Published August 16, 2023 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Supplementary Information for "In-situ Plasma Studies using a Direct Current Microplasma in a Scanning Electron Microscope"

  • 1. EMAT, University of Antwerp
  • 2. EMAT and PLASMANT, University of Antwerp
  • 3. PLASMANT, University of Antwerp


Supplementary information for the article

"In-situ Plasma Studies using a Direct Current Microplasma in a Scanning Electron Microscope"

containing the videos of in-situ SEM imaging (mp4 files), raw data/images, and Jupyter notebooks (ipynb files) for data treatment and plots.

Link to the publication:

Link to the preprint:

Explanation of the data files can be found in the Information.pdf file. The Videos folder contains the in-situ SEM image series mentioned in the paper.

If there are any questions/bugs, feel free to contact me at the email given on ORCID.


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