The actual goals selected for target; techniques for relationship and interaction. incorporating more understanding into the foundations of setting events to the clients behaviors. Diet, medication, exercise Students who have experienced trauma, have anxiety or OCD, students with chromosomal exceptionalities Research is needed to show if it's effective Gerontology and environmental sustainability Can be used with Students who are higher on the spectrum. including OT and Speech as a branch of treatment Incorporating speech and OT intervention With trauma based clients (emotional disturbance) Cultural aspects, physical impairments/disabilities School Mostly in skills' acquisition Medication, neurology Not sure what you mean by diversified treatment. I think ABA as a field is working on being more collaborative with other evidence based providers ? With increased understanding we may be more successful in addressing social skill and sensory interventions if research supports the use of these treaments. Everywhere. All ages. All skill levels. There are so many opportunities to try new things. Communication, feeding Everywhere. We are not very diversified in general and we have a hard time trusting anything that isn't backed by behavioral sciences. Mindfulness practices to address social anxiety or emotional coping mechanism Effectiveness of cognitive behavioral intervention in adulthood Attention issues It would be great for us to study more about the neurology of the condition. Also, it would be helpful to incorporate more CBT type interventions (in an ABA way) for our higher functioning kids. I would like for BCBAs to learn more about common comorbid conditions that many of our clients have. More training for other disciplines on ABA. Mental health, trauma, family struggles Mainstream education in schools, general training for all parents All School Biomedical treatments. There’s more to autism than social communication and restricted/repetitive behaviors. Through assessment, other areas of treatment are identified such as speech, O.T, P.T depending on the severity or intensity, for example Verbal behavior functional communication training could be well developed to address the communication difficulties if there are no other physiological implication but the client may still require speech to address the structural aspect of the communication deficit Interdisciplinary teams. More research on adults. When it would benefit a child to combine multiple services Speech acquisition, sensory-oriented behaviors and processing. Different views Speech All All areas. There needs to be a team approach and BCBAs need to collab with teachers and OT and Speech and medical. Diversified? Not sure what that means specifically. SLPs contributing, of course. OT/PT input in ABA therapy, sure. More comprehensive treatment will lead to better outcomes as long as those treatments help inform ABA therapy. Not sure Other professionals can assist in treating specialized issues, for example Speech Language Pathologists working on swallowing or fine articulation issues. Other professionals may have insight into certain issues that are beyond the scope of ABA such as neurological issues, biological/medical issues, or psychological and psychpharmacological issues. I do know Behavior support plans OCD tendencies, sensory sensitivities and social skills much more consideration of neurological/medically related aspects of autism Speech, Occupational therapy (NOT sensory), Physical therapy and Medical. There needs to be an open mind to other treatments like animal therapy and music therapy More understanding of development to further the efficacy of treatment at various life stages is needed. Especially over age 6 Not sure Any and all In both home-based and school settings Socialization and sensory aspects Multi-modal assessment including quality of life, biological factors, environmental factors, and psychological factors Language w speech School plans Social skills, coping strategies, parent training Speech and OT services Functioning levels More studies on adults with intellectual disabilities and squally diagnoses clients community intergration In all areas Other environments, such as school, hospitals, and treatment facilities. BCBAs do not "own" any space outside of ABA clinics, so it is a good idea to become used to the idea of collaboration. age differences Compassion I think there are a lot of avenues for diversified treatment, including speech language pathologists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, feeding specialists, neuroscientists, and psychologists. I would like ABA to consider the different neurological development of kids living with ASD. Cases involving mental health clients. across all settings and skills Psychological services, medical services Implementing service components Working closer with other professionals Early intervention Teenage and adult services need to be improved with consultation with other agencies that provide services long term.