Published December 30, 2021 | Version CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
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Scaling of RC Chimney for the Experimental Investigation under Lateral Load

  • 1. Department of Civil Engineering, SVNIT, Surat (Gujrat), India


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  • 1. Department of Civil Engineering, SVNIT, Surat (Gujrat), India.


Abstract: Reinforced concrete chimneys are tall industrial structures specially used in power plants to expel waste gases at high enough elevation. Based on the study of various literature available for the subject, various geometrical, material, and loading parameters to be followed to prepare the test specimens are presented in this paper so that the test specimen represents the behaviour of the actual RC chimney. The special construction process required to be followed is described in this paper along with the various analytical checks to be performed before the actual application of lateral loads on test specimens. Different design standards give different design recommendations mainly in terms of the stress-strain curve of concrete and steel. So, various experimental tests performed by applying the lateral load on specially designed and casted test specimens which represents the actual chimney in the field helps the researchers to compare the various design standards and helps the industry to opt for the same.


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ISSN: 2278-3075 (Online)
Retrieval Number: 100.1/ijitee.B96521211221
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Publisher: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)