Variable,Explanation Project_ID,Name of the project Plot_ID (format: ProjID_PlotID),Nameofproject_nameoftheplot Project_Plot_Mon_ID (format: ProjID_PlotID_MonitoringMonth),Nameofproject_nameoftheplot_monththeplotwasmonitored Data source type,Grey literature or peer-review Agencies,Name of who or what company wrote the report Bay,Name of the bay the work was conducted in Specific_project_siteOrlocation,"If report species a particular beach or site within the bay, list it. Otherwise ND" Bay_latitude,Bay latitude Bay_longitude,Bay longitude Region,"S. Cal, C. Cal, N. Cal, OR, WA" Invasives_present? List if Y,"Does the report mention that the presence of invasive (non-native) species within their restoration area? (Invasives? Other prevalent species in restoration sites? If Yes, list)" UsedSiteSuitabilityModel_YN,"Do they use a site suitability model to identify areas where they are going to plant? Or do they just select one based on their own observations? If nothing is specified about how the site was selected, write ND" MitVsNonMit,"Type (Mitigation, Non-mitigation)" ActiveVsPassive,"Typically, this will be 'Active' - they are actively transplanting shoots into the ground. Passive projects do not plant, rather change the sediment and hope the eelgrass comes back" AddedSupplementalTransplantsMid-project_YN,"Sometimes over the duration of a 5 year project, consultant will realize they are not going to reach their targets restoration areas or densities for sucess, so part way through the project, they will add in more transplanted grass shoots. In this case, write Y. Typically, it will be N though." Method_Category,"Type/method of restoration applied. If two methods are used, use both, separated by a comma" Method_details,Notes and descriptions of methods used Notes,"Add any additional info or confusion about the ""restoration methods""" Reference bed Y/N?,"Were natural beds elsewhere in the bay monitoired during the project? If so, Y." "Donor bed notes (status, size, location)","Often, reports say things about how far away the ref meadow was from the restoration meadow, or any other info." Ref. bed initial average cover/size (m2) (at time of transplant),"How large in meters squared was the reference meadow/bed at the time that the restoration sites were planted? (this value will be the same for each monitoring time because it is the ""starting area"")" Ref. bed final average cover/size (m2),How large in meters squared was the reference meadow/bed at the time that the restoration sites were monitored? (this value will change in rows below for each plot's different monitoring time) Ref. bed initial average shoot density (shoots/m2) (at time of transplant),How densely planted (in shoots per meter squared) are the shoots upon transplant (AKA transplant density) Ref. bed initial SD shoot density (shoots/m2) (at time of transplant),"Same the column to the left, but the standard deviation, when reported. " Ref. bed average shoot density (shoots/m2) - final,How dense (in shoots per meter squared) are the shoots upon monitoring? Ref. bed SD shoot density (shoots/m2) - Final,"Same the column to the left, but the standard deviation, when reported. " Ref. bed initial % cover,How dense (in % cover) was the ref bed when the transplant occurred? Ref. bed final % cover,How dense (in % cover) was the ref bed upon monitoring? Notes on reference or natural bed,Notes and additional info on the reference or natural meadows Year_of_restoration_planting,Year restoration transplanting/implementation occurred Month_of_restoration_planting,Month restoration transplanting/implementation occurred Season_of_restoration_planting,Season of restoration implementation Number of years monitored (time between restoration and last monitoring date) ,"How long was the project, from the time they planted, until the last time they monitored the restored plot?" Frequency of monitoring post-restoration,"If the practitioner transplanted shoots and came back and monitored them 2 months, 6 month, and 40 months after transplanting write ""2, 6, 40 months""" Time of monitoring ('months after restoration'),Number of months after the transplant associated with the data across this row (i.e. monitoring time in months) "If mitigation- what was the actual mitigation ratio? (ratio of 1.2:1, input as '1.2')",Reported mitigation ratio applied "Average depth of area restored (AKA where they planted) (Feet, to MLLW)","Often not reported, but pulled when available. MLLW= the depth raltive to mean low low water." Depth Notes/Qualitative Info,"Other depth info, often qualitative. For example, 'plots were shallow'. " "Plot latitude (if not exact, write 'ND')","If they report the exact coordinates of their plots, write them in" "Plot longitude (if not exact, write 'ND')","If they report the exact coordinates of their plots, write them in" Total number of shoots transplanted (OR flowering shoots deployed for seeding OR total in initial area for passive rest.),Total number of shoot across the entire project they planted Transplanted/initial area (m2) (for passive- area of starting eelgrass area present pre-restoration),"Total area transplanted, as reported by the practitioner" Final area restored (m2),"Total area upon monitoring, as reported by the practitioner" Transplanted/initial shoot density (1msq) (for passive restoration - pre-project shoot density),Transplanted shoot density Final shoot density (1msq),Monitored shoot density Final shoot density (+/- SD),(self explanatory) Transplanted/initial vegetative cover (%),Percent cover of vegetative material upon transplant Final vegetative cover (%),Percent cover of vegetative material upon monitoring Defined success criteria,List the criteria that the project proponent used to define success Did it meet areal cover 'success' criteria?,Did the project implementor qualify that the project met areal cover 'success' criteria (Y/N/ND) Did it meet shoot density 'success' criteria?,Did the project implementor qualify that the project met shoot density 'success' criteria (Y/N/ND) Notes,(self explanatory) Wasting disease,"Did they measure wasting disease (Y/N)? (not relevant if they found it or not, but just if they measured it. AKA if they measured wasting disease but found none, this would be Y. If they did not measure it at all, it would be N" Water temperature,Did they measure water temperature (Y/N)? Salinity,Did they measure salinity (Y/N)? Average sea level,Did they measure sea level (Y/N)? Light/turbidity,Did they measure light/turbidity properties (Y/N)? Grain Size,Did they measure grain size properties (Y/N)? Algal Cover,"Did they measure algal (Y/N)? (occasionally, gracilaria or ulva are reported). " DO,Did they measure oxygen properties (Y/N)? pH,Did they measure pH (Y/N)? "Other environmental data? If Y, list.","If they measured other parameters, list them here" Notes on Env. Data,(self explanatory) Species richness (quantitative)?,Was species richness quantified (Y/N)? "Demostrated habitat provisioning in restored sites? (ie, non-quantitative reports of species usage acceptable)",Y/N Species observed,"If habitat provisioning was demonstrated, list the species" Species of economic significance?,List any species notes for their economic/fisheries/social significance Notes (was it a quantitative assessment? Describe),(self explanatory) Blue Carbon?,Did they assess gains in carbon burial? Y/N pH amelioration?,Did they assess pH amelioration effects Y/N? hypoxia amelioration?,Did they assess hypoxia amelioration effects Y/N? Turbidity/ water clarity?,Did they assess alterations in turbidity/water clarity Y/N? "Other ecosystem services? If Y, list.",(self explanatory) , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,