# Conference Proceedings Analysis

This code is designed to analyze conference proceedings data and generate bar charts and pie charts based on the responses. It provides insights into single-selected choices and multiple-selected choices in the dataset.

## File Structure

The following file structure is required to run the code successfully:

│ main_script.py
├── data
│ ├── backup
│ │ └── bioarchaeology_reuse.csv
│ └── bioarchaeology_reuse.csv
├── charts
│ └── image
│ ├── bar
│ ├── boxplot
│ └── pie
└── required_libraries
  └── pandas
  ├── matplotlib
  ├── seaborn
  ├── numpy
  ├── shutil
  └── os

- `main_script.py`: The main Python script to analyze the conference proceedings data.
- `README.md`: This file containing important information about the code and its usage.
- `data`: A directory containing the conference proceedings data.
    - `backup`: A directory containing a backup of the original data file.
    - `bioarchaeology_reuse.csv`: The actual conference proceedings data file.
- `charts`: A directory to store the generated charts.
    - `image`: A directory to organize the charts into subdirectories based on chart types (`bar`, `boxplot`, `pie`).
- `required_libraries`: A directory containing any necessary libraries or dependencies.

## Getting Started

To get started with the code, follow these steps:

1. Ensure you have the necessary Python libraries installed. You can find the list of required libraries in the `required_libraries` directory.
2. Set up the file structure as described above, ensuring that the conference proceedings data file is located in the `data` directory.
3. Run the `main_script.py` file to execute the analysis and generate the charts.
4. The generated charts will be saved in the `charts/image` directory, organized into subdirectories based on chart types.

## Customization

You can customize the code to suit your specific needs. Here are a few things you can consider:

- Modify the excluded columns list (`excluded_columns`) in the code to exclude specific columns from the analysis and chart generation.
- Adjust the chart colours (`CB_color_cycle`) to your preference.
- Update the file paths and directory names if you prefer a different file structure.

Feel free to explore and adapt the code as necessary to analyze your own conference proceedings data.

## Contact
Please feel free to contact me at AlfieTalks@live.co.uk if you have any questions.