# Bicycle Tyre Data Measurement of lateral characteristics of bicycle tyres performed through indoor test-rig VeTyT (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Milan IT). The test-rig for bicycle tyres complies with the standard ISO 9001-2015. For further details, refer to the following papers. 1. Dell’Orto, G., Ballo, F. M., Mastinu, G. (2022). Experimental methods to measure the lateral characteristics of bicycle tyres – a review. Vehicle System Dynamics, 1–23. doi.org/10.1080/00423114.2022.214488 2. Dell'Orto, G., Ballo, F. M., Mastinu, G., Gobbi, M. (2022). Bicycle tyres – development of a new test-rig to measure mechanical characteristics. Measurement, 202, 111813. doi.org/10.1016/j.measurement.2022.111813 3. Dell'Orto, G., & Mastinu, G. (2022). Effect of temperature on the mechanical characteristics of bicycle tyres. In _Proceedings of the 10th International Cycling Safety Conference_ Technische Universität Dresden. doi.org/10.25368/2022.473 Raw data are post-processed according to ad-hoc implemented scripts. They were first converted from voltage signal to force [N]. Then, resulting curves have been shifted to erase the systematic error of the measuring devices. You can find ready-to-use data for plotting and/or analysis collected into .mat structs and .yaml files (same data, only different format). .yaml files have been generated from .mat struct, using .mat scripts available here: https://github.com/ewiger/yamlmatlab.git File name explanation: [identifier tyre-rim]__camber__[camber angle]__p__[inflation pressure] Camber angle: 'meno' stands for negative angles, referred to ISO 8855 Speed of rolling surface: 9.3 km/h Room temperature ( 24 +- 4 °C ) .mat files are organized as struct. Files contain the following data: 1. alphaFy [deg] 2. alphaMz [deg] 3. camber_Fy (camber for Fy) [deg] 4. camber_Mz (camber for Mz) [deg] 5. Fy [N] 6. Mz [Nm] 7. Pressure [kPa] 8. Vertical load Fz_Fy [N] 9. Vertical load Fz_Mz [N] Why do we need to repeat camber, alpha and vertical load Fz both for lateral force Fy and self-aligning moment Mz? because the length of vectors Fy and Mz may be sligthly different, due to post-processing. ## Tyre Identifier List of tyres tested and identifiers (ID) used to name the data files. | Brand |Serie |Name |Dimensions |ETRTO |ID | |------------|--------------------------|-----------------------|-----------|---------|---------| | Schwalbe |Balloon |Big Ben Plus |20" x 2,15 | 55-406 |T01 | | CST |Brooklyn |/ |20" x 2,15 | 55-406 |T02 | | Schwalbe |50km Energizer |Plus G-Guard 5/Addix-E |28" x 1,75 | 47-622 |T03 | | Schwalbe |50km Energizer |Active Plus P-Guard 5 |28" x 1,75 | 47-622 |T04 | | Scalato |/ |Mondano |28" x 2,15 | 55-622 |T05 | | Schwalbe |/ |Super Moto-X |27,5" x 2,40| 62-584 |T06 | | Mach1 (Rim)|Kargo |Disc |20" | 406-25c|T07 | | Ryde (Rim) |Andra |40 |25" | 25c-584|T09 | | Vittoria |Road Racing/Competition |Corsa N.ext |28" x 26 | 26-622 |T10 | | Vittoria |Road Racing/Competition |Corsa N.ext |28" x 28 | 28-622 |T11 | |Shimano(Rim)|Deore |HB-M525A |28" | 622 |R01 |