Deinodryinus sabaeus Olmi & Van Harten, 2006

Figs 31, 32

Deinodryinus sabaeus Olmi & Van Harten, 2006: 314.



Macropterous; length 1.5–1.8 mm. Head black, except mandible testaceous; antenna brown, except segment 1 testaceous; mesosoma and metasoma black; legs brown, except tarsi, protibia and stalk of profemur testaceous.Antenna filiform, with hairs longer than breadth of segments; antennal segments in the following proportions: 7:4.5:4.5:4.5:4.5:4.5:4:4.5:4.5:6.5. Head shiny, slightly granulated and slightly rugose (in specimen from Madagascar, 12°13.97'S 49°21.99'E, head strongly granulated and rugose); vertex without two oblique keels from posterior ocelli to occipital carina; frontal line complete; occipital carina complete; POL =7; OL =3.5; OOL=5; OPL= 2; TL= 2. Scutum shiny, somewhat slightly granulated and partly punctate and unsculptured among punctae. Notauli thin, incomplete, reaching approximately 0.25× length of scutum. Scutellum and metanotum shiny, smooth, unsculptured. Propodeum (Fig. 31) dull, reticulate rugose, with transverse keel between dorsal and posterior surface situated far from anterior margin of propodeum (Fig. 31); dorsal surface distinct and large (Fig. 31); posterior surface completely reticulate rugose, without longitudinal or transversal keels. Forewing hyaline, without dark transverse bands; distal part of stigmal vein much shorter than proximal part (1.5:7). Paramere (Fig. 32) about as long as penis, with overly large and long inner branch not showing mosaic drawing. Tibial spurs 1/1/2.

Female. Unknown.

Holotype (examined): ♂ YEMEN: Ar Rujum, 15°26’N 43°40'E, 9.iv–, Malaise trap, A. van Harten (OLM).

Paratypes (examined): 13♂ same locality as holotype (OLM).

Other material examined: MADAGASCAR: 1♂ Antsiranana, Diana Region, Orangea dry forest, Ramena, Baie de dune, 900m E of Camp Minier, 23.ii–2.iii.2011, 12°13.97'S 49°21.99'E, M. Irwin & R.Harin’Hala, Malaise trap, dry forest, elev. 152 m (CAS); 1♂ Fianarantsoa, Ranomafana National Park, Vohiparara, 21°13.57'S 47°22.19'E, at broken bridge, 1110 m, 21–28.i.2002, Malaise trap in high altitude rainforest, R. Harin’Hala (CAS); 1♂ Mahajanga: Sofia District, 45 km S Antsohihy, 5 km W of Anjiamangirana, elev 97 m, 27.i–2.ii.2011, 15°09.42'S 47°47.05'E, M.Irwin & R.Harin’Hala, Malaise, Analagnambe dry degraded forest (OLM).

Distribution: Madagascar, Yemen.

Hosts: Unknown.