30. Hoya hainanensis Merr.

(Asclepiadaceae) in Philipp. J. Sci. 23(3): 263. 1923.

TYPE:— CHINA. Hainan: Wuzhishan, Wuzhi Shan, May 1922, F. A. McClure 3221 (i.e. Canton Christian College Herbarium 9759) (syntype: PNH, destroyed, A 00076415 image!, A 00076416 image!).

McClure 9759 was the only gathering cited in the protologue of the name Hoya hainanensis Merr. (Merrill, 1923). However, the collecting number on the label of the syntype specimen (A 00076415) is 3221, while its herbarium number is Canton Christian College Herbarium 9759. Thus, the collecting number cited in the protologue is to be corrected.