Paraselina multifora (Rehn, 1952), comb. nov.

(Figs 4–6)

Vingselina multifora Rehn, 1952: 38 (holotype – female, Australia: Macleay Range in northeastern New South Wales, Dorrigo; deposited in Museum of Comparative Zoology of Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts); Steinmann, 1970: 157; Steinmann, 1973: 168; Yin et al., 1996: 929; Otte, 1997: 11.

Description. The detailed description of this species was based on four females from the New South Wales and provided by photos of holotype (Rehn, 1952).

Distribution. Australia (New South Wales).

Remarks. Two paratypes of V. multifora from the type locality and one paratype from Salisbury in the New South Wales are deposited at the Museum of Comparative Zoology of Harvard University in Cambridge and at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (Rehn, 1952).