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Title of Dataset

PTBi EA Simulation and Team Training - Knowledge and Skills Assessment

This dataset includes evaluation data from the simulation and team training component of the East Africa Preterm Birth Initiative. The data includes knowledge test assessments and evidence-based practices as performed in clinical simulations.

Description of the data and file structure

Knowledge assessment: this data set is split by country and baseline/post-intervention. The columns are the knowledge assessment questions included in this analysis including those pertaining to preterm labor, preterm birth, and teamwork and communication. Each row is a different participant. The text of the questions, possible answers, and correct answers is included as a separate PDF file titled “PTBi Knowledge Assessment Answer Key.”

Skills assessment: this data set is split by country and baseline/post-intervention. The columns are the preterm birth-related evidence-based practices. Each row is a different participant. A “1” represents that the EBP was performed at least once by one of the two clinician-participants in the simulation. A “0” represents that the EBP was not performed in the simulation.

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