Published July 17, 2023 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

ALL-Ready - Skills and Competencies Framework

  • 1. ILVO
  • 2. ENoLL
  • 3. Thünen-Institute
  • 4. INRAE
  • 5. ÖMKi


This report focuses on categories and specifications of core skills and competencies for accelerating agroecology transition throughout the development of place-based open innovations and their European networking. It provides the base to map the needs of key-end users of the capacity boulding programme for training competencies.


ALL-Ready_D5.2_Skills and compentencies framework_ENoLL (subm. to EC)-1.pdf

Additional details


ALL-Ready – The European Agroecology Living Lab and Research Infrastructure Network: Preparation phase 101000349
European Commission