22. Epidendrum vesicolumna Hágsater, E. Santiago & Edquén, (2022b: t. 1944). (Figure 9F).

Type:— PERU. Pasco: Oxapampa, Distr. Huancabamba, Sector Santa Barbara. Camino a Huayllar, 3479 m, 28 November 2006, L . Cardenas 923. (holotype: HOXA! isotypes: CUZ! MO! USM!)

Distribution:— Peru, in the departments of Pasco and San Martín. The species inhabits the humid montane forests of the eastern cordillera of the Peruvian Andes, only two records are known at different elevations, so it is possible that the species has a wider range.

Notes:— Epidendrum vesicolumna is similar to E. constricolumna but is distinguished by the oblanceolate sepals with margins revolute (vs. sepals oblong with spreading margin), the lip transversely elliptic with the apex prominently apiculate (vs. lip orbicular, apex rounded), and the column constricted near the apex and arched downwards (vs. column constricted near the base and arched upwards).

Conservation Status:— DD. Data deficient.

Examined specimens:— PERU. San Martín: Rioja: Distr. Pardo Miguel Naranjos: sector Venceremos, 2098 m, 15 October 2021, J . D. Edquén 5248, (digital images, AMO!)