Mansilla, AndrésGérard, KarinBoo, Ga HunRamirez, Maria ElianaOjeda, JaimeRosenfeld, SebastianMurcia, SilviaMarambio, JohannaGonzalez-Wevar, ClaudioCalderon, Martha S.Boo, Sung MinFaugeron, Sylvain2020FIG. 5 in Populations of a new morphotype of corrugate Lessonia Bory in the Beagle Channel, sub-Antarctic Magellanic ecoregion: a possible case of on-going speciation10.5281/zenodo.7828247FIG. 5. — Phylogenetic tree based on concatenated cox1 and cox3 partial sequences (1176 bp). Note that corrugated Lessonia Bory specimens are grouped with Lessonia flavicans Bory specimens which have smooth blade surface. First number on the branches refers to the bootstrap value determined from the ML phylogeny and the second is the posterior probability from the BI analysis. Scale bar: 0.01 substitution per site.100/1.0071/0.9494/1.00LTLTLT99606604607/1.0090/1.0099/LYLYLYLYLYLYLYLYLYLYLYLY1.00597594600601599598596595593592590591LFLF608609ABLSLS602603775227L.L.corrugateflavicanssmoothLL..flavicansMacrocystissearlesianatrabeculatamorphotypemorphotypepyrifera