Reference Information ===================== Provenance for this README -------------------------- * Authors: Stephen Montgomery * Date created: 2023-05-09 * Corresponding reference: Rapid expansion and visual specialisation of learning and memory centers in the brains of Heliconiini butterflies * Reference authors: Antoine Couto, Fletcher J Young, Daniele Atzeni, Simon Marty, Lina Melo‐Flórez, Laura Hebberecht, Monica Monllor, Chris Neal, Francesco Cicconardi, W Owen McMillan, Stephen H. Montgomery * Journal: Nature Communications (in press, 2023) * contact: Stephen Montgomery, School of Biological Sciences, University of Bristol * contact email: Dataset Version and Release History ----------------------------------- * Current Version: * Number: 1.0.0 * Date: 2023-05-09 * Persistent identifier: TBC * Summary of changes: n/a * Embargo Provenance: n/a * Scope of embargo: n/a * Embargo period: n/a Acknowledgements ---------------- We are very grateful to the environmental ministries of Costa Rica, Panama, French Guiana, Ecuador and Peru for permission to collect and export samples. We thank the Organization for Tropical Studies, Le Leona Eco Lodge, the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, the Estación Científica Yasuní, PUCE, F. Ramirez Castro, Neil Rosser, Ronald Mori Pezo the Dasmahapatra group, and the broader Heliconius research community for support in the field and for discussions, and to Swidbert Ott for advice and encouragement early on in this project. We are grateful to the Wolfson Bioimaging Centre, University of Bristol, the University College London Confocal Imaging facility, and Matt Wayland and the Dept. of Zoology Imaging Facility, University of Cambridge, for imaging assistance. This work was supported by a Royal Commission for the Great Exhibition Research Fellowship (SHM), a Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellowship (SHM), a Short-term STRI Fellowship (SHM), a Royal Society Research Grant (SHM), a Newton Trust INT Research Grant (SHM), a NERC Independent Research Fellowship NE/N014936/1 (SHM), an ERC Starter Grant 758508 (SHM), and a PhD Studentship from Trinity College, Cambridge (FJY). Methodological Information ========================== * Methods of data collection/generation: see manuscript for details File/Folder Details =================== Couto, Young et al_DataDryad.xls ---------------- This file contains 9 sheets: - - - SHEET 1: TABLE S1, individual volumetric data Interspecific data from wild caught individuals describing investment in specific brain components. ID - individual identification code used internally GENUS - genus within the Heliconiini tribe CLADE - clade within the Heliconiini tribe as annotated in Kozak et al (2015) Syst. Biol. SPECIES - species SEX - sex (male/female) COUNTRY OF ORIGIN - country where the sample was collected VISUAL - measured neuropils in the visual system MEDULLA (um3) - the medulla volume in um3 VLOB (um3)- the ventral lobule volume in um3 OLFACTORY - measured neuropils in the olfactory system AL (um3) - the antennal lobe volume in um3 MUSHROOM BODIES - measured neuropils in the mushroom bodies MBCA (um3) - the volume of the mushroom body calyx in um3 MBPED (um3)- the volume of the mushroom body peduncle in um3 MBLOBES (um3) - the volume of the mushroom body lobes in um3 MBLOPE (LOBES+PED) (um3) - the volume of the mushroom body peduncle and lobes combined in um3 TOTAL MB (um3) - the - the volume of the total mushroom body (calyx, lobes and peduncle) in um3 CENTRAL BRAIN - measured central brain neuropils CBR (um3) - the volume of the total central brain in um3 rCBR (um3) - the volume of the total central brain minus measured central brain neuropils (antennal lobes and mushroom bodies) in um3 BODY SIZE- measured body size traits BODY LENTH (mm) - body length, measured by the tip of the head to the tip of the abdomen measured in millimetres WINGSPAN (mm) - wingspan, measured by the tip of the ventral wings when open measured in millimetres BODY MASS (g) - total body mass measured in grams - - - SHEET 2: TABLE S1B, species means Interspecific data from wild caught individuals describing investment in specific brain components, represented as species means. Column headers as for SHEET 1 except for ID: indicates mean or median N: indicates sample size (number of individuals) - - - SHEET 3: Table S2A, Kenyon Cells Interspecific data from insectary reared individuals estimating Kenyon cell number. INDIVIDUALS - individual identification code used internally SPECIES - species binomial CALYX VOLUME - the volume of the mushroom body calyx in um3 ESTIMATED KENYON CELL NUMBER - estimated raw number of Kenyon cells within the cell body cluster surrounding the calyx LOG10(CALYX VOLUME) - log-10 transformed calyx volume LOG10(KC NUMBER) - log-10 transformed Kenyon cell number KC DENSITY - density of Kenyon cell bodies within the cell cluster - - - SHEET 4: Table S2B, Synapses Interspecific data from insectary reared individuals estimating synapse and microglomeruli number. i) SYNAPSE COUNTS - estimates of total synapse number based on anti-SYNORF stains INDIVIDUAL - individual identification code used internally AGE - age at time of sampling SPECIES - species binomial CALYX VOLUME - the volume of the mushroom body calyx in um3 SYNAPSE NUMBER/CUBE - estimated number of synapses within a sample cube SYNAPSE DENSITY - estimated density of synapses ESTIMATED SYNAPSE NUMBER - estimated total number of synapses ii) MICROGLOMERULI COUNTS - estimates of total microglomerular complex number based on anti-phalloidin and anti-SYNORF stains INDIVIDUAL - individual identification code used internally SPECIES - species binomial MICROGLOMERULI DENSITY - estimated total number of microglomeruli - - - SHEET 5: ECOLOGICAL DATA Ecological data used in analyses of wild caught neuroanatomical data SPECIES - species GENUS - genus CLADE - clade within the Heliconiini tribe as annotated in Kozak et al (2015) Syst. Biol. HELICONIUS (1 = YES/0 = NO) - indicating whether the species is within the genus Heliconius POLLEN FEEDING (1 = YES/0 = NO) - indicating whether the species is an adult pollen feeder NUMBER OF HOSTPLANTS - number of houseplants used by each species SOCIAL ROOSTING (0-3 = NO to LARGE GROUPS) - level of social aggregation in nocturnal roosts, 0 = individual roosters; 1 = loose group, 2 = small group, 3 = large group - - - SHEET 6: CALYX PROJECTION AREAS Interspecific data from insectary reared individuals estimating the degree of olfactory and visual innervation in the calyx. INDIVIDUAL - individual identification code used internally SPECIES - species binomial CALYX VOLUME - the volume of the total mushroom body calyx in um3 OLFACTORY CALYX VOLUME - the volume of the mushroom body calyx innervated by olfactory projection neurons in um3 VISUAL CALYX VOLUME - the volume of the mushroom body calyx innervated by visual projection neurons in um3 LOG10(CALYX VOLUME) - log-10 transformed total calyx volume LOG10(OLFACTORY CALYX VOLUME) - log-10 transformed olfactory calyx volume LOG10(VISUAL CALYX VOLUME) - log-10 transformed visual calyx volume PROPORTION VISUAL - proportion of total calyx that is visual - - - SHEET 7: POSITIVE PATTERNING Behavioural data from the positive patterning experiments. INDIVIDUAL - individual identification code used internally TEST - experimental stages; naive = pre-training, trained = post-training SPECIES - species binomial SEX - sex (male/female) N YELLOW - number of feeding attempts towards the yellow feeders N PURPLE - number of feeding attempts towards the purple feeders N COMBO - number of feeding attempts towards the yellow+purple feeders N CORRECT - number of correct feeding attempts (i.e. towards the positively reinforced feeder) N INCORRECT - number of incorrect feeding attempts (i.e. towards the negatively reinforced feeder) - - - SHEET 8: BICONDITIONAL DISCRIMINATION Behavioural data from the biconditional experiments. INDIVIDUAL - individual identification code used internally TEST - experimental stages; naive = pre-training, trained = post-training SPECIES - species binomial nPY - number of feeding attempts towards the purple+yellow feeders nRY - number of feeding attempts towards the red+yellow feeders nBP - number of feeding attempts towards the blue+purple feeders nBR - number of feeding attempts towards the blue+red feeders TRAINED ON - colour combination trained on py = purple+yellow; ry = red+yellow; bp = blue+purple; br = blue+red; N CORRECT - number of correct feeding attempts (i.e. towards the positively reinforced feeder) N INCORRECT - number of incorrect feeding attempts (i.e. towards the negatively reinforced feeder) - - - SHEET 9: LTM INDIVIDUAL - individual identification code used internally TEST - experimental stages; naive = pre-training, trained = post-training SPECIES - species binomial SEX - sex (male/female) TRAINED ON - Y = yellow; P = purple nYellow - number of feeding attempts towards the yellow feeders nPurple - number of feeding attempts towards the purple feeders N CORRECT - number of correct feeding attempts (i.e. towards the positively reinforced feeder) N INCORRECT - number of incorrect feeding attempts (i.e. towards the negatively reinforced feeder) - - - END OF README