Published June 8, 2023 | Version v1
Software Open

Code and data for the KR 2023 paper: "Eliminating Redundant Actions from Plans using Classical Planning"

  • 1. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
  • 2. Linköping University


Brief explanation of the contents of each folder:

  • action-elimination: all the code needed to run the planning approach for the minimal reduction problem.
  • domains: the domains and problems used in the experiments.
  • plans: the input plans used in the experiments.
  • results: HTML report and properties of the experiments results generated with Downward Lab.

 About the benchmarks:

  • The benchmarks and plans are taken from:
  • We only keep domains without conditional effects. 

 For the code of the MaxSAT experiments we refer you to the original repository:
 Key notes of our code:

  • The module responsible for creating the reformulated planning tasks is src/translate/
  • To see the options for creating a MR task from a problem and a plan, run `./ -h`.
  • Example to create a MR task with FPALs
    • ./ -t -p sas_plan --subsequence --enhanced --enhanced-fix-point --add-pos-to-goal --reduction MR
    • This generates file with the reformulated task
  • You can also solve an instance with Scorpion and run MR on the resulting plan:
    • ./ --search --translate --eliminate-actions --alias lama-first domain.pddl problem.pddl -- --action-elimination-options --subsequence --reduction MR --action-elimination-planner-config --search "astar(hmax())"
    • All --action-elimination-options are processed by the module.


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