The following data is included here, which comprises the data presented in the publication: Hudson, T. S., Kufner, S., Brisbourne, A. M., Kendall, J., Smith, A. M., Arthern, R., & Alley, R. (2023). Friction and slip measured at the bed of an Antarctic ice stream. Nature Geoscience. Files included are: all_icequakes_2018to2019.csv - A catalogue of the icequakes used in the study. cluster_data/* - csv files containing the results for each icequake, grouped by cluster (i.e. one csv file per cluster). slip_rate_movie.mp4 - A movie of slip-rate for each icequake through time. Headers for the files are as follows: ------------------------------------- all_icequakes_2018to2019.csv file ------------------------------------- origin_time - Origin time of icequake, in UTC time. Mw - Moment magnitude. Mw_err - Error in Mw. fc - Corner frequency (Hz). fc_err - Error in corner frequency. Q - Quality factor (measure of attenuation). Q_err - Error in Q. inter-event_time_s - Inter-event time between this icequake and the previous icequake (s). stress_drop - Stress-drop of icequake (Pa). stress_drop_err - error in stress-drop. lat - Latitude (decimal degrees). lon - Longitude (decimal degrees). x (km) - x grid location (km). y (km) - y grid location (km). z (km bsl) - Depth (km bsl). x_err (km) - Error in x (km). y_err (km) - Error in y (km). z_err (km) - Error in z (km). ------------------------------------- cluster_XXXX.csv file ------------------------------------- mean_Mw - Mean moment magnitude for icequake from all receivers. mean_fc - Corner frequency for icequake from all receivers (Hz). stdev_Mw - Standard deviation in Mw. stdev_fc - Standard deviation in corner-frequency. mean_Q - Mean Q for icequake from all receivers. stdev_Q - Standard deviation in Q. n_obs - Number of receivers used to calculate above means. lat - Latitude of icequake. lons - Longitude of icequake. depths - Depth of icequake (km bsl). x - x location of icequake (km). y - y location of icequake (km). zs - z location of icequake (km bsl). origin_time - Origin time of icequake (UTC time). origin_time_days - Origin time in days relative to 1st January 2019 (days). inter-event_time_s - Inter-event time from previous to current event (s). stress_drop - Stress drop (Pa) uncertainty_stress_drop - Uncertainty in stress-drop. M_0 - Seismic moment release (Nm). uncertainty_M_0 - Uncertainty in M_0. fault_radius_m - Fault radius, in metres. uncertainty_fault_radius_m - Uncertainty in fault radius (m). slip_ice_m - Slip in the ice (m). slip_till_m - Slip in the till (m). uncertainty_slip_ice_m - Uncertainty in slip_ice_m. uncertainty_slip_till_m - Uncertainty in slip_till_m. RSF_v/v_0 - v/v_0 calculated for the rate-and-state model. RSF_sigma - Normal stress calculated for the rate-and-state model (Pa). RSF_tau - Shear-stress calculated for the rate-and-state model (Pa). uncertainty_RSF_v/v_0 - Uncertainty in RSF_v/v_0. uncertainty_RSF_sigma - Uncertainty in RSF_sigma. uncertainty_RSF_tau - Uncertainty in RSF_tau. RSF_G* - Effective shear-modulus calculated for the rate-and-state model (Pa). RSF_Gb - Bed shear modulus calculated for the rate-and-state model (Pa). RSF_slip_m - Slip calculated for the rate-and-state model (Pa). uncertainty_RSF_G* - Uncertainty in RSF_G*. uncertainty_RSF_Gb - Uncertainty in RSF_Gb. uncertainty_RSF_slip_m - Uncertainty in RSF_slip_m.