Enicospilus insinuator (Smith, 1860)

Fig. 40

Ophion insinuator Smith, 1860: 141; holotype ♀ from Moluccas (OUMNH)

Enicospilus insinuator – Townes et al. 1961: 294.


Interocellar area reddish brown; clypeus weakly convex, ventral margin blunt to subacute; mandible twisted ca 40°, outer surface without a diagonal setose groove; fore wing fenestra with proximal and distal sclerites present, quadra large; mesoscutum with a median black stripe.

Material examined

VIETNAM • 1 ♂; Ha Giang Province, Vi Xuyen, Phong Quang; 22.89996° N, 104.91559° E; 609 m a.s.l.; 26 May 2022; Pham T.N. and Pham V.P. light trap; IEBR • 1 ♀; Lao Cai Province, Bat Xat NR; 22°37′37″ N, 103°37′32″ E; 1840 m a.s.l.; 28 May 2022; Pham T.N. and Dang T.H. leg.; light trap; IEBR • 1 ♂; Lai Chau Province, Sin Ho, Ta Ngao; 22°16′19″ N, 103°14′54″ E; 1520 m a.s.l.; 1 Jun. 2022; Pham T.N. and Dang T.H. leg.; light trap; IEBR.


Previously known Brunei, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Sri Lanka, and Thailand (Gauld & Mitchell 1981; Tang 1990; Yu et al. 2016). These are the first records of this species from Vietnam.