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Published March 31, 2023 | Version 1.0
Project deliverable Open

D2.4 Description and Analysis Results of the 6G BRAINS Secondary Use Cases

  • 1. BOSCH
  • 2. Eurescom GmbH
  • 3. Brunel University


The attention to wireless connectivity as an important enabler for many modern applications in various segments continues to grow [29]. A transition from “fixed” to “mobile” in many segments including industrial manufacturing is a hot topic in many consortia. However, further improvements of wireless communication technologies are required to motivate their usage in new domains. For this, 6G BRAINS project offers a broad range of new techniques including terahertz (THz), light communication, massive AI, etc.

In our first Deliverable 2.1 [1], we did the first step towards identifying the most obvious applications that can benefit from 6G BRAINS technologies. While carefully reviewing the segments like production manufacturing, automotive industry, smart agriculture, etc., a list of relevant use cases has been created. The most challenging use cases built the basis for our requirements analysis summarized in clause 5 of this deliverable in form of technical use case descriptions, derived user requirements, KPI specifications, as well as user concerns. D2.1 [1] focused rather on the primary aspects of the upcoming releases of mobile communication 5G and B5G. In this deliverable, however, we address such new features like integrated sensing and identification, precise localization and tracking, physical layer security, vital sign detection, etc., that do not represent the primary aspect of data transmission and belong rather to a group of so-called secondary features. These secondary features, in fact, have a good potential to become a unique selling point of the next generations of mobile communication. We show how secondary features contribute to such use cases like self-aware automated guided vehicles, excitement level detection for amusement parks, cabin control in cruise ships, vulnerable road user awareness, and access control for home security.

The attention to wireless connectivity as an important enabler for many modern applications in various segments continues to grow [29]. A transition from “fixed” to “mobile” in many segments including industrial manufacturing is a hot topic in many consortia. However, further improvements of wireless communication technologies are required to motivate their usage in new domains. For this, 6G BRAINS project offers a broad range of new techniques including terahertz (THz), light communication, massive AI, etc.

In our first Deliverable 2.1 [1], we did the first step towards identifying the most obvious applications that can benefit from 6G BRAINS technologies. While carefully reviewing the segments like production manufacturing, automotive industry, smart agriculture, etc., a list of relevant use cases has been created. The most challenging use cases built the basis for our requirements analysis summarized in clause 5 of this deliverable in form of technical use case descriptions, derived user requirements, KPI specifications, as well as user concerns. D2.1 [1] focused rather on the primary aspects of the upcoming releases of mobile communication 5G and B5G. In this deliverable, however, we address such new features like integrated sensing and identification, precise localization and tracking, physical layer security, vital sign detection, etc., that do not represent the primary aspect of data transmission and belong rather to a group of so-called secondary features. These secondary features, in fact, have a good potential to become a unique selling point of the next generations of mobile communication. We show how secondary features contribute to such use cases like self-aware automated guided vehicles, excitement level detection for amusement parks, cabin control in cruise ships, vulnerable road user awareness, and access control for home security.


D2.4 Description and Analysis Results of the 6G BRAINS Secondary Use Cases-1.pdf

Additional details


6G BRAINS – Bring Reinforcement-learning Into Radio Light Network for Massive Connections 101017226
European Commission