# Title of Dataset --- Short-term synatpic dynamics from excitatory to inhibitory neurons connections in human cortex Dataset shared here includes 1) row traces of connectivity data, 2) metadata for patched neurons, 3) analyzed values of connectivity data, and 4) classifier analysis codes and results. ## Description of the data and file structure connectivity_data folder- This folder (20 Hz, and 50 Hz folder) contains all connectivity assayed recordings including stimulus traces, and following pre- and post-synaptic neuron response traces (*_struct_qc.mat). for the naming convention: e.g., 2017_06_20_163514_PulseTrain_20Hz_DA_0_AD9_AD2_struct_qc.mat [year_month_day_time]_[stimulation_protocol]_[pre_cell_id]_[post_cell_id]_struct_qc.mat 20 Hz and 50 Hz combined3, struct with 9 fields pre_cell: presynaptic cell electrode id post_cell: postsynaptic cell electrode id stim_name: stimulus name stim_pretraces: presynaptic cell responses pulse_start: pulse start timing recovery_interval: recovery pulse interval pretraces: presynaptic cell voltage responses posttraces: postsynaptic cell voltage responses qc: manual trace quality control info and their metadata such as acute vs slice culture, epilepsy vs tumor, mFISH staining results, classifier PVALB probability scores, and some analyses results such as EPSP amplitudes (*_amp_results.mat). for the naming convention: e.g., 2017_06_20_163514_PulseTrain_20Hz_DA_0_AD9_AD2_amp_results.mat [year_month_day_time]_[stimulation_protocol]_[pre_cell_id]_[post_cell_id]_[EPSP_amplitude]_results.mat variables contains PVALB: postsynaptic cell identity based on the classifier acute: source type of human slice preparations, i.e., acute = 1, slice culture = 0 amp: EPSP response amplitudes for initial 8 puses amp_avg: averaged EPSP amplitudes for initial 8 pulses epilepsy: source type of disease conditions, i.e., epilepsy = 1, tumor = 0 pv_prob: PVALB probability values obtained from the classifier in postsynaptic cell recovery: EPSP response amplitudes for recovery 4 pulses recovery_amp: averaged EPSP amplitudes for recovery 4 pulses Figure 4: 50 Hz (e,f) and 20 Hz (g,h) Figure 4 - Figure supplement 1 (a,b,c,d) Figure 4 - Figure supplement 2 (a,b,c) Figure 4 - Figure supplement 3 Classifier- "Classifier folder is on Zenodo". Notebooks with classifier code and plots for acute/culture cells: synphys_culture_classifier_analysis_acute.ipynb synphys_culture_classifier_analysis_cultureipynb Output - CSVs containing classifier predictions for acute/culture cells: synphs_acute_pv_prediction_2023-02-24.csv synphs_culture_pv_prediction_2023-03-06.csv Input - extracted intrinsic ephys features for multi-patch recorded cells, from new dataset and from previously published "pipeline" dataset: synphys_complete_intrinsic_2021_10_13.csv synphs_intrinsic_pipeline_2021_10_27.csv Input - reference dataset of extracted intrinsic ephys features from patch-seq pipeline cells, and cell metadata including transcriptomic types and culture/acute status: IVSCC_ephys_features.csv MET_METc_interneuron_metadata.csv Figure 6 (a,d,e) Figure 6 - Figure supplement 1 Figure 6 - Figure supplement 2 ## Sharing/Access information ## Code/Software Please feel free to contact Meanhwan Kim (meanhwank@alleninstitute.org) if you have any questions for using these dataset.