Published June 29, 2023 | Version 1
Project deliverable Open

RDA TIGER D5.1 Definition and handbook of the Facilitation Service

  • 1. RDA AISBL
  • 1. RDA Foundation
  • 2. RDA AISBL


The Facilitation Service is the core of the RDA TIGER services. The RDA TIGER facilitator supports WGs from initiation to finalisation phase. This document outlines the Facilitation Service, the role of the facilitator, and sets out the stages of the Working Groups (WG) that the facilitator should oversee. It also highlights the links to the other support mechanisms that will be made available to the RDA WGs. 

This deliverable is intended as an internal guidance document and will be complemented by two more updates in further deliverables (D5.2 and D5.3) which will evaluate and optimise the service based on service quality feedback from WP6.



D5.1 Definition and handbook of Facilitation Service.pdf

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RDA TIGER – Research Data Alliance facilitation of Targeted International working Groups for EOSC-related Research solutions 101094406
European Commission