Data sources available (filename): 1. Baseline Survey (baseline_survey.csv) 2. Week 1 Survey (week1_survey.csv) 3. Week 2 Survey (week2_survey.csv) 4. Week 3 Survey (week3_survey.csv) 5. Week 4 Survey (week4_survey.csv) 6. Daily Surveys and one click responses (daily_surveys_one_click_responses.csv) 7. Age from screener survey (screener_survey.csv) 8. Day aggregated activity features (day_activity_features.csv) Data dictionaries (filename): 1. Screener survey (screener_data_dictionary.csv) 2. Daily survey (daily_survey_data_dictionary.csv) 3. Activity data (activity_feature_data_dictionary.csv) Data schemas: * Surveys * The screener and daily survey data question and answer dictionary mappings can be found in screener_data_dictionary.csv and daily_survey_data_dictionary.csv respectively. The columns of these files are the question_labels and the values are the answer_encodings. They can be mapped to the original question and answer text via the question_text and answer_text columns in the corresponding data dictionary. * The daily surveys are distinguishable for each user by the day_occurence column, which indicates the number of times the user has taken the daily survey. * The baseline, weekly, and final survey datafiles schemas are consistent with the CRFs (the question texts are the column names and in the original order, and the answer texts are the values). * Daily activity features * Please refer to the activity feature data dictionary (activity_feature_data_dictionary.csv) for day features and raw fitbit minute level schema definitions. Datetimes: * All datetimes are in the user local time, with the UTC offset appended to each datetime. Activity Feature General Definitions: * Not moving - user does not have non-zero steps, but has an active device for > 10 consecutive minutes * Moving - user has nonzero steps for > 10 consecutive minutes * Awake - user is not sleeping