Published June 17, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Techniques to Locate the Origin of Power Quality Disturbances in a Power System: A Review


Abstract: The complexity in the power system topology, together with the new paradigm in generation and demand, make achieving an adequate level of supply quality a complicated goal for distribution companies. The electrical system power quality is subject to different regulations. On one hand, EN-50160 establishes the characteristics of the voltage supplied by public electricity networks, therefore affecting distribution companies. On the other hand, the EN-61000 series of standards regulates the electromagnetic compatibility of devices connected to the network, therefore affecting the loads. Power companies and device manufacturers are both responsible and affected in the issue of quality of supply. Despite the regulations, there are certain aspects of the supply quality that are not solved. One of the most important is the location of the disturbance’s origin. This paper presents a review of the main techniques to locate the disturbance’s origin in the electric network through two approaches: identification of the disturbance’s cause and the location of the origin.

Keywords: power quality; disturbance source location; power system reliability; power system
stability; disturbance direction



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European Commission
FLEXIGRID – Interoperable solutions for implementing holistic FLEXIbility services in the distribution GRID 864579