---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Scripts for the publication "Technical Note: assessing predicted ice properties between two deterministic ice formation parameterizations" | | Tully et al., ____ | | Author: Colin Tully | | Date: 21 10 2022 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- A. Basic description: --------------------- Scripts to produce the figures in: Authors: Colin Tully, David Neubauer, and Ulrike Lohmann Title: Technical Note: assessing predicted ice properties between two deterministic ice formation parameterizations Journal: GMD doi:- Date published:- ---------------------- B. Directory contents: ---------------------- | plotting/tables | |--Figs 3,4, and the appendix | |----cirrus_model.py | |--Figs2 | |----technote_summary.py | |--Fig5 | |----km21gcm-ml20_cirrusice.py | |--Fig6 | |----km21gcm-ml20_anom.py | |--GCM uncertainty | |----technote.py | |--GCM post processing | |----technote_post.sh ---------------------- C. Descriptions: ---------------------- cirrus_model: This script is based on the cirrus sub-model in the ECHAM-HAM GCM by K�rcher et al. (2006), Kuebbeler et al. (2014), and Muench and Lohmann (2020), which calculates new ice formation in stratiform in-situ cirrus. For the experiments presented in this note, only deposition-only HET nucleation was calculated, but this script has the ability to test full nucleation competition between: HOM, HET (deposition and immersion), and vapor deposition onto pre-existing ice crystals. The script simulates the temporal evolution of ice saturation ratio (Si) based on the balance between the input updraft velocity and deposition onto ice crystals. technote_summary: This script plots a heat map of the maximum error between KM21 and ML20 based on the box model results from the cirrus_model.py script. The numbers provided are hardcoded. km21-ml20: These two scripts are for the GCM zonal anomaly plots for cirrus ice number tracers, and for CC and RH zonal anomalies technote.py: Outputs the five-year global mean net TOA and CC anomaly plus the uncertainty based on the 95% confidence level (2 sigma) technote_post.sh: Processes the raw output files from the GCM simulations ML20 and KM21_GCM and transfers them to long term storage