Tetylenchus joctus Thorne, 1949 (Fig. 9).

Females (n = 11): L = 0.52-0.62 mm; a = 28 - 37; b = 5. 1- 6. 1; c = 8.5-10.2; V = 2 3 - 3 5 5 0 _ 5524 - 29

One male: L = 0.50 mm; a = 33; b = 5.0; c = 7.7; T = 47; spicule = 22 JA.

The identity of these specimens is not wholly sure, chiefly because the spear, although very indistinct, appears to be only 9 -10 \ L long or 1.6 X width of lip region. Cuticular annulation fine but conspicuous. Lip region continuous, very low. Valves of median bulb located at 44-47 % of neck length from head end. Tail length 4.3 -5.2 anal body widths. In some specimens the distal part of the tail is curved slightly ventrad. Occasionally the striation continues till the terminus which may appear slightly mucronate; this is in accordance with the description of Ferris & Ferris (1967). Ovaries consisting of single row of oocytes except in the multiplication zone; certainly there is no rhachis.

Numerous in sample 21; found also in sample 34.

In sample 21 also one female was found, conspicuously larger than the others,

with much higher lip region offset by slight constriction. Tail curved to ventral side. Dimensions: L = 0.78 mm; a = 36; b = 5.9; c = 10.1; V = 355234; spear length = 12 ji (Fig. 9, D- E).