The user is always right: User experience, perceived usability and driver's preferences on head-up displays in semi-automated vehicles
This study aimed to identify which information should be displayed on a head-up display (PZ) in semiautomated
vehicles. It further explored how to present such information in order to achieve better user experience and perceived usability. Four visual head-up display interfaces were developed differentiating in the amount, frequency and mode of visual information presentation (two-dimensional vs. augmented reality), and implemented in a simulated semi-automated
vehicle. The obtained results suggest that twodimensional and augmented reality displays evoke similar user experience and usability. Furthermore, drivers would like to see information, such as speed, over speeding, and warnings about driving with too short distance during the manual operation of a semiautomated vehicle.
The user is always right_User experience_perceived usability and driver's preferences on head-up displays in semi-automated vehicles.pdf
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