{ "metadata": { "title": "Data related to the publication 'Double stress of waterlogging and drought drives forest-savanna coexistence'", "upload_type": "dataset", "description": "This dataset contains data and files used in the analysis and figures presented in the paper 'Double stress of waterlogging and drought drives forest-savanna coexistence'", "creators": [ { "name": "Mattos, Caio R. C.", "affiliation": "Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Rutgers University" }, { "name": "Hirota, Marina", "affiliation": "Department of Physics, Federal University of Santa Catarina" }, { "name": "Oliveira, Rafael S.", "affiliation": "Department of Plant Biology, University of Campinas" }, { "name": "Flores, Bernardo M.", "affiliation": "Graduate Program in Ecology, Federal University of Santa Catarina" }, { "name": "Miguez-Macho, Gonzalo", "affiliation": "Non-Linear Physics Group, University of Santiago de Compostela" }, { "name": "Pokhrel, Yadu", "affiliation": "Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Michigan State University" }, { "name": "Fan, Ying", "affiliation": "Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Rutgers University" }, ], "keywords": [ "forest-savanna coexistence", "double stress", "waterlogging", "drought", "tropical forests", "hydrology", "climate change", "ecosystem dynamics", ], "license": "CC-BY-4.0", "access_right": "open", "publication_date": "2023-05-15", "prereserve_doi": true, "related_identifiers": [ { "identifier": "", "relation": "isSupplementTo", "scheme": "doi" } ], "version": "1.0", "language": "eng" }, "files": [ { "filename": "data_mattos2023.zip", "description": "A ZIP file containing processed data used in the study: tree cover, precipitation, elevation, sum exceedance values, DSI, double stress mask" }, { "filename": "future.tar", "description": "A TAR file containing water table depth for future conditions (see scenario on Methods)." }, { "filename": "historical.tar", "description": "A TAR file containing water table depth for historical conditios (see Methods)." }, { "filename": "wtd15.tar.xz", "description": "A TAR.XZ file containing 15 years (2004-2018) of water table depth data." } ] }