Every fig*.ncl are able to generate a fig*.pdf using the NCAR Command Language (NCL) software. All the data needed to generate the figure is in this folder. For MCS tracking method, please read ./mcs_tracking_readme.txt Some of the figures in manuscripts are polished with Adobe Illustrator, but the results are *totally* the same as the figures with fig*.ncl here. If you have any question, or need more detailed data, please send email to Zhongxi Lin (linzhx@pku.edu.cn) ********************************************** *lat,lon and hgt of WRF experiments are storaged in model_xlat_xlon_hgt.nc *For MCS tracking, please read ./mcs_tracking_readme.txt scripts: prec_convolve_mask -> prec_3d_connect.m -> main_mcs.ncl intermediate .nc files: prec_masked_ens1.nc(original, smoothed, masked) -> prec_connected_ens1.nc (connected) -> main_mcs_ens1.nc (main MCS) *fig1 (a),(b) read in ./ensemble_t2_pw.nc, variables are RW/NAWW ensemble mean (c),(d) read in ./obs_rw_3d_rainfall.nc, variables are observation (IMERG) and RW ensemble mean (e),(f) read in ./mcs_tracking/prec_masked_ens1.nc & ./mcs_tracking/prec_connected_ens1.nc, this is an example of the 1st ensemble in RW. the tracking method to produce *masked* and *connected* file, please read ./mcs_tracking/readme.txt *fig2 read in ./main_mcs_rain_diagnostics.nc, the light blue box and black triangle markers is added through Adobe Illustrator *fig3 read in ./wa_diff.nc *fig4 read in ./qvapor_diff.nc .etc. **for fig3 &4, the cloud top temperature, cloud top height and freezing level can is output by fig34_ctt_freezing.ncl (data from ctt_diff.nc) *fig5 read in mcs_1800_19jul.nc, black box is added through Adobe Illustrator *fig6 read in cape_cin_diff.nc, the significancy is shown when runing this ncl script. the empty dots is picked with Adobe Illustrator. *fig7 read in mcs_1000_20jul.nc *fig8 read in mcs_2000_21jul.nc