In the repository you will find data collected for the asociated publication. There are two differen set, from different setups: - FILE1.tif : frames collected from digital camera in the widefield. - FILE2.ptu : Collected from single photon point detectors. Intensity, arrival and total time for each photon. in the PQ confocal. - FILE2.spqr : metadata related to the FILE2.ptu. For the widefield data ".tif" : Ch2 is a internal specification of the chamber used. PAINTepi refert to measure DNA PAINT using epifluorescence. 532nm is the exitation wavelegth. 40F4 is the laser power intensity in lab units, means 13 mW in the back focal plane (BFP). 40F2 means 26 mW in the BFP. split2channels: the detection was separated into two different parts of the camera. above 640 in on the rigth, below is on the left 100ms is the integration time of the camera 2x2 is the bining. 4 pixels were binning to have one bigger virtual pixel. 1x1 no bining. is the defaulf in general. for the confocal data ".ptu" starting with the date. 120px : used 120 pixels per line in the scan. If this is not specify, 60 where use. 60px : used 120 pixels per line in the scan. If this is not specify, 60 where use. 5us : the dwell time per pixel is 5 µm. If this is not specify, 10 us where use. 20nM, or 15_nMimager is about the conentration of imager in the sample. 50kf: is 50000 frames in that file 24 or 26 uW is the power at the BFP Tile_i_j : is from a automated measurement where a 9x9 grid where programmed. i and j are the lines an colummns.