Published April 18, 2023 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

LambDAW: Towards a Generative Audio Workstation

  • 1. Georgia Institute of Technology


We present LambDAW, a novel system for integrating computation and composition that brings code directly into the
digital audio workstation (DAW). It allows the composer to freely mix static and dynamic materials by embedding
short expressions of code in the DAW timeline that generate audio and MIDI on demand. LambDAW moves code out
of the text editor and computation out of the effects chain, bringing both into the timeline where they can refer to
and transform other items. We propose that this move makes code more tangible and enables the composer to easily
bring generativity into their existing practices. Additionally, we discuss LambDAW’s affordances and implications for
live coding. LambDAW takes the form of an open-source REAPER extension that executes Python code embedded in
projects, enabling the user to benefit from both the existing REAPER and Python ecosystems.



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