ITALICA Italian rainfall-induced landslides catalogue (1996–2021) FIELD DESCRIPTIONS ID: unique identifier ********************************************************** Information source NR: News Reporting IR: Institutions Reporting ********************************************************** Landslide type DF: debris flow EF: earth flo MF: mud flow RF: rock fall SL: generic shallow landslide ********************************************************** Lon/Lat: Coordinates in WGS84 (EPSG 4326) ********************************************************** Municipality/Province/Region: territorial units from the Italian National Institute of Statistics (in Italian language) ********************************************************** Geographic accuracy (P) P0: Very high | Exact landslide location P1: High | P <1 km2 P10: Medium | 1 km2 <= P < 10 km2 P100: Low | 10 km2 <= P < 100 km2 P300: Very low | 100 km2 <= P < 300 km2 ********************************************************** Local date: date of occurrence in local time ********************************************************** UTC date: date of occurrence in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) ********************************************************** Temporal accuracy (T) T1: Hourly T2: Part of the day T3: Daily **********************************************************