Eudorylaimus agilis (de Man, 1880) Loof, 1969.

Syn. Dorylaimus lugdunensis apud Steiner, 1916 nee de Man, 1880.

Dimensions of four females: L = 1.38-1.56 mm; a = 28 -32; b = 4. 1 -4.6; c = 11-15; V = 12 - 1344 -471 0 -1 3. Lip region offset by a deep constriction, lips well developed with conspicuously protruding papillae. Length of odontostyle 17 [x or 1.2 X width of lip region, the aperture occupying about two-fifths of its length. Distance DO- DN 4.8 - 5.0 % of oesophagus length. Vulva longitudinal. Tail curved to ventral side, its length 3.6-5.0 anal body widths. Rectum 1.0-1.6 xanal body width, prerectum 1.3-2.4 x as long as rectum. This species is easily distinguished from E. lugdunensis (de Man, 1880) by its larger size and stouter body.

Samples 1, 29, 37 and 55.