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Published June 8, 2023 | Version v1
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Simulated Geomorphically Relevant Palaeoclimate Variables for the Late Cenozoic (from Mutz and Ehlers, 2019)


Contents Description: (see more details in file header)
The files contains long term means of several variables derived from an ECHAM5 palaeoclimate simulation. Details about the type of means and simulations are given in the file name (see explanation below). For information about the simulation setup and boundary conditions, we refer the user to the Mutz et al. (2018) publication. For details about the construction of contained variables, we refer the reader to the Mutz and Ehlers (2019) publication. Data package alterm contains long term annual means, whereas package mlterm contains long term monthly means. The variables included in the data packages are:

- csfd: consecutive freezing days (days)
- fthd: freeze thaw days (days)
- cswd: consecutive wet days (days)
- csdd: consecutive dry days (days)
- t2am: 2m air temperature amplitude (°C)
- tsam: surface temperature amplitude (°C)
- pamp: precipitation amplitude (mm/day)
- pmax: maximum daily precipitation (mm/day)

Derived Variables (contained in these files):
Mutz S.G. and Ehlers T. A. (2019). Detection and Explanation of Spatiotemporal Patterns in Late Cenozoic Palaeoclimate Change Relevant to Earth Surface Processes. Earth Surface Dynamics.

Original Simulations:
Mutz S.G., Ehlers T. A., Werner M., Lohmann G., Stepanek C., Li J., (2018). Estimates of Late Cenozoic climate change relevant to Earth surface processes in tectonically active orogens. Earth Surface Dynamics.

Mutz S.G., Ehlers T. A.

This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

netCDF (.nc)

File Names (nc):
[publication]_[experiment ID]_[time period]_[horizontal resolution][vertical resolution]_[means].nc

experiment ID usually a letter followed by 3-5 digits, e007_2 (pre-industrial), e008 (Mid-Holocene), e009 (Last Glacial Maximum), e010 (Pliocene)
time period PI (pre-industrial), MH (Mid-Holocene), LGM (Last Glacial Maximum), PLIO (Pliocene)
horizontal resolution spectral resolution, t followed by a number, e.g. t159
vertical resolution number of vertical levels, l followed by a number, e.g. l31
means alterm (annual long term means) or mlterm (monthly long term means)

Sebastian G. Mutz (



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Related works

Journal article: 10.5194/esurf-6-271-2018 (DOI)
Is published in
Journal article: 10.5194/esurf-7-663-2019 (DOI)


EXTREME – EXtreme Tectonics and Rapid Erosion in Mountain Environments 615703
European Commission


  • Mutz S.G. and Ehlers T. A. (2019). Detection and Explanation of Spatiotemporal Patterns in Late Cenozoic Palaeoclimate Change Relevant to Earth Surface Processes. Earth Surface Dynamics.
  • Mutz S.G., Ehlers T. A., Werner M., Lohmann G., Stepanek C., Li J., (2018). Estimates of Late Cenozoic climate change relevant to Earth surface processes in tectonically active orogens. Earth Surface Dynamics.