṃsvay(balay) ground plan (lit. seen from the sky) ākāḥ interj. implying pity, sorrow ākivaṃ adv. next year (cf. ivaṃ) āku n. {ch.lg.} water ā-kutikuti n. call for a dog ākhaḥ n. (ākhala-) 1. (-gaḥ) letter of the alphabet 2. (-tā) script 3. literacy; ~kāṃ n.anim. (-kāna-) illiterate person; ~ tagvay+ke {fig.} to disclose a secret; ~ tagvaḥ yāye id.; ~ bvane to study, to recite; ~ lvāke to join letters; ~ saye to be educated; ~ sene 1. to teach 2. to be illegible ākhāḥ (var. āgāḥ) n. (ākhāla-,-gū) recital room, room for lessons in music and dance, room behind the stage; ~cheṂ n. (-khā) house for lessons in music and dance; ~thuvāḥ n.anim. (-vāla-) owner of a recital house; ~ svane to arrange a ~ for a recital ākhir adv. at last, finally ākhiray adv. at last, finally ākhir|-ākhir juye v.i. to be in need of: jitaḥ dhebāṃ ākhirākhir jula. I am in financial difficulties.; ~kār adv. at last, finally ākhe (var. aksatā, ākheṃ, ākhyaḥ) n. (ākheca-,-gaḥ) 1. unbroken, fine grain of rice used for ceremonial purposes 2. mixture of vermilion and rice given as a ṭīkā; ~ leye to select unbroken rice āgaṃ1 adj. extra, spare; ~ taye 1. to serve an extra meal, an extra course 2. to keep s.th. for spare use āgaṃ2 -> āgana2 āgaṃ3 (var. āgama) n. (āgama-,-gū) 1. inner sacred place, room where an image of a deity is kept, accessible only to initiates 2. mystery, secret; ~ ule to disclose a secret; ~kvathā n. room of a guthi god; ~cheṂ n. (-khā) house of a guthi god; ~ thyāke n. ritual of introducing infants at the place of the family deity on the day of the first feeding of solid food; ~degaḥ n. (-gala-,-gū) secret temple (Malla kings); ~dyaḥ n. hon. (-deva-) secret god or goddess, patron deity; ~ pvale to disclose a secret; ~bva n. (-bva) 1. small leaf plate (to serve to s.b. ritually) 2. share of food for a deity; ~saṂ n. tuft of hair, sacred hair; ~saṂ jvane to keep under control (lit. catch the tuft of hair) ~saṂ laḥlhāye to surrender (lit. hand over the tuft of hair) āgana1 n. (-gū) public place in front of an entrance, courtyard āgana2 (var. āgaṃ) n. (-gū) consent, approval; dyaḥyāgu āgana consent of the gods āgama -> āgaṃ3 āgaḥ n. carefulness, common sense: va manūyāke āgaḥ he maru. That fellow has no common sense at all. āgaḥ|-jhagaḥ n. (-gala-) common sense; ~digaḥ n. (-gala-) id. āgā (var. āghā) n. (-gaḥ) large, open-mouthed earthen pot for water (kept by the road for passers-by) āgāḥ -> ākhāḥ āgyāṂ n. (-gū) 1. order, command (of a person superior in rank) 2. permission; ~ day+ke to order, to command, to permit: thakālipinigu āgyāṂ madaykaṃ sunānaṃ he naye makhu. No one would eat without leave of the elders of the guthi. āghā -> āgā ācaman n. act of ritually sipping water from the palm of the hand (cf. nasalā); ~ kāye to sip water from the palm of the hand ācā1 (var. ācaḥ) n. (-pu,-thu) 1. (cobblers' and drum makers') small hooked needle 2. awl ācā2 -> ācāḥ ācāju n. hon. 1. spiritual guide or preceptor, holy teacher 2. priest 3. caste name (of certain sub-castes whose members have undergone tantric initiation) ācār n. behaviour, custom ācāḥ (var. ācā) n. hon., n.anim. (ācāla-) 1. religious instructor 2. priest; ~ buye to perform the initiation of a Bajrācārya; ~ luye to consecrate as a Bajracārya ācāḥkali -> ākācāli ācāḥguthi n. annual ritual (held at Svayambhunāth) āchi n. {ch.lg.} faeces, dirt; ~ juye to have dysentery; ~puṃ yāye 1. to defecate 2. to fart āchu n. perplexity, confusion, frustration; ~(-āchu) kane to be perplexed, to be in a dilemma; ~ biye to perplex, to vex ājā (var. ajā, āju) n. hon. 1. grandfather 2. oldest guthi member; ~ju n. hon. 1. forefather, ancestor 2. polite term of address for a grandfather or a senior man; ~bājyā nḥon. id. āju1 (var. ājju) 1. n. goal, aim, target in a game of hide-and-seek 2. interj. call when one gets home free in a game of hide-and-seek; ~ kāye, thiye to reach the goal or target āju2 n. hon. 1. -> ājā 2. image of Bhairava (at Indrachok in Kathmandu, of Bāgh Bhairav in Kīrtipur); ~dyaḥ n.pr. (-deva-) name of the Dīpaṃkara Buddha ājju -> āju1 ātasbāji -> atāsbaji ātā 1. n. confusion, bewilderment 2. n.anim. stupid person; ~ātā cvane 1. to be puzzled 2. to hang around 3. (of dough) to be mushy: chucuṃ ātā-ātā cvana ki pā jyāye thākū. If the dough is mushy, (it) is difficult to flatten.; ~ātā juye 1. to be confused 2. (of dough) to be mushy; ~ dhāye (of dough) to be somewhat mushy ātākuti {Bhp} -> ātāputi ātāpati -> ātāputi ātā-pātā adj. 1. puzzled 2. sullen, depressed 3. leisurely, aimless; ~ juye to walk leisurely, aimlessly ātāputi (var. ātākuti, ātāpati) n. (-pu) entrails, intestines ātāhāṃ adj. surprised, astonished, bewildered; ~ cvane to be astonished, to be surprised āti1 n. oblation cooked of rice and wheat flour offered to a deceased on the funeral pyre by the person setting fire to it āti2 (var. āṃti, ārati) n. (-gaḥ) lintel of a window or a door on which a socket for the pivot pin is fixed ātur n. emergency; ~ juye to be in an emergency ātma n. self, soul; ~hatyā n. suicide āthyamāthya n. confusion, perplexity, embarrassment; ~ kane to be perplexed, confused, bewildered: va yekva jyāta khanāḥ āthyamāthya kana. In view of so many tasks, he felt lost. ādhār n. (-gū) reason, cause, base ānanda n. pleasure ānā meas. monetary unit equivalent to four pice; ~dhyāg n. (-gaḥ) four pice coin ānāṃ (var. ālāṃ) adv. steadily, slowly; ~(-ānāṃ) nhyaḥ vaye to doze off at short intervals ānāsiṂ n. (-gaḥ) small beam of cheap wood (used for building and as firewood) āndvalan yāye v.t. to revolt āpā adj. {ch.lg.} hot; ~ juye to be burning āpādhipā n. bewilderment, confusion, uncertainty, despair; ~kaṃka adv. (to run after) vehemently; ~ kane to be overcome, to be in despair āpālaṃ -> apālaṃ āpāḥ -> apāḥ āpulu adj. 1. eager: chaṃgu khvāḥ svaye āpulu jula. (We) were eager to see you. 2. rare, seldom, unexpected; ~khaṃ adv. (to come) unexpectedly āpū n. {ch.lg.} fire āpti -> āmāḥpati āphim -> aphim āphvaḥsvāṃ (var. upvaḥsvāṃ, uphvaḥsvāṃ) n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) lily, blue lotus; ~ hvaye {fig.} to be in great difficulties ābaṃ -> ābhaṃcā ābaṃli -> āmbaḥli ābalay adv. at this time, now ābā n. hon. father's elder brother (also used as a term of address for senior men) (cf. taḥbāḥ) ābārā n.anim. loafer, vagrant (cf. hālāhulu) ābhaṃcā (var. ābaṃ, ābhvaṃ) n.anim. {ch.lg.} bull, cow, ox; ~ yāye 1. to bellow 2. to butt āma pron. this (close to the hearer); ~kana 1. adv. at this place, here 2. pron. {high grade hon.} you; ~kanahe adv. exactly here; ~thāy adv. just near to you; ~thāy+he adv. exactly here; ~theṃ adv. like that: haṂ, āmatheṃ he yā. Yes, do so. āmay+li -> āmbaḥli āmali adv. only that much āmaḥlihū interj. never again āmāi (var. amāi) n. (-nhu) last day of the month, new moon (cf. auṃsi, kuriṃ) āmāju n. hon. mother (also used as a term of address for women) āmāli (var. amāli, āmli) n. (-gaḥ) kind of Himalayan fruit, fruit of Spondias acuminata (cf. lapsi); ~kvāḥ n. (-kvāta-) hot soup prepared from āmāli served as the last course in a great feast; ~khaḥ n. (-khata-,-gū) platform, seat on the back of an elephant, howdah; ~pāuṃ n. relish prepared from āmāli; ~pī n. (-pila-,-pā) cake of dried āmāli; ~pyaṃ adj. {fig.} having very small buttocks; ~mārā n. (-pā) āmāli dried in slices, jelly of ~ āmāḥpati (var. āpti) 1. n.anim. one whose hands and legs are affected with palsy 2. adj. paralytic; āmāḥpatiṃ thiye to be affected with palsy (cf. ākācāli) āmāḥsi (var. amāḥsi, māmāḥsi) n. (-gaḥ) guava āmujāmu n. {Pg} perplexity, embarrassment; ~ juye 1. to be perplexed, confused 2. to be embarrassed: va misācā thana cha dayāḥ āmujāmu jula. The girl became embarrassed in your presence.; ~ yāye to embarrass āmuni interj. call for a goat ām+khvarā -> amkhvarā āmpaṃ n. (-pana-,-gvārā) hemorrhoids, piles; ~gvārā n. id. āmbaḥli (var. ābaṃli, āmayli) n. expression used in the sense `I must quit playing' in a game such as hide and seek: āmbaḥli dhayāḥ vana. He said `āmbaḥli' and went (home). āmli -> āmāli āy1 n. hope, wish, want; ~ kāye to try to think hard, to strain one's brain; ~ nvaye to be too much, to be unbalanced; ~ buye 1. to lose hope 2. to be anxious 3. to lose patience; ~ buse cvane to remain anxious; to hope in vain; ~ buse vaye to get anxious; ~ seṃke to persuade; ~ sene to be without hope, to be disappointed; ~ syāye to be disappointed; ~ svāye to hope, to long for āy2 n. {ch.lg.} act of dying; ~ juye to die; ~ yāye to kill āyā (var. āyāḥ) n. excessive pain (proverb: thaḥta yāḥsā āyā, kataḥyāta yāḥsā thayā. Don't do to others what you don't want to be done to yourself. lit.: if done to the self, it's painful, if done to others, let it be) āyurdā n. duration of life, length of life, life span (cf. āitā) āyṃpā n. (-pā) roof tile āypaye v.t. (-pala) 1. to wish 2. to think over 3. to intend to āypiye (var. aypiye) (-pila) 1. -> āypaye 2. v.t. to start attacking 3. v.i. to happen (cf. jāypiye) āype v.t. to set one's hope on s.th. āystā n. income (e.g. from land property, from an inheritance) ār n. support; ~ kāye to be supported, to take support; ~ biye to support ārati n. 1. (-pvāḥ) ceremony of moving a platter containing lamps round the image of a deity 2. -> āti2; ~ biye, yāye to offer lights to a deity ārā1 n. (-pu) 1. awl 2. saw (cf. ācā1, kaḥti) ārā2 -> āhārā ārivāḥ n. (-nhu) Sunday ārī n. (ārikha-,-gū) prasād, sacred food āruvāḥ (var. aduvā, aruvāḥ, ārvāḥ) n. (-vāla-,-pu) item of ritual equipment, a piece of cloth made of raw thread, string tied round the waist during initiation; ~kay+tā n. (-pu) loincloth worn for ritual purposes ārmāy n. (-māsa-) insufficiency; ~ juye 1. to be insufficient 2. to be in an awkward situation ārvāḥ -> āruvāḥ ālaṃ (var. ālaḥ) n. (ālama-) food which is ritually pure, food given to priests; ~ yānā bijyāye (for a priest) to take a meal ālapaṃ (var. ālapaseṃ) adv. intentionally, deliberately ālamata n. (-pvāḥ) lamp hanging on a bamboo post, ceremonial lamp (used during kārttika); ~ bvay+ke to hang up an ~ ālay n. (ālasa-,-mā) 1. neem tree 2. linseed ālaḥ -> ālaṃ ālā-ulu onom. 1. (of movement) slightly 2. (of light) flickering; ~ mine to be dazzled; ~ sane to move slightly ālāṃ -> ānāṃ ālātālā adj. ordinary, common, general, usual; ~khaṂ n. general conversation; ~jyā n. common work, ordinary work ālāp n. (-gū) 1. speaking, conversation 2. prelude for singing; ~ kāye to make vocal exercises (cf. thalāḥ kvāḥ yāye); ~ tvaḥte, yāye {fig.} to blow one's own trumpet, to give an account throwing a favourable light upon o.s. āli n. (-gū) palsy, paralysis; āliṃ gāye to be affected with palsy (cf. ākācāli gāye) ālu1 n. (-gaḥ) potato; ~ naye 1. to eat potatoes 2. {fig.} to be spoilt (of business, work) ālu2 adj. plastic, elastic, susceptible of being moulded ālu-itāḥ n. (-tāla-,-pu) kind of wick ālukavāph n. kind of spicy potato dish ālughari n. toy watch ālu|-cā n. (-gaḥ) kind of plum, Prunus domestica; ~bari n. dried potato-chip; ~baḥsi -> ālucā; ~bva n. (-gū) potato bed; ~bvajā n. dish of potatoes with rice āluma+iṃcā n.anim. doll ālumanā n. (-gaḥ) boiled potato ālumvani n. aluminium āluvāḥ n. (-vāla-,-pā) fried potato-chip āle n. {Bhp} plaster for coating walls āleṃ-tāleṃ yāye v.t. to prevaricate, to delay, to evade āle|-cā n. clay mixed with paddy husks for plastering walls; ~pa+u n. (-pati-,-pau) trowel, plaster's trowel (for smoothing and leveling walls and floors) (cf. livaṃ) ālpaṃ (var. ālpaseṃ) adv. knowingly ālmāri n. (-gaḥ) cupboard ālvacak n.anim. critic ālvacanā n. (-gū) criticism (cf. duvālā) āva1 adv. now āva2 (var. āḥ) n. totality, entirety āvaṃniseṃ adv. from now on āvaṃli adv. from this time, hereafter, henceforth: āvaṃli vaṃ thanyāgu jyā yāye makhu. From now on, he won't do such jobs. āvāḥ (var. avāḥ) n.anim. (āvāla-) roof maker, roof repairer (caste name); ~mi n.anim. 1. id. 2. brick maker āsā1 conj. 1. then, if it is so: āsā ji mavaḥsā jila. Then it's all right if I don't come. 2. otherwise 3. even āsā2 n. (-gū) hope, expectation, desire: āsāṃ thyāye to disappoint; āsāṃ dyāye to be disappointed; ~ kāye to hope, to expect, to desire; ~kuti n.anim. greedy, covetous person; ~kutikhvālaṃ adv. covetously; ~kutikhvāḥ adj. covetous; ~kutipahaḥ n. (-hala-) covetousness; ~ tvaḥte to despair, lose hope; ~ biye to raise hopes; ~ buye (bula) to desire intensely āsiṃ -> ākasiṃ āsūri interj. call for a cat āse (var. āseṃ, āsse) interj. wait a moment; ~ni wait a bit āsthā n. (-gū) confidence, faith, belief āsmāni n. skye-blue; ~raṅg n. id. āsvāsan n. (-gū) consolation āsse -> āse āhārā (var. ārā) n. main food, fodder; ~ cvane to keep fresh (of food), to remain edible: chvanasā svayā dusinasā āhārā cvaṃ. Millet food keeps longer than wheat food. āḥ1 adv. now, at present āḥ2 -> āva2 āḥ3 onom. {ch.lg.} 1. call for an animal 2. -> āy2; ~cā n.anim. bird āḥgathī interj. what a mishap, what a mistake āḥtini adv. now, just now, this moment I i (var. iṂ) interj. oh, no, never (implying disapproval) i-i pane -> ipane iṂt n. diamonds (of playing cards), one of the six symbols of `laṃgurburjā' gambling iṃgli-miṃgli n. stagger; ~ kane, dhāye to be about to stagger iṃcā n. (-pu) sickle, reaping hook; ~kusi n. (-gū) stand or rack for hanging sickles; ~phuti n. short nasal marker (of the Devanāgarī script), anunāsika; ~milā n. (-pā) crescent, sickle-shaped half moon iṃci n. (-gū) inch (cf. tu3) iṃjin n. (-gaḥ) engine iṃtijām -> intijām ika1 (var. ikā, ikha) n. enmity; ~ taye, yāye to raise enmity, to provike quarreling ika2 adv. very much, extremely; ~naṃ adv. {emph.} id. ikaṃ n. (ikana-,-mā) wild green leafy vegetable (eaten to strengthen one's vision); ~pu n. seed of ~ ikā1 -> ika1 ikā2 n. (-gū) slotted batten (grillwork) ikidhiki (var. ikiyādhiki) adv. slightly (of movements, only with neg. v.); ~ juye, sane to keep quiet, stand still etc.: va ikidhiki he masaṃse cvaṃ cvana. He kept fidgeting, he could not keep still. iku n. giddiness, dizziness; ~ka adv. 1. giddy 2. intense, vexing, tantalizing: ikuka bicāḥ yāta naṃ vaṃ licvaḥ lvike maphuta. Though he brooded over (the problem), he could not solve it.; ~ka dhāye to feel slightly giddy or dizzy; ~ka nhyaḥ vaye to be sleepy, to doze; ~thiku adv. to and fro; ~ dhine to tilt (one's head); ~pū n. (-puli-,-gaḥ) kind of bead similar to a rudrākṣa, worn to ward off dizziness; ~muku dane, dhāye 1. to feel dizzy, irritated 2. to feel depressed, to be bored; ~mukuse cvane to be dizzy, giddy; ~mukuse vaye to feel dizzy, giddy; ~ye (ikula) to be dizzy, giddy; ~se cvane to be dizzy, to faint ike1 n. kind of sticky rice served to relatives before the birth of a child ike2 v.t. to irritate, to provoke ikha -> ika1 ikhā (var. icheṂ, īkhā) n. (-khā) house of rectangular ground plan; ~cheṂ n. (-khā) id.; ~pukhū n. (-khuli-,-gū) 1. rectangular pond 2. name of a locality in Kathmandu ikhuṃ(cā) n.anim. (ikhuna-) swallow, house martin (cf. galaḥri) igaḥ n. crowd (cf. mvaḥ); ~ juye to be crowded; ~migaḥ juye 1. id. 2. to be confused (due to conflicting obligations) 3. to be in a hurry 4. to have stomach cramps; ~migaḥ dane to disperse, to scatter (a herd or flock); ~migaḥ sane 1. to move in a crowd 2. to have stomach cramps icā n. (-kū) nappy, diaper; ~kāpaḥ n. (-pala-) piece of cloth used as a diaper; ~laṃ n. (-lana-,-pā) baby vest (used before the ritual of feeding the first solid food) icikā (var. icikaṂ, itikā, yecikaṂ) n. (-bālā) diagonal grill of a latticed window; ~jhyāḥ n. (-jhyāla-,-pā) latticed window icu -> yecu icū n. (iculi-,-pu) appliance for parting hair, made of peacock's feather iccā {Kirt} -> ī2 icchā n. (-gū) wish, desire icheṂ -> ikhā ijat -> ijjat ijār n. (-pu) trouser string; ~cikhi n. (-pu) string belt; ~ ciye to tie a belt; ~putu n. (-pu) string belt; ~ phene to untie a belt ijjat (var. ijat) n. (-gū) honour, respect: ijjataṃ hane to treat respectfully; ~ kāye to disgrace, dishonour; ~ biye to honour, to respect ijvaḥ n.anim. (ijvala-) 1. pair, fellow 2. kind of black bird itaḥ (var. iti) n. hurry, confusion; ~ kane 1. to be in a hurry 2. to be anxious; ~mataḥ kane (~mitaḥ ~, ~miti ~) 1. to be anxious, confused, nervous 2. to gasp 3. to be unable to cope itā-thitā adv. opposite, in front of, face to face with s.th. in between itāḥ n. (itāla-,-pu) wick; ~ kāye to twist a wick; ~ kule to keep the wick of a lamp in oil (in order to keep it burning); ~chyaṃ n. (-chena-,-gaḥ) `head' of a wick, end of the wick prepared with a bit of ash which has to be lit in a pūjā; ~ phene to twist a wick; ~ biye to offer wicks to a deity; ~mata n. (-pvāḥ) wick lamp; ~ vāye to twist a wick iti -> itaḥ iti-iti n. fullness, completeness; ~ kvabuye to carry with difficulty; ~ juye 1. to be crowded 2. to be filled to the brim; ~ daye to have in abundance; ~ nhile to laugh heartily, to shake with laughter itikā -> icikā iti-thiti -> ithimithi iti-miti -> itaḥmataḥ itisrī n. culmination, completion itihās n. (-gū) history ithi-mithi n. ritual impurity; ~ juye 1. to get polluted by contact with s.th. ritually impure 2. (for the remnants of a meal) to be mixed together: cipa ithimithi jula. The remnants of the meal were mixed together (and therefore became impure); ~ yāye to mix up (the remnants of a meal) ināp n. (-gū) request, entreaty (also title of a Newari weekly paper); ~ yāye 1. to request, to wish 2. to speak to an honoured person inām n. prize, reward ināy n. hon. (ināsa-) god Gaṇeś; ~dalū n. earthen lamp with a small image of Gaṇeś (fixed to a wall); ~dyaḥ n. pr. (-deva-) god Gaṇeś inālu adj. slim, slender; ~ye (-lula) to be slim, slender; ~se cvane to be slim ināḥ(-ināḥ) tule v.i. to kick, to struggle, to wriggle: macāta ināḥ tula ki kāye thākū. If children wriggle, (they) are difficult to get hold of. ini-ini -> iniphini ini-duni n. 1. sickness, illness 2. state of convalescence; ~ juye 1. to fall ill 2. to be convalescent; ~ yāye {fig.} to vex, to irritate ini-nini -> inimini ini-phini (var. ini-ini, iliphili) n. 1. sickness, illness 2. restlessness; ~ kane to be ill; ~ juye 1. to fall ill 2. to be restless, to walk about aimlessly; ~ dhāye to feel unwell, to feel slightly dizzy ini-mini (var. ininini, inna) n. dazzling, stunning; ~ juye to be dazzled, stunned; ~ dhāye to be dazzled, to see the stars after hitting one's head ine (var. iye) v.t. to distribute, to divide: vaṃ sakasita dhaubaji ina. She distributed beaten rice and curds to all of them. intijām (var. iṃtijām) n. 1. audience 2. arrangement indesan n. (-gaḥ) 1. injection 2. ampulla; ~ kāye to get an injection indrajudyaḥ n. hon. (-deva-) image of Indra displayed during Indrajātrā inna(-minna) -> inimini ipane (var. i-i pane) v.i. to gasp for breath: macā lā ipana. The child gasped heavily for breath. ipaḥ (var. ippaḥ) n. suffocation, confusion; ~(-mipaḥ) kane to be confused, to be unable to cope with a situation ipā-thipā; ~ madaye to be obstinate, to be stubborn; ~ masiye to know not one's position or status ipiṃ (var. apiṃ, upiṃ) pron. they ippaḥ -> ipaḥ ibi n. (-gū) enmity, hostility, grudge, vengeance; ~ kāye to revenge, to retaliate; ~ke id.; ~ yāye to raise hostility, to grudge imā n.anim. buzzard, kite; ~mandaḥ kāye 1. to fly a kite 2. to fly like a bird 3. {fig.} to fly around to watch, to spy, to fly in circles (like a bird of prey) imāṃ (var. imān) n. (-gū) honesty, faith; ~dār adj. honest; ~sāth adv. honestly, really imi (var. ami, umi) pron. their imū1 n.anim. (imuli-) ant (cf. bajikātā) imū2 n. (imuli-,-mā) kind of herb, used as a spice and against abdominal diseases, given to mothers who have no milk; ~kvāti n. concoction of ~ imtesan n. (-gaḥ) imitation of a precious stone iye1 v.t. (ila) 1. to suck 2. to collect, to sweep together, to gather up, to glean 3. to touch, to rub iye2 -> ine iru-thiru (var. liruthiru) adv. back and forth, to and fro; ~ juye to walk back and forth, to wander about aimlessly; ~ nyāy+ke to cause s.o. to wander about; ~ yāye to wander to and fro, to pace the floor ila+iṃ -> ilay ilaṃ lāye v.i. to have leisure, spare time ilakāla -> ilākālā ilay (var. ilaiṃ) adv. punctually, on time, at the proper time; ~balay adv. 1. from time to time 2. at appropriate times ilā-ilā (var. ilāṃilāṃ) n. {ch.lg.} 1. smearing 2. painting; ~ yāye 1. to smear 2. to paint ilāṃ n. (ilāma-,-gū) cloth canopy set up over the image of a deity (cf. libiṃ); ~ pene to erect a canopy, to cover with a canopy; ~pvāḥ n. (-pvāḥ) hole at each of the four corners of a canopy ilākā n. 1. jurisdiction 2. district, area, region ilākālā (var. ilakāla) n. knowledge of current local events and persons, inside knowledge ilātaḥgu adj. (of measures, containers) to be full to the brim ili-ili -> ililili iliṃ cvane v.i. to look pale and weak ilipada n. swelling of the lower legs, elephantiasis ilipu n. (-pu) seed of a kind of medicinal plant ili|-phili (~philiṃ) -> iniphini ilimacā n.anim. son's wife ili-lili (var. ili-ili, ilililla, ililla, illa) adj. twinkling, dazzling, glittering (of innumerable points of light); ~ khane daye to twinkle; ~ mine to be dazzled: nibhālay jula ki mikhā ililili mine yaḥ. When one walks in the sunshine one feels dazzled (by the light). ile v.t. 1. to smear, to besmear 2. to paint, to whitewash: imi mvaḥnhiyāta baṂ ila. They whitewashed the floor for Dasain. 3. to oil illa -> ililili ilvahaṃ (var. īlvahaṃ) n. (-haṂta-,-gaḥ) stone slab serving as foundation of a pillar ivaṃ adv. year after next, in two years' time (cf. ākivaṃ) is n. {ch.lg.} vagina isacā n. kind of plant isārā n. (-gū) signal, sign; ~ biye to signal: vaṃ chanta lhātaṃ isārā bila. He gave you a sign with his hand. isāḥ-thisāḥ n. 1. dragging to and fro (by pulling the hair) 2. physical torture; ~ yāye to pull by the hair (threat by a mother-in-law) isi n. (-gaḥ,-jvāḥ) small juicy berry yellow in colour, Rubus ellipticus isi-isi -> isimisi isipī n. (-pila-,-pā) cake of dried raspberry juice isi-misi (var. isi-isi) n. feeling of overeating; ~ cvane, dhāye, mine to feel overfed isu adj. prickling (of arms or legs when the circulation returns): vayā lhāḥ isu. His arm felt prickling.; ~ye (isula) (for arms or legs) to suffer a prickling sensation; ~se cvane id. iskul1 n. (-gū) school iskul2 n. vegetable iskvat n. (-pā) waist-coat istami n. kind of sweet wood used for medical purposes, e.g. to clear the voice istri n. (-gaḥ,-gū) iron, smoothing iron, flat iron (cf. kvāḥbasā) 2. trunk, box for clothing; ~ taye, yāye to iron ispāt n. steel isva-thisva adv. here and there, in various places isvar n. hon. God ihi n. marriage ceremony in which, prior to her first menstruation, a girl is married to the bel fruit to prevent her from ever becoming a widow; ~pāḥ (var. ~pāṃ) n. (-pāla-) id.; ~bidhi n. id.; ~ muṃke to arrange the ~ ceremony Ī ī1 n. (ila-,-gū) time, occasion, opportunity, situation, appointment: ipiṃ vayegu ī jula. It is time for them to come. ī tasakaṃ gyānāpu. The situation is very dangerous.; ~ chyāye to kill the time; ~ juye to be time (to do s.th.); ~ biye (bita) (for time) to pass; ~ biye (bila) to give an appointment: vaṃ jitaḥ kanhayyāgu ī bila. He gave me an appointment for tomorrow.; ~ vāle, svaye to search for an auspicious time ī2 (var. iccā) n. (ikha-) spittle; ~ culu vane (of the mouth) to be watering; ~ phāye to spit; ~ pheye {fig.} to break one's promise; ~ buye (bula) to produce saliva īkathaṃ adv. according to the occasion īkā n. yellow mustard seed; ~paḥkā n. 1. black or yellow mustard seed 2. grain of oil-producing plants īke v.t. 1. to cause to collect 2. to cause to touch īkh n. spirit of revenge, malice, enmity; ~ibi n. id. īkhā -> ikhā īthā {Kirt} -> ihi īdāicā (var. īdāyā) n. hot dish of rice flour and sesamum seed and `khicābhvātaḥ' given to a woman during or immediately after childbirth ībyaḥ n. (-bela-) time, season īlvahaṃ -> ilvahaṃ īsa n. North-east U u pron. that one (at a distance) uiṂ -> viṂ uike v.t. to cause to burn, to cause to cremate uṂt n.anim. camel uṃ -> un2 uṃcaḥ-buṃcaḥ n. (-cala-) {coll.} strands of vegetable uṃlacaṃ n. (-cana-,-gū) spectacles, goggles uka+i (var. aukai) n. (ukaica-,-gaḥ) sty, inflamed swelling of the eyelid ukathaṃ adv. in that way ukasay juye v.i. to be compensated for a loss, to make up for a loss ukiṃ (var. akiṃ) 1. pron. from that, by that 2. conj. therefore, for that reason, so: ukiṃ chaṃ vayāgu khaṂ nene māḥgu. So you must listen to him. jantā āndvalan yānāḥ ukiṃ prajātantra vala. Because the people revolted, democracy came. ukuthuku adv. slightly ukum n. incurable wound or boil (down to the bone) uku-muku (var. ukusmukus) adj. uncomfortable, stifled (from heat, density in a crowd or from overeating); ~ dane to feel suffocated in a crowd ukhaḥbanay adv. once upon a time ukhān n. (-gū) proverb, idiom, phrase (cf. khaṂtvāḥ, khaṂbhāy) ukhunhu adv. on that day ukhe (var. akhe, ukheṃ) adv. on that side, towards that side, on (his) part; ~thukhe 1. adv. on both sides, here and there 2. n. misplacement, loss 3. n. carelessness; ~thukhe chvaye to lose, to mislay; ~pākhe (var. ~pākheṃ) adv. 1. on that side, towards that side 2. from that side ukhera adv. over there ukhelakhā n. (-gū) shoulder cloth of a monk ugaye v.i. (ugala) to be stagnant ugaḥ1 (ugala-,-gaḥ) 1. n. wooden mortar for beating rice 2. n.anim. {fig.} person with a copious hip ugaḥ2 adj. stagnant ugu-thugu pron. this and that ugimay -> ugharimay uguṃ-thuguṃ pron. whichever, any ugharimay (var. ugimay, ughrimay) adv. immediately, at once, at the moment ucātana n. (-gū) drum maker's tool used for smoothing the leather on the rims of a drum head ujaṃ n. (ujana-,-gū) 1. order, command 2. permission; ~ chele to carry out an order; ~ daye to be permitted, to be approved; ~ day+ke {hon.} to speak; ~ nene to obey an order; ~ biye, hāye to order, to command ujane v.t. to order, to command ujuṃ (var. ujhuṃ) adv. quickly, soon, on time, as early as expected (with neg. v. only); ~sujuṃ adv. id.: va ujuṃsujuṃ mavaḥseṃli cheṂ vayā. As he did not come on time, I went home. ujur yāye v.t. to bring a complaint against s.o. ujyāṃ adv. slightly sideways, a little bit away; ~ cile to move slightly towards the side; ~thujyāṃ adv. hither and thither; ~ vane 1. to move slightly towards the side 2. to go away; ~ vaye 1. to move slightly towards the side 2. to come nearer ujhāna n. (-gū) 1. garden (cf. keba) 2. small forest ujhuṃ -> ujuṃ uta (var. utu) n. (-gaḥ) paddy straw (to be threshed); ~ chuye, tane, taye to stack paddy straw for threshing utari n. (-gū) necklace made of cloth worn during a śrāddha ceremony uti (var. utti) adj. as much as, equal; ~ khane to treat equally; ~ gene 1. to be equal 2. to be at equal distance, to be parallel utikaṃ adv. excessively utu1 -> uta utu2 adj. 1. very short and fat 2. muddy; ~(utu) cvane 1. (of women) to be stout 2. (of soil) to be muddy 3. to be festering; ~ lhvane to be muddy; ~ye(utula) to be fat, to be stout; ~se cvane id. uttar1 n. (-gū) answer (cf. lisaḥ) uttar2 n. north (cf. yeṃtā) utti ->uti uttejanā n. excitement uthati-puthati n. land revenue uthay yāye v.t. 1. to lift up, to raise 2. to collect (e.g. revenue or debts) (cf. mhaye) uthāy adv. 1. at that place, there 2. at that time, then uthi adv. frequently; ~(-uthi)tu adv. id. utheṃ adv. like that, alike, in the same way; ~ cvane to resemble, to look like something: vayā dāju utheṃ cvaṃ. He resembles his elder brother. udāy (var. udās1) -> urāy udās2 n. sorrow depression; ~ juye to be sad, depressed udāharan n. example (cf. dasu) udghātan n. inauguration, opening udyāṃ n. (udyāna-,-gaḥ) 1. tripod 2. container made of bark used to store fine cotton for wicks 3. sub-terrace wall; ~tvapuli n. (-gaḥ) tripod-shaped, embroidered cap un1 (var. ūn) n. wool, fur (cf. tayṃ) un2 (var. uṃ) n. complexion, colour; ~ chāye to make up, to adorn; ~ lāye (lāta) 1. to be light-coloured 2. to be dyed well, to be properly painted; ~ lāye (lāla) (of colour) to fade: nibhālaṃ gāyā un lāyā vana. The colour of the shawl has faded in the sunlight.; ~ vane id.; ~ hile 1. to change colours (in the face), to become pale or red: vaṃ vayā un hila. His face changed colours. taṃmha macā luyāḥ māṃyā khvāḥyā un hila. Having found the lost child, the mother's face brightened. 2. to change one's form of existence, to be reborn une v.t. to thread (cf. hane) upanyās n. (-gū,-pu) novel, fiction (cf. bākhaṃ) upākū (var. upākhā) n. outer area of a town, (old) city limit; ~ ule, hule to walk in a (funeral) procession around the old city limit (held on the 12th day of the bright half of bhādra for the liberation of a family member deceased during the preceding year) upāy1 n. (upāya-,-gū) solution, remedy, plan, scheme upāy2 -> apāy upāsaṃ cvane v.i. to observe a fast upiṃ -> ipiṃ upvaye -> apvaye upvaḥ -> apvaḥ upvaḥsvāṃ -> āphvaḥsvāṃ uphvane v.t. 1. to consult, to ask for advice 2. (of animals) to be in heat uphvaḥsvāṃ -> āphvaḥsvāṃ ubalay adv. at that time ubāyta adv. during that time (cf. bāyta) umune v.i. (for a big group) to assemble, to congregate umū (var. amū, amuli) n. (-muli-,-gū) kind of balance scales for measuring food in the market consisting of a steel or wooden yard with one pan and a counter-balance built into the yard umer n. age; ~ vane to become aged, old umha-thumha pron. whoever, whosoever uyāye v.t. {ch.lg.} to drink water by pouring it from a spouted vessel directly into the mouth uye1 v.t. (uta) 1. to bake (bricks, earthen pots) 2. to cremate uye2 v.t. (ula) to bark: khicāṃ ula. The dog barked. uraḥ (var. ulaḥ) n. (urata-,-gū) shooting star, meteorite; ~ juye to rain continuously for many days: uraḥ jula ki khusi bāḥ vai. If it rains for days on end the river will flow over.; ~ bvaye for a meteorite to fall urāy (var. udāy, udās) n. pr. (urāsa-) name of a large group of castes among the Buddhist Newars (including, e.g., the Tulādhars, Kāṃsakārs, Tāmrakārs, Sthāpits etc.) ulagaḥsiṂ (var. ulasiṂ) n. wood of the banyan tree ulaḥ -> uraḥ ulā1 n. species of paddy ulā2 n. opening, inauguration ulā-ulā n. {ch.lg.} painting, smearing ulājyā n. inauguration ulābaji n. kind of brownish beaten rice of high quality ulāye v.i. to assemble, to gather together: nhaygaṃyā dyaḥ khaḥ ulāta dhāyva jaka jātrā bāṃlāi. The festival is fun only when the chariots from the seven villages have come together. ulāy-phulāy adj. plentiful, in abundance, more than wanted ulāvā n. species of paddy uli quant. that much, so many uli-uli n. 1. sensation of itching 2. wriggling motion; ~ mine to feel itchy; ~ sane 1. to wriggle 2. to move with a slow undulating motion 3. to be itching to do s.th.: va macāyā lhāḥ khiṃ thāyeta uliuli sana. The child's hands twitched for eagerness to beat the drum. uliṃci quant. that much, so much: uliṃciyā bākhaṃ thuliṃ: (standard phrase, ending a story) "so much of that story" ulicā quant. only that much, a little ulijhaṃgaḥ n.anim. (-gala-) kind of bird uli|-thuli quant. that much; ~machi quant. a great deal, so much: jiṃ ulimachi lā naye phaye makhu. I can't eat so much meat. ulu adj. 1. excessively spicy 2. excessively sweet 3. overfed 4. nauseating; ~ka vaye to feel nausea, to be about to vomit; ~ye (ulula) 1. to be excessively spicy 2. to be excessively sweet 3. to be overfed 4. to feel nausea; ~ vaye id.; ~se cvane to seem excessively sweet; ~se vaye to feel nausea, to be about to vomit ule v.t. 1. to open, to expose, to inaugurate, to uncover, to unveil 2. to smear, to apply collyrium; ulā ulā yāye {ch. lg.} to apply collyrium us interj. expression of sarcastic admiration usāy n. health; ~ daye to be healthy (cf. mhaṃ phaye): chitaḥ usāy dulā theṃ? How are you? usāy du he dhāy māḥ. I must say fine.; ~madumha adj. sick, sickly usi (var. usiṃ, usihiṃ) n. laziness, unwillingness, tiredness: va usi cāye dhuṃkala. He has become very tired.; ~(-usi) dhāye to be lazy, to feel tired; ~usi yāye to stroke, to fondle: māmaṃ macāyā chenay usi-usi yāta. The mother stroked (her) child's head gently.; ~usi sane to move very slowly usinā n. (-gaḥ) parboiled rice (cf. phvaki, marayjāki) usi-musi n. boredom usihiṃ -> usi usu adj. 1. pungent 2. {fig.} (to tell) repeatedly; ~usu dhāye (of smoke) to be somewhat pungent; ~ye (usula) to be pungent; ~se cvane to seem pungent uhaḥ n. (uhala-,-gū) decision, resolution; ~pahaḥ n. (-hala-) resolution, determination Ū -> U E -> Ye Ai -> A+i O -> Va Au -> A+u K ka+i1 (var. kaci) n. (kaica-,-gaḥ, instr. ~naṃ, loc. ~calay) pimple, boil, pustule (cf. u~, khicā~, khvaḥtaḥdhaṃ~, cimisaṂ~, chekā~, taḥ~, dhikay~, bhusā~, mi~, masāṃ~); ~ luye, vaye to erupt, to break out (of pimples, boils, pustules) ka+i2 (-thu) goldsmith's shears for cutting metal ka+iṃci -> kayṃci ka+i|-kāi n. boils and other skin diseases; ~khū n. (-khula-,-gaḥ) scar, boil, mark of a boil; ~khvaṃ (-khvana-) 1. n. id. 2. n.anim. one who is constantly suffering from boils; ~gulu n.anim. id. 2. ka+id n. imprisonment ka+i|-pvaṃdāḥ n.anim. (-dāla-) person with heavy pock marks; ~ba+ide n.anim. healer specializing in skin diseases, traditional dermatologist; ~hā 1. n. root or source of a pimple 2. n.anim. large wasp (whose bites cause boils) ka+u1 n.anim. blacksmith (cf. nakaḥmi) ka+u2 n. (kali-,-gaḥ) small shell used in gambling, cowrie-shells; ~ hvāye to gamble with cowries, to throw cowries ka+u3 n. kind of rhythm (for the `payṃtāḥ' trumpet) ka+ulā1 n. light refreshment, breakfast (cf. tucā); ~ yāye to have breakfast ka+ulā2 n. twelfth month of the Newar lunar calendar, (thirteenth in a leap year), occurring during āśvina - kārttika, (October, November) ka+uli -> kaḥli kaṂ n. (-pāyṃ) black clay used as fertilizer; ~ kāye to dig for black clay; ~ ciye to mark an area with reeds for digging up black clay; ~ lhāye to fill a pit from which black clay was dug kaṂgalāy -> kaṃkāli kaṂgāḥ n. (-gāla-,-gāḥ) pit from which black clay has been dug; ~ lhāye 1. to refill a clay pit 2. {fig.} to pay (or repay) fully, to clear a debt (cf. nhegāḥ) kaṂguli n. (-guli) pellet of clay (for a catapult) kaṂcā n. kind of clay, fertilizer of high quality kaṂthaṃ kaye -> kaṃ1 kaṂpaṃ -> kapaṃ kaṂpāḥmi n.anim. one who digs for black clay kaṂphāḥ -> kapaṃ kaṃ1 (var. kaṂtha, kathaṃ) n. (kaṂtha-,-pu) 1. thorn 2. hindrance, obstruction; kaṂthaṃ kaye to get pricked; ~ thāye {fig.} to conceive, to become pregnant: vayāta kaṃ thāta. She is pregnant. kaṃ2 n. (kana-,-gaḥ) 1. wooden pail (for milk) 2. wooden cover of a manuscript kaṃ3 adj. opened (of eyes) kaṃ4 adj. told, narrated kaṃkaṃkeṂ n. mixture of various kinds of vegetables, curry of mixed vegetables kaṃkāli (var. kaṂgalāy, kaṃlāy) 1. n. skeleton 2. adj. miserable, poor, wretched, lean; ~ yāye to make s.o. wretched kaṃkvalā n. (-gaḥ) kind of medicinal herb kaṃgani n. kind of yellow grain, a Panicum kaṃgali -> kaḥli kaṃgāl adj. poor (cf. phvagiṃ) kaṃghāsā (var. kamghāsā) n. 1. (-mā) kind of medicinal plant 2. dish made from peas; ~ niye to prepare ~ kaṃjaḥ n. (-jala-) thigh kaṃjus n.anim. miser (cf. katāḥ, kavay) kaṃjhāḥ (-jhāla-) 1. n. (-gū) thorny bush 2. n.anim. {fig.} foundling, child abandoned in a bush kaṃtur -> kantur kaṃtha n. (-gū) solution, plan, system; kaṃthaṃ chine, lāye, hane to be ordered, to be arranged systematically; ~ yāye, vay+ke to learn by heart kaṃnibhāḥ n. (-bhāla-) evening twilight after many days of rain kaṃnugaḥ n. (-gala-,-gū) conscious mind (cf. daṃnugaḥ, cāḥnugaḥ) kaṃpāḥ -> kampāḥ kaṃpu -> kalaṃpu kaṃbhaḥ1 n. (-bhala-,-tā) relish made from peas kaṃbhaḥ2 n. (-bhala-,-gū) 1. statement 2. explanation, description; ~ biye to recapitulate kaṃmā n. (-mā) thorny plant, cactus, thistle kaṃlā n. ceremonial meat dish (served at marriages) kaṃlāy n. (-lāsa-,-gū) 1. -> kaṃkāli 2. frame of an umbrella (cf. kusāpū) 3. draft of a paper kaṃlāye v.i. (-lāta) to be starving, to be like a skeleton kaṃsa adv. day after tomorrow; ~khunhu adv. day after tomorrow; ~pākhe adv. around the day after tomorrow kaṃsā n. {neol.} style, way of telling kaṃsākār n.pr. caste name of workers in bell metal kaṃsū n. (-suli-) {neol.} 1. -> kaṃsā 2. deafness; ~ dane 1. to be deaf 2. to pretend not to hear; ~ daṃka nene to listen absent-mindedly kaṃsvāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) kind of wild red flower, flower of a thorny plant kaṃ hāle v.i. to groan, to feel acute pain kaka (var. kakaṃ, kakkaḥ, kakva); ~ jiye 1. to be irritated, to be excited 2. to be dry and sticky; ~ jināḥ hāle to speak excitedly, irritably; ~ tule to stammer; ~ dhāye to be dry and sticky: jāsi kaka dhāla, phvayā ti. The rice sticks (to the bottom of the cooking pot), keep it soaked. kakaṃkhā n.anim. breeding hen; ~khi n. dung of a breeding hen kakabhāy n. (-bhāsa-) 1. faltering speech 2. kind of secret language the meaning of which is rendered unintelligible to outsiders by insertion of meaningless syllables; ~ lhāye to falter, to get stuck when speaking: kakabhāy lhānāṃ chaṃgu khaṂ sunāṃ thugu? If you always get stuck who will understand what you mean? kakar n. finely cut tobacco; ~cilaṃ n. (-lama-,-gaḥ) pipe for smoking kakaḥcā n. (-gaḥ) kind of vegetable of bitter taste, Momordica charantia (cf. tusi~) kakā n. hon. 1. father's younger brother 2. respectful term of address for an elderly man (cf. ciribvā) kakāṃkā n. (-pu) yoke string of a paper kite (cf. kaḥkā, galaḥkā) kakā|-ju n. hon. term of address used by tenant farmers for land owner; ~bājyā n. hon. great uncle (grandfather's younger brother); ~bāḥ n. hon. uncle, father's younger brother; ~bāḥju n. hon. husband's father's younger brother kakāy n. (kakāca-,-kāy) 1. thread treated with rice-flour starch 2. spring top; ~ kaye to roll, to prepare a ~; ~ khune to boil thread in rice-flour starch (preparation for laying out the warp threads of a loom); ~ jyāye to spin a top; ~ tvaye to remove thread from a reel; ~sikhaḥ n. (-khala-,-pu) iron chain to pull out jars from a well; ~ svaye 1. to be entangled, to be involved: va manū muddāy kakāy svala. That person was involved in a law-suit. 2. to be confused kakī(-cā) (var.kākīcā) n. (-kila-,-pu) comb (of a loom); ~svāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) bottle-brush flower, horsetail flower, Casuarina equisetifolia kaku (var. kakku) n. (-pu) neck; ~ jvane 1. to shove by the neck 2. {fig.} to force s.o. to pay back a loan; ~ tiye 1. to strangle 2. to grasp by the nape of the neck and push away; ~ mvay hile to strangle; ~mvaḥ n. (-mvala-,-pu) closure of the windpipe, larynx kakkak onom. cluck, call of a hen to its chickens; ~cā n. {ch.lg.} chick kakkaḥ -> kaka kakku -> kaku kakva -> kaka kakvalā n. (-mā) kind of medicinal herb kaca+urā n. (-gaḥ) brass cup (cf. khvalācā) kaca+uri n. (-gū) kind of cake made of wheat flour, water and spices kacaṃ adj. 1. not sufficiently cooked 2. inflamed, infected; ~ chvaye to cook well (rice); ~ daye, vane 1. to be half cooked (of rice) 2. (for a boil or pimple) to be inflamed: kai kacaṃ dala. The boil got inflamed. kacane v.i. to dispute kacamaca n. quarrel, trouble kacavaṃ (-vana-) 1. n.anim. talkative person, chatterbox 2. n. dispute, entanglement, resentment; ~ taye to resent; ~ thaye to grumble; ~ piye to pick a quarrel; ~ yāye, haye 1. to grumble 2. to argue kacā n. (-gū) 1. branch 2. subdivision; ~ jāye to grow, to branch out; ~jhārā n. (-gū) forced labour for a special job; ~degaḥ n. (-gala-,-gū) small temple (located at the corners of the main temple); ~ nhāye to prune the suckers from a tree; ~bākhaṃ n. (-khana-,-gū) sub-plot, sub-story, episode; ~bāhāḥ n. (-hāla-,-gū) sub-branch of a Buddhist monastery; ~bhū n. (-bhuli-,-gū) supplementary feast; ~macā n. (-pu) twigs, branches; ~hā n. (-pu) sub-root which germinates separately, offshoot kaci1 adj. raw, uncooked, unbaked, unripe kaci2 n. smallpox; kaciṃ dāye to suffer from smallpox kaci3 -> kai1 kaci-appā n. (-pā) unbaked brick kaciṃgaye v.i. to dispute, to quarrel kaciṃgaḥ (-gala-) 1. n. (-gū) dispute, quarrel, conflict 2. n.anim. quarrelsome person 3. n. (-gū) rubbish, refuse (collected to be thrown away); ~ thaye to raise a quarrel; ~ daye to bear a grudge, to harbour ill feelings kaci|-kapāyṃ n. (-pāṂca-) raw cotton; ~kaṃ adv. 1. (to eat) raw 2. (to take) without payment; ~kā n. (-pu) raw thread, unstarched or unsized thread; ~ghāḥ n. (-ghāla-,-ghāḥ,-kū) slight wound, bruise kacimacā n.anim. 1. suckling 2. child having the first attack of smallpox; ~me n. name of a song (sung during vaiśākha and jyeṣṭha) kaci|-masi n. washable ink; ~mikhā n. (-gaḥ) sleepless eyes: va kaci mikhāṃ danā vala. He got up without having slept. va kacimikhā jula. He did not sleep the whole night.; ~raṅg n. washable colour kacilaṃ puye v.t. to scratch with nails (cf. kaypuye) kacilā n. kind of strongly flavoured preparation of uncooked meat kacilhāḥ n. (-lhāta-,-mā) kind of edible plant kac+kac n. constant grumbling kaccā adj. unreliable kachalā (var. kvaylā) n. first month of the Newar lunar calendar, occuring during kārttika - mārgaśīrṣa, (November) kachiṃ n.anim. (-china-) farmer's wife kachiṃ dāye -> kathiṃ dāye kachine v.i. to be bold, courageous kachimalāpāyṃ n. (-pāṂca-) kind of old dice game, chiefly played in Bhaktapur kajay yāye v.t. to control, to manage kaji n. hon. 1. organizer of a large pūjā (cf. hāḥmū) 2. leader, manager of a dāphā musical group, owner of an `ākhāḥ'; ~jyā n. managing, management kata-tata onom. sound of grinding or gnashing teeth katapiṃ -> karpiṃ katay; ~ juye 1. to pass (of bad times) 2. to have discharged one's duties; ~ yāye 1. to spend time: va jyā yānāḥ jimisaṃ lāchi katay yānā. We spent one month doing that job. 2. to subtract: nyāsaḥ pule māḥgulī nisaḥ katay yānā āḥ svasaḥ pule gāta. Since 500 are due and 200 (already) subtracted, it is enough to pay 300 now. kataran n. (-pu) knife for cutting betel leaves (cf. katiṃ) kataḥ (var. pl. karpiṃ) n.anim. (-taka-) 1. opponent, adversary 2. stranger, outsider, s.o. outside relations of obligation katāṃ n. (-tāma-,-thu) chisel for cutting stone or iron katāṃguli (var. katāṃgulu) 1. n.anim. member of a dāphā musical group who acts as assistant to the manager (at guthi meetings being exempt from the obligation to give a meal to the other guthi members) 2. n. (-guli) bullet, pellet; ~ cine to make a bullet katāṃcā -> kaptāṃcā katāṃmari n.anim. doll, rag doll, puppet; ~pyākhaṃ n. (-khana-,-gū) puppet play, marionette show (cf. dayālakṣmī pyākhaṃ); ~ mhite to mock, to joke, to take things carelessly katāthvaṂ n. very strong beer made of flour and beaten rice katābasi n. (-gaḥ,-mā) kind of fruit, a Litsea (seeds used against dyspepsia and cholera) katāye (var. kattāye) (-tāta) 1. v.t. to care for, to control: vaṃ kijā katāta. He took care of (his) younger brother. 2. v.t. to pick (vegetables) 3. v.i. to be attached, to be pinned, to get caught (e.g. cloth on a nail): jigu laṃ nakinay katāta. My shirt got caught on a nail. 4. v.i. to be held tight katāḥ1 (var. karhāḥ) n.anim. (-tāhā-) miser (cf. kavay) katāḥ2 n. (-tāma-,-gū) small pit on the stick ends (e.g. of a spinning jenny) katāḥtu n. kind of very small sugar-cane of inferior quality katāḥbhāy n. (-bhāsa-) miserliness kati n. profit; ~ kāye, cvāye to make an improper profit when shopping for s.o. else; ~ lāye to be profitable, to be cheap: jitaḥ tusi kati lāta. I got the cucumbers at a cheap price. katiṃ n. (-tina-,-pu) knife (used to cut betel leaves) (cf. kataran) katiṃpunhī n. full moon of kaulā (October) katijā n. kind of rice offered to the soul of a deceased before cremation katiye (var. kattiye) v.i. (-tita) to be tight katilāḥ adj. profitable, economical; ~kathaṃ adv. profitably; ~pākaḥ n.anim. (-kala-) s.o. who pretends not to realize his own profit; ~siṃ n.anim. (-sina-) greedy, selfish person katū n. (-tuli-,-gaḥ) spool, spindle, bobbin (for spinning cotton or wool into thread, made of bamboo); ~ tule to wind up, to reel; ~ phene 1. to spin 2. to wind up hanks; ~ yāye 1. id. 2. {fig.} to lessen, to diminish; ~ lhāye to roll up thread on a spool or bobbin katkat; ~ tvane to drink in big draughts, to gulp; ~ nhile to giggle, to laugh heartily; ~ hāye to drink in big draughts, to gulp kattāye -> katāye kattiye -> katiye kattu n. (-gaḥ) short trousers (worn by policemen or soldiers) katray yāye v.t. to trim, to cut kathaṃ1 -> kaṃ1 kathaṃ2 (var. kathaḥ) 1. postp. just after: duru nhyānā kathaṃ va thana vala. (He) came here just after milking. 2. postp. in accordance with: jiṃ dhayā kathaṃ jyā majula. The work was not done according to my instructions. 3. suff. way, manner, -wise, e.g.: u~ in this manner, gu~ in which way, tahāḥ~ lengthwise, byā~ breadthwise, mey~ in another way: vaṃ cheṂ tahāḥkathaṃ dānā svata. He measured the house lengthwise. va keba byākathaṃ jhiku hākaḥ jū. The garden is ten cubits in width.; ~chiṃ adv. gradually, step by step; ~ lāye to suit, to be in one's (normal) way: kathaṃ lāḥsā jiṃ chaṃgu laṃta hayā bī. If I can manage, I shall bring your clothes. kathahaṃ (var. kathaṃhanaṃ) adv. gradually, step by step, continuously, regularly, in accordance with kathahane v.t. 1. to organise 2. to regulate kathaḥ -> kathaṃ2 kathi n. (-pu) 1. stick 2. kindling 3. handle kathiṃ dāye (var. kachiṃ ~) v.i. 1. (for hands, legs or fingers) to become stiff 2. to have cramps kathi|-kāsā n. game of tag played with sticks; ~cā n. drum stick; ~cāpvaḥ n. (-pvala-,-mā) kind of herb; ~pu n. kindling; ~pyākhaṃ n. (-khana-,-gū) stick dance kathu n. throat, neck; kathui thāye to be stuck in the throat, to choke; kathui mathāka ghurke, nune to swallow up easily, completely; ~pvāḥ n. (-pvāla-,-pu) wind pipe, trachea; ~pvāḥcā n. (-gaḥ) small earthen pot on an oil lamp kadam n. name of two kinds of trees, Anthocephalus cadamba; ~siṂ n. wood of the ~; ~svāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) flower of the ~ kadikhiṃ n. (-khina-,-gaḥ) kind of drum kanāth n. (-pu) cornet, clarinet kani n.anim. blind woman; ~ juye 1. (for a woman) to be blind 2. to be stitched unevenly, irregularly 3. (for a cigarette) to be lit improperly kane 1. v.t. to tell, to narrate, to inform: khaṂ sibay bāṃlāka jyāṃ kanī. Actions are more telling than words.; kanā taye to be kept informed: ji thene nhyaḥ phuka khaṂ kanā tala. Before I arrived, (I) had been told about the whole affair. 2. v.t. to open (of eyes) 3. v.i. to appear kantur (var. kaṃtur) n. (-gaḥ) box for collecting money (used by children), coin-box, piggy-bank kantha; ~ yāye, vay+ke to learn by heart kanthā n. (-māḥ) necklace kannā (var. of karunā) n. pity, mercy; ~ka adv. merciful; ~cāipu adj. deserving mercy; ~ cāye to feel pity; ~ taye to treat kindly; ~ vane to have pity; ~se cvane to become merciful kanhay n., adv. (-nhasa-) the next day, tomorrow: kanhayyāgu khaṂ meygu he jvī. Things will be different tomorrow.; ~kaṃsa adv. in a few days; ~khunhu adv. on the next day, the following day; ~taka adv. until tomorrow; ~pattī, ~pākhe adv. on the next day, perhaps tomorrow kanhasaṃniseṃ adv. from tomorrow, from the next day kanhāy+svāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) kind of flower, sacred to the sun kapaṃ (var. kaṂpaṃ, kaṂphāḥ) n. (-pana-,-pā) 1. circular gong-shaped lid with a handle in the middle, used to cover a pan 2. rainbow (cf. lāylāmā); ~ chāye to appear (of a rainbow); ~ luye 1. to be curved 2. to appear (of a segment of a rainbow) kapatāṃ -> kaptāṃcā kapaḥ n. (-pala-,-gū) 1. fence 2. margin, gap, space between things 3. obstacle 4. wall between pillars 5. rebate (for panels); ~ kāye to make a rebate; ~ taye to obstruct; ~ mhuye, sāle to make a rebate kapāṃ (var. kapāyṃ) n. (-pāṂca-) cotton; ~pu n. cotton seed (cf. jyāpu); ~ phene to spin cotton kapāḥ n. (-pāla-,-gaḥ) forehead, head; ~ kvāye to repent; ~ cigvaye to be ill-fortuned, to have bad luck (lit. for one's head to become smaller); ~ cule to work hard, to overwork; ~ chāye to be fortunate, lucky; ~ jhyātuye to feel giddy, to suffer from headache: vayā kapāḥ jhyātuyā cvana. He was feeling giddy.; ~ tagvaye to be fortunate, lucky (lit. for one's head to become bigger): vayā kapāḥ tagvāla kā. He is really lucky.; ~ tachyāye to work hard, to overwork; ~ tajāye to suffer a great loss, to have misfortune; ~ tiye to be sad, sorrowful; ~ dāye to repent; ~ naye to vex; ~ ballāye to be headstrong; ~ syāke to bother; ~ syāye to feel unwilling to; ~ hvagane to suffer a great loss, to have misfortune kapāḥkap adv. (to eat) continuously and frequently kapāḥkvayṃ n. (-kvaṂca-,-gaḥ) skull kapāḥsyaḥpāsi n. (-gaḥ) small kind of pear used as medicine for fever kapi (var. kappa, kāpi) n. (-gū) 1. inner corner 2. angle 3. narrow space between two things, narrow gap kapiṃ -> kayṃpiṃcā kapī n. (-pila-) very fine cotton (used for wicks); ~dyāhāṃ n. (-hāna-,-gaḥ) small box for fine cotton; ~ nile to spin cotton into thread; ~pvaṃcā n. (-gaḥ) oval receptacle made of hāpā-bark (for storing rolls of carded cotton) kapū n. (-pula-,-cāḥ) camphor; ~sināy+svāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) kind of flower growing on high altitudes (smelling like camphor); ~svāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) kind of flower, smelling of camphor kaptāṃcā (var. katāṃcā, kapatāṃ) n. (-pu) 1. catapult, string shot 2. supporting stick for a plumb-line, spacer for a plumb bob (bricklayer's tool) (cf. kāḥcā) kaptī n.anim. miser, stingy person kabajīsvāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) flower with four petals of reddish colour kabala n. extra work, occasional work, part-time job; ~ vane to have an occasional work or a part-time job kabasi n. room at the top of the house, roof terrace kabul n. (-gū) assent, promise; ~ yāye to assent, to promise kabjā n. (-pā) leaf hinge, movable joint of a door; ~ ghāye, chuye to join a hinge; ~cheṂ n. (-gū) space for a hinge on a door frame kamāi (var. kamay) n. (-gū) earning; ~ juye to be earned; ~ daye to have an occupation, to work for wages; ~ yāye to earn money kamāni n. (-pu) (coil) spring kamij n. (-pā) shirt; ~ phiye to put a shirt on kamghāsā -> kaṃghāsā kampani n. 1. (-gū) company, trading corporation 2. (-gaḥ) coin, (Indian) money kampāḥ (var. kaṃpāḥ) n. (-pāta-,-gū) 1. weight of packing 2. s.th. to be added in one scale to equal the balance; ~ taye to level a balance adding weight to one side, to compensate the weight of packing; ~ daye to be balanced kayaḥ n. (-yela-,-gaḥ) 1. (Chinese) tea cup without handle made out of enamel 2. Chinese clay; ~ma+iṃcā n.anim. 1. doll made of Chinese clay 2. woman with a white complexion kayāṃ n. (-yāna-,-pu) soldering iron kaye v.t. (kala) 1. to strike, to hit, to beat: vaṃ thāmay mugalaṃ kala. He hit the pillar with a hammer. 2. to forge (metal) kayṃ n. bronze, bell metal kayṃkāli n.anim. commission agent (cf. payṃkāli); ~baniyā n.anim. id. kayṃci (var. kaiṃci) n. (-pu,-kā) scissors; ~ nake 1. to taunt, to speak sarcastically 2. to hinder, obstruct 3. to censor kayṃcikaṃ n. (-kana-) oil of raw mustard seed kayṃcisvāne n. (-pu) staircase with a landing between each floor (cf. takhtāsvāne) kayṃcihā n.anim. mud wasp with blue wings (cf. kayṃhā, kayṃpiṃcā) kayṃtā -> kaytā kayṃthā n. (-pā) single gong or cymbal (beaten with a stick) of a dhimāy musical group (cf. tāiṃnāiṃ) kayṃdemā n. (-pā) kind of bronze plate used for rituals kayṃnyā n.anim. 1. ant-eater 2. crocodile 3. kind of large fish with a hard shell kayṃpi n. (-pā) gong, cymbal of a dhimay-group kayṃpiṃcā (var. kapiṃ, kayṃpviṂ, kaypiṃ) n.anim. mud wasp with blue wings (cf. kayṃcihā, kayṃhā) kayṃpvāḥ n. (-pvāla-,-pvāḥ) eye of a needle; ~ chule, tiye to thread a needle kayṃpviṂ -> kayṃpiṃcā kayṃ|-bātā n. (-gaḥ) shallow dish on which food is given to a woman after childbirth; ~bhu n. (-pā) kind of bronze dish kayṃmi n.anim. kind of bird; ~cā hāle to chatter kayṃmilā (var. kviṂmilā) n. (-gaḥ) small clay pot for funeral rites (cf. kusimilā) kayṃlaṃ n. (-lana-,-pu) solder, soft metal used for joining metals; ~ siye to gild with bronze kayṃlaḥ n. (-lakha-) holy water; ~ kāye to rinse one's body with holy water, to be purified; ~ biye to purify with holy water kayṃsaki n. (-gaḥ) yam, tuber (cf. phācāhi) kayṃhalū n. (-lukha-) black turmeric kayṃhā n.anim. mud wasp with blue wings (cf. kayṃcihā, kayṃpiṃcā) kay+kay n. disturbance; ~ juye to be disturbed; ~ yāye to disturb, to annoy, to make noise kay+kā1 meas. handful of beaten rice, e.g.: ni-kaykā baji two handfuls of rice kay+kā2 n. accidental catching of thread in cloth; kaykāṃ kāye (for cloth or threads) to be pulled out, to be torn when getting caught (on a nail etc.): jigu gācā simāy takena ale kaykāṃ kāla. My shawl got caught in a tree so that threads were torn out. kay+kune v.i. 1. to shrink with fear, to be terrified 2. to become narrow 3. to shrink (clothes) kay+ke v.t. to strike, to throw: macāṃ jhaṃgayāta katāṃcāṃ kaykala. The boy hit the bird with a catapult. kay+gū n. (-guli-,-gaḥ) pea; ~kāḥ vane {fig.} to die (lit. to go to bring peas); ~guli cine to shell (peas) kay+gūcā n.anim. young she-goat which has not yet been weaned kay(-kay) cyāye v.t. 1. to clutch, to cling to in anxiety: macāṃ māṃyāta kay cyāta. The child clung to his mother in fear. 2. to control, to take care of: māmaṃ macāta kay cyāta. The mother took care of her children. 3. to shout 4. to be in a hurry kay+tā (var. kayṃtā) n. (-pu) loin-cloth; ~kī n.anim. (-kila-) kind of worm (found in moist places) (cf. gayṃdākī, pyāthaḥkī); ~ ciye 1. to tie a loincloth 2. {fig.} to be ready to do something; ~pā n. (-pā) outer end of a loincloth; ~pujā n. (-gū) initiation ceremony for boys; ~putu n. (-pu) string of a loincloth; ~bālā n. (-pu) kind of long cloth; ~ biye to perform the initiation into adulthood; ~ bene 1. to lose one's honour 2. to lose one's thread while speaking; ~bhū n. (-bhuli-,-bhū) joint of the groin kay+piṃ -> kayṃpiṃcā kay+puye v.t. (-pula) 1. to clench, to grasp firmly 2. to scratch with the nails 3. to care for, to support kay+mi n.anim. kind of small bird kar n. 1. force, compulsion, control 2. tax; ~ cine to fix the amount of tax, to assess; ~ yāye to force, to press, to persist kara+uṃ|-kara+uṃ (var. ~karū, kurukuru) n. sound produced by munching fried grains; ~ nheye to munch grain karaṃ (var. kariṃ) adv. by force; ~ kene to be compelled: ji vanegu karaṃ kena. I was compelled to go. karakiyā (var. karkiyā) pron. not one's own, alien karaḥ n. (-rala-,-kū) wound with a splinter in it, patch of skin that has become hard around a splinter which has not been removed karā1 n. (-gū) perch karā2 adj. hard karāi n. (-gaḥ) large shallow iron pan for baking bread karāmha adj. hard-hearted, severe karāl n. promise; ~ lhāye to promise kariṃ -> karaṃ kariṃgāḥ n. (-gāla-,-gāḥ) wooden spool or bobbin for weaving (cf. thū) karib adv. about, nearly (cf. thyaṃ mathyaṃ) karunā (var. kannā, karnā) n. compassion, mercy; ~ taye, yāye to have mercy, compassion karunāmay n.pr. one of the names of Avalokiteśvara, Matsyendranāth karuvā (var. karvā, kaluvā, garuvā) n. (-gaḥ) spouted brass water pot karkā n. (-pu) bundle of starched dyed thread karkāp yāye v.t. to force, to put pressure on s.o. karkiyā -> karakiyā kartāl n. (-ju) wooden clopper used as a percussion instrument; ~ thāye 1. to play a ~ 2. to knock the head (slightly) with the fist karda n. (-pu) small knife karnapatāḥ n. (-tāla-,-pu) small flag used ritually for warding off evil spirits; ~ bvaye to fly a ~ karnapāḥ n. (-pāta-,-pā) shallow earthen bowl used for warding off evil spirits karnā -> karunā karnāl n. (-pu) trumpet; ~ puye to blow a trumpet karnikār n.anim. caste name of confectioners karpiṃ (var. katapiṃ) n.anim. (pl. only) others, strangers, opponents karbalaṃ adv. under compulsion karma n. 1. fate 2. (-gū) act, work 3. (-tā) ritual activity, purifying ceremony; ~kānda n. science of rituals, practice of rituals; ~ khaṃke to perform the major rituals of the stages of life (such as busākhā, ihi, kaytāpujā, bārhāḥ, byāhā, jaṃkva etc.); ~khvatā adj. unfortunate, unlucky (cf. asakhvatā); ~ yāye 1. to fulfil one's duty 2. to perform the major rituals of the stages of life karvā1 -> karuvā karvā2 n. drum beating (name of a particular stroke) karstā n. (-gū) exercise karhāḥ -> katāḥ1 kal n. (-gaḥ) machine, engine kala -> kāla1 kalaṃ (var. kvalaṃ) n. (-lana-,-gāḥ) pit or ditch for throwing away remnants of a feast; ~gāḥ n.anim. (-gāla-,-gāḥ) id.; ~gāḥdyaḥ n.anim. (-deva-) deity who resides over a pit for remnants; ~ vāye to throw the remnants of a feast into a ~ kalaṃcā n. (-mā) kind of wild green vegetable (used for medical purposes) kalaṃdyaḥ -> kalaṃgāḥdyaḥ kalaṃpu (var. kaṃpu) n. (-gū) holdfast, iron dog; ~ kaye, tāye to fix holdfasts kalacukula (var. kaḥcukū) n. (-pu) hip joint kalam n. (-pu) pen kala-lala onom. sound of rippling or gurgling water kalas n. (-gaḥ) metal or clay pot for water (for ritual purposes); ~pujā n. (-gū) ritual at the beginning of ritual performances; ~vāsaḥ n. (-sala-) collection of herbs used in rituals and stored in a ~ for this purpose; ~ svane to put a ~ in its proper place kalaḥ (var. kvalaṃ, kvalaṃli) n. (-lakha-) 1. (-gaḥ) bamboo or brass container with a lid and a handle for storing and transporting ritual items 2. (-pu) rope way, cable car; ~ vane to go to a god's place for worship kalaḥgāḥ -> kalaṃgāḥ kalaḥmata n. (-gaḥ) oil lamp hanging on a bamboo pole lit during the month of kārtik kalā1 n. (-gū) digit (of the moon when waxing and waning) kalā2 n. (-gū) art kalāni n. (-pā) pūjā plate whith several sections kalāḥ n. hon. (-lāta-) wife, housewife; ~cyaḥ n.anim. (-cela-) husband who is dominated by his wife, henpecked husband; ~ haye to have a wife, to marry; ~hyaḥ n.anim. (-hela-) wanton person kali1 (var. kalli) n. (-ju,-pā) anklet; ~ nhyāye to put on anklets kali2 (var. kale) meas. bundle, sheaf (of stalks, firewood); ~ cine to tie a bundle; ~ phene to untie a bundle kaliṃ-kaliṃ yāye v.t. {ch.lg.} to fry grain kalibaji n. share of beaten rice which is polluted because s.o. has already eaten from it kalihaḥ n. (-hala-,-mā) oleander kaluvā -> karuvā kale -> kali2 kalegvapvaḥ n. (-pvala-,-gaḥ) kind of small earthen pot (carried home by women after observing a fast) kal-kal n. 1. murmuring of a crowd 2. sound of flowing or trickling water kalki n. (-gū) 1. crest, tuft of feather on a bird's head or on a uniform cap 2. crown; ~jhaṃgaḥ n.anim. (-gala-) osprey, fishing eagle; ~pā n. crest; ~svāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) kind of flower kalpurjā n. part of a machine kalyā (var. kallyā) n. 1. (-ju,-pā) ceremonial arm ornament, feather of the bird of paradise (worn by the bride at her wedding) 2. (-gū) marriage presents from bridegroom to bride; ~ nhyāke chvaye to send marriage presents kalyāṃgulu n.anim. volunteer for holy work, for community work kalyāmari n. set of pieces of bread sent from the bridegroom's to the bride on the eve of the marriage kalli -> kali1 kallyā -> kalyā kalhiti n. water tap kavaṃ n.anim. (-vana-) evil spirit accompanying the Goddess Kālī (usually in the form of a skeleton); ~khvāḥ (-khvāla-,-pā) 1. n.anim. id. 2. n. skeleton-face-design on a cornice brick or a wooden cornice 3. adj. with a face like a skeleton's; ~cākaṃkāli n.anim. extremely lean person; ~ juye to be thin like a skeleton; ~pyākhaṃ n. (-khana-,-gū) skeleton dance kavac n. 1. coat of mail 2. (-pā) armour (cf. nahāḥ): kavacaṃ pune to put on an armour 2. (-gū) sofa, couch; ~ phiye to put on an armour kavacu n. (-dhe) pea-pod (cf. kaḥche) kavane v.i. to be very lean and thin kavay1 n. disease of plants which turns the fruit hard; ~ thāye to be affected by this disease kavay2 n.anim. (agt. ~naṃ) miser, tight-fisted person (cf. katāḥ, sikhvaṃ); ~ tyāye to hoard, to hide away; ~buddhi -> kavaḥbuddhi kavala adv. in the morning kavaḥ n. (-vala-) 1. (-kavaḥ) space between pillars 2. space between two maize plants in a field 3. (-gū) lineage, race, stem, group; ~buddhi n. communal thinking, group-prejudiced feelings; ~si -> kaḥsi kavāj n. drill, military excercise, parade (cf. paltan); ~ mhite to exercise military drill kavāph n. dish of strongly seasoned boiled meat; ~cini n. kind of medicine kas -> kasar kasa n. 1. -> kasi 2. bee's wax kasa+uri (var. kasaḥri) n. (-gaḥ) cooking pot kasay; ~ juye 1. (for clothes) to be tight 2. to be strained 3. to be thick, creamy 4. to be ready to do s.th. 5. {sl.} to be well dressed; ~ yāye 1. to tie, to tighten 2. to control, to have a hold over 3. to bargain, to haggle over a price kasar (var. kas) n. 1. sediment, dregs, refuse, residue 2. deficiency, irregularity; ~ kāye 1. to get a discount 2. to cut out (of cloth), to cut the rims; ~ taye to make a profit; ~ thāye (of sediments) to stick to the bottom kasaḥri -> kasauri kasā n. torture, extreme bodily pain; ~ naye to be tortured, to suffer pain; ~ phaye to bear pain, to be tortured; ~ biye to torture, to give pain kasāḥ n.anim. (-sāla-) coppersmith, caste name of workers in bell metal kasāḥgā n. (-pu) shawl or scarf of honour, crimson shawl (a decoration of honour); ~ nay+ke to honour with a ~ kasāḥjyā n. smith's work kasi (var. kasa) n. (-gaḥ) 1. earthen storage pot 2. touch-stone to test the purity of gold kasika (var. kassika) adv. (to catch, hold) tightly, with full force kasikasāu adj. well dressed, fashionable kasipu n. dirt, rubbish kasur n. guilt, crime kasulā (var. kaḥsalā) n. (-pu) flat ladle (to remove pastry from a pan) (cf. cataṃ) kasū n. (-suli-,-gaḥ) edible tube of the plant Cyperus tuberosus; ~ juye 1. to be well digested 2. to be insufficient; ~ yāye 1. to digest well 2. to embezzle kasta n. trouble kasti n. honey; ~hā n.anim. honey bee; ~duru n. milk of a cow after bearing a calf kastū n. (-tuli-) 1. musk (the substance) 2. (-gaḥ) musk gland or sack; ~pā n. musk-fur; ~beṂ n. (-gaḥ) 1. musk gland or sack 2. egg fried on one side only; ~sā n.anim. musk deer kasmirā n. (-sāḥ,-kū) woollen cloth; ~gā n. (-pu) woollen shawl kassika -> kasika kaḥ1 n. (kata-) 1. sediment (left from fermentation of alcohol) 2. bran (cf. cvakar) kaḥ2 -> kāla1 kaḥ3 n., adj. solid (food): jitaḥ lāyā ti kaḥ sibay yaḥ. Of meat, I like broth better than solid pieces. -kaḥ4 (var. -kvaḥ) b.f. meas. -times (with num.), e.g.: cha-kaḥ once, ni-kaḥ twice etc. kaḥkā 1. n. (-pu) yoke string of a paper kite 2. n.anim. one's main supporter or patron (cf. kakāṃkā, galaḥkā, kvasikaḥkā, cvasikaḥkā); ~ cabuye 1. for a ~ to be torn 2. {fig.} to lose one's main support 3. to lose the thread of an argument; ~ siye to shorten the yoke string of a kite kaḥki n. unripe paddy for fermentation; ~ vāye to heap up unripe, unthreshed paddy for fermentation kaḥkū1 n.anim. 1. collective term for barbers, butchers or jogis serving as trumpet players at festivals 2. narrowly orthodox person, fastidious person, food-crank; ~ thaye 1. to reserve food from one's portion in a ceremonial meal for taking home (for the trumpet players) 2. to grumble (over food), to find fault kaḥkū2 n. (-kuti-,-kū) tax, land tax, land tax paid on religious grounds kaḥkva tāye v.t. to pick pea sprouts kaḥkvāḥ n. (-kvātha-) hot meat preparation from sediments of fermentation kaḥ ghāye v.t. 1. to include 2. to control (people), to manage (work) kaḥcu n. (-cu) pea shoot (cf. kaḥche) kaḥcukū -> kalacukula kaḥcughāyṃ n. (-ghāṂsa-,-mā) kind of grass similar to a pea shoot, Drymaria cordata kaḥche n. (-dhe) pea-pod (cf. kavacu, kaḥcu); ~svāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) sweet pea kaḥti n. (-pu) saw; ~ nake to saw a mortise; ~ bvāye 1. (for a saw) to jump out (of its notch during cutting) 2. (of a saw) to be blunt; ~ yāye to saw a mortise; ~ sāḥ kāye, yāye to saw a mortise for a joint of a door or window frame kaḥtū n. (-tula-) {Kirt} sarcastic remark, irony; ~khyālaḥ n. (-laka-,-gū) ironical joke; ~pyākhaṃ n. (-khana-,-gū) humorous play, satire; ~ vane to walk around with sarcastic remarks during gāijātrā kaḥthvaṂ n. kind of strong beer kaḥ dāye v.t. to thresh dried peas in the nods kaḥni n. 1. (-gaḥ) shelled corn or maize 2. (-khe) corn cob, maize pod 3. (-mā) corn plant (cf. duru~, pusā~, pvaḥkā~, laḥ~, syaḥ~, hākaḥ~); ~ki kāye to dig drainage ditches around maize plants; ~khvatāḥ n. (-tāla-,-gū) corn stubble; ~gvāy n. (-gvāca-) corn silk; ~jhaṃgaḥ n.anim. (-gala-) 1. one who lives on the outskirts of a town, one whose main food is maize 2. {fig.} rascal, deceitful person 3. spy; ~bva n. (-bva) maize grove, corn stubble; ~bhuti n. (-gaḥ) small seed vessel of a bhuti-bean; ~ muye 1. to swell (of corn when fried) 2. {fig.} to become jealous, to envy; ~ lhuye to weed corn plants; ~syaḥ (-sela) 1. n. (-dhe) shelled cob (of corn) 2. n.anim. {fig.} very shy person, coward kaḥpāsi -> kaḥbasi kaḥphvagiṃ n.anim. (-gina-) beggar kaḥbasi (var. kaḥpāsi) n. (-gaḥ) kind of berry, Myrica esculenta kaḥmā n. (-mā) pea plant; ~ga+uni n. remnants of pea plants after threshing; ~ga+uli n. id. kaḥmi n.anim. 1. workman 2. carpenter (cf. cā~, daṂ~, na~, bajra~, mhutu~, luṂ~, lvahaṃ~, siṂ~); ~jyā n. carpentry; ~nī n.anim. carpenter's wife, female of the carpenter caste kaḥmvaḥ n. (-mvala-,-mvaḥ) pea sprout kaḥli (var. kauli, kaṃgali) 1. n.anim. crab 2. n. (-gaḥ) empty husk of paddy (empty before husking) kaḥsalā -> kasulā kaḥsi (var. kavaḥsi) n. (-gū) flat roof, roof terrace; ~paḥkhāḥ n. (-khāla-,-gū) 1. low wall built around an open or flat roof 2. ornamental bar surrounding a processional chariot; ~mvaḥ n. (-mvala-,-mvaḥ) decorated projecting top of a roof terrace kaḥsū n. (-suli-,-gaḥ) split peas; ~vaḥ n. (-vala-,-pā) cake made of split peas that have been soaked and crushed; ~siyā n. fried split peas (eaten at guthi feasts) kā1 n., clf. (-tu,-pu) strand, thread (cf. pā~, yaṃ~, yekā~, su~); kāṃ juye (for a thread) to be missing in a woven piece of cloth 2. classifier for routes, roads, pincers, logs of firewood 3. point, end; ~ kvalhāye to untangle thread; ~ pene 1. to straighten a rope 2. to prepare a weaver's loom; ~ yene to spread yarn; ~ lāye to take a looped string from s.o.'s fingers arranging a new figure (string game, `jhyāḥkāsā' game); ~ lhāye to untangle, to roll up thread into a warp; ~ vane to go in a procession, to circumambulate; ~ vāye to twist thread from raw cotton, to spin kā2 1. interj. yes, o.k. 2. emph. part. 3. part. used in enumerating items: rām chamha kā, syām chamha kā ale sikucā chamha - thupiṃ svamhaṃ vana. One was Ram, one was Syam, then one was Sikucā - these three went.; ~ nheṃ interj. all right, good bye kāiṃyā mine v.i. to feel a thrilling sensation (cf. vāiṃyā) kāidā n. (-gū) rule, good manner; ~sāth adv. by rule kāuli (var. kāule) n. (-thvāḥ,-phvaḥ) cauliflower, cauliflower shoot kāulicā n.anim. turtle kāule -> kāuli kāṃ1 -> kāhā kāṃ2 n.anim. (kāna-) blind man (cf. ākhaḥ~, thū~, nhi~, saṃ~); ~kāsā n. blind man's bluff (cf. kānākānāpīcā) kāṃchā -> kānchā kāṃchi -> kānchi kāṃtā -> kātā kāṃtāṃdaba -> kāntāṃdaba kāṃtāḥ-kuṃtuṃ -> kātākutuṃ kāṃsa n. (-pu) loin-cloth (cf. kaytā) kākaḥ (var. kākay) (-kala-,-gū,-pu) 1. n. tool with hooks to lift pots from a well 2. n. catapult, sling (cf. katāṃcā, lipā) 3. n.anim. s.o. with bent limbs kākaḥ cāye v.i. to be irritated kākā1 n. {ch.lg.} green vegetable kākā2 n. onom. {ch.lg.} cluck, cackling (of a mother hen) kākā(-kuku)3 onom. stammering; ~ juye, tule, dhāye to mumble, to stammer, to speak unclearly (due to embarrassment) kākākar -> kākraka kākācā n.anim. mother hen, fowl kākābali -> kākvali kāki n. hon. father's younger brother's wife (cf. camāṃ); ~māṃ nḥon. (-māma-) id.; ~māṃju n. hon. husband's father's younger brother's wife kākīcā -> kakīcā kāke v.t. 1. to press, to attach 2. to squeeze in 3. to nail kākka adv. 1. (to sit, stand) awkwardly, clumsily 2. tightly kākraka (var. kākākar, kākrāṃ, kārāka); ~ gane to get bone dry (e.g.remnants of food, viscous substances); ~ cvane 1. to become stiff (due to cold) 2. to become bone dry kākvali (var. kākābali) n. (-mā,-pu) kind of medicinal plant kāg n. (-gaḥ) cork kāgati n. (-gaḥ,-mā) lemon, lime, lemon tree (cf. lebu) kāgun (var. kāgunu) n. (-gaḥ) kind of yellow grain for feeding canaries, quails, a Panicum grain kāguli n. (-guli) ball of thread kāgulu (var. kāsiṃgulu) n.anim. one who knows only to take kāgrā-kugru (var. kācākucu); ~ juye to be wrinkled (of paper, cloth) kācakaḥ; ~ juye to be entangled (of thread); ~phelu n. large reel on a stand for keeping thread on a loom straight; ~ yāye, lhāye to untangle (thread) kācaḥ n. (-cala-,-caḥ) branch, bunch kācāka (var. kācākācā, kācākācāṃ, kācākiciṃ) adv. quickly, promptly, abruptly, hurriedly: āmatheṃ kācākācāṃ naye mate. Do not eat so fast.; ~ dane to get up suddenly kācā-kucu -> kāgrākugru kācyāṃ (var. kātāṃ); ~kācyāṃ adv. (to walk, to sit) awkwardly, clumsily, indecently; ~ cvane to sit in an indecent way kācyāye v.i. (-cyāta) to walk awkwardly, bow-legged kācvaḥ n. (-cvata-,-cvaḥ) peak, point, tail-end kāj+kiriyā n. funeral rites performed during the first thirteen days after a death kāju n. (-gaḥ) cashew-nut (cf. sūsimi) kātā (var. kāṃtā) n. 1. (-pu) hair pin 2. (-pu) fork 3. (-pu,-gū,-pā) balance, pair of scales (cf. tālju) 4. (-gū) wooden stand (cf. dhau~) kātāṃ (var. kākrāṃ); ~ cvane 1. to become stiff (due to cold) 2. -> kācyāṃ kātā-kātā; ~ mhuye to feel a throbbing pain in a wound kātā-kutuṃ (var. kāntāṃkuntuṃ, kāṃtāḥkutuṃ) adj. zigzag, curved like a hairpin kātātuti (var. kātikuti) n.anim. knock-kneed, bow-legged person kātāye v.t. (-tāta) {Pg} 1. to chew off a piece of food 2. {fig.} to steal food from the mouth; kātānā naye id. kātā puye v.t. {Pg} to turn upside down (cf. phātā pule) kātikaṃ adv. for free, without payment kāti-kuti -> kātātuti kātine v.t. to snatch away (cf. lāke) kātharā adj. timid, afraid (cf. gyāphāli) kāthi n. (-gū) saddle kānā-kānā-pīcā n. kind of game: blind man's bluff kānātvapuli n. (-gaḥ) cap which covers the ears kānchā (var. kāṃchā) n.anim. younger man (also used as a term of address) kānchi (var. kāṃchi) n.anim. younger woman (also used as a term of address) kāntāṃ-kuntuṃ -> kātākutuṃ kāntāṃdaba (var. kāṃtāṃdaba) n. (-gaḥ) tabor, small two-headed drum shaped like an hourglass, to which weights are attached by means of straps and which is played by rotating the drum back and forth so that the weights strike the head of the drum kānphatā n.anim. ascetic with pierced ears, follower of Gorakhnāth kāpaḥ n. (-pata-,-sāḥ) cloth; ~kvathi n. (-gū) cloth firm (wholesale) kāpāḥ; ~ biye (bita) (for the appropriate time for alcohol fermentation) to have elapsed kāpi1 n. (-gū) 1. corner 2. space between things 3. bay (of the sea) kāpi2 n. (-gū) notebook kāpu n. (-gū) {neol.} act or manner of taking; ~lāpu n. (-gū) remedy, solution kāpū (-puli-,-pū) 1. n. piece of loose thread 2. n. {idiom.} clothes 3. meas. of weight for yarns; ~ kāye to snatch a loose thread (from a paper kite that has been cut loose); ~chi n. clothes, set of clothes kāpvaḥ n. (-pvala-,-pvaḥ) 1. package of thread 2. upper end kābu n. control; kābui kāye to keep under control kāmachali n. (-kā,-pu) pincers, pliers (used by goldsmiths) (cf. peṃcisa) kāmi n.anim. blacksmith considered as untouchable (also used as term of address) kāy n. hon. (agt. kāyaṃ, kāynaṃ) son kāyaḥ n. (-yela-,-pā) alms-plate kāye1 v.i. (kāta) to be pressed, to be squeezed, to be pinched, to be crushed: vayā lhāḥ khāpāṃ kāta. His hand was squeezed in the door. kāye2 v.t. (kāla, irr. p.c.: kayā) 1. to take 2. to seduce a woman 3. to get drunk; kayā svaye to take an examination; kayā haye to fetch, to bring: vaṃ kusā chapāḥ kayā hala. He fetched an umbrella. kāyṃ (var. khvāyṃ, gāyṃ) meas.,clf, 1. classifier for nouns denoting ramiformed objects. bunch, cluster, e.g. chagu kerā, one hand of bananas 2. roll (of thread); ~pālu n. ramiformed ginger; ~baji n. beaten rice of low quality (thick and sticky); ~halū n. (-lukha-,-kāyṃ) black turmeric kāy+cā n. hon. brother's son, nephew kāy+bī -> kālabila kāy+bha+u n. hon. (-bhali-) son's wife kāy+bhaḥ n. (-bhala-) 1. (-gū) wooden pot for storing coloured powder 2. -> kāybhu kāy+bhāju n. hon. term of address for a son, implying love and respect kāy+bhāy yāye v.t. to pretend to take s.th.: dājumhaṃ mari chakū kāybhāy yāyevaṃ kijāmha khvala. As (his) elder brother pretended to take a piece of bread, the younger brother wept. kāy+bhu (var. kāybhaḥ, kāymū) n. (-pā) alms-plate kāy+macā n.anim. male relative; ~nakhaḥ n. (-khata-,-gū) minor festival held on the fourteenth day of dillāgā kāy+mū -> kāybhu kāy+mhyāy+piṃ n. {coll.} own children, sons and daughters kārāka (var. kārākārā) -> kākraka kārā-kuru onom. sound of falling trees kārcvabi 1. n. embroidery 2. adj. embroidered; ~tvapuli n. (-gaḥ) embroidered cap; ~ bharay yāye to embroider kārnes1 n. (-pu) trumpet kārnes2 n. (-gū) cornice, ornamental moulding (usually on an outer wall) (cf. paḥkū); ~appā n. (-pā) special brick for cornices (cf. akulāṃ) kāl n. (-gū) 1. time (cf. ī, byaḥ) 2. death kāla1 (var. kala, kaḥ, kāḥ) n. groin; kālay pvaḥ kind of disease, swelling of the groin kāla2 n. act of taking kālaṂ n. cross-roads (cf. duvāḥ, dvakālaṂ) (also with num., e.g.: sva~ juncture of three lanes) kāla-bila (var. kāybī) n. 1. give and take, exchange, bartering: imi kāla bila du. They do business with one another. 2. intermarriage; ~ daye to have trade relations kālā (var. kāllā) n. (-tā) frying of scrambled eggs kālā-kulu (var. kālāṃkuluṃ) n. hubbub, murmur, clatter of voices; ~jhaṃgaḥ n.anim. (-gala-) migratory bird; ~saḥ n. (-sala-) hubbub, murmuring kālākū jiye v.i. to look old kālālā n. preparation of fried meat kālija n.anim. pheasant (cf. guṂkhā) kāle v.t. 1. to fry, to scramble eggs 2. to melt, to purify (metal) kāl+jāmir n. (-gaḥ) lemon of sweet and sour taste (cf. cākupāuṃsi) kālpi (var. kāpi, kvalpi) n. finger pit, space between the fingers kālla-kulla -> kālākulu kāllā -> kālā kāvā; ~ kāye 1. (for a pigeon) to fly around 2. to walk around; ~ naye 1. (for a pigeon, a kite) to fly around, to fly in a circular line 2. to make a kite spin kāsā1 n. game (cf. kathi~, kāṃ~, kvathā~, ghvāiṃ~, jhyāḥ~, tela~, dhuṂ~, nugaḥ~, sulā~) kāsā2 n. (-tā,-gū) {neol.} taking kāsā3 interj. `let us', o.k.: kāsā, āḥ ji vane. O.k., I'll go now. kāsiṂ n. 1. (-kā) loose firewood 2. (-gū) triangular bamboo pad for holding a yoghurt pot (cf. tāṂku, dhaukātā) kāsiṃ n.anim. (-sina-) 1. term of (abusive) address: slang word used in Thimi, Bode and surrounding villages 2. greedy person, one who takes and never gives; ~gulu n.anim. id. 2.; ~dyaḥ n.anim. (-deva-) id. kāsighāyṃ n. (-ghāṂsa-,-mā) kind of grass kāsu-bisu (var. kāseṃbiseṃ) n. giving and taking, exchange, financial dealings kāhā (var. kāṃ, kāhaṃ, kāhāṃ) n. 1. (-pu) kind of long trumpet used in funeral processions 2. group playing this trumpet; ~khalaḥ n. (-laka-) id. 2.; ~bājaṃ n. (-jana-,-gū) set of these trumpets; ~svāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) datura flower, datura plant, Datura alba kāḥ1 -> kāla1 kāḥ2 (var. ghāḥ) interj. expression of repentance for forgetfulness kāḥ3 -> kāhā kāḥcā n. (-pu) catapult, string-shot (cf. kaptāṃcā) kāḥ vane v.i. to receive, to welcome ki1 (var. kī) n. grains, rice grains ki2 conj. 1. but: ukiyāta nakhaḥ makhu ki cakhaḥ dhāye māḥ. One must say this is not a major festival, but a minor one. 2. either...or: cyāḥ bhapā dīgu ki kaphī bhapā dīgu? Will you take tea or coffee? 3. if: kana ki jiṃ chanta dāy. I'll beat you, if you tell (this). 4. when, after: macā dena ki jyā yāy. I'll work when the child has fallen asleep. ki3 n. (-ki) mounded rows of earth between furrows in which vegetables are planted kiu- -> kyu- kiṃ -> kī3 kiṃcik+bhāy n. (-bhāsa-) bird lore, animal lore kiṃnara -> kinara kikampa -> kikimpā kiki1 (var. kī) n.anim. {ch.lg.} insect kiki2 (var. kikki, kirikiri, ciriciri) n. hiccup; ~ juye to have a hiccup; ~ dhāye 1. to choke, to have difficulties in swallowing: svakaṃ baji naybalay kiki dhāḥ. It is difficult to swallow dry beaten rice. 2. (of clothes) to be dirty even after washing; ~ mine 1. to choke 2. to munch kikimpā (var. kikampa) n. (-pā) silver banner, silver or golden leaf that decorates the crown of a deity kikki -> kiki2 kicaḥ n. (-cala-,-gū) 1. shadow, shade 2. rubbish, garbage, dirt; kicalaṃ khaye to cast a shadow; kicalaṃ dāye to overshadow; ~kācaḥ n. (-cala-) rubbish, dirt; ~pyākhaṃ n. (-khana-,-gū) {neol.} motion picture, film, cinema; ~micaḥ n. (-cala-,-gū) blots; ~ lāye to cast a shadow kici-kici (var. kicika); ~ tyāye to tear into pieces (with teeth); ~ naye to eat in small morsels; ~ yāye to stamp out, to ruin, to destroy (e.g. flowers) 3. to tear up; ~ sane to move restlessly kici-mici n. scribble, zigzag; ~ yāye 1. to scribble 2. to spoil; ~laṂ n. (-pu) zigzag path kickani (var. kickini, kickanyā) n.anim. female spirit of seducing appearance (causing its victims to waste away) (cf. kinu) kijā n. hon. younger brother; ~pujā n. festival of worship of the younger brother (during Tihār); ~bha+u n. hon. (-bhali-) younger brother's wife; ~bhata n. hon. husband's younger brother; ~bhvata n. hon. id. kijyā n. art of sculpture; ~mi n.anim. sculptor, carver kijyāye v.t. to dig a furrow kita conj. 1. either: kita...ki either... or: kita luṂ ki vahaḥ, either gold or silver; kita thauṃ ki kanhay, either today or tomorrow; kita duhāṃ vā ki pihāṃ huṂ. Either come in or go. out. 2. but: kita cyāḥ jhan jyū. But tea would be better. kitāb n. (-gū) book kitika nyāye v.t. to sting, to bite (of insects) kiti-kiti n. gnawing sound ; ~ tyāye to tear into pieces (with teeth); ~ naye to gnaw, to nibble, to eat in very small bits; ~ nheye to gnaw; ~ yāye to ruin, to destroy kinara (var. kiṃnara) n.anim. mythical being with a human body and the head of a horse kinār n. (-gū) bank, edge kinu n.anim. haunting spirit of a young woman, female giant (female of lākhay) (cf. kickani); ~duru n. long sagging breast kipat n. land exempt from taxation, land which is inherited property; ~buṂ n. id. kipaḥ n. (-pala-,-paḥ) lappet of a shawl that covers the head, veil for a face (worn by women) (cf. gābaḥ) kipā n. 1. (-pā) picture, portrait 2. (-gū) shadow, reflexion (cf. dukyaṃ~, navāḥ~, saṃ~ , hāḥ~); kipāṃ dāye to cast a shadow, to overshadow, to eclipse, (also fig.): rām kulumāṃyā kipāṃ dāla. Rām seemed unimportant in the presence of Kulumāṃ.; ~ lāye (for a shadow, a reflexion) to be cast; ~lu n. 1. shadow, reflection 2. {Kirt} cobweb (cf. mākaḥciyājāḥ); ~ sāle to take a photo; ~sāḥ n. (-sāla-,-gaḥ) {neol.} camera kipu -> kibhu kipū n. (-puli-) Kīrtipur; ~mi n.anim. inhabitant of Kīrtipur kipyaṃ n. (-pena-,-pyaṃ) 1. offering of food (made of rice) 2. land tax, interest paid in rice; ~ thaye to offer (rice) food in honour of one's deceased ancestors; ~phaṂ n. measuring pot holding six mānās kiphi n. rubbish, refuse kibay n. (-basa-,-gū) woman's possessions (inherited from the mother) kibhu (var. kipu, kepu) n. 1. dish filled with grain and a small amount of money given by each household of a ward to musicians, dancers or actors for an entertainment in the locality 2. dish of uncooked food given to a priest in the names of deceased ancestors (cf. nisalāḥ) kimanā n. (-pā) steamed rice used for fermentation of liquor kimā n. noodles, sweet-meat; ~lā n. kind of meat dish kimi n.anim. worm, intestinal parasite; ~ dāye to be infected with worms: kāyyāke/ kāyyāta kimi dāla. (My) son was infected with worms.; ~sika adv. (to frighten) terribly; ~ siye to be terrified; ~ syāye to terrify kimbu n. (-gaḥ,-mā) mulberry, mulberry plant kiye1 (kita) 1. v.i. to be stained, to be smeared: vayā lanay hāku masi kita. His shirt was stained with black ink. jitaḥ masiṃ kita. I stained myself with ink 2. v.t. to shade from light, to obstruct the vision: macāyāta nibhaḥ kyū. Shelter the child from sunshine. kiye2 v.t. (kila) 1. to play a string instrument with a bow: vaṃ pivāṃcā kila. He played the pivāṃcā. 2. to saw, to cut with a sawing motion: vaṃ lā nali kila. He cut meat into long stripes 3. to carve (lines), to engrave (metal, hard materials): vaṃ thva lukhā kila. He adorned the door with carvings. 4. to nail kirāhā adj. insect-ridden kiri-kiri onom. 1. sound of grating, creaking, cracking 2. -> kiki2; ~tā n. (-pu) temporary bridge made of two bamboo poles; ~ mine to munch, to crunch kiriyā cvane v.i. to perform death rites during the first thirteen days after a death kirpā (var. kripā) n. kindness kilaṃ vane v.i. (for the interest of a mortgaged item) to exceed its original value: chaṃgu luṂsikhaḥ kilaṃ vana. Your (mortgaged) golden chain is of less value than the interest (on it). kilā n. talent, capacity, importance kilāgaḥ n. (-gala-) name of a ward of Kathmandu west of Keltole kilāghaḥ n. (-ghala-) twelfth day after a death kilāy1 -> kilā kilāy2 n. (-lāsa-,-gaḥ) end wall (without windows); ~aṃgaḥ n. (-gala-,-gaḥ) end wall; ~appā n. (-pā) header (brick); ~pvāḥ n. (-pvāla-,-pvāḥ) opening of an end wall; ~hvaḥ n. (-hvala-,-hvaḥ) receptacle in a wall kili-kili 1. onom. sound produced by crickets 2. n. uvula, soft palate; ~cā n.anim. {ch.lg.} cricket (cf. bviṂcā) kiliye v.i. to be straight, to be parallel (of furrows) killā n. (-gū,-gaḥ) fort, fortified enclosure; ~ tachyāye to attack, to storm a fort kilvahaṃ -> kīlvahaṃ kisaṃdyaḥ n.pr. (-deva-) Lord Kriṣṇa kisalī (var. kisaliṃ, kisli) n. (-likha-,-gaḥ) small clay cup used as a symbolic offering of one's soul, filled with five substances, viz. rice, an areca nut, incense, a jasmin flower (`dāphvaḥsvāṃ') and a coin; ~ phyāye to vow (to worship) kisān n.anim. farmer (cf. jyāpu) kisi n.anim. elephant; ~kathi n. (-pu) hook, goad to drive an elephant; ~kapāḥ n.anim. (-pāla-) s.o. with a broad forehead (considered auspicious); ~kī n. (-kila-) 1. weevil, parasite in rice 2. post for tying an elephant; ~gaḥ n. (-gala-,-gaḥ) elephant stable ; ~cati n. piece of cloth for spreading under a howdah; ~cā n. {ch.lg.} kind of pastry shaped like an elephant; ~tuti n. elephantiasis; ~dvaṃbaḥ n. (-bala-) high flood; ~nhāy+kaṃ n. (-kana-,-pu) elephant grass; ~palāḥ n. (-lākha-) big gait; ~pucaḥ n.anim. (-cala-) small black worm resembling the trunk of an elephant ; ~byaḥ n. (-bela-,-gaḥ) wood apple, wood apple tree kisim n. (-gū) kind, sort, species, way, manner kisi|-māgaḥ n.anim. (-gala-) 1. elephant driver 2. herd of elephants; ~mvaḥ n. (-mvala-,-mvaḥ) end brick ornamented with an elephant kisti n. (-pā) kind of tray kismis n. (-gaḥ) kind of small dried fruit; ~dākh n. id. kisli -> kisalī kissā n. (-pu) story (cf. bākhaṃ) kī -> ki1 kī2 n.anim. (kila-) insect, worm, germ; kilaṃ naye to be moth-eaten kī3 (in comp. also var. kiṃ) n. (kila-,-kī) 1. nail, pin, peg 2. post, peg for tying up an animal, for marking boundaries (often a bamboo peg dug into the ground); ~ kaye 1. to drive a nail 2. to fix boundaries 3. to erect a dam 4. to rivet metal sheets; ~ kāye to bore a hole for fixing a pin; ~ tāye 1. to peg down 2. to fix boundaries; ~ thāye {fig.} to become pregnant; ~ thālay yāye to rivet metal sheets kīkathi n. (-pu) stick for spreading yarn kīkayāḥtvāl lhāye v.t. to change the drum rhythm kīkī adv. mound by mound, in each mound: kīkī kayāḥ vāuṃcā piye māḥ. Vegetables must be planted in mounds. kīgaḥ n. (-gala-,-gaḥ) 1. rice offered to a deity 2. tie beam; ~ kāye to fix the tie beam; ~ tine to throw rice as an offering; ~dhaliṃ n. (-lina-,-gaḥ) kind of beam ; ~ bvaye to test the tie beam kītvākaḥ n. (-kala-,-gū) base for working with an adze, base for planing (carpentry) kīlvahaṃ (var. kilvahaṃ) n. (-haṂta-,-gaḥ) boundary stone (of a field) ku n. (-ku) 1. load 2. measure of length, cubit, approx. 45 cm; ~ cine to tie up a load, to bundle up a load; ~ chvaye to send a load of food to a close relative who is undergoing a major ceremony (such as rice feeding, initiation, marriage, a jubilee); ~ buye to shoulder a load kui- -> kvi- kuṂ n. smoke; ~ gaye to be blackened by smoke; ~gaḥ n. (-gala-,-gū) chimney; ~ thane 1. to fan smoke 2. {fig.} to disturb; ~ dane 1. for smoke to rise 2. {fig.} to be disturbed; ~ pane to be saturated with smoke kuṂgvaḥkhvāḥ n. (-khvāla-,-pā) wrinkled face kuṂcā -> kviṂ2 kuṂmi; ~ ghutuke to suppress anger, to control o.s. with difficulty, to fume (lit. swallow smoke and fire); ~ saḥ yāye id. kuṂyaḥ n. (-yela-,-pu) spiral key to open a door kuṂlaṂ meas. four pau kuṃ n. (kuna-,-kuṃ) corner; ~kāy n. (-gū) eaves corner; ~kāsā n. kind of game with five participants, four occupying a corner each, the fifth has to try and win a corner while they are being changed; ~kulāṃ adv. in all directions; ~ kulāṃmay adv. id.; ~ khine to criticize, to depreciate; ~ lāye, luye (with num.) to have corners, e.g.: pekuṃ lāye to have four corners kuṃkuṃ hāle v.i. 1. to get extremely hungry 2. to yelp kuṃ|-dali n. zodiac; ~daṃka adv. in all places, in every nook and cranny kuṃdā1 n.anim. one whose one hand is shorter than the other kuṃdā2 (var. kuṃdhār, kunaḥ, kunār, kundhā, kvaṃdā) n. (-gaḥ) kind of water pot, tub, trough (for washing and for feeding cattle) kuṃpā (var. kumpā) n. (-pā) corner roof-tile; ~khvāḥ n.anim. (-khvāla-) person with an ugly face kuṃbaḥ n. (-bala-,-gaḥ) kind of open basket kuṃmaḥ n. (-mala-,-gaḥ) brass pot (for keeping and serving beaten rice to the guests); ~ laḥ lhāye to serve a ~ (to close relatives) kuṃ|-sala n. (-gū) corners strut (in the shape of a horse); ~sāḥ n. (-sāla-,-gū) mortise, corner joint of a door or a window frame; ~suru n. mythic animal (pattern on struts or beam ends) kukathi n. 1. (-pu) stick or branch which is cut from a castor plant 2. (-mā) castor plant kukāy+bhvay n. (-bhvaja-) invitation for a ceremonial feast (to which one has to bring a contribution) kuku n. 1. breeding of eggs 2. {ch.lg.} water, beer 3. {ch.lg.} dog; ~ cvane 1. to sit on eggs or chicks 2. {fig.} to brood, to ponder; ~ taye to set a hen on eggs; ~byāṃ n.anim. (-byāna-) 1. {fig.} woman who stays always at home 2. tadpole ; ~mākhā n.anim. breeding hen kukulyāṃkū 1. onom. cockadoodledoo 2. n.anim. cock, rooster 3. n.anim. {fig.} last winner of the game `telkāsā'; ~ yāye to crow kugāye v.i. (-gāta) to be sufficient kucā n. (-gū) piece; ~kucā thale to cut into pieces; ~ thele id.; ~ dale to be cut into pieces kucāye v.i. to be fed up, to be disgusted kuciṃ meas. (-cina-) measure of length: distance from the armpit to the tip of the extended middle finger (used for newly woven cloth or warp threads); ~ka adv. fully, by the load; ~kathi n. (-pu) stick for measuring a ~; ~ chuye to measure cloth or thread on a loom kucilā n. (-kū) kind of medicine kucilyā -> kucilā kucu1 n. bribe, illegal reward; ~ naye 1. to make an improper profit 2. to take a bribe; ~ nake to bribe kucu2 n. tickle, tickling sensation; ~kāsā n. game of tickling; ~ku adv. ticklish; ~ cāye to feel tickled; ~(-kucu) naye to eat slowly and with pleasure; ~(-kucu) nake to tickle; ~(-kucu) mine to feel tickled; ~ye (-cula) id.; ~se cvane id. kuchi -> kūchi kujāt n. (term of abuse) person of low caste kutaki n. (-mā) medicinal plant, Costus speciosus kutabīja n. (-mā) kind of plant, the seeds of which are used against worms kutay yāye v.t. to keep reproaching without justification, to bear a grudge kutaḥ n. (-tala-,-gū) serious intention, attempt, effort, practice; ~dumha adj. attentive; ~ lāye to be attentive, to be serious in one's activity kutāḥ (var. kūtāḥ, kvatāḥ) n. (-tāla-) 1. (-gū) bier of bamboo to carry the dead to the cremation ground 2. (-pau) loose plank between vertical rails to close a door way; ~mvaḥ n. (-mvala-,-mvaḥ) topmost plank (of a doorway); ~svāne n. (-pu) stair without risers, temporary bamboo stair (for repair work) kuti1 n. 1. (-pu) husking machine (for paddy and millet) operated by foot 2. (-gū) granary kept on kitchen level (on the fourth floor) 3. (-gū) hermitage; ~ vāye to operate a rice husking machine kuti2 -> kutu kutiṃ(-kutiṃ) nyāye v.t. to nip, to pinch kutikālā n.anim. blind follower, dogmatic or fanatic person; ~pu n. {neol.} dogmatism, conservatism; ~sū n. (-suli-) id. kuti-kuti1 interj. call for a dog kuti-kuti2; ~baṃjāḥ n.anim. (-jāla-) 1. busy-body, restless person 2. aggressive person; ~ thaye to cut into pieces; ~ yāye to stir or move restlessly; ~ sane to move restlessly, to fidget, to engage in trifling activities kutinyā -> kutuni kuti|-pvākaḥ n. (-kala-,-kaḥ) husking pit; ~baji n. rice beaten in a rice pounder; ~bāhā n. (-pu) wooden pounder, pestle; ~macā n. (-pā,-gū) `A'-shaped support placed under the moving arm of the rice-husker while husked rice is being removed from the husking pit; ~musaḥ n. (-sala-) metal cover on the end of the pestle of a rice husking machine; ~lhāḥ n. (-lhāta-,-pā) `A'-shaped support for the arm of a husking machine kutu (var. kutuṃ, kuti, kuru) adv. down; ~(-kutu) vane to drop, to fall down kutu-kutu n. sound produced by munching or chewing; ~ nheye to masticate, to chew; ~ yāye to smoke from a hookah kutukule v.t. to ask repeatedly, to seek for information kutuke v.t. to drop, to cause to fall kutuni (var. kutinyā) n.anim. 1. female go-between in illicit relations 2. pimp kuthi n. (-gū) 1. store room 2. office kunay yāye v.t. 1. to set on edge (of wood or metal) 2. to turn on the lathe (carpentry) kunasā n. (-gaḥ) millet kunaḥ1 -> kuṃdā2 kunaḥ2 n. (-nala-,-mā) name of a tree, Bauhinia variegata; ~buṂ n. blossom of Bauhinia (used as a vegetable) kunāṃ n. (-nāma-,-gū) given bad name, nickname (cf. chukānāṃ) kunār -> kuṃdā2 kunīti n. 1. misbehaviour 2. wrong policy kunu-kunu n. {ch.lg.} poking in the ear with the little finger or a feather; ~taṃ (pihāṃ) vaye to be enraged, to be infuriated; ~ yāye to relieve ear-itching kunū n. (-nuli-,-mā) medicinal herb used as a purgative for constipation, Indian aloe kune1 adv. downstairs, down, below kune2 1. v.t. to shut up, to confine, to coop up 2. v.i. (of cloth) to shrink kundhā -> kuṃdā1 kunne kāye v.i. to dive (of a bird, esp. of a pigeon) kunnyā n. dried fish kupā (var. kvapaḥ, kvapā) n. 1. help 2. request; ~ vane to go along thanking the guests for coming to a marriage feast during the last course of the meal kupi n. 1. (-gū) corner, corner of the eyes 2. (-gaḥ) small earthen oil pot kupu-kupu (var. pukupuku, kuplukuplu) adv. one after another kupe n. help, assistance; ~pu adj. fit to be helped; ~ puye to be fit to be helped, to deserve help; ~bahaḥ adj. fit to be helped; ~bhanaṃ adv. helpful kuppa adv. (to stay) without moving (with neg. v.): thva macā kuppa he macvaṃ. The child kept fidgeting, was unable to keep still. kupluka adv. (to swallow) at a gulp kuplu-kuplu -> kupukupu kuphata n. unhealthy food kubāni n. bad custom, evil habit, misconduct kubi (var. kvabi) n. 1. (-gaḥ) cabbage 2. (-gū) pod of a plant, flower or vegetable; ~tukaṃ n. (-kana-,-mā) cauliflower; ~rāche n. (-mā) kind of medicinal herb kubelā n. inopportune time kumakā -> kumvaḥkā kumacā n. (-gaḥ) kind of earring given by the maternal uncle to a new-born nephew kumati n.anim. harmful person, s.o. with bad intentions kumanū n.anim. (-nukha-) 1. bad man 2. one who is provided with food and shelter by his wife's kin kumamālā n. kind of consecrated garland used in the `ihi' ceremonies kumāri n.anim. 1. name of the living goddess 2. unmarried girl, virgin kumāḥ (var. kumhāḥ) n.anim. (-māla-) potter; ~jyā n. pottery kumi n.anim. 1. porter 2. one who does s.th. to excess kumicā n.anim. white ant, termite kumpā -> kuṃpā kumvaḥkā (var. kumakā) n. (-pu) kind of yellow thread used during the `ihi' ceremonies for ritually measuring the size of the girls kumhaḥ n. (-gaḥ) basket for storing rice kumhāḥ -> kumāḥ kuye1 (kuta) 1. v.i. to get warm by a fire 2. v.i. to enter (of dust particles into the eyes) 3. v.t. to harvest millet kuye2 v.t. (kula) to open an umbrella, to cover with an umbrella kuray juye v.i. to wait for a long time kuriṃ1 n. (-rina-,-nhu) 1. last day of the lunar month, also second day of the next month 2. solstice kuriṃ2 (var. kvariṃ) n. (-rina-,-gaḥ) earthen pot kuri-kuri (var. kvari) meas. unit of twenty pieces (in counting Nepali caps and sheets of Nepali paper) kurila n. (-pu) Asparagus plumosus kuru-kuru -> kutukutu kurkur n. call for a dog; ~cā n.anim. {ch.lg.} dog kurke v.t. 1. to drop, to let fall, to post: thva pau kurkā biyā disaṂ. Please post this letter. 2. {fig.} to degrade, to disgrace kurcā; ~ cvane, naye to have to wait for a long time kurra n. {ch.lg.} sound produced by smoking a hookah kul n. (-gū) race, cast, family, lineage, parentage kulaṂ n. (-pu) evil course, wrong way kulā n. 1. stirring 2. impulse; ~ biye 1. to act rashly 2. to stir (rice) kulāṃ n. (-lāma-) 1. horizon 2. (-gū) corner, nook 3. (-gū) granary, storehouse 4. (-gaḥ) window cornice; ~kāpi n. nook; ~khā n. flock of migratory birds; ~siṂ n. (-gaḥ) id. 4. kulākathi n. (-pu) stick to stir or beat rice kulāghaḥ n. (-ghala-) third day of worship of the patron deity of a family or lineage kulājyā n. impulsive action kulāy-kulāy n. {ch.lg.} consolatory call to a child when it is afraid of bathing kuli n. (-kuli) 1. curl of hair 2. corner 3. link, bond, friendly relation; ~ cine 1. to have curly hair 2. to link, to unite, to have good relations; ~ taye to curl, to be curled; ~ phene to sever relations; ~ bene to be on bad terms kuliṃ (var. kuluṃ) n. (-lina-,-gaḥ) 1. kind of very small earthen jar esp. for cleaning one's hands at a great feast 2. ampulla-shaped bamboo container (used by fishermen for carrying their catch); ~cā n. (-gaḥ) small wooden pot, used in the rites of birth purification kuli-kuli adj. curly kulipā n. (-pā) curly feather on the tail of a rooster or duck kulu1 n.anim. name of a caste (traditionally drum makers) kulu2 n. (-gaḥ) leather container for storing oil kulu3 (var. kuluṃ, kulla) onom. sound of water flowing underground, gurgling sound kuluṃ 1. -> kuliṃ 2. -> kulu3 kulu-kulucā n.anim. {ch.lg.} dog kulujyā n. drum making kulune v.i. (of water) to gurgle underground kule1 n. (-gaḥ) measuring pot holding two mānās kule2 v.t. 1. to stir, to turn over 2. to act impulsively 3. to prune 4. (of birds) to trim the feathers with the beak 5. to remove remnants of food from between the teeth kuleba+u (var. kulebhau) n. offering (usually to Ajimā) for dispelling diseases of new-born children kulel juye v.i. to run away kulcheṂ n. (-khā) ancestral home kulpi n. (-gū) 1. corner 2. space between fingers kulphi n. (-pū,-gū) cigarette holder kulla -> kulu3, kurra kusa1 n. (-pu) holy grass, kuśa grass (cf. kvaykāghāyṃ) kusa2; ~ juye to be well; ~ yāye to greet; ~ vane to go for a call kusalbhva n. (-mā) kind of medicinal herb, an Andropogon kusā n. (-pā) 1. umbrella 2. any implement for stirring; ~ kuye to use an umbrella kusāit n. evil moment, inauspicious moment, inopportune occasion kusā|-kathi n. (-pu) 1. handle of an umbrella 2. bamboo stick with a metal hook for turning grains in a mortar; ~cu n. (-cu) handle of an umbrella; ~pū n. (-puti-) frame of an umbrella; ~lapte n. (-pā) kind of large leaf used for making a `paikusā' or a `sinājyākusā' kusi1 n (-gū) stand, rack, support, handle kusi2 n.anim. flea kusiṂ (var. gusi, gusiṂ) n. (-ku) fire wood arranged in a load; ~pa+u n. (-pati-,-pau) shelter for keeping fire wood for funeral pyres kusiṃ n.anim. (-sina-) instigator; ~kālā n.anim. {sl.} instigator kusighāḥ n. (-ghāla-,-ghāḥ,-kū) insignificant wound kusi-kusi yāye v.t. to slaughter (by slitting the throat) kusipa+u -> kusiṂpau kusimā n. (-mā) tree inhabited by an evil spirit kusimilā n. (-gaḥ,-pā) small clay pot used in funeral rites (cf. kayṃmilā); ~lāchi n. name of a street in old Kathmandu where earthen vessels used to be sold kusta (var. kvasta) n. leprosy kusti (var. kvasti) n. wrestling; ~ mhite, lvāye to wrestle kus+birtā n. (-pī) grant of land (to a brahman) for which no revenue is paid kusyaḥ 1. adj. inferior 2. n.anim. (-sela-) fearful person; ~tu n. inferior kind of sugar-cane kū1 n. (kuli-,-pu) digger, hand plough; ~ jyāye to plough kū2 clf., meas. (kuli-) 1. piece 2. unit of volume equivalent to two mānās (approximately one quart); ~ thale (with num.) to break into pieces; ~ dale (with num.) to be broken into pieces kū cvane v.i. to brood (eggs) kūchi (var. kuchi) meas. one quart, two mānās; ~bhvay n. (-bhvaja-) feast hold during Dasain (on the eigth day of the month of kaulā) in the house where the family deity is placed (two mānās of beaten rice are served to each participant) kū jiye v.i. 1. to be not sufficiently cooked (of meat) 2. to be wrinkled (of a sāri) 3. to look old kūta n. share of land produce paid to the land owner by a tenant farmer; ~ taye, pule to pay one's share kūtāḥ n. (-tāla-,-gū) 1. mark made by a digger on a field 2. -> kutāḥ; ~bāṃ n. (-bāna-,-gū) id. 1. kū naye v.i. to be disappointed, frustrated keṂ n. 1. pulse, lentils, curry soup 2. green vegetables; ~ci n. daily expenses; ~tā (var ketā) n. set of five, eight or twelve different items offered to the guthi deity before the guthi members are served at a feast; ~palaḥ n. (-lata-) kind of dish, spinach curry keṂpu (var. keṂsā) n. {neol.} mode of showing, style of presentation keṂbva -> keba keṂsā -> keṂpu keṂsi n. (-gaḥ) pot for cooking curry keke (var. keykey); ~ jāye (of branches) to grow, to sprout; ~ tule to wriggle out; ~ buye (of branches) to grow, to sprout ketaki n. (-phvaḥ,-mā) kind of plant, Pandanus odoratissimus (used for ropes); ~svāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) flower of ~ ketā -> keṂtā ketijhuppāsvāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) narcissus, tudor minstrel, daffodil kene 1. v.t. to show: jitaḥ bhiṃgu kāpaḥ kenā disaṂ. Please show me some good cloth.; kenā biye to show off 2. v.t. to catch, to entangle, to involve, to entrap 3. v.i. (with num.) (for time) to be employed, spent, completed: va macā svadaṂ kena. The child is three years old by now. kepu n. 1. -> kibhu 2. radish seed (cf. nisalāḥ) keba (var. keṂbva) n. (-kū) garden; ~cheṂ n. (-khā) building surrrounded by a garden; ~thuvāḥ n.anim. (-vāla-) owner of a garden; ~thū n. (-thuli-) id.; ~nāyaḥ n.anim. (-yeka-) gardener key+kū n. (-kuli-) 1. (-gaḥ) spinning wheel 2. (-gū) machine to separate cotton seeds; ~husluṃ n. (-luma-,-gū) vertical merry-go-round key(-key) -> keke key+sar n. saffron, stigma of a plant of the crocus family, saffron or stigma pattern on wood carving keray yāye v.t. 1. to interrogate 2. to cross out kerā n. (-pu,-mā) banana kelā -> kerā kele v.t. 1. to roll with a rolling pin 2. to crush, to pulverize 3. to fluff up (cotton) 4. to run over: kijāyāta riksāṃ kela. My younger brother was run over by a rickshaw . kelene v.i. to have the eyes half open kele|-mū n. (-muli-,-gū,-pu) goldsmith's appliance to flatten gold-plates; ~si n. id. kele hane v.t. to cast amorous glances, to wink: va mijanaṃ jitaḥ kele hana. That man winked at me.; kelehanesaṃ mikhā kane id.: kelehanesaṃ mikhā kanāḥ svaye mate jitaḥ rey. Don't look at me casting amorous glances (quotation from a folk song); keleheṃ (mikhā) kane id. kelsā n. (-pu) rolling pin kelsi -> kelesi keheṂ n. hon. younger sister; ~bhata n.anim. husband's younger sister; ~piṃli n. hon. co-wife, second wife; ~may+ju n. hon. 1. younger sister 2. female cousin kya- -> ke- kyaṃ adj. shown; ~vaypiṃ n. {pl.} patients of an ayurvedic doctor; kyākhāsaṃ adv. {sl.} well, nicely kyāccā adv. (to be caught, struck, injured) suddenly kyātu adj. soft, delicate, tender; ~kyātu adj. slightly soft; ~ye (-tula) to be soft; ~sū n. (-suli-) {neol.} tenderness; ~se cvane to become soft kyāmarā n. (-gaḥ) camera kyāmunā n. (-mā,-phvaḥ) Buddleia globosa kyām+kat n. (-gū) camp bed or chair kyāyṃka adv. (of cocks) with a shrill cry kyāyṃ-kyāyṃ onom. hooting of an owl, parakeet, crow etc. kyāṃt n. pile (of coins), bunch (of bank notes, papers); ~ kyāṃt adv. in many piles kyāḥ interj. expression of surprise kripā -> kirpā kva1 adj. junior, younger: āpulu svayāḥ sikucā kva. Sikucā is younger than Apulu. kva2 (var. kvaḥ, kvaṃ, kvāṃ) pref. low, down, under, beneath, lower, inferior kva3 postp. 1. as much as (used with verb stems), e.g.: va~ as many as have come, da~ as many as there are, mā~ as much as is needed, svayā cvaṃ~ as many as are looking on 2. (with num.) marking ordinal numbers with temporal reference, e.g.: ni~ khusī on the second occasion kvaṂpvala -> kvapau kvaṂlaḥ -> kvaṃlaḥ1 kvaṂlaḥkhā -> kvalaḥkhā kvaṃ1 n. (kvaṂla-) face powder made of several kinds of grain and perfume; kvaṂlaṃ buye to powder one's face and hands kvaṃ2 -> kvaṃcā kvaṃ3 -> kva2 kvaṃ4 n. (-gaḥ) kind of drum kvaṃkatabyāṃ n.anim. (-byāna-) big frog kvaṃ-kvaṃ adv. growling, groaning; ~ hāle to groan with pain kvaṃkhvalā n. (-gaḥ) shallow brass cup for keeping oil kvaṃgala -> ghaṃgalā kvaṃcā (var. kvaṃ) n. (-gaḥ) 1. earthen storage pot, also used in worshipping the goddess Hāratī 2. kind of clay; ~khiṃ n. (-khina-,-gaḥ) kind of one-headed drum (made of clay); ~pāsi n. (-mā,-gaḥ) bush whith small dark berries (its bark is used to dye the black dresses of jyāpu women); ~ svaye to place a ~ in a queue as a token of waiting to be admitted to a pūjā for Hāratī; ~hā n.anim. mud wasp kvaṃdā -> kuṃdā2 kvaṃlaḥ1 n. (-mā) kind of pea, vetch, Dolichos uniflorus (used against smallpox) kvaṃlaḥ2 adj. hook shaped; ~kiṃ n. (-kina-,-pu) iron hook used for hanging clothes, for latching doors kvaṃlaḥkhā -> kvalaḥkhā kvaṃlijhyāḥ n. (-jhyāla-,-pā) dormer window kvaṃsi n. 1. (-mā) kind of palm tree, Aloe perfoliata 2. (-gaḥ) fruit of this tree kvaka+i n. (-kaica-,-gaḥ) pimple on the corner of the lips, on the lower lip (indicating fever) kva-kane v.t. to cast the eyes down: va misācāṃ mikhā kvakana. The girl cast (her) eyes down. kvakā n. 1. (-gū) falling sound, high note 2. (-pu) rope running from the weaving-loom to the treadles (cf. māykā); ~kathi n. (-pu) 1. stick of a loom 2. rods in a loom; ~ vāye to thread a loom with warp threads kva-kāye v.t. 1. to bring down, to detract from: pasalyāṃ nirkā kvakāla. The shopkeeper went down by two rupees. 2. to abort, to miscarry in giving birth; nāṃ kvakayā chuye, taye to name a child after its father or mother kvakāy+jhaṃgaḥ (var. kvakīcā, kvaḥkhijhaṃgaḥ) n.anim. (-gala-) cuckoo kvakāli adj. junior, younger: va ji svayāḥ nidaṂ kvakāli. He is two years younger than I. (cf. thakāli) kvakāsimā -> kvaḥkvaḥsimā kvakī n.anim. (-kila-) kind of horned insect kvakīcā n. (-pu) agricultural instrument used for loosening the soil around plants 2. -> kvakāyjhaṃgaḥ kvakvaphyānāḥ adv. {Pg} (to call out) repeatedly and loudly kvakha n. (-gū) 1. womb, abdomen, pelvis 2. waist 3. race, large ethnic group kvakhalu n. (-gaḥ) 1. base of a gate way 2. inner sill with socket kvakhā n. 1. (-pu) ritual garland or shawl of red thread or cloth 2. (-gū) passage through a house to a courtyard; ~duvāḥ n. (-vāla-,-gū) id. 2.; ~ye (-khāla) to put on a garland; ~lukhā n. (-gū) gate to a passage; ~ lhāye to prepare a ~; ~sā n. (-gū) pendant, s.th. hung around the neck; ~ sāle to use a ~ (with a mantra) kvakhiṃ n. (-khina-,-gaḥ) kind of drum kvagaḥ -> kvakā 2. kvagaḥcā n. (-gū) seat kvagitā n. 1. light brown colour for dyeing 2. brownish kind of cloth used esp. for `laṃsurvāḥ' (the national dress) kva-cāye v.i. to come to the end, to get to the bottom of, to be finished: samācar kvacāla. The news have come to their end. kvacāy+ka adv. from the beginning to the end, thoroughly, completely kva-cāy+ke v.t. to finish, to end: bākhaṃ kvacāykā taḥgu nhyāipu. The story has a happy ending. kvacāla n. end, finish kva-cāle v.i. to be finished, to come to an end kvacin n. (-sāḥ) brocade, cloth interwoven with gold and silver threads kva-cine v.t. 1. to press down 2. to swallow: vaṃ vāsaḥ lakhaṃ kvacina. He swallowed the medicine with water. kva-ciye 1. v.i. to be pressed down by a burden 2. v.i. to sink, to be swamped, to subside (e.g. houses) 3. v.t. to bind down kvacukū n. (-kuli-,-kū) tongue-shaped door bolt on the lintel kva-chiye v.t. to decide, to settle, to put down kva-chuye v.i. 1. to stoop, to bend down 2. to be humble, modest kvachū adj. 1. stooped down 2. humble; ~khāpā n. (-gū) {Bhp} trap door; ~pākhā n. (-gū) hanging eaves of a pagoda kva-chyāye v.t. 1. to diminish, to decrease, to depreciate: vaṃ jimigu taṂ kvachyāta. He did not treat me according to my position. 2. to dig deep kva-chvaye v.t. 1. to send down 2. {fig.} to humiliate, to ridicule, to belittle, to make fun of: imisaṃ keheṂcita kvachvata. They made fun of their younger sister. kvajaṃ n.anim. (-jana-) name of a low caste of fishermen kva-jāye v.i. 1. to be filled from the bottom 2. to sing in low sounds kvajāḥ n.anim. (-jāta-) lower caste kvaji adj. 1. junior, young 2. inferior, of lower quality; ~jyā n. duties of juniors; ~nāyaḥ n.anim. (-yeka-) helper to a leader, assistant kva-jiye v.i. to be decided, settled, agreed upon kvajisū n. (-suli-) {neol.} inferiority kvajyāṃ adv. downward kva-jvaye v.i. to fall down, to leak down kvata adv. (with v.t.) downward, down; ~ke to throw down; ~ chvaye 1. to send down 2. to lower 3. to ridicule; ~ yene, haye 1. to bring down 2. to take s.o. dying to the ground floor kvatanāle v.t. to regain land which was previously confiscated or taken by some illegal means kvatanāḥ n. (-nāla-,-gū) confiscated field or house kvatali adv. downstairs (cf. thatali) kvataḥ n. (-tala-,-gaḥ,-pā) 1. skull 2. shallow brass dish, ceremonial plate used for marriages and for pūjās (holding items of ritual equipment), to be handled only by persons having undergone a dīkṣā; ~sumali n. (-gaḥ,-pā) large shallow brass dish for keeping fruit, flowers and additions to the main dish kvatā n. (-pu) tweezers kva-tāye v.t. 1. to pick (blossoms, flowers, leaves in order to make a plant grow) 2. to peck at 3. to survey, to have an overview (over an area): jaḥlākhaḥlāṃ kvatāḥgu cheṂy cvane mhāipu tāḥ. To live in a house overtowered by the neighbours is not nice. 4. to dedicate 5. to make a concentrated effort kvatāse adv. 1. interesting 2. carefully, attentively 3. continuously kvatāḥ1 -> kutāḥ kvatāḥ2 n. (-tāla-,-gaḥ) kind of barrel drum (in a pair, one vertical, covered with drum paste, the other horizontal (cacā music)) kvatāḥ3 1. adj. laborious, careful, painstaking, skilfull 2. n.anim. (-tāla-) s.o. skilled in arts or music; ~nāyaḥ n.anim. (-yeka-) leader of a group of artists or musicians kvatāḥmvaḥ1 n. (-mvala-,-mvaḥ) topmost plank in a doorway kvatāḥmvaḥ2 n.anim. (-mvala-) leader of a group of artists or musicians kvati n. door sill kva-tine v.i. to fall down kvatuṂ adv. downward kva-tune v.i. 1. to sink into a bog 2. (for a house) to collapse kva-tuye v.i. to be cast down, depressed kva-tele v.t. to press down, to suppress, to insult, to humiliate kvatyā n.anim. head porter among coolies kva-thaye v.t. 1. to fell, to lower 2. to abort 3. to diminish 4. to cancel 5. to postpone: kanhayyāgu muṃjyā penhuyāta kvathala. Tomorrow's meeting has been postponed to four days later. kvathā n. (-gū,-kū) room; ~kāsā n. (-gū) crossword puzzle; ~jvalaṃ n. (-lana-,-gū) wedding present with several dishes and drinks; ~pa+u n. (-pati-,-pau) enclosure made of planks that conceals a door; ~pāsā n. hon. term of address for a wife or husband; ~bākhaṃ n. (-khana-) gossip about family affairs, back-biting within a family; ~ biye (by the parents of the groom) to provide a room for a newly married couple; ~macā n.anim. indoors servant kvathi n. (-gū) 1. big shop, wholesale shop 2. brothel kvathi thune -> kva thune kva-thine v.t. 1. to press down 2. to disappoint kvathīka adv. 1. very minutely 2. at a short distance kvathu (var. kvathuli) 1. n. lower area, valley, lowland 2. adj. lower (cf. cvathu, thathu); ~cuka n. (-gū) courtyard located in a lower area; ~nani n. (-gū) id. kva-thune (var. kvathi ~) v.t. to ridicule, to humiliate, to insult kvathuli -> kvathu kva-thyāke v.t. 1. to flatten, to level 2. to insult, to treat badly kva-thyāye 1. v.i. to be low, to slope downwards 2. v.t. to fold up from the bottom kva-daye v.i. (dala) 1. to fall down, to be lowered 2. to be cancelled kvadā (var. kvadāycā) n. 1. (-gū) wooden tool for levelling a floor or wall 2. (-pau) plank for flooring kvadāṃvari n. (-pā) baked cream pastry kvadāpa+u n. (-pati-,-pau) plank for flooring kva-dāye v.t. to level the floor (when building a house) kvadāy+cā -> kvadā 1. kvadyāṃ n. (-dyāma-,-gū) terrace wall washed away by water kvadhvaṃ n. (-dhvana-,-pu,-gū) drain pipe under the edge of a roof leading down to the gutter kvanā n. (-gaḥ) 1. wooden trough for washing clothes and feeding cattle 2. boat 3. dorsal shell of a crab used as a wine cup in secret pūjās and in piṇḍa offerings kvanāyaḥ n.anim. (-yeka-) helper to a leader, assistant kvanāḥ (var. kvanhāḥ) n.anim. (-nāla-) caste name of carpenters kvanyā n.anim. ant eater kvanhāsiṂ n. (-pu) oar kvanhāḥ -> kvanāḥ kva-nhyāke v.t. to pass on from seniors to juniors (e.g. worn clothes) kva-nhyāye v.i. 1. to be passed on 2. to descend 3. to glide down kvanhū n. (-mā) kind of medicinal plant, Aloe perfoliata kvapa+u (var. kvaṂpala) n. (-pali-,-gū) lower eaves of a house or a temple kvapaye -> kvapiye kvaparā n. (-gaḥ) chamber pot kvapasāṃ puye v.t. to prostrate o.s. kvapaḥ -> kupā kvapā1 -> kupā kvapā2 n. (-pu) rope to suspend baskets from the carrying pole; ~ siye to tie the rope to the pole kvapākhā n. (-gū) awning, eaves (cf. chada); ~ kvike, taye to shelter with an awning kvapā|-khipaḥ n. (-pata-,-pu) rope to suspend baskets from the carrying pole; ~jhyāḥ -> kvapujhyāḥ kva-pāle v.t. 1. to beat down, to dig down 2. to underrate, to bring (the price) down kvapi n. (-gū) corner; ~chuṂ n.anim. kind of very small rat; ~jhyāḥ -> kvapājhyāḥ kva-piye (var. kvapaye) v.t. 1. to trim (hair), to comb down 2. to request, to urge (esp. to eat): bhvaythuvālaṃ bhvajay mhaṃthachi kvapila. The host of the feast urged everyone to eat. kvapu1 n.anim. people living at the end of the village kvapu2 n.anim. kind of water insect kvapu3 n. 1. (-pā) trap door 2. (-pu) lintel over a door or window 3. (-gū) lower eaves 4. (-pu) wooden slab to support a pillar 5. (var. kvapū) (-pu) wooden seat in the kitchen, wooden seat for prayer 6. (-pā) ridge tile; ~appā n. (-pā) ridge tile kvapuṃ|-jyā n. very bad business; ~na n. pungent, burnt smell; ~buddhi 1. n.anim. mean person 2. n. mean idea kvapu|-jhyāḥ n. (-jhyāla-,-pā) dormer-window, gable window, small peep-hole; ~taṂ n. (-taṂ) basement floor kva-pune v.i. 1. (of food) to be burnt 2. (of manners) to be bad kvapu|-pa+u n. (-pali-,-gū) lower eaves; ~pākhā n. (-gū) id. kva-puye v.t. 1. to overturn, to turn upside down 2. to cover, to roof kvapū 1. adj. covered 2. -> kvapu3 kva-pyāye v.t. to brush or comb (hair) down kvapvāḥ n. (-pvātha-) womb, uterus; ~ syāye to have pain of childbirth, to be in one's labours kva-phāye v.t. to drop, to cause to come down, to push down: vaṃ syāmyāta kaḥsiṃ kvaphāta. He pushed Syām down from the terrace. kvaphyaḥ n. (-phela-,-gū) 1. hanging lower part of a Nepali upper garment 2. `kvaphyaḥ'-shaped decoration on the sides of a chariot, stylized frill kva-phyāye v.i. to call out loudly kvabichuṂ n.anim. small mouse kvabitukaṃ n. (-kana-,-gaḥ) cauliflower kva-buye v.t. 1. to carry on the back, to shoulder 2. to take a responsibility kva-bvāye v.i. 1. to fall down, to jump down 2. to flow away kvabvāḥlaḥ n. (-lakha-,-gū) water fall kvamal (var. kvaḥmal) n. 1. tender, melodious voice 2. low-pitched tone kvamilu (var. kvamāli) adj. humble, modest kvamiluye 1. v.i. to be humble, to be polite 2. v.t. to implore, to entreat kva-mhiye v.t. to implore, to entreat kvay1 1. adv. down, under, below 2. n. lower part of a locality; ~ pvike procession of musicians blowing horns going around the hill of Svayambhunāth (lit. blowing below, i.e. a procession around the foot of the hill, a longer and therefore more expensive ritual than the normal one of `cvay pvike') kvay2 meas. (kvasa-) about two miles kvayaḥ n. (-yela-,-pu) {Pg} spiral key kvaye v.i. (kvala) to burn, to be scorched kva-yene v.i. to settle on the bottom (sediment of liquids) kvayṃ (var. kvayaḥ) n. (kvaṂca-,-pu) 1. bone 2. spiral key 3. brush, broom, comb; ~kāli n.anim. lean person; ~thakū n. (-kuli-,-gū) 1. broom 2. weaver's comb; ~ thvaye to tear off meat from a bone kvayṃnagu n. constellation of the Great Bear (cf. khākhinagu, khākhipucaḥ, kheṂnagu) kvayṃnā n. temple of Gaṇeś near Chobar Gorge; ~ganay+dyaḥ (-deva-) id. (one of a set of four Gaṇeś temples: maru ganaydyaḥ (Madutol), bhvari ganaydyaḥ (Chetrapati), khvapa ganaydyaḥ (Sūryabināyak)) kvayṃpvāḥ n. (-pvāla-,-pvāḥ) key hole; kvayṃpvālaṃ svaye to peep through a key hole kvayṃlaṃ n. (-lana-,-pā,-pu) upper garment without the right sleeve, cloth worn round the neck in the `sinhaḥthā' ritual kvayṃliṃ -> kvaheṃli kvayṃsukū n. (-kuli-,-pā) straw mat kvay+kāghāyṃ n. (-ghāṂsa-,-mā) holy grass kvay+ke v.t. 1. to fry 2. to season kvay+chi meas. about two miles kvay+lā -> kachalā kvar (var. kvari) n. leprosy; kvaraṃ thiye to contract leprosy kvaracikaṃ n. (-kana-) mixture of barley flour and mustard oil, applied to the bodies of dead women kvarā 1. n. kind of thick homespun cloth 2. adj. raw, unrefined kvarāṃ1 adj. passed on from seniors to juniors (e.g. clothes) (cf. javāḥvari) kvarāṃ2 postp. {Kirt, Bhp} whenever, e.g.: bī-kvarāṃ whenever one gives kvarāṃ naye v.i. to get rotten, to become putrefied kvari1 -> kvar kvari2 -> kurikuri kvariṃ -> kuriṃ2 kvaru -> khalu1 kvarevāsaḥ n. (-sala-) kind of potion consisting of 32 ingredients taken by women after confinement kvardā n. (-pu) whip; ~ nake, mvike to whip kvala n. kind of perfumed powder kvalaṃ 1. -> kalaḥ 2. -> kalaṃ kvalaṃli -> kalaḥ kvalay n. (-lasa-,-pu) name of a cacā song sung at the `nakiṃkhāke' kvalasi n. (-pu) type of cacā song kvalaḥkhā (var. kvaṂlaḥkhā, kvaṃlaḥkhā) n.anim. Indian crane (migratory bird flying north before the monsoon) kvalā1 n. 1. (-pā) shallow dish for oblations to the dead 2. (-gū) low-pitched sound 3. (-pau) flooring plank 4. (-gū) wooden trowel kvalā2 (var. kvallā) meas. span of the hand; ~ kāye to measure a distance in spans (in a game of marbles); ~chi meas. span of the hand kvalāpi n. (-gū) 1. interior corner 2. ravine, depression between hills 3. (var. kālpi, kvalpi) space between the fingers kvalāpa+u n. (-pati-,-pau) wooden pieces spread over the beams during construction kva-lāye v.i. 1. to decrease 2. to recover (from a disease) 3. (of swellings) to subside 4. (of the voice) to be low kvalāsiṂ n. (-pu) goldsmiths' appliance for rolling wire kvalāḥ n. (-lāta-) length and width of a house, ground space kvali n. (-gaḥ) skull kva-luye v.i. 1. to condescend, to favour, to deign 2. to subside (of fever blisters) kvalpi -> kvalāpi kvallā -> kvalā2 kva-lhāye v.t. to disentangle (thread) kvavā1 n. (-pu) wisdom tooth kvavā2 n. rain kva-vāle v.t. 1. to search thoroughly 2. to criticize 3. to invite (people who are not relatives): imisaṃ jitaḥ bhvajay kvavāla. They also invited me to the feast. kvasaṃ adj. just below, next: kvasaṃmha su lāta? Who is the next one? kvasaḥ n. (-sala-) dowry (cf. sibay); ~ taye to give dowry kvasaḥ|-bhvay n. (-bhvaja-,-gū) marriage ceremony; ~saṃdhū n. (-dhuli-,-gaḥ) dowry chest; ~sannaḥ n. (-nala-,-gaḥ) id. kvasāṃ puye v.t. to prostrate o.s. kva-sāle 1. v.t. to pull down 2. v.i. to outweigh: ālu kvasāla yekva he. The potatoes weighed too heavy (in the scales). kvasi n. 1. (-si) lower margin 2. (-si) lower part of a kite string 3. (-pu) hook; ~kaḥkā n. lower part of a kite string; ~kā n. id.; ~ siye to shorten the lower portion of a yoke string kva-siye1 v.i. (-sita) (of sediment) to collect at the bottom of a container, to settle: ghalay dhū kvasita. Dust has collected in the jar. kva-siye2 v.t. (-sila) to tie a rope to a carrying pole kva-svaye1 v.t. (-svata) 1. to look down 2. to cast the eyes down 3. to look south, to face south kva-svaye2 v.i. (-svala) to be in good health kvasta n. leprosy (cf. kvar, kvari); kvastaṃ thiye to have rotten spots (of fruit); to be infected with leprosy kvasti -> kusti kvahāṃ adv. (with v.i.) downwards; ~ vane, vaye 1. to descend 2. to be of inferior rank or quality kvahiti n. (-dhāḥ) 1. lowland fountain 2. lower town, name of the Southern part of Kathmandu kvaheṃli (var. kvayṃliṃ) n. (-gaḥ) bamboo basket (to be carried on the back) kva-hene v.i. 1. to be below standard 2. to be belittled kvahyaṃ 1. adj. below standard 2. adj. belittled 3. n. (-hena-) impure metal (mixture of gold, silver, copper in an impure state); ~ke 1. to cause to be below standard 2. to belittle kva-hvaye v.i. (for a leaf) to fade, to become yellowish kvahvaḥ n. (-hvala-,-hvaḥ) faded, yellowish leaf of a tree kvaḥ1 n.anim. (kvakha-) crow; ~ hāle 1. to croak 2. {fig.} to be extremely hungry kvaḥ2 -> kaḥ4 kvaḥ3 -> kva2 kvaḥ-appā n. (-pā) black-burnt brick kvaḥkvaḥsimā (var. kvakāsimā) n. (-mā) kind of tree, Grewia laevigata kvaḥkhijhaṃgaḥ -> kvakāyjhaṃgaḥ kvaḥne n. 1. lower part (of a place, such as a village or a town) 2. downward slope, low ground 3. lower (southern) part of the Kathmandu valley 4. the Indian plains; ~yāḥ n. (-yāta-,-gū) chariot procession of the lower town kvaḥpujā n. ritual of giving a small offering to the crows (observed on the first day of Tihār) kvaḥba+u n. (-bali-) ceremony of the funeral rites: an offering to the crows (consisting of rice, grains, beans and pancakes) kvaḥbviṂcā n.anim. kind of insect, locust kvaḥmal -> kvamal kvaḥsu n.anim. mother of an only child kvā onom. cawing of a crow kvāiṃ onom. whine or yelp of a dog kvāiṃyā n. thrilling sensation kvāṃ1 n. 1. cawing 2. {fig.} trouble, confusion kvāṃ2 -> kva2 kvāṃc n. (-gū) old type of coat kvāke v.t. to heat kvākka adv. (to catch, to eat) directly, immediately; ~ lāye to catch on the spot, to catch red-handed kvākvā onom. cawing of crows, cackling of hens; ~ tyāye to nag, to criticize all the time; ~ yāye 1. to rebuke vehemently 2. to tap repeatedly with the finger; ~ hāle to crow, to cackle kvāgulu n.anim. cheater, deceiver kvācapālaju n. hon. principal deity of a Buddhist monastery, koṣtḥapāla (cf. kvāpāḥdyaḥ, kvābāju) kvācā (var. kvārkvārcā) n. {ch.lg.} crow kvācu adj. rough; ~ dhāye to be somewhat rough, to feel rough; ~ye (-cula) to be rough; ~se cvane id. kvācyā-kvācyā onom. squealing kvājyā n. cheating kvāju n. (-ju) 1. jacket 2. warm sleeping dress kvātā-kvātā; ~ mine 1. to feel acute pain 2. to shiver; ~ mhuye 1. to feel acute pain 2. to be envious; ~ yāye to scratch scabs from a wound kvāti n. thick soup of beans, peas or pulse prepared with wheat flour kvātu adj. hard, solid, strong, firm, tight; ~ye (-tula) 1. to be hard, solid etc. 2. to be steady, stable 3. to be adapted, to conform to; ~se cvane to be hard, solid etc. kvāttu kvāye v.t. 1. to scold; kvāttukvāṃ khaṂ lhāye to talk vividly, to talk with expressive nods 2. to keep pecking (of a bird) kvātraka vane (var. kvārāka ~) v.i. (for a leg) to be sprained kvātrā1 n.anim. 1. weasel 2. {fig.} insignificant person kvātrā2; ~kvātrā onom. trampling, stamping sound; ~ saḥ vaye to sound trampling, stamping kvātha n. decoction kvāpa naye v.t. to gobble kvāpāḥ n. (-pāta-,-pā) sandal kvāpāḥdyaḥ n. (-deva-) Buddhist shrine of a bāhāl, principal deity of a monastery (cf. kvābāju, kvācapālaju) kvāpāḥlākāṃ n. (-kāma-,-pā) sandal (cf. kharāu) kvābāju n. hon. principal deity of a Buddhist monastery (cf. kvācapālaju, kvāpāḥdyaḥ) kvāye (kvāta) 1. v.t. to nod 2. v.t. to cheat, to deceive 3. v.t. to peck, to pick food (with the beak) 4. v.t. to hoe 5. v.i. to be hot 6. v.i. to be angry kvārāka -> kvātraka vane kvārā-kvārā onom. sound of rattling; ~ hāle to prattle, to chatter kvārkvārcā1 -> kvācā kvārkvārcā2 n. (-gū) a part of a loom kvārkvārciyālā n.anim. {pej.} litter carrier (caste of the dviṂ) kvārra onom. {ch.lg.} sound of a hookah kvāsi n. (-gaḥ) testicles; ~ tagvaye to suffer from prostate; ~ dhene to castrate (a bull) kvāsiṃ n.anim. (-sina-) cheater, deceiver kvāḥ1 n. (kvāta-) 1. (-kvāḥ) plot of land, terraced field 2. (-gū) {obsol.} fortified enclosure, military post kvāḥ2 n. (kvāla-,-gū,-pu) riddle, enigma kvāḥ3 1. adj. hot, warm 2. n. hot curry; ~ taye to make a hot compression; ~ thane to keep warm, to make a hot compression; ~ dāye to hammer hot metal; ~ biye 1. to iron 2. to give a hot compression; ~(-kvāḥ) lāye 1. to catch on the spot 2. to cheat kvāḥkāsā n. (-gū) game of riddles kvāḥghāsā n. dish of stewed vegetable and meat kvāḥjhyāḥ n. (-jhyāla-,-pā) furnace, oven for melting metal and baking clay models in metal casting kvāḥdhakkāḥ n. (-kāla-) belch of bad small kvāḥpiṃ n. (-pina-,-gaḥ) vacuum flask, hot water bottle kvāḥbasā n. {neol.} iron (for pressing clothes) kvāḥsāḥ n. (-sāla-) preliminary tasting of food before serving kvi1 n. hon. great grandson or -daughter kvi2 n. (-pā) {ch.lg.} umbrella; ~ yāye to open an umbrella kviṂ1 -> kvi1 kviṂ2 n. (kuṂca-,-pu) stationary blade kitchen knife kviṂkviṂ onom. 1. rattling of the wheels 2. whining of a dog 3. sound produced by peeling and cutting sugar cane; ~tā -> kirikiritā; ~tu n. round piece of sugar cane; ~ dhene to cut up (sugar cane); ~ hāle to make a feeble sound, to speak indistinctly kviṂka adv. 1. sound of opening a door 2. (to twist one's ear) forcibly, vehemently kviṂc juye v.i. to run away kviṂmilā -> kayṃmilā kvike v.t. to protect with an umbrella, to cause to protect kvimacā n. hon. great grandson or -daughter kvimay+ti (var. gviṂmayti) n. (-gaḥ,-phvaḥ,-mā) canna seed, canna flower, canna plant KH kha1 drum syllable symbolizing a short stroke of the left hand kha2 pref. left kha+i1 adv. perhaps kha+i2 n. (khaica-) sputum, spittle; ~ lhvaye to eject sputum kha+i3 n. (-gaḥ) bamboo basket; kha+i|-thala n. (-gaḥ) spittoon; ~pāḥ n. (-pāta-,-gaḥ) id.; kha+itusi -> khautusi kha+imā (var. khaymā, khāymā) n. (-gaḥ) 1. door post, window post, jamb 2. lock rings kha+ilicvaḥ n. (-cvala-,-cvaḥ) any kind of Araliacea kha+u n. (khali-) 1. (-pā,-cāḥ) oil-cake 2. black drum paste (applied in the middle of a drum head) 3. (-gū) blow, strike; ~ kāye to apply oil-cake to one's face (done for purification by the Citrakārs on learning of a married daughter's death); ~ kvāye, nake to deal a blow, to strike kha+ukā n. (-pu) 1. tooth pick 2. bamboo stick for stitching leaves together 3. kind of relish kha+utusi (var. khaitusi) n. (-gaḥ) ripe cucumber (for pickles) kha+upā n. oil cake pattern in wood carving kha+umā n. (-gaḥ) large bells (worn in sets round the knee by dancers) kha+ulvahaṃ n. (-haṂta-,-gaḥ) hard stone used as an anvil by blacksmiths and drum makers khaṂ1 n. 1. (-gū) matter, fact, topic, subject of a conversation 2. (-pu) discourse 3. (-gū) language; khaṂy cvane to keep one's word; khaṂy vane to follow s.o.'s word; khaṂy vaye to follow s.o.'s word; to agree: ipiṃ jigu khaṂy vala. They agreed with me.; ~ kva chiye to decide; ~kva jiye to be decided; ~ ghāye to speak stammeringly; ~ cvaye (for news) to spread rapidly; ~ chyāye to discuss, to debate; ~ chvāye to be sharp-tongued; ~ juye to be talked about, to be the topic; ~ jyāye to fabricate, to falsify; ~ jvane to find s.o. out in his words; ~ jvay+ke to blurt out; ~ tachyāye to state one's intentions; ~ taye 1. to give a false reason 2. to keep one's word; ~ tene to keep secret; ~ tyāye to talk idly, uselessly; ~ tyājiye to pronounce clearly; ~ tvapuye to keep secret; ~ tvaḥpū vaye to interrupt, to cut short; ~ thāye, thvake to try to elicit a secret; ~ phaye to listen to, to receive; ~ buye for a quarrel to arise; ~ byāye to be in mutual understanding; ~ mvike to gossip; ~ lāye to correct, to contradict a false report; ~ lvāye to be contradictory, to say the contrary; ~ lhāke 1. to cause to speak 2. to cause to propose a marriage; ~ lhāye to speak, to talk; ~ lhvaye to give away, to betray; ~ vāye to speak out (lit. to spill talk); ~ saye 1. to learn a language 2. {fig.} to be fully drunk; ~ haye to bring up a topic khaṂ2 meas. (large) portion of cooked rice, e.g.: jā ni-khaṂ two portions of cooked rice khaṂkva adv. as far as it is true; ~jukva adv. in detail khaṂ|-khuṂ n.anim. liar; ~gulu n.anim. prattler, s.o. who talks too much; ~gvaḥ n. (-gvala-,-gvaḥ) word; ~cu n. gist, substance; ~cvaḥ n. (-cvata-,-pu) thread of a discourse, of an argument; ~jaḥsi n.anim. talkative or garrulous person; ~tvāl lhāye to interrupt; ~tvāḥ n. (-tvāka-,-gū) phrase, idiomatic expression; ~dhī n. (-dhika-,-gū) chapter, paragraph; ~pu n. {neol.} sentence, mode of expression; ~pu-laṂpu n. argument, reasoning, logic; ~pvaḥ thaye to gossip; ~battāiṃ n.anim. talkative or garrulous person; ~bhāy n. (-bhāsa-,-gū) proverb, mode of expression, idiom; ~mi n.anim. intermediary, go-between (for a marriage); ~mū adj. vigorous; ~lhābalhā n. 1. greeting 2. mutual understanding; ~sā adj. eloquent; ~su cuke to talk evasively; ~suvā n.anim. 1. idle talker 2. child who is learning to speak; ~sūcā n.anim. prattler khaṃ n. (khana-,-pu) scimitar khaṃka adv. visibly, in the presence of khaṃ cāye v.i. to become irritated khaṃjari n. (-pā) kind of small cymbal khaṃlā n. (-dhī) piece of fresh meat (placed in its proper place in a pūjā) khakaḥ (var. khākas) n. (-kala-,-gū) scriber, marking gauge to draw guide lines before chiseling (cf. khutu) khakha tule v.i. to stutter, to stammer khakhaḥ; ~(-makhaḥ) dhāye to be somewhat bitter khagaḥ n. (-gala-,-gaḥ) wooden bar of a door, bolt; ~bili n.anim. striped cockroach khaggu adj. {sl.} 1. clever, skilled, skilful 2. deceptive, wicked khacar n.anim. mule khacarā n.anim. offspring of parents belonging to different castes between which marriage is forbidden khaci adv. a moment, sometime; ~khācā adv. for a little while khajalā -> khaḥjalā khajuri n. (-tā,-pā,-gaḥ) kind of cake, sweetmeat (made of wheat, sugar and ghee, shaped like a date) khajū n. (-jula-,-mā) palm, date palm; ~laṃ n. (-lana-,-pā) dress made of palm leaves used in the Gāijātrā procession; ~si n. (-gaḥ) date (the fruit) khataṃ adv. in a certain manner; ~ naye 1. to rust 2. to have no use of khataṃgāḥ n. (-gāla-,-gāḥ) 1. socket at the base of a door to hold the door leaves 2. fort, castle khatanā n. (-tvāḥ) door sill khatam n. end, conclusion; ~ juye 1. to be finished 2. to be ruined 3. to die; ~ yāye 1. to finish 2. to ruin, to destroy 3. to kill khatāṃ n. (-tāma-,-pu) long-handled mallet; ~jhaṃgaḥ n.anim. (-gala-) kind of bird with a crown and a long beak; ~mugaḥ n. (-gala-,-gaḥ) farmer's tool for hoeing, long-handled mallet khati n. loss, damage khatiyā n. (-gū) wooden stand to be used as a desk khattā n. want, need, necessity; ~pattā n. id. khatyā n. (-gaḥ) rice husked out of boiled paddy; ~gvārā n. (-gvārā) ball made from fried ~ and molasses; ~pā n. (-pā) cake made from fried ~ and molasses khanāḥ postp. 1. with respect to, as to (lit: seeing s.th. or s.o.): va khanāḥ hvasiyār juye māḥ. We must be careful with him. khicā khanāḥ gyā. Beware of the dog. 2. marker of comparison: va saphū khanāḥ thugu bhiṃ theṃ cvaṃ. This book seems better than that one. khane v.t. 1. to see, to experience 2. to undergo (rituals): bvāyā jaṃkva yāye khana. Father had his old-age ceremony. 3. to have the chance: imi naye khana. They had the chance to eat. 4. to bore, to pierce, to perforate 5. to open 6. to pour; ~ taye to display, to keep in sight, to place to be seen (especially a target in a marble game); ~ daye to appear, to be seen, to be in sight: vayā laṃcā khane data. His undergarment was visible.; ~ day+ka adv. noticeably; ~ day+ka taye to place s.th. in sight; ~ day+kaḥ vane, vaye to appear khan+khan n. jingling sound (of coins) khancā n. (-pu,-thu) iron tool similar to a punch or chisel (for punching holes into steel sheets or plates) khapaṃ lane v.i. for a guthi feast to be postponed (after a death) khapāy (var. khapāyṃ) -> khāpāy khapis adj. {sl.} experienced, skilful khappu adv. (in fight, game, sport) one after another khabar n. (-gū) message, news, report khampā n. (-pu) thigh (body part); ~ nyāy+ke {fig.} to challenge, to call for wrestling; ~pu n. cut of meat khay -> khayṃ2 khayaḥ n. (-yela-) 1. (-mā) acacia 2. sap of the acacia tree khaye1 v.i. (khata, p.c. khayā, neg. makhu) to be, to be so, to be true (used in an affirmative sense); khaḥ yes; makhu no; khaḥgu right, true khaye2 v.i. (khala) to be illuminated khayṃ1 n. (khaṂca-,-gaḥ) wart khayṃ2 (var. khay) n.anim. (khasa-) Khas tribe (people whose mother tongue is Nepālī) khayṃka+i n. (-kaica-,-gaḥ) wart khayṃkhaṂ n. the Nepālī language khayṃpi -> khaypi khay+ka adv. 1. really, actually 2. lightly, brightly khay+guli n. (-guli) black pill of bitter taste offered as a condiment khay+talā conj. even though: khaytalā va mabhiṃmha makhu, tara chanta pule maphay yaḥ. Even though he may be honest, he will perhaps not be able to pay you. khay+pi (var. khayṃpi) n. large pieces of pumpkin served in a marriage ceremony or at a guthi feast to be offered to the deity (cf. napi) khay+bili (var. khaybuli) n. twelve days of impurity which a family and close relatives observe following a death khay+mā -> khaimā khay+lābvahaḥ n.anim. (-hala-) kind of large heron kharāu n. (-pā) wooden sandal (cf. kvāpāḥ) kharāj n. 1. (-gaḥ) tool for planing or edging, lathe 2. (-gū) edging kharāḥcā n.anim. rabbit, hare kharu -> khalu1 kharuṃ 1. adj. cleft-lipped, hare-lipped 2. n.anim. (-runa-) s.o. with a hare-lip; ~cā n.anim. s.o. with a hare-lip; ~ vane to be broken, to be cleft kharkas n. (-gū) scriber kharga n. (-pu) sword kharca n. expenditure, outlay kharcā n. food prepared for cattle, fodder kharbujā n. 1. (-gaḥ) water melon 2. caste name of a section of farmers of Bhaktapur khal n. (-gaḥ) mortar in which drugs are pounded; ~ yāye to grind medicine khala n. (-gū) threshing floor, portion of ground prepared for threshing; ~ chiye to prepare the ground for threshing; ~ puye to clean a threshing floor khalaḥ n. (-laka-,-khalaḥ, agt. ~naṃ) team, group, family, member of a guthi khalā n. (-khalā) plot (of land) khalipā adj. 1. fraudulent, cunning 2. experienced, skilful khalu1 (var. kvaru, kharu) n. (-gaḥ) threshold, door sill khalu2 n. (-pu) goldsmith's tool for shaping khale v.t. to thresh grains khalkhal adv. (to sweat) incessantly khalti n. (-pā) pocket (cf. mhicā); ~hvaḥ gane 1. to have a hole in one's pocket 2. {fig.} to lose money, to go bankrupt khalbal n. tumult khalla; ~ cvane, mine to be tasteless; ~ vane 1. to feel a thrilling sensation 2. to perspire; ~ vaye to be tasteless khava n. left hand side (ant. java, cf. khaḥ4); ~pākhe adv. to the left side: cheṂyā khava pākhe huṂ. Walk along the left side of the house.; ~ liye to turn to the left khavaḥ n. (-vala-,-gaḥ) {Pat} horizontal bolt in a door (cf. khagaḥ) khasi 1. n.anim. castrated goat 2. n. (-gaḥ) upright post of a window or door frame; ~ chiye to castrate a goat; ~bāhā n. small upright post khasu n. 1. fog, mist, cloud 2. cloud-like patch on the pupil of the eye; ~ti n. dew, dew drop; ~ dane to be foggy, cloudy; ~ nyāye to thunder; ~ vaye to be foggy, cloudy khaḥ1 n. (khata-) 1. (-khaḥ) chariot 2. (-khaḥ) ceremonial palanquin 3. (-gū) scaffold, temporary stage 4. (-khaḥ) bier for carrying a body; ~ gvaye to erect a scaffold; ~ cinegu n. ritual of placing a deity into a chariot; ~ thāye to prepare a bier; ~ thvaye to pull out poles supporting a scaffold; ~ lvākegu n. (-gū) fight of chariots , exchange of torches between chariots khaḥ2 n., meas. (khala-) 1. quarter, cut of meat (rump with either shoulder or leg) 2. plot of land khaḥ3 1. interj. yes, true, all right 2. adj. true, right khaḥ4 n. (khava-) left side (ant. java, cf. khava) khaḥkathaṃ adv. correctly, well khaḥkvathakuṃ n. (-kuna-) South-west direction (cf. jaḥkvathakuṃ) khaḥgu -> khaye1 khaḥcā n. (-gū,-khaḥ) small cart, small chariot, toy cart khaḥjalā (var. khajalā) n. (-gū) 1. elevated passage for going round a temple 2. decorated bar surrounding a chariot khaḥthāy+mā (var. khāthāymā) n. (-gaḥ) 1. wooden pillar supporting the tie beam of a roof 2. sill with sockets khaḥpā n. 1. (-pā) left hand 2. -> khāpāy khaḥpyākhaṃ n. (-khana-,-gū) ballet, stage dance khaḥpvāḥ n. (-pvāla-,-pvāḥ) hole in a wall to support a scaffold khaḥmū n. (-muli-,-pā) carrying pole with a basket suspended from either end; ~jvaḥ n. (-jvala-,-jvaḥ) set of carrying baskets on a pole khaḥlākā n.anim. second best drummer of a dāphā musical class (cf. jaḥlākā) khaḥlāgāyṃ n.anim. second best singer of a dāphā musical class (cf. jaḥlāgāyṃ) khaḥ sile v.i. {Pg} 1. to solidify, coagulate, thicken 2. to shrink back in fear khā1 n.anim. rooster, cock, chicken, fowl; ~ thvake (for a hen) to hatch; ~ hāle to crow khā2 -> khāḥ1 khā3 1. clf. for nouns denoting houses, buildings 2. n. (-gū) plot of land (for a house); ~ lāye (for a house) to take shape, to take the shape of a house khā4 n. 1. trembling, shivering 2. act of hanging khāika 1. adj. bitter 2. n. bitterness, bile; ~ lhvaye to vomit bile; ~ vaye (for bile) to come to the mouth khāibaḥsi n. (-gaḥ) fruit of the China-berry tree, Melia azedarach; ~mā n. (-mā) China-berry tree khāṂs (var. khāsā, khāṃ, khāḥ) n. rounded indentation, moulding; ~ kāye to groove a door frame for a panel; ~ daye to be moulded, to have an indentation khāṂsā (var. khāsā) n. 1. {Bhp} wood for chariot wheels 2. (-bālā) veneer of a chariot; ~ bane to veneer; ~ hvane to attach a ~ to a chariot khāṂs|-kuṃ n. (-kuna-,-gū) round moulding (in plaster); ~jhari n. (-gaḥ) plane khāṃ -> khāṂs khākaḥ -> khākhaḥ khāk-khāk yāye v.t. to cough khākhaye v.i. (-khala) to stammer, to stutter khākhaḥ (var. khākaḥ) n.anim. (-khala-) stammerer khākhā tule v.i. to stammer khākhi n. fowl's dung khākhidaṃ vaye v.i. to contract a certain kind of disease (starting with a limp and a swelling of the groin) khākhinagu n. constellation of the Great Bear (cf. kvayṃnagu, kheṂnagu) khākhipaḥ (var. khāykhipaḥ) n. (-pata-) 1. (-pu) plumb-line 2. (-gaḥ) plumb-bob khākhipucaḥ n. (-cala-) constellation of the Great Bear (cf. kvayṃnagu, kheṂnagu) khākhuṂ-khāpāṃ chuye v.t. to cover up a guilt or crime khāg1 n. (-pu,-kū) horn of the rhinoceros khāg2 n. dust, ashes khāg3 adj. {sl.} 1. fraudulent, cunning 2. experienced, skilful khāgaṃ n. (-gana-,-gaḥ) 1. plumb-bob 2. hanging earthen lamp for a jātrā khāgaḥ n. (-gala-,-gū,-gaḥ) chicken sty khāgrā-khugru; ~ juye to be at one's wits' ends; ~ yāye 1. to manage 2. to collect money khācā n.anim. chick, young chicken (cf. mikhuṃcā); ~ thvaye (of a chick) to hatch khājā n. (-pā) 1. light meal, tiffin, snack 2. kind of bread offered to a deity and to the deceased khātaka (var. khātā1) -> khātāgā khātā2 n. (-gū) 1. bedstead, bed 2. account book, ledger khātā-khutu yāye v.t. to manage somehow, to get along with little money khātāgā (var. khātaka, khātā) n. (-pu) scarf presented in honour of an achievement (adopted from Tibetan customs); khātāgāṃ kva khāy+ke to honour with a scarf khāthay+mā -> khaḥthāymā khādalū (var. khāy~) n. (-lukha-,-pvāḥ) lamp hung from the eaves, chandeliers hung from the ceiling khādi n. (-sāḥ) rough cloth khādyaḥcā n.anim. glass doll khānā n. (-sāḥ) meal khāni n. (-gū) mine, source of minerals; ~ mhuye to mine, to dig for minerals khāpā n. (-pā) shutter, door leaf; ~ ghārāghārā yāye to knock at the door khāpāṃ (var. khāpāḥnaṃ); ~cvane to be greasy, to feel greasy (in the mouth); ~ chuye (var. khārpāḥ ~) to feel guilty; ~ vane (for milk) to become sour, to coagulate khāpādhī n. (-dhika-,-dhī) door-leaf khāpāy (var. khapāy, khaḥpā) n. (-pāca-,-gaḥ) clod of earth or clay; ~ dāye to break lumps of clay khāpi n. (-sāḥ,-kū) kind of thin white cloth, lining cloth khāpū n.anim. (-puli-) herdsman of chicken khām n. (-pā,-gū) envelope khāmahāvaṃ adv. early in the morning (lit. before cock crowing) khāmā n. (-gaḥ) kind of wood beam or pillar khāy n. yoghurt mixed with salt, cumminseed powder and oil served to the participants in a thāpujā; ~kuriṃ n. (-rina-,-gaḥ) small jar (of clay or metal) containing a pañcāmṛta offering of curds, oil, ginger and seeds khāyu adj. bitter, bilious; ~jvar n. bilious fever; ~pvaḥ n. (-pvala-,-pvaḥ) gall bladder; ~ye (-yula) to be bitter; ~saṃnhu n. first day of the month of caitra khāye1 (khāta) 1. v.t. to pick, to pluck, to collect: vaṃ dhebā sachi khāta. He has collected a hundred rupees. 2. v.i. to assemble: guthi nyāmha thakālipiṃ khāta. The five guthi elders assembled 3. v.i. to tremble, to shiver, to throb; to be possessed khāye2 v.t. (khāla) to hang up, to suspend: vaṃ jhālay dalū khāla. He suspended the lamp at the window. khāy+ka adv. sound of clearing the throat khāy+kuriṃ n. (-gaḥ) bronze vessel for a `khāy' mixture khāy+khipaḥ -> khākhipaḥ khāy+gaṃ n. (-gana-,-gaḥ) plumb-bob khā+ythala n. (-gaḥ) pot used for ritual purposes in tantric rites khāy+dalū -> khādalū khā+ybha n. (-gaḥ) double-headed container for powder khāy+mā -> khaimā khāy+mugaḥ n. (-gala-,-gaḥ) small red seed used as a weight khāy+vasaḥ n. (-sata-,-gū) robe of a monk khāy+sali n. (-gaḥ) cup for curds khāru -> khālu khārpā n. (-kū) a piece of cloth under the sleeve of a Nepālī shirt; ~ kāye to cut a ~; ~ ghāye to sew a ~ to a shirt khārpāḥ vane -> khāpāṃ vane khālaṃ naye v.i. to corrode (of brick, stone) khāl-appā n. (-pā) cornice brick with a rounded moulding khālāsālā n. average; khālāsālāṃ on the average khāli 1. adv. only, merely 2. adj. empty, vacant, blank khālu (var. khāru) n. (-mā) kind of bitter medicinal herb, Swertia angustifolia; ~savāḥ n. bitterness khālsi n. (-pā) sand-paper; ~ nake to smoothen with sand paper khāvā1 n. (-gū) pond, puddle, water hole khāvā2 n. kind of sweet dish made of milk, sugar and flour (thicker than `khuvā') khās adj. proper, specific khāsaṃ -> khāsāṃ khāsā1 n. 1. well boiled, nearly solid or creamy milk 2. (-gaḥ) egg for hatching; ~ biye to lay eggs, to hatch eggs khāsā2 n.anim. 1. snail 2. {fig.} lazy person khāsā3 -> khāṂsā khāsāṃ (var. khāsaṃ) adv. 1. clearly 2. fearlessly, boldly 3. certainly 4. nicely, perfectly khāsā-khusu adv. (to talk) softly, in a whispering way; ~ yāye to whisper khāsādha+u n. (-dhali-) yoghurt of high quality khāsi n. (-gaḥ) large, wide mouthed cooking pot of copper (owned by a guthi) khāsti n. Bodhnāth khāhālevaṃ adv. early in the morning, at the first cock-crow khāḥ1 n. (khāla-) 1. glass, glassware 2. piece of broken glass, piece of broken bangle 3. whitish acid forming on bricks, saltpetre khāḥ2 n. (-gū) 1. pond, lake 2. moat, ditch (cf. daha) khāḥ3 n., meas. (khāla-) (large) quantity of food cooked at one time, e.g.: jā cha-khāḥ a large amount of cooked rice khāḥ4 -> khāṂs khāḥ|-gucā n. (-gaḥ) glass marble; ~ci n. whitish acid forming on bricks, saltpetre; ~ci khāye to oxidize khāḥcisvāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) kind of flower, camphor khāḥ|-cuṃ n. (-cuna-) glass powder (applied to a kite string); ~curi n. (-gaḥ) bangle, glass bangle khāḥpukhū n. (-khuli-,-gū) pond which has developed out of a ditch khāḥ|ma+iṃcā n.anim. glass doll; ~yākatāṃmari n.anim. id. khāḥlaḥ n. (-lakha-) water that has been filtered through ashes (used for washing clothes); ~ juye (of soup, liquid food) to become very watery; ~ yāye 1. to filter water through ashes 2. to dilute (of liquid food) khāḥsi n. (-gū) bank of a pond khi n. 1. faeces, excrement 2. dirt, unclean matter 3. remnants, waste products (e.g. in metal casting); ~ juye to be ruined; ~ taye to break wind, to fart; ~ phāye to defecate; ~ mhuye 1. to suffer from diarrhoea 2. {fig.} to panic khiu- -> khyu- khiṂmilā -> khimilā khiṃ n. (-khina-) 1. (-gaḥ) drum 2. dāphā group (cf. kvaṃcā~, dāphā~, magaḥ~); ~gā n. 1. rules for drum playing 2. set of drums; ~ thāye to play a drum khiṃpu n. {neol.} manner of criticizing khiṃpujā n. (-gū) ritual accompanied by drum playing, performance to the god of dance, drama and music khiṃsā n. 1. (-pu) stick for stirring a fire, poker khi|-kuṃpvāḥ n. (-pvāla-) anus; ~khāṃmugaḥ n. (-gala-,-gaḥ,-pu) 1. toilet lane, public latrine, area outside the city limits (used for voiding excrements), city dumping ground 2. slum; ~guli n. excrement of goats; ~guliba+ide n.anim. {pej.} quack doctor (cf. tāksiṃbaide); ~gulibaniyā n.anim. id.; ~gvārā n. excrement; ~gvārākī n.anim. (-kila-) 1. kind of beetle (with a horn resembling that of a rhinoceros) (cf. gayṃdākī) 2. kind of creeping insect (cf. kaytākī) 3. {fig.} very large person khicā n.anim. dog; ~ka+i n. (-kaica-,-gaḥ) pock disease, measles (cf. bhusā kai); ~khaḥ n. (-khata-,-khaḥ) base frame for a staircase, deck; ~khyāḥ n. (-khyāla-,-gū) playful joke; ~khyāḥ lyāye to joke; ~ khvaḥ n. (-khvala-,-gaḥ) furuncle(dog's furuncle); ~gathi n. (-gathi) kind of knot; ~gathi cine 1. (for dogs) to copulate 2. {fig.} to have illicit sexual relations; ~gathisāḥ n. (-sāla-,-gū) hammer-headed joint, dovetail joint; ~gaḥ n. (-gala-,-gaḥ) kennel; ~cā n.anim. puppy; ~tuti n.anim. bandy-legged person; ~pa+u n. (-pati-,-gū) 1. partition wall, screen 2. upper plank of a base landing 3. safe hiding place; ~pujā n. festival of worshipping the dogs (second day of the `svaṃti' festival); ~bay+li n. (-gū) painful joke; ~bay+li lvāye to joke in a painful manner, doggishly; ~bhujiṃ n.anim. (-jina-) parasitical fly (on dogs); ~bhyātaḥ n. (-tala-,-mā) kind of medicinal plant for a hot preparation called `īdāyā'); ~bhvātaḥ (var. ~bhvathaḥ) n. (-tala-,-mā) id.; ~vā n. (-pu) canine tooth; ~sāḥ n. (-sāla-,-gū) dove-tail joint khici-khici adj. harassing: rām khici-khicimha manū khaḥ. Rām is a harassing person.; ~ juye to be disturbed; ~ yāye 1. to annoy, to harass 2. to haggle, to dispute 3. to delay; ~ hāle to haggle, to dispute about terms khiculu adj. timid, cowardly, fearful khijay yāye v.t. to vex, to irritate khitaḥsiṂ n. (-mā) pine tree khiti n. dirt, filth; ~ tvike, thāye to rub one's body for cleaning khitika adv. (to move) slightly (with neg. v.): khitikha he sane mate. Don't move at all. khiti-khiti (var. khirikhiri); ~ nhile to chuckle, to laugh; ~ yāye to scratch khituṃgāḥ n. (-gāla-,-gāḥ) ditch filled with faeces khityāḥtvapuli n. (-gaḥ) traditional felt cap worn by merchants khinā n. scattering khine v.t. 1. to scatter 2. to scratch away 3. to force s.th. open with a lever 4. to separate fighters 5. to criticize khipalāḥ n. buttocks and anus; ~ huye to clean one's buttocks and anus khipaḥ n. (-pata-,-pu) rope, cord, cable, line khi|-pākva n. place outside the town limits for excrements (cf. khikhāṃmugaḥ); ~pvāḥ n. (-pvātha-) lower belly; ~buddhi n. 1. wrong advice 2. evil thought; ~bhujiṃ n.anim. (-jina-) 1. large fly with blue wings 2. spy khimilā (var. khyuṂmilā, khiṂmilā) n. new moon, dark half of the month khimu -> khyuṂ khimuye -> khyuṂye khimhulu n.anim. 1. person suffering from diarrhoea 2. {fig.} coward, timid person khiyaṃpvāḥ n. (-pvāla-) 1. anus 2. dross khir (var. khīr, chīr) n. dish made from rice, milk and sugar khiri-khiri -> khitikhiti khisi n. (-gū) mockery; ~khaṂ n. (-gū) mocking talk, ironical talk khīr -> khir khu1 num. six khu2 n. (-gū) {old-fash.} river khu-aṃgaḥ n. (-gala-,-gaḥ) thin partition wall khui- -> khvi- khuṂ n.anim. thief; ~kā n. (-kā) 1. back door of a compound 2. short cut; ~khaṂ n. (-gū) lie, false report, falsehood; ~gaḥ n. (-gala-,-gū) jail, prison; ~jyā n. (-gū) thieving, theft; ~dyāṃ n. (-dyāna-,-dyāṃ) terrace wall with an underground channel; ~palākhaṂ adv. stealthily; ~pvālay lāye to catch a thief in flagranti; ~mata n. (-pvāḥ) torchlight; ~mvaḥ n. (-mvala-,-mvaḥ) back door; ~laṂ n. (-pu) narrow lane, shortcut khuṃkhār adj. {sl.} 1. ferocious, cruel 2. terrible khuṃsā n. {neol.} cooking khukuri n. (-pu) curved knife khukhucā n.anim. quail-like bird (cf. lakhuṃ) khuti adj. lame, crippled, limping khutu n. (-gū) 1. scriber, pointed tool used to make guide lines for cutting with a chisel (cf. khakaḥ) 2. plane for smoothing wood khutu-khutu -> khutrukhutru khutta adv. 1. (to run away) stealthily and swiftly: va jitaḥ saḥ he mabise khutta vana. He left me without giving any notice 2. (to be dropped) accidentally, by mistake khutyāṃ (var. khuti) adj. lame, crippled, limping; ~ kāye to limp, to be crippled khutruka adv. (to drop) with a sharp sound; ~ juye to feel embarrassed khutru-khutru (var. khutukhutu, khuruka) adv. 1. easily, smoothly 2. without thinking 3. one by one: macāṃ kanturcāy dhebā khutru-khutru duchvata. The child dropped coins into a box one by one. khud adv. actually, personally khuni n.anim. female thief (cf. khuṂ); ~cā n.anim. petty thief khunu -> -khunhu khune v.t. to cook (curry or soup) -khunhu (var. khunu) postp. day (used with temporal nouns, dem. pron.), e.g.: astami~ on aṣṭamī-day, kanhay~ tomorrow, u~ on that day khupaḥ n. (-pala-) dirt on walls khupi (var. khvapi) n. 1. (-gū) private apartment, inner apartment 2. -> khurpi khupluka -> khurluka khubi n. (-gū) skill, ability; ~dumha adj. skilled khuye1 v.t. (khuta) 1. to tear, to rend 2. to divide by partition walls khuye2 v.t. (khula) 1. to steal 2. to fasten, to bolt; khuyā khuyā adv. secretly, clandestinely khurāk n. 1. diet, food, tonic 2. allowance khuri -> khurpi khuruka (var. khurukhuru) adv. 1. without any disturbance, swiftly 2. as usual 3. continuously khurpi (var. khupi, khuri, khurpā, khvarpā, khvaḥpā) n. (-gū) scraper, tool for scraping (grass, roots) khurmā n. kind of rice dish khurra adv. with short fast steps khurluka (var. kupluka, khurluppa) adv. (to swallow up) completely, easily khul n. (-gaḥ) adze khula-khula (var. khulla) adj. worried, suspicious; ~nugaḥ mine to be worried; ~ vane id. khulathuye v.i. to be skilled, to know how to do things khulā1 n. 1. rite of purification six months after a death 2. period of six months (after a death) khulā2 (var. khullā) adj. open, uncovered; ~maṃca n. (-gū) open theatre khuliṃ n.anim. (-lina-) limping woman khulla -> khulakhula khullā -> khulā2 khuvā n. 1. kind of sweet dish made of cream, butter, sugar and flour (less thick than khāvā) 2. one's own personal property; ~ yāye to enjoy a privilege khu|-sānda num. sixty; ~sānha num. id. khusāmat n. flattery, false praise; ~ yāye 1. {der.} to flatter, to butter up 2. to implore, to request humbly: ji khusāmat yāye mhāḥ. I don't want to beg. khusi1 n. (-gū) 1. river 2. wave pattern on wood carving; ~ vane to join a funeral procession, to go to the river for purification in a case of death; ~ kune, pane to dam up a river khusi2 adj. happy, pleased (cf. laytā); ~ yāye 1. to please 2. to implore khusi3 n. {ch.lg.} cutting with a sawing motion; ~(-khusi) yāye to slit (the throat), to kill khusiṃ1 adv. with pleasure khusiṃ2 n.anim. (-sina-) deaf woman (cf. khvāyṃ); ~tālā n.anim. id.; ~pahaḥ n. (-hala-) pretence of deafness khusi|-kava n. area covered by a flood; ~cā n. (-gū) rivulet, brook; ~dyāṃ n. (-dyāna-,-dyāṃ) 1. river-bed 2. bank; ~dhī n. (-dhika-,-dhī) id. khusipa+u n. (-pati-,-gū) enclosure of a room, wooden screen to obstruct the view from outside khusilaḥ n. (-lakha-) sacred or holy water khusisāth adv. with pleasure: ji chaṃthāy khusisāth vay. I shall come to you with pleasure. khusisi n. (-gū) river bank khusī postp. occasion (used with temporal nouns, dem. pron., num.), e.g.: ugu ~ on that occasion, nikva ~ on the second occasion, the second time: va nikva khusī jāṂcay pās jula. He passed the examination at the second attempt. khusu 1. n.anim. deaf man, man hard of hearing 2. adj. slothful, lazy, sluggish khusuka adv. 1. secretly 2. without hesitation khusu-khusu adv. 1. continuously 2. unconsciously, automatically 3. whispering; ~ khaṂ lhāye to whisper; ~ yāye 1. id. 2. to instigate, to provoke khusuye v.i. (-sula) to be lazy, sluggish khuskay n. (-gū) slip, mistake; ~ juye 1. to be mistaken, {fig.} to slip 2. {sl.} to die; ~ yāye to make a mistake khus-khus yāye v.t. to whisper khū1 (var. khuti, khuli) adj., n.anim. (khula-) lame, limping (person), cripple (proverb: kāṃ khū dhusita pāsyāye mate. Don't trust blind, limping and hunch-backed persons.); ~ kāye to limp; ~ yāye to mutilate khū2 n. (khula-) 1. kind of eye disease, cataract (cf. khasu) 2. (-gū) scar 3. (-kū) piece of broken bronze vessel; ~ thāye 1. to suffer from cataract 2. to have a scar khū3 adj. 1. torn 2. stolen khū juye v.i. to remain, to be left as sediment khū bvale v.i. (for enamel utensils) to be chipped khe1 interj. yes, yes indeed; no, never; I think; you see khe2; ~ cā+yke to perform worship at the shrine of a deity; ~ thene to sing (a child) into sleep; ~ mhane to have a dream vision; ~(-khe) lane to irritate, to annoy; ~(-khe) luye 1. to be illuminated 2. be enlightened 3. to annoy, to scold; ~ hāle to sing (a child) into sleep kheṂ n. (kheṂca-,-gaḥ) egg; ~kāsā n. game played with tagged eggs (one group outside a circle trying to hunt eggs from another group inside a circle); ~ kurke to drop an egg: oracle to show whether a person will die after a fall; ~khvalā n. (-gaḥ) egg-shell; ~ thvaye 1. to be fertile 2. to lay eggs, to hatch eggs; ~ laḥlhāyegu n. ritual of benediction during the festival of Tihār (where, among other things, an egg is handed to each participant) kheṂnagu n. constellation of the Great Bear (cf. kvayṃnagu, khākhinagu) kheṂ|-bāṃ luye v.i. to be egg-shaped, oval; ~buṂsvāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) Cymbidium; ~vaḥ n. (-vala-,-pā) poached or fried egg, omelette (cf. kastū beṃ); ~sagaṃ n. (-gana-,-gū) auspicious gift as a reward for an achievement (containing a duck's egg); ~svāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) egg flower khekhe; ~ dhāye to speak irritably; ~ lulu hāle id. khecāye v.t. (-cāla) to wash the face khep n. (-gū) business trip, trade trip; ~ chvaye 1. to send s.o. abroad for business 2. to export; ~ yāye 1. to export 2. to import; ~ haye to import khepināyaḥ n. hon. (-yeka-) title of a guthi leader khepuvā n.anim. 1. trader who travels for business 2. boat man khephvane v.t. to implore, to entreat: vaṃ gurupiṃke tvapeta khephvana. They entreated the priests to help. khemune v.i. to gather, congregate: thakālipiṃ khemuna. The elders assembled. khelā -> chelā khelu n. continuity; ~itāḥ n. (-tāla-,-pu) long ceremonial wick khele -> chele khella mine v.i. 1. (of eyes) to be dazzled 2. to faint 3. to feel bewildered: ji khella mina. I felt bewildered. khes n. (-sāḥ) hand-made cotton cloth khya- -> khe- khyaḥ n. (khela-,-gū) open field, play ground, pasture, meadow; khelay suddha n. (-gū) rite of consecration of a place; ~bhvay n. (-bhvaja-,-gū) outdoor feast, picnic; ~mi n. conflagration of the ground khyā n. threatening, fright khyākaṂ (var. khyācākaṂ) n. inferior kind of fertilizer khyācvaḥ n. (-cvala-,-gū) threatening, fright khyāpā n.anim. 1. person with a dark complexion 2. {Kirt} scare-crow; ~pyākhaṃ n. (-khana-,-gū) kind of play or dance khyāpu n. (-gū) {neol.} threatening; ~ thaye to pick a quarrel khyāppa adv. choking; ~ cvane, juye, mine 1. to choke 2. to be about to cough khyām+khyām -> khyāskhyās khyāmpvāḥ n. (-pvāla-) anus (cf. khikuṃpvāḥ) khyāye v.t. (khyāta) 1. to terrify, to frighten 2. to drive away: jiṃ khicāyāta kvathāṃ khyānā. I drove the dog from the room. khyārāk-khuruk onom. rustling khyālaṃ adv. jokingly khyālaṃbājaṃ n. (-jana-) special set of drums khyālaḥ (-laka-) 1. n. (-gū) joke, jest 2. n. (-gū) farcical performance, burlesque 3. n.anim. funny fellow, buffoon; ~ vane to encircle the town in a procession of mimicry (done during Gāijātrā) khyāli n. (-gū) joke, jest; ~kuṃ n. (-kuna-,-gū) {neol.} funny sketch on the stage, joke in the intermissions of a theatrical performance; ~ cvane to court a girl; ~nhili n. 1. joke, merriment 2. love contact; ~me n. (-pu) merry song; ~ vane 1. (for boys and girls) to sing in turns (during rice transplantation and rice harvest) 2. (for a boy) to have a rendezvous with a girl khyāskhyās (var. khyāmkhyām) adv. smoothly, easily khyāḥ1 n.anim. (khyāka-) 1. kind of spirit, hobgoblin which may have both malevolent and beneficial qualities (appearing at night in human shape) 2. nightmare; khyākaṃ tele to be obsessed by a goblin, to have a nightmare khyāḥ2 n. (khyāla-,-gū) joke, jest, s.th. not meant seriously; khyālaṃ yāye 1. to joke, to pretend 2. to flirt khyāḥkaṂ n. kind of fertilizer (of inferior quality) khyāḥpyākhaṃ n. (-khana-,-gū) goblin dance khyuṂ (var. khimu) adj. dark, gloomy; ~kvathā n. (-gū) dark room, green room; ~kvaṃcā n. (-gaḥ) stomach; ~khyuṂ dhāye to be a bit dark; ~khvāḥ jyāye to have a gloomy face; ~jaḥ n. (-jala-) darkness; ~milā -> khimilā; ~ye (khyuṂla) to be dark khvaṃ1 n. (khvaṂta-,-khvaṃ) 1. blister 2. stain (cf. phvaṃ); ~ thāye to be stained khvaṃ2 adj. 1. worthless, useless 2. cunning 3. notorious; ~ juye 1. to be immune 2. to be disproved 3. to be refused; ~ yāye 1. to immunize 2. to disprove 3. to refuse khvaṃkhvaṃcā -> khvakaṃ khvaṃmvahaḥ n. (-hala-,-haḥ) counterfeit coin khvakaṃ (var. khvaṃkhvaṃcā, khvākaṃ) n. (-kana-,-pu) spear grass khvakanā n. a village south of Patan khvakhanā n. weeping, lamenting; ~ picāye to burst into tears; ~me n. (-pu) sad song; ~saḥ n. (-sala-) crying, lamenting sound khvakhane v.t. to sound like weeping, to speak tearfully khvakhva dhāye v.t. to be about to weep khvaci -> khvati khvajā n.anim. 1. effeminate or impotent person 2. timid person, coward; khvajāye v.i. (-jāla) to be gelded khvajāḥ adj. gelded khvatā n. (-pu) embankment (of a river); ~kī n. (-kila-,-pu) embankment pole khvatābaji n. (-gū) blow on the head; ~ (-mali) nake to strike a blow on the head with the fist khvatāḥ n. (-tāla-,-gū,-tāḥ) stubble, stump khvati (var. khvaci) n. (-pu,-gū) bow-compasses khvanā n. (-pu) scimitar (used to kill buffalos) khvanācikaṃ n. (-kana-) oil from the village Khvanā (famous for its mustard oil) khvapa n. Bhaktapur; ~dey n. (-desa-) id.; ~dha+u n. (-dhali-) yoghurt of high quality, traditionally from Bhaktapur (cf. juju dhau) khvapay n.anim. (-pasa-) inhabitant of Bhaktapur khvapay yāye v.t. to vaccinate khvapaḥ n. (-pala-) thick kitchen smoke; ~ thāye to be smoky khvapi1 -> khupi khvapi2 n. (-tā) game, gambling khvabasiṃ (var. khvaḥsiṃ) n. (-sina-) splits of skin, of cuticle; ~cvatule (for splits of skin) to peel off khvabi n. (-phuti) tear; ~ kvajvaye to burst into tears; ~ dusuke to suppress one's tears; ~ bāḥ kane to weep profusely; ~ lallaḥ dyāye (for tears) to well up; ~ lallaḥ(-mallaḥ) dhāye id.; ~lu n.anim. tearful person; ~ luye to start weeping, (for tears) to well up khvayaḥ (var. khvastā) n. (-yela-,-gū) 1. corn husk 2. {fig.} rubbish, useless stuff khvaye v.i. (khvala) 1. to weep, to lament; khvayākhvāḥ jyāye to pretend to be sad; khvay khvay makhvay dhāye 1. to be about to weep 2. to freeze, to thicken; khvay khvay dhāye 1. to be about to weep 2. to thicken slightly, to shrink: cheṂ thānāgū kāpaḥ hyū lise khvay khvay dhāi. Home spun cloth will shrink when washed. khvay+ke v.t. to cause to weep khvarpā -> khurpi khvarpāsi (var. khvarpāni) n. (-gaḥ) jujube fruit khvalā n. (-gaḥ) bark, shell, rind, husk, outer layer khvalācā (var. khvalecā, khvalcā) n. (-gaḥ) small shallow brass liquor cup; ~ghāyṃ n. (-ghāṂsa-,-mā) kind of medicinal herb of somewhat sour taste (used as a sedative); ~ puye to drink to excess khvalu -> khvasū khvale n. kind of vegetable soup; ~cā -> khvalācā khvalcā -> khvalācā khvalvay n. (-lvaca-) kind of disease khvasuye v.i. (-sula) to burst into tears khvasū (var. khvalu) n. (-suli-) weeping, lamenting; ~ picāye to burst into tears (when reciting the `cacā' mantra during the `khaḥpyākhaṃ' dance) khvastā -> khvayaḥ khvahaṂnyā n.anim. kind of fish khvaḥ1 (var. khvaḥr) n. (khvala-,-khvaḥ) 1. hoof of a horse 2. leg of a table, chair or bed 3. animal trap 4. base khvaḥ2 clf. classifier for bars of soap (cf. gaḥ): bhvaṃ cha-khvaḥ one bar of soap khvaḥkhvaḥ yāye v.t. to scrape off, to peel khvaḥcā n. (-pu) razor; ~bāṃ n. (-bāna-,-bāṃ) shaving mark; ~bāṃ taye to make a shaving mark (on the temple); ~simi n. (-gaḥ) pod of a french bean with a ring (used in the Tihār festival) khvaḥtaḥdhaṃka+i n. (-kaica-,-gaḥ) carbuncle khvaḥti n. (-gaḥ) 1. teapot, kettle 2. container (for liquids) khvaḥpā -> khurpi khvaḥr -> khvaḥ1 khvaḥsaḥ n. (-sala-) sound of weeping khvaḥsiṂ n. 1. (-gaḥ) walnut 2. (-mā) walnut tree 3. walnut pattern on wood carving 4. -> khvabasiṃ khvāuṃ (var. khvāmu) adj. cold; ~ tele to feel chilly, to shiver; ~ye (-uṂla) to be cold; ~ syāye to heat up (water) khvākaṃ -> khvakaṃ khvākhalā adj. empty, hollow, without a kernel; ~ juye 1. to be empty 2. {fig.} to be penniless khvākhaḥ n. (-khala-,-haḥ) radish leaf; ~sukhū (-khuli-) 1. n. (-pu) dried radish leaf 2. n.anim. {fig.} petitioner, poor person khvākhvā; ~ chyāchyā yāye to rebuke repeatedly, to chide; ~ (-makhā) tyāye id.; ~tyātyā yāye id. khvātu adj. 1. thick (of any sheet-like object) 2. dense (of fog, forest, population): tāmay thānā taḥgu kāpaḥ khvātu. The cloth kept on the loom is thick. va guṂ khvātu lā? Is that jungle dense? va gāṃ gulita khvātu? How densely is that village populated?; ~khvātu adj. slightly thick, dense; ~ dhāye to be thick, dense; ~pahaḥ n. (-hala-) thickness, tendency to be thick; ~ lāye to be thick, dense khvātu khvāye v.t. to beat repeatedly on the head khvātuye v.i. (-tula) to be thick, dense khvātyā adj. last (cf. liyāṃlyu) khvāpā -> khvāḥpāḥ khvāmu -> khvāuṃ khvāye v.t. (khvāta) 1. to stir, to fan (fire) 2. to hit, to push (with fist or elbow, in order to gain attention) khvāyṃ1 n.anim. deaf man (cf. khusiṃ); ~ chuye to make an excuse khvāyṃ2 n. (khvāṂca-,-gū) 1. foot print 2. net, fish trap 3. -> kāyṃ; ~ kāye to spy out an opponent's plans and moves; ~ lāye to cast a net khvāyṃjhaṃgaḥ n.anim. (-gala-) quail (cf. battāiṃ) khvāyṃpalaḥ n. (-lata-,-pu,-mā) kind of very short spinach khvāyṃmalā n. (-pā) {Pg} one of a pair of small cymbals (cf. khvālimāli) khvāyṃmvacā n.anim. game bird, quail (cf. battāiṃ) khvārā; ~khirika adv. 1. one by one 2. easily, smoothly; ~khvārā adv. id. khvāla n. (-gaḥ) kind of small bowl of bronze or bell metal khvāla svaye v.t. to take care khvālā-khvālā onom. (of water) murmuring khvāli-māli n. (-pā) cymbals (cf. khvāyṃmalā); ~ thāye to play cymbals khvāsā n. 1. (-pu) pubic hair 2. {vulg.} term of abuse khvāsāka adv. 1. (to inform) readily, without hesitation 2. slipping: palāḥ phibvay khvāsāka vana. I slipped on the sandy ground. khvāḥ n. (khvāla-) 1. (-pā) face 2. (-pā) front side 3. (-gaḥ) right head of a two-headed drum; ~ ule to unmask; ~ kene 1. to appear 2. to play a prelude on a drum; ~ kvatune to be in a sad mood; ~ khyuṂye to look sad, gloomy; ~ cakane to be cheerful; ~ cyāye to fly into a rage; ~ jyāye to grimace; ~tika adv. (to slap) fully on the face; ~ tvaye to prepare the faces of doors and windows for fitting into their frames; ~ pāuṃye to be in a bad temper; ~pāyaḥ n.anim. (-yela-) partial person; ~pāḥ (var. khvāpā) n. (-pāta-,-pā) 1. mask 2. {fig.} pretence, false attitude; ~pāḥ ule to unmask, to reveal the truth; ~ piluye 1. to be frank 2. to disgrace o.s. in public; ~pūsā n. (-pā) mask; ~basā n. (-gū) handkerchief, towel; ~bhari n.anim. s.o. who serves at a feast unduly preferring some of the guests; ~ lasi vaye (of persons) to resemble closely, to look almost the same; ~ lāl kāye to swim head under water; ~ lī vaye to resemble closely; ~ luye to resemble; ~ sīke to whitewash; ~ sucuke to be ashamed; ~ sene to have an unpleasant expression; ~ svaye to favour unfairly; ~ svaḥ vane formal visit of the bride's parents to her new home on the fourth day after the marriage; ~ vaye to resemble; ~husā n. (-gū) handkerchief, towel; ~ hyāuṃye to be ashamed, to feel embarrassed khviṂ n. (-pu) wooden rake (for spreading clay or paddy for drying) khviṂkhviṂ onom. easily, smoothly, continuously khvī num. sixty G ga+ine -> gāgiṃ ga+ir n. -> gahir ga+u1 (var. au) n. (gali-,-gau) 1. joint of the body 2. ankle; ~ thaye to snap one's fingers; ~ dāye, nyāy+ke to strike the ankle of the loser in a game of marbles ga+u2 n. 1. embellishment of the drum beat which signals the transition from one rhythmic pattern to another 2. hereditary custom 3. rebirth with the characteristics of a prior existence; ~ kāye 1. to signal a rhythmic transition: bājaṃyā tāla hileta gau kāye māḥ. Change of rhythm must be shown by beating a gau. 2. to be reborn equal or similar to a prior existence; ~ vaye id. 2. ga+u|-lvay n. (-lvaca-) rheumatism, gout; ~syāḥ-lvay n. (-lvaca-) id. gaṃ1 n. (gana-) 1. (-gaḥ) bell, gong 2. (-gū) small cabinet attached to the wall by the inner window frame; ~ thāye 1. to ring a bell 2. to advertise (hom. gaṃ4) gaṃ2 n. (gana-) series, set of deities; ~ khāye (of a set of deities) to be complete: gaṃ makhākaṃ pujyāye makhu. If the set of deities is not complete, the ritual can not be performed. gaṃ3 adj. 1. dry 2. tasteless gaṃ4 meas. measure for layers of bricks; ~ thāye, sāle to lay bricks (hom. gaṃ1) gaṃki n. (-gū) eclipse; ~ phvane to go begging during an eclipse (done by the sweepers); ~ye (-kita) (for the sun or moon) to be eclipsed gaṃgali n. husks of soybeans after threshing gaṃ|-gvaḥ n. (-gvala-,-gvaḥ) body of a bell; ~cāḥ n. (-cāla-,-cāḥ) periphery of a bell; ~cu n. (-pu) bell handle gaṃchi n. group of minor deities accompanying a major one, gaṇa gaṃjiphā n. (-pā) round hand-painted playing card gaṃtā n. 1. concern, care, connection, interest 2. veneration; ~ daye 1. to be concerned with 2. to venerate; ~ yāye to take care of gaṃthāṃ n. (-thāma-,-gaḥ) bell-stand gaṃdhār n. third tone in a scale gaṃ|-bhāḥ n. (-bhāla-,-pu) gong to summon Buddhist monks to a pradakṣinā; ~bhāḥsiṂ n. (-pu) id.; ~yaṃ n. (-yana-) reverberation of a bell; ~lā n. (-pu) tongue or clapper of a bell gaṃlāybaṃ n. ritual offering to a cow gaṃlvay n. (-lvaca-) tuberculosis gaṃsale n. 1. (-gū) stair made of bricks 2. course of bricks; ~ thāye to build a brick stair gaṃsā n. {neol.} restriction, hindrance, obstruction gaṃsi adj. lean and thin gaṃsyaḥ n. (-sela-,-pu) 1. tongue or clapper of a bell 2. husk of paddy before threshing gaṃsvāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) kind of red flower, shaped like a bell (cf. debīsvāṃ) gache n. ability; ~duthe adv. according to one's ability, to the limit or one's ability or means (cf. phuthe, duthe phuthe): vayā gache duthe bhvay nyāykala. He gave a party according to his means. gaj n. (-bālā) 1. yard 2. bandage gajaṃcā n. kind of green vegetable gajaka adv. boastfully gajap n. wonder, surprise; ~ cāye, tāye to be amused gajabār n. (-gū) horizontal bar across both leaves of a door (cf. bilāgaḥ) gajaḥ (var gajyāḥ, gajvaḥ) adj. of what type: va gajaḥmha manū theṃ? What kind of man is he? āma gajaḥgu thala khaḥ? What kind of utensil is that? gajā n. kind of sweetmeat, kind of pastry gaji n. (-mā) hemp, hemp plant; ~gulu n.anim. hashish addict; ~cilaṃ n. (-lama-,-gaḥ) earthen hemp pipe gajiphā n. (-ju,-pā) card game (a pack of ninety-six of a particular kind of cards) gajū n. (-juli-,-gū) pinnacle (esp. of a temple); ~ chuye 1. to set a pinnacle 2. {fig.} to do little and take credit for the whole work: jyā sidhay dhuṃkāḥ gajū chū vay mvāḥ. The work is done, you should not claim credit for it. gaj|-kathi n. (-pu) measuring rod of one yard; ~kāpaḥ n. (-pata-,-sāḥ) bandage gajyāḥ (var. gajvaḥ) -> gajaḥ gatāṃ n. (-tāna-,-gaḥ) newel, post of a spiral stair; ~mvaḥ n. (-mvala-,-mvaḥ) top of a newel post gati n. 1. state, condition 2. motion, movement; ~pati n. 1. destiny, turn of affairs 2. affluence, prosperity; ~ lāye to be good, to prosper: thugu meygu svayāḥ gati lāḥ. This one is better than the others.; ~lāḥmha adj. reliable gate n. (-nhu) date (cf. nhilyāḥ) gattā n. 1. sap from the stigma of a plant of the crocus family 2. (-gaḥ) small spool shaped piece of wood for tuning a drum 3. (-gaḥ) small object used as target in a game of marbles; ~ phvāye to displace a target; ~ bvaye to start a game of marbles gatti n. (-gū) piece in a (board) game, such as a chessman gathaḥ (var. gathi) n. (-thala-,-gathaḥ) knot, joint; ~ cine 1. to tie a knot 2. {fig.} (of dogs) to copulate; ~ phene to untie a knot gathāṃmugaḥ n. (-gala-) minor festival on the fourteenth day of the month of dillāgā; ~aṃgū n. (-guli-,-gaḥ) iron ring worn on ~ (for warding off evil powers); ~caḥrhay n. (-rhasa-) fourteenth day of dillāgā; ~nakī n. (-kila-) set of three pins nailed onto the threshold on ~ to ward off evil spirits; ~sāḥ n. (-sāla-,-gū) dove-tail joint; ~svāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) kind of grass used to ward off evil spirits on ~ gathi -> gathaḥ gathicā n. kind of clay (sediment of lakes), used for making pots and in the process of casting wax gathu (var. gāthā) n.anim. gardener, woodcutter (caste name); ~pyākhaṃ n. (-khana-,-gū) kind of dance performed by members of the ~ caste gathe (var. gay) pron. how; ~ki adv. such as, for instance; ~khese mine to feel uneasy; ~gathe adv. how come, don't know (how it happened); ~jaka pron. how; ~bhanaṃ adv. how much; ~yānā pron. how; ~hana adv. as expected gad n. tune, instrumental music gadā n. (-gaḥ) mace, short heavy club gaddi n. (-gū) 1. throne 2. cushion; ~ba+ithak n. meeting hall of Kathmandu Darbar (in the complex of Hanumānḍhokā) gadh n. (-gū) 1. fortified enclosure, fort 2. capital gadhāḥ (var. gādhuṂ) n.anim. (agt. ~naṃ) 1. donkey 2. {fig.} stupid person gana pron. where ganaṃ 1. adv. somewhere else 2. pron. from where, whence; ~ganaṃ adv. somewhere, anywhere, don't know where from; ~niseṃ pron. since when, from where; ~he adv. nowhere gana|-gana pron. wherever; ~tuka pron. how far, to what degree; ~yā adv. never: ganayā jiṃ yānāgu khaḥ dhakāḥ. I never did it, I assure (you).; ~yāmha n.anim. outsider, unrelated person ganay+phakaṃ n. (-kana-,-pu,-mā) (blue) Dioscorea alata (leaves being associated with Gaṇeś because of their shape) gane 1. v.i. to be dry 2. v.i. to be insipid, tasteless 3. v.i. to be lean 4. v.i. to be perforated, to be bored 5. v.t. to restrain, to plead with s.o. not to do s.th., to hold back: bvāṃ lvāpu yāye mate dhakāḥ jimita gana. Father kept us from fighting. ganes n.pr. god Gaṇeś (cf. ināy); ~dyaḥ n.pr. (-deva-) id. gangan (var. gargar) n. uproar, tumult; ~(-gangan) juye to be tumultuous; ~(-gangan) yāye to raise an uproar, tumult ganthan n. long tale, confabulation, nonsense gandhak n. gun-powder, sulphur; ~guli n. pill against stomach trouble gapacā -> gvampa gapāy pron. 1. how much, to what extent 2. to such an extent (cf. apāy, thapāy); ~cvaḥ pron. to what extent; ~dhaṃ pron. how big; ~hākaḥ pron. how long gapicā adj. how small, how little (with clf.), e.g.: ~gvaḥ how small (of a round obj.) gaph n. (-gū) gossip; ~ tvaḥte, nyāy+ke to gossip gabaleṃ (var. gabasaṃ) adv. sometimes, ever (in neg. clauses: never); ~ gabaleṃ adv. 1. id. 2. often, more often: khaḥ gabaleṃ gabaleṃ athenaṃ jvi yaḥ. Well, sometimes it so happens.; ~ majūtheṃ adv. rarely; ~he adv. never gabasaṃ -> gabaleṃ gabāy+ta (var. gubāyta, gubīta) pron. how long, what a long time: laḥ chaku kāye vaṃmha gabāyta māḥ! What a long time she takes to get one load of water! (cf. thabāyta) gama n. (-gū) god's place, holy place gamar-āju n. hon. ancestor of the seventh generation gamalā n. (-gaḥ) flower-pot (cf. bagalā) gamār n. kind of paddy gamsā n. (-pu) piece of cloth worn round the loins gay -> gathe gayaḥ n.anim. (-yela-) 1. s.o. greedy for food, glutton 2. kind of evil spirit gaye v.t. (gala) 1. to climb, to ride, to mount: vaṃ paḥkhāḥ gaye maphuta. He could not climb over the wall. 2. {fig.} to surpass gayṃdā 1. n.anim. rhinoceros 2. n. {sl.} one-hundred-rupees' bill (carrying the picture of a rhinoceros); ~kī n.anim. (-kila-) kind of beetle with a horn like a rhinoceros, rhino-beetle (cf. kaytākī); ~tu n. sugar-cane of high quality; ~mey n.anim. (-mesa-) rhinoceros gayṃliṃ(-cā) n. (-lina-,-pu) tweezers garam adj. hot, warm; ~bāyu n. red rash which appears in patches on the skin garāla n. (-gū) wooden or bamboo support for cutting lumber into planks or beams garib adj. poor garuda n.pr. the bird Garuḍa, vehicle of Viṣṇu garuvā -> karuvā garkhese adj. 1. gloomy, melancholic 2. uneasy, embarrassed; ~ mine to feel uneasy, to be unable to express one's feelings gargar -> gangan garja n. need, want; ~jina n. (-pu) first of a set of three songs called `bhūcacā' (sung at the end of a feast before throwing away the remnants to ward off evil spirits); ~taray yāye to provide for the necessary garbha n. pregnancy, womb; ~kī n. (-kila-,-pu) nail between two planks gal n. (-pu) long iron lever for breaking or lifting heavy things gala+iṃcā n. (-pāḥ,-gū) carpet (cf. māḥsuti); ~svāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) garden daisy galabi (var. gali) n.anim. dumb woman galay; ~ tuye to be wasted, to be used improperly; ~ peṃke to get s.o. else's income, to live on s.o. galaḥ1 n. (-lakha-,-gaḥ) 1. neck, throat 2. goitre, crop, maw 3. {fig.} unnecessary burden; ~ ghāye 1. to take an unnecessary burden 2. {sl.} to marry galaḥ2 n. (-lata-,-laḥ) 1. set of private rooms closed off by a single entrance 2. apartment galaḥkaḥche n. (-mā) wild pea galaḥkā n. (-pu) yoke string of a kite (cf. kaḥkā, kakāṃkā) galaḥthāṃ n. (-thāma-,-gaḥ) king post of a spire galaḥthā nake (var. gales nake) v.t. to thrust out by the throat galaḥ|-rā n.anim. man with goitre; ~ri1 n.anim. woman with goitre galaḥri2 n.anim. kind of swallow, sandmartin (cf. ikhuṃ) galaḥsi n. (-gaḥ) custard apple (cf. mākaḥsi) galaḥsiṂ n. (-gaḥ) 1. part of a spinning wheel: support of the spindle 2. horizontal support of a swing 3. seat of a swing galāye (var. gallāye) v.i. to be shut off, to be tightly closed gali1 -> galabi gali2 -> galli galibhāḥ -> gulubhāḥ gales nake -> galaḥthā nake galla nhile v.i. to giggle gallāye -> galāye galli (var. gali) n. (-gū) lane; ~khicā n.anim. street dog galsā -> gaḥsā gasā n. (-gū) vehicle, conveyance gasi n. (-gū) 1. creeping plant 2. trellis 3. creeper pattern on wood carving; ~cheṂ n. (-khā) bower, arbour; ~ vane (for a creeper) to grow well; ~ svāye to furnish with a trellis gasu n. consciousness, carefulness, reliability; ~malaṃ adj. uneducated, vulgar; ~malā adj. superficial, without strength of character; ~ lāye to be conscious, careful, reliable gasū1 n. (-suli-,-pu) 1. spear 2. twisted, pointed iron rod to clean a hookah 3. kind of skewer for roasting meat 4. twisted long sweetmeat made of sugar-cane gasū2 n.anim. (agt. ~naṃ) unnamed person (s.o. one knows, but does not want to refer to by name) gasti (var. gastī) n. round of patrolling gahir (var. gair) pron. everybody, all: vayāta gahirsyāṃ mha syū. Everybody knows him. gaḥ1 n.anim. (gala-) rider gaḥ2 n. (gala-) 1. (-gaḥ) low wall on a roof 2. (-gaḥ) shed 3. (-kū) space in a wall for a bird's nest 4. (-gaḥ) base (of a pinnacle) 5. (-gaḥ) bar, pole gaḥ3 n. (gala-) throat, neck; ~ kiye 1. to slit the throat 2. {fig.} to betray 3. {fig.} to oppose openly gaḥ4 1. clf. for nouns denoting round objects, for containers 2. clf. for structural parts of a building, e.g.: cha-gaḥ aṃgaḥ one wall, ni-gaḥ thāṃ two pillars 3. n. (gala-) coin, paisa 4. meas. for trees to be cut; ~ jyāye to form into a round object gaḥkū n. (-kuti-,-kū) 1. hole of an animal in a field 2. low wall on a roof terrace gaḥgaḥ (var. gvāḥgvāḥ) 1. n. mob, crowd 2. adv. group by group, in large groups gaḥgumbā n. (-gaḥ) Buddhist monastery with several rooms gaḥcāḥ n. (-cāla-,-cāḥ) piece of the throat of a sacrificial animal (stuck to a temple); ~ lhāye to cut the throat from a sacrificial animal gaḥcheṂ n. (-khā) house with rooms giving on to each other gaḥjhyāḥ n. (-jhyāla-,-pā) blind window gaḥtāṃ n. (-tāna-,-pu) collar; ~bhū n. (-bhuli-,-gū) kind of guthi feast where various dishes of buffalo meat are served gaḥpaḥ n. (-pata-,-pu) throat; ~ tiye (tita) to strangle, to throttle; ~yā khiti tvike to vex gaḥbhū n. (-bhuli-) scrofula, mumps gaḥlvay n. (-lvaca-) tuberculosis gaḥsā (var. galsā) n.anim. rhinoceros gaḥsi n. (-gū) boundary, edge gaḥhiti n. (-dhāḥ) enclosed space of a fountain gā1 n. (-pu) 1. cover 2. shawl 3. tent; ~ neye to shelter with a tent -gā2 (var. gākalā) b.f. (used with the names of the lunar months) dark half of the lunar month, krṣṇapakṣa (cf. -thva) gāijātrā n. festival of worshopping the cows (during Tihār) gāine -> gāgiṃ gāṃ1 n. (gāma-,-gū) village; ~ chvane (of a village) to be founded gāṃ2; ~ daye {ch.lg.} to be nice, well behaved; ~ nene (for news or a rumour) to spread out everywhere gāṃcā n. (-gū) small village; ~guṃcā n. (-gū) outskirts gāṃpāḥ n. (-pāta-,-gū) village area, area in which villages are scattered gāka adv. sufficient gākalā -> gā2 gākhi n. (-pu) thin rope (cf. dākhi, lākhi); ~mhicā n. (-gaḥ) purse, small bag gāgā n. (-pu) {ch.lg.} shawl gāgiṃ (var. gaine, gāyāṃ, gāyṃ) n.anim. (-gina-) professional street singer, minstrel, beggar gā|-cā n. (-pā) coverlet; ~cvaḥ n. (-cvata-,-cvaḥ) border, lappet of a shawl gāchi1 -> gācheṂ gāchi2 adj. only as much as necessary, just enough; ~cākhuṂ n.anim. petty thief; ~tuchi adv. only so much, only very little; ~tuchi yāye to manage with a minimum of expense gācheṂ (var. gāchi) n. (-gū) tent, screen, curtain (cf. pāl); ~ khuye, pene to set up a tent gājar n. (-pu) carrot (cf. mhāsulaiṃ) gājaḥ n. (-jala-,-jaḥ) 1. cluster, tangle, rhizome 2. shade; gājalaṃ kuke, dāye to be shaded; ~ cine to be tangled; ~ lāye to be shaded gātilā n. third day of the dark half of the month of āśvin during which fasting is observed by Buddhists gāthā {Bhp} -> gathu gādhuṂ -> gadhāḥ gābaḥ n. (-bala-,-gū) 1. lappet of a shawl that covers the head, veil for the face; gābalaṃ puye to cover up the head, to be modest 2. small fan; ~ puye to veil with a ~; ~sā n. small fan gābhā n. (-gū) kind of edible plant, Arum colocasia gāmāḥ n.anim. (-māla-) villager; ~pahaḥ n. (-hala-) rural behaviour, rustic behaviour gāyāṃ -> gāgiṃ gāyādune patiṃdhasvāke v.t. to defy in a timid manner gāye1 v.i. (gāta) 1. to suffice, to be enough; gāḥthe magāḥthe barely sufficient 2. (for rain, snow) to fall: cvāpu gāta. It is snowing. gāye2 v.t. (gāla) to leap over, to step across gāyṃ1 -> gāgiṃ gāyṃ2 -> kāyṃ gāy+ke v.t. to cause to fan gāray; ~ juye 1. to get buried 2. {pej.} to go to the devil, to come to a bad end: gāray juyā cvaṂ, vaye mvāḥ. Go to hell, you needn't come.; ~ yāye to bury, to embed gāli (var. galiṃ) n. 1. (-gū) flapper, flat tool to fan away chaff 2. wasteful heat; ~ chvaye to waste (of heat); ~ne 1. to fan, to make the air circulate 2. (for flames) to flare high; ~ vane to be wasted (of heat) gālisā (var. gālsā, gāsā) n. (-gū) fan gāle v.t. 1. to fan, to stir the air 2. (of fowl) to copulate: gvaṃgalaṃ mākhā gāla. The rooster fertilized the hen. gālsā, gāsā -> gālisā gāhaki n.anim. customer; ~ sāle to attract customers, to compete (in business): sānuṃ bhuyūyā gāhaki sāla. Sānu attracted the customers of Bhuyū. gāḥ1 n. (gāla-,-gāḥ) 1. pit, ditch 2. valley, depression; ~ lhāye 1. to fill a ditch 2. {fig.} to pay fully back (a debt); ~ vane 1. (for a pit, ditch) to be formed, to deepen 2. (for a discussion) to be detailed, to go into the depth: thva khaṂ jigu nimti tasakaṃ he gāḥ vaṃ. This matter is far too difficult for me. gāḥ2 adj. sufficient gāḥ|-kathaṃ adv. sufficient, according to need; ~kva adv. sufficient, enough; ~kva-māḥkva adv. id. gāḥjhyāḥ n. (-jhyāla-,-pā) window with three openings gāḥthe magāḥthe -> gāye1 gāḥmacā n.anim. child that dies before the rice-feeding ceremony (who is therefore buried rather than being cremated) gāḥvaṃ adj. indented, recessed, hollow (of cheeks), sunken, deep gāḥhiti n. (-dhāḥ) water conduit, fountain gi n. rotten, offensive smell; ~buye to smell rotten gicā (var. giṂcā) n. kind of clay, used for coating wax models in metal casting, for pottery and for improvement of the soil gijay yāye v.t. to ridicule gijā n. (-gū) jaw, gum (cf. vāku) giji-miji onom. zigzag; ~ juye 1. to be in a zigzag line 2. to be scribbled, to be indistinct (of writing); ~ yāye 1. to scribble 2. to cross out gitār n. (-gaḥ) guitar giddha n.anim. vulture; ~mikhā n.anim. {fig.} s.o. with greedy eyes gināhā n.anim. 1. stubborn, obstinate person 2. dirty person; ~pahaḥ n. (-hala-) dirtiness, impurity ginni n. (-gū) guinea; ~svāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) kind of flower, Coreopsis grandiflora giye1 v.i. (gita) to rot, to decay giye2 (var. geye) v.t. (gila) to draw, to engrave, to write gili-gili yāye (var. gege, geligeli ~) v.t. to rub gilti yāye v.t. to plate with nickel, to gild gisā n. (-pu) {neol.} 1. implement for writing, engraving 2. outline of a picture 3. graphic style gisu n. (-gū) 1. draft 2. scratched line 3. impression gī adj. rotten gīke 1. v.i. to become dry, to dry up 2. v.t. to cause to dry gīna n. rotten or offensive smell gīlāḥ n. (-mā) kind of creeping plant, Entada scandens gu1 b.f. marking interrogative pron. which, how gu2 (var. guṂ, with clf., meas. beginning with `g' or `gh') num. nine -gu3 suff. 1. (with modifiers of inan. nouns, pron. adj., gen.), e.g.: thu~ this, ji~ my, thaḥ~ one's own, mey~ another, hāku~ black, misāyā~ of the woman (cf. -mha) 2. (with stative forms of verbs, marking subordination of clauses to an (optional) copula), e.g.: va chāy thana vaḥgu. Why is it that he came here? 3. (with verbal infinitives, marking nominalization of verbs or clauses), e.g.: gvay biyegu the giving of the betelnut gui- -> gvi- guṂ1 (var. of gu) num. nine guṂ2 n. (-gū) forest, jungle, hill; ~mākī n.anim. (-kila-) centipede; ~kay+mi n.anim. kind of black bird; ~khā n.anim. wild cock; ~khi (var. gukhighāyṃ) n. (-mā) wild creeping plant without leaves; ~khicā n.anim. wild dog, wolf guṂgū (var. guṃgū) n. (-guli-) kind of resin, bdellium, used as incense; ~nyā n. kind of dried fish; ~ thane 1. to burn incense 2. {fig.} to revolt; ~makaḥ n. (-kala-,-gaḥ) vessel for burning incense guṂ|-cva n. (-gū) flat high area on a mountain; ~cvakā n. (-gū) high peak, top of a mountain; ~jalā n. (-gū) volcano (cf. dujalā); ~jhaṃgaḥ n.anim. (-gala-) white-spotted robin, shrike; ~jhāṂsi n. (-gaḥ) kind of fruit, Eugenia guṂta n. {Bhp} bermuda grass, Cynodon dactylon guṂ|-daguli n. (-mā) kind of creeping plant, Tinospora cordifolia; ~pivāḥ n.anim. (-vāla-) forester; ~pha+i n.anim. (-phaisa-) wolf; ~phā n.anim. wild boar; ~bha+u n.anim. (-bhati-) wild cat; ~bhvay n. (-bhvaja-,-gū) picnic; ~māy n. (-māsa-,-mā) kind of plant, Teramnus; ~mi n. forest fire: guṂmiṃ naye (for the forest) to be consumed by fire; ~mū n. (-muli-,-gaḥ) kind of plant, Phaseolus trilobus; ~lvādasiṂ n. (-mā) kind of tree, Symplocos racemosa; ~saki n. (-mā) kind of wild plant, wild colocasia; ~si n. (-mā) {Thimi} bermuda grass (cf. situ); ~hā n.anim. wasp; ~hi n. (-pu) yam, tuber guṃkerā (var. gunkerā, guṃkesari) n. (-phvaḥ) magnolia guṃgū -> guṂgū guṃtaku (var.guṃtaḥ) n. (-phvaḥ) magnolia guṃdā n.anim. 1. crook 2. dandy, overdressed man; ~ kāye to wear expensive clothes, to be overdressed; ~macā n.anim. overdressed child guṃpunhī (var. gunipunhi, gunhipunhī) n. full moon of guṃlā (beginning of a nine-days'-festival) guṃbaj (var. gumvaj) n. (-gū) arch; ~jhyāḥ n. (-jhyāla-,-pā) arched window guṃbā -> gumbā guṃlā n. tenth month of the Newar lunar calendar, (eleventh in a leap year), occurring during śrāvaṇa - bhādrapada, (August, September), holy month of the Buddhists; ~dharma n. special rites of the Buddhists during guṃlā, e.g. visits to Svayambhū; ~bājaṃ n. (-jana-) set of drums (used only during guṃlā); ~sevā vane to go to Svayambhū during guṃlā gu|-kathaṃ pron. how, in what manner; ~khunhu pron. on which day, when; ~khe pron. in which direction; ~gu pron. which one (inan.); ~guṃ pron. some gucā (var. guccā, gulu) n. (-gaḥ) marble; ~pāsā n.anim. very intimate friend, friend from childhood guchali n. (-pu) pair of tongs gujāḥ (var. gujvaḥ) pron. like what guji n. (-guji) wrinkle (of cloth, skin); ~ kāye, cine, mvaye to wrinkle, to get wrinkles: vayā netāḥ guji kāla. His cheek has become wrinkled.; ~ vaṂye to gather the seam of a sari; ~ vaye to wrinkle, to get wrinkles gujirisvāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) kind of jasmine gujilaṃ n. (-lana-,-pā) ceremonial garment with pleats (worn by priests, high-ranking persons) guju (var. gujuṃ) adj. slothful, intoxicated, sluggish, lethargic; ~ kane to be dozy, to be half asleep; ~(-guju) kāye to be slightly intoxicated; ~ cvane, dhāye 1. to be half asleep 2. to be slightly intoxicated; ~mikhā adj. looking dreamy, dozy, amorous gujuruṃ (var. gujuhuṃ) 1. n.anim. simpleton, idiot (proverb: svaye gujuruṃ naye caturuṃ. He's a deep one. lit.: he looks like a simpleton, but he acts cleverly). 2. adj. idle, lethargic, lazy; ~ cvane to stay inactive gujvaḥ -> gujāḥ gutāṃ n. (-tāna-,-gū) catapult, string-shot (cf. katāṃcā) gutāpālaṂ vane v.i. to go a long distance gutiṃ n. (-tina-,-gū) stepped frame (of a door or window) gutine v.t. to arrange in steps: vaṃ gajū gutina. He arranged the pinnacle in steps. gutha n. ankle guthāy pron. at which place, where guthi (var. gū) n. (-gū) religious association, religious community (among Newars, a permanent institution for religious and social purposes, the members taking turns in their offices); ~pāḥ n. (-pāla-,-pā) shift of one year of hosting guthi meetings; ~yār n.anim., n. hon. guthi member gun n. (-gū) 1. ability, property 2. skill, talent, art 3. nature, quality gunān n. (-phvaḥ) chrysanthemum; ~svāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) id. (cf. gvadāvarisvāṃ) guni adj. 1. skilful 2. grateful gunipunhi -> guṃpunhī gunuṃ adv. 1. (to smoulder, burn) in a suppressed manner, without a flame 2. (to rise) slowly, steadily (of anger) 3. humid (of climate) gunū n. (-nuli-,-pu) dried colocasia stalk gunkerā -> guṃkerā gungān n. praise, eulogy gundruk n. kind of dried fermented vegetable gun+bākhan n. praise, eulogy gunhipunhī -> guṃpunhī gupta n. privacy (cf. dusāḥ); ~khaṂ n. intimacy; ~naṃ adv. secretly; guptanaṃ chvaye to treat as a secret gupti 1. n.anim. spy 2. adj. secret, private; ~mārā n.anim. 1. intriguer 2. spy guphā n. (-gū) cave, cavern (cf. pākva); ~ cvane 1. to hide o.s. 2. {fig.} to stay in seclusion (for 12 days after the first menstruation); ~mandaḥ n. (-dala-,-gū) square maṇḍala with nine circles gu|-balay pron. when, at what time; ~bāy+ta adv. how long a time, what a long time; ~bīta adv. id. (cf. gabāyta) gubhāḥju n. hon., n.anim. Buddhist Newar priest; ~nī n.anim. wife of a gubhāḥju, female member of a Buddhist priest's family gumbā (var. guṃbā) n. (-gaḥ,-gū) (Tibetan) Buddhist monastery gumma cvane v.i. 1. to be foggy, cloudy, stuffy 2. {fig.} (of a situation) to be full of tension 3. to keep silent (in hostility) gumvaj -> guṃbaj gumha pron. which one, who (anim.) guye v.i. (guta) 1. to be torn 2. (of a spinning wheel) to be bent guru n. hon. teacher, instructor guru(-guru) (var. gulu, gvārāgvārā) onom. 1. gurgling, bubbling 2. meas. to count times of boiling: laḥ nakatini ni-guru tini dāla. The water has boiled twice by now.; ~ kāye to start boiling; ~ dāye to simmer, to boil continuously guru|-ju n. hon. 1. priest 2. hon. term of address to a learned man 3. royal astrologer; ~māṃ n.anim. (-māma-) wife of Bajrācārya or a Śākya, wife of a tantric teacher (who partakes in the instruction of the adepts ); ~māṃju n. hon. term of address to women of the Bajrācārya or Śākya clans gurkā n. (-kū) triangular wooden tie gurju1 -> guruju gurju2 n. (-mā,-kū) kind of creeping plant (stem used against chronic dysentery and throat trouble) gulaḥ n. (-lata-,-gaḥ) sweetmeat-ball made of sugar cane and barley flour (for rituals) gulāph n. (-phvaḥ) rose gulāphi adj. pink, rose-coloured gulāph+jal n. rose-water guli1 n. (-guli) 1. pill, small ball 2. weight attached to a fishing net; ~ cine to separate grains from the ears of corn; ~ hvale to spread out a net guli2 n. (-pu,-hāḥ) viscera, intestines, bowels; ~ pvike to eviscerate, to gut, to clean; ~ svay piye to clean the bowels guli3 pron. how much, how many: thva macā guli data? How old is the child?; ~ta adv. how, so very much: gulita bāṃlāḥgu thva kebacā. What a nice garden!; ~taka pron. how long -gulī suff. because: vayā kāy mabhiṃgulī bhāḥ makhana. Because his son did not well, he was not promoted. gulu1 1. n. (-gaḥ,-pā) earthen vessel with a short spout (to percolate liquor) 2. n.anim. {fig.} very drunk person gulu2 -> guruguru gulu3 -> gucā -gulu4 suff. (forming agentive nouns, indicating an excessive tendency to some kind of behaviour), e.g.: khaṂ~ talker, prattler, gaji~ hashish addict gulupaṃ n. (-pana-,-gū) guide line, title, heading gulupāḥ n. (-pāta-,-gaḥ) kind of bowl used in pūjās which do not use alcohol, begging bowl; ~ thane to give alms gulubha+u n.anim. (-bhati-) wild cat (cf. guṂbhau) gulubhāḥ (var. galibhāḥ) n. (-bhāla-) Mount Everest; ~dyaḥ n. hon. (-deva-) id. gulumandaḥ n. (-dala-) principal representation, circle or image of a deity, principal maṇḍala; ~ cvaye to draw a ~; ~ dane to perform rituals over a maṇḍala gulumari n. kind of sweetmeat gulla adv. (to roll, glide) smoothly gusipa+u (var. gusiṂ~) -> kusiṂpau guhāli (var. gvahāli, gvāhāli, gvāḥli) n. help, assistance; ~mi n.anim. helper, assistant gū1 -> guthi gū2 (var. hū) 1. clf. (guli-) general classifier (with nouns denoting inan. obj.) 2. suff. forming ordinal numbers referring to inan. n., e.g.: khugūgu the sixth (item) (cf. mha) geṂ n. (-gaḥ) anvil; ~cā1 n. (-gaḥ) small anvil; ~cā2 black clay; ~nāḥ n. (-nāla-,-gū) beak-shaped point of an anvil; ~phāḥ n. (-phāta-,-phāḥ) flat top part of an anvil geṂsu n. 1. dignity 2. vitality 3. weight, gravity, heaviness; ~ lāye 1. to be important 2. to have dignity 3. to be heavy 4. to be useful (of a thing) gege yāye -> giligili yāye gene v.i. 1. to be heavy, to weigh: phasi nidhāni gena. The pumpkin weighs two dhārnis. 2. to be proud, to boast: chimi kijā gena. Your younger brother has become proud. 3. to be equal geye (gela) 1. v.t. to change (money), to exchange, to barter 2. v.i. to be of worth 3. -> giye geri-geri (var. gyārāgyārā) adj. excessively fat geru n. 1. saffron 2. red-brown coloured clay used to dye cloth, ochre; ~laṃ n. (-lana-,-pā) clothes of saffron colour; ~vasaḥ n. (-sata-,-gū) id. gelā n. effect, influence geli-geli yāye -> giligili yāye gele v.i. 1. to be suitable, to suit (well): vayā mikhāy ajaḥ gela. Collyrium suits her eyes well. 2. to surpass 3. to succeed, to become mature gya- -> ge- gyaṃ adj. 1. weighing 2. proud, arrogant gyā n. fear, fright gyāṃ n. (gyāna-,-gū,-tā) knowledge, insight; ~ kāye 1. to take advice 2. to think, to scheme; ~ daye to be well-behaved, gentle gyāṃgyāṃ adv. fearfully, hesitatingly gyāṃtakusvāṃ -> gyāni~ gyāṃdumha adj. (of children) well-behaved, gentle gyā|-khyāḥ n.anim. (-khyāka-) suppressor, bully; ~cvaḥ n. (-cvala-) fright gyānā n. fear, dread, terror; ~pu adj. dreadful, fearful, dangerous; ~ puye to fear, to be frightened; ~bhāy n. (-bhāsa-) 1. sense of obedience, sense of fear, discipline 2. good manners, respect, honour; ~bhāy lhāye to treat respectfully; ~bhāy siye to be trained well gyāni adj. 1. obedient, docile 2. learned, having spiritual knowledge gyānitakusvāṃ (var. gyāṃ~) n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) kind of flower, aster gyāntis n. (-pā) garter, elastic band to hold socks gyā|-phāli n.anim. {Pg} coward, timid person; ~phrā n.anim. id.; ~pahaḥ n. (-hala-) cowardice, timidity gyāye v.i. (gyāta) to be afraid, to fear: bhaucā khanāḥ macā gyāta. The child was afraid of the cat. gyārā-gyāra -> gerigeri gyārij n. (-gū) garage gyālābuṂ n. (-phvaḥ) kind of flower, golden ball, Matricalis exima gyāseṃ(-gyāseṃ) adv. frightened gyāḥ adj. fearful, frightened; ~ cāye to be affected with a nerve disease; ~ciku n. chilling fear; ~bhāy -> gyānābhāy; ~lvay n. (-lvaca-) phobia; ~lvacaṃ kaye to have a phobia; ~lvay buye id. graha n. 1. (-gaḥ) planet 2. (-gū) zodiac grahan n. eclipse (of the sun or moon); grahanaṃ jvane to be in eclipse; ~ lāye to be in eclipse gva pron. 1. where: rām gva? Where is Rām? 2. what, which, who; gvamha gvamha whosoever; gvamha .. vahma, whoever .. he,she gva(-gva); ~ tule to roll over; ~ dhāye 1. to feel disturbed in the eye (due to foreign particles) 2. to have stomach ache gvaṂthe n. (-gaḥ) anvil (cf. geṂ) gvaṂdāl -> gvadāḥ gvaṂla -> gvala gvaṃ1 n. (gvana-,-gvaṃ) log gvaṃ2 (var. (var. gvaṃt, gvahaṃ) n.anim. (gvana-) 1. caste who has the task of cremation 2. clan, lineage gvaṃgaḥ n.anim. (-gala-) rooster gvaṃgaḥ|-kva n. (-pā) wall bracket (part of the outer window decorated with figural designs); ~cā n. (-gaḥ) 1. ridge and hip end tile (of a roof) 2. small stones on a paddy seed bed; ~culisvāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) kind of flower, amaranthus; ~pā -> ~cā; ~malaḥ n. (-lakha-,-gū) flash of lightning striking into a roof gvaṃcā n. 1. (-pā) solid silver anklet (worn by children since rice feeding ceremony) 2. (-pu) log hung round the necks of cattle gvaṃt -> gvaṃ2 gvaṃcupi n. (-pu) chopper, axe gvaṃja (var. gvaṃju) n.anim. 1. crocodile 2. {fig.} idiot gvaṃdāḥ -> gvanāḥ gvaṃpa -> gvampa gvaṃsiṂ n. lumber, fire wood that has not yet been split gvakarna n. Gokarṇa; ~āmāy n. (-nhu) father's day gvakuli n. (-gaḥ) earrings of gold worn after the `jaṃkva' at the age of 77 years or given to a priest for performing an offering of wax-flowers gvakhāḥ n. (-khāru-,-mā) kind of creeping plant, Tribulus terrestris gvagva -> gva(-gva) gvajā -> gvaḥjā gvatā n. trouble; ~ juye to be constipated; ~ naye to get into trouble, to suffer; ~ biye to trouble, to vex gvati (var. gatti) n. (-gaḥ) small object used as the target in a game of marbles gvadām n. (-gū) godown, storehouse gvadāvari|-lvahaṃ n. (-haṂta-,-gaḥ) very hard stone used as an anvil by smiths or cobblers; ~svāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) chrysanthemum (cf. gunān) gvadāḥ (var. gvaṂdāl) n. (-dāla-,-gū) ceremonial chandelier, wooden (pagoda-shaped) frame to support ceremonial wick lamps; ~ gvaye to erect a ~; ~mata n. (-phvāḥ) wick lamps lighted in a jātrā gvanāḥ (var. gvaṃdāḥ) n. (-nāla-,-gaḥ) support (for a bending wall); ~ kaye to support (a bending wall) gvabar n. cow-dung (cf. sau); ~kī n. (-kila-) rhino-beetle (cf. gayṃdākī); ~ganes n.anim. fool gvampa (var. gapacā, gvaṃpa) n. (-gaḥ) small water jar without a spout (proverb: dhampa nyānāṃ gvampa phvasā. lit.: Buying a dhampa, getting a gvampa in addition (referring to a marriage with a widow who has children.)) gvay n. (gvaca-,-gaḥ) 1. betel-nut 2. {fig.} betrothal; ~ kāye (for parents of a girl) to betroth, to bind a daughter with the promise to marry; ~ phaye to accept a betel-nut (from the bride); ~ phukā yāye to set free from impurity after a death; ~ biyegu n. formal visit of the bridegroom's father to the bride's home where he offers a gift of betel-nuts to the bride's father as a definite token of the marriage engagement; ~ lita-tayegu n. ceremony of returning the betel-nut to the husband's family when a widow returns to her own family gvayaḥ n. (-yela-,-gū) curtain, veil, enclosure; ~ cāle to unveil, to become unveiled; ~ taye 1. to cover with a veil or with a curtain 2. {fig.} to keep secret gvaye v.t. (gvala) 1. to start, to begin: vaṃ jyā gvayā. He started his work. 2. to plan, to sketch, to arrange, to figure out, to shape: vaṃ cheṂ gvala. He made the plans for the house. 3. to intend: jimisaṃ khvapay vaneta gvayā. We mean to go to Bhaktapur. 4. to shut, to lock gvay+kā n. (-pu) twisted five coloured garland given to the guests on a jubilee; ~ lhāye to prepare a ~ gvay|-kāy+bhvay n. (-bhvaja-,-gū) ceremony of taking the betel-nut (feast given by the groom's parents for their close relatives during which the bride has to hand a betel-pouch to each relative); ~kvacā n. betel-nut design on the front door frame or window frame (symbolizing welcome or auspicious opening) gvay+gaḥchāḥsiṂ (var. gvaychāḥ) n. (-mā) kind of tree (of very hard wood) gvay+cupi n. (-pu) chopper for betel-nuts gvay+chāḥ -> gvaygaḥchāḥsiṂ gvay|-ti n.anim. kinsmen, very close relatives (cf. dujaḥ); ~dāṃ (var. ~dān) n. (-dāma-,-gū) ritual vow to acquire religious merit, to undergo initiation; ~dāṃ taye to offer betel-nuts and coins, rite before undergoing (Buddhist) initiation; ~palāḥ chiye to walk on betel-nuts (ceremony performed at a Gaṇeś temple by boys after initiation: after seven steps the boy is to be caught by the maternal uncle to prevent him from running away and becoming a yogi; the ceremony symbolizes coming of age and leaving home) gvay+pāḥ n. (-pāla-,-pāḥ) turn for displaying a target in a game of marbles gvay+phay (var. gvaḥphay) n. (-phasa-) whirlwind, tornado gvay+bātā n. (-gaḥ) ceremonial brass pot (for the betel-nut at a marriage) gvay+svāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) small flower bush, Gomphrena globosa (used for `kijāpujā') gvaraḥ n. (-rala-,-pā,-gū) board gvarā n. transition from one rhythm to another (on a drum) gvarkhāla+uri n. kind of punishment in which the hands and feet are bound; ~ ciye, taye to tie s.o.'s hands and feet gvarmā n. frozen meat preparation with wheat flour and dried fat gvala (var. gvaṂla) n. Deopātan; ~jyaḥ n.anim. (-jela-) fool, clown gvalaṃ tuye v.i. to be successful, to go smoothly: jhīgu muṂjyā gvalaṃ tula dhāy māḥ. Our meeting was successful, one must say. gvalay; ~jyaḥ n.anim. (-jela-) very stupid person, idiot; ~pākaḥ n.anim. (-kala-) id. gvalā n. drawing of lottery, casting of lots (usually done by putting slips of paper with symbols on them into lumps of dough), game of chance; ~ taye to settle s.th. by lots (esp. in disputes of inheritance) gvali n. (-gaḥ) bullet; ~ kay+ke to shoot, to discharge a bullet; ~ tvaḥte to fire; ~ nake to shoot dead gvale v.t. 1. to enlarge a hole 2. to stir gvalcan n. kind of vermilion gvaltin n. (-gaḥ) tin, cigarette case; ~tvāḥ n. (-tvāka-,-gaḥ) id. gvalbhyārā n. (-gaḥ) tomato gvallāye -> gvaḥ1 gvasa n. (-mā) kind of wild herb gvasāye v.t. (-sāla) to plan, to scheme, to project gvasāḥ n. (-sāla-,-gū) plan, scheme, plot, conspiracy; ~ gvaye to plan, to scheme, to conspire; ~ cine to plan, to estimate; ~ thane to start or enforce a plan; ~ dane 1. to begin a plan 2. to be enforced (of a plan); ~ svane to estimate; ~ yāye 1. to estimate 2. to intend gvasi -> gvasāḥ gvasiṂ n. (-māḥ) {Kirt} necklace worn by the bride gvasu n. planning; ~ lāye 1. to be well planned 2. to have a plan; ~ sāle {neol.} to be well planned gvasyāye v.t. (-syāta) 1. to recommend, to support 2. to manage gvasyāḥ n. hon. (-syāta-) 1. close friend 2. manager, senior member of a guthi (cf. gvasvār) 3. adviser, supporter, intercessor; ~ mune (for senior members of a guthi) to meet gvasvār n. hon. {coll.} senior members of the guthi; ~ cvane (for the senior members of the guthi) to assemble gvahaṃ -> gvaṃ2 gvahāli -> guhāli gvaḥ1 (gvala-) 1. n. (-gvaḥ) ball 2. n. (-gvaḥ) middle part, belly of a pot 3. n. second stomach of a cow 4. n. (-pu) rope of straw (for a trellis or a demarcation of a field) 5. clf. for nouns denoting globular objects (cf. gaḥ4); ~ jyāye 1. to form a ball 2. to separate grains from the ears of corn, to thresh (hom. gvaḥ2); ~ lāye to be round, spherical; ~ lvike to form into a round shape; ~ siye to pave on edge gvaḥ2 n. (-gū) syllable, word; ~ chyāye to break syllables, to separate words; ~ jyāye to form a word (hom. gvaḥ1); ~ tane, nhane to drop a syllable in pronounciation; ~ hile to translate gvaḥ3 pron. (with clf. of count nouns) how many, e.g.: gvaḥ-khā cheṂ, how many houses, gvaḥ-pā mari, how many breads, gvaḥ-mha manū, how many people gvaḥ-ācā n. (-pu,-thu) bradawl gvaḥ-āyṃpā n. (-pā) over- or under-tile gvaḥgvaḥ lāye v.i. to be round, spherical gvaḥcā n. (-gaḥ) small water pot (used for the toilet) gvaḥcā(-gvaḥcā) luye v.i. to be round, spherical gvaḥchi meas. one digit gvaḥjā(-mari) (var. gvajā) n. (-gaḥ) pastry in the shape of a caitya made of flour or beaten rice to be displayed at a pūjā (cf. baḥnigvaḥ); ~ tāye to prepare a ~; ~ bvaye to put a ~ in its proper place; gvaḥjābuṂ n. (-gū,-tā) kind of medicinal plant, Leucas linifolia shaped like a honey comb (used as medicine against cough and cold) gvaḥjhyāḥ n. (-jhyāla-,-pā) oblong or round window gvaḥ thaye v.t. to make furrows gvaḥ|-dhali n. (-lina-,-gaḥ) rough beam; ~dhāḥ n. (-dhāla-,-pu) chisel with a round head gvaḥdhebā n. (-gaḥ) thick ancient copper coin without any stamp gvaḥ|-dhvaṃ n. (-dhvana-,-pu) pipe; ~pā n. (-pā) pan-tile gvaḥphay -> gvayphay gvaḥphuki n. (-gaḥ) puffed rice used in worshipping `sītalāmāju' (the goddess inflicting diseases upon children) gvaḥbhegaḥ n. (-gala-,-gaḥ) storage pot for water or beer gvaḥmay+ju n.anim. female character in `svasthāni vratakathā', recited during the month of māgh gvaḥmukhi n. (-pā) cloth bag containing a rosary gvaḥ mune v.i. to crowd together, to assemble: mākaḥta gvaḥ munāḥ lvāḥ vaye saḥ. Monkeys (usually) come in groups to fight. gvaḥrkā quant. how many rupees gvaḥlāḥ adj. round, spherical gvaḥvaḥ n. (-vala-,-pu) round file gvaḥsagaṃ n. (-gana-) 1. (-mā,-pu,-gaḥ) coriander 2. (-gū) gift in appreciation of a courageous deed (containing an egg) gvaḥsvaṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) coriander gvaḥhaṂ n. (-pu) round chisel gvāṃcā n.anim. stupid, foolish person gvāke v.t. 1. to cause to flare up 2. to incite, to instigate; ~bahaḥ adj. easy to provoke; ~bhanaṃ adv. in a provocative manner gvākhaṃ n. (-khana-,-gū) niche in a wall, lamp niche; ~cā n. (-gū) small hole for a sparrow; ~pvāḥ n. (-pvāla-,-pvāḥ) 1. id. 2. {fig.} mouth gvā cine v.t. to bind into sheaves (of ears of corns) gvājeye v.i. (-jela) to be stupid, foolish gvājyaḥ n.anim. (-jela-) fool, slow-witted person; ~pahaḥ n. (-hala-) foolishness; ~sū n. (-suli-) {neol.} id. gvājyā-gvājyā (var. gvājyāṃ) ~ cvane 1. (of a dress) to be loose 2. to be extremely stupid 3. to pronounce indistinctly, to mumble; ~ dhāye to pronounce indistinctly, to mumble gvāthyā; ~gvāthyā adj. very fat; ~māthyā adj. id. gvānā n. {neol.} venture, courage gvāpu n. {neol.} venture, courage, boldness, bravery gvāme n.anim. chicken louse (cf. mimicā) gvāmma adv. completely, fully, at once gvāy n. (-gvāca-,-pu) 1. moustache 2. corn-silks; ~ piye 1. to stroke one's moustache 2. {fig.} to be at ease, to feel safe, to feel relieved gvāye v.i. (gvāta) 1. to glow, to smoulder 2. {fig.} to be provoked, to rage gvāy+palaḥ n. (-lata-,-mā) kind of spinach with short leaves gvārā n. (-gvārā) lump, ball-shaped object; ~ kāye 1. to form into a lump 2. to bubble up, to rise in bubbles; ~(-gvārā) cine 1. to form into a lump 2. to be extremely fat 3. to fall seriously ill 4. (of speech) to be indistinct 5. (of clothes) to be wrinkled, crumpled; ~(-gvārā) tule to curl up: macā māṃyā mulay gvārāgvārā tula. The child curled up in his mother's lap. gvārā-gvārā -> guruguru gvārā|-mari -> gvārcā; ~mārā adj. fat, corpulent gvārcā(-mari) n. (-gaḥ,-pā) kind of salty cake made of wheat flour (boiled in water or fried in oil); ~kvāti n. grain soup gvārra (var. gvālla) adj. 1. many, too many: lāchī gvārra macāta du. There are too many children in the courtyard. 2. -> guruguru gvāli n. (-gaḥ) 1. heel (body part); gvāliṃ cvāye to trample under the heels 2. socket 3. pivot pin of a door leaf; ~kaḥsi n. (-gaḥ) socket; ~cāṃ kāye to kick the heels of s.o. walking in front (unintentionally); ~nhāy n. (-nhāsa-,-pu) 1. achilles tendon 2. pivot pin of a door; ~di n. (-gaḥ) sill with socket; ~pū kāye -> ~cāṃ kāye; ~phaḥsiṂ n. (-gaḥ) sill with socket; ~siṂ n. (-gaḥ) 1. sill with socket 2. pivot pin of a door leaf 3. beam ends of a temple; ~siṂ tāye to fix wooden blocks between rafters gvālla -> gvārra gvāsu n. {neol.} venture, courage, boldness, bravery gvāhāli -> guhāli gvāḥ n. (gvāka-) 1. (-haḥ) betel leaf 2. (-pā) piece of paper attached to a kite for balance; ~ nake, phvāye to balance a kite with pieces of paper gvāḥgvay n. (-gvaca-,-gū) token gvāḥgvāḥ -> gaḥgaḥ gvāḥli -> guhāli gvāḥsvāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) betel flower; ~ kāye to observe a purificatory ritual on the eleventh day after a death gviṂ1 num. ninety gviṂ2 n., meas. (-gviṂ) bunch, bouquet, tuft, cluster (of flowers) gviṂ-gviṂ niye v.i. to be twisted, to be coiled gviṂbi (var gviṂmākī, gviṂmāy) n.anim. centipede with red stripes (about one foot long, active during monsoon) gviṂmāy+ti -> kvimayti gvilay pron. at what time, when: gvilay cheṂ dai theṃ chi? At what time you will be at home? GH gha+u n., meas. (ghati-,-gū) 1. unit of time, equivalent to 24 minutes 2. hour 3. special moment, auspicious time; ~chi meas. id.; ~chitaṃ adv. for a full hour; ~ thāye to calculate an auspicious time (done by an astrologer) gha+unyā (var. gharinyā, ghunyā) n.anim. kind of large-headed fish gha+upiṃ n. (-pina-,-gaḥ) large pūjā pot to store extra materials gha+umari -> ghaḥmari gha+usvi n. (-pu) hour-hand of a watch ghaṂjā -> ghajā ghaṃgalā (var. kvaṃgala, ghaṃsulā) n. (-gaḥ) small bell, set of bells; ~māḥ n. (-māla-,-māḥ) string of small bells (worn round the ankles by dancers) ghaṃtā -> ghantā ghaṃ vāye v.i. to be spoiled (of health): vayā jyū ghaṃvāta. His health got spoiled. ghaṃvāḥ -> ghavāḥ2 ghaṃsulā -> ghaṃgalā ghagha-sisi adj. scarce, not sufficient, miserly; ~ juye 1. to be scarce, not to be sufficient 2. to be pressed for time ghacā -> ghaḥcāḥ ghacāipu adj. repulsive, fit to be hated, hateful; ~se cvane to be utterly hateful, repulsive gha cāye v.i. to dislike, to feel repulsion ghajā (var. ghaṂjā) n. branch and leaves (cut from a tree) ghatay; ~ juye to be less, to be reduced; ~ yāye to make less, to reduce ghatghat onom. {ch.lg.} 1. riding 2. sound of swallowing water; ~cā n.anim. horse ghatrakāt onom. gallop, galloping sound ghan-ghan (var. ghananana, gharghar) n. sound of thunder; ~na nyāye to thunder; ~saḥ n. (-sala-) sound like thunder ghantā (var. ghaṃtā) n. (-gū) hour ghantākarna n. 1. name of a giant 2. festival with giant dances (during the month of śrāvaṇa) ghay; ~ puye 1. to embrace 2. to include 3. to accept; ghay puyāḥ dāye to take the external measurements; ~ suye 1. to collect, to accumulate 2. to drag ghar n. (-ghar) 1. stitch, loop 2. initial string of net-work, knitting; ~ kāye to cast on stitches, to add stitches (in knitting); ~ thāye id. ghari (var. ghali) n. (-gaḥ) 1. watch 2. time, moment; ~nyā -> ghaunyā; ~palā n. (-gū) moment; ~sikhaḥ n. (-khala-,-pu) 1. watch chain 2. chain-like pattern in texture or on wood carving; ~svāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) passion flower gharghar -> ghanghan gharsār n. household affairs, household expenses ghalaḥmalaḥ -> ghalmal ghala -> ghaḥcā ghali n. (-gaḥ) 1. beer storage pot 2. -> ghari ghalmal (var. ghalaḥmalaḥ) 1. n. mixture, mixed 2. n.anim. person without principles; ~keṂ n. curry, stew of mixed ingredients, hotchpotch; ~kvāḥ n. (-kvāta-) hot stew of mixed ingredients, mixture of food remnants; ~ juye 1. to be mixed 2. to be confused ghalla n. {ch.lg.} car ghavāḥ1 n.anim. (-vāla-) {Kirt, Bhp} 1. owner of a water mill 2. driver 3. mean, selfish person ghavāḥ2 (var. ghaṃvāḥ) adj. 1. spoiled (of health) 2. {fig.} useless, without substance or kernel ghavāḥ|-khyāḥ n. (-khyāla-,-gū) stupid or painful joke; ~pākaḥ n.anim. (-kala-) stupid person, slow-wit; ~mari -> ghaḥmari ghasa puye -> ghay puye ghasi n. {ch.lg.} embrace, hug; ~(-ghasi) yāye 1. to hug, to embrace 2. to clean o.s. after defecation 3. to anoint, to oil ghasu -> ghaḥsū ghaḥ1 n. (ghata-,-gaḥ) mill-stone, grindstone; ~ vāye 1. to handle a mill-stone 2. {fig.} to steer, to drive ghaḥ2 n.anim. (ghala-) kinsmen, blood relations ghaḥ3 n. (ghala-,-gaḥ) water pitcher ghaḥkāsā n. (-gū) kind of game (played by women, two - four players) ghaḥkū n. (-kuti-,-kū) 1. spare space (in a ghaḥkāsā game) 2. pole of a chariot; ~ tāye to stop; ~ phvāye to steer (a cart, chariot) ghaḥcā (var. ghacā, ghala) n. small water pitcher ghaḥcāḥ n. (-cāla-,-cāḥ) potter's wheel, potter's caster; ~ tvike, mhite to move a wheel; ~ hīke to move, to set a wheel spinning ghaḥmari (var. ghaumari, ghavāḥmari) n. (-pā) kind of bread, thick bread (prepared at mills) ghaḥmāḥ n. (-māla-,-gū) 1. steering shaft of a chariot 2. steering, direction 3. preface of a book; ~tyaḥ n. (-tela-,-gaḥ) log of the steering shaft; ~ phvāye to steer a chariot; ~ biye to steer, to point out; ~ luye (of a string of a paper kite) to sway in the air, to be directed ghaḥlvahaṃ n. (-haṂta-,-gaḥ) millstone, grindstone ghaḥsū (var. ghasu) n. (-suli-,-gū) fire sacrifice, rite of purification performed on the twelfth day after a death in the family; ~ācāḥju nḥon. Karmācārya priest officiating in the death rites ghā n. joining, adjoining; ~ ghaye to be an unnecessary burden ghāite n.anim. injured person ghāṂ(-ghā-)cā n.anim. {ch.lg.} duck, goose ghāṂsiṂ -> ghāyṃsiṂ ghāghaḥ n. (-ghala-,-gū) 1. piece of cloth hung on a child's dress 2. unnecessary burden ghājaḥ-majaḥ (var. ghālaḥmalaḥ) adj. 1. clumsy 2. muddled, scattered, mixed up ghāt1 n. (-gū) steps leading down to a river, shelter on a river bank; ~ba+ide n.anim. physician who takes care of a dying person and forecasts the time of death ghāt2 n. (-gū) 1. rebate 2. groove 3. gear; ~ kāye to make a rebate ghātu n. (-pu) kind of song (sung during `pāhāṃcaḥrhay' in the month of caitra) ghādu (var. ghāru, ghālu) n.anim. person with elephantiasis ghāndrā-ghundru onom. sound of clattering or collapsing ghāye (ghāta) 1. v.t. to attach, to join, to link, to attach: vaṃ parsī cibālā ghānā cvana. She fixed the hem of her sari.; ghānāḥ vaye to join, to follow 2. v.t. to hang up 3. v.t. to keep in the pocket 4. v.i. to speak falteringly, to stammer ghāyṃ n. (ghāṂsa-,-pu,-mā) grass ghāyṃghāyṃ1 b.f. ancestor of the third generation; ~aji n. hon. great-grandmother; ~abu n. hon. great-grandfather; ~bājyā n. hon. id. ghāyṃghāyṃ2 n. scratching sound ghāyṃ|-bva n. (-gū) green ground, meadow; ~mvaḥ n. (-mvala-) hay, straw (used as fuel); ~vāsaḥ n. (-sala-) herbs, drugs ghāyṃsiṂ (var. ghāṂsiṂ) n.anim. grass cutter; ~nī n.anim. female grass cutter; ~me n. (-pu) sentimental song ghārā-ghārā (var. ghālāghulu, ghvārāghvārā) onom. sound of knocking, scratching, dragging; ~ yāye to knock at the door ghārā-ghuru 1. n. mixture 2. adj. mixed, spoilt; ~keṂ n. mixed stew; ~ yāye to mix, to jumble, to upset, to ruin ghāru -> ghādu ghālay+dhva+itheṃ adv. (to bring up a child) with intense care, very carefully ghālaḥ-malaḥ -> ghājaḥmajaḥ ghālā-ghulu -> ghārāghuru ghāli n. (-gū) later addition, anything added afterwards ghāliṃ n. (-lina-,-pā) rattle, set of small bells ghālu -> ghādu ghāsā n. (-gū,-tā) 1. ingredient, item in a mixture (of food), component in a prescribed sequence of dishes 2. relish, sauce; ~ghisā n. id.; ~tā n. share of ritually prescribed food items; ~lvasā n. id. ghāḥ1 -> kāḥ2 ghāḥ2 n. (ghāla-,-ghāḥ,-kū) wound, injury; ~khū n. (-khula-,-gū) scar, cicatrice; ~khvaṃ (-khvana-) 1. n. cicatrice 2. n.anim. person with a chronic wound 3. n.anim. fearless child; ~ jāye to heel a wound; ~ naye to be injured; ~pāḥ n. (-pāla-,-gū) injury, bruise; ~pāḥ biye (of a wound) to be treated too late, to be fatal; ~pvaṃdā n.anim. person with a chronic wound; ~ yāye 1. to hurt 2. to scratch, cut (a fruit) ghiṂ syllable symbolizing a particular drum stroke ghiṃtāṃ -> ghintāṃ ghicay yāye v.t. {vulg.} to gobble, to eat greedily ghiti-ghiti onom. sound of the death rattle; ~ kane 1. to be on the point of death 2. to be confused, vexed; ~ cvane to be about to die ghināhāḥ n.anim. (-hāla-) dirty person; ~ juye to be unpopular ghintāṃ (var. ghiṃtāṃ) n. (-tāma-,-gū) kind of musical piece, kind of dance; ~mani 1. n. (-gaḥ) small two-faced drum 2. n.anim. dancer of a `ghintāṃ'; ~mayṃ 1. n. kind of musical piece, kind of dance 2. n.anim. dancer of this dance, child dancer; ~mali n. (-gaḥ) small two-faced drum ghiri-ghiri onom. 1. sound of creaking, rattling 2. uneasiness of breathing, gasping, puffing; ~khaḥ-(cā) n. 1. chariot, cart for a jubilee 2. toy cart; ~ mine to breathe heavily, to suffer from a throat disease ghirni n. (-cāḥ) 1. pulley, wheel for a winding rope 2. door leaf in which wheels are fixed ghisi-ghisi (var. ghyāsāghyāsā, ghvāsāghvāsā, ghvāsyāṃ) onom. sound of dragging, grinding; ~sāsāṃ onom. id. ghuṂka adv. sobbing; ~ghāṂka adv. id. ghuṃ1 syllable symbolizing a long drum beat (of the left hand) ghuṃ2 (var. gheṂ) n. flirt, coquetry (cf. nyākuṃ); ~ kāye, kene to flirt ghutu (var. ghva) n., clf. gulp, gulping: vaṃ ni-ghutu duru tvana. He drank two gulps of milk.; ~ka nune to swallow in gulps without chewing; ~ke to gulp, to swallow; ~ghutu adv. gulp by gulp, gulping continuously: {idiom.} ghutu-ghutu ī ghurke to long for, to desire; ~ vane 1. to be swallowed without effort 2. to have appetite (with neg. v.): ghutu mavana. He had no appetite. ghutuma+iṃcā n. {sl.} liquor, wine ghunu-nunu (var. ghunna, ghviṂghviṂ) onom. sound of thunder, sound of buzzing, sound of gurgling water ghunyā -> ghaunyā ghuplukat yāye (var.ghuplupak ~) v.t. {sl.} to swallow, to give not back (a loan, s.th. borrowed) ghumalpu n. (-pā) umbrella (of bamboo strips and leaves) ghurā n. (-pu) axis; ~ tule to rotate ghuru-ghuru onom. sound of snoring, growling, rattling; ~kū n. sound of a pigeon; ~kūcā n.anim. {ch.lg.} pigeon (cf. bharkūcā) ghurke v.t. to swallow ghulu (var. ghulla) n., clf. rolling, turn of the wheel: mvatar cha-ghulu nhyāta. The motor car moved by one turn of its wheel.; ~ ghulucā n. toy cart, tiny cart ghus n. (-gū) bribe; ~ nake to bribe; ~ naye to take a bribe ghusu(-ghusu) (var. ~ghusuṃ, ghussa) onom. sound of sliding, dragging ghussi (var. ghussā, ghvaṃ) n. (-gū) fist, blow; ~ cine to clench ones fist; ~ nake to strike with the fist; ~ naye to receive a blow of the fist gheṂ1 syllable symbolizing a drum beat (of the left hand) gheṂ2 -> ghuṃ2 gheṂgheṂ dhāye v.i. to be dissatisfied, unwilling, to nourish grievances ghere yāye v.t. to surround ghelabatajhaṃgaḥ n.anim. (-gala-) quail ghelaṃ -> ghyaḥ gheluṃ n.anim. (-luma-) Tibetan Buddhist ghesaṃ adv. 1. (to move) sluggishly 2. {sl.} (to speak) ironically ghese|-pese (var. ~peseṃ) adv. passionately, (sexually) desiring (cf. yeseṃpeseṃ); ~ dhāye to be passionate, to desire ghya- -> ghe- ghyaḥ n. (ghela-) 1. clarified butter, ghee 2. {sl.} semen; ghelaṃ nu sile to be at ease, to feel comfortable (lit. to rinse one's mouth with ghee); ghelaṃ nekū dhene to talk smoothly; ~kasti n. offering of butter and honey offered to a goddess; ~kaḥ n. (-kala-) cream, butter; ~ kaṃke to clarify ghee; ~kuriṃ n. (-rina-,-gaḥ) earthen pot for keeping ghee; ~ khāray yāye to clarify ghee; ~gulu n.anim. {sl.} illegal match maker, pimp; ~cāku n. candy of ghee and sugar; ~cākusaṃnhu n. first day of māgh (celebrated with ghee balls, given esp. to married women); ~thala n. (-gaḥ) ghee pot; ~thyākā n. (-gaḥ) wooden pot for keeping ghee; ~ devā n. (-pvāḥ) oil lamp; ~dhakkāḥ adv. boasting, pretending wealth; ~nāṃ n. (-nāma-,-gaḥ) earthen pot for keeping ghee; ~pu n. commission on a sale (cf. chyākaṃ); ~pyaṃ n. (-pena-) interest on a loan deducted beforehand; ~pviṂ 1. n. skin of cream on boiled milk 2. n. {fig.} commission on a sale 3. n.anim. {sl.} pimp; ~pviṂ kāye {sl.} to profit; ~ phaye {sl.} id.; ~phasi n. (-gaḥ) very tender pumpkin; ~bakaṃ n. (-kana-,-mā) kind of high quality wild vegetable; ~simi n. (-pu) tender bean ghyācū (var. dhyācū) n. (-culi-,-gū) irony, sarcastic comment; ~ nake to taunt ghyāye v.t. (ghyāta) to speak ironically ghyāsā|-ghyāsā -> ghisighisi ghyukhāni n. interest on a loan deducted before the loan is given ghva -> ghutu ghvaṃ n. (-gū) 1. fist 2. -> ghvari ghvaṃ-ghvaṃ n. {ch.lg.} 1. grunt (of a pig) 2. pig; ~cā n.anim. pig; ~ cuye to work hard, to sweat ghvaṃchuṂ n.anim. 1. big house rat 2. {fig.} careless young person ghvaṃthuppā n. kind of Tibetan dish (of flour and eggs) ghvaṃsaḥ n. (-sala-) harsh sound, low sound ghvaṃsyāka adv. (to strike) vehemently ghvaṃ syāye v.i. 1. to be prostrated 2. to kneel, to stoop, to creep on all fours 3. {fig.} to work hard, to sweat ghvatā (var. ghvati) n. kind of drink made from hemp-like substances ghvay nyāye (var. ~ nhyāye) v.i. to get wrinkled, ruffled ghvarā 1. n.anim. horse 2. n. horsepower (bound to a Nepāli numeral) 3. n. (-gū) bridge of a string instrument ghvari (var. ghvaṃ) 1. n. (-gū) dirty spot, pock mark 2. n.anim. s.o. suffering from rashes; ~khicā n.anim. filthy dog; ~ thāye to be dirty, crusted, pock-marked; ~byāṃ n.anim. (-byāna-) toad, kind of frog ghvartapre n. (-mā) kind of medicinal herb ghvarpā adj. excessively fat; ~khvāḥ n.anim. (-khvāla-) person with a fat head ghvasā n. (-kū) mouthpiece of a bamboo flute ghvasāṃ puye v.i. to lie face down, to be prostrated ghvaḥr n. 1. low sound 2. (-pu) large type of flute ghvāṃka adj. gigantic, very great, very large ghvāṃ|-graṃka adv. 1. (to fall) noisily, loudly 2. (to lie) relaxed; ~draṃka adv. id. ghvāye v.t. (ghvāta) 1. to push 2. to help, to assist ghvāyṃ n. 1. (-pā) piece of slab used as a striker in the game `ghvāyṃkāsā' 2. (-gaḥ) striker 3. capital, investment 4. means, tools; ~kāsā n. kind of dice-game; ~ juye {fig.} 1. to be a scapegoat 2. to be dismissed; ~ mhite 1. to play ~ 2. to be not serious; ~ yāye 1. to use a ~ as a striker 2. {fig.} to use s.o. as a tool ghvāyṃghvāyṃ n. sound of a goose, duck or swan; ~cā n.anim. {ch.lg.} duck, goose, swan ghvāyṃpāsā n.anim. intimate friend, friend from childhood ghvārā(-ghvārā) (var. ~ghiriṃ) -> ghārāghārā ghvāsā(-ghvāsā) (var. ~ghvāsāṃ) -> ghisighisi ghvāsyā n.anim. slothful person ghvāsyāṃ -> ghisighisi ghviṂghviṂ onom. sound of buzzing C ca1 n. (-gū) rack inside a chariot ca2 adj. finished, clear ca+icā n. (-pā,-ju) flat round bamboo tray (suspended from either end of a carrying pole) (cf. cakhaḥmū) ca+itya n. (-gaḥ) Buddhist sanctuary, small stūpa ca+u -> cyaḥ ca+uṃri n.anim. yak; ~sā n.anim. yak cow; ~ghyaḥ n. (-ghela-) yak butter ca+ukā n. (-gū) set of four numbers in playing cowries, 4,8,12,16 assigned as the set of winning numbers; ~dāu n. (-gū) id. ca+uki n. (-gū) police station ca+ukulāṂ -> cakulāṃ ca+ukusā n. (-pā) construction on top of a Buddhist temple shaped like an umbrella ca+ukvas n. (-pā) door or window frame ca+ukvāḥ -> cakvāḥ ca+ucā {Kirt} -> catāṃmari ca+ucāḥ n. (-cāla-,-cāḥ) creeping plant used to make carrying poles ca+ujā n. rhythm of the cacā song ca+uthī n. (-nhu) fourth day of a lunar fortnight ca+uphale n. (-gū) temporary shelter, pavement shop (under a tree) ca+umari -> catāṃmari ca+umās n. tune in dāphā music ca+ur n. flat, open space, meadow ca+ulā (var. caṃgulā) n. sixth month of the Newar lunar calendar, occurring during caitra - vaiśākha, (April) ca+ulāni1 n. water in which rice has been washed ca+ulāni2 n.anim. wanton woman caṂtā n. (-gū) razor-strap caṂtālāḥ -> cantālāḥ caṃ n. (cana-,-caṃ) 1. clasp of a necklace 2. ring attached to a door chain 3. hook (for threading a loom); ~kathi n. (-pu) stick with a hook (for threading a loom) caṃkha adj. smart, clever (cf. cantālāḥ) caṃgulā -> caulā caṃcaṃ dhāye v.i. 1. to be smart, light-hearted, care-free 2. to get intoxicated, to get cheerful (due to drinking) cak n. (-pu) chalk cakaṃ1 adj. 1. cheerful, bright, happy, clear 2. open, flat, wide, spread out cakaṃ2 meas. (-kana-) quarter (esp. of a mānā): sva-cakaṃ three quarters cakaṃke v.t. to stretch, to expand cakaṃchi meas. one quarter cakaṃdyaḥ n.pr. (-deva-) the Buddhist deity of Bhagavān Bāhāl in Thabahil cakaṃ|-vayṃ n.anim. half-mad man (cf. bāgaḥlāta); ~viṂ n.anim. half-mad woman cakati (var. catti) n. (-pā) small cushion, seat cakanā1 (var. catanā, jhatanā) n. opposition, argument, confrontation cakanā2 n.anim. girl who is clever, alert, vivacious, slim; ~bati n.anim. id. cakane (var. catane) v.i. 1. to be expanded, spread out, to unfold, to be broad, wide 2. (for the atmosphere) to clear up 3. to be defeated, to lose (in a game or in business) 4. to oppose, to talk back cakari (var. cakali) n. tapering of a pagoda roof or a stūpa, tier cakalā n. (-lā) circumference, area cakali (var. cakaḥli, caḥli) n. 1. kind of round fish 2. (-gaḥ) flying wheel, yoyo 3. (-gaḥ) kind of basket 4. -> cakari cakaḥli -> cakali caki-caki (var. cakcaki) adv. 1. swaying, circling motion of a kite 2. fidgeting, restless; ~ naye (for a kite) to sway, to circle caku (var. cakku) n. (-pu) small knife; ~dhāḥ n. (-dhāla-,-pu) edge of a knife cakulāṃ (var. caukulāṂ, cvakulāṃ) n. (-lāma-,-kū) 1. board to space a pair of pillars 2. board between post and capital 3. cornice above a door or window cakūcā (var. cakhūcā) adj. lean, thin cakūsāḥ -> calusāḥ cakkar n. (-gū) revolution, circle, wheel; ~ naye (of thoughts, senses) to be in a whirl, to go round cakkā n. (-gū) wheel, disc (cf. cakra); ~jhaṃgaḥ n.anim. (-gala-) kind of goose, Anas cascara cakki n. (-cāḥ) tablet, small circular object cakku -> caku cakcaki juye v.i. 1. to prosper 2. -> cakicaki cakmak n. (-gaḥ) fire-stone, flint cakra n. (-gū) wheel, disk (cf.cakkā); ~byāj n. compound interest cak+let n. (-gū) chocolate cakvāḥ (var. caukvāḥ) n.anim. (-kvāta-) ruddy goose cakhaḥ n. (-khata-,-gū) minor festival, feast within a single household cakhaḥmū n. (-muli-,-pā) flat tray basket suspended from either end of a carrying pole (cf. caicā) cakhine -> cakhene cakhuṃ(-cā) (var. catakhuni) n.anim. (-khuna-) sparrow; ~kusā n. (-pā) kind of mushroom; ~kheṂ n. (kheṂca-,-gaḥ) small tasty fruit, Ficus glomerata; ~ciyākheṂ n. (-gaḥ) id.; ~palāḥ n. (-lākha-) quick little step (lit. sparrow's step); ~bakhuṃ n. (-khuna-) 1. top of a mustard plant (part between leaves and blossom) 2. affection, close intimacy cakhūcā -> cakūcā cakhene (var. cakhine) v.t. 1. to scatter, to spread out (grains) 2. to scratch (a boil) caca n.anim. {ch.lg.} sparrow (cf. cakhuṃ) caca dhāye v.i. to be slightly sweet; ~paṂpaṂ dhāye to be sweet and sour (cf. cākupāuṃ) cacā (var. cācā) n. (-pu,-gū) classical religious song and dance (of the Śākyas and Bajrācāryas); ~ hīke to perform a tantric rite (where skulls are passed round as drinking vessels) cachay n. meal held during funeral rites cachi adv. one night, the whole night; ~nhichi day and night cajaḥ n. (-jala-) discipline; ~lajaḥ n. (-jala-) decency, manners, civility, habits, customs (cf. cālā); ~ hane to keep discipline caji 1. n. honour, respect 2. n. method 3. adj. of low rank, of bad quality; ~laji n. 1. honour, respect 2. rules and regulations 3. conduct, behaviour, habit (cf. tajilaji) cata adj. 1. nice, attractive 2. tidy 3. sharply delineated; ~ cvane to look smart, to be nice cataṃ n. (-tana-) 1. (-pu) flat ladle (for serving cooked rice) 2. (-pā) oar; ~cā n. (-pu) ladle for serving pickles; ~ vāye to row cataṃjvaṃcā n.anim. character in the monster dance (cf. jhyāliṃcā) cataṃlvay n. (-lvaca-) scarcity, famine catak n. (-gū,-tā) magic, jugglery, trick (cf. bhulāṃjyā) cataka adv. 1. immediately, suddenly, at once, quickly 2. decent, pleasant catakhuni -> cakhuṃ catanā -> cakanā1 catane v.t. 1. to row: nāṃthuvālaṃ nāṃcā catana. The boatman rowed the boat. 2. -> cakane catapatāḥsiṃ n.anim. (-sina-) impulsive person, s.o. who acts rashly, without forethought catāṃmari (var. caucā, caumari, chatamari) n. (-pā) pancake made of rice flour and soybean (offered to a deity) catāmatāṃ; ~ cvane (for a house, a place) to be airy, open; ~vāka adv. 1. (to fall) with force 2. apart, separately catā vāye v.i. 1. to fall down, to fall flat, to be prostrated, to lie relaxed 2. to be defeated 3. {fig.} to die catur (var. caturuṃ) adj. clever, skilful catcat adv. quickly catti n. 1. (-ju,-pā) slipper 2. -> cakati cathāḥ n. (-nhu) feast held on the fourth day of the dark half the month of bhādrapada; ~dyaḥ (-deva-) 1. n. moon on this day 2. n.anim. {fig.} swindler, cunning fellow; ~svāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) kind of herb used for the ~ ritual cadane -> candane canā -> cānā cane v.i. to decay, to wear away (of cloth), to rot, to deteriorate cantālāḥ (var.caṂtālāḥ) adj. (of a child) clever, skilful, careful (cf. caṃkha) candan (var. cāṂdan) n. sandalwood candane (var. cadane) v.i. to be severed, to be cut into two; candaṃka pāle (var. cannaṃka) to sever, to cut in two candā n. (-gū) donation, subscription; ~ phvane to request a donation candra n. moon (cf. timilā); ~bāṃ n. (-bāna-) half moon, moon-sickle; ~ luye 1. for the moon to rise 2. to be sickle-shaped; ~mā n. moon; ~hār n. (-māḥ) necklace cannaṃka -> candaṃka capāuṃ adj. slightly sweet and sour; ~ dhāye to be slightly sweet and sour; ~savāḥ n. (-vāla-) mild sweet and sour taste capāju n. hon. mother's younger sister's husband capāḥ n. (-pāta-,-gū) 1. small cottage, hermitage on a hillside 2. kind of guthi building, night shelter for the image of a deity during a procession 3. heap; ~cā n. (-gū) 1. hillside 2. picnic place; ~phale n. (-gū) 1. hut used for guthi feasts 2. temporary shop (under a tree) capi n. relish, pickle made of cucumber, square piece of pumpkin (offered to a deity); ~ phiye to season capilā n. (-gaḥ) small treasure box with a roof-shaped lid capisanāṃ n. (-nāma-) kind of pickles made of cucumber capughāyṃ n. (-ghāṂsa-) kind of grass capū -> cāpū capūhaṂ n. (-pu,-thu) chisel cappā n. paste made of fried grain-flour; ~phvagiṃ n.anim. (-gina-) 1. beggar 2. {sl.} Tibetan capviṂ -> cāpāyṃ caphuye v.t. (phuta) 1. to tear (thread, rope), to disconnect 2. {fig.} to kill 3. to snatch away cabakaṃ n. (-kana-) kind of green vegetable cabāhāṃ n. (-hāna-,-gū) small sacrificial gift, an egg as the substitute for the sacrifice of an animal cabuye v.i. (-buta) to be torn, to be broken, to be disconnected camāṃ (var. cāṂ, cāṃmāṃ) n. hon. (-māma-) 1. mother's younger sister 2. father's younger brother's wife 3. mother's younger brother's wife 4. stepmother; ~ju n. hon. stepmother-in-law came (var. cume) n. 1. (-pu) uvula, roof of the mouth 2. (-pu) split end of a snake's tongue 3. (-cvaḥ) trimmings of a piece of cloth, loose ends of cloth (after weaving); ~cā n. id.; ~ jvane to catch s.o.'s slander; ~ tvaḥte to finish weaving cameli n. (-phvaḥ) jasmine camcā (var. cumcā) n. (-pu) spoon campaka n. (-phvaḥ) magnolia; ~li n. (-phvaḥ) fuchsia cay num. eighty cay+puye v.t. to thatch cay+pu lāye v.t. to thatch cay+pvāḥ n. (-pvātha-,-gaḥ) 1. belly, abdomen 2. -> casupvāḥ cay+lā n. (-pā) base for roof tiles (plank, reed or bamboo); ~pa+u n. (-pati-,-pau) id.; ~siṂ n. (-gaḥ) id. car(-car) (var. carra, cir) ~ bāye to crack, to be crisp; ~ mhuye 1. to crack 2. to burst cara+uṃ-cara+uṃ onom. sound of munching caras n. kind of intoxicating drug prepared from hemp carkay; ~ juye, vane to crack, to get cracks carkva adj. 1. (of diseases, pain) serious, chronic, severe 2. (of disputes) loud, intense, heated 3. (of spices) too strong carkhā n. (-gū) spinning wheel carcā n. (-gū) report, remark, mention, rumour, hearsay carpi (var. carbi, caḥbi) n. (-gū) toilet, bathroom caryā n. religious duties, prescribed mode of life carra -> car cala -> cula calaṂ n. (-pu,-gū) 1. narrow path, dead end path (leading to a field) 2. -> caliṃ; ~vāḥ (var. calābalā) n. (-vāla-,-gū) 1. fallow part of a field 2. unused space in a house calaṂ-halaṂ (var. halaṂcalaṂ) adj. ordinary, general calaṃ -> cilaṃ calakha -> calaḥ1 calan n. (-gū) custom, rule, habit, behaviour, practice; ~ yāye to adopt a rule, a custom calane v.t. {neol.} to form rhymes calay; ~ juye 1. to be used, to function, to perform one's duty, 2. to be in action, in motion 3. to have a large turn-over of sales; ~ yāye 1. to perform one's duties, carry out one's obligations 2. to use, operate (a machine), to drive calaḥ1 (var. calakha) n.anim. (-lata-) gnat calaḥ2 n. (-gū) land slide calā n.anim. antelope, deer calāṂkva meas. length from elbow to finger tip calāṂcva meas. length from elbow to armpit (cf. latvāka) calāṂpāḥ n. (-pākha-,-gū) 1. steep hill 2. expiration, dying calākh adj. clever, quick calābalā -> calaṂvāḥ calāḥsiṂ n. (-gū) appliance used by coppersmiths as a support for hammering cali n. (-pu) potter's strand (attached to the wheel) caliṃ (var. calaṂ) n. (-lina-,-gū) stanza, verse, refrain of a song caliṃcā n. (-gaḥ) kind of small pot caluvāḥ n. (-vāla-,-gū) narrow passage to a kitchen, access to a court­yard calusāḥ (var. cakūsāḥ) n. (-sāla-,-gū) joint of top plate and beams calū (var. cvalū) n. (-lukha-,-gaḥ) horizontal bar to support the roof beam, top plate on struts supporting the eaves caltāpurjā adj. active calti n. use; ~ juye 1. to be used 2. to have a large turn-over of sales; ~ yāye to use callā1 -> calā callā2 n. (-tā) kind of meat preparation cavāsvāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) white water-lily, Nymphaea daubeniana casalāju n. hon. spiritual perceptor of a Buddhist monastery, oldest Vajracārya casācā n. (-gū) rake for clearing the ground around sprouting paddy-seedlings casi n.anim. pilgrim who follows in a procession on the full moon day of bhādra during Indrajātrā casiṂ n. wood of the Magnolia or Michelia tree (of high quality, used for furniture) casika adv. (to work) hard casikhaḥ n. (-khala-,-pu) chain (to latch a door) casiye v.i. to be thin, slim casī(-cā) adj., n.anim. lean, thin, slim (person) casupvāḥ (var. caypvāḥ) n. (-pvāla-,-pvāḥ) top or crown of the head, fontanel (cf. lhukugāḥ); ~ cāy+ke, thane to rub a baby's fontanel with oil; casū n. (-suli-,-pu) kind of vegetable; ~micaḥ n. (-cala-) kind of dish prepared from two kinds of vegetable casmā n. (-gū,-pā) spectacles, glasses casvāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) kind of plant growing during the month of caitra cahaḥ|-pahaḥ n. (-hala-) habit, manner, conduct; ~lahaḥ n. (-hala-) id. cahile v.i. to break off, to come off cahugā n. 1. (-pu) large shawl 2. (-pā) coat caḥ1 n. (cala-,-gū) bite, boil, sting caḥ2 n. (cala-,-caḥ) seed bed for garlic, garlic patch; ~ pvike {fig.} to change radically (lit. to sweep the seed bed) caḥkune v.t. to dam in, to enclose caḥti n. sweat; ~ka+i n. (-kaica-,-gaḥ) rash; ~ kane to sweat, perspire; ~ lane to rest, to relax caḥbi -> carpi caḥrhay (var. caḥray) n. (-rhasa-,-nhu) fourteenth day of the dark half of the month, day before new moon; ~sevā n. kind of guthi ritual performed on this day caḥli -> cakali caḥhaḥ; ~ juye 1. to be dismissed (of a law suit) 2. to die; ~ yāye 1. to stop 2. to kill cā1 n. clay, earth; ~ juye {fig.} to be useless, to be ruined; ~ taye to be stained, dirty, damaged (hom. cā2); ~ pvike to dig; ~ yāye {fig.} to ruin cā2 n. (-cā) night; cānhaṃ (var. cānaṃ) at night, during the hight; ~ cvane to stay overnight; ~ taye to cause to stay over-night, to keep for the night (hom. cā1); ~ hile to spend the night -cā3 suff. diminutive suffix cāiṃ part. (particular) thing, item: thugu cāiṃ jyāy khele dugu khaḥ. This particular one is going to be useful. cāu -> cāku cāṂ -> camāṃ cāṂcar1 n.anim. pheasant cāṂcar2 n. kind of rhythm (on the drum) cāṂja 1. n. arrangement, scheme 2. adj. quick, prompt cāṂdan -> candan cāṂnhiṂ adv. at every time, always, ever (lit. day and night) cāṂp n. (-mā) kind of plant, Michelia champaca cāṂpa n. (-pā,-ju) anklet of small bells (worn by dancers) cāṃmāṃ -> camāṃ cākaṂ n. grey clay (used as a fertilizer) cākar n.anim. servant; ~i n. 1. domestic service 2. attendance upon a person of higher rank, of client to patron cākalāḥ adj. round, circular; ~ka adv. 1. round 2. {fig.} angrily; ~si n. parasite, parasitic insect; ~svāne (var. cākaḥ~) n. (-pu) spiral staircase cākaḥ (-kala-) 1. n. (-cākaḥ) circle 2. adj. surrounding 3. n. (-gū) boundary (of a plot or field); ~ lāye to be round; ~(-cākaḥ) hine 1. to stir, to batter 2. to wind up; ~ hile, hule to go round, to rotate cākaḥki n.anim. worker on clay cākaḥgaḥ n. (-gala-,-gaḥ) space for a potter's wheel cākaḥgvāy n. (-gvāca-,-pu) beard cākaḥ|-chiṃ adv. all around, on all sides; ~dalū n. (-lukha-,-pvāḥ) ceremonial lamps (placed around a temple); ~pvi n. (-gū) merry-go-round (cf. husluṃ); ~mata n. (-pvāḥ) ceremonial lamps (around a temple) cākaḥmi n.anim. clay worker, s.o. who professionally digs clay cākaḥ|-muka adj. perfectly round, circular; ~liṃ adv. all around; ~lipāṃ(-pāṃ) n. kind of dance (performed in a circle by children); ~si n. louse in the skin; ~svāne -> cākalāḥsvāne cākī n. (-kila-) kind of insect causing pain between the toes during field work; cākilaṃ naye to be infected by this insect cāku (var. cāu) 1. n. (-pā) sugar in lumps, sugar candy, molasses, treacle 2. adj. sweet, pleasant cākuke v.t. 1. to sweeten 2. to tempt cāku|-pāuṃ adj. sweet and sour (cf. cacapaṂpaṂ); ~pāuṃsi n. (-gaḥ) kind of sour yellow fruit about the size of an orange; ~pāpā n. (-pā) sweet bread; ~mari n. sweets, sweet bread; ~mākusi n. (-gaḥ) small tasty fruit, ficus glomerata; ~ye (-kula) to be sweet cākurā -> cākhurā cāku|-si n. (-gaḥ) kind of citrus fruit; ~hi n. (-gaḥ) sweet potato (cf. hicāku); ~hucā n. sweet buckwheat; ~hvājyaḥ n.anim. (-jela-) simpleton cākhurā (var. cākurā) n.anim. red-legged partridge cāgaḥ n. (-gala-,-gaḥ) lump of earth, clay, piece of stone cāgā n. (-pu) large, unfolded shawl cāgulighāsā n. small pieces of pumpkin (offered to a deity) cācā -> cacā cācāḥ hile v.i. to walk around, to roam cāciṃ n. (-cina-,-gū) clay seal (on an official document), clay plate (for a marriage or a jubilee); ~ dhvāye to seal cācine v.i. to copulate cāciri n.anim. child (cf. macā) cāchi1 meas. one night, the whole night cāchi2 adv. just enough, not more than necessary cātaye -> cyātaye cātaḥ -> cyātaḥ cāthuye v.i. (-thula) (of animals) to be in heat, to conceive, to get pregnant cādaṃkā vane v.i. to make the tour of the eight Mother Goddesses of a town cādhvaṃ n. (-dhvana-,-pu) clay pipe cānaṃ -> cā2 cānā (var. canā) n. chick-pea, horse gram, dried radish; ~kvāḥ n. (-kvāta-) preparation of dried radish (cf. laiṃsū) cāncun (var. cāḥcū) 1. n. small coins, small change 2. adj. insignifi­cant, negligible cānhay adv. at night, at midnight cāpāyṃ (var. capviṂ, cāpviṂ) n. (-pāyṃ) lump of earth, sod for transplantation; ~ chāye, dāye to dig up sods cāpāḥ1 n. (-pāla-) remnant, fragment, piece of cloth, wood or brick; ~ kāye to take a commission, to take wages; ~ vane to be wasted (of small pieces, remnants); ~ vaye to be left over, to remain (of remnants) cāpāḥ2 n.anim. (-pāla-, agt. ~naṃ) insignificant person; ~cipāḥ n.anim. (-pāla-, agt. ~naṃ) id. cāpāḥmusiṂ n. (-gaḥ) oblique rafter cāpi (var. cābhi) n. (-pu) split bamboo piece used by potters to smoothen clay on the wheel cāpu -> cāpū cāpujā n. (-gū) 1. night ritual (of venerating the family deity as a thanks-giving for fortunate events) 2. night ritual at the temple of Hāratī Ajimā, ritual of forming clay pots for the rites of `samyakdān' cāpū (var. capu, cāpu) n. (-puti-,-pū) 1. lump of earth 2. piece, fragment, remnant of wood or cloth cāpviṂ -> cāpāyṃ cā|-bhājaṃ n. (-jana-,-gaḥ) earthen pot for frying grain; ~bhārā n. (-gaḥ) earthen pot (general term); ~bhi -> cāpi cāmar n. yak's tail (cf. cvāmvaḥ) cāmā n. 1. day and night 2. life and death; ~ chutay juye to cut the navel string; ~ bene, sī daye id. cāmāḥ tule v.i. to curl up, to bend over, to be crooked, to be curved cāye1 v.t. (cāta) to tear, to cut, to clip, to chip cāye2 (cāla) 1. v.t. to wash, to rinse 2. v.i. to feel, to realize, to be aware 3. v.i. to wake up 3. v.i. to open (by itself) 4. v.i. to be enough cāy+ka adv. intentionally, purposely cāy+ke v.t. 1. to open 2. to make aware 3. to wake: vaṃ vayāta nhelaṃ cāykala. He woke him. cārā-cārā adv. (to strike) forcefully, repeatedly cārkhānā n. (-sāḥ) kind of chequered cloth cārcā n. (-pu) {Balambu} mattock with a long handle cārpāte 1. n. (-pā) bedding made of jute (stuffed with soft straw) (cf. bvatyaṃ) 2. adj. square, rectangular; ~ yāye to pave bricks in a square pattern cālaṃ n. (-lana-,-gū) vijayā daśamī day (last day of Dasain), procession on that day; ~kvakāye to give a ṭīkā and blossoms (which are previously presented to the family deity) on vijayā daśamī day cālā1 n. (-gū) custom, habit (cf. cajaḥlajaḥ) cālā2 n. (-pu) little finger; ~kva meas. length from elbow to finger tip cālā-mālā n. (-gū) conduct, behaviour, habit cāli n. fast rhythm (of beating a drum) cāle v.i. 1. to be open, to be unlocked 2. to seep, to be absorbed cāvā n. drizzle, drizzling rain; ~ gaye to drizzle; ~ phuti kane id. cāsaṃ n. (-sana-,-gū) example, sample cāsane v.t. to give an example cāsalāṃ n. (-lāma-,-gū) chalk cāsi n. supper, food for the night time cāsi-cāsi vaye v.i. (for a disease) to recur intermittently cāsibaji n. refreshment at midnight cāsi vaye v.i. to vomit cāsu n. itching, itching sensation; ~ka+i n. (-kaica-) kind of rash; ~ke 1. to cause to scratch 2. {fig.} to flatter; ~ mule, mvaye to scratch; ~ye (-sula) to feel an itching; ~ vaṂye to scratch; ~ vaṃke to flatter; ~ vaye to scratch; ~se cvane to feel an itching cāse n. unpalatable meat of liver cāsni n. (-gū) piece of gold or silver for testing the purity of metal, touch-stone cāḥ1 (cāla-,-cāḥ) 1. n. circle, wheel, ring 2. n. periphery, circumfe­rence 2. clf. for nouns denoting circular objects; ~ kīke to wind; ~ tule to be curved, to be bent, to curl up; ~ tvike to bend; ~ lāye to get together, to meet, to assemble (lit. to form a circle); ~ hile 1. to walk around, to travel, to roam, to wander 2. to swirl; cāḥhyū vane to walk; ~ hule id. cāḥ2 adj. 1. feeling, sensitive, conscious 2. open 3. sufficient; cāḥ macāḥ juye to be approximate (of calculation), to be hardly sufficient; cāḥ macāḥ cvane to lose, to bear a loss cāḥcū -> cāncun cāḥnugaḥ n. (-gala-) conscious mind (cf. kaṃnugaḥ, daṃnugaḥ) cāḥpa n. (-gū) area of a town cāḥmāḥ n. expenditure which may exceed the budget cāḥmāḥ tule v.i. to be bent, to be curved cāḥmulu n. (-pu) small hooked needle (used by cobblers and drum makers) cāḥr n. (-gū) festival cāḥ|-vayṃ n.anim. madman; ~viṂ n.anim. mad woman ci1 n. 1. salt 2. vermilion powder; ~ chāye 1. to be salty 2. to add salt 3. {fig.} to exaggerate; ~ chuye to be salty; ~ nvaye 1. to be salty 2. {fig.} to exaggerate, to overdo s.th.; ~pālu chāye ritual of offering salt and ginger after childbirth (done by the midwife); ~ luye to be salty; ~ sāye 1. to add salt 2. to exaggerate ci-2 (var. cī-, cu-) b.f. (with clf., meas., deriv. suff.) small ciu- -> cyu- ciṃ n. (cina-,-gū) 1. mark, sign, trace, symbol, token 2. spot, stain; ~ khine to make an emblem, to symbolize; ~ khele, taye to design, to plan; ~ dāye to mark diagonal lines on cloth (beating the cloth with a stick, for sewing the diagonal lines on quilts); ~ dhvaye to symbolize; ~ pene to mark with a line; ~ biye to give s.th. as a token (e.g. of memory, of guarantee); ~ mine -> ciṃka ~; ~ sāle to mark with a line ciṃkathi (var. ciṃpu) n. (-pu) rod with wire pins to keep the weft at right angles in a loom ciṃka mine v.i. 1. to feel excited, to miss a heart beat 2. to shiver ciṃkātaḥ adj. (of letters) joined; ~ākhaḥ n. (-khala-,-gaḥ) joined letter, ligature ciṃke v.t. to join (letters) ciṃ-ciṃ n. {ch.lg.} pulling out hairs ciṃtā1 n. (-pu) tongs for fire (cf. cutiṃ) ciṃtā2 n. (-gū) sorrow, anxiety (cf. cyutāḥ) ciṃ|-pa+u n. (-pati-,-pau) receipt; ~pu n. (-pu) 1. id. 2. -> ciṃkathi cikaṃ n. (-kana-) oil: cikanaṃ buye to rub with oil, to anoint; ~ata n. (-pā) floor tile; ~appā n. (-pā) floor tile; ~ kane to be oily; ~kaḥ n. (-kata-) oil sediment; ~ kele to extract oil; ~khi n. oil sediment (cf. yaṃ2); ~khvaṃ n. (-khvaṂta-,-khvaṃ) oil stain, dirty mark of oil; ~cāḥ n. (-cāla-,-cāḥ) small round oil mark made with the base of a pot in the rite of mhapujā and kijāpujā; ~thala n. (-gaḥ) oil pot; ~ thāke {sl.} to flatter; ~ thāye 1. to rub with oil, to anoint 2. to print with oil; ~pyāḥ n. (-pyāla-) dregs of oil, residue of oil; ~ buke to flatter; ~ buye to rub with oil, to anoint (also cikanaṃ buye); ~lāpā (var. lāplāpcā) n.anim. 1. large bat (cf. lāyphākā) 2. traitor, double-crosser; ~lāḥ n. (-lākha-) fat, greasiness, oiliness; ~lāḥ kane to be greasy; ~ sāye to fill a lamp with oil; ~ sāle to draw a line of oil from the main entrance to the room where s.o. has just died (done immediately after the death of a family member); ~sāḥ n. (-sāla-,-gaḥ,-gū) oil press, site of an oil press (cf. yaṃbā); ~ siye to extract oil cikā n. (-pu) 1. ribbon, lace 2. string, rope for tying ciki adj. (with clf., meas., deriv. suff.) small, smaller; ~jāḥ adj. low, shallow; ~ dhane 1. to be small(er) 2. to be junior, lower in rank ciku1 adj. cold, chilly; cikuṂ pune to feel chilly, to catch cold; ~ dhāye, vaye to shiver ciku2 adj. (with clf., meas., deriv. suff.) small ciku|-jvar n. 1. cold, chill 2. malaria; cikujvaraṂ pune to suffer from malaria; ~dyaḥ n. (-deva-) gray cloudy day cikuye v.i. (-kula) 1. to be cold 2. to be small cikulā n. (-lā) winter, cold season; ~disi n. 1. winter solstice 2. celebration of the winter solstice; ~sipujā n. (-gū) celebration of the winter solstice cikhayaḥ (var. cicākhayaḥsiṂ) n. (-yela-,-mā) white acacia, Acacia catechu cikhā n.anim. kind of bird, pheasant cikhi n. (-pu) 1. string 2. tape 3. braces, suspenders (cf. cisā, putu); ~bālā n. (-bālā) hem of an undergarment cikhu1 n.anim. kind of rodent, squirrel (cf. thvācā) cikhu2 n. (-gū) brook, small stream cigaḥphelu n. (-gaḥ) reel used for untangling thread cigāḥ n. (-gāla-,-gāḥ) shallow ditch cigvaḥ adj. small (of round obj.) cighāye v.i. (-ghāla) (of trees, families) to be not expanded, to have few branches, members cighāḥ n. (-ghāta-,-ghāḥ,-kū) insignificant wound, bruise; ~ juye to be slightly bruised, injured: vayā ghāḥ cighāḥ. His injury is not serious. cicakaṃ adv. slightly cicay yāye v.t. to scream, to shout cicā n. borax, alum, kind of mineral salt (used by goldsmiths to test the purity of gold) (cf. svaṃgā); ~ pāye to apply borax cicākhayaḥsiṂ -> cikhayaḥ cicā|-khā adj. tiny (of houses); ~ khāye (of houses, buildings) to be small; ~ghāḥ n. (-ghāta-,-ghāḥ,-kū) small wound, injury; ~ jāye to be low (in height); ~jāḥ adj. low (in height); ~tā adj. small (of bread); ~ dhane 1. to be small (inan. obj.) 2. to be low (in rank); ~dhaṃ adj. 1. small (inan. obj.) 2. low (of rank); ~pā adj. small (of flat obj.); ~pu adj. thin (of long obj.); ~ puye to be thin (of long obj.); ~phāḥ adj. narrow; ~byā adj. narrow (of cloth, paper, roads); ~ byāye to be narrow; ~ye (-cāla) (of round obj.) to be small; ~ hāye to be short cicālvahaṃ n. (-haṂta-,-gaḥ) alum stone, borax stone cicāhāḥ adj. short cicāḥ1 n. (-cāla-) spray, sprinkling of water; ~ thane to sprinkle, to scatter; ~ dane to be sprinkled, scattered cicāḥ2 (var. cucā) adj. (also with clf., meas., deriv. suff.) small, tiny (in circumference) cici1 n. {ch.lg.} meat; ~ tyāye to bite into small pieces (hom. cici2,3) cici2 adj. 1. small 2. slightly cold; ~ kuye to be small (of a particle); ~ khāye id. (of a house); ~ gvaye id. (of a globular obj.); ~ tyāye id. (of a round obj.) (hom. cici1,3); ~ dhane id. (of an inan. obj.); ~ dhāye to shiver, to feel slightly cold; ~ puye (of a long obj.) to be thin; ~ maci dhāye to be slightly cold cici3 n. scratching, biting; ~ tyāye to scratch, to bite (hom.cici1,2) ciciṃdā -> cicindā cicikaṃ n. (-kana-,-gū) down-payment, token of appreciation (of a service) cicindā (var. ciciṃdā) n. (-mā) kind of creeper, snake gourd, Tricosanthes anguina cici-pāpā n. meat and bread (proverb: ki nāmay mvā, kita makhusā dāmay mvā, cici naṃ pāpā naṃ nitāṃ dai makhu. Either you live for (gaining) fame, or, if not that, you live for (gaining) riches, you can't have both meat and bread.) cichuṂ n.anim. musk-rat cijaye v.i. (-jala) (for a family) to be small cijāḥ adj. low (in height) ciji adj. not nice, of bad quality; ~ye (-jila) to be low in rank, to be bad cijū adj. small, tight; ~ye (-jula) to be too small, to be too tight cijhāsu n. (-gū) short relaxation, brief pause citapāḥ n. (-pāla-) member of a group of (twelve) guthi members carrying the dead to the cremation ground; ~vālaḥ n. (-lata-,-bva) leaf plate with food given to a ~ on his appointment citaphvala n. (-gū) ornament worn on the forehead citā n. (-gū) 1. management, supervision 2. thought, thinking 3. edition; ~ cvane to supervise; ~ bāye to be on bad terms citādhuṂ n.anim. leopard citā|-mi n.anim. 1. manager, supervisor 2. {neol.} editor; ~sū n. (-sukha-) tranquillity, peace of mind citi n. care; ~ kāye to take care of citika adv. nicely, decently, in order; ~ cvane to look nice citiyār n.anim. 1. caretaker 2. authorized person citu1 n. (-mā) kind of medicinal herb with white flowers, Clerodendron citu2 n. (-tu) flush joint citu cine v.t. to press down with force citta n. (-gū) mind, the faculty of reasoning; ~ bāye to be disinclined; ~ lāye to be inclined; ~ vane to intend; ~ hvay+ke to open one's mind, to be generous citthā n. (-gū) lottery, lottery lot; ~ taye to take a lot; ~ lāye to have a good chance in lottery citthī n. (-gū) letter cityāḥ adj. small (of spindle-like obj.) citra n. (-pā) picture (cf. kipā); ~kār n.anim. painter (cf. puṃ); ~ cvaye to draw a picture, to paint citvāye v.i. (-tvāta) to be curtailed, to become short citvāḥ adj. short (of long thin obj.) cithika adj. too salty cidhaṃ (var. ciraṃ, cirhaṃ) adj. 1. small (of inan. obj.) 2. humble, inferior 3. polite; ~gu dikhā n. form of tantric initiation, the `small' initiation; ~ chuye to be polite, to be humble; ~jyābaḥ n. (-bala-,-gū) short iron trowel cidhane v.i. 1. to be small 2. to be humble, to be low in rank cidhay yāye v.t. to provoke, to irritate cidhikaḥ adj. small, short (of anim. beings) cidhī adj. 1. small, short (of human beings) 2. junior 3. polite cidhvaṃ (var. ciraṃ, cīdhvaṃ) n. (-dhvana-,-pā) wooden or earthen wash basin with a drain to let the flow through the wall cinaḥmhakhā n.anim. sad, melancholy person (lit. one who has eaten salt) cinā1 n. (-gū) horoscope cinā2 n. (-gū) {neol.} 1. composition 2. link, connection; ~ākhaḥ n. (-khala-,-gaḥ) joint letter, ligature; ~ kuli n. (-gū) knot, joint; ~khaṂ n. (-gū) poetry, verse, composition, rhythm; ~gvaḥ n. (-gvala-,-gvaḥ) compound (word); ~bāḥkhaḥ n. (-khala-,-gaḥ) consonant cluster; ~bākhaṃ n. (-khana-,-pu) novel; ~māḥkhaḥ n. (-khala-,-gaḥ) vowel cluster cināy+pākcā (var. cimpākcā, timpākcā) n.anim. 1. {Kirt} antagonist of the lākhay (monster) dance 2. idle, aimless person (cf. jhyāliṃcā) cini n. sugar; ~ khāye (for sugar) to crystallize; ~campā n. (-phvaḥ) kind of flower ciniyā adj. Chinese ciniyā|-kisi n. (-gū) red or pink sugar image (used for ritual purposes); ~dyaḥcā n.anim. doll made of Chinaware or of sugar cine v.t. 1. to form, to arrange, to shape, to set, e.g.: gvārā ~ to form a lump, taṂ ~ to arrange in a stack, in steps; paṂ ~ to pile up: vaṃ saphū paṂ cina. He piled the books up.; kuli ~ to form a link, a relation: sarkāraṃ cīn nāpa kuli cina. The government has established relations with China. 2. to compose 3. to thrust, to throw into, to drive in: ālu bvarāy cina. (He) threw the potatoes into a sack. cinjān n. acquaintance, familiarity cinpātā (var. tinpātā) n. (-pātā) sheet metal, tin metal cinyā n.anim. kind of saltwater fish cipa 1. adj. defiled, impure, polluted 2. n. remnants of a meal: cipaṃ thiye 1. to start eating (at a feast) 2. to defile (food) by being ritually impure; cipaṃ thike 1. to cause to start eating 2. to feed s.o. who is ritually impure; cipaṃ thī theṃ yāye to pretend to eat; ~gāḥ n. (-gātā-,-gāḥ) receptacle for remnants of food near the image of the family deity (where remnants are put to ward off evil spirits) cipatā n. (-patā) small ṭīkā mark cipa-nipa n. ritual purity and impurity cipalabhu n. ritual meal for the girls undergoing the `ihi' ceremonies cipā adj. small, flat; ~ yāye 1. to flatten 2. {ch.lg.} to carry a child (on the back) 3. to embrace; ~ye (-pāta) 1. to be flat 2. (for the moon) to wane 3. (for clothes) to be tight cipālu1 n. salt and ginger cipālu2 n.pr. name of a Newar caste cipu adj. 1. thin (of a long obj.) 2. {ch.lg.} cold; ~ye (-pula) to be thin (of a long obj.) ciphāye v.i. (-phāta) to be narrow ciphi adj. thin (of solid items) cibākhaṃ n. (-khana-,-pu) short story; ~cu n. (-gū) plot of a story cibālā1 n. (-bālā) 1. bandage 2. hem of a sari (cf. nephā); ~ ghāye to hem a sari cibālā2 adj. narrow cibāḥ -> cībhāḥ cibyā adj. narrow; ~ye (-byāta) 1. to be narrow 2. to be abridged, to be brief cibhāy n. (-bhāsa-) partiality, bias; ~ lhāye 1. to show partiality 2. to flatter cibhāḥ -> cībhāḥ cim n. (-gaḥ) electric bulb cimaltā n. salt and chilli; ~ hvale to torture cimi (var. cīmi) n. {neol.} {coll.} the poor cimisaṂ (var. cimsaṂ) n. (-pu) fine hair of the body, fine hair of a plant; ~ka+i n. (-kaica-,-gaḥ) boil caused by an infection of the hair roots; ~ tiṃ svāye to feel thrilled, to get excited, to have one's hair stand up, to bristle with excitement; ~pvāḥ n. (-pvāla-,-pvāḥ) pore of the skin cim-cim n. blinking cimpākcā -> cināypākcā cimsaṂ -> cimisaṂ cimhukaṃ n. (-kana-,-mā) kind of small edible mushroom ciye (cita) 1. v.t. to bind, to tie up, to tighten, to tether 2. v.t. to control, to check 3. v.i. to be pressed, to be crushed cir (var. cīr) n. wooden beam, post with ribbons burnt at the Holi festival; ~ vāye to throw away flags on the last day of the Holi festival; ~ svāye to erect a flag pole on the first day of the Holi festival ciraṃ -> 1. cidhaṃ 2. -> cidhvaṃ ciraṃjībi 1. adj. long-lived 2. expression when s.o. sneezes; ~dyaḥ n. (var. cillaṃdyaḥ) (-deva-) stūpa with four corner caityas around it ciray yāye v.t. 1. to perform a surgical operation 2. to split cirāk n. (-pvāḥ) torch of rags wrapped around a stick (cf. musyāḥ) ciri1 adj. young, junior ciri(-ciri)2 (var. cilicili, cyālicili, cyālacyāla) onom. 1. sound of cracking, splitting, grating 2. chirping of sparrows; ~ phāye to split; ~ bāye to be cracked, split; ~ mine to have an unpleasant feeling of grinding, grating in the teeth (due to sand particles) ciri-abu (var. cirhi-, cīdhi-, ciribu) n. hon. father's younger brother cirika n. cracking, splitting cirigvaḥjā n. (-gaḥ) kind of nut ciripāju (var. cirhi-, cīdhi-) n. hon. 1. mother's younger brother 2. mother's younger sister's husband ciribā (var. cirhi-, cīdhi, ciribvā) n. hon. 1. father's younger brother 2. mother's younger sister's husband; ~ju n. hon. husband's father's younger brother ciri-biri n. cooing (of birds) ciri|-bu -> ciri-abu; ~bvā -> ciribā; ~male(-ju) n. hon. aunt (mother's younger brother's wife); ~māṃ n. hon. (-māma-) 1. mother's younger sister 2. stepmother (father's second wife, father's co-wife); ~māṃbhata n. hon. husband's stepmother; ~māju n. hon. husband's stepmother cirkāpaḥ n. (-pata-,-sāḥ) ribbons hung on a wooden post at the Holi festival cir bāye -> car bāye cirhaṃ -> cidhaṃ cirhi- -> ciri- cilaṃ n. (-lama-) 1. (-gaḥ) upper part of a hookah, containing the tobacco 2. (-laṃ) turn of smoking 3. (-gū) (var. calaṃ) stanza, line or refrain of poetry; ~ juye {fig.} to be a victim cilaḥ n. (-lakha-) salt water cilāṂcā n. (-pu) small knife (used in manufacturing bricks) cilāy n. (lāsa-,-pā) 1. lower roof tile 2. plank or brick of flooring; ~appā n. (-pā) ridge and hip end tile; ~pā n. (-pā) id. cili1 (var. ciliṃ, cillā, culi) n. (-gū) 1. comb of a rooster, crest of a bird 2. fin of a fish 3. strip of cloth; ~ cili yāye {ch.lg.} to cut the throat of an animal; ~ thāṃ vaye (of rooster combs) to grow; ~nali yāye to tear, cut into strips; ~ luye (for a comb) to grow cili2 -> ciri(-ciri) cilimadumhagvaṃgaḥ n.anim. (-gala-) young rooster (lit. rooster without a comb) cilu adj. slaty cile v.i. to move away, to shift, to roll away: mi khanāḥ macāta cila. Seeing the fire the children moved away. cillaṃdyaḥ -> ciraṃjībidyaḥ cillā1 n. fifth month of the Newar lunar calendar, occurring during phālguna - caitra, (March) cillā2 -> cili1 cillā3 n. (-gū) piece of meat severed from a sacrificial's bird's neck offered to a deity cillāy; ~ dane to scream, shriek, to cry with fear; ~millāy dane to scream continuously cillva n. fat, greasiness, oiliness; ~ kane (of fat) to float on the surface; ~ thajāye (of fat) to appear on the surface; ~ thahāṃ vaye id. cilvahaṃ n. (-haṂta-,-gaḥ) sacred stone with a mark of vermilion civapa+i n. (-gū) {Kirt} small water hole civā (var. cevā) n. (-gū) prying, eavesdropping; ~ kāye 1. to peep, to spy 2. to overhear, to eavesdrop; ~carcā n. prying, spying cisaye v.i. (-sala) to be low, faint (of voice) cisavāḥ n. (-vāla-) salty taste cisaḥ n. (-sala-) low, faint sound cisā n. {neol.} 1. (-pu) string, tying material, tape 2. process or manner of binding (cf. cikhi, putu) cisāye v.t. (-sāla) to exaggerate, to overstate cisiṂ n. (-pu) rope made of reed to tie the ridge pole to the rafters cisyā 1. n. love 2. n. control, command 3. n.anim. protector, guard; ~kaḥghāḥ n.anim. (-ghāla-) protector; ~ taye 1. to love, to pity 2. to command cisyāye v.t. (-syāta) 1. to love 2. to control 3. to take care of, to protect cisvāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) kind of flower cisvāḥbaṂ n. horizontal layers of earth, clay cihaḥ n. (-hala-,-haḥ) small leaf cihākaḥ (var. cihāḥ) adj. short, brief (of speech or writing) cihāke v.t. to shorten, abridge (speech or writing) cihāye v.i. to be brief, to be abridged cihāḥ -> cihākaḥ cihvaye v.i. (-hvala) (for a hole) to be small, narrow cī- small -> ci- cīke v.t. to shift, to move, to lift: jiṃ thva ku cīke maphuta. I could not move this load. cīj n. (-gū) thing, piece, item; ~bīj n. {coll.} things, items cīt juye v.i. to lie on the back in a game of wrestling cīdhi- -> ciri- cīdhvaṃ -> cidhvaṃ cīn n. China; ~bhāy n. (-bhāsa-) Chinese language cībar n. (-pā) robe of the Buddhist monk; ~kva kāye to remove the monk's robe, Buddhist life-cycle ritual cībhāḥ (var. cibāḥ, cibhāḥ, cībāhāḥ) n. (-bhāla-,-gaḥ) Buddhist shrine, small stūpa, caitya; ~cheṂ n. (-khā) house of refuge, monastery; ~pujā n. (-gū) procession around all the shrines of a locality after a new shrine has been built; ~busādhaṃ n. (-dhana-) anniversary of a stūpa cīmi -> cimi cīr -> cir cu1 1. n. (-cu) handle 2. (-pu) stalk of a flower or fruit 3. clf. for nouns denoting bolts or locks cu2 n. husking cu3 n. {ch.lg.} kissing cu4 (courtyard) -> cuka cu5 (b.f. small) -> ci- (and derivations) cui- -> cvi- cuṂka n. sound of a mouse or rat; ~ yāye (with neg. v.) to speak out, to dare to speak out cuṃ n. (cuna-) flour, powder; ~ dane to be pulverized, to be crushed into small particles; ~ thane to pulverize, to crush cuṃgā (var. cvaṃgā) n. (-pu,-gaḥ) syringe, pump cuṃdari -> cunari cuṃdāṃ -> cundāṃ cuṃlā n. kind of meat preparation cuk n. (-gū) error, mistake, omission cuka (var. cu) n. (-gaḥ) courtyard (cf.nani, lāchi); ~chi n. neighbours, neighbourhood sharing the same courtyard; ~cheṂ n. (-khā) house with a courtyard, complex of buildings around a courtyard cukari yāye v.t. to backbite, to complain cukaḥ n. (-kala-) 1. (-pu) wedge to tighten the head of a tool 2. (-gū) obstacle; ~ tāye to fix a wedge; ~ svacāke id. cukuṃdar n. (-gaḥ) beet root cuku-cuku onom. sound of gurgling, sucking; ~ tvane to suck; ~ vaye (for the mouth) to water cukū n. (-kula-) 1. (-cu) bolt, lock on a door or window 2. (-pu) peg, nail; ~ tāye 1. to fasten a bolt 2. to switch off a machine cukci (var. cugci) n. (-gū) table, desk, chair cukli(-cākli) n. (-gū) slander, gossip; ~ tāye to harm by slander cukhaḥ n. (-khala-,-khaḥ) leg part of a slaughtered animal cugci -> cukci cucā -> cicā (and deriv.) cucu onom. sound of sucking; ~ pyāye to suck; ~ mine to feel foreign particles in the eye cucheṂ n. (-khā) house with a courtyard cutāṃ -> tutāṃ cutiṃ n. (-tina-,-pu) 1. forceps 2. tongs (cf. ciṃtā) cutiṃ cvane -> chutiṃ cvane cutucuṃ adj. limp, limping cutuculāḥ adv. rolling over, crawling, bouncing cutruka adv. suddenly cutruva n. kind of bark (used against skin diseases and toothache) cudāṃ -> cundāṃ cunari (var. cunadi, cundari, cuṃdari) n. (-pā) kind of flowered cloth cunājāki n. well husked rice (proverb: phvanāyā cunājāki, lit: a beggar's well husked rice, (signifying `beggars can't be choosers') cune n.pr. goddess of smallpox, goddess venerated during the purifica­tion rites for a new-born buffalo calf cundari -> cunari cundāṃ (var. cudāṃ, cuṃdāṃ) meas. (-dāma-,-gaḥ) quarter of a pice cup n. silence; ~ juye to be silent cupā (var. cuppā) n. kiss, kissing; ~ naye to kiss cupāuṃ (var. cū) n. concentrated lemon extract, vinegar cupāḥ n. (-pāta-,-gū) ceremonial phalcā, shelter by the road cupi (var. cuphi) n. (-pu) knife, chopper, dagger (cf. gvaṃ~, tyāpā~, daṂkaḥmi~, lātyāy~); ~ lhvane to strike a knife cuppā -> cupā cupyāye v.t. to suck, to sip cuphi -> cupi cubaḥ n. (-bala-,-pu) walking stick cubuke v.t. to thresh rice cubuye v.i. (-buta) 1. to sprout 2. to be threshed cume -> came cumcā -> camcā cumpakcā (var. cumpākcā) -> tumpākcā cumbak n. (-gū) magnet; ~ juye {sl.} to steal cuye1 v.t. (cuta) to husk cuye2 v.i. (cula) 1. to recline, to rest on 2. to kneel down 3. to be carried off (by water) 4. to deviate from a straight line 5. to sell well, to be in demand curi n. (-pā) bangle curvat (var. curvas) n. (-pu) cigarette; ~ tvane to smoke cula (var. cala, culu) 1. meas. one quarter of a ropani (= 1296 square feet) 2. n. (-gū) plot of land (for building a house) culaḥcā -> cvalaḥcā culi n. (-gū) 1. sprout, blossom 2. -> cili1; ~ jāye to sprout, to grow; ~ hvaye to sprout culiṃ(-cā) n.anim. cricket, insect of the cricket family culiṃcū adv. face to face, in front of, opposite culipālu n. (-kāyṃ) young ginger culu1 adj. smooth, slippery, slimy; ~(-culu) dhāye to be slippery; ~ mine to be slimy; ~ biye (bita) to slip culu2 -> cula culuke v.t. to let slide culu-culu (var. culuculuṃ, cululuṃ, cusucusu) adv. 1. gradually, little by little 2. hopping and skipping; ~ vane 1. to go little by little 2. to be swallowed easily culu-bulu adj. inconstant, fickle culumājā n. glass paste (on a kite string) culuye v.i. (-lula) to slip, to be slippery, slimy cululuṃ -> culuculu culuse adj. smooth cule v.i. 1. to rub, to scrub 2. to rinse, to clean (teeth) 3. to swing, to move to and fro culyā n. 1. (-gaḥ) elbow: culyāṃ khine, khvāye to push away with the elbow 2. (-pā) bracelet culsā (var. cusā) n. (-gū) grater for shredding (vegetables) culsi n. (-pu) curved kitchen knife, stationary blade cuvā1 n. (-mā) kind of tree with white flowers and little branches cuvā2 n. fragrant ointment cuvāuṃmā (var. cuvāṃmā) n. (-mā) cactus cuvāsvāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) kind of flower, Nymphaea daubeniana cusā1 n. 1. (-pu) walking stick 2. -> culsā cusā2 n.anim. porcupine; ~pā n. (-pā) quill of a porcupine cusu-cusu -> culuculu cū1 -> cupāuṃ cū2 adj. 1. frontal, opposite, face to face 2. bent, warped 3. much in demand, selling well 4. with a courtyard; ~ khane (for a house) to have many courtyards; ~ khāye to have courtyards; ~ lāye 1. to come across, to meet, to be face to face 2. to correspond to, to be consistent, to match 3. to be aligned (of bricks) cū3 n. base, fundament cūkhā n. (-khā) building with several courtyards; ~cheṂ n. (-khā) id. ceṂceṂ n. 1. abrasion 2. roughness; ~ cvane, dhāye to be abraded, to be rough; ~ mine to feel uneasy (from dust, dirt on the body) ceṃj n. change; ~peṃj n. 1. exchange 2. radical change; ~(-pheṃ) haye to revolt cece tuye -> nugaḥ cece tuye cet n. consciousness, wisdom, sense; cetay juye to become wise (by learning from one's own mistakes ); cetay yāye to admonish, to punish s.o. in order to teach him sense cetanā (var. cesanā) n. realization, consciousness; ~ vaye 1. to realize 2. to come to one's senses cetābani n. (-gū) warning cepte n. (-gaḥ) plank, flat board cermāsiṃ n.anim. (-sina-) petty thief, pilferer celā n.anim. disciple, pupil cevā -> civā cesanā -> cetanā cya- -> ce- cyaḥ (var. cau) n.anim. (cela-) servant, slave; ~khyāḥ n. (-khyāla-,-gū) painful joke; ~ cvane to be a slave; ~buddhi n. servile attitude, servile mentality; ~ yāye to enslave cyā1 n. tea cyā2 n. shaking, winnowing; ~(-cyā) yāye to winnow cyā3 num. eight; ~ānāchagaḥ meas. monetary unit of eight ānās and one pice (= 25 pice) given as a fixed price for the services of a priest cyāṂgrā n.anim. mountain goat cyākiṃ (var. cyākā, cyāki) n. (-kina-,-gū) spot, stripe; ~cyākiṃ adj. spotted, striped; ~cyākiṃ yāye to sift foreign particles from paddy, to winnow paddy; ~ thāye, dhāye, naye to be striped; ~makiṃ (var. ~maki) adj. striped, spotted; ~ lāye to be striped cyāke v.t. to burn; ~ biye to set on fire cyākhā n. bet, wager; ~ pāye to bet cyākhe n.anim. player in gambling who places money beside that of the main player cyākhvaḥti(-piṃ) n. (-pina-,-gaḥ) kettle, teapot cyātaye (var. cātaye) v.i. (-tala) to be spotted, stained cyātaḥ (var. cātaḥ, cyāḥ) n. (-tala-,-gū) spot, stain, dirt cyā|-dāni n. (-gaḥ) teapot; ~pasaḥ n. (-sala-) teahouse, restaurant cyā|-pākhvāḥ n. (-khvāla-,-gū) figural design with eight faces; ~pāyṃ hvāye to throw eight pieces in gambling (a way of cheating) cyāppa adv. firmly cyāphi n. (-gaḥ) gravel, pebble; ~lvahaṃ n. (-haṂta-,-gaḥ) stone anvil cyāmkhalaḥ n.anim. (-laka-) caste of sweepers; ~nī n.anim. female sweeper cyāmpati n. 1. (-gaḥ) seed of the āmali-fruit 2. seed pattern (carving); ~ hīke 1. to turn a cyāmpati on its pointed top 2. {fig.} to ridicule, to make fun of cyāye (cyāta) 1. v.t. to winnow 2. v.i. to burn, to be on fire cyāyṃ n. sound of weeping (of a baby) cyārāka adv. (to hit) vehemently; ~miṃka adv. id. cyāla-cili (~cyāla) -> ciriciri cyālbatā n. (-mā) kind of fern, hill fern cyālla(-cilla) adv. shrill, crying cyāllāṃ adj. (of sound) sharp, shrill cyāsā1 n. (-pā) {neol.} kind of winnowing tray (with small holes in the middle) cyāsā2 n. kerosene oil cyāsiliṃ n. (-lina-,-gū) 1. octagon 2. octagonal pattern cyāḥ1 adj. burning red, flushed cyāḥ2 (var. cātaḥ, cyātaḥ) n. (-cyāta-,-gū) stain, spot, blot; ~ thāye to be stained, blotted; ~thālvay n. (-lvaca-) skin disease; ~simpu n. (-pu) spotted horse bean cyuṂ n. {neol.} composition (poetry, music); ~mi n.anim. composer cyutāḥ n. (-tāla-,-gū) concern, care, anxiety (cf. ciṃtāḥ); ~ kāye to care, to take care of, to be anxious; ~ daye to be concerned; ~ taye to take care of; ~ yāye 1. to remark 2. to interfere, to poke one's nose into s.th. cyuri n. (-mā) kind of plant from which fibre is obtained, Sterculia coccinea cva1 (var. cvaka) n. urine; ~ phāye to urinate; ~ sapile (-pila) (of urine) to be suppressed cva2 1. n. top, peak 2. pref. up, upwards, above, on top (cf. cvakā) cva3 n. 1. writing 2. rubbing cvaṂniseṃ adv. from above, from the top; ~ kvatheṃka adv. 1. from top to bottom 2. {fig.} thoroughly, carefully: vaṃ jitaḥ cvaṂniseṃ kvatheṃka svata. He looked me over from head to foot. cvaṃ adj. staying, remaining, sitting, living (in a place) cvaṃgā -> cuṃgā cvaṃ|-pu n. {neol.} sitting position, manner of sitting; ~sā n. (-gū) seat; ~sū n. (-suli-) {neol.} sitting position, manner of sitting cvaka1 n. interest (on money) cvaka2 (var. cvaku) n. urine; ~tibyāṃ n.anim. (-byāna-) toad, kind of toad; ~thala n. (-gaḥ) chamber pot; ~na n. stench of urine; ~mhulu n.anim. bed wetter; ~mhulucā n.anim. house lizard cvakar n. bran cvaka vāye (var. chaka ~) v.t. to put down a load for rest cvakaḥ 1. -> cvakar 2. -> cvaki cvakā n. (-gū) top, peak, point; ~ luye to be sharp-pointed cvakāji adj. 1. ordinary, common 2. topmost, highest, superior cvakā|-nāyaḥ n.anim. (-yeka-) 1. s.o. with only superficial knowledge 2. cheeky child, child who tries to assume the leading position; ~bāḥju n.anim. id. cvaki (var. cvakaḥ) n. (-gaḥ) broken grain; ~baji n. broken rice; ~luṂ n. gold dust, small particle of gold; ~hā n.anim. kind of small wasp cvaku -> cvaka2 cvakulāṃ -> cakulāṃ cvake v.t. 1. to dictate 2. to support, to prop up: kaḥmitaseṃ dhechūgu cheṂ cvakala. The workmen built a support for the slanting house. cvakvayṃ n. (-kvaṂca-,-pu) spinal cord cvakhaṂ n. (-pu) {neol.} essay; ~cvami n.anim. writer cvakhalu n. (-gū) arched gateway cvakhā adj. pure, unadulterated cva-khāye v.i. 1. to boast 2. to be eager cva-gaye v.i. to ascend, to climb up cva-gāye v.i. to rain on the top of a hill cva-ghvāye v.i. 1. to push upward 2. {fig.} to encourage cva-chāye v.t. 1. to elevate, to enlarge in height 2. to add storeys to a building 3. {fig.} to praise, to appreciate cva-chiye v.t. to lay bricks on the top of a wall, to finish the top structure (wall railing etc.) cva-chvaye v.t. to promote cva-jāye v.i. 1. to rise, to grow in height 2. to be filled to the top (container) cvajyā n. (-gū) 1. writing, painting, drawing 2. cleaning; ~kvayṃ n. (-kvaṂca-,-pu) tongs used by sweepers to pick up litter cva-jyāye v.t. 1. to elevate 2. to lay bricks cvata1 n. (-gū) force cvata2 adv. (with v.t.) upwards; chvaye to uplift cvataṂ n. (-gū) third floor (counting the ground floor as first floor) cvatuka adv. perfectly, completely; ~ naye to eat up completely, to finish off cvatuye (-tula) 1. v.t. to peel, to strip off 2. v.i. to be bruised, to be dented cva-tene v.i. 1. to fall seriously ill 2. to slip, to tumble 3. to be completely full cvattā n.anim. thief (term of abuse); ~khaṂ n. (-gū) lie, false speech; ~ nake to hurt badly; ~ naye to collide cva-thāye -> cvaḥ thāye cvathu (var. cvathuli) 1. n. upper part of an area, of a town, highland (cf. kvathu, thathu) 2. adj. upper, elevated cva-thyāke v.t. to praise cva-thyāye 1. v.i. to be high 2. v.i. to slope upwards (field) 3. v.t. to fold from the top (cloth) 4. -> cvaḥ2 thyāye cvathyāḥ adj. sloping upwards cva-dale v.i. 1. to slip, to tumble 2. to be knocked down cva-dele v.i. 1. -> cvadale 2. to be split cvadyāṃ n. (-dyāna-,-dyāṃ) 1. terrace wall (field) 2. upper plinth cvane v.i. 1. to stay, to remain 2. to sit, to perch 3. to get together, to hold a meeting 4. to seem, to look like 5. aux. (marking continuity of an action) to go on doing s.th.; cvanā cvane to remain; cvanaṃ cvaṃtheṃ juye to seem careless; cvanā biye to stay for a purpose cva-nhyāye v.i. to be of good quality, to be excellent cvapāḥ n. (-pāta-,-gaḥ) chamber pot cvapu n. {neol.} style of writing cvapvaḥ (var. cvāpvaḥ) n. (-pvala-,-pvaḥ) bladder cvaphaḥ n. (-phala-,-gū) 1. sitting platform 2. plinth 3. shelf above the oven (to dry fire wood) cva|-basa n. writing materials, stationery; ~baḥ n. (-bala-) 1. (-pu) pen 2. (-gū) writing materials cvabā n. tip of a reed, of a bamboo stick cvabuṂla+iṃ n. (-pu) kind of large radish cva|-mi n.anim. {neol.} writer; ~mha n.anim. id. cvamhulu n.anim. bed-wetter; ~byāṃ n.anim. (-byāna-) woman who is wetting her bed cvay adv. on top, above, over; cvay-cvay mavay dhāye to be eager; ~(-cvay) kane to be eager, anxious; ~(-cvay) khāye 1. to boast 2. to be eager; ~ cvane to boast; ~ chvaye to flatter; ~ dale to slip, to tumble; ~(-cvay) dhāye to be eager; ~ pvike ritual procession of musicians blowing horns for the purification of the dead around the main shrines of Svayambhunāth (lit. blowing on top (of the hill), cf. kvay pvike); ~ lhvane to raise; ~ vane to ascend cvaye1 v.t. (cvata) 1. to write, to draw a picture 2. to charge, to butt, to strike cvaye2 (var. cvāye) v.i. (cvala) to speed up, to go fast, (for news) to spread cvay+ke v.t. 1. to announce, to make known; cvay+kā juye to circulate an invitation or news; to prompt; cvay+kā yene, haye to invite and bring people to a meeting 2. to dictate, to cause to write 3. to accelerate: imisaṃ jyā cvaykala. They sped up in their work. 4. to urge: jyā yāyeta jitaḥ cvaykala. (He) urged me to work.; ~ chvaye to send a formal invitation cvay+cukū n. (-kuli-,-gū,-cu) vertical bolt of a door cvay|-cvaṃ adj. upper; ~patī adv. upwards; ~pākheṃ adv. id. cvala(-appā) n. (-pā) ridge tile cvalacā -> cvalaḥcā cvalay n.anim. (-lasa-) nanny goat; ~khvāḥ n.anim. (-khvāta-) very thin person; ~gaḥ n. (-gala-,-gaḥ) small enclosure for goats; ~javāḥ n.anim. (-vāla-) goat-shepherd; ~pū n.anim. (-puli-) id. cvalaḥcā (var. culaḥcā, cvalacā) n. (-lakha-,-pu) kind of vegetable (hybrid of onion with wheat grain, vegetable similar to grass) cvalā1 n. (-pu) index finger; cvalaṃ kene, suye to point out cvalā2 n. (-cvalā) top, uppermost part cvalā3 n. lifetime; ~ tvaḥte to die; ~ hile to undergo transmigration of the soul, to be reincarnated cvalā4 n. high sound, high pitch cvalā|-kuchi meas. length of thumb tip to index finger tip; ~kvalā n. thumb and index finger; ~paciṃ n. (-cina-,-pu) index finger cvalāmū n. (-mula-,-gū) 1. topmost part of a pinnacle 2. goldsmith's tool for smoothing a surface cvaliṃ n.anim. (-lina-) restless woman cvaline v.i. to get restless cvaliye v.t. to inherit, to acquire by succession cvalu -> calū cvaluṂ n. gold dust (painting) cvaluṃ n. (-luma-,-gū) toilet cvale v.t. to rub, to rinse, to clean cvalvay n. (-lvaca-) inflammation of the bladder; ~ thāye to have an inflammation of the bladder cvalvahaṃ n. (-haṂta-,-gaḥ) whetstone, touch-stone, fire stone cvavā n. rain on the hills cvasā n. (-pu) {neol.} 1. pen 2. writing materials; ~pasaḥ n. (-sala-,-gū) stationery shop; ~pāsā n. name of a literary circle cvasi 1. adj. high 2. n. upper part of a yoke string 3. n. top margin; ~kaḥkā n. (-pu) upper kite string; ~kā n. (-pu) id. cvasinhaḥ n. (-hala-,-patā) vermilion mark on top of the head; ~ chāye to give a ~ cvasu1 n. 1. inflammation of the bladder 2. diabetes; ~ cāye to suffer from diabetes cvasu2 n. (-pu) {neol.} article, paper cvahāṃ adv. (with v.i.) up, upwards cvahi n. liquid oozing out of the coagulated blood of a slaughtered animal, lymph cva-hvale v.t. to spray, to send up (water for irrigation) cvaḥ1 -> cva2 cvaḥ2 n. (-cvata-,-cvaḥ) end, edge, border (of cloth), seam, hem, first line of knitting; ~ gvaye to cast on stitches for knitting; ~ thāye 1. id. 2. to be ravelled 3. to make frills; ~ thyāye to knot the end of a rope cvaḥ3 n. (cvala-,-gū) animal trap; ~ lāye to set up a trap cvaḥ4 n. kind of drum rhythm cvaḥkā n. (-pu) outer end of a thread ball cvaḥkākaḥni n. maize plant growing with a cob deformed at the top cvaḥkāpvaḥkā n. 1. beginning and end of a thread 2. {fig.} coherence, consist­ence cvaḥ kāye v.t. 1. to be eager 2. to boast, to take pride in cvaḥthyāṃ-pvaḥthyāṃ n. head and tail (of a thing); ~ daye to be coherent, to make sense cvaḥ daye v.i. to be locked up improperly cvaḥ puye v.i. 1. to be eager 2. to boast 3. to be restless cvaḥpū n.anim. (-pula-) restless, fidgeting person cvā adj. fast; ~ka adv. suddenly, unexpectedly cvākaṃ n. (-kana-,-pu) kind of sharp-pointed grass, spear grass cvākabāḥ -> cvāpukāḥ cvākā-cvākā onom. sound of suckling (of babies) cvākiṃ n.anim. (-kina-) clever, smart woman, woman of low standing who assumes a leading position cvācvāṃ n. prickling, piercing; ~ mine to feel a prickling sensation; ~ suye to feel as if pierced by needles cvātyākhū n.anim. (-khuli-) hunch-backed person cvāpalākhaṃ adv. (to walk) fast cvāpu1 n. snow, ice; ~ gāye to snow; ~ juye 1. to be cold 2. {fig.} to be disappointed cvāpu2 n. greed for (unfair) profit cvāpu kāye v.i. to be restless cvāpukāḥ (var. cvākabāḥ) n.anim. (-kāla-) 1. person pretending to be knowledgeable 2. restless, fidgeting person 3. man of low standing assuming a leading position cvāpvaḥ -> cvapvaḥ cvāphi n. (-pu) broom of bamboo fringes; ~ saṃke to sweep cvāmaḥ -> cvāmvaḥ cvāmu adj. sharp, pointed; ~kvakī n. (-kila-,-pu) sharp adze; ~khalu n. (-pu) goldsmith's tool (for polishing); ~ye (-mula) to be sharp; ~se cvane to get sharpened cvāmvaḥ (var. cvāmaḥ) n. (-mvala-,-mvaḥ) 1. yak's tail 2. fan made of yak hair, chowry, fan to drive the flies away (cf. cāmar); ~cā n. (-gū) stick with paper strips to drive flies off; ~sā n.anim. yak, mountain cow cvāye v.t. (cvāta) 1. to beat, to hit, to strike, to stamp 2. -> cvaye2 3. to make an improper profit, to cheat: vaṃ jhirkā cvāta. He gained ten rupees (by cheating). cvāyṃ(-cvāyṃ) onom. 1. sound of frying, burning 2. sound of weeping 3. sound, motion of sawing, cutting; ~ khvaye to whimper (baby); ~ puye to blaze; ~ mine -> ceṂceṂ; ~ yāye to fry, to cook cvā|-siṃ n.anim. (-sina-) profiteer; ~su n. 1. greed for profit 2. speed cviṂ-cviṂ onom. sound of rattling, creaking, gulping, frying, squeaking of mice; ~cā n.anim. {ch.lg.} mouse, rat; ~ puye to be too hot to the touch; ~ yāye to vex, to trouble cviṂyā adj. miserly, parsimonious cvike v.t. 1. to wash, to rinse (inan. obj.) 2. to let o.s. be carried away by a stream 3. to sell CH cha1 pron. you cha2 num. one (with clf., meas.), e.g.: cha-gū one thing, cha-mha (var. chama) one person, cha-cā one night, cha-tā one kind; chagū chagū each, for each (with inan. n.); chamha chamha id. (with n.anim., n. hon.) chaṃda -> chanda chakay yāye v.t. to lie, to deceive chakalaṃ (var. chakvalaṃ) adv. suddenly, at once; ~chakaḥ (var. chakvaḥ) adv. once: va thana chakalaṃchakaḥ jaka vaḥgu du. He has been here only once. chaka vāye -> cvaka vāye chakubaniyā n.anim. pedlar, hawker chakka 1. n. amazement, wonder, puzzle 2. adj. amazing, astonishing; ~ cāye to be amazed: vayāgu pahaḥcā khaṃkhaṃ ji lā chakka he cāye dhuna. I have been quite amazed about his behaviour. chakkā n. (-gū) number six (of playing cards, of dice or cowries); ~dāu n. (-gū) id.; ~paṃjā n. cheating; ~ hvāye to throw cowrie-shells for number six chakvalaṃ -> chakalaṃ chakvaḥ -> chakaḥ chakhe 1. adv. aside, apart from 2. num.-clf. one side; ~ cile to move aside; ~ cvane to live separately, to stay apart; ~ taye 1. to cause to live separately 2. to put aside; ~tyaḥ adj. one-sided; ~dhāḥ adj. id.; ~patī adv. aside, towards one side; ~ puye to side with, to support (in a quarrel); ~ lāke to avoid; ~ lāye to get lost, to go astray, to be wrong; ~ like to dismiss, ignore, brush aside: vaṃ sakatāṃ jyākhaṂ chakhe likala. He brushed the whole affair aside.; ~lika adv. separately, apart; ~ liye 1. to dismiss 2. to move aside, to be put aside. 3. to keep aside, to be neutral; ~ vane to go astray chagaṃta adv. 1. (to keep, to live) separately, apart, alone chagaṃti -> chagaṃta chagūgu adj. first (inan.) chagvala juye v.i. to be united, to be assembled (lit. to become one group) chagvārā cine v.t. 1. to form a ball 2. to be badly injured, to be seriously ill chacāḥkheraṃ (var. chacāḥlī) adv. all around chacha dhāye v.i. (of rice) to be cooked well, to be not sticky chat n. (-gū) 1. lamp shade 2. roof chataṃ vāye v.i. 1. to fall down on the back 2. to fall over backwards (of a load on the back) 3. to project, to extend (of a construction chatamari -> catāṃmari chatā num.-clf. one kind, one variety, some kind (also with neg. v. in the meaning `nothing at all': chatā biye naṃ mvā. Usually (they) give nothing at all.) chatāṃbastu (var. chatāṃbaysa) n. s.th. nice, special gift (for a child) chatāji num.-clf. one kind chatājiye v.i. to be unified, equal, wearing a uniform: imi vasaḥ chatājila. Their dresses were all equal. chatine v.i. to jump up chatta -> chatra chattu adj. pleasing, artful, ingratiating, cunning chatra (var. chatta) n. (-pā) umbrella (cf. kusā); ~kusā n. (-pā) large umbrella with frills (for jātrās); ~pati n. hon. emperor, king (cf. juju); ~pāla -> chetrapāla chathāy adv. at some place chathvaḥ n. (-thvala-) group, crowd; ~ juye to be united; ~ yāye to unite chada n. (-gū) 1. awning (cf. kvapākhā) 2. bars, lattice of a window; ~ gvaye to shelter with an awning chadhāḥpyākhaṃ n. (-khana-,-pu) one-act play chadhī 1. num.-clf. one lump, mass 2. n. unity; ~ cine to join, to unite, to assemble; ~ yāye to unify, to solidify; jā chadhī yāye to form balls of rice chane v.t. 1. to prune 2. to whittle 3. to sharpen a pointed object chanda (var. chaṃda) n. (-gū) 1. rhythm, metre 2. style or mode of speaking 3. verse, poetry; ~banda n. formality; ~ vane to speak well: vayā khaṂ lhāyegu chanda vaṃ. He speaks well. chanhu 1. meas. one day 2. adv. once a day; ~mapāḥ adv. every other day, every second day chapataka adv. once, at one time chapane -> thapane chapā (var. chappā) 1. num.-clf. one (of pairs, of flat and rectangular obj.) 2. n. unity; ~ ki dvane to miss one furrow when sowing wheat (thought to be an evil omen): chva hvale balay chapā ki dvana ki bau taygu yene māḥ ana. If one furrow is missed when sowing wheat, one must bring an offering.; ~ juye to become united; ~ tuti juye to be united (lit. to have one leg): thauṃ kanhay suṃtali va gyāniyā chapā tuti jula. These days Suṃtali and Gyāni are in unison.; ~ phāṃgāy cvane to sleep together; ~bhu juye to be united; ~ yāye to unite; ~ lāsāy dene to sleep together chapāi -> chāpā chappā -> chapā chapvāḥbhutū n. (-tuli-,-pvāḥ) kind of stove (for only one pot) chapvāḥ mhutu juye v.i. to agree, to speak with one voice chabvaye v.i. (-bvala) 1. to show off 2. to protrude (of brick layers) chama -> cha2 chamha (var. chama) num.-clf. one (anim.); ~ juye 1. to be united 2. to copulate; ~thakāli n. hon. head of a guthi; ~mha adj. first (anim.) chay n. hon. (agt. ~naṃ) grandchild chay+chvi n.anim. {coll.} grandchildren, small children; ~ khane to become a grandparent chay|-jilājaṃ n. hon. (-jana-) granddaughter's husband; ~bhināmacā n. hon. sister's grandchild; ~bhīcā n. hon. id.; ~bha+u n. hon. grandson's wife; ~macā n. hon. grandchild charay yāye v.t. to scatter charkay yāye v.t. to sprinkle charke 1. adj. diagonal, crosswise 2. n. diagonal or cross pattern on woodcarving; ~appā n. (-pā) cornice brick chal n. (-gū) deception, fraud, trick; ~ yāye to deceive, to trick; chalay yāye to deceive, to evade, to escape: imisaṃ bhaṃsāḥ chalay yāyeta svata. They were trying to evade paying their customs duties. chalaṃ (var. chali, chaliṂ) n. (-lana-,-pu) nail-cutter used by barbers chalapvala pron. {hon.} you chali1 -> chalaṃ chali2 adj. deceitful, fraudulent chaliṂ -> chalaṃ chalikathi n. (-pu) mace carried before a royal personage chalchām n. (-gū) deception, fraud, trick chalphal n. (-gū) discussion chalvākā num.-meas. one morsel, one lump; ~ yāye to eat up something in one lump chasapvala (var. chaḥpvaḥ, chalapvala) pron. {high grade hon.} you chasane v.i. 1. to move restlessly (of a child) 2. to jump vertically 3. to be alarmed, to watch out chasaḥ num.-clf. one voice; ~ juye 1. to speak unanimously, in one voice, to agree; ~ yāye id. chasi -> thvasi chasī; ~kathaṃ, nakaṃ, lākaṃ adv. one by one, (according to seniority or rank): guthibhvajay sakatāṃ chasīnakaṃ tayā haye māḥ. At a guthi feast everybody must be served according to his rank. chaseṃlākaṃ -> chasī chasvā adj. in a line, linked; ~ juye 1. to be lined up 2. to be linked; ~ yāye 1. to line up 2. to link chasvāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) kind of flower (offered to Brahmāyaṇī in the cult of the `Eight Mothers') chaḥpvaḥ (var. chalapvala, chasapvala) pron. {hon.} you chā -> chāḥ1 chāṂt n. (-gū) design, style, type; ~kāṂt n. 1. feature, outline 2. manners chākī (var. chāḥkī) n.anim. (-kila-) caterpillar chākhvāḥ adj. aged; ~ vaye to become aged chāti n. (-gū) chest, breast; ~dumha adj. generous chānugaḥ adj. cruel, hardhearted chāp (var. chāḥp) n. (-gū) 1. stamp, seal 2. print, mark 3. stain 4. impression 5. influence; {neol.} chāpay yāye to print, to type; ~aṃgū n. (-guli-,-pā) ring to seal with wax; ~ taye to seal; ~ lāye to be impressed, to be influenced chāpā (var. chapāi) n. 1. (-pā) picture, painting 2. printed material, printing 3. impression; ~ākhaḥ n. (-khala-,-gū) printing block; ~khānā n. (-gū) printing press; ~ juye 1. to be printed, painted 2. {fig.} to be impressed; ~ yāye 1. to print, to paint 2. {fig.} to impress; ~ lāye to be deeply impressed chāpujā n. (-gū) religious rite which is performed at Svayambhū, worship of the Goddess Hāratī chāp+sinhaḥ n. (-nhala-,-patā) moulded ṭīkā chābyāṃ n.anim. (-byāna-) tadpole chāy1 pron. why: va chāy thana vaḥgu. Why did he come here? chāy2 n. (-gū) 1. offering 2. horoscope 3. adornment; ~ kene to cast a horoscope; ~ svaye to get a horoscope, to consult a fortune teller chāye1 (chāta) 1. v.t. to cut a sharp edge, to prune, to sharpen (teeth of a saw) 2. v.t. to sting: vayāke chākilāṃ chāta. A caterpillar has stung him. 3. v.i. to be hard, to be stiff 4. v.i. to be cruel chāye2 v.t. (chāla) to offer, to sacrifice: jiṃ dyaḥyāta svāṃ chāyā. I offered a flower to the deity.; ~ hay+ke to offer and worship with alcoholic spirits (esp. to the goddess Hāratī) chāyegu n. gifts to a temple chāy+chī n. offering of grains and flowers; ~dachinā n. extra fee for a priest; ~ vaye to offer extra items chāy+dhāsāṃ conj. because: ji jāpān vane tenāgu chāydhāsāṃ jimi kalāḥ ana du. I intend to go to Japan because my wife is there. chāy+pe v.t. to decorate; chāypā juye to be decorated chāy+bva n. (-bva) set of sacrificial food chārā-chiri (var. chvārā~) adv. (to talk) frankly, unreservedly chāruvā adj. independent, wanton chālay; ~gele, hane to be not shy, to be uninhibited chālāpu adj. not shy, unashamed (ant. machālāpu); ~ye (-pula) to be not shy chālābhākvāti n. soup of (a particular kind of) onions and garlic chālābhāy n. (-bhāsa-) frankness, openness chāle v.i. to be frank, not shy, to be unembarrassed, to dare: va misācā machāla. That little girl felt shy.; machālā puye to feel shy chāsiṂ (var. chāḥsiṂ) n. hard fire wood chāḥ1 (var. chā) 1. n. (chāka-,-chāḥ) meal, proper diet 2. clf. classifier for meals, pūjās, ritual activities: vaṃ jitaḥ chachāḥ jā nakala. He gave me one meal of rice. cha-chāḥ pujā one act of worship.; ~ hāy+ke to worship the goddess Hāratī chāḥ2 n. (chāla-,-mā,-gaḥ) kind of onion, Allium ascalonicum chāḥ3 adj. hard, harsh; ~ka adv. 1. stiff 2. rude, offensive, uncivilized chāḥkī -> chākī chāḥp -> chāp chāḥsiṂ -> chāsiṂ chi1 pron. you (polite term among people of about the same status) chi2 (var. cha) num. one -chi3 suff. as much as, only that much, precisely that much (with v., num., meas.), e.g.: ku~ precisely one cubit, khaṂ~ as far as one has seen, gā~ only just sufficiently, da~ as much as there is, nhi~ exactly one day, all the day, pha~ as much as possible, mā~ as much as necessary, lā~ only one month, all the month chiṃ 1. adj. easy, convenient 2. onom. sound of sneezing; ~ka adv. id.; ~kathaṃ adv. conveniently: chiṃkathaṃ yaḥbalay vā ! Come when it suits you.; ~ yāye to sneeze chiṃke v.t. 1. to ease, to make comfortable, to adapt, to set at rest 2. to shift (a claim): jiṃ chaṃgu sāhu dājuyāta chiṃkā. I shifted the claim of your debt to (my) elder brother. chiṃ(-chiṃ)theṃ adv. conveniently, suitable chikapiṃ pron. you (pl. of chi) chiki-chiki|-cā (var. chukichuki) n. {ch.lg.} child's rattle; ~buṂ n. (-phvaḥ,-mā) kind of plant with edible yellow flowers chitkāpaḥ n. (-pata-) calico chinā1 n. (-pu) chisel to cut stone or iron (cf. katāṃ) chinā2 adj. tapering, reduced in thickness; ~aṃgaḥ n. (-gala-,-gaḥ) tapering wall chinār 1. adj. headstrong, obstinate 2. n.anim. unladylike, unsophisticated woman chine 1. v.t. to separate fighters 2. v.t. to cut, to shape, to mould (with a chisel) 3. v.t. (var. cine, thine) to thrust into 4. v.t. to narrow down, to taper (a wall) 5. v.i. to be at ease, to be free from trouble or danger, to be comfortable, to be convenient, to be strong; nugalay machine to feel depressed, to be dejected chinchān n. decision chipaḥ (var. chipāḥ) n. (-pala-,-gū) 1. steps 2. recess of a wall; ~ taye, tvaḥte, biye to recess a wall chipā n.anim. dyer (caste name); ~nī n.anim. dyer's wife, female dyer chipāḥ -> chipaḥ chipiṃ pron. you (pl. of chi) chipe v.t. 1. to dye (cf. chiye) 2. to lay courses of recessing bricks chimi pron. (agt. ~saṃ) you, your chimeki n.anim. neighbour chiye v.t. (chita) 1. to tread, to wade through, to cross (water): vaṃ lakhay chyāplāḥ chita. He waded splashingly through the water. 2. to dye 3. to measure 4. to design 5. to form out of clay, to produce bricks, to lay bricks; chinā chvaye, yene to narrow (a brick wall), to build a brick wall 6. to wean chiri-biri adj. spotted, striped chilāy+pujā (var. chilā~) n. ritual of worshipping a rooster's comb (held during February-March in honour of the goddess Brahmāyaṇī) chīr -> khir chu (var. chū) pron. what, which: chu khaḥ? How are you? chaṃ chu bicāḥ thva khaṂy yānā? What do you think about this? chuṂ n. rat, mouse (cf. e.g. kvapi~, ghvaṃ~, ti~, buṂ~); ~gaḥ n. (-gala-,-gaḥ) mouse-nest, rat's nest chuṂcā n. finely granulated earth or clay (e.g. in an anthill); ~ pāthi lāye for a pāthi of granulated earth to be mixed (into a load of grain, in order to cheat) chuṂ|-cvaḥ n. (-cvala-,-cvaḥ) mousetrap; ~paṃjaḥ n. (-jala-,-gaḥ) mousetrap, cage for a mouse; ~pvāḥ n. (-pvāla-,-pvāḥ) mouse hole chuṂvā n. (-pu) mouse tooth, mouse teeth pattern chuṃ pron. some, something, anything: chaṃ chuṃ lvaḥmaṃkā lā? Did you forget anything?; ~gatheṃjuyāḥ conj. in case, if: chuṃgatheṃjuyāḥ jhigalaṃ mabyūsā jhiṂni pu. In case they won't give it for ten pice, offer twelve.; ~gathejūsā conj. in case, if it so happens (with negative implications): chuṃ gathejūsā vayāke madat kāḥ. If something goes wrong, ask him for help.; ~cīj pron. something; ~cīj yāye {neol.} to take advantage of; ~chāṃ pron. some, something; ~chuṃ pron. somewhat chuṃpu n. {neol.} style of beginning, method of starting chuṃ|-makhusāṃ adv. at least; ~hemakhu pron. nothing chuk n. good luck chukathaṃ pron. in which manner, to which extent chukaḥ1 n. (-kata-,-cu) latch pin of a bolt (of double doors) chukaḥ2 (var. chukā) n. (-kala-) 1. buttock 2. end of the spine 3. tail end of a bird; ~kvayṃ n. (-kvaṂca-,-pu) end of the spine; ~pyaṃ (var. chupyaṃ) n. (-pena-) rump of a bird, tail end chukānāṃ n. (-nāma-,-gū) abusive nick name (cf. kunāṃ) chuki adj. scanty, meagre, sparse chukiṃ(-misā) n.anim. (-kina-) woman without front teeth or with protruding front teeth (cf. chvāṃvā) chuki|-gvāy (-gvāca-) 1. n. (-pu) scanty beard 2. n.anim. one who has a scanty beard; ~chāki adv. (of beards) scantily, sparse chuki-chuki -> chikichiki chukimari n. (-gaḥ) kind of sweetmeat (in pieces) chukubyāṃ n.anim. (-byāna-) dwarf woman chuke v.t. to cause to fix, to cause to fasten chukhaṂ -> chvakhaṂ chukhayṃ pron. for what purpose, why: chukhayṃ chaṃ jā manayegu? Why don't you eat? chukhunhu pron. which day, which date chucuṃ (var. chvacuṃ) n. (-cuna-) wheat-flour chuccā adj. mean, low-minded chu-chu pron. how many, which things chuchu dhāye v.i. to be not sufficiently cooked (of pulse curry) chutay; ~ juye to be separated; ~ yāye to separate, to put aside for some purpose chutiṃ (var. cutiṃ) adv. 1. separately, apart 2. (to make a contribution, pay one's share from each household) separately: khaḥpyākhaṃ kene hayebalay chutiṃ kibhu taye yene māḥ. When the `khaḥ'- dance is shown a dish with some grain and money must be offered by each household.; ~ cvane to live separately; ~ taye to cause to live separately chutine v.i. {neol.} to be separate, to be single, to do s.th. separately: vayā kāypiṃ pujāy chutina. His sons did the ceremony separately. chutti1 n. leave, holiday chutti2 adj. 1. damaged, spoilt, stained, muddy, wet 2. (of empty stomach) rumbling; ~ juye to be damaged etc.: masi kināḥ vasaḥ chutti jula. Stained with ink, the dress is spoilt. chunā n. {neol.} beginning, start; ~khaṂ n. (-gū) proverb chunāpu adj. pleasurable, gratifying, delightful; ~ka adv. (to speak) agreeably; ~ye (-pula) to be pleasant chune v.t. 1. to begin, to start 2. to unreel (string of a kite) 3. to roll (marbles) chunhasa n. (-mā) kind of plant, Salvinia cucullata chupyaṃ -> chukaḥpyaṃ chubhanaṃ pron. in which degree, to which extent chumane v.t. {neol.} to indicate, to hint chumāṃ n. (-māna-,-gū) 1. hint, sign 2. introduction, preface, introductory part of a piece of music; ~ kene for a sign to show; ~ biye to hint, to signal chuyālā -> chvayṃlā chuye1 v.t. (chuta) 1. to attach, to set, to place, to fit: kaḥmī lukhāy khāpā chuta. The carpenter fitted the door leaves into the frame. 2. to adorn: māṃyā saṂpvalay svāṃ chuta. (Her) mother adorned her hair knot with a flower. 3. to begin, to start: vaṃ suthaṃniseṃ jyā chuta. He began to work this morning. 4. to initiate 5. to pretend chuye2 v.t. (chula) 1. to bake, to broil, to roast: vaṃ suthay mari chuta. This morning she baked bread. 2. to flavour, to season 3. to reduce to ashes, to destroy 4. to do habitually churi n. (-pu) knife churu-churu (var. chuluchulu) onom. sound of dripping (of a semi-liquid substance); ~ cvane to be mashed, semi-solid, semi-liquid: jā churu-churu cvana. The rice has got mashed.; ~mulu dhāye id. chulay yāye v.t. to instigate, to provoke a quarrel chulaḥ|-rā (var. chvalaḥrā) n.anim. slanderer, gossip; ~ri n.anim. female gossip (cf. chulyāhāḥ, chyācaḥ, chvakuṃ) chuluchulu -> churuchuru chule v.t. 1. to insert 2. to thread 3. to pass through, to make a passage 4. to enlarge a hole; chulā svaye to try to pass s.th. into a hole chulbar n.anim. servant (cf. cyaḥ) chulyāhāḥ n.anim. (agt. ~naṃ) s.o. inciting quarrels, slanderer (cf. chulaḥrā, chyācaḥ, chvakuṃ) chusā n. 1. ingredient, spice, condiment 2. s.th. to be fixed, adornment (in the hair); ~ chuye to season, to spice: chaṃ tarkārī chusā chuye dhuna lā? Have you finished spicing the vegetable? chusi (var. chusiṂ) 1. n. (-kā) small piece of dried wood, fuel 2. (var. chusyāmusyā) n.anim. {fig.} insignificant person; ~ juye {fig.} to be victimized, to be exploited (lit. to become fire wood); ~ yāye 1. to use as fuel 2. {fig.} to victimize, to exploit chusiṃ n.anim. (-sina-) extravagant person, one who sells everything, spend-thrift; ~tālā n.anim. extravagant person, one who sells everything; ~pahaḥ n. (-hala-) extravagance chusyā1 n. 1. kindling 2. {fig.} insignificant person chusyā2 (var. chvasiyā) n. (-gaḥ) fried or roasted wheat; ~pāsi n. (-gaḥ) kind of very small wild pear (cf. dhapapāsi); ~musyā 1. (var. chusiṂ) n. (-gaḥ) fried grains mixed together 2. n.anim. insignificant person 3. n.anim. small child chusyāḥ n. (-syāla-,-pā) cymbal of medium size (cf. bhusyāḥ) cheṂ n. (-khā) house, residence, home (cf. e.g. āgaṃ~, nhi~, macā~, laṂbva~, laytā~, lāykū~, lvāpu~, hā~); ~khaṂ n. (-gū) domestic affairs; ~khaṂ lhāye to gossip; ~khā n., adv. house, each house, house by house; ~khā dāye to go from house to house; ~khā dāḥ juye to go from house to house; ~khāpvālaṃ adv. house by house, from each house: laṂ dayketa cheṂkhāpvālaṃ chamha chamha vala. One (person) from each house came to repair the road.; ~khārāḥ n.anim. (-rāla-) one who goes from house to house; ~gulu n.anim. one who always stays at home; ~gulubyāṃ n.anim. (-byāna-) woman who sticks to the house; ~ tachyāye to split the family cheṂgū n. (-guli-) skin, leather; ~ tvaye to skin (an animal); ~ piye 1. id. 2. {fig.} to torture cheṂcheṂ; ~ cvane, dhāye 1. (for vegetable curry) to be half cooked 2. to be rough 3. to have wrinkles, to look old cheṂ|-jicā n.anim. one who is living with his wife's kin, sponging son-in-law; ~jyā n. (-gū) home work, domestic affairs; ~tugulu n.anim. one who always stays at home; ~thakāli n. hon. head of a family or household; ~thuvāḥ n.anim. (-vāla-) house-holder, owner of a house; ~thū n.anim. (-thula-) id.; ~ditaṂ n. (-gū,-kū) ground floor; ~pivāḥ n.anim. (-vāla-) house keeper; ~phā n.anim. pig; ~bāḥ n. (-bāla-) rent; ~bvati n. share, claim to some part of a house; ~bvā n. share in a feast (for the house where it takes place); ~bharī n.anim. (-rina-) house keeper; ~bhuvāḥ n.anim. (-vāla-) 1. id. 2. {fig.} snake in the foundation of a house; ~vāḥ n.anim. (-vāla-) house holder, owner of a house cheṂsā n. (-gū,-pu) {neol.} brush, comb cheṂsu-ācā n. (-pu,-thu) awl, hooked needle (used by drum- and by shoe-makers) chekāka+i n. (-kaica-,-gaḥ) large boil, carbuncle chetrapāla (var. chatrapāla) n. (-gū) guardian stone in front of a threshold chetri n.pr. name of a caste chenaṃ -> chyaṃ chenay -> chyaṃ chene v.t. 1. to comb, to dress the hair, to brush 2. to stop a quarrel chepaḥ (var. chepu) n. (-pala-,-gū) Kīrtimukha, i.e. image of a face devouring a snake (often seen on a tympanon above doors or windows); ~khvāḥ n. (-khvāla-,-pā) id. chemā n. pardon, forgiveness; ~pujā n. conciliatory ritual in order to appease the gods (hold in cases of epidemic diseases or private misfortunes); ~ phvane to beg pardon, forgiveness, to apologize; ~ yāye to forgive chemās n. 1. intercalary month (to adjust the lunar and solar years) 2. leap year cheray; ~ juye to have diarrhoea; ~ yāye to extract money by force cherābati (var. cherpātī) n. diarrhoea, cholera cherki n. (-gū) 1. cross bar 2. tripping up (in wrestling); ~ taye 1. to trip s.o. up 2. to intrigue, not to play fair cherpātī -> cherābati chel n. (-pu) pincers of a crab chelā (var. khelā) n. 1. usage, experiment 2. witchcraft; ~ svaye to try by experiment, to try out in practice cheli n. (-gū) ground floor chele (var. khele) v.t. 1. to use, to apply, to operate: āma nhūgu thalabala nī chyaḥ. Try that new utensil first. 2. to wear out, to use up; ~kathaṃ adv. tentatively, empirically, practically; ~pu adj. usable, fit for use; ~ puye to be useful, to be fit for use; ~bahaḥ adj. usable, fit for use; ~bhanaṃ adv. tentatively, experimentally. chelcā n. (-gaḥ) snake gourd, Trichosanthes anguina chelvay n. (-lvaca-) tuberculosis chya- -> che- chyaṃ n. (chena-,-gaḥ) head; chenay kaḥni siye to live on s.o. else's income, to sponge (lit. to fry corn on (s.o.'s) head); chenay chuye to be extremely fond of, to overrate (lit. to place on the head); chenay nhuye to suppress (lit. to trample on the head); chenay musyā siye to live on s.o. else's income, to sponge (lit. to fry soybeans on (s.o.'s) head); chenaṃ cuye to revert, to upset, to turn upside down, to do a head-stand; to try hard: thugu jyā chaṃ chenaṃ cuyāḥ naṃ yāye māḥ. You must try your best to do this work.; ~ka+i n. (-kaica-,-gaḥ) pustule on the head; ~ kvachuye (chuta) to surrender, to give in; ~kvayṃ n. (-kvaṂca-) skull (cf. kvataḥ); ~ kvāttu(-mattu) kvāye to nod repeatedly; ~ kvāye 1. to respond, to nod: vaṃ chyaṃ kvāta. He nodded. 2. to lose one's temper; ~ gvalaṃ khāye 1. to assemble people, to bring many people together 2. to count the heads of those assembled: chyaṃgvalaṃ khānāḥ chu yāy? What is the use of assembling so many people?; ~ cāsu vaye, vaṂye to hesitate, to be uncertain: vaṃ chyaṃ cāsu vala. He hesitated.; ~ cule to work hard, to try hard; ~ jhyātuye to feel giddy, to feel frustrated: chyaṃ jhyātū jyā tiresome work; ~ tachyāye 1. to work hard, go try hard 2. to vex, to perplex (lit. to break one's head): chyaṃ tachyāsā cha pās jvi makhu. Even if you work hard, you won't pass.; ~ tajyāye 1. to break one's head (physically) 2. to have a great loss; ~ naye to tease, to vex; ~ niye to torture, to vex; ~ nheye 1. to tease, to vex 2. to die (in childbed); ~ phaye to bear a risk; ~ vāsyāvāsyā yāye to scratch one's head, to hesitate chyā interj. expression of disgust chyāṃ|-jāy n.anim. 1. manager of a feast 2. secretary, adviser, councellor; ~ju n.anim. manager of a feast chyāṃplāṃ(-chyāḥplāṃ) onom. sound of splashing; ~ka adv. with a splashing sound chyāka adv. with one stroke, with a chopping sound; ~ pale to strike with one stroke chyākaṃ n. (-kana-) 1. (-dvaṂ) kindling, shavings 2. black clay mixed with other substances 3. (-gū) commission, profit: chanta guli chyākaṃ du le? How much commission do you get?; ~ kāye to have a commission (cf. ghyaḥkaṃ, chyāpaṃ) chyākachike n.anim. frank, open-hearted person chyākaye v.i. (-kala) 1. to be coarse(-grained), coarse ground 2. (for a person) to be pock-marked chyākaḥ (-kala-) 1. adj. rough, coarse 2. n.anim. pock-marked person; ~khū n. (-khuli-,-kū) pock-mark; ~mākaḥ n.anim. (-kala-) term of abuse for a pock-marked person; ~mājā n. glass paste unevenly applied to a kite string chyākā-chiki (var. chyākechike) n.anim. frank, open-hearted person chyākā (var. chyāki) -> cyākiṃ chyākechike -> chyākāchiki chyācaye v.t. (-cala) {neol.} 1. to raise a family quarrel 2. to dispute chyācaḥ n.anim. (-cala-) mischievous person, s.o. who raises family quarrels (cf. chulaḥrā, chulyāhāḥ, chvakuṃ); ~khaṂ n. bad talk, intrigue (within the family); ~ thane to raise a family quarrel; ~ dane (for a family quarrel) to arise; ~siṃ n.anim. (-sina-) one who is splitting the family by raising quarrels chyāchyā onom. sound of beating, striking, pounding; ~ juye to repent; ~ pale to strike repeatedly; ~ yāye 1. to strike repeatedly 2. to rebuke severely chyātā n. (-gū) 1. proposal, sound advice 2. instruction, suggestion chyātāṃ adv. open, unveiled, uncovered chyāttu; ~(-matu) chyāye 1. to hit or strike repeatedly 2. to mix up thoroughly chyānā n. (-gū) {neol.} 1. mixture 2. compound; ~artha n. (-gū) interpretation; ~gvaḥ n. (-gvala-,-gū) compound word; ~sū n. (-suli-) {neol.} etymology chyāpaṃ (var. chyāpū) n. (-pana-,-gū) 1. mixture, concoct, adulteration 2. commission (cf. chyākaṃ); ~ kāye to have a commission; ~ chyāye, taye to mix, to adulterate chyāpane v.t. to mix, to adulterate chyāpū -> chyāpaṃ chyāye v.t. (chyāta) 1. to mix up, to adulterate: sapūnaṃ durui laḥ chyāta. The cowherd mixed water into the milk. 2. to add to 3. to beat, to strike, to hit chyāy+phvāy (var. chyāyṃphvāyṃ) n. adjustment, average; ~ juye to be adjusted; ~ yāye to adjust, to equalize chyārā-chyārā mine 1. to be unpleasant to the touch 2. (for grain) to be not sufficiently cooked chyālā1 n. mixed curry: meat soup with various vegetables chyālā2(-chyālā) (var. chyālla, chyāllā) onom. sound of tinkling; ~chyālācā n. {ch.lg.} rattle, set of bells; ~ nyāye to sound tinkling (of bells); ~ (saḥ) vaye id. chyālbyāl (var. chyāllabyālla, chyāḥlbichāḥl) adj. scattered; ~ yāye to scatter, to disperse, to mess up: pulisaṃ manūtayta chyālbyāl yāta. The police dispersed the people. chyālla -> chyālā2 chyāllabyālla -> chyālbyāl chyāllā -> chyālā1 chyāsā n. 1. mixture 2. ingredient of a dish; ~ chyāye to mix, to adulterate chyāsmis n. mixture; ~ juye to be mixed, to be contaminated chyāḥlbichāḥl -> chyālbyāl chva (var. chvaṂ) n. wheat, wheat grain chvaṂku -> chvakuṃ chvaṂkhaṂ -> chvakhaṂ chvaṃ n. (chvana-) 1. (-pu) bamboo shoot, piece of a bamboo shoot 2. (-tyāḥ,-pu) sinew, tendon (cf. sayṃpvāyṃ) 3. opening, break in a dam; ~ chvane to open a dam, to provide an outflow, to drain; ~tyāḥ n. (-tyāka-,-pu) 1. muscular tissue. 2. {sl.} male organ; ~ dāle {Balambu} (of a dam) to be open, to break chvakamanā -> chvamanā chvakaḥ vāye v.t. to rest a load for a while: macāyā ku chvakaḥ vānāḥ jhāsu lana. The child relaxed while resting (his) load. chvakuṃ (var. chvaṂku) n.anim. (-kuna-) gossip, slanderer; ~baniyā n.anim. id. (cf. chulaḥrā, chulyāhāḥ, chyācaḥ) chva|-khaṂ (var. chukhaṂ, chvaṂkhaṂ, chvākhaṂ) n. (-gū) gossip, slander; ~pu n. (-gū) id.; ~pu vāye to mislead; ~siṃ n.anim. (-sina-) slanderer chvakhanā(-cā)pyākhaṃ n. (-khana-,-gū) sketch, short humorous play chva|-khvatāḥ n. (-tāla-,-gū) stubble of wheat; ~guli n. (-guli) wheat grain; ~guli kvāti n. hot dish largely made of wheat grains (eaten during Baiśākh); ~cuṃ (var. chucuṃ) n. (-cuna-) wheat flour chvatā 1. n.anim. upstart 2. adj. mean chvathvaṂ n. beer made of wheat chvanā n. provocation, instigation, plot, intrigue; ~khaṂ n. (-gū) rumour, slander, talk instigating hostility, back-biting chvane v.t. 1. to instigate, to slander, to mislead (to do s.th. wrong) 2. to drain, to make a drainage chva|-manā (var. chvakamanā) n. (-pā) yeast made of wheat; ~mari n. (-pā) unleavened bread chvamhuye v.i. (-mhula) to burst, to break: sisi chvamhula. The bottle broke. chvaye1 v.t. (chvata, p.c. chvayā) 1. to send; chvayā haye to send, to bring: imita tapeṃka thana jithāy chvayā hiṂ! Send them straight here to me. jiṃ yelay citthi chvayā hayā. I sent a letter to Patan.; chvayā biye to send away, to send (for s.o. else's purpose) 2. aux. to finish an action so that it is settled for the agent, away, off, for good, e.g.: biyā chvaye to give away chvaye2 v.i. (chvala) to burn, to be on fire chvayṃlā (var. chuyālā, chvaylā) n. flavoured meat, barbecued meat, meat course taken in ritual meals (taken immediately before a rite or main festival) (cf. e.g. tapā~, bhājaṃ~, manā~, hāku~); ~ kvakāye to feed guthi members (taking turns) after s.o.'s death; ~bhū n. (-bhuli-,-gū) course of ~ prior to a main festival chvalaḥrā -> chulaḥrā chvalaḥsaṂ n. (-pu) bristles, short stiff hair chvalā n. horse gram chvale v.t. to lift earth with a digger, to hoe chvasaṂ n. (-pu) tuff on the ear of wheat, awns of wheat chvasiyā -> chusyā chvasu n. (-pu) pointed stalk of wheat before the grains develop chvaharā n. dried date (used as a medicine against cold) chvaḥ adj. 1. burning, inflammable 2. {fig.} open-hearted chvaḥ dale v.i. (for a Tibetan lock) to be stuck, to be difficult to open chvaḥnugaḥ n.anim. open hearted, generous, liberal person (cf. hvaḥnugaḥ) chvaḥpā n.anim. wicked person, s.o. who has been misled; ~ haye 1. to be infuriated 2. to be possessed (by a witch) chvāṃ; ~ vaye to protrude, to be pointed; ~vā n.anim. person with protruding teeth (cf. chukiṃ) chvākā-chvākā (var. ~mākā) n. splashing sound (produced by shaking a container holding a liquid); ~ mine, sane (of water in a vessel) to fluctuate, to splash chvākiṃ (var. chvāke) n.anim. (-kina-) woman who likes to prattle, who talks incessantly chvāke v.t. to sprinkle, to spray, to splash chvākhaṂ -> chvakhaṂ chvāmhutu n.anim. s.o. who talks too much chvāy (var. chvāyṃ) n. profit, commission; ~ kāye to make an unfair profit chvāye v.i. (chvāta) to flow with a strong current, to gush forth chvāyṃ -> chvāy chvayṃchvāyṃ; ~ cvane to be rough (of hair or brushes); miṃka adv. (to put, place) roughly; ~ mine to be rough to the touch chvāy+phvāyṃ n. adjustment, agreement chvārāchiri (var. chārāchiri, chvāri) adj. outspoken, unreserved chvāli n. (-pu) reed, wheat straw; ~kathi n. 1. (-pu) stick of wheat straw 2. (-pu) king's sceptre 3. (-gaḥ) front post; ~pū n. (-puli-,-gaḥ) 1. oblong bead 2. bead pattern on wood carving; ~pvaḥ n. (-pvala-,-pvaḥ) wheat stubble; ~pvāyṃ n. bundle of wheat straw; ~pvāḥ n. (-pvāla-,-pvāḥ) torch made from wheat straw chvālu adj. 1. diluted, watery, liquid 2. rude, impertinent, vulgar; ~ke to dilute: puṃnaṃ raṅg bhacā chvālukala. The painter watered the colour a little bit down.; ~chvālu adj. half-liquid, half-solid, mashed; ~chvālu dhāye, naye, lāye to be a bit mashed, to be half-solid or half-liquid; ~jaḥ n. (-jala-) {neol.} 1. mirage 2. illusion; ~ye (-lula) 1. to be diluted, to become liquid 2. to be rude, impertinent, vulgar chvāvāye v.t. (-vāta) 1. to throw down 2. to bang, to knock down 3. to wash clothes (by beating on a stone): vaṃ vasaḥ chvāvāta. She washed clothes out. chvāsa (var. chvāsi) n. (-gū) stone at a crossroads (where objects exerting a magical spell are discarded, such as umbilical cords and faeces of a new born child, clothes of a deceased, or ashes of a torch); ~ajimā n. hon. goddess residing in this stone; ~macā n.anim. foundling chvāsu adj. loose; ~ka adv. 1. in a loose manner, loosely 2. (to argue) not seriously, not strictly; ~ke to loosen; ~ye (-sula) to be loose, untied; ~se cvane to be loose chvāsyā n.anim. 1. ill dressed woman (cf. bhyālā) 2. careless woman chvāsyāṃ adv. (to sit, to stand, to dress) loosely, carelessly chvāḥ1 n. (chvāca-,-gū) breadth and thickness of a square (wooden) object; ~ kāye {fig.} to know in detail chvāḥ2 adj. spouting, gushing, torrential, with a strong current ~ kane 1. to be washed away 2. to foam chvāḥ|-khusi n. torrent, river with undercurrents; ~laḥ n. (-lakha-) rapid water current chvāḥvā -> chvāṃvā chvi(-macā) n. hon. great-grandchild J ja -> jāl jaṂ (var. jaṃ) n. 1. waist, lower back, thigh 2. middle part 3. middle part of a bell body; ~kulāṃ n. (-lāma-,-gū) string course; ~ gele 1. to stir a funeral pyre 2. to recess a wall (inside a house); ~ chiye (chita) 1. to attach a handle to a trowel 2. to recess a wall; ~ taye id. jaṂcalū n. (-lukha-,-gaḥ) top plate for struts supporting the eaves jaṂ|-cāḥ (var. janū) n. (-cāka-,-cāḥ) waist-line; ~dhū n. (-dhuli-) back, middle of the back; ~dhūphāḥ (var. januphāḥ, jaṃphāḥ) n. (-phāta-,-phāḥ) 1. back 2. shoulder blade (proverb: asakhvatāyā mikhā jaṂdhūphātay. The eye of the unlucky is on his back.) jaṂnāḥgvaḥ n. (-gvala-,-gvaḥ) string course jaṂ|-nī (var. janī) n. (-nikha-,-pu) broad girdle (cloth around the waist worn by Newar peasant women); ~nuphāḥ -> jaṂdhūphāḥ jaṂpā (var. japā) n. (-pā) course of cornice bricks on top of a wall; ~ chiye to lay a ~ jaṂpākhā n. (-gū) cornice eaves jaṂpvāḥ n. (-pvāla-,-pvāḥ) 1. opening of a brick-kiln 2. lower belly jaṂ|-bhī (var. jabi) n. (-bhila-,-gū) ornamental scarf with small bells worn around the waist by goddesses in traditional dances; ~bhū n. (-bhuli-,-bhū) dorsal vertebra, vortex; ~lā n. tenderloin; ~lāseṂ n. (-gaḥ) kidney; ~valaḥ n. (-vala-,-pu) strong rope (to tie up the middle of a chariot under construction); ~sāhāḥ n. (-hāla-,-gū) hip joint; ~hiṂ n. (-pu) cloth put around the waist, girdle jaṃ1 -> jaṂ jaṃ2 (var. jatā) n. (jana-) matted hair; ~ cine (of hair) to become matted, entangled; ~ jiye (of hair) to get entangled jaṃ3 n.anim. (jana-) people jaṃkva (var. jaṃku) n. (-gū) 1. jubilee, performed at the age of 77 years and 7 months, 88 (etc.), 99 (etc.) years 2. rice feeding ceremony (Buddhist Newars); ~ nyāye to celebrate this jubilee: va macā jaṃkva nyāye dhuṃkala. The baby has had its rice-feeding ceremony.; ~belā n. 1. auspicious time for a rice feeding ceremony 2. suitable time, right moment; ~bhvay n. (-bhvaja-,-gū) jubilee feast; ~belay lāye 1. to be very lucky, to be auspicious (i.e. to have had one's rice feeding ceremony at an auspicious time) 2. to happen to arrive in time for a meal or a feast jaṃgay; ~ juye to be angry; ~ yāye to annoy, to irritate: va macāyāta chaṂ chāy jaṃgay yānā? why did you make the child angry? jaṃgal n. jungle, forest (cf. guṂ); ~i 1. adj. wild, savage, uncivilized, rude 2. n.anim. irrational, wrathful or choleric person; ~ chyāye, nhāye to clear the forest jaṃgalbakhuṃ (-khuna-) 1. n.anim. wood pigeon, wild pigeon 2. n.anim. vagabond 3. n. (-gū) drain under a road, culvert jaṃgur n. tuft of matted hair, tuft of hair in the neck of animals jaṃjāl n. network, turmoil, trap of circumstances jaṃjir n. (-pu) chain jaṃti -> janti jaṃtikaḥ n. (-kala-,-gū) maṇḍala (used for mha- and kijāpujā) jaṃtu -> jantu jaṃdhu -> jaṂdhū jaṃpāyṃ (var. jampāyṃ) n. tuft of matted hair jaṃphāḥ -> jaṂdhūphāḥ jaka adv. only: ana simāyā simā jaka du. There is nothing but trees there. jakami -> lakaḥmi jakā (var. jvakā) n. (-gū) 1. very sharp turn 2. very narrow path jakāṃ -> jahāṃ jakham n. wound, injury, damage jakharbandi n. close confinement jakhu adj. robust (of human beings) jag n. foundation; ~ svane to lay a foundation jagat n. (-gū) world, universe, people jaganāḥ n.pr. Jagannāth jagampujā -> jāgaṃpujā jagā -> jaggā jagāḥ n. (-gāta-,-gū) toll, tax, duty (on a road or at a bridge); ~ phvane to ask for a tax or toll jagāḥjag adv. 1. evidently 2. truly, certainly jagerā n. spare, extra part jaggā (var. jagā) n. (-gū) field, plot of land, building site jagge (var.jaggeṃ) -> jvage jagmag n. 1. (-pā) coloured, edible paper around sweets 2. glare, dazzling light; ~ yāye to flare up jajaṃkā n. (-pu) sacred thread (for deities and pūjā pots) worn around the wrist, consisting of three or five strands of cotton (the Buddhist one symbolizing the five Tathāgatas); ~nāyaḥ n. (-yeka-) knot tying the ~ together; ~ vāye to make a sacred thread jajaṃ|-kvakhā n. (-pu) sacred thread; ~mvaḥ n. (-mvala-,-mvaḥ) red tassel of the sacred thread jajmān (var. jayma, jaymāṃ, jaymān, jemā, jemān) n.anim. client of a priest, s.o. who orders a sacrifice, sponsor of a ritual; ~ cvane to officiate as a jajmān jajamāni adj. pertaining to ritual services jajmān|-jyā n. priestly duty; ~nī n. hon., n.anim. female client, wife of a priest's client jatan n. (-gū) effort, care jatā (var. jathā) n. 1. coconut fibres 2. long matted hair (of a hermit); ~ cine (for long hair) to become matted, entangled jatāmasi n. (-mā) kind of plant from which red dye is extracted, Nardostachys jatamansi jati1 n. heat, flame of a fire, light (cf. jaḥ, jalā); ~ kaye, khaye, lāye to be illuminated; ~ hvale to shoot up rays jati2 n. (-tā) musical metre which has five beats to the measure (short, long, short, short, short) jathā1 n. saved money, lump sum; ~ cine (of money) to be saved in large amounts; ~ ballāye to become rich jathā2 -> jatā jathābhābi adv. at random, anywhere, in all directions jad n. 1. root 2. inanimate matter jadaḥ (var. jadū, jadaḥ, jadula, jadū) n. (-gaḥ) freckle, mole jana n.anim. man janam -> janma janay yāye v.t. to inform, to indicate janā -> janai janāi (var. janā, junā) n. sacred thread; ~ka+i n. (-kaica-) itching rash (spreading where the sacred thread touches the skin which is considered dangerous: a lion's head painted on the body is to prevent it from spreading) janābar (var. janāvar) n.anim. animal (cf. jantu) janāḥ adj. stubborn, obstinate; ~bhanāḥ adj. id. janigar n. (-gū) request, favour; ~ dhāye to beg a favour janī -> jaṂnī januphāḥ -> jaṂdhūphāḥ janū -> jaṂdhū jane v.i. to be knotted, to be entangled janta -> janti jantar n. (-gū) amulet, charm; ~mantar n. incantation jantā n. people, the public janti (var. janta, jaṃti) n. (-gū) marriage procession to the bride's home (cf. lasvaḥ); ~ vane to join a marriage procession; ~ vaye (for a marriage procession) to come to the bride's home jantu (var. jaṃtu) n.anim. animal (cf. janābar) janma (var. janam) n. 1. birth 2. life; ~kāḥchi adv. throughout one's life; ~chi adv. id.: jigu janmachi he data. As long as I live, as long as I can remember.; ~nhi n. birthday (cf. budiṃ); ~bhar adv. throughout one's life jap n. silent repetition of a mantra, muttering of prayers japā -> jaṂpā jape v.t. to mutter prayers jap|-tap n. religious practices; ~māḥ n. (-māla-,-pu) rosary of 108 beads japhat n. force, violence; ~ yāye to confiscate jabar n. force; ~jasti n. force, violence; ~ yāye to force jabi -> jaṂbhī jabuli -> jaybili jabbar adj. strong, durable jabyāye -> jaybili jamay; ~ juye 1. to become solid, to coagulate (of yoghurt, cooking fat) 2. to be tasty, well prepared (cf. sāye) 3. to be glued 4. to be excellent; ~ jvika adv. perfectly, excellent; ~ yāye 1. to freeze 2. to cook nicely 3. to glue (cf. pepune) 4. to do well jamaru1 (var. jamal) n.anim. hawk, falcon (cf. dasaṃ, paytāḥ, bāycā, bvaḥri, satāṃ) jamaru2 -> jaḥmaru jamal1 n. ward in Kathmandu North-west of Rāṇi Pokharī jamal2 -> jamaru1 jamān n. promise, word of honour jamānat n. security, pledge jamāni n. bail, security jamān-kamān n. word of honour, pledge; ~ taye to keep one's promise; ~ yāye to promise, to give one's word jamin n. (-gū) land (cf. buṂ); ~dār n.anim. landowner, landlord; ~dāri n. ownership of land jamunā n. (-gaḥ) rose-apple jamnāni(-gā) n. (-pu) white hand-woven cotton shawl jampāyṃ -> jaṃpāyṃ jammā n. (-gū) sum total, total figure; ~ juye to be assembled; ~mārā n.anim. 1. one who consumes s.o.else's property 2. one who cheats a money lender; ~ yāye 1. to make the total 2. to deposit (money in a bank) 3. to gather together, to collect jaya 1. n. (-gū) victory 2. exclam. of cheering jayaṃbāḥchali n. (-pu) name of a religious song of the `cacā'-tradition (sung by Jāmanaḥ Gubhāju in order to endow his sword with the power to float as a vehicle over the Brahmaputra) jaye (var. jhaye, {Pat, Kirt} jhvaye) v.t. (jala) 1. to graze, to attend to (cattle, sheep or goose): jimi kāynaṃ phai jaye vana. My son took the sheep out to graze. 2. -> jvaye jay+ke -> jvayke jay+bili (var. jabuli, jabyāye) n. ritual impurity of a family after the birth of a child; ~ kene, māle (of a family) to be in the state of ~ jay+ma (var. jaymāṃ, jaymān) -> jajmān jaray yāye v.t. to set, to inlay jarāuri -> jarāḥvari jarāka (var. jārāka) adv. heating up suddenly; ~ cvane (of a place, room) to be heated, to become warmer: kvathā chagulī jarāka cvana. The room warmed up at once.; ~ mine, vaye to feel a sudden warmth: vayāta jarāka vala. A sudden warmth came over him. jarāḥ n.anim. kind of deer jarāḥvari (var. jarāuri) 1. adj. second-hand (of clothes) 2. n. clothes given to servants (cf. kvarāṃ); ~laṃ n. (-lana-,-pā) second-hand dress (passed on within the family), tattered dress jari n. (-pu) lace made of gold or silver jaributi n. 1. roots and herbs, drugs, medicinal herbs 2. hemp jarimānā n. fine, penalty (cf. dvaṂpu, dvapaṃ, baṃ) jari|-lvahaṃ n. (-haṂta-,-gaḥ) white marble (name of a famous dazzling stone on the Nāgārjuna peak); ~vahaḥ n. (-hala-) silver of high quality for filigree; ~vāla adj. made of lace jarnel n.anim. general jal n. water jala n. 1. village of Harisiddhi between Patan and Godāvari 2. deity of Harisiddhi jalap n. 1. metalware, silverware 2. gilt, brightness (of metal); ~ taye, biye 1. to polish (metal) 2. to smooth with a pumice stone: vaṃ karuvāy jalap tala. He gave the water pot a polish. jalapyākhaṃ n. (-khana-,-gū) special dance of Harisiddhi jalay postp. (restr. to num. + nhu) ago, before, e.g.: ni-nhu ~ two days ago jalaḥ n. (-latha-) annihilation, total destruction of the world jalaḥri n. square base of an image of Śiva jalā (var. jalla) n. (-gū) light, flame, heat (cf. jati, jaḥ); ~ khaye to shine brightly; ~guṂ n. (-gū,-gaḥ) volcano; ~ cvane to get warm, to feel hot (from spices or strong drink), to have a heart-burn: jitaḥ jalā cvana. I felt hot. aylākhaṃ nugaḥpā jalā cvana. The liquor gave me a heart-burn.; ~ mine 1. id. 2. to feel a burning pain: vasaḥ tayevaṃ ghāḥ jalā minā vala. When medicine was applied, (my) wound burnt severely.; ~ vaye to get warm; ~ hīye 1. to feel severe pain 2. to feel hot (from spices or strong drink) jalāseṂ -> jalsi jalgrahaḥ n. (-hala-) dropsy (of stomach) (dog's disease) jalcar n.anim. aquatic animal jalti n. 1. wear and tear 2. remnants of working materials appropriated by the craftsmen (esp. of precious metals); ~ vane to be reduced in volume as a result of melting and filing (of gold, silver) jalpari n.anim. mermaid, imaginary sea creature, half woman and half fish jalpān n. (-gū) tiffin, tea-break (cf. kaulā, tucā) jalpāḥ n. grading, draining of a field; ~ kāye to drain a field (esp. of maize fields); ~ yāye id. jalla -> jalā jalsi (var. jalāseṂ) n. (-gaḥ) kidney java (var. jaḥkhaḥ, jaḥpā) n. right, right-hand side: java huṃ. Take a right turn!; javaṃ khavaṃ left and right; javaṃ khavaṃ svaye to look around (ant. khava); ~ pākhe adv. to the right-hand side; ~ pākheṃ adv. from or on the right-hand side; ~ liye to turn right javanī n.anim. dried fish bent to the right side (used in rituals) javāph n. (-gū) answer javāḥ1 (var. jhavāḥ {Kirt}) n.anim. (-vāla-) herdsman javāḥ2 n. (-vāla,-gū) answer, reply; ~savāḥ n. (-vāla-,-gū) question and answer, discussion (cf. lisaḥnhesaḥ) jastā n. 1. zinc 2. (-pātā) corrugated iron sheet; ~pātā n. (-pātā) id. jahāṃ (var. jakāṃ, jāhāṃ) adv. (for the moon to shine) brilliantly: timilā jahāṃ thita. The moon arose brilliantly.; ~ tvaye to shine brilliantly jahāj (var. jāhāj) n. (-gaḥ) ship jahān (var. jāhān) n. hon. 1. family (cf. jaḥ2) 2. wife (polite term) (cf. kalāḥ) jaḥ1 n. (jala-) 1. light, flame, heat, ray 2. reflection (of light) (cf. jati, jalā) jaḥ2 n. (jala-,-gū) family; ~ juye to be a member of the family jaḥ3 meas. 1. quarter 2. -> jvaḥ1 jaḥkvathakuṃ n. (-kuna-) North-east direction (cf. khaḥkvathakuṃ) jaḥkhaḥ1 (var. java, jaḥpā) n. (-khata-) right and left jaḥkhaḥ2 postp. during: pāhāṃ caḥrhay jaḥkhaḥ during the `pāhāṃcaḥrhay' festival jaḥchi1 n. family, joint family jaḥchi2 meas. one quarter: jhirkā jaḥchiyā cikaṃ nhānā hiṂ. Bring oil for ten rupees and one quarter.; ~pāḥ meas. three fourths (lit. less one quarter) jaḥjātrā n. (-gū) great festival; ~ juye {fig.} to be exposed in public, to be disgraced; ~ nyāye, yāye to expose in public jaḥdhuṃ n. (-dhuna-,-gaḥ,-dhāḥ) fountain, tap (for drinking water), water spout made of stone (in the shape of a breast); ~hiti n. (-dhāḥ) 1. fountain, water reservoir (by the road) 2. location near Mahābaudha on the way to Asan jaḥdhune v.t. to fill a reservoir (with water) jaḥpā n. right-hand side jaḥpālā -> dyaḥpālā jaḥpālhāḥ n. (-lhāta) 1. (-pā) right hand, (also fig.: s.o.'s help) jaḥmaru (var. jamaru) num. three quarters: jaḥmaru jaka musyā only three quarters (of a mānā) of soy-beans jaḥmū n. (-muli-,-māḥ) rosary for prayers; ~māḥ n. (-māla-,-māḥ) id.; ~mvaḥ n. (-mvala-,-mvaḥ) middle bead of a rosary; ~ hīke to mutter prayers (by a rosary) jaḥlā adj. 1. first 2. right-hand side jaḥlākā n.anim. best drummer of a dāphā musical class (cf. khaḥlākā) jaḥlākhaḥlā n.anim. neighbour, {coll.} neighbours (cf. tvāḥkataḥ, tvāḥbari) jaḥlāgāyṃ n.anim. first singer (best pupil) in a dāphā musical class (cf. khaḥlāgāyṃ) jaḥsi n. (-gaḥ) wide-mouthed big cooking pot with two ears jā1 n. 1. cooked rice 2. (-khaṂ) portion of served rice; ~ tāye, tānā biye to serve out cooked rice (restricted to members of the family); ~ nake to feed rice, ritual of feeding a baby with solid nourishment for the first time; ~ buye 1. (for rice) to be cooked 2. {fig.} to be publicly disgraced, to suffer ill-treatment jā2 emph. part. marking a topic, used in the sense of `regarding', `with respect to' jāipatri n. (-mā) mace, Cinnamomum tamala (cf. jitarasa) jāulākhyaḥ n. (-khela-) name of locality in the southern part of Pātan, Jawalakhel jāṂgh n. (-gū) thigh jāṂc n. (-gū) examination; jāṂcay yāye to examine, to regard critically; ~ kāye to examine; ~ biye to take an examination; ~bujh n. (-gū) enquiry jākar n. deposit of money jāki n. uncooked rice, rice; ~cuṃ n. (-cuna-) rice flour; ~ tine to offer rice to a deity; ~manā n. yeast made of rice jākeṂ n. rice and lentils (dāl), standard daily food jākhaṂ n. store of rice jākhunālapte n. (-pā) large leaf used as a plate in a guthi feast jāgaṃpujā (var. jagam~) n. (-gū) ritual of sacrificing a goat after a tantric initiation jāgir n. 1. {obs.} grant of land 2. allowance, pension 3. state service; ~dār n.anim. holder of a grant of land, s.o. employed by the state jāgrām n. (-gū) night vigil during a religious ceremony; ~ juye to stay awake; ~ cvane to perform a vigil; ~ yāye to keep s.o. from sleeping 2. to perform a vigil jāgvaḥ n. (-gvala-,-gvaḥ) grain of cooked rice jāgvārā n.anim. stupid person (term of abuse, lit. lump of cooked rice) jācyaḥ n.anim. (-cela-) ill-paid worker, s.o. who works like a slave only for his meals jāt (var. jāḥt, jāḥti) n. 1. caste, tribe, nation 2. (-tā) kind, variety; ~ kāye to exclude from a caste; ~ biye to re-admit into a caste; ~ vane to be outcasted jātaḥ n. (-tala-,-gū) horoscope; ~ kene to ask for one's horoscope: jiṃ jvasita jāta kenā. I consulted an astrologer for (my) horoscope; ~ chvaye to cast a horoscope; ~ tvaye (for horoscopes) to suit, to match each other: bihā yāimha mijaṂ va bhaumacāyāgu jāta tvala. The horoscopes of bridegroom and bride are matching.; ~ day+ke to cast a horoscope; ~pulāṃ adj. old, aged (with an old horoscope); ~ pvale, pvike 1. to disclose s.th. confidential, to reveal a secret, to allude to a secret 2. to lay open a birth chart 3. to dishonour in public; ~ svaye to predict, to foretell jāti n. rice soup, rice gruel; jātiṂ kāye (for rice) to be overcooked; ~ thakāye to drain cooked rice; ~ yāye id.: jāti yāta ki jā chacha dhāi tara savāḥ nyālvi yaḥ. If the rice is drained, it won't stick, but then it may taste flat. jāti|-bhvay n. (-bhvaja-,-gū) communal meal of a caste; ~maḥ n. (-mala-) rice paste jāt|-pāḥt n. caste discrimination; ~bhāt n. equality of caste jātrā n. (-gū) festival with a procession, chariot festival; ~ juye 1. (for a jātrā) to take place 2. {fig.} to be spoilt, to go wrong, (for an accident) to occur; ~ tyāye 1. to celebrate a jātrā 2. {fig.} to insult; ~ thane to start a jātrā procession; ~ nene 1. to be well performed (of a jātrā) 2. {fig.} to be disgraced in public; ~ yāye 1. to celebrate a jātrā 2. {fig.} to expose in public jātru n.anim. 1. spectator of a jātrā 2. sightseer, pilgrim (cf. svaku) jāthusuvāḥ -> jāsuvāḥ jānay|-demā n. (-pā) shallow brass dish (for serving rice to a woman in confinement); ~bāta n. (-pā) id. jānā adv. together: imisaṃ bhvāy jānā yāta. They gave a joint party. imisaṃ nimha jānā jyā yāta. Both of them did the work together. jānā-jāni adv. knowingly, wittingly jānāpānāḥ (var. lhānāpānāḥ) adv. together jāniphkār n.anim. spokesman, practical man, s.o. who knows what to do jā|-pey n. (-pela-) a pinch of cooked rice; ~pvāḥ n.anim. (-pvātha-) 1. glutton 2. one who is excessively fond of rice jāphat n. (-gū) merry-making, expensive party, treat (usually done with joint contributions); ~ nyāy+ke to give a party jāba+u n. (-bali-,-gaḥ) kind of container for oblations of cooked rice jābā adj. small, insignificant jābva n. (-bva) plateful of cooked rice jābhū n. (-bhuli-,-gū) 1. plate of cooked rice 2. feast in which cooked rice is the main dish (i.e. feast within the family) ~ka+i n. (-kaica-) rash of small red pimples jā|-bhvay n. (-bhvaja-,-gū) major feast in which cooked rice is the main dish; ~maḥ n. (-mala-) paste of cooked rice jāmā n. (-pā) dress with a close-fitting bodice and a long colourful skirt (worn for lākhay dance); ~ sine to put on a ~ jāmāḥcva n. one of the `four peaks' around the valley of Kathmandu, situated in the North-west, above Bālāju, Nāgārjuna (cf. dhilācva, phūcva, sipūcva) jāmāḥsur n. dishonour; ~ nhyāy+ke to dishonour jāmu n. (-mā) name of various kinds of Eugenia trees jāye1 v.i. (jāta) 1. to be friends with 2. to cooperate: dāju va kijā nimhaṃ jānāḥ chagū nhūgu pasaḥ cāykala. The two brothers opened a new shop together. 3. to plead for, take sides, be partial: rām kijāpākheṃ jāta. Rām sided with his younger brother. jāye2 v.i. (jāla) 1. to be full: ghalay laḥ jāla. The pitcher is full of water. 2. to be completed (of a building) 3. to be well known: chimi kāy ākhalay jāla. Your son is well known for his learning. 4. (of time) to elapse, to pass: nighau jāla va manū chitaḥ piyā cvaṃgu. The man has been waiting for you since two hours.; jāyā vaye to be brimful, to spring up (of water) jāy+ka (var. jaykva) adv. full, -ful: deymā jāyka, a bowl-ful; kvathā jāyka pāsāpiṃ du. The room was full of (my) friends. mhicā jāyka dhebā svathaṂ. Fill (your) pocket with money. jāy+piye (var. jāype) v.t. (-pila) 1. to think, to consider 2. to counter-attack (cf. āypiye) jāy+pe -> jāypiye jārāka -> jarāka jārājuruṃ adv. (to stand up) in a hurry, suddenly, abruptly jāl (var. ja, jāḥ) n. (-gū) 1. forgery 2. net, fishing-net, snare; jālay, jālaṃ takene to be captured, ensnared; {fig.} to have social obligations, to be bound; ~ gvaye to conspire, to cast a net, to lay a trap; ~ thaye (for a spider) to weave a net; ~ pene to spread a net, to ensnare; ~ yāye to conspire, to deceive; ~ lāye to spread a net jāli1 n.anim. forger, impostor jāli2 n. 1. (-gū) network, screen 2. (-pā) small knitting bag; ~ka+i n. (-kaica-) infection of the skin jāliphatāha n.anim. forger, impostor jālimhicā n. (-pā) small knitting bag jāl|-jhel n. forgery; ~mvaḥ n. (-mvala-,-mvaḥ) top of a fishing net; ~sāji n. forgery jāsāḥkeṂsāḥ n.anim. opportunist, servant who changes his masters frequently, one who goes from house to house for a meal (lit.: tasting rice and dāl) jāsi n. (-gaḥ) pot for cooking rice; ~ lhvane to remove rice for cooling down jāsi(-jāsi) vaye (var. jāse ~) v.i. 1. (for youth) to be in full bloom 2. (for a person) to become mature 3. (for a plant) to bloom jāsiṃkulla n. kind of game (played by children); ~bhāṃgrāṃchu n. id. jāsuvāḥ (var. jāthusuvāḥ) n.anim. (-vāla-) rice cook (engaged for a feast) jāse vaye -> jāsi vaye jāhāṃ -> jahāṃ jāhāj -> jahāj jāhān -> jahān jāhir n. notice, report (to an official) jāḥ1 n. (jāla-) height; ~ chiye 1. to calculate the height 2. to heighten jāḥ2 -> jāl jāḥ3 adj. 1. full 2. knowledgeable, experienced 3. famous, well known jāḥkū n. (-kuli-,-pu) digger with a large blade (used after wheat harvest) jāḥkvalāḥ n. (-lāta-) dimensions of a house, height, length and width of a house jāḥt, jāḥti -> jāt ji1 pron. I -ji2 b.f. quality, e.g.: ta-ji of high quality, ci-ji of bad quality jiu- -> jyu- jiṃgriṃga cvane v.i. 1. to seem dangerous 2. to look untidy, messy, drowsy: vayā khvāḥ jiṃgriṃga cvaṃ. His face looks very drowsy. jikaḥ n. (-kala-) {neol.} vanity, egotism jikār n. obstinacy; ~khvaṃ n.anim. (-khvana-) obstinate or determined person jikva (var. jikka) adv. 1. as far as possible, to the last of one's ability 2. completely, thoroughly: jikva kutaḥ yā. Try as far as you can. vaṃ labar jikva sāla. He stretched the rubber band as much as possible. āma kāpaḥ jikva hyāuṃ raṅg chyū. Dye that cloth a deep red.; ~phakva adv. id.; ~bhanaṃ adv. id. jigika adv. 1. (to dress) in a showy manner 2. (to shine) brilliantly; ~ cvane 1. to shine brightly: nibhāḥ tvaḥ balay kvathā jigika cvana. As the sunshine flooded in, the room became very light. 2. to be dressed in a distinguished manner, in a striking manner: āma vasaḥ chanta lvaḥ jigika cvaṃ. That dress suits you perfectly. jigi-jigi (var. digidigi); ~ kvāye to be extremely hot; ~ khāye to tremble with anger, to rage: vayāgu khaṂ nenāḥ bvā jigi-jigi khāta. Hearing his remark (my) father trembled with anger.; ~ cvane to be clad brightly, gorgeously jicā (var. jīcā) n. hon. male relative in-law, bridegroom, sister's husband, daughter's husband (cf. jiri, jilājaṃ); ~dāju n. hon. elder sister's husband; ~pāju n. hon. father's younger sister's husband; ~piṃ n. hon. {coll.} male relatives-in-law; ~bhāju n.anim. 1. brother's daughter's husband 2. son-in-law jijā n. hon. wife's younger sister's husband jijyū n. term of endearment for wife or husband jit n. victory jitarasa n. (-mā) mace, Cinnamomum tamala (cf. jāipatri) jithi (var. jethi) n.anim. old woman; ~pahaḥ n. (-hala-) senility, signs of old age (of women); ~svāṃ (var. juhi~) n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) kind of flower, jasmine jiddi n. obstinacy; ~ yāye to be obstinate, to insist on one's opinion: chu jiddi yānā? Why are you so obstinate?; ~vāla n.anim. obstinate person jinis (var. jinsi) n. property (in kind, in opposition to money); ~māl n. id. jipahaḥ n. (-hala-) {neol.} selfishness, egotism jipāḥ n. {neol.} reduction, shrinkage; ~ taye, phyāye to spread (grains) for drying in the sun; ~ vane to shrink, shrivel jipiṃ pron. we (excl.) jiputā n. term of endearment for a son or daughter jiphvaḥ n. (-phvala-,-gaḥ) nutmeg; ~svāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) kind of flower, Arbutus unedo jimāthvaṂ n. kind of beer jimi pron. our jimmā n. trust, charge, care, responsibility; ~ kāye to take a charge, bear the responsibility; ~ biye to charge, to give responsibility: jiṃ guthiyāgu thalabala vayāta jimmā biyā. I made him responsible for the guthi equipment.; ~vāla n.anim. tax collector, collector of land revenue jiyāṃ; ~jikva (var. ~jika) adv. as far as possible; ~jichi adv. id. jiye1 v.i. (jita) 1. to fade in colour 2. to shrink, to shrivel 3. to get dry 4. (for a disease) to become chronic: vayā lvay jita. His disease has become chronic.; jinā vane 1. to have faded away 2. to shrink, to shrivel, to get dry: kaḥni nibhālaṃ jinā vana. The corn has shrivelled in the sun-light. jiye2 v.i. (jila) 1. to be, to become 2. to be all right, good, (better), nice: athe juyā byūsā jyugu. That would be better.; jiyā vaye to recover, to regain one's health: macāyā lvay āḥ bhacā jiyā vaḥ. The child is a little better now.; to progress, to prosper: imi thauṃkhanhay jiyā vayā cvana. They are well-off these days. jirāye v.i. to be obstinate, determined jirāḥ (var. jirāhā, jirhāḥ, jilāḥ, jilhāḥ) adj. obstinate, stubborn jiri (var. jili) n. hon. relative in-law (cf. jilājaṃ, jicā) jiriṃga (var. jirra) n. shudder, goose-flesh; ~ cvane, mine, vaye to shudder jirra nvaye v.i. (of charcoal) to glow red jirhāḥ -> jirāḥ jila interj. o.k., all right, good jilaṃ n. (-lana-) 1. burning 2. rage; ~ chvaye to reduce to ashes; ~ vane 1. (of burning fire wood) to be turned into charcoal 2. (of anger) to subside jilaṃji adj. many kinds, various sorts: va misāyā jilaṃji vasaḥ du. That woman has various sorts of dresses. jilane v.i. 1. (for burning charcoal) to be turned into ashes 2. (of anger) to subside: āḥ nakatini vayā taṃ jilana. Now his rage has cooled off a little bit. jilasvāṃ -> jīsvāṃ jilājaṃ n. hon. (-jana-) male relative in-law, son-in-law, sister's husband (cf. jicā, jiri); ~bhāju n. hon. term of respect for male relatives in-law. jilāḥ -> jirāḥ jili -> jiri jilphi -> julpi jilla juye v.i. 1. to be puzzled, to be astonished 2. to be deceived, cheated jilhāḥ -> jirāḥ jiva (var. jyu) n. 1. body 2. health; jivaṃ maphaye to feel unwell jivaṃ-tivaṃ adv. 1. with difficulty 2. scarcely, hardly: baji jivaṃtivaṃ bhvayyāta gākā. There was hardly sufficient rice for the feast. jivaṃpār juye v.i. to come to a bad end, to die: ākhiray thaḥ he jivaṃpār juyā vana. Finally, he himself came to a bad end. jisapvala pron. {old-fash.} I, we (excl.) jī1 n. (jila-,-gaḥ) cuminseed jī2 adj. 1. faded 2. shrunk jīka adv. 1. properly 2. successfully, prosperously jīcā -> jicā jīcuṃ n. (-cuna-) cumin powder jīp n. (-gaḥ) jeep jīb n. animal, organism jībaka n. (-mā) kind of medicinal herb, Terminalia tomentosa jīban n. (-gū) life, existence (cf. mvāpu, mvāsā); ~ hane to live, to lead a good life jībikā n. (-gū) livelihood, subsistence (cf. mvāsā); ~ yāye to earn a living, to live on s.th.: vaṃ cheṂ bālaṃ biyā jībikā yānā cvana. He lives on letting his house. jī|-malay n. (-laca-) 1. cumin and black pepper 2. spices; ~maltā n. 1. cumin and red pepper 2. spices jīsāḥ (var. jīsvāṃpu) n. (-sāla-,-mā) lettuce, salad, green vegetable jīsiṂ n. kind of wood very light both in colour and in weight, used for expensive furniture jīsvāṃ (var. jilasvāṃ) n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) white or yellow jasmine; ~saṃnhu n. day when jasmine oil is prepared; ~cikaṃ n. (-kana-) jasmine oil; ~pu -> jīsāḥ ju1 n., clf. pair, set, e.g.: cha-ju lākāṃ a pair of shoes (cf. jvaḥ); ~ lāke to arrange in a pair or set: vaṃ chanta dhakāḥ vasaḥ ju lākala. He laid out a set of clothes for you.; ~ lāye to be arranged in a pair or a set -ju2 b.f. term of politeness or respect added to a proper name (for men and women) jui -> jvi- juka adv. very much, extremely; ~ lāye to cheat, to deceive: chaṃ lā jitaḥ juka he lāta. You cheated me terribly. jukāḥ adv. (to travel) via, by way of: ji jāpān jukāḥ amerikā vane. I am going to America via Japan. (cf. junāḥ) jukva adv. as much as, so much, to the extent ju|-khāpā n. (-pā,-ju) pair of door-leaves, double-doors with a a bolt; ~chi n. (-gū) suit, set of dress; ~chivasaḥ n. (-sata-,-gū) id. jug n. age, epoch jugaḥcaḥrhay n. (-rhasa-) fourteenth day of the dark half of the month of bhādrapada, festival of pañcadān jugi -> jvagi jugu; ~ dhāye 1. to be thoroughly wet, to get soaked 2. (to drink) too much; ~miṃka adv. thoroughly wet; ~mugu dhāy+ka adv. id. jujaṃ (var. jūjaṃ) n.anim. (-jana-) 1. one who works at a feast 2. inner family 3. member of an assembly 4. peon, office boy juju n. hon. 1. king 2. Śivaite Newar priest (cf. gubhāḥju) 3. term of endearment for a child; ~dha+u n. (-dhali-) yoghurt of high quality, best yoghurt (cf. khvapadhau); ~ dhāye to become rich, to enrich oneself: āḥ ipiṃ naṃ juju dhāyā vala. They have got rich now. jutāṃ (var. jubatāṃ) n. (-tana-,-ju) bevel square junā -> janāi junāḥ adv. (to travel) via (cf. jukāḥ) juni n. (-gū) birth, rebirth, existence, life, lifetime jubatāṃ -> jutāṃ jubāṃ-subāṃ n. finishing touch (on a warp or loom); ~ yāye to prepare a loom for weaving jubi(-jubi) adj. 1. brimful, completely full 2. rich juye1 v.i. (juta) 1. to land, to perch, to sit on: jhaṃgaḥ simāy juta. A bird is perching in the tree 2. to be fit, to be in the right condition: vayā lhāḥ kaḥmijyāy juta. He is skilful in carpentry. 3. to strike, to hit: degalay malaḥ juta. The thunderbolt struck into the temple juye2 v.i. (jula) 1. to be, to become, to happen, to occur: mhigaḥ muṃjyā jula. The meeting took place yesterday. vā vala balay ji jhū jula. I got soaked in the rain. 2. to move about, to go, to walk: tatāpiṃ kebay ukhethukhe jula. The elder sisters walked about in the garden. 3. to be completed, finished; juyā mhite to act as, to play a role: pyākhanay jimi tatā bhaumacā juyā mhitala. My sister played the bride in the play. jhī pulis juyāḥ mhite vā. Let's play police.; juyā vane to happen, to become: va phagiṃ juyā vana. He has become poor.; juyāṃ cvane to continue, to go on: muṃjyā juyāṃ cvana. The meeting is (still) going on.; juyāṃ vane, vaye to be over, to go on, to become, to change gradually: jyā lā juyāṃ he vanī makhā? The work is over, isn't it? sakatāṃ thikay juyāṃ vana. By and by everything becomes (more) expensive.; jula used in enumeration: ana svamha jaka he du: chamha rām jula, chamha syām jula, ale chamha hari jula. There were only three people there: one was Rām, one was Syām and then (the third) was Hari.;juye biye to tolerate, to put up with: nhyāguṃ nhyāguṃ juye biyāṃ jhīgu cheṂ gay jvi le? If (we) put up with everything what will become of our house? juruka adv. (to stand up) suddenly, abruptly: va juruka danā. He suddenly got up. juru|-jāruṃ (var. ~juru, ~juruṃ) adv. quickly, suddenly, abruptly; ~(-juruṃ) cvane -> julujulu jula1 -> juye2 jula2 -> jū julāph n. purgative, purge; ~ kāye to purge, to take a purgative julāhā n.anim. weaver julu-julu cvane (var. jurujuruṃ ~) v.i. to be thin (of curds) julus n. (-gū) procession, demonstration; ~ vaye to come in a procession, to demonstrate: julus vaḥpiṃ pulis vay balay chyālbyāl jula. The demonstrators dispersed when the police came. julpi (var. jilphi, julphi, julbi) n. (-pā) kind of pastry made of wheat flour soaked in sugar water juvāḥ (var. javāḥ) n.anim. (-vāla-) 1. walker, pedestrian 2. gambler; ~dyaḥ n.anim. (-deva-) chronic gambler juse (var. jusi, jusse, jhuse) adv. overfull, full with a heap on top: kvapay juse ti. Fill the cup with as much as it can hold. (cf. yelā) juhār1 (var. jvāḥri) n. (-gū) 1. bridge of a string instrument 2. pitch, tuning of a string instrument; ~ cāy+ke to clean the bridge of a string instrument; ~ pikāye, biye, sāle 1. to tune a string instrument 2. to strike two or more strings at the same time, to play an arpeggio 3. to play an accompanying bass juhār2 (var. jvāhār) n. (-gaḥ) gem, jewel (cf. thī) juhārāt n. (-gaḥ) jewel, jewelry juhāri n.anim. jeweller juhisvāṃ -> jithisvāṃ jū n. (jula-,-gū) gambling, gambling place; julay pāye to place a bet in gambling; ~khvaṃ n.anim. (-khvana-) gambler; ~ cvay+ke to announce the opening of a season of legal gambling: nhāpā rānātay pālay ilaybalay jū cvaykegu yāḥ. Previously during the Rāṇā period from time to time they would allow a season of gambling.; ~ mhite to gamble; ~ lvāye to gamble, to throw cowrie shells or dice in gambling jūjaṃ -> jujaṃ jū vane v.i. to fall accidentally, to happen, to occur by chance: ji ikuyāḥ lukhākharui jū vana. Feeling giddy I fell down on the door sill. malaḥ huṃ gajulī jū vana. The thunderbolt struck the pinnacle of that temple. jūhyaḥ n.anim. (-hela-) gambler jeka adv. (to use) 1. to the full extent, completely 2. to the point of being worn out, of being corroded: thva jyābhaḥ jeka chyaḥ. Use this tool until it's really worn out. je|-jaṃkva n. (-gū) jubilee (cf. burā jaṃkva); ~jithi n.anim. unmarried elderly woman, spinster (cf. thvapūmha, burinakiṃ, māmisā); ~jetha n.anim. unmarried elderly man, bachelor jetha (var. jyātha) n.anim. old man; ~ye (-thala) to grow old: va naṃ āḥ lā jethala. He has become old now.; ~sū (var. jesu) n. (-suli-) {neol.} senility, signs of old age, lethargy of old age jethā n. 1. capital, property 2. security for a loan (cf. mā, lāy, sāuṃ) jethi (var. jithi) n.anim. old woman (cf. jhiri, buri) jemā, jemān -> jajmān jeri n. (-pā) kind of sweet bread shaped like the blossom of a flower jel (var. jhel, jhyāl) n. (-gū) prison, jail (cf. khuṂgaḥ); ~khānā n. (-gū) id. jele v.i. to wear out, to corrode, to wear off gradually: lākāṃ jela. The shoes are worn out. jesū -> jethasū jya- -> je- jyaḥ1 -> jyū2 jyaḥ2 n.anim. (jela-) dumb person, idiot; ~kāy n.anim. id.; ~ juye 1. to be an idiot 2. {fig.} to be astonished: va mācāyāgu khaṂ nenāḥ ji jyaḥ jula. I was astonished at hearing that child's remark.; ~taṃ n. (-tama-) wrath of an idiot, blind fury; ~tāṃ n.anim. (-tana-) idiot; ~ yāye 1. to make fun of, to make s.o. appear as a fool 2. to astonish, to puzzle jyaḥtis -> jvaḥtis jyaḥna (var. jyaḥnāṃ) n. morning meal, lunch (polite term); ~ bene to have finished the morning meal; ~ bhapiye to take one's morning meal; ~lapte n. (-pā) large leaf for offering an oblation jyaḥpākaḥ n.anim. (-kala-) idiot jyā n. (-gū) 1. work, duty, occupation, profession, task, function 2. exertion, effort, achievement, perseverance: chaṃgu jyā svayāḥ jiṃ dhebā bī. I will pay you according to your achievement. 3. result, effect, use: cha vanāgu jyā chu jula? What is the result of your going? 4. habit, conduct; jyāy chele to use, apply, to utilize: chanta jyāy chelī ale vāṃ chvayā bī. (He) will use you only as a tool and then dismiss you.; jyāy cvanā biye to help organize a feast: jiṃ vayā kāyyā bhvajay jyāy cvanā biyā. I helped with his son's marriage; jyāy cvane 1. to help organize a feast 2. to be employed, to work for wages: vayā jyāy cvane māḥ. He has got to work (as an employee).; jyāy taye to employ, to appoint, to nominate; jyāy vaye to be of use, to be useful: va jyāy vala. He was useful.; jyāy haye to utilize, to make use of; ~ kāye to apply, to utilize; ~ khuye to be lazy (lit. to steal the work); ~ chine 1. to be easy, useful, convenient 2. to feel at ease; ~ chuye to start working, to undertake; ~ chele (var. jyāy chele) to use, apply, to utilize; ~ chele daye to be useful; ~ juye 1. to be fulfilled 2. to be in process; ~ bene 1. to finish working 2. (of a child) to become able to grasp and hold s.th.; ~ bvaye to order, to regulate, to assign a task; ~ yāye to work; ~ vāye to order, to regulate; ~ sane 1. to labour, to work 2. to get engaged for work 3. to work as a helper in a feast jyā|-kū n. (-kuthi-,-gū) work shop, factory; ~khaṂ n. (-gū) duty, task, work; ~khuṂ n.anim. (-khuna-) lazy man, good-for-nothing, idler (lit. thief of work); ~khuni n.anim. lazy, idle woman; ~jhvaḥ n. (-jhvala-) programme, schedule jyātha -> jetha jyā|-thakāhā n.anim. lazy man, irresponsible man (lit. one who cheats by not working); ~thakiṃ n.anim. (-kina-) lazy woman, irresponsible woman; ~dhalaḥ n. (-lakha-,-gū) programme, schedule jyān n. 1. life, existence 2. term of address (for wife or children, expressing endearment); ~ kāye to take life, to kill; ~ theṃ yeye to love very much, to be very fond of: jitaḥ va khicā jyān theṃ yaḥ. That dog is as dear as life to me.; ~pānāḥ adv. at the risk of life; ~ pāye to strive, to try hard (lit. to wager one's life); ~ biye to try hard, to help whole-heartedly; ~ vane to die: (idiom: jyān vanī vaṃ khaṂ manyaḥ. He did not listen the slightest bit.) jyānā b.f. {neol.} adopted, artificial, created; ~artha n. (-gū) meaning, explanation; ~kāy n. hon. adopted son; ~khaṂ n. (-gū) 1. artificial talk 2. creative work; ~khvāḥ n. (-kvāla-) facial gesture; ~jyā n. creative work; ~pahaḥ n. (-hala-) creativity; ~macā n.anim. adopted child jyān|-mārā n.anim. murderer; ~mārānī n.anim. murderess; ~mārāmaltā n. very hot chilli; ~sajāyṃ n. capital punishment jyāpāḥ n. (-pāla-,-gū) turn, shift of work; ~ cāye to delay work, to put off work, to lose time: va vaḥguliṃ jiṃ jyāpāḥ cāla. Because he came I lost some time at my work.; ~ biye (bita) to delay, to postpone work, to lose time: cha ghau jyāpāḥ bita. One hour was lost. jyāpu1 n.anim. farmer, peasant jyāpu2 n. cotton seed; ~ leye to sift cotton jyāpughāyṃ (var. jyāpucā~) n. (-ghāṂsa-,-mā) kind of medicinal herb, jyāpu grass (applied for wounds) jyāpucikaṃ n. (-kana-) cotton seed oil (applied for earache) jyāpu|-nī n.anim. female farmer, farmer's wife; ~pyākhaṃ n. (-khana-,-gū) special kind of dance, rural dance jyāpū n. (-puli-) work, consequence, result, manner of working: (proverb: manūtay dhāpū va jyāpū cū lāye māḥ. Men's words and actions should be in accordance.); ~ vane (for a work) to be done smoothly, to be well accomplished jyā|-baḥ (var. jyābhaḥ) n. (-bala-,-gū) tool; ~labaḥ n. (-bala-,-gū) tool, set of tools (cf. labaḥkabaḥ); ~mi n.anim. worker, farm-labourer; ~mijyā n. (-gū) day-labourer's job; ~mi taye to hire day labourers jyāye (jyāta) 1. v.t. to work, to cultivate, to create, to compose, to fabricate, to mould 2. v.i. to be mixed up jyālā n. wages; ~ kene to work part time, to earn irregular wages: thauṃ vayā jyālā jhiṃnirkāṃ mayāka kena. Today he earned more than twelve rupees.; ~ khane to earn good daily wages, to be well paid; ~jyā n. hired work; ~jyāmi n.anim. hired worker, day-labourer jyā|-lu n. professional work of the potters of Thimi and Bhaktapur during the winter season (done going from village to village); ~saḥ1 n. (-sala-,-gū) work shop, factory; ~saḥ2 adj. expert, skilled in one's work; ~suvāḥ n.anim. (-vāla-) diligent, energetic worker jyāḥpunhī n. full moon of the month of jyeṣṭhta (longest day of the year) jyū1 n. (jiva-) 1. (-gū) body 2. health; ~ thakāye to improve one's health; ~ day+ke to build up, to train (of body); ~ sene to lose one's health, of health to be ruined; ~ seṃke to spoil (one's health) jyū2 (var. jyaḥ) 1. interj. yes, o.k. well 2. adj. good, nice 3. term of address, of endearment: `my dear' (affixed to a name or title); ~kathaṃ adv. at one's ease; ~ dhāye to agree jyūtā b.f. life time; ~ taye to live; ~bhar adv. for the whole life, life-long; ~ yāye to live for a long time, to be blessed with a long life jyū|-thāy+taka adv. as far as possible; ~theṃ adv. in a comfortable way, at one's convenience: jyutheṃ yā. Do as you can, as you like. jyūni n. life, lifetime jyū|-piṃ n. {pl.} people of pure caste (short form of `laḥ-kāye-jyūpiṃ' those one may take water from); ~mha n.anim. 1. person of pure caste 2. s.o. making a good impression jvaṃ chuye v.t. (chuta) to deviate, to misunderstand, to get s.th. wrong jvaṃpu n. {neol.} way of holding: va macāyā kalam jvaṂpu bāṂlāḥ. The way the child holds the pen is nice. jvaṃsā n. 1. things held in the hand 2. (-pu) handle, grip jvakā -> jakā jvakhāye v.i. to be mad with fury, to rage jvakhime adj. dangerous jvag -> jvage jvagi (var. jugi) n.anim. 1. tailor caste, playing the muhāli, a straight long trumpet 2. ascetic, yogin (esp. belonging to the Kāṇphaṭa or Kāpālika sect) (cf. damāiṃ); ~bva n. (-bva) plate of rice and vegetables given to the musicians at a major festival or on the seventh day after a death; ~ni n.anim. female member of the ~ caste; ~nipujā n. kind of ritual to expel evil spirits from a place (for which an ascetic has to surround the town at night) jvage (var. jagge, jvag) n. sacrifice, oblation; ~jvalaṃ n. (-lana-) ingredients for an oblation jvacā (var. jvaḥ, jvalcā) n. (-gū) 1. small brook that is dry except during monsoon 2. difference of opinion or feeling jvajalapā n. (-gū) 1. salutation 2. entreaty; ~ taye to salute, to implore jvajalape v.t. to salute, to honour: sisemacātaseṃ guru jvajalapa. The pupils saluted the teacher. jvatikā (var. jvaḥ(ti)kā) n. (-ti) tacking thread; ~ vāye to tack, to baste jvanā n. (-pu) sacred thread given at an initiation jvane v.t. 1. to get hold of, to catch, to grasp, to arrest: vaṃ kathi lhātaṃ jvana. He grasped the stick with his hand 2. to take up (an occupation): vaṃ kaḥmijyā jvana. He took up carpentry. 3. to match, to suit: phakaṃ sanāṃ samay bajiyāta tasakaṃ jvaṃ. The phakaṃ-pickle is very delicious with beaten rice.; jvanā haye to fetch, to bring, to catch: pulisaṃ khuṂtayta thānāy jvanā hala. The police caught the thieves and brought them to the station. jvaban (var. jvaḥban) n. (-gū) youth (cf. lyāymha, lyāse) jvay; ~(-jvay) piye, pene {Kirt} to cast an evil eye: vaṃ chanta jvay pila lā. Indeed, he cast an evil eye upon you. jvaye (var. jaye) v.i. (jvala) 1. to fall down (of sunlight, rain etc.), to leak, leak out: kvathāy vā jvala. Rain leaked into the room. 2. (var. jaye) to be sharp jvay+ke (var. jayke) v.t. to sharpen; jvaykā taye to sharpen, to keep sharpened (also fig.): thaḥgu budhi jvaykā taye māḥ. One must keep one's wits sharp. jvar (var. jvaḥ) n. fever; ~ vaye to have fever jvaray yāye v.t. 1. to arrange, to prepare (meals): māmāṃ bhvay jvaray yāta. Mother prepared the feast. 2. to join, to bring two parties together jvarā adj. matching, similar: raṅg jvarā jula. The colours are matching each other. (cf. jvaḥ lāye) jvaripāri n.anim. persons of equal status, equal age, rivals jvalaṃ n. (-lana-) set of things, items, ingredients, implements, equipment (of a house) (cf. halaṃjvalaṃ); ~kalaṃ n. (-lana-) id.; ~pulaṃ n. (-lana-,-gū) set of things, items, ingredients, implements jvalahaṃ (var. jvalaṃ) n. (-hana-) short sleep, nap, doze; ~ kane to open eyes dozingly; ~ cvane to doze, to be drowsy, to look with eyes half asleep; ~nugaḥ n. (-gala-) {neol.} subconscious mind; ~(-jvalahaṃ) bvāke 1. to mislead 2. to annoy; ~ hane to doze, to be drowsy jvalā n. (-gū,-ku) 1. firewood, fuel (for a cremation), load of firewood 2. contribution to the costs in a `sī' guthi; ~ taye to contribute a load of firewood for a cremation jvalānhāy+kaṃ (var. jvālā~) n. (-kana-,-pā) brass mirror contained in the bride's dowry, symbol of the bride in the marriage ceremony; ~sinhaḥmū n. {fig.} couple well suited to each other, proper match jvaliṃjvaḥ adj. matching, suiting, paired, equal in age, standard, state or rank jvalcā -> jvacā jvasi n.anim. astrologer (cf. jvaḥtis); ~bhāju n. hon. term of respect for an astrologer jvahāsā n. (-pā) winnowing tray for sacrificial purposes jvaḥ1 (var.jaḥ) 1. n., clf. (jvala-) pair, couple, complete set 2. adj. similar, equal, even (of numbers), matching, harmonious (cf. ju, jvarā); ~ kāye to unite, to pair; ~ khāye to form a pair or set; ~ cine to copulate, to mate (of animals); ~ daye (for a Tibetan lock) to be jammed; ~ lāye to match, to be paired, (for a pair) to be alike jvaḥ2 adj. 1. leaky 2. sharp, sharpened 3. {fig.} awake, conscious, keen jvaḥ3 n. (jvala-,-gū) cave, hole in the ground, downward slope jvaḥ4 -> jvar jvaḥ5 -> jvacā jvaḥkā -> jvatikā jvaḥkvataḥ n. (-tala-,-pā,-jvaḥ) pair or set of shallow pūjā plates used for marriage ceremonies jvaḥg n. 1. constellation of planets 2. coincidence jvaḥ|-ghaḥ n. (-ghala-,-ghaḥ) leaky pot; ~cupi n. (-pu) sharp knife jvaḥchiṃ adv. throughout, till the end, for the whole time, during jvaḥti n. illumination, light, gleam jvaḥtikā -> jvatikā jvaḥtis (var. jyaḥtis) n.anim. astrologer (cf. jvasi); ~sāstra n. (-gū) astrology jvaḥtvaḥ 1. adj. well-matched, fairly opposed 2. even number jvaḥ|-paciṃtā n. (-pā) kind of pastry of ramified shape for marriage ceremonies; ~pastāḥ n. (-tāla-,-pā) id.; ~prasād n. (-pā) id. jvaḥban -> jvaban jvaḥ|-macā n.anim. twin, twins (cf. nimhabūpiṃ); ~me n. (-pu) duet song jvaḥs n. heat of suppressed anger jvāyṃ -> jvāḥ jvāyṃ(-jvāyṃ); ~ mū saye (for wine or liquor) to be scummy, to be covered with froth; ~ yā cvane id.; ~ saye (of fruit plants) to bear well, abundantly: simā jvāyṃ jvāyṃ sala. The tree bears much fruit. jvālā (var. jvālla) n. light, brightness; ~jvālā adv. brightly, shiny, twinkling; ~(-jvālā) thiye (var. ~jvālāṃ ~) to shine brightly, to be dazzling: mata jvālla thī, kāpataṃ kyū. The lamp is too bright, cover it up! ~jvālāṃ thīke to polish jvālānhāy+kaṃ -> jvalānhāykaṃ jvālla -> jvālā jvāhār -> juhār2 jvāhārikvaḥt n. (-pā) kind of waist coat (named after Jawaharlal Nehru) jvāḥ (var. jvāyṃ) (jvāla-) 1. n., clf. bunch, cluster, clf. for ramified objects, e.g.: cha-jvāḥ mitasi one bunch of grapes; nijvāḥ kerā two hands of bananas 2. n. set of 108 brass lamps 3. n. earlobe; ~ cine to make a bunch; ~devā n. set of 108 brass lamps jvāḥ|-mhicā (var. jhvāmhe) n. (-pā) small knitting bag; ~mhe n. (-pā) kind of jute bag with a loop carried on a pole, bag made of rope (for carrying pottery) jvāḥri -> juhār jvike v.t. to cause, to bring about jvibyū interj. let it be, it's no use, it can't be helped, what can you do? JH jha n. 1. brilliancy 2. jerk; ~ kāye 1. to be beautiful 2. to jolt; ~ tane to oppose, to revolt; ~ tine to throw away: macā lhātay cvaṃgu āmāsi jha tina. The child threw the guava away which it held in its hand.; ~ tuye to dig out; ~ sane to startle jha+u1 n. (jhali-,-pu) 1. sealing wax (cf. lāhā) 2. resin, sap of trees jha+u2 adj. 1. burning, blazing, scorching 2. ruined, destroyed: cheṂ jhau jula. The house burnt completely down.; ~ kane to be completely ruined or destroyed: pasaḥyāta nyānā haḥgu phukaṃ bastūta jhau kana. All the merchandise bought for the shop was completely destroyed.; ~ juye to be reduced to nothing; ~ thāye to burn down, to smoulder; ~ yāye 1. to burn down, cause to burn 2. to ruin, to waste: rāmaṃ jū mhitāḥ cheṂbuṃ jhau yāta. Rām ruined the entire estate by gambling. jha+u|-ka+i n. (-kaica-,-gaḥ) red boil, furuncle; ~gucā n. (-gaḥ) wax marble; ~ciṃ n. (-cina-,-gū) wax-seal, seal mark; ~ciṃ taye to seal jha+usi n. burnt residue, ashes jha+usvāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) wax-flower, Hoya carnosa (blossoms of a plant from which brooms are made ) jhaṂ -> jhan jhaṃ adj. scorched (of cloth) jhaṃgaḥ n.anim. (-gala-) 1. bird 2. {fig.} cheater, impostor (cf. e.g. kalki~, kaḥni~, khvāyṃ~, nhikāṃ~, bapaḥ~, mi~, luṂ~, salāṃtyāḥ~, siṂkvāḥ~); ~cā n. {sl.} boy's male organ; ~ lāye 1. to catch a bird 2. {fig.} to cheat, to deceive jhaṃjhat n. (-gū) trouble, worry, nuisance: chanta jhaṃjhat jvi. It will be unnecessary trouble for you, don't take the trouble!; ~ kāye to take the trouble: jhaṃjhat kāye mate. Don't take the trouble!; ~ kvabuye to burden oneself unnecessarily; ~ phaye to take the trouble: vane mvāḥgu ale vaṃ jhaṂjhat phala. There was no need to go, yet he took the trouble. jhak n. exertion, effort; ~ kāye 1. to be active 2. to jolt 3. to be smart, to be shiny: va lyāsecā nhūgu lanay jhak kāla. The girl looks smart in her new dress. jhaka-jhaka n. constant jolts of the memory jhakay bvāye v.i. {Pg} to jump down jhakarā n. (-gū) 1. dispute 2. law case; ~khvaṃ n.anim. (-khvana-) one who constantly cries for forbidden objects; ~ yāye to go to court jhakā (var. jhākā) n. (-gū) 1. event, accident 2. accent; jhakāṃ yānāḥ with an accent jhajha dhāye v.i. to be bright, splendid, glamorous: jhajha dhāgu laṃ, a splendid dress; thugusī mvaḥnhi nakhaḥ jhajha dhāḥ. This year Dasain seems marvelous. bhaumacā jhajha dhāḥ. The bride looks splendid. jhatanā -> cakanā1 jhatāṃgāḥ n. (-gāla-,-gāḥ) fort, castle jhatāḥjhat adv. hurriedly, in haste jhatiṃgar (var. jhathiṃgar) n.anim. insignificant person, person of no importance (term of abuse) jhatilā n. (-gū) {Bhp} quagmire, bog (cf. jhvākaḥ, dhvapa, nhagāḥ, nhasi) jhatu vāye v.t. {Bhp} to throw down jhatta adv. soon, quickly, promptly jhathāṃmugaḥ n. (-gala-,-gū) very narrow lane jhathiṃgar -> jhatiṃgar jhan (var. jhaṂ) adv. still, all the more; jhan bāṃlāḥ, nicer, more beautiful jhane v.t. to scorch (cloth) jhan|-jaka adv. all the more (against expectation): vaḥ jhanjaka vala. It rained all the more (contrary to expectation).; ~jhan adv. id. jhandā n. (-pā) flag, banner jhanna mine v.i. to feel numb, dizzy: vayāgu chyaṃ jhanna mina. His head felt dizzy. (cf. jhuṃ) jhanna+i (var. jhanneli) adv. just about jhapati (var. jhāpati, jhāḥpati) n.anim. gnat; ~pyā n.anim. land leech jhapari n. (-mā) kind of banana, kind of plantain jhamār n. {sl.} unnecessary burden, nuisance; jhamār jula what a nuisance!; ~ kvabuye, phaye to burden oneself: vaṃ jhamār kvabula. He shouldered the burden. jhamjham adv. in torrents (of rain) jhamtay yāye v.t. to attack, to pounce upon jhampāt adj. {colloqu.} ruined, spoilt, useless; ~mel adj. id. jhamsi n. (-gaḥ) lime, small kind of lemon jhaye {Pat, Kirt} -> jaye jhay+ke v.t. to adjust a window or a door panel in its hinges jharanā n. (-gū) waterfall jharay yāye v.t. to feel s.o's pulse jhari1 n. rainfall, rainy season jhari2 n. 1. (-gū) rebate for panels 2. (-gaḥ) plane for producing rebates 3. (-pu) drill; ~ kāye, mhuye to prepare a rebate jharkay juye v.i. to be upset jharkva cāye v.i. to be unwilling, to be disgusted jhar-jhar onom. sound of heavy rainfall; ~ vā gāye to rain heavily jharvā n. (-gaḥ) 1. paddy without kernel 2. kind of paddy jhalak n. reflected light, brightness jhalal {Pg, Nagāḥ} -> jhallar jhaleṃ n. (-lena-,-gaḥ) pupil of the eyes jhalkay juye v.i. to flash, to glisten jhal-jhal adv. shining, bright jhallar (var. jhalal) n. (-gū) frill, pleat, tassel (of a cloth or canopy ) jhavāḥ {Pat, Kirt} -> javāḥ jhasaṃka (var. jhasaka, jhasaṃga) adv. with a sudden start; ~ vane to be startled jhasa-jhasa adv. sporadically; ~ lumane to come to mind again and again, to be haunted by a thought or memory jhasukāḥ (var. jhāsukāḥ) n. (-kāla-,-gū) sigh, groan (of relief ); ~ taye, thane to sigh (intentionally), to breathe heavily; ~ vaye to sigh, to groan (unintentionally) jhā meas. depth of a cut with a spade; ~ cāle to be dug spade-deep; ~ pāle to dig down to fertile soil; ~ pvike to dig down spade-deep: jhā pvikala ki nāyugu hākunaḥgu cā luyā vai. When one digs spade-deep, soft blackish clay will be found.; ~ vane 1. to be fertile 2. (for fertile soil) to be dug up; ~ vaye to be fertile, productive; ~ vaṃka pāle to dig down to fertile soil jhāṂkri n.anim. wizard, sorcerer, shamanic healer (cf. dhāmi); ~nī n.anim. female sorcerer jhāṂgā -> jhyāṃgā jhāṂjhar n. (-gū) sieve, skimming ladle (for lifting baked bread out of ghee or oil) jhākaṃ; ~ thiye to be lazy; ~ puye to be tired jhākā n. (-gū) 1. jolt 2. event, accident; ~ kāye 1. to jolt, to move with a jerk 2. to have an accident; ~ naye to jolt, to move with a jerk, to cause to jolt jhākā-jhuku (var. jhāḥjhūiṂ, jhāḥjhūvayṃ) 1. adj. eccentric, whimsical 2. adv. few and far between, off and on, irregularly, in short intervals; ~ lumane to have repeated jolts of memory; ~vayṃ n.anim. eccentric man; ~viṂ n.anim. eccentric woman jhātā (var. jhāthā) n. (-gū) jolt, jerk; ~ka adv. with a sudden jolt; ~ kāye to jolt, to jerk; ~jhiti adv. 1. quickly, hurriedly, without delay 2. abruptly, forcefully, violently; ~jhutu adv. quickly, without delay; ~ dāye 1. knock down (e.g. fruit from a tree) 2. to snatch, to seize, to wrestle s.th. from s.o. jhātā-pātā n. grabbing; ~ yāye 1. to grab, to violate: pulisaṃ vayāta jhātāpātā yāta. The police grabbed him. 2. to behave rudely 3. to tussle over, to wrestle s.th. from s.o.; ~ sane to behave rudely, to make grabbing movements jhāthā -> jhātā jhāpati -> jhapati jhāye v.i. (jhāla, irr. imp.: jhāsaṂ) {hon.} to come, to go: gana jhāygu? where are you going? (form of greeting) jhāy+ke v.i. (irr. imp.: jhāski, go away) to go, to come: sū jhāykūsāṃ ji gyāi makhu. No matter who comes, I am not afraid. jhār -> jhārā2 jhāray yāye v.t. to treat a patient by incantation jhārā1 n. faeces, diarrhoea; ~ cvane to defecate; ~ juye to suffer from diarrhoea; ~ yāye to purge, to take a purgative jhārā2 (var. jhār) n. forced labour, compulsory service (e.g. road repair work) (term of the Rāṇā period); ~ pule 1. to do forced labour 2. to work unwillingly; ~ vane to do forced labour jhārā3; ~jhiri (var. jhyārājhiri, jhyārrajhirra) onom. 1. quickly, abruptly 2. sound of tearing paper; ~jhuru yāye to shake, flap, dust off jhārābāntā n. cholera jhāri n. (-gaḥ) kind of small jar; ~anti n. (-gaḥ) wine jar without a spout jhārkva (var. jhāḥkva) n. (-gū) festival after successful rice transplantation jhārphuk n. sorcery, incantation jhārphuke n.anim. healer who heals by blowing, brushing and by tantric incantations jhārvā 1. forced labour (for the benefit of the state), compulsory 2. refreshment at a resting place during a journey jhā lane v.t. 1. to sit or lie relaxed, to relax 2. to take a responsibility jhālā n. (-gū) 1. jingling sound of a string instrument 2. striking two or more strings together, bass, arpeggio; ~ kāye, thāye, biye to play ~ jhāsaṂ -> jhāye jhāsu (var. jhāḥsu) n. rest, relaxation; ~ phiye to rest, take a break from work; ~ lane 1. to rest 2. (for steamed rice) to cool off jhāsukāḥ -> jhasukāḥ jhāski -> jhāyke jhāḥ1 n. (jhāla-,-gū) 1. bush, tuft 2. weed 3. disused patch of ground, thicket, patch of nettles (cf. e.g. kaṃ~, tiṂ~, nhāykaṃ~, paṃ~, man~) jhāḥ2 meas. short time, short while, -times, stretch of work, break of work (used with num.: chajhāḥ once, a while, nijhāḥ twice etc.); ~ diye to have a short rest from work jhāḥ3 n.pr. caste name of a Brahman community of Mithila origin jhāḥkva n. 1. hard work 2. complication 3. -> jhārkva; ~ thiye, puye to be exhausted; ~(pū)lvay n. (-lvaca-) illness recurring after hard work jhāḥ|-jhāḥ adv. 1. many times, frequently 2. from time to time; ~jhū adv. 1. often, frequently 2. at some time; ~jhūvayṃ (var.~jhviṂ) -> jhākājhuku jhāḥpati -> jhapati jhāḥsu -> jhāsu jhāḥsulupyā n.anim. land leach jhiṂ (var. jhi) num. ten (jhiṂcha eleven; jhiṂni twelve, etc., jhiṂgu nineteen) jhiṂjhāṂ (var. jhijhāṂ, jhijhāy); ~(-mijhāṂ) dane 1. to be eerie, gloomy, lonely (of a haunted place) 2. to be depressed jhikū(-cā) (var. jheṂgūcā) n. (-kuti-,-pu) kind of Tibetan pungent dry vegetable (used as a flavour for curry) jhicābāju n.anim. husband who marries into the wife's home jhiji pron. {obsol.} we (incl.) (cf. jhī) jhijhāṂ (var. jijhāy) -> jhiṂjhāṂ jhinaphukī n.anim. distant relative, member of a different branch of a family jhira n. pointed iron stick with threads to clean a hookah jhiri n.anim. old woman (cf. jethi, buri) jhisapvala pron. {hon.; obsol.} we (excl.) jhisvanhuphukī n. close relatives of a deceased (those who have to mourn for thirteen days) jhī pron. 1. we (incl.) 2. our, ours; ~gu pron. our, ours (inan.); ~jhī adv. ours alone, privately between us; ~mha pron. our, ours (anim.) jhu -> jhū1 jhui- -> jhvi- jhuṃ mine v.i. 1. to feel intoxicated 2. (for a body part) to feel numb (cf. jhanna): jigu cvalā paciṃcā jhuṃ minā cvana. My index finger is numb. jhuku1 n. (-pu) viscera, entrails; ~capha phuye {sl.} to kill jhuku2 n. dozing off to sleep, nap (in a sitting position); ~jhuku n. id.; ~ (nhelaṃ) bvāye to nod off, to doze; ~ nhyaḥ vaye id.; ~ sane (of flowers, stalks) to sway, to move lightly in the breeze jhugru(-ka) bvāye (var. jhuglu ~) to pounce upon, to jump down jhucā n. (-gū) kind of fishing-net, landing-net jhutu n. rounded groove; ~ kāye, taye to make a ~; ~ luye (for a ~) to be formed jhutuṃ dane (var. jhvātāhāṃ ~) v.i. to stand bewildered, speechless jhuppā n. 1. (-pā) cluster, bunch, frill 2. (-gū, -pā) ear ornament with small frills, tassel 3. (-jvāḥ) pair of pearl-ornaments hanging down from the top on both sides of a temple jhumi n. 1. sandman, spirit taking away one's consciousness 2. unconscious state of mind, unconsciousness: vayāta jhumiṃ yeṃkala. He was made to walk unconsciously (in hypnosis). jhumma cvane v.i. to be intoxicated: jitaḥ jhumma cvana. I was intoxicated. jhuray juye v.i. to be crisp (of beaten rice) jhuruṃ-jhuruṃ cvane v.i. to be hard and crisp (of beaten rice) jhul n. (-gū) mosquito net jhulay juye v.i. to swing, to rock to and fro, to rock from side to side jhuli1 n. (-pu,-tvāḥ) belly fat of an animal jhuli2 adj. tattered, patched, ragged; ~jhuli adj. id.; ~nali(-nali) juye to be tattered, ragged; ~nali(-nali) vaye to become tattered, ragged; ~ vaye (for the revelled fringe of a cloth) to hang down jhuluṂgā n. (-pu) suspension bridge (cf. yāṃtā); ~tā n. (-pu) id. jhuse -> juse jhū1 (var. jhu) n. (jhula-,-pī) fertile soil jhū2 adj. watery; ~ cāye to be completely soaked, to be drenched jheṂgūcā -> jhikū jhel n. 1. -> jel 2. fraud, deceit; ~i n.anim. cheater (at a game), one who distorts the facts, one who picks quarrels; ~muni n.anim. id.; ~yāhā n.anim. id.; ~lāḥ adj. cheating jhya- -> jhe- jhyāu n. (-mā,-pā) 1. kind of moss, lichen 2. {fig.} unnecessary burden jhyāṃgā (var. jhāṃgā) n. (-gaḥ) shallow brass cooking pot with rings or ears jhyāka adv. with a dull sound, forcibly: vaṃ jhyāka khāpā cākala. He kicked the door open. jhyācākhuṂ -> jhyāḥkhuṂ jhyājaḥ juye (var. jhyājhaḥ ~) v.i. to be worn out, to be leaky jhyātu adj. heavy; jhyātuka khaṂ lhāye to make a long winded speech; ~kyātu n. heavy work; ~ye (-tula) 1. to be heavy, to outweigh 2. (of machines, instruments) to be blocked, to be out of order: sukā thāḥguliṃ kal jhyātula. Because the thread got entangled the sewing machine does not work. jhyātta adv. forcibly, with a jerk jhyāpaṃ n. (-pana-,-pu,-gū) 1. cloth with frills (to be spread over a marriage palanquin (cf. jhvāpaṃ, dūphāṃgā) 2. frill jhyāpā-jhyāpā (var. jhyāblājhyāblā) adj. flapping, swinging, flying: vayāgu saṂ jhyāpā-jhyāpā du. His hair was flapping. jhyāpu1 n. (-pu) eyelash (cf. miculu) jhyāpu2 adj. having thick hairs on the body; ~sāṃgā n. (-pu) thick woollen quilt jhyāpjhyāp adv. flickering (of a lamp): mata jhyāpjhyāp jula. The lamp is flickering.; ~ sane (for a light) to move flickeringly jhyāppa adv. 1. with abrupt movements, all at once, suddenly: vaṃ gāṃ jhyāppa tvapuyā byū balay mi sita. As he covered it abruptly with a cloth, the fire was extinguished. imita mhitā cvaṃthāy jhyāppa pulisaṃ jvana. The police caught them redhanded at gambling. mata jhyāppa sita. The light suddenly went out. 2. sloshing: laḥ jhyāppa sana. The water is sloshing. jhyāblā-jhyāblā -> jhyāpā-jhyāpā jhyāmi n.anim. butcher's assistant jhyā yāye v.t. to destroy, to fuse, to melt: luṂsikhaḥ jhyā yāta. The gold chain was melted. jhyāyṃ onom. 1. jingling sound produced by cymbals 2. {ch.lg.} jātrā, procession; ~jhyāyṃ n. {ch.lg.} 1. cymbals 2. noise, music accompanying a procession; ~pākuṃ yāye to lead a criminal to jail with drum beats; ~ vane to go in a procession jhyārā-jhīriṂ -> jhārājhiri jhyārra(-jhirra) -> jhārājhiri jhyāli n. (-jvaḥ,-pā) cymbals; ~ thāye 1. to play cymbals 2. {fig.} to spread rumors; ~ pita yāye {fig.} to spread news all around, to blab out confidences jhyāliṃcā (var. jhvāli) n.anim. 1. doll, puppet, dummy 2. second character in the lākhay pyākhaṃ (the monster dance performed during Indrajātrā) (Kirt: cināypākcā, timpākcā; Bhp: tumpākcā, cumpakcā; Pyāngaon: tinipakucā) (cf. cataṃjvaṃcā) 3. idler, aimless person without ambition 4. dragon fly, grass-hopper jhyālkhānā -> jel jhyālsiṂ n. kind of very soft wood (used for wood printing) jhyāsiṃ n.anim. (-sina-) cheater (at gambling); ~ka+u n. set of sixteen cowrie shells (manipulated for cheating at gambling); ~jhyāsiṃ interj. shout in children's games accompanying jumping; ~pāyṃ n. (-pāṂca-) set of sixteen slabs (manipulated for cheating at gambling) jhyāḥ n. (jhyāla-,-pā) window (cf. e.g. kvaṃli~, gaḥ~, gāḥ~, gvaḥ~, tikā~, bapā~, bāku~, saṂ~); jhyālaṃ dukāye ritual of being carried into the house by the window (done after the procession to celebrate the jubilee of 99th birthday); ~kavaḥ n. (-vala-,-vaḥ) wall between two windows; ~kāpaḥ n. (-pata-,-sāḥ) 1. curtain, blind of a window 2. carved pattern of a window; ~kāsā n. children's game (forming string loops); ~kvatāḥ n. (-tāla-,-pu) planks between vertical rails of a window, apron plank; ~khāpā n. (-pā) shutter of a window; ~khuṂ (var. jhyācā~) n.anim. burglar (lit.: window thief); ~tvākaḥ n. (-kala-,-gū) base of a window sill; ~nakiṃ n.anim. (-kina-) woman who is fond of looking out of the window; ~phaḥ n. (-phala-,-gū) window seat; ~bhattu n. s.o. fond of looking out of the window; ~mākcā n. 1. framework of an apron plank 2. railing holder jhvaṂk n. (-gū) anger (cf. taṃ); ~ kene, tvaḥte to rage jhvaka niye v.i. {pej.} to go to the dogs, to die (implying hatred towards a decesased person) jhvaye -> jaye jhvay piye v.i. to be bruised jhvalaṃ(-jhvaḥ) (var. jhvaḥlaṃ, jhvaḥliṃ) adv. line by line, one after another, successively, in order jhvalay taye v.t. to line up, to keep in a row jhvalā n. (-gaḥ) bag, mendicant's bag jhvali n. (-pā) small bag, haversack jhvaḥ n. (jhvala-,-jhvaḥ) line, row; ~ chuye to line up, to queue: manūta jāki bīthāy jhvaḥ chunā cvana. The people were lining up at the rice booth.; ~jhvaḥ adv. in rows; ~ taye to queue; ~ lane 1. to be stretched (of leg) 2. to die; ~ laṃke to stretch; ~ lāke 1. to line up, to queue 2. to stretch; ~ lāye to be lined up; ~ liye to follow a line, go down a line (e.g. serving guests) jhvaḥlaṃ (var. jhvaliṃ) -> jhvalaṃ jhvaḥlyāḥ n. (-lyākha-,-gū) cardinal number jhvā1 n. beat, bang: vaṃ vayāta jhvā yāta. He struck him down.; ~ kane to be completely ruined, destroyed jhvā2 n. (jhvāla-) 1. rhizome, hair roots (of plants) 2. dangling hairs, threads , dangling leaves, petals 3. part of Nepalese trousers: distance on the inner side from waist to trouser legs 4. bouquet; ~ juye (of plants) to hang down, to wither jhvāṃ adv. extremely; ~tāḥka adj. 1. excessively tall (of a person): va jhvāṃtāḥka danā cvana. He stood (up) toweringly 2. very thin, watery (of liquids); ~tyāṃ adj. id.; ~ puye to have a severe bout of an illness: mhigaḥ jitaḥ seykhanaṃ jhvāṃpula. Yesterday I suddenly got a severe flue.; ~puyātheṃ adv. (to be attacked) severely, abruptly, pouncing; ~puse adv. (to steal) snatchingly jhvāka adv. (to stab, pierce) sharply, abruptly jhvākaḥ (var. jhvāgaḥ) n. (-kala-) 1. (-gū) swamp, quagmire (cf. jhatilā, dhvapa, nhagāḥ, nhasi) 2. (-gāḥ) ditch, hole dug as a trap; jhvākalay dune to be trapped, to be in trouble, in a fix; jhvākalay thune to trap, to get s.o. into a fix jhvākā; ~jhvākāṃ adv. (to walk) in long strides, hurriedly; ~mākāṃ adv. id. jhvākuṂ n. slack pattern (of carving, plaster) jhvāgaḥ -> jhvākaḥ jhvāgrā-pāgrā adj. (of paths) up and down, sloping, curved, hilly; ~ vane to lose one's balance on uneven ground jhvāglāmāglaṃ vaye v.i. (of soil, landslides) to collapse, to rush down jhvāja n.anim. butcher's assistant jhvājhvā yāye v.t. 1. to destroy, to extinguish: jiṃ curvas jhvājhvā yānā. I stubbed my cigarette out. 2. to prick with a sharp instrument, to lift up by the hair jhvājhvāṃ adv. (to strike, pierce) repeatedly jhvātā n. (-gū) statue, figure, image; ~ juye to stand dumbstruck, to be puzzled jhvātāhāṃ -> jhutuṃ jhvātta adv. (to come to mind, speak out) suddenly, abruptly: ji jhvātta lumana. Suddenly I remembered. jhvāpaṃ n. (-pana-,-gū) 1. crease, edge foldings of a cloth (cf. jhyāpaṃ, dūphāṃgā) 2. litter suspended from a pole (carried by two men); ~ ghāye to fold, crease, plait edges of a cloth jhvāpyaṃ n. (-pena-,-gū) 1. rump, bottom (of an animal) 2. anus jhvām n. {sl.} wine, beer, drink; ~pākha vane {sl.} to die jhvāmiṃka adv. (to move, set down) vehemently, violently: bhalyāṃ ku jhvāmiṃka dikala. The coolie put down his load with a bump. jhvāmplāṃka adv. (to dive) splashing jhvāmbāj n.anim. habitual drinker jhvāmma adv. quickly, suddenly, violently jhvāmhe -> jvāḥmhe jhvāyṃ onom. sound of frying; ~ka adv. (to strike a match) with force: vaṃ jhvāyṃka salāi kila. He struck a match.; ~ juye 1. to be burnt, scorched 2. {fig.} to be destroyed, wasted; ~ mine to be scorched; ~ yāye 1. to fry 2. to scorch 3. {fig.} to destroy, to waste jhvāyṃ-jhiṂ -> jhvāyṃjhvāyṃ jhvāyṃjhiṃkāsā -> jhviṂjhāyṃkāsā jhvāyṃ-jhvāyṃ adv. in succession, repeatedly, one after another, to and fro ; ~ yāye 1. to do repeatedly 2. to scribble, to scratch out: macāṃ saphuti jhvalaṃ jhvaḥ jhvāyṃjhvāyṃ yāta. The child scribbled over the lines of the book. 3. to pull, to poke repeatedly jhvārā -> jhvālā1 jhvārā-jhiriṃ (var. jhvārāmāraṃ) adv. (for rashes, pimples to come out) abruptly; ~ luye (for rashes, pimples) to appear suddenly, to break out; ~lvika adv. abruptly: bhusā kai jhyārājhiriṃlvika picāla. The measles appeared all of a sudden. jhvāla juye v.i. to wither jhvālā1 (var. jhvārā) n. (-gū,-dhāḥ) current of water; ~ kāye to wash away, to sluice down (terraces of rice fields) jhvālā2 n. (-pā) 1. wallet, satchel (for shopping), leather bag decorated with splits 2. (-thvāḥ) mop, broom made of strips of paper or cloth jhvālā-jhvālā onom. sound of flowing water; ~ vaye to flow profusely jhvālāsaṂ n. (-pu) bushy hair on the forehead jhvāli -> jhyāliṃcā jhvāsā-jhvāsā adv. 1. (to dig up a field) easily and quickly 2. (to walk) in long strides, quickly jhvāsyā n. (-gū) swampy place; ~ka adv. (to go or slide down) with a slip jhvāssa adv. 1. (to remember) suddenly 2. (to go or slide down) with a slip jhvāḥdevā n. (-pvāḥ) kind of ceremonial lamp jhvi n. 1. (-gaḥ) bamboo container used for churning salt and butter with tea (cf. svibā) 2. (-gū) process of preparing butter tea 3. (-gaḥ) kind of stone, used for ornaments jhviṂjhāyṃkāsā (var. jhvāyṃjhiṃ~) n. game of threads (where one tries to cut the opponent's thread with one's own); ~ lvāke to play ~ jhviṂ-jhviṂ onom. buzzing noise of a machine in rapid motion, sound of sawing, churning, scratching; ~ kiye to saw jhviṂjhviṂkāsā -> jhviṂjhāyṃkāsā T -ta1 suff. 1. pl. suff. with nouns denoting non-hon. animate beings, e.g.: manū-ta people, men 2. dative marker with pronouns, e.g.: chan-ta to you 3. (with verb infinitives) to, in order to, for, e.g.: miye-ta in order to sell ta2 (var. taḥ) b.f. big, large [for forms not found under ta- -> taḥ-] ta+iṃ n. puffed rice; ~māḥ n. (-māla-,-māḥ) garland of puffed rice worn by Buddhist priests ta+u n. (tali-,-tau) base of a pot; ~cheṂ n. (-khā) terraced house (cf. pālipaucheṂ); ~jhyāḥ n. (-jhyāla-,-pā) slightly projecting window (cf. takhtājhyāḥ) ta+uṃka adv. (to strike) with the fist ta+uphvaji n. (-mā) kind of tree ta+ulā n. (-gaḥ) ball made of sesamum seed ta+uli n. kind of inferior paddy; ~vājāki n. variety of rice taṂ n. (-taṂ) 1. rank, grade, status 2. floor, storey 3. height 4. slope 5. pile (cf. e.g. cva~, cheṂdi~, pe~, mā~); ~ gaye to climb; ~ cine to pile up; ~ chāye (var. tāchāye) to add a floor; ~ jyāye to make a slight slope; ~ taye, thakāye to pile up; ~ hīke to change the tune taṂkvapu n. (-pu) inner stepped lintel taṂgāḥ n. (-gāla-,-gāḥ) sill taṂgi meas. roll, pile (of coins) taṂgiṃ -> tagiṃ taṂgri kāye v.t. to shrink (of clothes) (cf. tagaliṃ juye) taṂji -> taji taṂ-taṂ yāye v.t. to swing a child (by its arms and legs) taṃ1 n. (tama-,-gū) anger; ~ kvalāye (of anger) to subside; ~ cyāye (of anger) to flare up, to break forth: vayā mikhāy taṃ cyāta. Her eyes sparkled with anger.; ~ taye to nourish a grudge; ~ dike to react angrily; ~ pikāye to show one's anger, to fly into a rage; ~ bvālā kāye (of anger) to flare up, to break forth: vayā taṃ bvālā kāla. Her anger rose.; ~ mvaye to be angry; ~ siye (of anger) to subside, to be suppressed; ~ syāye to suppress anger; ~ hvale to be mad with rage taṃ2 n. capital investment; ~ cabuye, dusuye 1. to lose one's initial investment 2. to go bankrupt taṃ3 n. mound, small hill -taṃ4 suff. (bound to time meas.) complete, continuous (cf. e.g. ghauchi~, daṂchi~, lachi~) taṃkā (var. taṃki) n. (-pu) 1. sculptor's chisel 2. spacer of a plumb-bob taṃkāli n.anim. short-tempered, irascible person taṃki -> taṃkā taṃke v.t. 1. to increase, to supplement 2. to cause to be lost, to cause to disappear taṃgāḥ n. (-gāla-,-gāḥ) 1. sill 2. vertical strut of a door frame taṃ-gulu n.anim. short-tempered, irascible person taṃpaṃ -> tapaṃ taṃ|-pvaḥ n.anim. (-pvala-) short-tempered, irascible person; ~mvaḥkhvāḥ n.anim. (-khvāla-) s.o. with an angry face taṃlāy+svāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) narcissus taṃli -> taḥli taṃsā n. {neol.} addition, extra item; ~pa+u n. (-pati-,-gū) supplement taṃsū n. (-suli-) {neol.} addition; ~ taye to add, to increase tak n. (-gaḥ) 1. mould for coins 2. coins, currency; ~ cine to mint coins taka (var. takka) postp. up to, until: ji huṃkana taka vanā vay. I will go (only) up to that point. taka+i -> taḥkai takay yāye v.t. to quilt; takay-yānālaṃ n. (-lana-,-pā) traditional dress quilted with cotton takā1 n. (-pā) kind of ear ornament -takā2 b.f. rupee (cf. -rkā) taki n. (-ki) 1. pile, roll (of coins) 2. -> takā2; ~(-taki) cine 1. to pile up (coins) 2. to fold (clothes); ~(-taki) taye to curl (hair): vaṃ saṂ taki tala. He waved his hair.; ~tiki dane to trickle down takiṃ -> tagiṃ taku1 n. contraction; ~ cine 1. to thicken, to coagulate, to be contracted 2. (of rice) to be sticky 3. (of cloth) to be wrinkled, deranged taku2 -> thakū2 takuye v.i. (-kula) to be thick, to coagulate takuvā adj. quilted takusvāṃ (var. taksvāṃ) n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) rhododendron takū meas. (-kuti-) 1. course of bricks 2. one-inch part of a brick takeṃke v.t. 1. to involve 2. to lure 3. to engage, to entertain takene (var. tatamatakene, taḥtaḥkene) v.i. 1. to be involved 2. to be attached 3. to be entangled, to be pinned, pricked, to get caught: vayā laṃcva kaṃthay takena. His sleeve got entangled on a thorn. 4. to be obstructed, to be stuck (e.g. door in its frame) takeheṂ -> tatākeheṂ takka adv. 1. all of a sudden: va chanta khanevaṃ takka dita. He stopped all of a sudden as soon as (he) saw you. 2. -> taka; ~ diye to come to a dead halt takkar adj. rigid, fixed, immobile; ~ kāye 1. to be rigid, immobile 2. {fig.} to confront, to take a firm stand: sānuṃ vayā bau lise takkar kāla. Sānu stood his ground against his father.; ~ cvane 1. to stand fixed 2. (of a top, of rotating things) to spin, to revolve around the own axis on a given place; ~ naye to be in conflict, in disagreement: vayāgu va jigu bicāḥ takkar nala. His ideas do not agree with mine. tak+calay juye v.i. to be acceptable as currency taktak juye v.i. to be in dire need of money takmarcā n. {Pg} stick game takmā n. (-gū) medal, prize takvakī -> taḥkvakīcā takva juye v.i. 1. to be sticky, to be overcooked (of rice) 2. to have large pustules (as from smallpox) taksvāṃ -> takusvāṃ takha n. kind of dish of buffalo meat takhtā n. (-gū) 1. plank, rack, board, shelf 2. frame to fasten wood for planing (in a standing position); ~ghari n. (-gaḥ) table clock; ~ jhyāḥ n. (-jhyāla-,-pā) slightly projecting window (cf. taujhyāḥ); ~svāne n. (-pu) stair case with a landing between each floor (cf. kayṃcisvāne) tagaṃ n. (-gana-) medicine (saving from death) tagali n. 1. (-tvāḥ) batten of a latticed window 2. (-pu) split bamboo of a bier tagaliṃ(-tagaliṃ) juye v.i. (for clothes) to shrink, to become too small (cf. taṂgri kāye) tagaḥ -> tagvaḥ tagaḥkhiṃ -> tagārkhiṃ tagaḥ|-jī n. (-jila-) aniseed; ~phelu n. (-gaḥ) large reel; ~maltā n. capsicum, kind of chilli tagājalaṃ kuye v.i. {Bhp} to be financially supported tagārkhiṃ (var. tagaḥkhiṃ) n. (-khina-,-gaḥ) kind of big drum tagiṃ (var. taṂgiṃ, takiṃ) n. (-gina-,-gū) 1. field terrace 2. stair, step 3. grade, rank, status; ~ cine 1. to construct a staircase 2. to arrange in terraces; ~lū adj. terraced; ~su n. (-gū) {neol.} 1. classifier 2. grade tagine 1. v.t. to arrange in terraces 2. v.i. to have gradings tagū n. (-guthi-) kind of guthi tagvaye v.i. (-gvala) 1. to be big, large (of round obj.) 2. to swell tagvaḥ (var. tagaḥ, taḥgaḥ) adj. big, large (of round obj.) tacvaye v.i. (-cvala) 1. to be dangerous (of disease) 2. to be extravagant, pompous, splendid tacvaḥ 1. adv. extremely, very much 2. adj. seriously ill 3. adj. extravagant, pompous, splendid tachalā n. eighth month of the Newar lunar calendar, occurring during jyeṣṭha - āṣāḍha, (June) tachyānāḥ (var. tachyāḥ) adv. (to speak) frankly, boldly tachyāye v.t. 1. to break into pieces 2. to violate tachyāḥ -> tachyānāḥ tachva (var. techva) n. barley; ~cuṃ n. (-cuna-) barley flour tajaḥ n. (-jala-) heat taji (var. taṂji) n. (-gū) 1. reasoning, discrimination 2. rule, law, custom, manner 3. -> taḥji; ~laji n. 1. civilization, civility, culture 2. law and order 3. rule, custom, manner (cf. cajilaji) tajbij n. consideration tajyāy adj. fragile, breakable tajyāye v.i. to break into pieces, to burst, to explode, to crack tajyāḥ nvaye v.i. 1. to be loud (of speech): vayā khaṂ tajyāḥ nvala. His words became louder. 2. to be talkative tajyāḥnvaḥ n.anim. (-nvala-) noisy or talkative person tajyāḥsaḥ n. (-sala-,-gū) cracking, croaking, hoarse sound ~ juye to be hoarse, to have a cracking voice; ~ yāye to sing out of tune; ~ vaye to be out of tune tatamatakene -> takene tataḥ adj. (with clf., deriv. suff., verbs) large, tall, big, great (distrib.: only with reference to a plurality of obj.), e.g.: tataḥkhā cheṂ high houses (cf. taḥ); ~ kene -> takene; ~paṃ adj. thick (of piles); ~pu adj. thick (of long obj.); ~ pene (of a series of obj.) 1. to be lined up, to be straight 2. to be parallel: phuka dhaliṃta tataḥ pyaṃ. All the rafters are parallel. tatā (var. atā, tā, tātā) n. hon. (also term of address) 1. elder sister 2. female cousin 3. husband's elder sister; ~keheṂ (var. takeheṂ, tahakeheṂ, taḥkeheṂ) n. hon. younger and elder sisters; ~ju n. hon. 1. husband's elder sister 2. elder brother's wife; ~piṃli n. hon. husband's previous wife (cf. nhethu, nhesu); ~bhata (var. tābhata) n. hon. husband's elder sister tati1 n. hon. Newar caste tati2 n. (-gaḥ) stone for water dripping from the eaves tatibaḥ n. (-bala-) 1. enthusiasm 2. courage 3. haste, hurry tatti1 n. (-gū) latrine tatti2 adj. 1. thin 2. (financially) weak tatvāye -> taḥtyāye tathe adv. like this, thus tan adj. dead-drunk tananana adv. (of sounds) continuously, uninterruptedly tanāye v.i. to be oblong tanāḥ1 adj. bankrupt tanāḥ2 adj. oblong, slanting tane 1. v.t. to add, to increase, to repeat 2. v.t. to join, to link (cf. tape) 3. v.i. to disappear, to be lost; tanā vane to die out, to pass away: pulāṃgu saṃskritiyā mahatva tanā vana. The old cultural values have have gone. tankay; ~ juye to be stretched; ~ yāye to stretch tankhan n. 1. haste 2. care, perseverance tankhā n. salary tantā n. turmoil; ~lantā n. id. tannā n. (-pu) bed sheet (cf. delāsā) tanvaye -> tāḥnvaye tanvalā -> tāḥnvalā tap1 n. (-jvaḥ,-pā) ear clip (with floral design) tap2 n. devotion, meditation; ~ cyāye, chvaye to be lucky; ~ ballāye to be strongly devoted tapaṃ (var. taṃpaṃ, tvapaṃ) n. (-pana-) contribution, gift (for a guthi feast); ~ taye to contribute; ~pa+u n. (-pati-,-gū) supplement, addition (of a newspaper, magazine) tapā (var. taphā, tabaḥ, tvapā) n. help, assistance (in a guthi feast); ~ yāye to assist tapāchvayṃlā n. (-kū) kind of meat dish used for ritual purposes (boiled meat with hot spices) tapāy -> tāpā tapālaṂ -> tāpālaṂ tapālaṃ n. (-lana-,-pā,-ju) 1. Nepalese national dress (cf. laṃsurvāḥ) 2. kind of long skirt (with slits on both sides) tapuli -> tvapuli tape (var. tvape) v.t. to help, to give assistance; ~bhanaṃ adv. helpful tapeṃke v.t. to straighten; tapeṃka 1. straight 2. {fig.} open, frank, direct tapene v.i. 1. to be lined up 2. to be straight 3. to be in track tapcā n. 1. (-pā,-ju) kind of ear ornament 2. (-gaḥ) wooden fodder trough taptap onom. sound of dripping tappa adj. fixed, tight tapyāṃ adj. 1. straight, upright 2. frank, honest tapsil (var. taphasil) n. (-gū) list, inventory, catalogue (cf. dhalaḥ) taphasil -> tapsil taphā -> tapā taphāḥ n. 1. maximum price (starting point for bargaining), price including a margin for bargaining; taphāḥtayāḥ khaṂ lhāye to start bargaining (with the maximum price) 2. opposition, obstruction; ~ taye to increase the price (as a margin for bargaining) tabaḥ -> tapā tabil -> tahabil tabelā n. (-gū) stable tabyā (var. taḥbyā) adj. 1. broad, wide 2. open-minded; ~ye (-byāla) to be broad, wide tablā n. (-gaḥ) kind of drum, tablā drum; ~ci n.anim. tablā player; ~ thāye to play the ~ tabhaḥ n. (-bhala-,-gū) 1. encouragement, support 2. consolation 3. assurance tamanāṃ (var. tamnāṃ) n. (-nāma-,-gaḥ) box for keeping pūjā powders in separate sections tamal n. 1. (-jvaḥ) pair of drums 2. (-gaḥ) right-hand drum; ~khiṃ n. (-khina-,-gaḥ) kind of small one-headed drum tamalsiṂ -> tamālsiṂ tamaḥ n.anim. (-mala-) caste of coppersmiths, producers of metal pots tamālsiṂ (var. tamalsiṂ) n. (-mā) kind of tree, Xanthochymus pictorius tamunā -> taḥmuṃjyā tamtam n. (-gū) two-wheeled carriage tamtayār adj. quite ready, fully tamnāṃ -> tamanāṃ tamma adj. well fitting tamsuk n. (-gū) written agreement, bond, receipt of a loan, written acknowledgment of a debt attested by witnesses tayaḥ n.anim. (-yela-) kind of grasshopper tayār adj. ready, prepared taye v.t. (tala, irr. imp. ti) 1. to put, to place: vaṃ nhāykaṃ tebilay tala. He put the mirror on the table. āma deymā thana ti! Place that dish here! 2. to keep 3. to equip, to provide with, to add 4. to employ 5. to seduce 6. aux. to have finished doing s.th., to have done s.th. so that it is kept ready: vaṃ bvanā tala. He has finished reading. citthi cvayā tala. The letter has been finished (and kept ready). 7. aux. to keep doing: jyāye tayā tala. (He) kept on working.; tayā thake to see s.o. off, to accompany: jiṃ chimi kijāyāta cheṂy tayā thake. I will accompany your brother home.; to bring away; tayā biye to serve, to offer: bhvajay jiṃ lā tayā bī. I shall serve meat during the feast.; to accompany: vaṃ jitaḥ baḥnhī cheṂ taka tayā bila. He saw me home last night.; tayā yeṃke to go along serving at a feast; tayā yene to serve one by one (at a feast); to pile up; tayā svaye to try out, to test: thva tapcā jiṃ chakaḥ tayā svay lā? Shall I try this ear clip?; tayā vane, vaye 1. to be kept 2. to accompany: ji vayāta pasalay tayā vane. I shall accompany him to the shop. 3. to pile up: vaṃ bākas dyaḥne saphū tayā vana. He piled up books in a box. 4. to serve one by one (at a feast): laikāḥlaṃ laiṃ chakū chakū jhvalaṃ jhvaḥ tayā vana. The bearer served each a portion of radish going line by line. tayṃ n. fur, (raw) wool; ~khipaḥ n. (-pata-,-pu) woollen rope; ~gā n. (-pu) 1. shawl of raw wool 2. woollen blanket; ~dhuṂ n.anim. leopard, black panther; ~ puye to pull by the hair tay+ju yāye (var. tejju ~) v.t. to meet accidentally, to arrange for a seemingly accidental meeting tara conj. but, yet, however tarakhara n. 1. effort 2. haste 3. perseverance; ~ juye to hasten; ~ yāye to strive taray; ~ juye to get across, to win salvation; ~ yāye to send across, to save taraha n. manner, mode tarāju n. (-ju) balance, scales tarātar adv. briskly, smartly tarikā n. skill, method, way tarul n. (-pu) edible arum root, yam tarka n. argument, logic (cf. khaṂpulaṂpu) tarkāri n. vegetable; ~keṂ n. vegetable soup, vegetable curry; ~bva n. (-gū) vegetable bed tarpan n. libation offered to the spirits of the dead tarbin n. (-pu) kind of brass instrument similar to a trumpet tarvār (var. talavār) n. (-pu) sword; ~simi n. (-dhe) pod of french bean, long green bean; ~ hile to exchange swords ceremoniously (by the king with a deity) tarhaṃ -> taḥdhaṃ tarhi -> taḥdhī talab n. (-gū) salary, wages (cf. jyālā) tala-bila n. disorder, mess; ~ juye to be in a mess, to be misplaced; ~ yāye to mismanage, to misplace talay (var. taḥlay) adv. up, upstairs, on the top floor, above talavār -> tarvār taliṃcā n. (-gū) triangular stand of bamboo for keeping yoghurt tale (var.taleṂ) b.f. as long as, till: thalay nasā datale nhyāmhaṃ vai. As long as there is food in the pot anyone may come. taleju n.pr. name of a goddess, patron deity of the Newar kings taltal n. glare, glitter talphal adv. brimful; ~jvika adv. generously, overwhelmingly; ~ dhāye to be brimful; ~ maday+ke {idiom.} to enrich: pasaḥjyāṃ imita talphal madaykā bila. Their trade made them very rich.; ~ yānā biye id.; ~ vaye to become rich talbaḥ (var. talvā) n. (-bala-,-baḥ) sole of a shoe talvagi (var. taḥlvagi) n.anim. person suffering from a fatal disease; ~lvay n. (-lvaca-) serious disease talvā -> talbaḥ talvāpu (var. taḥlvāpu) n. (-gū) great war tasakaṃ adv. very much, exceedingly: āma kāpaḥ tasakaṃ bāṃlāḥ. That cloth is very pretty. ji tasakaṃ he gyāḥ. I am very much afraid. tasā n. {neol.} s.th. that is placed tasi1 n. (-gū) rack; ~ taye to construct a rack; ~ tāye to fix a rack tasi2 -> taḥsi tasū n. (-suli-) {neol.} manner of putting tasbir n. (-pā) picture, portrait (cf. kipā); ~ kāye to photograph, to take a picture; ~ juye {fig.} to be puzzled, to be astonished; ~ jhyāḥ n. (-jhyāla-,-pā) window with a decorative extra frame; ~ yāye {fig.} to astonish, to puzzle taslā n. (-gaḥ) kind of shallow pan tasvāye v.i. to be vertical, perpendicular, steep tasvāḥ (-svāla-) 1. n. (-gaḥ) jamb 2. n. (-pu) riser (of a staircase) 3. n. (-pu) rod (of a reel) 4. adj. vertical, perpendicular, steep; ~ tiye, thane 1. to insert the tenon of a jamb 2. to insert risers into their mortise; ~baṂ n. soil with sloping strata tahakeheṂ -> tatākeheṂ taha-baha n. 1. arrangement 2. manner, rule of behaviour; ~ taye to honour, to respect; ~ daye to have (good) manners; ~ bilay yāye to arrange tahabil (var. tabil) n. account of expenditure, office of private accounts; ~ milay yāye to keep accounts; ~ sucuke to deceive, to embezzle tahabilāl n.anim. guthi accountant tahabildār n.anim. clerk, accountant; taharil n.anim. assistant to the chief of an office tahal yāye v.t. to nurse tahasil n. collection of revenue taḥ1 n. (-tala-) 1. layer, base, bottom 2. hub of a wheel (into which spokes are fitted) taḥ-2 b.f. (with meas., clf., deriv. suff., in comp.) 1. big, large, tall, great, senior 2. many 3. -> ta- taḥka+i (var. takai) n. (-kaica-,-gaḥ) pustule of smallpox; ~lvay n. (-lvaca-) smallpox taḥku maḥku cine v.i. 1. to be very thick (liquids) 2. to be wrinkled (cloth) taḥkuye v.i. (-kula) to be large (single pieces): āma mari bhacā taḥkula. That piece of bread is a bit too large. taḥkeheṂ -> tatākeheṂ taḥkvakīcā (var. takvaki) n. (-pu) kind of large hatchet taḥkvaḥ adv. many times taḥkhaṂ n. (-gū) serious affair, important matter; ~ juye to be serious; ~ yāye to point out taḥkhā 1. n. (-pā) trap door 2. adj. large (of houses) 3. adj. many (of houses) taḥkhāḥ n. (-khāla-) jelly-like meat preparation (of boiled meat, skin and spices left to develop jelly) taḥgaḥ -> tagvaḥ taḥgvaye -> tagvaye taḥgvasāḥ n. (-sāla-,-gū) master-plan taḥgvaḥ -> tagvaḥ taḥgvārā adj. fat, corpulent, fleshy taḥghāye v.i. (-ghāla) to be large, to be widely ramified (of families, trees) taḥghāḥ adj. 1. large, extended, ramified, full of branches 2. seriously injured taḥca lāye v.i. 1. to cover a large area, to be extended 2. to be built spaciously 3. to be wide, open-mouthed (of pots) taḥcalāḥ adj. wide, spacious, extended, open-mouthed taḥchuye v.t. to increase taḥjaḥ adj. large, extended (of families) taḥjāye v.i. 1. to be high (of houses) 2. to flow high (of rivers) taḥjāḥ (var. tājā) adj. 1. high (houses, rivers) 2. deep (of water) taḥji (var. taji) adj. 1. nice, good, excellent 2. big, important (sarcastically of people ); ~ye (-jila) 1. to be excellent, to be valuable 2. to throw one's weight about taḥju adj. large, loose (of garments); ~ye (-jula) to be large, loose taḥtaḥkene -> takene taḥtā adj. of many kinds; ~ji adj. 1. of various kinds, variegated 2. multi-coloured taḥtiṃ kāye v.t. to get an accidental tear in a piece of cloth taḥtyāye (var. taḥtvāye) v.i. to be large (of cylindrical obj.) taḥtyāḥ adj. large (of cylindrical obj.) taḥtvāye -> taḥtyāye taḥthī n. (-thila-,-thī) sets of various types taḥthvāye v.i. to be big (of cauliflowers) taḥthvāḥ adj. big (of cauliflowers) taḥdyā adj. big, large (of houses, or sections of houses) taḥdhaṃ (var. tarhaṃ, taḥrhaṃ) adj. 1. big, large 2. great, important taḥdhaṃke v.t. to enlarge taḥdhane v.i. 1. to be big, large, extended 2. to be great taḥdhi (var. tarhi, taḥrhi) adj. tall, high, long; ~ kaye (of children) to grow taḥdhikaḥ adj. big, tall, long taḥdhibāḥ -> taḥbāḥ taḥdhū adv. many times taḥnigva n. kind of large pastry shaped like a caitya (cf. gvaḥjā) taḥnhyaḥ n. (-nhela-) deep sleep; ~ juye 1. to be sound asleep 2. {fig.} to be lazy, inattentive taḥpatā adj. large (of a ṭīkā on the forehead) taḥpā adj. big, large (of flat obj.); ~lhāḥ n.anim. (-lhāta-) generous person, spendthrift, extravagant person taḥpu adj. big, long (of long obj.); ~ye (-pula) to be long taḥ pvaye v.i. to be bulky (of bundles, loads) taḥpvaḥ adj. bulky taḥpvāye v.i. to be wide (of holes, openings) taḥphay n. (-phasa-) storm taḥphāye v.i. to be broad taḥphāḥ adj. wide, broad; ~nugaḥ adj. generous, magnanimous taḥphi adj. thick, coarse; ~ye (-phila) to be thick, coarse taḥphvaye v.i. to be large (of flowers, flower-shaped obj.) taḥphvaḥ adj. large, grand (of flowers, flower-shaped obj.) ~svāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) marigold, Tagetes erecta taḥbāḥ (var. taḥdhibāḥ, taḥbvā, taḥrhibaḥ) n. hon. (agt. ~naṃ) 1. father's elder brother 2. polite term of address for men of the older generation taḥbyā -> tabyā taḥbyāye -> tabyāye taḥbvā -> taḥbāḥ taḥmā adj. big, large (of plants) taḥmāṃ n. hon. (-māma-) 1. mother's elder sister 2. father's elder brother's wife 3. polite term of address for women of the older generation taḥmāye v.i. to be large, to grow large (of plants) taḥmi adj. {neol.} rich; ~ke v.t. to enrich, to make rich taḥmuṃjyā (var. tamunā) n. (-gū) large assembly, symposium taḥmha 1. adj. many, several (of people) 2. n. plural taḥrhaṃ -> taḥdhaṃ taḥrhi -> taḥdhi taḥrhibāḥ -> taḥbāḥ taḥlay -> talay taḥli (var. taṃli) n. (-gaḥ) pot for cooking rice taḥvapi n. (-gaḥ) large water hole taḥsaye v.i. 1. to be loud, noisy (of sound, voice) 2. to be angry taḥsay+ke v.t. to speak up, to raise one's voice: bhacā taḥsaykā disaṂ. Would you kindly speak up a little bit. taḥsaḥ n. (-sala-) loud voice, loud sound, noise, quarrel, hubbub ~ juye 1. to be loud 2. {fig.} to be angry; ~ yāye 1. to raise one's voice 2. {fig.} to quarrel taḥsi (var. tasi) n. (-gaḥ) large wild lime taḥsiṃ n. hon., n.anim. (-sina-) land owner; ~ taye, puye to pay lease taḥsibva n. (-bva) basketful of fruit (used in `mhapujā' and `kijāpujā') taḥhatāḥ n. (-tāla-,-gū) great war taḥhāye v.i. (-hāla) to be long: āḥ lā nhi naṃ taḥhāḥ. The days are getting longer now. taḥhāḥ adj. long; ~nhyaḥ 1. deep sleep 2. {fig.} death; ~macā n. a bamboo structure erected during Gāijātrā in reminiscence of a relative who has died during the past year taḥhvaye v.i. to be large (of holes) taḥhvaḥ adj. large (of holes) tā1 (var. tāṂ) n. 1. (-pu) bridge 2. (-gū) suspension ring (of a bell) 3. long distance 4. -> tāu2 (cf. e.g. kirikiri~, kviṂkviṂ~, baha~, yāṃ~); ~ chuye 1. to bridge 2. {fig.} to bridge a gap, to make a connection tā2 n. hon. term of address (short form of `tatā'), elder sister tā3 n. hearing power tā4 drum syllable, symbolizing a stroke of the right hand -tā5 clf. 1. kind, sort, pattern: ana cha-tā he nasā madu. There wasn't any kind of food. 2. clf. for bread: cha-tā mari one piece of bread, one kind of bread; ~ khāye to be assembled, to be brought together (of miscellaneous items) tāiṃtāiṃ n. {sl.} money tāiṃ-nāiṃ n. (-pā) kind of gong (of a dhimay group) tāicin n. (-gaḥ) kind of rice (imported from China) tāijāt n. confiscation of property; ~ vaye to check, estimate property for confiscation tāip n. 1. type 2. (-gaḥ) type-writer tāiphar n. typhoid (cf. hākujvar) tāibhābā n. {ch.lg.} moon (nursery rhyme: tāibhābā tāibhābā, pāpā chunā lā? chanta bāpā jitaḥ bāpā inā kāye vā! Moon, moon, are you baking bread? Half for you, half for me, let us share!) tāu1 n. (-gaḥ) shallow iron pot (for carrying) tāu2 (var. tā) n. long time; ~ cvane to stay for a long time; ~ta adv. for a long time; ~ tuye to be durable, to last: chanta lākāṃ tāu tuta. The shoes have served you for a long time.; ~ biye (bita) to take a long time (in doing s.th.): jipiṃ lihāḥ vayegu tāu bī tini. It will take us a long time to come back.; ~ mvāye to live long: tā mvāye mā. Long shall he live! tāṂ {Kirt} -> tā1 tāṂku (var. tāṂcā, tānā, tānku, tānvaku) n. (-gū) triangular stack for yoghurt pots (cf. dhau kātā) tāṂkh n. (-phvaḥ) button; ~ ghāye, chuye to sew on a button; ~ taye to button, to fasten with buttons tāṂcā -> tāṂku tāṂphata n. headstand; ~ cvane to stand on one's head; ~ taye to cause s.o. to stand on his head (inflicted as a guthi punishment in Kirtipur) tāṃ1 (var. tān) n. (tāma-,-gū) loom -tāṃ2 b.f. stupid (cf. jyaḥ~, pākaḥ~, hvān~) tāṃ3 1. sound of a gong 2. drum syllable (symbolizing a stroke of the right hand); ~ thāye to strike a gong tāṃgāḥ n. (-gāla-) 1. (-gaḥ) door sill, post of a door or window frame 2. (-gū) old type of loom tāṃgrā -> tyāṃgrā tāṃ juye v.i. to be in urgent need of s.th. tāṃnvaye -> tāḥnvaye tāṃnvalā -> tāḥnvalā tāṃpa (var. tāṃpha) -> tāhāṃpa tākaṃ adv. at a guess, vaguely tākat n. force, energy, vigour tākay yāye (var. tākāye, tāk yāye) v.t. 1. to aim at: vaṃ cakhunata tākay yāta. He aimed at a sparrow. 2. to try, to attempt 3. to wait for one's chance tākasiṃ -> tāksiṃ tākā n., clf. (-gū) stitch: ni-gū tākā, ni-tākā two stitches; ~ taye to stitch, to tack tākā-tuku adv. (to speak) incoherently, in a stammering way tākāye -> tākay yāye tākitā n. urgency; ~ yāye to urge, to remind tāku adj. thick, condensed, congealed, muddy: tākugu keṂ, thick curry; tākugu duru, condensed milk; tākugu laḥ, muddy water; ~cā n. (-pāyṃ) kind of white clay (for white-washing); ~(-tāku) dhāye to be somewhat thick; ~ naye id.; ~ye (-kula) to be condensed, thick: keṂ tākula. The curry got too thick.; ~se cvane to become somewhat thick tākyā n. (-gaḥ) iron pan (for cooking curry) tāk yāye -> tākāye tāksiṃ (var. tākasiṃ) n.anim. (-sina-) s.o. merely guessing, quack; ~khaṂ n. guess; ~jyā n. guessing, speculation; ~jvasi n.anim. quack astrologer; ~pahaḥ n. (-hala-) quackery; ~ba+ide n.anim. quack, quack doctor; ~sū n. (-suli-) {neol.} quackery tākh n. (-phvaḥ) lock (cf. tāḥ) tākhvāyṃ n.anim. person pretending to be deaf; ~ juye 1. to be extremely obstinate 2. to be shameless, immodest; ~pahaḥ n. (-hala-) immodesty tāgat n. strength, power, stamina tāci (var. tāti, tātita, tāychi, tayti) n. {ch.lg.} toddling of a child (nursery rhyme: tāci tāci yā putā ghāliṃ ghāliṃ bī. Toddle here, my son. I'll give you a pair of bells.) tāchāye1 v.i. (-chāta) (of weather) to be hot tāchāye2 -> taṂ chāye tāchāye3 v.t. (-chāla) to take for granted, to assume, imagine: vaṃ chuṃ bī dhakāḥ tāchāye mate. Don't imagine he'll give amything. (cf. tātaye) tājā1 adj. fresh tājā2 -> taḥjāḥ tāji b.f. kind, pattern (with num., pron.), e.g.: ni-tāji of two kinds; gvaḥ-tājiyā nyāta vayā thāy du? How many kinds of fish has he got? tājup adj. wonderful, amusing, pleasant tājyā; ~vayṃ n.anim. man pretending to be mad; ~viṂ n.anim. woman pretending to be mad tāt (var. tāth) n. 1. sack cloth 2. linoleum tātaye v.t. to take for granted, to assume, to imagine (cf. tāchāye3) tātā -> tatā tāti (var. tātita) -> tāci tātunā n. (-gū) guess, assumption: jigu tātunā chakhe lāta. My guess was wrong. tātune v.t. 1. to hope 2. to guess, to assume tāth1 n. (-gū) seat in a shop; tāthay cvane to be in official capacity; ~ ultay juye to be bankrupt; ~ paltay juye id. tāth2 -> tāt tāth3 adj. thin, lean tāthiye v.i. (of weather) to be hot tādalū n. (-lukha-,-pvāḥ) lamp hanging on a wall or on a pillar tān -> tāṃ1 tānā -> tāṂku tānāṃ b.f. stupid, lazy; ~gulu n.anim. {ch.lg.} elephant (cf. kisi); ~jyaḥ n.anim. (-jela-) stupid person, fool; ~dyaḥ n.pr. (-deva-) 1. elephant god, Gaṇeś 2. fool tānā-tānā svaye v.t. to look with a puzzled expression: vaṃ jitaḥ tānātānā svayā cvana. He gave me a puzzled glance. tānāḥtāna n. tugging, push, pull tānku (var. tānvaku) -> tāṂku tāpā (var. tapāy, tāpāy) adj. distant, far, remote, not intimate; ~ājā n. hon. great grandfather; ~aji n. hon. great grandmother; ~āju n. hon. ancestor; ~phuki n. distant relatives; ~bājyā n. hon. ancestor; ~ye (-pāta) to be far, distant: seṃguṃ khāsti guli tāpāḥ? How far is it from Svayambhū to Bodhnāth? tāpālaṂ (var. tapālaṂ, tāpālā) n. (-gū) foreign country tāpu n. 1. (-pu) bridge 2. (-gū) island tāplā -> tāllā tāpvaḥ n. (-pvala-,-pvaḥ) bridge support tābāy+ta adv. for a long time tābhata -> tatābhata tāmcin n. china, enamel; ~kayaḥ n. (-yela-) enamel tea cup; ~bātā n. (-gaḥ) enamel pot tāmnāṃ (var. tāmdām) n. (-nāma-,-gū) sedan chair tāmvaḥ n. (-mvala-,-mvaḥ) bridge support (lit. head of a bridge) tāy n. (-gaḥ) puffed rice, unhusked fried rice tāyaḥ n. (-yela-,-gū) kind of locket (worn at marriage, great ceremonies) tāye1 v.t. (tāta) 1. push, to pull, to tug 2. to fix 3. to nail, to pierce, to pound: vaṃ aṃgalay nakiṃ tāta. He drove a nail into the wall. 3. to cut 4. to serve (food) tāye2 v.t. (tāla) 1. to hear, to overhear: chaṃ vayāgu me tāla lā? Did you hear his song? 2. to have an impression, to feel, to think, to imagine: thva jyā jvi matā. I don't think it will work out. tāy+gaḥsi n. (-gaḥ) seed or fruit of the palm tree; ~mā n. (-mā) palmyra, palm tree tāy+chi (var. tāyti) -> tāci tāy|-maḥ n. (-mala-) glue or paste of unhusked fried rice; ~māḥ n. (-māla-,-māḥ) garland of fried rice grains tāy+l (-pā) European roof tile: tāylaṂ ciye to roof (European style) tāy|-vā n. kind of paddy (grown for puffed rice); ~sivā n. id. tār1 n. (-gū) field above a stream, on a high plateau tār2 n. (-pu) 1. wire, cable, electric wire 2. telegram 3. string of a musical instrument tāraṃtār adv. frequently: jithāy tāraṃtār vayā cvana. He came to me frequently. tāran taye v.t. 1. to confine an evil spirit within a possessed person by magical rites (so that the spirit cannot escape punishment by the spiritual healer): tāran tala ki bvaḥsiṃtaseṃ chuṃ he yāye phaye makhu. When the evil spirit is confined, witches can't do any harm. 2. to steal a person by magical rites tārā1 n. (-gū) target; ~ kay+ke 1. to practice shooting 2. {sl.} to seduce; ~ taye to set out a marble as a target; ~ lāye (for a marble) to be placed as a target tārā2 n. (-gaḥ) star (cf. nagu) tārisvāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) kind of flower tārbājaṃ n. (-jana-,-gaḥ) string instrument tārbuṂ n. field on a high plateau tāl n. 1. (-gū) timing, rhythm (of music, poetry) 2. manner, way, method, habit; tālay lāye to be rhythmical, in the right timing; to be well-behaved: va macā tālay lāḥ. The boy has good manners.; to be skilful: va sujyāy tālay lāḥ. She is skilful in tailoring.; to be sane; tālay vaye to be controlled; tālay, tālaṃ hane {old-fash.} to be in rhythm; to be nice, to be perfect; to be well-behaved; ~ biye to give the timing, to beat a rhythm; ~ vaye {sl.} to go mad tāliṃ-tāliṃ onom. {ch.lg.} sound of clapping hands tālima n. (-gū) teaching, instruction, training; ~ biye to train (people); ~ yāye to train (animals) tālju n. 1. (-ju) pair of scales 2. (-pā) single half of scales; ~pā (-pā) id. 2. tāltyā n. target, bull's eye; ~ kay+ke 1. to shoot at, to aim at 2. {sl.} to seduce; ~ taye to put a marble as a target tāllā (var. tāplā) n. summer, hot season; ~si n. summer solstice; ~sipujā n. summer solstice festival tāvāḥ n. (-vāla-,-gaḥ) long handled pan tās1 n. (-pā,-ju) playing card tās2 n. (-sāḥ) kind of brocade tāsaḥ n. (-sala-) medical treatment; ~ vāsaḥ yāye to treat, to cure tāsu n. hearing, faculty of hearing tāstiṃkhā n. (-sāḥ) cloth with gold or silver embroidery tāhā b.f. big, great tāhāṃpa (var. tāṃpa, tāṃpha) n. (-gaḥ) spouted water pot made of copper tāhākaye v.t. to make longer, to extend: vaṃ laṃ tāhākala. She made the dress longer. imisaṃ khaṂ tāhākala. They prolonged the discussion. tāhākaḥ adj. long tāhāḥ1 n.anim. (-hāla-) snake tāhāḥ2 adj. long; ~nagu n. (-gaḥ) comet (cf. nhipaṃtāhāḥnagu) tāḥ1 n. (tāka-,-gū) right, opportune time; ~ taye to force to keep to a deadline (hom. tāḥ2); ~ thāye 1. (of clock) to strike (with time meas.: nakatini svatāḥ thāta. It is exactly three o'clock now.) 2. to force to keep a deadline (hom. tāḥ2); ~ svaye to wait for an opportunity tāḥ2 n. (tāla-) 1. (-gū) lock (cf. tākh) 2. (-jvaḥ) lock and key 3. (-gū) crosstie of an inner and outer frame; ~ kāye to take the key, i.e. to be in charge of the guthi affairs; ~ gvaye to lock; ~ cāy+ke to unlock; ~ taye to join the inner and outer frame (hom. tāḥ1); ~ thaye to fit tightly; ~ thāye to beat tāḥ-cymbals (hom. tāḥ1); ~ daye to lock tāḥ3 n. (-pā) pair of small cymbals used to beat the rhythm in traditional music tāḥ4 n. (-tāla-,-gū) mark, impression (cf. e.g. kū~, bāṃ~, mugaḥ~, haṂ~); ~ kaye 1. to mark a hole (with a chisel) 2. to mark a shallow cut (in the ground); ~ kāye to aim at tāḥ5 onom. {ch.lg.} hit, stroke tāḥ6; ~ lāke to equip, to prepare; ~ lāye to be equipped, prepared tāḥ-ī meas. (-ila-) (with num.) approximate time, e.g.: nitāḥ ilay about two o'clock tāḥcā n. 1. (-pu) key 2. (-pvāyṃ) bundle of keys 3. (-ju) key and lock; ~vālaḥ n. (-lata-) leaf plate of food (given to guthi members who are to act as hosts in the next year) tāḥtū n. (-tuli-) meat dish made of intestines (given to the food-bearers at a feast) tāḥnvakū n. (-kuti-,-gū) iron lock bolt tāḥnvaye (var. tanvaye, tāṃnvaye) v.i. (-nvala) to be hot (of season) tāḥnvalā (var. tanvalā, tāṃnvalā) n. hot season tāḥnvaḥ n. (-nvala-,-gū) crosstie of an inner and outer frame; ~ kaye to fasten the crosstie tāḥp1 n. 1. heat 2. grief tāḥp2 n. (-pā) horse's hoof tāḥ|-phvaḥ n. (-phvala-,-phvaḥ) lock; ~bhamaḥ n. (-mala-) lock rings of a double door ti1 n. juice, soup, broth; ~ taye 1. to add liquid (to curry) 2. to be extremely thin; ~ dāye to squeeze money, to persuade to give money, to cheat: vaṃ jike jhirkā tidāla. He made me give him ten rupees.; ~ luye to be juicy, to be full of juice; ~ siye (sita) to extract, to wring out (hom. s.v. tisiye); ~ syāye to boil down, to reduce liquidity (of curry) ti2 n., clf. 1. stitch, sewing 2. pinching, nipping 3. furrow 4. curve, line, bending 5. straightness, distinctness (of an edge, an outline): vaṃ ti phyāye maphu. He cannot see clearly 6. clf. with `balā' arrow; ~ kāye 1. to sew, to stitch 2. to pinch 3. to be nipping (in fun); ~ svaye to examine the straightness of wood (carpentry) ti3 -> taye ti4 meas. potful or containerful (in bartering): cha-ti cvaki, one pot of broken rice ti5 adv. just as, that (much), about, near about: thuli ti daḥsā gāi lā theṃ? If there is about that much, will it be sufficient? tiṂ n. (-pu) reed; ~kathi n. (-pu) reed stalk tiṂcuṂ -> tichuṂ tiṂ|-cvaḥ n. (-cvata-,-pu) reed shoot (eaten as a vegetable), bamboo shoot; ~jhāḥ n. (-jhāla-,-gū) reed grove; ~tu n. inferior kind of sugarcane; ~(-cvaḥ)dhuṂ n.anim. kind of small leopard; ~bva n. (-gū) reed grove; ~bhi n. (-gū) reed curtain; ~bhujaḥ n. (-jala-,-gū) id. tiṂmā -> tīmā tiṃ(-cā)1 n. (tina-,-gaḥ) kind of small pot (for ritual purposes), (in sets of 108) tiṃ2 onom. 1. sound of tinkling, ringing, honking 2. sound of nipping tiṃkhā n. silk tiṃkhi (var. tiṃkhe) adj. lean, thin tiṃchu n. sound of the `tāḥ'-instrument (cymbals beating the rhythm) tiṃtiṃ|-ka+i n. (-kaica-,-gaḥ) contagious pimple, rash; ~cā n.anim. 1. cricket 2. boaster; ~cvaḥcvaḥ adj. insufficient, scarce tiṃnhuye -> tinhuye tiṃ svāye v.i. 1. to be erect, to be upright 2. to protrude tikā1 (var. tiki, tikhā, tīkā) n. (-pu) 1. weft, cross-wise threads in weaving 2. thread on a bow for beating cotton 3. perforated batten (grillwork) 4. square pattern (cf. mākā, yaṃkā, yekā); ~ tiye to lay the weft threads tikā2 (var. tiku, tīkā) n. (-patā) vermilion mark on the forehead, ṭīkā (cf. sinhaḥ) tikā|-khāpā n. (-pā) latticed window shutter (shut down vertically); ~ jhyāḥ n. (-jhyāla-,-pā) latticed window; ~jhyāḥbā n. (-gaḥ) jamb; ~jhyāḥmā n. (-gaḥ) jamb; ~bāhā n. secondary jambs of doors and windows; ~mākā n. warp and weft; ~mākā sī daye 1. to know the difference between warp and weft 2. {fig.} to know good from evil; ~sāḥ n. (-sāla-) perforation of a batten tiki1 n. (-ki) dripping, drop; ~ dane, nane to drip, to come down in drops tiki2 -> tikā1 and compounds tikiṃbaji n. (-pu) beaten rice of best quality (rice from Tikiṃ, a village in the south of the Kathmandu valley) tiku1 adj. extremely sour; ~(-tiku) dhāye to be somewhat sour tiku2 n. {Kirt} epilepsy: tikuṃ pune to have an attack of epilepsy (cf. tilvay) tiku3 -> tikva tiku4 -> tikā2 tikucā n. 1. kind of small fly 2. (-pu) bamboo stick for a `dahaḥ'-tambourine tikuni (var. tinkuni) n. (-gū) 1. triangular tool for levelling floors 2. triangle, kind of percussion instrument tikupāuṃ n. (-pu) kind of very sour grass; ~ghāyṃ n. (-ghāṂsa-,-pu) id. tiku|-ye v.i. (-kula) to be extremely sour; ~se cvane to be very sour tike v.t. to fix, to apply, to paste, to stick, to stamp tikka n. {ch.lg.} sting, prick; ~ mine 1. to feel pricked, to feel nettled, offended: chaṃgu khaṂ vayā nugalay tikka mina. He felt nettled by your words. 2. to have a flash of memory tikkhar -> tikhar tik+tik+cā1 n.anim. kind of small bird (living in nettles), wren (cf. nhāykaṃpili) tik+tik+cā2 n. (-gaḥ) {ch.lg.} watch tikva (var. tiku) n. (-gu) 1. small drainage ditch around a paddy field 2. bamboo fence around a field; ~ kāye, cvay+ke to drain water (from a paddy field); ~ cvale 1. id. 2. to erect a ~ around a field; ~ pāle to dig a ~; ~ laye to clear away paddy (in preparation for digging a drainage); ~ lhāye to level the field; ~vā n. (-gaḥ) paddy which is harvested first along the borders of a field tikhar (var. tikkhar) adj. of strong taste, flavoured, savoury; ~cāku adj. extremely sweet tikharāṃ n.anim. (-rāna-) 1. lean and thin person 2. nervous, fidgeting, restless person tikhā -> tikā1 tichuṂ (var. tiṂchu) 1. n.anim. kind of mouse, shrew, bandicoot (conveyance of Gaṇeś) 2. n. shrew pattern (carving) tijā -> tisā tijābhaḥ n. (-bhala-,-gaḥ) box for the equipment of a balance tijupiṃ -> thījyūpiṃ titaḥ1 n.anim. (-tala-) partridge titaḥ2 adj. lean, thin titaḥ-bitaḥ juye v.i. to be scattered titaḥrā n. (-gaḥ) small ball of ground pulse titādhuṂ n.anim. leopard titi; ~ miṃka syāye to feel a burning pain; ~ mine id.: ghālay ci lāḥ balay titi mina. When I got salt into my wound, it burnt.; ~ yāye to pat a child (to put it to sleep), to lull a child: vaṃ macāyāta titi yānā thena. She patted her child into sleep. titicā n.anim. kind of frog titinyāuṃ n.anim. kind of bird titipāpā yāye v.t. 1. to take good care 2. to be stingy, avaricious, to hoard money: vayā titipāpā yānā muṃkā tala. Being stingy, he hoarded (a lot of money). 3. to fondle, to spoil (a child): imisaṃ thva macāyāta titipāpā yānā tala. They have spoiled this child. titisārsiṂ n. (-mā) kind of tree titisi (var. tisi) n. (-mā) tamarind; ~pāuṃ n. (-gaḥ) tamarind fruit tithi n. 1. day, date of the lunar month 2. death anniversary (performed at fixed periods after a death according to the lunar calendar, e.g. lātyā-tithi, six-weeks'-tithi, nilā-tithi, two-months-tithi); ~miti n. date tin n. (-gaḥ) tin tina {Pg} -> tini2 tini1 n.anim. s.o. who officiates at the deathrites of a household tini2 (var. tina) b.f. 1. just then, that very moment: va-tini just when; ale-tini just then: chaṃ jyā sidhayke va tini jyālā bī. You'll get your wages the moment you have finished your work. 2. still, later on tini-tini thāye v.t. to ring small bells tinipakucā n. particular role in a `lākhay'-dance (cf. jhyāliṃcā) tini-mini dhāye v.i. to be dazzled with bright light tinimuni n. (-gū) kind of musical instrument tine v.t. 1. to throw, to hurl 2. to fluff up (cotton) 3. to set flying (paper kite) 3. to shut (doors or windows) tinkuni -> tikuni tinkhyaḥ (var. tudikhyaḥ) n. (-khela-) Tundikhel, parade ground tin+thāye v.t. to stimulate, infuriate a pair of fighters tin+pātā n. (-pātā) tin sheettinhaī {Pg} -> tinhi tinhi n. (loc. tinhinar) noon tinhuye (var. tiṃnhuye) v.i. to jump tip n. 1. high musical note 2. (-pu) kind of small flute, piccolo flute tipā nake v.t. to pursue, to chase tipāyaḥ -> tutipāyaḥ tipū (var. tepū) n. (-puli-) couple, husband and wife; ~ cine (for a marriage) to go well; ~chi n. husband and wife; ~macā n. parents and children (term used in formal invitations) tipe v.t. to adorn, to dress, to decorate (cf. tiye) tipeṃke v.t. to finish, to bring to completion: jyākhaṂ timapeṃkaṃ ji vaye makhu. I shall not come, unless the work is finished.; tipeṃka naye to eat so much that one cannot move any more tipene v.i. 1. to be straight, to be in track 2. to be regular 3. to be satiated 4. to be finished (successfully) tipkār n. raised joint (brick work); ~ juye to be plastered (joints of bricks); ~ yāye to raise a joint (of bricks), to patch up, to plaster tippā nake v.t. 1. to urge, to press, to force: macāṃ bhutummāli nyānābyū dhakāḥ tippā nakala. My son urged me to buy him a paper kite. 2. to scold, to attack tiphyāye v.t. to see clearly, to peer, to look sharply at: imisaṃ khvālay tiphyānā svata. They looked sharply at his face. tibaḥ -> tivā tibī n. T.B., tuberculosis (cf. gaḥlvay) timajupiṃ -> thīmajyūpiṃ timilā1 (var. tumilā, tvimilā) n. moon; ~ khāye to be lit by moonshine; ~ tvaye (of the moon) to rise, to shine; ~ biye (bita) (of the moon) to set; ~ luye (of the moon) to rise timilā2 n. (-gaḥ) kind of sweet smelling wild fruit timukathi n. (-pu) kind of farmer's tool timpākcā -> cināypākcā tiyā n. (-gū) number three in gambling (with cowrie shells) tiyā vane v.i. to elope, to escape clandestinely tiye1 (tita) 1. v.t. to mark (the forehead with a ṭīkā) 2. v.t. to warp 3. v.t. to shut 4. v.i. to be fixed, to stick, to be stuck, to be blocked, to be pasted, to be stamped: bhvaṃ aṃgalay tita. The paper is pasted to the wall. lukhā tinā cvana, cāyke maphu. The door has got stuck, one can't open it. tiye2 v.t. (tila) 1. insert 2. to dress, to adorn: vaṃ tvapulī svāṃ chaphvaḥ tila. He adorned his cap with a flower. (cf. tipe) 3. to pierce 4. to pinch, to press 5. to bend 6. {sl.} to tease: rāmyāta pāsāpīsaṃ tila. Rām was teased by his friends. tiri n.anim. wife, house wife (cf. kalāḥ) tirika adv. slightly, a little; ~ sane to stir, to move slightly; ~ hāle to make a faint sound: tirika hāle majyū. It was dead silent, there was not the slightest sound. tirpat adj. out of position, bent; ~ naye to be out of position; ~ yāye to misplace tirpāicā n. (-gū) three-legged stool tila+uri n. sweetmeat of sesamum and molasses tilay gene (var. ~ gele) v.i. 1. (of food) to be wholesome, nourishing 2. to be satiated tilahari (var. tilaḥri) n. (-māḥ) golden ornament with glass beads (worn on the breast by women) tila-hila n. dressing, apparel, ornaments; ~ daye to change clothes: vayā tilahila he maru. He has no clothes for changing. tilaḥri -> tilahari tilā-tilā n. {ch.lg.} hair oiling tilāy n. (-lāsa-) 1. (-gaḥ) lintel (without frame) 2. (-pā) lower roof tile tile v.t. to oil (the hair) tilla adj. drunk; ~ juye to be drunk; ~ pene to be stiff, to be stretched (of limbs); ~ yāye to make s.o. drunk; ~ syāye to get drunk tilvay n. (-lvaca-) epilepsy tivaḥ -> tivā tivaḥ yāye v.t. to chase up tivā (var. tibaḥ, tivaḥ, tebaḥ, tevā) n. help, assistance, support; ~ nake to support tivāṃ-tivāṃ adv. (to call) loudly and repeatedly tisaye v.i. (of sounds) to be high, to be shrill tisaḥ (var. tīsaḥ) n. (-sala-) high sound, high voice tisā (var. tijā) n. (-gū,-tā) ornament; ~ tiye to decorate, to wear ornaments; ~bicā n. ritual of washing the ornaments of deities (done once a year by the guthi); ~bhaḥ n. (-bhala-,-gaḥ) box, case for ornaments, jewellery; ~ sile ritual washing of the ornaments of deities tisālvāye v.i. to wrestle tisāvasaḥ n. (-sata-) clothing, apparel tisi1 (var. titīsi) n. tamarind tisi2 n. linseed tisiṂ n. (-pu) 1. roofing planks 2. reed (underneath roof tiles) tisicikaṃ n. (-kana-) linseed oil tisiye v.t. (-sila) 1. -> ti siye, s.v. ti1 2. to close the eyes tisyaḥ n. (-sela-) 1. spine-marrow 2. (-pu) backbone, spine; ~ caphuye {sl.} to kill, to break the spine; ~ cabuye {sl.} to die, to have one's spine broken tisyu n.anim. miser tī n. (tila-,-gaḥ) mole, black spot on the skin tīkā -> tikā1 tīke v.t. to cause to wear, to adorn tīkhmāḥ n. (-māla-,-māḥ) kind of necklace with golden pendants tīcā n. (-gaḥ) kind of cushion, pad (cf. e.g. dhuṃ~, mulu~) tījaka adv. carefully, softly, slowly tītu n.anim. kind of bird tīmā (var. tiṂmā) n. (-pu) bow-shaped tool for fluffing up cotton; ~phelu n. (-gaḥ) id. tīrtha n. (-gū) 1. holy place 2. pilgrimage tīvapi n. (-gaḥ) tiny water hole tīsakaṃ adv. carefully, softly, slowly tīsaḥ -> tisaḥ tīhū onom. howling of a wolf or jackal; ~cā n.anim. {ch.lg.} jackal tu1 n. (-pu) 1. sugar-cane 2. kind of weed (similar to paddy), used to make brooms; ~ kāye to uproot weeds (hom. tu2 ) tu2 n. 1. (-tu) raised joint 2. (-gū) embossment 3. (-gū) depression; ~ kāye to carve (embossments, indentations) (hom. tu1); ~ jyāye to emboss; ~ taye to carve; ~ dāye to emboss; ~ syāye to remove an embossment tu3 meas. 1. strand of thread 2. length of about one inch 3. ladleful: vaṃ lā nitu tula. He scooped out two ladles of meat.; ~ jiye 1. to be overtwisted 2. {fig.} to overlap, to be intertwined, to be strained (of personal relationships); ~ lhāye to overtwist tu4 part. of emphasis tui- -> tvi- tuṂ (var. tvaṂ) 1. n.anim. maggot, cricket 2. n. dandruff; ~ dāye 1. to be infected with maggots, to rot 2. to have dandruff 3. {fig.} (for plans, ideas) to be spoiled; ~ hāle to emit shrill cries (esp. of ghosts) tuṂgāḥ n. (-gāla-,-gaḥ) kind of string instrument with four strings tuṂvā n. (-pu) eyetooth tuṃ n. (tuṂthi-,-gaḥ) well, fountain; ~ iye to clean a well; ~gaḥ n. (-gala-,-gaḥ) stone embankment at a river; ~chī-appā n. (-pā) special kind of curved brick for wells (cf. dāti-appā) tuṃtuṃ svaye v.t. to gaze, to stare at tuṃdikhyaḥ (var. tinkhyaḥ, tudikhyaḥ) n. (-khela-) Tundikhel, parade ground tuṃpu n. idea, guess, anticipation tuṃphaḥ n. (-phala-) plinth of a well tuṃbaḥ n. (-bala-,-gaḥ) kind of plant (with edible seed similar to sesamum) (cf. tumbā) tuṃsā n. idea, guess, anticipation tuka n. filling of a measuring pot; tukay yāye to measure correctly; tukay lāye to be well filled, to get a correctly measured share; tukay vane to be wasted; tukay vaye to get more than the expected amount; tukaṃ cāye to measure correctly, to weigh out the correct amount; tukaṃ nhyāye to save one's capital tukaṃ n. (-kana-) leafed part of a mustard plant tukaṃbvaḥjā n. kind of dish consisting of mustard leaves, lentils and rice tukāye v.t. to weed, to uproot tukay+gujhari n. (-gaḥ) plane to make rebates or splits tuki n. 1. (-phvaḥ) floral-shaped ear ornament 2. (-thū) spool, reel for weaving thread, bobbin for a shuttle, bamboo spool for cotton thread; ~ tule to spool; ~ suye to put on, to wear a tuki tuku1 n. (-ku) {ch.lg.} ṭīkā, mark on the forehead (proverb: luku nhāpā tuku lipā. First eating, then blessing - signifying reversal of proper order); ~ taye to give a ṭīkā tuku(-tuku)2 n. walk, way of walking (of a child); ~ nyāye to walk properly; ~ nyāsi vane id. tuku-tuku cabuye v.i. (for thread) to be easily torn tuku-muku onom. sound of drum-beating tukka adv. 1. (to strike, hammer) slightly, carefully 2. -> tucuka tukkā n. 1. (-gū) idiom 2. (-pu) anecdote; ~ tayāḥ khaṂ lhāye to flavour one's talk with metaphors or idioms; ~ nake to taunt; ~bākhaṃ n. (-pu) anecdote tukhaḥ n. (-khala-,-khaḥ) stalk of dry sugar cane (used to burn in order to give warmth to a woman after childbirth ) tughāyṃ n. (-ghāṂsa-,-mā) weed tucā (var. tuccā) n. snack, light refreshment (cf. kaulā); ~tucā 1. (to pay) in instalments 2. (to eat) in small bits; ~bva n. course of light refreshment served at a ceremonial meal (given to close relatives and to the bearers); ~bvalaḥ lhāye to serve a refreshment; ~ yāye to take a refreshment; ~lapte n. (-pā) leaf plate tucituci -> tucutucu tucuka (var. tukka, tupuka, tupluka, turuka) adv. 1. unexpectedly and at the right time 2. (to sit) squatting 3. -> tucutucu tucu-tucu (var. tucituci, tuccha) onom. 1. frequently, repeatedly, too often 2. in small amounts, trifling, unimportant; ~ vaye to come frequently without any important reason tuccā -> tucā tucvaḥ n. (-cvala-,-cvaḥ) upper part of a sugar cane tuccha -> tucutucu tujyā n. weeding, uprooting of weeds tutay; ~ juye to miss: macāyā thauṃ duru tutay jula. The child missed his milk today.; ~ yāye to leave out, to skip, to discontinue, to fail to do: vaṃ thauṃ vāsaḥ tutay yāta. He failed to take his medicine today. tutaḥ n. (-tala-,-pu) prayer, hymn, song tutāṃ (var. cutāṃ) n. (-tama-,-pu) walking stick; ~cākathi n. (-pu) stick on a weaving loom; ~ cuye to support o.s. with a stick; ~ lāke {fig.} to make s.o. helpless tuti n. (-pā) foot, leg, leg of furniture; tutiṃ nhuye to step on s.th.; ~kāsā n. kind of hopping game played by girls; ~gathi cine to be unable to walk, to walk awkwardly (due to embarassment); ~cāḥtu adj. bow-legged; ~ jvane {fig.} to implore, to beg, to flatter; ~ jhvaḥ laṃke {fig.} to die; ~paciṃ n. (-cina-,-pu) toe; ~pāyaḥ (var. tipāyaḥ) n. (-yela-) kind of ornament for the feet; ~bakī n. (-kila-,-gaḥ) kind of anklet (given by the groom to the bride); ~ basvāye 1. to trample, to stamp 2. {fig.} to be irritated; ~ māle to find fault with; ~ luyā vane to limp, to drag one's foot; ~ lhvane to kick; ~ hīke to change the arrangement of a weaving pattern tutu n. {ch.lg.} 1. milk 2. breast; ~māṃ n.anim. (-māma-) wet-nurse tuttu(-matu); ~ tuye to spoon, to ladle repeatedly; ~ tule to roll up repeatedly; ~tuṂ adv. (to roll) repeatedly tuthā kāye v.t. to carve tudikhyaḥ -> tuṃdikhyaḥ tudhāḥ n. (-dhāla-,-dhāḥ) thumb-wide edge; ~haṂ n. (-pu) kind of chisel with a thumb-wide edge for chiseling (cf. tuhaṂ) tunā n. charm, spell, black magic; ~munā n. spell, sorcery tunāḥ n. (-nāla-,-gaḥ) eaves strut; ~cvaḥ n. (-cvala-,-cvaḥ) pointed (lower) end of a strut; ~tvākaḥ n. (-kala-) base for a strut; ~pā n. upper end of a strut; ~mvaḥ n. (-mvala-,-mvaḥ) pointed (lower) end of a strut; ~lipā n. lower end of a strut; ~sāḥ n. (-sāla-) upper end of a strut tunu-tunu adv. (to look, stare) intensely tune1 (var. tuye) v.t. 1. to expect, to anticipate, to guess: jiṃ ipiṃ bāṃlāka mhitī dhakāḥ tunā. I expected them to play well. 2. to peel tune2 v.i. 1. to be sunk in the ground, in mud: tunā vane to settle 2. (for teeth) to be weak tupalaṃ n. (-lana-,-pā) vest tupaḥ n. (-pata-,-pu) gun, musket; ~cā n. (-pu) pop gun, toy gun tupin n. joint of post and beam; ~ taye to fit a post into a beam; ~ mhuye to cut the mortise into the beam; ~ lāye to be well fitted (of parts of a building) tupuka -> tucuka tupu-tupu adv. one by one, one after another: vaṃ cikaṃ tuputupu tala. She added oil drop by drop. tupuli -> tvapuli tupluka -> tucuka tupsi n. dried mash of sugar cane (after extracting the juice) tuphi n. (-phi,-pu) kind of broom; ~ saṃke to sweep, to broom tumaḥ n. (-mala-) kind of mustard-like grain tumā n. (-mā) sugar cane (offered together with a ginger plant during Dasain) tumār n. (-gaḥ) kind of one-headed drum tumicā (var. thumācā, thumi) n. spoon tumilā -> timilā1 tumpākcā (var. cumpakcā) n.anim. {Bhp} character in a monster dance (cf. jhyāliṃcā) tumbā (var. tumbi) n. (-gaḥ) dried gourd (as a container for water) (cf. tuṃbaḥ) tumbi n. 1. -> tumbā 2. life-belt tuyu (var. tvay, tvayu, tvi) 1. adj. white 2. n. white of egg, protein 3. n. leucorrhoea; ~ kane to be extremely white; ~ke to whiten, to whitewash; ~kvahāṂ vaye to have leucorrhoea; ~khvāḥdyaḥ n. pr. (-deva-) name of Matsyendranāth; ~cyātaḥ adj. white-spotted, white-striped; ~cyāḥ (-cyāta-) n. kind of skin disease, albinoism; ~jaḥ n. (-jala-) light, sunlight; ~taḥ adj. based on white colour; ~ tuyu dhāye, naye 1. to be whitish 2. to dawn; ~ye (-yula) 1. to be white 2. to dawn, to brighten; ~laḥ n. (-lakha-) white water, water of a particular well in Itumbāhāl of Kathmandu; ~simpu n. (-gaḥ) white horse bean; ~se cvane 1. to become white 2. to dawn: dyaḥ tuyuse cvana. It dawned. tuye1 v.i. (tuta) to cost: va saphū nīrkā tuta. That book costs twenty rupees. tuye2 -> tune tuye3 (tula) 1. v.t. to ladle, to spoon: tuyā biye to scoop out 2. v.i. to last, to be durable: lākāṃ chanta chuṃ makhusāṃ nidaṂ tvi. The shoes will last you at least two years. 3. v.i. to be auspicious 4. v.i. to match, to be suitable turabi n. (-pu) bugle turay; ~ juye to be stopped, to come to an end: palī ciye dhunaki cheṂ jyā turay jula. After the roof was finished, the work at the house came to an end (without completion of the work).; ~ haye to bring to an end, to complete turuka adv. 1. dripping 2. -> tucuka turu|-tāru (var. tulutulu) onom. sound of irregular dripping; ~turu onom. sound of regular dripping; ~ vaye to drop in for a visit turunta adv. immediately, swiftly, at once turuputu n. (-gaḥ) kind of drum tulaṂ -> tvalaṃ tulakaṃmāḥ n. (-māla-,-māḥ) belt with small bells worn by women tuliṃcā n. (-pu) spindle (cf. natū) tulu (var. tuluṂ) meas. (-lu) portion poured from a thin spout, splash, drop tulu-tulu (var. tuluka) adv. 1. fixed (of a glance) 2. -> turuturu tule v.t. 1. to roll 2. to fold, to wrap up tulcā (var. tulsā) n. (-pu) 1. kind of pin 2. {sl.} penis tulbaji n. (-pu) empty mustard seed pod tulsā -> tulcā tulsī n. (-mā) sacred plant, Ocimum basilicum tuvā n. (-gaḥ) kind of measuring pot (especially for oil) tusa n. (-gū) scar, mark of a wound or boil tusā n. (-pu) bamboo shoot tusāḥ1 n. (-sāla-,-gū) sugar cane press (machine and workshop) tusāḥ2 n. (-sāla-) 1. (-tā) land taxation, assessment 2. (-gū) revenue office tusi n. 1. (-gaḥ) cucumber 2. (-pu) {Bhp} bermuda grass (cf. situ); ~kakaḥcā n. kind of bitter vegetable; ~gāḥ n. (-gāla-,-gū) dimple; ~pu n. 1. cucumber seed 2. cucumber seed pattern (carving) 3. dimple; ~pu-aṃgū n. (-guli-,-pā) kind of ring with a cucumber seed design; ~haḥ n. (-hala-,-haḥ) 1. cucumber leaf 2. leaf pattern (carving) tusu-tusu onom. sound of tearing of old threads; ~ vaye to be torn easily tusuye v.i. (-suta) 1. to decay, to be worn out 2. to come down, to be low, to dwindle, to vanish: pukhulī laḥ tusū. Water is low in the pond. vayā dhukū tusuta. His property has dwindled. tusyāḥ (var. tūsyāḥ) n.anim. (-syāta-) oil presser tuhaṂ n. (-pu) kind of chisel with an edge of thumb's breadth (cf. tudhāḥhaṂ) tū1 n. (tula-,-gaḥ) mustard tū2 n. cost, price tū3 n. (tuli-,-gaḥ) support (of a bending wall); ~ taye to support a wall; ~ thvaye to remove a support tū4 adj. curved tū5 adj. auspicious, lucky, appropriate tūgumū n. wholesale price tūcikaṃ n. (-kana-) mustard oil tūjaṃ adv. continuously, constantly, incessantly tūphvaṂga n. (-gaḥ) pillow to prop up a baby tūlkā n. (-pu) red cloth tūsyāḥ -> tusyāḥ te n. quick, unexpected glance; ~ lāye v.i. to have good eye-sight tek n. (-gū) principle, determination; ~ kāye, taye to be determined, to stand one's ground tekā adj. 1. pressed 2. based; ~bālā n. key batten (window lattice work) teku n. (-gaḥ) support (for repairing a building) techva -> tachva tej n. (-gū) light; ~ lāye (var. telāye) 1. to have light, to be sufficiently lit 2. to be keen (of eyesight) tejapāḥ (var. tejpāt) n. (-pāta-,-pā) cinnamon leaf tejāpa n. acid; ~ kāye to distil tejju -> tayju tejpāt -> tejapāḥ tejlāḥ adj. 1. bright, clear 2. exposed to light tethā n. (-gaḥ) 1. large mallet (to split bamboo, to drive a peg) 2. piece of burning wood tenū(-sā) (var. tenhusā) n.anim. deer, reindeer, antilope tene1 v.aux. to intend, to be about to, to be ready: jiṃ va kitāb bvane tenā. I meant to read that book. tene2 v.t. 1. to press, to pack tightly 2. to put to fermentation; tenā taye 1. to put to fermentation 2. {fig.} to keep secret tenhusā -> tenū tepa1 n. (-gaḥ) large clay water vessel (used for distilling liquor); ~ thuye to put grains to fermentation tepa2 n. {Bhp} hub of a chariot wheel tepay n.anim. caste name of farmers growing spinach tepu (var. tephu) n. (-gū) 1. navel 2. cornice; ~ pikāye to make a cornice; ~lvahaṃ n. (-haṂta-,-gaḥ) pedestal of a stone pillar tepū -> tipū tephu -> tepu tebaḥ -> tivā tebil n. (-gū) table teye v.i. to be the right time, to be proper, to be all right teray yāye v.t. to obey telaṃ adv. early in the morning telakāsā n. kind of game (similar to hide-and-seek) telāye -> tej lāye teliphvan n. telephone telibhijan n. television tele v.t. 1. to press, to suppress 2. to push back, to drive back: telā chvaye to press down, to push off telphakaṃ n. (-kana-,-mā,-pu) kind of plant, wild colocasia tevā -> tivā tesan n. station testeṃka adv. (to eat) too much tya- -> te- tyaṃla meas. four pau tyaḥ adj. fit, appropriate: tyaḥ matyaḥ dhāye to say what is right and wrong tyaḥrā adj. three fold (of a harmonium) tyā quant. half (with num.-clf.), e.g.: nirkā-tyā, two and a half rupees tyāuṃ (var. tyāyṃ) onom. 1. sound of marbles 2. sound of bird-singing tyāṃgrā (var. tāṃgrā) n. winding up thread or yarn; ~kathi n. (-pu) 1. stick for winding thread 2. weaving equipment; ~ pule 1. to wind up balls of thread 2. to turn a somersault tyākaṂ n. gray clay (used as a second-rate fertilizer) tyākaṃ1 n. (-kana-,-gū) rest-place tyākaṃ2 adv. free of cost tyākaṃcupi n. (-pu) kind of knife, kind of weapon tyākabāḥ (var. tyākibāḥ, tyākubāḥ, tyākvāḥ) n. (-bāla-) small amount of money the winner in gambling will have to give to the other participants tyākā-tyākā adv. gracefully tyākāye v.t. 1. to loosen the soil (before digging deep) 2. to take a loan tyākibāḥ -> tyākabāḥ tyāku n. (-gaḥ) {ch.lg.} marble tyākubāḥ (var. tyākvāḥ) -> tyākabāḥ tyāke v.t. to win, to defeat: vaṃ kāsāy imita tyākala. He defeated them in the game. tyāchiye v.t. 1. to decide, to define 2. {fig.} to take a short-cut 3. to speak out, to say, to pronounce clearly tyājiye v.i. 1. to be decided 2. to be pronounced clearly tyātaḥ1 n. morsel, shreds, fragments tyātaḥ2 n. (-tala-) disease of losing one's hair tyātyā n. chopping; ~ juye to be chopped up; ~ yāye to chop up tyāthaye v.t. to cause to be worn out, to use up tyādaye v.i. 1. to be decided 2. to be worn out tyānu adj. tired (cf. yānu); ~ye (-nula) to be tired tyāpa adv. 1. clicking 2. tightly tyāpā|-cupi n. (-pu) chopper, cleaver; ~sukū n. (-kuli-,-pā) rough straw mat tyāp-tyāpcā n. (-gū) press button tyāphi n. (-gaḥ) pebble, gravel tyābalā; ~ kāye to go directly, to take the straightest course tyā biye v.t. to give a loan tyāy1 n. 1. loan 2. debt tyāy2 adj. rough; ~gu jyābhaḥ n. (-bhala-) tool for roughening; ~gu haṂ n. (-pu) kind of chisel tyāye (tyāta) 1. v.t. to borrow, to owe money: jiṃ imike dhebā tyānā. I borrowed money from them, I owe them money. 2. v.t. to chop 3. v.t. to roughen up (the surface of wood or metal) 4. v.i. to win: kijā kāsāy tyāta. (My) younger brother won the game. tyāyṃ -> tyāuṃ tyār n. (-gū) kind of fishing net tyārā-tyārāṂ onom. sound of crushing (lice, marbles hitting each other); ~ syāye to crush lice tyālaṂ n. short cut tyāsā n. (-gū) loan, debt tyāḥ n., clf. (tyāka-,-pu) spherical or oval object, cylinder; ~ cine to form a roll or a spindle-like object trak n. (-gaḥ) truck trikulasi (var. trikulārku) n. toddling of a small child tripat 1. n. bamboo planks (for ceilings) 2. adj. bent, curved tripāi n. (-gū) three legged stool trump n. trump card trūvā onom. call for fowl trūvāsiṃ 1. n.anim. (-sina-) ridiculous person 2. n. mockery tva(-tva); ~ thule to break s.th.; ~ dhule to break easily, to be brittle tva+ise cvane -> tuyuse cvane tvaṂ -> tuṂ tvaṃ n. (tvana-,-gaḥ) piece of girder (used as an anvil) tvaṃthāṃ n. (-thāma-,-gaḥ) beam end with a carved lion head tvaṃsā n. drink, anything drinkable tvakari n. (-gaḥ) basket tvaku n. (-kuli-,-pu) kind of spade tvake v.t. 1. to adjust (doors or windows on their hinges) 2. to undress s.o. else: māmaṃ macāyā laṃ tvakala. The mother took of the child's clothes. (cf. tvaye) tvatā n. cartridge tvanasi -> tvanāḥsi tvanāḥ n. (-nāla-,-gaḥ) threshold, sill; ~tvāka n. peg supporting roof struts; ~si (var. tvanasi, tvānāḥsi) n. (-gaḥ) strut supporting the eaves tvane v.t. 1. to drink, to sip: tvanā chvaye to drink up 2. to smoke (pipes, cigarettes etc.) 3. to soak, to absorb: tvanā kāye to soak up. tākucāṃ yekva laḥ tvaṃ. White clay absorbs much water. tvapaṃ -> tapaṃ tvapaye -> tapā yāye tvapā -> tapā tvapuye v.t. (-pula) 1. to cover, to cover up: pau chapālaṃ cvāpuṃ tvapula. The whole roof was covered with snow. vaṃ pardāṃ jhyāḥ tvapula. He covered the windows with a blind. 2. to hide, to conceal 3. to defend (unjustified): vaṃ vayāgu khaṂ tvapula. He defended him, he covered up for him. 4. to bewitch, to possess: vayāta tvapula. He is possessed. tvapuli (var. tapuli, tupuli, tvaḥpa) n. (-gaḥ) cap tvapusā n. (-pā) lid tvape -> tape tvay; ~ kane 1. to be disappointed 2. -> tuyu; ~ nyāye 1. to be disappointed 2. to be cheated tvayu -> tuyu tvaye (tvala) 1. v.t. to undress (o.s.): jiṃ laṃ tvayā. I undressed. (cf. tvake) 2. v.i. to shine 3. v.i. to suit, to match: imigu jāta tvala. Their horoscopes match. 4. -> thvaye2 tvaraṃ adv. with force tvariyāṂ n. (-gaḥ) {Kirt} kind of vegetable, okra, Hibiscus esculentus tvarkāṃ n.anim. (-kana-) blind man tvarmā n. (-gaḥ,-gū) ingredient of Buddhist pūjās made of barley flour tval -> tvāḥ3 tvala -> tvalay tvalaṃ (var. tulaṂ) n. (-lana-,-gū) tympanum, arch over a gateway; ~thāṃ n. (-thāma-,-gaḥ) front post (secondary window or door frame); ~pa+u n. (-pali-,-pau) tympanum; ~metha n. capital of the front post tvalay (var. tvala, tvalhay, tvalahaṃ) adv. surprised, bewildered; ~ kane to open one's eyes with surprise, to stare; ~tvalahaṃ cvane to remain puzzled; ~ cine to pretend surprise; ~ svaye to look wonderingly; ~ hane to be puzzled tvalā1 meas. measure of weight, approx. 7 g: caygū tvalāyā chasyaḥ jvi. Eighty tolās make a seer. tvalā2 -> tvaha tvalhay -> tvalay tvasana n.anim. poor person tvasā n. drink, beverage tvasuye v.i. to decrease, to deduct gradually tvaha (var. tvalā) n. excuse, pretence; ~ cine to pretend; ~ taye to make an excuse; ~ māle 1. id. 2. to find fault tvaḥ -> tvāḥ3 tvaḥjuṂ -> tvāḥjaṃ tvaḥtā postp. except: thva saphū tvaḥtā jiṃ sakatāṃ lita bī dhuna. Except for this book, I have returned everything. tvaḥte v.t. 1. to leave, to desert, to abandon, to relinquish 2. to give up, to discontinue, to refrain, to resign: vaṃ curvas tvaḥtala. He gave up smoking. vaṃ nhilegu tvaḥtala. He refrained from laughing. vaṃ jāgir tvaḥtala. He resigned from his employment. 3. to forgive, to pardon tvaḥpa n. 1. (-gū) cannon 2. -> tvapuli; ~ taye to fire a cannon tvaḥphiye v.t. (-phita) 1. to fail to do s.th., to omit 2. to leave behind 3. to lose 4. to drop tvākasvāṃ n. (-svāna-,-gū) kind of ornament, plait of flowers worn at the forehead tvākaḥ1 meas. quantity contained in a measuring pot tvākaḥ2 n. (-kala-) 1. (-gaḥ) block of wood (used as a base), chopping block, block for compressing ruffians, log with moulds (to provide forms in smithery) 2. kind of weaving tool 3. (-gū) wooden seat (in a kitchen or used in a pūjā) 4. anvil (cf. e.g. kī~, jhyāḥ~, dekū~, na~, bhutū~); ~cā n. wooden block around the neck of cattle; ~siṂ n. (-gū) wooden block supporting pillars tvākā-tvākā (var. tvākka) onom. 1. with a faint sound 2. sound of breaking, sound of cutting tvācā n. small piece (of anything long and thin, e.g. thread, wire); ~tvācā adv. in small pieces; ~laṂ n. kind of weaving pattern tvāti n.anim. 1. maggot 2. cricket; ~ taye {fig.} to force tvātvā onom. sound of pecking; ~kvākvā yāye to reproach, to nag; ~ yāye 1. to peck 2. to knock at the door tvāthaṂ; ~ cuye to fall on one's face; ~ cvike to force to submit tvāthaḥ n. (-thala-,-thaḥ) 1. step, ring of a ladder 2. stair, ladder; ~ gaye 1. to climb a ladder 2. {fig.} to take unnecessary trouble tvādevāḥ (var. tvārivā, tvārvā, tvāḥdevāḥ) n. (-vāta-,-pvāḥ) ceremonial oil lamp with a long shaft, standing on the floor, usually used in pairs as a sign of welcome tvānā svaye (var. tvānāṃ ~) v.t. to gaze, to look intently tvānāḥ n. (-nāla-,-pu) shin tvānākvayṃ n. (-kvaṂca-,-pu) shin bone tvānāḥsi -> tvanāḥsi tvāy (tvāca-) 1. n. hon. friend, fictive brother (a relationship established ritually) 2. n. mutual affinity, intimacy; ~ cine to form a friendship ritually tvāyṃ onom. sound of honking tvāy|-kijā n. hon. 1. friend's younger brother 2. younger brother's friend; ~keheṂ n. hon. 1. friend's younger sister 2. younger sister's friend; ~ju1 n. hon. intimate friend tvāy+ju2 n. 1. pupil of the eyes 2. n.anim. kind of insect (getting into the eyes) tvāy|-tatā n. hon. 1. friend's elder sister 2. elder sister's friend; ~dāju n. hon. 1. friend's elder brother 2. elder brother's friend; ~nī n.anim. girl friend; ~bā n. hon. 1. friend's father 2. father's friend; ~bhata n. hon. friend of the husband; ~māṃ n. hon. (-māma-) 1. friend's mother 2. mother's friend tvār onom. croaking of a frog tvārivā -> tvādevāḥ tvārtvārcā n. {ch.lg.} 1. frog, toad 2. {fig.} garrulous person tvārvā -> tvādevāḥ tvālāṂ; ~ cvane to be bright, dazzling; ~ thiye to dazzle; ~ mine to feel dazzled; ~ svaye to gaze, to stare tvālā-tvālā onom. gliding; ~ vaye to glide slowly (of liquids) tvālāmikhā 1. n. open eyes, staring eyes 2. n.anim. s.o. staring, gaping tvālla adj. bright, dazzling tvāl lhāye -> tvāḥ1 tvāsi n. chance meeting tvāḥ1 clf. (tvāka-) clf. for nouns denoting long, thin objects, long thin piece, clf. for pieces of music, e.g.: cha-tvāḥ siṂ, a piece of wood, cha-tvāḥ me, one song; ~ thale to cut, to split (into long thin pieces); ~ dale to be cut, to be split; ~ lhāye 1. to cut 2. to interrupt 3. to change the drum rhythm tvāḥ2 n. (tvātha-) mouth, snout, muzzle, beak; ~ diye to go hungry, to starve; ~ huye {fig.} to make s.o.'s mouth water tvāḥ3 (var. tval, tvaḥ) n. (tvāla-,-gū) section of a town, ward, tole tvāḥ4 postp. hence, from, e.g.: ninhu-tvāḥ two days from now, in two days, lāchi-tvāḥ in a month tvāḥkataḥ n. hon. (-taka-) neighbour (cf. jaḥlākhaḥlā, tvāḥbari) tvāḥjaṃ (var. tvaḥjuṂ) n.anim. (-jana-) 1. trumpet player of the jvagi (tailors) caste (receiving oblations for deceased persons) 2. s.o. assisting at a temple (excluded from ritual offerings) tvāḥthakāli n. hon. senior, head of a town section tvāḥdevā -> tvādevāḥ tvāḥpā n. (-pā) header (brickwork) tvāḥ|-bari n. hon. neighbour (cf. jaḥlākhaḥlā, tvāḥkataḥ); ~bāḥ n. hon. (-bāla-) id.; ~mvaḥ n. hon. (-mvala-) leader of a ward tvi -> tuyu tviṂtviṂ onom. 1. with quick glances 2. sound of ducklings tvike1 v.t. 1. to preserve, to make durable 2. to support (a bending wall) tvike2 -> tuyuke tvike3 v.t. to roll tvimilā -> timilā1 TH tha-1 (var. thaṂ) pref. up, above tha2 part. (bound to imp.) indicating permission: tha kā! Let it be taken! tha huṂ! Let (him) go! tha+uṃ (var. thani) adv. today: thauṃ niseṃ ji chaṃ thāy vaygu jula. From today, I shall come to you.; ~kanhay adv. nowadays; ~cānhay adv. last night tha+uṃtha+uṃ onom. (to strike) with a bang tha+uṃ|-mhigaḥ adv. nowadays; ~yā adj. modern, recent, new thaṂ -> tha1 thaṂkaḥmi (var. thakaḥmi) n.anim. smith, metal caster; ~jyā n. moulding (esp. of bronze metal); ~nāyaḥ n.anim. (-yeka-) head of the smiths, moulders thaṂkvavaḥgulvay n. (-lvaca-) cholera thaṂkhalu -> thakharu thaṂcukū -> thacuku thaṂji -> thaji thaṂjyā n. (-gū) metal casting (esp of bronze); ~mi n.anim. metal caster thaṂtāḥ -> thatāḥ thaṂ nhuye -> thanhuye thaṂbahi n. Buddhist monastery near Thamel, `Bhagavān Bāhāl' (where a twelve days' festival is held during Gāijātrā) thaṂmigvārā n. (-gvārā) hearth rag thaṂhiti n. locality in Kathmandu near Thamel thaṃ b.f. (with num.-meas.) period of time, e.g.: dachi~ for one year, ninhu~ for two days, nilā~ for two months, lachi~ for one month, svavāḥ~ for three weeks) tha-kane v.t. to look up thakay yāye v.t. to cheat by neglecting one's work thakaḥmi -> thaṂkaḥmi thakā n. 1. rising 2. appreciation; ~kvakā n. 1. up and down, rising and falling 2. appreciation and depreciation; ~kvakā yāye to criticize tha-kāye v.t. 1. to lift, to raise, to hoist, to bring up 2. to pour, to scoop out: suvālaṃ lā bhegatay thakāla. The cook scooped the meat out of the pot. 3. to emboss 4. to praise, to appreciate, to promote: thajyāḥgu jyāṂ vayāta thakāi. This type of work will gain him credit. thakāli (var. thākuli) 1. n. hon. guthi head, senior of a guthi 2. n. hon. head of a family or a household 3. adj. senior, elder 4. adj. experienced (cf. kvakāli); ~nakiṃ n. hon. (-kina-) wife of the guthi head; ~pahaḥ n. (-hala-) 1. seniority, priority in rank 2. egotism; ~sū n. (-suli-) {neol.} id. thakāhā (var. thakāḥ, thagāhā, thagāḥ) n.anim. 1. lazy person 2. cheat, swindler; ~nī n.anim. 1. lazy woman 2. female cheat thakāḥ -> thakāhā thakiṃ -> thakāhānī thakuri (var. thakū) n.pr. caste name: clan of chetris, royal lineage; ~juju n. hon. 1. person of royal lineage 2. `king' in rituals; ~lavaḥ n. caste name for offspring from intermarriage of the royal caste with lower castes thakurcā n. (-gū) part of a loom (made of rubber) thakulāṃ n. (-lāma-,-gaḥ) secondary or tertiary lintel of window or door thakū1 -> thakuri thakū2 (var. taku) n. (-kuli-,-gū) 1. upper piece 2. lintel 3. brush, broom 4. hairbrush (part of the dowry) (cf. thāsā~, phāsa~); ~picā n. (-gaḥ) brass box for keeping a brush thakūlvahaṃ n. (-haṂta-,-gaḥ) stone lintel (cf. thati) thake v.aux. 1. to give back, to return: vaṃ jigu saphū biyā thakala. He returned my book. 2. to leave behind: thva bhvaṃ aphisay tvaḥtā thaki! Please leave this note at the office. thakkane v.i. to be disappointed thakkar n. (-gū) kick, blow; ~ naye 1. to stumble 2. to suffer a blow thakva n. palate, roof of the mouth thakvāḥ n. (-kvāta-) Thānkoṭ thakharu (var. thaṂkhalu, thākhalu) n. (-gū) lintel tha-gaye v.t. to put on top tha-gāye v.i. to rain on the top (of a hill) thagāhā (var. thagāḥ) -> thakāhā thagune adv. last year: thaguneyāgu khaṂ vana kā. The situation of last year has completely changed. tha-ghvāye v.t. to push up tha-cāye v.i. to rise (of dampness, steam) tha-cāle v.i. 1. to be perforated 2. to reach the top thacāḥ n. (-cāla-) dampness, damp climate, damp air; ~ vaye to be damp: thacāḥ vaḥgu kvathāy dene majyū. One does not sleep well in a damp room. thacukū (var. thaṂcukū) n. (-kuli-,-kū) doorpin, vertical door bolt tha-chiye v.t. to lay top bricks tha-chene v.t. to brush up, to comb up tha-chvaye v.t. 1. to send up 2. to shelve 3. {fig.} to praise thajaḥ (var. thajāḥ, thajyaḥ, thajvaḥ, thanyāḥ) adj. like this thajāt n. (-gū) higher caste tha-jāye v.i. 1. to be completed (of a house) 2. to be filled to the top, to be brimful 3. to lay top bricks tha-jāy+ke v.t. 1. to lay the top bricks, to complete a house 2. to spray, to hurl up (water) thajāḥ -> thajaḥ thaji (var. thaṂji) adj. 1. senior, elder 2. of high quality or rank, excellent, elaborate (cf. thakāli); ~jyā n. 1. duties of seniority 2. good work; ~laji adj. honourable: thajilajipiṃta hane sayke māḥ. Respect is due to honourable people.; ~sū n. (-suli-) {neol.} seniority thajyaḥ (var.thajvaḥ) -> thajaḥ thata adv. (with v.t.) upward, up; ~kvata adv. up and down; ~kvata yāye to ridicule (lit. to bring up and down); ~ chvaye 1. to uplift 2. {fig.} to praise, to appreciate; ~ biye to send up, to pass up; ~ yene to bring up; ~ haye to fetch up, to bring up thatali adv. upstairs; ~kvatali adv. every where, all over the place, from top to bottom thatāḥ (var. thaṂtāḥ, thātāḥ) n. (-tāla-,-ju) mortise lock thati n. (-gū) lintel (cf. thakūlvahaṃ) tha-tine v.t. to lift up (clay, bricks etc.) thatū adj. upturned, upside down; ~pā n. (-pā) under-tile (lit. upturned tile) thatha-svaye v.t. to cast up (of eyes) thathaḥ dhāye v.i. to be hard, to be rough (of inan. obj.) thathā adj. similar in size, as big as this, as small as this: vayā kebay thathā gvaḥgu amāḥsi sayā cvaṃgu du. In his garden there are guavas growing as big as this. tha-thine v.t. to lift up thathu (var. thathuli) 1. n. (-gū) hillock 2. adj. upper, mounted, elevated (cf. kvathu, cvathu); ~cuka n. (-gū) elevated courtyard; ~nani n. (-gū) id.; ~bāhāḥ n. (-hāla-,-gū) monastery (in an elevated area); ~lvahaṃ n. (-haṂta-,-gaḥ) stone lintel; ~siṂ n. (-gaḥ) lintel thathe (var. thay) adv. in this way thatheṃ adv. immediately, instantly; ~he adv. id. thatheka adv. like this tha-thene v.i. 1. to reach, to approach the top 2. to get promoted thathe|-dakhāḥ adv. exactly; ~bhanaṃ adv. thus, in that way; ~he adv. exactly like this tha-thyāye v.i. to be elevated, to slope upwards thathyāḥ adj. sloped, elevated; ~kvathyāḥ adj. sloped, up and down, uneven (of a path or a field); ~kvathyāḥ yāye {fig.} to ridicule tha-dāye 1. v.t. to spray up (water for irrigation) 2. v.i. to spring up, to well up (of water) thana adv. here, in this place; ~taka adv. up to here, up to this point, to this extent: ji thanataka thena. I came up to that point.; ~thāy adv. 1. on this very place: thanathāy he jiṃ vayāta nāpalāḥgu. I met him in this very place. 2. right now, just then, meanwhile: thanathāy jitaḥ dhebā mālā cvana. I was in need of money right then.; ~thāy+lāka adv. id. thanājaḥdhuṃ n. (-dhuna-,-gaḥ) 1. water reservoir, water storage pot with a tap (made of stone) by the road 2. {fig.} one who speaks in accordance to s.o. else's instruction thanāḥli adv. after this, further, hence, from now on: thanāḥli chu jvi le? What will happen from now on?; ~lyu adv. from this time on, after that, then: thanāḥlilyu va manū gana vana le? Where did that man go then? thani -> thauṃ thane v.t. 1. to cause to stand, to prop, to support 2. to wake: vaṃ jitaḥ nhethyāka thana. He woke me early. 3. to elevate, to raise, to lift up 4. to nominate: vayāta sunāṃ thupāle thana? Who nominated him this year? 5. to erect (a house), to complete (a house) 6. to fill up: pasalyāṃ mhicāy baji thana. The shopkeeper filled a bag with beaten rice. 7. to remove from a residence: imita bāsaṃ thanā hala. They were removed from their home. 8. to offer thanyāḥ -> thajaḥ thanhuye (var. thaṂnhuye) v.i. (-nhula) to jump, to jerk thapa n. (-gū) 1. potter's kiln 2. potter's hut thapaṃ adj. 1. stopped, blocked, obstructed 2. coagulated; ~ juye to refrain; ~lvay n. (-lvaca-) disease of failing menstruation thapaka adv. gently, carefully, quietly, without disturbance thapane v.i. 1. to come to a halt, to stagnate, to be blocked: dhaḥpvāḥ tita ale laḥ cukay thapana kā. The drain was blocked so that water was left in the courtyard. jyā āmatheṃ thapana kā āḥ. So the work is stagnating now. 2. to coagulate 3. (of menstruation) to stop thapā-āju -> thāpā-āju thapāli (var. thapāle) adv. this year, the current year: thapāli sakatāṃ bāli lichyā jvi phu. During this year all kinds of crops are likely to be late. (cf. thupāle) thapāy (var. thapī) b.f. to such an extent, that much, e.g.: ~gvaḥ, so big, so large (cf. apāy, gapāy), ~cidhaṃ, so small, ~dhaṃ, so large, so tall, so great, ~hākaḥ so long thapiṃ -> thāpiṃ thapī -> thapāy thapu adj. upturned, turned over; ~kvapu n. sexual activity; ~kvapu juye (v.i.) to copulate; ~kvapu yāye (v.t.) id.; ~jāt 1. n.anim. woman 2. n. female sex; ~pā n. (-pā) under-tile tha-puye v.i. to turn so as to lie on the back thapulhāḥ n.anim. (-lhāta-) {sl.} priest (cf. thassaḥpāḥlhāḥ); ~ juye to become beggarly thappa n. stop; ~ juye to stop, to refrain from; ~ diye to stop at once; ~ yāye to put a stop, to stop s.o. or s.th. tha-pyāye v.t. to brush or comb up thaba+i (var. thaṂbahi) n. Thamel thabāy+ta adv. 1. so long 2. up to this time (cf. gabāyta) thabāy+ti adv. at this time of the day tha mahiye v.i. to be at fault thay -> thathe thaye (thala) 1. v.t. to save, to preserve 2. v.t. to collect for the community 3. v.t. to divide, to separate into parts or pieces, to share 4. v.t. to break, to cut 5. v.t. to classify 6. v.i. to be sold profitably, to be profitable: thva tvapuli svarkāṃ miye thaḥ lā? Is there any profit in selling this cap for three rupees? ganaṃ thai? Where should any profit come from? thay+ka adv. (to move) slightly, in a certain direction; ~svay+balay adv. 1. roughly 2. outwardly, seemingly (lit. in slight looking): thayka svaybalay māṃyāta usāyṃ du theṃ cvaṃ. Outwardly mother looks quite well. thay+khā bvaye -> phaykhā bvaye thay+thagune adv. two years ago thar n. (-gu) clan, lineage, subcaste tharuṃ-kvaruṃ adv. (to cover up) from top to bottom, from head to foot thare adv. {Pg} so, thus, in this manner tharki n. (-pā) cloth or board for a dice-game played by women tharthar khāye v.i. to tremble, to shiver with cold thala 1. n. (-gaḥ) pot, vessel, container 2. meas. pot, container; ~bala n. (-gaḥ) {coll.} utensils, vessels, plates thalay juye v.i. to be seriously ill tha-lāye v.i. to be high (of voice) thalāy+khvalāy (var. thalikhvalāy) n. kind of funeral rite (the guthi head gives a ṭīkā containing his horoscope to the deceased and wraps the body with a white sheet) (cf. dukāpikā) thalāḥ n. (-lāta-) high sound; ~kvāḥ n. modulation of the voice in singing; ~kvāḥ yāye 1. to go up and down the scale of notes 2. to make vocal exercises; ~ yāye to try to sing in high notes thali1 n. area at the foot of a hill thali2 -> thuli thaliṃkvaliṃ adv. (to search) thoroughly, all over the place, from top to bottom: thaliṃkvaliṃ mālā sva! Make a thorough search! thaliṃthaliṃ adv. competitively: ipiṃ thaliṃthaliṃ bhineta svata. Each of them tried to do better than the other. (cf. bājiṃbājiṃ, phayāṃphayāṃ) thalikvalāy -> thalāykhvalāy thale v.t. (with num.-clf.) to cut into pieces, to separate, e.g.: nyā-kū thale, to cut into five pieces, nhay-tvāḥ thale, to cut into seven (of a long obj.), bā-pā thale, to cut in half (of a flat obj.) thalvay n. (-lvaca-) asthma; ~ cāye to have asthma tha-lhvaye v.i. to ruminate: sātay thalhvayegu yāḥ. Cows ruminate. thavaṃ gāye v.i. 1. to be self-dependent 2. to be selfish thavaṃgāḥ adj. 1. self-dependent 2. selfish thavaṃthachi adv. (to share) evenly, equal to all: thavaṃ thachi inā kāi. It will be shared equally. thavaṃthaḥ adv. mutually, one another, each other: ipiṃ thavaṃthaḥ lvāta. They fought each other.; thavaṃthavay in mutual agreement: ipiṃ thavaṃthavay hanecane yāta. They were in mutual agreement. thavā gāye (var. tha~) v.i. to rain on top of a hill thavā dāye v.i. to burst out (water from a spout) thavāḥ-kvavāḥ n. convulsion; ~ juye 1. to have stomach cramps 2. to be about to vomit; ~ sane id. 1. thasaḥpāye (var. thassaḥ~) v.i. (-pāta) to lie flat on the back tha-sāle v.t. 1. to pull up 2. to promote thasiṂ n. (-mā) kind of plant, Boswellia serrata thasiṃ -> thātaṃ thaseṃ adv. continuously, steadily thas-thas na vaye v.i. to stink tha-svaye v.t. to look up, upwards thassa n. bad smell, stench; ~(na) vaye to stink thassaḥpāye -> thasaḥ pāye thassaḥpāḥlhāḥ n.anim. (-lhāta-) {sl.} priest (cf. thapulhāḥ) thahāṃ (var. thāṃ) adv. (with v.i.) up, upwards; thahāṃ vane to go up; thahāṃ vaye to come up tha-hāye v.i. 1. to reach the top 2. to be praiseworthy 3. to be high-ranking tha-hene v.i. 1. to rise in rank, to be superior 2. to be praised: thauṃ kanhay nāy va pvaḥta naṃ thahenā vala. Nowadays even butchers and sweepers rise in rank. tha-hvale v.t. to spray upward (field irrigation) thaḥ pron. self, oneself; ~gu adj. own (inan.); ~ nāle 1. to recognize, to accept, to acknowledge a kinship relation 2. to claim as one's own; ~ lāye to be related, to have a kinship relation; ~ vane, vaye to collect for guthi ceremonies: chimi kijāpiṃ thvaki thaḥ vana. Your brothers went to collect rice for beer (for the guthi) thaḥ|-cheṂ n. married woman's own home, i.e. home of her parents ~thamhaṃ adv. 1. oneself, by one's self: vaṃ thaḥthamhaṃ he svaḥ bila. She reproached herself. 2. of its own accord, automatically: thva kal thaḥthamhaṃ dita. This machine stops by itself.; ~thiti n. hon. kinsman, relative thaḥne n. 1. upper region, hillside, highland (song: thaḥneyā thaṂhiti kvaḥneyā kvahiti dathui lakka maruhiti nhāṃ. The highland has a high fountain, the lowland has a low fountain, Kathmandu has the mid-fountain.) 2. upper, northern part of the Kathmandu valley 3. China, Tibet; ~yāḥ n. (-yāta-) chariot procession in the upper town thaḥ|-piṃ n. hon. {coll.} kinsmen, relations by blood; ~mha 1. n. the self 2. adj. own (anim.); thamhaṃ thaḥta pvaḥ ciye to pull o.s. together, to control o.s.; ~lapiṃ n. hon. family, kinsmen of a married woman thaḥsidha adj. selfish, mercenary; ~pahaḥ n. (-hala-) selfishness, egotism thaḥsu n. {neol.} selfishness, egotism; ~pahaḥ n. (-hala-) 1. egotism 2. character, personality thā1 (-thā) 1. n. kind of ritual (held on Svayambhūnāth in worship of the goddess Hāratī) 2. clf. with `pujā' (when used with reference to this particular type of ritual), e.g.: ni-thā pujā two ritual performances; ~ cine to start a ritual thā2 n. 1. printing 2. weaving 3. playing a musical instrument 4. churning, stirring 5. sieving, sifting 6. stopping; ~ jyāye to weave thāṃ1 n. (thāma-,-gaḥ) pillar post; ~ kaye to instal pillars at equal intervals; ~ chiye to calculate equal intervals between pillars; ~ pene to erect a post thāṃ2 -> thahāṃ thāṃ|-kavaḥ n. (-vala-,-kavaḥ) space between pillars; ~kī n. (-kila-) posts at equal intervals; ~khagaḥ n. (-gala-,-gaḥ) sliding beam at a field gate; ~grā n. (-thāṃgrā) pole for tying up maize for storage thāṃgrāṃ onom. dry, dried up thāṃcukū n. (-kula-,-cu) horizontal door bolt thāṃthiṃgvaḥjā n. kind of children's game thāṃ|-bilāgaḥ n. (-gala-,-gaḥ) horizontal door bolt; ~mvaḥ n. (-mvala-,-mvaḥ) 1. protruding end of a rafter 2. rafter end pattern; ~sāḥ n. (-sāla-,-gū) 1. mortise and tenon 2. mortise (upper end of a pillar) thākathi n. (-pu) churning stick thākā n. embroidery thākāthuku n. 1. dispute, quarrel, controversy 2. entanglement of a paper kite (triumphant exclamation during paper kite fights); ~ kāye to pull (a paper kite); ~ yāye to dispute; ~ vane, vaye (for a paper kite) to get entangled; ~ hāle to quarrel noisily, to shout during a paper kite fight thā kāye (kāla) 1. v.t. to guess, to make out: sunāṃ vayā thā kāye maphu. Nobody can make him out. 2. v.t. to build up a line of defence 3. v.t. to make up one's mind 4. v.i. to stay permanently 5. v.i. to occupy a seat 6. v.i. to stop at a given limit 7. v.i. (for the sun) to stand on the equator: surdyaḥ naṃ thā kāla. The sun stands on its highest point. thāku adj. difficult; ~ cāye 1. to consider s.th. difficult 2. to hesitate: chāy thāku cāyā dhebāṃ miyeta naṃ? Why do you hesitate selling (things) for money? jigu cheṂ vayeta thāku cāye mate. Don't hesitate to come to my house!; ~ye (-kula) to be difficult thākurāḥ n. (-rāla-) resin, sap of the pine; ~ juye {fig.} to be an unnecessary burden; ~mā n. (-mā) pine, timber tree thākuli -> thakāli thākū n. (-kuthi-,-gū) 1. room for a loom 2. (-gaḥ) printing press thāke v.t. to delay payment of a debt thājyā n. (-gū) 1. weaving 2. printing 3. playing a musical instrument 4. sieving; ~kuthi n. (-gū) weaver's workshop; ~kū n. (-kuthi-,-gū) id.; ~ thāye to weave; ~degāḥ n. (-gāla-,-gū) warp threads rolled up on a handloom; ~ nhuye to finish weaving; ~mi n.anim. weaver; ~ yāye, hāye to weave thāta n. profundity, low area; ~ kāye to fathom one's mind thātaṃ (var. thasiṃ, thutaṃ) adv. 1. staying permanently, remaining immovably in the same place 2. in reserve; ~ cvane to stay permanently; ~ taye to keep in reserve, to have in stock thātay; ~ vaye to be controllable, to be controlled; ~ haye to control thātaye v.t. to date, to refer to a time thātāḥ -> thatāḥ thāti n. 1. stake or deposit in gambling 2. postponement; ~ cvane, juye 1. to be deposited 2. to be postponed, to be pending; ~ taye 1. to deposit a stake in a game 2. to postpone; ~ lāye to be given as a deposit thāthāthuthu; ~ juye to be completely spent, wasted; ~ yāye to spend everything, to waste all thāthā(-mathā) yāye v.t. 1. to jerk violently 2. to rebuke vehemently 3. to brush off (clothes), to shake off: khicāṃ laḥ thāthā yānā cvana. The dog is shaking off water. thān n. (-thān) piece of cloth (of 18 yards) thānā n. (-gū) police station thāpaṃ n. (-pana-,-gū) 1. proper place, right position 2. eighth day of the bright half of the month of kaulā 3. set of subsidiary pūjā implements; ~ki n. 1. rice spread on the floor for a pūjā pot 2. rice and paddy used as an oblation; ~ yāye 1. to place properly, to put in the right position: thāpujā yāye nhyaḥ thāpiṃta niṃ nhāpā thāpaṃ yāye māḥ. Before the thāpujā the pots must first be properly placed. 2. to establish thāpanā n. establishment, foundation thāpā1 n. 1. reposal, rest 2. right age for a woman to marry; thāpāy hāye 1. to be discontinued (of business) 2. (for a woman) to miss the right age of marriage, to be overdue for marrying thāpā2 n.pr. caste name; ~āju (var. thapā~) n. hon. first among the five elders of a Buddhist monastery (cf. nāyaḥju, nyāku, nvaku, peku, svaku) thāpālā n. responsibility; ~ kāye, kvabuye to take the responsibility; ~ vaye to be burdened, to be troubled: chaṃgu thāpālāy bhutu jyā vaye makhu. You won't be troubled with the cooking. thāpiṃ (var. thapiṃ) n. (-pina-,-gū) jar for `thvaṂ' usually used in pairs, particular set of pūjā pots (used in worship of Hāratī); ~ svane to place the ~ in their proper place; ~ hīke to exchange the ~ between seniors and juniors thāpine -> thāpene thāpu n. (-gū) {neol.} mode of playing a musical instrument thāpujā n. (-gū) kind of ritual (with the `thāpiṃ' set of pots) (in worship of the family deity or of the goddess Hārītī on Svayambhūnāth) thāpe1 v.t. 1. {neol.} to establish, to settle permanently, to found: nhūgu iskul thāpala. A new school was established. gurujuṃ cībhāḥ thāpala. The priest set up a caitya. 2. to place properly (of pūjā pots) 3. to stop thāpe2 n. establishment, settlement; ~ yāye 1. to establish 2. to locate thāpene (var. thāpine) v.t. {neol.} to place properly (of pūjā pots) thāmay yāye v.t. 1. to stop, to check 2. to appoint (for a service) 3. to maintain, to keep up: rāmpisaṃ baupinigu kul thāmay yāta. Rām and his brothers kept up their parents' reputation 4. to fly a paper kite thāmthum n. hushing up, silencing thāy1 n. (thāsa-,-gū) area, locality, place, home; ~ kāye 1. to occupy a seat: thāy kayā tale to reserve a seat: vaṃ jitaḥ thāy kayā tala. He reserved a seat for me. 2. to substitute, to replace: vaṃ bauyāgu thāy kāla. He replaced his father.; ~ kene to show a place: vaṃ jitaḥ thāy kenā bila. He showed me the place.; ~ taye to reserve a seat; ~ naye to occupy a place, to cover an area: thva cheṂ yekva thāy nala. This house took up a lot of space.; ~ nāle to choose a seat; ~ biye 1. to place 2. to give an opportunity, to facilitate; ~ hile 1. to change seats 2. to shift, to change one's residence thāy2 meas. -fold, -times: nithāy `twice, twofold': thuguyā sachi va jhirkā svathāy kāla. It cost a hundred rupees and three times ten (rupees).; ~ cāle (with num.) (of a woman) to be married (several times): va misā sva-thāy cāle dhuṃkala. That woman was married three times. thāy3 postp. (with gen., poss., pron.) 1. near, nearer: cheṂyā thāy, near to the house, nearer to the house 2. instead: vayā thāy chaṃ jyā yānā byū. You do the work instead of him. thāye (thāta) 1. v.t. to weave, to knit: vayā kāpaḥ thānā cvana. She was weaving cloth. 2. v.t. to print, to impress with a seal 3. v.t. to sieve 4. v.t. to churn, to stir 5. v.t. to rub 6. v.t. to play a musical instrumen; thānā svaye to try out an instrument; {fig.} to sound out s.o.'s opinion: vaṃ imita thānā svata. He sounded them out. 7. v.t. to be afflicted with, to suffer from: vayāta galaṃ thāta. He suffered from goitre. 8. v.i. to remain, to stand still: vāphay vaḥgulī jipiṃ dune thāta. We remained indoors because of the heavy storm. 9. v.i. to be fixed, to be stuck, to adhere to, to be applied: bhutumāli simāy thāta. The kite got stuck in a tree. thāy+khā n.anim. peasant thāy+pa+u n. (-pati-,-pau) 1. wooden frame for planing 2. canvas for painting thāy+pā n. hon. elder thāy+bāy n. (-bāsa-,-gū) address (lit. locality and residence) thāy+bhu n. 1. (-pā) ceremonial dish (placed on a tripod) used in rituals, esp. marriage ceremonies 2. ceremonial meal served to the girls at the `ihi' ceremony (marriage with the betelnut) and to a newly married couple (to be eaten together from one plate); ~cipaṃ thīke to serve the ~ to a newly married couple; ~ nake, nhecīke id. thāy+mā n. (-gaḥ) ridge beam; ~ gaye {fig.} 1. to be praised, flattered 2. to boast (lit. to climb the ridge beam); ~ gay+ke {fig.} to flatter: macātayta thāyma gaykā taye majyū. It is not good to flatter children. thārā(-thārā); ~ nhuye to be frightened, to be startled; ~ mārāṃ nhuye id. thārāka; ~ gane to be bone dry; ~ cvane 1. to be bone dry 2. to be rigid, inflexible; ~ nhuye to be startled, frightened; ~ mine to feel a jerk, to feel the ground shake thāri n.anim. barren woman, chidless woman thāru1 n.pr. caste name, aboriginal tribe in the Terai region thāru2 adj. laid on edge (of bricks) thārulaṃ n. (-lana-,-pā) kind of women's garment, bodice thālay yāye v.t. 1. to begin, to start: vaṃ jyā thālay yāta. He started to work. 2. to rivet metal sheets thālu n. hon. leading man of a place, celebrity thāsaṃdyaḥ n. hon. (-deva-) small wooden caitya thāsay (var. thāy) postp. instead: jigu thāsay jimi kijā vai. My younger brother will come instead of me.; ~ vaye to come to the point: va nakatini thāsay vala kā. Just then he came to the point. thāsā1 n. 1. (-gū) wooden block for printing 2. (-gū) mould 3. (-gū,-phi) brush 4. (-pu) churning stick 5. (-gaḥ) sieve; ~ākhaḥ n. (-khala-,-gū) printing type thāsā2 onom. (to slap) slightly (on the head); ~ka adv. id.; ~(-thāsāṃ) dāye 1. to slap on the head 2. to cheat 3. to snatch away, to take by force; ~(-thisiṃ) dāye id. thāsā|-kū n. (-kuthi-,-gū) printing press; ~thakū n. (-kuti-,-gū,-phi) kind of hard brush, weaver's brush thāseṃ adv. continuously, steadily thāsetheṃ adv. continuously, steadily thāhāḥ n. depth, secrecy; ~gāḥ kāye to fathom thāḥ n. (thāla-,-gaḥ) beam or base for planing thāḥgāḥ n. (-gāla-,-gū) 1. intention, motive 2. attitude; ~ kāye to understand s.o.'s motives, to guess s.o.'s intention; ~maru adj. deep, unfathomable thāḥpa+u n. (-pati-,-pau) beam or base for planing thi -> thithi thiu- -> thyu- thiṃ -> theṃ1 thiṃkāḥ (var. thiṃgāḥ) n. (-kāla-,-gū) credit, loan (from a shop); ~ biye to sell on credit thiṃke v.t. to get a loan; thiṃkā nyāye to buy on credit thiṃgāḥ -> thiṃkāḥ thiṃgi -> theṃgi thiṃlā (var. thīlā) n. second month of the Newar lunar calendar, occurring during mārgaśīrṣa - pauṣa, (December); ~punhī n. full moon of thiṃlā (observed esp. in Theco ) thiṃsā n. 1. (-gaḥ) elevator, machine for hoisting 2. (-pu) crowbar 3. (-gaḥ) kind of pot (for serving) thiṃsū n. (-suli-) {neol.} belief, confidence, trust (in financial matters); ~ taye to believe, to trust thik adj. all right, ready, fit; ~cā adj. 1. right, fit 2. average, medium; ~ juye to be all right, to be ready, to be fit, suitable: thva laṃ chanta thik jula? Does this shirt fit you?; ~ yāye to manage, to prepare, to get in order: sakatāṃ thik yāye dhuna lā? Did (you) get everything ready? thika adj. spicy, savoury, overseasoned (cf. ci~, nvayka~, pāuṃ~, masalā~) thikay adj. expensive; ~ yāye to overcharge thika vane v.i. to give condolences (done by the guthi-elders to the mourning family) thikaḥ1 adv. jerky, jumpy; ~ kāye to wriggle; ~(-thikaḥ) nhuye 1. to jerk, to jump 2. to be flicked off, to be pushed away; ~ ballāye (for a child) to be jerky, to wriggle, to fidget thikaḥ2 n. (-kala-,-pu) {sl.} penis thiki(-thiki) onom. swaying of a paper kite; ~ naye (for a paper kite) to sway to and fro; ~ pane 1. id. 2. {fig.} to be irresolute, to be unable to decide, to hesitate, to be confused thiki-thikibuṂ (var. chikichikibuṂ) n. (-phvaḥ) kind of yellow blossom thiku (var. thikuṃ) adj. (of the head) bent down, turned to the side; ~(-thiku) kāye 1. to shake one's head 2. to turn towards; ~(-thiku) cvane to be in a fainting fit; ~(-thiku) pane 1. to sway 2. to faint 3. to be irresolute; ~(-thiku) sane (of flowers, stalks, branches) to sway to and fro thikupaṃka adv. (to kick, knock) vehemently, k.o. thikuye v.t. (-kula) {neol.} to bend the head down, to shake or sway one's head: vaṃ chyaṃ thikula. He shook his head (sign of assent). thike -> thīke thikka adv. 1. exactly right, properly 2. actually; ~gu adj. of the right size; ~cā adj. average, medium thikthāk n. right arrangement thiccā -> thīcā thiti n. (-gū) 1. custom, practice, tradition 2. attitude (cf. riti~); ~kuti adj. obstinate thituke v.t. to stack, to pack tightly: vaṃ phukka thalabala thitukala. She stacked all the utensils very tightly. thithi (var. thi, thiri); ~ dhāye 1. to be slightly stiff (of starched or tighly woven cloth) 2. to get a bit angry 3. to become strong; ~ pane to be confused, to hesitate thithikhvālaṃ adv. face to face, facing each other thine v.t. 1. to elevate, to lift up: vaṃ gaḥlaṃ dhaliṃ thina. He lifted the rafter with a bar. 2. to butt, to knock over, to throw over 3. to pry open 4. to trust, to have confidence: vaṃ jimita va khaṂy thina. He trusted us in this matter. thi pane -> thithi pane thipiṃ pron. these thiye1 (thita) 1. v.t. to pour, to draw waterto shine, to be illuminated, to twinkle 2. v.i. to be overspiced thiye2 v.t. (thila) to touch; thī majiye, thī mataye, thī matyaḥ juye to menstruate (lit. to be not fit to be touched); (cf. thīmajyūpiṃ, thīmatyaḥ) thiri -> thithi thile v.t. to smear with red clay (mixed with cow dung): thilā thilā yāye {ch.lg.} id. thisā1 n. (-gaḥ) kind of vessel (for pouring); ~thala n. (-gaḥ) id. thisā2 (var. thisu) n. 1. {neol.} feeling of touching 2. torture; ~ daye to feel touched thisāḥ n. pouring; ~ yāye 1. to pour (from one vessel to another) 2. to taste food before serving thisi-thāsi (var. thisithisi) adv. with a feeling of discontent; ~ cvane 1. (for cloth) to become stiff 2. to feel hoarse in the throat, to be about to cough, to clear one's throat; ~ dhāye (for starched or tightly woven cloth) to be slightly stiff; ~ mine 1. to feel rough, stiff (of cloth on the skin) 2. to feel hoarse in the the throat, to be about to cough thisu -> thisā2 thī1 n. (thila-,-gaḥ) precious stone, gem thī2 n. (thila-,-thī) kind, type, variety thīka adv. touching, close together: māṃlise thīka phetu! Sit close to your mother. thīke (var. thike) v.t. 1. to cause to shine, to illuminate 2. to polish: vaṃ lībātā buyāḥ thīkala. He polished the brass pot 3. to season, to add to the taste: māmaṃ lāy jī thīkala. Mother seasoned the meat with cummin. 4. to cause to touch; thīkā taye {fig.} to keep s.th. up, to cause to be honoured: imisaṃ bvāyāgu nāṃ thikā tala. They kept up their father's reputation. thīcā(-thīcā) (var. thiccā) adv. in many small groups, in clusters: ajipini itāḥ thīcā-thīcā tayā tala. Grandmother and the others distributed the wicks in many small groups. thījyūpiṃ (var. tijupiṃ) n. {pl.} people of pure caste (those who can be touched without incurring impurity) thīthī 1. adj. of various types, whichever type 2. adv. each other, mutually, among each other; ~ juye v.i. to be of various kinds, to belong to different groups thī majiye -> thiye3 thīmajyūpiṃ (var. timajupiṃ) n. {pl.} people of impure caste (those who should not be touched) thī mataye -> thiye3 thīmatemha n.anim.}adj. untouchable thīmatyaḥ adj. untouchable; ~ matyaḥ juye -> thiye3 thīlā -> thiṃlā thu1 (var. thū) 1. n., meas. (thin) bundle: chathu tukaṃ, a bundle of mustard plants 2. clf. for nouns denoting rolled obj., for nails, pegs, long thin tools: chathu haṂ, one chisel 3. clf. in counting shots: imisaṃ svathu kaykala. They shot three shots. 4. n. stalk of straw; ~ cine, tule to tie up in a bundle, to roll up thu2 pron. (loc. thuke) this; thuke jitaḥ chuṃ dhāyegu maru. I have nothing to say about this.; ~ pākhe from this side thu-3 pref. male, e.g.: thu-mey male buffalo thu4 postp. up, upper, elevated (of an area) (cf. kva~, cva~, tha~, pi~) thui- -> thvi- thuṃ; ~ diye (dita) 1. to suffer from severe pain 2. to be pricked in one's mind 3. to be persuaded 4. to feel very cold; ~ mine id. thuṃdika (var. thuṂmiṃka) adv. 1. (to reproach) harshly 2. (of cold) extremely thuṃmiṃka -> thuṃdika thukathaṃ adv. in this manner thukalaṃ biye v.t. to curse, to spit at s.o. thukiṃ 1. pron. from this, by this 2. conj. therefore, for this reason: āḥ phursad maru thukiṃ chigu thāy kanhay vaye. At the moment, I have no time, therefore I shall come to you tomorrow. thukī pron. this (inan.) thukuka adv. (to move one's body) up and down (e.g. in dancing) thuku(-thuku) adv. to and fro, up and down; ~ sane to move, to sway to and fro, up and down; ~palāḥ n. (-lākha-,-palāḥ) unsteady step, waddling step thuke -> thu2 thukka -> thvika thukhe adv. on this side, this way; ~ pākhe from this side thugusī adv. 1. this time 2. this year thucā -> thusā thucuka adv. squatting, sitting on one's buttocks thugāghāyṃ n. (-ghāṂsa-,-mā) medicinal grass with small blue blossoms (used in a paste for punctured wounds) thujāḥ (var. thujvaḥ) pron. something like this thujyāṃ (var. thujyāhāṃ) adv. near at hand thujvaḥ -> thujāḥ thutaṃ -> thātaṃ thuthā 1. n. (-gū) stump (of a tree), stub (of a cigarette) 2. adj. blunt, pointless; ~curvat n. (-pu) stub of a cigarette thuthāy adv. in this place thuthu yāye v.t. 1. to spit repeatedly 2. to hate, to despise thunā n. (-pu) snout, nose, head of an animal; thunāṃ cuye to lie, fall flat on one's face thune v.t. 1. to drench, to dip, to submerge in water 2. to bury 3. to dismantle (a house) 4. to set, to inlay (of jewels) 5. to braid 6. to cook (var. of thuye) thupāle adv. this year (cf. thapāli) thuppā n. noodles (in a soup) thubāy+ta adv. 1. so long 2. up to this time; ~bīta adv. id. thumācā -> tumicā thumi1 -> tumicā thumi2 pron. their thumey n.anim. buffalo bull thuye (thula) 1. v.t. to cook (esp. of rice and dāl): māṃyā jā thuyā cvana. Mother is cooking rice. 2. v.t. to brew 3. v.t. to feel, to understand, to realize, to perceive, to be convinced: imisaṃ mathū jhīsaṃ chu yānā cvana dhaigu. They don't understand what we are doing. 4. v.t. to feel, to grope (in the dark): jiṃ tācā thula. I fumbled for the lock in the dark. 5. v.t. to see, to perceive at close range 6. v.i. to be pricked 7. v.i. to be found, to be discovered (by chance), to get by chance thura -> thūdvaṂ thuri -> thūcā thuru-thuru; ~ khāye, nhuye to shiver, to shake (with cold or fear) thulane (var. thūlane) 1. v.t. to stare, to gaze intently: va macāṃ chanta thulana. The boy fixed you with his eyes. 2. v.i. to remain permanently, to stay: va kaḥmijyāy thulana. He stayed in carpentry permanently.; thulaṃ svaye to gaze, to fix with the eyes thulabāḥ n. (-bāla-,-gū) reward for the recovery of a lost thing (cf. thvakbāḥ) thuli (var. thali) adv. this much, so much thuliṃ adv. {emph.} only this much thuli|-cā adv. only this much; ~machi adv. a great deal, so much: thulimachi dhebā ganaṃ vala? Where did so much money come from? thulcā -> thūcā thuvāḥ n.anim. (-vāla-) owner, master (cf. thū) thusā (var. thucā) n.anim. bull thusu n. coughing sound; ~thusu 1. sound of continuous coughing 2. (of thread to tear) easily 3. discontentedly, angrily; ~thusu vaye (of thread) to tear easily; ~musu vaye to cough continuously thusuhuṃ (var. thussa) adv. discontentedly, angrily, unhappily thū1 adj. understood, realized, acquainted, experienced thū2 -> thu1 thū3 n.anim. (thula-, thuna-) owner, master (cf. thuvāḥ) thū4 n. (thuli-,-thū) weaver's shuttle thū5 n. (-gū) stūpa thūkāṃ n.anim. (-kāna-) long-sighted person thūcā (var. thuri, thulcā) n. (-gū) 1. weaver's shuttle 2. rolling pin 3. pipe to blow air into the fire thūdvaṂ (var. thura, thūra) n. (-gū) stūpa thūmikhā adj. short-sighted thūra -> thūdvaṂ thūlane -> thulane thūsācā n. kind of leafy vegetable thūsū n. (-suli-) {neol.} understanding, insight, realization theṃ1 (var. thiṃ) adv. 1. like, as, same, similar: va phay theṃ bvāta. He ran as fast as the wind. chaṃke theṃ jike naṃ dukhata du. I had the same troubles as you had. vā vay theṃ cvana. It looks as if it would rain. 2. about, nearly: va vaḥgu svadaṂ theṃ data. It's about three years since he came. theṃ2 part. expressing politeness or uncertainty in questions: kanhay jhāi lā theṃ? Will you come tomorrow? theṃkā postp. up, up to theṃke v.t. 1. to reach, to cause to reach 2. to manage, to succeed; theṃkā vaye to approach; theṃkā vane to arrive; theṃkā biye to reach, to lead to: thva laṂ degalay theṃkā bī. That path leads to the temple. theṃgi (var. thiṃgi) n.anim. obstinate person; ~pahaḥ n. (-hala-) obstinacy; ~sū n. (-suli-) {neol.} obstinacy theṃtuṃ adv. just like, the same as, according to: chaṃ dhāḥ theṃtuṃ jiṃ yānā. I did as you advised. thek1 n. (-gū) knocking-down (from behind); ~ nake to knock down from behind thek2 n. (-gū) payment for obtaining a trade or business monopoly; ~ pule to pay a ~ thekay yāye v.t. to fix an amount of money as a regular share thekā n. hesitating manner of speaking which is interspersed with meaningless or irrelevant syllables (cf. dhuvā) thekānā n. (-gū) 1. address (cf. thāybāy) 2. reliability, dependency: vayā thekānā maru. He is not reliable. theki -> thyākā thekilāsā n. (-pā) bed stuffed with straw thekkā n. (-gū) contract thecā n. blackish clay (used for making masks) thene 1. v.i. to reach, to arrive: ji suthay cheṂ thena. I reached home in the morning. 2. to get, to become 3. v.t. to put to sleep; thenā biye to put to sleep, to cause to sleep: keheṂcāṃ macāyāta duru tvaṃkā thenā bila. After feeding the child (my) younger sister put it to bed.; ~sāthaṃ adv. as soon as possible themāḥ1 n. (-māla-,-mā) kind of high paddy-like weed growing in paddy fields themāḥ2 adj. cross bred, mixed; ~pha+i n.anim. (-phaica-) cross bred sheep; ~sala n.anim. mule thelgāri n. (-gaḥ) hand-push cart (cf. ghirighirikhaḥcā) thes n. (-kū) peg or piece of wood used to narrow the mouth piece of a flute thesār n. modern kind of thresher (for paddy) thya- -> the- thyaṃ adj. reached, reaching, arrived; ~mathyaṃ adv. about, nearly; ~lyāḥ n. (-lyākha-,-gū) ordinal number thyā n. (-thyā) fold (cf. thyāsā); ~ taye to fold, to crease; ~ lāye {fig.} (for income) to meet expenditure (only with neg. v.): thyā malāḥ. The income is insufficient for the cost of living. thyākaṃ adv. (to give) 1. free of cost 2. wholly, exclusively: thva tisāta phukaṃ thyākaṃ he chaṃgu jula. All these ornaments are wholly yours. thyākā (var. theki) n. (-gaḥ) small wooden vessel for keeping ghee, oil, yoghurt thyākā(-thyākāṂ) pane v.i. 1. to be hesitant, to be undecided 2. to be in difficulties thyākāmacā n.anim. 1. adopted child 2. wife's child from a previous husband (cf. lakhāpāmacā) thyāke v.t. to admit into a guthi thyākka adv. simultaneously thyācā n. (-gaḥ) lump of clay or brick thyācāka (var. thyācca) adv. (to sit) in a squatting position thyācu adj. glutinous, viscous, sticky; ~ye (-cula) to be glutinous, sticky; ~se cvane id. thyācca -> thyācāka thyānu adj. glutinous, viscous, sticky; ~ye (-nula) to be glutinous thyāye (thyāta) 1. v.t. to fold, to crease: vaṃ vasaḥ thyāta. She folded her clothes. 2. v.i. to be included, to be invited, to be admitted: va naṃ thugu bhvajay thyāta. He was also invited to the feast. 3. v.t. to cheat 4. v.i. (of children) to be legitimate thyāsaphū n. (-phuli-,-gū) folded manuscript, leporello thyāsā (var. thyāsu) n. (-thyāsā) fold, crease (cf. thyā); ~ taye to fold, to crease; ~ daye to have folds, to be folded thyāḥ adj. 1. (of children) legitimate, legal 2. included, enclosed; ~ mayāye to discriminate; ~mha kalāḥ n. hon. (-lāta-) legitimate, lawful wife; ~mha kāy n. hon. legitimate son thyuthyu yāye v.t. {ch.lg.} to push with the elbow thva1 pron. this -thva2 b.f. with the names of the months of the Newar calendar, bright half of the lunar month (cf. -gā) thvaṂ n. beer; ~ kāye to get drunk; ~ki rice for making beer (contributed by each household to a guthi); ~khvalā n. (-gaḥ) shallow brass cup for beer; ~gulu n.anim. drunkard; ~ghaḥ n. (-ghala-,-ghaḥ) storage pot for beer; ~paṂ n. earthen beer pot; ~pījā n. seasoning, spices for beer and liquor; ~ vaṂye to take the mash out of a brewing pot; ~suliṃ n. (-lina-,-gū) bar, pub thvakaṃ adv. (to buy, sell) wholesale: thva tvapulita thvakaṃ biyeta tayā taigu. These caps have been kept to be sold in a bulk. thvakay yāye v.t. to announce a decision, a judgement thvakalā n. bright half of the lunar month thvake v.t. 1. to bleach (cloth), to wash out starch from cloth 2. -> thvayke thvakka adv. reverberating, echoing thvakbāḥ n. (-bāla-,-gū) reward for the recovery of a lost thing (cf. thulabāḥ) thvakrā n. (-gū) quiver (cf. balāthū) thvane v.t. to cheat thvannā n. snout (of an animal) thvapuka adv. (to keep) in vain, uselessly: thvapuka tayā taye svayāḥ miyā chvaye bhiṃ. To sell is better than to store in vain. thvapu-kvapu juye v.i. 1. to turn inside out, vice versa 2. to have sexual intercourse thvapuye v.i. (-pula) to be left over thvapū 1. n. (-puli-,-gū) remains, unwanted residue (after selection) (cf. lepū): thvapuliṃ leyā guli bāṃlāḥgu bastū luyā vai? How can one find any nice thing by choosing from the remains? 2. adj. (mentally) old, old-fashioned, inflexible in the mind, outdated; thvapūpiṃ manūta old-fashioned people; thvapūgu bicāḥ outdated idea; ~thala n. (-gaḥ) waste paper basket; ~dyāhāṃ n. (-hāna-,-gaḥ) id.; ~mha n.anim. spinster, unmarried elderly woman (cf. jejithi, burinakiṃ, māmisā) thvayā (var. thvaḥsaḥ) n. reverberation; ~saḥ n. (-sala-) echo ~ vane 1. to resound, (for sound) to be carried away 2. -> thvaye1 thvaye1 v.i. (thvata) 1. to fade (of colour), to be well washed, to be bleached (of cloth); thvayā vane to fade away, to disappear (of colour) thvaye2 (thvala) 1. v.t. to pick, to pluck 2. (var. tvaye) v.t. to remove, to dismantle (wooden elements of a house, such as doors, windows, stairs): jhyāḥyāgu kā bāhā thvayā chva huṂ. Dismantle the posts of the window. khāpā thvala. The door was removed. 3. v.t. to peel 4. v.t. to lay eggs: thva khāṂ kheṂ mathvaḥ. This hen does not lay eggs. 5. v.i. to be born, to hatch 6. v.i. to echo, to resound, to reverberate thvay+kaḥ pron. (-kala-) {high grade hon.} he, she thvay+ke (var. thvake) v.t. 1. to give birth 2. to cause to lay eggs: thva khāṂ kheṂ mathvaykala. This hen does not breed any more. thva khāyāta thvayke māla. This hen must be made to lay eggs. 3. to cause to resound thvalaṃnhyaḥ n.}adj. (-nhela-) ancient, ancient time thvasi (var. chasi) adj. fresh, new (of food) thvaḥ1 n. (thvala-,-thvaḥ) 1. group (of animate beings) 2. pron. (with clf.), e.g.: thvaḥgū this much, these many thvaḥ2 adj. 1. resonant, resounding 2. bright, white thvaḥ-thvaḥ adv. group by group: vaythāy bidyārthita thvaḥ-thvaḥ vala. The students came to him group by group. thvaḥsaḥ n. (-sala-) echo thvāiṃthvāiṃ onom. sound of a cracked brass vessel or bell; ~ mine 1. (of brass) to give a cracking sound 2. to feel hoarse in the throat thvākaḥ (var. thvāy, thvāḥ) n. (-kala-,-thvāḥ) bunch, bouquet (of flowers); ~ cine 1. to arrange in bouquets 2. to grow in clusters, to form clusters thvākka adv. bumping, striking, colliding: lukhāy ipiṃ thvākka nāpalāta. They bumped into each other at the door. thvācā n.anim. squirrel, kind of rodent with a bushy tail (cf. cikhu) thvātu(-matu) thvāye v.t. to kick repeatedly thvāthaye v.i. to be worthless, useless, worn out: va manū thvāthayā vana. That man turned out to be a failure. laṃ thvāthayā vaṃ. The dress is worn out. thvāthaḥ adj. worthless, useless, worn out, good-for-nothing thvāthvā yāye v.t. to try for cracks (in earthenware) thvāy -> thvākaḥ thvāye v.t. (thvāta) 1. to kick 2. to spoil, to ruin a business or a deal: thvānā juye to kick about, to keep kicking, thvānā biye to spoil a deal (of a third party) thvāsā n. asthma, kind of coughing disease; ~thisi n. id.; ~thvāsā adv. (to cough) continuously thvāssa adv. (for a bad smell to come) in wisps (cf. hvāssa) thvāḥ n., clf. (thvāka-) 1. -> thvākaḥ 2. tassel 3. head of cauliflower thviṂ n. sniffing sound; ~(-thviṂ) mine to feel cold thvika adv. (to explain) clearly, plainly thvike v.t. to find thvikka (var. thukka) onom. 1. sound of spitting 2. interj. expression of disgust thvilay adv. at this time, at this moment D da1 -> daṂ1 da2 interj. o.k., yes, I agree da+ite n.anim. demon (cf. lākhay); ~kvaḥ thale to kill a demon (done by a `mayju' during the `dyaḥpyākhaṃ' or `netamarupyākhaṃ') daṂ1 (var. raṂ) n., meas. (-daṂ) 1. year 2. age: va gvaḥdaṂ data? How old is he? daṂ2 n. 1. process of building, constructing 2. standing; ~ vaye 1. to come to stand 2. to be blocked, to be cut off, to be prevented daṂkaḥmi (var. dakaḥmi) n.anim. mason, brick-layer; ~kā n. (-kā) line of bricks; ~cupi n. (-pu) tool with a blade for cutting and shaping bricks; ~jyā n. masonry; ~nāyaḥ n.anim. (-yeka-) foreman of masons daṂkilā (var. dakilā) n. anniversary of a death daṂcā n. kind of clay used as mortar daṂchi (var. dachi) meas. one year; ~taṃ adv. all the year round; ~yaṃkaṃ adv. id.; ~yeṃkaṃ adv. id. daṂjyā n. masonry daṂ|-daṂ adv. every year; ~dubalay adv. at the age of daṂpa+u (var. dayṃpau) n. (-pati-,-pau) 1. kind of religious certificate given at the end of the year for keeping a `samay' or a `pañcadān' vow 2. present, fee for a group of musicians; ~laḥ lhāye to hand out a ~ in public daṂpaṂcā n. kind of greyish clay (for walls) daṂpāḥ n. (-pāla-,-pāḥ) one year's turn of ritual performances at a temple; ~mi n.anim. keeper or caretaker of a temple for one year; ~lāḥ n.anim. (-lāka-) id. daṂ|-badaṂ n. period of about one year (cf. dakhalakha); ~mahā n. (-gū) salary, wages daṂvāḥ n.anim. (-vāla-) attendant (lit. person of standing) daṂsū n. (-suli-) {neol.} 1. masonry 2. construction; ~jyā n. id.; ~mi n.anim. 1. mason 2. constructor 3. workman digging clay daṂseniseṃ adv. from early morning, since the time of getting up daṃ1 adj. 1. awake 2. standing, erect 3. cheap 4. full daṃ2 n. (dana-,-pu) stalk of a plant daṃ3 -> dhaṂvā daṃ4 1. -> daha 2. -> dahaṂ daṃgal; ~ naye to get into trouble; ~ yāye to raise trouble, to incite the mob daṃnugaḥ n. (-gala-) conscious mind (cf. kaṃnugaḥ, cāḥnugaḥ) dakay (var. dakalay) -> dakvay dakasibay -> dakvasibay dakaḥmi -> daṂkaḥmi dakilā -> daṂkilā dakva quant. 1. all, whole, entire: dakva masta mhitā vana. All the children went playing. 2. as much as, whatever there is; ~ phuka quant. id.: dakvaphuka pāychi he jyū. Everything is right.; ~bay 1. -> dakvalay 2. interj.: `I'm first' (in games); ~bhanaṃ adv. everywhere dakvay (var. dakay, dakalay, dakvalay) adv. superlative marker: most of all: dakvalay jiṃ chu yāy? What is the best thing to do for me? bājaṃta madhe dahaḥ thāye dakvalay thāku. The tambourine is most difficult of all drums.; ~sakalay adv. above all, most of all dakvasibay (var. dakasibay) adv. superlative marker: most of all; ~tala adv. uppermost; ~nhāpā adv. first of all; ~nhāpāṃ adv. first of all, for the very first time; ~lipā adv. last of all; ~sithay adv. last, for the last time dakha-lakha (var. ~lakhaṃ) adv. about one year (cf. daṂbadaṂ) dakhalakha lipā thva calan tanā vani. In about a year's time this system will be out of use. dakhin n. south (cf. yetā) dagaṂcā biye n. ritual held on the seventh day after a death (when food, a torch and a bamboo reed are ritually discarded at the place for ceremonial waste) dagay juye v.i. to tremble, to shake dachi -> daṂchi dachiṃdatale adv. (to take, give) if possible, as far as possible: dachiṃdatale tusi he nyānāṂ hiṂ! Do buy cucumber, if it's possible. dachinā n. priest's fee for religious services dataṃphataṃ adv. only, merely, simply: vayā dataṃphataṃ chamha kāy vanaṃ sinā vana. She had only one son and he died, too. dativan n. (-pu) twig used for cleaning teeth, also part of the offerings for `paṃcadān'; ~ yāye to clean one's teeth dathu (var. duthu) adj. middle, intermediate: guṂyā dathui chagū sahar du. There was a town surrounded by mountains.; dathui between: chimi nimhasyā dathui between both of you; dathui lāye to be central, to be in the middle; ~aṃgaḥ n. (-gala-,-gaḥ) 1. middle wall 2. {fig.} sound economic situation; ~aṃgaḥ ballāye to prosper, to become rich; ~kvalā meas. span (between the tip of the thumb and the tip of the middle finger); ~jana n.anim. intermediary, go-between; ~tvāḥ1 n. (-tvātha-) middle portion of a kāhā trumpet or any long thin object; ~tvāḥ2 n. (tvāla-) centre of a town; ~paciṃ n. (-cina-,-pu) middle finger; ~mvaḥ n. (-mvala-,-mvaḥ) keystone of an arch; ~ye (-thula) {neol.} to be centralized; ~laṂ n. (-pu) middle road, middle path; ~lā n. middle or dominant note (in music); ~lukhā n. (-duvāḥ) middle entrance; ~samāṃ n. (-māna-,-gū) assembly to check guthi accounts during guthi ceremonies dadā n.anim. male attendant of a nobleman's child; ~bhata -> dājubhata danaka adv. (to burn, shine) flaring, blazing, brilliant danā n. waking; ~mhagasa n. (-gū) daydream, illusion; ~mhagasa khane to have daydreams, illusions; ~mhagasa juye to be disappointed; ~mhagasa mhane to have daydreams, illusions danuvāḥ n.pr. (-vāra-) name of a tribe dane 1. v.i. to wake up, to stand up, to rise: va lāsāṃ dana. He got up from his bed. 2. v.i. to stand as a candidate in an election 3. v.i. to be cheap; danā vane to shift, to move from one's residence: syāmpiṃ bāsaṃ danā vana. Syam and his friends moved out of their rented house.; danā vaye to get up; to become cheaper 4. v.i. to be full 5. v.t. to build, to construct 6. v.t. to celebrate, to observe a religious practice dante n. (-pu) kind of rake (used esp. in harvesting paddy) dandan adv. flaring, blazing danna adv. (of sun, moon, fire to shine) brightly: kvathāy nibhāḥ danna khala. There was bright sunlight in the room.; ~ cvane (of the sun) to rise; ~ tvaye (of sun-rays) to spread, to shine dannāphannā adj. 1. young 2. strong, vigorous 3. of equal rank dabadaba (var. dabdabcā) n. (-gaḥ) kind of two-headed drum; ~sāḥ n. (-sāla-,-gu) dovetail joint dabay juye v.i. 1. to be humiliated 2. to be sunk, drowned dabal 1. adj. double (cf. dugaṃ) 2. n. (-gaḥ) silver coin (worth two mohars) dabā n. (-pu) edible shoot or stalk of a plant; ~ lāye to grow well (of green vegetables); ~ vaye to shoot up (of sprouts) dabāiṃ -> damāiṃ dabū n. (-buli-,-gū) platform, stage for theatrical performances (erected in squares of settlements); ~ gvaye to erect a platform; ~gvasāḥ n. (-sāla-,-gū) stage direction; ~chumāṃ n. (-māna-,-gū) prompting, prompter; ~pyākhaṃ n. (-khana-,-gū) stage dance, drama; ~sāḥ -> dabadabasāḥ dab+dab+cā -> dabadaba dabbu n. (-gaḥ) narrow-mouthed pot for cooking meat dam n. 1. breath, respiration 2. asthma; ~ taye {fig.} 1. to drink 2. to wind up (a watch); ~ thāhāṃ vaye to pant, to breathe heavily; ~ biye to wind up (a watch); ~ vaye 1. to pant, to gasp 2. to have asthma damaru n. (-gaḥ) kind of drum damāiṃ (var. dabāiṃ) n.anim. low-caste Nepālī- speaking tailor (playing in marriage bands) (cf. jvagi) damu n. (-gū) {Bhp} lock ring damkamāni n. (-pu) coil spring damkal n. (-gū) fire engine damculi n. (-gū) kind of cooking stove (heated with kerosene) damthar adj. of equal age dampati n. (-jvaḥ) couple, husband and wife damphu n. (-gaḥ) kind of drum dambaḥ (var. dambvaḥ, dvambaḥ) n. (-bala-) wave, tide; ~ kāye 1. (for tide) to rise 2. to swim; ~khiṃ -> damvaḥ~; ~tvapuli -> damvaḥ~; ~ luye (of waves) to form, to appear dambi (var. daraṃbi) n.anim. earth-worm dambvaḥ -> dambaḥ damrāḥ n. (-gū) gift sent from the wife's home during the purification rites after the birth of the first child; ~ vane to go and bring this gift damvaḥ|-khiṃ (var. dambaḥ~) n. (-khina-,-gaḥ) kind of big drum; ~tvapuli n. (-gaḥ) kind of hat day interj. yes dayā n. 1. kindness 2. pity, mercy; ~ taye to pity; ~dumha adj. kind, merciful; ~madumha adj. unkind, cruel; ~māyā n. pity, mercy dayālakṣmi n. (-gū) 1. puppet-play 2. marionette (cf. katāṃmari); ~pyākhaṃ n. (-khana-,-gū) puppet-play dayālu adj. {neol.} kind, sympathetic daye1 (p.c. dayā; data, irr. stat.: du, dū; neg. stat.: madu, maru) 1. v.i. to be, to exist, to be located, to consist of, to be contained in (only in existential or local meanings, cf. khaye): va komitī nyāmha manū dū. This committee consists of five men. thauṃkanhay pukhulī laḥ maru. These days there is no water in the pond. 2. to have the chance to do s.th.: thva khaṂ nene dayā ji laytā. I'm glad I had the chance to hear this. 3. (with temp. nouns) to be, to pass, to elapse: thva pyākhaṃ kenā cvaṃgu lāchi data. This play has been shown for a month now.; dayā vaye to become prosperous daye2 (var. dale) v.i. (dala) 1. to fall down 2. to be broken dayṃcā (var. daheṂcā) n.anim. kind of bird, white spotted robin (living near rivers) dayṃdasaṃ (var. dayṃdasakaṃ) adv. annually, yearly dayṃpa+u -> daṂpau day+kaṂ n. (-kana-,-mā) kind of fern (with edible sprouts) day+ke v.t. 1. to make, to prepare, to produce, to build: vaṃ cyā daykala. She prepared tea. 2. to repair, to amend, to correct 3. to add, to put in: āma tarkārī pyāj chagaḥ naṃ daykala. An onion has also been put into this vegetable. 4. to slip and fall, to cause to fall; day+kā taye to possess dar1 (var. daramā) n. (-gū) 1. rate, price, wages (cf. bhāḥ): chagū dar fixed price 2. meal eaten by women in the evening before the festival of lights; ~ cine, taye to fix the price dar2 n. (-gū) fear, respect, politeness; ~ kāye to have fear daraṃbi {Kirt} -> dambi daramā -> dar1 darāj n. (-gaḥ) cupboard, shelf darābhata -> dājubhata darāri (var. darāli) n. (-pu) 1. iron bar 2. grating on a window dari n. (-pā,-pu) carpet, cloth (made of waste cotton) daridra -> dalidar dariyāna+iṃkyāḥ n. (-kyāla-,-gaḥ) kind of wild hard coconut daru 1. adj. yearly, annual 2. n. annual guthi ritual 3. n.anim. associate guthi member, second rank guthi member (who does not partake in regular guthi feasts, but has to feed two or four guthi members during the harvest festival); ~guthi n. guthi meeting once a year; ~pāḥ n. (-pāla-,-pāḥ) annual turn of serving the guthi; ~pujā n. (-gū) annual ritual; ~vasaḥ n. (-sata-,-pā) dress given to a married woman one year after the marriage daresa n. (-tvāḥ) fine printed calico (used for saris and shawls) darki n. fear, respect, politeness; ~bharki n. threatening darkhāsta n. (-gū) petition, application darjan meas. dozen darjā n. rank, state; ~ taye to honour according to rank; ~ thahāṃ vane to gain a higher rank dartā n. (-gū) entry in government records dardām n. calculation of price darbandi n. (-gū) 1. rate of assessment 2. monthly or yearly pay, salary 3. quota; ~ cine 1. to assign a salary 2. to limit the quota; ~ taye to limit the quota darbār n. (-gū) palace darmā n. (-gaḥ) kind of kettledrum; ~dāphā n. (-gaḥ) id. dalāṃ (var. dalān) n. (-lāna-,-gū) open space on the ground floor of a house; ~pikāye to build the ground floor (of a house) daliṃ -> dhaliṃ dalidar (var. daridra) n.anim. poor man (cf. phvagiṃ) dalū n. (-lukha-,-pvāḥ) kind of ceremonial oil lamp, hanging lamp (cf. ināy~, khā~, cākaḥ~, tā~, yekhā~); ~cā n. 1. small hanging lamp 2. {sl.} vagina; ~thāṃ n. (-thāma-,-gaḥ) stand of a ceremonial lamp; ~ bvaye to display lamps (during Indra Jātrā) dale -> daye2 dallā n. (-pvāḥ) kind of round lamp davāḥ -> duvāḥ2 dasaṃ n.anim. (-sana-) falcon (cf. jamaru, paytāḥ, bāycā, bvaḥri, satāṃ) dasanā n. (-gū) bed, cotton mattress dasā n. bad luck, trouble: dasāṃ kaye to have bad luck; ~ phāle (for a bad prediction) to come true dasi (var. dasu) n. (-gū) proof, evidence: dasiṃ lāye to catch red-handed; ~pa+u n. (-pati-,-pau) document, testimony, certificate; ~ basvāye (-svāta) to prove; ~ biye to prove dasu n. (-gū) 1. -> dasi 2. sample, pattern, model, type dasū n. (-suli-) mortar, layer of clay between bricks in a wall dastūr n. (-gū) 1. tradition, regulation, custom, habit 2. tax, custom, duty; ~ cine to set up a regulation daha (var. daṃ, dahaṃ1) n. (-gū) lake (cf. khāḥ) dahaṃ2 (var. daṃ) n. (-gū) inheritance left by s.o. who has no children; ~ lāye, lhāye, vaye to come by a ~: jimi pasāyāta vayā kakāyā dahaṃ vala. My friend got the inheritance of his uncle. dahalape v.t. 1. to envy 2. to bear, to endure dahaḥ n. (-hala-,-gaḥ) large tambourine daheṂcā -> dayṃcā dahemaru (var. dahemadu) adj. excellent daḥ (var. of jitaḥ) pron. me, to me dā1 n. hon. term of address: elder brother dā2 n. beating, thrashing; ~ taye to bundle paddy for threshing (hom. dā3) dā3 meas. -times (of boiling, of measuring): lā ni-dā dāla. The meat was cooked twice. buṂ ni-dā dāta. The field was measured twice.; ~ taye to measure (hom. dā2) dāi n. hon. elder brother dāiṃ (var. dāuṃ) n. (-gaḥ) {ch.lg.} coin, money dāibhar n.anim. driver dāil n. (-gū) dial (of a clock, a telephone); ~ yāye to dial dāu n. (-gū) 1. set of four winning numbers in gambling 2. opportunity (cf. hvaḥtāḥ) 3. trick (in wrestling); ~ svaye to plan a strategy in gambling, to try out tricks dāuṃ -> dāiṃ dāupec n. (-gū) trick in wrestling dāṂjay yāye v.t. to compare, to examine: thva bhiṃ lā āmagu bhiṃ chakaḥ dāṂjay yāna sva! Look and see whether this or that is better! dāṂti n. (-gū) 1. tooth of a saw 2. cog of a wheel dāṃ n. (dāma-,-gaḥ) price, money, wealth dāṃgaduṃgu -> dāgādugu dāṃ|-chigvay n. (-gvaca-,-gaḥ) package of food items with a betel nut (given to relatives who have not been invited to the marriage ceremony); ~pilā n. (-gaḥ) cash box; ~pvay n.anim. avaricious person; ~bhari n.anim. cashier dāṃbhegaḥ n. (-gala-,-gaḥ) large earthen pot (used for washing, for storing things and for serving at a feast) dākā n.anim. robber, burglar dākū n. (-kuti-,-pu) ruler, measuring rod (cf. pā~) dāktar n.anim. doctor; ~vāsaḥ n. (-sala-) medicine dākh n. (-gaḥ) raisin, grape (cf. kismis~, manakā~); ~mā n. (-mā) vine (cf. mitasi) dākhi n. untwisted paddy straw (used to tie up bundles) (cf. gākhi, lākhi) dākhuṂ n.anim. robber, burglar, plunderer; ~jyā n. (-gū) robbery dākhvaṃ n.anim. (-khvana-) s.o. who is used to being beaten dāg n. (-gū) spot, stain, mark; ~ cvane to be stained, marked; ~ thāye (of a spot) to stick dāgaḥ n. (-gala-,-gaḥ) large stone on which grain is threshed; ~lvahaṃ n. (-haṂta-,-gaḥ) id. dāgā n. (-gū) revenge, vengeance, grudge; ~ taye to bear a grudge, to raise hostility; ~ yāye to revenge dāgā-dugu (var. dāṃgaduṃgu) n. fist fight, scuffle; ~kāsā n. kind of children's game, scuffle dāgiṃ n.anim. (-gina-) 1. kind of demon (a man masked as a female demon taken around the city on Indrajātrā) 2. mask of a ~ (worn by the patron of a `navadān' ceremony); ~ vane to go around in a procession, followed by women in whose house a death has occurred during the preceding year dāju n. hon. 1. elder brother 2. cousin (elder son of parent's brothers and sisters) 3. adj. senior (of males); ~kijā n. hon. 1. brothers (both elder and younger) 2. relatives, clan, subcaste; ~bhāi n. hon. close relatives of a deceased (who have to observe 21 days of mourning); ~bhata (var. dadā~, darā~) n. hon. 1. husband's elder brother; ~sū n. (-suli-) {neol.} seniority dātā n.anim. 1. testator assigning shares in an inheritance 2. sponsor dāti 1. n. hon. second eldest brother 2. n. middle finger 3. adj. middle, middling; ~appā n. (-pā) conical brick (cf. tuṃchī-appā) dādupujā n. (-gū) ritual held on the anniversary of a tantric initiation dān n. alms, charity dānā n. fodder, food for animals (cf. nasābhusā) -dāni b.f. container, vessel, e.g. cyādāni tea pot dān+kusā n. (-pā) kind of large interlaced umbrella dān+sāla n. (-gū) place for giving alms dāp n. (-gū) sheath of a sword dāpā (var. dāye) n. exchange by mistake; ~ juye 1. to be exchanged by mistake: imi lākāṃ dāpā jula. Their shoes were exchanged by mistake. 2. to be mistaken for s.o. or s.th. else: vayāta pāsā dāpā jula. He took him for his friend (by mistake).; ~ yāye to exchange intentionally dāpāṃ-dāpāṃ adv. in competition dāpāḥ vane v.i. to be well cooked dāpū n. (-puti-) 1. measurement 2. (-pu) measuring rod 3. (-gaḥ) measuring pot 4. share of the one who measures, surplus, profit from measuring amply; ~ kāye 1. to take measure 2. to take s.th. as one's share (when measuring) dāpvaḥsvāṃ -> dāphva~ dāphā n. 1. kind of tradititional Newar music 2. set of musical instruments (drums, pipes and cymbals); ~khalaḥ n. (-laka-,-khalaḥ) group of dāphā musicians; ~khiṃ n. (-khina-,-gaḥ) kind of drum; ~pyākhaṃ n. (-khana-,-gū) kind of traditional dance; ~me n. (-pu) kind of traditional song; ~lay n. (-lasa-) kind of traditional tune dāphvasvāṃ (var. dāpvaḥ~, dāphvaḥ~, dābā~) n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) white jasmin flower with seven petals dābi n. claim dāmay yāye v.t. to brand, to mark dāmāsāhi n. (-gū) equal share, proportionate share dāmi 1. adj. expensive 2. n. {ch.lg.} piece, coin dāmukhipaḥ -> dāsukhipaḥ dāmlva n. (-pu) rope for tethering cows dāye1 v.t. (dāta) 1. to measure; dānā svaye to measure; to compare 2. -> dāpā juye dāye2 (dāla) 1. v.t. to beat, to hit, to strike, to thresh; dāye bhāy yāye to pretend to strike 2. v.t. to snatch; dāyā yeṃke to snatch away 3. v.i. to boil; dāyā vaye to well up, to boil up dār n. kind of wood (used for furniture), Cedrus deodara dāray yāye v.t. to strike vehemently dāri n. (-pu,-jvāḥ) beard (cf. gvāy); ~ kāye to shave; ~la hiye to sport a beard dālā n. (-gaḥ) bamboo basket for storing and for carrying loads ~khaḥmū (-muli-,-pā) tightly woven basket suspended from either end of a carrying pole dālcā n. (-gaḥ) small basket dālcini n. (-kū,-tvāḥ) cinnamon (cf. lavaṃtvāḥ) dāsay yāye v.t. to do in an improper manner, by force: vaṃ jike jhirkā dāsay yānā kāla. He took ten rupees from me by force. dāsi n. boiling up, boiling over; ~ vaye to boil over, to be spilt dāsu n. (-gū) {neol.} 1. measurement 2. sample, specimen, example; ~ kāye 1. to measure 2. to take a sample; ~khipaḥ (var. dāmu~) n. (-pata-,-pu) measuring rope with knots at fixed intervals; ~ biye to give an example, to give a sample (for preparing s.th.) dāha n. 1. cremation 2. burning sensation inside the body dāhaṂ n. (-pu) kind of chisel dāḥ n. (dākha-) fat, grease; dākhaṃ liye to be fat; ~ khāye 1. to get fat 2. to get rich; ~ nāye 1. to melt (of fat) 2. to get thin 3. {fig.} to be impoverished; ~ nāy+ke {fig.} to sweat, to work hard dāḥ svāye v.i. (for a bunch of paddy) to be ritually transplanted after the harvest di n. (-gū) mortgage; ~ taye to put into mortgage, to pawn, to give a security diṃ -> din dik (var. dikka) 1. n. (-gū) severe pain, grief, sorrow 2. adj. sad 3. adv. severely; ~ cāye 1. to have pain, to feel sorrow 2. to feel annoyed; ~ juye to be sad, to worry; ~ yāye 1. to distress 2. to annoy diku n. light meal in the afternoon dike v.t. 1. to cause to rest, to stop; dikā biye to cause to stop 2. to interrupt 3. to put down 4. to forbid, to prevent dikka -> dik dikdāk adj. fed up, frustrated dikdār -> digdār dikhā (var. dichyā, dīkhyaḥ, dekhā) n. (-gū) 1. consecration 2. tantric initiation; ~ kāye to receive tantric initiation, a Buddhist life-cycle ritual; ~sikhi n. 1. imitation 2. competition digi n. (-gū) 1. meeting hall in a Buddhist monastery 2. refectory, hall for eating 3. city boundary digi-digi1 adv. in every direction digi-digi2 -> jigijigi digipukhū n. (-khuli-,-gū) pond by the city boundary digu|-khalaḥ (var. dugu~, degu~) n. (-laka-,-khalaḥ) family worshipping a common patron deity; ~khyaḥ n. (-khela-,-gū) site of the patron deity; ~dyaḥ n.anim. (-deva-) patron deity of a family or clan; ~pujā n. (-gū) worship of the patron deity; ~pujā nyāye to worship the patron deity; ~bhaḥ n. (-bhala-,-gaḥ) vessel for keeping pūjā materials used by priests; ~ yāye daily morning ritual for the goddess Taleju digū n. (-guli-,-gū) 1. {hon.} midday meal taken by a priest (cf. beli) 2. -> digi digdār (var. dikdār) adj. sad, sorrowful, melancholic digli malāye v.i. to be misplaced, not to fit properly dichyā -> dikhā dithāy n. (-thāsa-,-gū) stopping place, resting place didi-aji (var. diri~) n. hon., n.anim. midwife din (var. diṃ) n. day; ~ chuye to fix a date dini-dini (var. dinika, dinna) onom. (to flare up, to tremble) violently; ~ khāye to tremble violently; ~ khvaye to burst into tears, to sob; ~ cyāye to flare up, to burn fiercely; ~ mine to feel the ground trembling dipa (var. dī) n. (-gū) cremation ground; ~ thane to restore a cremation ground dipaṃkhā -> dīpaṃkara dipāḥ n. (-pāla-,-gū) 1. stop, rest, pause, turn to stop 2. last shift of work 3. sign for the drums to stop beating, beat change marking the end of a drum piece; ~ kāye to beat the end of a drum piece dipu n. (-gū) 1. resting place 2. short rest dibas n. (-gū) holy day, day of a ceremony diye1 v.i. (dita) 1. to stop, to rest: va jyāṃ dita. He rested from work. 2. to hurt, to be painful diye2 v.i. (dila; irr. imp. disaṂ, marking polite form of imp., e.g.: svayā disaṂ would you look, biyā disaṂ would you give) 1. to sit, to stay: disaṂ nhāiṃ! please stay! (polite form of farewell) 2. {hon.} to be diri-aji -> didi-aji diri-diri onom. sound of imitating musical instruments dilāy n. (-lāsa-,-pu) panel (of door or window); ~kuṂ n. panel pattern (in plaster); ~kuṂ tāye to form a panel pattern; ~kuṂ pikāye id.; ~khāpā n. (-pā) panelled door dillā n. ninth month of the Newar lunar calendar, occurring during āṣāḍha - śrāvaṇa, (July) dillāvanegupujā n. (-gū) veneration of the goddess Ajimā on the eleventh day after a birth dilvahaṃ n. (-haṂta-,-gaḥ) 1. foundation stone 2. large stone for threshing grain divāli n. festival of lights during the month of kārttika (October-November) disaṂ -> diye2 disā n. (-gū) direction disāḥ n. (-sāla-) 1. (-gū) resting place, station 2. (-gū) refreshment at a midday rest on returning from a journey or a picnic 3. (-tā) rest from work (cf. lisāḥ) disi n. equator; ~pujā n. (-gū) solstice ritual disti n. 1. small silver beads for decorating a deity 2. diamond pattern (lattice work) dihi n. 1. (-gū) mound 2. (-khā) hut, cottage dīkhyaḥ -> dikhā dī tane -> dipa thane dīpaṃkara (var. dipaṃkhā) n. name of an annual procession to a number of Buddhist shrines throughout the valley, starting from Patan du1 n. length; ~ dāye to measure the length (hom. s.v. dudāye) du-2 pref. in, inside, into dui- -> dvi- duṃgā (var. dvaṃgā) n. (-gaḥ) boat (cf. nāṃ) dukaṃ n. (-kana-,-mā) asparagus dukā b.f. entrance dukāpikā (var. dukāṂpikāṂ, dukāypikāy) n. kind of death ritual (of giving a ṭīkā to the deceased and wrapping him in white cloth) (cf. thalāykhvalāy); ~ tiye to perform this ritual dukābaji n. portion of rice given to the guthi for securing safe childbirth (cf. duti~) du-kāye v.t. 1. to take into the family 2. to give membership, to give admission 3. to gather in, to pen up (animals) 4. to be seized by a monster dukāy+pikāy -> dukāpikā dukālhāpaṃ n. (-pana-) entrance fee (cf. dutinā~) dukī1 n. (-kila-,-pu) concealed nail to hold planks or beams together dukī2 n.anim. (-kila-) kind of green worm, vermin in peas duku1 n. (-pu) new sprout of a vegetable duku2 adj. dark, intense (of colour); ~ye (-kula) {neol.} to be intense (of colour); ~se cvane to be intense (of colour, taste) dukulu -> dugulu dukū -> dhukū dukuṃ n. (-kuna-,-kuṃ) 1. inner corner of a roof, roof valley 2. inner corner of the eye; ~pākhā n. (-gū) joint, valley of lower eaves; ~ pyāye {fig.} to be on the point of weeping; ~musiṂ n. (-gaḥ) valley rafter du-kene v.t. to take into confidence (cf. dubvaye) dukyaṃkipā n. {neol.} x-ray dukha n. pain, grief, bad luck, trouble; dukhaṂ kene, cvane to mourn; ~ kvabuye to take trouble, to bear trouble; ~ tāye to feel sad, to worry; ~ biye to give trouble, to vex, to oppress; ~ siye 1. to take trouble, to take pains 2. to suffer 3. to try hard dukhaṂ n. private talk; ~ thuye to know a secret dukhalu n. (-gū) inner entrance of a palace dukhā n. 1. (-khā) back side of a building 2. (-pā) door leaf of an internal door dukhi adj. unhappy dukhvaye v.i. to weep for a deceased inside the house dugaṃ adj. double; ~kheṂ n. (-kheṂca-,-gaḥ) egg with two yolks (cf. dvaḥkheṂ); ~dhaliṃ n. (-lina-,-gaḥ) double-sized earthen liquor cup; ~salī n. (-likha-,-gaḥ) id. dugane1 v.i. (with num.) to multiply: vayā dhebā nidugana. His money has become twice as much. dugane2 v.t. to console dugaḥ n. (-gala-,-pu) 1. back (of body) 2. spinal column dugaḥ|-kathi n. (-pu) 1. stick forming the backbone of a paper kite 2. {fig.} economic support; ~kvayṃ n. (-kvaṂca-,-pu) spinal column dugu1 n.anim. male goat dugu2 n. (-gū) contents dugu3 -> digu- dugucā n.anim. 1. male goat 2. kid dugunavaḥghāyṃ n. (-ghāṂsa-,-mā) kind of fragrant grass dugulu (var. dukulu) adj. 1. solid, substantial, valuable 2. reliable 3. well-to-do dugusāmān n. contents du-gene v.i. to have weight, to be weighty du-gele 1. v.t. to repair a bent wall 2. v.t. to scratch out scurf from a wound 3. v.i. to feel affected by a curse dugyāṃ n. knowledge, intuition, insight du-ghāye v.t. to keep private, to be reticent dughāḥ n. (-ghāla-,-ghāḥ) internal wound, internal injury; ~ lāye to have an internal injury du-cāye (var. du cāle) v.i. 1. to gain entrance, to be admitted 2. to intrude 3. to be influential ducāy+ka adv. (to speak, to care) forcefully, impressively, intensely ducāy+ke v.t. to welcome a bride ceremoniously into the bridegroom's home (cf. picāyke) du-cāle -> ducāye ducu pref. inner, interior; ~kathi n. (-pu) heddle hook of a loom; ~kvathā n. (-gū) inner room, private room; ~khalu n. (-gū) interior door sill; ~khuṂ n.anim. s.o. showing an unexpected skill; ~tāṂgāḥ n. (-gāla-,-gāḥ) lintel of an inner frame; ~thāṃ n. (-thāma-,-gaḥ) inner post; ~bāhā n. (-gaḥ) jambs of an inner frame ducū n. (-culi-,-gū) 1. inner frame of a window 2. sprout, shoot; ~picū n. (-culi-,-gū) inner and outer frame of door or window; ~phakaṃ n. inner part of an edible stalk or leaf ducvaḥ n. (-cvata-,-cvaḥ) 1. pin of a post or pillar 2. end of a thread inside a bobbin 3. inner end of a garment tied round the body du-chiye v.t. to indent (layers of brick) du-chvaye v.t. 1. to send in, to cause to enter 2. to penetrate, to push through 3. to insert, to put in du-chvāye v.i. (of rivers) to have an undercurrent dujalā n. (-gū) volcano dujaḥ1 n. hon., n.anim. (-jala-) 1. nuclear family 2. family member 3. close relative dujaḥ2 n. (-jala-) insight dujyā n. interior works (in house building) dujyāṃ adv. inwards (cf. pijyāṃ) du-jyāye v.i. 1. to enter, to step in, to intrude 2. to be indented (layers of brick) dujvar n. fever, suppressed fever duta adv. (with v.t.) into, inside; ~ kāye 1. to take in 2. to enter 3. to allow in; ~ chvaye 1. to send in 2. to make one's entry 3. to penetrate; ~pita adv. in and out; ~pita yāye to bring in and out; ~ biye to hand in; ~ haye to bring into (one's home) du-tāye v.t. to bury (a dead person), to entomb duti n. entering, entry dutinā (var. dutipau, dutiyā) n. {neol.} admission; ~pa+u n. (-pati-,-pau) {neol.} passport, visa, admission card; ~lhāpaṃ (var. duti~) n. (-pana-) entrance fee (cf. dukā~) du-tine (var. dutiye) v.t. 1. to take in 2. to include 3. to admit in: dutineta dhebā mvāḥ admission free duti|-pa+u -> dutināpau; ~baji n. portion of rice given to the guthi to secure safe childbirth (cf. dukā~) dutiyā n. 1. second day of the lunar month 2. -> dutinā du-tiye -> dutine dutilhāpaṃ -> dutinā~ du-thane v.t. to fill in duthaṂ n. filling; ~appā n. fragments of bricks (used as filling material) duthu -> dathu du-thune v.t. 1. to sow 2. to store up 3. to bury, to entomb du-thene v.i. to get into, to arrive (inside a place) du-thyāke v.t. to admit, to let in, to introduce, to include du-thyāye v.i. to be admitted, to have access, to be given membership, to be included dudā n. attack, invasion, offensive; ~ biye to attack, to invade du-dāye v.t. 1. to attack, to strike into 2. -> du1 dudu -> duru dudūcyāmcyām n. the eighth day of the dark half of the month of caitra dudyā n. (-dyā) back of a house, inner section of a house dudhaṃ n. (-dhana-) 1. contentment 2. (financial) capital; ~sū n. (-suli) {neol.} self-indulgency dudhaḥsvāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) white thorn apple, Datura alba dunā n. (-pā) palm of the hand duniyāguthi n. guthi field (private donation) dunugaḥ n. (-gala-) {neol.} core of the heart, innermost heart; dunugalaṃ niseṃ heartily, from the innermost heart dune1 postp., adv. 1. in, inside, indoors, within: tasakaṃ vā vaḥguliṂ dune he lāta. (He) stayed indoors because it rained heavily. 2. during, within: svadaṂyā dune within three years; ~ lāye to stay inside, to be included under, to fall under dune2 v.i. 1. to collapse 2. to sink: lakhay duna. (It) sank into water. dunā vane to slide down, to collapse duneṃ adv. inwardly dunedugu n. contents dune-pine adv. in and out dupātā n. piece of cloth designed for lining of a garment dupāhāṃ n. hon. (-hāna-) guest of honour, most prominent guest du-piye v.t. (pita) to conceal, to hide dupyākhaṃ n. (-khana-,-gū) {neol.} melodrama, psychological drama du-phvāye v.t. to put into, to push in, to throw in du-baye v.t. to line, to apply at the inside: vaṃ kvaḥtay culugu kāpaḥ dubala. He lined the coat with a smooth cloth. dubali n. (-gaḥ) 1. earthen pot for fermenting radish (of fixed size, ranging from 4-11 inches in height and 2 1/2 to 12 inches in diameter) 2. earthen pot for liquor to percolate dubaḥ n. (-bala-,-baḥ) inner layer, lining; ~khāpā n. (-pā) inner door leaf; ~jhyāḥ n. (-jhyāla-,-pā) double glazed shutters; ~dhvaṃ n. (-dhvana-,-gū) sewer; ~sāḥ n. (-sāla-,-gū) 1. covered joint 2. lining of a garment; ~siṂ n. (-mā) kind of tree, Ficus glomerata dubā n. (-pu) 1. soft inner fibres of sugar cane or bamboo 2. interior post of a house dubākhaṃ n. (-khana-,-pu) episode, episodic story dubāta n. (-gū) crossroads, intersection of roads dubāthāṃ n. (-thāma-,-gaḥ) inner post (of a pair) dubāhā n. (-gaḥ) post of an inner frame of a door or window dubidhā juye v.i. to be in doubt du-biye v.i. (-bita) 1. to be possessed 2. to enter (and disappear) 2. to be transfigured into s.o. else (causing evil to the target person): vayāta kumāri dubita. He was possessed by Kumāri (with the result of being transfigured into Kumāri). dubistā n. privacy; ~ byāye to share a secret; ~ yāye to enter into a private conversation dubī (var. dubhī) n. (-bila-) kind of skin disease with white spots; ~picāye (for this disease) to erupt dubuliṃ -> dubhaliṃ du-bvane v.t. to invite, to call in du-bvaye v.t. to show secretly, to take into confidence (cf. dukene) du-bvāye v.i. 1. to run into, to rush 2. to jump down, to swoop, to dive down: dubvāṂ vane to run into dubhaliṃ (var. dubuliṃ) n.anim. (-lina-) keeper of food stores at a festival dubhāy+lami n.anim. {neol.} interpreter, translator dubhī -> dubī dumbā n.anim. person with a large flat nose, ugly person; ~pha+i n.anim. (-phaica-) kind of sheep dumsi n.anim. porcupine du-mhuye v.t. to engrave duyaḥ n. (-yela-) 1. (-gaḥ) kernel, innermost part 2. soft inner part of a stalk of bamboo or of a pumpkin duye1 v.i. (duta) to suffer from severe pain duye2 v.t. (dula) 1. to set fire to, to put wood on the fire 2. to worship with a sacrificial fire 3. to distil liquor 4. to overhear, to eavesdrop (intentionally) duru (var. dudu) n. 1. milk 2. sap of a tree 3. breast; ~kaḥni n. ear of corn just ripe for eating, very tender corn; ~kvakvasiṂ n. (-mā) kind of fig tree, Ficus cunea; ~khvaḥ n. (-khvala-) flakes of dried milk; ~ghāyṃ n. (-ghāṂsa-,-mā) kind of grass; ~ghāḥ n. (-ghāla-) breast disease, inflammation of the breast; ~cu n. (-pu) nipple; ~cū n. (-culi-) bread prepared with cream; ~ chiye to wean a child; ~ tvaṃke to suckle a child; ~ tvane 1. to drink milk 2. (of baby) to suck; ~ dhāye (var. dudu ~) to be lukewarm; ~dhāḥ n. flow of milk; ~nāḥ n. (-nāla-) cow's udder; ~ nhyāye to milk; ~pā n. breast; ~pākha n. 1. cream 2. sweetmeat prepared from milk; ~pipī -> ~pī; ~pī n. (-pila-,-pī) 1. nipple 2. water pipe 3. {Pg} milk bread; ~pīcā n. nipple of a baby's milk bottle; ~pvaḥ n. (-pvala-,-pvaḥ) breast; ~pviṂ n. skin on boilt milk, cream; ~phakaṃ n. (-kana-,-mā) tender Arum colocasia; ~phvī -> ~pviṂ; ~baccā n. ear ornament worn by the bride at marriage; ~macā n. baby, suckling; ~mari n. (-pā) milk bread (made out of the first milk of a cow); ~maru n.anim. mother who cannot suckle her child; ~māṃ n. (-māma-) wetnurse; ~mvahaḥ n. (-hala-,-mvahaḥ) newly coined mohar fresh from the mint; ~rāj n. kind of paddy duru-ruru adv. swiftly duru|-lvahaṃ n. (-haṂta-,-gaḥ) white marble; ~vā n. (-pu) 1. milk tooth 2. eye tooth durusta n. likeness, resemblance duruhi n. (-gaḥ) yam durgati n. bad condition, death durgā n.pr. the Goddess Durgā durghatanā n. (-gū) accident durbin n. (-gū) binoculars durra adv. fast dulā1 n. 1. meat from the inside (e.g. from the belly) 2. soft inner part of bamboo or pumpkin dulā2 adj. inner, interior dulāṃ-dulāṃ onom. (to call) loud and repeatedly du-lāke v.t. to enter du-lāye v.i. (with neg. only) 1. to be inside 2. to come in 3. to be included: va dumalāta. This was not included. duli n. (-gū) bridal palanquin dulphil yāye v.t. to roam, to move about dulyā n.anim. carrier of a sedan chair; ~bhalyā n.anim. carrier of the bride's sedan chair dulvāpu n. (-gū) {neol.} inner conflict (of the mind), internal struggle du-lvāye v.i. to fight with oneself, to fight inwardly duvāmi n.anim. {neol.} critic duvālā n. (-gū) criticism du-vāle v.t. to examine carefully, to investigate, to criticize duvāḥ1 n. (-vāta-,-vāḥ) crossroads duvāḥ2 (var. davāḥ) (-vāla-,-vāḥ) 1. n. entrance of a courtyard 2. clf. with `lukhā' door; ~lyāḥ n. (-lyākha-,-gū) ceremonial lamp standing on each side of an entrance, portable torch stand dusāḥ n. (-sāla-) 1. privacy 2. (-gū) covered joint, dovetail joint; ~khaṂ n. private talk; ~ cvane 1. to meet in privacy 2. to allude to; ~ yāye 1. to hint, to suggest 2. to consult, to keep council dusi (var. duse) n. (-gaḥ) millet; ~ kuye to reap millet; ~khvaḥ n. (-khvala-) stubble of millet; ~khvātāḥ n. (-tāla-) id.; ~mari n. (-pā) bread of millet; ~marikvapuṃ adj. 1. very ugly, black-faced 2. of bad quality du-suye v.i. to subside (of a swelling) dusū n. (-suli-,-pu) trident for roasting meat duse -> dusi du-sene v.i. to be inwardly destroyed dusyaḥ n. (-sela-,-kū) 1. kernel, inner part, marrow 2. hard core of wood 3. stamina, power; ~ ballāye to be strong, vigorous du-svake v.t. to bring around, to bring in du-svaye v.t. to look in, to drop in, to visit casually duhāṃ (var. dvāṃ) adv. (with v.i.) into, inside; ~pihāṃ adv. in and out, inside and outside; ~ vane, vaye to enter dū1 (var. dvali) n. (duli-,-gū) kind of palanquin in which the bride is carried to the bridegroom's house; ~ kvabuye to carry the bride to her new home dū2 n. death impurity (cf. yenāḥ); ~ kane to tell the news of s.o.'s death; ~ beṃke to perform purification rites after a death; ~ bene to be released from death impurity; ~ māle to observe the death rites (for ten days after a death) dū3 irr. stat. of daye, to be dū|-kāḥ n. (-kāla-,-gū) wooden stand to carry a bride's palanquin; ~kvamisā n.anim. woman who takes care of the bride on her way to the bridegroom's house dūchiṃ -> dhūchiṃ dū|-dhaṃsiṂ n. (-gaḥ) pole of a palanquin; ~pvaḥ n. (-pvala-,-pvaḥ) palanquin made of cloth (carried on a pole); ~phāṃgā n. (-pu) frilled cover of a bride's palanquin (cf. jhyāpaṃ, jhvāpaṃ) de- pref. upper deṂ|-khuṂ n.anim. thief who hypnotizes his victims; ~pāḥ n. (-pāla-,-pāḥ) night duty, night shift; ~pāḥmi n.anim. s.o. on night duty; ~bāy n. (-bāsa-,-gū) night shelter, rest place; ~bāy hile {fig.} to have no sleep; ~lāsā -> delāsā deṃgā n. (-pu) thick roll, girdle worn around the waist dek n. stride, step dekaṃ n. (-mā) kind of wild forest herb (used as vegetable or spice) dekay putā (var. dhikay ~) n.anim. illegitimate son of a wife dekī n. (-kila-,-pu) 1. pegs for a foundation 2. one of a pair of posts between which thread is rolled up for weaving (the other one being called `dyaḥkī', also cf. bhayṃ) dekuṂcā n. (-gū) blind alley, dead end path (cf. yaḥpu) dekū n. (-kuti-,-gū) worship room; ~tvākaḥ n. (-kala-,-gū) wooden seat in a worship room deke n. place of a deity; ~ chvaye to send on a pilgrimage, to send to a temple; ~ vane to go on a pilgrimage, to go to a series of temples for ritual purification dekci n. (-gaḥ) large cooking vessel, kettle dekva n. (-gū) boundary of city or settlement dekhaḥ n.anim. (-khala-) left-handed man dekhā -> dikhā dekhiṃ1 n.anim. (-khina-) left-handed woman dekhiṃ2 n. (-khina-) 1. revenge 2. line, mark 3. spell cast by thieves; ~ taye 1. to revenge, to plan revenge 2. to mark with a line dekhine v.t. {neol.} 1. to revenge 2. to align degaḥ n. (-gala-,-gū) temple (cf. kacā~, mū~); ~jhyāḥ n. (-jhyāla-,-pā) blind window; ~bākhuṂ 1. n.anim. wild pigeon 2. (-gū) culvert degu -> digu decā n. uppermost layer of soil dechā n. (-gū) offering, dedication; ~ taye to dedicate, to make an offering; ~ laḥlhāye to devote, to present de-chāye v.t. to dedicate, to offer de-chuye v.t. to put on the stove, to start cooking de-jāye v.t. 1. to emboss 2. to have a vision, to imagine seeing s.th.: vayāgu khvāḥ dejyāyā vaḥ. His face haunted him. de-tane v.t. 1. to pile up, to fold 2. to add; detanā navāye 1. to interrupt 2. to overlap; detaṃ detaṃ navāye to interrupt (a conversation), to come to a meal without an invitation; dede tanāḥ navāye id.; detanā dhā vaye to give the same report; detanā pha vaye to take s.o. else's turn of filling in water detha (var. dethi); ~ tane v.t. to interrupt; ~ lāye to get the upper hand dede -> detane den n. (-gū) contribution, help, s.th. done in public interest denā1 n. sleep denā2 n. fee of a priest denā|-mhagas n. dream; ~sukha daye to be sound asleep denāyaḥ n.anim. (-yeka-) chief of a town or village dene v.i. to sleep; ~kvathā n. (-gū) sleeping room; ~pāḥ (var. dyaṃpāḥ) n. (-pāla-,-pāḥ) turn to stand a night watch depaṃ n. (-pana-) 1. interest 2. land tax; ~ pule to pay interest or land tax depane v.t. to pay interest depā 1. adj. left 2. n. (-pā) upper part of a mill stone; ~lhāḥ n. (-lhāta-) left arm depu n. vamp, upper part of a shoe de-puye v.t. to cover, to wrap dephaḥ n. (-phala-) 1. (-gū) narrow path round a building 2. (-gaḥ) pillar base 3. platform for the family gods in a kitchen de-baye v.t. to cover, to wrap debaḥ n. (-bala-,-baḥ) 1. outer layer 2. iron wedge (of a plane) 3. vamp, upper part of a shoe; ~ tāye to cover debī n. hon. goddess; ~kva n. (-gū) locket of the wall bracket; ~svāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) kind of red flower, shaped like a bell (cf. gaṃsvāṃ) demā n. (-pā) kind of plate, dish dey- -> de- dey n. (desa-,-gū) 1. area, country 2. town dey|-kva n. low land, lower area of a town; ~kharu n. (-gū) city gate; ~gū n. (-guthi-) town guthi; ~jalā n. procession around a town; ~phusi n. 1. outskirts of a town 2. territory; ~bāḥ n. water drained from a town in monsoon; ~bhvay n. (-bhvaja-,-gū) feast for the whole town; ~lami n.anim. professional match maker of a town; ~si n. city boundary; ~ svane to found a new city derā n. residence, living quarters dere adj. squint-eyed delāsā (var. deṂlāsā) n. (-pā) cotton bed sheet (cf. tannā) devaṃ n. (-vana-,-gū) cloth to cover a dead body, shroud devane v.t. to cover a dead body devā n. (-pvāḥ) standing earthen lamp (cf. e.g. jhvāḥ~, tvā~, sāli~) des (var. dey) n. (desa-,-gū) 1. area, country 2. town desaṃdey n. the whole town, the whole country; ~ jāye (for the whole town) to unite; ~ thane to cause to revolt desapāḥ n. (-pāta-) kind of dish for a `thāpujā' ceremony desay+maru adj. nowhere in the country; ~jhyāḥ n. (-jyāla-) name of a particular window with eleven lintels in Kathmandu (in Naradevī Tole) desalāi n. (-pu) match stick desāḥ n. finishing touch; ~ piye to smoothen a roof tile desi1 n. 1. fermenting liquid of steamed rice 2. rice beer of good quality desi2 adj. foreign, Indian, Chinese; ~appā n. (-pā) brick of modern manufacture; ~khiṃ n. (-khina-,-gaḥ) kind of Indian drum; ~phvaḥ n. flower pattern of non-indigenous flowers (carving); ~svāṃ n. (-svāna-) id. des|-jātrā n. most important annual festival of a town or village; ~lvahaṃ n. (-haṂta-,-gaḥ) sacred stone of a settlement deha n. body; ~ tyāg yāye to die dya- -> de- dyaṃpāḥ -> denepāḥ dyaḥ (deva-) 1. n. hon., n.anom. god, deity 2. n. sky, weather; ~ki n. rice spread out for placing pūjā pots; ~kī n. (-kila-,-pu) one of a pair of posts between which thread is rolled up for weaving (the other one being called `dekī', also cf. bhayṃ); ~kū n. (-kuthi-,-gū) room for worship; ~ kvakāye to take offerings down from the image of a deity as a blessing; ~khaḥ n. (-khata-,-khaḥ) lowermost platform of a chariot; ~ khyuṂmajuvaṃ adv. before sunset; ~ khyuṂye (of sky) to be dark, gloomy; ~gaḥ n. (-gala-,-gaḥ) circumference of a hill with a temple; ~gāḥ -> degaḥ; ~gvaḥjā n. pastry displayed at a pūjā; ~ cakane to be clear, to be cloudless; ~cā1 n.anim. 1. small image of a deity (made of wheat flour for `mhapujā') 2. s.o. wearing the mask of a deity 3. doll, puppet; ~cā2 n. kind of clay used to mould images of deities; ~ cāhile to go round a temple; ~ cāhyū vane to circumambulate a temple; ~ chāye to offer to a deity; ~cheṂ n. (-khā) house for an image of a deity; ~jhyāḥ n. (-jhyāla-,-pā) blind window; ~ tuyu-tuyu dhāye to dawn; ~ tuyuye id.; ~ tuyuvaṃ adv. at dawn; ~ thane 1. to wake up a deity (done as a daily morning-ritual by certain castes) 2. to set up a deity for procession; ~ thāye to mould an image of a deity; ~ thiye (for the sun) to shine bright, to be hot; ~dā n. top layer of grain offered to a deity; ~ dubiye to be possessed by a deity; ~nāṃtisānāṃ n. kind of psychological game for two teams: members of one team taking names of deities, members of the other names of ornaments. Players with covered eyes have to guess the identity of members of the opposite team from pronouncement of the temporary names.; ~nibhāḥ n. (-bhāla-) sun; ~ nyāye to thunder; ~ bhine to be clear, to be cloudless; ~ lita taye to return an image of the god of dance after a performance; ~ litaye id.; ~ luye to dawn; ~ lhāye to play a particular tune at the beginning and at the end of a religious musical performance (dedicated to `nāsaḥdyaḥ') in order to invite the gods; ~ vaye to be possessed by a deity (e.g. in a state of trance during mask dances ); ~ vāye to ward off evil spirits; ~ sāle to bring an image of the god of dance to a musical or theatrical performance; ~ svane to consecrate an image of a deity dyaḥne adv. on top of, above; ~ lāye 1. to be on top, to have the upper hand 2. to drop, to fall on s.th. dyaḥ|-pālā (var. jaḥ~) n.anim. temple priest, guardian of a deity (a function entrusted to certain castes with respect to particular temples or deities; the holder of the office must be initiated, the office changes by (annual) turns; for most deities a high-caste office, for Kumārī temples often a low-caste office); ~pāḥ n. (-pāla-,-pāḥ) turn to perform ceremonies at a temple; ~pyākhaṃ n. (-khana-,-gū) sacred mask dance where the dancers represent different deities; ~pvāḥ n. (-pvāla-,-pvāḥ) hole for a spirit; ~barmhū n. hon. Newar Brahmin; ~bva n. plateful of small items offered to a deity; ~bhu n. share in the annual guthi fest; ~bhāju nḥon. Newar Brahmin; ~mari n. image of a deity made out of rice flour bread; ~makhyuṂvaṃ adv. before sunset; ~māṃ n. hon., n.anim. (-māma-) 1. female hermit 2. self-announced goddess; ~lā n.anim. temple keeper of the Poḍe (sweeper) caste (honorific term); ~lvahaṃ n. (-haṂta-,-gaḥ) stone for threshing grain; ~vayṃ n.anim. madman, man possessed by a god; ~viṂ n.anim. mad woman, woman possessed by a god; ~si n. alms, charity dyā n. (-dyā) 1. section of a house, half house (outer to middle wall) 2. chapter 3. folded sheet in a pile of sheets dyāṃ1 -> dyāhāṃ dyāṃ2 (var. dyāgiṃ) n. (dyānā-) 1. (-dyāṃ) border of a field, terrace wall 2. (-gū) plinth 3. (-gaḥ) drum; ~ kvathaye to reduce the size of a terrace wall; ~kvāḥ n. (-kvāta-,-kvāḥ) terraced field; ~kvāḥcheṂ n. (-khā) terraced house; ~khvaḥghāyṃ -> dyāgiṃkhāymā; ~ chāye to reduce, remove terrace walls; ~nvaḥ n. (-nvala-,-nvaḥ) base of a pillar, base of a pagoda dyāṃ lāye v.i. to fast, to observe a fasting dyāgiṃ (var. dyāṃ) n. (-gina-,-gū) terrace wall; ~khāy+mā (var. dyāṃkhvaḥghāyṃ) n. (-mā) kind of plant growing on terrace walls (used against fever) dyāpaṃ (var. dyāpū) n. (-pana-,-gū) loss, deficit (especially costs for a feast ); ~ cvane to incur a loss dyāye v.t. (dyāta) to lose, to incur a loss: vaṃ cheṂ dyānā mila. He sold his house at a loss. dyāhāṃ (var. dyāṃ) n. (-hāna-,-gaḥ) measuring pot, container made of a kind of treebark called hāpā (cf. kapī~, thvapū~, pilā~) dyāḥtyāḥ n. loss; ~ cvane to have a loss dvaṂ (var. raṂ) n., meas. heap, lump, mass; ~ khāye to be heaped up; ~ cine to heap up; ~ciṃka adv. heaped up, in large quantities: jimisaṃ dvaṂciṃka aṃ nyānā hayā. We bought heaps of mangos.; ~ thyāye to be heaped up; ~ mune to heap up dvaṂpaṃ -> dvapaṃ dvaṂpu n. (-gū) mistake, fault (cf. dvapaṃ) dvaṃ1 -> dvahaṃ dvaṃ2 n.anim. (dvana-) caste name of a subcaste of tailors (jvagi) dvaṃ3 n. (dvana-,-dvaṃ) 1. lace 2. curve of bent bamboo 3. plate of leaves 4. warp thread; ~ kāye 1. to make a curved shape 2. to thread the warp threads through the heddle of a loom, to disentangle the threads on a loom; ~ thakāye to make a curved shape (embossing); ~ lvike to lay out the warp threads (with sticks to keep them form entangling); ~ vaṂye to fasten the warp threads; ~ syāye to flatten (embossing) dvaṃ4 n. (dvana-,-gū) mistake, fault; ~ pikāye to find out a fault dvaṃkathi n. (-pu) heddle stick of a loom dvaṃkāy+gu jhari n. (-gaḥ) plane to make rebates dvaṃkāsā n. kind of game (played by boys) (the game of guarding eggs) dvaṃke v.t. to err, to do wrong, to make a mistake, to upset things (intentionally) (cf. dvane) dvaṃkhyāḥcā n. scarecrow dvaṃgā n. (-pu) 1. double-folded shawl 2. -> duṃgā dvaṃpaḥ n. (-gū) swamp dvaṃphvaṃ (var. dvaṃbaḥ) n. (-phvana-) swelling dvaka n. (-gaḥ) conical basket carried on the back dvakalaṂ -> dvakālaṂ dvakāye v.t. to plan, to scheme dvakālaṂ (var. dvakalaṂ) n. 1. (-gū) crossroads 2. (-gaḥ) evil spirit (represented by stones at a crossroads); ~ vāye to ward off evil spirits at a crossroads dva|-kāhāḥ n.anim. (-hāna-) 1. accused person 2. criminal; ~kāḥ n.anim. (-kāla-) id. dvakhi adj. faithless, treacherous dvane v.i. to make a mistake, to fail, to bungle s.th.: ji jyā dvana. I bungled matters. (cf. dvaṃke) dvapaṃ (var. dvaṂpaṃ) n. (-pana-,-gū) fault, penalty, punishment, fine (cf. dvaṂpu, baṃ); ~ biye to accuse, to charge dvapattā n. (-pā) shawl with gold and silver threads (worn by women during ceremonies) dvapane v.t. {neol.} 1. to accuse: imisaṃ jitaḥ dvapana. They charged me with the fault. 2. to punish dvapā1 n. fee for admission into a guthi dvapā2 n. (-gū) 1. knoll in the field believed to be the site of evil spirits and snakes 2. crossroads; ~ taye to ward off the evil spirits in a knoll dvambaḥ (var. dvammvaḥ) n. (-bala-,-gū) 1. -> dambaḥ 2. bulge 3. grassy knoll, mound; ~ kāye to grow high; ~ luye (of the tide) to rise dvammvaḥ -> dvambaḥ dvarupujā n. kind of tantric pūjā dvalakhi n. (-pu) rope to fasten round the neck of cattle dvalā n. 1. (-pā) palm of the hand 2. (-gaḥ) plate made of leaves 3. -> dvalāji dvalāiṃ n. (-pu) quilt dvalākhaḥmū n. (-muli-,-gaḥ) tightly woven basket suspended from a carrying pole dvalāji (var. dvalā) n.anim. {pej.} man who lives with and on his wife's family dvali -> dū1 dvalchi -> dvaḥchi dvalyā n.anim. litter carrier; ~bhalyā n.anim. id. dvalva n. (-gū) large log dvas n. fault, defect, blemish; dvasi guilty; ~ phaye 1. to have a blemish 2. to be a scapegoat dvasallā n. (-pu) kind of brightly coloured shawl (given as a reward for merits); dvasallāṃ nake to decorate, to honour dvasān n. (-gū) border, frontier dvasva dhāye v.i. (for rice) to be sticky dvahaṃ (var. dvaṃ) n.anim. (-hana-) old bull, old ox; ~kheṂ n. rotten fertilizer, mulch; ~cā n.anim. bullock; ~bhantā n. (-gaḥ) oval-shaped eggplant dvaharay yāye v.t. to repeat dvahalape v.t. 1. to dedicate 2. {hon.} to present a gift dvahalapā n. dedication, present dvaḥ1 n., num. (dvala-,-dvaḥ) thousand: dvalay svalay among thousands dvaḥ2 n. (dvala-,-pī) 1. fertile land, plots on a river bank 2. hillock, knoll dvaḥkheṂ n. (-kheṂca-,-gaḥ) egg with a double yolk (cf. dugaṃ~) dvaḥchi (var. dvalchi) num. one thousand dvaḥjaṃ n.anim. 1. second grade member of a guthi 2. volunteer dvaḥbadvaḥ quant. about a thousand dvaḥbuṂ n. (-pī) fertile field dvaḥray yāye v.t. to repeat dvāiṃ-dvāiṃ onom. sound like breaking pots or broken musical instruments dvāṃ -> duhaṃ dvākā n.anim. dwarf dvācyā-dvācyā; ~ cvane to be swampy; ~ mine to fester dvābaḥ n. (-bala-,-gaḥ) earthen pot for beer distillation (ca. 16 inches high, 14 inches wide) dvāyāṃ-dvāyāṃ cvane v.i. 1. to melt 2. to be soft, to be spongy 3. to fester dvālu adj. 1. tedious, boring 2. overspiced, too greasy; ~ye (-luta) 1. to be boring 2. to taste too spicy or too greasy dvāḥ n. (dvāla-,-gaḥ) kind of pan for baking pulse, cake and bread dvāḥre n.anim. village chief, tax collector (up to the end of the Rāṇā period the dvāḥre also had to decide law cases on the village level, today chiefly religious functions) dviṂ n.anim. carrier of a sedan chair; ~ni n.anim. wife of a carrier dvibhuja n. (-pu) kind of song sung during collecting the leaf-plates at the end of a ritual meal in order to ward off evil spirits (cf. bhūcacā) dvimaru-svimaru khaṂ lhāye v.t. to chatter, to prattle, to talk at leisure DH dha+iṃ n. (-gaḥ) kind of drum dha+iṃsikacā n. (-mā) kind of plant, Gaultheria fragantissima Wall. dha+irya n. patience dha+u n. (dhali-) yoghurt, curds dha+uka adv. belching dha+u|-kātā n. (-gū) triangular stand of bamboo for yoghurt pots (cf. tāṂku); ~kāḥ n. (-kāta-,-gū) id.; ~khaḥmū n. (-muli-,-pā) kind of flat basket on a carrying pole; ~ khvaye (for milk) to curdle; ~khvaḥ n. (-khvala-) skin on the surface of yoghurt; ~khi n. cream on the surface of yoghurt; ~ti n. liquid of yoghurt, whey; ~ tvaṃke ritual offer of curds to elder relatives in a family where the death of a child has occurred dha+uti-dha+uti pāye v.i. 1. to be close at hand 2. to be almost the same dha+u|-pu n. commission for a yoghurt carrier (in kind: two or three pots of a load); ~pulāṃ adj. {sl.} bad, stale, rotten, out of date; ~pusā n. `curd seed', i.e. a small quantity of yoghurt used to ferment milk in curd preparation; ~ phiye to prepare yoghurt; ~baji n. 1. mixture of curds and beaten rice 2. {sl.} immoral person, one who has no principles; ~baji nake to give a ritual meal before childbirth (during the ninth month of pregnancy); ~baji vāle 1. to mix curds and beaten rice 2. {fig.} to be vexed; ~bhegaḥ n. (-gata-,-gaḥ) earthen yoghurt bowl; ~sagaṃ n. (-gana-,-gū) gift, reward for a merit; ~svāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) kind of plant with fragrant yellow blossoms, Hedychium gardneriana dhaṂvā n. (-pu) tusk, eye-tooth dhaṃ n. (dhana-,-pu) crab's pincers dhaṃke v.t. to cause to stand, to set down, to lean against dhaṃcāsvāṃ -> dhavaṃsvāṃ dhaṃdiye v.i. (-dila) {hon.} to sleep dhaṃpa -> dhampa dhaṃyāḥ n. (-yāta-,-gū) second day of `guṃpunhī', festival held on the day after the full moon of the month of guṃlā dhak adj. shy, nervous; ~ kāye to feel shy, nervous dhakaṃ dhayā quotation marker: having said that, after saying, remarking, asking etc. dhakaṃdhaḥ adj. in one's teens; ~lyāy+mha n.anim. teenager (boy); ~lyāse n.anim. teenager (girl) dhakaṃ lāye v.i. 1. to reach adolescence 2. (for an animal) to become fat dhakaṃlāḥ adj. in one's teens dhakā -> dhvakā dhakāḥ1 (irr. form of dhāye) 1. quotation marker: having said that etc. 2. (with dat.) for s.o.'s benefit dhakāḥ2 -> dhakkāḥ dhaki n. (-pā) kind of flat open basket dhakiṃ n. (-kina-,-gū) curtain, screen; ~ kvakāye to keep behind a curtain; ~ taye to conceal, to keep secret: ~ tayā khaṂ lhāye to talk maintaining a secret, to talk evasively dhakkāḥ (var. dhakāḥ) n. (-kāla-,-gū) 1. jerk, dash, knock 2. belch; ~ taye 1. to belch (purposely) 2. {fig.} to feel well off; ~ nake to dash; ~ vaye to belch (unintentionally) dhakku n. boasting; ~ tvaḥte to boast dhagaḥ -> dhavaḥ dhacāpāsi -> dhapapāsi dhacu adj. about to belch, about to vomit; ~ka vaye to be about to belch or to vomit; ~dhacu belching slightly; ~ye (-cula) to be about to belch or to vomit; ~se cvane id. dhatura (var. dhaturu) n. (-gaḥ) poisonous thorn apple, Datura alba dhatteri interj. exclamation of rebuke, protest dhaddu adj. fully grown, tall dhana n. (-gū) property, wealth dhanāsiri n. (-pu) kind of traditional song (dāphā music) dhani adj. rich dhaniyā (var. dhanyu) n. (-mā) coriander dhanu n. (-pu) bow dhane v.i. to lean, to stand, to be set down dhanne interj. `we are blessed' dhanyabād interj. thanks, thank you dhanyu -> dhaniyā dhapapāsi (var. dhacāpāsi, dhapāpāsi, dhasi) n. (-gaḥ) kind of small wild pear (cf. chusyāpāsi) dhapā -> dhalapāḥ dhaperi n. physical strain, exertion dhapvat n. entry in an account dhamardhus adj. fat, strong dhamādham adv. in succession, uninterruptedly dhamāḥ n. (-māla-,-gū) 1. shaft of a chariot 2. curve; ~khalu n. (-pu) anvil dhamiṃ n.anim. (-mina-) careless woman dhampa (var. dhaṃpa) n. (-gaḥ) earthen water pot dhayā -> dhāye dhayāṃ n. (-yāna-) solder dhayṃ n.anim. (dhasa-) 1. bug 2. {fig.} spy; ~ na vaye 1. (of a bed bug) to stink 2. {fig.} to appear suspect of spying dhara; ~ bvāye to dive, to jump into water; ~ lape to hold dhara+uti n. (-gū) bail, bond dharagvārā (var. dharaḥrā) n. (-pu) 1. tower, turret 2. tower of Bhīmsen's folly; ~ gay+ke to flatter, to ingratiate o.s. dharay yāye v.t. to force to pay back dharara 1. onom. call to fighting buffaloes 2. adv. incessantly, without stopping dharaḥrā -> dharagvārā dharādhar adv. continuously, uninterruptedly dharāp n. (-gū) trap, snare (for animals) dharkyā-dharkyā n. (-gū) striped pattern dharnā cvane v.i. to go into hunger-strike, to make a stand for one's principles dharma n. religion, truth, teaching, merit; ~ tvaḥte to be dishonest, treacherous; ~dhātumandaḥ n. (-dala-,-gū) platform depicting a certain maṇḍala; ~putra n.anim. adopted child; ~ yāye 1. to perform religious rites 2. to help, to support; ~ lāye to make or gain merit dharmi adj. pious, religious dhala (var. dhaḥ) n. (dhala-) drain, canal; ~ mhuye to build a drain; ~ sāle to drain a field; ~ sile to drain off water before the harvest dhalaṃ n. (-gū) religious rite of fasting and praying for one day; ~ dane to perform a rite connected with a maṇḍala dhala|-pāḥ (var. dhapāḥ, dhalāḥpāḥ, dhālāpāḥ, dhālpāḥ) n. (-pāta-,-gū) dung lane, cesspool of a courtyard, garbage pit; ~pucā n. cornice detail dhalaḥ n. (-laka-,-gū) inventory, index, table of contents, record dhalāy+palāy adv. brimful dhalāḥpalāḥ juye v.i. to have diarrhoea dhalāḥpāḥ -> dhalapāḥ dhaliṃ (var. daliṃ) n. (-lina-,-gaḥ) 1. beam 2. earthen pot; ~kā n. (-gaḥ) beam with pegs; ~khāpā n. (-pā) trap door; ~khvāḥ n. (-khvāla-,-gaḥ) carved beam end; ~pākhā n. 1. lower eaves 2. horizontal eaves joints; ~pujā n. (-gū) ritual to appease the eight Mother Goddesses (obsolete); ~phāṃgā juye to be bare, nude; ~mvaḥ n. (-mvala-,-mvaḥ) carved beam end; ~ luye to perform a ritual bath (rite during the Matsyendranāth festival) dhalimali yāye v.t. to be master of the house dhalvat n. 1. alloy of copper and zinc (for pots and statues) 2. {fig.} robust man dhavaṃchā n. (-gū) kind of ritual dhavaṃsvāṃ (var. dhaṃcāsvāṃ) n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) kind of herb with small fragrant blossoms, camomile; ~theṃ adv. {fig.} (to bring up) with extreme care dhavaḥ (var. dhagaḥ) n. (-vata-,-gaḥ) ladle dhasay yāye v.t. to bite (of snakes) dhasi -> dhapapāsi dhasvāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) kind of flower (used to ward off evil spirits) dhasvāye v.i. (-svāta) 1. to stand, to be erect, to be upright 2. to survive dhasvāḥ adj. vertical, upright dhaḥ -> dhala dhaḥ pāye v.i. to stand with legs apart, to part one's legs dhaḥmū n.anim. candidate for an initiation dhā drum syllable symbolizing a stroke of the right hand dhāimāṃ n. hon. (-māma-) nurse, wet-nurse dhāṂk n. show of pride, boasting dhāṂcā n. type, outline, design; ~ kāye to be given or inclined to flirting; ~ yāye to adorn; ~ vane to have a good design, to be shapely dhāṃ drum syllable symbolizing a stroke of both hands dhāṃjyaḥ -> dhājyaḥ dhāṃpāṃ-dhāṃpāṃ yāye (var. dhvāṃpāṃ, dhāṃpuṃ) v.t. to dive into water dhākaḥ n. (-kala-,-gaḥ) large basket to carry chicken to market dhākā n. kind of cloth (originally from Dacca) formerly for shawls, nowadays for caps dhākāṃchu 1. n. seesaw 2. n. {ch.lg.} rice husking machine 3. n.anim. {fig.} lame person; ~ mhite to play seesaw; ~ yāye 1. to husk rice 2. {fig.} to limp dhākuphay n. (-phasa-,-gū) storm, hurricane dhākva adv. sufficient (lit. as much as is asked); ~ sikva māle to be obstinate dhākhaṂ n. {neol.} rumour, gossip, hearsay dhācā n. 1. make-up 2. manner, behaviour dhājyaḥ (var. dhāṃjyaḥ) n.anim. (-jela-) 1. s.o. who does not speak clearly 2. stupid person, idiot dhātu n. 1. metal, mineral 2. semen virile 3. gonorrhoea dhātheṃ adv. really, truly, appearing as real as; ~khaḥ adj. true; ~yāgu adj. real (of a thing); ~yāmha adj. strange (of a person); ~lā adv. in fact dhā-dvane -> dhāye dhāni meas. unit of weight: 12 pau (ca. 2.4 kg) dhāp1 n. slap on the back dhāp2 n. swamp, marsh dhāpalāṃkhyāḥ (var. dhābalaṃ~) n.anim. (-khyāka-) kind of hairy hobgoblin dhāpalāḥ (var. dhāpā) n. (-lāka-,-lāḥ) leap, long stride; ~ chiye to stride out dhāpā 1.-> dhāpalāḥ 2. n. blurred reflection of a torchlight 3. adj. indistinct, blurred dhāpāṃ adv. 1. clumsy 2. loosely 3. completely dhāpākaḥ n.anim. (-kala-) s.o. who cannot express himself dhāpu (var. dhāsū) n. (-gū) {neol.} 1. manner of speaking 2. statement 3. meaning 4. precept; ~kathaṃ adv. according; ~laṂpu n. saying, way of talking; ~lhāpu n. rumor, hearsay dhābalaṃkhyāḥ -> dhāpalāṃkhyāḥ dhām n. (-gū) shrine, place of worship dhāmandaḥ n. (-gū) (-dala-,-gū) maṇḍala in front of a shrine dhāmi n.anim. sorcerer, healer, witch-doctor (cf. jhāṂkri) dhāy expression used in enumeration, referring to an example: bvā dhāy, kijā dhāy ale taḥbāḥ dhāy.. there was, for instance, (my) father, (my) younger brother and then (my) uncle.. dhāye (p.c. dhayā; dhāla) 1. v.t. to say, to describe, to refer to, to suggest; dhā dvane, sene to make a slip of the tongue, to say s.th. wrong 2. v.i. to be, to apply (of a state or quality), e.g. pāuṃ dhāye, to be sour dhāy+ta conj. if: jāki magāta dhāyta sakatāṃ thikay jvī. If there is not enough rice everything will be expensive. dhāy+ri adv. immediately, soon; ~may adv. in a few minutes dhār n. 1. blade of a weapon 2. waterfall dhāray; ~ juye to be soaked; ~ yāye to eat greedily dhāla -> dhālay dhālakhaṂ n. {neol.} rumour, hearsay dhālapati n. (-gaḥ) pomegranate; ~svāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) pomegranate blossom dhālay (var. dhālasi, dhālā, dhāli) n. (-lasa-,-gaḥ) pomegranate dhālay yāye v.t. to cast metal images or vessels dhālasi -> dhālay dhālā n. 1. stream (usually of millet beer) offered in a ritual 2. -> dhālay; ~cā n. (-gaḥ) small beer pot for ritual purposes; ~thvaṂ n. beer offered in a ritual dhālāpāḥ -> dhalapāḥ dhāli (var. dhale) -> dhālay dhālcā (var. dhālcva) -> dhālācā dhālpāḥ -> dhalapāḥ dhālpāḥcā n.anim. kind of bird, similar to a sparrow, with black stripes on the neck dhāvay yāye (var. dhāvā ~) v.t. 1. to strive (slowly and patiently), to work hard 2. to run after s.th. or s.o. for gain dhāvā n. 1. speed, hurry 2. war, strife; ~ yāye -> dhāvay yāye dhāsā n. saying, remark, statement, assertion dhāsū -> dhāpu dhā sene -> dhāye dhāḥ1 n. (dhāla-,-dhāḥ) 1. edge, blade (of a tool or weapon or brick) 2. current of water 3. kind of drum (played during guṃlā) 4. act of a drama 5. clf. for taps, spouts, currents of water; ~ tāye to sharpen a tool; ~ piye to trim the blade of a tool; ~ syāye to make an edge blunt dhāḥ2 (var. rhāḥ) b.f. once, (with num.) -times, e.g.: cha-dhāḥ once, ni-dhāḥ twice dhāḥkathi n. (-pu) drumstick dhāḥ-dhāḥ adv. often, frequently dhāḥsā conj. if: apvaḥ aylāḥ tvanā dhāḥsā lagay jvī. If you drink too much liquor, you'll be drunk. dhi drum syllable symbolizing a stroke of the right hand dhiṃ (var. dheṃ) 1. drum syllable symbolizing a sound of both hands 2. pulling of hair 3. sound of hitting dhiṃkāḥ n. cash payment dhiṃke v.t. 1. to support (in repairing a house) 2. to bar a door 3. to seduce 4. to steal dhiṃgāḥ (var. dhiṃgi, dheṃgāḥ) adj. obstinate; ~pha+i n.anim. obstinate person, blockhead (term of abuse) dhiṃdhiṃ|-kāsā n. game of pushing; ~ ballā yāye (of children) to bump buttocks against each other (in playing rice husking) dhiṃdva n. kind of maize porridge dhika n. bank of a river dhikay (var. dhekay) n. (-kaca-,-ku) rag dhikaye v.i. (-kala) to be higher or lower dhikay|-ka+i n. (-kaica-,-gaḥ) kind of pimple; ~gvārā n. (-gvārā) ball of rags; ~macā n.anim. woman's child from a previous marriage; ~mulu n. (-pu) kind of thick needle dhikaḥ n. (-kala-) height, size (of persons) dhikā (var. dhī) n., meas. 1. lump 2. flake dhikiṃ (var. dhikinaṃ) adv. (to walk) slowly, leisurely dhikine v.i. to walk slowly, leisurely dhikkāra interj. exclamation of contempt dhigiṃ-dhāgiṃ palāḥ taye v.t. to walk stamping one's feet dhigi-dhigi yāye v.t. to knock at the door dhijakathi n. (-pu) stick used for weaving dhidhi yāye v.t. to knock softly at the door dhinācva -> dhilācva dhini; ~dhini yāye to pull the hair; ~mini yāye id. dhine v.t. 1. to push 2. to shut a door 3. to promote 4. to sell by using pressure dhipā adj. indistinct, blurred; ~sipā n. interwoven coloured designs, designs on a cloth which are close together; ~sipāka adv. 1. very close together 2. indistinct dhipi n. obstinacy; ~ yāye to insist on one's opinion dhipdhip onom. glimmering dhimay n. (-gaḥ) 1. kind of large two-headed drum 2. ironical term of address for a jyāpu; ~kaḥche n. kind of pea; ~lvahaṂ n. name of a particular stone near Svayambhūnāth; ~simi n. kind of bean dhimāsiṂ n. (-gaḥ) kind of wood (used for mortars) dhimri n. (-gaḥ) nut (of bolt and nut); ~kasay yāye 1. to tighten a bolt 2. {fig.} to force; ~ taye id. dhirmey n.anim. wild buffalo dhilā adj. slow, sluggish dhilācva (var. dhinācva) n. one of the `four peaks' situated in the south of the valley, Campā Devī (cf. jāmāḥcva, phūcva, sipūcva) dhisaḥ n. (-sala-) river-bed dhisā n. obstinacy dhisi-dhisi (var. dhisimisi); ~ cvane, dhāye, lāye to be weighty, strong, robust, healthy, thick dhī n. (dhika-,-dhī) 1. lump, heap 2. flake 3. frame of a panel 4. block of wood dhī|-khā n. (-pā) shutter; ~khāpā n. (-pā) id. dhīghāyṃ n. (-ghāṂsa-,-mā) moss, lichen dhī-dhī adv. in lumps dhui- -> dhvi- dhuṂ n.anim. tiger; ~ hāle to roar dhuṂkāsā n. kind of game with a special board (one party, representing tigers, has four pieces, the other, representing goats, has twenty; the aim of tigers is to kill goats, the aim of goats is to block tigers' way) dhuṂkuṂ n. haze, mist dhuṂ|-cā n. guardian figure of a tiger; ~cvaḥ n. (-cvala-,-gū) tiger trap dhuṂtiṂ -> dhutiṃ dhuṂsaṂ -> dhusaṂ dhuṃ1 n. (dhuna-,-pu) incense stick dhuṃ2 adj. finished dhuṃke v.t. to finish, to bring to an end: vaṃ jā naye dhuṃkala. He finished his meal.; ~pujā n. (-gū) ritual at the end of a theatrical or musical instruction dhuṃgri n. (-phvaḥ) ear or nose ornament dhuṃcā n.anim. gatekeeper at the house of an image of a deity dhuṃtiyādyaḥ n.anim. (-deva-) insignificant person, puppet dhuṃtīcā n. (-gaḥ) pad for incense sticks dhuṃpāyṃ -> dhupāyṃ dhuṃpāru n. end of the lent of the month of guṃlā dhuṃsalā (var. dhuṃsiṂ, dhūsiṂ) n. (-mā) sal tree, sal timber, Shorea robusta; ~lapte n. (-pā) sal leaf (used to ward off evil spirits) dhukucuku (var. dhukcuk) n. (-māna-) suspense, doubt; ~ juye to hesitate, to be in doubt dhukujhaṃgaḥ n.anim. (-gala-) kind of bird dhuku-dhuku n. palpitation, throbbing, excitement; ~ mine to palpitate; ~ sane (for the heart) to throb dhukumāḥ n. suspension, doubt dhuku yāye v.t. {ch.lg.} to sleep dhukū (var. dukū) n. (-kuti-,-gū) store-room, treasure; ~chuṂ n.anim. dishonest store keeper; ~pikū n. treasure house; ~pivāḥ n.anim. (-vāla-) treasurer; ~macā n.anim. s.o. trusted to enter the store-room dhukka mine v.i. to feel one's heart throbbing, to be excited dhukcuk -> dhukucuku dhugu -> dhū2 dhujyā (var. dhunyā) n. (-pu,-gū) long bamboo pole decorated with a yak's tail (used in jātrās); ~mujyā n. (-pu) id.; ~ hīke to swing the ~ rhythmically dhutake v.i. to swell dhutiṂ (var. dhuṂtiṃ) n. (-mā) kind of thin, hard reed, kind of small bamboo, Arundinaria intermedia dhuni n. fire over which a yogi heats himself dhunū n. (-nuli-) 1. discharge from the ear, ear-wax 2. haze, mist dhune v.aux. (dhuna, no conj. form) to be completed, finished, to come to an end: jiṃ jā naye dhuna. I have finished eating. dhunevaṃ adv. immediately after dhunyā -> dhujyā dhupāyṃ (var. dhuṃpāyṃ) n. (-pāṂca-,-pu) incense stick (made of Nepalese paper); ~ cyāke, thane to light an incense stick dhuphvaḥ dane v.i. (for dust) to whirl, to be swept up in the wind dhubyā -> dhvabi dhumāṃgāri n. kind of song (sung at the end of a ritual meal) dhum-dhām n. bustle, tumult, fuss dhurandhar adj. excellent, supreme dhuri n. 1. rafters, roof truss 2. ridge tile; ~pujā n. celebration of the completion of a house dhuru-dhuru khvaye v.i. to weep bitterly dhulu-pulu onom. frequently, too often; ~khaṃ adv. often, frequently; ~ khane jhāye to come frequently to see dhuvā n. (-gū) 1. refrain of a song 2. meaningless syllable unconsciously uttered while speaking hesitatingly (cf. thekā) 3. cliché dhusaṂ (var. dhuṂsaṂ) n. (-pvāyṃ) mane, long hair (of animals) dhusaḥ1 n. (-sala-) first day of a jubilee ceremony dhusaḥ2 n.anim. (-sala-) caste of metal workers (collecting gold dust from goldsmiths) dhusaḥ3 n. upper part of the back dhusi n.anim. hunchback; ~ luye 1. to be bent down, to stoop 2. to be hunchbacked dhusū n. (-suli-,-gū) skewer or spit for roasting meat dhusvāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) kind of flower, Artemisia vulgaris dhussa adj. swollen, inflated; ~ cvane to feel uneasy from overeating dhū1 n. 1. length 2. duration of a musical sound; ~ day+ke to dig horizontally (for clay); ~ phene to stretch one's limbs dhū2 (var. dhugu) n. (dhula-) 1. dust, powder 2. sweepings, filth; ~ juye 1. to become dust 2. {fig.} to be spoiled, ruined; ~ dane 1. to be reduced to dust 2. (for dust) to accumulate; ~ thane to ruin, to destroy dhūchiṃ (var. dūchiṃ) adv. up to the end of a line, for the whole length dhūdhā n. filth, litter dhūn n. (-gū) 1. tune, melody 2. mood, disposition dhūp n. (-pu) incense dhūsiṂ -> dhuṃsalā dhe (var. rhe) n., meas. 1. pod of peas, beans 2. ear of corn dheṃ -> dhiṃ dheṃka (var. dheṃgrika) adv. 1. with a dull sound 2. vehemently dheṃgāḥ -> dhiṃgāḥ dheṃgrika -> dheṃka dhekay -> dhikay dhekā n. (-gū) 1. bet 2. deposit 3. competition, rivalry; ~siki n. 1. imitation 2. jealousy 3. competition dhecuka adv. slanting dhecuye (var. dhedhecuye, dhecule) v.i. (-cula) 1. to stagger, to totter 2. to be slanting, to lean sideways dhecū adj. 1. staggering 2. slanting, bent sideways; ~ghāyṃ n.anim. {sl.} s.o. completely drunk dhetāye v.i. (-tāla) to be obstinate dhetāḥ adj. obstinate; ~pha+i n.anim. (-phaisa-) term of abuse: stubborn sheep dhedhecuye -> dhecuye dhene v.t. to cut off, to chop off, to amputate dhep meas. set of ten sheets of Nepalese paper dhepa (var. dhepva) n.anim. stout, fat woman dhepāsipā adj. very close together, very narrow dhepva -> dhepa dhebā n. 1. money 2. (-gaḥ) coin; ~ geye to change money; ~ jyāye to make money; ~ nake to bribe; ~ hile to change money (into smaller units) dhera (var. dherva) n. (-kū,-gvārā) 1. food prepared from maize flour (food of the hill people) 2. term of abuse for a man from the hills dhya- -> dhe- dhyāṃgri n.anim. stout woman, woman with broad hips dhyākuṃ (var. dhyākulāṃ, dhyākva) n. (-kuna-,-kuṃ) interior corner dhyākuṃcāy; ~ cvane to be confined, to recover from childbirth; ~ nyāke to speak sarcastically, to mock; ~ liye 1. to brush aside, to ignore 2. to be neutral dhyākulāṃ -> dhyākuṃ dhyāke v.t. to talk ironically dhyākka adv. with a dull sound dhyākva -> dhyākuṃ dhyāg n. (-gaḥ) large coin (worth two pice); ~palāḥ n. (-lākha-) double pace dhyācaḥ (var. dhyācyā) (-cala-) 1. n. mud 2. adj. muddy; ~ dane {fig.} to be overjoyed, to be flattered dhyācū n. (-culi-,-gū) satire, taunt, sarcastic remark; ~ nake to taunt dhyācyā -> dhyācaḥ dhyān n. 1. meditation 2. attention; ~ taye to be attentive; ~ tvaḥ phiye to be distracted, to be inattentive; ~ sāle to draw attention to; ~ hīke to divert the attention dhyāpā n. (-gū) internal corner of walls dhyāpāsipā adj. blurred dhyāp-dhyāp adv. 1. pressed 2. flickering dhyārāka adv. with a dull sound dhvaṃ1 n. (dhvana-,-pu,-gū) 1. drainpipe, drain dhvaṃ2 n. starch; ~ cāye, chvaye 1. to wash starch from a new cloth 2. to get angry; ~ pha svaye (of a housewife) to get enraged; ~ lāke to starch dhvaṃ3 n.anim. (dhvaṂla-) jackal, fox dhvaṃ4 adj. bigger, elder dhvaṃ-appā n. (-pā) under-tile dhvaṃka adv. sound of farting dhvaṃgaḥ n. (-gala-,-gaḥ) mallet, wooden hammer dhvaṃcā n. roof tile rebate dhvaṃcvalay n.anim. 1. kind of sheep with a flat muzzle (typical character in Newar folk tales) 2. jackals and sheep dhvaṃpvāḥ n. (-pvāla-,-pvāḥ) opening of a drainage dhvaṃbaji n. sound of beating rice; ~ yāye to beat rice dhvaṃbvā n. hon. 1. father's elder brother 2. elderly man dhvaṃmā n. hon. 1. father's elder brother's wife 2. elderly woman 3. mocking term for an old man who can be used as a match-maker dhvakā (var. dhakhā ) n. 1. deception, fraud 2. bad experience; ~ naye to be deceived; ~ biye to deceive dhvagiye v.i. (-gita) to rot, to decay dhvagī adj. rotten, decayed, bad, ugly; ~khvāḥ n.anim. (-khvāla-) ugly person dhvatuye v.t. (-tula) to ladle dhvaduye v.i. (-dula) to run into, to come across, to encounter, to confront, to come face to face dhvadhva; ~ dhāye (of a wound) to fester; ~ puye to talk interminably dhvapa n. (-gū) swamp (cf. jhatilā, jhvākaḥ, nhagāḥ, nhasi) dhvabi (var. dhubyā, dhvabyā) n.anim. caste of washermen dhvaye1 v.t. (dhvata) to strike against dhvaye2 v.t. (dhvala) 1. to sacrifice 2. to compete, to match, to equal 3. to excel dhvayemaphu adj. excellent, beyond comparison dhvalak (var. dhvaḥl) n. (-gaḥ) 1. kind of two-headed drum 2. kind of musical instrument similar to castanets dhvalakhikaḥjhaṃgaḥ n.anim. (-gala-) osprey dhvaḥ n. (dhvala-,-dhvaḥ) line; ~ kiye to scratch a line; ~ khane 1. to pour out liquid or food into a storage pot 2. to cheat 3. to spoil; ~ khele to tick off dhvaḥ|-du adj. striped; ~dhvaḥ adj. id.; ~dhvaḥdu adj. id. dhvaḥpu adj. 1. extremely talkative 2. stupid dhvaḥl -> dhvalak dhvā adv. clearly; ~ kāye to be conscious; ~ thuye, mine to understand clearly; ~ vane to become aware dhvāiṃ n. sound of an explosion; ~ yāye to shoot, to fire guns dhvāṂs n.anim. liar, boaster; ~ tvaḥte to exaggerate dhvāṃ n.anim. (agt. ~naṃ) fool, idiot dhvāṃga 1. n. sound of gun firing 2. n. din 3. n. loudspeaker 4. n.anim. stupid person; ~ thāye to incite fighters; ~ puye to cry out dhvāṃpāṃ1 n.anim. (agt. ~naṃ) fool dhvāṃpāṃ2 -> dhāṃpāṃ dhvāṃpuṃ -> dhvāṃpāṃ1 dhvāka adv. with a thud; ~ dhvāka mine 1. to have a feeling of burning 2. (of heart) to beat, to throb; ~ sane id. 2. dhvākā (var. dhakā, dhvākhā) n. (-gū) door, gate dhvācuye v.i. (-cula) to fall face down dhvāja -> dhvāyṃ dhvātā n.anim. fool, idiot; ~sū n. (-suli-) {neol.} idiocy dhvādaye v.i. (-dala) to be foolish dhvādaḥ (var. dhvādhaḥ) n.anim. (-dala-) fool; ~pākaḥ n.anim. (-kala-) simpleton dhvāye v.t. (dhvāta) 1. to mark, to print, to stamp 2. to push, to kick dhvāyṃ (var. dhvāja) n. (dhvāṂca-,-pu) flag, banner; ~ juye (of a law suit) to be dismissed; ~ dhvāyṃ onom. (to prattle) continuously; ~nāy n.anim. very tall person; ~ bvay+ke to flutter dhvālā-dhvālā onom. sound of pouring liquids dhvāsaḥ adv. all of a sudden, abruptly dhviṂtyāḥ n.anim. kind of white-spotted bird similar to a robin N na1 n. sky, heavens, clouds; ~ nyāye to thunder; ~ sane to dawn na2 n. smell, odour, fragrance; ~ tune to smell, to sniff; ~ daye, vaye to emit a (bad) smell, to stink; ~ svāye to have a good smell, to be fragrant na3 (var. naṂ) n. iron na4 -> nva na5 part. 1. na ... na denoting doubt, uncertainty: va na vayi na mavayi. Who knows whether he will come or not. 2. nearly, almost na+i n.pr. name of the butcher caste na+iṃ n.anim. woman of the Nai caste na+iṃkyāḥ n. (-kyāla-,-gaḥ) coconut; ~pā n. kind of sweetmeat of molasses and coconut slices; ~hukhā n. (-gaḥ) kind of hubble-bubble with a coconut shell na+iṃkhvāḥ n.anim. (-khvāla-) ugly, dark-faced person na+itik adj. moral, dutiful na+irite n. South-west direction na+ivedya n. ritual food offered to a deity na+u1 n. (nali-) ashes na+u2 n. (-gaḥ) kind of rope (of only one strand) na+u3 n.anim. caste name of barbers na+u4 n. (-gū) star na+u5 -> nava2 na+uka n. (-phvaḥ) kind of flower (associated with the goddess Kumārī) na+ukhipaḥ n. (-pata-,-pu) kind of rope (of only one strand) na+unī n.anim. female of the barber caste, female hairdresser na+uba+ide n.anim. traditional surgeon na+ubājaṃ -> nāybājaṃ na+u|-sāgar n. sal-ammoniac; ~sāḥ n. (-sāla-) fertilizer naṃ adv. 1. also, besides, as well as 2. as, no sooner than 3. (with neg.) not at all: masyū naṃ. (I) don't know at all. naṃgā adj. bare, naked; ~bhuṂgā adj. penniless naṃbari -> nambari naṃ svaye v.t. to taste beforehand nakaṃ puye v.i. 1. to have stomach pain 2. to be exhausted from work nakacarā n.anim. shameless, bold person, disgraceful person (also term of abuse) (fem. ~carī) nakatini adv. recently, just now, right now: va nakatini kvathāṃ pihāṃ vala. He has just come out of (his) room. nakathaṃ adv. again: nakathaṃ vayā sva. Try to come again. nakay+gū n. (-guli-,-gaḥ) 1. pea which remains hard in spite of being soaked 2. n.anim. {sl.} stubborn person nakarā -> nakacarā nakal n. (-gū) 1. comic part of a drama 2. imitation, copy, fake, coquettishness; ~ kāye 1. to get a copy 2. to give o.s. airs 3. to flirt; ~ kene to flirt; ~ yāye 1. to flirt 2. to put on make-up, to overdo one's appearance, to be too fashionable nakali 1. n. (-gū) imitation, copy, fake 2. adj. artificial, false, faked (cf. sakali) 3. adj. flirting, charming; ~cā n.anim. coquettish girl nakas n. (-gū) 1. kind of playing card (of round shape) 2. kind of card game played by four people na|-kaḥti n. (-pu) hack saw; ~kaḥmi n.anim. blacksmith nakāb (var. nakāp) n. (-gū) mask, veil, hood (cf. khvāḥpāḥ) nakiṃ1 n. (-kina-,-pu) iron nail nakiṃ2 n. hon. (-kina-) 1. wife of a guthi headman 2. housewife, oldest married woman of a household 3. {hon.} wife 4. heroine, main female character in fiction; ~ khāke ceremonial gathering of the wives of the guthi headmen ~bhū n. (-bhuli-,-gū) feast where the wives of the guthi headmen are chief guests nakiṃlīmugaḥ n. (-gala-,-gaḥ) kind of hammer for removing nails nakuli (var. nakū) -> nvakū nake1 v.t. 1. to feed 2. to apply, to give, to put in: vaṃ chucunay ghyaḥ nakala. She put ghee into the flour. (also fig.: e.g.: dhyācū nake to feed with sarcastic remarks, to taunt) 3. to strike, beat; ~ bene to wean; ~ bvane to invite to take food (ritual held for women after completion of the first year of widowhood) nake2 n. feeding; nakeṃ thyāye (var. nakeṃ manakeṃ yāye, nakeṃ syāye) to withhold food, to feed miserly; ~citā n.anim. s.o. who serves food at a festival nakva adj. new nakvātu -> nvakvātu nakvāḥdisi n. (-gū) festival held at the winter solstice naksā n. (-pā,-gū) map, plan, design nakhaḥ n. (-khata-,-gū) festival celebrated separately by each family (for which the married sisters and daughters are invited); ~cakhaḥ n. (-khata-,-gū) festival (general term); ~tyā n. feast at a nakhaḥ; ~ dane to celebrate a festival; ~ nyāye (of a festival) to be celebrated; ~ hane to celebrate a festival nakhi1 n. dross, rust nakhi2 n. (-pā) ring worn on the forefinger in playing a string instrument nakhirāṃ n.anim. (-rāna-) glutton nakheṂ n. (-kheṂca-,-gaḥ) small egg without a yolk nakhvaṃ n.anim. (-khvana-) glutton, s.o. only interested in eating nagat n. cash nagar n. (-gū) town nagarā (var. nagrā) n. (-gaḥ) kettle drum; ~ nyāy+ke to beat the kettle drum; ~bājaṃ n. (-jana-) 1. set of drums 2. music band nagu n. (-gaḥ) star, planet nagune adv. year before last, two years ago nagumān n. (-gū) calendar naguli n. (-guli) small iron globe nagulu n.anim. glutton nagrā -> nagarā nacā -> naḥcā2 nacāḥ n. (-cāla-,-cāḥ) iron ring nacu1 n. (-pu) iron handle nacu2 adj. fine, finely powdered; ~chyākaḥ adj. slightly pock-marked; ~picu adj. very fine; ~pyānu adj. idle, very lazy; ~mājā n. glass paste (applied to a kite string); ~ye (-cula) to be pulverized; ~lyāse n.anim. teenage girl; ~se cvane to be pulverized naccā -> naḥcā2 nachā -> naḥchā nachetra n. (-gū) star constellation, lunar mansion nachyaṃ n.anim. (-chena-) s.o. with a hard head, with a strong head najyā n. eating; ~ yāye to feast najvalaṃ n. (-lana-) different dishes, courses at a feast natasuta (var. natusatu) n. 1. small talk 2. greeting; ~ daye to be on good terms natāḥkaye v.t. 1. to speak out, to speak frankly 2. to take care nati n. (-pu) 1. poker 2. iron rod with a loop (for testing the quality of soil) natikutī -> nitikuti natisā n. iron fetters natu -> nvatu na tune -> na2 na tuye -> nva tuye natuvā n.anim. dancer, actor natusatu -> natasuta natū n. (-tuli-,-pu) 1. knitting needle 2. spindle 3. awl (cf. tuliṃcā) nateri -> ateri natyāphi n. (-gaḥ) hard stone, also used as an anvil natra adv. otherwise natvākaḥ n. (-kala-,-gaḥ) anvil nathi n. (-gū) nose ring; ~ taye 1. to wear a nose ring 2. {fig.} to force; ~lagay yāye id. nadāṃ -> navadān nadāḥ n. (-dāla-,-gū) tip, bribe nadhaliṃ n. (-lina-,-gaḥ) steel beam nadhāḥkī n.anim. (-kila-) a bad-smelling insect nadhyāga n.anim. miser, close-fisted person nana (var. nānā) n. {ch.lg.} 1. (-pā) clothes 2. alphabet, learning nana muye -> namuye nanānaṃ adv. soon, promptly nanāḥ n. (-nāla-,-nāḥ) horn of an anvil nani n. courtyard (cf. cuka, lāchi); ~kataḥ n.anim. (-taka-) neighbour; ~gvaṃgaḥ n.anim. (-gala-) man who seduces a girl of the neighbourhood nane v.t. 1. to taste 2. to have experience; nanā svaye to try out, to taste beforehand; naye nane to have experience in (matters of) eating, i.e. to know about the dishes suitable to an occasion nanyāye -> na1 nanhyaḥ n. (-nhela-) nap after a meal napākha (var. napāḥ) n. cooking, preparation of food napi n. piece of pumpkin (for a guthi feast) (cf. khaypi) napiye v.t. to ward off evil spirits (before a meal, by rubbing one's face with a few crumbs) napu n. {neol.} manner of eating nabaji n. (-gū) difficult task; ~ nheye to tackle a difficult problem nabasaṃ n. (-sana-) diet (motivated by religious reasons) nabu (var. nabbu) n. (-pā) kind of Tibetan multicoloured woollen cloth nabhājaṃ n. (-jana-,-gaḥ) iron cooking pan nabhāy n. (-bhāsa-) {neol.} 1. manner of eating, table manners 2. {fig.} flattery, false praise; ~ lhāye 1. to put on weight 2. to flatter; ~ siye to crave for, to be greedy namalape v.t. to worship namavāse adv. silently, without speaking namaskār n. (a greeting) namaste n. (a greeting) namāmi n. (-pu) kind of song (cacā music), sung at the end of a feast to ward off evil spirits (cf. bhūcacā) namāy n. (-māsa-,-gaḥ) 1. pulse or bean which remains hard in spite of soaking 2. n.anim. obstinate person, rude person nami n. red sky at sunset (lit. sky fire): namiṃ gvāye to glow red (of the sky); to blossom (of certain flowers); namiṃ naye (for the sky) to glow red namuye (var. nana ~) v.i. to burst, to crack up namcam adj. scarce, insufficient nambar n. number nambari (var. naṃbari) adj. 1. (of gold) bearing a hallmark, of high quality, pure 2. {sl.} (of persons) notorious, infamous; ~khuṂ n.anim. notorious thief namra adj. polite, humble nayanī yāye v.t. to eat, to take a meal (in between other activities) naye (nala) 1. v.t. to eat (also fig.: ghus naye to accept a bribe); nayeṃ cāye to feel nausea, to be sick; nayeṃcāḥ n. nausea (also during pregnancy); nayeṃ syāye to keep food short, to withhold food 2. v.t. to use up, to take (also: a piece in a game), to require (space) 3. v.i. to be sharp; ~kharā n.anim. glutton; ~jyū adj. edible; ~tvane n. diet; ~dyaḥcā n.anim. 1. glutton 2. s.o. greedy for profit; ~phvaṃgaḥ n.anim. (-gala-) glutton; ~māṃsiṃ n.anim. (-sina-) id.; ~vā n. (-pu) molar; ~siṃ(-gulu) (var. nasiṃ) n.anim. (-sina-) glutton; ~ sva tāye 1. to eat more than others 2. to have a good appetite nay+dyaḥcāḥ -> nayedyaḥcā nay nane -> nane nay+pāḥ n. (-pāla-,-pāḥ) turn in a game of marbles nara n.anim. man; ~pisāc n.anim. goblin, devil; ~bhaṃga n.anim. man of evil conduct (term of abuse); ~siṃga n. 1. NarasiṂha: mythological figure, half man, half lion, an incarnation of Viṣṇu 2. flash of lightning nari -> nali narthaka (var. narthvakka) adv. threatening, vehement nalabhu n.anim. ungrateful person (lit. eaten plate) nalā n. (-pu,-mā) 1. barley and maize seeds brought to germination (during Dasain) 2. green fodder for animals nalāṃ thiye v.i. (of the moon) to shine brightly nalāsvanecaḥrhay n. (-rhasa-) day of ceremonial covering of the seeds (on the first day of Dasain) nali (var. nari) n. 1. (-pu) pipe, tube of a hookah, pipe to blow the fire 2. shin 3. blood vessel 4. (-nali) long strip of meat or of cloth; ~kvayṃ n. (-kvaṂca-) shin, shin-bone; ~ghāsā n. kind of sauce, relish; ~cā n. kind of vegetable (served together with radish and ginger); ~jhali n. long strips of cloth; ~nali juye 1. to be cut in to long strips (meat) 2. to be tattered, ragged (cloth) nalū n. (-lukha-) flesh, fleshy parts of an animal's body nalcā n. kind of glass bead (used in children's games) nalla vane v.i. (of firewood) to burn down swiftly nava1 n.anim. kind of insect eating cloth, moth; navaṃnaḥ adj. moth-eaten nava2 (var. nau) b.f. nine; ~graha n. the nine planets; ~jalaṃ n. set of nine musical instruments; ~dān (var. nadāṃ) n. festival of the `nine alms' (sponsored as a special act of merit by an individual patron, rare nowadays); ~durgā n. festival of the `nine durgās', held chiefly at Bhp. navaḥ1 (var. navaḥcā) n.anim. (-vala-) mongoose navaḥ2 (var. nhavaṃ) adj. smelling bad, stinking; ~ghāyṃ n. (-ghāṂsa-,-mā) kind of medicinal herb (used against wounds and for preparing a kind of relish), mint; ~chuṂ n.anim. shrew; ~dugu n.anim. a kind of goat; ~svāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) kind of flower navāye v.t. to speak out, to deliver an address navāḥ n. (-vāla-,-kū) sugar candy navāḥkipā n. (-gū) cinema nasa1 n. snuff, sneezing powder nasa2 n. (-gaḥ) wall plate nasaṃkāḥ adv. early in the morning nasaṃcā n. dawn; ~ye (-cāla) to dawn nasaṃ phāye v.i. 1. to be half-baked 2. (for a boil) to be about to open nasaṃphāḥka+i n. (-kaica-,-gaḥ) boil, pustule, pock not yet open nasalā (var. nusilā) n. 1. sipping 2. rinsing 3. holy water to wash hands or to sprinkle one's mouth; ~ kāye to rinse one's mouth nasā1 n. food; ~ khāye to be able to eat more than others; ~ pheye to lose one's appetite; ~ māle 1. (of animals) to search food 2. {fig.} to work for a living (hom. nasā2 ) nasā2 n. (-pu) 1. nerve, vein 2. lines on leaves, grain of wood; ~ māle to try to kill (hom. nasā1) nasā|-thala n. (-gaḥ) pot for food of a cage bird; ~bhusā n. {coll.} food, food-stuff nasi1 n. (-gū) occupation, profession nasi2 num. two nasiṂ n. (-mā) Tinis tree, its wood nasiṃ -> nayesiṃ nasuvāḥ n.anim. (-vāla-) fastidious person, food crank nasū n. (-suli-) {neol.} 1. manner of eating 2. special appetite during pregnancy naseṃ -> niseṃ nasvara (var. nasvāḥ) 1. n. kind of incense 2. adj. fragrant; ~ye (-vāla) be fragrant nahāḥ (var. nāhāḥ) n. (-hāra-|-hāla-,-pā) armour naḥ b.f. new, fresh naḥkathaṃ adv. 1. again, once more 2. in another way naḥcā1 n. wedding night naḥcā2 (var. nacā, naccā) 1. adj. new, new-born, fresh, recent 2. n.anim. learner, novice; ~lyāy+mha n.anim. teenage boy; ~lyāse n.anim. teenage girl naḥchā (var. nachā) adj. newly harvested; ~digupujā n. (-gū) harvest festival (Divālī) naḥmi n. the ninth day of the lunar fortnight, navamī naḥrāṃ (var. nyāpanjva) n. kind of public festival naḥlaḥ n. (-lakha-) water brought into the house early in the morning, fresh water naḥlā n. 1. the nine nights of Dasain 2. -> nalā; ~svāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) barley seedling, jamarā plant (presented to Durgā); ~ svane to plant jamarā seeds (prior to Dasain) naḥli adj. new, fresh, recent, modern; ~jaṃkva n. (-gū) rice feeding ceremony nā1 drum syllable symbolizing a stroke of the right hand nā2 irr.imp. of kāye, to take nāika 1. (to handle) softly, gently, carefully 2. (to speak) politely, humbly; ~ hāle to soothe, to appease nāikā n.anim. heroine nāike n.anim. leader, foreman (of workers) nāiye v.i. (-ila) to be soft nāucā n.anim. {ch.lg.} cat nāṃ1 n. (nāma-,-gū) name; ~ kāye 1. to remember by name 2. ritual of naming a new-born child; ~ kāy+ke to make a name for o.s., to gain reputation; ~ kva kāye to pass a name on in the family; ~ chuye to name a child; ~ jāye to be famous; ~ taye to name a child; ~ dane to be famous; ~ dāyā saḥte to call by name nāṃ2 n. (nāma-) 1. (-gaḥ) earthen storage pot 2. (-gū) boat nāṃkāy+matyaḥmha n.anim. 1. {fig.} snake 2. {fig.} notorious person (lit. whose name should not be mentioned) nāṃgāḥ adj. naked; ~paciṃ adj. naked (cf. paciṃnāṃgāḥ); ~bili n.anim. a cockroach without wings nāṃ|-gyaḥ n.anim. (-gela-) boatman; ~javāḥ n.anim. (-vāla-) id. nāṃcā n. (-gū) small boat nāṃjāḥ adj. famous nākaṃ (var. nākanaṃ) adv. (with neg. v. only) much, very, too much, excessively: nākanaṃ khaṂ lhāye mate. Don't talk so much. nākā n. 1. area of jurisdiction 2. junction nāki n. hon. most senior female member of a clan nāku n. (-pu) penis nāga (var. nāgaḥ, nāḥgvaḥ) n.anim. snake (worshipped as a deity), snake design on a frame nāgaḥtugaḥ adj. ridiculous; ~ juye to be ridiculed, insulted; ~ yāye to insult nāgpaṃcami n. festival of venerating the snakes (held during the month of śrāvaṇa (July-August)) nāgbili (var. ~beli) n. 1. zigzag 2. pattern of intertwining snakes; ~ kāye to meander, to follow a zigzag course nātā n. 1. kin, relation by kinship 2. personal relation; ~kat adj. feeble, weak; ~kutā n.anim. relatives, kin; ~dār n.anim. id. nātikuti adj. orthodox, accurate, strict in keeping one's purity nānā1 -> nana nānā2 n. (-gaḥ) {ch.lg.} drum nānācici onom. clapping of hands nāni1 n.anim. 1. girl (also term of endearment) 2. doll 3. concubine nāni2 n. (-pu) {ch.lg.} ribbon; ~ taye to wear a ribbon nānicā 1. n.anim. young girl 2. n. (-gaḥ) pupil of the eye nāpa (var. nāpaṃ) postp. 1. with, near, along with: chi nāpa vane. I shall go with you. 2. together: jhī nāpa khvapa vane. We shall go to Bhaktapur together.; ~ cvane 1. to sit together 2. to accompany; ~nāpa vane to accompany; ~nāpaṃ 1. adv. together, also 2. postp. along with; ~ nāpaṃ vane to accompany; ~ yeṃke to bring along; ~ lāye to meet; ~saṃ adv. near by, close nāmanāmāsi n. name and description (of persons) nāy1 n.anim. (nāye-) caste name of butchers nāy2 part. 1. neg. part.: nāy khaḥ kā, ji mavanā. It's not so, I did not go. 2. emph. part. nāyaḥ n.anim. (-yeka-) leader, head of a clan, head of a group of craftsmen, such as carpenters, masons etc. (who has important functions at the communal festivals); ~ju n. hon. title of an initiated elder of a Buddhist monastery, one of a group of five elders (cf. thāpāḥju, nyāku, nvaku, peku, svaku, bitāju); ~ luye to initiate a Buddhist elder nāyu adj. soft nāyuye v.i. (-yula) to soften nāye v.i. (nāla) to dissolve, to melt nāy+khiṃ n. (-khina-,-gaḥ) kind of two-headed drum played by butchers; ~khalaḥ n. (-laka-) band of players of the ~; ~ cvay+ke to make a Government announcement (accompanied by the nāykhiṃ) nāy+cāsvāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) zinnia nāy+cikaṃ n. (-kana-) ointment, vaseline; ~ thāke to flatter, to butter up; ~ pāye to apply ointment nāy+cupi n. (-pu) 1. butcher's dagger 2. {fig.} sharp-tongued person nāy+pāyṃcā n. (-pāyṃ) ornament of iron on a necklace worn by children for `gathāṃmugaḥ' (supposed to avert the evil eye) nāy+bājaṃ (var. naubājaṃ) n. (-jana-) 1. kind of drum (for funeral processions) 2. (drum) music played in processions (jātrās) and funerals nāri n. 1. vein 2. wrist 3. pulse (of body); ~ghari n. (-gaḥ) wrist-watch nāl n. 1. (-gū) horse shoe 2. (-pu) barrel of a gun; ~ tāye to shoe a horse nālā1 (var. nyālā) n. (-pā,-pu) shovel to clean fire places nālā2 adj. recognized; ~ kāye to accept, to agree with; ~ chvaye to accept, to recognize under compulsion nālis n. law suit; ~ taye to file a suit; ~ yāye, lvāye id. nālu n. jute; ~khipaḥ n. (-pata-,-pu) jute rope or string; ~mhicā n. (-pā) jute bag; ~lākāṃ n. (-kāma-,-pā,-ju) jute shoes nāle v.t. 1. to accept, to adopt, to approve: vaṃ chanta manāle naṃ phu. He may not accept you.; (also for a father:) to recognize a child as one's own 2. to claim nās n. damage, ruin; ~ juye to be spoiled; ~ yāye to destroy nāsaḥ (-sala-) 1. n. charm, grace 2. n.pr. name of the deity of dance, music and drama 3. n. name of one side of a two-headed drum 4. n. mouth-piece of a trumpet (cf. haimā); ~cuka n. (-gū) courtyard where a drama is performed, courtyard with a ~ image; ~dyaḥ n.pr. (-deva-) god of dance, music and drama; ~dyaḥ sāle ritual of attracting the ~ to a performance by an offering (in order to pacify the god and thus warrant successful playing); ~pvāḥ n. (-pvāla-,-pvāḥ) narrow oblong opening in walls for admitting passage of the Nāsaḥdyaḥ; ~marumha n.anim. 1. boor, unrefined person 2. bad actor or speaker; ~hvaḥ -> ~pvāḥ nāsicā n. vagina of a child nāspāti n. (-gaḥ) kind of fruit, pear nāsva kāye v.t. to keep s.th. on trust, keep safe nāhāḥ -> nahāḥ nāḥ n. (nāla-) 1. (-pu) sewage, channel 2. {Bhp} water 3. section of a house (vertical part, covered by the roof from the ridge beam to the eaves) nāḥgvaḥ -> nāga ni1 num. two (usually bound form) ni2 part. 1. yet, still: du ni. there is still more. nepālbhāsā bāṃlāka masaḥ ni. He does not yet know Newari well. 2. part. implying obviousness of a statement (against possible refutations) surely, definitely: thva mhagasa jaka khaḥ ni. Surely that's only a dream. 3. part. suggesting caution, an eventuality: thva khicā nyāye phū ni. Mind, that dog may bite. ni3 drum syllable symbolizing a stroke of the right hand niṃ1 (var. nī, nīm) adj. 1. serious, important 2. holy, pure 3. wholesome, healthy, fit; ~ cvane to undergo ritual purification; ~ taye to impose ritual purification; ~ yāye 1. to take seriously 2. to purify; ~ svane 1. to lay the foundation of a house 2. to begin s.th. (with a religious ceremony) niṃ2 adv. first, at first niṃti -> nimti nikaṃsa n., adv. day after the day after tomorrow, after three days niku adj. 1. very thin, diluted 2. feeble 3. -> nikhuni; ~se cvane to become thin, feeble nikti -> nigti nikhalā (var. nikhalaṃ) n. religious fasting before a śrāddha; ~ cvane to observe a fasting nikhāṂ jāye v.i. (of ducks) to grow up, to become full-grown nikhiṃ n. smoothening; ~mugaḥ n. (-gala-,-gaḥ) hammer for fine embossments nikhuni (var. niku, nikhur) adj. 1. pure, unspoiled, without blemish 2. of only one colour nikhe adv. on both sides; ~tyaḥ adj. double crossing, dishonest; ~dhāḥ adj. undecided, between two sides, double dealing nigur (var. nyurcā, nyuracā) n. (-pu) kind of fern (with edible young shoots) (cf. dekaṃ) nigū adj. second; ~ jyū juye to be pregnant; ~ jyū daye {pej.} to be bold, to be reckless nigti (var. nikti) adj. tiny, insignificant nigvaḥ n. (-gvāla-,-gū) 1. kind of stove 2. string course nichyābhū n. (-bhuli-,-gū) stage in the marriage ritual where the bride takes food from a plate her mother-in-law has used before, meant to symbolize sharing the same kitchen niji adj. private, personal; ~guthi n. guthi land which is a private donation nijyā n. counting; ~ yāye to count niti (var. natikutī) n. (-gū) politics, social and moral rules; ~kuti orthodox, strict in observing rules nitya adv. always, for ever, perpetual; ~pujā n. ritual of worship performed every morning and evening nitruka pyāye v.i. to be drenched, to be soaked, to be completely wet nidaṂtithi n. ritual held two years after a death nidane v.t. {neol.} to prepare, to take care of nidaṃ (var. nidān) n. 1. cause, root, reason 2. symptom, cause of a disease; ~ yāye to take care of nidānay adv. at last, finally ninathala n. (-gaḥ) small jar (for the daily offering of water to the gods at the family shrine) nināḥ n. (-nāla-,-gaḥ) main beam (supporting the rafters); ~pujā n. (-gū) ritual held when installing a ridgepole; ~ svane to instal a ridgepole nini n. hon. father's sister; ~pāju n. hon. father's sister's husband; ~māḥju n. hon. 1. term of address: women of lower to women of higher social status 2. husband's mother ninupenu -> ninhupenhu nine1 -> niye nine2 v.i. 1. to be healthy, to be good for health 2. to be suitable ninti (var. nintiṃ) -> nimti ninhupenhu n.}adv. a few days (lit. two days four days); ~tvāḥ adv. id. nipa adj. pure, undefiled, untasted nipiti 1. n. affection, love 2. adj. feeble, delicate, tender nibās n. (-gū) house, residence nibhāḥ n. (-bhāla-) sunlight, rays of sunshine; ~kicaḥ n. (-cala-,-gū) shade; ~ khaye to shine; ~jalā n. sunlight; ~ tvaye to dawn; ~dyaḥ n. (-deva-) sun; ~ biye (bita) to set (sun); ~ luye to rise (sun) nimantrana (var. nimantranā) n. (-gū) invitation nimti (var. niṃti, ninti, nintiṃ, nimtī) postp. for, for the sake of, because of nimvaḥ n. (-mvala-) first day of purification after a death (cf. nīmvaḥ) nimvaḥniyā n. pneumonia nimha|-tipū n. hon. (-pula-) couple, husband and wife; ~būpiṃ n.anim. twins (cf. jvaḥmacā) niyantran n. control niyam (var. nem) n. (-gū) rule, order, rules and regulations niye (nita) 1. v.t. to grind, to pulverize 2. v.t. to count: ninā chvaye to count out; ninā svaye to check by counting 3. v.i. to be twisted 4. v.i. to be wholesome niranjan yāye (var. nīrājan ~) v.t. to worship the flask, part of tantric rites nirarthak adj. useless; ~ yāye to make meaningless nirgun adj. devoid of qualities; ~bhajan n. (-gū) hymn to a deity nilaṃ adv. seriously nilaṃbājaṃ n. (-jana-,-gaḥ) any drum out of a set nilāpa+u n. (-gū) bi-monthly publication nile v.t. to twist, to wind, to spin (rope, thread, plant fibres) nisakha n.anim. s.o. without offspring nisalāḥ (var. nislāḥ) n. (-lākha-,-gū) 1. dish of uncooked food given to a Brahman priest or to musicians blowing horns for the purification of the dead 2. kind of offering to a deity. (proverb: pyaṃ thaye sikaṃ nisalāḥ biye thāku. It is more difficult to perform a death ritual than to give alms in the names of the deceased.); ~pāḥ n. (-pāta-,-pā) kind of earthen vessel for oblations; ~baji n. plate of uncooked food given to a Brahman priest by his client before performing a ritual nisānha num. thirty nisāph yāye v.t. to give a judgement nisu adj. thin, fine, undeveloped; ~ye (-sula) to be thin, fine niseṃ (var. naseṃ) postp. from, since: gāmaṃ niseṃ from the village; thagune niseṃ since last year niscit juye v.i. to decide, to make up one's mind nisphikriṃ adv. 1. boldly, without fear 2. lavishly nislāḥ -> nisalāḥ nislvat+jvika adv. (to be ill) seriously, dangerously nihu (var. nyu) n. (-gū) excuse, pretext, pretence; ~ jvane to pick quarrels nī1 num. twenty nī2 -> niṃ nī|-kulimha n.anim. woman who prepares the food (who has to be ritually pure); ~gaḥ n. kitchen (unpolluted place) nī|-nasi num. twenty-two; ~nhasa num. twenty-seven nībaji n. kind of oblation to a deity nīm -> niṃ nī|-mvaḥ n. (-mvala-) purification; ~laḥ n. (-lakha-) holy water; ~lvahaṃ n. (-haṂta-,-gaḥ) stone slab, foundation of a pillar; ~sī n. (-sila-) purity, purification rite nīrājan -> niranjan nī|-halū n. (-lukha-) black turmeric; ~haḥ n. (-hala-) 1. (-mā) neem tree, Margosa tree 2. (-haḥ) leaf of the Margosa tree nu1 part. let's go nu2 -> nva nuṃka adv. enough, fully nugaḥ n. (-gala-,-gū) heart (lit. and fig., also considered the seat of the memory; also in the special meaning of the essence of a deity as represented by a maṇḍala); 1. with loc. nugalay: ~ taye to keep in mind, ~ dikka annoyed; ~ diye to be deeply impressed, to take to heart, ~ luye to come to mind, to occur (to s.o.), ~ syāye to be hurt in one's feeling, ~ hi marumha slow-witted, ungrateful person 2. with instr. nugalaṃ: ~ chāpā deep impression on one's mind, ~ thuṃ dike to leave a lasting impression, ~ daye to keep in memory, ~ dāhā juye to be envious, ~ diye to take to heart, ~niseṃ yeye to love from all one's heart, ~ niseṃ mayeye to hate intensely, ~ yaye to love, ~ yaḥ dhāye to love intensely, ~ luye to come to mind, ~ syāye to feel hurt in one's heart, ~ svaye maphaye to be unable to bear the sight of; ~kāsā n. kind of children's game, string game; ~kuti n.anim. 1. miser 2. jealous, envious person; ~ kyātuse cvane to be kind, soft-hearted; ~ kvakhaṂ yeṃkumha adj. having lost one's memory; ~khaṂ n. 1. anxiety 2. soliloquy, mental speech; ~ khāye to tremble with fear; ~ khulu-khulu mine (var. khulululu ~) to be disappointed; ~ khvaye to be sad; ~ghāḥ n. (-ghāla-) anguish, mental pain; ~ cakaṃkva adj. happy, glad; ~ cici tyāye to be worried, troubled in mind; ~ ciye to be disciplined, to control o.s.; ~cu n. innermost heart; ~ cece tuye to repent, to be torn at heart, to break one's heart; ~ chāye to be cruel; ~ chyāchyā juye to be hammered into one's mind; ~ jāye (for the heart) to be full with either joy or sorrow; ~ tajyāye to burst with envy; ~ taye to keep one's mind balanced, to be at ease; ~ tyātyā juye to be disappointed; ~ thuru-thuru khāye to tremble with fear; ~ dāye to regret, to repent; ~dumha adj. having a good memory; ~dyaḥ n. (-deva-) the self; ~naḥ n.anim. (-nala-) 1. miser 2. envious person; ~ paṂ mhuye to burst (of the heart); ~pā n. breast, chest; ~pā jāye to develop breasts (a girl); ~ picyāye to be very sad; ~ piye to be sorrowful; ~ ballāye to be strong, bold; ~ bhārā-bhārā mine to be excited, to be apprehensive; ~ machine to feel sorry, to regret; ~marumha adj. having a bad memory; ~ masyāye to be generous, large-hearted; ~mikhā n. instinct, intuition, consciousness; ~mikhāṃ kane to reason, to argue; ~mikhāṃ khane, svaye to envisage, to visualize, to imagine; ~ muye to envy; ~mvaḥ n. (-mvala-) 1. front part of heart 2. core of the heart; ~ yecuye to have no evil intentions, to be pure at heart; ~ vaṂcuye 1. to have a bad character 2. to be jealous, envious; ~seṂ n. 1. liver 2. tender piece of meat (flesh of the heart) 3. s.th. dear to one's heart; ~ syāye 1. to feel hurt 2. to be stingy; ~ svaye 1. to be distracted, unable to concentrate 2. to go mad; ~ hākuye to be of bad character, black-hearted; ~ hīse cvane to be depressed; ~ hvaye to be happy nunu dhāye v.i. to be too salty, to be over-spiced nune v.t. to swallow; nunā chvaye to swallow down; nuṃka nene to have heard enough nuye v.i. (nuta) 1. to be satiated, to be fully fed 2. to be fed up nusilā -> nasalā nuhviṂtheṃ adv. pretentiously neṃka adv. 1. all over, everywhere 2. likely, probably neṃkaṂbākhaṃ -> nyaṃkaṂbākhaṃ neṃkumi n.anim. s.o. who likes to listen interminably neṃkebhabaṃ adv. intentionally: imisaṃ vayāta neṃkebhanaṃ khaṂ nhethana. They told him intentionally. neṃkhaṂ n. (-gū) rumour, hearsay neṃsū n. (-suli-) {neol.} way, manner of asking nekal n. nickel ne kāye v.t. to borrow nekū (var. nyākhāḥ) n. (-kuli-,-pu) horn (body part, musical instrument: usually buffalo and goat horns); ~ puye to blow a horn (part of the funeral rites: processions with horn-blowing for the purification of the dead); ~ luye to be curved neke v.t. to tire, exhaust s.o. nekhvaṃ n.anim. (-khvana-) 1. one who is never tired of hearing things 2. one who loves to hear music netamandu n. a ward of Kathmandu, Nardevi tole; ~ajimā n. hon. name of a goddess of this place netamarupyākhaṃ n. (-khana-,-gū) kind of special theatrical performance, kind of demon dance netāḥ n. (-tāla-,-pāyṃ) cheek; ~kvayṃ n. (-kvaṂca-) cheek bone; ~khvā tuye to be fat; ~ cyāke to slap on the face; ~ cyāye to flush; ~cvakā n. the protruding part of the cheek bone; ~pa+u n. (-pati-,-pau) grooved side of a loom; ~pā n. cheek; ~pāyṃ n. full cheek; ~pāyṃ pāyṃ lāye to have full cheeks, to look healthy; ~ bhukka cine to have full cheeks; ~ sāluye to be thin nene 1. v.t. to ask: vaṃ jike thva khaṂ nena. He asked me about this. 2. to listen to: vayāta neṂ! Listen to him 3. to hear: jiṃ thva khaṂ nenā. I've heard about this.; ~pu adj. pleasant to hear 4. v.i. to pervade, to be spread out: guṂ pekheṃ nenā vana. The forest spread out to all directions. 5. v.i. to resemble, to be similar; ~ya+ipu adj. to be pleasant to hear nepālimusmāṃ n.anim. {sl.} term of abuse for a Bajrācārya or a Śākya nepāḥ n. Nepal; ~gāḥ n. (-gāla-) Kathmandu Valley; ~dey n. (-desa-) 1. Nepal 2. Kathmandu Valley; ~piṃ n. {coll.} designation of the Newars: `people of Nepal' (by contrast to people of the hills); ~pha+i n.anim. (-phaisa-) bell-wether; ~bhāy n. (-bhāsa-) Newari; ~bhyāy n.anim. bell-wether nephā n. (-bālā) hem, seam of a garment, red border of a traditional Newar skirt nem -> niyam nemi -> nyaṃmi ney1 num. fifty ney2 n. (-gū) loan, borrowing; ~ kāye to borrow; ~ biye to lend neye (nela) 1. v.i. to be tired, exhausted, to be frustrated 2. v.t. to cover o.s. up 3. v.t. to borrow nele v.i. to be tired, exhausted nevaḥ n. (-vala-,-pā,-ju) handcuffs, shackles: nevalaṃ kaye to put into handcuffs nevarā n. flattery, false praise (cf. nabhāy) nevāḥ n.anim. (-vāla-) Newar; ~ākhaḥ n. (-khala-) Newari script; ~khaṂ n. Newari language; ~jā n. kind of `bali' offering: boiled rice rolled into a ball; ~bhāy n. (-bhāsa-) Newari language nya- -> ne- nyaṂ imp. of nene, hear, listen! nyaṃ (var. neṂkaṂ~) n. hearing, listening; ~kaṂbākhaṃ n. (-khana-,-pu) folk tale, fairy tale; ~kvātu adj. (of talking) close, reserved; ~kvātuye to restrain one's talk; ~dhvādaḥ adj. stupid, slow in understanding; ~pākaḥ adj. id.; ~mi n.anim. listener, audience; ~vā n.anim. witness in guthi transactions nyaḥ adj. tired, fatigued; ~khvālaṃ adv. tired, fatigued; ~nhyaḥ n. (-nhela-) sound sleep of exhaustion nyā1 n.anim. fish; ~ lāke special rite during `navadurgā' (in which a basket of fish is placed on the heads of the participants); ~ lāye 1. to fish 2. {fig.} to slip and fall nyā2 num. five nyāi n. {ch.lg.} bee, ant, insect nyāu n.anim. 1. cat 2. louse; ~ nyāu hāle to purr (of cats) nyākaṃ1 n. (-kana-) 1. (-pu) fish bone, fish skeleton 2. fish bone pattern; ~ siye to pave in fish bone pattern nyākaṃ2 (var. nyākka) adv. extremely, too much nyākaṃghāyṃ n. (-ghāṂsa-) kind of fern growing on walls nyāku n. hon. fifth rank in a guthi, fifth of the five elders of a Buddhist monastery (cf. thāpāḥju, nāyaḥju, nvaku, peku, svaku) nyākuṃ n. (-kuna-,-gū) 1. five bends 2. {fig.} affectation, coquetry 3. adj. affected; ~ kāye to flirt, to behave in a coquettish way, to be stilted; ~ kene to try to attract by flirtation; ~ dane to show affectation, to tell at great length nyāku|-nakiṃ n. hon. (-kina-) wife of a nyāku; ~nāyaḥ n. hon. (-yeka-) one of the fifth rank in a guthi nyākuliṃ n. (-kina-,-gaḥ) creel, bamboo container for fish catch nyākū n. (-kuli-) ritual food consisting of five pieces of buffalo meat nyāke v.t. to push, to butt nyākka -> nyākaṃ nyākvāḥ n.anim. (-kvāta-) kingfisher nyākhānyāsu 1. n. (-gū) village assembly 2. n.anim. member of a village assembly; ~ cvane for a village assembly to take place nyākhāḥ -> nekū nyā|-khuṂ n.anim. kingfisher; ~khū n. (-khuli-) skin, slough of a fish; ~khe adj. leaning in five different directions; nyākhesvaḥmha n.anim. one who has no fixed principles; ~khvāyṃ n. (-gaḥ) bamboo fish trap (saying: nyākhvāyṃ yāmha nyācā cha ā gana vane cāḥ? fish in my trap where are you going now?); ~khvāḥpāḥ n. (-pāta-,-pā) fish mask (worn during gāijātrā in Kīrtipur and Pāṅgā); ~ghāyṃ (var. nyākaṃ~) n. (-ghāṂsa-) kind of fern; ~ghvāyṃ -> ~khvāyṃ nyācaḥ n. coquetry; ~ dane to be overjoyed nyācikaṃ n. (-kana-) fish liver oil nyāc-nyāc yāye v.i. to trample nyājhvāḥ n.anim. (-jhvāta-) 1. kind of tiny water insect with whiskers and a long tail 2. {fig.} stupid person nyātapvala n. `Five-Roofed', name of the largest temple of Bhaktapur nyātāji adj. 1. five-fold, of five kinds 2. {fig.} with affectation nyāti n. (-gū) catapult, string for throwing stones; ~ kay+ke, mvike to catapult nyāti kāye v.t. to nip, to pinch nyātī1 adj. 1. having five bends 2. {fig.} affected, pretentious, stilted nyātī2 (var. nyāpīcā) n. (-tila-,-gū) cheek bone of a fish used as a container for vermilion nyāthala n. (-gū) aquarium nyānhipaṃ n.anim. (-pana-) partridge, pheasant nyāpanjva -> naḥrāṃ nyāpīcā -> nyātī2 nyāpu (var. nyāḥpau) n. (-pu) 1. flight of steps 2. step of a staircase nyāpukā n. fried fish nyāpusikhaḥ n. (-khala-,-pu) kind of head ornament with five golden chains nyāphā bakulāye v.i. to lose one's balance, to be out of balance nyābachi-byāṃbachi n.anim. tadpole (lit. half fish half frog) nyābāḥchi adv. soon, after some time nyāmhathākuli n. hon. {coll.} the five senior guthi members nyāy1 n. shopping, buying, purchase nyāy2 -> nyāḥ2 nyāye1 (nyāta) 1. v.t. to buy: nyānā haye to buy, to do one's shopping 2. v.t. to strike (against a wall) 3. v.t. to kick 4. v.t. to bite 5. v.i. (of heaven) to resound 6. v.i. (of drum) to sound 7. v.i. to walk, to move nyāye2 v.i. (nyāla) (of a festival) to be performed, to be celebrated nyāy+ke v.t. 1. to announce, to proclaim 2. to give trouble 3. (var. nhāyke) to celebrate a feast, to give a party nyāy|-nī n. marketing, shopping, purchase; ~mī n. buying and selling, trade nyālā {Bhp} -> nālā1 nyālāpu adj. shameful, embarrassing; ~ye (-pula) to be embarrassing nyālu adj. 1. tasteless, insipid 2. {fig.} boring, tedious; ~pālu adj. id. nyāluye v.i. to be tasteless, distasteful nyāllabyāṃ (-byāna-) 1. n.anim. tadpole 2. n. kind of children's game nyāsi n. 1. walk 2. attitude, artificial behaviour, coquetry 3. charm: nyāsiṃ kāye to flirt; ~kala adj. charming; ~ cāye to be not serious, to behave jokingly, to be frivolous, coquettish; ~ juye to walk; ~pusi n. charm; ~pyāsi n. coquetry, flirtation; ~pyāsi kene, dhāye to flirt, to be coquettish; ~bhvāsi -> ~pyāsi; ~mikhāṃ adv. (to look, to glance) in a coquettish way; ~ vane to go for a walk; ~ vaye to come for a walk nyāḥ1 n. (nyāka-) 1. (-gaḥ) supporting block (for hammering) 2. (-pu) riser; ~ taye to support (when hammering); ~ tiye, svāye to fix a riser nyāḥ2 (var. nyāy) n. (nyāla-) justice, judgement nyāḥ3 adj. celebrated, performed nyāḥ|-katāṃ n. (-tāma-,-thu) device to cut iron; ~geṂ n. (-gaḥ) anvil nyāḥdegupujā n. (-gū) annual worship of the patron deity of a family nyāḥpa+u -> nyāpu nyāḥbatā (var. nvaḥbatā) n. bevel square nyu -> nihu nyurcā (var. nyuracā) -> nigur nva (var. na, nu) n. 1. mouth, mouth and chin 2. nose 3. muzzle; ~ cāye to rinse one's mouth; ~ ciye, cile to keep a diet; ~ tuye to talk, to make conversation; ~ vāye (var. nvaṃ ~) to speak, to talk; ~ sile to rinse one's mouth nvaku 1. n. hon. second eldest member of a guthi, assistant to the first of the five elders of a Buddhist monastery (cf. thāpāḥju, nāyaḥju, nyāku, peku, svaku) 2. n. hon. deputy 3. n. hon. vice chairman 4. adj. second nvakū n. (-kuti-,-kū) wedge (of wood or stone) nvakūkāpaḥ (-pata-) 1. n. (-sāḥ) thick cloth for holding pots, hearth rag 2. n.anim. {fig.} dirty woman nvake v.t. to bring into an unnatural position; to prop up, wedge tight, to support nvakvātu adj. (of behaviour) reserved, not frank; trustworthy, discreet; ~ye (-tula) to be reserved, not frank; to be discreet nvacinā bhvay n. (-bhvaja-,-gū) feast given to a widow at her paternal home one year after her husband's death nvacu n. (-gū) {neol.} speech, lecture; ~ biye to give a lecture; ~ yāye to talk, to speak nvatu (var. natu, nvalā) n. 1. (-gū) husk deposited in front of a stove 2. (-pu) mouthpiece of a trumpet; ~kathi n. (-pu) stick to stir the hearth fire, poker; ~ khine to stir the hearth nvaye v.i. (nvata, nvala) 1. to feel uncomfortable due to being pricked, to be wedged in, to be hurt by a sharp object 2. to be sharp 3. to be too spicy, e.g.: ci nvaye to be too salty 4. to glow, to smoulder, to flare 5. {fig.} (of a person) to be boring nvay+kathika adj. overspiced, too savoury nvay+ke (var. nayke) v.t. to sharpen a tool nvay vaye v.i. to be learnt by heart, to be committed to memory: macāyāke bākhaṃ nvay vala. The child learnt the story by heart. nvala (var. nvaḥ) n. (-pu) 1. bamboo carrying pole (with suspended baskets) 2. wooden trowel for levelling floors 3. plot of land to be cultivated by forced labour (during the Rāṇā period); ~kathi (var. nvali~) n. (-pu) 1. stick for threshing pulse or millet 2. pipe of a hubble-bubble; ~ vāye to level, to trowel nvalā -> nvatu nvalikathi -> nvalakathi nvasiṃ n. (-sina-,-gaḥ) wooden wedge nvasilā n. rinsing of the mouth; ~ biye to pour water for rinsing (to the guests of a guthi meal) nvasū n. (-suli-) {neol.} pronunciation nvaḥ1 -> nvala nvaḥ2 n. exact measure; ~ kāye to measure exactly (for fitting); ~ juye to be fitted exactly (e.g. door in its frame); ~ yāye to cut a leaf to size nvaḥbatāṃ -> nyāḥbatā nvā n. rebuke, reproach, admonition; ~khaṂ n. id.; ~khvaṃ n.anim. (-khvana-) obstinate person, one who does not care about reproaches nvāttu(-matu) nvāye v.t. to nag, find fault with: vayā māmaṃ vayāta nvāttu nvāta. His mother nagged at him. nvāye v.t. (nvāta) 1. to instruct 2. to admonish, to rebuke 3. to fondle nvāsā n.anim. small child, baby that is much fondled by the parents nvāsū n. (-suli-) {neol.} molestation NH nha+iṃ interj. drawing attention to a question, hear, listen nha+ipu -> nhyāipu nhaṃka adv. completely ruined; ~ chvaye to annihilate nhakaṃlu n. (-mā) kind of nettle plant nhaku n. temple (body part); ~titi pene to be terrified: ji nhakutiti pena. I was terrified.; ~dhī n. (-dhika-) area of the temples; ~saṂ n. hair behind the temples; ~saṂ tiṃ svāye 1. to be terrified 2. to overhear, to eavesdrop nhakvaṃ -> nhasikvāḥ, nhasibhu nhagane -> nhaḥ nhagāḥ n. (-gāla-,-gū) swamp, quagmire (cf. jhatilā, jhvākaḥ, dhvapa, nhasi) nhacaḥ -> nhācaḥ nhatikā -> nhātikā nhathu n. muzzle of a slaughtered animal (Ktm thvanā); ~cā n. (-gū) kind of nose ornament worn by Non-Newar women nhane v.i. 1. to be dry 2. to decay, to be extinct; to vanish nhabi -> nhaybi nhay (var. nhe, nhasa) num. seven, seventy nhaye v.t. (nhala) to hope nhay+kaṂ -> nhāykaṃ nhay|-gāṃjātrā n. festival uniting seven villages (in the area of (a) Kīrtipur and (b) Gokarṇa); ~ghāt n. (-gū) bathing place; ~jā n. cooked rice offered on seventh day after decease; ~taku n. (-pā) brick of seven inches (of which two inches have been cut off); ~numā, ~nhumā n. rice offering on the seventh day after a death; ~nhumāpicā n. (-gaḥ) small basket for this ceremony; ~nhumābyāhā n. (-gū) gift of the nhaynhumā nhay+paṃ -> nhāypaṃ nhay+palāḥ n. `seven steps' (part of the Buddhist initiation rites); ~ chuye to take the seven steps nhay+bi (var. nhabi, nhāybi) n.anim. kind of worm or centipede thought to enter the brain by the ear nhava adj. moist; ~ khāye to be moist, to be damp nhavaṃ1 -> navaḥ2 nhavaṃ2 n. (-vana-,-gū) ritual bath, ablution, ceremonial bath of a deity (esp. of Matsyendranāth); ~ghāt n. (-gū) bathing place; ~yāḥ n. (-yāta-,-gū) rite of ablution nhasa -> nhay nhasalā n. lightning (cf. palpasā, bhilsi, lasā, lhāpsā, hābalāsā, helsā); ~ tvaye (for lightning) to flash nhasi 1. adj. swampy, wet (of land) 2. n. swamp (cf. jhatilā, dhvapa, nhagāḥ) 3. n. well irrigated place; ~kāḥp n. 1. field in a moist region 2. n. name of the Bāgmatī river gorges at several places, e.g. at Gokarṇa; ~kvāḥ n. (-kvāta-,-kvāḥ) 1. plot of land 2. (var. nhakvaṃ) island; ~ khāye to be swampy, irrigated; ~buṂ n. (-gū) moist field, fertile field; ~bhu n. (-gū) island; ~ luye to be well irrigated nhaḥ adj. moist; ~ gane (var. nhagane) to dry up (of land); ~ buye to germinate, to sprout, to grow fast nhā1 n. (-gū) split in a door leaf nhā2 n., clf. kneading: vaṃ cuṃ ninhā nhāla. He kneaded the flour twice. (cf. nhu); ~ buye to be kneaded through nhā3 -> nhāti nhāṃ (var. nhiṃ) interj. of warning or attracting attention: beware, watch out, look nhākaṃ n. (-kana-,-mā) nettle nhācaṃniseṃ adv. since a long time nhācaḥ (var. nhacaḥ) adv. just before, a moment ago; ~tuṃ adv. already; ~he adv. 1. a moment ago 2. already nhāti n. (-gū) 1. nose ring 2. earring (worn by men for ritual purposes) nhātikā (var. nhatikā) n. bridge of the nose, spot on the forehead above the nose (where a ṭīkā is placed); ~ khyuṂye to be gloomy (brow); ~ cakane to be cheerful, bright, joyous, to have a bright face nhāticā n. (-gū) nose ring nhāpanaṃ (var. nhāpāṂ) adv. 1. early in the morning 2. previously nhāpā (var. nhāpāṂ) adv. 1. early 2. formerly, in the old days; ~tuṃ adv. id.; ~niseṃ adv. long ago, formerly; ~nhāpā adv. long, long ago; ~lākka adv. first of all; ~ lāye 1. to precede 2. to arrive earlier; ~lipā adv. as usual, always nhāpu (var. nhābu, nhyābu) n. {neol.} 1. process of kneading 2. well-kneaded clay for moulding; ~ kāye to knead; ~ye (-pula) id.; ~ vane to be well kneaded nhāy n. (nhāsa-,-pu) 1. nose 2. {fig.} reputation, prestige 3. (var. nhā) split in a door leaf; ~ tapuye to be proud, to boast; ~ taye to keep up one's prestige; ~ dhene 1. to chop off the nose 2. {fig.} to disgrace, to spoil the reputation; ~ lhāye to make a split (in a door); ~ vane to lose face, to lose one's reputation; ~ sekune to wrinkle the nose nhāye v.t. (nhāla) 1. to knead (dough, clay) 2. to press (with the hands) 3. to prune, to cut or chop off (cf. nhuye) nhāy+kaṃ (var. nhaykaṂ, nhyākaṃ) n. (-kana-) 1. (-pā) mirror 2. (-pu) nettle; ~khāpā n. (-pā) door with transparent panes, glazed shutter; ~cakhuṃ n.anim. (-khuna-) kind of bird, wren (cf. tiktikcā); ~jhāḥ n. (-jhāla-,-gū) nettle bush; ~jhyāḥ n. (-jhyāla-,-pā) glazed window; ~pili n.anim. kind of bird, wren; ~bhujāḥ n. (-jāla-,-gū) patch of nettles; ~macā n.anim. foundling; ~vayṃ n.anim. man fond of looking at himself in the mirror; ~viṂ n.anim. woman fond of looking at herself in the mirror nhāy+ke -> nyāyke nhāy|-cvakā n. (-gū) tip of the nose; ~tāhāḥ n.anim. (-hāla-) long nosed person nhāy+paṃ (var. nhaypaṃ) n. (-pana-,-pā) 1. ear 2. ear of corn 3. {fig.} auditory 4. handle on each side of a pot 5. reed, rushes, stalk of Saccharum spontaneum; with loc. nhāypanay: ~ ka+u ghāye to be defamed, ~ kule to relieve from ear itching, ~ khaṂ lhāye to whisper, to ask for a favour, ~ cikaṃ taye to turn a deaf ear; ~pāpvaṃ khane to pierce the ears, a life-cycle ritual; ~ svāṃ puye to whisper, to ask for a favour; ~kathi n. (-pu) stalk of a young reed; ~ kule to scratch the ear, to relieve an itching of the ear; ~ kvānā vaye 1. to have hot ears 2. {fig.} to fear unforeseen consequences; ~ kvāye 1. to feel warm due to drinking 2. to be apprehensive, to fear; ~ khvātuye to be inattentive, to be unwilling to listen, to turn a deaf ear; ~cā n. (-gū) handle on each side of a pot; ~ chakhe taye to turn a deaf ear; ~ jāye to intrigue against s.o.; ~ jvane 1. to twist s.o.'s ear in punishment 2. {fig.} to promise not to repeat a misdeed (by holding one's ear); ~jvāḥ n. (-jvāla-,-jvāḥ) ear lobe; ~jhvāḥ n. (-jhvāla-,-gū) patch of reeds; ~ tiṃ svāye to be curious, to want to know; ~ duye to overhear, to eavesdrop, to spy; ~ naye to deafen with noise, to make the ears ring; ~ nīke to twist s.o.'s ear in punishment; ~pā (var. ~pvāḥ) n. outer surface of the ear; ~pili n. tympanum, ear-drum; ~pusā n. opening of the ear; ~pvaḥ -> ~pā; ~pvāḥ n. (-pvāla-,-pvāḥ) 1. ear lobe 2. cavity of the ear 3. hole in the ear lobe; ~pvāḥ khane to pierce the ear lobes (done to girls a few days after birth by the paternal grandmother); ~pviṂ n. ear wax; ~ biye 1. to listen attentively 2. to eavesdrop; ~bva n. (-gū) patch of reeds; ~bhi n. (-gū) reed curtain; ~bhujāḥ n. (-jāla-,-gū) id. nhāy|-pvāḥ n. (-pvāla-,-pvāḥ) nostril; ~phvaḥ n. (-phvala-) 1. (var. nhipviṂ) snot 2. lower, broad part of the nose; ~pviṂ n. dried snot nhāy+bi -> nhaybi nhāy|-maru n.anim. 1. noseless person 2. shameless person, s.o. who does not care about his prestige; ~saṂ n. hair of the ear nhālu n. (-gū) oasis nhāsi n. 1. bridge of the nose 2. bleeding from the nose; ~kuti n.anim. flat-nosed person, ugly person; ~yā culaṃ adv. (to look) straight ahead; ~yā culaṃ baṂ puye to pretend to clean or sweep; ~ vaye to bleed (of nose) nhāḥ n. (nhāla-,-mā) green algae, moss; ~pā, ~mari n. (-pā) bread made from dried green algae nhi1 n. 1. snot 2. pus; ~ kāye to blow one's nose; ~ tiye to press out pus from a wound; ~ dāye to suppurate; ~ pākay juye to suppurate very much nhi2 n., meas. day; ~ cihāye to become shorter (days); ~ chyāye (var. tāhāye) to kill time, to waste time; ~ tahāye to become longer (days) nhiṃ -> nhāṃ nhiṃ(-yā)nhiṃ adv. daily, day by day nhikaṃ n. (-kana-) silent or murmured repetition of a mantra or prayer (japa), performed chiefly in the morning (in regular worship of one's personal deity); ~ kāye to receive a mantra from one's religious teacher; ~kuthi, kvathā n. (-gū) room for daily prayer; ~ biye to give a mantra for repetition; ~māḥ n. (-māla-,-māḥ) rosary; ~ yāye to repeat mantras nhikāṃ n.anim. (-kāna-) one who is blind in daylight, one who does not work during daytime; ~jhaṃgaḥ n.anim. (-gala-) owl nhigvāy n.anim. s.o. who habitually has a snotty nose nhichi (var. nhichiṃ) adv. all day long, the whole day; ~thaṃ adv. id. nhicheṂ n. putrid blister nhijyāmi n.anim. day labourer nhitaṃ adj. smiling nhithaṃ adv. always, every day nhina n. 1. day time 2. noon, midday nhinay 1. adv. in the afternoon 2. postp. ago, e.g.: svanhu nhinay three days ago (cf. nhyaḥ) nhinase adv. daily nhinhiṃ (var. ~nhithaṃ, ~nhistaṃ) adv. every day, daily nhipa+u n. (-pati-,-pau) {neol.} newspaper, daily paper; ~bhāḥ n. (-bhāla-,-gū) wall calendar nhipaṃ (var. nhipyaṃ, nhepaṃ) n. (-pana-,-pu) 1. tail 2. {fig.} attendant; ~ ghāye to fix a tail to a kite; ~ghāli n. (-pu) tail of a paper kite; ~ juye to be dependent on s.o., to be a parasite; ~ taye to fix a tail to a kite; ~(-tāḥhāḥ)nagu n. (-gū) comet nhiyānhithaṃ adv. daily nhilā n. smile, laugh; ~khvāḥ n. (-khvāla-,-pā) cheerful face nhili n. smile, smiling; ~khyāli n. 1. merriment, glee, jest 2. love affair nhile v.i. to smile, to laugh: va vāseṃ nhila. He smiled in a subdued manner.; ~ piye to suppress one's laughter; ~ vaye to start laughing, to laugh without restraint nhi|-lyāḥ (var. nhulyāḥ) n. (-lyākha-) date; ~saphū n. (-phuli-,-gū) {neol.} diary nhisulu n.anim. one who habitually has a snotty nose; ~byāṃ n.anim. (-byāna-) child with a snotty nose nhisū n. (-suli-) {neol.} laughter, cheerfulness, pleasure; ~ dane to be aroused (laughter) nhu1 meas., b.f. bound form of nhi, day: cha vayegu gvaḥ-nhu data? How many days ago have you come? nhu2 clf. 1. kneading: vaṃ chucuṃ ni-nhu nhula. She kneaded the flour twice. 2. stepping, trampling: vaṃ jitaḥ tutī ni-nhu nhula. He stepped twice on my foot. (cf. nhā); ~khvaṃ n. (-khvana-,-pu) track, path formed by trampling nhuchi meas. one day nhutu nhuye v.t. to trample repeatedly nhuye1 v.i. (nhuta) to be pricked, to be tickled nhuye2 v.t. (nhula) 1. to knead, to mix or blend 2. to step, tread (by mistake), to trample 3. {fig.} to dominate, to subdue (cf. nhāye) nhulyāḥ -> nhilyāḥ nhusā n. (-gū) {neol.} pedal, treadle; ~ jyāye, nhuye to press the treadles (of a loom); ~ hile to change the treadles (weaving) nhū adj. new, fresh; ~daṂ n. New Year's day; ~dhāḥ adj. renewed, renovated; ~dhāḥ yāye 1. to renew 2. to repair a house; ~pāḥ n.anim. (-pāla-) one whose turn has come to host the guthi; ~ yāye to renovate; ~vasaḥ n. (-sata-,-pā) a new garment, a garment of unbleached cloth nhe- pref. in front, forwards, before, earlier nhe-ujaṃ n. (-ujana-,-gū) order, authoritative direction nheṂchuye -> nhechuye nhe-kāye v.t. to arrange an earlier date (e.g. for a feast): thugusī degupujā ninhu nhekāla. This year the degupujā was fixed for two days earlier. nhekipā n. (-gū) {neol.} 1. forecast, prediction 2. hypothesis; ~lu n. (-gū) scheme, project nheku n. (-ku) load of food nhekva n. 1. chin 2. part of a weaving loom for laying the warp threads nhekhaṂ n. 1. lump of rice served first 2. (-gū) preface, introduction, preliminary discourse 3. acquaintance 4. memory nhekhaḥ -> nhekhvāḥ nhekhā1 n.anim. rooster crowing early in the morning (cf. likhā) nhekhā2 n. 1. core of a house (as opposed to later additions) 2. outer face of a coin or a piece of cloth nhekhunhu adv. on the previous day nhekhvāḥ (var. nhekhaḥ) n. (-khvāla-,-pā) facade, frontispiece nhegāḥ n. (-gāla-,-gāḥ) balance of a debt; ~ lhāye to pay back a debt nhegyāṃ n. (-gyāna-) precognition, foreknowledge, precaution; ~ kāye to take a precaution nhegvasāḥ n. (-sāla-,-gū) scheme, plan, project nhegvaḥ n. (-gvala-,-gvaḥ) foundation stone nhe-gvāye v.i. 1. to go in front, to be ahead; to pioneer 2. to oppose nhe-ghvāye v.t. 1. to push forward 2. to encourage nhe-cile v.i. 1. to advance, to go forward 2. to be brave 3. to be responsible 4. to be offensive: nhecilā mhite to play offensively nhe-cīke v.t. 1. to put up in front, to put forward 2. to make responsible nhe-cyāke v.t. to serve, to offer nhe-cyāye v.t. 1. to put in front of, to offer 2. to face s.th., to risk nhecvasu n. (-gū) document, inscription nhecvaḥ n. (-cvata-,-cvaḥ) 1. outer end of a ball of thread 2. first part of work 3. prediction 4. prior information nhechunā n. (-gū) 1. introduction, preface, preliminary discourse 2. acknowledgment 3. suggestion, proposal nhechumāṃ n. (-māna-,-gū) 1. prediction, forewarning 2. hypothesis nhe-chuye (var. nheṂ~) 1. v.t. to start 2. v.t. to lead (in a musical performance) 3. v.t. to take the initiative 4. v.i. to be delighted 5. v.i. to behave too cheeky, to be silly, to be coquettish: macāta nhechuyā cvana. The children were being silly. lyāseta lyāymhatay nhyaḥne nhechuta. The young girls behaved coquettish in the presence of the boys. nhechyaṃ n. (-chena-) forehead nhechyā n. early part of a season nhe-chyāye v.t. to shift a date to an earlier time nhejavāṃ adv. in advance, ahead of schedule nhejaḥ n. (-jala-,-gū) 1. hint, briefing 2. assumption nhejuvāḥ n.anim. (-vāla-) 1. forerunner, pioneer 2. leader nhejyāṃ adv. in advance, forwards nhe-jyāye v.i. to proceed, to advance, go forward nhejvalaṃ n. (-lana-,-gū) 1. ritual item for preliminary stages of worship 2. {neol.} introduction nheta (var. nhetha) adv. (with v.t.) forwards, in advance; ~ biye to pay in advance nhetaṂsā n. (-gū) {neol.} prefix nhetakhunhu adv. on the previous day nhetuye v.i. (-tula) 1. to be extremely sweet 2. to be dirty (of cloth) nhetha -> nheta nhethanā n. (-gū) {neol.} 1. proposal, suggestion 2. preface nhe-thane v.t. 1. to mention 2. to propose, to suggest, to raise a question: jiṃ thva khaṂ suṃ āju pākheṃ nhethane. I shall raise this matter with one of the elders. nhethabāḥ n. (-bāla-) rent paid in advance nhethu 1. adv. forwards, in advance 2. adj. first 3. n. hon., n.anim. first wife, previous wife (cf. tatāpiṃli, nhesu, lithu); ~macā n.anim. child by first wife nhe-thene v.i. to arrive early nhe-thyāye v.i. to be early nhedyā n. (-dyā) 1. front bay of a house 2. initial part of a novel, exposition nhene v.i. to be contained, to fit into, to be accommodated: dakva saphūta tasī nhena. All the books fit into the shelves. nhenhuma -> nhaynumā nhenhe pref. forward, nearer, up front, earlier nhepaṃ1 n.anim. (-pana-) intruder, one who intervenes or disturbs nhepaṃ2 -> nhipaṃ nhepaṃkhyāḥ n.anim. (-khyāta-) hobgoblin (who obstructs a narrow passage) nhe-pane v.t. 1. to stop, to obstruct, to hinder 2. to come between, to intervene nhepātā n. (-pā) 1. front part of the body (from the throat to the waist) 2. front side of a garment 3. front cover of a book nhepi n. 1. tolerance 2. expectation 3. reserve, surplus 4. past; ~lipi n. 1. savings 2. expectation 3. past and future; ~lipi daye to have a habit of saving things; ~lipi yāye 1. to expect 2. to tolerate; ~lipi svaye to wait and see nhepu1 (var. nheppu) n. (-gaḥ) brain (cf. lhuku); ~ tagvaye to have brains, to be clever, to know much; ~ naye to trouble, to worry; ~ nay+ke to think over nhepu2 n. (-gū) {neol.} 1. confirmation, resolution 2. inquiry nhepuṃ chuye v.i. to flirt nhepu|-laṃpu n. conclusion, estimation; ~lipu n. question and answer, discussion; ~lipu daye to be on good terms; ~lipu yāye 1. to converse, to discuss 2. to greet nheppu -> nhepu1 nhe-pvike v.t. to start a discussion, to question nhephaḥ1 n. (-phala-,-phaḥ) 1. front quarter of a slaughtered animal 2. forward glance 3. front plinth 4. side walk nhephaḥ2 adv. forward nhephaḥcā n. first half of the night nhephaḥliphaḥ adv. forward and backward nhebasā (var. nhevasā) n. (-gū) toy, plaything nhebaḥ1 n. (-bala-,-gū) toy, plaything nhebaḥ2 adj. preceding; ~sā n. (-gū) the outer part of a piece of clothing nhebāṃ n. (-bāna-,-pā) 1. front of the body 2. facade of a house; ~ daye to be beautiful, good-looking nhe-bāye v.i. to be early, to be ahead of time nhe-bvaye v.t. to expose, to present, to exhibit nhe-bvāye v.i. to run ahead nheye v.t. (nhela) to chew, to munch nheruvā (var. nhervā) n.anim. sleepy person nhelaṃ -> nhyaḥ2 nhelaṃniseṃ adv. since, since formerly nhelaṃnetha adv. very early, a bit earlier nheli n. {neol.} prefix nhelisaḥ n. (-sala-,-gū) {neol.} formal meeting, interview; ~kāsā n. quizz contest; ~mi n.anim. quizz master nhelu {neol.} 1. n. (-gū) preface of a book 2. adj. first seen 3. adj. leading nhelumanti n. (-gū) recollection, remembrance nhe-luye v.t. to lead, to be in a leading position nhelu-vāḥ n.anim. (-vāla-) 1. leader, pioneer 2. writer of a preface nhelusi n. (-gaḥ) large wild lime nheva 1. postp. in front, before, first: bhāḥta nheva bajāray vana. (They) went to the bazaar with the husband walking in front. 2. n. past, past time, past tense; ~niseṃ adv. since, since formerly nhevasā -> nhebasā nhesamāṃ n. (-māna-,-gū) assembly to estimate the costs of a guthi ceremony nhesavāḥ -> nhesāḥ nhesaḥ n. (-sala-,-gū) question, inquiry; ~kathaṃ adv. according to the question; ~lisaḥ n. (-sala-,-gū) debate, discussion nhe-sāle v.t. 1. to pull forward 2. to shift a date to an earlier time nhesāḥ (var. nhesavāḥ) n. (-sāla-) 1. tasting (before serving) 2. pulling forth; ~lisāḥ n. pulling to and fro; ~lisāḥ juye to be undecided; ~lisāḥ yāye to vex, to annoy, to confuse nhesipusi (var. nheseṃ) n. coquetry, flirt; ~ kene, dhāye to flirt nhesu1 n. amnion fluid (childbirth) nhesu2 b.f. 1. frontal 2. first wife, previous wife (cf. tatāpiṃli, nhethu); ~kāy n. hon. son of the first wife (so referred to by further wives), stepson; ~kijā n. hon. younger stepbrother; ~keheṂ n. hon. younger stepsister; ~tatā n. hon. elder stepsister; ~dāju n. hon. elder stepbrother; ~pvāḥ n. (-pvāla-,-pvāḥ) front hole of an oven; ~macā n.anim. stepchild, child by first wife; ~mhyāy n. hon. (-mhyāca-) stepdaughter, daughter by first wife nhesulisu adv. before and after nheseṃ -> nhesipusi nheseṃ-peseṃ sane v.i. to pet, to fondle nhesvaṂlā n. trimmer nhya- -> nhe- nhyaḥ1 1. postp. before, ago: svanhu nhyaḥ three days ago, two days before yesterday; chi cheṂ vaye nhyaḥ ji vane dhuṃke. I shall be gone before you come home. (cf. nhinay) 2. adv. in advance: jiṃ dhebā nhyaḥ he pulāgu. I have definitely paid in advance. 3. adv. ahead; ~ khaye to be in the right position, with the grain, turned right (ant. akhaye); nhyaḥ...lyu postp. along with, together: bhāḥta nhyaḥ kalāḥ lyū bajāray vana. Husband and wife went to the bazaḥr (lit. husband first, wife following...) nhyaḥ2 (var. nhelaṃ) n. (nhela-) sleep, unconsciousness; nhelaṃ cāye to wake up; nhelaṃ phaye to be able to stay awake; nhelaṃ buye (bula) to sleep late, to wake up late; nhelaṃ bvāye to doze off, to nod; nhelaṃ lhāye to be forgotten; ~ tane to get no sleep; ~ picyāye to be disturbed in one's sleep; ~ vaye to fall asleep; ~ sene to be disturbed in one's sleep nhyaḥkathaṃ adv. properly, in the right manner nhyaḥkhaḥ adj. in the right way, with the grain (ant. akhaḥ); ~mājā n. glass paste for a kite string; ~māy+kā n. (-pu) drive belt of a spinning wheel (to drive wheel and spindle in the same direction) nhyaḥgulu n.anim. sleepy, drowsy person nhyaḥtaṃlvay n. (-lvaca-) insomnia, sleeplessness nhyaḥne postp. in front of, before: jigu cheṂ nhyaḥne chagū pukhūcā du. There is a small pond in front of my house.; ~danāsvay n. elevation (architecture) (lit. seeing standing in front of); ~saṃ adv. just in front nhyaḥ-nhyaḥ adv. in front: ji nhyaḥnhyaḥ vane. I shall go in front. nhyaḥsaḥ n. (-sala-,-saḥ) snore; ~ vaye to snore nhyaḥsū n. (-suli-) {neol.} sonnambulism, sleepwalking; ~ cāye, vaye to walk in one's sleep nhyā- b.f. each, every nhyāipu (var. nhaipu, nhyālāpu) adj. pleasant, agreeable, enjoyable, interesting; ~ye (-pula) to be pleasant; ~se cvane to be or seem pleasant nhyākaṃ -> nhāykaṃ nhyākā adv. willingly nhyākathaṃ adv. in every way, by any means nhyāke v.t. to move, to set into motion, to direct nhyākva adv. as often as one likes nhyā|-gu pron. anything, whatever; ~guṃ pron. whatever (emph.); ~thāy adv. wherever; ~the, ~theṃ adv. in any way, by any means; ~balay, ~baleṃ adv. always, at any time, whenever; ~baleṃtheṃ adv. as usual; ~balesaṃ adv. always, at any time, whenever nhyābu -> nhāpu nhyāmha pron. anyone, whoever nhyāye1 (nhyāta) 1. v.t. to put on, to slip into (clothes below the waist) (cf. phiye): vaṃ lākāṃ nhyāta. He slipped into his shoes. nhyānā svaye to try on 2. v.i. to be worth, to be valued, to be estimated 3. v.i. to move smoothly, to glide, to flow 4. v.i. to be up to, to be equal to: vayāta nhyāye data. (He) was up to him.; nhyāye day+ke to reach for; nhyāye daye to be accessible; to keep pace with nhyāye2 (var. nhyāle) v.i. (nhyāla) 1. to like to do 2. to be willing; nhyāy+kā haye id. nhyālāpu -> nhyāipu nhyāle -> nhyāye3 nhyāḥ1 adj. forward, advanced, upwards; ~ vane 1. to proceed, to move forward 2. to go early; ~ vaye 1. to come forward 2. to come early 3. to produce nhyāḥ2 n. fast beating of a drum, roll of a drum; ~ kāye, chvaye, vane to drum fast nhyāḥpalāḥ n. (-lākha-) progress, advance P -pa meas. measure for a container full of liquid, e.g.: karuvā chapa one brass pot full of water pa+iṃpa+iṃbaji -> pāyṃbaji pa+iṃyā n. gallop of a horse pa+ikusā (var. pahikusā) n. (-pā) shade of bamboo and leaves against sun or rain (cf. palekusā, sinākusā) pa+icāḥ n. acquaintance; ~ juye to be introduced, to get to know; ~ yāye 1. to introduce 2. to taste before serving pa+icva n. (-pu) pointed marker (to bore a metal sheet) pa+ilābi -> pālābi pa+u1 n. (pati-,-pau,-gū) 1. way-side shelter 2. seed bed 3. batten of a loom 4. page, leaf (of a book or manuscript) 5. letter 6. paper, magazine 7. thin plate for an inscription; ~ kāye to prepare a seed bed; ~ kiye to mark a seed bed for digging pa+u2 n. (pathi-) 1. (-pu) cane 2. (-mā) cane plant, rattan pa+u3 (var. pali) n. (pali-,-pau,-gū) roof (cf. luṂ~, lvahaṃ~, sijaḥ~, su~); paliṃ ciye to roof; ~ vāye, vāle to repair a roof pa+uṃka adv. (to knock on the head) forcibly pa+uṃpa+uṃ onom. (to strike with the fist) repeatedly pa+ukathi n. (-pu) cane stick (for drum play) pa+ukuthi n. (-gū) post office pa+ukusā n. (-pā) umbrella with a cane handle pa+ukvakā n. lacing; paukvakāṃ vaṂye, vāye to pass weft threads through a loom pa+ugā n. (-pu) kind of light scarf (given to a boy after the shaving ceremony by his maternal uncle) pa+u|-citā n.anim. {neol.} editor; ~dyāhāṃ n. (-hāna-,-gaḥ) postbox, letterbox; ~pilā n. (-gaḥ) id. pa+ubaji n. thin beaten rice (which is not sticky), used as an offering to the deities always together with `syāḥbaji' pa+ubā n. strip of split cane pa+ubāhāḥ (var. paubhāḥ) n. (-hāla-,-pā) ceremonial picture painted on cloth, Thanka pa+umhicā n. (-pā) envelope pa+uvā n. (-gū) resting place for travellers, overnight shelter, inn; ~li n.anim. inn-keeper pa+uvāḥ n.anim. (-vāla-) roofer, roof repairer paṂ1 (var. paṃ) n. 1. pile, heap 2. partiality; ~ ine to arrange in piles; ~ kāye to take sides; ~ cine, liye to pile up paṂ2 -> paṃ3 paṂc -> paṃca paṂcā n. yellow clay (used as a base for roof tiles and for roof terraces) (cf. laṃcā); ~kaṂ n. kind of black clay (used as a fertilizer) paṂpaṂ dhāye v.i. to be somewhat sour (cf. pāuṃ) paṂla meas. one pau (measure of volume or weight) paṂlaḥ -> palaḥ1 paṃ1 -> paṂ1 paṃ2 imp. of pane to hinder paṃ3 (var. patha, paṂ) n. (paṂtha-) bamboo; ~kī n. (-kila-,-pu) a bamboo nail or peg, also used to mark boundaries paṃkhā n. (-gū) fan paṃga+u n. (-gali-,-gau) joint of bamboo paṃgalaḥ (var. paṃgaḥ) n. (-lata-) obstruction, obstacle paṃghyaḥ n. (-ghela-) kind of sweetmeat made of bamboo paṃca (var. paṂca) num. five; ~astami n. pañcadān day; ~ka n. festival of five days (in October): consisting of `kvapujā' worship of the crow, `khicāpujā' worship of the dog, `lakṣmipujā' worship of the cow, `kijāpujā' worship of the younger brother, `mhapujā' worship of the self; ~kvāḥ n. (-kvāta-) vegetable curry of five ingredients; ~gavya n. (`five products of the cow':) a mixture used in rituals of purification (also Buddhist); ~tattva n. the five elements; ~tvā n. kind of musical instrument; ~dān (var. paṃja~, paṃjārāṃ) n. alms-giving ceremony during the month of guṃlā (`five gifts': unhusked rice, polished rice, lentil seeds, wheat and money); ~dhātu n. set of five metals; ~dhālā n. five streams of beer, in rituals; ~pakvān n. offering of five ingredients; ~patākā, ~patāḥ n. set of five flags of different colours for a pūjā; ~pvamāy n. hon. board of local officials during the Rāṇā period; ~bājaṃ n. (-jana-) set of (five) musical instruments; the music perfor­med by them (at rituals, esp. marriages); ~may lāye for an evil omen to appear (forecasting the death of five people); ~mī n. the fifth day of a lunar fortnight; ~ratna n. dust of five kinds of gems, viz. pearls, diamonds, garnet, sapphire and corals, used for rituals; ~varna n. `five colours' of artificial lotus leaves, white, blue, green, red, yellow, used in funeral rites paṃcākū n. (-kuli-) ritual food consisting of five pieces of buffalo meat paṃcāḥ n. (-cāka-) circum­ference of a wheel paṃcu n. (-pu) 1. reed pen 2. iron tool to engrave metal 3. tip of a bamboo shoot; ~kvāḥ n. (-kvāta-) kind of hot vegetarian dish paṃchi n.anim. bird paṃjadān -> paṃcadān paṃjaḥ n. (-jala-,-gaḥ) cage paṃjā1 n. (-pā,-ju) glove, paw; ~ nake to hit with the flat hand; ~ nhyāye to put on gloves; ~ mhite to play a wrestling game where the opponents try to twist each other's hand paṃjā2 n. (-gū) number five in gambling with cowries; ~dāu n. (-gū) id. paṃjāphi n. (-pā) kind of bread of several layers paṃjārāṃ -> paṃcadān paṃ|-jhāḥ n. (-jhāla-,-gū) bamboo bush, bamboo grove; ~pu n. relish of bamboo; ~bva n. (-gū) bamboo patch, bamboo grove; ~bhi n. bamboo curtain paṃ muye -> pammuye paṃlā n. special meat dish (served in feasts) (cf. hiṃlā) paṃlhāy n.anim. miser paka n. dismay, astonishment pakanāy|-dyaḥ n.pr. (-deva-) name of Mañjuśrī as the patron of craftsman­ship and of alcohol (also associated with marriage ceremonies); ~pujā n. (-gū) ceremony of offering eggs to Gaṇeś by an engaged couple some months before the marriage pakāḥ n. (-kāla-,-gū) 1. obstacle, hindrance 2. ill-luck, misfortune; ~ taye to obstruct, to intervene; ~ pule to overcome an obstacle, to get out of danger pakāḥpak adv. one after the other, continuously paku 1. adj. flat 2. n.anim. man with a flat chin; ~ciṃke to flatten, to crush, to smash; mhutu paku ciṃke (of children) to sulk; ~ cine (var. pata ~) to be flattened, to be dented, to be crushed (cf. phālā cine, yetiye) pakucā n. (-gū) small thatched hut paku|-ciṃ adj. flat, dented; ~ni n.anim. woman with a flat chin pakkā adj. 1. right, proper, true 2. trustworthy, reliable; ~ khaye to be true, to be correct, to be certain; ~ juye 1. to feel sure 2. to agree (on a deal); ~pakkī yāye to agree on a deal; ~ yāye 1. to assure 2. to decide 3. to agree on a deal pakku n. kind of spiced roasted meat pakbāj n. (-gaḥ) kind of drum pakhi n. (-gū) {Bhp} rope to hang clothes (Ktm aygviṂ) pagari n. (-gaḥ) turban pacakā -> pacukā pacay; ~ juye 1. to be digested 2. {fig.} to be confiscated, to be not repaid 3. to be soft; ~ yāye 1. to digest 2. {fig.} to confiscate, not to pay back pacarāṃ adv. sloppy, without order, scattered, unclean; ~ juye to be scattered; ~ yāye to scatter pacali n.pr. name of the god of alcoholic spirits (Bhairava); ~kvaṃ n. (-kvana-,-gaḥ) 1. storage pot for alcohol 2. {fig.} drunkard paci yāye v.t. {ch.lg.} to sit down paciṃ1 (var. patiṃ, pattiṃ) n. (-cina-,-pu) finger paciṃ2 adj. naked, nude paciṃ|-kāpi n. space between fingers; ~ga+u n. finger joint; ~ciṃ n. (-cina-,-gū) finger-print; ~cvakā n. (-gū) finger tip; ~tā n. (-tā) ramiformed pastry; ~tāmari n. (-tā) id.; ~ thāye to snap one's fingers; ~ dhasvāke, nyāy+ke 1. to challenge 2. to warn paciṃnāṃgā adj. naked, nude (cf. nāṃgāpaciṃ) paciṃmhicā n. (-pā) kind of purse for keeping the guthi accounts and the guthi money paci-paci yāye (var. patipati ~) v.t. to grope for one's way in the dark pacis n. kind of game with dice or cowries; ~tharki n. (-pā) piece of cloth on which this game is played (display­ing square fields of different colours where the pieces are moved) pacukā (var. pacakā) n. (-pu) syringe, small pump for spraying liquids pachim adj. west (cf. yautā) pachimā n. (-gaḥ) kind of large two-headed drum pache n. (-gū) side (i.e. part of body);~ pāt yāye to take sides, to be partial; ~ yāye to pass judgement; ~ liye to take sides pachebāt n. (-gū) paralysis pajani n. 1. arrangement, management, organization 2. reap­point­ment, reshufflement (esp. of government officials); ~ yāye 1. to manage 2. to replace officials or land tenants pataka adv. (to dislike food, to disobey) extremely patakā n. (-gaḥ) fire cracker pata cine -> paku cine patalā (var. pataḥ) adj. thin; ~ mhuye 1. to burst out 2. to flatten, to make a rebate patasi (var. patāsi) n. (-tvāḥ) woman's lower garment, long skirt, sari; ~cyaḥ n.anim. (-cela-) henpecked husband, husband dominated by his wife pataḥ -> patalā patā clf. for ṭīkā marks on the forehead patāsi -> patasi patāḥ n. (-tāla-,-pu) 1. flag, banner, narrow oblong cloth, silver strip, used for ceremonial purposes 2. {fig.} superscribed parts of `e', `o', `ai', `au' of the Devanāgarī script; ~ chāye to set ceremonial flags; ~ bvay+ke to offer flags in worship patāṃgini (var. patāṃgiri, patāṃgri) n. (-gū) 1. area around a palace, courtyard (of a Rāṇā palace) 2. platform patāḥchā n. (-gū) Buddhist ritual of placing flags on a temple patāḥpat adv. (to speak) without hesitation, fluently, without reserve pati1 (var. patti) n.anim. mosquito pati2 n. hon. husband (cf. bhāḥta) pati3 n. (-bālā) 1. oblong veneer, split wood (for fixing panes into window frames) 2. seclusion, privacy; ~ daye to be secluded pati4 n. (-gaḥ) small shallow earthen pot (for curds in a pūjā); ~ svane to place a ~ properly pati5 adj. short; ~ hāye to be short pati6 -> phuti patiṃ -> paciṃ1 patiṃgaḥ n. (-gala-,-gū) lever patikaṃ adv. always, whenever patigā n. (-pu) kind of thin cotton shawl for ordinary use pati cine (var. patimati ~) v.t. to flatten patināḥgvaḥ n. (-gvala-,-gvaḥ) 1. band of wood 2. pattern on a wood plank pati-pati yāye -> pacipaci yāye patipusā n. (-gū) mosquito-net pati-mati cine -> pati cine patiyā n. (-gū) ceremony of readmission into one's caste; ~ kāye to gain readmission into one's caste; ~ biye to readmit into one's caste patihākaḥ (var. patihāḥ) -> putihākaḥ patu n. (-gū) brace pattā n. (-gū) address; ~marumha n.anim. s.o. without a place of residence, s.o. who has left without giving an address patti -> pati1 pattikaṃ adv. every time pattī 1. n. type 2. adj. particular pattiṃ1 -> paciṃ1 pattiṃ2 postp. every, each: manūpattiṃ each man, each person patmuye -> pammuye patyāḥ (var. patyāḥr) n. confidence, faith, assurance; ~ daye to believe, to trust patyāḥyāy+bahaḥ adj. 1. considerable 2. trustworthy patrā -> pātra patru 1. adj. useless, worthless, worn out, leaking 2. n.anim. worthless person, good-for-nothing patha -> paṃ3 pathu n. waste or barren land; ~vā n. very inferior kind of paddy, rotting paddy pathū n. (-thuli-,-pu) kind of vegetable, beet root panapache n. partiality -pani suff. {obs.} plural marker with n. hon. pane 1. v.t. to stop, to hold back, to check, to obstruct, to block, to prohibit 2. v.i. to get warm, to warm o.s. 3. v.i. to dry; panā kāye to hold back; panā taye to keep under, to suppress panyū n. (-gū) flat ladle (for serving rice) papū n. (-puti-,-gū) wing; ~kathi n. (-pu) bow of a paper kite pammuye (var. paṃ­muye, patmuye) v.i. to burst, to be crushed, to be flattened paye v.t. to have sexual inter­course payṃkāli (var. payṃlak­hi) n.anim. 1. commission agent, broker 2. kind of pigeon (with eyes in different colours); ~baniyā n.anim. id. 1. payṃtāḥ n. (-tāla-,-pu) kind of long trumpet (to follow a procession, blown by kāṃsakārs); ~khalaḥ n. (-laka-) 1. group of trumpet players 2. {fig.} late comer; ~khiṃ n. (-khina-,-gaḥ) kind of barrel drum (combined with two other drums) payṃtī lāye v.i. to die under a constellation particularly inauspicious, presaging the death of others payṃpalā n. 1. (-haḥ) kind of leaf 2. set of five leaves payṃlakhi -> payṃkāli 2. pay+tāḥ n.anim. (-tāla-) falcon (cf. jamaru, dasaṃ, bāycā, bvaḥri, satāṃ) pay+na (var. paynhaḥ, paynaṃ, pasna) n. marriage ceremony; ~jā n. wedding feast given to a sister's daughter; ~ biye to give a daughter in marriage; ~ vane 1. (of a woman) to marry 2. to marry without consent of the parents, to elope pay+nhaḥ -> payna parakāla n. (-pu) dividers, bow compasses parake -> parke paracakra n. other (persons) parajā n.anim. tenant, subject paratāl n. kind of musical rhythm (one long beat alternating with three short ones) parantu 1. conj. but, since: mvaḥnhita khasī nyāye māḥgu parantu dhebā madayā nyāye maphū. We ought to buy a goat for Dasain, but as there is no money, we can't. 2. adv. at long last, eventually paramesvar n.pr. the supreme god paray juye v.i. 1. to happen: chuṃ paray jula whatever happens 2. to be related to paralvak n. the world beyond; ~ juye to die, pass away paripaṃca n. (-gū) meeting parevā n. (-nhu) first day of the lunar fortnight parke (var. parake) v.t. 1. to patch, to mend 2. {fig.} to meet an expense, to incur a financial obligation: āḥ vaṃ kāyyā byāhāyā kharca parke phata. Now he is able to finance the expense of his son's marriage. partā n. cost, price partyā n.anim. hill people (with mother tongues other than Nepālī) pardā n. 1. (-gū) curtain, screen, veil 2. window curtain pattern (in carving) 3. (-gū) scale of a harmonium or piano pardāvāl adj. frilled parba n. (-gū) occasion, festival, incident parbaḥ n. (-bata-,-gaḥ) mountain, highland; ~tusi n. (-gaḥ) kind of tasty cucumber parbāḥ n. care, consideration parsi (var. patasi) n. (-tvāḥ) woman's skirt, sari; ~guji n. (-guji) fold of a sari; ~cyaḥ n.anim. (-cela-) henpecked husband; ~cvaḥ n. (-cvata-,-cvaḥ) lappet of a sari; ~ bvay+ke to roll out saris (when roofing a new house); ~mvaḥ n. (-mvala-,-mvaḥ) waist-band of a traditional women's skirt (bound up in a knot); ~ sine, siye to put on a sari pala+iṃ n. (-pu) {Thimi} fer­mented radish (used for preparing pickles) (cf. sināmani) palaṃ (var. palamā) n. (-lana-,-gū) 1. funnel 2. shuttering for concrete 3. mould (for metal casting) 4. (-kū) wedge to tighten the handle of tools 5. xylograph; ~ gvaye to make a framework, to provide a form; ~cā n. (-gū) oil filter; ~ tāye -> ~ gvaye; ~ thvaye to remove a form palakh adv. a moment, a minute, short while: palakh pyu wait a moment palamā -> palaṃ palasu n. (-gū) straight rainbow palaḥ1 (var. paṂlaḥ) n. (-lata-) 1. (-pu,-thu) spinach palaḥ2 n. (-lata-,-gū) dark patch on the face (after childbirth or due to exposure to the weather) 2. (-gaḥ) metal plate with holes palā1 -> pale1 palā2 meas. unit of time of about 24 seconds palāṃ n. (-lāna-,-gaḥ) stone anvil palās n. kind of tree, Butea frondosa palāsicvaḥ n. (-cvala-) leaves pattern (in wood carving) palāḥ n., meas. (-lākha-,-palāḥ) 1. step, pace 2. an approximate measure of distance; ~khvāyṃ n. (-khvāṂca-,-khvāyṃ) foot print, track, trail; ~ cvaye to stride out; ~ chiye to walk, to go on foot; ~ taye to step on (intentional­ly); ~patiṃ adv. at every step; ~ luye to walk shuffling; ~ lheye to toddle pali 1. -> pau3 2. -> palesā palithā n. consecration of an image in a temple palibhāḥ n. (-bhāla-) flash of lightning palimāṃ n. (-māna-) kind of musical rhythm palisā -> palesā pale1 (var. palā) n. lotus pale2 -> palesā paleṃ thane v.t. to place a deceased on a chariot for a funeral procession pale|-kusā n. (-pā) shade of bamboo and lotus; ~pu n. 1. lotus seed 2. lotus seed pattern (cf. paikusā, sinākusā) palepvāḥ n. (-pvāla-,-pvāḥ) large central hole in a `hāsi' pot palelapte n. (-pā) lotus leaf palesā (var. palisā, pale) 1. n. sub­stitute 2. adv. instead of, in return, e.g.: kheṃyā palesā instead of eggs; ~ kāye to take s.th. as a sub­stitute; ~ vane to go in s.o.'s stead pale|-svāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) lotus; ~daṃ n. (-dana-,-pu) lotus stem; ~haḥ n. (-hala-,-haḥ) petal or leaf of a lotus; ~haḥcā n. 1. small lotus leaf 2. pattern of lotus leaves palpasā (var. pulpasā) n. lightning (cf. nhasalā, bhilsi, lasā, lhāpsā, hābalāsā, helsā); ~ tvaye to strike (of light­ning) palyāk+puluk adv. (to look) this side and that pasalyā n.anim. shopkeeper; ~bhāja n.anim. id. pasaḥ n. (-sala-,-gū) shop; ~kavaḥ n. (-vala-) column spacing of a shop; ~kū n. (-kuthi-,-gū) shop; ~gā n. steel or wooden yard for measuring merchandize; ~ cāy+ke to set up a shop; ~jvalaṃ n (-lana-) purchased goods; ~ taye to start business; ~dhī n. (-dhika-,-dhī) shutter to close a shop; ~baji n. ordinary beaten rice; ~bābu n.anim. shopkeeper; ~ bvaye to display things for sale; ~ vane to go shopping pasu n.anim. 1. animal 2. fool; ~paṃchi n.anim. birds and beasts pasūkā n. (-pu) ritual garland of five-coloured thread worn during pūjās pastāy cāye v.i. to repent, feel sorry pastāḥ1 n. (-tāla-,-gū) marriage ceremony (for the bridegroom); ~ nyāye to settle a marriage (for the groom) pastāḥ2 n. (-tāla-,-gū) kind of barrel drum (combined with two other drums); ~khiṃ n. (-khina-,-gaḥ) id. pastāḥbhvay n. (-bhvaja-,-gū) wedding feast pasna -> payna pasminā n. (-pu) very fine woollen shawl pahalaṃchi adv. 1. very little, a few 2. without a purpose pahaliyā n.anim. opportunist pahaḥ (var. paḥ) n. (-hala-,-gū) 1. habit, behaviour 2. way, manner 3. pretence 4. state, condition, quality (productive device of forming abstract nouns, such as: macāpahaḥ childhood, burāpahaḥ old age, bāṃlāḥpahaḥ beauty); ~ kāye to adopt a (artificial) behaviour; ~cahaḥ n. (-hala-) 1. habit, behaviour 2. merriment; ~cā n. attitude, behaviour; ~ yāye to pretend, to feign pahikusā -> paikusā paḥ1 -> pahaḥ paḥ2 meas. (pala-) measure of weight (about 200 grams) paḥkā n. (-gaḥ) yellow mustard seed paḥkū n. (-kula-) cornice, ornament in plaster paḥkva n. (-gū) {Pat} hut, hovel paḥkhāḥ n. (-khāla-,-gaḥ) enclosure, wall paḥ khuye v.t. to enclose with a wall, to shield, to barricade paḥmāy n. (-māsa-,-gaḥ) green pulse paḥmāṃ n.pr. Newar community of the Śhreṣṭhas (Pradhāns) pā1 n. (-pu) axe, sword pā2 n. (-pā) feather; ~ kule to be safe (from the consequences of faults); ~ puye 1. to pluck feathers 2. to cheat, to get money by unfair means pā3 n. (-pā) shoulder; ~ chāye to carry on the shoulders (hom. pā5); ~ yāye to carry on the shoulder (hom. pā6) pā4 n. hon. {ch.lg.} mother's brother pā5 n. (-pā) 1. pair, couple 2. group, unit of four (in games); pāṃ thaye (for numbers) to be even; ~ kāye to choose sides in a game; ~ cine to embrace (hom. pā6); ~ chāye to take sides (hom. pā3); ~ chyāye to separate into groups pā6 (var. pāḥ) clf., meas. 1. clf. for nouns denoting flat objects, such as bricks, sheets, clothing, flat pastry etc. 2. clf. for single items out of pairs 3. clf. denoting the number of times certain actions are performed (derived from pāye, pāle: painting, oiling, betting, drying, chopping); ~ cine to prepare a flat shape, to make flat (hom. pā5); ~ jyāye to flatten; ~ yāye to flatten (hom. pā3) pāi 1. n. {ch.lg.} act of beating, clapping 2. meas. quarter of a pice pāika n. comfort; ~ juye to feel comfortable pāu {ch.lg.} -> 1. pāju 2. pālu pāuṃ 1. adj. sour (cf. paṂpaṂ) 2. n. kind of sour spiced drink 3. n. sour fruit; ~ghāyṃ n. (-ghāṂsa-,-mā) kind of clover (used against fever); ~ci n. alum; ~thika adj. too sour; ~thvaṂ n. beer of low quality; ~ dhāye to be sour pāuṃnā n.anim. guest; ~pāth n. hospitality; ~ yāye to honour a guest, to serve s.th. special to a guest pāuṃye v.i. (pāuṃla) to be sour pāuṃ|-lā n. kind of meat dish used as an offering to a deity; ~savāḥ n. (-vāla-) sour taste pāuju n. (-pā,-jvaḥ) anklet pāurvati n. (-pā) loaf of bread or cake pāulāgi n. salutation of Brahmins by touching their feet pāṃ -> pāhāṃ pāṃkī -> pāhāṃkī pāṃgāy vane v.i. 1. to be dismissed 2. to be ruined pāṃgra (var. pāṃgrā) n. 1. (-cāḥ) wheel 2. (-gaḥ) round seed pod, Entada scandens 3. (-gaḥ) kneecap; ~cā khāye (for a girl's breasts) to develop pāṃcaḥrhay -> pāhāṃcaḥrhay pāṃju (var. pāniju) n. hon. temple priest pāṃti n. kind of refreshment consisting of sugar candy and spices (served at `jugaḥcaḥrhay') pāṃ thuye v.i. (of sound) to be distinct; pāṃ mathuye to be indistinct pākay juye v.i. to ripen pākaḥ n.anim. (-kala-) dumb man, mute; ~khvāḥ n.anim. (-khvāla-) (male) idiot; ~khvālaṃ puye to play the fool; ~tāṃ n.anim. idiot; ~misā n.anim. dumb woman pākā (var. pāḥkā) n. (-pu) thread of hair or silk: pākāṃ suye to stitch a wound pākāpaḥ n. (-pata-) silk cloth, brocade pākā-pākā naye v.t. to gobble pākāpuku daye v.t. to beat, to thrash vehemently pāki n. pair of furrows (in a wheat field) pāku n. liquor pāku-pāku naye v.t. to eat continuously, to nibble pākuli n.anim. stupid woman, dull woman pākka adv. separately, by itself pākva1 n. (-gū) cave pākva2 adj. 1. experienced 2. permitted; ~ juye 1. to be experienced 2. to be permitted 3. to be relieved from worry; ~ yāye {fig.} to appropriate illegally pākh meas. distance measured in spans; ~ kāye to measure in spans (in shooting marbles) pākhā n. (-gū) 1. eaves 2. slope, uphill, downhill; ~kichi (var. pākhāṃ~) n. area covered by eaves; ~ kuye to cover with eaves; ~jā n. portion of rice suspended in a bamboo basket from the eaves as an offering to a deceased on the seventh day after his death; ~ti n. 1. rainwater dripping from the eaves 2. rainwater stains on the eaves; ~bva n. (-gū) dry land; ~lākhā n. high land; ~lvahaṃ n. (-haṂta-,-gaḥ) stone for rain water dripping from the eaves; ~saṂ n. bushy hair on the forehead; ~ hāye (for rain water) to drip from the eaves pākhe1 postp. 1. towards, to: ji vaṃghaḥ pākhe vanā cvanā. I am going towards Indracok. 2. (with time nouns) about, around, approximately: ji cār bajay pākhe chi thāy vay. I'll come to you around four o'clock. pākhe2 (var. pākhyā) n.anim. man from the hills pākheṃ postp. 1. from: gvadāvarī pākheṃ vayā cvaṃgu. He comes from Godāvarī. 2. by: rām pākheṃ dugu sita. The goat was killed by Rām. 3. -> pākhe1 pākhyā -> pākhe2 pāgvay n. (-gvaca-,-gaḥ) raw, unbroken betelnut pācaḥ n. (-cala-) medical powder, esp. digestive powder; ~guli n. (-guli) medical pill; ~ niye 1. to crush into powder 2. {fig.} to suppress pācā (var. pāccā) n. flat piece; ~khaḥmū n.anim. (-muli-) carrier of pans; ~lāsā n. (-pā) small flat cushion to sit on; ~sukhū n. (-khuli-,-pā) door-mat, small straw mat pāci (var. pāchi) n. 1. embrace 2. piggy-back pācine v.t. 1. to embrace 2. (var. pāpā cine) to form into a flat shape pācu adj. smooth, fine, plain, even pācukā (var. pārpācuki) n. divorce pācuke v.t. 1. to smoothen, to trim 2. to clear a debt 3. to divorce: vaṃ bhātalise pācukala. She got divorced from her husband. pācukvakī n. (-kila-,-pu) pointed spade pācuye v.i. (-cula) 1. to be smooth 2. to be cleared (of a debt)­ 3. to be divorced pāccā -> pācā pācyāṃ adv. loose, sloppy, without order pāchāi n. (-mā) black mustard; ~bva n. (-gū) mustard bed pāchi -> pāci pāchyāṃjay n.anim. (agt. ~naṃ) under-secretary, joint secretary pāju (var. pāu {ch.lg.}) n. hon. mother's brother, maternal uncle; ~yā thāy vane ritual visit to the maternal uncle one month after the birth of a child pājuvāḥ n.anim. (-vāla-) gambler pājyaḥ n.anim. (-jela-) dumb person, idiot pājyāṃ; ~ cvane 1. to be loose 2. to be idle 3. to be mushy; ~ taye to scatter about pātaḥ n., clf. (-tala-) drop, patch, splash (of secretions), e.g.: īpātaḥ a drop of spittle, hi ni-pātaḥ two drops of blood pātā1 n. (-gū) tobacco holder made of clay pātā2 (-pātā) 1. n. front or back side of the body or of garments 2. n. large sheet of metal 3. clf. for metal sheets pātā-pātā (var. ~pātāṃ) 1. n. trampling, staggering 2. adv. loosely, untidily; ~ cvane 1. to be in a state of shock, to be dazed 2. (of a woman) to be untidily dressed; ~ juye to stamp, to walk trampling; ~ palāḥ chiye to stagger pātra (var. patrā) n. 1. (-gū) calendar 2. (-gaḥ) vessel, container, cup 3. {fig.} s.o. who receives donations; ~khvala n. (-gaḥ) ceremonial bowl of brass or silver pātha n. (-gū) 1. prayer, recitation 2. lesson, homework; ~ yāke to cause to recite a sacred text, as a work of merit pāthi meas. unit of volume equivalent to eight mānās; ~ luye ritual of pouring flowers and grains of paddy on the head of the bride on arriving at the bridegroom's home pāthyā n. (-gū) prayer, chant; ~ye (-thyāla) to pray, to chant; ~saphū n. (-phuli-,-gū) prayer-book pādākū n. (-kuli-,-pu) pair of rulers pādujaḥ n.anim. (-jala-) second grade member of a guthi (including both husband and wife) pān n. hearts (of playing cards or of `laṃgurburjā') pānaki n. (-gaḥ) kind of silver coin pānakiṃ n.anim. (-kina-) s.o. playing the second role (female) pānā n. (-pā) leaf, page pānāyaḥ n.anim. (-yeka-) s.o. playing the second role (male) pāniju n. hon. 1. worshipper 2. priest pānu -> pālu pāp n. (-gū) sin, evil, trespa­ss; pāpaṃ pune to be punished for a bad deed; ~ kamāy juye to commit a crime; ~ kvabuye 1. id. 2. to get into difficulties; ~ phuke to solve a conflict; ~ hāle to suffer the consequen­ces of a bad deed pāpā (var. pāpa) n. {ch.lg.} bread, sweetmeat pāpi n.anim. sinner pāphaye v.t. to take a vow, to promise: vaṃ pasupati vane dhakāḥ pāphala. He vowed to go to Paśupatināth. pāphay+ke v.t. to swear pāphāḥ (var. pārhāḥ) n. (-phāla-,-phāḥ) blade of an axe pāmacā n.anim. twin pāmalaḥ n. (-lakha-,-gū) stroke of lightning (splitting some object) pāmilā n. full moon pāmvaḥ n. (-mvala-,-mvaḥ) head of an axe pāy b.f. (with clf.) like that, somewhat, to some extent, comparatively: cheṂ baḥcā pāykhā jula. The house is more or less average. pāy-aji n. hon. great-grandmother pāyaḥ n. (-yela-,-pā) anklet pāy-āju n. hon. great-grandfather pāyāḥ n. (-yāta-) sword procession (taking place on the tenth day of the bright half of the month of kaulā); ~jātrā n. id. pāye (pāta) 1. v.t. to paint 2. v.t. to oil 3. v.t. to apply medicine 4. v.t. to gamble, to bet 5. v.t. to dry, to expose to the sun 6. v.i. to be different pāyṃ (var. pāyn) n. (pāṂca-) 1. (-pā) slab of a broken clay pot used as dice in gambling 2. (-pāyṃ) lump, piece, portion, tangled mass, helping of a dish 3. (-gū) noose, fish net, bird trap 4. (-gū) temper of a tool 6. (-gū) grind-stone; ~ gvaye to make a plan; ~ cine to coagulate, to thicken; ~ chuye 1. to ensnare, to catch in a net 2. to cook as a whole piece 3. to temper a tool; ~ taye 1. to ensnare 2. to temper a tool; ~(-pāyṃ)baji (var. paiṃpaiṃbaji) n. kind of coarse beaten rice of low quality; ~ biye to temper a tool; ~mvahaḥ (var. ~mvaḥ) n., meas. (-hara-,-hala-) kind of coin; mhite to play at dice, throwing shells, flat earthen pieces; ~ lāye to spread a net pāy+chi adj. exact, accurate, correct pāy+bājyā n. hon. great-grandfather pāy+mvaḥ -> pāyṃvahaḥ pāra; ~ juye 1. (of a river) to be crossed 2. to be at the further end 3. {fig.} to be free , to be at ease; ~ pācuye, biye to divorce; ~ yāye 1. to cross 2. to learn thoroughly 3. to drive away, to avoid pārakh yāye v.t. to test, to recognize pārāka adv. (to slap, to talk) in fun, jestingly pārā-pārā hāle v.i. to prattle, to mumble, to interrupt with irrelevant talk pāru n. first day of the lunar fortnight pārubhasma n. refined mercury for medical purposes pārpācuki -> pācukā pārva n. mercury, quicksilver pārhāḥ -> pāphāḥ pāl (var. pāḥl) n. (-gū) sail, tent, shelter pālaṃ n. (-lana-) food provided at the end of a fast; ~ yāye to take food after a fast pālaṃpāḥ adv. one after another, by turns pālaki n. (-gū) sedan chair, palanquin pālani n. full moon (cf. bālani) pālā1 (var. pālcā) n. 1. (-gaḥ) small earthen lamp 2. (-gū) minute pālā2 n. hon. guthi-guardian respon­sible for the organisation of major festivals pālāka-puluka n. flash of light­ning, series of flashes of lightning pālācā (var. pālcā) n. (-pā) small bowl used as an oil lamp pālā chvaye v.t. to cut down pālāpili n. series of flashes of lightning pālābi (var. pailābi) n. (-gū) kind of seed (used against stomach parasites) pālāḥ adj. complete (not cut); ~appā n. (-pā) complete, uncut brick pāli n. (-gū) 1. foot, sole of the foot, lower leg 2. foot of a hill 3. extended ground floor; ~kva n. position of subordina­tion; ~khvāyṃ n. (-khvāṂca-,-khvāyṃ) footprint; ~ pikāye, syāye to extend a house pālijāḥ|-bakhuṃ n.anim. (-khuna-) kind of pigeon with feathered legs; ~svāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) coral tree, coral flower pālitaḥ n. (-tala-,-taḥ) sole of foot pāli|-pa+ucheṂ n. (-khā) terrace house, house extension built into a terrace (cf. tau); ~phaḥ n. (-phala-,-phaḥ) plinth of an extended floor pālu (var. pāna, pānu, pāu {ch.lg.}) 1. n. (-kāyṃ) ginger root, ginger plant 2. adj. spicy, hot; ~gu n. {sl.} liquor; ~taḥkhāḥ n. (-khāla-) kind of meat jelly; ~pālu dhāye to be somewhat spicy; ~ye (-lula) to be spicy, to be hot; ~se cvane id. pāle v.t. to cut, to chop, to dig, to behead pāleyaḥ n.anim. (-yela-) kind of grasshopper pālcā (var.pālcva) -> pālā1 pālpāl onom. twinkling; ~ thiye to twinkle; ~ vaye (for lightning) to flash pāl yāye -> pāḥ2 pālhāḥ1 n. (-lhāta-,-pā) palm of the hand pālhāḥ2 n. mercury, quicksilver pāvāsaḥ n. (-sala-) medical ointment, balm pāsaṃ kene v.i. to be entangled pāsaḥ meas. quantity that can be taken in the cupped hands pāsaḥbhvay n. (-bhvaja-,-gū) ceremony observed on the twelfth day after a death pāsā1 1. n. hon. friend 2. n. hon. assistant 3. n. (in combination with `aylāḥ') kind of sauce, relish, or meat eaten while spirits are being drunk; ~ cine to get friends with, to form a friendship; ~ nāle to consider as a friend; ~ vaye to come along, to accompany pāsā2 n. (-gū) dice pāsā3 n. (-pā) mat for drying rice; ~ cakaṃke, lāye to spread a ~ pāsācaḥrhay n. (-rhasa-) festival held on the fourteenth day of cillāgā (March-April) (cf. pāhāṃcaḥrhay) pāsābhāi n. hon. close friend, bosom friend pāsi n. (-gaḥ) pear; ~pī n. (-pila-,-pā) cake of dried pear pāsu n. (-gū) difference; ~ taye to make a difference; ~ daye to differ pāsnī n. ceremony of feeding a child with solid food for the first time pāsyāye v.i. 1. to be controlled, to be dominated 2. to be on friendly terms, to trust pāsyāy+bahaḥ adj. trustworthy, reliable, controllable pāsyāy+matyaḥ adj. unreliable, untrustworthy, uncontrollable pāhā n.anim. young frog, tadpole pāhāṃ (var. pāṃ) n. hon. (-hāna-) guest, visitor; ~ yāye to honour a guest, to serve s.th. special to a guest pāhāṃkī (var. pāṃkī) n.anim. (-kila-) kind of insect living in damp places, a bookworm (not fig.) pāhāṃ|-caḥrhay (var. pāṃcaḥrhay) n. (-rhasa-) festival held on the fourteenth day of the month of cillāgā (cf. pāsācaḥrhay); ~bvanābhvay n. (bhvaja-,-gū) feast in honour of a dead person pāḥ1 -> pā6 pāḥ2 n. (pākha-,-pāḥ) 1. slope 2. decrease; ~ juye to be reduced in quantity; ~ taye to raise the price (for bargaining) (hom. pāḥ4); ~ luye to slope, to slant; ~ yāye 1. to bring down, make a reduction 2. (var. pāl ~) to blame, to accuse pāḥ3 (pāta-) 1. n. (-pā) shallow earthen pot 2. clf. for counting processes of distilling wine, of purifying gold; ~ kāye 1. to distil liquor 2. to purify gold (hom. pāḥ4); ~ thane to measure out a contribution (of grain and money) for an offering pāḥ4 (pāla-) 1. n., n.anim. watch, guard 2. n., clf. turn; ~ kāye to take the turn in hosting the guthi (hom. pāḥ3); ~ cine to decide who is to host the guthi; ~ cvane to watch, to guard; ~ taye to keep as a guard (hom. pāḥ2); ~ phaye 1. to take the turn in hosting the guthi 2. to promise; ~ bene (for one's turn of hosting the guthi) to come to an end; ~ lāye 1. to happen simul­taneously 2. to take the turn in hosting the guthi; ~ hile to take turns pāḥ5 adj., adv. 1. different, separate 2. once pāḥ6 onom. {ch.lg.} hitting, striking pāḥkā -> pākā pāḥkh vane v.i. to be well-cooked pāḥcā1 n. aquaintance pāḥcā2 n. vessel to keep offerings of fruit and grain pāḥdha+u n. (-dhali-) kind of thick curd pāḥbva (var. pāḥlāḥvālaḥ) n. plate of food ritually served to a successor in hosting the guthi; ~ kene ritual of inviting the guthi members and friends to invoke their help (in which a pulse cake is distributed to all the participants who will then specify the contribu­tion they are going to make); ~ laḥlhāye annual ritual of handing over the office of feasting the guthi members; ~ svake -> kene pāḥmakaḥ n. (-kala-,-gaḥ) kind of earthen pot pāḥl -> pāl pāḥlāḥvālaḥ -> pāḥbva pi1 n. 1. (-pu) umbilical cord 2. (-baḥ) membrane on an infant's head, fontanel 3. (-pi) painter's brush; ~ chiye ritual of cutting the umbilical cord (hom. s.v. pichiye); ~ dhene id. pi2 num. forty -pi3 clf. for plots of land pi-4 pref. out, outwards, external pi-iye v.i. to feel uneasy piu- -> pyu- piṃ1 n. (pina-) 1. (-gū) swing 2. (-pi) painter's brush piṃ2 n. {ch.lg.} planting -piṃ3 suff. (-pini-, agt. -pinisaṃ) 1. plural marker with nḥon. 2. attributive suffix marking subordination with plural of n.anim. 3. nominalizing plural suffix with reference to animate beings, e.g. thīmajyūpiṃ, people of impure caste piṃpābhu n. pasture for cattle piṃpiṃ onom. chirping of birds piṃli n. hon. husband's younger brother's wife; ~māy+li {coll.} husband's brothers' wives pika n. (-pu) pickaxe pikalukudyaḥ n. (-deva-) small stone in front of a door repre­senting a god (Kṣetrapāla, Kumār etc.) (cf. pikhālakhu) pikalvahaṃ n. (-haṂta-,-gaḥ) stone plate to sharpen tools (used by drum makers) pikavaḥ n.anim. (-vala-) (remote) blood relation pi-kāye v.t. 1. to take out, to bring out 2. to edit, to publish 3. to appear, to seem pikāka n.anim. {neol.} editor, publisher pikū n. (-kuti-,-gū) 1. kitchen store 2. warehouse pikhalu n. (-gū) outer entrance of a palace; ~ gele to put into a projecting position (cornice bricks); ~ cuke to smoothen (metal surface); ~ chiye to set a corbel; ~ jyāye 1. id. 2. to smoothen; ~ dhvaye id. pikhā n. 1. (-khā) house facing a lane 2. (-gū) corridor; ~cheṂ n. (-khā) extension of a building; ~lakhu n. (-gū) 1. common entrance of a courtyard 2. guardian stone in front of the threshold (cf. pikalukudyaḥ); ~lukhā n. (-gū) entrance of a courtyard, threshold pikhujhaṃgaḥ n. (-gala-) kind of bird pi-khvaye v.i. to perform the death ritual of throwing away the deceased's clothes (done by married women) pigaṃ -> pīgaṃ pi-gele v.t. to lay projecting bricks pigyāṃ n. (-gyāna-) acquired knowledge pi-ghāye v.t. 1. to keep s.th. outside 2. to add to an outer part picaḥ (var. pyācaḥ) n. (-cala-) secretion from the eyes picā n. 1. (-gaḥ) bamboo basket for keeping beaten rice 2. (-pu) stick for cleaning pottery 3. soil into which seeds have been recently sown (cf. lhucā) picāpāsi n. (-gaḥ) kind of small fruit pi-cāye 1. v.t. to pierce 2. v.i. to flow out, to trickle, to seep out 3. v.i. (for a disease) to erupt pi-cāy+ke v.t. to cause to come out (esp. a bride from her parents' home) (cf. ducāyke) picāḥ n. (-cāla-,-cāḥ) periphery, circumference piciṃka onom. (to stamp) heavily, vehemently picika -> picca pici-pici yāye v.t. to spit picu (var. pithu) adj. 1. smooth, clean 2. out, outer, external; ~kvathā n. (-gū) sitting room, room for receiving guests; ~khaṂ n. (-gū) rumour; ~khalu n. (-gaḥ) threshold of an outer gate; ~cuka n. (-gū) common courtyard, outer playground; ~bāhāḥ n. (-hāla-,-gū) outer courtyard of a monastery, outer frame of a window; ~mājā n. evenly applied glass paste; ~ye1 (-cula) to be smooth (hom. s.v.) pi-cuye2 v.t. to excommunicate from a caste (hom. s.v. picu) picca (var. picikka) onom. sound of spitting piccā yāye v.t. {ch.lg.} to grope, to walk in the dark pi-cyāye v.i. to scream, to shout picvaḥ n. (-cvala-,-cvaḥ) outer end of a thread ball pichini n.anim. caste name of women cutting the umbilical cord pi-chiye v.t. to lay projecting bricks pi-chyāye v.t. to turn s.th. back pichumāṃ n. (-māna-,-gū) 1. hint 2. symptom, sign pijā -> pījā pijikaḥ n. (-kata-,-pā) dregs of liquor fermentation pijyā n. external completion of a house pijyāṃ adv. outwards (cf. dujyāṃ) pijyāye (-jyāla) 1. v.i. to go out 2. v.t. to lay protruding bricks pi-jvaye v.i. to leak, to come out pita adv. (with v.t.) outwards; ~ kāye to pull out, to extract; ~ biye to give away; ~ yeṃke to take out, to carry away; ~ haye to bring out, to carry away pitaḥ 1. n. (-tala-,-pā) solder leaf, sheet of tin, thin gold or silver paper (in packs of cigaret­tes) 2. adj. thin pitika onom. (to tear, to break) easily piti-titi -> pitipiti pi-tine v.t. to shut out, to expel, to cast out piti-piti (var. pitititi, piripiri) onom. 1. (to walk) slow, going and stopping 2. (to tear, to break) easily 3. sound of trickling pitta n. bile, gall; ~jvar n. high fever, fever resulting from an excess of bile pittu piye v.t. to pet, to stroke gently pityāye v.i. to be hungry pityāḥ adj. hungry; ~khvālaṃ adv. hungrily, greedily; ~cā n.anim. greedy person; ~ chele to satisfy one's hunger pithanā n. {neol.} publication pi-thane v.t. {neol.} 1. to perform (plays or music) 2. to publish pithā n. (-gū) latrine lane; ~ cvane to shit pithu 1. n. elevated area outside of a town 2. -> picu 2.; ~cuka n. (-gū) outer yard pidanā n. (-gū) {neol.} publication, public performance pi-dane v.i. {neol.} to publish, release; to be performed, to appear piduvāḥ n. (-vāla-,-gū) common gate pides n. suburb, outskirts pidyā n. (-dyā) front bay of a house pinā n. (-pā) cake of sesamum, mustard seeds left over after pressing oil pināpināvāuṃ n.anim. kind of buzzing insect (swarming at rice planting time) pināsa n. chronic inflammation of the nose, catarrh pine adv. outside; ~yā adj., n.anim. external, foreign, outsider pipalāmec n. peppermint pipiṃkhā (var. pipikhā) n. kind of bird, heron pipicā n.anim. {ch.lg.} chick, duckling, young pigeon pipi dhāye v.i. (of hair) to be greasy pipī n. (-pila-) 1. (-gaḥ) kind of long, black pepper 2. (-gū) nipple pipī|-cā n. (-gū) nipple of a baby bottle; ~hā n. (-hā) pepper root pi-phvāye v.t. to throw out, to push s.o. out of the house pibaḥ n. (-bala-,-bata-,-baḥ) outer layer, surface, rind; ~ taye to cover, to veneer; ~sā n. (-baḥ) outer layer, surface, cover pibā n. (-gaḥ) outer post, pillar; ~thāṃ n. (-thāma-,-gaḥ) outer post (of a shop) pibāhā n. (-gaḥ) jambs of an outer frame (of a door or window) pi-bvane v.t. 1. to invite to a get-together 2. to invite a widow a year after her husband's death (ritually done by her brother or maternal uncle, after which she is once more free to move in society) pi-bvaye v.t. to display, to exhibit, to show publicly pi-bvāye v.i. 1. to run out 2. to be inattentive, to turn one's attention away piyaṂgu n. (-mā) kind of medicinal plant, Aglaia roxburghii piyaḥ adj. thin, slender piyāṃcā n.anim. {ch.lg.} chick, duckling, young pigeon piyuse cvane -> pise cvane piye1 v.t. (pita) to plant piye2 v.t. (pila) 1. to wait, to expect 2. to rub, to wipe 3. to smoothen 4. to pet, to stroke 5. to peel, to skin 6. to disentangle, to remove, to push aside, to demolish 7. to control, to restrain piraṅg n. (-gaḥ) flat bamboo basket for selling mushrooms piray yāye v.t. to give trouble, to annoy piri-piri -> pitipiti pilay n. (-laca-,-gū) wedge to tighten a tool on its handle; ~ tāye to fix with a wedge pilā1 n. kind of meat preparation used for offerings pilā2 n. (-gaḥ) 1. box with a roof-shaped lid for storing cords of cotton, oval box for keeping clothes 2. rind of bamboo pilākva n. (-pu) calf (of leg) pilādyāhāṃ n. (-hāna-,-gaḥ) box for cotton pili n. (-baḥ) 1. membrane 2. part of the ear, ear drum pili-pili onom. 1. twinkling, flickering 2. flashing 3. graceful; ~ cyāye to flicker pilili n. hon. {obs.} husband's younger brother's wife pi-luye v.t. to show publicly, to appear in public, to perform pilvāpu n. open war pi-lhvaye v.t. to pick out pivālā n. 1. criticism 2. superficial study pi-vāle v.t. to search superfi­cially, to read superficially pivāḥ n.anim. (-vāla-) guardian, keeper, bearer; ~ cvane to take care, to guard; ~ taye 1. to keep watch 2. to cause to take care of pisāp yāye v.t. {pol.} to urinate pisi n. 1. vagina 2. outer margin pisu n. {neol.} 1. waiting 2. tolerance, patience; ~ kāye to be patient; ~ taye to tolerate, to endure; ~ daye to be patient; ~pāsu n. tolerance, patience pise cvane (var. piyuse, pīse ~) v.i. to be numb pi-svake bvane v.t. to invite a widow to a feast taking place one year after her husband's death pi-svaye v.t. to look out pihāṃ adv. (with v.i.) out, outwards; ~ vane to leave, to start out, go out; ~ vaye to appear, to come out, be published pī1 n. (pila-,-pī) nipple pī2 meas. (pikha-) a ropani (land measure) pī3 num. forty pīke v.t. to cover the eyes (as a death ritual, as part of certain children's games) pīgaṃ (var. pigaṃ) n. (-gana-) 1. group of deities (usually eight) 2. seat of a deity, open shrine; ~dyaḥ n. (-deva-) 1. deity kept in a pīṭh 2. retinue of a deity in a pīṭh pīc n. pitch, tar; ~ laye to cover a road with tar pījā (var. pijā) n. 1. foam, froth 2. soap suds; ~ kane to foam pīth n. (-gū) seat of a deity, open shrine pībhata (var. ~bata, ~bhvata) n. hon. elder brother's wife pīra n. (-gū) pain, trouble; pīraṃ kaye to be in trouble; ~maphāḥmha n.anim. sensitive person, one who is unable to stand any trouble; ~mārkā n. (-gū) sufferings pīse cvane -> pise cvane pu1 n. (-pu) seed, stone of a fruit pu2 n. 1. snow, frost; ~ gāye to snow, to freeze; ~ cāye to feel cold, to suffer from frostbite pu3 n. variety of paddy; ~ hvale to scatter grains of paddy in front of the deceased in a funeral procession -pu4 clf. 1. clf. for nouns denoting long, thin objects 2. small piece, morsel 3. clf. for literary products -pu5 suff. {neol.} forming abstract nouns: way, manner of doing s.th. pui- -> pvi- puī- -> pvī- puṂchi adj. very little, just a spot puṂbhāy n. (-bhāsa-) mixed language puṃ1 n.anim. (agt. ~naṃ) caste name of painters: Citrakār puṃ2 n. {ch.lg.} faeces, farting puṃji -> puji puṃtī n.anim. (-tila-) one who is desirous of knowledge puṃtū -> puntū puṃbā n.anim. {coll.} vagabonds, fugitives puṃsā (var. puṃsi) n. {neol.} 1. dress, clothes 2. style of dressing; ~ lāye to be well dressed pukālā n. kind of fried meat puku (var. pukhu) n. authority, right, privilege (proverb: khālā puku hayṃlā maṃkāḥ. Chicken is a privilege, but goose is common.) pukucā (var. pupucā) n.anim. chick, duckling puku-puku -> kupukupu puke v.t. to fry in oil, to burn the skin pukhu -> puku pukhū n. (-khuli-,-gū) pond, tank; ~cā n. pool; ~dyāṃ n. (-dyāna-) 1. bank of a pond 2. name of a locality in central Ktm. pugā n. (-pu) kind of long shawl puguluṃ phetuye v.i. to squat pucaḥ n. (-cala-,-caḥ) collec­tion, bunch, bundle, batch, group; ~ kāye to be gathered, brought together, collected; ~ mune to assemble; ~me n. (-pu) chorus pucā n. 1. long, thin object 2. hard seed, kernel; ~ lāye to be long and thin; ~ luye to have a hard kernel, to have hard ingredients puciṃ cvane (var. pucihiṃ ~, putiṃ ~) v.i. to squat pucu-pucu vane v.i. (of a marble) to miss its aim pujā (var. puchā, pūjā, pujyā) n. (-gū) worship, ritual; ~kvathā n. (-gū) worshipping room of a private house; ~ cine to prepare a ~; ~ taye to prepare a pūjā plate; ~dhaki n. (-gaḥ) basket for pūjā materials; ~ phaye to receive a pūjā; ~bhaḥ n. (-bhala-,-gaḥ) pūjā plate; ~ri n. hon. 1. worshipper 2. priest; ~vāri n. hon. id.; ~sāma n. {coll.} ritual objects; ~sārdām n. offerings to a temple; ~ hīke to perform tantric rituals puji (var. puṃji) n. capital for investment, stock ; ~pati n.anim. capitalist pujyā -> pujā pujyāye v.t. to worship putā n. hon. 1. offspring, son, daughter 2. darling; ~li adj. having a son putiṃ -> puciṃ putihākaḥ (var. patihākaḥ) adj. short (in length); ~ jāye to be short, to be low; ~byā adj. narrow putihāye (var. patihāye) v.i. to be short putu1 n. (-pu) tie string on an upper garments , tie to string the borders of clothes together (cf. cikhi, cisā); ~ ciye to tie this string putu2 (var. puttu); ~ pule 1. to change one's position 2. to turn over repea­tedly (pages) 3. to speak in a hesitating or intermittent way; ~ pvike to prevaricate putuka adv. (to die) early, untimely, unexpectedly putugvay n. (-gvaca-) pack of betel nuts for a marriage ceremony putu-putu adv. 1. (to break, to tear) easily 2. (to speak) mumbling 3. (of thick liquids) trickling 4. frequently; ~ dāye to simmer; ~ hāle to hum, to sing in a low voice putuvāḥ n.pr. (-vāra-) name of a Newar caste putthā n. 1. (-gū) rump 2. (-gaḥ) buttocks putyaṃ n.anim. (-tena-) charming child putha n. (-pu) thorn; puthaṃ kāye to be pricked by a thorn pudinā n. (-mā) kind of plant, mint, Mentha sativa punāy+cā (var. punhāucā) n. (-pā) kind of ear ring (worn by old people after a jubilee) punī -> punhī pune 1. v.t. to put on, to dress, to wear 2. v.i. to be stuck to, to be glued 3. v.i. to be infected, tainted 4. v.i. to be possessed; punā haye to be attacked by a (tantric) deity puntū (var. puṃtū) n. (-tuli-) kind of diagonal design in weaving punhāy+cā -> punāycā punhī (var. punī) n. (-nhu) day of the full moon pupucā -> pukucā puye1 (puta) 1. v.t. to sweep 2. v.i. to be burned, to be scorched puye2 v.t. (pula) 1. to pull out, to pluck, to uproot; to scratch 2. to blow (the fire, a wind instru­ment) 3. to put on, to wear 4. to drink 5. to cover 6. to protect purā adj. sufficient purātvaḥ n. (-tvala-,-pā) decorative frame around a door or window puri1 n. (-pā) kind of bread baked in a pan puri2 meas. pack, package; ~yā meas. id. purukhā -> purkhā purkhā (var. purukhā) n.anim. 1. ancestor 2. genera­tion purjā n. (-gū) 1. part of a machine 2. slip of paper, coupon purji n. (-gū) written order, summons purba n. east purvahit n. hon. priest pulāṃ adj. old, ancient; ~khaṂ n. {neol.} history; ~khuṂ n.anim. notorious thief, professional thief; ~pāḥ n.anim. (-pāla-) former head of a guthi; ~byāhā n. second or third marriage puli1 n. (-gaḥ) knee; puliṃ cuye to kneel down puli2 n.anim. progenitor, ancestor pulikvayṃ n. (-kvaṂca-) knee cap; ~gāḥ n. (-gāla-,-gaḥ) knee joint; ~taḥ n. (-tala-,-gaḥ) id. pulis n. police pulu 1. n. (-pā) kind of mat for taking the dead to the cremation ground 2. n. (-pā) semi-circular basket for oil seeds 3. n. (-pā) light, lamp 4. n. {ch.lg.} eye, glance 5. n.anim. caste of torch bearers in funeral processions; ~ka svaye to look only once; ~pulu 1. n. glimmering light 2. n. anim. caste name of torch bearers; ~pulu gerāḥ n. fire fly, glow worm; ~pulu cyāye to flicker, to burn unsteadily; ~pulu svaye to look repeatedly, to give furtive glances pululuṃ onom. flickering, unsteadily pule 1. v.t. to pay, repay a debt 2. v.t. to cross, to pass or jump over 3. v.i. to swing, to turn 4. v.t. to take sides, to be favourable towards s.o. 5. v.i. to be over, to be past, to be beyond pulpasā -> palpasā puvā n. 1. kind of coarse paddy of low quality (used esp. for beaten rice) 2. kind of porridge (for child­ren); ~khunā n. id. 2.; ~cā n. rice seedling ready for transplantation pusā1 n. (-gū) cover, lid; ~ cāye (of a lid) to open; ~ cāy+ke to open (a lid) pusā2 n. (-gaḥ) seed, grain 2. (-mā) seed plant 3. semen; ~kaḥni n. maize kernels from the middle of the cob; ~ kāye to collect seed grains for sowing; ~ dāye to thresh; ~ lheye to transplant; ~ sāle to extract seeds; ~ hvale to sow pusādāyāpvaṂlaḥ n.anim. (-lata-) penniless person pusiṃ n.anim. (-sina-) drunkard; ~gulu n.anim. id. pustā n. generation; ~vāri n. (-gū) genealogical table, vaṃśāvalī pū1 n. (puli-) 1. (-gaḥ) glass bead 2. bead pattern 3. (-pu) prick, splinter 4. (-pu) strand, twist 5. end, completion, state of being used up, worn out 6. {ch.lg.} fire; ~ chvaye to complete, to finish; ~ vane to be finished, to be worn out; ~ vaṃke to complete, to finish pū2 n. purity, ritual purity; ~ kāye to be pure; ~ cvane to undergo a rite of purification; ~ juye to be clean, to be undefiled; ~ taye 1. to purify 2. to cause to undergo purification; ~ lane to purify; ~ siye to purify o.s.; ~ sene to be impure pūgathaḥ cine v.t. to cause a swelling of the skin (by a splint­er) pūjā -> pujā pūsinhaḥ n. (-nhala-) orange ṭīkā-powder pe (var. peṂ- before gutturals) num. four peṂke v.t. to kick peṃ n. (-cāḥ) 1. -> pecāḥ 2. washer; ~cisa n. (-pu) pliers pekā|-laṂ n. (-gū) cross roads, inter­section; ~siṂ n. (-gū) frame peku n. hon. fourth rank of a guthi, fourth of the five elders of a Buddhist monastery (cf. thāpāḥju, nāyaḥju, nyāku, nvaku, svaku) pekuṃ adj. four-cornered, rectangular; ~ kāye to be square; ~lā adj. rectangular; ~ lāye, luye to be rectangular pekule (var. pegule) v.i. to sulk, to pout pekvay+bhanaṃ adv. in all direc­tions pe|-khaṂcā n. (-pu) cold chisel (of a blacksmith); ~khālākhi -> pikhālukhā pekhule v.t. to tear off, to twist: ajiṃ chayyā mhutusi pekhula. Grandmother twisted her grandchild's lip (done as a punishment). pekhe (var. pekheṃ) adv. in all directions; ~raṃ adv. all around pegule v.i. 1. -> pekule 2. to be torn pec n. (-gū,-pu) 1. screw 2. trick: pec kasay yāye to play a trick, to cheat; ~ nake to play a trick pecāḥ (var. peṃ, pyaṃcā) n. (-cāla-,-cāḥ) straw ring to support pots with a curved bottom pecucheṂ n. (-khā) building with four courtyards pejvati cvane v.i. to mate (of birds) petaṂ n. fourth floor peti n. 1. (-pu) belt, girdle 2. (-gū) sidewalk, footpath 3. (-gū) box, case (for cigarettes) peduvāḥ n. (-vāta-,-gū) crossroads, intersec­tion of roads pena -> pyaṃ1 pene v.t. 1. to straighten, to stretch, to spread out (objects in one dimension, such as thread, ropes, chains etc.) 2. to demarcate, to measure: imisaṃ jaggāy khipaḥ pena. They measured the plot of land with ropes. 3. to hang up, to suspend penhu|-tvāḥ adv. the fourth day after today, (in) four days; ~phuki n. {coll.} distant relatives (those who take four days of mourning); ~bicāḥ n. (-cāla-,-gū) 1. ceremony on the fourth day after a wedding, formal visit to the bride's home 2. ceremony after completion of a chariot procession; ~bhvay n. (-bhvaja-,-gū) feast held four days after a childbirth pepuṃke v.t. 1. to glue, to fasten, to fix 2. to clasp (hands) pepune v.i. to be stuck, to be glued, to be fastened pey meas. (pela-) a pinch of cooked rice pelā n. set of meat preparations for rituals pevā n. private property of a woman given as her dowry pesā n. (-gū) occupation, profession -pti meas. (with num.) drop, e.g.: svapti three drops (cf. phuti) pya- -> pe- pyaṃ1 (var. pena) n. (pena-,-gaḥ) hip, thigh, buttocks pyaṃ2 n. (pena-,-gū) 1. land tax, revenue, interest 2. offering to the ancestors; ~ thaye to perform the annual offering to the ancestors (śrāddha ceremony); ~ pule to deliver the land­lord's share in crops pyaṃcā -> pecāḥ pyaṃdaṃka pāle v.t. to cut into pieces pyaṃ|-pā n. buttocks; ~pvāḥ n. (-pvāla-) anus pyaṃpviṃ n. earnings of a bawd pyaṃsvāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) kind of plant (used for offerings to the ancestors and as a sedative drug) pyā n.anim. leech pyāṂpāthi n. (-gaḥ) kind of measuring pot consisting of one section of a bamboo stem pyākiṃ n. (-kina-,-pu) kind of nail, brad, staple (with three hooks) pyākutiṃ nyāye v.t. to pinch vehe­mently pyākusā (var. pyāksā, pyāsā) n. kind of skirt (worn by women when bathing) pyāke v.t. to wetten, to drench, to soak pyāksā -> pyākusā pyākhaṃ n. (-khana-,-gū,-pu) dance, play, stage performance; ~aṃgū n. (-guli-,-pā) kind of ring worn by dancers; ~gvasāḥ n. (-sāla-) prompter's hint; ~dhyāy+cū n. (-culi-,-gū) satirical part of a play; ~pāḥ n. (-pāla-,-gū) rhythm; ~ pidane to play for the first time, to stage a play; ~mi n.anim. dramatist; ~mugaḥ n.anim. (-gala-) actor, actress; ~me n. (-pu) dance, play; ~mvaḥ n.anim. (-mvala-) actor; ~ huye, hule to dance pyācaḥ -> picaḥ pyāculu n.anim. person with chronic secretion of the eyes pyāj n. (-gaḥ) onion; ~i adj. pink; ~raṅg adj. id. pyātāṃ cvane v.i. to become limp, to wilt, to droop pyātta(-pyātta) (var. pyātrāk­ka, pyārāka) onom. 1. (to strike) with a flat hand 2. (to speak) inadver­tently 3. (to die) untimely, early 4. (to melt) rapidly pyāt+pyāt+cā n. (-pā) slipper, sandal pyātrāka -> pyātta pyāthaye v.i. to be lean pyāthaḥ (-thala-) 1. n. thin, tough, elastic texture 2. n. fleshy part 3. n.anim. thin person 4. n.anim. unmanageable, unco-operative person; ~kī n.anim. (-kila-) kind of worm (cf. kaytākī); ~cā n.anim. unmanageable, unreliable person, s.o. pretending to co-operate without really doing so; ~lā n. tough meat pyānu adj. 1. lazy, inactive , dilatory, procrastinating 2. wet, moist 3. elastic; ~ye (-nula) 1. to be lazy, to procras­tinate 2. to be wet 3. to be elastic or tough pyāye v.i. (pyāta) to be wet, to be drenched pyāyṃ onom. sound of weeping pyāy cāye (var. pyāḥ ~) v.i. to become thirsty pyāy+cāḥmikhāṃ -> pyāsi~ pyāy+thvaṂ -> pyāḥthvaṂ pyārā n. kind of sweetmeat prepared from dry curds and sugar , given into the mouth of a divine image pyārāka -> pyātta pyālāṃ (var. pyālyāṃ, pyālla) adv. (to trickle) slow and thick pyāsā -> pyākusā pyāsi1 n.anim. 1. kind of louse, tick 2. {fig.} obstinate or nagging child never leaving the mother (cf. pyāsi3) pyāsi2 n. (-gaḥ) kind of berry pyāsi3 1. n. charm, passion, sex appeal: pyāsiṃ pune to be pas­sionate 2. n.anim. one who is much attached, who clings (cf. pyāsi1); ~ cāye to be passionate; ~mikhāṃ (var. pyāycāḥ~) adv. with passionate looks pyāḥ1 adj. wet; ~(-pyāḥ) cāye -> pyāy cāye pyāḥ2 n. (pyāla-) 1. (vulg. term of abuse) genitals 2. dregs (of beer), residue (in oil pressing) pyāḥ-appā n. (-pā) unbaked brick pyāḥthvaṂ (var. pyāythvaṂ) n. dregs of beer pyucā (var. pyūcā) n. (-pā) golden bangle worn by infants for the rice feeding ceremony pyun n.anim. peon pyūcā -> pyucā pragati n. progress prajā n. {coll.} subject, tenant, people; ~tantra n. democracy prades n. region, province pradhān 1. adj. principal, chief 2. n.pr. name of a caste pramān n. (-gū) proof prasād n. oblation, food offered to the gods, sacred food bestowed by a deity to worshipper; ~ kāye to take sacred food as a blessing from the deity prasiddha adj. famous, celebrated pvaṂ n. hail; ~ gāye to hail; ~ daye, naye to be beaten down or ruined by hail (crops) pvaṂla (var. pvala) n. roof, esp. of a temple (by contrast to pau, the roof of a normal house) pvaṂlaḥ -> pvalaḥ pvaṃ 1. adj. vacant, blank, empty 2. onom. sound of honking, of a conch shell pvaṃke v.t. to empty, to pour out pvaṃkhāṃ -> pvakhāṃ pvaṃkhāy n. (-khāsa-) vacancy, empty space pvaṃgā n. (-pu) kind of trumpet used in performing classical dances pvaṃcā n. (-gaḥ) 1. kind of one-headed drum 2. oval-shaped container for fine cotton pvaṃdāḥkhvāḥ n.anim. (-khvāla-) pock-marked person pvaṃnugaḥ adj. open-minded pvaṃ-pvaṃ adv. greedily pvaṃsiṃ n.anim. (-sina-) passionate woman pvaka n. fermented rice (during beer distillation); ~ khāye to ferment; ~ti juice of fermented rice; ~ tene 1. to cover for fermenta­tion 2. {fig.} to keep secret pvakatibyāṃ n.anim. (-byāna-) tadpole pvakanāy n.pr. (-nāsa-) the god of liquor pvakalaṃ adj. empty-handed pvakā n. base part, bottom (also fig.: cvakā pvakā inconsis­tently, incoherently, neither heads nor tails) pvakhalaṃ n. (-lana-,-pā) light cotton shirt without sleeves for a baby pvakhāṃ (var. pvaṃkhāṃ, pvarkhāṃ) n.anim. (-khāna-) penni­less person pvacuṃ (var. pvaḥcuṃ) n. (-cuna-) rice flour pvat n. ace (in a game of `pacis') pvata n. (-gū) brim of a bamboo basket pvata+iṃ -> pvatāy pvatā1 n. 1. land tax, revenue 2. registration pvatā2 n. corner of the finger nail; ~ jāye to have an inflammation of the nail bed pvatāy (var. pvataiṃ) n. (-tāsa-) 1. powder of soft stone for drawing designs in a pūjā 2. rice flour; ~cuṃ n. (-cuna-) id. pvatāsi n. (-gaḥ) earthen pot with holes in the bottom (for steaming rice) (cf. hāsi) pvati n. water of soaked rice pvatyā n. (-gaḥ) glass bead pvane 1. v.t. to propose 2. v.t. to request 3. v.i. to be empty 4. v.i. to be discharged pvapvacā n. {ch.lg.} balloon pvamāy n. hon. (-māsa-) village authority during the Rāṇā period, repre­senta­tive of a town section; ~pālā n. hon. responsible guthi leader (elected for one year) pvay cyāye v.i. to get rich pvay+lā (var. pvayṃlā) -> pvaslā pvariṃ n.anim. (-rina-) female sweeper pvarkhāṃ -> pvakhāṃ pvaryā (var. pvaḥ) n.anim. male sweeper pvala -> pvaṂla pvalay yāye v.t. to expose, to accuse, to denounce: rāmyāta khuṂ pvalay yāta. Rām was denounced by the thief. (cf. pvaḥl) pvalaḥ (var. pvaṂlaḥ) n. (-lata-,-gaḥ) kind of plant, Hibiscus esculentus, okra pvalaḥcā n. snakegourd pvalākha n. iron of high quality, steel pvalā yāye v.t. {ch.lg.} to peel pvale v.t. 1. to unwrap. to open, to peel, to skin, to shell 2. {fig.} to accuse of a crime, to inform on s.o. pvalyāḥ (var. pvalyāhā) n.anim. (-lyāta-) 1. informant 2. plain­tiff (cf. pvaḥl) pvasaḥ -> pvaḥsaḥ pvasāk n. 1. formal dress, uniform 2. the master's clothes (term used by servants) pvasāke n.anim. valet pvasta adj. plump, well-fed pvastigaṃ n. (-gana-) kind of dish (cooked molasses), tonic given to a woman after childbirth pvaslā (var. pvaylā, pvaheṂlā, pvahelā) n. third month of the Newar lunar calendar, occurring during pauṣa - māgha, (January) pvahar (var. phvaḥr) 1. n. dirt, filth, disorder 2. adj. dirty, filthy; ~i 1. adj. id. 2. n.anim. dirty person pvaḥ1 (var. pvaryā) n.anim. (pvala-) sweeper, fisherman, a caste od untouchables pvaḥ2 n. (pvatha-,pvala-,-pvaḥ) 1. package, bundle 2. terrace 3. base, lower end, trunk of a tree 4. rim of a drum 5. inner end of a ball of thread 6. swelling 7. -> pvaḥl; ~ khāye 1. to be packed, bundled 2. to have a swelling; ~ ciye 1. to pack, to bundle 2. {fig.} to instruct; ~ thaye to spend, to use up; ~ thāye to have a swelling; ~ thuye to make a rim of a drum; ~ daye to be spent, to be used up; ~ dusuye to subside (of a swelling); ~ dechāye to build a terrace; ~ nhuye to stamp on a terrace (to make it solid); ~ vaye to swell; ~ suye to subside (of a swelling) pvaḥkā n. (-pu) 1. inner end of a ball of thread 2. lower end of a stalk; ~kaḥni n. maize corns from the lower end of the cob pvaḥcuṃ -> pvacuṃ pvaḥthyāṃ n. lower end of a long vertical object, root of a tree pvaḥl n. report, accusation (cf. pvalay yāye, pvalyāhā) pvaḥsaḥ (var. pvasaḥ) n. victim offered to a deity (for blood sacrifice) pvaḥsiṃ n.anim. (-sina-) witch; ~jyā n. witchcraft; ~ dubiye, vaye to be possessed by a witch pvaḥ hāye v.t. to steam rice (for fermentation) pvākay n. (abusive) 1. faeces 2. {fig.} person of low status, evil person pvākalaṃ n. (-lana-,-pā) sleeveless under­shirt with shoulder strings; ~ phiye to put on an undershirt pvākaḥ n. (-kala-,-gaḥ) 1. mortar, hole in the stone of a mortar 2. husking pit 3. mould 4. a mortar-full; ~ kāye to remove the grains during husking; ~ juye {fig.} to be a scapegoat, to take the blame; ~ yāye {fig.} to put a false blame, to victimize; ~ likāye to remove the grains during husking; ~ luye to look pit shaped pvākaḥcā n.anim. concubine pvākka adv. 1. spontaneously, suddenly, without thinking 2. inadvertently, out of place, at the wrong time 3. insolently 4. with a thud pvāticā (var. pvātecā, pvātyā) n. (-gaḥ) kind of round turnip pvātyā|-pvātyā adv. (of babies) healthy, fat, chubby; ~ cvane to be fat, fleshy, obese; ~ lhvane to be very fat and fleshy pvāthay daye -> pvāḥ1 pvāyṃ1 (var. pvāḥ) n., meas. bundle, tuft, stalk, sheaf; ~ khāke to collect into bundles or sheaves; ~ cine to bundle into sheaves pvāyṃ2 onom. sound of a trumpet, pipe or horn; ~ yāye to blow a musical instrument pvāy(-pvāy) cyāye v.i. to get rich, to prosper pvār (var. pvāre) n. seed-bed of paddy; ~ jyāye to prepare the soil for sowing paddy; ~dhī n. (-dhika-,-dhī) spot of soil where a paddy plant is just sprouting; ~me n. (-pu) song of the paddy planting season pvālā n. (-pvālā) glance; ~ka adv. in a flash; ~ka vaye to flash; ~ka svaye to cast a glance at s.o.; ~pili tvaye to flash; ~pulu n. twinkling, flashing; ~pulu vaye to flash; ~pvālāṃ thiye to glitter, to twinkle, to shine; ~mikhā n.anim. person with bright flashing eyes pvālcā n. (-mā) kind of rice grown on dry land pvāḥ1 n. (pvātha-,-gaḥ) 1. stomach 2. belly; pvāthay daye to conceive, to be pregnant 3. dome of a stūpa 4. convex middle part of a storage pot; ~ tagvaye 1. to have a large stomach 2. {pol.} to be pregnant; ~ thane to eat; ~ mane to swell (of the stomach); ~ syāye to have pains in the stomach; ~ hi iye to have a stomach burn pvāḥ2 (pvāta-, pvātha-) clf. for nouns denoting round hollow objects, e.g.: mata cha-pvāḥ one lamp; mhutu cha-pvāḥ one mouth pvāḥ3 (pvāla-,-pvāḥ) 1. n. hole 2. -> pvāyṃ; ~ khane to bore holes; ~ gane to have holes; ~ tiye to close a hole pvāḥ|-cyaḥ n.anim. (-cela-) person who works like a slave only for his meals in return; ~syālla-pīsyālla n. name of a children's game pvi n. {ch.lg.} 1. broom 2. sweeping 3. flute pviṂ1 (var. pviṃ) n. subdivision of a guthi according to age of the members pviṂ2 (var. pviṃ) (-pviṂ) 1. n. skin on liquids 2. n. cream 3. n. scab of a wound 4. (-gū) swing 5. meas. tuft, twist, strand, roll (of hair, thread, rope etc) 6. adj. twisted; ~ khāye 1. to perform a ritual of worshipping snakes (with twisted threads, done in order to propitiate the guardian snakes) 2. to cause s.o. to spend money 3. to become covered by skin or a scab (wounds); ~ cine id. 3.: vayā ghāḥ pviṃ cina. His wound got covered by scab; ~ luye, hāye 1. to perform a rite for expelling an illness (the image of a serpent together with milk and grains of rice is put out at cross-roads or at the confluence of rivers) 2. -> ~ khāye 2.; ~ hāy+ke to sue s.o. for damages pviṂpālā n. hon. guthi member responsible for the daily worship of the deity pvike, pvīke v.t. 1. to dig up, to scratch out, to scoop out 2. to cause to pay 3. to persuade, to influence, to manipulate; pvīkā kāye id.: vaṃ kijāyā nugaḥ pvīkā kāla. He succeeded in changing his brother's mind. pvī- -> pvi- PH pha1 -> phā3 pha2 pref. back, backwards pha+i n.anim. (phaisa-) 1. sheep, lamb 2. {fig.} stupid person; ~kulāṃ n. (-lāma-,-gū) mythic animal (ram and horse) as a design on wall brackets; ~khvāḥ n.anim. (-khvāla-) fool, idiot; ~gaḥ n. (-gala-,-gaḥ) sheep-sty; ~javāḥ n.anim. (-vāla-) shepherd pha+isalā n. (-gū) judgment, verdict pha+uj (var. phāuj) n. (-phauj) 1. group 2. army, troop, regiment phaṂ 1. -> phā3 2. n. (-gū) peg, wedge phaṂphaṂsaṂ taye v.t. to keep one's hair dishevelled, uncombed phaṂsi (var. phvaṂsi) n. fruit of the bread-fruit tree, jack-fruit, Artocarpus integrifolia phaṃ meas. bunch, hand of bananas phakaṃ n. (-kana-,-mā) edible stalk and leaf of Arum colocasia; ~guṃdā n.anim. s.o. living beyond his means to show off; ~danāṃ (var. ~sanāṃ) n. pickles made of phakaṃ; ~ ducu n. (-pu) young sprout of A.c.; ~sanāḥghāsā n. (-pu) id.; ~sukhū n. (-khuli-) dried Arum colocasia phakī -> pharkī phaku meas. load for two persons; ~ cine to arrange a load for two persons (carried on a pole) phakva (var. phakkva) adv. as much as possible, sufficiently; ~cā adv. just enough, very little phaci -> phasi phacit n. trouble phacyā n. a final payment; ~phuchu n. clearance of a debt; ~ yāye to make the final payment (of a debt) phachi adv. as much as possible phachiṃ phatale (var. phatiṃ ~) adv. as much as possible, according to one's ability phataka adv. turning round, backwards; ~ pula vaye (for a kite) to flap over phata-phata (var. phatalā) onom. call to a child learning to stand up phatalaṃ n. (-lana-,-pā) long skirt with slits on both sides (worn by girls) phatalā -> phataphata phatāphat (var. phatāḥphat) adv. quickly, briskly, jauntily phatāhā (var. phatāḥ) n.anim. 1. liar, one who exaggerates 2. dandy; ~khaṂ n. lie, false talk phatāḥphat -> phatāphat phatiṃ -> phachiṃ phatkī -> pharkī phatte n. (-gū) success; ~ lāye to be successful phatyāṃka vaye v.i. (for a paper kite) to flap over phanna (var. pharaka) adv. (to rotate) in a whirling way, in a jerking way, with force, abruptly: phasaṃ phayliṃ phanna cāhikala. The wind whirled around the weather vane. phapule v.i. to turn over, up, upside down phapvīke v.t. to turn inside out; to manipulate phapha; ~ dhāye 1. to be ugly 2. to taste bad, to taste insipid; ~ svaye to look round, to turn back (repeatedly) phabaṃjāḥ n.anim. (-jāla-) 1. broker 2. fruit vendor, hawker, pedlar phamaḥ (var. phvamvaḥ) n. (-mala-) tip of a paddy plant (before the head takes shape) phay n. (phasa-) air, wind; phasaṃ kaye, dāye to be exposed to the wind; phasaṃ pvīke to be blown, propelled by the wind; ~ puye (of wind) to blow phayāṃ|-phachi adv. as much as possible; ~ phayāṃ adv. competitively (cf. thaliṃthaliṃ, bājiṃbājiṃ) phaye1 v.i. (phata, p.c. phayā, irr. stat. phu) 1. to be able 2. to be well, to be healthy: chi mhaṃ phu lā? Are you well? 3. to recover from a disease phaye2 v.t. (phala) 1. to receive 2. to bear, to sustain: vaṃ makhutay bvāyāgu bvaḥ phala. He passively bore his father's unjust scolding. 3. to collect phay+kū n. (-kuti-) colic, pain in the stomach or the bowels; ~gvārā n. id.; ~ thahāṃ vaye to have an attack of colic phay+ke v.t. 1. to cause to receive 2. to winnow paddy (the wind blowing the husks away) phay+khaṂ n. (-gū) idle talk, false speech; ~ lhāye to lie phay|-khaḥ (var. phasakhaḥ) n. (-khata-,-gaḥ) {neol.} aeroplane; ~khā n. oxygene; ~khā bvaye 1. to shiver 2. (of air) to be cut off 3. to be on the point of death; ~khvāḥdyaḥ n.pr. (-deva-) weather god, wind god (a wind hole on Svayambhū hill); ~gaṃ n. (-gana-,-gaḥ) bell hanging on the eaves of a temple; ~galaḥ n. (-lata-) swelling of the neck, goitre; ~guli n. 1. weather vane 2. fan 3. windmill; ~gvārā n. colic; ~dhāḥ n. (-dhāla-) full force of the wind; ~pvāḥ n. (-pvāla-,-pvāḥ) air hole, air passage (worshipped as the god of wind) phay mhuye v.i. to burst out phay+liṃ(-cā) n. (-lina-,-gū) 1. weather vane 2. windmill; ~pyaṃ n.anim. (-pena-) restless, nervous person phay hāye v.i. to have a split finger nail pharak n. difference; ~ daye to differ; ~ yāye 1. to make a difference 2. to be prejudiced pharaka -> phanna pharkī (var. phakī, phatkī) n. (-kila-) alum (cf. pāuṃci); ~bātā n. kind of alum dish pharphar (var. pharra) adv. fluttering pharmay yāye v.t. 1. to order, to offer s.th. special 2. to inform pharmā n. (-gū) formwork, framework (wooden forms used in building with concrete) pharmās (var. phurmās) n. pocket-money, pocket expense; ~ yāye 1. to spend generously, lavishly 2. to place an order for extra gifts 3. to do s.th. optionally pharra (var. pharphar) adv. 1. fluttering, flying (of a wheel, vane etc.) 2. (of rice) not sticky pharsā n. (-pu,-dhāḥ) edge of a drill phalā -> phālā1 phalācin n. flannel phalāchali n. (-pu) kind of chisel phalānā (var. phalnā) n. somebody (referring to a person whose name one does not remember), what's-his-name phalā|-vaḥ n. (-vala-,-pu) flat file; ~haṂ n. (-pu) mason's chisel phali n. (-gū) blade of the plane; ~cheṂ n. hole for the blade; ~thāy n. (-thāsa-) id. phalūkvayṃ -> philākvayṃ phale1 -> phalcā phale2 adj. unripe, without grains (of paddy) phale-ācā n. (-pu) stiletto, kind of tool of drum makers phalekvayṃ -> philākvayṃ phalebāy n.anim. (-bāsa-) homeless person, vagabond phalcā (var. phale) n. (-gū) 1. wayside shelter, one-storeyed building open towards the street for religious or social functions, for travel­lers, rest-house (cf. sataḥ) 2. seat in a window alcove 3. elevated seat of a shop keeper 4. tool; ~ cine to arrange (straw) in a stack phalnā -> phalānā phasakhaḥ -> phaykhaḥ phasi (var. phaci) n. (-gaḥ) 1. pumpkin 2. -> phvasi; ~ kāḥ vane to go to fetch a pumpkin, to steal a pumpkin: Buddhist procession held in Patan; khuṂ vane id.; ~bhū vane procession of going round with a pumpkin-plate phaseṃ adv. continuously, one by one phaskaṃ n. (-kana-,-gū) weather pha-svaye v.t. 1. to turn back, to look back, to look over one's shoulder, to turn the head 2. to turn one's back upon, to avoid 3. to be bent phasvaḥbhāg n. lottery; ~ leye to draw a lottery ticket phahaṂ n. (-pu) 1. wedge to split timber 2. cold chisel pha-hile v.t. to turn round, to turn back phaḥ1 n. (phala-,-gū) 1. plinth 2. side walk, foot path 3. low platform phaḥ2 meas. 1. quarter of a slaughtered animal; thigh, foreleg (of meat) 2. quarter of the night phā1 n.anim. hog, pig phā2 n. 1. covering 2. operation phā3 (var. pha, phaṂ) meas. 1. pāthi (measure, consisting of eight mānās) 2. pot holding a pāthi phā4 n. kind of face powder; phāṃ buye to powder one's face phāidā n. (-gū) profit, benefit, advantage phāil n. (-gū) file phāuj -> phauj phāṃgā n. (-pu) blanket, quilt phāṃt (var. phāḥ) n. wide, flat expanse of land or water phāṃtāḥ-phuṃtuṃ -> phātāphutu phāṃtmāne n.anim. herdsman, watchman for cattle phāṃsi n. hanging; ~ biye to hang s.o. phāka n. dysentry; ~lvay n. (-lvaca-) cholera phākā (var. phākācā, phākcā) n.anim. moth phāku(-phāku) adj. astringent, bitter, tasting unripe; ~kasū n. (-suli-,-mā) kind of grass: Cyperus rotundus; ~ye (-kula) to taste like an unripe date; ~vāsaḥ (var. phu~) n. (-sala-) kind of medicine given to a woman after childbirth; ~savāḥ n. (-vāla-) the taste of an unripe fruit; ~hucā n. (-gaḥ) bitter buckwheat phākcā -> phākā phāgaḥ n. (-gala-,-gaḥ) pigsty phāgu n. 1. -> phāgun 2. festival of Holi phāgun (var. phāgu) n. the month of phālguna phāgu|-punhī n. full moon of the month of phālguna; ~lay n. (-lasa-) Holi song phāglāka vaye v.i. to be split (of finger-nails) phācāhi n. wild yam phājyā n. {neol.} surgical operation phātaṂ adv. sheet-wise phātā(-phātā) (var. phyātāphyātā, phyātrāphyātrā) onom. wriggling; ~ kane to wriggle, to writhe, to be in trouble (as a fish out of water); ~ tule to roll up rapidly (rope of a paper kite); ~ pule 1. to be on one's back, to revolve 2. to turn sour and coagulate (of milk) 3. to change one's opinion abruptly 4. to be in a crisis, to be in trouble; ~ vane to walk steadily phātā-phutu (var. phāntāṂphutuṃ, phāṃtāḥphūtuṃ) onom. 1. irregularly, sporadically, from time to time, casually 2. (of talk) frivolous, playful, flippant 3. swaying, floating (cf. phāsāphusu); ~ juye to roam at one's leisure, to drift; ~ vaye to float in the air phātvāḥ n. (-tvātha-,-gū) pig's snout phāntāṂphutuṃ -> phātāphutu phāphar n. (-gaḥ) buckwheat phāye (phāla) 1. v.t. to cover o.s. (with a quilt etc.) 2. v.t. to split, to disconnect 3. v.i. to be suitable, auspicious phāye3 v.t. (phāta) to excrete: ī ~ to spit; khi ~ to defecate; cva ~ to urinate phāyṃphviṂ n. (-gū) pride, vanity; ~ tvaḥte to show off phāy+ke v.t. to try to prevent a bad horoscope (by ritual offer­ings), to break free from a bad omen, to offer food to the neighbours of a courtyard in order to postpone the death of s.o. on his death-bed; phāy+kā chvaye to ward off evil spirits phāy+phāy+the adv. hurriedly, post-haste phārcyā n. complete settlement of a sale phālā1 (var. phalā, phāla, phāli) n. (-phālā) 1. piece of split wood 2. flat wooden block; ~kaḥti n. (-pu) buck saw; ~ kvakīcā n. (-pu) flat digger; ~ciṃ adj. flat; ~ cine 1. to split 2. to flatten, bring into a flat form (cf. paku cine, yetiye) phālā2 n. bacon, pork meat phālā vane v.i. to be lucky, to be spared from misfortune, to have a narrow escape phāli n. (-pā) 1. plough-share 2. -> phālā1 phāle v.i. to have a narrow escape phālsā -> phāsā phāsathakū (var. phāsaṂ~) n. (-kuli-,-gū) hard brush used by weavers, goldsmiths (to clean sheets of gold) phāsā (var. phālsā) n. (-pu) saw phāsā-phusu (var. phāsāṃphusuṃ) onom. in vain, without meaning or purpose (cf. phātāphutu); ~khaṂ n. idle talk, false rumour phāsi n. (-gū) unnecessary burden; ~galaḥ n. (-lakha-,-gū) id. phāseṃ adv. (to give birth to children of the same sex) uninter­ruptedly: vayā pemha taka phāseṃ kāy bula. She gave birth to as many as four sons (without there being a daughter). phāḥ n. (phāta-) 1. (-phāḥ) breadth 2. (-gū) back (body part) 3. -> phāṃt phi1 n. (-gaḥ,-pu) sand phi2 1. clf. for nouns denoting flat and thick objects, for cups, daggers, brooms 2. meas. layer, thick layer, thickness (cf. bhi); ~ cine to be pressed down, to be flattened; ~ lhāye to make thin phiṃphiṃ (var. phuṂphuṂ, phviṃphviṃ) 1. n. respiration, hard breathing 2. adj. (of beards) thick, dense; ~ mine to pant; ~ vaye to breathe heavily phikā adj. 1. light (in colour) 2. insufficient phikdāni n. (-gaḥ) spittoon phikri n. anxiety, worry phi|-gaḥ n. (-gala-,-gaḥ) pebble, gravel; ~cā kind of sandy clay used for bricks on terraces phiciṃka nhuye v.i. to fasten field terraces by trampling the soil phijay juye v.i. to be spread phitay yāye v.t. to mix well, prepare a paste phiti-phiti (var. phiriphiri) adv. moving to and fro, gently, slightly phidhaḥ n. (-dhala-,-dhaḥ) drain with water and sand phin n. (-pā,-gū) fin of a fish phini n. (-pā) kind of bread phini-phinicā (var. phincā, phinphincā, phiriphiricā) n. (-pā) kind of ear ornament with frills phine v.t. 1. to control o.s. 2. to punish 3. to ignore, to avoid 4. -> phiye phincā (var. phinphincā) -> phiniphinicā phipū n. (-puli-) kind of mineral, mica phiphi dhāye v.i. 1. to be thick 2. to be greasy 3. to be light in colour phibaṂ n. sandy floor, sandy ground phibva n. sandy plot of land phiye (var. phine, phile) v.t. (phita) 1. to put on (clothes above the waist) (cf. nhyāye); phinā svaye to try on 2. to prepare yoghurt, pickles, jam 3. to avoid 4. to control o.s., to keep balanced: vaṃ taṃ phita. He sup­pressed his anger. luphiṃ hāta naṃ vaṃ thaḥta phita. Though he stumbled, he managed to keep his balance. phirād n. (-gū) complaint, law suit phiri-phiri onom. 1. -> phitiphiti 2. flickering; ~ sane to dangle, to hang loosely phiri-phiricā n. 1. -> phincā 2. (var. phirphircā) weather cock phirphircā -> phiriphiricā philā n. flank of an animal; ~kvayṃ (var. phalu~, phale~) n. (-kvaṂca-,-pu) thigh bone philiṃ adv. lying on the side (of an animate being or a flat object) phile -> phiye philkū n. (-kuti-) 1. (-gū) partition, screen (in a room), place to hide 2. (-pu) stirring stick 3. n.anim. volunteer for religious work philvahaṃ n. (-haṂta-,-gaḥ) stone anvil (lit. sand stone) phisaḥ n. (-sala-,-gū) sandy river-bank phisi-phisi (var. phisihiṃ, phissa, phyāsāphyāsā) onom. slightly, slowly, trick­ling, drizzling; ~ nhile to smile softly; ~ vane to seep, ooze, trickle away (like sand), to leak (cf. phyāsyā) phī n. {ch.lg.} clothing phu1 irr. stat. form of phaye, to be able phu2 n. spitting, spittle phui- -> phvī- phuṂ n.anim. {ch.lg.} thief phuṂga -> phvaṂga phuṂphuṂ -> phiṃphiṃ phuka (var. phukka) adv. all, whole, entirely, completely phukaṃ (var. phukathaṃ, phukalaṂ, phukva) adv. as much as possible, according to one's ability; ~ biye to take revenge phukādāṃ n. (-dāma-,-gaḥ) small coin, a quarter of a paisā phukābaji n. contribution of beaten rice (for the guthi) phuki n. (-gaḥ) puffed rice phukī n.anim. (-kija-) 1. relatives (by blood), family 2. lineage, ancestors; ~kijā n.anim. `cousin-brother', i.e. s.o. belonging to the same phukī and the same generation; ~khalaḥ n. (-laka-) relatives, lineage; ~bākāy n.anim. relatives of two generations belonging to the same phukī; ~mhaṃ sike formal visit of a newly married couple to the parents of the bride phuke v.t. to finish, to use up; phukā chvaye to finish off phuke yāye v.t. to purify ritually after a death phukka -> phuka phukkā adj. independent, free, without obligations phukva -> phukaṃ phugaḥ n. (-gala-,-gaḥ) wall behind the head of a bed phucu-phucu -> phutuphutu phujā n. (-gū) uppermost roof (of a temple) phut n. (-pu) foot-rule phutaṃ 1. adv. bone dry 2. n.anim. person suffering from cataract of the eye (cf. phuli, phulyā) phutakī (var. phurakī) n.anim. (-kila-) kind of parasite of the stomach phutagvārā (var. phutaḥrā) n. glans, penis phuti (var. pati) n., meas. point, drop, dot, symbol on a playing-card (cf. -pti); ~ kane to drip; ~phutikerā n.anim. fire fly, glow worm; ~ yāye to wink; ~laḥ n. (-lakha-) water drops phutu-phutu (var. phucuphucu) onom. (to come in or out) one by one, serially phutta adv. abruptly, of a sudden phutruka adv. with a jerk, with a long jump phuthe adv. as much as possible, according to one's ability phu dane v.i. (of hunger) to be satisfied phupha -> phūphā phuphu n.anim. aunt, father's sister phuye v.i. (phuta) to be spent, to be finished, to be used up; phunā vane to decrease, to run low: thva khuṂmatay byātri phunā vana. The batteries in the torchlight are almost empty. phurakī -> phutakī phuruṃ juye (var. phurukka ~) v.i. to be overjoyed, to flush with joy phuru-phuru onom. (of sand, dry earth coming down) trickling phurkā n. (-gū) tassel, frill; ~cā n. pendant, ornament worn over the temples phurmās -> pharmās phurra adv. drizzling, trickling, oozing phursad (var. phursat) n. leisure phulagvārā n. (-mū) kind of puffed up pastry phulaḥrā n. (-gaḥ) cooked ball of black lentils phuli1 n. (-phvaḥ) kind of nail phuli2 n.anim. woman suffering from cataract of the eye (cf. phutaṃ, phulyā) phulicā n. (-pā,-ju) kind of ornament worn on the nose; ~svāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) kind of flower, Eucharidium concin­num phulu -> phusukulu phulu-phulu (var. phulululla, phuluṃ, phulla, bhulubhulu) onom. (of rain, snow) drizzling phuldān n. (-gaḥ) flower pot, vase phulyā n.anim. person suffering from cataract of the eye (cf. phutaṃ, phuli) phulla -> phuluphulu phuvāsaḥ -> phāku~ phusa n. 1. -> phusi2 2. head of a bed 3. opening of a clay pit phusay postp. near, beside, over: bhutuli phusay near the stove phusā (var. phvasā) n. 1. mildew 2. (-gū) additional gift, bonus in kind given by a shopkeeper; ~na n. bad, rotten smell; ~ vaye to get mouldy; ~ hvaye to be affected with mildew phusi1 n. semen, sperm phusi2 postp. (var. phusa) outer, marginal, at the periphery, at the upper end, above phusukulu (var. phulu, phusulu) adj. hollow, empty phusu-phusu (var. phusuṃ, phussa) onom. 1. (of snow, dry earth) slowly, drizzling 2. (of knots to be loosened) little by little 3. (to fart) imperceptibly phusulu -> phusukulu phussa -> phusuphusu phū1 1. n. (phuta-) dry land, dry field 2. n. dryness 3. adj. dry phū2 onom. sound of blowing; ~ yāye 1. to blow 2. to drive out evil spirits phū3; ~ kāye to soak clothes in water; ~ cāye to be soaking wet, to get drenched; ~ taye to put oil or ghee into a dough phūcva n. Phulcok (one of the `four peaks', cf. jāmāḥcva, dhilācva, sipūcva) phūphā (var. phupha, phūphū) n. exorcism, healing from evil spirits by blowing magic spells; ~ba+ide n.anim. exorcist, magic healer phūphāḥcā n.anim. last child of an old father phūphāḥbare (var. phūbare) n.anim. monk who is late in begging alms on pañcadān day (term of mockery) phūphū -> phūphā phūbare -> phūphāḥbare phū biye v.t. to moisten phūmusu n. dry cough (resulting from hunger) phe 1. pref. down, below, at the bottom, flat 2. n. slant pheṃgū n. (-guli-,-gaḥ) spinning jenny, reel of thread on a weaving loom (cf. yaṃphelu) phe-ciṃke v.t. to flatten phe-cine v.i. to become flat, to dissolve: chucuṃ chvāluguliṃ phecina. The dough dissolved because it was too liquid. phe-cuye v.i. to slant phecū adj. slanting phe-cyāye v.i. 1. to slant, to be tilted 2. to be flat phe-tuye v.i. 1. to sit down, to squat 2. to withdraw phedi n. foot, bottom of a hill phene v.t. 1. to loosen, to untie 2. to spin (thread) phepāḥ n. high price (at the outset of bargaining) phephe dhāye v.i. to be greasy pheye v.t. (phela) to lick pher adv. again; ~kathaṃ adv. once again phelu n. (-gaḥ) 1. purlin, cross beam 2. spinning jenny, reel of thread on a weaving-loom phya- -> phe- phyaḥ adj. licking phyākā (var. phyāku, phyātta, phyāphaḥ, phyāskuti) adj. flat, flat-nosed; phyākāṃ cvane (of noses) to be flat; ~dhvaṃ n.anim. (-dhvaṂla-) fox; ~nhāy n.anim. (-nhāsa-) flat-nosed person phyātā-phyātā -> phātāphātā phyātta -> phyākā phyāt+phyāt+cā n. (-pā,-ju) slipper phyātrā-phyātrā -> phātāphātā phyānā n. 1. dedication, sacrifice 2. promise; ~kutaḥ n. (-tala-) determination, fixed intention phyāpu n. 1. will power 2. purpose phyāphaḥ -> phyākā phyāye v.t. (phyāta) 1. to reserve s.th. for a special purpose: thva dugucā kāliyāta phyāta. This goat is chosen to be sacrificed to Kālī. jiṃ nyāsaḥ laṃyāta phyānā. I've put aside 500 rupees for clothes. 2. to see clearly 3. to overtake; phyānā taye to take a vow to worship (in order to overcome a crisis without harm) phyāyṃ1 n. (-phyāyṃ) {vulg.} vagina (cf. phvāyṃ) phyāyṃ2 clf. for nouns denoting chain-like objects phyāyṃ|-cā n. edible leaves of black mustard; ~palaḥ n. (-lata-) kind of spinach phyārā(-phyārā) (var. phyārra) onom. shivering, fluttering; ~ tule to shiver, to flutter, to throb phyāsā (var. phyāsu) n. (-gū) {neol.} 1. promise, vow 2. sacri­fice, donation phyāsā-phyāsā -> phisiphisi phyāsu1 -> phyāsā phyāsu2 adj. 1. tasteless, unsavoury 2. ineffective 3. lazy 4. weak of character; ~ye (-sula) 1. to be loose 2. to be tasteless, ineffective, lazy, weak phyāskuti -> phyākā phyāsyā(-phyāsyā) (var. ~phyāsyāṃ) adv. 1. gentle, weak 2. with large steps (cf. phisiphisi); ~ nhile to smile gently; ~ vane 1. to tear easily 2. to walk in large strides phrem n. (-pā,-gū) frame phvaṂga (var. phuṂga, phvaṃgaḥ) n. (-gaḥ) pillow phvaṂgaḥ jāye -> phvaṃ phvaṂsā -> phvasā phvaṂsi -> phaṂsi phvaṃ (var. phvaṂgaḥ) n. (phvana-,-phvaṃ) blister, tumour; ~ gāye, jāye to have blisters phvaṃgaḥ -> phvaṂga phvaṃgāḥ n. (-gāla-,-gū) burial, burial ground (in contrast to cremation) phvaṃsi -> phvasi phvakī (var. phvalakī, phvalkī) n. parboiled rice; ~jāki n. id.; ~ tene to ferment; ~vā n. fermented paddy phvagiṃ n.anim. (-gina-) beggar (proverb: phvagiṃyā kvāḥjā. Warm rice for the beggar. (signifying exaggeration)) phvataḥ-phvataḥ vaye v.i. (for boils, blisters) to come out, erupt phvan n. (-gaḥ) phone, telephone, gramophone; ~ thāye to play the gramophone; ~ lhvane to receive a phone call phvane v.t. to beg: vaṃ vayāke bārhāṃ phvana. He begged for an alms gift from him.; phvanā biye to give alms phvaphva dhāye v.i. to be moist phvaphvahi n. (-mā) kind of creeper with edible roots phvamvaḥ -> phamaḥ phvaye v.t. (phvala) 1. to drench, to soak 2. to attract, to absorb, to enchant 3. to pierce phvalakī (var. phvalkī) -> phvakī phvalta n. 1. (-gaḥ) ears of paddy without grains 2. (-gū) rick 3. (-gū) petiole, stalk of a leaf; ~ cine to pile in ricks phvalvā -> phvakivā phvasā -> phusā phvasi (var. phasi, phvaṃsi) n. (-gaḥ) large, wide open copper vessel, used for cooking, dyeing, producing ink etc. phvaḥ (phvala-,-phvaḥ) 1. n. blossom 2. n. end 3. n. mouth of a trumpet 4. clf. for nouns denoting flowers and flower-shaped objects; ~ cāye 1. to open up (e.g. of a narrow passage) 2. to be beyond, past a given point; ~ lvīke to bring into shape of blossom phvaḥr -> pvahar phvaḥrā n. (-pu) spray, spraying pipe; ~ chvāke to spray phvāuṃ adj. cold phvāṂphvāṂ yāye v.t. to frighten with strange sounds phvākā adj. empty, vacant; phvākāy adv. in vain, for nothing phvākā-phvākā onom. 1. opening and closing 2. leaking in drops phvākka adv. abruptly phvātaye v.i. (for blisters) to swell up phvātaḥ n. (-tala-,-taḥ) blister, tumour phvāt-phvāt onom. sound of a ball hitting the floor phvāphaḥ adj. hollow phvāye v.t. (phvāta) 1. to send running, to set into motion, to displace, to pull or push away, to divert 2. to cast a spell; phvānā biye to cast a spell phvāyṃ1 n. euphemistic term for vagina (substituted for the vulgar phyāyṃ) phvāyṃ2 adj. useless, pointless; ~khaṂ n. idle, useless talk phvālyāṂ vaye to billow up (of steam) phvāsā-phvāsā onom. 1. scattered, strewn, blown 2. soft, powdery; ~ vane to become very soft, very fine phviṃ 1. n. pride, vanity, boasting 2. onom. sound of hissing, whizzing; ~ kāye to direct a paper kite; ~ kene, tvaḥte, pikāye to show off; ~phāyṃ n. pride, vanity; ~ phviṂ onom. sound of hissing, whizzing; ~bāḥju n.anim. boastful person; ~ yāye 1. to show off, boast 2. to be ready to fight phviṃ-phviṃ -> phiṃphiṃ B ba -> bā3 ba+iṃletheṃ -> baṂthiletheṃ ba+igaḥ (var. bvigaḥ) n. (-gala-,-gū) top floor of a house; ~kāḥ n. (-kāla-,-pu) cross tie of a jamb wall; ~kū n. (-kuthi-,-gū) attic store; ~kvathā n. (-gū) attic; ~tvākaḥ n. (-kala-,-gaḥ) base of the main post; ~thāṃ n. (-thāma-,-gaḥ) main post on the top floor; ~bāy juye to be bankrupt; ~yaḥ n. (-yela-,-gaḥ) cross tie of the jamb wall; ~siṂ n. (-pu) wall plate, purlin ba+igun n. (-gaḥ) kind of plant, Hibiscus esculentus, okra ba+iguni1 n. (-gaḥ) egg plant ba+iguni2 adj. ungrateful ba+idā n.anim. accountant ba+ide n.anim. traditional medical doctor, physician; ~saḥmha n.anim. 1. healer 2. s.o. who knows black magic ba+inā n. (-gū) down payment, pledge, earnest money, advance payment ba+isa n. 1. age, lifetime 2. youth; ~ jāye to be young; ~ daye to be grown up; ~ vane {pol.} to be getting on in years, to get old ba+u1 n. hon. father (cf. abu, abvā, bāḥ, bubā, bvā) ba+u2 (var. bauṃ) n. (bali-) 1. oblation, offering, sacrifice 2. exorcism, warding off evil spirits (cf. bali); ~ taye to feed s.o. dying of a spirit, to cure ritually from evil spirits; ~ biye 1. to perform an offering to spirits 2. to ward off evil spirits by offering food to them (from a newly built house) ba+u|-kunā; (var. ~kundā) n. small plate used for offering food to the deceased (cf.baubhūcā); ~gāḥ n. (-gāla-,-gāḥ) a ditch to bury food for the deceased ba+uddha n. Bodhnāth ba+upujā n. (-gū) ritual for dispelling evil spirits ba+ubhūcā n. small plate used for offering food to the deceased (cf. ~kunā) ba+uri n.anim. male sparrow baṂ n. 1. floor 2. ground, earth; ~khasu n. low cloud, bank of mist; ~khaḥ (var. bekhaḥ) n. (-khata-,-gū) low scaffold; ~gvārā n. 1. (-pā) rag (for smearing the floor) 2. earth, globe baṂthiletheṃ (var. baiṃletheṃ) adv. 1. (to speak) pretentiously 2. (to sit) squatting baṂ|-pasaḥ n. (-sala-,-gū) stall by the road-side; ~bha+u n.anim. wild cat; ~manū n.anim. (-nukha-) ape, gorilla, chimpanzee baṂmhūcāsvāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) kind of flower baṂsā n. 1. (-gaḥ) base of a window sill, veneer 3. (-pā) transparent layer of cloth; ~jhyāḥ n. (-jhyāla-,-pā) slightly projecting window; ~ bane to add a layer baṂsi1 -> bvasi2 baṂsi2 -> basi4 baṂsir kāye v.t. to spread cooked rice on the floor for cooling off baṂhā n.anim. kind of large wasp, hornet baṃ1 n. (baṂtha-,-gū) dam, embankment, dike; ~ ciye, pane to embank baṃ2 n. (bana-) punishment, penalty, fine (cf. dvapaṃ); ~ chāye, taye, pvīke to condemn, to fine, to give a penalty baṃgalā n. 1. (-gaḥ) cabinet above a window 2. (-khā) bun­galow, detached house baṃchi b.f. (with time nouns) during, as long as, up to, until: baḥnhi-baṃchi until, during the evening baṃjāḥ (var. bāṃjāḥ) n.anim. (-jāla-) trader, merchant, vendor baṃdā -> bandā baṃduk -> banduk baṃnāḥ n. (-nāla-,-pu) furnace pipe, blow pipe baṃbū n.anim. (agt. ~naṃ) dwarf baṃsi -> basi 4 bakaṃ n. (-kana-,-mā) kind of wild green vegetable; ~kī n.anim. (-kila-) kind of insect living on the leaves of coloca­sia; ~phusulu adj. superficial, useless bakaci (var. bālci) n. 1. (-dhe) kind of large seed vessel (used to decorate a `dhimay' drum) 2. (-pā) kind of flat white seeds for garlands (used to decorate funeral biers, also used for medical purposes) bakas (var. baksay, baksis) n. (-gū) 1. tip, gift 2. testament, will; ~ yāye to give a bonus, a present bakaḥ (var. bvakaḥ) (-kala-) 1. n. (-gaḥ) measuring pot contain­ing one mānā 2. meas. one mānā baku meas. half load; ~ lāye 1. to be out of balance (of scales, carrying baskets) 2. to be dented bakuṃ n. (-kuna-,-gaḥ) brass pot for keeping beaten rice bakumaraḥsvāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) blossom of the `bakulāḥsvāṃsiṂ' tree bakulāḥ1 n. (-gaḥ) kind of large bean; ~simi n. (-gaḥ) id. bakulāḥ2 adj. out of balance; ~bhagat n.anim. hypocrite bakulāḥsvāṃsiṂ (var. bakhulāḥ~) n. (-mā) kind of tree with small white fragrant blossoms, Mimusops elengi bakkhu (var. bakhu) n. (-pā) multicoloured Tibetan jersey, vest, waist-coat worn by hill people bakkhvī -> bakhvī bak+bak n. prattle, babbling, chattering baksay (var. baksis) -> bakas bakhat n. (-gū) time; ~ bakhatay adv. time and again bakharā n. (-gaḥ) kind of fruit (similar to a plum) bakhān n. (-gū) 1. description, report 2. eulogy, praise bakhiyā n. stitches on the hem of a garment bakhu -> bakkhu bakhuṃ (var. baḥkhuṃ) n.anim. (-khuna-) pigeon; ~gaḥ n. (-gala-,-gaḥ) pigeon house, pigeon hole; ~cā n. (-gaḥ) kind of string instrument; ~pvāḥ n. (-pvāla-,-pvāḥ) pigeon house, ~hole; ~madaḥ-astami n. (-nhu) eighth day of the bright lunar fortnight of the month of kachalā; ~mikhā adj. sharp-sighted; ~svaḥ n. (-svala-,-gū) pigeon house bakhulāḥsvāṃsiṂ -> bakulāḥ~ bakherā n. tumult, dispute bakhvī (var. bakkhvī) adv. without a reason (to interrupt, to be jailed) baga+iṃcā (var. bagīcā) n. (-gū) garden; ~nāyaḥ n.anim. (-yeka-) gardener bagala meas. (weight:) two pāu; ~bāṂla meas. two and a half pāu bagalā n. (-gaḥ) flowerpot (cf. gamalā) bagali n. (-pā) pocket, purse; ~mārā n.anim. pick-pocket bagaḥ n. (-gala-,-gaḥ) 1. river bank 2. sandy ground 3. door bolt holder bagāl n. (-gū) herd, crowd, mob bagī; ~ vane to perform a certain type of procession: musical bands going a prescribed tour during eight days, each day starting where they have left off the night before, done during the month of guṃlā; procession done in one day on the day before `matayāḥ', procession after the completion of a new caitya; ~ hāy+ke to go singing around a village (in the mornings during guṃlā), to cause to shout `bagī' (in a children's game) bagīcā -> bagaiṃcā baggā n. second part in children's marble game (cf. aggā) baggī n. (gila-,-gū) four-wheeled chariot; ~khānā n. (-gū) shed for a ~ bacaṃ n. (-cana-,-gū) word, promise; ~ taye to keep one's word, to obey, to respect; ~ biye to give one's word, to promise bacat n. surplus, saving bacay; ~ juye to be spared, to be saved; ~ yāye to protect, to save, to rescue backanā n. children's size (of garments) backani n. (-pu) small shawl bacchi interj. expression to claim one's share for a casual gift bachalā n. seventh month of the Newar lunar calendar, occurring during vaiśākha - jyeṣṭha, (May) bachi -> baḥchi bajana n. heavy weight (for a scale) bajay n. o'clock (used only with Nepālī numbers); ~ juye to strike the full hour: cār bajay jula. It's four o'clock. bajaḥ n. (-jala-) {Pat} corn cob bajāṃ -> bajhāṃ bajār n. (-gū) market, bazar; ~iyā adj. 1. cheap, of low price 2. of bad quality; ~ yāye 1. to trade 2. to go shopping baji n. 1. beaten rice 2. meal with beaten rice as the main food (cf. kāyṃ~, tikiṃ~, pau~, pāyṃ~, lhuyā~, sivāḥ~, syāḥ~); ~kātā n.anim. ant (cf. imū); ~ tāḥ lāke to prepare a meal of beaten rice; ~ dhvaṃ yāye to beat rice; ~pu n. kind of small grain for decorating baskets; ~pumā n. kind of reed (producing this grain); ~maḥ n. (-mala-) paste or glue made from beaten rice; ~ lhuye to beat rice baje n. hon. grandmother (term of respect) bajra1 n. (-gaḥ) thunderbolt (ritual instrument) bajra2 (var. barja) n. brick dust, plaster; ~kaḥmi n.anim. plasterer bajrakhvāyṃ n.anim. completely deaf person bajrakhvāḥ n. (-khvāla-,-gaḥ) kind of carpenter's plane bajranugaḥ n.anim. (-gala-) 1. s.o. tough or recalcitrant 2. s.o. who has a weak memory bajrapipī n. {sl.} penis bajraley+p n. adhesive, cement, mortar bajrācārya n.pr. Buddhist priest: name of the highest caste of Newar Buddhists bajhāṃ (var. bajāṃ) n. (-jhāna-) mixture of molasses and tobacco smoked in a hookah; ~kha+u n. refuse of smoking a hookah, cake of molasses and tobacco; ~khū n. (-khula-) id.; ~gulu n.anim. excessive smoker; ~ taye to prepare a hookah; ~ tvane to smoke; ~ thane to prepare a hookah; ~thala n. (-gaḥ) a wooden box to store bajhāṃ; ~ siye -> ~ thane batay; ~ juye to be reversed, to turn into the wrong direction (also fig.): bhutumāli batay jula. The kite turned the wrong way. va macā batay jula. The child was spoilt.; ~ yāye to reverse, to give the wrong course, to spoil: vaṃ macāyāta batay yāta. He spoilt the child. batā1 n. (-pu) wooden bridge, temporary bridge batā2 -> baḥtā batāṃ n. (-tāna-,-pu,-gū) angle iron; ~ jvike to check the angles, to check straightness, to fix at the correct angle; ~ maju not at right angles batāsiṂ n. (-gaḥ) ridge pole; ~haṂ n. (-pu) kind of chisel (making two cuts at a stroke) bati postp. marker of comparison (only with neg. v.): va bati ballāḥmha suṃ he maru theṃ sanā jula. He behaves as if no one was stronger than he. battā n. (-gaḥ) 1. box 2. commission of bank when changing money battāiṃ n.anim. 1. kind of bird, quail (cf. khvāyṃjhaṃgaḥ, khvāyṃmvacā) 2. s.o. having to repeat a class at school; ~bāḥju n.anim. 1. one who trains a quail for fights 2. jobless or spoilt person, good-for-nothing battācā n. (-gaḥ) box for jewellery or money battu n. embroidery on cloth bathāṃ n. (-thāna-,-gū) mob, crowd, group, flock badal (var. badar, badlay) n. 1. change 2. cancelling of a rule or law, reversal of a decision badāmi adj. almond-shaped, almond-coloured badi n. dark half of the lunar month badiyālcvaḥ n. (-mā) kind of plant, a Desmodium bad+nām juye v.i. to lose one's name or reputation badlay -> badal ban n. (-gū) forest: banay vane to go into the forest (hom. -> banay) banay n. (banaja-,-gū) trade, commerce; ~kuthi, ~kū n. (-kuthi-,-gū) shop, stall; ~kvathā n. (-gū) wholesale store; ~khākā n. estimation of trade, of turn-over; ~ jyāye to trade; ~mi n.anim. trader; ~lami n. {neol.} consulate general; ~ vane to go trading, peddling one's wares (hom. -> ban) banā1 n. (-gaḥ) 1. board to space a pair of pillars 2. cornice above a window banā2 n. kind of thick cloth; ~gā n. (-pu) kind of double-face shawl with one red and one white side banāḥ n. (-nātha-,-sāḥ) kind of broad cloth bani n. salutation, bow banibanāu n. prosperity baniyā (var. bannyā) n.anim. 1. trader, merchant, businessman, broker, hawker 2. caste name of a subcaste of the Tulādhars; ~jvalaṃ n. (-lana-) manufactured articles bane 1. v.t. to cover (with s.th. transparent), to add a layer 2. v.t. to trade 3. v.i. to faint; banā vane to faint, to swoon bandā1 (var. baṃdā) n. (-gū) division of an inheritance bandā2 n. (-gaḥ) cabbage; ~gvabi n. (-gaḥ) id. bandāla n. (-mā) kind of medicinal herb banduk (var. baṃduk) n. (-pu) gun bandhulisvāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) kind of flower, Pentapetes phoenicea bannyā -> baniyā ban|-bha+u n.anim. (-bhati-) wild cat; ~manū (var. bamanū) n.anim. (-nukha-) orang-outan; ~mey (var bamme) n.anim. (-mesa-) wild buffalo banvaḥ n. (-nvala-,-pu) spear, pike, lance (cf. bhālā, bhiṃdipāḥ) bapaḥjhaṃgaḥ n.anim. (-gala-) snipe bapā n. (-gaḥ) cabinet above a window; ~khātā n. (-gū) bedstead with a small cabinet; ~jhyāḥ n. (-jhyāla-,-pā) window with a cabinet bapi|-kātākī n.anim. (-kila-) long white insect living in heaps of rice during the monsoon; ~kvayṃ n. (-kvaṂca-,-pu) rib babhāḥ (var. bibhāḥ) n. (-bhāla-,-gaḥ) 1. kind of post (of a door or window frame) 2. vertical peg of a spinning wheel; ~siṂ n. (-gaḥ) id. babhū n. (-bhuli-,-pā,-ju) kind of cymbal bamanū -> banmanu bamalā adj. weak bamaḥ n. (-mala-,-gū) lock rings (of a door) bamū n.anim. (-mula-) kind of animal (similar to a jackal) bambhvalāḥ n.anim. (-lāta-) mendicant living on charity bamme -> banmey bamvajim postp. according to: nepālyā kānūn bamvajim according to Nepalese law bamsābali -> vaṂsāvali bay1 n. (instr. ~naṃ, baca-,-pu) 1. flute, pipe 2. horse tail bay2 n. hon. {ch.lg.} grandmother bay3 postp. (with gen.) than: thuguyā bay ugu sāḥ. This (one) is more delicious than that (one). bayar -> bayli bayān n. (-gū) narration, description, explanation; ~ kāye to interrogate, to examine; ~bahādur n.anim. prattler, idle talker, s.o. who talks without sense bayṃtā -> baytā bay+ci n. black salt bay+tā (var. bayṃtā) meas. eighth part of a pāu bay+tu n. (-tā) 1. item, article 2. real things, reality 3. female genitals, vagina bay+bay n. (-gū) 1. rumour, hearsay 2. tumult, uproar; ~ yāye to spread a rumour about s.o., to slander or libel bay+basā -> byābasā bay+li1 (var. bari) n.anim. enemy bay+li2, bay+si (var. bayar) n. (-gaḥ) the green fruit of the bayar tree, Zizyphus mauritania baraṃ -> barāṃ baraṃdā n. (-gū) veranda baraph n. (-gaḥ) ice, ice-cream, sherbet baramā n. (-mā) banyan tree, Ficus indica baray n. increase; ~ juye 1. to be increased 2. {fig.} to feel proud barasi -> baḥsi baraḥ (var. barhaḥ) n. (-rala-) mortgage; ~ kāye to lend; ~ cvane to stand security for a loan; to pledge o.s. in debt bondage; ~ taye to put into mortgage, to pawn; ~ liphyāye to pay off a mortgage barā adj. great, grand barāṃ n. (-gaḥ, -dhe) (var. baraṃ) 1. peanut 2. almond barāy n. (-gaḥ) kind of plane (carpentry) barāy cāye (var. barhāy) v.i. to feel proud, to show off barāhākim n.anim. head of an important office, governor of a district bari -> bayli1 baru adv. even, more, rather: jiṃ baru theṃ yāye. I would rather do like that.; ~kaṃchi (var. barkaṃchi) adv. rather than; ~kiṃ (var. ~kiṃta, barkiṃ) adv. id. baruvāḥpha+i n.anim. (-phaisa-) kind of sheep, bell-wether bare (var. bādyā) n.anim. 1. high Buddhist caste, members having undergone initiation (inhabitants of monasteries) 2. bald head; ~ cvane to be in a state of impurity; ~ chuye to initiate a ~ boy, ritual of shaving the boys' heads completely bald; ~ yāye to be in a state of impurity after a death barkaṃchi -> barukaṃchi barkiṃ -> barukiṃ barkhā n. summer, season of monsoon; ~tusi n. (-gaḥ) watery cucumber, cucumber grown before its season barkhi n. 1. mourning of a year's duration 2. white mourning clothes; ~ cvane to be in mourning; ~ pene to be released from mourning; ~vasaḥ n. (-sata-,-gū) mourning clothes (white) barcā n. (-gaḥ) kind of brass bowl (part of a bride's dowry) barja -> bajra1 barta n. religious vow, esp. to fast; ~kā n. kind of sacred thread; ~ cvane to observe a fast barmā n. (-pu) brace and bit, drill (cf. bvariṃ) barmu -> barmhū barmūcā n. (-dhī) honeycomb with bee larvae (taken as food) barmhū (var. barmu) n.anim. brahmin barva n. (-mā) name of a tree, Terminalia bellirica barvabar adv. often, frequently; ~ī adj. 1. equal 2. similar barsa (var. barsā) n. 1. year 2. rain; barsay juye to fall (of a shower of rain etc.) barhaḥ -> baraḥ barhāy -> barāy bal (var. baḥ) n. (-gū) 1. energy, force, strength 2. support; ~ kāye to get support; ~ tane, thane to strengthen; ~ biye to support; ~ yāye to force, to compel; ~ lāye to be strong, to be durable, to last; ~ vāye to force bala (var. balacā, balcā) n. (-gū) hovel, hut (usually in fields); ~cheṂ n. (-khā) id. balambhvay n. (-bhvaja-,-gū) ritual meal held after sacrificing an animal balay b.f. at the time of, when, while, during balasi -> baḥsi balaḥ1 n. (-lata-) kind of white powder (for painting, for clearing glass) balaḥ2 n.anim. caste name of descendants from marriages against the caste rules of the Bajrācārya caste balaḥ3 n.anim. (-lata-) kind of stinging black fly balā n. (-gū) bow and arrow; ~thū n. (-thuli-,-thū) quiver, container for arrows; ~pā n. (-pā) 1. feather on an arrow 2. arrow; ~mi n.anim. 1. warrior 2. brave man 3. caste name of wood cutters (cf. bvasi2); ~siṂ (var. baliṃ, balsi, balsuṃ, baḥsuṃ) n. (-gū) 1. fishing hook 2. bait; ~ taye to fish, angle bali n. sacrificial gift to propitiate dangerous gods and spirits, usually a gift containing buffalo meat, or, as a substitute, a duck's egg (cf. bau2); baliṃ piye to ward off evil spirits; ~ phyāye to victimize baliṃ n. -> balāsiṂ bali|-dān n. sacrifice of one's own interest for s.o. else; ~pau n. (-pati-,-pau) container for offerings to ward off spirits balū n. (-luti-) 1. sandy field 2. desert balcā -> bala baldi yāye v.t. to level balpatay yāye v.t. to keep a secret balla adv. finally, at last; ~talla adv. with difficulty, against obstacles ballāka adv. strongly, firmly, securely ballāḥ adj. strong; ~tyāḥ adj. oppressive, with right of might balsi (var. balsuṃ) -> balāsiṂ balhā n. (-gū) conversation bas1 n. 1. power 2. desire bas2 n. bus bas3 adv. enough basaṃta -> basanta basajāḥ -> basujāḥ basanta n. 1. spring 2. kind of song sung during springtime basay; ~ cvane 1. to be under s.o.'s command, to be at s.o.'s disposal 2. to be fond of; ~ juye 1. to be skilful, to be well trained 2. to be (physi­cally) fit 3. to be settled 4. to be spread; ~ taye to control s.o.; ~ yāye 1. to train 2. to spread out evenly, to level basā1 (var. bāsā) n.anim. bull basā2 n. (-gaḥ,-gū) post, horizontal beam of a door or window frame basā3 (var. bāsā) n. (-gaḥ,-gū) red carpet of welcome; ~ lāye to welcome (with a red carpet) basā4 (var. bāsā) b.f. instrument, implement (cf. e.g. kvāḥ~, khvāḥ~, nhe~, mhi~, lvā~) basālā (var. basupā {Bhp}) n. kind of meat preparation basi1 -> baḥsi basi2 -> bvasi2 basi3 n. flood, inundation; ~ lāye 1. to fly well 2. to exhibit skilfully 3. to be worth displaying; ~ vaye to be much flooded, to flood basi4 n. (-gū) (var. baṂsi, baṃsi) 1. partition 2. salutation, bow, sign of respect, formality; ~ kene to respect, to honour; ~ khuye to make a partition; ~ bvaye to respect, to honour basigāḥ n. (-gāla-,-gāa) whirlpool, source of overflowing water basidhī n. (-dhika-,-dhī) wooden wall basilā1 n. (-pu) kind of carpenter's tool, adze basilā2 n.anim. fraudulent person basuṃ n.anim. (-suna-) falcon basujāḥ (var. basjāḥ, basajāḥ) n. (-jāla-) utensil, container; pots and pans basupā {Bhp} -> basālā basuvār n. Thursday basjāḥ -> basujāḥ basti n. village, farm, hamlet bastū n. (-tuka-,-gū,-tā) 1. thing, article, commodity 2. property 2. ware, merchandise, goods 3. furniture 4. cattle; ~bhāḥ n. (-bhāla-,-gū) price of consumer goods basvāye v.t. 1. to stamp one's foot 2. to overcome, vanquish s.o. bahatā n. (-pu) temporary bridge bahani n. first sale of a day (considered as an omen for the day's business) bahanī adv. in the evening; ~nhesu n. evening, first part of the night; ~lisu n. last part of the night bahala adj. helpless, poor bahas n. (-gū) discussion bahaḥ 1. adj. worth 2. suff. (productive with verbal infini­tives) fit for, capabale, worth, e.g.: kane~ worth telling, naye~ fit to be eaten, nene~ worth hearing; ~ juye to deserve, to be worth bahāḥ -> bāhāḥ bahi(-khātā)1 n. (-gū) ledger, account book bahi2 (var. bahili, bahī) n. (-gū) 1. type of Buddhist monastery, less prestigeous than a `bāhāḥ' 2. exhibition room (of a monastery), 3. museum 4. exhibition; ~dyaḥ n. hon. (-deva-) deity worshipped in a bahi; ~dyaḥ bvaye to display the deities of a bahi; ~piṃ n. hon. {coll.} inhabitants of a bahi bahili1 adj. barren (of a woman) bahili2 (var. bahī) -> bahi2 baḥ1 n. (bata-,-baḥ) layer, course, thickness baḥ2 n. (bata-,bala-,-gū) bamboo fish trap or bamboo sieve for straining beer; ~ yene to strain beer baḥ3 n. (-bala-,-gū) reason, cause, base baḥ4 -> bal baḥkhuṃ -> bakhuṃ baḥcā adv. (with meas., clf.) somewhat, average: jigu cheṂ baḥcā pāykhā jula. My house is just the average size. baḥchi (var, bachi) meas. half baḥtā (var. batā) n. kind of unstrained, strong beer, containing dregs; ~thvaṂ n. id. baḥti n. (-gaḥ) kind of bamboo sieve (for straining beer) baḥnigvaḥ n. (-gvala-,-gaḥ) kind of pastry shaped like a caitya (cf. gvaḥjā) baḥnhi adv. in the evening, at night baḥra interj. fool! baḥl n. (-gaḥ) ball baḥsi (var. basi, barasi, balasi) n. (-gaḥ) kind of fruit, peach; ~pu n. (-gaḥ) stone of a peach baḥsuṃ -> balāsiṂ baḥhayṃ (var. bvaḥhayṃ) n.anim. (-haṂsa) goose, swan bā1 -> bāḥ1 bā2 n., meas. piece of split bamboo, cane bā3 (var. ba) b.f. 1. (with meas., clf.) half 2. (in comp.) subor­dinate, secondary bā4 b.f. male, e.g.: bākhicā male dog; ~ phvane (of a woman) to be sexually desirous bā-appā n. (-pā) brick of medium size bāisur n. colic bāu -> bābu bāṂki -> bāki bāṂcā n.anim. {ch.lg.} calf bāṂdejātrā n. Buddhist festival held during the month of bhādrapada (August-September) bāṂdyā -> bare bāṃ1 n.anim. (bāna-) sacrificial animal bāṃ2 n. (bāna-,-gū) 1. shape, outline 2. shapeliness 3. zodiac 4. mark; ~appā n. (-pā) designed brick; ~ luye to be shaped; ~ sī daye to stand out clearly, stand in relief bāṃkuti adv. (to swim) on one side; ~ kāye to swim on one side; ~laṃ n. (-lana-,-pā) upper garment with short sleeves bāṃgaḥ n. (-gala-) {neol.} pattern bāṃjāḥ -> baṃjāḥ bāṃtāḥ n. (-tāla-,-gū) mark, impression bāṃdalū n. (-lukha-,-pvāḥ) kind of ceremonial lamp bāṃmalāḥ adj. 1. ugly 2. bad bāṃlāye v.i. to be beautiful, pretty, fair bāṃlāḥ adj. 1. beautiful, pretty, fair 2. nice, well; ~pahaḥ n. (-hala-) beauty bāṃsukhū n. (-khuli-,-pā) a patterned straw mat bākas n. (-gaḥ) box bāki (var. bāṂki) n. 1. remainder 2. arrears; ~ye (-kila) to be left over bāki vane v.i. to have an infection behind the ear lobe (from dirt) bāku n. 1. half piece 2. rubble; ~jhyāḥ n. (-jhyāla-,-pā) blind window; ~ thale to divide into halves; ~ dale to be divided into halves bākunani n. name of a locality near Itumbāhāl bākhaṃ n. (-khana-,-pu) story, tale, lore, myth; ~ khane to tell (holy) stories (as a practice of religious devotion); ~me n. (-pu) poem, ballad bāgaḥ (-gala-,-gaḥ) 1. n. semicircle, half a sphere, half a globe 2. n.anim. dwarf 3. n.anim. half-wit; bāgalaṃ jyāḥgvaṃgaḥ one who cannot speak for his own defence; bāgalaṃ jyāye 1. to mumble 2. to feign dumbness; ~ki n. broken rice; ~khiṃ n. (-khina-,-gaḥ) kind of one headed drum; ~cikaḥ n.anim. (-kala-) half-witted woman; ~chvatyā n.anim. dwarf, very short man; ~tepa n. (-gaḥ) kind of water pot (half-tepa); ~ thale to divide into halves; ~dhāḥ n. (-dhāla-,-dhāḥ) kind of chisel (with a semicircular edge); ~nhilā n. half smile, suppressed smile; ~petaṂ n. (-taṂ) topmost floor, roof terrace; ~pvāḥ n.anim. (-pvātha-) s.o. still hungry, not fully fed; ~mānā n. (-gaḥ) measuring pot containing half a mānā; ~laṃ n. (-lana-,-pā) short-sleeved upper garment; ~lāta n.anim. half-witted man (cf. cakaṃvayṃ); ~lāti n.anim. half-witted woman; ~srestha n.anim. subcaste of the Śreṣṭhas; ~sāḥ n. (-sāla-,-gū) mortise joint; ~haṂ n. (-pu) kind of chisel (with a semicircular edge) bā|-ghaḥ n., meas. (-ghala-,-ghaḥ) half a jar; ~cakaṃ meas. (-kana-) half a quarter mānā, an eighth of a mānā bācā1 n. (-gū) 1. half the night 2. middle of the night bācā2 n. (-gū) promise; ~ lhāye to promise bācāḥ n. (-cāla-,-cāḥ) semicircle bāchāibājaṃ n. (-jana-) {coll.} band of musicians (playing for marriages) (Western type) bāchāḥ n. king (of playing cards) bāchi meas. one half bājaṃ (var. bājā) n. (-jana-,-gaḥ) musical instrument, drum; ~khalaḥ n. (-laka-) 1. set of instruments 2. band of musicians; ~ thāye to play an instrument, to beat a drum bājā -> bājaṃ bājāḥ1 n. (-jāta-) masculine gender bājāḥ2 adj. half full; ~kū n. (-kuli-,-pu) spade of medium size; ~khaḥmū n. (-muli-,-pā) flat basket (carried on a pole) bāji n. (-gū) wager, bet; ~ cine, cvane to bet; ~ taye to set a stake, to place a bet; ~ yāye 1. to compete 2. to force bājiṃ-bājiṃ adv. competitively (cf. thaliṃthaliṃ, phayāṃphayāṃ) bāju n. (-gaḥ) arm ring (worn on the upper arm) bājyaḥ vane (var. bājhā ~) v.i. (of life:) to be half over, (of persons) to be middle aged, (of things:) to be half worn out bājyā n. hon. grandfather, term of respectful address for a Brahmin bājhaḥ n. (-jhala-) barren land; ~misā n.anim. sterile woman bājhā n. half depth, middle age; ~ vane -> bājyaḥ vane bātaṂ n. (-taṂ) mezzanine, half storey bātaḥ n. (-tala-) kind of veneral disease; ~ phvaḥ cāye to die in child bed bātā n. (-gaḥ) kind of dish for storing rice; ~mikhā n.anim. person with wide and bright eyes; ~mikhāphasipyaṃ n.anim. (-pena-) `one whose eyes resemble a bātā in shape and whose bottom looks like a pumpkin' bātudhāḥhaṂ (var. bādhāhaṂ) n. kind of chisel (with an edge half an inch wide) bātyākaḥ n. (-kala-) {neol.} semicolon bāthaye v.i. (-thala) to be witty, to joke bāthaḥ adj. witty, funny, humorous bādyā n. (-gaḥ) 1. clamp 2. vice bādhāḥhaṂ -> bātudhāḥhaṂ bānata n.anim. dwarf bānapu n. cashew nut, Semecarpus anacardium bānā n. (-gū) object, substance, thing, variety bāni n. (-gū) habit, custom, practice bānki n. (-gū) shape, pattern, specimen bānhi (var. bānhu) n. morning, midday, half the day from morning till noon; ~kabala n. (-gū) half-day job, job from morning till noon; ~khasu n. morning mist; ~jāḥ balay adv. at midday; ~tī adv. around noon; ~thāy adv. id.; ~nhesu adv. before noon; ~byāṃ n.anim. (-byāna-) woman who sleeps late in the morning; ~lisu adv. in the afternoon bāpaḥchi meas. half a mānā bāpā n. (-pā) 1. half of a flat object 2. cabinet above a window with only one drawer or shelf; ~khātā n. (-gū) bedstead with an attached cabinet or with drawers; ~ jāye to be not fully authorized; ~dhvaṃ n. (-dhvana-,-pā,-pu) kind of pan tile bāpi n. (-gū) draft, copy bāpujā n. (-gū) 1. kind of ritual ceremony dedicated to `nāsaḥdyaḥ' (the patron deity of music) 2. ritual visiting of all monasteries of Kathmandu bāphaṃsi n. (-gaḥ) kind of wild berry bāphācā n.anim. young officiant at a Buddhist shrine bāphukī n.anim. (-kija-) lateral relatives, remote relatives (who have severed relations with their main phukī) bābu (var. bāu) n. hon. term of address for a son or a younger or socially lower man; ~cā n.anim. term of address for s.o. of lower social rank; ~cā yāye to henpeck bāmilā n. half moon bāmha adj. half (of the body); ~gikka adv. perilous, to the point of being half-dead; ~ bheluye to limp on one leg; ~ siye to be half-dead, to be seriously injured; ~ syāye to beat half dead bāy1 (var. bāsa, bāḥs) n. (bāsa-,-gū) 1. dwelling, residence 2. resting place, night shelter 2. (-pu) {obs.} hand of bananas; bāsaṃ taye to provide a shelter; bāsaṃ thane to drive s.o. out of a rented house; ~ cvane to have a shelter, to stay over night; ~ biye to house, to shelter bāy2 n. departure bāy3 conj. 1. or 2. rather, perhaps bāyāliṃ n.anim. (-lina-) slightly squint-eyed person bāyāsu n. auxiliary verb bāyu n. air, wind; ~bidaṅg n. kind of drug used against colics; ~sūl n. colic bāye v.i. 1. to depart, to abandon 2. to be misplaced 3. to be dismantled, to be separated bāyebe n. North-west direction bāy+cā n.anim. falcon, hawk (cf. jamaru, dasaṃ, paytāḥ, bvaḥri, satāṃ) bāy+ta (var. bīta) b.f. during, while, until: āḥbāyta up to now bāy+bāy onom. {ch.lg.} gesture indicating that s.th. is fini­shed, completely gone, nothing left; ~ juye to be finished bāy|-bisi n. 1. farewell 2. auspicious moment of departure; ~beli n. id.; ~bhū n. (-bhuli-,-gū) farewell party bāy+mvaḥ n. (-mvala-,-mvaḥ) 1. reed or cane ring of a chariot pinnacle 2. king post of a pinnacle; ~syaḥ n. (-sela-) 1. (-gū) central part of a bunch of bananas 2. (-pu) central rod of a pinnacle bāy+raṃ adv. without bāramāse1 (var. bārhamāse) 1. n.anim. gambler 2. n. gambling bāramāse2 (var. bārhamāse) adv. the year round; ~svāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) flower that blossoms throughout the year bāray yāye v.t. to abstain bārā (var. bāru) n. 1. (-pā) pulse cake, ball of pulse 2. gun powder bārāṃ -> bārhāṃ bārāḥ (var. bārhā, bāḥrāḥ) n. period of confining a girl for twelve days in a dark room before her first menstruation (there must be no contact with male members of the family during this period); ~khyāḥ n.anim. (-khyāka-) evil spirit of a girl who dies during confinement: ~ cvane to be in confinement; ~cheṂ n. (-khā) legendary house with underground rooms (cf. bilāgaḥcheṂ); ~ taye to confine a girl for the ~ period; ~ pikāye to hold a ritual ending the period of confinement; ~bhvay n. (-bhvaja-,-gū) feast at the end of the confinement period; ~ yāye to observe restrictions of impurity (generally) bāri n. (-gū) 1. garden, vegetable garden 2. non-irrigated field; ~gaḥ n. (-gala-,-gaḥ) water hole bāru -> bārā 2. bārcā n. (-gaḥ) metal beer cup; ~ puye to drink beer bārdari n. (-gū) veranda, balcony; ~ma+iṃyā n.anim. wanton girl bārnis (var. barnes) n. varnish bārsā n. 1. (-gaḥ) mallet (brick production) 2. (-gū) frog (mark on a brick) bārhamāse -> bāramāse bārhā -> bārāḥ bārhāṃ (var. bārāṃ, bāḥrāṃ) n. alms; ~ chuye to present alms ritually bāla n. (-gaḥ) 1. wig 2. elaborate head dress; ~ yāye to crown bālani n. crescent moon, half moon (cf. pālani) bālasāhi n. kind of sweetmeat bālā1 n., meas. 1. half a month, fortnight 2. fourteenth day of the dark lunar fortnight; ~ ule to make a funeral procession (around Paśupati) bālā2 n., clf., meas. (-bālā) 1. long piece, strip, splinter, piece of s.th. split 2. arrow bālā3 adj. half-open (of eyes) bālā|-kathi n. (-pu) rod on a loom; ~nvaḥ n. (-nvala-,-pu) split bamboo pole bāli n. (-gū) 1. ear of corn 2. harvest; ~ jyāye to cultivate the soil; ~ taye to pay one's share of crop to the land holder; ~talap n. government office dealing with salaries; ~ pāle to cultivate the soil; ~macā n.anim. illegal child; ~ yāye 1. to fertilize 2. (of animals) to copulate; ~ laye to harvest bālista n. (-pā) cushion bālgiri n. hire, rent; ~ kāye to get s.th. on hire; ~ma+iṃyā n.anim. harlot bālci -> bakaci bāltin n. (-gaḥ) bucket, pail bālmuguthi n. (-gū) association of young men (performing music and theatrical plays) bāvaṃcā n.anim. dwarfish person bāsa -> bāy1 bāsanā n. smell, scent, perfume bāsā -> basā1,3,4 bāsi adj. stale bāsuri n. (-pu) pipe, flute bāhayṃ n.anim. (-haṂsa-) male duck bāhā n. 1. (-pu) shoulder 2. (-gaḥ) pole, post 3. (-gū) door or window frame bāhāṃ n. (-hāna-,-gū) 1. vehicle of a deity 2. sacrificial animal; ~ phyāye to take a vow to perform an animal sacrifice; ~ syāye to perform an animal sacrifice bāhāpā (var bāhāḥ) n. (-pā) upper arm bāhāḥ1 n. (-hāla-,-gū) type of Vajrayāna Buddhist monastery bāhāḥ2 (var. bāḥ) n. flood bāhāḥ3 -> bāhāpā bāhāḥpāḥ n. (-pāla-,-gū) daily service in a monastery, daily shift of attending to the ritual duties in a monastery bāhāḥpu n. root of a wild plant used as fodder for animals bāhāḥpujā n. (-gū) family ritual of worshipping at various monasteries (done on either aṣṭami or on full-moon day) bāhi -> bahi bāhek postp. except, without: va bāhek dakva asal. They were all good except for him.; ~ juye to resign from, to leave: addāṃ va bāhek jula. He resigned from (his) office.; ~ yāye to evict s.o. from an association bāḥ1 (var. bā) n. hon. (agt. ~naṃ) father (cf. abu, abvā, bau, bubā, bvā); ~yā khvāḥ svaye ritual of father's day bāḥ2 n. (bāla-) rent; bālaṃ kāye to rent; bālaṃ cvane to live in rented quarters; bālaṃ taye, biye to let quarters bāḥ3 -> bāhāḥ2 bāḥ|-appā n. (-pā) over-tile (cf. māḥ-appā); ~ākhaḥ n. (-khala-,-gū) consonant bāḥga n. 1. (-gū) clamp 2. (-gaḥ) vice (the tool) bāḥchi n. fortnight bāḥju (var. bvāḥju) n. hon. 1. husband's father 2. {fig.} boaster bāḥt n. rheumatism, gout bāḥti 1. n. (-gaḥ) earthen vessel for washing clothes 2. meas. one eighth of a pice 3. n. {fig.} insignificance, quantité negligeable bāḥ-bāḥ interj. expression of helplessness; ~ dhāye to ask forgiveness bāḥrāḥ -> bārāḥ bāḥrāṃ -> bārhāṃ bāḥs1 n. fragrance, scent, aroma; ~ vaye to be sweet-smelling, fragrant bāḥs2 n. (-gū) dwelling, shelter; ~ biye to give shelter bi1 n.anim. snake bi-2 (var. be-) pref. 1. reverse, bad 2. diagonal biṃbaḥ -> bimbaḥ biṃbaḥsi -> bimbaḥsi bika postp. (with temporal meas.) during, as long as: nighau bika jā thula. (She) has been cooking rice for two hours. bikat postp. except, only: vaṃ bikat mepisaṃ thva jyā yāye phaye he makhu. No one except him can do this work. bikane v.t. to leer at, to glance sideways at; ~ āḥ svaye to leer at bikaye v.i. 1. (for numbers) to be uneven 2. to be awkward bikaḥ n.anim. (-kala-) s.o. who disturbs, obstructs bikās n. development bikuṃ n. (-kuna-,-gū) corner drain; ~khā n.anim. kind of legendary fowl (associated with rain) bikuti (var. bikuli) n.anim. night watchman, night patrol bikutisvāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) kind of flower, Dianthus bikumāḥdyaḥ n.pr. (-deva-) god of craftsmanship bikurāḥ n.anim. (-rāla-) rude, impolite person; ~pahaḥ n. (-hala-) rudeness, impoliteness bikul n. (-pu) trumpet, bugle; ~ puye 1. to play the trumpet, to sound reveille 2. to play the bugle from Bhimsen's folly to summon an assembly of government employees bikuli -> bikuti bikh n. poison; ~ lāye to be accidentally poisoned bikharāṃ n.anim. (-rāna-) obstinate person bikhū (-khuli-,-pu) dry snake skin which has been shed; ~ tvaye (for a snake) to shed its skin bigele v.t. to skip; bigalā nake to skip s.o. in serving food bigyān n. science bighāḥ (var. bīghāḥ) meas. measure of land (about 5/8 acre, 13 ropani) bigh+na n. (-gū) obstacle, hindrance, interruption bicakani (var. bijakani) n. kind of ornament (for the ear or the neck) bicataṃ n. (-tana-,-pu) tool of drum makers to cut leather bicay adv. in the middle bicā n.anim. young snake bicāḥ n. (-cāla-,-gū) 1. thought, opionion 2. care, consideration 3. food or other goods given to s.o. during a period of impurity; ~guthi n. guthi for organising funeral processions, death guthi for offering food to a mourning family; ~ chvaye to send gifts of condolence; ~ thane to hold a reception of condolence; ~ dumha n.anim. sympathetic person; ~bhvay n. (-bhvaja-,-gū) feast given to the bride's close relatives four days after the marriage; ~ yāye 1. to think 2. to take care; ~ phaye to receive visits of condolence (on the morning after cremation); ~ vane 1. to think: jike bicāḥ vana. I thought, the thought occurred to me. 2. to go for a visit of condolence; ~ vāye to think s.th. over; ~saṃcāḥ n. (-cāla-) care, supervision; ~ hane 1. to think 2. to honour, to respect 3. to condole; ~ hāye to inquire for s.o.'s health biciṃ n. (-cina-,-pu) stick on a loom to stretch the cloth bichuka n. (-gū) bad omen biche 1. n.anim. scorpion 2. adj. cruel, cunning bichvā adj. slanting, sloping; ~musiṂ n. (-gaḥ) oblique rafter bijaṃ -> bisajaṃ bijakani -> bicakani bijakali n. (-pā,-ju) anklet bijāḥ1 n.anim. (-jāta-) low caste, degraded caste bijāḥ2 adj. heterogenous, miscellaneous bijuli n. 1. electricity, electric light 2. flash of lightning 3. {fig.} sharp-brained person; ~ cyāye to light up; ~ tvaye to flash (of lightning) bijyāye {high grade hon.} 1. aux. to do (affixed to verbs in an honorific sense; nayā bijyāye to eat; kayā bijyāye to take) 2. v.i. to come, to go bijyāsaḥ n. (-sala-) name of a shrine on the way to Svayambhū where newly married couples pray for blessings bijvag (var. bijvaḥ) adj. 1. (of numbers) uneven 2. heterogeneous 3. different, not similar bitay juye v.i. to die bitāju (var. betāju) n. hon. religious teacher, assistant to the five guthi elders in performing certain manual tasks at religious functions (cf. nāyaḥju) bitisā n. (-māḥ) necklace worn by the bride during the marriage ceremony bitvaḥraṃ (var. betvaraṃ) adv. forcefully bidyā n. 1. learning, knowledge, study 2. mantra; ~ bvane to recite mantras; ~saḥmha n.anim. tantric bidvaṃ (-dvana-,-gū) mistake, fault, blemish bidharmi adj. bad, unjust, irreligious bidhavā (var. bidhuvā) n.anim. widow bidhi n. (-gū) 1. practice 2. rule 3. ritual, ceremony bidhuvā -> bidhavā binā1 (var. bina) n. musk gland (cf. beṂ) binā2 postp. without: nyāta laḥ binā mvāye maphu. Fish cannot live without water.; ~hakay adv. in vain biniyā n.anim. {coll.} servants binti n. (-gū) 1. request, entreaty 2. apology; ~ dhāye to request, to implore; ~patra n. (-gū) letter of application (especially petition to the king for reviewing a law-case); ~bhāb yāye to invoke help; ~ yāye 1. to request 2. to apologize 3. to greet binhāṃbi interj. (to s.o. in one's way) take care! bipache n.anim. opponent, adversary bipāsi n. (-gaḥ) kind of small pear (used for medical purposes) bipuye v.i. to be obstructive biphvaṃkay adv. in vain biphvāye v.t. to spoil bibāy n. (-bāsa-,-gū) address, place of residence bibi n.anim. insect, louse; ~cā n.anim. {ch.lg.} louse bibi nvaye v.i. to spread (of a boil or an abscess) bibi nhuye v.i. to feel severe pain bibili n. (-pā,-ju) ear ornament bibhāy n. (-bhāsa-) 1. abuse 2. controversy; ~ lhāye to contradict bibhāḥ1 n. (-bhāla-) evening twilight bibhāḥ2 n. (-bhāla-) religious painting bibhāḥ3 -> babhāḥ bibhuti (var. bibhū) n. ashes from a sacred fire, ashes of burnt cowdung bibhūraṅg n. grey colour, ash colour bimā1 n. insurance bimā2 adj. sloped, slanting; ~jhyāḥ n. (-jhyāla-,-pā) slanting bay window bimbaḥ (var. biṃbaḥ) (-bala-) 1. n.anim. small house lizard 2. n. kind of musical instrument; ~cā n. id. bimbaḥsi (var. biṃbaḥsi) n. (-gaḥ) small kind of cucumber, fruit of Momordica monadelpha biye1 (bita) 1. v.i. (of time) to pass, to elapse 2. v.i. (of sun, moon) to set 3. v.i. to collapse 4. v.i. to die 5. v.i. to be unseen 6. v.t. to upset, to spoil: macāṃ sanāḥ jigu jyā bita. By moving, the child upset my work. biye2 v.t. (bila) 1. to give, to offer 2. to permit, to allow; biyā chvaye to give a daughter in marriage; to send gifts to a mourning family; biyā haye to give back, to return; biye māle to owe 3. aux. to do s.th. for s.b.: vaṃ sayka ghāḥ cinā bila. She carefully dressed his wound up. biraki -> birki biraha n. separation, bereavement; ~ juye to be bereaved; ~ yāye to lament a death biriṃ n. (-rina-,-phvaḥ) floral-shaped ornament worn on the temples by a bride birvadhi n.anim. opponent birki (var. biraki) n. (-pā,-ju) floral-shaped ear ornament birje n. semen virile birtā n. grant of land bil n. bill bila n. giving bilaṂ1 n. bad way, evil course bilaṂ2 n. (-gū) figural design; ~pa+u n. 1. (-gaḥ) carved strut (under the eaves of a temple) 2. (-pā) painted scroll (of religious contents) bilaṂpu n.anim. (-puli-) agent, broker bilā n. cross; ~galay adv. 1. in the corner 2. in vain; ~gaḥ (var. bilgaḥ, bilgvaḥ) n. (-gala-,-gaḥ) long door bolt (cf. gajabār); ~gaḥ gvaye to slide a bolt into its hole; ~gaḥcheṂ n. 1. hole for the bolt 2. a legendary house with underground rooms (cf. bārāḥcheṂ); ~gaḥ juye to be jammed; ~gaḥ taye to bolt; ~gaḥtāḥ n. (-tāla-,-ju) mortise lock bilāy n. (-lāca-) 1. (-gaḥ) wall section between the inner and outer frame of a door or window 2. (-pu) peg bilāri n. (-gū) string of flowers or leaves bili n.anim. cockroach bilikhiṃ (-khina-) 1. n.anim. obstinate person 2. n. (-gū) con­flict, quarrel, dispute 3. (-pu) splinter of wood; ~ thane to raise a dispute; ~ danā vaye 1. (for a quarrel) to break out 2. (for wood) to splinter, to be cleft; ~ pikāye to pick a quarrel bili-bili; ~ jāye, juye to be full to the brim bilise n. (-mā) kind of plant, Cephalanthus naucloides bilgaḥ (var. bilgvaḥ) -> bilāgaḥ bisakaṃ 1. n. (-kana-) partition 2. adv. separately bisakhi n. (-gaḥ) root of the arum lily bisajaṃ (var. bijaṃ) n. (-jana-,-gū) completion, fulfilment of a religious vow bisavāḥ n. (-vāla-) unpleasant taste bisi; ~ vane to run away, to escape; ~ vaye to escape, come away bisike v.i. to elope, to run away with a lover; bisike chvaye, yene, haye to elope bisidhi adj. not graceful, without manners, rude bisu n. (-gū) gift, prize; ~ lāye to be generous, open-hearted bise n.anim. leader, head, chief bisekh (var. bisek) n. 1. characteristic, specific mark 2. odd idea, strange notion biskaṂ n. separation, division of a household; ~ cvane to split up into several households biskut n. (-pā) biscuit bisket(-jātrā) n. name of the New Year festival in Bhaktapur bistā n. insensibility bistāḥraṃ adv. slowly bismāḥt n. (-gū) repentance, sorrow; harkha bismāḥt marumha s.o. without joy or sorrow, s.o. with a balanced temperament bisva n. universe bisvās n. (-gū) belief, trust, confidence; ~ daye to rely upon bihalaḥ n. (-lakha-,-gaḥ) kind of small berry, small plum bihā -> byāhā bihāga n. (-pu) tune bihāḥ -> behā bihi n. (-mā) kind of thorny plant bihībār n. Thursday bī1 n. sunset bī2 n. 1. giving 2. marriage of a girl bīghāḥ -> bighāḥ bīta -> bāyta bīnibhāḥ n. (-bhāla-) 1. setting sun 2. {fig.} dying person bībahaḥ adj. fit to be given bībaḥ (var. bībhaḥ) n. (-bala-,-gaḥ) cereals, grain, pulse, bean (cf. būbaḥ); guṂtā~ n. nine different kinds of cereals and pulses used in certain rituals bui- -> bvi- buṂ n. 1. (-pī) field, plot 2. (-phvaḥ) blossom 3. pollen; ~khyāḥ n.anim. (-khyāka-,-gū) scare-crow buṂgadyaḥ n.pr.. (-deva-) name of the Red Matsyendranāth of Bun­gamati buṂ|-gā n. (-pu) new shoot, sprout; ~gāḥ n. (-gāla-,-gaḥ) water hole, pool, spring; ~cakhuṃ n.anim. (-khuna-) field sparrow; ~caḥ n. (-cala-) green vegetable (general term); ~chuṂ n.anim. field mouse or rat; ~ chyāye 1. to cultivate land 2. to join adjacent fields; ~jyā n. agriculture; ~jyāmi n.anim. 1. farmer 2. hired farm hand; ~jyāme n. (-pu) song sung during field cultivation; ~ jyāye to cultivate land; ~thuvāḥ, ~thū n.anim. (-vāla-) field owner, landlord; ~ day+ke to clear a field; ~ pāle to prepare a field for sowing, to plough, to till; ~ vaye to blossom, to sprout; ~sā n. (-phvaḥ) blossom; ~ hvaye to blossom bukiluṂ -> bvakiluṂ bukuṃ -> bucuṃ buke v.t. to cook bukhaṂ (var. bvakhaṂ) n. (-gū) 1. message, information 2. controversy bukhū n. (-khuli-) patch of rough skin bucuṃ (var. bukuṃ) n. (-cuna-) face powder bujaḥ n. (-jala-,-gū) stuff, substance, trimmings buttā n. (-gū) 1. pattern, design 2. embroidery; ~ kāye 1. to shape 2. to embroider; ~ kiye to engrave; ~ chiye to print with patterns; ~ taye 1. to shape 2. to embroider; ~ thahāṃ vaye to be embossed; ~bharay yāye to embroider, decorate with designs; ~ luye (for a pattern) to be formed, to appear butyaṃ -> bvatyaṃ budā -> bunā budāṃ taye v.t. to make a boy undergo the Baṭukaraṇa ritual (performed by Newar Brahmins) budiṃ (var. buriṃ) n. (-dina-) birthday, anniversary (cf. bunhi, bvasādhaṃ) buddha n.pr. the Buddha; ~punhī n. full moon of bachalā buddhi n. (-gū) wisdom, intelligence buddhu n.anim. idiot budhāṃ -> burāṃ budh+bār n. Wednesday bunā (var. budā) n. evidence, proof bunāṃ (var. bunāy) n. {ch.lg.} oiling bunhāpaciṃ -> burāpaciṃ bunhi n. birthday (cf. budiṃ, bvasādhaṃ) bubā (var. buba, buvā) n. hon. (term of respect) father (cf. abu, abvā, bau, bāḥ, bvā); ~ju n. hon. id.; ~bhāta n. hon. husband's father bubu1 n. hon. {ch.lg.} 1. wet-nurse 2. milk bubu2 n. {ch.lg.} 1. corn, grain, bean 2. louse (on the head) bubumāṃ n. hon. (-māma-) {ch.lg.} wet-nurse bubu syāye (var. bvabva ~) v.t. 1. to rub hands (gesture per­formed in deference to high persons) 2. to wring, squeeze buyaḥ n.anim. (-yela-) obstinate person buye1 v.i. (buta) 1. to be cooked 2. to be ripe 3. to lose, to be defeated buye2 (bula) 1. v.i. to be born: vayā macā bula. She gave birth to a child, her child was born. 2. (of plants) to sprout (also buyā vaye) 3. v.t. to carry, to take in one's arms 4. -> bule1 burā n.anim. old man; ~ na vaye 1. (of a child) to behave precociously 2. to snub burāṃ (var. budhāṃ) n. (-rāna-) fermentation of covered heaps of rice straw (remnants of the harvest after the first threshing, the remaining grains in the straw are left to ferment); ~jyā n. large scale public activity; ~ jyāye to cover up rice for fermentation burā|-khaṂ n. precocious talk of a child; ~jaṃkva n. jubilee celebrated on 77th, 88th and 99th birthday: Bhīmarathārohaṇa (cf. jejaṃkva); ~nāyaḥ n.anim. (-yeka-) precocious boy burāpaciṃ (var. bunhā~) n. (-cina-,-pu) thumb; ~ dha svāke to give a signal with the thumbs, signifying approval burā|-pākā n.anim. experienced elderly person; ~buri n.anim. old men and women buri n.anim. old woman (cf. jethi, jhiri) buriṃ -> budiṃ buri|-kanyā n.anim. spinster; ~nakiṃ n.anim. (-kina-) 1. precocious girl 2. spinster (cf. jejithi, thvapūmha, māmisā) buru-buru adv. 1. plentiful, in abundance 2. semi-solid burus n. (-gū,-bhi) brush burjā n. (-gū) 1. dormer 2. cupola, dome 3. crown (symbol in a gambling game); ~khvāḥ n. (-khvāla-,-gaḥ) kind of car­penter's plane (with a curved blade between two handles); ~jhyāḥ n. (-jhyāla-,-pā) dormer window; ~ pikāye to build a cupola burbur vaye (var. bulbul ~) v.i. to bubble up, to come floating bulā n. 1. mixture 2. company bulāṃ-bulāṃ yāye v.t. {ch.lg.} to mix, to blend together bulābhāy n. (-bhāsa-) habit of keeping company buli(-bali) n. boiled grains or beans bulu (var. bullu) 1. n. sediment of beer 2. adj. (of liquids) muddy, murky 3. adj. (of weather) foggy, gloomy, hazy 4. adj. faint 5. adj. (of eyesight) dull, dim; ~ka vaye to vomit; ~ke to darken; bulukā chvaye, haye id.; ~kvāti n. thick soup mixed with wheat flour; ~ti n. thick soup bulupā n. dissolution of the world bulu-bulu dhāye -> buluye bulumi n. live cinder, hot ashes buluye (var. bulubulu dhāye) v.i. (-lula) to be muddy, foggy, gloomy, dim bululā (var. bullā) n. kind of meat dish containing dregs of beer buluse adv. dim, murky, muddy buluhanaṃ (var. buluṃ, buluhuṃ) adv. slowly, gradually, step by step, gently, steadily bule1 (var. buye) v.t. 1. to accompany, to keep company 2. to mix to gether, to blend 3. to rub 4. to soak in oil (wicks) bule2 n. company, companionship bulbul vaye -> burbur vaye bullā -> bululā bullu -> bulu buvaḥ -> būbaḥ buvā -> bubā busaṂkhā (var. busākhā, bhusākhā, busuṂkhā) n. first ritual cutting of a boy's hair busaraṂpujā n. ritual held twice a year for the goddess Taleju busā1 n. 1. paste, s.th. to be smeared 2. oil (for the body) 3. mixture of rice and barley flour used by women for cleaning the face busā2 n. birth; ~khā -> busaṂkhā; ~dhaṂ n. annual celebration of the anniversary of a divine image or stūpa busu n. cooking; ~ lane, vane (of rice) to cool off busuṂkhā -> busaṂkhā būbaḥ (var. buba, buvaḥ) n. (-bala-) cereals, dried grains, pulses, beans, peas, black gram (cf. bībaḥ) bū lhāye v.t. to rehearse (for a theatrical performance) be1 clf., meas. 1. classifier for betelnuts 2. section of a citrus fruit be-2 -> bi- beṂ1 n. musk (cf. binā1) beṂ2 adv. (to cut cloth) on the bias; ~kathaṃ adv. id. beṂke v.t. 1. to purify, to set free from a ritual impurity 2. to loosen, untie bekathaṃ -> beṂkathaṃ bekā n. 1. slanting position, odd position 2. remnants of warp threads remaining in the loom after cutting off the cloth; bekāṃ ciye to tie a corpse in a slanting position; ~laṂ (var. bekhā~) n. 1. sloping road 2. shortcut bekuṃ n. (-kuna-,-gū) 1. basket (carried on the arm) 2. package 3. load of grass 4. inner corner between neighbouring houses; ~gā n. (-pu) shawl worn over the left shoulder (only for rituals); ~gā neye to wear a ~; ~ cyāye to carry under the arm; ~ taye to return a gift to one's daughter (marriage ritual); ~pyāḥ n. (-pyāla-) drain, outlet in a corner of a well; ~pvāḥ n. (-pvāla-,-pvāḥ) 1. package 2. wall hole for a bird's nest bekupha n. anim. fool bekva n. curved part of the body, waist, armpit; ~muhāḥli n. (-pu) curved metal trumpet used in tailors' (jvagis') music; ~ye (-kvala) to be bent, to be curved, to be crooked; bekvay vā daye to be crooked, fraudulent bekvaḥ adj. crooked (cf. yekvaḥ); ~khaṂ n. abuse, slander bekharca 1. n. extra expenditure, pocket money 2. n.anim. man without means bekhaḥ -> baṂkhaḥ bekhā 1. n.anim. kind of evil spirit (in drains) 2. n. passage to a courtyard 3. n. garbage corner 4. n. corner between neighbouring houses; bekhāṃ thiye to be possessed by an evil spirit; ~laṂ -> bekālaṂ bekhuye v.t. 1. to divert a water course 2. to tease begar postp. except, without: ji begar naṃ thva jyā jvī. This work will also be accomplished without me. beci n. black salt bejā n. (-gū) drain of a field bejāt adj. of low caste bejāḥ adj. diverse, heterogenous betāju -> bitāju betāl adj. 1. out of tune, without rhythm 2. rude betāli n. (-pu) turban, long cloth tied round the head; betāliṃ cike to honour (by granting a turban); ~ ciye to wear a turban betāḥ (-tāla-) 1. n.anim. kind of evil spirit 2. n. (-gaḥ) stone in the road (associated with an evil spirit); ~ciṃ n. (-cina-,-bālā) oblong silver stripe tied to the forehead of a deity; ~dyaḥ n.pr. (-deva-) mount of Bhairava betāḥsiṂ n. (-gaḥ) pole of a chariot (bearing a Betāla image in front) betu n. (-phvāyṃ) pudenda betvaraṃ -> bitvaḥraṃ betvāḥ n. (-tvāka-,-gaḥ) 1. sash rail (of a modern window) 2. cut pieces of timber; ~dhaliṃ n. (-lina-,-gaḥ) oblique joist; ~musiṂ n. (-gaḥ) oblique rafter bethā1 n. (-gū) 1. disease, trouble 2. childbed labour; ~ juye 1. to be in trouble 2. for a woman to be in her labours bethā2 (var. bethāṃ) adj. 1. slanting, diagonal 2. out of normal position, awkward; ~kathaṃ adv. slanting, diagonal; ~ba n. diagonal layers of clay bethi n. (-gū) turn of forced labour (usually supplied by each household for one day each year); ~ nyāye to hire a workman for a day; ~ pule to do one's turn of ~ benā n. (-pu,-bālā) drum maker's tool, bamboo strip to smoothen a drum bene v.i. 1. to be purified, to be released from ritual pollution 2. to be loose bepattā juye v.i. to vanish bepā n. (-pā) stretcher, diagonal brick bepār n. business bepāḥ n. (-pāla-) intentional wrong action bephaḥ n. (-phala-,-gū) 1. plinth around a building 2. furnace bebahār n. 1. dealings 2. social relations, especially those es­tablished by marriage and fortified by communication and rituals; ~ juye (for such relations) to be established; ~ day+ke to establish (such relations); ~ yāye 1. to intermarry 2. to behave in socially accepted ways bebe yāye v.t. to smear bel -> byāḥ1 belan n. (-gaḥ) rolling pin, cylinder (of a weaving machine ) belā n. 1. time, auspicious time 2. departure, farewell 3. liquor offered as a farewell drink at a feast; ~ kāye to ask s.o. for leave belāy lāye v.i. (of time) to be auspicious beli1 n. (-gū) {hon.} evening meal, supper beli2 (-gaḥ) bamboo sieve to strain beer belūn n. (-gaḥ) balloon belcā n. (-gū) shovel bel+lvar n. (-gaḥ) transparent stone, crystal bes adj. good, excellent besan n. horsegram flour besariṃ adv. (to punish) excessively, severely besāhāḥ (var. besāḥ) n. (-hāla-) 1. article of commerce 2. foodstuffs 3. market price; ~ thikay juye to become more expensive; ~ thiye id.; ~ dane to become cheaper behanā n. bad treatment, ill behaviour, savagery, brutality behane v.t. 1. to maltreat 2. to talk insolently behā (var. bihāḥ) n. (-gū) kind of aromatic root behāṃ (var. byāhāṃ, byāṃ) n. (-hāna-) time of rising; ~culi n. (-pu) morning song to wake the inhabitants of a town (done before Dasain) behepāḥ yāye v.t. to work lazily, sluggishly bya- -> be- byaṃ adj. released byaṃduru n. first milk of a cow after delivery byaṃpāḥ n.anim. (-pāla-) one whose term of hosting the guthi is over byaṃbālā n.anim. {coll.} log carriers byaḥ1 n. (bela-) time byaḥ2 n. (bela-) 1. putty 2. fermented substance for liquor distillation byā n. (-byā) width, breadth byāṃ1 -> behāṃ byāṃ2 n.anim. (byāna-) frog, toad; ~kaḥbaḥsi n. (-gaḥ) kind of berry; ~cāsvāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) kind of flower, Antirrhinum; ~culi n. -> behāṃculi; ~jā n. (-gū) offering to the frogs regarded as the protectors of fields (ritual during `guṃpunhī'); ~pāsi -> ~kaḥbaḥsi; ~pāsighāyṃ n. (-ghāṂsa-,-mā) kind of plant byāka (var. byākka) adv. 1. all, completely 2. clean, white byā|-kathaṃ adv. breadthwise; ~kathi n. (-pu) stick to stretch cloth on the loom byākka -> byāka byāgaḥ n. (-gala-) separation of a household; byāgalaṃ cvane to live separately; ~ juye (for a family) to be divided byāj n. interest; byājaṃ naye for the interest to exceed the value of a loan byātri n. (-gaḥ) 1. battery 2. torch byādhā (var. byārā) n.anim. hunter byādhi n. (-gū) disease byābasā (var. baybasā) n. behaviour, conduct byāye v.i. 1. to come to an end, to be finished in time 2. to be all-pervading, to be comprehensive 3. to be washed clean byārā -> byādhā byārik n. (-gū) barrack byāsi n. 1. fertile land by the side of a river 2. (-gū) valley byāhā (var. bihāḥ, byāḥ) n. 1. (-gū) marriage, wedding 2. (-gū) gift of food to the head of a household during the first ten days after a death (given by close relatives); ~ kāye to accept this gift; ~ cāye (with num.) to be married (several) times: nibyāhā cāye to have married twice, to be married a second time; ~ chuye to perform the ritual marriage procession from the bride's to the bridegroom's house; ~ chvaye to send food to a household where a death has occurred; ~ vane, vaye to go or come and offer food to relatives in mourning byāhāṂ -> behāṃ byāḥ1 (var. bel) n. (byāla-,-gū) wood apple, Aegle marmelos byāḥ2 -> byāhā byāḥkhaḥmū n. (-muli-,-pā) kind of woven basket carried on a pole bramhā n.pr. God Brahmā; ~tuphi n. (-mā) Thysanolaena maxima, kind of grass used for making brooms brāiket n. (-gū) bracket brāmhi(-ghāyṃ) n. (-mā) kind of shrub, heather, Bacopa mionniera, Hydrocotyle asiatica (taken as a medicine to improve the memory or cure diseases of the brain, also used for making brooms). blatin n. (-pā) blotting paper bva1 meas. 1. plateful 2. distance between the inner and outer frame of a window or door 3. part, section, division, share; ~ taye to serve a plateful of food; ~ thale to divide into parts; ~ dāye 1. to measure the width of a frame 2. to check the distribution of property before separation of a household; ~ lāye (lāta) to receive a plate of food as a reward; ~ lāye (lāla) to line up plates before a feast bva2 b.f. full of bva3 b.f. bed, patch, grove (cf. e.g. ālu~, tarkāri~, paṃ~, pāchāi~, laiṃ~, vā~) bvaṃ adj. invited, inviting; ~pa+u n. (-pati-,-gū) invitation card; ~pu n. (-gū) {neol.} 1. style of reciting 2. study; ~sā n. (-gū) {neol.} text, reader; ~sā lāye 1. to be able to read 2. to study; ~sū n. (-suli-) {neol.} study bvakaḥ -> bakaḥ bvaki (var. bukiluṂ) n. (-dhī,-pāyṃ) nugget, lump of unpurified gold; ~luṂ n. (-dhī,-pāyṃ) id. bvakī n.anim. (-kila-) kind of gold-coloured fly (found in paddy and by granaries) bvaksā (var. bvagsā) n.anim. sorcerer, wizard bvaksi (var. bvagsi, bvasi) n.anim. witch; ~ dubiye to be possessed by a witch; ~ lāye to exorcise a witch, to heal a possessed person; ~ vaye to be possessed by a witch bvakhaṂ -> bukhaṂ bvagsā -> bvaksā bvagsi -> bvaksi bvaghāsā n. 1. food (of five kinds) offered to the deities before serving food to the participants in a ritual feast 2. items of food other than rice served at a feast bvachuṂ n.anim. squirrel bvajhva n. (-mā) kind of root (chewed as a medicine for a sore throat) bvati n. (-gū) 1. share 2. kind of medicinal plant; ~ kāye 1. to take one's share 2. to participate, to play one's part bvatisiṂ n. (-mā) cane bvatyaṃ (var. butyaṃ) n. (-tena-,-pā) straw mattress (cf. cārpāte) bvadaye (var. bvaḥdaye) v.i. (-dala) 1. to burn down, to burn to ashes 2. to splinter 3. to be flattened, malleated to the utmost extent (of metal) bvanā n. (-gū) invitation; ~pa+u n. (-pati-,-gū) {neol.} invitation card bvane v.t. 1. to read, to recite 2. to learn, to study 3. to invite 4. to take along, to bring, to fetch; bvanā yenke to escort, to take along with; bvanā vane to accompany, to go along with; bvanā vaye to accompany, to come along with; bvanā haye to bring along with; ~kuthi, ~kū n. (-kuthi-,-gū) reading room, library; ~kvathā n. (-gū) id. bvabva syāye -> bubu syāye bvaye (bvala) 1. v.i. to fly, to flutter, to be blown around 2. v.i. to be split; bvayā vane to fly away 3. v.t. to display 4. v.t. to instal 5. v.t. to order, to ask for; bvayā taye to exhibit, to display; bvayā svaye to compare, to test bvay+ke v.t. 1. to fly (s.th.) 2. to hang up 3. to display 4. to carry away by force 5. to add the supercripts marking `e',`ai',`o',`au' to a consonantin Devanāgarī bvariṃ n. (-rina-,-pu) brace and bit, drill (cf. barmā) bvarik n. kind of acid used as an antiseptic, boric acid; ~ phvaye to apply boric acid; ~malam n. ointment made of boric acid bval n. 1. sound of drum beating (general term for any kind of drum stroke as opposed to designations of particular kinds of strokes) 2. music, tune 3. {ch.lg.} singing bird 4. bird song, any sound of birds 5. call to a parrot (to make him speak); ~ kāye, thāye 1. to practice drum strokes by accompanying them with the appropriate drum syllables 2. (of a bird) to sing bvala -> bvalā bvalane v.i. 1. to grow up 2. (of a bird) to learn to fly, to get fledged 2. to appear larger than its actual size bvalā (var. bvala, valā) n. (-gū) 1. collective work, cooperation 2. help, assistance 3. compensation, return service, revenge (cf. maṃkāḥ); ~ kāye to take revenge; ~kubhvay n. (-bhvaja-,-gu) kind of guthi feast in which all members participate (held on the second day of the annual festival of six days); ~ chvaye to send s.o. for help in work (done in return for a service); ~jyā n. 1. cooperation 2. mutual exchange of (agricultural) labour; ~jyā svāye to continue cooperation; ~ thane to call to a cooperative task; ~dhaki n. (-pā) basket containing a plate of food sent in return for s.th.; ~ biye 1. to compensate 2. to help, to assist; ~bili n. exchange; ~bili chvaye to send as a substitute; ~ vane to help working (in return for a service); ~sā n. act of revenge; ~ sāye, sāle, svāye 1. to compensate 2. to revenge bvale v.i. to peel off bvalyāḥ n.anim. (-yāka-) one who takes revenge; ~pahaḥ n. (-hala-) vengefulness, vindictiveness bvasala n.anim. 1. mythical flying horse 2. strut decorated with a ~ bvasā n. (-gū) {neol.} 1. show piece 2. exhibition, style of exhibiting; ~kū n. (-kuthi-,-gū) exhibition hall bvasādhaṃ (var. bvasāraṃ) n. (-rana-,-gū) anniversary (cf. budiṃ, bunhi) bvasi1 n. 1. flight of a bird 2. style of exhibiting 3. -> bvaksi bvasi2 (var. baṂsi, basi) n.anim. caste of woodcutters, people sawing timber (cf. balāmi) bvasi3 -> bvaksi bvasikaḥti n. (-pu) buck saw to cut timber bvasike v.t. to teach young birds to fly bvasighāli (var. bvasyāṂghāli) n. kind of medicinal plant, Vitex negundo bvaslaṃcā n. (-nhu) festival dedicated to the anniversary of Lord Kriṣṇa, jātrā festival dedicated to Nārāyaṇa bvaha (var. bvaḥ) n.anim. white heron, crane; ~nyā n.anim. a kind of fish bvahaḥ n. (-hala-) shoulder; ~kvayṃ n. (-kvaṂca-,-pā) shoulder blade bvaḥ1 n. (bvala-,-gū) abuse, rebuke, scolding, insulting language; ~ naye, phaye to be scolded, to be abused: jiṃ chaṃgu bvaḥ yekva phayā. I have taken a lot of abuse from you.; ~ biye to scold, to abuse bvaḥ2 -> bvaha bvaḥjā n. cooked rice with dal bvaḥtā n. (-gaḥ) small leaf bowl bvaḥri n.anim. falcon (cf. jamaru, dasaṃ, paytāḥ, bāycā, satāṃ) bvaḥlsiri n. (-mā) kind of medicinal herb bvaḥhayṃ -> baḥhayṃ bvā n. hon. 1. father 2. term of address for an elderly man (cf. abu, abvā, bau, bāḥ, bubā) bvāka adv. (to go) fast bvāju n.anim. stepfather (prov.: māḥju malī bvāju lī. Siding with the stepfather rather than with one's own mother; signifying neglect of close relatives) bvājyā (var. bvāyṃ) n. 1. foam 2. soap suds; ~ kane (of liquor) to foam; ~ kāye (of water) to foam, to be soapy bvāy n. 1. intention, motive 2. size, largeness; ~ kāye to sound; ~ khane 1. to explain 2. to appear larger or thicker than the actual size; ~ svaye to dicover s.o.'s motive or intention bvāye v.i. (bvāta) 1. to run, to walk fast 2. to go astray bvāyṃ -> bvājyā bvāyṃ(-bvāyṃ) adv. running, fast; ~ juye to walk fast; ~ vane to run, to go fast; ~ vaye to come fast bvāyṃlā interj. expressing doubt or disbelief bvāy+khaṂ n. (-gū) explanation bvālā n. blazing, flaring up; ~ kāye to blaze, to flare up; ~ biye (also fig.) to sparkle bvāḥju -> bāḥju bvi onom. {ch.lg.} 1. carrying pick-a-back 2. massaging bviṂcā n.anim. grasshopper bvike v.t. to grow, to cultivate bvigaḥ -> baigaḥ BH bha+ilaḥ n.pr. God Bhairava; ~kuti n. (-gū) (decorated) part of the window or door frame above the sill; ~kva n. (-gū) id. bha+u1 n.anim. (bhati-) cat bha+u2 n. (bhati-,-bhau) bellows; ~ puye to work the bellows bha+u3 n. hon. (bhali-) 1. bride 2. son's wife, younger brother's wife bha+u4 n. sexual pleasure bha+uṃka adv. with a thud, with a dull sound bha+u|-khvāḥ n. (-khvāla-,-gū) 1. muzzle of a cat 2. part of the upper lip directly under the nose; ~gāḥ n. (-gāla-,-gāḥ) hole in the roof (to let light in) (lit. cat's hole); ~cā n.anim. kitten, young cat bha+uthvaṂ n. kind of salt (used to prepare Tibetan tea) bha+upā n. (-pā) tile with a large roofed hole (cat hole tile) bha+upvaḥ n. (-pvala-,-pvaḥ) bellows bha+upvāḥ n. (-pvāla-,-pvāḥ) 1. wall hole (passage for Bhairava) 2. hole in the roof 3. chimney bha+umacā (var. bhamacā, bhaṃmacā, bhaliṂcā, bhalimacā) n.anim. bride, newly married woman; ~ kva chiye to settle a marriage; ~mayju n. hon. polite term of address for a bride; ~mayju pvāyṃ yāye {sl.} to perform a marriage ceremony bha+umanā -> bhatimanā bha+umikhā n. (-gaḥ) 1. cat's eye 2. grey eyes 3. kind of seed, soapnut seed bhaṂjyā n.anim. trader, merchant bhaṂbhaṂ dhāye -> bhabha dhāye bhaṃgaḥ n. (-gala-,-gaḥ) stomach, belly; ~ jāye 1. for the stomach to be full 2. {fig.} to be pregnant; ~ tagvaye {pol.} to be pregnant; ~ thane to eat bhaṃte n. polite term of address to a Buddhist monk bhaṃbaḥ1 n.anim. (-bala-) kind of large black bee bhaṃbaḥ2 n. (-bala-,-gū) deep whirlpool bhaṃmacā -> bhaumacā bhaṃsāḥ n. (-sāla-,-gū) customs, duty; ~cheṂ n. (-khā) 1. customs house 2. name of a place near Kel tole, Kathmandu bhakāye v.t. (-kāla) to stammer, to stutter bhakāri (var. bhakhāri) n. (-gaḥ) 1. storage basket made of bamboo, granary (cf. malhā) 2. matting of split bamboo; ~ thane 1. to eat 2. to save money; ~ pvaḥ thaye to be idle, to do nothing but eating, to use up the store; ~pvāḥ n.anim. (-pvātha-) greedy person, person with a fat belly bhakāḥbhak adv. (to eat) continuously, bit by bit bhaku1 n.pr. Bhairava bhaku2 (var. bhakku) n. (-phyāyṃ) genitals of old people (term of abuse) bhakuṃgvārā n. (-gaḥ) ball, globe; ~khyāḥ n.anim. (-khyāka-) kind of imp, hobgoblin (thought to hinder the rolling of a ball); ~ thvāye 1. to kick a ball 2. to kick s.o. bhakku -> bhaku2 bhakti n. piety, devotion bhakhāri -> bhakāri bhagihā n. (-mā) kind of medicinal plant, a Clerodendron bhag yāye v.t. to bow (bride to bridegroom during the marriage ceremonies) bhacā (var. bhaticā) adv. a little, a few, some, a bit bhacāṃchiṃ adv. (to avoid a calamity) with a narrow escape bhacāmayju n.anim. 1. daughter-in-law 2. younger brother's wife 3. wife of any male descendant bhaculipāḥ adv. in a little while, after some time bhache adj. edible bhachyāyṃ-bhachyāyṃ adv. sound of winnowing bhajaṃgvaḥsi n. (-gaḥ) mulberry (cf. samisi) bhajan n. (-gū) prayer, hymn; ~khalaḥ n. (-laka-) group of singers chanting hymns bhajalape v.t. {old-fash.} to eat bhajene v.i. to be ruined, to be devastated bhajyaṃ adj. 1. worst 2. ruinous, devastating bhata b.f. husband's kin (cf. kijā~, keheṂ~, tatā~, dāju~, pī~, māju~, māṃ~) bhatamayju n. hon. polite term of address of a tenant to his landlord's wife bhati1 adv. a little, a few bhati2 (var. bhau) n. (-gū) bellows bhaticā adv. a little, a few bhatipaṃjaḥ -> bhatupaṃjaḥ bhatimanā (var. bhaumanā) n. (-pā) kind of condiment for liquor in beer preparation, yeast bhatī-bhatī adv. a little bhatu -> bhattu bhatunatū n. (-tuli-,-pu) kind of pointed rod (used for laying out warp threads or for arranging the bride's hair on the wedding day) bhatune v.i. 1. to be involved in difficulties 2. to have severe pain; bhatunā vane to have severe pain bhatupaṃjaḥ (var. bhati~, bhar~) n. (-jala-,-gaḥ) railing of a staircase, banister; ~thāṂ n. (-thāma-,-gaḥ) 1. landing post (stairs) 2. newel bhatuvā n.anim. s.o. who is given food in return for his work, one who depends on others for his subsistence (term of abuse) bhatta n.anim. 1. caste name 2. South Indian Brahmin 3. priest of certain Śiva temples bhattā n. (-gū) allowance, bonus; ~ naye to get an allowance bhatti n. (-gū) 1. liquor shop, bar 2. distillery bhattu (var. bhatu) n.anim. parrot (cf. vāuṃ~, suku~, hāku~); ~ālu n. (-gaḥ) kind of egg-shaped potato; ~kakaḥcā n. kind of vegetable; ~ju n.anim. parrot; ~nhāy n.anim. (-nhāsa-) person with a nose like a parrot's beak; ~paṃjaḥ -> bhatupaṃjaḥ; ~svāṃsiṂ n. (-mā) kind of tree, Butea frondosa bhaddā adj. clumsy, crude, vulgar bhanaṃ adv. 1. nearly, almost: cheṂ bhanaṃ thyaṃ balay.. when he had almost arrived at home.. 2. very much, such, so: thva bhanaṃ bāṃlāḥ. This is so beautiful. thva bhanaṃ dhāye mate. Don't talk in this way. bhanāi n. (-gū) statement; ~ naye to be reprimanded bhanāri n. (-pu) nostril of an animal bhanāḥkhāḥ n. (-khāla-,-gū) treasury, a garden of the Malla kings with treasure stores bhanāḥkhi n. black faeces bhani -> bhari bhanuye -> bhaḥ(bhaḥ) nhuye bhanna (var. bharman) n. confusion; ~ ikuye to feel extremely dizzy; ~ cāḥhile id.; ~ hāle to hum, to buzz (of insects) bhapike v.t. {hon.} to offer food or drink bhapiye (var. bhvape) v.t. (-pila) {hon.} to eat, to drink, to smoke bhapuye v.t. (-pula) to turn upside down bhabaḥ -> bhamaḥ bhabikhanā n. (-gū) calamity, fatality bhabha dhāye (var. bhaṂbhaṂ ~) v.i. to look poor bhamacā -> bhaumacā bhamaḥ (var. bhabaḥ) n. (-mala-) 1. whirlpool 2. (-cāḥ) circular object 3. (-cāḥ) rings for a lock on a door 4. (-cāḥ) spinning wheel 5. (-tvāḥ) spacer for a plumb-bob 6. (-gū) splits (of a spindle); ~siṂ n. (-gaḥ) stand for a spindle bhambaḥ n.anim. (-bala-) large flying insect bhay n. (-gū) fear; ~ kāye to fear, to have respect, to be obedient; ~ biye to frighten bhay(-bhay) biye v.i. to overflow, to be spilt bhayṃ|-kathi (var. bhāyṃ~) n. (-pu) one of a pair of sticks to lay out warp threads; ~kī n. (-kila-,-pu) pair of intermediary posts along which thread is rolled up for weaving (cf. dekī, dyaḥkī); ~khipaḥ n. (-pata-,-pu) stretching rope of a weaving machine; ~ ciye to tie sticks to the loom to keep the threads from getting entangled; ~bāṃ n. (-bāna-,-pu) -> bhayṃkathi bhar n. faith, trust, confidence bharak n. pomp, ostentation bharāy adj. huge, gigantic; ~dhaṃ adj. very big; ~patāka adj. with a large vermilion mark bhari (var. bhani, bharī, bhariṃ, bhaliṃ) n.anim. 1. storekeeper 2. cook and bearer at a feast (caste name); ~kuthi (var. bhanikū, bhanikvathā) n. (-gū) store room for a feast; ~citā n.anim. store keeper, store surveyor at a feast; ~nāyaḥ n.anim. (-yeka-) chief store keeper; ~picā n. (-gaḥ) bamboo basket for serving beaten rice at a feast; ~ svane to arrange a store room for a feast bhariyā (var. bhalyā) n.anim. carrier, coolie, porter; ~jyāmi n.anim. id.; ~nāyaḥ n.anim. (-yeka-) leader of coolies bhariṃ (var. bharī) -> bhari bharkū n. {ch.lg.} sound of a pigeon; ~cā n.anim. pigeon (cf. ghurughurucā) bharnā n. admission; ~ juye to be admitted bharpaṃjaḥ -> bhatupaṃjaḥ bharpāi n. (-gū) receipt, bond bharman -> bhanna bharvasā (var. bhalasā) n. (-gū) hope, confidence, assurance, faith; ~ kāye to depend on s.o.; ~ biye to encourage, to inspire confidence bharsak adv. as far as possible bhalaṃdyaḥ n.anim. (-deva-) 1. displayed image of a deity 2. s.o. who makes a spectacle of himself; ~ bvaye 1. to exhibit a ~ 2. to be lazy bhalane v.t. to expose bhalasā -> bharvasā bhaliṂcā -> bhaumacā bhaliṃ -> bhari bhalimacā -> bhaumacā bhaluye v.i. (-lula) to be impolite, uncivilized bhalū n.anim. (-lukha-) 1. stupid woman 2. uncivilized person; ~sū n. (-suli-) {neol.} 1. stupidity (of a woman) 2. impolite­ness bhalyā -> bhariyā bhalla adv. hurriedly bhasaṃ1 (var. bhasma) 1. n. ashes, ruin, unrepairable decay 2. adj. immoral, wanton, unchaste (of women); ~ dane to be ruined, to be devastated, to be beyond repair bhasaṃ2 (var. bhasma) n. (-sana-) buckwheat bhasane (var. bhasene) v.i. to be ruined, to be devastated bhasāju -> bhastāḥju bhasene -> bhasane bhastāḥju n. hon. elder brother's wife bhasma -> bhasaṃ bhasmayju n. hon. polite term of address by a tenant to his land­lord's daughter bhaḥ1 n. (bhara-,-gū) faith, confidence, expectation; ~ kāye to trust bhaḥ2 n. (bhala-,-gā) 1. plate, container, box 2. appliance bhaḥdhane v.i. to be as big as bhaḥnhuye (var. bhaḥnuye, bhaḥbhaḥnhuye) v.i. (-nhula) 1. to be in a hurry 2. to be nervous, to be confused, to panic bhāi n. hon. 1. brother 2. intimate friend; ~cā n. hon. 1. younger brother 2. {sl.} penis; ~pāsā n. hon. intimate friend; ~pāhāṃ n. hon. (-hāna-) guest who is a close friend bhāiṃ onom. {ch.lg.} sound of cutting bhāṂti -> bhāti bhāṃ n. {ch.lg.} butt, pushing (of a cow with its horns); ~ juye to fall down; ~ yāye 1. to butt, to strike 2. to kill (an animal) 3. to cause to fall down bhāṃga n. (-mā) hemp, Cannabis sativa bhāṃgrā n. (-pā) sackcloth, jute bag bhāṃcā n.anim. {ch.lg.} bull, cow, calf bhāṃjyāṃ n. (-gū) pass, mountain ridge bhāṃtā -> bhāntā bhāṃtāṃ -> bhāntābhāntāṃ bhākal (var. bhāklā) n. (-gū) vow to make an offering to a deity in case of fulfillment of a wish; ~ taye to reserve s.th. as an offering (e.g. a sacrificial animal) bhākā -> bhākhā bhākābhvajan n. (-gū) feast given by guthi members in honour of the guthi head bhāki n. (-gū) large wooden ladle for stirring in a cooking pot; ~cā n. (-pu) small wooden spoon for taking out pickles; ~vā n. (-gū,-gaḥ) large wooden ladle for stirring in a cooking pot bhāklā -> bhākal bhākhā (var. bhākā) n. 1. deadline, fixed date when a loan is due 2. promise, agreement 3. (-pu) stanza of a couplet 4. speech; ~ taye to fix a deadline; ~patra n. (-gū) bond, note fixing the deadline for payment of a debt, deed recording an agreement; ~ yāye to promise, to bind o.s. to an obligation; ~ lhāye to recite stanzas bhāg n. (-bhāg) share, portion, part; bhāgaṃ kāye to divide (arithmetically); bhāgaṃthachi only one's share; ~ kāye 1. to divide (also arithmetically) 2. to participate; ~ chyāye 1. to divide 2. to mix up; ~ taye to keep a share for s.o. else; ~ thaye (with num.) to divide into parts, to share, e.g. nyā-bhāg thaye to divide into five parts; ~ yāye to divide, to share bhāgi yāye v.t. to bow down, to pay one's reverence (cf. ani yāye) bhāge n. (-gū) 1. fortune, luck 2. fate, lot; ~ cyāye to have good luck, to be fortunate; ~ daye, ballāye to be lucky, to be fortunate bhāgeṃ adv. by (good) chance, luckily, fortunately bhāglā n.anim. half-dumb woman; ~ti n.anim. term of abuse for a careless or slow-witted woman; ~misā n.anim. id. bhājaṃ n. (-jana-) 1. (-gaḥ) earthen pot for frying grain 2. (-pā) pan for baking bread; ~chvayṃlā n. kind of roasted meat (thin slices placed between layers of straw and thus roasted over a fire); ~mikhā n.anim. s.o. who never weeps, stoical person bhājā n. {old-fash.} food (cf. nasā) bhāju n. hon. 1. gentleman 2. respectful term of address to a man of superior status 3. son-in-law 4. sister's husband bhājumāku n. food preparation bhātā n. 1. uterus 2. vulva; ~kimi n.anim. worm, intestinal parasite bhātā khāye v.i. to wait in vain bhātā|-khvāḥ n.anim. (-khvāla-) ugly person; ~cā luye to be vulva-shaped bhātā-bhātā (var. ~bhātāṃ) adv. hurriedly bhāti (var. bhāṂti) n. starch (for cotton clothes) (cf. maḥ); ~ taye to starch bhāte n.anim. servant working in s.o.'s house merely for his food (term of abuse) bhāntā (var. bhāṃtā) n. (-gaḥ) eggplant bhāntā|-bhāntāṃ (var. bhāṃtāṃ) adj. loose, wide; ~bhuntuṃ adv. upset, in disorder; ~laṃ n. (-lana-,-pā) kind of long skirt with slits on both sides (worn by young girls) bhāpe v.t. to think bhāb n. (-gū) 1. symptom 2. gesticulation 3. obeisance, respect, homage bhābanā n. (-gū) emotion, feeling, idea, conception, imagination bhābā n. {ch.lg.} 1. any pretty object 2. ribbon 3. vermilion mark; ~juju n. {ch.lg.} moon; ~ taye 1. to put on a ribbon 2. to put a mark on the forehead; ~dyaḥ n.anim. (-deva-) 1. deity, patron deity 2. beautiful image; ~ vane {ch.lg.} to go out, to walk bhāy n. (bhāsa-,-gū) 1. language 2. hint, signal, indication 3. imitative behaviour, pretence, mimicry; ~ pvike to translate; ~ yāye 1. to imitate, to pretend to do s.th. 2. to signal, to wink, to hint, to use sign language, e.g. jvane bhāy yāye to pretend to snatch; mikhā bhāy yāye to wink; lhāḥ bhāy yāye to make signs with the hands; ~ lhāye 1. to speak 2. to suffice; ~ vaye 1. to know a language 2. for a language to be in­fluenced by another language 3. to speak with an accent; ~ siye to tame; ~ sule to mock at; ~ sene 1. to teach a language 2. to mock at 3. for a language to be influenced by another language; ~ hile to translate bhāyṃkī -> bhayṃkī bhāy|-khā interj. hint to play out certain cards (in a game of `nakas'); ~javāḥ n.anim. (-vāla-) s.o. who is skilled in languages, linguist; ~pu n. (-gū) {neol.} style of expression, diction; ~lacaṃ n. (-cana-,-gū) grammar; ~lami n.anim. translator; ~hilemi n.anim. translator bhārā n. 1. (-gaḥ) utensil 2. (-gaḥ) pot (general term) 3. (-gū) lump, mass, large quantity 4. fare, rent bhārā-bhārā (var. bhārra, bhārraṃ) onom. 1. sound of flapping (e.g. of bird's wings) 2. sound of rushing down (e.g. of earth); ~ dāye (of waves) to beat on the shore; ~ mine to feel excited, to feel thrilled; ~ yāye to flap, to move with a flapping motion bhārā|-bhura n. mess, disorder; ~bhuru n. trifle, insignificant person or object bhāri n. (-gū) load, burden bhārra (var. bhārraṃ) -> bhārābhārā bhālata -> bhāḥta bhālape v.t. to think bhālā1 n. (-pu) spear (cf. banvaḥ, bhiṃdipāḥ) bhālā2 n. (-gū) responsibility; ~ kāye, kvabuye to take a responsibility; ~ biye to make s.o. responsible bhālāṃ adv. (to sit, to scatter about) repulsively, vulgarly, ill-mannered bhālāḥ n. (-lākha-,-gaḥ) kind of poisonous herb (also used as medicine), Semecarpus anacardium bhāliṃcā n. (-pā) kind of bamboo tray, bamboo strainer (used for winnowing to separate large and small grains, for straining beer, for presenting oblations to the deceased) bhālu n.anim. bear bhālu lvāke v.t. {sl.} to have sexual intercourse, to fuck bhālepvathi n. (-vaḥ) press button; ~sāḥ n. (-sāla-,-gū) washer used to tighten a metal bolt bhāsa -> bhāy bhāḥ1 n. (bhāla-,-gū) price; ~ kvakāye to bargain, to barter; ~ kvachiye to fix the price; ~ kvapāle to bargain, to barter; ~ cine to fix the price, to control a fixed price; ~ cvachāye to increase the price; ~ chāye (chāta) to be expensive; ~ chāye (chāla) to fix the price; ~ taye to fix the price; ~ thakāye to increase the price; ~ yāye to bargain, to barter bhāḥ2 n.pr. name of a Newar Brahmin community bhāḥ khane v.i. (with neg. v.) to get on, to develop, to be promoted: kāy mabhiṃgulī bhāḥ makhana. Since the son did not well, he was not promoted. bhāḥt n.pr. caste name of dancers, singers bhāḥta (var. bhālata) n. hon. husband; ~ kāye to live with a man (without being married); ~piṃ n.anim. {coll.} husband and his kin; ~ biye to accuse a woman of adultery: vaṃ vayā bhauyāta kijā bhāḥta bila. She accused her daughter-in-law of adultery with her husband's younger brother.; ~sīmha n. hon. widow bhāḥ daye v.i. 1. to be respected, to have prestige 2. to be reliable bhāḥ piye v.t. to retain one's consciousness , to think over bhi1 (var. bhī, bhe) meas. section, slice (of a citrus fruit) (cf. phi); ~ thale to divide into sections bhi2 n. (-gū) wall, screen, curtain of bamboo or reed; ~ khuye to screen off with a ~ bhiṃ adj. 1. good, all right, appropriate, nice 2. honest 3. in order, mended 4. pure 5. auspicious; ~ juye to be good, nice; ~ tune to congratulate bhiṃke v.t. to improve, to repair bhiṃcā -> bhinā bhiṃchukāy n.anim. 1. pampered child 2. egotist bhiṃ|-jyā n. good work, achievement, great task; ~tunā n. 1. congratulation 2. thanks; ~tunā dechāye to congratulate; ~dabū n. (-buli-,-gū) kind of platform, well-constructed platform (idiom: bhiṃ dabulī pyākhaṃ hule sakasyāṃ nhyāḥ. Everybody wants a gratifying task. (lit. everybody wants to dance on a good stage.)) bhiṃdipāḥ n. (-pāta-,-pu) lance, spear (cf. banvaḥ, bhālā) bhiṃ|-dyaḥ n.pr. (-deva-) god of trade, Bhīmasena; ~nugaḥ n.anim. (-gala-) compassionate, merciful person; ~pujā n. (-gū) 1. ritual on the eleventh day after a death to end the state of impurity of the mourners 2. ritual held on the anniversary of a death (when the mourners may put on coloured clothes for the first time) bhiṃpū n. (-puli-,-gaḥ) piece of coral, coral bead; ~maltā n. kind of red chili; ~ hane to thread coral beads bhiṃlāy n. (-lāsa-,-mā) kind of medicinal herb, Eclipta prostrata; ~tāḥpha n. (-gaḥ) kind of water pot (with elaborate decora­tions); ~demā n. (-pā) kind of dish decorated with a thunderbolt symbol in its centre (used for ritual purposes) bhiṃsa -> bhināsā bhikhā n. (-khā) hut made of reed; ~cheṂ n. (-khā) id. bhikhu (var. bhichu) n. hon., n.anim. Buddhist monk; ~bare n.anim. id. bhichyā n. (-gū) alms bhitray postp. (with gen.) inside, within: cheṂyā bhitray inside the house; penhuyā bhitray within four days bhinasa -> bhināsā bhinā (var. bhincā, bhiṃcā) n. hon. nephew, niece, cousin (sister's or father's sister's child); ~ju n. hon. 1. elder sister's husband 2. husband's elder sister's husband; ~bhāju n.anim. nephew- or niece-in-law; ~macā n.anim. id. bhināsā (var. bhiṃsa, bhinasa) adj. luxurious; ~kāy n.anim. extravagant, luxurious person bhine v.i. 1. to be good, to be all right, to be nice, to be honest 2. to be repaired, to be mended bhincā -> bhinā bhimili n. (-pā,-gū) fan bhiriṃgi n. syphilis, gonorrhoea; ~thāpā n.anim. s.o. suffering from syphilis or gonorrhoea bhilsi n. flash of lightning (cf. nhasalā, palpasā, lasā, lhāpsā, hābalā­sā, helsā); ~ tvaye to flash bhisā n. (-gaḥ) leather flask, leather container for water bhisiṃ (var. bhisika) adv. slipping bhisi-bhisi onom. slipping, slippery bhī n. (bhīla-) 1. thickness 2. (-gū) muscle 3. -> bhi1 bhī|-ghaṃgalā n. (-pā) set of ankle bells (worn by dancers); ~musiṂ n. (-gaḥ) oblique rafter of a temple roof bhīr n. 1. overcrowded place 2. descent, precipice bhu1 n. 1. (-pā) dish, plate 2. (-gū) area, small square bhu2 n. lineage bhui- -> bhvi- bhuṃ-bhuṃ n. 1. -> bhunubhunu 2. -> bhusubhusu; ~cā n. {ch.lg.} fly bhukka cine v.i. 1. (of a baby's cheeks) to be chubby 2. to swell up bhukhā1 (var. bvakhā, bhvakhāy) n. (-gū) 1. earthquake; bhukhāy bvaye (for an earthquake to erupt) 2. heap of dirt 3. (-gū) dumping place (in a courtyard); ~ bvaye (for an earthquake) to erupt, to occur bhukhā2 n.anim. ass, donkey bhukhā3 n. (-gaḥ) 1. kind of large, fleshy fruit 2. pot made from a gourd bhukhā|-kaḥmi n.anim. unskilled craftsman (craftsmen as they were hired after the earthquake of 1934); ~cva n. (-gū) dumping place; ~dyaḥ n. (-deva-) earthquake, god of earthquake; ~dyāṃ n. (-dyāna-,-gaḥ) basket for waste bhukhāy+nāy+khiṃ n.anim. (-khina-) 1. s.o. who boasts, who talks too loud 2. spendthrift bhukhāsvāne n. (-pu) temporary staircase bhuguluṃ cvane v.i. to look dejected bhuccā n.anim. insignificant person; ~bhāccā, ~bhiccā n.anim. id. bhujaṃ1 n.anim. (-jana-) 1. group of drum players at a funeral procession 2. messenger, harbinger bhujaṃ2 -> bhujaḥ bhujaṃbva n. meal served to the drum players at a funeral procession bhujari n. pieces of fried potato or dried radish bhujalā n. (-gū) fata morgana, mirage bhujaḥ (var. bhujaṃ) n. (-jala-,-gū) thick bush, thicket, groove bhujā n. 1. plate of cooked rice to be offered to a deity, dinner with cooked rice as a part of the initiation rites 2. bundle of maize stalk bhujāy n. (-gaḥ) kind of cymbal bhujāḥ n. (-jāla-,-gū) grove, small forest bhujiṃ n.anim. (-jina-) fly; ~khā n.anim. kind of stinging insect; ~ khyāye to waste time (lit. to drive flies away); ~khi n. kind of rush, black spots in the face (lit. fly dirt); ~pā n. 1. (-pā) wing of a fly 2. bell pattern (carv­ing) bhujyāli n. 1. jaw, gums 2. kind of weapon bhujyāḥ n.anim. (-jyāla-) field goblin bhut -> bhūt bhutāṃkhārā (var. bhutāṃkhi) n.anim. glutton, insatiable eater bhuti (var. bhute) n. (-gaḥ,-mā,-hāḥ) kind of bean; ~mākaḥ n.anim. (-kala-) kind of long-tailed monkey with black or grey fur bhutimāli -> bhutumāli bhutu 1. n. thickness 2. n.anim. small, stout woman; ~khvāḥ adj. round-faced bhutu-bhutu hāle v.i. to mumble, to grumble bhutumāli (var. bhutimāli, bhvatamāli) n. (-pā) paper kite; ~ kvathaye to pull a kite string; ~ caki-caki naye for a kite to swirl, to move in circles; ~ tiye to set a kite flying; ~ thāmay yāye id.; ~ dāye to pull a kite down (with a long stick); ~ phvāye to shift a kite to one side; ~ phviṂ kāye for a kite to shift to one side; ~ bvay+ke to set a kite flying bhutu-mutu adj. viscous; ~ cine to be viscous, diluted (of liquids neither thick not thin) bhutū n. (-tuli-) 1. (-pvāḥ) oven, kitchen stove 2. (-gū) kitchen; ~kū n. (-kuthi-,-gū) kitchen; ~khyāḥ n.anim. (-khyāka-) woman who is always working in the kitchen (lit. kitchen goblin); ~gaḥ n. (-gala-,-gaḥ) low wall beside the stove; ~jyā n. cookery, kitchen work; ~tvākaḥ n. (-kala-,-gaḥ) wooden seat in a kitchen; ~thaḥmi n. (-gū) T-shaped piece of iron (for the construction of a stove with three holes); ~thay+mā n. (-gū) id.; ~dyāṃ n. (-dyāna-,-gaḥ) box with holes to keep spices separ­ate­ly; ~nvakū n. (-kuti-,-kū) hearth rag, oven cloth; ~pujā n. (-gū) worship of the oven (done during `samyakdān'); ~pvāḥ n. (-pvāla-,-pvāḥ) 1. holes of an oven 2. kitchen 3. fire hole of a kiln; ~phaḥ n. (-phala-,-phaḥ) plinth beside an oven bhute -> bhuti bhunu-nunu (var. bhuṃbhuṃ, bhunubhunu) n. 1. whispering, humming 2. buzzing sound of insects; ~ khaṂ lhāye to whisper, to murmur; ~ me hāle to hum, to sing in a low voice; ~ yāye to buzz bhune v.t. to cover, to wrap bhundru n.anim. owl bhunyā (var. bhunnyā, bhulanyā, bhūnyā) n.anim. eel bhumi n. earth, land; ~campāsvāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) kind of flower bhuyu adj. grey, brown, ash-coloured; ~caḥti n. cold sweat; ~taḥ adj. grey (used as first coat of painting); ~(-bhuyu) dhāye to be greyish; ~ naye to be deeply grey; ~(-bhuyu) lāye to be greyish bhuyuphasi n. (-gaḥ) kind of pumpkin (offered instead of a sacrificial animal) bhuyuye (var. bhviye) (-yula) v.i. to be grey; bhuyuyā vane to fade away bhuyu|-saṂmvaḥ n.anim. (agt. ~naṃ) grey-haired person; ~sinhaḥ n. (-nhala-) grey ṭīkā powder bhuyū (-yula-) 1. n.anim. European, White, Caucasian 2. n. (-gū) leucorrhoea; ~ kvahāṃ vaye to have leucorrhoea; ~ cāye, juye id. bhuyūbā n.anim. kind of male sparrow (with a black ring around the neck) bhuyūlvay n. (-lvaca-,-gū) leucorrhoea bhuru-bhuru (var. bhuruṃga, bhuruka, bhurra) adv. flapping, fluttering; ~miṃka adv. id. bhulaṃ naye v.i. to get weak (of eye-sight) bhulanyā -> bhunyā bhulay; ~ jāye to be sociable, to be associated, to be familiar; ~ juye to be mistaken , to miss; ~ pune, bule to be sociable, to be associated, to be familiar; ~ yāye to excite one's interest, to fascinate bhulaḥ-sulaḥ dane v.i. (of hair) to be entangled, dishevelled bhulāṃ1 n.anim. (-lāna-) magician, juggler bhulāṃ2 n. (-lāma-,-gū) piece of ground, heap, knoll con­sidered as haunted bhulāṃjyā n. magic, jugglery (cf. catak); ~ kene, yāye 1. to perform magic, to conjure, to cast a spell 2. to enchant bhulāna n. piece of ground dedicated to the kṣetrapāla (guardian) deity bhulāy n. (-pu) kind of large shawl (produced in Assam); ~khi n. (-pu) knots in a coarse shawl; ~gā n. (-pu) -> bhulāy; ~gāpā chāye {fig.} to pretend to be an important person bhulu1 n. (-gaḥ) kind of conical bamboo container for carrying fish bhulu2 (var. bhulla) adj. dim, obscure, indistinct; ~bhulu adv. 1. drizzling 2. (of pimples) in groups, in clusters 3. (of hair) dishevelled; ~ye (-lula) to be dim, obscure, indistinct; bhuluyā vane to fade out; ~sulu adv. 1. in disorder, entangled, dishevelled 2. light in colour, of mixed colour; ~se cvane to fade out, to be completely obscure bhulūkhā n.anim. owl (cf. bhvaljhaṃgaḥ) bhulla -> bhulubhulu bhullā -> bhūlā bhuvā n. fur (cf. tayṃ); ~gā n. (-pu) shawl with fur; ~ thāye, pikāye to brush (with a wire-brush) bhuvāḥ n.anim. (-vāla-) 1. house keeper 2. snake believed to live under the basement of a house bhusā n. fodder, food for cattle; ~ cāye (cāta) to prepare fodder bhusāka+i (var. bhvasākai) n. (-kaica-) measles; ~ picāye for the measles to break out, to have measles bhusākhā -> busaṂkhā bhusā|-cvaki n. very finely broken grain; ~thala n. (-gaḥ) trough bhusāḥ; ~ juye (of a field) to be barren, to be exhausted; ~ yāye to fertilize too much, to make a field barren bhusuka adv. completely; ~ nhyaḥ vaye to sleep soundly bhusu-bhusu (var. bhuṃbhuṃ) adv. 1. sound of rubbing and massaging one's head or body 2. (to sweat) profusely; ~ yāye {ch.lg.} to take a bath bhusyaḥ 1. adj. timid, shy 2. n.anim. (-sela-) coward 3. n.anim. loser in a fight bhusyāḥ n. (-syāla-,-pā) kind of large cymbals (cf. chusyāḥ); ~ thāye 1. to play ~ 2. {fig.} to incite, to stimulate a pair of fighters bhū1 n. (bhuli-,-bhū) 1. joint 2. line, crack 3. seam 4. joint of two houses 5. hidden weakness bhū2 n. (bhuli-,-gū) 1. feast 2. plate; ~cacā n. (-pu) set of three `cacā' songs (garjajina, dvibhuja, namāmi) sung at the end of a feast to ward off evil spirits; ~ chuye to sit in a line for a feast; ~ chū vane id. bhūt (var. bhut) n.anim. ghost; ~ vāye to ward off ghosts bhūthū n. (-thuli-,-gū) shelter for feasting (on open ground) bhūnyā -> bhunyā bhūlā (var. bhullā) n. (-gū) sausage (filled with belly meat and innards) bhe n. 1. (-gū) {Bhp} plastered wall (of woven bamboo or reed) 2. -> bhi bhegaḥ1 n. (-gata-,-gaḥ) earthen vessel for curds (cf. dāṃ~, dhau~) bhegaḥ2 n.anim. (-gala-) female dwarf with a misshapen hip; ~khvāḥ adj. round-faced; ~lāti n.anim. extremely dull woman bhegule v.t. 1. to bend, to curve, to slant 2. to rend, to tear bhetanāḥ (var. bhyātanāḥ) n. (-nāla-) dirt of a drain, mud bhete cine v.i. (of curry) to be overcooked, to be too thick bhenāmacā n.anim. nephew, niece, cousin (sister's or father's sister's child) bhenistā n. (-pā) plywood; ~khāpā n. (-pā) plywood door leaf; ~ yāye to cover with plywood bherābher n. exchange of blows in fighting; ~ juye to fight intensely, to beat each other; ~ yāye 1. id. 2. to cause s.o. to fight bhelay (var. bhele) ~ pune, bule 1. to be attached 2. to be mixed 3. to be diluted bhelā n. (-sāḥ) warm cloth, velour bhelu 1. n.pr. form of the name of Bhairava 2. n. (-gaḥ) beer pot (representing Bhairava); ~pvāḥ n. (-pvāla-,-pvāḥ) wall hole, passage for a spirit; ~ sāle to draw the god Bhairava to the ~ room bheluye (var. bhelluye) v.i. (-lula) 1. to lean over, to incline, to slant 2. to limp, to drag one's legs bhele -> bhelay bheleṃ -> bhelay bhelluye -> bheluye bhelsi (var. bhyālāsi) n. 1. frill of a shawl 2. loose end of a sari; ~cvaḥ n. (-cvata-,-cvaḥ) id.; ~pā chāye 1. to fasten the end of a sari 2. to dress 3. to disguise; ~ kāye, hile to disguise, to impersonate bheseṃ (var. bhyāsyāṃ); ~ jvaye (for vessels) to leak slightly; ~ luye 1. to slant, to be in an oblique position 2. to slope down bhya- -> bhe- bhyāiṃ onom. 1. sound of weeping 2. sound of cutting bhyāiṃka adv. 1. abruptly 2. vulgarly bhyāṃti n.anim. woman with broad hips bhyākaṃ; ~ thiye, pune to be polluted, to be contaminated bhyātanāḥ -> bhetanāḥ bhyātaḥ n. (-tala-) soup or curry of dried or green vegetable; ~keṂ n. id. bhyātāka -> bhyātābhyātā bhyātā-bhyātā adv. 1. in patches, stained, spotted 2. with a dull sound or thud, abruptly bhyāt-bhyāt n. sound of a motor cycle; ~cā n. {ch.lg.} motor cycle bhyābar 1. n. kind of strong beer made of flour 2. n.anim. drunkard; ~thvaṂ n. id. 1. bhyābhaye v.i. (-bhala) to be worn out bhyābhaḥ adj. old, shabby, worn out bhyāy (var. bhyāḥcā) onon. bleat of a ram; ~cā n.anim. 1. ram, sheep trained to fight 2. {fig.} simpleton, idiot bhyāye v.t. (bhyāta) 1. to keep (on one's body, in one's pocket) 2. to make (ritually) impure bhyāy+siṂ (var. bhyālsiṂ, bhyāḥsiṂ) n. (-gaḥ) principal rafter; ~ kaye to instal the ~ bhyārā n.anim. kind of sheep with a large flat muzzle bhyārā-bhyārā adv. falling, bumping down, with a dull sound, with a thud bhyālā n.anim. ill-dressed woman, careless woman (cf. chvāsyā) bhyālā(-bhyālāṃ) luye (var. bhyāssa ~) v.i. to be dragged along the ground bhyālāsi -> bhelsi bhyālu n. 1. hip, buttock of a woman 2. {fig.} term of abuse: chimi māṃyā bhyālu khaḥ kā chaṃgu khaṂ. What you said is utter nonsense. (lit. your talk is your mother's hip.); ~ tagvaye (for hips) to be copious bhyālsiṂ -> bhyāysiṂ bhyālsicvaḥ n. (-cvata-,-cvaḥ) kind of edible sprout bhyāsā-bhyāsā adv. slipping, falling bhyāsyāṃ -> bheseṃ bhyāslin n. vaseline bhyāssa -> bhyālābhyālāṃ bhyāḥ 1. adj. contaminated, stained, polluted 2. n. (bhyāka-) contamination 3. adv. the slightest bit, ever so slightly bhyāḥcā -> bhyāycā bhyāḥsiṂ -> bhyāysiṂ bhruṂ onom. sound of sparrow fledglings' wings; ~cā n.anim. {ch.lg.} sparrow bhva adj. all, entire, whole bhvaṃ n. (bhvaṂta-) 1. (-pā) paper, sheet of paper 2. (-kū) slip, chit, note; ~ cvaye to give s.th. in writing; cvayā biye 1. to write a will 2. to issue a written order; ~ taye to file a suit; ~ yānā biye to give a written approval or permission bhvaṃcā n. (-gaḥ) tiny earthen pot (for salt or pepper) bhvaṃ cine -> bhvake cine bhvaṃ-bhvaṃ adv. the whole group, in groups bhvaṃsi n. (-gaḥ) kind of large citrus fruit, pomelo bhvakapuye v.i. to bow down, to prostrate o.s. at the feet of somebody bhvake cine (var. bhvakay ~, bhvaṃ ~) v.i. to blossom, to grow, to branch out bhvakhā (var. bhvakhāy) -> bhukhā1 bhvag n. 1. offering to a deity 2. experience of pleasure or pain; ~ biye to sacrifice; ~ yāye to reap the results of one's (evil) actions bhvagatyā n. (-gaḥ) kind of citrus fruit similar to a grapefruit, pomelo bhvacine v.t. 1. to bundle 2. to blossom, to grow, to branch out bhvachi n. the entire family (term used on invitation cards); ~macā n. small family (parents with their children) bhvachyāye v.t. (-chyāta) 1. to engraft 2. to transplant shoots of a plant 3. to prune bhvata1 n. (-pā) under-garment, vest; ~ kene to perform the ritual of showing the deity's shirt (during the festival of Red Matsyendranāth) bhvata2 n. hon. elder brother's wife; ~piṃli n. hon. {coll.} husband's brothers' wives bhvatamāli -> bhutumāli bhvatāhiti n. name of a locality in the centre of Kathmandu bhvapāhāṃ n. hon. (-hāna-) entire family invited as guests to a feast bhvapuye v.t. (-pula) 1. to overturn 2. to drink heavily 3. to implore, to prostrate o.s. at somebody's feet bhvape -> bhapiye bhvami n.anim. inhabitant of Banepā bhvay n. (bhvaja-,-gū) feast, ceremonial meal (cf. e.g. khyaḥ~, guṂ~, gvaykāy~, nvacinā~, pastāḥ~, bārāḥ~, laytā~); ~ kane 1. to invite to a feast 2. to turn one's eyes upward 3. to hurry; ~ chuye to sit in lines at a feast; ~ dhāye to invite to a feast; ~ mhite 1. to play at preparing a feast (children's game) 2. to pretend, to deceive; ~ hāye {pol.} to invite to a feast bhvay+kaṃ1 n.anim. (-kana-) 1. perplexed person 2. s.o. with eyes turned upwards bhvay+kaṃ2 adj. too bright bhvay|-kāsā n. girls' game (of preparing a feast); ~citā n.anim. organizer of a large feast; ~thuvāḥ n.anim. (-vāla-) host of a feast; ~dhaki n. (-pā) basket to carry home remnants of a feast; ~pa+u n. (-pati-,-gū) invitation card (for a feast) bhvay+pvāḥ n. (-pvāla-,-pvāḥ) hole in a brick kiln bhvay|-phvagiṃ n.anim. (-gina-) beggar, cadger; ~bva n. portion served to each single guest at a feast bhvay-bhvay kane v.t. 1. to turn one's eyes upward 2. to be in a great hurry bhvay+lapte n. (-pā) leaf plate used at feasts; ~vaḥ n. (-vala-,-pā) tiny pulse cake bhvari n. (-gaḥ) stomach, belly, intestines; ~ khāye 1. to have a large stomach 2. to bulge 3. {fig.} to be wealthy 4. (for a house) to be about to collapse bhvalānāth 1. n.pr. a name of Śiva 2. n.anim. innocent person, modest person bhvaluye v.t. (-lula) to pour, to drink very much, to get drunk bhvalkaṂ n. kind of white fertilizer (similar to the ashes of cowdung) bhval+jhaṃgaḥ n.anim. (-gala-) owl (cf. bhulūkhā) bhvalyāye v.t. (-lyāta) 1. to take sides, to side with 2. to approach bhvalvay n. (-lvaca-) plague, contagious disease; ~ picāye for a plague to spread bhvasāka+i -> bhusākai bhvasuye v.i. (-sula) to lie prostrate bhvaḥ-bhvaḥ yāye v.t. {ch. lg.} to lean on s.o.'s back bhvāiṃ onom. 1. sound of buzzing, humming, flaring 2. angrily bhvāṂpvāṂ n. (-pu) wind instrument bhvāṃcā n.anim. fool, simpleton bhvāṃpuṃ n. (-pu) {ch.lg.} 1. horn 2. motor car 3. wind instru­ment bhvākā-bhvākā adv. (to eat) bit by bit, continuously bhvākka adv. 1. -> bhvākābhvākā 2. with a dull, hollow sound bhvātiṃ n.anim. (-tina-) maid, female servant bhvāthaye v.i. (-thala) to be worn out, to be tattered (of clothes, wood) bhvāthaḥ adj. worn out, tattered, ruined bhvādane v.i. to understand, to come to know, to be aware of: jhīsaṃ dhayāgu khaṂ manyaṃ va ātini bhvādana kā. At last he did understand what we told him though he did not listen. bhvāni n.anim. old, experienced person bhvābhaye v.i. (-bhvala) 1. to be hollow, to be rotten (of wood), to be ruined, spoilt (of health) 2. to be empty bhvābhaḥ adj. 1. hollow, rotten (of wood), spoilt, ruined (of health) 2. empty bhvāyṃ-bhvāyṃ adv. with a searching glance, with a critical look bhvāsā b.f. soft; ~pāsi n. (-gaḥ) kind of soft pear; ~lvahaṃ n. (-haṂta-,-gaḥ) limestone; ~(-bhvāsā) vane to get soft bhvāsi adj. showy, conspicuous, ostentatious; ~khaṂ n. boasting; ~ cāye to be ostentatious; cāyā kene to show off bhvāḥ n., meas. (bhvāka-,-bhvāḥ) handful of grains; ~ tine to eat a handful of grains (rite of expiation); ~bhvāṃ adv. by handfuls bhviṂ n.anim. {coll.} great-grandchild (descendant of the sixth generation) bhviṂkhyaḥ n. (-khela-) open space at the foot of Svayambhūnāth (place of the `samyak' ceremony) bhviṂcampā n. fireworks bhviṂbhāyṃ n. whispering bhviphasi -> bhuyupasi bhvibhāy dane v.i. 1. to be brown-grey 2. to look dull bhvibhvi -> bhuyu bhvimvaḥ n. (-mvala-) kind of meat dish made of marrow and sesamum (served at jubilees) bhviyār n.anim. Newar caste name bhviye -> bhuyu bhvisinhaḥ n. (-nhala-) saffron-coloured ṭīkā powder M ma1 pref. negative prefix, not: madayka magāḥsā chaṃgu guhāli phvane. I shall ask you for help only if I really cannot do without it.; ma... tale until; ma... se without, e.g. magyāḥse without fear ma2 -> mha ma+iṃ (var. mai) n. hon. term of address for a younger sister; ~cā n.anim. 1. (affectionate) term of address for a woman of lower caste 2. (-phyāyṃ) {ch.lg.} vagina of a little girl; ~ma+iṃcā n. {ch.lg.} doll (cf. katāṃmari); ~yāṂ 1. -> maiṃ 2. n. hon. princess ma+iṃsicā n. kind of clay used in lost-wax casting ma+idā n. flour, fine flour; ~chucuṃ n. (-cuna-) id. ma+in n. wax ma+inā1 n.anim. kind of bird, parrot, parakeet (cf. bhattu) ma+inā2 (var. mahinā) n. (-gū) month (cf. lā) ma+in+mata n. (-pu) wax candle ma+ukā n. (-gū) occasion, opportunity, chance; ~ tvaḥte to let a chance slip, to wave an opportunity ma+uri -> māuri ma+ula n. (-gaḥ) post to tie up an animal before sacrifice maṂkhi -> makhi maṃkāḥ n. (-kāla-) common affairs, cooperative tasks (cf. bvalā); ~khaṂ n. id.; ~khalaḥ n. (-laka-,-gū) cooperative group, esp. guthi members; ~guthi n. (-gū) id.; ~chikāṃ adj. common, public, in the public interest; ~cheṂ n. (-khā) house of joint ownership; ~jyā n. (-gū) community work, work shared by all members of a community 2. charity, organization of charity; ~day+kāḥ n. (-kāla-) common share; ~dhiṃkāḥ adj. common, public, shared maṃgal n. 1. auspicious objects, words or events, good omen 2. Mars (the planet); ~bājaṃ n. (-jana-) 1. auspicious music 2. group of musicians who play on auspicious occasions; ~bār n. Tuesday maṃgāḥ n. (-gāla-,-gāḥ) sewer shared by the houses in a cour­tyard; ~ thakāye to clean up a ~; ~ lhāye to fill a ~ maṃjur n. agreement maṃ thane v.t. to refuse, to reject, to deny, to approach in a negative way maṃdali 1. n. (-gū) kind of thread game 2. n.anim. cham­pion, winner in a thread game or in a paper-kite contest; ~ lvāke to play maṃdaḥ -> mandaḥ2 maṃbuye -> mambuye maṃbū -> mambū maṃsa -> māṃsa makaḥ n. (-kala-,-gaḥ) earthen pot (used as a stove) (cf. guṃgū~, pāḥ~); ~dalū n. (-lukha-,-pvāḥ) earthen oil lamp makuṂ n. smoke of burning cloth makhā interj. marker of rhetorical questions: is it not so? makhāṃ -> mukhāṃ makhāti interj. yes, indeed: athe makhāti dhāye mālī. Indeed, one must say so. makhi (var. maṂkhi) n. (-gaḥ) ashtray makhu 1. interj. sentence negation marker, no, not: makhu, ganaṃ he vane tenāgu madu. No, I'm not going anywhere. 2. adj. unreal, false, evil; ~kathaṃ adv. unexpectedly, contrary to expectation (with negative connotation), unfortunately; ~tay 1. adv. in vain 2. adv. without a reason or purpose 3. adj. regretful, repentant 4. adj. passive; ~tay cāye, juye, taye to regret, to repent: ji vayāta guhāli yānāgu makhutay jula. I came to regret that I helped him.; ~the 1. adv. unexpectedly, unusually: āmathe makhuthe vaye mate. Don't come that unexpectedly. 2. n. unexpected event; ~sā adv. otherwise, if not: jiṃ thva khaṂ dhayā, makhusā jitaḥ dhāḥ. I reported about this, if not (you) may blame me. makhmal n. (-sāḥ) velvet; ~chvayṃlā n. kind of meat preparation; ~svāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) wax flower mag n. (-gaḥ) mug magaṃ adj. wet, moist magaj n. (-gū) brain, intellect magan adj. happy, content; ~masta adj. id. magaḥ (var. māgaḥ) n.pr. (-gala-) tribe of the Magars; ~khiṃ n. (-khina-,-gaḥ) kind of drum (otherwise called `mādal', `māgdali'); ~tusi n. (-gaḥ) kind of cucumber; ~saki n. (-mā) kind of plant, colocasia; ~halu n. (-luka-) plant producing yellow turmeric magāka adv. insufficiently magmag adj. with an intoxicating smell magyāse adv. without hesitation, fearlessly macā n.anim. (irr. pl. masta) 1. child, baby 2. small size (cf. e.g. kvathā~, gāḥ~, thyākā~, nhāykaṃ~, bāli~, bhinā~, bhvachi~, lakhā~, lvaṃmā~); ~aṃgū n. (-guli-,-pā) ring for babies given in the childbirth rituals, usually worn on the fourth finger of the left hand; ~ka adv. small, reduced: vaṃ jhyāḥ macāka daykala. He reduced the window in size.; ~kathi n. (-gū) bamboo cradle (suspended from three bamboo sticks); ~kāmi n.anim. s.o. who professionally takes care of children, nurse; ~ kvakāye, kvathaye 1. to have a miscarriage 2. to have an abortion; ~kvāḥ n.anim. (-kvāta-) s.o. who cheats children; ~kvāḥdyaḥ n.anim. (-deva-) id.; ~khaṂ n. child talk, childish talk; ~khācā n. {coll.} children, offspring; ~khvāḥ adj. with a face like a child, resembling a child; ~gā n. (-pu) narrow shawl or scarf; ~gāḥ n. (-gāla-,-gāḥ) burial ground for children who have died before the rice feeding ceremony; ~cā 1. adj. young 2. n.anim. small child; ~cheṂ n. (-gū) womb; ~jaṃkva n. rice feeding ceremony; ~jhyāḥ n. (-jhyāla-,-pā) small window, side light; ~nāyaḥ n.anim. (-yeka-) leader (of a group of children); ~baji 1. n. beaten rice presented to the guthi for admission of a new-born child 2. n.anim. {fig.} s.o. in a position of responsibility without sufficient experience; ~bāhā n. (-gaḥ) front post; ~bu n. childbirth; ~bu beṂke (for the mother) to purify herself (eleven days after giving birth); ~ bvike to be confined, to give birth; ~may+liṃ n.anim. (-lina-) nurse, baby-sitter; ~lyāy+mha n.anim. boy in his teens; ~lyāse n.anim. girl in her teens macāḥ adj. without feeling, insensitive, unaware macikaṃ -> matacikaṃ macvaṃcheṂvaḥmha n.anim. wife who has left her husband (lit. one who has come not staying at home) machālā n. 1. decency, modesty 2. embarrassment; ~pu adj. ashamed, embarrassed, embarrassing: āma khaṂ lhāye he machālāpu du. This is indeed embarrassing to talk about.; ~ puye to be ashamed, to be embarrassed; ~puse cvane id.; ~bhāy n. (-bhāsa-) sense of decency or modesty, decent be­haviour machāle v.i. to be ashamed, to be embarrassed machiṃ adj. uneasy, uncomfortable, awkward, clumsy; ~ka adv. id.: ji machiṃka dena. I slept uneasily.; ~chū n. (-chuli-,-gū) pretence of being uneasy or embarrassed; ~ tay+ke, taye to feel uneasy, uncomfortable, to be embarrassed: vaṃ machiṃ taykala. He felt embarrassed.; ~pahaḥ n. (-hala-,-gū) uneasiness; ~machiṃ adv. 1. inconveniently 2. clumsily: macāta machiṃ-machiṃ pau gayā cvana. The children clumsily climbed onto the roof. machunā n. unpleasantness, embarrassment; ~pu adj. unpleasant, embarrassed; ~ puye to be unpleasant, to be embarrassed; ~puse cvane id.; ~ye (-nāla) id. machuye v.i. 1. to be unpleasant, to be embarrassed 2. to be weak (of eyesight) 3. to dislike majā n. (-gū) pleasure, fun; ~ yāye to enjoy majāṃ adv. easily, with pleasure majāl n. strength, power majimagāḥ adj. insufficient majyūpiṃ n.anim. {coll.} people of impure caste majvaḥ adj. blunt, not sharp, not pointed majha+ulā adj. common, average, medium majha+uli n. (-gū) kind of flute of medium size mat n. (-gū) opinion, belief mata n. (-pvāḥ) 1. lamp, light 2. electricity, current; ~ cyāye to light a lamp; ~ chvay+ke to light a set of 108 lights in front of a deity; ~ siye (of a light) to be extinguished, to go out; ~ syāye to extinguish a light mataṃcheṂhaḥmha n.anim. wife who is left by her husband mata|-kalaḥ n. (-lakha-,-gaḥ) balloon; ~(-mata)kī n.anim. (-kila-) fire fly, glow worm; ~cikaṃ (var. ma~, mati~) n. (-kana-) kerosene; ~cyāy+thala n. (-gaḥ) kerosene lamp pot; ~pyāsi n. (-gaḥ) kind of small black fruit; ~yāḥ n. (-yāta-) lamp-procession done in Patan during the month of guṃlā, festival of the lights, starting two days after the fullmoon of guṃlā; ~yāḥpāḥ n. (-pāla-) specified area assigned to the responsibility of particular groups during the matayāḥ festival (`turn of matayāḥ') matar (var. mvatar) n. (-gaḥ) pea; ~kaḥche n. (-dhe) kind of large pea-pod matāḥ adj. deaf, not hearing, not listening; ~ chuye to pretend not to hear; ~sū n. (-suli-) {neol.} deafness mati n. (-gū) 1. mind, heart 2. intention, purpose 3. thought, understanding; ~kurāḥ n.anim. (-rāla-) miser; ~ yāye to wish, to desire; ~ vane to come to mind maticikaṃ -> matacikaṃ matinā (var. matenā) n. (-gū) love, love affair; ~pu adj. lovely, pleasant, lovable; ~ puye to be lovely; ~puse cvane id. matine (var. matene) v.t. to love, to be in love matiyār n.anim. accessory to a crime matu1 n. husks deposited in front of a fire place; ~ tuye, thakāye, sucuke to clean a stove from ashes matu2 -> mhutu matuka (var. matū) n. (-gaḥ) crown (cf. mukhaḥ); ~bāhā n. (-gaḥ) front post matū adj. 1. impermanent, undurable 2. cheap mate marker of neg. imp. (with inf.) do not: thauṃ cheṂ vane mate. Don't go home today. gyāne mate. Don't be afraid. matenā -> matinā matene -> matine matevaṃ adv. 1. early 2. (to die) untimely, too young matpalaḥ n. (-lata-,-gaḥ) metal plate with holes matpyāsi n. (-gaḥ) kind of berry, blue berry matyaḥ adj. unfit, improper, taboo matlab n. cause, purpose, meaning matha1 n. (-pā) kind of large pastry (part of `lakhāmari' given by the bridegroom's to the bride's family) matha2 n. (-gū) institutionalized dwelling-place of ascetics, monastery, maṭh, guthi house mathaṃ adv. hastily, hurriedly mathan n. devastation; ~ juye 1. to be devastated 2. (of a house) to collapse mathaḥ n. (-thala-,-gaḥ) 1. charcoal pot (to warm one's hands) 2. sacred fire mathemha n.anim. 1. descendant of a marriage not quite in accordance with the caste rules 2. `nouveau riche' madat n. help, assistance maday+ka adv. without: ji he madayka imisaṃ chuṃ chuṃ yāye phaye makhu. Without me, they can't do anything.; maday+ka magāḥsā if it is necessary (lit. if not sufficient without) madāni n. (-gaḥ) narrow, high vessel and churn-stick for churning milk; also used in producing paper madise -> madesi madu irr. neg. stat. form of daye, to be (cf. maru) mades n. India; madesi (var. madise) n.anim. foreigner, Indian, non-resident madhi -> mari madhe (var. maddhe) 1. n. middle 2. postp. among: ipiṃ madhe chamha asyaḥmha du. There was a naughty person among them. man n. (-gū) mind, heart; manaṃ tune to wish, to long for: jhīsaṃ manaṃ tunā theṃ he jū vala kā. It came about exactly as we wished. manaṃ khane to have an idea, to remember; ~ taye to be pleased, to be gratified; ~ tuye to wish; ~ daye to be interested, to like; ~ biye 1. to fall in love 2. to attend to, to pay attention, to heed; ~ yāye to wish; ~ svaye to have insight, to recognize s.o.'s thoughts mana n. (-gaḥ) chin manaṃ-mahaṃ adv. not to one's liking manakā n. (-gaḥ) kind of large raisin; ~dākh n. (-gaḥ) id. manathi n. (-mā) kind of creeping plant, Rubia charaefolia manamās n. intercalary month manā1 -> mānā manā2 n. (-pā) kind of yeast, greenish and granular sub­stance formed in a flat shape, made from wheat or rice, causing fermentation in alcohol production; ~ suye to prepare yeast manā3 adj. boiled; ~chvayṃlā n. kind of meat dish manāpu n. (-pu) white cake of yeast, made from rice, used for fermentation of alcohol; ~svāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) kind of flower (used in preparing this kind of yeast) manu n. (-pu) kind of plant, Rubia manjith manuche (var. manche, mānche) n.anim. man; ~jāt n.anim. 1. man, human being 2. {coll.} men, humans manū n.anim. (-nukha-) man, person; ~jāt n.anim. 1. id. 2. {coll.} men, human beings mane v.i. 1. to boil 2. to swell, to puff up; manā vaye to swell man|-kyātu adj. compassionate; ~kvatu adj. depressed, sad; ~khusi n. (-gū) wish, desire manche -> manuche manjhāḥ n. (-jhāla-,-mā) kind of moss or algae growing on the insides of wells manta irr. neg. past of daye, to be mantayka adv. considerately, kindly mantunā n. wish, will, ambition mandap n. (-gū) 1. open hall, temporary hall, tent 2. dwelling place, shelter of an ascetic mandaḥ1 n. kind of vegetable soup mandaḥ2 (var. maṃdaḥ) n. (-dala-,-gū,-cāḥ) circle, maṇḍala, magic drawing; ~ kaye 1. to fly around 2. to watch around, to spy; ~ thāye to draw a ~; ~ thiye to perform rituals with a ~ dane to draw a ~; ~ dhvaye to perform rituals with a ~; ~ dhvāṂye to draw a ~; ~pātā n. (-pātā) movable maṇḍala of metal or clay mandir n. (-gū) temple manmeli n. (-phvaḥ) kind of wild white flower with large leaves (growing in clusters) mansāḥ juye v.i. to wish, to desire mansāḥhuti n. religious ceremony involving human sacrifice mansubā (var. ~suvā) n. (-gū) 1. wish, desire 2. intention, purpose 3. liking maphatay adv. useless, in vain, without result maphu-maphu adv. with great difficulty: macāṃ maphu-maphu svāne gala. The child climbed the stair with great difficulties. mabhiṃ adj. bad, ugly, spoilt mamaḥ n. (-mala-,-gaḥ) eye of grain, fine particles of grain mambuye (var. maṃbuye) v.i. (-buta) 1. to get swollen 2. to get soaked mambū adj. soaked, swollen; ~lvay n. (-lvaca-) kind of disease which causes swelling; ~ vaye to swell up (believed to be a sign of approaching death after a long illness) mamvaḥ n. (-mvala-,-gaḥ) kind of Tibetan dish, dough of wheat flour stuffed with minced meat may1 n. (masa-) holy food, diet for religious reasons; ~ cāye to consider sacred: pujyāyeta may cāḥgu bastu jaka chāye māḥ. Only things that are held sacred should be used in rituals. may2 meas. unit of weight (equivalent to ten grains of a particular seed) mayaḥ adj. unwanted, disliked, unpopular; ~kāḥ chvaye to send away one's wife, to terminate a marriage; ~mayaḥ adv. listlessly, unwillingly, whether one likes it or not; ~mayaḥkacā n. (-gū) branch of a tree fixed to the top of the chariot of Matsyendranāth mayāka (var. mayāḥ) adv. more than, not less than: dvaḥchi mayāka manūta du. There were more than a thousand people. may+kī n.anim. (-kila-) kind of insect (frequently found around open beer pots) mayju n. hon. 1. polite term of address for a woman of superior status, Madam, Miss 2. role in the monster dance (cf. daite) may+tulicā (var. maytulucā) n.anim. kind of bird with a crest maray (var. marsay) n. the planes of India, the Terai; ~jāki n. parboiled rice (cf. usinā, phvaki) maraḥ n. alms, food given in charity; ~jā n. 1. food given in charity at the shrine of a deity 2. ceremonial feast given to virgins (performed during `pāhāṃcaḥrhay') mari (var. madhi, marhi, mali) n. (-pā) bread, pastry (cf. cāku~, paciṃtā~, syulā~); ~kasi n. (-gaḥ) pot for sweetmeats (used in marriage ceremoni­es); ~kaḥmi n.anim. baker, confectioner; ~ chune to prepare sweets (esp. for `samyakdān'); ~pyārā n. kind of sweetmeat; ~mi n. contribution of rice given by each family member for the preparation of a bread offered to the family deity; ~ lahiye to serve `paciṃtā' bread at the end of a marriage ceremony (done by the bridegroom) maru1 irr. neg. stat. form of daye, to be (cf. madu) maru2 n. name of a ward of old Kathmandu; ~svāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) kind of plant (resembling an elephant's trunk); ~hiti n. name of a fountain in Kathmandu (occuring in a song: thaḥneyā hiti, kvaḥneyā hiti, dathui lāka maruhiti nhāṃ. There is a fountain of the highland, there is a fountain of the lowland, in between there is Maruhiti.) markay; ~juye for one's hand to get sprained (esp. while one is asleep): thauṃ danā balay lhāḥ markay jula. When I woke today (I found) my hand was sprained.; ~ yāye to sprain the hand: vaṃ macāyā lhāḥ markay yāta. He sprained the child's hand. markā (var. mārkā) n. difficulty marma n. 1. vital spot of the body 2. essence; ~ thuye to know, to understand thoroughly; ~syū adj. full of insight, sympathetic marsay -> maray marsyā n.anim. inhabitant of the plains, Indian; ~khvāḥ n.anim. (-khvāla-) person with a dark complexion; ~gvaṃgaḥ n.anim. (-gala-) fighting cock (also in fig. sense); ~barāṃ n. (-rāma-,-gaḥ) almond; ~bhāy n. (-bhāsa-) Hindī marhi -> mari malaṃ kāye v.t. to be built with cantilevered storeys malam n. ointment (used to soften the skin) (cf. nāycikaṃ) malamās n. intercalary month (cf. analā) malay1 (var. male) n. (-laca-, instr. ~naṃ) black pepper; ~gvaḥ n. (-gvala-) 1. texture of weaving, satin weaving 2. pepper pattern malay2 -> male2 malay juye v.i. to be fertilized, to be effective as a fer­tilizer malaluṂ n. kind of gold malaḥ n. (-lakha-,-gū) thunderbolt, lightning; ~dyaḥ n. (-deva-) thunderbolt, god of thunder malā n. 1. fertile land, land near a river 2. field used as a latrine malāṃ adv. slowly, gradually, steadily malāthāṃ n. (-thāma-,-gaḥ) wooden pillar of a house malāḥ-phalāḥ adv. in a hurry mali -> mari maluvā adj. soft, mild in taste male1 -> malay1 male2 (var. malay) n. hon. maternal uncle's wife; ~aji n. hon. 1. brother's wife 2. maternal uncle's wife maleṃka adv. completely, without a remnant maleju (var. malju) n. hon. polite term of address for mother's broth­er's wife malebi n.anim. kind of snake malju -> maleju maltā n. (-gaḥ) red pepper; ~kuṂ n. kind of incense; ~cuṃ n. (-cuna-) fine powder of red pepper; ~nyā n.anim. shrimps; ~pyāsi n. (-gaḥ) kind of fruit, Berberis nepalensis malmal n. (-sāḥ) kind of transparent cotton material, muslin mallisvāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) kind of flower malhā n. (-gū) granary (cf. bhakāri) masa n. (-gū) small tripod stand for ritual implements masaṃku n. smell of burnt cloth masalā1 n. (-gaḥ) battery masalā2 n. spice, condiment, pickles; ~ chuye to season; ~thika adj. overspiced, too savoury; ~dyāhāṃ n. (-hāna-,-gaḥ) box with many compartments for keeping spices separate; ~ nvaye to be spicy masāṃ n. (-sāna-,-gū) cremation ground; ~ na vaye to smell bad masāṃka+i (var. musāṃkai) n. (-kaica-,-gaḥ) carbuncle masāṃjhaṃgaḥ n.anim. (-gala-) vulture masānta n. last day of the solar month masi n. ink; ~thala n. (-gaḥ) ink pot; ~bhvaṃ n. (-bhvaṂta-,-pā) carbon paper masinu adj. finely pulverized, dissolved masipva n. {coll.} dried fruit masuṃcā n. kind of clay masta n. irr. pl. form of macā, child masti n. 1. semen (cf. phusi) 2. sexual desire masteṃka adv. (to eat, to sleep) sufficiently, without distur­bance, satisfactorily masya+urā n. (-gaḥ) lump of dried pulse masyāṃ n. (-syāna-,-gaḥ) horse bean masyū adj. ignorant; ~ chuye to pretend not to know mahatva n. 1. greatness, importance 2. value mahani -> mvaḥnhi maharsi 1. n.anim. sage 2. n. variety of paddy mahāṃ -> māhāṃ1 mahādyaḥsvāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) flower of the white thorn-apple, Datura alba mahāphvaye -> māḥphvaye mahābuye -> māḥbuye mahāyuddha n. (-gū) great war mahārog n. leprosy mahita (var. mahitā) n. enmity, hostility; ~ taye to stir up hostility mahinā -> mainā maḥ n. (mala-) starch, glue (cf. bhāti) mā1 1. n. (-mā) plant 2. (-gaḥ) jamb 3. capital, invest­ment, costs (cf. jethā, lāy, sāuṃ) 4. clf. classifier for names of plants mā2 n. (-gū) brass filter of a hookah mā-3 pref. 1. with n. anim: female 2. main, major, prominent; ~ phvane (of males) to be libidinous mā4 part. sentence particle denoting wish, bless or curse: bhine mā! May it be good! mā-ata n. (-pā) brick mā-ākhaḥ n. (-khala-,-gaḥ) {neol.} vowel māu n.anim. animal that has given birth māuri (var. mauri) n.anim. female sparrow māṃ (var. māḥ) n. hon. (māma-) 1. mother 2. term of address to an elderly woman; ~yā khvāḥ svaye ritual of mother's day māṃkāḥdyaḥ n.pr. (-deva-) Mahākāla māṃdike v.t. to abuse in rude language māṃdikka adv. abusive, vulgar māṃdey n. (-desa-,-gū) mother land, native country māṃ|-dyaḥ n. hon. (-deva-) 1. female hermit 2. goddess; ~ba+u n.anim. parents; ~bvā n. id.; ~bhata n. hon. mother-in-law; ~bhāy n. (-bhāsa-,-gū) mother tongue māṃsa (var. maṃsa) n. meat, flesh mākaḥ n.anim. (-kala-) monkey; ~khvāḥ n.anim. (-khvāla-) lean and thin person; ~ gvalaṃ tuye to take sides blindly; ~cā n. 1. (var. mākhācā) (-pā) stone lamp held by the effigy of a monkey 2. spider; ~ciyājāḥ n. (-jāla-,-gū) spider's web; ~jāḥ n. (-jāla-,-gū) id.; mākaḥjālay kene to be in difficulties, to be entangled in a difficult situation; ~ti (var. ~si, ~sisuttā) n. (-cāḥ) kind of earring shaped like a tear (worn by women in Patan); ~ti suye to put on `mākaḥti'; ~tvapuli n. (-gaḥ) cap covering the ears (worn by children and old people during winter); ~dhuṂ n.anim. bear; ~pa+u n. (-pali-,-gū) cupola, dormer; ~pikhā n. (-gū) spider's web; ~pili n. (-gū) id.; ~pyākhaṃ n. (-khana-,-gū) kind of dance, stick dance, pestle dance; ~phaṃsi n. (-gaḥ) custard apple; ~phiṃ n. pride, bluff; ~bhuti n. kind of bean pod (of a short variety); ~yā kusighāḥ n. (-ghāla-,-ghāḥ) insignificant wound; ~yā khipaḥ n. (-pata-,-gū) spider's web; ~yā phvaṃsi n. (-gaḥ) custard apple; ~yā matinā n. caressing, fondling; ~lvahaṃ n. (-haṂta-,-gaḥ) monkey-faced stone; ~si n. 1. custard apple (cf. galaḥsi) 2. -> ~ti; ~sisuttā -> ~ti mākā n. (-pu) 1. warp thread 2. slotted batten (cf. tikā, yaṃkā, yekā) mākimi n. stomach parasite māku adj. tasty, tasting like almonds; ~ dhāye to taste somewhat like almonds; ~nhyaḥ n. (-nhela-) pleasant, refreshing sleep; ~pāḥkh n. food without salt; ~phakaṃ n. (-kana-) dish consisting of the stalk and leaves of Arum colocasia; ~ye (-kula) to be tasty, to taste like almonds; ~se cvane to be tasteful mākuri n. (-pā) ear ornament mākuruṃ cvane v.i. to taste like almonds mākurghū n. cooing of pigeons mākule n. (-gaḥ) measuring pot with a volume of two and a half mānās māku|-savāḥ n. (-vāla-) taste of an almond; ~si n. (-gaḥ) kind of fruit, Ficus glomerata; ~se cvane to be tasty, to taste like almonds mākva adv. much, enough, as much as necessary: imisaṃ mākva sāhās muna. They gathered up enough courage.; ~cā adv. only as much as necessary, scarcely sufficient; ~cākva adv. id. mākhā n.anim. hen; ~ pule to turn and roll, to tumble, to topple over mākhāṃtyaḥ adj. husband whose wife is taller or older than he is mākhācā -> mākaḥcā mākhicā n.anim. bitch, female dog māgaḥ1 n. (-gala-,-gū) 1. trellis 2. circumference of the trunk of a tree māgaḥ2 n.anim. (-gala-) 1. elephant driver, mahaut 2. {sl.} husband māgaḥ3 -> magaḥ māgdali n. (-gaḥ) kind of drum, otherwise called `mādal', `magaḥkhiṃ' māgvaṃ n. (-gvana-,-gvaṃ) tuber māgvaḥjā n. (-gaḥ) image of a deity (about 6 inches high, prepared of flour or beaten rice) displayed during major rituals mācakhuṃ n.anim. (-khuna-) female sparrow mācā n. entire family, joint family; ~chi n. nuclear family (parents with their children); ~mici n. entire family mācikaṃ n. (-kana-) grillwork of windows māchi adj. as much as necessary, enough; ~cā adj. id.; ~cākhuṂ n.anim. petty thief who steals in small amounts what he needs for the moment mājā (var. mājhā) n. special paste made of rice and powdered glass to apply to kite strings (for contests of cutting each other's kites down) (cf. akhaḥ~, culu~, chyākaḥ~, nacu~, nhyaḥkhaḥ~, picu~); ~ chiye, taye to apply mājāḥ1 n. (-jāta-) {neol.} feminine gender mājāḥ2 n. (-jāla-,-gū) kind of very large fishing net māju n. hon. 1. husband's mother 2. term of address to a high caste woman by one of lower caste; ~cā n.anim. cunning girl; ~cāpahaḥ n. (-hala-) female cunning; ~bhata n. hon. husband's mother mājhaṃ vane v.i. (of a temple officiant) to visit shrines (in the morning) mājhā -> mājā mājhi n.anim. boatman mājhyāṃ n. (-jhyāna-,-gū) the Chinese game of Mahjong mājhvaḥ n.anim. (-jhvala-) treasurer of a guthi mātaṂ n. (-gū) second floor (counting the groundfloor as first floor) mātā n. hon. mother; ~ju n. hon. self-announced goddess; ~ticaḥcaḥrhay n. eve of mother's day (fourteenth day of the dark half of the month of vaiśākha) when people who have lost their mothers go on pilgrimage to the shrine of Mātātīrtha; ~nī n.anim. female ascetic, woman possessed by the goddess Hāratī, therefore having the gift of prophecy concerning illness; ~li n.anim. 1. children's nurse 2. restless girl mātāḥ n. (-tāla-,-ju) Tibetan lock māti (var. māyti) n. (-mā) canna plant mātikurā n.anim. kind of bird mātrā n. (-gū) 1. dose 2. metre (of Sanskrit verses) 3. beat in music; ~ cine to pack a dose of medicine; ~chi meas. as much as a dose; ~ nine to count the beats in music mātha n. (-gaḥ) measuring pot with a volume of six mānās; six mānās (unit of volume or weight) māthaṃ1 (var. māḥtha) n. (-thana-) 1. plain 2. surface 3. pattern of paving, of latticed windows, of weaving consisting of horizontal and vertical lines; ~ siye to pave a ~ pattern māthaṃ2 1. adj. level, plain (proverb: pyākhaṃ hule masaḥ dabuli māthaṃ mavaḥ. If one does not know how to dance (one will say) the platform is not level; signifying seeking the fault in circumstances) 2. adv. gradually, by degrees 3. adv. soon, quickly 4. postp. according to māthaṃ|-kvapu n. (-pu) plain lintel; ~tikajhyāḥ n. (-jhyāla-,-pā) small latticed window māthaṃphaṃ -> māthaphaṃ māthaṃvaṃka adv. easily, evenly māthaṃsāḥ n. (-sāla-,-gū) mortise joint māthane v.t. to flatten, to level māthaphaṃ (var. māthaṃphaṃ, māphaṃ) n. (-gaḥ) measuring pot of six mānās māthu n. major plot of land māthemā n.pr. name of a Newar caste māthemāṃ n. (-māna-) kind of plain weaving pattern mādal n. (-gaḥ) small two-headed drum (cf. magaḥkhiṃ, māgdali) mān n. respect, reverence mānacaṃgigvay n. (-gvaca-,-gaḥ) kind of small betel nut mānay; ~ juye to agree, to be pleased; ~ yāye 1. to obey 2. to respect, to honour mānā (var. manā, -mnā) meas. unit of volume equivalent to one eighth of a pāthi, e.g.: ni-mānā, ni-mnā two mānās mānukhi n. (-pu) rope worn round the forehead for carrying loads māne1 1. interj. `I mean, that is to say' 2. n. meaning māne2 n. (-gaḥ) Tibetan prayer wheel māne3 n. hon. kind of municipal official (of the older administra­tive system) mānbatiṃ 1. adv. plainly, straight, directly: mānbatiṃ lita byū. Give it straight back! 2. adj. respectful mānyatā n. respect, reverence māpi n. 1. (-gū) document, original, draft 2. (-pā) map māph (var. māphi) n. pardon, forgiveness māphaṃ -> māthaphaṃ māphi -> māph mābhvāḥ n. (-bhvāka-,-bhvāḥ) heaped handful of beaten rice or grain māmaju n. hon. father's younger brother's wife māmāḥsi -> āmāḥsi māmisā n.anim. unmarried woman, spinster (cf. jejithi, thvapūmha, burinakiṃ) māmuli adj. simple, ordinary māmusiṂ (var. mārumusiṂ) n. (-gaḥ) hip rafter māmey n.anim. (-mesa-) 1. buffalo cow 2. {fig.} very dirty person 3. obstinate person; ~pahaḥ n. (-hala-) obstinacy māmelā (var. māmlā) n. affairs, law suit māmpākhā n. abusive term of address māmmā n. hon. {ch.lg.} mother māmlā -> māmelā māmvaḥ n. (-mvala-,-gaḥ) eye of sesamum māy n. (māsa-,-gaḥ) bean, pulse; ~ phvaye {fig.} to use rude language, to abuse (lit. to soak pulse) māy-abasaṃ n. (-sana-) fast of one month māyā n. 1. love, affection 2. pity, mercy; ~ vanāpu adj. pitiable, miserable; ~ vanā puye to be pitiable, miserable; ~ vane to pity māyāsu n. {neol.} verbal root, verbal stem māy+kaṃ-mvāy+kaṃ adv. freely, without compulsion māy+kaḥche n. (-dhe) pulse pod māy+kā n. (-pu) 1. thick thread (such as the thread fixed to the treadles of a loom) 2. drive belt from the main spinning wheel to the spindle 3. bow string 4. string to fluff up cotton (cf. kvakā); ~ siye to attach a drive belt to a spinning wheel māy+keṂ n. pulse curry māy+gvaḥjā n. (-gaḥ) cooked mixture of pulse and rice māy+cā n.anim. {ch.lg.} four-footed animal māy+ti -> māti māy+nāyaḥ -> mhaynāyaḥ māy+phvakaṃ n. (-kana-) kind of wild vegetable māy+bi n.anim. house lizard, gecko; ~li n.anim. id. māy+li (var. māḥli) n. hon. husband's elder brother's wife māra n. 1. fear 2. temptation 3. evil thought 4. blow mārā1 b.f. killer, betrayer (cf. jyān~, bagali~, sāhu~, hāsi~) mārā2 n. mash of dried fruit (cf. e.g. aṃ~, āmāli~, lapsi~) mārā-mārā naye v.t. to devour, to gobble mārā-muru yāye v.t. to crush māri1 n. set of 108 clay lamps; ~ cyāke, cvay+ke to light a ~ māri2 (var. māḥri) adv. extremely; ~saṃka adv. id. mārumusiṂ {Bhp} -> māmusiṂ mārkā n. 1. brand, trademark 2. trouble, difficulty; ~ dhāye to seal with a brand; ~ niye to get into trouble; ~ yāye to cause trouble mārtval n. (-pu) screw driver (cf. sumā) mārvari n. name of a sect of Indian immigrants, traders and businessmen; ~cāḥ n. (-cāla-,-cāḥ) kind of earring mārsijāki n. kind of rice of a good quality mārsirime n. (-pu) kind of song (performed during Dasain) māl (var. māḥl) n. 1. goods, items, property 2. {sl.} vagina mālaṃmāḥthe adv. inevitably mālā1 n. (-māḥ) garland, rosary, necklace mālā2 n. (-pā) thin mat of wheat straw mālā3 n.anim. goldsmith's wife mālā4 n. search mālākvasiṂ n. (-mā) kind of large tree mālākhvaḥdisi (var. mālādisi) n. festival of the winter solstice mālājyā n. 1. search 2. {neol.} research mālādisi -> mālākhvaḥdisi māle v.t. (irr. neg. mvāle) 1. to search, to investigate: vaṃ kitāb māla. He looked for a book. 2. to be under ritual pollution 3. to need: vaṃ dhebā māla. He needed money. 4. aux. to be neces­sary, must, should, ought to: vaṃ naye māḥ. He should eat. āḥ ji vane māḥ. I must go now. 5. aux. marking habitual actions: vaṃ lā naye mvāḥ. Usually he does not eat meat. māle|-kathaṃ adv. searching; ~bhanaṃ adv. pretentiously māltāl n. goods, personal effects mālpā n. (-pā) flat round cake made of sugar, ghee and wheat flour mās b.f. month māsā1 n.anim. cow māsā2 meas. a tenth part of a ṭola, ca. 1,16 g (used in weighing gold) māsi n. (-phvāyṃ) female genitals, vagina, vulva māsik 1. adj. monthly 2. n. menstruation māsikhvāḥ adj. ugly, repugnant (of women) māstar n.anim. schoolmaster (also used as a title of honour); ~nī n.anim. female schoolmaster, master's wife māsti vaye v.i. to want (to do) māhāṃ1 (var. mahāṃ) n.anim. (-hāna-) 1. soldier 2. municipal official (of the older administrative system, collecting crop shares from the farmers) māhāṃ2 n. (-hāna-) left hand head of a drum; ~kāḥ n. (-kāla-) id. māhāṃnāyaḥ n.anim. (-yeka-) chief officer, commander māhāphvaye -> māḥphvaye māhābuye -> māḥbuye māḥ1 n. (māla-,-māḥ) garland; ~ cine 1. (for a group of people) to form a circle 2. to round up; ~ hane 1. to wind a garland 2. to round up māḥ2 adj. necessary, inevitable māḥ3 n. hon. mother; ~appā n. (-pā) under-tile (cf. bāḥ-appā) māḥkathaṃ (var. māḥmāḥ~) adv. necessarily, as required māḥcāḥ n. limit (with neg. v.): cikuyā māḥcāḥ madu. There is no limit to coldness. māḥtha -> māthaṃ māḥdyaḥ n.pr. (-deva-) Mahādeva, Śiva liṅga, God Śiva; ~cā n. liṅga-shaped object māḥphvaye (var. mahā~, māhā~) v.t. to soak, to saturate māḥbay+cvaraṃ (var. māḥbaysaki) n. term of abuse (mostly used by grandparents to grandchildren), accuse of mischievousness māḥbuye (var. mahā~, māhā~) v.i. (-bula) to be soaked, to be satura­ted māḥmāḥkathaṃ -> māḥkathaṃ māḥri1 -> māri2 māḥri2 n. boon māḥl -> māl māḥli -> māyli māḥsaṃmvāḥsaṃ adv. unreasonably, unneces­sarily māḥsi -> māḥse māḥsuti n. (-pā) woollen carpet; ~lāsā n. (-pā) carpet māḥse vaye (var. māḥsi ~) v.i. to want (to do) mi1 n. fire, glow, embers; miṃ thiye to catch fire; miṃ naye to burn down; ~ kuye to warm o.s. by the fire; ~ khvāye to blow, to stir the fire; ~ juye to be hot-tempered, to be aggressive; ~ taye to ignite, to set a fire; ~ duye to brew, to distill; ~ muye (for a fire) to blow sparks -mi2 suff. man (relating to occupation or origin), e.g.: jyā-mi worker, pāṃgā-mi inhabitant of Pāṃgā, man from Pāṃgā mi|-ka+i n. (-kaica-,-gaḥ) carbuncle, burn blister; ~kucā n. burning embers; ~kvāḥjhaṃgaḥ n.anim. (-gala-) kind of partridge mikhā n. 1. (-gaḥ) eye, eyeball, eye-shape 2. (-gū) knot-hole 3. (-gaḥ) eye in a peacock's tail; mikhāy hāye to be unpopular; ~ ini-mini dhāye (of the eyes) to be tired; ~ kaṃke 1. to paint eyes on the image of a deity, infusing it with divine life 2. to open s.o.'s eyes, to give s.o. an idea; ~ kvakane to cast the eyes down; ~ gujuṃ cvane (for the eyes) to be heavy with sleep; ~ cāy+ke 1. to open the eyes 2. to be careful; ~ cāle 1. to wake up 2. to be alert; ~ cāḥhiṃke to select the best (lit. to let the eyes roam around); ~ cyāye 1. {fig.} to raise a rebellion 2. (of pepper) to be very hot; ~ jāye (for the eyes) to fill with tears; ~ jvālla thiye (for the eyes) to shine brightly; ~ tagvaye to covet, to be greedy (lit. for the eyes to get wide); ~ taye 1. to watch carefully 2. to long for 3. to look with envy or jealousy 4. to spy; ~ tiri-miri dhāye to be unable to follow with the eyes; ~ tisiye 1. to shut the eyes 2. to ignore, to take no notice, to neglect; ~ tey laye to have good eyesight; ~ tvalaṃ kane to stare, to look at s.o. angrily; ~ tvalaṃ cvane to be lean; ~ tvālla kane to open the eyes very wide, to look with wide open eyes; ~ tvālla cvane to be lean; ~ thakane to cast the eyes up, to raise one's eyes towards heaven from irritation; ~ naye to blind, to hurt the eyes; ~ nay+gu jaḥ n. (-jala-,-gū) blinding light or lamp; ~ pati yāye to wink ; ~ piye to clean the eyes with water (in rituals); ~ pīke {sl.} 1. to steal away 2. to cover the eyes with the hands 3. to play blind man's bluff; ~ pulu-pulu kane (for the eyes) to twinkle (from light), to blink; ~ pvākaḥ luye to be lean; ~ phuti-phuti yāye to blink; ~ bvaye to look at, to set the eyes on; ~ bhvay kane 1. to cast the eyes up 2. to be perplexed; ~ lāye to receive with affection; ~ lvāke 1. to make the eyes meet, to cause to meet face to face 2. to cast amorous glances; ~ vane 1. to cast dice (done by a sorceress) 2. to covet, to cast an evil eye 3. to be unable to see; ~ sicuye to enjoy a sight; ~ hīke 1. to select the best 2. to change one's mind; ~ hyāuṃka kane to lose one's temper, to rage mikhāṃgāḥ n. (-gāla-) neck, nape mikhā|-kapi n. corner of the eye; ~khū n. (-khula-) cataract of the eye; ~gāḥ n. (-gāla-,-gāḥ) eye socket; ~gvaḥ n. (-gvala-,-gaḥ) eyeball; ~cimisaṂ n. eyelash; ~cū lāye to look straight into the eyes; ~tagvaḥsvāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) kind of sunflower, a Rudbeckia; ~tu n. (-tu) fold of the eyelid; ~tvayju n. pupil of the eye; ~dyaḥ n. (-deva-) pupil of the eye; ~picaḥ n. (-cala-) eye mucus; ~phusi n. (-gū) 1. eyebrow 2. cornice (above a door or window); ~bhāy n. (-bhāsa-) wink; ~yāḥ n. (-yāla-) squinting eyes, wall-eye; ~saṂ n. 1. eyelash 2. eyebrow; ~syaḥlvay n. (-lvaca-) eye disease mikhuṃcā n.anim. (-khuna-) chicks mi|-gāḥ n. (-gāla-,-gāḥ) 1. furnace, kiln 2. place of a con­secrated fire; ~guli n. (-guli) spark micay yāye v.t. 1. to press, to rub 2. to force 3. to neglect micaḥ n. (-cala-,-mā) kind of edible plant micālā n. (-gū) flame micāḥ adj. obstinate, aggressive, careless micu -> mīcu miculaṃ n. (-lana-,-pā) corset, V-shaped tight bodice miculu n. (-gū) eyelash (cf. jhyāpu) micyāka adv. extremely micyāḥlākhay -> mipvāḥlākhay mijaṃ n.anim. (-jana-) man, male; ~jāt n.anim. id.; ~jāti n. male sex, masculinity; ~macā n.anim. boy; ~sū n. (-suli-) {neol.} masculinity mijalā n. flame mijās n. (-gū) 1. habit, manner 2. politeness; ~i adj. friendly, courteous; ~ yāye to treat well mijhaṃgaḥ n.anim. (-gala-) red-legged partridge (supposed to eat fire and the moonlight) mijhaleṃ n. pupil of the eye mitay+mha n.anim. person in charge of the funeral pyre mitasi n. (-gaḥ) grape, raisin mi|-tyāḥ n. (-tyāka-,-gū) flaring of a fire; ~thāy+siṂ n. (-pu) stick to kindle a sacred fire minācva n. (-gū) wall bracket mināḥ1 (var. minhāḥ) n. (-nāla-,-pu) furnace mināḥ2 n. (-nāla-) allowance, compensation mine v.i. to feel a bodily sensation minet n. minute; ~svi n. (-pu) minute hand of a watch minhāḥ -> mināḥ1 mi|-pati n. (-pati) spark; ~pulā n. (-gū) 1. embers used to set fire to a funeral pyre 2. stick to stir a funeral fire; ~pusā n. piece of glowing charcoal to light a fire; ~pū n. (-puti-,-pū) 1. spark 2. pice of burning wood, faggot; ~pvāḥ n. (-pvāta-,-pvāḥ) torch of wheat straw to light a funeral pyre; ~pvāḥlākhay (var. ~cyāḥlākhay) n. (-khaca-) will-o'-the-wisp; ~bvālā n. (-gū) flame mim (var. mem) 1. n. hon. European woman 2. n. Queen of playing cards mimalaḥ n. (-lakha-,-gū) thunderbolt, lightning setting things on fire mimicā (var. mimcā) n. chicken louse (cf. gvāme) mimi dhāye v.i. to be deep black, to shine black (of hair) mimcā -> mimicā mimcvaḥ n. (-cvala-,-cvaḥ) tail pattern; ~sāḥ n. (-sāla-,-gū) mortise corner joint miyā n.anim. Muslim miye v.t. (mila) to sell miri-miri b.f. heavy; ~ciṃka adv. creaking, groaning with weight; ~ dhāye to be very heavy; ~miṃka adv. creaking, groaning with weight milay; ~calay juye to tolerate; ~ juye 1. to meet, to unite 2. to suit; ~ yāye 1. to come to an agreement 2. to adapt 3. to combine milā1 n. moon, moonlight milā2 n. (-gaḥ) small unbaked earthen pot used in funeral rites for mixing ingredients milāka+i (var. milājyāḥ~) n. (-kaica-,-gaḥ) fever boil on the lips milākhvaṃ n. (-khvana-,-pu) piece of burning firewood, burning faggot milāciṃ n. (-cina-) sign of the anunāsika (cf. iṃcā) milājaḥ n. (-jala-) moonlight milā jyāye v.i. to have fever boils milājyāḥka+i -> milākai milāpunhī n. full moon of the month of pvaslā milāpū n. (-puti-,-pu) piece of burning firewood, burning faggot miliṃ n.anim. (-lina-) children's nurse milimacā n.anim. last child (of an old father) mili-mili adv. in clusters mis 1. n. hon. European woman 2. n. Queen of playing cards misaṂ n. eye brow misaḥ -> mihi misā n.anim., n. hon. (irr. pl. mista) 1. woman, female 2. wife, housewife; ~kāsā n. game for girls; ~khaṂ n. idle talk, useless talk; ~cā n.anim. girl in her teens; ~jāt n. woman, female; ~jāti n. female sex, femininity; ~tān n. traditional profession of weaving; ~pahaḥ n. (-hala-) female nature, femininity, women's behaviour; ~bhū n. (-bhuli-,-gū) guthi feast to honour women; ~macā n.anim. girl; ~mha adj. female; ~ hay+ke to marry a second time (lit. to bring a woman); ~hyaḥ n.anim. (-hela-) womanizer misāḥ n. (-sāla-) admixture, adulteration; ~ chyāye, taye to mix, to adulterate mista irr. pl. of misā, woman mistri n.anim. mechanic misri n. sugar candy mihi (var. misaḥ, mihina) n. kind of disease affecting urine mī1 n. (mila-,-gaḥ) kind of plant, kind of seed (necessary for preparing `khāy'), used in normal cooking and against fever mī2 n. selling, sale mīkusiṂ n. kind of wood; ~svāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) kind of flower mīkvā n. (-kvāta-) soup prepared from `mī' seeds mīcu (var. micū, mībhū) n. vertical joint; ~ biye to provide vertical joints; ~ lāye to be aligned (of vertical joints) mījyā n. trade mītha kāye v.t. to raise joints mībhū n. (-bhuli-,-bhū) vertical joint mui- -> mvi- muṃke v.t. to assemble, to bring together muṃjyā n. (-gū) meeting; ~nāyaḥ n.anim. (-yeka-) president, chairman of a meeting; ~mi n.anim. organizer, manager (of a meeting), collector muka (var. mukka) adj. pure, unadulterated mukaṃ (var. mukkaṃ) adv. entirely, wholly, purely mukābaji n. beaten rice given after a cremation to the person who burns the deceased mukām (-gū) halting place (cf. dipu, disāḥ) mukuṃdā n. (-pvāḥ) ceremonial oil lamp with a narrow opening (with an image of Bhairava and a handle decorated with a serpent or dragon) mukut n. (-gaḥ) crown of a king or deity muke v.t. to burn, to cause to burn, to cremate mukka -> muka mukkaṃ -> mukaṃ mukkā n. fist, blow with the fist; ~ nake to box, to hit with the fist muktāḥ n. (-tāla-) (with neg. v. only) 1. state, condition, circumstance 2. sense, common sense: vayā muktā maru. He has no common sense. mukhaḥ n. (-khala-,-gaḥ) 1. crown of a priest, brass helmet 2. mask mukhāṃ (var. makhāṃ) n. (-khāna-,-gaḥ) kind of dried white fruit, Eurya ferox mukhiyā n.anim. headman of a village mukhū n. (-khuli-,-gaḥ) bud; ~cā n. kind of ear ornament; ~ cine, hvaye (of a plant) to form buds, to sprout mukhe adj. main, principal, chief mugaḥ n. (-gala-) 1. (-gaḥ) hammer; mugalaṃ kaye to hammer 2. (-gū) narrow lane, narrow path (cf. khikhāṃ~, na~, siṂ~); ~ kaye to hammer; ~tāḥ n. (-tāla-,-tāḥ) hammer mark mugāḥ n. (-gāla-,-gāḥ) compost deposit mugi n. (-phvaḥ) kind of flower, Dolichos biflorus Roxb. muguji (var. mugji) -> mūji mujā n. 1. ornamental fold of cloth 2. -> mvajā mutāṃgāḥ n (-gāla-,-gaḥ) lintel mutu -> mhutu mutucā n. lentils and cereals; ~kvāti n. kind of mixed soup prepared during Gaijātrā mudā n. (-gū) chair made of bamboo muddā n. (-gū) law case, law suit; ~kvachiye to give a verdict, to decide a law suit; ~ taye to file a suit; ~ pha+isalā yāye to give a final judgment; ~ mhite, yāye, lvāye to file a suit munā n. (-gū) 1. collection 2. meeting, assembly muni-muni n.anim. sheep, goats (also used as a call when driving sheep) muniyā n.anim. kind of spotted small bird, Frangilla manadaya munu-munu n. {ch.lg.} muttering; ~ yāye 1. to mutter 2. to rinse one's mouth mune 1. v.t. to collect, to compile 2. v.t. to manage, to organize 3. v.i. to assemble, to meet 4. v.t. to deposit mundri n. (-cāḥ) kind of earring worn on the upper part of the ear mupe v.t. to season, to blend mumā n. hon. 1. father's younger brother's wife 2. mother; ~ju n. hon. 1. id. 2. term of address by a woman of lower caste to one of higher caste mumu n. {ch.lg.} rinsing; ~ yāye to rinse one's mouth mumvacvaki n. fine-cut grains of rice (cf. mvacvaki) muye (var. mhuye) v.i. (muta, mula) 1. to burst 2. to be fluffed up, to pop 3. to blast, to burn out 4. to explode murali n. (-pu) flute, pipe muri meas. unit of weight, about 160 lbs. muru-muru n. 1. murmuring 2. rubbing of palms; ~kvayṃ n. (-kvaṂca-) soft bone; ~ nheye to crunch murkattā (var. mulkattā) n.anim. kind of evil spirit (in the shape of a human being without a head) murki naye v.t. to be hit with the fist murkha n.anim. fool murchyā n. loss of consciousness, fainting fit; murchyāṃ kaye to faint; ~ juye to faint murdā n. (-gū) corpse, body, carcass (cf. sī, sīka); ~ uthay yāye to proceed to the cremation ground; ~guthi n. guthi for the death rituals mul n. name of a lunar mansion, considered inauspicious mula n. lap muli n. (-gaḥ) kind of stamp, kind of seal, postage-stamp mulu n. (-pu) needle, pin; ~ kāy tiye to thread a needle; ~ chule id. muluk n. (-gū) country, district, jurisdiction mulukaṃ thyāye (var. mulpaṃ ~) v.i. to squat, to sit cross-legged mulu|-tīcā n. (-gaḥ) pin cushion; ~pā n. (-pā) tender new feather, down; ~pvāḥ n. (-pvāla-,-pvāḥ) eye of a needle mulu-mulukī n.anim. (-kila-) glow-worm mule v.t. to stitch mulkattā -> murkattā mulcheṂ n. (-khā) ancestral home muldvār n. (-gū) anus (cf. khyāmpvāḥ) mulpaṃ thyāye -> mulukaṃ thyāye mulyāhā adj. born under the constellation of `mul', considered of unlucky disposition, of difficult character musaḥ1 n. (-sala-,-pu) wooden pestle of a husking machine musaḥ2 (var. musāṃ) n.anim. (-sala-) kind of night-bird with a long tail and shrill cries; ~jhaṃgaḥ n.anim. (-gala-) id. musāṃka+i -> masāṃkai musāṃjhaṃgaḥ -> musaḥ2 musiṂ n. (-gaḥ) ridge beam, rafter (cf. cāpāḥ~, dukuṃ~, bichvā~, bhī~, mā~, haliṃ~); ~kavaḥ n. (-vala-,-gū) 1. space between two rafters 2. mosquito net; ~ bvaye to instal rafters musu n. (-thu) 1. cough 2. laugh, smile; ~ka adv. smiling: va jitaḥ musuka nhila. She gave me a pleasant smile.; ~ kāye to smile; ~ khvaye to pretend to weep; ~ taye to cough; ~mandali n.anim. impudent, immodest person; ~musu adv. smiling; ~musu dhāye to smile, to be about to smile; ~musuṃ, ~musuhuṃ adv. smiling; ~ vaye to cough musū n. (-suli-,-gaḥ) lentil; ~vaḥ n. (-vala-,-pā) cake of lentils musyā (var. mvasyāḥ) n. (-gaḥ) soy bean (cf. mvāḥ); ~ geye {fig.} to coax, to provoke; ~mū n. (-mula-) soy bean sauce musyāḥ n. (-syāla-,-pvāḥ) torch of straw or rags wrapped round a pole (cf. cirāk) musvāṃ -> mūsvāṃ muhāḥli (var. mvāli) n. (-pu) kind of trumpet, kind of wind instrument; ~ puye 1. to blow a ~ 2. {fig.,sl.} to weep, to wail mū1 n. (mūla-) price, rate, cost; ~ kvakāye to bring down the price; ~ kvachiye to fix the price; ~ cvachāye to increase the price; ~ chāye, taye to fix the price; ~ yāye to bargain; ~ sāle to have a net profit, to gain mū2 n. (muli-) 1. (-gaḥ) green lentil, green pulse 2. foam; ~ jene for foam to subside; ~ saye to foam mū3 adj. main, principal; ~kacā n. (-gū) main branch; ~kalas n. main vessel in a ritual; ~khaṂ n. (-gū) gist of the matter, quintessence; ~khā n. (-khā) main part of a house (in opposition to annexed buildings) mūgvaḥjā n. (-gaḥ) cooked rice with green pulse mūjaḥ1 n. (-jala-) body heat mūjaḥ2 n. (-jala-,-gū) {neol.} clan mūji (var. muguji) n. (-pā) hem, lining of a garment mūjyā n. main task mūtā n. value, importance (with neg. v.: vayā mūtā maru. He is of no importance.) mūti n. beer of best quality (extracted before water is added to the mash) mūtvāḥmvaḥ n.anim. (-mvala-) chief of the residents of a ward mūducā n. (-pu) shoot, offshoot kept in water mūduru n. pure milk, milk that has freshly been milked mū|-duvāḥ n. (-vāla-,-gū) main gate, common gateway; ~degaḥ n. (-gala-,-gū) main temple; ~pāhāṃ n.anim. (-hāna-) chief guest mū pule 1. v.i. to turn over, to turn to one's side 2. to change radically 3. v.t. to pay a price mū|-bāhāḥ n. (-hāla-,-gū) 1. chief monastery (opposed to its branches) 2. door post; ~bhaliṃ n.anim. (-lina-) chief store keeper at a feast; ~bhalyā n.anim. head porter; ~bhū n. (-bhuli-,-gū) main guthi feast; ~mhay n.anim. chief among tenant farmers; ~yāḥ n. (-yāta-,-gū) major festival; ~laṂ n. (-gū) main road; ~laṃ n. (-lana-,-pā) upper garment which has to be discarded when a woman becomes a widow; ~lukhā n. (-gū) main gate; ~lejyā n. general election mūvaḥ n. (-vala-,-gaḥ) cake of crushed lentils mūsaye v.i. to foam (of the surface of liquids) mūsaḥ-ay+lāḥ n. (-lākha-) alcohol of high quality mūsipvaḥ n. (-pvala-,-pvaḥ) bag of assorted dried fruits and sweets (given to the participants of a marriage procession), gift brought home from a journey mūsī n. (-sila-,-gū) main part of a sacrificial animal; ~pvaḥ -> mūsipvaḥ mūsvāṃ (var. musvāṃ) n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) kind of fragrant green flower blooming during the month of caitra, mint (used to cure insect bites) mū|-svāne n. (-pu) stairs with risers; ~hā n. (-gū) main root of a tree; ~hāmā n. hon. head of the family, of a household mū hāy+ke v.t. to sprinkle water on the nose of a sacrificial animal (to make it move its head which is required as a token of assent before the sacrifice) mū hāle v.i. to shudder me n. (-pu,-tvāḥ) 1. tongue 2. tongue of a shoe 3. song 4. reed in a musical instrument; ~cu n. (-cu) tip of the tongue; ~cu lhvane to learn to speak; ~ cine to compose a song; ~taḥ n. (-tala-) back part of the tongue, root of the tongue; ~ hāle to sing mekhe -> meykhe meth n. (-gaḥ) capital of a main pillar menā n. (-gū) palanquin me|-pyākhaṃ n. (-khana-,-gū) stage dance, musical play; ~bākhaṃ n. (-khana-,-pu) poem mey1 n.anim. (mesa-) buffalo; ~ kvathaye to kill a buffalo mey2 adj. other, another; ~kathaṃ adv. in another way; ~khe (var. kheṃ) adv. on the other hand, in another way mey+c n. (-gū) chair mey|-cā n.anim. buffalo calf; ~chyaṃ n. (-chena-,-gaḥ) kind of fruit (similar in shape to a buffalo's head) mey+tāṃmakhu adv. only because, for no other reason mey+thāy adv. in another place mey+mikhā n. furious eye, enraged look mela n. 1. meeting, encounter 2. agreement; ~ juye to agree, to be united meli n.anim. children's nurse; ~macā n.anim. wife's child from a previous marriage mele adv. elsewhere, at some other place; ~ chvaye 1. to send somewhere else 2. to give away in marriage; ~ biye to give away in marriage; ~ vane to elope, to run away with a lover meva adj. other, another mevā n. (-gaḥ) papaya -mnā -> mānā mya- -> me- myād n. (-gū) deadline, time limit, ultimatum (cf. aliphache); ~ pule (for an ultimatum) to be over; ~ phuye to miss a time limit myāy onom. bleating of sheep; ~cā n.anim. {ch.lg.} lamb, sheep mva (var. ma) n. rice husk mvaca n. hon. wife (cf. kalāḥ) mvacvaki n. small pieces of rice grains (cf. mumvacvaki) mvache n. release, spiritual redemption mvaj n. pleasure; ~majā n. id. mvajā (var. mujā) n. (-pu,-ju) sock, stocking; ~ nhyāye to put on socks mvaji (var. mvāy) n. (-pu) banana mvatar1 -> matar mvatar2 n. (-gaḥ) motor car; ~kār n. (-gaḥ) motor car; ~cā n. (-gaḥ) toy car mvati n. (-gaḥ) pearl; ~biṃdu n. cataract of the eyes; ~ma+iṃcā n. {sl.} beer; ~māyā n. {sl.} id.; ~yā n. (-phvaḥ) kind of small jasmine mvay; ~ thyāye 1. to sprain, to twist, to wring out 2. to cheat; ~ dyāye to be sprained, to be twisted; ~ nīke to twist mvaye v.t. (mvala) to collect, to glean mvaray yāye v.t. to turn, to bend, to fold, to twist mvalay hine v.t. to braid (straw mats), to add a border to a mat mvalāhijā n. preference, special treatment mvaliṃ n. (-lina-,-pu) kind of edible grass mvasa n. (-gaḥ) forehead mvasyāḥ -> musyā mvahani (var. mvaḥni) n. charm, (magic) spell of love, infatuation; ~ khele, taye to enchant, to bewitch mvahaḥ (var. mvaḥ) n., meas. (-hara-|-hala-) 1. a mohar (silver coin) 2. half a rupee mvaḥ n. (mvala-) 1. (-gaḥ) head 2. (-mvaḥ) head or front part, top or end part 3. (-gaḥ) keystone 4. (-mvaḥ) capital, main pillar 5. (-mvaḥ) joint node on a stem 6. -> mvahaḥ 7. crowd (cf. kaḥsi~, tā~, dathu~, parsi~); ~appā n. (-pā) brick with a moulded end or edge; ~kathi n. (-pu) end peg for a weaving loom (driven into the ground for laying out the warp threads); ~kī -> ~kathi; ~ cake to behead; ~ juye to become crowded; ~ thuye 1. to erect a main pillar 2. to edge a straw mat; ~ thule to tie the end knots of a straw mat; ~ yāye 1. to crowd 2. to plunder (in a crowd); ~ lhuye to bathe; ~ syāye to have a headache mvaḥdāṃ n. (-dāma-,-gaḥ) silver mohar mvaḥni 1. -> mvahani 2. -> mvaḥnhi mvaḥnhi (var. mahani, mvaḥni) n. 1. (-gū) Dasain 2. (-patā) soot for marks on the forehead; ~ khāye for soot to accumulate; ~ tiye to put a ṭīkā of soot on the forehead; ~nakhaḥ n. (-khala-,-gū) Dasain; ~nakhaḥ dane to celebrate Dasain; ~pusā n. (-gū) oil lamp of brass or clay held by the figure of a monkey lying on its back.; ~ phaye to collect soot; ~sinhaḥ n. (-nhala-) soot mark on the forehead (given by the chief musician to the members of the band before starting a performance) mvaḥlhvi|-cā n. black clay (used to wash the hair); ~pukhū n. (-khuli-,-gū) bathing place mvāpu n. {neol.} life, process of living; ~ lāye to lead a good life, to enjoy life mvāy1 n. living, life; ~ saye to know how to live, to enjoy life mvāy2 -> mvaji mvāye v.i. (mvāta) to live, to keep alive mvāy+lā interj. expression of doubt, incredulity, refusal mvāy+se interj. expression of unconcern mvārā-mvārā naye v.t. to gobble, to munch, to eat greedily (of hard substances) mvāli -> muhāḥli mvāle v.t. irr. neg. form of māle, to need etc.: jitaḥ dhebā mvāḥ. I don't need money. va uli mabhine mvāḥgu. He should not be so bad. mvāsā n. {neol.} life, existence, livelihood; ~ daye to have a good life mvāsu n. {neol.} life, existence mvāḥ1 n. (mvāta-,-gaḥ) white soy-bean mvāḥ2 adj. 1. living, alive 2. not needed, unnecessary; ~dyaḥ n.anim. (-deva-) witch; ~mvāḥkaṃ adv. sucking blood; ~hi n. fresh blood mvike v.t. 1. to cause to burst 2. to hit, to strike, to beat mvikka adv. 1. boldly, strongly 2. fully 3. too much MH mha1 1. n. body, self 2. n. dead body 3. clf. with nouns denoting animate beings, e.g. ni-mha macā two children, sva-mha khicā three dogs; svamhaṃ vana. (They) went, the three of them.; mhaṃ adv. per person; mhaṃ dāye to prostrate o.s.; mhaṃ phaye to be well, to be in good health: chita mhaṃ phū lā? How are you?; mhaṃmata `living lamp', a ritual of expiation during which the penitent sits immovable with a number of oil lamps fixed to various parts of the body; ~ gele to straighten the hands and legs of a deceased; ~ cipa juye to menstruate (lit. for the body to be impure); ~ jyāye to create a figure, a human shape; ~ jhyātuye to feel unwell, to feel ill; ~ dudāye to traverse a distance by prostrating one's body; ~ dune to take a bath; ~ pene to stretch oneself; ~ lhuye to bathe; ~ vane to look old; ~ siye to be acquainted, to know s.o.; ~ sīke to introduce s.o. -mha2 (var. ma) suff. 1. attributive suff. marking subordina­tion with reference to n.anim. (with dem. pron., gen., adj.), e.g.: thumha manū this man; bāṃlāḥmha misā a beautiful woman 2. marker of ordinal numbers with reference to n.anim., e.g. khumhamha the sixth (person) (cf. -gū) 3. nominalizing suff. with reference to animate beings, e.g.: thīmatyaḥmha untouchable (cf. -gu) mha3 n. {neol.} grammatical number mha4 (var. mhva) adj. insufficient, less; mhaṃ cāy+ke to econo­mize; ~ juye to decrease, to become less; ~ yāye 1. to decrease, to reduce 2. to create a shortage mhaṂsa -> mhagasa mhaṃthachi pron. each person, every one mhaṃmhamajvika adv. deeply frightened, full of anxiety, restless mhaṃsa -> mhagas mhakigvaḥchi (var. mhagvaḥchi) n. inner dimension of a field (distance between the dams including terraces) mhakucā n. (-kū) body part, limb mhake v.t. to reduce, to decrease, to create a shortage: pasalyāseṃ cini mhakala. The shopkeepers hold the sugar back. mhagasa (var. mhaṂsa, mhaṃsa) n. dream; mhagasay mhane to dream; mhagasaṃ dyāye to have bad dreams, to have nightmares; ~ khane to dream mhagaḥ n. (-gala-,-gū) 1. back of the body 2. thorax mhagvaḥchi -> mhakigvaḥchi mhacāka n. (-kala-) circumference of the body mhati(-mhatiṃ) adv. each, every, per person mhane v.i. to dream mha|-pujā n. ritual on the fourth day of Tihār (New Year), worship of one's own body, of the self; ~phāḥ n. (-phāta-,-phāḥ) back; ~bāṃ n. (-bāna-,-gū) structure, shape of the body; ~mvaḥ lhuye to bathe mhay n.anim. (agt. ~naṃ) tenant farmer mhaye v.t. (mhala) to get back a loan, to collect one's due mhay+khā n.anim. peacock; ~pā n. peacock ornament (carving); ~pyākhaṃ n. (-khana-,-gū) peacock dance mhayjyumaday+ka adv. deeply frightened, full of anxiety mhay+thāḥ n.anim. (-thāka-) member of a guthi bearing the dead to the cremation ground mhay+nāyaḥ (var. māynāyaḥ) n.anim. (-yeka-) head-man of tenant farmers mhay+manheṃka adv. deeply frightened, full of anxiety mhay+mhay dhāye -> mhāsumhāsu dhāye mhalaḥ n. (-lata-,-mā) kind of creeping plant, Bauhinia variegata mhaliṃ (var. mhāli) n.anim. (-lina-) lizard mhalu n. structure, shape of the body mhasaḥ n. (-sata-,-gū) forehead mhasinhaḥ (var. mhaḥ~) n. (-nhala-) red ṭīkā-powder, mark on the forehead mha|-sukha n. health; ~syū adj. well-known mhaḥ n. (mhala-) lead (metal) mhaḥsinhaḥ -> mhasinhaḥ mhāipu adj. (irr. neg. of nhyāipu) unpleasant, boring, disagreeable; ~ chyāye to amuse, to make things pleasant; ~ye (-pula) to be unpleasant etc.; ~se cvane id. mhācā n. hon. wife mhāye v.t. (mhāla) to dislike mhālakay+cā n.anim. wild lizard mhālā n. 1. control 2. diet mhālākaṃ n. (-kaṂtha-,-pu) thorny stick (supposed to neutral­ize effects of witchcraft): lukhā phusay mhālākaṃ chapu tala ki bvagsi duhāṃ vaye maphu dhāy. If one keeps a thorny stick above the door, witches cannot enter, they say. mhālāpaciṃ n. (-cina-,-pu) thumb mhālā-sālā n. 1. good care, good order 2. good diet; ~ daye 1. to be on a diet 2. to be well kept; ~ yāye 1. to keep carefully 2. to preserve mhāli -> mhaliṃ mhāle v.t. 1. to keep a diet, to take care (of one's health) 2. to control o.s., to refrain from mhāsay; ~ juye 1. to be spent, to be liquidated, to be destroyed 2. to sink into the ground; ~ yāye 1. to spend 2. to liquidate, to destroy mhāsu 1. adj. yellow 2. n. (-gaḥ) yolk of an egg; ~ke to make yellow, to paint yellow; ~cā n. yellow clay, used in lost-wax casting; ~taḥ adj. with a yellow colour base, with a yellow background or underground; ~mhāsu dhāye (var. mhaymhay ~) to become slightly yellow; ~ye (-sula) to be yellow; ~la+iṃ n. carrot; ~sinhaḥ n. (-nhala-) yellow ṭīkā powder mhi b.f. 1. sacking, thrusting 2. playing mhigaḥ (var. mhiṃgaḥ) adv. yesterday; ~mhigaḥ adv. recently, a few days ago, during the last days; ~mhīgaḥ adv. id. mhicā (var. mhecā) n. (-pā) 1. pocket, bag 2. purse; ~kāpaḥ n. (-pata-) cloth for a pocket; ~gākhi n. (-pu) string to close a purse; ~ tike to fix a pocket to a garment; ~saphū n. (-phuli-,-gū) pocket book, booklet; ~ sucuke to steal away (lit. to empty the bag); ~ hvagane to be poor, to be impoverished mhite v.t. to play, to gamble mhine v.t. to write down on a board mhibasā (var. mhibaḥ, mhebaḥsā) n. (-bala-,-gū) toy, plaything mhile (var. mheye) v.t. 1. to thrust in, to pocket, to put into a bag 2. to insert (a post) tightly mhīgaḥ -> mhigaḥ mhu (var. mhū) (-mhu) 1. n. clenched fist 2. meas. fist-ful 3. n. rebate for panels 4. n. rubbing, erasing 5. n. digging; ~ cine to clench one's fist; ~ chyāye to strike with the fist; ~ mhuye to make rebates mhukaṃ n. (-kana-,-mā) mushroom, dried algae mhuku meas. length from elbow to fist mhuchi meas. one cubit (of the fingers closed in a fist) mhutaḥ (var. mhuthaḥ) n. (-tala-,-pau) plank at the end of a rafter; ~pa+u n. (-pati-,-pau) id.; ~siṂ n. (-gaḥ) id. mhuti meas. a fist-ful mhutu (var. matu, mutu) n. (-pvāḥ) 1. mouth 2. opening of a pot, of hollow objects, of boils; ~kaḥmi n.anim. one who directs others to work, but does not work himself; ~khvāṃ adj. mute; ~cvākī n.anim. (-kina-) sharp-tongued woman; ~ chvāye to be sharp-tongued, to slander; ~chvāri n.anim. sharp-tongued woman; ~javāḥ n.anim. (-vāla-) one who talks plainly, one who speaks in a disciplined manner; ~ taḥpvāye 1. to have a loud mouth 2. {fig.} to overcharge 3. {fig.} to boast; ~ taye to leave a wound or boil uncovered; ~ tiye 1. to shut one's mouth, to stop talking 2. to cover up a wound or boil; ~nāyu n. considerate talk; ~paku ciṃke to sulk; ~pvāḥ n. (-pvāla-,-pvāḥ) mouth, opening of the mouth, hollow of the mouth; ~pvāḥ taḥpvāye -> mhutu taḥpvāye; ~ mhāle to keep a diet; ~ lhāye, vāye to swear, to abuse; ~si n. (-phi) lip mhuthaḥ -> mhutaḥ mhubhaḥ n. (-bhala-,-gaḥ,-gū) kind of tool, digger, eraser mhuye v.t. (mhula) 1. to dig 2. to erase, to rub out 3. to bore a hole, to groove (carpentry); mhuyā kāye to dig up, to dig out; mhuyā yeṃke to dig away, to undermine 4. -> muye mhusā n. 1. (-pu) small digger 2. (-gaḥ) kind of plane (for rebates) 3. (-pu) peg to roll up woven cloth; ~kathi n. (-pu) stick to stretch the weft on a handloom mhū 1. n. (-mhū) mark, line, eye (on the seeds of Elaeocarpus) 2. -> mhu 2. 3. meas. bundle, e.g.: cha-mhū tukaṃcā a bundle of mustard plants; ~ cine to bundle; ~ luye to have marks, to have eyes (on Elaeocarpus) mhe n. (-pā,-ju) 1. jute bag 2. kind of basket for carrying grain (suspended in pairs from a carrying pole); ~cā -> mhicā mhebasā -> mhibasā mheye -> mhile mhya- -> mhe- mhyāy n. hon. (mhyāca-) daughter; ~cā n. hon. niece (brother's daughter); ~bhāju n.anim. daughter-in-law; ~macā n.anim. married daughter; ~nakhaḥ n. (-khata-,-gū) minor festival concluding the series of festivals in a year mhva -> mha4 Y ya- -> ye- ya+ipu (var. yaypu, yeypu) adj. lovely, loveable, pleasing; ~ye (-pula) to be lovely, pleasing; ~se cvane id. ya+ukuli n. North-west direction (cf. yeṃ~, ye~, vaṃ~) ya+utā (var. yaḥtā) n. West, western direction (cf. yeṃtā, yetā, vaṃtā); ~likka adv. facing west yaṂ n. (-pu) small knife yaṂkāṂ -> yekā yaṃ1 n. (yena-,-gaḥ) spinning wheel yaṃ2 n. (yena-) sediment of oil on the bottom of an oil pot (cf. cikaṃkhi) yaṃ3 n. (yena-) 1. drum sound 2. resonance or reverberation of a sound; ~ vaye 1. to resound 2. for a drum to be tuned yaṃ|-kā n. warp thread (cf. tikā, mākā, yekā); ~kī n. (-kila-,-pu) bamboo stick to support the frame of a loom or to stretch thread (end stick of a series); ~key+kū n. (-kula-,-gū) wheel of a spinning machine; ~khvāḥ n. (-khvāla-,-gū) crank of a spinning wheel yaṃtā -> yeṃtā yaṃ|-tvākaḥ n. (-kala-,-gū) peg supporting a reel of thread (of a spinning wheel, of a handloom); ~phelu n. (-gaḥ) large reel of thread of a spinning wheel, of a handloom (cf. pheṃgū) yaṃbā n. (-gaḥ) oil press (cf. cikaṃsāḥ) yaṃlā -> yeṂlā yaṃvaḥ n. (-vala-,-pu) very fine file yaṃsi -> yaḥsiṃ yaṃsu n. (-gū) continuous reverberation yaggu -> yaḥgu yay+pu -> yaipu yaḥ1 n. (yela-,-yaḥ) line, twelfth part of an inch yaḥ2 adj. 1. beloved, liked, pleasing 2. chosen, selected; yaḥ mayaḥ yāye to be partial yaḥ3 n.pr. name of Indra yaḥkathaṃ adv. arbitrarily, at one's will, according to s.o.'s liking yaḥkā(-laṂ) n. (-pu) long, narrow path in a field, short-cut through a field yaḥkidaha n. (-gū) pond, lake (associated with Indra) yaḥkva n. (-gū) metal cup of a pestle yaḥkviṃ n. (-kvina-,-pu) kind of anvil yaḥkhā -> yākaḥcheṂ yaḥkhuye v.t. to separate a couple yaḥgu (var. yaggu) adj. any, whatever one likes: jike dugu saphū yaḥgu svaye yeṃkā disaṂ. Please take any of my books you like to see. yaḥcheṂ -> yākaḥcheṂ yaḥtā -> yautā yaḥtyaḥ n. (-tela-,-gū) love-affair, legitimate love; ~ juye to be in love; ~ daye id.; ~ phāye to separate lovers; ~ phvāye id. yaḥtheṃ adv. at one's pleasure, at one's liking yaḥnāḥ n. (-nāla-,-gū) narrow annex to a house; ~cheṂ n. (-khā) id. yaḥpa+u n. (-gū) {neol.} love-letter yaḥpu n. (-pu) narrow path in a field (cf. dekuṂcā) yaḥpuka+i n. (-kaica-,-gaḥ) abscess, swelling yaḥpulaṂ n. (-pu) narrow path in a field yaḥbalay adv. at any time, whenever one likes yaḥbā n. 1. (-pu) dead-end path 2. (-gū) double-bayed annex to a house yaḥmari n. (-gaḥ) 1. pastry of conical shape, made of rice flour seasoned with molasses and sesamum 2. fig; ~ kvakāye to offer a yaḥmari as a prasād to Lakṣmi (on yaḥmari punhī); ~punhī n. full moon of the month of dillā; ~ phvane to beg for yaḥmari from door to door (done on yaḥmari punhī); ~mā n. (-mā) fig tree; ~si n. (-gaḥ) fig; ~ hāye to steam yaḥmari bread yaḥ|-mha 1. pron. anybody, whoever one likes 2. adj. beloved, esteemed: chaṃ yaḥmha su dhakāḥ jiṃ bāṃlāka he syū. I know very well whom you like. 3. n.anim. layman, non-specialist 4. n. hon. husband; ~yaḥthe adv. in any way, by any means; ~yeseṃ (var. yeyka, yeseṃ) adv. at one's will, voluntarily; yaḥ mayeseṃ willy-nilly, whether one likes it or not yaḥvaḥ n. (-vala-,-pu) fine file yaḥsi n. (-gaḥ) raisin yaḥsiṃ (var. yaṃsi, lhyaṃsi) n. (-sina-,-gaḥ) ceremonial pole, liṅga, flagstaff erected during various festivals, e.g. Indrajātrā; ~pvāḥ n. (-pvāla-,-pvāḥ) hole for erecting a ceremonial pole, yoni yā1 n. stickiness, adhesiveness, viscosity (cf. lassā); ~ kane to be sticky, adhesive; ~ daye id. yā2 n. doing, working; ~yāṃ adv. while doing, continuously; ~su n. {neol.} 1. verb (gramm.) 2. method of doing or working -yā3 suff. genitive suffix -yā4 suff. doer yāiṃ n.anim. flying ant; ~cā n.anim. {ch.lg.} ant yāiṃyāiṃ onom. whimpering of a sick child; ~pyāiṃpyāiṃ onom. id. yāuṃ (var. yāmu) adj. 1. light in weight: thva kāpaḥ yāuṃ. This cloth is light. 2. easy 3. well, in good health; ~ka cvane to rest: ji nivāḥ pevāḥ yāuṃka cvane māḥ. I must rest for a few weeks.; ~ka sāsaḥ lhāye to rejoice, to be joyful (lit. to breathe easily); ~ke v.t. to relieve, to make s.th. easy, to cause s.o. to rest or recover; ~ye (-uṂla) 1. to be easy, to be light (in weight) 2. to be peaceful 3. to recover (from an illness); ~se cvane 1. to be light 2. to be easy 3. to recover from an illness yāṃ1 n. (yāna-) distance, far distance; ~ kāye 1. to aim at from a far distance 2. to bring into position 3. to wind up (from a long distance); ~ kayāḥ kay+ke to strike, to throw by aiming yāṃ2 emph. form of gen. suff. -yā yāṃkhācheṂ n. (-khā) house on a hillock, or any commanding position, isolated house yāṃkhātā n. (-gū) hammock, hanging bed yāṃcheṂ -> yākaḥcheṂ yāṃtā n. (-pu) suspension bridge (cf. jhuluṂgā) yāṃtāṃ-pyāṃtāṃ -> yāntāṃpyāntāṃ yāṃthi n. (-gaḥ) turquoise (cf. yū) yāṃthyāṃmasyū adj. somewhat simple-minded, not very bright yāṃ|-mikhā n. 1. (-gaḥ) focusing eye, sharp-sighted eye 2. (-gū) {neol.} telescope; ~lacaṃ n. (-cana-,-gū) binocular; ~lusāḥ n. (-sāla-,-gū) telescope yāka 1. n.anim. one who does things, doer 2. n. {neol.} subject (gramm.) yākana (var. yākanaṃ) adv. soon, quickly, immediately yākalcā adj. alone, single yākaḥ adj. alone, single; ~khaḥ n. (-khata-,-khaḥ) rectangular top of a chariot; ~khicā n.anim. lonely, isolated person, one who stands alone; ~cheṂ (var. yaḥkhā, yaḥ~, yāṃ~) n. (-khā) detached, isolated house; ~jyu n.anim. bachelor; ~dhvaṃ n.anim. (-dhvana-) an only son; ~bākaḥ adj. alone, (with neg. v. only:) cānhay yākaḥ-bākaḥ jvi mate. Don't walk alone at night.; ~bukaḥ adj. id.; ~mi n.anim. s.o. who lives alone by himself; ~me n. (-pu) solo song; ~svaḥmā n. (-gaḥ) kind of clay pot for beer yākā (var. yāku) -> yākva yākkva -> yākvapākva yākva (var. yākā, yāku) n. 1. armpit 2. figural design on a window frame yākvajhyāḥ n. (-jhyāla-,-pā) blind window, small window (on either side of a door in a temple) yākva-pākva (var. yākkva) adv. arbitrarily, at one's will yākvapvāḥ n. (-pvāla-) armpit yākvabhvaṃcā n. kind of musical instrument yākva-yākvaṃ pyāye v.t. to carry s.th. under the arm yāgā-pyāglā vane v.i. to be unable to support o.s., to go limp yācyā-yācyā adj. soft, elastic, sticky, spongy -yāta 1. suff. marking dative 2. n. {neol.} object (gramm.) yātāka vane v.i. to be bent yātāji n. {neol.} verb suffix yātā-pyātā adj. loose, flexible, limp (cf. yāntāṃpyāntāṃ) yātāhāṃ adv. dangling, limp yātu adj. elastic, flexible; ~ke to make flexible; ~ naye to become more flexible; ~yātu dhāye to be flexible; ~yātu naye id.; ~ye (-tula) id. yāna -> yāṃ1 yānaṃ adv. from a distance; ~inaṃ adv. from a great distance yānay-inay adv. sporadically, off and on yānu adj. 1. tired, fatigued 2. uncomfortable, uneasy (cf. tyānu); ~yānu dhāye to be a bit tired; ~ye (-nula) 1. to be tired 2. (for limbs) to be exhausted, weak, fatigued 3. to feel uncomfortable 4. to feel constipated; ~se cvane to be completely fatigued yāntāṃ-pyāntāṃ (var. yāṃtāṃpyāṃtāṃ ~) khāye v.i. to oscillate, to move to and fro, to sway: lāltin chagaḥ phasay yāntāṃ-pyāntāṃ khānā cvana paliṃ. A lantern hanging from the roof was swaying in the breeze. (cf. yātāpyātā) yāpu n. {neol.} 1. manner, method (of working) 2. verb (gramm.) yām n. (-gū) time, season yāmu -> yāuṃ yāmha adj. 1. doing 2. doer yāye v.t. (yāta) 1. to do, to perform, to act 2. aux. to do habitually, to do customarily: nasā tayegu yāḥ. (They) are used to keep stores of food. 3. (with nominalized infinitive, marking emphasis) to do: vaṃ kāyegu yāta khaḥ, tara vaṃ makayā lhāta. He did take (it), but he said he hadn't.; yānā kene to exemplify: jiṃ thva jyā chimita yānā kene. I shall show you how to do this job.; yānā chvaye to finish; yānā juye to keep doing, to preserve: vaṃ ākācālīgāḥmha māṃyā susāḥkusāḥ taḥdaṂ yānā jula. She has been attending to her paralysed mother for many years.; yānā taye to finish: chaṃgu jyā jiṃ yānā taygu jula. I shall definitively finish your work.; yānā vane to go on doing s.th.; yānā svaye to try; yānāṃ vane to carry on: thaḥgu yānāṃ huṂ. Carry on with your own business. yāy+nāy-dhyāy+nāy juye v.i. to stagger yār -> yārpā yārpā (var. yār, yārvā) n.anim. squint-eyed man (cf. yāliṃ) yārling n. (-pā,-ju) earring; ~ suye to put on earrings yārvā -> yārpā yāliṃ n.anim. (-lina-) squint-eyed woman (cf. yārpā); ~mikhā n.anim. squint-eyed person; ~mikhā kane 1. to squint 2. to frown at (cf. yārpā, yārvā) yāle v.t. to groove, to chisel a groove yāsā n. s.th. that is done or to be done yāsu n. {neol.} 1. method of doing or working 2. verb (gramm.); ~chelā n. usage of a verb, construction (gramm.) yāḥ n. (yāta-,-gū) 1. action, activity 2. jātrā festival (cf. e.g. kvaḥne~, thaḥne~, pā~, mata~, sinhaḥ~); ~ nyāye (nyāta) to be completed (of a chariot's route for a given day of a festival) yāḥr n. awareness, carefulness yitā -> yetā yug -> jug yū n. (-gaḥ) turquoise yeṂ n. 1. Kathmandu city 2. Kathmandu valley 3. north yeṂ|-dey n. (-desa-,-gū) Kathmandu city; ~dyāḥ -> ~yāḥ; ~mi n.anim. inhabitant of Kathmandu; ~yāḥ n. (-yāta-) Indrajātrā festival yeṂlā (var. yaṃlā) n. eleventh month of the Newar lunar calendar (twelfth in a leap year), occurring during bhādrapada - āśvina, (September, October); ~sibā n. (-bā) procession to the place of deities done in the morning and evening during ~ yeṃkuli n. North-east direction (cf. yau~, ye~, vaṃ~) yeṃke v.t. to bring with, to carry along: jike dugu yaḥgu yeṃkā disaṂ. Please take along what you like of what I have got.; ~picā n. (-gaḥ) kind of basket yeṃtā (var. yaṃtā) n. North, northern direction (cf. yautā, yetā, vaṃtā); ~likka adv. facing north yekaṃdhālā n. game with five pebbles (played by women) yekaḥrā (var. yekvaḥrā) adj. one-sided (cf. chakhetyaḥ, chakhedhāḥ); ~pahaḥ n. (-hala-) partiality, one-sidedness; ~manū n.anim. (-nukha-) partial person yekā (var. ikā, yaṂkāṂ) n. (-pu) 1. (-pu) warp threads (running lengthwise) 2. (-bālā) lengthwise veneer of a latticed window (cf. tikā, mākā, yaṃkā); ~ti (var. ~si) n. (-ti) strong stitch, tacking stitch (cf. likāsi); ~tikā sī daye to decide what is wrong (lit. to recognize warp and weft) (cf. tikā mākā sī daye); ~si -> ~ti yekāsi (var. yekāse) adv. suddenly, abruptly yeku n. slant, slanting; ~chaku yāye to winnow (with a slanting motion in order to separate broken from unbroken grains); ~ juye to be put in a slanting position (of pots); ~ dhine (for a pot) to slant, to be in a slanting position yekuli n. South-west direction (cf. yau~, yeṃ~, vaḥ~) yekva adv. many, much, several, as much as: jhīgu nhyaḥne yekva nhesaḥ du. There are many questions we have to face.; ~cā adv. few, a little, as much as: chaṃ yekvacā jaka jā na! Eat just as much as you like!; ~day+ka adv. a lot, a great amount: vaṃ kakāyā pākheṃ yekvadayka dahaṂ kāla. He has inherited a great deal from his uncle. yekvaye (var. aykvaye) v.i. to be bent yekvaḥ (var. aykvaḥ) adj. slanting, sloping (proverb: yekvaḥyāta bekvaḥ. `eye for eye, tooth for tooth' lit.: to the slanting the crooked) yekvaḥrā -> yekaḥrā yekhādalū n. (-lukha-,-pvāḥ) suspended ceremonial lamp yekhāye v.t. (-khāla) to hang, to suspend yegāye v.i. (-gāla) to hang, to be suspended, to droop, to be bent: yekva si saḥguliṃ kacāta yegāta. Bearing much fruit the branches were bending down. yeciṃ1 n. (-cina-,-gū) tool for producing metal wire yeciṃ2 n. (-cina-) 1. religious purity 2. research; ~ kāye to undergo religious purification (a ritual of `samyakdān'); ~ taye to purify (a place) for religious purposes; ~ biye to purify (s.o.) for religious purposes yecikaṂ -> icikā yecine v.i. to have sexual intercourse yecu (var. icu) adj. 1. refined, clean, purified 2. white, bright 3. crystallized, transparent 4. smooth; ~ke to clean, to purify, to whiten; ~taḥ adj. light in colour, the colour of unbleached cloth; ~naye 1. (for cloth, skin) to be white, to be clean 2. (for precious stones) to be transparent; ~picu adj. 1. neat and clean (cf. sucukucu) 2. purified yecupīcāḥcā n. (-cāḥ) washer on the spindle of a spinning wheel (preventing the thread from getting into the spindle bearings) yecu|-ye v.i. (-cula) 1. to be clean, pure 2. to be crystallized 3. to be white; ~yecu dhāye 1. to be whitish 2. to be somewhat crystallized yejyū n. term of address (to a wife or husband, son or daughter), darling yetaṃ; ~kāye (of a part of a house) to be about to collapse, to crumble; ~ bvāye to fall down, to jump down; ~ vāye 1. to fall over backwards (of a load carried on the back) 2. to project yetā (var. yitā) n. 1. South, southern direction (cf. yautā, yeṃtā, vaṃtā) 2. sunlight, bright sunshine; ~ lāye (of a house) to be situated in a sunny place; ~likka adv. 1. in a sunny place 2. (of a house) facing south; ~ liye, vaye (of a place or a house) to be sunny, light yeti n. 1. beer extracted before water is added to the mash 2. serum from a wound or boil; ~ vaṂye to extract beer yetiye v.i. (-tita) to be dented, to be battered: thalabala yetita ki bāṃmalāḥ. If the pots are dented, they don't look nice. (cf. paku cine, phālā cine) yetuye v.i. to shrink yethāy adv. somewhere else, some other place yethe adv. arbitrarily, as one likes: chaṃ yethe he yā. Do what you like! yenāḥ n. {old-fash.} impurity after a death in the family (cf. dū); yenāṃ bene to undergo purifying death rituals yene v.t. 1. to bring along, to take away, to escort, to carry: dhvākāṃ niseṃ vayāgu kvathā taka vaṃ jitaḥ yena. He took me from the gate up to his room. 2. to provide 3. to spread yarn 4. to strain yenvaḥ n. (-nvala-,-nvaḥ) tool for plastering yepū (var. yeypū) n. (-puli-,-gaḥ) unhusked grain, empty husks; ~ kaye to separate unhusked grains out of husked rice; ~ leye id. yebaye v.i. (-bāla) to be inattentive, to be unconcerned (cf. hebāye) yebhāḥ n.pr. 1. Indra; ~dyaḥ n.pr. (-deva-) Indra yemay1 interj. implying wonder, danger, sorrow, fear etc.: yemay, cha naṃ thana lā? How come you are here, too? yemay2 n. (-masa-,-gaḥ) group of small pimples occurring under the eyelid yemasāḥ n. (-sāla-,-gū) traditional oilpress yemhāḥ interj. expression of surprise yeyaḥtheṃ adv. according to one's wishes, of one's own accord yeye v.i. (yela) 1. to love, to like, to be fond of: jimi kāyyā me nene tasakaṃ yaḥ. My son is very fond of hearing music. misāmacāṃ mayaḥ jā nala. The little girl ate her rice listlessly. 2. aux. to be likely, to tend to, e.g.: kane yeye, to be likely to tell, naye yeye, to be likely to eat, bvabiye yeye, to have a tendency to scold, sane yeye, to have a tendency to move; ~ gvale to squirm and wriggle yey+ka (var. yeykaṃ) adv. 1. -> yaḥyeseṃ 2. (to eat) with appetite yey+kī n.anim. (-kila-) kind of noisy insect (common at rice transplantation time or found flying around open beer pots) yey+ke v.t. 1. to love, to like: vaṃ jitaḥ yeykala. He liked me. 2. to cause to like; yey+kā haye to begin to like, to take to: vayā bvane yeyka hala. He has taken to reading. vaṃ āḥ thva macāyāta yeykā hala. She now really loves this child. yey+guye1 v.i. (-guta) (of a load carried on the back) to fall over backwards yey+guye2 v.i. (-gula) to bend down; to arch over (e.g. branches of a tree) yey+cāye v.i. (-cāla) to be libidinous, to be impassioned yey+cāḥ adj. libidinous; ~khicā n.anim. voluptuous person; ~ thane (var. yeythane) to excite (sexually); ~misā n.anim. attractive, seducing woman yey+cine v.i. to cohabit yey+tuye (var. yeytule) v.i. (-tula) to be twisted, to be arched or bent over (e.g. branches of a tree) yey+thane -> yeycāḥ thane yey+nake v.t. to speak sarcastically yey+pu -> yaipu yey+puye v.i. (-pula) (for grain) to remain unhusked (on a winnowing tray) yeraṃ n. (-rana-) 1. poison (cf. yes) 2. blackhead; ~ thaye to have blackheads yeriṂ -> ariṃ yela n. city of Patan yelakva n. overshadowed plot of land, dark place; ~ yelakvaṃ dāye to be in the shade yelakhuye v.t. to break, to tear yelabakaḥsvāṃ (var. yelbakaḥ~, yelāmukhū~) n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) white sweet-scented flower, used to prepare a relish yelay n.anim. (-lasa-) inhabitant of Patan; ~palaḥ n. (-lata-) kind of vegetable, Spinacia oleracea; ~bāthaḥ n.anim. sarcastic term for a man from Patan yelā1 meas. (of measuring pots) filled level with the brim (cf. juse) yelā2 (var. yellā) n. (-gaḥ,-pu) large cardamom (cf. alaiṃci); ~mukhūsvāṃ -> yelabakaḥ~ yeliṃ n. (-lina-) 1. (-pu) instrument, small implement used by barbers to remove calluses or blackheads 2. (-pā) winnowing tray with several holes in the middle yele v.t. 1. to level grain at the top of a measuring pot 2. to scratch, to score 3. to winnow with a downward whirling motion in order to separate smaller from larger grains 4. to chew (hard food) before feeding a child; yelāḥ nake to feed a child after previously chewing hard food yelbakaḥsvāṃ -> yelabakaḥ~ yelbākūcā n. (-pā) large slab used as a striker in the `ghvāikāsā' game; ~ghāyṃ n. (-ghāṂsa-,-mā) kind of medicinal herb, of somewhat sour taste used as a sedative yellā -> yelā yes (var. yesa) n. 1. poison (cf. yeraṃ) 2. faeces (cf. khi); yes naye to take poison, i.e. commit suicide. yesaṃ liye to be affected with poison, {fig.} to bear the consequences of a bad deed yeseṃ -> yaḥyeseṃ yeseṃ-peseṃ sane v.i. to fondle, to caress (cf. ghesepese) R ra conj. and, then (connecting verbs and sentences): atheṃ vala ra vana chuṃ chuṃ he mayāḥ. (He) did nothing except that (he) came and went. nibhāḥ tvala ra svāṃ naṃ buluṃ cakana. The sun shines, and the flowers will slowly open, too. raṃ 1. -> daṂ 2. -> dvaṂ raṃjanā n. variety of script, Rañjanā script; ~ākhaḥ n. (-khala-) id. rakami -> lakaḥmi rakā meas. (b.f. -rkā) rupee (cf. takā) raṅg n. (-gū,-tā) colour; ~ lhāye to apply an additional coat of paint; ~ syāye to bleach, make faint (of colour); ~rogan n. colour and polish, varnish rachyā n. protection, safety; ~ yāye to protect, to save rath n. (-khaḥ,-gū) chariot; ~ sale 1. to pull a chariot 2. to perform a chariot festival randa n. (-gaḥ) carpenter's plane ranna adv. 1. furiously 2. (to heat) strongly raphat n. (-gū) practice rabar (var. of labar) n. (-pu) rubber ray -> re ravāph n. extravagance (cf. hvataraṃgi); ~ taḥcvaye (-cvala) to be lavish, extravagant; ~ tvaḥte to boast; ~ yāye to spend extravagantly, to waste rasa (var. lastā, laytā) n. 1. taste (cf. savāḥ) 2. juice (cf. ti) 3. pleasure, enjoyment 4. tune rasam n. practice; ~ yāye to practice, to exercise rasika n. fastiduous person, s.o. who has a delicate sense of taste; ~ juye to copulate; ~ yāye to make merry, to amuse s.o. rasbas; ~ juye to copulate; ~ yāye to make merry rasraṅg n. pleasure, enjoyment rāg1 n. 1. classical music, song, tune 2. emotion, passion; ~ kāye to exercise one's voice before singing a ~; ~ tvaḥte 1. to sing a ~ 2. to boast; ~ yāye to long for, to covet; ~ hāle to sing a ~; ~ hile to change the tune rāg2 n. (-jhvāḥ) loose upper part of trousers rāches -> lākhay2 rāj n. rule, administration; ~kāj n. government, governance; ~kāj yāye to govern, to rule rājkali n. (-phvaḥ) kind of flower rājmati n. (-pu) kind of tune, kind of musical style; ~me n. (-pu) song with a ~ tune rāmtva+iyā n. (-pu) kind of plant, Hibiscus esculentus, okra rām+nabami n. (-nhu) ninth day of the bright half of caulā sixth month of the Newar calendar), Rāma's birthday rāmbherā n. (-gaḥ) {sl.} tomato (cf. gvalbhyārā) rāy -> re rāy+k n. (-gū) rack, stand (cf. tasi) rās n. (-pu,-gū) type of melody rāsi n. (-gū) zodiac, tiger representing the symbol of the zodiac (cf. bāṃ) rāhu1 n.pr. name of a low Newar caste (cf. pvaḥ); ~ nake to feed a ~ (kind of death rite) rāhu2 n. (-gū) imaginary planet which is supposed to devour the sun or moon during an eclipse rikāpi -> likāpi riksā n. (-gū) rikshaw; ~vāla n. rikshaw puller riti n. (-gū) custom; ~thiti n. (-gū) 1. id. 2. formality (cf. cajaḥlajaḥ, caji) ritu n. season of the year; ~me n. (-pu) seasonal song ribin n. ribbon (cf. cibālā, saṂcikā) riyāj n. (-gū) practice, rehearsal rudrāche n. (-gaḥ) kind of wood, elaeocarpus (seeds used for rosaries) rumal -> lumār rūcigā n. shoulder piece (of a religious garment) re emph emphatice particle reṃcu n. (-pu) nut cracker rey -> re rel (var. ler) n. (-gaḥ) train resam n. silk; ~kāpaḥ n. (-pata-,-sāḥ) silk cloth rokay yāye v.t. to stop, to hinder, to prevent rogan n. polish, varnish; ~ taye to apply; ~ pāye to polish, to varnish rol n. rule; rolaṃ adv. according to the rule, in order of seniority, step by step; rola+isita adv. in order, one by one in order of rank or seniority -rkā suff. (with num.) rupee, e.g.: nyā-rkā five rupees (cf. takā, rakā) L la -> 1. -> laṂ 2. -> lā2 la+iṃ n. (-pu) radish (cf. pa~, mhāsu~, hyāuṃ~); ~kvāḥ n. (-kvāta-) radish curry (prepared in connection with the rites of `samyakdān'); ~caḥrhay n. (-rhasa-) new moon of the month of phālgun la+iṃcā (var. leheṂcā) n. (-pu,-mā) myrtle (its red dye is used by women to colour their palms, soles and fingernails); ~ chiye to apply red dye of the myrtle; ~ taye id.; ~mā n. (-mā) myrtle plant la+iṃ|-bva n. (-gū) radish bed; ~bha+ujā n. dried radish pieces; ~si n. (-gaḥ) capsule of a radish plant; ~sū n. (-suli-) dried radish pieces (cf. cānā) la+ikāḥ (-kāla-) 1. n. serving at a feast 2. n.anim. bearer or group of bearers serving food at a feast; ~ cine to select a team of bearers for a great feast; ~ juye to serve food at a feast; ~bāḥ n. (-bāla-) refreshment provided for the bearers at a feast between courses of serving la+ukalaḥ -> laḥkalaḥ la+ukā n. (-gaḥ) gourd la+uni n. butter laṂ (var. la) n. (-pu) road, path: thva laṂ gana vanegu?, huṃgu laṂ gana theni le? Where does that road lead to? (cf. khuṂ~, ca~, tyā~, bi~, bekā~, mū~, yaḥpu~); ~kathaṃ adv. in a casual manner; ~kathaṃlākāḥ adv. out of the way, by a detour (making it one's way): laṂkathaṃlākāḥ ji chaṃthāy dusvay. I shall drop in at your place, even if it's a detour.; ~kathaṃ lāye to be on one's way: laṂkathaṃ lāguliṃ chaṃthāy chadhū dusvayā. Because it is on my way I dropped in at your place.; ~ kele to gravel; ~kharca n. (-gū) travel expenses; ~khuṂ n.anim. one who takes short-cuts, who comes in by the back door (one who profits by unfair means); ~ chine to settle a route of travel; ~ chiye 1. id. 2. to lead the way, to find the way; ~juvāḥ n.anim. (-vāla-) traveller; ~ jyāye to settle a route of travel; ~ thyāye to while away the travelling time by reciting mantras; ~ tvāḥ lhāye to cross a road; ~ dukhaṃ cvane to have a thankless task; ~ nhāye to broaden a road; ~paṃkhyāḥ n.anim. (-khyāka-) 1. hobgoblin harrassing travellers en route 2. person who obstructs the way; ~pu n. (-pu) route; ~pu chāye to worship the absent snakes in order to cause rain in times of drought; ~pu jyāye 1. to settle a route of travel 2. to fix a demarcation line (by means of a rope); ~pu pene id.; ~ pene id.; ~pvāḥ n. (-pvāla-,-pvāḥ) passage, gateway, thoroughfare; ~pvāḥ tiye to block the way; ~phāṃgā n.anim. vagabond; ~bāḥ n. (-bāla-) toll; ~bva (var. laba, labva) n. (-bva) passage; ~bvacheṂ n. (-khā) house inside a courtyard; ~mi (var. lami) n.anim. negotiator of a wedding, go-between (of either sex), match-maker; ~minī n.anim. female go-between; ~vāḥ n.anim. (-vāla-) traveller; ~ svaye 1. to wait for 2. to look forward to laṃ1 postp. from, from the side of: lajanābati laṃ gvaḥmha macā data? How many children are from Lajanābati's side? (cf. pākheṃ) laṃ2 n. (-lana-) 1. (-pā) (upper) garment 2. (-pā,-kū) cloth 3. (-kū) slough of a snake (cf. tapā~, thāru~, bhāṃtāṃ~); ~kva n. short skirt worn by men; ~ tvaḥte to slough off its skin (of a snake) laṃkha -> laḥ1 laṃgarā n.anim. limping person (cf. khū); ~ kāye to limp laṃgur n. 1. (-pu) pendulum of a wall clock 2. (-gū) anchor, one of the six symbols of the game `laṃgurburjā'; ~burjā n. kind of gambling game with a choice of six symbols (anchor, crown, diamonds, spades, hearts and clubs) laṃcā n. yellowish clay used to dye bricks (cf. paṂcā) laṃcva (var. laḥcaḥ) n. (-gaḥ) 1. protruding end of a lintel (cf. licaḥ) 2. sleeve laṃpicā -> lampicā laṃpu (var. laṃpviṂ) n. (-tā) fresh coat of paint on images of deities; ~ chāye ritual of providing a ~ laṃsikhaḥcā n. (-pu) small silver chain (given to a child by the maternal uncle at the rice-feeding ceremony) laṃsurvāḥ n. (-vāla-,-ju) traditional national Nepalese dress for men lakadvaḥ n. (-dvala-,-gū) limb lakanaka n. safety, sureness lakapati n. (-pu) bone of the buttock lakay; ~ jāye to side with; ~ puye 1. id. 2. to protect; ~ yāye to control, to manage, to train; ~ hane 1. to train, to instruct, to control 2. to protect 3. to accustom; ~ hiye to take care of lakay+nyā n.anim. kind of fish lakaḥ -> laḥkalaḥ lakaḥdhikaḥ n. (-kala-) measure, size (of a person) lakaḥmi (var. jakami, rakami) n.anim. 1. employee 2. farm hand 3. civil servant; ~khaṂ n. official business, official affairs; ~pahaḥ n. (-hala-) official status lakāṃ -> lākāṃ lakāpā -> lakhāpā lakka n., meas. pile or stack of coins lakkā-dhakkā (var. lagaḥdhagaḥ) 1. n. carefulness (with neg. v. only): vayāke lakkā-dhakkā he maru. He is really careless. 2. adj. robust lakṣmī (var. lachin, lachimi) 1. n.pr. goddess of luck, of wealth, Lakṣmī 2. n. good omen, good luck, fortune 3. n.anim. s.o. possessing good qualities; ~ kvakāye to worship Lakṣmī (family ritual done on the fourth day of Tihār); ~dyaḥ n. hon. (-deva-) goddess Lakṣmī, printed image of Lakṣmī fastened to the family treasure box during tihār; ~dyaḥ kāye to put aside, to reserve (s.th. from an amount to be given away); ~pujā n. worship of Lakṣmī performed during the festival of lights; ~bva n. 1. plate of food given to a woman who pours out beer or liquor at a feast to take home (cf. lukāḥbva) 2. dish offered to Lakṣmī on the day of Lakṣmīpūjā; ~bva kvakāye -> ~ kvakāye; ~bva chāye to offer a dish on the day of Lakṣmīpūjā (which is kept aside for four days) lakh n. 1. guess 2. speculation in gambling; ~ svaye to decide on to how to place a stake in gambling lakha -> laḥ1 lakha|-khi n. (-pu) rope for pails at a well; ~baṂ n. elevated sloping seed bed for red pepper (made at the time of rice harvest); ~buṂ n. fertile land lakhalape v.t. to protect lakhā -> lākhā lakhāpā (var. lakāpā, lakhāpvaḥ) n.anim. wife's child from a previous marriage, stepchild (with no claim of inheritance on the stepfather); ~kāy n. hon. wife's son from a previous marriage, stepson; ~macā n.anim. wife's child from a previous marriage (cf. thyākā~); ~ haye to accept, adopt wife's children lakhāmari n. confectionery sent from the groom's side lakhāye v.i. (-khāla) to carry s.th. by a handle or strung over the shoulder lakhāḥbati(-besyā) n.anim. prostitute (cf. levaḥsiṃ) lakhu1 1. meas. stack (of coins) 2. n. (-pā) thimble; ~ cine to pile up (coins); ~ nhyāye to put on a thimble lakhu2 (var. lakhuṃ) n. river Bāgmatī in the area of Patan lakhuṃ1 n.anim. (-khuna-) quail (cf. khukhucā); ~caḥrhay n. (-rhasa-) fourteenth day of caitra, day of the quail lakhuṃ2 -> lakhu2 lakhukhi n. (-gū) tool used by drum-makers lagan n. (-gū) auspicious moment lagay; ~ juye 1. to be intoxicated 2. to be effective (of medicine); ~ yāye 1. to assign (a task) to s.o. 2. to put on clothes (cf. nhyāye, puye, phiye) 3. to drink lagalā n. (-gaḥ) gourd lagaḥdhagaḥ -> lakkādhakkā lagān n. investment lagām n. (-pu) rein, bridle; ~ jvane {fig.} to check, to control, to dominate lagāḥ n. (-gāta-) site occupied by a house, house area; ~pā n. (-pā) 1. id. 2. a plot of land for building a house lagāḥlag adv. continuously, progressively, one by one lageta laye v.t. to keep cattle (which belongs to s.o. else) lacaṃ n. (-cana-,-gū) 1. good manners, politeness 2. temperament, temper, state of mind: thauṃkanhay vayā lacaṃ thāsay malāḥ. These days he is out of temper (lit. his temper is not in place). lacanā n. (-gū) good manners, politeness, civility; ~ taye to treat politely; ~ daye to be polite, civil lacane v.t. 1. to treat well, to treat politely 2. to refine lachi meas. one month, a full month; ~taṃ adv. for one full month; ~yeṃkaṃ adv. id. lachin (var. lachimi) -> lakṣmī laja -> lājaḥ lajagāḥ (var. lajaḥ) n. (-gāla-,-gū) occupation, employment, profession; ~ kāye to take up a profession or occupation; ~ ciye id. (lit. to tie a profession); ~ chuye id. (lit. to start an occupation) lajaḥ1 -> lājaḥ lajaḥ2 (var. laḥjaḥ) n. (-jala-,-gū) 1. good behaviour, politeness 2. -> lajagāḥ; ~pājaḥ n. (-jala-,-gū) tools, instruments; ~sū n. (-suli-) {neol.} behaviour (cf. cajaḥ ~); ~ daye to have good manners; ~ hane to respect, to honour laji n. (-gū) custom, practice, tradition (cf. caji~) lajyā n. shame lataṃ-phataṃ -> lantaṃphantaṃ latakhiṃ n. (-khina-,-gaḥ) kind of drum latāiṃ (var. lanāiṃ) n. (-gaḥ) reel, thread for flying a kite, bobbin; ~cāḥ n. (-cāla-,-cāḥ) disk of a kite reel; ~cu n. (-pu) shaft of a reel; ~ tule to reel thread latini -> lavatini latyā1 n. (-gaḥ) kind of seed (of a wild vegetable called bakaṃ) latyā2 (var. lātyā) 1. meas. one and a half months 2. n. ceremony held 45 days after a death latyā|-gvārā n. (-gvārā) sweet balls made of ~ seed and molasses; ~pā n. (-pā) id. latyāpyaṃ n. (-pena-,-gū) funeral rites performed six weeks after a death; ~ thaye to perform a ~ latvāka n. upper arm, length from armpit to elbow (cf. calāṂkva, lappā) lathā n. (-gaḥ) column, lamp-post; ~mvaḥ n. (-mvala-,-gaḥ) base of a ~ lathyāye v.i. (-thyāta) 1. to fold 2. to cheat, to deceive; ~phvaḥ n. (-phvala-,-phvaḥ) flower pattern lathyāḥ adj. folded; ~svāne n. (-pu) staircase with a landing between each floor ladāiṃ -> larāiṃ laddu n. sweetmeat, small balls made of sugar, ghee and the skin of boiled milk ladyāye v.i. (-dyāta) 1. to be folded 2. to be cheated, deceived lanāiṃ -> latāiṃ lani n. moon (cf. pā~, bā~, milā, timilā) lane 1. v.t. to weigh 2 v.i. to heal up, to recover from an illness. vayā ghāḥ lanā vala. His wound has healed up. vayā lvay lana lā? Is he well again? thva vāsaṃ kai laṃ. With this medicine boils are cured. 3. v.i. to wait for 4. v.i. to pass (of time) lantaṃ-phantaṃ (var. lataṃphataṃ) adj. idle, loitering, without an occupation lapā -> lappā lapi n. (-pi) instrument used to cut leather lapte n. (-pā) large leaf (used as plate at a feast; thrown away after use); ~ tvaye to prepare leaf plates (by stitching them together with bamboo sticks); ~ suye id. lappā (var. lapā, lappū, laphā) n. (-pu) upper arm (body part); ~dhuchi meas. length from arm pit to finger tip (cf. calaṂkva, latvāka) lapsi n. (-gaḥ) kind of fruit, Choerospondias axillaris Roxb. (cf. āmāli); ~pī n. (-pila-,-pā) cake of dried ~; ~mārā n. dried mash of ~ laphā1 n. (-gū) 1. brick filling between a pillar and an internal wall of a house 2. base beam of a dividing wall; ~ lāye to instal an interior base beam laphā2 -> lappā laba 1. -> laṂbva 2. -> labaḥ2 labar n. 1. (-pu) piece of rubber 2. (-cāḥ) rubber band labaḥ1 (var. lvābaḥ) n. (-bata-,-gū) 1. tool, implement 2. weapons, arms labaḥ2 (var. laba) n. (-bala-) profit; ~ khaṃke to make a good profit labaḥ-kabaḥ n. (-bala-) {coll.} tools, implements (cf. jyābaḥlabaḥ) labaḥsiṃ n.anim. (-sina-) profiteer labāḥ n. (-bāla-,-tyāḥ) large muscle on the front part of the upper arm, biceps labu n. (-gū) tide, flood, wave; ~ dane (of flood) to rise labva -> lavata lami -> laṂmi lamugaḥ n. (-gala-,-gaḥ) hammer lampicā (var. laṃpicā) n. (-gaḥ) small woven bamboo basket (used esp. for sets of `samay'-food in rituals) 2. small pot of metal (except iron) or clay, considered as a symbol of the world, given by the mediators of a marriage to the bride's home when the marriage has been agreed upon lamphā n. (-gaḥ,-pvāḥ) storm lamp with a glass shade lay1 n. (lasa-,-gū) tune, melody; ~ cine to compose a tune; ~ chuye to get into tune, to practise one's voice; ~ jyāye to compose a tune; ~ jvane 1. to catch, to memorize a tune 2. to get into tune, to practise one's voice 3. to suit, to match, to adapt to a rhythm 4. to compose a tune; ~ vaye 1. (of tune) to be similar 2. for beer to get the right flavour lay2 interj. call to drive off an animal lay3 1. b.f. monthly 2. -> lā2 laye v.t. (lala) to cut out grains, to harvest lay+tā (var. lasatā, lastā) n. 1. joy, happiness, goodness 2. art, skill; ~ke to make glad, to please; ~cyaḥ n.anim. (-cela-) voluntary helper, servant without salary; ~cyaḥ yāye to serve voluntarily, to help without payment; ~cheṂ n. (-khā) 1. pleasure house 2. art gallery; ~degupujā n. (-gū) worship of the patron deity of a family celebrated on a joyful occasion; ~bhvay n. (-bhvaja-,-gū) feast given on a joyful occasion; ~ye (-tāla) to be pleased, to be delighted, to rejoice; ~ vaye to have pleasure lay+pa+u n. (-pati-,-pau) monthly magazine lay+pujā n. (-gū) monthly ritual lay+pyaṃ n. (-pena-,-gū) funeral ritual performed every month after a death throughout one year; ~ thaye to perform a ~ lay-lay adv. every month, monthly lay+lasay adv. every month, monthly lay+sivā (var. ~sevā) n. (-gū) pūjā which extends throughout a whole month, done at major sanctuaries laranta n. (-gū) fight (cf. lvāpu); ~bhirant n. (-gū) id. larāiṃ (var. ladāiṃ) n. (-gū) war, battle; ~phay+khaḥ n. (-khata-,-gaḥ) {neol.} military plane; ~ mhite ritual fight between the `lower' and the `upper' section of a settlement; ~ vane to go to war, to wage war, to fight; ~ haye to attack first larkan n. (-pā) kind of hanging ear ornament lar kāye -> lāl kāye lartar adj. common, ordinary lala; ~ cvane to mumble, to speak indistinctly; ~(-mala) thyāye (var. lāthyaye) 1. to fold several times 2. to cheat repeatedly; ~(-mala) dyāye 1. to be folded several times 2. to be repeatedly cheated lallaḥ dhāye -> laḥ dhāye lavaṃ (var. lvaṃ) n. (-vana-,-phvaḥ) clove; ~jiphvaḥsvāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) id.; ~tvāḥ n. (-tvāca-) cinnamon, kind of aromatic dried bark used as a spice; ~svāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) clove lavata (var. labva, lavaḥ, lāva) n. caste name of offspring from marriages against the caste rules, children of not the same caste as their parents lavatini (var. latini) n.anim. concubine lavalhāye -> laḥlhāye lavaḥ -> lavata lasa b.f. welcome lasakar (var. laskar) n. 1. crowd, assembly, procession 2. troop, army; ~i adv. in a crowd lasatā -> laytā lasane v.i. to be polite, to be civil, to be well-mannered lasabhū n. (-bhuli-,-gū) 1. joyous feast given on account of a happy event 2. welcome party; ~ nyāy+ke to celebrate a welcome party; ~ biye id. lasā n. {Thimi} flash of lightning (cf. nhasalā, palpasā, bhilsi, lhāpsā, hābalāsā, helsā) lasāṃ n. (-sāna-,-gaḥ) pumice, reddish light stone used for cleaning and polishing ornaments; ~ chāye to pumice, to polish; ~ taye 1. id. 2. {fig.} to exaggerate, to gloss over: chaṃ lasāṃ tayāṃ khaṂ lhāta kā. You have given an exaggerated version, you have smoothened the matter.; ~ biye to pumice, to polish lasi1 n. beauty, attractiveness lasi2 adj. similar; ~ vaye to be similar, to resemble: rāmyā mhyāy vayā māṃyā lasi vaḥ. Rām's daughter resembles her mother. lasiṃ n.anim. (-sina-) female demon, female monster, female giant; ~ khāye for a woman to fly into a rage, to be furious; ~pahaḥ n. (-hala-) {neol.} monstrosity; ~sū (-suli-) id. lasikala adj. charming, lovely, nice, attractive, flirting laskar -> lasakar laskus n. (-gū) 1. welcome (cf. lasvaḥ) 2. ritual of entering, e.g.: bride to bridegroom's house, a deity into its shrine after a procession, relatives of a deceased into their house after the funeral 3. joyful occasion, meeting, merriment; ~nvacu n. (-gū) welcome speech; ~me n. (-pu) welcome song; ~ yāye 1. to welcome 2. to arrange a ~ lastā -> laytā lastā juye v.i. to have pain of menstruation, to menstruate strongly lasphāye v.t. to carry a child on one's hip lasvaḥ (var. laṂsvaḥ) n. (-svala-) 1. welcome (cf. laskus) 2. wedding procession; ~ vane 1. to welcome, to greet 2. to join a wedding procession; ~ vaye (of a wedding procession) to approach lassā n. 1. adhesiveness, stickiness (cf. yā) 2. {fig.} pleasure, interest, attraction; ~ kāye to be interested; ~ daye 1. to be sticky 2. {fig.} to be attractive; ~ pihāṃ vaye {fig.} to like to do, to derive pleasure from: chimi pāsāyā khaṂ nenā cvane balay nyākaṃ lassā pihāṃ vaḥ daḥ lā. I really love listening to your friend. lahaṃgā n. (-paḥ,-pu) loose lower garment (used as a sleeping dress); ~ phiye to put on a ~ lahatyā n.anim. caste of people working with wax lahanā n. (-gū) discipline, precept lahane v.t. 1. to favour, to treat politely 2. to reply consistently, politely lahar1 n. row, line lahar2 n. merriment; ~bahar, ~baji n. id. laha-saha n. (-gū) tolerance, toleration (cf. sahalapā) lahiye v.i. (-hila) to tame, to train, to domesticate, to feed and care for, to rear lahū -> laḥhū laḥ1 (var. laṃkha) n. (lakha-) water; lakhay jhikūcā hvāye {idiom.} to defraud, to mislead; lakhay mhite to swim; lakhaṃ cvay+ke to flush: vaṃ caḥbi lakhaṃ cvaykala. He flushed the toilet.; ~calay majupiṃ n. {pl.} people of low caste from whom higher castes cannot accept water; ~ tvaṃke death ritual of putting a few drops of water on the deceased's lips; ~ thadāye to irrigate a field by spurting water up from a lower place; ~ dāye to boil (of water); ~ dhāye (var. lallaḥ ~) 1. to be enthusiastic 2. to start crying; ~ phvane ritual of praying for rain (offering to the snakes and to the goddesses of the `four peaks'); ~ biye to water, to irrigate; ~ lāye (for a field) to have sufficient water; ~ sāle (for a rainbow) to appear (lit. to draw water); ~ syāye to parboil, to disinfect by boiling; ~ hāhā yāye to sprinkle holy water for ritual purposes; ~ hvale to irrigate a field, to water a plant laḥ2 n. (lata-,-gū,-tā) fast beating of a drum; ~ chvaye to beat a drum fast laḥka+i n. (-kaica-,-gaḥ) contagious pustule, festering pimple laḥkalaḥ (var. lakaḥ, laukalaḥ) n. (-lakha-,-gū) reed strung around the forearm as a protection while weeding or harvesting laḥkaḥni n. (-gaḥ) ears of tender, unripe maize laḥkāpaḥ n. (-pata-,-sāḥ) white cloth worn when setting fire to a funeral pyre laḥkī n. rice grains (set aside as funds for the festival of the Red Matsyendranāth') laḥkū n. deposit of a lump sum in the game of `nasaka' laḥgvārā n. (-gvārā) tide, overflow; ~ kāye to overflow (of a river); ~ thacāle id. laḥcaḥ -> laṃcva laḥcāḥ (var. lvaḥcāḥ) n. (-cāla-,-gū) condolence, kind of funeral rite performed four days after a death, gift of condolence given by those outside the phukī consisting of rice, ginger, molasses and milk; ~ chvaye to send condolences with a gift; ~ phaye to receive condolences; ~baji n. funeral gift (with beaten rice, yoghurt and bread); ~ vane to mourn for the dead laḥjaḥ1 -> lajaḥ2 laḥjaḥ2 n. (-jala-) 1. (-pu) tube filled with water 2. (-gū) mirage (lit. reflection of water); ~ kāye to check the level of an object with a water-filled tube or with a lever laḥjaḥ3 n. (-jala-,-gū) change of drum rhythm laḥjhvāḥ n. (-jhvāla-,-gū) waterfall laḥtisiṂ n. (-mā) cane laḥ|-dhāḥ n. (-dhāla-,-dhāḥ) water current; ~phay n. (-phasa-) 1. climate, weather 2. situation, environment; ~phvaṃ n. (-phvana-,-phvaṃ) bubble; ~phvaṃ vane 1. to go in procession to beg for water 2. (of a bubble) to vanish; ~baḥ n. (-bala-,-gaḥ) rectangular water pot used by goldsmiths for cooling hot silver or gold; ~baḥsi n. (-gaḥ) 1. watery fruit 2. timber of low quality laḥbvati n. (-pu) cane; ~siṂ n. timber of low quality laḥbhvaṃ n. (-bhvaṂta-,-pā) transparent plastic (lit. water paper) laḥri n. (-gaḥ) lorry laḥlaḥ yāye v.t. to carry a child by its hands and feet laḥlhāye (var. lavalhāye) v.t. to deliver, hand over, to surrender laḥ|-vayṃ n.anim. hydropic man; ~viṂ n.anim. hydropic woman laḥsāḥ n. (-sāla-,-gū) rainbow, rainbow pattern on wood carving; ~si n. (-gaḥ) kind of watery fruit laḥ|-hayṃ n.anim. (-haṂsa-) swan, goose; ~hū (var. lahū) n. (-huli-,-gū) whirlpool, eddy; ~hū kāye (of a whirlpool) to form lā1 n. flesh, meat; lākhaṃ liye to be muscular, to be fleshy (cf. kālā~, chyā~, chvay~); ~ cvatule to peel off (said of the skin around the nails); ~ cvaye to tattoo; ~ naye {fig.} to tease, to harass vehemently (lit. to eat meat) lā2 (var. la, lay) n. (-lā) month (cf. anā~, kau~, kacha~, guṃ~, cau~, cil~, tacha~, thiṃ~, dil~, pvas~, bacha~, yeṂ~, si~) lā3 (var. jā) emphatic particle lā4 part. yes-no question marker: chimi chuṃ nenegu dani lā? Have you anything to ask? jiṃ thva saphū kāye phu lā? May I take this book? lā-un n. complexion lāṃ n. (lāna-,-pu) chisel with a curved edge lāṃ kene v.i. (for the time of giving birth) to be due (lit. to show by months): chimi kalāḥyā lāṃ kyaṃ theṃ cvaṃ. It seems that your wife's delivery is due. lāṃgalasi n. (-pu,-gū) 1. A-shaped wooden stand (used by coppersmiths to hammer metal) 2. yoke lāṃgū meas. (-guli-) unit of length: finger breadth, finger digit lāṃcā n. (-pu) 1. curved knife (to shape brick ruffians). 2. chisel with a curved edge lāṃju n.anim. happy-go-lucky fellow (proverb: lāṃjuyā chu bhay. Why worry about a lucky fellow.) lākā n. snatching, seizing; ~ kāye to take by force, to snatch away lākāṃ (var. ākāṃ, lakāṃ) n. (-kāma-,-pā,-ju) shoe; lākāmaṃ cvāye, nyāye, peṃke to kick; ~cikhi n. (-pu,-jvaḥ) shoe string; ~taḥ n. (-tala-,-baḥ) sole of a shoe; ~debaḥ n. (-bata-,-baḥ) vamp, upper front part of a shoe (cf. depu); ~ nhyāye to put on shoes; ~ yāye to kick; ~siṂ n. 1. (-gū) wooden seat of a swing 2. (-gaḥ) threshold, base plate of posts or pillars 3. (-gaḥ) base of a stair-case; ~siṂkulāṃ n. (-lāma-,-gaḥ) carved base of a window frame lākācā n.anim. adopted child lākā-luku n. robbery, plundering, violent seizing; ~ yāye 1. to snatch violently 2. to push, to jump the queue lāki conj. or: thugu lāki ugu, gugu hay? Which should I bring, this or that? lākū tāye v.t. to torture lāke v.t. 1. to cause to occur, to cause to happen, to bring about 2. (var. lvāke) to cause to obtain, to obtain 3. to snatch lākka adv. punctual, on time, at the given time, just then: bhvayyāta lākka vā. Come at the time of the festival! cha thauṃ lākka chāy vaigu? Why do you come just today? lākva pron. whatever, no matter which; ~thākva pron. id.; ~pākva pron. id. lākhay1 postp. marking particularization or emphasis: va sāṃ lākhay yekva duru byū. It is just that cow which gives much milk. lākhay2 (var. rāches) n.anim. (agt. ~naṃ) demon, monster, giant, main figure of a ritual dance during Indrajātrā (cf. jhyāliṃcā); ~ khāye to be furious, to tremble with rage like a monster; ~ cāye to be furious; ~jhaṃgaḥ n.anim. (-gala-) kind of black bird similar to a crow; ~pahaḥ n. (-hala-) {neol.} monstrosity, devilry; ~pyākhaṃ n. (-khana-,-gū) demon dance; ~sū n. (-suli-) {neol.} monstrosity, devilry; ~svāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) dahlia (cf. lāhuresvāṃ); ~hū n. (-huli-) mad whim lākhaḥ (var. lāphaḥ) n. (-khala-,-khaḥ) quarter of a slaughtered animal lākhā(-mari) (var. lakhā) n. 1. set of twenty-four pieces of pastry given by the family of the groom to the family of the bride when the marriage is settled 2. present, gift lākhābva n. fertile land, land which has sufficient water lākhāmari -> lākhā lākhi n. (-pu) thick, strong rope (cf. gākhi, dākhi) lākh+pusvāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) kind of flower lāgā n. (-gū) 1. area of influence, jurisdiction 2. limitation 3. compound, area of a house, of a residence lāgi1 n. irritation, provocation; ~ cāye to be irritated, to be angry lāgi2 (var. lāgiṃ) postp. (with gen.) for, for the sake of, on behalf of: vaṃ jhīgu lāgiṃ imita thānā svai. He will sound them out for us. jigu lāgiṃ thana chuṃ du lā? Is there anything here for me? thva jyāyā lāgi cha he māḥ. As far as this work is concerned, you alone are needed. lāgi-migi cāye v.i. to be irritated lāgu n. (-gū) small offer, small gift (such as a drink or a smoke) lāgvaḥ n. (-gvala-,-gvaḥ) 1. meat ball 2. muscle (body part); lāgvalaṃ liye to have muscles, to be strong lāchi1 n. (-gū) open area, small public square (cf. cuka, nani) lāchi2 adv. at one's leisure, at one's convenience; lāchiṃ-lāchiṃ always, at every time, frequently; lāchiṃ malāchiṃ in great haste lāchi3 n.anim. weak or timid person, coward; ~khicā n.anim. street dog lājaḥ (var. lajaḥ) n. (-jala-,-sāḥ) thin, transparent cloth lājyā n. (-gū) leisure time activity, hobby lāt n. kick; ~ nake to kick; ~ naye to get kicked lāta (var. lātā) n.anim. dumb man; ~khvāḥ n.anim. (-khvāla-) male idiot (term of abuse); ~gvaṃgaḥ n.anim. (-gala-) idiot, stupid man; ~taṃ n. (-tama-,-gū) rage of a dumb man, blind fury; ~pahaḥ n. (-hala-) 1. dumbness 2. pretension to be dumb; ~pātā n. 1. term of abuse for a dumb man 2. {fig.} inaccuracy (of a measuring pot); ~sū n. (-suli-) {neol.} dumbness; ~hū n. (-huli-) whim of a dumb man, stupid idea lāti1 n. soup, broth lāti2 n.anim. dumb woman; ~khvāḥ n.anim. (-khvāla-) female idiot (term of abuse); ~tikaḥ (var. ~cikaḥ) n.anim. (-kala-) dumb woman, inarticulate woman lātimalaḥ-astami n. eighth day of the bright half of the month of thiṃlā lāti|-sū n. (-suli-) {neol.} dumbness (of a woman); ~hū n. (-huli-) whim of a dumb woman lātī n. (-tila-,-gaḥ) tumour, swelling (in the face) lātyā -> latyā2 lātyāy+cupi n. (-pu) chopper lāpā1 n. clapping (of hands); ~ thāye to clap one's hands; ~ dāye id.; ~ naye (of a paper kite) to flap over, to topple over, to nosedive; ~ vaye id. lāpā2 -> lāplāpcā lāpicaḥ (var. lāpyācaḥ) n. (-cala-) disease of the conjunctiva of the eye, pterygium lāpī n. (-pila-,-gaḥ) 1. thin patty or cake of minced meat 2. meat of liver, lungs and entrails lāpyācaḥ -> lāpicaḥ lāplāpcā (var. lāpā, lāphā, lhāpcā) n.anim. butterfly; ~cāsvāṃ n. (-svānā-,-phvaḥ) pansy lāphaḥ -> lākhaḥ lāphā -> lāplāpcā lābalā adv. about a month, nearly one month lābā-lābā adj. flitting (of shadows) lābuka+i n. (-kaica-,-gaḥ) tumour lābva -> laṂbva lābhā (var. lhabhā) n. (-gaḥ,-mā,-pu,-thu) garlic; ~jā n. corn and garlic, eaten as a substitute for rice and dāl; ~nakhaḥ n. (-khata-) the fourteenth day of the dark half of caitra, pis'ācacaturdas'ī; ~yey+bhi n. garlic lābhī n. (-bhila-,-bhī) section of a muscle; ~ bāye 1. to get bruised, to have a flesh wound 2. (for meat) to be severed from the bone lām n. 1. (-gū) line, queue 2. period of forced labour (in the Rāṇā period) lāmā n.anim. Tibetan Buddhist monk lāy1 (agt. ~naṃ, loc. ~lay) capital, capital investment (cf. jethā, mā, sāuṃ); ~ taye to invest; ~ lāye id.; ~ svāke 1. id. 2. to trade successfully 3. to set up a business, to establish a firm; ~ svāye for a business to prosper lāy2 n. liquor served in a ritual lāyā kāye v.t. to lose one's appetite, to lose weight (due to being bewitched) lāye1 (lāta) 1. v.t. to catch, to snatch 2. v.t. to spread out (flat) 3. v.i. to do by mistaketo happen, to occur, to be the case, to apply, to befall 4. v.i. to get involved, to be caught (in a situation), to incur (a wound) 5. v.i. to be (in a place), to find o.s. (accidentally) 6. v.i. to have time, to be at leisure: chaṃ thauṃkanhay lāḥ lā? Are you free these days? 7. v.i. to be time to 8. v.i. to be balanced lāye2 v.i. (lāla) 1. to recover 2. to heal (of wound) 3. to fade; lāyā vane to heal, to get better, to recover; to fade lāy+kū n. (-kuli-,-gū) royal palace; ~ujaṃ n. (-ujana-,-gū) edict, proclamation from the royal palace; ~khalaḥ n. (-laka-) royal family, dynasty; ~cheṂ n. (-khā) royal palace; ~mi n.anim. courtier lāy+ke v.t. to cure lāy+pū n. (-puli-,-gū) 1. batten, bar used to fasten the weft in a hand loom 2. weaving pattern on wood carving (cf. hāpū); ~ thāye to thread the warp threads of a loom (cf. lāsī kāye); ~ biye id. lāy+phākā n.anim. 1. bat (cf. cikaṃlāpā) 2. {fig.} cheater, deceitful person lāy+baṂ (var. lāybva) n. (-gu) entrance space lāy(-lāy) buye v.t. (bula) 1. to cheer and clap 2. to laugh at, to make fun of, to jeer at lāy+bva -> lāybaṂ lāy+bhu n. (-gū) small courtyard adjacent to the road (cf. libi) lāy+lami n.anim. ambassador, consul lāy+lavaḥ n.pr. (-vata-) Newar caste (among Rājbhandāris), royal son by a mother of low caste lāy+lāmā n. (-gū) rainbow (cf. kapaṃ); ~ tvaye to appear (of a rainbow) lāy+lāy+buṃ hāle v.i. to cry out lār -> lāḥ1 lārāṃ-luruṃ yāye v.t. to put off, to prevaricate, to evade lāri n. (-pā) woollen blanket lārvā -> lāḥvā lāl n. jewel, ruby lālaṃ vāye v.i. to stammer, to speak in a hesitating way lālachi adv. about a month lālā-cici adj. covetous, gluttonous; ~ juye to be covetous, gluttonous; ~pahaḥ n. (-hala-) covetousness, gluttony; ~ yāye to eat greedily, to gobble lālā-bubu dhāye v.i. to lisp, to speak lispingly lālā buye v.i. (bula) to lisp, to speak lispingly lālā-lulu dhāye v.t. to stammer, to stutter, to lisp, to mumble lālā vāye 1. to throw away 2. to set free, to set loose, to leave uncontrolled: baupisaṃ lālā vānātaḥpiṃ macāta sekhay yāye thāku. Children who are not properly brought up by their parents are difficult to restrain. lāli taye v.t. to paint one's cheeks and lips lāl kāye (var. lar ~) v.t. to swim lāltin n. (-gaḥ,-pvāḥ) lantern lāl+mvahar n. royal seal, royal decree lāva -> lavata lāvaṃlāchi adv. at one's leisure, at one's convenience lāvaḥ n. (-vala-,-pā) small cake of meat and ground pulse lāsā n. (-pā) bed, mattress, mat (for sleeping); ~ cakaṃke 1. to spread out a bedding 2. to unroll a carpet; ~phāṃgā n. (-gū,-thū) bedding and blanket; ~ lāye to spread out a bedding lāsī kāye v.t. 1. to prepare thread for weaving by soaking it in starch 2. to thread the warp threads of a loom (cf. lāypū thāye) lāhā (var. lhāhā, lhāḥ) n. (-pu) sealing wax (cf. jhau); ~chāp n. (-gū) wax seal; ~masi n. deep black ink (used to write on Nepali paper) lāhāḥ -> lhāḥ3 lāhī(-piṃ) n. hon. {neol.} consanguine relatives lāhuresvāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) dahlia (cf. lākhasvāṃ) lāḥ1 (var. lār) n. (lākha-) organic liquid: saliva, serum, lymph, oil, grease, fatty substance, resin, sticky juice of plants, egg white (cf. cikaṃ~, tuyu); ~ kane 1. to become sticky 2. for fat to be on the surface; ~ lhvaye 1. to salivate, to drivel 2. to be perplexed, vexed; ~ vaye to salivate lāḥ2 adj. cured, restored, recovered lāḥ3; ~ pihāṃ vaye to injure one's wrist or ankle, to sprain; ~ vane to occur, to happen by mistake (with reference to a third person); ~ vaye id. lāḥkathaṃ adv. just after convalescence lāḥphaḥ n. (-phala-) bib lāḥvā (var. lārvā) n.anim. s.o. who spits a lot lāḥsā adv. perhaps, possibly lāḥsū adv. just after recovering li- pref. 1. after, later, afterwards 2. behind (ant. nhe-) li-ataḥli n. refreshment late in the morning during work in the field; ~ biye, yāye to take a ~ liu- -> lyu- li-un -> livaṃ liṃ1 n. (-lina-,-gaḥ) beam end liṃ2; ~ cāye to purify (for religious purposes); ~ juye to become absorbed in the deity liṃcva n. protruding lintel ends likathaṃ adv. back, backwards, in reverse: vaṃ pardā likathaṃ sāla. She drew the curtain back. likāti -> likāsi likapi -> likāpi likaḥ n. 1. sediment, dregs 2. drink with little alcoholic contents; ~mari n. kind of sweetmeat: ball made of flour and dregs likāsi (var. likāti) n. strong stitch (cf. yekāti); ~ kāye to stitch with strong stitches likāpi (var. rikāpi, likapi, lipāki) n. (-pā) kind of small plate li-kāye v.t. to take out, to remove, to extract likī (var. likiṃ) n. (-kila-,-pu,-gaḥ) single peg driven into the ground at the far end of the warp (the other is tied around the waist of the weaver of a `tāṃgāḥ' weaving machine) liku n. (-ku) {old-fash.} load of food sent in return of a gift likuṃ adj. remote, backward; likuṃgu thāy remote area, back-water li-kune v.i. 1. to be backward 2. to be stagnant, to remain behind: laḥ likuna ki cuka na vai. If there is stagnant water, the courtyard will smell bad. like v.t. 1. to cause to follow 2. to cause to take sides likka adv. near, at a short distance: macā māṃ likka phetuta. The child sat near its mother.; ~saṃ adv. nearby, beside: ji likkasaṃ daṂ. Stand beside me! likva n. 1. foot, base, bottom 2. foot of a bed 3. pair of posts for the warp threads of a loom likvayṃ n. (-kvaṂca-,-pu) backbone, spine li-kvike v.t. to write the long `ī' (of Devanāgarī) likhaṂ n. 1. (-gū) answer 2. (-gū) result of a talk 3. (-khaṂ) lump of cooked rice (left-overs given to mendicants) likhataṃ adv. backwards likhaḥ n. (-khala-,-khaḥ) hind quarter of a slaughtered animal (cf. liphaḥ) likhā1 n.anim. rooster that crows irregularly and too late (cf. nhekhā) likhā2 n. (-khā) 1. backside of a horse 2. small annex of a house likhi (var. likhiṃ) n. (-pu) pencil (cf. sisākalam) ligaṃ n. (-gana-) 1. late-comer 2. child born late in a marriage liganā n. restriction li-gane v.t. to control, to hold in check, to call back ligāḥ n. (-gāla-) 1. (-gū) instep 2. (-gāḥ) compost pit in the backyard 3. old debt ligi-ligi; ~ cvane to be lean and thin, to be weak, to be unsteady; ~ sane to sway, to stagger, to move unsteadily ligyāṃ n. (-gyāna-) foresight, anticipation of the consequences ligvaṃ (var. ligvaḥ) n. (-gvana-,-pu) bow-string ligvāli n. part of the lower leg just above the heel li-ghvāye 1. v.i. to go backwards, to go in reverse direction 2. v.t. to push from behind 3. v.t. to support lighvāsā n. 1. support 2. help licaṃ n. (-cana-,-caṃ) swivel joint licaḥ n. (-cala-,-gū) protruding end of a sill (cf. laṃcva) li-cāye v.t. 1. to purify, to clean one's feet (for religious purposes) 2. to sprinkle water around a temple in the morning li-cile v.i. 1. to withdraw, to move back 2. to deviate licū n. (-cula-,-cāḥ,-phvaḥ) side wheel of a spinning wheel licvaḥ1 n. (-cvata-,-cvaḥ) 1. reaction, result, consequence 2. thought, idea, afterthought licvaḥ2 n. (-cvala-) disgrace, defamation, ignominy lichunā n. (-gū) 1. remembrance, memory 2. memorandum, reminder 3. suggestion, proposal lichumāṃ (var. lyu~) n. (-māna-,-gū) {neol.} prognosis, prediction lichyaṃ n. (-chena-,-gaḥ) occiput, back of the head lichyā adj. delayed, overdue, past the right time; ~ juye (of the planting season or the harvest) to be late: thapale sakataṃ bāli lichyā juye phu. In this year, all the crops may be late.; ~ye (-chyāla) to postpone li-chvaye v.t. to postpone lijaḥ n. (-jala-,-gū) 1. reflection 2. reaction, reconsideration 3. idea; ~ lāye to reflect, to react, to consider lijādhū -> lilādhū lijyā n. 1. supporting work 2. result lijyāṃ adv. backwards li-jyāke v.t. 1. to carry back: thugu rasaṃ jhīta jhidaṂ ti lijyākū. This tune takes us back about a decade. 2. to cause to retreat li-jyāye v.i. 1. to move back, to retreat 2. to be postponed lita pref. backwards (with v.t.); ~ kāye to take back; ~ chvaye to send back; ~ biye to give back; ~ haye to get back, to fetch back litaṂsā n. {neol.} 1. extra addition 2. (gramm.) suffix litaṃ vāye v.i. to fall over backwards, to be nose-heavy (of a load to be carried on the back) li-tule 1. to roll back 2. to be coiled (of a long thin object) lituliye v.t. to chase continuously, relentlessly litha n. backdated payment; ~ pule to backdate a payment lithu 1. adv. back, later 2. adj. second 3. n. hon., n.anim. co-wife, husband's second wife (cf. nhethu); lithuṃ peṃke (for a wife) to have co-wives (lit. to be kicked by co-wives); ~mha bhāḥta n. hon. second husband lithucuka (var. lisucuka) n. (-gū) backyard li-thune v.i. to suffer a relapse, for a disease to return li-thene v.i. to return, to come back: jipiṃ yāuṃka he lithena. We arrived safely. li-thvaye v.i. to resound, to echo lidā n. counter attack; ~ biye to make a counter attack, to retaliate, to revenge lidi n. 1. (-gū) resting place 2. (-gaḥ) sill, threshold li-dutine v.t. to readmit lidyā n. (-dyā) back part of a house lidhaṃsā n. (-gū) {neol.} 1. support, s.th. to lean on 2. hope, faith; ~ biye to support, to encourage li-dhane v.i. 1. to lean back, to lean against, to rest on 2. to believe in, to rely on linā vane v.i. to go after, to follow linhā n. rebate (doorframe); ~ mhuye to make a; ~mhusā n. (-gaḥ) plane to make rebates linhesaḥ n. (-sala-,-gū) question asked in return or reply li-nhyāye v.i. to regress, to go backwards, to retire (lit. to proceed back) lipatay adv. eventually li-pane to obstruct from the backside, to cut the line of retreat lipā1 adv. later on, after a while; ~ lāye to be delayed, to remain or to be left behind lipā2 (var. lippā) n. (-pā) 1. catapult, string shot 2. bow-string 3. feather of an arrow lipāki -> likāpi lipātā n. (-pātā) 1. back (body part) 2. backside of an upper garment lipā-nhāpā adv. as usual, always lipāmhū n. (-mhuli-,-mhū) bow-string (cf. libāsiṂ) lipā-lipā adv. in a little while, by and by lipi1 n. (-gū) script lipi2 n. {neol.} 1. expectation 2. future; ~ cvane to wait for, to wait and see lipi-dhipi n. (-gū) proof lipinhepi n. (-gū) {neol.} 1. expectation 2. tolerance 3. adjustment; ~ daye to be tolerant; ~ svaye to think, to consider, to wait and see lipu n. (-gū) answer, reply (cf. lisaḥ); ~ biye to answer, to reply lipukathi n. (-pu) end stick (in a series of sticks for spreading yarn) lipunhepu n. question and answer; ~ daye to be tolerant, to be on good terms; ~ yāye 1. to argue 2. to inquire lipu-lipu adj. shallow lipū n. (-puta-) {neol.} answer lippā -> lipā2 li-pvike v.t. 1. to converse 2. to answer liphaḥ n. (-phala-,-phaḥ) 1. rear, back side, area behind s.th. 2. hind quarter of a slaughtered animal (cf. likhaḥ); ~ kāye 1. to turn back 2. to look back; ~ tine to turn back, to turn and bolt; ~ svaye 1. to look back, to glance behind, to glance back 2. to save, to economize liphaḥcā n. second half of the night (after midnight) liphaḥ-nhephaḥ svaye v.t. 1. to think, to consider thoroughly 2. to make preparations, to provide for liphā n (-gū) official form, printed form liphī n. (-phila-,-gaḥ) post to tie up cattle liphuti n. (-gū) long vowel marker (visarga): kasiyā `ka'-yāta liphuti bila ki `kaḥsi' jvī. If (we) put a ~ to `ka' of `kasi' (earthen pot) it will become `kaḥsi' (terrace) li-phyāye 1. to recover a pawn 2. to surpass, to overtake libalā -> libvalā libaḥ n. (-bala-) inner strength, stamina; ~ daye to have inner strength libāṃ n. (-bāna-,-gū) shape of s.o.'s back side libāka adv. late li-bāye v.i. to be delayed, to be late libāsiṂ n. (-gū) handle of a bow (cf. limhū, lipāmhū) libāḥnhebāḥ adv. 1. not at the right time, too late or too early 2. in the middle of the night: libāḥnhebāḥ juye majyū. It is not good to walk at midnight. libi n. (-gū) 1. park, place for public recreation 2. courtyart, backyard (of a monastery) (cf. lāybhu) libiṃ n. (-bina-) 1. (-pu) lace, fine fabric, silken ribbon 2. (-pu) frilled belt 3. (-gū) canopy (cf. ilāṃ) 4. frilled belt pattern (carving or metal work); ~cā n. (-pā) kind of circular bamboo sieve, with a shallow rim; ~phaḥ n. (-phala-,-phaḥ) base stone with a frill pattern libil n. (-gū) level; ~ kāye to examine the level libilukhā n. (-gū) 1. side door 2. public passage libva n. (-bva) plate for each guthi member for taking home a portion of food from a feast libvaṃ (var. limbu) n.anim. (-bvana-) small child taken along uninvited to a feast by a parent who is invited; ~ yeṃke to take a child along to a feast (cf. limacā, hāymvaḥpāhāṃ); ~ haye id. libvalā (var. libalā) n. revenge; ~ sāye to take revenge, to avenge a prior revenge; ~ svāye id. li-bvāye v.i. 1. to run after 2. to applaud, to cheer 3. to be careless in work 4. to be somewhat thrifty libhū n. (-bhuli-,-gū) reunion meeting limacā n.anim. s.o. taken along to a feast without being invited (cf. libvaṃ, hāymvaḥpāhāṃ) limalāye v.i. to have no time, no leisure; limalāḥ-phamalāḥ adv. in great haste limpu -> limbu2 limbu1 n. (-gū) trowel (cf. livaṃpau, lusāḥ) limbu2 (var. limpu) n.pr. name of a tribe of Eastern Nepal limbu3 -> libvaṃ limhū n. (-mhuli-,-gū) handle of a bow (cf. lipāmhu, libāsiṂ) liyāṃ(-liyāṃ)lyu adv. at last (lit. last of last) (cf. khvātyā) liye v.t. (lita) 1. to follow: khicāṃ syāmyāta lita. The dog followed Syām. 2. to uproot, to transplant 3. to take sides: vaṃ tatā pākhe lita. He took the side of his sister. 4. to resemble liru-thiru juye -> iru thiru juye liru-nheru cāy+ke v.t. (for the parents of the bride) to receive a visit from a newly married couple for the first time since the wedding li-lane v.i. to be fully fermented (of grain in alcohol fermentation): aylāḥ kāsā lilana ki āylāḥ sāi makhu. If the fermented grain has been exhausted, the liquor will not be tasty. li-lāke v.t. to catch up with, to overtake lilākha adv. leisurely lilātuti n. copper-sulphate (cf. vāuṃci) lilāthuti n. medicinal ointment made from indigo lilādhū (var. lijādhū) n. (-dhuli-) first visit of a married woman in her parents' home after the marriage li-lāye v.i. to have leisure time lilāl kāye v.t. to swim, to float on one's back lili adv. (to move back) repeatedly; ~ cile to move back repeatedly; ~ phyāye to overtake repeatedly; ~ vaye 1. to follow repeatedly 2. to come repeatedly lilikvakva (var. ~kvakvaṃ) n. ridicule; ~ cāye to feel ridiculous, ridiculed; ~ puye to be ashamed, to be shy; ~ yāye to put to shame, to ridicule lilipipi (var.~puṃ) adv. (to follow) closely li-lhāye v.t. to add liva n. 1. future 2. {neol.} (gramm.) future tense livaṃ (var. liun, levaḥ, levaṃ) n. (-vana-) plaster for coating walls; ~cā n. seasoned clay for plastering; ~ taye to plaster walls; ~pa+u n. (-pati-,-gū) trowel (cf. limbu, lusāḥ); ~ pāye to plaster walls with plaster; ~ phiye to prepare plaster for walls lisaṃ1 (var. lesaṃ) n. (-sana-) solder, metal used for soldering; ~ taye to solder (hom. lisaṃ2) lisaṃ2 n. hangover; ~ kāye, taye, yāye to drink to recover from a hang-over lisamāṃ n. (-māna-,-gū) 1. assembly that audits the accounts of guthi feasts and ceremonies 2. audit 3. auditing authority; ~ cvane to hold an audit; ~ yāye to call in an auditing (done by a head guthi member); ~ saḥte id. lisaḥ n. (-sala-,-gū) answer, reply (cf. lipu); ~ taye to oppose; ~nhesaḥ n. (-sala-) question and answer; ~nhesaḥ daye to be on good terms; ~nhesaḥ yāye 1. to argue , to give reasons 2. to enquire 3. to carry on a conversation lisā (var. lisāḥ) n. 1. addition 2. second helping of food 3. counter blow 4. pulling back; ~ kāye 1. to take a second helping 2. to repeat 3. to add 4. to revenge, to retaliate (cf. bvalā sāye); ~khipaḥ n. (-pata-,-pu) support rope on a loom (running from the cloth beam at the front to the peg driven into the ground at the far end, maintaining the tension of the warp threads); ~nhesā yāye to vex, to harass li-sāye v.t. 1. to add afterwards 2. to say again, to repeat: hānaṃ lisāye mvāle māḥ. (That) should not have to be repeated. li-sāle v.t. 1. to adjourn, to postpone 2. to pull back lisāsāṃ adv. repeatedly lisāḥ1 -> lisā lisāḥ2 n. (-sāla-) light refreshment during a long journey (cf. disāḥ) lisipusi n. graveness, profundity lisu adj. later, following lisucuka -> lithucuka lisu|-pvāḥ n. (-pvāla-,-pvāḥ) rear burner of a stove with three burners; ~macā n.anim. husband's second wife's child lise (var. liseṃ) postp. with, together with, along with: chalise vaye tena. He'll come along with you. lihāṃ (var. lyāhāṃ, lyāṃ) adv. back (with v.i.); ~ vane to go back: lihāṃ huṂ hākanaṃ. Go back again!; ~ vaye 1. to come back: lihāṃ vā yākanaṃ! Come back soon! 2. to come off: kamijyā tāṂkh lihāṃ vala. A button has come off the shirt. lihāṃ-thihāṃ (var. lyāṃthyāṃ) adv. (to walk about) without any special purpose, aimlessly: va cheṂ vane nhyaḥ tāuta lihāṃthihāṃ jula. Before going home he walked about aimlessly for a long time. lihācāṃ n. (-cāna-,-cāṃ) leaping back; ~ gāye to leap back lī n. (-likha-) brass lī|-ghaḥ n. (-ghala-,-ghaḥ) brass pitcher (used in rituals); ~demā n. (-pā) brass plate; ~bhārā n. (-gaḥ,-jvaḥ) brass utensil līlāḥ n. (-lākha-) liquor of inferior quality (intermediary stage of liquor distillation); ~ hvāye to redistil: līlāḥ hvāta ki aylāḥ jvī. If one redistils līlāḥ, it becomes aylāḥ. lī vaye v.i. to be similar lu1 n. scene of a drama, sight, view, scenery lu2 meas. pouring out beer or liquor (used with num.): vaṃ nilu aylāḥ luta. She poured out liquor twice. lui- -> lvi- luṂ1 n. 1. (-mā) kind of fibrous plant 2. (-haḥ) leaf of a ~ (its fibres are used as thread to make garlands) luṂ2 n. (instr. luṃ) gold; luṃ kaye to cover with gold; luṃ siye to gild; ~kaḥmi n.anim. goldsmith; ~khi phāye to be vulgarly rich; ~cāḥ (var. lucāḥ) n. (-cāla-,-cāḥ) earring; ~ciṃ n. (-cina-,-gū) golden mark (used in rituals); ~curā n. (-pā,-pu) golden bracelet; ~jyā n. smithy, goldsmith's work, goldsmith's workshop; ~jhaṃgaḥ n.anim. (-gala-) {fig.} person who is easy to cheat; ~jhaṃgaḥ jvane to cheat (lit. catch a golden bird); ~jhaṃgaḥ lāye id.; ~jhyāḥ n. (-jhyāla-,-pā) window covered with gilded metal sheets; ~nibhāḥ n. (-bhāla-) sunrise; ~pa+u n. (-pali-,-gū) gilded roof; ~pātā n. (-pātā) gold plate; ~pu n. (-pu) piece of gold put into the mouth of a deceased person on the funeral pyre luṂbuṂ n. blossom of a mustard plant; ~vahabuṂ n. blossoms of mustard and radish (offered during the `pāhāṃcaḥrhay' festival) luṂ|-bhaḥ n. (-bhala-,-gū) pot for melted gold or silver; ~byāṃ n.anim. (-byāna-) kind of frog with golden stripes; ~māḥ n. (-māla-,-māḥ) gold chain; ~raṅg adj. golden, of golden colour; ~svāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) flower shaped head ornament; ~svāṃ chuye to put on a ~; ~hiti n. golden fountain (place name of several localities) lukāḥ(-misā) n.anim. 1. woman who serves beer or liquor at a feast 2. {neol.} bar maid (cf. suliṃmisā); ~bva n. plate of food for the ~ to take home from a feast (cf. lakṣmībva) luku1 n. 1. silence 2. imperceptibility, disappearance; ~ biye (bita) 1. (for stars) to set 2. to disappear, to be hidden; ~ vane to vanish luku2 n. mouthful of food, morsel (cf. lvākā) luku3 n. porridge; ~ khune to prepare porridge lukuṃ1 n. (-kuna-) broken pieces of steamed grain (esp. of millet) lukuṃ2 adv. gloomy lukuṃ3 (var. lvakuṃ) n. back, shoulder; ~gā n. (-pu) 1. small shawl 2. cloak; ~ chiye to carry on the back; ~ neye to wrap one's shoulders; ~ biye -> luku biye; ~ buye to carry on the back luku|-jyaḥ n.anim. (-jela-) glutton, immodest person; ~jyā n. feasting, merry making luku-thuku adv. 1. idle, lazy, aimless 2. silently 3. (of taste) unpleasant; ~ naye to eat s.th. of unpleasant taste luku|-dyaḥ n.anim. (-deva-) 1. idle person 2. s.o. who keeps his intentions to himself, s.o. not frank, taciturn person; ~mahādyaḥ n.anim. (-deva-) 1. id. 2. hidden image of Mahādeva, kept in courtyards beneath refuse luku-luku (var.~lulukuṃ) adv. 1. idle, lazy, aimless 2. silently lukhā (var. lvakhā) n. (-gū,-duvāḥ) 1. gate, door 2. brim, opening of a pot; ~khalu n. door-sill; ~ cvāye to decorate the door (for `rites de passage'); ~duvāḥ n. (-vāla-,-duvāḥ) main gate, doorway (of a courtyard); ~pāle n.anim. gate keeper; ~pāḥ (-pāla-) id.; ~pivāḥ n. (-vāla-) id.; ~phusa (var. phusi) n. 1. door lintel (in ritual contexts) 2. cornice lukhi n. (-pu) rope for leading an animal lucāḥ -> luṂcāḥ luchidyaḥ n. (-deva-) small caitya, small figure of a deity (made from clay for certain rituals) luci n. (-gaḥ) kind of fruit, leechee lucu (var. lvāca, lvācāka) n. quick movement, quick step; ~ka adv. quickly, with a sudden jerk; ~kvabuye to lift up easily; ~dalū n. (-lukha-,-pvāḥ) movable earthen lamp; ~palāḥ n. (-lākha-,-palāḥ) skipping, swift step, step like a sparrow's; ~lācu adv. 1. quickly, swiftly 2. with a jerk 3. tripping like a sparrow 4. skipping; ~lucu (var. ~lucuṃ) adv. id. luccā n.anim. profligate, mischievous person; ~khaṂ n. mischievous talk; ~jyā n. mischievous deed luchu (var. lusu) n. rump, part between rib and hip of an animal (cf. hyākulā) lutā n. (-gaḥ) brass water pot lutān n. game of hurling things (to be snatched away) lutāhā (var. lutāḥ) n.anim. plunderer, robber, thief; ~dvahaṃ (-hana-) n.anim. id. lutikaḥsvāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) kind of flower ludane -> ludhane ludhaṃti n. contentment, satisfaction ludhaṃsu n. {neol.} self-indulgence ludhanā n. satisfaction, gratification; ~pu adj. satisfactory, gratifying; ~ puye to be satisfied or gratified ludhane (var. ludane) v.i. to be satisfied, content lupu1 n. (-gaḥ) seed of the hemp, hashish lupu2 n. body part below the eye and above the cheek; ~ khāye to become fat lupuka adv. floating luphi n. stumbling; luphiṃ hāye to stumble, to hit accidentally with one's toe lubaḥ n. (-bala-,-gū) long wooden trowel lubhāḥ n. (-bhāla-) Mt. Everest lumaṃke v.t. to recollect, to recall to memory (with a conscious effort); lumaṃkā taye to keep in mind; lumaṃkā biye to remind; lumaṃkā haye to recollect lumaṃti n. (-gū) {neol.} memory, recollection; ~ vaye to come to mind lumadhaṃ adj. not satisfied, not satiated lumane v.i. to remember, to come to mind (by itself, without an effort); lumanā vaye to come to mind lumari n.pr. name of the goddess Bhadra lumār (var. rumal) n. (-kū) {ch.lg.} towel, handkerchief lumu adj. slightly warm, lukewarm: thva thāy lumu. This place is moderately warm.; ~jaḥ n. (-jala-) 1. warmth 2. body heat (lit. warm light); ~ye (-mula) to be warm; ~lumu dhāye to retain a little heat after cooling off, to be moderately warm; ~se cvane to be completely warm luye1 v.t. (luta) to pour out luye2 (lula) 1. v.t. to drag, to pull 2. v.i. to appear, to be found: sakatāṃ lula. Everything has been found. 3. v.i. to rise, to well up 4. v.i. to resemble, to be formed, to be shaped like lulaṃ cvane v.i. to live separately lulu1 adj. lukewarm; ~ dhāye 1. to be lukewarm 2. to become somewhat thin (of solid substances) lulu2 n. (-gaḥ) orange coloured gem, jacinth lulu-lulu dhāye v.i. (of the face) to turn red luvāḥ n.anim. (-vāla-) leader, pioneer lusākuti n. (-pu) bamboo stick for stirring rice during pounding lusāḥ n. (-sāla-,-gū) 1. long wooden trowel (cf. limbu, livaṃpau) 2. view master 3. telescope lusi1 n. (-gū) fingernail, toe-nail; ~ khāye, cāye to cut fingernails; ~ thiye to get one's toe-nails touched (by the wife of the barber as part of purification rites after a death); ~ thīke to get one's toe-nails cut (by a barber for rites of purification after a death); ~ dhene to cut toe-nails; ~ pvatā jāye to have a suppurating inflammation of the nail bed lusi2 n. (-pu) wooden pestle for pounding beaten rice (usually made from chestnut wood) lusiṂ n. (-mā) kind of tree lusipu -> lhusipu lusipyākhaṃ n. (-khana-,-gū) pestle dance lusibāṃ n. (-bāna-,-gū) finger print lusu -> luchu lusuṃ -> lusulusu lusuka adv. for a moment, for a very short time, in a glimpse: macā lusuka khane vala ale hānaṃ gana vaṃ jula. The child appeared for a moment and then was gone again. lusu-lusu (var. ~lusuṃ) adv. steadily, constantly, successively lū1 n. hot wind of summer lū2 (var. lvi) adj. risen; ~jaḥ n. (-jala-) 1. dawn 2. rising sun; ~jaḥ luye to dawn; ~nibhāḥ n. (-bhāla-) 1. rising sun, dawn 2. {fig.} promising personality lūlāḥ yāye v.t. to distribute fruit to the public (in order to avert a danger): macā tacvaḥguliṃ rāmyā lūlāḥ yāta. Rām distributed fruit because the child was seriously ill. lūluṃ khvaye v.i. to burst into tears, to weep very much le1 b.f. selection, choosing le2 (var. of ale used in reply) part. 1. and then, so what? 2. question marker leṃ -> leheṃ lekh n. anything written lekhāṃ n. (-khāna-,-pu) pen, pencil (cf. cvasā) lejyā n. selection, election; ~nāyaḥ n.anim. (-yeka-) election commissioner ledivā n. (-gaḥ) radio lene v.i. to remain behind, to be saved, to survive lepu n. (-gū) {neol.} way of selecting lepū n. (-puli-,-gū) remnants, things left over after a selection (cf. thvapū) lebu n. (-gaḥ) kind of citrus fruit, kind of large lemon; ~si n. (-gaḥ) id. leye v.t. (lela) 1. to choose, to select, to elect, to sort out: thvapiṃ nitāy chatā le. Choose one of these two! yekva dutāy leye thāku. It is difficult to choose between so many kinds. 2. to prefer: chaṃ gugu leyā? Which one did you prefer? ley+p n. (-pā) ointment (cf. bajra~; pāvāsaḥ); ~ pāye to apply ~ ler -> rel levaṃ -> livaṃ levatini (var. levaḥ(siṃ)) n.anim. 1. paramour, lover 2. prostitute levaḥ1 n.anim. (-vata-) paramour; ~ biye accuse of adultery, illicit sexual relations; ~ lāye to catch a pair in a compromising situation levaḥ2 -> livaṃ levaḥsiṃ n.anim. (-sina-) prostitute, unchaste woman, adulteress (cf. lakhāḥbati) lesaṃ -> lisaṃ1 leheṃ (var. leṃ) pref. up, upwards, above, towards the top; ~ thane to uproot, to pull up with the roots; ~ dane to be uprooted, to be pulled up with the roots; ~ puye, pule 1. to float on the surface 2. {fig.} to be disgraced or dishonoured: va thaḥcheṂ leheṃ pula. She was disgraced in her father's home. 3. to ponder; ~ buye to rise to the surface leheṃcā (var. lheheṃcā) n. (-mā) kind of plant (its red juice is used by women to colour the palms, soles and the fingernails); ~ chiye, taye, phvaye to dye with ~ leheṃpū n. remnants in a winnowing tray, coarse residue lya- -> le- lyaṃ adj. remaining, surplus; ~pu n. (-gū) remainder, remnants, residue, surplus; ~pulyaṃ n. (-lena-,-gū) id. lyaḥsiṃ n. (-sina-,-gaḥ) ceremonial pole lyāṃ -> lihāṃ lyāṃthyāṃ -> lihāṃthihāṃ lyākhaṃ postp. in the name of; instead of: khicāyāta bhairabyā lyākhaṃ pujyāyegu yāḥ. The dog used to be worshipped in the name of Bhairava. lyāy+mha (var. lyāyma) n.anim. 1. young boy 2. lover, paramour; ~ka+i n. (-kaica-,-gaḥ) pimple, acne, rash during puberty; ~pucaḥ (-cala-,-gū) youth club; ~ biye to accuse a woman of adultery (lit. to give a paramour); ~sū n. (-suli-) {neol.} 1. youth 2. adolescence (of young boys) lyāse n.anim. 1. young girl 2. lover, girl friend; ~pahaḥ n. (-hala-) 1. youth 2. adolesence (of girls) lyāsepvaḥ n. (-pvala-,-pvaḥ) bag containing condiments; ~ kene, bvaye to display a ~ (in the courtyard of the bride's home when the marriage procession arrives) lyāse|-macā n.anim. girl in her teens; ~sū n. (-suli-) {neol.} 1. youth 2. adolesence (of girls); ~hyaḥ n.anim. (-hela-) wanton person lyāhāṃ -> lihāṃ lyāḥ n. (lyākha-) sum, amount, account, calculation, number (cf. jhvaḥ~, thyaṃ~, daṃ~, nhi~): lyāḥ maru. It is of no account.; lyākhaṃ by estimation; lyākhaṃ jāye to enumerate; ~ kāye to count, to sum up, to calculate; ~ khyāye 1. to enumerate 2. to consider; ~cāḥ n. (-cāla-,-gū) account; ~ chāye to make an entry in an account book; ~ taye to keep account, to count; ~phāṃ vane 1. to be mistaken (esp. in counting) 2. (of income) to be insufficient for subsistence; ~ yāye 1. to count, to calculate 2. to consider; ~saphū n. (-phuti-,-gū) account book (cf. hākusaphū); ~svami n.anim. 1. accountant 2. auditor; ~ svaye to audit, to examine accounts officially lyu postp. after, following: jitaḥ lyu cha vala. You came after me. lyuchumāṃ -> lichumāṃ lyune adv. behind, after, at the back, at the rear: cheṂyā lyune chakucā keba naṃ du. There is a little piece of garden at the back of (my) house. lyuneṃ adv. from behind: vaṃ macāyāta lyuneṃ ghvāta. He pushed the child from behind. lyunhyaḥ postp. with, along with lyulyu postp. with, along with: jigu lyulyu vā. Follow me.; ~nhyaḥnhyaḥ postp. id. lvaṃ -> lavaṃ lvaṃkathaṃ adj. suitable lvaṃkhyāḥ n.anim. (-khyāka-) commission agent who brings clients to a shop lvak 1. n.anim. people 2. n. world; lvakaṃhvāka popular; lvakaṃ hvāye to be popular; ~bākhaṃ n. (-khana-,-pu) folk tale (cf. nyaṃkaṂbhākhaṃ); ~me n. (-pu) folk song lvakuṃ -> lukuṃ3 lvakhā -> lukhā lvabh n. greed, covetousness; lvabhay juye to be enticed, to be attracted; lvabhay yāye to tempt; ~ cāye to covet; ~ cāy+ke to tempt; ~ vane to be enticed, to be attracted (cf. lvaḥvane) lvabhi adj. greedy; ~ yāye to tempt lvay n. (lvaca-,-gū) disease; ~ juye to be sick; ~ jhyātuye (of a disease) to become incurable, serious; ~ picāye to fall ill; ~ piye to spread a disease (lit. to plant a disease); ~ lāye to recover from an illness lvaye v.i. (lvala) 1. to be suitable, to fit well, to match, to be in proportion: thva cheṂyā jāḥyāta kvalāḥ lvala. The size of this house is in proportion to its height. vayā cheṂyāta kebacā pāychika he lvala. The little garden is exactly in proportion to his house. 2. to please, to be pleasant lvay+ka adv. suitable, adequate, well-chosen: vaṃ sakasitaṃ lvayka jyākhaṂ yāta. He worked to everybody's satisfaction. lvaraṃ (var. rolaṃ) adv. 1. by rule 2. (to serve at guthi functions) according to seniority, by turns lvala n. (-gaḥ) melted piece of a glass bangle (used in child talk) lvalā n. (-gaḥ) pouch of sealing wax (for throwing red powder, used at Holi) lvasā n. (-tā) sauce, relish, side dish; ~ghāsa n. (-tā) id. lvasuye v.t. (-sula) to stuff into one's mouth lvahaṃ (var. lhvaṃ) n. (-haṂta-,-gaḥ) 1. stone 2. rock (cf. e.g. i~, khau~, cyāphi~, cva~, jari~, duru~, bhvāsā~); ~āju (var. ~maniāju) n.anim. stone image (in front of a monastery); ~kaḥmi n.anim. stone mazon; ~kī n. (-kila-,-kī) boundary stone of a field; ~guccā n. (-gaḥ) stone marble; ~gvaraḥ n. (-rala-,-paḥ) slate; ~thāṃ n. (-thāma-,-gaḥ) stone pillar; ~pa+u n. (-pali-,-gū) stone roof; ~mā n. (-gaḥ) stone mortar; ~māmacā n. (-pu) stone pestle of a mortar; ~hiti n. (-pu) stone water spout lvaḥkaṃ hvāye v.i. to be popular: gugu me lvaḥkaṃ hvāta thugusī? Which song is popular this year? lvaḥcāḥ -> laḥcāḥ lvaḥmaṃke v.t. to forget (intentionally): jiṃ chanta gabaleṃ lvaḥmaṃke makhu. I will never forget you. lvaḥmaṃti n. forgetfulness lvaḥmane v.i. to forget (unintentionally): vayā tvapuli kāye lvaḥmana. He forgot to take his cap. lvaḥvane v.i. to be attracted, enticed (cf. lvabh vane) lvā b.f. fighting lvāka (var. lvākaḥ); ~ chyāye to mix, to involve: āmagu khaṂy jitaḥ lvāka chyāye mate. Don't involve me in that affair.; ~ jyāye to be mixed up, to be messed up, to be involved: chaṃgu vasaḥ dvaṂy lvāka jyāta. Your clothes lie about in a mess.; ~baka (var ~bāka, ~buka) adj. mixed up, confused lvākā n. morsel, lump (cf. luku2); ~ yāye (with num.) 1. to make up into lumps: svalvākā yāta. He made three lumps. 2. to eat in morsels; ~lvākā adv. (to eat) greedily, without tasting lvāke v.t. 1. -> lāke 2. to fight 3. to compare, to check, to verify; lvākā svaye to test, to examine: lvākā ma svayā luṂ bhiṃ mabhiṃ dhāye thāku. Without testing it, it is difficult to say wether it is pure or impure gold. lvākhvaṃ n.anim. (-khvana-) quarrelsome person, one who picks fights; ~hākhvaṃ n.anim. prattler, idle talker lvāca -> lucu lvācāka -> lucuka lvāpā n. (-pā) stroke, slap in the face lvāpu n. (-gū) 1. dispute, quarrel 2. fight, war, conflict, struggle; ~khaṂ n. (-gū) quarrel; ~khicā n.anim. quarrelsome person, trouble-maker; ~ khine to separate fighters; ~khyāpu n. dispute, disorder; ~khvaṃ (var. lvākhvaṃ) n.anim. (-khvana-) fighter, quarrelsome person; ~cheṂ n. a house where quarrelling is going on all the time; ~ taye to pick a quarrel; ~ piye id. (lit. to sow disputes); ~ yāye to fight, to pick a quarrel, to raise a fight; ~hyaḥ n.anim. (-hela-) s.o. raising quarrels lvābasā n. weapon, arms lvābhaḥ n. (-bhala-,-gū,-pu) weapon, arms lvāye v.i. (lvāta) to fight: nimha manū laṂy lvāta. The two men fought in the road. lvānā cvane, vane to keep fighting; lvāye makāye du yāye, to agree to play a game of chance without money lvāyṃ meas. tuft, strand (esp. of hair) lvāsā (var. lvābhaḥ) n. {neol.} 1. weapon, arms 2. fight, struggle lvāsiṃ n.anim. (-sina-) fighter, aggressor; ~gulu n.anim. aggressive person, one who picks fights lvāsu n. (-gū) {neol.} conflict lvāsyā n.anim. sloppy woman; careless woman; ~pahaḥ n. (-hala-) sloppiness, carelessness lviṂka adv. for a moment, in a glimpse lviṂthviṂ adv. 1. idle, lazy, aimless 2. silently lviṂlviṂ adv. steadily, constantly lvike v.t. 1. to find, to pick out: vaṃ nhyātheṃ nyāḥ bāsaray naṃ lay lvike phu. He can find the tune on any kind of musical instrument. 2. to cause to appear, to show 3. to cause to come to the surface, to cause to well up 4. to mould; lvikā kāye to find out, to investigate: imisaṃ mhuyāḥ pulaṃgu kvayṃ lvikā kāla. They have found ancient fossils when digging. jiṃ vayāgu thāy lvikā kayā. I found out his address. lvi khāye v.i. to be palatable lvinibhāḥ -> lūnibhāḥ LH lhabhā -> lābhā lhasuni n. (-gaḥ) precious gem of pink colour, cat's eye lhā b.f. speaking, talk lhāka n.anim. speaker, orator; ~mha n.anim. id. lhāke v.t. to cause to speak; ~ chvaye to send s.o. to ask for a girl's hand in marriage lhāksā n. 1. (-gū) machine for pressing 2. (-gaḥ) paper weight lhānāḥ-pānāḥ adv. together, in collaboration lhāpaṃ n. (-pana-,-gū) 1. fee, contribution (esp. to the guthi) 2. share of the expenses; ~ pule to pay an equal share; ~ biye to contribute, to pay an equal share; ~ lhāye to pay a share, to make a contribution lhāpu n. {neol.} 1. manner of speaking, way of conversing 2. conversation, greeting 3. payment of a share lhāpcā -> lāplāpcā lhāpsā n. {Balambu} flash of lightning (cf. nhasalā, palpasā, bhilsi, lasā, hābalāsā, helsā); ~ tvaye (of a lightning) to flash lhāye v.t. (lhāta) 1. to speak, to talk, to greet 2. to contribute, to pay a share of expenses (for a feast or for community purposes) 3. to put on, to rest upon 4. to press 5. to cover up, to fill up: jyāmitaseṃ thva gāḥ lhāy. The labourers will fill up the pit. puṃnaṃ hyāuṃ raṅg hākuguliṃ lhāta. The painter covered the red colour with black 6. to straighten; khaṂ lhāye to accuse, to denounce: pulisaṃ cvāseṂli tini vaṃ khaṂ lhāta. After the police beat him he gave away (the others). lhāsā1 n. Lhāsā, Tibet lhāsā2 n. 1. (-gū) contribution, share 2. (-gū) press 3. (-gaḥ) {neol.} paper weight 4. (-pā,-su) base of a house, base of a frame (made of bricks); ~ taye, biye, lhāye to contribute, to pay a share lhāhā 1. -> lāhā 2. -> lhāḥ3 lhāḥ1 -> lāhā lhāḥ2 n. talk, discussion; ~ vaye to discuss a marriage arrangement lhāḥ3 (var. lāhāḥ, lhāhā) n. (lhāta-,-pā) hand (cf. kuti~); lhātay lāye to get caught, to fall into s.o.'s hands; lhātay lāke to get hold of, to obtain: thva pau gathe lhātay lākā? How did you obtain this letter?; ~kā n. (-pā) 1. hand 2. hand-shaped cornice brick; ~kuṃdā n.anim. person with short bent hands; ~ kene to have one's fortune told by the palms; ~khvandā n.anim. person with short hands; ~caca phuye to beat hands and feet with anger or sorrow; ~ cule to try hard; ~ jāye to be skilled (of the hands); ~ juye, jele to be skilled; ~tappā adj. lavish, generous, extravagant; ~ taye 1. to interfere, intervene 2. to start work, to put one's hand to s.th.; ~tāhā n.anim. thief; ~ tāhāy+ke to steal; ~tisā n. (-gū) ornament for the hand worn at the rice feeding ceremony (consisting of a bracelet and five rings with a chain running from each ring to one point of the bracelet); ~tuti tvaḥte to surrender(lit. to give up hansa and feet); ~ tene to sprain one's wrist; ~ thāye 1. to clap one's hands 2. to rub one's hands (in sorrow); ~dākhi n. (-pu) hand-rope to steady the top of a load while carrying it on the back; ~ nake to strike with the hand; ~panjā n. (-pā,-ju) glove; ~pā n. (-pā) palm; ~pvaḥ cine to do nothing, to live without working; ~ phaye to beg; ~phvaḥ n. (-phvala-,-phvaḥ) 1. back of the hand (with extended fingers) 2. palm (of the closed hand); ~bubu syāye (var. bvabva ~) to rub one's hands as a sign of deference; ~bhāy n. (-bhāsa-) gesture, hand sign; ~ mhuye to put the hands up; ~ svaye 1. to look at the hands 2. to read s.o.'s hand; ~husā n. (-kū) handkerchief (cf. khvāḥhusā); ~hvācu adj. 1. quick 2. quick-tempered, irascible; ~ hvācuye 1. to be quick 2. to be quick-tempered, irascible lhi n. {old-fash.} waist (cf. jaṂ); ~jaṂ n. id. lhu clf. beating rice, number of times of beating rice: vaṃ ni-lhu baji lhula. She beat the rice twice. lhui- -> lhvi- lhuku n. 1. top of the head 2. brain (cf. nhepu) 3. shaking of the head; ~gāḥ n. (-gāla-) suture on the top of the head, fontanel (cf. casupvāḥ); ~ thane to oil the fontanel of a baby's head; ~lhuku yāye (var. lhvākā ~) to nod one's head; ~lhuku sane 1. to move up and down 2. to sway (of flowers) lhukū n. (-kuli-,-gū) bathing place lhuke -> lhvike lhugāḥ n. (-gāla-,-gāḥ) bathing place lhucā n. 1. finely broken earth used to cover freshly sown seeds of paddy (cf. picā) 2. black clay (used to clean the hair) lhuti n. area in Balaju with twenty-two fountains; ~ajimā n.pr. name of the goddess Indrāyaṇī; ~punhī n. full moon of caulā (celebrated with bathing at the twenty-two fountains) lhupukhū n. (-khuli-,-gū) bathing place, swimming pool lhuyā adj. beaten, beating; ~baji n. kind of thick beaten rice lhuye (lhula) 1. v.t. to beat rice 2. v.i. to dance 3. v.i. to bathe 4. v.i. to wriggle, to move from side to side, to sway lhusipu (var. lusipu) n. (-mā) kind of plant, Sterculia coxinia; ~pvākaḥ n. (-kala-) 1. (-gaḥ) husking pit 2. {fig.} mistress, concubine lhe(-jyā) n. 1. copying 2. shifting lheye (lhela) 1. v.i. to crawl, to move slowly along the ground 2. v.i. to move, to shift: labuyā jyāsaḥ nāsamānā tvālay lhela. Labu's workshop moved to Nāsamānā Tole. 3. v.t. to transport, to transfer 4. v.t. to copy, to transcribe 5. v.t. to transplant lheheṃcā -> leheṃcā lhya- -> lhe- lhyaṃsi -> yaḥsiṃ lhvaṃ1 -> lvahaṃ lhvaṃ2 adj. fat, corpulent; ~pā (var. ~bā) n.anim. fat person lhvaṃ(-lhvaṃ)3; ~ bvāye 1. to fall down, to jump down 2. to jump up; ~ yāye 1. to swing a child by the hands and feet 2. to fondle a child on one's knee lhvaka adv. 1. vomiting, spitting 2. brutal, violent, relentless: lataṃcita imisaṃ lhvaka he dhebā pvikala. They relentlessly squeezed money out of Lataṃ.; ~(-phāka)lvay n. (-lvaca-) cholera lhvane 1. v.t. to elevate, to hoist 2. v.t. to repair, to mend: imisaṃ cheṂ lhvanā cvana. They were repairing the house. 3. v.i. to become fat; lhvanā vaye to tend to be fat, to run to flesh lhvaye v.t. (lhvata) 1. to pull out 2. to vomit, to spit out; lhvayā chvaye id. 3. {fig.} to talk, to spill out: pulisaṃ dāseṃli vaṃ khaṂ lhvata. When the police beat him he talked. lhvākā-lhvākā -> lhukulhuku lhvikā (var. lhuke) n. help in placing a load on s.o.'s back: chaṃ lhvikā mabyūsā keheṂcā gathe dusiku kvabuye phaye theṃkā? If you don't help her up with it, how shall your sister manage to shoulder the load of millet? V va1 pron. 1. he, she, it 2. that va2 conj. 1. and 2. or: chanta guthī dukāyegu va makāyegu kva jiye māḥ. Whether or not you will be admitted into the guthi or not is (still) to be decided. va3 postp. as soon as, just after: naye dhuneva dyaṃ vanā. As soon as I had eaten (I) went to sleep. jyā sidhayva jiṃ dhebā bila. I paid as soon as the work was finished. vaṂcu adj. 1. blue 2. pale; ~ke to paint blue; ~taḥ adj. with a blue background, with blue as basic colour (of cloth, paper); ~tikaḥ n. (-kala-,-phvaḥ) iris, blue lily; ~ naye to be deep blue; ~ye (-cula) 1. to be blue 2. to turn pale: vayā khvāḥ vaṂcula. His face got pale.; ~vaṂcu dhāye to be slightly blue, light blue; ~sikhaḥ n. (-khala-,-phvaḥ) iris (lit. blue chain); ~se cvane 1. to be blue 2. to turn pale, to become bloodless, to be faintly coloured vaṂtha -> vathaṃ vaṂye v.t. (vaṂla) 1. to collect, to collect one by one 2. to glean (grain) vaṂsi1 (var. vasi) adj. stale, not new, not fresh, unclean (of food) vaṂsi2 n. indigo; ~kvaṃ n. (-kvana-,-gaḥ) dye pot; ~ghaḥ n. (-ghala-,-gaḥ) id.; ~ghaḥ tajyāye {fig.} to spread (of a rumour) vaṂsibaṂ n. floor which has not been swept in the morning; ~ puye to do the morning sweeping vaṂsilaḥ n. (-lakha-) stale or impure water vaṃ1 postp. 1. just after, as soon as, until: nay dhunevaṃ he ji cheṂ vayā. As soon as I had eaten I came back home. 2. gradually, by and by: lvahaṃ ­pauyā ākhaḥ mhuyāvaṃ vanā cvana. The letters of the inscription on the stone have been worn away by and by. vaṃ2 adj. 1. gone, past 2. dead, deceased vaṃ3 n. (vana-,-tā) verdigris, patina on copper, brass or bronze; ~ vaye 1. to be coated with verdigris 2. to have a bad metallic taste vaṃkuriṃ n. (-rina-) last day of the lunar month (cf. kuriṃ) vaṃkuli n. South-eastern direction (cf. yau~, yeṃ~, ye~) vaṃke v.i. to fade vaṃgalsi(-mā) (var. vaḥlā~) n. (-mā) fig tree, Ficus religiosa vaṃgaḥ n. (-gala-) Indracok vaṃjalā vane v.i. to go to worship at a pīṭha vaṃtā n. East, eastern direction (cf. yautā, yeṃtā, yetā); ~likka adv. facing east vakva adv. as many as came, whosoever came, no matter how many came: vakva phukaṃ he naydyaḥta jaka thana. Whoever came - all of them were only gluttons. vakhvāḥ-thvakhvāḥ; ~ juye, madaye to be defaced, to be disfigured vajeṃka (var. vajyaṃka) adv. (to sit) squatting on the ground; ~ phetuye to squat vajene v.i. 1. to be pressed, to be dented 2. to rise (of dampness), to steam up vajyaṃka -> vajeṃka vatalay (var. vatātalay) n. tantric shrine vatuka adv. (to squat) unmanner­ly: pāhāṃyā nhyaḥne āmatheṃ vatuka phetvi mate. Don't sit down so unmannerly before the guests. vatuye v.i. to squat vathaṃ (var. vaṂtha, vathi) n. moss; vathaṃ gaye to be covered with moss (cf. vāsi) vathāṃ-thvathāṃ lāye v.i. to be shaped, to have a design vathi -> vathaṃ vanaṃvaṃthe; ~ juye to be careless; ~ cvanaṃcvaṃthe juye to be extremely careless vani n. complexion vane v.i. (irr. imp. huṂ) 1. to go, to walk 2. to depart, to pass away, to fall into disuse 3. to set (of sun, moon or stars), to vanish, to fade: thva raṅg lakhaṃ vanī he makhu. This colour will not be washed away with water. 4. to turn bad, to deterior­ate: va misācāyā bāni naṃ vana khanī. The girl apparen­tly has fallen into bad habits. 5. aux. marker of progressive action: to go on, to continue doing : vaṃ jā naye vana. He went on eating. 6. aux. marker of completed action: va taray juyāḥ vana. He has attained release after death. 7. aux. to turn out: va lā cheṂ he jū vana kā. It turned out to be a house.; vanā cvane to pass by, to run along: thva laṂ khusi sithaṃ vanā cvaṃgu du. This road runs by the riverside. vapi -> vāpi vayākathaṃ adv. abruptly vaye v.i. (vala, irr. imp. vā) 1. to come: ji thatheṃ vay. I will be back immediately. va ganaṃ vaḥmha? Where is he from? 2. to come into fashion, to become popular: iskvatyā calan hānaṃ vayā cvana. Waistcoats are coming into fashion once more. 3. to come up, to break out, to appear suddenly: yela­pākhe jhārābāntā vala haṂ. The cholera is spreading from Patan, they say. 4. aux. past progressive marker, to continue doing s.th. (with past tense) vayṃ n.anim. madman, insane person (cf. viṂ); ~(-cāḥ)khicā n.anim. mad dog, rabid dog; ~gaḥ n. (-gala-,-gū) lunatic asylum; ~ cāye to go mad; ~sū n. (-suli-) {neol.} madness, insanity; ~hū n. (-huli-) mad idea vayṃcvayṃ adj. light blue, bluish vayṃtāchi adj. transitory, fleeting, passing, ephemeral vayṃphay n. (-phasa-,-gū) whim of a madman (lit. mad wind) vayṃphasaṃ kaye v.i. to become mad; ~ thiye id. vayṃ-vayṃ adj. light blue, bluish vay+kaḥ pron. (-kala-) he (hon.) vay+kuli n. first day of the lunar month variyāṃ n. (-gū) overflow, deluge, flood; ~khyaḥ n. (-khela-) alluvial plain; ~ cāye to overflow, to flood; ~dvaṂ n. (-dvaṂ) alluvium, alluvial deposit vala cvane v.i. a `rite de passage' among the farmers of Kathmandu administered to boys before or after the shaving ceremony valasimā n. (-mā) kind of tree valaḥ (var. valāḥ) n. (-lata-,-pu) very strong rope (used to tie an elephant or to pull a chariot); ~khipaḥ n. (-pata-,-pu) id. valā1 (var. ulā) n. (-gaḥ) kind of paddy valā2 -> bvalā valābātā n. (-gaḥ) kind of dish (of a special shape) valāḥ -> valaḥ vava dhāye v.i. to be insipid vas n. dew vasa -> vasakala vasaṃ n. dampness, moisture; ~ juye to be damp, to be moist; ~ thiye 1. id. 2. to cause to be damp; ~ lāye id.; ~ vane to become damp, moist; ~ vaye id. vasakala (var. vasapvala) pron. {high grade hon.} he, his vasajā pron. {high grade hon.} you vasapvala -> vasakala vasay; ~ juye 1. to be damp, to be moist 2. to be in heat (of dogs); ~ yāye to cause to be damp vasaḥ n. (-sata-,-gū,-pā) clothing, clothes, dress; vasataṃ tiye to dress up, to attire, to wear;; ~ chvā vāye to beat clothes in washing; ~ taye to get new clothing, to buy clothes vasaḥjuchi (var. ~dhuchi) n. complete set of clothing vasi -> vaṂsi1 vahaḥ (var. vaḥ) n. (-hala-) silver; vahalaṃ kaye to coat with silver; vahalaṃ siye to electroplate or coat with silver; ~ciṃ n. (-cina-,-gū) tiny silver flower; ~pā n. (-pā) silver banner used to decorate a temple; ~buṂ n. (-phvaḥ) blossom of radish; ~likaḥsvāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) kind of flower, a Hedychium; ~svāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) silver coin offered to a deity; ~hiti n. (-dhāḥ) silver fountain (place name of various localities) vaḥ1 n. (vala-,-pā) pulse cake vaḥ2 -> vahaḥ vaḥ3 n. (vala-,-pu) file, instrument for smoothing metal vaḥcā n. (-pu) file, rasp; vaḥcāṃ buye to smoothen with a file, to file; ~ nake 1. id. 2. to sharpen a saw vaḥtā n. (-pā) kind of small leaf plate vaḥpā (var. vahapā) n. (-pā) silver banner used to decorate a temple or deity vaḥlāsimā -> vaṃgalsimā vaḥlāḥ1 n. (-lāta-,-gaḥ) wide-mouthed earthen pot vaḥlāḥ2 adv. a full day, throughout a day; ~apasaṃ n. (-sana-) fast of one day's duration (during which not even water is consumed); ~chi adv. one whole day, all day long vaḥlāḥbhegaḥ n. (-gata-,-gaḥ) 1. wide-mouthed earthen pot for washing clothes 2. n.anim. {fig.} dwarf woman with broad hips vā1 n. (-gaḥ) paddy, unhusked rice; ~ taye to pay one's share of paddy (tenant to landlord); ~ tvaye for a paddy plant to open, to burst vā2 n. (-pu) 1. tooth (cf. kva~, chuṂ~, duru~, dhaṂ~, naye~) 2. notch, cog 3. split (of a door leaf); vāy thāye 1. to catch (meat) between the teeth 2. to catch (wood) between the two parts of a plane; vāṃ pāle to bite one's tongue; vāṃ kāye 1. to cut an indentation, to cut a dovetail 2. to level the edges of double doors; vāṃ hicāye to have an inflammation of the gums vā3 n. rain; ~ kvajvaye to fall (of rain); ~ thadāye 1. to spring up, to rise (of rainwater) 2. to irrigate a higher field from a lower one; ~ mhuye (for a wall) to be covered with moisture; ~ vaye to rain vā4 irr. imp. of vaye, to come vā5 n. name of the village of Chāpāgaon vāiṃ(-vāiṃ) onom. whimpering, crying of a sick child; ~ka adv. with a whimper vāiṃyā n. 1. reverberation of a musical instrument, of a bell or a gong 2. thrilling, throbbing; ~kāiṃyā n. id. 2.; ~ mine 1. to resound, to reverberate 2. to feel thrilled, to throb vāuṃ (var. vāmu) 1. adj. green 2. n. green vegetable; ~ke to paint green, to make green; ~ghāsā n. green vegetable served at a feast; ~cā n. (-pu) green vegetable; ~taḥ adj. with a green background, with green as basic colour, to be deep green; ~ci n. copper sulphate (cf. lilā tuti); ~pāuṃ n. unripe fruit, sour fruit, fruit considered unwholesome; ~bhattu (var. vā~) n.anim. parrot; ~mhukaṃ n. (-kana-,-mā) kind of mushroom; ~ye (-uṂla) to be green; ~vāuṃ dhāye to be greenish; ~ lāye to be green; ~se cvane to turn green vāṃ n. 1. rights, authority 2. courage vāṃkhā -> vākāḥ vākaḥni n. (-gaḥ) tassel of corn on which kernels grow vākāy+gujhari n. (-gaḥ) plane to make rebates vākāḥ (var. vaṃkhā) n. (-kāla-,-gū) yawning; ~ taye 1. to yawn 2. (ironical) to open one's mouth expecting food vāki taye v.t. to be overcome with nausea, to be disgusted vāku n. 1. jaw 2. gum (of the teeth); ~ chiye 1. to grind one's teeth in rage 2. {fig.} to bear, to endure; ~dhī (var. vādhī) n. (-dhika-,-dhī) jaw; ~dhī bene to be locked (of jaws); ~si n. gum vākkabyākka juye v.i. to be fed up vākka yāye v.t. to choke, to vomit vākhi n. tartar, film on the teeth vākhvatāḥ (var. vālakhvatāḥ) n. (-tāla-,-gū) stubble, remains of paddy after harvest­ing vāgviṂ n. (-gū) ear of paddy vācā n. (-gū) blossom, tassel on the top of a corn stalk (portion of the corn plant which produces the pollen) vāci -> vāsi1 vāccā dane v.i. to roam, to go aimlessly from door to door vācyā-vācyā cvane (var. ~vācyāṃ) v.i. 1. to be clumsy 2. to be sticky vācheṂ n. (-gū) socket of a tooth vātā-vātā (var. ~vātāhāṃ); ~ cvane 1. to be muddy 2. to be purulent 3. to be puzzled; ~nhi dāye to be purulent vāti n. rainwater; ~ phaye to collect rainwater; ~laḥ n. (-lakha-) rainwater vātuvāṃ adv. 1. everywhere, 2. (to shout) repeatedly vātuvāle v.t. 1. to mix with the fingers 2. to grope vāthāka adv. (to move) abruptly vāthā(-vāthā) kane v.i. 1. to be in agony, to suffer extreme pain 2. to be in difficulties 3. to writhe vādaḥ adj. roaming, wanton vādusi n. (-gaḥ) unhusked millet vādvaṂ n. (-dvaṂ) paddy heap covered with straw mats (exposed for drying); ~ khine to spread out paddy in the sunshine; ~ cakaṃke id.; ~ piye to keep watch of paddy heaps; ~pivāḥ n.anim. (-vāla-) care-taker of paddy heaps vādhī -> vākudhī vāpi (var. vapi) n. (-gū) water hole; ~jhyāḥ n. (-jhyāla-,-pā) small round window on either side of the main one (in a temple) vāpu1 -> vāpū vāpu2 n. (-pu) 1. rebate 2. notched course of bricks 3. profile of the joining edges of double doors; ~ kāye to level the edges of double doors; ~ milay yāye to fit the edges of double doors vāpu3 n. (-gaḥ) paddy seed; ~ taye 1. to sow paddy for seedlings 2. to put aside (paddy) for seed; ~sā n. paddy seed vāpū (var. vāpu) n. (-puti-) wastage; ~ yāye to waste; ~ vane to be wasted vāphay n. (-phasa-) storm; ~ vaye (of a storm) to start suddenly vābāṃ n. (-bāna-,-gū) mark of the teeth, bite vābva n. (-gū) paddy bed, paddy patch vāmarucā n.anim. toothless person vāmā n. (-mā) paddy plant; ~ tvaye to open, to burst (of grains of paddy) vāmu -> vāuṃ vāmhukaṃ -> vāuṃmhukaṃ vāye (vāta) 1. v.t. to throw away 2. v.t. to ward off an evil spirit, to dispel 3. v.t. to waste 4. v.i. to be spilt, to run out of a vessel 5. v.t. to use, to apply, to act upon vāy+ka -> vākka vāy+tyaḥ-pvāy+tyaḥ adv. missing (of s.th. wanted in its place) vāy+phvāle n.anim. female prattler, babbler vāy+vāy; ~ kane to be suffocated (from being strangled); ~ hāle to gasp for breath vārā-kvārā; ~ sane to shake, to crack; ~ saṃke to shake: dhākuphasaṃ simā vārā-kvarā saṃkala. A tornado shook the tree. vārā-vārā; ~ sane to shake, to quake; ~ hāle to mumble vālaṃvā adv. in a week's time, till the same day next week vālakhvatāḥ -> vākhvatāḥ vāla-phvāla n. garbage vālay+phvālay adj. of loose character, unchaste (of women) vālaḥ1 n. (-lata-,-pu) strong rope vālaḥ(-bva)2 n. (-lata-,-bva) plate served in the ceremony of assigning the duties of feeding the guthi for one year (the plate is transferred by predece­ssor to successor in this office) (cf. pāḥbva); ~ taḥ vane for a group of guthi members to carry the ~ to the house of the successor in office; ~dhaki n. (-pāḥ) flat open wicker basket used as a tray for serving the ~; ~ laḥlhāye to hand over the ~; ~ svake to serve close relatives and friends with pulse cake reserved from the ~ in order to secure their help in hosting the guthi for the coming year vālā-vālā; ~ mine to feel a tickling sensation; ~ yāye to mix with the fingers; ~ sane to wade in water vālu adj. tedious, boring; vālugu khaṂ boring talk; ~ka adv. tediously, boringly: va manū vāluka hālā cvana. That man prattled tediously.; ~ye (-lula) to be tedious, boring, to be repetitive: vayā khaṂ vālula. His talk was tedious. vāle v.t. 1. to blend together, to mix, to involve 2. to make a thorough search 3. to search for food in water (of water-birds) vāvā n. 1. call for a bird, esp. a pigeon 2. {ch.lg.} pigeon 3. {ch.lg.} bird (in general) vāsaṃ n. (-sana-,-sāḥ) 1. napkin 2. piece of cloth for wrapping a book; ~ taye to cover with a napkin; ~ lāye to spread out a piece of cloth to open a book on; ~ hine to wrap up with a napkin vāsar n. (-cāḥ) washer vāsaḥ n. (-sala-,-gū) 1. medicine, medical treatment 2. remedy, plan; ~khunā n. (-gaḥ,-pā) tonic given to a woman after child­birth; ~tāsaḥ n. (-sala-) medical treatment vāsā 1. n. (-gū) plough 2. n.anim. bullock; ~ vāye 1. to plough (with bullocks) vāsā-phvāsā (var. ~vāsā, vāsyāvāsyā, vāsphvās) adv. touching, fumbling, groping; ~ māle to search thoroughly; ~ yāye 1. to grope, to fumble 2. to stroke, to fondle; ~ vāye to embrace vāsi1 (var. vāci) n. moss (cf. vathaṃ) vāsi2 n. gum (of the teeth); ~ cāye to have an inflammation of the gums vāsiṃ1 n.anim. (-sina-) one who wastes food to a large extent vāsiṃ2 adj. trifling, insignifi­cant; ~dāju n.anim. funny fellow (term of abuse or mockery) vāsi(-cāḥ)lvay (var. vāhicāḥ~) n. (-lvaca-) pyorrhoea, inflammation of the gums vāseṃ -> vāsyā vāstā n. (-tā) care, concern, thought; ~kyāstā n. care, concern, thought; ~ taye, yāye to pay attention: vayā khaṂy vāstā taye mate. Do not pay attention to what he says. vāsphvās -> vāsāphvāsā vāsyā (var. vāseṃ) adj. 1. idle, lazy 2. subdued, not open; ~ nhile to smile faintly, in a subdued way; ~pahaḥ n. (-hala-) laziness, clumsiness vāsyā-vāsyā -> vāsāphvāsā vāsyāsū n. (-suli-) {neol.} laziness, clumsiness vāhiccāḥlvay -> vāsi(cāḥ)lvay vāḥ1 n., meas. (vāla-) week vāḥ2 n. (vāla-) 1. fence 2. (-gaḥ) terrace wall; vālaṃ ciye to fence in; ~ gvaye to fence in (a field); ~ cāle to have an opening, to be damaged, to be broken down (of a fence) vāḥ3 n. consciousness; ~ cāye to become conscious; ~ tāye id. vāḥchi adv. one week, for a whole week vāḥtā n. (-pu) split bamboo to stir grain during frying vāḥpa+u n. (-pati-,-gū) weekly paper vi- etc. -> bi- viṂ (var. uiṂ) n.anim. mad woman (cf. vayṃ); ~ cāye to go mad, to be insane (of women) viṂkviṂ adv. slightly viṂviṂ onom. sound of complaint or reluctance; ~ka adv. hardly, slightly; ~ yāye to be unwilling, reluctant: vaṃ chaṃ bvāḥgu jyā yāyeta viṂviṂ yāta. He was unwilling to do the work you have ordered.; ~ hāle to whimper, to yelp viṂhū n. sudden start of madness, whim; ~ vaye to get a sudden whim vī(-cā) n. hon. great-grandchild ve-, vyaḥ-, vyā- -> be-, byaḥ-, byā- Ś -> S S -sa suff. {old-fash.} loc. suff. (with n.inan.),­ e.g.: cheṂsa in the house, lāsāsa on the bed sa+u n. (sali-) 1. cow-dung 2. (-gū) plough; ~khi n. cow-dung; ~khipaḥ n. (-pata-,-pu) rope to fasten a yoke; ~baṂ n. funeral rite in which a mixture of cow-dung and red clay is smeared on the floor of a house of a deceased person (done by a daughter or a sister); ~baṂ thile to perform this rite; ~ vāye 1. to plough 2. to throw away cow-dung (done by the widow after her husband's death); ~ sāle to draw a line of cow-dung and red clay (from a common gateway to the door of the house of a deceased, done by a married female relative) saṂ1 n. (-pu) hair; ~ katray yāye to trim hair; ~ khāye to shave the head (ritually); ~ cāye to cut hair; ~ puye to tear one's hair; ~ pyāke to have one's hair trimmed, to make pigtails (part of the marriage rites); ~ pyāye to trim one's hair; ~ phaye to hold out one's hair ceremonially (during the shaving ritual); ~ bhuyuye 1. (of hair) to turn white 2. {fig.} to be old, to be experienced; ~ miṃ naye to singe one's hair saṂ2 n. Tibet saṂkuli n. (-kuli) lock of hair; ~ cine to curl hair; ~ taye to keep one's hair curled (a custom prohibited during the Rāṇā period) saṂ|-kvaḥ n.anim. (-kvakha-) raven, Tibetan crow; ~khvaḥsiṂ n. walnut of good quality (Tibetan walnut) saṂga (var. saṂgu) n. 1. hair's breadth 2. {fig.} insignificant difference; ~ phāye {fig.} to split hairs; ~baḥchi adv. precisely alike, to a nicety, to a hair; ~ bāye (for an earthen pot) to have hair-cracks saṂcā (var. siṃcā, siṃcva, simcā) n. parting of the hair; ~ phāye to draw a parting (done by the bridegroom to the bride during the marriage ceremony) saṂcikā n. (-pu) ribbon, lace; ~svāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) kind of flower, cassia saṂcikhi n. (-pu) thread to tie up the hair saṂjhuppā n. (-jhuppā) tuft of hair, lock of hair; ~ taye to keep one's hair curled saṂjhyāḥ n. (-jhyāla-,-pā) latticed window, bay window saṂtāḥ -> sayṃtāḥ saṂ|-thū (var. sayṃthū) n. (-thuli-,-gū) hair curl, curl pattern on wood carving; ~ thāye to carve a curl pattern; ~thvacā n. kind of head ornament worn during the `ihi' cermony saṂdey n. (-desa-) Tibet saṂpaḥ -> saṂpvaḥ saṂpāuṃ n. (-mā) kind of wild rhubarb saṂpvaḥ (var. saṂpaḥ, sapaḥ, sapvaḥ) n. (-pvala-,-gū) bunch of woman's hair, hair knot, braid; ~ thuye 1. to braid 2. to pave in a braid pattern; ~ hine to dress one's hair like a bird crest saṂpha+i -> sayṃphai saṂphaṃ n. 1. undressed hair 2. (-gū) lock of hair; ~ taye to loosen one's hair, to undress one's hair; ~ tvaḥte id. saṂphyaḥ n.anim. (-phela-) kind of insect saṂmi n.anim. Tibetan, Tibetan people saṂhāḥhū n. twilight, dawn, dusk; ~ dhāye (of twilight) to fall, to be gloomy, dim saṂhi n. (-gaḥ) kind of black fruit growing on a wild bush saṃ1 num. ten saṃ2 adj. moved, moving saṃ3 n. congregation of a Buddhist monastery saṃkalpa n. vow, determination, declaration of purpose; ~ bvane to make a ceremonial vow of offering s.th. to a deity; ~ yāye id. saṃkā (var. saṃkhā) n. (-gū) doubt; ~ yāye to doubt, to suspect; ~ luye to arise (of doubt) saṃkāṃ n.anim. (-kāna-) 1. blind person 2. s.o. with sensitive eyes who cannot see well in broad daylight; ~ thāye to be blinded by intense light saṃkipā n. (-gū) {neol.} cinema, film saṃke v.t. 1. to move 2. to stir, to shake 3. to beat (food) saṃkha (var. saṃkhe) n. (-gaḥ) conch, shell; ~kī n.anim. (-kila-) snail (with a shell) saṃkhā -> saṃkā saṃkhu num. sixteen saṃkhe -> saṃkhakī saṃgaḥ n. (-gala-,-gū) old type of weaving machine saṃgu num. nineteen saṃgulu n.anim. restless person, one who moves restlessly saṃcarbār n. Saturday saṃcyā num. eighteen saṃchi num. eleven saṃjabhū n. (-bhuli-,-gū) feast of the elders of a monastery, held after the `bare chuyegu' rite saṃdhū n. (-dhuli-,-gaḥ) treasure box, treasure chest (cf. sannaḥ) saṃdhyā n. (-gū,-tā) 1. twilight, evening 2. regular evening ritual; ~ī n. (-ila-,-gū) evening; ~kāḥ-ī n. (-ila-) id. saṃnasi num. twelve saṃnyā1 -> sannyā saṃnyā2 num. fifteen saṃnhay num. seventeen saṃnhu (var. saṃlhu) n. first day of the solar month saṃnhyaḥ n. (-nhela-) sound sleep, deep sleep saṃpi num. fourteen saṃbhvay n. (-bhvaja-,-gū) annual feast of a monastery saṃlhū -> saṃnhu saṃsa1 n. first refreshment taken during work in the field saṃsa2 n. era saṃsār n. (-gū) world, universe saṃsāḥ1 -> samāṃ1 saṃsāḥ2 n. (-sāla-,-gū) {old fash.} 1. exhibition room 2. {neol.} museum saṃskār n. 1. life cycle, rite 2. funeral rite, rite for purification from the pollution of death saṃskriti n. (-gū) culture, tradition saṃsva num. thirteen saka pron. all, every (agt. sakaleṃ, sakasyāṃ; dat. sakasita; gen. sakasiyā) sakatāṃ pron. all kinds of things, everything: chaṃ yeṃkāgu sakatāṃ lita bī dhuna lā? Did you give back everything (you) had taken? sakathāsaṃ adv. everywhere: āmatheṃ jyāḥgu svāṃ sakathāsaṃ nyāye du. That kind of flower can be bought everywhere. sakabhanaṃ adv. everywhere sakal n. original, model sakala pron. all, every sakali adj. true, original (cf. nakali) sakaleṃ -> saka sakas n. difficulty, distress sakasita, sakasiyā, sakasyāṃ -> saka saki n. (-gaḥ) 1. arum, colocasia root tuber, knob 2. (-mā) bulb (cf. guṂ~, magaḥ~); ~punhī n. full moon of kachalā; ~mataḥ n. (-tala-) pieces of dried colocasia root; ~milāpunhī n. full moon of kachalā sakulvahaṃ n. (-hāṂta-,-gaḥ) hard stone used for sharpening tools sake (var. sakhey) adv. possibly, probably: va vala he jvi māḥ sake. It's very likely that he has come. saktaphakta adv. according to one's capacity sakha (var. sākhā) n. 1. blood, family (cf. khalaḥ) 2. birth, descent (cf. kavaḥ); ~ svaye (of character or conduct) to descend from, to stem from sakhāp adj. finished; ~ juye 1. to be finished 2. to be reduced to ashes; ~ yāye 1. to finish 2. to empty sakhāḥ (var. sakhvāḥ) n. (-khāla-) lime, mixture of lime and brick dust for white-washing walls; ~agaḥ n. (-agala-,-gaḥ) lime kiln; ~pā n. annual ceremony in which a Buddhist stūpa is painted with lime (esp. done on Svayambhūnāth); ~pā nyāy+ke to perform; ~ pāye to paint with lime sakhey -> sake sakhvāḥ -> sakhāḥ sagaṃ (var. sagun, sagvan, svagaṃ) n. (-gana-,-gū) ceremonial meal consisting of an egg, fish and liquor consumed before undergoing a `rite de passage' or before a journey, ritual offering for auspiciousness, for good luck (cf. kheṂ~, gvaḥ~, dhau~); ~kāpaḥ n. (-pata-,-sāḥ) piece of cloth included in a gift of blessing; ~pusā n. (-gū) piece of cloth to cover up the items of a ~ sagan -> sagaṃ sagarmāthā n. Mount Everest (cf. gulubhāḥ, lubhāḥ) sagun (var. sagvan) -> sagaṃ sagval adj. united, of one family sacā n. kind of ear ornament sacān -> satāṃ sacikā -> saṂcikā sachi num. hundred sajaṃbhāju n.anim. paramour, lover sajāiṃ n. (-gū) punishment, penalty (cf. dvapaṃ); ~ naye, phaye to undergo a punishment; ~ biye, yāye 1. to trouble 2. to punish: khuṂtayta sajāiṃ yāta. (They) punished the thieves. sata (var. sapta) n. (-gū) braid (cf. sarbata); ~ thuye 1. to braid 2. to pave in a braid pattern; ~phāli n. (-gaḥ) gong-shaped ornament braided into the hair; ~bata n. (-pu) braid; ~batakvayṃ n. (-kvaṂca-,-pu) spinal cord, backbone satabay+si (var. satibaysi) n. (-gaḥ) kind of very small berry sataḥ n. (-tala-,-gū) kind of religious building open towards the street, more than one storey high, for feasts,­ religious meetings, shelter for travellers (cf. phalcā); ~cheṂ n. (-khā) id. satāṃ (var. sacān) n.anim. (-tāna-) falcon, hawk (cf. janmaru, dasaṃ, paytāḥ, bāycā, bvaḥri) satāni n. (-pu) wig (cf. bāla); ~ ciye to decorate with a wig; ~ taye id. satār n.pr. name of a tribe; ~nī 1. female satār 2. {fig.} shameless woman, woman of bad character sati1 n.anim. {old-fash.} chaste woman, faithful, dutiful wife, wife who commits suttee; ~ vane 1. to commit suttee 2. to suffer from s.o. else's faults sati2 (var. sadi) n. (-nhu) day after a ceremony or some great event; ~khunhu adv. on the next day satika adv. close, near, intimately, approximately: guguṃ naṃ chagū nhesaḥyā meygu lise satika svāpu daye phu. Any question may be closely linked to any other.; satikaṃ at close range satiprathā n. custom of suttee satibay+si -> satabaysi satiye v.i. (-tita) to be near; satinā vaye 1. to draw on, to come nearer, to approach: cā satinā vala. The night is falling. 2. to be close, intimate sativā n. 1. paddy of high quality 2. kind of millet satisālsiṂ n. (-mā) kind of tree, sāl tree satī adj. 1. near, close: jigu cheṂ thanaṃ satī. My house is close by. 2. intimate (in relationship) sate (var. satte) n. reality, virtue satgati n. 1. funeral rite 2. heaven, paradise; ~ yāye to perform funeral rites; ~ lāye, vane to die a good death sattari n. (-gaḥ) large wooden beam sattu n. 1. barley flour 2. mixture of fried grain flour used as baby-food (cf. cappā) satte -> sate satraṃja n. chess satvapujā n. ritual to honour the deities Avalokiteśvara and Tārā sadi -> sati2 sade adj. 1. consanguine, closely related, akin 2. sane, rational sanā -> sanāṃ2 sanāṃ1 (var. sanāḥ, sanhāḥn) n. relish, sauce sanāṃ2 (var. sanā, sanāḥ, sanhāḥ) n. (-nāna-) 1. bathing, ablution 2. place of cremation by a river; ~guthi n. (-gū) kind of guthi for the funeral procession; ~ vane to join a funeral procession and undergo a ritual bath sanāṃghāsā n. pickles of Arum colocasia sanāsu n. (-pu,-kā) pincers, forceps, pliers sanāḥ -> sanāṃ1,2 sane v.i. 1. to move, to fidget 2. to try, to intend: vaṃ chaṃgu jyā seṃketa sana. He intended to spoil your business. 3. to act, to behave sanna adv. furiously sannaḥ n. (-nala-,-gaḥ) treasure chest or box (cf. saṃdhū) sannipāt n. fever, delirium, typhoid fever; sannipātaṃ thiye to be delirious with fever; ~ juye to be delirious: kāyāta sannipāt jula. (My) son has become delirious. sannyā (var. salinyā, saṃnyā) n. dried flat fish; ~khunā n. jelly consisting chiefly of dried fish sanhāḥ -> sanāṃ2 sanhāḥn -> sanāṃ1 sapaḥ -> saṂpvaḥ sapā -> sāpā sapāni n.anim. kind of small red ant; ~ dāye (for ants) to swarm for sugar sapiye (var. sapile) v.i. (-pila) 1. to be suppressed 2. to be startled, frightened sapugā n. (-pu) shawl offered by the maternal uncle to his nephew after the shaving ceremony sapetā n. (-pa) chalk for white-washing; ~ pāye to chalk, to white-wash sapta -> sata saptami n. seventh day of the lunar fortnight saptasur n. the seven principal scales in music; ~ khane {fig.} 1. to see stars 2. to suffer the consequences, to get into trouble: vaṃ jilise lvāpu yāta ki saptasur khana dhakāḥ sīki! If he picks a quarrel with me, he will get into trouble, I tell you. sappā -> sapā sapphāye v.i. (-phāla) to be absent-minded, to be puzzled sapvaḥ -> saṂpvaḥ saphar n. (-gū) journey; ~ vane, yāye to travel saphal adj. fruitful, yielding, successful, prosperous; ~ juye to be successful; ~tā n. (-gū) fruitfulness, fertility, success, prosperity; ~ yāye to succeed saphāḥcat yāye v.t. 1. to eat up all: va macāṃ deymāy cvaṃgu phukka saphāḥcat yāta. That boy finished off all that was on his plate. 2. to trim, to shave neatly saphū n. (-phuli-,-gū,-dyāṃ) book; ~kaṃ n. (-kana-,-gū) 1. wooden cover for a book of loose pages 2. wooden stand for an open book; ~kātā n. (-gū) wooden stand for an open book; ~kuthi n. (-gū) library; ~kū n. (-kuthi-,-gū) id.; ~thyā n. (-gū) 1. folded manuscript, book or manuscript of loose pages 2. {fig.} zigzag mountain path 3. {fig.} series of mountain ranges saba+i n. (-tā) kind of large pastry used in marriage ceremonies (part of a `lākhā' set of twenty-four pieces) sabujaṃ (var. sabjaṃ, sabhujaṃ, saḥbhujaṃ) n. (-jana-) ritual in which a newly married couple eats together from the same bowl; ~bva n. (-bva) ceremonial bowl (otherwise called thāybhu) containing several varieties of food sabda n. (-gū) 1. sound, voice (cf. saḥ) 2. word (cf. khaṂgvaḥ) sabhujaṃ -> sabujaṃ samay (var. samhay) n. (instr. ~naṃ, loc. ~lay) 1. (-bva) set of ceremonial foods including pulse balls, soybeans, beaten rice mixed with puffed rice, spiced roasted meat prepared with vegetables and pickles (served as refreshment before a feast) 2. `samek', a festive gathering of Newar Buddhists held every twelve years; ~dhaki n. (-pā) open basket for dis­tributing ~ to the general public; ~ nyāye for a ~ celebration to be performed; ~baji n. meal offered by people in mourning to friends and distant relatives; ~bhvay n. (-bhvaja-,-gū) annual ceremony of Buddhist communities samaya n. time, period, occasion samāṃ1 (var. saṃsāḥ) n. (-māna-,-gū) 1. refreshment given to a professional cook (when preparing food for a great feast) 2. prelimi­nary tasting of food before a great feast; ~ yāye to taste food beforehand samāṃ2 n. (-māna-,-gū) assembly that checks guthi accounts (cf. dathu~, nhe~, li~); ~ cvane (for guthi heads) to meet for checking accounts; ~ yāye to check guthi accounts (cf. lyāḥ svaye) samācā n. (-gaḥ) small pot for oil to light wicks samācār n. news, information samān adj. equal, similar samāḥ n. (-māla-) decoration, ornamentation; ~jvalaṃ n. (-lana-) cosmetics, articles for make-up; ~ yāye to decorate, to embellish, to get dressed; ~ vane 1. to be pretty, to be made up carefully 2. to have a brown face samilu n.anim. bridesmaid who accompanies the bride from the beginning of the ceremonies till the day after returning from the couple's visit to the bride's father's home (called `lilādhū'); ~ cvane to act as ~ samisi n. (-gaḥ) kind of sweet berry, mulberry (cf. bhajaṃgvaḥsi) samī n.anim. {old-fash.} Tibetan woman samīsvāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phaḥ) kind of flower samudra n. ocean samji n.anim. son's or daughter's relatives-in-law; ~khalaḥ n. (-laka-) group of relatives-in-law; ~pāhāṃ n. (-hāna-,-gū) refreshment given to relatives-in-law before a feast samjhay; ~ juye to consider; ~ yāye to persuade, to convince samdhi n. hon. son's or daughter's parents-in-law sambay+si n. (-gaḥ) berry samma adj., adv. 1. level, flat 2. hardly, only; ~naṃ adv. even samyak+dān n. celebration of alms-giving, the `right charity', a major ritual comprising a series of rituals, sponsored, as a special act of merit, by a private donor or, regularly, by a guthi; done at different intervals: every twelve years on Svayambhūnāth, every five years in Patan, every year in Bhaktapur samsān n. cremation ground samhay -> samay say (var. saysay) n. {ch.lg.} sliding to the ground; ~ yāye to clean the buttocks and anus after defecating sayakarā quant. hundredth part, per cent sayāṃ n.anim. (-yāne-) young girl who behaves like a grown-up woman saye (sala) 1. v.t. to help refill the dishes for serving at a great feast 2. v.t. to bear fruit, grain 3. v.i. to know, to learn: jimi kāy naṃ jyā yāye sala āḥ. Now, my son also knows how to do the work. va ākhaḥ sala. He has learned the alphabet. sayṃ1 n. (saṂca-,-pu) 1. tissue, cell 2. nerve sayṃ2 adj. Tibetan; ~ālu n. kind of potato; ~kay+tā n. (-pu,-gaḥ) kind of loose trousers with many pleats; ~kusā n. (-pu) rain shield; ~khāpā n. (-pā) kind of traditional door leaf closed with a bolt; ~khicā n.anim. Tibetan dog; ~gā (var. ~sāṃgā) n. (-pu) kind of woollen quilt with fur; ~ci n. Tibetan salt; ~cyā n. Tibetan tea (with salt); ~tāḥ (var. saṂtāḥ) n. (-tāla-,-gū) Tibetan lock sayṃthū -> saṂthū sayṃpvāyṃ n. (-pvāṂca-,-pvāyṃ) 1. tissue 2. nerve cell 3. tendon (cf. chvaṃ) sayṃ|-pha+i (var. saṂphai) n.anim. (-phaisa-) Tibetan sheep; ~bhāy n. (-bhāsa-) the Tibetan language; ~mvahaḥ n. (-hara-) Tibetan coin; ~laṃ n. (-lana-,-pā) Tibetan cloak sayṃsāṃgā -> sayṃgā say+ka adv. well, nicely, skilfully, expertly say+kā n. knowledge, learning; ~ kāye to acquire knowledge (through one's own effort or interest), to learn by oneself: lālcāṃ dāphā saykā he kāla. Lāl has learned dāphā music by his own effort.; ~ taye to keep learning, to be knowledgeable say+ke v.t. 1. to learn, to acquire knowledge or skills: ji theṃ jyu sayki. Get trained like me. 2. to cause to know, to teach sara+utā n. (-pu,-gū) kind of scissors to cut betel-leaves saraka (var. sarāka); ~ nhyaḥ vaye to be overwhelmed by sleep, to fall suddenly asleep, to drop off; ~ vane to have pain from an abrupt movement saray; ~ juye 1. to be moved 2. to infect; ~ yāye to transport saraha quant. as much as: macāṃ naṃ taḥdhipiṃ saraha naye phai lā? Can a child eat as much as an adult? sarāka -> saraka sarādha n. (-gū) śrāddha, ceremony for the deceased ancestors (cf. pyaṃ2) sarāsu n. (-gū) hardly audible sound that comes in the small hours just before dawn; ~ madu adj. absolutely silent, without a sound; ~ vaye (of the quietness) to be broken sarāḥ n. (-rāpa-,-gū) curse; ~ gele to be cursed; ~ phaye to receive a curse, to be cursed; ~ biye to curse sarāḥsar adv. 1. without hesitation, directly, immediately 2. one after another 3. smartly saruvā(-jāki) (var. sarvā) n. mixture of paddy and rice (for an obla­tion) sares n. resin, sticky substance, glue (used for painting) (cf. syuyā) sarkār n. (-gū) government; ~i adj. relating to government, governmental; ~kāi n. business, matter, relating to the government; ~jyā n. id. sargaḥ -> svarga sarjām n. (-gū) item (cf. jvalaṃ, halaṃjvalaṃ) sarjyāṃta adv. evidently, obviously, truly: sarjyāṃta vayā macā maphugu. The child is obviously ill. (cf. jagāḥjag) sarpa n.anim. snake, serpent (cf. bi) sarbata n. braid (cf. sata) sarbay1 n. cold drink, fruit juice, sherbet sarbay2 (var. sarbasva) n. (-basa-) property; ~ kāye to confiscate the property; ~ba+ikuṃtha n.anim. {fig.} spendthrift; ~ yāye to confiscate the property; ~ lheye to shift one's property (esp. from her father's home, done by a married woman) sarra adv. 1. without stopping, quickly 2. lightly, easily, pleasantly: phay sarra vai balay kaḥsī cvane nhyāipu. When the wind blows lightly it's nice to stay on the roof. 3. superficially sarvā -> saruvā sala 1. n.anim. horse 2. n. knight (in chess); ~kī n. (-kila-,-kī) post to tie a horse; ~khaḥ n. (-khata-,-gū) saddle; ~khvaḥ n. (-khvala-,-khvaḥ) 1. hoof of a horse 2. {fig.} main support, foundation of a building; ~khvaḥka+i n. (-kaica-,-gaḥ) carbuncle; ~khvaḥcheṂ n. (-khā) terraced house; ~gaṃ n. (-gaḥ) turnip, horse radish; ~gaḥ n. (-gala-) 1. (-gū) stable 2. n.anim. rider; ~cyaḥ n.anim. (-cela-) groom, Horse-breaker; ~mārkā n. (-gū) brand of matches, matchbox; ~mha adj. on horseback salaḥ n.anim. (-laha-) locust (cf. kvaḥbviṂcā) salaḥtalaḥ (var. salaṃtulaṃ) n. (-lata-) 1. agreement 2. tolerance, patience; ~ juye to be in agreement: imi salaḥtalaḥ jula. They agreed with each other.; ~ daye 1. to be on good terms: valise jigu salaḥtalaḥ du. I am on good terms with him. 2. to have patience; ~ yāye 1. to agree 2. to tolerate, to forbear salā1 meas. portion of food to be served (at a feast): imisaṃ ni-salā laikāḥ jula. They served out a second helping.; ~ dutaye ritual during the `ihi' ceremonies where the young girls are presented to the `digudyaḥ'; ~ vane, vaye (with num.) of portions of foods to be served at a feast: sva-salā vaye sidhala ki bhvajay pāuṃkvāḥ, dhau va sisābusā taye hai. After three helpings, `pāuṃkvāḥ', yoghurt and fruit will be served at a feast. salā2 n. (-gaḥ) small storing pot, used e.g. to keep collyrium salā3 -> sallā salāi n. (-pu) match, matchstick salāṃ n. (-lāma-) 1. (-pu) piece of chalk 2. talcum 3. relish, sauce; ~cū n. (-cuna-) talcum powder; ~ phiye to pickle, to preserve salāṃ(-tyāḥ)jhaṃgaḥ n.anim. (-gala-) 1. stork 2. {fig.} tall person, long-legged person salāḥpāḥ n. (-pāta-,-pā) vessel for an oblation 2. (-pā) flat ladle used for an offering (of butter and grain) saliṃ(-cā) n. (-lina-,-pā) small winnowing tray, used to sort grain for size; ~ yele to sift (grain) salinyā -> sannyā saliphā n. (-gaḥ) custard apple (cf. mākaḥphvaṃsi, mākaḥsi) salī (var. sāli) n. (-likha-,-gaḥ) small shallow earthen liquor cup sale n., clf. course of bricks; ~ chāye, taye to build a staircase salla adv. smoothly; ~phalla adv. id.; ~ vane, vaye 1. to run smoothly, without disturbance 2. to grow smoothly sallā (var. salā, sallāha) n. counsel, advice; ~ kāye to take advice, to consult; ~ biye to advice, to recommend; ~ yāye to take advice, to consult; ~sāuti n. counsel, advice savaḥ|-dyaḥpyākhaṃ n. (-khana-,-gū) name of a dance during `Indrajātrā'; ~bhakhupyākhaṃ n. id. savār n.anim. horseman, rider, horse-trainer savāri n. (-gū) 1. vehicle 2. traffic 3. royal excursion savāḥ n. (-vāla-) taste (cf. nhe~, bi~); ~ kāye to taste; ~ pheye {fig.} to incur the consequences (of a bad deed); ~ vaye to taste, to have a taste like, e.g.: cisavāḥ vaye to taste salty, cākusavāḥ vaye to taste sweet, sweetish sasa (var. sassaḥ); ~ tiye (tita) to be near, to approach, to become close, intimate: rām jhī nāpa sasatinā vala. Rām became very close to us.; ~ dhāye to smell bad, to be stale; ~ pane to feel suffocated; ~masaḥ adv. smelling bad, stinking; ~ mine to smell bad, to be stale; sasa miṃgu nasā stale food sasadharā n. (-gaḥ) earthen vessel with holes containing wheat straw through which water flows out (worn on the head by persons doing penitence) sasaḥ (-sala-) 1. nḥon. wife's relatives 2. n. wife's paternal home; ~kākā n. hon. wife's father's younger brother; ~kijā n. hon. younger brother-in-law, wife's younger brother; ~keheṂ n. hon. younger sister-in-law, wife's younger sister; ~khalaḥ n. (-laka-) group of relatives in-law, wife's father's kin; ~tatā n. hon. elder sister-in-law, wife's elder sister; ~taḥbāḥ n. hon. wife's father's elder brother; ~dāju n. hon. elder brother-in-law, wife's elder brother; ~piṃ n. {pl.} relatives-in-law, parents-in-law; ~ba+u n. hon. father-in-law; ~bāḥju n. hon. id.; ~bvā n. hon. id.; ~māṃ n. hon. (-māma-) mother-in-law sasi1 n. (-gaḥ) kind of sour fruit sasi2 (var. svasi) n.anim. nit, very small louse; ~dhikaḥ adj. tiny, very small (in height); ~pāy+kū n. (-kuti-,-kū) tiny pice, crumb; ~pāy+dhikaḥ adj. tiny, very small; ~pāyṃ n. (-paṂca-) mass of nits; ~vā n. {fig.} drizzle, fine spray of rain sasumāṃ(-jū) n.pr. (-māma-) goddess of knowledge, Sarasvatī sassaḥ -> sasa saha (var. saḥ, saḥlaḥ) n. patience, endurance, tolerance; ~ taye to endure, to tolerate; ~ yāye id.; ~yāye-majīka adv. intolerable, unbearable: thva dhvagīgu kheṂ sahayāyemajīka navaykala. These rotten eggs give a horrible stench.; ~yāye-maphay+ka adv. id.; ~ lape to bear, to put up with sahar n. (-gū) town (cf. dey); svaṂgū sahar the three towns of Kathman­du, Patan and Bhaktapur saha|-lapā n. patience, tolerance, endurance; ~laha n. id. (cf. lahasaha) sahi n. (-gū) signature, sign; ~chāp n. (-gū) endorsement, signature; ~ taye to sign, to attest saḥ1 n. (sala-,-saḥ) 1. voice 2. sound 3. word, message; ~ kane to announce a death; ~ taye {fig.} to protest, to oppose; ~ biye to inform, to report; ~ suye to lose one's voice, to be hoarse; ~ hāle to give voice, to emit sounds saḥ2 num. (sala-) hundred saḥ3 adj. 1. yielding, fruitful 2. experienced, skilled 3. feasible, practicable, possible saḥ4 quant. a small amount, very little, very few; jā guli saḥ what a small amount of rice saḥ-ī n. (-ila-,-gū) good opportunity, favourable time saḥkhi n. (-pu) 1. kind of grass used to make ropes and brooms 2. rope; ~khipaḥ n. (-pata-,-pu) rope of ~; ~tuphi n. (-pu) broom of ~ saḥte v.t. to call, to invite: imisaṃ jitaḥ bhvay saḥtala. They invited me for a feast.; saḥtā kāye to call off: chaṃ saḥtāmakāḥ tale he khicā jitaḥ madikka uta. As long as you did not call him off, the dog kept barking at me. chimi kāyyāta saḥtā kā. Call your son off!; saḥtā haye to call in: imisaṃ dāktar saḥtā hayegu kvachita. They decided to call in a doctor. saḥpa+u n. (-pati-,-gū) 1. newspaper 2. letter saḥpi n. (-mā) kind of medicinal plant (root used to improve the voice) saḥpu n. belly of an animal; ~baḥ n.anim. (bata-) {fig.} suspect person; ~mhicā n. stomach (as a piece of meat) saḥbhujaṃ -> sabujaṃ saḥ yāye -> saha yāye saḥlaḥ -> saha saḥsūcā n. (-pu,-gū) support for a spindle on the spinning wheel saḥsyū adj. 1. learned, knowledgeable 2. mature sā1 n.anim. cow (cf. thu~, ba~, mā~, vā~); sāyā dān gift to reward a Brahmin for the funeral rites sā2 n. 1. (-gū) plough 2. (-pā,-jvaḥ) pair of bullocks; ~ vāye 1. to plough 2. {fig.} to embrace passionately sā3 -> sāḥ3 sā4 conj. if, if it is so: cha lāḥsā jithāy vayā disaṂ. If you have time, do come to my place. sāiṃ1 -> sāuṃ sāiṃ2 n. fixed amount of pebbles in a kind of game; ~kāsā n. kind of game (played by girls) sāita n. (-gū) auspicious moment, auspicious omen; ~khunhu n. auspicious day; ~pujā n. (-gū) propitiatory worship (esp. during house building); ~ svaye to determine an auspicious moment sāuṃ (var. sāiṃ, sāṂvāṂ) n. 1. capital, funds 2. profit (cf. jethā, mā, lāy); ~ vaye to have a net profit sāuti n. (-gū) consultation, advice, opinion; ~ kāye to take advice, to consult; ~ biye to advise, to recommend; ~ yāye to take advice, to consult sāṂcva n. (-gū,-ju) mould (esp. for shoes) sāṂvāṂ -> sāuṃ1 sāṃ 1. adv. also, in the same way: cyāḥ jyū kāphī sāṃ jyū. Tea is fine, so would be coffee. 2. even though: phursad marusāṃ dāktar nāpa lāye māḥ. Even though (you) may not have the time, you must see a doctor. sāṃgā n. (-pu) large woollen quilt with fur sāṃtvanā n. consolation sākasalā -> sākhasalā sākicā (var. sākecā) n. (-mā,-gaḥ) 1. black mustard plant, mustard bulb 2. kind of green vegetable sākī n. (-kila-,-gaḥ) post to tie up a cow sākecā -> sākicā sākka adv. 1. (to eat) with relish 2. tastily; ~ sāsaḥ lhāye to rejoice, to be joyful sākya n.pr. name of a high Buddhist caste sākhasalā (var. sākasalā) n. (-pu) long sweetmeat made of molasses covered with white sesamum seeds; ~bāḥ n. (-bāla-,-gū) a game of betting: guessing the number of broken pieces of ~; ~(-bāḥ) lvāye to play the game of ~ sākhaḥ1 n. (-khala-) unrefined sugar, raw sugar cane; ~ti n. beverage of a cane sugar solution seasoned with spices sākhaḥ2 n.pr. name of a community in Bhaktapur sākhā -> sakha sākhi -> sākicā sākhe adj. closely related sākhvāyṃ n. (-khvāṂca-,-khvāyṃ) cow's footprint sākhvālaṃ (var. sākhvāḥ1) -> sāḥkhvalaṃ sākhvāḥ2 n. (-khvāla-,-pā) cow face, cow face design (plaster) sāgar n. (-gū) ocean sā|-gaḥ n. (-gala-,-gaḥ) cow-pen; ~gyaḥ n.anim. (-gela-) plougher; ~cā n.anim. 1. calf 2. small figure of a cow (worn on the head or the back during Gāijātrā; ~cva n. cow urine; ~javāḥ n.anim. (-vāla-) cow-herd (cf. sāpāḥ) sājuvāḥ n.anim. (-vāla-) cow-herd sājbāj n. {coll.} tools, implements sājhā n. partnership sātāsutu adv. privately; ~khaṂ n. secret talk sātu1 n. sense, presence of mind; ~ kāye to terrify, to frighten; ~ putu vane to be very much afraid; ~ likāye id.; ~ vane to be frightened out of one's wits; ~ haye to bring to one's senses (after fainting) sātu2 n. stench; ~ na vaye to stink sātuvaṃka adv. dreadfully, frightfully sāth postp. just after, as soon as: naye dhune sāth cha ji thāy vā. Come to me as soon as you have finished eating. sāduru n. cow milk sādhani n. (-gū) triangular tool for leveling sādhe (var. saḥ) adj. feasible, practicable, possible sānha num. ten sāp adv. a lot, much: laṂy sāp dhū du. There is a lot of dust in the streets. sāpā 1. n.anim. pair of bullocks 2. n. (var. sapā) dried cake of cow-dung; ~ cine 1. to harness a couple of bullocks 2. to disguise a couple of children as bullocks (during Gaijātrā) sāpāru n. Gaijātrā festival (cf. sāyāḥ) sāpāḥ n.anim. (-pāla) cow-herd (cf. sājavāḥ) sāpujā n. ritual during tihār, an offering to the cows sāpū n.anim. (-puli-) cow-herd, milkman; ~nī n.anim. female cow-herd, cow-herd's wife sāp-jvika adv. forcefully, vigorously, vehemently: vaṃ sisi sāpjvika saṃkala. She forcefully shook the bottle. sāpsaṃ adv. extremely, vehemently, violently sābdānā n. sago, tapioca sābvaṃ (var. sābhvaṃ) n. (-bvana-,-gaḥ) soap; ~ti n. soapsuds; ~ thāye to soap sābhujī n.anim. (-jina-) gadfly, fly that stings cattle sābhvaṃ -> sābvāṃ sāmā n. 1. stored grain 2. cost, expenditure (cf. sāuṃ); ~ taye to preserve grain as seed sāmāṃ -> sāmān sāmājyā n. work of preparing a seed bed sāmān (var. sāmāṃ) n. (-gū) things, items, articles, equipment, personal effects, luggage sāmāvā n. paddy kept for seed sāmi n. 1. (-pu) metal cap on the end of the pestle for husking rice 2. (-cā) ferrule (on the handle of tools) sāy -> sāḥ3 sāyāḥ n. (-yāta-,-gū) gāijātrā festival (cf. sāpāru) sāye1 v.i. (sāta) to taste well, to be delicious: lā sāta, dayke gāta. The meat is delicious, it is sufficiently cooked. sāye2 v.t. (sāla) 1. to increase, to add, to supply: chaṃ keṂy ci sāyā lā? Did you add salt to the curry? 2. to serve, to offer, to dis­tribute 3. to pour out (from a larger vessel into a smaller one) 4. to repeat: imisaṃ va khaṂ he sāla. Indeed, they have repeated the same talk. sāy+gaḥ n. (-gala-,-gaḥ) furnace for casting metal sāy+mi n.anim. oil presser (caste name); ~nī n.anim. woman of the oil presser caste sāraṃgi n. (-gaḥ) kind of string instrument, lute; ~ kiye to play the lute sārāṃsa n. (-gū) substance, gist (cf. mūkhaṂ, khaṂcu) sārkhi n.anim. 1. cobbler, shoemaker (caste name) 2. {sl.} mean person; ~pahaḥ n. (-hala-) meanness sāl1 n. year (cf. daṂ) sāl2 n. (-mā) kind of tree, Shorea robusta sāla1 -> sāḥ3 sāla2 n. piece of the umbilical cord sālakhvāḥ n. (-khvāla-,-gū) image of the sacred fire sālanāla n. 1. piece of the umbilical cord 2. piece of cord sālā1 adv. under control, checked; ~ kāye to check, to bring under control; ~ vaye to come under control; ~ haye to control sālā2 n. beef sālā-khālā (var. khālāsālā) n. average: jiṃ sālākhālāṃ miyā. I sold (it) at an average price. sāli -> salī sālik n. (-gū) statue (cf. jhvātā); ~ juye {fig.} to be amazed, to be stunned sālidevā n. (-pvāḥ) kind of standing oil lamp (for daily use) sālu adj. 1. thin (of cloth, paper) 2. sparse; ~ka adv. thin: kapaḥ sāluka thāye jyū. It's all right to weave thin cloth.; ~(-sālu) dhāye to be somewhat thin; ~ye (-lula) to be thin sāle v.t. 1. to pull, to drag, to draw 2. to regain 3. to procure 4. to suck; sālā kāye to attract; sālā yeṃke to carry back: thva kāsāṃ jitaḥ macāsulī sālā yeṃkala. I felt transported back to my childhood by this game. sāl+basāl adv. every year, annually sāsan n. rule, regime sāsanā (var. sāsnā) n. (-gū) trouble, torture (cf. kasā); ~ naye to endure, to suffer; ~ phaye id.; ~ biye to torment sāsaḥ n. (-sala-,-saḥ) breath, breathing; ~ kune to be suffocated; ~ jvaye to be not airtight: sāsaḥ majvaḥgu thalay nasā tayegu yāye māḥ. Food should be kept in airtight containers.; ~ taye 1. to breathe 2. to survive 3. to protect; ~thala n. (-gaḥ) {neol.} larynx; ~ phiye 1. to rest, to relax; ~maphiye to be breathless, to be out of breath 2. to hiss; ~busalaṃ adv. in a whisper; ~busaḥ n. (-sala-) 1. whisper 2. gasp; ~ lhāye 1. to breathe 2. to relax, to have leisure: vaṃ nakatini jyāṃ sāsaḥ lhāta. She took rest from her work just now.; ~ lhāye ma lāye to be extremely busy, to have no time to breathe; ~lhāṂkvapatī adv. literally, verbatim; ~hvaḥ n. (-hvala-,-hvaḥ) 1. {neol.} larynx 2. air hole; ~hvaḥ tiye to seal airtight sāsi adv. repeatedly; ~sāsi adv. again and again sāsti n. trouble, torture sāsnā -> sāsanā sāhās n. courage (cf. vāṃ) sāhāḥ n. (-hāla-,-gū) 1. joint 2. tenon sāhu 1. n.anim. merchant, money-lender 2. n. (-gū) debt, loan; ~ pule to pay back a loan; ~mārā n.anim. one who cheats, a money-lender; ~ syāye to cheat a money-lender; ~syāḥ n.anim. (-syāta-) one who cheats, a money-lender sāḥ1 n. (sāla-) compost, manure; ~ lāye to manure, to fertilize sāḥ2 n. (sāla-,-pu) 1. (-pu) umbilical cord 2. placenta sāḥ3 (var. sā, sāy, sāla) n. (sāla-,-gū) 1. press, oil press 2. (-gū) mould (esp. for bricks) 3. joint (of constructions) (cf. e.g. kuṃ~, khicāgathi~, gathaṃ­mugaḥ~, calu~, cikaṃ~, tu~, thāṃ~, dabadaba~, bāgaḥ~, bhāle­pvathi~, māthaṃ~, mimcvaḥ~) sāḥ4 n. breath sāḥ5 adj. tasty, delicious sāḥ6 clf., meas. piece, sheet of cloth sāḥkhvalaṃ (var. sākhvalaṃ, sākhvāḥ) adv. (to eat) with relish sāḥgāḥ n. (-gāla-,-gāḥ) dunghill, compost heap sāḥpāyṃ n. (-pāṂca-,-pāyṃ) patch of cord sāḥmhutu n.anim. gourmet, food-crank si1 n.anim. louse si2 n. (-gaḥ) fruit; ~ taye to serve fruit at the end of a feast; ~ pvale to peel a fruit si3 n. (-si) 1. border, edge, end 2. -> syu; ~ taye to provide with an edge, to adorn a sari with a border; ~ luye to have an edge si4 clf. to count processes of frying, gilding: vaṃ lā ni-si sila. She fried the meat twice. vaṃ pau ni-si luṂ sila. He gilded the roof twice. si5 -> simā siu- -> syu- siṂ n. 1. wood, fire wood 2. plant 3. fiber of a plant (cf. ca~, ci~, ti~, tha~, na~, baigaḥ~, babhāḥ~, māmu~, mu~, lākāṃ~, sū~, halū~) siṂka adv. with a sniffing sound siṂ|-kaḥmi (var. si~) n.anim. carpenter; ~kiṃ n. (-kina-,-kiṃ) wooden peg, wooden nail; ~kvāḥjhaṃgaḥ (var. siṂjhaṃgaḥ) n.anim. (-gala-) woodpecker; ~ gvaṃ n. (-gvana-) 1. lumber 2. unsplit fire wood; ~cu n. (-pu) wooden handle; ~jhaṃgaḥ -> siṂkvāḥ~; ~tvākaḥ n. (-kala-,-gaḥ) wooden chopping block; ~ thāye (of fruit) to be tough; ~pa+u (var. sipau, sipū) n. (-pati-,-pau) 1. wooden plank 2. border of a shawl; ~paṂ n. (-gū) (var. sipaṂ) funeral pyre; ~paṂkū n. (-kuthi-,-gū) store of wood for cremations; ~paṂ taye to carry fire wood to the cremation ground; ~paṂ thāye to erect a funeral pyre siṂbaḥsi n. (-mā) silk-cotton tree siṂ|-bāṃgaḥ (var. si~) n. (-gala-,-gū) wooden cornice; ~bhariṃ n.anim. (-rina-) watchman guarding timber in the forest; ~mugaḥ n. (-gala-,-gaḥ) mallet; ~sa+u n. soft wood siṂsiṂ n. intoxication; ~ kāye to get intoxicated; ~ dhāye id. siṃ n. sniffing sound siṃkā (var. sinkā) n. (-pu) 1. small stick of bamboo or reed (used to stitch leaves together or to enlarge the hole in an earlobe) 2. toothpick; ~tuti n.anim. {fig.} very lean person siṃkeṂ n. dried fermented radish, radish curry siṃkhvāḥ n. (-khvāla-,-gū) lion face (wood carving) siṃga (var. siṃha) n.anim. lion; ~tvākaḥ n. (-kala-,-gaḥ) stone base with a lion's face (under a pillar) siṃgār n. decoration siṃgenyā n.anim. kind of fish with whiskers siṃcā1 n.anim. figure of a protective lion (sculpture at a gate or mask in a procession, often paired with a `dhuṃcā', a tiger) siṃcā2 -> saṂcā siṃci n. (-dhī,-pāyṃ) rock salt siṃcva -> saṂcā siṃtali n.anim. girl with a slim waist; ~ma+iṃ n.anim. id. siṃtā n. (-kā) pine wood siṃpathū adj. lean, thin; ~ juye to waste away, to pine away siṃpu -> simpu siṃmvaḥ n. (-mvala-,-gaḥ) lion-faced base for a window frame siṃmha tule v.t. 1. to cover up a body with a bamboo mat 2. to move forward by prostrating one's body sika -> sīka sikaṃ1 n. (-kana-,-mā) poisonous cactus plant sikaṃ2 postp. than (cf. sibay) sikarigaḥ n.anim. (-gala-) professional knife-grinder, tool-grinder (going round during Dasain) sikaḥmi -> siṂkaḥmi sikā n. (-pu) kind of strong thread (used for weaving the border of a cloth); ~ chuye to put the border thread onto the loom sikāpaciṃ (var. sikhā~, sithu~) n. (-cina-,-pu) little finger sikāḥbhū -> sīkāḥbhū siku adj. 1. -> sīku 2. blinking (of eyes); ~cheṂ -> sīkacheṂ sikune v.i. to be wrinkled siku|-mikhā n.anim. person with half-shut eyes; ~siku dhāye, mine to blink, to have one's eyes half shut; ~ye (-kula) id. sikeṃ postp. than: jiṃ māḥgu sikeṃ apvaḥ dhebā biyā. I gave (him) more money than was necessary. sikka adv. very much, seriously, strongly: vaṃ jāṂcayāta sikka ākhaḥ bvana. He studied very hard for his examination. sikhaḥ1 n. (-khala-) 1. (-māḥ) necklace 2. (-pu) chain, door chain (attached to the sill to lock a door) 3. chain pattern (carving) sikhaḥ2 n. brick powder (used for cleaning utensils and for prepar­ing brick plaster); ~ taye to smooth the edges of the plastered part of a threshing floor sikhaḥ|-phyāyṃcā n.anim. kind of white-spotted snake; ~māḥ n. (-māla-,-māḥ) necklace sikhāpatiṃ -> sikāpaciṃ sikhāḥmā n. (-mā) kind of poisonous cactus plant, Euphorbia antiquorum; ~duru n. juice of Euphorbia sikhi n.anim. pupil sikhula n. 1. tree bark 2. (-pā) garment made of bark sikhvaṃ n.anim. (-khvana-) miser (cf. kavay, katāḥ); ~pahaḥ n. (-hala-) miserliness sigali(-māḥ) n. (-māḥ) necklace of silver coins to decorate a deity during a procession sigā n. 1. (-pu) long piece of cloth for covering a load 2. (-gaḥ) knitted bag (used by potters to carry earthenware, used to send `dhausagaṃ' for the `kalyā nhyāke chvaye' rite) sigār n. (-pu) cigar sicaḥrhay -> sithi~ sicācupi n. (-pu) knife to cut the edges of a brick ruffian sicu adj. cool; ~ke 1. to cool off, to make cool 2. -> sucuke; ~ sicu dhāye to be slightly cool; ~ye (-cula) 1. to be cool 2. -> sucuye 3. to die sicva -> sipūcva sichyāḥ n. (-chyāla-,-gaḥ) kind of thin-walled cymbal sijaḥ (var. sījaḥ) n. (-jala-) copper; ~tepa n. (-gaḥ) cooking pot made of copper (part of the bride's dowry); ~tvāka n. (-gaḥ) copper pot for measuring grain; ~pa+u1 n. (-pati-,-pau) copper plate; ~pa+u2 n. (-pali-,-gū) copper roof; ~busvāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) flower of the tree Juniperus pseudosabina sijaḥbā n.anim. kind of sparrow with a black ring around the neck sita n. death sitaṃ -> sithaṃ sitatana n. bereavement, mourning sitalā n. smallpox; ~māju n.pr. goddess inflicting smallpox, Śītalā sitāṃga n. cold, chill; sitāṃgaṃ thiye to feel chilled; ~ juye, thiye to be cold, to feel chilled sitikaṃ -> sitiṃ sitikay adv. useless, without reason sitiṃ (var. sitikaṃ) adv. 1. gratuitous 2. in vain 3. useless, without a reason situ n. (-pu) bermuda grass, Cynodon dactylon; ~ghāyṃ (-ghāṂsa-,-pu) id. (cf. guṂta, sirghāyṃ) sitthā (var. sithū) 1. n. ashes of tobacco 2. adj. thin like a skele­ton: va jhaṃjhaṃ sittha jujuṃ vana. He is gradually wasting away. sityaṃ adj. thin, lean sitha n. 1. (-gū) side, end, edge, bank 2. vicinity sithaṃ (var. sitaṃ) n. (-mha) corpse; ~ yene, yeṃke to carry out a funeral procession; ~laṂ n. (-pu) route of the funeral procession sithi n. (-gū) minor festival in the month of bachalā; ~caḥrhay (var. si~) n. (-rhasa-) fourteenth day of the dark half of bachalā; ~nakhaḥ (var. si~) n. (-khala-) festival during which the wells are cleaned sithū -> sitthā sithupatiṃ -> sikāpaciṃ sidā -> sidhā sidhaye v.i. (-dhala) to be finished, to be completed: jyā simadhaḥ. The work is not (yet) finished. sidhay+ke v.t. 1. to finish, to complete 2. to seduce 3. to hit, to flog; sidhay+kā chvaye 1. to finish off 2. to seduce 3. to kill, to do in sidhala n. end sidhaḥ adj. 1. finished, completed 2. perfect, absolute sidhā (var. sidā) n. (-gū) portion of food, esp. uncooked rice or pulse, given to the family priest; ~ taye to provide ~ sinakhaḥ -> sithi sinaḥ -> sinhaḥ sinā n. gleaning; ~ kāye to glean sinājyā (var. sinhājyā) n. paddy transplantation; ~kī n.anim. (-kila-) kind of insect, swarming during the monsoon period; ~kusā n. (-pā) umbrella made from leaves (cf. paikusā, palekusā); ~ jyāye to transplant paddy; ~me n. (-pu) kind of traditional song sung during paddy transplanta­tion; ~ yāye to transplant paddy sināmani (var. sināmuni) n. (-pu) half rotten radish (used to prepare pickles) (cf. palaiṃ) sināy n. (-mā) shrub; ~ka+i n. (-kaica-) kind of rash, pimples occurring during puberty, acne; ~svāṃ (var. sinā~, sinhaḥ~, sinhāy~) n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) kind of flower, Buddleia asiatica; ~haḥ n. (-hala-,-haḥ) id. sine v.t. 1. to glean, to collect 2. to put on a sāri sinkā -> siṃkā sinhaḥ (var. sinaḥ) n. (-nhala-) 1. (-patā) vermilion mark on the forehead, ṭīkā 2. ṭīkā powder (cf. cva~, bhuyu~, mhāsu~, hāku~, hyāuṃ~); ~chā n. (-gū) great ritual; ~ chāye to give a ~ (done by the bridegroom during the marriage ceremony); ~ taye, tiye to give a ~; ~thala n. (-gaḥ) vermilion pot; ~thāpujā n. (-gū) major ritual, great ritual; ~thāy n. (-thāsa-) spot on the forehead for the ṭīkā mark; ~thāy daye to have a husband, not to be a widow; ~ phaye to receive a ~; ~phuti n. nasal marker, anusvāra of the Devanāgarī script ; ~mū n. (-muli-,-gū) pagoda-shaped pot for keeping vermilion powder; ~yāḥ n. (-yāta-) festival at which vermilion powder is thrown; ~svāṃ -> sināy~ sinhājyā -> sinājyā sinhāmali n. (-mā) kind of creeping plant, Bauhinia anguina sinhāy+svāṃ -> sināysvāṃ sipa+u -> siṂpau sipaṂ -> siṂpaṂ sipāiṃ n.anim. soldier sipi n.anim. shell, pearl-oyster sipiṃ n. (-pina-,-gaḥ) kind of small pūjā storing pot sipi|-cā n.anim. kind of small glittering fish; ~nyā n.anim. id. sipunhī n. full moon of the month of silā sipū1 (-puti-,-pu) one hundred rupee note (special secret term among shopkeepers) sipū2 -> siṂpau sipūcva (var. sicva, siphucva) n. Śivacoki peak (one of the `four peaks' around the Kathmandu Valley, cf. jāmāḥcva, dhilācva, phūcva) siptiṂcā n. a piece of paper used for ritual purposes at Dasain siplis n. syphilis sipha n. (-gaḥ) wooden measuring pot holding eight mānās siphaṃ luye v.t. to pour out fruit from an eight-mānā pot (in order to ensure that a ceremony is auspicious) siphar n. stage in the development of smallpox when the pocks turn watery siphalā (var. siphā1) n. (-gū) red border of a black sāri siphā2 n. (-gaḥ) testicles, scrotum (polite term); ~ tagvaye to have a disease of the scrotum, dropsy of the scrotum; ~lvay n. (-lvaca-) dropsy of the scrotum siphucva -> sipūcva sibay1 n. (-basa-) woman's dowry handed on from her mother (cf. kvasaḥ) sibay2 postp. than, more than: va sibay thva bāṃlāḥ. This is nicer than that. thaḥta mākva sibay apvaḥ kāye mate. Don't take more than you need for yourself. (cf. sikaṃ) sibāṃgaḥ -> siṂbāṃgaḥ sibābhvay n. (-bhvaja-,-gū) feast held in honour of a deity (after evening prayers) simal n. 1. (-mā) silk cotton tree 2. (-phvaḥ) Bombax malabaricum (used against diarrhoea) simā (var. si) n. (-mā) tree; simāṃ kuye to be shaded by trees; ~ kvathaye to fell a tree simāṃkhācā n.anim. {sl.} crow simā|-kacā n. (-gū) branch; ~kacā nhāye to prune; ~khvatāḥ n. (-tāla-,-gū) stubble, stump; ~pvaḥ n. (-pvala-,-pvaḥ) 1. branching, fork of branches 2. branch pattern; ~haḥbuṂ n. (-phvaḥ) blossom of cotton, Bombax malabaricum (used against diarrhoea) simi n. (-gaḥ,-dhe) green bean, French bean, Phaseolus radiatus simina+u n. (-nali-) very fine ashes used for rolling ritual wicks simcā -> saṂcā simpu (var. siṃpu) n. (-gaḥ,-dhe) horse bean (cf. cyāḥ~, tuyu~, siyu~, hāku~, hyāuṃ~); ~mikhā n.anim. {sl.} small-eyed person simsim adj. 1. very old, ancient 2. drizzling 3. blinking; ~āju n. hon. ancestor; ~cā n.anim. s.o. who keeps blinking all the time; ~dhvaṃbvā n. hon. ancestor; ~ yāye to blink; ~ vā vaye to drizzle -siyā1 suff. genitive, possessive marker siyā2 adj. fried; ~baji n. puffed rice siyu adj. brown; ~cā n. kind of brown clay used to coat floors; ~taḥ adj. with a brown ground, with brown as a first coat in painting; ~(-siyu) dhāye to be brownish; ~ naye to be deep brown; ~ye (-yula) to be brown; ~(-siyu) lāye to be brownish; ~simpu n. (-gaḥ) brown or grey horsebean siye1 v.i. (sita) 1. to die 2. to die out, to vanish: pulāṃgu saṃskriti sita. The old customs have gone. siye2 v.t. (sila) 1. to fry, to roast (of grains) 2. to gild 3. to pave 4. to know, to realize, to learn: imisaṃ yānā cvaṃgu jiṃ āḥ he tini sila. I have only now come to realize what they have been doing.; siyāvaṃ vaye to come to learn, to learn more and more; sisyuṃ vaye id. 5. -> sine sirapāḥ n. (-pāla-,-gū) prize, reward; ~ dechāye to offer a prize; ~ lāke to win a prize siri-siri (var. sirra) adv. (of a breeze) cool, pleasant sirghāyṃ n. (-ghāṂsa-,-pu) kind of grass, bermuda grass (cf. guṂta, situ) sirjanā n. (-gū) creation; ~ yāye to create sirbhū -> silbhū sirra -> sirisiri silaṃ n. (-lana-) 1. (-pā) kind of chequered, bordered ceremonial cloth 2. (-pu) strip of cloth worn round the neck during the ritual of `sinhaḥthā'; ~cālaṃ n. rite of purification; ~thāḥ n.anim. weaver of ~ (traditional caste) silaḥ1 n. (-laka-,-pu) stanza, poem silaḥ2 n. (-lakha-,-pu) quilt silā1 n. wash, washing, rinsing; ~ silā yāye to wash, to give a wash silā2 (var. sillā) n. fourth month of the Newar lunar calendar, occurring during māgha - phālguna (February) silākār n.anim. stone dresser (caste name) silākū -> sisalākū silā|-caḥrhay n. (-rhasa-) Śivarātri; ~cā cvane to spend the night of Śivarātri by the fire at Paśupati; ~cā phvane to go begging from door to door on Śivarātri silāy1 n. (-lāca-,-mā) kind of tree, Shorea robusta silāy2 (var. silhāy) n. (-lāsa-) kind of plaster, mixture of resin and `sinhaḥ' for flush joints of `dātiappā' silāy|-kaḥmi n.anim. 1. architect 2. supervisor (of building); ~ku n. (-pu) 1. spatula for carving 2. -> sisalākū; ~jyā n. architecture; ~jyāmi n.anim. architect; ~pa+u n. (-pati-,-gū) stone inscription silāḥpatra n. (-gū) stone inscription siliṃ n. (-lina-,-gū,-taṃ) 1. edge, ridge 2. long narrow crest; ~ kāye to cut an edge; ~ chyāye to smoothen an edge; ~ jyāye to form an edge; ~tvariyāṂ n. (-mā) kind of plant (with polygonal cross-sections), Hibiscus esculentus; ~pvalaḥ n. (-lata-,-mā) id.; ~ biye to form an edge; ~lu-appā n. (-pā) kind of brick with an irregular shape; ~ luye to have several facets, to be like a crystal; ~ lvike to form an edge; ~ syāye to remove an edge, to level sili-sili adv. 1. very little: thauṃkanhay bviṂ silisili laḥ du. There is very little water in the fields these days. 2. (of liquid) seeping, trickling, rising slowly: bviṂ laḥ silisili luyā vala. Very slowly, water came up in the field. sile v.t. to wash, to rinse silpakār n.anim. stone sculptor silbaṅgi n. kind of crown-shaped head ornament worn during the `ihi' ceremony silbhū (var. sirbhū) n. (-bhuli-,-gū) one of a series of six guthi feasts where meat of a four-footed animal must be served as main dish (attended only by the senior members); ~ chuye to sit in a line for a ~ sillā -> silā silhāy -> silāy2 sivāḥbaji n. (-gaḥ) puffed rice sisa+u n. (-mā) kind of tree, Dalbergia sissoo sisalākū (var. silākū, silāyku) n. (-pu) Buddhist staff sisā1 n. (-gū) 1. sheath of a small knife attached to a large sheath sisā2 n. 1. glass 2. lead (metal) sisā3 n. (-gaḥ) fruit; ~ bvaye to display a load of fruit at a marriage ceremony sisākalam n. (-pu) pencil sisāpālu n. kind of ceremonial dish, consisting of fruit, beaten rice, ginger, molasses, clove, ghee, orange ṭīkā powder, betel nut, nutmeg and salt, (offered e.g. during Gāijātrā, or sent to a mother's paternal home to announce the birth of a child); ~ kene, nake to perform the ritual of sending fruit and ginger sisāphusā (var. sisābusā) n. (-gaḥ) fruit sisi1 n. (-gaḥ) bottle sisi2 n. trust, security, custody; ~ cvane 1. to be in custody 2. to vouch for, to stand bail: rām jigu nimti sisi cvanā bila. Rām bailed me out.; ~ taye 1. to trust 2. to deposit, to entrust s.th. to s.o. sisi3 adj. greyish, brownish; ~ dhāye to be greyish, brownish (of fried food) sisikakaḥ adj. 1. scarce, insufficient 2. miserly sisimasi adj. greyish, brownish (from frying) sise n.anim. pupil siseṃ adv. knowing, intentional, on purpose; ~masiseṃ adv. unintentional, by mistake, by chance sisemacā n.anim. pupil sī1 n. (sila-) wax sī2 n. (-mha) 1. dead body, corpse 2. evil spirit; ~ uye to cremate; ~ thane to start a funeral procession sī3 n. (-sī) 1. set of six parts of a sacrificial rooster (head, wings, legs, tail) or of the head of a sacrificial goat (eyes, ears, muzzle, tongue) (both sets are distributed to the senior members of a family in a ritual held after a buffalo cow gives her first milk) 2. prize (given to a singer or a drummer of a `dāphā' group); ~ lāke to gain the first place in a `dāphā' class sī4 n. (sika-) net to attach bags to a carrying pole sī-itāḥ n. (-tāla-,-pu,-pvāḥ) candle sīka1 (var. sika) n. (-pā) kind of knit bag for sending curds (used for the `kalyā nhyāke chvaye' rite) sīka2 (var. sika) n. (-mha) 1. corpse, dead body 2. ghost, evil spirit; ~cheṂ n. house where a death has just occurred; ~cheṂguthi n. guthi assisting in the funeral rites; ~tana n. bereavement; ~mvāka adj. {fig.} untruthful (lit. dead and alive): imisaṃ sikamvāka khaṂ lhāta. They told lies. sīkāpaḥ n. (-pata-,-sāḥ) cloth for wrapping a dead body sīkāḥbhū(-bhvay) (var. sikāḥ~) n. (-bhuli-,-gū) feast in which the head of a sacrificial animal is divided among the senior members of a clan (cf. sī3); KT: if 4-footed animal head distributed: 2ears, 2 eyes and Schnauze; if 2-footed body: 1 head, 2 wings, 2 legs (i.e. hiernach werden 5 seniormost memebres bedacht) sīku (var. siku) adj. dead sīke v.t. 1. to make known; sīkā kāye to find out; sīkā biye to inform, to make known 2. to whiten sīgāḥ n. (-gāla-,-gāḥ) burial-ground sīguthi n. (-gū) guthi for the cremation of the dead sījaḥ -> sijaḥ sījā nake v.t. to take leave of a deceased sīdaye v.i. to be noticeable, to be obvious sīpusā n. piece of a sacrificial animal offered to a senior member of the family sī|-phāṃgā n. (-pu) patch of cotton sent by relatives for the funeral rites; sīphāṃgāṃ phāy+ke to put a patch of cotton on the dead body; ~baṂ n. floor of a house where a death has occurred recently; ~baṂ thile to coat the floor with cow-dung as a death ritual; ~bājaṃ n. (-jana-) set of drums that leads a funeral procession; ~mata n. (-pvāḥ) torch in a funeral procession; ~māḥtalenaṃ adv. at the risk of one's life, at one's peril; ~mha n. dead body, corpse; ~mha gele to stir the cremation fire; ~vasaḥ n. (-sata-) set of clothes of a deceased which is put on the funeral pyre sīsvāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) wax-flower, artificial flower, usually shaped like an umbrella, offered to Buddha images su1 pron. who, what, which su2 (var. suṂ) n. (-pu) straw, hay su3 n. rain drop su4 meas. (with num.) 1. course of bricks 2. number of times of hatching eggs, raising young, giving birth: kvaḥtay chasu jaka macā thvai. Crows raise young only once. 3. course of liquor distillation; ~ chiye to lay an indenting or projecting course of bricks; ~ lijyāye to lay an indenting course of bricks -su5 suff. marker of abstract nouns, -ness (cf. -sū) sui- -> svi- suṂ -> su2 suṂka (var. suṂsuṂ, sumka) adv.. 1. sound of snuffing 2. sound of sobbing 3. silently, quietly; ~sāṂka yāye to start weeping; ~suṂka yāye to sob; ~ cvane to keep silent suṂtha -> sutha suṂsuṂ -> suṂka sukavāḥ n. (-vāla-) Friday sukā1 (var. suki) meas. unit of 25 pice, coin of 25 pice sukā2 n. (-pu) thread; ~ kane (of old bread) to be viscous, stringy; ~guli n. (-guli,-gvārā) ball of thread; ~pū n. (-puti-,-pu) kite string; ~pū kāye to pull in a kite string that has been cut; ~pū dāye to pull down a kite string; ~pū lāye -> ~pū kāye; ~pū vaye to unwind without tangling (kite string) suki1 -> sukā1 suki2 n.anim. midwife, nurse helping in childbirth; ~misā n.anim. id. sukilvay n. (-lvaca-) wasting disease, tuberculosis suku -> sukhū sukuṃdā n. 1. (-pvāḥ) kind of ceremonial oil lamp representing Gaṇeśa 2. (-pu) iron poker with a hook for stirring the fire or for handling metal pieces in the fire; ~ duke to welcome with a ~ lamp sukunvaḥ n. (-nvala-,-pu) pole for carrying loads of straw sukubhattu n.anim. 1. dove 2. {fig.} false friend, unloyal friend sukumel n. (-gaḥ) kind of small cardamom sukum+bāsi n.anim. settler, man without home or land suku-suku khvaye v.i. to sob quietly sukū1 adj. dry; ~ gane 1. to fade 2. to shrink, to be wrinkled sukū2 -> sukhū sukūguṃdā n.anim. extravagantly dressed person, s.o who dresses more expensively than he can afford (cf. svakiṃguṃdā) sukūlā n. dried meat suke v.t. to rub, to massage the belly (done by midwives to ease a woman's labours); ~misā n.anim. midwife, nurse sukka adv. 1. (to rub) thoroughly 2. (to cook) dry sukrabār n. Friday sukha1 n. happiness, pleasure, delight; mhasukha ma daye to feel not well; ~ tāye to feel pleasure, to be happy; ~dukha byāye to be on close terms, to be in confidential relations; ~ ma tāye 1. to regret 2. to feel ill sukha2 n. fog sukha-sākha adv. pleasant, agreeable sukhābati n. heaven, paradise of Amitābha; ~bhuban n. id.; ~ lāye to die a worthy death; ~ vane to go to heaven sukhi adj. happy, pleasant sukhū (var. suku, sukū) n. (-khuli-,-pā) straw mat; ~ gvaye to start weaving a mat; ~mvaḥ n. (-mvala-,-mvaḥ) braided border of a straw mat sugaḥ n. (-gala-,-gaḥ) straw pile sugā n.anim. parrot; ~raṅg n. dark green colour sughar (var. sugar, sugghar) adj. neat, clean, nice, tidy sucaṃ (var. sūcaṃ) n. (-cana-,-gū) report, notice, warning; ~gvaraḥ n. (-rala-,-pā) notice board; ~ biye 1. to report, to inform 2. to warn sucane v.t. {neol.} to notify, to report, to warn, to claim: iskulaṃ hāpaṃ puleta sucana. The school demanded the fees to be paid. suci -> sūci sucu adj. 1. neat, clean, smooth 2. cleared up, empty; ~ke (var. sicuke) 1. to clean 2. to empty 3. to hide, to conceal 4. to plane, to smoothen (coppersmith); sucukā chvaye to clear, to clean up, to finish; sucukā taye 1. to withhold, to conceal 2. to keep clean; ~kucu adj. well cleaned, neat and clean (cf. yecupicu); ~pācu n. sweeping and cleaning, housework of cleaning up; ~picu adj. id.; ~ye (var. sicuye) (-cula) 1. to be clean, to be smooth 2. to be empty, to be cleared suji n. 1. coarse wheat powder 2. wheat porridge sujudyaḥ n. (-deva-) sun; ~bhābā n. {ch.lg.} id. sujyā n. tailoring, sewing; ~kū n. (-kuthi-,-gū) tailor's shop; ~thala n. (-gaḥ) bag for sewing materials; ~mi n.anim. tailor; ~mulu n. (-pu) sewing needle; ~saḥ n. (-sala-,-gū) tailor's shop sujhāu (var. sujhāb) n. (-gū) suggestion, recommendation; ~ kāye to accept a suggestion suta n. (-gaḥ) straw pile sutali n. thin cotton rope used for soles of shoes sutā1 (var. suti) n. (-māḥ) necklace worn by the bride at the marriage ceremony or by girls at the `ihi' ceremony sutā2 n. (-gaḥ) 1. straw pile 2. brick arch; ~ thāye to cut a key-stone; ~mvaḥ n. (-mvala-,-mvaḥ) key-stone suti n. 1. cotton cloth 2. dew; sutiṃ gāye, dāye to be left outside through the night for purification by dew (of an earthen pot) 3. -> sutā1 sutiṃ -> sutisuti sutikā 1. n. birth, delivery 2. n.anim. woman who has just given birth; ~bāyu n. wind disorder during delivery; ~lvay n. (-lvaca-) childbed fever; ~vāsaḥ n. (-sala-) alcoholic herbal tonic given to a mother after childbirth; ~ sene to fall ill in childbed sutilaḥ n. (-lakha-,-pti) dew, dewdrop suti-suti (var. sutiṃ, sutuka, sutuputu, sutta) adv. 1. quietly, without a sound, stealthily 2. steadily sutuṃ adv. 1. inactively, lazily 2. -> sutisuti sutu-putu (var. sutuka, sutubhutu) adv. 1. frequently 2. -> sutisuti sut+kes n. (-gaḥ) suitcase sutta -> sutisuti suttusuṃ adv. 1. greedily 2. (to push) vehemently sutha (var. suṂtha) n. morning, dawn; ~kabala n. morning job, part time job; ~nhāpāṃ adv. early in the morning; ~nhesu n. morning (day time up to noon); ~lisu n. afternoon (noon till two o'clock) suthāṃ lāye v.i. 1. to have common sense 2. to be civilized, well-mannered 3. to be organized, to be systematic 4. to hear well suthi n. kind of dried ginger sudiṃ (var. sudi) n. (-dina-,-nhu) 1. fine day, fine weather 2. day of the bright half of a lunar month sudhāṃ adv. all. all together, together with sudhi n. (-gū) memory, recollection, sense, consciousness; ~ tane to forget; ~buddhi n. presence of mind; ~buddhi tane to become unconscious; ~buddhi madaye to be absent-minded sunābirtāṂ n. (-pī) grant of land to a chieftain (for which only a nominal revenue is paid) sunār n.anim. goldsmith (caste name) sunuvār n.pr. name of a tribe sundāsvāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) kind of flower, Bauhinia anguina sunsān+thāy n. (-thāsa-,-gū) solitude, solitary place supa+u n. (-pali-,-gū) 1. thatch 2. thatched roof; ~ ciye to thatch supaḥ n. (-pata-,-pu,-thu) 1. slender piece of a paddy plant 2. straw, hay; supaḥ gvaḥchi a straw's breadth 3. dusty cobweb supācuṃ n. (-gaḥ) kind of sour fruit supāyṃ n. (-pāṂca-,-gū) cloud; ~ dane to be foggy, to be covered with mist; ~ vaye 1. to be cloudy, to be foggy 2. to have tearful eyes supāḥ (var. supū) n. (-pāta-) shrinking of cloth; ~ taye to make a garment too large (in order to allow for shrinking); ~ vane 1. to shrink 2. to evaporate supiṃ|-khā n.anim. 1. heron 2. {fig.} sluggish person; ~jhaṃgaḥ n.anim. (-gala-) heron supicā n. (-pā) kind of bamboo tray supile v.t. to hide, to conceal o.s. supu-supu (var. supuka, supruka, suprusupru) adv. (to eat) hastily, without tasting supū -> supāḥ suptali n. (-gū,-pā) sole of the shoe supruka (var. suprusupru) -> supusupu subaṂ n. low lying cloud, haze, mist subidāḥsvāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) champa jasmine, Lycopodium clavatum subini n.anim. female helper in preparing rites of initiation subistā n. comfort, convenience; subistāṃ adv. at ease, comfortably subuye1 v.i. (-buta) to be well-cooked subuye2 v.t. (-bula) to massage, to oil subhāy (var. suvāḥ) n. (-bhāsa-,-gū) 1. blessing, benediction (by an older relative to a younger one) 2. {neol.} thanks, thank you; ~ kāye to receive a blessing; ~ biye 1. to bless 2. to convey good wishes; ~ lhāye to convey good wishes sumalape v.t. to remember, to keep in mind sumali n. (-pā) kind of large open basket (kept together with a brass dish, `kvataḥ', for extra materials) sumā (var. sumu) n. (-pu) {old-fash.} 1. screw driver (cf. mārtvala) 2. ladle, dipper sumāṃgalāṃ vane v.i. (for work) to go smoothly, without disturbance sumi (var. sumiṃ, sume) n. (-gū,-pu) 1. small ladle for taking oil from a `sukuṃdā' lamp 2. tube-like wooden part of a hookah (on which the bowl rests) sumu -> sumā sume -> sumi sumeru n. Mount Sumeru, the centre of the universe in traditional cosmogony sumka -> suṂka sumbā n. (-pu,-thu) steel punch (for perforating metal sheets) suye1 (suta) 1. v.t. to smoothen, to plane 2. v.i. to become less, to shrink, to dry up, to subside, to evaporate suye2 v.t. (sula) 1. to penetrate, to pierce, to stab, to poke, to insert 2. to stitch, to sew 3. to point at sur -> sūr1 suramā n. 1. kind of mascara (of good quality) 2. (-pu) black stick for painting the eyebrow; ~ ule to apply mascara suray; ~ juye to be courageous, to be determined to fight; ~ yāye 1. to encourage 2. to provoke; ~ lāye 1. to be in tune 2. to be drunk surāka n. (-gū) clue; ~ biye to inform, to give a clue surāhi n. (-gaḥ) kind of water jar (with a long neck) suru n. beginning; ~ juye to start suruṃga n. (-gū) tunnel, mine suru-suru (var. suruka) adv. 1. sound of sipping 2. -> sulusulu; ~ saḥ vaye to swig, to drink noisily suru-suru vane v.i. to go straight surki n. brick dust; ~ chyāye to reduce to brick dust; ~ phvaye to prepare plaster surja n. sun; ~bhaktisvāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) Helianthus; ~bharaṃ adv. 1. from dawn to dusk 2. within one day surtā n. 1. anxiety 2. sorrow, remembrance of sorrow; ~ kāye 1. to be anxious 2. to be in deep sorrow surti n. (-pā) dry tobacco leaf surra adv. vigorously survath n. (-tā) spade (of cards) survāḥ n. (-vāla-,-gaḥ) trousers; ~cikhi n. (-pu) string for trousers; ~ nhyāye to put on trousers; ~putu n. (-pu) string for trousers; ~laṃ n. (-lana-,-ju) pair of trousers and shirt sul n. colic, sudden pain sulaṃ n. (-lana-,-gū) interval, gap, short period; ~ cvane to be concealed for some time; ~ taye to keep hidden for some time sulacaṃ n. (-cana-,-gū) spectacles sulane v.t. {neol.} to conceal, to keep back for some time sulaḥ n. 1. clearing of a debt 2. solution; ~ juye 1. to be paid back 2. to be solved sulā n. hiding, concealment; ~kāsā n. (-gū) game of hide-and- seek suli1 (var. sulī) n. (-pu) spear suli2 (var. sulu) n. whistling; ~ puye 1. to whistle 2. to be hopeful, to be confident: chaṃ suli puye mvāḥ. You mustn't have any hope. suliṃ (-lina-) 1. n. (-gū) liquor store, tavern 2. n.anim. distiller of liquor 3. -> svali; ~kuthi n. (-gū) liquor store; ~khvaṃ n. (-khvana-) pub crawl, drinking tour; ~nakiṃ n.anim. (-kina-) woman in charge of the liquor store at a feast; ~nī n.anim. female tavern keeper; ~pasaḥ n. (-sala-,-gū) liquor shop, bar; ~misā n.anim. woman in charge of a liquor shop (cf. lukāḥ~) sulī -> suli1 sulu1 -> suli2 sulu2 (var. suluṃ) adj. leaking suluka (var. sulutta) adv. easily sulupā n. (-pu) ladle used for a sacrificial fire sulupyā (var. sulpyā) n.anim. 1. water leech 2. {fig.} exploiter; ~kiṃ n. (-kina-,-pu) staple, cramp; ~nakiṃ n. id. suluye -> sule sululuṃ adv. leaking, flowing slowly, treacling sulu-sulu (var. surusuru) adv. 1. slowly and silently 2. freely, without restraint sule (var. suluye) v.t. to hide, to conceal sulpāḥ n. (-pāta-,-pā) flat copper ladle for ritually offering ghee and grains sulpyā -> sulupyā sulphā n. (-gaḥ) earthen pipe for hemp sulla onom. sound of sliding (esp. of snakes); ~phyācca n. (-gaḥ,-gū) 1. slide, chute 2. play of slide; ~ nhyāye to flow, glide smoothly, to run smoothly (of work); ~ vane to slide, to slither sulvap n. slope; ~ luye to slope, to slant sulvasan n. solution, liquid; ~ ile to apply a liquid substance suvāḥ1 -> subhāy suvāḥ2 n.anim. (-vāla-) cook; ~kuthi n. (-gū) storeroom for a feast; ~kū n. (-kuthi-,-gū) id.; ~jyā n. cookery, cooking; ~ yāye 1. to employ as a cook 2. to taste beforehand susamā n. (-pu) tool for scratching lines on metal susāḥ n. (-sāla-) 1. help, service, servitude 2. homage; ~kusāḥ n. (-sāla-) id. susu1 pron. who (plural): dune kvathay susu du? Who are (those) in the room? susu2 onom. {ch.lg.} sound of urinating; ~kulla yāye to urinate susupāla juye v.i. to be terrified susupāḥ vane v.i. to be suppressed sū1 n. (suli-,-gaḥ) chestnut, Castanopsis hystrix, Castanopsis indica (cf. syāṃguli) sū2 n. 1. (-pu) fine hair 2. mildew sū3 n. stale, sour taste -sū4 (var. su) suff. (-suli-) {neol.} marker of abstract nouns denoting state, condition, -ness, e.g.: viṂ-sū madness, lyāymha-sū youth, adolescence sūcaṃ -> sucaṃ sūcā n. (-gū) kind of winnowing tray with small holes sū cāye v.i. 1. to be crazy 2. to conceive, to notice symptons of pregnancy sūci (var. suci) n. (-gū) list, table of contents sūna n. stale, sour smell (of food); ~ daye to smell slightly bad sūmari n. (-pā) small thick cake of rice flour, milk and molasses (oblation at guthi feasts) sūr1 (var. sur) n. (-gū) tune sūr2 n. alcoholic beverage; ~ taye to drink; ~ daye to be drunk sūr3 n. (-gū) attempt, intention; ~ biye {fig.} to encourage; ~ yāye 1. to attempt 2. to start sūri1 n. {ch.lg.} call for a kitten sūri2 adv. straight, confronting, face to face sūvaḥ n. (-vala-,-pā) small thick pulse cake (oblation at guthi feasts) sū|-siṂ n. chestnut wood; ~simi n. (-gaḥ) cashewnut sūhāṃ n. {ch.lg.} 1. puffing 2. (-pu) cigarette, hookah -se suff. verbal suff. denoting incompletion, e.g.: vayā jyā yāse maphu. His work is never finished. seṂ n. (-pāyṃ) liver seṂkhi -> sekhi seṂlā n. liver meat; ~pāuṃ n. liver with bile (as a joint cut); ~raṅg n. dark red colour -seṃ suff. emph. form of -se seṃke v.t. to spoil, to ruin, to destroy; seṃkā taye to cause harm seṃgu n. Svayambhūnāth; ~gaḥ n. (-gala-) area of the Svayambhū hill; ~dyaḥ n. (-deva-) Svayambhū stūpa seṃguli -> syāṃguli -seṃli (var. seli) suff. 1. when, after: ji lihāṃ vaseṃli chimi kāy vala. Your son came after I had returned. 2. if seṃseṃ n. sound of breathing during sleep, panting; ~phuṃphuṃ n. panting sekune (var. seykune) v.i. to shrink, to shrivel sekuvā n. (-ku) roasted meat (cf. chvayṃlā) seken n. second; ~svi n. (-pu) seconds-hand of a watch etc. sekhaṃ -> seykhaṃ sekhay yāye v.t. to restrain an unruly child sekhi (var. seṂkhi) n. {old-fash.} boastfulness, arrogance senā n. training, instruction, knowledge; ~ kāye to acquire knowledge, to learn: jiṃ dājuyā pākheṃ yekva khaṂta senā kayā. I have learnt many things from my elder brother. vaṃ pās chagū dayketa ākhaḥ senā kāla. He studied for an examination.; ~ biye to train, to teach; ~bhattu n.anim. one who has no independent opinion, who repeats only what he is taught sene 1. v.t. to train, to teach: vaṃ jitaḥ me hālegu sena. He taught me to sing. 2. v.t. to learn 3. v.i. to be spoiled, to be destroyed, to deteriorate: injin sena. The machine broke down.; ~kathaṃ adv. instructive; ~kane n. 1. instruction 2. sound advice sep n. (-gaḥ) safe sembā n.anim. ugly person; ~khvāḥ n.anim.(-khvāla-) id. sey+kune -> sekune sey+khaṃ (var. sekhaṃ) n. (-khana-) cold, influenza; ~ cāye to catch a cold; ~jvar n. influenza; ~jvaraṃ thiye to catch a flu sey+bay -> sehe serā n.anim. champion sersyā n. kind of Tibetan dried mushroom (from Kuti) selay yāye v.t. to scatter the ashes of cremation into a river selāye v.i. 1. to be solid, durable, well-constructed 2. to be beautiful seli -> seṃli sesāmā n. cereals sehe (var. seybay) n. 1. honour, respect 2. tolerance, patience; ~behe n. 1. tolerance 2. instruction, advice, support; ~behe taye 1. to respect 2. to support; ~ yāye 1. to tolerate 2. to favour; ~lape id. sya- -> se- syaḥ1 n. (sela-) 1. marrow 2. (-gū) maize cob 3. undercooked rice syaḥ2 adj. very nice, excellent; syaḥmha manū a very nice man; syaḥgu bhutumāli an excellent paper kite syaḥ3 meas. (sela-) one third of a dhārni, ca. 720 g syaḥkathi n. (-pu) bamboo strips stuck between two layers at the tail of a paper kite to make it stiff syaḥkaḥni n. (-gaḥ) empty ear of a maize stalk syaḥkā n. (-pu) thread around the borders of a paper kite syaḥphukī n. (-kija-) group of closest relatives (who have to keep mourning a dead relative for 45 days) syā n. 1. meat, flesh 2. killing 3. drinking syāu n. (-gaḥ) apple syāulā n. dry fallen leaves, dry sticks, kindlings; ~mari n. (-pā) hard bread (baked with insufficient ghee); ~mhukaṃ n. (-kana-,-mā) kind of mushroom syāṃ n. (syāma-,-gaḥ) kind of grass, Panicum italicum; ~kali (var. syām~) n. (-phvaḥ) kind of flower syāṃgi n. (-pu) small kitchen knife for vegetables syāṃguli (var. seṃguli) n. (-mā,-gaḥ) chestnut (cf. sū) syāṃdā adj. very nice, excellent syāṃpulu adj. very nice, excellent; ~ma+iṃyāṂ n.anim. beautiful woman syāku1 n. (-gū) kind of painful disease syāku2 adj. bent in the wind; ~ naye (var. syākuṃ ~) to sway in the wind syāku3 (var. syākva) n. sacrifice, ritual killing syākuṃ pune v.i. 1. (for joints) to ache 2. to lose appetite due to pain syāku-tyāku (var. syākvatyākva) n. ninth day of Dasain when animals are sacrificed syāku|-ye v.i. (-kula) to sway in the wind; ~se cvane id. syākka adv. 1. painful 2. sound (of sleep) syākva-tyākva -> syākutyāku syā|-kvāḥ n. painfulness; ~khyāḥ n. (-khyāla-) joke at s.o.'s expense, unkind joke syākhu n. (-gū) kind of rain-shield syāgulu n.anim. drunkard syācu adj. 1. painful 2. soft, delicate syājyā n. 1. killing 2. eating and drinking, merriment syāppa cvane v.i. (for a swelling) to shrink, to diminish syāp-syāp adv. shrinking syāphaḥ adj. without a kernel syāmkali -> syāṃ~ syāye (syāta) 1. v.t. to kill 2. v.t. to extinguish, to switch off: bijuli syānā byū! switch the light off! 3. v.t. to oppress 4. v.t. {sl.} to consume, to eat, to drink 5. v.t. to cook, to fry 6. v.i. to be painful, to ache, to hurt: thva pulāṃgu ghāḥ hānaṃ syāta. This old wound aches again. syārara onom. sound of heavy rain-drops syārāk-suruk onom. rustle of dry leaves syārlet n. (-pā) thin transparent plastic sheet syāli (var. syāliṃ) adj. 1. small-eyed 2. of weak vision, almost blind; ~mikhā adj. id.; ~syāli yāye to blink, to wink syālla onom. sound of trees shaken by the wind syāḥ1 1. n. (syāla-) pain 2. adj. painful; syālay tiye to press where it hurts, to agonize, to torture; syālaṃ tiye 1. to lose one's appetite (due to pain) 2. to corner s.o.; ~ cāye 1. to feel pain 2. to be conscious; ~ naye to endure pain syāḥ2 adj. very near, close syāḥbaji n. puffed rice syāḥlvay n. (-lvaca-) kind of disease causing pain in the joints, rheumatism; ~ cāye, picāye, buye for the joints to ache syu (var. si) n. 1. skin 2. leather 3. peel, husk; ~khipaḥ n. (-pata-,-pu) leather rope; ~yā n. resin, sticky film on the surface; ~lāmari n. (-pā) kind of hard bread (baked with very little oil) srāmanera n.anim. male Buddhist novice sva1 n. look, glance; ~ maphaye to envy, to grudge; ~ maphāye to find intolerable sva2 (var. svaṃ) num. three sva-3 pref. into, in between, inside svaṂ1 n. (-gaḥ) lung svaṂ2 (var. svaḥ) n. (-gū) nest svaṂthyā n. (-gaḥ) kind of improvised hookah made of green bamboo for temporary use by farmers in the field svaṃ1 n. (svaṂtha-,-pu) 1. trunk of an elephant 2. spongy object; ~ cāye (for radish) to be spongy; ~ thāye id. svaṃ2 (var. of sva before classifier -gū) num. three svaṃkhā n.anim. kind of mythical turkey svaṃgaḥsvathuṃ adv. (to eat) regularly and fully (i.e. three meals a day) svaṃgā n. borax (cf. cicā); ~ pāye to apply borax svaṃti(-nakhaḥ) n. (-gū) festival of five days in the month of kaulā, Tihār (consisting of `kvaḥpujā', `khicāpujā', `lakṣmipujā', `mhapujā', `kijāpujā') svaṃmā n. (-gaḥ) kind of small spouted beer pot made of clay svaṃvā -> svāṃvā svaṃsi n. (-mā) kind of oak svaka1 n.anim. spectator, observer svaka2 -> svaga svakaṃ1 n. dried arum leaf svakaṃ2 n. (-kana-) present of yoghurt or an egg, esp. given on a birthday svakaṃ3 adv. simply svakami n.anim. spectator, observer svakāṃjhaṃgaḥ n.anim. (-gala-) s.o. who is blind in his own affairs sva-kāy+ke v.t. to pull out svakiṃ1 n. (-kina-,-pu) cramp with three pins svakiṃ2 n.anim. (-kina-) woman of third rank in the guthi; ~guṃdā n.anim. s.o. who dresses more expensively than he can afford svaku1 n.anim. spectator, observer svaku2 1. n. hon. third rank of a guthi, third of the five elders of a Buddhist monastery 2. adj. third (cf. thāpāḥju, nāyaḥju, nyāku, nvaku, peku) svakuṃ n. (-kuna-,-gū) three corners, triangle; ~ lāye, luye to be triangular svakunakiṃ n.anim. (-kina-) wife of a `svaku' svakūpalaḥ n. (-lata-,-gū) triangular punch for perforating metal sheets svakhvaḥ adj. three-legged; ~cuki n. (-gū) three-legged stool; ~nakiṃ (var. svacu~) n. (-kina-,-pu) staple cramp (with three pins); ~bhutū n. (-tuli-,-pvāḥ) three-legged oven svaga (var. svaka) adj. 1. plain, simple 2. sorrowful svagaṃ -> sagaṃ svagati n. 1. sorrow, grief 2. depression; ~ kene to grieve; ~vasaḥ n. (-sata-) mourning clothes svagulu n.anim. s.o. who likes to look, curious person, s.o. who is extremely fond of watching plays; ~byāṃ n.anim. (-byāna-) curious woman svaghāḥ n. (-ghāla-,-gū) {old-fash.} rebate svacāke v.t. 1. to employ, to hire: vaṃ jitaḥ vayāgu addāy svacākala. He employed me in his office. 2. to interpose, to put in, to insert, to include: vaṃ bhvaṃkucā dhalinay svacākala. He placed a sheet of paper between the rafters. vaṃ chaṃgu bicāḥ ganaṃ vayā saphulī svacāke tenegu du. He intends to include your ideas somewhere in his book. svacāye v.i. (-cāta) to be placed into, to be included: kāpaḥ chakū sisī svacāta. A piece of cloth was put into the bottle. svacunakiṂ -> svakhvaḥnakiṃ svajatra adj. honest, truthful svajā adj. simple, innocent svajuvāḥ n.anim. (-vāla-) watcher of gambling, one who prefers watching to playing himself svatāka adv. (to tie, to bundle) tightly sva-tāye v.i. to be stuck sva-tiye v.i. to be stuck sva-tune v.i. to sink, to be sunk sva(-sva) thane v.t. 1. to collect 2. to imprison 3. to stuff, to pack sva-dāye v.t. to measure sva-dune v.i. to sink, to be sunk svadhayṃ n. (-dhaṂsa-) small bed bug svanā n. placing of pūjā pots; ~pujā n. (-gū) great pūjā with the proper distribution of pots svanigaḥ n. (-gala-) 1. Kathmandu valley 2. the entire of Nepal svane v.t. 1. to found, to establish 2. to place pūjā pots properly for a ritual svanyā n.anim. 1. kind of small flat fish 2. young fish svapāḥ un hile v.i. to be incarnated (of a deity) svapāḥrāje n. the entire of Nepal svapu n. {neol.} 1. manner of looking 2. visual angle 3. thought svapū vane v.i. to grow up sva-phyāye v.t. 1. to untie, to loosen 2. to strain, to percolate 3. to trust sva-byāye v.i. 1. to get loose 2. to be strained, to be percolated 3. to escape 4. to be missed svami n.anim. spectator, observer; ~lu n.anim. children's nurse, caretaker of children svam+bār n. Monday svay n. looking, glancing; ~ khane daye to happen to see; ~ khane madaye to get lost; ~ jiye 1. to grow up 2. (for health) to improve; ~ puye to be good-looking; ~ yeyā puye to be charming, to be good-looking svayāḥ postp. in comparison with, than: cha svayāḥ va taḥdhī. He is taller than you. jiṃ mhigaḥ svayāḥ thauṃ apvaḥ jā nayā. Today I ate more than yesterday. svaye1 v.t. (svata) 1. to look, to watch: jiṃ va manuyāta svayā cvanā. I watched that man.; svaye majyū esoteric (of rites, as opposed to: svaye jyū what is all right to be observed by everybody) 2. to check 3. to face 4. to examine, to test 5. to finance, to support 6. aux. to intend to, to try: jiṃ chaṃgu saphū nyāyegu svayā. I tried to buy your book. svaye2 v.i. (svala) 1. to be entangled 2. to be confused 3. (for grains) to be dried well svayene -> svalane svay+ka adv. 1. (of grain) dried well 2. extremely hungry svay+nagu n. (-gaḥ) set of three stars, particular constellation of three stars svay piye v.t. to squeeze svay+pu adj. charming, good looking svarūpa n. 1. appearance 2. identity svarga (var. sargaḥ) n. (loc. ~tay) 1. heaven, paradise 2. wheather svalane (var. svayene) v.i. to be strained, sifted svalā n. {neol.} 1. example 2. imitation svali (var. suliṃ) n. (-gaḥ) 1. kind of large conical basket 2. -> svaḥtipāyṃ svale v.t. to imitate; ~ puye v.i. to be imitable svalvak juye (var. svalvakha ~) v.i. to be alive, to be in this world svaviṂ n.anim. woman who becomes temporarily insane after childbirth svasā n. {neol.} sight, view, outlook, pleasant view; ~bvasā n. charm, pleasant view svasiṂ n. kind of firewood for oblations svastika n. (-gū) symbol of good luck svasvaṃ adv. while looking svaḥ1 -> svaṂ2 svaḥ2 adj. 1. loose, unattached 2. entangled, confused 3. plain, bare; ~appā n. loose bricks svaḥti n. 1. (-gū) noose, trap 2. water from a small spring on a hill side; ~ taye to form a noose, to spread a noose; ~pāyṃ (var. svali~) n. (-pāṂca-,-gū) noose, bird trap svaḥnugaḥ n.anim. (-gala-) confused person, sad person svaḥbat n. 1. manners 2. friendly relations 3. mannerism; ~ daye 1. to be well mannered 2. to be on good terms; ~madu adj. rude, unmannered svaḥbusaḥ n. (-sala-) aniseed svaḥsvaḥthāy adv. everywhere svā n. (-svā) linking, joining svāṃ n. (svāna-,-phvaḥ) 1. flower 2. flower pattern; ~kasi n. (-gaḥ) vase, flower pot; ~ cuke to present flowers (ritually); ~ hvāye to blossom, to flower svāṃga n. (-gū) pretence; ~ yāye 1. to pretend 2. to flirt svāṃ|-gviṂ n. (-gviṂ) bouquet; ~cā n. (-phvaḥ) artificial flower; ~chā n. `offering flowers', ritual of displaying the images of deities held on the full moon of yeṂlā. svāṃtyāṃ adj. tall (of persons) svāṃ puye v.t. 1. to blow with the mouth 2. to whisper 3. to blow (a fire) svāṃ|-mā n. (-mā) flowering plant; ~māḥ n. (-māla-,-māḥ) garland; ~yāḥpunhī n. anniversary of the Buddha, full moon of bachalā; ~vā (var. svaṃ~) n. 1. `rain of flowers', offering to the gods 2. kind of paddy svāṃ-svāṃ adv. gasping, panting svākā-svākā (var. ~svākāṃ) adj. spongy; ~ cvane, mine to be spongy svāke v.t. to connect, to link svākhi n. 1. (-pu) kind of rope 2. (-gathi) knot (of two ropes) svātta adv. 1. with one stroke 2. with a sudden jerk svāthaḥbi (var. svāthyācā, svāthyābi) n.anim. kind of large caterpillar svāthyā-svāthyā (var. ~svāthyāṃ, ~svāthyāhāṃ) adv. with slow, heavy strides svāne (var. svāḥne) n. (-pu) stair, staircase (cf. kayṃci~, kutāḥ~, cākalāḥ~, bhukhā~, hiṂ~); ~cvaḥ n. (-cvata-,-cvaḥ) upper end of a stair; ~tāḥ n. (-tāla-,-gū) header; ~tvakaḥ n. (-kala-,-gaḥ) base of a stair; ~tvāthaḥ n. (-thala-,-thaḥ) ring of a stair, tread; ~pa+u n. (-pati-,-pau) id.; ~pā n. (-pā) lower end of a stair; ~bāhā n. (-gaḥ) 1. post of a landing 2. hand-rail, banister; ~sāḥ n. (-sāla-,-gū) lower end of a stair svāpu (var. svāpū) n. (-gū) 1. link, connection 2. knot, joint; ~ chāye, taye to link, to connect, to contact, to establish a connection; ~ daye to be linked; ~ biye to refer svāye v.t. (svāta) to link, to connect, to repair, to put together: jigu phvan svāta. My phone got repaired. svāyṃ-svāyṃ (var. svāyṃka) adv. 1. (to smoke) in puffs 2. (to sigh) deeply svārāṃ adv. sliding, slithering (esp. of snakes) svārāka adv. 1. easily, mechanically, without thinking 2. suddenly, abruptly svārā-mārāṃ (var. svārāsiri, svārāsvārā) adv. 1. quickly, abruptly, without hesitation 2. swirling 3. in succession, one by one svālā-svālā adv. gliding, flowing svālu adj. oblong (of faces); ~khvāḥ adj. oblong-faced; ~ye (-lula) to have an oblong face; ~ lāye id. svālyāṃ adv. treacling svālla -> svālāsvālā svāsā1 n. alloy of copper with some gold svāsā2 n. {neol.} manner of linking svā hāye v.i. to be pulled out svā hāy+ke v.t. 1. to pull out 2. {fig.} to cheat svāḥnāṃtisānāṃ n. kind of game played by two teams (members of one team get names of flowers, of the other names of ornaments. A player with covered eyes has to identify other players by their given names as they talk to him in assumed voices) svi1 (var. svī) num. thirty svi2 n. (-pu) 1. needle 2. hand of a clock 3. {ch.lg.} sewing; ~ biye to inject sviṂka (var. sviṂta) adv. (to drink, smoke) with a sipping or puffing sound sviṂ-phviṂ onom. sound of breathing (while sleeping); ~ yāye to breathe audibly while sleeping sviṂ-sviṂ adv. continuously, on and on svikāḥ n.anim. (-kāla-) tailor; ~jyā n. tailoring svij n. (-gaḥ) switch sviti n. nectar, ambrosia; ~ kane (for drops of nectar) to form on a plant; ~ thahāṃ vane (for nectar) to move upward on a stalk (considered as a sign of rain) svityāṃ n. (-tyāna-,-gū) swing; ~ pule to swing svityāṃcā n.anim. kind of bird, white spotted robin svitvimā n. (-mā) kind of plant, weed in paddy fields svipākaḥ n.anim. (-kala-) simpleton, idiot svibā n. (-gaḥ) bamboo container for churning Tibetan tea; ~ yāye to churn Tibetan tea svī -> svi1 H ha+i n.anim. centipede ha+iṃse -> haḥste ha+ijā n. cholera (cf. lhvakaphāka) ha+imā 1. n.pr. name of a deity (paired with the deity `nāsaḥ') 2. n. one of the heads of a two-headed drums; ~pvāḥ n. (-pvāla-,-pvāḥ) hole in the wall as a passage for this deity haṂ1 interj., part. 1. yes, indeed 2. marker of reported speech: vaṃ chanta vā dhāla haṂ. He told you to come, he said. 3. expression of surprise; haṂyā khaṂ rumour haṂ2 n. (-pu,-thu) chisel; ~khi n. (-pu) oily thread to mark lines on wood before sawing; ~khitāḥ n. (-tāla-,-tāḥ) chisel mark; ~khidyaḥ n. (-deva-) deity associated with the `haṂkhi' (in the worship of tools); ~tāḥ n. (-tāla-,-tāḥ) chisel mark; ~ thāye to mark a line with a ~; ~svaṂlā n. (-gaḥ) trimmer haṃ adj. 1. honoured 2. threaded 3. systematical haṃka adv. smoothly, systematically haṃji 1. adj. noble, well-born 2. n.anim. nobleman, aristocrat; ~pahaḥ n. (-hala-) nobility, aristocracy; ~sū n. (-suli-) {neol.} id. haṃtāḥ -> hantāḥ haṃsa n. breathing, breath; haṃsaṃ thāy tvaḥte to be badly terrified; ~ bvaye to expire, to die; ~ vane to be badly terrified (lit. the breath of life to go) haka n. right, claim, authority hakatā -> haktāḥ hakanaṃ -> hākanaṃ hakāye v.t. (-kāla) to attack suddenly hakāhak adv. plainly, frankly haki1 (var. hiṂ, hati, haci) irr. imp. of haye, to bring haki2 adj. frank, open-minded; ~dhaki adj. outspoken, frank hakuvā n. unhusked rice covered with earth, kept warm for some days before threshing hake v.t. to chide, to reproach hakkar n.anim. hawker haktāḥ (var. hakatā) interj. hurray, (cheers for cutting an opponent's paper kite); ~ juye 1. (for a paper kite) to be cut 2. {fig.} to die; ~ yāye to shout, to cheer haci -> haki1 hacuvā n. total price, wholesale price hacyāye v.t. (-cyāta) to be about to eat hajam n. digestion; ~guli n. (-guli) digestive pill; ~ juye 1. to digest 2. {fig.} to fail to pay back a loan hajaḥ n. (-jala-,-pā) rag for cleaning vessels hajām n.anim. barber (cf. nau) haji -> haki1 hajī n. (-jila-) cumin seed hajū adv. (to confront, to fight) face to face, directly; ~ lvāye to fight face to face, openly; ~sajū adv. face to face; ~sajū cū lāye to be opposed face to face hatak 1. n. opposition, reaction 2. n.anim. outcast; ~ juye to be cast out; ~ yāye to cast out, to expel hatāḥ n. (-tāla-,-gū) war, battle; ~khvaṃ n.anim. (-khvana-) fighter, belligerent person; ~hyaḥ n.anim. (-hela-) war-monger hati -> haki1 hati-pati (var. ~patiṃ) adv. soon, easily hatkuli n. (-gū) clamp hattiye v.i. to be blocked, to be impaired hatpat adv. in haste, hurriedly hathaṃ n. (-thana-,-gaḥ) soap nut; ~mā n. (-mā) soap nut tree; ~mikhā n.anim. 1. clumsy, unskilful person (term of rebuke) 2. figure of a person who has recently died (made of rice flour with eyes of soap nuts) hathāy(-pathāy) n. (-thāsa-) hurry, quickness, rush; ~ cāye to be in hurry, to feel rushed hathi adj. obstinate hathyā n. obstinacy; ~ kene to be obstinate, to insist; ~ biye id.; ~ yāye id. hanaṃ -> hānaṃ hanā (var. hānā) n. 1. arrangement 2. honour, respect 3. welcome, hospita­lity; ~pahaḥ n. (-hala-) 1. style of arranging 2. respect; ~pa+u n. (-pati-,-pau) invitation card; ~pu n. (-gū) style of arranging; ~banā n. honour, respect; ~banā taye to honour, to respect; ~ biye 1. to respect 2. to welcome; ~ haye 1. to be invited 2. to send a message hani (var. hanī) adv. later on today; ~kanhay adv. today or tomorrow, one of these days, soon, in the near future; ~cā (var. hancā) adv. later on today, this afternoon, tonight hane1 v.t. 1. to entwine, to thread flowers or beads: vaṃ svāṃ hana. She threaded flowers. 2. to honour, to respect, to treat. 3. to keep, to maintain 4. to enjoy, to celebrate a festival: rāmaṃ thugusī nakhaḥ bāṃlāka hane phata. This year, Rām was able to enjoy the festival. 5. to negotiate, to settle a dispute: sarkāraṃ birvadhitayta naṃ hane mālā vaye yaḥ. Perhaps the government may have to negotiate with the opposition parties too. 6. to perform smoothly and systematically: vayā jyā āḥtini hana kā. (He) now does his work smoothly. hane2 n. 1. arrangement 2. honour, respect 3. entertainment 4. easy life, good life; ~ puye to be honourable, venerable; ~ saye to know how to lead a good life, to enjoy life. hane-cane n. agreement, mutual understanding; ~ juye, daye to agree; ~ yāye 1. to agree mutually 2. to respect mutually hane|-pahaḥ n. (-hala-) livelihood; ~pu adj. honourable, respectable, venerable; ~bahaḥ adj. id. hanca -> hanicā hantāḥ (var. haṃtāḥ) n. (-tāla-) waste, refuse, useless material hapaṃ khyāye v.t. to neglect hapane v.t. 1. to obstruct, to hinder 2. to mock, to deride hapāḥ (var. haḥpāḥ) n. (-gū) encouragement, call for a collective task; ~ biye 1. to encourage 2. to call to a collective task: hāḥmūnaṃ dyaḥ sālīpinta hapāḥ bila. The leader gave the command to those who pulled the chariot (to come off together). hap-hap tāḥnvaye v.i. (-nvala) to be very hot and humid; ~ vaye id. hamma interj. yes, I know hay; ~ kāye to attack, to threaten, to bully: mākaḥtaseṃ bhvay nayā cvanā balay hay kāla. The monkeys suddenly attacked us when (we) were feasting.; ~ kune to wither, to decay, to get wrinkled: va misāyā khvāḥ hay kuna. That woman's face got wrinkled.; ~ bhune to surround, to flock around: bhujiṃta cākvi hay bhuna. The flies swarmed around the sugar-candy.; ~ mune 1. id. 2. to heap up, to amass, to conglomerate haye v.t. (hala, irr. imp. haki, haci, haji, hati, hiṂ) 1. to bring: āma pulāṃgu laṃ ganaṃ hayā le? From where did you bring that old dress? āma cvasā jitaḥ thana hiṂ. Bring that pencil here to me! 2. aux. to do and bring (back), e.g.: nyānā haye to bring one's shoppings, to buy and bring hayṃ n.anim. (haṂsa-) duck, goose (cf. baḥ~, laḥ~); ~kali n. duck's foot; ~kheṂ n. (-kheṂca-,-gaḥ) 1. egg, duck's egg 2. {fig.} matchmaker, go-between; ~gaḥ n. (-gala-,-gū) duck coop (in the ground floor); ~pāli n. 1. duck's foot pattern (in wood carving) 2. diaper (pattern); ~pālighāyṃ n. (-ghāṂsa-,-mā) Adiantum venustum; ~ puye to float on water, to swim (cf. leheṃ puye); ~pū n.anim. (-puli-) duck-herd, goose-herd; ~pū kāye to swim; ~pūjyā n. (-gū) breeding, rearing of ducks or geese haray juye v.i. to be lost haray yāye v.t. to delight, to enchant harāṃ -> hārāṃ haricā(-lvay) (var. halcā) n. mumps harek pron. every, each hares naye v.t. to be disappointed harra adv. 1. (to laugh) heartily 2. (to breeze) pleasantly, delightfully har-har onom. delight, delightful; ~ nhile to laugh heartily; ~ yāye {ch.lg.} to bathe harhisāb n. calculation, account hala1 n. red colour (for dyeing the soles of the feet) hala2 n. (-gū) plough hala3 n. question, problem, deliberation halaṂ-calaṂ (var. calaṂhalaṂ) adj. ordinary, general halaṃ-jvalaṃ (var. jvalaṃhalaṃ) n. (-lana-) materials, articles, contrivance, equipment for work halaṃpa+u (var. ~pū) n. (-pati-,-pau) 1. frill 2. frill pattern 3. arched plate with a figural design above the eye, symbol of a stūpa halaṃpu1 n. meat (of the stomach) halaṃpu2 (var. halaṃphu) n.anim. vagabond, good-for-nothing halaṃpū n. (-puli-,-pu) 1. -> halaṃpau 2. joint of backbone and ribs 3. meat cut from either side of a spine halaṃ-phalaṃ adv. hurriedly halaṃphu -> halaṃpu2 halaṃsiṃ adj. 1. unexperienced 2. irresponsible 3. useless, idle (of talk) halabi n. (-pā) kind of mirror of high quality; ~nhāy+kaṃ n. (-kana-,-pā) id. halay+gvaḥ-malay+gvaḥ n. (-gū) pebble pattern in weaving halaḥ n. (-lakha-,-gaḥ) yellow myrobalan (variety of plum, fruit of Ter­minalia tree) (cf. bi~) halā interj. marking a question haliṃmusiṂ n. (-gaḥ) kind of oblique rafter hali-mali (var. halmalaḥ) n. assortment of fried grains of various kinds and colours used in the halimalipunhī festival (on the full moon of kachalā); ~punhī n. full moon of kachalā; ~pāsā taye to spread pictures on mats made of grains of various sizes and colours; ~ bvaye id. halimāpvāḥ n. (-pvāla-,-pvāḥ) hole in a wall or door leaf (passage for a deity) halū n. (-lukha-) 1. turmeric 2. {fig.} person with no scruples or principles; ~gvaḥjā n. dish of cooked rice seasoned with turmeric powder; ~cā n.anim. {fig.} madman; ~ juye to become unscrupulous, to give up one's principles; ~pālu n. (-kāyṃ) ramified turmeric; ~siṂ n. wood of low quality used to make furniture halepatāḥ n. (-tāla-,-pu) tiny flag used for pūjās; ~ bvaye to display a ~ halcā n. (-gaḥ) 1. earthen pot for cooking rice and curry for religious rites, esp. funeral ceremonies 2. -> haricā halphā n. 1. (-pu) frilled cloth to decorate the eaves of a temple 2. frill pattern (in wood carving) 3. eaves fascia with a frill pattern halmalaḥ -> halimali hallā n. (-gū) rumour; ~khallā n. uproar, tumult havāijahāj (var. havāijap) n. (-gaḥ) aeroplane, aircraft (cf. phaykhaḥ) havāy (var. havāsiṃ) n.anim. s.o. who talks falsely, a liar; ~khaṂ n. false report; ~nī n.anim. woman who talks false havāl n. perplexity, great difficulty; ~ juye to be in difficulties; ~ yāye to vex, to annoy havāsaḥ n. (-sala-) spice for meat havāsiṃ -> havāy hasaṃ-masaṃ dhāye v.i. to feel suffocated, stifled, hot hasanā n. (-gū) message, information hasā (var. hasu) n. 1. bringing 2. income; ~bali n. extra income; ~ lāye to have living wages hasi n. 1. politeness 2. honour, respect 3. dignity; ~basi n. 1. politeness, decency 2. respect 3. culture; ~basi taye to honour; ~basi daye 1. to be polite, to be well-behaved 2. to be on good terms; ~basi-madu adj. ill-mannered, impolite, rude hasu -> hasā hasule v.t. 1. to enjoy eating 2. to swallow hastey -> haḥste haha; ~ dhāye, naye to be dirty, to be blackish; ~ pane to feel suffocated, to gasp; ~ lāye to be dirty, to be blackish haḥ1 n. (hala-,-haḥ) 1. leaf 2. edge, rim of a pot; ~ thvaye to pick leaves; ~ hāye to fall (of leaves) haḥ2 adj. small haḥ3 interj. expression of approval used by older people to younger people haḥni (var. hūnā) interj. call of support or encouragement in children's fights haḥste (var. haste, haḥsay) interj. call of command (to people pulling or lifting s.th. heavy); haḥstene (var. hvastene) to collide with a jerk; haḥsteṃka jerkily, bumping; ~ cvane to be under control; ~ha+iṃse (var. hāiste) n. id. (command of response: the leader calls haḥste, the workers respond with haiṃse); ~ha+iṃse yāye to push, pull or lift s.th. heavy in a group hā1 n.anim. large black bee, bumble bee, wasp hā2 n. (-gū) 1. root 2. {fig.} origin, source; ~ kāye to be well rooted, to be well established; ~ cāle to be exposed (for a root) hā3 n. steam, vapour, gas; hāṃ bhune to be clouded with steam: khvaḥtiyā hāṃ nhāykaṃjhyāḥ bhuna. The steam from the kettle has clouded the glass pane. (hom. s.v.); ~ kane to steam, to evaporate; ~ tha cāle id.; ~ thahāṃ vaye id.; ~ dane to rise (for poisonous gas) hā4 n. sound of a voice (human or animal), shouting, singing hā-ataḥli n. (-gū) refreshment taken after the morning meal during work in the field; ~ biye, yāye to serve a ~ to the labourers hāiṃ interj. beg your pardon: hāiṃ chakaḥ hākanaṃ dhā! Pardon me, can you say it again? hāiṃ yāye v.t. to stand hāiṃste -> haḥstehaiṃse hāu n. gesture, gesticulation; ~bhāu n. behaviour; ~bhāu day+ke to behave well hāṃ bhune v.t. 1. -> hā3 2. to be crowded, to swarm with: curi pasalay hāṃ bhuna. The bangle shop was crowded. hāṃlinā-māṃlinā n. (-tā) kind of game played by females hākanaṃ (var. hakanaṃ, hānaṃ) adv. again, once more hākay yāye v.t. 1. to command 2. to drive (a car) 3. to overcharge hākayā lvāye v.i. to wrestle hākaḥ1 n. (-kala-) length, distance; ~ dāye to measure the length hākaḥ2 n. (-kala-) 1. black moss 2. soot; ~kaḥni n. ear of maize without grains and with a black cob hākim n. hon. chief, head man, authority hāku adj. black hākuṃ yāye -> hākutine hāku|-ke v.t. to blacken; ~guṂ 1. range of mountains around the valley of Kathmandu 2. Kathmandu Valley 3. {sl.} pubic hair; ~gvaraḥ n. (-rala-,-pā) blackboard; ~cā n. black clay (used in pottery, for making images of deities); ~chvayṃlā n. kind of roasted meat preparation; ~jāki n. (-gaḥ) brown rice (of fermented paddy); ~jvar n. black fever; ~taḥ adj. with a black ground, with a first coating of black; ~ thāye to be malevolent, malicious; ~ naye to be deep black; ~ lāye to be black hākutine (var. hākuṃ~, hākkuṃ yāye) v.t. to throw away hāku|-nugaḥ n.anim. (-gala-) narrow-minded or evil-minded person; ~parsi n. (-tvāḥ) black sari with a red border (worn by Newar peasant women); ~bhattu n.anim. kind of black parrot; ~ma+iṃcā n. (-gaḥ) 1. weaver's shuttle 2. black beer pot (cf. svaṃmā); ~ma+inā n.anim. 1. woodpecker 2. singing bird; ~musyā n. (-gaḥ) black soy-bean; ~ye (-kula) to be black, to be dim, to be dirty; ~lvahaṃ n. (-haṂta-,-gaḥ) black grinding stone, mortar; ~vā n. fermented paddy; ~saphū n. (-phuli-,-gū) 1. note book 2. ledger-book of a guthi (a book with dark leaves to register attendance at the sanāṃ guthi) (cf. lyāḥ~); ~sinhaḥ n. (-nhala-,-pātā) black mark on the forehead (cf. mvaḥnhisinhaḥ); ~simpu n. black horse bean; ~siṃ n. (-sina-) man of blackish complexion; ~se cvane to turn black; ~halū n. (-lukha-,-gaḥ) black turmeric (cf. kāyṃ); ~hāku adj. blackish; ~hāku dhāye to be blackish; ~hāku naye id.; ~hāmvaḥ n. (-mvala-) black sesame seed hākkuṃ yāye -> hākutine hākhvaṃ n.anim. (-khvana-) loquacious person, babbler, chatterer; ~mvakhvaṃ n.anim. (-khvana-) uncontrollable person hāgvaṃ n. (-gvana-,-gvaṃ) tree stump hācāṃ n. (-cāna-) {ch. lg.} leaping, jump; ~ gāye to leap over, to step across, to jump across; ~ yāye {ch.lg.} to jump, to leap hācvaḥ n. (-cvala-,-cvaḥ) deep, thin root hāchiṃkāḥ (var. hāchikāḥ) n. sneeze; ~guthughāyṃ n. (-ghāṂsa-) kind of grass, sneezing grass; ~ taye to sneeze; ~thakuṃghāyṃ n. (-ghāṂsa-) sneezing grass, Viburnum erubescens; ~ (tay) vaye to be overcome by sneezing; ~ svāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) Viburnum erubescens hācheṂ n. (-kū,-gū) 1. honeycomb, beehive (cf. hāpā) 2. beehive-shaped cut of meat (of entrails); ~khvāḥ n.anim. (-khvāla-) s.o. with a black pock-marked face hājaḥ1 n.anim. (-jala-) one who informs the guthi members of guthi activities (cf. jujaṃ) hājaḥ2 n. (-jala-) stuff; ~bujaḥ n. (-jala-) materials, stuff (usually used in plural sense) hājā n. steamed rice for making beer, brewing; ~māku n.anim. {fig.} extremely stupid person hājirijavāph n. (-gū) quiz-contest (cf. nhelisaḥkāsā) hājyāṃ-mujyāṃ dhāye v.i. to be gloomy hāthā n. (-gaḥ) weaver's loom, hand-loom; ~ ghāye to assemble a hand loom (done at the beginning of the weaving season, after the rice harvest); ~pāḥ n. (-pāta-,-pā) weaver's loom, hand loom; ~ sāle to weave with a hand-loom hāthu -> hāthvaṂ hāthyā n. challenge, call for a fight; ~ biye, yāye to challenge to wrestling or fighting hāthvaṂ (var. hāthu) n. beer (used for ceremonial purposes), large drought of beer (drunk from a spout in an image of Bhairava); ~dyaḥ n.pr. (-deva-) image of Bhairava exhibited during Indrajātrā hānaṃ (var. hanaṃ) adv. again, then, afterwards: vaṃ hānaṃ sujyā yāta. She took up her sewing again.; ~ dhāye to repeat, to recapitulate: jigu nvacuyā mūkhaṂ thva muṃjyāy hānaṃ dhāy. I shall repeat the main points of my speech at this meeting.; ~naṃ adv. again and again, repeatedly: vaṃ jitaḥ hānaṃnaṃ dāla. He hit me repeatedly. hānā -> hanā hāpaṃ n. (-pana-) donation, fund; ~ hāye to beg for donations hāpā1 n. (-gū) honey comb, beehive (cf. hācheṂ) hāpā2 n. (-baḥ) kind of tree bark (used for measuring pots and for baskets) hāpāu {ch.lg.} 1. adj. hot, spicy 2. n. red pepper 3. n. ginger hāpā|-khvāḥ n.anim. (-khvāla-) s.o. with a black pock-marked face; ~chyākaḥ n. anim. (-kala-) id. hāpā-hāpā(-tāṃ); ~ vaye to be extremely hot and humid; ~ mine to feel a sudden heat hāpāḥ n. (-pāla-,-gū) 1. encouragement 2. cheer, triumph, hurray; ~ biye to encourage, to cheer up hāpili n. (-gū) beehive hāpū n. (-puli-,-gū) 1. bar, batten to fasten the weft in a hand-loom 2. weaving pattern on wood carving (cf. lāypū) hāp+parār -> hāpāhāpā hāpvaḥ n. (-pvala-,-pvaḥ) 1. bee-hive 2. tuber hāp-hāp -> hāpāhāpā hābalāsā n. flash of lightning (cf. nhasalā, palpasā, bhilsi, lasā, lhāpsā, helsā); ~ tvaye to flash (of lightning); ~mata n. (-pvāḥ) {neol.} flash light hāmā 1. n. source 2. n.anim. head of the family, head of an organization 3. n.anim. guardian 4. n. authority hāmā|-tukaṃ n. (-kana-,-mā,-thu) mustard plant with tender roots (eaten with the roots); ~lātukaṃ (var. ~litukaṃ) n. id. hāmi n.anim. inviter hāmu n. {ch.lg.} eating hāmrā n.anim. 1. orphan 2. s.o. without a permanent home; ~kāmrā n.anim. id. hāmvaḥ n. (-mvala-) sesame seed; ~gvārā n. (-gvārā) ball of sesame seed and molasses; ~cāghāyṃ n. (ghāṂsa-,-mā) kind of herb with large leaves and pods contain­ing sesame-like seeds (used for medicinal purposes): hāmvaḥcā ghāyṃyā tiṃ caḥtikai laṃ. The juice of the hāmvaḥcā herb cures heat-rash. hāye1 v.i. (hāta) to butt, to collide, to knock against: vayā chyaṃ aṃgalay hāta. His head knocked against the wall. hāye2 (hāla) 1. v.t. to steam, to cook by steaming 2. v.t. to winnow, to husk 3. v.t. to invite, to request courteously 4. v.t. to persuade 5. v.t. to console 6. v.t. to swig, to drink in big droughts 7. v.i. to fall off, to fall out, to be removed, to be uprooted hāy+ke v.t. 1. to tease: vaṃ macāyāta hāykala. He teased the child. 2. to pour out, to cause to flow hāy+mvaḥpāhāṃ n.anim. (-hāna-) uninvited guest; ~ juye to go to a feast without being invited (cf. libvaṃ, limacā) hāy+hāy-gvāy+gvāy adj. many (esp. of children): vayā hāyhāygvāygvāy masta du. He has lots of children. hāratī (var. hāritī) n.pr. name of a goddess who protects from illness; ~māi, ~mātā id. hāray cāye v.i. to be fed up, to be frustrated hārāṃ (var. harāṃ) adj. 1. violent, fearless, horrible 2. naughty, ill-behaved; ~khvaṃ adj. notorious, harmful, dangerous, horrible; ~giri n.anim. reckless person, reckless child, unruly child hārā-hāri adv. in line, in a row hāritī -> hāratī hārguhār n. collective work, help hārbin n. (-gaḥ) harmonium; ~ci n.anim. harmonium player hāla n. 1. news 2. state, condition hālay adv. at present, now, these days: rāmyā māṃ hālay gana? Where is Rām's mother living these days? hālā-hulu n.anim. 1. caste of sweepers 2. vagabond hāli n.anim. 1. pupil, disciple, student 2. head of a family; ~māli (var. ~mvāli) n. 1. entire family 2. family organisation, authority in the family 3. authority, influence: vayā hālimāli du. He is influential.; ~māli day+ke to act out authority, to guide, to supervise; ~ lāye to be competent: va manū hāli lāḥmha khaḥ. That man is competent. hāle v.t. 1. to give voice (of any animal sound) 2. to sing 3. to chatter 4. to grumble, to complain: jiṃ vayāta hāle mate dhayā. I asked him to shut up.; hālā haye to cry out; hālāṃ cvane to keep grumbling hāl+cāl n. news hālla-hulla n. crowd hāvā n. air, wind (cf. phay); ~ taye to pump air (into a tyre): vayā bāisikalay hāvā tala. He pumped up the bicycle.; ~ thaye {fig.} to be crazy; ~ naye {fig.} to be spoilt, to go wrong (e.g. business, work); ~ biye to pump up air; ~ sene {fig.} to be crazy hāsaḥmasaṃ sane v.i. 1. to have stomach cramps 2. to be scattered about in disorder hāsā n. (-paḥ) winnowing tray; ~pasaḥ n. (-sala-,-gū) small stall on the pavement (lit. a winnowing tray shop); ~ hāye to winnow hāsi1 n. (-gaḥ) earthen pot with a big hole in the centre of the bottom with other holes around, used in alcohol distillation (cf. pvatāsi) hāsi2 (var. hisi) n. 1. skill 2. modesty; hāsiṃ lāye to be skilled, to be modest; ~ daye (with neg. v.) to be skilled, to be modest; ~ lāye id. hāsiṃ n.anim. (-sina-) 1. drunkard 2. talkative person, chatterbox; ~gulu n.anim. id. hāsimārā n.anim. 1. shameless, immodest person 2. ill-tempered person hāhākār n. panic, crisis hāḥ adj. uttered, sounding hāḥ|-kipā n. (-gū) {neol.} cinema; ~saḥ n. (-sala-) sound (of human voices), clatter, murmur; ~hāḥsaḥ n. (-sala-) uproar, tumult hāḥmū n.anim. (-muna-) 1. commander on the top of the `ghaḥmāḥ' (the protruding part) of a chariot, shouting `haḥste' 2. priest leading pilgrims 3. conduc­tor, guide hāḥ-hāḥ yāye v.t. 1. to sprinkle, to scatter 2. to shout, to cry out, to make a tumult 3. to mock hāḥhū n. 1. uncanny silence 2. cackling sound hi1 n. blood; hiṃ kiye to be involved in a crime (lit. be stained with blood); hiṃ taye {fig.} to compel to pay back; (cf. cva~, mvāḥ~); ~ kune to clot (of blood), to form (of effusions of blood); ~ cāye 1. to loose blood 2. to be irritated, to be ill-tempered 3. to wash blood away; ~ cāy+ke to annoy, to harass; ~ chiye to staunch, to stop the flow of blood; ~ jaye to have a ruddy complexion; ~ jhvāḥ-jhvāḥ vaye to spurt, to flow continuously (of blood); ~ bhaḥ-bhaḥ vaye id. hi2 n. (-gaḥ) sweet potato, yam hi3 clf. washing, classifier to count processes of washing: vaṃ ni-hi hija hila. She washed the clothes twice. hiu- -> hyu- hiṂ irr. imp. of haye to bring hiṂkiṃ n. (-kina-,-pu) screw; ~laṂ n. (-pu) winding path hiṃ1 n. (hina-) kind of plant, Asa foetida hiṃ2 clf. classifier to count times of winding, stirring, rolling: vayā jaṂnī ni-hiṃ hina. (She) rolled up her girdle twofold. hiṃkāḥbili n.anim. s.o. longing for revenge hiṃguli n. (-guli) digestive medicinal pill hiṃgū n. (-guli-) vermilion hiṃgvāḥ -> heṃgvāḥ hiṃlā n. special meat preparation offered to a deity at marriages, jubilees and other great feasts (cf. paṃlā) hiṃsāḥ n. (-sāla-) 1. (-sāḥ) piece of cloth, cover, wrapping 2. (-gū) thread of a screw or bolt; ~ kāye, thāye to make a thread of a screw; ~ hine to roll up, to fold up (clothes) hiṃsvāne (var. hyusvāne) n. (-gū) spiral staircase hikaḥ; ~ dane to be scattered, to be dispersed, to flee, to swarm into all direc­tions; ~mikka dane id. hiku (var. hikka, hikkā, hekā) n. hiccup; ~(-hiku) lane to sob; ~ vaye to have a hiccup hikusinhaḥ n. (-nhala-) 1. red powder of lead (used for ṭīkās) 2. (-pātā) red mark on the forehead, ṭīkā hikka -> hiku hikkā1 (var. hekā) n. (-gū) 1. remembrance (cf. hyāku) 2. carefulness; ~ taye 1. to remember, to keep in memory 2. to be conscious or careful hikkā2 -> hiku hi|-kvaṃ n. (-kvana-,-gaḥ) pot for blood; ~kvayṃ n. (-kvaṂca-) cartilage, bone of a joint; ~khayaḥ n. (-yela-) red acacia, acacia sap (used as a medicine and in betel-nut mixtures) hikhi phāye v.i. to have diarrhoea hikhvaṃ (-khvana-) 1. n. blood stain 2. adj. belligerent; ~ juye to be belligerent higuli n. (-guli) 1. clot of blood 2. swollen gland; ~ cine to clot (of blood) higvay n. (-gvaca-) betel-nut with a deep red inside (used as a medicine for purifying blood, e.g. after childbirth, also used for dyeing) hicaḥti n. perspiration, sweat; ~ kane 1. to sweat 2. to strive; ~ hāy+ke {fig.} to strive, to work hard hicāku n. (-gaḥ,-pu) sweet potato, yam (cf. cākuhi) hicāḥlvay n. (-lvaca-) suppuration (esp. of gums) hija (var. hijyā, hijyāṃ, hisā) n. washing clothes, laundry, dry cleaning; ~kuthi n. (-gū) laundry, dry cleaning shop; ~kū (-kuthi-,-gū) id.; ~ chvā vāye to wash by beating; ~mugaḥ n. (-gala-,-gaḥ) flat mallet used to beat washing clothes; ~hijyā yāye {ch.lg.} to wash hitaphvaḥsvāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) red marigold hiti n. (-dhāḥ,-pu) 1. spring, water-spout, fountain 2. current of water (cf. kal~, kva~, thaṂ~, maru~, luṂ~, lvahaṃ~, vahaḥ~); ~gaḥ n. (-gala-,-gaḥ) basin of a well; ~duṃ n. system of pipes feeding a water conduit; ~phvaḥ n. (-phvala-,-phvaḥ) fountain, tap, spout; ~maṃgaḥ n. (-gala-,-pu) spout of a water conduit; ~maṃgaḥbājaṃ n. (-pu) kind of wind instrument, similar to a water spout; ~ hāye 1. (of water) to flow from a fountain 2. to drink from a well hitu; ~ hine to wind up repeatedly; ~ hile to move around repeatedly hinā-aṃgū n. (-guli-,-pā) spiral ring, coil-shaped ring hinā-minā n. 1. mutual exchange (cf. hilābalā) 2. misappropriation; ~ juye 1. to be exchanged 2. to be mixed up, to be muddled, to be in a jumble; ~ yāye 1. to exchange 2. to mix up, to muddle 3. to misappropriate hināḥ n. (-nāla-,-pu) artery, blood vessel; hināṃ lvike to sacrifice an animal by bleeding it to death hinū n. (-nuli-,-pu) 1. blood vessel 2. wood graining, wood veining; ~ māle to try to kill; ~ mvay hile to kill; ~ mvāke to cry out with a harsh and loud voice; ~ mvāye to be in a rage, to be furiously angry hine v.t. 1. to stir, to blend, to mix up together 2. to roll up, to cover by winding, to wrap, to coil hipaṃlā n. meat of the heart hipāḥ n. (-pāla-) time for washing clothes; ~ biye (bita) (of clothes) to be overdue for washing; ~ vane id. hipū n. (-puti-) 1. (-gū) spot of blood in the skin 2. bile hiphay (var. hyuphas, hiyuphay) n. red rash appearing in patches on the skin, allergy; ~ cāye to have a rash, an allergy hiphaḥ|-dyaḥ n.anim. (-deva-) deity to which animals are sacrificed (associated with a place of sacrifice); ~svāṃ n. (-svāna-,-phvaḥ) China rose (a Cleome) hibāy-cabāy yāye v.t. to despise hibāḥ n. (-bāla-) shedding of blood, profuse bleeding hima -> himva himāl n. Himalaya himva (var. hima) n. fine husk used to feed fowl hiyu n. pain; ~phay n. (-phasa-) 1. -> hiphay 2. acidity, pyrosis; ~ dhāye to be painful; ~se cvane to have a tingling pain hiye1 v.t. (hita) (with neg. v.) to like, to tolerate, to endure, to bear up with: vayāta hiye maphū. (I) can't stand him. hiye2 v.t. (hila) to wash (clothes); hiyā chvaye to wash away: vaṃ cikaṃ khvaṃ hiyā chvata. She has washed away the oily stain. hirā (var. herā) n. (-gaḥ) gem, diamond hirākasi n. iron sulphate hilaṃhisā n. clothes that one wears while washing the other clothes: macāyā laṃ hilaṃ hisā he maru. The child does not even have clothes to change for washing. hilane (var. hihi lane) v.i. to sob hilā n. change, changing hilā-pālā n. rotation, turn; ~ yāye to change, to take turns; ~ vaye (of rotations or turns) to come by and by hilā-balā (var. hilābulā) n. 1. exchange, barter (cf. hināminā) 2. marriage by exchange (two men marrying each other's sisters); ~ juye to be exchanged by mistake; ~ yāye to exchange (intentionally) hilāhisā n. clothes for changing hile 1. v.i. to change, to change place, to move, to go round, to rotate: va manūyā bānicāni ajhaṃ he mahyū ni. That man's behaviour has not changed so far. 2. v.t. to remove; hilā mālā juye to go around in search of s.th.; hilā vane, vaye to return to a previous state: jhiṃpiṃ hānaṃ chakaḥ pulāṃgu cajaḥlajalay hilā vane mālī. We should return once again to the old traditions.; ~pu adj. changeable; ~ puye to be changeable hivā gāye v.i. {fig.} to be lucky (proverb: dhuṂyā mhutvi hivā gāye. A shower of blood into the mouth of the tiger. Signifying an unexpected stroke of luck) hivāy -> hebāy hisā1 n. (-pu) ribbon, girdle hisā2 (var. hisācā, hisi, he, hesi) n. charm, beauty, agreeable disposition; ~day+ka adv. nice, agreeable satisfactory; ~ lāye to have charm hisu n. (-gū) {neol.} 1. change 2. washing hisyāipu adj. ridiculous, contemptible; ~ye (-pula) to be ridiculous, to be contemptible; ~se cvane id. hisyāye v.t. (-syāta) to mimic, to ridicule, to deride: imisaṃ chanta hisyāta. They mimicked you. hihi (var. hī, hīmī) n. 1. giggle, silly laughing 2. hiccup; ~ cāye to be vexed, annoyed; ~muhi cāye to be continuously vexed; ~ lane to sob hī1 interj. never mind: hī! athe machāle māḥ lā. Never mind! You mustn't be so shy. hī2 -> hihi hīka adv. painfully, severely hīke v.t. to fry in oil or ghee (cf. puke, siye) hīmī -> hihi hīye v.i. to have severe pain hīse n. severe pain, piercing pain; ~ cvane to feel pain; ~ svāye id. hu n. wheat (goblins' language) hui- -> hvi- huṂ1 interj. yes, well huṂ2 adv. irr.imp. of vane, to go: āsā cheṂ huṂ. So go home now! huṂkiṂka adv. with a jerk huṂjhaṃgaḥ n.anim. (-gala-) kind of big bird (crying at night) huṃ1 n. mumbling, murmuring huṃ2 pron. that (at a far distance from both speaker and hearer); ~kana adv. at that place, over there; ~thāy adv. at that place, over there; ~ vane {ch.lg.} to go far away huṃnāyaḥ n. {ch.lg.} lullaby, lulling a child into sleep; ~ hāle to lull huṃhuṃ khvaye v.i. to weep quietly hukā (var. hukhā, hvakhā) n. (-gaḥ) hubble-bubble, hookah; ~tilaḥ n. (lakha-) water in a hookah hukum n. order, law; ~sāsan n. dictatorship hukcā n. (-gū) picnic; ~ naye vane to go for a picnic; ~ vane id. hukhā -> hukā hucā1 (var. huchva) n. (-gaḥ) buckwheat (cf. cāku~, phāku~) hucā2 n.anim. kind of goblin (believed to come to help in the field while the peasants take a meal) hucāpatiṃ (var. huccā~) adv. (to mention, refer) repeatedly, in each and every word, literally, verbatim huci n. (-gū) rumour, hearsay huccāpatiṃ -> hucāpatiṃ huchva -> hucā1 hutay yāye v.t. to throw with force, to hurl hutāṃcā nake v.t. to expel, to cast out huti n. courage, strength, ability, capacity hututupaṃjā n. (-gū) kind of game in which the players have to hold their breath and say the word ~ while attempting to catch their opponents; ~bagpaṃjā n. shouting in the game of ~ hutta -> hviṂta huthvaṂ n. kind of weak alcoholic drink made from wheat huni (var. huniṃ) n. (-gū) reason, cause; ~ne 1. to reason 2. to ascribe, to impute 3. to argue, to contradict hunna nhyāye v.i. to gurgle, to rush along (of a stream) huppa; ~ cine (for cheeks of an infant) to become chubby; ~ cvane to have round cheeks huyāṃ-phuyāṃ n. remnants, residue (esp. of a feast) huye v.t. (hula) 1. to wipe out, to erase; huyā chvaye to eliminate, to cancel, to neutralize, to remove, to wipe out, to clear: vaṃ hākugvaralaṃ chimigu nāṃ huyā chvata. He wiped out your names on the blackboard. thva pvahar sunāṃ huyā chvai le? Who is going to clear up this mess?; huyā vane to be eliminated, to be cancelled, to be removed, to be worn away: ākhaḥta huyā vanā cvana. The letters are worn off. 2. -> hule hur n. (-gū) cold wind of winter huru-huru onom. (to drink) in a noisy manner, swigging hurra onom. 1. swiftly, quickly 2. (to breeze) gently, pleasantly: hurra phay vala. The wind blew gently. 3. (to burn) with a crackle, in full blaze 4. (to rain) thick and fast hul (var. hūl) n. (-hul) 1. crowd, mob 2. disturbance; ~ yāye 1. to crowd, to come together in a crowd 2. to plunder (esp. in a crowd) hulāk n. (-gū) post office hulāki n.anim. postman huliyā n. trace, sign, physical features, description, appearance; ~ biye to describe, to give a description (of a person to the police) huli-huli adj. tattered; ~ juye to be tattered; ~ vaye id.; ~nalinali adj. tattered hule (var. huye) v.i. 1. to dance 2. to walk around hul|-kul crowd, mob; ~yāḥ n.anim. (-yāta-) mischievous person, ring leader hulvasā n. kind of relish prepared from wheat husā (var. husu) n. 1. (-gū) handkerchief 2. (-gaḥ) duster 3. wiping husu1 (var. hussu) adj. foolish husu2 n. thick low-lying cloud, mist husu3 -> husā 3. husuluṃ adv. 1. generous, prodigal (proverb: lhāḥ nipā husuluṃ, pvāḥ phusuluṃ. lit. both hands generous, stomach empty. Signifying exaggerated generosity) 2. -> husluṃ 3. (var. husulunaṃ) adv. (to fill up a measuring pot) loosely, not tightly hustyāṃ n. (-tyāna-,-gū) swing; ~ pule to swing; ~ vane to move with a jerk husluṃ (var. husuluṃ) n. (-luma-,-gū) swing; ~ cule, pule to swing hussā onom. 1. hissing 2. rushing, swiftly 3. interj. expression of fatigue, irritation hussu -> husu1 hū1 (huli-,-gū) 1. n. whim, madness 2. interj. call of excuse for leaving a game at a sudden; ~sū n. (-suli-) {neol.} madness hū2 -> gū2 hūp1 n. (-gū,-pu) safety pin hūp2 n. breathlessness, wheeze, difficulty of breathing; ~ picāye to be out of breath (when carrying a heavy load) hūl -> hul he1 emph.part. indeed, definitely, really: thuthāy jike dhebā he madu. Right here, I really don't have any money. he2 -> hisā2 heṂ n. floating on water; ~ puye to float heṂguli adj. red, crimson heṂsu n. (-gū) 1. state of floating, 2. fidgeting; ~ dāye to fidget heṂheṂ (var. of hyāuṃ) adj. reddish; ~ dhāye to be reddish; ~meṂgleṂ cine, dhāye to have a tinge of red heṃgvāḥ (var. hiṃgvāḥ) n. (-gvāla-) charcoal heṃ liye v.i. to have charm hekamukaciṃka adv. out of sight, far away hekā -> hiku hekumaku adj. blackish; ~ cine, naye to be blackish, to have a tinge of black hekusā (var. heykasā, heykusiṃ, heksā) n.anim. cheater, swindler; ~dyaḥ n.anim. (-deva-) id. hekū n. (-kuti-,-gū) handle of a spinning wheel; ~ kathi n. (-pu) id. heksā -> hekusā hetāye v.i. (-tāta) 1. to be indented 2. to be crushed hene v.i. to be proud, to overestimate o.s. hepaṃ n. (-pana-) derision, mockery; ~ khyāye to mock, to make fun of hepay yāye v.t. to neglect, to humiliate hepāri n.anim. obstinate person, insolent person (cf. micāḥ) hebāy (var. hivāy) n. mockery hebāye v.i. (-bāla) 1. (for s.o.'s affection or attention) to turn away, to decline (cf. yebāye) 2. to be heart-broken hebāy|-cab (var. hivāy) n. mockery; ~cabāy n. id.; ~tibāy n. id. hemāti n. hate, derision hemkhem n. close friendship, intimacy; ~ juye, daye to be close friends with; ~ yāye to talk privately, confidentially heye v.i. (hela) 1. to be enticed, to be allured, to be coaxed, to be seduced 2. (for a baby) to be lulled, to be comforted (so that it stops crying) 3. to be gratified, to be flattered 4. to be obliged hey+kathaṃ adv. falsely, not truly, frivolous; ~ yāye 1. to imitate, to forge 2. to pretend; ~yāmha adj. artificial, pretentious (of anim.) hey+kasā (var. heykusiṃ) -> hekusā hey+ke v.t. to entice, to flatter, to charm, to court herā -> hirā herāmāyā n. {sl.} beer helā n. scorn, contempt; ~hemāti n. intense hatred, intense contempt helsā n. {Thimi} flash of lightning (cf. nhasalā, palpasā, bhilsi, lasā, lhāpsā, hābalāsā) hesi -> hisā2 heseṃ adj. ironical, contemptuous; ~khaṂ n. (-tā) ironical talk; ~ pune to talk ironically; ~bhāy n. (-bhāsa-) ironical talk hesyāipu adj. contemptible; ~ye (-pula) to be contemptible hesyāye v.t. to sneer at hya- -> he- hyaḥ adj. desirous; ~sū n. (-suli-) {neol.} desire, greediness, covetousness hyāuṃ (var. hyāmu) adj. red; ~ke to redden, to paint red; ~khvāḥdyaḥ n.pr. (-deva-) name of the Red Matsyendranāth; ~jvar n. scarlet fever; ~taḥ adj. with a red ground, with red as a first coat of paint; ~thvaṂ n. weak alcoholic drink of red colour made of rice, kind of rice beer; ~ naye to be deep red; ~macā n.anim. suckling, breast-fed baby; ~ye (-uṂla) to be red; ~la+iṃ n. kind of red radish; ~ lāye to be red; ~sinhaḥ n. (-nhala-) red powder for marks on the forehead 2. (-pata) red mark on the forehead; ~simpu n. (-gaḥ) red horse bean; ~se cvane to turn red; ~hyāuṃ adj. reddish, slightly red hyākiṃ -> hyākuṃ hyākine -> hyākune hyāku n. remembrance, recollection (cf. hikkā); ~ taye to keep in mind, to be aware of; ~ daye to remember: jike vayāgu khaṂyā hyāku madu. I don't remember his words. hyākuṃ (var. hyākiṃ, hvākuṃ) n. (-kuna-,-gū) indentation, dent; ~mākuṃ vane to be indented in several places; ~ vane to be indented hyākuṃ pune v.i. to have no charm hyākune (var. hyākine, hvākune) v.i. to be indented hyākulā n. rump (of an animal, fleshy part between rib and hip) (cf. luchu) hyāmi n.anim. shameless, immodest person, extremely obstinate person hyāmu -> hyāuṃ hyu n. change, changing; ~pāḥ n. (-pāla-,-gū) 1. change, interim period 2. shift of work; ~pāḥ haye to bring about a change hyuṂsvāne -> hiṃsvāne hyuphas -> hiphay hyumi n.anim. translator hvaṃ n. (hvana-,-gū) confluence of rivers hvaṃke1 v.t. to unite, to perform the ceremony of consecration of a marriage, viz. the bride's prostation at the bridegroom's feet) hvaṃke2 n. performance of a marriage ceremony; ~ī n. (-ila-,-gū) occasion of a marriage ceremony; ~jyā n. performance of a marriage ceremony; ~belā n. auspicious moment for a marriage ceremony hvaṃkhāy adj. vacant, empty; ~ juye to be vacant; ~ yāye to vacate, to leave empty hvaṃkhāye v.i. to be vacant hvaṃkhāy+ke v.t. to vacate: thva kvathā kanhay hvaṃkhāyki. Vacate this room till tomorrow. hvaṃgaḥ n. (-gala-,-gū) confluence of rivers hvaṃpu n. {neol.} 1. (-gū) manner of joining things 2. relationship, affinity hvaṃsā n. {neol.} treaty, agreement hvakhā -> hukā hvacyāye v.t. (of a dog) to bark and bite, to attack vehemently: vayā khicāṃ jitaḥ hvacyāta. His dog attacked me furiously. hvajyā n. (-gū) sowing, seeding; ~ yāye to sow hvataraṃgi (var. hvayrāṃ) n.anim. spendthrift, extravagant person; ~pahaḥ n. (-hala-) extrvagance, waste; ~sū n. (-suli-) {neol.} id. hvatala n. (-thu) tongs (of a blacksmith) hvanā 1. n. joint 2. adj. joined, joining hvane1 v.i. 1. to join, to be united 2. to be married hvane2 n. relationship, affinity; ~cvane n. id. hvapuye v.i. (-pula) 1. to choke (when food or drink goes down the wrong way), to be breathless 2. to overeat, to get sick from eating too much hvapū adj. choking, whooping, breathless; ~ nake {fig.} to enrich s.o.; ~musu n. whooping cough; ~musu vaye to have whooping cough hvabvāye v.i. to gush forth hvaye v.i. (hvala) 1. (of a joint or a knot) to become loose, to be dislo­cated, disjoined 2. (for a bud) to open, to flower, to blossom 3. {fig.} to be delighted hvay+ke v.t. to cause to open, to expand hvay+rāṃ -> hvataraṃgi hvalā(-hvalāṃ) n. hurling, scattering; ~jyā n. (-gū) sowing, seeding; ~jyā yāye to sow, to scatter seeds; ~hvalā yāye {ch.lg.} to hurl hvali n. Holi, spring festival; ~punhī n. first full moon of spring; ~me n. (-pu) Holi song; ~lay n. (-lasa-,-gū) tune of the Holi song hvale v.t. to sow, to scatter, to hurl hvasiyār n. caution, prudence, carefulness hvasteṃka -> haḥste hvastene -> haḥste hvaḥ n. (hvala-,-hvaḥ) hole, gap, opening; ~ khane to bore, to perforate; ~ gane to be bored, to be perforated hvaḥjā n. remnants of the dough for preparing the ceremonial pastry `gvaḥjā' hvaḥtāḥ n. (-tāla-,-gū) 1. opportunity, chance 2. leisure (cf. dāu); ~ lāke 1. to seize the opportunity 2. to have leisure; ~ lāye to have an opportunity; ~ svaye 1. id. 2. to seize the opportunity hvaḥnugaḥ n.anim. (-gala-) high-minded person, open-hearted person (cf. chvaḥ­nugaḥ) hvā n. throwing dice, gambling hvāuṃ(-hvāuṃ) (var. hvāuṃka) onom. barking, growling (of a dog); ~cā n.anim. {ch.lg.} dog hvāṃglāṃ -> hvātāṃ hvāṃcā n. (-pā) loose garment, night shirt (of women) hvāṃju n. (-gaḥ) pyjama, type of loose trousers hvāṃtāṃ -> hvāntāṃ hvāṃ-hvāṃ adv. (to weep) excessively, with loud cries hvākā-phvākā sane (var. ~phvākāṃ ~) v.i. to palpitate: vayā nugaḥ hvākā-phvākā sana. His heart beat rapidly. hvākuṃ -> hyākuṃ hvākune -> hyākune hvāgulu n.anim. gambler hvāgrā n. game of throwing seeds or walnuts at a target; ~ mhite to play hvāglākka kvāṃ vane v.i. to sink into mire or water while struggling to stay afloat hvācu adj. fast, quick; ~ka adv. rapidly, quickly; ~ye (-cula) to be fast; ~sū n. (-suli-) {neol.} rapidity, quickness; ~se cvane to be quick, to gain speed, to accelerate hvājuvāḥ n.anim. (-vala-) gambler (esp. gambling with dice) hvājeye v.i. (-jela) to behave stupidly, to be foolish hvājyaḥ n.anim. (-jela-) fool, idiot; ~jyā n. (-gū) foolish behaviour; ~tāḥ n.anim. (-tāna-) fool, idiot; ~sū n. (-suli-) {neol.} idiocy; ~hū n. (-huli-) whim of an idiot hvājyā-bhvājyā (var. hvājyāka, ~bhvājyāṃ) adv. 1. stupidly 2. (to stand, to sit, to dress) negligently, in a loose way hvātāṃ (var. hvāṃglāṃ) adj. big (of holes), wide open, gaping; ~ cvane to be large, to be enlarged (of holes) hvānā adj. redistilled; ~ay+lāḥ n. (-lākha-) redistilled liquor, strong liquor hvānāka adv. (to burn, flare up) abruptly: vayā mikhāy taṃ sīdayka hvānāka cyāta. Her eyes flashed with anger. hvānā-hvānā adv. (to burn, flare up) rapidly, continuously hvāntāṃ (var. hvāṃtāṃ) n.anim. (-tāna-) fool, idiot; ~gvaḥjā n.anim. simpleton hvāye (hvāta) 1. v.t. to fry in oil or ghee 2. v.t. to throw dice, to gamble 3. v.t. to redistil (of liquor) 4. v.t. to mislead, to give wrong advice, to cheat 5. v.i. to be exposed to the air 6. v.i. to be popular hvāyṃ-cvāyṃ yāye v.t. to mock at hvāy+ka n. nausea, vomiting; ~ yāye, vaye to retch, to be about to vomit hvārā-hiriṃ (var. hvārāka, ~hvārā) adv. 1. suddenly, abruptly, in bursts (e.g. steam from a pot) 2. (to spend, consume) wastefully hvālāṃ adj. loose; ~phvalāṃ adj. id. hvālā-hvālāṃ na svaye v.i. to emit a fragrant smell hvālu adj. loose; ~ke to loosen; ~ye (-lula) to be loose: macāyā lākāṃ hvālula. The child's shoe came loose. hvālla(-lāṃ) bās vaye v.i. (for a pleasant smell) to waft, to be fragrant hvāsā-hisiṃ (var. hvāsāka, ~hvāsāṃ) adv. 1. quickly, promptly, immediately, rapidly 2. sprouting; ~thahāṃ vaye to shoot up rapidly, to grow up quickly (of plants, young animals) hvāsiṃ n.anim. (-sina-) gambler; ~gulu n.anim. id. hvāssa adv. (for a pleasant smell) to come in wisps; ~thvāssa adv. id. hvāḥ adj. popular hvāḥ-hvāḥ adv. (to smoke) vehemently, strongly hvi n. {ch.lg.} wiping out, rubbing out; ~ yāye to wipe out, to rub out hviṂ onom. whistling, blowing; ~kamiṃka adv. id.; ~kiṃka adv. whizzing, jerking hviṂcviṂ n. (-gū) rumour hviṂta (var. hviṂmiṃka, hviṂhviṂ, hutta) adv. flinging, hurling, swerving, rushing swiftly, roaring, blowing: rel hviṂta bvāta. The train rushed along. supāy chadhī hviṂta vana. A cloud passed swiftly.; ~miṃka adv. id. hviṂpviṂ (var. hviṂphviṂ) n. (-gū) 1. swing (cf. husluṃ) 2. swinging a child 3. {ch.lg.} bellows; ~ yāye to swing a child by the arms and legs (done by two people) (cf. laḥlaḥ yāye) hviṂmiṃka (var. hviṂhviṂ) -> hviṂta hvitheṃ adv. pretentiously; ~phetheṃ adv. id. hvinā-bvinā n. (-gū) rumour, hearsay