Key to the known species of Cretevania (updated from Li et al., 2018)

1. Forewing with pterostigma short (2r-rs about as long as its distance to pterostigma base), two r-m veins and 2m-cu absent................................................................................ 2

- Forewing with pterostigma long (2r-rs much shorter than its distance to pterostigma base)............................................ 3

2. Forewing with 1-Rs subvertical to R, 1cu-a interstitial................................................ C. cyrtocerca (Lebanese amber)

- Forewing with 1-Rs vertical to R, 1cu-a postfurcal............................................................. C. tenuis (Burmese amber)

3. Forewing with 2m-cu present........................................... 4

- Forewing with 2m-cu absent............................................ 5

4. Forewing with 2r-m, 2-Rs+M present..................................................................................... C. minor (Taimyr amber)

- Forewing with 2r-m, 2-Rs+M absent..................................................... C. venae (Huangbanjigou, Yixian Formation)

5. Forewing with 1cu-a postfurcal, cell 2cua present, 2Rs+M present (small).................................................................................... Cretevania kachinensis sp. nov. (Burmese amber)

- Forewing with 1cu-a interstitial, cell 2cua absent or not closed, 2Rs+M absent....................................................... 6

6. Forewing with 2r-m indistinct, 2Rs+M absent, 2rm triangle, nearly as wide as 1mcu............................................................................... C. vesca (Huangbanjigou, Yixian Formation)

- Forewing with 2r-m entirely lost...................................... 7

7. Forewing with 1cu-a postfurcal........................................ 8

- Forewing with 1cu-a interstitial or lost.......................... 10

8. Forewing with 1-Rs subvertical to R and Rs+M, 2r-rs long, marginal cell 3r nearly as long as 1+2r....................................................... C. mitis (Huangbanjigou, Yixian Formation)

- Forewing with marginal cell 3r small triangle, about 1.5× as long as 1+2r...................................................................... 9

9. Forewing with cell cua broad, wider than 1mcu, free M geniculate distal of 2r-rs, 1-Rs vertical to R.................................................................... C. montoyai (San Just amber)

- Forewing with cell cua narrower than 1mcu, free M geniculate at the same level of 2r-rs, 1-Rs inclined towards wing base................................. C. alcalai (San Just amber)

10. Forewing with 1cu-a interstitial, nearly as long as 1-M, free M geniculate distal of 2r-rs, 1-Rs inclined towards pterostigma base............................................................................... C. exquisita (Huangbanjigou, Yixian Formation)

- Forewing with 1cu-a entirely lost................................... 11

11. Antennae short with 10 flagellomeres, mesosoma with notauli present....................... C. bechlyi (Burmese amber)

- Antennae short with 11 flagellomeres, mesosoma lacking notauli............................................................................. 12

12. Forewing with Cu between 1-M and 1m-cu not longer than 1m-cu, 2r-m spectral, 2-Rs and 2-M straight, wing apex shape rounded............................. C. soplaensis (El Soplao)

- Forewing with Cu between 1-M and 1m-cu not longer than 1m-cu, 2r-m entirely lost................................................ 13

13. Forewing with 2-Rs+M present...................................... 14

- Forewing with 2-Rs+M absent....................................... 19

14. Forewing with 2-Rs+M longer than 2r-rs....................... 15

- Forewing with 2-Rs+M shorter than 2r-rs...................... 16

15. Forewing 1.1 mm long, with 1-Rs very short........................................................................ C. minuta (Taimyr amber)

- Forewing much longer (~ 2 mm or more)................................................................................ C. major (Taimyr amber)

16. Forewing with M not geniculate opposite 2r-rs........................ C. meridionalis (Bon Tsagaan, Dzun-Bain Formation)

- Forewing with M geniculate opposite 2r-rs.................... 17

17. Forewing 2.3 mm long, with 1-Rs oblique to R, 3r cell short............................. C. alonsoi (Peñacerrada outcrop I)

- Forewing about 3 mm long, with 1-Rs vertical to R, cell 3r long................................................................................. 18

18. Forewing with 2-RS much longer than 3-RS................................................................... C. extincta (Jordanian amber)

- Forewing with 2-RS as long as 3-RS.................................................. C. concordia (Old pit, Clockhouse Brickworks)

19. Forewing 1.4 mm long, with cell 3r about as long as pterostigma........................ C. rubusensis (San Just amber)

- Forewing 3.3 mm long, cell 3r much longer than pterostigma.................. C. pristina (Jianshangou, Beipiao)