ISO,UN code,Country,Year,Flag,Comment,Source
KHM,116,Cambodia,2007,zerobefore,"""clinker was not produced in the country prior to 2007.""",BUR1 page 48
FJI,242,Fiji,2000,zeroafter,"""clinker production was stopped in 2000""",NC2 page 37
ISL,352,Iceland,1958,zerobefore,"""In August 1958, Iceland's first cement plant was opened at Akranes, about 40 miles from Reykjavik.""","Brown, R.J.E., 1959: Building in Iceland"
ISL,352,Iceland,2011,zeroafter,"""In 2011, clinker production at the plant was significantly less than in 2007, due to the collapse of the construction sector. Late 2011 the plant ceased operation.""",NIR2022 page 84
GHA,288,Ghana,2011,zerobefore,"""Beginning in 2011, one plant started the production of clinker for its use in the country""",NIR5 page 182
NLD,528,Netherlands,2019,zeroafter,"""The industrial site responsible for producing clinker inside borders was the Maastricht production site of ENCI that completely closed in 2020. Before that, at the beginning of 2019, the clinker production was, due to an agreement on ending extraction from the adjacent limestone quarry, already stopped, making the Dutch cement production sites completely dependent on imports of clinker.""",
NLD,528,Netherlands,1926,zerobefore,"""The Dutch cement production takes place at the Eerste Nederlandse Cement Industrie (ENCI), the first and only cement industry active in the Netherlands (since 1926).""",
EST,233,Estonia,2021,zeroafter,"""The Supervisory Board of Kunda Nordic Tsement has decided to stop the clinker production in Kunda as of March. The decision was taken due to the significant increase in the cost of CO2, highly affecting the Kunda plant with its high CO2 emission due to the old production technology.""",