Title: Complementarity in Allen’s and Bergmann’s rules among birds Authors: Justin Baldwin, Joan Garcia Porta (shared first authorship) and Carlos Botero No new data were collected for this study. Data used for this study are located in folder, 'data'. R scripts shown for this study are in the folder 'scripts', and info on versions and platforms is at the end of each script. Output relevant only to the scripts is in folder 'output', which contains two subfolder: 'data' and 'models'. Output relevant to the manuscript is contained in the folder 'tables'. Folder architecture as below: Folder 'tables' contains: 'Table_S1.csv' Summary table of family-level information. Each row is a family. Columns denote responses to thermal gradients from the BPLMMs (family-level random slopes) that describe the conformity to Bergmann's and Allen's rule. Additional columns show family-level traits used in our analyses. Order: order to which the family belongs. Family: family name in Latin. n_mass: number of taxa that contributed to this family's estimation of Bergmann's rule in the global analysis. body_mean: posterior mean of family's random slope of body mass change over temperature gradient (conformity to Bergmann's rule). body_Q2.5: quantile (2.5%) of family's random slope of body mass change over temperature gradient (conformity to Bergmann's rule). body_Q97.5: quantile (97.5%) of family's random slope of body mass change over temperature gradient (conformity to Bergmann's rule). body_sd: standard deviation of posterior samples of family's random slope of body mass change over temperature gradient (conformity to Bergmann's rule). body_sig: categorical variable denoting if the 95% credible interval of the slope of body mass change over temperature covered zero (not), was positive and did not cover zero (anti_sig), or was negative and did not cover zero, as expected by conformity to Bergmann's rule (sig). n_bill: number of taxa that contributed to this family's estimation of Allen's rule in the global analysis. abs_bill_mean: posterior mean of family's random slope of absolute bill size change over temperature gradient (conformity to Allen's rule). abs_bill_Q2.5: quantile (2.5%) of family's random slope of absolute bill size change over temperature gradient (conformity to Allen's rule). abs_bill_Q97.5: quantile (97.5%) of family's random slope of absolute bill size change over temperature gradient (conformity to Allen's rule). abs_bill_sd: standard deviation of posterior samples of family's random slope of absolute bill size change over temperature gradient (conformity to Allen's rule). abs_bill_sig: categorical variable denoting if the 95% credible interval of the slope of absolute bill size change over temperature covered zero (not), was negative and did not cover zero (anti_sig), or was positive and did not cover zero, as expected by conformity to Allen's rule (sig). both_sig: combined information from categorical variables of body size change and absolute bill size change. relative_bill_mean: posterior mean of family's random slope of relative bill size change over temperature gradient (conformity to Allen's rule). relative_bill_Q2.5: quantile (2.5%) of family's random slope of relative bill size change over temperature gradient (conformity to Allen's rule). relative_bill_Q97.5: quantile (97.5%) of family's random slope of relative bill size change over temperature gradient (conformity to Allen's rule). relative_bill_sd: standard deviation of posterior samples of family's random slope of relative bill size change over temperature gradient (conformity to Allen's rule). relative_bill_sig: categorical variable denoting if the 95% credible interval of the slope of relative bill size change over temperature covered zero (not), was negative and did not cover zero (anti_sig), or was positive and did not cover zero, as expected by conformity to Allen's rule (sig). MeanTrastermean_span: Family-wide range of species-level mean annual temperatures. Wider ranges show families that occupy broad temperature ranges. log_mass_mean: Family-wide average of species-level natural-logged body mass (data from AVONET). log_bill_size_pca_mean: Family-wide average of species-level natural-logged bill size (bill size following PCA on four linear bill measurements from AVONET). relative_bill_size_mean: Family-wide average of species-level natural-logged relative bill size (relative bill size as residuals from phylogenetic regression of bill size on a polynomial effect of body mass). kernel_min_mean: family-level average of species-level bill shape rarity, i.e. density of morphospace of 2 principal components from bill shape landmark data. kernel_min_N: number of taxa per family that were used for bill shape meausurement. 'Wikimedia Commons and Phylopic acknowledgements.csv' This table shows the sources for photos and icons used in the figures, along contributing authors, sources, and license. Folder 'data' contains Folder '16586228'. All supplemental data from AVONET, downloaded from https://figshare.com/articles/dataset/AVONET_morphological_ecological_and_geographical_data_for_all_birds_Tobias_et_al_2021_Ecology_Letters_/16586228 'AllBirdsEricson1_summary.tre'. Species tree made from Ericson backbone. 'AllBirdsHackett1_summary.tre'. Species tree made from Hackett backbone. 'full_subset_mbill_2016_12_17.rds'. Raw data set of landmark data set. 'migstatus_table.csv'. Taxa from Birdlife International determined to be migratory species. Each row is a species. taxon_bl: name of taxon, following BLI. MigStatus: short_distance_migrant, long_distance_migrant, based on whether the breeding range abuts the wintering range. 'newbillshape3d.csv'. Table showing bill size and shape from landmark data. Each row is a species. Csize: centroid size, (bill size). PC1: species-level principal component scores of PC1 from PCA on landmark points. PC2: species-level principal component scores of PC2 from PCA on landmark points. taxon_bt: name of taxon, following phylogeny. 'occ_mean.csv'. Table of climate space occupied by species, created using open source range maps from BirdLife International and open-source climate data (see methods). Each row is a species. Group.1: name of taxon, following BirdLifeInternational. MeanT_raster_mean: Average annual mean temperature. Folder 'output' contains two subfolders: 'data' and 'models'. These are populated by running the R scripts and contain intermediate files used/made by the scripts (49 tables produced in data; 28 model files). Scripts files are titled by their principal output. 'fig1.R' produces figure 1. Spatial rasters of temperature and species-level shapefiles available upon request. 'fig2.R' produces figure 2. 'fig3.R' produces figure 3, Table 1, Supplementary Table 1, and parts of Supplementary Table 2. 'fig4.R' produces figure 4, Table 2 and Supplementary Data Table 1. 'figS01.R' produces Supplementary Figure 1. 'figS02.R' produces Supplementary Figure 2. 'figS03.R' produces Supplementary Figure 3. 'figS04.R' produces Supplementary Figure 4. 'figS05ab.R' produces Supplementary Figure 5ab and parts of Supplementary Table 2. 'figS05cd.R' produces Supplementary Figure 5cd and parts of Supplementary Table 2. 'figS05ef.R' produces Supplementary Figure 5ef and parts of Supplementary Table 2. 'figS05gh.R' produces Supplementary Figure 5gh and parts of Supplementary Table 2. 'figS05ij.R' produces Supplementary Figure 5ij and parts of Supplementary Table 2. 'figS06.R' produces Supplementary Figure 6 and parts of Supplementary Table 2. 'figS07.R' produces Supplementary Figure 7. 'figS08.R' produces Supplementary Figure 8. 'figS09.R' produces Supplementary Figure 9. 'figS10.R' produces Supplementary Figure 10 and Supplementary Table 5. 'my_helper_functions.R' are custom scripts used throughout the analysis. 'TableS03.R' produces Supplementary Table 3. ''