Programme;Key Action;Action Type;Funding Year;Project Identifier;External Reference;National Identifier;Project Title;Project Summary;Topics;Results Platform Project Card;Coordinating organisation name;Coordinator's country;Participating Countries;EU Grant award in euros (This amount represents the grant awarded after the selection stage and is indicative. Please note that any changes made during or after the project's lifetime will not be reflected here.);Is Good Practice;Is Success Story;Type of coordinator institution (E+ codes);Type of institution (own codes - spanish);coordinator website;project website;Language;Main ideas;Outcomes Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2014;2014-1-AT01-KA102-000185;;;CHS explores Europe;"CHS, Centrum Humanberuflicher Schulen des Bundes Villach, is a secondary vocational school providing higher education entrance qualification and comprises the following specializations: - Hhere...";Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, International cooperation, international relations ...;;Elternverein CHS Villach;AT;AT,UK,DE,IT,MT;53.958,00;Yes;No;Other;Otros;;not available;English;"CHS, Centrum Humanberuflicher Schulen des Bundes Villach, is a secondary vocational school providing higher education entrance qualification and comprises the following specializations: - Hhere Lehranstalt fr wirtschaftliche Berufe (business administration) - Hhere Lehranstalt fr Kommunikation und Mediendesign (communication and media)- Hhere Lehranstalt fr Kunst und Gestaltung (arts) - Hhere Lehranstalt fr Modedesign und Grafik (fashion design) Within the project ""CHS explores Europe"" 26 CHS students will complete their internship in various EU countries. The duration depends on the students' specialisation and varies between four and twelve weeks. All mobilities take place between 1 June and 28 September 2014. The receiving organisations are located in the UK, Italy, Malta and Germany. They are both long time partners of the sending organisation as well as new contacts thanks to the students' initiative. 19 of the students participating in the current CHS project attend the specialisation ""Hhere Lehranstalt fr wirtschaftliche Berufe"", i. e. business administration and have a solid education in business, foreign languages, tourism and management. Five participants specialising in fashion design do their four-week internship in a fashion institute in Milan. Their education at CHS includes collection development and computer graphics. The remaining two CHS specialisations, communication/media and arts send one student each who will work in an advertising agency and a fashion studio. They have been especially trained in web design/publishing and textile/industrial design. In the course of the project the 26 participating students are going to develop knowledge, skills and competences that qualify them for the following professions: restaurant management assistant, dressmaker, media designer and product designer.";"All professional experiences gathered during the mobility activities are assessed, validated and accredited in the interchange between participants, receiving organisations and CHS. Therefore we apply the following ECVET documents: Learning Agreement, Memorandum of Understanding and Personal Transcript. Furthermore, the Europass Mobility document will be issued for all 26 participants. As a secondary vocational school in the heart of the Alps-Adriatic region and located in the boarder area between Slovenia, Italy and Austria, CHS Villach is aiming at combining the theoretical and practical education of our students with professional training in a broader European context. CHS puts great emphasis on an education towards a sense of European citizenship and identity. The project ""CHS explores Europe"" aims at creating a network across different sectors - private, institutional/professional (schools and enterprises) and intercultural. The mobility activities of our students are clearly characterised through their orientation towards precise learning outcomes in the students' respective specialisations (see above) and most of all the sustainability of their results. Hereby ""CHS explores Europe"" wants to spark the students' passion for Lifelong Learning." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2014;2014-1-AT01-KA102-000399;;;Work Placement in Ireland 2014;Work Placement in Ireland is a thriving programme composed of twenty students who attend seminars on marketing, international business and cultural awareness at the vocational college BHAK Bregenz...;Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Recognition, transparency ...;;Bundeshandelsakademie und Bundeshandelsschule Bregenz;AT;AT,IE;21.615,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;Work Placement in Ireland is a thriving programme composed of twenty students who attend seminars on marketing, international business and cultural awareness at the vocational college BHAK Bregenz. These participants are instructed by their teacher Mr Markus Erath who prepares them for the project in a number of dedicated workshops. In order to guarantee the success of Work Placement in Ireland we maintain a close-working relationship with our partner organisation Language Xchange Ireland (LXI) which discovers and communicates with supportive and reliable companies willing to host our students. The organised, experienced, and consistent work of our partner organisation is invaluable as it would be difficult for us to arrange quality short-term internships for students from Austria. We decided to start a cooperation with Language Xchange Ireland after a focused assessment period in 2010 and 2011 of the available partners. The first contact was made in February 2011 when their Managing Director, Mr Con Furey, visited our school in Bregenz, Austria, to introduce his company and its services to our students. In addition to finding high-quality internships for international students seeking work experience in Ireland, Language Xchange Ireland is excellent at finding reliable host families for our students. What is more, LXI hosts an orientation meeting to provide the students with essential information before the actual start of their internship and is in charge of making travel arrangements for the group within Ireland. The main part of this project will occur from 17 October to 1 November 2014. The students and their teacher will be travelling to Ireland and the students will complete a two-week unpaid internship with different Irish companies. Language Xchange Ireland will find appropriate positions in diverse fields so that students will be able to experience the work of a job that interests them. In spring 2014 students will send their Europass CVs and letters of application to our partner organisation and work through the E-Learning Package that has been developed by Language Xchange Ireland. This important tool provides students with detailed information on the Irish culture, economy, and business environment in addition to assessing their level of English. The results generated from this test are an important factor in the allocation of specific jobs to students. This test also functions to motivate students to work harder on their language skills and their knowledge of Ireland prior to their internship experience.;This project aims to provide students with the opportunity to use the skills and knowledge they achieve in school in a professional business environment. Through their work with different companies, students will enhance their perspective of the challenges faced and the solutions developed in business environments. They will work towards understanding the impact of cultural and national differences on business topics such as marketing and customer base through their work in an environment that differs from their home experiences. This opportunity will make our students more sensitive to cultural differences and better prepare them for careers in international business. The programme participants will also make international contacts which will prove useful should they intend to return to Ireland for longer internships. We also expect students to improve their language competence, since they will have to communicate in English at work and in their free time with host families. What is more, our students will practise taking responsibility for problems, self-direction, and confident communication with colleagues. Finally, our participants will become aware of the enormous opportunities that the European labour market offers to young, self-reliant, professional, organized, and multilingual people. We are confident that they will develop a desire to make themselves better candidates for employment. This programme increases our students professional qualifications and improves their job opportunities with local export-oriented companies and other European businesses. Thus, this is a positive programme for European companies, since students such as ours will provide them with an internationally-experienced, professional, competent, culturally-sensitive, and open-minded workforce. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2014;2014-1-AT01-KA103-000039;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;A key objective of working with the Erasmus+ project is transfer of knowledge, implementing innovation and promoting development in the health (education) sector. Through international exchange a...;;;FH Gesundheitsberufe O GmbH;AT;AT;29.176,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;not available;English;A key objective of working with the Erasmus+ project is transfer of knowledge, implementing innovation and promoting development in the health (education) sector. Through international exchange activities, new skills for new jobs are identified and evaluated and thus achieves a higher flexibility in the labor market. A key strategic goal is the promotion of staff mobility, because it combines the elements of mobility, staff development and international experience. The development goal is the transfer of knowledge with comparable international educational institutions and the acquisition of new international cooperation partners with special innovative priorities. Besides staff act as motivator for students to go abroad and helps to implement acquired know how into the curriculum. The promotion of student mobility is of fundamental importance in terms of acquisition of new competences and higher qualifications on the international labor market. The close cooperation of the international office with the departments ensures a high quality and recognition of these activities at the University of Applied Sciences for Health Professions. The placements which happend to be abroad, are part of the curriculum and are all graded. Additionally the study exchange is a major concern of our University of Applied Sciences. Currently, this mobility action is still under development but in progress. In frame of this Erasmus+ project a total of 30 people were mobile. 21 students did a placement mobility, 1 person went for a staff mobility for teaching and 8 persons participated in the staff mobilites for training. The countries visited were Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republik and Malta. With this project an increase of mobility numbers could be achieved to the previous project.;The students participating were all on Bachelor level. Since the University of Applied Sciences for Health Professions only offers Bachelor study programmes in the health professions, most of the internships happend to be at health care institutions like clinics and such. The majority of visits of staff mobilities happend directly at universities abroad. Main purpose of these visits was to acquire new partnerships and strengthen existing ones, to generate new knowledge in the field of teaching methods and to bring back and implement this knowledge in our institution. All mobile persons reported a fundamentally positive experience. The close cooperation of the departments with the International Office enables high individual support of students in the organization and preparation of the placements. Annually organized information sessions directly at the sites as well as shared experiences of students increase motivation and commitment in the field of international exchange. These experiences are additionally provided in written form on the e-learning platform of the University of Applied Sciences for Health Professions. The International Office fosters the personal exchange of experiences between individual students and experienced persons. The increasing mobility numbers show the positive impact of this work on staff and students. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-AT01-KA201-000900;;;Eine sterreichisch-kroatische Freundschaft: verbunden durch Natur und Garten ;"The project ""Austrian - Croatian Friendship: connected through nature and garden"" was supposed to improve relations the pupils had had to the foreign culture, as well as to the culture of their ow...";Health and wellbeing, Creativity and culture;;NMS Hollabrunn;AT;AT,HR;70.220,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The project ""Austrian - Croatian Friendship: connected through nature and garden"" was supposed to improve relations the pupils had had to the foreign culture, as well as to the culture of their own, and to reinforce the social relations. In that way pupils could broaden their horizons to as many areas as possible. The old and new knowledge were particularly stressed out, focusing especially to the aspects of ecology. Our desire was to sensitize pupils to be aware of the environment with its natural resources. Likewise, our intention was to emphasize Europe as our common homeland and to create the unique European identity. | The project met the standards of the NMS syllabus in the first part of the common educational goals. In the chapter regarding school goals other themes were discussed, such as intercultural learning, language and culture diversity, nature as the foundation of the human life and the importance of nourishment as health prophylaxis, justifying thus the reasons why this project should exist. | Thirty primary school pupils and four teachers from the Croatian primary school in Makarska and thirty primary school pupils and four teachers from the Lower Austrian NMS primary school in Hollabrunn took part in the project. The project coordinator from Austria had already carried out a Commenius school project and the partner from Croatia had rich knowledge of nourishment and ecology. The project aim was to publish a recipe book of Lower Austria and Dalmatia regions, including plenty of recipes for special regional meals, home and health necessities and biocosmetics. The idea that stood in the focus of the project was the creation of new meals, characterized by the mixture of the typical Austrian and Croatian cuisine. Our plan was to translate the recipe book into all languages the pupils learn, that was into German, Croatian, English, French and Italian, making the recipe book accessible to general public. What we had in mind were Web pages and booklets. Furthermore, the plan was to make a school garden at the NMS school in Hollabrunn, and the awarded garden at the primary school in Makarska needed redecorating. The project participants took care of the school snack-bar once a week supplementing it by bioproducts from the school garden. | The foundation of Biopoint, an informative corner designated for the development of consciousness on healthy diet, also served the needs of the project documentation. By means of involving experts, pupils acquired even more exact and more meaningful knowledge and were informed in the field of Healthy food and healthy way of life in the best possible way. The cooperation with the following people was planned: a nutritionist, a pharmacist, a health food producer, a garden designer, oil refinery owners | One very important event for the pupils was a mutual visit to the partner school. Within a one-week stay, the pupils visited together the sights of their partner's region. Staying at the hosts families enabled direct intercultural exchange. The project had a positive feedback on all the pupils.";"The pupils gained many new experiences which related to team work, knowledge, and practical exercises. Furthermore, the focal point of our interest was a conscious, intensive engagement in food, the environment and nature. This mutual work was very important for the pupils, because it affected their further life in a more intensive and persevering way. Healthy diet and the choice of organic fruit and vegetables were important aspects, which are preconditions for a long and healthy life. Teachers, parents and involved experts were surrounded by highly motivated pupils, who were whole-heartedly and enthusiastically working on the project. | The representatives of the municipalities, tourist boards, school agencies, counties, journalists were informed of this project, followed its developmental stages and in that way found out how a ""Different School"" could develop with enthusiasm and a new, innovative approach to learning. The embassies of both countries were the bearers of advertising. By doing so, the results of the project were available and others were able to implement them. The head teachers of the partner schools and the people in charge of the project undertook to keep the school gardens in good condition and to use products further in their teaching. Thus, the book of recipes was much in demand. The whole project was documented on e-Twinning, hence readily and easily accessible to the public for at least 5 years. The album with the photos showing the process of creating and redoing the school gardens of the project partners could be lent to school and public libraries. Results | Without category | | Rezeptebuch Englisch | Rezeptebuch Kroatisch | Rezeptebuch Deutsch | Rezeptebuch Italienisch | NMS Hollabrunn 1. Quartalsbericht | NMS Hollabrunn 2. Quartalsbericht | NMS Hollabrunn 3. Quartalsbericht | NMS Hollabrunn 4. Quartalsbericht | NMS Hollabrunn 5. Quartalsbericht | NMS Hollabrunn 6. Quartalsbericht | NMS Hollabrunn 7. Quartalsbericht | NMS Hollabrunn 8. Quartalsbericht | NMS Hollabrunn 9. Quartalsbericht | Fotobuch | NMS Hollabrunn Google Plus Blog | Os oca Petra Perice Skola Facebook Blog | Fernsehbeitrag Kroatien | Os oca Petra Perice Skola - Zeitungsberichte | Os oca Petra Perice Skola 1. Quartalsbericht | Os oca Petra Perice Skola 2. Quartalsbericht | Os oca Petra Perice Skola 3. Quartalsbericht | Os oca Petra Perice Skola 4. Quartalsbericht | Os oca Petra Perice Skola 5. Quartalsbericht | Os oca Petra Perice Skola 6. Quartalsbericht | Os oca Petra Perice Skola 7. Quartalsberich | Os oca Petra Perice Skola 8. Quartalsbericht | Os oca Petra Perice Skola 9. Quartalsberich | Os oca Petra Perice Skola - Projektprsentation1 | NMS Hollabrunn - Zeitungsbericht Seniorenkochen | NMS Hollabrunn - kleiner Deutsch - Kroatisch - Kurs | NMS Hollabrunnn/Os oca Petra Perice Skola - Fragebogen zum Projekt | NMS Hollabrunn - Zeitungsbericht Ploberger | NMS Hollabrunn - Jahresbericht | NMS Hollabrunn - Schulgartenbetreuungsplan | NMS Hollabrunn - Verleihung ""Natur im Garten"" - Plakette | Os oca Petra Perice Skola - Prsentation Projekt 2 | Os oca Petra Perice Skola - Prsentation Projekt 3 | Os oca Petra Perice Skola - Prsentation Projekt 4 | NMS Hollabrunn - Zeitungsartikel NN | NMS Hollabrunn - Leopoldpreis" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-AT01-KA201-000923;;;European Entrepreneurship - your way to be a responsible leader;The motivation for the project was to develop the concept of international student minicompanies in the European economic surroundings as a pedagogical method, supporting young people to develop t...;Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy ...;;Bundeshandelsakademie Hallein;AT;AT,IT,SE,ES,LT;135.980,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The motivation for the project was to develop the concept of international student minicompanies in the European economic surroundings as a pedagogical method, supporting young people to develop their own leadership skil with an increasing focus on CSR.This experience gave students a great opportunity to know people from other countries and cultures in Europe in order to cooperate working with common issues towards common goals. | | The objectives of the project were to develop students' leadership skills: skills in public speaking, leading a team, collaborating with partners from different cultural backgrounds;increase students' awareness about the common European business environment; promote the development, testing and/or implementation of innovative practices in the field of education, training and youth;improve ICT skills in the professional environment; improve foreign language skills through content integrated language learning (CLIL);develop a sustainable new school network, strengthening the cooperation between organisations with a view to establishing exchanges of good practices. | | In the past, all partners - Bundeshandelsakademie Hallein (AUT), Thorn Business School (SWE), Kaunas Saules gimnazija (LIT), Imiberg (ITA) and IES San Mateo (ESP) - gained different experiences in the practical training with minicompanies in their countries, because all schools have a specialization in teaching entrepreneurship. Moreover, the economics teachers involved in this schools partnership are registered at the European network of EWB (Enterprises without borders by Young Enterprises - Junior Achievement). | | The main activity of the European Entrepreneurship - your way to be a responsible leader project was to let our regular students experience the process of starting a new business and creating a European student minicompany: from the initial stage of generating an innovative business idea to managing its implementation and the development of all the enterprise functional areas (marketing, international business law, business ethics, finance). That meant among many things, cooperating with partners from other countries, making a business plan for an international market, developing products for an international market and designing an international marketing strategy. The meetings were supposed to reflect the business experiences and motivated to take the next steps towards a successfully international entrepreneurial career. | | Transnational students business meetings, business areas reports, participation in international students minicompanies trading fairs, meetings with experts in different business-related fields, preparation of entrepreneurial teaching material, experience of the annual Entrepreneurship day and dissemination of information and results of the project via Internet platforms such as E-Twinning and EwB as well as the presentation of the results and experiences on European/international conferences/summits for education, were the most relevant project activities. Moreover we integrated current trends of the start-up-community in our daily project work like the business canvas modelling or the common good balance for young entrepreneurs. Through different workshops with experts and/or lectures on universities we had the great opportunity to create a transfer between the schools educational programm with the scientific community. | | The partnership seeked to include students in the various activities of the project. This also included preparations and realisations of mobilities and activities.";"As for the long-term benefits of the project, we summarize the following general outcomes in our partnership:innovative approaches to teaching, by providing more attractive education and training programs; use of participatory approaches and ICT-based methodologies;a more modern, dynamic, committed and professional environment inside the organization: ready to integrate good practices and new methods into daily activities; open to synergies with organizations active in different fields or in other socio-economic sectors;strategic planning of international development for partner organizations;increased capacity and professionalism to work at EU/international level: improved management competences and internationalization strategies; reinforced cooperation with partners from other countries, other fields of education, training and youth and/or other socio-economic sectors." Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2014;2014-1-AT01-KA202-000975;;;New didactical models for initial VET training of young disadvantaged persons to reduce drop out;In their efforts to promote equity, social cohesion and active citizenship (one of the four core objectives of the ET2020 strategy), the EU member states also need to ensure equal opportunities re...;Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Inclusion - equity, Pedagogy and didactics;;JUGEND AM WERK STEIERMARK GMBH;AT;AT,IT,TR,DK,DE,IE,SI;225.039,49;Yes;Yes;Other;Centro Educativo;;;English;"In their efforts to promote equity, social cohesion and active citizenship (one of the four core objectives of the ET2020 strategy), the EU member states also need to ensure equal opportunities regarding access to the education systems and the labour markets. One essential element to reach this aim is the reduction of dropout rates in the education systems and, particularly, in initial VET. A benchmark of a maximum of 10 % of dropouts from the initial education pathway by the year 2020 has been set by the European Commission. With dropout rates of up to and above 30 % in various member states, it seems that current methods in education systems in initial VET do not fully meet the requirements and needs of all learners. Particularly disadvantaged learners (e. g. learners with a migration background or with socio-economic challenges), often, cannot be sufficiently motivated to follow their initial educational pathways up to the end. Didactical models in use seem inadequate to some extent: Existing teaching models in initial VET are either based on school paedagogy or on adult learning paedagogy, and neither of them seems to be able to provide convincing and satisfying solutions for a target group that is constantly growing - thus creating ever bigger challenges for VET teachers, VET trainers and VET tutors in VET schools, VET institutions and enterprises (the direct target group of the project). | | Based upon the above-mentioned facts, the NEW-D project set out to find new kinds of didactical solutions. It was the main objective of the project to develop an innovative didactical model to be used in the VET training of disadvantaged young learners (the final beneficiaries of the project) - in order to keep them in or, even, to bring them back into initial VET. The model should, on the one hand, reflect the life realities (motivating factors) of the learners and, on the other hand, provide easy-to-use tools for the VET teachers, trainers and tutors. In order to reach the project goal, the partnership created the following products: (a) A research study, which reflects both latest research results from the fields of learning psychology, developmental psychology and neurophysiology as well as the results of an empirical research with the disadvantaged learners themselves. The study was published in English; a summary was published in the partner languages. The NEW-D Research Study and the summary can be downloaded from the project website. (b) The NEW-D Didactical Guidelines are a collection of seven major principles for a new didactical approach in dealing with young disadvantaged learners in initial VET. The NEW-D Guidelines are based on the research results, they provide explanations and examples, and they are colour-coded, which makes them easy to follow and use. The NEW-D Guidelines were published in all partner languages; they are available as hard copies from the project partners and can be downloaded from the project website. (c) The NEW-D Training Curriculum offers a 30-hour training course for VET teachers, trainers and tutors in VET schools, VET institutions and enterprises to learn about the NEW-D didactical model and its implementation in everyday work with disadvantaged learners. Based on the guidelines, the curriculum (7 modules/10 units) includes both practical exercises as well as a collection of innovative learning materials and is ECVET-based. It was piloted in six partner countries with ten participants from the target group per country. The curriculum was published in all partner languages and is available for download from the project website. | | Within the project, dissemination played a crucial role. Besides channels and materials such as project website (, posters, brochures, direct contact, conferences, and social media, the partners organised two conferences. While the focus of the first (national) conference was placed on the NEW-D Guidelines, the second (international) conference focused on the NEW-D Curriculum. Both conferences took place in Graz, Austria. | | The project partnership, lead by Jugend am Werk Steiermark GmbH as the project promoter, consisted of well-experienced VET providers, VET schools, representatives from enterprises, and political bodies from seven countries (Austria: Jugend am Werk Steiermark GmbH and ENTER GmbH; Denmark: Fritid&Samfund; Germany: Oscar-Tietz-Schule OSZ Handel II; Ireland: Meath Community Rural and Social Development Partnership Ltd; Italy: Formazione Co&So Network; Slovenia: Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije; Turkey: Egitim ve genclik calismalari enstitusu dernegi), thus allowing access to the major stakeholder groups.";The short-term impact was measured via a three-stage feedback process during pilot implementation. The feedback was excellent and demonstrated both the success of the project itself as well as the need for action in this field. At this point, it is not yet possible to speak about a medium- or long-term effect of the project. | Results | Website | | | Without category | | NEW-D Research Study | NEW-D Research Study: Summary | NEW-D Research Study: Summary | NEW-D Research Study: Summary | NEW-D Research Study: Summary | NEW-D Research Study: Summary | NEW-D Research Study: Summary | NEW-D Guidelines | NEW-D Guidelines | NEW-D Guidelines | NEW-D Guidelines | NEW-D Guidelines | NEW-D Guidelines | NEW-D Curriculum | NEW-D Curriculum | NEW-D Curriculum | NEW-D Curriculum | NEW-D Curriculum | NEW-D Curriculum Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2014;2014-1-AT01-KA203-000887;;;Academic Writing Online;According to the European Agenda 2020 only one third of the students between 25 and 31years graduate at European universities while in the USA 40% and in Japan even 50% of the students succeed. Th...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Pedagogy and didactics, Open and distance learning;;FACHHOCHSCHULE BURGENLAND GMBH;AT;AT,HR,SI,SK,CZ,HU;201.128,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;"According to the European Agenda 2020 only one third of the students between 25 and 31years graduate at European universities while in the USA 40% and in Japan even 50% of the students succeed. The lower rate in Europe is caused not only by difficult admission exams or missing access to universities but by failure in completing the studies. For many students writing a Bachelor or Master thesis turns out to be a major hurdle. This is caused by many reasons as students have to cope with certain requirements during their studies (part time studies, studies aboroad) which demand a more flexible and independent way of studies. | | The objective of the two years EU funded project within the Erasmus+/Strategic Partnerships was to develop an online course for Business Studies which provides all necessary skills and tools for writing a final thesis to overcome these obstacles. The approach was a practical one, following the College Writing Programs in the US where Academic Writing is seen more as a practical ability than a supernatural gift. The online course with open access will enable mainly regular part time and incoming students to write an academic paper or thesis by providing all necessary tools and skills in a flexible way. | | To reach this objective the online course includes 6 modules for students and 1 module for teachers in the field of Academic Writing and tutors of students work. The 6 modules cover topics like key items of scientific work/use of scientific language, the composition of a paper/quotation rules, ICT-based administration of literature, research methods for Business Studies, the publishing procedure within the scientific community and the proper management of work/motivation/time management. Module 7 is dedicated to teachers and tutors to improve their communication skills by giving feedback in a motivating way and to be advisory without making any harsh judgments. Every module will be composed of text including exercises and videos with teachers who give explanatory advices. The online course was developed in German and English by the UAS Burgenland and translated into the five CEE languages Czech, Slovak, Hungarian, Slovenian and Croatian by the partner organisations. The translation work was accompanied by cultural adaptions concerning each country. | | The work was carried out by a consortium of 8 institutions, each of them having certain tasks within the project management and the delivering of the course. The University of Applied Sciences Burgenland in Austria was the applicant organisation, working together with the UJOP of the Charles University Prague (Institute for Languages and Preparatory Studies), Matej Bel University in Banska Bystrica, Esterhzy Kroly College in Eger, University of Maribor and the College of Business and Management in Zapresic. An English translation is also provided. The technical support and the e-learning platform was delivered by the WWEDU (worldwide education), a company located in Wels which is a provider of online MBA studies together with the AIM (Austrian Institute of Management), a subsidiary of the UAS Burgenland. Three modules in German were brought in by the ASAS Company. | | The results and impact of the project/course enables mainly three groups of students to complete their studies to transfer knowledge from science to economy which otherwise would get lost: part-time Master students who need a flexible time management and a brush up of their Academic Writing after having left the University for a longer period of time; incoming students or students who intend to study abroad for one semester to support them by an online course in their native language when writing their final thesis and students who need additional support during their studies, e. g. when entering the studies without a regular school leaving exam on level A. Furthermore the project establishes a network of experts on the topic of Academic Writing which is essential to enhance the ability for scientific work and to raise the awareness for intellectual property in the internet.";"The long term benefits will emerge on different levels. Firstly, the number of students who complete their studies, will increase as | stated in the objectives of the project; as well as the number of exchange students. Due to this fact, the project contributes to the increase of the mobility rates within the EU. Secondly, students and teachers get acquainted with the didactics of e-learning which is not that widespread as assumed. Influenced by the MOOCs (massive open online courses) the development in Austria and the CEE countries is yet in its beginning. Thirdly, teachers and students will acquire new forms of learning and didactics on to their way to more individual studies. The Academic Writing course will be enlarged after the end of the project to give the students the chance to compose their own one course out of the modules and languages. The course should be accredited at the institutions using it. | Results | Website | | | Without category | | Folder German | Intellectual Outputs 01 to 11 | Folder Englisch | Folder Czech | Folder Slovene | Folder Slovak | Folder Hungarian | Folder Croatian" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2014;2014-1-AT01-KA203-000965;;;International Learning Platform for Accountancy ;Graduates of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) with a specialisation in accountancy need specific competencies (e.g. technical knowledge, pervasive skills, values, professional ethics and attit...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment;;UNIVERSITAET INNSBRUCK;AT;AT,EL,UK,DE,RO,ES,HU,FR,PT,LT;301.244,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;"The projects title is International Learning Platform for Accountancy (ILPA). Aspects of Financial Reporting, Auditing of Financial Statements, Financial Statement Analysis and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Reporting were included. Competencies in these areas cannot be acquired effectively through a didactic concept that involves only traditional lectures and seminars. Graduates will mainly be employed by large institutions (e.g. large audit firms, corporate groups) that work in an international, complex and changing environment. A learning platform has been developed to address these needs. Hence, the project meets the current needs for accounting education. At the time of project application, no suitable learning concept in accountancy existed for HEIs. The overall objective of the project was to generate a learning platform in accountancy that supports students in the development of the specific competencies required of accounting professionals. Therefore, we (1) generated a unique teaching concept, consisting of integrative cases (including financial accounting, auditing, CSR, evaluating and analysing issues) based on real life problems; (2) defined a didactical concept of how to use the cases to create a motivating teaching and learning environment and how to integrate social, ethical and technical aspects; (3) developed theory-based, didactically and practically proofed teaching material relevant throughout Europe (e.g. the content of the platform includes national case solutions and the current state of the implementation of CSR regulations in participating European countries); (4) evaluated the learning platform with accounting students through Intensive Study Programmes (ISPs) and in selected courses that took place at the participating HEIs; (5) integrated the outputs of the project in the curricula of the project partners; (6) will continue to update the platform even after completion to ensure its continued relevance and integrity.";To develop the learning platform in accountancy as the intellectual output, different activities were taken. The testing and evaluation phase within 3 ISPs was of critical relevance for development. Student feedback facilitated and focused improvements to the learning platform. Semi-annual project meetings took place in order to collaborate and refine materials and organise the ISPs. A project secretary, a dissemination appointee and a quality assurer were appointed to coordinate the activities and enhance the quality of the project partners work. The final output of the project is a unique, innovative and comprehensive learning platform. The learning platform has already been integrated into the curricula of many accounting units. All generated teaching materials are available on the e-learning platform OLAT at the University of Innsbruck. The project has the potential to have significant impact at a regional, national and European level. The outcomes of the project will further enhance the quality of education at HEIs using the platform. Participating students develop competencies required in international accountancy practice, enhancing their employability for SMEs as well as multi-national organisations. In this sense, the project should facilitate international labour market mobility. The platform includes national as well as international knowledge, embedded in the European context. The IFRS as used in the EU, the content of recent European regulations and the European Airline industry underpin the learning platform. The project has significantly enhanced accountancy pedagogy in European HEIs. The competencies of accountancy professionals are of fundamental importance for the economy of the EU and all Member States. Well-trained students in the fields will be aware of their responsibilities. These students (specialised in accountancy) are the emerging professionals who will significantly influence the future European economy. | Results | Website | | | Without category | | Intellectual Output 1: Financial Statement Analysis | Intellectual Output 1: Financial Reporting | Intellectual Output 1: Auditing of Financial Statements | Intellectual Output 1: Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting | Intellectual Output 3: Financial and Social Accounting in Integrated Reports Case Study | Solutions and Teaching Material Request | Intellectual Output 3: Financial and Social Accounting in Integrated Reports Comparison | Intellectual Output 2: Comparison of National Accounting and Auditing Regulations | Intellectual Output 1: Financial Statement Analysis - Airlines.xlsx | Intellectual Output 1: Financial Statement Analysis - Simple.xlsx | Intellectual Output 1: Financial Statement Analysis - Valuation.xlsx Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships addressing more than one field;2014;2014-1-BE01-KA200-000900;;;e-Media Education Lab : un laboratoire en ligne sur le dveloppement des comptences en ducation aux mdias pour les enseignants en formation initiale et continue;"e-Media Education lab : an online laboratory for the development of media literacy skills for teachers in initial and in-service training. Media literacy has become a key competence in our mode...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;SERVICE MEDIA - ANIMATION;BE;BE,PT,FI,UK,FR,IT;356.181,86;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Adult education;Centro Educativo;;;English;"e-Media Education lab : an online laboratory for the development of media literacy skills for teachers in initial and in-service training. | | Media literacy has become a key competence in our modern society. It raises awareness about media issues and media creativity of students. However we note that its implementation in the compulsory education is highly variable from one country to another, from one education system to another and from one school group to another. | This can partly be explained by the lack of support and training for teachers in term of media literacy competencies development. | | This is why the project e-Media Education lab (e-MEL) aimed to create innovative training strategies for teachers, both initial and in-service training in order to reinforce their media education competences. Its the fruitful collaboration of seven research or teachers training centers (initial or in service) in media education : Mdia Animation asbl (BE), Institut des Hautes Etudes des Communications Sociales IHECS (BE), Tampereen Yliopisto UTA (FIN), Centre de Liaison de lEnseignement et des Mdias dInformation CLEMI (FR), Universit degli Studi Firenze UNIFI (IT), Universidade do Minho (PT), UCL - Institute of Education (UK). | | During three years, between September 2014 and August 2017, the European project e-MEL achieved the main following results: | | _ A European Media education competencies framework mapping the competencies of media education and media literacy for teachers across Europe ; | _ A catalogue of 21 training scenarios abstracts exploring media environment and developing media education competences with teachers in initial or in-service training ; | _ The experimentation of 10 training scenario combining face-to-face and e-learning sessions with more than 300 teachers of future teachers in order to develop or reinforce their media education competences ; | _ The development in open educational resource of the hub platform for trainers in media literacy to implement and experiment innovative training strategies in order to enrich their teaching practices in media literacy ; | _ A european roadshow across Belgium, France, Italy, Portugal, Finland and United-Kingdom to disseminate the opportunity of this online environment and for making teachers trainers aware about media education challenges for our contemporary societies.";In this resource center, any teachers trainer in Europe would find : | | - The Media education competencies framework | - 10 training scenarios developing media education and media literacy competences through several topics | - Online activities developed into Moodle format ready to be reviewed and exported to other e-learning platforms | - An evaluation toolkit composed by media literacy evaluation methodologies and examples of evaluation exercises related to each training scenario. | - A map of media education teacherstrainers across Europe | - Project documentation with the main outcomes of the eMEL project. | | | Through this project, a first European network of media education trainers has been initiated to reflect on the challenges of the training of teachers or future teachers but also to equip them with the methods and contents of a media literacy. And this, in the long-term perspective, of a better anchoring of the media education within the school system thus favoring the acquisition of these competences by the children and the young people themselves. It is a position of citizen critical and active for everyone who is in the end strengthened. | Results | Website | Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-BE02-KA101-000034;;;Van kwaliteit op school naar een lerende organisatie;As part of the school management plan HIVSET stimulate staff members and teachers in participating at European learning to improve the competences in their professional profile in a sustainable wa...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;Hoger Instituut voor Verpleegkunde Sint Elisabeth;BE;BE,RO,CZ,FR,SI;22.175,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;As part of the school management plan HIVSET stimulate staff members and teachers in participating at European learning to improve the competences in their professional profile in a sustainable way and valorize their learning outcomes into the quality management at school. | The objectives of this project based on a school needs analysis: | - better understanding and approach of the diversity in our learners and improvement of the management of diversity. | - improvement of the quality approach in our school teams and teaching. | - insights on new teaching and learning tackling the changes of the future and improvement of the pedagogical school plan. | | Summary of the activities undertaken in this project and participants (number & profile): | - 6 staff members participated at the structural European training offer organized by the Eekhoutcentrum: | -- Course 'Teach, learn, quality' in Portugal: a coordinator quality management & a team leader 'Elderly Care Education Program' | -- Course 'Diversity in education' in Portugal: a teacher of OKAN (program for migrant pupils) & a teacher responsible for diversity in HBO nursing | -- Course 'Education for tomorrow' in Slovenia: a pedagogical director & a teacher responsible for the guidance of students | - 11 teachers and staff members learnt from colleagues during a jobshadowing in a partner school/organisation: | - in France on e-learning and the digital school context: the general director & the coordinator international relations & a teacher History & French | - in Czech Republic on team work, empowerment & recovery & compence based learning: 2 teachers HBO: Psychiatric Nursing & 1 team leader 'Disabled Children' | - in Slovenia on team dynamics and (self)assessment in child care: 2 teachers team leaders in the 'Child Care Education Program' | - in Romania on compence based clinical education and assessment: 3 teachers HBO nursing;Results & impact: | -The participating teachers have improved their competences linked to their professional profile but have also gained European added value in quality, diversity and dynamisch teaching. | - The participating staff members/school leaders increased their capacity to build an international opening of the educative curriculum. | - This project has a positive impact on the improvement of the teaching at school getting a boost of innovative and qualitative instruments. | - Our students gained from the quality improvement of the teaching, the respect for diversity preventing them from early school leaving Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-BE02-KA101-000035;;;Van hokjesdenken naar samenhokken? Het initialiseren en implementeren van teamteaching in de organisatie van school en team. ;"With our new project ( Van hokjesdenken naar samenhokken?) "Building bridges instead of walls" we hope to meet a grinding need in our school. We provide a highly qualified education tha...";Disabilities - special needs, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;Onze-Lieve-Vrouw-Hemelvaartinstituut 1;BE;BE;4.860,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"With our new project ( Van hokjesdenken naar samenhokken?) "Building bridges instead of walls" we hope to meet a grinding need in our school. We provide a highly qualified education that guarantees good results both in furhter education as in employment. However, we also notice that our methods are still rather conservative: it takes great efforts to tear down the walls of our classrooms, or we do not succeed at all. We do have modern digital equipment but we keep within our own classrooms with our own pupils and our own subjects. | | Some of us attempted to try co-teaching but we came accross unexpected borders as to organisation and we also experienced stage-fright and difficulties in giving and receiving feedback from colleagues. It proved not simple to introduce co-teaching beyond a level of "me and my mates". Still, encouraged by our headmasters we are eager to go deeply into te matter of co- or teamteaching. In May we are going to take a class on the subject of co-teaching and we discovered that Finland was well acquainted with the technique. So, of course we were very enthousiastic when we saw the courses The Eeckhoutcentre could offer us. We could taste and try with the pioneers themselves! | | Inke De Leeuw and Ingeborg Beerlandt immediately started to fill in the preregistration and this application. They hope to learn to master the technique in Finland, discover the practical needs and to get familiar with the tools to make and use the feedback system as a form of support instead of control. Anneke Depoortere and Ruben Delafontaine want to apply for the course ' Education for tomorrow' to explore other new educational methods next to the co-teaching. How to handle the integrated education? We have in our school a good tradition of inclusive education, but it seems there is more to come. How can we prepare ourselves and our colleagues for this future??? The four of us are very eager to indulge in the future , each with his own background and experience. We hope our enthousiam and our freshly gained knowlegde will inspire our complete team to become fellow bridge builders. The headmasters are right behind us and promised us all the support necessary to try and try again, and they promised us opportunities to inform the team of teachers on several occasions as boardmeetings. We rely on the possibility of keeping in touch with our international companions of the classes via e- twinning, to give inspiration and feedback and moral ( and practical ) support within the course of establishing the method in our school.";We are convinced that co-teaching will increase the participation of the students and that it will lead to a better involvement in their learningproces and to a high learning output. We trust that the new method and the mutual feedback that comes with it, will encourage the teamspirit and the motivation in our team! That would make a nice surplus! Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-BE02-KA101-000066;;;M-ICT;KA DHek Landen is situated on the Campus DHek Landen. There is also a junior comprehension school MS DHek Landen on this Campus. Together with MS DHek Landen KA DHek Landen forms a pedagogic ...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Inclusion - equity, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;Atheneum d'hek Landen;BE;BE;44.985,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;KA DHek Landen is situated on the Campus DHek Landen. There is also a junior comprehension school MS DHek Landen on this Campus. Together with MS DHek Landen KA DHek Landen forms a pedagogic entity. Educational reforms are worked out on Campus level. | | Thanks to a broad supply of study courses and educational disciplines our pupils population is a correct representation of society. At this very moment 20 % of the pupils on our Campus are diagnosed with a learning disability. For these pupils particular measures (STICORDI) are being taken. Furthermore our school opens its mind for pupils with special educational needs apart from learning disabilities. | | This diversity in our school population on the one hand and the arrival of the M-decree in 2015, because of which even more pupils with specific educational needs will have to find their way in the normal educational process on the other hand, provides for a solid dynamism and requires a innovative and adjusted educational policy with flexible learning routes. | | The challenge for the school management consists out of adapting its view on education to the announced educational reforms in Flanders without affecting the educational standards. | | Besides there are major differences between teachers. Therefore they need support in acquiring new insights in innovative techniques in order to be able to work in a differentiated way. ICT is being introduced in all curricula, but often teachers lack technical abilities to use these ICT-tools. | | In addition there is an urgent need for extra support in the selection of the most suitable tools, taking into account the special educational needs of the pupils. This project, M-ICT, is part of the professionalization policy and of the focus on new educational methods in the area of special needs combined with ICT. | | | | For this project a core team is composed, consisting of the management team completed with some teachers. The background of all these participants is diverse and powerful, varying from professional bachelors till masters in diverse main subjects. Out of each study department extra members are selected based on intrinsic motivation for personal professionalization, sense of responsibility for the distribution of the acquired knowledge and of the basics of English. | | | | During the school year 2014-2015 the first activity Leading schools into the future (November 2014) especially links up with the needs of the management team that mainly focuses on developing a clear view. Finnish lessons for European school (January 2015) are the second topic on the calendar and form a perfect match with the needs of acquiring deeper insights in the efficiency of the Finnish educational methodology, the ICT-integration and the thematic education for pupils with specific educational needs. | | | | In April 2015 the Taccle-course is scheduled. Its a programme especially aimed at teachers who experience difficulties in transforming ICT-ideas and applications into specific learning activities within their own specialty. | | | | The fourth course Education for tomorrow (May 2015) will mainly focus on the needs of the management team and the objective to convince everybody of the necessity of educational reform. | | | | During the school year 2015-2016, in the month of January, the Bett-scholarship will inspire and offer us new ideas about the newest e-learning and educational strategies and it will meet the demand of knowledge of new ICT-tools. Taccle 2 will be used in April 2016 mainly to convince teachers, who do not belong to the core team and who are not ICT-minded out of ignorance, of the possibilities of ICT-integration and to broaden and anchor their point of view. | | Finally in March 2016, with the aid of the course Inclusive learning using I-pads and tablets, we will acquire insights in how we can support the communication and self-expression of pupils with specific educational needs by means of the new media.;The M-ICT core team is part of the task force flexible learning routes. A major objective of this task force is to develop a concrete plan to spread the acquired competences and skills within the framework of M-ICT via internal post-gradual courses and to integrate them in the educational process. | | The experience and knowledge gained in M-ICT will be exchanged with the 8 colleagues principals secondary education of School Group 11. In this way the view development of colleagues will be sustained. The results and experiences will be published in the info magazine for all staff members of school Group 11. Parents and pupils will be informed via the digital school learning platform, the website and the local press. | | M-ICT is a project dat broadens our horizon by its international context as well for the management team as the staff of teachers. The acquired knowledge and skills will provide in time a quality ICT-integrated education that will smoothly take care of the growing mix of educational needs and flexible learning routes. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-BE02-KA101-000197;;;A school where teachers don't learn (a language) isn't a school;"A school where teachers do not learn Is not a school . This statement is known and we have painted it in our school on the wall . Teachers must be constantly willing to learn. From a variety of ...";International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;KORH - Basisschool Scharrel;BE;BE,IT,EL,FI,EE;13.785,00;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"A school where teachers do not learn Is not a school . | This statement is known and we have painted it in our school on the wall . Teachers must be constantly willing to learn. From a variety of situations , from healthy curiosity, from observing their pupils as well. No one has a monopoly on truth and that is why we feel it is important to collect diverse perspectives to compare and develop our own educational plan which we are most confident that it will help to make our school a school where children and staff feel good , motivated and therefore automatically put steps forward . | We changed in this project, the above statement to "" A school where teachers do not learn a language Is not a school ."" | With this we want to emphasize the importance of learning and using a variety of foreign languages, an absolute value in the world of tomorrow , today even . We want this for our children but also for our teachers. Through the promotion of languages, our contacts are suddenly hugely much broader , our view much wider and the language center in our brains more active . This will also improve the native language for young children more smoothly . | We bet in this project in the first place on the use of foreign languages and on an innovative model to teach foreign languages to young children. | To make the use of foreign languages of the participants more functional we put it in a context that makes part of a priority educational project of our school : the outdoor learning . Children work too much in their classrooms while many objectives pursued in the event class can be good or even better achieved in the outdoor area . This provides an absolute added value in terms of motivation and creativity, but also in terms of health : fresh air and movement . We want to compare playing outside in the four corners of Europe - all weather conditions and cultural identities thus addressed - and to create incentives and inspiration for our teachers in preprimary school . | By the enthusiasm of the six participants ( four teachers , coordinator and director) , we are counting on all colleagues thinking in plotting out outside activities with appropriate targets and that they are able to use and develop outside playground in any weather - away with the Flemish prejudices against cold and rain . This new pedagogical approach must be subsequently reflected in the lesson plan for each preprimary school class and lead to a digital and / or paper manual / Ideabook | Through markets of good practice or other forums such as management courses , teacher training institutes , or training initiatives we want to spread this new approach . | To teach foreign languages to young children we work with the innovative method 'Hocus e Lotus' which was developed at the University of Rome . But since no teacher in our school has really ever rehearsed the basis of this method and the theoretical background, the method threatens to dilute . We like to boost the early language learning in our school and to give it a solid foundation. We want a dedicated teacher to follow a course in Rome at Traute Taeschner , the professor who developed this method. After she will do an intensive training course in an Italian school with experience in foreign languages . In this way we intend to embedding the Hocus e Lotus method in our school . With the correct pedagogical approach we expect a greatly increased motivation among children and therefore more efficiency in the outcomes as well.";Moreover, we want through this competency-based strategy in which a teacher makes the know-how of this teaching model all its own , to profile our institute as an anchorschool for Hocus e Lotus in Flanders , and by extension in Belgium . We believe in this method and is meant to be a sign of the importance of language learning and citizenship in our school and beyond. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-BE02-KA104-000069;;;Een performante digitale leeromgeving professioneel uitbouwen;The aim of this project was to immerse ourselves in new methods and techniques in order to optimize our existing learning platform. Our former digital learning environment (Chamilo) was fairly sta...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;CVO Kortrijk Menen Tielt;BE;BE;5.346,55;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Adult education;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The aim of this project was to immerse ourselves in new methods and techniques in order to optimize our existing learning platform. Our former digital learning environment (Chamilo) was fairly static and not very user-friendly. We wanted an inviting, user-friendly learning environment which would then hopefully lead to a greater number of students using the platform. | Our objectives were: | * An increased awareness of e-learning (teachers and students) | * Developing learning paths, using Web 2.0 and other ICT tools | * Implementing the wide use of e-portfolios in our major departments | * Providing tools to the participating colleagues which will enable them to create a professional e-learning platform | * Maintaining and expanding contact with our new international network | | Four employees were sent to different training programs abroad: one language teacher, one employee who teaches Photography, our ICT-coordinator and one of our two principles. | The language teacher and the Photography teacher took part in Taccle 1 in Fano; our ICT-coordinator took part in Taccle 2 in Dillingen and our principle visited the Bett conference in London. | We did not get any funding initially. When we were informed of this, we decided to go ahead with some of the above-mentioned plans. As a result we decided to switch to Google Classroom. | | A few months later we were told that we would receive part of the requested funds. By that time it was too late to backtrack. After consulting the National Agency, it was decided that since the testing phase was well under way and we had implemented the new learning platform in different departments, we could continue using Google Classroom; as long as it was clear that we would try to implement new elements in the platform, after having taken part in the training courses. (quote from an email from Ms. Reynders, January 15, 2015). | | A lot of tools and apps offered in TACCLE 1 can be integrated in Google Classroom, our new learning platform. The tutorials were practical, everything was explained thoroughly and step by step. | The focus of TACCLE 2 was on interdisciplinary collaboration and methodology: | E-learning is supportive and not an end in itself | E-learning departs from the curriculum | E-learning brings reality into the classroom | increasingly: the teacher as coach ( ""scaffolding"") | The Bett conference enabled us to get acquainted with the latest developments and technology in terms of ICT-equipment for schools.";"The participating teachers gave a presentation of their newly acquired skills (in a meeting with our two principles and the heads of the various departments). Together we decided on the Apps and tools that we would share and promote with the other teachers. | Then each of the three participants gave a presentation to their respective department during a meeting. We encouraged all our teachers to test minimum one App and share the results. | In December 2015 the three participants gave a lecture / workshop To App or not to App for the entire school + the staff of a neighbouring school. | Two of the three participating teachers then gave the same workshop in March 2016; this time on behalf of het Nascholingscentrum GO! | Our teachers have since then been contacted by two other schools for adult education. Plans for organizing this workshop again are being made. | The principle has shared his insights regarding the most interesting technologies that he discovered at the Bett-conference. We have contacted two companies who will give us more details about some of their products. He has also shared this information with the Board of our School group. | A lot of our teachers are now using tools and apps to make their lessons more interesting. We find that students are responding positively and are making more use of our Learning Platform. | We have started to develop our first Distance learning course and are planning to expand in the near future." Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2014;2014-1-BE02-KA202-000431;;;Nutrition for elderly : Crossectoral approach for training and coaching;"Background: The number of elderly people in the EU is growing rapidly and will increase even more in future. Elderly people are prone to inadequate nutritional status and therefore are at risk...";Health and wellbeing, Enterprise, industry and SMEs (incl. entrepreneurship) ...;;KATHOLIEKE HOGESCHOOL VIVES ZUID;BE;BE,NL,DE,FR,BG;225.938,63;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;not available;English;The number of elderly people in the EU is growing rapidly and will increase even more in future. Elderly people are prone to inadequate nutritional status and therefore are at risk to suffer malnutrition. | | The problem of malnutrition has been showed to be multifactorial, so problem-solving strategies require a multidisciplinary, cross-sectoral approach. Lack of knowledge and good training seemed to be the main causes. Employees from different sectors need specialised trainings and education to acquire new skills. | | This project it mainly concerned 3 areas: | | 1) staff in the food industry | | 2) staff in catering+meal delivery services | | 3) staff in health care for the elderly | | Employees of the food and catering industry need to gain a better understanding on how to develop or adapt food for elderly people. The market for elderly people is still growing. Placing new products for them on the market will strengthen the companies position on both national and international markets. | | Kitchen staff and other staff working in catering and meal delivery services need to gain a better understanding on the topic. They will also improve their skills and competences relevant to prepare healthy, good and tasteful meals in old peoples homes, hospitals and public kitchens. Knowledge and skills will give them a higher value on labour market and cater to the needs of the labour market. | | Early screening and treatment are essential in prevention of malnutrition. People working in health care facilities for elderly people need to improve their skills on how to deal with malnourished elderly people. Those skills are highly relevant for labour market. | | Objectives: | | The project aimed at establishing a comprehensive curriculum and learning units for the different types of actors involved in producing and offering nutrition for the elderly and the prevention and treatment of malnutrition. A handbook was developed and translated into e-learning modules. The training concept was tested and evaluated in different sectors. Different dissemination events took place to inform people about the developed handbook and e-learning modules. | | Participating organisations: | | The consortium consisted of 6 associations from BE, FR, DE, BG and NL representing all target groups: Wageningen University (NL) and VIVES (BE), UARD (BG) are research institutes providing higher education (bsc. and msc.). Health and nutrition are among their main areas of expertise. Wageningen also is experienced in developing e-learning concepts. those 3 partners provided a very important link to higher education. | | FORUM Berufsbildung is a vocational training institute with expertise in the area of health and nursing of the elderly. While Eurasant act as an umbrella organization for both health care for elderly and food industry and has a very large network in this sector. | | The Municipal Enterprise European Policies and Cooperation of Plovdiv represented the governmental issues. They have lots of relevant activities in public services related to the topic.;Methodology + Main activities: | | Based on input from all partner organization, exchange of best practice and cross-sectoral discussion amongst partners a handbook based on learning outcomes that follow ECVT and EQF was developed and offered as OER. To define the content of the handbook a needs analysis was conducted among the 3 target groups. | | A selection of chapters from the handbook was made to be translated into e-learning. E-learning units were developed and tailored to specific target groups. With the help of a general training concept all partners developed, tested and evaluated the training materials. | | Dissemination was an ongoing process from the start of the project until his end. Important stakeholders are informed about the project results and make sure that the results are still applicable even after the project end. | | Result and impact + long term benefits : | | Main results of the project were the availability of a handbook and e-learning modules which are applicable in different settings (food industry, health care, catering services). Cooperation with stakeholders such as 'stuurgoep ondervoeding', 'VDiTO' make sure that the results will be further used. Project results and output were implemented in the curriculum of higher education (e.g. Bsc. nutrition and dietetics), VET-institutions (e.g. nursing programs). | | On the long term the developed materials could contribute to better educated and skilled workers in all target groups. VET-institutions and organizations involved in health care for the elderly, the food industry, catering and meal delivery could be inspired by the new teaching methodology and could be triggered to work on this topic and be supported by the output created. This could result in professionals with acquired skills adapted to the needs of the labour market. Results | Without category | | O1: Handbook 'Nutrition for the elderly'_French | O2: E-learning modules_general information | O3: General concept of training | O1: Handbook 'Nutrition for the elderly'_English | O1: Handbook 'Nutrition for the elderly'_Bulgarian | O1: Handbook 'Nutrition for the elderly'_German | O2: E-learning modules_Belgium | O2: E-learning modules_Germany | O2_E-learning modules_Bulgaria | O2_E-learning modules_The Netherlands | O2_E-learning modules_France | O5: Manual for handbook and e-learning | O4: Pilot Training | O3: General Concept of training Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-BG01-KA201-001435;;;Choose Your Future;Choose Your Future is a project focused on cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices between schools. The project covers a variety of topics which link to: labor market issues...;Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education;;General Secondary School Angel Karaliychev;BG;BG,EE,RO,LV,TR,DK,PL;257.280,00;Yes;Yes;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"Choose Your Future is a project focused on cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices between schools. The project covers a variety of topics which link to: labor market issues incl. career guidance , youth unemployment; early school leaving, combating failure in education; entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education. | The most relevant priorities addressed by the project are as follows: promoting the take-up of practical entrepreneurial experiences in education, training and youth work and young people's social inclusion and well-being. | The objectives of the project are to build entrepreneurial skills, raise students awareness of their character and abilities, to improve their IT skills while working on various projects, to raise attainment of under-achieving students, to get to know the labor market and broaden their horizons about the variety of jobs available as well as to learn more about the jobs in the area. It is also meant to equip students with knowledge about the specifics of different jobs by job shadowing and interviews. What is more, the project aims to raise the quality of career counseling by improving students self-evaluation skills and their ability to assess their suitability for a particular job,to raise students awareness of the demands, requirements, problems and offers of the European labor market, to develop the English language and assimilation skills at all schools. The project also helps to build and develop the so- called 21st century skills (critical thinking, problem solving, research practices, creativity, artistry, curiosity, imagination, innovation, personal expression, planning, self-discipline, adaptability, initiative, leadership, teamwork, ICT literacy, entrepreneurship). | There are 7 schools participating in the project, Angel Karaliychev Secondary school from Bulgaria is acting as the coordinator. The partner schools are Dalum Academy of Agricultural Business (Denmark), Ogres Tehnikums (Latvia), Tamsalu Gymnasium (Estonia), Gimnazjum Nr5 im. Arkadego Fiedlera (Poland), AHMET SARI ANADOLU LISESI (Turkey) and Liceul Teoretic ""MIRCEA ELIADE"" Lupeni (Romania). 5 participating schools provide general secondary education, 2 participants belong to the category of vocational educational establishments. | A general approach throughout the project is to turn the whole process into practical and mutual learning by implementing active conscious use of Blooms 6 Taxonomy (Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation). | During the project the main tools for communication for partners will be the Internet: e-mails, video conferences, Facebook project page, Skype and other messengers. There will be 7 project meetings in total- 3 during the first year of cooperation and 4-during the second one. In order to achieve the aims of the project a variety of activities will be scheduled. Students will take part in training activities in order to get skills for successful implementation of the key tasks and sharing experiences in the given field as well. These trainings will be held in 5 of the participating schools throughout the 2-year period of cooperation. | In addition, students will be engaged in a number of other activities: creating a project logo, research in order to find out why people work and creating collages using the means of Art and IT technologies, a research on the 16 career clusters and choose a job they can perform, job shadowing and a diary of their experience, street interviews to find out people's experiences and attitudes towards different jobs and overall career prospects, conferences with former graduates, research and learn about jobs that are disappearing but still needed and present the results in presentations, a video diary about the jobs available in their regions, organize charitable bazaars on different occasions, create posters for the national days of professions and will reveal what their dream job is. | The work on the project will lead to u number of results and outcomes: exhibitions of family job trees, blogs, video-diaries and presentations (job- shadowing, the top 5 most wanted jobs in the partner countries in terms of social position, income, prospects, responsibilities, disappearing jobs that are still needed ), a book and an i-book of collages and essays of the students about their dream jobs, exhibitions of posters , video interviews, conferences with former graduates, video diaries of the jobs available in their towns,- charitable bazaars, displays of posters for the national days of jobs in the Erasmus+ corner.";The project will developing links between the schools and local business and will produce 5 Online open courses. | Results | Website | | | Without category | | Building online personal portfolio | Building online personal portfolio 1.1 | Building online personal portfolio 1.2 | Building online personal portfolio 2.1 | Building online personal portfolio 2.2 | Building online personal portfolio 3.1 | Building online personal portfolio 3.2 | Building Self- Awareness Skills | Building Self- Awareness Skills 1.1 | Building Self- Awareness Skills 1.2 | Building Self- Awareness Skills 2.1 | Building Self- Awareness Skills 2.2 | Building Self- Awareness Skills 3.1 | Building Self- Awareness Skills 3.2 | Lifestyle - understanding the relationship between food, health and learning | Lifestyle - understanding the relationship between food, health and learning 1.1 | Lifestyle - understanding the relationship between food, health and learning 1.2 | Lifestyle - understanding the relationship between food, health and learning 3.1 | Lifestyle - understanding the relationship between food, health and learning 3.2 | Basic Principles of Marketing and Advertising | Basic Principles of Marketing and Advertising 1.1 | Basic Principles of Marketing and Advertising 1.2 | Basic Principles of Marketing and Advertising 2.1 | Basic Principles of Marketing and Advertising 2.1 | Basic Principles of Marketing and Advertising 3.1 | Basic Principles of Marketing and Advertising | Basic Principles of Marketing and Advertising 4.1 | Basic Principles of Marketing and Advertising 4.2 | Basic Principles of Marketing and Advertising 5.1 | Basic Principles of Marketing and Advertising | Basic Principles of Marketing and Advertising 6 | IT tools and Art in designing an advertisement | IT tools and Art in designing an advertisement test | My Family Job Tree | Poster of Myself | Why do people work? | Street interview | Marketing plan | Jobs available in my town | Advertisement of a local indurstry | Lifestyle - understanding the relationship between food, health and learning- Final presentations | My Online Personal Portfolio | Role- play example | Professional holidays | Top 5 jobs | Career orientation activities- guide | My dream job | Job-shadowing blogs | Former graduates conference | Lifestyle - understanding the relationship between food, health and learning 2.1 | Lifestyle - understanding the relationship between food, health and learning 2.2 Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-BG01-KA201-001730;;;Pensiero e Azione 2: il dibattito storico-filosofico tra XIX e XX secolo;"The strategic partnership project ""Pensiero e Azione 2: il dibattito storico-filosofico tra XIX e XX secolo"" between the Liceum M. Gorky from Sofia (Bulgaria) and the Liceum G.B. Vico from Chieti ...";Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy ...;;"36 SOU ""MaksimGorki""";BG;BG,IT;81.976,05;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"The strategic partnership project ""Pensiero e Azione 2: il dibattito storico-filosofico tra XIX e XX secolo"" between the Liceum M. Gorky from Sofia (Bulgaria) and the Liceum G.B. Vico from Chieti ( Italy ), represents the follow-up a previous bilateral school partnerships called ""Pensiero e Azione"" under the LLP Comenius, that has been successfully implemented by the same schools in 2012-2014. The new proposal aims to provide an opportunity to deepen the relationship between the two institutes and contribute to the education of pupils under the personal and human profile, but also improving their competitiveness on the labor market when later on they will make their entry into the world of employment, in line with the objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy for a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. The two promoters are convinced that through the study, intended as a mean to knowledge and freedom, the European school system should qualify and increasingly open with participatory learning methods, based on the teachers-students interaction, to encourage young people to become protagonists of their own learning in a transnational and intercultural environment. Educational institutions involved in this project aim to promote a dialogue between different perceptions of the European integration process, encouraging a permanent reflection on the nowadays socio-economic and political models. The Western and Eastern Europe often have been looking at each other in a stereotyped and superficial way, according to cultural clichs only partially corresponding to truth. Therefore this project proposal for a strategic partnership wants to be also a way to support to overcome prejudices and stereotypes that certainly does not help to promote effective integration . The project also aims to promote the knowledge of two official Community languages (Italian and Bulgarian) that are amongst the less used and less taught, through transnational cooperation activities about contemporary history and philosophy of common interest for the two schools, that pupils and teachers will face either through traditional teaching methods and innovative learning tools borrowed from non-formal education, such as research and theatre workshops, and also making use of computer technology and multimedia . From the educational point of view, deepening the study of a complex subject such as the history of European philosophical thought over the nineteenth century and the first half of the twentieth century, the project intends to promote a reflection on the cultural models that have been developed in the European hystory, thus forming the varied terrain upon which the building of the European integration has built, not pretending to deny existing differences but rather to value them, as the well-known motto ""United in difference"" makes it explict. During the project implementation significant intellectual outputs will be produced and made available through publications and multimedia tools, such as: an ICT platform (Information Communication Technology) / website dedicated to the project, containing all the main results; a historical-philosophical cooperative research developed by students and teachers from both schools; a theatre workshop based on the themes of the research with screenplay written by the students themselves in collaboration with a professional theatre director; a final report of the entire project experience, with audio-visual documentation enclosed.";"Across the two year project life-time two group mobility of pupils from both schools will be implemented: pupils from the Liceum Gorky from Sofia will visit the partner school in Chieti - Italy in the spring 2015; pupils from the Liceum Vico will go and visit their partner in Bulgaria in the spring 2016. Both exchanges will encompass a balanced set of formal and non-formal education activities, including lectures, seminars , workshops, cultural excursions. The main tool to facilitate the active participation and stimulate the intercultural dialogue among participants during the two exchanges that will take place during the project is a theater workshop , aimed at the staging some texts freely adapted from the historical-philosophical research carried out across the entire project, which will be also played in two public shows in Italy and Bulgaria. | All of the project results will be published in a paper publication and through multimedia/audiovisual products that will be disseminated on a large scale and posted on the website of the partnership, where they will remain freely available to all users for at least one additional year beyond the end of the project ." Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2014;2014-1-BG01-KA204-001645;;; Multi-purpose center for adult education in clean environment;Adult learning opportunities are essential to ensure economic and social progress, as well as personal fulfilment of individuals. The EU Strategic Framework for Cooperation in Education & Training...;Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Natural sciences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;SOFIISKI UNIVERSITET SVETI KLIMENT OHRIDSKI;BG;BG,TR,CY,DE;263.140,74;Yes;No;Other;Universidad;;;English;The EU Strategic Framework for Cooperation in Education & Training highlights the crucial contribution of adult education and training to competitiveness, employability and social inclusion. In this context Strategic partnership project Multi-purpose center for adult education in clean environment ECO-Center (Erasmus+ programme) proposes approach for combating adult unemployment in Europe having currently threatening dimensions. Recent development of ecology sector created employment opportunities and increasing needs of education as well. The vast expansion of economic activity is the main reason of the environmental decline and imposes negative effect on the global ecological situation. In this context, the objectives pursued by the project ECO-Center are to: - incorporate principles of adult education in the planning and development of programs/courses that meet organizational and adult learners needs - design and deliver adult learning experiences that address learners needs through the integration of adult learning philosophy and principles into practice - promote education, monitor and evaluate program effectiveness and use the data for program improvement, technical assistance for organization of mobility process, capacity building and accountability - apply EQF and ECVET validation instruments to facilitate recognition of skills and competences adopted at national level via adult education - facilitate public understanding, information exchange, demonstration of professionalism and promotion the philosophy, goals and objectives of adult education. The ECO-Center consortium is formed on the basis of shared understanding and consideration of the need for provision of adult education of learning providers and a training program in clean environment. It unifies 5 partners from 4 countries Bulgaria (P1 P2), Cyprus (P3), Germany (P4) and Turkey (P5) and comprises 2 Universities (P1, P5), a R & D Center (P2), a research institute (P4) and a SME (P3).;"The methodology used in carrying out the project activities comprises application of good managerial practice and includes: - proper budget control to avoid financial conflicts and ensure contractual obligations minding; - time management of project activities: distribution of project tasks by time intervals, type of activity and partner(s) responsible; - monitoring and evaluation the quality of the projects activities and results; - performance of regular quality checks and applying of quantitative and qualitative indicators of achievement; - elaboration and application of a multilevel contingency plan for risk handling. The ECO-Center results include: - ECO-Center concept development and need analysis; - Design, creation and operation of e-based platform for project implementation; - Establishment and functioning of a model for organization and operation of education process in clean environment based on improved accessibility; - Generation of a database of training courses in accordance with the project scheme: academic, work-oriented and enrichment; implementation of a training road-map; - Creation of a concept for organization and caring out the evaluation, appraisal, and verification of project results and their sharing; - Performance of evaluation events, workshops, webinar, bilateral meetings for sharing and dissemination of project results; - Preparation and issue of booklet ""ECO-Center achievements and prospects: towards sustainability""." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-CY01-KA101-000077;;;Staff development:Integrating ICT effectively in teaching;The introduction of innovations is always a challenge within an institution. Our primary school, Engomi A (KA) Primary School in Nicosia, has taken this challenge for the academic year 2014-15, in...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Pedagogy and didactics;;DIMOTIKO SCHOLEIO EGKOMIS 1 (KA);CY;CY;9.315,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;The introduction of innovations is always a challenge within an institution. Our primary school, Engomi A (KA) Primary School in Nicosia, has taken this challenge for the academic year 2014-15, in the content of in-service primary teachers professional development. This was a necessity because of the recent installation of interactive boards in all school's classrooms, by the Parents' Association. Teachers needed to maximize this investment. A strategic plan on staff development so to take full advantage of the use of ICT had been designed by the management team of the school. The deployment of the plan was achieved with the active involvement of all the members of the school staff and with the assistance and contribution of a number of stakeholders. | | The main aim of the project was to equip teachers with new and stimulating teaching ICT tools and methods. New learning included latest technology, web tools which facilitate teaching, software and applications that can be used in relation with the interactive boards, using platforms and on-line social networks and communities of learners, etc. Teachers' new ideas would be demonstrated by the quality of the lesson-plans teachers would prepare and delivered as well as the input of their new learning into other educational contexts. The empowerment of the management team so to be skilled in planning, deploying, giving guidance, monitoring and assessing a development scheme, was also an aim of the project. Dissemination of the developed practices was a prerequisite of the project's European developmental plan. | | Two deputy head teachers participated in the course Monitoring and Evaluation: Learning from the past to give directions for the future provided by In dialoque in Linz, Austria. Both deputy head teachers were trained on how to involve diverse stakeholders in the policy designing and how to balance accountability and learning. More importantly they have learned to monitor the implementation of the policy and make adjustments on the way, providing feedback when needed. | | Two classroom teachers participated in the course Getting ready for the digital classroom: communication, resources, tools and assessment provided by the Institut d' Educacio Secundaria Obert de Catalunya in Barcelona, Spain. A third classroom teacher participated in the course Digital literacy in the collaborative classroom, designed and delivered by The Digiteachers in Dublin, Ireland. The three teachers studied the basics for virtual learning and learning environments. They were taught extended, innovative and creative uses of ICT tools for teaching and learning, especially in an e-learning format. They acquired skills for planning and managing collaborative projects using ICT and even how to design and develop courses using effectively ICT. | | Since training, a lot of activities have been carried out at school level, local level and European level in order to disseminate the knowledge gained. Such activities involved peer-coaching , workshops, material sharing, presentations in conferences, presentations in school meetings, participation in educational contests based on using ICT effectively in teaching, awards in contests, participation in on line European educational platforms, updating of school's website etc. Our work done based on our training was promoted to other schools, other colleagues, to the Ministry of Education, to the Cyprus Pedagogy Institute and to other European countries through the Educational Platforms to which we are members and our school's website.;"This innovation has been accepted with skepticism at first and then, with enthusiasm from the school's staff. At the beginning, it was frustrating to the teachers because they had limited prior knowledge of many of the tools. However, the progressive new ideas they acquired and the collaboration between them lead to new ideas and expanded perceptions on the use of ICT in teaching. Our project's main objectives were successfully met thus we all agreed and applied for a new grant in order to expand our training to new ideas and theories according the effective integration of ICT in teaching. | | The innovation was a success in another means; it let to the building of trust and respect to the school's work from all relevant stakeholders. Teachers' new learning and teaching was something that was demonstrated to the Ministry of Education and the Parents Association and was greatly appreciated. Since interactive boards are used in many schools throughout the European Union, sharing and gain knowledge from EU teachers' learning communities is significant to the staff and management of our school. | | Needless to mention what a fascinating and interesting experience it was for professionals to travel in other European institutions and learn from them not only the subject-area in need, but the European culture; the history; the people; the customs!" Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-CY01-KA101-000092;;;Promoting quality of teaching and learning through empowering teachers' ICT competences ;"Promoting quality of teaching and learning through empowering teachers' ICT competences' was a project implemented by Dimotiko Scholeio Pano Polemidion-Karmiotissas, in Cyprus during 2014-2015. ...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Inclusion - equity, International cooperation ...;;DIMOTIKO SCHOLEIO PANO POLEMIDION - KARMIOTISSAS - PERIFEREIAKO;CY;CY,PL;5.620,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"Promoting quality of teaching and learning through empowering teachers' ICT competences' was a project implemented by Dimotiko Scholeio Pano Polemidion-Karmiotissas, in Cyprus during 2014-2015. | | The project focused on enhancing ICT teachers' competences. | More specific its main objectives were: | -to familiarize school staff with the potential of various web tools which can be used in curricular teaching and project work | -to make teachers use the tools creatively in their everyday teaching | -to develop and disseminate innovative pedagogical methods in using web based tools | -to promote a new way of producing, obtaining and applying knowledge effectively. | This came in line with the highly emphasized target set by the institution for the academic year of 2014-2015 which gave emphasis on integrating ICT use in school life in many levels ( e.g. in school management, teaching and learning, communication with parents, other stakeholders etc). | | For the implementation of this project 2 mobilities were granted , 2 participants were selected for traveling to Poland in August of 2014. | Project participants were teachers of the organization with limited ICT skills, willing to empower their ICT competences, and willing to share new knowledge with their colleagues after the training. They had to speak English fluently and be able to pay the costs of the mobilities in advance (i.e. the training fees , accommodation expenses etc) since mobilities were programmed to be implemented one month after the project's approval (the amount of the grant was transferred after the implementation of the mobilities; in the last days of August of 2014, so the participants paid everything in advance by there own money ). | | About the project: | The organization found an appropriate partner to meet its needs via E-twinning Platform, the """"Teachers Training Institute"""" in Poland. As for the training course, it mainly aimed to introduce ICT tools to participants and enhance their ICT skills. Its duration was 10 days long. The training was conducted in English and the followings were covered during the mobilities: | - Online presentations and time lines | - Basic tools for asynchronous and synchronous collaboration | - Tools for text readers | - Online magazines, message boards and diaries | - Tools for creating on-line books and posters | - Creating cartoons and comic strips | - Tools for presentations, surveys and testing | - Online surveys and polls | - Online testing and work assessment | - Web-Quests in teaching and project work | - Tools for creative thinking | - Online mind mapping tools | - Subtitling videos | - European undertakings supporting the use of ICT in teaching and project work ( for example via E-Twinning ). | | The two trainers were teachers from the receiving organization in Poland . The group of trainees was a small group ;2 teachers from Cyprus (our organization), 3 from Spain and 2 from Iceland. | During the course, participants created their own blogs in which they uploaded their 10 day's work (the participants' blog addresses are: and The participants had also to prepare a detailed presentation about their 10 day's work which it was presented to the rest of the training group during the last day of the mobility ,before receiving the certificate of attendance. | Coming back to Cyprus, participants shared their experience upon return during staff meetings and they created a list of suggestions to their colleagues how they can adopt ICT's on a daily basis and how the school could create a more """"open"""" profile and a more international dimension.";"More specific the results of the project were the followings: | New blogs, web pages for History Lesson , presentations , video clips were created; documents like invitations, cards, posters, newspapers were also published and distributed among parents and the local community ; games and quizzes were created both by students and teachers , digital story telling was used in Greek Lessons, virtual learning scenarios were used too, internet was used frequently for gathering information ; the organization participated in research projects implemented by Public and Private Universities, Etwinning Projects were held, workshops and webinars were implemented e.g. webinar for the use of interactive smart board, there was a frequent use of emails, use of onzep on mobile phones for informing colleagues and parents on school issues, use of web tools for students' assessment , purchase google domain by the institution, use of google calendar, there was a dissemination of good practices and outcomes of the project to other institutions and much more. | | As a result, our students have also been benefited in many ways: they had more opportunities to come into contact with the outside school world, they have been offered equal opportunities in order to develop themselves, they have broadened their minds and enriched their experiences." Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2014;2014-1-CY01-KA202-000274;;;Infusing entrepreneurial skills in the corporate ICT environment - Intraprise;In todays increasingly competitive environment, companies need to find that added extra to stay competitive to retain existing customers and attract new customers. One way to do this is to enco...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Enterprise ...;;TECHNOLOGIKO PANEPISTIMIO KYPROU;CY;CY,ES,EL,RO,IT,BE;357.488,42;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;"In todays increasingly competitive environment, companies need to find that added extra to stay competitive to retain existing customers and attract new customers. One way to do this is to encourage innovative and creative behaviour within the organisation to encourage intrapreneurs. An intrapreneur is a person within a business or corporation who takes direct responsibility for turning an idea into a profitable finished product through assertive risk-taking and innovation. | | Intrapreneurship can therefore be defined as any entrepreneurial activity performed within an organization. The most cost effective solution of achieving long term growth is by taking advantage of the untapped potential and talent that already exists within organizations. An intrapreneurial culture supports an entrepreneurial spirit with emphasis on: | strategic renewal and survival (major structural or organizational changes within a firm) | fostering innovation | corporate venturing (corporate entrepreneurial efforts that lead to the creation of new business organizations within the larger corporate umbrella organization) | increased long term profitability and liquidity | gaining knowledge of future revenue streams and international success | building of knowledge assets and knowledge dissemination/exploitation | | INTRAPRISE offered specialized intrapreneurial training addressed at the ICT sector to foster and promote growth, employability and ongoing sustainability. The project developed, supported, and upgraded a flexible intrapreneurial training program customized to the needs of the ICT industry so all levels of the corporation can become acquainted with the adaptation and implementation of a more intrapreneurial organizational approach generating increasing levels of cohesion within the organization. A team oriented work environment is more likely to achieve long term growth, innovation, employee satisfaction and success. | | INTRAPRISE aimed to enhance employees creativity, communication, decision making, and problem solving skills in order for them to be able to express new ideas, projects, and concepts without the fear of persecution or ridicule if they fail. By encouraging risk taking and experimentation, a company has more chances of creating a successful product/service. Risk-taking and failure are necessary components of progress that need to be accepted, understood and embraced by the organization. Failure is an important part of the innovation process. This can only be achieved with a high level of cooperation from management therefore in addition to addressing the intrapreneurs training needs and constraints, our program also focused on the necessary changes/adjustments needed to be made from a managerial standpoint. Managers and employees were trained in: | Identifying potential intrapreneurs and recognizing/instilling that innovation must be a strategic goal within their organization to foster long term growth | Promoting autonomy and the creation of teams | Creating new reward structures-leaving behind the one size fits all motivational concept | Teaching intrapreneurs the business- how it makes money, where clients come from, why they stay or go and other big-picture issues | Ensure intrapreneurs are working on products and services that they are passionate about. This dedication will get them through the long hours, the self-doubt, and the seemingly impossible problems. Intrapreneurs don't thrive in an environment where they are working purely for someone else to get rich (the board, CEO, etc.); they want to believe in what they are doing.";INTRAPRISE developed: | Analysis report of management practices, organizational culture, and existing intrapreneurial training practices | Intrapreneurial training program framework-designing outline, structure, scope, learning objectives | Intrapreneurial training course curriculum-pedagogical handbook and concrete pedagogical scenarios | Learning materials (development of online and offline materials) based on the intrapreneurial training course curriculum | Development of E-Platform/System to deliver training ( | Guidelines/handbook recommendations for the adoption and effective implementation of the training program for employers and employees | Project brand (logo, dissemination material, templates) | Project Website ( | | In the long term the project aims to alter the traditional structures of organizations thus creating an entrepreneurial setting by providing innovative training material, new opportunities and tested training methodologies. Through the use of the tangible outputs (i.e. the tested and complete blended training material and program) as well as through its intangible outcomes (i.e. long term growth and professional development), new and existing intrapreneurs and managers will become more familiar with certain underlying internal environmental factors that must be adopted to effectiv Results | Website | | | Without category | | IO1 - State of the art analysis report of management practices and organizational culture in the ICT sector in partner countries | IO2 - Report on the needs of intrapreneurial training in ICT sector | IO3 - Theoretical framework of the Intrapreneurship Training program - Designing the outline, structure, scope, learning objectives | IO4 - Development of the INTRAPRISE learning/training material | IO4 - Development of the INTRAPRISE learning/training material | IO4 - Development of the INTRAPRISE learning/training material | IO4 - Development of the INTRAPRISE learning/training material | IO4 - Development of the INTRAPRISE learning/training material | IO4 - Development of the INTRAPRISE learning/training material | IO4 - Development of the INTRAPRISE learning/training material | IO4 - Development of the INTRAPRISE learning/training material | IO4 - Development of the INTRAPRISE learning/training material | IO4 - Development of the INTRAPRISE learning/training material | IO4 - Development of the INTRAPRISE learning/training material | IO5 - The INTRAPRISE Course on Intrapreneurship | IO5 - The INTRAPRISE Course on Intrapreneurship | IO5 - The INTRAPRISE Course on Intrapreneurship Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-CZ01-KA101-001530;;;Zv__en metodologick_ch dovednost;The project was created in line with long-term plans of the school. The intent of the school is divided into several stages. This project is the first phase of the whole set of innovations that SS...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;Stredni skola rybarska a vodohospodarska Jakuba Krcina, Trebon, Taboritska 941;CZ;CZ;14.670,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;The project was created in line with long-term plans of the school. The intent of the school is divided into several stages. This project is the first phase of the whole set of innovations that SSRV Trebon wants to implement, which is aimed at general education. The main objective is the partial implementation of science courses taught in foreign languages , the support for methodological development of language teachers, with an emphasis on students with learning disabilities. The common goal - the need is to gain experience to link the teaching of foreign languages and the teaching of science and potentially vocational subjects, didactic coherence, including providing the support for teachers who will use CLIL. Another goal is to approach European standards of teaching and modernization of foreign languages teaching. The added value is to establish and support national partnerships, to find new contacts, to share experience with teachers from other countries. | | Project activities: methodology seminar for teachers of languages , CLIL course for teachers of science, SEP treatment, preparation of e learning, cooperation of language and science teachers. | | Number of directly involved teaching staff : 5 | | Participant No. 1 Education: University of South- Bohemian, Faculty of Education, Teacher Training for Secondary Schools. Objective: To improve the quality of teaching, deepening of teaching and methodological skills, inspiration, contact with native speakers, meeting new learning materials, interconnection of teaching foreign language with teaching vocational subjects.Requirements : deepening of teaching skills , approaching European standards in teaching, modernization of foreign languages teaching, establishing and support of national partnerships, discussion with native speakers about methods in foreign languages teaching, making new contacts, sharing experience with foreign language teachers from other countries, foreign language methodology in classes with students of different levels. Participant No: 2 Education: Grammar school, South- Bohemian University, Faculty of Education.Experience: an assistant of business department Skloform a.s.,Nov Ves, a teacher of German, SSRV T_ebo_, coordinator of education for pupils with learning disabilities.Requirements: deepening teaching skills with a focus on students with learning disabilities, approaching European standards in teaching, modernization of teaching foreign languages, contact with native speakers, discussion about methods in foreign languages teaching, making new contacts, sharing experience with foreign language teachers from other countries. Participant No. 3 Education: Grammar school and Teachers training college, branch Russian language and history. Parallelly with studying at university she studied English. Requirements : deepening teaching skills, approaching European standards in teaching, modernization of teaching foreign languages, establishing and support of national partnerships, establishing new contacts, sharing experience with foreign language teachers from other countries and gaining possibilities for international practice, supporting pupils' interest in the common goal of language programs. The common objective is to gain experience how to connect the teaching of foreign languages and the teaching of science and potentially vocational subjects, didactic coherence, including providing support for teachers of science. Participant No: 4 Education: Grammar school , Faculty of Education - branch biology and chemistry. Experience: a teacher of biology and chemistry SSRV Trebon, project coordinator of water quality monitoring within OPEC.Participant No. 5 Education: grammar school, Faculty of Education-biology and chemistry. Experience: Since 2012 I have been teaching at SSRV Trebon. I would like to extend my knowledge and skills. Courses are oriented to Germany, Austria and Great Britain. Therefore trains, buses and air links will be used for transport. The visas are not required. An accommodation will be chosen after a registration in a particular course and a consultation with the course provider. Preferentially a homestay accommodation will be chosen. Insurance will be covered by the employer. ;The project is prepared with the full support of the school management. During an implementation, there will be regular meetings where current issues of the project will be dealt with and the schedule will be updated. Science teachers will be provided a preparatory language course. Our headmaster will be the mentor due to his powers and contacts. The deputy director will be the contact person. Mentoring will be implemented through the direct support of participants by providing any expert support in implementing CLIL- preparation and processing e - learning courses. Before the beginning of the project (even if the application is unsuccessful) we will hold a short seminar with teachers who have experience with CLIL. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships addressing more than one field;2014;2014-1-CZ01-KA200-002019;;;Financial Literacy for You;The economic crisis revealed serious gaps in financial literacy of citizens of the EU. Countries as well as individuals executing poor financial management steps contribute to global economic inst...;Economic and financial affairs (incl. funding issues), New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal);;Valero s.r.o.;CZ;CZ,UK,AT,BG,IT,RO;217.875,09;Yes;No;Other;Otros;;;English;The economic crisis revealed serious gaps in financial literacy of citizens of the EU. Countries as well as individuals executing poor financial management steps contribute to global economic instability. The need for higher financial literacy of the EU population was expressed by the European Commission in 2008 when the Expert Group on Financial Education was set up. The rising indebtedness on both individual and national level within the EU is only a one of the facts proving the need for more joint effort concerning improvement of financial literacy of the EU citizens. | | The FLY project has several objectives. In the most general perspective, the project aims to contribute to the following European development strategies: | Europe 2020 Strategy | o Target 4 Education | o Target 5 Fighting poverty and social exclusion | | Financial education was articulated by the European Commission to be a necessary part of the process of lifelong learning. The goals of the FLY project are: | corresponding with the goals of the Erasmus+ programme also in the field of sustainable development of higher education and in education of adults, as the project aims at a spectrum of target groups. | in line with the Erasmus+ programmes objectives through its European level and in its focus on development of new, modern and sustainable open educational resources and tools. | increased levels of financial literacy. | raised awareness of risks of poor personal financial management. | | The consortium of partners consists of consulting, training and educational private companies and non-profit training and educational centres and universities. The partnership possesses the required expertise to cover all phases and aspects of the project. The consortium is composed of partners from the Czech Republic, Italy, Austria, Bulgaria, Romania and the United Kingdom. | | The FLY project performed through activities covered within the Project Management and Implementation budget and the budget for Intellectual Outputs. Two Intellectual Outputs were produced. The first Output is the E-Course on Financial Education, being the interactive e-learning tool to be used by the target groups for assessing and improving their levels of financial literacy. Two activities were performed within this Output in the first phase, participating organisations developed the content of three independent e-learning modules of the E-Course, each designated for one target group (secondary education students, higher education students, adults). In the second phase, the E-Course on Financial Literacy was delivered. The second Intellectual Output was the Raising Awareness Campaign, comprising of activity focused on identification of target groups to be involved in the Raising Awareness Workshops and in the Campaign. Workshops were the last activity in this Output, preceded by activity on forming the content of the Workshops. | | The methodology used in the FLY project address the needs of the modern trends in education, including digitalisation of learning and the preference of personal approach in teaching. The main output the E-Course on Financial Education - is a free distance learning tool, designed and produced by experts on financial literacy and IT. Personal approach to target groups during the Raising Awareness Campaign complements the complex methodology used for this project.;The results achieved include: | creation of the E-Course on Financial Literacy | identification of target groups for the purposes of the Raising Awareness Campaign | advertisement materials of the Campaign produced and distributed | a series of Workshops conducted at schools and in companies | Raising Awareness Campaign carried out | | Thanks to these results accomplished, the following impact is envisaged. On European level, countries will benefit from more responsible consumer behaviour of citizens which would support also the economic development of EU. The field of financial education will be better understood on both international and national levels. The project will contribute to implementation of national strategies on financial education in the project countries. On individual level, the level of financial literacy of participants will increase and they will also be more aware of the risks of poor financial management. | | From the perspective of longer terms benefits, the FLY project will extend its impact beyond the time schedule of the project thanks to its linkage to the national strategies on financial education. The outputs produced will remain available to be used by individuals and organisations and institutions such as schools or companies in order to continue educating their students and employees. Increased financial literacy is considered to be another crucial element benefiting individuals, countries and the EU as a complex community. | Website | | FLY_Final_Dissemination_report | FLY_Dissemination Strategy | FLY Quality Assurance Plan | FLY Workshops reporting_BDA | FLY Workshops Reporting by CTANM | FLY workshops reporting JKU | FLY workshops reporting by Valero | FLY_External Evaluation reports | QA Progress Evaluation Reports Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-CZ01-KA201-001695;;;Wie war es damals? Oma, Opa erzhlt mal.;The project called How was it by then? Grandma, grandpa tell us. is based on the so-called reminiscence therapy, which is founded on the assumption that recollection is very important not only ...;Health and wellbeing, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;Zakladni skola nemecko-ceskeho porozumeni a Gymnazium Thomase Manna, o.p.s.;CZ;CZ,AT,DE;118.740,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;The project called How was it by then? Grandma, grandpa tell us. is based on the so-called reminiscence therapy, which is founded on the assumption that recollection is very important not only for a persons identity but also for his/her relationships with other people. The aim of reminiscence then is an increase in quality of life, of old people in particular. There are different types of reminiscence techniques, one of which is to enable a joint activity between two generations and thus strengthen and improve intergenerational communication. This technique is the basis of our entire project, whose main goal is to make elementary school children meet senior citizens and learn about life in old age. These encounters should help to establish deeper mutual relationships that would enrich both parties. While elderly people tell the children about their childhood and experiences and thus practise their memory and feel happier, the children learn from their stories how people lived fifty or more years ago, learn to treat the seniors slowly and patiently, learn to respect them and help them. In the project we plan a number of joint cognitive, creative and physical activities. The children will learn about the significance and importance of a full, healthy and active life, the course of which can be greatly affected by their attitude. That is why the project also focuses on a healthy lifestyle, intergenerational issues and the importance of communication. The participants of the project are elementary school children, their teachers, and senior citizens. Objectives of the project: The learner learns about the life of elderly people, about their childhood and youth, can identify the pros and cons of the present and the past. He/She knows how to behave considerately to elderly people, respects their experience and wisdom, can offer help empathically. The learner can recognise a healthy lifestyle, realising its importance to the quality of life and the connection with active and contented old age. | Another major goal of the project is the social level. We will strive to establish personal contacts between the children and the elderly, to involve the children personally and to direct them towards volunteer service. The aim is to improve the social and intergenerational relations with society-wide long-term impact.;"Planned activities are the following: 1. Reminiscence project with senior citizens. 2. Making Christmas presents for senior citizens creative workshop. 3. Healthy lifestyle healthy diet and old recipes creative workshop. 4. Carnival traditions, spring celebrations now and in the past. 5. Healthy lifestyle sport is important 6. Workshop I'm old but happy. 7. Our town now and then happening Experience the town differently. 8. Christmas now and then, cultural studies of EU countries creative workshops. 9. Making old toys creative workshop. 10. Photographic workshop ""Say Cheese"" - intergenerational photographs. 11. Healthy lifestyle sports and physical competitions with and for seniors. 12. Final theatrical performance on the theme of Generation Relationship. During the project, we plan to use the following methods: Storytelling, active listening, directed dialogue, activating methods, working with text, demonstration, giving instructions, skill-building methods, imitative methods, production methods, problem-solving methods, staging methods, educational games, methods of discovery, project-based learning, teaching through drama, e-learning, collaborative teaching. Collective, group and individual work will be included in the project. Approximately 200 pupils from three European schools (from Austria, Germany and the Czech Republic) participate in the project. " Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2014;2014-1-DE01-KA103-000381;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;"Die Hochschule Zittau/Grlitz (HSZG) handelt bei der Umsetzung ihrer Internationalisierungsstrategie u.a. nach folgenden Leitlinien: 1. Internationalisierung ist ein zentraler Baustein fr den ge...";;;HOCHSCHULE ZITTAU-GORLITZ;DE;DE;88.744,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;not available;English;Die Hochschule Zittau/Grlitz (HSZG) handelt bei der Umsetzung ihrer Internationalisierungsstrategie u.a. nach folgenden Leitlinien: | 1. Internationalisierung ist ein zentraler Baustein fr den gesellschaftliche Auftrag und den Bildungsauftrag der Organisation Hochschule, um junge Menschen auf ihrem Weg zu einer weltoffenen, demokratischen, fachlich als auch international und interkulturell qualifizierten Persnlichkeit zu begleiten und zu untersttzen. 2. Speziell unter Bercksichtigung der geopolitischen Lage der HSZG sieht sie eine besondere Verpflichtung und Herausforderung, ihren Beitrag fr das weitere Zusammen wachsen Europas mit Blick auf die Staaten Mittel- und Osteuropas zu leisten, wobei die direkten Nachbarn Polen und Tschechien eine besondere Rolle spielen. Das Erasmus-Programm der Europischen Union ist bei der Umsetzung dieser Ziele von besonderer Bedeutung. Von den 40 Studierenden, die im Rahmen des Projektes 2014 einen Auslandsaufenthalt ber Erasmus absolviert haben, gaben 75 % an, dass sie einen Auslandsaufenthalt ohne die finanzielle Frderung durch Erasmus nicht oder nur vielleicht htten durchfhren knnen. Das ist insbesondere auch deshalb von Relevanz, da die HSZG in einem Teil ihrer Studiengnge ein Auslandssemester zum Pflichtbestandteil des Studiums erklrt hat (Kultur und Management (B.A. und M.A.), Tourismusmanagement (M.A.), Wirtschaft und Informatik (B.Sc.), Wirtschaft und Sprachen (B.A.)). Die Untersttzung durch das Erasmus-Projekt der Europischen Union trgt damit erheblich zur Umsetzung der Internationalisierungsbestrebungen der HSZG bei. Ferner begrt die HSZG, dass das OLS jetzt u.a. auch in Polnisch und Tschechisch verfgbar ist.;Die Umstellung von LLP auf Erasmus+ war zunchst geprgt durch eine intensive Aufarbeitung der Partnerschaftsvereinbarungen (Interinstitutional Agreements (IIA)). Die ursprngliche Intention der Programm-Verantwortlichen, in einem IIA mehrere Hochschulen zusammenzufassen (im Gegensatz zu den im LLP genutzten Bilateral Agreements) lie sich in der Praxis so nicht realisieren. So existieren die Partnerschaftsvertrge auch weiterhin auf bilateraler Ebene. Mit Hinweis auf die ECHE wurden die Ansprechpartner in den Fakultten im Vorfeld der Unterzeichnung gebeten, die Partnerschaftsbeziehungen nicht nur quantitativ, sondern auch qualitativ auf den Prfstand zu stellen. Ferner wurde den Erasmus-Koordinatoren der Fakultten der Hochschule die Berechtigung bertragen, Learning Agreements rechtsverbindlich zu unterschreiben. Dementsprechend hoch ist der Anteil der ausgewiesenen anerkannten ECTS-Punkte nach Abschluss des Auslandsaufenthaltes. Um die Hochschulffentlichkeit (Studierende/Beschftigte) ber das Erasmus-Programm zu informieren, werden regelmige Informationsveranstaltungen in den Fakultten durchgefhrt. Ferner werden in gezielten Mailings sowie ber die Hochschulhomepage den Studierenden und Beschftigten der Hochschule aktuelle Informationen ber das Programm bereitgestellt.Die Administration der Studierenden-Mobilitten erfolgt hauptschlich durch ein Online-System, das die Studierenden bereits fr ihre Bewerbung fr ein Auslandsstudiensemester an der HSZG nutzen, und ber das sie regelmig ber den Fortgang ihrer Bewerbung und weitere zu erledigende Schritte informiert werden. Auerdem finden die Studierenden im Rahmen von ausgedehnten Sprechzeiten (face-to-face und telefonisch) - insgesamt 14 h in der Woche eine Ansprechperson fr ihre Belange. E-Mails knnen in der Regel innerhalb von 24 Stunden (werktags) beantwortet werden. Alle Partnerhochschulen, mit denen ein gltiges IIA abgeschlossen wurde, knnen ber unsere Partnerschaftsdatenbank aufgerufen werden. Wie oben bereits aufgefhrt, reisten im Rahmen des Projektes 40 Studierende (SMS) der HSZG fr ein oder zwei Studiensemester an die Erasmus-Partnerhochschulen im Ausland. Bei den Lehrenden (STA) waren es 14, und Mitarbeiter-Mobilitten (STT) gab es zwei. Whrend die Frderstze bei den Lehrenden/Mitarbeitern vorgegeben sind, haben wir uns bei den Studierenden fr Frderstze von 390, 330 und 270 Euro entschieden. Da wir in 2014/2015 und 2015/2016 durch einen Einbruch der Studierendenzahlen insbesondere in einem Studiengang mit Pflichtauslandssemester weniger Studierende hatten als erwartet, konnten wir die Summen recht grozgig festlegen. Durch die Krzung der finanziellen Frderdauer im Projekt 2015 von 4 auf 3 Monate sowie die Reduzierung der Stze ab dem Projekt 2016 (300/240/180) knnen wir vermehrt auch freiwillige Mobilitten frdern. Durch dieses Vorgehen knnen wir unsere Mobilittszahlen im Projekt 2015 gegenber 2014 voraussichtlich um 50 % steigern. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2014;2014-1-DE01-KA203-000619;;;Mobilising Agro-Food Expertise;The agro-food industry plays an important role in the European Union (EU) economy and is an important sector involved in the achievement of the goals set out by the Europe 2020 growth strategy. ...;Agriculture, forestry and fisheries, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning ...;;TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITAET MUENCHEN;DE;DE,IT,UK,IE,NL;200.828,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;"With this project, we addressed three critical issues: (1) too few individuals develop sector-specific qualifications at university level; (2) a gap exists between the skills that are actually required by employers and the curriculum offered by universities; (3) too little communication occurs among relevant stakeholders (e.g., universities, industry and public authorities). To tackle these issues, we formed a strategic partnership composed of European universities (higher education institutions (HEs)) and industry partners that actively pursue communication among relevant stakeholders. In collaboration with all partners, we organised three Intensive Study Programs (ISP) that aimed at equipping graduate students with a set of knowledge and skills that are better aligned with employers demands. The objective of the ISP was to facilitate entry of graduate students into the European agro-food job market, and to close the gap between industry needs and the academic curriculum. Moreover, based on the curriculum developed for the ISPs, we produced a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). The MOOC, together with the related dissemination activities, allowed us to broaden the learning community and to attract more interest in the agro-food sector. ";The project supported graduate students in their career development and increased interest in the agro-food sector. The project contributed to the EUs Education and Training 2020 strategic framework (ET 2020) objectives by increasing student and teacher mobility and by improving teaching quality. The MOOC was developed to improve learning effectiveness and reach a wider audience by broadening the learning community. Moreover, the emphasis on international aspects (including cultural differences) of the ISP and the MOOC raised participants awareness of intercultural differences. European universities and companies competitiveness at the international level were also strengthened by the project. It contributed to attracting bright minds and mitigating the brain-drain away from Europe. The MOOC (i.e., based on the experience from the ISP and including input from experts in their fields) showcases the excellence of European teaching and research to a global audience, and thus makes the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) more attractive world-wide. | Results | Website | | | Without category | | O2 - ISP teaching material 2015 (lecture) | O2 - ISP teaching material 2015 (lecture) | O2 - ISP teaching material 2015 (lecture) | O2 - ISP teaching material 2015 (lecture) | O2 - ISP teaching material 2015 (lecture) | O2 - ISP teaching material 2015 (lecture) | O2 - ISP teaching material 2015 (lecture) | O2 - ISP teaching material 2015 (lecture) | O2 - ISP teaching material 2015 (lecture) | O2 - ISP teaching material 2015 (lecture) | O2 - ISP teaching material 2015 (lecture) | O2 - ISP teaching material 2015 (lecture) | O2 - ISP teaching material 2015 (lecture) | O2 - ISP teaching material 2015 (lecture) | O2 - ISP teaching material 2015 (lecture) | O2 - ISP teaching material 2015 (lecture) | O2 - ISP teaching material 2015 (lecture) | O2 - ISP teaching material 2015 (lecture) | O2 - ISP teaching material 2015 (lecture) | O2 - ISP teaching material 2015 (lecture) | A3 - Projekt Website: MAFE | O2 - ISP teaching material 2015 (sessions) | O2 - ISP teaching material 2016 (sessions) | O1 - ISP Curriculum/Syllabus | A4 - ISP Assessment Criteria | A5 - Flyer ISP 2015 | A5 - Flyer ISP 2016 | A5 - Flyer ISP 2017 | A8 - Evaluation ISP 2015 | A8 - Evaluation ISP 2016 | A8 - Evaluation ISP 2017 | O4 - MOOC Curriculum | O2 - ISP teaching material 2017 (lecture) | O2 - ISP teaching material 2017 (lecture) | O2 - ISP teaching material 2017 (sessions) | O2 - ISP teaching material 2017 (lecture) | O2 - ISP teaching material 2017 (lecture) | O2 - ISP teaching material 2017 (lecture) | O2 - ISP teaching material 2017 (lecture) | O4 - Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) | O4 - Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) | O3 - Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Production Guideline | O4 - Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) | O4 - Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) | O2 - ISP teaching material 2016 (lecture) | O2 - ISP teaching material 2016 (lecture) | O2 - ISP teaching material 2016 (lecture) | O2 - ISP teaching material 2016 (lecture) | O2 - ISP teaching material 2016 (lecture) | O2 - ISP teaching material 2016 (lecture) | O2 - ISP teaching material 2016 (lecture) | O2 - ISP teaching material 2016 (lecture) | O2 - ISP teaching material 2016 (lecture) | O2 - ISP teaching material 2016 (lecture) Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2014;2014-1-DE02-KA102-000222;;;Lernen in Europa / ADHOGA IV;"Mobility activities of Stiftung Bildung & Handwerk (SBH- Education and Crafts Foundation) are realized in the EU Programme Erasmus+ (2014 2020) in the framework of mobility for learners ...";;;Stiftung Bildung & Handwerk;DE;DE,UK,BG,IT,IE,HU,FI,ES;54.423,00;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"Mobility activities of Stiftung Bildung & Handwerk (SBH- Education and Crafts Foundation) are realized in the EU Programme Erasmus+ (2014 2020) in the framework of mobility for learners in vocational education and training, key activity 1 (KA1). SBH promotes mobility of learners within three different types of activities: 1. SBH provides opportunities for apprentices from companies throughout Germany to realize work placements abroad 2. SBH continues colaboration on regional level with Carl-Severing-Berufskolleg fr Handwerk und Technik, Bielefeld and organizes work placements for 10 students as assistent in food technology to gain work experiences as well as to develop intercultural, social, personal and social competences. 3. SBH promotes mobility for staff of vocational education and training centres belonging to SBH and working in the field of VET for disadvantaged young people. SBH and partners organize within one week study visits exchanges of experiences and discussions on pedagogical issues with regard to daily work. SBH act as promotor of individual mobility for apprentices, so as done within Leonardo da Vinci with mobility certificate. We support apprentices from the sectors of administration, commerce, hotellry and gastronomy throughout Germany. Based on the wide range of vocational programmes in many different professional fields in our vocational training centres SBH has numerous contacts to companies throughout Germany. By the grant of ERASMUS + we promote 25 apprentices (in the second year of VET- process) to realize a four week work placement in one of our European partner countries: Bulgaria, Finland, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Hungary and the United Kingdom. If apprentices or their companies have contacts in other European countries that can be used to realize the internship, too. | SBH publishes the offer at the companies website, corresponding the standard of quality for so called Poolprojekte. | Interested apprentices SBH are choosed within an interview via phone and on the basis of corresponding documentation (CV and letter of motivation).";SBH offers pedagogical and intercultural preparation, if necessary language preparation, too. Therefor we decide depending on the place of domicile of the apprentice either to participate in a workshop at SBH Paderborn or to realize preparation via e-learning. SBH supports aprentices and their company during the whole process: starting with application for funding, planification,organization, preparation, realization and post evaluation. If wished by the company or the apprentices we coordinate a task to study during the work placement. Requirements and aims of the work placement are established individually with every participant corresponding to his VET process. The final programme for the stay abroad is coordinated among apprentice, company or vocational school and the partner institution abroad. In situ abroad process is supervised by the partner organization in cooperation with a mentor for internship at the company abroad. Learning agreement will be established between all three parties to assure quality and as base for work. The aim is to promote flexibility and independece, to offer technical, intercultural and individual experiences. In contact with people, culture and language of hosting country apprentices develope knowledge and competences. Essential part of every work placement is post preparation: after the return from abroad participants present their impressions and experiences: either at SBH or at their company or at vocational school to develop sustainability about mobility. All partners and participants play an active role in the public to disseminate experiences within European mobility. To document activities, experiences, skills and competences, all aprticipants within all activities will get the Europass Mobility document. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2014;2014-1-DE02-KA102-000569;;;Computerbetrug und Gegenmanahmen;"Context / Background: - perpetrators are becoming more and more professional, while security awareness and knowledge of data security stagnate. Important qualification aspects for post-graduate t...";EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, Teaching and learning of foreign languages ...;;Staatliche Berufsschule 2 Landshut;DE;DE,UK;59.298,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"Context / Background: - perpetrators are becoming more and more professional, while security awareness and knowledge of data security stagnate. Important qualification aspects for post-graduate training; Access to the labor market is decisively positively influenced. Project topic: computer fraud and countermeasures, specialists from the Department of Computer Forensics of the University of East London teach and improve the participants in the theory and practically at the computer workplace. - tomorrow's leaders acquire knowledge, skills and abilities for the security policy of a company, positively for the future viability of companies and thus also for employees. Goals - Know: Importance of data protection. Recognize : The given threats to operational data. Risks of manipulation and fraudulent attacks of deficient systems. Knowledge of: Privacy Policy - Practical implementation on the computer. Linguistic aspects: English vocabulary in the vocabulary range Internet, computer and manipulation. Affective: -Intercultural and sociocultural learning. Target group: Each 20 students. Trainees of form 11 and 12 in 2 flows, 40 students in total. Professional background of the TN: Min. one year of training, familiarity with computerized offices. Commercial tasks such as administration, storage and handling of company and customer-related data -Online banking, e-mail. Bank staff, car traders assistants, wholesalers and foreign trade clerks, retailers, and office clerks all from the region. Further target group: Certified Teachers in Commerce (Diplom-Handelslehrer) at our commercial vocational college. Respectively 3 colleagues in 2 flows, 6 colleagues in total. Background of the teaching staff: professional application of the entire office package, networking via e-mail, dropbox and online calendars. The training in the context of data protection is lagging behind, only recently a data protection officer has been named at the school.";"Course content: | | Week 1: | Language skills assignment for week 2, preparation of computer-oriented vocabulary | | Week 2: Specialized Course on computer fraud and counter-measures at the University of East London (UEL) | Overview and Risk of Threats | Fraud methods and security gaps | Safety measures | | Week 3: Computer Training | - Practical implementation of the knowledge acquired in week 2 in the UEL computer laboratory | Exercises: | Detection of security gaps | Install security locks | Finding, cleaning and securing an infected system | Cultural framework program | Results: | Know, recognize and avoid computer fraud | Understand English texts in the problem area of Internet fraud | | Results and achieved effects: -Professionalisation of data protection for trainees and apprentices: Certification by our project partner -Enhancement of our colleges lessons by the module ""data protection"" by the participating teachers -Englisch communication, computer vocabulary: Certification by our project partner. Intercultural learning, experience multicultural Greater London: Certification through us by Europass mobility, Long-term benefits: -Cautiousness in professional and private life in the area of data protection. - Improved chances on the job market for the trainees and improved chances of advancement for our staff. One promotion has already been announced, another colleague has been introduced into a management position with a prospect to a permanent post." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2014;2014-1-DE02-KA102-000626;;;European Vocational Competencies Through Work Based Learning;The District Government of Dsseldorf is responsible for 78 public vocational colleges with about 7700 teachers and roughly 167000 students from all vocational sectors of which about 93000 are app...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Recognition ...;;Geschftsstelle fr EU-Projekte und berufliche Qualifizierung der Bezirksregierung Dsseldorf;DE;DE,UK,FI,ES,NL,FR,TR;118.152,00;Yes;No;Regional Public body;Administracin Educativa;;not available;English;The District Government of Dsseldorf is responsible for 78 public vocational colleges with about 7700 teachers and roughly 167000 students from all vocational sectors of which about 93000 are apprentices in the initial dual vocational training. The EU Office of the District Government of Dsseldorf (GEB) co-operates with different vocational colleges in the region in order to promote and to use European transparency instruments and to implement partnerships on the vocational level and related work placements for students and teachers for high-quality education at vocational colleges. Through mobility projects the beneficiaries will acquire international vocational work experience. Additionally, the training personnel will be able to offer competence needs within the European context on a high level and to implement European quality and transparency instruments such as GQF/EQF, ECVET and EUROPASSS-instruments. The project EVC is focussing on mobilities of students (25), teachers (59), in-company instructors (13) and persons in school supervision (3) as partners from initial dual vocational training and initial school-based training. The project provides 100 mobilities in total into 14 countries. EVC offers four activities for training personnel 1. FinECVET - a model for vocational education in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) 2. Teachers and in-company instructors open up work placements for their apprentices 3. Europe on the move: learning outcomes with regard to occupational health and safety in vocational training in comparison to other European countries. 4. Development of a common evaluation scheme of mobilities in selected sectors (i. e. trade, transport and logistics, retail trade, office and business administration, air-conditioning. technology, electronics, industrial technology) and two activities for learners: 5.and 6.: Blended mentoring within work placements of students in both initial dual vocational training and initial school-based training is about the formation and assessment of a structured and work-orientated mobility. Both groups will gain international vocational competencies.;The activities for training personnel will be mentored by GEB experts during the whole project period by means of both accompanying workshops and the Internet. The students will be coached by their teachers. Targeting at the teachers the GEB offers workshops concerning the topic mentoring of mobilities. For on-site support a Blended-Mentoring-Instrument will be used. All beneficiaries will receive the Europass-mobility. The procedure for the organization and realization of mobilities are based on the European Quality Charter for Mobility. Based on their vocational background the students discover a different environment and enlarge their vocational work experience through communication and evaluation of their mobility experience. They have the opportunity to get to know working procedures within a different cultural context as well as to scrutinize their understanding of work that is affected by their experience in their home country. The training personnel of the vocational colleges and companies have adequate instruments for the encouragement of individuals. In addition, they get an insight in the development of competencies through European work placements for a systematic and sustainable inclusion into work placements of learners. This gain acquired with regard to profile and competence is of essential usage for companies, vocational colleges as well as teachers and students. In the long term the mobility project EVC has an important effect on quality objectives in vocational training in the region. It increases the employability of the beneficiaries on the labour market and enhances the competitiveness of all companies. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2014;2014-1-DE02-KA202-001571;;;Sinbad - a journey to promote key competences in early childhood education through storytelling;The Sinbad project aimed at promoting storytelling and the use of storytelling techniques in pre-school and primary school education in order to enhance the key competences acquisition of children...;Creativity and culture, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, Pedagogy and didactics;;wisamar Bildungsgesellschaft gemeinnuetzige GmbH;DE;DE,NL,EL,UK,TR,LT;251.642,71;Yes;No;governmental organisation/association/social enterprise;Asociacin;;;English;The Sinbad project aimed at promoting storytelling and the use of storytelling techniques in pre-school and primary school education in order to enhance the key competences acquisition of children. | | According to the report Act Now! on literacy one in five of our 15-year-olds in the EU still has insufficient reading skills and more than 73 million adults in the EU currently have low qualifications, and many of them do not have sufficient literacy levels to cope with the daily requirements of personal, social, and economic life (Commissioner Vassilious Foreword). Low performances in literacy and other key skills influence the chances of a successful participation in social, cultural and working life. | | Research has proven impressively that early childhood education is the most important time to initiate a healthy development and prevent effectively development problems. The continuous education and training of staff therefore is a fundamental issue for the quality of early childhood education provision. Creative approaches that can involve all children - independent from their social or ethnic background - are needed. | | Telling stories offers a powerful methodology to support the development of children. It supports the listening and reading comprehension and is a natural opportunity for children to grow as language users. It besides provides a possibility for children to interact with the cultural context of fairytales, folktales and other stories, it strengthens the children's ability to concentrate and fosters creativity as well as critical thinking by stimulating discussion and debate. | | The project team involved seven partners from six countries (Germany, UK, Netherlands, Turkey, Lithuania and Greece) with different background: some partners brought in their experiences with storytelling as narrative teaching method and/or with competence based learning in conjunction with the EU key competences. Others contributed with their experiences in early childhood education and/or teacher training. | | The project followed a bottom-up approach. It aimed at raising awareness for the potential of storytelling in education and supporting educators and teachers in applying storytelling in education. This was reached by developing educational resources and materials for teachers or other people working with primary aged children and implementing it in form of blended learning. All contents were based on a pedagogical framework, developed at the beginning of the project.;The main results of the project are: | - Pedagogical framework: Competence development through storytelling incl. Sinbad model ( | - Education pack ( | - E-learning course containing information about the concept of competence and the EU key competences, appropriate story selection, story structure, finding a suitable place, presenting a story, involving children and supporting the competence acquisition including storytelling competences. The course is free of charge and can be attended in all six project languages. At the end of the course participants can receive a certificate after answering some test questions. A forum allows the exchange with teachers from all over Europe. ( | - Story collection incl. suitable competence development activities, | - Workshop concept and storytelling workshops including framework for assessment and certification | - Guidelines for storytelling practice: recommendation for teachers and other people active in pre- and primary school education to organise practice workshops ( | | Sustainable resources and training tools were created helping teachers to better support children with storytelling as low-threshold and attractive method that works independent from the social or cultural background of the children. | | All results were tested with great success in stakeholder seminars, presentations and workshops. The e-learning course evaluation was open to the public and carried out with an online questionnaire at the end of the course. Almost 97% of the people who evaluated the e-course stated that they will use the contents of this course in their work. | | The project was able to show (and convince) a very high number of pre- and primary school teachers as well as several stakeholders that telling and working with stories can lead to more involvement and engagement from the children and besides supports the development of all eight EU key competences. Results | Website | | | Without category | | IO1/A1: Pedagogical Framework: Competence development through storytelling | IO1/A1: Sinbad Model | IO1/A2 and A6: Education Pack_EN | IO1/A2 and A6: Education Pack_DE | IO1/A2 and A6: Education Pack_NL | IO1/A2 and A6: Education Pack_EL | IO1/A2 and A6: Education Pack_TR | IO1/A2 and A6: Education Pack_LT | IO1/A3: Story collection_EN | IO1/A3: Story collection_DE | IO1/A3: Story collection_NL | IO1/A3: Story collection_EL | IO1/A3: Story collection_TR | IO1/A3: Story Collection_LT | IO1/A4: Evaluation of the Education Pack | IO2/A1: elearning concept | IO2/A3 and A5: Sinbad elearning course | IO3/A4: Guidelines for storytelling practice | IO3/A4: Guidelines for storytelling practice_German version | IO3/A4: Guidelines for storytelling practice_Dutch version | IO3/A4: Guidelines for storytelling practice_Turkish version | IO3/A4: Guidelines for storytelling practice_Lithuanian version | IO3/A4: Guidelines for storytelling practice_Greek version | IO4: Policy Recommendations | Unternehmen Sie mit Sinbad eine Reise in die Welt des Erzhlens: Geschichtensammlung und Zusammenfassung wesentlicher Inhalte | Project flyer in German language | Project Website Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2014;2014-1-DE02-KA202-001593;;;Learning e-Mobility Plus - Innovative Methoden und Strategien zum gemeinsamen Lernen in Kooperation von Berufsschule, Hochschule und Unternehmen - am Beispiel der Zukunftstechnologie Elektromobilitt ;BACKGROUND: Starting point for our project Learning e-Mobility Plus were the increasing requirements on vocational training in handling new technologies. The digital change and the entry of inno...;Enterprise, industry and SMEs (incl. entrepreneurship), New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses ...;;BGZ Berliner Gesellschaft fr internationale Zusammenarbeit mbH;DE;DE,IT,PL;285.403,50;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;;English;BACKGROUND: Starting point for our project Learning e-Mobility Plus were the increasing requirements on vocational training in handling new technologies. The digital change and the entry of innovative technologies like electromobility (e-mobility) require new competences from the professionals, which now go clearly beyond the traditional content of VET professions - such as diagnosis and repairing of computer-aided integrated motor vehicle technology. At the same time, vocational training should become more appealing for young people. Thus, vocational schools must respond with new ways of learning and learning content. | | Main PROJECT GOAL was to show, how innovative technologies could be included in vocational education and how to build up practicable learning environments, by using the example of e-mobility. Further, the project shall show, how to interlock vocational training more closely with higher education/research, to promote mutual learning, to strengthen cooperation of vocational training schools, academia and entrepreneurial practice and to bring forward internationalization - as a contribution to strengthen quality, job market orientation and future viability of vocational education (new skills for new jobs). | | Our project had three TARGET GROUPS: | * Trainees (but also students) as learners - they shall use the newly acquired competences in their future working life | * Teachers and trainers that shall pass on the new contents | * Companies as future employers, decision-makers from politics and economy as well as social partners as supporters for strengthening of innovations and permeability in the education systems | | 9 partners from Germany, Poland and Italy cooperate in our STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP - vocational training institutions, higher education institutions and business associations. With the knowledge partnership vocational training-higher education-companies, the central actors were represented in the project, in order to develop and implement a practicable learning environment for vocational training schools and EU-wide applicable cooperation models for the future technology e-mobility.;PROJECT ACTIVITIES | Key element of the joint work was the development, testing and use of an innovative learning environment for vocational schools. For this, we developed the following products: | * Concept and quality indicators for innovative teaching systems and learning environments in the technology sector | * Learning models for 3 topics: Power split in hybrid drives (Berlin), Switching from the conventional to electro drives (Poznan), Gears in hybrid and differences in technical performance (Vicenza) - with functional requirement sheets, product specification sheets, multimedia documentations and operable prototypes (e-karts) | * Guidelines for using the models in the education | * Recommendations for actors from politics, education and economy with regard to the integration of the learning environments as well as their EU-wide transfer and use | | The development and the testing of the learning environments took place in joint working groups with active participation of the learners. | | Intensive networking with stakeholders and PR/dissemination accompanied the work on the products. Further, we executed 12 multiplier events in order to make available the project results to a larger group of users and to gain supporters for transfer and implementation. By this, we reached 500 people. | With a view on a sustainable anchorage in vocational education practice, stable networks were build up in all three countries. | As a RESULT, there is a tested innovative learning environment for vocational training in the area of high-technology that brings together the needs of learners, job market demands and academic know-how and at the same time strengthens permeability between vocational training and academic education. This covers the practical use of new learning models for technology issues in vocational schools that are easy to transfer and to use, qualified teachers, a greatly strengthened cooperation between vocational training schools, higher education and companies as well as an improved transfer of knowledge in the international context. The trainees as end users own new competences in the innovative technology area e-mobility. | | OUTCOMES: Our project has an effect beyond these results. The inclusion of new technology, praxis-oriented learning models and participative learning forms make vocational education more attractive. The international cooperation with higher education institutions strengthens vocational schools in handling technologic innovations. The new competences improve the employability for young professionals. At the same time they strengthen the competitiveness of SMEs. | With these offers, vocational education is enhanced by educational policy-makers. | In the medium-term we further expect effects on the job market and in economy (improved service quality for and demand for E-vehicles). | Results Website | | | Without category | | O2 Deutschland Lastenheft deutsch | O2 Italien Lastenheft deutsch | O2 Italien Lastenheft italienisch | O2 Polen Lastenheft polnisch | O2 Polen Lastenheft englisch | O3 Deutschland Pflichtenheft deutsch | O3 Italien Pflichtenheft englisch | O3 Italien Pflichtenheft italienisch | O3 Polen Pflichtenheft polnisch | O4 Deutschland Dokumentation Lernmodell deutsch | O4 Polen Dokumentation Lernmodell englisch | O5 Deutschland Multimediadokumentation Link - deutsch & englisch | O5 Italien Multimediadokumentation Links - italienisch & englisch | O5 Polen Multimediadokumentation Link - polnisch & englisch | O5 Polen Multimediadokumentation - Anhang Beschreibung in polnisch | O6 Deutschland Dokumentation deutsch | O6 Italien Dokumentation englisch | O6 Italien Dokumentation italienisch | O6 Polen Dokumentation polnisch | O7 Deutschland Leitfaden deutsch | O7 Italien Leitfaden englisch | O7 Italien Leitfaden italienisch | O7 Polen Leitfaden polnisch | O8 Deutschland Empfehlungen deutsch | O8 Polen Empfehlungen polnisch | O9 Empfehlungen aus Polen in polnisch-englisch | O1-A3 Konzept und Qualittsindikatoren Lernenvironment Deutsch | O1-A3 Konzept und Qualittsindikatoren Lernenvironment Englisch | O1-A3 Checkliste mit Qualittsindikatoren | O1-A2 Interviews Vorlagen | O1-A2 Analyse Lernende | O1-A2 Analyse Lehrkrfte | O1-A2 Analyse Unternehmen | O1-A2 Situationsanalyse | O4 Italien Dokumentation Lernmodell italienisch | O4 Polen Dokumentation Lernmodell polnisch | O8 Italien Empfehlungen italienisch | O1-A3 Konzept und Qualittsindikatoren Lernenvironment Polnisch | O9 Empfehlungen englisch Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2014;2014-1-DE02-KA202-001635;;;ENEX - Expert in Nanotechnology Exploitation;The project 'ENEX - Expert in Nanotechnology Exploitation' developed a short-cycle vocational qualification at graduate level in accordance with the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) focused...;Research and innovation, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;Internationale Agentur fr Marketing und Technologietransfer GmbH;DE;DE,IT,NL,RO,PL;325.192,00;Yes;No;International agencies and organisations;Asociacin;;;English;The project 'ENEX - Expert in Nanotechnology Exploitation' developed a short-cycle vocational qualification at graduate level in accordance with the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) focused on the rapidly growing area of nanotechnology applications in industry. | | Nanotechnology (NT) is a strongly emerging area of research and activity, opening up new markets, and leading to new products, processes and services in almost all industrial sectors. Because of this rapid development, there is an increasing demand of particularly qualified personnel in companies engaging in NT or in related industries, as well as in technology transfer organisations operating as intermediaries between NT research and industry. | | The 'ENEX Expert in Nanotechnology Exploitation' is the 'interface' between laboratories and researchers developing nanotechnologies and the industry and health sector using them. | | Due to the interdisciplinary nature of nanotechnology and its wide range of applications, the ENEX must have a sound knowledge and understanding of the underlying NT principles, material properties and processing techniques that enable | - to draft innovative solutions based on NT for industrial product development, and | - to steer academic research in the field of NT to realistic targets that are application-oriented and market-led. | In addition, the ENEX must have competences to assess and manage the process from NT research to product innovation to take the right decisions at strategic level ('do the right things') as well as operational level ('do things right'). | | This project developed a sustainable platform for providing knowledge, skills and competences in the fields of nanotechnology and product innovation management in particular to key staff of NT companies or related industry, but also to researchers, intermediaries and other stakeholders of the NT research to market process. Basic modules offer less pre-qualified participants the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the subject matter and successfully complete the ENEX course. | | More specifically, the project developed: | | 1. The COMPETENCE PROFILE of the 'Expert of Nanotechnology Exploitation - ENEX', structured according to ECVET guidelines. | | The competence profile is based on a state of the art market, training and demand analysis in the field of nanotechnology as well as all relevant industries. In this way, it can be used as a point of reference for further training courses and form the basis for independent vocational training. | | 2. Two CURRICULA combining theoretical as well as practice-oriented lessons with methodologies and case scenerarios, the one on fundamentals of nanotechnology (materials and processing), the other on assessing and managing innovation processes, | | Written by two leading universities, the curriculum offers up-to-date and high-quality knowledge of nanotechnology and innovation management. In addition to subject-specific modules, the course offers sound basic knowledge in order to familiarize trainees with the topic and acquire the ENEX certificate, even without extensive prior qualifications. | | 3. One E-LEARNING COURSE merging both curricula into a new interdisciplinary and innovative pedagogical concept, | | An up-to-date platform, which is available on all end devices, enables the trainees to learn individually, monitor their own progress and carry out a qualitative self-assessment. Upon completion, the trainees receive a certificate signed by all partners. | | In case of queries, the trainees are supported by the respective course leaders. | | 4. Appropriate methodologies and GUIDELINES for the validation, assessment and monitoring of the performance of ENEX trainees | according to European standards (CEDEFOP 2009).;The structure of the guidelines, validation and methdology is initially context-neutral. This makes it possible to transfer the outputs to other subject areas as well as teaching and learning projects. It can thus be used as a basis for completely different training courses. | | Furthermore, it presents the methodological steps and processes of the ENEX project in an understandable and comprehensible way. | | The consortium consists of 6 partners out of 5 European countries (DE, IT, NL, PL, RO): 1 private-sector consulting firm, 1 regional development agency, 1 research centre and 3 universities. | | Thanks to an extensive dissemination plan, more than 30,000 people could be reached in the course of the project by various means. | | As e-learning concepts are a fast growing market segment, a rapid diffusion of the ENEX products developed in this project can be expected for the time after end of the project. | | The ENEX consortium is committed to supporting the use and transfer of the materials developed by us. Results | Website | | | Without category | | ENEX_O1_Evaluation report_online survey | ENEX_O1_Competence Profile | ENEX_O2_NT_lesson_plans_v2 | ENEX_O2_IM_lesson_plans_v2.pdf | ENEX_O1_Company Questionnaires in partner languages | ENEX_O3_E-learning course | ENEX_O4_Evaluation report Nanotechnology pilot | ENEX_O4_Evaluation report Innovation management pilot | ENEX_O4_Summary report on assessment of pilot training | ENEX_O4_ENEX_methodology for validation and assessment.pdf Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-DE03-KA101-000256;;;Pdagogische Weiterentwicklung der Schule in Bezug auf individualisierten und schleraktivierenden Unterricht;"Pedagogical advancement of our school concerning individualized and student-activating teaching as well as eLearning This two-year school education staff project aimed at improving the pedagogi...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Pedagogy and didactics, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;Gymnasium Ernestinum;DE;DE,NO,SE;13.538,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;Pedagogical advancement of our school concerning individualized and student-activating teaching as well as eLearning | | This two-year school education staff project aimed at improving the pedagogical skills of a critical amount of our teachers concerning individualized and student-activating teaching. | | Altogether we sent a total number of 9 teachers. Three teachers visited our partner school in Norway and three colleagues went to our partner school in Sweden for the duration of one week each. These teachers observed teaching there and were trained by our partner schools to do some teaching on their own. eLearning was also a fundamental part of teaching in Norway. Sweden offered an online communication tool for school and parents. Our staff also gained valuable insights into the schools' administration. The partner schools were in fact especially able to provide the experience desired. They were also very keen on an discussing our observations, learning from us and sharing in the idea of European mobility. | | Additionally we sent three members of staff, including the school's head Dr. Jakob, to Brixen, Italy, to do job-shadowing at schools employing pedagogical concepts of Maria Montessori. This mobility was undertaken in order to sensibly substitute for a seminar at europafels e.V. in Tramino/Italy which would have included visits to schools in the vicinity as well. The seminar unfortunately was quite surprisingly cancelled by europafels e.V. (please see below). | | Visiting our partner organisations also resulted in intercultural learning in Europe, which was very helpful for both staff and students alike. | | It would have been desirable, however, if all members of staff had shown more own initiative to incorporate different European approaches to teaching. It is true that long-lasting effects of change take their time and established ways of thinking don't change easily and readily. Our programme did have an impact, which can be proven by the fact that an experienced colleague showed genuine interest in the possibilities offered by our visit to Schulsprengel Brixen-Milland towards the end of our project. The colleague's positive experience with her jobshadowing there will certainly be welcomed by other members of staff (see below). | | Our project blog on, initiated by Dr. Bernd Jakob, which was regularly picked up by the local press and which was communicated to the staff whenever a new mobility was on it's way was certainly a good means to create identification with the project and its outcome.;We are deeply convinced of the positive effect of these mobilities: They enhanced the quality of teaching at our school globally and in certain areas and enriched our school's development for the future. Finally they motivated teachers and consequently pupils. Certainly this can't be measured directly by numbers, but it created much more than an awareness among our staff which will eventually have beneficial effects on our school's development plan as a whole. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-DE03-KA101-000503;;;Europische Mastbe setzen und Job shadowing;"European Benchmarking and Job Shadowing This project was createt in order to meet the requirements of the comprehensive school (Gemeinschaftsschule) by creating new structures and process optimi...";Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;Gemeinschaftsschule Moerikeschule Backnang;DE;DE;10.078,00;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;European Benchmarking and Job Shadowing | This project was createt in order to meet the requirements of the comprehensive school (Gemeinschaftsschule) by creating new structures and process optimisation in the the school board. We want to improve the organisation and structure of teaching and learning situations in the comprehensive school. By benchmarking in the European comparison we want to improve the quality of teaching, studying and learning processes in our school. Teaching based on competence grids (Kompetenzraster) and new forms of assessment of performance are due tob e developed. | In order to achieve these aims four colleagues are going to attend two courses run by Euneos. | The first course focuses on the developing chapters for school policy plan on innovation. We want to work out what our innovative aims are, decide on short and long term aims and develope the organisation of innovative activities at school level (creating standing structures to enable design, execution and monitoring of innovative development in your school). Competences needed therefore are developing a vision on innovative cooperation together with the relevant groups in the school, linking it the curriculum with the aims of the visions for all students, teachers and for the school as a whole. Gear these goals to short and long term policy measures, implement the process of streamlining the innovative elements in the curriculum and disseminate the activities and products/methods . | The second course focuses on the quality of of teaching, studying and learning situations in our school. Compentences needed to achieve this aim are organisation of the studying and learning process at comprehensive schools, new ways of teaching at comprehensive schools. Using new media in the classroom. Organisation and advancing in-service training of staff at our school. | Job Shadowing | We are going to send 2 teachers (one school board member ond teacher from years 5-6) to our Swedish partner school. The main focus will be on : | Teaching based on compentce grids (Kompetenzraster) and new forms of assessment of performance. Working and teaching with Infomentor and competence grids. | This part of the project is going to be planned and organized by a project team at our school and a project team at the Swedish school. We are going to found an eTwinning project and use the twinspace for preparation and evaluation of the project.;Following the courses we are going to show parents the innovative process in our school at open days and other meetings. | Schools that are turning into a comprehensive school as well are visiting our school, we will explain to these schools the planning and the realization oft he project. The results will be presented as well. | Our school is part oft he national and regional networks off all day schools, here we will share the idea and the results of the project. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-DE03-KA101-000542;;;Teachers in Search of Excellence;In search of excellence, 10 teachers for mathematics, IT and foreign languages are being sent to our partner schools in Poland, Italy and Spain. There mission is to find out how Poland managed to ...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, International cooperation, international relations ...;;Kaufmnnische Schule Bad Mergentheim;DE;DE,IT,ES,PL;14.282,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;In search of excellence, 10 teachers for mathematics, IT and foreign languages are being sent to our partner schools in Poland, Italy and Spain. There mission is to find out how Poland managed to improve dramatically its position in the PISA ranking of mathematics performance, what our Italian colleagues do more and better in electronic teaching, how our Spanish partners use digital whiteboards and learning platforms and how we can build up a closer cooperation with them to improve our teaching of Spanish as a foreign language. | | We compare manuals, curricula, exam levels and teaching methods, learn how to use e-books and learning platforms to improve our teaching performance and to start an international cooperation which we wish to extend in the future.;Benchmarking and best practice is to enable us and our partner schools to improve the quality of our teaching, to develop new opportunities for international cooperation and to sharpen the European awareness of our teachers, students and external partners. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-DE03-KA101-000569;;;Noch mehr Europa wagen: Manahmen zur weiteren Internationalisierung und Qualittsentwicklung der Fachoberschule Frth;In the past two years of the project (24 months) our school has continued on the path of internationalization. This happened not just because of the European grants regarding Erasmus + Key Action ...;Teaching and learning of foreign languages, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;Staatliche Fachoberschule Frth;DE;DE,FR,HU,IT,ES,CZ;21.605,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;In the past two years of the project (24 months) our school has continued on the path of internationalization. This happened not just because of the European grants regarding Erasmus + Key Action 1, but the funds were a vital part in that process. | | What measures and activities were conducted in the past two years of the project? | | 12/2014: Job shadowing at partner school in Debrecen/Hungary | 03/2015: Job shadowing at partner school in Prague/Czech Republic (two participants) | 04/2015: Job shadowing at partner school in Elda/Spain | 05/2015: Job shadowing at partner school in St. Louis/France | 07/2015: Language course French at a language school in Brest/France | 07/2015: Language course English at a language school in Prague/ Czech Republic | 01/2016: Job shadowing at partner school in Prague/ Czech Republic | 02/2016: Job shadowing at partner school in Debrecen/Hungary (two participants) | 04/2016: Job shadowing at partner school in Marsala/Italy (two participants) | 04/2016: Job shadowing at partner school in Elda/Spain | 07/2016: Language course English at a language school in Malta | 07/2016: Language course English at a language school in London (two participants) | 10/2016: Job shadowing at partner school in St. Louis/France (two particpants) | | | Which goals were pursued in the KA1 Project? (cf. project application and funding agreement) | | A) Goals in relation to organizational and school development | a. Including more students and teachers in international projects | b. Maintenance and intensification of existing contacts to partner schools | c. Maintenance and expansion of a European network of partner schools | d. Ideas regarding the organization of full-time education and bilingual classes | e. Ideas regarding the organization of learning processes at off-campus learning sites | | B) Goals in relation to quality of classes and educational personnel | a. Methodological and didactic ideas regarding foreign language classes | b. Methodological and didactic ideas regarding STEM classes | c. Ideas for arrangement and optimization of classes in economic subjects | d. Strengthening of our teachers foreign language skills | e. Strengthening of our teachers soft skills;Our goal was to dare to be more European, because the school as a whole is convinced of the ideas of European unity in general and the schools path of internalization in particular. We were and still are convinced that cross-border cooperation between school (be it in the form of a student exchange or of a teaching internship in a foreign country) does more than just foster mutual understanding. These meetings motivate and enrich all participants in multiple ways. | This is why we have used the opportunities given to us by main action 1 of the new EU program Erasmus+ with the aim of gradually furthering the internationalization of our institution. We are convinced that this process is necessary and unstoppable in a Europe that at this point in time is unfortunately not always speaking with one voice. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-DE03-KA101-000578;;;Outdoor Learning und Umwelterziehung als moderner Profilbaustein der gebundenen Ganztagsschule;"The Eugen-Papst-Schule (a public remedial school) has already been rewarded several times for its innovative projects in the area of ""outdoor learning"" and environmental education. The aim of thes...";Disabilities - special needs, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Recognition (non-formal and informal learning/credits);;Eugen-Papst-Schule Sonderpdagogisches Frderzentrum Germering;DE;DE;9.540,00;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The Eugen-Papst-Schule (a public remedial school) has already been rewarded several times for its innovative projects in the area of ""outdoor learning"" and environmental education. The aim of these projects is to enable disadvantaged children and teenagers to develop the necessary motivation to learn, learning strategies and self-confidence in order to complete their education and job training. For our school, outdoor learning is not just considered as learning outside in the nature but learning in the middle of society: We cooperate with external partners, e. g. craftsmen, artists, volunteers, businesses. In this way, our students experience public appreciation and, already as learners, are included and participating members of society. | | The Eugen-Papst-School intends to send a team of 6 (3 pairs) educational members of staff to further training in the area of ""outdoor learning"" and environmental education to European countries. The teaching staff involved in the programme presently works in different areas in our school, from pre-school up to graduating classes, in full-day classes and as a member of school administration. | | The members form a team which aims to develop the area of outdoor learning and environmental education at schools for special education into an inherent part of teaching and education. Our focus is put on innovative learning and a modern understanding of | | teaching and its organisation. As a ""School of Excellence"" the Eugen-Papst School wants to get ahead on this path. The participating members of staff intend to build up ""outdoor learning"" within a European dialogue. Here, the international further training programmes will be a forum for professional exchange, which is supposed to be maintained during the implementation stage. Our goal at this stage is to offer training courses both for our educational staff and and for our students.";"In the long-run, we would like to implement ""outdoor learning"" as a fundamental part of the curriculum in remedial schools." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-DE03-KA101-000664;;;Kultivierung der interkulturellen Kompetenzen und der Projektmanagementkompetenzen zur europischen Ausrichtung des Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-Gymnsaiums Wertheim;During the training course intercultural competences as well as project management competences of our school were improved significantly. We are now better able to prepare our students for Europe ...;EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, Recognition (non-formal and informal learning/credits) ...;;Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-Gymnasium Wertheim;DE;DE;3.412,00;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;During the training course intercultural competences as well as project management competences of our school were improved significantly. We are now better able to prepare our students for Europe and can now better embed intercultural learning at our school. The training course also enabled our teachers and henceforth our school to establish bonds with possible exchange partners and we are about to plan E-Twinning or Job-Shadowing in the near future. | | Our participating teachers were able to sustainably improve our intercultural competences as well as our project management competences, and so help the work of the exchange coordinators of our school. Also a basis for other training courses in different countries was set. We can now implement the European Idea in our school even better, in classes and with our students.;We achieved positive short and long-term results to better establish intercultural learning and cooperation with other European schools in multiple countries. We were also able to use the trained teachers of our school as multiplicators to inspire our school even more for European projects. These projects will highly improve intercultural, language and social skills of our students to better prepare them for the future demands of an European and international employment market. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-DE03-KA201-001361;;;Images of young people in the future Europe;"Our multinational project ""Images of young people in the future Europe"" was supposed to meet todays growing demand of having better educated people and the basic need of lifelong learning. Duri...";EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment;;Gymnasium Carolinum;DE;DE,FI,FR,IT,LV,PL;223.875,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"Our multinational project ""Images of young people in the future Europe"" was supposed to meet todays growing demand of having better educated people and the basic need of lifelong learning. | During their project work students were enabled to identify their personal potential by reflecting on their own identity in order to develop the key competences such as social integration, active citizenship, language competence, ICT-competence as well as the learning competence ""learn to learn"". These objectives were realised in the course of two years by focusing on different topics during the meetings in the participating schools in Szczecin/PL, Orange/F, Tampere/FL, Neustrelitz/G, Ventspils/LV and Cuneo/IT. The following fields had priority: identity, tolerance, creativity, effectiveness through mobility, success through innovation and sense for democracy. | | First, starting from reflecting on their own identity and their personal potential, students in multinational teams worked out what requirements a young person of todays Europe has to face. On that point, a draft of a portfolio was started which was then complemented in the next steps. | | After that we started a logo competition and agreed on the logo of the project at the next meeting on tolerance. There students also tried to find out what unites adolescents and thus developed understanding and acceptance for others, especially minorities. This was reached through practical exercises in workshops, a lecture and the experience of intolerance by visiting Camp des Milles, a Second-World-War deportation camp. A questionnaire that had been worked out by the French students was answered by all participating nationalities. | | Students creativity next to the development of other competences played an important role for the next meeting. Focusing on music and arts unite, multinational groups were formed to perform a musical showing young peoples community spirit and demonstrating the efforts for a joint Europe to an international audience. After preparation in national groups, the project song, a rap, was written, performed and recorded, which then became a symbol of identification with this project and its contents. | | In the 4th phase (effectiveness through mobility) adolescents reported on their own visions of their future and discussed similarities and differences. Furthermore, possible ways and options of how they can complete and continue their education in their own country and abroad were presented. By doing so, they compiled a list of requirements of the single countries and Europe to focus on long term needed professions. Here language competence and ICT played an important role. As a result, a brochure was made which may be a helpful tool also for other students in this process of transition from school to the world of study and work. | | For the 5th step (success through innovation) the young people tried to define what characterizes this field, how they can develop particular strengths and how they can tap their own full potential. Using the example of a young enterprise of large commercial presence and an intense workshop they learned that self-initiative, creativity and innovation are important keys to success. By creating e-posters on Requirements for a young successful entrepreneur they drew conclusions for their own development. | | In the last step, all aspects were brought together again under the subject sense for democracy. The portfolio from the 1st step with all its additions was taken up again and checked anew with regard to the core themes of the project. | At the end of the project the students were encouraged to rethink their views and the requirements which young people face nowadays based on newly gained knowledge. Thus they created an image of a role model of a young European person, which may be helpful for other adolescents. | | All parts of the project consisted of 3 phases: preparation of the single themes in national groups (all participating students) using ICT to exchange information, project meetings (six students from each nation working together in multinational groups) and the reworking (the participating students working as multipliers in their national groups). During the whole project, a film team, set up by students, documented the activities and the progress of the project.";Next to all these results, which had been planned and put into practise, students started a website to publish and share all these experiences and results. Moreover, they created a brochure folder showing the process and results of the whole project. Apart from this, they wrote a term paper in which they examined project-related topics in the different participating countries and presented their findings to other students of the school. | Last but not least they reflected on their multifaceted positive experiences gained in the course of the project to be published in the CarolinumZeitschrift. | Results | Website | | | Without category | | Website | Project song | Brochure | Portfolio | e-Posters | Speech on tolerance | Survey on tolerance | Film 1 - Poland | Film 2 - France | Film 3 - Finland | Film 4 - Germany | Film 5 - Latvia | Film 6 - Italy Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-DE03-KA201-001472;;;Local Traces of Jewish Life in Europe;"The project ""Traces of Jewish life in Europe"" is a project for learning and critical thinking on the historic topic of the treatment, life and cultural influence of Jews in 5 European regions: Ge...";Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Romas and/or other minorities;;Regiomontanus-Gymnasium;DE;DE,PT,RO,EL,PL;137.075,00;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;;English;"The project ""Traces of Jewish life in Europe"" is a project for learning and critical thinking on the historic topic of the treatment, life and cultural influence of Jews in 5 European regions: Germany, Portugal, Poland, Romania and Greece. In it, pupils from very different social and economic backgrounds and teachers with different expertise and educational experiences, will participate, so that everyone will contribute to achieve a richness of perspectives and outputs that could not be achieved by just working in one of the five regions or within the limits of just one of the five different educational systems. The project aims at the creation of a book containing results of the research, allowing a multiregional and multidimensional understanding of Jewish History, its causes and consequences, as well as its heritage in the participating countries. This book shall fulfil the standards of OER and shall be available online, and server as the basis of further work on the subject and education based on the planned collection of selected local sources/examples not readily availabe elsewhere. Another practical and sustainable result will e a tourist guide to traces of Jewish life in Porto that is to be available in several European languages. Finally the project will allow transnational and comparative research as the basis of research papers in a German W-Seminary in History that are part of the German Abitur and that will be made available online. At the same time, it is expected that issues, involving a conscious, responsible and critical citizenship, will be further developed and promoted. Through a collaborative and innovative learning and the development of an active citizenship, it is intended to improve employability and support future learning and career paths. This way, young Europeans from different countries will develop the strategic use of ICT, OER for learning, research and dissemination. That means they will need to train flexible learning and virtual mobility and will thereby improve the employability of the European workforce. The online and ""live"" communication and cooperation will be a strong motivation as well as a training-ground for the development and practical application of language competences as a key dimension of modernising European education to foster the mobility of workers and students and improve the employability of the European workforce. The mobilities planned in every partner country will enable differentiated learning in formal and non-formal contexts for all participants: teachers and pupils, and will substantially improve motivation and openness to diversity, breaking and avoiding traditional stereotypes, clichs and limitations of national historical traditions or curricula. The possibility to interchange innovative practices in education by supporting professional development of teachers and educators can increase the quality of education and range of training in ICT-based methodologies and use of OER based collaboration on the topic of Jewish life in Europe. Working on the project will initiate intercultural education as a basis of social integration and prevent drop-out and promote participation of disadvantaged groups in society. As a main impact, there is the expectation of a change of mentality in the participants, eliminating the fear of difference and promoting the inclusion of every one in society. ";"The long term benefits will lie in - a better understanding of the importance and effect of History for/on culture and identity and our role in the present and future - reinforcing the importance of school as a tool and place of integration and social inclusion - an empowerment as individuals and as active participants in cultural and social changes; an improvement of the quality teaching - an increment and strengthening of the European dimension in education - strengthening of the relations with all the community. All the activities have focus on the one hand on a strong cultural component - Jewish heritage and its influence. The mobilities will allow the participants to visit sacred and historic places that marked national and European events and a whole people. On the another hand, the activities will allow the sharing of strategies, methods, ideas that enable innovation in the teaching-learning process, enhance motivation, the practice of ICT and foreign language. Results | Website | | | Without category | | ebook Part I_1: Index, Preface, Concept and history (Mobility Romania, Mobility Poland) | ebook Part I_2: Concept and history (Mobility Greece, Mobility Portugal, Mobility Germany) | ebook Part I_3: Galaabend | ebook_PartII: Local traces of Jewish life | ebook_Part_III: Research papers (Seminararbeiten der deutschen Schler) | ebook_PartIV_1: OER-Material (Part 1) | ebook_PartIV_2: OER-Material (Part II_1) | ebook_PartIV_3: OER-Material (Part III) | ebook_PartV: Evaluation, project partners, directory | Exhibition: 5 olares - 5 point of views | Ausstellungsplakat_Projektprsentation | Ausstellungsplakate_Mobilitt_Polen | Ausstellungsplakat_Warsaw_Ghetto_Uprising | Ausstellungsplakate Mobilitt Portugal | Ausstellungsplakat Jewish History Romania | Ausstellungsplakate Jewish History Griechenland | Ausstellungsplakate Mobilitt Griechenland | Ausstellungsplakate Mobilitt Rumnien | Ausstellungsplakate Jewish History Region Haberge | Guide through the Jewish quarter in Ioannina | Linkliste Audio-, Film- und Pressematerialien - Websites | ebook_PartI: Mobilitt Deutschland | ebook_PartIV_2: OER-Material (Part II_2) | ebook_PartIV_2: OER-Material (Part II_3) | ebook_PartIV_2: OER-Material (Part II_4)" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-DE03-KA201-001563;;;Die Jugend prgt Europa - Fertigung einer Mnzpresse zum Prgen einer Europamnze;"Summary: From the topic of the project ""The youth stamps /influences Europe -the stamping of a European coin with the help of a hand-made coin press the main focuses of this project could be r...";Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Open and distance learning;;Berufliche Oberschule Regensburg;DE;DE,PL,BE,TR,HU;214.395,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"From the topic of the project ""The youth stamps /influences Europe -the stamping of a European coin with the help of a hand-made coin press the main focuses of this project could be recognized. The groups of the participating partners from Belgium, Germany, Poland, Turkey and Hungary understood themselves as European partners who want to build a European educational working and adventure community. With this project they have experienced that it is possible to plan and work successfully and with lasting effect with different representatives from different nations in spite of their cultural and social differences. The participants came from the vocational school system and could all finish school with higher education entrance qualification. The different groups (of each nation) consist of ca. 8 pupils and approx. three teachers respectively. To ensure that as many as possible schoolboys and schoolgirls were confronted with the project the groups were always composed differently and therefore not always the same participants join the teaching and learning units in the different countries. To enable the pupils to communicate with each other, they had the chance of to use the internet platform e-twinning. One aim of the partners was applying and using of the synergies of their education like production engineering with the accompanying machines, programming, CAD, CAM, CNC, applied mathematics, technical drawing, materials, standardization and the international technical language. In addition, they tried to realize a modular, interdisciplinary, transnational educational concept which combines the two faculties namely technology and economy, thereby the fields social studies, history, mathematics, physics, chemistry, technology, technical drawing and economy form the theoretical foundation. The manufacturing of the coin press, as a part of the specialized practical education of the technology faculty, was accompanied with a cost calculation and marketing by those pupils from the economy faculty. The schoolboys and schoolgirls were introduced in an enterprise activity. | After the presentation of the proposals on the internet platform and the election of the two best proposals via e-twinning, the construction of the coin press would be brought up for discussion and was started and finally was completed.";The single modules of the project were equally and comparably divided on the participants. On this occasion, the pupils should find out that parts of a project, which were organized and completed in the prescribed time limit, could be joined internationally successfully together to one whole project. To ensured success and to provide transparency for all participants the intensive communication during the working process via an Internet platform and at the 5 meetings (teaching activities and learning activities) in the 5 partners countries was highly relevant. | At the teaching and learning activities reasoned Workshops which adapt themselves to the educational process were central. These Workshops were presented and realized independently by the schoolboys and schoolgirls. The responsible persons only functioned as advisers in the background. As there were always different participants at the meetings, that was one important element at the national schools to multiply and to convey the results which were reached at those meetings to the others. Besides, all inter-evaluations were published on e-twinning and therefore accessible for all participants. Another important component was the introduction of the participants to the structure and tasks of the EU. Thats why a working visit of the European institutions (Brussels) with an accompanied introduction was part of the project. Beside the general linguistic preparation, the linguistic component was stressed by the production of a specialist dictionary of the national languages of the partners and the production of a self-provided compendium in each language. The preparatory introduction to the history, culture, economy, applied geography, society and a supporting program with sport and leisure activities should facilitate the formation of a European experience community. A European party was a final event in Poland with all partners as well as perhaps an additional party at the national schools was used to promote and introduce the project to the public because at this party the coin press was mounted and started to function. In an addition the stamped coins were marketed there publicly. The participants received their certificates and Europass. Finally, the whole project was published on the homepage of the respective partners and the press and the regional television companies reported about the project work. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships addressing more than one field;2014;2014-1-DK01-KA200-000763;;;e-Learning for the prevention, preparedness and response to natural disasters;Climate change is occurring in Europe, with the European land temperature over the past decade on average 1,3C higher than in the pre-industrial era, making it the warmest decade on record (Sourc...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Environment and climate change, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;FREDERIKSBORG BRAND OG REDNING;DK;DK,ES,RO,LT,EE,UK;158.192,00;Yes;No;Local Public body;Administracin;;;English;Climate change is occurring in Europe, with the European land temperature over the past decade on average 1,3C higher than in the pre-industrial era, making it the warmest decade on record (Source: Climate change, impacts and vulnerability in Europe 2012 - EEA Report No 12/2012). | | The consequences of climate change can already be noted through the increase in the frequency of natural disasters. In Europe, according to the Emergency Database of Disasters (EMDAT), the number of natural disasters reported increased from 43 in 1974-1978 to 288 in 1999-2003. All the agencies working on monitoring climate change agree that, in the future, such consequences will intensify with the weather and temperatures being more extreme. Impacts will include natural disasters such as river floods, droughts, forest fires, warm periods, including heat waves, are expected to be more intense, more frequent and longer-lasting. (Source: EEA 2007: Europes Environment, the fourth assessment). | | The impact of natural disasters on the European population ranges from material damage, economic losses, casualties (death and injuries) and psychological distress. However, such impacts can be mitigated through the education of individuals, communities, and disaster responders on three levels: prevention, preparedness and response to natural disasters. Unfortunately, the European population lack the necessary education to face the changes brought upon them by climate change. | | In order to address the identified educational needs of the European population to face the changes brought upon them by climate change, fire and rescue services, primary and secondary education schools, adult education providers, and public administrations from six European countries worked together in this cross-sectoral and cross-border partnership. | | The project e-learning for the prevention, preparedness and response to natural disasters aimed to develop, validate and deploy a set of innovative educational materials to educate the European population on the prevention, preparedness and response to natural disasters related to climate change. These educational materials were made into e-learning modules and available for free on an e-learning platform as OER (Open Educational Resources). There are four e-learning modules: one for primary school children, one for secondary school students, one for adults, and one for disaster responders (fire and rescue services, emergency personnel and other first responders). Each e-learning module is tailored to the specific needs of its target group throughout a process of adaptation and validation. | | The execution of the project lasted 24 months and was structured in the following phases: | | PHASE 1: Development of the educational content for the e-learning modules | The professionals in prevention, preparedness and response to natural disasters represented by the four fire and rescue services from Denmark, Lithuania, Spain and United Kingdom, developed the educational content for the four e-learning modules. | | PHASE 2: Adaptation of the educational content to the target groups | Teachers and trainers from primary and secondary schools, adult education centres, and VET providers adapted the educational content of the e-learning modules to the specific needs of each target group. | | PHASE 3: Translation of the e-learning modules | The project partners from non-English speaking countries translated the e-learning modules into their national language while the British partner improved the quality of the English version. | | PHASE 4: First deployment of the e-learning modules | The partners deployed on the e-learning platform the four e-learning modules in six European languages. | | PHASE 5: Validation of the e-learning modules | Each e-learning module was validated with its target group (primary school children, secondary school students, adults, and professionals from fire and rescue services) throughout six pilot tests. | | PHASE 6: Final deployment of the e-learning modules | Based on the feedback from the validation of the e-learning modules carried out during the pilot tests, the partners defined and implemented the necessary improvements before the final publication of the e-learning modules in six European languages (Danish, English, Estonian, Lithuanian, Romanian and Spanish) on the e-learning platform as OER (Open Educational Resources).;As the e-learning modules are easily transferable to other countries and to other organisations, every user, teacher, trainer or education provider using the e-learning modules will be a positive step towards the education of the European population on the prevention, preparedness and response to natural disasters. | Results | Website | | | Without category | | e-learning platform for the prevention, preparedness, and response to natural disasters | Video summary of the project Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships addressing more than one field;2014;2014-1-DK01-KA200-000766;;;Framework for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Support in Open Higher Education;The contextual distance between formal education and the complex, ill-structured domain of professionals has always been challenging for young people trying to take their first steps into the job ...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;AARHUS UNIVERSITET;DK;DK,PT,AT,EL;349.731,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;"The contextual distance between formal education and the complex, ill-structured domain of professionals has always been challenging for young people trying to take their first steps into the job market. Entrepreneurship and innovation are today regarded as presenting young people with hitherto unacknowledged opportunities. Therefore, creating entrepreneurial mindsets and helping young people transforming their ideas and talents into viable products and services may be the answer to reduce the high numbers of young unemployment throughout Europe. Understanding this need, the Education system reacted once again. I&E courses blossomed in HEIs, research focused on entrepreneurship pedagogy, and related contests started targeting different groups. Although there is a wealth of knowledge about I&E it is largely disconnected and thus difficult to reap synergies or to allow building on best practice. There is a lack of synergies and collaborations that would allow newcomers to understand and to build on what is already known. In the past years, we have been seeing, however, the emergence of a potential enabler that would allow establishing a common framework so to bundle efforts, connect actors, and to build on best practice at scale. This enabler is called Openness and was recognized by the European Commission in 2013 as a possible flagship towards renewing and innovating in the education system itself. | | Against this background, the objectives of INNOENTRE were to: | | 1. Identify and analyze the lessons learnt from previous efforts on I&E within the partners' networks (i.e., academic programs, research projects, contests, etc.). | 2. Adapt and scale existing efforts into a new systems framework for I&E in Open Higher Education that would take into account technical, organizational, pedagogical, legal, and economic aspects and that could be applied and tested in different contexts. | 3. Provide a software platform and along with gathered, modified, or produced learning material on I&E (e.g., open educational resources, case studies, webinar, etc.) that would materialize the different dimensions of the proposed framework. | 4. Run two pilot rounds applying and testing the proposed systems framework in three sites inside the partnership. | 5. Create the opportunities for collaboration and networking among the different target groups, coming from the education, industry, and policy making fields. | 6. Create a reference point for future endeavors and be a gathering point for people who are interested in I&E. | | The project has brought together leading networks and state-of-the-art domain knowledge from 4 EU countries; namely: the Aarhus University (AU, DK), a research leading public HEI that has Entrepreneurship Education as a priority; the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH, GR), one of the largest universities in Europe with a long experience in EU-funded projects and the technical capacity to lift the technical dimension of the project; the European Learning Industry Group (ELIG, AT) that represents 52 companies (incl. IBM, Intel, HP, Pearson); Instituto Politcnico do Porto (IPP, PT rebranded in 2016 as Politcnico do Porto, PP) that coordinated for 12 (2003-2014) years the nationwide PoliEmpreende entrepreneurship contest; and finally Sociedade do Conhecimento, Inovao, e Organizao (SCIO, PT), a young SME with more than a decade of research and work experiences in the field of Open Education. | | The project built on the experience from recent projects such as PACE (Promoting a Culture of Entrepreneurship) (AU), HoTEL (supporting innovation in Technology Enhanced Learning) (ELIG, SCIO), openEd 2.0 and openSE (open and connected educational approaches) (AUTH, ELIG, SCIO), as well as the PoliEmpreende, a nationwide entrepreneurship contest that run across all 21 Portuguese Polytechnics until 2014.";The project applied an incremental design methodological approach for the software element of the framework. Two versions of the proposed framework (initial and revised) applied and tested in three partners (AU, AUTH, IPP). | | The project is innovative and complementary, and it built on earlier efforts, bringing together the necessary partners for such an endeavor. The project, thus, supported quality improvements, innovation excellence, internationalization, and facilitated collaborations. As such the results of the project also contributed to the modernization of Europes view on I&E education. The outcomes of the project are also of direct relevance to the project partners themselves, and to their network members, in adapting and improving their service and product portfolio, in accordance. | Results | Website | | | Without category | | Efficacy Review Report Of Existing Entrepreneurship And Innovation Support System Frameworks | Software Requirements Specification | Implementation Summary Report | First Pilot Summary Report | Revision Summary Report | Second Pilot Summary Report | First Pilot Evaluation Report | Second Pilot Evaluation Report | Impact Report | Sustainability Strategy | First Pilot Workshop Summary Report | Second Pilot Workshop Summary Report | Peer Learning Seminar Summary | Final Version of The Proposed Framework | Dissemination Activities | Video: AU's First Pilot activities at Dokk1 | Video: Peer learning seminar activities at Porto Polytechnic Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2014;2014-1-EE01-KA102-000032;;;Skills from Mobility;The main objective of the project is to provide for 48 trainees of Tallinn Construction School (20 finishers, 12 stone and concrete builders, 12 carpenters, 4 joiners) a possibility to improve the...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;Tallinna Ehituskool;EE;EE,FI,MT,DE;105.144,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;The main objective of the project is to provide for 48 trainees of Tallinn Construction School (20 finishers, 12 stone and concrete builders, 12 carpenters, 4 joiners) a possibility to improve their professional knowledge and skills, acquire new techniques, knowledge and skills in a real work environment in European Union. In addition, we want to motivate our trainees and support them for continuous self-improvement on their field. The project will provide a good opportunity to practice foreign languages. Participation in the project, provides for trainees a possibility to develop a sense of responsibility, independence and willingness to work as a team. For 8 trainers (4 finishing, 4 joinery) participation in the project provides an opportunity to examine partners' use of curricula, teaching methods, and technologies. It also improves their knowledge of professional foreign language. The project involves the school's best and motivated trainers who have been involved in curriculum development and school development activities. The trainers, participating in the project, are invited to apply gained knowledge in the development of learning environment in Tallinn Construction School. Their host partners are: 1 Helsinki School of Painters ( HMAK ) , Finland . HMKA hosts each year for six weeks ( one at school , and 5 in local companies), 4 trainees of construction finishing. HMAK also hosts two trainers for one week, who will follow the local trainer as job shadowing. 2 Keuda Group, Finland. Keuda hosts each year for six weeks ( one at school , and 5 in local companies), 2 trainees of construction and 2 trainees of joinery. Keuda also hosts two trainers for one week, who will follow the local trainer as job shadowing. HMAK and Keuda will provide for trainees one week practical professional training in the school workshops and then guide students to professional training in local companies for five weeks . 3 Salo + Partner, Germany. Salo hosts each year for six weeks (all 6 in local companies), all together 12 trainees 4 trainees of construction, 4 trainees of construction finishing, 4 trainees of carpentry. The practical work will be organized in a local construction company Schelfbau GmbH, which is engaged in the construction of apartment buildings . 4 IZI Ltd , Malta. IZI hosts each year for six weeks (all 6 in local companies), 2 trainees of construction finishing and 2 trainees of carpentry.;Project is managed by project coordinator who communicated with representatives of host partners during the preparation period. the role of the partners, the time and places of practical training where clarified during these discussions. During the mobility the coordinator is a person who communicates with hosting partners and trainees. He also shares information with the school's management on an ongoing basis. All partner organizations have submitted a written Letter of Intent with Tallinn Construction School. The school signs three side contracts between Tallinn Construction School, the host partner and trainee/trainer. The project coordinator will organize for the participants all kind of support (preparations, logistic..) To get an overview of the progress of the project, trainees are required at least once in a week send to the project coordinator e-mail with a brief summary of the week. The representative of the host organization is responsible for solving minor problems during the mobility. Participating in this project gives for trainees an experience in a real work environment outside Estonia. They acquire new techniques necessary in their professional life, improve their professional foreign language and develop their independence and social skills. Participation in the project gives for trainers an opportunity to examine the vocational education curricula used in Finnish vocational schools, the training methods and technologies. The participants gain knowledge and skills that can be used to turn thetraining process more attractive in Tallinn Construction School. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships addressing more than one field;2014;2014-1-EE01-KA200-000485;;;Robotics for Schools;Robotics for Schools (RFS) is a project that is aimed for filling the gap between teaching five-year-olds the basics of coding and the skills and knowledge needed for basic entry level VET. Mistak...;Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;NPO Robootika;EE;EE,FI,UK,SE;240.509,00;Yes;No;Non-governmental organisatiossociation/social enterprise;Asociacin;;;English;"Robotics for Schools (RFS) is a project that is aimed for filling the gap between teaching five-year-olds the basics of coding and the skills and knowledge needed for basic entry level VET. Mistakes made in general education throughout the EU over the last decade within ICT should not be repeated. Many studies have shown that throughout the Internet era the focus on ICT has moved from how things work almost exclusively to how to use technology. The latter how to use is now recognized as a redundant educational concept as all students simply learn and use ICT as a part of everyday life. The call from many governments is for education to move back to an understanding of how things work. | | RFS team approached the topic systematically by setting following objectives: | | establish an educational policy document; | conduct progressive series of curricula developments; | develop course plans and teacher training courses for mathematics, science and technology; | target teachers at primary, lower secondary and upper secondary level within the area of Robotics in Schools. | | RFS team consists of six different partners from Estonia, Finland, Sweden and UK: | | NPO Robootika - Estonia - project manager | | NPO Robootika has been developing educational robotics in Estonia since 2008. The target of activities is to address as many pupils in schools as possible to introduce them the possibilities of robotics. Interested kids will develop their dexterity, engineering, problem solving, teamwork and modelling skills. Due to the work done in educational robotics in Estonia, over 50 % of the schools in Estonia have joined the project. | | ITT Group - Estonia | | ITT Group is a modern company focused on mechatronics design and e-solutions. The target market is primarily Estonia and Scandinavian countries but also Germany. One of the characteristics is keeping an open mind for new ideas and therefore we have been participating different European projects. As all board members hold a university degree the company is very tightly related with education. | | Elderberry AB - Sweden | | Elderberry AB undertakes curriculum development and strategic studies, authoring, testing, editing and publishing within school, youth, adult, teacher and VET education, often with socio-cultural and urban implications. The company is experienced with traditional methods for educational material as with e-learning and e-culture. Elderberry has also a vast experience as a partner and coordinator of EU projects. | | University of Turku - Finland | | It is Finlands second largest, an internationally competitive research-led university whose operation is based on high-level multidisciplinary research. The university is recognised for the quality of teaching, research and excellent support services. | | GRYD LTD - UK | | Gryd provides training, technology research and development of advanced e-learning. Being a relatively new organisation (October 2012), it draws on the experience of its director, Pete Stevens. | | Engelbrektsskolan - Sweden | | Engelbrektsskolan is a popular primary and secondary school located in the city centre of Stockholm. The school is located close to museums, cultural sites and nature. In grades 4-9 the pupils can choose between different profiles, including Maths and Science. The profile organizes programming with robots (BeeBot, LEGO and Scratch).";"The main result of the project is learning material to teach robotics to students from elementary to high school. They are called Roboquests - online based tutorials for learners and teachers with narrative stories to make students interested in the topics of robotics. Roboquests are platform independent which means they can be used with any robotics platform that has the basic ""sensor-controller-actuator"" functionality. | Roboquests are all in English and selected ones in Estonian, Swedish and Finnish | . | Within RFS, following publications were developed: | ""Creating and Implementing Robotics for Schools"" - this document introduces different methodologies, including practical guidance, on creating a range of activities and ideas for implementing Robotics for Schools in a teaching or training situation. | Good Practice - this report shares good practices and successful pedagogies for robotics education from different European countries with particular focus on Estonia, Finland, Sweden and United Kingdom. | Project website is a base for all results and the most important Roboquests, which includes all necessary materials for teachers such as lesson plans and solutions. | | A long-term benefit of Roboquest is that it gives a possibility to create more materials in the future for other educational parties. Roboquests follow the idea of inquiry and narrative learning. The environment allows teachers to create their own Roboquests and share them with others. | Results | Website | | | Without category | | 01 e-Publication - Creating and implementing robotics for schools | 02 Project Website | 04-A1 Policy document | 04-A2 Good Practice | 05 Training course curriculum | 06 Robotics for schools lesson plans - Teacher notes and lesson plans | 03 E-learning course - Roboquests" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-EL01-KA201-001294;;;Safe Internet For All ;Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has become very useful for everyday activity, communication, commerce, entertainment, etc. Especially the Internet has a tremendous potential and a l...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Pedagogy and didactics;;2nd Lyceum of Kos;EL;EL,PL,NO,SE,AT;135.980,00;Yes;Yes;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has become very useful for everyday activity, communication, commerce, entertainment, etc. Especially the Internet has a tremendous potential and a lot to offer in terms of services. It is an evolving medium that continuously presents new functionalities, such as web 2.0 that can even be effectively used in learning. | | However, like other innovations, it has its own disadvantages so it is important that students learn how to use it properly. Iit is essential for the school community to develop the right attitude towards the internet and ICT. Most students (even some teachers) are completely unaware of dangers, safety risks, security matters, health matters and matters of ethics that are related to the use of the Internet. It is important that all students receive e-safety education at school. Teachers also need further training in order to ensure they have the knowledge and confidence to deliver e-safety education and respond to any safety issues. | | SIFA focused on making the school community aware of the dangers and risks of the Internet, on informing, educating and preparing students and teachers in ways to cope with these. We believe that through SIFA activities we have raised awareness and delivered safety messages to students and their parents, helped our schools develop an e-safety policy and support the development of functional and critical digital literacy and internet safety skills. SIFA was a strategic partnership among schools which explored and studied contact and content risks of ICT mostly Internet tools concerning our students. The participating schools were: the 2nd Lyceum of Kos (Greece coordinator), Fridagymnasiet (Sweden), HAK Ybbs (Austria), Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace im. Piotra Skargi (Poland) and Os vidaregande skule (Norway) and teachers and students from these schools concentrated on aspects concerning the safe use of ICT and Internet. Five different exchanges were held in each country, each dealing with a different dimension of the matter, i.e: | 1st: (Austria) Internet addictions (excessive use of social networks, gaming etc). | 2nd: (Norway) matters concerning health (social isolation, depression, etc). | 3rd: (Sweden) security (viruses, malware, spam, phishing, etc). | 4th: (Greece) matters of ethics (copyright, plagiarism,etc). | 5th: (Poland) safety (cyberbullying, grooming, etc). | | Before each meeting there was an appropriate preparation, concerning presentations, collection of stats and data, relevant research results, etc. | During each meeting all groups participated in activities relevant to the specific theme of the meeting, as described above. Follow up activities took place, such as courses organized by students, presentations, dissemination and evaluation activities. | We believe that SIFA did help students and teachers to: | Recognize online risks | Protect personal information and reputation | Learn where/how to get help | Demonstrate/advocate for ethical and legal behaviors | Learn about plagiarism | Respect copyright | Make ethical and legal decisions | After the meetings, through specific activities during which student acted as teachers for their peers, student engagement increased and an authentic sense of urgency around their education was fostered. Opportunities for students to explore teaching and learning in a new and remixed way were created. Students had plenty of opportunities to publicly share their own understanding, thus fostering authentic dialogue about what they learned. These processes were enhanced through reflection. The project also promoted the professional development of teachers concentrating on the strategic use of ICT. For this purpose we created a Learning Community among teachers, using web 2.0. Among other SIFA promoted take-up of innovative practices in education, collaborative learning and critical thinking, open and flexible learning, virtual mobility and other innovative learning methods. | Additionally 3 transnational teacher meetings were held (one in the beginning, one in the middle and one in the end) that helped organize and manage the learning activities and evaluate the project. Evaluation was done after each meeting and during the transnational teacher meetings.;An important product of SIFA was the Research that was conducted in two ways. A more general research with a pre-test and a Post-test and a smaller scale research before and after each meeting. It served as an intellectual output that is beyond plagiarism and upgrades the quality of the results, but it also served as a tool for internal evaluation. The following research questions were dealt with (concerning 5 major problems/topics related to internet use): | 1st: Do students know what every problem (topic) is about? | 2nd: Have students experienced such problems? | 3nd: Do students know how to handle these? | SIFA accomplished all its goals, had a great impact to the school community and society and will continue to do so through dissemination activities. | Results | Website | | | Without category | | Official Website of SIFA project | Research conducted | School policy concerning eSafety (eSafety Labels) | Product from meeting and activities in Austria about Internet Addiction | Product from meeting and activities in Norway about Health | Product from meeting and activities in Sweden about Security | Product from meeting and activities in Greece about Ethics | Product from meeting and activities in Poland about Safety | TwinSpace concerning SIFA | Contribution to | Dissemination, Announcements, Articles, Scientific Papers | Workshops, lesson plans, results | Special SIFA days in schools Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-EL01-KA201-001323;;;" : Youth of Europe connect to a "" Right"" net";This project was implemented within the Erasmus+ programme and was on the education of pupils with learning difficulties and/ or students with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND). This...;International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;"1o GENIKO LYKEIO PALLINIS ""Pierre de Coubertin""";EL;EL,RO,HU,PL,TR,BG,ES,IT;230.073,45;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;his project was implemented within the Erasmus+ programme and was on the education of pupils with learning difficulties and/ or students with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND). This sensitive group of students faces great difficulty integrating into not only the educational system but also to the community and is more likely to leave school. Five (5) countries - Greece, Cyprus, Span, Turkey and the UK - with different educational policies towards students with learning difficulties and/ or SEND were chosen to participate in this project. With this project, we have tried to find the appropriate and adequate procedures to give these students equal opportunities in education for easier integration and transition in the mainstream education. A total of 85 teachers, members of the teaching staff of the participant schools and 58 students got involved in the project. The project lasted two years and, as planned, three (3) Coordinator meetings and four (4) teaching/ learning meetings took place. Mathematics, Arts, Computer Science and Physics were the subjects we taught. We have decided to teach these subjects in order to see how students with learning difficulties and/ or SEND can cope with different level of studies. The teachers of the five countries taught the same educational topic from these four subjects. The other teachers, the accompanying persons and the pupils evaluated the different educational methods at the end of each meeting. At the end of the project, we produced a proposal with teaching methods suitably adapted to students with learning difficulties and/ or SEND in Mathematics and Physics. We have found in the Arts and Computers Science, students with learning difficulties and/ or SEND respond the same as their mainstream classmates.;"At the end of the project, we submitted as planned: Videos of all the lessons (, in section 5-Videos of the lessons) A video clip to promote and disseminate the project (, in section 4-videoclip) A printed book of 172 pages ( E-book version too ( An up to date website New Mathematics curriculum proposal ( New Physics curriculum proposal ( A presentation of the five educational systems to the Greek multiplier event(, in section 6-The educational systems of each country) Evaluations and feedbacks from teachers, accompanying people and pupils for all the lessons and all the topics (, in section 2- The evaluation of the project) All the results have already been uploaded into the Erasmus+ Dissemination platform, the Etwinning website, the website and the websites of the individual schools. There were also published in local newspapers and were presented into at the multiplier event that took place in Kilkis, Greece on 28th June 2016. Teachers, SENCOs, governors and local newspapers have attended the multiplier event where the results were evaluated and changes to the Greek educational system were extensively discussed. Easier transition points for students with learning difficulties and inclusion into mainstream education were the two main areas of discussion. The long run benefits that may result from the evaluation of the results of the plan are also the main aims of the project that is the non exclusion of students with learning difficulties from school and the inclusion of as many of the students as possible into typical classrooms. Results | Website | | | Without category | | e-book | posters in digital form | drawings - posters | Rightnet game: Mobile app for Android devices | 1st survey - questionnaire | videos for our project 's activities | 2nd survey - questionnaire | leaflet | videos for safety | tutorial for our mobile app ""Rightnet game""" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-EL01-KA201-001331;;;TRAVELLING WORDS;This project has been chosen as we are aware of the influence between languages and cultures which are strongly connected with our students learning process and the effectiveness and quality of th...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Pedagogy and didactics, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;3rd GYMNASIO of KALAMARIA;EL;EL,RO,BG,TR;76.000,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;This project has been chosen as we are aware of the influence between languages and cultures which are strongly connected with our students learning process and the effectiveness and quality of their labor and their future. Our students need to understand how languages diversify over time and can be influenced by others by loanwords and reborrowing words. Starting with neighboring countries we will try to include as many countries and languages as we can. The participants of the project are three public schools from neighboring countries, different but with common characteristics and good reputation. All three plan to develop the social skills and knowledge of their students and provide them with opportunities to evolve themselves to become productive European citizens. The Orthodox patriarchate in Istanbul, university professors, local authorities and community centers contribute to this ultimate aim. In order to increase our students motivation, to improve their ways to socialize and involve them to the use of ICT, they will participate in presentations, competitions, drama performances and collaborative creative writing accomplishments. We would like to strengthen their sense of initiative by teaching them to transform ideas into actions, thus developing skills and abilities necessary for the world of labor, i.e. through their work for the e-journal. This is the reason we are keen to develop learning materials and tools which will support study at home as well as promote distance learning, i.e. web-quests, multilingual lexicon providing them with tools for lifelong learning.For the dissemination of the project outcomes and all the learning materials produced on the topic of the project we will set up notice boards, construct a website, organize multilingual exhibitions, produce audiovisual materials, prepare presentations and print stamps on t-shirts and posters. Teachers will improve their professional skills in the area of education and project management as well as in evaluating methods, as they will be enabled to work collaboratively, developing and evaluating methodologies and educational material, producing questionnaires, writing reports and attending webinars. ;"Students will learn about the historical and geographical background of the participating countries and feel independent and confident if they decide to study or work in another European country and their families will realize the importance of collaborating in learning process and overcoming the difficulties, developing a better understanding for the importance of a united Europe in times of globalization. The ""learning by doing"" method will be used, and evaluation will take place throughout the life of the project. The website of the program will be active even after the end of the project and will be continuously enriched, good practices will be incorporated in our lessons for future students and new projects could start by adding other partners too, who will bring new experiences. Furthermore the culture of our students will be affected orienting them in international collaboration schemes. We firmly believe that this will be a lifetime opportunity for those who may never have a chance to meet with people abroad, collaborate using a foreign language or even to visit another European country. Results | Website | | | Without category | | webinars | Guide of ""Best practices"" | website of the project | Website of the Multilingual dictionary | pbworks platform | Logo competition | e-journal Travelling words | Creative writing accomplishments on food, music, school and sport | City games | evaluation questionnaires" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-EL01-KA201-001644;;;Creativity in Early Years Science Education;Creativity and innovation are recognised as important in European education policy in the last years, and their strengthening in and through education as one of the main objectives of the EU strat...;Creativity and culture, Pedagogy and didactics, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;ELLINOGERMANIKI AGOGI SCHOLI PANAGEA SAVVA AE;EL;EL,UK,RO,BE;409.695,00;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;;English;Creativity and innovation are recognised as important in European education policy in the last years, and their strengthening in and through education as one of the main objectives of the EU strategic framework for education and training 2020. Creativity holds a strong position in early childhood and primary education, while it appears to be under greater pressure in the more formal educational environment of secondary education. It is therefore necessary to exploit, support and sustain the creative potential that is found in young children. Science education on the other hand features also highly in European education policy. Major EU reports urge countries to ensure that science education engages students before the age of 14 with science and scientific phenomena, through extended investigative work and hands-on experimentation. The adoption of inquiry-based activities in science education is viewed as the only way forward (Rocard et al., 2007), as it is widely accepted that effective science education based on inquiry can lead to wonderment, and is fuelled by curiosity. Schools in Europe today would benefit considerably from acknowledging and fostering the link between science education, and creativity. Science education could (and should) be more creative. In the teaching and learning of science, a more creative approach based on curiosity and inquiry would be beneficial, involving, for instance, a move away from the pedagogy of the correct answers, which makes pupils believe that it is wrong to be wrong, and become progressively less willing and able to take risk and to unlock their creativity. Further, in a more creativity oriented science education, new modes of interactions within the classroom could be developed to stimulate self-expression which, if nurtured, could manifest itself subsequently in later years in terms of an ability to create and innovate. Such a major shift towards more creativity in science education, though, both in terms of fostering creativity in science and teaching science creatively, would require a profound change in educational practices and cultures, demanding the development not only of new curricula, but most importantly of appropriate teacher training and professional development. The CEYS project was a timely response to the aforementioned needs, at the European level, aiming at the development of a teacher professional development course and accompanying materials to be used to promote the adoption of creative approaches in teaching science in preschool and early primary education, in the frame of inquiry-based educational environments. The CEYS project brought together a consortium of five distinguished partners from four countries across Europe. More specifically, the project brought together three internationally recognised universities (AUC, UCL-IOE, OU), a science education centre in a leading science research institute (INFLPR), and a distinguished educational research department operating within a school (EA) and thus providing close interaction with teachers, students and classrooms.;"CEYS project main activities include the adaptation, implementation, validation and dissemination of a new training framework (including an appropriate curriculum, training modules that include good in-school practices, as well as a variety of supporting material) that support the training of teachers to use creativity and inquiry-based approaches in the teaching of science. CEYS outcomes include: | the Training Course Creativity through Early Years Science Education"" with 20 modules and a Training Guide and Scenarios of Use | 32 Curriculum Materials, which record and illustrate the learning journeys of selected teachers and the children in their classes, in developing creative, inquiry-based approaches to learning and teaching in early years science. They are intended for use both in the CEYS training course modules and by individual teachers as examples of opening up practice over time to foster inquiry and creativity in varied contexts. | A Curriculum Development Guide aimed at schools and teacher training providers about the methodology used and lessons learned from the co-designing process of the CEYS Curriculum Materials in the context of continuous professional development in the field of early years science education. An E-twining Tool Kit, translated in the four languages of participating countries, available to those interested to develop common project proposals targeting the development of creativity in early years education, through the inquiry-based approach. CEYS will enhance teacher education practices and therefore early years and primary teachers capacity to teach science effectively using inquiry-based approaches and focusing on the development of childrens creativity. This will in turn have a positive impact also on young childrens other transversal competences, such as learning to learn and higher order thinking skills." Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2014;2014-1-EL01-KA202-001658;;;ENRICHING FISHERS' KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND COMPETENCES;The main aim of the SeaofSkills project was the contribution towards the improvement of the quality and attractiveness of Continuing VET for fishers, to address existing needs of both the fisherie...;Agriculture, forestry and fisheries, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;"""MARIA TSAKOS"" PUBLIC BENEFIT FOUNDATION-INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR MARITIME RESEARCH AND TRADITION";EL;EL,TR,ES,IE,MT;347.162,00;Yes;Yes;Foundation;Fundacin;http://WWW.MARIATSAKOSFOUNDATION.GR;;English;The main aim of the SeaofSkills project was the contribution towards the improvement of the quality and attractiveness of Continuing VET for fishers, to address existing needs of both the fisheries and the CVET sectors. The fisheries sector is recognized as one of the pillars of global development. The extent of its contribution to sustainable development, economic growth, and food security highly depends on the knowledge, skills, and competences of fishers. Continuing Vocational Education and Training (CVET) has a central role in responding to the changing training needs and new challenges this target group faces. Through CVET, knowledge, skills, and competences are improved and updated, whereas new ones are acquired as well, allowing adaptation to any changing requirements and new developments. | | In the E.U. agenda and strategy, investment in human capital through training and improvement and adaptation of CVET systems to the ongoing developments is a priority. | | The objective of the project was to identify the IVET needs in knowledge, skills and competences of fishers and subsequently develop an enhanced and updated open source Training Course Curriculum. Moreover, in countries (like Greece) where no form of VET for fishermen exists, through the Pilot implementation and the Project's publicity, the project has assisted in popularizing and spreading such activities. | | A consortium of nine partners from five countries, Greece, Turkey, Malta, Spain, and Ireland was formed utilizing individual and collective expertise. The Project consisted of 11 Work Packages covering in well thought detail Project Management and Implementation and Intellectual Outputs issues. More specifically: Project, Quality & Financial Management, Design and Development of a Portal and Transfer of Innovation and Best Practices in Fisheries and CVET website, Identifying Fishers Needs in Knowledge, Skills and Competences Development of the CVET program and guides, Design and Development of an E-learning Platform, Development of Short Courses Learning Material, Learning/Teaching/Training Activities, evaluation and review of the CVET program and guides, Implementation, monitoring and evaluation of Dissemination Activities, Development of policy recommendations. | | The Project covered a well-identified need in CVET in regions and a sector that were not well versed in those principles. Its continuous aim is to have a lasting contribution to the field by establishing and popularizing the best standards for those who gain their livelihood in the fisheries sector. | | The benefits have penetrated local and regional communities (Greece-Turkey), since special attention was rendered to map local needs in knowledge, skills and competences and test and evaluate the curricula by getting feedback from the local target groups, in addition to paying special attention to fortifying the community capacity building and the regional development. | | In addition, its aim was to contribute to the understanding of, and implementation of the E.U. policies and recommendations (e.g. Mediterranean fisheries policies, ICVET policies etc), while furthering the E.U. efforts by mapping the current situation in the sectors involved and give feedback on the way forward based on the outcomes of the project. Lastly, the project assisted in engaging relevant stakeholders to promote such activities;SeaofSkills has produced sustainable added-value in three major dimensions: | | 1. At the educational-training level: The research team drew together and incorporated the innovative intellectual output developed in relevant Lifelong Learning E.U. Programmes and other EU funded projects, as well as the practices successfully implemented at the European context, while adapting them to the new developments and requirements of the E.U. fisheries, education (VET) and economic sectors. A learning outcomes approach was used, based on the principles of European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) to enable the development of a Sectoral qualifications framework within the framework of European Qualifications Framework (EQF) and set the basis for official future recognition and accreditation. | | 2. At the operational level: A special emphasis and care was given to quality assurance of processes, deliverables, and communication/sustainability strategies by a. setting a quality assurance framework based on E.U. requirements, b. testing and assessing the deliverables through pilot training in the participating countries, and c. by creating a web-network of stakeholders through a web-platform for communicating the need for empowering fishermen and the deliverables of the project, while setting the ground for the sustainability of the initiative. | | 3. At the policy-making level: Policy recommendations on Continuing Vocational and Education Training (CVET) for fishermen were developed in view of supporting the policy-making at the E.U. and national level and assisting its implementa | Results | Website | | | Without category | | O1-A1 SharePoint Portal | O1-A2 SeaofSkills Website | O2-A1 Report on Innovation and Good Practices on Fisheries and CVET | O3-A1 Needs analysis mechanism | O3-A2 Study on the Fishers Training Needs in Knowledge, Skills and Competences in Greece | O3-A3 Study on the Fishers Training Needs in Knowledge, Skills and Competences in Turkey | O3-A4 Study on the Fishers Training Needs in Knowledge, Skills and Competences in Malta | O3-A5 Report on the fisheries sector needs with references to country-specific particularities | O4-A1 Guidelines for the development of a. the CVET Curriculum and Training material, b. the Implementation Manual for VET Providers, and c. the Guide for Trainers | O4-A2 CVET Curriculum and Training material in English and Turkish | O4-A3 Implementation Manual for CVET Providers in English and Turkish | O4-A4 Guide for CVET Trainers in English and Turkish | O4-A5 Allocating credits according to the ECVET | O4-A6 Development of the CVET Curriculum, Training material, Implementation Manual for VET Providers and Guide for Trainers in Greek | O5-A1 E-Learning Platform | O5-A2 E-Learning Platform evaluation report | O6-A1 Guidelines for the development of short courses learning material | O6-A2 Development of short courses learning material | O7-A1 CVET Evaluation Mechanism | O7-A2 CVET Evaluation | O7-A3 Revised edition of CVET Curriculum and the Training material, as well as the Short Courses Training Material, the Implementation Manual for VET Providers and Guide for Trainers | O8-A1 Study on the Planning of Dissemination Activities | O8-A2 Report on the Content, Monitoring and Evaluation of Dissemination Activities | O8-A3 Report on the Accreditation Framework | O9-A1 Policy Recommendations | O4-A7 Development of the CVET Curriculum, Training material, Implementation Manual for VET Providers and Guide for Trainers in the Maltese language Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA101-001046;;;"Proyecto de Movilidad Europea del IES Rafael Alberti""";"KA1 Staff mobility in IES "" Rafael Alberti "", Cadiz ( Spain ) SCHOOL SITUATION IES Rafael Alberti provides Secondary Education, High School, Vocational education and mainly a Bil...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;IES Rafael Alberti;ES;ES;24.833,00;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"IES Rafael Alberti provides Secondary Education, High School, Vocational education and mainly a Bilingual English Project to a meaningful part of these students, which we consider to be the relevant part of the project we present today for evaluation to the national agency. French as L3 is complementing the bilingual program. | | The centre is located in an inner-city neighbourhood provided from low socio- economic and cultural level, reason why it develops a Compensatory Education Program; our students need to compete constantly with inequality due to their low-income backgrounds. | | Students lack support from their families, so their education and citizenship education is almost exclusively in the centre. | | Educational results of students are low. To compensate for the disadvantage of it, the school offers tutoring after school schedule and organizes complementary and extracurricular activities in order to develop their best skills. | | | | IES Rafael Alberti needs a permanent staff training to fulfil school goals: | | | | - Increase English proficiency among teachers in the centre, especially those involved in the English Bilingual Teaching, different subjects taught 50% in English today, and willing to increase up to 100% in the future. | | - Planning innovative teaching in order to evolve towards a more challenging resource centre for inner-city schools. We think to be essential the connection with other European Secondary Schools to acquire and share new and innovative methodological approaches in the field of education, with reference to the information and communication technology, both in terms of the languages acquisition and knowledge competences. | | - An international exchange of best practices in the organization of teaching and learning is also an important need for our centre for help acquiring innovative pedagogical and organizational strategies that are working successfully in other countries, as well as the preparation our students to acquire full competence to international labour force and academic mobility. | | Number of participants: 10 participants. | | | | Age: Between 40 and 55. | | Level of education: University Degree or PhD., certification B2 level in English. | | They are all developing the curriculum of bilingual education in English. | | Some of them are new teachers willing to develop their English not only in the language acquisition but also in innovative experience and good teaching practices. | | Experience in participation in international mobility programs (Comenius Programmes, English Immersion Programmes, International school exchanges. E-twinning projects, school-to-school conferences via Skype, workspaces, blogs, etc.) and consequent contribution to the organization and dissemination of all activities. | | Participation in training activities to improve language proficiency in English and French both in Spain and abroad. | | Favourable to engage in international mobility and to share with other people and institutions results layout. | | | | Description of activities and methodology: | | | | Stay for 5 teachers at the school in Malta and the UK between 2014 and 2016, to acquire a higher level in English and to improve the delivery of bilingual education language proficiency. | | Stay 2 teachers in a centre in Sweden for Job Shadowing; noting the organization develops outstanding teaching practices. | | Stay 3 teachers in Malta, United Kingdom and one in France, to training develop in innovative methodological related to ICT and language teaching and similar actions. | | We will conduct an international exchange of good practice in the organization of teaching and learning, which subsequently impact on the preparation of students to acquire full competence to international labour and academic mobility.";"Description of expected results: Generalized improvement of language proficiency in foreign languages, especially English. | | Develop of new and innovative approaches in the teaching-learning process. | | Wide international contacts with similar institutions in Europe. | | Acquisition of methodological and organizational measures to improve teaching practice tools. | | Acquisition of methodological and organizational measures to improve teaching practice tools. | | | | Impact of activities: | | | | Local -Level: | | | | Increase communication competences, mainly English, in our neighbourhood; creating a network of bilingual schools in the area and dissemination among them of the experience. | | | | Regional and national - level: | | | | Keeping permanent contacts with similar centres to disseminate and contrast the experience with them. | | | | European / International -Level: | | Disseminate experiences among international partners." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA101-001342;;;Mejora de la competencia lingstica en ingls, mediante la aplicacin del CLIL en las aulas de primaria.;"Cristo de la Paz is a Primary and Pre- primary School very interested in improving the speaking and communicative skills of its students in the English Language. It belongs to the "Red de C...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Pedagogy and didactics, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;CEIP CRISTO DE LA PAZ;ES;ES;2.765,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"Cristo de la Paz is a Primary and Pre- primary School very interested in improving the speaking and communicative skills of its students in the English Language. It belongs to the "Red de Centros Plurilinges de la Comunidad Valenciana" and for the very first time during this year is starting to teach in English, to the students belonging to the first cycle of Primary, Arts & Crafts, a non linguistic subject. Next year, the students of The second cycle will start to receive Arts & Crafts in English as well. | | | | In order to achieve this goal, all the teacher's in the school are participating in a formative process in English by a native teacher belonging to the Language School of Alicante. | | | | But our Methodological needs are much greater and we want to send one of our teachers specialised in teaching English to Exeter, England, in a Mobility Project for school Education Staff. Our teacher will go to Exeter during the first fortnight of August to study the course entitled: Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) Practical Ideas for the Primary Classroom. In order to assure the best benefices from the formative activity , the teacher selected must have a at least an Advanced level of English B2 (CEFR), and an Intermediate level B1(CEFR) in another European language. | | | | This interactive, experiential course has been specifically designed for primary teachers who teach their subject in the medium of English. It will enable the teacher to improve his or her communicative skills, specially in classroom language, to learn new methodologies related to the teaching of foreign languages, to met the ClIL Methodology and to reinforce his or her knowledge in phonetics. Moreover, through meeting colleagues from other countries, these courses provide the teacher with the opportunity to initiate future school partnerships. | | | | On coming back, the teacher will start to use in class all the knowledge acquired during his or her formative process. All the students' works will be shown in the School Web page, in the personal teacher's Blog and in a very visible place at the School's ground floor. In the uploading process of the students' works, the teacher will make use of the platforms YouTube and SlideShare. | | | | In October 2014 some workshops will be held in our school. During this workshops, the teacher will show the rest of the teachers in the school specialiced in the teaching of English, all the new techniques and knowledge acquired during his or her formative experience. These teachers will apply in class all the new knowledge and all the school students will benefice of the Mobility Experience. | | | | To evaluate the outcomes of the project, we will make comparative studies of the students' academic results in foreign language, with those achieved by students of the same level in different school years. We will compare as well the number of visits received in the teacher's Blog, YouTube and SlideShare during the school year 2014-2015, with those of the 2013-2014. | | | | In November, the school will start looking for partners for two E-twinning projects: one related with Arts & Crafts, and the other with the Physical Education. The partners could be teachers met on Exeter, or new teachers met through the E-twinning Platform. | | We will develop both projects around all the school year. We will finish all the activities in June 2015, trying to forge the basis for future partnerships.";"With this project we intend to improve our students' oral skills. We want to increase their eagerness for the study of foreign languages. We want to improve their accademic results. And finally through getting in contact with the works of other european students we want to make them aware of their European identity. | | | | We want to make our Centre a point of reference in the teaching of languages, and we think that with the effort and enthusiasm of all our teachers we can get it." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA101-001356;;;Mejorar la competencia lingstica en ingls en nuestro colegio utilizando las TIC, con el objetivo puesto en la formacin de ciudadanos europeos.;The school is a small not bilingual Center, located in a town of 15,000 inhabitants in the North of Madrid. The context of the project is based in the improvement of English as a lingua franca in ...;Pedagogy and didactics, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;C.E.I.P. SIERRA DE GUADARRAMA;ES;ES;7.838,00;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;The school is a small not bilingual Center, located in a town of 15,000 inhabitants in the North of Madrid. The context of the project is based in the improvement of English as a lingua franca in our school. There is another school with a bilingual educational offer, so we would like to raise the linguistic competences of our students in English and at the same time provide students a concept of European citizenship. Therefore, the objectives that we set are: stimulating learning methods, improve digital competence of teachers and trainning European citizens. We are four teachers who particapted in the project with the following profiles: three teachers with a B2 in English and a teacher with a B1 in English who took a language course to improve the grammatical competence in English. All the teachers own European concerns, open-minded and are willing to a collaborative work. The activities have been: preparation of a blog on the website of the school, two projects E-twinning, watching films in English and searching for specific sentences and words treated previously, use of lyrics-trainning platform, kuaderno, use of the internet (youtube, world-reference...). Power-point presentations and video recordings. ;The main impact has been the improvement in the motivation of students and academic results. The long-term benefits are that thanks to this project, it has increased the enthusiasm of the educational community and has decided to extend the weekly schedule of sessions in English. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA101-001374;;;LET'S CLIL TOGETHER;Colegio Hernndez with the application for this project pretends to face the current training needs of its teaching stafft. All the teaching staff, 30 teachers have taken part in the design of our...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;COLEGIO HERNNDEZ S.L;ES;ES;13.190,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;Colegio Hernndez with the application for this project pretends to face the current training needs of its teaching stafft. All the teaching staff, 30 teachers have taken part in the design of our European Development Plan after a SWOT analysis and taking into account the growth strategy of the EU 2020 . Therefore the main areas for improvement are the following: | | - Increasing linguistic competence in English ,for both teachers and students. | - Implementing new teaching methods (Clil approach) . Developing ICT tools and resources. Increasing the use of collaborative platforms such as e-Twinning . | - Strengthen the European dimension and internationalization of our school: Implementing a management policy based on internationalization , participation in European projects in the framework of the Erasmus + programme and the creation of networks with other European schools. | | In order to achieve the main improvement areas were have selected courses we think will suit our needs and the possible number of participants ( 6). The profile of the participant must comply with the following features : | - Teachers who want to contact with colleagues in other European countries and establish future partnerships and networks. | - Teachers who enjoy working in a team and in an environment of cooperative and collaborative learning | - Teachers who accept the commitment to integrate the skills and experience gained in professional development courses in order to get the strategic development of our organization and are committed to take part in the planned activities for the dissemination of the project.;Our main goal is to help improve the continuous professional development of our teaching staff in order to develop a long-term policy -based on multilingual crosscurricular approach by implementing new methodologies learned in the in-service training courses and by using collaborative platforms , with a clear impact in all sectors involved at local, regional and European level. This will allow our school to offer more attractive programmes for the students and adapted to the current needs of the European citizens in the 21st centruy, we will be also able to integrate best practices and new methods in our teaching practice and get higher level certificates in foreign languages, especially English. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA101-002227;;;La comunicacin y las nuevas tecnologas nos acercan a Europa;"Our school, La Palma Secondary School, is located in La Palma del Condado, Andalusia (Spain). It is a public school with 68 teachers and over 1100 students. Since we took part in the Comenius P...";EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, ICT - new technologies - digital competences ...;;IES LA PALMA;ES;ES;20.225,00;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"Our school, La Palma Secondary School, is located in La Palma del Condado, Andalusia (Spain). It is a public school with 68 teachers and over 1100 students. | | Since we took part in the Comenius Project, 2011-2013, our school community has been deeply interested in participating in activities with other countries. | | Due to the wide variety of courses in our school: Compulsory Secondary Education, Upper Secondary (A levels), Vocational Training and Adult Education (both classroom/attendance and semi attendance/blended), we thought those kinds of activities could have a great impact on the students, so our main objective was to design our EUROPEAN DEVELOPMENT PLAN: | COMMUNICATION AND NEW TECHNOLOGIES BRING US CLOSER TO EUROPE | | This plan was designed around our three main NEEDS: to benefit the European dimension of our school, to favour ongoing teacher training with two main focal points (consolidation of the Bilingual English Project and integration of the Information and Computer Technologies as new working tools in day-to-day teaching) and to boost Adult Education. | | These needs are connected to the European priorities, which influenced the strengthening of the professional profile of the teaching staff and improving young peoples abilities, particularly those with low basic skills who are at risk of dropping out of the system. | | Our OBJECTIVES were: to enable the exchange of teaching ideas and cooperation with other professional both in Spain and in other European countries, to contribute to the creation of a European identity, to improve teachers communicative skills in English, to acquire the latest pedagogical development to teach other subjects through English, to encourage the use of ICT, to go more deeply into the integrated curriculum of languages, to boost adult teaching with the latest pedagogical methods and to spread best practice by means of blogs, E-Twinning, and so on. | | We designed several training ACTIVITIES to achieve the above-mentioned objectives. Eight teachers took part in those activities in institutions in the United Kingdom, Ireland and France. | | Among the activities was a three-days training course for management teams to promote the internationalization of our school, starting with the learning of different educational systems and strategies which contribute to working in international contexts and to the exchange of best pedagogical practice within the European framework. This training course was done by the school Head Teacher, who also attended a course aimed at improving oral fluency in English. The other training activities were: course on Drama Tecniques for the classroom that was attended by the music teacher; a Spanish language and literature teacher attended a course to develop oral fluency in English; a member of the maths department and a Greek and Latin teacher attended two different CLIL courses; a training course on the use of ICT in school projects of European cooperation that was done by a teacher from the French department; a teacher from the English department attended a course on Developing Oral Fluency for secondary students and finally, a course on the use of Moodle to teach adults which was attended by a teacher who is currently teaching adults. | | The institutions which prepare the training courses selected by the teachers are accredited by the different inspection and certification departments such as EAQUALS, British Council, and so on, so the quality of the training courses was guaranteed. | | Those activities had as an OUTCOME: to encourage the exchange of culture and ideas; to share objectives; to improve linguistic competences; to work with other European counterparts from whom we could learn new teaching-and-learning methods and to develop collaborative educational practices among professional and institutions from all across Europe.";After finishing the teachers mobility the IMPACT can be seen through: | | Improvement in the professional competences of the participants: development of new technologies and materials, ICT resources and the use of learned best practice. | Development of new methods and strategies to improve the students basic competences. | Improvement of the pedagogical strategies to avoid school leaving at any level and to facilitate the entrance of young people into labour. | Improvement in foreign language competences. | Broader understanding of education systems different from ours. | Internationalisation of the school to foster students mobility. | Development of E-Twinning projects. | | The MOST SIGNIFICANT LONG-TERM BENEFIT has been to realise that collaboration within the world of education has promoted the awareness and the feeling of belonging to Europe. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA101-002324;;;Contigo somos +;"Title: "Contigo somos +" TASKS 1. Embedding European citizenship and an international dimension in the curriculum and ethos of our school. We want to achieve something which ma...";EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, Energy and resources ...;;"Colegio ""Virgen del Carmen""";ES;ES,UK,LV,IT;4.925,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"TASKS | | 1. Embedding European citizenship and an international dimension in the curriculum and ethos of our school. We want to achieve something which may sound abstract but can become tangible in many different pratical ways by working in collaboration on concrete topics with colleagues in schools elsewhere in Europe and across departments at Madonna della Neve school. | | 2. Enhancing teaching and learning standards through sharing best practice from foreign partner schools. Enriching the education that the school provides will involve a wide range of subjects and departments that will all benefit from the Erasmus+ initiative. Besides, the teachers involved will also gain management experience both from running the project and disseminating the results of their mobility in the whole school. | | | | BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES | | Our project of teachers' mobility developed in a secondary school in which teachers have been constantly considering how teaching and learning standards can be enhanced so that teachers can become more aware of their action in class and more conscious of the strategies and methodology used with students. This goal can be achieved only by reflecting on the use of innovative tools and methods, different from the ones we already know. Sharing practice with foreign colleagues would inspire our teachers to adopt new strategies in order to: | | 1. help strong students outperform national standards | | 2. develop for the better skills and competences of weak students or students with learning problems | | 3. promote more interactive and less academic activities such as : problem-solving, cooperative learning, workshops and use of laboratories... | | 4. enhance students' motivation | | 5. embed a European dimension into daily lessons, promote awareness of European, and extensively global, citizenship. | | | | ACTIVITIES AND METHODOLOGY | | We mean to start by involving in the project three main subject areas: science, sport/PE, foreign languages although our ambition is to open up to other areas such as mathematics/physics and history. | | Our school has been working for over a decade in departments (subject areas), so the heads of departments involved together with the headteacher will select the staff participating in the project. | | Together with our partner schools (which we have been working in collaboration for years on bilateral exchanges with students) we identified the following stages: | | A) work-shadowing and observation in class (with a grid to fill in) in an agreed and significative number and variety of subjects in order to give foreign colleagues a good picture of the best practice of the school. Observations will be debated later. | | B) planning of modules shared by same departments of partner schools on the topics as pinpointed at number E of the form and arranging of same assessemnt test for students. | | C) sharing of results of tests with reflection on assessing parameters. | | D) possible exchange of staff among schools, teachers will swap and replace colleagues in partner school giving lessons on agreed topics. | | | | PARTICIPANTS | | Teachers involved will have to relate to the headteacher, the heads of department and the whole school staff on the activities done. They will be directly responsible for the positive outcomes of the project and will be expected to promote and disseminate the results, firstly inside the department, then among the whole group of teachers and finally outside the school uploading positive educational developments using appropriate portals, the blog and site of the school, e-twinning portals, local mass-media (press, radio) and any other possible way of communication.";"As already highlighted the entire school will be, in the end, the one to benefit from this project that will help staff improve the school's good pratice and embed in the curriculum and ethos of the school both European citinzenship and internationalization. We are positive that enhancing teaching standards will lead to a tangible improvement in students' learning strategies and skills too. Besides, the staff involved will benefit personally, culturally and professionally and these benefits will be cascaded down to through departments and through the whole school." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA101-002342;;;Let 's Work and Innovate Together;The project starts at one of the 15 Innovative Technological Secondary School Miguel de Cervantes in Mstoles, Madrid. It arises from the need to know, exchange and disseminate new methodologi...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;IES MIGUEL DE CERVANTES;ES;ES,PL,HU,SE,PT,LV,CZ,IT;38.635,00;Yes;No; School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The project starts at one of the 15 Innovative Technological Secondary School Miguel de Cervantes in Mstoles, Madrid. It arises from the need to know, exchange and disseminate new methodological lines which allow to solve the problems detected in recent years such as early drop-out, absence of motivation between students and teachers,recover the students with disruptive behaviour and linguistic improvement;to sum up resolving our weak points. | | The participants are 26 teachers of 57, plus 1 services and administrative staff. The teachers belong to the following departments:Maths(4), Geography(1),Phisics and Chemistry (2), Latn (1), Biology, (2), Technology (2), English (4), French (1), Guidance (4), Arts (3) P. Education (1) Language and Literature (1) | | All the participants are permanent or in duty in the center for the next two years, they all show a great interest in the project and also in its broadcasting, they have made educational background in ICT, some of the teachers are developing an innovative experience based on PBL ( Project Based Learning ) in 3ESO.They all have an English, French and Italian knowledge that goes from A1 to C2 level and they are eager for improving it. | | Apart from the teachers there is other member of the staff who has always shown a significant participation in the school. She helped in the receipt of teachers coming from Europe and also making reports for them. | | The activities follow three main lines: | 1.- Teaching training in new methodologies and the use of ICT. | 2.- Job shadowing: Portugal, Ltvia, Repblica Checa, Italia, Hungra, Polonia y Suecia. | 3.- Profesional exchange: lectures,... | | The methodologies would be: Training Sessions,Presentations ( disseminations of the results ), Work Team ( committee every two weeks ) and linguistic training organized by the English Department. | | The results, that are set in the use of new methodological estrategies, ICT and linguistic knowledge, will be submitted and widely spread through work teams by the participants in the project. | | The impact is going to suppose a much better global progress in teaching methodologies, as well as the disseminanation of the project to the Technology Innovation Schools and European Contributor Partners.";"The improvement in our school can briefly summarized as: | 1.- Update new metodologies. | 2.- Use of new tools in ICT project. | 3.- Permanent exchange with the European partners. | 4.- Educational cooperation with schools in other European nations. | 5.- Acquisition of proceder of permanent activities. | 6.- Improvement of linguistic competences. | | Our students have improved learning performance; increased sense of initiative, increased self-empowerment and self-esteem; improved foreign language competences; enhanced inter-cultural awareness; more active participation in society; And more positive attitude towards the European project and the EU values; | | As regards staff has improved competences, linked to their professional profiles, broader understanding of practices, policies and systems in education, across countries; increased capacity to trigger changes in terms of modernization and international opening of their educational institution; better quality of their work and activities with students, increased interest in social, linguistic and cultural diversity; increased competence in foreign languages; increased motivation and satisfaction in their daily work. | | As a result this school year we are organizing two exchange projects with Sweden and Finland with 21 and 17 students from our school and the same number from these two organizations. | | We are also thinking in making a KA2 project with Check Republic and Poland and another project through e-twinning platform. | | And we are introducing the cooperative learning in our school, as a way of changing our methodology, one of the aims of Let's Work and Innovate Together project." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA101-002460;;;European Technology and CLIL Methodology Inputs;"Project Title: 'European Technology and CLIL Methodology Inputs'. Project context: The project will be carrying out in Antonio Machado Primary School; it's a Nursery...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Pedagogy and didactics, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;COLEGIO ANTONIO MACHADO;ES;ES;5.410,00;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The project will be carrying out in Antonio Machado Primary School; it's a Nursery and Primary bilingual (English) ICT School situated in an urban area called Baeza (Jan) in Andalusia, in the south of Spain. This school attends: the second grade of Nursery, Primary, Special Needs and Autism Spectrum Disorders students. There are 25 groups, 600 students and 38 teachers. In the teachers staff there is a big motivation by learning and using English language and the News Technologies at school. Most of the teachers and students take part into European Programmes, E twinning and keep educational links with other European schools. The teachers staff English language level is: one teacher correspondint to B1, 11 teachers to B2, one teacher is attending to B1 classes and there are also 2 language and cultural assistants. Students learn English since 3 year old Nursery to the end of Primary, in the 5th and 6th level of Primary students also learn French, PE and Science matters are bilingual classes in English language. | As it is a bilingual (English language) and ICT school, where Science and P.E. subjects are taught in English (CLIL), weve decided to apply for the Erasmus project: 'European Technology and CLIL Methodology Inputs' and to develop it, considering our teachers requests about improving their communicative English language skills and English-speaking countries culture; as well as the acquisition of knowledge about new teaching tools, CLIL methodologies and different ways to use the new technologies in the classroom. | Number and profile of participants: | All teachers staff (38) and students (600) at school will take part on the project, as all the experience learning activities, methodologies, tasks and resources learned will be shared with the teachers staff. Bilingual and English as a second language teachers group will be a more active part into the project, this group is composed of 12 teachers: 1 Bilingual English nursery education teacher, 7 Primary bilingual English education teachers, 3 English as a second language Primary teachers and 1 Physical Education Primary bilingual English teacher. | Activities: | 1.- Description, evaluation and analyze different types of methodologies and resources used in the class context | 2.- To elaborate a report and a presentation about our own School organization, CLIL methodology and learning at school, the use of new technologies and which effects do they have to the linguistic and cultural surroundings. | 3.- To answer some questionnaires and to carry out follow up tasks related to the CLIL. | 4.- All preparations and travelling to attend the training activities. | 5.-To take part as participants in two Erasmus+ KA1 learning mobility of individuals activities : "Content and Language Integrated Learning for Primary and Secondary Teachers" at I PC Exeter, U.K. PIC: 948822088 in July 2014 and "Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)" at Edinburgh School of English, PIC: 944933164 Edinburgh U.K. PIC August 2015. | 6.- Feedback of the new knowledges and their use in their own teaching situation | 7.- New technologies will be used to communicate and to show join European projects. | Methodology: | Active, participative, collaboration (interpersonal interaction, group facilitation and problem solving), team work and opened to new learning experiences.";"Students and teachers will benefit from: their English language skills and its culture update; from new ideas, techniques, tools, materials and methodologies, that the project training activities and the discussed and shared experiences with peers from other subjects and countries contribute to the current CLIL and other subjects teaching situation; from an increased use of new technologies inside and outside the classroom. Sharing all this benefits with the surroundings and European schools. Making a bigger European dimension in our school community and its surroundings. | Potential benefits in the long term: | Meeting teachers from other countries and knowing different types of school organization, will opened us new goals to future international activities in our school within Erasmus+ or E-twinning programmes. It will improve the Headmaster team organizational work. Opportunities for teachers mobility and school partnerships will be increased." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA101-002561;;;CLIL: gestin y organizacin, nuevos enfoques metodolgicos para asegurar una mejora en la enseanza/aprendizaje de idiomas en particular, y de otras disciplinas en general.;The IES Mara de Molina is a High School offering a vast and diverse education modalities, covering a wide range of approaches and ages. Two new programms are soon going to be implemented: Researc...;EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, Quality Assurance ...;;IES MARIA DE MOLINA;ES;ES,FI,AT;29.965,00;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;http://;English;The IES Mara de Molina is a High School offering a vast and diverse education modalities, covering a wide range of approaches and ages. Two new programms are soon going to be implemented: Research Bachelor for High talented students, and an English Bilingual Section. Consequently, pedagogical, methodological and management training needs arise on cue, hence our desire to experiment yet succesfully implemented models in European partner schools. | | One of the main aims is to foster Plurilingualism and international awareness among our staff, promoting the linguistic improvement of foreing languages, new methodological approaches which help our students to achieve a truthly significant learning . | | Thus, our chief priority and main area for improvement is bent on training and updating teachers who are gonna teach CLIL. Not only does it refer to structured courses but also alternative methodological support, which help teachers to improve and extend their competences. | | The main activities drafted into the plan are as follows: | | -STAFF TRAINING ABROAD. COURSES | | * Linguistic immersion and updating /upgrade, to improve English skills. Ireland. 2 teachers. | | * CLIL methodology and practice. Portsmonth. UK. 3 teachers | | * Plurilingual curricula, European Portfolio and new approaches to teach foreign second languages. European Center of Modern Languages. Gratz. Austria / or France. 2 Teachers. | | * Strategic management. Copenhague. Administration team. 2 teachers. | | * Monitoring and evaluation of programs and projects. Linz, Austria. 1 teacher. | | -JOB SHADOWING. Observing good practices in European partner schools. | | * Iitin Lukio. Kausala. Finland. Observing strategical management, the uses of ICT (on line and e-learning) as a supportive tool in the learning/teaching process, especially for learning foreigh languages. 3 teachers | | * Bundesgymnasium. Wiener Neustadt. Austria. Bilingual school, well known on the grounds of its prestige and good academic results. 3 teachers.;Such experiences taking place in European secondary schools will provide us a wider and much more enrichment insight, whose models can be utterly benefitial or our staff, and which will have a direct effect and impact in the learning/teaching process, achieving the internationalisation of our school, implementing models closer to those in Europe. | | The participants will update and enhance their competences in foreign languages, new innovative approaches in methodology linked to the use of ICT as educational support in the acquisition of a second language. | | They will acquire competences related to CLIL. Our staff will improve the knowledge of organisation systems and quality management and enhancement, observing yet implemented new models. | | Similarly our participants stay in the host schools will cause a positive and direct impact, due to the exchange of impresssions, expereinces and ways of doing. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA101-002571;;;Nuevas metodologas para la mejora de la calidad de la enseanza plurilinge en Eurpa;"Taquigrafo Mart CEIP belongs to the network of public and multilingual centers in Valencia. Our school has a faculty with a large number of definitive and highly motivated teachers. We are awar...";Inclusion - equity, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;CEIP TAQUIGRAFO MART;ES;ES;25.250,00;Yes;No; School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;Taquigrafo Mart CEIP belongs to the network of public and multilingual centers in Valencia. Our school has a faculty with a large number of definitive and highly motivated teachers. | We are aware that education and training play a key role in the Europe 2020 growth strategy. European countries should be smart, sustainable and inclusive. Education is seen as the engine for growth and employment, therefore one of the specific objectives of the Erasmus + program is to improve the knowledge and skills of the participants in their actions in order to achieve the strategic objectives ET2020. | This project has helped achieve these strategic objectives, in which the need for traditional systems are transformed to become much more open and flexible so that students have curricula individual learning adapted to their needs and interests is implicit, and to promote equal opportunities at every stage of their lives. With the above and with the goal that our teachers and students achieve the competencies and skills established in ET2020 referents, we achieved the following objectives: | - Improved English language proficiency | - Experience of language in its cultural and social environment. | - Participation in training learning throughout life in order to learn new methodologies (CLIL, collaborative work ...). | - Work in multicultural and interdisciplinary teams. | - Internationalization of educative center. | - Increased quality of education using creativity and innovation at all educational levels. | -Knowledge of other educational systems and other methodologies of teaching and learning which has improved the quality of education provided, combat school failure and promote inclusion. | -Improvement of ICT skills for using collaborative platforms, e-learning, to provide new educational resources | -Active participation in the development plan of the center. | The project has enabled 10 teachers for 2 years conducted training in foreign languages, implementation of CLIL methodology training .This has allowed to achieve the objectives described above. | We have selected a course in UK where we have participated several teachers from the school interested in improving their language skills, ICT and apply new methodologies in the classroom to combat school failure, improve inclusion and be in contact with other European institutions. | The selection of participants was opened. All staff were informed at the start of the process and was able to apply for participation in it. It has been created a commission formed by a member of the management team, a member of the AMPA, and three teachers for selection the participating teachers. | Before mobility teachers participated in training courses to improve their language skills and knowledge of the eTwinning platform, course organizers have provided the material for cultural preparation teachers.;During the last year of the project were carried out workshops, micro CLIL sessions and participated in conferences organized by other entities (Ministry of Education, CEFIRE,educational inspection, other schools ...) to disseminate and exploit the project results. Teachers have received a certificate from the organizer of the course, a certificate of Europass mobility and a certificate of training hours from the Educational Department. | The quality assessment has been carried out quantitatively, through questionnaires (questionnaire tool mobility and questionnaires conducted by the center) evaluating the actions in each of the project phases and qualitatively through meetings with participants. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA101-002603;;;LLEDO`S PLATFORM;"LLEDO' S PLATFORM Who are we?Our High School is a Secondary School situated in the North area of Toledo (La Sagra county) in the center of Spain. Due to the special characteristic of our enviro...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;"IES "" PROFESOR EMILIO LLEDO""";ES;ES;9.000,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;not available;not available;English;LLEDO' S PLATFORM | | Who are we?Our High School is a Secondary School situated in the North area of Toledo (La Sagra county) in the center of Spain. Due to the special characteristic of our environment, with many disadvantages families and our students, our School is considered a High School of Special Difficulties in the teaching context. | | What do we need?To educate our students in the correct use of social nets, due to the great number of conflicts that have been developed with our students related to this topic, and the incorrect use that our students do in the social nets .This is one of the main reasons why we consider as our first need to educate them in the good use of new technologies. These conflicts have affected not only students but also teachers and even parents have been involved in some troubles due to the bad or wrong use of the social nets. Our students have received information about this topic since 2009 up to know from different professionals, but now we consider that it is time to work with them using a practical method. This is the reason why we have decided to create a digital platform for teachers and students were we can work together, and when working we can educate them how to use it. | | What is our Project?Our practical proposal is based on the creation of our Platform that can be used by students and teachers to communicate and show their projects , work together and all this using English as the language of communication | | Who participate?A group of teachers from different subjects (English, Math, Music and Art) will work together in order to offer their capacities and to get formation on the fields they need it to fulfill the objective of creating this platform working all together. | | Why do we need this Training? In order to get this Project our teachers need specific training in two main fields: those teachers with a proficiency level of English will need a complementary training on the use on new technologies: e- learning in the classroom, social networks, the use of ITC in the classroom and the use of mobile devices in the classroom. Those teachers with some kind of knowledge on the previous topic will need some improvement of their linguistic skills on English language. | | Why Erasmus +?We consider really important to get this training into the Erasmus + environment because we think that getting this training in a foreign country will allow us to enrich ourselves: knowing other cultures and developing our personal and professional skills seeing the real European dimension of different educational contexts . This important opportunity will allow us to shar, establish contact for future projects and motivate our students telling our real experiences. | | What are our objectives? | | To educate students in the good use of social networks and new technologies | | To train teachers in the Erasmus+ context on the use of ITC and social networks | | To improve our teachers competence of the use of English Language | | To create a Platform in English language to be used by teachers and students. Students will be not only consumers but also producers of the materials | | To promote the collaboration between teachers from different subjects in a common projects for the organization | | To use the English language as the language of communication in our platform and motivate students in the correct of use of digital mobiles | | To solve some conflicts produced in the bad use of social networks | | To give students new tools to work with for their studies and future working life | | To improve the academic results and the entrepreneur spirit | | To create a Resource Bank for being used in class in the future | | How are we going to use it? | | To work with our students in any kind of digital or multimedia project and inform the educational community. | | To share our experiences with teachers / students from other countries, using eTwinning | | To educate our students in the good use of new technologies and social networks | | What are the consequences going to be? Students will fell more motivated to use the English language in a real context | | Student will use the new technologies as a working activity | | Teachers will get training about different fields based on technologies and English language | | Teacher will work together in a platform that will be used for all the organization | | Our organization will create a Project Team in our Teacher's Training Regional Centre in which any person in the high school could participate | | We will participate actively in our e-twinning project in order to inform and get information about different topics based on these projects;LLEDO' S PLATFORM | | Who are we?Our High School is a Secondary School situated in the North area of Toledo (La Sagra county) in the center of Spain. Due to the special characteristic of our environment, with many disadvantages families and our students, our School is considered a High School of Special Difficulties in the teaching context. | | What do we need?To educate our students in the correct use of social nets, due to the great number of conflicts that have been developed with our students related to this topic, and the incorrect use that our students do in the social nets .This is one of the main reasons why we consider as our first need to educate them in the good use of new technologies. These conflicts have affected not only students but also teachers and even parents have been involved in some troubles due to the bad or wrong use of the social nets. Our students have received information about this topic since 2009 up to know from different professionals, but now we consider that it is time to work with them using a practical method. This is the reason why we have decided to create a digital platform for teachers and students were we can work together, and when working we can educate them how to use it. | | What is our Project?Our practical proposal is based on the creation of our Platform that can be used by students and teachers to communicate and show their projects , work together and all this using English as the language of communication | | Who participate?A group of teachers from different subjects (English, Math, Music and Art) will work together in order to offer their capacities and to get formation on the fields they need it to fulfill the objective of creating this platform working all together. | | Why do we need this Training? In order to get this Project our teachers need specific training in two main fields: those teachers with a proficiency level of English will need a complementary training on the use on new technologies: e- learning in the classroom, social networks, the use of ITC in the classroom and the use of mobile devices in the classroom. Those teachers with some kind of knowledge on the previous topic will need some improvement of their linguistic skills on English language. | | Why Erasmus +?We consider really important to get this training into the Erasmus + environment because we think that getting this training in a foreign country will allow us to enrich ourselves: knowing other cultures and developing our personal and professional skills seeing the real European dimension of different educational contexts . This important opportunity will allow us to shar, establish contact for future projects and motivate our students telling our real experiences. | | What are our objectives? | | To educate students in the good use of social networks and new technologies | | To train teachers in the Erasmus+ context on the use of ITC and social networks | | To improve our teachers competence of the use of English Language | | To create a Platform in English language to be used by teachers and students. Students will be not only consumers but also producers of the materials | | To promote the collaboration between teachers from different subjects in a common projects for the organization | | To use the English language as the language of communication in our platform and motivate students in the correct of use of digital mobiles | | To solve some conflicts produced in the bad use of social networks | | To give students new tools to work with for their studies and future working life | | To improve the academic results and the entrepreneur spirit | | To create a Resource Bank for being used in class in the future | | How are we going to use it? | | To work with our students in any kind of digital or multimedia project and inform the educational community. | | To share our experiences with teachers / students from other countries, using eTwinning | | To educate our students in the good use of new technologies and social networks | | What are the consequences going to be? Students will fell more motivated to use the English language in a real context | | Student will use the new technologies as a working activity | | Teachers will get training about different fields based on technologies and English language | | Teacher will work together in a platform that will be used for all the organization | | Our organization will create a Project Team in our Teacher's Training Regional Centre in which any person in the high school could participate | | We will participate actively in our e-twinning project in order to inform and get information about different topics based on these projects Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA101-002648;;;EUROPEZATE por CANTABRIA;1) CONTEXT:IES Cantabria participates in this project within the European Development Plant to improve the quality and internationalization of the school, expand the European Dimension, promote mo...;EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, ICT - new technologies - digital competences ...;;"INSTITUTO DE EDUCACION SECUNDARIA ""CANTABRIA""";ES;ES;28.490,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (tertiary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"CONTEXT:IES Cantabria participates in this project within the European Development Plant to improve the quality and internationalization of the school, expand the European Dimension, promote mobility of teachers and participate in eTwinning projects, in addition to value the integrated project of the Bilinge MEC/British Council.2) OBJECTIVES:The Teaching and Learning of Foreign Languages, Implementing ICT, New technologies, Digital skills, and promote European citizenship, European Conscience and Democracy.To achieve our goals we have: (i) enhanced the bilingual project MEC / British Council, (ii) informed and motivated FP students about the training opportunities in Europe, (iii) transmited to teachers the opportunities to have exchanges of information and to work with teachers from other countries, (iv) developed e-Twinning projects, (v) improved linguistic competence of teachers, (vi) increased the ICT development.The Bilingual Institute IES Cantabria has identified the need to increase its European dimension. ""Europezate by Cantabria"" has contributed to this goal, implicating all sectors of the educational community. Within the context of the Centre, the institute has a MEC / British Council bilingual project. However, it still has to be assessed how the integrated curricula of this project could increase the European dimension in our students.3) We search in the PARTICIPANTS PROFILE teachers that meet several criteria:Be a broad and representative group of the school. Have a commitment to learning English and interest in developing European projects. Have a commitment to share their experience with the rest of the educational community. In addition, the group should fullfilled an established scale: participation in the bilingual project, ICT courses, language skills, and seniority in the school.Thirteen teachers have taken part in and equal number of mobilities (UK, Ireland, Malt).4) DESCRIPTION OF THE PERFORMED ACTIVITES a) CLIL COURSE, taught by professor Ana M Fernndez b) eTWINNING is the best tool that we have to BRING EUROPE TO OUR CLASSROOMS. With it we share ideas and develop collaborative projects in Europe with other Centres similar to ours (Community of European School Centres). c) eTWINNING PROJECTS: 1. Small European travellers (Spain and Italy), aimed at learning about other countries. Our students have exchanged bookmarks with students from La Specia, Italy. 2. North and South (Sweden, Norway, and Spain). Cultural exchange is done with images using English, French and Spanish. 3. Project Sites Historiques autour de notre regin (Spain, Greece, France, Italy, and Turkey). It is carried out in French and English. It consists of an introduction and description of the historical sites in each region, so that students learn about them and introduce them to their European colleagues. 4. Entre monts et eaux, nos villes et lUNESCO, in French and English. An exchange project about environmental, cultural and tourist areas, as well as Unesco World Heritage Sites, with the aim to preserve them and promote sustainable development. 5. Europezate, Project entirely in Spanish that aims at promoting the awareness of being part of the EU.OTHERS ACTIVITIES: d) I EUROEXPO EUROPEZATE. e) THE EMBASSIES. 2nd ESO students have requested information, by regular mail, to different embassies of European countries. They have replied by sending very interesting documentation (maps, illustrative brochures, photos ...). Also, they have addressed personally to our students thanking them the interest to their countries. f) II EUROEXPO EUROPEZATE. g) PROJECT ""HEALTH E+"" Pharmacy Vocational School Students 1. ""Drug Dispensation"". The Pharmacy Technician from Hungary, Ildik, has come to visit. 2. ""The Office of Pharmacy in the EU"". h) E+ STUDENTS SHARE THEIR EXPERIENCE. VS students who have completed their Erasmus practices, narrate their experience i) ST. PATRICKS DAY j) CERVANTES DAYS ""Our Cervantes Institute in Europe."" k) WEEK OF THE EUROPEAN DANCES. ";"European dance workshop on the yard.5) IMPACT AND DIFUSSION: ""Expanding Horizons"" a) BRIEFING FOR STUDENTS AND TEACHERS OF THE SCHOOL about the project and the mobilities. b) IV FORUM OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES IN CANTABRIA. Lecture ""What is an Erasmus Plus project?"" Europezate by Cantabria "" c) FACEBOOK-IES Cantabria Europezate d) TWITTER-IES CANTABRIA E+ e) f) NEWSPAPERS: El Diario Montas g) YOUTUBE MOBILITIES: h) IMPACT ASSESSMENT IN THE SCHOOL: Individualized survey to students. We assess the europeanisation impact developed by the school, upon completion of the E+ Project." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA101-002755;;;European Exchange of Education Experiences (E4);The CEIP La Jurada is located in San Isidro, in Granadilla de Abona, Tenerife ( Spain ). It is a recently established school , initiating the teaching activity in 2009 /2010. It has new facilities...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;CEIP La Jurada;ES;ES,IT,SK,TR;13.290,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The CEIP La Jurada is located in San Isidro, in Granadilla de Abona, Tenerife ( Spain ). It is a recently established school , initiating the teaching activity in 2009 /2010. It has new facilities and technological advances. The CEIP La Jurada is a living and active school. It develops a series of projects that enrich the teaching-learning process , such as e- twinning project , library project , Land Project , radio and television project . This school is characterized as a dynamic school and open to new ' adventure ' , and one of them has been able to develop Erasmus + project in order to know which organization of teaching and learning takes place in different schools in Europe, other teaching methods and therefore which strategies are promoted for reducing students leave school so early. | Participants in this project , have met with the following profile: | a) Participatory , professional and personal ability required. | b ) Fundamental principles and ethical values. | c ) Entrepreneur , involved , imagination and initiative character. | d ) Ability to communicate clearly. | e) Willingness to work intensively. | f ) Ability to appreciate opportunities. | g ) Understanding of others , empathy. | h ) Courtesy and kindness in personal dealings . | i ) Desire to overcome and perseverance. | j ) Knowledge of ICT. | In the selection process was ensured transparency through different coordination meetings and then with all teachers from the school. | The main activities were conducted in different exchanges of partner centers were based on "" jobshadowing "" . The visitor school noted the management and organization of partner school visited and methodological approaches used by teachers in the classroom. | The methodology into account two important aspects, communication and cooperation. Communication is done through the exchange of emails, phone calls, video conferencing through Skype and Whatsapp application. All information received will be shown to the educational community members through the school website ( ) . | Cooperation with partner schools was in person during the stay in such schools. | The visited school showed their methodological approaches and organization and management of the center in order to exchange experiences.";The movements of teachers to other schools in Europe have had a fundamental impact on our school with the inclusion of projects to improve the organization of the school on student learning, training and educational innovation of teachers and also in reducing dropout. We have improved our teaching practice, we have uadated and innovated, our students have learned to learn, and that learning is lifelong. Thanks to the participation of this project Erasmus +, we have improved our projects of ecological school garden project, radio and television in school, etwinning project, project library, we have improved our methodology, our knowledge and use of ICT and management center school. | The formats used for the dissemination of the projects for different member of the school community (teachers, parents, students and non-teaching staff ) and partner center have been through lot of activities explained in the ninth point of this draft. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA101-002811;;;LEARNING, LEADERING AND CREATING;The current project has represented an essential tool for the purpose of achieving many of the assigned objectives within our improvement plan, assuming such plan as the base for the acquisition o...;Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;COLEGIO FLIX RODRGUEZ DE LA FUENTE;ES;ES,IT;18.323,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The current project has represented an essential tool for the purpose of achieving many of the assigned objectives within our improvement plan, assuming such plan as the base for the acquisition of a better quality and excellence in teaching, that we have offered to our pupils. With this project we claimes three remarkable objectives: | 1. TO KNOW THE PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCES THAT ARE REQUIRED AND THE WAY TO ENHANCE THEM IN OUR SCHOOL STAFF. ALL THIS, IN ORDER TO ASSURE THE MOST EFFICIENT USE OF THE TEACHING-LEARNING PROCESSES THAT ARE BEING HELD IN THE CLASSROOMS. | For the purpose of achieving this objective we initiated a research on what our staff and headship teams profiles were, and those profiles considered essentials in Europe and why we must develop them in the future. Our purpose was to be in touch with several colleges (universities) to analyze the professional competences that are taught in the initial teachers training, checking whether any coincidences with the required competences are taking place in practice. In the same way, we were to keep;chats; (va e-mail, skype and facetime) with the headship teams of the rest of schools participants in this project, trying to detect how the social and cultural environment affects in the way every school faces the type of basic professional competences, always related to our seeking of a unique European teachers profile. We also contemplated observation periods in a French school wich we detected such competences in practice, both in the classrooms and coordination meetings. Finally, we participated in training activities likes ""Encouraging creative thinking"" in order to improve some forgotten skills very neccesary for improving teaching process. The results (outcomes) of this investigation is being the base to set up a sequence of necessary principles for the achievement of the particular vision and pedagogical line at our school. All these results published our web and our magazine. Training seminars helped to spread out these outcomes, in connection with the teacher training centre, among the headship teams. | 2. CREATE A COMMON COOPERATION AND REFLECTION FRAMEWORK WITH OTHER EUROPEAN SCHOOLS, REFERING TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE KEY COMPETENCES AND THEIR INTRODUCTION (IMPLANTATION) IN THE NEW EDUCATIONALS MODELS. | To achieve this objective we had a teaching-learning period abroad for a month minimum. Before this, we exchanged our knowledges about development of the key competences in the classroom. Via e-mail, we will had conversations in which we reflected about how we evaluate, make syllabuses and work the key competences in our school in practice. We participed ins activities about how we can improve our practice and motivation in the classroom" or "introduction of new researching methodologies in the teaching and learning process. Our educational magazine, the participation our school in the realization of new educational curriculums and teachers training courses by the teachers training centre were the main resources for the dissemination of the above mentioned achievements. At the same time, we have been working with a Finalnd School developing key competences. This project is named ""Creating stories"". Maybe, we could create an KA2 project with known partners with the same objetives than us. | 3. IMPROVE THE EXCELLENCE OF THE ACADEMICS RESULTS OF OUR STUDENTS, INCREASING THE NUMBER OF THE PUPILS IN HIGH SCHOOL AND COLLEGES AND DECREASING SCHOOL EARLY LEAVING, BY THE USE OF EMOTIONAL COMPETENCES IN THE CLASSROOM AS THE MAIN RESOURCE FOR IT.";"Our participation in teachers training headed to achieve self-esteem and personal leadership of our students or the relations inside our classroom as ""dynamic groups and social skill in teh classroom"" were the keys to achieve this objective. . Likewise, with the work on these areas, beside the improvement of the academic results we are making ensure the creation of a more participative, democratic, active, confident, responsible.... values that coincide with the XXI century European citizen profiles." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA102-000599;;;PRCTICAS DE FP EN EUROPA;The Sociedad Cooperativa Madrilea Teide-Hease, mainly dedicated to Higher and Intermediate Vocational Education and Training (VET), consists of three different state schools in Madrid. In 2015, t...;Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education;;Sociedad Cooperativa Madrilea Teide - Hease;ES;ES,IT,DE,CZ;56.097,00;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The Sociedad Cooperativa Madrilea Teide-Hease, mainly dedicated to Higher and Intermediate Vocational Education and Training (VET), consists of three different state schools in Madrid. In 2015, the European Seal of Excellence incremented from 400+ to 500+ points due to our Management System. Every school curriculum includes a mandatory module within the induction training in work placements which take place entirely in companies. Thus, the main Project goal was to allow 9 students in Intermediate VET modules (Maintenance of Data-Processing Systems; Trading; Administrative Managing; Assistance to People in a Situation of Dependence; Auxiliary Care in Nursing; and Car Mechanics) to have the opportunity to perform the training activities in other European work placements. To do so, our entity contacted with 4 different partners in Germany, Italy and Czech Republic that had more than 10 years of experience in European programmes. Therefore, this school considered our students as priority in terms of participation in Erasmus+ in order to foster interculturality, cooperation, competences and to offer experience and integration into the labour market. On the other hand, to ensure the quality of our students? training in work placements, the school drew up a shortlist, in a fair and transparent way, of those qualified candidates by taking into account their academic merits and abilities.";With the participation of our students in this programme, this proposal aimed to achieve the following results: | ? Improving the quality and attractiveness of Vocational Education and Training. | ? Increasing our students? international employment opportunities. | ? Promoting the sense of initiative and the entrepreneurial spirit of our students. | ? Strengthening linguistic and cultural skills. | ? Making the European learning area and values a reality. | ? Raising enterprise?s awareness of the importance of lifelong learning. | | Regarding the preparation of the practical and logistical matters (project management and students? preparation), we concluded to follow the following steps: | 1. Before mobility: ? Our school came to a collaboration agreement with our partners. ? Both entities planned an individualised training programme in which appeared the different abilities students obtained during their mobility. ? Our school provided students with an insurance. ? Our entity was responsible for students? transportation. ? Our receiving partners were responsible for arranging accommodation, airport pick-up service and organising students? welcome week during the first week. 2. During mobility: ? Our school and our partners kept a smoothly flowing communication that allowed a constant exchange of opinions among the school tutor, the students and the school tutor of the hosting organisation by telephone, e-mail, Facetime, Skype, etc. ? The sending student uploaded a file weekly in which appeared all the activities done by the student and signed by the student?s tutor in the receiving company. The project consisted of 7 phases: a) Pre-preparation stage (January-March 2014) b) Communication stage at all the members of the school community (June-September 2014) c) Selection stage (October-December 2014) d) Preparation stage (January-March 2015) e) Training stage in European countries (April-June 2015) f) Assessment stage (April-July 2015) g) Dissemination of results stage (April-September 2015). 3. After mobility: ? Once training in work placements was completed, the receiving organisation sent a certificate in which was assessed our student?s development in the company. ? Once the student?s tutor received the documentation provided by the hosting organisation, he/she assessed the activities carried out by the student in the work placement according to the assessment tool Europass. ? The dissemination of the results of the actions undertaken within the project was published in different resources such as our school?s website (, blog ( and social networks. Moreover, our school organized orientation talks, released press statements (in newspapers, on television, on radio, etc.) and used the institutional advertising (posters, leaflets, outdoor advertising, etc.). Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA102-001127;;;Movilidad Erasmus CM para prcticas en empresas;"The ""Erasmus CM Mobility for placements"" project requested by the IES Escolas Proval is contextualized within the Erasmus + Training Action Programme ""Mobility of persons based learning (KA1)"". Th...";Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Enterprise, industry and SMEs (incl. entrepreneurship) ...;;Instituto de Educacin Secundaria Escolas Proval;ES;ES,IT,UK;66.110,00;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The ""Erasmus CM Mobility for placements"" project requested by the IES Escolas Proval is contextualized within the Erasmus + Training Action Programme ""Mobility of persons based learning (KA1)"". The project provided students of intermediate Vocational Training in Electronics and Administration the possibility of their On the Job Training (FCT) in European companies. The project arises primarily due to the interest shown by students in perform vocational training practices abroad. The main objectives achieved with these mobilities were: a) Help students adjust to the needs of the European labor market and to have more and better employment opportunities b) Allow students to develop specific skills, including language, and expand their knowledge on the economic and social culture of the host country while gaining work experience. c) Promote cooperation between the school and homologous schools and companies. d) Contribute to the development of a highly skilled group of young, open-minded and internationally experienced as professionals e) Acquisition of knowledge and skills with a view to personal and professional development f) Encourage the learning of foreign languages. It was intended with this mobility that students achieve the above objectives and be better prepared to enter the European or Spanish labor market. In short, obtaining a first work experience in an international environment.";"The project offered 11 student mobilities for internships in companies in Italy, UK, Belgium, Germany and Portugal for 12 weeks to cover 410 hours of practical training in two annual periods project: from September to December and from March to June. There was also 1 teacher mobility for training in Italy for 5 days. IES Escolas Proval center ( Issuing Center and organizer of Mobility ) was responsible for: - Request to the SEPIE the Erasmus grant for key 1 + Action program -Make an agreement with the host companies (Annex I translated into English) - Request authorization to the administration to carry out the placement of the student abroad -Conduct an individualized plan of FCT and translate it into English. - Define the objectives of stay - Select the participants - Prepare the participants -Establish a contract including a training agreement - Help participants manage the transport, accommodation and insurance - Negotiate an individual program - Agree on monitoring and mentoring arrangements - Implement agreed validation procedures - Establish appropriate communication channels - Evaluate the progress of the project so continues - Generate the Europass Mobility Certificate for the participants -Make the final project report and sendit to SEPIE through the Movility Tool The impact of the project on participants is for the students to help achieving a technical degree through On the Job Training in European businesses, an improved employment opportunities , knowledge of new cultures and new languages that can help them to consolidate a European entity and to support their future employability. In the case of staff, it has helped to improve European project management methods, to learn about other VET education systems and, in particular, to apply ECVET credits for the On The Job Training module, and to learn about a new pedagogical method known as ""Flipped Classroom"". The impact on our organization has been the acquisition of new skills, abilities and skills in the relationship with companies and foreign counterparts that can help us to improve the training of future students." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA103-000111;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;DECROLY faces the challenge of new Erasmus program with the intention to continue participating in their programs, but particularly and consolidating our experience in programs of Mobility key act...;;;DECROLY,SL;ES;ES;10.100,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (tertiary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"DECROLY faces the challenge of new Erasmus program with the intention to continue participating in their programs, but particularly and consolidating our experience in programs of Mobility key action 1:Mobility projects in the field of education, training and Youth; increasing the number of mobilities, so much so that our students perform practices abroad, as our staff can train or teach in other European countries. Since 2007, DECROLY, has been developing programmes financed by European funds, covering three of the four modalities that the program offers - SMP - Mobility of students for training; STA - Mobility teaching staff; STT - Mobility staff training. The Erasmus programme, is integrated in our institution within our Annual General Planning programme and our Quality System, through a Quality Register of where it appears the management of the Erasmus programme.. Both documents are updated each academic year. During 2014-2015, DECROLY developed a Erasmus call , using our Web site, Bulletin Board, e-mail and briefings, for students and staff, due to the great interest that the Erasmus programme appeals to our educational community. ";"The Profile of Erasmus students from DECROLY are boys and girls between 20 and 26 years of Superior degree of VET studies from different professional families:Higher Technician in Office Director Assistance , Advance Expert in Sales Management and Marketing, Higher Technician in Tourist Guide,Higher Technician in Computer Network Systems Management . All of them with an open mentality, responsibility, cultural diversity, efficiency and interconnectivity; they are flexible when it comes to accept the variety of contexts, feel involved in international issues is important and have greater ease to value other cultures. All of them with a great desire for the internship( the workplace) in a European country. Four of these students were awarded by the MEC. There was a student who postponed it for the period September-December 2015. Five of the students were awarded by DECROLY. The mobility was developed in the period March- June. The selected partner companies were adapted to the needs of our students, attending the training they have received. All of them will collaborate with us again. For staff, the mobility applied in the application was at the beginning, one for teaching and another one for training. At the end they decided two for training, as the host company was highly interested in the subjects they teach in DECROLY and they were very interested in learning in order to train students in specific areas the company required . It was a new company for us and with high expectations of collaborating in future mobilities and possibility of employability ." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA103-000212;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;La estrategia seguida por el EASDA se centra en la implementacin de los estudios de diseo que se ofrecen en el marco del Espacio Europeo de Educacin Superior (EEES). En esta estrategia se conte...;;;ESCUELA DE ARTE Y SUPERIOR DE DISEO DE ALICANTE/ESCOLA D'ART I SUPERIOR DE DISSENY D'ALACANT;ES;ES;10.267,00;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;La estrategia seguida por el EASDA se centra en la implementacin de los estudios de diseo que se ofrecen en el marco del Espacio Europeo de Educacin Superior (EEES). En esta estrategia se contempla como prioritario la implementacin del programa Erasmus como medio fundamental para fomentar la movilidad de los estudiantes y personal. La movilidad de estudiantes contribuye a mejorar el objetivo principal de la EASDA, es decir, facilitar a nuestros estudiantes un acceso al mercado de trabajo en las artes y el diseo. Los programas de movilidad pueden facilitar el trabajo mencionado anteriormente para lo que la escuela hizo esfuerzos para unirse al programa Erasmus en el curso 2009-10. Por tanto, tenemos experiencia en la movilidad de los estudiantes con fines de estudio y prcticas, con gran satisfaccin y beneficios por parte de los estudiantes que han participado, de manera que el nmero de solicitudes se incrementan cada ao. Tambin fomentamos la recepcin de los estudiantes y profesores de otras universidades europeas con el fin de que todos los alumnos de la EASDA se beneficien de un entorno multicultural. Otra prioridad manifiesta de la EASDA es fomentar la participacin de los docentes en los programas de movilidad. Los profesores consiguen de esta manera, conocer y compartir diferentes puntos de vista en relacin con las diferentes disciplinas del diseo y contribuir as a una mejor visin global del diseo que pueden trasladar posteriormente a su alumnos y alumnas. Los resultados de la movilidad Erasmus permite a los estudiantes desarrollar habilidades y conocimientos como: practicar y conocer nuevos mtodos de aprendizaje, aprender y mejorar otro idioma europeo, conocimiento de las diferentes realidades sociales y culturales de Europa, desarrollar fcilmente su potencial creativo e intelectual, sumndose as a los sectores industriales que necesitan personal creativo y multidisciplinar. Estos resultados y su impacto es cada vez mayor en la comunidad educativa de la EASDA conforme aumenta el nmero de participantes as como estudiantes y profesores entrantes que contribuyen a la internacionalizacin de la EASDA.;The strategy followed by the EASDA is focused on the implementation of design studies offered under the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). In this strategy is seen as a priority the implementation of the Erasmus program as an essential way to promote mobility of students and staff. Students mobility help to improve the main objective of the EASDA, that is, provide to our students access to the labor market in the arts and design area. Mobility programs can facilitate the work mentioned above for what the school made efforts to start the Erasmus program in the 2009-10 academic year. Therefore, we have experience on students' mobility with ends of study and traineeships, with great satisfaction and profit on the part of the students who have taken part, so that the number of requests has been increased every year. We also encourage the reception of students and teachers from other European universities so that all students from the EASDA benefit of a multicultural environment. Another manifest priority of the EASDA is to encourage the participation of teachers in the mobility programs. Teachers manage this way, to know and share different points of view with regard the different design disciplines and thus contribute to a better global vision of design that can later transfer to their students. The results of the Erasmus mobility allows students to develop skills and knowledge such as: practicing and knowing new learning methods, learning and improving another European language, knowledge of the different social and cultural realities in Europe, easily develop his creative and intellectual potential joining thus the industrial sectors that there need creative and multidisciplinary staff. These results and their impact is increasing in the educational community of EASDA because the number of participants in increasing, as well as the reception of incoming students and teachers who contribute to the internationalization of EASDA. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA103-000278;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;This mobility project was requested to provide opportunities for higher education students for internships and studies in partner countries. The international strategy of CEEDCV aims at providing ...;;;CEEDCV;ES;ES;9.549,00;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;This mobility project was requested to provide opportunities for higher education students for internships and studies in partner countries. The international strategy of CEEDCV aims at providing mobilities to our adult students as we understand how difficult is for them to access into the labour market at their age. This project has been intented to strenght bonds of collaboration with partner institutions in Brussels and Italy mainly. At the same time our students have been developing 5 different internships periods in Sweaden and Brussels providing new skills and competences in our students. The staff mobilities have included training and the start of collaborative activities in the field of innovation in education between the CEEDCV and 3 more institutions located in Greece, the Netherlands and Italy. In order to open this programme to the higher amount of people we have distributed mobilities to increase the number of participants. The participants have been selected with no discrimination of age, race and social status. The linguistic competence has been decisive both for students and teachers but the final selection of participants included a great variety of profiles. For this last reason the impact has been valuable in our institution. Due to the difficulties that our adult students have when combining studies with work and personal situations, the students who have this year participated in this programme have had the chance to meet other students and to share their experience with them. We have added the new technologies for that purpose. The CEEDCV has provided space and time for online webinars between students and also for video creation. The staff participating in this project has also developed exe-learning materials to be uploaded in the Moodle platform with the main goals of our international strategy and expected results in the near future. We have also joined the mobility project activities with another type of activities that the CEDCV were developing into an strategic partnership (SOLE project). So through the creation of a social learning network the students and the staff have spread the opportunity that working experience in Europe offer.;Este proyecto de movilidad ha proporcionado al CEED oportunidades para estudiantes de educacin superior para realizar prcticas y estudios en los pases socios. La estrategia internacional de CEEDCV tiene como objetivo dotar de movilidades para nuestros estudiantes adultos ya que entendemos lo difcil que es para ellos tener acceso al mercado de trabajo a su edad. Este proyecto ha sido diseado para estrechar lazos de colaboracin con las instituciones asociadas en Bruselas e Italia principalmente. Al mismo tiempo, nuestros estudiantes llevado a cabo 5 movilidades de prcticas Suecia y Bruselas integrando y aprendiendo nuevas destrezas y competencias que les harn ms atractivos en el mercado laboral. Las movilidades del personal han incluido formacin y tambin el inicio de actividades de colaboracin en el mbito de la innovacin en la educacin entre la CEEDCV y 3 instituciones ms situadas en Grecia, los Pases Bajos e Italia. Con el fin de abrir este programa a la mayor cantidad de personas, hemos distribuido el tiempo de las movilidades para as aumentar el nmero de participantes. Los participantes han sido seleccionados sin discriminacin de edad, raza y condicin social. La competencia lingstica ha sido decisiva tanto para los estudiantes y profesores, pero la seleccin final de los participantes inclua una gran variedad de perfiles. Por esta ltima razn el impacto ha sido valioso en nuestra institucin. Debido a las dificultades que nuestros estudiantes adultos tienen al combinar los estudios con el trabajo y situaciones personales, los estudiantes que este ao participaron en este programa han tenido la oportunidad de conocer a otros estudiantes y para compartir su experiencia con ellos. Hemos aadido las nuevas tecnologas para ese propsito. El CEEDCV ha proporcionado el espacio y el tiempo para seminarios en lnea entre estudiantes y tambin para la creacin de vdeo. El personal que participa en este proyecto tambin ha desarrollado materiales exe-aprendizaje para ser cargados en la plataforma Moodle con los principales objetivos de nuestra estrategia internacional y los resultados esperados en el futuro prximo. Adems hemos unido las actividades del proyecto de movilidad con las actividades que estbamos desarrollando en una asociacin estratgica (proyecto SOLE). As a travs de la creacin de una red social de aprendizaje se ha difundido la oportunidad que ofrecen las experiencias laborales en Europa. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA103-000316;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;Our institution is located in an inner area of great natural beauty. Its economic activities are industry and services. Our therapeutic waters and proximity to the sea and to cities such as Barcel...;;;INSTITUTO DE EDUCACION SECUNDARIA SANTA COLOMA DE FARNERS (INSTITUT DENSENYAMENT SECUNDARI DE STA. COLOMA DE FARNERS);ES;ES;2.313,00;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;Our institution is located in an inner area of great natural beauty. Its economic activities are industry and services. Our therapeutic waters and proximity to the sea and to cities such as Barcelona and Girona, make us a very attractive place. Our school was founded in 1990 and since then we have had a wide variety of studies, which include ESO (4 years of obligatory education), baccalaureate (with 3 specialisations, namely science and technology, humanities and social science) as well as different vocational training courses: _ Intermediate level: Office Management, Social Care and Electrical and automatic installations. _ Higher level: Child Care, Administration and Finance. Respect, tolerance and solidarity are of special importance in our school. We also promote dialogue and mediation processes in our society. Moreover we defend the culture of peace, human rights, gender equality, democratic participation, social inequalities compensation and critical thinking. We are committed to our language and our culture. Secular, pluralistic and multicultural (we teach in Catalan, Spanish, English and French). We like to innovate in education and technology. We respect and contribute to the preservation of the environment. ;"Student mobility for studies in Samatan (France).Electrical and automatic installations. Year 2009. School Project (PIC). - Student mobility for traineeships in kindergarten ""El Ratol"" in Elna (France). Child care. Year 2013. PIC. - Student mobility for traineeships in ""The Bressola"" in Perpignan (France). Child care. Year 2014. PIC. -Project of international collaboration called ""Dear Project"" (Wales-Latvia-Sta.Coloma de Farners). Secondary education. Year 2012. Program of development of global learning communities. - Participation in E-Twinning. In association with College Franois of Belleforest. Secondary education. Year 2014. After requesting and obtaining ECHE we wished to go forward with Erasmus+ program. We consider necessary to develop projects and activities within the European framework. Internationalizing meant to enrich and modernize our educational experience, that of our students and by extension of our community. This interest went on to become one of our lines of work. Our target was raising skill levels, improving the quality and prestige of our vocational training courses and by extension the rest of our studies. We extended our proposals with the two traineeship mobilities obtained. The proposal consisted of a stay of two months during the school year, in an European company to carry out traineeship of Child care. After its publication among students who were interested, we selected two students who showed the best professional, personal and social skills as well as knowledge of languages. Personal, family and social factors were taken into account and those aspects contrary to equality of opportunities or discriminatory were rejected. Finally our mobilities were: - One mobility for traineeships in Perpignan (France) in a school. - One mobility for traineeships in Pistoia (Italy) in a nursery school. During the stay students carried out activities related to the design of intervention, the organization of planning documents, coordination among professionals, assessment, care of basic needs, integral development (especially expression-communication), the organization and implementation of leisure activities. Although we have not achieved all our objectives, particularly those related to research and funding, we think that with all these actions we have advanced in quality, qualification, cooperation, prestige, bonds, organization and attractiveness. The impact experienced in our institution and our environment can increase and improve in the future. We are building a project that has the ambition of improving and continuing to grow as a part of an increasingly plural Europe." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA103-000334;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;"IEFPS REPELEGA is awarded with Erasmus+ Charter for Higher education in 2013 and we start our own Project KA 103 (24 months). We carried out six Student Mobilities for Training (three months fr...";;;CIFP REPELEGA LHII;ES;ES;9.285,00;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;unavailable;English;"IEFPS REPELEGA is awarded with Erasmus+ Charter for Higher education in 2013 and we start our own Project KA 103 (24 months). | We carried out six Student Mobilities for Training (three months from March to May in different enterprises in Cracow) an three Staff Mobilities for learning in two enterprises located in Poland and Netherlands and a university in UK (Queen's University of Belfast) in the ""Job Shadowing frame"". In September 2014 The Coordinator went class to class to inform about Erasmus+ Project and answer the possible doubts the participants could have. They were selected by an English exam (both written and oral) and their personal CV. Afterwards, the participants had several meetings with the Coordinator to be currently informed about all the issues related to enterprises , lodgement, flights etc. One of our former Erasmus+ students, attended to our meetings and help them with the practical issues. A ""WhatsApp"" group was created from the beginning , including Coordinator to inform and boost students.";Both, students and teachers, found their mobilities useful for their near future as professionals students and enrichening for their classes teachers. When filling out the Progress Report we made a mistake with the number of months our students did their internship resulting in receiving money just for two months of internships instead of the three months they stayed in Poland, meaning that instead of receiving 5400 E we received 3600E to carry out their Mobilities. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA103-000488;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;"CONTEXT AND BACKGROUND IES Federica Montseny consider priority number one the participation in the Erasmus + program in order to promote the exchange of experiences, cooperation and mobility of o...";;;IES FEDERICA MONTSENY;ES;ES;5.400,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;not available;English;"IES Federica Montseny consider priority number one the participation in the Erasmus + program in order to promote the exchange of experiences, cooperation and mobility of our educational community priority. As background to the current project, we have participated in: | 1999, 2000 and 2001 Socrates Comenius Action 1: Belgium, Finland and Spain. 2002 Leonardo. Student's mobility: ""Professional Insertion in Europe"". Belgium and Finland. Comenius Language Assistant host 2004 (English), 2008 and 2009 (French). 2009,2010,2011. COMENIUS ASSOCIATION. ""European Youth. From Differences to Simmilarities "". 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013. e-twinning project. Charter Erasmus Higher Education 2008-2014: Ten mobilities of students for internships in France, Italy and Germany and twelve mobility of teachers for training in Italy, France and England. Erasmus + 14-20 TAKE Charter Higher Education and School Education Project: ""Come, participate, learn"". Immediate objective: Training K1 and K2 Intermediate School Education. Improving the quality and attractiveness of vocational training studies, giving it a new European dimension and encouraging transnational cooperation between higher education institutions and enterprises. - Promote the learning of languages and cultures of the countries of the EU. - Increase awareness of students about the importance of mobility as an added value to their training and subsequent employment and develop the skills and competencies required in the European labor market. - Improve teaching, from an exchange of knowledge, skills and competencies in different sectors of production, set in a transnational training project. Students: DescalzoCabads Antonio and Francisco Javier Mula Roig. Both have made a mobility practices, through which developed the module FCT Technician in Industrial Mechatronics in the company SARTORI RIDES, SL in Italy. | Teaching staff: Diego Garcia Serra and Francisco Jos Prez Garca. Both are professors of family Installation and Maintenance and have implemented a mobility company training for SARTORI RIDES, SL in Italy. ";The two students conducted a mobility practices. The tasks carried out in the company are detailed in the Learning Agreement Practices. The fulfillment of these tasks is made according to production needs of the company. Global Activities: - Monitoring and control of maintenance planning. - They have you determined the indexes of reliability, availability and maintainability of a production line and its machines. - They have established levels of quantity, availability and cost of spare parts of a machine to ensure compliance with the program of preventive maintenance and repair operations. - Correction of errors and breakdowns in a machine functioning. - Modification of the systems of a production line. Francisco Jose Perez Garcia set a target in its work plan the acquisition of new knowledge about work processes used in the company in machining, maintenance, automation and assembly systems, developing activities in the Department of design and product development on the company, Department of welding procedures and means used for large structures, machining Department. Diego Garcia Serra focused its work plan in the company to conduct a study of automated systems for the development of amusement rides, developing research activities in the wiring installations fair, contacted the development office and visit the companies supplying the progammable automation technical panels. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA103-000651;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;"For two years, our institution despite its small size, has made internationalization of training and mobility practices a key objective. Our main purpose is to promote a greater employability an...";;;IES MANUEL CHAMOSO LAMAS;ES;ES;2.263,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"For two years, our institution despite its small size, has made internationalization of training and mobility practices a key objective. Our main purpose is to promote a greater employability and acquisition of new skills that could not be acquired in our country by VET students. Our student developed basic and transversal skills, not only digital level (MOODLE learning platform, open educational resources, digital assessment methods, use of specific software for a professional family, etc.) but also a linguistic level ( Improve language knowledge in the host country). We cannot forget that we began this project, because of the socioeconomic context of our institution. This is defined by high levels of unemployment, low income levels, high dropout rate and increasing rate of youth emigration. Our project is aimed to carry out Training Practices in the work place for VET students of VET Administrative Management, The age of participant is 20 years. Traineeships are part of the curriculum, and the student must achieve the skills of each short cycle. and receive the Certification from the Company, the Certification to achieve the title and Europass Form, contributing to a common qualification system. We intend tom to send student to Italy. We focus on Italy. Italy has a very attractive production environment, and were increasing deepen collaboration with Italian partners. The participants involved in the project are the IES Manuel Lamas and the company AUTOCARROZZERIA CAMPANILE FIGLI, SNC; . On the other hand is involved as an intermediary partner the Italcamara. The project was intended for Vocational Training students who complete their traineeships in companies mention below searched for intermediaries partners. Practices are done from April 2015 to June 2015. They will last 10 weeks approximaely, (70 days) with 390 hours of training and 22 ECTS credits. We did one mobility. Our intention was to develop new ways of learning. All actions and contacts with partners and participants will have a MOODLE support, as our institutions virtual classroom and also the monitoring will be done using ICTs Platforms like mail, GOOGLE DRIVE, SKYPE, LINE, WHATSAPP ?";Within our objectives are to enforce employability, and to promote that VET students will be hired by companies, and also using mobility in order to develop, knowledge and skills that match with the needs of the labour market. So the graduate that made the mobility can apply new skills in their family business. We also intended to provide our students tools to deal with the situation of youth unemployment in Spain. This experience will make them mature as citizens, students and future workers. Our project is quantitatively small, so the diffusion and impact of it will be appropriate. Our institution wants to ensure quality training and attract tas much students as possible to the VET, in a crisis environment. We expect that companies in Galicia can benefit from students who did traineeships. We want that our students will be able to achieve maturity and competence to enable them even go to the entrepreneurship. We seek to increase the number of graduates who find work, although it is different for each professional group, up to 25% during the years of the project. Although the project lasts a year, we hope to have it continuously until 2020. The diffusion took place on the own website of our Institution. dhere were talks and chats with students who carried out traineeships and other students interested in, business associations and local authorities. Well visit the local radio and local and Italian TV, and publicated all in in the local press, summarized brochures, posters, etc. and we were on social networks like Facebook and YouTube. On the other hand for staff mobility, it consisted of a Job Shadowing at Escola Profissional de Braga. It is the first time that our institution carries out such type of mobility. Our School has only one Short Cycle, which is of Administration and Finance, so that mobility addressed to a teacher of this specialty .He attended to various kinds of Contabilidade e Gestaos different subjects, as well as participation in teaching Accounting in the first course jointly with Professor Cristina Lima, according to the Portuguese and the Spanish Chart of Accounts. Contact with this partner came through Bragamob as intermediary partner. Mobility took place from May 18 until May 22, 2015. Our institution is small and in this type of mobility seeked to combine monitoring students who were carrying out their traineeship in Braga. Our institution is small and in this type of mobility seek to combine monitoring students who were doing their practices KA102 in Braga and search for new contacts for future mobilities and future agreements with the Escola Profissional of Braga. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA103-000690;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;"Summary of the project - Context and background to the project This project is part of the European policy of IES La Albuera in order to know other European countries, other cultures, other dif...";;;LA ALBUERA;ES;ES;2.785,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (tertiary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"Summary of the project - Context and background to the project: This project is part of the European policy of IES La Albuera in order to know other European countries, other cultures, other diferent ways of studying and working, envolving students and staff. Our high school has previous experience in participating in the European Projects (Scrates, Comenius, Lingua); currently it has also been granted with an Erasmus+ K2 Project. IES La Albuera has a multilingual dimension with two bilingual programs, French-Spanish and English-Spanish. Our students can choose to study other languages like English, French and German. The high school encourages to learn foreing languages to students in higher vocational trainning and it promotes motivation as candidates for mobility to carry out their practices, Training in Laboral Centers (FCT), essential to achieve the qualification requirement; this FCT is carried out according to the conditions that are reflected in our ECHE. - Objectives: The overall objectives of our European Project, as mentioned in our letter Erasmus, are: To develop multilateral trade center staff and facilitate connection with e-learning projects. To oganize student exchanges through bilateral agreements with European institutions. To participate in cooperation projects with companies. To promote mobility as part of the strategy of employability of students in vocational trainning. To share the priorities that appeared on the Modernisation Agenda 2011 of the European Commission for Higher Education and its subsequent updates. - Number and profile of participants. The IES La Albuera has followed a policy of equal opportunities for the selection of candidates for mobilities. Therefore We have used different tools to reach all staff and students with the information necessary to participate in the project. First it was communicated through emails and direct information workshops for teachers and students. Surveys have been conducted to find out their preferences and interviews with those who have shown interest in the project. All activities have had a direct action with all stakeholders, enabling immediate feed-back.. A committee for information and selection of candidates formed by the head teacher of vocational training and department heads of all professional families was formed. According to the above process, the following candidates were presented: Mobility for teachers: one. Not being necessary selection. Mobility for students: two. The selection among the candidates was took place following these evaluation criteria: above average grade course, crediting language level, income level of the family unit and a motivation letter. The profile of selected candidates: Teaching staff: teacher specialty training and career guidance, with 19 years of teaching experience, teaching class in higher vocational training IES La Albuera, PhD in Sociology and an accredited B1 level of English. Student: student 2nd Training Cycle Higher Level of Physical and Sports Activities of IES La Abuera, with an average score of 8.3, accreditation of B1 level of French and highly motivated to exchange, presenting the company to to perform his practices .";Description of the activities carried out: In the previous section we described the activities carried out to inform the project to all staff and students of IES La Albuera and selection processes of candidates for mobilities. The preparation of mobilities has included finding partners for these mobilities. In the case of teacher mobility it was conducted through the e-Twinning platform, contacting other schools with a similar profile of IES La Albuera, and common interests. It was selected the Vienna Business School and we started to contact by mail, ending with the agreement of training mode mobility, job shadowing. In the mobility of students, the student contacted directly with the company from Marseille, ANIMASPORT, and his tutor guided him towards the achievement of the agreement. The activities are described in full in Section 5 of this report. - Results and impact obtained and expected long-term benefits: Teacher mobility has allowed implementing new tools and learning methods, with the spread of goods practices for other teachers, enabling the mobility of a student during 2015/16 course to a company in Vienna. Student mobility has enabled him to improve his skills and initiate cooperation with other institutions at European level, disseminating their experience to other students. These results have been published on the Website of IES La Albuera. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA103-000843;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;Our Erasmus+ High Education project (2014-1-ES01-KA103-000843) was created to offer our students and VET teachers of high education , the chance to make a training period in a UE country, through...;;;IES PAU CASESNOVES;ES;ES;5.357,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;not available;English;Our Erasmus+ High Education project (2014-1-ES01-KA103-000843) was created to offer our students and VET teachers of high education , the chance to make a training period in a UE country, through the mobility activities of a traineeship in a company for the students and a training period for teachers. By this project we provide our students and teachers the approach and integration in Europe, at the same time we facilitate them the learning of other languages and cultures, as well as the improvement of their professional skills. The specific aims of the project are: a)To improve the capacity and professional skills of students and teachers. b)To provide students and teachers an European dimension of the labour market, improving the employability of students helping them get their first job. c) To work the basic and transversal skills d) To promote student entrepreneurship, access to new labour markets and opportunities. e) To promote learning of foreign languages to students and teachers. f) To strengthen relationships with intermediary schools g) To ensure equal opportunities and access to information by all participants h) To ensure the quality of mobility activities i) To validate the skills acquired by the participants during their experiences abroad In this project have participated three students and one techer of higher vocational training of the following professions: Administration and finances, Computer network systems management, telecommunications and computer systems and Motor vehicles. The students have done 10 weeks of traineeship in Rendsburg (Germany), Helsinki (Finland), Budapest (Hungary) and Plymouth (UK). The teacher participated in a training course in Plymouth (UK).;To carry out our project, we have non commercial intermediaries partners. They are vocational training centers like our and they have a wide experience in mobility projects. We work all the time in close collaboration with them, which is essential for the preparation and execution of the project, ensuring the quality of the mobility we offer. We know that a quality mobility experience is very important for the future of our students, helping them to promote their creativity, competitiveness, employability and entrepreneurship. Then, all together work to get it. With this project we have strengthened the capacity of lifelong learning of our students, creating in them a sense of European citizenship based on understanding and respect for human rights and promoting tolerance with other countries and cultures. Youths must search for new professional careers in the European Union. There is nothing better than the students mobility at the end of their training, to gain experience in a safe and supervised framework and get ready for the European labour market. Through a transnational mobility people can strengthen both professional and personal fields. Students and teachers return from their experience reinforced with new knowledge and learning and they have the opportunity to compare the training of both countries and transfer their knowledge and experience in their work activities performed later in their own country. Sometimes, the fact of living on an island makes it difficult for students and teachers to make a decision about making a training period abroad. We would like to change this. With this project our students and teachers open out their horizons to new experiences with people and companies in other European countries, responding to the objectives and priorities of the Erasmus+ programme. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA103-001025;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;Our educational institution, IES Mara Zambrano in Torre del Mar (Mlaga), is a public school dependant on the Consejeria de Educacin de la Junta de Andaluca. Taught in this center, apart from o...;;;IES MARA ZAMBRANO;ES;ES;4.244,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"Our educational institution, IES Mara Zambrano in Torre del Mar (Mlaga), is a public school dependant on the Consejeria de Educacin de la Junta de Andaluca. Taught in this center, apart from obligatiory secondary education and sixth form, are four vocational training courses, of which two are two years, Superior Grade: Tourism Accomodation Management and Guiding and Information, and Tourism Asistence. Our priority for both is to utilize all strategies leading to improve education quality, reinforce the european dimension and respect towards linguistic and cultural diversity. The participating students in the project belong to these two vocational training course: two from Guiding, Information, and Tourism Assistance and one from Tourism Accomodation Management.They have completed internships through the program Erasmus+ in the following companies: 1. Antonio Jose Cano Cobo (GIAT) interned at New Steine Hotel Rooms & French Bistro in Brighton (UK). His internship consisted of carrying out the activities and duties of the hotel reception while asisting in the service of the restaurant at that establishment (taking reservations, check-in and check-out, budgets, control of the bank; taking orders, service, mise en place, etc.) 2. Sara Caballero Caldern (GIAT) interned at Comune di Nard (tourism office) in Nard (Italy). Her internship consisted of performing informative and tour guide duties in the locality of Nard. To do this, she completed the following activities: respond to informational questions by various means (face to face, e-mail, telephone), gather statistics of visitors and solicited information, organize touristic materials, guided visits, etc. 3. Natalie Faust Martn (GAT) interned at Golden Tulip Kassel Hotel Reiss in Kassel (Germany). Her internship consisted of performing tasks and activities of the hotel reception as well as assisting the service of the restaurant at this establishment (taking reservations, check-in and check-out, budgets, control of the bank; taking orders, service, mise en place, etc.)";The principle objectives that were intended to bring about through this project were on one hand to increase the linguistic capabilities of the students, and on the other hand put in to practice the theoritic knowledge aquired during the vocational training in a real world experience. That is the objective of the internship of the studetns, described in section 3. In this way, the students will gain the necessary tools for a future integration in the labor market, not just at the local level, but also at a regional, national, and European level. The option of doing an internship in other European countries gives the students the possiblity of discovering a new labor market and integrating themselves in to it. On a personal level for the students, this experience gives them a broader vision of the significance of the European Union regarding integration, tolerance, learning of new cultures, etc. On an institutional level, the participation in this project, not only enriches the students directly participating, but also to all of their classmates who have been told about these experiences, and gives us an interesting local and autonomous status, because due to the participation in the project, it makes us a preferent choice for the students interested in this kind of program when they have to choose a school.This acompanied by the bilingual program carried out in our school and the oportunity of having their internship abroad thanks to the Erasmus+ program gives us a unique character in our area. Summing up, taking part in this project gives a boost to the whole of the educative comunity of Ies Maria Zambrano, because it encourages, backs up and consolidates the work of all the professionals who develope their work in our institution. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA103-001120;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;"The 2014-1-ES01-KA103-001120 Proval IES Escolas project aimed to provide students of Short Cycles the possibility of doing their On the Job Training in European companies. The project was primari...";;;Instituto de Educacin Secundaria Escolas Proval;ES;ES;5.366,00;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;The 2014-1-ES01-KA103-001120 Proval IES Escolas project aimed to provide students of Short Cycles the possibility of doing their On the Job Training in European companies. The project was primarily raised due to the interest shown by the students of Short Cycles in performing traineeships abroad, and the growing difficulty teachers had in finding appropriate local companies for the students to perform their internships. The main objectives of these mobilities were: a) To help students to adapt to the needs of the European labor market and to have more and better employment opportunities b) Allow students to develop specific skills, including language skills, and expand their knowledge on the economic and social culture of the host country while gaining work experience. c) To promote cooperation between the school and companies. d) To contribute to the development of a group of highly qualified young, open-minded and international experience as future professionals e) Acquisition of knowledge and skills in order to get better personal and professional development f) To encourage the learning of foreign languages;"With these mobilities, the school intended that students engrossed in these programs got the above objectives and were farther and better prepared to be inserted into the Spanish or European labor market. In short, obtaining a first work experience in an international environment. Fulfilling the objectives is highly satisfactory. We have conducted four students mobilities that allowed them to perform their mandatory training period in a foreign company. The period of work experience ranged from 12 weeks to 3 months, so they could meet the mandatory 384 hours of their On the Job Training subject. The training practical activities were agreed with companies based on the curriculum title Higher Level ""Technician in Administration and Finance""." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA103-001195;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;The Centro Integrado de Formacin Profesional Majada Marcial is located in Puerto del Rosario, the capital of Fuerteventura. training cycles and higher degree 10 Professional Families in classroom...;;;CENTRO INTEGRADO DE FORMACIN PROFESIONAL MAJADA MARCIAL;ES;ES;18.741,00;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;The Centro Integrado de Formacin Profesional Majada Marcial is located in Puerto del Rosario, the capital of Fuerteventura. training cycles and higher degree 10 Professional Families in classroom and blended learning modalities are taught. The number of students enrolled in this course is higher than 1100 and the faculty of about 70. The CIFP Majada Marcial is certified by ISO 9001: 2008, with other centers of the Canary Islands. The Centre has participated in previous European projects, both Leonardo da Vinci and Erasmus and Erasmus +, to promote work experience placements of students and teachers, with different countries: Germany, Finland, United Kingdom, Italy, France, Poland, Hungary, Denmark, Romania , Malta, Belgium and Turkey. In addition, the centre welcomes students and teachers from other schools from different countries: Germany, Denmark, Finland, Romania, Belgium, etc., facilitating practices at the Centre or in companies. The Erasmus Charter was granted for the period 2008-2013 and then the letter Erasmus for Higher Education 2014-2020. The main objectives of this project are: - To facilitate the realization of work-experience in European companies, as part of the training module Training in Workplaces to students of higher vocational different professional subjects, for a period of between 2 and 3 months. - Increasing the employability of our students - Improve the language skills of students and teachers - Promote partnerships with schools, organizations, institutions and companies. - Increasing the work experience of students, improving their employability and preparation. - Develop innovative practices related to excellence and internationalization. The group of participants was 8 alumni / ae (6 students and 2 students) 2nd year of vocational training of higher degree of professional qualifications in Socio-Cultural Services and the Community Health, Personal Image, Trade and Marketing and Electricity. The Work experience module is part of Training at Work module, necessary for course completion. The seats were assigned in order of merit, according to published selection criteria, and a reserve of 5 students / as published.;Project activities included: Inform students about the possibility of participation in the project enrollment period rules for participation and selection criteria: - Course marks from First year: 40% - Assessment Team Evaluation (capacity of personal autonomy, responsibility, social skills and motivation): 30% - Qualification of an English test: 10% - Attendance at English classes: 20%. Team meetings were held for project management, and information reporting and preparations for students and for the work-experience were. Participants attended classes language support (English), compulsory attendance. During the work-experience, participants performed with internships in Germany (1 student) and Poland (5 students and 2 students) for 2-3 months between March and June 2015. Monitoring of participants performed the assigned tutors partner companies, the tutor / a FCT and the team of teachers of European projects. Monitoring from the sending institution was made through the Moodle platform, e-mail, telephone and Whatsapp. Companies certified practices carried out by a certification and Europass mobility documents were issued. An analysis of the results was performed from a satisfaction survey on work experience and individual reports from participants, for the proposed improvements in the management of future projects. The results are: - Student satisfaction by placements. - Providing added value to the Curriculum Vitae of students. - Improving linguistic competence. - Contribution to the improvement of professional skills and social skills, so students can develop independently in different language environments. - Job placement in Germany for a student in the company in which he made his practices. - Broadcasting web, Facebook and provincial press, and other internal del Centro, project information channels. The possible long-term benefits are: - Improving the overall assessment of the Center by the students. - suitable selection of companies and / or countries for training cycle. - Collaborations with other centers, institutions and companies. - Develop links exchange students with different partners. - Improving the image projected by the Centre abroad. Increased - work experience placements. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA103-001511;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;The Higher Education Organization IES El Bohio in Cartagena(Murcia), Erasmus code E MURCIA 35 has carried out a project within the Erasmus+ Program , Key Action: Learning Mobility For Individual...;;;"Instituto de Educacion Secundaria ""El Bohio""";ES;ES;5.800,00;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The Higher Education Organization IES El Bohio in Cartagena(Murcia), Erasmus code E MURCIA 35 has carried out a project within the Erasmus+ Program , Key Action: Learning Mobility For Individuals, Action: Mobility For learners and Staff, Type of Activity: Higher Education Student and Staff Mobility , under the 2014 Call (Contract Number: 2014-1-ES01-KA103-001511). The total duration of the project has been 16 months, being the start date: 01/06/2014 and end date: 30/09/2015.The projects aims were to achieve the implementation of four mobilities for students traineeS in companies: two for students from the field of Higher level Advanded expertISE in Environmental Health, one for students from the field of Higher Technician in Computer Network Systems Management and one for a student from the Higher level Advanced expertISE in Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory which eventually became vacant and was covered by a student recently graduated as a Higher Technician in Computer Network Systems Management; fact which greatly enhanced the quality of the project since we could count on having a participant with greater preparation. In order to prepare, settle and start these mobilities, teachers from IT, Health, English and Spanish departments will work together as a team, counting on the full support and involvement of the management board of the school. | These students will have their internships and work placements, assigned according to their profiles, with the objective that these students could work in a company where they were able to put into practice the theoretical knowledge and skills acquired during their two years training in a Higher Vocational Course in our institution. The Students have received their recognition of ECTS credits as it is reflected in their academic record and the Diploma Supplement and the Europass. To evaluate the quality and success of mobility, quality parameters from IES ""El Bohio"" have been used.";To ensure the adequate implementation of the interinstitutional training, agreements are designed between our institution and the host institution or company. The Training agreement for individualized programming practical training period is carried out according to the time of mobility and the characteristics of the host company, agreed between the tutor of our center and the host company tutor. During the stay the tutors from the centres of origin and destination will communicate with each other by phone or email to check the progress of the student to solve difficulties, coordinate action guidelines and verify students progress. Needless to say that Learning agreements are known for participating students who agree to it by signing. All parties involved in the process have been respected. These actions will have a great impact on our students since they will be able to improve not only their foreign language skills but also their professional and team ones. Furthermore, the program intends to make our students be familiar with other working environments, lifestyles and cultures from other countries (Italy and United Kingdom). These experiences will enable them to adapt and cope with unexpected situations, obviously, all these facts will enhance their professional qualification, future employability and entrepreneur spirit. Regarding the project results, there have been three mobilities :3 months and over 2 months mobility , the one carried out by the postgraduate student. All in all, the project has been successful, with great satisfaction of the host companies, which have rated the work of our students as excellent. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA103-001533;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;"- Context and background of the Project: The project with agreement number 2014-1-ES01-KA103-001533 has been carried out since June 1st, 2014 until September 30th, 2015 at IES San Jose Villanueva...";;;Instituto Enseanza Secundaria SAN JOSE;ES;ES;3.000,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (tertiary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;Up to six students have participated in this Project: four of them have followed a High Vocational Training Course on Automotive and the other two have studied Business Administration and Finance. All participants have passed all their compulsory subjects and a language test at the time to carry out the internship (except for the training in a workplace module). Selection of participants attending linguistic, academic and motivational criteria. Linguistic preparation through the OLS platform. Periods of internships carried out by students during three months (from April to June) : students of Automotive at garages at MIDAS group in the city of Milan and students of Administration and Finance in agencies in Malta. Projects dissemination activities. - Results and impact obtained and expected long-term benefits. Work experience and adaptation to the labour market of the host countries. Knowledge of economic and social environment of the host country. Improved language proficiency of students. Use of ICT as a tool for communication and information search. Possible hiring in European companies MIDAS group. Dissemination of the project by students through presentations of their experiences to the rest of the institutions.;The project with agreement number 2014-1-ES01-KA103-001533 has been carried out since June 1st, 2014 until September 30th, 2015 at IES San Jose Villanueva de la Serena (E BADAJOZ30) in Badajoz. This project is part of the Erasmus + program and the key action KA103 (mobility of people for learning purposes). Currently, there are two high vocational training courses at our institution: Automotive and Business and Adminstration in which students generally complete their training in a workplace related to thier field of interest. With this project it is intended that the students of the mentioned training courses can make traineeship mobilities in companies or organizations from countries belonging to the Erasmus + program and help them adapt themselves to the demands of the labor market at EU level. They should acquire specific skills and improve their understanding of the economic and social environment of the country they travel to at the same time that they gain work experience. Up to six students have participated in this Project: four of them have followed a High Vocational Training Course on Automotive and the other two have studied Business Administration and Finance. | All participants have passed all their compulsory subjects and a language test at the time to carry out the internship (except for the training in a workplace module). Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA103-001564;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;The Institute Severo Ochoa is a public secondary school that began teaching in 1976 as a vocational training center. Currently focuses its formal educational provision in the studies of secondary ...;;;INSTITUT SEVERO OCHOA;ES;ES;3.150,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The Institute Severo Ochoa is a public secondary school that began teaching in 1976 as a vocational training center. Currently focuses its formal educational provision in the studies of secondary and high schools, CAS and Vocational Training intermediate and higher level. As a school, our mission is to guide, train and certify students in achieving the skills and competences of the different educational levels, according to their personal rhythms and established requirements. Since its inception it has been a center willing to participate and innovate in educational experiences and since 2001 participates in various mobility projects with EU countries. The first contact to the mobility of students was from a proposal to participate in a Leonardo project with Italy, entitled European initial vocational placements. The experience was so positive that it was repeated the following year. Since then the mobility of our students has been promoted through partner companies, mainly in Germany. The aim of our policy of international mobility is to gain a smart, sustainable and inclusive higher education. That's why we designed specific strategies for the internationalization of education; the first being the institutionalization of the Erasmus + Charter. This framework allows us to increase the number of graduates with experience in the EU, promote language learning and culture of the countries of the European Union and facilitate our students to be more competitive in the labor market, able to participate in projects of innovation and research, respecting the individuality and ensuring the principles of non-discrimination. Our goals are: - Develop and extend the curriculum and educational experience from the practices in fims of other EU countries - Improving the assessment of vocational training through new learning experiences - Promote the learning of European languages and culture, providing students the sociocultural approach and integration in Europe, exchanging experiences between higher education institutions, companies and families from other countries. - Increase the number of innovative proposals and simple research projects to adapt better to labor market needs and requirements of SMEs. Once obtained the Erasmus + Charter was disseminated internal and external promoting a non-discriminatory participation. Initially there were five students interested in the project. Once obtained compliance of the project and assigned the number of scholarships, eligibility and selection criteria of candidates were established: degree of knowledge of the language of the host country, academic record, attitudes and personal skills and complementary skills.";Of the five students interested initially three were submitted to the selection phase and were selected as they fulfilled the requirements and criteria. Two students were enrolled in the specialty of Social Integration and the third in a kindergarten. The three were good students with basic knowledge of the language of the host country and with optimal attitudes and skills to perform the assigned task. With selected students the cultural and linguistic preparation began. Parallel individualized training programs were selected of partner companies were developed: a center to meet the functional diversity and a bilingual kindergarten, both in Berlin, Germany. Once the agreements about the training programs were established, the more practical aspects of mobility (travel, accommodation, insurance, etc.) were organized. During mobility regular contact with students was maintained via e-mail. For monitoring and evaluation in accordance with the criteria agreed in the training program, as well as establish partnerships with host companies a site visit was organized and an interview with the mentors showed these very pleased with the practices of our students. This project has allowed us to: ? Improve the technical / professional skills of the teacher who has monitored the program. ? Establish partnerships with both host companies for future mobility ? Acquire a better understanding of the socio-cultural and labor situation in the EU ? Provide our students an increase of their professional knowledge and a cultural approach to the host country ? Improve the assessment of vocational training in the social and municipal environment ? Increase the number of students interested in the experience. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA103-002287;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;"During the first term, the Erasmus+ Selection Commission was created and was composed by: a head of studies, the E+ coordinator and students and teachers representatives. The commission publish...";;;CENTRO INTEGRADO DE FORMACIN PROFESIONAL CAMINO DE LA MIRANDA;ES;ES;5.137,24;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"During the first term, the Erasmus+ Selection Commission was created and was composed by: a head of studies, the E+ coordinator and students and teachers representatives. The commission published two calls, one for students and another for staff. Five applications were received for the first one, but two of the students rejected them due to personal reasons. Finally, just three mobilities were done, one of Prosthetic Audiology to Italy and two of Dental Prosthesis to England. The teachers call was forced to be opened two more times and only one application was registered, which was for a mobility to Finland. Once the intermediate report was sent, the Agency removed two staff grants and accepted to swap one of them for a students traineeship, which later was not used. The next step involved searching companies suitable for the different internships. Two work lines were established, one implied contacting former students and the other by means of traineeship tutors. At first time, a former student, who owned a company in London, offered a vacant accepting one trainee. The tutor was informed, in order to monitor it. Two tutors were concerned; on the one hand, the Prosthetic Audiology teacher, who concluded her arrangements signing an learning agreement with an Italian business, which has a relevant international projection. The process development was exemplary: the recipient entity was adjusted to the established aims, fluent coordination and agile administrative procedures... The results obtained were really positive. On the other hand, the Dental Prosthetics teacher conditioned companies search to a fieldwork in London. However, several issues arose: the ex-student company withdrew his proposal and the teachers negotiations during his stay in London resulted in just one learning agreement. As a result, to be able to carry out the second mobility, it was essential to resort to a company, which had already been dismissed because it was not placed near London, as the applicants wanted. These problems changed the projects planning and evolution. Fortunately, every application was given a solution. In another vein, every student, who received de Erasmus+ grant, passed the language assessment test, obtaining B1 and C1 levels. The evaluation was undergone before and after the stay. All of them carried out the online language course.";"Every participant has elaborated the mobility general evaluation, sending it to the Agency in time and form. The treatment followed in the teachers mobility grant allocation, has been similar regarding calls diffusion and dates. The coordinator informed and guided several teachers, who were interested on them. Lastly this process was closed with only one demand. During the teachers mobility partnering search, a series of criteria were set: to be a training centre of a reference country in original pedagogical experiences; to be able to ease observation and information gathering tasks; to be supplementary in working methodologies; to open us new horizons in the centres organization, especially in academic and professional counselling; and to serve as a reference point for future managements and mobilities organization. Every phase and incidence of the project has been broadcasted by conventional and digital formats. Calls, allocations, evaluations have been posted in bulletin boards, teachers room, through the Camino de la Miranda CIFP web and the Orienta Miranda blog. At a first evaluation, we want to remark the synergies produced during the projects course by the collaboration of Camino de la Miranda management team, teachers, learners and ex-students; that have moved a step forward in European venture and Erasmus project coordination." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA103-002433;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;Centro Cultural Nazaret is a VET institution committed to the development of innovative methodologies to promote employability. It is also committed with the idea of training the professionals of ...;;;NAZARET FUNDAZIOA;ES;ES;7.915,00;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;Centro Cultural Nazaret is a VET institution committed to the development of innovative methodologies to promote employability. It is also committed with the idea of training the professionals of the future, qualified and ready to work in an ever changing global world. This is why Internationalization has become one of the 3 pillars of our Strategy. Aware of the importance of developing international and European skills among our students, Centro Cultural Nazaret has been sending students to carry out their traineeships in Europe for the last 15 years through different local Consortiums. Furthermore, CCNazarets Strategic Plan for 2013-2016 put Internationalization at the centre and a clear decision was made to increase and boost direct relationships with other European Educational Institutions. Since then, C. C. Nazaret has successfully taken part in two Transfer of Innovation Projects under the Life Long Learning programme (2013-2015), and applied for this mobility project in 2014. This project has two aims: 1. To promote contact with other Higher Education European institutions, to create a framework for staff motilities that will promote sharing good practices and learning of new methodologies that will impact in the employability of our students, and the development in their future companies. 2. To promote student mobility, especially among recently qualified candidates, so that they can improve their personal, professional, language and European skills. Two different types of activities have been carried out: a) Staff mobility has been directed towards the achievement of the first objective. C.C. Nazaret, following its internationalization strategy, has participated directly in the communication and activities with other European Educational institutions. As there was no direct relationship with other institutions before, staff with international profiles was chosen for this task. It is an objective for the following years to involve a wider variety of staff profile. For the staff mobility, two Educational Institutions were carefully chosen as they are referent in their respective fields: - Berufsbildende Schule Wirtschaft 1 in Germany, for the Administration and Commerce fields. - Seurakuntaopisto - Jrvenpn kampus in Finland, for the social area. In both visits job shadowing was carried out and the following topics were discussed throughout a series of meetings: - Exchange of good practices on mobility of students and staff. - Exchange of new methodologies to improve professional competences. - Possible ways of cooperation in the future. b) Four students have taken part in internships of duration of 80 to 90 days in Europe thanks to this programme. These internships have been carefully chosen taking into account the personal and professional profile of each candidate. Priority has been given to unemployed recent graduates to improve their personal and professional skills. Results have clearly been positive. Looking at the first objective C.C. Nazaret has created a reliable net with the two partner schools. Berufsbildende Schule Wirtschaft 1;During the school year 2015 2016 four members of Staff from the German Institution have visited C.C. Nazaret and C.C. Nazaret visited the German school once during this period. We are currently working on: - The possibility of sharing activities with our administration and marketing students through e-twinning. - The possibility of student Exchange for motilities - The participation, along with a Dutch Institution, in a project for marketing students. - Developing the EBBD Diploma for Higher VET students in the field of Management. Seurakuntaopisto - Jrvenpn kampus. One person from the Finnish institution has visited our institution and C.C. Nazaret visited their institution in Finland during the school year 2015 - 2016. Three students from Finland, studying social studies, carried out their internship in San Sebastian. We are currently working with Seurakuntaopisto on: - Sending Spanish students to Finland for their internships, next school year. - The possibility of participating in a Project in the social area, along with institutions from Finland, Norway and The Netherlands. The long term expected outcomes are: - collaboration for Exchange of students for internships and rising the cuantity and quality of future mobilities - Sharing new methodologies that will develop the trainees profile. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA104-002639;;;FORMACIN DE PROFESORADO;"Context of the project Through the framework programme Erasmus+ and within the Key Action 1 (KA1) of people's mobility for learning purposes and, more specifically, of staff mobility for adult...";Pedagogy and didactics, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;EOI GANDIA;ES;ES;11.060,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Adult education;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"Context of the project | | Through the framework programme Erasmus+ and within the Key Action 1 (KA1) of people's mobility for learning purposes and, more specifically, of staff mobility for adult education, we intend to carry out a 12-month TEACHER TRAINING project in the Official School of Languages (EOI) of Gandia. | | Number and profile of the participants | | Joan Josep Siscar Cervera: 48 years old, graduate in English philology and English teacher with 26 years of teaching experience. | | Mara Jos Piteira Troncoso: 48 years old, graduate in English philology and English teacher with 25 years of teaching experience. | | Silvia Carchano Alcina: 38 years old, graduate in English philology and English teacher with 13 years of teaching experience. | | Blanca Climent Domnguez: 30 years old, graduate in English philology and English teacher with 6 years of teaching experience. | | We have selected the teachers in charge of the higher levels and with more involvement in the training and innovation activities in the EOI. | | Description of the activities and methodology | | 1) Linguistic and cultural competences update of the teachers in charge of the levels B2, C1 and C2, initially through training courses abroad and contacts with other institutions of higher and adult education through IT platforms, such as e-twinning & EPALE . | | 2) Reception of teacher training students in order to offer a reciprocal benefit in the linguistic-cultural interchange, to delve into our European dimension and enrich our respective methodological experiences. | | 3) Consolidation of our training in CLIL methodology, taking advantage of the different training courses offered nowadays, as well as the contacts established with other educational institutions, carrying out the appropriate training and collaborating to create working groups.";"Brief description of the results and expected impact | | 1) Immediate positive impact in our classes, with updated linguistic and cultural contents. | | 2) Increase of cultural and multicultural awareness in the classroom. | | 3) Improvement of our capacity to teach linguistic and cultural contents through the exploitation of authentic materials. | | 4) Implementation of information sessions, display of materials to the rest of the staff in the EOI and their publication on Moodle, in order to enhance the impact of the training received through the program Erasmus +. | | 5) Creation of a working group-workshop integrated in the PAF (Annual Teaching Plan) and of a blog to improve our teaching performance, to be at the forefront of the newest tendencies in English and to cooperate reciprocally. | | 6) Implementation of a training workshop, through the CEFIRE (Teacher Training Centre), to which we are affiliated so that they can include it in their training offer if they consider it relevant. | | 7) Contacts with other teachers within the same field (adult education) through which other new projects could come up, regardless of the contacts that we could establish through e-twinning and EPALE. | | 8) Future projects implying: stronger emphasis on cultural and multicultural contents, improvement of CLIL methodology, incorporation of interchanges, teacher training in our centre or 'job shadowing', etc. | | Possible benefits in the long term. | | Improvement of learner engagement to support retention of students in educational contexts. | | Improvement of participants' key competencies and skills for work. | | Greater presence of cultural and multicultural contents in the classroom. | | Opportunity for post-course dissemination of good practice to other teachers at local and national level. | | Increased ability to devise questionnaires, create project groups and assess materials. | | Increased understanding of how to foster quality improvements to teaching and learning. | | Opportunities to promote innovative teaching and practice internationally. | | Development of linguistic skills and intercultural awareness. | | Enhancement of international cooperation and development in education. | | Contact with other teachers in our educative field (adult education) to start future interchanges and programmes of cooperation for training. | | Improvement of our capacity to respond to the present needs of primary and secondary teachers (CLIL methodology, etc.)" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA201-003342;;;INTERNATIONAL TEAMWORK AS A METHOD TO MAKE OUR SCHOOLS INCLUSIVE OF DIVERSITY;Our society of knowledge demands high quality training and education for everybody, which leads to a revision of our organizational and teaching methods at school, paying special attention to the ...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Inclusion - equity, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education;;IESO QUERCUS;ES;ES,NL,IT;75.920,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;Our society of knowledge demands high quality training and education for everybody, which leads to a revision of our organizational and teaching methods at school, paying special attention to the pupils diversity and their context. Lower rates of school failure and the decrease of early dropouts from school must be priorities in our projects, especially when we come to the realization that citizens without basic qualifications are to be in socially marginalized, which bounds them to personal failure and hinders their community live. The main objectives are: To improve teamwork and collaboration between teachers of different subjects. To incorporate new methods of teaching in our classrooms to deal with the different abilities, interests and expectations of our | pupils. To offer our pupils new learning experiences in a different language and in a different country. To strengthen emotional skills in all areas of personality and relationships with others. To help teachers learn different approaches of teaching their subject. To improve interaction between families, teachers and pupils aimed to solve common problems. In addition, working with schools in different countries, where different methods and educational systems are enforced and different kinds of students attend classes, allows us to project internationally our community and to include families as an active part of the project. What is more, being involved in different projects with European countries, through Erasmus partnerships or Individual Pupil Mobility programmes, has been proved very positive concerning motivation, because it has provided new learning experiences for pupils (especially for those involved in IPM) and new methods of working (and teaching) for teachers and a greater families involvement in school life. The schools involved are I.I.S Primo Levi in Italy, IESO Quercus in Spain and the RSG Slingerbos|Levant in the Netherlands. In the Italian school all students study English as a second language, many of them study a second European language (Spanish or French) and many of them study IT. In addition, the presence of many foreign students who come to their region and start learning in their school, often without knowing the Italian language, have permitted them to develop the schools skills in the teaching of Italian as a second language, as an essential medium of making integration easier. The Dutch school has a bilingual stream in English, this will help our pupils appreciate the use of a foreign language to communicate | and work. It's worth highlighting that in the Dutch school ICT in teaching has been enforced for years, this experience will help | include the use of ICT in our methods of teaching in the project. As coordinator, the Spanish school brings experience in inclusive education and collaborative work, its performance in managing | national and international projects and our successful work involving families and local community in school activities. New | teaching/learning methodologies are very present in the Spanish school concerns, as we intend to deal with all kinds of pupils and | to face the integration of immigrant students. Then, the activities carried out in this project have been: - two short-term exchanges of group of pupils, which have allowed 5 students to attend lessons and participate in different activities in a foreign country, incorporating their families in it, and one short-term exchange in our own country. three short-term training staff events, which helped teachers see and show different approaches for teaching and search new ways of dealing with diversity - and 8 long-term mobilites for pupils, which allowed some pupils spend three months in another country, attending lessons, and immersing in family life abroad.;As a result of this project: - 12 didactic teaching units using collaborative methods have been made, which can be used in our lessons (incorporating them into our official programming) - a digital platform ( has been created to disseminate what has been done - 3 musical videos, 5 commercials and 5 documentaries have been made to work in groups using ICT. - 3 e-books, 5 environmental magazines and a project in robotics have also been made. - A common evaluation grid forLong term Mobilities The impact has been significant. - students immersed in family life abroad and have developed their social, emotional, intellectual and language skills - teachers have had to adapt their teaching strategies and become more flexible as they were teaching foreign students - families, fellow students, and the community have experienced Italian and Spanish cultural differences and similarities - teachers have become more familiar with collaborative learning methods - the schools involved have strenghted their bonds and will continue their collaboration. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA201-003346;;;City + City= Our Europe;"This Project is the continuation of a Multilateral Comenius Partnership My City +Your City = Our Europe"" in which I.E.S. DIEGO DE SILO and COLLEGE LEO FERRE worked with four more countries (Belg...";Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;IES Diego de Silo;ES;ES,FR;23.320,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"This Project is the continuation of a Multilateral Comenius Partnership My City +Your City = Our Europe"" in which I.E.S. DIEGO DE SILO and COLLEGE LEO FERRE worked with four more countries (Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany and Lithuania) from 2009 to 2011. As a result of that Albacete and Scar went on with their cooperation in a Comenius Individual Pupil Mobility project during the first term of this year (2013-14). Both previous programs were quite successful, so I.E.S. DIEGO DE SILO and COLLEGE LEO FERRE are interested in continuing, improving and extending their collaboration with new Long-term study mobility of pupils mixed with Short-term joint staff training events for planning activities involving more students and enhancing the impact of our Partnership. The main objectives of this Strategic Partnership are keeping the relationship and cooperation between I.E.S. DIEGO DE SILOE and COLLEGE LEO FERRE, developing the basic competences of our pupils, fostering the knowledge and immersion into other culture and enhancing European citizenship among students. The above main objectives crystallize in three important goals: - Foster long-term study mobility of pupils between partners. - Exchange the best educational practices and - Increase the impact of the Partnership involving more students in both institutions. These all above help us to use the resources more effectively and improve the grade of achievement of basic competences among Spanish and French students. To reach our objectives we have planned activities which can be classified in three groups learning/ teaching/training activities, dissemination events and outputs. Within the first group, we have planned two Long-term study mobility of pupils for three months and two Short-term joint staff training events a year. As dissemination activities, first we have included the creation and implementation of the BLOG of the Strategic Partnership linked to the websites of both Secondary Schools. Besides, local media will be informed about the activities and results of this Strategic Partnership (mobility of pupils, book of the project, meetings and other activities fostering European citizenship). There will also be a contest to choose the LOGO and MOTTO of the project, the celebration of The European Day and other events as the presentation of the educational material created by the partnership and symbolic acts such as visiting and watering the tree planted in Scar in 2011 by the partners of the Comenius Multilateral Project My city + Your City = Our Europe. As output we have planned the edition of a BOOK to present Albacete and Scar from the teenagers point of view Albacete-Scar. My favourite place, as well as a CD collecting the activities of the Partnership and the BLOG to disseminate our educational experience on the Internet.";I.E.S. Diego de Silo will be the leader and coordinator of this Strategic Partnership. We will use e-mail for the communication between partners and joint staff training events will be very useful to plan, assess and implement improved proposals for the project. At the level of the Secondary Schools, partners would like this Strategic Partnership to be well-known among Spanish and French pupils from 13 to 15 years old, among hosting families, among staff interested in cultural exchange and among teachers who wish to improve their educational practices and their communication skills in other languages. Besides , we wish to promote Albacete and Scar cities using local media. Partners have decided to be cautious and realistic while planning our project. The number of pupils and teachers mobility is the minimum for reaching our objectives. Whenever the assessment of the project and the circumstances allow, during the last joint staff training event, partners will think about the possibility of extending and renovating their collaboration in the future. We will plan more ambitious aims for our Partnership from the achieved experience. COLLEGE LEO FERRE and IES Diego de Silo both hope this will be the continuity of a long and strong cooperation. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA201-003351;;;WOMEN AS SPIRITUS MOVENS TOWARDS EQUALITY IN THE EUROPEAN CITIZENSHIP;"The project ""Women as Spiritus Movens towards equality in the European citizenship"" has far exceeded our expectations. It has been recognized in Spain as an example of perfect transition from Come...";Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy ...;;COLEGIO DIOCESANO SAN ATN;ES;ES,IT,FR,TR,PL,FI;187.240,00;Yes;Yes;Other;Centro Educativo;;;English;"The project ""Women as Spiritus Movens towards equality in the European citizenship"" has far exceeded our expectations. It has been recognized in Spain as an example of perfect transition from Comenius to Erasmus+, of integration of Long Term Mobilities in Erasmus+ and as a Good Practices project in KA219 (Annual Dissemination Event organized by Spanish National Agency, 20/12/2016). Additionally, it has been chosen by the Polish National Agency to be presented during the international eTwinning conference in Florence as a unique citizenship project using etwinning platform (September 2016). | | The main working platform for our project was twinspace in eTwinning, where we uploaded, shared and disseminated all our products. | | As the situation of women differs from country to country, all the schools involved agreed on the importance of working towards the equality in many fields: civil rights, salaries, decision-taking, participation in public life, early dropout from school and job opportunities. Gender violence was one of our concerns and we needed to make use of education and European experience to prevent any kind of discrimination and enhance mutual understanding between men and women. | | We encouraged foreign language usage and the development of IT skills, not as the main purpose of the project but as a tool to achieve other goals. This project supported entrepreneurship among the young and adjustment to the current economic situation by combining education with practical solutions. | Our priority was students` responsibility for their learning process, e.g via their individual mobility. It was successfully proved in the long-term mobility exchange, a unique experience offered in this project, to open students minds and consequently change their lives. | | With the constant demand for enhancing the quality of teachers work, we exchanged ideas and teaching experience and designed a manual of good practices, in the form of an e-book. Besides, teachers elaborated a Pedagogical Programme to be easily disseminated and used by every teacher, school, association, or other institutions in Europe working in the field of equality and citizenship. | | This project also aimed at coping with the need of internationalization of our schools in order to meet future demands, the need to educate competent European citizens by improving all their basic competences and the need for improving our teaching/learning skills according to the strategies in education in the 21st century. | | Although this plan had been prepared by teachers, students played a significant part in it. Moreover, they took an active part in planning, development and evaluation of the project, learning how to carry out surveys and interpret the obtained data in order to write different evaluation reports with the use of tables, percentages and graphics. | | In this project we put special emphasis on the development of students and teachers digital skills through the use of new i-tools, such as applications for tablets and smartphones, e-books, online newspapers, digital open educational resources, etc. In fact, more tools than initially planned were explored and used (e.g issuu, padlet, kahoot, etc.). | | The objectives were explained in such a way that they are measurable and quantifiable via indicators. To evaluate aims, tasks, project activities, project meetings and products/results, we developed the ""Follow-up and Measurement Plan"" in which quantitative and qualitative ways of evaluation were applied. | | Open Educational Resources, such as the Manual of Good Practices and the Women as Spiritus Movens Pedagogical Programme, as well as other products (app, Q.R Codes, online newspaper, e-book, a documentary film, a DVD with a flashmob, glogsters, prezi presentations, scientific researches, business ideas, etc.) will always be available for free download through the links offered on Twinspace, Erasmus+ dissemination platform, website and blogs. Link: | | The project has been widely disseminated starting from the local level, through regional up to national and international levels: lectures on Good Practices in national training workshops and international conference, etwinning, website, newspapers, radio, TV, the internet, social nets, etc.";"The key competences of the main participants of this project, students and teachers, improved significantly. Both students and teachers enhanced their digital skills and analytical abilities. They raised their awareness about the EU citizenship, womens influence on European civilization development, healthy nutrition, social exclusion, limiting stigmatization of young people and acting as volunteers. They learnt to appreciate the role of their own and other cultures and womens contribution to the development of Europe. | Results | Website | | | Without category | | THROUGH THE EYES OF A WOMAN | WOMEN PATRONS | E-BOOK: MANUAL OF GOOD PRACTICES IN EDUCATION. | PEDAGOGICAL PROGRAMME: ""WOMEN AS SPIRITUS MOVENS"" | ""BEAUTIFUL MINDS"" APP FOR SMARTPHONES | SUPERSTITIONS - FOLK SCIENCES" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA201-003520;;;Local & Global: entrepreneurship developing and innovation methodologies in school education. Working in projects with a CLIL methodology.;Our project LOCAL & GLOBAL: DEVELOPING ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND CONNECTING SUBJECTS began as an idea of joining European students with similar characteristics, but living in different countries. In ...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education;;Salesianos Inspectoria de San Juan Bosco Comunidad Nuestra Seora Del Pilar;ES;ES,MT,IT,UK;77.660,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"We are four schools which have in common the subject of Business and Economics. We also want to work in a CLIL methodology where many subjects together with the ICT and Languages, are the tools for our students to build a consolidate relationship. The main objectives of our projects are enhancing the quality and relevance of the learning offer in education by developing new and innovative approaches, fostering the provision and the assessment of key-competences, including basic skills and transversal skills particularly entrepreneurship, languages and digital skills. Also promoting take-up of innovative practices in education by supporting collaborative learning, strategic use of ICT, open educational resources, virtual mobility and other innovative learning methods and improving the teaching and learning of languages. The participants to whom the project is aimed are 8 students from each country, making a total of 32, because we are 4 countries involved in the project. The students are 14 and 15 years old, so they were born in 1999-2000. The main goal of the project is to create a virtual company where all its departments are managed by the students with the help of the teachers. The activities that we are going to implement will help us to develop all the objectives we have previously planned. First of all students will be working in their countries using a CLIL methodology and collaborative learning to develop the first part of the project. Business and Economics will be the main subject students will work with, but also the different departments will be involved in the project. Collaborative learning will take place when students organize their ideas for the project. The first year they will work within their own country and the second year they will work with the other countries. This part includes creating their own company in each of the collaborative countries. In order to improve their digital skills, students will be in touch via TwinSpace where they can upload monthly the work they have been doing and also interact virtually with each other. The second year they will work on a blog together while they are still part of TwinSpace. They will also chat via Skype to do presentations to the other partners. Short-term exchanges are a very important part of the project as well. Students will be able to assess the first year in the organizing country in the month of June. They will also work together planning the following year project after entrepreneurship training. In the first meeting they will present their products and they will also create the new ""four teams"" for the next year. There will be two participants from each country and they will have to plan the functions of the different Departments. In the second short-term exchange the students will put in common all the things they have done during the year and they will assess the second year of the project. ";The expected results will focus in three different areas. The impact on the students, the school and the school environment. The impact concerning the students will focus on both their learning process and their studies motivation. In this way we expect them to enhance their linguistic skills and the use of the ICT. Regarding to the teachers impact, we expect and improvement in the teaching ability and their development in their linguistic abilities to communicate in a foreign language. Also implement the using of new methodologies and the ICT within the classroom. For the schools it will mean a step forward in the linguistic projects and its presence in the European Framework of Reference. To finish, the project achievement will be share with the Educational Community trough virtual spaces like e-twinning and other social networks. Furthermore, the teaching materials will be available for other schools and teachers in the blog of the project and some educational websites like AICOLE. Results | Website | | | Without category | | Companies web pages. | Spain meeting 2015 | Department activities in Malta Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA201-003540;;;Social Media and Education: Threats and Opportunities.;This is a strategic partnership of five European High Schools to achieve best practices in the usage of social media, especially within an educational context. Furthermore, it aims at avoiding a m...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;IES SANTA CATALINA DE ALEJANDRIA;ES;ES,UK,NL,DE,CZ;154.900,00;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;This is a strategic partnership of five European High Schools to achieve best practices in the usage of social media, especially within an educational context. Furthermore, it aims at avoiding a misuse of them. Students will develop a critical view on social media and realize the effects which a misuse might provoke. The project will offer help to not only the students but also to their families, creating the same awareness for them. In the long term, it will strengthen the media literacy of our students enabling them to participate actively in a democratic society. Besides this multilingual skills and intercultural awareness will be reinforced. Social learning will be fostered through a positive use of social media at the same time that violence in schools is avoided. Ninety-six high school students (aged 11-16, though the target group is 13-14) and more than 30 teachers will be taking part in short term exchanges, while more than 500 students and more than 75 teachers will be participating in the rest of activities . The following are some of the more relevant activities: A preliminary survey about using media at school and outside school was conducted to know about the differences and similarities between the five schools. Different accounts in the best known social networks will be created. A Logo Competition will be held at each school. The winning entry will be our project logo and thus give us a corporate identity. There will be an International evening with the participation of families in every short term exchange. Conferences with Police representatives to discuss the dangers of social media misuse, their experience, the way they work will be held in Jan and Dreieich. Students will make photo stories, find films about cyberbullying, provide subtitles and share them. They will also make their own films about the risks. There will be workshops on positive use of mobile phones in the classroom. Students will review the apps they use and create their own app with the help of experts while teachers will participate in a workshop on educational apps. There will be a virtual exhibition of the materials produced, which will be available online sine die. Students will create a booklet, which will be published at the final event, summarizing all the achievements and findings of the project. General methodology used in in carrying out the project includes collaborative work, task centred activities, learning through discovery, hands on activities... using the possibilities that non-formal and informal education offer. An initial survey was conducted on students to learn about their habits on the use of social media. The students expertise in the field will be taken into account. Fluent communication is the key to successful partnerships and collaborative working, thus, whenever it is needed video conferences with the rest of partners will be held. e-Twinning will be the main platform used in the project as well as those free tools and resources now available on the Internet i.e. instant messaging platforms such as WhatsApp, Line or Telegram, social networking services such as Facebook, Twitter, Hangouts or Skype, social learning platforms such as Edmodo or Moodle, and web services for publishing blogs or websites, such as Blogger or Jimdo. Short term exchanges (every three months) are crucial for the success of the planned activities in the project. The more communication there is, the better the project outcomes will be. We had two transnational meetings (January 2015 and April 2016) to control the quality of the project and to evaluate it.;The project has had a positive impact on the participants' attitudes. It broadened their cultural awareness of others and provide important experiences, not least resulting from mobilities. Moreover, it gave them the opportunity to use and improve their foreign language, ICT, research and presentation skills. Students learnt to avoid leaving traces of their personal life on the Internet, which could be problem-causing when it comes for example to their future job search. Good communication prior to, during and the feed back after the exchanges allowed us to stay on task and ensure the project objectives were continuously met. Teachers got opportunities to rethink the integration of media in their classrooms and learn from good practice examples of the partner schools. There were also many longer term benefits such as helping students to prepare for the European job market, encouraging friendships and personal contacts via modern communication platforms and social networking beyond the project boundaries. Not only students benefited from this project but also teachers, who acquired skills in the areas of international work experience and project management. Results | Without category | | Informe sobre la ayuda que pueden ofrecer los jvenes a las personas de mayor edad en el uso de los mviles | Vdeo sobre las ventajas del uso de las redes sociales | Vdeo de las actividades realizadas en el Intercambio de Jan Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA201-003564;;;Innovation, Research and Science at school;Present trends in education state that DESIGNING AND CARRYING OUT A RESEARCH OR INNOVATION PROJECT in Baccaularate could be an important tool aimed at INCREASING THE INTEREST OF STUDENTS IN SCIEN...;Research and innovation, Natural sciences, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;IES RAMIRO DE MAEZTU;ES;ES,SE,IT,NL,DE;146.470,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;Present trends in education state that DESIGNING AND CARRYING OUT A RESEARCH OR INNOVATION PROJECT in Baccaularate could be an important tool aimed at INCREASING THE INTEREST OF STUDENTS IN SCIENCE AND RESEARCH, the NUMBER OF SCIENTIFIC VOCATIONS in University and, finally, the EXCELLENCE of the educational system as a whole. But students who enrol on these kind of projects have to face some DIFFICULTIES, such as lack of external assessment or a reduced impact of their projects. | | This project, called INNOVATION, RESEARCH AND SCIENCE AT SCHOOL is aimed at: | - PRESENTING THE BEST RESEARCH OR INNOVATION PROJECTS IN DIFFERENT EUROPEAN COUNTRIES so as to increase their diffusion | - PROVIDING TRANSNATIONAL FEEDBACK AND ASSESSMENT to these research projects | - Allowing STUDENTS OF DIFFERENT COUNTRIES TO KEEP IN CONTACT so that they can share their research experience and good practices | - MAKING OUR STUDENTS CLOSER TO UNIVERSITIES AND RESEARCH ORGANISATIONS to let them know the European Research and Innovation of the 21st century. | - Improving the SCIENTIFIC AND LANGUAGE COMPETENCE of the students involved in this project | | Five schools take part in this project: IES Ramiro de Maeztu (Madrid, Spain), which is the applicant partner, Istituto E. Montale Nuovo IPC (Genoa, Italy), John Fitzgerald Kennedy Schule (Berlin, Germany) , Kungsholmes Gymnasium (Stockhokm, Sweden) and Lorentz Lyceum (Arrnhem, The Netherlands). IES Ramiro de Maeztu, Lorentz Lyceum and Kungsholmes Gymnasium are bilingual schools which have International Baccaularate Sections. All these three partners are points of reference for schools in their cities and, as International Baccaularate schools, they have a great experience in research, innovation and collaboration projects. John Fitzgerald Kennedy schule is a school of reference in Berlin because of its bilingual program, with broad experience in research projects . Finally, Istituto E Montale Nuovo is an innovative school specialised in language learning. | | The core of the project is a number of SCIENTIFIC SYMPOSIUMS where students of the participant schools will PRESENT THEIR OWN RESEARCH OR INNOVATION PROJECTS to the rest of the students, by means of an intellectual outcome, such as a scientific poster, a presentation, video, book or article. Each school will host one of these symposiums, according to its previous experience or background in the disciplines covered by the project: Science & Technology, Physics, Life and Environmental sciences, Social & Human Sciences, Art and Music. Each Symposium will include DIFFUSION ACTIVITIES where the involved students will get to know the actual research carried out in these countries in order to make them come closer to the daily life of Universities or Research or Innovation Institutions. | Furthermore, the participant schools will also program other activities addressed to give our students closer to research or to increase their interest in science, such as MASTERCLASSES, SHORT-TERM STAYS IN RESEARCH INSTITUTES OR LECTURES. These activities will be organised in collaboration with external institutions such as SPANISH NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL (CSIC), | RADBOUD UNIVERSITY or GOBIERNO PROVINZIALE DE GENOVA. | | The results or outcomes of the project, such as SCIENTIFIC POSTERS OR REPORTS, ASSESSMENTS REPORT OF THE PROJECTS, VIDEOS, ARTICLES or CDs, will be shown on the WEBSITE OF THE PROJECT and presented in a final INTERNATIONAL INNVATION & RESEARCH CONFERENCE in Madrid in April 2016, when the project will be close to an end.;The expected impact on the participant schools will be the following: | - To INCREASE THE NUMBER OF SCIENTIFIC VOCATIONS AND INTEREST IN SCIENCE, RESEARCH AND INNOVATION among the students involved in the project | - To SPREAD GOOD PRACTICES among the schools, which will take advantage of the synergies provided by their partners | - To increase the EXCELLENCE OF THE RESEARCH projects carried out in our schools | - To IMPROVE THE LANGUAGE and SCIENTIFIC COMPETENCE of the students involved in the project | - To DISSEMINATE THE RESEARCH PROJECTS carried out in each school through different countries of the European Union | - To RECEIVE TRANSNATIONAL FEEDBACK on their research projects | - To increase the COLLABORATION BETWEEN SECONDARY SCHOOLS AND UNIVERSITIES, research institutions and other external stakeholders | | Finally, when the project comes to its end, the aplicant schools will try to continue collaborating in order to ESTABLISH PERMANENT COLLABORATION NETWORKS among them, which eventually could allow long time exchange of students, sharing of scientific facilities or use state-of-the-art equipment of a foreign school. Furthermore, this future collaboration also allow the MAINTENANCE OF THE WEBPAGE OF THE PROJECT and let the school SHARE GOOD PRACTICES in several fields, such as BILINGUALISM, International Baccaularate schools or RESEARCH, INNOVATION AND EXCELLENCE STANDARDS. Results | Website | | | Without category | | Stockholm research projects | Berlin research projects | Arnhem research projects | Madrid Research projects | Genoa research projects | Science conference research projects Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA201-003578;;;Intercambio de materiales, experiencias pedaggicas y metodologas entre centros con Bachilleratos Internacionales;This is a project of two schools with similar features. On the one hand, the French school, the Lyce Ronarc'h Amiral , has had an International Spanish Section for years and has always prepared s...;Research and innovation, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;IES BLAS INFANTE;ES;ES,FR;10.400,00;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;This is a project of two schools with similar features. On the one hand, the French school, the Lyce Ronarc'h Amiral , has had an International Spanish Section for years and has always prepared students for Spanish studies. On the other hand, the Spanish school, IES Blas Infante, has just joined the group of Spanish schools offering Bachibac, the French Baccalaureate. The relationship between the two schools is intense as at the moment we are taking part in the same Comenius Multilateral project, which delas with study the heritage of both regions. We have also carried out two school exchanges and besides, last academic year 11 students from each school attended lessons for a month in the other school. We are also planning reciprocal mobility of teachers from both schools (shadowing) for 15 days. Due to methodological changes derived from the implementation of Bachibac in some subjects, we have realized we need to foster the exchange of material, methodologies and educational experiences and to help our students to achieve excellence in the target language by means of long exchanges (61 days) . This will involve coordinated study and reflection on the different school programmes, focusing on the methodology used in the subjects which will have official exams in order to get qualifications in both countries. It will also increase the cooperation of schools when exchanging tests, exams and all kind of materials and it will definitely develop students language skills and general education. During the exchange visits carried out in February and March, teachers of the same subjects in both countries have met and set up guidelines for the exchange of materials. Both schools have agreed the dates, number and level of students taking part in the exchange programme. Expecting this project will be approved, we have begun to consider the contents of the materials in both schools in order to get a Learning Agreement for these students. The teachers participating in this project are responsible for the specific subjects of both sections. They are Spanish language and literature, French Language and Literature and History of France in the Spanish school, and French Language, Spanish Literature , Spanish and History of Spain in the French school. Regarding students, 5 students from each school will exchange every year (in total, 20 mobilities,) they will be chosen out of the students in the multilingual / Bachibac section in Spain and the Spanish International section in France. It is a reciprocal exchange between students in two schools but they dont exchange simultaneously to allow greater contact between the participating students . These students will attend lessons and take part in all the activities organized by the host school. Relations between all the staff will allow intercultural enrichment. Contact with families and their contexts will be a dynamic element in the community and in the neighborhood. As for exchanging materials, methodologies and educational experiences among teachers in both countries, there will be a permanent exchange through an e-twinning platform, a space created to upload these materials, whose main objective will be to help our students to achieve excellence in the target language.;As for exchanging materials, methodologies and educational experiences among teachers in both countries, there will be a permanent exchange through an e-twinning platform, a space created to upload these materials, whose main objective will be to help our students to achieve excellence in the target language. We think long-term mobility is essential to achieve our goals and it will obviously improve students foreign language skills, intercultural competence, interpersonal values, their ability to adapt to new environments. Students will increase values of recognition and understanding of European cultures and, above all, it will become a greater motivation for studies. The greatest impact of this activity will be made by obtaining DELF B2 and C1 DELE diplomas (issued by the French and Spanish Ministries). We believe that this project represents a step of cooperation between our schools working together, it will build up the communication between us and help to develop other actions, such as an exchange of teacher for training, monitoring visits and study, etc. This project doesnt need any management assistance except for the expenses derived from students journeys and a small grant of 250 so that each school can pay for the photocopies, postal mailing, etc that may occur. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA201-003699;;;"""European Contest: a Bilingual Challenge""";"""EUROPEAN CONTEST: A BILINGUAL CHALLENGE"" It was the title of an ambitious and successful project which has included aspects such as: - It was ""EUROPEAN"" because we are students and teachers from...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;CEIP Isaac Albniz;ES;ES,FR,CZ,IT,DE,TR,PL;158.943,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;not available;http://;English;"""EUROPEAN CONTEST: A BILINGUAL CHALLENGE"" It was the title of an ambitious and successful project which has included aspects such as: | - It was ""EUROPEAN"" because we are students and teachers from Germany, France, Czech Republic, Italy, Turkey, Poland and Spain. We all firmly believe in the European dimension of education. We agree with the objectives of the EU and we have included them in all activities, tasks or challenges, we have carried out together. We have followed exactly our program of activities aimed at students from 10 to 14 years, students of English, and good language skills. We have also increased digital competence, not only as a form of communication between schools, but also as an innovative tool for the educational development of our students and teachers, our children become active European citizens, we have strengthened the link between their education and their schools. We have trained students and have been linked with well-trained teachers, for a training course within the project. This course has focused on CLIL methods, in order to include English in all school subjects. Knowledge have been included in our school educational projects. - It was a ""CONTEST"" because it has been the leitmotif of the project that have woven all areas of school in a bilingual manner. Students 10 to 14 years proposed, sought, created and loaded into a digital database with their own Tablet, questions and answers about these topics: ""healthy Cultural Heritage, Music, Art, Nature & Landscapes, Life and Sports, Children's Literature, History, Traditions, customs and cuisine "". We have researched, shared and learned about the participating European countries. Finally they have developed strong communication links with all partner schools. We have communicated through a wide range of technologies, including email, blogs, e-twinning, video conferencing, forums, chats, whatsapp groups, etc. All participating schools have been competent in ICT and this efficiency has facilitated the frequency of communication. Exchange visits of students have turned out to be the greatest motivation and the most successful, because 4 of them have traveled together with their teachers. They have been housed in school families. Therefore, the title of our project: a bilingual challenge for them has become a reality. We have produced sets of high quality end products such as a digital game for our students, open to all and become APP (available for Android) This set includes the above topics, with 350 questions or challenges for each of the themes worked on. Players give response to the challenges and can play in several modes (normal, versus, by country, tablet mode, subject mode). At the end of the project they participated in a grand final contest, demonstrating know a lot about each partner country.";"Results: - We have grown ""BILINGUAL"" together: This project has been developed both in the mother tongue of the partner country and in English. The two languages __have been used as a vehicle to acquire academic knowledge, promoting our European spirit. This idea was born in Spain, which has coordinated, and has been extended to other partners, a course about our methodological approach, based on the content in English, taking part of a research and joint implementation of curriculum integrated languages and how it should be carried out (CLIL). All this in order to provide effective opportunities for our students and teachers. - Finally, this project has turned out to be a ""CHALLENGE"" for all of us, not only by the volume and quality of work done by students and teachers, but because we committed and have managed to successfully develop a greater understanding and respect among students, staff and parents, have created a deep impact on our schools, communities, cities, also in our environment, institutions and partners, extending our influence beyond what we could have expected at the beginning of this project. We have done this through the exploration of different views of our world. We explored our similarities and differences within the two areas of aesthetic and intellectual knowledge. We have developed basic skills in our students to improve two key competencies (linguistic and technological). We have done this through highly interesting and motivating for our students activities, we have helped them understand why and how they are learning, and we have shown different realities, cultural and social aspects in their areas of expertise and English, inside and outside their schools. Unmatched and unforgettable." Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA201-004346;;;"Teachers Continuing Professional Development:Qualified Teachers = Successful Learners""";There is, a wide recognition across Europe of the need for education transformation, and the transformative potential of ICT integration. At the same time, it is widely perceived that there has be...;Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;CONSELLERIA DE CULTURA, EDUCACION E ORDENACION UNIVERSITARIA;ES;ES,LT,IE,UK;227.863,54;Yes;No;Regional Public body;Administracin Educativa;;;English;"There is, a wide recognition across Europe of the need for education transformation, and the transformative potential of ICT integration. At the same time, it is widely perceived that there has been a lack of real systemic change in the integration of ICT in teaching and learning practices. These are some key recommendations ""It is timely to move away from perceiving ICT diffusion and usage as a goal and instead see ICT as an enabler of teaching and learning"". It is not about ICT, but about transformation."" We should move from accessibility to innovative learning through the support of ICT"". These are the lessons learned: -Leadership and institutional change for a renewed strategy on learning is needed -We should move towards a new learning paradigm through learner-centred approaches -Digital competences must be seen as core life and employment skills -Professional development of teachers is the key element -the teacher as learner at the centre. Offering specific training teachers is one of the key factors to ensure that an education of quality is generally available and effective. It has repeatedly been stated that teachers have a critical role to play in the development of an education of high quality. ""Teacher's competences are seen as critical success factor"". The Project consortium designed Professional Development Modules and a manual for good practice examples and guidelines on implementation that contributes to the professional development of teachers and to implement the 21st century skills in the classroom. The Entels project courses brings into teaching practice the use the e-portfolio, 1:1 , Ipads/tablets, testing tools for mobile learning in classroom, multimedia learning objects, geo-linked learning trails, learner generated materials, entrepreneurial education and the use of participatory approaches and ICT-based methodologies.";"The aim of the project is to bring together practitioners and policy makers from across Europe to determine how to develop effective teacher training (including initial teacher training), the key question is ""how best-to equip teachers with the skills, knowledge and attitudes they need to foster the teaching of 21st century skills to young people"". In that context, participants will have the opportunity to discuss, explore the practicalities with practitioners and develop good examples and guideline on implementation in order to Equip teachers with the specific skills and knowledge. The project results are that teachers participating in the courses will acquire the competences to design Innovative Learning Environments, new and creative ways of implementing the curriculum and basic conditions for the sustainable use of ICT in education. Teachers will be able to analyze and develop innovative pedagogy and assessment approaches and methods to support these diverse individual learning pathways in order to help learners to acquire new skills for new jobs. They have learnt to evaluate their students' key competences and 21st century skills, they are able to use diverse assessment tools: quality standards, e-assessment and e-portfolios. A detailed workplan was set to reach the desired objectives. The collaboration among qualified European partners will make possible implement teachers CPD and disseminate good practices examples and guidelines on experimentation across Europe. The project fits in with the priorities of the Strategy 2020. the Entels courses were piloted and are ready to be delivered now and in the future. A copyright agreement is under way among partners to carry on with the delivery of these 4 module courses ( ICT- Toolkit; Entrepreneurship, Learner -centred approach and Assessment modules) through the CESGA platform, to be delivered in their own context and country and with the possibility of international course collaboration. Results | Website | | | Without category | | O1. Report: TEACHER TRAINING PREVIOUS EXPERIENCES | O2. WEB AND VIRTUAL LEARNING PLATFORM | O4. PILOTING (REPORT) | O5. MANUAL OF GOOD PRACTICE EXAMPLES AND REPORT ON EVALUATION/ GUIDELINES" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA201-004362;;;OENOLOGICAL PROJECT;We present this project carried out by the schools of Agrupamento Vertical de Escolas de Cristelo (Portugal), the scuola immacolata de novara (italy), the collge du plantaurel in Cazres (Franc...;Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Agriculture, forestry and fisheries ...;;Colegio Aurelio Gmez;ES;ES,FR,IT,PT;69.600,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"After a self-assessment process, it is considered as one of the main aims to enhance the promotion of culture and European unity and the integration of students with procedures of group work with multivariate students of the European community. The work and coordination team of the project are teachers, covering groups of students from the 3rd E. S. O. (14-15 year-old Spanish students), students of the same age in the Collge du Plantaurel in Cazeres (France), 3rd scuola media (12-13-14 year-old Italian students) and 9th course of compulsory education (14-15 year-old Portuguese), group supervised by the team and school leadership of the schools described. The Spanish school where the project is being developed is located on the outskirts of the city of Burgos; the Portuguese school is located in the small city of Cristelo, close to Porto; the French school is in a small town located in the region of Haute Garonne and the Italian School is in Novara, an average city located in the Piedmont. They are therefore four schools with a similar social and cultural environment. The project is an experience that seeks to foster in students the entrepreneurial spirit. Students will create an oenological company monitoring aspects of wine making, as well as economic, administrative and legal aspects. Students will be divided into working groups, groups consisting of students of the four schools, groups covering an area of knowledge. The aims of each of the areas are linked to the curriculum of each subject and the work is carried out and evaluated according to its own assesment criteria. The presentations in the classroom and the publication of works in a network will serve pupils to acquire knowledge outside of the area that develops. Besides, the areas are completely associated with each other and the assessment of basic skills will be used to assess the skills acquired by students. Obviously, all the material developed will be evaluated to a level for their age and knowledge and it will be analyzed with constructive considerations for the students. To sum up and taking into account the Initial Assessment of the School and quality criteria, the project is based on the following basis: 1. The student will be part of a working group together with students from other countries by exchanging information and knowledge, in attention to the search for new teaching methodologies and environments for learning. 2. The group work seeks as cross curricular aims to create an appropriate atmosphere of coexistence. 3. The work will be developed in a network, looking for a decisive support in information technologies. 4. This work will be carried out mainly in English, both in the videoconferences developed and in almost all the work produced. The use of Facebook and whatsapp will be encouraged in students. 5. A blog where to publish all the multimedia material developed will be generated. 6. A project linked to core areas is generated, encouraging entrepreneurship in the students as well. 7. The project will be linked to several areas of knowledge, so it will require the supervision of several teachers from the four schools. 8. The student will be asessed by the work required. 9. The project will have several assessment systems. 10. The educational community made up of the teaching, the leadership, the students and their parents will have up-to-date information of the project through the blog of the project and the websites of the schools.";"Within the project, there is a common area in which all of the students will be evaluated: the area of the English language. The project will be divided into five areas within the five areas of work; biology, technology, mathematics, ICT and entrepreneurship. Practices and activities associated with each of the areas will be developed; students should acquire the accompanying concepts in the curriculum project to develop their job properly. The concepts will be acquired in the classroom, taught by the teachers, and through researching, the information provided by their classmates and the reading comprehension on the part of the students, always supervised by the teachers in charge of the subjects. Finally, re-emphasize in the design oriented motivate students at risk of school failure (practical approach to the project) and aimed at facilitating the opening of the four centers and students for his departure to Europe, which currently only available to a minority of students. The project is encouraging, participatory and oriented to entrepreneurship. " Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA201-004908;;;Maths Understanding with help of Science and Technology;Over the last decade, the education sector has invested heavily in digital technology, but there is not evidence that such investment has yet resulted in radical improvements to educational attain...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Open and distance learning, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills;;IES MEDITERRANIA;ES;ES,PL,SI,RO;101.736,00;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;;English;Over the last decade, the education sector has invested heavily in digital technology, but there is not evidence that such investment has yet resulted in radical improvements to educational attainment. International surveys describe the seriousness of a gap in the implementation of ICT-enabled innovation for learning and its negative implication on learning outcomes. Taking this into account, the European initiative on Opening up education shows that the development of approaches to ICT-supported learning and the access to quality OER (Open Educational Resources) is of high priority. In this context, MUST vision is that committed teachers, with convenient support, are able to build research based elearning materials for innovative practices. These materials will have the format of Open Moodle Courses developed in order to be used in mobile devices and will be translated to the partnership languages. Later, they will be used to promote teacher professional development by training teachers in their management. In order to achieve this objective a consortium composed of four secondary schools from four countries (Spain, Slovenia, Poland and Romania), one edutech company and a Regional Education Department has been set up.;"Objectives: 1. To develop 2 blended Moodle courses (1:Maths; 1: Physics) aimed to students aged 16-17 years. These one-year courses will integrate a combination of classroom and online based activities. The didactical approach will use Problem-based techniques and will be aimed to develop 21st century skills, such as inquiry, learn to learn and collaboration. Courses will be published as OER (Open Educational Resource) under a Creative Commons licence and translated to English and to other partners' languages. 2. To organise, at least 10 teacher training activities, at national and European/International level, in order to discuss MUST materials. In addition, the project server will offer free access to the courses to facilitate networking between the MST teacher community. 3. To engage, at least, 40 teachers in experimenting the materials developed in different classroom contexts, involving more than 800 students. MUST partners will contribute to the mentoring of teachers and monitoring student progress. It is expected that this approach could contribute to support the production and adoption of OER in diverse European languages and help in reaching the EU2020 target of 40% of attainment in tertiary education. Results | Website | | | Without category | | MATHS:online course | Online PHYSICS course" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA202-003617;;;Electric Urban Mobility;"The EUmob project has been successful in offering a more attractive education and training programme; by creating awareness in the younger generation and society about the importance of the new ef...";Transport and mobility, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Environment and climate change;;Centro San Viator;ES;ES,UK,DK;347.850,00;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;;English;"The EUmob project has been successful in offering a more attractive education and training programme; by creating awareness in the younger generation and society about the importance of the new efficient and clean mobility systems in urban environments. | | In the Bruges Communicate it was said: ""Even those occupations that used to require mostly low-level skills are increasingly requiring medium or even high-level qualifications. This means that people with low (or no) formal qualifications will find it more difficult to find a job in the future."" To cope with this our project has proven to enhance the current educational offer in automotive sector by creating completely new modules in a strategic field: energy sustainability (Europe 2020). | | From the project there was a clear need for VET all around Europe to keep updated, but sometimes this is difficult as innovation in industry goes fast and changes in VET systems are slow. The light transport industry is setting aside the derivatives of oil and turning into a cleaner energy, electricity; but VET providers, those who should train the technicians, are arriving late to these changes. With this in mind we needed to create modules to train students about this new technology. | | EUmob helped us to create international on-line modules that will led us to improve our offer and at the same time to promote mobility. As a direct consequence of this innovative approach, we created a chain of changes that helped to create synergies between schools and companies - as we plan to collaborate with different companies all along the project. | | The main objectives of the project were: | Create an open-source e-learning platform to learn about urban mobility technology. | Give comprehensive training to young people, in the area of electric urban mobility, not only focusing on new hybrid and electric engines, but also on their impact on mobility and society. | Create awareness in the younger generation and society about the importance of new efficient and clean mobility systems in urban environments. | Promote students/staff mobility. | Create a list of suggestions of creating working safety rules for the industry. | Centro San Viator (Spain) previous project experience (in ""Automobility Expansion Pack"" 2010-1-DK1-LEO04-01873"") with SDE (Denmark) and Bridgwater & Taunton College (United Kingdom) let us know that they are highly reliable partners and that they will offer a technological knowledge difficult to find in other VET schools. | Tecnalia Research & Innovation is the first privately funded Applied Research Centre in Spain and one of the leading such centers in Europe. With our 1,475 highly qualified employees, a 110 million Euros turnover and a portfolio with over 4,000 clients, TECNALIA are very interested in collaborating with a trans-European partnership with VET schools, as it is here where future technicians are trained. | | Description of activities and methodology | The quality plan (QP) in the project provides the overview of the management structure, role and responsibilities of the project partners. It defines procedures and the monitoring of the progress, quality assurance and overall for the project management.";"Intellectual outputs: Open educational resources. Research on the importance of ""Clean Mobility Systems"". Recommendations of common safety rules. Multiplier events: Local conferences and workshops and a final international conference. Learning Activities: Short-term joint staff training events: Long-term teaching or training assignments. The achievement of the general objectives of the project had a positive impact on people and society due to: Providing a more attractive education and training program based on ICT methodologies and open educational resources (OER). Good practices and awareness on electric urban mobility, aligned with the European project and the EU values. Increasing the understanding and responsiveness to social and environmental problems. Improving internationalization strategies and reinforce cooperation with partners and companies from other countries. Increasing opportunities for professional development. Final recommendation about safety regulations for hybrid and electric car in EU. Potential longer-term benefits. From the project we have trained better technicians which will mean that local/regional companies will be more competitive in the areas of electric/hybrid cars. This has helped professionals of different fields (police, ambulance staff, car mechanics...) to work in a safer environment. Finally, but no less important we have been successful in increasing the awareness on electric urban mobility for all society. Results | Website | | | Without category | | Dynacar Student | Printable brochure | IO1 OER | IO2. Research on the Importance of Clean Mobility Systems | IO3 Recommendations of common safety rules | Train the Trainers1" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA202-004368;;;Training on Safety Assessment and Management for New and Innovative Childrens Products ;The safety of childrens products is essential when it comes to items intended for babies and children aged between 0 and 14, as they are vulnerable consumers. The level of safety of the products ...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Enterprise ...;;ASOCIACION DE INVESTIGACION DE LA INDUSTRIA DEL JUGUETE, CONEXAS Y AFINES;ES;ES,BE,CZ,IT;149.433,75;Yes;No;Other;Asociacin;;;English;"The safety of childrens products is essential when it comes to items intended for babies and children aged between 0 and 14, as they are vulnerable consumers. The level of safety of the products on the market not only depends on what the product is made of, but also who distributes them, the institutions that establish the corresponding safety regulations, the consumers, the competent authorities that monitor the market or the health agencies who determine the incidence of injuries caused by using the products and inform parents about the measures to take to prevent lesions. They all form part of a community that helps increase the level of safety of the products that are sold on the European market. | | Out of all these actors (industry, consumers, the authorities, healthcare professionals), there are two, small and medium sized companies and the consumers, whose lack of qualified human resources in this area limit their chances of being able to compete in the market, and with regard to the companies, of being able to increase the level of safety required by the consumers. | | The ultimate goal of SAMNIC is to provide everyone who is involved with ensuring that childrens products are safe with an open educational resource on this matter to improve the skills of organisations and the expertise of people. | | As a result of the European project, a platform has been developed called SAMNIC MOOC, which mainly supplies employees from the industry (especially SMEs) and consumer associations with a MOOC (Massive Online Open Course) on how to assess and manage safety in new and innovative childrens products. | | The platform also enables users to get in touch with other people interested in the safety of childrens products and share their knowledge. In SAMNIC MOOC, users can join a multidisciplinary network of professionals called the SAMNIC community. To this end, SAMNIC MOOC strives to be more than just a course; it is a community that wants to support the collaborative learning of individuals with different profiles who are involved in child safety (industry, consumers, authorities, healthcare professionals and research centres).";SAMNIC MOOC has been developed by means of a consortium that, coordinated by the research centre specializing in toys, childrens products and leisure, called the Technological Institute for Children's Products & Leisure, AIJU (Spain), is made up of a Czech Association for Toy and Play, SHH (Czech Republic), Alicante University, UA (Spain), the European Association for the Coordination of Consumer Representation in Standardisation, ANEC (Belgium) and the Universitat Degli Studi Di Padova, UniPd (Italy). The consortium represents the world of research (AIJU), the industry (SHH), specialized education on childrens injuries (UniPd), consumer associations (ANEC), the platform developer and experts in e-learning (UA). | | Educational material and an open and free online course - SAMNIC MOOC- on how to assess and manage the safety in new and innovative childrens products have been obtained thanks to the project. The course has personalised itineraries that can be adapted to the interests of the user in question. The course is available in Spanish, English, French, Italian, Czech and Portuguese and it can be done using a computer, tablet or a mobile phone. | | The knowledge and the skills that are acquired with the SAMNIC MOOC multilingual platform have an impact on the personnel of EU organizations and, therefore, on the work that they do. In the industry, the ability to assess and deal with the risks posed by the products that are being developed before launching them on the market, is a factor that minimizes costs and increases the competitiveness of companies. Moreover, the SAMNIC MOOC course focuses especially on the safety of new and innovative products, which means that SAMNIC MOOC provides companies that want to create new products with an extremely valuable resource to combine innovation and safety right from the design concept. | | Similarly, the global nature of the course, whose key points focus on child safety, covers the evolving capacities of a child, the legal framework in the EU, the standardization, the hazards or the risk management process, among other things and it can help consumer organisations to increase and improve their participation in the consumer policies on a European level and in the standardization committees, and therefore defend consumer interests much better. | | SAMNIC MOOC will be included in the courses supplied by the content developers, and what is more, the main video lessons are available on social networks, which means they can be accessed outside of the Erasmus+ project development. Results | Website | | | Without category | | SAMNIC video presentation | Leaflet of SAMNIC project in Spanish | Leaflet of SAMNIC project in English. | Leaflet of SAMNIC project in Czech | Website of SAMNIC project | SAMNIC MOOC in Spanish | SAMNIC MOOC in English | SAMNIC MOOC in French | SAMNIC MOOC in Italian | SAMNIC MOOC in Czech | SAMNIC MOOC in Portuguese | SAMNIC Poster 10.1136/injuryprev-2016-042156.753 | SAMNIC informative poster | SAMNIC MOOC AIJU You Tube Channel | SAMNIC MOOC guide in Spanish | SAMNIC MOOC guide in English Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA203-004740;;;Innovative Practices in Renewable Energies to Improve Rural Employability;"CONTEXT Renewable energies (RES) play a key role in moving towards a low carbon economy, being one of the strategic priorities of EU, who urges European countries to obtain 20% of energy from r...";Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Enterprise, industry and SMEs (incl. entrepreneurship) ...;;UNIVERSITAT JAUME I DE CASTELLON;ES;ES,HU,RO;238.336,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;RES can be a driver for the employment generation in remote areas. From an interdisciplinary approach, IN2RURAL has been committed to support this transition through educational innovation. The main goal has been to implement new educational practices to strengthen the employability of engineering students in the RES sector, specifically in the rural areas of Bacau (Romania), Castelln (Spain) and Gyngys (Hungary). The specific objectives have been: - To increase the relevance of the teaching-learning by strengthening the links between universities, SMEs, local governments and civil society organisations. - To identify which are the competences in the field of RES for rural development. - To strengthen at institutional level the internationalization, European dimension, project management and sustainability. - To bring the opportunities of Erasmus+ closer to rural habitants, promoting their active participation. - To improve the preparation of the engineering students for the professional world. The core activities carried out have been: - Intellectual outputs in the field of RES for local development ** Study of prospective and training needs ** Collaborators network ** Open Educational Resources (OER) about the use of the virtual learning platform ** OER and online courses of technical English and RES for local development ** Case studies ** Active job search open course ** Final evaluation ** Guide about RES for small municipalities- Multiplier Events (3) to share the intellectual outputs - Blended mobility of six students to perform a real study case - Dissemination actions to increase the impact and sustainability - Internal meetings to monitor the project and to promote new synergies. The students that have participated in IN2RURAL have increased their employability, specifically: - 30 students have augmented their English technical knowledge in the RES field - 30 students have improved their capacities on the use of biomass, photovoltaic and wind energy in rural areas - 12 students have developed a real study case, learning how to deal in a professional environment - 9 students have strengthened their skills for active job searching and entrepreneurship. Regarding the partner organisations, some of the benefits are: - More than 35 professors and technical staff have increased their competences to work in English and to teach in e-learning - Universities have improved the relevance of the teaching about RES, integrating a rural development approach and getting closer to the market needs. - Universities have increased their knowledge about active job searching and entrepreneurship - All the organisations have strengthen their transnational dimension and the skills to manage European projects - Both the universities and the SME have reinforced their contacts with local development actors, starting new collaborations. Additionally, the awareness about the potential links among employability, RES and rural development has been increased among the population thanks to the intellectual outputs, the multiplier events and the news in media and social networks.;The sustainability of the project is based on: - The intellectual products are available in the project websites ( and and in UJI repository ( - The presentations of the multiplier events are accessible in the project websites and the videos can be seen in YouTube ( - The OER and online courses will be used in the partner universities - The curricula of the engineering subjects involved in the project have been updated to the specificities of the market and the rural development - New mobility agreements (KA1) have been signed among the universities - The results of the project are being presented in conferences and workshops, facilitating that other organisations can use them - New collaborations and initiatives have been started | Results | Website | | | Without category | | O2 - Study of prospective and training needs of renewable energies market for local development (English) | O2 - Heves case study and comparison of case studies (Hungarian) | O2 - Bacau case study and comparison of case studies (Romanian) | O2 - Castelln case study (Spanish) | O2 - Comparison of case studies (Spanish) | O3 - Report of the database with the relevant information of collaborators network | O3 - Newsletter 1 (English) | O3 - Newsletter 1 (Hungarian) | O3 - Newsletter 1 (Romanian) | O3 - Newsletter 1 (Spanish) | O3 - Newsletter 2 (English) | O3 - Newsletter 2 (Hungarian) | O3 - Newsletter 2 (Romanian) | O3 - Newsletter 2 (Spanish) | O3 - Newsletter 3 (English) | O3 - Newsletter 3 (Hungarian) | O3 - Newsletter 3 (Romanian) | O3 - Newsletter 3 (Spanish) | O3 - Newsletter 4 (Hungarian) | O3 - Newsletter 4 (Romanian) | O3 - Newsletter 4 (Spanish) | O3 - Newsletter 5 (English) | O3 - Newsletter 5 (Hungarian) | O3 - Newsletter 5 (Romanian) | O3 - Newsletter 5 (Spanish) | O3 - Newsletter 6 (English) | O3 - Newsletter 6 (Hungarian) | O3 - Newsletter 6 (Romanian) | O3 - Newsletter 6 (Spanish) | O5 - Open Educational Resources for Effective use of virtual learning platform and ICT tools for online courses | O6 - Open Educational Resources for online course of technical English for renewable energy | O7 - Module 1 - Open Educational Resources for online course of renewable energy for local development | O7 - Module 2 - Open Educational Resources for online course of photovoltaic for local development | O7 - Module 3 - Open Educational Resources for online course of biomass for local development | O7 - Module 4 - Open Educational Resources for online course of small wind energy for local development | O8 - Open on-line course of technical English for renewable energy (Introduction) | O9 - Module 1 - Open on-line course of renewable energy for local development (Introduction) | O9 - Module 2 - Open on-line course of renewable energy for local development (Introduction) | O9 - Module 3 - Open on-line course of renewable energy for local development (Introduction) | O9 - Module 4 - Open on-line course of renewable energy for local development (Introduction) | O10 - Compilation of case studies of applying renewable energies to local development nationally implemented along the project: stage 1 | O11 - Compilation of case studies of applying renewable energies to local development transnationally implemented along the project: stage 2 | O12 - Active job search open course for renewable energy in rural areas (Introduction) | O12 - Active job search open course for renewable energy in rural areas (Learning material) | O13 - Final evaluation of the project | O14 - Guide on renewable energies for small rural municipalities | DISSEMINATION - IN2RURAL Websites | O3 - Brochure | DISSEMINATION: IN2RURAL Youtube Channel | O3 - IN2RURAL project video | IN2RURAL logo Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA203-004782;;;Transforming European Learner Language into Learning Opportunities;Mientras que las innovaciones pedaggicas en el campo de las TIC han fomentado la implementacin de una gran cantidad de experiencias de e-learning de aprendizaje de idiomas, la explotacin de la ...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Open and distance learning, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;UNIVERSIDAD DE MURCIA;ES;ES,UK,TR,DE,BE;263.804,25;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;Mientras que las innovaciones pedaggicas en el campo de las TIC han fomentado la implementacin de una gran cantidad de experiencias de e-learning de aprendizaje de idiomas, la explotacin de la informacin lingstica para la enseanza y aprendizaje de lenguas se restringe a reas dispersas de la lingstica, la lingstica del corpus y las aplicaciones de la minera/explotacin de datos. As, los expertos en lingstica del corpus usan datos de lenguaje y los convierten en informacin para investigar el uso del lenguaje en contextos especficos y extraer generalizaciones sobre la naturaleza del lenguaje y la comunicacin. Del mismo modo, los expertos en el procesamiento del lenguaje natural (NL), entre otros aspectos, investigan las metodologas que facilitan el uso de NL en los sistemas de comunicacin e informacin. | TELLOP ha buscado promover la adopcin de prcticas innovadoras en el aprendizaje de lenguas en Europa mediante enfoques de aprendizaje personalizados basados __en el uso de las TIC y los Recursos de Enseanza Abierta (REA), reuniendo los conocimientos y la experiencia de las partes interesadas en los mbitos de la enseanza de idiomas, el corpus y la lingstica aplicada, el e-learning y la ingeniera del conocimiento, promoviendo la cooperacin y contribuyendo a liberar el potencial de los servicios web 2.0 ya existentes para e-learning personalizado de las lenguas en los contextos de educacin superior y de adultos a travs de dispositivos mviles. Las organizaciones participantes han sido la Universidad de Murcia (especializada en aprendizaje de lenguas y lingstica del corpus), como coordinadora del proyecto, la Universidad de Bath Spa (especializada en e-learning y TIC), la Universidad Catlica de Lovaina (especializada en lingstica del corpus y lenguaje de aprendices), la Universidad Justus Liebig de Giessen especializada en lingstica del corpus y enseanza de lenguas), y la Universidad de Meliksa (especializada en aprendizaje de lenguas y lingstica del corpus). sta ltima, debido al golpe de estado de julio de 2016, fue cerrada y su personal transferido a otros centros, perdindose el contacto con la misma hasta la finalizacin de la vida del proyecto. | Los objetivos de TELLOP han sido: | (1) promover el uso de la informacin lingstica de los estudiantes en el contexto de la educacin superior y de adultos en Europa, ofreciendo modelos concretos de uso que puedan ser adoptados por nuestros grupos destinatarios. | (2) encuestar y documentar los REAs ms relevantes para el procesamiento del lenguaje (texto y voz) en el contexto de la educacin superior y de adultos en Europa. Esto significa analizar las necesidades en el EEES y principalmente en los pases interesados __y establecer el punto de partida segn las necesidades. | (3) sensibilizar sobre la utilidad de utilizar el propio discurso de los aprendices para el aprendizaje y la enseanza de las lenguas en Europa en los dos escenarios descritos en esta propuesta. | (4) promover un grupo de expertos y profesionales de la UE que puedan reunir sus diferentes puntos de vista y experiencia en los mbitos del e-learning, la educacin lingstica, la lingstica del corpus y la ingeniera del conocimiento. | 5) fomentar el uso de los REA y de los mtodos de procesamiento del lenguaje mediados por las TIC para la creacin de la informacin lingstica adecuada para fines pedaggicos en ingls, espaol y alemn. | Los resultados del TELLOP incluyen: | (1) Informes sobre: | Los posibles escenarios de aprendizaje de lenguas en educacin superior y educacin de adultos segn el MCERL. | El aprendizaje de lenguas por adultos en contextos no formales y el aprendizaje con dispositivos mviles. | El aprendizaje de lenguas en la educacin superior y el aprendizaje con dispositivos mviles. | Los REA para el aprendizaje de lenguas. | La valoracin del mdulo de formacin de profesores por parte de los mismos. | La valoracin de los alumnos que han pilotado la app | (2) Un mdulo de formacin para el profesorado de lenguas en 4 idiomas. | (3) Una app para dispositivos mviles y para desktop que utiliza el lenguaje del aprendiz. Los idiomas disponibles son ingls, francs, alemn y espaol. | (4) Un portafolios multimedia de buenas prcticas. | Todo el material est disponible en la web del proyecto, y el mantenimiento de la app y la versin desktop la realiza el servicio de TIC de la UM.;Al final del proyecto alrededor de 200 estudiantes y 700 profesores de lenguas de Educacin superior y enseanza de adultos han recibido capacitacin cara a cara y a distancia en las posibilidades de usar el procesamiento del lenguaje del aprendiz para capacitar a los estudiantes con las competencias y habilidades para explotar an ms estos REA impulsados __por las TIC. | Results | Website | | | Without category | | OUTPUT 5: TELL-OP learning scenarios across CEFR levels (A2,B2) | OUTPUT 6: Adult language learning in informal settings. The role of mobile learning | OUTPUT 7: Language learning in Higher education institutions. The role of mobile learning and the possibilities of Data-driven language learning | OUTPUT 8: OER survey: language processing tecnologies | OUTPUT 9: Training module for language professionals | OUTPUT 10: Desktop and mobile platform/app development, testing and integration | OUTPUT 11: Data-driven learning in action | OUTPUT 12: Multimedia portfolio of good practices in using learner language and DLL on mobile devices for language learning | OUTPUT 14: Exploitation: TELL-OP app website & download area Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2014;2014-1-FI01-KA103-000019;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;This is a Mobility project for HE students and staff with programme countries. The figures for outgoing students are for SMS: 218 and SMP:99, which makes 317 student mobility periods in total. Tha...;;;METROPOLIA AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU OY;FI;FI;548.429,29;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;not available;English;"This is a Mobility project for HE students and staff with programme countries. The figures for outgoing students are for SMS: 218 and SMP:99, which makes 317 student mobility periods in total. That is 15 students more than last year, in other words ca 5% increase. The corresponding outgoing staff figures are as follows: STA: 55 and STT: 38, which makes 93 staff mobility periods in total. That is again 10 staff members more than last year, in other words 11% increase. We are happy to introduce the results, because the numbers have been growing year by year, not radically, but e.g. the figures for SMS have nearly doubled since the beginning of Helsinki Metropolia UAS in 2008. The numbers for SMP are 30% higher since the beginning of Metropolia. The numbers for STA are not varying too much; 50-60 teacher exchange periods from year to year, whereas the numbers of staff exchange periods for training have doubled as well since the beginning of Metropolia in 2008. The Erasmus+ -figures form at least two thirds of the whole outgoing student mobility in Metropolia. The E+ -figures are on the increase, because of the external funding. That is really something, and it is highly appreciated. International mobile figures are vitally important to all HE institutions them being one indicator when allocating the funding from the Ministry of Education and Culture. The numbers of the incoming students flow are usually lower than the numbers of outgoing, the inbound figure is 276. The general goals of internationalisation of the Finnish higher education institutions have been defined in the National Strategy for the Internationalisation of HEI in Finland 20092015, by the Ministry of Education. Metropolia has defined internationality as a strategic goal in its strategy. International Competences | Since Metropolia educates students to become skilled graduates for the needs of the Helsinki Metropolitan Area, it is necessary that the international competences of our students develop during their studies. But how can we achieve that? The mobility period plays an important role in achieving the goal, as as shown in the Participant Report results. After a mobility period - the student is more confident and convinced of his/her abilities, and knows better his/her strengths and weaknesses - the student is more able to cooperate with people from other backgrounds and cultures and see the value of different cultures - the student is more able to adapt to and act in new situations - the student is more open-minded and curious about new challenges - the student is more able to plan and carry out his/her learning independently - the student has increased his/her sector- or field-specific skills (mobility for taineeships); The teachers' international competences, including education, experience and contacts, are in a key position. In addition, the staff at supporting services must have international know-how. Our international students and those applying to Metropolia need services in English. The development of language skills and the skills to communicate with people with different cultural background develops through training and experience. Again the Participant Reports show very positive results (language, job satisfaction, good practices, co-operation, contacts). It is worthwhile to discuss in development discussions with your supervisor which skills should be practised systematically and think when e.g. a staff exchange could be relevant.";"Partner Networks: The development of a partner institution network for each field of study or degree programme depends on many different issues. There is variation in the needs of the field, the content of education and the geographical emphases. Some of the partnerships have been going on for a long time with two-way student and/or teacher mobility. With some partner institutions there may not be active student exchange, but the co-operation may consist of different expert co-operation and short-term projects. Research and Projects: Metropolia's international projects vary from large research and projects with HEIs and research institutes to curriculum development projects of just one degree programme. The research and project co-operation can therefore be a vast project gaining national or even international visibility, or co-operation of a couple of enthusiastic teachers which then develops into increased competences of students and staff.; Support of Interculturality - One of the primary aims of the Strategy for the Internationalisation of HEIs in Finland is supporting a multicultural society. We must be able to create flexible routes for students with immigrant background to UAS studies. We must also support students whose mother tongue is not Finnish or Swedish. International competences rise in a key role in this, as well." Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-FI01-KA201-000714;;;Your Entrepreneurial Skills - Y.E.S for Future;In this project we focused on developing the students entrepreneurial skills and introduced them to the world of labour. The teachers were also able to revise and strengthen their teaching profes...;Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Loimaan lukio;FI;FI,SI,HU,ES;130.040,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;In this project we focused on developing the students entrepreneurial skills and introduced them to the world of labour. The teachers were also able to revise and strengthen their teaching profession by comparing and sharing experiences and good practices related to aspects such as teaching CLIL, team teaching or teaching communicative skills. As a result of our professional cooperation we jointly created a handbook of good teaching practices and a collection of teaching materials for Business English Classes. We held workshops and observed each others lessons and methods. | | The project was created as the continuation of a previous partnership formed by the Finnish, Hungarian and Spanish schools, which was based on developing skills needed for life and for the integration in the labour market. In addition, the Slovenian school contributed with their good practice of interconnections between formal and non-formal education and expertise in cross-curricular teaching. During the implementation of the project we learnt a lot from each other by introducing good practices into our everyday school life and teaching practises. | | The aim of our project was to encourage and develop our students sense of initiative and entrepreneurship and to help them find ways to seek for solutions in a creative and independent way. They researched the local and European labour markets, used digital resources to increase their ICT skills and enhanced their foreign language competences, especially their knowledge of English. Students participated in Business Language lessons, took part in workshops given by professionals, practised everyday situations such as job interviews and studied what a successful start-up is like. They became familiar with the European Language Portfolio. Europass Mobility documents were given to all students and teachers taking part in the learning, teaching and training activities. The participants took part in several field trips and workshops. They interviewed many entrepreneurs. In all meetings they took part in entrepreneurship workshops, where they gained first-hand experience on brainstorming ideas, planning and setting up companies and pitching business ideas. The final result of students cooperation is a collection of their presentations and an e-portfolio of their companies accompanied by their reflections and feedback. | | During the student exchanges everyone got acquainted with their partners culture and traditions, and students showed and taught each other traditional dances, songs and their own language. They had an opportunity to experience their partners school life by attending lessons and various extra-curricular activities. During the trips they visited many sites of cultural heritage. By staying with host families, students got an insight into their partners everyday life and developed their social and communication skills. Many lasting friendships were born.;We succeeded in implementing all the pre-planned project activities and we also introduced extra writing and other project-related activities as our students were enthusiastic and open to challenges. During the three years of the project we arranged several international events at our school so that we were able to tell all students, colleagues, partners from other projects and parents about the project activities. The ongoing activities and results of the project were always presented in the regular staff meetings at our school. | | Through the implementation of our project activities we have created contacts with several local and national companies and institutions. It is very likely that this cooperation will be maintained upon the completion of the project, too. All the activities carried out during the project were based on school curricula and the materials and activities carried out will remain in our teaching practise The cooperation has had a great impact on all participants and institutions and contributed to the international aspects of our school as well as broadened our horizons. It has made us more open-minded and equipped us with motivation and new ideas for everyday teaching and learning activities. Due to our successful cooperation and professional relations we are planning new joint projects. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-FI01-KA201-000718;;;Hooked on books - Motivating students to enhance their literacy skills through reading fiction for pleasure;Literacy is one of the fundamental basic skills. It is a key to learning, personal development, satisfaction in one's everyday life and success in working life. Literacy skills are needed continua...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;Juankosken koulu;FI;FI,RO,HU;63.350,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;Literacy is one of the fundamental basic skills. It is a key to learning, personal development, satisfaction in one's everyday life and success in working life. Literacy skills are needed continually: to express oneself and strengthen ones identity, improve the ability to feel empathy, communicate and interact with others, obtain and share information, participate actively in the surrounding society, understand different cultures and experience new worlds through reading fiction. Literacy is also one of the Europe 2020 growth strategys objectives. Literacy skills can be developed through extensive reading, but the latest Pisa studies have shown a declining tendency in students interest in reading. Our project Hooked on Books motivating students to enhance their literacy skills through reading fiction for pleasure focuses on improving students literacy skills mainly by reading fiction and on motivating the students so that they get a real interest in reading and it becomes a lifelong hobby. Students who are highly engaged in a wide range of reading activities are more likely than other students to be effective learners and to perform well at school. Another objective of the project is to compare the literature teaching curricula of the participating countries and to share good practices and test them in participants own classrooms. The project aims at creating new teaching material on literature and innovative teaching methods for everyday work. All the documentation will be available in eTwinning TwinSpace for everyone interested to use and benefit from. There are schools from three countries participating in this project: Finland, Hungary and Romania. In each school a group of 2-3 professional teachers coordinates the project. Also in each school a group of 10-20 students takes actively part in the project, the total number of participants thus being approximately 40-60 each year. These students are 15-16 years old and chosen out of volunteers interested in literature and willing to commit themselves in the project. The project comprises various activities throughout the school year. The students of the active group take responsibility of most of the projects activities: They prepare and carry out e-surveys for all the students and their parents and interpret the information gathered with them. They interview their literature teachers and local librarians. They prepare presentations of significant authors of their own country during the past hundred years and contemporary writers of youth literature in their own country. The students give out reading tips to their peers to inspire them to read fiction for fun. Peer learning will be emphasized, so that also weaker readers will find out about the advantages of reading for pleasure. Their motivation to read will increase when they participate in the activities organized in their school by the students of the active group. In addition, there will be three transnational project meetings, once in each participating country. Using TwinSpace forms a big part of the project. It is used e.g. for preparing the project, introducing the participants, their schools and hometowns with written descriptions and pictures, communicating with other participants, documenting the progress of the project on a regular basis and presenting its results. The participating students share in TwinSpace their work, e.g. essays of their favourite books and e-survey results. A reading challenge for the students and a contest for the projects logo will be launched in TwinSpace and a permanent forum for the students reading tips will be created, which is expected to remain active even after the completion of the project.;The expected impact on the participants is improved key competences needed in lifelong learning and especially enhanced literacy skills. The project will improve the participants' communication in the mother tongue and in foreign language, social and digital competence. Students knowledge of the literature of the participating countries will increase. The participants will have an Europass to make their skills visible and to help learning and working in Europe in the future. The project will also increase parents interest to support their children to improve their literacy skills. The project produces information of students reading habits and motivation to read, the books students read and how they are chosen and the relevance of fiction to its readers. The project will raise participants awareness of their European identity and Europes cultural diversity. The European dimension gives added value to the project as students can compare their reading habits with those of their peers in the other countries and motivate each other to read more and various kinds of literature. Results | Website | | | Without category | | A Reading Tips Forum | Information about reading habits via e-surveys | Ideas for a Journal Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-FI01-KA201-000773;;;FEEL - Finding Emotions and Equality with Literature;"Background: Emotional and social skills play an important role in building one's self-awareness, sef-esteem and identity. Pupils with special needs tend to have challenges particularly in these ...";Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Inclusion - equity, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;Kajaanintullin koulu;FI;FI,TR,RO,PL;104.480,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;Background: | Emotional and social skills play an important role in building one's self-awareness, sef-esteem and identity. Pupils with special needs tend to have challenges particularly in these areas, as well as in the area of reading and writing skills, which can increase their risk to drift to social exclusion. Hereby, this project would work preventively when it comes to the risk of marginalization of the pupils with special needs. | | Project objectives: | To promote reading skills and more importantly the habit of reading as it seems to be disappearing amongst children and youth. | To get to know other countries national stories (folk stories, national epics) and find similarities in them. | To recognize and name emotions, first by finding the feelings in the stories and then gradually (depending on the students abilities) in their own lives. | To enable students to practise and value collective working both in their own schools and wider communities and through international partnership and by this promote the sense of equality. | To increase both the students and the staffs language and ICT skills and the use of technology and various teaching approaches. | | Participants: | Kajaanintullin koulu - Sairaalakoulun yksikk (Oulu Hospital School) is a special education school that provides education for the compulsory education aged children who are treated in the Oulu University Hospital for both somatic and/or psychiatric causes. Pupils come from a large geographical area in Northern Finland. | ZKPiG No 32 in Gdansk is a school at mental hospital and provides education, therapy and other activities for children, teenagers and young adults suffering from different mental diseases. | Hayriye-Kemal KUSUN zel E_itim Uygulama Okulu ve __ Uygulama Okulu is a school for mentally handicapped children. School focuses on trying to make the pupils self sufficient and teach them simple academic abilities. | Scoala Gimnaziala Speciala nr. 10, Bucuresti is a special education school for mentally disordered (some of them autistic and L-Down) children. School collaborates with regular schools through specialists that offer support for integrated SEN students. | In our partnership we want our pupils to be able to communicate with other pupils and realize their own feelings as a result of this project. We will compare teaching methods and improve our ways by working together to exchange experience, learn and create a new methodology and build new tools to work more effectively with our pupils.;Activities and methods: | Pupils will collaborate in each school to work with the stories each partner school will choose a story from their national literature and translate it into English. | Pupils will work with the stories using different methods and approaches: e.g. making theatre of one story, illustrating another and so on according to their abilities and school possibilities. The working process is documented and shared with partner schools via e-mail and website. | Along the working process pupils will be working with the themes of emotions and equality. All work will be adapted to the pupils' age and abilities. Experiential approach will be used throughout the activities. | Staff training events will be organized for learning new methods and approaches, this is done by working with the pupils. | | Results and impact: | At the end of the project the documentation of the working process will be collected to make a book of all the stories and a DVD showcasing the project work, as well as the guidebook of the methods used in the project. | Pupils are expected to increase positive attitudes towards learning in general and especially towards reading, as well as to learn recognising and naming of the emotions, this hoping to benefit the emotional resilience. | | Longer term benefits: | Exchanging ideas and experiences with European colleagues and finding out the differences as well as the similarities in different countries' schooling systems will broaden our perspective and help develop our teaching skills. The aim is to create better possibilities for disadvantaged children and youth to gain greater sense of belonging into European cultural heritage and its multicultural community. | Pupils in hospital and special schools will feel less isolated through finding out that there are pupils with similar problems also in other countries. They can also share potential solutions to their problems when exchanging experiences with each other and this will have positive effects on their self-esteem. | There is no better way to exchange ideas and experiences on teaching than actually meeting colleagues face to face. Thus it is of great importance to have possibilities to visit and work with each other in their schools and by this improve teachers' confidence about working together across languages and cultures. This also gives the teachers better possibilities in developing a greater sense of belonging into European teachers community. Results | Without category | | Methodology guidebook | Storybooks Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-FI01-KA201-000798;;;Seek and Find Nature;The main aim of the project is to develop teachers professional competence and operational models of pedagogical activities. In practice, we arrange interdisciplinary learning situations combini...;Energy and resources, Environment and climate change;;Keslahden koulu, Kiteen kaupunki;FI;FI,SI,HU,ES,CZ,DE;138.965,00;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;The main aim of the project is to develop teachers professional competence and operational models of pedagogical activities. In practice, we arrange interdisciplinary learning situations combining themes from different subjects (eg. science, languages, art, sports, history, and math). During the project, we will introduce a variety of teaching methods, which are applicable to different educational levels. As a final aim we encourage teachers and schools to start a process of teaching method reform. Most of European countries have become multicultural societies in recent years due to immigration and the globalisation. In many cases, students of each school represent a number of different nationalities and language groups. By planning and arranging learning sessions for the students in the project, we also develop teachers' skills to teach and cooperate in multicultural environment, where students have different ethnic background and limited knowledge of languages.;In recent years, international cooperation and multicultural activities has become as a part of teaching and education. The project will give ideas and concrete examples of international cooperation for developing local strategies and plans. For example, national core curriculum and local curricula are under renewal process in Finland. By developing international cooperation by the project, we will strengthen connections between educational strategies and actual operational activities of schools in grass roots. The project will focus also on ecological diversity and the dependence of people on the nature and natural resources in different parts of Europe. We will learn how the nature is exploited by man and the state of nature in different parts of Europe. We will also learn about environmental threats, e g. climate change and loss of biodoversity in Europe. Student workshops will focus on using collaborative working methods developing students basic skills literacy, interpersonal and presentation skills. Students will write and illustrate environmental environmental stories both in their native languages and English. They will also prepare presentations which will be presented in local schools and regional events. As a final product of the project, we will publish a book Our National Parks and Habitats. Results | Without category | | The project book SEEK AND FIND NATURE | Poster 1 | Poster 2 | The web page | Students's blog FINLAND | Questionnaire for evaluation | Example of questionnaire 2 | Local web page SPAIN Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2014;2014-1-FI01-KA202-000849;;;Promoting Mental wellbeing in VET;Learning mental health knowledge and skills will be an essential component of VET in the future since the number of students with mental health challenges is increasing rapidly. Cedefop (2016) has...;Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Health and wellbeing, International cooperation ...;;Invalidisti;FI;FI,LT,DK,ES,BE,NL;173.914,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;Learning mental health knowledge and skills will be an essential component of VET in the future since the number of students with mental health challenges is increasing rapidly. Cedefop (2016) has identified students with multiple disadvantage, possibly facing health and psycho-social issues one of the major groups in danger of drop-out. However, vocational education and training in Europe can have a positive effect on mental well-being. Promoting Mental well-being in VET was a Strategic Partnership project which was based on developing pedagogical innovation and the exchange of good practice in mental health promotion, focusing on teachers, tutors, directors and students in VET. In addition the target group included in-company trainers. | | The priorities and objectives of the project were: | a) Reinforcing and establishing a pro-active and preventive view to the concept of mental well-being | b) Developing material promoting mental health | c) Piloting and testing new material | d) Translation of mental health promotion in VET through websites | e) Planning the training program for the development of competence in mental health promotion in colleges and internship companies | | The project consortium consisted of four VET colleges in Finland, Spain, Denmark and the Netherlands, one higher education college in Lithuania, one expert association focusing in the promotion mental health and well-being issues in Finland and one umbrella organisation for VET in Belgium in order to ensure proper dissemination of the project outcomes. | The project activities were carried out according to the project plan. The materials, tools and the training programme were structured around five themes: | 1) mental well-being as a resource, | 2) self-knowledge, | 3) emotions and interaction, | 4) coping skills and | 5) the learning community.;"The project consortium piloted and evaluated the new material and the training courses. Meetings focused on training the new methods to other participants and sharing the existing best practices in partner organizations. The theoretical background of each new theme was introduced by a short lecture and a review on the topic. After the theory session the theme and best practices were practiced through functional activities. The choice of the best practices shared were always agreed upon during the previous meeting. The partners translated practices and introduced them in the meetings. There were 3-4 best practices presented at each meeting. The practices were introduced in a functional way by using learning-by-doing methods in order to participants to get idea how they work. After the meeting each presented practice was evaluated. Each organization also piloted the shared practices with their students or staff members. After each pilot, practices were evaluated by the participants (students, staff). Evaluation data was collected from the people who used the material and attended the training programme. The evaluation report describes the findings of the evaluation. One of the key components in the project was to share good practice and learn from each other - how mental well-being and mental health issues were being dealt in VET and how the issue could be further promoted in VET. | | The teaching staff in all the participating VET colleges were aware of the project through internal dissemination. The awareness of the importance of mental well-being in connection with study success increased. The gained skills in mental well-being promotion can be used in teaching and guidance work in classrooms and distance education, work mentoring and other cooperation. The students have more understanding on their own mental capacity and how to promote it. Unfortunately the project was unable to get the in-company trainers to participate the training sessions. However, the trained teaching staff that is involved in companies through students' on-the-job learning periods, is able to promote the ideas of mental well-being through their discussions and visits in the work places. | | All the produced tools and materials are freely available in the project blog The project highlights the importance of the approach that includes everyone to support students mental well-being. The ""whole college"" approach provides a simple, low cost way of promoting mental health. Results | Website | | | Without category | | Promoting Mental Well-being in VET virtual toolbox at" Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-FR01-KA101-000407;;;Sensibilisation des lves d'cole maternelle langlais parl et dcouverte dune culture europenne diffrente, travers des comptines, des jeux, des changes entre classes, grce une marionnette voyageuse et sa valise mystrieuse.;The infant school which applies for an Erasmus + grant is situated in a small town . It has got 4 classes. It works with other schools of the area, with the townhall council and with parents asso...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Pedagogy and didactics, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;Ecole maternelle Paul Eluard;FR;FR;9.735,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (pre-primary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The infant school which applies for an Erasmus + grant is situated in a small town . It has got 4 classes. It works with other schools of the area, with the townhall council and with parents associations. | | In the school project, the teachers are looking for activities aiming at: | - Developping the pupils' abilities to open their minds upon the world, by offering them opportunities to be curious. | - Acting upon their difficulties essentially concerning oral language, communication, and sometimes motivation regarding to | school activities. | | Therefore, the teachers have decided to develop English speaking and exchanges with European English speaking schools. | The activities with the pupils such as nursery rhymes, dancing games,traditional games, will develop their curiosity, their language skills and the discovering of English culture. | | Granny Paulette, a puppet, half French, half English, will be their favourite person to talk to. | She will enjoy talking to the children in the classroom, but she will also enjoy travelling to European schools . | She will take her travelling copybook in her suitcase to witness about schools and countries welcoming her. | | In order to achieve their project, three teachers are volunteer to use the Erasmus + programme and to attend a course in England. | They need to improve their English speaking and understanding in order to be able to teach their pupils in English, to improve their | knowledge about English culture in order to adapt it to infant schools' pupils.They also need to improve in TIC to be able to use E-twinning to communicate with other European schools. | | The organisation which was selected offers a two week course in Oxford, corresponding to the following identified needs : | - learning and teaching foreign languages | - pedagogy and didactics | - TIC new technologies | | The teachers are organising the project with National Education which follows them along the different stages, the partner who | organises the practica_ aspects of the mobility, the townhall council which is the money manager, with the CP class which will work upon traditional games in English and at last with the town library which intends to organise activities with "" Story carpets"" , with an English story teller,with the creating of an English corner. | | During the school year, the teachers will exchange ideas with European English speaking schools through E twinning to organise the puppet's travels and to send or receive class films. | | During the course in England, the teachers will get English cultural mediums to build more interesting lessons.They will introduce Granny Paulette and will look for partner classes in the schools visited.";The project will be enhanced by the pupils'performance at the end of the school year in front of the parents and the other partners. | | The targets of the mobility project will be reached if the pupils are able to perform at the end of the school year, if the puppet has travelled, if a link has been established through Etwinning and if the teachers are able to realise a lesson for other teachers. | | The teachers will be involved in a pedagogical session dedicated to their experience, will show the results of their mobility during the end of the year show, will share their lessons with other teachers through E twinning, will leave information upon the Local National ducation website. | | The school teachers hope this project will help to improve pedagogical performance , will allow them to develop stronger links between families and school members, will help the town to be more interested in Europe, will encourage teachers from other schools to get involved in Erasmus+ prorammes. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-FR01-KA101-001958;;;Building partnerships between European catering highschools;This project is the result of the good relationships that the teachers of English from France, Poland, Italy and the headmaster from Turkey have settled during their Study Visits in Turkey and Pol...;EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, Inclusion - equity ...;;Lyce professionnel htelier La Renaissance;FR;FR,IT,PL,TR;20.460,00;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;This project is the result of the good relationships that the teachers of English from France, Poland, Italy and the headmaster from Turkey have settled during their Study Visits in Turkey and Poland. We wish to carry on this partnership and we would like it to benefit not only to our students and colleagues but also to our local partners and to our area . We are willing to create a synergy in our professional areas: catering, agriculture (two domains that are deeply linked) and languages. Our future way of life depends on the way we grow vegetables, we cook food, we sleep and we develop our economy and our communication. We want to develop our studentssensibility to European cultures and food customs. They will learn the best practices in catering (household, waiter, receptionist, cooking, bakery, pastry). They will improve their language skills and their ability to communicate. They will contribute to improve the knowledge of European cultures throughout the European places they will move in and get a training experiment. They will be their country cultural and professional ambassadors. We aim to contribute to the development of tourism by creating a strong relationship between our European areas, our catering schools, our different local partners and the different teams involved in the project. We wish ithis Erasmus K1project will help to create and increase a dynamic touristic development in our different partner countries and thus fight against the youth unemployment. | To start 64 participants are concerned with this project. Mainly students, some of them have never been abroad up to now and it would be a great opportunity for them to deepen their European citizenship and to get used to other European cultures and other ways of learning cooking, household, waiter In Turkey they will learn how to produce a healthy food. | Teachers and students will use ICT to communicate (E.mail, Skype, E-twinning), to settle their relationships and to feel closer before the meeting. They will organize their meeting in details thanks to the ICT. | This project will open their mind as well as their professional geographical possibilities. They will be motivated for mobility. They will get a genuine cultural and learning experience and will be aware of the importance of language learning. It will increase their will to improve their apprenticeship and they will be more ambitious.;Students and teachers will improve their English fluency and their self-confidence. It will enlarge the whole learning communitys mind and motivate them to do European projects. | Participant schools will benefit from this European experience and their skills in European projects will be recognised. It will increase the staff motivation for a European mobility, they will feel more concerned. | This project will be the beginning of a wider cooperation in training and language learning in the coming years for we have found reliable partners. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-FR01-KA201-002415;;;J'ai ma place au collge;"This project is complementary to the Multilateral Comenius School Partnership "" Viv (r) e my college "" which ends in July 2014 , it aims to fight against school dropout by acting on a number of le...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Gender equality / equal opportunities, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education;;Collge de Salviac;FR;FR,ES,IT,PT,RO,PL,EL;308.646,00;Yes;Yes;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"This project is complementary to the Multilateral Comenius School Partnership "" Viv (r) e my college "" which ends in July 2014 , it aims to fight against school dropout by acting on a number of levers previously identified . | Indeed, there are different kinds of personal factors predisposing to the dropout , including, among others , behavioral problems (discipline, violence ... ) , integration problems, learning problems, a failing motivation , low self-esteem , a lack of ambition ... | There are also factors related to the educational institution. The Establishments where use is made of various educational practices seem more effective to reduce early school leaving ; quality of life in institutions is also crucial . | So to act effectively , it is necessary to intervene on two plans, one hand on at-risk students based on their profile and , secondly , to establish a functioning and a school organization that allow the student to feel the school as a positively experience. | This project will have two components , offers two types of activities. | - Those conducted by students outside and during short-term exchanges between groups of students. ( Volet1 ) | - Those conducted by educational teams . (Volet 2 ) | | The ""volet 1"" has for target to involve students of different partners in joint actions , 6 in total. The goal is to get them to work collaboratively on these actions , the cross thematic will be directly related to the project. This project does indeed take sense if the target audience is the main actor. We aim to restore , develop the pleasure of learning through informal activities that will help to acquire knowledge and skills that could be mobilized later in conventional and academic learning. We seek to give meaning to learning | The roles of students in these shares will be distributed so that it will be impossible to achieve the desired result if there is no pooling of production of each. The majority of "" short-term exchanges between groups of students "" will be devoted , under the responsibility of coaches , to jointly develop and present the finished product, result of work done locally but also from the cooperation among students having a different culture, a different language, and different origins. | | The ""volet 2"" will be devoted to educational activities and educational research from the partners institutions teams (management, school life, nursing service , teachers ... ) They will be working and sharing with during each transnational meetings . Ultimately, it is a possibility for educational teams to have a diverse range of means of action against school dropout, a toolbox , both easy to use and easily adaptable to local contexts. | To promote the quality of life in institutions and academic success, and to act in preventing demotivation and dropout , we will activate the following levers : prevention of conflicts, fight against discrimination, mediation peer, individual tutoring for students, implementing projects classes or groups ... These aspects have not been addressed in detail or in the previous project . | | This project will be accompanied by educational researchers belonging federation of laboratories dedicated to education, who are working for several years on this topic in the context of research ""Quality of life in schools "" on several academies and countries. They will be involved in the project as experts in the fields of analysis, evaluation , production and transfer of educational and training Engineering . The aim is to produce knowledge for training and education, for the joint research - innovation - practice . A report presenting the full results will be published. | | - Institute: CAVILAM in Vichy | | - Name of training: Stages intensifs pour professeurs de franais langue trangre : Methodology of teaching French: From daily use to innovation | | - Goals: updating knowledge of country and people, picking up new ideas and exchanging concrete and practical ideas for regular teaching and picking up new ideas about classmanagement when catering for different levels Sessions are aimed at innovative teaching through modern means (smartboard, pedagogical websites, etc.) | | - Set up: 31 hours of teacher training about the themes described above, at the CAVILAM | | - Results: More knowledge of country and people, improved language skills, more pedagogical knowledge, more knowledge about using different ways to differentiate when teaching and when working on internationalisation, more knowledge about useful ways of implementing technology. | | - Long term effect: a department of French where people may profit from this knowledge. Improved level of teaching. | | | | Teacher training for history teacher in Finland: | | - Institute: Euneos in Helsinki | | - Name of training: Best Practice Benchmarking | | - Goals: Gaining more knowledge about implementing ICT related didactical improvements, aimed especially at underachieving gifted students. Be inspired and exchange experiences with colleagues | | in order to create awareness among colleagues in our own school : how to use new ways of stimulating gifted students without leaving the weaker students behind. | | - Set up: in this course the school shall determine how to use ICT and how to deal with differences in student ability. Schools that are more experienced in that and that obtain good PISA results (Finland) will be visited, best practices will be shared, also by course participants from different schools.";At the end of this project , the goal is to have a support base that will support other institutions who are interested to test , evaluate and improve the production achieved . Ultimately, it is to establish a network of European institutions , with different characteristics , allowing swarming practical tools and methods initiated to combat whatever forms and causes of dropout . Results | Website | | | Without category | | synthse des actions de mobilits | productions transnationales les jeux coopratifs | les cailloux d'Erasmus | arts maths et nous | luttons ensemble contre les addictions | chercher, crer, collaborer | protgeons la nature | ducation motionnelle | recherche ducative sur la coducation | troubles et difficults d'apprentissage | la violence en milieu scolaire et le dcrochage | valuer nos actions | la valorisation de notre projet Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2014;2014-1-FR01-KA203-002425;;;DigiTal Resources As a New Strategical Factor for a Renovation of Modernization in higher education;As part of an in-depth reflection on the modernization of universities in Europe, the D-TRANSFORM project is the first attempt of its kind to set up, at the European level, a program of Leadership...;Open and distance learning, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;FONDATION MAISON DES SCIENCES DE L'HOMME;FR;FR,IT,UK,HU,ES;417.356,00;Yes;Yes;Other;Fundacin;;;English;"As part of an in-depth reflection on the modernization of universities in Europe, the D-TRANSFORM project is the first attempt of its kind to set up, at the European level, a program of Leadership Schools and online courses (MOOC) addressed to the university governances. The aim is to strengthen the capacity of these institutions to meet the needs of universities for competitiveness and international attractiveness through the digital transition and the e-Education. | The D-Transform project (KA2) brought together, from 9-1-2014 to 8-31-2017, a consortium of seven European partners represented by three ""traditional"" universities (University of Lorraine in France, Politecnico di Milano in Italy, Budapest University of Technology and Economy in Hungary), one online university (Open University of Catalonia in Spain), a consulting company in the field of e-learning (Sero in the UK), a European network on e -Education (European Distant Education Network, United Kingdom). The Foundation Maison de Sciences de l'Homme (France) coordinated the project. | Partners were represented by scholars, researchers and experts in the field of e-learning. | | In this context, the missions of the D-Transform project were the following three: | 1. Make recommendations for an e-Education-based strategy aiming at transforming universities in a context where teaching and learning patterns are changing dramatically. | 2. Organize two leadership schools (LS), in the form of residential seminars, in order to support university presidents and vice-presidents in implementing strategies to transform their institutions through e-Education. | 3. Produce an online kit (the MOOC D-TRANSFORM) made from the modeling of the Leadership Schools programs. | The recommendations are presented in the form of four reports: (i) Digital Transformation Policies in Higher Education; (ii) Business models for opening up education; (iii) Open Educational Resources, a lever for digital transition in higher education; (iv) Guidelines for University Governance. The reports are available (free access) on the D-Transform website ( | The two leadership schools were organized in Barcelona (November 2016) and in Nancy (May 2017). They were also open to faculty deans and those who work closely with the presidents and vice presidents to implement the transformation policies of their universities. | The D-Transform MOOC is a kit providing a syllabus with innovative contents for defining academic strategies in the digital age. | These deliverables were presented to the target audience (university governance) as well as to a wider audience (ministerial executives, members of university networks or rectors' conferences) during the 4 dissemination events organized in Spain, Hungary and France. | | During the 3 years, the partners met in the context of 4 transnational meetings (organized in France, Italy, Spain and Hungary), 2 leadership schools and 2 meetings of the International Advisory Board. Skype and videoconference were also useful tools for communication within the consortium.";"The D-Transform project has had a strong impact on the universities that took part in the D-Transform consortium (launching new courses on e-learning and registering the D-Transform knowledge in their Strategic Plan). More generally, at a European level, D-Transform has made a significant contribution to popularizing the concept of ""leadership programs"" for university governance among rectors' conferences, (European or international) university networks and e-learning associations. | Results | Website | | | Without category | | O1-A1-Politiques de transformation numrique dans l'enseignement suprieur. Un tat de l'art | O1-A2 : Modles conomiques | O1.A3 : Les ressources ducatives libres, un levier de la transition numrique dans l'enseignement suprieur ? | O1-A4- Guidelines | O4-MOOC on Digital resources as catalyst for change in university | Leadership schools" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2014;2014-1-FR01-KA203-008540;;;International Creative Soundtrack Studies : partenariat stratgique pour le dveloppement d'un programme conjoint europen pour la composition de musique pour l'audiovisuel;ICSS (International Creative Soundtrack Studies) is a strategic partnership with the aim to develop an international programme in music composition for the audio-visual named InMICS (International...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Creativity and culture;;Conservatoire national suprieur de musique et de danse de Lyon;FR;FR,BE,IT,CA;446.850,40;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;ICSS (International Creative Soundtrack Studies) is a strategic partnership with the aim to develop an international programme in music composition for the audio-visual named InMICS (International Master in Composition for Screen). | The partnership is composed of 4 higher artistic education institutions with a great expertise in teaching music composition for the audio-visual and of 4 professional partners active in the fields of cinema and audio-visual arts and showing a particular interest in musical creation: Lyon CNSMD, coordinator, and Aubagne International Film Festival (France), KASK & Conservatorium/School of Arts Gent and Film Fest Gent (Belgium), Conservatorio di Musica G.B. Martini and Fondazione Cineteca di Bologna (Italy), Faculty of Music/University of Montreal and Permission Inc specialised in copyright clearance. (Canada). | In addition to the development of the curriculum, a study was written and published. It consisted of a mapping process to provide an overview of curricula dedicated to composition for screen offered in Europe and North America. The analysis was based on identifying the existing of those curricula with the institutions specialised in audiovisual studies. Another objective was to determine current characteristics of the professional sector in terms of artistic, technological and economical aspects linked to music creation for screen. | This study relied on the feedback of various representatives of the sector: teachers and students in composition for screen, sound design and audiovisual studies, and professionals involved in the large range of the audiovisual production area. Partners developed questionnaires and did a series of interviews.This study has been very useful to the partnership as it gave precise keys of understanding on the challenges and needs of the professional area in order to build a curriculum which corresponds to the sector specificities. | The innovative aspect of ICSS is both powered by objectives and its structure relying on a right balance between the involvement of academic institutions and professional structures, profiting from the participation of KASK & Conservatorium/School of Arts Gent, educating both musicians and filmmakers and the association of 2 North American partners bringing their enriching expertise and their specific network to the project. | The InMICS curriculum, ready to be integrated to an international academic offer, is unique in its field since it concentrates its training on the pooling of expertise and specific teaching methods of the 4 educational partners, on the cooperation between composers and audiovisual artists and on the immersion of students within an international network of professionals. InMICS brings together the academic and the professional world in order to enhance the employment opportunities of its graduate students. | The singularity and innovative peculiarity of this educational offer lies in the very specific structure of the curriculum awarded by a double diploma. According to his/her profile and background and his/her professional project, each student will be take part in an individualised two-year programme, taking advantage of a double specialisation in two different institutions but also of courses delivered simultaneously to the entire group of students by the 4 institutions through e-learning courses or visio-conference. | The quality of the international programme InMICS relies on the expertise of the partnership members and on the leading international figures of field that have been associated to the project. The diversity the stakeholders, their expertise, their background, their activity and their skills enlarged the perspectives in terms of geographical coverage, aesthetics and working habits. During the 3 years of this cooperation, the partnership conceived pedagogical and artistic pilot activities, supervised by professional experts, in order to experiment pedagogical contents and methods and to precisely and knowingly confirm choices and decisions taken during the development of the InMICS programme. | The communication and dissemination activities have been key aspects of the process.;"The partnership has promoted the work done and hopes that it will launch new initiatives via the use of dedicated tools: website, Facebook page, newsletters, flyers, banners and videos. On top of that, partner festivals, known for their large audience and international dimension, participated in the large outreach of the dissemination events: a large panel of students, teachers and professionals, in order to recruit the best possible candidates at an international level and to exchange good practices. | One coupled and sustainable effect of the activities and results of the project is to strengthen the cooperation between the academic and the professional fields, the promotion of this specific sector of the artistic creation, still under-represented in the academic area, and the incentive to create new pedagogical offers. | Results | Website | | | Without category | | ICSS (International Creative Soundtrack Studies) - Erasmus+ strategic partnership 2014/2017 | InMICS website | InMICS facebook page | Study ""Music Composition for the Screen: Picture of a Profession and Challenges for Higher Education"" | InMICS master programme | videos on ICSS activities and results | Press reviews | External report on the partnership | tutorial for partners on the project management | slides for InMICS public presentation" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2014;2014-1-FR01-KA204-008548;;;Recueil de Cas pratiques pour Conseillers en Insertion professionnelle des Travailleurs Handicaps;One in six people in the European Union (EU) has a disability (LFS AHM 2002) that ranges from mild to severe making around 80 million who are often prevented from taking part fully in society and...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Disabilities - special needs, Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment;;Association pour le Dveloppement de la Pdagogie de l'Individualisation;FR;FR,IT,PL,ES,SE,BG;311.335,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Adult education;Centro Educativo;;;English;One in six people in the European Union (EU) has a disability (LFS AHM 2002) that ranges from mild to severe making around 80 million who are often prevented from taking part fully in society and the economy because of environmental and attitudinal barriers. For people with disabilities the rate of poverty is 70 % higher than the average (EU-SILC, 2004) partly due to limited access to employment. | | The European Disability Strategy 2010-2020 (European Commission 2010) asks partner countries to implement a number of actions aimed to ease insertion in the labor market (the goal is defined as Enable many more people with disabilities to earn their living on the open labour market) and to participate more in education and training (Promote inclusive education and lifelong learning for pupils and students with disabilities). | | Career counsellors are one of the essential actors for implementing the policies addressed to people with disabilities, as they support them in their job search and help them to get motivated for learning and find their way about the many and often not known existing possibilities for re-skilling and validation of not formal and informal learning. Unfortunately in many European countries career counselors training happens mostly on the job, hence the need for a targeted activity of training focused on career counselors working with people with disabilities. | | | This project aimed at increasin the efficacy of career counseling delivered to people with disabilities by developing a casebook addressed to career counselors, social workers and trainers working with them, and a set of additional tools to ease and spread its use. These are two E-courses, one targeted to career counsellors and the other one to trainers of career counsellors, a web based depository for additional cases. A preliminary Study on how best structure a Casebook for this target group was also developed. | | Casebooks consists in a collection of cases that students and trainees are requested to discuss providing also direction for solution or treatment. Trainers and trainees use the Socratic method, that is to say trainees have to read one case, and then, facilitated by a set of questions posed by the trainer, have to discuss what are most important elements to consider, both personal and from the context, what is the problem and it causes, how the problem can be eased or solved, examples of good practice in addressing the situation or problem. This special structure and mode of delivery makes Casebooks a very powerful tool for learning. | | This project is submitted by a network of organizations based in FR, BG, ES, IT, PL, SE that deliver career guidance and support job insertion of people with disabilities. They decided to produce a Casebook to present the many facets and challenges of career guidance with people with disabilities in EU countries, and to develop a training tool that could help career counsellors working with them and at European level. | | Thanks to the project 540 career counselors, trainers and social workers have been directly trained by partners by using the Casebook, 480 trainers are trained to use the Casebook in their training activities addressed to career counselors, trainers of adults and social workers. Additionally, over 15000 career counselors, trainers and social workers were informed about the project.;Long term benefits will be a higher expertise of practitioners delivering career guidance to people with disabilities and a better general knowledge of career issues and professional paths of people with disabilities, both resulting in their better inclusion in education and work. | Results | Website | | | Without category | | Casebook for career counsellors working with people with disabilities | e-course for the training of counsellors to using the casebook | e-course for the self training career counsellor on the use of the casebook | Guide for self-training counsellors | Guide for trainers of career counsellors Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-HR01-KA101-000444;;;Pove_ajmo UM - unutarnju motivaciju;The project Pove_ajmo UM-unutarnju motivaciju was created because our teachers realised that they needed new teaching methods and ways of using modern technology in the classroom to make their les...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;Osnovna skola Nikole Tesle;HR;HR;42.590,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;The project Pove_ajmo UM-unutarnju motivaciju was created because our teachers realised that they needed new teaching methods and ways of using modern technology in the classroom to make their lessons more innovative, modern and interesting. The goal was increasing our students inner motivation and preventing early school leaving. | The focus of the entire project was placed on our students, who are the object of our interest and the reason of our professional existence, and our teachers who are the initiators of the modern teaching process. In order to perform this demanding task, teachers must be well educated and competent, and the best way of achieving this goal is permanent education and lifelong learning which transcends borders. | The 18 project participants included seven grade school teachers (1st through 4th grade), a grade school teacher who works in after school care, a Mathematics teacher, two English teachers, a Chemistry and Biology teacher, a German teacher, a Croatian teacher, a Geography teacher, a PE teacher, an Art teacher and a pedagogical adviser. | The preparatory activities undertaken before the mobility activities were customised according to individual needs of each participant. They included language courses and a review of literature and web pages related to the topics of their education, learning about cultural aspects of the host countries and preparation of presentations which were used to present our school and country. | Education courses were held in five EU countries. | The topic of the course which was attended by three grade school teachers in Portugal was action learning, increasing motivation and learning process quality. | An English teacher gained new ideas and practical skills which can be used for creative and effective teaching in a foreign language classroom on a course in England. | Two grade school teachers attended a course on innovative methods of teaching in Czech Republic. | Two grade school teachers, an Art teacher, and a PE teacher attended a course which was specifically made to meet the needs of our school on the topic of creativity in teaching through art, sports and music on Malta. | A Biology teacher and a Geography teacher attended a course in Czech Republic the topic of which was outdoor learning. | Two grade school teachers and one Croatian teacher attended a course on informal methods of teaching in formal education on Malta. | A German teacher attended a course on creative and fun teaching of German as a foreign language, in Germany. In the course workshops she learned to creatively plan lessons and make them more fun. | A Mathematics teacher and an English teacher attended a course in Czech Republic on e-learning in the classroom. | A pedagogical advisor attended a course on fighting school problems, like early school leaving and school failure in Czech Republic. | The results and effects of the project were multiple, which was confirmed by statistical analysis of data obtained through several surveys. As an example of positive, long-term effects of our project on its participants, we would like to mention the professional development of the participating teachers, which is a consequence of their confidence in their own knowledge and awareness of the necessity for lifelong learning and improvement of key competences within the European framework. The participants of the project learned new teaching methods and new ways of using ICT in their everyday work, which helps them make lessons more interesting to modern generations of students. We consider the fact that we have taken our classes outside the physical boundaries of classrooms another significant result of the project. This has enabled our students to learn from experience in new surroundings, and it has brought Europe closer to them. This is therefore a long term investment in our students because the skills obtained through experience will be priceless when faced with new situations.;The results and good experiences were selflessly shared with all those who showed interest. | Workshops were organised for other teachers in our school and they were shown these new methods of teaching. This was also the case in other schools which we visited at their teacher meetings. Some schools followed our workshops via videoconferences. | We also organised Erasmus+ lessons which were open for public. The students on those occasions were our students parents, representatives from the local community, government and the media. In this way they could experience learning in a new environment we have created by using the knowledge we gained during the project, focusing on the application of new interactive methods with the purpose of increasing students motivation. | I feel important when I can explore something on my own, and afterwards share what I have learnt with my classmates through some fun activities, said one of our 4th grade students. We feel it describes the positive results of this project precisely. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships addressing more than one field;2014;2014-1-HR01-KA200-007171;;;Boys Reading;Engaged readers have a much greater chance of staying in school, expanding career and life options, and maturing into selfactualized adults (Brozo, 2010). The Boys Reading project aims to make re...;Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills;;SVEUCILISTE U SPLITU, FILOZOFSKI FAKULTET;HR;HR,AT,CY,EL,PT,RO,PL;231.336,50;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;"Engaged readers have a much greater chance of staying in school, expanding career and life options, and maturing into selfactualized adults (Brozo, 2010). The Boys Reading project aims to make reading an integral part in the life of boys aged 11-15, who are currently unenthusiastic about books. The project strive to convince, encourage and educate all stakeholders, and especially educators of boys aged 11-15 to: | 1. Raise the motivation and interest of boys to read and write in order to close the gender gap; | 2. Open up schools to appealing materials, including digital ones, to make reading and writing relevant to boys individual preferences; | 3. Facilitate contact with male role-models engaging in literacy; and | 4. Develop initiatives aimed at making language development fun and appealing for adolescent boys. | Eight oranizations participated in the Boys reading project (FFST, Croatia; ENTER, Austria; CARDET, Cyprus; IPCB, Portugal; INNOVADE, Cyprus; ULO, Poland; UPIT, Romania). | FFST is the central higher education institution in the areas of social, humanist and interdisciplinary sciences of the University of Split, including teacher education and literacies. Some of the key areas of specific expertise of the teachers and researchers relate to the project are: engage in basic and applied research in the areas of language learning and teacher education; design and develop education and training initiatives across sectors and age groups; conduct research and evaluation in the areas of change management, strategy, and human resource development. | ENTER Network is the European leader in dissemination and has a rich experience in project management both as partner and coordinator in different funding programmes. In Boys Reading project E.N.T.E.R. sees its role as partner responsible for the dissemination and exploitation of the project activities and results. | CARDET is the leading independent education research and teacher education centre in Cyprus. It has participated in more than 20 projects relating to boys reading and literacy, in more than 20 countries, while leaded similar projects like Lifelong Readers (a multilateral project on whole-school reading promotion in primary education) and leads or participates in several other relevant projects. It can thus lead effectively participate in various project activities and outputs like development chapter of the Boys Reading toolkit, translations, curriculum review in Cyprus, etc. | IPCB has been extensively involved in applied research and practice in what concerns childrens and young adult literature and reading. IPCB is currently involved in international reading competitions and has a network of regional primary and secondary schools, through which it disseminates results of its applied research projects and to the needs of which it responds through in-service training for teachers. | INNOVADE is an SME based in Cyprus, with a team of professionals with several years of experience and deep expertise in e-learning development, project management and evaluation, as well as in the area of dissemination and exploitation of results. | ULO is one of the largest higher education institutions in Poland. International Educational Projects Office is a specially designed unit which is responsible for management, quality assurance and valorization of international projects carried out at the university and provides support for the academic staff who participate in educational programmes. | Ekpaideutiria Douka are one of the most innovative schools in Greece where students "" have e""-schoolbag (Tablet-PC) apart from their books and sheets, it also contains virtual labs, simulations, multimedia material, and other ICT tools connected to the educational process. | UniPIT's academic staff is are experts in teacher education and language learning. They have participated in more than 60 EU projects, and coordinated more than 15. | The main activities of the Boys reading project were: | 1. Completion of the research report on effective reading promotion to teenage boys | 2. Completion of the Boys Reading Toolkit that features | I. Introduction to Literature for Teenage Boys | II. Review of Significant Texts for Boys | III. Guidelines and Ideas for Successful Reading Promotion to Boys | IV. Guidelines and Ideas for Incorporating Boys' Literature in the Curriculum | V. Sample Actions and Activities for Reading Promotion to Boys | VI. Boys Reading Case Studies | 3. Design and implementation of Boys Reading Teacher Professional Development Modules | 4. An interactive portal with resources and material in partner languages";"The listed activities produced planed results and had impact on the Boys Reading stakeholders that include in-service teachers and school librarians, pre-service teachers, pupils between 11-15 years old, teacher trainers, instructional designers and curriculum developers, educational authorities, policy makers, and researchers at the European, national, and regional level. | Results | Website | | | Without category | | O1 - Research report on effective reading promotion to teenage boys | O1 - Research report on effective reading promotion to teenage boys | O4 - Guidelines and Ideas for Successful Reading Promotion to Teenage Boys (Part III of ""Boys Reading Toolkit"") | O4 - Guidelines and ideas for successful reading promotion to teenage boys (Part III) | O4 - Guidelines and Ideas for Successful Reading Promotion to Teenage Boys (Part III of ""Boys Reading Toolkit"") | O5 - Guidelines and Ideas for Incorporating Boys' Literature in the Curriculum (Part IV of ""Boys Reading Toolkit"") | O7 - Boys Reading Teacher Professional Development Modules | O7 - Boys Reading Teacher Professional Development Modules | O9 Boys Reading Toolkit | O9 Boys Reading Toolkit | O9 Boys Reading Toolkit | O9 Boys Reading Toolkit | O9 Boys Reading Toolkit | O9 Boys Reading Toolkit | O9 Boys Reading Toolkit | O10 E-services and online platform development | Dissemination Plan | Exploitation plan" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships addressing more than one field;2014;2014-1-HR01-KA200-007181;;;EH-CMap: Advanced Training on Energy Efficiency in Historic Heritage;The proposal is for the preparation of a knowledge tool and start-up of an advanced training path on the subject of energy efficiency in historic buildings. The training process envisaged focuses ...;Energy and resources, Environment and climate change;;IRENA-Istarska Regionalna Energetska Agencija za energetske djelatnosti d.o.o.;HR;HR,ES,MT,IT,PT;248.711,00;Yes;No;Other;ONG;;not available;English;"The proposal is for the preparation of a knowledge tool and start-up of an advanced training path on the subject of energy efficiency in historic buildings. The training process envisaged focuses on a specific question of the complex subject matter dealt with: up to what point is it possible to preserve historic-cultural characteristics while, at the same time, improving the buildings involved from the energy standpoint? The question does not concern the mere energy improvement of existing buildings, but the drafting of flexible indications which, by means of a cognitive-performance type of approach, make it possible to define the most suitable actions, through a process based on an in-depth knowledge of the building and its relationship with the context. | | At the international level, in particular for Europe and the Mediterranean, this topic is recognized as being of central interest and topicality, as demonstrated by a growing number of studies being conducted internationally: 3ENCULT (2010-1014); GOVERNEE (2010-1013); SECHUrbA (2008-2011); New4Old (2007-2010);BRITA in PuBs (2004-2008); RECITE/REBUILD (1993-1995). A common factor of these experiences is that they highlight the logic of integration of the various pieces of knowledge, as the main strategy for dealing with the enhancement and regeneration of the historic identity and energy and environmental qualities of settlements. What is more, there is a call for the training of scientific and professional figures as a first, fundamental step toward dealing with the various matters being discussed, with the highlighting of the following: | | 1. the lack of teaching paths specifically oriented toward the interdisciplinary training required by the topic in question; | | 2. the incompleteness of a systematic study on the topics of conservation and sustainability capable of developing research paths that are innovative from both the theoretical and operational standpoints; | | 3. the insufficiency of tools capable of facilitating orientation within complex professional themes, capable of making the best use of the techniques and technologies for building the integrated project. | | In order to deal with these inadequacies, the idea is to prepare a tool based on conjunctive learning, strongly oriented toward the operational aspects of the specific thematic matter, applied to specific geographic areas. For this purpose, the tool used will be that of conceptual maps: a device considered valid for supporting an open, never mechanically determined, cognitive process, capable of fostering the interactions and connections among known subject matters, while at the same time ready to tap into new information and new connections. The tool is used in various fields of scientific research, and is also an indispensable tool for transferring complex mental elaborations in the field of artificial intelligence and multi-agent systems. | | The use of complex maps and their elaboration will be the subject of study during the first year of work. During the second year, the maps prepared will be discussed and compared among the various participants and discussed in dedicated workshops. | | The potential targets of the training programme are: | | - teachers, working in university and post-university education on conservation and energy efficiency subjects, for whom the complex map may be a teaching tool; | | - researchers, working on the definition and optimization of coded or experimental operating methods, tools, and techniques, for whom the complex map may be a study tool, to be expanded and updated; | | - students and professionals, learning and knowingly applying state-of-the-art methods, tools, and techniques, for whom the complex map may be a tool of support and technical-vocational guidance. | | The expected results of the project are: | | a. proposal of a cognitive model as well-structured and relevant to experimented situations as possible, capable of supporting the critical transfer from general characteristics to specific local needs; | | b. drafting of a knowledge tool, for the purpose of developing a continuous learning of the skills for mediation between energy requirements and the historic and aesthetic values of historic buildings; | | c. construction of a single expandable and modifiable framework of methods, technologies, and techniques, as a facilitating tool for a constant updating of the possibilities for managing interrelations between energy efficiency strategies and the conservation of historic buildings; | | d. innovation of the process envisaging the hybridization of the methods and tools of programmed conservation with a series of energy aspects to be monitored, directing toward differentiated solutions depending on the local geographic characteristics; | | e. development of highly professional skills, for an ability to work easily within complex and transdisciplinary thematic areas.";Results | Without category | | O1-A1 State-of-the-art Report | O2-A1 Realisation of the basic EH-CMap | O4 Cmap cloud guidelines | O4 E-learning platform | O5-A2 Report on realisation of the final EH-cmap | O5 Final version of EH-Cmap - in English | List of important web links Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-HR01-KA201-007149;;;Pollution! Find a STEM sollution!;Pollution! Find a STEM solution! is a two year long cross-curricular project that grew out of indentified need for further development of STEM and ICT skills. Pisa 2012 results make evident that s...;Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, Natural sciences, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Osnovna skola Pantovcak;HR;HR,FR,PL,CZ,ES;119.825,00;Yes;Yes;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;Pollution! Find a STEM solution! is a two year long cross-curricular project that grew out of indentified need for further development of STEM and ICT skills. Pisa 2012 results make evident that students knowledge is poor and motivation for math and similar subjects is low. Implying priorities of European Commission, like e-learning, will raise motivation and also develop basic skills and improve knowledge in science, math, physic and ICT. | Main objectives are to increase students interest in STEM education and careers and introduce them to all available new trends in technology, engineering and science in their region by visiting clean technology industries and strengthening links with them. It will introduce some future digital jobs and prepare students for rapid technological changes by integrating more ICT into classroom practice. Furthermore, the project highlights the importance of solving global environmental issues and improves the knowledge in the areas of sustainable development and renewable energy. It develops collaborative partnership between schools and the wider community in formal, non-formal and informal learning. In addition, it supports multilingualism by publishing Open Educational Resources in 8 different languages . | The project brings together 231 teachers and 2729 students from five different European countries (Czech, Poland, Spain, France and Croatia) in learning to think globally and work on activities that contribute to the communitys well-being. | There are altogether 34 activities, divided in 4 categories. | STEM ACTIVITIES are focused on building the devices for measuring air, light and noise pollution in students schools and homes, analyzing the data using the scientific method and comparing the results with their peers to find a solution. | E-SKILLS, DIGITAL LITERACY and DIGITAL JOBS are focused on introducing career opportunities in STEM and ICT, meetings with scientist and engineers, developing 21st century skills and e-skills in order for students to be more employable in the future. During the digital months the aim is that students from each school included in the project choose one Web 2.0 tool that is very useful to them and present it to their peers in other countries on eTwinning. | Through CLEAN TEHNOLOGY and CLEAN ENERGY activities students will build model windmills and solar collectors and visit at least 3 different clean technology and engineering facilities. | RAISING CULTURAL AWARENESS AND EUROPEAN DIMENSION will be achieved through collaboration and communication. | Collaborative design tools for making future classroom scenarios such as EDUKATA PROCESS and using FLIPPED CLASSROOM SCENARIO will be used in some activities to produce OER. As partnership product, they will foster the quality of educational outcomes but also aims to support long-term effects on the participating schools and participants involved. We hope to motivate students to take sustainable actions to increase air and light quality at schools for themselves and future generations. | To perform tasks we will mainly rely on numerous Web 2.0 tools and Twin space communication platform. eTwinning will be used for collaborative learning and natural use of English (CLIL) when we are discussing and sharing our work. It will arouse sense of initiative and entrepreneurship, cultural awareness among students and teachers. | A pedagogy we use encourages creativity, vision, cooperation and collaboration in every student and teacher. Project-based, child-directed learning and also peer- learning methods are used in the project.;We hope that our project will have long term benefits. In addition, we will develop Open Educational Resources and they will be available for download. | It will be new and beneficial experience for us all to learn how to be a part of multicultural team. We hope that fruitful cooperation of the above mentioned schools will continue in the future. | Website | | | Without category | | Future classroom scenarios | Step by step guide how to build an apparatus for measuring air quality | Step by step guide how to build an apparatus for measuring air quality | Step by step guide how to build an apparatus for measuring air quality version 2 - improved | Worksheet table suggestion for measuring air pollution | Worksheet table suggestion for measuring noise pollution | Worksheet table suggestion for measuring light pollution | Worksheet table suggestion for measuring noise pollution in Croatian language | Worksheet table suggestion for measuring air pollution in Croatian language | Worksheet table suggestion for measuring light pollution in Croatian language | Instructional video - how to make a solar panel model | Instructional video - how to make a windmill model Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2014;2014-1-HR01-KA202-007148;;;Learning E-Mobility;Until recently, the electric vehicles were considered as one among many alternative fuel vehicles. In recent times, due to a high oil prices and environmental concerns, the awareness of the need ...;Transport and mobility, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Open and distance learning;;Skola za cestovni promet;HR;HR,SI,FI,ES;260.217,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;Until recently, the electric vehicles were considered as one among many alternative fuel vehicles. In recent times, due to a high oil prices and environmental concerns, the awareness of the need for development of sustainable mobility based on renewable energy is growing. All automobile manufacturers produce models of electric cars, and they, slowly but unstoppably, take their place in traffic especially in urban areas. | Through the previous project, Europe Electric Car (Leonardo da Vinci Partnership, 2012-2014), _KOLA ZA CESTOVNI PROMET (Road Traffic School) from Zagreb started to follow the new technologies in transport developing competences of students and teachers of vocational schools through education and training about electric cars. In addition, the cooperation with manufacturers and other stakeholders which are directly or indirectly involved in the development of electric cars and related infrastructure, was established. This project was a logical continuation with special focus on the environmental aspect of the concept of e-mobility using electricity from renewable sources. | The main goal of this project was increasing the quality of teaching and learning in vocational education system through the development of innovative new educational module ELECTROMOBILITY and related forms of teaching and learning (ICT, OER), transfer and dissemination of good practice among European vocational schools and strengthening of the connection between vocational education and the labor market, with focus in the field of e-mobility. | The project coordinator was Road Traffic School from Zagreb, and the partners were two vocational schools KOUVOLA REGION VOCATIONAL COLLEGE (Finland) and _OLSKI CENTER CELJE (Slovenia), Energy Institute Hrvoje Po_ar (EIHP) Zagreb, (Croatia), Avant car d.o.o. (Ljubljana, Slovenia), DUCATI components d.o.o. (Ludbreg, Croatia), NETEKO (Zabok, Croatia), and ACASA (Barcelona, Spain). Vocational schools from Croatia, Finland and Slovenia have educational programmes related to the transport and logistics in their framework, beginning already to address the concept of e-mobility. They have their own electric cars and some elements of the infrastructure required to teach about the concept. Existing infrastructure was upgraded during the project to serve as a teaching tool for efficient learning about the e-mobility concept. | The project lasted 3 years. The realization of the project was divided into 3 phases.;"In the first phase (the first year of implementation) the teachers and participants from partner institutions passed through the trainings during which they studied the components of the e-mobility concept and application of the concept in different European countries. The goal of the training was to link education and educational experts (teachers) with the labor market and with the institutions that are experts in the field of the concept of e-mobility, also including transfer of knowledge, skills and good practice. | In the second phase (the second year of implementation), teachers from vocational schools, in collaboration with entrepreneurs and all other e-mobility experts, created new educational module ELECTROMOBILITY as a supplement to existing curriculum in traffic and logistics, as well as innovative tools for the application of that module in education (tools for teaching and learning). The participants disseminated the project results by organizing seminars for teachers in transport and logistic, in their own country and surrounding ones, and to all public interested in this topic. | In the third phase (the third year of implementation) the partner schools tested newly created module and the associated tools for learning by applying it in their schools. The students went on mobility in partner schools and in that way evaluated the module. In addition, the students and teachers from 3 schools organized the final event of the project the meetings of the electric car owners (in all 3 partner countries). | The project will have a positive impact through the development of professional knowledge and competence in the field of e-mobility, the development of basic and transversal skills, vocational programmes and the national curriculum modernization, improvement of teaching approach. The project established a cooperation between European vocational schools in the field of transport and logistics and cooperation between vocational schools and the economy, thus creating conditions for better networking and exchange of experiences, good practice examples, the organization of vocational training and mobility for students and teachers. | Potential longer term benefits of this project will be visible through better coordination of the educational system and the economy as well as the popularization of the idea of e-mobility thus supporting the efforts of all EU members to ensure the share of energy from renewable sources in all forms of transportation in the amount of at least 10%. Results | Website | | | Without category | | Educational module ""Electromobility"" | Kurikulum za fakultativni nastavni predmet ""Elektromobilnost"" | Priru_nik ""Elektromobilnost"" | LEMO Flyer | LEMO Flyer | LEMO Flyer | ""Electromobility"" | Learning and teaching tool" Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-HU01-KA101-000341;;;Lpst tartunk a vltoz vilggal;"In the European Development Project of our institute, called ""Keeping Up With The Changing World"" two applicants are involved: Frank Emlia, a language teacher and Soltsz Viktria, the deputy he...";EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education ...;;Budapest IX. Kerleti Levey Klra Gimnzium s Szakkzpiskola;HU;HU;5.326,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"In the European Development Project of our institute, called ""Keeping Up With The Changing World"" two applicants are involved: Frank Emlia, a language teacher and Soltsz Viktria, the deputy headmistress of educational affairs at school. We believe that in the life of a school the teaching and educating process should take place interwoven inseparably, and so the fields we are going to focus on in our project are the language teaching and the motivating our students to learn. As both applicants have been teaching for several decades and they have regularly attended teacher training courses in our country as well as abroad, since they think it is important to renew and validate their skills both as teachers and educators, know very well what problems the foreign language teaching has had and how difficult the motivating our students has become recently, what new techniques, methods have appeared which could help the teachers encourage their students to keep on learning. | Our school regards the preparing students for their final state examination as well as for their further studies, or the entering higher education institutes, also assisting them in adapting themselves to the life of work -- as highlighted tasks. We tend to educate our students to become conscious citizens not only of their motherland but also of the European Union and as a part of this we believe it is essential to study at least two foreign languages and at the same time, we find it is important to take part in international projects organized by the European Commission. Moreover, we are facing new challenges in foreign language teaching elicited by the dramatic development and changes in the field of the information and communication technology and in connection with it in the teaching methods and techniques. That is why we consider it is essential and inevitable to involve these much changed teaching tools into our everyday routine and to permanently follow the changes, adjusting, meanwhile, our teaching attitude to them. | Agreed with both the board of directory and the teachers' staff of our school we tend to fulfill those goals and requirements which have been established in our development project: we try to burden kids optimally, i. e. according to their age characteristics; we would like to convey reasonably up-to-day knowledge to them and also to set real requirements. | As the new educational acts of the government changed the age of compulsory education from 18 for16, we are facing a new challenging period in the education. In the school year of 2013-2014, just the 10th graders' parents will face for the first time this problem. Next year two, the following year three forms' students will get in the similar situation. In our special class, so called youth class of the department of adult education we are experiencing big fluctuation. Some of these students cannot use out this last chance. | These all conditions are new challenges for us, for our school: how can we motivate the children, how can we make them not give up their studies? The pedagogical and methodological means of our educating and teaching staff need to be adapted to these changes, that is why we need suitable forums, training courses. As this is a brand new challenge for all secondary institutes in Hungary, we are convinced that it is important to share our experience with other European countries, to participate in international conferences as well as in international methodological trainings. | Based on the arguments being summarized above we think it is reasonable to apply for participating in the courses in Scarborough and Southampton, which offer trainings suitable both for our participants' demands and for the requirements of our institute, and also provides enough possibilities to get answers to our questions and where our applicants will be able to sympathize and cooperate with representatives from other countries.";In the case of a successful application, we will start out the preparation period systematically, in the course of which we are going to sort out concrete educational and teaching problems of our living environment as well as of our country. Moreover, our applicants are going to start to improve their foreign language knowledge. They want to become well-prepared and competent participants in the chosen courses as representatives of our country. After the courses, we will keep in touch with our new partners, start new projects, partnerships, carry on the follow-ups and keep the deadlines of the financial reports. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-IE01-KA101-000037;;;IBSE - Loreto Balbriggan;Loreto Secondary School, Balbriggan, is attempting to incorporate new teaching and learning strategies across the curriculum. As part of this initiative, the science department will pilot an Inqui...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Natural sciences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;Loreto Secondary School;IE;IE;16.160,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;Loreto Secondary School, Balbriggan, is attempting to incorporate new teaching and learning strategies across the curriculum. As part of this initiative, the science department will pilot an Inquiry Based Learning (IBL) approach to the delivery of STEM subjects. To support this, the school is participating in the Inspiring Science Education programme (ISE) ( It is hoped that participation will provide digital resources and opportunities for teachers to make science education more attractive and relevant to the lives of our students. | | We envisage that 6 or 7 teachers from the Science Department will be directly involved. The teachers hope to attend a range of training activities being organized as part of the European Inspiring Science (ISE) project in order to upgrade their professional competencies and develop educational alliances that may help achieve the aims listed above. | | In essence, it is hoped that the attendance at the training activities - coupled with online access to digital resources developed as part of the ISE programme - will support the teachers to: | - Develop new eLearning resources and eTools, | - Upgrade existing eLearning opportunities and assessment methods, | - Embed IBSE in STEM teaching and learning opportunities.;The over arching rationale behind this project is to modernise the teaching and learning of science within an IBL approach. The long term benefits of which will involve: | - Addressing ongoing changes in the National Science Curriculum and changes in modes of assessment at Junior Cycle | - Incorporating ICT and multimedia technologies into STEM teaching and learning in a meaningful and effective way | - Increasing the uptake of the sciences by our female students | - Preparing our students for further education and/or employment in the STEM disciplines. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-IE01-KA101-000075;;;Promoting innovative teaching of Modern Languages at Dunshaughlin Community College;Our project aimed to benefit the teaching and learning of French, German and Spanish at our post primary school, with a particular focus on developing skills in innovative methodologies and e-lea...;Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;LOUTH AND MEATH EDUCATION AND TRAINING BOARD;IE;IE;10.610,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (tertiary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;Our project aimed to benefit the teaching and learning of French, German and Spanish at our post primary school, with a particular focus on developing skills in innovative methodologies and e-learning. We are aware that new skills are required for teaching foreign languages in a world saturated with technology. | We selected 4 teachers of Modern languages, who attended a variety of training courses in Austria, the Czech Republic, Spain and France with a particular focus on language-learning methodologies and ICT in language teaching. | The activities included 2 courses for Spanish language teachers, one of which focused on ludic methodologies as well as using film and online resources in the language classroom. The 2nd Spanish course was a general course for Spanish teachers with a bigger focus on developing linguistic skills. The course in France had a particular focus on ICT in the French classroom, where a number of online tools were explored further. It also had a focus on linguistic development of French teachers. The remaining two courses focused on ICT in education and focuses on online learning tools which can be applied to a wider educational context but can be used very well in language teaching. The mobility in Austria had a particular focus on CLIL methodologies with a focus its positive impact on literacy in more than one language.;This project helped us become more aware of such technologies and their use in the modern day classroom. We have expanded our repertoire of online tools which we now use on a more regular basis and with more confidence. Through regular feedback sessions we discussed the methodologies in order to ascertain which worked best in our context. We also developed new links between our school and language schools in Spain and France which will benefit our teachers and students in future. We have seen an increase in the use of innovative methodologies including but not limited to e-learning tools which have been applied in our Modern Foreign Language (MFL) classes. With the use of an Action Plan for all language departments within the school we hope to embed the strategies and methodologies in our every-day language-teaching. language schools in Spain and France which will benefit our teachers and students in future. We have seen an increase in the use of innovative methodologies including but not limited to e-learning tools which have been applied in our Modern Foreign Language (MFL) classes. With the use of an Action Plan for all language departments within the school we hope to embed the strategies and methodologies in our every-day language-teaching. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-IE01-KA101-000089;;;Scoil an Spioraid Naoimh Upskilling in Europe;We strive to promote a policy of inclusion at our mainstream primary school in Ireland. With almost one third of our pupils attending learning support at our school and having recently added an au...;EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, ICT - new technologies - digital competences ...;;Scoil An Spioraid Naoimh;IE;IE;19.380,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"We strive to promote a policy of inclusion at our mainstream primary school in Ireland. With almost one third of our pupils attending learning support at our school and having recently added an autistic unit to our institution, we are still learning how to best address the needs of all pupils from culturally diverse backgrounds, with and without SEN. We are constantly striving to improve our teaching methods with regard to differentiation in order to support every child in their individual learning process. An insight into current European practice and thinking in this area of education would be very beneficial to our school. With this in mind, this need can be addressed through job shadowing at an integrated primary school called 'Charlotte-Salomon School' in a very multi-cultural area of Berlin, Germany. We will send 3 SEN teachers (qualified as both mainstream primary and SEN teachers) here to 'job shadow', observe, take notes, discuss and question experienced staff and to also witness and investigate resources used , particularly relevant to SEN. We will also send 3 teachers with similar qualifications to Rantakyln Koulu School in Joensuu, Finland - a school where inclusion is also highly promoted with the integration of mainstream pupils in a predominantly SEN school. It is hoped that the teachers having explored and witnessed models of best practice in these schools will return to Ireland with a stronger awareness of their European citizenship and will also be motivated to try out new teaching methodologies and access new resources, whilst promoting new thinking and valuable discussion amongst colleagues. Long term, this should inform school curriculum, policy and practice as well as nurturing in themselves and fellow teachers a willingness to upskill and collaborate further with European partners. | | As an ongoing participant of the 'Green Schools' project in Ireland, we would now like to extend our work whereby we can link outdoor environmental education with other curricular areas. As a coastal school, we do not feel we are making best use of our natural environment. We are very interested in meeting European teachers with similar interests with a view to improving teacher competencies in this field and formulating partnerships for future collaborative projects. Sending 3 teachers on a training course on outdoor environmental education to Kinda in south eastern Sweden should also provide teachers with a toolbox of ideas and European teacher and school contacts to bring back to the Irish classroom. Selected teachers are particularly interested in environmental education and work very hard to promote a green school environment. The long term benefits of this training will facilitate curricular development in this area with a view to integrating other subject areas and optimum use of the beach behind our school - a great natural resource, right on our doorstep.";"Although our school makes use of interactive whiteboards with a small number of classroom PCs and most recently ipads for SEN teachers, we have limited technological training with no experts on site. At a time when we will soon be investing in a new building and updating some of our technological equipment, it is the optimum time to invest in teacher training in the use of ICT as a learning tool for our pupils and to facilitate European communication and collaboration. It is important that we have modern and up to date training in this area. With this in mind, we are sending 3 teachers to train on an ICT course for teachers in Ta'Xbiex, Malta. The teachers selected will have some / or little ICT knowledge but will also demonstrate a strong desire to improve their competence in this field. This will facilitate the learning of elearning concepts and the use of European platforms such as eTwinning. Improved expertise in this area will promote and assist in the technological advancement of teacher colleagues and an investment into useful resources, tools and techniques learned about through training. The longterm benefits include a more motivated s school staff who recognise the value and advantages of European teacher training courses as well as the ability to use tools that facilitate participation in virtual European projects, thus developing relationships which will foster mutual tolerance and respect within our European community." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-IE01-KA101-000096;;;Path to e-Maturity;"Scoil Eoin Pl- Path to E-Maturity: It was the aim of this project to make our small rural Irish Gaeltacht school ( Irish speaking) reach a level of competency in ICT, that would grant us access ...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;Scoil Eoin Pol;IE;IE,ES,UK;36.730,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"Scoil Eoin Pl- Path to E-Maturity: | It was the aim of this project to make our small rural Irish Gaeltacht school ( Irish speaking) reach a level of competency in ICT, that would grant us access to the Digital School of Distinction Award (IRL), and help us communicate with our peers- both staff and pupils, on an International common ground. | In order to become a Digital School, clear steps were taken by the school and the staff, to up skill, train and become competent in all areas of ICT- including Tablets, iPads, CLIL-for second language learning, and other technological tools. All members of the school staff, from the teachers, to the Special Needs Assistants, the Learning Support Teacher and the school secretary attended the training. Activities undertaken included the use of Tablets in the classroom as a tool for learning; Functions of Tablets specifically for outdoor learning in the environment;Website and social media for schools; Internet Safety Training, and Computer programmes to encourage CLIL- or second language learning.";The results have had a profound effect on the school and the school community.Most communication with parents is now digital- either by email or text. Parent courses are now run online- help for homework is posted through social media.The Home-school correspondence is now reinforced with regular Twitter updates and Facebook updates. In the classroom, we operate a BYOD programme. Pupils are trained in aspects of Internet Safety and responsible use of Tablets first, and are then encouraged to BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) to school. In our school now, we have 6 mini iPads, and the rest of the pupils bring their devices to school. AS a result of this project, we have trained other staff members in other local schools, to introduce these digital concepts. We have been successful in gaining our Digital School of Distinction Award, and are very proud of this. A member of our staff has also continued her studies in the area of ICT, and has received a Masters in Education- specialising in ICT, after attending Erasmus courses in this field. | The long term benefits are wide and varied for both our staff members and also our pupils. They are moving to second level education with a wonderful grasp, knowledge and enthusiasm for ICT and the digital world in general. Staff gained insight into the curriculum of other countries in Europe, whilst attending the courses. Many wonderful ideas were shared on an international platform, and many great friends made during these courses. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-IE01-KA101-000151;;;European Staff Development Project;Our project focused on developing ICT skills amongst the teaching staff in our school. Over the past five years our school has invested heavily in information technology. Each teacher has been sup...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Disabilities - special needs, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education;;St Francis Boys School;IE;IE;7.655,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;Our project focused on developing ICT skills amongst the teaching staff in our school. Over the past five years our school has invested heavily in information technology. Each teacher has been supplied with their own laptop and every class has their own electronic whiteboard. Our school has a solid wireless network and we have access to 32 Ipads which can be used by children in the classroom. | Although all the physical ICT infrastructure is now in place, it was apparent that as a school both management, teachers and students could be making better use of the ICT facilities available. | | Our European Development plan involved developing teachers competences in relation to ICT. For example , some teachers had a very poor aptitude for ICT and did not know how to use it properly in the classroom. By availing of funding through the Erasmus program, we hoped that teachers would develop their confidence and aptitude towards ICT. Furthermore, we hoped that they would develop particular ICT skills that it could be used to enhance teaching and learning in the classroom. | | Our European Development plan also involved developing management competences in relation to ICT - for example how to use IT to disseminate information throughout our school using an internal Intranet and Email communication with staff and parents. | | It was apparent from our investigations that this knowledge could not be acquired from existing national bodies or agencies. We researched various ICT courses which were available under the Erasmus plus program. These courses were very suited to our needs and objectives. | | All teachers in our school were invited to take part in the project and those selected had a genuine interest in the use and development of ICT in our school. The teachers also represent a wide area of expertise as they have been chosen from different class levels across the school. By selecting teachers from different class levels, we hoped that the teachers would disseminate the different relevant skills that they learned back to their teaching peers when they returned back to school. We also hoped that by taking part in the Erasmus programme, teachers would also develop contacts with teachers in other European countries and hopefully link up with them to form a Key Action 2 partnerships later on in the future.;We found the program to be very successful. Three teachers attended training courses in Malta and another teacher attended a training course in Prague in Czech Republic. Although we found it difficult sometimes to source appropriate courses, we found that the courses chosen were very relevant to our needs and requirements. Initially, we had selected two courses in Greece , but due to the political turmoil in Greece , we found it prudent to request our participants to source a relevant course in a different European country. | | Teachers attending courses were very impressed with the standard of the courses. They enjoyed meeting teachers from other European countries and sharing ideas with them. The teachers who attended the courses are using IT a lot more in their classes than they were previously. When interviewed and surveyed, students in these teachers classes had noticed that their teacher was much more confident and competent in using IT during class. A Department of Education inspector also commented on how impressed he was with the improvement in ICT usage. | | The NCTE National Centre for Technology in Education E- learning roadmap ( is an criteria based ICT indicator used by Irish schools to identify the levels of ICT competency in Irish Schools . As a direct result of taking part in the Erasmus plus programme and as our teachers level of ICT knowledge and skills have improved, we have moved from the initial level of ICT competency (measured in October 2014) to E- Confident (measured in December 2015 )in the NCTE E- learning roadmap. | | School Management are now using IT to help manage the school , for example by keeping student attendance and records online. They are also communicating with parents and the wider community via social media and email. | | Teachers who participated at the courses disseminated their findings and experiences, inside the school at staff meetings and by developing an Erasmus course noticeboard in the staff room. Other members of staff were very impressed and the number of teachers interested in the next round of applications has doubled. Teachers also disseminated and encouraged other teachers to take part in the Erasmus program when they were attending INTO union meetings , summer courses and CPD workshops. | | Overall , the Erasmus program was very successful and our school would highly recommend it to any other school who are thinking of taking part. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-IE01-KA101-000169;;;Inspiring Science Education/Programme as part of the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme.;"Context/background of project; Colaiste Bride is one of 21 Irish Schools partaking in the Inspiring Science Education (ISE) Project. The aim of the course is to support school innovation and to...";EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, ICT - new technologies - digital competences ...;;Colaiste Bride;IE;IE;8.230,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);centro Educativo;;not available;English;"Colaiste Bride is one of 21 Irish Schools partaking in the Inspiring Science Education (ISE) Project. The aim of the course is to support school innovation and to train teachers in their schools and to promote the development of their schools into open learning communities, and thus improve the quality of all aspects of schooling. Through this project we are also part of 500 other European schools and are connected to more than 1200 schools who are all connected via Inspiring Science Education (ISE) and ODS (open discovery space). We have identified the possibility to achieve three main objectives through this project: 1. Train teachers on eLearning tools and inquiry based learning used in Science and STEM related subjects. 2. Encourage the learning of Science at junior level, Physics, Chemistry and Biology at Senior level in a fun and interactive way. 3. Enhance ICT and other lifelong learning skills of our students. 4. Promote movement of future workers within different European Countries (by providing problem solving and critical thinking skills, STEM related skills and ICT skills; by encouraging cooperation and collaborative learning). Total number of participants is eight. The Science Department consists of seven full time Science teachers. In addition to teaching Science these teachers also teach either Biology, Chemistry, Physics at Senior Cycle. Five teachers of the seven teachers in the department also teach Maths and one teaches ICT. The number of years teaching in the department varies. One teacher has over 25 years teaching experience, four teachers have over 10 years experience and 2 have 5 years experience and one has 3 years experience. The ICT Co-ordinator has over 15 years experience teaching ICT and is the lead on the EU schools Living Labs project which Colaiste Bride is Irelands representative in. The Inspiring Science Education International Summer Academy will take place in Attica, Greece, from 13 to 18 July 2014 - The three programmes applicable to our Colaiste Bride are: Education and Robotics Engineering; Go-Lab (Global Online Science Lab for Inquiry Learning in School); Discover the Cosmos From Telescopes to Accelerators. Methodology to be used in carrying out the project: The training course comprises 8 hours of lectures and demonstrations and 15 hours of hands-on workshops. These sessions will be framed with field trips and hands-on outdoors activities that will regard innovative ways for creating links between schools, research centres and non-formal learning settings.";"The lesson plans, eLearning resources and learning scenarios made by all teachers on the ISE course will be made available to all participants through the ISE website. The resources and the methods created will be open to further development and expansion and continue to be used after the end of the project. Results and impact envisaged: The project will contribute to the modernisation of school education. It will support teachers and students in acquiring digital competences. It will engage teachers and pupils in the development of innovative educational practices; provide innovative eLearning resources. It will provide an online platform through which participating ISE schools can collaborate with their EU counterparts. This project will strengthen European integration by increasing cooperation across state borders, and by bringing together different cultures. It will also promote the idea of European citizenship among children, parents and the extended local community. Potential longer term benefits include the skills acquired by the students such as critical thinking and ICT skills will make them more employable in STEM related areas in the future. Innovative teaching resources created during the project will be available online after the project is finished for use by other teachers for free. It will provide a platform of connections between EU and Irish schools which will continue after the project has finished. It will help decrease any cultural barriers still existing among different European countries that are only a result of language barriers and prejudice. It will provide a platform for future movement of employees within the European Union, by showing students how Science and Technology is embraced by other EU schools and thus will promote integration." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-IS01-KA101-000075;;;Web 2.0 tools for effective teaching and project wor;The project is intended as an IT course for general teachers and its aim is to strengthen our school's international connections and to make new contacts with schools in Europe by using eTwinning ...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, International cooperation, international relations ...;;Fjlbrautaskli Vesturlands;IS;IS;4.860,00;Yes;No; School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;The project is intended as an IT course for general teachers and its aim is to strengthen our school's international connections and to make new contacts with schools in Europe by using eTwinning and by introducing IT to our daily teaching and project work at our school. We should like to create an online Bank of Resources for particular subjects to be developed during the next years. | This will hopefully create a new dimension of our school by changing methods of work and motivating students. | The course will give teachers participating, tools to achieve these goals. | We plan on using Web tools in daily teaching and international projects and construct material for the school online. | We hope to find some European partners in the training course who we can work on projects and produce common materials for online resources. | After the course the participants will be engaged in activities and continuous professional development in the course participants' Facebook group. | It is beneficial to meet educators from different countries, in particular with the view of creating collaborative projects using ICT and I think the course is an excellent opportunity both to meet colleagues and to develop further new projects and partnerships.;By the acquisition of new methods of teaching such as e-learning platforms, educational social network, collaborative project work the school and the students will become more up-to-date and hopefully more motivated. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2014;2014-1-IT01-KA102-002173;;;TWITTASTIC;The idea of applying for one project both for VET learners and staff came from the need to train professionals with transversal skills for employment entrepreneurship, digital skills and multili...;Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment;;IIS EINSTEIN-NEBBIA;IT;IT,UK,IE,ES,PT;226.802,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The idea of applying for one project both for VET learners and staff came from the need to train professionals with transversal skills for employment entrepreneurship, digital skills and multilingualism- with an entrepreneurial and flexible attitude to meet trends and novelties of the labour market and at the same time to offer an updated motivating learning and teaching environment, to reach success and personal and professional fullfillment. The idea has proved to be successful given the obtained results and impact: the beneficiaries have been helping the school updating we have been living in at the moment based on a new didactic on subject areas with 2.0 environments and new methodologies (because of a shortage of classrooms) in a positive and proacting way. The action started with a review of the market, which is necessary during the current economic crisis where a lack of employment coexists with a lack of specific skills. Hence the need to train updated professionals with digital and language skills. We noticed that learners asked for synergies with the market, especially in Europe, along with forms of creative learning, informal, close to the world of digital natives suitable to awaken interest and creativity. | The group was made of 71 students attending the 4-5 class (catering, tourism, administration and marketing), 10 recent graduates from our school and 25 VET staff (teachers and employees). After a preparation on SMmarketing by an expert, a 3-week mobility followed for learners in order to develop sector-based skills with a focus on the product image, food design and promotional strategies on the web. The mobilities of the staff, lasting 9 days, were concentrated on jobshadowing in companies active in web marketing and Ecommerce along with visits to leading companies/schools and workshops about the main social media to use at school. In the mobilities, learners understood how important is to be present in the market and to promote our image: a future professional must know the importance of social media marketing especially in our society where making others speak about us is fundamental and in which social media are necessary to create a brand identity and a brand reputation. Therefore on the return the learners produced a marketing campaign on the social media; among the 10 most voted, the winner will be awarded in a final ceremony. The event has not been organised yet to go on promoting the project beyond its end and to give continuity with the following KA1. The staff produced an Ebook about SMmarketing and put into practice the acquired skills by taking part in the contest #TwittasticScattaLaScuola, telling the school mission with Instagram shots, .The outputs made and are making the program popular and have been helping achieving its outcomes. Sustainability has been offered by: - the Ebook to be used as future teaching material, for the next UDA of 4th and 5th class and as simplified or different learning curricula - photografic diaries - Instagram contest which represents a good practise - the video promoting the project - Emarketing campaigns - professional course for learners with special need to be used as a good practice for future projects";"The methodologies used were E-learning, problem solving, team work suitable to improve creativity, innovation, satisfaction and to spread the concept of learning to learn. The obtained impact has been the building up of transversal skills to offer job opportunities to learners and the acquisition of autonomy and self-esteem; personal and professional fulfillment, discovery of potentialities and greater mobility in EU with a view on lifelong learning to the whole target. At the moment in our school we are living a great process of updating of learning systems and areas with a consequent reduction of the generational gap between students and staff which often causes frustration. On the contrary we want all our school members to live school in a positive, motivated way in a relaxing and well-being atmosphere. This process has been made possible also thanks to the help of better digital skills of learners and staff, of a wider open-mindedness, flexibility and of the will to share all over our school a positive thinking towards personal and professional success for everybody. We have succedeed to give value to talents, to reduce dop outs and school failure and to spread values of diversity, tolerance and integration. The project success has involved particularly learners with special needs and with fewer opportunities who gained learning and working success, integration, self-esteem, self control and more autonomy, also thanks to the preparatory course. The partnership composed of schools, hotels and companies, located in London, Portsmouth, Granada, Malaga, Palma, Madeira and Dublin offered high-quality learning opportunities and met expectations and objectives." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2014;2014-1-IT01-KA102-002326;;;Tourism Training Towards Europe - dall'Italia verso l'Europa;"A. CONTEXT The Italian accommodation system is leader in Europe for quality and dimension. Tourism sector has always been and still it is a solid engine for the economic recovery of European...";Encourage social inclusion and equal opportunities in sport, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Energy and resources;;Match Up Srls;IT;IT,EL,MT,PT,UK,ES,DE;258.700,00;Yes;No;Small and medium sized enterprise;Otros;;not available;English;"A. CONTEXT | | The Italian accommodation system is leader in Europe for quality and dimension. | | Tourism sector has always been and still it is a solid engine for the economic recovery of European Union. Therefore, it is important, in this period of crisis, to invest in the education and training of young people who want to grow professionally in tourism sector. | | In order to increase sector competitiveness, is it essential to ensure a better correspondence between demand and offer of competences in labour market. | | | | B. OBJECTIVES | | 70 young Italians will qualify their competences with a 2 months training in a sector enterprise in Germany, Greece, Malta, Portugal, United Kingdom, Spain. | | The project will: | | - transfer participants knowledge for working in the sectors: tourism, hotel and restaurant industry; | | - fulfil participants gap between hands-on training and future professional/university experience, by offering knowledge, experiential and language tools for continuing a career or university studies; | | - offer participants the chance to be more competitiveness in the labour market, increasing: technical competences, experiential and soft skills; | | - improve participants knowledge of foreign languages. | | | | C. NUMBER AND PROFILE OF PARTICIPANTS | | Italian students (age 18/21) enrolled in tourism VET (EQF Level 2, basic knowledge of the sector) or newly graduated (less than 1 year) (EQF Level 3), residents in Abruzzo, Puglia and Toscana. | | Study sections: accommodation service (tourist hosting and booking), restaurant services (enogastronomy and restaurant service), tourism professionals (commercial services). | | | | D. DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITIES | | Activities are divided into 3 Macro-phases: | | 1. Mobilities preparation: | | a. Partnership coordination; | | b. Enrolment and selection of participants; | | c. Participants preparation; | | d. Management and organisation support to the whole project | | 2. Mobilities implementation: | | a. Transnational training mobilities: 8 weeks: | | Mobilities will take place during summer in order to avoid interfering with participants school commitments and classes. The duration has been decided in collaboration with VET partners, who have indicated the period as appropriate for: developing training plan in hosting enterprises; participants achievement of technical, professional knowledge, skills and competences as well as soft skills. | | b. Monitoring and tutoring; | | c. Training experience evaluation; | | d. Acquired competences evaluation | | 3. Cross-sectional activities: | | a. Administrative and financial evaluation; | | b. Dissemination and follow-up. | | | | E. METHODOLOGY | | Mercury will manage and coordinate the project. | | Training plan in hosting enterprises will be organised in accordance with ECVET procedure: Units of Learning Outcomes (ULOs), with their activities and Learning Outcomes (LOs) (knowledge, skills and competences). Mercury has prepared the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), which has been signed by all transnational partners. In line with MoU, ECVET-LAs will be elaborated. At the end of 2 months training, hosting enterprises will evaluate the LOs achievement through examination. Final evaluation will follow. Registers will show the number of daily hours training. They will be daily signed by tutor and trainee. Once having reports, applicant will start procedures for having Europass Mobility Certificates validated by Erasmus + National Agency. | | Before departure, participants will attend the Online Linguistic Support tool. Participants moving to Greece and Portugal will attend language and culture tuition at destination. | | Each 14 days tutors and trainees will fulfil monitoring questionnaires. | | OpenCom will realise a Web Platform for direct access (through username and password) to administrative documents, reports and monitoring questionnaires.";"F. SHORT DESCRIPTION OF RESULTS | | Leaning outcomes will be expressed in terms of knowledge, skills and competences. 70 students, who have carried out at leat 80% of training and have succeeded the final exam, will receive the Europass Mobility Certificate, where LOs will be validated. | | | | G. IMPACT | | The project will involve: | | - 7 tourism VETs in 3 Italian regions (Abruzzo, Puglia, Toscana); | | - 70 students and/or newly graduated (less than 1 year); | | - 13 transnational partners in 6 European countries (DE, EL, MT, PT, UK, ES); | | - disadvantaged students participation will be enhanced (1 person per VET). | | | | H. LONG TERM BENEFITS | | Expected project impact will be: local, regional, national and European: | | - young people employability in tourism sector will be enhanced; | | - Italian and European tourism service, quality and competitiveness will be enhanced, thanks to the creation of European and national networks. | | Dissemination plan will enlarge project impact, improving its sustainability and highlighting European added value. It will be coordinated by the partner OpenCom: non profit organisation, specialised in social communication." Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2014;2014-1-IT01-KA202-002467;;;Mobile and Gaming for Long Distance Drivers;The C95-Challenge project introduces new training methodologies for long distance drivers in Europe, involved in initial and continuous training according to the EU Directive 2003/59. If on one ha...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Transport and mobility, Open and distance learning;;CNA Associazione Provinciale di Pesaro e Urbino;IT;IT,AT,PL,ES;236.956,00;Yes;No;Other;Asociacin;;;English;"The C95-Challenge project introduces new training methodologies for long distance drivers in Europe, involved in initial and continuous training according to the EU Directive 2003/59. If on one hand the directive introduces 35 hours of obligatory training every 5 years and allows for an updating of workers competences in the sector and enhances safety on the road, on the other hand, the training methodologies are obsolete and do not adapt easily to professional drivers working conditions. | It is very difficult, as confirmed by the drivers needs analysis profile carried out at the beginning of the project, to involve drivers in a systematic training in class due to the nature and workload hours of the profession. | Considering this, the partners of C95-Challenge, based on the contents of Directive 2003/59, have developed a common training methodology for all partner countries with the use of mobile devices and, through a high level of interactivity; it is adapted to the needs of the users and enhances the users motivation in participating in the training. | Seven partners, from Italy, Poland, Austria, Spain and Switzerland have contributed to reach the objectives of the C95-Challenge project. The partnership is a mix of organisations expert in the transport sector (associations, consultancy companies), in vocational training (continuous training, adult training) and in the use of new technologies for training. | The main target group of the project is professional drivers who are obliged to participate in professional qualification courses with C, C1, C+E, and C1+E driving licences. The C95-Challenge project is also addressed to trainers who work in the driving sector, considering their key role in implementing new training methodologies during continuous training courses. | The research on profile and needs of drivers (Output 1 Driver Profile and needs) has been followed by the analysis of the state of the art of mobile learning (Output 2 Collection of mobile technologies and games), which has identified most adapt technologies and tools for this type of training. The document allows trainers to understand the potentialities of mobile learning and acquire the necessary competences to apply, with self made training material, the C95-Challenge training path. A common training path (Output 3 C95 Challenge training path) has been defined, with five modules related to specific themes: Eco Drive, Technical Features of Vehicles and Developments in the Driving Sector, Tie down of goods, Social Law, Health and Business Environment of Driving. For each module the partners have defined learning outcomes which have been described in terms of knowledge, skills and competences. The main activity of the project, together with the definition of the common training path, has been the creation of the training material. The partners have decided to create training material covering one or more learning outcome for each module. The result is the creation of interactive slides and hypervideos in which mobile apps, online games, quizzes and extra resources are embedded in order to allow the user to be autonomous in learning through a motivating and personalized training path.";All material has been evaluated and tested for continuous improvement by 150 users, drivers and trainers, in the driving sector. This intense evaluation activity was planned in three phases (pre-pilot for drivers, fine tuning with trainers and fine tuning with drivers). After each testing phase all results have been analysed and the material has been improved accordingly. | The partners have created an online environment for stakeholders and professional drivers who can exchange ideas and good practices for training in the future. The results of the evaluation process are contained in the Evaluation and Transferability Guide (Output 6). The document has been written to support trainers, training organisations and all potential stakeholders to implement the C95 Challenge methodology by understanding strengths and weaknesses of the methodology itself. All C95 Challenge outputs and material are available on the project website: | Results | Website | | | Without category | | Driver Profiles and Needs analysis - International report | C95-Challenge Collection of mobile technologies and games | C95 Challenge - Training Path | Profili e analisi dei bisogni degli autotrasportatori - report internazionale | C95-Challenge - Raccolta di Tecnologie mobile e giochi | C95-Challenge- Leaflet | C95-Challenge - Newsletter 1 | C95-Challenge - Newsletter 2 | C95-Challenge - Newsletter 3 | C95-Challenge - Newsletter 4 | C95-Challenge-Pieghevole di progetto | C95- Challenge - Newsletter 1 - Italiano | C95-Challenge - Newsletter 2 - Italiano | C95-Challenge - Newsletter 3 - Italiano | C95-Challenge - Newsletter 4 - Italiano | C95-Challenge - Percorso formativo | Driver Profiles and Needs analysis - International report - PL (Profil kierowcw i analiza potrzeb Raport mi_dzynarodowy) | C95-Challenge Collection of mobile technologies and games - PL (C95-Challenge: Przegl_d technologii i gier mobilnych) | C95 Challenge - Training Path - PL (C95 Challenge _cie_ka szkoleniowa) | C95-Challenge- Leaflet-PL (C95-Challenge Biuletyn) | C95- Challenge - Newsletter 1 - PL (C95-Challenge Biuletyn 1) | C95- Challenge - Newsletter 2 - PL (C95-Challenge Biuletyn 2) | C95- Challenge - Newsletter 3 - PL (C95-Challenge Biuletyn 3) | C95- Challenge - Newsletter 4 - PL (C95-Challenge Biuletyn 4) | Driver Profiles and Needs analysis - International report - DE (Fahrerprofile und Bedarfsanalyse - Internationaler Report) | C95-Challenge Collection of mobile technologies and games - DE (C95- Challenge Sammlung von mobile Technologien und Spielen) | C95 Challenge - Training Path - DE (C95 Challenge - Trainingspfad) | C95-Challenge- Leaflet-DE (C95 Challenge - Folder) | C95- Challenge - Newsletter 1 - DE (C95 Challenge Neuigkeiten 1) | C95- Challenge - Newsletter 2 - DE (C95 Challenge Neuigkeiten 2) | C95- Challenge - Newsletter 3 - DE (C95 Challenge Neuigkeiten 3) | C95- Challenge - Newsletter 4 - DE (C95 Challenge Neuigkeiten 4) | Driver Profiles and Needs analysis - International report - ES (Perfiles de los conductores y anlisis de sus necesidades_Informe Internacional) | C95-Challenge Collection of mobile technologies and games - ES (Materiales de tecnologas mviles y juegos ChallengeC95) | C95 Challenge - Training Path - ES (Itinerario formativo C95-Challenge) | C95-Challenge- Leaflet - ES (Folleto C95-Challenge) | C95- Challenge - Newsletter 1-ES (Boletn 1 C95-Challenge) | C95- Challenge - Newsletter 2-ES (Boletn 2 C95-Challenge) | C95- Challenge - Newsletter 3-ES (Boletn 3 C95-Challenge) | C95- Challenge - Newsletter 4-ES (Boletn 4 C95-Challenge) | C95-Challenge - Skills alliance project outline and stakeholders platform | C95-Challenge Overall Piloting report | C95-Challenge project website | C95-Challenge - Evaluation and Transferability Guide | C95-Challenge - Sito web di progetto | C95-Challenge website - ES (Pgina web del proyecto C95-Challenge) | C95-Challenge website - PL (Strona internetowa projektu C95-Challenge) | C95-Challenge project website - DE (C95-Challenge Projekt Webseite) Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-IT02-KA101-000949;;;Per dei nuovi cittadini europei;"Istituto di Istruzione Superiore E. Fermi is a State Upper Secondary School located in Catanzaro Lido, in the southern area of Catanzaro. It has five main curricula: Foreign languages ( with...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;"Istituto Istruzione Superiore ""Enrico Fermi""";IT;IT,LT,SE,FR;85.102,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;Istituto di Istruzione Superiore E. Fermi is a State Upper Secondary School located in Catanzaro Lido, in the southern area of Catanzaro. | It has five main curricula: | Foreign languages ( with ESABAC option) | Science | Human Science ( with a Socio-economical option) | Sport | Law and Economics | | It hosts more than 1214 pupils, 109 teachers and 32 amongst technicians, clerks and caretaking staff. | The partner organisms were found through the eTwinning platform (for the job shadowing experiences), previous Comenius experiences (Rovaniemen koulutuskuntayhtyma for the courses on CLIL methodology), Web searches (Skupina Primera d.o.o. in Slovenia, Euneos Oy in Finland), teachers personal information (AMVIC UK Ltd English school), School Education Gateway platform (University Educational Circle in Latvia and Cervantes Training in Spain). | The Erasmus+KA1 project was drawn up and presented in 2014 to solve the following problems emerged in our School Self-Assessment Report: | low results in INVALSI tests (lower than the National average) | low scores in the pupils university entry tests, particularly in the scientific fields | All that was probably caused by unmotivated teaching staff, who were not particularly inclined to exchanges and in need of new incentives. It was ,thus, necessary to retrain teachers through life long learning in an International context where it is essential to have certified and adequate competences that ensure everybodys inclusion and an economic sustainable growth. | In the last two years our school has started 43 training activities abroad for 27 teachers (4 Maths and Physics teachers, 4 Science teachers, 2 Italian teachers,, 2 Art teachers,1 Special Needs teacher, 1 Law and Economics teacher, 1 Pedagogy and Psychology teacher, 1 ESABAC class History teacher and 11 Foreign Language teachers) and the Headmaster. The average age was between 50 and 62. More than 78% attended two different kinds of courses: | | - Training course attendance aiming at : | achievement of levels B1/B2 in English ( for 10 subject teachers) | learning of new teaching methodologies through the use of ITC ( 4 mobilities) | approach to CLIL methodology for subject teachers that had previously achieved levels B1 and B2 (8 mobilities) | benchmarking in Finland (5 mobilities) | learning new strategies to prevent dropping out (1 mobility) | learning how to educate to entrepreneurship ( 2 mobilities) | | - 13 Job-shadowing experiences :11 teachers and the school Headmaster worked alongside : | History, Science and Language teachers in France | Foreign language teachers and teachers for students with special needs in Sweden | Foreign language teachers in Lithuania | | Both training experiences, that took place in 11 European countries (England, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Slovenia, France, Lithuania, Latvia), have improved the professional development of the school staff and given rise to an open-mindedness (new tools and teaching methods as well as new cultural contexts). | The improvement of the staff training has been monitored in the short term (at the end of the mobility to assess satisfaction from the mobility experience) in the medium term (6-11 months from the start of the project) and in the long term (at the end of the project), in order to supervise the impact of the training activities through reports and questionnaires for the recipients.;"Monitoring was meant to assess the real impact of the project through the measuring of the results: | Number and levels of language certificates | Number of modules and CLIL courses initiated | Number and Kinds of refreshing courses attended after the training abroad | Number and types of ITC courses achieved after the training abroad | New teaching approaches and digital tools used by the teachers after the training abroad | Results in INVALSI tests | Wellness levels of pupils at school | The dissemination was performed through: | Local newspaper articles | School Web TV | School open day | Contact Teacher participation in 4 regional conferences on Erasmus + and E-Twinning | School Headmaster participation at Cologne European Conference | A meeting in our school about the dissemination of the results of the project and K1 Action awareness for regional Schools | An Erasmus Section created on the School Website containing all the details of each mobility ( programmes, preliminary activities, narrative recipients reports ,press review, monitoring, action products with thousands of downloads from the website). | E-Twinning Erasmus +KA1 mobility group (with posts about the courses inviting colleagues to visit the Erasmus + Section created on our School website). | ""Meeting ambasciatori eTwinning"" whatsapp group. | Dissemination Platform" Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2014;2014-1-IT02-KA103-000181;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;The background of the Erasmus+ Traineeship Consortium BET for Jobs, coordinated by the University of Calabria, is mainly based on the long and positive experience gained through the implementati...;;;UNIVERSITA DELLA CALABRIA;IT;IT;359.956,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;not available;English;"The background of the Erasmus+ Traineeship Consortium BET for Jobs, coordinated by the University of Calabria, is mainly based on the long and positive experience gained through the implementation of projects in previous EU programmes such as LdV, Socrates, Erasmus and LL for the mobility of students and recent graduates in European companies. These pilot experiences, through which university students and graduates were able to apply their theoretical knowledge to real traineeships on the job and to share their experiences with people working in other organisations and countries, were fundamental for our final decision to applying for a new Consortium in Erasmus+. This decision was also reinforced by the fact that youth unemployment rate increases more and more in Europe and especially in Italy, therefore the basic need for students and recent graduates is the attainment of a better qualification through specific traineeships abroad based on ""learning by doing ""also in order to increase their future employment opportunities. It is our conviction that the provision of quality traineeships in companies abroad can satisfy this need. The main objectives reached have been to a) improve the quality and increase the volume of cooperation in Europe among universities, other organizations and companies; b) better the linguistic, professional, social and intercultural skills of trainees in order to facilitate a more qualified entry in the labor market; c) increase the offer of Erasmus Traineeships in the Consortium Universities. The mobility numbers achieved, as reported by the data registered in MTool, have proved to be higher than the ones foreseen and financed in the grant agreement and the overall very good results have exceeded our expectations. In fact, on a number of 187 students financed by National Agency the Consortium has sent out 241 students, out of which 29 recent graduates. There has been an increase both in the number of students sent on mobility (241) and in the total months awarded (762) that have far exceeded the financed ones.";"For what concerns undertaken activities, also with reference to the commitments assumed with the Erasmus Charters for HEs, the Consortium Universities have made great efforts in order to select, according to academic merit criteria, its own students and recent graduates; | guarantee a high quality level in organising traineeships and each university was responsible for the correct development of the project itself; | guarantee quality traineeships through the search of opportunities that fitted beneficiaries needs; support selected participants in the preparation of necessary documents for mobility and give appropriate guidance on the linguistic, cultural and social aspects of hosting countries; inform participants about the opportunities to attend to free online language courses provided by the EC OLS system or to take advantage of a preparatory course held by the language centers of the Universities; monitor, through e-mail or other means, the proper development of the traineeship programme by the student and by the host organisation; awarded recognition to beneficiaries for the developed activities/learning outcomes according to the LA for Traineeship signed by the parts (student , home and host institution) before departure and to Traineeship Certificate issued by host organisation upon completion of mobility. Furthermore, in project implementation consortium universities have applied the Erasmus+ financial and management rules and have sent to the coordinator all information concerning their trainees and the relevant mobility documents. In line with the institutional strategies, the Erasmus Policy Statements of the Consortium Universities and the Education Modernisation Agenda the Impact of the project was positive for all targets involved : Universities have enlarged their educational offer for students with traineeship opportunities in companies and other organisations abroad, strengthened their internationalisation policy by collaborating with different European partners in the economic and business sectors and not only with Universities; Companies have both enjoyed the benefits arising from the comparison with the academic culture of trainees thus taking advantage of their work and strengthening their cooperation with Italian universities; Students and graduates have bettered their linguistic competence, cultural and professional experiences in order to be more facilitated in entering the job market and some of them have found a job in companies; Italian SMEs recruiting students with such experiences take advantage of their expertise gained abroad both in terms of contacts and of ""good practices"" on the workplace." Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships addressing more than one field;2014;2014-1-IT02-KA200-003660;;;Robotics Opportunities (to foster) STEM Education;The ROSE partnership has been conceived against the background of the current crisis and the lack of growth and youths unemployment that have been upsetting strongly Europes society in the last ...;Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, Gender equality / equal opportunities;;UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI FIRENZE;IT;IT,TR,PT,EE,AT;318.102,00;Yes;No;Other;Universidad;;;English;The ROSE partnership has been conceived against the background of the current crisis and the lack of growth and youths unemployment that have been upsetting strongly Europes society in the last 5 years. A paradox is evident: while Europe is struggling with two-digit youth unemployment statistics, companies experience growing difficulties in recruiting engineers and other technologists and scientists. Education is therefore called to respond to the urgent need of highly skilled engineers and technologists and labour supply must match demand as recognised in the Flagship initiative An Agenda for new skills and jobs in the EUROPE 2020 strategy of the EC. | | The motivation is identified by the specific objectives of the ERASMUS+ Programme and namely to [improve the level of key competences and skills with particular regard to their relevance for the labour market..] and [foster quality improvements, innovation excellence and internationalization at the level of education () through enhanced transnational cooperation..]. The first, and long term, rationale behind this proposal is in fact that one of enhancing the attractiveness of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) disciplines by mean of the use of robotics and automation, which have been proven to be a successful leverage mean. The proposed partnership aims to respond to the high expectations coming from a labour market that values not only their academic background but also their broader competencies and skills developed during the learning path. | | The motivation of making the STEM disciplines more attractive to students in schools is to contribute to the headline education target of the Europe 2020 Strategy, namely to reduce the school-drop-out rates. By informing the students at an early stage about the possibilities that an education in the STEM disciplines can offer them - and in particular presenting to them the specific fields of robotics and automation will encourage them and be an incentive for choosing to continue their study instead of dropping out. Young people should not only have access to high quality education but also receive information early about their options and employment possibilities in different disciplines. | | Furthermore, the rationale is correlated to the following policy priority of the programme: [developing basic and transversal skills () using innovative and student-centred pedagogical approaches and developing appropriate assessment and certification methods, based on learning outcomes]. | | Gender, minorities and accessibility issues will also be address as the representation of our society in the STEM disciplines does not appear to be balanced at all. | | Related to this, as a more specific approach, the present project is focused on the fact that the level of employability, competitiveness and wealth of our society will depend on the ideas and skills of its population. These have always been the EUs most important assets. As the world becomes increasingly technological, the value of these national assets will be determined in no small measure by the effectiveness of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education in the EU. STEM education will determine whether Europe will be able to solve immense challenges in such areas as energy, health, environmental protection, and national security. It will help produce the capable and flexible workforce needed to compete in a global marketplace an it will generate the scientists, technologists, engineers, and mathematicians who will create the new ideas, new products, and entirely new industries of the 21st century.;The proposed methodology proposes a careful analysis of the present situation in terms of attractiveness of the STEM disciplines in the concerned partners at all levels of school education. This includes a collection of data on the number of students choosing a STEM oriented path at the level of HE. After this first phase the partnership will start an intensive period of teamwork aiming to realize concrete actions to empower and enhance the attractiveness of the STEM disciplines at the school level such as open days and guidance intervention, technical visits to the partner HEIs, short training within the involved corporate, virtual fora, festivals which will imply the massive use of the ICT and the social networks. In particular student competitions models such as Robocup, Robocup Jr., Sauc-e, Erathlon will be exploited, with a special attention to younger pupils who appear not to be sufficiently addressed by these initiatives. Robotics and automation will be extensively used to propose concrete (and attractive) examples on the direct application of the STEM disciplines. Finally a new survey will be conducted in order to measure any possible improvement in the attractiveness level of the STEM. | | Results | Website | | | Without category | | Ex-ante questionnaire and survey (1 of 2) - IO1 | Ex-ante questionnaire and survey (2 of 2) - IO1 | Vertical Curriculum in Educational Robotics for Italian Schools - in ITALIAN - IO2 | ROSE Project Dissemination Video - IO2 | Ex-post questionnaire (1 of 2) - IO4 | Questionario (Questionnaire) ex-post (2 of 2) - IO4 | Allegato A modellodiprogettazionecurricolo.doc - IO2 | Allegato B MODELLO-UD - IO2 | Allegato C GRIGLIA DI VALUTAZIONE scuola primaria - IO2 | Attachment D GRIGLIA DI VALUTAZIONE scuola secondaria di primo grado - IO2 | Allegato E GRIGLIA DI VALUTAZIONE scuola secondaria di secondo grado - IO2 | Vertical Curriculum in Educational Robotics for Schools - Summary in English - IO2 | Attachment A-PROJECT FICHE - IO2 | Attachment B-RUBRIC FOR ASSESSMENT OF CLASS ACTIVITY - IO2 | Analisi Prof. Alessandro Buffini - IO4 | Answers to ex-ante questionnaires - IO1 | Answers to ex-post questionnaires - IO4 Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-IT02-KA201-003207;;;Sport as a mean to foster healthy behaviours and allowing equal opportunities;"The project ""Sport as a mean to foster healthy behaviours and allowing equal opportunities"" was prepared by a partnership including six secondary schools belonging to Italy, Poland, Lithuania, Un...";Inclusion - equity, Health and wellbeing, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education;;Istituto Comprensivo di Nole;IT;IT,LT,PT,PL,UK,ES;276.430,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The project ""Sport as a mean to foster healthy behaviours and allowing equal opportunities"" was prepared by a partnership including six secondary schools belonging to Italy, Poland, Lithuania, United Kingdom (Wales), Spain and Portugal with different backgrounds, but with common interest in improving their working methods, share experiences and improve life quality of their students aged between 13 and 15 years. Looking at the problem of risky behaviours that youth are running in their daily lifestyle, the indifference towards youth with disability, the difficulty to accept immigrants, the aim of the project was to promote a healthy lifestyle through sport practice and outdoor physical activities, increase awareness about risky behaviours, fighting against addictions to boost physical and psychological well-being. At the same time was faced the problems of integration among different cultures, social inclusion and disability. Sport was a mean to look at diversity as a chance to improve themselves and the others, discuss how different countries cope with social inclusion and equal opportunities, foster integration and equal rights, allowing awareness-raising about the problem of disability. The project allowed to reduce the problems of early school leaving and involve youth with low basic skills. In the different schools, according to the faced topic, were involved all classes of the same year in the main activities, allowing all students of the same age to take part in the proposed activities. The objectives were faced through six main topics, each one in different periods during the three years of the project lifetime: Youth Health and nutrition, Sport practice against diseases and obesity, Addictions and risky behaviours in sport, Sport and disability, Sport against racism and xenophobia, Sport as a mean to foster social integration. Each theme was faced by schools organizing different activities integrated in their normal learning schedules, defining an E-twinning project concurrently, introducing in each topic lifetime a learning activities where students and teachers could share results, experience different method and cultures in the hosting school, define and refine the better means to achieve a multiplier effect and a sustainable impact on their own organization. Afterwards a public conference/event was organized by the participant organizations about the faced theme in order to share the results and boost the multiplier effects on local communities. Schools exchanged experiences and good practices on the project topics developing a common methodology and students were also involved to prepare different products.";The project had a deep impact on the participant schools as they implemented the working methods through a common cooperation, exchanging experiences of good practice through networking, defining innovative practices to modernize the learning programmes. The students had benefit of learning new skills, reflecting on a permanent change in their daily habits and they acquired self confidence and increase their social and personal development. They have improved their sense of tolerance and solidarity towards the others above all those having less opportunities. Some of the participant schools agreed to apply for a follow-up of the project in order to deepen the topics and define good practice to be adopted permanently in their schools. In addition they defined the possibility of permanent exchanges of students to offer them a european experience as an essential background for a individual. The impact on local communities and neighbouring schools was significant. With the latter, thanks to the project, have been defined cooperation relationship and support to prepare international activities under the Erasmus+ programme. Results | Website | | | Without category | | Topic 1: local exhibition of pictures and painted t-shirts | Topic 1: final conference | Topic 2: brochure | Topic 3: Logo competition | Topic 2. final conference | Topic 3: final conference | Topic 4: final show involving people with disabilities | Topic 5: public meeting to present the manifesto against racism and xenophobia | Topic 6: sport or public event including population and immigrant youth | Final Publication | 1st and 2nd INDICATOR OF ACHIEVEMENT: Students and teachers' satisfaction level | 3th INDICATOR OF ACHIEVEMENT: Former students' involvement - students' committees | 4th INDICATOR OF ACHIEVEMENT: Quality of personal report after learning activities | 5TH INDICATOR OF ACHIEVEMENT: Inclusion level and monitoring of early school leaving | GOOD PRACTICE: Implementation of working methods | GOOD PRACTICE: exchange of students and new projects | Glossaries Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-IT02-KA201-003357;;;EXCHANGING GOOD PRACTICES TO PREVENT EARLY SCHOOL LEAVING;The idea of the project comes from the growing awareness that today classes are more complex and more demanding. Always more often students are faced with difficult family background, life circum...;Access for disadvantaged, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education;;Istituto Comprensivo F.lli Casetti;IT;IT,DK;55.600,00;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;;English;"The idea of the project comes from the growing awareness that today classes are more complex and more demanding. Always more often students are faced with difficult family background, life circumstances that make it difficult to organize everyday life at school or fit the school demands, unpleasant experiences at school. These situations are often causes for early school leaving if actions are not taken as early as possible. The heterogeneity of situations requires the presence of qualified teachers capable of enabling students to foster their personal growth and well-being, as well as helping them to acquire the complex range of knowledge, skills and key competences. Teachers have to develop new learning environments and approaches to teaching in order to remove any barriers to learning. Every single student's study results are an important matter for the whole school system. To find responses to these pressing issues the objectives to be pursued are to: work in close collaboration with colleagues, parents, local authorities, skateholders and the wider community in order to put in place a comprehensive approach to the problem; encourage families and parents to get involved and responsible for their children's school attendance and education; create a safe and attractive school environment; enhance basic and crosscurricular skills; adopt inclusive teaching methodologies to promote the inclusion of all students ;make use of ITC to share best practices, ideas, and materials, to track grades and credits, get homework assignments, enable parents' communication with the school and monitor the students' attendance in the school; exchange good practices and knowledge among the EU countries on the most effective ways to tackle early school leaving. The school partecipating in the project are the Italian school 'Istituto Comprensivo Fratelli Casetti' and the Danish school 'Hoejmeskolen'. The Istituto Comprensivo Fratelli Casetti, is located in Preglia of Crevoladossola, a small town in the province of VCO, in the north of Piedmont, characterised by a mountainuos territory and a strong administrative fragmentation. The institute has 764 students with a large number (58) of pupils with special educational needs (43 are at lower secondary school) and 26 foreigners. The school aims to improve its educational offer in such a way that knowledge, abilities and competences are acquired by all students in a context that promotes inclusion, solidarity, innovation and improvement of teaching planning through the cooperation with local, provincial and regional authorities to improve the attainment of students at risk of early school leaving and more in general disadvantaged students. Hoejmeskolen is a school situated 6 kms from the centre of Odense in an urban and rural environment. The school district is characterized by a great variety in the socio-economic conditions. The school has approximately 9 % of pupils with a different culture than Danish (migrants). It has about 650 pupils in the ages 6 to 16 years. Presently Hoejmeskolen is working on establishing an environment which motivates the pupils to stay in school and continue their further education after the ground school. This is part of a regional, national and European strategy of minimizing the percentage of early school leavers to less than 10 % by 2020. In the city of Odense the ambition is to have 0 % of early school leavers. The two schools, using the Twinspace of the project, will exchange experiences carried out in each school related to the topic of the project. They will implement activities on establishing an environment which motivates the pupils to stay in school and continue their further education after the ground school cooperating with local, provincila and regional authorities, will organize guidance activity, use an inclusive methodology, increase basic and transversal skills, enhance foreign language and digital skills; 2 project meetings and 2 short -term exchanges (7 days) of pupils between the two schools are forseen.The results will be: achievement of a better understanding of practices, policies, and systems in education trends in European countries; use of inclusive methodology based on active teaching and learning; use of an e-learning platform to share teaching materials; enhancement of cooperation with families. ";"The impact and potential longer term benefits will be: a good school atmoshere through the use of inclusive methodology, laboratory activities, targeted activities for disadvantaged pupil; teaching staff engaged in innovative training experiences; a working method based on sharing best practices, ideas, and materials among colleagues within Europe; parents' engagement with school education and responsability for their children's school attendance and education; close collaboration between the schools and policy-makers at local, provincial and regional level. | Results | Website | | | Without category | | Improvement of working in team to identify students at risk as soon as possible | Enabling students to make the best choice about secondary school | Enhancement of students' transversal, foreign language and digital skills | A teaching staff engaged in innovative training and teaching experiences | Enhancement of a working method based on sharing materials and information | Increase of interest for school action by the media | Development of assessment activity | Experience gained by the schools involved in the project" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-IT02-KA201-003368;;;A Virtual Intertextual Tour across Ancient Entrepreneurship;AVITAE was born out of our shared need to provide teachers and students with an entrepreneurial mindset, which means: an ability to tackle challenges in life, learning to focus and to work in team...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Creativity and culture;;Istituto di Istruzione Superiore N.Machiavelli;IT;IT,DK,CY,EL,FI,SK,ES;256.856,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"AVITAE was born out of our shared need to provide teachers and students with an entrepreneurial mindset, which means: an ability to tackle challenges in life, learning to focus and to work in team; to plan, risk, have a vision, to measure risks/benefits, to be creative and motivating, to use digital tools, to take on managerial roles and pursue professional success. This mindset is a way of being in life, an attitude to ones job, mission and commitments, and not a tool-box for entrepreneurs exclusively. To achieve this aim, we have undergone a deep study of our common European roots, with a particular focus on the birth and development of the European entrepreneurial spirit; to enhance the projects vision, we have organised the AVITAE team like the staff of a real company. The seven partner schools are both secondary (6) and vocational (1) schools, spread across Europe: they are located in Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Denmark, Slovakia, Finland, and Spain (Canarias). The students taking part in AVITAE were aged 15-18. ";"Following team-work modality, they have been involved in a variety of activities; here are the highlights: creation of the project brand (layout and graphics of the newspaper, project logo and mascot, AVITAE posters, leaflets and ads); creation of a 14-issue high-quality newspaper, in both digital and traditional format (a collected volume has been created too); the realization of a digital coin database expressing the strategic role money has played in the development of European entrepreneurship; the creation of 3-D models of ancient ships, inventions and buildings connected with trading; the organization of an international market, an agor of the future, made of virtual markets, futuristic market prototypes and models, a table game on the trading history of the seven partner countries; an e-cooking book on revisited and newly branded ancient recipes; videos and animations on the life of famous entrepreneurs from the seven countries, of past and present times; last but not least, the creation of real mini-companies making real profits. Six short-term exchanges have taken place to let students work side by side, exchange ideas, share and discuss the results of their work, practise their English, and acquire a better and more direct knowledge of their partners heritage and history of enterprise culture. The AVITAE Twinspace and Website have also been created to work as virtual meeting places for students and teachers, and as the projects main disseminating tool. AVITAE has managed to promote an innovative approach to Europes classical and non classical trading heritage, and to teaching and learning models at large; focusing on the entrepreneurial mindset, it has enhanced cooperative, team-based learning and enterprise culture in the young, in order to make them more aware of their common roots, and more communicative and competitive individuals in the job market. Results | Website | | | Without category | | AVITAE TWINSPACE AND WEBSITE | AVITAE NEWSPAPER-14 ISSUES | PRESENTATIONS ON ANCIENT ENTREPRENEURS | LOGO AND MASCOT | 3-D MODELS OF TRADING SHIPS AND OTHER | COIN DATABASE AND PRESENTATIONS | AVITAE DAYS | UNIVERSAL MARKET | AVITA MAGIRA: THE AVITAE COOKBOOK | A DAY IN THE LIFE OF AN (ANCIENT) ENTREPRENEUR | THE AVITAE MINICOMPANIES | VIDEOS ON MOBILITIES | TUTORIALS ON INNOVATION AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP | NETWORKING | PROJECT EVALUATION" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-IT02-KA201-003415;;;Effective Teaching of Mathematics;The results come up by the last international researches (i.e. OCSE PISA and TIMSS) put in evidence big problems in mathematic and in the basic concepts of science and of technology by European ...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills;;Nuova Direzione Didattica Vasto;IT;IT,RO,FR,ES,PL,TR;88.000,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The results come up by the last international researches (i.e. OCSE PISA and TIMSS) put in evidence big problems in mathematic and in the basic concepts of science and of technology by European students; as a consequence, number of graduates in mathematic and related disciplines is decreasing and there are poor competencies in areas that request high levels of mathematical skills. The same researches said that the poor attitude towards mathematic and the learning processes linked to the logical thinking starts already in the first cycle of education to go on with next studies because, often, mathematic is proposed incorrectly. Many students, after the primary and secondary schools are already not interested at all in this discipline: the abstract contents limit its comprehension and to have experienced a failure even just once can develop unfeeling and prejudices regards this item and, in the time, constitute the main obstacles to learn. The globalized world of work requests to get strong basis competencies and to teach and to learn these competencies demands often the adoption of support strategies in the schools and the awareness of a global vision of student learning, of their personal and social growth. Six primary schools in 6 different countries, Italy, France, Spain, Poland, Romania and Turkey, have put in place a strategic partnership that, coordinated by the Italian school, will let the teachers of partner schools, in particular in classroom between 8-11 year old students, compare the best practices of the different schools. Target of the project is to develop mathematic effective teaching/learning methods via the development of guidelines common to all the partnership schools and the creation of games, quiz, practical examples linked to the each country practice and daily life, so that the students will be able to get mathematic and logic thinking ability, to learn having fun and to develop a positive attitude regarding mathematic; the having fun student attending this learning project will have more possibilities to get enthusiastic to experiment the success and so to get passionate for mathematic reputing it stimulating and enthusiastic. The project team work in each partner school will be coordinated by the Nuova Direzione Didattica in Vasto via e-mail communications and conference calls: in occasion of the seven international meetings, the project team of the six partner schools will be able to compare themselves directly on the best practices used in each country, to work together to define the final versions of the project results and to evaluate the activities quality, the generated effects and, if it will be the case, the solutions to improve the work done. ";"An initial survey involving teachers, parents and students will indicate which are the major difficulties in teaching/learning mathematic and at the same time, initial logical and mathematical competencies for pupils between 8 and 11 year old in the partner schools will be evaluated; analysing the survey results and choosing the best practices in use in each school, the guideless and the games will be formulated and then published in a book with the title Ingenious and Fun Games of Maths and, finally, together with all the project material will be put on the project website ( where all the interested users will be able to take a vision and download copies for free. After a period od application of the guidelines and use of the games, new logical and mathematical competencies will be again evaluated in the same classroom to define the project impact on the students; furthermore, a final survey will evaluate the degree of satisfaction of teachers, parents and pupils regarding the project results and impact. An international championship between the fifth classroom of all the partner schools will be the final project phase and will be renewed every year in the same period to all the partnership schools. This project is destined to modify the scholastic curricula and the didactical methodologies regarding mathematic in the different partners schools and, thanks to the implementation and continuous website updating and to the issue of the book, the project will maintain its effects even after its end confirming its sustainability during the time. Results | Without category | | PROJECT PRESENTATION | 1 MEETING - ITALY CONVENTION MATHEMATICS EDUCATION IN PRIMARY SCHOOL | 1 MEETING - ITALY CONFERENCE MATHEMATICS EDUCATION IN PRIMARY SCHOOL | MATHEMATICS EDUCATION IN PRIMARY SCHOOL | 1 MEETING - ITALY | 1 MEETING - ITALY | 2 MEETING - TURKEY | 2 MEETING - TURKEY | 2 MEETING - TURKEY | 2 MEETING - TURKEY | 3 MEETING - ROMANIA | 3 MEETING - ROMANIA | 3 MEETING - ROMANIA | 3 MEETING - ROMANIA | 3 MEETING - ROMANIA | 3 MEETING - ROMANIA | 4 MEETING - REUNION | 4 MEETING - REUNION | 4 MEETING - REUNION | 4 MEETING - REUNION | 4 MEETING - REUNION | 4 MEETING - REUNION | 4 MEETING - REUNION | 4 MEETING - REUNION | 4 MEETING - REUNION | 5 MEETING - SPAIN | 5 MEETING - SPAIN 21-27/02/2016 | 5 MEETING - SPAIN | 5 MEETING - SPAIN | 5 MEETING - SPAIN | 5 MEETING - SPAIN | 5 MEETING - SPAIN | 6MEETING - POLAND | 6 MEETING - POLAND | 6 MEETING - POLAND | 6 MEETING - POLAND | 6 MEETING - POLAND | 6 MEETING - POLAND | 6 MEETING - POLAND | 6 MEETING - POLAND | 6 MEETING - POLAND | 6 MEETING - POLAND | 7 MEETING - ITALY | 7 MEETING - ITALY | 7 MEETING - ITALY | 7 MEETING - ITALY | 7 MEETING - ITALY | 7 MEETING - ITALY | 7 MEETING - ITALY | 7 MEETING - ITALY 07-10/06/2016 | GUIDELINES FOR EFFECTIVE TEACHING OF MATHEMATICS IN THE PRIMARY SCHOOL | GUIDELINES FOR EFFECTIVE TEACHING OF MATHEMATICS IN THE PRIMARY SCHOOL | TRAINING COURSE | THE CREATIVE BOX | EVALUATION PROJECT | QUESTIONS FOR PROJECT EVALUATION | ABN METHOD | test result | test result | evaluation test | Good pratique | PROJECT PRESENTATION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CHIETI 16-18 April 2015 | INTERVENTION OF THE PROJECT MANAGER PROF.SSA NICOLETTA DEL RE | INTERVENTION BY THE HEADMASTER/ PROJECT MANAGER IN WROCLAW | introductory report of the project manager - turkey | INTRODUCTORY REPORT BY THE PROJECT MANAGER IN BIENVENIDA - SPAIN | PRESENTAZIONE DEL PROGETTO (IN INGLESE) | THE SURVEY RESULTS | E.Te.Mat | VASTO - ITALY" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-IT02-KA201-003537;;;Numbers become Art;"The project 'Numbers become Art' (acronym Be.Art) is an experimentation on flexible and innovative education and the use of ICT. It develops a pedagogical pathway by taking into account a proble...";Pedagogy and didactics, Creativity and culture, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;ISTITUTO OMNICOMPRENSIVO POLOVALBOITE;IT;IT,HU,ES,EE,FR,LT;87.775,00;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;;English;he project 'Numbers become Art' (acronym Be.Art) is an experimentation on flexible and innovative education and the use of ICT. It develops a pedagogical pathway by taking into account a problem common to many educational systems in Europe, and shared by the project partners, concerning the learning/teaching of Maths and other scientific subjects. Starting from the awareness of the difficulties many students have when approaching them, the project wants to offer a different view on how numbers can be dealt with and become matter for creating visual art. It offers an interesting innovative approach to arise confidence and look at maths, biology and natural sciences with different eyes. Additionally, it may ease their learning and teaching by creating a closeness between apparently distant areas of study. The experimentation provides pedagogical instruments and solutions which can be appreciated by teachers and trainers and facilitate their job as it helps provide equal opportunities to those students who present specific difficulties.The transformation of abstract data or tables into a piece of work of visual art can be, for students and teachers, a useful means to overcome resistance and convey motivation and beneficial outcomes as it involves a creative process. Moreover, the use of ICT/Infographics will be enlarged and improved being it the means by which purely theoretical data are transformed into images. In the project's attainment, this will ease the critical assimilation of the value of numbers and digital information. All in all, the 'scientific subjects-visual art' approach wants to consitute a peculiar method of joining creativity and effectiveness based on the experimentation of a didactic practice aiming at building up and testing an innovative pedagogical module which considers the transformation of abstract figures, data and scientific information into a visual product linked to image/visual art.;The project fact files: a crucial point of the project is the joint participation and collaboration of students, teachers/trainers and staff. There will also be the support of external collaborators. the topics will be agreed on by the partners according to an organized thematic schedule in order to create a multi-part final product in the form of Art exhibits. field of study: the TERRITORY. Numbers, data, information, etc. will be extracted from the study of the territory from different standpoints: urban, environmental, historical, biological, naturalistic, architectural, etc. use of ICT: e-learning by means of video conference and webinars. use of ICT: after the selection of data, information, graphs, etc., they will be processed and transformed into visual works. use of ICT: creation of visual art products as a result of the digital process. results: realization of a pedagogical method implemented in the E-book of Good Practices. dissemination: the intellectual outcomes and the products will be disseminated through the media, web and two multiplier events. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-IT02-KA201-003617;;;Tourism for Teenagers;"TOURISM FOR TEENAGERS Ours is a pupil-centred project and it aims at involving students of five different schools, making them aware of the importance of their cultural and historical heritage. W...";Creativity and culture, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education;;Liceo scientifico statale Giuseppe Peano;IT;IT,EL,PL,ES,CZ;160.860,00;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;Ours is a pupil-centred project and it aims at involving students of five different schools, making them aware of the importance of their cultural and historical heritage. We want them to understand that cultural diversity is important but also that different identities have the same value and sometimes a common or similar background. This will be done by encouraging our pupils to become tourist guides to the pupils coming from the other four countries, by letting them select what they consider historically and culturally relevant in the area where they live. It is important not to be too specific about this aspect at this stage, since as this is a pupil-centred project it is fundamental to share the ideas with them without influencing their choices too much. The five participants are secondary schools from Italy, the Czech Republic, Spain, Poland and Greece. Each school has some specific experience in the world of partnerships and exchanges, and they all belong to countries that have had serious economic problems in recent years. Each school will also invite local authorities to participate in the project, considering the fact that they might be interested in the development of tourism in their areas. The partnership will begin in each school where the pupils will be asked to recognize and analyse the historical and cultural aspects of their own country and specifically of their local area. At this step, with the support of their teachers, they will also get into contact with local authorities which are in charge of tourism and culture. At the same time they will be also asked to write down what they expect they will find in the other countries. During this first phase, teachers will also select the students who seem to be more active in the project and make them leaders of the group. A short, introductory meeting will be organized between teachers to focus on the details of the project itself and discuss possible difficulties.;"The activities during the project will be divided as follows: 1) Local activities: in each school the programme of the visits to the local cultural/historical/natural sites will be prepared by students under the supervision of the teachers; local authorities will also be involved. The programmes will also include presentations, short movies, leaflets, games, sports activities and any other thing that the students may envisage, considering that the target of the project is teenagers like them. | 2) Transnational meetings among partner schools: each meeting will be attended by some accompanying teachers and selected pupils. Here the local students will guide the others to the local cultural/historical sites and will present all the material which they have previously prepared. During the meetings the data gathered at the beginning of the project will be compared and this will help students understand the similarities and differences between their culture and the one they are visiting, and also the differences between what they expected to find (which is often altered by prejudices) and reality. 3) Language and ICT lessons will be held in each nation. Some of the language lessons will be held during short term exchanges of students in Spain, Greece and Italy and the ICT lessons in Poland and Czech Rep. 4) During the whole project teachers, students and local authorities will keep in touch by e-mails, social networks and e-twinning. All the materials produced during the project period will be published on the project website, and all activities will be strictly time defined so that partners complete anything to which they have committed themselves on time. 5) The project will be monitored constantly through questionnaires in order to see if it might be necessary to adjust it in the course of events. The evaluation of the final product will be obtained through satisfaction questionnaires, tests and comments from all the subjects involved in the dissemination of the results (parents, local authorities, other schools). The comparison of similarities and differences will make the cultural connection between nations clear to the pupils and more in general to everybody involved in the project. The recognition of surviving cultural diversity in a common framework will be the leading idea of this project. This process will involve reflecting on how we interact at a social level, and how this process brings a wealth of stimulating ideas. | The ultimate aims of the partnership are: 1) to create a final product which might be useful to other schools and groups of young people in different European countries, so that they might decide to continue it by adding new materials helping it to become a lifelong learning project; 2) to allow our pupils to come into contact with the working environment of the world of tourism and entertainment, which might help them get some specific skills required by the labour market. Results | Without category | | Young Tourist Guidebook | Young Tourist Guidebook - Italian version | Young Tourist Guidebook - Greek version | Young Tourist Guidebook - Galician version | Young Tourist Guidebook - Czech version | Young Tourist Guidebook - Polish version | Interactive Map | Multilingual Conversational Guide | Audio Multilingual Guide | Poster - Project activities II (Spanish team) | Leaflet - Meeting in Italy | Language Lessons - Italian | Language Lessons - Greek | ICT Lessons | E-Book - Meeting in Spain | E-Book - Meeting in Greece | E-Book - Meeting in Poland | Padlet - How has the project changed my life? | Padlet - What have I learnt from this project? | Padlet - What have I learnt in partners' native languages? | Final evaluation - Students' expectations | Final evaluation - Satisfaction questionnaire | Final evaluation - Online quiz | Sports activitiy - Hiking in Spain | Cultural activity - Music in Spain | Cultural activity - Historical visit in Kalamata (Greece) | Cultural activity - Ancient Greek theatre | Cultural activity - Greek traditional dances | Sports and cultural activity - Visit to ancient Olympia | Cultural activity - Visit to the Muzeum Wsi Radomskiej | Cultural activity - Visit to the Memorial of Vojna | Cultural activity - Visit to Pribram Mining Museum | Cultural activity - Visit to Eur in Rome | Sports activity - Bicyle trip and orienteering race in Rome | Evaluation and diffusion - The meanong of Erasmus+ | Diffusion - Final conference in Rome | Diffusion - Official FaceBook page | Diffusion - Tourist Guidebook presentation in Spain (1) | Diffusion - Tourist Guidebook presentation in Spain (2) | Awards - eTwinning Quality Label Italy | Awards - eTwinning Quality Label Greece | Awards - eTwinning Quality Label Poland | Awards - eTwinning Quality Label Spain | Awards - eTwinning Quality Label Czech Republic | TwinSpace | Project final time link" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-IT02-KA201-003651;;;Mutual Open and Online Skills ;The MOOS (Mutual Open and Online Skills) project has seen the ideation, implementation and experimentation of a transnational, digital, educational platform and related instruments (Open Educatio...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Open and distance learning;;"Liceo scientifico statale ""Galileo Galilei"" - Pescara";IT;IT,UK,DE,SE,PL,FI,ES;315.940,00;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;;English;"The MOOS (Mutual Open and Online Skills) project has seen the ideation, implementation and experimentation of a transnational, digital, educational platform and related instruments (Open Education Resources - OER) based on principles of Open Education applied to High School. The project title MOOS is inspired to MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) and to MOOS (MOOS are a text-based online virtual reality system to which multiple users are connected at the same time). OPEN EDUCATION is one of the greatest challenges for future of learning in fact the European Commission approved a communication based on Opening up Education in September 2013 (COM(2013) 654). The Communication sets out a European agenda for stimulating high-quality, innovative ways of learning and teaching through new technologies and digital content. Opening up education' proposes actions towards more open learning environments to deliver education of higher quality and efficacy and thus contributing to the Europe 2020 goals. MOOS project has aimed the approach of the Open Education in European high school and to student inclusion policies by applying the methodology of OER (Open Educational Resources) in the creation, sharing, implementation, and evaluation of digital learning curriculum, through the experimentation of a new generation Web 2.0 and 3.0 for learning innovation. The MOOS objectives have been the following: to improve the use of ICT and the Open Educational Resources in the Curriculum of each high school to stimulate different and new ways of learning; to implement new models and instruments for digital transnational classroom with common Curriculum in some disciplines/courses and the development of digital lessons and educational resources in collaboration with students; to foster the attainment in basic skills and the learning of key competences with digital tools in common (e.g., CLIL methodology) and in different languages (multilingualism); to extend the accessibility of high school courses, especially for disadvantaged students (all courses will be open and on line), as factors to prevent and to reduce early school leaving or as a compensation instrument; to enhance the quality of teaching with the strengthening of teacher competences in the use of OER (specific training for teachers involved in the project) and the change-and-challenge-based profile of new teachers ( the teacher as a tutor and as a mediator).";"The activities carried out : 4 transnationl meetings to coordinate the project implementation phases, 5 learning activities for teachers and pupils, 4 activities linked to intellectual outoput (Digital platform for Open Education, Common european digital curriculum, Digital lessons and OER, Paper on Open Education in High School), multiplier events (7 e-Practice National Workshops, 1 European Workshop, a European Final Conference). Innovative forms of pedagogical practice of MOOS encourage learner-centred approaches, group work and participative learning promoting inquiry-based learning, learning-by-doing, problem solving and creativity. Existing and emerging technologies increasingly allow teachers to create pedagogically effective learning activities. The innovativeness of MOOS practices have emergedthanks to teachers' use OER in their efforts to organize newer forms of open-ended, collaborative, and extended learning activities. Results obtained are based on outputs of the activity provided by participants, partners and other stakeholders involved in the dissemination activities: Open educational digital platform, European digital common curriculum, Disciplinary digital courses, Open transnational creative classroom, Training course model for digital teaching. The impact of MOOS has contributed: to create a wide internet learning space based on the interoperability of Open Education Resources between schools, public Authorities and other educational agencies; to empower the capacity of participant schools to work jointly to identify the emerging educational needs and develop innovative solutions to prevent dropout ; to carry out an open education experimentation on a Web 2.0 and a real digital learning service to facilitate the participation and motivation of students at risk.The long term benefits are that new European schools will be engaged to the Open Online Platform , new courses will be uploaded and free for all students and stakeholders. Results | Website | | | Without category | | A Common Digital European Curriculum - Guidelines -Outcome. | DOCUMENT ON OPEN EDUCATION - Outcome | MOOS digital platform -Output | OPERATIONAL PLAN - Outcome" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-IT02-KA201-003985;;;School&Work;"Context European educational systems are facing a common issue: the persistent high rate of youngsters leaving school before having achieved a certification that helps them to be competitive on t...";Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills;;CIPAT;IT;IT,BE,ES,RO,LT,FR;281.618,00;Yes;Yes;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;Context | European educational systems are facing a common issue: the persistent high rate of youngsters leaving school before having achieved a certification that helps them to be competitive on the labor market. Study and job orientation counseling service provided by school counsellors and teachers can play an important role in motivating students to complete their education. | | Objectives | The School&Work project aims at the prevention of early school leaving by creating a synergy between schools and the world of work. The aim is to involve the labour market in supporting students motivation to stay at school and fostering their entrepreneurial spirit. | | Participating organisations | The School&Work project involved: | 7 contractual partners including training agencies, schools, universities, school consortium and associations | 37 schools (mainly vocational) | More than 100 teachers of all subjects | Around 40 school counsellors | Around 4.000 students including 1.300 with fewer opportunities | 41 associated partners including associations, education centers, business associations, public authorities, universities | | Activities and Results | The projects main activities and related results and impact are: | | Activity 1) Creation of the Transnational network of schools | The project partners involved as its target groups 37 schools, 103 teachers, 37 counsellors, 3.754 students (including 1.295 students with fewer opportunities). | The target groups, teachers, counsellors and students, were directly involved in the carrying out of the project activities. The School & Work project had a relevant impact on the needs as it produced tools and methodologies to prevent early school leaving and motivate students to study and not abandon school, through personalised guidance and job orientation services. | | Activity 2) Production of the Toolkit Identification of Students Potential | The project partners developed a toolkit addressed to teachers and counsellors focusing on understanding students aptitudes and skills. | The toolkit is structured in 3 areas: | - Unveil students potential: giving access to 33 reviewed tests to be used by teachers and counsellors with students to identify their aptitudes. | - Skills assessment: giving access to 32 reviews of tests to be used by teachers and counsellors with students to assess their skills. | - Interactive wizard tests: giving access to 13 interactive tests aiming at supporting teachers and counsellors during the orientation of the students | | Activity 3) Job market analysis | The project partners carried out a comparative analysis of the job market in order to provide schools with a better understanding of the needs of the enterprises. | This activity resulted in 3 different tools: | - European Job Profiles: describing the 10 most requested job profiles in each partner country | - Necessary skills: providing an online tool for students to identify which job profiles are potentially more suitable for them, depending on their knowledge, skills and competencies. | - Entrepreneurial spirit: giving access to a collection of 29 online courses and 23 reviews of crowdfunding platforms aiming at enhancing the entrepreneurial spirit of the students | | Activity 4) Development of Video Gallery of Testimonials | The project partners cooperatively developed a video gallery organised in 3 sections: | - Interviews with successful entrepreneurs | - Interviews with successful employees | - Interviews with successful people | The collection of videos underlines, through the interviews, the importance of completing education for being successful in the labour market. | | Activity 5) E-learning Package | The project partners jointly developed an e-learning package supporting teachers in dealing with students at risk of early school leaving. The modules contain articles, surveys, video interviews, lectures, career development plans, best practices for teachers and counsellors, psychologists and other specialists. The Training section is organised in six modules: | - Understanding Pupils | - Capitalise on pupils interests and skills | - World of work | - Innovative Entrepreneurial Experiences at School | - Mobility to Learn and Work | - Guidance, Counselling and Support Services | | Activity 6) School&Work portal | Project partners cooperated to develop the project portal (, where all the products produced are available for the target groups. The project portal contains also a Project Management section which is entirely devoted to support the partners during the project implementation.;Impact | As far as the impact of the project is concerned, the School & Work project provided: | - The students with personalised guidance, job orientation services, relevant testimonials to motivate them to continue their education | - The teachers and counsellors with an e-learning package, tests for identifying their students potential as well as transnational networking opportunity. | Results | Website | | | Without category | | Database of Aptitude Test | Database of Skills Tests | Interactive Wizard Tests | European Job Profiles | Skills Search Engine | Entrepreneurship | Collection of videos of successful entrepreneurs | Collection of videos of successful employees | Collection of videos of successful people | E-learning package | Project Portal Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2014;2014-1-LI01-KA203-000025;;;CRAFTING THE FACADE: Reuse, Reinvent, Reactivate;" The strategic partnership CRAFTING THE FACADE: Reuse, Reinvent, Reactivate"" is directed and coordinated by the University of Liechtenstein, Prof. Urs Meister and DI Carmen Rist-Stadelmann. Th...";Creativity and culture, Energy and resources, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;UNIVERSITAT LIECHTENSTEIN;LI;LI,NL,UK;338.949,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;not available;English;"The aim of the partnership is to establish an intensive cultural and social exchange between the participating students and teachers of the three partner Universities, the Academie van Bouwkunst in Amsterdam, the Mackintosh School of Architecture in Glasgow, and the University of Liechtenstein, concerning the subject of building envelopes and the concerned architectural traditions. The project CRAFTING THE FACADE: Reuse, Reinvent, Reactivate"" fosters an interdisciplinary approach that enriches the focus on architectonic and constructive notions with cultural, social and economic issues that promote the discussion on structural and material aspects within the European building tradition. With the definition of three terms reuse, reinvent and reactivate, a clear emphasis is placed on the existing and future building culture. Reuse analyses existing constructions, components and building materials. Reactivate is concerned with traditions in craftsmanship and technical aspects. With reinvent, we learn from existing buildings and try to take advantage for the future. Against the background of the climate change and the current need for resource efficient building, these fields of research allow defining the design of building envelopes in an innovative way and to meet the targets of the strategy 2020 of the European Commission. The programme consists of three parts: education, research and results. In the participating Universities, existing teaching modules are combined with new elements that create a whole new environment. In education, design studio are supplemented with the joint workshop that is dedicated to prototyping in scale 1:1. In research, a parallel topic is explored and documentet on the interactive e-learning platform. During the whole project, results of the design studios, workshops and excursions are linked in an annual symposium and gathered in a series of publications. This allows to call attention internationally towards our building culture which is of utmost importance in teaching architecture, for the building industry as well as in politics.";The program is open to twelve Bachelor- or Master students per Partner University per year. Knowledge of the general background, a thematic focus on the content in the previous studies, the amount of study semesters, language skills as well as the attendance of the design studios and courses in the respective University are requirements for the participation in the programme. All products resulting from the design studios, research activities, workshops, excursions and symposia are gathered in a series of three annual publications and documented on the e-learning tool. These sources serve as a unique library of knowledge for a general public as well as students, teachers and professionals in the realm of architecture. This will enrich the professional discourse about facades and the importance of the building envelope in a technical, cultural and social context and therefore be of enormous interest for the development of the building culture within the European community. | Results | Without category | | 01_A_GLA_Project_Briefs.pdf | 01_B_GLA_Workshop_Brief.pdf | 02_B_AMS_Workshop_Brief | 02_D_AMS_Workshop_Drawings | 03_A_LI_Project_Briefs | 03_B_LI_Workshop_Brief | 03_F_LI_Exhibition | 05_Final_Workshop | 06_Final_Symposium | 07_Publication | 08_Homepage Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-LT01-KA104-000346;;;Darbuotoj_ kvalifikacijos tobulinimas turizmo inovacij_ srityje;"One of the main aim of Public Enterprise "Education, Research & Consultancy Center" (ERCC) is to propagate Lithuanian culture and traditions, spread information about social and econ...";Creativity and culture, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;"Viesoji istaiga ""Svietimo, tyrimu ir konsultaciju centras""";LT;LT,IT,BG;15.130,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Adult education;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"One of the main aim of Public Enterprise "Education, Research & Consultancy Center" (ERCC) is to propagate Lithuanian culture and traditions, spread information about social and economic life of our country, history of Lithuania Minor and Lithuania as well as business environment and generally increase knowledge about Lithuania, to contribute to civil society creation in our country. By striving this aim ERCC organizes internships in Klaipeda for NGOs, educational institutions and youth, business meetings for enterprises, provides guided tours in Western Lithuania in English, Russian and Lithuanian languages. Another direction of ERCC work is providing psychological courses, including youth and adults with psychiatric disorders. But ERCC staff feels the lack of skills to advertise properly their provided services of training, guided tours, events, lessons for society. Additionally, ERCC employees need fresh knowledge about new trends and innovations in the field of tourism in Europe, they have to visit and experience best practice examples of sustainable and cultural tourism in other countries. The mentioned skills and knowledge is necessary to improve educational services for Lithuanian society and tourists, collaborate more effectively with business companies, local authorities, higher education institutions, run projects and conduct research. | In order to give for adults qualitative educational courses, it's not enough to equip them only with the newest material, the courses provided have to be attractive from the point of view of teaching methods. Creative teaching methods are usable in the learning of persons with psychiatric disorders, educational programmes for tourists and trainees came to ERCC for work placements. | The aim of project - to provide ERCC staff with fresh knowledge in their occupational field, get acquainted with innovative teaching methods of adults, strive ERCC staff would become creative team, able to work in multicultural environment, effectively communicate and collaborate with stakeholders - academic community, local authorities, business and non-governmental sectors. | The interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral approaches are in the core of ERCC work. Six members of ERCC staff , an experts from different fields - political sciences, psychology, German language philology, pedagogy, management - will participate in project's mobility activities. The staff provides training services, conducts research, manages international projects and organizes placements in our region. | There are foreseen 4 short-term mobilities in the project. ERCC staff will improve its competences in the following institutions: | 1. Job-shadowing in Association "EUni Partners" (Bulgaria). | 2. Job-shadowing in Association "SubMeet" (Italy). | 3. The course "Innovative Tourism" in organization "European Development Agency (EUDA)" (Czech Republic). | 4. The course "Artistic and creative methods in the field of adult education" in organization HochVier - Gesellschaft fr politische und interkulturelle Bildung e. V. (Germany). | By participating in project the staff will improve the following skills: employees will complement their teaching process with creative methods; be able more attractive to held guided tours and lessons; compose and promote new cultural touristic routes; organize placements and international events; work in multicultural, interdisciplinary team and environment; communicate and collaborate with stakeholders (especial local authorities), participate in debates, communicate effectively and etc.";"During the project ERCC staff will gain new knowledge in tourism innovation, cultural tourism and European adult education systems' (particularly Czech Republic, Germany, Italy and Bulgaria) fields. | The project will have impact on participants' motivation, creativeness, will foster self-education and professional perfection. The staff will improve their specific professional skills: teaching, researching, how to conduct self-analysis and self-reflection of learners, project management, tourism innovation, team-work and other; key-competences: foreign language, intercultural communication, information analysis and other. Also the project will influence the activities of ERCC: more motivated and with improved skills employees; more intensive communication with stakeholders; society is more aware about ERCC work; increased variety of ERCC services; more ideas for future projects. | The target group of applicant organization will receive more qualitative trainings, guided tours and lessons." Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2014;2014-1-LT01-KA204-000617;;;Choose a job not a dole;The Project offers innovative ICT-based solutions to foster integration of people with disadvantaged background and fewer opportunities into the labour market by 1) upgrading their low soft skills...;Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Access for disadvantaged, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;SOCIALINIU INOVACIJU FONDAS;LT;LT,ES,UK,IT,LV;280.373,00;Yes;No;Non-governmental organisation/association/social enterprise;ONG;;;English;"The objectives are: to contribute to a reduction of number of low-skilled adults by re-skilling and up-skilling their soft skills; to facilitate access for learners to employment-related training by offering exercises based on Open Educational Resources (OERs); to increase motivation of people with disadvantaged background and fewer opportunities to learn by providing information on validation of non-formal and informal learning; to strengthen the capacities of AE organisations active in employment-related training to offer high quality ICT-based training tailored for individual learners with disadvantaged background and fewer opportunities; to enhance the professional development of AE staff by introducing new innovative educational methods: reversed training, Open Educational Resources (OERs), blended-learning approach with new role of trainer as facilitator, and to increase the adaptability of employment-related learning to the nowadays labour markets needs by reinforcing social partnership between AE organisations, labour exchange offices and world of work (enterprises). Two main intellectual outputs have been developed for two main projects target groups: people with disadvantaged background and fewer opportunities - Innovative model for integration into labour market (IMILM) model; AE organisations and their staff AE organisation modernisation model (AEOM model) to ensure the effective implementation of the new educational methods and tools proposed within the IMILM model.";"The IMILM model is implemented as online non-formal Job-YES Training Course, which is addressed to people who want to increase their soft skills related to employability and consists of four interconnected learning tools a Self-Need Analysis, a Knowledge Portfolio, Exercises based on Open Educational Resources, and an Action Plan. The website part for Learners provides them with open access to these learning tools, which are easy to use and learner-friendly. The Learners Guide on how to proceed with the training course is also developed. The non-formal Job-Yes Training Course is available as an open educational recourse in five languages of partnership: English, Lithuanian, Latvian, Spanish, and Italian. The AEOM model is a supplementary intellectual output designed to strengthen the capacities of AE organisations to apply the innovative IMILM model effectively in their daily work. The methodology of AEOM model is based on applying reversed training, Open Educational Resources (OERs), new role of a trainer as facilitator to ensure the learners participatory approach. This output consists of interrelated methodological materials: e-Guidebook for AE organisations; Collection of good practices with learners success stories; Framework for social partnership between AE organisations, Labour Exchange Offices and Employers organisations. The AEOM model is openly accessible at the Adult Educator part of the website Consortium was composed of 7 organisations from 5 EU countries (ES, IT, LT, LV, UK). All partners have high level of competencies in developing and applying different ICT-based educational methods within adult education activities. | The main impact on learners with disadvantaged background and fewer opportunities is upgrading their soft skills coherent with employment-related key competences with the longer-term benefit: fostering their integration into the nowadays labour market. Thus, the expected impact of the project after its lifetime is the reduction in number of low-skilled adults by increasing the level of their soft skills and increased employment rate of people with disadvantaged background and fewer opportunities. | Results | Website | | | Without category | | Website of the project JOB-YES | The Innovative Model for Integration into Labour Market (IMILM) | Report on analysis of competences needed for people with disadvantaged backgrounds and fewer opportunities for their successful integration into labour market | The Adult Education (AE) Organisation Modernisation (AEOM) model | The State of Art Review" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2014;2014-1-LV01-KA202-000487;;;Strat__isk_ partner_ba ang_u valodas m_c_bu l_dzek_a izstr_d_ robe_sargiem (Strategic partnership for the development of English language training tool for border guards);According to the European Parliament and of the Council Regulation No 562/2006 Article 15 Member States shall encourage border guards to learn languages, in particular those necessary for carrying...;Open and distance learning, Home and justice affairs (human rights & rule of law), Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;State Border Guard College;LV;LV,LT,EE,PL;123.925,00;Yes;No;Other;Otros;;not available;English;"According to the European Parliament and of the Council Regulation No 562/2006 Article 15 Member States shall encourage border guards to learn languages, in particular those necessary for carrying-out their tasks. In the context of this regulation the border guards (border police officers), who work at road border crossing points on the EU's external borders have no published and available training tools to learn and develop specialized English and Russian language terminology skills. To improve the situation in this partnership project it is planned to develop an interactive learning tool for the acquisition and development of specialized English and Russian terminology for border guards in order to ensure efficient EU external borders security within better communication with border crossing persons. E- learning tool shall include border security related terminology - the terms and phrases in English and Russian with respective translations into partners national languages, audio tracks for proper pronunciation in English and Russian languages, authentic audio and video recordings, which will be filmed at the crossing points of direct relevance to the daily issues while communicating with border crossing persons. While using this tool border guards will be able to do electronic training and assessment tasks, receive immediate feedback to adjust the learning pathways and to determine their level of knowledge of foreign languages. In order to standardize the use a common terminology within the project a joint dictionary of border related terminology shall be developed. Training topics included in the tool shall not only contribute to the learning of foreign languages, but within the context of specific topics, such as "" Vehicle examination "", "" Visas"", ""Interviewing "", and other topics closely related with the EU's external borders control shall eventually facilitate cooperation with foreign partners in detection and prevention of trafficking in human beings, illegal migration, smuggling, stolen vehicles detection, issues with refugees and asylum seekers.";"The project involves participation of 12 leading experts from border guards educational institutions in partner countries with vast experience in teaching foreign languages, development of modern electronic training tools and experience in planning and implementation of international projects. The project will also involve highly experienced border guards with experience in border checks at road border crossing points. In order to successfully implement the project and develop the training tool six international meetings with the intention to coordinate and work out the components of the tool are going to be implemented. | | The development of training tool shall include the following steps: | | 1. To define the content of the tool according to national, EU and international practice, legislation and training needs; | | 2. To develop technical platform, modular design and integration of information; | | 3. To identify, analyze, sort and edit specialized English and Russian terminology, record pronunciation in English and Russian; | | 4. To develop and record audio and video scenarios; | | 5. To develop topic assessment exercises; | | 6. To develop user guidelines and summaries for topics; | | 7. To develop specialized dictionary. | | | | The outputs of the project will be disseminated by implementation of, seminars, roadshows at border guards workplaces, training of trainers at the national and international levels. Information on the tool will be distributed to other EU border guard (border police) educational institutions with which the project countries have long-term cooperation hence providing them with the Internet link or DVD. Information shall be forwarder to FRONTEX Agency Training unit, thus ensuring the dissemination of the results in the EU scale. Information about the availability of the training tool will be posted on the websites of the participating countries. | | Education institutions will be able to use this tool to develop border guards (border police),specialized English and Russian terminology, to assess their knowledge e.g. before deployment to international missions, as well as to develop e-learning courses on the basis of the tool. Without category | | English language training tool for border guards | Dictionary of English and Russian terminology for border guards | Teachers' book for teaching road BCP related English terminology | Results | Without category | | English language training tool for border guards | Dictionary of English and Russian terminology for border guards | Teachers' book for teaching road BCP related English terminology | Project logo | Coordinator | State Border Guard College | Zavoloko 8 | LV-4601 | R_zekne | Latgale | | Organisation type: Other | Partners | Valstybes sienos apsaugos tarnybos prie Lietuvos Respublikos vidaus reikalu ministerijos Pasienieciu mokykla | SISEKAITSEAKADEEMIA | Warminsko - Mazurski Oddzial Strazy Granicznej imienia gen. bryg. Stefana Paslawskiego" Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-MT01-KA101-000028;;;Tap-Swipe-Pinch: iPad, Android, and Windows tablets changing the way to learn and teach ;During this project, the eLearning Department within the Ministry of Education was conducting a pilot study on the use of tablets in education. Knowledge and expertise about the usability and acce...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Pedagogy and didactics, Open and distance learning;;Gozo College - Education Office;MT;MT,FI;3.390,00;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"During this project, the eLearning Department within the Ministry of Education was conducting a pilot study on the use of tablets in education. Knowledge and expertise about the usability and accessibility of tablets for teaching and learning was lacking. | Our college benefited from having qualified staff that can: | create standing structures and models for innovation for digital transformation (the use of tablets in education); | accommodate the importance of technology (the use of tablets) in education and how this affects teaching and learning; | introduce teachers and ICT technicians into the concepts and tools important for the use of tablets in education; | know the theory and practices concerning new opportunities for teaching and learning through using tablet computers; | synchronise tablets and PCs to create, present, engage and access students in active learning; | use basic media production skills using different apps (text, photo, pdf, audio, screen); | produce a video inquiry, and know the elements of creating quality short video productions; | share and publish videos content online - privacy, ownership and safety discussion. | | The Gozo college acknowledges the benefits of the use of tablets in education and how this affects teaching and learning. The participants learned the theory and practices concerning new opportunities for teaching and a range of free apps covering different content and activities to support learning, communication and self-assessment (digital photography, video, audio usability, presentation apps, assessment, evaluation, gamefication, etc.) They also identified and reviewed practical tablet applications for educators, news and media applications useful for educators and their students (creating text, video clips, podcasts, presentations, screencasting, images, pdf files, mindmaps, etc.)";The participants are regularly involved in staff professional development training in our college through in-service training courses and Professional Development sessions. They also meet regularly with their colleagues who work in the other colleges in Malta and thus they would be able to disseminate the information gained from this course with their Maltese colleagues. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-MT01-KA101-000029;;;"""Tap - Swipe - Pinch"" - iPad, Android and Windows tablets changing the ways to learn and teach IMPROVING DIGITAL LITERACY IN OUR SCHOOL";"Tap-Swipe-Pinch : This course was about the use of tablets in the classroom and new pedagogy which helps to take full advantage of these new learning tools. Mr. Scerri (who attended the course...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, International cooperation, international relations ...;;Gozo College Girls' Secondary School;MT;MT;4.065,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;Tap-Swipe-Pinch : | | This course was about the use of tablets in the classroom and new pedagogy which helps to take full advantage of these new learning tools. Mr. Scerri (who attended the course) is the Head of Department of ICT and therefore he is now in a better position to understand and help implement this new pedagogy once the tablets are introduced in secondary schools. Although this may take some time, he already started meeting teachers to illustrate ways of using existing technology available in school and which the students may already have such as smart phones to help in making lessons more interesting and to enhance the learning and teaching. | | Mr. Scerri even managed to make contact with a number of prospective partners from other participants of the same course, that could lead to a future Erasmus+ K2 project between schools. In fact the school is already in contact with a school from Denmark and are planning an e-twinning project together.;IMPROVING DIGITAL LITERACY IN OUR SCHOOL | This course was about how to improve digital skills in the classroom. Mr Xerri who attended the course is an SMT member and now he is in a much better position to give advice to other teachers and to encourage them to use new applications he learned and also to help them to apply for more Erasmus + courses. In fact Mr Xerri has already organised a PD session for the staff and explained in detail the advantages of such a course for all stakeholders. Mr Xerri was also in contact with a school in Belgium with one of his colleagues Ms Delfosse to continue to improve the new applications learned and hopefully start an e Twinning project with her school. It is envisaged that the name of the project would be Music in Belgium and Malta. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2014;2014-1-MT01-KA202-000539;;;Intergenerational Learning Partnership Over 55 ;"Context The Lisbon Strategy of March 2000, takes note of the relationship between demographic factors, employment and economic growth in the European countries. The ageing population in Europe is...";Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal), Recognition, transparency ...;;MALTA COLLEGE OF ARTS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY;MT;MT,IT,RO,NL,SK,ES;445.004,00;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The Lisbon Strategy of March 2000, takes note of the relationship between demographic factors, employment and economic growth in the European countries. The ageing population in Europe is associated with profound structural changes in the economy and labor market. To overcome the unemployment crisis, begun in the early 80's, many European countries have used early retirement as a tool that has brought hundreds of thousands of workers over 55 at the exit from the labour market. In particular, the European banking sector was heavily affected by these processes, starting from the mid 90's. To improve the employability of the over 55 workers, the focus should be both on promoting training measures for older unemployed and employed individuals, directly linked to specific jobs. | | Project aim and objectives | The aim of this project was to create an Intergenerational Learning Partnership - ILPO55 (involving education & training providers, employers and employees) that will support the employability and will reduce the skills mismatch of the over 55 employees from the Financial Services Sector (FSS), and also new/existing employees. The project set-up the ILPO55 Reference Framework which addresses the over 55 individual needs with a 360 perspective: | a. analyse education & training and work experiences; | b. assess individual competencies (knowledge, skills and competencies); | c. identify personal and professional objectives (e.g. Professional Consultant); | d. support over 55 individuals in planning their future career/work experiences; give advice regarding the existing opportunities for e. validation of competencies and recognition of prior learning; | f. provide support for further education and training of the over 55 individuals (based on the training needs identified in relation to the personal and professional career development objectives). | | Moreover, the project aspired at creating two professional qualifications (Adult Trainer and Social Responsibility Facilitator) and training programmes that can be valorised by the over 55 both within the FSS and in other business sectors). | | Partnership | The project brought together 10 partners from 6 European countries, forming a transnational cooperation partnership with a balanced regional geographical representation of the Erasmus+ area and with qualitative representation for Malta. Moreover, the project was highly supported by the European Banking Federation. | | Methodological approach and key outputs | Since the initial phases of the project partners defined the concrete methodological strategies and approaches for managing the evaluation process during the lifetime of the project. The consortium designed and launched the project official website. Then, Partners identified existing needs and gaps in the field of age management and intergenerational cooperation and collected and analysed examples of good practices in the field. The next step was to define the Courses curricula for the two ILPO55 Qualifications (Adult Trainer and Social Responsibility Facilitator). Partners developed the ILPO55 Reference Framework, for developing methods and tools for competence evaluation and designing methodologies for supporting the professional development. The results were piloted and validated during the project piloting phase and were made available online, on the website. These results were also included in the final publication of the Project and will be further exploited with open licence.";Impact and long term benefits | The project results were and will continue to be disseminated in the Partner countries (Malta, Italy, The Netherlands, Spain and Romania). In addition, Partners also advertised them at international level, valorizing Partners' Networks and collaborations. In the beginning of the project Partners agreed on the dissemination and exploitation concrete plan. This will include definitions, information and guidelines about. The main key project result were made available to the public through the project website and also using Partners' websites and communications channels (Magazines, Newsletters, learning ICT eco-systems). | Moreover, the Reference Framework, the two Qualifications, the description of course curricula, assessment procedure and training programmes were also included in the Final Project Publication that was distributed through ICT channels and in the final conference to the most relevant national and European stakeholders. | The goal for the partnership was to be able to use the materials within their own activities and to promote its usage within their networks (at national and European level). Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-NL01-KA101-000084;;;Scholing docenten TTO team ;The goals of the project concerning this grant application are to develop the bilingual department at the St. Nicolaaslyceum as well as support the development of the bilingual team (30 persons) r...;Pedagogy and didactics, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;St. Nicolaaslyceum;NL;NL;54.450,00;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The goals of the project concerning this grant application are to develop the bilingual department at the St. Nicolaaslyceum as well as support the development of the bilingual team (30 persons) regarding speech, listen and writing skills in English and CLIL-skills. Also, activities on internationalisation will be improved and extended by e.g. e-mail projects, and the development of the EIO-programme thereby meeting the CFER requirements. Furthermore, the departments of modern languages French, German and Spanish will cooperate with the bilingual department through involvement in EIO-programme, development of CLIL-skills and implementation of doeltaal=voertaal principle. | | All participants are a member of the bilingual team and have been selected on a motivational basis. All teachers are certified either as eerste graads or as tweede graads. All participants will have their CLIL-certificate by the start of the grant period. Ten subjects will be taught in English and in most cases two teachers have been trained per subject so they act as each others buddies. | | The following activities and results are part of this educational project: | | 1) Intense course of the English language in order to meet the level of the Cambridge Advance Exam | | (speech, listening, writing), which will be completed with the CAE diploma by the end of December | | 2014; | | 2) The development of knowledge, skills and material at such a level that CLIL-skills could be shaped, | | which will be completed with a CLIL-certificate; | | 3) The development of knowledge, skills and material at such a level that the EIO-programme could | | be shaped, which will be completed with a CLIL-certificate; | | 4) Encouraging the development of a professional and pro-active attitude towards learning of the | | participants, thereby contributing to the bilingual team build. | | Furthermore, the points described above are part of the teachers trip Hilderstone (2014, including a certificate) and the teachers trip Cumbria-CLIL (2015, including certificate) which are both organised in the UK.";Expected results are the improvement of the teachers level of English (CAE level) and the teachers abilities to support the pupils individual educational needs. Besides, the CLIL didactics will be improved too. The improvement of English as well as the CLIL-skills will contribute to the professionalization of the bilingual department which will be envisioned by the personal development plan and a positive assessment by the supervisors. The activities carried out will also contribute to the PR-activities, for example reaching future pupils. Also, the experience acquired will be shard through good practices inside and outside school as well as in our Zuidas network. Furthermore, these activities will enhance the process of becoming a TTO-junior school. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-NL01-KA101-000355;;;Docentenmobiliteit Gymnasium Socrates;"Teacher training project in France - Institute: CAVILAM in Vichy - Name of training: Stages intensifs pour professeurs de franais langue trangre : Methodology of teach...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Pedagogy and didactics;;Gymnasium Socrates;NL;NL;7.955,00;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;Teacher training project in France | | - Institute: CAVILAM in Vichy | | - Name of training: Stages intensifs pour professeurs de franais langue trangre : Methodology of teaching French: From daily use to innovation | | - Goals: updating knowledge of country and people, picking up new ideas and exchanging concrete and practical ideas for regular teaching and picking up new ideas about classmanagement when catering for different levels Sessions are aimed at innovative teaching through modern means (smartboard, pedagogical websites, etc.) | | - Set up: 31 hours of teacher training about the themes described above, at the CAVILAM | | - Results: More knowledge of country and people, improved language skills, more pedagogical knowledge, more knowledge about using different ways to differentiate when teaching and when working on internationalisation, more knowledge about useful ways of implementing technology. | | - Long term effect: a department of French where people may profit from this knowledge. Improved level of teaching. | | | | Teacher training for history teacher in Finland: | | - Institute: Euneos in Helsinki | | - Name of training: Best Practice Benchmarking | | - Goals: Gaining more knowledge about implementing ICT related didactical improvements, aimed especially at underachieving gifted students. Be inspired and exchange experiences with colleagues | | in order to create awareness among colleagues in our own school : how to use new ways of stimulating gifted students without leaving the weaker students behind. | | - Set up: in this course the school shall determine how to use ICT and how to deal with differences in student ability. Schools that are more experienced in that and that obtain good PISA results (Finland) will be visited, best practices will be shared, also by course participants from different schools.;"Results: A better overview of how to use ICT means to stimulate excellence in students, without neglecting weaker students. - Long term effect: A good and useful ICT policy that caters to differences in students. - Smile in Sweden (Stockholm) - Name of training: SMILE : Schools Museums Internet Learning Education and is held in different places. SMILE provides educational institutions with a resource that enables them to investigate Europe and what it means to be a European through visits to museums. More specifically it is concerned with enabling learners to explore a number of aspects of their identities and to compare the various identities expressed by other Europeans. The method has become a flexible way of addressing issues about identity through museums and cultural heritage. Museums and the built environment are used as a source for looking at identity and citizenship issues. - Goals: Understanding museums as complex and multi-layered, linear, ordered or random collections of artefacts, images, sounds and words en to bring these knowledge into the classroom Using eLearning solutions inside and outside the classroom - Set up: Visit museums, workshops, lectures, presentations Methodology of carrying out results: During the course: presentations At school: Presentation for colleagues, developing new material for lessons and fieldtrips Intended results and the long-term yield: European Citizenship and Identity, Museum Interpretation skills and competencies, Basic eLearning for use in museums and heritage sites, Outdoor education, Cooperation between schools and museums, Validation and assessment, Barrier-free access for minority groups, Building lasting relationships with colleagues throughout Europe, A greater understanding of European education. Pilgrim in United Kingdom (University of Kent Canterbury) - Background / context: The course is a practical and participative course which aims simultaneously to improve the English proficiency as well as the further development of their own teaching . - Set up: In addition to the interactive language learning activities, attention is paid to educational components, such as the effective use of authentic materials in the classroom and encouraging fluency in the classroom. A full program can be found at: - Way you share your knowledge: The course will better enable me to share my knowledge on language learning en educational policy internationally. In contacts through the FIPLV and REAL and contacts around professional self by teachers within the Education Cooperative . The acquired pedagogical knowledge I share in regular consultation with the Dutch school of my section. - A brief description of the intended results and the long-term yield: The intended result is to bring my oral English proficiency level B2 and to broaden my practical knowledge of language didactics in order to improve my teaching." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2014;2014-1-NL01-KA102-000172;;;Grenzenloos Onderwijs;"Background ROC Nijmegen provides vocational training in the provinces of Gelderland, Brabant (and Limburg). ROC Nijmegen has about 10,000 students in various sectors (Technology, Healthcare & Wel...";Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Recognition ...;;Stichting ROC Nijmegen e.o.;NL;NL,DE,UK,ES,IE,MT,IT;252.156,53;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"ROC Nijmegen provides vocational training in the provinces of Gelderland, Brabant (and Limburg). ROC Nijmegen has about 10,000 students in various sectors (Technology, Healthcare & Welfare, Economics and VAVO and basic education). The core values __that we convey in our motto ""The school of life"" are: join, meet, discover and develop. Live, learn and work are held in unity and cooperation. In our view, the education provides a career perspective. With the industry we are preparing our students for the job market of tomorrow. Not only in our region but also outside and in the Euroregion (border area with Germany). We characterize us for some decades as an internationally oriented school and during that time built up an extensive network based on successive policies. This policy provides students and staff opportunities in a changing global society and a labor market that is more demanding of knowledge of language, culture and experience. goals. We have pursued these goals and realized: a. improve the labor qualifications of potential employees (students) and our own staff. b. improving the labor market prospects of graduates from our roc in times of youth unemployment; c. creating an international atmosphere at our school. d. learning in a context rich environment. e. the last purpose is to improve the language skills via the Summer Courses. The specific aims and content of our project are determined by three things: a. The national qualification (crebonr.) The training of the students; b. the student's personal development and c. the specific training needs of our staff.";Participating students. 111 students traveled to eight European countries . The top three are Spain, Germany and Belgium. Seven training areas delivered these students. Top three : Economics and Administration, Health and Welfare, and Sport. Profile of participants: (1) through rural adaptations in the qualification file is level two at ROC Nijmegen is no longer possible and includes the majority of travelers from levels three and four. (2) The age of the participants is mostly eighteen years and older, up to about 24 years. (3) The profile of students is characterized by: enterprising, motivation, self-reliant, initiative, perseverance (4) In addition to these personal characteristics, most students need a work environment that enables different and even greater demands on their abilities. They see it as a challenge to themselves to realize in a country with a different language and culture and to tackle a different approach problems and resolve. Participating staff and teachers. 74 Staff members and teachers traveled to five different European countries . In order of interest i: Spain, Great Britain, Finland, Italy and Germany. The staff represented five training domains. in addition to the above, also from the Johan Cruyff College staff were in Italy. Profile of participants: As well as the old and the new policy particpants have to talk with the team manager or manager (planning, progress and assessment). Here the needs of both the organization can as individuals emerge in (eg, turnover) training or career development. VETPRO placements, including our annual exchanges with our US partners, contribute to a better career prospects. Taken actions. The practical support to learners and staff came from the teaching team (I) and from the International Office (II). (I) Support to students in preparation for the internship took place largely within the teams. The standard agreements that apply for internships in the Netherlands, are also recorded here (contact, placement visits, communication). The portal for students are also using Erasmus documents and lesson Internationalisation by teachers and staff. (II) Practical support is provided from the International Office to students (A) and staff (B). (A) Student mobility. - International Office was responsible for the delivery of content (above) on the portal. With each application for an internship abroad, we will discuss with the students their completed print of the budget and include it in their file. - Through our network of intermediary organizations internship students are guaranteed accommodation, airport services that meet the demands of social security. (B) Mobility of staff. A solid, almost daily part of the work of International Office is to engage and educate colleagues and teams about the potential of the European program, as well in the euregional district or US exchange. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2014;2014-1-NL01-KA103-000918;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;Participation in the E+ project Learning Mobility of Individuals is part of TU Delfts strategic plan on Internationalization of Education, in order to maintain and strengthen its strong position ...;;;TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITEIT DELFT;NL;NL;712.355,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;not available;English;"Participation in the E+ project Learning Mobility of Individuals is part of TU Delfts strategic plan on Internationalization of Education, in order to maintain and strengthen its strong position in the international world, and to realize the following objectives: | - Increasing the number of TU Delft students with international experience; | - Expanding the intake of international students, which is important in creating an international teaching and learning environment; | - Increasing the mobility of staff and lecturers in order to improve their professional development and lecturer quality/teaching skills; | - Further expansion and maintenance of international (strategic) collaborations in the areas of education, research, and training, with relevant multinationals, companies and governmental organizations, in order to position TU Delft as a leading global university. | | Both the University Corporate Office and the faculties are involved in the implementation of this strategic plan with the following recommendations for 2020: | - The large majority of the graduates will have international experience through individual or structured mobility, minor abroad, structured student exchange or joint education programmes in either their BSc or their MSc curriculum. In order to reach this target the university will pursue an incentive policy to promote international study experience. Adequate facilities and ample information will be provided. For all outgoing mobility, it must be ensured that students can study nominally, and will not fall behind in their studies during their time abroad; | - The Executive Board shall pursue an incentive policy aimed at increasing the number of BSc English-taught programmes. Faculties will be actively approached to explore the possibilities of offering a larger number of BSc programmes and minors in English, thus promoting international incoming student mobility, beneficial for creating a more international study environment in the BSc phase. TU Delft aims that by 2016, all BSc minors will be taught in English, and by 2020 every BSc program will offer at least 30 ECTS credits of English-taught courses; | - The use of quality criteria for all international educational collaborations: reputation, level of education, the institutions organizational standards and standard of services, compatibility, language of instruction, level of incoming students, balance of incoming/outgoing mobility, and experiences with the partner. | | To meet these aims, all faculties strongly promote international outgoing student and staff mobility. They have introduced a mobility window in the BSc programmes to facilitate study abroad experience, they have started to use quality criteria in the choice of partner universities, and they have enlarged the number of inter-institutional agreements for student and teaching staff mobility, leading to an increase in incoming and outgoing exchange students. Nearly all thematical BSc minors are taught in English, and the number of English-taught BSc courses has increased. TU Delft has joined a new institutional network, Global E3, which enables engineering students to go abroad to attend universities all over the world, while earning credits at home. TU Delft has realized the planned numbers of E+ student and staff mobilities, and ensured that all students, lecturers and staff, both outgoing and incoming, had equal chances and opportunities to participate in the project.";"The E+ mobility activities have contributed to: the growth of opportunities for students to study and work abroad at high-quality partner institutions; and the development of partnerships with European universities facilitating staff collaboration aimed at the sharing of best practices in teaching and learning. More than 90% of the incoming and outgoing students and staff are very satisfied with their mobility experience. Intercultural competences, autonomy and problem-solving skills, in particular, have been improved, and staff members report an increase of the job satisfaction, all thanks to the E+ stay. | Longer term benefits include: | - Good employability. Studying and doing an internship abroad is a very effective learning experience with rich learning outcomes that prepare our students for the world of work and creates best chances for a successful career. Students who stay at home are also gaining an international focus by working with foreign incoming exchange students in the classroom; | - Great/exposure and visibility of TU Delft all over the Europa by students and staff going abroad as ambassadors for the TU Delft; | - Improving lecturer quality through the exchange of new teaching methods and didactical approaches, and enhancing the teaching abilities in different environments and cultures; | - Internationalization of all BSc programmes by introducing courses and minors taught in English; | - And the development of long term strategic international partnerships which stimulates education and research cooperation." Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships addressing more than one field;2014;2014-1-NL01-KA200-001313;;;Innovating History Education for All ;Innovating History Education for All aims to promote high-quality history, heritage, and citizenship education in Europe by enabling educators to create their own online learning activities and ...;Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;EUROCLIO-DE EUROPESE VERENIGING VOOR GESCHIEDENISONDERWIJSGEVENDEN;NL;NL,PL,UK,DE;366.280,00;Yes;No;Civil Society Organisation;Asociacin;;;English;Innovating History Education for All aims to promote high-quality history, heritage, and citizenship education in Europe by enabling educators to create their own online learning activities and tools specifically designed to promote historical thinking and transversal competences. Web developers and history educators will form a partnership to design e-learning tools and co-create exemplar online learning activities that make effective use of these tools. These resources will be piloted, peer-reviewed, and disseminated via the existing and continuously expanding online education collaborative platform on European history and heritage Historiana ( and at numerous face-to-face training activities. | | | | This project addresses a key area of necessary innovation within history education: the vast potential for Open Educational Resources and Digital Learning. While traditional history education in many countries continues to rely on the teacher and the textbook as the two focal points of every lesson, digital learning can put the student in an active role. It enables them to not only use but interact with all digitalized original sources (such as documentaries, music, interviews, paintings, political cartoons) or tailor-made learning activities prepared by the teacher with the specific curricula and desired learning outcomes in mind. Using ICT in the classroom makes it possible to strengthen collaborative learning, virtual inter-regional and cross-border exchange, and many other learner-centered and competence-based activities. It can make a most relevant and innovative contribution to school education and at the same time immerse students in a digital learning environment, vastly increasing their related key competences and skills with positive implications for their further educational careers, employability, and role as active citizens in an increasingly interconnected digital world. | | | | The project targets several hundred history, heritage, and citizenship educators who want to use innovative approaches in their daily work, particularly through the utilization of ICT and OER. Educators in this sense can be curriculum developers, textbook authors and developers of other teaching materials and tools, teacher pre-service and in-service trainers, teachers in primary and secondary schools and in higher education, trainee teachers, and also assessment experts, educational advisors and inspectors, educational staff in museums and institutes, and board members of professional associations. The Consortium also invites academics, representatives of educational authorities, school and university students, parents, and the wider public interested in history to join its activities. | | | | The activities will give these educators access to a wide selection of high-quality materials and will support them to share teaching ideas and co-create content with their peers from around Europe. The exemplar learning activities envisaged will foster competence-based approaches to the subject based on critical thinking and the ability to analyse content in a balanced way, question and compare interpretations, assess evidence and make independent judgments. By providing easy-to-use services and hands-on training the project will support a large group of educators to become more digitally confident, to act as multipliers with their colleagues, and to transmit their skills to their students. | | | | The Project Consortium will be composed of an international NGO, a web design company, a school, and two research institutes. Its areas of cooperation will include content sourcing, developing tools and applications, testing and piloting, peer- and expert-reviewing, and dissemination including training and awareness-raising of educators specifically in the field of digital learning and how to integrate ICT and OER in the daily work with their students. By way of bringing together practitioners and experts from a variety of backgrounds and countries, the project will further develop and improve the online educational platform Historiana by further enriching the content, strengthening the users community, and stimulating the usage of the website. The project will further support the establishment of a pan-European community of education practitioners and experts who promote the use of ICT and OER and the role of digital competences in history, heritage, and citizenship education.;To ensure the projects lasting impact, it includes a strong focus on professionalization and capacity building of history, heritage, and citizenship educators in different countries and geographic settings. The materials, tools and activities developed will provide the community of practitioners involved in the project with practical tools which will continue to develop over time. | | | | Results | Website | Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-NL01-KA201-001125;;;Under the Same Sky, open minds and equal rights for all;"The project ""Under the same sky"" was teachers and students cooperation of 6 primary schools from 6 countries (Poland, Netherlands, Turkey, Slovakia, Italy and Spain) in order to spread the idea ...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Gender equality / equal opportunities, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;PCBS De Regenboog;NL;NL,PL,SK,ES,TR,IT;185.615,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The project ""Under the same sky"" was teachers and students cooperation of 6 primary schools from 6 countries (Poland, Netherlands, Turkey, Slovakia, Italy and Spain) in order to spread the idea of Equality. The idea was promoted among the students mainly through preparing 46 innovative scenarios of lessons and taking part in them in partners schools. Implementing the project we wanted to develop the understanding of the needs of others - especially excluded groups like elder, disabled, refugees, followers of different religions, people of different races and gender in pupils communities. The main objectives were: To extend pupils knowledge of equality in different fields of life, to show them an alternative way of living, without xenophobia and manifestation of bullying. Through the participation in lessons we wanted to change their attitude towards people who are somehow different. This main idea was also developed by involving students in Equality events and small students projects implemented in particular schools or through partnership. The lessons, events and activities were carried out also during visits. We visited Humanity House in Netherlands where pupils felt like refugees, Synagogue and Jewish museum where they got to know other religions, schools for disabled people in Slovakia, school for Visually Impaired and Blind in Poland, we met disabled artists and sportsmen. Pupils had a chance to meet and become friends with disabled and old people, they attended workshops concerning gender equality and were a part of the discussion with University professors about equality. The main aim of this international cooperation was: to improve and to increase the volume of mobility involving pupils and educational staff in partner countries; to encourage pupils to take more responsibility for their own individual learning, including those with Special Educational Needs and those who are disadvantaged; to actively participate in the activities through the use of a variety of learning styles, levels of support and groupings; to support the development of innovative ICT-based content, good practice, different teaching methods for lifelong learning. The final aim achieved was a real and effective feeling of equality between pupils, teachers and educational community in general. We took the following strategies: collaborative discussion, involvement of large number of people, including the project into the school curricula, active use of ICT, collaboration with peers, constant communication, effective lecture, creation of materials, linguistic preparation, group discussions, debates, exchange of information and experience and creation of a blog for a project, a webpage with lessons and E-twinning project. Our final product is a printed and on-line book with 46 innovative scenarios of lessons covering 6 sub-topics of equality: 1. Age equality. 2. Disabled and healthy equality. 3. Race equality. 4. Religious equality. 5. Gender equality. 6. Refugees equality. 54 teachers prepared the scenarios for a book, 85 teachers conducted lessons in their schools, 1424 pupils took part in lessons. 13 lessons was conducted during international partners visits. The lessons were observed by other teachers, parents of pupils, head teachers of schools and methodologies. They all gave their feedback to teachers about observing lessons.";We disseminated all lessons via E-twinning project, Equality Lessons web page ( and projects blog (, web pages of schools and via groups for teachers on Facebook. The printed version of the book of lessons was sent to many institutions and schools. The pupils created a logo and a song for the project, they made posters about partner countries, posters about equality idols, models of schools for disabled pupils, albums about religious buildings, they sent Christmas and Valentines cards, they attended lessons in their own schools as well as in hosting schools. They endeavoured realistic and hands-on experiences taking part in ceremonies, music, dance and art festivals. They took part in activities that created the conditions of developing social solidarity and democracy. Their change of attitude towards diversity of human beings was constantly checking by ongoing evaluation. Some of these handcraft works and other similar and investigation tasks were presented, developed or exploited in the mobility's in foreign countries, increasing these idea previously cited about effective teaching-learning. Students, teachers and all the partners involved in the project also discovered more about other countries way of life, traditions, customs, food and daily life at school. The students who attended the meetings were hosted by local families and they had to use English as a medium of communication. All the planned objectives and aims of the project have been accomplished with the activities carried out during these three years of worthy collaboration. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2014;2014-1-NL01-KA203-001090;;;Towards a European Framework of Reference for the Education and Training of Literary Translators ;PETRA-E aims to set up a European infrastructure for the education and training of literary translators. A Framework of Reference which describes competences of literary translators is the first s...;Recognition (non-formal and informal learning/credits), Recognition, transparency ...;;UNIVERSITEIT UTRECHT;NL;NL,DE,BE,UK,HU,IT;277.482,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;"A Framework of Reference which describes competences of literary translators is the first step in that direction. A dataset with European academic and non-academic programs for literary translation is another output. This project is the first step towards a long term goal: a European network of formal and informal literary translation schools offering common (Masters) programs, student and teacher exchanges, distance learning and widely recognized qualifications and credits. Although the institutions and organizations may hold different views on literary translation, they may agree _ at a basic level _ on a Framework which will of course be receptive to different views on translation quality. This would make it possible in the longer term: for students to better plan their careers; to facilitate the validation of informal learning and its permeability with formal education pathways; for institutions to cooperate efficiently and to measure their performance against a benchmark; to develop initiatives for competences currently lacking in programs.";The group met in 5 plenary meetings and 4 working group meetings to develop the Framework. After every meeting a new version was compiled, until the approval of the final version in January 2016. During the meetings the ambitions have grown and a lot of additional material has been compiled. The Framework, the accompanying texts and all other additional information can be found (and downloaded) on the projects website: where one can also find a database with academic and non academic literary translation programs. | Both the digital and the printed version have reached a large audience all over Europe and beyond. Over 10,000 printed copies and an even greater number of digital versions have been distributed. The Framework has been demonstrated and presented on many occasions. Many people and institutions have shown interest. The Framework and additional information and the online helpdesk will remain available for whoever wants to make use of it. New translations of the Framework will be encouraged. The lay out is freely available for new translations. The PETRA-E partners have decided to continue as a network, dedicated to the education and training of literary translation and the further development of the Framework. Many organisations have shown an interest in becoming a member. | Results | Website | | | Without category | | PETRA-E Framework of reference for the education and training of literary translators | PETRA-E leerlijn literair vertalen | __________ _____ PETRA-E __ _____________ _ ____________ __ _____________ _________ | Cadre de reference pour lenseignement et la formation destines au traducteur litteraire | Rahmenplan fr die Aus- und Weiterbildung von literaturbersetzern | RefeRenciake Ret a m_fordtk oktatshoz s kpzshez | Quadro diriferimento per la formazione dei traduttori letterari | Marco de referencia para la educacin y la formacin de traductores literarios | Database with European schools and programs for literary translation | Online help desk for questions about the Framework | PETRA-E Network | Social media pages | Supplementary material | other supplementary material - curriculum design | pathways through the Framework | PETRA-E, PACTE and EMT | Defining competences and decribing descriptors | The German Translators Fund and the Framework Literary Translation | Professional translators competences, ideal course | Questionnaire evaluation, impact en follow up PETRA-E | Overview of presentations and publications about the Framwork | Literary translation competence evaluation | Application of the Framework to collective translations | Bibliograpy Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships addressing more than one field;2014;2014-1-NO01-KA200-000424;;;Aramaic-Online Project;Within the framework of the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership Programme, Aramaic-Online Project (2014-2017) has developed the first online course in Surayt-Aramaic (also known as Turoyo), which is th...;Open and distance learning, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;UNIVERSITETET I BERGEN;NO;NO,NL,DE,UK;450.000,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;"Within the framework of the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership Programme, Aramaic-Online Project (2014-2017) has developed the first online course in Surayt-Aramaic (also known as Turoyo), which is the mother tongue of more than 250,000 people in European countries. | | Surayt is a Neo-Aramaic language, traditionally spoken by Syriac Christians in the Middle East and in the worldwide diaspora. Surayt is a continuation of the ancient Aramaic language famous as the language of Jesus with a distinguished cultural and linguistic history over a period of more than 3,000 years. Surayt has predominantly been a spoken language, and classified as 'severely endangered' by UNESCO, because of the emigration and expulsion of its speakers from their native areas in the last 50 years. | | The project from the very beginning addressed the main challenges of this language and focused on the standardization of writing Surayt (both in Syriac and Latin characters) and developed an orthography which has impacted the effective and standardized use of the language both in the production of literature and in day-to-day written communications. The project has implemented all the intellectual outputs planned and conducted various dissemination activities within three years. Accordingly; | | The project has developed an online course at A1 and A2 levels, consisting of 16 learning units. Each unit has been provided with texts, dialogues, exercises, grammar boxes, cultural notes, list of verb conjugations, and an extended glossary with ca. 2000 entries. Accessible on two sites: and (the new site, still not fully released). | The course is planned to be offered in 4 languages of instruction: English, German, Swedish and Dutch, reflecting the large numbers of second generation speakers in these countries and worldwide spread of the speaker-community. Due to suggestions by the users, the project team has included 3 other languages (French, Arabic and Turkish) and provided the course to learners in 7 different languages. | Besides the online course, the project has developed language learning materials: 1) a Textbook version of the online course and 2) a Reader in Surayt which has been developed through a sub-project 10 authors, 100 essays in Surayt. Both the textbook and the reader are provided online as an e-book and in printed copies to be distributed to teachers, experts and scholars of this language. | The project has developed a new orthography document with the aim of standardizing the writing of this language. | A curriculum document for teaching Surayt at universities has also been developed with the aim of developing an independent joint online course degree. | Two additional learner tools have been developed: 1) A converter software from/to Syriac characters to Latin characters (still in beta-version), and 2) A digital keyboard both in Syriac and Latin characters (still in beta version). These two outputs are still in beta version and tested by the production team. | The project organized the first international conference on Surayt in Cambridge (August 2015); two training workshops for mother tongue teachers, one in Germany (August 2016) and one in Sweden (October 2016); two summer schools, one in Germany (September 2015) and one in the Netherlands (August 2017); a 12-week virtual classroom (April-July 2017) and various dissemination activities (e.g. seminars, meetings) in more than 20 cities in 7 countries, and disseminated the project to more than 2500 people, mainly among the speaker communities. | | The Consortium behind the project has been formed by four renowned universities (University of Bergen, Freie Universitt Berlin, University of Cambridge and Leipzig University) and the St Ephrem Syriac-Orthodox monastery in the Netherlands (Syrisch-Orthodoxe Kerk van Antiochi, Glane-NL) who has strong relations and a well-established network within the user community. Through dissemination activities, the project has also established long-term relations with many community organizations across Europe, local authorities, and strengthened its relations with the scientific community.";The project has had a remarkable impact on the revitalisation of this endangered language. It has positively changed the discourse about the use of this endangered language among the community members, and become a role-model for other endangered languages who are facing with similar existential challenges. This is actually what the Aramaic-Online project was intended to achieve. The AOP has established the foundations of standardization of the Surayt orthography and grammar, and developed an innovative language course completely built-in browsers as an open source. The successful outcomes of this project resulted in a new follow-up project application (Surayt-Aramaic Online Project SAOP) which aims to take the flagship one step further and build the institutional structure according to the Common European Framewo | Results | Website | | | Without category | | Surayt Aramaic Online Course (A1-A2 levels) | Surayt-Aramaic Orthography | A Curriculum Model for Teaching Surayt at Universities | Literature about and in Surayt | Surayt Reader | Slomo Surayt: An introductory course in Surayt-Aramaic (A1-2) | Surayt Digital Keyboard | Final Evaluation Report | Learner Manual for Surayt Orthography | Text Converter from/to Surayt written with Syriac to Latin characters Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-PL01-KA101-000400;;;"""Together for a better education of sick children and adolescents-Preparing Pedagogues to work in a multidisciplinary team in Hospital"".";The main idea of this project are widely understood necessities of children with chronic illnesses, those treated on hospital wards and the way the teachers work on these wards. The most important...;Disabilities - special needs, Pedagogy and didactics, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;Zespol Szkol Specjalnych Nr 110;PL;PL;8.165,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The main idea of this project are widely understood necessities of children with chronic illnesses, those treated on hospital wards and the way the teachers work on these wards. The most important objective is taking part in HOPE Congress : "Together for a better education of sick children and adolsescents. Preparing Pedagogues to work in a multidisciplinary team in Hospitals". | | Our main interest will be: raising qualificationes, learning new methodes and forms in work with sick students, exchanging experiences with other teachers, who works in hospital schools in Europe. Moreover getting know about strong and weak points of hospital education. | | The participants of this project is a group of five teachers: two pres-school teachers, one teacher of elementary education, one art teacher, and religion teacher. They are the members of HOPE -Hospital Organisation of Pedagogues in Europe. Actions preceding participation in the Congres are: meeting in self- improvemetnt teams, setting up an etwinning project, making use of e-learning, preparing a presentation about our school. At the Congress we will present art works of our students, a multimedia presentation about teachers work and also introducing subject suggested by the administrator of the event.";Expected results are: improving quality of work at our school, cooperating with other educational institutions in Poland and abroad and generally involving more and more teachers in the project. Participants of a project will gain knowledge about children diseases. They will also learn new methods and how to make students active. Additionally, partakers will become more open and sensitive to the needs of sick and disabled children, taking into account different educational systems. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-PL01-KA101-000552;;;English World LIVE! - Nauka twoj_ szans_!;The project was a course for teachers, it took place at Bell Teacher Campus in Cambridge, based at Homerton College which is part of the University of Cambridge. It was a two-weeks course of ble...;Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy) ...;;Zespol Szkol w Bozympolu Wielkim;PL;PL;5.786,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The project was a course for teachers, it took place at Bell Teacher Campus in Cambridge, based at Homerton College which is part of the University of Cambridge. It was a two-weeks course of blended learning (combining classical and modern teaching methods). The second teacher took part in course called """"creativity in the classroom"""" that was an active-learning teaching course with students at any age. | The main goal was to improve the teachers' qualifications and to improve students' marks they get during classes and state exam scores what can have an impact on their dreams about private and professional future. Another goal was to get know more about methods that we can qualify to neurodidactic (brain-friendly) methods. Two teachers from Zespol Szkol in Bozepole Wielkie and many other one from the world took part in these courses. | Thanks to this project many of the teachers had a chance to discover some modern ways of working with pupils or students, and what is more, the teen-learners will not be so weary during classes, ex. during other classes like Polish. | During the courses some practical and braing-friendly methods were used with help of moodle platform, tricider, wiggio and many other and also there were shown some new ways how to use smartphones, tablets, other electronical device and general knowledge about the world, including theme web sites to use it on English classes. | What is more, according to the project, collaboration of students from Spain, Slovakia and Poland was initiated. It has been registered on eTwinnig as """"PolSpan English Live!"""" and """"Cooking and disvovering the year"""".";Students developed their desire to get know more about foreign languages, different cultures and the rest of the world. The students learnt how to practically use the Internet sources and new technologies for lucrative work and education, creating also their own educational materials such as quizzes for another peers / students. | Within the first mentioned projects the students were learning English by tasks from moodle e-learning platform and other sites associated to this project, such as lyricstraining, that became a new and interesting way to learn listening comprehension. The second project helped to share information about traditional cuisine of other countries, their customs and holidays. It helped students and gave the chance to use practically spoken English, as a foreign language, to communicate about using recipes, illustrating customs with help of audio-video materials, animations. Teen-learners could improve their language and computer skills in the brain-friendly way, that in turn develops students' creativity. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-PL01-KA101-000650;;;Efektywne wykorzystanie nowoczesnych narz_dzi ICT na zaj_ciach szkolnych;Our project 'Effective usage of modern ICT Tools during lessons' was written for teachers of general school subjects in our school, Zesp? Szk? im. T. Ko?ciuszki w ?arkach. The selection criteria...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Pedagogy and didactics;;Zespol Szkol im. Tadeusza Kosciuszki w Zarkach;PL;PL;18.010,00;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;Our project 'Effective usage of modern ICT Tools during lessons' was written for teachers of general school subjects in our school, Zesp? Szk? im. T. Ko?ciuszki w ?arkach. The selection criteria were mostly how long the candidate had been a teacher and at least a survival knowlegde of English. The project was meant for 10 people - including 8 teachers with the longest experience of teaching, who had not been using modern ICT tools and 2 coordinators (with suitable work experience too). During the project, the project participants took part in preparation courses (a language course and a cultural course), thanks to which they were not only able to participate in the course abroad in sumer 2015, but also to actively join in European projects realized in our school, in which general subjects teachers (apart from foreign languages teachers) had not been engaged. Thanks to the participation in the project, the project participants introduced a new spirit into their classes - adding e-learning courses to the traditional curricula, using new methods of communication with students and introducing a European aspect. Apart from that, now it is easier for them to communicate with students - a generation who cannot imagine life without modern ICT tools. What is more, during the course in Italy the teachers were able to share good practice examples with colleagues from all Europe, put them into practice after coming back from the course and at the same time introduce other European aspects in their classes. During the whole project an ongoing evaluation was carried out, to measure the level of satisfaction among the participants and the management aspects - to introduce changes, if necessary. ;The project helped to expand the European cooperation of our school, enlarged the number of teachers realizing international mobilities and projects and helped our school to gain more Europan aspects and become even more prestigious in the local community. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-PL01-KA101-000892;;;ICT w nauczaniu j_zykw obcych;The Jadwiga Dziubinska Group of Schools Agricultural Education Centre in Stary Brzesc is a school with a long tradition. For more than 90 years it has been educating and preparing young people to ...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;Zespol Szkol Centrum Ksztalcenia Rolniczego im. Jadwigi Dziubinskiej;PL;PL;8.468,58;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The Jadwiga Dziubinska Group of Schools Agricultural Education Centre in Stary Brzesc is a school with a long tradition. For more than 90 years it has been educating and preparing young people to work in the agricultural sector. Along with vocational training general education takes place. With concern for the comprehensive education of our students the idea of the " ICT in teaching foreign languages" has arisen. | In 2014 in our institution there have been created bold plans to increase the attractiveness and effectiveness of teaching. The direct cause of the development of these plans was declining students' motivation and weaker Matura exam results. Our activities included areas that are close to young people, that is the internet, computers and foreign languages. In the field of teaching foreign languages we are going to use as much of modern technology as possible. We plan to get our students involved in the practical use of foreign languages by establishing international cooperation with other schools. We have already established such cooperation with a high school in Turkey. The second direction of our international operations is Spain. Together with an agricultural school in that country we are preparing a students vocational trainings exchange project. Another point of our plan is to integrate foreign languages learning with other subjects, that is CLIL. Therefore, within two years, we carried out two educational mobilities for foreign languages teachers and one for a teacher of ICT. | The project participants were teachers of ZSCKR in Stary Brzesc. Everyone is creative, open to change, they are aware of the role of ICT skills in the teaching process and the need of improving language skills. | To meet the needs of the project participants, our activities focused around methodology courses. For this purpose, the school team of educational mobility was appointed. The needs and plans of the participants were analyzed in order to select the best training. A lot of time was spent on fulfilling tests, questionnaires and activity on e-learning platforms.";Certainly, the project has improved and is still improving the quality of education. The teachers, through their own self-improvement have a lot of opportunities to motivate students to greater effort towards acquiring knowledge and they have become a perfect example of the benefits of the ability to communicate in foreign languages. In addition, the project has given an opportunity to diversify teaching methods, which in turn translates into effects of teaching. Educational mobilities have raised the prestige of the school and put it in a row of modern and constantly developing institutions. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships addressing more than one field;2014;2014-1-PL01-KA200-003341;;;Strategic Partnership for Creativity and Entrepreneurship;Project Strategic Partnership for Creativity and Entrepreneurship (acronym SP4CE) addressed directly aims and needs on enhanced European cooperation in vocational education and training. Project a...;Enterprise, industry and SMEs (incl. entrepreneurship), ICT - new technologies - digital competences ...;;PRZEMYSLOWY INSTYTUT AUTOMATYKI I POMIAROW PIAP;PL;PL,EL,HU,SK;376.410,70;Yes;No;Research Institute/Centre;Centro de Investigacin;;not available;English;Project Strategic Partnership for Creativity and Entrepreneurship (acronym SP4CE) addressed directly aims and needs on enhanced European cooperation in vocational education and training. Project activities were connected also with career-oriented continuing VET (C-VET) principles. All project results and project actions were connected with promoting take-up of innovative practices in education, training by supporting personalised learning approaches, collaborative learning and critical thinking, strategic use of ICT, Open Educational Resources, open and flexible learning, virtual mobility and other innovative learning methods. | First project objective was to concentrate on developing relations between students and enterprises for identification of student and enterprises needs and supporting their collaboration through mentoring and consulting activities. This was achieved during project realization, due to the large involvement of partners in reaching the broadest possible target group. The next project objective strongly related to the previous one was to develop tools and methodology to support companies to help them find suitable young workers and students wanting to enter the labour market. This was achieved directly by preparation of Intellectual Outputs: O1 SP4CE learning portal, O2 SP4CE pedagogical concept, O3 Guideline for consultants, O4 Guideline for mentors and O5 Guideline for general public How to use SP4CE portal. The final objective was to establish strong cooperation between project partners by exchanging of innovative educational practices for smooth realization of SP4CE project and possible future cooperation. Strengthening the contacts and collaboration between consortium partners was achieved and common future initiatives are foreseen or already started. | Project consortium consisted of six partners from four EU countries. Project coordinator PIAP is a research institute with established strong cooperation with industry and educational institutions. PRO-MED is a private company has experience from developing an innovative approach to teaching and learning based on e-learning and blended leaning methodology. TUKE is a technical university fostering links with institutions in private and public sectors while ASTRA is a training company which has significant experience in conducting trainings for managers. TREBAG has rich experience in development of innovative training materials and methodologies including e-learning and implementation of technology and IDEC has consulting experience in developing quality management systems. | Developed during the project portal is available in all partner languages and in English. Partners launched and maintain their own language instances, there is also possible connection to ensure international availability of the results and to support possible mobility of young workers. Portal is available as ICT solution with WWW interface designed for use for three main target groups: coaches, mentors and students. | Developed portal is a tool for companies to help them find suitable young workers and students wanting to enter the labour market and is be based on a coaching and mentoring principles. The principle of the portal is as follows: company willing to find new young workers (preferably students entering the labour market) submits a case (e.g. problem to be solved) from their area to the portal. This case is presented to the students from the different places who if interested will try to find solution for that problem. Based on this the company selects the students and they give them coaches while mentors from the university or high school supervise the process and guide students. Coach from the company support and work with the chosen students who wants to solve the problem. To support these activities training materials (handbook/guidelines/toolbox) was prepared in order to show the companies, mentors and general public that this approach can help them solutions suited for their needs.;Main project impact is connected with influence to potential portal users: students, enterprises staff and teachers. Student have an opportunity to learn about real enterprises activities and interact with coaches from enterprises which shall allow them to easier enter the labour market. Teachers can receive information about student qualification progress and actual enterprises needs which is important for further training activities and developing training programs. Enterprises can receive required knowledge and possibility to recruit students with needed skills and competences. Project also had an impact to partners and training activities, approach to training content creation and utilization of collaboration opportunities in different use cases. | Project partners approach guarantees high sustainability of project results after the project finish. Project main results are available without any restrictions on project portal and on EC open educational resources server. | Results | Results for this project are not available. | Coordinator Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-PL01-KA201-002813;;;A Good Command of English as a Modern Lingua Franca : Our Gateway to Future Professional Careers;The 2 year long project 'A Good Command of English as a Modern Lingua Franca : Our Gateway to Future Professional Careers' will concern 30 students of two 13/14 year old language oriented classes,...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, International cooperation, international relations ...;;Gimnazjum nr 56 w Poznaniu;PL;PL,FR;70.725,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;The 2 year long project 'A Good Command of English as a Modern Lingua Franca : Our Gateway to Future Professional Careers' will concern 30 students of two 13/14 year old language oriented classes, one in Poland, and one in France (European Section). Since Poland and France are at the bottom of the list of European countries in which people declare to have a very good command of English (Eurostat source), we aim at increasing our students' competence in English communication skills. Moreover, we are seeking to promote young people's social inclusion and well-being by developing partnerships between education and employment and thus improving the levels of our students' skills for employability in the future. With the transnational joint project work, our students will also increase their level of digital competences and cooperative skills, develop motivation towards learning and an entrepreneur attitude, as well as experience international relations. The project will enable joint project work within the schools (implementation activities) and during mobilities (teaching/learning/training activities). It will aim at the delivering of joint productions which will be disseminated in and out of the schools. A) French and Polish students' social and cultural exchange : - Getting to know each other, exchange on student's chosen subjects with different e-modules on the e-Twinning platform - Skype sessions - School Blogs about the exchange on schools' websites - Students' involvement in the preparation of the activities before hosting the transnational mobilities - Power Point presentations of the strategic partnership meetings. B) French and Polish students' joint project work : - Needs Analysis (following a research on professional fields and on local labour demands and a meeting with a careers' adviser highlighting the importance of a good command of English in many professions) - Presentation of the project and collaborative creation of a logo - Presentations about skills and qualifications in different professional fields (after workshops with international companies in France, the visits in vocational-technical schools in Poland and the workshops with University students and young volunteers from AISEC having lived an international experience) Implementation activities and productions will include : - Presentations about students' dream jobs and career paths (after workshops with professionals whose jobs imply the command of English) - If possible : Comparative analysis of the Polish and French professional worlds - If possible : Survey about teenagers' professional wishes in the two schools - English - French - Polish Business Lexicon for teenagers (vocabulary and expressions students have used for the project);Implementation activities will involve joint study programmes or research and different workshops with partners. Project based collaboration will be carried out with peer-learning or joint work productions on virtual collaboration spaces (the e-Twinning Platform, Google Drive). These productions will be gathered on the Internet Site made with the students all through the project. The Teaching / Learning / Training Activities will be carried out during the two 8 day students' mobilities (in June 2015 and in May 2016). They will enable the students to meet for real after virtual meeting and to discover each other's ways of lives, but also to do various visits and activities in and out of school, and especially to carry out cooperative work on the project in a real life situation. Indeed, they will prepare joint presentations of the project in transnational groups for other students in each of the hosting schools. This real joint work will be capital for other disseminations in and out of schools : exhibitions will be held at Schools' Career Days, Open Days and in local libraries. The coordinators of the project will encounter during two transnational meetings (one at the beginning and one at the end of the project) to plan the activities and to analyse the final outcome of results and impact. Poland will be the coordinator of the project but tasks will be distributed (the Internet website, budget control, quality checks, etc.). Even if the impact of the project will also reach the teacher, the participating organisations and the partners, the impact and long-term benefits of this project will be mainly for the participants : - an increased competence in English - an increased motivation in learning (via innovative teaching methods) - an increased awareness in professional profiles - an increased competence in ICT tools - an increased development of transversal skills (initiative, autonomy, creativity) - an opening up to another European country's culture and to European citizenship. Results | Without category | | Joint project production: joint logo activity and contest | Joint project production: joint 'Needs Analysis' activity | Joint project production: joint presentation of project activities. Joint presentation of the project activities implemented in the first year of the project. | Joint project production: Business Lexicon | Other project production: Meeting with two French professionals. | Other project production: Job flyers for School Career Day in France | Other project production: National Career Week in Gimnazjum 56 | Other project production: results of the dream job surveys | Joint project production: Career Paths | Sociocultural production: travel journals after the mobility in Poland | Sociocultural production: presentations about students' summer holidays | Sociocultural production: presentation about Easter in Poland | Sociocultural production: travel journals after the mobility to France | Other project productions: Career Paths booklet | Other project productions: E+ Callendar 2016 | Sociocultural productions: booklet for Polish students with various tasks to complete during the mobility in France | Project logo | Coordinator | Gimnazjum nr 56 w Poznaniu | Ul. Promyk 4 | 60-393 | Pozna_ | Wielkopolskie | | Organisation type: School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level) | Partners | college saint joseph Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-PL01-KA201-002906;;;Creative minds;'Creative minds' is a project concerning robotics and modern computer technologies. By its implementation the partner schools make changes in teaching science subjects, incorporate the elements of...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;Zespol Szkol Gimnazjum Nr 6 Szkola Podstawowa Nr 13 w Zawierciu;PL;PL,CY;93.100,00;Yes;Yes;Other;Centro Educativo;;;English;Creative minds' is a project concerning robotics and modern computer technologies. By its implementation the partner schools make changes in teaching science subjects, incorporate the elements of robotics into the curricula of the subjects like Technology, Mathematics, Information Technology and Physics, and introduce new methods and forms of work during lessons. The teachers and students gain knowledge and skills within constructing, programming and steering robots and devices designed of the Lego bricks, gradually introducing their own creative ideas and solutions to their work. Owing to this fact, they develop rational thinking, creativity and innovativeness. The effective cooperation and communication between the schools is guaranteed by constant e-mail exchanges, chats, video-conferences, sending packages with authentic materials, vast usage of Twinspace tools and project website. The Mindmeister is used for online brainstorming. During the project the Polish and Cypriot teachers participate in the joint staff training courses concerning the use of the Lego in education and modern techniques of creative thinking, learning and self-development, deepening their knowledge and skills, getting to know modern methods and forms of work, improving their English skills and exchanging own experiences. Newly acquired skills are used by the teachers during lessons and extracurricular activities, while creating lesson plans, training and educational materials. The students of both schools take part in joint exchanges of the groups of pupils in Cyprus and Poland. They participate in common technologic and language workshops. While cooperating in the international Polish-Cypriot groups, they solve tasks within Maths and Physics based on Lego Engineer Projects, construct, program and steer robots, design own devices and create the Lego mini-guide of constructing manuals of the robots of own ideas with descriptions in English. They also construct the robot for space exploration, conduct virtual mission on the planet Mars and work out trilingual mini-dictionaries of words and phrases connected with robotics and ICT. Cyclic Technology & IT, science and language classes are conducted at the schools, and the events disseminating the project take place. Those are as follows - Creativity Day, Earth Day, or the final conferences attended by teachers, students, parents, local educational authorities and local community members of both schools. 40 teachers and 200 students of both schools take part in the project, including 10 teachers who participate in the joint staff trainings, 30 students and 4 teachers taking part in the joint exchanges of the groups of pupils. ;Due to the implementation of the project, the permanent changes in teaching occur in both schools. Those are modifications of the curricula of science subjects, introduction of the new methods and forms of work, innovative approaches and solutions. Similar tasks will constantly be carried out with future generations of students. | Website | | | Without category | | Lesson plans - robotics | Mini guide of LEGO projects | Project website and public Twinspace | Materials from joint staff training in Poland | Mini guide of methods of creative learning | Materials from joint staff training in Cyprus | Mini - dictionary ROBOTICS | Materials on Cypriot culture | Materials concerning space | Materials concerning bionics | LEGO Robots | Results of research Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2014;2014-1-PL01-KA202-003496;;;Rational Livestock Nutrition in Rural Areas;LiveNutrition project was realised under Erasmus+ programme - Strategic Partnerships for Vocational Education and Training KA202 in years 2014-2016. Assumption of this project was statement that m...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Agriculture, forestry and fisheries ...;;UNIWERSYTET PRZYRODNICZY WE WROCLAWIU;PL;PL,HU,TR,IT,RO;247.304,98;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (tertiary level);Centro Educativo;not available;not available;English;"LiveNutrition project was realised under Erasmus+ programme - Strategic Partnerships for Vocational Education and Training KA202 in years 2014-2016. Assumption of this project was statement that many livestock farmers and other people involved and pretend to be involved in animal production still do not have sufficient knowledge and skills in livestock production with special attentio0jn to rational livestock nutrition and methods of mitigation of this production impact on natural environment. Proper nutrition is essential for profitability of livestock production but educational level of farmers in area of animal nutrition is not sufficient for rational livestock feeding. | The main aim of LiveNutrition project was to develop a truly innovative curriculum supported with e-learning course on livestock nutrition and handbook addressed to all involved in animal production. The project assumptions contributed to the European Policy of Rural Development Programme for 2014-2020 paying special attention to fostering knowledge transfer in agriculture and rural areas, improving competitiveness and viability of animal breeders as well as reduce poverty and immigration, to sustainable development and to bring life to rural regions in Europe. | Seven organizations were collaborating within LIVENUTRITION project: two from Poland: Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences and ARID Lacjum; two from Turkey: Balikesir Universitesi and Canakkale Onsekiz Mart Universitesi one from Romania - National Research Development Institute for Animal Biology and Nutrition; one from Italy - Confederazione italiana agricoltori dell'Umbria and one from Hungary - Tuds Alaptvny. The consortium was geographically and sectorial well-balanced and consisted of experienced partners representing different profiles research and training institutions, universities, farmer association and two NGOs experts on innovation, knowledge and best practice dissemination what made the project high potential to deliver powerful and high quality products and made a huge trans-European impact through the networking activities of the partners. | Activities that were conducted during project running were divided into seven Work Packages: 1st PROJECT MANAGEMENT concerned mainly activities connected with documentation administering and dissemination; 2nd TRANSNATIONAL PROJECT MEETINGS five transnational meetings were organized in all partners countries; 3rd NEEDS ANALYSES - accomplished for analyse and define the needs of project users in the partner countries, results of surveys made fine adjustments of the work plan choose the subject and direction of the project activities; 4th TRAINING CONTENTS DEVELOPMENT - development of training materials (six languages) and implementation of materials with e-learning platform; 5th PROJECT WEBSITE AND E-LEARNING ENVIRONMENT DESIGN included all necessary activities to design and make e-learning the training system and the project website more functionally and friendly for user; 6th PROJECTS OUTPUTS DISSEMINATION included activities concerned with development and localization of courses, promotion of a course textbook and other project outputs - organization of Multiplier Event that were organized on international national level in Poland and on national level in Turkey, Hungary, Italy and Romania. 7th PREPARATION, PUBLICATION AND DISSEMINATION of LIVENUTRITION handbook which were published in each participated country.";Main outputs of implemented project are innovative curriculum in area of livestock nutrition consisted of e-learning platform and handbook RATIONAL LIVESTOCK NUTRITION IN RURAL AREAS that were prepared in 6 languages: English, Polish, Italian, Hungarian, Turkish and Romanian. This project and its main products had very positive feedback from projects targets groups. Impacts of the project focused on knowledge, innovations, know-how and good practices transfer in agriculture with special attention to animal nutrition. The innovated curricula, training courses affected the target groups awareness of animal nutrition and welfare significance in animal production and the necessity of lifelong learning and continuously up-skilling to enhance viability of livestock production and make it environmental friendly, especially in small and medium sized farms. The higher profitability of such farms may reduce youth migration to big cities. Expected the long-term impact of the LiveNutrition project is enhancement of the viability of livestock breeders, transfer of innovation to the agriculture, especially animal production, improvement of life quality, employment ratio and development in rural areas. Directly through enhancing farm viability the expected rationale of this project is reduction of poverty and economic development in rural areas. The LIVENUTRITION project also created a great opportunity to form within the project a lifelong partnership between PL, HU, RO, IT and TR. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2014;2014-1-PL01-KA203-003629;;;Promocja uczenia si_ przez ca_e _ycie w szko_ach wy_szych przez wdro_enie innowacyjnych praktyk w zakresie uznawalno_ci efektw uczenia si_ uzyskanych poza edukacj_ formaln_;"Promoting LLL in HE by implementing innovative practices in RPL - EDUPRO Higher education institutions and lifelong learning education keep searching for new ways of coexistence and cooperat...";Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Recognition (non-formal and informal learning/credits), Gender equality / equal opportunities;;DOLNOSLASKA SZKOLA WYZSZA;PL;PL,UK,PT;111.837,83;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (tertiary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;The important task of finding the right framework and right solutions to recognize prior learning outcomes resulted from everyday life experience, work environments and numerous social practices became a priority task in integrating HE and LLL. HEIs in Poland are currently in the stage of intense search for their own strategies and solutions when it comes to integrating LLL and RPL. Erasmus+ creates possibilities of learning from the experiences of more advanced partner institutions in EU, analysing their policies and strategies and build its own systems and tools of RPL while allowing European partners critical view of their own practices through action research process and the exchange of their experiences in the field. EDUPRO project was responding to the need of: widening participation in education for adult learners ( over 25 years old), promote and validate learning in non-formal and informal learning settings (i. e. workplace learning), create new curriculum and educational programmes for learners without prior academic experiences. Added value of the project was the involvement of other stakeholders (employers, local government, NGOs) in the process of shaping key competences and skills essential for the market, local communities and active citizenship practices. There were four HEIs involved in the project, all of them experienced in participation in international research projects: DSW (University of Lower Silesia) non state academic HEI established in 1997 in Wroclaw, Poland. University of Algarve, Portugal - HEI well known for its reach network of international cooperation and strong ties with local stakeholders. University of Warwick (UK) one of the biggest and most prominent HEI in Great Britain with reach offer in LLL. University of Gdansk one of the top state founded HEIs in Poland. Activities within the project led to create and test best practices and solutions (organizational, institutional, procedural and staff related) in LLL and RPL based on more advanced partners experiences, and to analyse current state of the art in RPL in EU based on resources of HEI. Main tasks of the project were: sharing experiences between partners, sharing resources and working materials, comparative studies between institutions as LLL leaders (case studies, action research, documents analysis), experimental implementation of RPL solutions in Poland based on recommendations for Polish practitioners in HEIs, creating an educational offer for learners from non-academic environments (non- traditional learners of all age and background). ;The outcomes of the project are both intellectual (institutional profiles, recommendation, research report on action research, guidelines for staff, website, papers and articles) as well as promotional and linked with dissemination of the project results (conference, workshops for the stakeholders). Long term results of the project are: raising awareness of LLL significance as a key learning practice through disseminating the outcomes of the project after its finishing, involving every possible open access resources to promote it. Long term results of EDUPRO are focused on HEIs and address the necessity to open up towards new groups of learners with diverse learning experiences, social and cultural capitals as well as new learning resources. | Results | Website | | | Without category | | Output1/Rezultat1_Institutional profiles/Profile instytucji | Output2/Rezultat2_Recommendation for academic practice/Rekomendacje dla praktyki akademickiej | Output 3/Rezultat3_Action research report/Raport z bada_ w dzia_aniu | Output 4/Rezultat4_Guidelines: educating the RPL staff and the RPL tools/Przewodnik potwierdzania efektw uczenia si_. Kszta_cenie kadr i metodyka procesu Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-PT01-KA101-000252;;;Dimenso Europeia e Qualidade do Ensino - DEQUE;"Project background: The project designed was based on an accurate analysis of the needs of our Agrupamento having in mind the achievement of High quality of education. We also took into considera...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, International cooperation, international relations ...;;Agrupamento de Escolas de Miranda do Corvo;PT;PT;36.894,00;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;;English;"Project background: | The project designed was based on an accurate analysis of the needs of our Agrupamento having in mind the achievement of High quality of education. We also took into consideration the huge changes which occurred in the labour market which clearly pointed out the need to prepare our students for an European labour market. Therefore we designed a European development plan in which we identified the following needs: | 1. Internationalization of our Agrupamento and the promotion of a European culture in order to develop the feeling of belonging to a global Europe; | 2. develop linguistic skills; | 3. develop innovative pedagogical practices through transnational cooperation; | 4. enhance skills for efficient inclusive teaching methods of children and youths living in residential institutions; | 5. improve transversal ICT skills; | 6. improve management skills; | | Project goals: | We selected a set of activities to address the needs identified in the European Development Plan, pointing out the necessity of having more qualified staff who can be able to promote a high quality education. Therefore we promoted the participation of our teachers in professional training courses in European countries having in mind the internationalization of our Agrupamento. Attending these courses together with participants coming from different European countries made it possible to share scientific and cultural knowledge specially the different education systems and pedagogical practices. We succeeded in promoting: | - The participation in workshops to apply innovative pedagogical practices and develop new skills; | - The participation in professional training courses which involve cooperative work and innovative learning scenarios; | - participation in professional training courses which promote the use of ICT in the teaching practice; | - the organization of activities which help to develop the international European dimension (participation in international projects); | - The development of intercultural skills. | | -Profile of participants | 20 teachers who were willing to: | - take part in professional training courses abroad; | - develop linguistic skills; | - share the European dimension with teachers and students as well as with stakeholders; | - Integrate the European dimension and the knowledge acquired in the professional training courses in the teachers teaching practice; | | -Description of activities | The participation in professional training course which address the needs identified in the European Development Plan; | | -Methodology | A team responsible for the implementation of the project was established to assure the dissemination of the project, establishment of the selection jury, the selection process of the candidates, preparation of mobilities, cooperation with the international host organizations before, during and after the mobilities, dissemination and evaluation in cooperation with our partners.";Description of the results and impact attained and potential longer term benefits. | The workshops' experience abroad boosted the motivation for intercultural learning and intercultural cooperation and active participation in European projects (E-Twinning, KA2...) and we are now working on 3 new applications to the KA2 Erasmus+ programme together with partners we had the chance to meet in some of the training courses our teachers attended. Besides more qualified teachers are now able to apply systematically innovative pedagogical practices which lead to quality education. We also expect to expand the students and teachers' intercultural, language and social skills in our Agrupamento as well as in the Agrupamentos in the region by organizing training course and workshops in cooperation with Training Centre Nova gora. | The development of these skills will better prepare our students to face the demands of the European and international labour market. At the same time we were able to gradually introduce quality standards in the work developed at our Agrupamento. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2014;2014-1-PT01-KA102-000288;;;EPTOEUROPA IV;The EPTOLIVA Escola Profissional de Oliveira do Hospital, Tbua e Arganil, was founded in 1991 in order to respond to socio-economic needs of the region in this sense, it develops its activity i...;Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Inclusion - equity;;Associao para o desenvolvimento do ensino profissional dos concelhos de Tbua, Oliveira do Hospital e Arganil;PT;PT,ES,UK,IT;51.842,00;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The EPTOLIVA Escola Profissional de Oliveira do Hospital, Tbua e Arganil, was founded in 1991 in order to respond to socio-economic needs of the region in this sense, it develops its activity in vocational education and training, ensuring the best conditions for the promoting education and integration of their graduates in the labor market. That's why, since 2010, has applied for and implemented successfully, Leonardo da Vinci projects, providing about 5-8 recent graduates / year, access to a work placement in an international context. The intention to maintain continuity of these projects relates to the fulfillment of the goals in the school educational project. The ultimate goal, to which all others contribute, is defined as ""able to provide a comprehensive and integrated training of its students, contributing to active and participative citizens in the surrounding society, conscious of their rights and duties as citizens of a place, a region, a country and Europe. "" In this project, EPTOLIVA allowed mobility 9 recent graduates and two students to perform internships. In order to meet the school's goals were established for the project the following objectives: To continue and strengthen efforts to support young people and consolidate training courses and professional quality. Ensure better chances of employment for newly qualified young people, either in the county or elsewhere. Contribute to a Europe of Training and Employment, based on social cohesion, on knowledge and competitiveness in a globalized world in crisis and continuing challenges. Deepening the role of EPTOLIVA while catalyzing institution of change in the network of regional partners to develop the territory in line with national and European goals. Provide an experience that complements the learning done in training context. These objectives are in line with the objectives for education and training at national and European level to promote cooperation and exchange. Similarly, its continuation will allow address the needs identified in the school community and the territory, regarding the adequacy of the offer to the needs and capacity for innovation and change. | The developed experience prepared technicians who do monitor these stages, ensuring, from year to year, better conditions and greater know-how for the selection, monitoring, monitoring and evaluation of each mobility program. The mobilities of recent graduates took place between September and December 2015, lasting 14 weeks and student mobilities took place between January and February 2016, lasting five weeks. The EPTOEUROPA IV gave opportunity to those who were disadvantaged by their socio-economic conditions or the situation and geographical isolation in which they were.";the following mobilities for defined destinations were carried out: United Kingdom - 3 participants - Spain - 5 participants - Italy - 3 participants - The activities under this project included the completion of a language course and cultural adaptation during the first week and the following week internship. Apart from these, preparation activities were conducted prior to departure and evaluation during and after the project. In compliance with the project, the following impacts on participants resulted: Personal skills and improved professional- Greater openness to European countries - Development of Human Rights - New attitudes towards the labor market - Higher confidence levels and self-esteem in their skills - Domain new languages For the region, the impact was necessarily on developing more competent human resources and promoting competitiveness, as well as opening new international markets. The level of impact on the entities involved in the development of the project, these are estimated that are durable, especially in developing new strategic partnerships at European level, but also in the development of good practice in mobility management and modernization of procedures. To ensure the success of the project was maintained regular communication with the participants and the different partners involved. The income statement was guaranteed by the various forms of dissemination of expected results, particularly at school, in the local educational community, potential employers and, internationally, by intermediaries and host stages partners. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2014;2014-1-PT01-KA204-001056;;;Developing Financial Competencies for EU Citizens Utilizing Online Learning and Digital Literacy;In the current times of economic turbulence and market shortcoming, where the majority of EU citizens are struggling to manage the financial challenges they face, a real life need for the developm...;Open and distance learning, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;INSTITUTO POLITECNICO DO PORTO;PT;PT,ES,SI,CY,IT,SK,AT;231.931,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;Its main goals were to help people to understand the mechanics of the economy and the market, providing them with the necessary tools to deal with daily financial issues, and protect them from slipping in to extremely negative situations. Moreover, the project also intended to, directly and indirectly, promote the digital numeracy, language, reading, collaboration and communication skills of the target. To attain these goals, the consortium developed an online educational platform which encompasses social networking tools, online games, data bases, and training packages of online self-regulated modules, which are also be available through mobile platforms. The online training modules developed are: 1. Digital Literacy and Access to Financial Information 2. Basic Maths 3. Budgeting 4. Savings 5. Indebtedness 6. Credit and Loans 7. Consumer Rights 8. Investment and Entrepreneurship;To attain the objectives the consortium undertook several activities. The first one consisted on a State of the Art and Gap Analysis. Here partners collected information about the gap in financial literacy in particular in the training of digital, financial and math literacies. Results provided information not only about financial literacy but also about eLearning and adequate pedagogies to be used with the target of this project. These were later incorporated in the learning platform and modules developed, which consisted in the next activity. 8 modules were developed, each one being divided in basic and advanced levels. Basic was designed for a target with a lower level of education (translated in all partners' languages) and Advanced for a target with a higher level of education (contents only in English). All modules followed the latest pedagogical developments concerning eLearning and so are interactive, have videos, games, quizzes and a final self-evaluation test so each user can assess his / her knowledge at the end. The platform also has a forum so all users can interact. All models were tested and validated and suggestions and comments were incorporated. A web portal was also developed - Here, users can find, besides the eLearning platform, also an elibrary with additional suggestions such as a toolkit in a digital flip book format with information regarding the modules as well as hints and advices on how to use the materials with the students. Useful links can also be found here. A mobile app was also developed - This allows all users to use the platform wherever they are. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-RO01-KA101-000484;;;"Stiintele si tehnologia in ""Societatea Cunoasterii""";"The ""Science and technology in Knowledge Society"" project was based on the analysis of our school students' interest in science and technology and on the finding that students are not motivated to...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Natural sciences, Research and innovation;;"Liceul Teoretic ""Carmen Sylva""";RO;RO;11.830,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The ""Science and technology in Knowledge Society"" project was based on the analysis of our school students' interest in science and technology and on the finding that students are not motivated to choose professions in sciences and technologies. Since in our country and in the European Union, the importance of scientific research and technology is growing, we define specific objectives for our project: | - Improving classroom activities using interactive teaching-learning methods and information technologies; | - Improving professional and methodical activity of our teachers by attending training courses abroad and by publishing methodical works inspired by courses attended by teachers; | To achieve our goals, a total of 6 teachers of the school, teachers of mathematics, science and technology, attended training courses in the European Union. Teachers were selected based on criteria set out in the application and participated in in service training: | a) In the ""Digital Extra"" course, organized in the UK, 5-11 April 2015, participated Chiosea Valeria, teacher of Biology and Potera Mihaela Ramona, teacher of Physics. The course promotes electronic learning, eLearning. At the end of the course participants were able to create quality eLearning content to support their teaching classes. Material created during the course were used in the classroom and outside the classroom and were shared with colleagues. | b) At the ""Tap, Swipe-Pinch"" organized in Spain during 15 to 20 March 2015, attended Bulgaru Laurentiu and Vasile-Iorga Raluca teacher of Chemistry and teacher of Mathematics. Course promotes learning using mobile devices. The course has provided theoretical approaches and practical examples, allowed evaluation of various mobile devices and mobile applications tailored to each teacher trainee specialty. Participants create their own lessons using multimedia and mobile technologies and discussed the lessons created. | c) ""eLearning: Moodle for Techies and System Administrators"" course, held in Malta, between 14 to 18 September 2015, was attended by Anca-Mihaela Cojocaru-Apostolachi teacher of Mathematics and Physics teacher Serbu Florin Constantin. The course aime was to present and discuss the benefits of eLearning platforms in educational institutions. It was custom for Moodle system. Course participants learned to install, manage and create educational content on Moodle eLearning platform. | Project activities were presented in a dissemination campaigns in schools, at regional level (Constanta county) and in the local community using a variety of tools: PowerPoint presentations, exhibition panels in the school, printed articles, online articles, presentations at teachers conferences. | All teachers who have attended courses, used in the classroom activities and in extracurricular activities, applications, technologies and methods learned at the courses. A new Moodle platform was installed and configured a school ( The platform has over 800 users. On the platform teachers created content (lessons, learning units, optional courses, tests) used by students in the classroom, at home and for learning assessments. | There was a significant positive impact for students and teachers and also for our school. | Following courses teachers have acquired new skills in Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) and have used these skills in teaching, learning and assessment. Learning goes beyond the classroom by promoting extracurricular activities (robotics courses, and management of computer networks, web design, online journalism held in weekends) and co-operation activities and collaboration with museums, scientific research centers and universities. European Dimensions in education has increased. And the interest in European projects among teachers and among students also increased.";Our school student's interest for mathematics, computer science and engineering increased. A greater number of high school students decide after there graduation to study Computer Science and Engineering in University. We also expect that the number of European projects in which the school is involved to grow in future years. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-RO01-KA101-001047;;;Abordarea europeana a pred_rii - garan_ie a calit__ii _i succesului profesional;"The project ""The European approach of teaching quality guarantee and professional succes"" followed the modernization of teaching strategies in order to create an attractive and motivating learni...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;"Liceul Tehnologic ""Nicolae Teclu"" Copsa Mica";RO;RO,FI;28.090,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The project ""The European approach of teaching quality guarantee and professional succes"" followed the modernization of teaching strategies in order to create an attractive and motivating learning environment that awakens students ' interest in studying; leading to the reduction of absenteeism, improving school results in assimilating the knowledge and the skills that are required for lifelong, tracing the outline of a successful socio-professional profile for the European Community. | The aims of the project were: | - the modernisation of teaching through new strategies that integrate digital means and technologies; | - the students acquired specialized knowledge in the IT field and skills for using digital means and technologies; | - the improvement of teachers and students' linguistic and IT competences; | - the awareness of the importance of school-professional training and personal development, generally speaking, in order to be an active citizen in a unified Europe. | The project was developed over a period of two years, during which time 17 teachers, with various specialities, participated in 6 training courses. The topics of courses focussed on the formation of competences and skills for the use and integration of digital means in the process of teaching-learning-assessment in order to create new and innovative teaching strategies. Therefore, the teachers learned to develop and use collaborative documents and useful open-source applications, digital tools for evaluation (online tests), dynamic and attractive presentations; they developed habits of using various applications for the preparation and processing of images, audio-and videotaped materials, they learned to use predefined educational platforms, to create personal sites for an efficient communication between teacher-student-parent. Besides the general courses, the teachers of our school had the opportunity to participate in a specialized course for the use of the e-learning platform Moodle. | For each training course the participants followed a programme of inter-cultural and linguistic preparation, and after each training they organized dissemination activities according with a plan agreed within the project. The teachers made presentation materials for the course (flyers, course portfolio) and at least one tutorial for an application or a software presented at the course. | The elaborated products during the project (4 speciality papers with ISBN prepared by teachers, the e-learning platform of the school, the project website which includes educational materials, the innovations brought to school site consisting in pages for special committees, teachers, students, parents) are able to demonstrate teachers' competence and skills in the use of digital techniques and ensure the sustainability of the project, being relevant sources of information and documentation that one can benefit both in school and beyond. | The teaching-learning-assessment process from our school has become a modern one and the students' school results have improved.";Through the direct participation in courses within this project and through training sessions organised in our school, it was realized that in a dynamic society, based on knowledge, concepts and skills offered by learning through digital technology are absolutely necessary for all disciplines, no matter what speciality or professional qualification we get, because they provide flexibility and facilitates rapid adaptation to new economic and social requirements. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-RO01-KA101-001074;;; I.N-T.I.M.E. (Institutional Needs-Training, Innovation, Mobility, Energy);"The project was developed between 01.09.2014 and 31.08.2015.It supposed the training of 15 teachers from Liceul Tehnologic ""Ion Mincu"", Vaslui to meet the needs of the institution on reducing sch...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;"Liceul Tehnologic ""Ion Mincu""";RO;RO,MT,CZ,BG;38.340,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The project was developed between 01.09.2014 and 31.08.2015.It supposed the training of 15 teachers from Liceul Tehnologic ""Ion Mincu"", Vaslui to meet the needs of the institution on reducing school dropout by increasing motivation in learning and integrating modern technologies in the educational process.Taking part in the training courses,the teachers acquired and developed competences regarding early school leaving, the use of teaching methods for students with fewer opportunities/special needs to meet the challenges and changes,to understand the learning needs, the benefits of modern methods of working with trainees,to support activities using student-centered methods preparating for lifelong learning,to integrate ICT in teaching and create/use e-learning resources.The teachers gained a positive attitude towards school life, reviewed their professional profile,became aware of cultural differences and improved their communication skills.The project objectives were fully met by training a number of 15 teachers, 12 months to know how to increase students motivation while learning and how to integrate technology in learning.The participation of the 15 teachers at the courses wished to lower the dropout rate in the institution and get better school results.The course ""Current Issues in Education-Early School Leaving' was attended by 4teachers-2 flows.From the 5 teachers initially planned,only 4(1Science,1 technical,2Romanian language teachers) participated at this course,the 5th participating at the course ?Innovative Teaching Techniques? with the other teacher initially planned.The course ?Innovative Teaching Techniques?, similar to ""Teaching English through ICT is Fun"",which was initially mentioned in the application,was suggested by the organizers and replaced it, because the initial course could not be organized (not enough participants).The course ""Enhancing Students ' Motivation Through Inquiry-Based Learning' was attended by3 teachers (1Math,1history,1English teacher)-1fow.The 3 teachers acquired and applied methods to increase students' intrinsic motivation by means of IBL(Inquiry-Based Learning),they acquired communication/relationships skills with students with learning difficulties/special educational needs and their parents.The method provided teachers with student centered learning, learning through discovery and cooperation activity samples, ways to actively involving students in training and development.The course:""Using E-Learning in the Classroom"" was attended by 2 teachers (1Romanian,1technical)-1 flow,""Empowerment Skills in ICT-Making Use of Technology Tools"" was attended by 2 teachers (1technical and 1Informatics)-1flow,""Technology Enhanced LearningTEL"" was attended by 2 Science teachers-1flow, Innovative Teaching Techniques, was attended by 2 teachers (1French ,1English)-1flow. This course replaced the initial selected course,""Teaching English is Fun Through ICT"".The activities developing ICT skills provided teachers with practical ideas to integrated technology into lessons,to create/use e- learning platforms,to diversify the free online resources,to use software,websites,to acquire skills for using attractive tools for students, to implement computer-assisted learning and use ways of motivating students.All 15 teachers were actively involved in preparing the mobility and answered the requests made by the school and training partner.";The participants and partner organizations communicated and collaborated throughout the project implementation and organized preparation,training,evaluation,monitoring and dissemination activities.The training was provided by institutions with experience and expertise in Europe and in areas relevant for the project.The courses were held in the UK, Czech Republic and Malta.The trainings were in 7flows and 15teachers attended them.Evaluation and monitoring activities were carried out during the project and will be held in the post-implementation period, ensuring the formation of specific skills to a larger number of teachers in the school, to improve the quality of educational process and the services offered by the school.Dissemination was formal and non-formal:discussions,lessons,Massmedia articles,interviews,conferences, magazine, platforms,sites, at institutional,local,regional,national and international level. Project management and work teams (selection,training,evaluation and monitoring) carried out activities according to the type of activity and responsibilities established. The project had positive impact on the participants,students,institutions and local community.Students' feedback showed the activities of beneficiary teachers started being attractive using ICT resources,teaching and evaluation became friendlier.By valuing information,cultural diversity,pluralism and European dimension,our institution developed its human resource and noticed changed learning attitudes in students. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2014;2014-1-RO01-KA102-000782;;;One Step Closer to the European Labour Market ;The project One Step Closer to the European labor Market implemented by CTEU answered the need for development, transfer, validation and recognition of competences and professional, social and p...;Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, International cooperation ...;;Colegiul Tehnic Emanuil Ungureanu;RO;RO,PT,DE;230.429,76;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;The project One Step Closer to the European labor Market implemented by CTEU answered the need for development, transfer, validation and recognition of competences and professional, social and personal skills for 93 students, XI-th graders, in view of optimizing their insertion and mobility on the labor market. The targeted qualifications were:Economic activities technician, Tourism Technician, Electrical Installations Technician and Automation technician level 4. The participants, carried out professional training placement periods of 3 weeks, in PT and DE, in VET institutes with work-based learning periods and at ZAW, a professional training center in Leipzig. The objectives of the project were: O1. Development of professional knowledge, competences and skills of the future graduates, in order to optimize their opportunities to get a job on the European labor market. O2. Building and developing social and personal skills and competences, entrepreneurship and adjustment to various organizational cultures. O3. Improve communication competence in a foreign language (English) to facilitate their access to information, optimal adjustment to a European work environment, better understanding and development of the European identity. O4. Promotion and development of international cooperation in education and training. The professional training stages took place in 6 flows: Flow 1 PT, 10 Ec.+ 5 Tourism+2 accom.teachers, Flow 2 - PT, 11 Ec.+ 5 Tourism +1accom. teachers+1monitor, Flow 3 DE, 9 Automation + 7 Electric+1accom. teachers+1monitor, Flow 4 - PT, 9 Ec.+ 6 Tourism+2 accom.teachers. Flow 5 - PT, 10 Ec.+ 5 Tourism+2 accom.teachers, Flow 6 DE, 9 Automation + 7 Electric+1accom. teachers+1monitor;The activities in the training stages covered 2 major components: | a)Practical training of the participants consisted of activities in compliance with SPP and the National Curriculum, as it follows: | 1. Module 7 Payment instruments/ 90 h - Economic domain | 2 Module 6 Technical operations of the travel agency/ 90 h - Tourism domain | 3. Module 9 Electronic circuits/ 90 h- Technical domain (Automation + Electric) | b)Cultural preparation in week-ends and free time. | Besides, previous to the mobility, the participants were provided pedagogical preparation (5 h/flow), cultural preparation (3 h/flow) and linguistic preparation (20h/flow) in order to acquire the necessary information about the receiving organizations and their org. culture, about the historical and cultural background of PT and DE and to facilitate communication in host countries. We estimate that through the results achieved, the project fully achieved its objectives, the quality of the technical professional education in our school has improved, as well as the school's capacity to cooperate at national and European level. Results/ impact: -93 students with enhanced prof. skills and competences acquired within the European space, assessed and validated in PT and DE and transferred and recognized in Romania, with optimized social, intercultural and linguistic competences for a better transition from school to active life, thus directly contributing to the reduction of unemployment rate among youth, at national and European level and growth of professional mobility degree. -2 ECVET partnerships, materialized in 2 MoU and 3 LA, which enhance the quality of the transnational practical training stages,as well as the volume of mobilities and which provides at the same time 3 ECVET training programs for the qualifications provided by CTEU. -Practical training notebooks for the qualifications of the project, work sheets and technical diagrams used at didactic material at class (specialty classes and practical training modules) with the 11th graders. Generated impact : -a) L.O.acquired by the 93 participants in the projects ensure a better quality of the qualifications of Services and Technical domains, areas which have known an ascendant trend in the regional and national economy but which are still facing an insufficient amount of qualified labor force. By increasing the quality of these qualifications, the unemployment rate among young graduates is reduced and the rate of transition from school to active life of the participants to the projects has reached over 60%. -b) increase the quality of the work based practical training stages and the number of partnerships with economic agents of TM (54 partnerships). -c) positive effect on the correlation between the offer for professional training and the present and future demands of the labor market. -d) participantspersonal development which contributes directly to the increase their adaptability to the world we live in and a better understanding of the European values. -e) development of coop. in education and training between all factors. -f) stronger visibility of CTEU and partner institutions. Sustainability is ensured by the multiplication of results and new projects in the framework of Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-RO01-KA201-002736;;;Hard-Soft Skilling-Charting your career path;Equipping students with high transferable skills to help them in everyday life and labor market permanent challenges is becoming imperative due to the socio-economic conditions nowadays. As a resu...;Open and distance learning, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment;;Liceul Charles Laugier;RO;RO,ES,IT,FR,DE,BG,PT,TR;218.943,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;Equipping students with high transferable skills to help them in everyday life and labor market permanent challenges is becoming imperative due to the socio-economic conditions nowadays. As a result, in accordance with the individual training needs, teachers should be endowed with didactic and pedagogical tools able to boost students school-work transition and provide the learning environment with a more real life oriented approach. Hard-Soft Skilling-Charting your Career Path is a Strategic Partnerships for Cooperation, Innovation and Exchange of Good Practices among 8 secondary schools, both general and vocational, from Romania, Bulgaria, France, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, Germany and Italy. The scope of the project is the integration of hard and soft core transversal skills learning as part of the 14-19 year-old high-school students development in 8 European countries, by the use of appropriate methodologies and tools to facilitate the process, in alliance in alliance with the Europe 2020strategy for growth and ET2020 guidelines. The major objectives of the project are: -to develop employability through basic high transferable skills acquisition -to maximize learning potential, encouraging self-reflecting and critical thinking on how to use the hard soft skills to chart their career path, offering tools learners may personalize and use for self -promotion -to develop awareness of the diversity of the local /national/international labor market and employment opportunities, equipping students with research skills and job searching techniques - to create innovative tools to support continuous development of learners' high transferable skills, increasing the students motivation by encouraging collaboration and experience sharing, fostering creativity and peer assessment -to support teachers to practice the ability to work in interdisciplinary and multi-national teams with a direct impact on teaching quality by sharing methods, strategies, ideas and materials.;The project addresses both students and teachers in secondary schools. In order to reach the objectives, a comparative study will be conducted in the 8 partner countries and based on its results an optional course syllabus, an eight-module teaching toolkit and a teachers' guide will be created. Simultaneously, innovative teaching tools will also be designed and tested: an on-line resume creator, an employment web directory and an Android application for smart-phones. At the same time, an e-learning platform will be developed and teaching materials will be adapted and uploaded for on-line course delivery. Three short student exchanges will be held in 3 partner countries in order to test different teaching tools or teaching modules as well as to assess their impact at the level of students and teachers. An international conference will be organized at the end of the courses in order to disseminate the new curricula and tools and to offer best practice examples. Hard Soft Skilling-Charting your career path is organized according to two main directions. On one hand, it proposes a student-oriented approach, since it aims at increasing students awareness of the potential skills they may use and develop in order to increase success in their career, at offering tips on how to best exploit them based on a personalized career model and on what actions they may undertake in order to reach their goals. Thus, being trained, students will become more aware of their potential and of the possibilities of self-promotion. On the other hand, it proposes a pro-active approach for teachers and managers in the educational system, becoming thus an important opportunity for teacher professional development. Based on research and continual quality checks in a broad framework, the project promotes a core of teaching tools which could be easily implemented as part of the school based curriculum in any school, irrespective of its type ( either general or vocational). The project as a whole brings a new perspective on the necessity of introducing changes in the school curriculum and in the training models used in schools. Results | Website | | | Without category | | Output1: Comparative Study on the Use and Need of Transferable Skills at Eight Schools of Secondary Education in Different European Countries | Output2_Hard-Soft Skilling-Charting your career path_Optional Course Syllabus | Output4_Hard-Soft Skilling-Charting your career path_Teaching Toolkit | Output5_Hard-Soft Skilling-Charting your career path_Career_Plan_Model | Output6_ Hard-Soft Skilling-Charting your career path_Teacher Guide Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-RO01-KA201-002775;;;Cross-curricular educational approach endeavor in a border-less Europe;The general objective proposed and achieved has been the implementation of cross-curricular approach into didactic process of primary&secondary educational level, in order to enhance students mot...;Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, International cooperation, international relations ...;;INSPECTORATUL SCOLAR JUDETEAN MARAMURES;RO;RO,TR;87.810,00;Yes;No;Local Public body;Administracin;;not available;English;"The general objective proposed and achieved has been the implementation of cross-curricular approach into didactic process of primary&secondary educational level, in order to enhance students motivation and engagement, the holistic understanding of concepts, of real-life situations of learning and, finally, to sustain the learning process. The specific aims proposed and achieved are: | a)to contribute, for long term, to the sustainable development of society by the improvement of education and of life quality in local community | b)to contribute, for short and middle term, at the improvement of education for the both region through the new attitude, knowledge, competences of students and of teachers regarding the educational approach | c)to build educational approaches for students, teachers, local community members who are part of the target group, in terms of cross-curricular education | d)to form to target group the skills and habits regarding the cross-curricular education through the contribution of different educational factors in educational activities | e)to manage the quality and efficiency of free time for students, youth and adults engaging in actions to research different links between fields where can find a phenomenon/concept/situation. | The project has been based on following problems, identified in our institutional strategies and who gave the project idea: | a)to help the students to reach their potential through the value of multiple intelligence | b)to realize the link between different local and European institutions and association, through didactic activities, conferences, seminars etc regarding the cross-curricular approach in education (benefits, tools, methods) | c)to realize the self-evaluation of students, teachers, local communities and authorities regarding the key competences developed | d)to give adaptive feedback from educational field | e)to use the online resources and on-line tools for dissemination | f)to share the specific creative/formative educational method for the sustainable development through cross-curricular activities. | The partner institutions of this regional partnership have identified a common need: to promote the cross-curricular approach in educational activities, as modality to link the theory to the practice and the different curricular fields and, additionally, to value the main emotional intelligence of our students. The students from disadvantaged category (with disabilities/educational difficulties, at the risk of educational failure and school abandon) have needed to be motivated regarding their participation at educational system. We have found that the school needed to be closer to the local community in learning/teaching process. We have needed to propose new methods and tools in learning/teaching process. For these, the project activities have implemented the training piloting sessions of this innovative methods for 36 Romanian and 83 Turkish teachers from schools involved in they implementation. | The partnership, between 2 institutions from Maramures county (Romania) and Osmaniye region (Turkey) are realized in order to support the implementation of the project & to disseminate its results. From each region have participated one school and one institution with interest in educational field. Each partner has been responsible for project implementation; the coordination is the Romanian partner.";The project propose managerial activities assured by transnational project team. Each partner have a managerial team. The project proposes 4 transnational meetings (48 mobilities). | During the implementation, we have recorded 4 intellectual output: IO1-practical Guide of cross-curricular teaching&learning activities on 100 DVDs&on Facebook, IO2-optional course, IO3-managerial study, IO4-teachers training course support. Other results from: administrative&financial documents, monitoring/evaluation/dissemination activities. | The project evaluation has been realized as quantitative and qualitative aspect, through direct observation, feed-back as evaluation methods. The dissemination has been realized through poster, 800 ex. leaflet, PowerPoint presentations, local meetings, project Facebook, webpage of partner institutions, 3 presentations in media. | The add value at EU level through the didactic method centered to needs, aspirations and possibilities of learners. | The impact is for short&middle&long term for students and teachers. The educational experience are transferable and opportune for others. The sustainability is assured through the possibility of exploitation of project results in future. The training activities are an investment in human resource and this sustains the durable development. It adds a cultural awareness through the activities from our countries. Results | Without category | | Cross-curricular educational approach_conclusions of training | Intellectual Output 4_Training course support | Intellectual Output 3_Managerial instrument - study/analysis | Intellectual Output 1_Guide of good practices Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2014;2014-1-RO01-KA202-002909;;;E-learning course for innovative textile fields;The strong competition in the textile industry on international level, imposes a better flexibility of the industry as well as the investment in education and the adaptation of new skills for youn...;Enterprise, industry and SMEs (incl. entrepreneurship), Natural sciences ...;;INSTITUTUL NATIONAL DE CERCETARE-DEZVOLTARE PENTRU TEXTILE SI PIELARIE;RO;RO,CZ,SI,PT;224.074,59;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;not available;;English;"The strong competition in the textile industry on international level, imposes a better flexibility of the industry as well as the investment in education and the adaptation of new skills for young textile specialists. This is the reason for the need to enhance the quality and relevance of the learning offer in education towards the latest developments in textile research and innovation. The Advan2Tex project envisages the development of new tools for improving key competences for young textile specialists. | The project's objectives were: | - to enhance the quality and relevance of the learning offer in training by developing of a innovative textile course and e-learning platform and supporting the dissemination of the projects outcomes; | - to improve the level and the assessment of textile competences, including entrepreneurship, languages and digital skills; | - to promote take-up of innovative practices by use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), open and flexible learning. | - to promote structured inter-regional cooperation | - to improve the capacities of organizations in the fields of training of specific textile target group | - to promote entrepreneurship education, employability and new business creation and to support the personal and professional development of the target group. | | The key competences in textiles were made relevant through the expertise of the partners: 3 universities and 2 research institutes from 4 countries - Czech Republic (Textile Testing Institute-TZU), Portugal (University of Minho), Romania (The National R&D Institute for Textiles and Leather - Bucharest and The Technical University - Iasi) and Slovenia (University of Maribor). | All the objectives were met by fully accomplishing the main outputs of the project: | A. Innovative textile course and manual | B. E-learning platform | C. Training activities (organization of blended courses, joint staff training events) | D. A guide for promoting intercultural partnership, a guide for best practices in the field of the courses, a guide for new business and research ideas and a guide for courses evaluation and upgrading, resulting from the joint staff training events | E. Articles, events presentations, etc. | | A. The innovative textile course included relevant state-of-the-art knowledge of the projects partners within the modules: | 1. Advanced Knitting Technologies | 2. Virtual prototyping of garments, 3D scanning, clothing for people with special needs | 3. New method for testing textile materials | 4. Standardization of textile testing | 5. New sustainable textile technologies, LCA, Eco-labelling | 6. Entrepreneurship | 7. Innovation management | | B. The courses materials were supported by a Moodle e-learning platform, configured and adapted on the INCDTP server with the URL address: . The platform is multi-language and hosts the e-learning course in English, Czech, Portuguese, Romanian and Slovenian. The e-learning course is build in weekly format and includes one module per week, with lessons on the modules content, multiple choice tests for self-assessment / final exams and online tutoring for the trainees by means of forum and chat. Moreover, the platform hosts the four Guides in e-learning format. User accounts were granted for a number of 425 users, including trainers, trainees and stakeholders for all the partners. | C. A number of 6 blended courses were organized by the projects partners. A blended course consisted of one week of face-to-face training and 7 weeks of online training on the e-learning platform. Agenda and PPT presentations were prepared for the face-to-face course. A total number of 176 trainees were trained, the target group consisting in professionals from the industry, teachers in textile secondary high schools, PhD, master and bachelor students in textiles universities and young entrepreneurs. | D. A number of 5 joint staff training events were organized in the project, hosted by each partner. A number of 20 persons from the consortium partners (4 persons / partner) participated to each joint staff event. The outcomes of these training events were the four Guides. | E. A large dissemination activity with a considerable impact was accomplished: 12 presentations in conferences; 9 papers in journals and magazines; 15 posters presented. | Project impact on the target group led to: | - better textile knowledge, better entrepreneurial competencies and ICT skills; | - better employability by reaching new competencies; | - improved skills to apply at the workplace.";"The impact on participants from partners organizations was expressed by: | - a change to better understanding of textile practices and VET policies in European countries; | - better skills in performing European partnerships; | - greater understanding to cultural diversity; | - increased capacity to work at international level. | | The e-learning platform is ready for new courses in the sustainability phase." Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2014;2014-1-RO01-KA203-002940;;;Massive open online courses with videos for palliative clinical field and intercultural and multilingual medical communication ;The project came out as a practical answer to the context of the ageing population in EU. The needs of the beneficiaries targeted and then involved in the project showed that qualified medical ass...;Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;UNIVERSITATEA DE MEDICINA SI FARMACIE GRIGORE T.POPA IASI;RO;RO,BE,ES,IT;303.806,09;Yes;Yes;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;"interdisciplinary approach is definitely an innovation where the medical content is fertilised by the linguistic approach; due to the inter-disciplinarity proposed by this resource, combined knowledge and skills from the medical and linguistic fields ensue plus specialised communication skills in the domain of palliative medicine are practise. MOOC approach was a total innovation for all the countries involved in connection to the specialised field of palliative medicine"; Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-SE01-KA101-000185;;;Elevers delaktighet i sitt lrande ;Dalaskolan is a socio- economically and culturally homogenous school which in the current situation has few contacts with the outside world. Creating connections with educators in Europe could lea...;EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, ICT - new technologies - digital competences ...;;Dalaskolan;SE;SE;38.487,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);centro Educativo;;not available;English;"Dalaskolan is a socio- economically and culturally homogenous school which in the current situation has few contacts with the outside world. Creating connections with educators in Europe could lead to a partnership, which ultimately would increase the school internationalization, improve work for equality and social inclusion and thus improving the quality of teaching. For several years, the city and the district have made training initiatives in subjects as Swedish, mathematics and science. As for SE, we feel that it is difficult to find appropriate training. The student computers are getting old and we are about to replace the old equipment, with iPads. At this transition we need education and inspiration to be able to take advantage of the new tools opportunities. Around groups of pupils, the school staff is organized with personnel from different categories, for example, teachers and recreation instructors. The cooperation and thus the quality of teaching would be improved by giving staff the opportunity to have the joint start, a course at another location would entail. Besides the above mentioned areas for improvement, it is highlighted in the plan for development in the district and at Dalaskolan, that we will work to provide students with a stimulating learning environment and to increase student participation in their own learning. This is our overarching focus. When we plan activities to meet the need for improvement and to achieve the goals, we see that for example, we could do this by better exploiting the opportunities offered by the local environment and that this, among other things could be done by using ICT tools. We want to integrate ICT tools with outdoor education in several subjects (mainly SE), all the time with the students participation in the foreground. We have found several courses that correspond well to these goals. By allowing groups of personnel from different categories to participate in a series of courses with the same theme (outdoor education using mobile ICT tools in historically interesting environments, together with teachers from other European countries), we can """"kill two birds with one stone"""" - advancement in the use of ICT tools and outdoor education, advancement in the SE topic and internationalization. The school teaching staff consists of about 40 educators (teachers, recreation and preschool teachers). We want to achive as great impact as possible with our investment and therefore we want as many as possible to participate in the venture. We have not yet definitely set the groups, but expect that we will be able to send 4 people in five innings. The groups will consist of personnel from different categories of staff - teachers, preschool teachers and recreation instructors .";All course activities are included in an overall concept from a single course organizer. The arrangement has the same structure in terms of method and use of ICT resources, but different approaches in terms of the focus on environment (urban, rural, museums) where the courses are situated. The courses we are applying to are the Digital Extra ( eLearning for use in schools and museums ) , SMILE ( Using museums and heritage as a teaching and learning resource ) , Reading the City ( Discover the city as an Experiential Learning Resource ) and Sharing Landscapes (using tablets for teaching outside the classroom ). It will mainly be the principal of the school, the quality developer and the administrator who will assists in preparations and practical arrangements, but also the district Community Coordinator. Travels will be booked in the center of town, by the contracted company and the district travel booker. We expect the participants in the project to receive some familiarity in useing of mobile ICT tools, such as iPads, so that they are prepared for the school switching from computors to iPads. We also expect that their experience will be used directly in the planning and implementation of the daily activities of the staff team and with the students. After the end of the trip the group is expected to share with other staff (who have not yet made their journey or who will not participate in the project) how the trip affected their knowledge and confidence for the use of mobile tablets, at staff meetings. When many of the staff completed their courses, we expect that the school as a whole is affected by improved collaboration between staff categories, developed the use of ICT tools in teaching, increased knowledge of Europe, started cooperation with European partners and the empowerment of the students, as a result. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2014;2014-1-SI01-KA102-000130;;;Dru_bene in gospodarske spremembe narekujejo potrebo po novih poklicnih znanjih ;With the project Social and economic changes dictate the need for new professional knowledge, within the program Erasmus + (KA1), we achieved 27 mobilities of students and 23 mobilities of teach...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal);;Srednja poklicna in strokovna sola Bezigrad - Ljubljana;SI;SI,FI,DK,EE,DE,ES;73.394,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"With the project Social and economic changes dictate the need for new professional knowledge, within the program Erasmus + (KA1), we achieved 27 mobilities of students and 23 mobilities of teachers, mostly teachers of practical education and training as the aiming project group to their professional and technical training in the fields of mechanical engineering/car mechanics, logistics and textile at partner institutions and companies in Finland (Vaasa, Mikkeli and Tampere), Spain (Zaragoza and Madrid), Denmark (Sonderborg), Hungary (Kecskemet), Malta (Paola) and Estonia (Tallinn). These are all secondary vocational and technical schools with vast experience in carrying out the international projects and international students and teachers mobilities. We have been actively and successfully cooperating with most of these schools for some years now. In this project we established a new cooperation with Spanish school in Zaragoza, with additional new Spanish school in Madrid and the Maltese school in Paola. The purpose of our project was to implement an innovative organisational model for students and teachers' training in technologically more developed foreign environment, so that Slovene students and teachers trained at the same time and worked together with foreign students and teachers in schools' workshops and companies (model 1+1+1+1). This creates new forms of interaction between all participants in the process of training, increases motivation to work and enables complex acquisition of new professional competences, knowledge and skills as a respond to current social and economic changes. It is an innovative training model based on current methods/approaches of training for both, students and teachers. The students gained the enriched transfer of knowledge and competences for entering the labour market. This also strengthened the cooperation with the economic sphere and the social partners. The aims of the project were the following: a) The students and teachers of practical education and training gain new knowledge, experience and skills with the focus on their professional competences and qualifications; b) The recognition of theoretical and practical methods and forms of work, and the implementation of educational work in related programmes in host countries. We achieved an increase in the attractiveness of vocational education and training systems; c) Acquiring the language basics of the hosting country, learning/improving the foreign (English) language for specific purposes connected with their professional needs, recognizing cultural and traditional characteristics of the hosting country (recognition of informal learning); d) Intensification of international cooperation between institutions that are involved in education for the professions, which are the subject of students and practical training teachers mobilities. This also improved the quality and increased mobility; e) Cooperation with foreign companies and social partners, where our students and teachers are trained during the time of exchange/mobility period.";The pedagogical, cultural and linguistic preparation for students and teachers was a part of the project. | The final project evaluation showed that we achieved all the set objectives of the project, realized two students' and eight teachers' mobilities more than we had planned and established a project cooperation with three new vocational schools. The organizational model of practical classes (1+1+1+1), which was introduced and tested in this innovative project, has proved successful and as an example of good practice in implementing the mobility of students and teachers of practical training, also in the future. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2014;2014-1-SI01-KA203-000685;;;Healthy lifestyle for aging well;Population ageing is a long-term trend, which began several decades ago in the EU. As a result, the EU will, in the coming decades, face a number of challenges associated with an ageing society, w...;Health and wellbeing, International cooperation, international relations ...;;Visoka zdravstvena sola v Celju;SI;SI,FI,PT,PL;114.356,25;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;not available;English;"Population change and the structure of the population are gaining importance in the political, economic, social and cultural context of demographic behaviour. One of the fields that is, and will be even more affected by the population ageing in the upcoming years, is the health care system, and that is why it is necessary (for the long term stability of the health care system) that people have the best possible chance to remain healthy, and stay active and independent as they become older. One of the crucial roles in this effort will be assigned to nurses and that is why it is important to raise awareness among them and among the students of nursing, as they represent the future of this profession. It is important that we enable them to obtain and share knowledge, ideas and examples of good practice on this topic with students, lectures and other experts from different EU countries and institutions. It is also essential to raise awareness among the elderly and to actively promote and enable them to be as literate and active in healthy lifestyle as possible. Based on these facts and with these goals in mind, a partnership of four HE institutions was formed: The College of Nursing in Celje, Slovenia (coordinator); Medical University of Lublin, Poland; University of Oulu, Finland and Cooperativa de La Superior Politecnico e Universitrio CESPU, Portugal and tried to make a difference. This project offered an international and interdisciplinary (nursing, medicine, sociology, psychology, physiotherapy, social gerontology and occupational therapy) approach in highlighting the importance of healthy lifestyle for aging well. The maint target groups, which were included in the project activities were the nursing students, higher education teachers and researchers and the elderly. In addition to these, the project also addressed other interested parties who wished to obtain and share knowledge, ideas, practical experience and examples of good practice from the areas under consideration among different institutions (especially higher education institutions) and different countries. ";"The project offered the opportunity for 36 students and 22 lectures to travel and study/teach and join the intensive study programme in Slovenia and gain non-formal intercultural skills. 18 Slovenian students also took part in this project and attended intensive study progarmme and 5 lecturers of College of nursing in Celje conducted lecturers during both intensive study progarmmees. We also invited experts to contribute to the IP courses. Aditionally students and lecturers took part in the project via virtual mobility with the help of new information and communication technologies. And about 450 elderly were involved in project activities, mainly in research activities, IP and activities for raising awarrenes. Research activities that were carried out during the project enabled students of nursing to critically and analytically research this important field and to be able to compare and transfer knowledge, ideas and examples of good practices among different countries. Lectures that conducted lecturers during IP provided expert knowledge on the topic. Workshops and fieldworks for students enabled students contribution and encouraged their active involvement. Organized social and physical activities with the elderly and students of nursing were implemented to socialize and to enable students to promote healthy lifestyle of the elderly and transfer knowledge about healthy lifestyle. Project outputs and results had an impact on raised awareness on this thematic filed, strengthened partnership of partner institutions, quality of learning, greater international mobility of students and lecturers, greater opportunities for students of nursing. The main outputs and results of the project are: Web portal, five new optional subjects offered at each partner institution, recommendation for future work in this field, guidelines for ethical care for the elderly, guidelines for development of new programmes for healthy lifestyle of the elderly, DVD with recorded physical activity for the elderly (with recommendations and instructions). A lot of effort was devoted to evaluate the project and its results and as well to dissemination activities with which we tried to reach as many member of target gropus as possible. And moreover we made an effort to disseminate the results to local government and general public to raise awareness among people at a greater scale. We aimed that the project produced and offered long term benefits such as recommendations for future work in this field, newly developed guidelines, new optional subjects and Web portal. | Main project results are: | -Specialized research of medical literature and practice about palliative care in Romania, Italy, Spain and Belgium | -Guide of 20 Medical Procedures in 6 languages, topics covered are: Catheterisation; Paracentesis; Automatic syringe; Bed transfer; Conspiracy of silence; Active listening; Communicating news; Spiritual assessment; Nutrition; Oral care; Patient bath; Pain assessment; Pain prescribing; Burn out syndrome; End of life care; Terminal phase; Prevention Ulcer; Awareness level; Patients network; Caregivers needs. | -20 videos with simulation of palliative care procedures | -120 language units for 6 languages | -2 MOOCs in the fields of palliative care and medical communication | -7 Educational Toolkits published on hard copies with DVDs (319 copies) | -Project website - | -1.469 people directly involved by the project activities and other 320.000 reached" Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-SK01-KA101-000041;;;Implementing CLIL method into the school curriculum;The initial project bacgkround Implementing CLIL method into the school curriculum follows logically the previous project The change of the tradional school into the modern one. While the previous...;Pedagogy and didactics, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;Gymnzium Andreja Vrbla Levice;SK;SK,UK;3.005,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;The initial project bacgkround Implementing CLIL method into the school curriculum follows logically the previous project The change of the tradional school into the modern one. While the previous project provided the technological equipment and necessary literature, the main goal of this project is to foster CLIL method primarily and furthemore, disseminate CLIL method properly not only on the local platform ( school, school magazine Preklepy, school radio) but also on the regional platform ( active involvement and participation of the secondary schools in the OPEN DAY event)and moreover , on the international platform ( EU schools via e-twinning platform). Our aim is to promote and implement linguistic diversity to reach the accomplished effect of the CLIL method ( content-language integrated learning). It is believed that the specific subjects such as Geography, Civics, Maths, foreign languages, SLovak language - the mother tongue would be parcially ( the proper number of lessons) taught in the foreign language within the reached group of 650 students and 15 teachers at our school. Our institution is in charge of plenty of different student - centered activites in foreign langauges ( e.g. Famous composers - The one I really admire, Our town - GFeography, My homeland - Russian , German languages. We are planning to organize OPEN DAY event for parents - the open CLIL lessons for parents, public personalities of our town, school employees and students. Students being the primary target group are expected to be highly motivated to study the subject in the foreign language - via CLIL method.;The certain fostering of pedagogical skills ( CLIL method ), digital skills - the creating of subject content in the foreign language, usage of MOODLE platform, viki, blogs is awaited. We expect the fostering of the pedagogical skills of the teachers'training participant ( the improvement of CLIL method , new attitudes, practice - the entire presentation of subject content via CLIL method . The project is supposed to have the significant impact onto the institution management - team-building of the staff would be enforced, CLIL teams would be created, constant CLIL dialogues, discussion about CLIL method teaching - in fact we undergo the next logical step toward the entire school modernization. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-SK01-KA101-000046;;;Overcoming Cultural Borders Within European Community And Its Implementation Into Education;"1. Context/background of the project: - the project meets the neccessity of continuous lifelong learning in the way of teachers` personal and professional development, meeting teachers from diffe...";EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, ICT - new technologies - digital competences ...;;Gymnazium Partizanske;SK;SK;6.480,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"Context/background of the project: | - the project meets the neccessity of continuous lifelong learning in the way of teachers` personal and professional development, meeting teachers from different European countries, exchanging ideas and experience, develop cooperation | - implement new up-to-date topics and methods of teaching, including new technologies (ICT), and creativity in the classroom, raise students motivation | - focus on the European culture and education in order to experience, understand and tolerate people of different cultures. | | 2. Objectives of the project: | - acquire new teaching methods and ideas, skills and materials, teachers language skills improvement | - to increase students` motivation to learn | - thanks to meeting teachers form different European countries we hope to learn something new about their culture, and let them learn something about our cultural heritage | - increase students and teachers motivation to cooperate on new projects | - develop cooperation with other European teachers on new projcts | - improve cultural education focussing on the European Community and increase students` awareness on that, in order to develop European dimension in education | | 3. Number and profile of participants: | - two participants on two training activities - 1-week courses (Empowerment in ICT Skills, Malta; Language, Life and Culture in the UK Today , Oxford). | The selection of participants was seriously done under formal selection taken by the school management staff, considering the strict criteria for personal and professional requirements, as well as the set project objectives. The most important criteria have been teachers experience with European projects, willingness to implement new methods into teaching, grow personally and professionally, motivate students and collegues. Another important fact is that they teach different subjects, not only English, so thus the new ways of teaching can be implemented into more school subjects. | | 4. Description of activities: | - the participants pre-course prepration - studying the recommended literature, the survey - questionnaire preparation -for other course participants from different European countries (the questionnaire focused on different aspects of European cultures, traditions and way of life) - published in the e-book We Are Europeans ( | - the participants` attendance on two training activities, in Malta and the UK: | -Empowerment in ICT Skills, Malta - concentrating on skills in technology, ICT improvement and its integrating into teaching, increasing students motivation, develop links and exchange ideas with other European teachers, language skills development... | - Life and Culture in the UK Today, Oxford - gaining new experience and knowledge, language improvement, new teaching ideas and motivating materials, exchanging ideas and developing links with other European teachers... | - summarising gained information from the questionnaire and e-book preparation with the help of our students (presented during the European Day of Languages at our school) | - students prepared interesting facts about chosen European countries to be published in the e-book focusing on similarities and differences of various European cultures, traditioins and their way of life which should lead into their understanding and tolerance (project teaching) | - dissemination of the gained information, exhange experience with other colleagues on the school and local area through teachers meetings, implementation of new teaching methods | - e-book publishing on our school website";"Description of the results / impact: | - increased knowledge and experience of the project participants, their personal and professional growth, better way of teaching | - through dissemination and sharing gained materials, acquired knowledge and skills with other colleagues which results in enrichment of all teachers in our school, students and the whole school can benefit | - increase European awareness within our school and the whole area through e-book publishing, texts in the local newspapers... | - increase teachers and students motivation to cooperate in new European projects (at present we are preparing a new e-Twinning project with teachers from Portugal and Poland; we are also planning a new Erasmus+ project to involve more teachers and students from our school)" Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-SK01-KA101-000108;;;Profesijn_ rozvoj pedaggov Zkladnej _koly nr. um. _. Podjavorinskej s M_ Bzince pod Javorinou;The project is based on the analysis of the results and the defined goals of education of Elementary school nr. um . _. Podjavorinskej with kindergarten Bzince pod Javorinou. Needs of the school ...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;Zakladna skola nar. um. L. Podjavorinskej s MS Bzince pod Javorinou;SK;SK,CZ;7.600,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;The project is based on the analysis of the results and the defined goals of education of Elementary school nr. um . _. Podjavorinskej with kindergarten Bzince pod Javorinou. Needs of the school were based on the SWOT analysis where are named the strengths and weaknesses of the school exactly, the opportunities that are offered, but the threats as well. The school aims to provide sufficient knowledge and skills to all students in general subjects and also to give each student a chance to develop their abilities. Our principle is direction of educational activities towards preparing students for life, so we are trying to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills for students, to ensure to know their correct use, to be able to think critically and creatively and solve problems quickly and effectively as well. All this places high demands for the expertise and professionalism of teachers, so school responds to the need to strengthen the professional development of teachers. They are highly interested in working on their professional and career development. Method of job-shadowing is one of the means to develop key competences of teachers to help their professional development, and thus increasing the efficiency of the educational work of the school. The idea of the project is to observe their counterpart from partner school in the educational and teaching process, to apply new knowledge to their own work, to confront their didactic, methodological and communication competencies in a different environment and also to enhance the level of teaching and learning process in own school. There would have been two mobilities attended by four teachers, a total of eight. | We plan mobility job shadowing - observing and monitoring the work of colleagues in partner school in teaching even preparing for it in the following areas: | a) teacher of mother tongue of 1st and 2nd degree, native languages are close Slavic languages | b) teacher (English who teaches pupils whose mother tongue is Slavic, 1st and 2nd degree) | c) Geography teacher | d) observing the work of the school headmaster | e) observing the work of the educational adviser | Furthermore we plan following the mutual successful project eTwinning 1st Slavic anthology that we conducted with students of our schools to realize lessons of Literature and Geography which would be lead by teacher of mother tongue and also Geography teacher from the partner school. Lessons would be based on thematic educational plans and the school curriculum. Teachers would be able to make certain of their methodologies in different environment - with pupils with another, even though close native language and pupils from the urban environment as well. Students would be able to verify whether their methods and procedures can take interest and learn something new pupils in another country. They would be also able to verify if they are able to act as teachers in a united Europe at least in the short term and would get the ability to improve their work based on gained experience. This will result in the development of key competencies of teachers and headmaster as well.;We expect that upon completion of the project will be an obvious career development of participants who will have expanded and consolidated competences in several areas. Impact to the professional development of staff - participants of the project is clear. | In conclusion, the expected impact of the project to the participating organizations will be reflected in the fact that they have educated teachers, and thus the better quality of school education. Organizations gain more experience in the management and implementation of activities of European education Erasmus +. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-SK01-KA101-000374;;;Alternatva spoza hranc;Teaching staff who attended the Mobile works with children with intellectual disabilities who come from socially disadvantaged backgrounds. Some pupils are in primary intellectual disabilities and...;Access for disadvantaged, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Pedagogy and didactics;;Spojena skola internatna;SK;SK,IT;38.280,00;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"Teaching staff who attended the Mobile works with children with intellectual disabilities who come from socially disadvantaged backgrounds. Some pupils are in primary intellectual disabilities and other disabilities. The school has 65 years of tradition and in recent years were added pupils with multiple disabilities, which requires on the part of teachers continuing education, increased demands on material support and upgrade the educational process. Therefore, the aim of the project was to gain experience in foreign schools that work with similar groups of children and use modern educational form. The aim of mobility was to participate in the educational process, specific goals and forms of education of foreign teachers, school documentation to consult, discuss with colleagues about daily problems that arise when working with pupils with mental disabilities respectively. with students who come from poor social environment and ways to address them. Two mobility was attended by 38 staff related to boarding schools. All employees are qualified, having completed the required level of education and educational competencies and skills at a good level. | The first mobility (four days) was performed on days 27 - 30 4th 2015 in Regensburg - Grafenwohr, Germany on apprenticeship parochial school St. Michaels-Werk e. V. Berufsschule zur Frderung sonderpdagogischen they attend mainly pupils with immigrant backgrounds or socially disadvantaged families. The school is the ""brain"" of its kind in Bavaria in many respects and has a good reputation and material and technical equipment for the acquisition of craft education students here come from good grades from primary schools, the family structure just to be taught the chosen field and could be as soon as the school into the labor market. In Bavaria it works perfectly so. dual education, linking theory with practice, and we had the opportunity to visit the school in addition to Grafenwohr and practical center in Regensburg. One days for the duration of mobility could be called a small conference where they discussed the technical issues with which teachers at both schools meet. (Legislation, educational system, educational process, forms of learning and improving competencies of teachers and pupils way of solving problems in coordination linking ministries stakeholders). | Types of mobility (four days) was implemented in May 2015 in Rome, Italy, right in the cradle of modern teaching schools - Montessori Casa dei bambini MONTESSORI on Via di Ponte Salario. The very principle of Montessori school is built on concrete, chronologically successive steps in a particular environment, provided a certain degree of autonomy of students with application covered a concrete, specific aids. Therefore, this mobility issue in more observation about the process of learning itself teacher and student interaction, motivation to work, observation and feedback of students of specific objectives in the educational process. In discussion they were discussed questions about the appropriateness of individual Montessori teaching aids, procedures for individual diagnosis of the pupil, suitability and unsuitability of using specific educational methods for students with special educational - teaching a child needs to go forward received the kind of care and access that will lead to progress.";Exchange of experiences and discussions were as important for both sides - host organization but also for partner organizations. Increased teacher competence in the field of communication in English, which is used as an intermediate, communicating with foreign colleagues in schools but also in daily contact with people in museums, galleries, hotels, restaurants and on the streets. In connection with the implementation of specific objectives, in particular the use of specific methods and forms of work, and motivation of students through the Montessori methods and forms of work, it was important for teachers from both the mobility options of independence knowledge work that is mentally disabled pupils let the student to work independently and to participate in the results of his work only verbal and gestural guidance. In several cases, colleagues reassured each other in the proper use of approaches, methods and forms of work in the educational process. Acquired competence, educators, based on the established sub-targets, applied individually in learning environments and processes in our school. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-SK01-KA101-000390;;;Talking in English is easy;Elementary School Predmier is a state primary school, it is a small school with a small number of pupils. The focus of our school: JA (language) - PO (computers, motion) - NEC (learn ecologically ...;Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;Zakladna skola Predmier;SK;SK,UK;3.005,00;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;Elementary School Predmier is a state primary school, it is a small school with a small number of pupils. The focus of our school: JA (language) - PO (computers, motion) - NEC (learn ecologically feel). At our school we focus on these educational priorities: | develop the communication skills of students in Slovak and foreign language in digital technologies, social relationships, promote the development of movement and cognitive skills of students in school and extracurricular activities, helping pupils with special educational needs and encourage talented students to provide quality basic education for the prevention of social pathologies. Directions of the school in its name: Z (health) S (sport) P (computers) R (language) E (ecology) D (spiritual growth) M (material and technical development) I (individual growth of students and teachers) E (empathetic rozvoj ) R (regional sensibilities). English language is taught at our school since the first grade, at 2nd grade is a grant of English 4 lessons / week. No teacher in Predmier has participated project with the acquisition and improvement of professional competence in the field of modern education and improving the quality of teaching and learning in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland yet. | The course Drama Techniques for Creative Language Teaching Pilgrim, Canterbury is aimed at introducing drama techniques for the teacher or group leader in order to extend and enhance communication skills as personal development and also for use in teaching and training situations. The activities in the course are derived from a variety of actor training materials. The many challenging and fun activities will be invaluable for the English language teacher. | Project participant: Ing. Zuzana Bo_kov, teacher for lower secondary education (grade 2, Elementary school), Approbation English language, technology and the world of work, studied English at the State language school in Zilina state exam in English language and it is necessary to enter into communication skills, because she has never been to the United Kingdom, while the culture of the country got to know more and gained skills and knowledge in innovative methods and forms which would use to teach the language to take note of the new methods that apply to different learning styles.;We expect the improvement of innovative methods in teaching, dialogue work in groups, develop communication skills in games, engaging facial expressions and gestures, the use of songs, drama, ICT. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships addressing more than one field;2014;2014-1-SK01-KA200-000491;;;Russian Online;The project Russian Online has focused on the Russian language, which has a vital economic importance with significant trading partners and there is an increasing demand within EU countries for le...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;E@I;SK;SK,PL,BG,DE,LT,CZ,SI;291.019,00;Yes;No;Non-governmental organisatiossociation/social enterprise;Asociacin;;;English;"The project Russian Online has focused on the Russian language, which has a vital economic importance with significant trading partners and there is an increasing demand within EU countries for learning and teaching the language. During the project, the portal - a free, multilingual online e-learning portal for learning the Russian language - was developed. It contains Russian language courses for autodidacts at the levels A1 and A2 of the Common European Framework for Languages (CEFL). Since one of the aims of the project was to empower older citizens mainly in Eastern Europe, students from universities and young adults to take a more active role at the work place through using their Russian language competence there was an additional focus on teaching business Russian, and offering different kinds of helpful information, downloadable model documents (e.g. letters and contracts for different purposes) to be used for work. | | is a free online platform to learn the Russian language especially oriented towards self-learning that offers the possibility to train vocabulary, knowledge of grammar, reading and listening skills with interactive online courses at the levels A1 and A2 of the CEFL. The entire content of the website is available in 12 language versions (Bulgarian, Czech, English, Esperanto, French, German, Lithuanian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovene), so the learner always has the possibility to see texts and instructions in their own language, which makes the beginning of the new language easier, especially for a self-taught student. This modern educational website has been programmed with the newest technologies, which allows it to be used on all operating systems and devices (including smartphones and tablets). | | Because the Cyrillic alphabet is unknown to the European target audience, a separate introductory course has been devised, as the introduction of a new script and phonological system is essential, especially for a self-taught student: in 10 lessons, all letters are first introduced and then trained and repeated through words and sentences with these letters, in the form of hearing, recognition and reading exercises. The A1 and A2 courses comprise 21 and 17 lessons respectively; each lesson consists of an introductory text or dialogue, explanations about grammar and vocabulary, numerous interactive exercises to practice written and oral comprehension (depending on the lessons, there are up to 19 exercise units, i.e. individual pages with exercises). The specificity of the course is that the texts of the lessons follow a story (businessman Frank goes to Russia to found a start-up), thus it does not only train linguistic skills, but also gives in every lesson interesting informations about geography and history, culture, daily life as well as business (e.g. how to apply for a visa, write a rsum, business meetings...). This allows the user to learn professional vocabulary from the beginning. In addition to the courses, there is a media library with authentic audio, video and text materials, a detailed grammar, dictionaries with 10,000 Russian words translated into 11 languages as well as a forum. The dictionaries are linked to the texts in the courses and the media library by a morphological analyser, which enables the users to click on any word in the text and see its translation in the dictionary. | | The website was created by 10 partners from 7 countries who brought into the partnership various, complementary skills relevant to this project and together developed this sophisticated learning resource. All courses have been elaborated by professional teachers and methodologists of the Russian language from several countries and tested with learners of Russian during several development stages. Thus, they offer a pan-European approach and guarantee the quality and the appropriateness of the materials for each level as well as interesting topics that are relevant for the target audience.";User statistics during the first three months after the end of the project life cycle already shows that high long-term impact on the learners can be expected from the main project result, the website. During the three months September to November 2017, 1,500 users have registered on the website and almost 26,000 visits have been counted, corresponding to an average of approx. 275 visits per day. It is estimated that approx. 9.5 pages are opened per active user and session. The online community of was created through an extensive online dissemination campaign and the Facebook page has reached 4,350 followers. | Results | Website | | | Without category | | Dissemination: flyer (English) | Dissemination: flyer (Slovak) | Dissemination: flyer (Slovene) | Dissemination: flyer (Bulgarian) | Dissemination: flyer (Lithuanian) | Dissemination: flyer (Czech) | Dissemination: flyer (German) | Dissemination: flyer (Esperanto) | Dissemination: flyer (Polish) | Dissemination: flyer (Russian) | Dissemination: flyer (French) | O3: Russian language courses - Levels A1, A2 | O5: Helpful information for doing business in Russia | O7: Final version of the Russian Online portal | O1: Needs analysis of the target groups Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-SK01-KA201-000431;;;Bags to do in your city;Culture can be defined as the characteristics, the habits, traditions, and the beliefs of a country, religion, cuisine, music and arts of society, or a particular group of people. Cities have many...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Creativity and culture, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;Zakladna skola Dr. J.Derera;SK;SK,ES,PL,DK,PT,IT,TR;184.600,00;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;;English;"Culture can be defined as the characteristics, the habits, traditions, and the beliefs of a country, religion, cuisine, music and arts of society, or a particular group of people. Cities have many different qualities in terms of culture, living styles, economic and social structures, history, beauties, and places to visit, food, environment and so forth. Human beings are an indispensable part of the place they live in and they cannot be considered separately. Nowadays, the children take pleasure in using computers, especially playing computer games and surfing the internet as the technology develops in a dazzling rate. They are not open enough to outside world to interact with the society. Thus, they are not aware of the city and of what they can do in the city. In this way, although people are social beings, they lose their social identity. | According to the European priorities, our project focuses on the intercultural dialogues in order to promote international understanding and world peace. The educative community will discover value and respect; understand the local and national cultures, each country and region. Teachers and students will share and exchange experiences to reinforce cooperation in order to achieve great convergence and improvement. The students will develop social skills by sharing ideas, knowledge, tasks, materials and etc. They will learn a foreign language in a true situation of communication and will develop literacy skills as well. The purpose of the partnership is to learn about other cultures and compare with our own culture, to improve ICT competences and foreign languages. We will use the tools such as videos, internet, e-Twinning, the social media-Twitter, YouTube and Facebook-bulletin boards, posters, logos, pictures and books to share and compare different life styles. We will have knowledge and skills in many areas such as culture, history, languages, geography, art and etc. We will also explain the symbols of our own city, what is the most famous or important in your own city, by exploring culture, customs, lifestyles, historical places and natural beauties, crafts, food, dances, music and etc. We will create an awareness of the outside world and other cultures. We will make it the guide of our cultural development. We will also create our own products of activities such as a film, a logo and slogan, a pocket calendar, a digital mini dictionary, slide shows about our culture top creators and religious traditions, educational materials related to our cities, old toys, traditional dresses and games, an e-book with all the recipes of the partnership and the results of the questionnaires.";The partner schools have students of the same ages and similar needs. The schools have a variety of cultural diversity with students from different social and economical backgrounds. We want to do this project mainly in terms of developing language and ICT skills and sharing cultures. We are altogether in this project aiming to achieve common goals. We will run the project according to the planned activities, budget and time schedule. The responsibilities of the coordinator and of the partners are determined. We will work cooperatively. In a multi-social and multi-cultural environment the students learn to take responsibility for each other, for the ones who are different in skin colour, religion or just from a different cultural background. Based on cooperative work between the schools, we would like to familiarize pupils with different cultures and enhance their understanding and create an interesting learning environment. Due to that, they will be aware of their city, Europe and their condition as European citizens. Results | Website | | | Without category | | Questionnaire 2 - results | Project Film | Questionnaire 3 | Digital minidictionary | Project Dissemination Important links Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2014;2014-1-SK01-KA202-000495;;;Flash Electro;"The FLASH project was implemented under the programme Erasmus +. The aim of the FLASH project was to support teaching of foreign languages in a professional context. Its main tangible output are ...";Open and distance learning, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;CENTRE FOR MODERN EDUCATION (SK), S.R.O.;SK;SK,CZ,FI,UK;283.894,32;Yes;No;Small and medium sized enterprise;Otros;;;English;The FLASH project was implemented under the programme Erasmus +. | The aim of the FLASH project was to support teaching of foreign languages in a professional context. Its main tangible output are textbooks for professional English and German (grade 1-3), which are accompanied by e-learning activities. The lessons are focused on topics from the electro environment including the main grammar and lexical items. The project consortium consisted of partners from the United Kingdom, Finland and Slovakia. As the project was intended for VET schools in the electro field, there were five vocational schools from Slovakia and one vocational school from Czech Republic that tested and piloted the learning content. | The project is addressing concrete needs based on the lack of vocationally-oriented modern teaching and learning materials in the VET schools in Slovakia and in the Czech Republic. Therefore, we expect project results to directly contribute to fulfilling this gap at VET Slovak and Czech schools in the electrical field and other related professions. | Using the project outputs, teachers will have access to high quality teaching and learning materials and thus they will be able to use different methods reflecting different learning styles of the students. | The FLASH textbooks for English and German languages are designed for the 1st to 3rd year of VET schools in the electrical field. The main aim was to prepare future professionals in the electrical field for real situations that may arise in their work. The language focus of the textbooks aims at extending the professional vocabulary range using the real-life situations in the context. A considerable emphasis is put on practice and real-life dialogue simulations. The authors of the textbooks were aware of the gap in a foreign language tuition during the week of practical training at schools and therefore also included suitable activities to help fill this gap.;The textbooks and the e-learning materials are visually attractive for their users, they include a lot of colour photographs and visual symbols. Their attractiveness is enhanced by the fact that students can make notes directly in the text. During the testing and piloting of the learning materials, the students and teachers gave positive evaluation appreciating the interdependence of textbooks with interactive e-learning exercises, videos and interviews recorded by native speakers. Not only vocabulary based activities are included, but also grammar points and related exercises. | As the textbooks and the e-learning activities connect the theoretical and practical part of the course, students will be well prepared in terms of their language competencies in the professional context. | The student textbooks are accompanied by a detailed methodology for teachers with practical advice, tips, suggestions and the answer key. | The need to develop and introduce specialized language learning materials was well verified when we introduced the project outputs to VET schools. The project FLASH was introduced to more than 50 secondary vocational schools with more than 150 teachers and 3000 students. The project team interviewed the teachers from these schools during the training sessions and dissemination events and collected their feedback. We are going to disseminate the project even after its project cycle, as we are currently working on a similar project called Green Wheels that is focused on VET technical schools as well. Through this new project we can address more technical schools as potential users of the FLASH project outputs. Results | Website | | | Without category | | O4 Teachers instruction manual for LMS usage and usage of e-Learning | 05 Vocational electrician language teachers textbook in English and German, grades 1,2 and 3 - total 12 books | O5 Vocational electrician teachers textbook, EN, Grade1, CZ version | O5 Vocational electrician teachers textbook, EN, Grade1, SK version | O5 Vocational electrician teachers textbook, EN, Grade2, CZ version | O5 Vocational electrician teachers textbook, EN, Grade2, SK version | O5 Vocational electrician teachers textbook, EN, Grade3, CZ version | O5 Vocational electrician teachers textbook, EN, Grade3, SK version | O5 Vocational electrician teachers textbook, DE, Grade1, CZ version | O5 Vocational electrician teachers textbook, DE, Grade1, SK version | O5 Vocational electrician teachers textbook, DE, Grade2, CZ version | O5 Vocational electrician teachers textbook, DE, Grade2, SK version | O5 Vocational electrician teachers textbook, DE, Grade3, CZ version | O5 Vocational electrician teachers textbook, DE, Grade3, SK version | O6 Vocational electrician language students textbook/exercise book in English and German, grades1,2,3 (6books total) | O6 Vocational electrician language students textbook/exercise book in English Grade 1 | 06 Vocational electrician language students textbook/exercise book in English GRADE 2 | 06 Vocational electrician language students textbook/exercise book in English GRADE 3 | 06 Vocational electrician language students textbook/exercise book in German GRADE 1 | 06 Vocational electrician language students textbook/exercise book in German GRADE 2 | 06 Vocational electrician language students textbook/exercise book in German GRADE 3 | 07 Vocational multilanguage picture and sound-based online dictionary for electricians | Information about project in radio | Project pilot package - brochure | O1 Research study on needs analysis of vocational electrician language teaching | O 11 teachers trainings-SK | O2 Online e-learning | O11 Teachers Training - CZ Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-TR01-KA101-003671;;;OKULUMUZDA ULUSLARARASI E__T_M REFORMU;"THE INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION REFORM AT OUR SCHOOL The project we want to carry out for fulfilling our school's needs aims at providing our eager teachers who give importance to personal growth, ...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Pedagogy and didactics;;GIRNE ORTAOKULU;TR;TR;13.080,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;The project we want to carry out for fulfilling our school's needs aims at providing our eager teachers who give importance to personal growth, have powerful communication skills and are competent at foreign language with study abroad at three different areas so as to increase motivation and success of our students, prepare them for life and enhance our institution profile. With Impressive Communication and Learning Methods'' training, our teachers will learn innovative practices and techniques upon collaborative study applied in Europe. Under favour of Web2.0 Tolls and Use of BIT in Education'' training, our teachers will gain sufficiency over new technologies of information and communication. By means of European Projects Design and Management'' training, our teachers will take the opportunity to improve themselves about project design and management and team work. Our participant teachers, in pursuit of courses they take, will enhance our project's efficiency by performing dissemination studies in our school. | | Within the scope of this project, through the education they receive abroad, our teachers will take the opportunity to increase their capabilities at foreign language learning, use of information technologies, effective communication, teaching methods and cultural fields. By virtue of dissemination studies they will carry out in our school with information and skills they get abroad, the quality of education will be increased. Hereby, weak and negative sides of our students we're observing will be transformed into the powerful and positive. The main goal of our project is to increase motivation of both our teachers and students, make our students love their school and lessons, enhance academic success and take development of our school a step further. | | The project in which our teachers shall take role for each course will be completed with its all degrees in a year. Our participant teachers have been chosen in respect to the criteria determined by a commission in which external members have participated as well. Our participant teachers are individuals who can use methodology tecniques in education, are successful in team works, have an advanced foreign language, are eager at using information technologies actively and creating new projects, can share information and experience they get.;Subsequent to the abroad study, our participant teachers would organize seminars and meetings, open courses and share their knowledge and experiences with other teachers. Our teachers will integrate new education methods and tecniques into their own education programmes and in this way they will support other branch teachers who want to do studies at similar topics and adapt innovations to their own education programmes. In pursuit of the trainings taken, innovative education methods learnt through the courses, effective communication tecniques, knowledge over project design and practice, training softwares and manuals on BIT will be turned into a document archive. This archive will be featured on the Twinspace platform of a special e-Twinning project created by course lecturers and on the web page of our school with the project web page and will be shared as a public access source. | | Our teachers will share their experiences with their colleagues from different cultures and work cooperatively during the courses. This collaboration will improve both cultural and pedagogical perspectives of our teachers. The friendships and co-executed works with dissemination studies performed in our school will encourage all the other teachers on participating in such activities. Motivation of our students will be enhanced and performance of our school will improve distinctly. By courtesy of the project, determined needs of our school will be fulfilled and institution profile of our school will be promoted in the light of European awareness. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-TR01-KA101-003843;;;FIND ME,BRIGHTEN ME!;"Title: Find me, brighten me! The 1/3 of our students are living under hard socio-economical conditions. 2/3 of those students have low marks and any of them doesn't have enough social skills. Reg...";Access for disadvantaged, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal);;BOR MEHMET AKIF ERSOY ORTAOKULU;TR;TR;6.600,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;Title: Find me, brighten me! | The 1/3 of our students are living under hard socio-economical conditions. 2/3 of those students have low marks and any of them doesn't have enough social skills. Regarding the teachers most common duty as to prepare the students to the life itself,we wanted to support our classes with different and new teaching techniques. Our other aims were helping the students get to know their own abilities in spite of their deficiencies and changing the students? point of view about school. With the help of a training course we took in Barcelos,Portugal and an e-twinning project which was held with different cultures we intend to increase the students? interests in both different cultures and their own culture,create and maintain close ties between young Europeans,see how it is possible to have permanent friendship with people in different countries, know better about partner countries? cultural structure and to take attention to different countries cultural elements through education process. We also have goals for the participant teachers who attended the training course in Portugal such as improving personal and professional skills,supporting carreer development via learning different teaching items and techniques,increasing their guidance for the socio-economically disadvantaged students. | The main idea of this project was to promote creativity ,language learning and personal fulfilment through using different techniques during class uniting all the students regardless of their socio-economic situations and physical appearance. This project was held by Bor Mehmet Akif Ersoy Secondary School in order to cling the students to life and help them have a certain aim in life. The activities were held by 3 different branches' teachers by guiding almost 80 disadvantaged students.;"Here are the end Products: | -a drama course for the students | - the project website will be updated regularly; | - the logo of the project; | - a poster ; | - a brochure ; | -a painting facility among parents and students; | -the performance of the drama course | -an e-twinning project; | - presentations and questionnaires will be done periodically;" Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-TR01-KA101-005766;;;Hedefimiz E_itimde Kalite;Our school has a team of training personnel which has written many national and international EU projects since 2008 and conducted a three-partnered Comenius project and also a national youth pro...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;Afyonkarahisar Kocatepe Anatolian High School;TR;TR;19.266,00;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"Our school has a team of training personnel which has written many national and international EU projects since 2008 and conducted a three-partnered Comenius project and also a national youth project. Besides EU projects it also prepared scientific projects for institutions, which are experts in their fields, such as TUB_TAK ( The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) and it had a significant success with them. Especially the Heads of the Branches have participated in various national in-service trainings about their branches at different times. However, four teachers joined international mobility during the Comenius project and our teacher of information-technologies took the advantage of individual education program abroad. If we take into consideration that our school has an educational staff of about 30 teachers and only 5 of them had an experience of educational activity abroad, it is not enough for our school to have a European dimension. For this reason we plan to realize the first pace of our project by participating in the course 'Finnish Lessons for European Schools' in Finland, a country which has proved its success in PISA and other international tests. The second pace will be taking part in the in-service training titled 'Education for Tomorrow' which will be held in Slovenia and enlighten us to improve the educational standards of our school. Our aim is to make our school improve its quality according to European Development Plan, to make our teachers learn new teaching techniques, to have professional competence in the internal coordination of teaching and learning, to promote the motivation of students in terms of learning, academic, personal and social development and to support their career planning. | Our Project team consists of 11 personnals who are head teachers of Maths, Science , English, History, Geograpy , Literature and Second Headmaster and guidance and consultant teacher. Other participants will be chosen according to some criterion determined by Project team and school administrators soon after the project has been granted. In the scope of the course the schools and the universities will be visited; some studies will be done about the quality plan, incluson, teaching approaches and methods, special needs education, integration of ICT; school teachers and managers will share their ideas and they will strengthen their perception about new theaching methods to provide a more qualified education . In the light of this Project a Quality Improvement Plan will be composed in our institution (school); with different observation forms, meetings with school society and the questionnaires , progress of this Project (program) and the contribution to teachers, administrative staff, students and their parents will be examined and reported. All the activities about our Project will be announced with displays on school boards in our institution and with meeting out of our school ( district meetings of head branch teachers and head masters ) and this will provide an outstanding reputation to our Project. | With the help of our project, adding a European dimension to our institution, raising the quality in learning and teaching, and the motivation towards education among all the persons consisting school society, using innovative and effective methods in education and school management areas are some of the expected outcomes. Moreover, we are planning to add a different dimension to our learning and teaching process via using some various education sites such as e-twinning. As the key indicator which shows whether our project has reached its objectives or not, raising motivation of using innovative and improving techniques and methods in teaching and learning among our students and teachers, increasing 10 % of academic success of our students (based on lesson marks and entrance exam of university), decreasing 20 % of dicipline events, and 10 % of increase in joining and organizing social and cultural events or activities are among our success criterion.";In conclusion, we assume that the impacts of our project both in and out of the institution will be visibly positive, our teachers and students will lead a more prosperous and effective education process and our school will set a good example to the other institutions in our venue with the techniques and innovative methods used at school. The main indicator of which will be its being the most preferred school after the entrance exam of Anatolian High Schools and the national or international activities, events its students and teachers participate and the prizes they win. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-TR01-KA201-013003;;;EUapps4us;New technologies have made the world of Education change, teachers need new tools to motivate students to make learning more appealing and avoid early school leaving.;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education;;ELAZIG ATATURK ANADOLU LISESI;TR;TR,NO,LT,ES;117.744,00;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;;English;"New technologies have made the world of Education change, teachers need new tools to motivate students to make learning more appealing and avoid early school leaving. EU data show . Recent surveys have also shown that Apps for mobile applications have become the most used tool among young people and that most of them feel confident and enjoy using them """". So the main aim of this project is to motivate students to create their own educational apps that will help them to feel motivated to go on studying, to improve their academic results, and to develop their entrepreneurial skills by learning to promote them and market them allowing them to be innovative. Moreove the use of apps will also help them to learn about other langugages and cultures because they will share and eleaborate their apps with their peers in the partnership in English and in their own language, so the project will reach and international dimension . Furthermore students will feel motivated to learn more because they will learn subjects not in the traditional way but in a way that is really appealing to them. The students will be the ones that will produce the learning apps that will help them to learn more and avoid leaving their studies in a very appealing way , and theri learnt will help them not only to find a job but also to create their own products becuase the outcomes of the project (apps) will be tested and used practically by students not only during the project life but afterwards. The 5 organisation nvolved n the project are schools which had previously developed EU projects and have a wde knowledge of IT moreover as they are from North , South, East and West of EU and come from different, social; economic and cultural backgrounds a wider international dimension will be reacherd. Norway , Turkey and Spain have worked together previously in the project WAVES 2010-1-1GB1-COM06-05637. Norway and Lithuania have worked also together in three Nordplus Junior projects and Italy is going to work with Spain in another project. But most important for the selection of the partners is that we trust each other and know that we will get our aim together.We plan 3 coordinating meetings very begininng , beginning of the second year and end of the sencond year, to plan, annalyse and control all the steps of the projects from the begining till end of funding, to make an internal (teacher- st) and external (company) evaluation during all the steps and to check that the dissemination tools we create are used in the right way to reach all our stakholders . A web, Fb ,You tube channel, e-twinning site, 3 Newsletters brochures, will be made with all the information in English and in the laguage of each country and at least 2 final conferences will be held in each country at the end of each year to explain results.";"An survey will be written at the beiginning about the way applications (apps ) and new technologies are used in partners schools and an initial survey will be made to students too to see the stage of motivation, knowledge of languages , cultural awareness, IT and academic results to see evolution .A common report will be written by the coordinator and will be shared on all communicationa and dissemination channels of the project. This tool will help to design a common edu- training program on apps that will be used to teach teachers and students . Students wil then select 3 subjects and will write 30 questions in Engish and their language about them, each organisation will create 3 educational apps with these questions. all their activities will be shown at the 2 students meetings that will be held. They will also prepare presentations about their cultures and will be in charge of promoting their apps ( entrepreneurial skills) There will be a change of methodology becuase students will become the key in the learning and methodology outputs. teachers will become mentors and leaders, We aim at having an impact on all stakeholders at all levels students to go on studying and to become more creative and innovative this will help them not only not be better students but also to find a job easily when finishing their studies, teachers becuase students will be more motivated to attend to classes and parents because they will feel a change of attitude in their children and companies because they will get better prepared employees and will work with students/teachers . Impact is expected at all levels, locally, regionally, nationally, at Eu level we will integrate what is learnt into schools curricula , The project website, will be continued once the funding ends because we want to encourage other students , teachers and companies to go on working together creating educational tools useful for all. Results | Website | | | Without category | | FB site with all outputs and development | Online magazine with all the development of the project for 2 years | 7 Training videos to learn to make educational apps | Apps- Spanish team - Stucom | Apps Norway team GAUSDAL VIDEREGENDE SKOLE, PIERRE DE COUBERTIN APPS | Apps lithuania SIAULIU ""ROMUVOS"" GIMNAZIJA | YouTube Euapps4us channel | Euapps4us project on Turkish TV | Euapps4us Survey on Cultural awareness | Euapps4us European Quizz | Euapps4us European Brochure | Video of Euapp4us Quality team discussing the results of 1st year | Euapps4us apps : Power Points ppt which have become apps | Euapps4us Newsletters | Euapps4us leaflets promoting apps | Euapps4us Students' feedback on project and apps | Euapps4us dissemination event in Barcelona , companies , universities , schools attended | Euapps4us implemented in Stucom- Barcelona and Prize won | Euapps4us implemented at Stucom , 24 teachers receive training to do apps to teach their subjects | Euapps4us Project Second Meeting | Euapps4us Project Final Meeting | ppts that have become apps | site with all the apps" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2014;2014-1-TR01-KA203-011254;;;Undergraduate curriculum and e-course on Evidence-Based Dentistry;Harmonizing dental education and mutual recognition of dental degrees has always been on the agenda of dental associations since the EEC Directives in 1978. Besides the increase in the numbers of ...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;GAZI UNIVERSITESI;TR;TR,BE,NL,FR,NO;133.284,00;Yes;No;Other;Universidad;;http://;English;the convergence issue, bringing in the culture of updating knowledge by the use of ICT, at the same time by improving searching, finding and appraising skills is another necessity for improving quality of dental education. However, exponential rise in scientific information coming from research findings, advances in dental materials, technology and treatments presents a big challenge for dentists in making clinical decision for the treatment of an individual patient. The apparent need to take an action in those issues constituted background of this project. Evidence based dentistry (EBD) is the practice of dentistry that integrates the best available scientific evidence with clinical experience and patient preference in making clinical decisions. This approach provides efficient and cost-effective patient care by improving quality and reducing variations. Teaching EBD in undergraduate dental education is crucial for students to acquire its skills earlier in professional life that can be continued for lifelong self-directed learning. The objective of this project was to analyze the current situation of EBD teaching in partner countries, to develop a joint curriculum and a need_targeted e-course for teaching, learning and training EBD. To reach this objective, 5 dental schools of universities from Turkey, Belgium, Norway, France and Netherlands with key persons all experienced in dental education and especially in the subject of EBD took part in project. The main activities to reach the project objectives included completion of shared tasks determined for each intellectual output in a timely manner, transnational project meetings, monitoring, evaluation, dissemination and reporting.;As presented in the proposal, we produced a joint evidence based dentistry curriculum together with learning outcomes and assessment tools ready to integrate to dental curriculum. We also produced an e-course readily available in an open source allowing free access to the target group. It is a high quality, relevant learning material for dental students, teachers, practitioners and institutions with no cost. Project activities provided a medium of transnational cooperation by combining skills, experiences, knowledge and exchange for good practices with an impact on modernization and convergence of undergraduate dental education. The dissemination activities produced awareness on evidence based dentistry concept with an impact on enhancing patient safety on patients side and reducing malpractice on the dentists side. Long-term availability of intellectual outputs to wide audience without any cost and the large impact on dental schools, dentists, teachers, students and policy makers are the longer-term benefits of the project. | Results | Website | http:// | | Without category | | IO1 Undergraduate EBD course in partner countries at local and national level | IO1 report form | IO1 paper in Journal of Turkish Dental Association | IO2 Learning outcomes and Assessment tools, Evidence-Based Practice in Dentistry | IO2 Learning outcomes and Assessment tools, Evidence-Based Practice in Dentistry | IO3 joint curriculum on EBD | IO3 joint curriculum on EBD | IO4 course material-1 General knowledge | IO4- 2. Appraising the literature and study methodologies | IO4 - 3. Biostatistics familiarity | IO4 - 4. Formulating information needs | IO4 - 5. Searching literature and identifying evidence | IO4 - 6. Studies on interventions therapy, prevention | IO4 - 7. diagnosis and screening | IO4 - 8. Causation, etiology, harm, prognosis | IO4 - 9. Systematic reviews and meta analysis | IO4 Course material in Turkish 1 | IO4 Course material in Turkish 2 | IO4 Course material in Turkish 3 | IO4 Course material in Turkish 4 | IO4 Course material in Turkish 5 | IO4 Course material in Turkish 6 | IO4 Course material in Turkish 7 | IO4 Course material in Turkish 8 | IO4 Course material in Turkish 9 | IO4 Course material in Turkish 10 | IO4 - 10.Clinical guidelines | IO5 open learning/teaching/training material | IO6 implementation of the course material/testing | IO7 website | presentation | presentation | dissemination | dissemination | dissemination | dissemination Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2014;2014-1-TR01-KA203-011611;;;Effective Use of the EPOSTL by Student Teachers of English;"In Europe there is a special effort to improve the efficiency of education and training systems. The European Commission states that ""Education and training systems need to be modernized and be mo...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Pedagogy and didactics, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;HACETTEPE UNIVERSITESI;TR;TR,PL,LV,HR,SK;208.320,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;"The EPOSTL stands for the material called European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages, which promotes transparency as a standard tool recognized across Europe. It has been designed as a self assessment tool for students in Foreign Language Teaching programs. It can be used as a standard self assessment tool by student teachers of foreign languages to analyse and reflect on their knowledge and skills needed to teach language. It helps them to monitor and reflect on their experiences, performance and progress during the whole course of teacher education on a purposeful material based on European standards. This project will gather foreign language teaching academics and student teachers from different institutions in Europe in order to provide a basis to share ideas and experiences on how the EPOSTL can be used more effectively. The target groups of the project are; 1) academics who train foreign language teachers, 2) student teachers at foreign language teaching departments. The project will last two years. In the first years meeting individual and institutional experiences will be discussed, and implementations in each partner country until the next meeting will be designed. In the second years meeting experiences based on the implementations will be shared, obstacles and discrepancies will be discussed and a final report will be prepared as the product of the project. The main objective of the project is to increase awareness about the importance of the self-assessment by student teachers of languages and thus to support the dissemination of the EPOSTL as a transparent tool which helps ensure that skills and qualifications of language teachers can be more easily recognized within and across national borders. Five higher education institutions from five different European countries (Turkey, Croatia, Poland, Latvia, Slovakia) took part in the project. The participant profile comprises eight students and two academics from each organization, thus a total of 50 participants attended the project events and activities.";As a result of the project an E-EPOSTL was developed, a review of literature of EPOSTL was generated, some statistical analyses were administered, a project booklet was developed and all these products were disseminated via the project website at . In the longer term, it is expected that a more effective electronic versions the EPOSTL can be developed and the use of it can be disseminated across Europe as an easily accessible, user-friendly and widely used self-assessment tool by students teachers of languages. Results | Website | | | Without category | | Output 2.1 - A Review of Literature on the EPOSTL | Output 1 - Project Booklet | Output 2.2 - Needs Analysis | Output 3 - Statistical Analyses | Output 4 - Alignment Chart of the EPOSTL for ELT Programs in Partnering Countries | Output 5 - E-EPOSTL | Transnational Meeting 1 - Kick-off Meeting Report (Ankara) | Transnational Meeting 2 - Report (Rijeka) | Transnational Meeting 3 - Report (Riga) | Transnational Meeting 4 - Report (Poznan) | Transnational Meeting 5 - Report (Presov) | Activity Photos | Intensive Program Meeting 1 - Report (Antalya 2015) | Intensive Program Meeting 2 - Report (Antalya 2016) Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2014;2014-1-TR01-KA204-012939;;;ICT in Daily Life and E-Learning in Adult Education;In the Project, different type of organizations in the European Union collaborated to fight digital illiteracy among adults and youth who are not able to use or unaware about ICT in daily life and...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Inclusion - equity, Access for disadvantaged;;Sincan Halk Egitim Merkezi ve ASO;TR;TR,RO,PL,DE,SE,ES,NO;236.442,60;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Adult education;Centro Educativo;;;English;"In the Project, different type of organizations in the European Union collaborated to fight digital illiteracy among adults and youth who are not able to use or unaware about ICT in daily life and who belong to vulnerable social groups like school drop outs, immigrants and women in order to equip them with the skills needed to use digital technology. We live in a world today where using digital technologies and accessing information via internet is becoming increasingly necessary, using services like health and education, attaining jobs, connecting friends, relatives and colleagues, sharing moments, ideas and experience, expanding innovation and remaining globally competitive. It was thought that target group are struggling to gain basic access to technology because of various reasons and ways. In this respect by providing different activities people equipped with the basic digital skills to get the advantages of being digital and necessary skills to face the ""online challenge. Throughout the Project period, basic computer knowledge, internet usage, tablets and their applications for the specified purposes were the main subjects of the activities with the help of seminars, meetings, courses, competitions and exhibitions. The partnership also aimed to support people by using web tools to socialize with other EU citizens online and personal (through mobilities). They had new friends, saw different cultures and lives. It gave them a chance reduce their loneliness and in some ways their isolation and helped to improve social inclusion.The project also enabled different organizations in EU to share best practice, their expertise and experience in supporting target group to face challenges brought about by online technology. | The main target was to work with people from vulnerable social groups who do not have or lack the skills to stay active online. They provided with training which enabled them to operate a PC, use the internet and other relevant software such as communication software (Skype, Facebook, etc). With the help of local and international activities, people shared experiences, connectted with each other and learned new cultures. With project activities, partners collaborated to remove the problems to make digital technologies and internet more accessible to the target group and attractive on both a non formal and informal basis. On personal level the learners got the chance to raise their self- esteem by fighting with digital illiteracy by improving their knowledge. They had the opportunity to develope contemporary communication skills to catch the world, to communicate and to share.";"Project activities stimulated awareness of the possibilities of learning digital world, made them user instead of just being watchers. The projectgave a chance to see the richness and possibilities of digital world to them. Project participants had also chances to improve their language skills with language course activities. Projects participants saw the similarities and differences of cultures. On national level partner organizations addressed and informed project target groups about project activities; inviting people to join in local workshops. On international level online interactive E-Learning modules about ICT have been the most effective and benficial side of the project. The E-Learning Modules which were based on learning by doing and scenario based learning have been used not only by EU citizens but also by people who are from different countries of the world because of the structure of the Modules which are easy to use and educational. Also the Modules have been prepared in 8 different languages, so it helped the increase the number of people that the Project targeted. The modules will be active for years and the number of the beneficiaries will be dublicated in years. | Results | Website | | | Without category | | Project Web Site | Project Facebook Page | E Learning Module-Word 2013 | E Learning Module-Excel 2013 | E Learning Module-Hardware | E Learning Module-Win 7 | E Learning Module-The Internet | E Learning Module-Powerpoint 2013 | E Learning Module-Android OS | E Learning Module-iOS | Digital Photo Album of the Project | Digital Story Telling- The Project Movie | Computer Usage Booklet" Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-UK01-KA101-002154;;;Welcoming Europe into the Class;With the evolution of technology it is now possible for us to have the whole of Europe at the touch of a button in our classrooms. The possibilities are endless, blogging, webinairs, electronic le...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;St Mary's Primary School;UK;UK,IE,ES,IT,EL,FI;45.145,00;Yes;No; School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;With the evolution of technology it is now possible for us to have the whole of Europe at the touch of a button in our classrooms. The possibilities are endless, blogging, webinairs, electronic lessons all things that we could only imagine 5 years ago but are now embracing as part of our normal day to day teaching. What next then for us ? The answer was simple a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), a place to store, access from anywhere, and share the bank of wonderful resources we had built up and were continuing to build through co-operating in projects with our European partners. | | This dream easily became a reality we had the enthusiasm and staff ready for the challenge but we needed funding to help us achieve our goal. This funding was made available to us through a successful submission of a KA1 application. Funding allowed us to access the expertise of people working in this field, enabling us to create a tailored made resource which met the needs of our school. We trained staff to up load materials, e.g. slide shows, videos, taped lessons, etc. And also to make use of built in features such as the Calendar App ensuring that communication of important dates and deadlines were met. | Pupils were given access to age appropriate courses which were password protected allowing them to have autonomy over their learning and to access at home so that they could share their work/activities with parents. | | We worked alongside our European School partners, The Basque Country, (Spain), Republic of Ireland, Finland, Greece, and Italy to develop resources to share for the mutual benefit of our pupils: in 2nd language acquisition , Eco-schools, the environment, all promoting pride in our National identity. A VLE gave us the perfect safe environment to share, exhibit and exchange information and ideas. | | We provided opportunities for our staff to travel and job shadow in other educational settings- where they had the opportunity to not only experience school life in another setting but also the culture and traditions of that country. They observed, discussed and evaluated the similarities and differences between the education systems, met with staff and exchanged ideas and solutions to problems faced on a day to day basis no matter where the school was placed. | E safety played an important part of the project as staff developed their awareness of their own personal safety on line as well as keeping our young people safe. Job shadowing presented an ideal opportunity for staff to observe and learn from practises in our partner countries: space in crowded playgrounds to play happily is always an issue, problems arise: accidents, bullying etc. An area of focus was to observe and discuss with staff how play grounds were zoned and how staff and resources were used to promote happier playgrounds. This has led to a greater involvement for our student council, in deciding how the space is used and what resources are purchased for playtimes.;We provided opportunities for staff to develop their own personal skills and competencies working alongside specialists in the field of ICT in the educational setting. Staff had the opportunity to broaden their horizons through travel, they experienced the culture and traditions of other nationalities. They had opportunities to learn and build upon their existing language skills. Ultimately they have had time away from school to share new experiences with other members of staff, many of whom never worked closely together because of their roles and positions within the school. Thus ultimately it broke down barriers and promoted team work within our organisation. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-UK01-KA101-002168;;;Training in methodology and pedagogy of Spanish and German teaching in a vocational and traditional context.;The overall aims are to enhance language learning, to explore other cultures in a wide range of areas, to broaden knowledge of technologies, to support vocational courses and to broaden the appeal...;Enterprise, industry and SMEs (incl. entrepreneurship), Teaching and learning of foreign languages ...;;Sackville School;UK;UK;23.335,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;The overall aims are to enhance language learning, to explore other cultures in a wide range of areas, to broaden knowledge of technologies, to support vocational courses and to broaden the appeal of language learning for all language learners of all ability levels from KS2 upwards. | | | | Specific themes of study outlined earlier all have common strands and share a common purpose., which is to promote diversity positively through different curriculum age ranges and areas. | | | | Our 7 main participants will implement the project within the school and thus reach out to a greater number of staff and students. | | | | We have planned: | | 1) 100-150 of our UK school KS3 year 7/8/9 students across different classes creating E journals using eTwinning and Twinspace communicating with our partner school in Spain. These articles will be linked with specific project areas such as Hotel and Catering Food and ICT App Creation. Many of these articles will involve use of the target language and in some cases be in the target language. 90 Spanish students of a similar age will complete similar tasks. | | | | 2) KS2 language learning: We will build up a bank of resources and expertise using Twin Space for shared resources to use within the KS2 Primary school environment. | | | | 3) KS4 students of Vocational German and Spanish, Law, Business Studies and Economics students and Food Technology students in both schools will use twin space to explore, compare and contrast vocational areas including hotels and catering, tourist attractions, planning a visit abroad, retail and primary education. This will involve a large number of students - 50 students from UK school and a similar number from our Spanish and German partner schools. | | | | 4) KS5 year 12 students of all disciplines involved in the project in both countries will exchange and evaluate detailed information on education systems, legal systems and the world of work, with a view to carrying out structured vocational experiences int he target country during the mobility of the project. This will involve around 50 students per institution in Germany, Spain and UK. | | | | The project is driven by a passion to bring a European dimension into a large and diverse number of subjects across the curriculum as well as extend MFL learning beyond the MFL classroom and into other subject areas and vocational settings. The cultural topics we have chosen form a a significant part of the curriculum already in all three of our schools and we believe will serve to give all staff and students involved a genuine and enriching experience. The project will enhance Sackville School's position with its highest level of International Schools Award and IES Vega del Jarama's status as a bilingual college. | | | | The objectives and impact of the project will be realised by students: | | 1) Expanding diversity of the partner country by evaluating identified areas of culture in the countries. This will involve practical tasks such as giving video presentations of practical Food tech lessons or certain aspects of health and social care. | | 2) Extending linguistic abilities so students can discuss and evaluate in the foreign language. This will also include older students helping with and presenting primary school lessons. | | 3) Give students access to vocational opportunities through work experience, work shadowing and visits to work places and social providers, thus allowing the provision and evaluation of opportunities abroad. This in some cases will serve as an official assessment for public examinations | | 4) Broaden use of technologies for expanding and sharing of information. This will involve making videos. | | 5) Involve students in planning of their own mobilities | | 6) Evaluate the provision of Special Educational Needs for students of MFL in all 3 institutions;The longer term benefits will be evident through sustainable partnerships between the institutions with students and staff incorporating tasks and projects within the institutions into their programmes of work. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-UK01-KA101-002175;;;Re-energising Spanish Excellence;"Re-energising Spanish Excellence The Federated Schools of St. Cuthberts and St. Sebastians Catholic Primary Schools were designated Centres of Excellence for Spanish teaching by Liverpool A...";Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;St Cuthbert's Catholic Primary School;UK;UK;46.195,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"Re-energising Spanish Excellence | The Federated Schools of St. Cuthberts and St. Sebastians Catholic Primary Schools were designated Centres of Excellence for Spanish teaching by Liverpool Authority in 2002. Due to changes in staffing and changed expectations for Primary Language Teaching for NC 2104, the schools felt that it was time to re-invest in high quality training to refresh Spanish teaching and learning. The main objectives were to: | Equip teachers with the linguistic skills and confidence to deliver high quality teaching and learning experiences in Primary Languages; | Raise the profile of Spanish in the school and local community and improve intercultural understanding; | Meet the needs of the new National Curriculum 2014; | Increase self-confidence of lower attainers and EAL pupils across the curriculum; | Raise pupil attainment in languages and across all subjects; | Re-energise our Centre of Excellence status for Spanish, in order to act as a support for other schools, both locally and nationally. | | The project was designed to last 2 years, focusing initially on 5 key staff, and then engaging the majority of teaching staff (30 teachers across the Federation) for maximum impact on standards. Many of teachers enjoy language learning and are keen to trial new initiatives in our quest aspiring to be outstanding. However, a staff skills audit has shown that most staff hold qualifications in French or other languages, and show less confidence using Spanish. In the past we have been able to offer training ourselves for other schools wishing to develop their language teaching, and as a federation, we needed to refresh our skills, methodology and resources to ensure that we were up-to-date and modelling outstanding teaching and learning. | | The expectations of NC14 Languages state an increased focus on the development of Reading and Writing, so our project focussed on effective ways of developing these skills with pupils, while maintaining the fun elements of language teaching and learning. Links with partner schools provided opportunity for pupils to have purposeful communication, and use of e-twinning websites and electronic media allowed teachers to develop and share authentic resources to enhance Literacy skills. By visiting partner schools, Teachers were able to strengthen our links and be able to have professional dialogue about effective teaching methods and use of authentic resources. Staff also undertook intensive language training on a residential course in Santander, from which they returned with improved linguistic competence and confidence in delivering their own Spanish lessons. This supported us in embedding Spanish throughout the curriculum, so that pupils are using the language naturally as a tool for communication. We have used the experience to develop our CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) after being given the opportunity to observe this in practice during the residential courses in Cantabria.";Due to the commitment of the whole staff in this project, we expected the impact to be extensive and not only evident in our Spanish language teaching, but on the school as a whole, and this has certainly been the case. Standards of teaching and learning in languages ha been elevated, which has impacted on pupils motivation and enthusiasm. This may affect their uptake of languages in further education. As small schools in areas of high deprivation, many of our pupils do not have great opportunities to develop their intercultural understanding, and the project has impacted on pupils and parents attitudes. Furthermore, teachers and support staff feel better equipped to meet the needs of National Curriculum 2014, i.e. Language teaching with an increased focus on reading and writing in the target language. We are hoping that standards in other areas will improve e.g. Literacy due to pupils phonological awareness and grammatical understanding being developed in language lessons. Moreover, we have found that language learning significantly increases the self-esteem of lower attaining pupils and those for whom English is an Additional Language, which in turn raises standards in the Core Curriculum areas of Maths and English. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships addressing more than one field;2014;2014-1-UK01-KA200-001652;;;EU Specific Learning Disabilities (Sp.L.D.) Policy and Roadmap and Sp.L.D. Teacher & Adult Learner Training;The Project follows on from a Grundtvig Project completed in 2013 (Specific Learning Disabilities [Sp.L.D.] Roadmap for teacher and adult learner training) which established that Sp.L.D. consists ...;Inclusion - equity, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Disabilities - special needs;;Lancashire Centre for Specific Learning Difficulties;UK;UK,EL,EE,SI,RO,PL,TR,DE,IT;245.974,11;Yes;No;Other;Asociacin;;;English;"The Project follows on from a Grundtvig Project completed in 2013 (Specific Learning Disabilities [Sp.L.D.] Roadmap for teacher and adult learner training) which established that Sp.L.D. consists of 7 learning disabilities, co-existing to varying degrees which, due to the same underlying information processing deficiencies, will require similar pedagogical approaches. In the majority of EU nations, co-existence of such disabilities is neither accepted nor diagnosed. Therefore, there is little or no training for adults, teachers nor support for children/students. Unidentified, Sp.L.D. results in low self esteem, high stress, atypical behaviour, mental health problems, low achievement and early school leaving. This can also lead to violence in school and later anti-social behaviour within communities. In the worst case it can lead to criminal acts and imprisonment. The reverse is also true where children and young persons, having had on-going support for their Sp.L.D., go on to higher education and become valuable citizens. Using Eurostat population data, in 2010 there were between 17 to 46 Million persons, between the ages of 3 to 25, in the EU-27 with Sp.L.D. For such numbers to remain unidentified and, as a consequence unsupported, is a massive lost generation that the EU cannot afford to lose in todays global market. | | | | For the first time, and as one of the first Erasmus Plus Projects, Europe can take the next critical and essential steps to produce an EU Sp.L.D. Policy and Roadmap and create an effective and consistent European Sp.L.D. Adult Learner & Teacher e-Training Programme which would finally address the major problems with unidentified and, as a consequence, unsupported Sp.L.D. | | | | There are 9 EU Partners from the Estonia (Tallin University); Germany (Institut fuer systemisch-integrative Lerntherapie, Leipzig); Greece (Hellenic Dyslexia Association); Italy (Istituto d'Istruzione Superiore ""F.S. Nitti""); Poland (Stowarzyszenie Przyjaci_ i Wychowankw Zespo_u Szk_); Romania (Tibiscus University from Timisoara, Faculty of Psychology); Slovenia (University of Ljubljana) ; Turkey (Egitim Uretim ve Sanat Dernegi) and United Kingdom (Lancashire Centre for Specific Learning Difficulties) | | | | In the area of Sp.L.D., the 3 year project will: | | - Determine National Policies, understanding and defnitions and their co-existence at Academic Institute and Schools levels | | - Develop dissemination Information documents/e-documents | | - Determine potential 'socio/political' barriers to their acceptance and co-existence, including National inclusive education and legal frameworks | | - Determine National pedagogical and teacher/adult learner training approaches including both academic/theoretical and practical training | | - Produce an EU Sp.L.D. Policy, Definitions and Teacher/Adult Learner Training Policy Document | | - Disseminate a recommended EU Sp.L.D. Policy and Roadmap to the ET2020 Committee | | - Develop & Evaluate Sp.L.D. Teacher & Adult Learner Training Courses | | - Develop Sp.L.D. e-training platform | | - Implement Sp.L.D. e-training Courses | | - Two Conferences: 1. Dissemninate EU Sp.L.D. Policy, Definitions and Teacher/Adult Learner Training Policy Document; 2. Disseminate EU Sp.L.D. Policy and Sp.L.D. Interactive e-Training Courses. | | | | In particular, whereas Specific Learning Disabilities (Sp.L.D.) have been, in the main, undiagnosed and therefore unsupported throughout Europe, the Project will facilitate a quantuum leap in knowledge of how Sp.L.D. has detrimentally affected the past, current and future generations of students and adults throughout Europe. Moreover, the detailed and different levels of Sp.L.D. Teacher Training created will enable all participants, participating organisations, target groups and relevent stakeholders to both identify Sp.L.D. and support students and adults with Sp.L.D. in both schools, tertiary education and related NGOs.";It is clearly recognised that although the EU cannot force its member nations to implement its recommended Sp.L.D. policy changes, the socio-political impact awareness that this project will generate at regional, national and European levels will be such that they will not be able to retain the status-quo of permitting unidentified and unsupported Sp.L.D. Moroever, even if only a minority of member nations accept and implement the project recommendations, countless numbers of EU citizens will have their lives changed for the positive - transformed from their perspective of feeling rejected and useless to having their true potential as valuable citizens realised. This reaches into to the very heart of vision of ET2020. | | | | It is very important to note that the valorisation impact such a development of e-training could have using Open edX - it is highly likely that this will be one of the first developments in the EU and, as such, its impact across the whole of the EU for e-Training cannot be overestimated. | Results | Website | Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships addressing more than one field;2014;2014-1-UK01-KA200-001821;;;Interactive Teaching in Languages with Technology;"Context/background of the project This professional development project supports interactive approaches to language teaching with technology. It took a collaborative action research approach wit...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;CARDIFF METROPOLITAN UNIVERSITY;UK;UK,FR,NL,TR,BE,DE;278.252,42;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;"CContext/background of the project | This professional development project supports interactive approaches to language teaching with technology. It took a collaborative action research approach with researchers, teachers and learners of all ages creating open educational resources to support language teachers in integrating a variety of new technologies into effective communicative and task-based language teaching. The project: a) involved project teachers in in-depth and ongoing collaboration and reflection on how language teaching can promote language acquisition; b) used on this work to create a new multi-lingual open education resource [OER) website portal ( with videos of real classroom practice; c.) created associated e-resources and library including examples of technology-mediated teaching practice, d.) piloted an online community of practice to explore and record innovative practice in language teaching using technology. | | The iTIL2 project built on the highly successful iTILT (interactive Technologies In Language Teaching) funded by European LLPs (KA2 Languages), which focused on using the interactive whiteboard (IWB) for teaching foreign languages. Extensive resources, including videos from real classrooms, were hosted on the original project website ( With this background, iTILT2 built on a well-designed open educational resource and an experienced team with complementary skills & a successful collaboration. The iTILT2 project developed and extended our existing work and further supported language learners and teachers in making the most of the acquisitional opportunities offered by educational technologies. iTILT2 moved beyond the IWB to focus on developing effective teaching & learning of second languages with a much wider range of new and emerging interactive technologies (such as iPads, tablet PCs and videoconferencing software), both independently and in combination. The data collection/professional development cycle included extensive teacher development involving researcher input and peer collaboration using face-to-face and online spaces, followed by two iterations of classroom filming and participant interviews. | | Objectives | The objective of iTILT2 was to promote effective foreign language teaching and learning by supporting teachers in their integration of a variety of interactive technologies into communicative classroom practice. This was achieved by producing a multilingual web site, hosting videos and other project resources for the professional development of primary, secondary, and higher education teachers and lecturers. | | Number and profile of participating organisations | There were 6 partners (2.1 below), all of whom had worked together previously on the first iTILT project. The team had a very wide range of expertise, including university teaching, research, teacher-training, consultancy and skills in dissemination. | | Description of undertaken main activities | We used an approach developed & refined during the first iTILT project based on collaborative action research, involving videoing classroom teaching and video stimulated reflective dialogue to include teacher and learner perspectives. This ensured the project was grounded in current classroom practice, but also reflected the research teams expertise in effective language teaching with technology. This collaborative approach was used throughout the project & was a strong feature. We organised 3 multiplayer events to promote the project, findings & resources.";"Results and impact attained | The project successfully developed, promoted and disseminated new and innovative practice in supporting interactive language teaching in diverse European languages using ICT. We produced an open educational resource multilingual website ( to host O1-4: 117 video examples of the use of interactive technologies in second language teaching; a professional development e-resource; 3 mini-guides; online library. In collaboration with teachers, classroom activities were planned, videoed, edited & tagged to produce video examples of real teaching situations. Teacher and learner comments were used to help illuminate the video resources in primary (UK, FR, DE) and secondary (BE, FR) schools and tertiary education (TK, FR, DE), with resources in five languages. In addition, we worked with teachers to produce a professional development e-resource, pilot an online community of practice and produced three mini guides in e-book format. The web site also allows users to search a wide range of videos from the different sectors and to the ability to download our resources and find a range of other technology-related language teaching materials in the selected languages. Evidence form the multiplayer events (4. below) shows the positive impact on the teachers involved. As the resource is web-based it provides a resource which can be freely accessed anywhere with an internet access. | Results | Website | | | Without category | | O1: Professional Development e-Resource | O2: Examples of interactive technology | O3: Community of Practice (CoP) for continuing professional development | O4: Library" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-UK01-KA201-000327;;;Maths is Everywhere;Four state-maintained mainstream schools and one state special school from different European countries participated in this project. All schools were situated in socially disadvantaged and econom...;Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Creativity and culture;;Pendle Community High School;UK;UK,TR,PL,RO,IT;129.975,00;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;;English;"Four state-maintained mainstream schools and one state special school from different European countries participated in this project. All schools were situated in socially disadvantaged and economically deprived areas and thus it was very important for the students in these schools to participate in this kind of project; mainly to experience the opportunities afforded and to become more open-minded, self-confident and tolerant as well as improving their aptitude and confidence in mathematics, which is vital to enhancing employment opportunities. All schools have students with learning difficulties and so this combination of partners allowed the UK specialist school to support the four mainstream schools to develop new skills, attitudes and approaches to working with SEN students in their individual schools. The partners were already involved in an e-twinning project to gain first-hand information about schools, customs and cultures in other countries which was student driven through exchanges of questions and answer sessions. This was made possible using a shared wed-based platform where the students uploaded various PowerPoints, documents, images and videos to share information and led the discussions leaving the teachers to facilitate the process rather than delivering textbook information. After further researching and considering students' comments and suggested activities on the messaging forums it was decided to develop the project further with a new theme of 'Mathematics'. Mainstream students had expressed their concerns about getting the best grades or made comments that they didnt see the purpose of mathematics and so it was decided that all participant institutions would encourage everyone to realise the importance of learning mathematics; to recognise it is used in so many other areas including 'hard' and 'soft' sciences, engineering, technological fields, the arts, music, computing and communications. Furthermore, learning mathematics would support teaching students how to think logically, to problem solve, improve their organizational skills and make a step towards developing creativity and group work competences. Through different activities, interactions and exchanges we intended to motivate our students/pupils to understand how mathematics is used in everyday life in their countries and other countries in Europe. In this way they would also learn to accept customs, culture and heritage and to see that we are the same even in our differences. They would also be motivated to learn foreign languages for effective communication. Students would develop the activities within their school subjects during regular classes and also in some cases through extra-curricular activities. The plan to involve teachers across the curriculum helped to reinforce mathematics being involved in many walks of life. The project became an integral part of all the schools' curricula not only for the two years of the project, but it has continued into future academic years.";"The main activities undertaken included associating mathematics with our everyday environment, reproducing famous landmarks using shape, scaling and measure; fundraising which supported developing money management skills but also raised awareness of social responsibility through volunteering and raising money for charities or for groups of people less fortunate. Students considered mathematics in art, timetables, music, travel, sport and healthy lifestyles with particular regard to calorie counting. Other activities included creating and solving puzzles, finding logical solutions to problems, conducting several surveys and presenting the resulting data accordingly. After completing all the activities in the project it became apparent to the more able students that it was very necessary to learn mathematics for analytical, technological, scientific, economic uses and was invaluable for future employment opportunities. The SEN students began to recognise its abundant use in daily life and displayed an increased interest and enthusiasm for numeracy lessons, expecting them to be fun. Academic progress and attitude to mathematics improved in all schools as staff measured this through national exam results and summative assessments and could assess their students' attitudes towards learning Mathematics from before and after questionnaires. Articles pertaining to the partnership were published in local/regional newspapers and on local/regional websites. A collective project website/blog plus was created to put all the latest news, results and project progress information on the Internet. ( and also all activities and results were displayed on dedicated school social media pages and websites as well as being displayed on the e-twinning platform Twin space - Results | Website | | | Without category | | Booklet of activities" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-UK01-KA201-000353;;;Convenience food and health implications - a peer tutoring approach involving action-orientated work in the lab;In both countries there is the need for more people with science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) skills in the workplace in order to maintain economic growth and momentum in innova...;Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Natural sciences;;Salford City College;UK;UK,DE;44.000,00;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;In both countries there is the need for more people with science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) skills in the workplace in order to maintain economic growth and momentum in innovative industries. Currently, the demand for specialists in this field is clearly outweighing the numbers of qualified applicants. UK government findings highlight a shortage of 400, 000 STEM professionals (March 2014). In Germany, the current shortage of workers with STEM skills is estimated at 121,000 despite an increase of workers employed in STEM jobs by almost 291,000 since 2011. According to the Confederation of German Industry (BDI) and the Confederation of German Employers (BDA) this skills gap is expected to widen significantly in the coming years. Encouraging young people to consider a career in STEM related occupations, pursuing higher levels of study and acquiring technical skills through effective teaching and learning are important elements of any strategy aimed at addressing skills needs. The strategic partnership between Salford City College (SCC) and Johanna-Wittum School (JWS) aims to exchange good practices in the field of science education for students at secondary and upper-secondary level. The partnership will work together to produce innovative learning materials for practical experiments and a peer learning method to be disseminated to stakeholders. The resources will foster the provision and the assessment of key-competences, including basic skills and transversal skills, particularly project management skills, languages, digital skills and intercultural competence. The learning outcomes will support the transition from study into employment by giving students essential technical and professional skills required to enter the STEM labour market. Objectives: Create high quality learning activities to develop students research and practical skills, alongside skills such as problem solving, team work, effective communication and professionalism. Produce specialist teaching resources for science teachers who work within primary and secondary schools to raise student attainment and increase interest in STEM subjects. Produce and evaluate a peer tutoring model as an effective learning method. Make resources available to guide other institutions on how to introduce and implement the concept. Strengthen the schools professional profiles and links with industry. Enlist support from new and existing employer contacts to share expertise, offer specialist experiences, group exercises and access to commercial facilities. Organise a student mobility exchange focusing on nutritional science as a learning activity to trial, observe and evaluate jointly developed learning resources and methods. Educate students on the varied STEM careers and progression routes available, as well as skills and qualification entry requirements for specific careers. Promote healthy lifestyles to the schools' students and wider audience through dissemination activities of the nutritional science project.;The laboratory workshops are central to the project and will be where the jointly created resources are tested through the practical experiments and during the learning activity with peer tutoring including analysis and evaluation of results. | The methodology will be both qualitative and quantitative to assess the activities and overall project success. Both schools will use data collected from their student enrollments, retention and achievement figures as well as destination data. In addition observations, feedback and unstructured interviews will be carried out. Interviews will be conducted with staff and students with a general theme to allow the conversation to develop organically in an informal way to gain as much information as possible. The partnership expects the impact at participant level will be increased skills relevant in the scientific field for both participating staff and students. The expected impact for the schools involved is to share ideas and good practice. The project results will be in the form of a documentation/teaching unit and will be made available on the EST server and e-Twinning website. Additionally, there will be a range of measures to inform about the project and maintain its long term impact via social media, websites, press releases and workshops. Over the longer term the project results will be expected improvement in student results, increased retention and more science related higher education and employment destinations. The short term benefits of the project will allow students involved in the learning activity (some from socially and economically disadvantaged backgrounds) to gain experience abroad in an academic context, enhance their language, practical and transversal skills to improve their further study and employment prospects. Language skills will be particularly beneficial to the German students as English is the international language of science. Results | Without category | | Monitoring Dietery Habits | Survey of Wider College Eating Habits | Peer Teaching Task | Produce and evaluate a peer tutoring model as an effective learning method. | Encourage wider participation in STEM subjects | Teaching plans | Produce and evaluate a peer tutoring model as an effective learning method. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2014;2014-1-UK01-KA203-001819;;;Interprofessional experiential learning (IPE) solutions: equipping the qualified dementia workforce to champion evidence informed improvement to advanced dementia care and family caring (Palliare).;In 2008 the estimated cost of dementia within Europe (EU27) was 160.3 billion, equivalent to 22,194 per person with dementia. Between one third and a half of people living with dementia in Europ...;Health and wellbeing, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;UNIVERSITY OF THE WEST OF SCOTLAND;UK;UK,ES,SE,SI,PT,CZ,FI;290.808,75;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;Between one third and a half of people living with dementia in Europe do so in resource-intensive facilities (e.g. nursing homes and hospitals), although the policy imperative is to shift the balance of care through family caring. The known variation in the quality of dementia care across Europe, (which ranges from impoverished care to high quality care) represents a major health care inequality. For these reasons the European Parliament recently highlighted the need for common guidelines to inform the training of practitioners and others involved in caring for persons with dementia. The 2013 G8 Dementia Summit additionally called for shared solutions to workforce development across the care continuum. The middle to late stages of the disease (advanced dementia), may last up to 10 years. This stage is particularly challenging due to the complexity of the condition. A serious qualified dementia workforce challenge is a legacy of under investment in post registration education and a lack of leadership development coupled with the low status of dementia careers. The aim of the dementia Palliare project is to create an inspirational experiential interprofessional learning solution to equip the European qualified dementia workforce to lead and champion practice reform. The first stage of the project will culminate in the co-production of an evidence based European Best Practice Statement defining the extended palliative phase of dementia and the principles underpinning best practice. An interprofessional education gap analysis will examine what is required to equip the qualified dementia workforce to deliver best practice. The second implementation phase of the project will see the development and piloting of an innovative virtual interprofessional experiential learning solution including an international virtual community of practice and validated modules in a range of languages.;The specific objectives and outcomes are as follows: Phase 1 Objective: An inter professional understanding of best practice for advanced dementia care and family caring during the extended palliative care stage of the illness, and an understanding of the contribution of different disciplines to the achievement of best practice. Outcomes: 1.1) An interrogative literature review of dementia care and family caring associated with the extended palliative phase of the illness. 1.2) A comparative documentary analysis of policy across partner countries. 1.3) Comparative case studies from the partner countries illustrating the experience of extended palliative care phase of dementia from the perspective of the individual with dementia and family caring. 1.4) An agreed European Best Practice Statement. 1.5) An interprofessional education gap analysis. Phase 2 Objective: Develop an innovative virtual interprofessional experiential learning solution to equip the European qualified dementia workforce to transform advanced dementia care and deliver best practice. Outcomes: 2.1) A learning and facilitation framework based on a pedagogical a review of virtual experiential learning and facilitation methods and interventions. 2.2) A shared online collaborative learning environment . 2.3) Interprofessional module materials (e.g. CoP practice improvement and values reconcilitation methodology and modules on Advance Dementia Care Interventions) at undergraduate and post graduate levels in a range of European languages. 2.4) An experiential learning facilitator manual and student handbook in a range of European languages. 2.5) An inaugural European faculty comprising academics and practitioners from partner countries, with experiential learning facilitation capabilities. 2.6) A development plan for a sustainable virtual European Dementia Academy based on the project outputs. To deliver the project ambition we have assembled a seven country partnership comprising multi-professional leaders with combined expertise in experiential practice based learning and dementia care. Opportunities for international stakeholders to engage with the project will include online and social media, online open door events, community of practice membership, pilot work, public conferences and consensus conferences. The project legacy will include the building blocks for a virtual European Dementia Academy founded upon a robust experiential learning framework, a state of the art e-learning environment with a skilled international faculty of facilitators and a new postivie practice narrative for advanced dmentia care. The project will refresh approaches to workforce development and contribute to mobility and virtual mobility and give a much needed boost to advanced dementia care standards and dementia careers. | Results | Website | | | Without category | | Executive summary - Literature Review: experience of advanced dementia | Master Management Plan | Evaluation and Quality Plan | Communication Plan | Authorships and Publications Guidelines | Executive summary - Dementia Policy Review | Executive Summary - Experience of advanced dementia case studies | European Best Practice Statement | Executive Summary - Educational Gap Analysis | Executive Summary - Experiential Learning Framework | Community of Practice Environment | Interdisciplinary Professional modules | Interdisciplinary Professional modules | Interdisciplinary Professional modules | Interdisciplinary Professional modules | Facilitator user manual | Member user manual | Trained Experiential Learning Facilitators | Sustainability Plan | Project Brochure | External Evaluator report | Dissemination | Literature Review: experience of Advanced dementia | Policy Review | Experience of Advanced Dementia - Case Studies | Educational Gap Analysis | Experiential Learning Framework | Project logo | Coordinator | UNIVERSITY OF THE WEST OF SCOTLAND | HIGH STREET | PA1 2BE | PAISLEY | | Organisation type: Higher education institution (tertiary level) | Partners | UNIVERSIDAD DE ALICANTE | LINNEUNIVERSITETET | Fakulteta za zdravstvo Angele Boskin (FZAB)/ Angela Boskin Faculty of Health Care (ABFHC) | ESCOLA SUPERIOR DE ENFERMAGEM DO PORTO | UNIVERZITA KARLOVA | TURUN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU OY Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for youth;2014;2014-2-DE04-KA205-001363;;;Digitally Competent Youth;In todays world, where the need for lifelong learning has been accepted and new technologies have taken on a significant role in increasing employability among young people, there is no other opt...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Open and distance learning;;VOLKSHOCHSCHULE IM LANDKREIS CHAM EV;DE;DE,UK,ES,PL;255.805,76;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Adult education;Centro Educativo;;;English;"In todays world, where the need for lifelong learning has been accepted and new technologies have taken on a significant role in increasing employability among young people, there is no other option than to reconsider the objectives of education, especially in non-formal context in the light of growing societal demands and new sociocultural trends. | The current level of unemployment among young people (under 25s) is unprecedented and stood at 20.3 %, more than one out of every five young persons in the labour force was not employed, but looking and available for a job. In the euro area, the youth unemployment rate was even higher at 22.4, this statistic led EU Members to set up a programme to address youth unemployment in order to support growth and employment""Compact for Growth and Jobs"". Also Europe 2020 strategy aims to increase employment rates and educational levels and reduce poverty levels. One of the core elements to achieve the targets of these initiatives is to understand how Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) can be used to leverage impact. Young people have grown up using ICT, but for not all have used ICT for professional purposes thus they may struggle with gaining job-oriented competences, critical attitudes and creativity remain. By providing a solution to these struggles it may better the role of ICT in terms of increasing the employability of young people and help to fight social exclusion and poverty. Strategic use of the ICT could prepare young people with digital skills they need for social participation and at work nowadays and could provide additional inputs to the implementation of the relevant policies and flagship initiatives. | Therefore, the project DIGI.COM/YOUTH aims to foster the provision and the assessment of digital competences by supporting personalised learning approaches, collaborative learning, and the strategic use of ICT. | The project contributes to the achievement of one the four strategic objectives of the Education and Training 2020: to improve the quality and efficiency of education and training, all citizens need to be able to acquire digital competences and all levels of education and training need to be made more attractive and efficient. DIGI.COM/YOUTH intends to provide young people in transition to labour market or education, with the necessary digital assessment of competences to tackle their everyday necessities as learners in a digital world, and as professionals on the labour market. It is likely to have a positive impact on the persons directly or indirectly involved in the activities, such as: increased level of digital competence, and better understanding and recognition of skills and qualifications in Europe and beyond. | This project goes onto to offer embedded assessment with instant feedback and targeted support to provide more personalised, engaging, collaborative and authentic tasks. | The project focused on design of Digital Challenges directly connected within the five Areas of the framework DIGCOMP: Information, Communication, Content creation, Safety and Problem solving which are included on a Moodle platform. On this platform learners have to solve a set of digital challenges (quizzes and tasks to do, dealing with Google Form, E-Collaboration Tools, digital calender and Social Networks), and they can cooperate with each other through the forum; they can exchange messages creating different threads for each topic, and acquire the necessary knowledge to take over the challenge and start the next one. Youth workers, trainers and tutors working in the context of young disadvantaged or in in danger of social exclusion, are able to utilise a Guidebook specifically developed in parallel to both the Digital Challenges and the Moodle platform. This document serves not only as a how-to for the platform, but also provides information on the state-of-art of ICT and digital competences, information on DIGCOMP framework and other up-to-date methodologies on ICT and information on useful tools that are designed to develop digital literacy among the young people.";The consortium expected to make impact with the DIGI.COM/YOUTH project in four European countries - DE, ES, PL and the UK. They addressed stakeholders in each of these countries in an array of institutions such as, universities, social and cultural organisations working with and for young disadvantaged, public administrations etc. The impact was made by developing a better system of matching between skills and the labour market needs among those young people who are in danger of social exclusion in the transition process between education and labour market. The more customized process of learning (practical tasks and embedded assessment) is matched to individual needs including those with special requests, reinforcing the development of essential soft skills such as a problem-solving and collaborative work necessary to equip persons, especially young, for the labour market. | Results | Website | | | Without category | | Methodology Report | Summary of the methodology report_EN | Summary of the methodology report_DE | Summary of the methodology report_ES | Summary of the methodology report_Basque | Summary of the methodology report_PL | Report on the profile of digital challenges | DIGI.COM learning platform | Report on the piloting activities | Guidebook_EN | Guidebook_DE | Guidebook_ES | Guidebook_Basque | Guidebook_PL | Newsletter 1_EN | Newsletter 1_DE | Newsletter 1_ES | Newsletter 1_Basque | Newsletter 1_PL | Newsletter 2_EN | Newsletter 2_DE | Newsletter 2_ES | Newsletter 2_Basque | Newsletter 2_Polish | Newsletter 3_EN | Newsletter 3_DE | Newsletter 3_ES | Newsletter 3_Basque | Newsletter 3_PL | Newsletter 4_EN | Newsletter 4_DE | Newsletter 4_ES | Newsletter 4_Basque | Newsletter 4_PL | Implementation concept | Implementation concept_EN | Implementation concept_DE | Implementation concept_ES_Basque | Implementation concept_PL Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2014;2014-2-HU02-KA105-000333;;;WYN-Virtual Youth Networking;Projects aim was to build a cultural bridge between Hungarian, Italian and Romanian youth groups having fewer opportunities, their youth workers united under a common goal: to allow promoting eq...;Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Access for disadvantaged, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;INNOVAFORM Kzhaszn Nonprofit Kft.;HU;HU,FI,IT,EL,UK,RO;46.200,00;Yes;No;Other;ONG;;not available;English;"Projects aim was to build a cultural bridge between Hungarian, Italian and Romanian youth groups having fewer opportunities, their youth workers united under a common goal: to allow promoting equity and inclusion by facilitating the access to learners with disadvantaged backgrounds to develop social and entrepreneurial competences; become aware of socially relevant topics that interests them (media, arts, entrepreneurship), discover new cultures, habits and life-styles, mainly through peer-learning; strengthen values like solidarity, democracy, friendship. The project allowed young people coming from disadvantaged backgrounds to participate in transnational mobility actions, find new ways to socialize, interact, discover new ways to communicate, learn and to share, build their own virtual enterprise with the support of ICT. | We have involved partner organisations with different backgrounds and activities in different fields of socio-economic sectors. A non-profit ltd, a foundation, and an association (training provider) were called for partnership. All work with disadvantaged youth groups in their own countries and are specialist in the heme chosen for the exchange. Partners had the possibility to organize mobility activities within a broader strategic framework, while the co-ordinator conducted PM tasks and acted as a sending organization, too. All project partners were chosen according to their experience and expertise with working with youth. | Within the integrated approach, we implemented actions following these objectives: | I) Develop e-competencies, enhance entrepreneurship and multicultural experience of disadvantaged youth groups coming from different backgrounds | Activity related to youth exchanges: one APV and 3 Youth Exchanges | 1) APV-2 days - prior to mobilities | 2) Pcs, HU: 10 days. Theme ""ICT and creativity use in theatre plays | 3) Palermo, IT: 10 days. Theme ""Building social entrepreneurship"" | 4) Timisoara, RO: 10 days. Theme ""Media, Architecture, Creativity and ICT""";"As a result, we achieved with the planned activities also to: | support learners in the acquisition of competences (social, entrepreneurial, language, intercultural) with a view to improving their personal development and employability in the European labour market; | support the professional development of those who work with youth with a view to innovating and improving the quality of youth work across Europe; | enhance the participants' foreign languages competence; | raise participants' awareness and understanding of other cultures and countries, offering them the opportunity to build networks of international contacts, to actively participate in society and develop a sense of European citizenship and identity; | increase the capacities, attractiveness and international dimension of organisations active in the education, training and youth fields so that they are able to offer activities and programmes that better respond to the needs of individuals within EU | reinforce synergies and transitions between formal, non-formal education, vocational training, employment and entrepreneurship; | Results" Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-2-NO01-KA101-013004;;;Exchange of good practice in mathematics, science and ICT;The background for this project is the PISA-results in Finland and Norway.We want to learn from Finland and Finnish schools with good results because of their results in mathematics and science in...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;Nannestad videregende skole;NO;NO,FI;3.555,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;The background for this project is the PISA-results in Finland and Norway.We want to learn from Finland and Finnish schools with good results because of their results in mathematics and science in PISA.We will observe methods in teaching and learn about organisation of teaching. We want to talk to and learn from the Finnish teachers and school-leaders to take their knowledge into our school and find a way to implement this to have a better output for our students. We want to combate school failure also through this.We want to send 2 flows with 3 teachers, 6 all together, to Finland for job-shadowing.The Finnish school wants to learn from our knowledge about ICT in teaching and learning, and also used for tests/exams. They are just about to start using ICT for this in Finland. We expect a group of 6 from Finland to our school, 2 school-leaders and 4 teachers. Distribution will be within the department of mathematics and science, to implement the knowledge into our practice. We will share it in common meetings at school and in Akershus Fylkeskommunes arrangements for mathematics- and science teachers. We will also share at common meetings for international projects and where else we are wanted. Local papers and schools' homepage Internet will be used as well.We will communicate with partners via telephone, e-mail an skype in addittion to the meetings.We have high expectations to this project.;Results for this project are not available. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for youth;2014;2014-2-RO01-KA205-013607;;;The suitcase, the map and the voyage of a youth worker;The idea of this project, The suitcase, the map and the voyage of a youth worker, came from the necessities identified in the field of youth work by the coordinating team: no structure in Europ...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Youth (Participation, Youth Work ...;;S.C. PREDICT CSD CONSULTING S.R.L.;RO;RO,CY,PL,IT,UK,ES;139.917,00;Yes;Yes;Small and medium sized enterprise;Otros;;;English;"The idea of this project, The suitcase, the map and the voyage of a youth worker, came from the necessities identified in the field of youth work by the coordinating team: no structure in Europe offers online training courses for people interested in becoming youth workers and there is a need for proper tools to be used in assisting young people in their personal and professional development and in connecting them with the updated job market. | Starting from this assumption, we aimed at creating some online tools which could facilitate the process of planning ones professional life, the non formal learning, informing young people and a European basic e-course for the future youth worker. | The consortium consisted of 9 partners from 6 countries: Predict CSD Consulting, Millennium Center, Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad, Schultz Development (Romania), DACORUM (United Kingdom), Integra (Spain), OPEI (Cyprus), Fundacja CAT (Poland) and EURO-NET (Italy). | | During its 2-year implementation, the partners succeeded in rising above the initially established objectives which were: | - To prepare 3 tools for youth workers; | - To build and test an online training course for 50 people interested in becoming youth workers; | - To allow 200 young people to test a full range of innovative tools of the project, in order to develop their personal and professional life plan with the support of youth workers; | - To create and have 200 young people test an online training course for one key competence (Learning to learn); | - To certify 14 people as youth workers; | - To build a partnership network of 9 structures; | | All the main products were online and ready to be used, for free, on the website | 1) The Career Box - Interactive career guidance guide: tools to be used in getting ready for a career nowadays, from discovering the inner preferences, to preparing for an interview. | 2) The Simulation box of jobs - Interactive area: this module can help people to figure out what kind of jobs would suit them best, at least from the first 10 which are proposed here: nurse, doctor, automotive operator, sales representative, manager, driver, teacher, engineer, IT programmer and sportsperson. | 3) Online course - Learning to learn incorporating an assessment tool for this key competence. The main topics covered are: an overview of learning to learn competence, time management, information management and the proper lifestyle for quick learning. | 4) Online course - Youth worker: which covers basic elements in these areas: the youth worker profession, a short history of youth work, responsibilities of a youth worker in E+, group dynamics, communication, types of intelligence, learning, motivation, managing diversity, conflict management, personal and professional plan, SMART objectives, cooperation inside a community and informing young people. | | These modules/courses can be explored by young people and/or youth workers to support their learning process. In addition, youth workers can use these basic modules/courses, or a part of them, in their work with young people.";"The main final indicators reached during the project: | - one e-learning portal with 8 active modules; | - 28174 unique visitors to the website; | - 2718 people from 60 countries registered themselves on the platform; | - 18 follow up initiatives; | - more than 4000 organisations informed about the results of the project; | - 23 certified youth workers on the Romanian Occupational Standard; | - one authorised organisation to deliver youth worker courses for 4 years; | - 57 persons from 22 countries participated in the multiplier event; | - 2 networks created: Learning to Learn hanse/ Youth Worker hanse; | - one FB page of the project; | - one Youtube channel prepared; | - 1100 young people from high schools informed; | - 272 drawings/paintings especially made for this project; | - 3 manuals in 2 languages, 1 manual for the Romanian course; | - 265 usage confirmation of the 4 products available on the website; | - 330 personal development plans realised during the project; | - Youth worker online course was explored by 940 users and 241 certificates were issued; | - Learning to learn, the online training course and assessment tool was explored by 1168 users, 218 certificates were issued; | - The Simulation Box of Jobs was explored by 526 persons; | - The Career Box was explored by 1115 users; | - a package of 28 badges used for the online modules plus another 14 prepared for the final event; | - a gamified world was created in the e-learning portal: progress bar, course completion status, ranking, experience points, badges, e-games, videos, challenges, treasure hunt, secret areas, reflection zone, portfolios, feedback system etc. | The e-learning platform is structured around a story about a journeyman (the user) who travels in different areas (the countries of the partners) in order to become a master. Enjoy the ride on! | Results | Website | | | Without category | | Youtube channel of the project - English/Romanian | Facebook page of the project - English/Romanian | theVoyage - The map with tools, resources for young people - English | theVoyage - The map with tools, resources for young people - Romanian | The Career Box - the promotional video - English | The Career Box interactive career guidance guide English/Romanian | The Career Box manual - English | The Career Box manual - Romanian | The Simulation Box of Jobs - the promotional video - English | The Simulation Box of Jobs interactive area - English/Romanian | Movies about 10 occupations: nurse, doctor, automotive operator, sales representative, manager, driver, teacher, engineer, IT programmer and sportsperson - English/Romanian | Learning to Learn online course English the promotional movie | Learning to Learn online course - English/Romanian | Learning to Learn online course the movies Romanian/English | Learning to Learn online course the handbook - English | Learning to Learn online course the handbook - Romanian | Learning to Learn online course interactive challenges, small e-games English | Learning to Learn online course interactive challenges, small e-games Romanian | Learning to Learn online course competence tool proposed - English | Learning to Learn online course Planning tool for learning - English | Learning to Learn online course Time prioritisation tool - English | Learning to Learn online course Time management checklist - English | Learning to Learn online course Weekly planner proposal - English | Learning to Learn online course Short Information Management Checklist - English | Learning to Learn online course Lifestyle check list - English | Learning to Learn online course competence tool proposed - Romanian | Learning to Learn online course Planning tool for learning - Romanian | Learning to Learn online course Time prioritization tool - Romanian | Learning to Learn online course Time management checklist - Romanian | Learning to Learn online course Weekly planner proposal - Romanian | Learning to Learn online course Short Information Management Checklist - Romanian | Learning to Learn online course Lifestyle check list - Romanian | Youth Worker online course - promotional movie - English | Youth Worker online course - English/Romanian | Youth worker - online course the movies - English/Romanian | Youth worker - online course the handbook - English | Youth worker - online course the handbook - Romanian | Youth Worker online course interactive challenges, small e-games English | Youth Worker online course interactive challenges, small e-games Romanian | Youth worker - online course - SWOT - Youth worker in Europe - Group mission - presentation of results | Youth worker - online course Communication checklist - English Youth worker - online course Mind map - Learning and the education process - English | Youth worker - online course Mind map - Learning and the education process - English | Youth worker - online course Conflict management - English | Youth worker - online course - Chapter 12 - Personal development plan template - EN - English | Youth worker - online course - Possible stakeholders inside a community - English | Youth worker - online course Communication checklist - Romanian | Youth worker - online course Mind map - Learning and the education process - Romanian | Youth worker - online course Conflict management - Romanian | Youth worker - online course - Chapter 12 - Personal development plan template - EN - Romanian | Youth worker - online course - Possible stakeholders inside a community - Romanian | Youth Worker residential authorised course the promotional movie - Romanian | Youth Worker residential authorised course - handbook - Romanian | Network - Youth workers HANSE - Gamma | Network Learning to Learn - HANSE - Gamma" Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-AT01-KA101-004778;;;Go International 2015;"Go International 2015 Project background and objectives The AHS Rahlgasse linked the present project with the process successfully launched last year: QIR (Quality development and Internationa...";International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;GRg6, Rahlgasse;AT;AT,NO;11.058,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"Project background and objectives | The AHS Rahlgasse linked the present project with the process successfully launched last year: QIR (Quality development and Internationalization Rahlgasse). We could expand and intensivy international contacts in order to benefit strategically in terms of quality development alongside our school focus areas Gender - Environment - Social awareness. Teachers' competences have been improved in terms of content, teaching methods and planning. The project activities contributed to the quality development of international contacts and the interconnection of the aforementioned three school focus areas - both at level of planning and organization, content and didactics. | | We pursued three specific objectives with this project: | 1) Structural and qualitative validation of internationalization at school | 2) Training on specific topics (foreign languages, Holocaust Education, new forms of learning) | 3) Enhancement of existing cooperation and networking | | Participants | The target group for the chosen activities are teachers of different subject groups: Languages, History and Citizenship education, but also teachers who have come together in the course of last years task group Internationalization (""AGInt""). The participants are involved in the AGInt and actively participate in quality development and internationalization measures. Total number of participants: 7 | | Activities | Four specific activities (ABCD) took place as planned: | A: Two teachers were attending a language course. Objectives were improving language skills and the development of teaching methodology and intercultural competence. The aim here was and is to professionally support the new CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning)-branch of our school. | | B: Training for members of the newly launched task group Internationalization (AGInt): Participation of five people in the international conference ""Creativity - Internationalism and Innovation in the classroom"". The program included lectures, practical workshops for the implementation of international projects and networking activities. | | C: Two teachers took part in Jobshadowing with our partner schools in Norway. The aim was getting to know the partner organization and its experience in language teaching, the development of joint educational activities (eg via e-twinning) and identifying opportunities for further cooperation, especially in terms of German as a foreign language tuition. | | D: One teacher was attending events addressing Holocaust education, in cooperation with ""Morah - March of remembrance and hope"" in Auschwitz-Birkenau. This serves the goal which is formulated as a target in the schools profile: the continuous effort to counteract fascist and racist ideologies and attitudes.";"Results, effects, long-term benefits | Participants received qualitative and quantitative input for teaching and learning and we intensified international co-operation activities with an impact on school development. | Learning outcomes are having a quality impact on classroom teaching, not only for the teachers directly involved but also of the respective subject groups, since the project participants act as multipliers. | | The teachers active in the AGInt have been able to further develop their competencies (intercultural, methodological, project development) through participating in the project activities. This enables them to actively and professionally contribute to future cooperation projects and exchange programmes. | | The school's internationalization efforts are structurally well embedded: there is a task group (AGInt) to develop and support international activities. The AGInt is represented in the school development team, in addition there is a responsible coordinating teacher. Therefore, evaluation of experience and development of activities takes place in a structured process involving all relevant actors. Results of this project ""Go International 2015"" will be included in future development plans. | | Medium-term objectives include expansion of school partnerships involving international exchange of students in order to increase intercultural sensitivity and to contribute to European citizenship education. All in all we aim at qualitative stimuli for future international cooperation and quality development at school level resulting in enhancement of teaching and learning in the classrooms. | | With the present project we managed to secure and guarantee the development process started last year. At the same we got input and ideas for the the future and for promote a sustainable, long term process towards internationalization of our school." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2015;2015-1-AT01-KA102-004564;;;CHS all around Europe;"CHS, Centrum Humanberuflicher Schulen des Bundes Villach, is a secondary vocational school providing higher education entrance qualification and comprises the following specializations: - Hhere...";Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, International cooperation, international relations ...;;Elternverein CHS Villach;AT;AT,UK,MT,IT,BE,NO,DE,RO;60.760,00;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"CHS, Centrum Humanberuflicher Schulen des Bundes Villach, is a secondary vocational school providing higher education entrance qualification and comprises the following specializations: - Hhere Lehranstalt fr wirtschaftliche Berufe (business administration) - Hhere Lehranstalt fr Kommunikation und Mediendesign (communication and media) - Hhere Lehranstalt fr Kunst und Gestaltung (arts) - Hhere Lehranstalt fr Modedesign und Grafik (fashion design). Within the project ""CHS all around Europe"" 28 CHS students completed their internship in various EU countries. The duration depended on the students' specialisation and varied between four and twelve weeks. All mobilities took place between 1 June and 27 September 2015. The receiving organisations were located in the UK, Italy, Malta, Germany, Norway, Belgium and Romania. They were both long time partners of the sending organisation as well as new contacts thanks to the students' initiative. 25 of the students participating in the 2015 CHS project attend the specialisation ""Hhere Lehranstalt fr wirtschaftliche Berufe"", i. e. business administration and have a solid education in business, foreign languages, tourism and management. Three participants specialising in fashion design did their four-week internship in a fashion institute in Milan, respectively in a tailoring company in Bucharest. Their education at CHS includes collection development and computer graphics.. In the course of the project the 28 participating students developed knowledge, skills and competences that qualify them for the following professions: restaurant management assistant and dressmaker.";"All professional experiences gathered during the mobility activities were assessed, validated and accredited in the interchange between participants, receiving organisations and CHS. Therefore we applied the following ECVET documents: Learning Agreement, Memorandum of Understanding and Personal Transcript. Furthermore, the Europass Mobility document was issued for all 28 participants. As a secondary vocational school in the heart of the Alps-Adriatic region and located in the boarder area between Slovenia, Italy and Austria, CHS Villach is aiming at combining the theoretical and practical education of our students with professional training in a broader European context. CHS puts great emphasis on an education towards a sense of European citizenship and identity. The project ""CHS all around Europe"" aimed at creating a network across different sectors - private, institutional/professional (schools and enterprises) and intercultural. The mobility activities of our students were clearly characterised through their orientation towards precise learning outcomes in the students' respective specialisations (see above) and most of all the sustainability of their results. Hereby ""CHS all around Europe"" wanted to spark the students' passion for Lifelong Learning." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2015;2015-1-AT01-KA103-004648;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;A key objective of working with the Erasmus+ project is transfer of knowledge, implementing innovation and promoting development in the health (education) sector. Through international exchange ac...;;;FH Gesundheitsberufe O GmbH;AT;AT;32.252,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;not available;English;A key objective of working with the Erasmus+ project is transfer of knowledge, implementing innovation and promoting development in the health (education) sector. Through international exchange activities, new skills for new jobs are identified and evaluated and thus achieves a higher flexibility in the labor market. A key strategic goal is the promotion of staff mobility, because it combines the elements of mobility, staff development and international experience. The development goal is the transfer of knowledge with comparable international educational institutions and the acquisition of new international cooperation partners with special innovative priorities. Besides staff act as motivator for students to go abroad and helps to implement acquired know how into the curriculum. The promotion of student mobility is of fundamental importance in terms of acquisition of new competences and higher qualifications on the international labor market. The close cooperation of the international office with the departments ensures a high quality and recognition of these activities at the University of Applied Sciences for Health Professions. The mobilities are part of the curriculum and are all graded. Most student mobilities happen to be mobilities for traineeships. It was a great success for us to send our first student for a study exchange abroad. The exchange for studies is a great challenge in the field of Health Professions but we permanently try to find ways to enable this kind of action and are therefore in an ongoing develompent process. | In frame of this Erasmus+ project a total of 29 people were mobile. 19 students did a traineeship mobility, 1 student did a mobility for studies, 4 persons went for teaching staff mobilities and 5 persons participated in the staff mobilites for training. The countries visited were Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Belgium, Bulgaria, United Kingdom, Italy and Turkey. The number of staff mobilities is equal to the last period, but with an increase in teaching mobility. In general, the number of mobilities for students and staff can be seen as stable.;The students participating were all on Bachelor level. Since the University of Applied Sciences for Health Professions offers mainly Bachelor study programmes in the health professions, most of the internships happend to be at health care institutions like clinics and such. Additionally our partner universities abroad organise internships for our students at their partner health institutions, which is also agreed within our inter-institutional Agreements. The majority of visits of staff mobilities happend directly at universities abroad. Main purpose of these visits was to acquire new partnerships and strengthen existing ones, to generate new knowledge in the field of teaching methods and to bring back and implement this knowledge in our institution. All mobile persons reported a fundamentally positive experience.The close cooperation of the departments with the International Office enables high individual support of students in the organization and preparation of the placements. Annually organized information sessions directly at the sites as well as shared experiences of students increase motivation and commitment in the field of international exchange. These experiences are additionally provided in written form on the e-learning platform of the University of Applied Sciences for Health Professions. The International Office fosters the personal exchange of experiences between individual students and experienced persons. The stable mobility numbers show the positive impact of this work on staff and students. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2015;2015-1-AT01-KA103-004723;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;During the academic year 2015/16, the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria organized and conducted 130 SMS mobilities between programme countries, 117 SMT mobilities between programme coun...;;;FH OO STUDIENBETRIEBS GMBH;AT;AT;394.785,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;not available;English;During the academic year 2015/16, the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria organized and conducted 130 SMS mobilities between programme countries, 117 SMT mobilities between programme countries and 43 staff mobilities for teaching or training. The University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria has fulfilled its set goals in most areas: in the field of staff and teaching mobilities the goal was almost achieved 23 out of 25 planned teaching mobilities could be implemented, while 20 out of 22 planned staff training mobilities could be implemented. SMS mobilities were not as high as anticipated 130 implemented vs. 140 planned mobilities. However, SMT mobilities were much higher than expected: 117 implemented vs. 93 planned mobilities. Compared to last academic year, 2014/15, a significant increase in both SMT and SMS mobilities, from 73 to 117 (SMT) and from 103 to 130 (SMS), could be accomplished. Also staff and teaching mobilities have been increased, even though the very high level of 2014/15 could not be reached completely (50 mobilities in 2014/15 and 43 mobilities in 2015/16). All in all, the institution is very satisfied with the advancement in mobilities as increases could be implemented in nearly all areas. The increase of international student and staff mobilities is an important step in the implementation of the institutions internationalization strategy. In order to increase the mobilities the International Offices regularly analyze and discuss mobility particpants feedback reports and organize specific information events to encourage and prepare students and staff accordingly. Detailed information on study and internship abroad is published on the webpage and through the e-learning portal. As internships abroad have been decreasing over the past years, specific actions (focused info sessions, facebook campaigns, etc.) have been scheduled to motivate students to do their internships abroad. At the same time the promotion of study abroad has been reinforced, resulting in increased mobilities in both study and internships abroad. The Erasmus+ grant for staff mobility (both for teaching and training) has been included in the institutions personnel development programme, promoting it as a great opportunity for professional and personal development. Returning outgoing staff (teaching & training) report their experiences in various workshops at all Schools and discuss the Impact on their teaching activities. Those activities increase the quality of the mobitilies as well as employee satisfaction at the institution. The institutions Staff Training Week, which is organized by International Office but strongly involves academic, research and supporting departments, is another strong action to promote and implement staff mobility. ; The qualitative goals of the project such as complete accreditation of study abroad, student satisfaction, etc. have been mostly achieved. The goal of confronting students with different cultures and introduce different teaching, learning and working styles, as also stated in the Erasmus Charter, has been fulfilled. In addition, language classes (English, Spanish, Swedish, etc.) at all schools support students in their preparations for study or internship abroad.The institution regularly publishes news articles online and in newsletters in order to inform students, staff and the general public about its internationalization activities. Regular HEI conference participation (EAIE, NAFSA, etc.) provides another platform to report about internationalization activities and share and discuss experiences. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2015;2015-1-BE01-KA203-013200;;;Integrated urban design E-studio for XXIst century sustainable metropolitan region ;This strategic partnership is to unfold an innovative transnational and cross-cultural educational programme based on the idea of the E-studio in urban design. This project will develop a transdis...;Rural development and urbanisation, Environment and climate change, Energy and resources;;UNIVERSITE LIBRE DE BRUXELLES;BE;BE,IT,ES;96.966,20;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;This project will develop a transdisciplinary and international method of learning for students in architecture and urbanism to enlarge the learning environnment of the local urban design studio through the introduction of virtual learning environments (VLE) and blended mobilities. Each year, this E-studio will actively interconnect 15 students and 2 to 3 tutors from three different urban design studios with a network of experts and professionals. The combination of analysis and design training by small groups of mixed students from three different universities will allow them to develop skills in the field of communication, english language, internet technology and integrated ecosystemic planning. On the long term the E-studio platform and methodology is expected to become an international active interface improving the pedagogy and programme of architecture and urbanism curriculum.;This urban design E-studio is to answer the need of training young professionnals in the field of architecture and urbanism in order to cope with the complex spatial problems faced by metropolitan regions in Europe. Our assumption is that the learning by analysis, scenario and design pedagogy is a strategic educational tools to tackle the complex economic, social and ecological problems raised by our contemporary spatial environnment. Through an intensive collaboration with public institutions and private stakeholders actively involved in the field of regional planning, infrastructure engineering and resources and energy management, this strategic partnership will allow the students and the tutors to extensively explore the potentials of a global environmental approach for European territories. In close collaboration with experts and stakeholders of the three metropolitan regions -Barcelona, Brussels, Veneto- this project will develop new training methodologies to approach urban territories as global cycles of energy, materials and water in order to efficiently grasp and manage resource consumption, waste disposal and their related externalities. | Results | Website | | | Without category | | Integrated spatial planning for the metropolitan valleys of Barcelona, Brussels, Venice and Rome | Integrated spatial planning for industrial town in transition : Vilvoorde, Porto Marghera and Tarragona | Atlas of Metropolitan regions : Barcelona, Brussels and Venice Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2015;2015-1-BE01-KA204-013197;;;VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE IN CLIL;To stimulate the economic growth and fight unemployment, the European Commission considers workers and citizens free mobility as one of the most important rights to encourage, because it is an e...;Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Open and distance learning, Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment;;INITIATIVES POUR UNE FORMATION EFFICACE ASBL;BE;BE,IT,UK,AT,ES;246.723,75;Yes;No;Non-Profit making cultural organizations;Asociacin;;;English;The training platform was created in partners national languages (French, English, Italian, Spanish, German) and structured as a CLIL course with gradual difficulty, to constitute a useful language tool that aims to strengthen the communicative competence of the trainees. It is available for B2 and C1 levels and is divided in 4 modules (job search skills, job applications, interview skills and intercultural skills). Using various supports (texts, videos, audio files), the platform enhances learners communication in a foreign language while providing them with vocational guidance on such topics as: how to write an effective CV and cover letter, how to behave during a job interview, etc. The training platform is freely accessible at Firstly the partners produced two sets of guidelines to produce the materials following the CLIL methodology and regarding content learning. They agreed on the topics to be treated and the form they would have (text, dialogs, videos, audio files, etc.) in order to have homogeneous materials. Each partner produced didactic materials in its own language using the CLIL methodology. A sample of the target groups with different background in terms of age, education, job experience and social status participated in the piloting phase. This phase helped the partners produce the final version of the platform. The project gave the partners a new tool they can use in their training programme and everyday practice, and gave them the opportunity to acquire knowledge about employability in their country and in Europe, to acquaint themselves with the CLIL methodology and to create materials specifically designed for e-learning. The pilot users acquired important knowledge and skills related to job search abroad and to the command of a foreign language. Based on their feedback, users of all countries usually feel better prepared and more confident for their job search. These first results indicate that VGCLIL is relevant and appropriate for its objectives.;"VGCLIL will contribute to change European workers mindset, and make them plan their professional life not only in national but also in European terms. The project is also going to encourage trainers and guidance operators to include CLIL methodology-based tools into their activities, and will contribute to exploit this effective methodology outside the usual path of formal education demonstrating; it could be particularly useful in the field of adult education. Ultimately the greatest impact will be to contribute in Europe to the fostering of a well-performing training system, which provides European workers with the skills required by the labour market and the economy. The partners and the organisations involved in the project implementation will embed the platform into their usual guidance activities, ensuring the sustainability of the results. | Results | Website | | | Without category | | VGCLIL Training Platform" Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-BE02-KA101-012142;;;SIGO! goes further in the future;"SIGO ! is a small , dynamic secondary school nearby Brussels. We emphasise on the individual development of each student . Our main goal is to give students the opportunity and tools to functio...";EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, ICT - new technologies - digital competences ...;;GO! middenschool Sigo Lennik;BE;BE;14.035,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;SIGO ! is a small , dynamic secondary school nearby Brussels. We emphasise on the individual development of each student . | | Our main goal is to give students the opportunity and tools to function optimally in the society of the future . | | In our school , in which both ASO and BSO is offered , we work hard to prepare young people to continue their studies in higher education or to participate in a job immediately . | | Our school is characterized by a large number of GOK pupils and not native speakers (the school language is Dutch, most pupils speak French at home or a different language). | | We attach great importance to the participation of students and parents. | | To form responsible and engaged global citizens, with respect for others and the environment and an open view of the world : that is what we stand for ! | | | | To accommodate the needs of our school ( ICT- implementation, increase STEM-literacy, broaden our vision, integrate global citizenship and provide a good education for our students), we want to bet on a strong professionalization of our team. | | | | This year, we wish to commit ourselves to the following activities: | | | | 1. Preservation and further development of partnerships and knowledge exchange platforms. | | | | 2. ASE-congres (STEM) in UK: Given the importance of this conference and the quality of the workshops, participation in this event is an ideal opportunity to professionalize our science - mathematics and technique teachers and broaden their vision. In this way, teachers are able to disseminate the importance of STEM (science - technology - engineering- mathematics), situate STEM in an European context, motivate students by improving lessons, pedagogies and interesting tools. | | | | 3. Participation in the 8the - taccle 2 course in Italy in order to facilitate ICT- implementation in lessons, develop e-learning material, increase e-learning awareness in general and promote a culture of innovation in our school. In addition to the substantive aspect, we want to focus on networking, establish contacts with European schools and European teachers. | | | | 4. Participation in Tap-Swipe-Pinch into STEM (Learning Mathematics and Sciences with tablets) in Estonia. This course will offer us good practice approaches and practical examples for using tablets in lessons and education. | | | | At a later stage we would like also to participate in exchange programs for students through eTwinning, besides further professionalization and job shadowing in national and international schools.;"By participating in these events , we want to be aware of innovation in education , team awareness and inspire the team , develop useful content ( and distribute this) and create a broad basis for the future. Moreover, we aim to disseminate the knowledge gained within our own institution , but also outside. | | | | We are convinced that a professionalisation and internationalization of the team through participation in the events contributes to the realization of our priority objectives and results in a great deal of support for vision development, innovation and dissemination ( both students and other teachers internal and external ) . | | | | To ensure the smooth realization, a cel "" internationalization "" is established which is responsible for the logistics , networking , monitoring and coordination of the erasmus+ project. | | | | With mobile learning , eTwinning and other platforms ( InGenious , Klascement, ... ) we provide the exchange of information and content ." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-BE02-KA101-012211;;;Formacom Plus - nascholingsproject leerkrachten Frans SO;"Project background In 2001 the Formacom project was initiated in Flanders, its main aim being the continuous professional development (CPD) of French language teachers and the training of compete...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Pedagogy and didactics, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;Belgische Vereniging Leraren Frans vzw - Vlaamse Gemeenschap;BE;BE;32.840,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"Project background | In 2001 the Formacom project was initiated in Flanders, its main aim being the continuous professional development (CPD) of French language teachers and the training of competent CPD trainers. In the meantime 4 Formacom projects, with a duration of three years each, have been completed. | | The assessment of the CPD sessions by these trainers, the reports of the inspectorate, the remarks of the pedagogic counsellors of the different educational networks and the evaluation of the seminars of the BVLF, as well as the feedback of teachers and school leaders highlight a few urgent needs: | - Continuous professional development of French language teachers on the mid and long term (one shot operations generate little impact); | - Improvement of the fluency level of young French language teachers and upgrading of their knowledge and mastering of the francophone culture; | - Innovation of educational practices and use of ICT; | - Creation, expansion and structuring of an expertise network of French language teachers; | - Sharing and dissemination of good practices | | In response to these needs, the Formacom Plus-project was set up by: the non-profit organisation BVLF , the department for education and training of the Flemish community, the cultural service of the French Embassy, the educational networks (OVSG, GO!, POV and VSKO) and the Flemish universities with a teacher training program (KUL, UG,UA, VUB). | | Objectives | The CPD project Formacom Plus aimed to enhance the quality of the French language teaching in Flanders and to strengthen the European and intercultural dimension of it. It functions as a role model and it has a generic value that can be copied by other European countries. | The pedagogic operational objectives were organised in three modules: | Module 1: the upgrading of the initial pedagogic and didactic training and the deepening of the didactics of French (MFL) | Module 2: support of the work of the French language teachers department and stimulation of networking in order to exchange expertise. | Module 3: language and cultural immersion, contemporary French literature, socio-cultural dimension of the francophonie, music, films and the arts, implementing the intercultural dimension. For a list of the objectives see point E. | | Number of Participants and their profile | The participants field consisted of 11 French language teachers (MFL) teaching in the 3 levels of secondary school (aso, tso, bso, ko) of the 4 educational networks. | | Description of the activities | The project ran over a three-year peridod. and started with 4 preparation days. | After a two-week course (activity 1) in Vichy, France (activity 1), 7 follow up days were organised in Flanders. The financial means needed for the participation to this traineeship were the reasons for the introduction of this application. | As this course took place effectively and everyone participated in it and as this was the only international mobility, the planned mobility was fully implemented. | | For a detailed program please see item G3 and H. | | | MethodologyThe methodology was characterized by 4 features: responsibilization, experience-oriented learning, reflection and consultation.. | In an initial phase, participants were involved in analyzing their training needs and determining the topics covered. | By applying experience based didactic methods, the participants reflected on didactic principles: e.g. simulations of classroom situations, followed by reflection; the use of certain tools and objectives to prepare and discuss (a series of) lessons; presenting activities that have been tested. | Each module led to actual suggestions for lessons, tested by the participating teachers, which served as a base for further reflection. Thus new teaching ideas and didactic methods were developed. | Also outside the sessions, participants reflected on their educational experiences. There were brief explanations showing the results to the group.";"Project background | In 2001 the Formacom project was initiated in Flanders, its main aim being the continuous professional development (CPD) of French language teachers and the training of competent CPD trainers. In the meantime 4 Formacom projects, with a duration of three years each, have been completed. | | The assessment of the CPD sessions by these trainers, the reports of the inspectorate, the remarks of the pedagogic counsellors of the different educational networks and the evaluation of the seminars of the BVLF, as well as the feedback of teachers and school leaders highlight a few urgent needs: | - Continuous professional development of French language teachers on the mid and long term (one shot operations generate little impact); | - Improvement of the fluency level of young French language teachers and upgrading of their knowledge and mastering of the francophone culture; | - Innovation of educational practices and use of ICT; | - Creation, expansion and structuring of an expertise network of French language teachers; | - Sharing and dissemination of good practices | | In response to these needs, the Formacom Plus-project was set up by: the non-profit organisation BVLF , the department for education and training of the Flemish community, the cultural service of the French Embassy, the educational networks (OVSG, GO!, POV and VSKO) and the Flemish universities with a teacher training program (KUL, UG,UA, VUB). | | Objectives | The CPD project Formacom Plus aimed to enhance the quality of the French language teaching in Flanders and to strengthen the European and intercultural dimension of it. It functions as a role model and it has a generic value that can be copied by other European countries. | The pedagogic operational objectives were organised in three modules: | Module 1: the upgrading of the initial pedagogic and didactic training and the deepening of the didactics of French (MFL) | Module 2: support of the work of the French language teachers department and stimulation of networking in order to exchange expertise. | Module 3: language and cultural immersion, contemporary French literature, socio-cultural dimension of the francophonie, music, films and the arts, implementing the intercultural dimension. For a list of the objectives see point E. | | Number of Participants and their profile | The participants field consisted of 11 French language teachers (MFL) teaching in the 3 levels of secondary school (aso, tso, bso, ko) of the 4 educational networks. | | Description of the activities | The project ran over a three-year peridod. and started with 4 preparation days. | After a two-week course (activity 1) in Vichy, France (activity 1), 7 follow up days were organised in Flanders. The financial means needed for the participation to this traineeship were the reasons for the introduction of this application. | As this course took place effectively and everyone participated in it and as this was the only international mobility, the planned mobility was fully implemented. | | For a detailed program please see item G3 and H. | | | MethodologyThe methodology was characterized by 4 features: responsibilization, experience-oriented learning, reflection and consultation.. | In an initial phase, participants were involved in analyzing their training needs and determining the topics covered. | By applying experience based didactic methods, the participants reflected on didactic principles: e.g. simulations of classroom situations, followed by reflection; the use of certain tools and objectives to prepare and discuss (a series of) lessons; presenting activities that have been tested. | Each module led to actual suggestions for lessons, tested by the participating teachers, which served as a base for further reflection. Thus new teaching ideas and didactic methods were developed. | Also outside the sessions, participants reflected on their educational experiences. There were brief explanations showing the results to the group." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2015;2015-1-BE02-KA102-012156;;;Training and Development ;Sint-Lambertusinstituut, a school in Heist-op-den-Berg applied for a subsidy to realise a student trainee workplacement. So far, no traineeships abroad had been organised in our technical/vocation...;EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education;;Sint-Lambertusinstituut;BE;BE,IE;16.918,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;Sint-Lambertusinstituut, a school in Heist-op-den-Berg applied for a subsidy to realise a student trainee workplacement. So far, no traineeships abroad had been organised in our technical/vocational school, but as we focus on science and technical skills we want to move on. We not only continuously work towards a quality upgrade of our educational system, we also commit ourselves to the European STEM-project. The foreign traineeship that we had in mind, perfectly fitted in with our vision of the future. The company we were joining forces with, offered pupils of 2 different specialisations the opportunity to collaborate in an interdisciplinary way in an international context. The project could be subdivided in 2 components. During 2 weeks in 2016 2 pupils of the specialisation Carpentry and 2 of Mechanical Processes got the opportunity of working as a trainee at Reynaers in Ireland. This company is a leading European specialist in the development and marketing of innovative and sustainable aluminium solutions for windows, doors, curtain walling, sliding systems, In 2017 the procedure was repeated, but this time 3 students of each discipline were welcomed. What was the idea? The pupils would improve their expertise when dealing with new materials and new techniques. They would complete the learning process in an interdisciplinary and integrated way. The future carpenters were expected to construct a window, while the mechanics in spe would manufacture metal parts and related materials for this window. They arranged the ordering of the items, the delivery of the goods and the installation of the finished articles at their final destination. This would be a once in a life time experience for them! Whats more, the pupils of the 2 specialisations would work together in the same project. This matched the schools view on teaching, which is both experimental and integrated. The traineeship would form part of the pupils final examination. Every aspect of this exam was to be found back in the preparation, the traineeship, the evaluation and the dissemination of acquired expertise (improvement of communicative skills, perfection of technical knowledge in an experimental and integrated way, the shaping of intercultural learning and the development of interdisciplinary achievement levels).;This traineeship completely fitted in the European STEM-project. In todays European society, the importance of science, technology, engineering and mathematics is being stressed. On the one hand society needs specialised scientists, on the other hand citizens need a basic scientific and technical knowledge. The requirements of the corporate world are of extreme value in our courses. Thats why we cherished the contribution of our partner, Reynaers, in our project. They would co-operate intensively to outline the content of the project. On top of this, they engaged themselves to coach our pupils very closely and to give them well-founded feedback. The company showed willingness to guarantee the pupils a profound traineeship, an excellent preparation for their professional life. On the other hand, they counted on our students to honour the reputation of Reynaers. Being able to do an apprenticeship in Ireland would stimulate our pupils personalities. They would be involved with all the preparations: they would make contact with their housing, they would introduce themselves to the company and they would show their ability to live independently. Firstly, living in Ireland for two weeks would certainly broaden their view of life. Secondly, they would get the chance to practise their English skills. And finally, the foreign experience would help them with their future professional career. The pupils communicative skills would be trained in school in order to socialise more easily. They were expected to use todays media (like skype, e-mail) responsibly to communicate. We are sure that Vlaanderen is in need of creative youngsters with a profound technical knowledge in order to develop high-tech products. Its our goal to educate in a challenging, experimental, project based and integrated manner. On top of this we cherish respect for the personality and well-being of every pupil. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2015;2015-1-BE02-KA203-012317;;;Visualisation Tools and Analytics to monitor Online Language Learning & Teaching;Although most HE institutions have embraced the potential of e-learning methods and have invested in technology-enhanced learning environments and tools, we do not have a clear picture of students...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Pedagogy and didactics;;UNIVERSITEIT HASSELT;BE;BE,UK,NL;268.803,83;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;e-learning so far has not received much attention within quality assessment procedures. The understanding of concrete learning behaviour and uses of electronic courseware and online resources is an important prerequisite to assess the quality of autonomous, lifelong learning. Another challenge are the high dropout rates associated with e-learning, not in the least where MOOCs are concerned. Among numerous other variables, an important factor is the lack of engagement and motivation, when students dont know how they are progressing and what their peers achievements over time are. Students involved in e-learning often have a limited knowledge of their own learning habits and which rate of studying with the online material is required. To succeed in (semi-)autonomous learning, however, a higher level of self-regulation is needed. This project addressed the Erasmus + challenge of raising the quality of education through the use of learning analytics. Learning analytics is a new and promising research field which can be defined as the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of data about learners in their context, for purposes of understanding and optimizing learning and the environment in which it occurs (Siemens et. al., 2011). The recent evolution of web-based learning and the possibility of tracking students online behaviour offers promising new ways of measuring actual self-study activities. This project aimed to establish a clear image of how higher education students in different European countries learn online. The goal was to map existing learning patterns in 4 different types of online language learning and teaching and maths courses and to feed back this new knowledge to the most important educational actors themselves, being the students and their lecturers. The learning analytics approach was bottom-up, taking the perspective of the learning process, focusing on the courses used and the students learning trails through these courses. Process mining techniques were used for the analysis of the data. Therefore, a complimentary and cross-disciplinary consortium of teams from three universities and a private open source company was set up.;First, this consortium implemented tracking of learning data based on the new Experience API standard for interoperability with other learning environments and reporting tools. A piloting phase was organised to check the technical & pedagogical validity of the data tracking & data analysis instruments. In the main data collection phase, the learning behavior of several student groups enrolled in distance learning or university programmes with an important self-study component was tracked during one semester. The data were collected in a central repository (Learning Record store). An important point of concern in the project was the privacy of the students who were monitored. Participants were asked to give their consent to collect and use their data for the aims that were clearly described. The data was kept and analysed anonymously and the EU data protection directive was taken into account. In the data analysis phase, the processes of autonomous learning were mapped and compared to the intended pedagogic objectives of the tools. Patterns of learning behaviour were detected, leading to different user profiles and feedback about used learning resources. Finally, the project developed and implemented data visualisation tools in the form of learning dashboard applications for students and for teachers. Special care was given to the ease of use of the dashboards for non-specialist users. These applications allowed the students to understand how they learn online, to follow up their progress but also to compare their profile to user patterns of their peers (optional). Educators got dynamic and real-time overviews of how their students were progressing, which students were potentially at risk of dropping out or of failing for the course and which parts of the courses caused specific difficulties and/or required more feedback. The project also developed a generic xAPI model for implementing learning tracking in interactive language learning tools, which we hope will be reused in different educational settings, countries, courses. The project outputs were used by or presented to the student and instructor target groups but more generally also to all stakeholders in the field of educational innovation and research on a European level. All technologies, algorithms, reports, guidelines, recommendations were put at their disposal under open licenses via Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2015;2015-1-BE02-KA204-012356;;;Teaching coding and mobile devices in telecentres;"Context/background: This project was based on the long-standing experience of the participating organisations in developing training courses for end users and training e-facilitators, as well as ...";Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal), New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;TELECENTRE-EUROPE AISBL;BE;BE,DE,ES,HU,HR;240.292,00;Yes;No;Civil society organisations working at European level;Asociacin;;;English;The overall objective of this project was to improve the delivery of key digital competences in telecentres. This objective was two-fold: on one hand, we wanted to develop the digital competences of unemployed youth people through innovative introductory courses on coding and mobile devices. On the other to enhance e-facilitators competences by training them how to deliver these courses. We involved 17 e-facilitators from 4 countries who participated in blended learning mobility including face-to-face training and online learning experience. They were trained to teach coding and mobile devices according to the curricula for e-facilitators, which was developed for this purpose. Additionally many other European e-facilitators did benefit from the online learning resources, which was part of the curricula and was made available on the CodeMob online platform, presented at the final event, and described in the final Toolkit. More than expected, 125 young job seekers took part in the pilot trainings in four countries, led by the trained e-facilitators. CodeMob achieved its objectives by designing two new courses on coding and efficient use of mobile devices for telecentres. Each course followed the same approach and consisted of two parts: 1. Training curriculum for end users and 2. training curriculum for the e-facilitators to train them how to teach those courses in telecentres. Each course was developed by two field partners one in charge of the training curriculum for end users and the other of training materials for e-facilitators. E-facilitators were trained in both courses during a one-week face-to-face training and a follow-up online training course. The development of the curricula was preceded by a needs analysis and followed by a validation workshop and piloting with end users. Both courses were piloted with end users in all four participating countries (Belgium, Croatia, Spain and Hungary).;The main results of the project are two training courses on coding and on the use of mobile devices and the benefits that come with them. The project equipped the four partner organisations with structured programmes for teaching coding and mobile devices, which were added to their training offer. E-facilitators increased their capacity of teaching coding and mobile devices and exchanged good practices with other e-faciltiators teaching those topics in telecentres. The project increased the knowledge of unemployed young people (the end users of the courses) on the two topics, equipping them with new skills, which would help them to find employment, and possibly motivate them to pursue an ICT career by giving them a taste of the numerous possibilities that ICT offers. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2015;2015-1-BE02-KA219-012293;;;English through entrepreneurship;"PROJECT SUMMARY ""ENGLISH THROUGH ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" This projects was led through a cooperation of five secondary schools from Belgium, Croatia, Norway, Romania and Turkey. All of the partners b...";Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Pedagogy and didactics;;GO! atheneum Irishof Kapellen;BE;BE,NO,HR,RO,TR;190.780,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"PROJECT SUMMARY ""ENGLISH THROUGH ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" | | This projects was led through a cooperation of five secondary schools from Belgium, Croatia, Norway, Romania and Turkey. All of the partners believed in the effectiveness of alternative ways of language learning. Therefore they set up this project in which students developed their English by working together in the entrepreneurial field. We shared the conviction that in the ease and unassumingness with which students cooperated internationally lies the answer on how to tackle issues the European Union faces today. Through this project participants could strengthen the awareness of European citizenship. They also would experience cultural diversity between participating countries. As a side-effect the areas where the short term students' exchanges took place were promoted as cultural tourist destinations. | | We created five short term exchanges of six students, accompanied by two teachers. During these meetings students were divided in mixed thematic working groups: entrepreneurship, e-newsletter, tourism and culture. In between the exchanges students continued their work through online cooperation. | | We offered participating students the opportunity to meet inspiring role models, such as a polyglot, several future oriented entrepreneurs and professionals from the field of journalism. | | Students were encouraged to conceptualise the creation of their own online newsletter. In several writing seminars we taught them how to write news articles, how to take and write an interview and they were made familiar with features of different text types. A top experience for the students was the moment their newsletter ""NewsforYOUth"" was launched on the internet. Once running, this working group had to develop strategies for marketing and PR of their news letter, esp. using social media. Students also got a ""Fake news workshop"" on correct and newsworthy news. | In between the students exchanges, participants kept publishing articles. In doing so, they seemed to face some difficulties linked to their long distance cooperation. In order to overcome such challenges, we introduced them to some learning principles from the field of distance management. Their goodwill to keep cooperating internationally in between mobilities was consolidated by signing an ""Intentional agreement"". | | These learning principles proved to be useful too for the students of the entrepreneurial working group. This group was introduced to the theoretical principles on how to make a businessplan. They created a business concept for a travel app. During this process, they felt the need to establish a joint venture with the tourism and culture working group. They also got a workshop in which they learned techniques how to precisely define mission and goals for their business. As a result, they got clear about their mission and target groups, consisting of young eco- friendly travellers, so that they were ready to start the implementation phase of their travel app.";"In cooperation with the tourism and culture working group, an outline for a tourist guide on the areas around the participating schools was created. Then this working group started making video clips to promote their region. Later they created proposals for itineraries in the participating countries, which were briefly introduced in a brochure, handed out to passers-by in the streets of Strasbourg. This brochure contained a link to a website created by the students, on which they posted a more elaborate description of their itineraries. During the final mobility in Strasbourg, students presented and dissiminated this output in an office of a local travel agency. | | To develop students' oral proficiency, we challenged them to stand up and speak up confidently in presentations on outcomes and outputs, during final ceremonies at the end of each working week. In Strasbourg students participated in a roleplay in the European parliament. Also a comedy theatre was organised for this purpose. A ""Lost in translation"" activity as well. | | The rationale behind the initiation of this project was the development of English language skills through contemporary methods in a context of business and tourism. The idea behind the project title ""English through entrepreneurship"" proves to be confirmed through our qualitative analyses. The 16 to 19 year-olds were exposed to an environment in which such life skills as creativity, communication, collaboration and critical thinking were employed, which led to a dramatic progress in their English skills. Students reported their self-confidence grew and they became more open-minded. | | Apart from the fact that long lasting friendships were established, students' cultural awareness and interest were aroused. | The 16th March 2018 closing ceremony at the European Parliament in Strasbourg strongly contributed to the development of European citizenship in students' hearts and minds. | Results | Without category | | News website made by and for students | Training material for English teachers (185 pages) | How students were selected - profile | Literature camp | A Qualitative Study of Foreign Language Learning | Project overview website, made by the Romanian partner school | Touristic brochure by students" Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-BG01-KA101-013771;;;___________________ __ 21 ___ _ ______________ ________;"1. Context of the project Name of the project - 21st century challenges in language learning The students who study at Konstantin Velichkov Mathematical High School take interest in Engli...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;"Profilirana matematicheska gymnasia ""Konstantin Velichkov""";BG;BG;10.950,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"Context of the project | | Name of the project - 21st century challenges in language learning | | The students who study at Konstantin Velichkov Mathematical High School take interest in English language and informatics and information technology, which are their main school subjects. A large number of them continue their education in other European countries, others seek successful careers in Bulgaria. To achieve these goals their knowledge must meet the requirements of the labor market in the 21st century. In this connection their teachers need to develop their skills to engage and motivate young people to use new technologies actively in the learning process. In order to improve the quality of education it is necessary to make investment in teacher training and the status of teachers. Teachers are in need of new views and new methodological ideas, they even have to update their knowledge of the developing contemporary English, to adapt teaching materials to new generations of ""digital natives"" students, to create new interactive teaching materials, in order to increase motivation for students to actively participate in the learning process. | | | | 2. Objectives of the project | | a) to connect language learning with new technologies, in order to meet the new requirements and needs of the 21st century students. | | b) to improve the quality of language learning through systematic involvement of teachers in qualification courses with a thematic focus, which meets the needs of the English language subject committee according to the European school development plan. | | c) to exchange of ideas and good teaching practices with colleagues from other EU member countries in order to increase the quality of teaching. To promote these good practices and acquired competencies among colleagues on a school, regional, national and international level using new technologies in communication, as well as personal contacts. | | d) to share ideas and new teaching methods with other educational systems, applying and promoting them among our Bulgarian and international partners, among students and their parents and the local community. | | e) to introduce an active use of innovative, interactive, effective ways of teaching and learning in order to increase students' motivation to learn, stimulating their creativity to make their own digital materials to be used by all English language teachers in the school. This will lead to compiling a bank of digital materials and software, which will support the new teaching methods. | | f) to enrich the educational content though exchange of experiences with different countries | | g) to expand students' knowledge and familiarize them with other educational systems; to make them realize the benefits of foreign languages and computer skills for their career development and success on the common European labor market. | | | | 3. Number and profile of the participants - 3 | | The school plans to send two senior teachers of English and one junior school teacher of English with appropriate qualifications and the desire for professional development. | | | | 4. Description of the activities | | The activities include training through structured courses created to introduce the participants with the innovative and creative methods of teaching and effective use of technologies in the learning process. The courses fully meet the objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy , namely to increase skills and competencies of teachers according to the needs of the 21st century students, to implement cross curricular connections between language learning , new technologies, art and music. | | | | 5. Methodology to be used in carrying out the project | | Course organizers will provide training in the form of: | | - Practical seminars | | - Language sessions to uptade the participants' language skills | | -Technology sessions to present new, free software and Internet- based materials to be used effectively in the classroom | | - Demonstration and implementation of new interactive methods of teaching | | - Visits to places of cultural and historical importance";Results and impact envisaged | | - Participants will improve their linguistic competence | | - Participants will gain new creative materials and ideas to implement in teaching. As a result, it will increase students' motivation to develop linguistic skills and expand their horizons by exploring other European educational models | | - Exchange of ideas between teachers from the EU | | - Students will actively participate in creating classroom materials | | | | 7. Long-term benefits | | - Increasing the qualification and competence of the teachers in the foreign language, resulting in increased students' motivation to have an active role in the learning process. | | - Improving and updating the content for the benefit of current and future students | | - Raising the school and the teachers' prestige . | | - Creating an opportunity for future partnerships with teachers from other EU countries in the from of projects and exchanges Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2015;2015-1-BG01-KA201-014198;;;Active, Attractive And Interactive eU Mathematics;Designing the project, the partners have focused their efforts in meeting some EC priorities and requirements, as if: fostering innovative approaches to teaching in technology-rich environment wit...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, International cooperation ...;;"SOU ""Sveti Sedmochislenitsi""";BG;BG,PT,ES,EE,IT,DE,LT,HR;154.932,94;Yes;Yes;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"Designing the project, the partners have focused their efforts in meeting some EC priorities and requirements, as if: fostering innovative approaches to teaching in technology-rich environment with particular focus on mathematics; supporting development and availability of open educational resources; increasing the quality in learning through digital integration; promoting best practices; benefiting from training and learning activities at European level. | By using effective modern teaching methods, adapted to our students abilities and needs, and ICT-based educational tools and content, we have aimed to develop and implement in the eight partner schools stimulating teaching and learning mathematics through collaboration, cooperation and exchange of good practices during the life-cycle of our partnership (September 2015-August 2017). | The project objectives have been to: | - Motivate teachers to share practice and enable them to become confident and competent to create a collaborative, interactive classroom experience for their students; | - Enable staff to engage in trans-European professional development activities, experience other education systems at work and exchange ideas of good practice; | - Encourage continued teachers` professional development; | - Maintain students` efforts to find relationships between mathematics and their interests and abilities, to see the practical use of mathematics; | - Promote virtual and blended mobility and other innovative communication methods and give students an opportunity to interact with people across different social, cultural and national boundaries; | - Develop key competences and encourage students to take the ownership of their own learning; | - Build a partnership that supports learning and designs high-quality products to respond to partner schools` needs; | - Disseminate the project results and outcomes to many different interested parties. | Approximately 70 school staff members and 590 13-19 years old students will be involved in the project activities. | As outputs of the project`s implementation, the partners have planned to produce and achieve a significant set of tangible products and intangible results: intellectual outputs; events and event-related materials; material production out of events; project strategic documentation; reports and summaries; experience gained by individuals from mobility, exchange, training; project website; project`s web and media presence; project`s TwinSpace; managerial lessons learned; exchange of ideas and good practice at European level; increased skills and knowledge of the participants; successful European cooperation; records and visuals; promotional and informational materials and products; students` extra-curricular work`s results. | The methodology to reach our goals and objectives has been as follow: | 1) Adaptation of existing materials; 2) Creation of new ones;3) Setting up of the e-learning platform; 4) Continuous cooperation-import of new content into the platform; 5) Quality check of the content and evaluation-feedbacks from the target groups; 6) Import of new content into the platform; 7) Extension and adaptation to full-scale potential of the platform; 8) Continuous evaluation of project activities and results; 9) Experimental use in all partner schools; 10) Evaluation, implementation, feedbacks from stakeholders; 11) Continuous dissemination of the results and outputs;12) Continuous exchange of good practices among partners and stakeholders;13) Final reporting and evaluation. | Activities carried out within the partnership: promotional and kick-off activities; transnational meetings; virtual and blended mobilities; set-up, maintenance and monthly updates of the project`s website and TwinSpace; monitoring and evaluation; teachers` and students` activities at local level; school events, celebrations, festivals; dissemination activities, including final conference; short-term joint staff training; short-term exchanges of groups of pupils. | The e-learning platform and the innovative teaching and learning methods have set a benchmark of mathematical knowledge and competences of the 13-19 years old students and made learning and teaching mathematics much more interesting, motivating and efficient. It has also been an opportunity for the pupils to learn by themselves.";As a result of the successful project`s implementation, a positive impact on teachers, schools, students, educational institutions outside of the partnership, local communities and authorities has been reported by all project partners. | The partners have agreed on developing the results in such a way that they can be adapted for use by others. All intellectual outputs are available online for everyone and for free use of anyone interested in them. They have been presented at internal and external events related to the pedagogical concepts of the project and ICT-based methodologies. | The partners have foreseen cooperation perspectives beyond the project duration. | Results | Website | | | Without category | | Active, Attractive And Interactive eU Mathematics-Links | Active, Attractive And Interactive eU Mathematics: Methodological Guide for innovative education-in English | Active, Attractive And Interactive eU Mathematics: Methodological Guide for innovative education-in Bulgarian | Active, Attractive And Interactive eU Mathematics: Methodological Guide for innovative education-in Croatian | Active, Attractive And Interactive eU Mathematics: Methodological Guide for innovative education-in Estonian | Active, Attractive And Interactive eU Mathematics: Methodological Guide for innovative education-in German | Active, Attractive And Interactive eU Mathematics: Methodological Guide for innovative education-in Italian | Active, Attractive And Interactive eU Mathematics: Methodological Guide for innovative education-in Lithuanian | Active, Attractive And Interactive eU Mathematics: Methodological Guide for innovative education-in Catalan | Active, Attractive And Interactive eU Mathematics: Methodological Guide for innovative education-in Portuguese | Active, attractive and interactive eU mathematics dissemination | Active, attractive and interactive eU mathematics work plan 1 | Active, attractive and interactive eU mathematics work plan 2 | Active, attractive and interactive eU mathematics evaluation report 1 | Active, attractive and interactive eU mathematics evaluation report 2 | Mathematics teaching in Bulgaria | Mathematics teaching in Croatia | Mathematics teaching in Italy | Mathematics teaching in Lithuania | Moodle tutorial | GeoGebra tutorial 1 | GeoGebra tutorial 2 | GeoGebra tutorial 3 | Hot Potatoes tutorial | Final dissemination conference | Newsletter 1 | Newsletter 2 | Newsletter 3 | Newsletter 4 | Newsletter 5 | Newsletter 6 | Maths game | 3rd transnational meeting | Project presentation 1 | Project presentation 2 | European Day of languages - Bulgarian school 2016 | Dissemination seminars 1 | Europe Day 1 | Pi Day 1 | Project corners | Dissemination seminars 2 | Europe Day 2 | Europe Day 3 | Europe Day 4 | Logo election | Pi Day 2 | Pi Day 3 | Pi Day 4 | Dissemination seminars 3 | Dissemination seminars 4 | Multiplier event | Dissemination seminars 5 | Dissemination seminars 6 | Pi Day 5 | Projects` day | Useful links | Mathematics Kangaroo competition | Our Europe-Flags presentation | What do you know about Europe-Europe Day quiz presentation Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2015;2015-1-BG01-KA201-014219;;;E-Tools for E-Schools ;E-tools for E-schools project targets common problems for the educational systems of EU countries such as the existing gap between available technologies and their application in teaching process....;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Open and distance learning;;"Sdruzhenie ""Centar za obrazovatelni initsiativi""";BG;BG,IT,EL;204.692,00;Yes;No;Non-governmental organisation/association/social enterprise;ONG;;;English;E-tools for E-schools project targets common problems for the educational systems of EU countries such as the existing gap between available technologies and their application in teaching process. The project aims to equip teachers with practical skills and tools for learning resources preparation and use, and to provide them with wide range of teaching ideas and pedagogical instruments concerning the introduction of ICT. EFES project is transnational initiative that will be implemented in Bulgaria, Italy and Greece by organisations with significant experience in teachers training, methodology development and educational research. The expected project outputs are not nationally limited and their application changes the whole concept of the teaching process as not enclosed in the classroom, stimulate trans-school cooperation and networking. The applicant organisations will systematize best examples of e-learning activities and will jointly develop new training tools, and approbate new and modern way of training, based on blended-learning methodology. The blended or hybrid approach combines online with traditional face-to-face class activities in a planned, pedagogically valuable manner and allows flexibility and self-regulation of education without the time and space constraints. The proposal is focused on an innovative approach for teachers training providing more strategic and integrated use of ICTs and open educational resources that will not only straighten the profile of teaching professionals but will also support the implementation of European Commission Action Plan on Opening up Education. Two significant project outputs will remain in use after the lifetime of the project WebTV and LMS platform. The Web TV will be an e-tool for training teachers how to use ICT in educational process and will combine the best seminar practices, target the existing needs, provide practical examples and templates. This innovative tool will allow unlimited number of teaches to strengthen their digital competences on demand and without any financial constraints. In other words, the WebTV will instruct teachers how to use open source platforms in order to prepare e-lessons for class- and homework.;The LMS platform is a learning management system for primary and secondary school teachers based on open source software and divided in different sectors and categories of users. The platform will offer a complete set of services and tools supporting blended learning, such as services for the effective use of multimedia as a powerful learning means, collaborative development of educational templates and learning scenarios reflecting different educational approaches and needs, and services for the creation, management and monitoring of web-based and mobile (location-based) educational assignments. These two intellectual outputs will be applied and tested in three piloting schools - one in Bulgaria, one in Italy, one in Greece. The schools are selected to have good digital provision but limited digital-supported teaching. The piloting stage will provide significant and contextual feedback from the direct target group in each country. The platform and the Web TV will be fine-tuned and improved afterwards and will became more easily accessible and user-friendly. Afterwards, a series of dissemination events are planned in each country in order to popularise the outcomes among the target group and the relevant stakeholders. The final project results will be available in four EU languages Bulgarian, Italian, Greek and English, and will be adjusted according to the cultural, social and educational context in each country. These products will be integrated in the management and pedagogical framework of the participating organisations. This will not only enlarge the scope of their work but will make the number of the potential users unlimited. In long term perspective, the project goal is to support the ongoing educational reforms in EU countries by providing teachers and students with the skills required by the labour market and the economy, and by mobilizing all stakeholders to change the role of digital technologies at education institutions. Results | Website | | | Without category | | National report on good e-learning practices in Italy | National report on good e-learning practices in Greece | National report on good e-learning practices in Bulgaria | Final report and summery of good e-learning practices | Methodology | LMS platform | WebTV Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-BG01-KA202-014258;;;Strategic partnership for competence based training in Bio-fertilizers;Innovations in agricultural sector of economy are a core topic of EU 2020 strategy, which promotes the elaboration of products and processes that contribute to sustainable development of the socie...;Recognition, transparency, certification ...;;BULGAP Ltd.;BG;BG,EL,CY;236.836,60;Yes;Yes;Accreditation, certification or qualification body;Administracin;;;English;"Innovations in agricultural sector of economy are a core topic of EU 2020 strategy, which promotes the elaboration of products and processes that contribute to sustainable development of the society. The background of Bio-FIT project sharps the need for introduction of the innovative principles of green biotechnology to improve this sector. Bio-FIT target groups (VET teachers/trainers/tutors, and agricultural SMEs personnel) need specific training within the frame of green biotechnology and especially in very innovative, ecologically friendly technology - biofertilizers. This type of education contributes in bridge building between technology and farming, and introduces bio-innovations to reach sustainable development of the agricultural sector. In this context, the general aim pursued by Bio-FIT project is: | - To develop an innovative educational programme based on biotechnology of biofertilizers applying EQF/NQF strategic system for organization of VET process and to offer a scheme for innovative training, reflecting the specific partners country needs. | The project specific objectives are focused on: | - showing the eco-innovative character of bio-fertilizer technologies and effect on environment; | - targeting the types and quality of the biofertilizers for preventing and supporting bio-farming; | - studying the influence of biofertilizer technologies in decrease material inputs, reduce energy consumption and emissions, and minimize waste; | - greening the economy through raising competitiveness and employability in Bulgarian and European economy and making sure development of technical competence as well as training skills. | - boosting the competence based blended learning to improve prospects for entrepreneurship. | The number and profile of participation organizations in project consortium are based on shared understanding and consideration of the need for provision of VET to teachers/trainers/tutors, and agricultural SMEs personnel in bio-fertilizers. It involves six partners from different geographical regions (BG, CY, GR, and HU). The partnership comprises two training institutions, two SMEs, which field of activity encompasses implementation of GAP and promotion of green technologies/services market, and two organizations which core activities are devoted to increasing the role of R & D in introducing new knowledge into the field of education and training. | The undertaken main activities are based on System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) concept, which divides the project lifetime into: | - Managerial and administrative arrangements | - Commencement and tools design | - Methodology and work plan | - Intellectual Outputs | - Multiplier Events | - Bio-FIT piloting | - Dissemination & Use | - Sustainability and impact | - Final reporting";"During the project development three type of results are elaborated: | i) Results concerning project operation: derived during project commencement and conceptual design; complementing the Bio-FIT Intellectual outputs; processing multiplier events; assisting Bio-FIT training programme piloting; related to project dissemination & use; linked with Bio-FIT impact provision. | ii) Results six Intellectual outputs: | - National case studies, assessing the current state of the art in each partner country in respect to project subject area; | - Bio-FIT Qualifications Passport describing the key competences for specialists, working in the project subject area; | - Bio-FIT e-Training environment, a functional tool for delivery of free-access information resources and training opportunities; | - Bio-FIT Training Programme, offering multilingual model for international transfer of acquired qualifications in the field of biofertilizers; | - Bio-FIT Handbook for Trainers/Trainees, designed to assist in delivering/acquiring the Bio-FIT training content; | - Bio-FIT ECVET Framework, identifying the ways, by which Bio-FIT project can integrate ECVET principles and instruments. | iii) Results derived during performance of dissemination & use activities as well as impact and sustainability: | - Multiplier Events supporting performance and popularization of all project results.. | The impact of Bio-FIT project is due to the provision of new opportunities for making education more relevant to the needs of the labor market. The project develops competency-based training that empowers the end-users with green skills and competences. The b-learning programme is based on Learning Outcomes model and thus contributes to the implementation of the new skills for new jobs strategy at national and EU scale. | Longer-term benefits. | Building of links between stakeholders and sectors, Bio-FIT project contributes effectively to the spread of sector-oriented VET into project field. In long term perspective, through offering high quality VET pathways, Bio-FIT project can give better prospects for professional carrier and competence development. It promotes the joint qualifications description and relationship between different sectors and areas. | Results | Website | | | Without category | | O1 National case studies Promoting organic farming by training in biofertilizers | O1 National Case Studies Synthesis report | O2 Bio-FIT Induvidual Profiles | O2 Bio-FIT Qualification Passport | O2 Create your future career | O4 Bio-FIT Book | O4 Bio-FIT Training Scheme | O5 Bio-FIT Training Manual | O5 Bio-FIT ICT Guide for Trainers | O5 Bio-FIT ICT Guide for Trainees | O6 Bio-FIT ECVET Framework | O6 Bio-FIT ECVET Concept and principles | Bio-FIT Project Achievements | Bio-FIT Sustainability Report | Bio-FIT Dissemination Booklet | Bio-FIT Project Leaflet | Bio-FIT Project Flayer | Bio-FIT Project Poster" Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-CY01-KA101-011796;;;Staff development: Integrating ICT effectively in teaching;A_ Engomis Primary school in Nicosia, Cyprus, has developed a strategic plan on the development of teaching tools for all subject areas, in relation to ICT and interactive boards in particular. T...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Pedagogy and didactics;;DIMOTIKO SCHOLEIO EGKOMIS 1 (KA);CY;CY;4.045,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;A_ Engomis Primary school in Nicosia, Cyprus, has developed a strategic plan on the development of teaching tools for all subject areas, in relation to ICT and interactive boards in particular. The effective integration of ICT in teaching and learning has been one of our school's main objectives. Last year 3 classroom teachers and 2 deputy head teachers had the opportunity to attend courses in Europe using the Erasmus Plus fund. The knowledge and experiences gained, added a great deal to the implementation of our strategic plan. Nevertheless the introduction of innovations as part of quality development is always a challenge within an institution. Last years experience taught us that change is not an easy task. Although our project was embraced with enthusiasm among all stakeholders, we still have a long way to go in order for all of them to accept change and maintain it. This year we received more funding in order to give more teachers the opportunity to gain new knowledge concerning ICT integration in teaching and to become more confident and positive towards change. Three more teachers (the headteacher and two classroom teachers) had the opportunity to participate in seminars in Brussels and Prague. | Our projects main objectives were: | For the teachers to: | 1. Learn new and stimulating teaching methods using ICT which will enable all of them to prepare better lessons. | 2. Learn new web tools that will help them integrate ICT effectively in teaching in higher frequency. | 3. Learn ways to motivate students and ascertain practical methods to integrate ICT effectively in teaching. | 4. Broaden their horizons as members of the European Teachers' Community and learn from other countries' experience as well. | 5. Disseminate new knowledge gained to other teachers in Cyprus and in Europe. | For the management team to: | 1. Learn how to inspire teachers so to acquire the necessary competences and narrow the skill gap among teachers. | 2. Be equipped with the skills of planning and facilitating a successful change process. | 3. Develop competences to follow-up and ensure that new innovations are embedded in the daily practice. | | All the staff educated formed the school's team/working group which has developed a scheme of work for the development of teaching material using ICT and interactive boards. It has also developed a five year plan on how to disseminate the knowledge gained and the material produced. The plan has provided dissemination of results in both local and international level. | | At school level, through staff meetings or via peer coaching, those educated presented the knowledge gained to other teachers who did not participate in it. In addition they produced a school database of tools useful for teaching which will be shared through Dropbox. They also participated in a Facebook discussion group concerning web tools and implemented learning scenarios. | | At a national level, teachers and the management team disseminated the gained knowledge to other schools through the annual ICT conference which was organised in cooperation with the Cyprus Pedagogical Institute, the Cyprus Ministry of Education, local universities as well as local NGO interested in the use of ICT in the learning procedure. Also the school inspector as the connecting agent of schools and our Ministry of Education has been a key player in the dissemination of the project results through his networking. It must also be noted that this year we participated in a pilot program about Professional Development (concerning ICT) and our activities and results were presented at a Pancyprian Conference. Also our school participated in a Pancyprian Contest about innovative scenarios with the use of ICT and has been awarded with 2 prizes! The winning scenarios were published on the Pedagogical Institute's official site. Our school has also participated and won in a Pancyprian Contest for learning scenarios about reducing school delinquency. Our scenario, which involved an effective integration of ICT, was presented in another pancyprian conference organised by the Cyprus Ministry of Education.;At a European and international level, our school has its own community at the ODS portal (Open Discovery Space) through which we shared our knowledge, teaching material, web tools, ideas, good practices etc. We also participated in the European Code Week and received the European Certificate of Excellence in Coding Literacy by uploading on the official site many of the activities we did with our students on Coding. Furthermore we participated in four e-twinning projects through which we exchange ideas and good practices using ICT and collaborated in producing teaching lessons with other educators across Europe . We also received a European Quality Label for one of them. Finally we uploaded useful material on our school's website and on our facebook group. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-CY01-KA104-011777;;;____ ___________ ____ _________ ________- ___ ___ ________ _______ _______;The project for which this application is made aims in improving the performance and the practices of our Organization. This is of paramount importance, since the institution of Evening Schools in...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;ESPERINO GYMNASIO KAI LYKEIO LARNAKAS;CY;CY;6.245,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Adult education;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;The project for which this application is made aims in improving the performance and the practices of our Organization. This is of paramount importance, since the institution of Evening Schools in Cyprus functions on the basis of outdated principles and applies mainly traditional learning methods. At the same time, in Cyprus there is no or minimal availability of staff training opportunities in the area of adult education, nor possibilities of exchanging good and innovative adult education practices. | | The objectives of the project are summarized as follows: a) training of teachers in new and innovative methods applied in adult education, especially in the education of vulnerable adults, b) training of teachers in the use of ICT in education, particularly in the use of e-learning methods in adult education, c) contact organizations that have more experience in the area of adult education than us and provide innovative educational programs to similar target groups, in order to develop expertise and create bridges of communication and cooperation with these organizations at the European level. | | The three persons who have been chosen to participate in the project have experience in adult education and they are well versed on the issues, needs and aspirations of our Organization. They hold an active role in many school activities and broader issues relating to adult learning (Grundtvig project, trainings in adult education) and they show interest in improving the quality of education provided to our Organization. | | To achieve the objectives of the project's three activities are planned: a) participation of a person in a seminar on the use of autobiographical methods in adult education, b) participation of a person in a seminar on the training on issues of e-learning and e-learning material creation, c) participation of a person in job shadowing activity. The study visit will take place in an organization which offers similar educational program to a similar target group of learners by applying innovative approaches to adult learning. | | Regarding the methodology to be used in all three activities, this will focus on interactive communication of our Organization with participants and through them with the organizers of the seminars and the organization, which will host the job shadowing activity. Participants will commit themselves to carry out the activities they will undertake and to be responsible for the transmission of the new information and knowledge to the rest of the school staff and elsewhere.;It is expected that participants will upgrade their knowledge and skills in adult education and they will broaden their perspectives on theoretical and practical issues through contact with other European adult educators. Additionally, is expected that this knowledge and skills will be transmitted by the participants to our Organization and the rest of the staff so as to contribute to the gradual improvement of the offered education for the benefit of learners. In the long term, we aim in establishing a more attractive and flexible educational program in order to address the needs of more and more learners. As such, the program will contribute to the democratization of the education as well as to social cohesion. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2015;2015-1-CY01-KA201-011863;;;Teachers Assessment Literacy Enhancement;There is evidence that Language Testing and Assessment (LTA) can have a strong impact on the quality of the learning outcomes. Yet, English Language Teachers (ELTs) cannot deliver professional res...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Pedagogy and didactics;;UNIVERSITY OF CYPRUS;CY;CY,UK,HU,EL,DE,NO;268.884,13;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;There is evidence that Language Testing and Assessment (LTA) can have a strong impact on the quality of the learning outcomes. Yet, English Language Teachers (ELTs) cannot deliver professional results if they are not sufficiently trained in the area of LTA. Unfortunately, research has shown that in many educational systems across Europe, ELTs are, for the most part, unable to create good quality assessment materials and procedures. They have not developed, that is, what has been termed as assessment literacy, which is partly due to the lack of sufficient training in LTA. Given this state of affairs, there is an urgent need to develop an efficient, relevant, scalable and sustainable LTA training infrastructure for ELTs, which can eventually be of benefit to other language teachers as well. Consisting of a network of experts from six European countries (Cyprus, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Norway and the UK), the Teachers Assessment Literacy Enhancement (TALE) project is built on a solid identification of LTA training needs of pre- and in-service English Language Teachers in order to provide a training ecosystem that caters for these needs. Overall, the TALE project has contributed towards: - the development of innovative training materials and services, which can be delivered through face-to-face and online learning and offered through synchronous and asynchronous modes for the enhancement of the required LTA skills and competencies. The TALE training ecosystem, which has been piloted during the lifetime of the project, offers continuous support and mentoring to ELTs in the respective countries and beyond. - the expansion and the exchange of LTA expertise between European educational contexts in a creative and innovative way. | - the cooperation between and within different disciplines, e.g. education (foreign/second language teaching and testing, assessment literacy, Content and Language Integrated Learning assessment and eLearning/distance education) and various sectors of training and the workplace in order to foster efficient and meaningful assessments suitable for all types of language learners in primary and secondary education. | - the synchronization and harmonization of foreign language teacher training and assessment practices in the field of LTA in Europe and beyond. The training endeavour has followed three main phases. The first phase involved a Needs Analysis (Intellectual Output 1) which was achieved through a comprehensive literature review on current thinking in language assessment literacy and an extensive consultation with pre- and in-service teachers (n=852) and language learners of all ages (n=1788) to ensure that the training ecosystem would meet their needs. The results of this phase were used as input in the next phase. The second phase involved the development and piloting of an Online Training Course (Intellectual Output 2) consisting of eight independent sections (sub-courses). During piloting, feedback mechanisms were put in place to ensure that the stakeholders were able to evaluate the effectiveness of the training materials and services. The feedback which pilot teachers (more than 150 from various countries) provided was given due consideration and revisions were made accordingly. Once the materials were refined and the evaluation process was complete, the Handbook of Assessment for Language Teachers (Intellectual Output 3) was drafted, refined, piloted and finally published to enable and promote wider implementation of the project beyond the partner organisations. The Handbook contains a user-friendly book version of the training tasks, explanations and answer keys that users can find on the TALE Online Course. The third key phase of the project, which ran concurrently with the other two, involved: a) project management, b) evaluation and quality assurance and c) dissemination, exploitation and sustainability.;The main target audiences of the project were: 1) pre-service and in-service English Language Teachers, 2) students, 3) educational policymakers, 4) experts and researchers in LTA and 5) pre-service and in-service teachers of other languages. In each of the participating countries, two multiplier events took place aiming to disseminate the results of the Needs Analysis and the Online Training Course, respectively. In these events mainly pre-service and in-service ELTs participated and also persons from the last three categories of stakeholders mentioned above. Near the completion of the project, a final conference was organised in order to raise awareness on the main intellectual outputs of the project: the Needs Analysis, the Online Course and the Handbook. Taking into account the innovative nature of TALE, the impact on all groups involved in the project has been more than significant, highlighting the importance of the TALE training ecosystem in helping teachers enhance their language assessment literacy and, thereby, achieve better learning outcomes. Results | Website | | | Direct effect on participants and project partners | | Evaluation and Quality Assurance | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | TALE Handbook | Community building tools | | Online Platform | Dissemination material | | This is a word file with Dissemination information | Organizational and working documents | | Needs Analysis Document | Project Management | Project logo | Coordinator | UNIVERSITY OF CYPRUS | KALLIPOLEOS STREET 75 | 1678 | NICOSIA | _____ (K_pros) | | Organisation type: Higher education institution (tertiary level) | Partners | UNIVERSITY OF BEDFORDSHIRE | DEBRECENI EGYETEM | HELLENIC OPEN UNIVERSITY | PADAGOGISCHE HOCHSCHULE HEIDELBERG | OSLOMET - STORBYUNIVERSITETET Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-CZ01-KA101-013442;;;Angli_tina plus;The project was based on the state school analysis, particularly with regard to teaching English at the school, the school self evaluation and the school needs to respond to the latest trends in...;International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;Zkladn skola, Hradec Krlov, tr. SNP 694;CZ;CZ;18.627,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;The project was based on the state school analysis, particularly with regard to teaching English at the school, the school self evaluation and the school needs to respond to the latest trends in teaching and learning. | The school wanted to be flexible in the reality of 21st century teaching situation when we could observe the synergy in various subjects and individual skills. That was why we integrated various teaching subjects not only through school projects but also using CLIL method where we integrated subjects and languages teaching and learning. The development of key competences together with learning strategies and cross curricular links support belonged to the main aims of our school curriculum. | The aim of our project was to use courses offered by Erasmus+ | a) for improving language skills of our teachers at primary and lower secondary level and for increasing their professional skills: using them, b)we wanted to improve language and didactic skills of the teachers and we wanted teachers to use and apply the CLIL method with the objective to improve language skills of our students and to develop students critical thinking and communicative competences in English and intercultural skills. Our goals have been reached. | c)we intended to enter into conversation with foreign teachers and realize projects Erasmus KA2, KA1 or e-Twinning. | The project was attended by 10 teachers. 6 teachers were at primary level and 4 teachers were lower secondary teachers. 6 teachers at primary level attended language and language and methodical courses aimed on implementation of CLIL method. The content of courses was the practical presentation of CLIL methods. The ex head teacher wanted to attend the course focused on visits at schools and institutions and job shadowing. 4 lower secondary teachers attended courses focused on implementation of CLIL methods in teaching subjects. All teachers came back with a lot of new knowledge in these fields.7 teachers came back with Europass Mobility and 3 teachers came back with Course Certificate. | The results of the project were to improve language, didactic and professional competences of teachers, increasing quality and effectiveness of language teaching and in other subjects, too. We wanted teachers to increase pupils activity and interest in learning and improvement of language skills. The courses brought personal development of the teachers at school. Their self-confidence, flexibility, proficiency and adaptibility have increased. They learnt about school systems and teaching methods in other countries. The impact of the project was to deepen the international aspects of the school, to strenthen the European dimension of the school, to improve the image of the school, to increase the school prestige in the eyes of parents and public. They found partners abroad for the possible future cooperation in the frame of Erasmus+, KA2 or for e-Twinning projects. Thanks to the multicultural environment teachers also gained knowledge in the sphere of cultural and mental differences of foreign citizens. | The number of teachers who are ready to use CLIL method continuously and in qualified way was doubled. It was also very good that other teachers showed their interest in the future project English in Action. It will be aimed on CLIL again. Most participants will be shadowing jobs in partners schools and foreign teachers will come to our school to do the shadowing too. The third step should be teaching stays of our teachers abroad. This will give them a chance to try their teaching in another country.;Erasmus is a chance for us to accomplish our needs and ideas and to meet the constantly growing parents and pupils demands. It is also the way how to meet our ideas and needs expressed in European Development Plan. | The output of the project was the meeting of all the participants. The mobility participants presented their conclusions and outputs from the projects mobilities in the form of presentations accompanied by photodocumentation. The output and knowledge gained during mobilities were also presented in our school magazine, on our website and in the local press, also in U_itelsk noviny. | The project was succesfull and even overcame our expectations. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2015;2015-1-CZ01-KA219-013851;;;Lets get school outdoor;The project joined the schools of a similar size and character - small village schools. The partner schools were from the Czech Republic, Finland, Poland, Sweden and Spain. They live and work in s...;Environment and climate change, Recognition (non-formal and informal learning/credits), Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills;;Zakladni skola a materska skola, Okna, okres Ceska Lipa, prispevkova organizace;CZ;CZ,PL,FI,ES,SE;131.094,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;The project joined the schools of a similar size and character - small village schools. The partner schools were from the Czech Republic, Finland, Poland, Sweden and Spain. They live and work in similar enviroment and background - surrounded by nature, in rural areas, with close contact to the local community. These schools have similar opportunities and limits. They work in areas separated from the main centres, very often in rural areas with high unemployment. Their advantage is the healthy environment they are surrounded by. | The aim of the project was to use this advantage and work with the environment. It was focused on Outdoor education. It showed children the environment around them as a source of knowledge. It helped them to respect and protect the environment. | The project also wanted to open school to its surroundings, join it with the real life. | It explored the ways of using Outdoor education in lessons as well as learning through various outdoor and out-of-school activities. | The outcomes were shared on the common blog. The partners had the opportunity to compare there the results of their work and share it with children. For documentation we used the e-twinning site. | The project was designed for three years. | The first year dealt with using Outdoor education in different seasons, countrysides and climates. The partners worked on common activities, for example the sample book of naturel dyers, land-art, orienteering. | The second year explored the ways of using Out-of-school activities in different school subjects. The partners profited from attending museums, theatres, concerts and other events connected with their education plan. | The third year was focused on behaving and surviving in nature. It started with a short-term joint staff training event - Outdoor activities education course for teachers. They learnt there some facts, skills, activities and techniq;Outdoor activities education course for teachers. They learnt there some facts, skills, activities and techniques they could practise with their pupils during the year - for example first-aid, surviving techniques, nature protection. | Mobilities made a very important part of the project. There was a project meeting in each partner school together with a short-term exchgange of groups of pupils. We suceeded in taking more children abroad than it had been planned. Even if not all pupils could take part in the student exchanges they profited from hosting children from partner schools. | The project helped the partner schools to implement outdoor education into their teaching plan in more extended level. Outdoor education became an important part of their curriculum. | Results | Website | | | Without category | | Outcomes Finland | Outcomes Czech Repulic | Outcomes Poland | Outcomes Spain | Outcomes Sweden Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2015;2015-1-CZ01-KA219-013921;;;Let's Walk and Learn - Education viaTourist Paths in Europe;While creating our project we proceeded from finding out that todays youth mostly have a patchy knowledge of their environment, they do not realise enough its value, and neither do they understan...;Environment and climate change, International cooperation, international relations ...;;Gymnazium Rajec-Jestrebi, o. p. s.;CZ;CZ,SK,FR;92.348,87;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"While creating our project we proceeded from finding out that todays youth mostly have a patchy knowledge of their environment, they do not realise enough its value, and neither do they understand the idea of sustainable development. Further we based our project on the fact that the youth have less outdoor activities and fewer opportunities to learn how to orientate themselves in the field. Important was also the realisation that among the most important skills required at the labour market there are communication skills, foreign languages, solving problems and team work. We also realised the necessity of cross-curricular teaching and long-life professional development of teachers. | Our goals: | -to make the youth more sensitive to their environment and its problems, to support their responsible and respectful behaviour | -to improve their lifestyle supporting their attitude to non-devastating outdoor activities, especially walking, and to improve their orientation skills | -to improve their skills: communication, foreign languages, team work, problem solving, interconnecting knowledge from various fields and applying them in real-life situations | -to broaden their cultural awareness | -to support professional development of teachers by exchanging experience with colleagues, discovering different schools, participating in workshops and lectures aimed at teaching methods | -to develop cross-curricular cooperation skills in teachers | All 3 partner organisations are upper-secondary schools finished by an external exam: | -Grammar school Rjec-Jest_eb, coordinator, small school (about 140 students) with a family atmosphere and students aged 13-19 from varied social background, offers general education with emphasis on languages and natural sciences | -Grammar school Tvrdo_n, small school (about 200 students) offering general education with emphasis on languages and sports to students aged 13-19 from urban and rural social backgrounds | -French MFR Les Fins, different from the 2 previous ones, vocational boarding school where in-class teaching and professional training in companies alternate, founded by association of families and professionals, subordinate to Ministry of agriculture, is also a small school with about 130 students aged 14-18 from rural social background, some of them with learning difficulties. It offers 2 study programmes: Management of nature areas, Services to people. | We carried out these learning/teaching/training activities: | -3 short-term exchanges of pupils with an accompanying person in the length of 6 days, each school organised one; programme: in-field activities, discovery of natural life, work with maps and GPS, observation of tourist marking, work in groups of mixed nationalities, lectures and excursions, in-class participation, etc. | -5 short-term joint staff training events (2 in FR, 2 in CR, 1 in SK) aimed at students project work, realization of project outputs and dissemination activities (preparation, planning, monitoring...). Further activities included workshops, discussions with professionals, exchanges with colleagues, excursions aimed at professional development of teachers. 3 of them took place simultaneously with students meetings, 2 of them were independent. Those latter were 5 days long and aimed at launching and closing the project. | We also carried out continuous activities at each partner school independently during the whole project. Their results were shared in the e-learning environment. They included weather monitoring, observation of changes in the environment during the year, biological and geographical characteristics of the three regions, examination of tourist marking systems, description of tourist trails, proposals of new trails, GPS and map work, sustainable development etc";Outputs of our project: | -tangible results, such as e-learning environment with all the materials created within the project, brochure comparing our three regions, brochure promoting hiking in our regions, four-language dictionary, video of the project, proposals of new tourist paths, proposals for improvements of the existing ones, collection of tourist maps) | -immaterial results, such as gained experience and skills of both students and teacher, broadening the cultural awareness, personal development | Impact of the project is mainly in professional and personal development of all participants, there is also an informational and motivational impact on both school communities and public, improvement of tourist paths and creating materials for the in-class use. Results | Website | | | Without category | | Comparison of partner regions | Weather station data | Video of the project | Invitation to the world of Erasmus+ | Suggestions for improvement of a tourist path-CZECH | Suggestions for imrpovement of a tourist path-SLOVAKIA | Suggestions for imrpovement of a tourist path-FRANCE | Proposal of a new path-CZECH | Proposal of a new path-SLOVAKIA | Proposal of a new path-FRANCE | Small four-language dictionary | Collection of various types of maps | Tourist brochure - Slovak-English | Tourist brochure - Czech-English | Tourist brochure - French-English Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2015;2015-1-DE02-KA102-002166;;;Werbekampagne Non-Profit Sdtirol;Our mobility project is the subsequent result of a long-term internalization strategy undergone by our vocational school step by step during the last years. Thus this new exchange, planned for thr...;EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, Creativity and culture ...;;Staatliche Berufsschule II Bamberg;DE;DE,IT;57.840,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;Our mobility project is the subsequent result of a long-term internalization strategy undergone by our vocational school step by step during the last years. Thus this new exchange, planned for three flows each with 20 students is the next step towards a lasting set-up for gaining underlying knowledge within the line of work combined with a work experience abroad as well as a development of our students personalities plus a development of our school which was awarded for setting and keeping high standards with using and developing media in the classroom as well as working with a quality management system. | | A. Project | | With this project we would like to get young people to participate and use their creative talent in voluntary work for non-profit organizations in the area around Bozen, Italy. In appreciation for the cultural, ecological and/or social situation in this area our students will try to develop a new perspective for a region that they so far only know from being on holidays there. In a close-knit cooperation with creative students and the experienced staff of both the Gutenberg vocational school of Bozen and ours the participants will strive to create modern, fashionable media for advertising for special local needs. These means for advertising will not only be designed but also brought into existence. We would especially like to have those non-profit organizations to benefit from our work which do not have the financial means or staff or knowledge in regard to media. | | B. Goals and Objectives | | Our students as well as their teachers will profit immensely from the knowledge and the experience they will gain during their work placements in another European country. Different ways for accessing a new project will inspire the young trainees of both nationalities and will help them in the future when working on new projects. The Designers of Digital and Print Media will pick up new techniques in photography, in the editing of pictures or in web design. Working together and discussing ideas for designing a project will lead to reflecting ones own ideas as well as those from others in the group. Both groups of students, German and Italian, can thus enlarge their knowledge. Being in contact with one another and working together could lead to finding friends in a foreign country which would also have a positive impact on the development of our students personalities. | | C. Number and profile of participants | | Our project is meant to consist of three flows within two years with 20 trainees in media design participating in each flow. All students are young adults and already have a broad spectrum of knowledge related to the area of designing media and graphic design. In addition, the teachers accompanying the students and working on the project as well are experienced graphics specialists, web designers or print technologists. | | D. Activities planned | | - Travel to Bozen, Italy, via coach or train, our means of transport in Bozen needs to be supplied by our partners there | | - Visit to / attendance of our partner school, Gutenberg vocational school in Bozen (South Tyrol, Italy) | | - Intercultural learning by getting to know the people and the area which also is a pre-requisite for making the project work | | - building two teams in which the respective participants will plan and set up an advertising | | - campaign either for print media or for digital ways of advertising | | - visit to the respective non-profit organization which will benefit from the individual campaign | | - activities with representatives of these non-profit organizations | | - planning and set up phase | | - presentation of results | | | | | | E. project management | | - planning the steps of the project as well as the aspects of organizing the stay in Bozen and the contact with non-profit organizations there will be done in cooperation with our partners at Gutenberg vocational school | | - check lists for the individual steps in the projects already do exist. | ;F. Results and sustainability | | The non-profit organization provided with our supportive work will receive a bundle of means for promotion / ads for the print media as well as being supplied with a modern, professional web site set up during the project. We will take into account that the volunteers in the non-profit organization will be able to host the individual web site on their own in the future. | | Reports in the year books of each vocational partner school, on the schools web sites, in the magazine of our teacher organization as well as in the local media (newspaper, radio, TV) | | Our colleagues in Bozen could be encouraged to plan and apply for an Erasmus+ project, too. | | The best photos taken during the project will be included in a calendar which will be printed at our school and sold to interested individuals. The profit will go to the respective organization in Bozen. | | We will enroll the documentation of our work in competitions for students which are related to making film documentations. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-DE02-KA202-002472;;;Prevention of early dropout of VET through inclusive strategies for migrants and Roma;In the EU, 6 million young people between 18 and 24 do not have a finished VET or another secondary school. Consequently, these youngsters face deprivation and unemployment, which in turn influenc...;Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Romas and/or other minorities;;GOTTFRIED WILHELM LEIBNIZ UNIVERSITAET HANNOVER;DE;DE,AT,RO,SI,IT;321.333,25;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;In the EU, 6 million young people between 18 and 24 do not have a finished VET or another secondary school. Consequently, these youngsters face deprivation and unemployment, which in turn influences the social and economic development of a country. Especially migrants and Roma face these difficulties. Furthermore, these groups face discrimination at the transition from general school to VET, as well. The ET 2020 strategy now aims at reducing the dropout rate to below 10% by 2020. The EU project PREDIS - Prevention of Dropout of VET through Inclusive Strategies for Migrants and Roma helps in reaching this goal. | | 1. The project partners developed a Blended-Learning Course (BLC, 10 month) for vocational education trainers, teachers and other multipliers. This form of further education is much more lasting than other forms of training: The contents, participants learned during the time of presence in their respective national contexts or other European countries can be practiced in everyday work during the online-phase. The final follow-up course fostered evaluation and reflection. Over the whole course, participants were assisted and supported by all PREDIS partners. | | 2. A toolkit was developed for Course Textual. It consists of a triad: Background information, pedagogical knowledge and innovative methods as well as Empowerment regarding the secondary target (migrants/Roma). In detail it deals with: a) background information about structural parameters of Roma and migrants, b) approaches in questioning own stereotypes, c) intercultural and conflict management competences, d) Empowerment strategies for trainees to strengthen their key competences, e) new approaches for successful labour market integration and finally, f) new methods for a better transition into VET. | | 3. The basis of the project consists - among other things of an empirical needs analysis. Interviews with trainees, vocational training personnel and further experts ask for reasons for the high dropout rates of migrants and Roma. The results of the analysis gave initial indications for the conceptualization of the modules. | | 4. A Handbook was written and published in five languages. It includes the toolkit with all modules and a reflected summary of the BLC. An extensive edition of the toolkit was produced, which addresses all themes in more detail and includes important themes that could not be addressed in the Handbook due to space constraints. It is available in English. The Handbook and Toolkit as well as all other relevant products and publications are available for free downloading and sharing on the homepage as well as on other platforms. Additionally the participants qualify as multipliers so that the outcomes of PREDIS can be used all over Europe. Thus, PREDIS contributes to the professionalization of vocational training in Europe. 522;"All project outcomes and activities are conceptualized in transnational teams and are evaluated and, where necessary, modified. All six project partners (Leibniz Universitt Hannover, University of Vienna, Inspectoratul Scolar Judetean Buzau, Liceul Tehnologic Economic Elina Matei Basarab, Znanstvenopaziskovalni Center Slovenske Akademije Znanosti in Umetnosti and Universita Degli Studi Di Trent) have long-time experience in project work and are familiar with developing trainings for pedagogues, teachers, trainers and other multipliers. Further, extensive expertise are in place in the area of migration, integration, interculturality, abandonment of VET and inclusion. Besides, the Romanian vocational schools also specifically work together with Roma trainees. | | Extensive public relations, in particular involving educational authorities make the outcomes and conclusions accessible to teachers and educational stuff; processes of reflection with colleagues and educational policy makers are promoted in order to initiate structural changes and the establishing of new approaches. PREDIS reached 522 experts with its ten multiplier events. It will be established within university curriculars of the participating universities, who are heavily involved into VET-teachers training. Participants evaluated the products as highly relevant ans useful. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | O13 - The PREDIS Handbook - English | O13 - The PREDIS Handbook - German | O13 - The PREDIS Handbook - Romanian | O13 - The PREDIS Handbook - Slovenian | O13 - The PREDIS Handbook - Italien | PREDIS extended Toolkit - English only | O9 and O11 Evaluation of the Toolkit and the BLC - English | O9 and O11 Evaluation of the Toolkit and the BLC - German | O9 and O11 Evaluation of the Toolkit and the BLC - Romanian | O9 and O11 Evaluation of the Toolkit and the BLC - Slovenian | O9 and O11 Evaluation of the Toolkit and the BLC - Italian | O10 - PREDIS BLC - implemented in all languges | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | O2 Need Analysis - English | O2 - Need Analysis - German | O2 - Need Analysis - Austrian | O2 - Need Analysis - Romanian | O2 - Need Analysis - Slovenian | O2 - Need Analysis - Italian | Dissemination material | | PREDIS Leaflet - English | PREDIS Leaflet - German | PREDIS Leaflet - Romanian | PREDIS Leaflet - Slovenain | PREDIS Leaflet - Italian | PREDIS Poster - English | PREDIS Poster - German | PREDIS Poster - Romanian | PREDIS Poster - Slovenian | PREDIS Poster - Italian" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-DE02-KA202-002496;;;ERASMUS3D+: Training material for developing 3D printers.;"CONTEXT In a world where socio-economic divisions and the demand for job positions are very important issues that require a response, the need to train workers in order to improve and increase th...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Enterprise, industry and SMEs (incl. entrepreneurship) ...;;KARLSRUHER INSTITUT FUER TECHNOLOGIE;DE;DE,SI,ES,IT;238.212,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;"In a world where socio-economic divisions and the demand for job positions are very important issues that require a response, the need to train workers in order to improve and increase their qualifications and skills was at the core of the E3D+ project which, through the use 3D printing, a constantly growing industry, has successfully achieved all the previously set objectives; active cooperation was established by the Consortium with different kinds of institutions, organizations and bodies, in order to have an impact on VET education. At the same time, different training paths were tailored to address the needs, the skills, the competences and the relative knowledge gaps of different target groups, which can enrich their professional career in this technological field. A multilingual eLearning Platform followed, alongside with VET policy makers and stakeholders who were reached out in order to contribute to the dissemination and the expansion of the E3D+ impact in the VET sector. | PARTNERSHIP | This project arises from a Strategic Partnership composed by VET providers (CEIPES), Higher education institutions (KIT) and business associations (CETEM, STP) that have actively cooperated among them and key stakeholders (enterprises, regional bodies and other VET institutions) for the development of an online training material on one of the transversal sectors with greater strength in recent times, 3D printing, which offer an adapted curriculum according to the qualification profile.";"RESULTS AND IMPACT ACHIEVED | O1: Report on the 3D Printing Industry: This Study provided a complete Analysis of the current skills and qualifications needs of the European 3D Printing Industry compared with the current training offer in Europe. | O2: Training path, learning content structure and guidelines for trainers: Activities in this output were aimed at the definition of the training paths, as well as the definition of the learning content. This output defined and analyzed the necessary areas of knowledge and the pedagogical methodologies to provide the specific needs of certain job profiles and different industrial sectors in 3D printing. | O3: E-learning platform: E-learning and the content management system achieved the goal of improving access to education and knowledge globally. The platform contains 4 courses devoted to the training in theoretical concepts of 3D printing (Additive Manufacturing).The courses are tailored to 3 different students profiles plus one course that encompasses all the training units. All the materials of the modules (Slides, pdfs and videos) are on the platform available in 5 languages to all interested parties. The platform is fully open previous registration and all the contents protected under Creative Commons Open Licenses. | O4: Modules Material: All the contents for the International VET were developed in the activities associated with this intellectual output. The intellectual results include all the training materials necessary to teach international VET in 3D printing. All the contents of the project were periodically evaluated and monitored by all the partners. In addition, we counted on the help of experts in e-Learning who guided us so that the development of these contents was successful. Most of the learning content was supported by web tools. | O5: Webinar to establish the strategic lines of the future: These activities consisted of the launching of 5 webinars in which the objectives of the project and the contents of the training units developed by the consortium were described in real time. All these video lessons were recorded to make them available on the project website and on YouTube. | The contribution that these results offer in the field of education is of vital importance for all those entities that want to implement this content in their school curriculum. | As a result, we have a professional curriculum that details and defines all the learning units for each of the target groups identified in the first phase of the project. This definition includes the number of ECVET points, EQF level, objectives, learning outputs and evaluation methods. Dynamic theoretical contents have been developed for an effective transmission of knowledge, as well as a series of introductory videos to the subjects that help the student to have a general vision of what they are going to study. Also, webcam training contents have been developed for this course. The key point was the e-learning platform ""Opigno"" where the course can be done interactively, helping the future student to improve their knowledge in e-learning and the use of IT tools for communication and learning. | To unify the teaching-learning method, the guideline for trainers was developed. Together with the training of trainers, they help to standardize the methodology and pedagogical strategies in the teaching of new technologies, such as additive manufacturing. Results | Website | | | Without category | | Output 1: Report on the 3D Printing Industry: Current skills and qualification needs. Activity 1 | Output 1: Report on the 3D Printing Industry: Current skills and qualification needs. Activity 1 | Output 1: Report on the 3D Printing Industry: Current skills and qualification needs. Activity 1 | Output 1: Report on the 3D Printing Industry: Current skills and qualification needs. Activity 1 | Output 1: Report on the 3D Printing Industry: Current skills and qualification needs. Activity 1 | Output 1: Report on the 3D Printing Industry: Current skills and qualification needs. Activity 2. | Output 1: Report on the 3D Printing Industry: Current skills and qualification needs. Activity 2. | Output 1: Report on the 3D Printing Industry: Current skills and qualification needs. Activity 2. | Output 1: Report on the 3D Printing Industry: Current skills and qualification needs. Activity 2. | Output 1: Report on the 3D Printing Industry: Current skills and qualification needs. Activity 2. | Output 2: Training path, learning content structure and guideline for trainers. A1: Training path definition. | Output 2: Training path, learning content structure and guideline for trainers. A1: Training path definition. | Output 2: Training path, learning content structure and guideline for trainers. A1: Training path definition. | Output 2: Training path, learning content structure and guideline for trainers. A1: Training path definition. | Output 2: Training path, learning content structure and guideline for trainers. A1: Training path definition. | Output 2: Training path, learning content structure and guideline for trainers. A2/A3: Definition of learning content modules & Harmonization and validation of learning modules and training path. | Output 2: Training path, learning content structure and guideline for trainers. A2/A3: Definition of learning content modules & Harmonization and validation of learning modules and training path. | Output 2: Training path, learning content structure and guideline for trainers. A2/A3: Definition of learning content modules & Harmonization and validation of learning modules and training path. | Output 2: Training path, learning content structure and guideline for trainers. A2/A3: Definition of learning content modules & Harmonization and validation of learning modules and training path. | Output 2: Training path, learning content structure and guideline for trainers. A2/A3: Definition of learning content modules & Harmonization and validation of learning modules and training path. | Output 2: Training path, learning content structure and guideline for trainers. A4: Development of the guidelines for trainers. | Output 2: Training path, learning content structure and guideline for trainers. A4: Development of the guidelines for trainers. | Output 2: Training path, learning content structure and guideline for trainers. A4: Development of the guidelines for trainers. | Output 2: Training path, learning content structure and guideline for trainers. A4: Development of the guidelines for trainers. | Output 2: Training path, learning content structure and guideline for trainers. A4: Development of the guidelines for trainers. | Output 3: E-learning platform. | Output 3: E-learning platform. A4: Guideline how to use the e-learning platform. | Output 3: E-learning platform. A4: Guideline how to use the e-learning platform. | Output 3: E-learning platform. A4: Guideline how to use the e-learning platform. | Output 3: E-learning platform. A4: Guideline how to use the e-learning platform. | Output 3: E-learning platform. A4: Guideline how to use the e-learning platform. | Output 4: Modules Materials A1: Training of Trainers. | Output 4: Modules Materials A1: Training of Trainers. | Output 4: Modules Materials A1: Training of Trainers. | Output 4: Modules Materials A1: Training of Trainers. | Output 4: Modules Materials A1: Training of Trainers. | Output 4: Modules Materials A2: Development of webcam training modules for the international VET. | Output 4 Modules Material_A3_Development of online Theory Modules. | Output 4 Modules Material_A3_Development of online Theory Modules | Output 4 Modules Material_A3_Development of online Theory Modules | Output 4 Modules Material_A3_Development of online Theory Modules | Output 4 Modules Material_A3_Development of online Theory Modules | Output 4 Modules Material_A3_Development of online Theory Modules | Output 4 Modules Material_A3_Development of online Theory Modules | Output 4 Modules Material_A3_Development of online Theory Modules | Output 4 Modules Material_A3_Development of online Theory Modules | Output 4 Modules Material_A3_Development of online Theory Modules | Output 5: Webinar to establish the strategic lines of the future. | Output 5: Report_Webinar to establish the strategic lines of the future. | Output 5: Report_Webinar to establish the strategic lines of the future. | Output 5: Report_Webinar to establish the strategic lines of the future. | Output 5: Report_Webinar to establish the strategic lines of the future. | Output 5: Report_Webinar to establish the strategic lines of the future. | Erasmus 3D+ Logo | Erasmus 3D+ Brochure | Erasmus 3D+ Poster | Erasmus 3D+ Facebook page. | Introductory video of the TU 1: History of 3D printing. | Introductory video of the TU 1: History of 3D printing. | Introductory video of the TU 1: History of 3D printing. | Introductory video of the TU 1: History of 3D printing. | Introductory video of the TU 1: History of 3D printing. | Introductory video of the TU 2: Rapid Prototyping and AM | Introductory video of the TU 2: Rapid Prototyping and AM | Introductory video of the TU 2: Rapid Prototyping and AM | Introductory video of the TU 2: Rapid Prototyping and AM | Introductory video of the TU 2: Rapid Prototyping and AM | Introductory video of the TU 3: Production process in 3D printing. | Introductory video of the TU 3: Production process in 3D printing. | Introductory video of the TU 3: Production process in 3D printing. | Introductory video of the TU 3: Production process in 3D printing. | Introductory video of the TU 3: Production process in 3D printing. | Introductory video of the TU 4: Available software for 3D printing. | Introductory video of the TU 4: Available software for 3D printing. | Introductory video of the TU 4: Available software for 3D printing. | Introductory video of the TU 4: Available software for 3D printing. | Introductory video of the TU 4: Available software for 3D printing. | Introductory video of the TU 5: 3D Printing materials. | Introductory video of the TU 5: 3D Printing materials. | Introductory video of the TU 5: 3D Printing materials. | Introductory video of the TU 5: 3D Printing materials. | Introductory video of the TU 5: 3D Printing materials. | Introductory video of the TU 6: 3D Printing Technologies. | Introductory video of the TU 6: 3D Printing Technologies. | Introductory video of the TU 6: 3D Printing Technologies. | Introductory video of the TU 6: 3D Printing Technologies. | Introductory video of the TU 6: 3D Printing Technologies. | Introductory video of the TU 7: 3D Printing Technologies_Processes_Resolution_Accurancy_SIzes_Manufacturers. | Introductory video of the TU 7: 3D Printing Technologies_Processes_Resolution_Accurancy_SIzes_Manufacturers. | Introductory video of the TU 7: 3D Printing Technologies_Processes_Resolution_Accurancy_SIzes_Manufacturers. | Introductory video of the TU 7: 3D Printing Technologies_Processes_Resolution_Accurancy_SIzes_Manufacturers. | Introductory video of the TU 7: 3D Printing Technologies_Processes_Resolution_Accurancy_SIzes_Manufacturers. | Introductory video of the TU 8: 3D Printing Technologies_Materials_Used. | Introductory video of the TU 8: 3D Printing Technologies_Materials_Used. | Introductory video of the TU 8: 3D Printing Technologies_Materials_Used. | Introductory video of the TU 8: 3D Printing Technologies_Materials_Used. | Introductory video of the TU 8: 3D Printing Technologies_Materials_Used. | Introductory video of the TU 9: 3D Printing Technologies_Sectors_Fields_of_Application. | Introductory video of the TU 9: 3D Printing Technologies_Sectors_Fields_of_Application. | Introductory video of the TU 9: 3D Printing Technologies_Sectors_Fields_of_Application. | Introductory video of the TU 9: 3D Printing Technologies_Sectors_Fields_of_Application. | Introductory video of the TU 9: 3D Printing Technologies_Sectors_Fields_of_Application. | Introductory video of the TU 10: 3D Printing Technologies_Extract_the_pieces_post_processes. | Introductory video of the TU 10: 3D Printing Technologies_Extract_the_pieces_post_processes. | Introductory video of the TU 10: 3D Printing Technologies_Extract_the_pieces_post_processes. | Introductory video of the TU 10: 3D Printing Technologies_Extract_the_pieces_post_processes. | Introductory video of the TU 10: 3D Printing Technologies_Extract_the_pieces_post_processes. | Module 3 Introductory video_Entrepreneurship_and_3DPrinting_a_common_view_of_the_World.Module 3 Introductory video_Entrepreneurship_and_3DPrinting_a_common_view_of_the_World. UT11-UT14 | Module 3 Introductory video_Entrepreneurship_and_3DPrinting_a_common_view_of_the_World. UT11-UT14 | Module 3 Introductory video_Entrepreneurship_and_3DPrinting_a_common_view_of_the_World. UT11-UT14 | Module 3 Introductory video_Entrepreneurship_and_3DPrinting_a_common_view_of_the_World. UT11-UT14 | Module 3 Introductory video_Entrepreneurship_and_3DPrinting_a_common_view_of_the_World. UT11-UT14 | Introductory video of the TU 15: Rapid_Prototyping_Definition. | Introductory video of the TU 15: Rapid_Prototyping_Definition. | Introductory video of the TU 15: Rapid_Prototyping_Definition. | Introductory video of the TU 15: Rapid_Prototyping_Definition. | Introductory video of the TU 15: Rapid_Prototyping_Definition. | Introductory video of the TU 16: Traditional_Sector_Applications. | Introductory video of the TU 16: Traditional_Sector_Applications. | Introductory video of the TU 16: Traditional_Sector_Applications. | Introductory video of the TU 16: Traditional_Sector_Applications. | Introductory video of the TU 16: Traditional_Sector_Applications. | Introductory video of the TU 17: Methodology_for_the_Success. | Introductory video of the TU 17: Methodology_for_the_Success. | Introductory video of the TU 17: Methodology_for_the_Success. | Introductory video of the TU 17: Methodology_for_the_Success. | Introductory video of the TU 17: Methodology_for_the_Success. | Introductory video of the TU 18: Cases_of_the_Study_in_Traditional_Sectors. | Introductory video of the TU 18: Cases_of_the_Study_in_Traditional_Sectors. | Introductory video of the TU 18: Cases_of_the_Study_in_Traditional_Sectors. | Introductory video of the TU 18: Cases_of_the_Study_in_Traditional_Sectors. | Introductory video of the TU 18: Cases_of_the_Study_in_Traditional_Sectors. | Output 4: Modules Materials A2: Webcam training modules for the International VET. What is entrepreneurship? | Output 4: Modules Materials A2: Webcam training modules for the International VET. The qualities of an Entrepreneur. | Output 4: Modules Materials A2: Webcam training modules for the International VET. Generating and developing a business idea. | Output 4: Modules Materials A2: Webcam training modules for the International VET. Entrepreneurship and 3D printing." Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-DE02-KA202-002520;;;Intercultural Competences in Vocational Training. Transnational Strategic Partnership;Intercultural competences are getting more and more important due to the increasing internationalization of the economy, the integration of the European labor market and the resulting mobility of ...;Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;WEQUA GmbH;DE;DE,CZ,EL,IT,RO,PT,TR,AT;249.385,25;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Adult education;Centro Educativo;;;English;Intercultural competences are getting more and more important due to the increasing internationalization of the economy, the integration of the European labor market and the resulting mobility of workers also on the level of technical and executive work. Not all vocational training systems in the different European countries are well prepared to this challenge. The focus to train intercultural competences is up to now far closer to academics and management executives. | The objectives of the project were to create a framework for teaching intercultural competences in vocational training based on the results of a former European project of the partnership about mobility, openness and tolerance in the European labour market and to develope and test learning modules and teaching materials that can be used as additional units or lessons either in vocational schools or in companies using the Dual VET System. Through publication and sharing the modules and materials can be made available for other vocational schools and stakeholders in vocational training. | The project partners (10) were vocational schools, training organisations, teacher/trainer associations and Chambers of Commerce from eight countries: Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Romania and Turkey. They have a vast experience in creating and designing new teaching approaches, learning units and innovative methods of teaching. | The main activities of the project were: | 1. Analysis and evaluation of existing learning modules from the former partnership activities for teaching intercultural competences in vocational training. | 2. Regular transnational partner meetings to discuss the project results and to monitor the progresses and achievements of the project. | 3. Elaboration of a cultural profile for each participating country as a common knowledge base for using the learning modules. | 4. Adaption and change of existing learning modules from the former project and designing new learning modules and teaching materials for teaching intercultural competences. | 6. Test of the learning modules and teaching materials by learning, teaching and training activities of teacher/student groups (blended mobility of VET learners) between the partner organizations. | 7. Evaluation of the exchange activities and the testing phases during the transnational partner meetings. | 8. Development of additional e-learning contents. | 9. Design of a certificate to be issued by the organisation carrying out an intercultural training for a successful completion of the applied learning modules.;"The results and impacts of the project are: | 1. better knowledge and sensitization about the importance and the added value of including intercultural competences in vocational training in the partner organisations and their regional and national networks; | 2. enabling the participating organisations to design learning modules and teaching materials concerning the topic of intercultural competences and to exchange and share approaches and experiences; | 3. the completion of a set of learning modules and teaching materials to be used in vocational training. | | The modules and materials developed by the project have the character of a training and can be used by vocational schools or companies using the Dual VET System as an additional offer in the following fields: | - as part of individual training days, | - for a project week ""intercultural competences"" also in combination with ""social skills"", | - as a preparation for students and apprentices for a stay abroad or for participating in international exchanges or projects, | - for an international exchange which is hosted by the organization itself, | - in regular vocational education, especially in social sciences or humanities, | - in acquiring subject-specific and vocation oriented language skills (English) (CLIL Units). | In the longer term, the project has achieved a network of European vocational schools and partners in the participating countries who share and exchange experiences in intercultural training in the vocational education context. This network is open to other partners and countries. The materials developed are used and further tested and developed in the partner countries and the exchange of results and improved materials will continue. Results | Website | | | Without category | | IO 1 Corpus | IO 1 Diary | IO 2 Cultural Profile Austria | IO 2 Cultural profile Greece | IO 2 Cultural Profile Italy | IO 2 Cultural Profile Portugal | IO 2 Cultural Profile Romania | IO 2 Cultural Profile Czech Republic | IO 2 Cultural Profile Germany | IO 2 Cultural Profile Turkey | IO 3 Arts in Education_en | IO 3 Arts in Education_de | IO 3 Euro Euro Fun Game_en | IO 3 Euro Euro Fun Game_de | IO 3 Europa Caf_en | IO 3 Eurovision Broadcasting from Europe_en | IO 3 Eurovision Broadcasting from Europe_de | IO 3 Eurovision Simulation Game_en | IO 3 Eurovision Simulation Game_de | IO 3 Noah's Ark_en | IO 3 Noah's Ark_de | IO 3 Intercultural Treasure Hunt_en | IO 3 Intercultural Treasure Hunt_de | IO 3 Warming Up Exercises_en | IO 3 Warming Up Exercises_de | IO 3 InterComp Certificate_en | IO 4 CLIL Science_en | IO 4 CLIL Social_en | IO 4 CLIL Technology | IO 5 E-Learning course 1 | IO 5 E-Learning course 2" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2015;2015-1-DE02-KA204-002418;;;Well-being and Healthy Choices for Older Adults and Their Carers WHOLE;Benefits of exercise have been shown in various populations of older adults: healthy and frail, with multimorbidity or specific diseases such as dementia and depression, and those who experience m...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Health and wellbeing;;WESTFAELISCHE WILHELMS-UNIVERSITAET MUENSTER;DE;DE,IE,IL,AT,BG,EL;401.123,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;http://;;English;WHOLE project's main objective was to promote active and healthy ageing through physical training for frail seniors and elderly people at home, using as a mean the personalized home care services provided to them by formal and informal carers. At the same time, WHOLE project equally emphasized on the effect of the physical training on wellbeing and relief of formal and especially informal carers. WHOLE projects specific objective was to develop a basic e-learning platform for physical exercising and healthy diet at home to train formal and informal carers to use it as an integral part of the home care services they provide, specified to the prevention of functional decline and frailty among elderly people. | As a first step, the stakeholders needs and barriers to health behaviour in general and our specific ideas were assessed in a stakeholder needs analysis including interviews, focus groups and a survey with carers and older adults. Additional research was conducted in a literature review. Based on this research and considering the expert knowledge in the partnership, the educational material (training modules) for the physical training and nutrition counselling were developed. The development of the training materials was closely related to the development of the e-learning platform, where all materials are provided free and in all partner languages. To implement the training materials and e-learning platform and validate feasibility, acceptance and adherence for older adults and carers, a two-staged pilot study was implemented. As part of the pilot study, a training for carers was organised in each partner location to train carers in the use and implementation of the program. A market and business study was conducted in all partner countries to allow a sustainable implementation of the e-learning platform and training material. The results were presented to the target group and other stakeholders in six multiplier events at the end of the project to motivate stakeholders to use and adopt the innovative platform.;We reached the following impact on the target group formal/informal carers: Free access to adult learning services in terms of a useful and high quality learning material for the implementation of physical training and healthy nutrition as part of daily care via an e-learning platform. Enhancement of the quality and range of the work and services provided in daily care by updating the skills and competences. Raised awareness of the importance of healthy habits. Gratitude of carers for new ideas. Reduced burden of care and opportunity to take a break from care giving tasks. Impact on the elderly/care recipients: Experiences of new offers for active ageing as part of care and motivation to be as active as possible. Support to maintain autonomous at home and avoid hospitalization by improved physical conditions. Improved mood, confidence, health and wellbeing, energy and/or relationship with carers. Impact on organizations/other stakeholders: Opportunity to offer new and innovative care service packages and to enrich training materials for carers. Plans to include the program in VET, thus enriching the possibilities to qualify carers or social workers. Possibility to share experiences with the WHOLE or similar programs in the multiplier events thus enriching the discussion and definition of best practices. Update of the academic knowledge by the needs analysis and literature review as well as the pilot studies. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | O2 A1 Physical Training Content - Exercises English | O2 A1 Physical Training Content - Exercises German | O2 A1 Physical Training Content - Exercises Bulgarian | O2 A1 Physical Training Content - Exercises Greek | O2 A1 Physical Training Content - Exercises Hebrew | O2 A3 Trainer Guide English | O2 A3 Trainer Guide German | O2 A3 Trainer Guide Bulgarian | O2 A3 Trainer Guide Greek | O2 A3 Trainer Guide Hebrew | O2 A1 Physical Training Content - Videos English | O2 A1 Physical Training Content - Videos German | O2 A1 Physical Training Content - Videos Bulgarian | O2 A1 Physical Training Content - Videos Greek | O2 A1 Physical Training Content - Videos Hebrew | O3 A2 Physical activity module English (Digitization of education and training materials) | O3 A2 Physical activity module German (Digitization of education and training materials) | O3 A2 Physical activity module Bulgarian (Digitization of education and training materials) | O3 A2 Physical activity module Greek (Digitization of education and training materials) | O3 A2 Physical activity module Hebrew (Digitization of education and training materials) | O3 A2 Nutrition module English (Digitization of education and training materials) | O3 A2 Nutrition module German (Digitization of education and training materials) | O3 A2 Nutrition module Bulgarian (Digitization of education and training materials) | O3 A2 Nutrition module Greek (Digitization of education and training materials) | O3 A2 Nutrition module Hebrew (Digitization of education and training materials) | O3 A1 WHOLE e-learning platform (Technical integration) English | O3 A1 WHOLE e-learning platform (Technical integration) German | O3 A1 WHOLE e-learning platform (Technical integration) Bulgarian | O3 A1 WHOLE e-learning platform (Technical integration) Greek | O3 A1 WHOLE e-learning platform (Technical integration) Hebrew | O2 A2 Healthy Nutrition Content - Factsheet English 1 | O2 A2 Healthy Nutrition Content - Factsheet English 2 | O2 A2 Healthy Nutrition Content - Factsheet English 3 | O2 A2 Healthy Nutrition Content - Factsheet English 4 | O2 A2 Healthy Nutrition Content - Factsheet English 5 | O2 A2 Healthy Nutrition Content - Factsheet English 6 | O2 A2 Healthy Nutrition Content - Factsheet English 7 | O2 A2 Healthy Nutrition Content - Factsheet English 8 | O2 A2 Healthy Nutrition Content - Factsheet English 9 | O2 A2 Healthy Nutrition Content - Factsheet English 10 | O2 A2 Healthy Nutrition Content - Meal Planning Tool English | O2 A2 Healthy Nutrition Content - Factsheet German 1 | O2 A2 Healthy Nutrition Content - Factsheet German 2 | O2 A2 Healthy Nutrition Content - Factsheet German 3 | O2 A2 Healthy Nutrition Content - Factsheet German 4 | O2 A2 Healthy Nutrition Content - Factsheet German 5 | O2 A2 Healthy Nutrition Content - Factsheet German 6 | O2 A2 Healthy Nutrition Content - Factsheet German 7 | O2 A2 Healthy Nutrition Content - Factsheet German 8 | O2 A2 Healthy Nutrition Content - Factsheet German 9 | O2 A2 Healthy Nutrition Content - Factsheet German 10 | O2 A2 Healthy Nutrition Content - Meal Planning Tool German | O2 A2 Healthy Nutrition Content - Factsheet Bulgarian 1 | O2 A2 Healthy Nutrition Content - Factsheet Bulgarian 2 | O2 A2 Healthy Nutrition Content - Factsheet Bulgarian 3 | O2 A2 Healthy Nutrition Content - Factsheet Bulgarian 4 | O2 A2 Healthy Nutrition Content - Factsheet Bulgarian 5 | O2 A2 Healthy Nutrition Content - Factsheet Bulgarian 6 | O2 A2 Healthy Nutrition Content - Factsheet Bulgarian 7 | O2 A2 Healthy Nutrition Content - Factsheet Bulgarian 8 | O2 A2 Healthy Nutrition Content - Factsheet Bulgarian 9 | O2 A2 Healthy Nutrition Content - Factsheet Bulgarian 10 | O2 A2 Healthy Nutrition Content - Meal Planning Tool Bulgarian | O2 A2 Healthy Nutrition Content - Factsheet Greek 1 | O2 A2 Healthy Nutrition Content - Factsheet Greek 2 | O2 A2 Healthy Nutrition Content - Factsheet Greek 3 | O2 A2 Healthy Nutrition Content - Factsheet Greek 4 | O2 A2 Healthy Nutrition Content - Factsheet Greek 5 | O2 A2 Healthy Nutrition Content - Factsheet Greek 6 | O2 A2 Healthy Nutrition Content - Factsheet Greek 7 | O2 A2 Healthy Nutrition Content - Factsheet Greek 8 | O2 A2 Healthy Nutrition Content - Factsheet Greek 9 | O2 A2 Healthy Nutrition Content - Factsheet Greek 10 | O2 A2 Healthy Nutrition Content - Meal Planning Tool Greek | O2 A2 Healthy Nutrition Content - Factsheet Hebrew 1 | O2 A2 Healthy Nutrition Content - Factsheet Hebrew 2 | O2 A2 Healthy Nutrition Content - Factsheet Hebrew 3 | O2 A2 Healthy Nutrition Content - Factsheet Hebrew 4 | O2 A2 Healthy Nutrition Content - Factsheet Hebrew 5 | O2 A2 Healthy Nutrition Content - Factsheet Hebrew 6 | O2 A2 Healthy Nutrition Content - Factsheet Hebrew 7 | O2 A2 Healthy Nutrition Content - Factsheet Hebrew 8 | O2 A2 Healthy Nutrition Content - Factsheet Hebrew 9 | O2 A2 Healthy Nutrition Content - Factsheet Hebrew 10 | O2 A2 Healthy Nutrition Content - Meal Planning Tool Hebrew | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | O1 A2 Literature review | O1 A5 Needs analysis final report | O4 A3 Pilots' summary report | Dissemination material | | Dissemination Report | Leaflet English | Leaflet German | Leaflet Bulgarian | Leaflet Greek | Leaflet Hebrew | Website | Organizational and working documents | | O1 A1 Methodological Plan | O5 Sustainability Plan Framework 1 | O5 Sustainability Plan Framework 2 | Others | | O1 A3 Needs analysis of the elderly people upon participating in the physical training course and nutrition counselling | O1 A4 Needs analysis of the caregivers for the physical training course and nutrition counselling | O4 A1 Pilot test in physical training and nutrition counselling | O4 A2 Validation and testing of the WHOLE e-learning education and training open platform Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2015;2015-1-DE03-KA201-013592;;;The Language Magician;"The Language Magician Language learning in schools in the EU has been showing ever more dramatic differences between member states. This has been particularly true for the United Kingdom where ...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;GOETHE-INSTITUT EV;DE;DE,UK,ES,IT;263.171,00;Yes;Yes;Publically funded cultural organizations;Asociacin;;;English;The Language Magician | | Language learning in schools in the EU has been showing ever more dramatic differences between member states. This has been particularly true for the United Kingdom where in 2014 languages were made a statutory requirement in primary schools in England without stipulating the targets for assessing the young language learners' progress. Whilst language teaching in primary schools is the foundation for a successful language strategy at all levels of education, research has shown a strong decline in motivation for pupils once they enter secondary education. Two of the main factors for this are the lack of assessment of learning progress in the UK and traditional, de-motivating testing methods in other member states. | Mindful of the need for urgent action regarding this issue, educational organisations with a stake in the improvement of language learning provision decided to enter a strategic partnership under the Erasmus + programme. Their main aim was to combine primary language learning with a method of assessment which motivates young learners to continue learning languages. The participating organisations agreed to improve language teaching and the assessment of linguistic competencies in primary schools by producing an assessment tool in the format of a computer game. For the development of this game the partners used a common core of curricula from Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK as its foundation and with the respective language versions - created converging standards on a European level. | The ten partner organisations were chosen for their expertise in promoting languages, research, teaching primary languages, assessment, translation, e-learning and language games. The Goethe-Institut London, a supporter of language teachers in the UK and all EU member states, was project lead. Together with its British and other European partners, it identified and developed the project idea. Both the Spanish Embassy in the UK and the British language teachers network ALL were extremely helpful and influential in discussing the need to address the imbalance of language learning in the UK and other member states. The Universities of Reading and Leipzig were identified as leading primary language research experts while the University of Perugia was chosen as assessment expert. In order to ensure the necessary practical focus, the Education Ministry of Tenerife supported the development of the tool for Spanish and together with the Education Ministry in Rioja conducted the piloting in its regions. The University of Siena with its e-learning centre joined the partnership and provided the basis for the development of the language game for Italian. The University of Westminster added its translation and localisation expertise for French in the UK. | As the project progressed, this tool was tested in 40 schools with overall 6000 pupils in four countries and the outcomes were evaluated using standard quality criteria. In order to support the anchorage of the assessment tool in state schools. a specific training manual for teachers was developed at the Education Ministry in Rioja. Teachers can now use this methodology to be implemented in their schools. Project partners using this manual will draw on this experience for their own teacher training courses. | The design of the game was based on intensive research to provide insight into assessing progress in language learning. To enable teachers to analyse the students attainment swiftly and with high validity, the so-called Teacher Dashboard was used to develop the new tool. This was part of the programming of an existing computer game developed by the Goethe-Instituts head office in Munich in cooperation with the software company OVOS. The game was then piloted to calibrate the e-learning content to ensure validity of content and construct. The feedback of pupils, teachers, parents and external educators was recorded, analysed and integrated in the implementation of the game. Thus it was possible to test the game in various classroom situations and the obtained data clearly showed the pupils progress. The results were compared with traditional pen and paper tests and showed highly significant validity. The researchers papers clearly state that THE LANGUAGE MAGICIAN is a fully fledged assessment tool for young language learners.;The project has shown benefits for all participants. The feedback from the multiplier events shows what an innovative tool THE LANGUAGE MAGICIAN has proved to be. Students clearly found language learning more enjoyable. This means their learning outcomes will be better and their acquisition of transversal skills will be enhanced. Teachers can now develop their professional skills further using this innovative method and digital advantages. The participating universities have benefited from research and disseminated them to a European and worldwide educational audience. | Results | Website | | | Feedback from participants | | Evaluation Questionnaire for Students after Piloting | Evaluation Questionnaire for Teachers - Piloting Phase | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | O9 : Educational Materials : Classroom Resources | O9 - Educational Material - Trailer | O9 - Educational Materials - Tutorial | O4 -E-Learning Platform - The Language Magician Game | O8 - Computer Game Assessment Tool Manual - Quick Guides | O8 - Computer Game Assessment Tool Manual - Manual | O9 - Educational Materials - TLM Puzzles | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | Academic Research Data | Partnerships and cooperations | | Follow Up Project: The smart choice | Dissemination material | | O4/O9: E-learning platform/ Educational Materials - Official Website - | O7 E-learning Demonstration stands -Brochures | O7 - E-Learning Demonstration Stands - Postcard | O7 E-Learning Demonstration Stands - E-Learning Stand | O9 - Educational Materials - Articles by TLM Partners Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2015;2015-1-DE03-KA219-013721;;;Young Tourism: be sustainable. be entrepreneurial. be creative.;With regard to an extremely difficult economic situation in Europe (high unemployment rate in particular of youngsters e.g. in Spain) and to the lack of professional orientation in secondary schoo...;Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Creativity and culture, Environment and climate change;;Ursulinenschule Fritzlar;DE;DE,ES,SE,PL,TR;106.070,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"With regard to an extremely difficult economic situation in Europe (high unemployment rate in particular of youngsters e.g. in Spain) and to the lack of professional orientation in secondary schools (students & employers complain a lack of essential skills required on the labour market, high drop-out rate in apprenticeships & universities), we promoted in this project the sense of entrepreneurship and initiative: we made students the real actors in the framework of a ""Tourism advertising agency"". Tourism is economically the most important sector worldwide (share of the global economic output approx. 9.3 %). As an economic industry tourism creates a multiplier effect and offers about 230 millions jobs world-wide in different fields: mobility, hotel industry, entertainment and other service providers.The number of tourists is nowadays about 1,3 milliard (1950: 50 million) and will increase in the future (thanks to mobility, Internet etc.).But on the other hand tourism is a sector that contributes enormously to the destruction of resources (forests, water),to the increasing emission of CO2 and climate change. The incrusion into unspoiled landscape leads to a threat of biodiversity and cultural identity. | Students are an important target group in terms of tourism today and tomorrow. We prepared them to behave as customers aware of environmental/social cognition & behaviour and considering the consequences of their acting. They discovered the natural and cultural richness of their areas and promoted it to young people all over Europe. Our areas were all less known in terms of tourism. Young people developed marketing ideas for peers that play an inferiour role in sustainable, regional tourism. Our project was carried out transnationally because tourism is an international business with a growing demand for international destinations and tourism agencies are often international enterprises. Protecting the environment is a global affair as well. Only international cooperation provided the opportunity to reduce the emission of CO2 and the waste of resources on a world wide scale. During the project term, we established a multinational ""Tourism advertising agency"" that was based on the commitment to the ""three-pillar-system of sustainability"": our products/services were in line with the insight that economic performance, social/cultural responsibility and protection of the natural environment are inseparable. European youngsters developed a sense of active citizenship and entrepreneurial thinking while acting in a ""Tourism advertising agency"". The promotion of entrepreneurship was a great need in all five partner schools in Sweden, Poland, Germany, Spain and Turkey.";"This project was brought to life through an intensive cooperation with NGO's,tourism management offices and ""green"" entreprises (e.g. in the field of ecological agriculture & forestry) at a local and regional level.Due to their Expertise, our students learnt practically about tourism management and developed the promotional design of the tourism brochures.These leaflets promoted - with the view to youngsters - the treasures of the very different areas in which our partner schools are located: from the north of Europe (Sweden) to the center (Poland, Germany),the southwest (Spain) and the southeast of Europe (Turkey). Our schools have developed environmental and ICT competences which were connected to entrepreneurial thinking in this project. The students created collaboratively a mobile application and web site """" which are important tools to reach this generation. The mobile application contained general information,services, activities,maps,networks etc. In terms of the current importance of ""e-tourism"" these digital ways of promotion are future-orientated and helped to increase the digital competences of our students.These tools will be in use after the completion of the project. IThe tourism brochures are used in schools during multidisciplinary activities (geography, natural sciences, solcial studies, languages etc.) and in preparation of local school excursions. They were offered to local & regional marketing offices in order to disseminate the impact of regional tourism and to arouse European youngster's interest for the local areas. By promoting regional tourism, competences in foreign languages were promoted.The eTwinning platform played an essential role in our project: During the four learning meetings (exploration of the area and creation of promotional ideas) & the periods in-between, the participants of the project (students, teachers&stakeholders) exchanged their results concerning tourism and the design of the tourism brochures.They used this platform for ICT activities & networking. | All in all, the outcomes and results as well as the feedback given by all different participants of the project show the fantastic success of our project. ( Results | Website | | | Without category | | Tourism brochure Fritzlar/Germany | Tourism brochure Skoghall/Sweden | see above | see above | see above | see above | see above | Tourism brochure Wroclaw / Poland | see above | App produced in Montijo/ Spain | see above | Leaflet for each learning activity | Presentations for the G5 Summit" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2015;2015-1-DE03-KA219-013784;;;"Get infected to be protected - Developing e-learning materials and Prevention-Units about infectious diseases to enhance the integration of digital media in learning, teaching and training ";The main topic infectious diseases of the Erasmus+ project Be infected to be protected is corresponding with the aims of the EU Health Programme of 2014 and a result of the Comenius project N...;Health and wellbeing, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Gymnasium Donauwrth;DE;DE,IT,LV,NO,NL,ES;110.215,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;The main topic infectious diseases of the Erasmus+ project Be infected to be protected is corresponding with the aims of the EU Health Programme of 2014 and a result of the Comenius project Neobiota (2013) showing that vectors and germs do not stop at national borders either. | Reports about Ebola in Africa and multiresistent bacteria in the hospitals at home upset citizens of all ages. But already existing teaching and learning material was often not suitable or motivating enough and often yet analog on paper and protected by copyrights. | | Due to the redrawal of the Spanish school the multilateral partnership includes only five partnerschools: Gymnasium Donauwrth in Bavaria, Liceo Statale Coluccio Salutati in Montecatini Terme (Toscany), Aizpute Vidusskola in the western part of Latvia, Christelijk College Groevenbeek in Ermelo (Harderland in the middle of the Netherlands) and Os Gymnas south of Bergen (Norway). | | The aim of the project was to develop diverse digital material for schools, enhancing in this way the use of digital media in teaching, learning and training. Applying for a multilateral school partnership international students working groups (of the secondary II classes) were established on Etwinning, moderated by the teachers involved and met face-to-face during the l-t-t-activities to finalize and present the results there in English. That was the main approach to train diverse transversal skills of all participants. The project was able to motivate girls to follow up information technology through communication and science through the international team work. On the other hand boys were motivated to deal with foreign languages to be able to share their ideas and knowledge with their team members. Furthermore, this special learning arrangement was a challenge for each group, motivated each student and supported weaker students to develop their competences. | | Innovative common teacher and student trainings like hygienic and scientific lectures at hospitals and university as well as workshops practising unkonwn digital tools stimulated the next working phase beyond the impulses given by well experienced participants. | One group of students produced e-learning material concerning biology, i.e. infectious diseases and pathogenic germs, from digitalised fact sheets, presentations and a creative game, stop motion and online quizzes. | A second group was occupied with statistics, from the targeted use of special medical databases and simulations to producing tutorials, in an own design, implementation and analysis of passers' surveys or observations of relevant behaviour. | A third group adopted an interdisciplinary approach, to change point of view to a economic, social, historic or ethical perspective producing digital presentation using quizzes, learning apps and controverse discussion.;Prevention of all these dangerous germs, proper hygiene measurement and vaccination is a basic need for each person, from the children in kindergarten up to the elderly people in nursery homes. Therefore P(revention)-Units have been developed targeting other eduction institutions, where students were learning by teaching, integrating also digitalized creative comic booklets, posters and short films in their targeted presentations. The N(ews-)Group dealt with digital news not as planned analyzing a continuous blog, but on a different approach. These students designed not only a digital flyer or presentation, but also used role plays for a fictitious TV-interview or debate. | | Not only students changed their attitude and practice of learning being well prepared for the studies or professional career. Also teachers enlarged their repertoire of methods and digital tools successfully and got a lot of impulses to reflect their own teaching attitude. Results | Website | | | Without category | | Presentation: Overview of diverse results of the project Get infected to be protected | Tutorial: How to do an online research in an international database e.g. European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control | Worksheet: Prions, another kind of germ beside bacteria and viruses | Instruction: How to document a research in an online newspaper e.g. about current infectious diseases | Comic Booklet: Pupils, be protected Pay attention to basic hygiene | Questionaire: Collecting Data in a passer-by-survey about the spread of the flu and measles | Game: Invictus Create your own super virus | Film clips: Students, be protected Pay attention to sexually transmitted Infectious diseases | Presentation: Survey about unconscious touching of the face during lessons | Stop-motion movie: Superbacteria Development of Resistance | Learning App: Epidemics in Europe A time line | The newspaper of the project: The One Time Erasmus+ | Posters: Trainees, be protected Pay Attention to Hygiene in the Kitchen! | Instruction: Creating pie charts People infected in their holidays | Presentation: Protozoa causing infectious diseases | LearningApp: Checking learning success about plant pests | News conference: Questions to an expert about tropical diseases | P-Unit: Parents, be protected! Pay attention to travel related infectious diseases! | Presentation: Transmission of diseases via vectors | Presentation: Socio-economical impact of infectious diseases | Ethical discussion: Should you be forced to be vaccinated? | Radio-Play: The flu, a curse? Risk perception Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2015;2015-1-DE03-KA219-013826;;;EUse your brain-Challenge your talent for science;"EUse your brain - challenge your talent for science. Five ambitious secondary schools from Recklinghausen (DE), Dordrecht (NL), Pamplona (ES), Copenhagen (DK) and Split (HR), which have been invo...";Natural sciences, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education;;Wolfgang Borchert Gesamtschule;DE;DE,HR,ES,NL,DK;109.750,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;EUse your brain - challenge your talent for science. | Five ambitious secondary schools from Recklinghausen (DE), Dordrecht (NL), Pamplona (ES), Copenhagen (DK) and Split (HR), which have been involved in earlier European projects and exchanges, see the need to challenge their pupils and have taken the opportunity to set up this project to address low achievement in basic skills, such as science and foreign languages through more effective teaching methods and promote entrepreneurship in education and entrepreneurship among young people at their schools and local community. All schools want their pupils from different cultural backgrounds to become more involved in their school career, and to confidently take charge of their own education. The most relevant topics are entrepreneurial learning, natural sciences and teaching and learning of foreign languages. If we hadn't included LTTAs into our 'EUse your brain' project, we wouldn't have been able to achieve the results that we are aiming for now. It is through the synergy of transnational teams that all parties involved, both pupils from secondary and primary schools, teachers and school management, have risen above themselves and renewed their motivation. During those exchanges, both science skills and language skills have been practiced and improved in an authentic learning environment. The persons involved have benefited from each others' knowhow and strengths and qualities in unprecedented and challenging ways. Working with other cultures has improved the social skills of all actors involved, as they developed a greater understanding and mutual respect for the other.This project addressed 1740 active participants. First of all, besides the 240 secondary school pupils actively involved in LTTAs of the project, an important target group was formed by the primary pupils that have been visited, 800 in all during this project, for example all the group 8 pupils from a primary school were taught by secondary school pupils from WoBoGe in Dutch during the exchange in LTTA C6 ( Pupils who have a deficiency in numerical skills early on (e.g. in primary schools) avoid science subjects later on in their school career. In this way, they forego on interesting and important jobs in the field of science, technology, engineering and mathematics, jobs to keep Europe smart. It can be read in the report by the primary school that all pupils participated actively in the lessons. Their interest in science has been improved. This involvement was seen again and again in the exchanges. The project has not only involved pupils, however, but also teachers from primary and secondary schools, teacher trainees, science experts, eTwinning ambassadors, peer learning experts and headmasters. Communication has taken place before, during and after exchanges and also in between, in regular intervals, using email, video conferencing, whatsapp and so on. Our project included TPMs, LTTAs, local classroom projects and virtual exchange projects. We have taken great care to also provide for pupils facing situations which make their participation more difficult. During the project and on its completion we have produced results on different levels.;We have five intellectual outputs: free online teaching and learning material (O1), a manual/inspirational | book to promote entrepreneurship (O2), adaption of the individual school curricula (O3), a MINT/STEM exhibition (O4), a special collection of fun math exercises (O5). Other results include: several evaluation forms, certifcates, improvement of MINT/STEM skills and foreign language skills of the participants, new partnership contracts, best practices of peer learning, outcomes of the foreign language / MINT-STEM tests, promotional material, increased awareness of E-safety. As we want pupils to become entrepreneurs of their own education, the dissemination activities have been very important. All participants in the project have been active in the dissemination | process, both inside schools (e.g. colleagues, departments) and outside schools (e.g. public institutions, the project website (, youtube). Also, This project was presented at the halfway Erasmus+ best practice conference in Bonn. Last but not least, if this Erasmus + project has inspired our pupils to change their interest in science from a situational perspective to a personal perspective, the main goal of this project will have been reached. The Wolfgang Borchert Gesamtschule will continue to work on developing peer learning, entrepreneurship and internationalisation, together with their partner schools abroad. Results | Website | | | Without category | | All the results are on our project homepage Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2015;2015-1-DE03-KA219-013890;;;Feel the Spirit of a Modern Europe-Bringing Entrepreneurship into Schools;As schools in a unified Europe, we have an education mandate to prepare our students for the life of learning and working in Europe. Our project intended to create in teachers and students a funda...;Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, International cooperation ...;;Dr.-Max-Josef-Metzger-Schule Staatl. Realschule Meitingen;DE;DE,IT,FR,PL,CZ;76.300,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"As schools in a unified Europe, we have an education mandate to prepare our students for the life of learning and working in Europe. Our project intended to create in teachers and students a fundamentally positive attitude towards Europe by developing, defining and practicing cross-cultural, European attitudes. | ""Feel the Spirit of a Modern Europe-Bringing Entrepreneurship into Schools (MEBEIS)"" aimed at developing, supporting and assessing basic skills and crosscutting competencies of each individual student - as mandated under the EU strategy ""General and Vocational Education"". Students developed an entrepreneurial competence combined with social responsibility. They established a student company ""Europa for the World: Children help Children (S.P.I.C.E.S.)"" thereby accepting a real entrepreneurial responsibility. The profits the company made payed for teachers in Sri Lanka. Therefore, students set yet another sign of worldwide solidarity. The entrepreneurial routine and the collaboration at an international level enabled the students to participate in shaping Europe actively. They are able now to act with confidence and on their own initiative. Ideally, they developed a future interest in business or responsibility for the future of Europe by establishing companies on their own. All involved students optimized their job skills through an intensive job training entitled ""Fit for job in Europe"", which was offered during the entire duration of the project. This prepared students specifically for the European job market. Our Erasmus+Project helped in forming new friendships and in developing thoughts without borders determined by lifelong mobility and the readiness to assume responsibility in the European family. | In addition, our project focused on systematic, interdisciplinary and sustainable professionalism of the teaching profession in Europe by defining a European standard in the acquisition of competency in teacher education and continuing education. At the schools, we are additionally involved in innovative personnel and management concepts in form of an extended school management. Teachers experienced a modern, European school management concept with the possibility to assume management responsibility themselves. With our project as a whole, we tried to show possibilities to bring the European systems closer together and align them. The idea was the potential achievement of a joint European curriculum. Therefore, we integrated the results of the projects in the educational framework and in the teacher training and continuing education of the corresponding schools and we published all results (guide, brochures, e-books, interactive material, definition of the digital competence matrix for teachers) as free downloads on eTwinning, EST-database, the projectwebside, the homepages of the schools and the companies.";Four partner schools from the Czech Republic, Italy, Poland and Germany came together for reciprocal visits for cross-national work meetings in light of our project goals and results. Ten students with varied background accompanied by two teachers participated for each country in every educational, teaching and learning activity. The plan called for six workshops over the course of 24 months. Each workshop lasted 5 days. In light of our project priorities, each school contributed its specific strengths and very own experiences so that we could all learn from and with one another. The project was characterized by the methodological diversity such as learning to learn, CLIL, learning through teaching, peer group learning and interactive educational games (hot potatoes, Be Boss). Overall, we expect a lasting effect and long-term benefit for all participants. The school family benefits if all participants expand their cross-cultural competency by transnational relationships, partnerships and friendships, which now last beyond the duration of the project and which solidify the thought of a large European family. Companies fulfilled their social responsibility whilst in tandem provided valuable business management experience. Companies gained and will gain highly qualified young talents ready to act in a mobile and flexible manner in a Europe without borders. In between the transnational meetings, the participants primarily communicated and cooperate through eTwinning, blogs, Skype and online chats. This approach promoted and reinforced the sensible use and benefit of virtual international communication options even beyond the project's duration. The development and enhancement of basic competencies and crosscutting competences of all who participated in the project will be expanded and reinforced. In addition, it promoted and promptes cross-cultural openness and collaboration. It developed a better understanding of mentalities, tolerance and solidarity and finally an intuitive consciousness of a European identity in a peaceful, strong and in future orientated united Europe. Results | Website | | | Without category | | Feel the Spirit of a Modern Europe . Bringing Entrepreneurship into Schools (MEBEIS) | Projects banner Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2015;2015-1-DK01-KA201-004340;;;Inclusion in Europe through Knowledge and Technology;Throughout the EU, accommodating the educational needs of the blind, partially sighted and dyslexic are at different stages of evolution. Some countries abandoned segregation more than 30 years ag...;Disabilities - special needs, Inclusion - equity, Pedagogy and didactics;;Synscenter Refsnaes - National Centre for Blind and Partially Sighted Children and Youth of Denmark;DK;DK,HU,IT,BG,CY,RO;261.636,52;Yes;Yes;Other;Otros;;;English;"Throughout the EU, accommodating the educational needs of the blind, partially sighted and dyslexic are at different stages of evolution. Some countries abandoned segregation more than 30 years ago in favour of mainstream inclusion. Other countries have kept special schools at various educational levels. Mainstream inclusion is driven by demands from parents, economic pressure from legislators, and ambitions amongst disability organisations, the UN and others. | | Teaching the blind, partially sighted and dyslexic requires significant skills in areas of alternate media, assistive technology and pedagogical principles of teaching someone who lacks vision or is unable to form meaningful words and sentences out of letters. Teachers need to know how best to teach subjects such as algebra, geometry and music to the blind, partially sighted and dyslexic. Obviously, educational material in alternate formats (e.g., Braille, large-print, audio) must be available. | | In countries with special schools, knowledge of pedagogical principles, methods and aids is widely available. Elsewhere, such knowledge is fast eroding. Furthermore, countries about to transition towards mainstream inclusion lack knowledge about adequate digital infrastructures and support systems. In all cases, efficient conversion of educational material into alternate formats is crucial. This project aims to facilitate transnational knowledge interchange of teaching principles and practices, good inclusion practices, and efficient alternate media conversion. | | The objectives of the project were | - To document pedagogical principles, methods and tools for teaching the blind, partially sighted and dyslexic. | - To document good inclusion practices. | - To create e-learning material to help students, teachers and relatives in mainstream education create alternate versions of educational material. | - To disseminate the result of the projects to improve mainstream education and further support inclusion, self-sufficiency and independence of those with | special needs. | | 8 partners have been carefully selected to represent educational levels, disabilities, inclusion practices and learning technologies: | SynRef (DK). National resource centre for blind and partially sighted children and youth. Project coordinator. | SPS (RO). Segregated special school for partially sighted children. | DABG (BG). National associating supporting dyslexic children and their relatives in basic education. | POT (CY). National association closely integrated with special school for the blind and partially sighted, providing mainstream support. | GNW (HU). Company specialising and training mainstream teachers who teach children with dyslexia. Associated with Hungarian Academy of Science | ANS (IT). National association for the visually impaired providing support for the blind in mainstream education at all levels. | NRCB (BG). National rehabilitation and training centre providing segregated vocational training for the blind and partially sighted. | Sensus (DK). Research-based consultancy company specialising in alternate media, learning technology and accessibility. | All partners have experience from transnational projects. Key activities have been assigned a lead partner with experience in the particular topic, while other | partners will contribute. | | The project have produced the following intellectual outputs: | - A set of educational guides covering fundamental principles, practices, educational material and teaching aids for selected subjects for the blind, partially | sighted and dyslexic; | - A catalogue of good inclusion practices in select areas; and | - A set of learning objects on how to use the free RoboBraille alternate media conversion service. | | In addition, the project included project management activities, dissemination activities and project evaluation activities. Different methodologies were used in the various parts of the project. Educational guides were based on current practices amongst practitioners. Good inclusion practices were based on published reports and qualitative interviews with key stakeholders. RoboBraille e-learning will be an adaptation of an existing course into a set of standardised learning objects. Project results were disseminated on websites, learning asset databases, at relevant conferences and publications, and other channels.";The project aim at the following results and impacts: | - That blind, partially sighted and dyslexic students be offered mainstream education by qualified teachers at all levels in the same quality as students without | special needs. | - That mainstream inclusion in education be supported and implemented based on good inclusion practices. | - That efficient digital infrastructures be created to support independence and self-sufficiency of those with special needs in mainstream education. | It is unlikely to be possible to measure the full impact within the scope of the project. However, the project have conducted a series of pilot tests to substantiate | impact. | Results | Website | | | Without category | | Teaching Mathematics to Blind Students - Bulgarian language | Teaching Music to Blind Students - Bulgarian language | Teaching First Language to Blind Students - Bulgarian language | Teaching Foreign Language to Blind Students - Bulgarian language | Teaching Music to Partially Sighted Students - Bulgarian language | Teaching First Language to Partially Sighted Students - Bulgarian language | Teaching Mathematics to Partially Sighted Students - Bulgarian language | Teaching Foreign Language to Partially Sighted Students - Bulgarian Language | Teaching Music to Dyslexic Students - Bulgarian language | Teaching First Language to Dyslexic Students - Bulgarian language | Teaching Foreign Language to Dyslexic Students - Bulgarian language | Teaching Mathematics to Dyslexic Students - Bulgarian language | Catalogue of Good Inclusion Practises - Bulgarian language | RoboBraille E-learning Course - English language | Teaching Music to Blind Students - English language | Teaching Music to Blind Students - Italian language | Teaching Music to Blind Students - Greek language | Teaching Music to Blind Students - Danish language | Teaching Music to Blind Students - Hungarian language | Teaching Music to Blind Students - Romanian language | Teaching First Language to Blind Students - English language | Teaching First Language to Blind Students - Italian language | Teaching First Language to Blind Students - Greek language | Teaching First Language to Blind Students - Danish language | Teaching First Language to Blind Students - Hungarian language | Teaching First Language to Blind Students - Romanian language | Teaching Mathematics to Blind Students - English language | Teaching Mathematics to Blind Students - Italian language | Teaching Mathematics to Blind Students - Greek language | Teaching Mathematics to Blind Students - Danish language | Teaching Mathematics to Blind Students - Hungarian language | Teaching Mathematics to Blind Students - Romanian language | Teaching Foreign Language to Blind Students - English Language | Teaching Foreign Language to Blind Students - Italian anguage | Teaching Foreign Language to Blind Students - Greek language | Teaching Foreign Language to Blind Students - Danish language | Teaching Foreign Language to Blind Students - Hungarian language | Teaching Foreign Language to Blind Students - Romanian language | Catalogue of Good Inclusion Practises - English language | Catalogue of Good Inclusion Practises - Italian language | Catalogue of Good Inclusion Practises - Greek language | Catalogue of Good Inclusion Practises - Danish language | Catalogue of Good Inclusion Practises - Hungarian language | Catalogue of Good Inclusion Practises - Romanian language | Teaching Music to Partially Sighted Students - English language | Teaching Music to Partially Sighted Students - Italian language | Teaching Music to Partially Sighted Students - Greek language | Teaching Music to Partially Sighted Students - Danish language | Teaching Music to Partially Sighted Students - Hungarian language | Teaching Music to Partially Sighted Students - Romanian language | Teaching First Language to Partially Sighted Students - English language | Teaching First Language to Partially Sighted Students - Italian language | Teaching First Language to Partially Sighted Students - Greek language | Teaching First Language to Partially Sighted Students - Danish language | Teaching First Language to Partially Sighted Students - Hungarian language | Teaching First Language to Partially Sighted Students - Romanian language | Teaching Mathematics to Partially Sighted Students - English language | Teaching Mathematics to Partially Sighted Students - Italian language | Teaching Mathematics to Partially Sighted Students - Greek language | Teaching Mathematics to Partially Sighted Students - Danish language | Teaching Mathematics to Partially Sighted Students - Hungarian language | Teaching Mathematics to Partially Sighted Students - Romanian language | Teaching Foreign Language to Partially Sighted Students - English language | Teaching Foreign Language to Partially Sighted Students - Italian language | Teaching Foreign Language to Partially Sighted Students - Greek language | Teaching Foreign Language to Partially Sighted Students - Danish language | Teaching Foreign Language to Partially Sighted Students - Hungarian language | Teaching Foreign Language to Partially Sighted Students -Romanian language | Teaching Music to Dyslexic Students - English language | Teaching Music to Dyslexic Students - Italian language | Teaching Music to Dyslexic Students - Greek language | Teaching Music to Dyslexic Students - Danish language | Teaching Music to Dyslexic Students - Hungarian language | Teaching Music to Dyslexic Students - Romanian language | Teaching First Language to Dyslexic Students - English language | Teaching First Language to Dyslexic Students - Italian language | Teaching First Language to Dyslexic Students - Greek language | Teaching First Language to Dyslexic Students - Danish language | Teaching First Language to Dyslexic Students - Hungarian language | Teaching First Language to Dyslexic Students - Romanian language | Teaching Mathematics to Dyslexic Students - English language | Teaching Mathematics to Dyslexic Students - Italian language | Teaching Mathematics to Dyslexic Students - Greek language | Teaching Mathematics to Dyslexic Students - Danish language | Teaching Mathematics to Dyslexic Students - Hungarian language | Teaching Mathematics to Dyslexic Students - Romanian language | Teaching Foreign Language to Dyslexic Students - English language | Teaching Foreign Language to Dyslexic Students - Italian language | Teaching Foreign Language to Dyslexic Students -Greek language | Teaching Foreign Language to Dyslexic Students - Danish language | Teaching Foreign Language to Dyslexic Students - Hungarian language | Teaching Foreign Language to Dyslexic Students - Romanian language Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2015;2015-1-EL01-KA102-013388;;;Competences, Development, Perspective;Since 2006, our school has been activating for the design and implementation of various European projects. These projects have a great affect to our students by creating and developing a modern ed...;Agriculture, forestry and fisheries, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;1st EPAGELMATIKO LYKEIO KATO ACHAIAS;EL;EL,ES;41.130,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;not available;;English;Since 2006, our school has been activating for the design and implementation of various European projects. These projects have a great affect to our students by creating and developing a modern educational and professional profile for them. Our school is continuously cooperating with hosting partners that either have specialized knowledge on specific educational topics, or cooperate with educational and working units which develop innovative objects which attract more and more professional groups but on the other side are poorly supported by the Greek Vocational Educational system. All these years we have implemented many mobility projects, covering a wide range of training needs and we have stabilized a permanent cooperation with hosting organizations related in education and training in Europe. The last two years, our school has carried out two mobility projects based on the ECVET protocol as well as for this project which has developed our knowledge, our experience and abilities in managing such a course. The capstone of these procedures is the recognition and award of our two projects TRAINING AGRICULTURE IN NETHERLANDS and PROFFESIONAL SKILLS DEVELOPMENT IN EUROPE - by the Greek National Agency IKY, including them in the IKYs Best Practices Guide for the years 2011 and 2013. The project intents in a practical period for students in initial vocational training, by placing them in various organizations in Seville and Valencia. The project was implemented in two flows. Each flow lasted 21 days. The 1st flow were consisted of 8 students who study agriculture, accompanied by 1 teacher who were trained inpropagation material production and specific growing techniques. In the 2nd flow there were 8 students who study ITC, accompanied by 1 teacher and were trained in management and support of an e commerce platform.;The 2 flows ltook place at same period: 27/06/2016 - 15/07/2016. The main objective of the project was to offer innovative knowledge and experience in propagatin material production and e commerce. The plan helped the participants: to know the structure and organization of VET in Spain as well as its connection with the labour market to acquire competences and skills that enable access to the labour market to enhance their language and social competences in order to build a modern professional profile, through a vocational and personal development. The project was implemented as a combination of internships in organizations by 75% and technical visits to professional and educational organizations by 25%. The plan incorporates elements of the ECVET protocol. According to this protocol there was a mutual agreement of the two partners with the contracts of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and the Learning Agreement (LA) providing the assessment of the participants as an achievement of specific learning outcomes.The sending organization prepared an assessment grid for each sector that acted as a tool for the assessment of specific learning outcomes. In this grid the learning outcomes were categorized in units and subunits in respect to the ECVET methodology. The hosting partners evaluated the learning outcomes of the participants using these grids. Moreover, at the end of the placement, the participants filled a questionnaire for the evaluation of the whole project. This program is expected to have a positive impact at various cases. Our school will gain further experience in designing, organization and management of IVT programs by adapting its practices to modern educational needs. It will also enhance its ability in the management of the ECVET system. The results of the project are also expected to have deep impact in the local society by developing an effective plan about the dissemination of the projects results. This plan will be easily accessible to several groups which have an interest in particular topics and methodology. The citrus cultivation in Greece is facing many problems due to the limited spread-out of modern knowledge and techniques to all the people involved. Also, the e commerce fails to overcome some operating and management obstacles which do not exist in other European countries. For a wider and more effective dissemination we will rely on modern communication forms, like social networking sites, whose acceptance seems to be rapidly increased in every age and every social group. The project is also expected to enhance the positive impact of the school in the local community. Finally it will enhance transparency and the transnational mobility as well the ability to create the background for a total European cooperation in education and training. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-EL01-KA202-013922;;;Experiential Training in 3D Virtual;The regulatory changes which led to the liberalization of the EU Postal Market and increased competition in the provision of high-quality and diversified mail, parcel and financial services have l...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, International cooperation, international relations ...;;SQLEARN ES KIOU LERN EFARMOGES HLEKTRONIKHS EKPAIDEFSIS EPE;EL;EL,FR,LV,CY,PT,RO;325.928,00;Yes;No;Small and medium sized enterprise;Otros;;;English;The regulatory changes which led to the liberalization of the EU Postal Market and increased competition in the provision of high-quality and diversified mail, parcel and financial services have led postal operators: | a) to adapt to a customer-oriented model aiming at providing positive customer experience and attaining high quality of service. | b) to focus on the development of human resources, by transforming traditional skills and knowledge into new, enhanced competencies. | | The projects overall objective is the provision of an attractive and modern training framework aiming at: | | - highlighting the necessity for recognition of skills, knowledge and competencies in customer service operations (sub objective 1) | - enhancing and certifies employees professional assets and thus safeguarding their job positions (sub objective 2) | - improving the perceived service experience of customers and citizens (sub objective 3) | - providing a complete, integrated and configurable training toolkit (sub objective 4) | - identifying ways for generalization of project outcomes to relevant sectors (sub objective 5) | | The project brings together ten partners from six sectors and six countries: | - E-Learning systems developer (GR): project leader- e-learning expert | - Postal Operators (GR,CY,RO): source for the identification of training needs, target group of beneficiaries | - VET institutions (GR,FR): development of professional training programs | - HR and business experts (PT,GR): consultation on human-centric orientation of the developed scenarios and experiential training, business continuity aspects | - Certification body (GR): certification-related tasks (i.e. certification system, tools, methodologies) | - NGO (LV): consultancy in the field of training and competence building | | Key activities | The project evolved through a coherent set of activities, corresponding to relevant expected project outputs: | - Research on training needs for customer service (Research tools and methodologies, Training needs for customer service Research results) | - Training curricula for customer service (Development of Curricula, Development of Certification System) | - Training Toolkit for customer service (Webinars for knowledge refresh, Training Scenarios, Experiential training) | - 3D-based training system for customer service (3D game system with certification level, Evaluation toolkit);The training and certification system were applied in the Postal Operators through the following 3 interdependent Activities: | - Experiential training | - Webinar for refresh of knowledge | - Scenario-based training in 3D environment | Finally, a set of activities have been planned to increase multiplying effects of the project outcomes: | - Project launching conference for external interested parties (companies, governmental bodies, institutions, trade unions etc.) | - Progress overview conference aiming at collecting feedback from stakeholders | - Certification Ceremonies (RO,CY,GR) aiming at motivating postal employees for further participation | - Project closure conference, which has central role in the dissemination activities plan and is expected to bring multiplication effects. | - e-Workshops | | Methodology: | - Analysis of training needs (literature research, original research (questionnaires, interviews) and group decision making sessions based on Nominal Group Technique). Results were analyzed with the use of formal qualitative and quantitative statistical techniques. | - Development of training curricula: | The experts adapted the generic training material to specific postal employees training needs, they identified potential gaps in the literature and developed new material. The certification method complies with ISO and ECVET standards. | - Development of training toolkit. The design of: (a) training scenarios based on KEK ELTAs Competencies Workbooks methodologies, (b) webinars for knowledge refresh and guidance exploiting e-learning authoring and multimedia tools through a prototyping approach and (c) experiential learning scenarios for experimental or control groups | - 3D learning environment. Simulation of a post office workplace, multiple participants as avatars, predefined role playing educational scenarios. | Dissemination strategy aims at communicating the project results to the widest possible reach through various channels. The project had high impact initially at national level and in particular in the participating countries. More than 500 Post Office employees in 3 different EU Countries participated in the first launch of the program (GR/CY/RO). | The outcomes was also diffused to other EU countries and the impact is expected to be realized in several other external stakeholders and training professionals capitalizing on: | - the architecture, the methodology and the applications developed | - the potential of self-assessment of desirable competencies | - the utilisation of the properties of the 3D serious games. Results | Website | | | Without category | | Project Identification | Project Dissemination | Project Dissemination | Project Dissemination | Intellectual Output 1 | Intellectual Output 2 | Intellectual Output 2 | Intellectual Output 2 | Intellectual Output 2 | Intellectual Output 2 | Intellectual Output 3 | Intellectual Output 3 | Intellectual Output 3 | Intellectual Output 3 | Intellectual Output 3 | Intellectual Output 3 | Intellectual Output 3 | Intellectual Output 3 | Intellectual Output 3 | Intellectual Output 3 | Intellectual Output 3 | Intellectual Output 3 | Intellectual Output 3 | Intellectual Output 3 | Intellectual Output 3 | Intellectual Output 3 | Intellectual Output 3 | Intellectual Output 3 | Intellectual Output 3 | Intellectual Output 3 | Accreditation | Accreditation | Accreditation | Accreditation | Accreditation | Feedback from Stakeholders | Dissemination material | Dissemination material | Dissemination material | Intellectual Output 1 | Intellectual Output 1 | Intellectual Output 2 | Intellectual Output 2 | Intellectual Output 2 | Intellectual Output 2 | Intellectual Output 2 | Intellectual Output 2 | Intellectual Output 2 | Intellectual Output 2 | Closing conference | Closing conference | Closing conference | Closing conference | Closing conference | Short-term training activity | Short-term training activity | Short-term training activity | Certification ceremony in Cyprus | Certification ceremony in Cyprus | Certification ceremony in Cyprus | Certification ceremony in Cyprus | Certification ceremony in Romania | Certification ceremony in Romania | Certification ceremony in Romania | Certification ceremony in Romania | Certification ceremony in Romania | Short-term training activity | Experiential Videos in actual post office | Experiential Videos in actual post office | Experiential Videos in actual post office | Experiential Videos in actual post office | Experiential Videos in actual post office | Experiential Videos in actual post office | Experiential Videos in actual post office | Experiential Videos in actual post office | Experiential Videos in actual post office | Experiential Videos in actual post office | Experiential Videos in actual post office | Experiential Videos in actual post office | Experiential Videos in actual post office Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-EL01-KA202-014119;;;Cultural Awareness and Social Skills Key Competences in Tourism;The European Parliament and the Council of 18.12.2006 recommended a European Framework for Key Competences for Lifelong Learning. This European Reference Framework (ERF) identifies and defines for...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Creativity and culture;;DIMITRA EKPAIDITIKI SIMVILITIKI AE;EL;EL,ES,SE,UK,CY;315.112,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Adult education;Centro Educativo;;;English;The European Parliament and the Council of 18.12.2006 recommended a European Framework for Key Competences for Lifelong Learning. This European Reference Framework (ERF) identifies and defines for the first time the 8 Key Competences (KC) that citizens require for their personal fulfillment, social cohesion, active citizenship and employability in a constantly changing world of work and need to be instilled at all stages of education and training (Official Journal of the European Union L394). CS.Tour project, contributing to the development of a European Area of Skills and Qualifications, is using innovative methods to give real opportunities for those already working or considering a career in the Tourism Industry, to Learn, Certify and Maintain the following two (2) European Reference Framework Key Competences (KC): | KC No 6 : Social & Civic Competence and KC No 8: Cultural Awareness & Expression. The core skills of SOCIAL COMPETENCE include the ability to communicate constructively in different environments, to show tolerance, express and understand different viewpoints, to negotiate with the ability to create confidence, and to feel empathy while CULTURAL AWARENESS is the foundation of communication and it involves the ability of standing back from ourselves and becoming aware of our cultural values, beliefs and perceptions. Personal, interpersonal and intercultural competence cover all forms of behaviour that equip individuals to participate in an effective and constructive way in social and working life. Understanding other cultures and contexts within a constantly increasing level of globalization within Tourism industry, sets a solid basis for successful customer interactions, including how to manage a culturally diverse workforce. Tourism, brings individuals and human communities into contact, and through them cultures and civilizations, has an important role to play in facilitating dialogue among them. Becoming aware of our cultural dynamics is a difficult task because culture is not conscious to us . This project investigates the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed and the strategies for improving Social Competence and Cultural awareness acquisition by bringing together Vocational Education and Training and Business in the tourism sector. Nine (9) partner organizations from 5 different EU countries (Greece, Spain, UK, Sweden & Cyprus), all involved in Human Resource development and support services to tourism and hospitality sector, have joined forces through the CS.Tour project consortium in order to research to identify and analyze needs and barriers of stakeholders involved in the tourism and hospitality sector in relation to KCs 6 and 8. A Comparative Transnational Report will detect geographical particularities in the tourism sector regarding KCs 6 and 8 that will guide to the development of innovative training solutions.;Based on the result of National & Transnational Report the consortium will DEVELOP, PILOT TEST, EVALUATE and FINALIZE for KC 6 & KC 8 the following Intellectual Outputs : 1. a Modular Training curriculum, 2. a Trainees Syllabus, 3. an open E- platform with learning material and training resources, 4. an online per-assessment tool that will define the individual training need and path 5. a complete Methodological Guide for the Trainers to empower achievement in basic skills through more effective teaching methods and 6. a Trainers Toolkit for teaching these Key Competences basic and transversal skills using innovative training Techniques 7. a complete Accreditation Scheme for Certifying KCs 6 and 8 according to European Qualifications Framework - Finally, negotiating the complexity of cultural diversity is a life-long learning task that is relevant to the world of work, the community and in european contexts. The Certification proposed on these two Key Competences by the CS.Tour project covers a wide number of topics, and especially for those intending to enter a career in tourism, theres nothing more important than learning how to interact well with a diverse range of individuals. Results | Website | | | Without category | | O1 Training Needs Analysis | O2 CS.Tour Training Curriculum for KCS 6 and 8 (EQF 4-5) | O3 Trainers Methodological Guide and a Trainers Toolkit for KCs 6 & 8 | O4 Trainees Syllabus on KC6 & 8 | O5 E-platform with learning resources for KCs 6-8 and online pre-assessment test | O6 Accreditation Scheme for KCs 6 and 8 Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA101-013570;;;Hacia una enseanza Bilinge de Calidad - Estableciendo Redes en Europa;"CONTEXT AND BACKGROUND Alto de los Molinos Secondary School in Albacete (Spain) has been bilingual since it was created in 2008 and, nowadays, nearly two thirds of our students are involved in ...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Pedagogy and didactics, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;IES Alto de los Molinos;ES;ES;13.606,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"Alto de los Molinos Secondary School in Albacete (Spain) has been bilingual since it was created in 2008 and, nowadays, nearly two thirds of our students are involved in bilingual studies. The European dimension of our school has been a priority from the beginning and we have been involved in two Comenius Projects and an e-Twinning one. We have organized seven exchanges with schools from France and the UK. We also organize language immersion activities every year for our students. | | In order to keep the standards of quality in the teaching process and foster its improvement, we have done research into what needs have to be addressed. The results of this survey can be classified into three groups: | | 1.- Development of participants own language skills; | | 2.- Expand the participants range of methodological approaches to enhance classroom practice: language teaching techniques, CLIL methodology and the use of technology in the classroom, school or other learning environments. | | 3.- Networking with European schools. | | | | OBJECTIVES | | Our main objectives are: | | 1.- To foster teachers' professional development paying special attention to their previous experience so that they can expand their methodological approaches to enhance classroom practice: language teaching techniques, CLIL methodology and the use of technology in the classroom, school or other learning environments. | | 2.- To improve participant's own language skills, foreign language communication and boost bilingualism | | 3.- To get as many of our teachers as possible involved in European projects | | 4.- To develop leadership skills to know which interpersonal communication skills underpin successful communication across cultures, e.g. building rapport, influencing, managing conflict, creating trust etc. | | 5.- Networking with European schools. | | 6.- To optimize resources and maximize results which must be included in annual lesson plans and shared with the rest of the teachers. | | | | PROFILE OF PARTICIPANTS | | The participants in the activities will be selected among teachers from different departments according to our school training needs, as follows: | | - Teachers of non-linguistic subjects who teach in English | | - Teachers who teach their subjects in Spanish but are taking part in European Projects | | - Teachers from our Foreign Language Department or related to it | | - Teachers leading and managing European Projects | | | | DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITIES | | The activities are based mainly on our school teaching needs and they go specially aimed to fulfil the above mentioned objectives: | | 1.- Language and Methodology Refresher (Secondary) for School Education Staff | | 2.- CLIL Methodology | | 3.- Fluency and English Language Development for Educators | | 4.- TEL - Technology Enhanced Learning | | 5.- Pdagogie de la couleur bleue comme fait social europen, entre littrature, arts et sciences | | 6.- General English Course | | 7.- Intercultural and Communication Skills | | 8.- ""Teaching and Learning of French Language and Culture"" | | | | METHODOLOGY | | - Description of the project according to Europe 2020 objectives, identifying the needs and defining aims. | | - The activities have been defined and planned to fulfil the aims after contacting the activity-organizer institutions | | - Participant selection according to the needed profile. | | - Teachers sign the agreements to do the activities. | | - The activities are carried out. | | - Testing and evaluation of the outcomes of the individual mobilities and the project as a whole. | | - Carrying out the activities aimed to boost multiplier effect and sustainable impact.";RESULTS AND IMPACT | | - Boost and improvement of new teaching skills within our school and language competence enhancement. | | - Encouragement to use European tools like Europass | | - Better understanding of European values and cultures, developing European awareness | | - Creation of a network with teachers form different European Schools and organizations. | | - Dissemination of the outcomes and the whole experience in our school, close environment and other fields (families, colleagues from different schools and countries, and public in general). | | | | POTENTIAL LONGER TERM BENEFITS | | Students are the indirect beneficiaries of this project. The new materials provided, teaching methodologies involving CLIL and ITC and their teachers' improved language competence are bound to have a positive effect on the learners who will be taught throughout more motivating and realistic lessons, updated with a comprehensive vision and a higher European dimension as they are having the benefits of the network established with European schools. Our students are likely to make the most of this network and most of them will keep the relationships with their peers for the rest of their lives, as we have been able to confirm through the years. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA101-013602;;;TOWARDS A REAL INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL;"The school Arcipreste de Canales is a rural centre located 26 kms from the capital city Toledo.""Towards a Real International School"" originated from the schools necessity of improving the teachin...";Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Teaching and learning of foreign languages, International cooperation ...;;IES ARCIPRESTE DE CANALES;ES;ES;18.121,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"The school Arcipreste de Canales is a rural centre located 26 kms from the capital city Toledo.""Towards a Real International School"" originated from the schools necessity of improving the teaching quality of our bilingual project and the need to widen the European dimension not only in teachers but in the scholar community in general. Our bilingual project, didnt have constancy regarding the subjects taught in English since there werent any teachers among the permanent staff entitled with the required level of English to teach their subjects in another language and we depended on temporary teachers sent by the administration at the beginning of each academic year. This deficiency in the linguistic competence of our teachers was even incremented by the fact that we did not have an international plan for the school. We needed to increase the number of teachers interested in European projects, with new ideas and innovative methodologies and willing to organize international orientated activities. | For this reason, several OBJECTIVES were proposed: 1. To motivate the participants personally and professionally to improve their communicative skills in a foreign language; 2. To support and encourage teachers to keep on learning, to expand and innovate n new methodologies and teaching tools; 3. Strengthen and perfect our language program in English; 4. To increase the understanding of other cultures and countries by establishing contacts and working relationships with teachers from European countries; 5. Increase the international dimension of the center by designing an international plan and activities to foster it; 6. Increase the number of teachers on staff with an official language accreditation; 8. To have qualified staff to manage, request and coordinate European projects within the framework of the Erasmus + program. We got our proyect approved for 8 mobilities, for teachers with a permanent position in the school, interested in learning languages __and participating in international projects. We wanted participants who were involved in the correct working of the center and who showed an interest and concern to improve the quality Of the educational offer. The selection of the participants took into account the experience they brought to the project, the motivations and the impact that this training was intended to have in the future development of the center. The mobilities granted were, first, 3 for purely linguistic formation; Secondly, training in teaching methodologies for 4 teachers (2 courses related to non-linguistic subjects and directed to be able to teach these subjects in English and 2 courses of new methodologies in language teaching) and, finally, one structured course in European project management and internationalization processes in the education.";Apart from the 8 mobilities, all the teachers in the school have carried out different activities during these two years aimed at motivating other teachers, our students and their families to improve their communicative skills in other languages. In the same way those activities have shown the impact and reflect some of the results that the project has had in the entire educational community. During the project: 1) Two immersions camps have been requested for ESO students in 2015 and 2017 that were granted by the Ministry of Education in Spain and 50 students in total were allowed to spend one week with native teachers in a camp, 2) There have been different festivities that wanted to promote an international character in the school such as the day of the languages, Halloween or the day of Europe. 3) A map has been created with the international contacts of the center located in the hall where student trips, teacher mobilities and contacts or communicative exchanges have been added. 4) Two e-twinning projects have been carried out with Ireland and Sweden. 5) The center offered to host two Swedish teachers for a week in a job shadowing and two other KA1 projects were requested including three observation periods, we also asked for a ka2 but it was not approved. 6) 27 4th graders took part in the Euroescola 2016 competition with one of the teams ranked first in the region and who were invited to visit the European Parliament in Brussels. 7) Cultural exchanges with France. 8) A teacher has obtained the accreditation of B2 and two colleagues who started at the basic level of the EOI during the project will start next year 4th level, also students in 4th ESO and baccalaureate has been submitted to the Cambridge exams because the school is now an examination center. 9) There was an American speaking assistant for the 16/17 course. 10) One week of linguistic inmersion has taken place in Ireland, activity in which more than 40 students have participated. As you can see the center has taken good advantage of these two years of project if we talk about internationalization. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA101-013944;;;BOOSTING ENGLISH AND CLIL SKILLS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM ;Fortuny secondary school is located in the centre of Madrid and has 50 teachers, 20 of whom are accredited to teach in English, and about 640 students. It runs a successful bilingual programme in ...;Open and distance learning, Pedagogy and didactics;;Instituto de Educacion Secundaria Fortuny;ES;ES;8.655,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;Fortuny secondary school is located in the centre of Madrid and has 50 teachers, 20 of whom are accredited to teach in English, and about 640 students. It runs a successful bilingual programme in English (at both compulsory secondary school and baccalaureate level), which is why it aims to improve its teachers linguistic competence in English as well as train its bilingual teachers in the latest CLIL methodology techniques so that they can create and share a teaching materials bank over 24 months. In addition, we are aware of the need to continue learning, improving and implementing the latest technological advances in order to enhance the learning experience of our students through CLIL techniques. In this way, we will increase the sense of a European dimension in the educational community and boost the use of English as a vernacular language at our school. | | | | During the preparation stage of the planned activity, a selection committee will make use of objective criteria to decide which candidates (accredited and non-accredited) will take part in the mobility activities if there are more candidates than vacancies. We will contact the learning centres in the UK, enrol candidates in their courses, arrange accommodation for them, as well as purchase their flight tickets and take out travel insurance. Non-accredited teachers will take a level test at our school to assess their level of English and do a one-month intensive course prior to their departure. All throughout this phase, participants will hold regular meetings to follow up on the accomplishment of the necessary preparatory tasks assigned to each teacher. A summary of these activities will be posted on the school notice board. | | | | In accordance to educational authorities instructions, training in the UK (English and CLIL courses) will take place during the summer months (July/August 2016) by means of 10 mobility activities. While teachers are attending their courses, the learning centres will provide course descriptions, keep attendance records and issue a Europass Mobility document for each of the participants. In addition, teachers will use e-Twinning tools to share their experiences and material with other European schools. | | | | The school will gather all the documentation and certificates once the participants return from their training activities and hold a meeting with them so as to assess their level of achievement and to plan the dissemination activities of the project results.;We plan to share the results of the project by means of assessment reports to share will school members, meetings with local primary schools and Chamber district authorities, and the use of all available internet means to spread the results: school website and social networking sites, school virtual classroom and teachers personal blogs. | | | | Project evaluation will be carried out using self-assessment questionnaires to be fulfilled by all participants, analysing certificates of achievement issued by the UK learning centres, and giving level tests to non-accredited participants to assess their language progress after the training activities. | | | | It is our aim to boost our teachers professional skills so as to better the overall quality of our bilingual teaching practices. Our envisaged results include: an improvement of our teachers English competences, an increase of their knowledge of CLIL teaching methodologies, the preparation of a CLIL materials bank and an increase in the use of English as a vernacular language at our school. | | | | Our long-term intention is to institutionalize foreign training at our school, so as to obtain better results, strengthen the sustainability of the project and become a model of bilingual education excellence both in Spain and in Europe Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA101-013975;;;Abriendo mentes, conectando con Europa;Our project is set in a CONTEXT of a rural setting with a low rate of foreign population as a small secondary school with 260 students and 37 teachers. Our students come from 3 small populations a...;Pedagogy and didactics, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;IES MESTRE RAMN ESTEVE;ES;ES;11.227,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"Our project is set in a CONTEXT of a rural setting with a low rate of foreign population as a small secondary school with 260 students and 37 teachers. Our students come from 3 small populations around; Alfarp, Llombai and Catadau, which are very close. Communication are difficult due to the lack of public transportation to connect the population of the area with major urban centers (a single bus frequency 2 return services to Valencia a day). There are almost no cultural spaces and events or recreational activities in the school area. Our priority is, as the tittle of the project: ""Opening minds, connecting to Europe"". | This Erasmus + project involves the whole staff of the school XXXX, though, a total of 12 MOBILITIES have been the final result of the analysis as priority needs identified in the SWOT analysis (SWOT = Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) | The SWOT showed three main aspects to improve in the school, which are: | + Improving linguistic skill for teachers in EU languages for multilingual education and better communications abroad. | + Improvement of new methodologies in the classroom and classroom managament that promote inclusion, integration, motivation, etc. reducing school dropout rate. | + Deepening the knowledge of ICT and its use in the classroom as a support to other objectives. | | In addition to these areas of improvement, it was identified as a strong point to promote in our schotaking advantage of solidarity activities and encouraging mediation and as a reference for other institutions in this field. | | From the needs and objectives, a GROUP OF ACTIVITIES for the improvement of the school have been done as FOLOWS: | + Linguistic Mobility: staff needs to increase skills in EUs languages and it is interested in learning methods for integrating education in other languages in their respective fields. | 1 mobilities of improving EU languages (UK) | 1 mobilities of CLIL methodology (Ireland) | + Methodological Mobility: Participants with prior training in new methodologies. | 1 Mobilities of PISA success (Finland) | 1 Mobilities new methodologies and classroom management (Czech Republic) | + Mobility ICT: staff with previous knowledge in ICT and they can train other colleagues. | 1 Mobilities use of ICT in the classroom (Italia) | 1 Mobilities ICT tools for dissemination, communication and creativity (Malta) | | The METHODOLOGY for elaborating this project has been: | + Identification of needs through a SWOT in our staff | + Formative meetings with experts in Erasmus + and etwinning. | + Creating a working group with members of staff to perform the necessary work. | + New Contacts with the Department of Education (Specialists in European projects). | For decisions we have referred to reach agreement by consensus.";Expected RESULTS and anticipated IMPACTS, explained briefly, are: | Linguistic level: | We are prompting the inclusion our school within the plurilingual education high-schools program to incorporate teaching of non-linguistic subjects taught in any of the languages of the EU linked to the Erasmus Plus program. | - By improving the level of EU languages, we can further strengthen, expand and improve our relationships with other teachers and European centers by e-twinning tool or similar. | - The students of our school will increase 3-4 hours a week of language, 6 -7 hours, thanks to non-linguistic subjects will be taught in English and / or e-twinning projects with other centers in the EU. | | Methodological level: | - Application of new methodologies to improve motivation and reduce school failure. | - Supporting Diversity (emotional intelligence, collaborative learning ...) and improving the quality of teaching | | Technological level: | - Using new technologies in the classroom for motivation (reduction of dropout rate) and adaptation to changing times. | - It boost creativity and European dimension of the center for participation in European projects and their diffusion. | | Finally, this project long-term BENEFITS are: | 1. Improving language skills in the educational community. | 2. Improving the employability of students and equal opportunities. | 3. Internationalizing our school. | 4. Opening minds and new knowledge via ICT. | 5. Building strong partnerships with local, Spanish and European institutions. | 6. Improving the quality of teaching-learning processes. | 7. Reducing dropout rate. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA101-014047;;; LA INNOVACION Y LA INTERNACIONALIZACION PARA UNA ESCUELA CREATIVA: PARRAINNOVA;"Our teacher training project is called PARRAINNOVA: ""Innovation and Internationalization for a Creative School"". It's a project born from the necessity for innovation inside the classroom, the nee...";Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Pedagogy and didactics;;IES Jos Mara Parra;ES;ES,DK;25.378,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"Our teacher training project is called PARRAINNOVA: ""Innovation and Internationalization for a Creative School"". It's a project born from the necessity for innovation inside the classroom, the need to adapt our teaching task to a new student profile that is evolving within generations , even more drastically in the last decades ,as a result of technological advances. Our team of teachers is determined to grow in their learning of new methodologies that provide a more dynamic and participating atmosphere in the classroom, where our students feel the need to learn and grow up in an education space without boundaries , thanks to technology. Regarding this, our aim is to continue growing as professionals in order to help our students grow in a more and more nearby world and to foster the necessity and stimulus towards learning both inside and outside school. Therefore, we have designed a project that allows us to learn about the latest teaching strategies such as : encouraging creativity in the class, task-based and cooperative learning, the flipped classroom, experimental outdoor learning, CLIL methodology,self-learning,TIC resources in and outside the class for learning purposes,education for the European citizenship and the promotion of international teacher training. | | Our project is designed to fulfil the training expectations of 10 teachers within two school- years , 2015-2016 and 2016-2017, with a total of 21 mobilities, 3 of which are job shadowing in our partner school ""Katedralskole "" in Ribe ( Denmark) in Music, and the rest are structured courses in different countries in Europe, such as France, UK, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Sweeden with prestigious organizing schools in the field of internationa teacher training . | | The applicants for these mobilities are 3 teachers form the department of Foreign Languages, 2 teachers from the department of History, 2 teachers from the department of Art , 2 teachers from the department of Music and 1 teacher from the department of Philosophy. They are all highly involved in their teaching area and have a great concern on the improvement of their teaching and professional contact skills in the European educational network. | | The results foreseen after having completed this project are a bigger dynamism in the class, a higher involvement of our students in the learning process and better academic results that neutralize the high percentage of school failure among schools in Spain and in our own school. | | The expectating impact among the candidates for these mobilities is to improve their teaching skills, their language competence in foreign languages and their professional contacts with other European schools, with whom we may set up links via e-twinning projects and school partnerships. | | The organising enities will also make a profit from the hosting of our teaching staff with a long and high qualified professional career, with whom they might exchange feedback and may enrich professional experience from both sides. | | Our direct audience, the students, will be the first ones to appreciate the benefits of our innovation and motivation regarding teaching skills, where learning becomes more focused on students themselves and the techer becomes an advisor and supervisor for their learning process. We intend to get a better student profile , with better ICT and foreign language skills. Our students will participate in a higher number of e-twinning projects which may enhance their learning further away from the classroom and will let them make contacts with other European students. | | Our students' families will also benefit from the impact of this overseas training through the potential student mobilities that may arise as a result from teachers contacts with other European teachers in the international school area; as it has previously happenwith our current partnership with Nordre Skole in Bramming ( Denmark), born from the initial contact of one of our teachers who took part in a former Comenius teacher training course in Dublin and then , met a Danish teacher, today, representative of our school partnership in Denmark. Families will see their international contacts grow through their hosting in students' exchanges where the may learn from their cult, tradition and lifestyle and sometimes get to know the whole family abroad or as a host, making friendship tights forever.";The expectating impact in our school is to increase the number of CLIL subjects in our multilingual educational programme and also extend these CLIL sujects to a second foreign language. Also, we expect to augment the number and quality of our students as well as our educational offer in European school projects and innovative educational programmes. | | Finally, the local impact of this project consists of becoming a prestigious school centre in our city and county, known for its programmes on educational innovation and their international projects. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA101-014058;;;CUENCA WELCOMES EUROPE;"CUENCA WELCOMES EUROPE CONTEXT OF THE PROJECT Alfonso VIII High School was created in 1844. Presently, it holds 934 students and 67 teachers in different educational courses. They are as fo...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Creativity and culture;;IES ALFONSO VIII;ES;ES;6.411,00;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;;English;CONTEXT OF THE PROJECT | Alfonso VIII High School was created in 1844. Presently, it holds 934 students and 67 teachers in different educational courses. They are as follows: Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO), Bachillerato (a two-year optional course after secondary school), Intermediate and Advanced Vocational Training on Business, E-learning studies for this vocational training and ,finally, General Elementary Vocational training. | MAIN OBJECTIVES | The main objectives of the project Cuenca Welcomes Europe are follows. First, we would like to promote the mobility of Compulsory Secondary Education teachers to other member European countries so that they can improve their language competence in English , giving them confidence to use this language while achieving new strategies to use it as a vehicle for communication. | Secondly, Cuenca Welcomes Europe offers members of the educational community the opportunity to get involved in a European project that allows them to achieve a higher dimension . This is done by projecting our school internationally as well as getting into contact with European cultural diversity and its language richness. | BENEFICIARIES OF THE PROJECT | All the members of the educational community may get benefited from it as the project will include a meaningful number of pupils from ESO, who will transmit their experiences to their peers. Besides, the three teachers from ESO may be the seed that will support our school in a near Plan on Bilingualism to introduce the new CLIL methodology on certain school subjects at some educational levels. | DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITIES: | The project is divided into three stages: | A. Formation stage. | A.1. It is centered in the organization and practice of the teacher mobility so that they can prepare adequately on CLIC (content and language integrated learning), TIC ( computers skills)and finally, coaching skills in the United kingdom. | A.2. Collaboration groups for the planning, follow-up and assessment of classroom projects coordinated under the name of Cuenca welcomes Europe. | B. Classroom project. | They consist of workshops to make small products, record videos, create presentations, write articles, take photographs and develop other ideas, all of which based on the customs and heritage of our hometown, Cuenca. | DISSEMINATION OF THE PROJECT | The final outcome of the different workshops and the educative experience of having participated in this project will be shared in e-Twinning, in the web and through local information and dissemination sessions. | METHODOLOGY | On the one hand, we will be using the technique of the collaboration work group for all issues concerning the teacher formation phase and their preparation for mobility. | On the other hand, we prefer the CLIC methodology and project work in the development of classroom workshops.;EXPECTED IMPACT | The number of teachers participating is good enough to set up a school Plan for Multilingualism in a near future. Their experience will encourage other teachers to participate in other calls of European programs. In addition, the number of pupils involved is quite significant and the personal richness they get when getting into contact with cultural and language diversity is a fundamental pillar in their integral development as humans. | LONG-TERM BENEFITS | First, to increase the interest of teachers and pupils, especially in European programmes. | Secondly, to bring Europe and its institutions to Spanish population. | Thirdly, to facilitate the Plan for Multilingualism regulated in the Order 7/2014, on 22/01/2014, by which it is regulated the multilingualism in non-university studies in Castilla- la Mancha, our county. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA101-014199;;;Effective teacher training: getting closer to Europe.;"Our Project ,"" Effective Teacher Training : getting closer to Europe"", arises due to the need of acquiring new methodological techniques, bringing Europe closer to our school and improving teache...";EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, ICT - new technologies - digital competences ...;;IES Manuel de Gngora;ES;ES;16.082,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"Our Project ,"" Effective Teacher Training : getting closer to Europe"", arises due to the need of acquiring new methodological techniques, bringing Europe closer to our school and improving teacherstraining related a foreign language. | | This Project will take place at a school with 155 students and 20 teachers, where the main need is purely instrumental, that is to say, the teachers staff found it really necessary to foster the learning of a foreign language in order to integrate, not only the new students from other nationalities who come to our school , but also the whole educational community, being the use of a European language , the most useful tool to get it. | | Besides, this project is focused on , not only improving our teaching practice , but also on laying the foundations to turn our school into bilingual in the future and, amplify our European Dimension. | | We will carry out a concrete planning which will last for 24 months and 7 mobilities will be undertaken. Each of these mobilities are directly related to the needs previously identified in every Department. | | The teacher training activities will be the following: | | 1. JOB SHADOWING , in Finland, from 17th to 23rd April , 2016. | | 2. ""BLENDED LEARNING"", from13th to 17th July, 2015. | | 3. ""ENGLISH & CULTURE: A COURSE FOR TEACHERS OF ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE"": 27th July to 7th August, 2015. | | 4. ""LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT FOR TEACHERS"": 13th to 17th July, 2015. | | 5. ""CREATIVE ACTIVITIES & MOTIVATING MATERIALS FOR THE SECONDARY CLASSROOM"", from 17th July to 29th July, 2016. | | 6. ENGLISH TEACHERS WITH LOW LEVEL(A2, B1) from 25th July to 5th August 2016 | | 7. ACTIVATE YOUR ENGLISH FOR TEACHING (B1/B2): in Leeds from 1st to 12 th August, 2016. | | The methodology is intended to be creative, active, integrating, communicative and multidisciplinary, promoting the development of the teaching and learning process in a cooperative way and, whose main function is acquiring and improving the following Competences: Communicative, cultural and socio - linguistic. | | Our teachersprofile involves the following educational needs: | | a. Enrichment by observing good practice of one of the best educational systems in Europe , attending to organisational and managment aspects and create professional links. | | b. To improve and refine our Communicative Competence. This improvement will lead us to improve our European Dimension at school. | | c.To amplify teachersknowledge about the use of New Technology when teaching and also create and exchange different materials with other European colleagues in real and specific contexts. | | d. To acquire new and different views about the development of the teaching and learning process. | | e. To be conscious about the relationship between language and culture and implement the skills, knowledge and competences related to our teaching practice. | | f. To acquire a good variety of materials and innovative ideas to be put into practice in the classroom and keep up to date with British educational system changes or British society. | | g. Professional enrichment related the previous points which allows a multiplier effect at school.";By means of this project, we will expect to transmit our students the urgent need to develop their communicative competence in a foreign language and its importance related educative and sociological reasons and the important role that language plays in our modern society, trying to get closer to Europe and feeling part of it. | | Then , our main objectives in this project are: | | 1. To improve the understanding of the European Dimension. | | 2. To design the foundations to change the school into bilingual. | | 3. To foster motivation and professional development among teaching staff. | | 4. To improve school success and contribute to the development of the Key Competences. | | 5. To integrate new ways of learning. | | 6. To foster the use of New Tecnologies and the use of new materials. | | 7.To improve teachers skills towards a foreign language and encourage the learning of a European language , not only among teachers but, also among students. | | 8. To promote the creation of professional networks with other European schools. | | 9. To know teaching practice and management at other European schools. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA101-014228;;;TRANSFORMANDO NUESTRO CENTRO CON EUROPA;"The Project ""Transformando nuestro centro con Europa"" (Changing our school with Europe) arises from the real need defiined in our European Development Plan to become a successful school whose ...";Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;COLEGIO DIOCESANO SAN ATN;ES;ES,FI,PL;10.282,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The Project ""Transformando nuestro centro con Europa"" (Changing our school with Europe) arises from the real need defiined in our European Development Plan to become a successful school whose students achive the best possible results. This European project for mobility and cooperation is based upon the principles of sinergy and reciprocity. | | | | The main goal of the project is to improve the academic results of our students as well as our staffs skills in order to increase significantly their competences through the new methodological experiences that they will definitely learn and absorb by the job shadowing activity in other European schools. | | | | The core activity of this project is doing a period of training through the observation of good teaching practices in many subjects, such as English, Spanish as a second laguage, maths and science. The partner schools to visit during this project have been thoroughly selected according to their excellent results in terms of education, which put them among the best in the ranking of their countries, and our good relationship and cooperation in previous European projects. | | | | The potential impact of this project on the participant teachers will be hugely positive, multiplier, permantent and sustanaible. It will overstep the school walls, reaching all the students, teachers, parents and other members of the school community. It will allow us to strengthen the bonds with the partner schools towards greater and better cooperation in future international projects, it will improve the general skills of our teaching staff, with a wider and reacher view of the teaching-learning process, with better and more accurate digital, linguistic, social and methodological competences and with a greater knowledge of new methods, all of which will give a direct contribution to changing our school. | | | | By the end of the project, the participant teachers will use the gained skill and competences to present some practical products, capable of being measured and disseminated: | | 1. ""Manual of good European practices for changing schools"". | | 2. E-twinning projects with different goal withing the scope of each subject: English, Maths, Spanish, Science,... | | 3. Creation of a work group in the Local Center for Teachers Development. | | 4. Teachers Portfolio, using the ""project diary"" tool in our twinspace platform on a daily basis. | | 5. Pilot project carried out in our school for a week, during which the participant teachers will deliver their classes in the same way they have watched and learnt when they were doing their job shadowing, so that students perceive the changes in their teachers methods of teaching and are able to appreciate the differences between the previous and the new methology. | | | | The dates for this experience have been established among the partner schools during the preparatory stage, looking for the best moments for each school and makng them coincide with the the beginning and ending dates of other European cooperation actions we are carrying out within the Erasmus + programme, such as long term mobility for students | | | | Our Dissemination Plan has been designed during the preparatory stage and contains two sets of actions to spread the results from this experience. It is based on two kinds of activities: Internal Dissemination (addressed to all members of school community) and External Dissemination (addressed to the general public at a local, regional, national and European level).";"Our evaluation plan has been designed during the preparatory stage and is composed of two parts: quality evaluation and quantity evaluation. It is based on the model of our ""Follow-up and Measurement plan"" that we have been carrying out in our school since 2004 by the Quality Management System. This system allows us to assess up to what extend different projects have successfully reached their aims based on objective indicators evaluated through questionaires and audits, both internal (made by the coordinator of school quality) and external (made by independent auditors experts on the education field)." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA101-014246;;;Aprender idiomas, idiomas para aprender;"LEARNING LANGUAGES, LANGUAGES TO LEARN The nature of our centre is undoubtedly the best reference when summarizing the meaning of this project, as it cares for the needs identified to achieve t...";Creativity and culture, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;IES BRBARA DE BRAGANZA;ES;ES,FI;9.909,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The nature of our centre is undoubtedly the best reference when summarizing the meaning of this project, as it cares for the needs identified to achieve the model of educational excellence that is defined in the Educational Project of our School. | The IES Brbara de Braganza, one of the historical institutes in the city, includes in its educational offer the following teachings:que | Secondary Education, from 1st to 4th, including Compensatory or Remedial Program and Diversification Program, and two Bilingual Sections: English and French. | A levels, in Science and Engineering and in Humanities and Social Sciences. | Higher Vocational Training: Early Childhood Education (in the classroom as well as blended education) and Socio-Cultural and Tourism. | Basic Professional Training in Computer and Communications. | In its long history teachers of the Institute have participated in a large number of educational projects including those organized by the European Commission. | | The participants in this project will be four teachers with permanent post in the centre and who meet the requirements of the project. Three of them want to participate in structured courses, two of CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning), one in the scientific field and other in the Social Science area; the third teacher will undergo a course of English. | Finally, the other participating teacher in the project intends to make an observation period of good practice in a school in Finland. | | The main topics of the project are: | - Teaching and learning foreign languages | - Improvement of the quality and / or methodologies | - Creativity and culture | | The main objectives of the project are general traininqueg in languages and methodological renovation. | In the first case, the need to strengthen the internationalization of the centre as well as the attention to our students, moves the need to train teachers of the centre. | | The second general objective responds to teaching and methodological innovation. | Also related to languages, CLIL methodology will allow a much more efficient and integrated teaching model. On the other hand, when it comes to improving the methodology, the possibility to directly observe other educational practices through job-shadowing provide new elements for analysis and comparison of the various European educational realities.";"The expected impact on our school is, on the one hand, the improvement in the language skills of the teachers involved. An upgrade in the use of methodological tools based on CLIL and the consolidation of its application in the bilingual sections of the institution. | Also the improvement of teamwork, the implementation of the new strategies learned; without forgetting the communication of those lessons to the teachers at the school. | Besides, other benefits will be the consolidation of tools for collaborative work between the partner countries, to strengthen the European dimension of the centre. | Furthermore, and no less important to foster among our students an awareness of European citizens. | | The results will also be disseminated both locally, regionally and nationally. | Locally will organize open events to teachers from other schools who may be interested and the call for a seminar on each of the modes of experience (languages, CLIL methodology and job shadowing) to maximize the knowledge acquired by the participating teachers. | On the regional and national level, the project and the activities undertaken will be published in the Web of the institution, in the blog of the various areas of knowledge, in the social networks and e-Twinning. | | Evaluation and monitoring will be integral to the project from start to finish. So all mobility activities will be evaluated continuously. | We will use both casual and formal assessments to rate both positive and negative aspects. | The approach we want to give to the evaluation process is twofold, on the one hand a self-assessment carried out by the group of teachers participating in the mobilities and on the other hand an external evaluation. | For both evaluations will be used qualitative together with quantitative indicators. To gather data will be used structured questionnaires, systematic observation and discussion groups with open questions. | The data will be recorded and we will issue a report which will assess the degree of achievement of the objectives." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA101-014389;;;PLURILINGISMO Y EXCELENCIA: DOS CAMINOS PARA LA INTERNACIONALIZACIN DEL IES RAMN GIRALDO.;Our project originated in Ramn Giraldo High School which is situated in an economically deprived area called El Campo de Montiel. There are not many opportunities for our students to meet teena...;Creativity and culture, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;IES RAMN GIRALDO;ES;ES;12.598,00;Yes;No;Accreditation, certification or qualification body;Administracin;;;English;Our project originated in Ramn Giraldo High School which is situated in an economically deprived area called El Campo de Montiel. There are not many opportunities for our students to meet teenagers from other European countries and to establish personal links with them. This is the reason why we wish to internationalize our school so that students are well prepared to live in a multilingual and diverse world while teachers acquire and develop new CLIC methodology. | | Our school has been involved in a Bilingual Programme (in English) for several years, both in Secondary Education and Bachillerato (Sixth Form).The school has been given the qualification of Excellency in this programme and now we are also involved in Comenius Project. We are also planning a school exchange with a High School in Germany, one of our partners in that Comenius Project and on E-Twinning. | | Our intention is to achieve the following objectives with this new KA1 project: | | - To consolidate and to improve our linguistic English programme so that we guarantee and preserve our Excellency level. | | - To promote fluency in languages and knowledge about different cultures and to offer our students to new languages: German or Italian. | | - To improve our teachers methodological techniques thanks to the mobility to other European countries. | | - To make our students aware of the fact that they are part of a multicultural and multilingual community. | | To accomplish the previously mentioned objectives, we have developed 5 types of mobility, so they meet the specific demands of the participants in this project: | | MOBILITY TYPE A) five seven-to-fourteen-day improvement language. Our teachers can obtain the B1/B2 certificate in a foreign language in order to teach their subjects in that particular language. | | MOBILITY TYPE B) Two fourteen-day courses in a European English speaking country so that teachers can update their competence in CLIL methodology. These courses are addressed at teachers who use English to teach a non-linguistic subject. | | MOBILITY TYPE C) One fourteen-day improvement course on methodology related to foreign languages. This course is addressed at a teacher of English in our high school. | | MOBILITY TYPE D) Two seven-to-fourteen-day intermediate courses in German so that two of our teachers become fluent in a second foreign language, in this case German, so we can offer German as second foreign language. | | MOBILITY TYPE E) One seven-day improvement course in Italian so that one of our teachers can obtain the B2 certificate in this language. | | Our KA1 project will last two years, and it will be divided into two parts: | | First part: School year 2015-16 | | This part will focus on teachers from our school who are studying a foreign language and have the intention of taking an official examination. The aim of the project is to give them the opportunity to improve their linguistic competence by means of activities and orientation, feedback by sharing materials on E-Twinning, and the mobilities. | | Second part: School year 2016-17 | | This will be a turning point after the assessment of the first year of our Project. Well concentrate on those aspects which we consider can and should be improved regarding the training of our teacher staff and also regarding the ongoing progress of their mobilities.;The outcomes we hope to achieve with this Project are: | | - To increase the number of subjects within the bilingual or linguistic programme. | | - To increase the number of foreign languages from which our students can choose when they decide to study in our high school, specifically German and Italian. | | - To increase the number of teachers with B2 certification in English. | | - To renew and update CLIL methodological guidelines within the teachers who participate in the bilingual programme. | | - To update methodological techniques used by foreign language teachers. | | - Promote student and teacher cultural integration and assimilation of European cultures. | | Our school will adapt itself better to the challenge of learning new foreign languages as a way to become part of a plural society: Europe. | | In this way, in our school there would be more teachers with a powerful training in foreign languages and in CLIL methodology as a benefit of opening ourselves to Europe. We would also learn new strategies to work at school and to fight against early school dropping. | | There will be a great impact on our students due to newly obtained methodological strategies and the influence of new contents and cultural aspects of foreign languages within Europe. Our students and their families will be the greatest beneficiaries of this project. Our students will be fluent in other languages which will uphold our standing in Excellency. | | In the long run, being a KA1 center would mean that our teachers, full of confidence, would enroll themselves into new European projects with other partners from the E-Twinning space. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA101-014414;;;Motivacin en el aula plurilinge;"SUMMARY OF THE PROJECT CONTEXT Our High School is engaged in a Multilingual Project. Currently we have started a Strategic Plan which is focused on the implementation of multilingu...";EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, Creativity and culture ...;;Institut Pons d'Icart;ES;ES;9.990,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;Our High School is engaged in a Multilingual Project. Currently we have started a Strategic Plan which is focused on the implementation of multilingual classes. The main idea is to improve the knowledge and the use of foreign languages, especially English, not only for teachers but for students as well. | | We want to give our students the capacity to succeed in this internationalized and global society, in their academic as well as in their professional activity. To achieve this goal they will need the ability to communicate in different languages. | | The methodology used is CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning), consist mainly in teaching a non linguistic subject in a foreign language. | | Our present proposal in the current context is to open to Europe from a methodological, | | linguistic and curricular point of view. We intend to become a multilingual school, in the near future, by teaching a third of the curricular subjects in English. Therefore, new methodological tools are to be acquired and an improvement in the individual competences is to be reached. A change in the teaching organization is required. To achieve this change we have started to assign some hours to collaborative work with other countries, giving an intercultural dimension to the teaching process. | | | | NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS AND PROFILE | | | | A commission of teachers has been set up. The choice was made on the basis of commitment, teaching experience, interest, motivation, and availability, involving teaching members from all the school departments. | | The project consists of 8 participants for those training courses. We have a Technology teacher, two teachers of Social Sciences who are English teachers as well, the English teacher who coordinates the Foreign Languages Plan at this School and assesses the CLIL teachers, a Music teacher, an Economics teacher, a Math teacher, and least but not last a Physics and Chemistry teacher who also coordinates the Erasmus Project. | | | | DESCRIPTION OF THE ACTIVITIES | | 8 teachers are to attend the training courses in July and August. | | The scheduled courses are offered by different entities such | | as the International Study programs and the English Language center in the UK, and the | | International House in Ireland. | | The courses are divided into three groups: | | a)CLIL ( Content and Language integrated learning): practical methodology for teachers | | who teach different subjects in English at Secondary level: 5 teachers. | | b) Methodology courses: 2 teachers. | | c) Courses for Specific Purpose (Business English): 1 teacher. | | | | METHODOLOGY APPLIED TO DEVELOP THE PROJECT | | Acquiring a new CLIL methodology to teach different subjects in English. | | We intend to encourage the use of the TIC to achieve these objectives. | | Our Educational center longs for the restructuring of some optional subjects in order to | | engage in the European project and devote time to develop the committee cooperative | | programs among countries. It is expected to set up a periodical communication by way | | of the e-twinning website, the making of a weekly edition of blogs and by carrying out a | | fluent communication . The goal is to develop our European dimension so as to share | | experiences and benefit from a more global education by accepting the values from the | | European community as our own.;Exchange of ideas and experiences with teachers from other European countries. | Getting to Know the CLIL methodology and acquiring new ideas to teach every subject in English. | Getting and preparing material designed for teaching different subjects in English. | Acquiring new abilities and ideas in order to use technology to teach English. | Higher effectiveness in teaching subject matters. Acquisition of different perspectives. | | Higher intercultural awareness and value manners and cultures from other European countries. | EXPECTED EFFECT | It is expected to promote and improve the multilingual program that has just been started. | It is expected to offer our students a more attractive range of opportunities. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA101-014415;;;UN CORTOMEGRAJE PARA EL FESTIVAL DE CINE DE L'ALFS DEL PI: EL USO DE LAS TIC EN EL AULA PARA LA MEJORA DE LAS COMPETENCIAS BSICAS;The pre-primary and primary school Veles e Vents has a great interest in improving the quality and efficiency of education, an objective which is included in the Europe 2020. With this purpose, an...;EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, ICT - new technologies - digital competences ...;;COLLEGI PUBLIC E INFANTIL I PRIMARIA NUM.3 DE ALFAZ DEL PI;ES;ES;4.498,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;The pre-primary and primary school Veles e Vents has a great interest in improving the quality and efficiency of education, an objective which is included in the Europe 2020. With this purpose, and taking into account the encountered needs, the school has put forward a project that can generate an improvement in the areas of new technologies applied to education, competence in a foreign language, and awareness of the European dimension. In this way, we intend to obtain a greater quality in education through the use of ICT, which in turn will result in the increase of linguistic competence and European dimension. | | | | Our school has been part of a web of multilingual centres of the Comunidad Valenciana for six years, and has been teaching a non-linguistic subject through the CLIL methodology for four years. Thanks to the experience and the competences acquired by the teachers in this kind of methodology, we have obtained a baggage that we intend to widen and perfect through the use of ICT applied to education. The school will address an important budget to the purchase of the necessary material (15 iPads) to obtain the expected objectives. | | | | But our methodological needs are greater, and this is the reason why, in order to carry out a training activity on the application of new technologies in the classroom, we want to send two of our qualified teachers in foreign language teaching to Dublin during the second half of July. So as to make the most of the training period, the chosen teachers will have to have a minimum level of B2 (CEFR) in English, a minimum knowledge on ICT, and to have a permanent position in the school. These teachers will carry out a series of preparatory activities for which we have already established contact with the Apple Centre in Valencia. | | | | The training course will be addressed to teachers that are interested in incorporating new technologies to education. It will allow the teachers to learn about new methodologies related to teaching, to create ICT resources for the teaching-learning process, and to learn about image and sound edition. The use of these digital resources will foster the development of competences in linguistic communication, in science, in mathematics, etc. Furthermore, it will allow teachers to contact colleagues from other European centres, and spawn future collaboration relationships. | | | | On their return, the teachers will start to apply the knowledge acquired during the training period to their lessons. The activities carried out by the children will be displayed in the school website, in the teachers' personal blogs, and in a highly visible point in the school hallway. Platforms such as YouTube and eTwinning will be used to post the students' work on the Internet. | | | | Throughout the month of October of 2015, workshops will be organised for our school teachers, for teachers from the other schools in town, as well as for other teacher training organisms. These workshops will be focused towards diffusing the new techniques, methodology and knowledge acquired in the training course. Teachers will in turn share the new knowledge with their students. Thanks to this transmission of knowledge, the students from our school as well as the students from other schools will, in the long run, benefit from the experience. | | | | From the month of November onwards, the school will start sharing their first project-related activities via eTwinning with the partners that we have at present, as well as with the contacts established during the stay in Dublin that have the same needs and concerns as we have.;The activity that will give an end to the project, and which will encompass all that has been learnt during its implementation, will be the recording and editing of a short film by the students, with the iPads and the technological strategies acquired. Due to this activity, the results of the project will be widely spread inasmuch as the film will be presented to the National Cinema Festival of lAlfs del Pi, which is a festival with an important media impact at every level. | | | | With the fulfillment of this project we intend to increase the motivation of the students in the different areas through the use of ICT in the classroom. This motivation will lead to better results which will be observable thanks to the comparison of the assessment tests of the year 2015-2016 with the tests of the previous year. We aim to achieve a structural change in the methodology of our school that can endure in the future. Thus, we aspire to turn our school into a referent in our area with regard to teaching via ICT and to foreign language teaching methodology, as well as endow the school with a strong European character. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA101-014482;;;IES CUEVA SANTA : PROYECTO PARA LA MEJORA DE LA CALIDAD EDUCATIVA EN UN CENTRO PLURILINGE;"'Cueva Santa ' Secondary School is a state institution located in Segorbe, in the inlands of Castellon, a traditionally rural area. 'Cueva Santa' Secondary School has belonged to the Multiling...";Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Teaching and learning of foreign languages, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;INSTITUTO DE EDUCACIN SECUNDARIA CUEVA SANTA;ES;ES,DE;11.692,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"Cueva Santa ' Secondary School is a state institution located in Segorbe, in the inlands of Castellon, a traditionally rural area. | | 'Cueva Santa' Secondary School has belonged to the Multilingual Schools Nertwork in the Valencian Community since the academic year 2011-2012. | | Our project is proposed as an integrating experience of the different cultures and curriculum areas adquired by the vehicular use of two or more languages ( Valencian, Spanish and English). All that favours multilingualism as the foundation of union in diversity. | | Fighting against school failure, early school leaving, output enhancement and innovating teaching-learning methods are a fixed value in the daily work of 'Cueva Santa' Secondary School staff. | | | | That's the reason why, when we come to design our formative project in the ambit of the Development European Plan we have drawn the following targets: | | | | 1. Enhance continuously the results having other more succesful educational systems as a reference. | | 2.Enhance notably the participants' foreign language competence and their ability of using English as communicative tool in the classroom. | | 3. Support the professional development of those who work in education with a view of innovating and improving the quality of teaching. | | 4. Increase the capacities, attractiveness and international dimension of our centre, so that we are able to offer activities and programmes that better respond to the needs of individuals. | | 5. Raise participants' awareness on innovative management strategies for students with special needs. | | | | The mobility project designed by ""Cueva Santa"" Secondary School aims to improve the didactic, linguistic and management competences of a group of teachers.Different activities have been planned in order to ensure the development of the competences of 14 participants with the following profiles: | | A)TEACHERS TEACHING AT THE MULTILINGUAL PROGRAMME AT PRESENT. | | STRUCTURED COURSES ( CLIL COURSES -CONTENT AND LANGUAGE INTEGRATED LEARNING) | | Our teachers will develop their communicative competences and skills ( oral fluency, vocabulary and pronunciation) and they will improve their English language mastery as a communicative tool in the classroom in order to be able to teach part of the core curriculum in English. These courses will also give us the opportunity to future Erasmus+ KA2 programmes or colaborative projects. | | B) TEACHERS IN THE PROCESS OF BEING TRAINED TO TEACH AT THE MULTILINGUAL PROGRAMME.( ENGLISH COURSES FOR LOW-LEVEL ENGLISH TEACHERS A2-B1) Our teachers will acquire skills and recognised qualifications in order to impart their subjects in English language. In addition, we will be able to broaden the number of skilled teachers as well as the catalogue of subjects taught in English. | | C) ENGLISH LANGUAGE DEPARMENT STAFF.ENGLISH LANGUAGE TRAINING COURSES(TIC COURSES) AND JOB SHADOWING. | | Our teachers will have the opportunity of experiencing innovative methodological approaches to ensure succesfull learning-teaching experiences.They will take part in practical courses to incorporate information technology into teaching to facilitate an appropiate learning in a changing world as well as give the opportunity of participating in European professional networks. | | D)MEMBERS OF THE COUNCELLING SERVICE. TRAINNIG SEMINARS. | | The participants will focus their trainning on management approaches for students with | | educational difficulties: young people with learning difficulties; early school-leavers; lower qualified persons and young people with poor backgrounds. | | | | E) BOARD OF DIRECTORS. STRUCTURED VISITS TO OTHER SCHOOLS. | | By means of these activities the members of the board of directors will be able to watch other countries school systems which present good learning practices against early-school leaving and lower-qualified students. | | The impact of the listed mobility activities will reach the whole educative community. By meas of the teachers participation on the formative activities, the students will be the main beneficiaries in terms of: | | a. More effective teaching approach. | | b. Core curriculum improvement. | | c. More accurate Intercultural perspective of our centre. | | d. Motivation improvent. | | e. European Dimension improvement of our centre through cooperation and finding future Erasmus KA2 partner countries. | | | | At the same time, the dissemination and explotation of the project results will give the opportunity to communicate and share outcomes with the rest of members of the school staff and with other educational centres of the area.";"As a conclusion, with the European Development Plan as bases of this project, ""Cueva Santa"" Secondary School intends to give answer to the increasing social demand in language qualifications, supporting acts leading to the promotion of multilinguism. These qualifications in communication competences will favour the development of our students as a whole and will encourage our their skills to take part in an active way in our society." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA101-014510;;;"APRENDIENDO DE EUROPA, TRANSFORMANDO LA ESCUELA, COMPARTIENDO EXPERIENCIA (ADETECE) ";"Verge dels Desemparats is a state Primary School conveniently placed in the coastal town of Oliva, in the region of Valencia, Spain. We are a team of 28 teachers and employees, with 242 stude...";Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Teaching and learning of foreign languages, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;VERGE DELS DESEMPARATS;ES;ES,DK,IT;10.752,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;Verge dels Desemparats is a state Primary School conveniently placed in the coastal town of Oliva, in the region of Valencia, Spain. | | We are a team of 28 teachers and employees, with 242 students aged 3- 12 years old. Our students' social background is low, but we have achieved a very high level of family commitment. | | | | We have always been interested in taking part in programmes devoted to: New Methodologies, Education Quality, Students Success and Multilingualism. We dedicate our efforts to deal with special needs students and we are considered a referent school in La Safor, our area. We currently have a percentage of 18,2% students with special needs. | | | | It should be highlighted that our motivated teachers are very interested in learning new methodologies and achieving the competences and skills to deal with our challenging students. | | | | Our project, LEARNING FROM EUROPE, CHANGING OUR SCHOOL, SHARING EXPERIENCES was born to learn from Europe, to help our students to fulfill the best European ideas and methodology. | | | | Therefore, our project is proposed to achieve the following objectives: | | | | Improve their English language proficiency. | | Experience language in its cultural and social environment. | | Participate in training, learning throughout life in order to learn new me | | methodologies (CLIL, collaborative work...). | | - Be able to adapt to work in multicultural and interdisciplinary teams. | | - Provide organizations with a European and international profile. | | - Strengthen creativity and innovation as necessary references to quality education at all educational levels. | | - Meet other educational systems and other teaching-learning methodologies which will improve the quality of their teaching, reduce school failure and promote active inclusion. | | - Improve ICT skills for using collaborative platforms, e -learning, new educational resources available and able to communicate in a more effective way with teachers from other countries and students. | | - Acquire the skills to participate in an active way in the performance of the plan.;The two-year project will enable our teachers to make foreign language training , along with implementation of CLIL methodology , new technologies and new models for validation and certification of competences. | | | | This training will achieve the objectives described above. | | | | The project has been carried out between several school teachers interested in improving their language skills, ICT and implement new methodologies in the classroom to reduce school dropout and enhance active inclusion. | | | | Bell London has been selected for organizing training courses in United Kingdom that have extensive experience and offer a wide range of services that cover the needs of the Centre. | | Our partner schools in Denmark and Italy have been chosen due to their experience with learning from our environment and quotidian reality, ICT methodology and working with projects. | | The selection of participants will be open. All staff will be informed of the start of the process and may apply for participation to the commission formed by a member of the management team, a member of the AMPA, and four cycle coordinators, and especially created to make the selection of the participating teachers. | | | | Teachers will participate in training courses to improve language skills and knowledge of the eTwinning platform also used the platform of the Erasmus + programme to perform the course of language training. Course organizers will provide materials to teachers for cultural preparation. Throughout the project teachers will actively use the eTwinning platform. | | | | During the two years of the project micro sessions CLIL will be held at the School, the institution will participate in conferences organized by other entities to disseminate and exploit the project results. | | | | Teachers will receive a certificate Europass mobility and a certificate of training hours made by the Regional Education Authority | | | | The quality assessment of the proposal will be performed quantitatively by means of questionnaires (questionnaire platform programme Erasmus + and questionnaires conducted by the School) and use quality indicators to measure and evaluate the actions in each of phases of the project. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA101-014704;;;Proyecto Suma-T;"Our proyect ""Suma-T"" was created because we needed to renew our school to achieve the expectations of our students. It is based on 3 big groups that are conected: Bilingualism, ICT and New Methodo...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;CDP San Bartolom;ES;ES;8.442,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"Our proyect ""Suma-T"" was created because we needed to renew our school to achieve the expectations of our students. It is based on 3 big groups that are conected: Bilingualism, ICT and New Methodologies. That is why we called it Suma -""T"" (""Add-T"") T from Technoogy, from Touching Learning, from Tablets...and all through CLIL and cooperative learning. | | We need training in these three aspects to develop this project. Therefore, we present the most important aspects of it in a schematically way: | | | | 1) CONTEXT: Our school is located in Malaga, in a medium-low socio-cultural area. It has ALL the non-university educational stages. We define ourselves as a concerned and involved centre in education. Therefore: | | - We are a ""Bilingual school"" since 2012/13 | | - We have three working and research groups in: Bilingualism, New Technologies and New Methodologies. | | - We have a Quality Management Certificate UNE-EN-ISO 9001 issued by Educatia (AENOR). | | - We are Erasmus + centre. | | | | 2) OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT: | | GOAL | | - Improve Digital, methodological and language skills (English). | | - Implement bilingualism and ICT in Secondary School and go in depth in Preschool-Primary. | | SECONDARY OBJECTIVES | | - Increase the European dimension. | | - Deepen and experience new methodologies applied to the classroom. | | - Increase the level of communication with other European centers for future joint projects. | | - Investigate and deepen technological resources, apps, webs... | | | | 3) NUMBER AND PROFILE OF PARTICIPANTS. | | To get a quality project, we consider that the candidates should be: | | - 1 Preschool teacher (with 3 years of experience in the Bilingual project and coordinating the development of this project in pre-primary). She needs training in CLIL and ITC in the classroom because she will be in charge of developing this project at this stage. | | - 1 Primary teacher and ICT Coordinator. (With over 10 years of experience in education, with extensive training in ICT applied to classroom and teaching courses to experienced teachers). He needs training in CLIL and get the B2 certification in English to be able to give classes of PE in English. Also, as the ITC coordinator, he needs to investigate new ICT resources applied to the classroom to implement the use of tablets in our school. | | - 1 DNL teacher and Coordinator of bilingualism (with 7 years of experience in Pre-Primary and Primary (DNL). She is very interested in CLIL and bilingualism, and she has experience in the use of Tablets and Interactive Whiteboard in the classroom. She needs further their training in the use of these methodologies and see the application of technology to the DNL classes. | | -1 English-French teacher in Secondary, with experience in coordination of Bilingualism some years ago. Also, she is the Head of Studies of Secondary. She is necessary to implement this project in upper stages where she has experience (Secondary-School). | | | | 4) DESCRIPTION OF WORK: | | - 1 structured visit to schools in Finland- 7 days (Hesinki) to investigate and observe new European methodologies. | | - Course: ICT FOR TEACHING (10 days): A practical course to Incorporate Information Technology into Teaching | | - Course: CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) (10 days), in Dublin. | | | | 5) Methodology: Based on researching different methodologies and go in-depth in CLIL and ITC. The project will be carried out in collaboration with English Matters (with many years of experience in these kind of experiences).";IMPACT AND BENEFITS | | a) Development of our intercultural perception. | | b) More effective teaching to our students with a research-based methodology | | c) Implementation of the use of technological resources in the classroom. | | d) Improving the level of English | | e) Implementation of practical ideas learned in this experience. | | f) Improvements in our curricula and the teaching approach. | | g) Development of European basic skills of our students. | | h) New European contacts for future projects. | | i) Local, provincial, national and international impact. | | j) Increased motivation of teachers in research and European experiences. | | | | As a conclusion, we think it is a great opportunity to grow profesionally and to take part in international projects with an European collaboration in order to offer a quality education based in the necesities of young people. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA101-014725;;;"""Espacios educativos colaborativos""";The educational context corresponds to an eminently agricultural area, of medium-low socio-economical background, with a high percentage of immigrant population. Among the many problems we encount...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Pedagogy and didactics;;I.E.S. Amrico Castro;ES;ES;9.542,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The educational context corresponds to an eminently agricultural area, of medium-low socio-economical background, with a high percentage of immigrant population. Among the many problems we encounter when we deal with this type of students, the main one we face is how to teach students who do not want to study / learn and who show a clear rejection of the education system. If we are to teach and learn, we must break with the traditional school and change the existing methodology, leaving aside the textbook and using the digital formats with which the young identify themselves, giving this new teaching process a highly collaborative approach. The main objective of our long-term project is not so much to teach, as to transmit the desire to learn, and for this it is necessary to create a learning community and a new vital environment where our students can reflect their feelings, initiatives, opinions and creativity. In order to achieve all this, work groups have been created linked to project-based learning, use of new technologies in the classroom and creation of digital magazines. In the project-based learning work group, the topics covered have been the cinema and the creation of screenplays and the recording of them, and artificial intelligence. There has also been a literary programme of School Classics, a new version of Romeo and Juliet written and performed by students and a comparative work of the biographies and works of Shakespeare, Cervantes and Moliere. In the working group for the creation of the digital magazine ""What's up ici?"", the departments involved have all been without exception this course, since the magazine has gone from being a way of implementing the centre's integrated curriculum to being the means of expression and dissemination of all the activities carried out in it. In addition, a working group was set up to edit and publish web pages, involving members of several departments and a beautiful project in collaboration with the town council and the social services of the village, which consisted of creating an advertising campaign that promotes a reflection on the needs and problems of the elderly, visible in the following link The activities have taken place on a continuous basis, and all the students have done their bit with their collaborative work and contributions. Among them, visits to the art exhibition of Caja Granada, collaboration with the PIIISA project of the University of Granada, the project ""Profundiza"" made by students of Special Educational Needs (NEE) on healthy eating habits and works on human rights, in which students from the 3rd year of ESO have developed a multitude of games to promote awareness on this topic. The dissemination of the work has been done through the webpage and the online magazine of the centre, in the Web provincial de Plurilingismo, in the e-Twinning platform, as well as the paper magazine Amrico Express. There have also been public displays /exhibitions of the work done. ";"The teachers participating in KA1 (7 in total), aged between 42 and 53, belong to several areas of knowledge and were selected primarily for their interest in developing the project, for their commitment to the implementation of the educational development plan and for the following characteristics: all participating teachers have an advanced level in languages, mainly in English and other European languages; All of them have experience teaching in groups with pupils with SEN, whose objective is to improve the degree of acquisition of the Basic Competences. In addition, they have accredited ICT training, and seek to complement such knowledge and experiences in the implementation of a new methodology and new educational tools. They wish to implement learning by tasks in collaborative spaces, so that the entire Educational Community is involved in an active and participatory way. | The teacher mobilities that were set for the summer of 2015 had to be postponed and have undergone certain changes, due to the fact that we were aware of the grant too late and many were left without a place in the courses initially requested, hence some changes of country have been made, in order to be able to choose courses related to the objectives of the project. We believe that these changes have not affected the achievement and success of the project at all, but rather the opposite, in view of the success of the project and the huge amount of activities that have been successfully carried out." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA101-014765;;;Derribando barreras lingsticas ;" The school C.E.I.P Santa Mara Magdalena is a public centre that depends of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport of the JCCM. There are 540 students and 32 teachers. This present year...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;CEIP SANTA MARIA MAGDALENA;ES;ES;8.343,00;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;The school C.E.I.P Santa Mara Magdalena is a public centre that depends of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport of the JCCM. There are 540 students and 32 teachers. | | This present year we have started with the proyect of the multilingualism in the first level, teaching one area of knowledge in Pre-school Education, Natural Science in the first level and Arts and Crafts in all the levels in Primary Education. | | The participants involved in this proyect are 9 teachers, being 5 selected: 3 English teachers and 2 Primary Teachers. Being in reserve 4 teachers of different specialties. | | Since october when we presented to the staff meeting the proyect, an it was approved and the participants were selected, we have been carrying out weekly meetings, where we establised the place and the duration of the proyect. | | Later, the tasks were assigned to each of the participants and we started to develop the project. | | The expected impact will be the improvement of the linguistic competences, the appliance of the new methodology learned, the improvement of the social habilities, the development of the linguistic proyect, being adapted to the linguistic needs established | | in the Common European Framework, to motivate the students and involved them in their own learning, to establish contacts with other schools through the E-twinning proyect, to share a positive messaje of modernity and provide a model of learning to help other schools;In a long-term we pretend that the benefits will be the introduction of the students and all the community in the multilinguism society. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA101-014826;;;"""eVal2TransForm: Transformative Learning Through Evaluation with 2.0 Transfolios""";Institut Nou de Sant Gregori is a newly created public school that opened its doors in the academic year 2014-2015. As of today, there is a total of 45 students in our school, and we expect an inc...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, International cooperation ...;;Institut Nou de Sant Gregori;ES;ES,AT;2.524,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;Institut Nou de Sant Gregori is a newly created public school that opened its doors in the academic year 2014-2015. As of today, there is a total of 45 students in our school, and we expect an increase of 60 new students per year until we complete the four years of compulsory secondary education. Many of our students perform above average in most subject areas. There is also a number of students (about 10%) who have a poor or very poor performance in many subjects. | | Our main challenge has been to find a system to motivate our most outstanding students to develop their full potentials by offering them a better goal than that of just excelling in particular subjects. This system needs to promote collaborative and cross-curricular work and, most importantly, it is mandatory that it equally benefits those students who have a poor performance. | | We intensely trained our staff in the use of innovative methodologies whilst we implemented a new tool: the e2-transfolio. The e2-transfolio is a digital portfolio that, unlike most portfolios, does not focus on particular subjects but on the tools that let the student improve in an academic and cross-curricular way. Its called transfolio due to its transversality, and e2 stands for secondary education. We created a new one-hour weekly subject area for students to develop their e2-transfolios. | | The concept of e-transfolio is not new. It was developed by the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) and was applied to university students. One of the participants of the pilot group that developed the e-transfolio is Neus Heras, headmistress of our school and leader of this project. The UOC is basing a doctorate on our e2-transfolio and will help us to objectively assess its impact in secondary school students. | | Our e2-transfolio is now at its initial stage of implementation. At this stage we need to integrate experience from other schools and study similar concepts to fine-tune our portfolio model. There are two main reasons why we think a job shadow visit to the Austrian school In der Krim will be of use. | | 1- They have proved experience in the use of the European Language Portfolio, which is a consolidated and reliable portfolio that would not only help us integrate language learning in our portfolio, but also provide a trustworthy model to fine tune our e2-transfolio. | | 2- They have experience in managing portfolios with a large number of students. Today there are a total of 45 students in our school and only 6 teaching staff and we need to anticipate how to manage the portfolio in the coming years (we expect an increase of 60 students per year). A total of 6 participants from our school will take part in this project. As stated above, they will be experienced in our portfolio model and well trained in innovative methodologies in the classroom. Some of them will be well experienced in European projects. | | Activities will include sharing information about the typology of both schools, their school project and their specific needs. We will also share the features of both portfolios to evaluate how the two models can benefit from each other. Both schools will agree on a methodology to create evaluation rubrics. We will then create a corpus of rubrics common to both schools. These rubrics will be stored as shared documents, so they can always be edited and improved in a collaborative way. Students self-assessment and peer-assessment will be practiced not only at a local level but also at a transnational level. Thus, Austrian students will be assessing their Spanish counterparts and vice versa. The e-Twinning platform will work as our primary tool for communication.;In the long term we expect to consolidate the implementation of our portfolio with a large body of students (we will have a total of about 230 students in the academic year 2017-2018). We also hope to integrate some features of the European Language Portfolio in our model of portfolio and to boost language learning by reliably integrating the language areas in our e2-transfolio. | | We believe our portfolio model will help us cater for diverse learning capabilities, paces and styles thus contributing to reduce school dropouts whilst improving the percentage of students who decide to continue their studies beyond compulsory education. | | We also expect to improve the European dimension of the school, and to gain recognition at a European level. We aim to share good practices and take part in future projects with strategic partnerships. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA101-014912;;;PLAN DE MEJORA DE LAS COMPETENCIAS LINGSTICAS Y DIDCTICAS DE LOS PROFESORES DE LA SECCIN BILINGE;Our project has been a Program for the Improvement of Language and Teaching Skills, aimed at the training of Institute Fray Pedro de Urbina Bilingual Section teachers. This section is composed of ...;Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;IES FRAY PEDRO DE URBINA;ES;ES;16.942,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;Our project has been a Program for the Improvement of Language and Teaching Skills, aimed at the training of Institute Fray Pedro de Urbina Bilingual Section teachers. This section is composed of 12 teachers from 6 departments offering both English and three other CLIL subjects for course to students from eight groups and four years of Secondary Education (161 students 2016-2017 academic year). | Based on a previous analysis by members of the Bilingual Section of training requirements, they were scheduled two basic lines of activity: | | 1) Those which are integrated into a Continuing Training Seminar that develops throughout the course , with meetings on a weekly basis (one hour) in which all the members of the Bilingual Section participate and are preferably carried out in English (supported by the assistant of language teacher or native personnel). This seminar activities fit different kind: RPGs , little lectures, discussions, viewing of audiovisual material... but all aimed at strengthening communication skills of teachers in English. Also lectures and workshops on specific topics we consider necessary to improve our training (phonetics, e- twinning, CLIL methodology...) are programmed. | The titles of the seminars held so far and this year being developed are: | - Brushing up our English methodology. | - Updating methodology and resources. | - Updating our English competence. | | 2) Those which are provided as training courses in several foreign institutions, where the teachers of the Section will go outside the academic year (summer, Easter). We have followed contrasting and pooled criteria to select among all institutions to which we will go, based on our previous experience with them, their career, the information collected and the type of courses we need. | | Specifically for this period we have selected several courses from the following institutions: | - PILGRIMS (Teacher training), Canterbury, UK. | - BELL, Cambridge, UK. | - INTERNATIONAL STUDY PROGRAMMES, Cheltenham, UK | - INSTILL EDUCATION LIMITED, London, UK.;The results we got are two-fold , both intangible (more knowledge, better language skills) as more apprehended, such as reports, training materials, e -learning tools or new contacts. No doubt this will benefit our teaching and, therefore, our students , although secondarily we have offered the results to other colleagues through the Center for Teachers (CFIE) or from our website or our blog. | In any event, it must have analytical tools that tell us the medium to long term real impact of the program and we planned to use this type indicators as follows: | - Number of participating teachers. | - Training certified hours . | - Final evaluation reports prepared by the participants. | - Pooling and evaluation of materials or new methods, by the permanent training seminar integrating Bilingual Section teachers. | - Increased participation of our school (teachers and students) in European programs and competitions (European Parliament, new students' exchanges, international congress...). Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA101-015266;;;Mejora de la competencia matemtica y su metodologas a travs de las nuevas tecnologas;"CONTEXT Our project is the result of our interest in developing methodological strategies in the area of Mathematics through new technologies, aiming to improve the academic results of our pupi...";Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Pedagogy and didactics, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;CEIP EL GRECO;ES;ES,FI;14.236,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;Our project is the result of our interest in developing methodological strategies in the area of Mathematics through new technologies, aiming to improve the academic results of our pupils. If we use as a point of reference the external tests done in our region (Madrid), our school is always below the average in this subject. | | Even if we have implemented improvement plans so as to better these results, they have not been enough. For this reason, we are interested to know how other European countries deal with Mathematics teaching. | | NUMBER AND PROFILE OF THE PARTICIPANTS | | The participants will be five teachers of both childhood education and Primary School, concerned with the improvement plans of comprehension and problem-solving skills and Mathematics strategies developed in our school. Furthermore, they are experts in new technologies and have a good level of English (B1). | | | | DESCRIPTION OF THE ACTIVITIES | | 1. PREVIOUS ACTIVITIES | | - They have attended courses dealing with Mathematics and new technologies, such as Mathematics: handling, logic and wit or TIC resources in the classroom. | | - They are active participants in the technological innovation project developed in our School. | | - They will take part in European forums through e-twinning web, where they would be given information about the educational system of Finland and Estonia, so as to become familiar with their culture. | | - Conversation classes will be organized by our English teachers, in order to improve their English oral skills. | | | | 2. MOBILITY | | - Our teachers will attend courses related with Mathematics and new technologies, in Finland and Estonia, countries considered outstanding in both areas. The courses will last from 5 to 7 days and will take place in July and August of 2015 and 2016. | | - The teachers will follow a job shadowing (5 days) in two schools of both countries, during two years.;FINAL ACTIVITY | | A training workshop will be held in our school (Wednesdays from 12:30 to 14:20), in which the chosen teachers will share the knowledge and experience acquired in Finnish and Estonians schools with the rest of the faculty members, both theoretically and through practice. This workshop will undoubtedly have a beneficial effect on our students learning process. | | We are sure that the outcome of our teachers mobility will be very positive for our School, and will both promote opening up to European strategies to learn to learn in Mathematics and TIC and create a European area of learning and good practices. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA101-015274;;;FORMACION SIN FRONTERAS;This Project was born within the framework of new teaching situations at schools teachers need to gain and use effectively new digital and language skills and approaches , especially those teach...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;IES UNIVERSIDAD LABORAL DE TOLEDO;ES;ES;5.380,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;This Project was born within the framework of new teaching situations at schools teachers need to gain and use effectively new digital and language skills and approaches , especially those teaching groups that use English in content and language integrated language (CLIL) in bilingual groups that use a variety of approaches and digital text books. | Some of the aims to be achieved were: | To develop the schools internationalization strategy, improving the skills in order to modernise the school management and open it internationally. | To improve classroom pedagogics and teaching process, making it modern, dynamic and | open to innovative techniques | To promote permanent collaboration and develop links with secondary schools and institutions in different European countries. | To strategically plan and implement the schools goals and the professional development of the teachers working here. | To improve teachers qualifications | To promote and improve teachers professional skills digital skills and communication and language abilities | To improve the use of effective classroom teaching and learning techniques | To promote better opportunities for teachers professional development | The initial project considered six teachers of the IES Universidad Laboral de Toledo taking part in mobility activities - teachers using CLIL approach to secondary school students, teachers using new technologies, computer-based activities and digital textbooks, and English and French teachers. Eventually, only two mobilities were approved- structured courses for a teacher of French at 1st cycle Compulsory Secondary (ESO) and a science teacher at 1st cycle Compulsory Secondary teaching in English. | Because of this restructuration of the project, there was a revision of the activities to be carried out by teachers during the project | Training courses for specific purposes | Methodology | The Project has been implemented during the school year 2015-16. At the endo of the school year 2014-15, information about the project and project approval was given | Preparation before the start of the activity | - Selection of teachers | - Contact with institutions and partner schools | - Planning of places and times when the activities will take place | During mobility activities | - Follow up | - Evaluation | After mobility activities | -Dissemination of approaches and pedagogies acquired | - Assessment of results | - Implementation and use of learning activities in the classroom.;Results and impact obtained: | According to the expected objectives, the impact in the short term has consisted of: | - Improvement of cultural and communicative and language skills in a foreign language of teachers taking place in the activity. | - Improvement of teachers digital competences and their ability to use ITC | - A gain of a variety of teaching ideas and methodologies to be used in the classroom | - Implementation and use of resources explained during the course to increase the cultural and communicative competence of students of French as a first or second foreign language. | In the short and long term, and according to the schools plan to integrate the learnings achieved during the project within the goals of the school as an education institution, there will be various long- term benefits: | - Modernizing of the school and opening up to other international institutions. A new KA101 has been approved for the next school year, as well as a KA 102 and a KA 103 (mobility for students and teachers within the Vocational Studens | Improving and expanding the collaboration network with schools and institutions in other countries | Improvement of teachers qualifications. | The resources and new methodological and digital learning has been disseminated amongst teachers within departments and the whole school, other members of education community and teachers at other schools by using social networks and the Universidad Laboral de Toledo web page, especially Twitter and the Erasmus+ section | An e-Twinning project has been generated Our World, with a Scottish school, which probably will go on next school year. Contacts between other European schools and institutions will be increased in order to work together on new e-Twinning projects in Spanish , English or French. | There has been an evaluation of the whole process of the project. | Some resources have been uploaded in the Dashboard platform. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA101-015410;;;EDUCA +;Paidos , Primary and Secondary School,is located in the town of Denia in the north of the province of Alicante. It has two groups in each level. Besides, it has a pre-school associated centre ,...;Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;Paidos;ES;ES,DK,FI;11.635,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;Paidos , Primary and Secondary School,is located in the town of Denia in the north of the province of Alicante. It has two groups in each level. Besides, it has a pre-school associated centre , Bambi, both of them with the same management and ownership. One of our priorities nowadays is the need to continually improve English teaching and classroom integration of new methodologies that support the development of basic skills.In order to improve the communicative competence in English language, the school belongs to the Plurilingual Schools Network since 2011 and has a plan for the gradual incorporation of sessions in English for non-linguistic subjects. At the moment, the school offers teachers English speaking workshops with native speakers and there are also many teachers who undertake private English lessons in order to improve their proficiency of the language. The effective incorporation of this program certainly requires qualified teaching staff and hence the need for training in this area. In this sense, the CLIL training courses have contributed in a very positive way to improve our teachers' English skills, directly affecting the implementation of our Multilingual Program.Our school has also coordinated two consecutive Comenius projects COMIC (2011-2013) and (2013-2014) and has participated in Individual Student Mobilities (2013-2014), which has helped bring the entire educational community closer to other European cultures, as well as raising awareness of the importance of improving language skills in the new Europe in which the coexistence of all members is a reality both at an academic and a professional level.With regard to the introduction of new methodologies in the classroom, INNOVA Group, coordinated by the school management team, was created in 2011. The main task of this group is to introduce innovative classroom methodologies such as cooperative work or project work in order to promote the development of key competences and multiple intelligences and thus achieve a significant and real learning, based on research, observation and manipulation, ultimately learning to prepare students for a globalized world where languages and new technologies are of vital importance to access the job market.For this reason it is and it has been a priority for us to observe how they work in other schools with proven experience in the use of this methodology, like Gistrup Skole, since it will certainly has allowed us to learn from its actual implementation in the classroom, new evaluation tools or new technologies and how to use them in the classroom and thus incorporate or enhance those aspects which may be optimal for improving the quality of teaching. The competences and knowledge that have improved are the entrepreneurial competence, providing quality teaching-learning process from innovative and creative actions, and language proficiency in English, from new techniques, tools and resources for teaching English on the one hand, and knowledge of techniques of cooperative work or project work and the use of new technologies in the classroom on the other hand.The training has been aimed at the INNOVA group coordinators, English teachers and those who teach in English, teachers with e-twinning projects and teachers taking part in European projects. The staff has been informed in the INNOVA sessions.The project has been spread using the school web page, e-twinning and the social networks. Parents, students and the education community have been able to get access to all the information through these informative publications or meetings. Other schools administrations and the educational inspection have been invited to join the meetings. We have also informed the local and regional media and CEFIRE (Training, Innovation and other resources Center in the Valencian Community) ;The project's impact has been assessed in an objective way through an initial, intermediate and final evaluation, considering three main indicators: level of English, using new methodologies in the classroom and development of interdisciplinary projects. The evaluation has been addressed to teachers and students and it has been essential in order to know the real impact of the project in the classroom.The evaluation of this project has allowed us to analyze the impact troughout the two-year working period, however, the effort does not end here. Progress, the frantic pace of social transformation require education to evolve. European citizenship, foreign language teaching, new methodologies that support the development of skills, new technologies... all these different aspects are needed nowadays for a student to confront successfully the hard task of entering the labor market. This is and has been our trademark. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA103-013140;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;El proyecto se ha llevado a cabo en un Instituto Pblico de Formacin Profesional de la Comunidad de Madrid, para alumnos de los siguientes Ciclos Formativos de Grado Superior de la Familia Profes...;;;CIFP PROFESOR RAL VZQUEZ;ES;ES;13.886,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;El proyecto se ha llevado a cabo en un Instituto Pblico de Formacin Profesional de la Comunidad de Madrid, para alumnos de los siguientes Ciclos Formativos de Grado Superior de la Familia Profesional de Transporte y Mantenimiento de Vehculos: Mantenimiento Aeromecnico, Mantenimiento de Avinica y Automocin. Se beneficiaron del proyecto un total de 12 alumnos, de los ciclos anteriormente mencionados. El nivel de formacin previo de estos alumnos, corresponde a Bachillerato o Ciclo Formativo de Grado Medio, con una edad comprendida entre 19 y 24 aos, salvo un alumno de 37 aos. Bsicamente la actividad ha consistido en la realizacin de las prcticas laborales (mdulo de F.C.T.) en empresas del sector de las aeronaves y los vehculos automviles en los pases de destino. Nuestros socios de acogida han sido el Srednja Poklicna in Strokovna Sola Bezigrad en Ljubljana (Eslovenia) y el Berufsbildende Schulen en Rinteln (Alemania), con los que venimos colaborando en el intercambio de alumnos del programa ERASMUS + para Educacin Superior. La relacin con los centros siempre ha sido fluida, con lo que se garantiza un alto nivel de calidad en las prcticas y la reciprocidad en el intercambio de alumnos. Las movilidades que se realizaron en Blgica, fueron gestionadas directamente por el personal responsable del Centro Profesor Ral Vzquez y la empresa Lufthansa Technik Brussels NV del Aeropuerto de Bruselas. Las estancias de los alumnos se llevaron a cabo del 4 de abril hasta el 9 o 10 de junio de 2016. Consideramos que la participacin en un programa de aprendizaje europeo, y por tanto la realizacin de prcticas en el extranjero, completa las necesidades de formacin de nuestros alumnos en aspectos tcnicos, profesionales y de personalidad. Mejorando e incrementando sus posibilidades de insercin en el mercado laboral. Adems de todo ello, creemos que el proyecto ha ayudado a la internacionalizacin de la dimensin educativa de nuestro centro, contribuyendo a la mejora del aprendizaje de idiomas y a la promocin de la diversidad lingstica de la Unin Europea. De la misma forma, se fomenta el intercambio de experiencias, innovacin e internacionalizacin en el mbito de la educacin y se han abierto nuevas vas para futuros programas de innovacin e intercambios.;Basically, the activity that was developed is the implementation Student Work Practices in companies in the Aeronautics and Automotion Industry, and in the countries of destination. Our host partners were Srednja Poklicna in Strokovna Sola Bezigrad in Ljubljana (Slovenia) and Berufsbildende Schulen in Rinteln (Germany), with whom we have collaborated in the Erasmus+ student exchange program for Higher Education. The relationship with the centers has always been fluid, so that a high level of quality is ensured in practice and reciprocity in the exchange of students. The movilities that took place in Belgium, were directly managed by the personnel at Profesor Ral Vzquez High School and the participating internship company: Lufthansa Technik Brussels NV in Brussels Airport. The period the students stayed abroad was from April 4th to June 9th or 10th, 2016. We believe that participation in a program of European Learning, and therefore the work experience abroad, complete the training needs of our students in technical, professional and personality aspects. It also improves and increases their chances of entering the labor market. In addition to this, we believe the Project has helped the internationalization of the educational dimension of our school Also, it has contributed to the improvement of learning languages and promoting broad linguistic diversity of the European Union. In the same way, it promotes the exchange of innovational experiences in the field of education and it has opened avenues for future innovation programs and exchanges. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA103-013268;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;"CONTEXT AND BACKGROUND In the IES Federica Montseny we consider the participation in the Erasmus + program in order to promote the exchange of experiences, cooperation and mobility of our educat...";;;IES FEDERICA MONTSENY;ES;ES;5.695,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (tertiary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;In the IES Federica Montseny we consider the participation in the Erasmus + program in order to promote the exchange of experiences, cooperation and mobility of our educational community priority. As a background to the current project, we participated between 1999 to 2013 in the projects Socrates, Comenius, Leonardo project, and e twinning. Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2008-2014: Ten mobilities student placement and twelve mobilities of teachers for training. Erasmus + 14-20 Charter ECHE Higher Education and projects KA102, KA101 and KA103. Immediate objective: Education KA2. OBJECTIVES - Improving the quality and attractiveness of Vocational Training Higher Level, giving a new European dimension and encourage transnational cooperation between higher education institutions and enterprises. - Promote learning of languages and cultures of the countries of the EU. - Increase awareness of students about the importance of mobility as an added value to their training and subsequent employment and development skills and competencies needed in the European labor market. - I improve teaching, exchange of knowledge, skills and competencies in different sectors of production, framed in a transnational training project. NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS AND PROFILE: Students of Industrial Maintenance Cycle have made mobility practices, through which they have done the FCT of Technician in Industrial Mechatronics in the company SARTORI rides, S.L. in Italy. The student of Cicle of Dietetic , made mobility practices, through which he has done the FCT of Technician in Dietetic in the company. EDUCANDATO STATALE San Benedetto. Teachers: a teacher of Health family, who currently teaches a multilingual course, has done a training period in the ITC institution for the training of teachers in service established by the Czech Ministry of Education, for the CLIL course - Learning integrated Content and Language.;DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITIES: The two students of Industrial Mechatronics have made a mobility practices. The tasks carried out in the company are detailed in the contract of practices. The fulfillment of these tasks are performed according to the production needs of the company. global activities: - Monitoring and control of maintenance planning. - Determine the rates of reliability, availability and maintainability of a production line and machines. - They have been established quantity levels, availability and cost of spare parts of a machine to ensure compliance program repair operations and preventive maintenance. - Correction of errors and failures and development of a machine. The student of Cycle of Dietetic , performed the FCT, through which developed the following tasks: - Analyze the nutritivo- dietary needs of an individual or group based on their physiological characteristics. - I prepare balanced menus for a school group previously characterized - Control of the critical points in the process of receiving, processing, preparation and distribution of food - Inform students about the advantages and disadvantages of eating certain foods in certain physiological states. The teacher made the course CLIL - Content and language integrated learning, with the following contents: CLIL - the theory, practice in some European countries. The integration of the four skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing). CLIL in the classroom, inter-curricular platforms. Gesgestin deAula. ICT in CLIL. RESULTS AND IMPACT OBTAINED AND LONG-TERM BENEFITS: The result has been very successful for the family of Mantenimiento. Make the practices in this business has enabled widely develop the curriculum of the training cycle Mecatrnica, as well as, thanks to this collaboration, IES is a beneficiary of a project for the call KA102 16 -17. | The student of Cycle of Dietetic did the FCT in a school where it has been possible to implement all aspects of the training program, obtaining an outstanding result that is reflected in the memory performed, and it is exhibited at page web of the school . Thanks to this training period has been established a line of collaboration between the school and the IES that will allow expanding the number of students for mobility 16-17 . It has also been achieved making contact with companies in the health sector for future projects KA102, The teacher, in the course, has gained new insights into the CLIL methodologies that will allow to expand and strengthen the multilingual program in the IES through applying these strategies. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA103-013499;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;"Our project 2015-1-ES01-KA103-013499 (E MADRID42) accomplished the objectives and agreements of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education. 12 mobilities were bestowed and carried out in total: 1 S...";;;IES MARIA DE ZAYAS Y SOTOMAYOR;ES;ES;11.980,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (tertiary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;Our project 2015-1-ES01-KA103-013499 (E MADRID42) accomplished the objectives and agreements of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education. 12 mobilities were bestowed and carried out in total: 1 STA, 2 STT, 7 SMP, and 2 SMS: 3 student mobilities to complete Work placements (SMT) funded by the Erasmus Project, 4 student mobilities to complete Workplacements (SMT) (self-funded) Erasmus 0 (awarded by The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports at the call for proposals of, and 5 Teacher mobilities to receive Training (STT). Erasmus+ Project is included in the Annual General School Plan and is presented to be approved at the General Staff Meeting and at the School Council. This Project is widely known in the School Community. Each Department is asked to propose candidates while the Project is shown to all groups at the 1st Vocational Training Cycles. Due to our specific status as a relatively small Higher Education School, we can sort out students from the different courses we have, included in the following sectors: HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM INDUSTRIES.BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION COMPUTER SCIENCE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES CHILDREN EDUCATION The STT mobilities consist of on site European work placements at the companies belonging to the relevant fields that our students are going to be working in. Understanding the working environment of the target countries in a professional setting is one of our main goals: Getting to know the specialized software in use and learning to apply the general knowledge and know-how of companies outside of Spain in order to apply what they learn to their work when they return to Spain. Out of 5 mobilities granted only 3 were carried out: The first one in Vasteras, Sweden in a hospitality and tourism educational center. The remaining two at the European School I in Brussels, Belgium. The experience was very positive and formative for all of the attending professors, and their expectations of the event were exceeded.;The SMP mobilities consist of the completion of three months in a work placement module at a European Company with the aim of evaluating linguistic competence of the students as well as to facilitate direct access into the labor market, in a way as to compliment their CV or rsum. | In order to complete the SMP mobilities, habitual protocols are followed. The Erasmus project is first presented and explained to the students during their second course, and then they are evaluated in either French or English, depending on their placements, via an interview or oral exam with the entire process carried out by the English and French departments within the school. Following that, academic records, or grades, are compared among the candidates. Then their respective maturity levels are assessed by a committee of each of the students teachers. | This year sixteen students were preselected by the schools assessment team in December 2015. The main reasons that nine candidates dropped out of the program amounted to economic and family issues as well as a lack of academic competence. The Erasmus Project+ Higher Education is highly valued by the educational community due to its prestige and meaningful experience that it provides to both students and teachers that participate in it. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA103-013501;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;Our Erasmus+ High Education project (2015-1-ES01-KA103-013501) was created to offer our students and VET teachers of high education, the chance to make a training period in a UE country, through t...;;;IES PAU CASESNOVES;ES;ES;4.417,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (tertiary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;Our Erasmus+ High Education project (2015-1-ES01-KA103-013501) was created to offer our students and VET teachers of high education, the chance to make a training period in a UE country, through the mobility activities of a traineeship in a company for the students and a training period for the teacher. By this project we have provided our students and teacher the approach and integration in Europe, at the same time we have facilitated them the learning of other languages and cultures, as well as the improvement of their professional skills. The specific aims of the project are: a)To improve the capacity and professional skills of students and teachers. b)To provide students and teachers an European dimension of the labour market, improving the employability of students helping them get their first job. c) To work the basic and transversal skills d) To promote student entrepreneurship, access to new labour markets and opportunities. e) To promote learning of foreign languages to students and teachers. f) To strengthen relationships with intermediary schools g) To ensure equal opportunities and access to information by all participants h) To ensure the quality of mobility activities i) To validate the skills acquired by the participants during their experiences abroad. In this project have participated three students and one teacher of higher vocational training. The students were of the following professions: Development of web applications, Telecommunications and computer systems and Motor vehicles. The teacher belonged to the department electrical and electronics. Students have done 10 weeks of traineeship in Rendsburg (Germany), Budapest (Hungary) and Malta. Teacher has done a 5 days job shadowing in a VET school in Budapest (Hungary).;To carry out our project, we have had the colaboration of our project partners in Rendsburg and Budapest and a company in Malta. Our project partners in Rendsburg and Budapest are vocational training centers like our and they have a wide experience in mobility | projects. We work all the time in close collaboration with them, which is essential for the preparation and execution of the project, ensuring the quality of the mobility we offer. We know that a quality mobility experience is very important for the future of our students, helping them to promote their creativity, competitiveness, employability and entrepreneurship. Then, all together work to get it. With this project we have strengthened the capacity of lifelong learning of our students, creating in them a sense of European citizenship based on understanding and respect for human rights and promoting tolerance with other countries and cultures. Youths must search for new professional careers in the European Union. There is nothing better than the students mobility at the end of their training, to gain experience in a safe and supervised framework and get ready for the European labour market. Through a transnational mobility people can strengthen both professional and personal fields. Students and teacher returned from their experience reinforced with new knowledge and learning and they had the opportunity to compare the training of both countries and transfer their knowledge and experience in their training and/or work activities performed later in our country. Sometimes, the fact of living on an island makes it difficult for students and teachers to make a decision about making a training period abroad. We would like to change this. With this project our students and teachers open out their horizons to new experiences with people and companies in other European countries, responding to the objectives and priorities of the Erasmus+ programme. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA104-013398;;;Horizonte 2020: Internacionalizacin de la EOI de Gijn ;Horizon 2020: Internationalization of the Official School of Languages of Gijn (EOI Gijn) is a KA1 Erasmus+ project that covers the ongoing training of the teachers in the EOI Gijn, a public, ...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Gijn;ES;ES;19.176,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Adult education;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"Horizon 2020: Internationalization of the Official School of Languages of Gijn (EOI Gijn) is a KA1 Erasmus+ project that covers the ongoing training of the teachers in the EOI Gijn, a public, non-profit organisation for adult education. Ever since it was opened in 1989, the school has dedicated all its efforts to teaching world languages: English, French and German. In 2007, the school became an authorised exam centre for the Certificate Exams (Pruebas de Certificacin) for the Basic (A2), Intermediate (B1) and Advanced (B2) levels according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). In 2013, the school was authorised to certify the C1 level. The school also offers Teachers Refresher Courses for educators working in the Principality of Asturias. It has a staff of 29 teachers, 3 administrative assistants and 6 service personnel. | | | | The School Board has encouraged and endorsed the Project which arose as the result of our Needs Assessment Plan. In September 2014, a Work Team, approved by the Teacher and Resources Centre and composed by 19 teachers and 3 members of the School Board, supported the importance of identifying teachers training needs. The outcome of this process was a European Development Plan that has been integrated into the Schools Education Project. | | The project Horizon 2020 is seen as a tool which will contribute to the implementation of the schools internationalization process. Learning a language inevitably facilitates our learners mobility and employability, however, the school must first of all open its doors to the world and facilitate contact with other social-cultural realities. A successful exchange of citizens and ideas demands mobility at alternate levels, it requires citizens to be equipped with the necessary tools to understand other cultures and acquire multilinguistic competences. The current state of affairs in Spain intensifies our need to strengthen our ties with the rest of Europe. | | The EOI Gijn has consistently participated in different European Actions and Projects. Facilitating a European scope in our approach to language teaching has always been one of our main objectives; it cuts across languages and teaching-learning levels of competence. A significant number of our teaching staff has worked abroad and has successfully taken part in events organised and co-funded by the European Union. The school has also supported Language Assistant Schemes, has encouraged the participation in the Socrates and Lifelong Learning Programmes through the Lingua, Comenius, Grundtvig and Erasmus Actions and it is currently involved in an E-twinning project. | | Our two-year project includes twelve mobilities for teaching staff and School Board members. All the personnel has negotiated and reached a written agreement to implement the schools Training Programme, in order to attend 9 structured courses in the UK, 1 in France and 1 in Germany aimed to cover the needs assessed by the teaching staff as well as 1 course in Slovenia for the Principal of the school, appointed during the school year 2014-2015. Prestigious and renowned providers of relevant Teacher Training Courses in Europe have already been contacted so as to approach specific interest points: the evaluation of linguistic competences, socio-cultural features in language, methodological strategies applied to CLIL, ICT-CLT tools as well as Leadership, Networking and Management Skills. | | The activities consist of seven-day courses, which are one of the measures taken in our Training Plan to meet our requirements: | | 1. To increase the ratio of learners who achieve successful continuous assessments and the overall number of examinees who obtain their Language Certificate. | | 2. To decrease absenteeism and boost motivation among learners. | | The courses have been divided into four content sections: Methodological-Linguistic Proficiency, Digital and Inter-cultural Competence and Managerial Skills for Education.";To ensure the success of the project, the members have met every two weeks and agreed to share the responsibility involved in management, administration, communication with course providers, attendance of courses, content dissemination and the evaluation of the performance measures adopted to assess the projects impact before, during and after its existence. The results will be quantified by comparing the number of successful candidates and by analysing the ratio of absenteeism in different school years. Questionnaires evaluating learners degree of satisfaction, self-evaluation and qualitative assessment worksheets for teachers and learners will also be developed. Due to our experience in other European programmes and the benefits obtained from these, the teaching staff, together with the School Board and the learners of the EOI Gijn wish to continue moving forward in the sustainable process of internationalization of our school and the dissemination of the European dimension of Diversity in Education. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA201-016210;;;DESARROLLO DE COMPETENCIAS A TRAVES DEL ARTE Y LA INTELIGENCIA EMOCIONAL, PARA MEJORAR LOS APRENDIZAJES Y LAS SITUACIONES DE EXCLUSION SOCIAL.;INTEGR-ARTE (Integration & Arts) was aimed to create a strong network of educational cooperation between the 4 European municipalities of Rome, Badajoz, vora and Paterna, enabling the exchange of...;Romas and/or other minorities, Creativity and culture, Inclusion - equity;;FUNDACION YEHUDI MENUHIN ESPAA;ES;ES,IT,PT;111.721,00;Yes;No;Non-Profit making cultural organizations;Asociacin;;;English;INTEGR-ARTE (Integration & Arts) was aimed to create a strong network of educational cooperation between the 4 European municipalities of Rome, Badajoz, vora and Paterna, enabling the exchange of good practices and improve the professional competencies of teachers who work with Gypsy-Roma children and families (but also of immigrant origin) at risk of exclusion. The project applies a methodology of socio-educational intervention through arts. We have carried out a practical and participatory project that facilitates social cohesion, equality, citizenship and coexistence, favours lower absenteeism rates and implements techniques to improve students motivation for learning. INTEGR-ARTE has promoted the exchange of training activities, pedagogical experiences, best practices and educational materials. The project invites to do a research on our cities and our personal realities through the implementation of performances of dance, theatre, visual arts and music that gravitate around the intercultural city in which we all live. Final multimedia products have been produced by children at pre-school and primary school level, during school and out-of-school hours. We worked with artists using innovative techniques to portray different eyes to reality. The produced documentary has the participation of around children of the 4 municipalities. It compares the children view of their cities with the their families and their teachers views and thoughts. The final product reflects and deepens into the socio-cultural, affective, emotional and psychological problems of our (mainly Gipsy-Roma) children and their environments, and helps us to overcome their situations of conflict. A free access WIKI space has been developed (website) to foster the participation of the educational communities of the 4 municipalities.;INTEGR-ARTE aimed to: 1. Develop a proven methodology of intervention through art, which help the prevention of absenteeism, based on a serious and rigorous work that includes evaluating both process and results, in order to transform reality. Art-work is currently often used, but art-work requires the addition of reflection and a methodological process. Thats why we have added to the project 3 universities as partners, and the experience of the MUS-E methodology applied since 1999 by FYME, AYM Portugal and MUS-E Rome. 2. Exchange experiences among partners and apply them in schools at risk of exclusion that work with ethnic minorities (principally Roma) in 4 municipalities: Paterna (Valencia), Badajoz, Evora and Rome. 3. Implement, based on a methodology of intervention through arts, a practical and participatory work in intercultural education that facilitates social cohesion and coexistence, and improves the motivation for learning of students who live in situations of discouragement, thus reducing problems of absenteeism. 4 Improve the training of educational professionals with new social work tools and techniques in the field of education, enhancing social cohesion and learning. The 3 participating universities support this activity. 5 Develop an inter-sectorial planning, since the project involves different school area responsibles (parents associations, management teams and teachers), universities, municipal authorities, autonomous public entities, educational associations, volunteers and future educational professionals (trainees of universities). Three trans-national meetings took place and included training, coordination and exchange of good practices activities (held in Badajoz-Evora, Paterna and Rome), attended by members of all 12 participating partners. The training team provided a specific and differentiated artistic, educational and social knowledge. Meetings included actions of coordination, planning, monitoring and evaluation, and will count with the presence of all project partners and representatives of the local and regional educational communities. Educational professionals trained and informed in each municipality reversed their learning to the community, and collaborated in the realization of the planned performances and products produced by our mainly Gipsy children and their families at risk of exclusion. Results | Website | | | Without category | | Documento metodolgico INTEGRARTE Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA202-015962;;;LINK-Inc. Fostering equity and inclusion in Work-based Learning by equipping trainers and mentors with innovative approaches to address cultural and ethnic diversity in VET;In today's highly competitive labour markets, the experience gained through Work-based Learning (WBL) opens doors to later jobs. Youth unemployment rates in European countries with a strong tradit...;Inclusion - equity, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;Instituto para el fomento del desarrollo y la formacin S.L;ES;ES,AT,FR,IT,PT,BG;155.165,60;Yes;No;Small and medium sized enterprise;Otros;;;English;In today's highly competitive labour markets, the experience gained through Work-based Learning (WBL) opens doors to later jobs. Youth unemployment rates in European countries with a strong tradition of WBL, such as Austria (9.0%), are lower than in countries with less developed WBL systems, like Bulgaria (21.6%), France (25.2%), Portugal (34.5%), Italy (42%) or Spain (51.4%). Work-based learning is also particularly effective to re-motivate and retain learners who are otherwise at risk of dropping out. At-risk groups such as migrants or ethnic minorities are particularly in need of targeted support. Nevertheless, available evidence confirms that young immigrants and ethnic minorities rarely have the same chances to access good training places in the apprenticeship system. Two main factors are behind the underrepresentation of these collectives in WBL. Firstly, a lack of social and parental networks necessary to identify suitable placements themselves, requiring the support of the educational institutions. A second factor is discrimination, which is largely based on stereotypes and on a lack of knowledge and awareness about the benefits of the cultural diversity. Native citizens often perceive immigration or ethnicity as a nuisance or a threat and some employers may prefer to involve native apprentices instead of involving migrants or ethnic minorities. The identification of cultural differences with problems and/or nuisances, rather than with opportunities and advantages, is in the base of this situation.;"LINK-Inc project aims to increase the participation of migrants and ethnic minorities in WBL by equipping VET and In company teachers and mentors with innovative approaches to address cultural diversity in VET. The purpose is to equip VET professionals with the adequate skills and tools to support young migrants and ethnic minorities in their allocation to training places. Furthermore, to prevent possible situations of discrimination in WBL by helping In company teachers, trainers and mentors to acquire competencies and tools to manage cultural diversity in apprenticeships programmes. To do so, six partner organizations (VET providers, companies and social partners) from Spain, Austria, Bulgaria, France, Italy and Portugal will work together to develop LINK-Inc project, in order to define common strategies to foster equity and inclusion of migrants and ethnic minorities in Work-based Learning. LINK-Inc partners will: a) Identify the skills that VET and in-company trainers and mentors require to integrate cultural and ethnic diversity in WBL. (IO1 State of the art report); b) Enhance the professional development of VET and in-company trainers and mentors by developing innovative tools to facilitate the recognition of their competence profile and job description (IO2 LINK-Inc Training Curriculum); c) Develop new approaches and innovative methodologies to apply and manage Intercultural Integration in WBL (IO3 LINK-Inc Handbook); d) Train and up-skill VET staff on new approaches and practical tools to apply and manage diversity in WBL (IO4 LINK-Inc Toolbox); e) Promote and facilitate access to good practices, methodologies and products for Intercultural Integration in VET (IO5 Open Online Center). The main target users of the project products are VET and in-company trainers, teachers, mentors and counselors, VET providers and companies providing Work-based Learning, social partners and Public entities, NGOs and other organizations supporting migrants and ethnic minorities. Final beneficiaries are migrants and ethnic minorities in general, and VET students and apprentices in particular, willing to participate in Work-based Learning. In the course of the life time of LINK-Inc project, the partnership will directly involved 90 VET and in-company trainers, tutors and mentors, 150 migrants and ethnic minorities, 210 participants in research activities, and 485 stakeholders, direct users and beneficiaries of the project activities and products. A wider audience, of a minimum of 1.000 recipients, will be reached at local, regional, national and European level through the planned dissemination activities. LINK-Inc shall foster the equity and inclusion of migrants and ethnic minorities in Work-based Learning. Migrants and ethnic minorities shall benefit of better chances to access to good training places in the apprenticeship system and of new didactic methodologies designed to create intercultural WBL settings. The project will have a direct impact for VET and in-company teachers, trainers and mentors, improving their intercultural competencies and supporting them with innovative and practical tools designed to effectively manage cultural diversity in WBL and to support migrants and ethnic minorities to participate in apprenticeships programmes. The long term impact envisaged is a strengthening of the VET system in Europe fostering the equity and inclusion of migrants and ethnic minorities. Results | Website | | | Without category | | LINK-Inc Training Curriculum | LINK-Inc Handbook | LINK-Inc Toolbox | LINK-Inc Open Online Center" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA202-016010;;;CO-GAME Collaborative cultural heritage video game creation;Videogames have started to be used in the classroom with learning aims beyond fun and entertainment: they are not only tools to teach advanced logics, strategy, design, storytelling or programming...;Creativity and culture, Inclusion - equity, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;ASSOCIACI PER A LA CREACI D'ESTUDIS I PROJECTES SOCIALS;ES;ES,HU,AT,BE,IT;154.539,00;Yes;Yes;Non-governmental organisatiossociation/social enterprise;Asociacin;;;English;"Videogames have started to be used in the classroom with learning aims beyond fun and entertainment: they are not only tools to teach advanced logics, strategy, design, storytelling or programming but an obvious source of employability for learners: videogame industry is the number one creative industry in the world. However, what remains certainly unexplored is the possibility of guiding teachers and learners to create adapted videogames to their own needs for educational and training purposes. In order to help this process, CO-GAME proposes to take as a point of departure the historical context of a particular building or space close to the learners (involving social, cultural, political, economic, technological and, amongst all, civic aspects). History and common heritage are thus be seen as the close step to introduce the learners in videogame creation. | So, CO-GAME generator project has the following aims: | | 1. To boost the potential of the production of videogames by learners for education and training | 2. To create adaptable and practical tools to generate videogame educational training courses | 3. To interconnect new ways of narrativity for a living civic heritage | 4. To connect VET institutions with stakeholders in the videogames industry and other VET institutions in order to create job opportunities | | In order to do that, partners will create a specific CO-GAME generator curriculum, able to be adapted by any VET stakeholder based in the following elements: | | - a Civic Heritage descriptor (where the main historial and civic aspects are identified, in this case, Middle Age for CEPS -Barcelona; Castles in Linz- BFI; historical streets in Budapest Laterna Magica; Ancient Rome in Rome- CIES and pioneer scientists in Mons- Mundaneum) | - a videogame for VET production guide (with specific indications for the software development) | - a videogame for VET design guide (including how to develop story, puzzes, storyboard and documentation) | - a qualification assessment tool (to link the training actions with National and International qualification system) | - a Press-releaser, or a tool to create press-releases; the specific instrument used to get known or get a job in videogames industry | | With CO-GAME generator curriculum (FR, IT, ES, EN, DE, CAT), partners will develop and test a module for Train the trainers addressed to teachers of their organisations. This module will be an Open Educational Resource, 3.0 Creative Commons licensed, with blended learning sections (presential and elearning) Those teachers will lead the creation of 5 local training units (one per country, lasting 30 h for 15 pax each) , where learners (with balanced women participation) will create at least 25 games. All the modules will be picked up in a digital compilation to be disseminated in an International Multiplier event in Barcelona and in national multiplier events in Austria, Italy, Belgium and Hungary.";"Local impact | | - adaptation of the curriculum and models to local training projects | - balanced participation of women in ICT oriented training | - adaptation of the staff of VET institutions to new job frames | strengthen employability (acquisition of new skills); | - increase the capacity of experimenting, innovating and contributing to change in educational sector | - developed and maintained close, lasting and productive ties with employers, clients and other educative institutions in the sectors of reference; | - new ways of cooperation with the world of employment; | | National impact | | -contribute to a creative economy that has an influence in the economy and society; | -introduce innovation in VET in order to meet requirements in VET and on labour markets | -increase awareness of the stakeholders of the importance of the potential of the correct and update use of digital technologies | - openness and adaptability to new approaches as introducing videogames as an educative possibility in the classroom | - Focus on videogame industry as a focus for employment | | European impact | - Awareness of European VET partners of the videogame creation for the use for training purposes and increasing of employability | - New links between VET providers and videogames industry players | | | Results | Website | | | Without category | | Research about videogames and its use for education and history | CIVIC HERITAGE DESCRIPTOR | VIDEOGAME FOR VET DESIGN | VIDEOGAME FOR VET PRODUCTION | QUALIFICATIONS ASSESSMENT TOOL | PRESS RELEASE GENERATOR | COGAME GENERATOR CURRICULUM | OPEN EDUCATIONAL RESOURCE - Modules in EN, ES, HU, IT, FR, CA and DE | FREE EDUCATIONAL GAMES MADE WITH COGAME METHODS" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA203-016056;;;CReativity in Action to promote YOung eNtrepreneurShip;"CONTEXT According to some of the EU publications and reports (EU Skills Panorama 2014, EURYDICE 2012 study Developing Key Competences at School in Europe, amongst others) show that Higher Educa...";Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;FLORIDA CENTRE DE FORMACION SOCIEDAD COOPERATIVA;ES;ES,NL,EL,RO,MK;197.606,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (tertiary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;The CRAYONs project focuses on improving the acquisition of entrepreneurship, creativity, social responsibility, analytical, problem-solving skills and other transversal skills. CRAYON's project aimed at motivating HEI students and recent graduates, and to stimulate their social entrepreneurship, creativity, innovation and transversal skills. Besides, the objectives achieved include the development of the Intellectual Outputs, piloting a strategic partnership between HEIs, Business Incubators, Entrepreneur centres and business and to create a community of interested users. DESCRIPTION OF MAIN ACTIVITIES - All Intellectual Outputs (IOs) developed can be accessed from here: 1. INNOVATIVE METHODOLOGY. Including Motivation 3.0, Creativity, Gamification, LEGO Serious Play and Business Model YOU. It is designed to create, develop and evaluate an entrepreneur idea. 2. TRAINING COURSE developed, integrating the CRAYONs methodology developed, as well as Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Social Responsibility. 3. MOOC developed. It guides students to generate business ideas and develop and implement these, especially focusing in the form of social companies. The MOOC is published and freely available at the UTH e-learning platform: 4. TRAINING VIDEOS to guide on-line students in the learning process. They have been used for the CRAYONs MOOC 5. Organisation and testing of the IOs developed in an INTENSIVE STUDY PROGRAMME in Romania and at national level 6. Mentoring of ideas generated by students and support during the project 7. Other activities: dissemination events, Project Management, Quality Assurance, Evaluation, Exploitation and Sustainability of CRAYONs outcomes;RESULTS AND IMPACT - Through the Multiplier Events and dissemination activities organised, CRAYONs project has reached over 2500 persons from different contexts: students, entrepreneurs, teachers, trainers, HEI lecturers, managers (Human Resources, Innovation departments, etc.), staff from different type of organisations, etc. There is detailed information on dissemination activities available here: (multiplier events are in a separate folder). Also, we have reached around 9500 persons over social networks and project website (8200 persons in Facebook, 300 persons in Twitter and almost 1050 users in the website). Relevance of CRAYONs project is the qualitative impact reached. According to the information gathered from questionnaires and feedback received afterwards, the project has achieved relevant changes in some organisations, especially HEIs: - Over 20 teachers and lecturers have used CRAYONs methodology in their lectures to work entrepreneurship skills (teamwork, creativity, innovation, etc.) and team building - Primary, Secondary Education and VET Centres have contacted us to use CRAYONs methodology to work soft skills (empathy, communication, teamwork, flexibility and other interpersonal skills) within their classes. - We have been requested assistance to guide organisations in their internal change process. The methodology has proven to be a very powerful tool to identify needs and problems within an organisation, to think of new solutions (avoiding biases), and organise the change process. Also companies find CRAYONs methodology useful to develop, transform and regenerate processes or services within the organisation. Besides, they have used it to enhance the teamwork and group cohesion. Results | Website | | | Without category | | CRAYON's Methodology | CRAYON's Training course | CRAYON's Training videos | CRAYON's MOOC Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA204-015718;;;Adult training on handicraft production of medicinal and aromatic plants;In the Mediterranean area there are plenty of small-scale farms due to the land distribution by legacy and to geographical aspects characterized by mountainous areas. Many entrepreneurs have seen ...;Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Recognition (non-formal and informal learning/credits);;CONSORCI CENTRE DE CIENCIA I TECNOLOGIA FORESTAL DE CATALUNYA;ES;ES,FR,PT,IT;186.885,00;Yes;No;Regional Public body;Administracin Educativa;;;English;In the Mediterranean area there are plenty of small-scale farms due to the land distribution by legacy and to geographical aspects characterized by mountainous areas. Many entrepreneurs have seen medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs), known as well as herbs, as an alternative crop to be implemented in these areas where traditional ones (cereal, vineyard, olive trees) have no place because they are not profitable. Also people escaping from urban areas due the economic crisis see an opportunity in this. | | But then they face to the reality: the small productions are not enough to bulk-selling to wholesalers, and decide to elaborate products made of herbs to sell directly to consumer. So they have to deal with different aspects (processing, safety aspects, norms and procedures, marketing, etc.) that go far beyond those simply producing herbs (cultivating and raw material transformation). Even more, most of them have not the capacity to invest in expensive industrial equipments, so they focus in producing in a high quality and traditional way, becoming herbal craftsmen. | | But there no exists specific legal regulation for this profession, so no specialised training is addressed for this craftsmanship. | | The main objective of HERBARTIS project is to achieve the professional development of adult learners by developing useful tools and methods, improving the offer of high quality learning opportunities, and validating the non-formal learning and career guidance. For this reason its specific objective is to provide educators with all the competences and skills needed to deliver high quality services and to develop training tools addressed to adult learners from the primary agricultural production to achieve professional skills recognition of craft processing of aromatic and medicinal plants for obtaining high quality products. | | A partnership of different Mediterranean organisations dealing with education, research, rural development and business assessment within the medicinal and aromatic plants production, industrial processing, quality and marketing will work together with this aim: Centre Tecnolgic Forestal de Catalunya and Institut de Recerca i Tecnologies Agroalimentries (Spain), Universit Europenne des Senteurs & Saveurs (France), Associao para o Desenvolvimento do Concelho de Moura (Portugal), Associazione Terre dei Savoia and Consiglio per la Ricerca in Agricultura e l'Analisi dell'Economia Agraria (Italy). | | To reach the objectives the methodology is based in knowing deeply the herbs crafts production sector needs, the existing training, designing a new curricula and the syllabus of a blended course (virtual/face-to-face), developing a high quality learning material according to technical and legal requirements and implementing a useful, practical and reachable training to adult learners using ICT tools and transnational mobilities, to enhance the peer-learning and the contact with existing businesses. | | So, 4 blended courses on herbal crafts production will be implemented, one per country. Each course will have an on-line course, face-to-face practical workshops and virtual networking activities. These courses will be complemented with transnational training activities (one per country) where a technical seminar, networking workshops and professional visits to sectors companies will take place.;Intellectual outputs are previewed: | - Guidelines of training methodologies and policy recommendations for qualification recognition of herbal crafts production (book and reports). | - E-learning platform on herbal crafts production (Moodle). | - Syllabus of a blended course on herbal crafts production (brochure) | - Training materials on herbal crafts production (course texts, training videos, seminars proceedings, herbal companies reports, networking conclusions). | | This project will allow participating partners staff improving their teaching skills on MAPs processing and find a common workspace to strengthen their collaboration, enhancing the knowledge chain, technology transfer and networking with MAPs sector stakeholders. Adult learners participating in blended courses will have the opportunity to improve multilingualism, technical, digital and social skills, and to interact with other learners and realities in the blended transnational mobilities. Other MAPs sector stakeholders (producers, craftsmen, entrepreneurs, companies, students) and education providers will be able to access to open educational resources that will improve their knowledge and training opportunities. Finally, the guidelines provided by the project will be useful to influence education, agriculture, industry and business' decision makers about the sector requirements and training needs, and strengthen the network with MAPs sector stakeholders and professional associations from other countries, in order to address to similar problems and jointly find solutions and driving specifications proposals to policy makers. | Results | Website | | | Without category | | O3.Blended course's program brochures | O1.Guidelines of training methodologies and policy recommendations for qualification recognition of herbal craft's production | O1.SP_Directrices de metodologas de formacin y recomendaciones tcnicas para el reconocimiento de la produccin artesanal de hierbas. | O1.IT_Linee guida per le metodologie di formazione e le raccomandazione sulle linee di condotta per il riconoscimento di una qualifica sulla produzione di prodotti artigianali a base de herbe | O1.PT_Guia de metodologias de formao e recomendaes de poltica para reconhecimento de qualificao da produo artesanal de PAM | O1.FR_Lignes directrices sur les mthodes de formation et recommandations pour la reconnaissance de la qualification en matire de production artisanale de plantes aromatiques | O4.Herbal craft's production training material - ONLINE COURSE TEXTS | O4. Herbal craft's production training materials - PROCEEDINGS OF TECHNICAL SEMINARS | O4. Herbal craft's production training materials_VIDEOS OF FACE-TO-FACE WORKSHOPS | O4. Herbal craft's production training materials_NETWORKING'S CONCLUSIONS REPORT | O4. Herbal craft's production training materials_COMPILING OF LEARNERS' REPORTS OF HERBAL CRAFT'S COMPANIES | O2. e-Learning platform on herbal craft's production | Other HERBARTIS results Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA204-016046;;;Digital Competences Framework in Practice;Digital competence has been acknowledged as one of the 8 key competences for Lifelong Learning by the European Union and it involves the confident and critical use of information society technolog...;Recognition, transparency, certification ...;;Integra Consultoria Corua SL;ES;ES,UK,TR,DE,IT,EL;169.744,00;Yes;No;Small and medium sized enterprise;Otros;;;English;"Digital competence has been acknowledged as one of the 8 key competences for Lifelong Learning by the European Union and it involves the confident and critical use of information society technology (IST) and thus basic skills in information and communication technology (ICT). | As a consequence, the project main objectives and expected results were: | - To create a Process of Revision of the existing Framework for Developing and understanding Digital Competences in Europe and an analysis, adaptation and updating of the required digital competence (DC) for the following profiles: Teachers/trainers and users/learners in Communication and social marketing, Digital Touristic management and Digital Tour Guide. | -To create a specific Digital Competence Grid and a Self-Assessment grid for all these profiles as the prior step to create useful training materials for teachers in these areas and users/learners in order to be a master in these competences. (Validation and recognition). | -Creation of a specific framework identifying, for each profile, all the required digital competences, and provide for each competence a description, descriptors, examples of levels, attitudes, skills and examples of applicability in different contexts and different purposes. | -Designing of an innovative educational portal, a e-Learning Training Web Centre to organise and to test the training materials of the two on-line expected Digital Competences courses (one for trainers/teachers [O3] and another to learners [O4], On-line courses would be attended by 48 trainers/teachers and 120 learners. | -To create a Methodological guide Handbook stating the on-line training courses methodology, content, style, achieved results (Digital Competences improvements and learners outputs) and mode. | -To create a Digital Competence Certification for the following profiles: experts in communication and social marketing, Digital Touristic management and Digital Tour Guide experts. The Certificate will represent the competences and learning outcomes and will serve as the basic document for recognition and transparency | There were different target Groups and expected impacts. | On the one hand Teachers/Trainers in Communication and social marketing, teachers/Trainers in Digital Touristic management, Digital Tour Guide teachers/trainers and on the other hand Learners/Technicians in Communication and social marketing, learners/Technicians in Digital Touristic management and Learners/Technicians to be Digital Tour Guide. | | The expected impact on the target groups were to train and to show these trainers and teachers which are the minimum required digital competences that learners in Communication and social marketing, Digital Touristic management and Digital Tour Guide may have. | Also, they were required to attend to an on line Training Course to be trained on the identified and required digital key skills of these working profiles. | As the project tested non-formal DC training materials, it was of comparative interest to other institutions offering formal DC training programmes, and those who offered non-formal DC training to adults. Hence, due to the improvement of the curriculum to develop digital skills, the project has also impacted upon; | - Institutions and their teaching staff offering digital competences/skills that are post-vocational education | - Institutions and their teaching staff offering digital competences/skills that are integral to vocational training in VET and HE institutions. | | In addition, the project included a Kick-off meeting, 3 Management meetings and one final meeting.";"There were 8 direct participating organisations from ES, DE, IT, UK, GR and TR: | | -Integra Consultora Corua (ES): a EU Training Programmes provider with huge experience in managing EU training programmes and former transfer of innovation programmes; Integra has developed several on-line training activities addressed to unemployed to improve professional skills (including compute and digital skills). | -Academia Postal 3 (ES), an Adult training centre which has developed several activities to promote the digital competences among young and adult learners. | -Gazi University (TR) and Akto College (GR) both Universities offering graduate and postgraduate programmes of studies on ITC systems. | -IHK-Projektgesellschaft (DE) a VET training centre offering training courses and certification oriented on the demand of their regional business and regarding national/international developments/ innovations. | -Bildungswerk der N.W (DE) and Gecko Programmes (UK): Both Vocational and Training centres delivering vocational Training and qualifications to employers, employees and trainers/teachers. Both very active in skills development activities and they both brought experience in creating innovative training materials and didactics /methodological methods. | - Consorzio Arezzo Innovazione (IT) a Public regional developer and training centre that develops training programmes to develop people skills | Results | Website | | | Without category | | Output 1 - Process of Revision of the existing Framework for Developing and understanding Digital Competences in Europe / Digital Competence Grid and a Self-Assessment grid | Output 2 | IO3 - Structured E-Learning Training and Pedagogical OER Materials for Trainers | IO4 - Structured E-Learning Training and Pedagogical OER Materials for Learners | Output 5 - Methodological guide Handbook | Output 6 - Digital Competence Certification" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA219-015673;;;EUROPA EN GUERRA: UNA APROXIMACIN PARA EL APRENDIZAJE DE LOS ESTUDIANTES SOBRE COMO EVITAR CONFLICTOS. USAR LA PALABRA Y NO LA ESPADA. APRENDIENDO DE LA HISTORIA.;This project is the result of a multilateral school association with the aims of elaborating, investigating, teaching and exchanging knowledge on the topics such as, tolerance, gender equality and...;EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, Post-conflict/post-disaster rehabilitation ...;;IES MIGUEL DE CERVANTES;ES;ES,TR,UK,NO,IT,CZ;136.580,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (tertiary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;This project is the result of a multilateral school association with the aims of elaborating, investigating, teaching and exchanging knowledge on the topics such as, tolerance, gender equality and peaceful resolution of conflicts. The World Wars and the period between them will be the source of information from which teachers and students will base their investigation to find the tools to resolve armed conflicts without violence. To focus this research, it will be of the most vital importance to praise democracy and respect as the basis for human understanding. There are sixcountries and schools involved: IES Miguel de Cervantes (Spain), Malonstranske Gymnasium (Chezch Republic), Liceo Scientifico Statale (Italy), Kongsberg Vigederaende Skole (Norway), Durham Johnston Comprehensive School (England), Grpinar Imkb Teknik Ve Endstri Meslek Lisesi (Turkey). Below is the topic guide to develop our investigation EUROPE AT WAR: AN APROACH TO TEACH STUDENTS HOW TO AVOID CONFLICTS USING WORDS AN NOT SWORDS, LEARNING FROM HISTORY 1.- Economic, political and ideological reasons for the conflicts Reinforcing democracy to avoid imperialism and totalitarianism a.-The World Wars in the countries implied b.- Focus on remarkable battles and its consequences: c.- Marne, Somme and Verdun-The Trench War d.- Air raids e.- Naval war f.- War and its consequences: division of Europe and later political instability: Austria-Hungary Empire division. g.- Ottoman Empire in The WWI, reasons for the neutrality in WWII 2.- Wars and Science. Destruction and side effects. a.- Technological advances made and produced during the wars: new weapons in the WWI and WWII and their environmental consequences b.-Wars and our national heritages: restoration and analysis of what was lost forever. 3.- Minority groups: problems they faced: a.- Jews: Life in Ghettoes and Concentration Camps b.-Gays: Embodied in the outstanding English mathematician, Allan Touring 4.- Womens roles during and after the war: a.- Access to work b.- Analysis of their roles and changes that took place c.- Suffragettes in England and USA during the WWI and their role in the women rights in Europe d.-Womens roles today 5.-Music, literature, cinema and political propaganda at wartime;"Each country will choose twenty five students to carry out research. They will be grouped in teams of five and will be in charge of one of the topics proposed. Non-linguistic subject teachers will coordinate and check the work done by their students and they will also attend the meetings organized for each thematic area. Finally, students materials -videos, pictures, essays ,graphic materials, etc. will be used as the contents for our products: Clil units on the five main topics that teachers and coordinators will elaborate using students investigations and materials. Display panels with the final conclusion for each area. A magazine which will gather all the information displayed on the panels. The creation of an organization that will analyze the final results and conclusions reached in our last meeting. This project will involve all our school communities and will stand the test of time thanks to the Clil units that will be published in English and Spanish. Our results will be made available and free for any school to use in the future. The digital magazine put forward by the organization will also help ensure that our project endures and develops the values we want to transmit: tolerance, democratic principles, peace and equality among countries. Results | Website | | | Without category | | ""Words and Not Swords"" CLIL UNIT | Unit 1. Economic, Political and Ideological Reasons for the Conflicts | Unit.2. Wars and Science Destruction and Side Effects | Unit 3. Minorities during World War War II | Unit 4. Womens roles during and after the war | Unit 5. Music, literature, cinema and political propaganda in wartimes | PEACE TRIBUNE. THE NEWSPAPER OF THE PROJECT | Quality Plan Summary" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA219-015944;;;Finding our roots;FOR (Finding Our Roots) project emerges out of a previous collaborative work between three state high schools located in greatly depressed economic areas: IES Urbi (Basauri / Spain), Liceo Classic...;Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills;;IES URBI BHI;ES;ES,EL,IT;74.000,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;THE WOMEN OF MY FAMILY project was born to analyze the reality of women today in different areas, based on a working hypothesis: We wanted to check if there was a greater empowerment of women and if so, to find out what the process had been like. | As a consequence, our main goal has been to assume the values of gender equality and opportunities, to improve coexistence and a more equitable and inclusive European citizenship. | As regards the objectives prioritized and achieved: 1) to practice different methodologies that promote the autonomy of learning, collaborative work, the participation of families and the critical spirit, encouraging the creation of creative products.2) Use the European idiomatic diversity, in Spanish, French, Italian and English. 3) Analyze and compare different aspects of European cultures. 4) Improve the implementation of the Digital Competence in and out of classrooms. | We are three Educational Schools participating, with students between 12 and 17 years, in subjects such as Spanish Language, Foreign Languages, Visual, Visual and Visual Education. | one of the Associated Schools has been the Lyce Maurice Janetti in Saint Maximin La Sainte Baume, France, and the other, the IIS Tommaso D'Oria in Ciri, Piedmont, Italy, having been the Coordinating Center the IES Pablo Montesino in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain. | The Project has been structured in the following phases: | The first phase (first year) has organized a research work on the process of empowerment of women. A series of interviews has been carried out on women of different generations, from the family environment or personalities around the students. The interviews were filmed in video and subtitled in French and Spanish for everybody to understand. Based on these products and in the first mobility in Italy, comparative analyzes were carried out, by following different parameters: according to age, country, socioeconomic environment. At the end, we got a document that included the conclusions of the participating students and teachers. | Starting from this document of conclusions, the second phase (second year) consisted in the making of videos that addressed some aspect of the situation of women today. In it, each partner had greater autonomy to concretize the content and approach, which they wanted to follow, respecting that the final product was a sensitization video. The second mobility in France was dedicated to share the work done and we began to plan and design, the Closing Days of the Project.;"The project has finished with the design and celebration of the Closing Days, held in the Coordinating Center in the third mobility. At the Conference, and through the programmed activities, the participants generated the document of conclusions and commitments, guaranteeing equality in the participating centers as we had proposed. | | In addition to the activities included in the design of the Project, a large number of Parallel Activities has been generated which has enriched the rest of the educative community. A STRENGTHENING of ""The Women of My Family"" has been the increase in parallel activities, which in turn have been a consequence of the IMPACT of our project. | The benefits and impact have been: The Methodological scope: A) Starting from shared interests by the cloisters and by the rest of the educative community. B) High degree of involvement of the managerial teams. C) Standardization of the participation of the families in the Centers. D) To verify that if we want a project to be successful, the chosen topic must promote methodological changes, and must be connected to the reality of students. E) Advances in students are more real, when the work has been implemented, with methodologies such as collaborative work. F) the improvement in technological aspects. G) The assumption of the importance the European language diversity has as a means of enriching communication. | The scope of education in values: A) Progress in analytical skills, with a critical spirit in our students. B) To assume the values of gender equality and opportunities, becoming aware of them and getting to know the difficulties that persist. We have concluded that any type of discrimination has common bases and origins. C) Awareness raising against gender discrimination has been established in our school and this has led to greater awareness and positioning in the face of other types of discrimination. | The Social and Citizen scope: A) to optimize resources of the administrations and NGOs that work on this topic. | The long-term benefits of the project are guaranteed in several actions: A) the incorporation of the documents generated in the project to the General Programs of our Centers and the Educational Project of the Center. B) the Incorporation of certain activities in the Plan of Action Tutorial. C) the Incorporation of the central theme worked in the different programs of the didactic departments. | Results | Website | | | Without category | | Output: Collaborative dictionary of mythological plants | Output: Mythological Garden | Output: Mythological Gymkhana" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA219-016152;;;Sustainability as a resource;Sustainability as a Resource is the name chosen for our project which is aimed to contribute to the improvement of the situations our schools and areas are facing: disadvantage students, special...;Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;I.E.S. MARA CEGARRA SALCEDO;ES;ES,IT,DE,TR,HR,FI;168.292,08;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"Sustainability as a Resource is the name chosen for our project which is aimed to contribute to the improvement of the situations our schools and areas are facing: disadvantage students, special needs, poor school performance, cultural differences, youth unemployment and a lack of hope for the future. | | The idea emerged in the coordinating country continuing with a previous Comenius project in which our students analyzed the high unemployment rates in Europe. It is time now to take actions to reduce it. | | Our priorities are to develop basic and transversal skills using innovative methods. Strengthening the profile teachers to deliver high quality teaching dealing with complex classroom realities and adopting new methods and tools. Enhancing digital integration in learning, teaching and training. Some other objectives for students, teachers and local associations are: | | the development of linguistic competence in English and entrepreneurial thinking with respect to sustainable tourism; the increase of environmental awareness; the creation of synergies between secondary and vocational schools, local organizations and Youth Centers; the economic recovery of the area where the school are situated . | | The city of the coordinator school has started to take advantage of the touristic possibilities of the old mines. It is a sustainable activity which has helped the town to reinvent itself by conserving its heritage. We want to promote this type of sustainable touristic activities among our students so that they learn to create jobs taking advantage of what their areas offer respecting the environment. | | We used E-twinning to look for five schools in Italy, Croatia, Finland, Turkey and Germany. They seek solutions to similar problems and offer varied examples of this type of initiatives. Italy tourism and sport; Croatia rural tourism; Turkey religious tourism and pilgrimage; Germany winter snow tourism and options for disable people and Finland therapeutic tourism.They are schools with experience in vocational training courses as Germany, Croatia and Italy; a school in Turkey to fight against racism and religious differences promoting tolerance; an isolated school in Finland which needs communication with the rest of Europe; a school favouring integration of physically handicapped, as Germany. Each school will have one or more local Associations and Governments collaborating in some of the activities in the project. | | All the students in the schools involved will benefit from our project indirectly in one way or another. So approximately 2500 students and 220 teachers will be involved. But only 5 students and 2 teachers per school will go to the Short term exchanges to do the activities in each meeting. A high percentage are students with fewer opportunities such as cultural differences, economic obstacles and disability. | | Parents, representatives from the local associations and governments will also take part in the activities. | | Methodology: | | The activities have been designed to create a scheme of knowledge and learning based on four pillars. LEARNING - AWARENESS - DESIGN - DISSEMINATION. Each one contributing to the next one and they have been integrated in the school syllabuses. | | The work to be done in the International Learning/Teaching/Training Activities will be organized in: | | Formative/Learning Activity. Students will be given information related to the topic in each international exchange. | | Training Activities in which they will put into practice the acquired knowledge such as workshops, routes and visits. | | A photograph Exhibition, concert with recycled instruments, a documentary with short films from the different countries and a dissemination booklet as a Guide for Good Practice regarding sustainable tourism are some of the examples. | | Carrying out this project will imply a lot of achievements and results. Some of them will be direct products of the activities such us the photo exhibition, the tracks of the routes in the differents countries that can be downloaded from Wikiloc, collection of pictures from the activity Photographing Trails, a Guide for Good Practice regarding sustainable tourism, etc.";And others will be the knowledge and experience gained by the participants. | | These activities will have impact at different levels and times, some of them long term. Students will change their attitude and feel more interested in learning realizing that they are better prepared to find a job because of their improvement in linguistic and digital competence. Teachers will increase their motivation to learn English and ITC to be better qualified and to take part in future European projects. | | Schools will offer an innovative approach offering a more attractive programme based on a project task based methodology. E-twinning will be used as an effective working tool. | | Regional governments will value our schools and favour the creation of Vocational Training courses. Synergies between schools and associations will be created. | And others will be the knowledge and experience gained by the participants. | | These activities will have impact at different levels and times, some of them long term. Students will change their attitude and feel more interested in learning realizing that they are better prepared to find a job because of their improvement in linguistic and digital competence. Teachers will increase their motivation to learn English and ITC to be better qualified and to take part in future European projects. | | Schools will offer an innovative approach offering a more attractive programme based on a project task based methodology. E-twinning will be used as an effective working tool. | | Regional governments will value our schools and favour the creation of Vocational Training courses. Synergies between schools and associations will be created. | And others will be the knowledge and experience gained by the participants. | | These activities will have impact at different levels and times, some of them long term. Students will change their attitude and feel more interested in learning realizing that they are better prepared to find a job because of their improvement in linguistic and digital competence. Teachers will increase their motivation to learn English and ITC to be better qualified and to take part in future European projects. | | Schools will offer an innovative approach offering a more attractive programme based on a project task based methodology. E-twinning will be used as an effective working tool. | | Regional governments will value our schools and favour the creation of Vocational Training courses. Synergies between schools and associations will be created. | Results | Website | Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA219-016336;;;LAS MUJERES DE MI FAMILIA;THE WOMEN OF MY FAMILY project was born to analyze the reality of women today in different areas, based on a working hypothesis: We wanted to check if there was a greater empowerment of women and ...;Gender equality / equal opportunities, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Creativity and culture;;INSTITUTO DE EDUCACIN SECUNDARIA PABLO MONTESINO;ES;ES,FR,IT;56.590,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (tertiary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"THE WOMEN OF MY FAMILY project was born to analyze the reality of women today in different areas, based on a working hypothesis: We wanted to check if there was a greater empowerment of women and if so, to find out what the process had been like. | As a consequence, our main goal has been to assume the values of gender equality and opportunities, to improve coexistence and a more equitable and inclusive European citizenship. | As regards the objectives prioritized and achieved: 1) to practice different methodologies that promote the autonomy of learning, collaborative work, the participation of families and the critical spirit, encouraging the creation of creative products.2) Use the European idiomatic diversity, in Spanish, French, Italian and English. 3) Analyze and compare different aspects of European cultures. 4) Improve the implementation of the Digital Competence in and out of classrooms. | We are three Educational Schools participating, with students between 12 and 17 years, in subjects such as Spanish Language, Foreign Languages, Visual, Visual and Visual Education. | one of the Associated Schools has been the Lyce Maurice Janetti in Saint Maximin La Sainte Baume, France, and the other, the IIS Tommaso D'Oria in Ciri, Piedmont, Italy, having been the Coordinating Center the IES Pablo Montesino in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain. | The Project has been structured in the following phases: | The first phase (first year) has organized a research work on the process of empowerment of women. A series of interviews has been carried out on women of different generations, from the family environment or personalities around the students. The interviews were filmed in video and subtitled in French and Spanish for everybody to understand. Based on these products and in the first mobility in Italy, comparative analyzes were carried out, by following different parameters: according to age, country, socioeconomic environment. At the end, we got a document that included the conclusions of the participating students and teachers. | Starting from this document of conclusions, the second phase (second year) consisted in the making of videos that addressed some aspect of the situation of women today. In it, each partner had greater autonomy to concretize the content and approach, which they wanted to follow, respecting that the final product was a sensitization video. The second mobility in France was dedicated to share the work done and we began to plan and design, the Closing Days of the Project. | The project has finished with the design and celebration of the Closing Days, held in the Coordinating Center in the third mobility. At the Conference, and through the programmed activities, the participants generated the document of conclusions and commitments, guaranteeing equality in the participating centers as we had proposed. | | In addition to the activities included in the design of the Project, a large number of Parallel Activities has been generated which has enriched the rest of the educative community. A STRENGTHENING of ""The Women of My Family"" has been the increase in parallel activities, which in turn have been a consequence of the IMPACT of our project.";The benefits and impact have been: The Methodological scope: A) Starting from shared interests by the cloisters and by the rest of the educative community. B) High degree of involvement of the managerial teams. C) Standardization of the participation of the families in the Centers. D) To verify that if we want a project to be successful, the chosen topic must promote methodological changes, and must be connected to the reality of students. E) Advances in students are more real, when the work has been implemented, with methodologies such as collaborative work. F) the improvement in technological aspects. G) The assumption of the importance the European language diversity has as a means of enriching communication. | The scope of education in values: A) Progress in analytical skills, with a critical spirit in our students. B) To assume the values of gender equality and opportunities, becoming aware of them and getting to know the difficulties that persist. We have concluded that any type of discrimination has common bases and origins. C) Awareness raising against gender discrimination has been established in our school and this has led to greater awareness and positioning in the face of other types of discrimination. | The Social and Citizen scope: A) to optimize resources of the administrations and NGOs that work on this topic. | The long-term benefits of the project are guaranteed in several actions: A) the incorporation of the documents generated in the project to the General Programs of our Centers and the Educational Project of the Center. B) the Incorporation of certain activities in the Plan of Action Tutorial. C) the Incorporation of the central theme worked in the different programs of the didactic departments. Results | Website | Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2015;2015-1-FI01-KA102-008746;;;Fun InterNational Learning And kNow-how Development opportunities IV;"Background Hyria Education (Hyria) is a multidisciplinary educational institution offering vocational education and training. Hyria operates in the rapidly growing Hyvink Riihimki region w...";Recognition, transparency, certification ...;;Hyria koulutus Oy;FI;FI,IE,MT,UK,NL,TR,HU,DE,FR,PT,ES,CZ,DK,IT,SI;155.448,01;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;Background - Hyria Education (Hyria) is a multidisciplinary educational institution offering vocational education and training. Hyria operates in the rapidly growing Hyvink Riihimki region which has nearly 90 000 residents, 34 000 jobs, and 5000 companies of which many operate internationally. The development of international operations is very important to Hyria and therefore internationalisation is one of the focus points in its strategy and operations. Student and staff mobility have been identified as critical success factors in reaching the objectives set for international activities. The aim was to increase our students and staff members professional and international skills by offering them a possibility to participate in international mobility programs. By enabling our students and teachers to acquire new skills and knowledge the quality of education increases as well as students employment opportunities. At the same time, Hyria serves the needs of the areas working life by producing a highly skilled workforce.;"Objectives and expected results: The most important objective was the increase of students professional skills, knowledge and attitudes by emphasizing the acquisition and development of key competencies of lifelong learning. The exchange period comprehensively enabled students to develop those key competencies which are needed for personal fulfillment and development, active citizenship, social inclusion and employment. During the exchange period students encountered new situations; applied already gained knowledge and language skills in practice; learned to use new technological solutions and platforms while communicating with their teachers, friends and family in the home country; as well as compared working methods, the acquisition of technical solutions, the level of sustainable development and legislative issues in the host country. In addition, students were able to develop international and personal capabilities such as cultural awareness, language skills, interpersonal skills, individual growth, independence and the ability to work in a multicultural environment. For teachers the project activities gave a possibility to update their professional knowledge and understanding of current requirements of a working life. With the help of this project the students and teachers professional identity got stronger, and they were able to find out more field-specific professional development possibilities. It enriched the education in many ways. It also encouraged students towards entrepreneurship and motivated them to learn languages. The second objective was to continue the development activities of international activities at Hyria. This time the development activities were focused on the following issues among other activities: - to develop an unify staff mobility process - to develop a process for incoming foreign work life representative - to launch additional financial support for students with fewer opportunities by using E+ exceptional costs funding - Going Abroad orientation course and database for Intl team was provided in to a new Itslearning platform. - An intranet for intl activities was renewed. - An archive system for mobility documents was improved. - An unify system for marking the exchange periods into the students transcript of records was introduced. - New partnerships were opened, and developed, as well as cooperation agreements (MOU) were drafted. Mobility. With the help of the project, Hyria aimed to reach its objectives for student mobility (10% of young students). During the project Hyria implemented 80 mobility periods abroad. 66 of them were student exchanges and 14 staff exchanges. 18 different study fields were represented in these exchanges. The participants were Hyrias second or third year students (young) studying basic vocational qualification, or adult students studying further vocational qualification or specialist vocational qualification. Teacher mobility was connected with visiting partners, job shadowing or work life periods one teacher of being an accompanying person." Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2015;2015-1-FI01-KA219-009101;;;Arctic wind and Southern sun - Sustainable Entrepreneurship Education in Finland and Portugal;The project Arctic Wind and Southern Sun - Sustainable Entrepreneurship Education in Finland and Portugal was a bilateral European school project between two general secondary high schools situate...;Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Environment and climate change;;Kauhajoen lukio, Kauhajoen kaupunki;FI;FI,PT;65.280,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"The project Arctic Wind and Southern Sun - Sustainable Entrepreneurship Education in Finland and Portugal was a bilateral European school project between two general secondary high schools situated in rural areas of Finland and Portugal: Kauhajoki secondary high school in Kauhajoki, Finland and AEVID in Vidigueira, Portugal. The main objective of the project was to promote teaching and learning ecologically sustainable entrepreneurship in the general secondary level schools and exploring the working possibilities for foreign EU citizens in both the countries. The other objectives of the project were to promote the students job seeking skills, to promote the students basic language and ICT skills and to promote intercultural understanding and understanding of sustainable development. | | 4 teachers and 20 students from both the schools participated in the project directly. The teachers were specialized in science and languages and they have strong experience in working and managing projects. The students were secondary level between the ages of 14 and 18. | | The project activities included two 10-day exchanges of a group of 20 pupils and 4 teachers to the both participating schools and active online working using e-mail, Skype video calls, Google Drive Documents, Facebook and WhatsApp during the whole project. | | The first 10-day Learning and teaching activity took place from the 20th to the 29th April 2016 in Portugal. During the ten days the Finnish students lived in their host families, worked together on the manual ""10 steps to be an entrepreneur"", built solar ovens, visited and learned about solar and hydroelectric power plants and learned a lot about the Portuguese culture both in the families and visiting the historical destinations of Lisbon and Evora. They also learned about the working possibilities in Portugal during a visit to the Finnish embassy in Lisbon, Portugal. | | The second 10-day learning and teaching activity took place from the 14th to the 25th February 2017 in Finland. The Portuguese students lived in their host families, worked together on the themes of entrepreneurship, wind and solar power and sustainable nature tourism. They took part in a workshop on entrepreneurship in Helsinki Think Company, visited two big wind farms, several companies with the entrepreneurs telling their stories and sustainable nature tourism destinations. They learned a lot about Finnish culture and nature in the winter during the activities and visits. They also learned about the working possibilities in Finland during a visit to the Portuguese embassy in Helsinki, Finland.";ICT-based methods were widely used in carrying out the project and while co-operating over a long distance. Using these web-based communicating and working methods like Google drive, Skype, WhatsApp and Facebook, the need of physical travelling was minimized. The other important method was to explore places like wind and solar power plants and companies outside the school and to interact face-to-face during the two 10-day Learning and teaching activities. | | The activities between the two exchanges included Skype video calls between the coordinators during the whole project and also between the students before the first meeting, preparing presentations about wind and solar power by the students, making a trip to a wind power plant construction site in Finland, making an educational demonstration video about measuring the power of solar radiation, making the solar power measurements in both countries and sending Christmas greetings and other messages between the students. | | The results of the project include an innovative Model of teaching sustainable entrepreneurship, a Manual 10 steps to be an entrepreneur, a small Finnish-Portuguese Dictionary and some e-teaching material about solar power including a demonstration video. All of these results are permanently published on the project's open web site. The impact of the project on the participating students was that they gained skills of entrepreneurship, job seeking, travelling, cultural understanding and language as a result of the project. The impact on the participating teachers was that they learned about teaching sustainable entrepreneurship and the culture of the partner country. The participating families learned about the language and culture of the partner country. | | The project had positive economic long term impacts in the personal, local, regional and even larger levels because it promoted entrepreneurship, job seeking and language skills. It also promoted labor mobility within the EU by giving the students better skills needed to work in a foreign country like travelling, living in a foreign culture and speaking a foreign language. These effects on the students were also verified by a questionnaire at the end of the project. The results of the questionnaire are published on the project web site. Results | Website | | | Without category | | Model of teaching entrepreneurship | 10 steps to become an entrepreneur | Solar power measurement video | Solar power presentation by the students | Portuguese - Finnish Dictionary Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-FR01-KA101-013382;;;English Challenge;Our primary school is located in an educational priority zone , known as an ECLAIR zone (coles, collges et lyces pour l'ambition, l'innovation et la russite / Primary schools, Secondary scho...;EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, Pedagogy and didactics ...;;ECOLE PERGAUD PREVERT;FR;FR;10.695,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;not available;not available;English;"Our primary school is located in an educational priority zone , known as an ECLAIR zone (coles, collges et lyces pour l'ambition, l'innovation et la russite / Primary schools, Secondary schools and High schools for ambition, innovation and success) due to us welcoming students from families who live in an underprivileged area. Whats more, this school is located in an area where there are many unemployed single-parented families. Currently 35.8% of students come from a single-parented family, with more than 70% of students come from an unemployed family. The average familial income in the area is around 5700 euros per year, which is well under the poverty line (familial income of 11250 euros). | | As a result, in terms of the wide scale of social difficulties, our school and the middle school nearby have been classified as the worst in the area. This social environment means that students have exceptional needs : educational needs but also emotional needs. | | | | Lots of students have moved to France from a large range of foreign countries (Turkey, Portugal, Kosovo, Chechnya, North Africa, Kurdistan, Armenia, Slovenia, Brazil, Ivory Coast, Spain) including overseas French territories, such as Mayotte (the Comoros Islands) and French Guyana (Surinam). This year, 8 newly arrived immigrant students have lessons og French as a foreign language. | | | | This diversity is culturally very rich but causes problems with apprenticeships as well as organising groups to work together in a class. Due to this, a number of programmes have been put in place. These programmes are called PPREs (Programme Personnalis de Russite Educative/ Personalised Educational Success Programmes). During English lessons, all the students have the same abilities, which allow them to feel confident in their work. Some newly arrived immigrant students are even performing better than some of the students who have always lived in France. | | | | A great number of those students who lack self-confidence and find themselves struggling academically dont have parents who are able to help them reach the desired educational level. Schooling is the necessary bridge between childhood and working life. It is extremely important that these students and future citizens (of France and Europe) are made aware of the most likely future avenues that are available to them. The participants of this programme are Year 5 and Year 6 students (CM1 and CM2 in France). The participants are split up into three classes of about fifty students. | | | | The programme is being run by a team of ten teachers; we have been working together for around ten years and thus we have a solid understanding of this issue. It is important to us that by sharing our knowledge amongst ourselves and training each other, we can help our students. This programme also allows us to promote teamwork by sharing tasks, teaching practices and comparing our results. | | | | This programme includes three teachers who each have three different English ability levels. We have already carried out several courses related to English language teaching: Comenius, Elearning and other online teaching programmes which are proposed by our inspections. We wish to follow this language training, not only to improve our grammatical, lexical and expressive levels, but also from the educational point of view, and finally because we do it willingly, hoping to find a lot of personal satisfaction. | | | | One of the objectives is for all the teachers to reach level B2 of the Common Framework and for all students to reach level A1. | | | | The programme will operate in accordance to the following cycle 3 objectives (cycle 3 corresponds to 9 to 11 years old pupils): | | -Raising awareness of foreign languages | | -Construction of precise linguistic knowledge (common communication forms, lexicon, syntax) | | - Construction of knowledge about the lifestyles and culture of the partner countries. | | - To encourage writing | | - To develop all forms of expression (oral, written, artistic) | | - To discover the main features of the organization of the European area. | | - To build individual European identities. | | - To introduce the use of new technologies. | | - To prepare students for entry into secondary school with the best level in a foreign language (such as English) as possible. | | - To continue the primary-secondary schools connections (an exchange of services between the teachers of the primary and secondary schools through the ECLAIR plan).";To meet these goals, teachers of languages will carry out all activities: | | - Our inter-class exchanges of games (using the lexicon for different topics) | | - Our correspondence (written and oral work on the topic of English culture) | | - Our connection with the newspaper of the school and the website of the programme | | - Our short sketches which will be presented to parents at the end of year celebrations. (Oral work) | | | | All this work will give a concrete dimension to the teaching of Foreign Languages and also facilitate the opening to Europe. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-FR01-KA101-013610;;;LAnglais : porte ouverte sur lEurope et sur le monde.;We are Primary school teachers of the Elementary school Belbeze-Les-Toulouse. We are introducing a mobility project for 4 women teachers of the school in order to benefit from a European grant. W...;Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;Ecole Elmentaire Publique Belbze-Les-Toulouse;FR;FR;14.260,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;We are Primary school teachers of the Elementary school Belbeze-Les-Toulouse. We are introducing a mobility project for 4 women teachers of the school in order to benefit from a European grant. We are applying for a methodology and linguistic training in English, in Oxford. Training dedicated to Primary school teachers. We expect to discover the English school system by having the opportunity to watch teaching situations in class and talk with the English teachers in order to set up European writing exchanges with our pupils. | | This grant will allow us to cover the expenses for training, lodging, feeding, so that we can achieve our project to set up the European Development Plan in our school. This project will take place during the school year 2015-2016 (from September 2015 to June 2016). The four mobilities are required from April 18 to 29 2016. This will allow us to improve our knowledge and skills in English language and culture through a training experience immersing us in Oxford. This experience represents a chance of developing and internationally opening our European Development Plan for our pupils of the Elementary school Belbeze-Les-Toulouse. | | The aim for the pupils who will benefit from the results of our mobility is to open themselves to other European cultures, to know their culture and to improve in English vocabulary and syntax. All this thanks to a project which will take place during the school year and lead to an exchange with English pupils.;This will allow them to use the IT communication tools (e-mail, vid-call through the digital board) in order to discover the School system in Great-Britain and compare it to the French and European ones. This will motivate them and involve them in their learning in order to lead to a A1 level at the end of the primary school years and to commit themselves in activities liaising quality primary and junior high schools. | | Indeed, as part of our local primary-junior high school liaison project for 2016, the pupils will have to act in brief sketches in English. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-FR01-KA101-014014;;;"""Savoir grer son stress et celui des lves par l'Approche Neurocognitive et Comportementale (ANC)"" (acronyme: ""nEuroscol"")";To face the multiple socio-environmental challenges, the recent neuroscientific researches underline that any human being has the power to exit compartmentalization to face serenely any new situat...;Pedagogy and didactics, Health and wellbeing, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education;;Lyce Saint-Exupry;FR;FR,BE;69.263,49;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"To face the multiple socio-environmental challenges, the recent neuroscientific researches underline that any human being has the power to exit compartmentalization to face serenely any new situation, and to assume them fully. | | The behavioural and neurocognitive approach (BNC) is an outcome of the Institute of Environmental Medicines researches; it models the human brain mechanisms and their impacts on our emotions, our behaviours and our ability to undertake appropriate decisions. Thus, relevant techniques enable us to develop personal know-how to be and to progress into new mindsets, to act and interact with an intelligence tailored to the complexity of our evolving society. | | The impulse and ideas of the social counseling services for pupils from the Var Academic Inspection (project referent expert : Ms Vronique Rnier, social technical counselor), ""NEuroscol"" project has been approved and selected by the Board in charge of experimentation of innovating methods of the acadmie de Nice : BNC as a response to the stress of the professional teams and the pupils. In 2015, the project has been selected by European Commission (with a 100/100 score) which has funded it for two years. An academic steering committee has undertaken a collegial reflection and has validated every step of the project. | . | | 31 staff members (senior managers, education members, teachers, nurses and social workers) from a 3-school-consortium (an adapted general education and professional training grade called SEGPA, middle and high schools) have decided to examine and evaluate their own common practices in order to innovate and improve them. They have attended the Savoir tre l'cole training program from the belgian non-profit association Learn to Be, european partner for Neuroscol project. | | For two years, the trainees have gradually assimilated the BNC knowledges and techniques thanks to a six-day course in Brussels and good practices exchanges with BNC already-trained and regular user belgian teachers. They have participated as well, to integration and supervising workshops. Going alternatively through learning, adjustment and experimentation phases, they have used this innovative approach for themselves and their pupils. | | For the very first time in France, innovative prevention measures have been proposed and applied for 2 years in Frjus/St Raphal area from Acadmie de Nice to hundred professional secondary high school pupils (equivalent to UK-Year 12 grade), hundred 4th grade college pupils (equivalent to UK-Year 9 grade) and to 25 of 4th grade SEGPAs pupils. | | A final evaluation, sponsored by the French Savoir-tre l'cole"" association and the ESPE (Higher school of Professorship and Education) of Nice, has been performed by the scientific interest grouping CAPEF (centre of process analysis in education and training) of the Nice-Sophia Antipolis university. The following objectives have been assessed by the CAPEF : | | 1- A better understanding of personal brain mechanisms in stress situations (impacts on emotions, behaviours and the ability to take decisions). Bring trained professionals to help others facing stress situations, to introduce a know-how to be at school and a more conducive learning environment. | | 2- Propose to professionals to be trained to BNC in order to better understand the stressed students brain mechanisms and the learning obstacles (impacts on their emotions, on their behaviours and their decision ability). | | 3- In improving interactions quality between different actors of the education community, enable to progress towards a positive school climate and a more conducive learning environment. | | Four possible cases have been identified : | - Integrating BNC in lessons and practices | - Assessing and accompanying learners with great difficulty (evaluation grid and survey to evaluate the student situation before starting to learn : stress, confidence, motivation, maturity, concentration, learning to learn...) | - Pupils coaching to enable him setting up personal objectives and to (re)build self-confidence in school achievements. | - Pupil's workshops : self knowledge, motivation, self-confidence, aggressiveness management";"Various channels of communication have made people aware of these matters, like the e-magazine Les chroniques de NEuroscol"", and pages of ""NEuroscol, le cerveau au coeur de l'Education"" (NEuroscol, the brain at the heart of Education"") on social networks, several interviews to media and finally an academic conference on March 09th, 2017. | | Bring the BNC innovation practices to Education staffs enabled them to better understand their mental models, their behaviour abilities, to better manage their stress. From now on, with its european dimension, NEuroscol continues its advance. Beyond the initial consortium, a reflection is undertaken to disseminate its promising results, in the ""acadmie de Nice""." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2015;2015-1-FR01-KA103-013222;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;"The historical background of the project : The ENSA Normandie has experience of mobility since the 2007-2013 Erasmus Charter, before moving to Erasmus+. So, the institution has already done som...";;;Ecole nationale suprieure d'architecture de Normandie;FR;FR;79.149,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;not available;English;The ENSA Normandie has experience of mobility since the 2007-2013 Erasmus Charter, before moving to Erasmus+. So, the institution has already done some student mobility for studies and traineeships, and staff mobility for teaching and traineeships. The number of mobilities was small at the beginning and has been stabilized at about 40, to preserve the balance of flows between outgoing students and students staying in school. The objective is maintaining the quality of education provided at school. As required in the Erasmus+ Charter, the ENSA Normandie has implemented its mobility actions only within the framework of Erasmus+ agreements concluded with the partner institutions. ;"Student mobility for studies. The Erasmus+ 2015 subsidy allowed 30 mobilities for studies, while 37 had been requested by the establishment according to the selection of the outgoing students in January 2014. A majority of these students are doing their mobility during the first year of the Master (19 students) and less during the 3rd year of the License (6 students) or the first semester of the second year of the Master (5 students). These figures correspond to the target set by ENSA Normandy of 1/3 to students at the License cycle and 2/3 during the Master cycle. Student mobility for traineeships. The school had requested 2 mobilities for a total period of six months. L'ENSA Normandie has received mobilities for 4 months. Finally, the ENSA Normandie gave the benefit of this type of mobility to 4 students for a total period of 16 months. In terms of results for mobility studies, students have validated the number of required ECTS, except two students to who is lacking pproximately 3,5 ECTS. So they acquired knowledge different or complementary to those of the ENSA Normandie; it values their study program in the professional world. These students came back with a better self-confidence. During their period of mobility, they have developed their relational skills with people from other European countries and have gained in linguistic fluency. For mobility for traineeships : the ENSA Normandie is facing a growing number of requests for this type of mobility. The Institution has requested in the interim report an extra funding which has been given. The mobility of the students is mentioned in the supplement to the diploma, which promote the students progress to prospective employers. The recognition of mobility done in the host institution is made at the ENSA Normandie by means of feedback meetings with the candidates for the mobility. Staff mobility for teaching and traineeships : the grant agreement awarded a grant for the establishment for 3 staff mobilities. The funds were used for 3 staff mobility for traineeship, after an extra funding accorded. The staff mobility for teaching and traineeships has enabled educational exchanges with mutual sharing of experiences and cultures of the architectural project. Otherwise, these mobilities allowed one of the teachers to acquire a training on the pedagogy. The second teacher strengthened the pedagogical discussions on the questions of rehabilitation and development. The administrative officer discovered other media libraries. He has been trained on the archiving of the social networks and the e-learning." Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2015;2015-1-FR01-KA201-015318;;;EdUCATe - EUropean nonviolent Conflict management for educators : Advocacy and Training;"Context of the project The EdUCATe project was born from the observation that, most of the time in Europe, conflict situations are not sufficiently taken into account at school and that some of t...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;Coordination pour l'ducation la non-violence et la paix;FR;FR,BE,HR,IT,SE,ES;174.334,44;Yes;No;Civil Society Organisation;Asociacin;;;English;"Context of the project. The EdUCATe project was born from the observation that, most of the time in Europe, conflict situations are not sufficiently taken into account at school and that some of these situations can lead to violence that has negative effects on school climates. To address these unavoidable conflict situations, the EdUCATe project aims to disseminate knowledge, know-how and tools on nonviolent conflict transformation through the training of teachers and educators. The partners also noted the absence and the lack of a European network for sharing good practices in this area. Objectives of the project: Thus, the EdUCATe project had three major objectives - the exchange of good practices in the field of teacher training in nonviolent conflict transformation (NVCT) with a view to drafting a Europea curriculum for such training; - the exchange of advocacy experiences with governments on this subject; - and the establishment of a European network of actors for advocacy and the exchange of good practices in this field. This project was therefore built around these three axes (curriculum, advocacy and network) which were each coordinated by two project partners. Number and profile of participating organizations. This 36-month project, running from September 2015 to August 2018, brought together six partners, three associations, two universities and one foundation: the University of Gothenburg (Sweden), the University of Barcelona (Spain), the Centro Psicopedagogico per la Pace e la gestione dei conflitti (Italy), the Centre for Peace, Non-Violence and Human Rights in Osijek (Croatia), the Evens Foundation (Belgium) and the Coordination for Non-Violence and Peace Education (France), which coordinated it.";"Description of the main activities implemented. First, five of the six partners conducted research activities to identify and describe the situation of teacher training in nonviolent conflict transformation in their countries (Evens Foundation was not involved in this part of the project). Among other things, they identified and analysed 3 good practices per country. Based on this research and their training experience, the partners have drafted an innovative European teacher training programme (curriculum) on nonviolent conflict transformation. This four-module curriculum was tested by the partners during a learning activity, which was a pilot training organized from 11 to 15 July 2017 in France. It brought together a total of 25 participants, i.e. 15 trainees (teachers) selected by the EdUCATe partners and 10 trainers and staff persons. It made it possible to evaluate and validate this curriulum while allowing it to be improved on certain points. At the same time, the partners conducted research on the advocacy actions that had been carried out at European level and in each country on this theme of teacher training and together they defined the common principles of their advocacy and action plans for each country based on the results of their research. Finally, throughout the project, the partners reflected on the creation of a European network on this teacher training on NVCT. The research conducted, in conjunction with previous research, made it possible to identify the various actors in this field in Europe (networks, national associations, universities) and to confirm the absence and the lack of such a European network. Gradually, the partners defined the outlines that this network could take (vision, mission, objectives, structures). The partners organised a European Multiplier Event, entitled ""Growing the Movement"", in Brussels, on 24 May 2018, in the morning at the Bozar Museum and in the afternoon at the European Parliament. This day was an opportunity to share with other European associations the various results of the project, to discuss in a dynamic way the construction of the European network, whose idea was well received, and to exchange on our advocacy practices with women and men politicians and education officials. Results and impacts achieved. Based on their research, the partners drafted several documents. First of all, a of the current situation in terms of training teachers in nonviolent conflict transformation and another on advocacy in Europe for such education. Based on these results, they drafted the three intellectual productions foreseen in the project: a European curriculum in four modules, a European Position Paper on advocacy and an analytical dossier on the creation of a European network for the training of teachers and educators in nonviolent conflict transformation. Results | Website | | | Direct effect on participants and project partners | | Educate Multiplier Event in Brussels (May 24th, 2018) - Growing the Movement- World Caf Activity | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | European Curriculum on Nonviolent Conflict Transformation (NVCT) for Educators | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | Position Paper - Teachers are key! | Teacher & conflict: where are we ? State of the Art Report on Teacher training on Nonviolence conflict transformation in Europe | Position Paper - Teachers are key! Croatian version | Position Paper - Teachers are Key! Swedish version | Position Paper - Teachers are key! Italian version | Position Paper - Teachers are key! Spanish version | Position Paper - Teachers are key! French version | Advocacy for Nonviolent Conflict Transformation Education: State of the Art in Five European Countries and at the European Level - New layout | European Networking on Nonviolent Conflict Transformation (NVCT) for Educators. Analytic dossier. | Dissemination material | | Multiplier event: Growing the Movement - Networking & Cooperation | Croatian article on the Pilot Training (n 1) | Italian article on the Multiplier Event in Brussels | Croatian article on the Pilot Training (n2)" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-FR01-KA202-014954;;;NetMe-In;The employment situation for young people in Europe remains very worrying, especially for young NEETs. Many initiatives exist and it is important that the actors involved in these actions can exch...;Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Open and distance learning;;FONDATION DES REGIONS EUROPEENNES POUR LA RECHERCHE EN EDUCATION ET ENFORMATION;BE;BE,IT,FR,ES,TR,NL,HR;391.440,40;Yes;No;Foundation;Fundacin;;;English;"The employment situation for young people in Europe remains very worrying, especially for young NEETs. Many initiatives exist and it is important that the actors involved in these actions can exchange, meet and work together for better integration into the labor market. | The NetMe-In project guideline is organized around 3 elements: | -Professional Social Networks (PSN) and the management of one's own digital professional identity are keys to entering the labor market. | -Acquisition of knowledge informally or non-formally allows to become familiar with the new opportunities of web 2.0 and builds self-confidence and commitment. | -Building support networks in the territories and in Europe with all the actors in the field is essential to better support young people in their ""Pathway to employment"". | NetMe-In is a continuation of the European project AcroJump which had already initiated the work on the valorisation of the informal experiences for low-skilled young people on social networks. This public was one of the ""targets"" of NetMe-in, as well as the actors of the accompaniment (teachers, trainers, actors of the orientation, the access to employment ...) and the actors of the economic world (recruiters, actors of the social economy, ...) | With a consortium of 10 partners from 6 different countries (France, Spain, Italy, the Netherlands, Turkey and Croatia: FREREF, University of South Brittany, the International Network of Cits des Mtiers, FUEIB, Sophia R&I, CEIS, Stichting Dutch Foundation of Innovation Welfare 2 Work, Bogazici University Llifelong Learning Center, Cistoca and Technica Skola School in Karlovac). The project had the following objectives: | -The construction of local accompaniment networks (LAN), which were then combined to create a European network (e-CoPAc) | -The development of Knowledge Building Caps (KBC) in the form of an online module to acquire knowledge and know-how on the management of ones digital identity, job seeking, the construction of his network professional | -the publication of lessons learned and recommendations from the project. | These objectives have been fully achieved. | First, the project partners mobilized the actors from the 3 target audiences on their territory during NetMe-In days to sensitize them to the project's approach and invite them to share their experiences. 263 people participated in these events organized by the field partners, symbolizing the capacity of the project members to mobilize local actors. | Some of these NetMe-In days participants were then asked to participate in the local support networks who continued the exchange of practices and began to work on the production of contents based on their experiences. 174 people have participated throughout Europe in these LAN.";"The content developed took the form of KBC: articulation of ""microcapsules"" (testimonials, interviews, case studies ...) in more or less elaborate training scenarios. These KBCs covered various topics such as ""PSN for recruitment"", ""PSN as a tool for successful career"", ""Accompaniment for the accompaniment process around the use of PSN and Digital Professional Identity ... 10 KBCs were foreseen in the application, and 13 were issued at the end of the project, based on 36 microcaps. These KBCs have taken different forms: comics, videos, board games, ... but all the resources are available online on the project website: or on the youtube channel of the project: | These KBCs were then tested during pilot actions by the partners on their territory: 1120 people had the opportunity to test the contents developed during the project, allowing the collection of their opinions and comments. | Another aspect of NetMe-In has been the creation of a European Community of Practice for Accompaniment (e-CoPAc), a European emanation of the local networks. The members of this community gathered during two mobilities and set goals and action plans for the future. | Many sustainability actions are already underway, evidencing of the sustainability of the developed content. One of these is the city of Modena, which has integrated the results of the project into the training catalog offered to schools in the city, UBS which has integrated some KBC into courses for their students or the DFIW2W which is continuing the development of content with new partners in Scotland as part of a new Erasmus + project. Results | Website | | | Direct effect on participants and project partners | | Capitalisation on learning mobilities (R5) | Capitalisation on Pilot Actions (KBC trialling - R10) | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Guide for building accompaniment networks (R1) | guidelines for the Knowledge building caps (KBC - R7) | Recommendations for KBC sustainability (R11) | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | the e-CoPAc objectives, animation sustainability (R6) | Lessons learnt and recommendations (R15) | Dissemination material | | Supports for external communication (R14) | Organizational and working documents | | Value management policy report (R12) | Impact management policy report (R13) | Evaluation report (R16)" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-FR01-KA202-015100;;;"Enseigner produire autrement sur les territoires Transition vers lagro-cologie et consquences pour les systmes de formation";"Project context: The Europe 2020 strategy which was initiated in 2010 aims, among other things, at promoting a sustainable growth and therefore at protecting the environment and natural resources...";Agriculture, forestry and fisheries, Environment and climate change ...;;Centre d'Enseignement Zootechnique;FR;FR,SI,LT,IT,AT;282.588,00;Yes;No;National Public body;Administracin;;not available;English;Project context: | The Europe 2020 strategy which was initiated in 2010 aims, among other things, at promoting a sustainable growth and therefore at protecting the environment and natural resources such as soil, water and biodiversity. | The Common Agricultural Policy induces technical and organizational changes for farms in order to lead farmers to agroecological practices. | Regarding the trainings, the agroecological transition will rest on the capacity of the European educational systems to adjust to the innovations arising from research and development as well as from farmers practices and to diffuse them to bring about the necessary changes in curricula, | teaching methods and pedagogical practices. Agro-ecology cannot be taught any longer on the basis of traditional teaching methods, it rests on systemic, multidisciplinary approaches as well as on observation, experimentation, demonstration and field case studies. | The ambition of this project is to bring its contribution, in the field of training and education, to the Europe 2020 Strategy as well as | to the CAP orientations and to respond to the new professional training needs implied by the agro-ecological transition. It also aims at introducing a greater coherence among the various European countries in their efforts to enhance agro-ecological competences for students and farmers. | | Project objectives: | The project objectives were : | - to upgrade the agricultural training systems and the quality of the training itself | - to transfer and enhance the implementation of innovative practices | - to reinforce the capacity of the various partners to work in an international cooperation environment | | Partner organizations: | The project coordinator, CEZ- Bergerie nationale gathered four partners around this project all come from the world of academia in Lithuania, Slovenia, Italy and Austria. They all carry out research and/or experimentation activities in the field of agro-ecology and have a great | experience of field work with farmers as well as class room or lab work. The original feature of the consortium rests also on its diversity : two national teaching institutions, two universities and one observatory.;Main activities carried out: | The project has been broken down into 4 different phases : | Phase 1 : Inventory and comparative analysis of the various approaches to agro ecology | Phase 2 : Inventory and synthesis of the agro ecological innovations highlighted by the field case studies | Phase 3 : Development and finalization of pedagogical tools | Phase 4 : Communication (diffusion and dissemination) and evaluation of the project | During these four phases, 5 intellectual productions, 5 transnational meetings, 1 training of trainers and 5 disseminating events took place. | Two types of intellectual productions | - 2 reports and/or syntheses (language: English) | . Inventory and comparative and critical analysis of the various national approaches to agro ecology | . Study of innovations and changes implied by the implementation of agro ecology based on 15 field case-studies (3 per partner and/or country). | 3 educational tools: | - E-learning development tools : quiz | - Audio-visual materials : Agroecology : Various approches in Europe | - Written materials : Handbook of modules for study course agroecology | | Communication events took place during the 3 years but more specifically at the end of the project when disseminating events have been organized in Italy, Slovenia, Austria and France. | | Project results and impact | The project has a systemic and sustainable impact that have been followed during the project but also the following years. | In the short run, concrete examples from the different countries will inform the target groups about the innovative practices. | In the long run, we seek: | - an appropriation by the educationnal community of the new teaching practices , once they have been tested successfully | - an appropriation by farmers and various professionals of new agricultural practices which foster the agro-ecological transition. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | O3 TEACHING TOOLS AND MATERIALS - HANDBOOK OF MODULES FOR STUDY COURSE AGROECOLOGY - AUSTRIA FRANCE ITALY LITHUANIA SLOVENIA - Language: English | O3 TEACHING TOOLS AND MATERIALS - HANDBOOK OF MODULES FOR STUDY COURSE AGROECOLOGY - AUSTRIA FRANCE ITALY LITHUANIA SLOVENIA - Language: French | O3 TEACHING TOOLS AND MATERIALS - HANDBOOK OF MODULES FOR STUDY COURSE AGROECOLOGY - AUSTRIA FRANCE ITALY LITHUANIA SLOVENIA - Language: Slovenian | O3 TEACHING TOOLS AND MATERIALS - HANDBOOK OF MODULES FOR STUDY COURSE AGROECOLOGY - AUSTRIA FRANCE ITALY LITHUANIA SLOVENIA - Language: Lithuanian | O3 TEACHING TOOLS AND MATERIALS - HANDBOOK OF MODULES FOR STUDY COURSE AGROECOLOGY - AUSTRIA FRANCE ITALY LITHUANIA SLOVENIA - Language: German | O3 TEACHING TOOLS AND MATERIALS - HANDBOOK OF MODULES FOR STUDY COURSE AGROECOLOGY - AUSTRIA FRANCE ITALY LITHUANIA SLOVENIA - Language: Italian | O4 TEACHING TOOLS AND MATERIALS FILM Agro-ecology: Various approaches in Europe - AUSTRIA FRANCE ITALY LITHUANIA SLOVENIA - Language: English, sub-titled in German, French, Italian, Slovenian, Lithuanian and English | O4 TEACHING TOOLS AND MATERIALS FILM PRESENTATION DOCUMENT Language: English | O4 TEACHING TOOLS AND MATERIALS FILM PRESENTATION DOCUMENT Language: French | O4 TEACHING TOOLS AND MATERIALS FILM PRESENTATION DOCUMENT Language: Slovenian | O5 Teaching tools and materials E-Learning tool about agro-ecology - Language: English, Lithuanian, German, French, Italian and Slovenian | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | O1 - THE VARIOUS APPROACHES OF AGRO - ECOLOGY IN THE DIFFERENT COUNTRIES - AGGREGATION OF THE NATIONAL ABSTRACTS - AUSTRIA FRANCE ITALY LITHUANIA - SLOVENIA | O1 - THE VARIOUS APPROACHES OF AGRO - ECOLOGY IN THE DIFFERENT COUNTRIES - SYNTHESIS OF THE NATIONAL REPORTS AUSTRIA FRANCE ITALY LITHUANIA - SLOVENIA | O2 INNOVATIONS AND CHANGES WHICH AGROECOLOGY IMPLIES - CASE STUDY REPORT SUMMARY - AUSTRIA FRANCE ITALY LITHUANIA SLOVENIA Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-FR01-KA202-015329;;;Training ProgrAmme TO improve GrapEviNe virus knowledge and management;Wine production is one of the most historic and emblematic sector of European economy involving thousands of workers in the whole sector. Europe is the largest vine producing region in the world a...;Agriculture, forestry and fisheries, Open and distance learning ...;;INSTITUT FRANCAIS DE LA VIGNE ET DU VIN ;FR;FR,IT,ES;449.740,00;Yes;No;Research Institute/Centre;Centro de Investigacin;;;English;Wine production is one of the most historic and emblematic sector of European economy involving thousands of workers in the whole sector. Europe is the largest vine producing region in the world and wine exportation is a key economic sector. However, the quality and amount of wine production are threatened every year by grapevine virus diseases. Indeed, more than 60 different viruses can affect the vineyard. | PAThOGEN aims to improve basic and transversal skills of wine professionals (winegrowers, nurserymen, consultants and advisors, students) by providing a relevant training ProgrAmme TO improve GrapEviNe virus knowledge and field management. | PAThOGEN proposes an innovative training scheme combining e-learning with field trainings providing on-hand experience dispensed by high level trainers. | PAThOGEN proposes three levels of training in order to be more efficient and adapted to the targeted audience. A first level, mainly dedicated to winegrowers, vineyard technicians and nurserymen enables them to detect, recognize, manage and prevent virus diseases. A more advanced level, addressed to consultants and advisors, who are key stakeholders as they are in contact with a lot of practitioners, provides deeper insight in the virus management with additionnal modules . In order to have a wider impact and multiply the available field sessions, a trainer level provides advisors with skills to give training sessions to practitioners on grapevine virus diseases. | A special attention has been given to the scientific quality of the training by involving high level experts on grapevine viruses, but also to the organization of the modules giving a smooth progression, through interactive media and a common methodology for field sessions. An advisory board composed of winegrowers and advisors from France, Italy and Spain were consulted during the project to make sure that the content and progression is relevant for their profile. Besides, external and independent evaluators checked the content of the training to make sure the scientific content is accurate. | PAThOGEN project was coordinated by the French Wine and Vine Institute and involved four other partners from Italy and Spain. | High level trainers and vine virus experts from the French Wine and Vine Institute, the Italian Experimentation and Research Centre for viticulture and enology (CREA) and the viticulture and plant pathology group from the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) were involved in the writing the content of the modules and in providing a progression adapted to each level. The eLearning platform and website were managed by HORTA, an Italian SME specialized in ICT tools for agriculture. The communication, dissemination and exploitation aspects were managed by FEUGA, a foundation representing the research groups of the University System of Galicia in Spain.;The project was organized in several operational stages. First partners established and agreed on a common methodology to build the training and also evaluation methods and procedures. An important part of the project was to write and build the content of the eLearning modules and quality check them. Then, the modules were put into eLearning format on a dedicated platform. The combined training (eLearning and field training sessions) was then tested and evaluated by 200 volunteers trainees from different selected profiles (winegrowers, nursery professionals, advisors and technicians). Improvements were made in order to adapt the training to the professionals needs. All through the project duration, communication and dissemination activities were made, focusing on our main targets (winegrowers, technicians and advisors in the wine sector). | As a result, the project has enable to produce a high quality combined training, dedicated to wine professionals, for improving the knowledge and management of grapevine viruses. The elearning course is available in four languages (French, English, Spanish, Italian) and field sessions are available in France, Spain and Italy. | We believe this innovative training will be highly beneficial for the wine sector. Professionals involved in the evaluation and testing of the training have been very positive and enthusiastic about it. Partners have agreed on a common exploitation plan in order to spread the knowledge on grapevine viruses in each partner country (France, Spain and Italy) and replicate the PAThOGEN training in other regions and at national level. Several promising contacts, including in Greece, are interested in adapting the training to their country. Also, the training has been promoted at international level, including Canada, Chile and South Africa where vineyards are also concerned by grapevine virus management. The objective is to train at least 100 new professionals per year from Spain, Italy or France and additional trainees from other countries in Europe or abroad. | | The report is written in English as it is the common language for partners. Results | Website | | | Feedback from participants | | D.4.3 Results of the first physical training session | D4.3.2. Results of the second physical training session | D4.4.1 and D4.4.2 : Global evaluation and Optimised version of the PAThOGEN training | Community building tools | | D.3.1 Hosting platform | D.3.2 Functional e-learning platform | Partnerships and cooperations | | D.2.4 Report of external organisation on relevance of the training content | Dissemination material | | PATHOGEN Leaflet (EN) | PATHOGEN Leaflet (FR) | PATHOGEN Leaflet (SP) | PATHOGEN Leaflet (IT) | D.5.1 Public website | Video Presentation of Projet | D.5.3 Report on dissemination actions | PATHOGEN Poster (SP) | PATHOGEN Poster (ITA) | PATHOGEN Poster (FR) | Organizational and working documents | | D.1.1.1 Methodological approach on training | D.1.1.2 Methodological approach on knowledge assessement | D.1.2 Framework for the evaluation of the training content | D.1.3.1 Report on technial specifications | D.1.3.2 Standard templates for writing technical content of tools | D.1.4.Methodology for organising the PAThOGEN experimentation | D.2.1.1 Content of the 6 elearning modules | D.3.4.1 Complete evaluation of the PAThOGEN platform | D.3.4.2. Validated version of the PAThOGEN platform Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-FR01-KA202-015381;;;"Vocational Itinerary in Training and Education in Agriculture VITiculture and Education for All types of learners Vocational Itinerary in Training and Education in Agriculture";VITEA educative project (2015-2017) focused on vine pruning: core business activity of wine grower's job. The competent vine pruner is able to realise the whole jobs in the vineyard. European emp...;Recognition, transparency, certification ...;;ETABLISSEMENT PUBLIC LOCAL ENSEIGNEMENT FORMATION PROFESSIONNELLE AGRICOLES DU PERIGORD;FR;FR,IT,HU,ES,SI,PT,AT;277.560,90;Yes;Yes;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"VITEA educative project (2015-2017) focused on vine pruning : core business activity of wine grower's job. The competent vine pruner is able to realise the whole jobs in the vineyard. European employers are short of competent vine pruners because workers sulk a saisonnal and bad-paied job. The goal of VITEA is to improve vine pruners' competences to satisfy employers and to ensure to workers a stabilized employement and a better income. | | VITEA gathered 7 wine-growing European countries : European service providers in vine pruning of 2 countries (IT, FR) , vocational training organizations of 8 countries (AT, ESP, FR,2 HU,PT, IT, SLO) and a regional certificative institution (ESP). | | Partners of the project have applied ECVET approach of permanent progress to validate acquired skills whatever is the training followed. ECVET allowed them : | - To define the tasks of 2 types of vine pruners corresponding to levels 3 and 4 of the ""European Qualification Framework"" for Vine Pruner and Advanced pruner, | - To determinate skills to implement based on abilities to master from knowledges component the 2 units of learning outcomes, | - To build the 2 assessment grids of competences with criterias and indicators, | - To experiment the 2 repositories of assessment during 2 vine pruning sessions | - To make the operational guide of the project. | | The 5 transnational meetings aimed at approving works realised, to forecast and trigger the work to be done for the next deadline. | The 3 training activities allowed to the partners to get trained in ECVET and to test and practise the learners' assessments by using the tools created. Those tools constitue the results O of the poject and are composed of : | ECVET assessment repositories (O1) for the 2 levels of vine pruners | The implementation of ECVET in the vine-pruning training (O2) | The VITEA operational guide (O4). | | To which is added the reflection on the experiemental process of professional and institutional recognition of vine-pruning training (O3) to continue with ECVET on the road to professional certification. | | Those 4 results have been disseminated during 4 multiplier events E of VITEA project to target audiences : | - E1 promoted O1 to the local and regional educational community | - E2 presented O2 during the Seminar of the network of European wine schools | - E3 took advantage of the Congress of Innovation in Vocational Training FP Innova to present O3 to the vocational training partners and professionals in the wine sector and the green sector | - E4 took advantage of the ""VINEXPO International Show"" to present its ""VITEA Project Operational Guide"" O4 to winemakers and their organizations. | Other dissemination of the results targeted the green sector (EUROPEA associations), the educational administrations and the Erasmus + Agency of the coordinating country. The communication mainly used internet (project websites, partners, international EUROPEA, our central administration ...), press conferences and newspaper articles.";The use of VITEA results is planned and sometimes started in partner schools and adapted sector companies. It is also expected soon in other wine schools thanks to the dissemination and direct training started by some of the partners and in the green sector thanks to the relay provided by the association EUROPEA International. This is the best guarantee of the sustainability of VITEA's results in the immediate future. | | The receptivity to our results of wine organizations and certification insitutions inclines us to think that their inescapable involvement to go towards the professional certification of the vine pruning activity should not pose a problem and to perpetuate in the long term the results of VITEA. | The motivation of companies in the adapted sector opens up a perspective on the use and sustainability of the VITEA results initially unconsidered, and confirms ECVET's logic of continuous progress for all types of learners throughout life. Results | Website | | | Without category | | VITEA Operational Guide- O4 | ECVET Assessment Standards of VITEA- O1 | Implementation of ECVET in the vine pruning training as part of the VITEA project- O2 | Towards a professional and institutional recognition of vine pruning- O3 | Interviews on the impact of VITEA on wine professionals- Interviews sur l'impact de VITEA auprs des professionnels viticoles | VITEA communication support- Support de communication VITEA | Communication and dissemination websites of VITEA project partners- Les sites internet de communication et dissmination des partenairesdu projet VITEA | Communication and Dissemination of the VITEA project outside partnership- Sites internet de communication et dissmination du projet VITEA hors du partenariat) | Meeting of the certification bodies from the partner countries- Rencontres avec les certificateurs nationaux | Disssemination and Communication examples- Exemples de dissmination et communication | Guide oprationnel du projet VITEA- O4 | Rfrentiels d'valuation ECVET de VITEA- O1 | Mise en place d' ECVET en formation la taille de vigne dans le projet VITEA- O2 | Sur la voie de la reconnaissance professionnelle et institutionnelle de la formation taille de vigne en Europe avec VITEA- O3 Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2015;2015-1-FR01-KA203-015209;;;EUropean CERamic MATerials;The EUCERMAT strategic partnership is an educational programme promoting the science of ceramics in Europe by sharing, developing and transferring innovative practices among universities and enhan...;Open and distance learning, Research and innovation, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;UNIVERSITE DE LIMOGES;FR;FR,IT,BE,PT,ES,PL,DE,IE;316.357,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;The principal aim of this programme is then to achieve greater impact and visibility of innovative ceramic materials in Europe in order to stimulate this economic sector and in parallel to increase the natural enrolment of students in this disciplinary field. EUCERMAT promotes a strong synergy between industries and the leading universities working in this field in Europe. This partnership has set up, at master level, modern teaching methods integrating industrial prerogatives which are based on specialties of excellence of the participating universities. The partnership also manages innovative research projects between companies and universities in which the selected students are involved. The aim is therefore both to promote the image of ceramics among young people (high school pupils) and general public and to train highly qualified researchers likely to make a useful and powerful contribution in industrial innovations. The EUCERMAT program, coordinated by the University of Limoges, gathered together 13 European partners: 5 universities, 2 research institutes, 4 companies, 1 European learned society, 1 High school. ;"The activities carried out during the three years of the project allowed: To promote the science of ceramic materials thanks to the development of new pedagogical tools for high schools and specific promoting tools towards the general public. The goal is here clearly to attract more students in this field in the higher educational system. During this program, we benefited from the support of a renowned American institution (American Ceramic Society) which has been working on this topic for a few years. This work, which gathered together teachers from the high schools, academics from universities and industrials aims at building a bridge between secondary and higher educational system, clarifying in that way the training offers in the field of ceramic materials. A network of 15 European high schools has been set up and an educational program in materials science was designed for pupils involved in the last two years of the scientific classrooms. A pedagogical tool consisting in a kit of knowledge encompassing few scientific experiences aiming to show the main properties of materials have been distributed in the high school network to initiate pedagogical collaboration. To set up of a common training offer in English at the Master's level. The choice of courses was established in agreement with the industrial partners. Each university of the project provides an e-learning training module representative of the best skills of universities completed by a week session of practical work taking the research aspects to students. To strengthen the functioning of the knowledge triangle in the field of ceramics sciences, through the creation of a European industrial network (14 Companies) offering funded research internships to second-year master's students. The research themes of the internships were established in agreement with the academic research laboratories (universities or institutes). The strategy developed is very innovative since these actions involve academic and industrial partners sharing long-standing cooperation (forming active cells) which guarantees the excellence of the research activities for students selected to participate to the program. The networking of the partners makes it possible to encourage European collaborations together with pooling of resources and skills. The EUCERMAT program has developed tools and resources which can now be used to ensure its sustainability. At the level of innovative practices in communication around ceramics, the network of high schools and the synergy of functioning with universities are now settled and will be maintained thanks to the collaborations and to the educational tools developed within the framework of the program. Regarding the teaching and research activities for master's students (the educational masters programme), the courses are now created and are available by e-learning teaching hosted on Moodle platform and the business network will have its own interest in proposing new research topic each year and funded research internship for students. Results Website Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners Good Practices for Outreach Activities in the Field of Ceramic and Materials Sciences and Engineering Manual of Blended Mobility: Elaboration of educationnal programmes for blended mobility and modules' institutionnal recognition. The EUCERMAT Online Teaching Programme: Functionning of commons modules New roadmap for ceramic materials Industrial Network Charter Tutored projects : contents, terms and conditions. Quality Label" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2015;2015-1-FR01-KA204-015334;;;e-Coaching et Apprentissage des Langues;Self-directed learning has been described as a process where learners are responsible owners and managers of their own learning process. Self-directed learning integrates self-management (manageme...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;Cooprative pour le Dveloppement de l'emploi dans les mtiers du patrimoine;FR;FR,IT,PL,AT,UK;338.039,50;Yes;No;Social enterprise;Asociacin;;;English;The Internet has widely improved the possibilities for self-directed L2 language learning by giving access to a boundless amount of OER Open Educational Resources accessible ubiquitously, 24/24. These are training materials expressly developed for L2 learning based on e-books, videos, webinars, MOOCs, Apps and other specific software, available for free or for a small fee, Additionally, the web allows free access to written texts, videos and TV and radio programs in many different languages developed for native language speakers that can be used directly by intermediate and advanced L2 learners. Finally, thanks to Skype and social media, direct interaction with teachers, other learners and native speakers has become easier and cheaper. From and educational point of view, the Internet has widened the possibilities for not formal and informal learning and for individualized learning strategies, as well as for self-directed learning. Some learners are able to find their way and benefit by themselves of this large amount of resources, while others needs to be guided and supported in the process, hence the need for a L2Learning Supporter (L2LS). This project wants to explore and promote the role of the L2 Learning Supporter using the web based OER. The project will develop a methodology and a Guide on supporting L2 self-directed learning with web based OER. Other IO will be a Report in the state of the art on supporting L2 self-directed learning by using web based OER, two E-training courses based on the Guide (one addressed to L2 Learning Supporters and the other one to L2 learners), a website for supporting L2 self-directed learning.;Thanks to the project, 240 trainers and 320 L2 adult learners will be trained to use the methodology. Additional 200 trainers and 400 L2 adult learners will use the project website developed for supporting of L2 self-directed learning. Additionally, over 15000 people belonging to the target groups will be informed about the project. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | O2 Guide for self-directed L2 learning with web based OER (English Version) | O2 Handbuch fu_r Lernbegleitung (German version) | O2 Guide pour soutenir l'apprentissage auto-dirig dune L2 laide des REL disponibles sur le Web (French version) | IO2 Guida per l'auto-apprendimento di L2 basato sulle Risorse Educative Aperte (Italian version) | O2 Przewodnik e-Cal dotycz_cy wsparcia samodzielnego uczenia si_ j_zykw obcych z wykorzystaniem OER jest zestawieniem wytycznych, _rde_ i materia_w, ktre pomog_ lepiej zrozumie_ nauk_ j_zykw przez Interne (Poland version) | O3 E- course addressed to L2 Learning Supporters on how to use web based OER for supporting L2 self-directed learning (English version) | O3 Corso on-line dedicato ai sostenitori dellapprendimento di lingua straniera sullutilizzo delle risorse educative aperte (OER) a sostegno dellauto apprendimento (Italian version) | O3 Cours en ligne adress aux accompagnateurs de l'apprentissage L2 sur la faon d'utiliser les REL sur le Web pour soutenir l'apprentissage autonome de la L2 (French version) | O4 E-course for L2 learners (English version) | O4 E-cours pour les apprenants dune L2 (French version) | O4 Corso on-line per lauto-apprendimento di lingua straniera (Italian version) | O5 Guide to Web-Based OERs Suitable for Second Language Learners (English version) | O5 Guide des REL sur le Web Convient aux apprenants d'une seconde langue (French version) | O5 Guida alle Risorse Educative Aperte on-line dedicate allapprendimento della lingua straniera (Italian version) | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | O1 State-of-the-Art and Analysis about Methods on Supporting Learning to Self-Directed Learning by using web based Open Educational Resources | Community building tools | | O6 Website supporting L2 Learning Supporters and L2 self-directed learners & Virtual community Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2015;2015-1-FR01-KA204-015377;;;Greening the Business: Green Business Management Trainings;Systematic and integral training and tools towards green business management excellence and best practice are among priorities of EU strategy for sustainable growth and jobs which puts innovation ...;Enterprise, industry and SMEs (incl. entrepreneurship), New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;CHAMBRE DE COMMERCE ITALIENNE DE LYON;FR;FR,LT,BG,IT,SI;287.486,56;Yes;No;Social partner or other representative of working life (chambers of commerce, trade union, trade association);Asociacin;;;English;The focus of the project is to provide a straightforward, proactive, and hands-on method, to foster environmentally friendly behavior and to add a crucial, and often missing, environmental viewpoint to work life. By adding such environmental perspective through training, entrepreneurs and employees can begin to bring business more in line with the concept of sustainability. For achieving the aims of the project the following instruments have been used: needs analysis survey, focus groups, identification of good practices, learning methodology and curricula development, learning materials and tools elaboration based on the survey results, e-learning platform development, piloting and evaluation of the feasibility of the curriculum, process of consultation with key stakeholders, continuous process of monitoring and revision in terms of ensuring quality, using of various suitable dissemination channels and means for ensuring sustainability and multiplication of the achieved results. The main innovative elements of the GreenB project are: Development of key competences and common educational standards for green business training Development of e-based learning modules for entrepreneurs and workers Networking of green business trainers An area for adult training advance that will offer a starting point for further transfer of practices in a specific VET field.;The project outcomes enable the educational institutions to offer relevant and high-quality training on green business implementation focusing on several topics: Green building design and green cities, green business decision making, energy management, circular economy, eco-labels, environmental management systems, waste and recycling management, eco-innovation, corporate social responsibility, green marketing, green tenders and supply chain management. Results | Website | | | Without category | | Summary report on training needs assessment GreenB (O1) | Methodology (Roadmap) for Green business training Development (O2) | Green B Final Conference in Lyon | GreenB Curriculum Prototype | Project flyers | Curriculum of Green Business Management Training Course - Slovenian | Curriculum of Green Business Management Training Course - English | User guide for users of Moodle e-learning platform | Curriculum of Green Business Management Training Course - Bulgarian | Curriculum of Green Business Management Training Course - Italian | Curriculum of Green Business Management Training Course - Lithuanian | Curriculum of Green Business Management Training Course - French | Project Newsletters in Italian language | Project Newsletters in Bulgarian language | Project Newsletters | Project Newsletters in Slovenian language | Project Newsletters in French language | Project Newsletters in Lithuanian language | Project Brochure | Methodology for Needs Identification and Needs Assessment | Guide to perform pilot testing | Curriculum of Green Business Management Training Course - Italian | Roll-up GreenB | GreenB Course Catalogue - English | GreenB Course Catalogue - French | GreenB Course Catalogue - Lithuanian | GreenB Course Catalogue - Slovenian | GreenB Course Catalogue - Bulgarian | GreenB Course Catalogue - Italian | GreenB E-learning platform Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2015;2015-1-FR01-KA219-014886;;;Future, Ambitions and Challenges for Europe;Students aged between 12 and 16 from six schools situated in France, Germany, Norway, Sweden and Turkey, have carried out a three-year project turned towards the future of Europe and entitled F.A....;Enterprise, industry and SMEs (incl. entrepreneurship), Environment and climate change ...;;OGEC Notre-Dame;FR;FR,SE,TR,NO,DE,ES;273.350,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"Students aged between 12 and 16 from six schools situated in France, Germany, Norway, Sweden and Turkey, have carried out a three-year project turned towards the future of Europe and entitled F.A.C.E. (Future, Ambitions and Challenges for Europe). We have identified various challenges that our students, as European citizens, must face for a better future and which cover issues relevant to each partner country, and more specifically to the areas where our schools are located. We have divided these challenges into three topics, one studied each year, with an end-of-year European multiplier event aiming at presenting the productions made to the public, local authorities and media, and thus at increasing the impact of the project. Year 1 : Environmental and technological challenges. Objective: raise awareness of environmental issues and the need to use renewable energies as well as ecological materials in the building of houses. Students have carried out research on environmental issues specific to their areas in order to create posters and sensitize people over these issues. The knowledge acquired, the visits and encounters made with companies / organisations involved in the protection of the environment have enabled students to come up with their own innovations in the building of ecological house models, which in turn have led to the making of a common model gathering the best concepts. The posters and European model were presented at the end of the year on the occasion of a European Environmental Exhibition and Conference in Norway, open to the public. Year 2 : Economic and Health Challenges. Objectives : - Economy : reinforce partnerships between schools and companies with a view to promoting youth employment by local companies and the opening-up of SMEs to European trade. - Health : sensitize students from an early age over the necessity to adopt a healthy lifestyle based on a healthy diet and the practice of sport. Students have met entrepreneurs and visited local companies working in the main sector of activity of their area so as to gather the necessary information for the creation of a European multilingual marketing brochure entitled ""Made Here"". A ""Made Here"" website presenting local companies and promoting their products and know-how was also created. On the health topic, videos and apps aiming at sensitizing people over the necessity to adopt a healthy lifestyle were created. All theses productions were presented at the end of the year on the occasion of a European Economic and Health Fair in France, open to the public. Year 3 : Cultural and Identity Challenges. Objectives : promote our European identity based on common values while emphasizing local specificities as well as similarities between our cultures, with a view to fighting prejudice and ensuring a serene future for European relations. The work of students involved different artistic aspects, all enabling a reflection on local / European identity and on FACE : - creation of a digital art book on local art and creation by students of their own ""real"" art book. - writing of a European song on the topic of European identity. - creation of a European play (writing, staging, performance). The play was performed before an audience at the end of the year on the occasion of a European Performance in Sweden, with presentation of the art book and of the FACE song.";"The project has enabled to reach our objectives in relation to the development of students' core competences (foreign languages, ICT, science, writing skills) and skills essential for lifelong learning and the insertion into the professional world: entrepreneurship, initiative, teamwork, autonomy, creativity, problem-solving, etc. The impact of the project has been significant on different levels/scales, especially as regards : - students : development of competences, opening-up to Europe and awareness of the issues studied - teachers : skill enhancement through the pooling of competences and practices - schools : development of teamwork, opening-up to international cooperation and reinforcement of partnerships with the local socio-economic world - local community : the awareness actions (especially towards other schools) and events organised in relation to the project, and especially the European events organised in rural areas, have had a significant impact on local life. - national / European scale : the sharing of our experience through our project website, Facebook page, E+PRP platform has already benefited and will benefit other organisations willing to launch into this kind of project. Results | Website | | | Without category | | F.A.C.E. project website | F.A.C.E. project logo | Environmentally-friendly house model | European Environmental Exhibition | ""Made Here"" website | ""Made Here"" multilingual brochure | Health Apps | European Economic and Health Fair | FACE art book on local artists | FACE art book (artworks by students) | FACE song | FACE play | FACE videos (Youtube channel) | French mural on European identity | Spanish mural on local identity" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2015;2015-1-FR01-KA219-015010;;;Ready, Steady... Life! A Healthy Lifestyle Programme;First of all, it is important to highlight that this project, entitled Ready, emerged from the relationship among different schools from France, Spain, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latv...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Health and wellbeing;;Lyce htelier Biarritz Atlantique;FR;FR,PL,ES,IT,LV,EL,HU;124.440,00;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;First of all, it is important to highlight that this project, entitled Ready, emerged from the relationship among different schools from France, Spain, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia and Poland which got to know each other throughout the e-twinning platform. | These schools shared the same concern and this lead them to do research on the reasons which influenced the average increase of teenagers who suffer from overweight or just the opposite case, adolescents who suffer from eating disorders. | Eventually, a conclusion was reached: all of these teenagers shared the same eating patterns characterized by: | A high consumption of food which is scarcely or not at all beneficial for health. | The insufficient practice of sport or physical activity. | A strong influence of media and beauty stereotypes among our youngsters. | | This is the reason why we decided to focus the theme of this project on healthy food and sport in youngsters who range between 12-18. We decided that researching at school would be the proper thing, as we consider school to be one of the main agents which contribute to the personal and professional formation of our students. | | On the other hand, we need to emphasize that the main reasons why we consider the relationship and the cooperation among all these participating countries necessary are : | - Compare and value the influence that culture exerts on it. | - Get to know the gastronomic features shared by countries within the European Union. | | Concerning the aims to be attained within this project, we must highlight the following ones: | -Rise awareness among students 12-18 aged of the importance of healthy eating habits to have a better life quality. | - Teach our students to develop a critical attitude towards food marketing. | -Analyze and value the benefits of exercise for health. | -Reflect on the damage or benefits that our eating habits carry to our health. | Regarding the people who will be immersed in this project, we have to distinguish three sectors : | Students, 12-18 aged. | Teachers and all the school community | Students parents or tutors.;The average of the above is 120 people, approximately, from each of the participating countries, which sums up to 840 people among students, teachers and parents. Results | Website | | | Without category | | Adresse du site web du projet Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2015;2015-1-FR01-KA219-015184;;;ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP FOR SUSTAINABLE LEARNING;Active Citizenship for Sustainable Learning is a three-year ERASMUS+ strategic school partnership. It involved eight secondary schools from Croatia, England, France, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Pola...;Teaching and learning of foreign languages, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education;;COLLEGE GEORGES POMPIDOU;FR;FR,UK,ES,LT,IT,EL,PL,HR;410.909,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;Active Citizenship for Sustainable Learning is a three-year ERASMUS+ strategic school partnership. It involved eight secondary schools from Croatia, England, France, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Poland and Spain. The latter cater for pupils of diverse ethnic and cultural origins. Most of these learners come from underprivileged families with low opportunities for learning, travelling and self-educating. They often lack motivation, ignore the importance of foreign languages and ICT in the labour market. Many of these learners usually give up when they face difficulties and often leave school early without any qualification. Therefore, our partnership will primarily focus on these learners. | | On the one hand, we first intended to enhance our learners motivation and investment in learning thanks to ICT, to offer them an opportunity to acquire oral communication skills in foreign languages and to develop entrepreneurial skills. On the other hand, we wanted to offer them an opportunity to meet their European neighbours, to discover European cultures in native place and to put forward their own culture, to develop intercultural skills, and thus, to build their European citizenship. | | To implement our partnership and hit our objectives we shared tasks amongst us according to each others experience and expertise. We compared our teaching methods, exchanged our practices and combined our know-how. Besides, a five-day ICT workshop was organized for teachers in Lithuania in January 2016. They learnt how to use a variety of ICT tools (eg Evernote, Blendspace) and two digital skills training approaches: the creation of digital stories (Storybird, Storyjumper). They also learnt how to use pictures, videos, flash animation, smart phones and tablets, how to implement a flipped classroom model and to place and to share all created materials on a dynamic project website. Moreover, four transnational project meetings were organized. These meetings offered teachers the possibility to observe classes abroad and to compare. Finally, they practiced foreign languages and got familiar with the European cultural diversity.;As regards to our learners, we first made preliminary assessments and rated our pupils comfort/ability level on a number of skills. Based on the results we created small groups that blended abilities and backgrounds, and incorporated team-building activities carefully adapted to their abilities and possibilities. Besides, we had them complete tasks that involved using and developing ICT and oral communication skills that they would likely use in their future professional life. Moreover, we chose assignment topics and tasks that were related to the real world, and could be connected to our learners lives and environment. Finally, they participated in three ten-day active citizenship language camps which were organized in three different partner countries. These meetings put them in authentic communication situations amongst other European learners of their age, offered them good opportunities to develop team spirit, to gain sense of responsibility, to high up their self-confidence and self-esteem, to enlarge their cultural horizons and to foster tolerance. | | To ensure the efficiency of our strategy, various evaluation tools were developed and used. Communication between partners via and WhatsApp were frequent to ensure the best follow up of the partnership activities. To disseminate our results we created a Facebook page, a YahooGroup and a YouTube channel and published articles in the local and regional press. All results and outputs of our project have been shared freely on the project website so that learners and teachers in Europe and around the world could get inspired by them. An international conference was held in Paris in May 2018 to officially disseminate our outputs. To sustain our partnership and its results we have agreed to continue our cooperation beyond the three years of the project via E-twinning and construct a sustainable development module to incorporate into the schools curriculum. | | As a result, this partnership not only helped our learners, about five hundred, to acquire new skills in ICT, foreign languages, entrepreneurial and intercultural skills and to build their European citizenship, but has raised their future social inclusion chances as well. Teachers involved, around sixty, were given the opportunity to develop their language and intercultural skills and to have learnt how to incorporate innovative digital teaching tools in their practices and how to make their classes more engaging and more challenging for their pupils. Results | Website | Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2015;2015-1-FR01-KA219-015252;;;Bien dans ma peau, bien dans ma tte, bien dans mon avenir;The objective of this project called A healthy perspective on myself, my mental health, and my future was to tackle issues that had been red flagged in our various schools (Realschule+ Neustadt ...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Enterprise, industry and SMEs (incl. entrepreneurship) ...;;Collge Charles de Gaulle;FR;FR,DE,IE,ES,RO;178.407,89;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The objective of this project called A healthy perspective on myself, my mental health, and my future was to tackle issues that had been red flagged in our various schools (Realschule+ Neustadt (D), St Marys college (Irl), IES Gran Tarajal (E), collge Charles de Gaulle (F) and Scoala Gimnaziala Alexandru cel Bun (Ro): obesity, dropping out of school, lack of self-esteem, feeling rejected. | The first year was devoted to getting a better understanding of unhealthy eating habits, a scourge among youngsters. | We looked at the following issues: | - How to eat a healthy and balanced diet. Workshop discussions raised awareness of sugar overconsumption, the ingredients of ready meals and portion control. | - Gaining awareness of how advertisements tempt the consumer by making junk food seem trendy and easy to eat. Also we looked at how to decipher food labels. | These discussions were led in combination with a program of varied physical and sport activities such as brisk walking, rock climbing, playing outdoors, body balance, stretching, Pilates. | We also looked at the crucial issue of self-esteem by inviting image specialists who gave talks about clothing, body image, hygiene, speaking in public for a job interview. | The second part of the project Gaining a healthy perspective on my future hinged around the creation of a start-up. The French school had some experience in this area and initiated the development of this project in association with the organisation Entreprendre pour Apprendre (Learning through working). The aim was to introduce the young pupils to the workplace through the development of a product that they came up with together: a stick soap (""defrisoap""). The development of the product followed the steps of an actual project development in a company (market research, advertisement, and sales) and the regulations binding a company. | Digital communication became a necessity to help a project that involved participants from different countries speaking several languages. The students were rigorously trained to use information and communication technology (TIC in French) and EXCEL for their ECDL diploma. Their outstanding effort and commitment were rewarded by the Prize for Innovation at the Mini Start-Up Championship in the European Parliament in Strasburg.";The objective of all these projects was to promote the European ideal, international collaboration and multiculturalism, with a special focus on languages and communication. Each school involved in the project raised awareness for it through local newspapers and online updates. One of the challenges of the projects was to connect each school with the workplace by establishing links with workplace experts. New ideas were developed to facilitate the continuation of the project with or without partners. | This outstanding result was achieved thanks to a strong team spirit among the students and the supervisors. Through their experience, the students learned valuable skills about themselves, they discovered what the workplace looks like and they broadened their horizons by travelling in Europe with confidence. Results | Without category | | Faire connaissance et dcouverte des pays partenaires | Faire connaissance et dcouverte des pays partenaires | Faire connaissance et dcouverte des pays partenaires | Faire connaissance et dcouverte des pays partenaires | Faire connaissance et dcouverte des pays partenaires | Faire connaissance et dcouverte des pays partenaires | Hygine corporelle et alimentaire | Hygine corporelle et alimentaire | Hygine corporelle et alimentaire | Hygine corporelle et alimentaire | Hygine corporelle et alimentaire | Hygine corporelle et alimentaire | Hygine corporelle et alimentaire | Hygine corporelle et alimentaire | Hygine corporelle et alimentaire | Confiance en soi | Confiance en soi | Confiance en soi | Confiance en soi | Confiance en soi | Confiance en soi | Cours de pilates et/ou fitness, activits sportives | Cours de pilates et/ou fitness, activits sportives | Cours de pilates et/ou fitness, activits sportives | Cours de pilates et/ou fitness, activits sportives | Cours de pilates et/ou fitness, activits sportives | Cours de pilates et/ou fitness, activits sportives | Cours de pilates et/ou fitness, activits sportives | Cours de pilates et/ou fitness, activits sportives | Mini entreprise europenne | Mini entreprise europenne | Mini entreprise europenne | Mini entreprise europenne | Mini entreprise europenne | Mini entreprise europenne | Mini entreprise europenne | Mini entreprise europenne | Mini entreprise europenne | Mini entreprise europenne | Mini entreprise europenne | Mini entreprise europenne | Mini entreprise europenne | Mini entreprise europenne | Mini entreprise europenne | Mini entreprise europenne | Mini entreprise europenne | Mini entreprise europenne | Ecole primaire | Ecole primaire | Formation enseignants | Formation enseignants | Evaluation | Evaluation | Evaluation | Evaluation | Le projet dans les mdias | Le projet dans les mdias | Divers | Divers | Blog Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-HR01-KA101-012767;;;"Centar za osobni rast i razvoj ""Usudi se misliti""";"GOALS The school wants to improve all areas of the school curriculum, especially personal and social development, human resources management, language and communication skills, natural scie...";Creativity and culture, Environment and climate change, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;Osnovna skola Podmurvice;HR;HR,TR;7.871,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;The school wants to improve all areas of the school curriculum, especially personal and social development, human resources management, language and communication skills, natural sciences and art .In order to enable teachers and students to creative and critical thinking and peer learning we intend to form a Personal growth and Development Centre-Dare to think, which will involve all school teachers. Plan and programme will create those who have undergone training sessions. The program would be upgraded during the school year and implemented in school curriculum for 2015/16. Since each teacher and principal involved in the project represent a particular area our aim is to unify and implement the acquired knowledge in Centre's work. | | Basic goals are: | | 1. curriculum improvement and development | | 2. lifelong learning promotion | | 3. human resources management and development of the European dimension of school | | 4. implementation and development of new teaching and learning methods | | 5. peer learning and teaching development | | 6. Language competence improvement of all employees | | The school will develop new curricular themes and programmes in sustainable development and peer coaching therefore it needs to increase the participants skills in: human resources and school management (principal), language competence (all participants), new teaching methods (all participants), creative and critical thinking (the class teacher and biology and chemistry teacher), peer coaching and learning (psychologist). | | 400 students and 5 teachers (including principal) will participate in the project through: regular classes (from 1st to 4th class, Italian language, Biology, Chemistry), extracurricular activities (Literary Club, Drama section, Young ecologists, Debate Club), subject correlation and new curricular areas (sustainable school, peer coaching and learning for students and teachers). | | School itself will continue to cooperate with schools in Europe through contacts established in teaching assignments, eTwinning projects and job shadowing. | | | | Finding partners | | Italian teacher intends to continue her successful cooperation with school in Ankara, Turkey which started a year ago. Therefore, eTwinning database will be used to expand a list of European schools for new projects in near future. Professional training org., were found by using School Education Gateway and In Service training. | | The selection criteria is the organisers experience in teaching and training and the relevant topics were chosen in accordance with a purpose and goals of our project. Selected carriers have long experience and they led daily activities and workshops exposed by the world's experts in these areas. | | | | Activities - preparatory and implementing activities | | | | Dissemination | | Dissemination activities will be covered in four areas: | | 1.) Institutional (school) level - each participant will give a lecture and a workshop for Teacher Council members (43), five lectures and workshops in total, radio show for all students will cover each theme and the progress of the project (five short shows). School website will be updated regularly. | | 2.) Regional level- all participants will hold lectures in County level meetings for principals, Italian teachers, Biology and Chemistry teachers, Class teacher and Psychologists. Local media cooperation- we shall inform local press (Novi list), radio stations (Primorski radio, Radio Rijeka ) TV stations ( Kanal Ri, RiTV) in order to inform our community about the project. | | 3.) State level- Participants will held lectures on state level meetings. | | 4.) European cooperation- will be held through contacts with other European teachers using the eTwinning portal and e-mail. | | | | Evaluation | | Evaluation will include these activities: all kind of work reports for regular classes, work reports for extracurricular activities, surveys on students motivation and class satisfaction during and after the project, organizing and participating in competitions and other forms of educational research.;Learning outcomes | | Teachers (5) will be able to: improve human resources and managements techniques, communicate in foreign languages more efficiently, apply new teaching methods and improve regular and extracurricular classes, implement critical and creative methods in everyday work as well as using peer learning and coaching basics to improve their competence. | | Students (400) will be able to communicate better in foreign language, devise new teaching methods, think critically and discuss a possible problem solving, perceive causal connections, propose activities and make a plan for a sustainable school, monitor their own progress and successfully communicate with each other. | | Institution (school) will improve the quality of regular class and extracurricular activities permanently, use new and better curriculum to increase enrollment, improve and enhance the European dimension and promote lifelong learning as an important segment of labour improvement. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-HR01-KA101-012993;;;Inovativnost, kreativnost, otvorenost - znanje za budu_nost;PROJECT: Innovation, creativity, openness - knowledge for the future is a project of the bra_e Radi_a primary school, a small school with a status of the school with difficult conditions for work ...;Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Teaching and learning of foreign languages, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;OS brace Radica Bracevic;HR;HR;17.425,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;PROJECT: Innovation, creativity, openness - knowledge for the future is a project of the bra_e Radi_a primary school, a small school with a status of the school with difficult conditions for work and works in a rural surroundings of the Split-Dalmatian county in Dalmatian zagora. Difficult work conditions, a small number of pupils, bad traffic connections with bigger centers, in average bad social and economical conditions of our pupils make the school a crucial place for not only an educational but also an upbringing segment. The challenges our students face are the main motivation points because of which we want to realize the project goals in order to provide them with the feeling of equality both in the society we live in but also wider in the EU society . | GOALS: | 1. School internalisation through the staff who are going to mobilities in the EU area and a larger number of the staff who will create/participate in projects like eTwinning projects, joining the EU projects the educational process will become better in a way that the lessons will get a European dimension through a direct connection with pupils from other EU countries and an intercultural change of these countries traditions and values. | 2. Training of (non)educational staff to improve educational process going to mobilities abroad the the staff will exchange the experiences with other participants from other EU countries on the mobility and they will have the opportunity to implement and adapt good practice in their own lessons and learn to implement creativity, critical thinking, the use of new technologies, practice project and research teaching, the knowledge about different intelligences and learning styles will raise awareness with teachers about the necessity of applying creative and innovative methods to make all pupils equal, to share their own experiences about the EU country where the staff training will take place. | 3. Improvement of school curriculum and the school plan and programme through participating in EU projects projects which are organized at a school level will get a European dimension and elective foreign language courses will in this way will become more motivating for pupils to choose a second language as an elective subject, extracurricular activities in STEM subjects will become a place where pupils will through project and research lessons have the opportunity to apply the theory into practical work and not only learn but also understand the STEM topics. | 4. Implementation of new technologies and innovative approaches in education new technologies are necessary to connect with teachers from the EU and organize EU projects like eTwinning projects, to continue their professional development through e-learning and webinars, to direct and teach pupils how to use new technologies for learning. | TARGET GROUP: | Teaching and non-teaching school staff that can achieve goals set by this project. 5 members of the school staff who have shown a high level of professionalism and responsibility in doing tasks they have been given to will take part in the mobility project. The staff taking part in the mobility work as English, German, History, Science/Chemistry and Biology and a school pedagogue (School counselor). They have conducted projects on a classroom level, on a school level and on an EU level and have shared their experiences.;The project results will be visible through greater staff participation in EU projects and consequently also their pupils and in this way the school will get a European dimension and through pupils their parents will also be involved in the EU project and so will the European dimension cross the school borders. Through a serious teaching approach and implementing creative, innovative teaching and the school openness towards all education stakeholders will develop trust with parents that is needed so that they would also more actively participate in motivating their children to continue their education and avoiding early school leaving. Through participating in EU projects pupils will meet other EU countries and through contact with them they will strengthen their language competences because they will have the opportunity to use the language in authentic situations in which it is necessary to use the foreign language in order to establish communication. This meaningful foreign language use will motivate pupils to learn them and provide them with self-esteem to use it which will make them possible to communicate with the EU population in their future both professional and private life. The staff will through participating in the project strengthen their language competences of the EU working language which will be used in the mobility projects and after the project finishes these competences will be also useful for their further professional development participating in webinars in foreign languages. | Results Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2015;2015-1-HR01-KA102-012799;;;STEPs 4 Learning Innovation for Education ;Project Steps 4 Learning Innovation for Education (STEP 4 LIFE) is a project from the Consortium in which the coordinator role has Vocational School Gospic in partnership with the Vocational Schoo...;Energy and resources, Environment and climate change;;Strukovna skola Gospic;HR;HR,DE,ES;104.919,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;Project Steps 4 Learning Innovation for Education (STEP 4 LIFE) is a project from the Consortium in which the coordinator role has Vocational School Gospic in partnership with the Vocational School, Oto_ac and Technical school Karlovac. Partners organizations from the EU are Euromand Projects (Spain) and Vitalis GmbH (Germany). The goal of this project is to provide mobility students with an opportunity for personal growth and development through the introduction to the latest examples of energy services in the use of renewable sources in companies / schools in the partner countries, to the application of renewable energy in households and industry, as well as the application of renewable energy in transport. In accordance with the foregoing, the implementation of this project includes mobility for a total of 45 students from three vocational schools that make up the consortium: Vocational School Gospic, Otocac Vocational School and Technical School in Karlovac, as follows: 1st GROUP - electrical technicians who will be trained according to the agreed program with the partner institution from Spain Euromind Projects titled: Energetically self-sufficient Wooden House (v. Annex 1 and Annex 2). There are 15 students planned. Duration of mobility is 2 weeks. 2nd GROUP - electrical technicians who will be trained according to the agreed program with the partner institution from Spain Euromind Projects titled: Energetically self-sufficient Wooden House (v. Annex 1 and Annex 2). There are 15 students planned. Duration of mobility is 2 weeks. 3rd GROUP - car mechanics / car mechatronics who will be trained according to the agreed program with partner institutions from Germany Vitalis GmbH titled: Building an E-Buggy (v. Annex 3). There are 15 students planned. Duration of mobility is 3 weeks.;These target groups are students whose competence after completing their education are not aligned with the needs of the labor market, which makes them difficult to employ categories. Mobility of students would allow students learning about technologies that represent the future of modern industry, and practical training in modern centers would give them a competitive advantage to potential employers. Specific objectives: - Acquire new, modern, multidisciplinary and applicable knowledge and skills in the field of renewable energy - Improve the quality and increase the volume of mobility in Europe, students in initial vocational education and training - Improve the quality and increase the volume of cooperation between institutions and organizations that provide professional internships in companies - Acquire new professional experience in the foreign work environment - Ensure the transfer of knowledge, skills and innovation for further development - Get new ideas and insights on the implementation of new solutions, processes and procedures for the commercial application of the product or service - Create a systematic approach to monitoring the process and results of the same experiences in the host country - Gain more confidence with new skills and new contacts and to encourage further professional growth and development - Improve the situation of the participants in the European and local labor market - Increase the tolerance for diversity and mutual understanding as a contribution to the common European values __and knowledge society - deep the knowledge of foreign languages and to increase social competence Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2015;2015-1-HR01-KA203-013080;;;Student Business e-Academy;SBeA project has produced a high-quality, personalized e-learning program, along with the other outputs, for young entrepreneurs/students interested in entrepreneurship, which provide them with ne...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;SVEUCILISTE U SPLITU;HR;HR,ES,UK;222.821,84;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;Project was jointly implemented by three partners: University of Split from Croatia as the coordinator, and Middlesex London from UK and University of Malaga from Spain as partners. Prior to this project, project partners have cooperated on several occasions, including the international entrepreneurship student conference organized in Croatia by Faculty of Economics in August 2014. All project partners have had previous experience in EU-funded projects, as well as the experience in projects related to entrepreneurial field, for which reason it was reasonable to expect taking up their collaboration to a next level with such innovative project as SBeA. Also synergy among partners was well worthy: MDX brought competences and experience from their Enterprise Development Hub(EDH@MDX), UMA brought experience with spin-offs and other incubations of university business projects in Technology Park of Andalusia, whereas University of Split has brought know-how and previous experience from various business programs available at all levels of studies at Faculty of Economics, including the Student Business Academy program that was ran for several years prior to SBeA project.Project was jointly implemented by three partners: University of Split from Croatia as the coordinator, and Middlesex London from UK and University of Malaga from Spain as partners. Prior to this project, project partners have cooperated on several occasions, including the international entrepreneurship student conference organized in Croatia by Faculty of Economics in August 2014. All project partners have had previous experience in EU-funded projects, as well as the experience in projects related to entrepreneurial field, for which reason it was reasonable to expect taking up their collaboration to a next level with such innovative project as SBeA. Also synergy among partners was well worthy: MDX brought competences and experience from their Enterprise Development Hub(EDH@MDX), UMA brought experience with spin-offs and other incubations of university business projects in Technology Park of Andalusia, whereas University of Split has brought know-how and previous experience from various business programs available at all levels of studies at Faculty of Economics, including the Student Business Academy program that was ran for several years prior to SBeA project. Besides the above mentioned outputs, the project partners have also created a SBeA library, available on the e-learning portal, with collection of useful business literature available at participating institutions, as well as the Manual for e-learning program. All developed outputs are given as an open educational resource via e-learning portal available at the following link: Along with the developed resources, project has organized four main activities: two multiplier events at the University of Split and two Learning/Teaching/Training Activities in Pako_tane, Croatia with University of Split as a receiving institution.;SBeA project combined face-to-face and on-line (blended) learning: the online program and two training seminars/conferences of 5 days - SBeA training conferences, where participants acquired key entrepreneurial skills, knowledge about market, and developed their interpersonal and intercultural skills. The project stimulates a new way of learning and teaching through digital content and use of virtual resources, helping students to acquire digital skills, connect classrooms and digital devices and content, increasing efficiency and equity in education. In this way, the project has contributed to the Europe 2020 goals of boosting EU competitiveness and growth through better skilled workforce and more employment. Project also combines customized support through mentorship and personalized learning for participants. Participants of SBeA online program and the SBeA training conference have gained new knowledge and competences, and have learned to adopt critical observations of their business ideas through guidance by mentors from real sector and professors from universities. Learning and working in teams in an international and multicultural environment has also created positive attitudes towards internationalisation of their business ideas, but have also created great networking opportunities for participants. All of this has had priceless impact on the development of their future careers, since some students from pilot program are already starting their spin-offs. In the long-run, success of such project will shift some educational activities from traditional sources to other open educational resources, which is particularly helpful to young living in the remote areas, such as rural areas or islands. This way it provides all young with an equal opportunity to educate themselves in field of entrepreneurship and establishes connections with mentors from real sector. Also, the program will be adapted to visually impaired persons (VIPs) in accordance with available resources in the future. . Results | Website | | | Without category | | SBeA Guidebook for beginner entrepreneurs (start-ups) | SBeA Gua para emprendedores principiantes (start-ups) | SBeA vodi_ za poduzetnike po_etnike (start-upove) | SBeA Digital startup game_online | SBeA online program | E-learning portal for young entrepreneurs | Summer Jam_Learning, teaching, training activities Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-HU01-KA101-013145;;;Hd a kultrk kztt- Bridging the Gap;The proposed project has been realized, including the goal of integrating the Hungarian and British National curriculums in such a way that they are beginning to be seamlessly cohesive. This goal...;International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;Budapesti Nemzetkzi Iskola-International School of Budapest s Magyar-Angol Kt Tantsi Nyelv ltalnos Iskola;HU;HU;18.958,00;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The proposed project has been realized, including the goal of integrating the Hungarian and British National curriculums in such a way that they are beginning to be seamlessly cohesive. This goal is an integral part of the realization of our bilingual school; it is essential to the style and manner in which we serve our students and parents and also the wider community around us in Budapest. | | By having realized our three main objectives as follows: 1) training both native and non-native English speaking staff in a two-fold approach, having imbued our non-native speaking staff with more confidence in their command of the English language through their experience of British and Irish culture and approaches to education, while at the same time having taken our native English speaking staff, and a few select high level (non-native) English speaking staff and having applied them towards the objective of retraining in methodology and specific course content learning in the classroom. 2) Having given our Hungarian staff at our school a better appreciation for the methodology and the application of the British national curriculum, which was implemented by our international staff. 3) Having allowed them to have the appropriate background knowledge of the ways and means of the other half of the school curriculum and our advanced Hungarian staff being enabled in having shepherded the lower level staff in using the methodology and curriculum based implementation in the classroom. The native speaking staff gained the appropriate training to provide support within their classroom and within the overall school structure. We believe that we have begun to achieve this goal, and have created the synergy through drawing together members of both sides of the staff, thereby having created a set of common expectations for the continued excellence of student performance. | | Our decision to send seven members of our staff reflects the seriousness which we are took this goal; as it comprised slightly less than one-sixth of our full-staff which allowed us the flexibility to train other members of our faculty, each time they returned, and covered all departments evenly allowing us to quickly implement our objectives, and sufficiently cover our needs in terms of the implementation of the overall goal. | | By creating an English and Hungarian language school newsblog, we have encouraged our students and staff to contribute in a meaningful and literary sense to our school community, and to the community at large, through the encouragement of writing skills, participation in projects, and creativity. Our online art exhibition encouraged our students to share their work with others, transcend the language barriers, and find others in their community with like-minded artistic skills and desires. The English language culture week provided our participants with the opportunity to showcase what they have learned while in the UK or Ireland in integrating our English and Hungarian backgrounds, while the school e-twinning opened up new horizons for integrating our own two curriculums, at the same time having opened our regional and EU experiences and gave us invaluable partnerships and continued support in our English language improvement.";The results are being evaluated and disseminated to our staff at school through trainings by each of the participants for the other members of staff, by updating our methodology in the international and Hungarian classrooms, by sharing our experiences and expectations of improvement amongst staff and our parent/student community, and including all of the residual and osmotic occurrences of good ideas and improving our delivery of material in the classroom. | | By signing on for a one year commitment towards the implementation of our goal, we have dedicated ourselves to creating long-term benefits for our community and our school. We are implementing the objectives through our stated activities, taking great care in making sure that all the students at our school are provided with an opportunity to participate and to better themselves, while helping our staff and parents alike to better understand how our bilingual curriculum is the best program for their children in Budapest, because of the dedication to the implementation and integration of a truly modern and successful method of education for their children. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-HU01-KA101-013185;;;"Tanrakadmia. Egy megjul ""Mez_suli"" terve.";The main aim of our project was to let the experience of the teachers being involved in the mobility courses of the project be helpful in realizing demands and needs of our school called Dr Mez_ ...;Teaching and learning of foreign languages, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills;;Dr Mez Ferenc Altalanos Iskola;HU;HU;26.434,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;The main aim of our project was to let the experience of the teachers being involved in the mobility courses of the project be helpful in realizing demands and needs of our school called Dr Mez_ Ferenc Primary School (Zugl-BUD) to a great extent. To get the education system strengthened today, it is inevitably needed to provide a planning at institutional level of which the fundamental backing is provided by reforming the teachers professional and methodological skills. The figure of eleven teachers involved in the project proved that our school had the intention to take part in improving education at an even wider level. We were aspired to a conscious level of improved realization in the quality of education. Our teachers applying for courses abroad expected results which was gained by deep preparatory works before the courses, acquired experiences during the courses and elaborated follow-up | works and as an aftermath, the results was disseminated in public within school firstly and among parents and district secondly in favour of improvement. After evaluation, consequently, all the results have ensured a long-term sustainability of the effects. | On the basis of equality, priority of our school is to help students with learning difficulties to get caught up in order to succeed in situations. Our basic method is to develop critical thinking in class. Integral part of our education model is the internationalization, that is to say partnership, moreover get other non-teachers involved in the project in accord with the main targeted fields of improvement such as improving the quality of education or training colleagues. This type of institutional development needs such a professional work that could ground a new generation of school with the help of a brand new school strategy, management and a new way of organizing education. This is our aim. | With the new methodology and strategy our teachers have met on the courses could help our students acquire the curriculum in an easier. This underlies the 8 key competences and improvement of the education quality with a modernized way. Getting to know other countries culture, demonstrating our school system, getting to know different ways of thinking, briefly all the efforts to enter the world of European dimension have broaden the vision range of our teachers and students. E-Twinning, brainstorming conference with national and foreign colleagues have helped us during the completion of our mobility project. | Our education strategy is to renew methodology, a new motivation, a modern teacher-student and teacher-teacher cooperation, improvement of teachers profession, gained experiences to be included into the education process improving the quality along with ensuring the possibility to create a chance. | 11 teachers had the intention to participate in teachers training courses (A1) within the mobility project. Target countries were the UK, Portugal, Spain, Sweden.;"Planned effect of the project was to step into a change at management level which could be backed by a methodological renewal. This kind of a change would bring the European dimension into our school; meeting foreign schools representatives would help in developing partnership with foreign institutions. The partnership would support our teachers to evaluate their own work and the methods in a reflexive way. Teachers must be consistent in orientation; getting to know modern ways of evaluation, methods and modern ways of approaches would get the students motivated in class and a newer ways of motivating teachers within their profession would develop." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-HU01-KA101-013437;;;Drama Techniques for the English Language Classrom, Les outils de thtre dans la classe de langue;Our school, which is close to the city centre, is a popular educational institute, has been functioning for more than one century. Our institute supports both students and teachers (including...;Creativity and culture, Access for disadvantaged, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;Budapest XIII. Kerleti Grdonyi Gza ltalnos Iskola;HU;HU;6.010,00;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"Our school, which is close to the city centre, is a popular educational institute, has been functioning for more than one century. Our institute supports both students and teachers (including the managements) permanent developments and professional needs. Thanks to the fame of our school we have more and more students year by year; moreover we have to deal with over- application. Lots of parents want their children to be accepted by our school. | But at the same time nowadays we regularly have to face up some typical difficulties of our time. Lets see some of these mentioned problems. | One of them is a problem of the anguished, anxious students. They are really difficult to be involved into the class communities. The integration of them and the exemption from their anxiety is a very demanding and challenging job for our colleagues. | So this was one of our standpoints for choosing these kinds of courses for our colleagues which made them capable of handling these difficulties or supported them with some methods and ways for our everyday practise. Our appointed colleagues are well trained and well qualified with more teaching experience in teaching foreign languages, so they were able to participate in the foreign mobility project, in foreign language areas (English and French) concentrating on using drama techniques in classrooms. These trainings were important from different points of view for our school. Drama playing has its own importance in language acquisition, in the language teaching-learning process for instancethe concrete benefit in the vocabulary building, in unobserved acquiring of language expressions, of structures and usage. It also supports an unnoticed language practice and use. Moreover it is a good opportunity for becoming familiar with the habits, the traditions, the cultures and cultural treasures of different countries. | Apart from these advantages of using drama techniques of storytelling, of using situations in our language teaching, it can have a profit in the improving the community development. During drama playing students social and collective competences can be developed. They learn to cooperate in teams, they learn to work for each-other, and they learn to support and help each-other. In addition to be dressed up in different characters, to perform different personalities makes them able to express their feelings, thoughts easier. On the top of all that, the anguished student can be involved into the games, plays or situations easier, almost unnoticed. Drama techniques can be essential tools in developing our students personalities regarding their age needs and specialities. So, drama playing grows over its only duty, such as supporting foreign language acquisition. Language skills and abilities can be improved in a stress free, relaxed atmosphere by using drama playing. So this is a very important tool in our everyday practice. | The project realization was divided in three main parts. The first one was the-Preparation period. After establishing the project team in January and February the courses were chosen and the project material was made. After several harmonization and crosschecks the material was sent in. | In the second period of our project, the Participating period, the training courses were taken with some previous special arrangements from May to the end of August. During this step the contracts were signed and the travelling was organised. | In the last period of the project, in the Monitoring period, from September to December, the experience of foreign mobility was discussed and the dissemination process was started and the participants wrote their reports. | And lets see some more long term and short term benefits of the project. After finishing the courses the appointed colleagues reorganised foreign language drama study circles which could not be organised without the skills they had acquired or refreshed in the training courses.";The long term benefit is their professional language competences were refreshed and supported with lots of activities by native speakers. They concentrated on communicative skills. Such as fluency, vocabulary development, new expressions, collocations, language awareness, pronunciation, intonation. These activities helped them to polish and refresh their language knowledge and made them to be better and more professional, to be able to develop their students language competences and development and to able to teach a useable, everyday language concentrating on communicative skills. | Finally, Mobility Project supports long term cooperation between some international schools. Now we are getting to be familiar with the E-twinning project and we are planning to create cooperation. Moreover our institute are planning to create and restart our exchange programme with a Polish school this year. Taking part in these projects will help to improve our students personal and professional skills, as it written in our Programme. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-HU01-KA101-013448;;;Csak gy tovbb!;Szentendrei Reformtus Gimnzium has been operating since 1999. Since then it has been expanding and developing. The growing number of students and staff has posed challenges and made it indispens...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Pedagogy and didactics, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;Szentendrei Reformtus Gimnzium;HU;HU;24.819,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;Szentendrei Reformtus Gimnzium has been operating since 1999. Since then it has been expanding and developing. The growing number of students and staff has posed challenges and made it indispensable to work on new means and feasible solutions. The knowledge and experience of our national and international partners have provided us with opportunities to learn and improve our institution. Our objective is to maintain the further improvement of our teachers' professional skills by cooperating with schools and attending courses. To know how to implement new methods which are closer to meet the needs of students, to bridge the digital gap between students and teachers is obviously necessary. To plan, maintain and build further ties with schools from Europe can serve the successful realization of the above mentioned goals. Managing our international relations has been a responsibility of the language teachers. The experience that these relations can work much more effectively if teachers of subjects other than languages can be involved was also gained in the Netherlands. The insufficiency of language skills and confidence of teachers have proved to be an obstacle to that. That is why the skills of three colleagues were planned to be improved at German language courses. One teacher took part in a French course and one in an English course. Two colleagues attended an ICT and museum pedagogy course in English. A Mathematics teacher who speaks good English took part in a course designed for secondary school teachers. Those colleagues were chosen who can be integrated into work on tasks of present Dutch-Hungarian and planned further German and French international relations. It was also important to have at least one representative of each school subject area among the participants. To improve the professional repertoire of another colleague teaching languages joined a summer course aimed at methodology in native English environment. The course helped acquire methods to improve intercultural competences to be able to prepare students taking part in student exchanges more carefully, prevent cultural shock and raise their awareness of intercultural learning. ;The completion of courses of all the nine participants enabled them to become acquainted with new pedagogical methods and to improve their motivation to get to know and in addition regularly use new ICT tools and applications. By the end of the school-year creating and using web2 and e-learning tools tailored for the needs of our school had become more widespread than last year. The school management awarded participants with credit points for their work as part of their mandatory education scheme. The process of the implementation of the project was continuously monitored with various evaluation methods such as interviews, self-assessment questionnaires, online feedback to ensure the realization as closely according to the plan as possible and the more efficient design of forthcoming projects. The experience gained in this project will be applied in designing the tasks to be done together with our German and French partners and some of the eight schools we met in Comenius School Partnerships and our twin schools in Transylvania. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2015;2015-1-HU01-KA103-013142;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;"BACKGROUND, OBJECTIVES The Project was aimed to enhance international mobility exchanges of students and staff at the University of Szeged in the 2015/2016 academic year. The main goal of the pro...";;;SZEGEDI TUDOMANYEGYETEM;HU;HU;955.189,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;not available;English;The Project was aimed to enhance international mobility exchanges of students and staff at the University of Szeged in the 2015/2016 academic year. The main goal of the project was set in full accordance with the university strategy that is to increase attainment levels in order to provide graduates and researchers Europe needs, improving the quality and relevance of higher education, research and innovation, strengthening quality through mobility and cross-border cooperation, linking higher education, research and business for excellence and regional development. Furthermore the objectives are to meet the social and economic needs of the society, to broaden and reinforce the European and global dimension as well as to respond to the demand of national and international labour market. USz citizens are fully committed to perform USz internationalisation and modernisation strategy as a main tool of development and integration of the institution into the global and EHEA enriching also individuals professional, social and intercultural skills and their employability. International activities are based on prior agreed, signed, valid inter-institutional agreements and the comprehensive understanding of the partners, compatibility of academic profiles, adequate levels, standards, quality, responsibility, trust and transparency. During the project term totally 1148 inbound (581) and outbound (567) student and staff mobilities were successfully realized in 28 countries in cooperation with 302 higher education institutions and 25 non-academic host institutions. OUTBOUND mobilities totally covered 27 countries and 190 higher education institution and 25 non-academic host institutions. USz students accomplished their study period at 118 universities and 25 non-academic institutions, while USz teaching and administrative staff fulfilled their academic tasks in 21 countries at 112 higher education institution. INBOUND mobilities came from 24 countries from 185 higher education institutions from which 379 students from 133 universities and 202 teaching and administrative staff from 82 universities visited the USz for teaching and training activities.;UNDERTAKEN ACTIVITIES - institutional measures taken to support the mobilities according to EPS and ECHE - assistance rendered in communication, administrative and financial management, in accreditation procedures, dissemination - additional financial grants provided by USz - ensuring that E+ activity is a key component in staff evaluation - exploring traineeship opportunities through cooperation with stakeholders - assuring prior agreed, signed, valid inter-institutional bilateral agreements - respecting the ECHE and its requirements - guaranteeing the academic requirements for students and staff both outbound and inbound (announcements, selection, course catalogues, Learning and Grant agreements, Transcripts, recognition of studies and traineeships by credits earned, staff agreements) - guaranteeing the creditsrecognition in final degree and Diploma Supplement - ensuring help in transport, accommodation , insurance, welfare, visa and residence permit arrangements - providing Hungarian language and culture courses and course catalogues - providing information related to all mobility activities - keeping continuous cooperation with partners - rendering assistance also by ESN mentors (intercultural programmes, excursions, cultural events, parties). IMPACTS AND LONGER-TERM BENEFITS - enhancing attractiveness of the participating higher education institutions and the E+ Programme - supporting the participants personal development, - developing individual skills, competencies, language knowledge, social abitilies, interculturalism and tolerance of the participants. - acquired advantage in international labour market, cultural and social life of the host country. - a main tool of internationalisation and modernisation of HEIs and their integration into the EHEA area. - a tool for improving quality enhancing personal development of students and staff, - a tool of motivating modernisation of curricula and teaching methods based on achievements and international academic proficiency gained by staff mobility. - a great opportunity to improve quality and the excellence of the participating institutions. Furthermore, Erasmus teaching mobility provides an opportunity to cooperate in developing joint curriculum projects, intensive programs and thematic networks. Both outgoing and incoming mobility has greatly contributed to the modernisation of our curricula and teaching methods and to the continuously increasing number of courses offered in foreign languages by guest and home Erasmus academic staff. Capacity building in teaching activities therefore should be continuously enhanced through mobilities and by developing joint courses, modules and curricula resulting in double, multiple or joint degrees. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-HU01-KA202-013555;;;Flip IT! Flipped Classroom in the European Vocational Education;Experiments are being run all over the world about how best to introduce new, innovative teaching, learning methods that meet the requirements of the 21st century. One of these methods is the Fl...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal), New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;iTStudy Hungary Szmtstechnikai Oktat- s Kutatkzpont Kft.;HU;HU,CZ,IE,ES,UK;338.819,75;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Adult education;Centro Educativo;;;English;"Experiments are being run all over the world about how best to introduce new, innovative teaching, learning methods that meet the requirements of the 21st century. One of these methods is the Flipped Classroom. Flipping means that processing the new learning content doesn't begin with the teacher's explanation as usually. Before the lesson the students get acquainted with the topic at home already, by watching an attractive, provoking, motivating video or other digital materials, created or collected by the teachers. So the teacher frees up class time to lead students in other activities, which help to develop their the 21st century skills (like problem solving, collaborating and communicating) much better than the listening the explanation of teachers. | | The aim of the project was to integrate the flipped classroom method into the pedagogical practice of the VET schools and training centers in two target countries, in Hungary and Spain. The long-term aim of the project was to improve the quality of the vocational education and to engage a movement towards the work-based, collaborative and problem-oriented and active learning/teaching by utilizing the pedagogical potential of ICT tools. The focus was on the pedagogical potential: to utilize the newest, really easy-to-use video editors and other web 2.0 tools for teaching practical subjects in the VET schools integrated into such teaching methodology which put the focus not on the technology but on the pedagogy. | | The target group of the project were the teachers and trainers of the European vocational schools, while the beneficiaries of the final results are the students of the vocational education. | | Objectives of the project were: | | - Review the theoretical studies and pedagogical experiences on Flipped Classroom method, and carry out a focused needs-analysis by involving the teachers of the partner countries; | - Develop Flipped Classroom Methodology (curriculum, online training learning content, collaborative online environment for networked learning); | - Pilot online course in the target countries by involving VET teachers; | - Validate the results in two countries by involving the members of the target group, and even the beneficiaries, the students.";"The project idea was born among the researchers and teachers of the project coordinator, of iTStudy Hungary Educational and Research Centre for Information and Technology Ltd., related to their activities in the field of technology enhanced learning. | The consortium involved further 8 partners from 5 European countries. Three higher educational institutes (Universidad Europea de Madrid, University of Hradec Kralove) represented the regular teacher education and provided the theoretical background and their former experiences for the implementation. The third one (Cork Institute of Technology) added expertise in design and development of digital learning contents and online courses, together with e-learning developer from the United Kingdom (Opus Learning Ltd.). | | In order to ensure the long-term impact in Hungary, the consortium involved four Hungarian vocational schools (SZMALK-Szalzi Szakgimnzium, FM Kaszk Bercsnyi Mikls lelmiszeripari Szakgimnzium, Szakkzpiskol s Kollgiuma, Magyar Gyula Kertszeti Szakkzpiskola s Szakiskola, Neumann Jnos Gimnzium, Szakgimnzium s Kollgium). | | After a focused desk-research and surveying the teachers, the partnership elaborated comprehensive state-of-art review on the present educational innovations in the partner countries, with case studies on flipped learning. Based on the conclusions we defined the set of learning objectives and outcomes and developed a curriculum for the online course. The next step was a collaborative content authoring and translation and implementation of the course components into e-learning environment. The pilot test was running in the target countries, in Hungary, in Spain and in Czech Republic.The pilots - highly appreciated by the teachers - were followed by a refinement of the learning content, and we published the e-book titled "" Flipped Classroom in Practice - Innovation in Vocational Education"" freely available on the project website ( in English, Hungarian and Spanish. | | The main results of the project are the curriculum, the learning content and textbook on a new teaching method validated by significant number of teachers in the online pilot courses in four countries. The direct impact is shown by their reflections and feedbacks, while the long-term impact can be seen from the detailed case studies in which the teachers tell that they will use flipped classroom method in the future, and they want to stay the members of the Flip-IT community. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Flipped Classroom in Practice - Innovating Vocational Education | Fordtott osztlyterem a gyakorlatban - Mdszertani megjuls a szakkpzsben | Flipped Classroom en la Prctica - Innovacin en la Educacin Profesional | Flipped Classroom Training Needs Questionnaire EN | Flipped Classroom Curriculum for Teachers | Flipped Classroom Online Course for Teachers | Flipped Classroom video tutorials | Community building tools | | Collaboration portal for managing Europen projects" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-HU01-KA202-013561;;;Szvetsg az Eurpai Megjul Energetikai Szakkpzsrt;The project was aimed at further developing the innovative VET curricula in renewable energetics created by the SEE-REUSE project (LEONARDO Innovation Transfer), as well as to extend and strenghte...;Energy and resources, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Environment and climate change;;Vlgy Hangja Fejlesztsi Trsasg Kzhaszn Egyeslet;HU;HU,SI,AT;285.000,00;Yes;No;Non-governmental organisation/association/social enterprise;ONG;not available;;English;The project was aimed at further developing the innovative VET curricula in renewable energetics created by the SEE-REUSE project (LEONARDO Innovation Transfer), as well as to extend and strenghten the partnership established in the same project. | The partnership (consortium) is led by Vox Vallis Development Association, an organisation with environmental, rural development, and adult training profile. It was also the lead partner of SEE-REUSE project. Members are the Austrian Berufsfrderungsinstitute (BFI), the regional VET centre of Burgenland, the Slovenian Dvojezi_na srednja _ola Lendava offering technical and mechatronics vocational education, and the municipality of Tab. Tab is acting on behalf of its vocational school Rudnay Gyula Szakkzpiskola, also providing technical and mechatronics training, as the school has no financial autonomy to participate financially, because of the national integration process of VET schools. | Target group consisted of related VET sector representatives, manufacturers and entrepreneurs of renewable energy sector. | SEE-REUSE project created curricula and training materials of a one year technician training in renewable energy technologies as an additional training of basic technical and agrotechnical vocational training accredited in the national training list (OKJ). The work was based on the adaptation of BFI training materials, but developed it further in the biomass based technologies (burning, biogas), regarding the outstanding biomass potential of Hungary in Europe. The success of this newly created VET product is highly depending on the quality of its practical training elements. To ensure a quality practical training in the diverse and quickly developing renewable energy technology is much more difficult than other sectors, and, because it is a relatively new sector, it has only a few capacities offering practical training opportunities. | Therefore the partners decided to elaborate a detailed methodology for practical training in renewable energy technologies, and present it as a methodology manual (intellectual output No.1.) for assisting the planning and implementation of such trainings. | The efficiency of practical training periods can not be measured easily. A former LEONARDO cooperation (SKILLDA) elaborated an efficient evaluation methodology for a few other professions. Therefore we adapted that to the practical training in renewable energy (intellectual output No.5.), and exceeded our original aims by elaborating that in details for solar energy technology and also planning and implementing a mobile experimental equipment assisting practical training and evaluation. The equipment is a miniature, operating model of a household solar absorber system.;The efficiency of practical training can be raised by applying blended learning, therefore the partners developed a related e-learning material (intellectual output No.3.) to assist the pupils in preparing for and to follow the progress of the practical training. This e-learning material integrates the elements of the evaluation methodology as well. Short blended mobility programs of VET learners were implemented in the course of the project in order to provide a basis for the iterative process of testing and developing the methodologies and the e-learning material. | The equipment of the practical training workshops could not fulfil the needs of the renewable energy technologies. The partners elaborated a detailed layout and equipment design of a workshop for the practical training of renewable energy technologies (intellectual output No.4.). | In the training materials there is no economic calculation methods to compare renewable energy technologies, although the market demanded so. To answer this need the partners elaborated a supportive training material to assist such economic calculations (intellectual output No. 2.). However in the course of the work we conluded that the calculation of heat loss of buildings is the precondition for the comparison, therefore, exceeding our original aims, we prepared such a software as well. | To enhance the efficiency of international VET cooperation and related developments the project created a glossary in four languages (Hungarian - German Slovenian - English) of renewable energy technology (intellectual output No.6.). | The partners, supplemented by the Szakkpzsi Centrum and TOSZ signed a cooperation agreemant on enhancing the vocational training in renewable energy technologies and on further cooperation, defining the areas of cooperation in a cooperation concept (intellectual output No.7.) | This way the project created a state of the art form of blended learning vocational education in renewable energy technologies and established an European partnership to maintain and develop this innovative VET product, which contributes to the achievement of the EU 2020 goals related to climate change and sustainability of natural resources. Results | Website | | | Without category | | GYAKORLATI OKTATSI MDSZERTANI KZIKNYV (O1) | GAZDASGTANI OKTATSI SEGDANYAG (O2) | E-TANANYAG (O3) | M_HELY FELSZERELSI TERV (O4) | GYAKORLATI KPZS RTKEL_ RENDSZER - A SKILLDA MDSZER ADAPTCIJA ALAPJN (O5) | SZSZEDET (O6) | EGYTTM_KDSI KONCEPCI (O7) Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-IE01-KA101-008558;;;St Joseph's secondary school project for the development of teaching and learning 2015-2016;" Context/background of project In 2014, a whole school evaluation was carried out in St Joseph's by the department of education's inspectorate. This evaluation highlighted areas of strength...";Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Disabilities - special needs;;St. Josephs Secondary School;IE;IE;19.150,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;In 2014, a whole school evaluation was carried out in St Joseph's by the department of education's inspectorate. This evaluation highlighted areas of strength and areas for development across all aspects of our school. The school's board of management, leadership team, staff and parents are focused on delivering improvements and prioritizing areas for development which were highlighted by this evaluation. A school self evaluation and improvement plan has been put in place for the period 2015 - 2016. It contains the following targets: | | to increase the numbers of ICT trained staff by 40% | | to reduce the rate of early school leaving by 25% | | to increase the supports to SEN students by training 40% more staff in special education | | to target literacy and numeracy development in all subject department plans | | | | | | St Joseph's has sourced professional development courses in the areas of ICT, SEN, school management and student pastoral care. These courses address the identified needs of our school as already outlined. Participants on these courses will be drawn from different nationalities and education systems and St Joseph's are drawing participants from a variety of subject areas and levels of management. The mobility activities give a European dimension to the training and enable professional development in a European context which will help the internationalisation of our school. | | | | Number and profile of participants | | There are 9 teachers involved in the mobility activities. They are drawn from senior management, middle management, specialist areas such as special education and Guidance Counselling and the subject areas of English, Science and Maths. | | | | Description of activities | | participant selection | | - candidates were selected for mobility activities on the basis of these applications particularly in relation to their understanding of the need to disseminate the skills learned and also on the basis that the relevant departments of the school were represented. | | | | participant preparation | | - participants will be provided with reading materials and technical support relating to their course | | - communication with other course participants via skype and email | | | | participant training | | - mobility activities are planned to take place over a 24 month period | | - participants are instructed to keep records for briefing colleagues on their return | | - a mobility report is to be forwarded to school principal on each participants return to St Joseph's;dissemination of formation | | - through staff meetings, subject department workshops, teacher association meetings, Principals meetings and eTwinning platform St Joseph's will share new competences among the school community and teachers at a local, regional national and European level | | | | evaluation of mobility project | | - evaluation processes will occur (i) immediately after mobility (by participants) (ii) following school workshops (iii) following subject department meetings, (iv) as part of our school improvement evaluation | | | | Methodology to be used in carrying out this project | | - Training the participants | | - Workshops for colleagues | | - Sharing of information at local and regional level though teacher associations | | - linking and discussion at an international level through online contact and eTwinning platforms | | | | Results and impact envisaged | | - increased ability to use a far wider range of modern technologies in the | | teaching and learning process | | - increased understanding of how to make use of ICT in a practical manner providing greater | | impact on students | | | | - enhanced cultural awareness | | - better awareness of the European project | | - increased motivation for taking part in other European Projects and mobility opportunities in Europe | | | | - improved ability to lead the teaching and learning at teacher and school management level | | - increased skills to support the pastoral care of students particularly students at risk of leaving school early | | - improved teaching methodologies that are innovative and respond to the different ways students learn | | | | - improved levels of attainment across our student cohort | | - a reduced rate of students dropping out of school | | - improved literacy (including digital literacy) for all students | | | | Potential longer term benefits | | - improved level of skills e. g. digital competences | | - personal/cultural development and employability in the regional and national Labour Market | | - more positive attitude towards European projects and EU values | | - promote participation in other European projects Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2015;2015-1-IE01-KA201-008625;;;Lifelong Readers 2.0 ;A lifelong learner is first and foremost a lifelong reader. The project dispels the widespread notion (especially amongst parents and educators) that technology is the enemy of reading. LiRe2.0 is...;Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;LOUTH AND MEATH EDUCATION AND TRAINING BOARD;IE;IE,IT,CY,RO,PT,EL;264.029,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (tertiary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"A lifelong learner is first and foremost a lifelong reader. The project dispels the widespread notion (especially amongst parents and educators) that technology is the enemy of reading. LiRe2.0 is based on the opposite assumption: Innovative use of ICT-based, open educational practices and resources that link up informal, non-formal and formal reading/learning, can play a significant role in enhancing peoples reading attitudes, reading engagement, and reading skills; especially in the case of disengaged or reluctant readers and marginalized learners. The LiRe2.0 consortium draws from the experiences accumulated through the successfully completed LiRe project, which supports schools in developing whole-school reading cultures and communities. LiRe2.0 aspires to facilitate the creation of reading cultures and communities through the use of Web 2.0 technologies. To achieve this, the LiRe2.0 consortium develops a LiRe2.0 toolkit and training material, which will provide innovative pedagogical methods, best practice guidelines and implementation strategies towards scalable use of ICT for reading promotion and assorts material and resources specifically regarding the use of Web2.0 tools for reading promotion. LiRe2.0 develops, tests and analyses ICT-based reading-promotion approaches through real life pilots in various learning contexts and involves key stakeholders such as educators, adult trainers, reading promotion designers, professionals and volunteers, as well as policy and decision makers. LiRe2.0 training workshops and conference ensure that many of these stakeholders become ""multipliers"" of the LiRe2.0 approach. Partners will work in order to bring together information accumulated from diverse external sources through bibliographic research, input from other experts, analysis of existing case studies, discussions, etc. and design new material and resources. The Consortium will pursued the above through a publication LiRe2.0 toolkit on reading promotion through ICT and ICT-based training modules for reading promotes, development of a website on reading promotion through ICT and through dissemination and exploitation strategies that will ensure the impact and sustainability of LiRe2.0 products and outcomes.";The above objectives will be served in 6 countries and have a positive impact on education in Europe. For each country the following indicators will be achieved: - 50 teachers will be trained using the projects Toolkit (300 for the consortium) - 2 full cross units will be developed as samples (10 units total) - 10 Schools will be reached (at least 60 total for the consortium) - 10 policy makers will be reached (at least 60 for the consortium) - 100 pupils (at least 500 for the consortium). Specifically, the methodology and project activities are: -State of the Art and research report on reading promotion using ICT that will be developed through a research on how to use ICT for reading promotion, conducted a focus group to identify target group needs and curriculum review to identify how promoted students enhancement reading enjoyment and how students are supported to read -Collection of Best Practices for Reading Promotion using ICT that will be developed through a review of past programs and research reports to identify best practices and innovative pedagogical methods and implementation strategies towards sustainable use of ICT for reading promotion -LiRe2.0 toolkit, Curricula and training material will be freely accessible and openly likened -E-services, online platform and LiRe2.0 Mobile Application will support the wide dissemination and results exploitation -Pilots and case studies will be conducted in each country partner -National dissemination seminars and a European conference will support project dissemination and exploitation of its outputs and results Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2015;2015-1-IE01-KA201-008664;;; Towards a plurilingual whole school policy in European schools ;This is a follow-on project from the ECML project PlurCur (2012-2015, The projects aims are to develop further the plurilingual, inclusive and intercultural whole school pol...;Teaching and learning of foreign languages, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY TRALEE;IE;IE,DE,FI,TR,IT,AT,PL;243.202,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;http://WWW.ITTRALEE.IE;not available;English;This is a follow-on project from the ECML project PlurCur (2012-2015, The projects aims are to develop further the plurilingual, inclusive and intercultural whole school policy by means of both new and existing partner schools in secondary education in an international context. The innovation of this project will be that it is based on version 2 of the plurilingual whole school curricula (see Allguer-Hackl/Brogan/Henning/Hufeisen/Schlabach 2015) and that in Plur>E, we will focus on involving school administration and educational politics. | Plurilingual whole school policies are designed in such a way that languages taught as subjects are not treated in isolation and language and content-matter subject instruction overlap so that content-matter teaching is also language teaching. This consistent implementation of content and language integrated learning will be transferable to all non-language content lessons. The languages to be used will include languages already present at a given institution, i.e. family/heritage/migrant languages, modern languages taught at the school and the language of schooling. | The multilingual approach to language teaching and learning also means that learners get insights into the structure of languages, study possibilities of positive transfer and interferences between the languages they use, train productive and receptive skills, develop metalinguistic and crosslinguistic awareness as well as language learning strategies and strategies of language use. In this way, we aim at developing competencies that go beyond individual languages, and plurilingual proficiency, a concept that will have to be defined, described and assessed into more detail in the course of the present project. | Given that classrooms all over Europe are becoming more and more intercultural and multilingual, teachers are facing the challenge to provide learning opportunities which use those competencies and skills which learners bring with them to their learning environment, and this includes different levels of skills in a large variety of languages. | The main target group will be students and teachers in secondary education. Decision makers (school management, educational politics) will also be targeted.;"The main outputs will be: | 1) Results in form of reports and best practice examples by the partner schools about the implementation of version 2 of the prototypical plurilingual whole school policy at their schools; to be used by other schools in aid of their own plurilingual projects and by decision makers in aid of including plurilingual approaches in school policy. The work towards these outputs will also entail a change in the individual partner schools structure, i.e. new plurilingual courses will be established, teachers will train in plurilingual teaching, teachers meetings across languages will be established etc. | 2) Results from evaluating version 2 of the plurilingual whole school policy, including new approaches containing objectives, content and assessment tools of plurilingual language teaching in order to present models for best practice in plurilingual education, will be made available to teachers and school management, as well as to educational politics and multilingualism researchers. This will help spread the idea of the policy and facilitate its implementation in other schools and educational institutions. | 3) Research results on students language attitudes and their experiences in plurilingual classes specifically in a multilingual theatre group and in classes on Germanic intercomprehension will be produced and published, to be used in multilingualism research as well as for decision-making in school management, school policy and educational politics. | 4) Recommendations on school development and to decision makers in secondary school education about best practice in the implementation of the plurilingual whole school policy will be produced based on the experiences in this project. | 5) Plur>E Online Modules for networking, expanding the number of future partners and the types of schools, sharing best practice examples with teachers across Europe. Results | Website | | | Without category | | how to use spaced learning and flipped classroom in presence of SEN( Italian language). | LESSON STUDY DAYS IN POLAND!-italian article ( ITALIAN LANGUAGE) | A workshop on global climate change. | Italian workshop for students created for the final congress | Quality assessment in teaching- | teaching style effectivness-final report by University La Sapienza( Italian language)-report finale della Sapienza | final report La Sapienza University ( English language) | IO3 SEN in Italy in Italian language plus a summary in English | IO3 SEn in Europe in English | IO3 SEN in Europe in Italian language | IO3 Polish documents on SEN in Poland in Polish and English language | IO3 Turkish documents on SEN in Turkey in Turkish and English language | flipped classroom and global warming : an Italian workshop for teachers | link to methodologies and guidelines IO3 | TUTORIALS ON TECHNICAL INSTRUMENTS O3 in English | Italian videotutorials- tutorials in italiano IO3 | Hands on activities to teach climate changes in English | IO2 15 MODULES WITH ACTIVITIES IN ITALIAN- Schede di attivit sui cambiamenti climatici-in Italiano | moodle course about hands on activities on climate changes in English | Moodle course in Italian language | Lesson study toolkit by Bardelli ) in different languages -IO4 | TOOL KIT for teacher' s body language analysis and evaluation | LESSON PLANS AND REPORTS | Tools: Useful instruments to create lessons | guidelines: how to use Show Room's toolkit | Project logo | Coordinator | IST. D'ISTRUZ. SUPERIORE ALDINI VALERIANI - SIRANI | via Bassanelli, 9-11 | 40129 | BOLOGNA | Emilia-Romagna | | Organisation type: School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level) | Partners | Buca Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi | Wyzsza Szkola Bankowa w Gdansku | UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI ROMA LA SAPIENZA | Zespol Szkol Administracyjno-Ekonomicznych | COMUNE DI BOLOGNA | Gmina Miasta Gdyni | ADI Associazione Docenti e Dirigenti Scolastici Italiani" Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2015;2015-1-IE02-KA103-000402;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;ITB is located in Dublin 15, also known as the Greater Blanchardstown area in County Fingal. Dublin 15 was the fastest growing urban area in Ireland over the past 15 years and one of the character...;;;INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BLANCHARDSTOWN (ITB);IE;IE;21.055,00;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"ITB is located in Dublin 15, also known as the Greater Blanchardstown area in County Fingal. Dublin 15 was the fastest growing urban area in Ireland over the past 15 years and one of the characteristics of Blanchardstown as an area is that it has been a particularly high recipient of migrants, given that almost 22% of its population are non-Irish nationals which is double the national average. Both EU and non-EU workers were attracted to the area by the development of high-technology industry, in particular, the establishment of international companies such as IBM and E-Bay, specifically those with customer services divisions. Currently ITB has 3,500 registered students and almost 20% were born outside Ireland from 89 different countries. Given the diverse nature of our student body ITB reflects the very nature of modern Ireland with a very international campus. The Erasmus programme has been a key part of the institute's activities since joining in 2001 and currently we have inter-institutional agreements with 22 partner colleges in France, Germany, Spain, Austria, Belgium, Switzerland, Holland and Bulgaria. These partners were chosen because of the European languages studies at ITB and the synergy between the course content and institutes values. In the European context our Erasmus priority is student mobility through study. Our objective being to enrich students' degrees by strengthening the opportunities for study in Europe within the supportive framework of the Erasmus programme. By doing so we aim to maintain and increase the high quality opportunities and increased level of participation which we have already developed, while reaching out to encourage and support more ITB students to take up the challenge of adding a European experience to their degree. In 2009, the ITB Governing Body reviewed its strategic plan to include the recruitment of International students recognising the growing need to promote Ireland as a preferred destination for European and International Education. Since then ITB has targeted countries such as China, India and Nepal for international student recruitment and has recently expanded to include some new terrorities including Brazil, Oman and Malaysia. In addition ITB is part of the sectoral agreement that exists with Colleges Ontario, Canada and IOTI and to date 6 students from Ontario have come to ITB for an academic year or more to complete their degrees in Ireland. The University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT) is co-located with Durham College, one of the Ontario Colleges. ITB signed a MOU with UOIT in 2012. Links with UOIT were further consolidated in 2014 when an agreement was reached between ITB and UOIT to hold a join education symposium in Ireland. This consisted of a 1 day series of workshops followed by a 2 day conference in Dublin city centre in 2015 and attended by a group of universities and higher education institutes from Canada and Ireland and involved exploring themes of ""The Enterprising University"", ""Re-Imaging our Curriculum"", ""The Globally Engaged University"", ""University Design in Education"" and ""Realising the Digital Campus"".";The Erasmus function is located in the Marketing and Development Unit of ITB with support from 2 Academic Co-Ordinators. For the year 2015/2016 a total of 10 students who were studying third year of an Honours Bachelor Degree in International Business participated in Erasmus study periods and one member of staff participated on the staff training programme. The students report that the learning experience obtained has assisted them greatly, not only from an academic view point, but also has improved their overall ability at speaking and writing their European language. They enjoyed the cultural and social experiences of studying and living in a different country and making new friends. | It was the Erasmus Administrative Co-Ordinator who availed of the staff training opportunity to visit a partner college in France and this has strengthened the link with this College. It was an opportune time to speak with French students who were considering ITB as their college of study in the next academic year and also allowed for a period of job shadowing and to learn and share best practises in co-ordinating Erasmus activities. Regrettably the lecturer who had indicated his wish to avail of a teaching assignment mobility could not avail of this opportunity due to other work commitments. A total of 35 in-coming students were received by ITB from our partner Colleges undertaking studies in both Business and Computing programmes. All of these student had access to a wide range of support services including academic support, accommodation assistance, healthcare, learning support and to the Erasmus Office and Students Union. They were also provided with English classes on a weekly basis throughout the academic year. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2015;2015-1-IE02-KA203-000421;;;MedInvent: educating for innovation and standards in medical device design and integration using novel online tools;The Horizon 2020 growth strategy states that the competitiveness and innovation potential of European enterprises relies on fostering and harnessing new skills in innovation and creativity in the ...;Research and innovation, Enterprise, industry and SMEs (incl. entrepreneurship) ...;;UNIVERSITY COLLEGE CORK - NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF IRELAND, CORK;IE;IE,BE,ES;212.234,50;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;"The Horizon 2020 growth strategy states that the competitiveness and innovation potential of European enterprises relies on fostering and harnessing new skills in innovation and creativity in the European workforce. One such area is the medical devices sector. It is recognised at Commission level that there is greater need for increased sharing of European best practices in this area, increased transfer of experiences gained in pilot projects to multinational or European level, and greater collaboration between stakeholders [clinicians / engineers/ entrepreneurs / notified bodies] in the innovation process. This project involved the development and pilot-testing of a next-generation online personalised learning environment which would incorporate the BioApp skills toolbox"", with a view to extending structured innovation skills in design to European HEI students and SME learners. ";The primary endpoint is an online platform tailored to the skills and educational/training requirements of HEI organisations which addresses equally traditional HEI deficiencies [e.g. structured creativity/innovation skills, device regulation, intellectual property protection] as well as SME training needs [the teaching of structured innovation skills]. Completion of a user-targeted needs analysis report, and a consultation process with HEI and SME stakeholders, allowed for targeted response to different stakeholder needs. The partner consortium consists of experts in medical device engineering and medical education, alongside a regulatory consultancy and SME partner at the cutting edge of developments in online e-learning platforms. Targeting prioritised areas for both HEIs and SMEs, we believe that this specialist e-learning tool applies in a systematic manner the principles of medicine and engineering for the use, adaptation, evaluation of projects and/or distribution of technological and medical solutions that will lead to improvements in medical device innovation in Europe, and foster greater interaction between the HEI and SME sectors. Results | Website | | | Without category | | O1 Needs Analysis Survey | O2 Development of Module Guidelines | 03 MedInvent Teaching Materials | O4 MedInvent Online Platform | O5 Pilot-testing and Evaluation of MedInvent Platform | O6 Quality Management Report | O7 MedInvent Dissemination Report | O8 MedInvent Exploitation Report Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-IS01-KA101-013109;;;ICT training Hlidaskoli;ICT and digital teaching in schools is ever increasing. Hlidaskoli wants to participate in that development as it occurs. In order for that to become reality, we will have to train and increase te...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Pedagogy and didactics;;Hlidaskoli;IS;IS;4.110,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"ICT and digital teaching in schools is ever increasing. Hlidaskoli wants to participate in that development as it occurs. In order for that to become reality, we will have to train and increase teachers' interest in the use of ICT in education. Furthermore, the school needs well-trained teachers, with a good knowledge of ICT to guide other school employees, so that ICT will become a permanent part of the school employees' knowledge. | | Three teachers from Hlidaskoli will attend week-long training courses in Malta. The course will cover the practical use of computers and ICT tools, especially in projects that require collaboration in teaching and learning. Teachers will get good guidance on how to create and work in e-Twinning projects. | | The course is designed by experienced teachers in this field and is designed for teachers who are interested in using ICT and digital teaching to make students' learning stimulating and enjoyable. | | This course also provides an opportunity for the teachers to meet teachers from other European countries, which could lead to collaboration in the future, for example, e-Twinning. The course's holders also offer a diverse cultural program of Malta with guided tours.";These employees will take advantage of their experience and increased knowledge of ICT to communicate with colleagues, at seminars and with peer educators. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2015;2015-1-IS01-KA102-013123;;;Icelandic Apprentices in Europe II;As stated in application our reason for us wanting to carry out this project is to support VET-providers in creating sustainable European partnerships and give an added value to the companies thr...;International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;IDAN FRAEDSLUSETUR EHF;IS;IS,BE,UK,DK,FR,FI,DE;153.698,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"As stated in application our reason for us wanting to carry out this project is to support VET-providers in creating sustainable European partnerships and give an added value to the companies through transnational mobility projects and continue to enhance and implement a coherent quality system. We did not send as many as we aimed to, we did however send one of our apprentices on a longer mobility (5 months) and several that where more than 4 weeks. | | The main objectives of ICEAPP- EURO II is to; | a) enhance and make mobility a real choice for apprenticeship students in the certified trades, | b) strengthen the competencies of I_AN and supporting parties to promote domestic reforms towards transparency and permeability, | c) validate credits and develop ECVET knowledge in regards with the recognition of acquired learning outcomes and | d) build and organise a network of competent and high quality host providers. | e) to encourage young people to test their professional abilities and strengthen their professional network. | f) to introduce global and social awareness through sustainability. | g) giving an added value to the companies through transnational mobility projects";Impact: | a) Never has I_AN sent as many apprentices in one single project thus underpinning the fact that this is becoming a real choice for apprentices in the certified trades. A total of thirty nine mobility flows there of three, first year graduates. | b) I_AN is has strengthen their competences through reviewing current procedures and ways to give mobility a more transparency profile. A new webpage for I_AN has been launched where Eramsus+projects will have a special spotlight. According to our strategy plan this will be complete by the 5th of January 2018. This space that Mobility and Erasmus+ is getting on I_ANs Webpage is a result of over 10 years of work that I_AN has stood for and that has laid the foundation of a growing interest and the understanding of the importance of the mobility program. | c) All mobility flows that apprentices take part in are validated by I_AN as a part of their apprenticeship contract. Newly graduated journeymen receive a certificate that has been registered in Nman (Life long learning data base). | d) Never has I_AN collaborated with as many companies before. This means that we sent apprentices directly to companies, not going through intermediate partners. It should be noted that we ensured the quality of the placement, cooperation through dialogue or email to one of or all of the following: Our Euro apprenticeship partner, the Master craftsman responsible for the apprentice (always) and the responsible person in the hosting company. | e) We produced a new brochure for our mobility projects that are disturbed to our member companies during company visits. I_AN visits VET schools in regards with the apprenticeship contracts, the brochure is disturbed there also. We have a booth during (ICE skills) where we promote the mobility program and for the first time we maid a point of this opportunity at the Journeyman graduation. Where master craftsmen, journeymen and others attend. | f) We did not follow through on this point as we wished, except through our before and after the mobility flow meetings with the apprentices. Our chief expert attended a Erasmus+ training course in regards with internationalization strategy making giving the greater importance to sustainability and global/international importance to this work. | g) We systematically communicated and collaborated with companies. We have invited representatives to participate in discussions. This work is a result of a KA2 project we participated in called EQAMOB. Putting the company in focus and emphasis on In company mobility learning through a quality mark. EQAMOB&Co and what it stands for Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2015;2015-1-IT01-KA102-004316;;;I-MEET - International Mobility Experience for E-Tourism;I-MEET contributed to respond to the need for acquiring professional knowledge and skills to enable promotional and marketing strategies based on information technology (e-tourism), already widesp...;Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal), Recognition, transparency ...;;European Grants International Academy S.R.L.;IT;IT,ES,PT,MT,DE,FR;476.656,00;Yes;No;Profit making cultural organizations;Asociacin;;;English;"I-MEET contributed to respond to the need for acquiring professional knowledge and skills to enable promotional and marketing strategies based on information technology (e-tourism), already widespread abroad, in order to meet the need emerged from the research ""TOURISM SYSTEM"" . Such research points out the shortage of qualified personnel experienced designing and managing promotional marketing tools using ICT. The needs that the Project meets were detected within an investigation carried out by EGInA on behalf of the Foundation CR Foligno. The research, ""TOURISM SYSTEM"" (Listening to the territory for the identification of the strengths and weaknesses of the touristic system in Umbria) aimed at: 1) investigating into the strengths and weaknesses of the local touristic system; 2) providing guidance to promote training courses aimed at retraining the staff; 3) promote innovative pathways for the development of the skills of high school students in the tourism sector; 4) identifying new professional profiles; 5) providing ideas for new business ideas. According to the operators, there is a widespread tourists complaint about the difficulties in accessing tourist information. So, in order to develop and support the touristic sector, it is required to design and develop solutions and services that produce effective and real simplification of the processes of creation, use and exploitation of information. On the ground of the above, we should rethink information services and tourist accommodation in a logic of development a friendly local community friendly, able to satisfy a process of internationalization through the direct involvement of companies and associations of various kinds: reception practices , shops, crafts and wine, producing cooperatives, ect.";"Therefore, the project aimed to: - Encourage the strengthening or acquisition of those skills connected to foreign language communication and digital competence, considered as coding and web programming; - Acquire or strengthen the mastery of technical and professional skills through learning experiences in real working environments. Moreover, the experience of mobility, which has involved n. 167 students with different mobility flows to Portugal, Spain, Germany, France, Malta and United Kingdom supported students personal growth, through the acquisition or enhancement of life skills, language and digital competences. Pursuing and achieving such goals, I-MEET aims to deal with beneficiaries problems and practical needs in order to foster their individual dimension, professional, social and cultural development. | In line with the Europe 2020 strategy and with the strategy ET2020 (ET 2020), the project aims to offer them a real opportunity for personal and professional growth in order to increase a full and immediate employability in the specific local labor market. Indirectly, it will also favor an overall improvement of the touristic system in Umbrian in terms of quality, sustainability, innovation and internationalization. The Consortium has investigated into the Learning Outcomes of professional profiles involved in the project. From such investigation emerged that the skills required by the labor market in the field of programming languages for Web marketing for tourism and services are not sufficiently developed in the school curricula. Concerning the transnational mobility assessment, I-MEET used the following indicators and tools: 1) participants satisfaction about the experience of transnational mobility (assessed thorough online and paper questionnaires) 2) trainees detailed final report 3) Internship host structures final detailed reports (personal transcripts) edited by hosting partners/ intermediary partners tutors 4) the meeting between the tutor and the beneficiary to get more information and a comprehensive assessment of the mobility 5) a final evaluation report edited by the tutor on the basis of information obtained from the documents described previously. This report will be shared with all interested parties, including the National Agency." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2015;2015-1-IT01-KA102-004350;;;HOTEL@WBL-VET WORK BASED LEARNING ( WBL) IN VOCATIONAL TRAINING FOR CATERING AND HOTEL MANAGEMENT;"ERASMUS PLUS Key Action 1: Learning Mobility of Individuals MOBILITY PROJECT FOR VET LEARNERS AND STAFF HOTEL@WBL-VET . WORK BASED LEARNING ( WBL) IN VOCATIONAL TRAINING FOR CATERING AND...";Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Recognition (non-formal and informal learning/credits), Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education;;Istituto professionale di stato per i servizi alberghieri della ristorazione e turistici;IT;IT,EL,ES,DE,UK,BG;482.467,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"The Mobility Project ""Welcome.WBL@vet.eU - Work-based Learning (WBL) in VET for Tourism and Hotel Management in Europe"" is realized by a National Consortium that includes: 1) Hotel Institute IPSSART de Carolis - Spoleto (PG) 2) Hotel Institute IPSSEOASC - Assisi (PG) 3) Hotel Institute ""Patrizi Baldelli Cavallotti"" of Citt di Castello (PG) 4) Agrarian Technical Institute, of Sant'Anatolia di Narco (PG) 5) Municipality of Spoleto (PG) 6) ConSpoleto- Tour Operators' Consortium 7) Umbria Training Center - of Scheggino (PG), The tested/proved international team consists of 7 intermediary VET agencies located in Spain, Bulgaria, UK, Germany, Greece, Malta and Cyprus, and 40 host organizations such as companies of hotel, catering and environment sector. The mobility project has involved 100 students so distributed: 50 of the head institute, 30 of Assisi, 10 of Citt di Castello and 10 of Sant'Anatolia di Narco. A total of 50 cooks, 22 in the tourist reception area, 15 room operators, 3 in the commercial service and 10 environmental technicians, were selected. The participants were so located: 15 in Spain, 15 in Bulgaria, 15 in the UK, 15 in Germany, 20 in Greece, 10 in Cyprus and 10 in Malta. The project proposal was born from the need to enhance work-school alternation paths to increase employability of learners in an international context, to provide new teaching skills for teachers / trainers in the management of the transition's period between education and the world of work and the design of a new curriculum in English, update the European Plan, the Improvement Plan and the PTOF.";"GENERAL OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT. 1) The project provided to the students the development of more employment opportunities in the local and European labor market, through a WBL experience abroad, developing basic, specialist and transversal skills on the job. 2) It also provided for the teaching staff an opportunity for training abroad for the acquisition of specific methodological tools to implement the mobility projects (we are currently in the third consecutive K1) with foreign countries and to create the conditions for the National Consortium, to manage any incoming student mobility flows of foreign students, develop competence and teaching methodologies useful for the development of innovative curricula in English, consistent with the needs of local businesses. The IMPACT covered all project target groups and bodies, and there was full correspondence between what is indicated in the application form and the results obtained at the end of the activities. For the STUDENTS we highlight that 30% of students from the placement have received job offers from the host companies and have started formal work contracts. We will look the employment situation, the contractual format and the student satisfaction 6 months after the end of the project. For third and fourth grade students, we have verify a general improvement in technical skills, a great development of managerial and transversal skills, and a ""contagious"" effect on other classmates who have increased their overall profit. The use of the ECVET system and the transfer model of the 12 credits recognized by the Council of the Institute and the Councils of Class has translated the experience into the major votes given for each discipline and additional points for general assessments and final exams. The students attending third and fourth classes also received job offers, which will of course be monitored for next year. For the STAFF. The trainers have considerably improved their language skills so much that they have confirmed their participation in the English language course at the institutes and started the Cambridge certification requirements. The objective of C1 certification, useful for bilingual teaching provided by law 107 has been achieved for 2 of them and will be achieved by others in the coming months. The European Plan has been upgraded as a result of the developed common designs (participation in 3 K1 in outgoing, 3 K1 in incoming and a K2 102 as a Italian partner), it was reviewed the position of institut's referents in the school staff organization chart in order to dedicated more time to the European design and internationalization activities. All trainers have started clil modules in this new school year, involving students also in tool and didactic materials design (eg and Google apps). The NATIONAL CONSORTIUM has consolidated the collaboration between training and business bodies, will design a common European. Internationalization Plan and apply for the VET Mobility Charter." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2015;2015-1-IT01-KA102-004355;;;Empowerment in Social Utilities and Skills for Young;"The project ""E-SUSY"" intends to support significantly the acquisition of professionalism about the technical competences, pedagogical and social skills of the two identified targets: students and ...";Recognition, transparency, certification ...;;So&Co Consorzio per la cooperazione e la solidariet-Consorzio di cooperative sociali;IT;IT,MT,UK,ES,FR,PT;334.192,00;Yes;No;Non-governmental organisation/association/social enterprise;ONG;;not available;English;"The project ""E-SUSY"" intends to support significantly the acquisition of professionalism about the technical competences, pedagogical and social skills of the two identified targets: students and recent graduates in social and social health, providing additional knowledge needed to the enforceability of the daily work , the professional quality and the number of interventions that guide and support intentionally effective approaches in dealing with issues related to disadvantaged people, or at risk of marginalization and planning the team work also in view of transnational mobility. Transnational mobility, on the basis of European policies on lifelong learning, must become an integral part of VET programs to enable learners to achieve high levels of qualification, essential for a successful entry into the labor market, for the development and improvement of their career and to cope with the demands of companies of highly qualified personnel. In line with these objectives and European policies, through E-SUSY, the four sending schools - Institutes of Higher Education ""Machiavelli"" of Lucca, ""Caselli"" of Siena, ""Luigi Di Savoia"" of Rieti and ""Pertini"" of Campobasso - and the National Consortium as a whole, led by SO&CO Consortium of Social Cooperatives Lucca, aim to improve the quality of VET, giving a European dimension to the educational paths and thus providing the young participants the opportunity to verify and deepen their curriculum: professionalism in the social and social health sectors, cultural knowledge and language training. This general objective, in line with the Strategy ET2020, is pursued by a mobility experience for the students of the fourth year and for the recent graduates of the four sending VET Schools and that consists of an internship of 4 weeks, in the first case, and 2 months in the second one. The training programme includes an internship in selected companies in the social and social health, to acquire knowledge and skills within the sectors and compare the various professional techniques, and activities aimed at the inclusion and integration in the context and for the improvement of language skills and to better know the culture of the hosting country.";"The main expected results from the project include: the rise of the personal and professional skills of the participants; the promotion of key competences connected with the exercise of real active citizenship; increasing the employment potential of the participants; the introduction of new training methods to complement existing practices and the improvement of the educational level of technical and vocational schools; the development of relations between the transnational partners and the promotion of processes of cooperation and exchange of good practice between the parties involved, with a significant impact on improving the educational and vocational guidance. The construction of a permanent network of transnational nature of public organisations and not only constitutes, therefore, one of the main objectives of the project and allows the exchange of experience and good practices at different levels (technical excellence, best practices in training policies and governance of the system). The Consortium, with this proposal, therefore, aims to give momentum to the internationalization of institutional relations and cooperation at European level. The opportunities for social and economic growth can not be separated from the desire to create strong interdependence and synergy between education and vocational training institutions and strong partnerships with local and foreign business realities. The project is, besides, implemented in an European context considering the European priority and thematic approached such as ""ECVET for transparency and recognition of learning outcomes and qualifications"" and contributes, in particular, to create a European area for lifelong learning in the social and social health sector. The whole activities are implemented by regarding a strong European perspective which is reflected in all project activities and results. So, the project aims to increase the knowledge of ECVET and its technical specifications and ensuring that the added value of ECVET is understood and perceived all over Europe." Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-IT01-KA202-004621;;;Digital Storytelling for Spreading and Promoting Entrepreneurship;The main contexts in which DIST project evolved, are the increase of the Sense of Initiative and Entrepreneurship (SIE) and the Digital Storytelling. In Europe, a serious attention to the developm...;Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Open and distance learning;;AGENZIA PER LO SVILUPPO DELL'EMPOLESE VALDELSA;IT;IT,RO,ES,PL;330.666,34;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"The main contexts in which DIST project evolved, are the increase of the Sense of Initiative and Entrepreneurship (SIE) and the Digital Storytelling. In Europe, a serious attention to the development of entrepreneurial skills, in educational and in vocational training areas, is required. This lack can be attributed to many reasons: a learning culture that, only in the last few years has re-discovered the transversal feature of entrepreneurial competence; the shortage of methods and appropriate instruments to promote education towards entrepreneurship; the shortage of competence of teachers, educators, trainers. Today entrepreneurship is a competence for everyone: people need it in changing working environments, where they need to equip themselves more and more independently, need to be able to distinguish and select (possibilities, information, opportunities), need to be creative, need to have self-confidence and self-efficacy perception. The other project scope is Digital Storytelling. Storytelling can't just be defined the need of sharing stories, it is a real multi-disciplinary field of study, work and action, it is a method for influencing the target public, to learn and to enrich knowledge and skills, it is a tool that allows to effectively share experiences and methods of work, a pathway through which it is possible to define personal and organizational identities, a way of managing the consensus and the power, a way to formulate, check and reformulate political, economic and marketing decisions. Digital Storytelling is the natural progression from oral storytelling to the using of computer based tools to tell stories. | | The DIST project purpose was to merge SIE and Digital Storytelling with the aim to create innovative educational tools and methods that teaches trainers to enhance the SIE of their students and that trains aspirant entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs to enhance their SIE, to overcome the inadequacy of resources and the insufficiency of trained teachers in the field of entrepreneurship education in Europe. | | The project have been carried out by 6 organizations, belonging to 4 countries (Italy, Poland, Spanish and Romania), interested, at different levels, in developing entrepreneurship: an organization that promotes innovative means for modernizing the human resources and the development of the professional training. An association of managers providing them services, carrying out studies on entrepreneurship themes, organizing conferences, seminars, workshops. An Entrepreneur's association from several economic sectors whose role is to represent the member guilds and associations interests and extend its influence to the public sector and social institutions.One Faculty of Management researching on: labor market trends, skill needs analysis methodologies, entrepreneurship and development of SME sector, restructuring of industry, innovation , technical, technological and organizational progress. A non-profit Association of social promotion dealing with: educational and vocational guidance, drop out, training of career counsellors, citizenship rights and self-empowerment in professional. A leader in the field of the methodology of Narrative career guidance, based on storytelling, applied also in vocational training . A VET Agency providing VET courses and e-courses for many different target-groups.";"The DIST main activities can be summarized as follows: in-depth analysis of the target group, collection of information and organisation of first mobility; drafting of version 1 of the project outputs; pilot of the versions 1 of the outputs and organisation of the second mobility; revision of versions 1 of the outputs on the basis of the feedback collected during the pilot; publication of all the version 2 of the project outputs; organisation of the final events. Transversely, have been carried out management and valorisation activities, with the purpose to allow a smooth progress of the project and a proper dissemination of its achievements. | Those activities have lead to the creation of: | a Guide about Storytelling for training, | 15 Enhanced full Video representing the story and the point of view of young and successfully entrepreneurs, | 15 Thematic VET videos on the main entrepreneurship issues, | 1 E-course addressed to trainers, | 1 E-course addressed to aspirant entrepreneurs, | 1 E-course addressed to entrepreneurs. | | The impact on the target group: 60 young managers interviewed; 653 people involved in the pilot; 9 newsletters sent to around 10.000 addresses, 1.000 leaflet distributed; 500 students enrolled in the DIST platform; 400 attendees of the Final Conferences; 1.600 visitors of the DIST website; 150 followers to the DIST Facebook; around 3.000 views of the DIST you tube channel plus articles about the project on journals, DIST products downloadable by 3 EOR repositories, intellectual output freely downloaded by the DIST projects website Results | Website | | | Direct effect on participants and project partners | | C1 and C2 The Mobility | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | IO3 Guide: Storytelling for training in English | IO4 Enhanced Full Videos | IO6 E-training addressed to trainers English | IO7 E-training addressed to aspirant entrepreneurs | IO3 BisThe Synopsis of the Guide on Storytelling for training | IO7 A E-training addressed to entrepreneurs | IO5 Thematic VET videos | IO3 Guide: Storytelling for training in Italian | IO3 Guide: Storytelling for training in Spanish | IO3 Guide: Storytelling for training in Romanian | IO3 Guide:Storytelling for training in Polish | IO6 E-training addressed to trainers Italian | IO6 E-training addressed to trainers Spanish | IO6 E-training addressed to trainers Romanian | IO6 E-training addressed to trainers Polish | IO7A E-training addressed to aspirant entrepreneurs English | IO7 A E-trainig addressed to aspirant entrepreneurs Italian | IO7 A E-course addressed to aspirant entrepreneurs Spanish | IO7 A E-trainig addredded to aspirant entrepreneurs Romanian | IO7 A E-traininga ddressed to aspirant entrepreneurs Polish | IO7 B E-training addressed to entrepreneurs English | IO7 B E-training addressed to entrepreneurs Italian | IO7 B E-treaining addressed to entrepreneurs Spanish | IO7 B E-training addressed to entrepreneurs Romanian | IO7 B E-training addressed to entrepreneurs Polish | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | IO2 Study on main themes emerged by the Interviews | IO1 Plain Videos | Dissemination material | | DIST web page | DIST Project logo | Project newsletters | E2 National Final Conference_Poland | DIST Facebook page | DIST Twitter page | E1 National Final Conference_Italy (Pisa) | E3 National Final Conference_Romania | E4 National Final Conference_Spain | E5 National Final Conference_Italy (Perugia)" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-IT01-KA202-004733;;;Innovation in the Cloud bridging Universities and Businesses;Cloud computing is now defining the future in ICT, facilitating new corporate and entrepreneurship models at all levels. It is a breakthrough paradigm that, applied to companies, public administra...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;UNIVERSITA TELEMATICA INTERNAZIONALE-UNINETTUNO;IT;IT,PT,DE,EL,ES,UK;299.397,00;Yes;Yes;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;Cloud computing is now defining the future in ICT, facilitating new corporate and entrepreneurship models at all levels. It is a breakthrough paradigm that, applied to companies, public administrations and Universities, can enhance their innovation, cost-effectiveness and competitiveness. | The European Commission has evidenced the great value that cloud computing technologies can have for the development of the European Union both in terms of economical growth and employability opportunities, and therefore has recently set-up the European Cloud Computing Strategy in order to speed up and increase the use of cloud computing across all economic sectors. | | The IN-CLOUD project has operated pursuing the objectives of the European Cloud Computing Strategy, with the general objective of: | - fostering a partnership between Higher Education and the corporate sector, in order to qualify new professionals able to boost the competitiveness and growth of European Companies and Universities, thanks to the advantages offered by the cloud computing technology. | | This objective has been reached by pursuing the specific objectives of: | - raising awareness among European Companies, Public Administrations and Universities regarding how cloud computing can boost economical growth and innovation | - creating VET qualifications for professionals inside European Companies and Public Administrations, training them to introduce and manage cloud computing technologies and services inside their systems | | In order to realize these objectives, the IN-CLOUD partnership has been set-up. It has involved 8 partners coming from 6 different countries (Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom). The partners are 3 HEIs, 1 SME, 1 Local Development Agency, 1 Technological Park, 1 Business Advisory/Incubator and 1 VET expert. The partnership ensures a very good geographical coverage and puts together complementary competences. | | The project has been developed in 24 months. | At first, a training needs analysis has been performed in order to identify the real labour market needs related to the Cloud, defining the tailor-made learning process. | The main project outputs have been a set of VET qualifications in the area of cloud computing, designed according to the European Lifelong Learning instruments (EQF, ECVET and EQAVET), in order to allow the IN-CLOUD learners to acquire certifications that can be recognized spent in the European labour market. The partnership has also produced all the contents of the training courses and delivered them through the project e-learning platform. Additionally, the partnership has collected 41 video interviews to experts and 17 showcases that have enriched the courses as proofs of real uses of cloud technologies. The qualifications have been awarded by the consortium after the successful attendance of training courses. At the end of the project more than 1100 registrations to the courses have been recorded and more than 300 certificates have been awarded, that is about twice as much as expected. | Finally, the project has also developed a virtual bootcamp, an innovative online tool based on adaptive learning methodologies. It is able to identify the learners characteristics and needs and then propose a customized learning path to fulfil his expectations and didactic needs. | The training courses contents, the virtual bootcamp, the project website and most of the project outcomes have been produced in the six languages of the partnership, in order to achieve an higher impact. | | A relevant number of members among the identified the target groups (company employees, public administration employees, teachers and trainers, researchers, students) has been reached through the 11 in-presence national stakeholders meeting and through a wide number of activities on the web. More than 15000 contacts have been recorded on the project website, more than 700 visualization on the project Youtube channel, more than 200 participants to the national stakeholders meetings proof the relevant impact of the project.;"The project has directly impacted on the European companies, public administrations and educational institutions, in terms of staff members trained and qualified to use cloud computing technologies and services. It has also an impact on European Universities, in terms of enhancement of the didactic offer on cloud computing in order to better meet the requests of the labour market, and on the students and professionals, in terms of better employability chances. The IN-CLOUD qualifications, designed using the ECVET instrument, allows the transnational recognition of the acquired competences and will enhance the employability of the qualified learners at European level. | The project long terms benefit will be to speed up and increase the use of cloud computing across all economic sectors, according to the European Cloud Computing Strategy, and to foster a close partnership between HEIs and companies on the cloud computing. | Results | Website | | | Without category | | D1.1 - Cloud training needs and labour market analysis | D1.2 - Cloud services and technologies: National studies | D1.2-DE - Cloud services and technologies: Germany | D1.2-EN - Cloud services and technologies: United Kingdom | D1.2-ES - Cloud services and technologies: Spain | D1.2-GR - Cloud services and technologies: Greece | D1.2-IT - Cloud services and technologies: Italy | D1.2-PT - Cloud services and technologies: Portugal | D2.1-DE - IN-CLOUD Qualifications Short: Germany | D2.1-EN - IN-CLOUD Qualifications Short: United Kingdom | D2.1-ES - IN-CLOUD Qualifications Short: Spain | D2.1-GR - IN-CLOUD Qualifications Short: Greece | D2.1-IT - IN-CLOUD Qualifications Short: Italy | D2.1-PT - IN-CLOUD Qualifications Short: Portugal | D2.2 - IN-CLOUD Qualifications Full | D2.6 - IN-CLOUD EU LLL instruments definitions | IN-CLOUD Showcases | IN-CLOUD Interviews | Training courses description | Project video promo | Leaflet - DE | Leaflet - EN | Leaflet - ES | Leaflet - GR | Leaflet - IT | Leaflet - PT | Brochures - DE | Brochures - EN | Brochures - ES | Brochures - GR | Brochures - IT | Brochures - PT | Poster - DE | Poster - EN | Poster - ES | Poster - GR | Poster - IT | Poster - PT | Paper ""The Use of Cloud Computing in SMEs"" | Paper ""Fostering the digital transformation of European SMEs and Public Administrations: the IN-CLOUD project""" Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-IT02-KA101-014474;;;SMART Mobility;The idea of developing a mobility project for teachers from Vocational School Luigi Einaudi starts from the consideration that school needs to improve its quality and efficiency of teaching, in or...;Teaching and learning of foreign languages, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Istituto D'Istruzione Superiore Einaudi Pareto;IT;IT,ES;79.343,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"The idea of developing a mobility project for teachers from Vocational School Luigi Einaudi starts from the consideration that school needs to improve its quality and efficiency of teaching, in order to better deal with the challenges coming from its target groups. Students in our school often come from disadvantaged social and cultural contexts at educational level, and belong to families with difficult economic conditions, a medium-low cultural status and where parents have not got a regular or fixed job. The consequences of all these aspects are: very strong tendency to lack of interest for education, low performances and drop-outs. Our main aim is to deliver attractive, innovative and efficient programs able to combat these difficulties. | | The project ""SMART Mobility"" promoted and coordinated by the Vocational School Luigi Einaudi, with the partnership of CEIPES - International Center for Promotion of Education and Development, consists of 32 mobility flows, distributed in the following way: 10 teachers involved in study visits in five different countries (2 participants for each country); 4 teachers involved in CLIL courses in two different countries (2 participants for each country); 6 teachers will participate in a Professional Updating Course on teaching a foreign language, which will take place in two different countries (3 participants for each country); 12 teachers will participate in a Professional Updating Course on technologies tools for teaching in three different countries (4 participants for each country). The idea of planning a mobility system for our teachers is included in a wider process of educational renovation carried out by the coordinating institution. We want to guarantee to our teachers the opportunity to exchange experiences with other institutions with the final aim of promoting a continue updating process; we believe that the professional growth coming from these experiences will create great synergies and cooperation able to develop a wider knowledge and to improve the educational system of the Institute. | | OBJECTIVES: | | Mobility flows of Einaudi teachers will help in: 1. Renovating teaching methodologies to make them more appropriate for the targets of the Institute. 2. Developing teachers technical, methodological, linguistic and intercultural skills. 3. Promoting social dimension of education, sharing of knowledge, acquiring and using knowledge, abilities and qualifications to facilitate personal development. 4. Enhancing recognition of competences and qualifications, included those acquired through non-formal and informal learning, and the use of new learning and teaching methodologies. 6. Strenghtening cooperation among institutions and organizations.";Thanks to these tools and to the dissemination strategy based on the synergy among different tools, such as: meetings with institutions, conferences, Erasmus + points, e-twinning platform and partners websites, the project will guarantee the following log term results: | | - Improvement of awareness by National and International target groups on the importance of mobility for a learning process | | - Development of Einaudi mobility system which guarantees, also thanks to the cooperation with organizations such as CEIPES, easier future participations to mobility projects at European level for students and staff. Moreover, to leave concrete marks of these projects creating synergies and positive wider impact. | | - Development of personal and professional competences for the beneficiaries. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-IT02-KA104-013365;;;Solidarity+. In Spagna per apprendere e insegnare sul sociale.;"CONTEXT BACKGROUND AND GOALS The three Italian entities in the consortium for the collaboration project, Cooperativa Artemide, Associazione Nuovi Linguaggi e Istituto Sorelle Ministre dell...";Inclusion - equity, International cooperation, international relations ...;;Cooperativa Sociale Artemide;IT;IT,ES;59.969,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Adult education;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"accreditated to the VET system by the Professional Training Department of Apulias Region; Associazione Nuovi Linguaggi to the Marche Regions one. Aside from the development of their own skills in training context, the three entities wish to set themselves within a European context in order to take on the opportunities both of learning and operation programs, developing a large and personal network of foreign partners of recognized importance in various countries. With this project it will be, in fact, possible to acquire new skills and share their own experience and knowledge (the teaching activity on different contexts, by itself, promotes the enhancement of skills)";"In every course organized by FES the participants will acquire skills on Spanish language and culture developing the ability of dialogue, critical conversations, exchange information; and also knowledge, through dialogue, to redefine the meaning and to realize plans of action over the management and communication within the third sector. A different kind of learning is expected for those developing the Teaching Assignment in both courses. Here, the participants, will develop skills and abilities of teaching within a European context and therefore will be able to experience a context very different from their own." Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2015;2015-1-IT02-KA201-014774;;;Science and Global Education beyond the barriers of learning difficulties;"The project aims to respond to two of the main challenges faced by modern societies: 1) The rapid obsolescence of all technical and scientific knowledge which makes it difficult to teach s...";Disabilities - special needs, Research and innovation, Environment and climate change;;IST. D'ISTRUZ. SUPERIORE ALDINI VALERIANI - SIRANI;IT;IT,TR,PL;160.700,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;The project aims to respond to two of the main challenges faced by modern societies: 1) The rapid obsolescence of all technical and scientific knowledge which makes it difficult to teach sciences at school even if sciences are a key factor for the understanding of climate change and for the sustainable economic development 2) The processes of social exclusion related to early school leaving. Early school leaving is often related to segregation in schools (2013, Eurydice Report): Special Edcational Needs often suffer from segregation in schools even if all European countries have ratified the UNESCO Salamanca Statement and Framework for Action in Special Needs Education (1994). One extract from the statement is used repeatedly as a guiding principle in policy level debates: Regular schools with an inclusive orientation are the most effective means of combating discriminatory attitudes, building an inclusive society and achieving education for all. Nevertheless an effective inclusion of SEN students in schools is far from being fully achieved. Inclusion of SEN and science teaching present similar criticisms - The persisting difficulty in developing innovative inclusive practices useful to develop scientific thinking - Inadequate use of ICT, which is an extraordinary means for fostering SEN students communication and the development of self-help groups , but it is also an extraordinary means to develop science teaching -Lack of connection between what students learn at school and the skills needed for managing their own lives, interacting effectively in heterogeneous groups and tackling complex global problems such climate changes. objectives: To enhance and disseminate innovative teaching methods such as flipped classroom and spaced learning associated with hands on activities in order to foster effective inclusion and science thinking. The prior objective is to reduce the school dropout rate, To promote scientific and technological excellence in Europe for a sustainable and inclusive growth of society , engaging students in scientific activities which pursue the objectives stated in the Covenant of Mayors. To develop a multilingual platform where teachers can share best practices, exchange science lessons and have support for a more successful approach to teach sciences and to special educational needs. To strengthen cooperation between partners and international experts on the project issues in order to improve learning sciences in schools and support professional development. To create innovative lessons in international groups of teachers. Participants: Participants are research organizations Adi- Italian Teachers' Association, Italian, Polish and Turkish technical and vocational schools , public institutions involved in the Convenant of mayors ( Bologna City Hall and Gdynia City Hall), Gdansk and Rome Universities. The project is addressed to teachers educators and researchers;Activities: Development of an on-line multilingual platform and repository for relevant legislation on Special Educational Needs, guidelines and best practises for highly inclusive teaching strategies to develop scientific culture in schools and science lesson plans. Development of innovative inclusive lessons based on flipped and spaced techinques combined with hands on activities. Organization of : one preparatory meeting. three Joint staff training events combined with exchange of students , each of 7 days, to test and evaluate the lessons created by teachers in mixed international groups, to test the platform, verify its effectiveness and develop future plans to continue flipped and spaced trials. A seminar devoted to disseminating and sharing the use of the platform. The platform will be implemented through a constant collaboration between partners, through the exchange of ideas and teaching materials , using forums, dedicated social networks, e-mails , skype conferences. The educational material will be worked out by each partner according to his/her competence and evaluated in progress with the help of experts of didactics. Lessons will be focused on specific environmental issues relating to climate changes, as stated in the the Covenant of Mayors and they will be tested during the meetings. will monitor the delivery times for the production and uploading of the scheduled teaching materials. The final evaluation will be performed by the project team. results: dissemination of innovative and inclusive teaching and learning strategies. development of science lessons about climate change of high quality. Encouraging the introduction of issues relating to climate change in school curricula. Cooperation and exchange of best practice between European countries. longer term: Increase in inclusion and school equality. Improvement in science teaching standards. Creation of trasnational innovative teaching strategies, Results | Website | | | Without category | | how to use spaced learning and flipped classroom in presence of SEN( Italian language). | LESSON STUDY DAYS IN POLAND!-italian article ( ITALIAN LANGUAGE) | A workshop on global climate change. | Italian workshop for students created for the final congress | Quality assessment in teaching- | teaching style effectivness-final report by University La Sapienza( Italian language)-report finale della Sapienza | final report La Sapienza University ( English language) | IO3 SEN in Italy in Italian language plus a summary in English | IO3 SEn in Europe in English | IO3 SEN in Europe in Italian language | IO3 Polish documents on SEN in Poland in Polish and English language | IO3 Turkish documents on SEN in Turkey in Turkish and English language | flipped classroom and global warming : an Italian workshop for teachers | link to methodologies and guidelines IO3 | TUTORIALS ON TECHNICAL INSTRUMENTS O3 in English | Italian videotutorials- tutorials in italiano IO3 | Hands on activities to teach climate changes in English | IO2 15 MODULES WITH ACTIVITIES IN ITALIAN- Schede di attivit sui cambiamenti climatici-in Italiano | moodle course about hands on activities on climate changes in English | Moodle course in Italian language | Lesson study toolkit by Bardelli ) in different languages -IO4 | TOOL KIT for teacher' s body language analysis and evaluation | LESSON PLANS AND REPORTS | Tools: Useful instruments to create lessons | guidelines: how to use Show Room's toolkit Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2015;2015-1-IT02-KA201-015190;;;"Pedagogia della cittadinanza e formazione degli insegnanti: un'alleanza tra scuola e territorio (Citizenship pedagogy and teacher education: an alliance between school, territory, community)";The STEP project (School Teacher Education Environment Program) Citizenship pedagogy and teacher education: an alliance between school and territory is based upon transectorial orizontal priorit...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal), EU Citizenship ...;;UNIVERSITA' DEGLI STUDI DI MILANO-BICOCCA;IT;IT,ES,FR;329.698,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;not available;English;"The STEP project (School Teacher Education Environment Program) Citizenship pedagogy and teacher education: an alliance between school and territory is based upon transectorial orizontal priorities of basic and transversal competences development through innovative methods, strengthening the teacher profession, the research and education quality by exchanging best practices and transnational cooperation. The projects aim is developing and improving preschool and primary interdisciplinary curriculum to create relationship between children school experience and informal education, using sustainable environmental education, starting from major social problems. Active Citizenship Education for sustainable and durable development can be integrated into all areas of the curriculum, especially into cross curriculum themes. It implies children and teachers involvement in authentic experiences aimed at achieving a sustainable future. This also improves the connection between initial and continuing teacher training education. The action-research as methods is an experiencial learning of citizenship education for all the participants, which come from Schools University, Political Institutions, and social organizations. This projects purposes are: 1. identifing analysis tools to explore territories culture in a multidiscipinary approach. 2. developing a research model of active citizenship education. 3. to develop teachers and pupils skills for planning across-the-curriculum learning experiences in active citizenship education for sustainable and durable development and care of the socio-cultural heritage. 4. improving interregional and international cooperation. The partnership has three core service areas: - active citizenship education in preschool and primary school curriculum (Bologna University and Seville University), - the professional development of teachers, in the CRESPI research center (www. (Milan University and Bologna University), - durable development and education focused on the relationship between school and territory (Milan University and ESPE Aix- Marseille University), in ADEF conferences. All partners have significant expertise on this issues and they are involved in national and international networks with associations, local authorities and education political authorities. The research project has involved 28 University professors and researchers, 64 teachers, among student training teacher, teacher researchers, tutors, infant and primary school headmasters and 453 children. The Multiplier Events (E1, E2, E3) involved 361 stakeholders. Around 8000 subjects, among teachers, tutor teachers, students, school headmasters, other institutional stakeholders and associations; children 3 to 11 years old, including multicultural and disadvantage context have been the target of the activities organised by the project. The Coordinator Project is Milano Bicocca University, and it has provided the implementation, monitoring and the evaluation (qualitative and quantitative) of all the project activities.";"The project has been developed into four main action: A) designing a transnational curriculum; B) experimental teaching and Research Training (supported by e-twinning); C) results dissemination at national and international level ; D) monitoring and evaluation. The research project has produced 4 outcomes: O2) transnational curriculum of education for a sustainable development; O3) lnnovative learning activities: methods and tools; O4) four case studies: examples of research training ; O5) toolkit; One project Staff workshop (C1) that has been the starting point to design the innovative teaching methods and learning activities and to disseminate content and methodologies. The results will be transferred within the curricula of initial training for Teachers, at the University. This will promote an immediate change in the teacher training program. The results have been disseminated 3 multipliers events (E1 Bologna, E2 Seville, E3 Aix). The project has contributed to the device creations to improve communication and exchange between partners, creating a new transnational networking approach on active citizenship between teachers, teacher educators, schools and communities. Results | Feedback from participants | | Report Multiplier Events | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | O2 Curricolo transnazionale: pedagogia della cittadinanza, educazione allo sviluppo durevole e al patrimonio. Linee guida. | O2 Currculo transnacional: educacin para la ciudadana, educacin para el desarrollo sostenible y para el patrimonio. Lneas gua. | O2 Transnational Curriculum: education for citizenship, sustainability and heritage. Guidelines. | O2 Curriculum transnational: pdagogie de la citoyennet, l'ducation au dveloppement durable et au patrimoine | O3 Sperimentazione didattica: metodi e strumenti | O3 Experimentacin didctica: mtodos y instrumentos. | O3 Programme exprimental d'ducation la citoyennet: mthodes et instruments | O3 Experimental Citizenship education programme: methods and instruments | O5 Toolkit: manual de didctica | O5 Toolkit: manuale per la didattica | O5 Toolkit: learning and instruction handbook | O5 Toolkit: manuel de l'enseignant(e) | C1 Training Program | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | O4 Studi di caso | O4 Case studies | O4 tudes de cas | O4 Estudios de caso | Publications | List of publications | Dissemination material | | Volantino E1 | Volantino E2 | Volantino E3 | Presentazione STEP | Newsletters STEP | Video study case Clericetti School - Milan | Organizational and working documents | | Dissemination activities report" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2015;2015-1-IT02-KA201-015417;;;Developing and Evaluating Skills for Creativity and Innovation;"DESCI was aimed at developing a methodological pattern for Alternating Training (AT) in secondary schools: - improving connections between school, research, enterprise and territory - creating a...";Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Recognition ...;;CONSIGLIO NAZIONALE DELLE RICERCHE;IT;IT,EL,ES;445.527,00;Yes;No;National Public body;Administracin;;;English;DESCI was aimed at developing a methodological pattern for Alternating Training (AT) in secondary schools: - improving connections between school, research, enterprise and territory - creating a participatory methodology centred on schools developing studentskey competences mainly required by the world of work: digital competences, personal, social, citizenship, entrepreneurial and learning competences, and creativity (with reference to the EU Rec. on Key Competences 2006/2018). Moreover, fostering teachers, student and tutors engagement and connecting networks of stakeholders actively involved in the improvement, testing and validation of the educational tools provided, DESCI aimed to help the school to become an incubator of innovation and creativity where the students develop deliveries of social utility under the mentorship of research bodies, associations and enterprises. PARTNERS INVOLVED: CNR IRPPS(project coordinator)and UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS (NKUA),have a strong experience in participatory methodologies for the science-society relationship. POLIBIENESTAR has a long and enduring experience in the evaluation of the impact of social policies. | FORMASCIENZA and SCIENCE WIEW have experience in designing innovative didactics and practices and in developing training materials. ASSOKNOWLEDGE: is the Italian Association of Confindustria for Training and represented the entrepreneurial and industrial component. | 1st EXPERIMENTAL SCHOOL OF ATHENS, ITS E. FERMI and CENTRO DE FORMACION SOMORROSTRO contributed to the design of the toolkits and to organize and implement the testing of the toolkits.;"ACTIVITIES: The central methodology and the main learning environment adopted within the DESCI project was the Living Lab that was firstly introduced at MIT to develop and test new technologies. DESCI apply the LL to an educational context, in which schools can design, implement and evaluate the DESCI AT paths, through the sharing of ideas and collaboration between the stakeholders involved. The DESCI AT participatory approach is described in 3 different toolkits targeted to Teachers Students and Evaluation. Each toolkit provides the basic elements and tools for planning AT at school and pursue a modular approach showing sets of activities and methodologies that can be adapted to the specific school environment. In order to implement the above mentioned issues, a Comparative analysis of european alternating training systems was realized to systematize a common working framework on AT in the European area. On the basis of this study the DESCI AT approach and the 3 toolkits were realized: Teachers and students toolkits showing sets of activities and methodologies that teachers, tutors and students can adapt to the specific school environment. Evaluation toolkit, developing a system for evaluating the competences acquired by students during the paths of AT (transversal and professional) by means of rubrics, questionnaires and focus groups, integrating the evaluation of the students performances and learning process (endogenous evaluation) with the evaluation of the deliveries generated by students during the working process (exogenous evaluation). The testing of the tentative educational toolkits has been designed as a participatory complex process encompassing: the involvement of schools with societal actors in participative tables during the DESCI 9 OCs intended at the same time as an occasion of: inquiry on methodologies and competences, implementing toolkits and scenarios, building networks to disseminate DESCI; the testing of the tentative Toolkits in the partner schools (2 testing phases); the constitution of DESCI NABs in which various social actors from the world of school, business, policy making contributed with comments on the toolkits and the testing process. Polibienestar was the partner in charge of the evaluation of the testing. The evaluation reports gave indications to implement and validate the toolkits. RESULTS: The testing phase demonstrated that DESCIcan improve the connection between school, research, enterprise and territory enhancing the capability of secondary school to become an innovation hub for the local community. In the testing phases the enterprises and the communities came into the school and collaborated with students teachers and tutors in the AT process. PERCENTAGE OF REDUCTION OF DROPOUT RATES:the inclusive and participatory approach promoted by DESCI demonstrated to influence positively the school rates of drop out (the rate of drop out detected in the schools before the DESCI testing phase was 3,5%; after the testing phase the dropout rate in classes involved in DESCI activities was to a 0%). GENERAL IMPROVEMENT OF TRANSVERSAL SKILLS ON DIRECT TARGET:as emerged from the school reports, the DESCI approach to AT helped the students in reinforcing transversal skills classified in DESCI with reference to the EU Commission recommendation on Key competences 2006,revised in 2018. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF EUROPEAN UPPER SECONDARY SCHOOLS AND ALTERNATING TRAINING SYSTEMS INVOLVED | TEACHERS' TOOLKIT ENGLISH VERSION | TEACHERS' TOOLKIT ITALIAN VERSION | TEACHERS' TOOLKIT GREEK VERSION | STUDENTS'TOOLKIT ENGLISH VERSION | STUDENTS' TOOLKIT ITALIAN VERSION | STUDENTS' TOOLKIT GREEK VERSION | STUDENTS'TOOLKIT SPANISH VERSION | EVALUATION TOOLKIT ENGLISH VERSION | EVALUATION TOOLKIT ITALIAN VERSION | EVALUATION TOOLKIT SPANISH VERSION | EVALUATION TOOLKIT GREEK VERSION | DESCI CHECK LIST | LIST OF METHODOLOGIES | TEACHERS' TOOLKIT SPANISH VERSION | DESCI conceptual map | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | EVALUATION FRAMEWORK - TESTING PHASES 2016-17 | Evaluation Framework 2017-2018 | Evaluation framework 2016_2017 Annex | Dissemination material | | DESCI BROCHURE | VIDEO FROM THE ITALIAN DESCI OPEN CAMPUS 2017" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2015;2015-1-IT02-KA203-015386;;;European cooperative framework for Dual LEarning;EuroDuaLE had pursued the objective of developing and testing an original transnational Dual Learning framework. 13 partners participated in the project, namely Centre for Studies in Law, Economy,...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Quality and Relevance of Higher Education in Partner Countries, Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal);;UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI MODENA E REGGIO EMILIA;IT;IT,DE,ES,NL,UK,BE;416.575,24;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;"The background of the project was characterised by: Skills mismatch: a growing number of employers highlights the disequilibrium and the difficulties to recruit people matching with their constantly evolving needs. Higher education programmes sometimes lag behind compared to the emerging needs of the economy in general, and specifically to emerging career paths High youth unemployment, even among highly skilled young adults, is also the result of such delay, particularly dramatic in Southern Europe. The main goal of the project is to help fighting youth unemployment, through the improvement of youth employability and the reduction of the mismatch of competences between education and labour market. The project wants to clear the path of synergy between HEIs (Higher Education Institutions) and labour market actors, giving students the chance to test new academic curricula and combining formal training (in class) and training on-the-job, geographical and virtual mobility. Therefore, the EuroDuaLE project aimed at facing these critical issues by seeking primarily to reduce the mismatch of competences. This was pursued by involving companies in the definition of the academic studying and training programmes; taking advantage of the potentials offered by dual learning programmes to substantially increase youth employability, not only at the conclusion of but also during the education experience; giving students the chance to combine and integrate formal academic training and training on-the-job. In this sense, the project set out the main objective of producing a framework for dual learning in higher education that combines dual learning and transnational mobility, giving students the possibility to integrate notional and practice training in collaboration with companies in different European countries. The project was integrated by assessment activities of the project execution, which considered: methodology, implementation and reporting; validity and transferability of this innovative project idea; mainstreaming activities for the targeted dissemination of the project outcomes; set of recommendations directed to national and European political decision makers; the paper presenting all the methodological as well as practical aspects of the EuroDuaLE project. The objective of these activities consists in making it a scientific reference point in order to introduce the innovative elements of the model also in the already existing programmes of study.";The first phase consisted in analysing learning and job mobility of young people (IO1) and the current situation of different dual learning systems in some European countries participating in the project (IO2). In the second phase, partners produced a model for transnational dual learning programmes in higher education. The model was firstly developed from a theoretical and methodological point of view (IO3). After that, a Practical Handbook was created considering the related issues as regards the realistic implementation of this model (IO4) in order to guide both the piloting phase planned by the project (C1 and C2) and other possible stakeholders who would like to develop dual learning programmes by following the model proposed by EuroDuaLE. The last phase of the project consisted in the realisation of the piloting phase, which gave some students of the universities involved in this project the opportunity to gain a dual learning mobility experience (physically and virtually), and to draft a methodological and practical guide for designing and implementing a quality dual learning higher education programme (IO5). Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | EuroDuaLE Materials Mobility phase | Modules for Students' Virtual Mobility | Instructions: how to use the Logbook | IO4 Practical Handbook for Dual Learning mobility | IO5 Methodological and Practical Handbook for European Dual Learning | IO3 EuroDuaLe Methodological Framework for Transnational Dual Learning in Higher Education | Dissemination Plan | Mainstreaming strategy | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | EuroDuaLE RECOMMENDATIONS to promote the EuroDuaLE Dual Learning design framework and model | Glossary | IO1 Labour demand analysis and Roadmapping of youth mobility in Europe | IO2 Analysis of existing dual learning programmes ad drivers for employability | Virtual and Mobility activities to promote dual learning approach in higher education: the EuroDuaLE Project experience | IO7 Transnational Dual Learning in Higher Education: The EuroDuaLE approach | Community building tools | | EuroDuaLE - Cooperative platform | Dissemination material | | EuroDuaLE - Website (permanent) | EuroDuaLE - Website | Organizational and working documents | | Piloting report | Others | | IO6 Evaluation reports - summary Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2015;2015-1-IT02-KA204-015070;;;SKILLS FOR FREEDOM Artistic paths to develop the professional skills of prisoners;Skills for Freedom nasce per dare risposta a esigenze riscontrate da alcuni partner di progetto, durante il proprio operare in carcere. Stimolati dal positivo lavoro svolto attraverso POST. Priso...;Recognition (non-formal and informal learning/credits), Access for disadvantaged, Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal);;Arci Liguria;IT;IT,TR,ES,CY,PL,BG,DE,BE;395.943,00;Yes;No;Non-governmental organisation/association/social enterprise;ONG;http://WWW.ARCILIGURIA.IT;;English;"Skills for Freedom nasce per dare risposta a esigenze riscontrate da alcuni partner di progetto, durante il proprio operare in carcere. Stimolati dal positivo lavoro svolto attraverso POST. Prisoner On Stage: Theatre as a link between inside and outside (GRUNDTVIG), Teatro dellOrtica e aufBruch (con EFA) propongono ad ARCI Liguria, da molti anni impegnata negli istituti penitenziari della Liguria, di approfondire le tematiche legate allutilizzo delle attivit artistiche, in carcere, come strumento adatto a sviluppare competenze (soft and hard) utili sia alla vita in detenzione che al reinserimento socio-lavorativo post-pena. | Nato dalla lettura di un contesto, che nel 2015 contava - nei 28 Paesi dell'UE - circa 650.000 detenuti, di cui solo 1/5 in media svolgeva una qualsiasi occupazione e solo il 3% lavorava per imprese o enti esterni, il progetto conferma come la mancata occupazione, l'assenza di percorsi formativi per tutti, la perdita di identit e senso di appartenenza alla comunit civile siano tra le cause che inducono alla recidiva, che colpisce sempre pi i giovani e i pi svantaggiati. | Il partenariato, completato da Asturia, Collegium Balticum, DomSpain, EuroSuccess, Izmir Valiligi e UPSDA, nei 36 mesi di vita di progetto, dimostra il valore e lefficacia delle esperienze artistiche nelle carceri rispetto ai bisogni specifici: | Dei detenuti: di ritrovare con arte e teatro la confidenza e la sicurezza di s, base per la scoperta delle proprie competenze basiche e trasversali, cardine per il reinserimento sociale; di acquisire competenze professionali, potenzialmente certificabili; | Degli operativi/organizzazioni in carcere: di vedere riconosciuto il proprio operato, aumentando il collegamento coi percorsi professionalizzanti dei detenuti e col sistema educativo esistente; | Del sistema carcere: di migliorare la vita in detenzione e facilitare qualit e quantit degli sbocchi occupazionali per il reinserimento post-pena. | | Il progetto, in linea con | 1) Strategia Europa 2020: crescita inclusiva, sostegno ad adulti per acquisire nuove competenze e per adattarsi all'evoluzione del mercato del lavoro. | 2) Priorit ET 2020: 1 Obiettivo strategico: ""apertura verso l'apprendimento non formale e informale []; 3: Promuovere l'equit, la coesione sociale e la cittadinanza attiva; 4: Incoraggiare la creativit e l'innovazione [...] a tutti i livelli dell'istruzione e della formazione. | | ha raggiunto i previsti obiettivi specifici: | 1. Definire il quadro delle competenze, trasversali e specifiche professionalizzanti, informali e formali, che i percorsi teatrali e artistici rivolti ai detenuti possono offrire; | 2. Sviluppare modelli utili alla validazione delle competenze, dei percorsi artistici in carcere, e valevoli anche per la mobilit europea degli ex detenuti; | 3. Definire nuove prassi per facilitare il reinserimento lavorativo dei detenuti e il riconoscimento sostanziale delle competenze acquisite con le attivit artistiche; | 4. Definire standard di preparazione e organizzazione interna delle compagnie artistiche/teatrali e degli istituti penitenziari per facilitare la realizzazione e la replicabilit di interventi coi detenuti in tutta Europa. | | Con la metodologia della ricerc-azione e il supporto di una piattaforma dedicata e tradotta in 8 lingue (, grazie a un percorso formativo e alle sperimentazioni testate direttamente con gli enti partner operativi nelle carceri, il progetto ha sviluppato 3 strumenti innovativi: | a) il Quadro europeo delle Competenze trasversali e specifiche per carcerati impegnati nelle attivit artistiche e teatrali, e dei sistemi di certificazione ad esso applicabili; | b) le Linee Guida operative per amministrazioni penitenziarie, associazioni e compagnie teatrali/artistiche, per sviluppare progettualit che valorizzano le professionalit acquisibili dai detenuti; | c) la Banca Dati europea che permetta di far incontrare le richieste di lavoro, specialmente in campo artistico, con i profili professionali di detenuti e ex detenuti.";Il progetto ha impegnato continuativamente circa 30 operatori dei partner, coinvolto oltre 350 detenuti nella produzione del primo IO e impegnato direttamente nelle sperimentazioni del IO2 140 detenuti. , attualmente, in crescita il numero di coloro che si avvicinano al progetto e usufruiscono, in particolare, della sua piattaforma. | Con i suoi 8 eventi moltiplicatori, Skills ha coinvolto oltre 300 stakeholders e - anche attraverso il proprio e-learning e il Database - conferma di potere raggiungere 13.000 tra operatori pubblici, sociali, artistici e del volontariato, garantendo il proprio funzionamento nei 2 anni successivi al suo termine. | | Sul lungo termine il progetto favorisce: | 1) la valorizzazione e l'incremento dei percorsi artistici/teatrali in carcere | 2) maggiore occupabilit dei detenuti, valorizzando competenze spendibili | 3) nuove sinergie tra sistemi della sicurezza, della formazione e dell'inserimento lavorativo. | Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | European Database Video Tutorial | 4-unit e-learning course | Operative guidelines | Learning/Teaching Activities | Common European Framework | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | Executive Report | Global Report | Community building tools | | European Database Matching Job Offers (especially artistic) to Professional Profiles | Skills for Freedom Facebook Page | Dissemination material | | Website | Slideshow #2 | Slideshow #3 | Video presentation of the project by a MEP supporter | Video presentation of the project in Italian - ErasmusPlus Indire Platform | Organizational and working documents | | Monitoring and Evaluating Tools | Monitoring and Evaluating Tools Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2015;2015-1-IT02-KA204-015181;;;i-DIGital Stories Stories Educational Learning Facilities ;The project evolved from the needs of junctioning the adult and youth education with IT: as the trainees spend a big amount of time in Internet 2.0 environments, there was a lack of educational to...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;Diciannove Societ Cooperativa;IT;IT,PL,EL,HU,UK;273.065,00;Yes;No;Small and medium sized enterprise;Otros;;;English;"Digital Storytelling refers to a short form of digital film-making that allows everyday people to share aspects of their life story; it describes the innovative practice of ordinary people who use digital tools to tell their personal 'story' by turning it into digital narrations in compelling and emotionally engaging formats. The following project objectives were all successfully achieved: - fostering the use of ICT into educational and social initiatives; promote interaction, communication and collaboration in a knowledge community, fostering the joy of learning, the inquiry and the creativity of the knowledge creation - empowerment of learning responsibility and autonomy of students and participants to training events - increment in social visibility of target groups, such as vulnerable social groups (refugees and ethnic minorities) - transgenarational and transnational transfer of knowledge and skills - contribution in investigating the link between work and one's identity";The project results are: - IO1: educational platform on digital storytelling - IO2: comprehensive Methodological Guide on Digital Storytelling - IO3: I dig stories toolkit - more than 40 videos. Results | Website | | | Without category | | IO1: educational e-platform on digital storytelling following EOR standards | IO2: Methodological Guide on Digital Storytelling | IO3: I dig stories toolkit | practical videos of the digital storytelling experience Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2015;2015-1-LT01-KA219-013406;;;Creative European School : C.L.I.C.K.;The project Creative European School : C.L.I.C.K. was initiated by six schools from Lithuania, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Romania and Spain in response to the most common problems identified in a...;Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal), EU Citizenship ...;;Mazeikiu Ventos progimnazija;LT;LT,PT,RO,EL,ES,IT;107.555,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The project Creative European School : C.L.I.C.K. was initiated by six schools from Lithuania, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Romania and Spain in response to the most common problems identified in all partner schools : the decrease of students motivation in studying and a lack of attractive innovative and already tested methods/strategies in teaching, the increase of violence and aggressiveness in school and society, reluctance of students to participate in school and community life, loss of creativity and issues associated with major changes at schools due to the society becoming more and more multicultural. These issues have had an international dimension so the project partners consolidated their knowledge, experience, abilities and desire to find the best means to educate young people in a multicultural society by provoking their curiosity, fostering their initiative, creativity, respect and tolerance. The project addressed the most vulnerable group of children - teenagers, aged 12-16, teachers of different subjects, parents, school managements and other school staffs such as social pedagogues, psychologists as well as university lecturers and colleagues from other educational institutions. | The project title Creative European School shows that the participants were involved in creative ways of teaching/learning ; the word CLICK is an acronym of the English words: Computer science, Languages, Inter-culture, Citizenship and Knowledge therefore the project activities indicates the ways used to achieve the main project aims: to promote cooperation among 6 partner schools to increase students' motivation to learn and get knowledge by learning in one of the partner countries and from one another; to encourage awareness of the importance of European dimension through cultural, linguistic and social events for better understanding of own and others identity in European context through history, culture, traditions as well as to promote citizenship and civic responsibility in all six partner schools in order to educate the students as European citizens, actively involved in future society. The project participants developed digital competence, communication in mother tongue and foreign languages, learning to learn, increased cultural awareness. Going abroad and observing the work of the colleagues in their own environment, the teachers developed not only professionally but also as personalities. | During the two project years a set of cards Lotto Game named Who Are We?, a book about most famous festivals in six countries, illustrated by pupils' drawings ""The Clicks Family in Town"", a magazine Help with the Clicks(reflecting pupils' active commitment to communities during charity campaigns), a series of short films about the most successful school events A Glimpse of Click' s Schools, a project website C.L.I.C.K. and The Click tree ( a project visit card and a source of information about the project activities) were created. We used e Twinning website, Facebook, Skype for our collaborative work , exchanging ideas, learning from one another and gaming.All the results were created by international teams, they contain pupils' and teachers observations,their points of view, samples of creativity and are suitable for usage in basic schools,for both teachers and pupils.";The creative international team of teachers together with school psychologists, social pedagogues, parents, university lecturers, pupils and school management worked together and selected their experience gained for a toolkit Basic European Curriculum for a successful school. This e- book reflects efficient and prolific project work, contains useful information and examples of innovative teaching methods, samples of creativity and collaborative work, the glimpses of the school European students would like to study at, samples of cooperation between schools and parents, educational institutions, local authorities in educating an open-minded, creative, responsible and inquiring generation. The material proposed is worth to be shared among educational institutions in Europe and enriched by new ideas in the future project work. | Some of the project outcomes and outputs are available on the project website C.L.I.C.K., projects result page,at schools and on school websites. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2015;2015-1-LT01-KA219-013425;;;Do It Yourself;Not everyone can be good at science but almost everyone is able to develop one's creative abilities. In order to help youngsters find their place in this consumerist society and changing labor mar...;Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Creativity and culture, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Rokiskio Juozo Tumo- Vaizganto gimnazija;LT;LT,HR,PT,IT;95.805,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"Not everyone can be good at science but almost everyone is able to develop one's creative abilities. In order to help youngsters find their place in this consumerist society and changing labor market we need to develop the entrepreneurship of our young generation . We wanted our pupils to change their attitude from ""use it"" to ""do it yourself"". What is more, we aimed to direct the youth to such common values as close communication and self-perfection in regard to the pride of national identity and tolerance to other nations, environmental awareness and social entrepreneurship in the context of European cooperation. | Getting to know national old crafts of our own country and other European countries we have developed better understanding of different cultural backgrounds. Similarities and differences of national features defined by historical and social factors have proved all nations to have evaluated due to the same satisfaction of practical needs. | The knowledge gained through practice is long lasting and turns into skills. We aimed to make our pupils turn to a practical and creative way of learning about their culture taking a closer look at old crafts which gave enormous satisfaction of self-realization and practical benefit. The gained craft skills and entrepreneurship competences are very useful in one's personal life and may even shape our students' future career. | This project "" Do It Yourself"" united four European schools: Rokiskis Juozo Tumo-Vaizganto gymnasium in Lithuania, which is the only gymnasium in Rokiskis town providing secondary education for 846 pupils and employing 115 teachers. The administration of the gymnasium supports the participation in various European projects and cooperation with other European schools. The partners of this project were: 1)The First School of Economics which is a state Secondary Vocational School of Economics in Zagreb, Croatia. Nowadays 1100 pupils attend the school and 83 teachers work there. 2) Escola Secundria Antnio Damsio in Lisbon,Portugal, is a public school for students between the ages of 12 and 18. There are 1370 students and 161 teachers. 3) The secondary vocational school called IIS F. ORIOLI in Viterbo , Italy. The school has 120 teachers and 997 students aged 14-19. | All involved countries have very different experience in entrepreneurship education, environmental activity and competences of ICT use in education. We used those different experiences for our sake of benefit: shared our experience and taught each others to find the ways to their improvement.";"We applied the learn-practice-teach methodology: students gained new skills and competences, they applied them in practice and shared the gained experience teaching others and creating new integrated products. The Guide of Methodology with DVD includes the outputs of the project activities : educational program ""Employment of old crafts of European countries for development of entrepreneurship skills""; the methodology of making handicrafts based on the peculiar old crafts of partner countries; methods of integration of old crafts with new designs employing modern technologies and using recyclable materials; The ABC guide of business for beginners, a list of references to video and teaching/learning materials made by project participants, the photo gallery : the modernized national costumes, the photos from Fairs and other celebrations and events. DVD has the tutorial videos and PPTs whiuch are needed for the lessons of learning the old crafts and the basics of business. The project web site was designed and all project information was regularly uploaded and updated. The project quarterly newsletter was used to disseminate the project progress and results achieved. The e-version of all project outputs including The Guide of Methodology are accessible there. | The main activities: | -Celebration of The International Language Day, International Europe Day, organize cultural weeks of partner countries in their schools. | - creation of the project space, logo , badges and other promotional materials; | -educational trips to the local craftsmen and workshops with them; practical creative workshops teaching other students and parents; creating handicrafts for the fairs and exhibitions and organizing them; | -learning/teaching/training activities in partner countries with many integrated lessons, educational programs and creative workshops; creation of educational videos and e-materials; | - Celebration of International Pie day, Mother's/Father's Day. | Under the project impact the popularity of Entrepreneurship education has increased, the communication in school communities has become closer, participants have developed their creativity, expanded English skills and the profile of European citizens with wider outlook and more open thinking. The project outputs are being applied in partner schools and used by other schools as well as new ways of cooperation have been established." Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2015;2015-1-LU01-KA219-001339;;;Un partenariat intergnrationnel au service de la russite scolaire;"We have established contacts between our five schools and old peoples homes as well as other partners (theaters ...) to motivate students to do better at school. The partnership between the gene...";Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Creativity and culture, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;Deutsch Luxemburgisches Schengen Lyzeum;LU;LU,ES,BG,FR,IT;109.950,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"We have established contacts between our five schools and old peoples homes as well as other partners (theaters ...) to motivate students to do better at school. The partnership between the generations was a starting point to diversify educational activities that stimulate the desire to learn in our students as well as in teachers and the elderly. BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES Our goals were to find responses to early school leaving problems, lack of interest in the French language and the lack of student motivation in general by: - using IT and communication technology as well as the creativity of our students to enable them to express themselves (films, texts, theater ...) - developing diverse educational approaches - opening the school to its social environment through retirement homes and theaters - strengthening social ties for the benefit of both generations, including seniors and students - developing intercultural social, digital, technical, artistic, literary and linguistic competences of our students and also our teachers NUMBER AND PROFILE OF PARTICIPANTS : There were about 30-32 students per school, with 16 to participate in the different trips. The total number of students was between 150 and 160 for the 5 schools. Between 30 and 40 teachers were involved in the project, thus between 4-8 teachers per school. We involve as many students with learning difficulties as well as academically average or good students in order to have diverse and complementary profiles at the same time. We pay special attention to the weakest students including the 20 students with fewer opportunities. The same principle of ""diversity"" applies to the teachers, covering different disciplines, involving members experienced with European projects as well as those who participate for the first time. Other people were necessary for the successful completion of our project, such as management and accounting officers in schools as well as the elderly and nursing home staff. DESCRIPTION OF THE ACTIVITIES: Almost all activities involving students and nearly all the results are in French: - exchange between seniors and students: interviews, surveys, designing ""e-books"" - training activities involving transnational mobility: filmmaking (Luxembourg), reflecting on the ""intergenerational"" experience with creative writing (Spain), writing plays scenarios inspired by such personal reflections of the students about their contact with old people (France), making costumes with professional help and publishing practical guides about this work (Bulgaria), staging and performing theatrical plays with theater professionals (Italy) - intercultural exchange and meetings during the mobility - communication activities: establishing Erasmus+ corners in each school, writing articles for the websites of the schools and the press, creating a website giving access to all documents and project results (REL), Etwinning (TwinSpace) and YouTube (films on activities,) designing a logo of the project, plays presented to a wide audience, writing invitations to these shows - assessment was made through an evaluation sheet covering all aspects of the project and allowing the various participants to express themselves. METHODOLOGY: The local coordinators, assisted by a team, have coordinated the project at their own school and the Luxembourgian coordinator did the same at his school and at transnational level. Two meetings were scheduled at the beginning and end of the project and five training activities were organized by schools (one per school). A feedback sheet for assessing the project's. progress and reacting to potential problems throughout the two years was provided. Students are at the heart of the project and actively involved. All participants are likely to be ""multipliers"" in | order to transmit the acquired skills.";"IMPACTS AND EXPECTED RESULTS: | -among students: strengthening the commitment and motivation for school, the development of basic and overall skills, improving performance at school including French, open-mindedness | (intergenerational, European). | -among teachers: adopting diversified teaching methods, improving teamwork, openness, interest in ""European"" projects. | -in schools: opening to the social, cultural and local environment, creating a system of schools at the European level, improving project management skills. | LONG-TERM BENEFITS: | The activities and results are sufficiently interdisciplinary and comprehensive to allow many students and teachers to participate. Partnerships between schools and retirement homes can | easily be perpetuated by similar projects. Partnerships between schools can be continued by the projects, specific activities and mobilities. Results | Website | | | Without category | | Website of the project" Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-LV01-KA101-013197;;;Using IT in new teaching methods for European dimension school;One of the goals of Rujiena secondary school is to transform the traditional directive teaching and learning into innovative, creative process, to develop the school as a platform for more effici...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;Rujienas vidusskola;LV;LV,SE;4.331,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;One of the goals of Rujiena secondary school is to transform the traditional directive teaching and learning into innovative, creative process, to develop the school as a platform for more efficient further education. We are planning to implement new teaching methods, to compare and share our experience with foreign colleagues by learning about their education systems, studying innovative curricula and trying to use the most valuable patterns in our school. | | The goals are to give a chance to the pedagogical staff to attend courses, to apply their new knowledge in pedagogical practice, to develop and enlarge subject inter-relation, to enhance their foreign language proficiency and communication skills, and to use creatively IT in Europe and worldwide. | | The teachers of the involved Rujiena secondary school from Latvia under the current project will have a chance to learn from and communicate with the Swedish course lecturers, to collaborate and work together with course participants from various European countries. After the project we intend to share the results with other teachers and staff members of the school, to provide them with new ideas, study aids and methods to be implemented in class work by using mobile information technologies. The teachers together with pupils will use their IT skills to to take part in international e-Twinning projects. | | Elderberry AB Adult Education Centre offers very topical and modern courses in four programs. The topics comprise both conventional and innovative approaches. The programs include lectures and practical activities which make the project highly educational, creative and valuable. The main project activities are: to present yourself and your country, to master and implement practical digital skills, to develop and save digital information, to be able to retrieve and use it later, to get to know e-teaching and its tools, to study resources and medial skills, to develop team work skills, research and debating skills on various topics, etc.;The main goal of the project is to apply the newly acquired knowledge and skills in practical school work making it more effective and efficient. We intend to find financing for additional digital technologies and to acquire them to enhance class work and extra-curricular activities. We are going to motivate teachers to create new moderns teaching aids. We intend to start international e-Twinning and Erasmus Plus KA2 school projects. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2015;2015-1-LV01-KA219-013417;;; Learning platform Young people Entrepreneurial skill development possibilities;"Nowadays, it is essential to find a transition from learning facts to acquiring real life skills which will prepare young people for life and motivate to study. The schools involved in the proje...";Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education;;Valkas Janis Cimze gimnazija;LV;LV,RO,TR,ES,HR;117.770,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;Nowadays, it is essential to find a transition from learning facts to acquiring real life skills which will prepare young people for life and motivate to study. | The schools involved in the project were with a different experience in developing entrepreneurial skills in young people and in approaches to career education. | The schools worked on a cooperation model together: school municipality council - entrepreneurs. An important aspect students while participating in project activities investigated entrepreneurship environment and job market. | The project intended to involve all subject teachers, not only economics and social science teachers, as entrepreneurial skills are developed in various situations and every teacher can contribute. | Project aims: | - To work out the themes for the business basics related to the skills of the young people and their interests based on the entrepreneurial skill development, to prevent dropping out of school because of out-dated methodologies. | - To work out innovative pedagogical approach creating students` self-assessment system adopted into the formal education process.;The main result informal study tool learning platform on Moodle with a certification possibility Entrepreneurship skill development possibilities in young people. | The Project uniteed students and teachers from 5 countries Latvia, Romania, Turkey, Spain and Croatia. | The target group young people, aged 15 19. | Study materials are available in 6 languages Latvian, Spanish, Romanian, Turkish, Croatian and English. | For the convenience of users there is a link from the project website to the e-platform - Learning Moodle .. Results | Without category | | Learning platform Young people Entrepreneurship skill development possibilities Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-MK01-KA101-002734;;;Let-s make our school more international;"The ICT provision and use in European schools is improving but several obstacles remain. > Firstly, whilst teachers are using ICT for preparing classes, ICT use in the classroom for learning i...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, International cooperation, international relations ...;;SSOU MOSHA PIJADE - Tetovo;MK;MK,ES;25.920,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The ICT provision and use in European schools is improving but several obstacles remain. | | > Firstly, whilst teachers are using ICT for preparing classes, ICT use in the classroom for learning is infrequent. Teacher training in ICT is rarely compulsory and most teachers devote spare time to private study. | > Secondly, students and teachers have the highest use of ICT and ICT learning-based activities when schools combine policies on ICT integration in teaching and learning. However, most schools do not have such an overarching policy. | Despite the fact that having access and positive attitudes towards implementing ICT into their teaching and learning, teachers often find this difficult and require on-going support - not only technical but also pedagogical. | The school is constantly looking for ways to modernize in order to increase the quality and capacity of teaching. The teaching staff is always ready to meet the challenges created by modern education. Following the guidelines of the educational system of the country and European trends, part of a strategy for the development of the school is the increase of competencies and skills of teachers and the capacity of the school for the application of ICT in teaching. In this direction several steps were taken such as Edubuntu training and teaching of some basic courses on the application of computer technology, Application of Google Drive in teaching, training on the use of e-grade system and electronic data in the school, 11 offices equipped with computers, projector and Internet in order to increase the application of ICT in teaching. We have good experience with projects. | | Overall objectives | Enhance the key competences and skills on ICT and learning performance of young people attending schools in TETOVO area | Foster quality improvements, innovation excellence and internationalisation at the level of educational institutions. | | Specific objectives | To acquire and to improve new competences of teachers and other educational staff linked in ICT. Contributing to the creation of a more modern, dynamic and professional environment inside SMP; ready to integrate good practices and new methods into daily activities, planning strategically the professional development of their staff in relation to individual needs and organisational objectives. | To increase the capacity of SMP to operate at EU level | | The project has set up a training programme of 3 seminars (55 hours each) to be held in Seville, focus on ICT integration in school management and education activity. Participants will be 4 staff member of the School each training seminar. | | Each seminar has been followed by an activity in which participants experimented best practices discussed in the seminars with their colleagues and students. The activity to carry out will be decided with Inercia Digital and SMP tutors help (duration at least of 1 month). At the end of the activity participants will report the benefits and problems carrying out such tasks.";"The project main impact for SMP will be: | - Elaborated LONG TERM ICT STRATEGY, and a positive attitude towards ICT; | - improved quality of the use of ICT in management, preparation, techniques, strategies and teaching resources for teaching activities; | - ICT integrated in the school curriculum; | - gained commitment to ongoing professional development in ICT, teachers informed of courses in professional development as well as general support offered; | - increased capacity for operating at EU/international level: improved management skills and internationalisation strategies; | - more modern, dynamic, committed and professional environment inside the organisation gained: readiness to integrate good practices and new methods into daily activities; | - school more open to synergies with organisations active in different educational fields; | | In a EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVE the project impact positively on several aspects in accordance to its dimension: | - it enhance digital competences of students filling the lack of ICT skills; | - dissemination activities improve awareness of ICT integration issue in education in order to spread the usefulness of such training program for educational staff among: | *stakeholders (schools, digital companies, European training organizations, local and national agencies or authorities in charge of education etc.); | *citizens (local communities and European community - press, social network, website, dissemination activities); | | The potential long term benefit of the project is the acquisition by the SMP School community (Staff, management, teachers, students) of all the basic skills in order to improve an efficient ICT policy inside its organization, and start participating in local and European programme/project in ICT for the specific target of its students, becoming a a local and regional point of reference in this sector." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-MK01-KA101-002789;;;" ICC ""Innovation - Connection - Collegiality""";"In its 60 years of existence, ""Orce Nikolov"" High School is secondary state school which is leader of high quality teaching standards and innovative and progressive ideas in educational procesess...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, International cooperation, international relations ...;;SUGS Gimnazija Orce Nikolov;MK;MK;29.685,00;Yes;No; School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"In its 60 years of existence, ""Orce Nikolov"" High School is secondary state school which is leader of high quality teaching standards and innovative and progressive ideas in educational procesess. More then 90% of our students are continuing their education in universities in the country or in other European countries. They are active citizens and creators of the scientific, political, economical and cultural life and development of our country. The school has more than 1200 students (age 14-18) and 70 teachers. | | | | The experience from the participation in this project and the future needs for its realization are the basics of the project. The ""Innovation - Connection - Collegiality"" project is of great value for further development of the ""Orce Nikolov"" High School. | | The project focuses on: | | -improving English and French language skills of teachers; | | -using modern methodologies suitable for developing new teaching methods and techniques; | | -increase teachers proficiency in using technology in the classroom (e-learning platforms); | | -increase capacity to cooperate on international level; | | - establishing and developing teachers network within participants | | -developing project management skills | | -improve competences linked to the interaction and generation of new ideas for activities and to critically evaluate their results. | | There are 12 teachers who passed through school selection process and fulfilled selection criteria | | All of the teachers within this project are highly motivated and responsible persons with | | Our expectations from the realization of this project are improving the methods of working and increasing the involvement and interest of the teachers and students for bilingual multicultural learning. This will have greater impact in the local community, because we will share and spread the ideas and knowledge in our work with other partner schools. | | With implementation and realization of our expected goals, we strongly believe that the interest of our current and future students in international cooperation will increase.";"The evaluation phase consists of presenting the written report from teachers visits and participation in the project; | | supervision of the implementation of the previously planned activities within the Erasmus + programme; (dissemination, presentation, open classes, presentation of the good practices in local community and other partners).; evaluating the outcome of these implementations in order to develop more modern lesson plans and improving of the students | | achievements due to this activities of the teachers which means benefit for the school in whole; developing further projects with new experiences, strengths and ideas; developing established contacts with schools from different countries." Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2015;2015-1-MK01-KA204-002834;;; Professional Development Courses for Engineering Management and Leadership Skills;"Professional Development Courses for Engineering Management and Leadership Skills The wider objective of the project was to improve Macedonian engineering managers performance through improvem...";Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal), Open and distance learning, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;Institute for Research in Environment, Civil Engineering and Energy;MK;MK,AT,PL;137.440,00;Yes;No;Research Institute/Centre;Centro de Investigacin;;;English;Professional Development Courses for Engineering Management and Leadership Skills | | The wider objective of the project was to improve Macedonian engineering managers performance through improvement of their management and leadership skills. The target group consisted of engineering managers, engineers entrepreneurs or engineers who wished to become managers, from Macedonia and the neighboring countries with similar context. The professional development courses for management and leadership skills improved their competences, linked to their professional profiles, increased opportunities for professional development, and increased the motivation and satisfaction in their daily work. | The major aim of the project was to jointly develop and implement professional development courses for engineering management and leadership skills, which addressed European standards for management and leadership, as well as was built on rigorous research evidence and principles of adult education. The professional development courses for management and leadership skills was modular and practice-oriented, and overcame skills mismatched and increased management and leadership competencies of engineers working on managerial positions in Macedonia, and in the region prospectively. | The second aim of the project was to develop learning environment, online courses, webinars, which offered flexibility and was adapted according to learning preferences of adult. The project was also oriented towards training of adult trainers, on relevant topics in adult education. | Successful realization of the project activities provided integrated professional development courses for management and leadership skills to be developed, implemented and evaluated. These courses were tailored made according to the assessed needs and expectations of engineering managers in Macedonia and the region, as well as analysis and benchmarking of the management and leadership standards in Europe and adult training courses in this field. Also, specially designed learning environment met the needs of the adult learners, providing flexibility and innovative approaches of delivery of these courses. | All professional development courses for engineering management and leadership skills were taught using contemporary training methods, such as problem based learning, game based learning, case study method, etc. Professional development courses were organized using blended learning concept a combination of traditional and e-learning concepts. All course materials and activities were available to adult learners through a distance learning system. The excellent quality of training, learning and examining methods, utilizing the possibility of new media, significantly contributed to high quality learning opportunities.;The professional development courses were developed based on EU wide transparency and recognition tools,in line with EU policy in the field of adult learning. In order to ensure the quality and recognition, the professional development courses for engineering and leadership skills were accredited by Ministry for education and science in R.Macedonia. | Certification of the courses enhanced the sustainability of the project and offer opportunity new adult learners from Macedonia and the region to take the courses and improve their work performance by improving their management and leadership skills. Project results and lessons learned were disseminated using several medias: web portal, internet, social media, engineering networks, publications, events, open days, conferences, etc. | Results | Website | | | Without category | | Study | Study | Study | Study | Curriculum development | Learning materials | Learning environment | Handbook | Video Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-MT01-KA101-003696;;;Improving the Quality of the Services offered by the Gozo College through Exposure to Professional Development at the European Level;The activities of the three (3) courses being attended by the three (3) officials from the office of of the College Principal include both theoretical as well as practical sessions as detailed in ...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;Gozo College - Education Office;MT;MT,BE,BG;12.120,00;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The activities of the three (3) courses being attended by the three (3) officials from the office of of the College Principal include both theoretical as well as practical sessions as detailed in the website of the provider:; and The chosen three(3) officials are ideally placed participants for the said training course since they coordinate the activities and curricular as well as the professional development of whole Gozo College development and so would disseminate the knowledge acquired from this course with many teachers through the Professional Development sessions and in-service training courses that they conduct. The participants also meet regularly with their colleagues who work in the other colleges in Malta and thus they would be able to disseminate the information gained from this course with them as well.The Gozo College strives to improve digital learning in all its schools. This training course will help the participants to explore new tools and techniques to stimulate the interest of young learners and to introduce innovative teaching methods in our schools. Teachers need to keep abreast with new methods of teaching to improve their professional skills. By attending this course, the participants will learn theories and practices related with eLearning, different teaching/learning methods and discuss best practices and innovation through workshops held during the training course. The course will present a variety of software solutions aiming at the creation and maintenance of a digital classroom in the humanities and social sciences subjects. Participants will acquire and share experience of working with new media in a digital classroom environment. The two participants selected work as eLearning support teachers within the Gozo College. They are the ideal participants for this training course since they visit most of the schools in the College and would disseminate the knowledge acquired from this course with many teachers through the Professional Development sessions and in-service training courses that they conduct. The participants also meet regularly with their colleagues who work in the other colleges in Malta and thus they would be able to disseminate the information gained from this course with them as well.The activities organised in the course are both theoretical and practical. Various methodological approaches will be used such as brainstorming, group discussion, group survey, critical debates and collaborative learning. ";"The main activities organised are the following:- Introduction to ICT in Education particularly in the humanities and Social Sciences subjects;- Innovations and challenges in the digital classroom;- How to use Google in the classroom;- Discussion and team work: national strategies for e-learning, distance learning and open learning in digital environment;- Using Blogs in the Classroom;- Using multimedia tools (audio and video);- Synchronous and asynchronous online communication in the learning process;- Computer-mediated communication and Social Media;- Creating quizzes, tests and exams online;- The use of social networking and Web 2.0 tools for online learning;- Digital games and learning - games in the context of new media;- E-games and foreign languages learning;- Word games online - serious games and simulations in the digital classroom;- Group work: evaluation of e-games for learning;- Cultural and sightseeing activities;- How to design your own Website;- Discussion on the digital and the traditional classroom.The implementation of this mobility project gives the participants involved, the opportunity to share a learning atmosphere of intercultural learning and can be the basis for further partnerships such as in eTwinning. It will also improve the participants' knowledge on the pedagogical methodology, both in theory and practice. The knowledge acquired will be disseminated with other teachers forming part of the Gozo College, thus having a direct impact on the students' learning and making them aware of skills, knowledge and attitudes that everyone needs in life at school and beyond." Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-MT01-KA202-003744;;;Co-operating for Leadership in Tourism ;"The Co-operating for Leadership in Tourism (CoLead) project will establish a ""Strategic Partnership for Innovative Leadership in Tourism"" to develop and test existing professional trainings and to...";International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;UNIVERSITA TA MALTA;MT;MT,BG,UK,BE;138.325,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;not available;English;"The Co-operating for Leadership in Tourism (CoLead) project will establish a ""Strategic Partnership for Innovative Leadership in Tourism"" to develop and test existing professional trainings and tools to develop teams of professionals, trainers and students with appropriate management, leadership and entrepreneurial skills and expertise who can directly assist destinations and enterprises to support their strategies, plans, and actions for their sustainable tourism growth. The project will establish innovative training practices in sustainable tourism, defining, accrediting and certifying sustainable tourism modules alongside PM4SD and other existing training tools to be included within the European VET system, providing a standard benchmark for sustainable tourism management. The certified trainings and tools developed through the project will be based on: PM4SD (Project Management for Sustainable Development) certification; The Sustainable Tourism for Development Guidebook (edited by UNWTO); the World Heritage Sustainable Tourism Toolkit, and the European Indicators System (ETIS). Results will be accessible through an open source platform and for 40 participants, 2 training classes will be delivered, 15 trainers will be certified by the end of the project. The main target during the project delivery is represented by: ETIS destinations (220); UNWTO Heritage Sites (almost 500), established European Tourism Itineraries. The project involves 4 countries, Malta, Belgium, United Kingdom and Bulgaria. | The consortia is a multi-disciplinary partnership which comprises six partners: 2 Universities (University of Malta and Cardiff Metropolitan University ), one small-medium sized enterprise which is training provider for sustainable tourism management, (JLAG-UK), one business public-private association (the Bulgarian Economic Forum), one European network representing European regional governments (NECSTOUR, bases in Belgium), one non-governmental organisation (The INTASAVE-CARIBSAVE Group, UK). The geographical impact and outreach will be much higher due to NECSTouR which represents 32 European regional authorities, and thanks to partnership agreements with key European and International Stakeholders. Stakeholders and end users will be actively involved during the project activities, testing, validating and disseminating project results.";"The CoLead Tourism Strategic Partnership aims to build training certifications for professionals and leaders in tourism and boost the capacity in the regions involved in job creation for tourism professionals and experts, as well as to support tourism students in defining their career path as well as support policy makers to elevate tourism to the next level in regards to sustainability. | The EU is a major tourist destination, with 5 Member States among the worlds top 10 holiday destinations (UNWTO 2013). Taking into account the sectors linked to it, tourism is estimated to generate over 10% of the EU's GDP and provides 12% of all jobs. (Eurostat 2010). This project directly responds to the 3 priorities of the Europe 2020 strategy. It will assist the transition to smart growth through a tourism economy underpinned with enhanced knowledge and innovation; to sustainable growth due to the accredited project management methodology promoting more resource efficient management of tourism European destinations; and inclusive growth as a result of job creation in tourism destinations due to their being managed more successfully. The project activities will be: | Researching and producing 15 real life case studies of best practices in managing sustainable tourism projects from European tourism destinations. These will be used to develop practical training materials for the training course | Developing a unique course curriculum and training materials including a training manual and teaching toolkit for trainers to be able to successfully run the programme for both industry practitioners and students | Piloting the training programme with 40 participants | Launching an online e-learning platform with electronic training materials | Developing guidelines for policymakers, industry and academia to demonstrate the connection between tourism education and employment and how to embed projects results in their VET systems. | Organising 4 public event in different European locations to communicate the results of the project to a wide range of audiences working in the tourism industry." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2015;2015-1-NL01-KA103-008568;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;This Final Beneficiary Report details the progress and developments for the Erasmus+ project Learning Mobility of Individuals, Mobility of Learners and Staff, Higher education student and staff mo...;;;TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITEIT DELFT;NL;NL;796.021,00;Yes;No;Other;Universidad;;not available;English;"This Final Beneficiary Report details the progress and developments for the Erasmus+ project Learning Mobility of Individuals, Mobility of Learners and Staff, Higher education student and staff mobility, Technische Universiteit Delft /TU Delft, NL DELFT 01, 2015-2017. Participation in the E+ project Learning Mobility of Individuals is part of TU Delfts strategic plan on Internationalization of Education, in order to maintain and strengthen its strong position in the international world, and to realize the following objectives: | - Increasing the number of TU Delft students with international experience which will greatly enhance interpersonal skills such as leadership, self-confidence, responsibility, social and cross-cultural skills which are important in the job market; - Expanding the intake of international students, which is important in creating an international teaching and learning environment, teaching students how to work effectively in multicultural settings and develop a global mind-set; - Increasing the mobility of staff and lecturers in order to improve their professional development and lecturer quality/teaching skills; - Further expansion and maintenance of international (strategic) collaborations in the areas of education, research, and training, with relevant multinationals, companies and governmental organizations, in order to position TU Delft as a leading global university. Both the University Corporate Office and the faculties are involved in the implementation of this strategic plan with the following recommendations for 2020: - The large majority of the graduates will have international experience through individual or structured mobility, minor abroad, structured student exchange or joint education programmes in either their BSc or their MSc curriculum. In order to reach this target the university will pursue an incentive policy to promote international study experience. Adequate facilities and ample information will be provided. For all outgoing mobility, it must be ensured that students remain on track , and will not fall behind during their time abroad; - Increasing the number of BSc English-taught courses/programmes: faculties will actively explore the possibilities of offering a larger number of BSc programmes and minors in English, thus promoting international incoming student mobility, beneficial for creating a more international study environment in the BSc phase; - The use of quality criteria for all international educational collaborations: reputation, level of education, the institutions organizational standards and standard of services, compatibility, language of instruction, level of incoming students, balance of incoming/outgoing mobility, and experiences with the partner. To meet these aims, all faculties: - strongly promote international outgoing student and staff mobility; - have introduced a mobility window in the BSc programmes to facilitate study abroad experience; - have started to use quality criteria in the choice of partner universities; - have enlarged the number of inter-institutional agreements for student and teaching staff mobility, leading to an increase in incoming and outgoing exchange students; - have extended the number of English-taught BSc courses and nearly all the thematical BSc minors are taught in English. In addition TU Delft has joined a new institutional network, Global E3, which enables engineering students to go abroad to attend universities all over the world, while earning credits at home.";"TU Delft is very satisfied with the obtained results in 2015-2017: - The intake of international students and staff has expanded, which is important in creating an international teaching and learning environment; - We have realized the planned numbers of E+ outgoing students and staff; - The overall satisfaction of all outbound and inbound participants is very high; - The content of the courses offered at TU Delft has been enriched; - The number of English-taught bachelor courses has increased; - It has increased the visibility of TU Delft all over the globe; - It has encouraged the development of new partnerships, as well as long term strategic international partnerships, which stimulate educational and research cooperation." Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2015;2015-1-NL01-KA201-008903;;;Healthy Body, Sustainable World;In this project countries of greatly diverse cultural and ethnic diversity come together to address unhealthy diets of our learners and their families. Thus adressing obesity and obesity related d...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Health and wellbeing;;Friesland College Stichting voor Algemeen Voortgezet Onderwijs, Beroepsonderwijs en Volwasseneneducatie;NL;NL,TR,EL,BG,PL,FR,IT;354.113,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"In this project countries of greatly diverse cultural and ethnic diversity come together to address unhealthy diets of our learners and their families. Thus adressing obesity and obesity related deseases like diabetes which is more alarming among our European minority groups than among others. The presence of a Turkish partner and one from a Creole background will secure the address to our minorities who merit special attention in our society. We want to involve our students in all of our activities like developing new and healthy snacks for school consumption, putting up a school garden to grow our own products, promoting entrepreneurship by selling the products from the garden and the self made new snacks and other food. Aspects of entrepreneusrship like legislation, hygiene, planning and budgetting are part of this learning activity. A school kiosk will serve as a selling point but our students will also go to markets and into the local community thus effecting a greater impact around. Social empathy will be enhanced by stimulating them to donate their profits and food surplusses to charity institutions and food banks, mosques and churches. In this way also increasing the impact upon the local community. The project also provides teaching materials on food, nutrients, food labels and eating habits both in the convential way by means of courses, practical and theoretical, but also in an informal way, applying improvising on Story Telling, competitions, fotography and Theatre work. New Technologies like creating new Apps for food waste reduction will likely trigger the interest of our students. During transnational learning activities students will show to the Project Community what they have done through Power Point Presentations, videos, food products, etc. They will cook and eat together adding to atmosphere and learning, enhancing mutual respect and battling xenofobia. Traditional cooking will be introduced again since cooking becomes a skill more and more obsolete among the new generation. Good and healthy food being replaced by fast food products. We want our students to cook again, also using old and forgotten vegetables, fresh herbs and local products. Next, Future Food will be a topic for our project. Waste reduction and Future Food being topics on the subject ""how to feed the planet in this century? "" which is also the theme of ""Expo 2015 "". Waste reduction, application of food surplusses and the use of local products must be included into our action. Using a tap water fountain at school instead of bottled water will be one of our promotions in this sense.";Each school contributes to the entire project with their specific competencies. The collective activities as described above will promote the interest of pupils and reduce Early School Leaving. Next, Early School Leaving programs among our partners will be compared and elements copied. Tests and inquiries will monitor the learning and motivation effect upon the learners and their parents. The colleagues at the respective schools will be informed on a regular basis and asked for help, advise and participation. For dissimination activities we use activities in the local community as mentioned above, school project corners and posters, presentations for the school community and parents, local press, Magazines, an e-book, a virtual classroom, a Website, internet like Youtube, Facebook, Twitter and other Social Media. Etwinning will be part of the dissimination activities. Results | Website | | | Dissemination material | | our Facebook page | our etwinning page with quality label Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2015;2015-1-NL01-KA201-009021;;;Digital Innovation in Cultural and Heritage Education in the light of 21st century learning;"Context & background Integrating the necessary skills to deal with complex 21st century realities in primary school education, such as the 4Cs Critical thinking, Creativity, Communication and Col...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Creativity and culture, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;Stichting Protestants Christelijk Hoger Beroepsonderwijs Utrecht, Marnix Academie;NL;NL,BE,IT,UK;287.831,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;Context & background: Integrating the necessary skills to deal with complex 21st century realities in primary school education, such as the 4Cs Critical thinking, Creativity, Communication and Collaboration, asks for innovation. Cultural and heritage education has the potential of integrating 21st century learning in education, whereas digital resources can make cultural and heritage education more appealing to pupils. However, schools teachers and cultural educators struggle to use the full potential of digital learning tools. Their organisations invest in digital equipment such as smart boards and tablets, but often use it rather conservatively. Meanwhile, developers of ICT/digital storytelling tools in education aim to make the existing technologies more mainstream in education. Scholars in (digital) innovation in (cultural and heritage) education still face many pending research questions related to the effects of using digital tools and resources in education. Aims & objectives: To address the needs of primary schools, teachers, teachers colleges, parties active in culture and heritage, the ICT/E-learning sector and scholars, this project aims to integrate digital resources and opportunities in primary education in general and in cultural and heritage education in particular. Thus, the project supports (prospective) teachers to deliver high quality teaching, to deal with complex classroom realities and to adopt new teaching methods and digital tools. These aims are attained through 6 objectives: 1. develop a common research agenda on the use of digital tools in cultural and heritage education in the light of 21st century learning | 2. formulate desirable long-term development directions in the use of digital resources in cultural and heritage education. 3. develop a menu of scenarios with digital resources, for (prospective) teachers, to be used in various contexts in cultural and heritage education: 4. run pilots to test the menu and evaluate outcomes. 5. recommendations for the use of digital tools in cultural and heritage education. 6. create a sustainable partnership of complementary parties in digital innovatino in cultural and heritage education. Participants: The partnership consists of 6 parties in 4 countries. 1. MARNIX (NL): a teachers college, with a program for teachers to become experts in cultural (heritage) education and research centre specialised in (digital) interaction in primary school education. 2. LEU (NL) facilitates cultural and heritage education at primary schools in Utrecht. 3. ATIT (BE) is a research and consultancy company and a mediator between technology providers and educational users. 4. LBORO (UK) is specialized in digital storytelling, especially in education. 5. COOPCULTURE (IT) provides cultural heritage education to primary school children and other audiences. 6. UNIROMATRE (IT) has ample knowledge in the use of technology in education, particularly in (cultural) heritage education | Cultuurcompagnie/Plein C and Kunst Centraal both cultural educators - are associate partners and can share digital materials used in cultural and heritage education. Methodology: The methodology is based on starting with a theoretical basis (research agenda), translated into a practical menu of digital teaching scenarios, testing the menu and using the outcomes to enrich the theory.;"Results & impact: The project foresees 3 intellectual outputs, 6 multiplier events and 5 project meetings. Intellectual Outputs are: O1: Common research agenda. O2: Menu of digital tools (pilot). O3: Set of recommendations for the use of digital tools in cultural and heritage education. The 6 Multiplier Events reach at least 190 professionals. The intellectual outputs will benefit at least 1050 participants (teachers, pupils, researchers). Expected impact on target groups: - Participants: valuable EU experience, valuable network, more transversal and basic skills especially in the use of digital tools in class; in new innovative methods for cultural and heritage education for 21st Century learning skills - Participating organisations will integrate results in their daily business and courses. - pupils at primary schools will get inspiring culture and heritage lessons - (teachers at) primary schools will learn how to innovate their lessons using digital tools, with focus on 21st century learning | - Teachers colleges are provided with a theoretical framework and will be able to teach innovative methods for 21st century learning skills | - Cultural and heritage sector will know how to innovate their education to children using digital tools - Universities gain a theoretical framework and relevant recommendations for the use of digital tools in (cultural and heritage) education, as a basis for new research - ICT sector is provided with a theoretical framework and recommendations to develop applications that fit demands of teachers and schools" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2015;2015-1-NL01-KA203-008986;;;Competency-based COurse on Translational Research and MEdiciNes Development for PhDs and Post-docs;"Background Translational research and medicines development refers to the translation of basic scientific discoveries into clinical applications such as new therapeutic, diagnostic or preventive ...";Recognition (non-formal and informal learning/credits), Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Health and wellbeing;;EATRIS ERIC;NL;NL,DE,AT,SE;256.483,86;Yes;No;European or international public body;Administracin;;;English;The objective of C-COMEND is to bring together players from different sectors and disciplines in order to develop curricula and provide a course aimed at PhD students and early Post-Docs, teaching the skills and competencies required to successfully contribute to translational research and medicines development. To ensure that the course indeed teaches the right skills and is relevant for the labour market, be it in academia, industry or the regulatory field, the course curriculum will be based on a competency profile developed during the project. The course will be delivered as a blended course, where the face-to-face course is preceded by e-learning to bring learners to the same level of understanding, thus allowing more in-depth discussion during the face-to-face course. The project aims at delivering the courses to a broad target group. The face-to-face course will therefore be offered twice during the project lifetime with 15 participants for each course from project partners and 15 from participants outside the consortium. The e-learning module will be made accessible to all biomedical students and professionals in Europe and worldwide. The methodology to develop the courses is the ADDIE principle. ADDIE stands for the steps needed to prepare an effective learning session and which will be implemented in this project accordingly: 1) During the Analysis phase, the project will develop a competency profile for students and professionals in translational research and medicines development. Competency provides a shared currency applicable to learning of all types and at all career stages. The profile will include not only the scientific competencies but also competencies in transversal skills and entrepreneurship. The profile will be complemented by a competency portfolio where participants can document the new competencies plus the competencies they already acquired during previous formal, informal and non-formal learning, to support the recognition of their competencies. 2) During the Design Phase, the consortium will design and document the curricula for courses based on the competency profile. The curriculum will apply multi-competency training wherever possible. This will include student presentations of their projects, which will teach the latest scientific developments but also improve their presentation skills. 3) During the Development Phase, the course content will be designed including learning methods which promote the transfer of course content into observable competencies and cater for different learning styles. 4) The Implantation Phase will consist of the implementation of the e-learning module and the face-to-face courses. 5) The feedback of the Evaluation Phase will be used to optimise the 2nd delivery of the e-learning and face-to-face course. In addition to the curricula, courses, the competency profile and a scientific publication, the project will deliver a Business Plan describing how the face-to-face and e-learning courses can be maintained in a way that enables a broad participation and reduces the costs for participants.;"The envisaged impacts are Enhanced quality and increasing labour market relevance of learning provision via the developed curricula based on a competency profile Improving career opportunities of course participants Fostering the interaction between research, education and innovation Services available to a broad audience Support of mobility (between countries and public & private sector); Longer term benefits Delivery of competencies ensuring the European competitiveness of Medicines Development; Sustainable contribution to strategic planning of professional development via a publically available competency profile Increased number of scientific ideas turned into innovative products bringing growth and jobs to the European economy. Improvements in public health due to better trained professionals. Competency Profile for Translational Scientists; New Curriculum for e-learning course on medicines development; New curriculum for face-to-face course on medicines development; Business Plan. Results | Website | | | Without category | | Competency Profile for Translational Scientists | New Curriculum for e-learning course on medicines development | New curriculum for face-to-face course on medicines development | Business Plan" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2015;2015-1-NL01-KA219-008877;;;Europe 2100: A Sustainable Future for European Youth;Our starting point is a high-impact topic: the need to make our lifestyles sustainable within the next few decades. According to IPCC by the year 2100 Europes emissions of greenhouse gasses shou...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Energy and resources, Environment and climate change;;Stichting voor Voortgezet Onderwijs Kennemerland;NL;NL,LT,FR,IT;167.042,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"Our starting point is a high-impact topic: the need to make our lifestyles sustainable within the next few decades. According to IPCC by the year 2100 Europes emissions of greenhouse gasses should be reduced to 0% in order to limit the global warming to 2 degrees. Together we, four European schools from The Netherlands, France, Italy and Lithuania, want to find a route to a sustainable future for the next generation in Europe and, by extension, elsewhere. | | | | At the same time our school boards share the need to motivate students in order to get better (exam) results, also from excellent students, more students who choose challenging scientific studies and less absenteeism and drop outs. | | By working on the topic of Climate Change we aim to enhance our education in two ways: | | 1. strengthening the profile of the teaching profession. | | 2. getting the students to learn in innovative ways. | | During two years we are planning to travel to each school to learn from experts about solutions for Europe 2100. We will have a constant participation of 2 teachers (the accepted minimum in international exchanges) and 10/12 students. | | Each visit will have a theme related to sustainability: | | 1. Beverwijk, November 2015: ""Climate Change"" and ""The End of the Conventional Energy Supply"", | | 2. Desenzano, March 2016: ""Sustainable lifestyle, Sustainable Transport and Food"", | | 3. Vilnius, October 2016: ""Energy Efficiency for a Sustainable Future"", | | 4. Longwy, March 2017: ""Sustainable Waste Management"" and ""The EU Policy for a Sustainable Future"", | | 5. Texel, June 2017: ""A Carbon Free Future"". | | | | During the five-day Meetings students will attend the experts lectures, go on excursions (for example in Holland to a windmill farm or in Lithuania to a pump storage power plant and closed nuclear plant) . Together during the meeting they will produce their presentations for Ted Talks, to be delivered peer-to-peer when they return to their country. They will also attend English language lessons on the topic, so they acquire the specific jargon. After each exchange teachers of different subjects from the host country will develop an interactive Learning and Teaching Module. This will be a high-quality product, deriving from the results and outcomes of the lectures and will be available on our Learning Portal and on Twin Space for teachers and students to use. In the months after each visit, the Module will have a follow up in the form of project days in each school. These projects may consist in Ted Talks, CLIL lessons or similar initiatives. In the Netherlands teachers familiar with the topics will take part using the SVOK-academy. Around 300 persons per school will benefit from these activities. | ";"The expected impact is manifold. We aim to see long-term results on four levels: | | 1. Students will be more motivated for school by gaining autonomy and being able to change the future by finding solutions for the climate problem. They also enhance their cross-curricular competence, develop their language skills and European citizenship. | | 2. Teachers discover new teaching methods using the Learning Portal and gain high-level knowledge on the topic of sustainable development. Also, they learn to work in interdisciplinary teams, and are motivated to go abroad for their professional development. | | 3. Schools will be more attractive and have better results because of the strengthening of the teaching profession and increased motivation among students who will have better education, better results and fewer dropouts. Also, the schools will have created contacts with national institutions and research centres and become more international-oriented. | | 4. Outside our schools, we will spread the new teaching / learning methods and the sustainable solutions for Europe 2100 by promoting the Learning Portal. With the multiplier event on Texel (June 2017) we will disseminate our results also to people outside our local network. | | | | The results and impact described above will be made sustainable by continuing to work together as one project team after 2017. The resources needed will be provided by the schools but we intend to apply for a new Erasmus+ project between 2017- 2019. | | | | We expect to be able to take the following actions: | | 1. the Learning Portal will be promoted with the four learning Modules on ""Europe 2100: A sustainable Future for European Youth"" as teaching resources and for individual e-Learning. Each school will apply the expertise in e-Learning developed with the Learning Portal and the four Interactive Modules to new educational contexts, | | 2. Peer-to-peer learning will be taken in each school as a model to be extended to different educational contexts, | | 3. contacts with the ocal school network and authorities will be enforced for further initiatives and collaboration. | | | | These activities will ensure the long-term dissemination of results, using the motivation of the international Project Team and each school's human, intellectual and digital resources. Results | Website | | | Without category | | Learning Portal | website | Debate Texel | Peer-to-peer-lessons | Programms | Press Releases | lectures from external experts | ECN Marcel Weeda Renewable Energy | more lectures | more lectures" Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-PL01-KA101-015242;;;LEPIEJ ZROZUMIE_, BY LEPIEJ POMC - wyzwania wychowawcze dla nauczyciela 2015-2016;The project Understand better to help better-dealing with pupil behavioural challenges in 2015-2016 lasted 12 months and was directed to the to the teaching staff of Zesp_ Szk_ Technicznych i ...;Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;Zespol Szkol Technicznych i Licealnych;PL;PL,IT;24.784,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;The project Understand better to help better-dealing with pupil behavioural challenges in 2015-2016 lasted 12 months and was directed to the to the teaching staff of Zesp_ Szk_ Technicznych i Licealnych in Czechowice-Dziedzice, Poland. | The analyses of the schools needs (the pupils educational situation, the level of international cooperation, usage of ITC tools, the level of social and organizational competences of the teachers) showed the necessity of: | -increasing the knowledge and experience of the teachers about the way of thinking of the contemporary teens, the ways of dealing with pupils difficult behavior, learning practical strategies of working with them, | -broadening the European dimension of the school, | -development of other competences of the teachers. | | The project engaged 15 people from ZSTiL - the teachers of general and vocational subjects and the school pedagogue, at the age of 3555 with the 11-30 years of seniority. | | The aim of the project was mainly to improve the quality of the school's performance. The execution of the project resulted in taking a better care of the pupils, tailored to the needs of contemporary teens and complies with the latest knowledge about their behaviour.Other goals were to increase the school's European dimension, develop the teachers various competences (inter-cultural, European, social, linguistic,ITC). | The project did influence the schools other teachers, the pupils, their parents and the very school, the local and European communities. | | The following tasks were executed: | a)a 20-hour language course, | b)a cultural training on Italy (6 hours), | c)an essential training devoted to the projects topic (6 hours), | d)participation of 12 people in a 5-day course abroad Teenagers with Behaviour Disorders Or Bad Boys?,organized by Progetto Crescere, Reggio Emilia, Itlay, | e)participation of 4 people in a 4-day job shadowing at Liceo Scientifico Statale G.da Procida,Salerno, Italy, | f)participation in individually chosen online courses on ITC tools at the eTwinning platform (all project's participants), | g)activities implementing and promoting the projects results. | The above mentioned activities were conducted in various forms, mainly in group cooperation and with varied methodology: a talk, lecture, presentation, discussion, conversation, reflection, case study, surveillance, e-learning, visits at schools, etc.;"The execution of the project resulted in the following: | -the quality of school's work has improvedoperating procedures for dealing with pupils with behavioural disorders and socially maladapted have been worked out, and thus the effectiveness of educational activities has gone up; the quality of care of the pupils has improved thus minimizing the negative results of problems connected with teenagers' behaviour, the bad impact of pupils with behavioural disorders on their peers is decreasing and a better integration of such pupils with other teens is visible; the cooperation of teachers and parents has become more professional, | -the teachers teaching and educational competences have developed-they have broadened their knowledge about behavioural disorders and their diagnosing, the methods of working with pupils with such defects, bullying and its preventing; they also analysed the educational projects about pedagogical and psychological care carried out by the foreign partners; they exchanged their experience with the Italian experts, | -the schools European dimension has expanded as well as those of our foreign partner institutions, e.g. by increasing the network of international contacts, | -the teachers numerous competences have been developed: European, inter-cultural, linguistic, computer, social and organizational ones, | -the integration of the teaching staff has improved, | -the teachers engagement in the school's work increased, they have become more aware of the common responsibility of the school's welfare, e.g.2 application forms for Erasmus+ project were submitted, an eTwinning project-Sierpinski Carpet Project was successfully completed, | -the schools prestige in the local community has changed for the better, | -the prestige of the foreign institutions cooperating with us has also increased, | -the knowledge in the local community about Erasmus+ program and about Italy has broadened; the attitude of tolerance towards the cultural diversity of Europe has improved, | -we have managed to make other European schools interested in running similar projects in the future. | | To sum up, the execution of the project resulted in a better functioning of the school in teaching and educational areas and broadened the school's European dimension. The skills and abilities acquired by the teachers while doing the project were already used and will be used in the future for planning and executing further actions on behalf of the school (e.g. applying for other European projects)" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2015;2015-1-PL01-KA201-016817;;;Camouflage and Safety in the Virtual World;The aim of Camouflage and Safety in the Virtual World was to create awareness about cyberbullying and the need of Internet safety which are the major issues of digital age. We were watching as i...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, International cooperation ...;;Szkola Podstawowa w Pobiedziskach;PL;PL,CY,EL,PT,TR,BG;132.510,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;The aim of Camouflage and Safety in the Virtual World was to create awareness about cyberbullying and the need of Internet safety which are the major issues of digital age. We were watching as in our school increases the number of cases of bullying ,especially cyberbullying and we developed a training guide for all teachers, students and parents to help to solve this problem .We tried to prevent bullying and to tackle the cases of bullying effectively because no prevention efforts would make bullying disappear once and for all. Moreover we were constantly monitoring the situation in partner schools and the changes taking place over time .Although cyberbullying appears, according to statistics, not very often in comparison to other Internet dangers, it is proved to be emotionally the most painful Internet danger . Our target was to make aware all stakeholders (children, youngsters, teachers, parents, local society, educational policy makers, local authirities, authorities in partner countries) of how important are ICT nowadays and how to make a conscious and safe use of it. We tried to equip our students with digital skills and competences to learn, live and work in a hyper-connected world. Although most of our students are digital natives they are not digital competent. Most of them use the Internet daily despite not being taught any safety policies or useful tips connected with using it. They tend to download anything, accept whatever and they really dont understand exactly what every click means. In the future it can have negative impact for them when entering in the working world.We tried to teach children and young people, parents and carers, educators or social care workers, or indeed industry, decision makers, politicians to be competent users of the Social networks, because they are a critical resource for their career and educational futures but the entry to the world can be difficult and rules need to be followed. Teachers, parents must be aware and understand how they can support their students to enter the world safely so that their digital footprint is positive and they are aware of the issues. | The project also highlighted ways in which online technology is used for good practices in the education field (eTwinning program,e-learning, blended learning, CERT,Gateway) ,This portrayed a concrete picture of the realities todays children live in, where computer is part of their life. Contemporary reality and technology have increased the amount of time young people spend on the Internet. Many of the situations that are created in the virtual space are just as real as if they take place in person, because they are related to communication and exchange not only information but also emotions. That's why young people are faced with the task of not only learn how to manage reality, but also for actions in the virtual world.;The partners created school policies and procedures in the form of a guide applicable to any primary level school within their countries or even within European territory on the safe use of the Internet and preventing cyberbullying. As the problem is international we exchanged good practise on the topic not only between schools from different countries, different cultures and historical and geographical background but also with international institutions (University of Coimbra,Portugal, Intermedi@kt , Greece). University of Coimbra has enormous experience in the subject of cyberbullying (numerous international research and projects) and was leading organisation in teacher training activities. We have one school from the poorest region of Bulgaria and there we organised one of Teaching/Training/Learning Activities in order to give those community of students and teachers opportunity to understand the diversity of European cultures and languages.Two of project partners haven't had previous experience in international project so they benefitted most from the multicultural experience of others, i.e. University of Coimbra, which differs much from the learning/teaching environment of their home countries. Both our project meetings in reality and in virtual world (blended mobility) were a valuable international pedagogical experience for the teachers and students involved in organisation and implementation of the project. We compared different education systems, test innovative teaching methods, peer-learned and used new gained experience in the project activities and are going to practice them after the end of the project in daily routine.The project strenghtened the capacities of organisations involved benfiting from new perspectives and experience and European dimension in school education, enabled students and teachers to work together in multinational and multidisciplinary groups and so benefit from special learning and teaching conditions not available in a single institution and to gain new perspective on the topis of cyberbullying. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2015;2015-1-PL01-KA201-016963;;;Multicultural Schools - Enhancing Cultural and Linguistic Treasure of Europe through Teachers;EU is founded on unity in diversity: diversity of cultures, religions, custom, beliefs and languages. According to Eurostat, from 2016, over 35 million of people living in EU Member States wer...;Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;SPOLECZNA AKADEMIA NAUK;PL;PL,ES,IT,EL,BE;268.293,06;Yes;No;Other;Universidad;;;English;"EU is founded on unity in diversity: diversity of cultures, religions, custom, beliefs and languages. According to Eurostat, from 2016, over 35 million of people living in EU Member States were born outside EU. Most of these people that moved from one country to another have settled families where more than one cultural background is experienced in daily life. However, the children of such families are treated differently and often emerge some problem areas related with the integration of these children at school, concerning both language and educational aspects. For this reason, the project MULTICULTURAL SCHOOLS targeted lack of support in adopting new strategies and practices for teachers on capitalisation on cultural diversity in the classroom as, unfortunately, teachers are not prepared on how to adequately integrate these children and how to approach them during their educational path. Thus, the GENERAL OBJECTIVE of this project was to address lack of appropriate skills and competences of teachers on how to deal with multicultural classes and in the same time strengthen profile of teachers, helping them in solving out difficult situations with children coming from different religious and ethnic groups. The SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES of this project were: -to develop handbook containing new methodology on how to deal with multiculturalism at schools; -to prepare an online e-course enabling teachers to acquire new competencies; -to provide ready-to-use materials for teachers to be used in multicultural classrooms for children among 6-13 years; -to promote, preserve and enhance cultural richness of European society. To reach these goals, the project partnership, consisting of organisations from Poland, Italy, Belgium, Greece and Spain (3 universities, each having different focus, 1 SME, 1 European association of teachers, 1 PA in charge for education) have merged their collective experience and specific skills in the field of multicultural education. The project firstly produced O1 - REPORT ON THE CHALLENGES FACED BY TEACHERS IN THEIR EDUCATIONAL WORK, that worked as the basis for further outputs, to clarify on which areas the project should in particularly focus. In order to reinforce collaboration among teachers and parents, the partners collected GOOD PRACTISES OF COOPERATION AMONG SCHOOLS AND MULTICULTURAL PARENTS (O5) giving real examples to be taken as inspirations.";As the key output, the project provided teachers with O4 - TEACHERS HANDBOOK ON CULTURALLY INCLUSIVE EDUCATION, based on Q&A model, giving suggestions on different situations the teachers of multicultural classes may face. The handbook was developed in six European languages (EN, PL, ES, IT, FR, GR). This output refers to O3 - REPOSITORY OF ACTIVITIES FOR TEACHERS, containing resources, activities and materials ready-to-use in multicultural classes. The handbook has an online extension and was transformed into PROBLEM-BASED-LEARNING E-COURSE FOR TEACHERS (O7) that has the possibility to release certificates after successful completion. In addition, ONLINE NETWORKING & LEARNING PLATFORM (O6) enabling networking and exchanging hands-on experiences through discussion groups of teachers, educators and parents was created. The main impact of the project: number of downloaded materials of repository (O3) almost 20.000. number of members of platform (O6) and FB group 192 members + 226 FB members. number of e-course (O7) views - 1.681 unique views. number of downloaded certificates (O7) more than 402 downloads. number of attendees to Multiplier Events - over 340 participants. number of website visitors over 10.000 visitors. total number of website pages view - 47.468. average session duration on the website 3,5 hours. number of FB likes more than 3.050 likes. the project was shown on Spanish TV programme and Radio programme. publication of Press Release in Italian online magazine Europa & Mediterraneo n.49 that has thousands of subscribers. publication of article about MCS in newspapers out of partners countries, Romanian Newspapers Replica, Observator de Constanta, Centre for Education Development in Poland, Telegraf and in German Europische Erziehung. presentation of MCS project and outputs at 15 International Conferences. 2 Poster Presentation of MCS project. 4 Scientific Papers presented. Considering this, MULTICULTURAL SCHOOLS project provides teachers with new competences, responds to up-to-dated questions about multiculturalism in schools and contributes to mutual recognition of every form of cultural diversity as a treasure for the next EU generations. Results | Website | | | Without category | | Report on the challenges faced by teachers in their educational work in multicultural classes | Repository of Activities for Teachers working with Multicultural Classes | Teachers Handbook on Culturally Inclusive Education (English) | Teachers Handbook on Culturally Inclusive Education (Polish) | Teachers Handbook on Culturally Inclusive Education (Italian) | Teachers Handbook on Culturally Inclusive Education (Greek) | Teachers Handbook on Culturally Inclusive Education (French) | Teachers Handbook on Culturally Inclusive Education (Spanish) | Good Practices of Cooperation among Schools and Multicultural Parents (English) | Good Practices of Cooperation among Schools and Multicultural Parents (Polish) | Good Practices of Cooperation among Schools and Multicultural Parents (Italian) | Good Practices of Cooperation among Schools and Multicultural Parents (Greek) | Good Practices of Cooperation among Schools and Multicultural Parents (French) | Good Practices of Cooperation among Schools and Multicultural Parents (Spanish) | Online Networking & Learning Platform | Problem-Based-Learning (PBL) e-course for teachers Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-PL01-KA202-016439;;;Count me in too! VET for people with disabilites through cultural institutions.;The Count Me In Too! (CMI2) project originated from the partners' conviction that no European citizen should be disadvantaged in education or in the workplace because of his/her disability. The pa...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Access for disadvantaged, Disabilities - special needs;;"BIELSKIE STOWARZYSZENIE ARTYSTYCZNE ""TEATR GRODZKI""";PL;PL,SE,AT,HU,DK,UK;295.231,83;Yes;No;Cultural operators;Otros;;;English;The Count Me In Too! (CMI2) project originated from the partners' conviction that no European citizen should be disadvantaged in education or in the workplace because of his/her disability. The partners focused on finding new ways to improve the use of diverse resources of organisations and people. Aware that lifelong learning is perceived as highly desirable in the European Union, and the labour market in Europe values constant updating of knowledge and professional skills, the partners agreed that it is highly relevant to improve vocational education and training for people with special needs (e.g. autism, ADHD, Asperger's syndrome) and learning difficulties. CMI2 aimed to build a methodology for the inclusion of such people in the society, and more specifically - in the job market. The partnership also wanted to empower such people and increase their self-esteem. | | Based on the needs analysis and research conducted within the previous project (Count Me In), the CMI2 partners carried out further needs analyses, developed a methodology, tools and materials for introducing new technologies to VET of those groups, and tried to transfer the created methodologies to all EU countries by making them available in English, German, Polish, Danish, Swedish and Hungarian.;"The project complemented and improved upon the existing eLearning and training courses by developing an ultra-simple and intuitive App Generator meant to enable employers and educators of people with learning difficulties to create simple task-based apps for the workers and trainees with learning disabilities to work more independently. The tool was equipped with a step-by-step built-in tutorial which allows users to get acquainted with the Generator at their own pace, and makes it possible to put content into the app while the user is being guided. | | Additionally, a bank of 11 English apps and 8 apps in each partner language was created. The topics included getting ready for work (job interview, getting to work by bus); basic maths (making a sandwich, using a cash register); handicrafts (making a paper puppet, making a paper bag); social competences and customer service (how to greet guests or customers); everyday activities (making breakfast; using a washing machine); professional tasks (binding a book) and relaxation (muscle relaxation). | | The apps were thoroughly tested by VET professionals and people with disabilities and learning difficulties in each partner organisation, and feedback was obtained to support the creation of some tips and guidelines on how to integrate the apps into the workplace. By combining the App Generator with the established VETPRO training courses and eLearning material, we increased the impact, usability and accessibility of the methodology for VET for special needs through cultural institutions to many EU countries (the training material is offered in the languages of all participating countries: Poland, Austria, Sweden, UK, Denmark and Hungary). | | The project goals and activities completed during the first year of the project (01.09.2015 - 31.08.2016) were: the creation of all Work Plans related to Intellectual Outputs; carrying out an expanded Needs Analysis with new examples from Austria, Hungary and Poland to prove the validity of the project; the identification of stakeholders and interested parties, the creation of the Generator; the translation of Generator into all the partner languages; the creation of 8 super simple training apps and accompanying eLearning Modules; the creation of the OER platform, Impact and Sustainability Plan, Evaluation Plan, Dissemination Plan and Management Plan and the tests of the App Generator in Austria, Denmark, Hungary and Poland. | | The project goals and activities completed during the second year of the project (1.09.2016 31.08.2017) were: an improvement of the beta version of the Generator; the creation of further apps in English; the creation of further eLearning Modules; the translation of 8 relevant apps into national languages; the translation of 8 relevant partner eLearning material/modules into national languages; the supplementation of OER platform content; writing the project methodology publication; translating the publication into all the national languages; uploading the publications to the OER platform; holding seminars, workshops and courses in Denmark, Austria, Hungary and Poland; undertaking numerous effective dissemination activities; adaptation of a live training course with modules on using the app generator; internal and external evaluation; and finally, holding a successful final conference New Technologies in Vocational and Educational Training in Bielsko-Biala, Poland, on 08.06.2017, with the participation of all the partner organisations and two keynote speakers from outside the partnership. | | All the project goals, activities and outcomes outlined in the project description were accomplished in a timely manner, and all the deadlines were duly met. Results | Website | | | Without category | | App Generator | 8 simple training apps | OER platform | eLearning modules | Adapted live training course module | Expanded needs analysis | Methodology publication" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-PL01-KA202-016464;;;Logistics Language Open Training;"The 'Logistics Language Open Training' - LLOT project was carried out in 2015-2018 by a consortium whose leader was the Higher School of Logistics based in Pozna_. The aim of the LLOT project was...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;WYZSZA SZKOLA LOGISTYKI Z SIEDZIBA W POZNANIU;PL;PL,DE,IT,UK;356.791,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (tertiary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"The 'Logistics Language Open Training' - LLOT project was carried out in 2015-2018 by a consortium whose leader was the Higher School of Logistics based in Pozna_. | The aim of the LLOT project was to provide tools for the improvement of language competences among people working in the logistics sector or studying to work in logstics sector. | The LLOT consortium was consist of four partners: | - speakeasy Berlin GmbH - Language school from Berlin (Germany) specializing in teaching foreign languages including German with special emphasis on specialist language (eg for industry). In the project responsible for the development of the German language course and the location of the contents of the logistics courses; | - Globalnet sp. O.o. - language school from Poznan (Poland) specializing in teaching foreign languages and creating interactive language courses. Responsible in the project for devloping the Polish and English language courses and coordinating the development of e-learning language courses; | - CIS SCUOLA PER LA GESTIONE D'IMPRESA SOCIETA CONSORTILE A RESPONSABILITA LIMITATA - a training organization (offering training for industry and logistics) from Reggio Emilia (Italy). CIS has a language school in organizational structure. In the LLOT project responsible for the development of the Italian language course, creating an e-learning platform and location of the content of logistics courses; | - Jamieson-Ball Ltd - language school from London (Great Britain) responsible in the LLOT project for methodological supervision over the development of the English language course. | The consortium leader was Poznan School of Logistics, responsible not only for the coordination of project activities but also for the development of logistics courses (content and implementation). | The project mainly focused on: | - developing of intellectual outputs, | - dissemination of the project outcomes, | - project management. | The SCRUM methodology was used to develop the results of intellectual outputs. The SCRUM methodology allows incremental development of solutions. In the case of LLOT, it consisted in creating a part of the course content, developing graphic parts of this course, creating e-learning lessons and testing. | In the field of dissemination, the partners reported to the coordinator: the concept of organizing dissemination evnts, channels used to disseminate project outcomes and the effects of dissemination meetings. | Project management tools such as milestones, Gant's charts, cost-rising curves, and quality reports were used in project management. The project management has three management areas: project quality management, time management and financial management.";The LLOT project was innovative due to the set of didactic methods used and the definition and two-stage implementation of the CLIL method for the purpose of training language competences in logistics. CLIL in the LLOT project is teaching English on the basis of logistic texts. It was assumed that language courses (for PL, EN, DE, IT languages) would prepare for B2 language level. | The LLOT project has 6 results: | - O1 - content of the e-learning language course (PL, EN, DE, IT) | - O2 - e-learning language course (PL, EN, DE, IT) | - O3 - e-learning logistics course: Transport management (PL, EN, DE, IT) | - O4 - e-learning logistics course: Supply chain management (PL, EN, DE, IT) | - O5 - e-learning logistics course: Warehouse management (PL, EN, DE, IT) | - O6 - e-learning platform (PL, EN, DE, IT) | The language course consists of four language courses: English, German, Polish and Italian. Language courses have been developed based on logistic vocabulary. | Logistics courses (in each language version) consist of 30 lessons (each lesson corresponds to 2 hours in contact classes). Each course is divided into four modules. Each module ended with a testing test. | The e-learning platform has three roles: | - informing about the LLOT project, | - a platform that allows you to manage language courses, | - a platform that allows you to manage the content of logistics courses. | All results of the LLOT project are one integral educational tool specialized in language skills development for the logistics industry. | The project and its outputs have helped to improve language skills among employees of the logistics sector and people educating in this area. Knowledge of foreign languages is particularly important in the logistics industry, which is caused by the globalization of the economy and the need to move goods. | From the beginning of the project, the platform has recorded a total of over 2,284,000 views with over 187,000 session (data from Google Analitics). | As at 31/08/2018, the number of registered users on the platform amounted to 1624 users and was still growing. | In total, on the platform 938 users passed the final tests of logistics and business courses in a language other than the language given as their native language. Results | Website | | | Direct effect on participants and project partners | | O6: LLOT e-learning platform | O2 Development of the language e-learning courses with gamification elements | O3: Inventory management in supply chain | O4: Logistics e-learning course: Warehouising | O5: Logistics e-learning course: Transport management | LLOT final monograpy Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-PL01-KA202-016875;;;Geometrical Product Specification and Verification as toolbox to meet up-to-date technical requirements ;The ISO standards for the Geometrical Product Specification and Verification (GPS) define an internationally uniform symbol language, that allows expressing unambiguously and completely all requir...;Open and distance learning, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;AKADEMIA TECHNICZNO-HUMANISTYCZNA W BIELSKU-BIALEJ;PL;PL,FR,DE,CH,UK,RO,IT;383.879,43;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;"The ISO standards for the Geometrical Product Specification and Verification (GPS) define an internationally uniform symbol language, that allows expressing unambiguously and completely all requirements for the geometry of a product with the corresponding requirements for the inspection process in technical drawings, taking into account possibilities of measurement technology. This avoids ambiguities and inconsistencies during the planning of manufacturing and inspection processes and in addition costs through time-consuming arrangements between the client and suppliers. | The GPS that is inherently inscribed in design of mechanical parts plays important role in the competitiveness of a company and essential in client-supplier co-operation. | Basing on the experiences of the consortium members and especially industrial partner VW, one can be sure that both the companies and engineers await a high-quality training offer in the range of GPS. | The GPS-VToolbox project produced innovating curriculum content and structure. The curriculum was developed by taking into account current trends in engineering education as well as practice-based cases. | Consortium consisted of very well experienced partners and experts in the proposed subject. The coordinating institution is University of Bielsko-Biala (Poland). Other involved partners are: Warsaw University of Technology (Poland), Friedrich-Alexander-Universitat Erlangen Nurnberg (Germany), Universita Degli Studi di Padova (Italy), Universitatea Tehnica Cluj-Napoca (Romania), University of Huddersfield (UK), Interstaatliche Hochschule fur Technik Buchs NTB (Switzerland), Ecole Normale Superieure de Cachan (France), and Volkswagen AG (Germany). Most of the consortium members participated in common EU projects concerned with vocational training. Members of the consortium have expert knowledge in wide range of areas, and this way have complementary competencies in the subject. | The main product of the project, i.e. the training offer on ""Geometrical Product Specification and Verification as a toolbox to meet up-to-date requirement"" was developed by using a Blended-Learning methodology. | The contents is imparted by eLearning-modules that are basically meant for web-based access. The eLearning content consists of explanatory text, enriched (where applicable) with graphics, videos, animations, simulations, practical examples and tasks for the learner self-testing.";Each learning module was developed by authors of 2 different Universities and the content was revised by 3rd member of the consortium. The content includes also quizzes in form of a comprehension questions to enable verification of learning level by the user. Due to extensive use of specialized terms the English language revision had to be performed by a native speaker expert in GPS. | The proposed curriculum covers: | geometrical characteristics | size and ISO system of limits and fits | tolerances of form, orientation, location and runout | the principle of independency and other requirements (e.g. E, M, L, R, P, F) | general tolerances, complex geometrical features (threads, splines, gears) | roughness, waviness and primary profile (2D and 3D) | measurements with use of conventional measuring devices, measuring machines (especially CMMs) | measurements of form deviations and surface roughness | measurements in micro- and nanoscale | inspection by gauges and decision rules for proving conformance or non-conformance with specifications | measurement uncertainty | tolerancing of assemblies | dimensional chains | calibration of measuring equipment. | The detailed curriculum is included in the IO no. 1. | Target audience of the project outputs were industrial workers and engineers using up-to-date GPS documentation of the requirements of manufactured parts. The exploitation plan foresees usage of the output material for vocational training of industry employees especially automotive and aviation industries. Via dissemination activities and Multiplier Events performed by all partners a significant number of the members of the target audience was introduces to the project. In all cases the feedback received was very positive. | Another group which was introduced to the subject of the project are students of mechanical engineering faculties. These students are in near future beginning their first jobs in machine design industry. The acquisition of new skills will improve employment opportunities for them. During the project a few groups of students at different partner Universities were testers of the learning material and platform functionality. | The developed course can be a step for the establishment of a standardized and European-wide harmonized educational offer for the vocational training and lifelong learning of mechanical engineers Results | Website | | | Feedback from participants | | O1 - User Needs Annalysis Summary | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | O1 - GPSVToolbox course curriculum | O1 - Didactical guidelines for authors of GPSVToolbox course | O1 - Technical specification for authors | O1 - Learning platform | O2 - Learning module no. 1 | O2 - Learning module no. 3 | O2 - Learning module no. 4 | O3 - Learning module no. 5 | O3 - Learning module no. 6 | O3 - Learning module no. 7 | O4 - Learning module no 8 | O5 - Learning module no. 9 | O6 - Learning module no. 10 | O7 - Learning module no. 11 | O8 - Learning module no. 12 | O9 - Learning module no. 2 | O9 - Learning module no. 13 | O9 - Learning module no. 14 | O10 - Learning module no. 15 | O11 - Learning module no. 16 | O12 - Learning module no. 17 | O13 - Learning module no. 23 | O14 - Learning module no. 24 | O15 - Learning module no. 22 | O15 - Learning module no. 25 | O16 - Learning module no. 26 | O17 - Learning module no. 27 | O18 - Learning module no. 28 | O19 - Learning module no. 21 | O19 - Learning module no. 29 | O20 - Learning module no. 18 | O20 - Learning module no. 19 | O20 - Learning module no. 20 | O20 - Learning module no. 30 Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2015;2015-1-PL01-KA203-016474;;;Formative Assessment Benchmarking for Foreign Language Learning&Teaching in Higher Education;The FAB project (Formative Assessment Benchmarking for Foreign Language Learning & Teaching in Higher Education within the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme, Key Action 2 Cooperation for Innov...;Quality and Relevance of Higher Education in Partner Countries, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;UNIWERSYTET WARSZAWSKI;PL;PL,FI,HU,LT;86.073,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;"Horizontal aims Improvement of quality and relevance of higher education Development basic and transversal skills using innovative methods High quality learning opportunities 4 foreign language centres from European HE institutions, offering foreign language classes to students participated in the FAB project: TUAS Turku University of Applied Sciences (Finland), VDU Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania), PTE University of Pecs (Hungary) and UW University of Warsaw (Poland) as the projects coordinator. All the activities were undertaken as planned: A. 3 Transnational project meetings: October 23, 2015 Warsaw; June 17, 2016 Kaunas; June 16, 2017 Pecs (details cf: p.5.2). B. Introductory and final questionnaires for teachers and learners (O1 and O11), along with lesson and peer observation forms (O7 and O6) (cf: p 5.3), both focusing on the use of formative assessment, were designed and completed. C. 13 workshops for 356 academic teachers were organized in the four partner institutions. D. In the first year of the project 113 lesson observations, at local level in each partner institution, and in the second year 231 peer observations at international level were conducted. E. During the observations (described in O6 and O7) many examples of good teaching practice were collected. 62 examples of language tasks and activities were selected to be included in the practical part of the teachers and learners guidebook (O10), which also contains a theoretical part addressed to teachers and students as well as an interactive quiz for students. F. Eight issues of the FAB newsletter were edited and sent out electronically to 233 persons and institutions each time. G. The multiplier event international conference Formative Assessment in Foreign Language Teaching was held at the University of Warsaw, 157 participants attended the event. H. Evaluation forms assessing the quality of questionnaires, lesson observations, peer observations, training sessions, the conference and the guidebook were designed and completed.";"The project improved the quality of foreign language teaching at tertiary level institutions by implementing an innovative approach to language learning and teaching which promotes the use of formative assessment tools. This was achieved by teachers active participation in workshops, peer and lesson observations conducted in the partner institutions with the focus on the speaking skill and its assessment via formative assessment tools. Other important activities undertaken to promote high-quality foreign language teaching included uploading current information onto the projects website, disseminating the projects intellectual outputs, circulating newsletters, organizing the conference aiming at disseminating the idea of formative assessment in HE and encouraging teachers to apply formative assessment tools by using the guidebook for teachers and students designed in cooperation with all partner institutions. The project enabled foreign language teachers to self-reflect on their own practice, provided them with appropriate tools and motivated them to apply an approach that aims at increasing students awareness of their own learning. It also promoted the idea of peer observation as a tool for life-long learning and learning from each other. Students were provided with appropriate skills that facilitate effective, long-term and independent learning of foreign languages and help learners become aware and reflective participants in the learning process, which increased their motivation. Other benefits include the internationalisation of all the activities undertaken by the partner institutions as well as enhancing the universities prestige and promoting the idea of multilingualism and multiculturalism. Results | Without category | | Fictitious Company - Extracurricular Classes Programme | The book entitled ""Setting Up a Business Step by Step Guide""" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2015;2015-1-PL01-KA203-016860;;;Creating international semester regarding military education needs for future officers in Europe;Current geopolitical situation creates a challenge for national and international security systems. A constant growing number of armed conflicts, as well as an escalation of political disputes jus...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, International cooperation, international relations ...;;AKADEMIA WOJSK LADOWYCH imienia generala Tadeusza Kosciuszki;PL;PL,HU,RO,CZ,AT;253.649,55;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;The key activity is focused on a standardization of curricula and their implementation during the international semester as part of the 1st cycle military studies. Unification of the didactic process would allow students to choose and follow study programmes in an international environment, which further prepare them to efficiently cooperate within a framework of European military units built to strengthen safe and secure EU. A significant support is required in order to sustain development and provide equal opportunities for military education. Currently, military students constitute a specific group that is discriminated as concerns mobility opportunities of Erasmus+ programme. It is not the case, however, of an intentional or institutional discrimination, but a result of internal legal regulations of military academies, which, according to the national laws, are obliged to fulfil requirements of both ministries of defense and higher education. One of the effects of such situation is the 20% increase of mandatory number of hours prescribed to satisfy the accreditation demands. Furthermore, as part of their basic military education, cadets must complete their vocational training interwoven with academic instructions, which takes place in training centers and military units. These requirements exhaust time that could be used for student mobility, and create problems with recognition of qualifications earned abroad. The need of standardization of the officer preparation programs that gives an opportunity to conduct part of the education within the framework of the international semesters, demands from the partner institutions a systemic approach in modification of their study programs in order to fill the gap in cadets education by activation of so-called mobility windows, that not collide with their required military training. | The innovative character of the proposed project was based on the situation that, despite of growing importance of defense and security affairs within the EUs policy, there is still lack of initiatives that support and promote common education and international exchange of military students. Moreover, the project consists of a pioneered product the education program of international military semester.;The partner academies reached the assumed goal by executing the following tasks: | 1. Defining common programs content and its implementation to the international semester. Nine courses/modules were defined and the course cards were prepared and presented to the international group of evaluators in order to receive accreditation. This was achieved after completing a process of securing Common Module recognition for all nine courses confirmed by the EU Implementation Group and European Defense and Security College. 2. Developing comprehensive education program for the 1st level studies, conducted during the so-called mobility windows (30 ECTS). 3. Developing material and tools supporting the international semesters education program. All of them constitute the package enabling any institution responsible for education of future officers in EU and NATO, to implement and start the international semester. All developed material (programs, course cards, e-books, e-learning content, and support material) was peer-reviewed, tested and updated where applicable, and made available to interested parties. 4. Implementing international semester program a pilot phase throughout the project in the form of blended mobility. In the summer semester of 2017, cadets from five partner academies and universities, as well as additional cadets from Italy and the US, took part in activities designed to test the contents and structure of the international semester. Additionally, in accordance with the overall idea, the proposed project included organization of side activities aimed at promotion and proliferation of an intellectual work effects and the overall ideas of the project. The credibility of the strategic partnership based on their long-lasting cooperation within multilateral programs such as the Erasmus+ Program, common international education projects, and constant mutual research and didactic events. The implementation of the project has positively affected the development of cooperation between military education institutions of the EU countries, especially in the area of common initiatives aimed at consolidation of higher education systems, which would help to satisfy popular demands for more secure EU. Results | Website | | | Without category | | Programme of the International Semester dedicated to military students | Intentensive Programme | E-book: Basic Military English | E-book: Cross-Culture Communication | E-book: Basic Military English Student's book | E-book: Basic Militry English Teacher's Book | E-book: Cross-Cultre Comunication Instructor's resource book | E-book: Comprehensive Approach | E-book: Cultural Awereness | E-book: Cyber Security | E-book: Electronic Warfare (EW) | E-book: Field guide for intensive course in the frame of International Semester | E-book: Interoperability | E-book: Law of Armed Conflict | E-book: Military Leadership A | E-book: Military Leadership B | E-book: Military Leadership C | E-learning materials to common modules/International Semester | E-book: Cultural Awareness - Student's book | E-book: Cultural Awereness - Teacher's book Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2015;2015-1-PL01-KA204-016518;;;Deaf learning;"""Deaf learning"" project was implemented from September 2015 to August 2018 in partnership with 5 organization from 5 European countries: Polish Deaf Association Lodz Department (Poland), Doncaster...";Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, Disabilities - special needs;;Polski Zwiazek Gluchych Oddzial Lodzki;PL;PL,UK,IT,LT,AT;318.677,93;Yes;No;Non-governmental organisation/association/social enterprise;ONG;;;English;"""Deaf learning"" project was implemented from September 2015 to August 2018 in partnership with 5 organization from 5 European countries: Polish Deaf Association Lodz Department (Poland), Doncaster Deaf Trust (UK), Ca'Foscari University in Venice (Italy), Kaunas Educational Centre for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing (Lithuania), Alpen-Adria University in Klagenfurt (Austria). | The aim of the project was to develop teaching materials, which will help to improve the literacy skills of deaf adults in 5 national languages: English, Polish, Italian, Lithuanian, German. Those materials include the course programme, handbooks, and e-learning courses. | The programme contains questionnaire data, research choices, hints for teaching methodologies, trial experiences, suggestions on how to handle the materials. | Handbooks contain:120 lesson plans CEFR levels A1, A2, B1, B2, 30 lessons level A1, 16 texts for reading comprehension as a teachers guide to developing their own level-based programs. | E-course contains 6 lessons level A1 on the Moodle platform for independent learning. | All materials were prepared for 5 languages. | Over 500 teachers of a deaf, deaf adult, parents and scholars took part in different multiplier events in 5 countries. | All teaching materials are open access and available on the project website: | Polish language courses for the deaf based on ""Deaf learning"" project teaching materials are now conducted in Poland.";Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | PROGRAM NAUCZANIA J_ZYKA NARODOWEGO DLA G_UCHYCH. INFORMACJE DLA NAUCZYCIELI. | CORSI DI LINGUA NAZIONALE PER PERSONE SORDE. INFORMAZIONI PER GLI INSEGNANTI. | SPRACHLERNPROGRAMM FR GEHRLOSE. INFORMATIONEN FR LEHRERINNEN UND LEHRER. | NATIONAL LANGUAGE TEACHING PROGRAMME FOR THE DEAF. INFORMATION FOR THE TEACHERS. | PROGRAM NAUCZANIA J_ZYKA NARODOWEGO DLA G_UCHYCH. PODR_CZNIK A1/T1 | PROGRAM NAUCZANIA J_ZYKA NARODOWEGO DLA G_UCHYCH. PODR_CZNIK A1/T2 | PROGRAM NAUCZANIA J_ZYKA NARODOWEGO DLA G_UCHYCH. PODR_CZNIK A1/T3 | PROGRAM NAUCZANIA J_ZYKA NARODOWEGO DLA G_UCHYCH. PODR_CZNIK A1/T4 | PROGRAM NAUCZANIA J_ZYKA NARODOWEGO DLA G_UCHYCH. PODR_CZNIK A1/T5 | CORSI DI LINGUA NAZIONALE PER PERSONE SORDE. MANUALE A1/Lesson plans | CORSI DI LINGUA NAZIONALE PER PERSONE SORDE. MANUALE A1/T1 | CORSI DI LINGUA NAZIONALE PER PERSONE SORDE. MANUALE A1/T2 | CORSI DI LINGUA NAZIONALE PER PERSONE SORDE. MANUALE A1/T3 | CORSI DI LINGUA NAZIONALE PER PERSONE SORDE. MANUALE A1/T4 | CORSI DI LINGUA NAZIONALE PER PERSONE SORDE. MANUALE A1/T5 | CORSI DI LINGUA NAZIONALE PER PERSONE SORDE. MANUALE A2 | CORSI DI LINGUA NAZIONALE PER PERSONE SORDE. MANUALE B1 | CORSI DI LINGUA NAZIONALE PER PERSONE SORDE. MANUALE B2 | SPRACHLERNPROGRAMM FR GEHRLOSE. HANDBUCH A1/T1 | SPRACHLERNPROGRAMM FR GEHRLOSE. HANDBUCH A1/T2 | SPRACHLERNPROGRAMM FR GEHRLOSE. HANDBUCH A1/T3 | SPRACHLERNPROGRAMM FR GEHRLOSE. HANDBUCH A1/T4 | SPRACHLERNPROGRAMM FR GEHRLOSE. HANDBUCH A1/T5 | SPRACHLERNPROGRAMM FR GEHRLOSE. HANDBUCH A2 | SPRACHLERNPROGRAMM FR GEHRLOSE. HANDBUCH B1 | SPRACHLERNPROGRAMM FR GEHRLOSE. HANDBUCH B2 | NACIONALIN_S KALBOS MOKYMO PROGRAMA KURTIESIEMS. VADOVAS A1/Pamok_ planai | NACIONALIN_S KALBOS MOKYMO PROGRAMA KURTIESIEMS. VADOVAS A1/T1 | NACIONALIN_S KALBOS MOKYMO PROGRAMA KURTIESIEMS. VADOVAS A1/T2 | NACIONALIN_S KALBOS MOKYMO PROGRAMA KURTIESIEMS. VADOVAS A1/T3 | NACIONALIN_S KALBOS MOKYMO PROGRAMA KURTIESIEMS. VADOVAS A1/T4 | NACIONALIN_S KALBOS MOKYMO PROGRAMA KURTIESIEMS. VADOVAS A1/T5 | NACIONALIN_S KALBOS MOKYMO PROGRAMA KURTIESIEMS. VADOVAS A2 | NACIONALIN_S KALBOS MOKYMO PROGRAMA KURTIESIEMS. VADOVAS B1 | NACIONALIN_S KALBOS MOKYMO PROGRAMA KURTIESIEMS. VADOVAS B2 | NATIONAL LANGUAGE TEACHING PROGRAMME FOR THE DEAF. HANDBOOK A1 | NATIONAL LANGUAGE TEACHING PROGRAMME FOR THE DEAF. HANDBOOK A2 | NATIONAL LANGUAGE TEACHING PROGRAMME FOR THE DEAF. HANDBOOK B1 | NATIONAL LANGUAGE TEACHING PROGRAMME FOR THE DEAF. HANDBOOK B2 | E-courses website adress | PROGRAM NAUCZANIA J_ZYKA NARODOWEGO DLA G_UCHYCH. PODR_CZNIK A2 | PROGRAM NAUCZANIA J_ZYKA NARODOWEGO DLA G_UCHYCH. PODR_CZNIK B1 | PROGRAM NAUCZANIA J_ZYKA NARODOWEGO DLA G_UCHYCH. PODR_CZNIK B2 | NACIONALIN_S KALBOS MOKYMO PROGRAMA KURTIESIEMS. INFORMACIJA MOKYTOJAMS Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2015;2015-1-PL01-KA219-016656;;;Boost your future career opportunities through managing fictitious companies on the international market;The project was a new approach to preparing students for their future professional career: it combined theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of economics, foreign languages and cultural...;Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;Zespol Szkol Ekonomicznych nr 1;PL;PL,IE,ES,IT;131.324,03;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;The project was a new approach to preparing students for their future professional career: it combined theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of economics, foreign languages and cultural awareness. The main objective of the project was to equip students with practical skills necessary to set up and run a company on the international market. The project aimed at developing participants entrepreneurial, digital and linguistic skills. Thanks to the project, students gained an insight into the workings of foreign companies, they established personal and business contacts with students from abroad and got to know other cultures, customs and traditions. The project also instilled values such as tolerance, openness and responsibility. There were three schools involved in the project. Zesp_ Szk_ Ekonomicznych Nr 1 in Krakow, Poland, is a four-year vocational upper-secondary school providing education to students aged 16-20 in economics, hospitality and tourism. St. Ciarns Community School located in Kells, Ireland is a co-educational community school with 600 pupils aged 12-19. IIS Fermi-Galilei is a secondary school based in Ciri, Italy with 1,100 students. It offers education in Administration, Finance and Marketing, Surveying and scientific subjects. The fourth school mentioned in the application form- Colegio Rafaela Ybarra from Spain resigned in October 2015 therefore it didnt participate in the project. The project involved regular classes in each school and short student exchanges in Italy, Ireland and Poland. All partners went through a standard procedure and used English as a means of communication each step of the way. Students dealt with differences and peculiarities of Irish, Italian, Spanish (the Spanish school pulled out of the project at the start of the project) and Polish markets such as legal system and regulations regarding setting up companies, economic climate and tax conditions, customer needs, marketing activities, ethics in business and negotiations. During student exchanges they became familiar with the basics of other participants mother tongue and acceptable/ unacceptable behaviour. They visited local places of interest in the area, learnt about its history and geography and met local residents. They visited local enterprises and got an insight into the workings of each department in these companies. When running fictitious companies, students acted in a professional manner as if they were employees of the company. They registered the company in the national base of fictitious companies in Poland and in Italy and later on the Polish company worked in EUROPEN-PEN International base. Students used textbooks, magazines, the Internet and set up a website, blog, social network sites (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook,) and apps to advertise their enterprises. In this way they unwittingly learnt about Electronic Conferencing, web design and many other communication skills, including English. Peer-learning, decision-making, workshops, pair work, group work and preparing e-learning courses were invaluable means of acquiring new skills. Establishing international trade contacts helped improve students linguistic skills: business English and the basics of Gaelic, Italian and Polish. By the end of the project students gained some knowledge of the legal, economic and tax systems in the four countries. Teachers were trained in digital skills and they also improved teaching techniques and language skills. They promoted student-based and problem-solving approach to learning and used ICT to a greater extent. Each student acted as an advertisement for their schools to add to their popularity among potential students and their parents. ;"They promoted their region and their home country. Students gained new skills and qualifications to improve their chances of finding employment and their ability to become self-employed. Teachers provided the students with references to further enhance their employability, highlight the skills gained in the process of their participation in the project. This project has an impact on the local economy through the students interaction with their tutor companies, this project benefited the countrys development by motivating these students to become part of the skillful international workforce, local enterprises will be aware of highly-motivated students able to work on the international market and willing to hone their skills. After the end of the EU funding all IT Lessons created for this project are currently being used by students to continue the running of fictitious companies. Moreover, students not involved in the project could use the e-learning courses, AppShed and web design and gain certificates. All of the participants developed the skills to communicate with foreigners and also gained valuable experience in European travel and exposure to other cultures. The project strengthened the entrepreneurship and resourcefulness among students. Results | Without category | | Fictitious Company - Extracurricular Classes Programme | The book entitled ""Setting Up a Business Step by Step Guide""" Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-PT01-KA101-012608;;;T.E.C.E.M.O.S - Tecer Espaos Criativos e Motivacionais Olhando o Sucesso;The project TECEMOS came out due to the necessity of creating a more stimulating educational context for our students, that is TECEMOS Tecer Espaos Criativos e Motivacionais Olhando o Sucesso...;Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Creativity and culture, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Agrupamento de Escolas Dr. Guilherme Correia de Carvalho, Seia;PT;PT,DE;59.684,00;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;;English;"The project TECEMOS came out due to the necessity of creating a more stimulating educational context for our students, that is TECEMOS Tecer Espaos Criativos e Motivacionais Olhando o Sucesso, that can be described as weaving motivational and creative spaces looking for the success. According to our own ambition and the goals of the educational project of our school we planned this project and its goals: | - To better school results and prevent dropout; | - To better the educational environment; | - Accept the new technologies | - To better the quality of the educational intervention not only of the teachers but also of all staff, including janitors: | - To increase the partnerships above all international ones. | To achieve these goals we planned four mobilities: | - Job shadowing in the Freie Comenius School in Darmstadt; | - Formative Courses: | * Educational Coaching; | * Google Apps for Education; | * Drama Course. | All these activities were reported and an action plan was built up and approved by the Pedagogical Council of the school, they were also disseminated in all the structures inside school and through the site | In job shadowing teachers from the different teaching levels participated in this mobility which allowed the acquisition of different teaching methodologies. After the report we could see that more than 50 teachers tried these methodologies in their classes with 95% of satisfaction concerning the results. We want to highlight two of them successfully accomplished: | The use of different tasks to teach the same content; | To develop project work clearly defining the final product. | Concerning the organization, the abolishment of the school bell for the beginning and end of the classes made both teachers and students more peaceful and responsible. | In the Educational Coaching training course, tutors of the 2nd and 3rd cycles, 1st cycle teachers, a pre-school teacher, janitors and the psychologist of the school took part of it. They attended a 40 hour course which allowed them to acquire knowledge and tools concerning coaching. This course promoted a complementary training certification named Growing Emotionally and Intellectually which made the dissemination in and outside school easier. Till now, 26 teachers have already successfully tried the tools concerning coaching, especially in the social and emotional development of our students. Besides, all these activities and in collaboration with the trainer Juan Fernando Bou Perez will be included in his next book.";In the formative experience Google Apps for Education teachers of all departments and including a member of the school office took part of it. It was possible to get knowledge about the potentialities of these collaborative tools and their pedagogical and organizational impact in our school. In the scope of this course we visited the Google installations and a school where the tools are used. After this we could see that most teachers and students use the institutional account which allows them the use of the Google collaborative tools. In 2017 it is expected to promote a complementary training named Digital Environments for Learning certificated by CCFC Guarda 1(an institution guarantees the certification). | Teachers from all the departments participated in the Drama Course, as well as an expert in drama who belongs to the staff of the city hall. The participants had the chance of experiencing drama games which can make learning easier and also help the concentration of the students. Although this course took place more recently many of the games were already successfully experienced and evaluated as Good or Very Good. The participants had the chance of demonstrating them in each department so that the teachers could see how important they are. It is expected to promote in 2018 a training course also certificated named Drama in a interdisciplinary context as a way of disseminating all these drama games. | Related to the dissemination and since 2015 all the planning, activities and experiences have been presented in a seminar called TECEMOS. | In the school year 2015/2016 the educational success was more than 97% and there was no drop out, that is 0%. This was due to different reasons but the project was for sure an important way of reaching success. | All the activities related to the project were planned for the success of the students through motivational and creative ways to make the students more independent, responsible and happy in order to build up their own learning. With TECEMOS we can go further towards the future. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2015;2015-1-PT01-KA102-012514;;;Learning by Doing in Europe;INSIGNARE is a non-profit association which owns two EU level IV VET schools: Ourm Professional School and Ftima Hospitality School. As additional areas, simultaneously internal and external, it...;Enterprise, industry and SMEs (incl. entrepreneurship), Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment ...;;INSIGNARE - Associacao de Ensino e Formacao;PT;PT,ES,IT,EE,UK,DE;300.315,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"INSIGNARE is a non-profit association which owns two EU level IV VET schools: Ourm Professional School and Ftima Hospitality School. As additional areas, simultaneously internal and external, it has GIP - Office of Professional Insertion (local employment service working under contract with Public Employment Service); CQEP - Center for Education and Professional Qualification (local/regional service for vocational/professional guidance, referral training and competences validation, working under protocol with ANQEP Public VET Service); Centre for Continuing Education (with short and medium term training courses, EU-funded or self-financed) and the International Cooperation Office the four of them were merged at LIFE Office for Inclusion, Training and Employment. Internally has additional departments: the Communication and Image one; the Student and Family Support Unit and the Administrative and Financial one. The internationalization of its activity was strategically considered, being short and medium duration mobilities of the school community one of those pillars. This project operationalizes this goal, by providing international internships for 2nd and 3rd year students from all our courses, as well as job shadowing activities for their technical areas teachers. Itll involve 78 students, aged between 16 and 17, and 2 technical teachers. They will be placed in host companies at several European regions: Andalusia, Basque Country, Canary Islands, Catalonia, Estonia, Germany, Italy, Northern Ireland, Scotland, adapted to ones personal profile and professional courses attended - Design, Electronics, Management, Mechatronic, Multimedia, Metalworking (EPO) and Cook, Waiter, Tourism Officer, from EHF. These areas are related to Industry and Hospitality, strategic for the country. The main goals are: Students: a) To acquire, develop and implement technical skills, working in an international company, as well as gaining innovative ones, connected to the transversal practical work expected at the workplacements; b) To know, to critically evaluate and to adapt to the national reality new working methodologies; c) To develop foreign languages skills, ICT and social ones, as initiative, autonomy, time management, problem solving, teamwork, organizational skills and communication; d) To overcome local and national prejudice and be aware of European citizenship; Teachers: a) To acquire, to develop and to implement technical and language skills as well as to work with other business models; b) To know, to evaluate and to pedagogically adapt to the national reality new working methodologies; For Schools: a) To ensure its sustainability, excellence and updating of taught content and technical quality of teachers; b) To develop the potential of students and teachers by workplace learning; c) Sharing responsibility in enhancing educational quality between the organization, its staff and its students; d) Strengthening European cooperation with similar schools; e) Strengthen the relationship with parents by involving them in the implementation of activities mobilities.";"Locally, we aim for broadening horizons to students, in order for them to see Europe as a natural extension of ones labour market. We expect 5% of the students to find a job in Europe, measured 6 months after completion of ones course. Regionally, we expect to increase by 5% the number of companies in the region that accept our students for internship, ushering them Vocational Education. Nationally, it is expected to increase the demand of students for Vocational Education through the positive difference that preparation for an international career provides, thus contributing to the increased employment of younger, one of the goals of 2020 Strategy. Internationally, it is expected a positive impact on host countries companies perceptions over the quality of our VET courses - 95% satisfaction of intermediate bodies and hosting companies, with 95% of them available to receive new interns. The medium and long term benefits for the students are based on the results generated by the ""open mindness"" the participation in international programs offers. This allows them to critically face the prospects of life: the importance of completing their course, following their studies to higher education and / or by entry and progressing through the labour market, not only local but European one, reducing the dropout rate. As for technical teachers, scientific and technological upgrade will improve the students training, and by ones, the colleagues and students examples, gather new participants." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2015;2015-1-PT01-KA102-012697;;;PROTEFORMA NA EUROPA;Proteforma Formao e Consultoria em Segurana, Lda is a Specialized Training Entity in the field of Private Security that aims to provide the best services of consultancy, selection and trainin...;Home and justice affairs (human rights & rule of law), ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;PROTEFORMA - Formao e Consultoria em Segurana, Lda.;PT;PT,ES;16.236,00;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;Proteforma Formao e Consultoria em Segurana, Lda is a Specialized Training Entity in the field of Private Security that aims to provide the best services of consultancy, selection and training. It was founded in 2002 in Queluz, where is located its Centre for Training, Development and Study of the Private Security, also having certified training rooms in Almancil (Algarve). Proteforma gives training to 150 people annually and is duly accredited by ANQEP, Direco Nacional da PSP and has the affirmation of courses from the National Training Programme in Civil Aviation Security. In what concerns the accredited and authorized TRAINING, Proteforma is oriented to provide training courses for security firms through protocols as well as for individuals interested in developing a career in this area of activity in its different aspects. The main NEEDS that this project will help to address are: _ Understand ALTERNATIVE FORMS OF TEACHING THE CONTENTS _ Implement the approaches in the courses of ISSUES RELATED TO SELF-CONTROL AND SELF-KNOWLEDGE AND ALSO TO EMOTIONAL AND SOCIAL INTELLIGENCE _ Understand how in classroom DIFFERENT TRAINEES ARE MANAGED AND INTEGRATED _ EXPANDED UNDERSTANDING OF THE EXERCISE OF PRIVATE SECURITY _ Understand STRATEGIES TO INTRODUCE INTERNATIONAL COMPONENTS IN TRAINING _ RETAIN SKILLS OF EXTERNAL COMMUNICATION _ INTEGRATE NEW WAYS TO PROMOTE SOFT SKILLS _ CONTACT WITH OTHER TRAINING MODELS _ DEVELOP CORE SKILLS TO WORK AT INTERNATIONAL LEVEL AND IN PARTNERSHIP;PROTEFORMAs plan for this 1 project is rather to create a solid network of partners promoting the exchange of knowledge and interexchange between schools and professional teachers and staff. Therefore, this application focus on the mobility of teachers and staff with the aim to suppress the above mentioned needs. | | | | The proposed activity is to carry out 12 job shadowing activities, with duration of five days to specialized Schools specialized in private security in Italy and Spain, and divided into two flows of 6 people. | | The participants are already identified and involved in this application. They are: 1 person from the Management Team, 1 Pedagogical Coordinator, 1 Training Manager and 3 Trainers. | | | | The OBJECTIVES are: | | 1- PROMOTE NETWORKING BETWEEN VOCATIONAL TRAINING SCHOOLS WORKING WITHIN THE PRIVATE SECURITY FIELD | | 2-CREATE OPPORTUNITIES OF PEER-TO-PEER LIFELONG TRAINING | | 3- MATCH THE TRAINING OFFER, CONTENTS AND APPROACHES TO THE NEW REQUIREMENTS AND CHANGES | | | | The SKILLS and KNOWLEDGE expected to be acquired and consolidated are: | | _ NEW TEACHING METHODS | | _ NEW THEORETICAL APPROACHES | | _ GREATER ABILITY TO EXPLORE THE POTENTIAL OF NEW TECHNOLOGIES | | _ STRENGTHENING OF THE PEDAGOGICAL INTERDISCIPLINARITY | | _ KNOWLEDGE ABOUT PRIVATE SECURITY IN SPAIN AND ITALY AND IN EUROPE | | _ BROADER VIEW ON PRIVATE SECURITY | | _ NETWORKS MANAGEMENT AND RELATIONS MANAGEMENT WITH OTHER STAKEHOLDERS | | _ IMAGE AND EXTERNAL COMMUNICATION | | _ NEW METHODS OF WORKING AND INSTITUTIONAL MANAGEMENT | | _ LANGUAGE SKILLS | | _ INTERCULTURAL SKILLS | | | | The expected impacts will suppress needs of knowledge, skills and work networks, which enhances the potential of the involved participants and organizations to fulfil its educational mission with increased quality at the European level. | IMPACTS TO THE PARTICIPANTS: - MOTIVATION AND IMPULSE FOR CHANGE, CREATE AND INNOVATE, as well as being MORE PRODUCTIVE and having a greater identification with THEIR SCHOOLS AND WITH THE FIELD OF WORK - NEW TOOLS FOR TRAINING - LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT BETWEEN PEERS - INTEGRATION OF NEW APPROACHES AND CONCEPTS IN TRAINING - Improvement of language skills in the CONVERSATIONAL AND VOCABULARY TECHNICAL- PROFESSIONAL IN ENGLISH, ITALIAN AND SPANIS- Strengthening intercultural and interpersonal competences. IMPACTS TO THE SENDING AND HOSTING ORGANIZATIONS: - INTERVENTION WORK AT THE EUROPEAN LEVEL - GREATER KNOWLEDGE OF THE PRIVATE SECURITY TRAINING STATE OF ART - NEW FUTURE PROJECTS IN NETWORKING - IMPROVE IMAGE AND ATTRACTIVENESS AS A TRAINING ENTITY NEXT TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC - RENEWED STRATEGIES of articulation with local partners - employment centres, employers, schools, among others. AT THE LOCAL AND NATIONAL LEVEL, Proteforma wants to remain a reference School and with this experience we believe that its visibility will be bigger and will be an example of dynamism, of networking and internationalization, which other schools will follow with their own projects or in partnership with Proteforma. AT THE EUROPEAN AND INTERNATIONAL LEVEL, this project will open a new dialogue and work togetherness on a specific educational sector that so far does not exist. This working of encountering and comparison of contents and methods, sharing of good practices and staff interexchange, will later allow the mobility of trainees to receive training and/or to do internships with the possibility of mutual recognition of qualifications obtained in another country. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2015;2015-1-PT01-KA201-013059;;;Managing for @ School of Success;The state education decentralization project, approved by DL n 30/2015, of 12 February, placed the emphasis on local capacities to stimulate education of quality, with greater autonomy and decent...;Economic and financial affairs (incl. funding issues), Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Research and innovation;;Agrupamento de Escolas de Mangualde;PT;PT,UK,PL,IT,NL,ES;247.576,26;Yes;Yes;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"The state education decentralization project, approved by DL n 30/2015, of 12 February, placed the emphasis on local capacities to stimulate education of quality, with greater autonomy and decentralization. | Given the educational challenges (to strengthen local and school capacities to stimulate quality education; increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the leadership and educational management system, potentiate autonomy; reinforce school leadership and the teaching profession, through relevant support and training, according to the education decentralization policy; develop assessment of the organisation and the various actors, to improve professional performance, learning, reduce the repetition of years and school drop-out), EduFor Training Centre applied to this project, to share approaches, compare practices and develop relevant knowledge. | Europe is faced with these challenges. In OECD reports, they are part of a European strategy to build successful schools, with more efficient management. | The participants were: schools headteachers (EduFor Pedagogical Commission); director, advisor and consultant of the Training Centre, Administrative staff. UPorto accompanied the conception and assessment. | The partnerships presented the situation of education in Europe and the study of five clusters of educational systems, in the areas of educational decentralization; curriculum management, understanding the decision-making power at the various levels of intervention; School assessment systems, in the processes and results, as well as in Improvement Plans. | Results: | Each short training event (6) produced a short vdeo, to be disseminated in Europe and beyond. | Guide of Good Practices for Documental Management in a Successful School, to target efficient practices. | Web page of the Managing for @ School of Success project, with the information, documentation and material available to the public. | E-book Managing for @ School of Success, with the experiences and learning from a reflective perspective. In fact, 3 E-books were produced, one for each training area of M@SS, with the contribution and validation of all partners, and coordinated by UPorto. These are published. | Scientific article, validated by the University of Porto and submitted to European Education, a journal with an Impact Factor | Communic Document Ation Platform Between Erasmus+ Schools, transfer of a good practice, used in the EduFor schools. Communication and share of documents was spread and extended. | The International Seminar ""Managing for @ School of Success"", over two days, held in the University of Porto, as a major Multiplying Event. | Impact achieved: | With direct implications for schools headteachers, in improved knowledge about school management, the result of international and multi-dimensional sharing; development of technical competences associated with top management and processes, in a comparative way, with improvement and greater effectiveness in performance; improved management practices, in various dimensions (administration, assessment, curriculum, communication and relations); | EduFor and the CECE partner enhance skills in leading international collaborative projects; improved training processes promoting their thematic relevance; | Local authorities, through the knowledge provided concerning the challenges involved in decentralization of education; international sharing with other experiences and recognition of good practices of decentralization in administrative and pedagogical domains; | The target public, teachers, non-teaching staff, pupils, parents and guardians, and other stakeholders, since the project is something of a laboratory to test some decentralization policies and educational autonomy in other European countries, and knowledge of these is of great importance for decisions to be taken in the future.";"Evidence: | Project page | | Meeting agendas | M1- | M2- | M3- | M4- | Training Event Agendas | C1- | C2- | C3- | C4- | C5- | C6- | Partial products | | Final products | | Scientific article | | Photographs and videos | | Facebook | | Results | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | E-book Managing for @ School of Success | Erasmus+ KA1 Course | Vdeo of Training Events | Vdeo of animation | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | Guide of Good Practices | Scientific article | Community building tools | | Web Page: | Partnerships and cooperations | | Communic Document Ation Platform Between Erasmus+ Schools | Dissemination material | | International Seminar ""Managing for @ School of Success"" | Organizational and working documents | | Partial Results" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-PT01-KA202-012971;;;Give me a Sign;"Sign Language is not a universal medium; on the contrary, each one has developed naturally over the years within its local community, exactly like oral languages. While there are in fact a number ...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Access for disadvantaged, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;Centro Europeu de Lnguas;PT;PT,UK,AT,TR;135.644,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Adult education;Centro Educativo;;;English;"Sign Language is not a universal medium; on the contrary, each one has developed naturally over the years within its local community, exactly like oral languages. While there are in fact a number of international signs and gestures, used for example at international meetings and conferences for deaf people, these are a mere communication aid and cannot be considered a language. As a result, international communication between deaf people requires the learning of a foreign sign language, in precisely the same way as with people who can hear. | However, despite the clear incentives to promote multilingualism provided by the European Commissions VET policies, very few of the projects and learning materials created over the years have taken into consideration the needs of deaf people. Their opportunities to learn foreign sign languages therefore remain severely limited, which effectively represents a major obstacle to transnational communication between deaf people and therefore a limitation of their citizenship rights, particularly in terms of free circulation. | Within this context, this project aims to: | a) Carry out research into foreign sign language learning needs, identifying the most urgent communication needs; | b) Create a common training programme for foreign sign language learning at elementary (A1/A2) level for Portuguese, British, Turkish and Austrian sign languages (NB: on the contrary to oral language, Austrian is different from German); | c) Validate these programmes in schools for the deaf located in the partner countries by means of involving sign language trainers, who will therefore play a double role as both learners and trainers; | d) Promote the learning of the sign languages of the partnership among all the entities working with the project, especially among trainers, teachers and researchers in this area; | e) Promote the exchange of knowledge and experience among the professionals involved and among the deaf communities in each partner country; | f) Facilitate the learning of a foreign sign language directly from the native sign language, i.e. without having to subject the learner to the intermediate acquisition of the respective written languages. | The GIVE ME A SIGN project will, in this way, make an important contribution towards closing the knowledge gap regarding the learning of foreign sign languages, with special emphasis on removing the additional burden of having to previously learn the respective written languages. This is itself represents a major innovation in this area. The project will therefore facilitate communication between the deaf communities across Europe and consequently open the doors to mobility for this target population, which will in turn contribute decisively towards ensuring equal opportunities. GIVE ME A SIGN also aims to promote the recognition of European sign languages as official languages of each country, and indeed as part of the national heritage of each member state in just the same way as the oral languages of the EU, this contributing towards public awareness of the value of this form of communication.";In the medium term, the results of this project will subsequently serve as the foundations for a second project in which, based on the findings of our research and the resulting creation of learning programmes, the partnership will begin to create learning content and materials, with particular emphasis on mobile applications to assist the learning of foreign sign languages. This is an ideal platform, given the limitless visual possibilities of tools such as Skype or FaceTime. Our ultimate goal is therefore to work towards a situation in which the learning of foreign sign languages becomes not only much easier but also a realistic curricular option for training institutes working with deaf people, so that in the not too distant future these trainees will be able to finally participate on equal terms in transnational professional mobility initiatives. | GIVE ME A SIGN is therefore expected to become a reference for the teaching and learning of foreign sign languages. On a global level, over 110 million citizens use sign languages as part of everyday communication. This number includes the deaf, their families, their teachers and auxiliaries, among many others, and is a number which cannot and should not be ignored, given the expected impact of this ground-breaking project. In addition, the dissemination of the project aimed to reach many millions more, by developing awareness among those able to hear, of the advantages not only of learning to communicate with the deaf, but also of ensuring they are included as equals in both everyday and professional life. Results | Website | | | Without category | | Intellectual Output 1: language needs of hearing-impaired | Intellectual Output 1: Report on deaf culture | Intellectual Output 2: Programme courses A1 & A2 | Intellectual Output 3: Report of Evaluation of Validation. | Intellectual Output 4: Project website | Intellectual Output 7: Final recommendations to the sector Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2015;2015-1-PT01-KA204-013062;;;Radicalization Prevention in Prisons ;Prisons are often described as breeding grounds for radicalisation and violent extremism, since they are highly unsettling environments in which individuals are more likely than elsewhere to exp...;EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses ...;;UNIVERSIDADE DA BEIRA INTERIOR;PT;PT,RO,NL,BE,TR,NO;326.039,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;"Specific goals included: 1. Create awareness on the broad picture of terrorism, the mind set and narratives used by understanding | why prisons are a breeding ground for radicalisation; the difference between conversion, radicalisation and moving to extremist views (terminology); the pathways and levels of radicalisation, role in the network; recruitment tactics employed within the prison environment; and indicators on how to identify vulnerable people at risk of radicalisation; 2. Develop the tools and instruments for prison administration and line-level staff to recognise signs of radicalisation at an early stage within their specific facility; 3. Provide common, consistent and effective instruments to help staff report their observations to the appropriate intelligence staff; 4. Provide model procedures for intelligence staff to vet the data they receive from prison staff and to appropriately interpret it; 5. Establish a series of training programmes and tools for all staff within a prison to respond appropriately to potential vulnerable individuals at risk of radicalisation.";"The following results were achieved during the R2PRIS project: An innovative methodological framework for analysing radicalisation and prevention of radicalisation strategies within prison; A radicalisation screening tool, with respective assessment materials and guidelines for prison administration, line-level and technical staff to recognise signs of radicalisation at an early stage within their specific facility. The tool will be adapted to the specific legal and cultural context of the countries involved in the project; A training course for all staff within a prison on how to detect and respond appropriately to potential vulnerable individuals at risk of radicalisation; An e-learning training course; A train the trainer course; Five national seminars and an international seminar; A handbook and online repository of best practices on radicalisation prevention in prisons, than can be used by trainers; Three short-term transnational staff trainings. Impact and long term benefits. Implementing the developed tools that allow prison staff at different decision levels to assess inmates vulnerabilities and risk of engaging in radicalisation and violent extremism; Having prison staff that is aware and knowledgeable of inmates vulnerabilities as well as the radicalisation process; Training front-line, technical and management staff in the field of radicalisation and assessment of risks related with inmates radicalisation and vulnerabilities that can be found in the prison itself, using the developed training programs and assessment tools. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | IO4 - E-learning training course | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | IO1 - Methodological Framework | IO2 - Radicalisation screening tool | IO1 - R2PRIS Quadro Metodolgico | IO1 - Cadrul metodologic R2PRIS" Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-RO01-KA101-014129;;;Bilingv 15-18 - Reformarea curricular_ institu_ional_ prin ameliorarea competen_elor lingvistice _i de specialitate ale profesorilor de la clasele cu profil bilingv;"The necessity of the KA1 project implemented in 2015-2017 came from school's particularity-single institution in Vaslui County specialized in bilingual-French/English teaching;it came from a need ...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;"Liceul Teoretic ""Mihail Kogalniceanu"" Vaslui";RO;RO,FR,MT;37.000,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The necessity of the KA1 project implemented in 2015-2017 came from school's particularity-single institution in Vaslui County specialized in bilingual-French/English teaching;it came from a need to provide to teachers of bilingual classes necessary competences to renew this specialization,one of institutions goals mentioned in the International Development Plan.The main goal was the European training of 20 teachers from bilingual profile(6 English teachers,6 French teachers,4 of humanities&4 of scientific subjects)who contribute to renovate curriculum contents by creating project new optional subjects-linguistic&non-linguistic ones for the renewal of teaching languages to bilingual turning the institution into a DELF testing center.Projects relevance resided in simultaneously fulfilling essential goals from the strategic plan&in satisfying main requests of Law no.1/2011&of Europe2020 Strategy concerning modern languages teaching process&necessity of flexibility,of its adapting for ensuring the graduates a plurality of competences in order to rapidly inserting themselves in the labor market,as for accessing the Erasmus+programme. Specific objectives:(1)developing the linguistic&specialty competences of 12 teachers of linguistic subjects from bilingual profile (6 French&6 English teachers) for creating one DELF certificates assessors team&for reforming curricula contents&by creating 10 new special subjects for every profile&linguistic course supports for bilingual classes during 2 years through participation to European in-training courses of 5 days each;(2)developing linguistic competences in French&English of 8 teachers of non-linguistic subjects,for 2 years,by participating to intensive in-training courses of 5 days each for creating 10 optional non-linguistic subjects taught in languages of bilingual profile.These courses fit to training needs of teachers from bilingual/intensive profile, fulfilling the necessity of renewal for advantaging pupils conforming to the institutions objectives.Participating to this in-training courses has lad to the creation of 2 new Erasmus+KA2 projects in the institution. | The 20 participants at mobilities are teachers of the institution,from 3 different curricular areas.The teachers of linguistic subjects(French-English) have competences of C2 level&those of non-linguistic subjects are quoted with A2-B2 levels, refreshed in intensive course made in the project,in the institution;the age of the components of target-group is 30-55 years old&there are 2/3 women,respecting proportion existing in school.In-service training consisted in 2 courses providing competences for specialty teachers (6 for French &6 for English)&2 courses for non-linguistic subjects teachers,for to intensively providing them competences in French (4 teachers)&English (4 teachers).Transfer&valorization in the school will be done during 2nd year by realizing 10 pluridisciplinar teams divided as follows:for French:a group for reprojecting contents for teaching language,literature,civilization and for organizing DELF sessions;for English:a group for reprojecting contents for teaching language,literature,civilization;a group for projecting non-linguistic optional subjects in French;a group for projecting non-linguistic optional subjects in English.4 teachers composed a group of new technologies,online communication&for realizing an innovative elearning platform,used for the project courses and for implementing the courses resulted from the project.This resulted in 10 innovative linguistic course supports(5 in French,5 in English),10 optional subjects course supports in French&English.There were realized 7 eTwinning projects(3 awarded with European eTwinning Label 2016),2 pluridisciplinar project,2 international projects;new competences were used into a national translations contest (2016&2017 editions).";The results were presented in 10 scientific papers,during symposiums&conferences.The project team fulfilled responsibilities conforming to a complex strategy based on project management (planning,implementing,monitoring,evaluating,disseminating). Experienced members of the project team monitored mobilities (preparation,signing contracts,quality of training courses,planning,reporting,certification system), planning&applying preparation, mentoring, monitoring &evaluating trained teachers, continuity through transfer&sustainability strategy also that communication with organizers of the training.By applying acquired competences,project significantly improved bilingual/intensive school teaching, contributing to change institutional ethos,bringing extra-skills for a high quality of socio-professional insertion on the labor market of the graduates.By a better European cooperation 2 new KA2 projects were written,one being submitted in 2017. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-RO01-KA101-014870;;;Scoala - mediu activ de manifestare a competentelor elevilor;"A. CONTEXT: Aim-fulfiling the mission: an environment based on moral values, in which everybody can benefit the chance of developing as person and personality, favourable for forming/exercising s...";Pedagogy and didactics, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills;;"Scoala Gimnaziala ""Mihai Viteazul""";RO;RO,MT,CZ;12.575,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"A. CONTEXT: | Aim-fulfiling the mission: an environment based on moral values, in which everybody can benefit the chance of developing as person and personality, favourable for forming/exercising students skills. Despite the performances, students gain the knowledge transmited by teachers-cognitive domain. The cause: the scholastic approach of teaching-learning. The teachers aim the learning results although students have creativity, they are interested in it and willing of something new. The European courses for teachers have as result the improvement of professional skills and the facilitation of cooperation. | B. AIMS of the project - in accordance with 3 strategic goals from IDP: | 1.Encouraging the improvement of teaching-learning-evaluating quality: the school, with the aid of the formed teachers, will create an active environment for students for forming/ developing their skills | 2.Improving teachers skills (linguistic, digital, entrepreneurial, civic, social), for facilitation of forming/ developing students skills and motivating the schools employees for training. | 3.Offering students opportunities-exercising the skills in a stimulative frame | 4.Raising the European dimenssion and the schools visibility for sharing and transfering the European practices in school | C. NO./PROFILE of participants: 7 teachers, from18 candidates interested in the new curricular approach, open to new, willing to get involved, to have English and IT skills, who have assumed the implementation of follow-up activities | D. DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITIES: | 5 waves: Czech Republic, Malta | 1.Digital Storrytelling made easy as 1-2-3: it combines the creative and digital skills, raises the students motivation - solving problems through the nonformal Storytelling technique, with modern and new IT tools | 2.Innovative Approaches to teaching: it develops the creativity, critical thinking, metacognition-innovative teaching methods for improving the quality and efficency of the lesson. It improves the ability of creating a creative learning environment, in which students discuss about their ideas and they make unusual associations. | 3.Encouraging creative thinking: it improves the ability of creating a creative environment, students discuss their ideas, they raise unusual questions. Teachers notice the alternatives, they think critically, developing the skills of their students. | 4.Promoting the Culture of Entrepreneurship: it offers knowledge for orientating the students towards the entrepreneurial culture and making decisions, leading abilities, marketing, making working groups for working with IT marketing instruments, management of relationships and dealing with stress. | METHODOLOGY: | a.Preparation: Presenting the Erasmus+ Program/school project, forming the team/roles, analizing the needs, identifing the aim group, EDP, identifing/selecting the courses, contact with providers; informing the collegues about the courses, the conditions of participation, expressing the participation wish, selection of participants in mobilities, conciving/signing of contracts | b.Implementation: participating in courses, substitution of teachers and logistics for appling the new things; dissemination, materials/ products revaluation, monitorization/evaluation | c.Follow-up: 21 teachers from school want to go to English courses for taking part in courses in Europe, 20 teachers use the digital technology and a foreign language (English)";E. RESULTS AND IMPACT: | a.Direct beneficiaries: 7 formed teachers became resources for their collegues and motivating factors for students through improving their professional, social and life skills, the capacity of Internationally cooperation, digital skills, capacity of creating adequate learning frames | b.Indirect beneficiaries: 20 teachers created favourable environments for students and consolidate their professional profile. At least 300 students benefit the activities. Minimum 50 parents were involved as assessment indicators of beneficiaries satisfaction | G. LONG-TERM GAINS: 20 teachers replace the traditional methods using new methods, frequent utilization of mobile phones in the activities (1-2 lessons/week, accounts on Kahoot, Plickers and Comix, 30 sets of online evaluations, 15 virtual classrooms, 3 open-lessons, 2 training workshops for schools teachers and 26-methodic meetings, 7 workshops with 85 parents, 15 published articles,13 participations in symposiums, raised no of students, new partenerships, writing of 2 new KA2 and 1 KA1 projects (2017), European School 2016 Title. | The school is more competitive, a modern learning environment, integrating new European practices. The practices and the optional classes offer have become better, the development strategy has been revised by improving management skills and internationalization strategies. It has become an environment in which the educational actors skills are developing. The self-esteem, motivation and satisfaction have raised and the results have been improved. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2015;2015-1-RO01-KA102-014155;;;Dezvoltarea competentelor europene pentru elevi surzi in profesia pedagog de recuperare ;"The Special Technology High School ""Beethoven"" Craiova was the recipient of the ""European Competence development in deaf students teacher profession recovery"" for a period between May 6 to June 9,...";Disabilities - special needs, Gender equality / equal opportunities, Inclusion - equity;;"Liceul Tehnologic Special ""Beethoven""";RO;RO,IT;92.083,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The Special Technology High School ""Beethoven"" Craiova was the recipient of the ""European Competence development in deaf students teacher profession recovery"" for a period between May 6 to June 9,2016 and has 216 students with disabilities at the secondary and post.The receiving partner, called CENTRO DI PRIMA DI AGGREAZIONE SOCIAL E ACCOGLIENZA MARANATHA Onlus, in Mileto,Italy,aimed to increase the chances of employability, through skills development specialist practice for 23 students with hearing disabilities (deaf) at post-secondary school (14 in the first year and second year 9),in the advanced skill level III,field training-Health and Teacher,profession Teacher Recovery,through their participation in practice at the care-center for elderly people. The project proposed a continuation of the partnership between the Special Technology School ""Beethoven"" and the host organization after 2 projects IVT- one in 2010,with 15 participants deaf,the same profession,that was considered by ANPCDEFP as good practice and second year 2013,21 deaf students,the same specialization, it had particularly good results. The 23 participants were selected mobility of two classes, with the following characteristics: -9%of them are young people with disabilities, institutionalized in DGASPC Dolj, following at the completion of their studies, as adults, to lose this status on the consequences of unemployment, begging or homeless people. -73%were from rural families with Indigent or modest that practice subsistence agriculture,\and quality through professional education, we wanted the prevention of this lifestyle unsustainable in the medium and long term. -100%of them had hearing disabilities or mild mental impairment certificates. The project objectives were: -to develop skills and practical skills in the field of specialization, target group,and personal development for 23 pupils with hearing -development of Italian language skills -increasing self-confidence for the 23 deaf participants,due to stage solving tasks, which will motivate them in finding a job in the recovery and care of people with special needs; -active and constant-Involvement of 23 deaf students in cultural activities, leisure time, to promote: knowledge, socialization, adaptation to a new system of moral values, active citizenship and a better understanding of EU values. - Erasmus +-use activities for development of the school educational offer and thus ensure better recognition of the skills acquired during training periods abroad. -increasing adaptability requirements of the market participants -To promote a positive image about the usefulness of integrating disabled person skilled in their chosen profession. The 23 participants deaf had the chance, through this project, to form competent abilities and skills specific to the profession, high standards in a real work environment and professional, during a stage long duration (5 weeks) actually which has increased the chances of professional and social integration on the European labor market. The 23 students deaf formed their skills and abilities to work in a multidisciplinary team,which developed the abilities to design,organization, implementation,monitoring and evaluation of the activities of care,recovery,empowerment of the assisted elderly to European standards quality.";Participants have developed language skills,Italian language(working language) through a training program adapted to the peculiarities of their communication and understanding but also by interactive communication, the duration of the internship. This placement has proposed a real integration for the 23 participants deaf, which led to increased self-confidence and attractiveness, training and their work. Teacher profession recovery has been promoted in this project, the expansion in Europe, the demand for medical services, assistance and recuperative care can, and amid accelerated aging of the European population by decreasing birth rate. This internship has proven to be an opportunity necessary for the target group as people with disabilities need access to practical vocational training, quality in order to have chances on a labor market in which competition is fierce and sometimes unfair towards them . Equality in their case means facilitating learning opportunities, professional and personal development necessary compensation manifested sensory limitations. The involvement of 23 participants in a new cultural environment, such as the one in Italy, has developed the capacity of adaptability towards profession and social segregation replacing the active involvement. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2015;2015-1-RO01-KA102-014171;;;New Skills Through a European Mobility;"The mobility project with no.2015-1-RO01-KA102-014171 for the professional training of 24 participants and called ""New Skills Through a European Mobility (New STEM)"", implemented by the Liceul Teh...";Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Energy and resources, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills;;Liceul Tehnologic Voinesti;RO;RO,UK;74.544,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"The mobility project with no.2015-1-RO01-KA102-014171 for the professional training of 24 participants and called ""New Skills Through a European Mobility (New STEM)"", implemented by the Liceul Tehnologic Voinesti in 24 months and two internships, one from 4 to 22.04.2016, and the other form 6 to 24.03.2017 had as a general objective the increase of the insertion capacity of the pupils on the labor market. The participants gained 3 key competences of the vocational training standard and improved their communication skills in English and developed the sense of entrepreneurial initiative, thus increasing the chances of employing these future graduates on the labor market. The 24 participants divided into two mobility flows practiced two traineeships of 90 hours for each in April 2016 respectively in March 2017 in the VET organization called Tellus Limited from Plymouth, England. The learning outcomes gained by the participants were materialized in knowledge, abilities and competences have been assessed, transferred, recognized and accrued using the European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training. The 24 participants are students enrolled in the 10th grade in the field of electrical professional training. The first mobility flow from the first year of the project of the 2015-2016 school year, consisted of 12 pupils enrolled at high school unfolded a traineeship in Tellus Limited from 4 to 22.04.2016 of 90 hours. The second mobility flow of 2016-2017 school year consisted of 12 students enrolled in 3 year professional education and 90 hours unfolded also a traineeship from 6 to 24.03.2017 in the same VET organization in England. The main activities within the professional mobility program: - practical activities for the identification of electrical equipment specific to low voltage electrical installations; - perform of electric circuits using voltage source, transformer and electrical components; -development of indoor and outdoor lighting installations as well as control and supervision of interior lighting; -specific verification and measurement of the electrical indoor and outdoor lighting; -maintenance and repair of faults of the indoor and outdoor lighting installations; -final evaluations of the participants;";"The learning outcomes gained by the participants during the project are correlated with those planned in the application form, results that have been described by acquiring practical skills in the realization of low-voltage electrical installations and improving the English communication and acquiring the abilities of technical English using specialized terms, acquiring socio-cultural competences and entrepreneurial skills. Short-term impact: increasing the interest of the participants in the professional and linguistic training and improving the learning outcomes, increasing teachers' interest for writing and implementation of VET projects, increasing the visibility of the high school at the local level and implementing new didactic methods in the activity of practical training. In the medium term: increasing chances of employment on the labor market, increasing the local community's interest in supporting of the VET education and the interest of economic agents for professional partnerships. Long term: high perspectives for the following European School certificate. Contract Changes: 1. request for F type annex to modify the level of education for the 12 participants in stream 2 (high school students with vocational education students), the date of application -18.08.2015 (scan, e-mail), approved by the National Agency; 2. the appointment of another headmaster starting with 1.09.2015, Mr. Ionut Iurea who replaced Mr. Ion Constantinescu approval request through annex on 4 September2015 by the envelope with the contract and approved by National Agency. We believe that the objectives of the project have been fully met." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2015;2015-1-RO01-KA102-014245;;;Specializare europeana in formarea viitorilor tehnicieni in constructii ;The target group of the project entitled European Specialisation for Developing the Future Techniques in Constructions was represented by 32 eleventh graders of the Ploie_ti Toma Socolescu Tec...;International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;"Colegiul Tehnic ""Toma N. Socolescu""";RO;RO,PT,ES;77.592,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The target group of the project entitled European Specialisation for Developing the Future Techniques in Constructions was represented by 32 eleventh graders of the Ploie_ti Toma Socolescu Technical High School qualification level: 4, branch: Technological, field of study : Technical, divided in the following way: 16 students from the Designing technician for constructions and plumbing qualification and 16 students from the Technician for constructions and public works qualification, selected from a target group composed of 24 students from the Designing technician for constructions and plumbing qualification and 21 from the Technician for constructions and public works qualification. | The present project met the main need of a future technological high school graduate the Designing technician for constructions and plumbing and Technician for constructions and public works specialisations, namely that of enjoying specialised training as close as and directly integrated into the real environment on the employment market in their vocational field. To this end, our project departed from the following educational and training goal : to provide the students personal and vocational development, so that they may become active citizens at the level of the community by their participation in its active, civic and professional life. Specific goals : 1. the improvement of the participants vocational training and the access to the new technologies in the field of construction and public work design, by the contact with companies and specialists of some of the most uplevelled construction industries in Europe ; 2. the development of the practical skills and capabilities at European standards, with an aim to foster highly qualified employment, by smoothing the young peoples insertion into the labour market ; 3. the enrichment of the personal experience by the contact with another European reality, in order to provide a good transition from school to active life. The project enabled the shaping of the general technical skills and of the specialised ones laid down by SPP for Module VII Technical-Economical Documentation from the Frame Scheme specified in the Order no. 3172 dtd. 30.01.2006 of the M.E.R the Designing technician for constructions and plumbing qualification and Module V Structure Works for Constructions, included in the Order no. 3172 dtd. 30.01.2006 of the MER the Designing technician for constructions and plumbing qualification. The internship helped covering the following content units: For the Designing technician for constructions and plumbing qualification: - the selection of the technical documentation for execution purposes, - the elaboration of the technical-economical documentation specific to the construction, plumbing and public works, - the provision of consistency between the technical documentation and the construction / plumbing works carried out, | and for the Technician for constructions and public works qualification: - new technologies of performing masonry structures, - new technologies of performing reinforced concrete structures, - construction works checking.";"The internship took place in: Spain - 22.02.-11.03.2016 - 16 students and 1 accompanying teacher; Portugal - 22.02.-11.03.2016 -16 students and 1 teacher. The partners were the participants the sending organisation - the Toma Socolescu Technical High School of Ploie_ti and the hosting organisations - Granhabyv Construccion Sl, Peligros, MEP Europrojects Granada SL the intermediary organisation for the session in Spain, and Fersil-Construo Civil e Compra e Venda de Propriedades Lda, Vasco Matos Unipessoal Lda, Barcelos, Associao Intercultural Amigos da Mobilidade, Barcelos the intermediary organisation for the session in Portugal. The planned duration of the mobility was 21 actual days, i.e. 90 hours. To the 32 students, their having taken part in the vocational internship was a complex professional and human experience, seeing that for most of them this was the very first contact with a new European cultural environment. In this way, from the professional viewpoint, the students acquired knowledge, skills and capabilities for designing and executing various types of works in the field of constructions and public works. This experience developed their flexibility and tolerance, their teamwork abilities, their adaptive skills and it enhanced their degree of self-confidence. The outcomes of the participants learning were assessed in terms of quality and quantity, they were validated, acknowledged and notified by the sending organisation and the receiving organisations by means of the Europass Mobility documents, the internship attendance certificates, by grades and credit points at the speciality subjects covered during the internship. The comparative analysis of the project assessment results shows that the goals set up in the financing request were reached in full." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2015;2015-1-RO01-KA102-014590;;;From webdesign to web-business;The project of Nicu Gane National College, as an Erasmus+ VET mobility stage in May 2016 (2-20) adressed the training needs identified among highschool students specialized in Math-IT, following...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education;;Colegiul National Nicu Gane;RO;RO,DE;38.296,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The project of Nicu Gane National College, as an Erasmus+ VET mobility stage in May 2016 (2-20) adressed the training needs identified among highschool students specialized in Math-IT, following the SWOT analysis of the school. The beneficiaries were 15 students in 10-th grade selected according to criteria which was cleary established and stipulated in the project who carried out pactical activities in webdesign and E-business in Germany, through professional training at European standards. The forming stage took place at the VET institution in Dresden, WBS Training AG as a host organization according to a training schedule with clear tasks for both partners. The communication language was English. After the setting up the management team, the sending organization had the selection Contest which evaluated the students knowledge and competencies in IT and English. Prior to the departure in the mobility, there was a pedagogical, linguistic and cultural training program for the selected students, included 3 substitutes (according to the achieved score). After negotiating the training agreement, the sending organization communicated with the host organization regarding the administration and monitoring of the stage as well as aspects concerning transport, accomodation, subsistence and cultural activities. The objectives of the projects were: forming practical skills and competencies to use complex informatic strategies, by acquiring methods and models of good practice in webdesign and e-business, with the purpose of facilitating personal development and professional insertion of the European labour market; stimulating the entrepreneurial spirit by developing necessary abilities to create websites for virtual business; improving social, cultural and linguistic skills. Throughout the mobility, the participants carried activities of training and developing professional skills to create basic settings of webpages, to create and introduce lists in webpages, to create webpages interactivity, to acquire and understand the terminology used in technical language, to develop an e-business, to use semantic web in e-business, to develop the web image of a company and ways to promote it online. The students gained social and linguistic abilities as well.";The evaluation of the project was done according to a plan regarding the way of achieving the aims, the participant involvement, the acquiring of proposed skills. The evaluation and monitoring of the project was carried out before, during and after the mobility, according to a well-established schedule and by means of a variety of resources and methods, ending with the participating certificate. The practice tutors evaluated the degree of acquiring the proposed skills by oral questioning, checking the achievement of daily tasks, the analysis of the final project presentation. The results of the project were: acquiring new practical skills in webdesign, increasing the motivation for learning, ability to communicate in English, to work in a team and in a culturally different environment, increasing the reputation and European dimension of the school, The participants also developed social and linguistic skills in a real conditions, in a multicultural environment and in a competitive socio-professional context in the European market and formed a professional conduct based on respect, sociability, communication. The acquired skills were acknowed by awarding the Europass Mobility Certificate. The sending institution's gain was the adaptation to the new chalenges and evolutions, the preparation for learning and ongoing training, ensuring the direct exercise of participative democracy, the apparition of initiatives to carry out new educational projects regarding to equality of chances or the development of intercultural experiences. On a local level, the impact resides in increasing the school prestige in the local community, forming future citizens who are responsible, tolerant, involved in community problems, models for other students. On a national level, the project contributed to the establishment of the act, based on the needs of personal and professional development of the students. Moreover, this training contributed to the increase of the education quality, the degree of the school autonomy in choosing the curriculum. On a European level, the impact is materialized in the formation of future European citizens who are responsible, tolerant and aware of their role in the society. The dissemination was carried out through presentations on a local and regional level, articles and interviews in mass-media, news on the school webpage. Participants achieved a professional behaviour based on respect, sociability, communication and cooperation. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2015;2015-1-RO01-KA102-014847;;;Getting together, to create something better!;The project Getting together, to create something better! was proposed by School Centre for Inclusive Education Arad in order to meet the needs identified in the school teachers and students. T...;Disabilities - special needs, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Access for disadvantaged;;CENTRUL SCOLAR PENTRU EDUCATIE INCLUZIVA ARAD;RO;RO,PT;238.500,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The project Getting together, to create something better! was proposed by School Centre for Inclusive Education Arad in order to meet the needs identified in the school teachers and students. This project represents a part of the county strategy focused on removing the barriers that prevent or limit the Integration and effective and responsible participation of people in social life, under conditions of respect for citizens' rights and freedoms, on equal terms and non-discrimination in relation to other members of the community. Through the activities of the project / through the involvement of the teachers and the community it was desired normalization, accessibility, education and training for students/youth with special educational needs from School Centre for Inclusive Education Arad, in order to improve quality of life, on the line of autonomy, security, dignity, decision and personal responsibility and on the other hand the improvement / development of competences in the teaching staff regarding the practical-applicative activities carried out with the students with SEN and the change of the mentality by proposing a new approach of the young with special educational needs. The project, through its activities, has been aimed at eliminating barriers to school and social inclusion for students with disabilities. The educational objectives of the project aimed the two actors involved: the student/youth with special educational needs and the special education teacher. By achieving the objectives, it was intended that, at the end of the mobility, the pupil / young person with SEN would be able to: - - develop personal autonomy skills by fostering self-confidence and supporting interpersonal relationships; - - relate to society and the world in which she/he lives by developing daily life skills, to develop skills and abilities for work, to educate abilities in order to increase the quality of life; - - improve the skills and abilities specific to the occupational workshop in which she/he was integrated; - - relate to students / young people with / without special needs in order to complete workshop or day-to-day activities;";"As a result of the experiences of practical-applicative activities, the need to extend learning beyond school, in authentic life contexts through the use of empirically acquired practical acquisitions, has been identified. Thus, the teachers involved in the project have been developing skills regarding the development of motivation to work with the students/ of the students, the implementation of new European learning methods and techniques, professional and personal development by achieving the following objectives: - to be able to point out the strengths and interests of each child and use them for internal motivation in the educational process, to develop at young people with SEN certain skills, abilities and practical skills necessary for a future profession; - to be able to establish practical but differentiated objectives, suitable for students; - to be able to design occupational workshops for manual abilitation, adapted methods, specific means and the optimal framework for correlating the pre-professionalization activities in the school with the real ones. This ability of the teacher allows all students to become members of the workshop and of the school, developing them and preparing them to be members of a professional collectivity; - to know how to use a teaching style based more on psycho-motor development activities rather than the intervention from the chair. These objectives came to meet and support the needs mentioned and found both in the initial training of students and in the continuous training of teachers. The target group was composed of 60 pupils with mild, moderate and severe mental retardation who participated in preprofessionalization activities in 3 occupational workshops for manual abilitation and 18 teachers who participated in job- Shadowing in the 3 occupational workshops. The project was run in 6 streams for 2 years in Barcelos, Portugal. The breakdown per flow was as follows: 4 students with severe or associated deficiencies, 6 pupils with mild or moderate deficits and 3 teachers in job-shadowing. The project activities were carried out according to the training agreement and the work program for each participant. There were, according to the occupational workshops, 3 categories of training agreements and work programs, approved by ANPCDEFP. All project activities were carried out at the three partner institutions in the project: Associao Intercultural Amigos da Mobilidade, AGRUPAMENTO DE ESCOLAS DE BARCELOS and ASOCIAO DE PAIS E AMIGOS DAS CRIANAS INADAPTADAS (APACI). Within the project, teachers have developed support materials for carrying out specific activities with the pupil / young person with SEN and for her/his effective integration into school and society." Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-RO01-KA202-014982;;;"""One Minute may save a Life""";"Itself the title of the project ""One minute may save a Life"" shows the importance of this project. The rationale of developing this project arose from the actuality of this European problem. The a...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal);;ZIVAC GROUP CENTRAL SRL;RO;RO,UK,CY,IT;178.952,86;Yes;No;Research Institute/Centre;Centro de Investigacin;;not available;English;"Itself the title of the project ""One minute may save a Life"" shows the importance of this project. The rationale of developing this project arose from the actuality of this European problem. The argues that support this problem are found in a series of documents and statistics of European Commission, as well as of the countries of partners involved in the project. Based on the partners motivation and experience, this project aimed to create a training course for improving the knowledge and competences of 112 dispatchers. From the needs analyses, the target group (112 dispatchers) was the first-pylon in entire chain of saving human lives.";"The projects objectives were: | - the development and implementation of innovative practices in 112 dispatching services | - obtaining basic competences in field of emergency services and several transversal competences in IT, communication in a foreign language, and of team working | - the increase of 112 dispatching services efficiency | - the development of 112 dispatchers abilities to listen, intervene and analyze the conversation with the caller to identity false | 112calls | - the improvement of 112 dispatchers capacity to optimize the analysis of nature of the calls, for effectively directing and transmitting the emergency calls to the intervention team | - the improvement of inter-institutional cooperation of the involved actors: caller-112 dispatcher-intervention team (physician, fireman; mountain rescuer). | For the achievement of these objectives the project foresaw the following outcomes: | - development of a training course - designed for psychological support of 112 dispatchers; the training course pointed out: psychology, security and risk; psycho-traumatology; communication with 112 caller; psychological profile of the caller; psychological aspects of emergency call taking; common psychological problems of 112 dispatchers; psychological intervention methods and technics; | - development of supporting mini-guide of good practices - which were collected, summarized and outlined: psychological issues and needs of 112 dispatchers; currently available best practices in different EU member countries and common psychological problems of 112 dispatchers; most adequate measures taken in other several EU member countries; psychological support intervention methods/ technics for 112 dispatchers; specific recommendations to the stakeholders; | - development of an online e-learning tool (e-learning platform) - were had purpose to ensure the possibility to the dispatchers, rescue services staff to use training materials, assess knowledge. | All these intellectual outputs had a potential of transferability in other institutions connected with the theme of the project, and sustainability. | In the application we want to do training for 95 emergency dispatchers but we topped that number and a clear result of the project was a number of 116 trained 112 dispatchers , who had improved competences and abilities to manage critical emergency situations with the purpose of saving human lives. | In addition, at the completion of the project, the staff of the partners involved in the project had the opportunity to exchange experience, knowledge and good practices. Results | Without category | | IO1 - Research on psychological methods/ Technics for 112 dispatchers - Part 2 - Interpretation of questionnaire | IO1 - Research on psychological methods/ Technics for 112 dispatchers - Part 3 - Research on 112 | IO1 - Research on psychological methods/ Technics for 112 dispatchers - Part 3 - Research on 112 | IO1 - Research on psychological methods/ Technics for 112 dispatchers - Part 3 - Research on 112 | IO1 - Research on psychological methods/ Technics for 112 dispatchers - Part 3 - Research on 112 | IO2 - Developing training course - psychological support for 112 dispatchers - Part 1 Training design | IO2 - Developing training course - psychological support for 112 dispatchers - Part 1 Training design | IO2 - Developing training course - psychological support for 112 dispatchers - Part 1 Training design | IO2 - Developing training course - psychological support for 112 dispatchers - Part 1 Training design | IO2 - Developing training course - psychological support for 112 dispatchers - Part 2 Role playing course support | IO2 - Developing training course - psychological support for 112 dispatchers - Part 2 Role playing course support | IO2 - Developing training course - psychological support for 112 dispatchers - Part 2 Role playing course support | IO2 - Developing training course - psychological support for 112 dispatchers - Part 2 Role playing course support | IO2 - Developing training course - psychological support for 112 dispatchers - Part 3 Support of course 112 | IO2 - Developing training course - psychological support for 112 dispatchers - Part 3 Support of course 112 | IO2 - Developing training course - psychological support for 112 dispatchers - Part 3 Support of course 112 | IO2 - Developing training course - psychological support for 112 dispatchers - Part 3 Support of course 112 | IO3 - Developing mini-guide of good practices psychological support for 112 dispatchers | IO3 - Developing mini-guide of good practices psychological support for 112 dispatchers | IO3 - Developing mini-guide of good practices psychological support for 112 dispatchers | IO3 - Developing mini-guide of good practices psychological support for 112 dispatchers" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-RO01-KA202-015091;;;Novel learning approach for ERGOnomic principles for deSIGNers working in the upholstery and sleep sectors by using Virtual Reality.;The European furniture and sleep sectors are key drivers of sustainable growth with a significant contribution to economic health, competitiveness, creativity, innovation, employment and export. E...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Open and distance learning, Enterprise ...;;ASOCIATIA PRODUCATORILOR DE MOBILA DIN ROMANIA;RO;RO,SI,PL,ES;124.130,86;Yes;No;Social partner or other representative of working life (chambers of commerce, trade union, trade association);Asociacin;;;English;The European furniture and sleep sectors are key drivers of sustainable growth with a significant contribution to economic health, competitiveness, creativity, innovation, employment and export. ERGOSIGN proposed the creation of a flexible learning pathway and learning programme in line with the needs of learners and companies in the furniture, sleep and related sectors that will improve enterprises innovation, expertise and added value. | ERGOSIGN created online training materials on ergonomics applied to the upholstery and sleep industry developed by VET providers, who run their own specialized training according to the needs of these sectors, and universities, which respective departments are EU experts the field of ergonomics. From this main objective, several specific objectives were defined: | - To identify and understand skills gaps and needs of EU designers, trainers, and professionals in developing functional furniture and sleeping products that ergonomically comply with their specific use. | - To define joint curricula that define and analyse the most suitable training paths addressing the skills gaps and needs identified. | - To develop learning, teaching and training materials focused on basic principles on ergonomics and specific ergonomic considerations and materials that contribute to the ergonomics of the final product (flexible polyurethane foams, TPU gels, fabrics, etc). | - To enhance the integration of Virtual Reality in learning, teaching and training and support learners and educational staff in improving the use of ICT and digital competences. | -To promote open access to teaching and learning content addressing traditional sectors in line with individuals needs and expectations, reducing skills mismatches. | -Capacity Building in these Sectors: Establishing a stable Strategic Partnership that will further promote active cooperation among enterprises, professional organisations and local/Regional Bodies in order to support high quality VET with a strong work based learning component. | ERGOSIGN brought together two HE institutions and three VET providers addressing the furniture and woodworking industry from Romania, Spain, Poland and Slovenia. These countries represent 20% of the total EU furniture production [1].;Partners complemented each other and brought added value due to their international approach while developing all planned activities: | | -Surveys, comparative analysis and evidence-gathering, real cases studies in order to have a real idea of the needs of skills and competences in the European furniture and sleep industry. | - The creation of a joint curriculum and learning/training materials with methods, pedagogical approaches and tools. | - The development of a virtual learning tool and virtual content. | - Capacity building and networking activities. | This Strategic Partnership developed a Report on Ergonomics for upholstery and sleep products (current skills and qualifications needs), a training path and a joint curriculum, training material and a virtual tool which the learning content will be delivered and will help learners assimilate the learning content with the help of real cases. The content is presented by means of an e-learning platform and together with the virtual tool are freely available. | ERGOSIGN triggers modernization and reinforces work based education aligned to the needs and opportunities offered by traditional industries. The project provides and assess basic and transversal skills, such as entrepreneurship and digital competences. The open access training content and virtual tool will contribute to a more strategic and integrated use of ICTs and OER. This learning approach provides a better understanding and recognition of new skills and transversal competences. Target groups (staff from the furniture and sleep industry and VET staff, students and unemployed willing to focus their careers on these sectors) have the chance of increasing their knowledge on electronic platforms and ICT tools that will improve their competences in their working lives and furthermore, will offer more opportunities for professional development. Their skills and competences will improve for employability and new business creation: Sense of initiative, entrepreneurship and digital competences. | In the long run: | - ERGOSIGN will increase the labour market relevance of VET provision and will reduce skill mismatches and shortages among the identified target groups. | | -Results will strengthen the education and training paths of youth workers, equipping them with all necessary competences and skill to develop a high quality job in the target sector. | | -The use of virtual reality as a learning tool will enhance digital integration in learning, teaching, training and youth work and will support educational staff and youth workers in acquiring or improving the use of ICT for learning and related digital competences. | | [1] The EU furniture market situation and a possible products initiative, CSIL, Dec.2014. Results | Website | | | Without category | | Ergosign Course - Training Path and Curriculum_EN | Ergosign Course - Training Path and Curriculum_RO | Ergosign Course - Training Path and Curriculum_PL | Ergosign Course - Training Path and Curriculum_ES | Ergosign Course - Training Path and Curriculum_SLO | O4 Ergosign Course, M1: Basic Concepts on Ergonomics - EN | O4 Ergosign Course, M2: Ergonomics and Materials for Furniture and Sleep Products - EN | O4 Ergosign Course, M3: Examples of Ergonomics Aspects in Upholstered Furniture and Sleep Sector Products - EN | O4 Ergosign Course, M1: Basic Concepts on Ergonomics - RO | O4 Ergosign Course, M1: Basic Concepts on Ergonomics - ES | O4 Ergosign Course, M1: Basic Concepts on Ergonomics - PL | O4 Ergosign Course, M1: Basic Concepts on Ergonomics - SI | O4 Ergosign Course, M2: Ergonomics and Materials for Furniture and Sleep Products - RO | O4 Ergosign Course, M2: Ergonomics and Materials for Furniture and Sleep Products - ES | O4 Ergosign Course, M2: Ergonomics and Materials for Furniture and Sleep Products - PL | O4 Ergosign Course, M2: Ergonomics and Materials for Furniture and Sleep Products - SI | O4 Ergosign Course, M3: Examples of Ergonomics Aspects in Upholstered Furniture and Sleep Sector Products - RO | O4 Ergosign Course, M3: Examples of Ergonomics Aspects in Upholstered Furniture and Sleep Sector Products - ES | O4 Ergosign Course, M3: Examples of Ergonomics Aspects in Upholstered Furniture and Sleep Sector Products - PL | O4 Ergosign Course, M3: Examples of Ergonomics Aspects in Upholstered Furniture and Sleep Sector Products - SI | O5 Ergosign Guidelines to access and use the e-learning platform - EN Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-RO01-KA202-015230;;;Collaborative learning for enhancing practical skills for patient-focused interventions in gait rehabilitation after orthopedic surgery;The Recommendation of the EU Parliament and of the Council of the Establishment of ECVET are taking place in a framework in which there is a serious need of complementarity between vocational trai...;Health and wellbeing, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Open and distance learning;;SPITALUL CLINIC DE URGENTA BUCURESTI;RO;RO,DK,TR,EL,BG;203.701,00;Yes;No;National Public body;Administracin;not available;;English;"The Recommendation of the EU Parliament and of the Council of the Establishment of ECVET are taking place in a framework in which there is a serious need of complementarity between vocational training and higher education. Although in many specialties, computer assisted education has long been integrated into educational curriculum, in medical education, this happens sporadically, despite the great interest of medical specialists for this type of training. A growing number of reports draw attention to the need of adjustment of the offer in medical education to labor market needs. There are no on-line available guidelines on surgical procedures free of charge and most on-line courses offer no recognised accreditation. Gait analysis is performed within a great range of methods: in Romania at least, none of the hospitals have trained personal for gait analysis and the analyse is based on visual observation. | Taking into consideration all these aspects, our project addresses to medical professionals (residents, medical specialists), proposing the aquisition of key competencies in orthopedic and rehabilitation VET as requested by the labour market,by innovative approaches in training (e-learning; patient-focused interventions in gait rehabilitation after orthopedic surgery). | The OBJECTIVES of the project, with regards to the programme tackled priorities are: | - development and implementation of innovative practices (open resources) in orthopedic and rehabilitation vocational training | - improving basic skills in the field of orthopedy and rehabilitation (assesment, decision, treatment for different pathologies) | - development of new skills as requested by the labour market (computerized gait analysis) | - development of transversal skills in the field of language, ICT , team work, decision. | Validation of gained competences of participants by CME credits in order to assure sustainability of the training is forseen, as well as | integration of good practices /new methods into daily activities at the work place, to get a greater effectiveness of activities for the benefit of local communities (increasing the level of health care, patient satisfaction, decreasing health costs) | The direct Target Group of the project include medical doctors - residents or specialists in orthopedics and rehabilitation; estimated number of persons= 150 trainees (from Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey).";"The intellectual outputs are represented by: | - O1 - Reports and research studies, aiming to develop common references for VET in orthopedy and rehabilitation in paticipant countries . | -O2- Gudeliness of standard procedures in lower limb orthopedic surgery and rehabilitation will contain 24 procedures and corespondent videos, capturing in real practice the manoeuvres presented in the guide, for a better conection between knowledge and skills. The video material will create support for autonomous leaning practical skills for the trainees. | - O3- COR- skills e-learning platform. Consists in a repository of training material with real clinical case studies using digital imaging and accompanying notes with a multi language user interface and an assesment system- multiple choice tests and case studies. | The main goal of the application is to give students the possibility to follow training materials, evaluate knowledge and communicate with all involved parties. This will function as a virtual medical environment, similar with the work place. | - O4- Trainer s transversal kit orthopedic&rehabilitation. It aims to introduce the developed resources into current VET&medical lifelong learning. It will present the content of the procedures, the videos, the case studies and the way to be accesed but also to be developed by trainers. | The impact envisaged for target groups consist in offering an development and updating of skills and competencies as requested by labour market. Increasing employability by promotion of a skills-based approach by the collaboration of universities and hospitals as well as facilitation of personal and professional development is also estimated. | In terms of organisations the impact can be defined as follows: | Providing easy usable teaching and a learning tool suitable for lifelong learning. | - Enabling the medicine services to become more qualitative through increasing efficiency, through using best European practice. | - Offering additional opportunities for non-formal learning (case studies). | - More strategic and integrated use of ICTs and open educational resources (OER) by education and training; | - Reinforced interaction between practice and research by training for new technologies. | - Filling the gap between diagnosis and treatment | The potentially longer terms benefits are represented by: Universities and higher education centers, Employed Medical Doctors, Professionals in health care, Hospitals, vocational training centres , associations representing the medical profession and medical students,patients. Results | Website | | | Without category | | Research and Reporting Highlighted needs in Medical VET for orthopedic and rehabilitation professionals - Transnational Report | Research and Reporting for the current state of art in the field of protocols for orthopedic surgical procedures and correspondant rehabilitation procedures | GUIDELINESS OF OPERATIONAL STANDARD PROCEDURES IN LOWER LIMB ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY | Guidelines of operational standard procedures in rehabilitation after lower limb orthopedic surgery | COR-skills e-learning platform | Trainer s transversal kit orthopedic&rehabilitation" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2015;2015-1-RO01-KA203-015198;;;Knowledge Platform for Transferring Research and Innovation in Footwear Manufacturing;Knowledge 4Foot (K4F) project has contributed at fostering the excellence in training for footwear manufacturing by linking the three areas of education, research, and business-oriented innovation...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Research and innovation, Open and distance learning;;UNIVERSITATEA TEHNICA GHEORGHE ASACHI DIN IASI;RO;RO,PT,ES,HR,BE,EL;229.576,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;"the project has achieved the following objectives: 1) set-up a new Knowledge Platform for transferring research and innovation for footwear manufacturing where the HE students have received project-based training into a virtual environment by simulating all developing stages of the research projects, having as starting point the real identified needs in leather and footwear companies; 2) developed active collaboration among education, business community and research and had assessed the skills needs on innovation, research, development, and technological transfer; 3) designed a common curriculum and related e-learning content which incorporated creative thinking, problem-solving approach and project-based learning for virtual internship in the Knowledge Platform for transferring research and innovation. Based on the authentic and adequate needs of both actual business environment and learning and training programs for managers, engineers/technicians and designers in footwear sector, the K4F project has contributed at developing sustainable solutions to attuning curricula for placement/internship and has developed skills and competencies in area of project-based work focused on research, innovation and technological transfer. Thus, the K4F project had a significant impact on the development of education and training and has brought added value at EU level. ";K4F project has proposed, created, tested and evaluated contents and methodological solutions by developing synergies between different fields of higher education and training for educating and training the next generation of managers/ engineers/ technicians/ product and process developers/ high skilled workers that will be able to understand innovation, to perform applied research activities and to transfer the newest technological inputs from research to leather and footwear companies from partner countries and elsewhere in Europe. The online training courses, the virtual internship, as well as the Intensive Learning Activities, undertaken by the target group within the framework of the Knowledge Platform for transferring research and innovation in footwear manufacturing have stimulated innovative and creative mindsets of students, and have allowed the application of their knowledge and research insights. In terms of further sustainability, the universities running courses for managers, designers and engineers/technicians and the training centres running courses for the industry could adopt the virtual internship as a preparatory stage for learners placements into a real company. Moreover, the business community (SMEs and research centres) could be in contact with future employees in the early stages of the learning/training process. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Output 2: Training programme and e-learning content for transferring research and innovation. | Output 2: Training programme and e-learning content for transferring research and innovation | Output 2: Training programme and e-learning content for transferring research and innovation | Output 2: Training programme and e-learning content for transferring research and innovation | Output 2: Training programme and e-learning content for transferring research and innovation | Output 2: Training programme and e-learning content for transferring research and innovation | Output 2: Training programme and e-learning content for transferring research and innovation | Output 3: Multimedia handbook for project based training and virtual placement | Output 3: Multimedia handbook for project based training and virtual placement | Output 3: Multimedia handbook for project based training and virtual placement | Output 3: Multimedia handbook for project based training and virtual placement | Output 3: Multimedia handbook for project based training and virtual placement | Output 3: Multimedia handbook for project based training and virtual placement | Output 3: Multimedia handbook for project based training and virtual placement | Output 3: Multimedia handbook for project based training and virtual placement | Output 3: Multimedia handbook for project based training and virtual placement | Output 3: Multimedia handbook for project based training and virtual placement | Output 5: Entrepreneurial thinking in footwear manufacturing - Book of lectures for Intensive summer training course | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | Output 1: Mapping the knowledge triangle for transferring research and innovation in footwear manufacturing | Community building tools | | Output 4: Knowledge4Foot Platform for Transferring Research and Innovation in Footwear Manufacturing | Project logo | Coordinator | UNIVERSITATEA TEHNICA GHEORGHE ASACHI DIN IASI | B DUL DIMITRU MANGERON 67 | 700050 | IASI | | Organisation type: Higher education institution (tertiary level) | Aura Mihai | | +40 232 278683 ext.1267 | Partners | VIRTUAL CAMPUS LDA | INSTITUTO TECNOLOGICO DEL CALZADO Y CONEXAS | SVEUCILISTE U ZAGREBU TEKSTILNO-TEHNOLOSKI FAKULTET SVEUC | CONFEDERATION EUROPEENNE DE L'INDUSTRIE DE LA CHAUSSURE ASBL | CREATIVE THINKING DEVELOPMENT | INSTITUTUL NATIONAL DE CERCETARE-DEZVOLTARE PENTRU TEXTILE SI PIELARIE | CENTRO TECNOLOGICO DE CALCADO DE PORTUGAL | POLYTECHNEIO KRITIS Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2015;2015-1-RO01-KA204-015071;;;Being Deaf in an Inclusive Europe;The beneficiaries of Being Deaf in an Inclusive Europe Project are deaf adult people. The success of their social and professional integration depends on education, on access to information and al...;Access for disadvantaged, Disabilities - special needs, Inclusion - equity;;Asociatia Nationala a Profesorilor pentru Elevi cu Deficiente de Auz Virgil Florea;RO;RO,PL,TR,SK,DE;199.898,82;Yes;Yes;Non-governmental organisatiossociation/social enterprise;Asociacin;;;English;"The beneficiaries of Being Deaf in an Inclusive Europe Project are deaf adult people. The success of their social and professional integration depends on education, on access to information and also on the ability to research on information. Unfortunately, the deaf peoples possibilities to inform themselves mainly depends on the speech language level and on a good knowledge of spoken and written verbal language because there are few informational and educational materials using Sign Language as main communication instrument. | | The project was implemented through a strategic partnership between 5 non- profit organisations from 5 European countries: Romania, Slovakia, Turkey, Poland and Germany. All partners provide services to Deaf people and have experience in working with Deaf people and in producing multimedia educational or informative materials using Sign Language. | | According to the statistics, in Romania there are, approximately 25 000 hearing impaired people, in Turkey, approximately 350 000, in Poland, approximately 50 000, in Slovakia 50 000 and in Germany approx. 100 000 deaf people. In total, in partner organisations' countries, there are approx. 575 000 deaf people. Over 150 000 from them are Sign language users. One of the major barriers to for Deaf people is the lack of recognition, acceptance and use of sign language in all areas of life as well as lack of respect for Deaf peoples cultural and linguistic identity. This leads to marginalization of Deaf people. By raising the level of awareness for the entire society on this issue this attitude can be changed and the Deaf Community can be recognized as linguistic community. Thats why one of the priorities of our project targeted reducing disparities in learning outcomes affecting Deaf Adult Learners. | | Bilingual education is a wide spread concept on European and also on global level, referring to children and young deaf people. The innovation of our project consists in transferring this concept in education throughout Life Long Learning of deaf adults. The access to bilingual education (using verbal communication and Sign Language at the same time) for deaf adults is quite limited on European level and almost absent on national level because of the small number of interprets and because of limited financial resources assigned to this domain. | | The main Project Objectives were: | - development of social and professional abilities of integration for the adult deaf and hearing impaired persons by forming and informing them about the labour market, the opportunities that digital technology and its continuum upgrading offers them in terms of communication and social integration, Human Rights, social integration abilities, Deaf Community Culture; | - facilitating the access to Open Educational Resources for Deaf people through the creation and development of a free e-Learning Platform containing video informative materials on various topics of interest for Deaf Community using Sign Language as primary means of communication. | | These objectives where achieved primarily through 5 Training Activities (Blended mobility of adult learners) including 80 mobilities for direct beneficiaries and by producing of 5 educational materials tailored to their special needs and e-Learning specific (available in five languages of partner countries). The main activities and tools which ensured internal and external communication and, also, dissemination, exploitation of project results and its impact, where the project website, a virtual Learning Platform to Deaf adult learners and 5 national multiplier events addressing in special to Deaf Community and including Press Conferences.";"The main results and impact envisaged where: | - increasing the socio-professional integration skills of the beneficiaries; | - informing deaf people about the opportunities that digital technology and its continuum upgrading offers them in terms of communication and social integration and developing the necessary skills and competences in order to use digital technology; | - increasing the self-esteem and developing the cultural identity for European Deaf Community; | - new educational strategies which can be duplicated in the beneficiaries institutions and other European similar institutions and new open educational resources adapted to deaf people special needs. | | A virtual Learning Platform was developed and, it is an important source for information and lifelong learning for Deaf Adults. | Results | Website |" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2015;2015-1-RO01-KA219-014963;;;Comics in teaching languages/La BD en classe de langues;Nowadays the design, the caricature, the comics are considered as anchoring points of the freedom of speech and of expression and alternative ways to educate and to transmit cultural messages. New...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;"Liceul Teoretic ""Mihail Kogalniceanu"" Vaslui";RO;RO,IT,ES,PT,CY,TR;84.110,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"Nowadays the design, the caricature, the comics are considered as anchoring points of the freedom of speech and of expression and alternative ways to educate and to transmit cultural messages. New Erasmus+ project Comics in Teaching Languages/La BD en classe de languesanswers to a strong need issued after an analysis of needs of renewal the strategies of teaching and learning languages following the key competencies and to the necessity of increasing pupils motivation in order to improve the quality of language learning,of cultural and communicative aspects at the level of 7 European schools, being implemented in 2015-17,in an international partnership coordinated by Theoretical High School M.Kog_lniceanu Vaslui Romania,institution with a big experience of 14 years in coordinating European projects&7 European Language Labels.The relevance of the project consists in concomitantly fulfilling essential objectives from the development plan of all involved institutions and the exigencies of the E2020 Strategy concerning learning languages,new technologies and necessity of flexibility and innovation of learning process in order to ensure a plurality of competencies to pupils for a rapid and adequate insertion on the labor market or for a successful access to universities. | The main objective of the project is to increase the quality of language learning by promoting intercultural European education centered on comics, through the main key competencies:communication in foreign languages(English,French,Italian),digital competencies,sense of initiative and entrepreneurship and the cultural responsiveness and expression. | The specific objectives: | -to promote innovation, comics and their civilizing,historical,artistic,communicative& IT aspects in teaching foreign languages(French, English, Italian) to 1400 pupils and 50 teachers from the 7 European schools in partnership; | -to endorse creativity,competitiveness,employability,growth of initiative spirit through comics to 1400 pupils& 70 teachers from the7 European schools in partnership; | -to develop one creative instrument of e-learningLearning Management System-intended for a friendly&creative linguistic& IT approach of comics in the 7 involved institutions& 5 course supports for training teachers (1-using projects info website&creating multimedia lessons;2-using the projects LMS;3-editing a school magazinegraphics on computer;4 audio-video editing;5-using web instruments for creating comics); | -to enhance interculturality through a magazine(12 editions) made in common by the 7 project teams; | -to develop the inventiveness& the sense of art by creating graphics for the 12 comics magazines,5 cartoons inspired by comics created& one documentary film with 6 episodes about implementing the project and the progress of the 6 project reunions; | -to increase the didactic, IT skills and resourcefulness of 40 language teachers from the 7 institutions by creating:30 multimedia art lessons using comics,30 multimedia history lessons using comics;30 language (En,Fr,It) multimedia lessons using comics following all 4 language competences; | -to augment cooperation and learning using IT through 12 webinars of training&6 international contests organized during 6 project reunions; | -to ameliorate the7 involved schools curricula& to increase the projects follow-up by creating 3 course supports for 3 optional subjects for teaching languages(EN,Fr,It)by using comics; | The project activities will be integrated into the school curriculum of involved institutions. The strategy of monitoring,evaluation& dissemination will be complex& will follow every step of project implementation. | The target group is made of 5000 pupils& 50 teachers from the involved institutions.";"The main activities are: -project management: preparation of the projects teams,of the connections& selection of target groups(A1-5);implementation(A8,A10-A16);general management(A14)evaluation(A16);dissemination(A9,E1);financial management(A15)transnational meetings (M1 in Ro, M2-Tk, M3-Cy, M4-Pt, M5-Sp, M6 in Ro);work to get the intellectual output(O1);the multiplier event(E1-the International Conference Comics in teaching languages for a new age of didactic creativity). | The methodology of the implementation is founded on the management phases, as well on actions in order to: plan and prepare (action strategy); realize the project (projects teams founding, detailed activities), management, evaluation (as stipulated in the projects approach) dissemination of the results, follow-up strategy, sustainability. The results will consist in the experience and expertise acquired during the project&getting intellectual output functional for being used after the conclusion of the project for continuing the preoccupations concerning the renewal of learning languages, improving IT and language skills and ensuring new competences to pupils and teachers for a successful life and for the progress of the participating institutions. Results | Website | | | Without category | | Info website of the project - | ""Scaramouche"" Comics Magazine - no. 1 | ""Scaramouche"" Comics Magazine - no. 2 | LMS of the project - | Scaramouche Comics Magazine no. 3 | Scaramouche Comics Magazine - double number 4 and 5 | Scaramouche Comics Magazine no. 6 | Scaramouche Comics Magazine no. 7 | Scaramouche Comics Magazine no. 8 | Scaramouche Comics Magazine, double number 9 and 10 | Scaramouche Comics Magazine, double number 11 and 12 | Scaramouche Comics Magazine - Special number 12 bis" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2015;2015-1-RO01-KA219-015164;;;SELFY - Save Earth Life for Youth;"This project is designed as informal learning on the topic of the SAVE EARTH LIFE FOR YOUTH. The coming few decades the active professional lives of todays pupils and students will mark some...";Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Environment and climate change;;COLEGIUL NATIONAL CALISTRAT HOGAS;RO;RO,DE,TR,LV,FR,PT,IT,EL;253.867,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;This project is designed as informal learning on the topic of the SAVE EARTH LIFE FOR YOUTH. | The coming few decades the active professional lives of todays pupils and students will mark some of the greatest transformations that humanity has ever seen. The 21st century is an age of converging social, economic and ecological crises. Not only is the climate being altered in catastrophic ways, environmental degradation is in an alarming rate and it results in various environmental issues such as global warming, ozone layer depletion, greenhouse effects and others threats of human life, the health of many essential ecosystem services is also at stake. | The first step is to ask ourselves whether implementation of environmental education in schools would truly be worth the prerequisite investment. WE BELIEVE THAT THE ANSWER IS YES AND THAT THE TIME IS NOW - to decide the future of our children and to produce environmentally conscientious, global citizens, tomorrow's leaders. | | The objectives of the project are derived from the current challenges of 21st century education in Europe: | to enhance the quality of students education from rural and urban area, including students with special needs, for sensitivity awareness to the environment and for related sustainable development issues | to encourage students environmental curiosity and creativity, to provide students to work together for a better and healthy environment, | to improve students' linguistic, communicative competences in different European Union languages and ICT methodologies and virtual collaboration, | to assist teachers to integrate environmental management principles and practices into schools programs and maximize student learning, | to encourage a whole-of-school approach to sustainable management of school operations and to built new model environment to facilitate student learning, | to increase European dimension in school through improvement of teachers communication and integration of a greater number of schools into this exchange of good practices, | to develop tools for analysing the different dimensions of sustainability.. | | We are 9 partners from different parts of Europe, N-Latvia, S-Italy, Greece, E-Romania, Turkey, W-Portugal, Middle-Germany and outside of Europe-France-Reunion Island so that our project may have a larger relevance. We agreed to participate in this strategic partnership teams with experience in such projects and teams that do not have the experience to be able to share what we know.;Innovative Educational Moodle platforms will demonstrate European added value, especially with the regional education of eco-innovation support and offer virtual collaboration spaces, databases about wild lands identified in our area, species protected by national laws, possible environmental threats and map of polluted areas, using new media web 2.0, communities of practice and other online services for students/teachers to demonstrate their commitment to save our natural world. The platform has a very useful topic for our students and future generations. | | Each eco science topic is carefully selected, in the purpose to cover the acquisition of a large amount of knowledge. As methodical approaches, those topics are treated using a wide range of pedagogical approaches: research activities, online courses, interactive maps, conferences, workshops, learning through art (posters, logos, building an eco house) educational games, outdoor education. | Educating for Sustainability promoted by SELFY platform and community is learning that links science and practical knowledge, inquiry, and action to help our students, future leaders for their community, to build a healthy future on our planet. | The target group for our project is consisting by: students from the age of 12-18 (more than 50 people/each country) from 8 countries of Europe, teachers, careers officers, administrative staff of our schools, all people interested in competences centres of professional training, cooperatives and environmental services organizations. | | Activities for students for each of the eco-regions include science, social science, mathematics, language and arts, being fun, educational and easily adapted to a variety of settings and ability levels. | Students from all schools collect the information, make the design and the proposed electronic product and then post it on the platform and print it for the rest of the partners. | Final products proposals: | e-book: THREATS OF MAINTAINING LIFE ON EARTH | e-book: STOP GLOBAL WARMING ! You can do it too ! | e-book: DIVERSITY AND WILD AREA | e-book: ORGANIC BY CHOICE | Cookery book | EARTH CHARTER AND EUROPEAN LOW IN THE FIELD OF ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION | Glossary of illustrated Scientific and Eco | EARTH CHARTER AND EUROPEAN LOW IN THE FIELD OF ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION | Glossary of illustrated Scientific and Eco Terms | INTERACTIVE MAPS with descriptions, presentations using new media web 2.0 tools. Results | Website | | | Without category | | SELFY platform | Interactive map - National parks in Europe | eTwinning project Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2015;2015-1-SE01-KA102-011971;;;Vocational Education and Training in the Construction programme;The Building- and Construction programme at Brckegymnasiet with 450 students is one of Swedens largests. We offer many orientations from construction machine operator to glass technician. Half of...;Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education;;Brckegymnasiet Lindholmen;SE;SE,FI,IT,DE;67.952,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;The Building- and Construction programme at Brckegymnasiet with 450 students is one of Swedens largests. We offer many orientations from construction machine operator to glass technician. Half of the education time is work based training and from year two this take place in a company. Our goal was to reinforce capacity and international scope through development of a long term cooperation with educational institutions/training centers and companies in Europe, offering vocational training and jobshadowing. The mobility activites were expected to produce improved the professional skills as well as greater understanding and responsiveness to social, linguistic and cultural diversity. | Our vocational teachers have, with starts from the program specific subject syllabus and principles of ECVET, created a model for assessment of students vocational work based competences which was compared to the evaluation methods used at our receiving organisations. The partners are the vocational school ESEDU in Pieksmki, Finland, the vocational training- and researchcenter CSCS in Pistoia, Italy and the vocational education- and training center BZB in Krefeld, Germany. 13 students in autumn 2015 and 10 students in spring 2016 had placement, in a four week period. The first period did enroll third year students and the second students from year two. Each period, two students went to ESEDU practicing sheet metal work, welding and laser cutting. Nine painters and one bricklayer had placements in companies in Pistoia specializing in decorative painting, older painting techniques, tiling and masonry in the old style arranged by CSCS, Six carpenters, two concrete students and one specialised in construction had placement at BZB. They got training in integration of concrete work into carpentry ,older carpentry techniques, casting and bricklaying as well as consturction work. Each student had a tutor responsible for the work program and assessment of the learning outcomes. The first and last week during the students work placement one vocational teacher was doing jobshadowing at the school/training enter/company. Both students and teachers acquired new professional methods, knowledge about new tools and materials, increased skills in environmentaly adapted working methods as well as higher quality awareness.;One of the learning outcomes for the teachers were to achieve competence in student assessment trough testing our model, Assesment Grid. This instrument was to be compared with the evaluation model used by the receiving organisations. Our schoolmanagement did jobshadowing as well, three days at each partnerorganisation. They followed an empolyee in corresponding position. The results gained was increased awarenss of differences between our countries concerning curriculum and syllabus. How the construction program was implemented and especially how the practical training organised were other examples of learning outcomes. | Preparatory meetings have taken place between Brckegymnasiet and our partners. Selecting criteria for students were good results in school subjects, good attendance at lessons and ability to be a good ambassador for Brckegymnasiet. 25 percent were students with another cultural backgound and ten percent were girls. The school management, the students mentor and the international coordinator were responsilbe for the selecting process. lntroductory language lessons and lessons about the countrys culture and history have prepared the participants for the mobility activity. In our workshops the students were prepared for the mobility. Europass Mobility Europass Curriculum Vitae (CV), Europass Mobility Document Grant Agreement Traineeship (VET) 2015 and ERASMUS+ VET Mobility Quality Commitment 2015 has been used. Besides, Brckegymnasiets document Assesment Grid was used for assesment of the students achieved learning outcomes. Learning Agreement was used aswell. The students school leaving Certificate included information about fullfilled traineeship at ERASMUS+. For the teachers and schoolmanagers ERASMUS+ Work Programme for VET Staff Mobility 2015 and Template Certificate of Attendance 2015 was used. Communication with the receiving organisations was maintained through phonecalls, sms and e-mails. Brckegymnasiet created a Facebook page for the project served as a communcation and disseminating platform for the project. When carried through, the dissemination of the project took place through presentations done by the students in classes and at meetings where schools at campus Lindholmen presented their international collaborations. An exhibition was carried out at lvstrandens Public Library. The results has be presented by teachers at staff meetings. Dissemination will take place at Hjrntorget, the pedagogical platform for schools in Gothenburg as well as the event Pedagogisk marknad, arranged by Gothenburg City in november 2016. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2015;2015-1-SE01-KA203-012307;;;Nordic Particle Accelerator Program;"Background Europe are investing large sums on particle accelerators in order for Europe to be innovative and competitive in material sciences, biomedicine, health care, physics and chemistry. A c...";Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, International cooperation ...;;LUNDS UNIVERSITET;SE;SE,FI,DK,NO;313.499,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (tertiary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;The overall objective has been to ensure future European accelerator expertise that can exploit, develop and improve current and future particle accelerators. NPAP involves eight participating organisations. Lund University initiated the project and is coordinator. MAX IV Laboratory, European Spallation Source (ESS), and the universities of Uppsala, Aarhus, Oslo and Jyvskyl are primary partners (along with other European universities and CERN). All partners have expertise in different areas of accelerator technology and have complemented each other in multi-disciplinary, synergic and excellent ways in the creation of the projects IOs. Our strategy has been to develop and implement new activities for exchanging good practices and promoting academic programs in the field of accelerators through campus-based learning as well as e-learning. Other results were disseminated through seminars, events and networking activities.;The NPAP digitised teaching, learning and digital competences of educators and students by designing new modules/MOOCs Introduction to accelerators, Fundamentals of accelerators and accelerator technology and Medical applications of particle accelerators. Setting innovative activities to achieve blended mobility. Our MOOCs are accessible to the 33 million learners on the learning platform and as separate educational films on the NPAC Youtube Channel. The NPAP-project fostered links between Education and Research & Innovation. Through the summer schools and MOOCs it has transferred accelerator research results to Bachelor and Master students, doctoral candidates and academic staff. It also facilitated cooperation and specific mobility schemes in research teams to explore contemporary research problems and develop research skills. Our project put in place activities that ensure inter- and trans-disciplinary approaches, and strengthen the role of higher education institutions and research institutes in their local and regional environments. We have encouraged students to conduct their master's / Ph.D. projects in accelerator physics. Results | Website | | | Partnerships and cooperations | | General Results | Dissemination material | | MOOCs | NPAP Website | Multiplier Event | Multiplier Event | Summer School 2017 page | MOOC - Fundamentals particle accelerator technology | MOOC - Introduction to accelerators Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2015;2015-1-SE01-KA219-012285;;;MY WAY, YOUR WAY, OUR SHARED CULTURAL IDENTITIES;"""My Way, Your Way, Our Shared Cultural Identities"" is an innovative inter-cultural communication project involving schools from Bulgaria, Italy, Spain and Sweden. Its rationale is based on the und...";Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;LUNDS KOMMUN;SE;SE,IT,BG,ES;163.595,20;Yes;Yes;Other;Centro Educativo;;;English;"""My Way, Your Way, Our Shared Cultural Identities"" is an innovative inter-cultural communication project involving schools from Bulgaria, Italy, Spain and Sweden. Its rationale is based on the understanding that mobility, an integral part of our increasingly globalized world, presents challenges arising from the cultural differences that are an intrinsic part of people's complex identities. Therefore, knowledge and awareness of how culture impacts communication is essential in effective cross- cultural communication. The project has sought to | a) develop students' understandings of the interrelated nature of language, culture and communication; | b) develop students' skills to spot, reflect and deal with culture bumps; | c) enhance students' confidence when encountering unfamiliar environment; | d) develop students' presentation skills; | e) train students to conduct interviews to extract relevant information, analyse it, and present it in both oral and written form; | f) develop students' curiosity towards different cultures and languages; | g) to prepare students for study and work in inter-cultural settings; | h) hone students' IT skills through utilizing innovative applications; | i) develop a broader view of what European identity means to foster responsible citizenship skills; | g) enrich teachers' classroom instruction methods and schools' curricula. | | This project has built on the rich experience all schools have with mobility to design a learning resource for training students to take stock of their inter-cultural experiences and develop understandings of the interrelated nature of language, culture and communication. The resource pack contains critical incidents and videos based on the experiences of the participants from the project.The methodology used to design the resource pack has used the culture assimilator, a cognitive approach in inter-cultural training based on the meaning attribution method. During the preparation stage, participants were trained through simulation games and inter-cultural training activities aiming to develop their sensitivity and awareness of identity formation, empathy, ethnocentrism, values, stereotypes, the dynamic and emergent nature of culture and strategies to decenter and re-frame in order to negotiate meanings. This learning resource has been beneficial on two levels - through the process of its designing and the outcome itself. | | As the participants experienced cultural variation, they gained knowledge about what, how and why cultures do their shared practices; through the culture-contrast approach and reflective practices they gained insights into the value systems of both their own and other cultures; their insights helped them develop skills of successful communication in diverse settings and resulted in the production of learning resources for use by all who are interested in intercultural education. The interactive nature of the resources have had a double effect - developing students' IT skills and making the materials appealing to a wide on-line audience. In addition, both teachers and students have learnt to deal with culture by adopting the culture assimilator approach, which have enriched their classroom practices and the school curricula in several subjects.";"Outcomes : | 1) ""Cultural Detectives in Action""- an OER pack for analyzing culturally diverse behavior, which consists of: | -20 critical incidents (text, video, art, photography); | - teachers' notes. | The resources have recorded and enacted misunderstandings based on cultural differences drawn from students' authentic experiences. The resources are accompanied by teacher's notes explaining the rationale, objectives and procedure to assist educators who will be interested in implementing these in their practice. The critical incidents and the teachers' notes are available online and on paper to all participating schools to integrate in all classes where culture is an issue. Also, they are a convenient tool to prepare students who are to embark on a cultural exchange. Their online status makes them accessible to an audience outside our immediate school communities and ensures its wider impact. Some of the critical incidents have been translated into Bulgarian and Italian to make them accessible to teachers who do not speak English. | | 2) Intellectual Output: ""CulturAll - this is an interactive resource whose purpose is to raise awareness of cultural facts about our own countries through the intercultural journeys the main characters from each country take and the challenges they encounter. This is a game created by using a web application and it practices intercultural learning in a fun and innovative way. Results | Website | | | Without category | | Resource pack | CulturAll - an online game | Project blogs" Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-SI01-KA101-012542;;;Igrificirani interaktivni _asovni trak Davorin Jenko;The Interactive Timeline Davorin Jenko, an animated computer game, that presents the second part of the 19th century in an interesting and modern way, is the main goal and achievement of our proje...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;OS Davorina Jenka Cerklje na Gorenjskem;SI;SI;29.710,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The Interactive Timeline Davorin Jenko, an animated computer game, that presents the second part of the 19th century in an interesting and modern way, is the main goal and achievement of our project (prototype: It represents the synthesis of our wishes before the start of the project, the newly gained knowledge during the project and, we believe, the needs of modern pupils. After successful implementation of the quality system to school (SiQ certificate) we felt the need to develop the quality of teaching. We wanted to encourage creativity, innovation, cross-curricular cooperation and the use of ICT. In preparation for the project, the school highlighted the focus on more modern methods of work, the introduction of new, active teaching methods and the use, the creation and the upgrading of tools and materials that would be closer to the needs and habits of new, e-generation pupils. As the only educational institution in the municipality, the school is aware that it has to use the modern technology to bring the cultural heritage to the young, and to encourage pupils and the staff to maximize intercultural openness, and to refer them to lifelong learning and greater mobility in order to raise their competences. We have also reached this goal successfully, as the school succeeded with the new Erasmus + project, which includes more teachers than the pilot project. | In order to meet these priorities to the greatest extent, two projects have been carried out over the past two years: Erasmus KA1 mobility of school staff and the production of an animated Timeline. During the production of the Timeline, where Davorin travels from birth to death and in the meantime meets various known personalities, inventions and other characteristics of his time, we wanted to try out new methods of work: fieldwork, using mobile technology and animation, translating, designing materials in the form of didactic games, integrating and combining audio, images and texts, and various interactive tasks. In addition to the creation of the Timeline, we wanted our professional staff to gain more knowledge, experience and competence in the work with ICT, the knowledge through which they will be able to produce online learning materials: gaining fun and interactive experience in teaching using free-access digital tools, gaining knowledge and ideas on how to gamify learning materials, how to include different multimedia content. We wanted to gain international experience, examples of good practices, new didactic knowledge to learn and test a wide range of options for active learning forms, e.g. effective use of mobile devices, tablets in teaching; learning outside the classroom (BYOD model), CLIL teaching, project work, collaborative learning using digital technology ... We planned that the Interactive Timeline will, by integrating different types of tasks, become a ""treasure chest"" of innovative learning materials, a kind of digital classroom. However, since the technical part of the production of the basic game was more demanding than expected, for the moment the Timeline presents various types of interactive tasks, it presents multimedia and cross-curricular learning material that takes the user through the game into the animated past, whereas various computer tools and applications that the teachers have learned about during their training, and are (can) be used in lessons, have been gathered on the Padlet computer application. Both materials are open for upgrading and updating, and in this sense our project is definitely not completed yet.";In addition to the Padlet, we have successfully shared the new knowledge at the school level within individual expert groups, with open classes and in all-day school educational event organized by the project team, and we have also shared it outside the organization at several international conferences and professional media. And we are planning new dissemination activities in the future. | The project involved 6 participants of various professional profiles, which enabled widespread dissemination and cross-curricular integration: a computer expert, a teacher of English and German, a science teacher, a mathematician, a historian and a teacher of Slovene and an assistant principal as control over the quality implementation of the project. Due to its professional diversity, the group could also provide for various types of preparation for mobility (linguistic, cultural, content, technical and organizational) and dissemination activities. Already in the application we set out very clear goals and tasks, as well as the way in which they would be realized. We have not completed everything in two years, but we have the plan, the will and the knowledge to upgrade the project also through integrating at the international level (KA2, eTwinning), where we will share the new knowledge and try to excite the others to produce similar gamifying materials. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2015;2015-1-SK01-KA201-008937;;;Transnational exchange of good CLIL practice among European Educational Institutions;The project was proposed in accordance with Education and Training in Europe 2020 document highlighting that Foreign languages skills can enhance the employability of young people. This initiati...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Research and innovation, International cooperation ...;;UNIVERZITA KONSTANTINA FILOZOFA V NITRE;SK;SK,IT,LT,SE,LV;128.225,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;The project was proposed in accordance with Education and Training in Europe 2020 document highlighting that Foreign languages skills can enhance the employability of young people. This initiative totally fitted the target groups of our project which were primary and secondary students. Moreover, the recommendations outlined in Rethinking Education included new criteria of learning foreign languages based on a dual approach. Teaching and learning foreign languages may be achieved with the help of innovative methods, including Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) where non-language subjects are taught through the medium of a foreign language. The main objectives of the project were: 1. Setting up essential components of good CLIL practice in the classroom by face-to-face observations. 2. Preparing Modular e-trainings course for European CLIL teachers. 3. Providing countries with none or less CLIL experience with essential training and learning opportunities so that they can commence implementing this approach in their schools. 4. Training teachers from the project partner countries on CLIL. 5. Setting up an open database of class recordings and other teaching and methodological materials for CLIL teachers. 6. Collecting research data and conducting comparative analysis of CLIL practice. 7. Providing Universities and other public bodies dealing with educational research with the results and main conclusions of the project as a possible basis for future research on the topic. Except the coordinating country (Slovakia, UKF University), there were another 5 cooperating countries (Sweden, Latvia, Lithuania, Italy which fully substituted a former partner from Spain and Slovak University of Technology STU). The project consisted of partners from various educational levels - university, educational institutions, and representatives of primary and secondary education. It was the unique partnership of people from theoretical/ implementation institutions on one hand, and educational institutions where developed issues are applied and evaluated on the other one. From other point of view, the strategic partnership involved countries with a vast CLIL experience and also countries with none or less experience in implementing CLIL methodology. All partners were actively involved in activities which included: observation classes, preparing video recordings of CLIL classes, preparing Modular e-training course, Open CLIL Database and finally, the university partners prepared Research data collection and comparative analysis (the second intellectual output that was not approved in the project proposal). The project coordinator, together with the other university partner from Slovakia and partially from Italy, developed and implemented the pilot training for the CLIL methodology for teachers within the partnership. The content of the pilot training was discussed by several stakeholders on a project website (, with a view to offer it to the public interested in this type of language learning in order to acquire adequate competencies in the CLIL methodology.;The project achieved significant benefits and impacts at several levels: - to develop positive attitude towards innovative methods within a foreign language teaching, - to implement foreign languages to non-language subjects , | - to increase levels of employability and mobility of young people, and poor language skills, - to apply CLIL methodology with the immigrants arriving to the partners countries aimed at achieving adequate language skills. It is another added value of the project we did not expect when preparing the project proposal. It was delighted information for us from the Swedish partner when they highlighted this specific application of CLIL, - to disseminate the CLIL course to the colleagues from partners institutions to ensure not only its dissemination, but each partner institution also broadened their offer in learning foreign languages. This could gradually increase the students' skills in the subsequent application to the labour market. Results | Website | | | Without category | | Conference Lithuania 2015 | Conference Italy 2016 | CLIL training in Italy L (C2) | CLIL training in Italy II. (C2) | CLIL training in Italy III. (C2) | CLIL training in Italy IV.(C2) | CLIL training in Italy V. (C2) | Being a CLIL teacher - a chapter in a reviewed book | Dissemination of the project in the reviewed journal | Dissemination of the project in Latvia | Dissemination in the international conference | CLIL diversity and its Potencial for Internationalisation of Higher Education Institutions | Dissemination of the project by Latvian team in a local newspaper | Presentation held at a final Conference of a commenius Project | Participation at the conference in a local media | Participation at the workshop | CLIL conference - April 2017 | The trainee from Slovakia cooperated the workshop for teachers | The CLIL trainee from Slovak university has published the paper | The CLIL trainee taught Math in a primary school | Modular e-training course (O1) | Project presentation | University in Gotenborg | Research presentation | CLIL AND ITS FORMS IN DIVERSE EDUCATION CONTEXT | CLIL lesson | CLIL training in Lithuania (C1) | CLIL training in Lithuania II. (C1) | CLIL training in Lithuania III. (C1) | Web platform (O1) Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-SK01-KA202-008890;;;Rozvoj dulneho vzdelvania v mal_ch a stredn_ch podnikoch (Enhancing the dual education system in small and medium size enterprises);"Project was implemented since September 2015 till the end of February 2018 and was implemented by all project partners. Aim of the project was to help to bridge the disparity between basic and cr...";Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal), New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;EkoFond, n.f.;SK;SK,AT,CZ;212.510,50;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;Project was implemented since September 2015 till the end of February 2018 and was implemented by all project partners. | Aim of the project was to help to bridge the disparity between basic and cross-cutting skills in the fields of electrical engineering and energy, to propose measures for improvement quality of institutions involved in the system of dual education and to develop a methodology for instructors working in companies who are preparing pupils in VET. Another objective was to update 6 text books for secondary vocational schools (SVS). All project goals were met in full. We see the impact of our project already at present, as our outputs are of particular interest to the professional public. | All 3 planned project outputs were created: | O1 - Proposed concept for the development of a system of dual system for small and medium-sized enterprises. The methodology of O1 creation consisted of qualitative and quantitative surveys (questionnaires and personal interviews) in SMEs, employers, professional associations of electro-technical and energy industries in SK, AT & CZ. The intention was to propose concrete measures and constructive proposals to amend the existing VET Act of 2015. Many of our proposals were accepted by the Ministry of Education SR during the commenting process to this Act. | O2 - Updating of six secondary technically-oriented textbooks in terms of content and form in the form of e-books. EkoFond, together with the CZ partners and _IOV, successfully managed the update 6 textbooks for SVS students in the electrical engineering and energy fields. The following textbooks were created: Technology 1, 2, 3, 4, and Energy Resources and Equipment 2 and 3. | O3 - Creation and testing of the methodology for instructors working with pupils in VET in companies 20 methodologies & 84 working sheets were prepared in SK & CZ languages to be used by instructors in companies. | The target groups were primarily SMEs in energy and electrical engineering fields, their professional organizations, as well as SVS, which together play a decisive role in efficient functioning of the system of dual education. The target group did not change during the project and we managed to address it through activities and implementation of intellectual outputs. | The project and budget management was executed by the main partner-EkoFond. All project partners managed their parts of the project, including budgets. During the project, various managerial and organisational activities were implemented, including 6 transnational meetings as well as meetings with experts to implement individual outputs. | All project partners involved experts proposed in the application form. Project management was performed by experienced managers. Mainly internal staff of the partners worked on the individual project outputs. EkoFond, _IOV and SEES involved in O2 output - updating and creation of learning texts - many teachers from SVS and expert for examination of the texts. The reason was the need to combine practical experience of teachers and practitioners. | Project dissemination: EkoFond has prepared a dissemination plan. A project website in SK and EN was created, which provides all information about the project, its partners and the project outputs. The section Documents lists all internal documents - minutes from all transnational meetings together with invitations, programs, photos, presentations and attendance lists, as well as invitation, program, lectures, attendance list from the final project conference. This part can only be accessed via: login: ecofond, password: Ekof2016.;"As part of project sustainability, partners will continue to use all project outputs: | O1 - In SK there is currently running a commentary to amendment of Act No. 61/2015 Coll. on VET. Recommendations to the key partners and comments on the proposal for the amendment of the above Act were made in a joint opinion with the AZZZ at the Ministry of Education SR. | O2 - one of the target groups of the project were secondary vocational technical schools, which will use the created e-textbooks for teaching. E-textbooks will make an important contribution to improving the quality of education, as many textbooks for these fields of study have been absent for many years. We plan to initiate a launch for a competition at the Ministry of Education SR for these textbooks to obtain the status of the national textbook approved by the Ministry - ""the approval clause of the Ministry"", thus becoming available for each school in SR. Availability of created materials will be secured through the created project website. | O3 - developed 20 methodologies and 84 worksheets will be used by the target groups also after the end of the project. The community of professionals involved will be able to update their content, which will lead to the creation of quality educational materials in line with the current knowledge and practice and will improve the employability of graduates. Results | Website | | | Without category | | O1 - Proposed concept for development of the dual education system for SMEs - Nvrh Koncepcie rozvoja dulneho vzdelvania pre mal a stredn podniky - Slovak version | O1 - Proposed concept for development of the dual education system for SMEs - Slovak version extended by Chapter 7 | O1 - Proposed concept for development of the dual education system for SMEs - Annex 1 - comparison of DES in AT, CZ and SK | O1 - Proposed concept for development of the dual education system for SMEs - Czech version | O1 - Proposed concept for development of the dual education system for SMEs - Czech version of Annex 1 | O1 - Proposed concept for development of the dual education system for SMEs - English version | O1 - Proposed concept for development of the dual education system for SMEs - English version of Annex 1 | O2 -Update of six technically oriented textbooks: Technology I. - SK version | O2- Update of six technically oriented textbooks: Technology 2 - Slovak version | O2 -Update of six technically oriented textbooks: Technology 3 - Slovak version | O2 - Update of six technically oriented textbooks: Technology 4 - Slovak version | O2- Update of six technically oriented textbooks: Technology 1 - Czech version | O2 - Update of six technically oriented textbooks: Technology 2 - Czech version | O2- Update of six technically oriented textbooks: Technology 3 - Czech version | O2 - Update of six technically oriented textbooks: Technology 4 - Czech version | O2 - Update of 6 technically oriented textbooks: Energetic resources and facilities 2 - Slovak version | O2 - Update of six technically oriented textbooks: Energetic resources and facilities 3 - Slovak version | O2 -Update of six technically oriented textbooks: Energetic resources and facilities 2 - Czech version | O2 - Update of six technically oriented textbooks: Energetic resources and facilities 3 - Czech version | O3_Creation and testing of the methodology for instructors working with pupils in VET in companies - Overview of methodologies and work sheets - SK version | O3_Creation and testing of the methodology for instructors working with pupils in VET in companies: Methodological and Working sheets for the 2nd grade - Slovak version | O3_Creation and testing of the methodology for instructors working with pupils in VET in companies: Methodological and Working sheets for the 3rd grade - Slovak version | O3_Creation and testing of the methodology for instructors working with pupils in VET in companies: Methodological and Working sheets for the 4th grade - Slovak version | O3_CZ_Creation and testing of the methodology for instructors working with pupils in VET in companies: Overview of Methodological and Working sheets - Czech version | O3_CZ_Creation and testing of the methodology for instructors working with pupils in VET in companies: Methodological and Working sheets for the 2nd grade - Czech version | O3_CZ_Creation and testing of the methodology for instructors working with pupils in VET in companies: Methodological and Working sheets for the 3rd grade - Czech version | O3_CZ_Creation and testing of the methodology for instructors working with pupils in VET in companies: Methodological and Working sheets for the 4th grade -Czech version" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-SK01-KA202-008909;;;"""STEP AHEAD"" - The support of Professional development of VET teachers and trainers in following of New trends in Automotive Industry";In Slovak republic, car industry is an important part of Slovak economy that creates approximately 200 000 work places (9% of the total employment rate). The above numbers affect also vocational e...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Pedagogy and didactics, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;STREDNA ODBORNA SKOLA AUTOMOBILOVA;SK;SK,UK,CZ;190.451,95;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"In Slovak republic, car industry is an important part of Slovak economy that creates approximately 200 000 work places (9% of the total employment rate). The above numbers affect also vocational education system, setting up concrete requirements for: | - Qualified VET teachers and practical workshop leaders in 87 schools in Slovakia, providing relevant training programs in automotive professions (ISCED 3C), (ISCED 3A) | - Necessity of Innovative, high quality teaching materials reflecting the work market needs | Education materials, provided to schools by Edi_n_ portl M_VVa_ SR,, lack vocational textbooks targeting automotive professions, especially those covering the topic of innovations and new trends in automotive industry. Based on the constantly emerging new trends, in accordance with EU legislation, new problem, therefore, emerged in VET: to provide students of vocational technical schools and institutions providing continuing education with updated content, with priority focus on following newest trends and innovations in automotive industry. To verify and confirm this need, in March 2015 the project coordinator carried out the online research, targeting 87 secondary vocational schools in Slovakia, from automotive professions. From 71 respondents, 78, 9% confirmed the need to integrate the topic of new trends and innovations into current school curricula. 94,4% of the respondents would welcome the new teaching methodologies and 93% would use interactive learning screens focused on innovations with their students. The results of this research declare that the project ""STEP AHEAD - The support of Professional development of VET teachers and trainers in following of new trends in Automotive Industry is therefore built on the real and concrete needs confirmed by 71 respondents of the online research.";"Project provides one of the possible solutions to actual situation by developing two main project outputs: | O1/ 519 Interactive learning screens - ICT & CLIL based teaching materials focused on new trends in automotive industry: hybrid cars, electric vehicles, new technologies, long - distance diagnostics, vehicle construction versus emissions decrease. All 519 teaching materials, developed in the form of online interactive learning screens, include multimedia videos, photographs, interactive presentations presenting new trends and innovations in automotive industry. | O2/ 25 support teaching methodologies - ICT & CLIL based teaching materials focused on new trends in automotive industry. The methodologies are used in hand with concrete learning screens (O1) as resource teaching materials. Methodologies include the suggestions for concrete lesson structure, timing and activities and recommendation for teaching materials to be used to cover the topics. | These results were developed during the training programs in the Czech Republic and UK with the active involvement of training participants (teachers of vocational subjects, language teachers). Vocational experts (trainers) provided by project partners introduced the topic of new trends and innovations in automotive industry as well as the innovative teaching methods of CLIL, blended learning, E-A-R approach and integration of ICT tools into education. After the theoretical part, the training participants implemented acquired knowledge into practice and developed sample materials of interactive learning screens and teaching methodologies under the supervision of trainers. To be able to identify improvement of learners skills, the evaluation questionnaires were used. In addition to providing specific knowledge and skills, following three key competences were supported through trainings: communication in foreign languages, digital competence, and competence in learning to learn. Project therefore, fully complies with horizontal priority of ""Professional development of VET teachers and trainers"", while also enhancing digital integration in learning and teaching process. | Developed products O1 and O2 were placed in dissemination platform that serves as an Open Education Resource. Therefore, the users of the platform have not only opportunity to work with products after the end of the project, but also may create their own teaching materials and upload them to the platform. On this bases the platform will be updated and reflect to the newest trends and innovations in automotive industry. | Over all implementation of the project was realized by consortium of 5 partners: project coordinator - SSOSA DA (SK), INAK (SK), IMI (UK), ATT TRAINING (UK), and NAPA TRUCKS (CZ). All partners have many years experiences in the field of project management, international cooperation, development of innovative teaching materials, blended learning and providing of vocational trainings. Results | Website | | | Without category | | Metodology 1 (O2) | Metodology 2 (O2) | Metodology 3 (O2) | Metodology 4 (O2-) | Metodology 5 (O2) | Metodology 6 (O2 ) | Metodology 7 (O2) | Metodology 8 (O2) | Metodology 9 (O2) | Metodology 10 (O2) | Metodology 11 (O2) | Metodology 12 (O2) | Metodology 13 (O2) | Metodology 14 (O2) | Metodology 15 (O2) | Metodology 16 (O2) | Metodology 17 (O2) | Metodology 18 (O2) | Metodology 19 (O2) | Metodology 20 (O2) | Metodology 21 (O2) | Metodology 22 (O2) | Metodology 23(O2) | Metodology 24 (O2) | Metodology 25 (O2) | 1 interactive screen- O1 | 2 interactive screens O1 | 3 interactive screem O1 | 4 Interactive screens O1 | 5 interactive screens O1 | 6 interactive screens O1 | 7 interactive screens O1 | 8 interactive screens O1 | 9 interactive screens O1 | 10 interactive screens O1 | 11 interactive screens O1 | 12 interactive screens O1 | 13 interactive screens O1 | 14 interactive screens O1 | 15 interactive screens O1 | 16 interactive screens O1 | 17 interactive screens O1 | 18 interactive screens O1 | 19 interactive screens O1 | 20 interactive screens O1 | 21 interactive screens O1 | 22interactive screens O1 | 23 interactive screens O1 | 24 interactive screemnteractive screens O1 | 25 interactive screens O1 | 26 interactive screens O1 | 519 interactive learning screens" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2015;2015-1-SK01-KA219-008924;;;Vesel e-kniha angli_tiny pre deti /Lively English book for children;A priority for all education programmes of European countries is a necessity of learning foreign languages. Different countries use various methods to form an independent and capable human being w...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;Zakladna skola Andreja Bagara;SK;SK,CZ,PL,TR,IT,RO;76.500,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;A priority for all education programmes of European countries is a necessity of learning foreign languages. Different countries use various methods to form an independent and capable human being who can be fully integrated into the European labour market. | We stand at the beginning of this language education where the basics are built. To make the basics stronger, we have created a project called - Lively English Book for Children. The e- book is created by pupils and teachers themselves and through this they bring stronger inner motivation and their own creativity into the education. | | Six partner schools have taken part in the project Slovakia, Czech republic, Poland, Romania, Italy and Turkey - where English is the primary foreign language which pupils learn in these schools. | Thanks to partner meetings we have brought English directly to schools, among pupils and teachers. The direct contact with the foreign language through personal contacts has become an impulse and great discovery for further education. | Creating of e- book has become a challenge not just for pupils but also for teachers whose English is on the basic or even on the low level. | A whole process of the project is proceeded through modern technologies which build up a nice, creative and multicultural environment especially for pupils. The developing of creativity, art skills, cooperation skills and other competences needed in the process of education, is equally important.;The e- book has got 8 units from 8 topics which have been created by internationally cooperation of small teams of pupils and teachers in partners countries. The topics Me and my town, My school, My family, Hobby, Food, Animals, My body and My dream contain vocabulary, education texts, exercises, short videos, dialogues, comics, stories etc. The book is an introduction to the education of foreign languages at language level A1. The main aim of international meetings was to obtain and exchange good experiences from the creation of the e- book, from the English teaching itself in school conditions and most of all to bring the direct contact with English into schools thanks to pupils and teachers meetings by both - formal and informal way. The idea of the project was and still is to start up the need of our pupils and teachers to learn a foreign language and also to direct the attention of parents straight to their pupils education. The e-book has become a standard learning environment for teaching English which pupils use not only at school but also at home and it is also available online for whoever and whenever. Website | | | Without category | | Lively English book for children, Lesson 1 | National mascots of the project | Ebook promo Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2015;2015-1-SK01-KA219-008985;;;For Learners Around the Globe;The contemporary education of children at primary and elementary schools focuses on the social and cultural adaptation of children, which includes the cultural traditions and folklore of their own...;Creativity and culture, EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy ...;;Materska skola Juhoslovanska 4 Kosice;SK;SK,IT,BG,PL,HR,UK,FR;88.868,36;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;;English;"The contemporary education of children at primary and elementary schools focuses on the social and cultural adaptation of children, which includes the cultural traditions and folklore of their own country as well as the spiritual and moral values of the united Europe in which we live. | Project: ""For Learners Around the Globe (F.L.A.G.)"". | Project Objectives: | - to familiarize children with the culture of European countries and to present knowledge and realization of the traditions and folklore of their own country; | - to improve mutual understanding among children from different ethnicities, to develop their communication, musical and artistic skills; | - to improve children's interest in books and promote literacy; | - to create and strengthen a sense of belonging to a European culture in the children and to prepare them to live consciously and responsibly in a United Europe; | - to improve the knowledge of the importance of a United Europe and European Union education, based on national identity of all the participants; | - to improve the level of teachers core competencies and skills and to stimulate their creativity; | - to promote creativity, competitiveness, language learning and linguistic diversity; | - to support the development of innovative ICT-based content and forms of education; | - to exchange good practice, encourage the best use of results, and to create innovative, meaningful products; | - to contribute to the increased participation in Erasmus+ by people with special needs and disadvantaged groups regardless of their socio- economic background and to contribute to the fight against all forms of discrimination based on sex, disability, | These aims were realised through cooperation and collaboration on all Outputs based on traditional folklore and crafts, celebrations and culture and shared understanding of partners' educational systems and methods. During the educational activities of the project, ICT-based learning and eTwinning International portal (TwinSpace) were used. Project outputs were all completed to a very high standard and culminated with the award of a Quality Label for all schools from e-Twinning. | Partners: Materska skola Juhoslovanska 4, Slovakia; Carmondean Primary School, United Kingdom; Ecole Maternelle les Jardins, France; Przedszkole Publiczne w Kraczkowej, Poland; Treto Osnovno Uchilishte ""Dimitar Blagoev"", Bulgaria; 48 Circolo Didattico ""Madre Claudia Russo"". Italy. The seventh partner (Djecji vrtic Radost, Croatia) withdrew before signing the project contract. Their activities were dealt out to other partners with the agreement of NA.";"Activities / dissemination and presentation outputs | 1st year ""We are the same"": | 1 Webpage of the project - cooperation | 2 LOGO of the project - art competition | 3 Education System of My Country - presentation | 4 My Country, My Kindergarten/School - education, presentation | 5 Europe My Home - education, art competition and exhibition | 6 My Favourite Fairytale Hero - education, art activities, leporello | 7 How we celebrate Christmas - experiencing and presentation of traditions | 8 How we celebrate Easter - experiencing and presentation of traditions, travelling postcard | 9 eBook - presentation of activities | 2nd year ""We are different"" | 10 Traditional Fairytale (My Favourite Fairytale Hero From My Own Country) - education, art activities, presentation | 11 Traditional Games - playing games and physical activities, presentation | 12 Traditions and Celebrations - education, presentation, art activities, Cultural Callendar | 13 Traditional Dances and Songs - education, training, dancing, singing, presentation | 14 Traditional Crafts - education, work, presentation of handmade products | 15 My European Book - education, learning | 16 My Book FLAG - presentation of project activities | 17 Web 2.0 Tools for Schools - using of innovative ICT | Teachers and children communicated throughout by Gmail, eTwinning TwinSpace, videoconferencing, project website, postcards, pictures, parcels and attended four transnational meetings and participated in one international training event. The project has been completed by the due date with all the activities having been undertaken as described in the project application and they brought experiential education, culture and motivation for pupils, teachers, parents. | There has been an increase in pupils' interest in books, educational materials and activities that has improved childerns literacy, particularly in multiculture, foreign languages, the importance of education about Europe and the EU based on the national and cultural identity. | Activities have improved key competences, creativity and skills of pupils and teachers. | The value of of each partner school has increased due to the dissemination and presentation materials, project exhibitions and activities engaged parents and the general public. Our cooperation with cultural and educational institutions and regional information centers has been improved in the long run. Results | Website | | | Without category | | Educational system in my country | My country, my kindergarten /school | Europe my home | My favorite fairytale hero | How We Celebrate Christmas | How We Celebrate Easter | E- book | Traditional Fairytale (My Favourite Fairytale Hero From My Country) | Traditional game | Traditions and Celebrations (A Cultural Calendar of Traditions and Celebrations) | Traditional Dances and Songs | Traditional crafts | My European book | My Book FLAG | Web 2.0 tools for school | Website F.L.A.G." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-TR01-KA101-017148;;;Gelece_in Snflarn Ters-Yz Ediyoruz;The studies in our school aiming to increase academic success of students have shown that improving the Professional skills of teacher contributes to students sucess to a large extent.New methodol...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;BORUSAN ASIM KOCABIYIK MESLEKI VE TEKNIK ANADOLU LISESI;TR;TR;32.240,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"The studies in our school aiming to increase academic success of students have shown that improving the Professional skills of teacher contributes to students sucess to a large extent.New methodologies have been investigated.The effective use of ICTin education enhances the learning style which is changing fast with technology and give the opprtunity of learning at their own speed independent from time and place thus increase the academic success._n that regard,it has been decided that teachers should be given training course to enhance the use of ICT competency in education.Effective exploitation of ICTin education requires different teaching methods and approaches.Therefore we have followed new,fresh and flexible methodologies.With that purpose,we've decided to participate ICTin Education and ""Flipped Classrooms Life Learning""(FCLL)success of which was proved in various studies.This technique reverses the traditional learning environment.Students learn the subject outside of the classroom by watching online lectures and carrying out research at home.Then students engage in discussions in the classroom with the guidance of a teacher that contributes to permanent learning.Ten Participants in each branch have been selected.At the end of the study,each teacher from different branches have shared their experience and knowledge in seminars thus other non participant teachers have been informed all the experiences of courses, as well.The first training course about ICT took place on May,2016 Prague.The aims of the course are to integrate information technolgies into education by means of introducing teachers new e-learning platforms,prepare their own course material,and explain some key skills which help teachers cope with possible problems in using technology.Other training FCLL course took place on June in Rome.Actually that training contributed greatly to our school Project in terms of our seeking for innovative approaches in using the technology in clasrooms thus met our demands to a great extent.Since learning mostly occurs outside of the classroom that reverses the traditional learning environment it's called flipped classrooms in education literature.It's a win-win situation for both students and teachers.One of the main objective of the program is to enable students useof technology outside of the school,mange their own learning style,study at their own pace,motivate them to be curious for seeking new knowledge.In addition in this methdology students are no longer merely passive receiver for information.Since it is a student-centered approach,teacher is not only source of learning,instead teachers support students in becoming self-directed learners.Flipped model moves activities,including those that may have traditionally been considered homework,into the classroom.In a flipped classroom,learners will watch or listen to lectures at home,colloborate in online discussions,carry out research at home before the class starts,as they are already prepared,use the time in the class room to do their homework with the guidance of a mentor.When students watch or listen to lectures at home,and then solve problems and apply the new knowledge in the classroom,they get less frustration with their homework.When the trainings completed,course certificates were allocated to each participant teacher.Europass certificate is arranged FCLL training.As a result of the trainings,we arranged meetings in the school for our teachers,as the first dissemination phase of our Project,to introduce the Project,share all the experiences acquired through the courses and what we are going to do during the semestre.We demanded support from every branches to initiate good practices.Participant teachers prepared e-contents,webpages,and curriciulums relevant to their branches.They assigned two seperate classrooms equiavalent to one another till the end of November.They directed flipped classroom students to make use of web pages they prepared.Mentors led students to apply flipped techniques inside and outsideof the classroom thereby enabled optimum learning.On the other hand,in traditional classroom,teachers went on teaching in usual way in the given time like all other classes.";"After completed units,they applied evaluation exam for both traditional and flipped classrooms were also applied questionniare and requested to evaluate the flipped model and its process.Result of surveys and exams proved that students applied blended-flipped learning modelwere more succesful than those in traditional class environment.In December,various billboards,detailed brochures were developed and prepared to increase awareness and introduce our Project in broader terms.Accordingly the teachers from different schools with different branches were invited to our school to introduce project,its outcomes and deliverables;as a result,the second phase/step of dissemination of the Project was completed.We created a e-Twinning (139254)." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-TR01-KA101-018198;;;Dikkat Eksikli_ine Dikkat;"ABSTRACT: Recently, improper and unconscious use of technology has increased the ratio of the lack of attention. So this increase has led us to do this project. Therefore as teachers, families an...";Access for disadvantaged, Disabilities - special needs;;CAKMAK SEHIT MAHMUT COSKUNSU ORTAOKULU;TR;TR;18.271,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"ABSTRACT: | Recently, improper and unconscious use of technology has increased the ratio of the lack of attention. So this increase has led us to do this project. Therefore as teachers, families and management we studied and learnt the content of the activities in order to provide for the students having been diagnosed as Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or showing the signs of ADD living as self-confident, independent and social people. Then we studied to adapt European teaching examples in our schools in Turkey. | | Our projects first aim was to be able to prevent the students with ADD from disappearing in the classroom and to be able to help them to gain a place in society. The second aim was to change negative attitudes of families, other students and the people in their environment towards these students. The third one was to reduce the factors that cause ADD as much as possible. The last and the most important aim was to minimise the rate of medicine treatment. | | 11 participants from 7 different branches have been selected for this project and each of these participants is an expert on their own branches. Some of the participants have done Master Degree (with thesis) and some of them are still doing. They are all open to trying new methods, improving themselves by attending different seminars and vocational training courses; they have different certificates in various sports, they have taken place in special education symposiums conducted in the region, they research and share what they have learned with their colleagues and students also they practice in their classes to their students. Moreover they arrange inter-schools tournaments on chess, skills and book reading etc, two of our participant teachers are doing chess coaching by aiming to prepare their students to the provincial and district-wide chess tournament. They are contributing teachers to science, mathematics and technology projects (ITEC, e-Car - 1.Catch the rainbow, Pilot Acer - European School Net, Istanbul the European Capital of Culture). | | When executing the project, first of all a student group including 10-14 year-old students were established that represent the target audience. Certain inventories were used on this group of the students at certain intervals. The results of the implemented inventory were documented in detailed monthly reports. In order to address to an audience as wide as possible it was benefited from various media and broadcast organizations, social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.), public spots methods and some brands social responsibility resources. Hereby, lots of behavioral changes occured not only on the student group, but also including the residents of our region on a wide community.";As a result of the project, target audience has been mostly accepted individuals in their classroom, in family, and in social environment. They have had self-confidence, their negative attitude towards school has turned into positive attitude and they have adopted social rules. Additionally, the most important effect of the project we predicted was to have progress on medicine treatment method in ADD and we had great progress on it. Besides, the development of thinking skills and effective time usage were predicted. | | Of this project the long-term potential benefits are learning how to use technology correctly and turning from the unconscious consumers to the conscious consumer. Moreover, we thought that the negative statuses of ADD have brought with will be eliminated to the maximum extent in the future. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-TR01-KA101-021000;;;_renme Srelerinde Motivasyon ile Yaratcl_n ve Yeni Fikirlerin Desteklenmesi;There have been many revisions to increase the ability of students and their academic level in the Turkish education system in recent years. The new system emphasizes the incorporation of new ide...;Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;ODTU Gelistirme Vakfi Ozel Mersin Ortaokulu;TR;TR;11.316,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"There have been many revisions to increase the ability of students and their academic level in the Turkish education system in recent years. The new system emphasizes the incorporation of new ideas, creative thinking, the process of learning how to learn, the ability to solve everyday problems using scientific problem-solving methods. In light of these changes, it has been a challenge for the teachers to adopt themselves to the new program. To overcome this problem, international cooperation is needed to increase our teachers qualifications. Aim of the project is to increase the capacity of our teachers to be in line with the new education system. Project includes English, Math, Science, Drama and Information Technology courses as well as student clubs like Robotics, Makers, Destination Imagination, Mind Games and Science and Math Applications. Our goal is to replace the traditional teacher-centered system with the new system that emphasizes innovation and creativity by using exciting and motivating student -centered activities.The project is planned to last in twelve months. During this time, the impact of the project on our courses and club activities will be evaluated. The program of the mentioned courses and clubs will be revised after our six teachers participate in the ten- day education program in Italy. The enriched revised program will be instituted during the spring term of the 2016-2017 academic year. It is expected that there will be improvements in the students participation levels, creativity and their ability to produce innovative ideas. The students, who will learn how to learn with these enriched activities, will be supported to be individuals who can make connections between their everyday lives and scientific knowledge using social communication skills.Through attending the course and projects activities the participants will be expected ;- to improve their foreign language knowledge and skills through the language course,- to advance the ability and the knowledge of planning creative activities with the children in the lessons, elective lessons and the club hours- to learn how to advance attendence to social activities and the communication levels of the students - to gain experience in attending international projects- to gain the ability of associating the knowledge they give to students with daily life experiences - to help the students increase the ability of problem solving, creativity and coming up with new ideas. By dissemination activities as a part of the project, it is aimed to train a minimum of 160 teachers from 48 schools locally and regionally through the presentation of two conferences both national and regional; and to inform more people about the training and the activities by means of parent training sessions, web sites and newspapers.";By the end of this international project the quality of education will be improved due to the enriched educational activities. Our school will also have the opportunity to experience an international partnership project with the e-twinning project as a fit strip. Moerover, our school will have chance to take part in bigger projects and collaborations. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2015;2015-1-TR01-KA204-022101;;;REINFORCING ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN ADULTS;The goal of the REAL project is to contribute to the integration of unemployed graduates into the labor market by enhancing their entrepreneurship skills and competencies. The project focused on ...;International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;UNIVERSITY OF USAK;TR;TR,CY,IT,ES,BG,SE,EL,DE;234.425,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;The project is aiming to implement a realistic, competitive and sustainable Virtual Learning Community, which promoted a specific entrepreneurial training/mentoring program offering an integrated guidance to entrepreneurs from the early stage of motivation and idea generation through a personalized support in implementing business projects. | The project partnership- | 10 partners from 8 European countries - the selection is based on the geographical status, expertises and capacity of the partners. We intended to form the partnership especially from the Mediterranean countries considering that the economic chaos is affecting that part much more. | The objectives of the project: The main goal of the REAL project is to help unemployed people to integrate into the labor market by becoming entrepreneurs and creating their own work place. 1- to identify the needs of the unemployed youth and labor market 2- improving the level of key competences and skills, with particular regard to the young peoples' relevance for the labor market 3-supporting participants in training and further training activities in the acquisition and the use of knowledge, skills and qualifications to facilitate personal development, employability and participation in the European labor market 4- fostering quality improvements, innovation excellence and internationalization at the level of participating education and training institutions, in particular through enhanced transnational cooperation 5- promoting entrepreneurship education to develop active citizenship, employability and new-business creation 6-increasing participation in learning and employability between education and training providers and other stakeholders 7- developing the basic competencies of target group 8- developing the university - industry and labor market relations 9- developing inter-disciplinary and international cooperation of the organizations from different sectors;"Our results and outcomes : 1- The target group needs identified; There was surveys conducted to the unemployed graduates to analyze the needs of the target group and also another survey was conducted to the industry representatives to identify the needs of the labor market 2- Entrepreneurial course materials, tools and activities transferred, translated and adapted in each piloting country; | The participating institutions created on-line courses with new 6 educational modules, animation videos and e-marketing platform for new international marketing strategies. 8 power-point presentations per each module were created and they were supported by voice texts in English. The tools were translated into English, Turkish, German, Spanish, Italian, Greek, Bulgarian and Swedish. 3- E-learning platform developed with simulations, case studies and activities focused upon entrepreneurship enhancement; | The entrepreneurial tools were published on the e-learning platform. The target group can register on the website to join the Online courses and use the educational Online materials 4- Blended learning course organized and piloted in 3 countries for enrolling 75 participants (the participants were selected by various sectors in order to create interdisciplinary synergy. 5- Training and tutoring provided to the learners groups; 6- 12 trainers trained in short term joint staff transnational courses/ 4 trainer per pilot group | The trainers of the pilot groups went to the module holder institution for shot term courses, to see the best practices and share experiences for 5 days 7- Booklet & Guide: participating institutions created a booklet for target group in order to show pathways to entrepreneurs. And also the activities and the outcomes of the projects were presented in this booklet 8- DVD Online course and animation videos were installed on a DVD for disseminating the project to the relevant stakeholders. Additionally this DVD was provided available for those who want to take the courses after registering on the web portal 9- University - industry relationships developed 10- partnership culture was developed and this enhanced and promoted international and inter institutional cooperation and coordination. Results | Website | | | Without category | | 2nd Output" Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-UK01-KA101-012914;;;French Language and Cross Curricular Development Project;" As a school, St Elphin's (Fairfield) C E V A Primary are passionate about providing the very best teaching and learning experiences for all. We understand that children learn best when they ar...";Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Pedagogy and didactics, Creativity and culture;;St Elphin's (Fairfield) CE VA Primary School;UK;UK;9.220,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;As a school, St Elphin's (Fairfield) C E V A Primary are passionate about providing the very best teaching and learning experiences for all. We understand that children learn best when they are inspired and engaged by meaningful activities, rooted in the real world and delivered by teaching staff who are themselves enthusiastic learners. | | | | Whilst we recognise that we are working within a community struggling with significant levels of deprivation and a lack of opportunities, we strongly believe that it is our role to open the doors and windows onto the wider world, to enable the children and their families to recognise they are part of a wider global community where everyone is valued and respected and has a part to play. It is against this background that we aim to build on the foundations of our first Erasmus + project and further develop a bespoke creative curriculum that celebrates our European heritage and forges global partnership links with children and teachers from around the world, supported by teaching staff who are highly trained and motivated to provide the very best for the children in our care. | | | | The objectives of our second mobility project is to enable a wider number of our teaching staff to engage with high quality CPD via an intensive language immersion course, moving their own personal language learning forward and developing key skills in the delivery of very effective teaching and learning for the staff and children in school. In addition there will be a specific focus on the development of an international perspective for their own subjects as curriculum area leaders, to enrich the bespoke curriculum for the children at St Elphin's and help inspire colleagues for future projects. | | | | An important part of this wider global awareness, in the embedding of strong international partnership links with schools in France, initiated during our first mobility project, through joint activities, visits and online communication. This is also an arena where teaching staff can share best practice and learn from our colleagues in Europe. | | | | We intend to involve 4 members of staff over 2 years as direct participants in the mobility project, however we envisage that the cascading of their learning to other staff back in school will have a significant impact on the levels of confidence and motivation with regard to language learning and wider cultural awareness. The whole school will be involved in engaging with our French school partners, with teachers sharing best practice and pupils communicating and sharing work. In the future we would expect to see both staff and pupils buzzing with enthusiasm about their learning about the wider world, creating work of a consistently high standard that reflects their levels of confidence and commitment.;Long term we would hope that all our pupils will understand their place in the wider world, and have the confidence and skills to meet the exciting challenges and adventures that being a member of a wonderfully diverse global community can bring. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-UK01-KA101-012980;;;Improving Teaching and Learning Methods Through European Professional Opportunities ;The TBAP Multi Academy Trust, managing all academies within this consortium, is committed to improving outcomes for learners who have not been able to engage in learning in a mainstream school env...;Access for disadvantaged, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;TBAP CSS;UK;UK;17.985,00;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;The TBAP Multi Academy Trust, managing all academies within this consortium, is committed to improving outcomes for learners who have not been able to engage in learning in a mainstream school environment, due to exclusion or having Special Educational Needs. We work with learners in 4 London areas, and through our Teaching School in local and national Alternative Provision Academies, Providers and PRUs. We work directly with around 250 learners and 200 staff in all areas, from primary to secondary. | | | | The Academy Trust is built around the principles of personalised learning to raise standards and ensure all learners leave school with accreditation that allows them to enter Post 16 Education, Employment or Training or if appropriate reintegrate back into mainstream school. We therefore look for exciting and creative curriculum opportunities to provide a broad and balanced curriculum that excites and innovates for these often disengaged learners. | | | | Our project aims to learn from practice in Europe to develop or teaching and learning provision and ensure that our Academy leadership reflects cutting edge practice and research. It aims to ensure that our learners have access to a high quality, well taught and resourced 21st Century Curriculum that values the teaching of Literacy and Numeracy as the founding principles, alongside the opportunity to develop creative learning outcomes such as MFL. We want to ensure that our learners have access to a full E. BACC Curriculum, as they would in a mainstream school by developing the provision of languages from Primary through to GCSE. | | | | For this to happen we will have 9 members of staff partake in training in Europe via structured training course provided by LEAP. This will include staff at all levels in the school from the Learning Support and Business Support Professionals to the Extended Senior Leadership Team. Staff involved in the LEAP training in Europe will have a personal interest and commitment in developing one of the focus areas, either Literacy, Numeracy, MFL or Leadership and will have a key role to play this within their home Academy.;This project work will form part of the TBAP Teaching School Alliance Action Plan and the Academy Development plans in the home schools. It will give staff the opportunity to immerse themselves into a European language and culture and return to TBAP fresh with ideas and creativity to carry out Curriculum Review and develop Medium and Long Term Plans that can include this learning. | | | | Our Academies are outstanding and will continue to be, they will continue to lead in the AP sector and pioneer curriculum provision for learners with additional needs. This project will leave a lasting legacy in the provision of learning and the shaping of the Curriculum for years to come. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-UK01-KA101-013104;;;Developing an International Dimension in the School Curriculum;This has been a successful, large-scale project which has captured the imagination of many pupils and staff, had a very positive impact on the school and all stakeholders and made a great improvem...;Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Pedagogy and didactics, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;Urmston Grammar;UK;UK;38.770,00;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"This has been a successful, large-scale project which has captured the imagination of many pupils and staff, had a very positive impact on the school and all stakeholders and made a great improvement in the way European languages and cultures are seen and taught at our school. | One of the key successes was the major cross-section of staff who participated in the mobilities. Languages, Science, Maths, English, Art, Humanities and Learning Support as well as different levels of experience (TAs and RQTs right up to SLT) were represented which shows the way in which the staff as a whole was enthused and has ensured greater inter-departmental cooperation but also further promoting the idea to pupils that not just language teachers take an interest in European culture and value language learning. | We have greatly strengthened our links with a variety of feeder primary schools in the area, both while on mobilities, and back in the UK, through collaboration on dissemination activities. | The project has also helped catalyse an increasingly international dimension for our school. We already had a long standing French-language exchange with a partner school, but Erasmus+ mobilities have allowed us to establish our first links with German and Spanish speaking schools. We have exchanged emails among staff and pupils (using e-twinning), worked together on particular topics such as music and cinema, and are now looking into working more closely together in the coming academic year. Contacts made by staff abroad have even led to links with further-flung schools, including Switzerland, Slovenia, Denmark and Mali. Although these are not all necessarily opportunities for linguistic exchange, we have looked at some cultural exchange and developing friendships (some staff from these schools sent video messages of support for the launch of our cross-curricular day celebrating European culture Expo 2017). | All staff who participated in mobilities committed to at least one dissemination activity in-house and one in the community. In school, this has led to a trickle-down of skills and ideas gained as many staff opted to feed back to their departments in their monthly meetings. Other activities included re-vamped schemes of work in Art and Languages, an increase in language clubs including a Beginners Spanish club hosted by a variety of teachers from many departments which enthused pupils, as well as the opportunity to engage GCSE and A-Level language classes in particular with semi-regular email exchanges with pupils abroad. | In the wider community, among other things, staff have done taster language activities with a variety of local primary schools, and the girl guides and cub scouts, as well as training some of our sixth-formers to do the same as part of their enrichment provision. One new event, which was a particular success was the evening for new Year 7 parents in which they were provided with help and advice for supporting their childs language learning; this was very conspicuously led by a maths teacher who has attended the mobility abroad and returned to school enthused, leading Spanish club on occasion, and committing to taking a GCSE in Spanish this year despite not being a language specialist. Pupils cannot help but notice this kind of positive attitude. Pupils at our school can now take part in extra-curricular Spanish, Italian and mandarin Chinese clubs, and we will be teaching our first GCSE Spanish cohort in the coming academic year.";"In a more strictly linguistic sense, a survey showed that all staff who attended mobilities now feel more confident in a foreign language and three members of staff have taught themselves GCSE Spanish following their mobility last academic year; they nervously await their results in August. The knock on effect of this will also be hugely beneficial; three members of staff can now be involved in Spanish teaching, enabling us to extend our provision of this language and one participant in the Santander mobility has already run a very popular Spanish club for teachers! | This month we held our annual whole school cross-curricular event Expo 2017. The theme this year was Celebrating Europe. The entire staff were involved, including the Principal, and a great many members of staff led workshops teaching and promoting a variety of European languages and cultures. We have also had a hugely positive response from pupils towards the Teach a Friend a Language workshop, which provided an opportunity for those with European languages at home to teach and promote them to fellow pupils (see more later). | The courses we chose were well matched to our needs (see survey results later) and the wide ranging cultural experiences available during each mobility have been richly exploited through new links with schools, language lessons improved with realia, lesson and activity ideas gained from colleagues from other schools/countries met while on courses have been trialled in lessons. | Results" Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-UK01-KA101-013108;;;French Language Immersion;- 4 teachers training in language and methodology to embed French into school, teachers have experience of almost 60 years between them. Staff range from 30 years teaching to probationary teacher....;International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;St Mary's Alexandria;UK;UK;6.980,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;4 teachers training in language and methodology to embed French into school, teachers have experience of almost 60 years between them. Staff range from 30 years teaching to probationary teacher. all have competence in French.- incorporate the teaching of French into the Curriculum for Excellence take part in learning and teaching opportunities in France- disseminate new teaching strategies and resources within our school and cluster implement the Language 1+2 Policy with greater awareness, confidence and competence.develop partnership abroad with E-Twinning- give all pupils the opportunity to develop ICT skills through the use of GLOW , Linguascope and E-twinning.We envisage developing confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens through the dissemination of this course.;We will strive to promote global citizenship as we cultivate a knowledge and understanding of French culture. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-UK01-KA101-013166;;;French Language and Culture Training;It has recently become National Policy for Scottish primary schools to adopt the European 1+2 approach to language learning. As well as teaching the mother language English schools are to teach a ...;International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;Harestanes Primary School;UK;UK;4.330,00;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;It has recently become National Policy for Scottish primary schools to adopt the European 1+2 approach to language learning. As well as teaching the mother language English schools are to teach a second language throughout the school and also begin a third language too. East Dunbartonshire Council has fully endorsed this policy and has been offering courses led by Le Francais en Ecosse, LFEE, to help teachers improve French skills and learn effective teaching methods for primary children. Harestanes Primary school hopes to send two teachers to immersion courses in France led by LFEE. They aim to immerse themselves in French language and culture for a week each, practising language skills with other Scottish teachers and sharing ideas about how to advance French language learning in their schools. The two teachers will return to their schools with renewed confidence and enthusiasm to teach French and embed it within the school's curriculum. They aim to start e-twinning activities and bring a more European ethos into their schools. They aim to share their learning with other teachers in their own and cluster schools and also share with children, parents and the wider school community. ;The long term benefits are that the 1+2 language programme is given a real boost locally and nationally and children become enthusiastic and competent at learning languages and engaging with their European neighbours. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-UK01-KA101-013277;;;Language Training;Leanne Mannering and Lisa Littlewood are keen and enthusiastic primary teachers who are permanent to Alexandra Parade Primary School in Glasgow. We aim to undertake a high quality one week immers...;International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;Alexandra Parade Primary School;UK;UK;4.010,00;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;Leanne Mannering and Lisa Littlewood are keen and enthusiastic primary teachers who are permanent to Alexandra Parade Primary School in Glasgow. We aim to undertake a high quality one week immersion course in Spain in order to embed Spanish into our school curriculum. The Scottish Government is currently in the process of implementing the '1+2 Approach' to language learning. This requires schools in Scotland to teach 2 additional languages at primary school level. Alexandra Parade Primary needs to offer another foreign language in addition to French, namely Spanish. | | | | Through participation in the course we will improve our confidence and competence in Spanish language and in turn become better practitioners. The course aims to improve methodological expertise in the teaching of Spanish to young learners and provide us with materials and ideas suitable for teaching Spanish at primary level. In addition, our full immersion into Spanish life will significantly raise our cultural awareness bringing a positive impact to our teaching methodology. As a result of the course we will ensure that Spanish will become embedded as part of every day school routine. The nature and location of the course will also give us greater insight into contemporary Spain, and its education system. | | | | This project will also enable us to make links with other European schools and share our experiences and methodological practice. By signing up for the E-Twinning scheme our pupils will be able to use ICT to communicate and share their learning with other schools in the UK and abroad. | | | | The two participants are, at present, preparing for the mobility course by attending a fast track Spanish course in Glasgow. Our learning experiences will be recorded in a learning log, including pictures, film and other multi-media resources, gathered and created, during the course. It will also allow us to monitor our progress throughout the training.;The mobility activity is part of a long term strategy of development within our school, having impact on pupils, teachers, parents and the wider community. We will disseminate our new knowledge and teaching methods throughout the school. Upon our return, we will feedback to our senior management team and put measures into place to disseminate our skills and knowledge to our fellow teachers. The impact of this project will be evaluated through follow up activities, including: feedback sessions with school management and formal assessment of children's learning. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-UK01-KA101-013313;;;School European Professional Development ;" At Notre Dame RC Girls' School we currently offer Spanish, German and French at KS3 and KS4 level and Portuguese and Italian (usually to native speakers) only at KS4. We also offer Spanish and...";International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;Notre Dame RC Girls' School;UK;UK;24.720,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"At Notre Dame RC Girls' School we currently offer Spanish, German and French at KS3 and KS4 level and Portuguese and Italian (usually to native speakers) only at KS4. We also offer Spanish and French AS to students who can enter early for an MFL GCSE. We have a shortage of German teachers and the confidence and proficiency of a second language for each member of staff is variable throughout the department. In preparation for the new KS3 PoS and the New GCSE curriculum, members of the department wish to become experts not only in their main language but also in a second language and two participants even learn a third language. All participants will have to up skill by the end of 2017. | | The objectives of the project are the following: | | - enhance notably the participants' foreign language competence. | | - support their professional development. | | - enable better quality of activities and projects in favour of students, including a focus on creativity and authentic materials. | | - promote the international opening within the school | | - increase the motivation and satisfaction of the participants. | | - enable communications and links with colleagues abroad. | | - promote communication between students in the UK and students in France, Spain and Germany. | | | | Six members of the MFL department will take part in then project, all of them to improve their language competence or acquire new subject knowledge. | | These participants will attend language training with a school provider in Spain, France and Germany for one week during the first year. During the second year, they will attend further language training and then they will do job shadowing in the same region as the language course provider. | | | | The activity for all participants in the first year will be attending language courses. Mr Hornby will learn a new language in Germany and Ms Linter and Mrs Lafferty will improve her language competence also in Germany. Ms Bhira and Mrs Barra will go to language training in Spain. Ms Santana will go to France to improve her confidence and language competence in French. | | | | The activities for all participants in the second year will be two: further language training and job shadowing. Ms Bhira and Mrs Barra will go to Spain to continue their proficiency of Spanish; Mr Hornby and Ms Linter will return to Germany also to continue their language proficiency and Mrs Lafferty will go to France to increase her confidence and competence in French. Finally, Ms Santana will go to Germany to learn a new language. | | | | During the second week of their mobility, all participants will visit a school during five days to undertake job shadowing activities. The will network with colleagues in Europe, start links to plan for projects via e-Twining and share their experience with their department and with language teaching networks.";The impact of the project will benefit not only the professional development and enjoyment of the participants but also all the students at Notre Dame enthused by learning of the language through creative and engaging projects. Furthermore, other colleagues in the UK, after learning about the project via workshops and on language teaching social networks, and colleagues and students abroad will also benefit from the project. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-UK01-KA101-013354;;;Spanish Language Training;In compliance with the Scottish Government's 1+2 strategy, this school year we started to deliver West Dunbartonshire's Spanish programme to all classes throughout the school. Our school improvem...;International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;Clydemuir Primary;UK;UK;16.040,00;Yes;No;Other;Centro Educativo;not available;;English;In compliance with the Scottish Government's 1+2 strategy, this school year we started to deliver West Dunbartonshire's Spanish programme to all classes throughout the school. Our school improvement plan highlights the importance of embedding Spanish learning throughout the school and as a staff we are committed to achieving this, however, no member of our staff, although enthusiastic, feels confident to deliver a robust Spanish curriculum. We, therefore, believe that the attendance of some of our staff at the LFEE immersion course is essential for us to successfully deliver the authority's and Scottish government's aims. We, at Clydemuir Primary, believe strongly that Spanish should not just be a classroom activity but should be embedded throughout all aspects of school life. To this end, we would like to send 8 members of staff on the immersion course the acting head teacher, the 1+2 language coordinator, 3 other teachers (one each from infants, juniors and seniors), 2 learning assistants and the catering manager. By training such a wide range of school staff we are ensuring that Spanish will be truly embedded in all areas of school life from the classroom to the dinner hall and playground. All applicants are committed to providing training to other members of staff. After the training it is proposed that the attending teachers will provide further in-school training in classroom language and activities to all other teachers and disseminate resources. These teachers would also participate in authority events to share good practices, skills learned and knowledge gained with other establishments.The catering manager will train the whole catering team so that the Spanish language is used during lunch time and at the serving of meals. The menus will be displayed in Spanish in addition to English and there will be theme days with Spanish food on the menu.The head teacher and 1+2 co-ordinator will use their acquired language skills in the delivery of whole school assemblies.Learning assistants will use the skills gained from the course to produce accurate Spanish displays and classroom resources, lead games in Spanish during playtimes and breakfast clubs and support teachers in the modelling of good Spanish practices.We envisage that on completion of the immersion course, as well as being able to further and with increased confidence embed Spanish in the daily life of school we will be able to hold Spanish theme days within school where we concentrate on Spanish culture as well as the language. We hope to be able to invite local schools within our learning community to join us on some of these as well as inviting parents to attend. Links will be established with the Modern Languages department of the local high school. We will hold information evenings and workshops for parents so that they can be more involved in their childs learning of Spanish. We hope to set up an after schools Spanish club. We, also, wish to establish links with a Spanish school and would regularly communicate via e-mail and skype.Being able to achieve the above would result in the pupils of Clydemuir Primary becoming more motivated and engaged in learning the language. The school approach to the teaching of Spanish will be reviewed and new ideas from the participants of the immersion course will be incorporated into an improved teaching methodology of Spanish. Ideas from this will also be used to influence the teaching methodology of French and German which is currently taught to the senior pupils. Linking up with a Spanish school would allow the children to use their language skills in a real context and would help to promote the idea of global citizenship. The children will have access to authentic Spanish artefacts and resources which the participants will have brought back from Spain. Parents will also gain a wider knowledge of Spain and its language as they will be invited to attend information evenings and workshops where they can work alongside their child on Spanish activities.It is hoped that fostering a positive attitude towards learning Spanish in the primary school will result in our pupils being more aware of their role in the UK, Europe and the world and will understand the importance of being able to communicate with other nations. We hope they will then feel motivated to continue their studies further thus making them good prospects for future employers.;Through the funding received and participation of 8 members of staff on the immersion course and all the consequences of this, Clydemuir Primary School have made a huge step in achieving the Scottish Governments 1+2 strategy and our own School Improvement Plan. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-UK01-KA101-013367;;;Language course ;The objectives of this project are to develop a European dimension and links in our school, to gain new resources and teaching methods, therefore improving the learning and teaching of languages i...;International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;Allerton Church of England Primary School;UK;UK;4.010,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;The objectives of this project are to develop a European dimension and links in our school, to gain new resources and teaching methods, therefore improving the learning and teaching of languages in our school. | | In summary, the immersion course will enable two teachers to train in the language and methodology of the target language to help embed it into the curriculum in school. It will strengthen the existing scheme of work, ensuring it fully meets the requirements of the National Curriculum. | | Through the immersion course and with the help of E-Twinning, the school will develop their European dimension through linking with partnership schools in Spain. This will provide the children with a purpose for learning their language, as communication between Allerton and the partner school will be actioned via the use of ICT. | | The immersion course is part of a wider and long term strategy of development of the teaching and learning of modern foreign languages throughout Allerton C of E Primary. We plan to develop professional dialogue between staff and cluster schools. Through the participation of the immersion course we hope to build knowledge and resources that we can share with colleagues and wider professionals. This would be actioned through the delivery of professional development sessions and staff inset days, with view to team delivering training to local schools in our cluster area. We aim to develop and establish a cluster format for evaluating attainment and progress in modern foreign language, enabling us to track progress of cohorts against others in the local authority. To ensure the staff competency in the delivery of our languages curriculum is maintained, we seek to participate in future immersion courses. | | The expected impact on the participants will primarily be to increase confidence and ability to teach Spanish as part of the modern foreign language curriculum, as it will provide them with experiences and opportunities to practice the target language in a real-life context. It will improve the teaching methodology for languages within Allerton CE Primary and embed the language with school. A greater cultural awareness from the participants will be transferred to pupils therefore enabling Spanish to be fed into the curriculum in other opportunities outside of the weekly session. Consequently the profile of Modern Foreign Language will be raised in school. Resources purchased on the course (such as music and books) will be uploaded on to shared drive within school to help teaching and learning of Spanish.;The primary outcomes of this course would be to improve language competency and impact teaching skills across the key stage. It will improve methodological expertise in the teaching of Spanish to young learners and provide participants with materials and ideas suitable for teaching of Spanish at Primary level. It will develop cultural awareness and understanding of education system of contemporary Spain. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-UK01-KA202-013436;;;Training staff in the use of the Arts for the Benefit of patients with LOng-term conditions;Chronic diseases are a worldwide burden, causing 36 million deaths each year (World Health Organization, 2013). They are long-lasting conditions, which require regular treatment, administration, m...;Health and wellbeing, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust;UK;UK,DK,ES,RO,IT,SI,CY;252.054,00;Yes;No;Local Public body;Administracin;;;English;"Chronic diseases are a worldwide burden, causing 36 million deaths each year (World Health Organization, 2013). They are long-lasting conditions, which require regular treatment, administration, management and care, posing staggering socio-economic burdens on societies and health systems around the world. In this context, the use of arts for individuals suffering from long-term conditions can improve their health and mental health outcomes and their quality of life, and ultimately reduce healthcare costs. | Recognising that there is much research and evidence that supports the use of the arts having a profoundly positive effect on peoples mental and physical health and wellbeing, this project aimed to educate and share ideas that would enable professionals, carers and others, to use arts as part of the support they provide to individuals. The objective of this project was to develop a new online e-learning package to enable staff to learn new skills to be able to offer patients arts-based therapeutic activities. This was achieved over 3 years by staff from each partner organisation visiting each other's facilities and service and using learning from the experiences of all the partners in this field, drawing these ideas and content together to produce the online learning package ensuring that that it was also culturally and clinically relevant. | A total of 8 organisations took part in the project, all working collaboratively, and bringing together their expertise: a university public health team (evaluation and quality control); an NHS mental health service provider; an organisation working with patients with specific conditions (autism); experts in arts therapy and non-verbal communication; an adult education provider; a regional municipality responsible for healthcare; a national mental health association and an e-learning development expert.";The main activity undertaken was the creation of the online e-learning package (available at The package brings together e-learning chapters on 14 different health conditions, their characteristics and how they affect a persons life, together with more than 400 arts-based activities for use by professionals and carers. A search facility allows customisation of the search based upon criteria including age, condition, profession, type of art, etc. Other activities included learning mobilities undertaken by all partners, a dissemination event reaching 197 people and project management meetings. | The main project results are the creation of the e-learning package (freely available to anyone) and the increased knowledge of the staff that have participated in the learning mobilities. For those directly involved in the project design and development from all partner organisations there has been an increase in knowledge through experiential learning and appreciation of each others health provision and outcomes. In terms of impact, this has led to 24.150 people from Europe and US being reached with information about the project, together with increased cultural awareness, appreciation of the diversity of arts and the direct and indirect benefit of the use of arts as a therapeutic tool. | The project will lead to an improvement in the quality of education available to professional care staff and, through them, to the range of services offered to patients. Long-term, it is anticipated that the project will lead to a greater number of staff from health care organisations across the EU using the online package to be confident in the use of therapeutic arts activities. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-UK01-KA202-013619;;;Developing life and employability competences through mobility;This project aims to contribute to Europe 2020 Strategy, Rethinking Education and the Youth Guarantee by helping to address high rates of youth unemployment and skills gaps. Through the developme...;Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal), Recognition (non-formal and informal learning/credits);;BRIDGWATER AND TAUNTON COLLEGE;UK;UK,ES,SI,FI,NL;354.716,65;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (tertiary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;his project aims to contribute to Europe 2020 Strategy, Rethinking Education and the Youth Guarantee by helping to address high rates of youth unemployment and skills gaps. Through the development of a new employability and entrepreneurship course unit of e-learning materials for use before, during and after a mobility, participants will develop their international and soft skills such as team work and intercultural understanding to improve their employability. Higher Education and VET partners will exchange knowledge and work with business networks to develop the course unit which will complement ECVET principles and encourage young people, particularly those who face barriers, to participate. | | Objectives | - To improve the effectiveness of work or study placements in another country by developing and testing an employability/entrepreneurship unit of online learning resources for use before, during and after a mobility. | - To build on good practice from previous project outcomes which helped to improve employability competences: LIFE 2, EMPLOY, and ECVET4Practitioners. | - To involve employers throughout the project to ensure materials developed are in line with employer needs and help to ensure that learners are work ready. | - To follow ECVET principles so that learning outcomes are acknowledged and transferable across the EU | - To maximise impact by further use of the employability/entrepreneurship unit in mobilities organised by VET and Higher Education institutions. | | Following an analysis of best practice from previous projects, partners will develop e-learning materials to develop competences in line with employer needs. 6 teachers from VET/HE partner organisations will participate in a workshop to plan how best to use the project's e-learning materials, exchange ideas and utilise the ECVET system. They will continue to be involved throughout the project and be ambassadors to promote further use in their own and other organisations. 25 students, including 5 for whom participation is difficult, and 5 teachers from VET/HE partner organisations will test materials with students, teachers and businesses in another country. Materials will also be piloted by 5 Higher Education students and 1 teacher (externally funded). Business partners and networks will be involved in online interviews to prepare participants, feedback on the effectiveness of the employability module and discussions on career opportunities. In the maximising impact phase, materials will be used in a wider range of mobilities including traineeships reaching approximately 110 students and 22 teachers. | | Pilot evaluations by learners, teachers and employers will include the development of employability competences (soft skills and language practice/intercultural), perception of entrepreneurship as a possible career option and willingness to participate in a mobility from those in situations that make participation more difficult.;The e-learning materials will be available for wider use in Year 3 of the project and after the end of the project as open educational resources via the project website. Teacher and learner guides will also be produced and tested to provide guidance on how best to use the e-learning materials at each phase of the mobility. A report will be published on the project outcomes and experiences of learners, teachers and employers to explain how the e-learning materials can be used to benefit different target groups including businesses. | | A quality plan with indicators will be regularly reviewed by the internal evaluator to ensure that the projects products and processes are effective. All partners will disseminate throughout the project to target groups of VET and HE learners, teachers, managers, employers, employees and policy influencers. Four national and two international multiplier events will be held to encourage wider use of the e-learning materials in VET and HE organisations and businesses. EfVET will promote the project across Europe through its 1500 members, links with EU networks and involvement in EC consultations. | | The project will benefit learners from different disciplines to be better prepared for the workplace and able to consider a broader range of career options including entrepreneurship and international work. Teachers will become more skilled in developing learners employability competences and following the ECVET structure to manage and recognise learners progress. VET and HE managers will understand the benefits of encouraging the use of the employability unit and mobilities within the curriculum. Employers will develop their links with education and develop their internationalisation skills, learn from other countries and use the e-learning materials developed in their own staff training programmes beyond the project end. Policy influencers will become more aware of how the projects products can help improve the employability of young people as part of national and EU strategies. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | On-line employability and entrepreneurship course | Guides for teachers and learners to provide practical guidance on using the e-learning course resources. | Guides for teachers and learners to provide practical guidance on using the e-learning course resources. | Guides for teachers and learners to provide practical guidance on using the e-learning course resources. | Guides for teachers and learners to provide practical guidance on using the e-learning course resources. | Guides for teachers and learners to provide practical guidance on using the e-learning course resources. | Guides for teachers and learners to provide practical guidance on using the e-learning course resources. | Guides for teachers and learners to provide practical guidance on using the e-learning course resources. | Guides for teachers and learners to provide practical guidance on using the e-learning course resources | Dissemination material | | Project Leaflet | Project Leaflet in Finnish | Project Leaflet in Slovenia | Project Leaflet in Basque | Project Leaflet in Spanish | Dissemination Report | Organizational and working documents | | Report on Training Material | Creation of employability and entrepreneurship course unit of learning materials in preparation for the development of e-learning objects | Pilot study evaluation reports | Project results publication with target group examples from pilots | Project results publication with target group examples from pilots | Project results publication with target group examples from pilots | Project results publication with target group examples from pilots Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-UK01-KA202-013692;;;Food Incubators Transforming Regions ;"CONTEXT /BACKGROUND Across Europe, boosting the growth of food SMEs is a key part of entrepreneurship and agri diversification policy. On closer inspection, the UK government strategy Food 2030 e...";Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Regional dimension and cooperation, Enterprise ...;;Banbridge District Enterprises Ltd;UK;UK,IE,SK,NL;285.905,50;Yes;Yes;Accreditation, certification or qualification body;Administracin;;;English;"CONTEXT /BACKGROUND | Across Europe, boosting the growth of food SMEs is a key part of entrepreneurship and agri diversification policy. On closer inspection, the UK government strategy Food 2030 establishes the need for new enterprises to enter the market stimulating diversity and competition"" while the Irish government forecasts 40% growth in this market between 2008-20 (Food Harvest 2020). The Netherlands takes its food sector very seriously, it is the second-largest exporter of agri-food products in the world, after the US. Slovakia's food sector is still developing as the investment required to bring establishments up to EU standards after Slovakias accession to the EU (2004) was detrimental to many and they went out of business. | | Partners identified that there is a recognized mismatch in the demand for and the supply of food production and learning facilities across Europe. The lack of access to food grade facilities is a serious barrier to the establishment and growth potential of artisan food producers who struggle to support the capital requirements of setting up a production facility (investing in a food production unit is second only to the establishment costs of a pharma clean room!). On the other hand, there is an abundance of underutilized properties in public and private ownership which could be re-imagined as vibrant Food Incubators but the promoters of same lack the skills and practical strategies to develop them. FITR sought to address this need and its online training course is the first of its kind in the world covering the core topics of feasibility analysis, collaborative approaches, facility renovation and equipment, the business model including finances, funding sources, management, value added services and marketing. Further, there is little or no policy approaches to the development of food incubators. Typically, they are included in the theme of incubators, which tend to be technology related. | | OBJECTIVES/ACTIVITIES | Food Incubators Transforming Regions (FITR) sought to ""forge an effective and replicable model to provide the learning and strategic structure to develop food kitchens and incubators as enterprise, training and support drivers at regional level. It has 4 objectives: | a) Establish 4 sustainable, sector focused 4 Regional Partnerships to study and capture best practice in the development of Food incubators.develop 4 Action Plans as the ultimate blueprint to develop physical food incubator hubs at regional level | b) Create and publish a The Essential Toolkit to developing a Regional Food Incubator to facilitate the replication of Regional Partnerships and Food Incubators across Europe. | c) Create and publish a course curriculum, guiding VET practitioners on the topics and skills most needed to establish and manage a Food incubator. | d) Develop an intensive blended learning The Essential Toolkit to develop a successful Food Incubators"" | | PARTNERSHIP | The FITR combined HEI and VET organizations, economic development agencies, agri food industry champions and an eLearning specialist drawn from profit, non-profit and public sectors spanning operational right through to policy levels. Each project partner has reach and connectivity to the food sector, VET and policy channels in their respective countries. Their connections were vital to support the spread of a food incubation learning culture.";RESULTS | * In all, 18 meetings of the FITR Regional Partnerships were held with a total attendance of 190 stakeholders leading to the development of 4 robust Action Plans.This has acted as catalyst for change and capacity building in the defined regions Food Incubators sector - 2 new incubators have been developed as a DIRECT result of this project | * FITR Guide was used to form 4 Strategic Partnerships (and 5 more in development), it is a best practice, action and resource based planning toolkit. | * Intellectual Output 3 Course Curriculum & Content brought together for the first time and in one source, a free training response for those interested in setting up a food incubator. It is available on | * Five Multiplier events attracted 381 stakeholders and acted as important dissemination and exploitation platforms. The evaluation of the events show a very high level of satisfaction of same. | * Dissemination has been particularly active and partners recorded 163 individual dissemination actions. | Results | Website | | | Without category | | Output 3 - FITR Course Curriculum Module 1 UK | Output 3 - FITR Course Curriculum Module 2 UK | Output 3 - FITR Course Curriculum Module 3 UK | Output 3 - FITR Course Curriculum Module 5 UK | Output 3 - FITR Course Curriculum Module 4 UK | Output 3 - FITR Course Curriculum Module 1 UK | Output 3 - FITR Course Curriculum Module 2 UK | Output 3 - FITR Course Curriculum Module 4 UK | Output 3 - FITR Course Curriculum Module 5 UK | Output 3 - FITR Course Curriculum Module 6 UK | Output 3 - FITR Course Curriculum Module 6 UK | Output 3 - FITR Course Curriculum Module 1 Netherlands | Output 3 - FITR Course Curriculum Module 2 Netherlands | Output 3 - FITR Course Curriculum Module 2 Netherlands | Output 3 - FITR Course Curriculum Module 4 Netherlands | Output 3 - FITR Course Curriculum Module 3 Netherlands | Output 3 - FITR Course Curriculum Module 5 Netherlands | Output 3 - FITR Course Curriculum Module 6 Netherlands | Output 3 - FITR Course Curriculum Module 6 Netherlands | Output 3 - FITR Course Curriculum Module 4 Netherlands | Output 3 - FITR Course Curriculum Module 5 Netherlands | Output 3 - FITR Course Curriculum Module 1 - Slovakia | Output 3 - FITR Course Curriculum Module 1 - Slovakia | Output 3 - FITR Course Curriculum Module 2 -Slovakia | Output 3 - FITR Course Curriculum Module 2 - Slovakia | Output 3 - FITR Course Curriculum Module 3 - Slovakia | Output 3 - FITR Course Curriculum Module 4 - Slovakia | Output 3 - FITR Course Curriculum Module 4 - Slovakia | Output 3 - FITR Course Curriculum Module 5 - Slovakia | Output 3 - FITR Course Curriculum Module 5 - Slovakia | Output 3 - FITR Course Curriculum Module 6 - Slovakia | Output 3 - FITR Course Curriculum Module 6 - Slovakia | Output 1 - The essential guide to developing a Regional Food Incubator Partnership | FITR Programme Brochure Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-UK01-KA202-013818;;;Art and Furniture Strategic Partnership ;The European furniture sector is a key driver of sustainable growth with a significant contribution to Europes overall economic health, competitiveness, creativity, innovation, employment and exp...;Creativity and culture, Open and distance learning, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;BUCKINGHAMSHIRE NEW UNIVERSITY;UK;UK,EL,ES;361.636,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;The European furniture sector is a key driver of sustainable growth with a significant contribution to Europes overall economic health, competitiveness, creativity, innovation, employment and export. Producing good quality furniture products requires on the one hand excellent technical knowledge and competences and on the other hand artistic and aesthetic aptitudes. The consortium has identified that designers and artists need to improve their knowledge of the technical aspects that relate to furniture manufacturing processes, while manufacturers need to understand the importance of aesthetical aspects. | | The aim of the ARTURE Project was to create a strategic partnership between VET and HEI in the field of art on the one hand and the organisations that support furniture industries on the other hand. The partnership sought to facilitate the exchange, flow and co-creation of knowledge to address the vocational skills mismatches and shortage of skilled workforce. | To attain this, the project had the following objectives: | -Development of an Enquiry Framework employed to consult stakeholders on the industrys needs. | -Analysis of the survey to identify competences and training needs. | -Development of e-Learning materials, available through an e-Learning platform to be used for the Vocational Education and Training of personnel in the furniture sector. | -Development of a Networking Portal containing a database for connecting VET and HEI providers of product design and fine and applied arts and the Furniture Industry. | -Assess the quality of the learning materials developed and the impact on student learning. | -Development of a Joint Curriculum at Level 3 between providers of Arts and Furniture manufacturing sectors. | | The consortium was led by Buckinghamshire New University.The latest Research Excellence Framework (2014) concluded that 56% of its outputs are World Class or Internationally Excellent. AKTO from Greece is a member of CUMULUS, which is the only global association that comprises recognised universities serving Art and Design education and research. CETEM from Spain is a research centre and training institution expert in furniture design, regulation and standardization. CETEM is one of the best-known providers of e-Learning courses through its own web platform, e-learnia. Searchlighter Services from the UK works in collaborative contexts, with a track record in research concerning good practice in employment and training. Universal Certification Solutions Unicert from Greece is a modern Personnel Certification Body, licensed to certify individuals in Informatics and PC Usage, by the Greek Ministry of Education.;Firstly, an Enquiry Framework was developed involving a wide range of stakeholders in order to identify the relevant questions that should be posed to actors in the areas of art, design and furniture manufacturing. Secondly, based on the Enquiry Framework, a large-scale survey was conducted and conclusions presented in a Report. Thirdly, based on the conclusions of the survey, learning materials were produced for 15 modules to support the training of designers and manufacturers. These were made available through an E-platform. Fourthly, a Networking Platform containing 252 organisations (VET/HE Centres and business associations) was developed to facilitate the communication and exchange of experience between providers of education and trainers and the furniture industry. Then, users tested the E-platform and conclusions of piloting were used to enhance the content and the mode of delivery of the learning materials. | The Survey involved 367 respondents from three countries. The Learning Materials are structured in 15 modules for specific learning outcomes, containing PowerPoint presentations, manuals and video-materials that could be used by learners in VET. The Networking Platform contains 252 organisations that have expressed interest in using the platform for training. The Curriculum developed for the Aesthetic Furniture Designers and for students of fine arts and artists contains a Guide for Trainers that has been used by the lecturers who developed the piloting of the modules. This will have a significant impact on 320 students from the UK, Greece and Spain who will be using it from September 2018. | -Longer-term benefits | Teaching and learning Furniture Design and Manufacturing in the three organisations from the UK, Greece and Spain that have been involved in developing the project will be now based on the brand new modules created in ARTURE. Through the Networking Platform, it is estimated that about 300 users per year will be using some of the learning materials available through the Project webpage and E-portal. | As a result, many more furniture designers will have enhanced competence in designing products that are aesthetically pleasing, and at the same time, are easier to manufacture and produce from sustainable materials using advanced manufacturing processes. Results | Website | | | Without category | | IO1 Enquiry framework_en | IO1 Enquiry framework_gr | IO1 Enquiry framework_es | IO2 Analysis Report on HE Resources for VET Training on Furniture Manufacture_en | IO2 Analysis Report on HE Resources for VET Training on Furniture Manufacture_gr | IO2 Analysis Report on HE Resources for VET Training on Furniture Manufacture_es | IO3 Cloud based repository template for training material | IO3_MO1_Art and design research methods_Manual | IO3_MO1_Art and design research methods_PP | IO3_MO2_Tools and techniques to develop creativity_Manual | IO3_MO2_Tools and techniques to develop creativity_PP | IO3_MO3_History of furniture in XX century_Manual | IO3_MO3_History of furniture in XX century_PP | IO3_MO4_Aesthetics_Manual | IO3_MO4_Aesthetics_PP | IO3_MO5_Artifacts case studies_Manual | IO3_MO5_Artifacts case studies_PP | IO3_MO6_Research and development_Manual | IO3_MO6_Research and development_PP | IO3_MO7_Product strategy_Manual | IO3_MO7_Product strategy_PP | IO3_MO8_Product concept_Manual | IO3_MO8_Product concept_PP | IO3_MO9_Design tools_Manual | IO3_MO9_Design tools_PP | IO3_MO10_Materials in furniture manufacturing_Manual | IO3_MO10_Materials in furniture manufacturing_PP | IO3_MO11_Manufacturing process and machinery_Manual | IO3_MO11_Manufacturing process and machinery_PP | IO3_MO12_Quality control and safety_Manual | IO3_MO12_Quality control and safety_PP | IO3_MO13_Management of processes in manufacturing_Manual | IO4_Cloud based database template for connecting_en | IO4_Cloud based database template for connecting_gr | IO4_Cloud based database template for connecting_es | IO5_Expertise and conclusions of piloting_en | IO5_Expertise and conclusions of piloting_gr | IO5_Expertise and conclusions of piloting_es | IO6_Joint curriculum_en | IO6_Joint curriculum_gr | IO6_Joint curriculum_es | IO3_MO1_Art and design methods_greek | IO3_MO1_Art and design research methods_es | IO3_MO2_Tools and techniques to develop creativity_gr | IO3_MO2_Tools and techniques to develop creativity_es | IO3_MO3_Historyof furniture XX century_gr | IO3_MO3_History of furniture XXcentury_es | IO3_MO4_Aesthetics_gr | IO3_MO4_Aesthetics_es | IO3_MO5_Artefacts case studies_gr | IO3_MO5_Artefacts cases studies_es | IO3_MO6_Research and development_gr | IO3_MO6_Research and development_es | IO3_MO7_Product strategy_gr | IO3_MO7_Product strategy_es | IO3_MO8_Product concept | IO3_MO9_Design tools_gr | IO3_MO9_Design tools_es | IO3_MO10_Materials in furniture manufacturing_gr | IO3_MO10_Materials in furniture manufacturing_es | IO3_MO11_Manufacturing process and machinery_gr | IO3_MO12_Quality control and safety_gr | IO3_MO12_Quality control and safety_es | IO3_MO13_Management of processes_gr | IO3_MO13_ManagementProcess_es | IO3_MO1_Art and design research methods_Manual_es | IO3_MO2_Tools and techniques_Manual_es | IO3_MO3_History of furniture XX century_Manual_es | IO3_MO4_Aesthetics_Manual_es | IO3_MO5_Artefacts case studies_Manual_es | IO3_MO6_Research and development_Manual_es | IO3_MO7_Product strategy_Manual_es | IO3_MO8_Product concept_Manual_es | IO3_MO9_Design tools_Manual_es | IO3_MO10_Materials in furniture_Manual_es | IO3_MO11_Manufacturing processes_Manual_es | IO3_MO12_Quality control and safety_Manual_es | IO3_MO13_Management processes_Manual_es Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2015;2015-1-UK01-KA203-013461;;;Development of innovative e-learning and teaching through strategic partnerships in Global Health Education;The 2013 Communication on Opening Up Education identified the expansion of online delivery as a priority for education within the EU. Provision of online higher education within Europe is under-de...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Open and distance learning, Access for disadvantaged;;QUEEN MARGARET UNIVERSITY, EDINBURGH;UK;UK,NL,NO;351.621,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;not available;English;The development of high quality online education has been slow within European universities. This may be due to lack of expertise among teaching faculty, concerns about the effectiveness of technology or reluctance to invest the time required to produce learning materials. The project aimed to address potential barriers through: Promoting and developing the pedagogical and technological skills amongst HE staff to enable them to develop innovative eLearning materials Facilitating digital literacy skills amongst students in order to enable them to reach optimal capacity as innovative learners Establishing a framework for the future accreditation of eLearning and a handbook and guidelines for ELearning and dissertation supervision in global health education. The project increased digital literacy amongst teachers and learners of global health education. The three participating organisations benefitted from acquiring pedagogical and technological skills to develop innovative eLearning and teaching materials and this knowledge has been shared through the Handbook on eLearning. Creation of a critical mass of digitally literate practitioners has contributed to the planning of further modules and continued collaboration to develop more coherent pathways.;Key activities and outputs of the project included: Staff training in developing eLearning & Teaching, and how to develop and deliver online teaching materials Sharing of practice between the 3 partner institutions and in the TropEd network. Development of guidance on supervision of global health dissertations from a distance. Development of 9 eLearning modules, clustered into 3 coherent pathways. These gave students access to a blended learning experience that combined the expertise of the three different partners and allowed students to engage in virtual mobility across the 3 partner institutions. Learning materials have been made available as an open learning resource. Delivery of the first 6 modules and evaluation thereof. 23 students (8 per institution) were recruited for each cohort, the first in 2016-17 (pilot phase) and the second in 2017-18. Students were registered at each partner organisation and studied the first semester in classroom. Students then undertook the remaining modules online. Completion of a dissertation, supervised remotely, enabled successful students to qualify for the award of an MSc International/Global Health Development of accreditation guidelines for eLearning within the TropEd network. The experience of the full three-year project was used to develop a Handbook for eLearning that can be used by all academics working in a similar field. The main result was to establish a foundation on which future eLearning developments can be built, both within the partner institutions and across European networks, especially TropEd. The promotion of an accreditation framework for eLearning within TropEd opened up the possibility for further virtual mobility and partnership working on furthering digital competencies amongst the 29 higher education institutions who are members of the network. The project contributed to the expansion of online higher education provision within the EU, enabling European universities to maintain a competitive edge in the ever-growing field of online global health education, currently dominated by the US. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2015;2015-1-UK01-KA203-013720;;;A Rounder Sense of Purpose: Integrating ESD educator competences into educator training;This project arose from a vision of smart, sustainable economic development, in line with the Europe 2020 Strategy. Championing a socially and environmentally sustainable form of development has i...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Quality and Relevance of Higher Education in Partner Countries, Pedagogy and didactics;;UNIVERSITY OF GLOUCESTERSHIRE;UK;UK,HU,EE,IT,CY,NL;398.669,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;"Championing a socially and environmentally sustainable form of development has implications for both what is taught in our schools and the way it is conducted. This highlighted the 'bottleneck' of there not being enough teachers who have the competence to teach education for sustainable development (ESD). The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) developed a framework of educator competences for ESD. This, however, remained a theoretical tool that had not been (i) translated into concrete, measurable actions or (ii) tested against other pressing economic priorities. This project brought together six committed institutions, to achieve the following objectives: 1. Develop a practical accreditation model that teacher educators could use in any European context so that pre-service educators could demonstrate their competence in ESD through a widely-recognised model of accreditation; 2. Develop and disseminate a tools and guidelines document to help teacher educators implement the accreditation model in a variety of contexts and give pre-service educators the opportunity to demonstrate their competence in a concrete, measurable manner; 3. Enhance mainstream educator training programmes with a wider set of competences that more accurately reflect the role of formal education in supporting smart, sustainable and inclusive economic development. This would, inter alia, increase the capacity of participating institutions to: a. Recognise and validate a broader range of competences among student educators including generic and transferable skills b. Embrace a wider range of social and environmental concerns within their programmes c. Work in an inter-disciplinary manner d. Recruit students attracted by the institutions participative approaches e. Develop strategies to enhance organisational learning f. Work internationally using digital media on a regular basis 4. Conduct a thorough, formative and summative external evaluation of the project 5. Conduct research into the impact of engagement with the competence framework on pre-service teachers.";"By working closely with practitioners in a range of different contexts, the project facilitated the engagement of teacher educators (target of 50) and pre-service teachers (target of 400+) in the practical application of the ESD competences. The specific objective of creating a pan-European qualification was not achieved; this is because we found no accrediting body that covers the entire EU and responses to our external evaluator stated that flexibility and adaptation to countries needs were fundamental. The 'tools and guidelines' publication ensures that those who wish to use the accreditation model are supported in their efforts to integrate sustainable development into their mainstream programmes. These outputs were developed through the practical implementation of prototype models, closely monitored through regular discussion with partners in which challenges and triumphs were shared openly, and through periodic transnational meetings to finalise outputs and map out next steps. The outputs were disseminated via the project website but also through a series of national launch event during the final months of the project. Participating pre-service educators learned to recognise the way in which their own values could be reflected in their teaching and are now better able to integrate ESD into different aspects of their teaching whatever their subject specialism. Teacher educators better understand the principles and rationale behind ESD and have become advocates for this process in their work. The project has enhanced existing educator training programmes with a wider set of competences that reflect more accurately the role of formal education in supporting smart, sustainable and inclusive economic development. By being able to provide accredited learning alongside any programme of educator preparation, the project has provided a readily accessible solution to the problem of teachers and other educators being ill-equipped to prepare their students for a sustainable economy. Results | Website |" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2015;2015-1-UK01-KA204-013882;;;Validation and Motivation for (in)formal Learning in Prison;The Validation and Motivation for Informal and Non-formal Learning in Prisons (VALMOPRIS), set out to facilitate the recognition and validation of non-formal and informal learning through the desi...;Reaching the policy level/dialogue with decision makers, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, Recognition (non-formal and informal learning/credits);;New College Lanarkshire;UK;UK,DE,RO,AT,NL,FR,LV;255.227,05;Yes;Yes;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (tertiary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"The Validation and Motivation for Informal and Non-formal Learning in Prisons (VALMOPRIS), set out to facilitate the recognition and validation of non-formal and informal learning through the design and delivery of competence-oriented learning activities in prisons and criminal justice settings in the EU. The objectives were to: | | Explore the role and impact of non-formal and informal learning validation in prison alongside its potential to encourage learning and further competence development | Maximise the motivational potential of non-formal and informal learning, and validation in prisons through the introduction of validation processes and competences relevant to those leaners and the socio-economic disadvantages they face | Actively contribute to policy discourse on prison education, and promote/enhance the role and potential of non-formal and informal learning validation within prison education and justice settings | Interact with prison services, raising the profile of the social and personal competences acquired through informal learning (in line with the Council of Europe Recommendations on Education in Prison) | Support professionals working within prison to validate informal and non-formal learning through training and the creation of a framework, resources and materials required to undertake future and self-directed validation | Establish a train-the-trainer programme for prison teachers throughout the EU | | The project saw professionals and teachers from 7 EU countries, 5 of whom deliver education within criminal justice settings, working in close partnership to design, deliver and validate competence development, as a result of our learners' engagement with a wide range of non-formal learning activities. | | New College Lanarkshire (Scotland, UK) deliver wide-ranging educational provision within 7 Scottish prisons | EPPEA (Latvia) are an NGO who deliver prison education offending prevention strategies and resettlement support | Euro-CIDES (France) deliver training and development opportunities within the field of prison education | Centrul Educativ Buzias (Romania) is a closed detention centre for young offenders, subordinated to the Romanian National Administration of prisons with a core focus on education values | Changes and Chances (Netherlands) use the arts as a tool for those who come into contact with the criminal justice system | Two partner organisations specialist in training and education concepts: | Die Berater (Austria) develop adult education and VET programmes for HR development including specialised e-learning solutions | Blinc eG (Germany) develop training concepts, networking and exchange and host the REVEAL network and the LEVEL5 validation methodology | | The project explored the impact of competence-oriented learning and non-formal modes of learning on the motivation of prison-based learners to engage in learning and ascertain the types of competences that were most relevant within prison and justice contexts | | As a result of our research and findings, which was carried out with over 90 prison learners and 30 practitioners from 5 EU countries, and pilot activities with 30 teachers that reached 90+ learners, we delivered a set of recommendations for the development of future policy to help all stakeholders to recognise the value of informally-developed competences; as well as a series of practical resources which could be utilised within prisons and criminal justice settings to support practitioners to deliver and validate competence-oriented learning | | The VALMOPRIS project produced 4 Intellectual Outputs (IOs): | | IO1 Study and Policy Recommendations includes full details of our research methodology and findings on the importance of education, competence-development and the validation of learning | IO2 Competence Frameworks has 40 competences designed for prison and criminal justice settings, which include frameworks for practitioners to develop and adapt within their own learning contexts as well as a catalogue of pilot learning activities | IO3 Train-the-trainer Programme developed as an online offering through a Moodle platform for learning professional across the EU | IO4 Practioners Guidebook offers advice on how to deliver competence-oriented learning available in partner languages";Impact of the project activities were: | | Increased opportunities for professional training in the delivery of competence-oriented learning and the validation of non-formal and informal learning | Increased understanding of the benefits of and subsequent engagement with COL and validation processes | A consistent but flexible approach developed for the delivery of competence-oriented learning and development of the well-established LEVEL5 validation approach for use within prison and criminal justice settings across the EU | Higher numbers of learners engaging in competence-oriented learning and seeing the psycho-social benefits of their engagement with non-formal learning validation. | Results | Website | | | Without category | | Intellectual Output 1 the Study and Policy Recommendations. | Intellectual Output 2 - Competence frameworks | Intellectual Output 2 - Compilation of Learning Pilots | Intellectual Output 3 - Train the Trainer Course | Intellectual Output 4 - Practice Guidebook | Evaluation Report Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2015;2015-1-UK01-KA219-013372;;;Raising standards by sharing our Myths and Legends;The project is aimed at supporting pupils to explore past and present book making and use these to learn about the stories, cultures, and traditions of our own and partner countries. Through staf...;Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, Creativity and culture, Pedagogy and didactics;;Coryton Primary School;UK;UK,IT,IE,IS,FR,FI;86.240,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;The project is aimed at supporting pupils to explore past and present book making and use these to learn about the stories, cultures, and traditions of our own and partner countries. Through staff supporting and sharing pedagogy in the teaching of reading and writing we intend to use best practice so that each partner school will be able to raise the levels of attainment in reading and writing being reached at present. We want to improve writing levels across the school, and develop a love of reading for all and especially by engaging boys in reading for pleasure. At present our results tend to show that many boys have a reluctance to want to read for pleasure and our statistics show that this is an area in which we need to improve. We want to encourage a love of reading through storytelling. Traditional folk-tales provide a rich fund of material for pupils of all ages. Through listening to, performing and reading traditional tales, pupils and their teachers will explore culture, heritage and literary tradition of their own and partner countries. The 6 schools have undertaken projects in the past with combinations of different partners. We will work collaboratively with Celtic partners from Wales, Ireland and Brittany, together with an EEA partner from Iceland, plus a northern European country of Finland and a southern country of Italy. We feel this gives us a wide scope for myths and legends from many different areas of Europe so that cultures and traditions can be explored. Types of published books will be studied so that pupils can produce their myth or legend in a variety of formats. Pupils will draft scripts and use puppets to perform for their local community . Performances will be recorded to be exchanged. A variety of books will be made for exchange including bound paper books, pop-up books, digital multi-media books, comic characters and interactive books where readers can make choices about the route to follow. By the end of the project each school will have built up a library of materials from all the partner countries. To support pupils in recording versions of many stories they will hear and read, the teachers from each country will work together to find effective teaching methods. Staff will share good practice, and investigate ways to improve basic literacy skills for the many pupils who find reading a challenge. The technical skills needed to research and create resources will become part of curriculum lessons. New ICT skills will be taught and links with industry developed to create enterprise weeks for pupils to plan, design, make and sell their collective newspapers, comics and books. Pupils will visit libraries, and newspaper printers to see how books/newspapers are made today. They will understand that early versions of stories were always told and passed down from each generation before written books came into being. Looking at how books have evolved over time will allow pupils to make choices regarding digital and e-books of today. ;Pupils will:- make a board game of their myth or legend with suitable instructions for younger pupils to be able to read and participate. These games will be bi-lingual so that pupils language learning will also develop. see how illustrations can aid enjoyment of books and the impact illustrations can have on the imagination of pupils. develop a comic character and produce a comic strip for a joint publication as part of an enterprise project. Produce a collaborative newspaper during the project. Design a badge and logo to belong the Erasmus+ Book Worm Club, celebrate World Book Day, - a day full of reading and writing activities, Perform a myth or legend for younger pupils by using puppets to tell the tale, read and depict, through literacy, drama, art, and music a traditional folk tale from their own culture. This will be performed and recorded for exchange with partners, using a variety of I.T. An accompanying DVD of music and drama will also be produced. By sharing traditional tales, we want to enrich and extend the pupils experiences, so they are able to develop their own stories and foster a love of reading and writing. We will promote their natural instinct to explore and encourage a love of books and inspire them to want to read and write for pleasure. Studying literature from a number of cultures will help pupils reflect on their own experiences of the world and to better understand others. Pupils will need to listen to and discover stories to learn by heart. They will practise their reading, performing and methods of recording and delivery. Schools will work with a business partner to teach the skills of newspaper production. This will lead to an enterprise project where pupils will be able to sell their joint newspaper, comic and board games to the local communities. The end data will provide schools with evidence of an increase in pupils reading ages and its impact on literacy levels. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for youth;2015;2015-2-CZ01-KA205-014071;;;ROJEN - SWARMING;"ROJEN SWARMING The whole world, the European Union as well as the Czech Republic deals with the loss of irreplaceable plant pollinators bees. This global problem could be solved only by incr...";International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;VCELI STRAZ pri CSV o. s.;CZ;CZ,PL,SK,KZ,LT,UK,DE,NL;193.616,00;Yes;No;Civil Society Organisation;Asociacin;;;English;ROJEN SWARMING | The whole world, the European Union as well as the Czech Republic deals with the loss of irreplaceable plant pollinators bees. This global problem could be solved only by increasing number of beekeepers. But there is a catch in it. Todays young people are not attracted enough to beekeeping so it is very difficult to get them to do this activity. For this reason, the group of young beekeepers from the Czech non-profit association V_EL STR_ created the project called ROJEN SWARMING in which they try to solve this problem. | The Czech Republic, the European Union, and the whole world lacked relevant materials, structures, and activities that would help to get and educate young beekeepers. And this was the projects aim. | The project implementers focused their attention on education and international exchange of knowledge and experience in the field of beekeeping. A group of ten young people from eight countries (the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Germany, Wales, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, and the Netherlands) was actively involved in the project. These participating countries were chosen because of their unique and for other countries valuable experience, procedures of work with young beekeepers, as well as methods and forms of their education. | Within the bounds of the project, there was created a comprehensive set of Essential Outcomes. On the one hand the Outcomes deal with innovative approaches to non-formal education of young people in beekeeping (e.g. e-learning course YOUNG BEEKEEPER) and on the other hand with long-term and permanently sustainable methods and ways of international cooperation of young peopleyoung beekeepers (e.g. Methodical Instructions of Work with Young Beekeepers or Manual of International Cooperation). To create these documents and to achieve goals of this project there was held an international educational seminar in Prague as well as project meetings of the managers of beekeeping organizations that took place in Germany and the Czech Republic, activities focused on checking up on created materials within groups of young beekeepers, and other accompanying events. The project participated in several activities that were not supported financially by the EU but served to achieve its mission or check up on the projects Essential Outcomes. These were, for example, two national meetings of the beekeeper youth clubs in the Czech Republic and three national seminars of the Czech beekeeping youth leaders, and two years of national beekeeping knowledge competition GOLDEN BEE. | The simultaneous goal of the project was to strengthen individual knowledge, skills, and attitudes in beekeeping of all active participants of the project ROJEN SWARMING. They improved their language skills (by regular communication in English with foreign partners), increased their labor market chances (practising business opportunities in beekeeping, acquiring habits for teamwork, gaining internationally applicable professional skills). It was also important to gain experience in solving tasks, problems, and organizing events in an international context. | For sustainability of the outcomes and fulfilment of the projects mission, the INTERNATIONAL CENTER OF YOUNG BEEKEEPERS (ICYB) was established. It was set up by Czech and foreign project implementers with the aim of creating an international community of organizations (and individuals) involved in the association of beekeeping youth, its education and international cooperation in this field.;The project increased the interest of young people in beekeeping in each partner country. At the same time, it created a base for international cooperation in these countries as well as activities focused on obtaining, organizing, and educating young beekeepers. Ultimately, the project also has a tremendous economic benefit because every new young beekeeper takes care of new bee coloniesand each new colony brings a particular ecological and economic benefit. The projects importance was confirmed by the patronage of The Minister of Education of the Czech Republic PhDr. Marcel Chldek and Minister of Agriculture of the Czech Republic Ing. Marian Jure_ka. | Results | Website | | | Without category | | Manul mezinrodn spoluprce - vyhodnocen | Metodick listy | Methodological sheets | Manul mezinrodn spoluprce - nvod | Manual for international cooperation | Manul k zpracovn anal_zy pr_zkumovho _et_en | Manual for processing of analysis of inquiry survey | Logo spolku V_EL STR_ | web - E-LERANING | web - swarming Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility between Programme and Partner Countries;2015;2015-2-IE02-KA107-000426;;;Project for higher education student and staff mobility between Programme Countries and Partner Countries;The University of Limerick coordinated this project with 14 partner countries across 15 partner universities with 33 participants (4 students and 29 staff). This project was governed, monitored a...;;;UNIVERSITY OF LIMERICK;IE;IE;102.440,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;not available;English;This project met the objectives of ULs Broadening Horizons 2015-2019, specifically aiming to strengthen the international focus in all areas of activity by connecting to the global environment to compete internationally for the best students and staff and develop research and teaching programmes to the highest international standards. | The project provided students from Georgia, Russia and Lebanon with experiences that instil the spirit of global citizenship. They recognise that the experience of studying abroad enhances employability and characteristics related to citizenship, with a prolonged stay in another country which involves day-to-day interaction with local people, a different academic system and a very different political, economic and social environment. The staff exchanges between Bosnia and Herzegovina, Algeria, Chile, Brazil, Georgia, Lebanon, Russia, Algeria, Argentina, enhanced the quality of teaching and learning, improving students access to internationalisation at home and their international competencies.;The project resulted in: - broadening the scope of cooperation between UL and partner countries - increased staff mobility with partner countries - the development of sustainable relationships with new partners in a wide range of subject areas building networks of international contacts - the internationalisation of the curriculum - improved knowledge and the exchange of innovative teaching methodologies | Staff were very positive about their experiences with E+ ICM increasing academic staff activity with the partner HEIs, resulting in joint publications, joint PhD supervision and the internationalisation of the curriculum. Promotional activities, the support of academic staff and the implementation of institutional objectives in relation to internationalisation at all partner HEIs have been the drivers of the success of E+ ICM at UL. This programme provided a unique opportunity to open UL up to the wider world, building new partnerships and cementing cooperation with current partners and opening all partners to the wider world. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2015;2015-3-AT02-KA105-001343;;;eljub Europische Literatur-Jugendbegegnung 2016;The eljub E-Book week 2016 (European literature youth meetings 2016) are open to young people from seven different Central European countries to promote networking and interaction. The focus is on...;Disabilities - special needs, Youth (Participation, Youth Work ...;;pilgern & surfen melk;AT;AT,PL,DE,RO,BG,HU,CZ;24.408,00;Yes;No;Publically funded cultural organizations;Asociacin;;not available;English;E-Book week 2016 (European literature youth meetings 2016) are open to young people from seven different Central European countries to promote networking and interaction. awareness about the new opportunities of digital authorship, reading, publishing and communicating literature and motivates young people to become active in their own milieu.Young adults attend the eljub E-Book week that comprise jointly organized sessions over several days with workshops, seminars and interaction with European literature experts. The meetings convene this year on a ong weekend in spring nd for a project week during the summer. To round off the years programme young people attend the European Literature Days in Wachau where they encounter reputable European writers and attend their readings.;innovative approaches to literature and reading, writing and communicating using digital media. Workshops on literature and digital media encourage intercultural discussion of the topic of new reading, new learning and new writing strategies. Finally, different working groups are assigned the task of co-writing a book. The workshops focus on a topic of direct relevance to all participants. The intercultural discussion highlights the shared heritage, solidarity and creativity of European young people Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2016;2016-1-AT01-KA103-016323;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;FHWien der WKW is a higher education institution with a cosmopolitan and international outlook. This understanding is reflected in the organizations strategy, in which internationalization has be...;;;Fachhochschulstudiengnge Betriebs-und Forschungseinrichtungen der Wiener Wirtschaft;AT;AT;241.440,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;not available;English;FHWien der WKW is a higher education institution with a cosmopolitan and international outlook. This understanding is reflected in the organizations strategy, in which internationalization has been given a lot of weight. We are attaining our goal of preparing students specifically for international labor markets by promoting internationalization at FHWien der WKW. We also encourage the intercultural competence of students and staff and work to transform FHWien der WKW into an international competitor in the university landscape. To attain these goals, internationalization must become a horizontal topic in all areas of university life. FHWien der WKW divides its internationalization efforts into the following areas: 1. Partnerships: The aim is to pursue long-term, sustainable cooperation with our international partners. 2. Promotion of mobility: The target group for mobility activities at FHWien der WKW is not just limited to students, but also faculty and administrative staff. 3. Internationalization@home and internationalization of the curricula: FHWien der WKW sees the internationalization of the curriculum and internationalization@home as related, interwoven concepts. These gives all students the opportunity to accumulate intercultural and international experience. 4. Research: Research is internationalized by definition. Hence, promoting international cooperation in research is of high importance to FHWien der WKW. By implementing our internationalization strategy, we are strongly committed to the principles of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education and will be cooperating closely with European and international cooperation partners. The current project focuses on the mobility of students and university staff between partnered countries and is an essential part of the universitys internationalization activities.;"Objectives for the project are as follows: 1. Helping our students to develop the international and intercultural competences necessary for working in a globalized economy. 2. Training faculty and administrative staff to be ambassadors for internationalization. 3. Maintaining and building our network of international partners. Number and profile of participants as well as activities carried out to reach the objectives: 1. 163 students from FHWien of WKW participated in Erasmus+ mobility programs this year, 91 of them as exchange students completing a study-abroad semester and 72 students completed internships. Although the majority of participants are Bachelors students, we are pleased to note that an increasing number of Masters students and part-time Bachelors students participated in mobility programs. This is in line with our principle of extending access to mobility programs to all students. Of course, it will never be possible for every student at FHWien der WKW to participate in a mobility program; therefore, FHWien der WKW is promoting Internationalization@home. Internationalization at home activities include the internationalization of curricula, active integration of incoming students, English-taught electives and foreign-language teaching. It is important to achieve an improvement in quality in all activities regarding student mobility, as set out in the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education. To do this the Center for International Education & Mobility (CIEM) informs outgoing students about mobility options through a variety of channels, such as information events, individual guidance and detailed written information on our E-Learning platform, and individually advises and supports students before, during and after their mobility stay. CIEM also supports incoming students in a variety of ways, assisted by the local section of the Erasmus Student Network (ESN), which runs a buddy network. 2. Faculty and administrative staff are central when it comes to putting internationalization into practice at FHWien der WKW. That is why staff mobility is a priority for the university and will be promoted more extensively in the future. In this project period, eight members of staff (3x Staff mobility for training, 5x staff mobility for teaching) participated in staff mobility, 100% more than last year. In order to continue to promote staff mobility, the internal application and selection procedure has been updated this year. 3. The third objective - maintaining and building up a network of international partners - focuses on selectively consolidation existing partnerships as well as building up partnerships in selected target countries and specific degree programs. Qualitative consolidating of partnerships will be achieved through mobility of faculty and administrative staff, visiting partner universities, meeting partners at international higher education fairs (EAIE, NAFSA etc.) and regular evaluation of partnerships." Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-AT01-KA219-016660;;;Journeys of hope: Educational pathways to social inclusion and tolerance;"Context/background of project Europe is facing the greatest refugee crisis since the World War II. About 1 million refugees and migrants arrived in the EU in 2015, Europol estimates, 27% of these...";Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, Migrants' issues, Integration of refugees;;ffentliches Stiftsgymnasium der Benediktiner zu St. Paul;AT;AT,ES,TR,EL,IT;124.920,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;ontext/background of project | Europe is facing the greatest refugee crisis since the World War II. About 1 million refugees and migrants arrived in the EU in 2015, Europol estimates, 27% of these are children. This means that the future school population of the EU will be increasingly characterized by multiple cultures and values. The aim of the project was to foster social integration of people with disadvantaged backgrounds, to promote intercultural dialogue, democratic values and fundamental rights, non-discrimination and active citizenship, critical thinking and media literacy. | | Objectives | -Promotion of the inclusion of people with disadvantaged backgrounds, especially newly arrived migrants | -Improvement of pupils basic and transversal skills through formal/non-formal education in a LLL perspective | -Development of innovative integrated approaches promoting EU values, fostering social integration, enhancing intercultural understanding and a sense of belonging to a community | -Promotion of internationalization and improvement in the quality of teaching staff and their abilities/competences as well as development of synergies between various partners on a EU level | -Increasing the attractiveness and visibility of each respective school | | Number and profile of participants | The partnership was made up of five different educational institutions from Austria, Greece, Italy, Spain and Turkey. | The target participants were upper secondary school pupils in the ages 1518. Working groups of approx. 16 pupils were formed in each respective school. Every 8th (alternating) pupil took part in transnational learning activities and acted as disseminators for their working group and school community. | | Description of activities/ Methodology used | The following activities have been implemented for the 2016-2018 school years addressing the aforementioned topics: | | Content/regional/intercultural preparations | -Video statements: the pupils introduced their school and their city | -Preparation of teaching materials, designed in a way that partner schools can integrate them in their own lesson plans without any problems | -Teaching of lessons | -Regional and intercultural preparation of the student exchange and creation of a portfolio | -In-school and external dissemination events (conferences with experts, NGOs, etc.) | Transnational learning, teaching and education activities | -Presentation/exchange of the tests implemented and their results | - Exchange of and testing of lessons in mixed working groups | -Video filming and editing | -Documentaries/interviews, after study visits with immigrants, refugees or NGOs. | -Awards for best creative products | -In-school and external dissemination events | -Exchange with non-participating institutions via Blended Mobility;"Results | The following results were obtained for each respective project topic: project website, Facebook/YouTube account, various lesson plans, video documentaries, PP-presentations, brochures, e-booklets, guidebook, manual for educators, etc. | All results were distributed open Access, so that these can be used in other schools and countries (homepage, eTwinning, further education servers); the lesson plans developed during the project can also be adopted in bilingual lessons of various school subjects or in a series of lessons (CLIL). | | Impact | -Deeper understanding of the themes of Migration/Refugees crisis | -Promotion of the inclusion of people with disadvantaged backgrounds, especially newly arrived migrants | -Improvement of pupils basic and transversal skills through formal/non-formal education in a LLL perspective | -Development of innovative integrated approaches promoting EU values, fostering social integration, enhancing intercultural understanding and a sense of belonging to a community | -Strengthening of teaching staffs didactic skills | -Improved internationalization | -Sensitizing and making society aware of the European dimension of education and of its priorities | -Improvement of attractiveness and visibility of the schools location | | Potential longer term benefits | After the completion of the project, material as well as immaterial results will continue to be available and can be used by further stakeholders. In addition to that, appropriate tools will be implemented, which constitute a substantial and economic resource for ensuring sustainability. Because of the activities realized and the achievable results, the following additional long-term benefits can result from the project: | -a change of mindset of the participants involved in the project, resulting in a greater knowledge, a better understanding of the topic and willingness to integrate immigrants and refugees in their society | -Impulses for further development | -Inspiration for third parties to participate in future Erasmus+ programs | -Transfer of project results to new areas | -Promotion of the EU values | -Promotion of the European added valued resulting from Erasmus+ and motivation to participate in the program" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-AT01-KA219-016746;;;Robotic goes Europe;The future of our young people will be characterized by the use of the computer and the robot. To meet these challenges, it is absolutely necessary to be able to understand and apply the essence o...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education;;NMS Telfs Weissenbach;AT;AT,ES,TR,LV;115.063,17;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"The future of our young people will be characterized by the use of the computer and the robot. To meet these challenges, it is absolutely necessary to be able to understand and apply the essence of programming. Our location offers since many years the focus BioTec (biologically-technical focus) and our experience in this regard has been extremely positive. Even performance weaker students demonstrate in building and programming robots high concentration willingness and perseverance. These skills will be implemented according to experience in ""normal lessons"" and also in daily life.The project ""Robotic goes Europe"" is about to expand the knowledge of robotic for exchanges with students from the partner countries and to act as important multipliers in the individual countries. ";"To fulfill this role the two final products (workbook and Moodle course) make excellent services. Of course key skills, such as tolerance, social and language skills are encouraged.The young people participating in the 4 partner countries are 9-14 years old and some of them have previous experience in the field of robotics and working with Moodle courses.Activities:- Students of higher grades are active as ""Lego Buddys"" for younger pupils- Testing of the workbook to WeDo- 4 organisation or business meetings (trainings in WeDo and EV3 programming)- Creating a country own Moodle course- Students meetings with mixed Legorobot competitionPermanent e-mail contact ensures a productive exchange. Creation of a website with publication of results.Results:- Workbook to WeDo created with practical learning modules- Moodle course for programming and building EV3 robots. Results | Website | | | Without category | | WeDo Buch in deutsch | WeDo book in english - basics | WeDo book in english - advanced | WeDo book in Latvian language - Basics | WeDo book in Latvian language - Advanced | WeDo book in spanish language | WeDo book in turkish language | Moodle - EV3 | Moodle EV3 - Motors | Moodle EV3 - Switch Block | Moodle EV3 - Loop Block | Moodle EV3 - light and color sensor | Moodle EV3 - Gyro sensor explanation | Moodle EV3 - Gyro sensor task | Moodle EV3 - Gyro sensor solution | Moodle EV3 - Gyro sensor challenge | Moodle EV3: Touch sensor | Moodle EV3: Sound brick | Moodle EV3: Touch sensor and sound tasks | Moodle EV3: Sound brick - solutions | Moodle EV3: Ultrasonic sensor block explanation | Moodle EV3: Ultrasonic sensor task | Moodle EV3: Ultrasonic | Moodle EV3: Ultrasonic Coding Task | Moodle EV3: Ultrasonic solution | Moodle EV3: Ultrasonic - final challenge | Moodle EV3: Tasks - Olympic games | Moodle EV3: Tasks - Tractor | Moodle EV3 - Motors | Moodle EV3 - Schleife | Moodle EV3 - Schalter | Moodle EV3 - Lichtsensor | Moodle EV3 - Linienfolger | Moodle EV3 - Gyro Sensor Erklrung | Moodle EV3 - Gyro Sensor Aufgabenstellung | Moodle EV3 - Gyros Sensor | Moodle EV3 - Druck Sensor | Moodle EV3 - Sound Sensor | Moodle EV3 - Druck Sensor Aufgabenstellung | Moodle EV3 - Druck Sensor | Moodle EV3 - Ultraschall Sensor - Erklrung | Moodle EV3 - Ultraschall | Moodle EV3 - Ultraschall Aufgaben | Moodel EV3 - Ultraschall Programmierung | Moodle EV3 - Ultraschall Finale Aufgaben | Moodle EV3 - Olympische Spiele | Moodle EV3 - Traktoren | Moodle EV3 - Motors | Moodle EV3 - Switch Block | Moodle EV3 - Loop Block | Moodle EV3 - light and color sensor | Moodle EV3 - Gyro sensor explanation | Moodle EV3 - Gyro sensor task | Moodle EV3 - Gyro sensor solution | Moodle EV3 - Gyro sensor challenge | Moodle EV3: Touch sensor | Moodle EV3: Sound brick | Moodle EV3: Touch sensor and sound tasks | Moodle EV3: Sound brick - solutions | Moodle EV3: Ultrasonic sensor block explanation | Moodle EV3: Ultrasonic sensor task | Moodle EV3: Ultrasonic | Moodle EV3: Ultrasonic Coding Task | Moodle EV3: Ultrasonic solution | Moodle EV3: Ultrasonic - final challenge | Moodle EV3: Tasks - Olympic games | Moodle EV3: Tasks - Tractor | Moodle - EV3 - Motors | Moodle EV3 - Switch Block | Moodle EV3 - Loop Block | Moodle EV3 - light and color sensor | Moodle EV3 - Gyro sensor explanation | Moodle EV3 - Gyro sensor task | Moodle EV3 - Gyro sensor solution | Moodle EV3 - Gyro sensor challenge | Moodle EV3: Touch sensor | Moodle EV3: Sound brick | Moodle EV3: Touch sensor and sound tasks | Moodle EV3: Sound brick - solutions | Moodle EV3: Ultrasonic sensor block explanation | Moodle EV3: Ultrasonic sensor task | Moodle EV3: Ultrasonic | Moodle EV3: Ultrasonic Coding Task | Moodle EV3: Ultrasonic solution | Moodle EV3: Ultrasonic - final challenge | Moodle EV3: Tasks - Olympic games | Moodle EV3: Tasks - Tractor | Moodle EV3 - Motors | Moodle EV3 - Switch Block | Moodle EV3 - Loop Block | Moodle EV3 - light and color sensor | Moodle EV3 - Gyro sensor explanation | Moodle EV3 - Gyro sensor task | Moodle EV3 - Gyro sensor solution | Moodle EV3 - Gyro sensor challenge | Moodle EV3: Touch sensor | Moodle EV3: Sound brick | Moodle EV3: Touch sensor and sound tasks | Moodle EV3: Sound brick - solutions | Moodle EV3: Ultrasonic sensor block explanation | Moodle EV3: Ultrasonic sensor task | Moodle EV3: Ultrasonic | Moodle EV3: Ultrasonic Coding Task | Moodle EV3: Ultrasonic solution | Moodle EV3: Ultrasonic - final challenge | Moodle EV3: Tasks - Olympic games | Moodle EV3: Tasks - Tractor" Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2016;2016-1-BE02-KA102-017265;;;Stageprojecten Vesalius 20162017;Stage JGVesalius Institute is a school for health education and any training has close links with the care-reaching industry. The school is aimed at young people who want to care on a professional...;Health and wellbeing;;GO! technisch atheneum Vesaliusinstituut Oostende;BE;BE,NL;24.532,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"Stage JGVesalius Institute is a school for health education and any training has close links with the care-reaching industry. The school is aimed at young people who want to care on a professional level health and wellbeing of people in the broadest sense of the word. The study 'youth and the disabled' educates youngster in the field of youthwork and care of mentally and physically disabled persons. "" The specific training is at the ortho (ped) pedagogical subjects. Since ortho (ped) agogy the education of persons with a physical, mental and / or social limitation in mind, it is therefore intended to train educators who can guide these people. The organization Zuidwester aims to integrate people with disabilities into mainstream environment. We notice year after year expansion into more locations and working with new audiences.Every year seven pupils of training youth and disabled for 8 weeks on international internship Zuidwester, Middelharnis. These foreign internship offers students an opportunity to learn to deal with people with various disabilities. The internships in their own country are often very specifically aimed at a particular audience and form work (day care or housing). Zuidwester completely reorganized from this year where the staff is now used for both daytime activities and live, where it used to be a completely separate workforce. The students therefore have the chance to get to know the client in its totality and depth (all domains of life) and support. The main advantage lies in the fact that these two domains of life largely different skills and knowledge are required. This situation is quite rare in Belgium.The obligatory part 'live', the trainee (e) s even more in touch with all facets of the nurturing aspect of the profession. As in Belgium more and more emphasis on the double aging, this internship is an enormous enrichment for students. They are given the chance to learn new techniques and approaches in health care and to make their own. Compared to Belgium, we also see that Zuidwester works with a new but growing group within the Dutch health care. Namely the care for people with severe behavioral problems in combination with an intellectual disability. These people can be found in other countries, mostly back in psychiatry services. The internship is the main component of our project, but in addition, we also attach great importance to the cultural aspect of Dutch society, and to disseminate our experiences.";These experiences broaden the worldview of the students as well as their social skills and an interest in other cultures. Often put the experience gained to further exploration of self and the world around him, and that is one of the core objectives of the Erasmus + program. And let it (as described above) just an attitude where these participants without it much harder (sometimes not) come. Stage FA / TA: ROC Friese Poort is the result of scale in the Dutch world of education. It is a training center, despite the scale, attention to the individual. It is a center for learning, life and exchanging knowledge and experiences, but with a strong regional solidarity. As they prepare in the Vesalius Institute for youth and adults to find their place in society and the labor market. Again, his own initial level, talent and ambition the principles. Both courses are learning various reasons in the Netherlands. The essential difference in the Netherlands lies in the distribution of medicines: fragmentation of drugs instead of boxes, automatic labeling on time use, frequency, dangerous ..., Doctor procedure - prescription - Pharmacist (regulations go directly to the pharmacist, everyone has a regular doctor). The automation is strongly driven by the Dutch pharmaceutical industry is an emerging trend in Belgium and therefore makes an ideal breeding ground for knowledge for our students .. By letting them taste they can acquire additional skills of the Dutch field that add value to their later careers. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-BE02-KA202-017345;;;Strengthening capacities for caregivers to choose a valid lifting technique at daily practice;"Short summary of the eUlift project There is a high prevalence of spine related absenteeism within caregivers. Use of the right lifting technique could prevent spine related injuries. But lif...";Health and wellbeing;;KATHOLIEKE HOGESCHOOL VIVES NOORD;BE;BE,ES,FI,NL,HU;320.564,46;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;There is a high prevalence of spine related absenteeism within caregivers. Use of the right lifting technique could prevent spine related injuries. | But lifting techniques are hardly customized to the situation or the need of the caregiver and do not rely on the self-thinking ability. As well there is a lack of precision of the techniques and innovation in how they are taught. | This leads to the following project focus: how to enhance the long-term learning effect in patient handling for caregivers?;Output 1: | All partners together developed an e-book based on best practices and best evidence. It is available in the language of each participating country, through our app (see output 4). To collect the current best practices concerning lifting techniques for caregivers, we created a survey for patient handling trainers. The survey focused on basic patient handling principles, | Although not proven effective in patient handling, OSHA guidelines and ISO/TR 12296:2012 were the most described methods. Detailed descriptions of best evidence, how to perform patient handling and teaching methods are still lacking. Our e-book combines best practice with best evidence and covers all most important aspects of patient handling for caregivers. Table of content: general ergonomics, anatomy and function, biomechanics, general causes of back pain, pathology and dysfunction, pain education, postures, natural movements, basic postures and movements, care tasks. All aspects are illustrated with our own drawn caregiver and patient, the star of our show: Nina and Jacob. | Output 2: learning outcomes. | An essential part of the project is the teaching and training of the caregivers. For that reason, we defined learning outcomes. Learning outcomes are statements that describe the knowledge or skills caregivers should have acquired by the end of a particular assignment, class, course, or program, and help caregivers understand why that knowledge and those skills will be useful to them. They focus on the context and potential applications of knowledge and skills, help caregivers learn in various contexts, and help guide assessments and evaluations. | How did we define learning outcomes? | All learning outcomes were defined by the team and reviewed by an educational expert. Learning outcomes can be examined in the Train the trainer manual, on our website: | Output 3: didactics | A specific didactical approach is used when teaching patient handling. We gathered all the best practices regarding the organization of the patient handling training from our partners. | To obtain an overview of the best evidence, we systematically reviewed the didactics caregivers applied to patient handling. | Much research has been done on the topic of patient handling, but none of that research has focused on the effectiveness of the applied didactics when teaching caregivers about patient handling. Should we use individual or group training, home-based learning, simulations? All didactics can be found in the Train the trainer manual. | Output 4: the app | Our app is an innovative and technological method to deliver our content. We developed it in close cooperation with our IT partner in Finland and with a 3D animations expert. All scenarios were drawn and reviewed several times with the team. The images and 3D videos used for patient handling education are our own, referred as Nina (caregiver) and Jacob (patient). Our app is freely available for Android and IOS. In the app there are four sections: the handbook (see output 1), animations of the basic postures, animations of the care tasks and the assessment of the patients mobility. To assess the patients mobility we used a standardized assessment, valid within caregivers. By answering a few basic questions the caregiver will see the patients mobility level and the caregiver can now choose what kind of transfer to perform. | Ouptut 5: train the trainer | The train-the-tainer handbook is availalbe in all languages through our website: It a focus and guideline for trainers in patient handling like ergocoaches, manutention person, reference person or ergonomic of the care setting. | | First launch of eUlift was well accepted and welcome in practice. | eUlift is getting implementated in practice, true and long-term results needs to be waited for. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | the eUlift app | train the trainer | Dissemination material | | Flyer | OSH webpage Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-BE02-KA202-017356;;;Talent in Biodiversity. Innovative education and new skills to increase engagement in Science.;The EU 2020 Strategy aims to create smart, sustainable and inclusive growth designed to develop a high employment economy, while addressing major environmental challenges, including biodiversity l...;Environment and climate change, Open and distance learning, Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment;;INSTITUT ROYAL DES SCIENCES NATURELLES DE BELGIQUE;BE;BE,EL,PT,HU;226.941,48;Yes;No;Non-Profit making cultural organizations;Asociacin;;;English;"The EU 2020 Strategy aims to create smart, sustainable and inclusive growth designed to develop a high employment economy, while addressing major environmental challenges, including biodiversity loss. The message that green economy is an important area for job growth has been reiterated in various EC initiatives. The 2012 EU biodiversity objectives and the labour market report points out that mapping skills shortages and training needs in biodiversity-related employment has only just begun in some Member States. A more strategic approach to training opportunities is needed. The report sees important potential benefits for the labour market with a good number of higher-skilled, knowledge-intensive jobs required to meet the EU biodiversity targets. | | The Convention on Biological Diversity considers the need that people become fully aware by 2020 of the value of biodiversity by integrating awareness and understanding of biodiversity and its values into national educational curricula, taking into account approaches related to Education for Sustainable Development. | | Based on these priorities, BIOTALENT developed an innovative blended e-learning biodiversity training programme. The right training and capacity building need to be provided today to improve competences of teachers, educators and other professionals in the sector and to improve quality of biodiversity education, effective at raising the level of biodiversity literacy for teachers and students, motivating them to learn about biodiversity and to engage in conserving Europes biodiversity. Educators who are innovative and who can make the difference are needed to attract young students to Science studies/careers or to STEM at large. | | BIOTALENT achieved its objectives by developing: | - an open source e-learning platform to deliver e-learning courses; | - a pilot blended course on biodiversity and climate change that trained learners and provided them with a certificate; | - a customisable blended learning model, transferable to the wider sector of STEM and other disciplines; | - a tutor guide supporting tutors, project partners and other users to be competent in the use of blended and e-learning techniques. | | The blended e-learning course specifically targeted biology teachers and trainee teachers from secondary education and educators in science museums, botanical gardens, science centres and nature organisations. Other professionals such as biologists, rangers and conservation managers seeking to improve their competences on the topic also benefited from the course. The course was also of relevance to young unemployed professionals of the above mentioned categories to provide them with the necessary competences to be successful in finding employment or to improve their position in the labour market. In addition, the course was open to anyone interested in the topic wanting to partake in continuing professional development.";The e-learning platform integrated innovative services having a great potential in learning and educational context. Practicing an inquiry based learning approach and using effective multimedia to deliver learning experiences that mirror real-world practices, let learners apply the content in various professional contexts. BIOTALENT offered learners a unique transnational access to a range of facilities and expertise present in the Partnership hardly found jointly elsewhere. No less important than the scientific knowledge gained by the blended e-learning course is that participants greatly enhanced their ICT skills through the use of various internet technologies available on the e-learning platform. | | The e-learning programme equipped the BIOTALENT learners with new skills and knowledge that will improve the quality of their teaching or other professional activities in the sector and that will support them in finding career opportunities in education, science-related business or industries and/or to improve their position in their organisation or in the labour market. | | The projects success -nearly 500 learners enrolled- and the delivery of a high quality e-learning programme relied upon the expertise and resources brought to the Strategic Partnership by each Partner. BIOTALENT involved 5 Partners coming from 4 countries (Belgium, Hungary, Portugal, Greece). The Partners are 3 Non-Profit making cultural organisations (museums), 1 Higher education institution (university associated museum) and 1 Consortium of EU taxonomic facilities. | | The BIOTALENT training programme and the customisable learning model remain available open access on the e-learning platform. The model can be tailored to the needs of others and transferred to new areas. The project scientific and pedagogical approach can be applied to new project ideas in the field of Science education and in the wider sector of STEM. An important continuation is that the e-learning programme will be integrated into a European and international framework for training and e-learning. | Results: | Website | | | Direct effect on participants and project partners | | Intellectual Output O9 Quality Assurance Plan & Report 2016-2019 | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Intellectual Output O1 Architecture of the e-learning platform | Intellectual Output O2 Operational e-learning platform | Intellectual Output O4 Course curriculum | Intellectual Output O5 Online learning component | Intellectual Output O6 Attended learning component | Intellectual Output O7 Learners assessment tools | Intellectual Output O8 Validation Plan and Certificates | Intellectual Output O3 Tutor guide/manual: BIOTALENT platform - How to use? & Intellectual Output O11 Blended learning model for adaptable modular training courses | BIOTALENT e-learning platform | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | Report on: i) E-learning Best Practices on Taxonomy and Biodiversity ii) Employment and skills for Biodiversity and STEM jobs in general. | Dissemination material | | BIOTALENT info leaflet | BIOTALENT e-learning course brochure | BIOTALENT promotional video | BIOTALENT Newsletter August 2017 | BIOTALENT Newsletter August 2018 | BIOTALENT Newsletter February 2019 | BIOTALENT Newsletter August 2019 | Organizational and working documents | | Towards a Constructivism Pedagogical Approach - Theory and Practice | Quality Evaluation Project Methods - Monitor realization of Quality Assurance plan and reporting | Dissemination Plan 2016-2019 | Recruitment Plan 2016-2018 | Monitor realization of Quality Assurance plan and reporting - report February 2017 | Monitor realization of Quality Assurance plan and reporting - report August 2017 | Monitor realization of Quality Assurance plan and reporting - report August 2018 | Valorisation Plan 2018-2019 | Valorisation Plan Post-Project Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2016;2016-1-BE02-KA204-017362;;;The Future Teacher 3.0 as a bridge to accessible and customised adult education ;"Digital competence is a Key Competence for Lifelong Learning. Content creation is a dimension of the European Digital Competence Framework for Citizens. The aim of our project ""The future teacher ...";Open and distance learning, Pedagogy and didactics, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Provinciaal Onderwijs Vlaanderen Pedagogische Ondersteuning;BE;BE,NO,UK,NL;259.048,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (tertiary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"The Future teacher 3.0 must be an online critical thinker, creator, communicator, collaborator, facilitator. Our project provided an answer to the following priorities of the European Commission Extending and developing educators competencesDesigning and implementing effective provision for enhancing the basic skills and key competencesImprove achievement in relevant and high-level basic and transversal competences in a lifelong learning perspective. The partnership focused on ICT competences of teachers in adult education as an essential and differentiated requirement first but also on effective teaching and learning by using ICT. For many teachers ICT is one-way exchange of information. With our project we aimed to change this way of working and to reflect more, to collaborate more and to use newer and more efficient methods of communication. All partners felt that these priorities are crucial in order to guarantee the quality of our education and provide their learners the best (accessible) education possible. We worked out an online platform in order to make sure that our indirect target group, students, pupils, adultsreceive high quality education in a way that encourages technology-confident learning. The project's main focus was on teachers in adult education but the aims and planned outputs are also transferable to all levels of education. During the project we indicated where and how the information, resources and activities are transferable to all levels of education. The partners supported and educated teachers and educational staff in digital competences and improving the use of ICT for inclusive learning and related digital competences. Our partnership developed different tools to enhance skills that promote access to (and learning through) Open Educational Resources. We developed an OER which can easily be re-purposed and re-shared rather than just shared for consumption. Concrete this means that we developed modules for: 19 modules for beginners level, 19 for intermediate, 19 advanced users. We developed the modules in two systems. We developed a measurement tool ""The Digital Thermometer, this thermometer provides the user an indication on how their compentences are at the start and how they have improved after following the online modules. Based on their Digital Thermometer the users (teacher) receive a Digital Compass. Depending on their results, this can be a program for beginners or also adjusted modules for the more advanced users. They get access to a range of mandatory and a range of optional modules and nano-lessons in 3 languages. Based on the results of the Digital Thermometer we created a list with content we developed in the Digital Journey. During this project we created 20 content modules with in each module 3 nano-lessons, assignments, video's, learning paths, e-pub, sound and video. Per module, the participant needs two hours to read the content and do the assignments. If the participants want to practice within their own lessons, we expect that they need 3 hours extra per module to do that. ";Throughout the whole project we stimulated our target group to create online materials, share those materials and reuse the materials that others made. During the project we learned our adult teacher target group how to use the different OERs in the different countries, how to share and how to reuse. For that purpose we created learning materials, manuals and nano-modules and educated them during their Digital Journey. Now that we are at the end of our project all the tools and materials are available for all teachers. All partners will keep promoting the created output. The expected impact for the partners was to enable far more teachers to develop high quality, accessible interactive content for use with their learners and supporting the development of the current and future teaching profession. The project partners shared the project results and will keep on supporting their target groups in implementing distance and blended learning. On the long term, we aimed to increase the digital literacy of teachers and aimed to provide more effective support to teachers, increase their ability to innovate, stimulate a professional learning culture within schools. We are proud to have been able to develop a lot of qualitative material that is available for everyone, thanks to the funding of the European Commission and the collaboration of the partnershop. We hope that everyone will take the opportunity to share and reuse the developed learning materials. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Getting started with the future teacher - UK and NO | The Future Teacher | Overview webinars | Output 1 : Digital Thermometer | Output 2 : Digital Compass | Output 3: Journeys (online e-module) | Output 4: share and reuse | Aan de slag met Future Teacher in Belgi | Dissemination material | | The Future Teacher: figures | Overview topics for UK and Norway | Overview outputs The Future Teacher | Overview outputs The Future Teacher - BE and NL | Overview topics for Belgium and The Netherlands Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-BG01-KA202-023686;;;Blended learning in Bioinformatics - The SMEs Instrument for Biotech Innovations;The BIOTECH-GO background is linked with circle economy approach and boosts innovations development as implementation of Bioinformatics in Biotechnology. The latter is an interdisciplinary field o...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Enterprise ...;;GST Corporation;BG;BG,TR,EL;222.212,00;Yes;No;Small and medium sized enterprise;Otros;not available;;English;"The BIOTECH-GO background is linked with circle economy approach and boosts innovations development as implementation of Bioinformatics in Biotechnology. The latter is an interdisciplinary field of science, developing methods and software for storing, retrieving, organizing and analyzing biological data. It combines computer science, statistics, mathematics and engineering, to study and process biological data. The rationale of BIOTECH-GO is to create a better understanding and application of Bioinformatics in Biotech industry. To address the necessity for use and integration of Bioinformatics resources in Biotech SMEs, BIOTECH-GO introduces blended learning in bioinformatics and gives opportunities for SMEs and other industry organizations to derive business benefit from introducing and developing this technology. In order to achieve this, BIOTECH-GO is focused on improving the skills and qualifications of VET professionals the main training mediators of the bioinformatics progress (VET teachers/trainers/tutors, and biotech SMEs personnel) and further supporting their employment opportunities and recruitment cycle. | The main objectives pursued reflect the specific partner country needs and are focused on: identifying the common strategies to bridge the gap of the labor market skill needs in bioinformatics; training the target groups in two basic directions: 1) How to study the peculiarities of biological resources, 2) What are the applications of bioinformatics in biotechnology; creating a virtual space and available training contents, enriched with visual elements and simulations; showing the innovative character of bioinformatics technologies and effect on biotech industry; studying the influence of bioinformatics on technologies in decrease material inputs, reduce energy consumption and emissions; boosting and greening the economy through raising competitiveness and employability via provision of technical competence and training skills. | The project partnership is established with understanding for VET need to shift educational policy from knowledge to competence and for introduction of the concept of Learning Outcomes and ECVET within the Bioinformatics training. It unifies partners with different background, satisfying the project goal from BG, GR and TR, and comprises two SMEs, an NGO, and two Universities. | The main activities are assigned by project methodology based on SDLC concept, which divides the project lifetime into 5 phases and 10 activities: BIOTECH-GO justification, Cooperation and communication guidelines preparation, Establishment of BIOTECH-GO managerial structure, Creation of BIOTECH-GO b-learning concept, Work methodology & management, Intellectual Outputs working out, Multiplier Events organization and performance, BIOTECH- GO impact, Dissemination & Use, Post-project sustainable actions.";"Results and impact attained: 3 different types of results were developed: i) Results concerning organization and performance of the overall project development, piloting of Intellectual Outputs (O) and Multiplier Events (E) specific activities associated with project Dissemination & Use ii) Intellectual outputs: a) BIOTECH-GO National Case Studies reviewing the status of current practices and national peculiarities in Bioinformatics training in project partners counties, b) BIOTECH-GO Training Design & Delivery Framework representing project blended training platform, c) BIOTECH-GO Joint Study Education Programme (JSEP) comprising multilingual blended education material in bioinformatics, d) BIOTECH-GO training modes, which foresaw establishment and functioning of a blended scheme for organization and operation of a training process in bioinformatics based on improved accessibility, e) Tutorials for trainees and training providers that represent user friendly material for the target groups to use the blended learning model; iii) Multiplier Events supporting performance and popularization of all project results. | The impact of BIOTECH-GO is the innovative programme providing new practical guidance tools and training materials in Bioinformatics. It proposes opportunities to make education more relevant to the needs of the labor market. BIOTECH-GO b-learning based on Learning Outcomes (LOs) implements of the new skills for new jobs strategy at national and EU level. It is realized through the knowledge part of the ICT based LOs scheme and supported by the performance of multiplier events in each participating country. | The longer-term benefits are anticipated by the application of competence-based approach for training of the target groups, realized and upgraded with new bioinformatics skills and competences, needed by both employers and society. Thus, the current challenge facing bio-scientists and biotech SMEs - to be able to manage and exploit the available information and transform it into new knowledge with a socioeconomic impact, is emphasized and durable project effect is achieved. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | O1 NCS Synthesis report | O3 BIOTECH-GO Joint Study Education Programme (JSEP) | O4 Improvement the learning accessibility: BIOTECH-GO training modes | O5 Tutorial for trainees | O5 Tutorial for training providers | BIOTECH-GO Project Impact Evaluation Report (PIER) | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | _1 Review and mapping of national/EU bioinformatics challenges to boost biotechnology & biotech SMEs: a case study (NCS) | Dissemination material | | BIOTECH-GO basic dissemination brochure | BIOTECH-GO results booklet | BIOTECH-GO Leaflets | BIOTECH-GO Posters | BIOTECH-GO Newsletter" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2016;2016-1-BG01-KA203-023754;;;OPEN MIND - gamified platform and open online course in Social Entrepreneurship for female learners and students from diverse fields of study ;The OPEN MIND project aimed to enhance access to entrepreneurial education and create equal opportunities in the labour market for groups which are disadvantaged and under-represented in entrepren...;Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Gender equality / equal opportunities, Open and distance learning;;HIGHER INSTITUTE OF INSURANCE AND FINANCE;BG;BG,PL,EL,UK,RO;251.596,90;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;"The project have promoted social entrepreneurship, specially addressing women and young people from non-business studies, through an innovative gamified open course in social entrepreneurship. The project have produced 3 main intellectual outputs:1. Massive online open course (MOOC) Introduction in Social Entrepreneurship for students from diverse fields of study. 2. Innovative gamified online platform, which facilitated the e-learning process and enabled experiential learning through individual and group assignments, trainer and peer assessment, coaching and feedback from practitioners (social entrepreneurs) and opportunities for further educational and startup support from investors and interested stakeholders. 3. Impact assessment report helped to outline the major outcomes of the project and attract strategic support for the initiative after the project lifetime. The impact was presented on final multiplier events in partners countries. 60 academic staff and trainers were be trained to provide ongoing support to learners.The partners attracted more than 120 participants in the piloting, who act as ambassadors of the initiative. Overall, 1008 students were enrolled in the course till October 2018 and the number continue to grow till now.The platform is operating in 5 languages (EN, BG, GR, PL, RO) and will be maintained at least until 2020. The MOOC is be based on a comprehensive methodology and includes 8 modules with overall course duration of 75 hours of study (3 ECTS credits), which were jointly elaborated by the partners and introduce students to the fundamentals of social entrepreneurship. The project especially addresses the gender gaps in entrepreneurship and promotes more gender-balanced career choices through attracting female students from different studies to social entrepreneurship. The course content includes 50 inspiring female start-ups and promotes successful role models through involvement of women entrepreneurs as mentors. The gamified platform, created within the prohect, is an attractive and engaging learning environment that puts students in the shoes of social entrepreneurs and give them the chance to experience the essence of being a social entrepreneur; Involve students in exploring business concepts and fundamentals of social entrepreneurship through real cases and challenges, thus allowing them to embark on an exciting and motivational learning journey; Sensitize learners about the important social issues, and help learn how to identify needs and opportunities and turn them to shared value ventures; Encourage collaboration and competitive dynamics among students, foster creativity and experimentation, enhance leadership and critical thinking, thus helping them to develop the specific soft skills & entrepreneurial mindset, while dealing with concrete situations in gaming environment. The features of the game design (collaboration, sharing, feedback, awards, etc.) helped to provide a highly participative and friendly learning environment, so that female students and those from non-business studies obtain generic entrepreneurship skills and more specific business competences, while solving specific social problems in collaboration and competing for achieving better results. ";"The gamified platform and the developed methodology allows to link learners' accomplishments with ECTS points, to enable better recognition of results for students. In order to build a more supportive and inclusive entrepreneurship ecosystem, the e-learning platform brings together: Leading education and training providers, who guides students in their learning pathways; Experienced entrepreneurs and business mentors, who share practical tips and help students develop their ideas; Stakeholders and prospective investors, to suggest opportunities, feedback and finance for viable social start-up ideas; Senior students and graduates from business fields, who can provide peer coaching and improve their leadership skills; Cross-disciplinary community of learners, which will foster collaboration and inspire ideas and development.Thus, the project undertakes a truly social entrepreneurship approach, offering win-win for all parties involved. As a result, OPEN MIND did improved the access to entrepreneurship training for a large number of students and have ensured that they have an opportunity to acquire entrepreneurial skills, start up and operate in business or self-employment, regardless of their gender and background. Results | Website | | | Direct effect on participants and project partners | | IO 3 IMPACT ASSESSMENT - POLICY REPORT | IO 3 IMPACT ASSESSMENT - POLICY REPORT Bulgaria VUZF University | IO 3 IMPACT ASSESSMENT - POLICY REPORT Bulgaria Dimitar A. Tsenov Academy of Economics | IO 3 IMPACT ASSESSMENT - POLICY REPORT Greece | IO 3 IMPACT ASSESSMENT - POLICY REPORT Poland | IO 3 IMPACT ASSESSMENT - POLICY REPORT Romania | IO 3 IMPACT ASSESSMENT - POLICY REPORT UK | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | IO 1 MOOC ""INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" Training module 1 Basics in social economy and entrepreneurship English version | IO 1 MOOC ""INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" Training module 1 Basics in social economy and entrepreneurship Bulgarian version | IO 1 MOOC ""INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" Training module 1 Basics in social economy and entrepreneurship Greek version | IO 1 MOOC ""INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" Training module 1 Basics in social economy and entrepreneurship Polish version | IO 1 MOOC ""INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" Training module 1 Basics in social economy and entrepreneurship Romanian version | IO 1 MOOC ""INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" Training module 2 Business Management English version | IO 1 MOOC ""INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" Training module 2 Business Management Bulgarian version | IO 1 MOOC ""INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" Training module 2 Business Management Greek version | IO 1 MOOC ""INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" Training module 2 Business Management Polish version | IO 1 MOOC ""INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" Training module 2 Business Management Romanian version | IO 1 MOOC ""INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" Training module 3 Legal Framework UK | IO 1 MOOC ""INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" Training module 3 Legal Framework Bulgaria English version | IO 1 MOOC ""INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" Training module 3 Legal Framework Bulgaria Bulgarian version | IO 1 MOOC ""INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" Training module 3 Legal Framework Greece English version | IO 1 MOOC ""INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" Training module 3 Legal Framework Greece Greek version | IO 1 MOOC ""INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" Training module 3 Legal Framework Poland English version | IO 1 MOOC ""INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" Training module 3 Legal Framework Poland Polish version | IO 1 MOOC ""INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" Training module 3 Legal Framework Romania English version | IO 1 MOOC ""INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" Training module 3 Legal Framework Romania Romanian version | IO 1 MOOC ""INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" Training module 4 The Business Model Canvas English version | IO 1 MOOC ""INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" Training module 4 The Business Model Canvas Bulgarian version | IO 1 MOOC ""INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" Training module 4 The Business Model Canvas Greek version | IO 1 MOOC ""INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" Training module 4 The Business Model Canvas Polish version | IO 1 MOOC ""INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" Training module 4 The Business Model Canvas Romanian version | IO 1 MOOC ""INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" Training module 5 Social marketing English version | IO 1 MOOC ""INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" Training module 5 Social marketing Bulgarian version | IO 1 MOOC ""INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" Training module 5 Social marketing Greek version | IO 1 MOOC ""INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" Training module 5 Social marketing Polish version | IO 1 MOOC ""INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" Training module 5 Social marketing Romanian version | IO 1 MOOC ""INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" Training module 6 Fundraising English version | IO 1 MOOC ""INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" Training module 6 Fundraising Bulgarian version | IO 1 MOOC ""INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" Training module 6 Fundraising Greek version | IO 1 MOOC ""INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" Training module 6 Fundraising Polish version | IO 1 MOOC ""INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" Training module 6 Fundraising Romanian version | IO 1 MOOC ""INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" Training module 7 Business plan writing English version | IO 1 MOOC ""INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" Training module 7 Business plan writing Bulgarian version | IO 1 MOOC ""INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" Training module 7 Business plan writing Greek version | IO 1 MOOC ""INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" Training module 7 Business plan writing Polish version | IO 1 MOOC ""INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" Training module 7 Business plan writing Romanian version | IO 1 MOOC ""INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" Training module 8 Social Projects and Social Impact English version | IO 1 MOOC ""INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" Training module 8 Social Projects and Social Impact Bulgarian version | IO 1 MOOC ""INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" Training module 8 Social Projects and Social Impact Greek version | IO 1 MOOC ""INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" Training module 8 Social Projects and Social Impact Polish version | IO 1 MOOC ""INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" Training module 8 Social Projects and Social Impact Romanian version | IO 1 MOOC ""INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" HANDBOOK FOR TRAINERS English version | IO 1 MOOC ""INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" HANDBOOK FOR TRAINERS Bulgarian version | IO 1 MOOC ""INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" HANDBOOK FOR TRAINERS Greek version | IO 1 MOOC ""INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" HANDBOOK FOR TRAINERS Polish version | IO 1 MOOC ""INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" HANDBOOK FOR TRAINERS Romanian version | IO 1 MOOC ""INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" RECOGNITION TOOLKIT | IO 1 MOOC ""INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" E-Book of 50 inspiring examples of female social entrepreneurship English version | IO 1 MOOC ""INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" E-Book of 50 inspiring examples of female social entrepreneurship Bulgarian version | IO 1 MOOC ""INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" E-Book of 50 inspiring examples of female social entrepreneurship Greek version | IO 1 MOOC ""INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" E-Book of 50 inspiring examples of female social entrepreneurship English version | IO 1 MOOC ""INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" E-Book of 50 inspiring examples of female social entrepreneurship Romanian version | IO 1 MOOC ""INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" Syllabus English version | IO 1 MOOC ""INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" Syllabus Bulgarian version | IO 1 MOOC ""INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" Syllabus Greek version | IO 1 MOOC ""INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" Syllabus Polish version | IO 1 MOOC ""INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" Syllabus Romanian version | IO 2 GAMIFIED E-LEARNING PLATFORM IN SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP User Manual English version | IO 2 GAMIFIED E-LEARNING PLATFORM IN SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP User Manual Bulgarian version | IO 2 GAMIFIED E-LEARNING PLATFORM IN SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP User Manual Greek version | IO 2 GAMIFIED E-LEARNING PLATFORM IN SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP User Manual Polish version | IO 2 GAMIFIED E-LEARNING PLATFORM IN SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP User Manual Romanian version | Community building tools | | IO 2 GAMIFIED E-LEARNING PLATFORM IN SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP - Platform Presentation | IO 2 GAMIFIED E-LEARNING PLATFORM IN SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP - Methodology and technical specification | Dissemination material | | OpenMind project website | OpenMind project - Facebook page | OpenMind - Newsletter 1 - EN | OpenMind - Newsletter 1 - BG | OpenMind - Newsletter 1 - GR | OpenMind - Newsletter 1 - PL | OpenMind - Newsletter 1 - RO | OpenMind - Newsletter 2 - EN | OpenMind - Newsletter 2 - BG | OpenMind - Newsletter 2 - GR | OpenMind - Newsletter 2 - PL | OpenMind - Newsletter 2 - RO | OpenMind - Newsletter 3 - EN | OpenMind - Newsletter 3 - BG | OpenMind - Newsletter 3 - GR | OpenMind - Newsletter 3 - PL | OpenMind - Newsletter 3 - RO | OpenMind - Newsletter 4 - EN | OpenMind - Newsletter 4 - BG | OpenMind - Newsletter 4 - GR | OpenMind - Newsletter 4 - PL | OpenMind - Newsletter 4 - RO | OpenMind - Dissemination report" Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2016;2016-1-CY01-KA102-017215;;;FROM THEORY TO PRACTICE;Our school aims to establish a solid cooperation with European Vocational organizations, this will raise the image of our School,promote staff competence, improve students learning, help students ...;Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education;;A TECHNICAL SCHOOL OF NICOSIA;CY;CY,PT,IT,LV;65.680,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;Our school aims to establish a solid cooperation with European Vocational organizations, this will raise the image of our School,promote staff competence, improve students learning, help students to understand and come closer to a European multicultural environment and improve students employability. As stated in school's development plan one of the main goals is the encouragement of all educators to be involved in European mobility programmes. Furthermore, taking part in such programme will give students a great opportunity to develop their personality, self-esteem, competence and skills. The participants are educators and students. The management administration of our school, having in mind the need for further personal and professional development of the educators, staff and students of the school, has decided that 2 members of the administration, 8 educators and 26 students should take advantage of the benefits that Erasmus+ Programme offers. The participants will be students attending a catering course in Culinary Arts . The students of the catering department during their second year in school, they must undergo practical training in hotel and catering establishments for 20 weeks, a prerequisite for obtaining their school certificate. All teaching and administration staff have work experience within their fields. Especially, the instructors of the Hotel and Catering department work closely with the industry since during the training program of the students(20 weeks training period) which is compulsory work experience, the educators are inspecting and evaluating their students. The educators and the students of the Hotel and Catering have participated in similar projects and the results were very beneficial and enjoyable for all. This mobility project consists of two main activities:Activity A1.1 and 1. 2Flow 1: 13 students from the hotel and catering department will attend two week period training in hotels and restaurants in Riga Latvia, in the area of service and cooking . Our analytical curriculum includes International Cuisine, so this exercise will be part of it.Flow 2: 13 students from the hotel and catering department will attend two week period training in hotels and restaurants in Praga Portugal , in the area of service and cooking . Our analytical curriculum includes International Cuisine, so this exercise will be part of it.Activity A2: Taking part in this course trainers will learn how to create a website and an e-learning platform for educational purposes. Through a hands-on approach and learning-by-doing methodology participants will create their first e-learning platform and website during the training.;"This structured course allows participants to improve their ICT skills in a practical and concrete way together with other participants and trainers throughout all Europe thus gaining as well a broader understanding of education in Europe and exchanging best practices and experiences. The general aim of this course is to foster excellence in education by empowering trainers to integrate web platform.Our Institution will carry out the management of the project, as explained in section F of this application. Our school will work closely with our partners in order to set up the learning agreements, concerning the procedures that both partners will follow and set up the standards for meeting the desired learning outcomes of the project. Furthermore, in cooperation with our partner organizations we will set up the measures of evaluation upon the completion of the project for all the partners taking part in this Mobility Programme. As it is previously mentioned, one of the main objectives of this project for our school is to establish a solid cooperation with European Institutions in the field of VET. Upon meeting the objectives of this project an important result would be the improvement of qualification of teaching personnel as well as the establishment of processes regarding validation of experience gained during learning (for students) and teaching (for educators) periods in another country.Students by improving their language skills will improve their learning performance; upgrading students awareness of the European Union values and European Mobility projects will eventually upgrade the students' inter-cultural awareness and finally increase their self-esteem and employability. Educators and administration staff, in the future would support the promotion of such mobility actions; upgrading their competences in teaching and training. All the above at the end of day aim to assist students to accomplish their smooth induction in the professional and social life, their competition for a place in the Tertiary Educational Institutions in Cyprus or abroad, their share in the lifelong Education and training, so as to be able to view and implement innovations in a fast changing world." Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2016;2016-1-CY01-KA201-017315;;;The Living Book - Augmenting Reading For Life;Poor reading performance combined with a general disinterest for reading has long-term consequences for both individuals and society. However, the percentage of low achievers in reading at the EU ...;Inclusion - equity, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills;;EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY CYPRUS;CY;CY,IT,PT,EE,RO,UK;373.428,55;Yes;No;Accreditation, certification or qualification body;Administracin;;;English;Poor reading performance combined with a general disinterest for reading has long-term consequences for both individuals and society. However, the percentage of low achievers in reading at the EU level has actually grown in recent years, from 17.8% in 2012 to 19.7% in 2015. According to needs analysis that took place at the time of the proposal, in the EU, 1/5 15 year-olds were considered as low achievers in reading. Additionally, according to PISA (2012) results, the proportion of low achievers was dramatically high in CY (32,8%), RO (37,3%), IT (19,5%), PT (18,8%). Also, the proportion of non-readers was very high in PT (60%), CY & IT (44%), and RO (48%). Living Book aimed at addressing these urgent needs by developing and testing an innovative approach whose main aim is to motivate 9-15 year olds students to read more and enjoy more the experience of reading given that student motivation is, in fact, a key factor in successful reading. | To engage the most unmotivated and underperforming students, The Living Book combined customised reading paths with digital creativity. It explored and implemented various solutions to digitally augment the experience of students while reading a book. The aim was to turn the physical book into a Living Book: an intense-lived experience for young readers who can participate, transform and augment what they are reading, thus applying digital competences, collaborating with peers, developing reading skills and, ultimately, being more engaged in reading. The projects consortium was comprised of 9 partners from 6 different EU countries. 4 out the 6 countries involved have among the highest proportions in Europe of 15 year-olds students that are low achievers in reading, and of non-readers in the total population, namely CY, RO, PT, IT. The Living Book project consortium also attained a productive combination of experienced and newcomers with high degree of complementarity of profiles and expertise. This allowed the consortium to maximize the impact of the project and ensure high quality transferable results. Leading role was assigned to the European University of Cyprus (EUC), given its experience and qualified staff in managing EU funded projects and track record towards innovation in the field of education. Methodological expertise for designing a coherent framework for the Living Book approach is brought by the Italian Association Forum del Libro (AFOB), whose associates are amongst the most prominent Italian experts in the field of reading promotion.;"R&D of the Living Library Platform was ensured by Gryd Ltd, specialized in the design of advanced e-learning platforms and interactive resources for students and teachers. The 4 Schools in CY, RO, PT and EE played a key role in this project and brought great expertise to the design and development of didactical resources and practical lesson plans for teachers revolving around the Living Book approach. They also offered inputs to partners in charge of other IOs in order to design products in line with the needs and expectations of the target groups. Schools also led the pilot experimentation in their territories. Mobility activities were coordinated by the Estonian school, given its expertise in transnational mobility of teachers and pupils. | Municipality of Vicenza led the dissemination package and University of Beira Interior (UBI) coordinated the quality assurance task. In terms of results, the project: - Authored The Living Book Guidelines for teachers - Developed the OER - The Living Library Platform ( and toolkits with the aim of offering students and teachers online ready-to-use tools to augment the reading experience with rich media content. - Developed a set of public and freely accessible 47 practical lessons plans. - Launched 2 Blended training courses for Augmented teacher and Parental engagement. Structurally embedded in the logic of the project were: | - 1 Joint Staff Training Event held in Cyprus to deepen The Living Book approach and ICT-enhanced reading - 4 short term exchanges of groups of pupils in RO, PT, CY and EE. The main identified impact on teachers was the increased competence in cultivating young students motivation and reading abilities; a greater responsiveness to the needs of disadvantaged groups by developing, amongst others, competences in involving parents to support pro-reading strategies. In the medium/long term, these impacts will be sustained by: the availability of multilingual OER; the creation of communities of Augmented Teachers that favour networking and stimulate continuing professional development in this field. Lastly, the main impacts on students were the development of positive attitude towards reading and greater motivation thanks to the attractiveness of the blended approach proposed, the social dynamics created, and the support of parents. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | O1 The Living Book Guidelines | O3 Living Book lesson plans | O4 Blended Training Course for Augmented Teachers | O5 Blended Training Course for teachers and educators on Parental engagement | Community building tools | | O2 The Living Library and toolkit" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-CY01-KA202-017367;;;Educating Social Partners Towards Ethnic Diversity in SMEs ;Ethnic diversity management and migrants integration in the labour force constitutes a major challenge for the EU. The increasing flow of TCNs (immigrants and refugees), which is rising due the r...;Migrants' issues, Enterprise, industry and SMEs (incl. entrepreneurship) ...;;INSTITOUTO ERGASIAS KYPROU PAGKYPRIAS ERGATIKIS OMOSPONDIAS IDRYMA;CY;CY,EL,IT,FR,DK;361.480,00;Yes;No;Research Institute/Centre;Centro de Investigacin;;;English;Ethnic diversity management and migrants integration in the labour force constitutes a major challenge for the EU. The increasing flow of TCNs (immigrants and refugees), which is rising due the recent refugee crisis, together with internal migration of EU citizens continues at a rapid pace. The resulting ethnic inequalities among a diverse workforce in the EU implies an immediate action. Considering that ethnic diversity is a complex issue to deal with, the role of social partners is deemed critical. Both trade unionists and employers organisations need to acquire specific skills and knowledge and be aware on inequalities, discrimination and inclusion process in order to meet their organizational needs and contribution towards handling ethnic diversity and promoting migrants integration at workplace level. Social partners need also to acquire conflict resolution skills, knowledge of the relevant legislation, and of good practices and policies. | | Against the above background, the principle objective of the project is to improve the skills, knowledge and competences of social partners in addressing ethnic diversity in EU SMEs. To this direction, other objectives of the project refer to the enhancement of the quality and relevance of learning, the strengthening of migrants' key competences to integrate into the labour market and society and the exchange of best practices.To achieve these goals, the project brings together a partnership network consisting of eight organisations from five EU countries: Cyprus, Denmark, France, Greece and Italy. Despite the different realities of migrants integration in each country and the complexity of social dialogue in regards to SMEs, a closer look reveals that the participant countries are found - if not in the same - in very similar situation to the reception of migrants. Considering the synthesis of the network, built based on their field of expertise, the project allows the interdisciplinary approach to the problem. Specifically, the partnership involves research and academic institutions (INEK-PEO, the University of Milan), migrants organisations (KISA, IRIV), social partners (INE/GSEE, IME/GSEVEE) and VET centres (ENAIP, VIFIN) that have long experience in national and community action, research activities, tripartite social dialogue and policy interventions. In the above context, the project partners have been selected by their experience and capacity but also due to their position in relation to the inflow of immigrants. Cyprus, Greece and Italy, are traditionally immigrants' reception countries currently encountered huge inflow of immigrants due to the recent refugee crisis. The capacities of the front-line countries need to be strengthened in terms of diversity and conflict management. Therefore, the knowledge of experienced countries in the field of ethnic diversity and conflict resolution is considered of great importance to the projects objectives.;"The nature of the main activities of the project are research base and training activities. The ultimate purpose of the research activities was the provision of contextual framework directed to an improved understanding of ethnic diversity in SMEs of the participant countries; this framework was a source for the designing of the training and educative materials of the project. In this way, the findings of the research activities had an essential role to the formation of the core outputs the project. In relation to the training activities developed in the frame of the project, they contextually correspond to the different - and sometimes conflicting - interests and needs of the various target groups including: training for social partners, development of training material and other educational tools for both social partners and migrants. The main results/outputs emerged from the activities of MigrAID are: a) A comparative research report on migrants integration and ethnic diversity in SMEs in the respective countries, b) a training manual directed to migrant populations, c) a VET programme for social partners, d) a training curriculum for social partners, e) an ethnic diversity guide for SMEs, f) an Educational on-line Platform and g) a Conflict Resolution Simulator. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | VOCATIONAL EDUCATIONAL AND TRAINING MATERIAL: IMPROVING SOCIAL PARTNERS' SKILLS AND CAPACITIES ON ETHNIC DIVERSITY | _____ ______________ ___________ ___ __________: _______ __ _________ ___ ___ __________ __ ________ ______ ___ __________ ___ ________________ | MATRIEL DENSEIGNEMENT ET DE FORMATION PROFESSIONELS: AMLIORER LES COMPTENCES ET LES CAPACITS DES PARTENAIRES EN MATIRE DE DIVERSIT ETHNIQUE | TRNINGSMATERIALE TIL ARBEJDSMARKEDSUDDANNELSE (VET) FORBEDRING AF ARBEJDSMARKEDETS PARTERS FRDIGHEDER OG EGENSKABER IFT MANGFOLDIGHED | __________ ___ _______________: __________ ___________ (______) | __________ ___ _______________: __________ ___________ (______) | FORMAZIONE SULLA DIVERSITMANUALE DI FORMAZIONE | TRAINING ON DIVERSITY: TRAINING MANUAL | FORMATION A LA DIVERSIT pour les migrants | _________ __________ ________ ______ ___ __________ ___ ________________ | TRAINING CURRICULUM ON DIVERSITY MANAGEMENT FOR SOCIAL PARTNERS | PROGRAMME DE FORMATION sur la GESTION DE LA DIVERSIT pour les PARTENAIRES SOCIAUX | CURRICULUM FORMATIVO SULLA GESTIONE DELLA DIVERSIT PER LE PARTI SOCIALI | TRNINGSMANUAL I MANGFOLDIGHEDSLEDELSE FOR SOCIALE PARTNERE | ______ ___ ___ ______ _____________ ____ ____________ ____________ (___) | ETHNIC DIVERSITY GUIDE FOR SMES | MANGFOLDIGHEDSGUIDE FOR SMVER | GUIDE DE LA DIVERSITE ETHNIQUE POUR LES PME | GUIDA ALLA DIVERSITA ETNICA PER LE PMI | MANUALE DI AGGIORNAMENTO PROFESSIONALE (VET) | CONFLICT RESOLUTION SIMULATOR | MigrAID EDUCATIONAL PLATFORM | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | A RESEARCH STUDY ON MIGRANTS INTEGRATION AND ETHNIC DIVERSITY IN SMEs: A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS IN FIVE EUROPEAN COUNTRIES CYPRUS, GREECE, ITALY, FRANCE AND DENMARK | Dissemination material | | MigrAID Poster English | MigrAID Poster Greek | MigrAID Poster Italian | MigrAID Poster Danish | MigrAID Poster French | ANNOUNCEMENT FOR STAKEHOLDERS GREEK | ANNOUNCEMENT FOR STAKEHOLDERS ENGLISH | ANNOUNCEMENT FOR STAKEHOLDERS ITALIAN | ANNOUNCEMENT FOR STAKEHOLDERS DANISH | ANNOUNCEMENT FOR STAKEHOLDERS FRENCH | PRESS ARTICLE 1, GREEK | PRESS ARTICLE 1, FRENCH | PRESS ARTICLE 1, ITALIAN | PRESS ARTICLE 1, DANISH | PRESS ARTICLE 2, GREEK | PRESS ARTICLE 2, ITALIAN | PRESS ARTICLE 2, DANISH | PRESS ARTICLE 2, ENGLISH | PRESS ARTICLE 2, FRENCH | NEWSLETTER, ISSUE 1, GREEK | NEWSLETTER, ISSUE 1, ENGLISH | NEWSLETTER, ISSUE 1, ITALIAN | NEWSLETTER, ISSUE 1, FRENCH | NEWSLETTER, ISSUE 1, DANISH | NEWSLETTER, ISSUE 2, GREEK | NEWSLETTER, ISSUE 2, ITALIAN | NEWSLETTER, ISSUE 2, ENGLISH | NEWSLETTER, ISSUE 2, FRENCH | NEWSLETTER, ISSUE 2, DANISH | NEWSLETTER, ISSUE 3, GREEK | NEWSLETTER, ISSUE 3, ITALIAN | NEWSLETTER, ISSUE 3, FRENCH | NEWSLETTER, ISSUE 3, ENGLISH | NEWSLETTER, ISSUE 3, DANISH | NEWSLETTER, ISSUE 4, ENGLISH | NEWSLETTER, ISSUE 4, GREEK | NEWSLETTER, ISSUE 4, ITALIAN | NEWSLETTER, ISSUE 4, FRENCH | NEWSLETTER, ISSUE 4, DANISH | NEWSLETTER, ISSUE 5, GREEK | NEWSLETTER, ISSUE 5, ENGLISH | NEWSLETTER, ISSUE 5, ITALIAN | NEWSLETTER, ISSUE 5, FRENCH | NEWSLETTER, ISSUE 5, DANISH" Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-CZ01-KA101-023179;;; Mnohojazy_nost - cl odbornk_;"1. Project goal: Main school intension is to become a seat of learning - to support the modernisation of teaching and training systems at secondary veterinary schools. 2. Formation of a projec...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Pedagogy and didactics, International cooperation ...;;Tauferova stredni odborna skola veterinarni Kromeriz;CZ;CZ;5.674,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;Project goal: | Main school intension is to become a seat of learning - to support the modernisation of teaching and training systems at secondary veterinary schools. | 2. Formation of a project: | a) team of teaching professionals - teachers of special subjects with good level of english | b) school environment - modern and well equipped classrooms, own stables | c) excellent cooperation with specialized companies and institutions , including vet surgeries in the area, where they have training | d) continual integration of new skills and courses for better employment finding at home or abroad | e) advanced international cooperation with specialised schools | f) high quality of students because we are a selective school | 3) Participants: | Our school sent two teachers of special subjects - one was representing veterinary subjects and second was representing subject - agriculture, both with good level of english;Project activities: | a) gain new professional competence for teachers | b) expand and diversify curriculum/syllabus - implementing a new metod CLIL | c) prepare teachers - workshop about country where the course is being held to protect them | d) creation of new teaching materials - new lessons | e) dissemination - towards colleagues, students, parents, partner schools and to the public | 5. Outcome of a project: | a) school improvement - a new teaching method CLIL - which became a part of school development plan - improved and modern school | b) contact with teachers and professionals from other countries | c) motivation and teachers self-actualisation followed by innovative teaching | d) next skill - language skill for students, which will broaden their horizons and help succed in their future job | e) keep continuous interest to study at our school. | 6. Long-term benefit: | This project is a major requisite for the next period of development and growth of our school. We carry on with implementing various methods and activities by supporting our teachers and students in new projects which offer Tandem teaching, additional education for our students and foreign language education for teachers. Our priority is teaching and using method CLIL in veterinary subject, all in cooperation with our english teachers. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-CZ01-KA101-023619;;;Evropsk _kola - program dal_ho vzd_lvn pedagogick_ch pracovnk_;European School project is part of the strategic document of Gymnazium Hladnov and Language School on further education of lecturers. It focused on language and methodical education of teachers, w...;Teaching and learning of foreign languages, International cooperation, international relations ...;;Gymnazium Hladnov a Jazykova skola s pravem statni jazykove zkousky Ostrava prispevkova organizace;CZ;CZ,HU;21.761,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;European School project is part of the strategic document of Gymnazium Hladnov and Language School on further education of lecturers. It focused on language and methodical education of teachers, who take part in international activities and projects (e-Twining, European Schoolnet, ITEC and Creative Classroom Lab, Comenius, Czech-Spanish bilingual studies). Moreover, it put emphasis on the implementation method CLIL within history and social sciences subjects and last but not least on the cooperation with the partner school in Budapest (Hungary) by means of job-shadowing. Participants of accredited courses concentrated on developing their communication abilities and skills in English and Spanish language, widened their professional vocabulary in a given subject and got acquainted with foreign language procedures and usage of the CLIL method in classes. | | The project with altogether nine lecturers focused on four main areas: | | a) Job-shadowing at the bilingual grammar school in Budapest was attended by one of our Spanish language lecturers. She got familiar with the bilingual education system in Budapest, visited lectures of the bilingual section, investigated the engagement of native speakers in classes and got introduced to the system of entrance exams. Thereafter she presented the comparison of Czech and Hungarian education system to Czech lecturers and furthermore explained the motivation and engagement of students in classes as well as the schools technical equipment. As a result she demonstrated that Hungarian students are more communicative, open and debate more intensively about problems. Thanks to a very positive approach of the Hungarian colleagues and active attitude of the Hungarian students the participating lecturers decided to continue the project cooperation in Spanish language. | b) The course on Education with CLIL method in England was attended by our history lecturer with experience in managing European projects (Euro-Grammar Schools) together with another lecturer of social sciences. The course centred on theoretical and pratical sides of the CLIL method and its application at secondary schools. Both lecturers have perfected their language skills in order to be able to use this method in English language, which is further proved by a certificate of a successful course attendance. They presented their acquired knowledge to other lecturers and the Directors Association of Schools in Moravian-Silesian Region. The social sciences lecturer prepared an exemplary class for the school management and other lecturers. | c) Language courses (England, Spain) with the focus on procedures in foreign languages were attended by three lecturers of English and one lecturer of Spanish language. Courses highlighted students motivation, development of all language skills and methods how to teach foreign language in an entertaining way and at the same time how to encourage critical thinking. Facts about the countries were also part of the courses. All lecturers received a certificate on the successful course attendance. Based on the acquired knowledge they created working sheets and didactic material for lectureres, who prepare students for leaving and international exams. | d) Language courses in England were successfully attended by two math and IT lecturers, who received a certificate of B2 common reference level. Both of them use English language when working on international projects (Erasmus+) as well as in courses and while editing the schools website.;The project resulted in a significant improvement of lecturers key competences and skills that enable them to independantly manage international projects, effective use of various teaching strategies to gain and utilize knowledge and information, develop more productive learning procedures and reflecting their own ways of learning and thinking. Another valuable asset of the project is the schools competitive ability within Moravian-Silesian Region, higher-quality education and increasing students motivation to learn foreign languages and the general development of multi-cultural European thinking. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-CZ01-KA104-022976;;;ASTRONET - networking evropsk_ch planetri a science center;The Project Astronet is intended to increase competence of educators of Brno Observatory and Planetarium working on lifelong and informal learning . The domain of Observatory is applying scientifi...;Natural sciences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Hvezdarna a planetarium Brno, p. o.;CZ;CZ,ES,HU,EE,UK,SE,IT;35.036,00;Yes;No;Local Public body;Administracin;;not available;English;"Main targets of this mobility according to the motto ""Astronomy for public, Europe for astronomers"" are:- to familiarize the Czech visiting astronomers with the process of creating educational program shows in the foreign cooperating large observatories with focus on visual and dramaturgic aspects of the shows; possibly followed up with future cooperation in production of these shows or exchange of own creations- to learn another ways of providing education for individuals in field of astronomy and stargazing (including searching and support for talented individuals, seniors and persons with specific needs)- to introduce visiting astronomers to routines and common principles of organizing interactive astronomical and scientific exhibitions for public; discussing about preparations an logistics of these exhibitions- to exchange experience with functioning of digital planetariums- to evolve informal learning with emphasis on scientific and technical fields- to shadow activities of foreign observatories and planetariums- to earn contacts (e. g. for publishing activities) - to lay the foundations for the cooperative network of observatories and science centres in Europe.";The results and impact of the mobility project will support the educators of our Observatory in obtaining and profiting from new knowledge, facilities and acquirements, in increasing of quality and innovation in public relations, in making scientific and technical field more attractive, in improving intergenerational interactions of mutual activities of Observatory visitors and also in improving the quality and quantity of cooperation in between of equivalent institutions (the opportunities for exchanges among observatories on national levels are limited currently). The mobility project will also support the progress of innovative methods in the area of lifelong learning (e. g. inspirations for e-learning activities) and, considering to the need of producing new transferable programs for digital planetariums, particularly the development of innovations targeted in digital technologies. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2016;2016-1-CZ01-KA201-023997;;;Water - a phenomenon in the life of mankind and a common component of European pre-primary and primary education;This project followed a Comenius Regio project which was realized in the years 2012-2014. The project partners wanted to continue successful cooperation which was started thanks to that project an...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Environment and climate change, Inclusion - equity;;Obec Solenice;CZ;CZ,DE;127.750,00;Yes;No;Local Public body;Administracin;;;English;This project followed a Comenius Regio project which was realized in the years 2012-2014. The project partners wanted to continue successful cooperation which was started thanks to that project and wanted to develop European dimension of their work and education. Both regions are located in structurally weak areas and suffer from low infrastructure. This project helped to innovated educational methods in local schools and kindergartens as well as the cooperation in community life. The topic of this project was Water as a phenomenon in the life of mankind and a common component of European pre-primary and primary education. Water plays an important role in both regions and its uniqueness, scarcity, insularity as well as danger or utility in everyday life and educational concepts were subjects of this project. The project had ten partner organisations, five at each side, in every participating country, there was one municipality office, two educational organisations and two non-school organisation active in education. Compared to the previous project, there was one new partner organisation in Germany as well as in the Czech Republic. The project had about 2500 direct and indirect participants. The direct participants included workers of partner organisations, the indirect participants were citizens from local communities in both participating regions and other indirect participants at whom the dissemination was aimed. The project activities included educational activities aimed at water as a phenomenon, during these activities, partial results came into existence and were presented on the project website and on the E-twinning platform. Educational institution prepared their own materials and worksheets and finally all materials were collected to form the final products of this project. An important project activity represents creating an educational footpath, which is also considered as a long-term result of this project and will enhance the attractiveness of both regions for tourists in the future. Besides that six transnational meetings were realised during the project life cycle.;The project had three main products - a children book with pictures and poems, a set of methodology worksheets and colouring worksheets related to water and finally an educational foot-path around the local water areas. The project was based on methods of experiential teaching, non-formal learning and transition pedagogy and long-life learning. A specific topic of this project was also inclusion, as both regions have citizens from disadvantaged social classes and this project was aimed at better integration of these social groups into community life. All results and outcomes were used to refresh, update and modify the school curricula to suit the needs of today pupils growing up in the European background. The experience and skills gained during further education courses were reflected in the educational programmes of all participating kindergartens and schools. Long-term benefits of this project also include improving the level of key competences and professional skills of all participants, enhancing transnational cooperation and the dissemination of good practice. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Water Book | Worksheets for pre-primary education | Worksheets for primary education | Colouring book for pre-school education | Colouring book for school education | Dissemination material | | Project twinspace Results | Website | | | Direct effect on participants and project partners | | Survey for the State-of-the-art of teaching signed languages as a first language | Assessment Instruments | EXTERNAL EVALUATION REPORT | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Sign Language Curriculum and Teacher's Guide for K, 1st- 2nd Grades, Elementary School | Core Sign Language Materials | Platform of educational and assessment materials | Minutes of Learning/Teaching/Training Activities | Impact of the project | Dissemination material | | Dissemination Events | Organizational and working documents | | Minutes of Transnational Project Meetings Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-CZ01-KA202-023871;;;The Cooperating Tourism Spider;In order to achieve the maximum use of the potential of tourism it is necessary to understand tourism as a complex of fields that complement each other and that relate to the local specifics of in...;Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;Gymnazium a Stredni odborna skola, Plasy;CZ;CZ,LV,AT,SK;171.926,05;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;In order to achieve the maximum use of the potential of tourism it is necessary to understand tourism as a complex of fields that complement each other and that relate to the local specifics of individual regions and localities. As the currently existing learning programmes do not consider this fact enough, the applicants organization together with the project partners started looking for a way to approach tourism as a complex that would equip the graduates with competences that are comparable with the current employer's needs.The main objective of the project was to create an innovative learning programme consisting of 5 modules and 25 sub-modules that will embrace the complete sphere of tourism industry. The project implementation was performed by 4 schools with different specializations and from different countries and the Chamber of Commerce. Nevertheless, the outputs will be fully available to any subjects within all European Union. The individual participating schools have been selected in order to add the benefit of the variety of the gathered expertise from different fields. Each partner elaborated one module. The learning programme has been designed to develop the skills and awareness of students from various tourism related fields of study, as well as their entrepreneurship and language skills. As a result, this is increase the students employment chances on the job market.The general usability and availability play a significant role for the project creation. In order to achieve that, the programme was published in English and in an e-learning form. Due to these features, the project may also inspire others to the innovative approach to education that links individual fields of study, allows a cross-border sharing of best practices and general knowledge and creates opportunities for further cooperation in terms of exchange programmes and traineeships thanks to the use of ECVET system.;"The project involved 4 schools from 4 countries - The Grammar School and Secondary vocational school Plasy (Czech Republic),Grammar school Steyr (Austria), Smiltenes tehnikums (Latvia) and The Secondary vocational school of hotel services and Business in Zvolen (Slovakia). The professional extension was the involvement of the Chamber of Commerce in the project. The main activities of the project were the creation of intellectual outputs that corresponded to the needs of all partners and the organization of subsequent transnational meetings for verification of completed teaching materials. The benefit of project is to improve the level of key competences and skills pupils (communication, cooperating, sharing of information, self-presentation), with particular regard to their relevance to the labor market market and their contribution to a cohesive society. One of the specific objectives pursued by the Erasmus+ Programme in the field of education and training (""Strengthening cooperation between the world of education and training and the world of work"") was achieved by creation of the partnership between the four schools and the Chamber of Commerce. Results | Website | | | Feedback from participants | | Evaluation for all modules | Others | | Intellectual Outputs and ECVET" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-CZ01-KA202-024034;;;Teachers training to the inclusion of the children of foreigners;Project Teacher's training to the inclusion of the children of foreigners (TTI) was submitted by the National Institute for Further Education NIDV) of the Czech Republic. It is twenty month long ...;Inclusion - equity, Integration of refugees;;NARODNI INSTITUT PRO DALSI VZDELAVANI (ZARIZENI PRO DALSI VZDELAVANI PEDAGOGICKYCH PRACOVNIKU);CZ;CZ,IT,EL,SK;48.000,00;Yes;Yes;School/Institute/Educational centre Adult education;Centro Educativo;;;English;"Project Teacher's training to the inclusion of the children of foreigners (TTI) was submitted by the National Institute for Further Education NIDV) of the Czech Republic. It is twenty month long strategic partnership project created in cooperation with well experienced entities. The project partners are the Italian Associazione CEMEA Napoli, Slovak State Pedagogical Institute (SPU) and the Greek 1st General Lyceum of Trikala. All project organizations are the partners of NIDV for many years in the field of formal and non-formal education of teachers. The project originated at a time when the education of children/pupils of foreigners has become a priority in all four countries. During the bilateral negotiations we have prepared the documents for the preparation of our project proposal and agreed with partners to further cooperation in the framework of the strategic partnership. All four partner organizations are experienced in the training of pedagogical staff not only in integration of foreigners/immigrant children into the education and decided to work together in the framework of this project to create a common tool for teachers who act in this field of education. The implemented project aimed to devise principles of methodological support of teaching staff in the education and inclusion of children / pupils of foreigners attending schools and other educational facilities in the Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Italy and Greece. It focuses mainly on elementary education (primary) and secondary education (high school, secondary school) and non-formal, leisure activities of school and other entities involved. The aim of the project was not only to exchange inspiring experience for professionals of partner organizations, but also to create a common, present, useful, practical, freely available tool for the teachers/workers who find themselves in a situation where they have to do their teaching practice to include children of foreigners. Within 20 months of the project we have scheduled four official meetings of the pilot group - (including the opening and closing a meeting). There will be one commont seminar/workshop held in Slovakia focused on the practical ways of inclusion.The main results of the project are: Analysis of the current state of integration of immigrant children into formal and non-formal education; E-learning module/program that offers the methodical approach to the process of integration of pupils - foreigners in school and the questionnaire survey. The e-learning is divided and subdivided into individual modules. The module is a tool that brings inspirational examples of practice and information (published on the NIDV website or the Support Portal of Educational Workers Educating Children for Foreign Learners), which was created in Moodle environment and is therefore accessible online.. Other outcomes are teaching materials, presentations, web links. They will serve as a pilot for the creation of other educational programs of this type; Networking, creating a database of all actors for different regions (schools with experience of teaching foreigners, interpreting, non-profit organizations and non-governmental initiatives, organizations of citizens of foreign countries, state institutions, etc.). Next aim of the project was to organize the seminar and practical demonstration of the integration of immigrant children into teaching. The project contained also activities such as methodological visits, discussions with teachers, exchanging experiences of the participating countries.";We hope that the project impact mainly reflects and enhances the intercultural, educational and social skills of all the participants of inclusion. The international partnerships facilitated to perceive the issue abroad and in the European context. At the local and regional level, we see the most significant impact on the educational community, respectively the target group of the project - the teaching staff educating children of foreigners. | Results | Website | | | Without category | | Research on the current state of integration of the pupils children of emigrants into education | Initial analysis describing the current state of integration of the pupils children of emigrants in the project countries. | Examples of inspiring and good practices | E-learning Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-CZ01-KA219-023857;;;YOU ON MY MIND;Our project called YOU ON MY MIND was conducted by six middle schools from the Czech Republic, Poland, Finland, Greece, Croatia and Germany. We established this project group thanks to our contact...;Migrants' issues, EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy ...;;Gymnazium, Obchodni akademie a Jazykova skola s pravem statni jazykove zkousky Hodonin, prispevkova organizace;CZ;CZ,DE,FI,EL,PL,HR;117.960,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"Our project called YOU ON MY MIND was conducted by six middle schools from the Czech Republic, Poland, Finland, Greece, Croatia and Germany. We established this project group thanks to our contacts from job shadowing, a Centropa project and E-Twinning. The coordinator - the Czech school was the only school with previous experience from two successful Comenius projects. All partner schools were state schools, apart from the Polish one, which is a private school. All provide their students with general education. | Our project aimed at students aged 13-18 and its working language was English. It dealt with two main concepts: tolerance and courage as these issues have become more and more important in modern Europe. The project had a theoretical and practical part. The first one was partially inspired by a multi-national Centropa project (see that focused mainly on events connected with the Holocaust and the tragic fate of Jews during WWII. In our project we made the content more general, i.e. we explored both the past and the present to discover tolerant/courageous persons or acts of tolerance/courage that were inspirational for us (e.g. T.G.Masaryk, Vclav Havel, Milada Horkov, The Prize of Michal Vel_ek, Marie Kahle, Jan Kirski, Stipe Bozic, Tarja Halonen, Melina Mercouri and many more). In addition to this, we combined the theoretical part with a practical one by using methods of experimental learning or learning by doing to give the project participants the chance to deal with the concepts of tolerance and courage also in a creative way. Thus students took part in various activities during the project such as: guided visits to places of historical value (e.g. Jewish synagogue and cemetary in Mikulov, Gestapo headquarters in Cologne, Gross Rosen concentration camp in Poland), lectures (e.g. educational specialist of the EU Bill Martin in Wroclav, Dalton system at the German partner school by the principal Ms Sabine Kreutzer, Finnish school system by Ms Tiina Hervonen in Nurmijarvi), seminars in places of religious, cultural or historical interest (e.g. the reconciliation centre Krzyzowa or the Museum of Solidarnosc in Poland, Croatian Parliament in Zagreb, the House of History in Bonn, the Stavros Niarchos Cultural Foundation or the Inter-Orthodox Center of the Greek Church in Greece), workshops (Jewish dances in Mikulov, work therapy in the psychiatric hospital in Strmac/Croatia), meetings with politicians (e.g. Rafal Dutkiewicz - the mayor of Wroclaw, Pekka Haavisto Finnish MP and EU negotiator in Syria, Danijel Marusic deputy mayor of Slavonski Brod) and city games ( tolerance run through Hodonin, Helsinki using the Seppo app when exploring the city) . Other activities included sport-oriented tasks (e.g. outdoor activities at the Saaksi lake in Finland: cross-county skiing, snow-shoeing, curling, ice-fishing, ice-swimming; hiking in the Karkonosze mountains in Poland or at the Pendeli mountain in Greece or conquering fears during outdoor activities with the Croatian Mountain Rescue Service) and artistic workshops (The Lion Sleeps Tonight boomwhacker show in Hodonn, One country, one flag, one T-Shirt art workshop in Hodonn, drums and graffiti in Croatia, sketches about tolerance vs. intolerance in Finland, photography-painting in Germany and many more). At the very first project meeting we organized a logo competition (the winner was Finland). Each project meeting started with presentations of our countries, hometowns and schools to our partners and ended with an ""Erasmus+ Evening"" for the public, among others parents, grandparents, teachers, local politicians, local media etc.";The main aim that we expected to achieve during the project and on its completion was that the participants would be able to act tolerantly and use the principles of critical thinking at the same time. We also expected that the concepts of tolerance and courage would not be empty phrases for the project participants after this project. According to the evaluation sheets that each participant filled in at the end of each project meeting, the feedback from host families and parents of our students and also on the basis of our observation during discussions led by Croatian students during the project meeting at their school (topics: People from war-affected areas should immigrate to other countries and Corporal punishments are acceptable when raising children) our aims were achieved or at least approached. Results | Website | | | Without category | | Centennial Hall in Wroclaw | Croatia our country | Erasmus+ magazine | Erasmus+ calendar | Finland | George Papanikolaou | Girl in a blue coat | Krzy_owa - Janusz Korczak | Mutige Menschen | Pekka Haavisto | School and region | Wroclaw | Saara Aalto | The city of Wroclaw now and then | Von Moltke family | Our country | Vaclav Havel | The Czech Republic | Our national cuisine | Milada Horakova | Our country and town | The Czech Republic | The prize of Michal Velisek | Hodonin Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2016;2016-1-DE01-KA103-002370;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;Rosenheim University of Applied Sciences (UAS) offers many study programmes in the field of Technology, and has a long-standing tradition on placing great emphasis on a practical approach to eduac...;;;TECHNISCHE HOCHSCHULE ROSENHEIM / TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES;DE;DE;98.156,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;not available;English;Rosenheim University of Applied Sciences (UAS) offers many study programmes in the field of Technology, and has a long-standing tradition on placing great emphasis on a practical approach to eduaction. Rosenheim UAS is working hard on educating skilled experts for the thriving industry and economy of the region. Still, it does not consider putting a lot of effort into regionalisation as a contradiction to also sharpening its international profile. | In many study programmes, the majority of students is from close-by, i.e. born and raised in Southeast Bavaria, with close links to their homes. Motivating these students to go abroad is a challenge. | However, in times of ever-increasing globalisation, it is now of utmost importance to prepare young academics that are able to work in ever more culturally diverse teams, to deal with complex problems, and to provide sustainable solutions. A strong command of English will become indispensable - also when working in regional small- and medium-sized businesses. As a future-oriented provider of high-quality education, Rosenheim UAS is aware of these challenges, and reacts accordingly, e. g. by promoting mobility and, hence, facilitating mobility-related learning. The International Office tries to decrease obstacles to both student and staff mobility. The faculties are becoming aware of the fact that Erasmus on the long will only flourish if the ratio of incomings and outgoings is more or less balanced. One of the most important aims is thus to guarantee an attractive and reliable package of courses taught in English for incomings. ;"In numbers, while a total of 69 outgoing mobilities has been approved, 76 mobilities have been realised. The mobility flows (realised vs. approved) in the project 2016-18 were as followes: - Student mobility for studies/ SMS: 30 realised vs. 37 approved - Student mobility for internships/ SMP: 41 realised vs. 28 approved - Staff mobility for teaching/ STA: 1 realised vs. 2 approved - Staff mobility for training/ STT: 4 realised vs. 2 approved. At first sight, less students went to partner universities (SMS) while more students did an ERASMUS+ internship (SMP). However, on closer inspection, SMS only contains mobilities realised either in the fall term 2016/17 or spring term 2017; SMP does not: The money that has not been used for student mobility in the academic year 2016/17, in the first place, was used to fund internships/ SMP in the fall term 17/18. Not only the remaining funds, originally allocated to SMS, but also part of the money in Organisational Support (OS), has been used for that. This is justifiable as the main goal, i.e. to guarantee a positive and fruitful experience of the ERASMUS+ mobility for the participants, was reached also with less OS. In total, there was a slight but welcome rise in staff mobility. Rosenheim UAS considers staff mobility as a useful tool for increasing student mobility and promoting internationalisation at home. On the long run, staff mobility should increase significantly. The following measures have been taken to further this cause: - Mailings to deans, secretaries, assistants, departmental coordinators, and different kinds of administrative staff, informing them about the possibilities to go abroad - distribution of flyers about the ERASMUS+ programme to the afore-mentioned parties - short presentations of ERASMUS+ staff mobility at faculty meetings. At first sight, less students went to partner universities (SMS) while more students did an ERASMUS+ internship (SMP). However, on closer inspection, SMS only contains mobilities realised either in the fall term 2016/17 or spring term 2017; SMP does not: The money that has not been used for student mobility in the academic year 2016/17, in the first place, was used to fund internships/ SMP in the fall term 17/18. Not only the remaining funds, originally allocated to SMS, but also part of the money in Organisational Support (OS), has been used for that. This is justifiable as the main goal, i.e. to guarantee a positive and fruitful experience of the ERASMUS+ mobility for the participants, was reached also with less OS. Both academics and administration work together on making it more common to spend some time abroad. They try to inform as many students in as many study programmes as possible, as early as possible about the possibilities of studying and/or doing an internship abroad. The number of these short sessions of 15-20 minutes, within a regular lecture, organized by the International Office in collaboration with the respective departmental coordinator and lecturer, has been increased significantly. This is done to reach all students, not only those that are interested anyways, and would come to the general presentation of the International Office. Information is seen as the key to action. Thus, it is provided through diverse channels, such as classic counseling during the opening hours in the International Office, info sessions and presentations of ERASMUS+ alumni, mailings, flyers, but also online through an internal community and the homepage. Since 2017, Rosenheim UAS also has a Local Erasmus Initiative (LEI), which helps to further boost internationalisation at home by bringing together local and foreigns students. As a consequence, it helps integration of foreign students and might decrease perceived obstacles to mobility. The LEI has e.g. initiated an instagram account ( to reach more students in the target group. It is hard to foresee if all these measures will translate into a significant increase in mobility, but at least the numbers of applications for the next semester suggest as much." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2016;2016-1-DE02-KA102-003051;;;AusBildung wird Forschung - DKFZ-Auszubildende forschen europaweit;"Within our 24 months project ""AusBildung wird Forschung - DKFZ-Auszubildende forschen europaweit"", 33 apprentices and one of our staff members in the training department had the opportunity to par...";International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;DEUTSCHES KREBSFORSCHUNGSZENTRUM HEIDELBERG;DE;DE,SE,NO,IT,UK;88.035,00;Yes;No;Non-governmental organisation/association/social enterprise;ONG;;not available;English;"Within our 24 months project ""AusBildung wird Forschung - DKFZ-Auszubildende forschen europaweit"", 33 apprentices and one of our staff members in the training department had the opportunity to partake. Most of the participants are completing an apprenticeship as biological laboratory assistants (27), office clerks (2), qualified IT specialists (1), medical assistants (2) and animal caretakers (1). They all finished the second year of training during the internship and they successfully completed their intermediate examination respectively final examination part 1. All of them have been highly motivated to pass an internship abroad. It is our intent to help our apprentices to qualify in an international market and be highly competent and qualified in our domestic job market as well. In addition this allows all participants to hone their secondary language skills and become familiar with international cultures which will further self-confidence and independence. All the acquired expertise could be used in a foreign work environment in an excellent way, additional skills and knowledge could be gained. All participants could enhance their language skills, especially in English, which was proved by comparing some documents like CVs, Motivation Letters in the beginning and the final presentation in the end. Some participants were able to improve their communication skills in another language like Spanish, Swedish or Italian.";The mobility project is used in advertising for apprenticeship programs to gain interest to suffiently qualified candidates and consequently receive resumes of viable applicants. In addition to these advertising tasks, we are planning reports on our Website, in our employee newspaper and local, daily newspaper about the Erasmus Plus participants. During the application process, excellent candidates and future trainees, reported to us, that the possibility of completing an intership abroad is a good reason to decide - Pro DKFZ! One of the supervisors of the biological laboratory assistants gained new work experiences abroad and will now transfer this new knowledge into internal lessons for our trainees. The chosen participants were assigned to a permanent work group during the internship. In these groups the participant was working together with scientists or took over responsibly in administrative tasks.Teaching and learning goals are gaged and controlled with help of learning agreements, the Europass-Mobilitt, personell evaluations, feedback, discussions and communication via e-mail. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-DE02-KA202-003245;;;THERAPY 2.0 - Counselling and Therapeutic Interactions with Digital Natives;The integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in counselling and therapy is yet an incomplete process. The only activities pursued up to now in this area have been related in...;Health and wellbeing, Integration of refugees, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;media k GmbH;DE;DE,HR,SI,EL,PT,IS,AT;247.624,00;Yes;No;Non-governmental organisation/association/social enterprise;ONG;;;English;The integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in counselling and therapy is yet an incomplete process. The only activities pursued up to now in this area have been related in most of the cases to applications of personal computers for emails and internet tools. Counsellors and therapists still rely almost exclusively on traditional talking and interaction with their clients (the couch). | While this approach may still lead to satisfactory results with adults, especially older persons, there is a growing danger that the younger generation, the digital natives, may not be reached to the full extent. They have a fundamentally different communication behaviour that makes the various Web 2.0 communication tools (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Whatsapp, Skype, etc.) to a daily extension, or complement, of their oral communication. Therefore, any counselling and therapy for the younger population that seeks to be successful should eventually include ICT based activities between the expert and the client. | | The Therapy 2.0 project raised the awareness of the potentials of ICT based approaches in therapeutic and counselling processes. It produced concrete and tangible results that can be incorporated immediately into counselling and therapeutic practice, and support practitioners to make sure that the lack of full visual or verbal communication that occurs over video or email does not negatively affect how the message of the therapy is received by the client. It provides a practical guide to the different ways in which technology can be used in therapeutic work. It shows best practice examples that go beyond e-mail and internet chat, video-link and stand-alone software packages, and includes mobile applications for smartphones. In addition, it reflects on vital ethical, theoretical and practical considerations for practitioners that include safety and data protection issues. | | Such approach is also needed in handling new challenges rising from refugees and migrants. With Therapy 2.0 tools and materials, counsellors will be able to reach this new target group, i.e. young and / or unaccompanied refugee minors. Most of them, specifically young women, have made traumatic experiences and many of them suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder in various degrees. Their most important communication tools are smartphones. Given the fact that their language levels of the host country language are often still poor, conventional speech counselling needs a complementary approach that uses the media where these young people are at home.;The most important outputs of the project are | | - Therapy 2.0 Guidelines that enable social, pedagogic and psychologic counsellors, advisers and therapists to transfer their face-to-face skills to the online environment, and to deliver counselling or therapy services via digital technologies. They explain the integration of mobile devices in the counselling and therapeutic process, considering how their technological features support client activities like behaviour assessment and informal mobile learning. Another important aspect is to approach the socio-cultural levels of digital natives and how to make sure that they accept the therapists or counsellors advice. | | - Therapy 2.0 best practices collection and training materials as a complement to the Guidelines offering a modular range of awareness raising, training and demonstration materials for therapists and counsellors | | - The Therapy 2.0 e-platform supports the delivery of all materials of the project and make online interactive tools such as forums, blogs, social networking applications and chat rooms possible, while it is combined with the projects website. The online platform can be used both as a means of disseminating the project outcomes and as a virtual learning environment. | | - Mobile applications for counselling and therapy processes that provide greater validity since data are collected in the clients natural environment. The apps support the delivery of a set of counselling and therapy actions that is regarded suitable for transfer to mobile devices. They are used as a virtual information and learning environment as well as a means of disseminating the project features. | | The partnership comprises a multi-disciplinary team of mental health and social counselling organisations, education and pedagogic expert partners as well as ICT and multimedia specialists. The European dimension is achieved by the fact that the partnership reaches from South (Greece) to North (Germany) and from East (Croatia) to West (Portugal). The project therefore developed Guidelines, best practices collection, and training material in localised solutions for the seven partner countries, with the ultimate objective to integrate ICT based counselling into vocational education for psychologists, therapists and counsellors. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Output 2 Guidelines English | Output 2 Guidelines Deutsch | Output 2: Guidelines Croatian | Output 2 Guidelines Slovenian | Output 2 Guidelines Greek | Output 2: Guidelines Portuguese | Output 2 Guidelines Icelandic | Output 2 - Module 1: Training Material English - Introduction | Output 2 - Module 1: Training Material Deutsch - Einfhrung | Output 2 - Module 1: Training Material Croatian - Introduction | Output 2 - Module 1: Training Material Slovenian - Introduction | Output 2 - Module 1: Training Material Greek - Introduction | Output 2 - Module 1: Training Material Portuguese - introduction | Output 2 Module 2: Training Material English - Spectrum of ICT Tools | Output 2 Module 2: Training Material Deutsch - Spectrum of ICT Tools | Output 2 Module 2: Training Material Croatian - Spectrum of ICT Tools | Output 2 Module 2: Training Material Slovenian - Spectrum of ICT Tools | Output 2 Module 2: Training Material Greek - Spectrum of ICT Tool | Output 2 Module 2: Training Material Portuguese - Spectrum of ICT Tool | Output 2 Module 3: Training Material English - Computer Mediated Communication | Output 2 Module 3: Training Material Deutsch - Computer Mediated Communication | Output 2 Module 3: Training Material Croatian - Computer Mediated Communication | Output 2 Module 3: Training Material Slovenian - Computer Mediated Communication | Output 2 Module 3: Training Material Greek - Computer Mediated Communication | Output 2 Module 3: Training Material Portuguese - Computer Mediated Communication | Output 2 Module 4: Training Material English Legal Aspects | Output 2 Module 4: Training Material Deutsch Legal Aspects | Output 2 Module 4: Training Material Croatian Legal Aspects | Output 2 Module 4: Training Material Slovenian Legal Aspects | Output 2 Module 4: Training Material Greek Legal Aspects | Output 2 Module 4: Training Material Portuguese Legal Aspects | Output 2 Module 5: Training Material English Ethical Aspects | Output 2 Module 5: Training Material Deutsch Ethical Aspects | Output 2 Module 5: Training Material Croatian Ethical Aspects | Output 2 Module 5: Training Material Slovenian Ethical Aspects | Output 2 Module 5: Training Material Greek Ethical Aspects | Output 2 Module 5: Training Material Portuguese Ethical Aspects | Output 2 Module 6: Training Material English Economic Financial Aspects | Output 2 Module 6: Training Material Deutsch Economic Financial Aspects | Output 2 Module 6: Training Material Croatian Economic Financial Aspects | Output 2 Module 6: Training Material Slovenian Economic Financial Aspects | Output 2 Module 6: Training Material Greek Economic Financial Aspects | Output 2 Module 6: Training Material Portuguese Economic Financial Aspects | Output 2 Module 7: Training Material English Technical Competences | Output 2 Module 7: Training Material Deutsch Technical Competences | Output 2 Module 7: Training Material Croatian Technical Competences | Output 2 Module 7: Training Material Slovenian Technical Competences | Output 2 Module 7: Training Material Greek Technical Competences | Output 2 Module 7: Training Material Portuguese Technical Competences | Output 2 Module 8: Training Material English Psychological Aspects and Competences | Output 2 Module 8: Training Material Deutsch Psychological Aspects and Competences | Output 2 Module 8: Training Material Croatian Psychological Aspects and Competences | Output 2 Module 8: Training Material Slovenian Psychological Aspects and Competences | Output 2 Module 8: Training Material Greek Psychological Aspects and Competences | Output 2 Module 8: Training Material Portuguese Psychological Aspects and Competences | Output 2 Module 9: Training Material English ICT based Counselling for Asylum Seekers | Output 2 Module 9: Training Material German ICT based Counselling for Asylum Seekers | Output 2 Module 9: Training Material Croatian ICT based Counselling for Asylum Seekers | Output 2 Module 9: Training Material Slovenian ICT based Counselling for Asylum Seekers | Output 2 Module 9: Training Material Greek ICT based Counselling for Asylum Seekers | Output 2 Module 9: Training Material Portuguese ICT based Counselling for Asylum Seekers | Output 4: the Therapy 2.0 app | Output 3: Open eClass Platform | Dissemination material | | Therapy 2.0 logo | Therapy 2.0 brochure in English | Therapy 2.0 brochure in Croatian | Therapy 2.0 brochure in German | Therapy 2.0 brochure in Greek | Therapy 2.0 brochure in Portuguese | Therapy 2.0 Poster English-Deutsch | Therapy 2.0 Poster deutsch | Therapy 2.0 brochure in Slovenian Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-DE02-KA202-003273;;;Fit for E-Commerce;Since the late 2000s e-commerce has been booming. This sector has seen remarkable growth rates, however it has not played a big role in commercial education so far. In 2016 the vocational schools ...;Enterprise, industry and SMEs (incl. entrepreneurship), ICT - new technologies - digital competences ...;;Staatliche Berufsschule II Bayreuth;DE;DE,CZ,IT;80.034,72;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"Since the late 2000s e-commerce has been booming. This sector has seen remarkable growth rates, however it has not played a big role in commercial education so far. In 2016 the vocational schools Staatliche Berufsschule II Bayreuth, SPS el-it Dobruska and Landesberufsschule Tschuggmall Brixen have formed a strategic partnership in order to develop training concepts for this emerging field and thus give students new employment and career opportunities. | | The project website offers access to multiple open educational resources which can easily be used to teach competences in this field in a learner-centered, agile, hands-on approach. The main output is an ebook describing three course concepts dealing with ""Setup of an Onlineshop"", ""Facilitating Online Marketing"" and the ""Basics of Internet Programming"". The materials have been thoroughly tested in three one-week learning activities and have achieved extraordinary learning outcomes. As was shown by the extensive evaluation of the learning activities, students and teachers improved their digital skills in the field of e-commerce and also developed an entrepreneurial spirit.";"Furthermore, during the project two software tools PrestaClassroom and PrestaCollege were developed in order to enable teachers to easily create learning environments using the open-source software Prestashop. The source code of all project results is made openly and freely available at The results are released under permissive license models so that they can be freely distributed, used and changed. | | The project was disseminated to the local press, has been featured in Google's German magazine ""Aufbruch Digital"" and organizing school Berufsschule II Bayreuth was awarded the ""Europa-Urkunde"" of the Bavarian state chancellery. The project's result were also used by many schools in Germany during the introduction of the new German federal vocation ""Kaufmann im E-Commerce"". All participating schools of the project have made e-commerce an integral part of their curriculum in order to make their students ""Fit for E-Commerce"". Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Fit for E-Commerce - E-Book PDF-Format IOs 1, 2 and 3" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2016;2016-1-DE02-KA204-003275;;;Beyond Retirement - A Migrant Integration Resource ;The BRAMIR project addressed two important European concerns: The ageing of the population and an increasing dependence on immigration to meet current and future labour-force requirements. While t...;Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Migrants' issues, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;Jugendfrderverein Parchim/Lbz e.V.;DE;DE,FI,IE,FR,RO,CY,IT,AT;289.478,00;Yes;No;Social enterprise;Asociacin;;;English;"Immigration has become a 'normal' part of life in Europe. The challenge for Member States moving forward is to enhance migrant integration into host country society and economy and efforts being made to attract workers from non-EU countries need to go hand in hand with measures to ensure social cohesion and equal treatment. The BRAMIR project therefore proposes a mutually beneficial arrangement affordingseniors an opportunity to remain active contributors to society while addressing the growing migrant integration problems, such as: - Information gap: Migrants experience a lack of knowledge about their new social and civic systems. - Network gap: Although immigrant organizations try to build or solidify networks within immigrant communities they do little to tie these organizations to groups outside of the immigrant communities. The project enrolled new possibilities for seniors to become ""qualified"" volunteers to support the development of key civic and social competences within the established and growing migrant communities.";"The aim of the partnership was to develop and implement a multi-layered andragogic framework design for the target group comprising older workers approaching retirement and recent retirees. The framework incorporates a bespoke train-the-trainer curriculum; a suite of psychographic profiling tools; an induction programm, an e-learning portal, a digital toolbox of appropriate teaching resources for redeployment of the senior target group as volunteers to support the development of key civic and social competences and a Policy Paper for authorities and political institutions. All training resources can be accessed through the project website The most resources developed are available in English, German, French, Czech, Greek, Finnish, Italian and Romanian. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Train the Trainer Curriculum_DE | Curriculium Induction Programme-DE | Curriculum Induktion Programme-EN | Curriculum Induction Programme-IT | Curriculum Induction Programme-RO | Curriculum Induction Programme-FR | Curriculum Induction Programme-FI | Curriculum Induction Programme-GR | Presentation_Induction Program-DE | Presentation_Induction Programme-EN | Presentation_Induction Programme-RO | Presentation Induction Programme-FI | Presntation Induction Programme-GR | Presentation _Induction Programme-IT | Presentation_Induction Programme-FR | Train the Trainer Curriculum_EN | Train the Tainer Curriculum_FR | Train the Trainer Curriculum_GR | Train the Trainer Curriculum_IT | Train the Trainer Curriculum_RO | Train the Trainer Curriculum_FI | Arbeitsbuch_Effektive Kommunikation | Workbook_Effective Communication-EN | Workbook_Effective Communication-FI | Workbook_Effective Communication-FR | Workbook_Culture and Perception-DE | Workbook_Culture and Perception-EN | Workbook_Culture and Perception-FI | Workbook_Culture and Perception-GR | Workbook_Culture and Perception-RO | Workbook_Advocacy and Campaigning-DE | Workbook_Advocacy and Campaigning-FR | Workbook_Footprints-DE | Workbook_Footprints-EN | Workbook_Footprints-IT | Workbook_Stereotypes and Prejudices-DE | Workbook_Stereotypes and Prejudices-EN | Workbook_Stereotypes and Prejudices-FR | Workbook_Stereotypes and Prejudices-GR | Workbook_Stereotypes and Prejudices-IT | Workbook_Making Connections-DE | Workbook_Making Connections-EN | Workbook_Making Connections-FI | Workbook_Making Connections-FR | Workbook_Making Connections-IT | Workbook_Making Connections-RO | Workbook_My Story-DE | Workbook_My Story-EN | Workbook_Getting Informed-DE | Workbook_Getting Informed-EN | Workbook_Getting Informed-FI | Workbook_Getting Informed-FR | Workbook_Getting Informed-IT | Workbook_Getting Informed-RO | Workbook_EU Institutions -DE | Workbook_EU Institutions -EN | Workbook_Volunteering and Community-DE | Workbook_Volunteering and Community-EN | Workbook_Volunteering and Community-GR | Workbook_Volunteering and Community-IT | Workbook_Volunteering and Community-RO | Tutor Handbook_Effective Communication-EN | Tutor Handbook_Footprints-EN | Tutor Handbook_My Story-EN | Tutor Handbook_My Story-FI | Tutor Handbook_My Story-GR | Tutor Handbook_My Story-RO | Tutor Handbook_Stereotypes and Prejudices-EN | Tutor Handbook_Stereotypes and Prejudices-FI | Psychographic profiling tool _ Guidelines_DE | Psychographic profiling tool _ Guidelines_EN | Psychographic profiling tool _ Guidelines_FR | Additional Questionnaire_DE | Additional Questionnaire_EN | Additional Questionnaire_FR | Additional Questionnaire_FI | Additional Questionnaire_RO | Additional Questionnaire_GR | Psychographic profiling tool_Guidelines_FI | Psychographic profiling tool_Guidelines_GR | Psychographic profiling tool_Guidelines_RO | Psychogrphic profiling tool_Guidelines_IT | Additional Questionnaire_IT | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | BRAMIR Summary Research Report_DE | BRAMIR Summary Research Report_EN | BRAMIR Summary Research Report_FI | BRAMIR Summary Research Report_FR | BRAMIR Summary Research Report_GR | BRAMIR Summary Research Report_IT | BRAMIR Strategiepapier_DE | BRAMIR Policy Paper_EN | BRAMIR Policy Paper_IT | BRAMIR Policy Paper_RO | BRAMIR Policy Paper_FR | BRAMIR Policy Paper_GR | BRAMIR Policy Paper_FI | BRAMIR Summary Resurch Report_RO | Final Report external Evaluation | Community building tools | | E-Learning Portal | Digital Toolbox of Key Competence Acquisition Resources" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2016;2016-1-DE02-KA204-003278;;;Educitizens - Educate to Particpate;"To participate is one of the core skills in the nowadays digital society. Participation means to be in the position to gather information, reflect them and articulate opinion. Participation inhe...";Pedagogy and didactics, EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy ...;;COMPARATIVE RESEARCH NETWORK EV;DE;DE,PT,TR,FI,NL,PL,IT;108.800,00;Yes;No;Non-governmental organisation/association/social enterprise;ONG;;;English;Transferring participation into education means to educate self-aware citizens, who are open to new ideas, cultures and concepts and who are willing to form and influence actively their society. | Therefore it was beneficially to create curricula, which had a European perspective on citizenship and participation. Still each country inside the EU has different approaches which never have been brought together at the European Level. | Educitizens is based on 3 fundamental pillars participation, citizenship and empowerment and the share of smart practices in educational field formal or non-formal. | The project sought to create an evaluation grid for identifying smart practice in citizenship building and collect those practices in a method handbook and an online map. The project EDUcitizens was organized in a series of multinational meetings. At every meeting the partners presented two smart practice examples of participative methods or projects in education. All methods were documented, collected and published at the end of the project. In order to identify the good practices, the partnership discusses and worked out the evaluation grid to identify smart practices. The grid and the method handbook can be used by institutions from all education sectors in formal and non-formal learning. There are several definitions and explanations, regarding non-formal education and its difference from and relation with formal and informal education ( Dib, 1988). There is, however, still a lack and need of a comprehensive model with enough explanatory power to address the increased variety. Similarly, SMART is a concept that could be understood and utilized in different ways. Thus this book on selected SMART practices of EduCitizens project has required a more refined conceptualization of SMART practices of non-formal learning and education. Our team has developed one tailored conceptualization of SMART, benefiting from the rich portfolio of the practice cases provided by the project partners. Those case articles that were ready by September 2018 were studied to determine a working classification method. After this content analysis SMART framework has been developed.;This conceptualization covers the original four EduCitizens categories (citizenship, engagement, participation and education) and can be used as case categories so that the lnitials could make it S.M.A.R.T.: S: Stakeholder diversity, Social inclusion and intercultural dialogue (actor-oriented) that could cover citizenship M: Mindfulness, awareness, discovery (pre-action-oriented) A: Action, engagement and empowerment (action-oriented) that covers engagement and participation R: Reflection, self-experience and learning (post-action-oriented) that could cover education T: Technology-supported, digital, virtual (tool-oriented) Among the 48 cases collected which are selected for the e-book publication. Accordingly, the selected cases from partnering countries and organizations have been classified under one of these suggested categories by our team, prioritizing to which it fits the most. (If not to the 'Others' to keep it SMART!) Then this categorized list was sent to all partners, and final changes were made, based upon their feedback. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Evaluation Grid in English | Evaluation Grid in Polish | Evaluation Grid in German | Evaluation Grid in Italian | Evaluation Grid in Finnish | Evaluation Grid in Portuguese | Evaluation Grid in Turkish | Instruction flyer in English | Instruction Flyer in Polish | Educitizens Handbook on Smart Practices | Instruction Flyer in German | Instruction flyer in Italian | Community building tools | | Facebook page of the project | Epale Entry about Educitizen project | Project Ebook on Researchgate | Ebook on the EPALE Resourcedatabase | Dissemination material | | European Map of Partcipation of Smart Practises all over Europe | Website of educitizens project | Poster about the Educitizens project | Video about the project meeting in Suwalki | Panel organised during IMISC Conference 2018 | Project Flyer EGEA | Educitizens Poster Pastwisko | Organizational and working documents | | Report EDUCITIZENS 4th transnational meeting in Utrecht Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-DE03-KA101-022632;;;Differenzierung und Leistungsbewertung/Inklusion;Our school has established a team of 8 qualified teachers, who have become familiar with the concepts behind successful European schools. Through job-shadowing trips and further education courses ...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Inclusion - equity;;Freie integrative Gemeinschaftsschule Friedrich W. A. Froebel;DE;DE;28.368,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;Our school has established a team of 8 qualified teachers, who have become familiar with the concepts behind successful European schools. Through job-shadowing trips and further education courses the pedagogues have gained in experience and competence within the framework of the submitted theme of our project: differentiation and assessment/inclusion. They have supported and influenced the process of school development and have made a sustainable contribution to our community school. | Our project was triggered by the need for, and the interest in, ideas and support systems that would lead to the best possible application of and realisation of inclusion in our community school. One of the main goals of our first Erasmus+ project was to find answers to questions raised by our educators in regards to the improvement of transparent assessment and evaluation of achievement and the implementation of methods of differentiation in lessons. | | Every class in our community school consists of heterogeneous learning groups -be it in classes 9 and 10 where students are working towards to passing the wished for school leaving certificate, or in the classes 1-8 -in which it is necessary to establish for each child an individualised profile of achievements and strengths so that, with time, the students are increasingly supported and accompanied through a qualification -oriented education. The heterogeneous classes include students with certified special educational needs in areas of learning, speech, or social-emotional development and these students require lots of support and motivation. | | Over the last two years our educators have undertaken three job-shadowing trips to a school in Sweden, have attended two further education courses on the theme of study, visit in Finland and in Iceland, and a further education course on the theme of inclusion in the South Tirol. During the job-shadowing trip in Sweden, the participating teachers became acquainted with the Swedish school system, the curriculum of the individual subjects and the interesting system of differentiation and evaluation in Sweden. Wonderful chances to job-shadow during lessons in mathematics, Swedish, biology, physics, sport, music, and handwork stimulated intensive discussions about subject matter and provided the chance to share experiences with Swedish educators.;"The aim of the further education courses in Finland, Iceland and the South Tirol was to become acquainted with various school systems, to provide chances for an exchange of experience in regards to differentiation, inclusion, and assessment, and give a chance to get to know a variety of different schools and lesson plan sequences. A better understanding of the school systems in various European lands (Finland, Sweden, Iceland, and Italy) in combination with job-shadowing, workshops, and discussions with subject teachers and school principals helped our educators to understand where we were in regards to our own school development. It inspired students and teachers alike to try other methods of assessment and differentiation and clarified our own school development plans in regards to inclusion. | | The group of interested colleagues who took part in subject related, didactic and method- based further education courses were able to pass on their gained knowledge and experiences in regards to European school concepts and lesson plans to the other teachers in our school (brought back textbooks, had curriculums translated, introduced projects,) New ideas were implemented in lessons and used in school development plans. Our students were also able to take part in the experiences of the further education courses and the job shadowing trips: class 4 wrote letters, class 5 communicated over video messages, and E-mail contact between the German class in Sweden and our class 8, motivated our students to communicate in their foreign language, English. These contacts will continue to be fostered even after the project ends. | The following results have been realised: | -teaching and learning plans by subject teachers in every subject with differentiation over 4 levels of learning. | -a booklet documenting the development of students has been improved to make the assessment at the various levels of learning transparent. | -a variety of forms of differentiation have been developed, tested and established for every subject. | -various evaluation and assessment systems have been tried out, but a final decision on a suitable form has not yet been made. | -some of our educators have made changes to their preparation methods, use now more modern media in their lessons and want to learn more about ICT | This project has played a significant role in our school development! For this reason we have submitted a request for a second project: Developing lessons and digitalization"". | European learning methods have reached our school in Frbels Valley of Education." Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-DE03-KA219-022831;;;;Students well-being and its associated motivation determine performance at school decisively. In the 21st century students are facing ever more complex challenges which go beyond accumulation of ...;Health and wellbeing, Social dialogue, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Niederschsisches Internatsgymnasium Esens;DE;DE,IT,LT,PL;81.230,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;The insights gained were collated and presented in an international meeting of the current 24 team leaders. Expert groups presented, enlarged upon and developed the insights further. With this European collaboration, students as well as teachers acquired a key understanding of what a European citizenship actually means. Media-based lessons, padlets, a school garden, a play and a healthy lifestyle magazine just to mention a few had been created in the course of the project. All digital products were put together in a multimedia e-book. The key essentials of the activities that followed the encounters of the groups were to implement the improvement measures in school as well as to publish the results within school community. This led to mutual benefits for all involved. Participants were multipliers for students, encouraging them to reflect upon their behaviour and attitudes as well as to exchange positive experiences. Teachers together with their students initiated activities in order to promote the internationalisation and modernisation of the participating schools. These insights were spread not only by sharing information and materials within schools but also by reports and articles in teacher magazines and regional newspapers. Workshops to involve fellow teachers of other schools and were skipped due to lack of time or organisational reasons. Constantly conducted evaluations prove that students have been made aware of the four core themes outlined above. Hence they will influence their fellow students, school community, families and environment in these matters. | A significant improvement concerning test results and a lower dropout rate has not been clearly observed yet. Eventually, the project has definitely raised the students awareness of Europe and a European identity.;Students well-being and its associated motivation determine performance at school decisively. In the 21st century students are facing ever more complex challenges which go beyond accumulation of knowledge, especially with regard to using modern technology, acquiring social skills and developing a responsible and independent personality. The project seeked to promote students well-being at school in order to realise their academic potential, thus improving results and reducing student dropouts. Hence schools face diverse developments to satisfy their educational mandate in the long run. This implies inclusion and integration, sustainability as well as health education in a digital world and a multicultural society. Four secondary schools (Niederschsisches Internatsgymnasium Esens/Germany, IIS Romagnosi Piacenza/Italy, Zespol Szkol z Oddzialami Integracyjnymi Przemy_l/Poland and Saul_tekio gimnazija Siauliai/Lithuania) shared a common goal which was to meet these challenges, thus to benefit from each others strengths and experiences. Four core themes had been constituted based on a survey analysing the everyday situation both of students and teachers with their respective needs. To achieve improvement of school life, students personality development, well-being and success of all participants, it was to accomplish the following missions: - be-4.0@school (knowledge of learning types and adequate learning strategies, reasonable use of IT)- be-ecofriendly@school (sustainable use of resources/environment)- be-socially-aware@school (socialisation with a special focus on integration and inclusion)- be-healthy@school (developing a healthy lifestyle concerning diet and physical activities)Four groups of international students (alternately swopping team leaders), each consisting of 24 persons (6 per country) aged 14-17, were involved in the project-based work. By means of IT such as eTwinning, videoconferences or social networks, students did research on the missions outlined above, i.e. collecting data, gathering information and ideas, documenting activities and consequently establishing a broad overview of the necessity and possibility of changes. Results | Website | | | Without category | | Poland: Kinesthetic students - grammar, video | Poland: lesson plans -auditory | Poland: lesson plans - kinesthestic | Poland: lesson plans - visual | Poland: lesson plans - tactile | Poland: Characteristics of learning styles and learning preferences - auditory | Poland: Characteristics of learning styles and learning preferences - kinesthetic | Poland: Characteristics of learning styles and learning preferences - visual | Poland: Characteristics of learning styles and learning preferences - tactile | Poland: Presentation of profiles -successful group | Poland: Presentation of profiles - successful lesson | Poland: Presentation of profiles - successful student | Poland: Presentation of profiles - successful teacher | Germany: Presentation - Food at school | Germany: Presentation - Breaks | Germany: Presentation - Carbon / ecological footprint | Germany: Presentation - Recycling | Italy: Presentation - Being yourself in a group | Italy: Presentation - Bullying | Italy: Presentation - Being friends in a digital world | Italy: Presentation - Integration and inclusion | Lithuania: Presentation - Food | Lithuania: Presentation - Lifestyle | Lithuania: Presentation - Sport | Lithuania: Presentation - Addictions | Germany: Video of the meeting | Italy: Video of the theatre performance | Poland: Auditory, video | Poland: Visual - The Myth of Europe, video | Poland: Communicative - SNS, video | Lithuania: Lifestyle - Magazine | Germany : E - book Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-DE03-KA219-022924;;;KIDS CONQUERING CASTLES;Entrepreneurship (E.) is an essential but rather neglected part of education in Europe, especially at primary school level. It is essential as it encompasses a set of attitudes, skills and behavio...;Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Creativity and culture, Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal);;Otto Wels Grundschule;DE;DE,ES,EL,IT,AT,UK;173.961,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;Entrepreneurship (E.) is an essential but rather neglected part of education in Europe, especially at primary school level. It is essential as it encompasses a set of attitudes, skills and behaviours which are skills for life. In fact, personal development requires the ability to set personal goals and the know-how to attain them: this is what entrepreneurial learning is about. It supports the general learning processes and basic skills achievement with positive effects on self-confidence, achievement orientation, perseverance, analytical ability, proactivity and creativity, and fosters cooperation, personal commitment and appreciation of individual skills and talents. Kids Conquering Castles (KCC) has contributed to the understanding of E. as a key competence to be promoted from early education. It has offered pupils and staff the opportunity to experience and share specific strategies and tools during the three project years through setting up and managing a school cooperative. International cooperation has encouraged cultural understanding and enhanced communication skills and European spirit among the participants. KCC has offered opportunities to connect school and territory pursuing strategic synergy as In the surroundings of each partner school there is a castle. The Kids Conquering Castles aim was to organize specific activities and events for a child-oriented approach to the castles. The cooperative ethical spirit responded to inclusive needs of disadvantaged students and families. This spirit was further highlighted by donating the KCC Cooperative profits to an NGO at the end of the third year. Along the project life, each year focused on a specific theme: 1-The Cooperative in the Castle presenting the local castles and setting up the KCC Cooperative. All the formal steps for the Cooperative registration and management were made within the partnership (decisions on status, name, logo and advisory board).2- Market in the Castle: designing, producing and selling castle souvenirs - using territorial resources and historical workshop knowledge developing market research and advertising abilities.3- Ethical investment and Castle promotion: bringing the acquired know-how into the local, and sharing results: markets highlighting project castle postcards in partner communities to enhance project awareness and experience, as well as cooperative profits donated to the chosen NGO. At the end of each year, a group of student ambassadors from each school worked together in the KCC Cooperative (during the LLTAs in Spain, Italy, Germany), celebrating the years theme and promoting the local castle in an European context. The results from the meeting and of acquired knowledge and skills were shared in the partnerships schools. ;"The eTwinning platform was an essential tool where activity and assessment tools were shared, results documented and live meetings organized. The three transnational meetings coordinators monitored, planned and assessed the project implementation. The Kids Conquering Castles Cooperative directly involved in entrepreneurial activities 63 classes - around 100 teachers and 1450 pupils aged 6-11, in 6 European countries. The project has impacted on schools and communities, enhancing educational standards, cooperation attitudes and European citizenship awareness. Teachers have become confident in E. education and thus activities in schools increased and the entrepreneurial approach was more broadly used in teaching. Pupils trained to be active, creative and responsible for their own learning. The project experiences have encouraged further cooperation between schools and local administrations, agencies and education stakeholders; the best Kids Conquering Castles practices will be carried forth for a child-oriented use of the local castles beyond the project life. In our vision, the creativity that children will express working together within Kids Conquering Castles will encourage the communities to value and support childrens role in an inclusive, open-minded and collaborative society. Results | Website | | | Feedback from participants | | Assessments | Direct effect on participants and project partners | | Election campaigns | Telling the castles | KCC on NGO | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | short video about our project | Prototypes | Multilingual dictionary | Multilingual dictionary | Castle games | School song contest | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | First Educational Summit - Brussels | Partnerships and cooperations | | website | eTinning page | Dissemination material | | Logo Design | Artistic postcards | KCC-Territory: Gemona Castle publications | KCC Media | KCC dissemination | KCC Award | KCC Video | KCC Magazine | Organizational and working documents | | official document" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-DE03-KA219-022995;;;Es ist Zeit fr mehr Nachhaltigkeit;"The term ""Education for Sustainable Development"" (ESD) was used at the UN conference on environment in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. It describes education that empowers people, to design the future ac...";Energy and resources, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;Gemeinschaftsschule Campus Efeuweg;DE;DE,BE,FR;97.375,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The term ""Education for Sustainable Development"" (ESD) was used at the UN conference on environment in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. It describes education that empowers people, to design the future actively in a globalized world autonomously and responsibly. The aim of our project ""It is time for more sustainability"" was to encourage our students understanding of the complex relationships between globalization, economic development, consumption, environmental pollution, population development, health and social conditions in the classroom. | | We used the ""framework for the teaching of Global Development Education"", as a basis for curriculum development, because it offered concrete recommendations and material for teaching. Thus, three schools, Instituut Onze Lieve Vrouw van Vreugde of Roeselare, the Campus Efeuweg from Berlin-Neuklln and Notre Dame de Mongr in Mongr agreed to actively contribute to the environmental and sustainable development of their school life. Together, we reached the goal to develop guidelines that changed our school programmes with regard to sustainability and therefore we also specialized our school curriculums in the long term. We increased the willingness to sustainability of our school communities, reduced our consumption of resources and created offers that are based on health and ecological standards. Therefore we increased offers for the school community. We made sustainable weeks and projects, we implemented new school gardens and repair cafes, we met local groups which dealt with sustainability in the region, we met political members of local parliaments and informed us or debated about sustainability in the region. We did expert interviews and had a lot of workshops to learn about topics like climate change, healthy nutrition, plastic problems and so on. | | Each school provided a project group of about 25 students, and according to democratic principles the coordination of teachers and students created the learning environment of the project. During the project more than 800 students and 25 teachers were part of the different projects phases.";"Our partnership is special because two private Catholic schools cooperated with a school with mostly (87%) Muslim pupils who were also socially handicapped. The project showed that people with the same aim can learn a lot from each other, crossing social and intercultural borders becoming more competent with regard to democracy, intercultural values and life, language and social skills. | | Learning from each other is a central point of the project, because the school Mongr provided climate experts, or eco class speakers supporting the climate detectives at the other schools. Our project ""Time for more sustainability"" followed the methodological approach of ESD (Education for Sustainable Development). ESD consists of three steps: identify (information gathering), rate (seeing options of individual action and identifying solutions) act (consciously reflect own and foreign orientations for life choices). Gathering information happened to prepare the three exchange meetings. The three project groups in the institutions gathered knowledge about climate, climate change, climate policy, food and nutrition, as well as garbage collection, recycling, disposal systems and the impact of waste on the environment. The students explored as climate detectives their schools in preparation of the exchange meetings using therefore mathematic skills in order to reflect their own contribution to pollution and the resource consumption of their school. They implemented competitions and exchanged their findings about the different sustainability topics. They met different people in their region to learn from and participated in different workshops to become experts themselves. These experiences were the basis for various forms of presentation such as the speed dating, ball bearings, PowerPoint or video presentations etc. which were shown at the annual project meetings. During project meetings students searched for solutions for the detected problems of their schools problems (unhealthy school lunch, poor waste management, high energy consumption). | | They developed solutions and applications for school parliaments and raised awareness of sustainable development and therefor improved school life. As another result, the students created various exhibitions on recycling, ecological economics, sustainable living etc. which were shown to the public at the end of the project meetings. Other products such as You-Tube clips ""How to make your planet a better place"", posters, reports, videos, powerpoints, photos are presented at e-twinning, the schools homepages, and on Youtube. At the end of the project our schools will still profit in the future because of the new firm offers in our schools like sustainability weeks or the congress of Neuklln or different workshop offers. Furthermore we will stay in contact with us and also the new local partners we found." Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-DE03-KA219-023022;;;Confederation of Europia;The multilateral Erasmus+ partnership Confederation of Europia comprised a team of schools: Collge Vouziers (F), Bodmin College (UK), I.E.S. La Rocha, Telde (ES) and Oberschule Bederkesa, Geest...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, EU Citizenship ...;;Oberschule Bederkesa Schule an der Mhle;DE;DE,UK,ES,FR;131.290,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The multilateral Erasmus+ partnership Confederation of Europia comprised a team of schools: Collge Vouziers (F), Bodmin College (UK), I.E.S. La Rocha, Telde (ES) and Oberschule Bederkesa, Geestland (D). | The project title Confederation of Europia speaks for itself, in that a state was established. To ensure the success of this state, partner school teachers held a staff meeting during which they created teaching units focusing on the development of the core themes of democracy and elections as well as the establishment of businesses and job application training. These project-specific teaching and learning materials provided the factual knowledge for the implementation of realistic presidential elections and project weeks. Thus around the end of the first project year Presidents from all partner schools gave their campaign speeches at more or less the same time, and all students received their voting slips and participated in the election. With the ceremonial confirmation of the President and Vice President in office, the Constitution of the Confederation was adopted. The four school sites became ""Federal Lands"", that joined together to form the ""Confederation of Europia"" and students became ""Citizens of Europia"" for two school years. Each term of office lasted one year, with new Presidential elections held in the second academic year. | The territory of the Confederation encompassed two time zones - Europia Continental and Atlantic Time (ECT/EAT) documented cartographically in the ""Europia-Map"". In order that the Confederation could present a statesmanlike front in its dealings with the outer world, citizens composed a Europia Anthem. | Internal and external overning of the state had to be efficient. For this, the state-website was used. This website was regularly updated with ""State Events"", and job vacancies. It also provided a publishing platform for another central pillar of society - the media: citizens or ""foreign"" interested parties could keep an eye on ""Europia Times"" and""Europia TV"" in order to stay informed about current affairs in the Confederation. The website will stay online until December 2020.";"The high point of the project was the project weeks, the State Visits, as this saw the content of the teaching units applied in practice. Company founders developed product or service ideas for a business fair that was held in each school. After a review of the planning documents by teachers, a start-up loan was provided. During the project week the ideas, cost and wage calculations, advertising strategies, the actual provision of the product or service, the choice of employees etc had to prove themselves. Other students were taught how to create their job application portfolios in order that they could successfully apply in their own Federal Land and also throughout Europia on the online job market. As real money was being spent and earnt, students really bought into their own companies. Employees were paid a minimum wage, and employers had to pay back their loan and pay tax on their profits. International cooperation in the companies also required use and knowledge of foreign languages. If disputes arose, citizens were able to call on trained student-mediators to help them resolve the issue. That the businesses had a high degree of success shows how well students were motivated in this project. Schools were able to support extracurricular projects or charities with the tax revenue and donations from business profits. | During project weeks, the ""Presidents"" provided information about their ""Federal Land"" via an information stand, and received or visited state guests from the fields of politics. They interviewed a County Councillor from Cornwall, a Member of Parliament in Paris, delivered speeches in the parliament of Gran Canaria, and took up an MEPs invitation to visit Brussels. A special task of the presidents was to moderate the farewell event, the ""state banquet"" and to award cups for the best companies. There were trophies for the companies with the best stand, the friendliest staff, the most innovative idea and the most financially successful company. | Reporters from Europia Times and Europia TV were ever present. Their contributions show the wealth of events undertaken by the project, and document the high level of competence among Citizens in the fields of democracy, entrepreneurship and digital media usage (see State website). For interested teachers, school leaders etc all teaching units are available free of charge in the Confederation of Europia e-book: ( ). In the view of project managers, the bottom line is that for school project of this kind to succeed, you need a lot of time, sufficient start-up capital and a consensus among teaching staff - then it's worth it. Results | Feedback from participants | | Long-term Evaluation 2007 - 2019 | Direct effect on participants and project partners | | Europia trophies | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Europia Verfassung | Europia Constitution | Europia Projektwoche | Europia Project week | Streitschlichter | Mediators | Europia Anthem | Europia Anthem lyrics | Europia e-book | Dissemination material | | State website Confederation of Europia | Europia Links | Europia press release" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-DE03-KA219-023032;;;Literary Heroes;This project was conceived in the context of a recognition by the participating schools of a need to boost literacy and strengthen its status in their curricula. The EU journal (2012) states that ...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, Creativity and culture;;Herzog-Christian-August-Gymnasium;DE;DE,ES,IE,PL,NO;110.400,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"This project was conceived in the context of a recognition by the participating schools of a need to boost literacy and strengthen its status in their curricula. The EU journal (2012) states that 1.1 million 15-year-olds (i.e. one-in-five) have inadequate literacy levels and identifies literacy as the gateway to all further learning. | Taking this as our rationale, the participants developed the project under four literacy pillars with the following aims in mind: to boost literacy and creative writing; to consider different forms of literacy (literal, visual, digital, audio-visual) and incorporate them into the project; to gain an insight and understanding of their own local and international literary figures; to transfer skills and knowledge gained to peer groups; and to enhance teachers' competences through workshops and training. | Five institutions took part in the project: Herzog-Christian-August-Gymnasium, Germany; Zesp_ Szk_ Miejskich nr 1, Poland; IES Ramn Giraldo, Spain; Borrisokane Community College, Ireland and Sel kommune - Otta ungdomsskole, Norway. All schools are based in rural areas within their countries and all have a diverse range of students, some from economically disadvantaged families. | During the various mobilities participating students took part in workshops as follows: | Pillar 1 Literal Literacy: Norway: Into the storytelling mood; Creating a story; Polishing the writing | Pillar 2 Digital Literacy: Poland: Creative Writing; Web two Zero applications | Pillar 3 Visual Literacy: Spain: Creative Art and Drawing workshops | Pillar 4 Audio-Visual Literacy: Ireland: Drama and Film Editing workshops | Further details regarding the above workshops were included in the accompanying Teachers Manual. | The aim of these workshops was to enable students to write a story about their local literary hero which also incorporated the literary heroes from all the other countries. At the final mobility in Germany, participating schools then presented parts of their story using elements of the different media skills acquired during the previous four pillars. These presentations were performed in various locations throughout the town of Sulzbach-Rosenburg, Germany thus ensuring local support for and involvement in the project.";The results of the project include a number of different products which reflect the work carried out during the project and the newly acquired skills of the students. | A teachers training manual was produced which documents the activities conducted during the various workshops outlined above. This manual combines the hands-on experience of teachers involved in the workshop with theoretical ideas about literacy teaching. The manuals effectiveness is enhanced by the input of teachers from diverse cultural and pedagogical backgrounds and its dissemination among teachers within each school will ensure that the legacy of the project in terms of its promotion of literacy will continue long after the project has finished. | A booklet of Glossary was also produced. The booklet was useful when travelling on the different mobilities and contained words and day-to-day phrases for each country. The glossary was distributed to participating students as a paper copy and also published online. | Another product of the project was the common logo. It was our belief that a common logo would strengthen the sense of community of all participants and would symbolise cooperation and a sense of identification. The art departments of each school presented the requirements of the common logo to all members of their schools. In this way each student had the chance to contribute to the project. Students voted for their favourite logo which was used throughout the project for a huge variety of purposes (e.g. as letterhead, posters, website, t-shirts, final book etc.). | The stories from each school were made visible throughout the project visits. Readings were organised which presented the latest version of each story. The final stories were then published in a paper book which was given to each participating student and school. The e-book to accompany the paper version of the book has not been completed in time for this report but is ongoing and will be completed in the current school year. | A website was created which details all the activities, workshops and stories: | The impact of this project has been felt at many levels. Firstly, for the countries involved, participation in the project has been vital in developing new literacy strategies at a school level. Secondly, the participating schools' reputations have improved, through the establishment and strengthening of ties with other Europeans institutions. Finally, the local communities have benefited from students' researching their local traditions, re-imagining and re-vitalizing them through creative writing and learning about the importance of self-identity and place while at the same time being European. Results | Website | | | Without category | | Story Book Literary Heroes | Teacher's Manual Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-DK01-KA202-022334;;;Technology for helping older people remaining active and fully integrated into society. ;It is a fact that people live longer than they did only few decades ago and that the share of elderly people of the population in Europe is growing. In order for our societies to avoid that this c...;Health and wellbeing, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;SOSU OSTJYLLAND;DK;DK,EL,ES,BE,UK;232.067,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"It is a fact that people live longer than they did only few decades ago and that the share of elderly people of the population in Europe is growing. In order for our societies to avoid that this circumstance becomes a threat to the stability of their economics and in order for the elder part of the population to maintain a happy and meaningful life, it is necessary to take measures. The TECHSenior project was exactly one of these measures. | | With a strong and dynamic partnership consisting of eight partners from Denmark, UK, Spain and Greece and in addition an EU-wide professional association based in Brussels, the project was successfully implemented in the period from November 2016 to December 2018. The partners were two VET institutions - one public and one private (SOSU, Denmark and CDEA, Spain) a local authority (Aarhus Municipality, Denmark), a SME, working in the field of specialized architecture and society (ERROTA), a charity (Age UK) a private company in the field of research and consultancy (p-consulting) and a social cooperative of limited liability (Kispe FAROS, Spain). Besides EfVET, the European Forum of Technical and Vocational Education and Training. | | The project has met its main objective, which was to develop a training program in the form of blended learning that makes old people able to live a more active life by using technology. Active living and active ageing creates wellbeing in everyday life; it supports rehabilitation and gives autonomy. IT has the potential to enable older people to engage actively in all aspects of community life and stay independent longer. The program we have developed and tested, enables the end-users, the elderly, to live a more autonomous life. It supports them in making use of the opportunities offered by technology, for instance ordering food and other goods online, having access to many government services, which are moving online, home banking, using tele-medicine and tele-assistance, communicating with friends or family via e-mail, skype and social networks.";In order to ensure the relevance of the program, the end-user were involved as co-developers and our work was based research carried out in the beginning of the project period - into already existing training in the field, and interviews and focus groups with representatives of the target groups and external stakeholders in all the participating countries. | | The target groups of the TECHSenior program are trainers and teachers of care workers, care workers giving care to elderly, volunteers and the old people themselves. The sustainability of the program in ensured as it will be used in VET education and training, by volunteers, and in adult lifelong learning. The program is easily accessible through the project website and it is adapted to the actual needs of elderly in each of the participating partner countries. It will be accessible for at least the next 5 years on | | As we realized that fear of new technology is an obstacle for many elderly for them to make use of IT, the partnership also developed a small booklet for elderly about internet security Staying Safe Online which can also be found on in all English, Spanish, Greek and Danish languages. Results | Feedback from participants | | Quality Management Report | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Internet Security GREEK | Internet Security DANISH | Internet Security SPANISH | Internet Security ENGLISH | TECHSenior Training Program | Dissemination material | | Dissemination Strategy | Dissemination Report | Organizational and working documents | | First Transnational Partner Meeting | Second Transnational Partner Meeting | Third Transnational Partner meeting | Fourth Transnational Meeting | IO 1 Reports | Quality Management Plan | Material related to Joint Staff Training | Others | | Material related to Joint Staff Training | Material related to the Joint Staff Training | Multiplier Event participants | Multiplier Event participants | Multiplier Event participants | Multiplier Event participants | Multiplier Event participants | Coordinator | SOSU OSTJYLLAND | HEDEAGER 33 | 8200 | AARHUS N | Midtjylland | | Organisation type: School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level) | Bodil Mygind Madsen | | +45 2326 1290 | Partners | Koinonikos Synetairismos Periorismenis Efthinis To.Ps.Y. N.Axaias FAROS | C.M. SKOULIDI & SIA E.E. | CENTRO DE FORMACION DE ADMINISTRACION Y HOSTELERIA SL | Errotu Taldea S.L.P | EUROPEAN FORUM OF TECHNICAL AND VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING | Age UK Bath and North East Somerset | AARHUS KOMMUNE Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-EE01-KA101-017059;;;Meeskonnat oskuste areng Porkuni Koolis;The purpose of this project is the development of conscious leading of the learning process among thestaff, including assistant staff, through the following forms/themes of international cooperati...;Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Disabilities - special needs;;PORKUNI KOOL;EE;EE,FI;14.130,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;The purpose of this project is the development of conscious leading of the learning process among thestaff, including assistant staff, through the following forms/themes of international cooperation:1) Taking into account the students' individual needs in teamwork (starting from admittance and endingwith the formulation of an individual study plan, following it and constant surveillance-process management.2) The forms of different cooperation networks around the child operating in schools both in Estonia and Finland- modeling.3) Experience counseling including case-study.4) The use of alternative methods of communication school wide in different partner schools.To better understand the current state of Porkuni School as an organization based on areas of development and the personal growth of school staff we need a comparative view of a different schoolfor children with special needs (Rajasalme) and view their study processes (work shadowing) and through thatcreating understanding.The number and background of the people participating in the project.The whole shcool staff is remotely involved with the project (71 people), in learning mobility 20 educational workersPorkuni school is a state funded school, which provides basic education for children with light-,medium and severe intellectual disabilities. All 88 students have special educational needs. All teaching takes into accountthe size of the class, study plans, supportive systems and the level of education of the educational workers.Description of activities.The 2 year project involves four learning mobilities. All learning mobilities take place in the Rajasalme School in Finland.During the project, we ourselves will be hosts in Porkuni School for our finnish colleagues for four times.The main goal for our activities/methodology will be cooperation. ;"The activities of the study mission divide into 2 categories: work shadowing, complementary schooling.The methods of these activities are connected to stipulated goals as well as understanding the culturaldifferences of partner schools.Results.During the project partner schools will share their best methods of teaching for better involvement of students special educationalneeds. The usage of these methods, observations of lessons and rules of involvement in school will be gathered and published (for example on-line, on the Porkuni School server, in e-school).ImpactThe further impact of project toward SEN child, is through meaningful activities of adults, there is better inclusion to the society for the future life (social and practical skills, participating in a work life, creation of strong family connection, find yourself as valuable citizen). The impacts of the project will be measurable through a qualitative study (questionnaires, work analyses, open lessons etc)as follows:* learning mobility will be done as planned;* schedule will not be changed;* 20 people with different backgrounds will participate;* participants' evaluation- what did I use, how did I develop?;* partner organisations' opinion on cooperation and benefits to the organisation" Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-EE01-KA101-017129;;;Uues majas uus elu;Ahtme School is a school for children with slight, medium, severe and profound disabilities. In year 2014-2015 the school house was completely renovated with the support of European Regional Devel...;Pedagogy and didactics, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Disabilities - special needs;;Ahtme Kool;EE;EE;15.749,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"Ahtme School is a school for children with slight, medium, severe and profound disabilities. In year 2014-2015 the school house was completely renovated with the support of European Regional Development Fund. As a result of this renovation the school provides students with a modern environment of high quality with all the facilities for young people's development and successful socialisation. In our new house we have to to improve our qualification in order to support children effectively. The in-service trainings selected for the project are chosen very carefully taking into consideration school, teacher's and students' learning needs.This project is very important, because it helps us find solutions to our challenges: necessity to develop e-learning, creation of evaluation system, support of children's development, implementation of teaching English at school, improvement of teachers' leadership and cooperation skills. The project participants have been chosen on the project application stage.The objectives are to obtain knowledge in the areas important for the school development (digital skills, assessment, etc.); to analyse this knowledge and experience and involve them in working out the school development plan; implement new experience in the school learning process; support development of teachers' key competences for lifelong learning, inspire the teachers on the way of changes; create an active team who support and teach the others; to be learning, modern and responsible school; to avoid teachers' burning out from routine work at school. new experience gives them new emotions, inspiration and strengths for work.";"The learning programmes in the project:24.08.2016 - 30.08.2016 Students with Medical Conditions Care and support, Greece - Larissa _ugunova03.10.2016 - 16.10.2016 Teaching English to Pupils with Special Needs, UK - Arina Leppik10.10.2016 - 21.10.2016 Classroom Management: Behaviour and conflicts, new methodologies, motivation and cooperation strategies , Italy - Marina Arhipova13.03.2017 - 26.03.2017 Digital tools for students with special needs, Italy- Ljubov NassedkinaKevad 2017 - Teaching and Learning in Special Education: The Icelandic Perspective, Iceland - Jelena Ditjatkina07.05.2017 - 13.05.2017 - Count Me In - Using arts and culture for special needs groups, Denamark - Irina Maljonkina24.07.2017 - 30.07.2017 - Multisensory Learning, Portugal - Jelena PavlenkoThe project participants train their colleagues and share their new knowledge with them.In general this project gives us a chance to get better, be more professionals and finally to become a school where each person is valuable and deserves respect, trust and support in their development, where we prepare students for a happy life in the society; where we discover and support each students' talents." Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-EE01-KA202-017347;;;Designstem: integrated design + STEM education;"Design-intensive industries play a vital role in the EU economy. The European Commission aims to increase the use of design for innovation and growth across Europe; raise awareness of how design-d...";Open and distance learning, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;Kuressaare Ametikool;EE;EE,IT,NL,SI,UK,EL,FI,PT,DE;352.080,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"Design-intensive industries play a vital role in the EU economy. The European Commission aims to increase the use of design for innovation and growth across Europe; raise awareness of how design-driven innovation increases efficiency in public services and drives business growth; create capacity and competencies to deliver these policies ( Education and training play a fundamental role in achieving the Europe 2020 objectives. It is aimed at the internationalization of education and growing use of digital learning, supporting the creation of flexible learning pathways in line with learners' needs.The objective of DESIGNSTEM is to contribute to devising, building and disseminating work methods and resources for educators and learners in the fields of design and STEM; to support synergies between education, research and innovation activities, the digitisation of quality learning content and promoting the use of ICT as a driver for systemic change to increase the quality and relevance of open design and STEM education. | | The number of DesignSTEM participants was 10: the LUMA Centre of Helsinki University, Finland; University of Piraeus Research Centre (UPRC), Greece, Kuressaare Regional Training Centre; HMC College, The Netherlands; Tartu Art School, Estonia; Gutenbergschule, Germany; Middlesbrough College, UK; ITT Buonarroti-Pozzo, Italy; Polytechnic Institute of Braganca, Portugal; Faculty of Information Studies, Slovenia.";"Within 3 years, in 7 workshops, 10 educational organizations devised, designed and built Designstem - with | ca 50 design and STEM concepts addressed in | ca 15 long-term integrated design and STEM e-learning projects | composed of ca 75 short-term exercises and tasks for design and STEM lessons | on an open source, no-sign-in, free web platform - Fachwerk - designed and coded specifically for creating interactive, user friendly, attractive e-learning objects, e.g dynamic mathematics, 3D models, generative design, VR-experiences and many other code-based interactive elements etc that can easily be changed, adapted and shared online including | ca 100 interactive components for teachers and students to build custom-made projects | plus several interactive ""playgrounds"", where components can be mixed and matched and experimented with | plus 5 popular code libraries accessible from the components | plus a glossary of 150 design and STEM terms | plus a colllection of 320 recommended design and STEM education web resources | | DesignSTEM is structured to have two technical layers. The ""lower layer"", the Fachwerk web framework supports a wide range of use cases, not limited to the scope of design / STEM e-learning objects. The ""upper layer"", DesignSTEM learning objects are technical demonstration of what is possible, but there are many additional features that the Fachwerk framework provides. For example, music education (the framework contains components for connecting musical instruments and sound generation), data visualization (with ability to bring in external datasources and transform them into a visual language), realtime communication (the learning objects can be connected to each other, providing peer-to-peer communication channels from and to anywhere), comprehensive suite of 3D graphics and VR, features to export learning objects as tangible 3D-printable objects and tools for teaching computer science topics such as data structures and state management. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | DesignSTEM: e-tools for the integrated education of design and STEM" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2016;2016-1-EE01-KA203-017339;;;Multilingual Higher Education: Cooperation for Innovation and Exchange of Good Practices;" Context/background of the project Migration inside Europe as well as into Europe has changed drastically, including various forms of migration, but the education systems are often with homogeno...";Quality and Relevance of Higher Education in Partner Countries, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;TARTU ULIKOOL;EE;EE,IT,SI,DE;186.189,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;The main objective was to share and develop innovative processes and methods in teaching in multilingual universities and multilingual schools in European border areas. The main aims were: 1) Exchange of best practice and support mutual learning about processes and methods in multilingual universities. 2) Develop new innovative tools for learning about multilingualism based on agreed common approaches. 3) Disseminate the knowledge and know-how to the other relevant target groups about the multilingual higher education that accommodates the diversity of European societies. undertaken main activities - Development of a freely accessible wholly web-based e-course (MOOC) about multilingual education for wide audience with an addition of a Study Book, based on the e-course, providing extra materials, reading suggestions and instructions as a methodological tool for academic staff and teachers, but also for an individual learners to study the topics more profoundly. - Five learning and teaching activities so that each partner institution hosted, and therefore took advantage of at least one. The LTT consisted of training of the academic staff, teaching of the students and study visits to the border regions. - Local and national results dissemination workshops were organized where the issues were discussed, partnership and intellectual outputs were presented and disseminated to stakeholders (3 multiplier events). In addition, the lead partner introduced the results to about 350 stakeholders in Narva at a large educational event. - Four partnership meetings took place additionally alongside the learning-teaching activites. ;Results and impact attained - The exchange of best practices took place supporting the mutual understanding about the processes and methods in multilingual context as well as how to how to address pluralinguality in higher education and how to teach second/foreign/additional languages. As a result a set of innovative know-how and teaching materials were created for the multilingual universities in Europe, also for every person interested in the issues of multiple languages in a family, community, school etc. The MOOC: Multilingual Education was developed with additional Study Book for further and more advanced level of learning. - The quality of teaching, especially that concerning teaching languages, definitely improved in all participating universities, as the teaching-learning activities were always followed by an elaborating discussions, which the participants found highly useful for their everyday job. - As a long-term benefit, the network between the participating members was established with ideas for further strategic cooperation in teaching and research. - The project definitely drew attention to the topic of multilingualism emphasizing recognition of and tolerance towards linguistic diversity, raising interest in further developments in education. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Multilingual education (e-course) | Multilingual education (Study book) Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2016;2016-1-EL01-KA201-023513;;;Teaching European Signed Languages as a First Language ;The project: Teaching Signed Languages as a First Language (SIGN FIRST) is based on the principles of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Universal Design for Learnin...;Access for disadvantaged, Disabilities - special needs, Inclusion - equity;;INSTITOUTO EKPEDEFTIKIS POLITIKIS;EL;EL,CY,NL,CH;243.850,75;Yes;No;Regional Public body;Administracin Educativa;;;English;The project: Teaching Signed Languages as a First Language (SIGN FIRST) is based on the principles of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Universal Design for Learning, the Paris Declaration, data driven results and recent best practices for the development of literacy in students with hearing impairments.International studies show that the vast majority (90-95%) of deaf children have hearing parents and they grow up without having access to the language of their parents or caretakers. With minimal signed and/or spoken linguistic input in the early years, the children are deprived the opportunity to acquire a first language and hence to adequately develop communicative and world knowledge.The most recent study of Hrastinski & Wilbur (2016) on the effects of sign language proficiency on reading comprehension skills and academic achievement of deaf and hard of hearing students suggested that students highly proficient in sign language outperformed their less proficient peers in nationally standardized measures of reading comprehension, English language use, and mathematics. They showed that sign language proficiency was the single variable significantly predicting results on all outcome measures. This study strongly supports the aims of our implemented project by focusing on sign language fluency.Our implemented project aimed at achieving the bilingual literacy development of Deaf and Hard of Hearing children so they can be educated in an effective inclusive school environment.The SIGN FIRST project specifically aimed and achieved to fill existing skills' gaps by the development of a teaching curriculum and educational materials for teaching European Sign Languages to deaf students as a first language. Additionally, the project aimed and developed sign language assessment instruments for this target group.The age group of the students that the implemented project targets are children that attend Kindergarten to 2nd grade of primary school (K-2), ages from 4 to 7 years old. However the programme can be and was implemented with deaf children in higher grades as well.Seven participants from four countries are part of the Project. One Educational policy Institute, one Research and Development Center, two Universities, two Schools of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, and one private sector company, all experts in the education of the deaf and Sign Language, constituted the Strategic Partnership: 1. The Institute of Educational Policy (IEP), Greece. 2. The Dutch Sign Centre, Nederlands Gebarencentrum (NGC), Nederlands. 3. The University of Applied Sciences of Special Needs Education Zurich (HfH), Switzerland. 4. European University (EUN), Cyprus. 5. Kindergarten for the Deaf and hard of hearing of Argyroupolis (KindArg), Greece. 6. Kindergarten and Special elementary school for the Deaf & Hard-of-Hearing of Likovrisi- Pefki (ElemLP), Greece. 7. Habilis (HB), Greece.A wide and flexible range of activities and innovative practices have been implemented: 1. Sign Language curricula, common modules (including e-modules). 2. Learning, teaching, training, materials and methods, pedagogical approaches and tools for teaching European Sign Languages as a first language. 3. Peer-learning, workshops in three countries. 4. Information, guidance, coaching and counselling activities for parents and teachers. 5. Surveys, comparative analyses, evidence-gathering for state of the art SL teaching. 6. Networking, promotion and awareness-raising activities in the EU and internationally. The activities are based on participatory methods that: Offered space for interaction of participants (deaf and hearing), sharing of ideas, avoiding passive listening / seeing. Empowered the participants to contribute to the activities with their own knowledge and skills. Ensured that participants had influence over project decisions, not just involvement. Offered participants the opportunity to identify common values with persons from different cultures (Deaf and Hearing, different countries) Promoted the respect of cultural diversity of Deaf and Hearing, signed and spoken languages.;By the end of the 29 months project, the following outcomes have been obtained in alignment with project objectives: 1. Collected and document European Best Practices and are available to all in the project's web site . 2. Developed evidence based tools to raise the quality of Sign Language teaching. 3. Developed systematic transfer of knowledge in teaching European Signed Languages as a first language. 4. Shared common teaching strategies, practices and educational material locally as well as internationally. The implementation of the project Sign First had an impact on teaching Greek Sign Language to deaf students as a public law with Government Gazette 2103, issue B ' published on 19.06.2017. | Results | Website | | | Direct effect on participants and project partners | | Survey for the State-of-the-art of teaching signed languages as a first language | Assessment Instruments | EXTERNAL EVALUATION REPORT | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Sign Language Curriculum and Teacher's Guide for K, 1st- 2nd Grades, Elementary School | Core Sign Language Materials | Platform of educational and assessment materials | Minutes of Learning/Teaching/Training Activities | Impact of the project | Dissemination material | | Dissemination Events | Organizational and working documents | | Minutes of Transnational Project Meetings Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-EL01-KA202-023491;;;Innovative Integrated Training in Healing Plants Business;Farming is important for the EU's natural environment, as around half the EU's land is farmed (82.2% in Greece, 81 % in Bulgaria, 87% in Romania, and 80% in Spain). The economic importance of the ...;Open and distance learning, Rural development and urbanisation, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;PANEPISTIMIO THESSALIAS;EL;EL,ES,BG,PL;233.954,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;not available;;English;Farming is important for the EU's natural environment, as around half the EU's land is farmed (82.2% in Greece, 81 % in Bulgaria, 87% in Romania, and 80% in Spain). The economic importance of the sector is therefore significant and can enhance its competitiveness by overcoming its structural, limitations. Thus comparative advantage of the cultivation of aromatic and medicinal plants, known for their healing and aromatic properties, stands high on this list, recognized as one of the most profitable alternative crops, taking into account that aromatic and medicinal plants can be cultivated in poor mountainous and semi-mountainous areas. For the successful and sustainable development of this sector are necessary: specialized knowledge and skills, for cultivation, and handling procedures, that certifying the quality characteristics of the end product. Major importance issue is also the knowledge of therapeutic value and possible application of medical plants which can increase the public demand, create new jobs, and provide a serious additional income for rural residents as well.The projects main innovation, as its educational system will be addressed not only to Farming Trainers / Advisors in Area of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (See but to farmers too as it has been recognized and by the European Union the lack of agricultural training. As it is already decided according to European Rural Development Programme (RDP) all project partner countries are about to invest on training of farmers. Therefore the Total Business Plants project can act complementary to those actions offering its innovative training system, aiming to increase employability in rural section. In the same order under the RDP umbrella the partner countries are about to finance young farmers to start up their business, in case that they have the necessary knowledge and skills. Thus the Total Business Plants project based on EQF/NQF frameworks will establish national models, methods and experiences in the partner countries and will find its further realization contributing to transparency and recognition of skills and competences offering specialized knowledge in the field.The Total Business plants target groups are: farmers cooperation, farmers business associations, local authorities, but as well as to institutions, training establishments who seeks to promote up-and re-skilling of professionals in rural sector. It also focuses on arising public understanding, and promoting the projects open learning recourses practical use, for improving populations general health status.T;The Total Business Project will provide a competence based training programme, build in different modules, for total management of aromatic & therapeutic plants cultivation. To this end, the following specific objectives will be pursued: implementation of organic farming techniques in aromatic and therapeutic plants cultivation, certification procedures of the production process quality characteristics of the final product needed in order to be admissible from the pharmaceutical industry business orientation for expanding in new markets knowledge about therapeutic use of aromatic & therapeutic plants data base creation for alternative ways of healing and improving general health status in humansThe Total Business Plants project consortium is motivated to organize and perform the project programme on the basis of their broad and complementary background.The A O University of Thessaly, is experienced in leading EU projects and possess strong contacts with projects sector professionals. The partners Sofia University, FYG Consultores Spain, have extensive experience in VET education and close relations with other educational establishments in Europe and the business sector as well. The partner Danmar Computers LLC Poland will also contribute with its professional expertise in ICT and its experience, in marketing and public relations. The NGO Biognosis from Greece will promote the exchange of scientific and technical information, and by its association partner the Hippocratic International Homeopathic Academy will further disseminate the project open learning recourses to doctors, pharmacists alternative healers and wider public.The Total business Plants innovative results will be:National Case Studies ooverviewing targets needs in rural sector.Total Business Plants Interactive Web Platform &s virtual tool,Innovative Integrated training Material& E-learning Online plants encyclopaediaThe realization of the Total Business Plants projects dissemination strategy is all partners responsibility. Using their relationships with target organizations and providing information materials to the potential beneficiaries through different dissemination channels will ensure a broad platform for dissemination of projects deliverables and sustainability of project results. Results | Website | | | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | O1-National case studies overviewing target groups needs in rural sectors | O1-National case studies overviewing target groups needs in rural sectors EQF Levels | O1- Tackling National Needs EN | O1-Tackling National Needs GR | O1-Tackling National Needs BG | O1-Tackling National Needs ES | O1-Tackling National Needs PL | O3 EN-The Total Business Plants Training Material | O3 EL-The Total Business Plants Training Material | O3 BG-The Total Business Plants Training Material | O3 ES-The Total Business Plants Training Material | O3 PL-The Total Business Plants Training Material | O5 EN- Total Business Plants Online Encyclopedia | O5 EL- Total Business Plants Online Encyclopedia | O5 BG- Total Business Plants Online Encyclopedia | O5 ES- Total Business Plants Online Encyclopedia | O5 PL- Total Business Plants Online Encyclopedia | Organizational and working documents | | Sustainability Plan | Others | | O2 EN-Total Business Plants Interactive Web Platform | O2 EL-Total Business Plants Interactive Web Platform | O2 BG-Total Business Plants Interactive Web Platform | O2 ES-Total Business Plants Interactive Web Platform | O2 PL-Total Business Plants Interactive Web Platform | O4 EN-Total Business Plants Training System | O4 EL-Total Business Plants Training System | O4 BG-Total Business Plants Training System | O4 ES-Total Business Plants Training System | O4 PL-Total Business Plants Training System | Quality Report Final Period | Quality Management Report | Quality Management Plan | Intellectual Outputs Quality Assessment | Quality Interim Report Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-EL01-KA202-023538;;;Intercultural Competences for Healthcare Professionals;Assuming a lifelong learning perspective, this project aims to increase the intercultural competences of healthcare professionals in Europe, through non-formal training. According to EU SKILLS PAN...;Health and wellbeing, Integration of refugees, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;IASIS;EL;EL,IT,ES,AT,FR;244.650,00;Yes;No;Non-governmental organisation/association/social enterprise;ONG;;;English;Assuming a lifelong learning perspective, this project aims to increase the intercultural competences of healthcare professionals in Europe, through non-formal training. According to EU SKILLS PANORAMA (2014) report on the prospects for health professionals, healthcare providers in Europe should develop their skills as far as societal trends and influences as well as human ethnicity and culture are concerned. The need for intercultural competences has been stressed out by a lot of academics and researchers in the field. Anand & Lahiri (2009, p.388) argue that the key to an efficient healthcare is the skills to learn about cultural and personal beliefs in a respectful way. Spencer (2014) emphasizes the teachable dimension of intercultural skills and the importance of this aspect of professionalism for the satisfaction of the patient and the provider, as well as for the health outcomes. The intercultural competences are a useful tool for all the healthcare providers (doctors, surgeons, midwives, dentists, pharmacists, psychologists, nurses, healthcare assistants) in all the stages of practice: prevention, treatment, management of illness and promotion of physical and mental wellbeing. The inability to cope with different perceptions about illness and health may result in misdiagnosis and mistreatment (Ahmed, 2015). Apart from the generally acknowledged need for development of intercultural competences in the healthcare sector, the current wave of refugees and immigrants towards and inside Europe underlines the need for provision of healthcare that is adjusted to the patients needs. | The objectives of this project have been a) to equip healthcare professionals with the intercultural competences required in order to provide medical and healthcare services tailored to the needs of their patients, b) to provide non-formal educational methods that can be combined with the formal education of the healthcare professionals, c) to promote the efficient provision of healthcare to ethnic minorities that either inhabit or pass through the partner countries, taking into consideration the significance of different perspectives on health and illness for an efficient and cost-effective healthcare system, d) to sensitize the decision makers of educational and health policies in the partner countries concerning the needs of both patients and healthcare providers, e) to set off an international conversation and cooperation between healthcare professionals g) to address current needs and challenges of healthcare professionals. | Project directly targeted all healthcare providers: doctors, surgeons, midwives, dentists, pharmacists, psychologists, nurses, healthcare assistants. Among the indirect target groups that are also addressed through this project are refugees, immigrants, asylum seekers, Roma, Pomaks and any other ethnic minorities treated by the western healthcare system. | Consortium consists of six organizations from European countries. Partner organizations have a diverse background. Partners include one public Educational Institution, VET centers, NGOs and IT experts.;Intellectual Outputs: IO1 - Baseline report on Intercultural competences for healthcare professionals: Quantitative, Qualitative and Context Analysis. The main result of the Intellectual Output 1 was the identification of the intercultural competences that should be enhanced from the point of view both of the healthcare providers and their patients. IO2 - The InterHealth (ECVET based) Curriculum for Intercultural Competences of Healthcare professionals. The expected result of Intellectual Output 2 was a Curriculum for the development of the necessary know-how of the healthcare providers who treat patients with a culturally different background. IO3 - The InterHealth Forum for healthcare practitioners and patients in an intercultural setting. The InterHealth Forum aimed to promote the active communication among healthcare professionals themselves and among them and the patients on the common ground of the need for intercultural healthcare. IO4 - The InterHealth mobile training application for autonomous learners. The aim of this Intellectual Output was to provide an interactive application that promotes autonomous learning of healthcare professionals on the subject of intercultural perspective on health and illness. IO5 - The InterHealth policy recommendations report. The main aim of this Intellectual Output was to produce a policy, guidelines and recommendations report which among other matters reviews the use of intercultural training for the efficient delivery of healthcare to all patients. | Results & Impact: The main results have been the provision of innovative training tools for the lifelong training of healthcare practitioners and the influence on policy makers related to healthcare education and training. Indirectly, migrants and refugees will have the opportunity to enjoy personalized healthcare which on the same time will be cost effective and ti. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | The InterHealth (ECVET based) Curriculum for Intercultural Competences of Healthcare Professionals | The InterHealth Mobile Training Application for Autonomous Learners | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | Baseline Report on Intercultural Competences for Healthcare Professionals: Quantitative, Qualitative and Context Analysis | The InterHealth Policy Recommendations Report | Dissemination material | | 1st Semi-annual Newsletter | 2nd Semi-annual Newsletter | 3rd_Semi-annual Newsletter | 4th_Semi-annual Newsletter | INTERHEALTH Leaflet | Others | | IO3_The InterHealth Forum for Healthcare Professionals and Patients in an Intercultural Setting | INTERHEALTH_Social Page Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-EL01-KA202-023714;;;A VET course for Cultural Mediators to address the refugee crisis skills needs;"CONTENT & BACKGROUND With thousands of adults & children, legally defined as refugees and asylum seekers on their way to a destination country within the EU, trying to integrate in a new host soc...";Integration of refugees, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Open and distance learning;;ETHNIKO KENTRO KOINONIKON EREVNON;EL;EL,UK,ES,IT;223.674,29;Yes;No;Research Institute/Centre;Centro de Investigacin;;;English;With thousands of adults & children, legally defined as refugees and asylum seekers on their way to a destination country within the EU, trying to integrate in a new host society, there is soaring demand for up-to-date training for an emerging group of humanitarian professionals: the Cultural Mediators that work in the field with refugees. | | Cultural mediators employed by NGOs and other private and/or public entities that provide humanitarian support, need up-to-date Vocational Education and Training (VET) curricula, openly available to their growing community, as well as to organisations responsible for their vocational training. They are in need of tailored, comprehensive, and open educational resources (OERs) to a) respond immediately providing support in situ, where big populations of refugees are gathered (e.g. ports, borders, islands, etc), and b) assist in the long-term social integration of refugees in the EU host societies promoting solidarity and well-being. | | The project respons to the challenge to address emerging skills requirements as regards: a) conflict management, b) communication challenges in a multicultural context, c) working with people who suffer from the psychological trauma often caused by war, displacement and hardship experiences in transit countries & dangerous travels, d) adapting to the continuously changing national & EU regulation regarding refugees, d) assisting in the relocation & mobility of refugees within Europe, e) battling rumors that create confusion, xenophobia and conflict in the hosting communities etc. | | OBJECTIVES | ReCULM project formed a Strategic Partnership, with the objectives to: | | 1. Develop up-to-date VET curricula, grounded on original learning outcomes (Knowledge, skills and competences), to support NGOs, humanitarian organisations, academic VET providers, institutes & public services to train and up-skill Cultural Mediators and other humanitarian professionals, in order to face emerging everyday work challenges related to the refugees' integration needs in the EU host societies. | 2. Support Cultural Mediators to address their self-paced learning and their self-training requirements related to the refugees needs, by developing easy to access Open Educational Resources (OERs) and a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). | 3. Facilitate mutual recognition of the ReCULM learning outcomes and of the professional profile that these learning outcomes describe towards the development of national and EU accreditation for Cultural Mediators that work with refugees. | | PARTNER ORGANISATION | Four partner institutions representing Education and Research related to the Cultural Mediators and the refugees' needs in Greece, Italy, Spain and the UK formed the ReCULM Strategic Partnership. In specific: the National Center for Social Research - EKKE (EL), the University of Modena and Regio Emilia - UNIMORE (IT), the University of Almeria - UAL/CEMYRI (ES) and the University of Glasgow - UGLA (UK) joined forces and expertise implementing all the project's activities, outputs and events. | | UNDERTAKEN ACTIVITIES & METHODOLOGY | 1. Development of original learning outcomes and OERs based on skills needs data collected from field experts and Cultural Mediators. | 2. Creating a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). | 3. Establishing a support context involving education and field authorities for the future accreditation of Cultural Mediators based on the developed learning outcomes. | 5. Disseminating and evaluating the developed course involving target group users in the process.;"RESULTS | 1. Original learning outcomes (knowledge, skills and competences) to support VET provision for Cultural Mediators who work with refugees. | 2. One modular course consisted of six learning units (five topics each), learning (624 slides) and assessment materials (40 case studies, 108 Q&As) provided as OERs. | 4. A ReCULM Massive Open Online Course, pilot tested twice, followed by almost 4.000 international learners, and evaluated. | 5. A Support Statement and a Strategic Plan for the valorisation of the ReCULM on an EU level. | 6. Four national workshops to promote results and evaluate the course. | | IMPACT AND POST-PROJECT SUSTAINABILITY | The ReCULM project achieved very high impact during its implementation period, since it produced a first international ""pool"" of Cultural Mediators attending & evaluating the MOOC during its two pilot sessions (nearly 4000 learners). However, the most important long term benefit is expected to come from the EU framework of Education, Accreditation and Migration EU authorities that expressed their support towards the development of formal recognition of the professional profile of the Cultural Mediator based on the ReCULM learning outcomes. Furthermore, the project's OERs will be adapted in the context of a new Erasmus+ project (which just started lasting 30 months), namely Inter4Ref, to synergistically support the needs of | interpreters in Cultural Mediation. Results | Website | | | Feedback from participants | | ReCULM MOOC Evaluation Report (O3-A3) | ReCULM course evaluation report (O4-A1) | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | ReCULM Learning Units (O2-A1) | ReCULM OERs - Module 1 - Topic 1 - EN (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs - Module 1 - Topic 2 - EN (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs - Module 1 - Topic 3 - EN (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs - Module 1 - Topic 4 - EN (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs - Module 1 - Topic 5 - EN (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs - Module 2 - Topic 1 - EN (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs - Module 2 - Topic 2 - EN (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs - Module 2 - Topic 3 - EN (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs - Module 2 - Topic 4 - EN (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs - Module 2 - Topic 5 - EN (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs - Module 3 - Topic 1 - EN (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs - Module 3 - Topic 2 - EN (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs - Module 3 - Topic 3 - EN (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs - Module 3 - Topic 4 - EN (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs - Module 3 - Topic 5 - EN (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs - Module 4 - Topic 1 - EN (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs - Module 4 - Topic 2 - EN (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs - Module 4 - Topic 3 - EN (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs - Module 4 - Topic 4 - EN (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs - Module 4 - Topic 5 - EN (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs - Module 5 - Topic 1 - EN (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs - Module 5 - Topic 2 - EN (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs - Module 5 - Topic 3 - EN (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs - Module 5 - Topic 4 - EN (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs - Module 5 - Topic 5 - EN (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs - Module 6- Topic 1 - EN (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs - Module 6- Topic 2 - EN (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs - Module 6- Topic 3 - EN (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs - Module 6- Topic 4 - EN (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs - Module 6- Topic 5 - EN (O2-A2) | ReCULM trainer's guide (O2-A2) | ReCULM assessment materials/ case-studies (O2-A2) | ReCULM assessment materials/Questions & Answers (O2-A2) | ReCULM MOOC Descriptive (O3-A1) | ReCULM OER's - Module 1 - Topic 1 - ES (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 1 Topic 2 ES (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 1 Topic 3 ES (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 1 Topic 4 ES (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 1 Topic 5 ES (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 2 Topic 1 ES (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 2 Topic 2 ES (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 2 Topic 3 ES (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 2 Topic 4 ES (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 2 Topic 5 ES (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 3 Topic 1 ES (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 3 Topic 2 ES (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 3 Topic 3 ES (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 3 Topic 4 ES (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 3 Topic 5 ES (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 4 Topic 1 ES (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 4 Topic 2 ES (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 4 Topic 3 ES (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 4 Topic 4 ES (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 4 Topic 5 ES (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 5 Topic 1 ES (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 5 Topic 2 ES (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 5 Topic 3 ES (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 5 Topic 4 ES (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 5 Topic 5 ES (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 6 Topic 1 ES (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 6 Topic 2 ES (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 6 Topic 3 ES (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 6 Topic 4 ES (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 6 Topic 5 ES (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 1 Topic 1 EL (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 1 Topic 2 EL (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 1 Topic 3 EL (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 1 Topic 4 EL (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 1 Topic 5 EL (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 2 Topic 1 EL (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 2 Topic 2 EL (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 2 Topic 3 EL (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 2 Topic 4 EL (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 2 Topic 5 EL (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 3 Topic 1 EL (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 3 Topic 2 EL (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 3 Topic 3 EL (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 3 Topic 4 EL (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 3 Topic 5 EL (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 4 Topic 1 EL (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 4 Topic 2 EL (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 4 Topic 3 EL (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 4 Topic 4 EL (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 4 Topic 5 EL (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 5 Topic 1 EL (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 5 Topic 2 EL (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 5 Topic 3 EL (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 5 Topic 4 EL (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 5 Topic 5 EL (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 6 Topic 1 EL (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 6 Topic 2 EL (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 6 Topic 3 EL (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 6 Topic 4 EL (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 6 Topic 5 EL (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 1 Topic 1 IT (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 1 Topic 2 IT (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 1 Topic 3 IT (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 1 Topic 4 IT (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 1 Topic 5 IT (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 2 Topic 1 IT (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 2 Topic 2 IT (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 2 Topic 3 IT (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 2 Topic 4 IT (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 2 Topic 5 IT (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 3 Topic 1 IT (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 3 Topic 2 IT (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 3 Topic 3 IT (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 3 Topic 4 IT (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 3 Topic 5 IT (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 4 Topic 1 IT (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 4 Topic 2 IT (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 4 Topic 3 IT (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 4 Topic 4 IT (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 4 Topic 5 I T (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 5 Topic 1 IT (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 5 Topic 2 IT (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 5 Topic 3 IT (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 5 Topic 4 IT (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 5 Topic 5 IT (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 6 Topic 1 IT (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 6 Topic 2 IT (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 6 Topic 3 IT (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 6 Topic 4 IT (O2-A2) | ReCULM OERs Module 6 Topic 5 IT (O2-A2) | ReCULM Additional Educational Resources for the MOOC (O3-A2) EN | ReCULM Additional Educational Resources for the MOOC (O3-A2) EL | ReCULM Additional Educational Resources for the MOOC (O3-A2) ES | ReCULM Additional Educational Resources for the MOOC (O3-A2) IT | ReCULM MOOC video/lectures | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | Research tools and methodology guidance (O1-A1) | ReCULM Learning Outcomes Report (O1-A2 & O1-A3) | ReCULM Course evaluation methodology (O4-A1) | Dissemination material | | Project website | ReCULM printable dissemination materials | The ReCULM Multiplier Events Dissemination Materials | ReCULM Dissemination Activity in Italy | ReCULM Dissemination Activity in Italy | ReCULM Dissemination Activity in Italy | ReCULM Dissemination Activity in Greece | ReCULM dissemination videos | ReCULM Press Release (EKKE) | ReCULM e-mail campaign - EKKE | ReCULM e-mail campaign for the multiplier event in Athens | ReCULM dissemination activities in Spain | Others | | External Expert's course evaluation report (O4-A1) | ReCULM Support Statement (O4-A2) | ReCULM Strategic Plan (O4-A3)" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-EL01-KA219-023557;;;"""ROLLING STONE"" Traveler in the environment through Geomythology viewing sustainability ";Geomythology is the scientific field which interprets mythology in relation to natural environment and climate during the mythological period. During the long pre-historical times geo-environmen...;Environment and climate change, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;4DIMOTIKO SXOLEIO LAMIAS;EL;EL,PT,IT,RO,TR,HU,LV,PL;186.848,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;Geomythology is the scientific field which interprets mythology in relation to natural environment and climate during the mythological period. During the long pre-historical times geo-environmental changes were numerous and dramatic. Eight primary and low secondary schools from Greece (coordinator), Latvia, Italy, Poland, Turkey, Portugal, Turkey and Hungary followed the adventures of a meteorite, a ROLLING STONE, which fall from space in Latvia in October 2016 and rolled all over Europe, searching for GEO-myths and climate changes. Finally in May 2019 fall in the Atlantic Ocean in Portugal. Over the 3 years pupils, teachers and local communities experienced cultures,languages and ecosystems The ROLLING STONE was a vehicle to motivate and inspire pupils in language - spoken and written - and also be involved in all the activities. Pupils interacted with the RO*STO and shared their experiences on the Project Blog and Pupil's Discussion Board. THE MAIN OBJECTIVES were: 1)the study of nature and environmental changes, their interpretation with the assistance from mythology. 2)the multi disciplinary approach of the subject through various scientific fields, exploring the relation between Myths and geological /climate changes of the past 3)the research of the past or contemporary relations in different parts of Europe, such as common river names, city names, local customs similar in many parts of Europe 4)the migration and ethnic diversity, answering the question why people were migrating from one place to another and environmental changes that forced them to migrate 5)to improve the practice of foreign languages and ICT for students and teachers and strengthen teachers' profession 6)to reduce the early school leavers. Through the activities the project: - brought students in contact with nature, found solutions and realized that is constantly changing - familiarized students with Myths, legends, traditions and interpreted the phenomena they were describing in times when natural sciences were unknown - helped exhibit cultural values, cultivated eco-knowledge and increased attractiveness of local and European monuments - designed THEMATIC GEO-mythological parks in eight countries, connecting mythological places where intense environmental changes have left their marks, for sustainable development and Alternative Educational Tourism, - worked in making the Greek Thematic Network world wide and sustainable;"The project had a Language/Literature theme throughout and encompassed themes like Entrepreneurship, Supporting Disadvantaged Pupils, using ICT across all work.This project was addressed to mainstream and disadvantage learners, teachers, parents, stakeholders/ leaders in local communities, tourism organizations, school heads and youth.The target groups learnt about other nations in the long time history and to realize more deeply the principal idea of mutual rapport and understanding.Students planned and carried out eight project events during three years for the general public and invited guests. The impact was very big for all target groups and local communities. Following RO*STOs adventures we improved teachers' and pupils' language and digital skills. Management, leadership, planning and organizational skills also improved.Teachers reconnected teaching and learning activities to the natural environment and transferred this to their daily school actions.The project was developed through a variety of subjects: Maths, Language, Geology, Geography, History, Technology, Cultural, Environmental Studies, Art and Physical Education | Eight countries introduced STONE from Space and developed concepts of active citizenship (national and European), sustainability and social coherence through engagement with the myths and the history of the sites, their place in the local environment, as markers and continuers of cultural identity. Also produced tangible results as: ""The amazing trip on Earth"" book and e-book, The ""Myth book"", Geomythological paths and maps in eight countries, Calendar, Mini-Geodictionary, activity e-book and local eco-clubs. The project used the existence of GEO-myths of different areas of Europe and Asia as a basis for sustainability, developing a strategic approach to strengthening the links between the 8 schools and its local environment. Encouraged communication between schools, historical sites and social/economic partners at local level in order to develop the knowledge of learners. Future generations will have the opportunity to visit, study and discover the places where myths took place as a tool for Alternative Educational Tourism. As a result of close and and fruitful collaborations between partner schools and local communities, plans have been initiated for twin-city schemes, as well as exchange student programs, in order to support language learning and cultural development. Results | Website |" Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-ES01-KA101-022964;;;Using E-Learning in the classroom.;This Project tries to improve the knowledge, motivation and teaching quality of our students.IES Juan del Villar is a secondary school which is placed in a small village with 3000 inhabitants who ...;Teaching and learning of foreign languages, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;INSTITUTO DE EDUCACIN SECUNDARIA JUAN DEL VILLAR;ES;ES,CZ;1.521,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;This Project tries to improve the knowledge, motivation and teaching quality of our students.IES Juan del Villar is a secondary school which is placed in a small village with 3000 inhabitants who live off agriculture. Students can only study compulsory education in this secondary school. When they finish their studies they have two options, going on studying in other nearby village or starting on the laboral market. Our students suffer from lack of motivation, and in some cases from early school leaving.Furthermore, our school is an ICT centre and there are a wide variety of ITC tools such as computers, blackboards, etc. These tools play an important role in order to motivate our students and give them a teaching according to the new times where the ITC knowledge is essential. Despite having ITC resources, we do not use them as much as we should do it. This is due to a lack of training in ITC by teachers although they are making an effort to improve their knowledge in this matter.The goals of the project are as follow:-Improving the knowledge in the use of ITC tools in classroom with our students.-Fostering the mobility among teachers of different European countries, sharing knowledge and didactic methodology.-Fostering the motivation of our students by using ITC tools and improving the quality and prestige of our school in the region.- Raising awareness of the need of learning a foreign language.- Knowing new cultures and opening students mind to different points of view in a world where the diversity must join us.-Improvement in the students grades using a new methodology throughout e-learning platforms.-Meeting new partners in order to make Erasmus+ and E-twinning projects.-Fostering values such as cooperation and mutual understanding, overcoming prejudices and discrimination.-Avoiding the feeling of isolation and getting aware of the nearness of Europe.-Creation of a critical awareness on the globalization and how individual decisions can affect the whole world.The project includes the mobility of a teacher (computer teacher) in order to do a training course in Prague city for 5 days. The course, titled Using E-learning in the classroom will be arranged by ITC-International, a well-known organization and adult education institution for in-service teacher training. It has experience in developing European projects such as Erasmus, Comenius, etc.This course will let us make tasks and lessons using E-learning platforms such as Moodle in order to be used in classroom and online with our students. Besides, we will meet other partners who collaborate in Erasmus and E-twinning projects with.Computer teacher who is involved in the mobility will show the experience, materials and knowledge to the whole group of teachers in the school so that they can use them in classroom and add them in their lessons planning.Besides, computer teacher will put in practice this knowledge with a group of students (4 course) in the subject of computers. He will adapt the tasks and lesson of the group to this new methodology by using e-learning platform. Teacher will assess the motivation and grades of students during the process. Eventually, he will do a report of the whole project and its implementation on the students group.;The project results will be shown to the whole group of teachers and it will be published in the school website and digital magazine. Besides, there will be meetings with parents and students to show them this new methodology and results achieved.At the same time, we will try to find partners in order to make a ka2 erasmus+ project, working together with other schools in issues of common interest and fostering the mobility of students and teachers.To sum up, we will say that this project will let us the use of ITC resources which we have in our school in a more effective and efficient way. Besides, we will meet partners from European schools with who share experiences and make a Erasmus+ project. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-ES01-KA101-023031;;;Descubriendo la Educacin del Siglo XXI;The school Antonio de Nebrija is located in Cabezo de Torres, Regin de Murcia. Our institution experiences a constant methodology renovation process, characterized by the cooperative efforts of t...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;P.E.I Gonzlez Valverde S.L.L;ES;ES,NO;3.604,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;The school Antonio de Nebrija is located in Cabezo de Torres, Regin de Murcia. Our institution experiences a constant methodology renovation process, characterized by the cooperative efforts of the alumni and the school as an active part in their learning process.Furthermore, the implantation of Foreign Language education following the European Common Frammework, new ICTs, development and fostering of sport activities, music and scenic arts, etc. are given a special regard. Besides, we teach Robotics and we have electronic resources such as tablets and electronic devices integrated in our alumnis learning process The participants supporting the mobility Project represent the different areas in which the methodology innovation process takes place. Such areas are: Languages. Science and technology. Coordination and the Institutions Department of Orientation.Taking into account everything mentioned above, our Project will pursue the following objectives: English Language courses (for our center is bilingual and the teaching personnel uses English as their means of communication between teachers and students), methodology renovation (characterized by the interchanging of roles, the student being the active part of the learning process and the teacher being a mere guide), and the use of ICTs (as an essential tool on the learning and teaching process of the alumni).Consequently with the objectives proposed, we will develop the following activities: English language courses Monitoring inside the classroom for the application of new methodologies related to electronic devices and new technologies. Active participation inside the classroom during English classes. Foster the approach to Spanish culture and language (and regional customs) for all the educative community in the associated center. Information Exchange and methodological strategies directed to the students with specific needs for educative support. Training in cooperative work directed to students and teaching personnel for improving interpersonal communication strategies, partners acceptance and responsibility towards the group. Monitoring of the internal functioning of the institution.Once the mobility Project had ended, we hope to have achieved the following results: Academic enrichment of the English language participants (learning, practice or polishing the second language). Institutions methodology renovation (learning through new technologies or their improvement). Professional enrichment of the participating teachers (learning new technologies, educative resources) taking into account not only the participating personnel but also the rest of the teaching community to which they belong.The mentioned results will also have a significant impact in the long term, in the collaboration between different members of the educative community. ;Our students education and those from our associates will improve through the continued communication among both institutions. This contact will be maintained through e-mail, the eTwinning tool, webs, the Institutions blog, whose main objective is to inform both institutions of the improvements being implemented and the points that still need work, giving alternatives to the problems that keep surfacing in the classroom, once the mobility project is finished. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-ES01-KA101-024204;;;Innovaciones metodolgicas para el aula del nuevo siglo;METHODOLOGICAL INNOVATIONS FOR THE THE NEW CENTURY CLASSROOM The nature of our school undoubtedly summarizes the aim of this project, as it takes into account the individual needs of our students ...;Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;IES BRBARA DE BRAGANZA;ES;ES,DE;3.354,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;not available;not available;English;"METHODOLOGICAL INNOVATIONS FOR THE THE NEW CENTURY CLASSROOM The nature of our school undoubtedly summarizes the aim of this project, as it takes into account the individual needs of our students in order to achieve the model of educational excellence that is defined in our school Educational Project. Brbara de Braganza Secondary School is the heir to the Badajoz Provincial School. It was founded in 1848 which means it is a historical institution in our city. Its educational offer includes:Secondary Education, from 1st to 4th, including Compensatory or Remedial Program and attention to diversity, and two Bilingual Sections: English and French.A levels, in Science and Engineering and in Humanities and Social Sciences.Higher Vocational Training: Early Childhood Education (in the classroom as well as blended education) and Socio-Cultural and Tourism.Basic Professional Training in Computer and Communications.In its long history teachers of the Institute have participated in a large number of educational projects including those organized by the European Commission.The participants in this project will be two teachers with permanent post in the center who meet the requirements of the project. One of them, in the scientific field, will attend a structured course of methodology based on ICT tools.The other participant in the project intends to make an observation period of good practice in a school in Germany.The main topics of the project are:- Teaching and learning foreign languages- Improvement of the quality and / or methodologies- Creativity and culture- Attention to diversityThe main objectives of the project are general training in languages and methodological renovation.In the first case, the need to strengthen the internationalization of the centre as well as the attention to our students, moves the need to train teachers of the centre.The second general objective responds to teaching and methodological innovation.Also related to languages, methodology based on new technologies will allow a much more efficient and integrated teaching model. On the other hand, when it comes to improving the methodology, the possibility to directly observe other educational practices through job-shadowing provide new elements for analysis and comparison of the various European educational realities.The expected impact on our school is, on the one hand, the improvement in the language skills of the teachers involved. An upgrade in the use of methodological tools based on ICT and the consolidation of its application in the bilingual sections of the institution.Also the improvement of teamwork, the implementation of the new strategies learned; without forgetting the communication of those lessons to the teachers at the school.Besides, other benefits will be the consolidation of tools for collaborative work between the partner countries, to strengthen the European dimension of the centre.Furthermore, and no less important to foster among our students an awareness of European citizens.";The results will also be disseminated both locally, regionally and nationally.Locally will organize open events to teachers from other schools who may be interested and the call for a seminar on each of the modes of experience (languages, methodology ICT and job shadowing) to maximize the knowledge acquired by the participating teachers.On the regional and national level, the project and the activities undertaken will be published in the Web of the institution, in the blog of the various areas of knowledge, in the social networks and e-Twinning.Evaluation and monitoring will be integral to the project from start to finish. So all mobility activities will be evaluated continuously.We will use both casual and formal assessments to rate both positive and negative aspects.The approach we want to give to the evaluation process is twofold, on the one hand a self-assessment carried out by the group of teachers participating in the mobilities and on the other hand an external evaluation.For both evaluations will be used qualitative together with quantitative indicators. To gather data will be used structured questionnaires, systematic observation and discussion groups with open questions.The data will be recorded and we will issue a report which will assess the degree of achievement of the objectives. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-ES01-KA101-024260;;;LET'S SHARE TEACHING! (JOB SHADOWING);Compulsory and Post compulsory Secondary School created in 1996, which belongs to the Experimental Multilingual Group (GEP), a project that emphasizes the cross curricular treatment of languages a...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;EL CASTELL;ES;ES,NO;5.024,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;Compulsory and Post compulsory Secondary School created in 1996, which belongs to the Experimental Multilingual Group (GEP), a project that emphasizes the cross curricular treatment of languages and broadly uses CLIL (Contents and Language Integrated Learning). Our partner, Heistad ungdomsskole, where the Job Shadowing activity will take place is a Norwegian State Compulsory Secondary School in Porsgrunn (157 km far from Oslo), with students from 13 to 16 years old and Grades 8 10. Classes are normally in Norwegian, but they work in a cross curricular way and they include activities in English in different subjects to complete the students syllabus. One of the main aspects they include is the study of English-speaking countries culture.After using the CLIL approach since 2006, we consider a logical consequence to participate in e-Twinning projects as the best way to develop this kind of methodology. So to achieve our aims of improvement and development, we think necessary to have direct observation of teaching in our partners school and some other similar ones in the area. The attendance to different teaching staff meetings in general and especially with the teachers closely related to the European projects will be useful to compare our different learning methods. For this reason, at least a six-day stay will ensure an appropriate and effective observation that will allow us to apply the acquired contents and adapt them to our schools reality. To carry out this project, the profiles for teachers that have been chosen are described below, taking into account they will be very good candidates to transfer all the new aspects observed that could be interesting for our school:PROFILE 1: Head of Foreign Languages Department and GEP Coordinator. She will ensure the application and/or adaptation of the new methodologies and she will pass them on the rest of departments and teachers at school. She will make a proposal for a teaching training after the observation period to guarantee that all the aspects that have been learnt have a real and effective application in our school.PROFILE 2: Member of Languages Department. LIC (Language and Social Cohesion Coordinator) and External Project Coordinator, also taking part in GEP project. She will focus on how languages are treated in a cross-curricular way, especially taking diversity into account. On the other hand, she will be responsible for the dissemination and consolidation of the project.PROFILE 3: Member of Foreign Languages Department, with a broad experience in teaching CLIL subjects (especially belonging to Social Sciences). Apart from this, she has trained other teachers at our school as regards to CLIL methodology. Her observation will be based on comparing our methodology to the Norwegian one when using English as an instrument of communication and she will consider the possibility of adopting some aspects or techniques to achieve an improvement when teaching these subjects at our school.PROFILE 4: Member of Expression Department (Music, Dance and Performing Arts). She will be responsible for the development of GEP project and she will ensure its development (school orchestra, musicals, dancing and music shows outside our school, etc.). She will be very interested in observing all the subjects and projects related to the subject of Music, apart from dancing shows or plays that could inspire some other future projects at our school, and even sharing working on these activities with some other European partners.;We really expect this experience will have a very positive impact on our teaching community and it will make it easier to get to a common evaluation of all those innovative aspects that could be applied to our school reality. It will be interesting to write an report to share with all the teachers at our school and it will be analysed in the teaching staff meetings, in order to detect the possibilities of improvement for each of the areas observed to make any necessary changes. In this way, this innovation will need some training, this is why the teachers taking part in the observation will transfer all their knowledge to the rest of teachers by means of a course or seminar. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-ES01-KA101-024366;;;Camins Oberts;We are asking for an Erasmus+ Ka1 grant with the intention of improving or introducing new skills, proficiencies or abilities , at our high school daily life, to improve our pedagogic offer and ma...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;IES Guillem Colom Casasnoves;ES;ES;9.244,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Adult education;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"We are asking for an Erasmus+ Ka1 grant with the intention of improving or introducing new skills, proficiencies or abilities , at our high school daily life, to improve our pedagogic offer and make it more attractive.This grant, focus on the teachers formation, will be centered on the next issues:- World natural and cultural heritage.- Project based education.- ICT in education- English language skillsAll this will be focused around one main topic that it is very much of our high school interest, ""The Serra de Tramuntana, a world heritage Unesco protected territory"". The school is located at the heart of the Serra de Tramuntana, and is intrinsic to the area of Soller, as the town it is surrounded by the mountains. Historically, and even today, the Serra de Tramuntana conditions the development of life and culture of Soller.The school center is intended to address the issue by working it with Project Based Education, developing a set of didactic units and working them in a transversal way from all departments. During a certain period of time, work activities will be held inside and outside the classroom, applying the use of ICT, getting as results a series of digital documents on different digital platforms to facilitate interdepartmental cooperation and international collaboration, which will contribute to the progressive internationalization of the school center.Six training activities for teachers on request:A course in cultural and natural heritage in a space Unesco, in Iceland.Two training courses in ICT and environment of two different organizations, both in Greece, on the islands of Rhodes and Lesbos.A training course for PBL in Cyprus.Two job-shadowing positions in Denmark and Cambridge, both in education centers where e-learning and education project applies.A team has been formed at the school that will prepare , monitor and evaluate all activities following quality criteria. This team has been selected in an open way. The team has created profiles of participants to choose in between applications that best fit the profiles.Once these teachers have done these activities, when they get back to the center, they will train the rest of the teachers on formation courses, so all this new knowledge, skills or abilities will be common to all the school center staff. These courses have an official shape within the framework of the Conselleria d'Educaci.Once teachers are ready, they will proceed to prepare the didactic units. Being the didactic units ready, for a limited period of time, we will all work together on the target issue ""Serra de Tramontana"" where all these didactic units will meet to elaborate a poliedric, open document, as explained above.";"The results will be evaluated; the student's work, the teacher's, and the coordinating team as well. Everyone will evaluate everyone.The results will also be shared online with our program partners, as the result document will be shared and made in the web by all the people that it possible.Our ultimate target, following the consolidation of the program, is demanding a KA2 scholarship to finally involve students and other schools of the European scope is such an interesting work as it is learning trougth the richness that surround us living in such a privilaged place as the Serra the Tramuntana it is.The ultimate aim, following the consolidation of the implementation of the program, is the request for a scholarship KA2 to involve other schools and students in this work as interesting as learning through the wealth that gives us such a privileged environment such as the Serra de Tramuntana, on a local level, and learning from other schools that share similar situation as we do in Soller, promoting internacionalitation, exchange, and our own and others experiences." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-ES01-KA101-024561;;;"La prevencin del abandono temprano y la mejora de la convivencia en el IES ""Caada de la Encina"" a travs de su internacionalizacin y apertura a Europa.";"The prevention of early school leavning and the improvement of the personal relationships in IES ""Caada de la Encina"" through the internationalization and openess to Europe will be a training pr...";Social dialogue, Disabilities - special needs, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education;;INSTITUTO DE ENSEANZA SECUNDARIA CAADA DE LA ENCINA;ES;ES;3.120,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The prevention of early school leavning and the improvement of the personal relationships in IES ""Caada de la Encina"" through the internationalization and openess to Europe will be a training project developed by the teachers working in IES ""CAADA DE LA ENCINA"". Our school is located in the town of Iniesta. It is a school where students can study Compulsor Secondary Education, Bachillerato and Vocational Training in ICTs. 2 teachers will take part in this project. The teachers will be from different subjects such as Natural Sciences, Psichology, Geography and History, Mathematics and Languages: French and English. The participant teachers will need, at least, a level B2 in English, as this will be the oficial language in both courses. The selection of the teachers will be carried out in a transparent and clean way, and it will be shown to any member of the Teachers Staff. The bases of the selection will be published beforehand so that every teacher will be able to know the different marks that they can get depending on requirements.The main activities will consist on participating in two formative courses related to the topics of academic failure, early school leaving, the development of communicative skills and advice for the conflict, special and inclusive education.The objectives will be getting the neccessary skills for the class management becoming the leader inside the class, creating a positive learning atmosphere without forgetting the conflict, to find new strategies to motivate students with high chances of early school leaving, achiving knowledge about inclusive ways to organise classrooms to pay attention to special needs students, ias well as resources to work on it. Anothe objective is that the teachers will be able to look at and evaluate different methodological strategies to use in their classrooms, visit European schools with experience on these topics, exchange experiences and ideas that we have already used in our school, and lastly, but not less important, improve the communicative skills with spefic classes designed for it.Before, during and after the courses teachers will take part in preparatory activities, such as exchanging information during the courses with the managament team and school teachers, evaluation actitivies and dissemination of the adquired competences once the courses have finished, and exchanging of experiences with all the participant teachers through websites such as e-Twinning to share points of view about everything they've learnt in the development of the activities. The methology will be always active and participative. Teachers will take part when taking decisions and the aim will be from the very beginning the importance of the exchange of information about the development of the activites in websites such as Edmodo, the school website, the evalution questionnaires created by the management team, the internal mail, through sites such as Delphos Paps, and any means of communication which could help the participantes in the project or the rest of Teachers Staff to learn about the the knowledge acquired by the colleagues who have participated in the activities. We understand that carrying out this project will enrich the aims and purpose of our school in the topics explained before in the short and long term.";Finally, we think that these kinds of activities allow teachers to change their attitude towards the importance in the development of activities which will allow our school to continue with the internationlization through the European Union and they will allow our teachers to widen their educational experience, while considering the teachers, schools and organizations from other countries as partners with whom we can learn from and take part in future projects. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-ES01-KA101-024633;;;Competencia lingstica y convivencia en centros educativos europeos;"PRE_PRIMARY AND PRIMARY EDUCACTION PUBLIC SCHOOL: ""CEIP La Marina""THE SCHOOL IS LOCATED IN A COASTAL AREA OF SOUTHEAST SPAIN IN THE NATURAL AREA OF LEVANTE NEARBY THE BEACH AND PINE FORESTS162 S...";Pedagogy and didactics, Inclusion - equity, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;CEIP LA MARINA;ES;ES,SE;12.529,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"PRE_PRIMARY AND PRIMARY EDUCACTION PUBLIC SCHOOL: ""CEIP La Marina""THE SCHOOL IS LOCATED IN A COASTAL AREA OF SOUTHEAST SPAIN IN THE NATURAL AREA OF LEVANTE NEARBY THE BEACH AND PINE FORESTS162 STUDENTS FROM AGES 3 TO 12STAFF: 15 TEACHERSDINING -ROOM SERVICEPROJECT CONTEXTOver the currently course year updating some of the following official documents of the institution have been updated.- Linguistic Programme Center (PLC ).In order to carry out the schedule implemention of the Linguistic Programme in 2016/2017 from ages 3 to 12 ,it has been included in the Formative Center Project (PFC) a training course focused on linguistic comunication key competence in English.- Co-existence School document (Plan de convivencia):This leads to teachers the willing to share experiences of drama methodology as well as diverse conflict resolutions strategies in education in different countries.Consequently, teachers consider that Boals methodology could be a suitable tool for achieving our goals.OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECTAs a result of updating the official documents mentioned above,we viewed favorably the chance of attending training courses through Erasmus + as a response to our demands, such as:1.- Improvement in the teachers fluency in English for their job requirements and carry out the schedule implemention of the Linguistic Programme next course year, established by the Department of Education (Consellera de Educacin,Cultura y Deporte).2.- Set up a dynamic,practical and systematic method using both drama and theater to get efficient management and prevention of school conflict beyond the usual measures already taken in our school. We expect to include this technique in the co-existence school document.3.- Get insights into the Swedish educational system in pre-primary and primary schools with a multilingual and multicultutal context,from a perspective of a mother tongue center Modersmalscentrum in Lund (Sweden).ACTIVITIESWith the aim of developing our project we made up two activities.These are the activities by wich we reach our gioals :A1.-Structured course: ACTIVE YOUR ENGLISH FOR TEACHING(B1+B2) to improve their own language skills and promoting their teaching in non- linguistic subjects.From 11th to 22nd of July in Dublin (Ireland) -Structured course: BOALS METHODOLOGY IN EDUCATION this line of work is a powerful tool on to create a safe and cozy school environment for practice of values and therefore to promote real learning. From 16th to 25th of August in Pula (Croacia)3.- Job shadowing in a mother tongue center,during a period of time participants will get an inside look of the primary and secondary schools by following a mother tongue teacher. MODERSLAMSCENTRUM in Lund (Sweden) From 26nd to 30th of September.NUMBER AND PROFILE OF PARTICIPANTSWe agreed the number of six participants for the two activities mentioned above:Activity 1: three primary teachers participating in the Formative Center Program (PFC). -One English teacher with linguistic certificate required by the host organization .Basic experience in drama techniques. E-twinner.Activity 2.- Our representative inspector of education and the headteacher who has a degree in Pre-school Education. Currently ,she runs the coordination with the host organization in Sweden,both organizations participated in a project in e-twinning platform for two course years: (2013/2014 and 2014-2015).";"EXPECTED RESULTS* Improvement of English fluency both in teachers and students* More effectiveness in our work while dealing conflicts in the school.* Pedagogical efficiency in teaching learning process and therefore to promote real learning.* Efficiency in maintaining contact with students families developing values of coexistence.* Efficiency in school management* Developing a virtual collaboration platform in order to share experiencies and establish links with educators.* In addition,the project will be also extended to the group of ""Les escoles of Camp d'Elx"" to which the school CEIP La Marina belongs.* Rise of students intercultural awareness* Dynamism, opportunities for professional development, innovation and motivation in the teachers daily work. It is expected to create a greater commitment to the social, linguistic and cultural diversity of the school and its environment.FOLLOW UPA review comittee for assesment project will be created,questionnaires,feed back and reports about results and how the project is being implementing in our school.LONG TERM BENEFITSIn this project we expect to get positive results in a short and long term thanks to the staff participation ,our students, school community, and European partnerships.As good practices are consolidated, it is a good opportunity for future collaboration in international projects with KA2 for example and therefore keep on learning." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-ES01-KA101-024671;;;Ludus. Comunicacin oral en una clase bien dinamizada.;ContextSecondary school of about 500 students from 12 to 18 years old, where there are about 40 teachers. The town has got 38,900 inhabitants whose main economy is based on agriculture and small b...;Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, Reaching the policy level/dialogue with decision makers;;Instituto de Enseanza Secundaria Eladio Cabaero;ES;ES;12.748,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;ContextSecondary school of about 500 students from 12 to 18 years old, where there are about 40 teachers. The town has got 38,900 inhabitants whose main economy is based on agriculture and small business. Good academic results have been obtained in external testing, above the regional average.Goalsa. To reflect on teaching practices in the classroom.b. Greatly improve these teaching practices, leaving out those who do not actively contribute to the process of teaching and learning, but are kept as a routine. Incorporate general concepts about new trends and activities that can benefit the class.c. Promote a change in the concept of a class. Making this change as extensive as possible in various fields.d. Set as a priority the process of learning based on speaking techniques. Establish a program covering the six years of compulsory secondary education.e. Strengthen the habit of debating as part of the curriculum, understanding that the debate is a way of learning to talk, to respect others, to reason, to criticize, to organize information and a lot of mental and emotional skills.F. Expand the international character of our center setting up a base for further collaboration with foreign students, either in exchanges or via e-twinning.g. Incorporate into the curriculum of the student issues, which despite being essential, have no place in the current curriculum, such as social, political, moral reflection, etc.Number and profile of the participantsThe project involves 15 teachers, although at the beginning of the project some others might join in. They are experienced teachers and they have shown a concern about the practice of teaching and the results obtained. Those who participate in mobilities have proven a B1 level in English.Activities1. Creation of a training seminar which is open to the whole group of teachers at the school. Some actions regarding the incorporation of some speaking activities in the classroom will be decided. The teachers will adapt them to their subject.2. Within this seminar, regular meetings to study and comment on renewing educational proposals will be planned together (watching and commenting on videos posted on the Internet). These meetings will be used to evaluate the progress of the project and to incorporate changes if it is necessary.3. Six colleagues will attend the following courses. a. Analysis of the Finnish education system, looking for the keys to success. [FINISH] b. Educational upgrade based on multiple intelligence. [MAL] c. Pedagogical upgrade based on the model of effective schools (Effective Schools). [GRE] d. Use of new technologies applied to all subjects. [CH] e. Analysis of the British educational system, aiming at the implementation of the debate. [UK] F. Enhancing oral communication in the classroom. [ITA]4. Two participants will visit centers in the UK to see how the discussion is incorporated in the general curriculum.( Job Shadowing)5. A document summarizing all the activities will be issued and evaluated to make proposals for the future. The findings will be reflected in future programs of the center.MethodologyA group of coordinators (three teachers) will lead the project. Every two weeks, the group will assess the progress and propose the general meetings. This group will write the final document.Teachers will share their experiences on how they are doing in class implementing the proposals and we will carry out them so that everyone can have satisfactory results. The experiences published on the Internet will be analyzed as well as the possibility to adapt them into our reality.The teachers taking part in the mobilities will be chosen according to the criteria set out in this form. At the end of the mobility, participants will present their findings to the general group.The evaluation of each activity and the entire project will be done following the mechanisms discussed.New practices for the following years will be suggested to the head master.Results and impactThe expected results can be summarized in acquiring best practices for our work in the classroom and training skills for our students in speaking. ;"By the end of the project, the students will be able to communicate orally and participate in an academic debate successfully. Thus, the impact affects not only the teachers but also the students. We hope that learning in general can be benefited with the renovation suggested.Long-term benefitsTeachers: greater job satisfaction; reduction of conflicts; more successful results.Student: more complete general learning; ease of oral expression; better oral and written comprehension.The center tends to become a training center for teachers who might come in later years." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-ES01-KA101-024773;;;APOSTAMOS POR EL BILINGISMO. APOSTAMOS POR EUROPA.;The Project, unanimously approved by the Teaching Staff and the School Board, is contextualized in the High School SABINA MORA, in the village of Roldn (Torre Pacheco, Region of Murcia). This sch...;EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development) ...;;IES SABINA MORA;ES;ES;9.125,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;The Project, unanimously approved by the Teaching Staff and the School Board, is contextualized in the High School SABINA MORA, in the village of Roldn (Torre Pacheco, Region of Murcia). This school offers Compulsory Secondary Education, Bachelorship and Basic Vocational Training. It counts with 61 teachers and an overall number of 628 students. In that way, the school also offers a Bilingual Program in the modality of Spanish-English with a 2-course trajectory in which the project in demand will be immersed. This program is running perfectly and it has had a very good impact from the beginning, on the part of the students as well as on their families. The number of students attached to the bilingual program at the school is predicted to increase quickly since the schools assigned to ours, already impart this program in Primary Education. On the one hand, within this project there are 5 didactic departments involved: English, Mathematics, Natural Science, Technology and Economy. Every academic course of Compulsory Secondary Education counts with two NLS (non linguistic subjects) in English, having Bachelorship one NLS.On the other hand, our school participates in several educational programs and projects such as the Etwinning Project-in which we work with a school from Paris-, the Erasmus+ KA2 -working with educational centers of Croatia, Finland, Germany and Estonia- and The EJE Project. All these programs are included in the School Annual Plan and in the Headman Project for the period of 2015-2019, where we can find the necessity of promoting and deeping in the internationalization of the school, as a valuable tool of experiences interchange with other European countries that enrich the teaching process in our school and improves the quality of not only the Bilingual Program but also the different subjects. Our school also participates in other educational projects such as 3D Modelling Projects (of our school as well as the Isaac Perals submarine) and the Health Project in educational centers.The objectives of this project are therefore related with that aim of involving our school and our students in the idea of an European Teaching so that in the future they can have a wide range of possibilities at the time of entering in the working world. In this sense, the main aim of the project is the training of teachers that impart lessons in the Bilingual Program so that they can develop and improve their communicative skills in the English Language and their didactic methodology and that, in the same way, they can make it extensive to the rest of teachers of the program and to the whole group of teachers of the school. This would be the starting point, as the last aim of the project would be the implementation of this one in all the educational scopes of the school.Regarding the number and profile of the participating teachers, the project will be designed for 5 teachers that impart lessons in the different didactic departments attached to the Bilingual Section.Regarding the methodology used in order to carry out this project, several specialized travel agencies will be contacted for the organization of transport/accommodation. We will also count with the counseling of the entities in the destination countries, under the supervision of the activity coordinator. A tracing of all the events happened there will be carried out through posts in the schools twitter account and in the e-mail address.;With respect to the results and the impact of this educational projects predicted in a short term period, our school will benefit from several aspects. Firstly, an internationalization of the teaching process would be promoted since the teachers would accomplish training courses in different countries of the European Union, observing and learning in that way different ways of approaching teaching, not only of the foreign language but also of the non linguistic areas (NLA) in English. Afterwards, more in a long term period, all the teachers of the Bilingual Program in our educational centre would carry out a sharing of all the acquired knowledge in order to make them extensive to the rest of didactic departments involved in the program. Different ways of dissemination will be used: weekly meetings of the Bilingual Program, meetings of the didactic departments, blogs, twitter, whatsapp messages and articles in the school web page, among others. Secondly, once all the knowledge and new acquired approaches have been shared, all the students, especially those of the Bilingual Program, will benefit from them when the teachers adapt them to our educational reality and when they put them into practice in their lessons. In the same way, our school will acquire a new dimension of innovative educational centre with views of future opportunities for our students, who will observe in their lessons different ways of confronting and reflecting reality, with a more open-minded and European attitude. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2016;2016-1-ES01-KA103-023203;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;Our HEI started implementing the Erasmus programme within the Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) in 2007and was awarded the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) in 2010. Since our start, we ...;;;IES Toms Navarro Toms;ES;ES;18.900,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (tertiary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;Our HEI started implementing the Erasmus programme within the Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) in 2007and was awarded the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) in 2010. Since our start, we have acquired substantial knowledge and expertise, which enable us to manage a significant number of mobilities every year, always under strict quality criteria. We are especially satisfied with the outcome of our project this year, as we have been able to generate successful training experiences and new employment opportunities within a European framework. Also, we have successfully achieved one of the key objectives of our programme, which is to acquire knowledge from good practice abroad and, consequently, improve and develop new learning practices and teaching methods. We have reached other additional results of our project, such as improving the language skills in all the participants, increasing the cultural awareness, allowing a wider diversification of the professional approach of the participants, etc. In the current project we have successfully managed 10 student mobilities for traineeships abroad at a workplace. One of our guidelines has been to try to diversify the professional profiles and destinations offered in the student mobilities, with the following results: -London (UK): 2 students of Pre-Primary Education. -Pau (France): 1 student of Communicative Mediation. -Amsterdam (the Netherlands): 1 student of Social Integration and 2 students of Socio Cultural and Tourist Animation | -Helsinki (Finland): 2 students of Pre-Primary Education. These two students have implemented their mobilities within their on-the-job training period and, afterwards, they have carried out a second training mobility as recent graduates. On the whole, we are pleased to observe that our HEI has made a successful effort to meet our students demands regarding our offer of hosting institutions. Another objective our HEI has successfully achieved in this current project is to carry out training mobilities with students of all the different courses in our professional sector of Sociocultural Services. We are especially satisfied because for the first time a student of Pre-Primary Education in the e-learning modality has participated in our programme. Also, we are pleased to have started cooperation with institutions in Finland. Furthermore, we are pleased to say two of our students have signed an employment contract in their destination country.;Regarding staff mobilities, different staff members at our HEI have carried out 6 staff training mobilities. It should be emphasized that a part of the funds for organisational visits has been transferred to finance two of these staff training mobilities, due to the high number of applications and the valuable contribution of the projects submitted to our HEI. The destinations of the staff mobilities have been Hamburg (4 mobilities) and Erfurt (2 mobilities). These staff mobilities have included job-shadowing, workshops, monitoring of Erasmus+ activities and also planning of future Erasmus+ co-operation. The main professional developments and impacts of these mobilities have been: to learn from good practices abroad, to enhance our organisational skills, and to build up new professional contacts. We have also made an effort to guarantee the quality of our mobilities by offering our students an especial support in relation with additional insurance and counselling services. Our team members include 11 teachers who support each one of the mobilities throughout the whole process, while at the same time help to strengthen relations with our network of collaborating companies, by keeping in touch with them and establishing professional relationships. We are proud to notice the qualification and the attitude of our students have consistently been highly praised by our partners abroad. And vice versa, the professional experience at the hosting institutions has been positively assessed by our students in every experience. As a consequence, we are satisfied to have a wide variety of collaborating companies in different professional fields of our sector and in an increasing number of European countries. We have carried out a number of activities for the diffusion of our programme, as we have always placed emphasis on the publicity of the results, by ensuring a significant impact of our European experience in our professional performance. In this regard, we have carried out regular dissemination and exploitation meetings with colleagues and students at our HEI. We have participated in Seminars at Castilla-La Mancha University to talk about our project, and we have also celebrated a Working Day devoted to our programme, with lectures, exhibitions and the presence of local authorities and press. Furthermore, we continue broadcasting our activities through our specific website, social networks and YouTube channel on the Internet. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-ES01-KA104-024081;;;Technology Assisted Language Learning;1. Background and justification of the project:The area of activity of CEPA Buitrago del Lozoya corresponds to the North Mountain range in the Autonomous Region of Madrid. In general terms, we con...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;CEPA BUITRAGO DEL LOZOYA;ES;ES,UK;2.677,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Adult education;Centro Educativo;;unavailable;English;"Development of digital competences -Acquisition of linguistic competences (English, to be more precise)- Improvement of their employability. Tools for an active search of employment.Regarding our needs in teaching, we think it would be necessary to improve our teachers competences in new technologies so that these can be integrated in their teaching practice. The area of activity of our school is a rural one, so that there are difficulties in communication between the different towns. Thats why, within the European Development Plan, we aim at developing a Moodle platform which will enable to us meet the needs of those students who find it difficult to come to school and also, those from the city areas who havent had a vacancy in their schools nearby due to the excessive demand there. 2. Profile and number of participants:Only one teacher from our school will attend the course, and that must be an English teacher. Besides, the teacher must meet the greater number of requirements: - be a estate teacher, preferably a steady one in our school. - be a Head of Department (to facilitate the coordination with other English teachers and the School management team.) - experience in teaching3. Description of the course:-Applications software for language teachers-The creation and use of multimedia materials using commercial software and freeware-Digital content for reference, language practice and as a source of authentic material-The use of concordances and text analysis software for both language analysis and classroom use-Core skills for the internet including creating, and evaluating web content; networking and communication using web 2.0 tools and integrating these into the classroom-Setting up and managing a CALL or e-learning facility-The impact of the technology on methodology and the long-term and short-term implications for teachers and learners-In the second week, participants will begin work on an agreed project, including, but not limited to, the preparation of one or more lesson plans; a set of electronic learning materials; and a small website4.";We foresee that this teacher would improve her digital competence applied to language teaching, and therefore this would contribute to enrich the Schools Moodle platform.Our students would employ their linguistic and digital competences, their employability and motivation.This course would contribute to develop the main lines of our European Development Plan. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-ES01-KA104-024818;;;Calidad en e-learning para reducir el abandono en educacin de adultos.;The KA1 mobility project sets up a group of associations operating within the context of e-learning. All institutions will organize exchange and learning activities in collaboration with the CEED...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;CEEDCV;ES;ES,AT,BE;10.150,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Adult education;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;The KA1 mobility project sets up a group of associations operating within the context of e-learning. All institutions will organize exchange and learning activities in collaboration with the CEED to share their knowledge and experience in the field of e-learning and semi-face-to-face education for adult students, in order to improve the teaching methodologies of our organization and reduce the number of adults students dropping out of e-learning courses.Both project partners commit themselves to sharing, within the 2016-2018 Erasmus + Programme, trainers and learning courses on the proper use of tools specifically designed to carry out e-learning activities.All istitutions taking part in this project have already participated or are now participating in Erasmus projects KA 1 and 2 and the majority of them have been collaborating with the CEED for many years.The main aim of this project is promoting e-learning and blended learning among all trainers of adult students. Moreover, the project is aimed at developing new skills on the trainers in order to promote the creation of multimedia materials and familiarize with MOOC and its uses in adult education. Through the experience in European projects and our contacts with other institutions all over Europe, this project will be focused on applying new pedagogies in order to reduce the number of early school leaving in adult education.;Through the experience in European projects and our contacts with other institutions all over Europe, this project will be focused on applying new pedagogies in order to reduce the number of early school leaving in adult education. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2016;2016-1-ES01-KA201-025145;;;Evaluation environment for fostering intercultural mentoring tools and practices at school;Tackling early school leaving is a stepping stone towards improving the opportunities of young people and for supporting smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. Young people with a migration back...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Migrants' issues;;UNIVERSIDAD DE SALAMANCA;ES;ES,IT,CY,PL,IE;121.994,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;"Tackling early school leaving is a stepping stone towards improving the opportunities of young people and for supporting smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. Young people with a migration background are at great risk of ESL from school. To this extent, the gap between natives and young people born abroad is still very high. One of the factors is the lack of prevention and early intervention strategies, both at institutional and school levels, related to the need to develop effective methodologies and support for these students. The objective of E-EVALINTO was twofold. On the one hand, it was intended to promote peer mentoring actions addressed to both reduce early school leaving in migrant student population (secondary school) and to acknowledge the value of interculturality itself as part of an active and responsible European citizenship education. On the other hand, E-EVALINTO was aimed to develop an ICT framework for assessing, managing and developing activities for intercultural contexts. The partnership consists of six organisations including four Higher Education Institutions, a NGO and a Research, Development and Education Centre: University of Salamanca (ES); University of Cdiz (ES); Spo_eczna Akademia Nauk (PL); Dublin City University (IE); Oxfam Italia (IT) y Cardet (CY). It is a lean consortium made up of institutions well experienced in the intercultural area and well-balanced in terms of competences and experiences regarding Research, Methodology, ICT and Innovation and Teacher and Practitioners Training. | The E-EVALINTO team has been supported by 16 pilot schools, located in the partner countries, all secondary schools with different percentage of migrant students and different gap between natives and migrants. To succeed in these objectives, E-EVALINTO carried out the following activities: E-EVALINTO Framework: design of the theoretical and methodological framework for implementing peer mentoring actions and for evaluating the situation of a school with regard to interculturality, identifying migrant students potentially at risk, peers to act as mentors and teachers' intercultural skills. E-EVALINTO Environment: development of an educational portal, which offers to schools and teachers a complete set of tools and activities to manage and evaluate the implementation of the intercultural mentoring programme with their students.E-EVALINTO Training Programme Design: to equip teachers with tools to deal with diversity and to apply them at school in order to work effectively with pupils at risk, a training programme for teachers has been designed and implemented both in face to face and online modality. The results achieved are closely related to the activities planned, particularly the development of training actions addressed to teachers, the implementation of peer mentoring actions with students and the availability of an educational portal at disposal of schools and teachers where to develop and monitor all the intercultural mentoring programme stages (from the analysis of schools intercultural profile to decision making processes), so offering a framework to approach intercultural issues at school from a holistic point of view.";As regards the impact, we can affirm that the E-EVALINTO project strengthened the profile of teaching professions by introducing in classroom innovative intercultural strategies, that allowed teachers to access or create by themselves tools and materials for their daily teaching practices and the climate of inclusion and confidence among students at school, by enhancing the development of inter-relational competences and reducing also the stereotypes concerning languages and cultural diversity. The very nature of the project has been planned to continue providing long term results. The ICT environment and their tools, based on open source solutions, are openly available for being used, downloaded and distributed and the E-EVALINTO network is expected to keep growing by joining new schools and educational practitioners. The training course for teachers is available in self-learning modality on the E-EVALINTO virtual campus but, attending the requests of teachers not so technologically skilled, structured training course for teachers will be offered after the end of the project (face to face or in blended modality) in the partner organizations, in order to increase the size of the network of schools and institutions involved during the project. The methological framework (intercultural patterns, templates for activities, evaluation tools, guidelines and tutorials) let future users to benefit from the results of E-EVALINTO project. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | E-EVALINTO Teacher Training Course | Community building tools | | E-EVALINTO Virtual Campus | Dissemination material | | E-EVALINTO Flyer_EN | E-EVALINTO Flyer_ES | E-EVALINTO Flyer_IT | E-EVALINTO Flyer_PL | E-EVALINTO Flyer_GR | Organizational and working documents | | E-EVALINTO Survey My schools intercultural profile | EvalCOMIX Pack E-EVALINTO | Report on the project piloting Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-ES01-KA202-025304;;;SMART PLUS;SMART PLUS aims to develop an innovative system that allows the identification of the mismatch between the needs in terms of competences required by the tourism industry labour market and the trai...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal), Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills;;ESTUDIOS UNIVERSITARIOS Y SUPERIORES DE ANDALUCIA SL;ES;ES,IT,UK,HU;142.157,00;Yes;No; Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;not available;English;"SMART PLUS aims to develop an innovative system that allows the identification of the mismatch between the needs in terms of competences required by the tourism industry labour market and the training contents offered by the educational institutions. This system will allow institutions to conduct a self-assessment that, together with an ontology-based tool (transfer and adaptation of SMART), provides information for a customised training e-learning solution. Educational institutions have, then, the opportunity to complement their training offer by adapting their contents and curricula to the labour market need through the SMART PLUS training, thus benefiting their students.The project objectives will be attained by implementing the following activities: Identification of relevant skills and competences as foreseen in ESCO that are relevant for the tourism industry at EU-level and the definition of the SMART PLUS ontology-based system. The system will transfer, adapt and improve results of SMART (Supporting dynamic MAtching for Regional development - 2012-1-ES1-LEO05-49395) and will allow institutions to identify the mismatch between training contents offered and labour market demand in terms of competences, as well as it will allow students to complete a self-assessment of their competences; Definition and design of a modular training that will help educational institutions tackle the mismatch problem and students acquire relevant competences. This e-learning solutions will be composed of 6 independent training modules addressing competences identified by the European Union as key competences for lifelong learning and that students should develop during their training and education. Topics include: intercultural competences, entrepreneurship, soft skills, ICT and communication in foreign languages; Creation of the SMART PLUS Online Platform that will give access to the ontology-based tool, to the e-learning solution (training contents developed by the consortium) and also to a repository of additional open educational resources (OER) that allow institutions to customise the training pathway according to the learners needs and to the needs identified by educational institutions.Complementary to the project activities,";"the partnership will employ several tools and resources that contribute to the project dissemination, namely organising 8 events (two per partner country), including a Final Conference organised in Seville at the end of project execution to present the project and final scientific report to an audience of local, national and international participants.Other dissemination tools include the development of the project platform, creation of a Facebook fan page, development of the project visual identity, production of the project brochure, materials for events and other dissemination materials, periodical newsletters and the publication of 2 papers/articles). Evaluation & quality assurance and sustainability activities will support the overall project management and the attainment and quality of project results and outcomes.Target audiences for dissemination activities are mainly represented by: Public and private VET schools, training centres and other educational actors with expertise on topics related with/relevant to the tourism sector one of the main target groups of the project and the institutions responsible for allowing project results to be available for students and learners; Higher Education institutions with expertise on topics related with/relevant to the tourism sector; VET students, HE students and other potential learners as the end beneficiaries of the skills matching tool and of the training solution; Public institutions; Other institutions active in VET and relevant for the project, such as Chambers of Commerce, local development agencies and NGOs; Tourism companies and institutions active in the tourism industry.The SMART PLUS consortium is composed of 5 institutions from 4 European countries (Spain, Italy, the United Kingdom and Hungary) that represent different fields of expertise and bring an added value to the project, covering cover all the critical competences needed to achieve project goals and objectives." Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-ES01-KA202-025640;;;Open Educational Resources for development of an innovative MOOC on advanced textile quality control;LEARNINGTEX MOOC aims to support textile companies through employees training and skills updating. A need on the sector has been detected and textile companies demand more experienced and trained ...;Enterprise, industry and SMEs (incl. entrepreneurship), New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses ...;;ASOCIACION DE INVESTIGACION DE LA INDUSTRIA TEXTIL;ES;ES,AT,PT;148.267,00;Yes;No;Research Institute/Centre;Centro de Investigacin;;;English;"LEARNINGTEX MOOC aims to support textile companies through employees training and skills updating. A need on the sector has been detected and textile companies demand more experienced and trained workers on topics like woven fabrics and quality control of defects. In this sense, during this project more than 70 OER will be created which will be shaped into a MOOC about woven fabrics and defect detection on woven fabrics.LEARNINGTEX will export the successful work-based learning system of Austria to Spanish and Portuguese companies, countries where this type of education is not so common. The idea to develop a MOOC oriented to work-based learning will contribute conciliating working and family life. The MOOC will be addressed not only for textile outdated employees but also for unexperienced workers who have just finished their studies. The course will be oriented to textile employees and students interested in updating their knowledge about woven fabrics, machinery and the application of new technologies to improve quality control processes and reduce costs. The course will consist of 2 parts strongly oriented to the sector and target groups needs; both based on an innovative methodology developing OER shaped into a MOOC. The first part will be focused on woven fabrics OER structured into sections, lessons and tests to evaluate the learning process and the second will be OER about advanced processes of quality control and defect detection in woven fabrics.The novelty and innovative aspects of LEARNINGTEX will concentrate on the exclusive textile approach and the unique and original methodology of the Work Based MOOC. Another innovative aspect will be the open and flexible learning methodology, fully exploring the potential of MOOCs to improve education, training and WBL systems, aligning them with the current digital world.The textile industry requires technical staff with new and updated skills able to use new machines, equipment and with wider knowledge of the textile processes. For this reason this project proposes a MOOC which helps companies to have more qualified staff and hire new employees with updated skills. ";LEARNINGTEX promotes flexibility and adaptability combined with active work, satisfaction and motivation for the trainees by means of a MOOC on an e-learning platform conciliating social and family life. This will help to have a close relationship with work life, adapting to the needs of on-going training and self-learning in the labor market improving student management strategies and promoting companies competition and internationalization. In terms of impact, students of LEARNINGTEX will enjoy a richer collaborative experience, through MOOC with OER of the project avoiding some of the growing limitations of traditional classes, such as the lack of enough work area, expensive instrumentation, lack of personnel, time assigned to the course, and their availability in non-working office hours. Teachers will enjoy a reliable remote MOOC system that presents learning resources for an educational process, that is characterized with providing just-in-time, just enough and at the point of need support to learners in order to deal with complex authentic tasks in the context of problem-based learning. Finally, textile companies will benefit providing its workers with an effective MOOC to update their skills conciliating working and family life. Companies will take advance of LEARNINGTEX having and promoting high quality products with great added value. This will help them to compete against third countries. To summarize, this project contributes to a Europe of Knowledge through the development of new learning approaches (combining WBL, MOOC and OER) using innovative ICT technologies that allow streaming attendance to the course. LEARNINGTEX will use modern learning systems and methodologies that support and promote lifelong learning plus the acquisition of knowledge and skills to enhance companies competitiveness while reducing unemployment rates. LEARNINGTEX supports the creation of an information society training and exchanging knowledge in Europe developing a MOOC about textile technology, woven fabrics and defect detection on woven fabrics. Results | Website | | | Dissemination material | | Flyer | Booklet | Social networks profiles | Logotype | Project Website | Others | | MOOC and OER (IO2 and IO3) | LEARNINGTEX Open Educational Resources | LEARNINGTEX MOOC Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-ES01-KA202-025686;;;Development of a Training Program on Advanced ICT Tools for enhancing Manufacturing Process Planning competences in Plastic Industries SMEs ;The motivation of the project is the confirmation that ICT is an important factor to maintain competitiveness, since not only do they facilitate the design and development of new efficient product...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Open and distance learning, Research and innovation;;ASOCIACION VALENCIANA DE EMPRESARIOS DE PLASTICOS - AVEP;ES;ES,SI,FR,PT,IT;198.465,00;Yes;No;Non-governmental organisation/association/social enterprise;ONG;;;English;"The motivation of the project is the confirmation that ICT is an important factor to maintain competitiveness, since not only do they facilitate the design and development of new efficient products, but they also provide intelligence to the production plant. The contribution of ICT Its objective is to improve the efficiency, adaptability and sustainability of manufacturing systems, as well as its better integration in business processes in an increasingly globalized industrial context. SME technicians in the plastic sector involved in manufacturing management have a lot of experience, acquired over the years, and they know how to deal with the problems they usually face. However, they are not sufficiently familiar with the application of advanced ICT tools to their work, within the new paradigm of manufacturing model, which results in a reduction of the competitiveness of their companies. Technicians must be trained in Digital skills. and high-level ICT in order to apply them to new manufacturing models and to increase the overall efficiency of the industry, as well as its own performance. | Fundamental objectives: | Improve the digital and ICT skills of SME Technicians in the plastic sector. | Promote learning based on work, with a training methodology based on ""learning-doing"" focused on the application of concepts and tools to real cases of each company. | The participating entities were: 4 associations of the plastics industry, Valencian Association of Plastics Businessmen AVEP (Spain), Consorzio per la Promozione della Cultura Plastica PROPLAST (Italy), Associao Pool-Net - Portuguese Tooling & Plastic Network Pool-Net (Portugal), Gospodarsko Interesno Zdruzenje Grozd Plasttehnika PCS (Slovenia) and 2 universities, Universitat Politcnica de Valncia - Center for Research in Management and Production Engineering CIGIP-UPV (Spain), Universit de Bordeaux UB (France).";"The training elements have been classified in 6 Modules: | M1: Demand forecast. Predicting the future demand of the company's products. | M2: Aggregate Production Planning. Decide the levels of production capacity in a long-term planning horizon. | M3: Master Production Planning. Decide the amount of products to be produced in each period with a mid-term planning horizon. | M4: Sequencing of Production Operations. Decide the order in which different products will be manufactured and assembled in a short-term planning horizon. | M5: Procurement Planning. Determination of the acquisition of raw materials in a medium and short term horizon. | M6: Distribution Planning. Establishing the delivery of goods and services to meet customer demand, including order management and transportation management. | A total of 60 multimedia training elements were developed (videos with animation / narration) in English, of which 20 were translated into the different languages __of the consortium associations (Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Slovenian). The translated training elements have been the corresponding to the introduction, basic concepts and tools in each Module. | Five ICT tools were selected for practical training: E-forcst (M1), WinQSB (M2), LEKIN (M4), Frepple (M3 and 5) and ODL Studio (M6). For each tool and Module a guide has been developed. practice of use, with data from a case study. | An e-Training platform was created using Moodle, one of the most widely used Learning Content Management (LCMS) in the world. In the e-Training platform, 1 course was created for each of the project languages __(including English) ), composed of the 6 Modules, which contain the multimedia training elements, the guides to use the tools, questionnaires, forums and wikis. | The Validation Pilot Actions were programmed in batches of 2 weeks for each Module. In the first week the session 1 was developed, consisting of 4 hours of self-learning by the students, using the multimedia training elements and 1 hour of webinar with the teacher; and the session 2 in which the students attended a practical 3h classroom day in which the teacher trained them in the use of the tool. In the second week, the self-learning of the use of the tools for the resolution of a problem was developed. with data from the companies themselves during 4h; and session 3 was a 3h face-to-face practical day in which the teacher solved the doubts that had arisen in the resolution of the real case and closed the Module with the lessons learned. The students who validated the pilot actions were: | Spain: 52 | Italy: 62 | Portugal: 54 | Slovenia: 59 | France: 14 | Results | Website | | | Community building tools | | IO2 english version | IO2 english version | IO2 english version | IO2 english version | IO2 english version | IO2 english version | IO2 english version | IO2 english version | IO2 english version | IO2 english version | IO2 english version | IO2 english version | IO2 english version | IO2 english version | IO2 english version | IO2 english version | IO2 english version | IO2 english version | IO2 english version | IO2 english version | IO2 english version | IO2 english version | IO2 english version | IO2 english version | IO2 english version | IO2 english version | IO2 english version | IO2 english version | IO2 english version | IO2 english version | IO2 english version | IO2 english version | IO2 english version | IO2 english version | IO2 english version | IO2 english version | IO2 english version | IO2 english 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Studio ES.PPTX | IO3 ICTPlast Module 6 Tool ODL Studio ES.PDF | Dissemination material | | ICT PLAST FLYER ITALIANO | ICTPLAST FLYER ESLOVENO | ICTPLAST FLYER PORTUGUES | ICTPLAST FLYER INGLES | ICTPLAST FLYER CASTELLANO | ICTPLAST FLYER FRANCES | Poster International Conference" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-ES01-KA219-025075;;;We are cooperARTive;Our Project has been based on a reflection and analysis of our school specific needs for the purpose to improve our student basic skills, who face new challenges in the 21st century society. We wa...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Creativity and culture, Research and innovation;;CEIP GUERNICA;ES;ES,IT,SK,EE,PL;74.565,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (pre-primary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;Our Project has been based on a reflection and analysis of our school specific needs for the purpose to improve our student basic skills, who face new challenges in the 21st century society. We wanted to approach this Project within a strategic framework to European Cooperation in an Education and Training area (ET 2020), emphasizing two fundamental PRIORITIES: the HORIZONTAL priority, focused on the relevant and high level skills, either basics like transversals, from a lifelong learning perspective, and the second one, based on SCHOOL EDUCATION, focused on reinforce the learning professional profiles. | | It has been essential throughout the process to have found an appropriate partnership formed by schools from five countries (Spain, Italy, Estonia, Slovakia and Poland). Each one of them has contributed the energy, work and necessary tools to achieve all the targets in a proper way. Among us there has been an E-Twinning ambassador, specialists in languages, arts, music, digital skills, projects management and several active methodologies. All of them had experiences in different European projects, essential aspect to have reached a good interpersonal relationship and organization management. | | On the basis of such social-educational context, our Project has addressed the following aspects: | -MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES as an educational theory fully suited to develop respect to diversity. | -Educational INNOVATION for teachers and students. COOPERATIVE METHODOLOGY training has allowed us to deepen in the use of new techniques and perform a more productive work action research. | -ARTS provides some tools very easy to integrate in the objectives of our activities, bearing in mind the diversity of interests of our students. | -The use of DIGITAL resources, either to communication or product development. | -Involvement of the European TEACHERS who have received theoretical training in cooperative methodology and implement this methodology in planned activities. | -Involvement of the FAMILIES by collaborating in specific activities as responsible for the future of their sons as European citizens. | -Involvement of other ORGANIZATIONS (local, national and European) and non-school associations that will be sharing our cooperative mindset through joint experiences.;To achieve the planned goals, the following activities with all educational community have been reached: | | TEACHERS: | -Full theoretical-practical teachers training on cooperative learning | -Cooperative activities tutoring | | FAMILIES: | -Cultural and involvement activities | -Informative talks | | STUDENTS: | -Cooperative challenges | -Artistic techniques workshops | -Cooperative artworks (sculpture and musical performance) | -Multimedia productions | -Video conferences | -Activities involving communication in the common language (English) via new technologies | | OTHER ORGANIZATIONS: | -Activities involving local institutions and authorities | -Activities with another organizations: nursery schools, elder people residences, Special Education schools, theaters and local cultural centres | | NON-SCHOOL COLLECTIVES: | -Dissemination activities through training courses, seminars and presentations for educators. | | ERASMUS + PARTNERSHIP: | -Assessment tools development | -Production of an educational Dossier and documentary film covering our action research work | -Project website and Twinspace | -Musical pieces compositions | -Cultural presentations | | After the development period of our Project has ended, with an excellent results, we can set that it has had a significant impact among the different educational communities. We have experienced this impact at several levels, in issues such as: | -More involved and motivated teachers in the teaching-learning process thanks to the new methodologies with more interest in the use of English and deeper knowledge of another European educational systems. | -More motivated and involved students in the learning process, showing more interest in other European countries. They have improved their school-peer relationships, encouraging the integration and inclusion and having more interest in a contextualize use of English. | -Closer families to the educational reality in other countries, more involved at school and with a better view of the educators. | In general, the schools have opened to the nearby environment, keeping relationships with other institutions and associations, with which they will maintain future actions. | In a long-term, our Project aims to be sustainable thanks to the incorporation of the innovative methodologies in our school curricula and its use in the current teaching and learning practice. Results | Website | | | Without category | | Pedagogical e-Dossier | Little Prince Music Show | We are cooperARTive Twinspace Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-ES01-KA219-025526;;;Researching Innovation in Special Needs;In the context of the Erasmus Plus Project, k219, Turkey, Poland, Bulgaria and Spain worked according to a monthly calendar of activities on a project related to students with special educational ...;Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Disabilities - special needs;;CEIP Carmelo Corts;ES;ES,BG,TR,PL;54.030,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;In the context of the Erasmus Plus Project, k219, Turkey, Poland, Bulgaria and Spain worked according to a monthly calendar of activities on a project related to students with special educational needs, from 2016 to 2018. All the partners were really competent people and reliable. | As a group, we were very motivated and interested in our project. Two years, they have given rise to methodological, teaching and evaluation practices of great importance. Specifically, the first stages of the project have been aimed at a first approach to the knowledge of the different partner countries with the implementation of relationships: creation of logos, exchange of letters in English among students, creation Erasmus Corner and Erasmus Team, presentation of the different educational systems and schools, creation of the website, e-mail relations between the teachers of the association, project creation in e-twinning ... The first meeting was held in Marki, Poland, where it was possible to carry out a process of exchange of experiences on educational management, process evaluation tools and detailed planning of all future activities based on the analysis of the project's objectives. | We participated in four transnational meetings, which took place in the four partner schools. In each one of them, the same work scheme was carried out: the essential results of the project were presented and evaluated and the main points for our future work were fixed. | The general objective of this project was to create an eternal and international friendship throughout the world and share national and traditional values, working on a common theme, such as students with special educational needs and their inclusion in our educational system.;"The main points of our work were: | Make several materials to work with these students and display them (for example, book of traditional recipes, book of stories, calendar, newspaper, photo album, album of drawings, power point presentations, skype conferences, work materials, legislative reports ... ). | Improve communication in the foreign language (students and teachers discussed culture and daily life with other countries to compare their lives and improve their personality skills and had the opportunity to visit other countries, transmitting to their students the life experiences... | Looking at the topic ""Inclusion of students with special educational needs"" from a cultural, historical and friendly perspective (in our country, these students play an important role in the personality of our children.) They love each other and children learn many things from them because we have a lot of knowledge and experiences to share, through the activities of the Project. | Decreasing segregation among students in schools and increasing communication between them (students learned the songs, games, learning strategies, stories and, had the opportunity to share and compare those values __with other countries). | To achieve those goals, we share ideas, approaches, methods, as well as a variety of activities. Students, teachers, parents participated in these activities ... In addition to the transnational meetings, there were also email contacts between the teachers of the participating schools. This project gave us the opportunity to exchange experiences and teaching knowledge, develop methods that meet our needs and test and put into practice the most effective organizational and pedagogical approaches with our students with special educational needs. In addition, it helped to improve the quality and reinforce the European dimension of school education by supporting the use of foreign languages __spoken in European countries, promoting equal opportunities in all schools and improving knowledge of different cultures. | The achievements of the project are having an importan influence in the teaching staff of the school and the students, which is one of the main objectives that we expected from it, either in the improvement in working with students with special educational needs such as in the process of learning and assessment of these students by the entire educational community. | Our main benefit is to have learned new methods in the teaching-learning process of these students and to exchange our way of working with other European countries and thus enrich each other. | Another of the main benefits of our project, apart from giving an international vision to the school, is to open it to the entire educational community, to make known teaching practices, characteristics and needs of students ...Results | Website |" Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-FI01-KA101-022245;;;Shkistyv ja verkottuva lukio;Lauttakyl Upper Secondary school (Lauttakyln lukio) has a strong experience with international activities. This was our second Erasmus+ KA1 project, and we wanted to increase our capabilities i...;Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, International cooperation ...;;Lauttakyln lukio;FI;FI;10.520,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;Lauttakyl Upper Secondary school (Lauttakyln lukio) has a strong experience with international activities. This was our second Erasmus+ KA1 project, and we wanted to increase our capabilities in two ways. First, we wanted to deepen our international know-how by networking with other highly experienced schools and partners. Our concrete aim was to find a new project with these new partners and to get international co-operation so that we have a functioning connection outside Europe, for example in Asia. The main goal of these new international projects was to increase the interest of our students related to international activities. In our region, international relations have not been regarded as a resource or as a chance to get a job. We wanted to have a bigger number of students involved with our international projects as a group, and as an individuals, a bigger number students to try some time as an exchange student. The other side of the project is to make better our teaching skills. We are aware we lack skills in web-, project- and e-learning. These contents are more and more present in new national curriculum for upper secondary schools. We were in a need for this kind of courses as there are no such available in Finland. According to our knowledge, most of the courses in Finland are more oriented using tools rather than ideas. For example, a project based learning has not been used quite often in upper secondary school studies. The other side of this was to gain experience with these sectors. We organized an open application within our school. There were 6 answers out of 15 teachers. Among participants were 2 women and 4 men. The school was represented by headmaster, students counsellor, and we had teachers representing Finnish language and media studies, natural sciences, humanities and foreign languages. French teacher took part in job shadowing and her goal was to find new methods of studuing and teaching in French. We were looking for courses building international network, project administration and new methods of teaching especially using digital learning platforms. In practise as the project went on, each participant sought the course, sorted out its suitability with project, signed up for the course and took care of the travel arrangements. Representing the city of Huittinen headmaster gave a permission to travel and also looked after the financial part. After the travel participant reported to National Agency with the help of coordinator and to other teachers at school. Within the group of participating teachers the possibilities of the course for curriculum and everyday teaching was considered.;Our goals of the networking was to get our school involved with an international project and to increase willingness of our students to take part in students exchange programs. The goal of the new teaching methodology is to increase our skills and make them permanent part of our curriculum and everyday practise. The good practises gained from this project were spread not only in city of Huittinen but in the region as well starting with our partners. Some part of the experience were also available in national level in seminars. We reached our goals. We have increased the use of digital platforms and applications in teaching. The courses have led to different international projects as well as upcoming project applications. Therefore, we think our international knowhow is now even stronger than before. Approximately a third of our students has either taken or will take part in an international project. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-FI01-KA101-022577;;;Computer based Learning to enhance Integration;Our 2-year project dealt with the improvement of ICT skills in education to enhance students' integration so that students with different backgrounds could work together using the digital tools an...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;Petjveden ylaste;FI;FI,IT,EL,DE;12.435,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;Our 2-year project dealt with the improvement of ICT skills in education to enhance students' integration so that students with different backgrounds could work together using the digital tools and learning environments of today. Aims and insights focused particularly on the advancement of such e-learning environments and tools which would help to create more differentiated and individually formulated learning experiences for our students. Students have more heterogeneous backgrounds than before and their basic knowledge concerning ICT skills and ICT tools vary why schools must present more individual learning environments and teaching approaches. In our project we looked upon different environments and tools which would give our students possibilities to try to work with modern ICT tools in a way which would take into a consideration the individuality of the students and to enhance their integration into their classes and their communities. The challenge of inclusive teaching and learning has been taken up by schools in different ways, involving more or less the use of digital media and referring to the development of new curricula. All in all teachers representing different subjects were taking part in the project, who contributed to school development in a manifold way and who were interested in intercultural learning. Besides experienced teachers, who already had have successfully carried out Comenius-project, the project also involved teachers who had not yet taken part in such kind of project. Staff training abroad and job shadowing provided them with the chance to experience different learning and teaching approaches.The aim of our project was therefore centered on the different didactic and pedagogical, subject-specific approaches to enhance ICT skills among students and teachers. Furthermore, we intended to work on the basics of blended-learning and its respective tools. ;This thematic focus aimed at the sustainable improvement of ICT skills, which could unlock our school's potential of supporting and integrating a heterogeneous group of students as well as providing staff members with the respective skills. We were aiming at the conception of a curriculum applicable in all the partners' institutions to enhance the quality of learning and teaching in the context of integration and inclusion. In terms of sustainability, project results were recorded and provided. The participants contributed to the European Vision on international cooperation to the goals of integration, cooperation, collaboration and sharing ideas and experience. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2016;2016-1-FI01-KA102-022352;;;Opening the Paths for Student Mobility 3;Opening the Paths for Student Mobility 3 (OPSM 3) was a two-year project. 42 students at Raisio Regional Education and Training Consortium (later Raseko) perform their avarage 51 days mibility per...;Disabilities - special needs, International cooperation, international relations ...;;Raision seudun koulutuskuntayhtym;FI;FI,ES,IS,UK,DE,SE,NO,MT;115.566,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;Opening the Paths for Student Mobility 3 (OPSM 3) was a two-year project. 42 students at Raisio Regional Education and Training Consortium (later Raseko) perform their avarage 51 days mibility period abroad. Host organisations were from Spain, Great Britain, Norway, Germany,The Netherlands, Malta, Sweden, Iceland and Italy. There were 22 teachers mobility periods from which 18 was responsible teacher for student's training periods and 4 special needs teacher. Their role was to test ECVET system, assess skills demonstrations and support partictpants during the process and gain competence to work internationally. Additionally we are applying 4 mobilities in teacher/training assignment for foreign lecturers from partner companies, but these did not happen because it was difficult to motivate companies to send experts to Finland. Students who participated to mobility periods were from study vocational basic and further qualifications. They practised their professional skills and some basic vocational qualification student performed a vocational skills demonstration abroad. OPSM 3 continued OPSM 1 and 2 projects where students has performed several work-based-learning period abroad and tested skill demonstartions. Raseko will continue testing skill demonstartion abroad in the future mobility projects and the learning outcomes will be evaluated based on ECVET principals (knowledge, skill, competence and life long learning) by the work instructor, student him/herself and responsible teacher (local teacher or teacher from Raseko). The OPSM 3 project contributed to the launch of an international study module in the fall of 2018 and the development of new learning environments (Fabrication Laboratory and Foodlaboratory). During this project Raseko used ITSLearning e-learning platform for the student's travel, language and cultural trainining and vocational training before the period, mentoring during the period and a report training after the period. In OPSM 3 project Raseko gained, as an outcome, skills demonstration tasks and procedures which will be used when developing internship periods abroad. Raseko received information on work practices and work cultures in other countries. ;Through this project Raseko is able to develop ECVET system with the help of host organisations. Some of our partners we have already tested ECVET principals and in this project we continued this development and we started discussion with those partners that we have not yet include ECVET into practice. In OPSM 3 project we continued to offer mobility period for adult students and the number of mobility priods among adult learners increased. Raseko also continued to send special need students abroad for mobility periods as we have done at the previous OPSM 1 and OPSM 2 projects. In OPSM 3 Raseko concentrated on the quality of these special need students mobility periods and we included periods also for business and administration students .Articles in local newspapers, national seminars and national (SOTENET) or international (EREIVET/EfVET) networks of VET field were the means to disseminate outcomes. Internet site has information on project, travel stories (, seminar material and experiences in skills demonstrations. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-FI01-KA202-022729;;;Education and training for migrants and refugees - RESHAPE the future;Education and training is the most important way to active citizenship, better life and self-fulfilment. Migrants and refugees should integrate as soon as possible into our societies. This means n...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Integration of refugees, Migrants' issues;;Keski-Uudenmaan koulutuskuntayhtym;FI;FI,SI,DK,IT,SE,NL;195.038,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;Education and training is the most important way to active citizenship, better life and self-fulfilment. Migrants and refugees should integrate as soon as possible into our societies. This means not only the language skills, but also the possibility to enter educational programs as soon as possible, and be prepared for finding a job in our labour markets. | | Sharing experiences and best practices is vital in order to cope and to develop as we go along. Therefore the aim in Reshape the future project is to systematically scrutinize adult education provision and training for migrants and refugees, from the perspectives especially chosen as necessary and interesting to all partners. The co-operation within Reshape-project helps us to plan the structure for our education and training provision for migrants. | The themes in survey were the following: | - Recognition of non-formal and formal learning of migrants and refugees | - Competencies and continuous training of vocational adult educators and counsellors working with migrants and refugees | - Guidance and counselling for migrants and refugees | - Entrepreneurial training for migrants and refugees | - Quality assurance of vocational education and training provision targeted to migrants and refugees | | Reshape the future has been a co-operation between six European countries - Keuda from Finland, Finska Folkhgskolan from Sweden, Istituto Formazione Operatori Aziendali (IFOA) from Italy, ROC Alfa College from Netherlands, Tietgen from Denmark and Slovenian Institute for Adult Education (SIAE) from Slovenia. | The project comprised of five chosen themes, with each was studied in 5-days workshops organized by one partner by turn. The WS preparation was teamwork with those taking part to the WS in question. Each partner prepared a thorough presentation (paper + power point, video etc.) on the theme in their own country and organization. Making the presentations and papers meant a lot of studying around the theme and scrutinizing the practises in partners own organization. | Every 5-day thematic workshop was a training period for teachers and counsellors taking part to the project. These workshops gave an excellent opportunity for adult educators to learn about education and training activities for migrants and refugees through the theme in question.;The theme reports, prepared by the host partners, are products of the project and can be found annexed in this report and on the Erasmus+ Projects Results Platform. The theme report is a description of the current practices, key messages and next practices, based on presentations, visits, discussions and debates in workshops. Form of the reports is a pdf. The project has produced also an e-article, which is an abridged synthesis of the WS theme reports, added with the introduction and conclusion chapters. The main points of the project are presented in an explainer whiteboard video. | | Reshape the future project with its five different themes is extremely current in the field of education and training. Through this project our staff in partner organizations had the possibility to bring out their experiences, doubts, uncertainty and expertizes. In the other hand they learnt to look the issue from new perspectives and get to know good practices. There are many challenges and matters to take into account in the education and training for migrants and refugees, but at the same time there are activities already in daily running and solutions to be found together. These were the aims for continuous training for teachers, counsellors and managers. Continuous training has been the most important value from the project. | | In addition to what have been mentioned above, partners aim was to create a strong and wide know-how concerning the educations and training of migrants and refugees. Results | Website | | | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | Reshape eArticle summarizing the WS-results (2016-2018) | Dissemination material | | Reshape -video scribing | Organizational and working documents | | WS THEME REPORT, Continuous training | WS THEME REPORT, Entrepreneurship education | WS THEME REPORT, Guidance and counselling | WS THEME REPORT, Quality assurance | WS THEME REPORT, Recognition of non-formal and informal learning. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-FR01-KA101-022829;;;Mobilits vers une pdagogie efficiente europenne;Le projet de mobilits de notre quipe ducative a rempli pleinement les objectifs fixs en amenant plusieurs enseignants de matires diffrentes dans des coles anglaises, espagnoles, finlandaise...;International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;Collge Boris VIAN;FR;FR,FI,ES,RO,PT,UK;30.876,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;French;Le projet de mobilits de notre quipe ducative a rempli pleinement les objectifs fixs en amenant plusieurs enseignants de matires diffrentes dans des coles anglaises, espagnoles, finlandaises, roumaines. Les retombes sont varies : | | - Souvrir aux autres par des rencontres et dialogues (change, recherche, curiosit) denseignants et de jeunes europens. | Nos jeunes du collge ont eu l'occasion d'accder d'autres systmes ducatifs, d'autres cultures, donnant ainsi la conscience de citoyennet europenne active par le biais dexposs confrences et de partages sur les rseaux sociaux et blogs. | - Amliorer les comptences de nos enseignants dans les mthodologies et la didactique, y compris l'apprentissage distance (e-Learning, e-Twinning), pour augmenter la qualit de l'enseignement dans notre tablissement. | - Dvelopper l'offre ducative du collge Boris Vian de Coudekerque Branche grce leur internationalisation : le rsultat de cette exprience a permis 2 professeurs dobtenir leur DNL en anglais et de lexprimenter en sciences et en EPS dans les tablissements partenaires et chez nous. Laccueil denseignants europens en mobilit K1 permettant la pratique et l'apprentissage intgr durant nos cours est aussi un aboutissement de ce projet tout comme la mise en contact pour des perspectives davenir en mobilits longues dՎlves, de cours de formation et de partenariats school to school du cadre Erasmus+ K229. | - Maitriser lutilisation des classes pupitres et des tableaux interactifs et partager des savoirs ainsi que des programmes scolaires souvent diffrents, | - Amliorer et parfaire son niveau de langue tout en s'enrichissant de nouvelles pratiques pdagogiques innovantes pour enseigner avec plus de qualit et dans le respect de la diversit de nos populations (Pdagogie diffrencie).;En ayant choisi cinq professeurs de matires diffrentes et malgr le fait dՐtre moins l'aise avec l'enseignement des langues, nous avons rpondu lattente des collgues dans la cohsion pdagogique indispensable dune structure scolaire. Notre tablissement en permettant son quipe de participer des expriences d'enseignement l'tranger s'est engag rsoudre le dficit d'ouverture culturelle et linguistique de notre tablissement (quipe ducative, lves). | | Le rapport identique par un tableau synthtique (pice jointe), de nos mobilits est un atout indniable de comparaison des bonnes pratiques. Sa diffusion sest faite travers lacadmie et lՎtranger par internet. La rsultante de reportages vidos est aussi dune richesse immense pour tous ceux qui nosent pas bouger et qui donne un lan pour un investissement prochain de leur part. Lenseignement appuy par des documents authentiques, en tant que ressources pdagogiques exploitables, rend aussi plus pertinent lenseignement des langues. | | Ces mobilits formatrices sont donc avant tout celles de personnes impliques dans lamlioration de leur propre enseignement et visant lever le niveau de formation au sein de leur tablissement. La sensibilisation la culture europenne fait grandir non seulement les professeurs mais galement les lves en utilisant des pratiques exprimentales nouvelles, diffrentes et diversifies. | Cest donc avec une grande satisfaction, que nous pouvons dire que tous nos objectifs ont t atteints. Les confrences publiques de synthse auprs des collgues et extrieurs (210 personnes prsentes le 25 juin 2018), le nombre de vue/ like sur les rseaux sociaux et les dbats ouverts qui en ont fait suite, prouve la russite de ce projet. Notre tablissement a mme eu lhonneur de rencontrer linspecteur danglais intress par la multiplicit de nos rsultats positifs. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-FR01-KA101-023515;;;"Des ""Projets Europens Scolaires Inclusifs""? Observation de la pratique";"Inclusive European School Projects? Observation of the practice Education systems are aware of the complexity and importance of opening up education to all and have developed different strategi...";Inclusion - equity, Disabilities - special needs, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education;;OGEC de l'Institution du Sacr-Coeur;FR;FR,IT,IE;11.000,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"Inclusive European School Projects? Observation of the practice | Education systems are aware of the complexity and importance of opening up education to all and have developed different strategies at national and European level, making inclusive education one of their priorities. Thus, the ERASMUS+ programme, initiated by the European Commission, aims to promote mobility and accessibility of all learners to knowledge and learning actions. | | A first European project KA2 D.I.R.E.S. Disability - Inclusive Schools - Respect - Europe - Social Dialogue (2015-2017), shows the value of cooperating among schools wishing to strengthen inclusion. But it also testifies to the difficulty for teams mobilized 24 hours a day to observe and understand inclusive practices, for lack of time. Indeed, some students with varied and sometimes severe disabilities, the team must be constantly vigilant. It must anticipate reactions, provide solutions to problems, encourage and support communication often made more difficult, because of the barriers of the foreign language. | | The second project ""Inclusive European School Projects? Observation of practice ""(2016-2017), a KA1 for staff mobility, allowed for additional time and: | Comment on inclusion in several schools, specialized or not | Synthesize and disseminate best practices and results in a booklet and a teaching sheet, in French and in English: ""European inclusion in Erasmus + school projects"" - ""European Inclusion in Erasmus + projects"" | Develop motivations, professional and personal skills of teams Increase the number of students with special needs participating in European mobility | Provide better security for students at B.E.P. and ordinary in their European mobility | The ISC team dispatched eight staff members, volunteers and with a variety of roles, already involved in the D.I.R.E.S. or new ones. A flow in the Italian partner school was made in the Istituto Comprensivo ""J. Stella"" in Muro Lucano, then two other streams in the Irish school: Our Lady of Fatima in Wexford. | The program of the activities of each observation course, prepared upstream and evaluated downstream: | ""A day with my counterpart"" | Observation of inclusion in the partner school and other institutions with B.E.P. | The construction of a network of inclusive schools in Europe | The methodology allowed the collection of data, collected in two booklets focused on observing inclusion in Italy and Ireland. | The dissemination of results on inclusion in Erasmus + school projects is done with: | The publication of 2 booklets, 2 teaching sheets and flyers | Online publication of the sighting code in Ireland and Italy | Online posting of results on the E + PRP and eTwinning platforms";The expected impact concerns the three KA1 schools in France, Ireland and Italy, as well as the three other partner schools of the KA2 D.I.R.E.S. in Germany and Turkey It also extends to institutions and schools working on inclusion. With regard to the transferability of the project, it can be imagined that the strategies used to promote the mobility of students with disabilities also make it possible to successfully include young migrant students in Erasmus+ projects. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2016;2016-1-FR01-KA201-023921;;;CAP sur l'Ecole Inclusive en Europe ;HEADING FOR INCLUSIVE SCHOOL IN EUROPEThe project Heading for Inclusive School in Europe was born from the widely shared observation that teacher training was too often unsuited to pupils with...;Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Inclusion - equity, Disabilities - special needs;;APAJH SASI;FR;FR,PL,RO,IT,BE,EL,PT;302.282,00;Yes;No;Non-governmental organisation/association/social enterprise;ONG;;;English;HEADING FOR INCLUSIVE SCHOOL IN EUROPEThe project Heading for Inclusive School in Europe was born from the widely shared observation that teacher training was too often unsuited to pupils with Special Educational Needs (SEN), whereas the means used to meet the challenge of inclusion, while important, were inefficient due to a lack of synergy between education stakeholders and the medico-social sector.But everywhere in Europe or elsewhere, initiatives or experiments showed that satisfactory results could be achieved by using differentiated pedagogies, an interdisciplinary approach to learning and the close cooperation between professionals in charge of disability.So it seemed obvious that identifying and exploiting these good practices could provide a basis for improving the teacher training course.To this end, 10 partners in 7 European countries were brought together according to criteria of motivation, complementarity and diversity, to build a training module suited to teachers who work in classes accommodating SEN children.This partnership brings together associations working in the field of disability, teacher training organizations, primary and secondary schools. All these structures are involved at various levels in inclusive education.The methodology is divided into 3 phases:1)Phase 1 : Module Base ConstructionCollection of 100 research summary sheets in order to identify good practices following pre-defined themes (horizontal activities)Exploitation of these sheets through 5 workshops in order to classify them into 5 groups and give them coherence (vertical activities)Construction of the base of the training module, based on the exploitation of research summary sheets and the resulting definition of teacher training needs2)Phase 2 : Construction of module contents - the D.R.E. Method by 3 workshops which replace the previous 5Workshop D for Defining inclusion and its upper and lower limitsWorkshop R for Reassuring SEN pupils, teachers, and the rest of the class in order to create a serene atmosphere which is favourable to learningWorkshop E for Educate and Evaluate : it will propose alternative methods both for the acquisition of learning contents and for the evaluation of skills and progress targets, in order to best meet the specific needs of these pupils.This training module will be supported by a file of 100 worksheets tailored to the target audience and children with learning difficulties.;These sheets will be related to the institutional programs.These first two phases will be concluded with 3 productions :a training module : the D.R.E. method, which will be available on a dedicated websitea file of 100 pedagogical worksheets, available for download onlinea collection of good practices, available for download onlineEverything will be published in the 6 languages of the partnership and in English.3)Phase 3 : dissemination of productions and sustainabilityOur productions and results will mainly impact:The target audience (the SEN pupils), who will be offered teaching and assessment methods adjusted to their specificity. We can therefore anticipate a lower vulnerability to discouragement and an increased interest in learning.Teachers who welcome these children : getting appropriate educational tools to meet the challenge of inclusion is likely to reassure the teacher on his own skills, enhance his personal image and thus increase his confidence. An improvement in his educational performance is therefore expected.The educational team : promoting teamwork is likely to instill a synergy between professionals. A better assessment of cognitive abilities and skills of these pupils, as well as a better adjusted improvement plan could result from this cooperation.Pupils in classes accommodating SEN children : learning tolerance and respecting differences will be part of the recommendations of our method. Imbued with these principles, pupils will be better equipped to resist the temptations of xenophobia and racism suffered by our societies.Participating organizations : providing an easily usable tool will allow to meet needs which received relatively little attention and thus improve the effectiveness of work of these organizations while increasing their notoriety. An opening to Europe is also expected in the wake of the internationalization of institutions.The sustainability of results will be ensured by maintaining the website after the project. A call for voluntary participation will be launched on the site to keep the supply of worksheets in all its audience area.We therefore hope a snowball effect. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-FR01-KA219-024085;;;"Living and working together - ""Sharing and Caring"".";This project took place over 2 school years and involved 3 schools: in Sweden, Spain and our school in France. The Swedish school is 20 kms south of Gothenburg and has about 350 pupils from kinder...;EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, Teaching and learning of foreign languages ...;;COLLEGE JEAN CLAUDE DAUPHIN;FR;FR,ES,SE;101.644,68;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;not available;;English;"This project took place over 2 school years and involved 3 schools: in Sweden, Spain and our school in France. The Swedish school is 20 kms south of Gothenburg and has about 350 pupils from kindergarten to the end of Year 10. In Spain, the school is located in the city of Valdepeas 200 km south of Madrid and has about 400 students from Year 7 to Year 13. At Jean-Claude Dauphin school located in Nonancourt in the south of the Eure region, we have 700 students from Year 7 to 10. | The three schools were motivated by this project because, for a variety of reasons, we were convinced of the importance of trying to broaden the horizons of our students - whether by inviting them to better understand physical mobility, or learning tolerance across borders. We were also convinced of the interest of this project in terms of learning foreign languages __(English is the first modern language practiced in the 3 countries involved, but in very different ways). We wanted to allow students to deepen their common reflection on the notion of European citizenship and the skills needed to become a future citizen of the world. Finally, we hoped that the project would allow teachers from the 3 institutions to deepen their knowledge of European education systems and of the different teaching practices in place. | The title of our project perfectly summarized these objectives: ""Living and working together - Sharing and Caring"". Allowing young Europeans to live together for several days while working collectively on themes to reinforce the notions of sharing and caring for each other and the planet. | During the first year of the project we allowed all of our communities to get to know each other better. The transnational meeting between teachers took place in October 2016 in France and facilitated the beginning of this work here with us. During this meeting we better defined the 2 main axes of the project: natural sciences and the theme of the protection of natural resources in our lives, in particular water, as well as a second theme based on the humanities. | Then between November and May, we created a website in France and conducted various activities with our partners allowing the entire French school to gain a better understanding of the project and our partners: an online vote for the mascots, an online vote for the choice of the logo of the project, the exchange of culture boxes with a quiz on the blog about their content. The mascots had a Twinspace on the e-Twinning platform to ""write"" about their ""adventures"" in each country ... | The participants were selected in each country to be ""ambassadors"" for their classes for the first and second mobilities. | The first mobility took place in May 2017 in Sweden. After a week of observations together working on the two themes of the project, the ambassadors made a digital survey in order to both report their work back home and invite their school communities to answer some of their questions after the week together. This on-line survey was carried out in June, September and October 2017. | The second mobility took place in Spain in November 2017 and the ambassadors present analysed and presented the results of the survey. Then they reflected together on how best to communicate on these results during the 3rd mobility in the hope that they could change certain positions that shocked them in the survey. | The third mobility took place in May 2018. Between November and May, students and teachers from the three schools worked together to prepare the projects that were finalised in France.";At the time of the project's creation, we had asked for a grant for 76 young people and 20 teachers over the two years. In the end we managed to perform 92 student mobilities and 21 teacher ones, thus creating added-value for the project. But this project has touched many more people. In France, the project's website was a real success: the site has received 35,243 views from 4,238 different visitors. During the last mobility, more than 140 French students (non-ambassadors) were associated with the project during the week as well as 25 adult members of the establishment. | Judging by the testimonials of the parents, teachers and students, the project was welcomed in a very positive way and many families from 3 countries have made an appointment to meet up with each other this summer on vacation. | Strong links have been forged between the teaching professionals involved and several are already working on projects for 2018/2019 which are clearly rooted in this one. Furthermore, the various productions made by the students during the project are all highlighted on our sites, allowing us to exploit them for a long time. | The teaching staff involved in the project have already started to put the skills acquired or worked on during this project to good use in the construction of different actions that will take place in the weeks and months to come. Results | Website | | | Feedback from participants | | Pages from the Visitors' book on final day of final mobility of project. | Teachers' feedback on mobility 3 of the project in France. | Feedback in English on the final results of the project. | Feedback in French from students and families in France on the project. | Feedback on the project. | Direct effect on participants and project partners | | Project survey created by the student participants. | Evaluating the impact of our project - the statistics from the evaluations. | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | The survival guide to life in France. | Student folder - an example from mobility 3. | Trailer for the video: Stronger and Better together. | Song - Lycrics written by the students for the mini project: Let's sing and dance our project. | The survival guide to life in Sweden. | The survival guide to life in Spain. | A video interview during mobility 1 in Sweden. | A document for students involved in classroom observations. | A video interview with a teacher from Sweden. | Board Games | Portable exhibition about the project. | A video of a student debate in English. | A student survey on Sustainable Development | Community building tools | | Following the project mascotts. | Instagram account | Website by the Spanish partners in the project. | The project website in France. | Dissemination material | | Student video of final day of final mobility of project. | Television report on French regional TV channel. | Radio interview in Spain. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-FR01-KA219-024120;;;The Opportunities of Migration to Multicultural Europe;"4 schools took part in this project : - Erftgymnasium - Europaschule der Kreisstadt General Education - in Bergheim in Germany - Istituto Statale di Istruzione Secondaria Superiore E. AMA...";EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, Migrants' issues ...;;LYCEE PROFESSIONNEL PRIVE SAINT-MICHEL;FR;FR,IT,DE,LT;99.215,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"4 schools took part in this project : | - Erftgymnasium - Europaschule der Kreisstadt General Education - in Bergheim in Germany | - Istituto Statale di Istruzione Secondaria Superiore E. AMALDI General education - in Santa Maria Capua de Vetere next to Naples in Italy | - Klaipedos turizmo mokykla Vocational school - in Klaipeda in Lithuania | - Lyce Professionnel Saint-Michel Vocational school - in Blanquefort in France | | The title of our project is ""The Opportunities of Migration to Multicultural Europe [O.M.M.E]. | | The general objectives we were forecasting were promoting European values, enhancing intercultural learning, preventing any forms of radicalization and encouraging young generations to actively take their share in the European life. | | More specifically, we aimed at considering the history of migration from the beginning of the 20th century to the present in our own countries and places of living, at organizing presentations and debates over the topic of migration, at looking for keysfor a better understanding of the reality and of the difficulties linked to the current migrant flows, but also at showing how Europe enriches itself culturally thanks to the flows and intermingling of people. | | The partners worked hard and well to reach these objectives and make innovative performances during the mobilities and in their own schools. | You could have a look at what we did on ONEDRIVE with the following codes : | User : omme20162018 | Code : erasmus2016 | | Or directly following the link above : |";"Here are the main activities that we implemented : | Part I: first project meeting in Santa Maria (February 2017). ""Migrant roots in our communities"": | Where from and where to, in the 20th and the 21st century / why, what for / which impact on our daily environment | | Part II: second project meeting in Bergheim (May 2017). ""Current migration"": | Recent changes within our society : reasons for departures / number of flows / the routes / the idea of migrant crisis | | Part III: third project meeting in Klaipeda (September 2017). Freedom but with Duties : | Work on the Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 for its 70th anniversary / videoed breaking news about | | Part IV: Fourth project meeting in Blanquefort (March 2018) Cultural Diversity : | Work on articles dealing with the current migrations between September 2017 and March 2018 / focusing on African artists / discovering the European influences of the French south-western gastronomy / our contribution OMME has got talents / positive testimonials of young migrants | | We well knew that, with this topic, controversial debates would arise. But seeing the national crises that emerge in more and more countries in Europe because the difficulties involved couldnt be faced in a united and combined European way, we thought that the challenge was perilous but that we were right to have our students think about this theme to help them understand what it is about and to have a critical point of view. | For all of us, this project has strengthened the notion of European citizenship and solidarity between peoples for a better living together, at a time when the rise of withdrawal and populist movements are legion. Results | Feedback from participants | | OMME POSTER | Partnerships and cooperations | | MOBILITY MEETING REPORTS | Dissemination material | | ONEDRIVE" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-FR01-KA219-024139;;;A second chance of environment;"A. Project context: ""A second chance of environment"" is a project on the theme of the environment reflected and developed by 6 schools. Our schools have common points: - strong desire to advanc...";Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Environment and climate change;;Collge Pierre et Marie Curie;FR;FR,EL,UK,PL,PT,TR;113.994,00;Yes;Yes;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"A. Project context: | ""A second chance of environment"" is a project on the theme of the environment reflected and developed by 6 schools. | Our schools have common points: | - strong desire to advance students and teachers through a pedagogy of projects in basic learning | - setting up a climate to motivate and inspire students to take quality training and obtain the highest possible qualification. | - dissemination of the values __of the European Union: respect for human dignity, freedom, equality, respect for human rights | - hosting disadvantaged groups for 4 schools | - experience of part of the staff in European projects, such as Comenius, Erasmus +, Etwinning | | B. Objectives: | Our goals are: | - improve the acquisition of basic skills in mathematics, science, mother tongue, English, digital tools | - promote student ambition and reduce school dropout | - get to know the different European cultures | - compare and improve pedagogical practices | The choice of the theme of the environment is a theme that can be worked by several disciplines and at any grade level. | | C. Number and profile of participating partners : 5 | 1. French High school in a rural area in the Aude department in the town of Rieux Minervois. More than 40 % of the pupils are entitled to a financial aid from the state | 2. Greek Secondary school in the middle sized town of Katerini, the pupils there are aged between 12 and 16 | 3. School on Lisbon (3-15 year old pupils), with socially mixed pupils and a lot of newly arrived pupils (29 nationalities) | 4. British private primary school in Stroud, in a residential rural area, with pupils from well off families | 5. Turkish secondary school in the rural region of Aydin in Germencikn with pupils from all social backgrounds, 60% of the pupils encounter economic difficulties. | The Polish school disengaged from the project in 2016. | | D. Description of the main activities implemented | 1. Activities centred around the environment. Description of an ecosystem. Show the environmental issue encountered on the field. Proposition for solutions. Activities implemented in the sciences, technology, language and arts classes. | 2. Communication in English through various media: written, oral, and/or through arts and/or singing, with videos. | 3. Mastering IT tools for communication";"E. Achieved results | 1. All the activities on the theme of the environment have been done, there has been an increased environmental awareness on the behalf of the pupils, who have been thoroughly involved in the project. | 2. The project based teaching and stimulation from the teachers have improved the basic learnings of the pupils. Innovative teaching methods have been devised. They have been tested and will be continued. | 3. The pupils show more ambition in their choice of career, some have chosen more selective courses, others have chosen to join schools far from their families. In the past two years, school drop out has been reduced, because the pupils are part of a dynamic project, and they feel they are important at school. Thanks to this, the pupils should be better trained. This will bring some added value to the whole territory. | 4. A better knowledge of the European cultures, the analysis of the questionnaires submitted to the whole community and the 5 schools show better results. | 5. Teaching techniques have been improved. The exchanges have stimulated the teaching staff, leading to pedagogical innovation and/or to the sharing of good practices. | | F. Long term benefits | Following these experiments, the benefits will be: | 1 for the teaching staff | a. being in a dynamic | - Accepting, recognising and perpetuating innovations and adaptations of pedagogical improvements | - A better professional ambition | - More efficient team work thanks to a better organisation | | b Seeing thing differently | - Better acknowledgement of the qualities and difficulties of their pupils | - Awareness of the importance of welcoming the pupils | | c Locally anchored activities | - Expertise from the local partners | - Pedagogical activities around the local resources | | 2 For the schools | - Long lasting relation with the partners | - a better image | - Continuation of European exchanges | | 3 For the communities | - more ambitious pupils | - a school focused on its local background and opened to the European world | - the dynamic started by this project will be beneficial to the parents who will be more trustful in their childrens training. | Results | Website | | | Direct effect on participants and project partners | | Evaluation of the impact of the project | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Science lesson, collge Pierre et Marie Curie Rieux-Minervois | Lesson Collge Rieux-Minervois | Lesson 7th Gymnasium Katerini Greece | Science lesson Patricio Prazeres Lisbon | GERMENC_K H_MMET ONDUR CUMHUR_YET SECONDARY SCHOOL LESSON PLAN TITLE : SAVE THE EARTH | Arts lessons series Bussage School Stroud UK | Sciences lesson Bussage school Stroud UK | Museum of Natural History | Love letters | Ecosystem aquatic Collge Pierre et Marie Curie Rieux-Minervois France | Ecosystem Black Pig 7th Gymnasium Katerini Greece | Ecosystem Flora 7th Gymnasium Katerini Greece | Ecosystem Olympus Mountain 7th Gymnasium Katerini Greece | Ecosystem Rio Tejo School Patricio Prazeres Lisbon Portugal | Geothermal power plant School Germencik Turkish | Widlife in Bussage School Stroud UK | Results water pollution Collge Pierre et Marie Curie Rieux-Minervois France | Solution to fight against pollution Collge Pierre et Marie Curie Rieux-Minervois France | Air pollution solutions 7th Gymnasium Katerini Greece | Water pollution solutions 7th Gymnasium Katerini Greece | Soil erosion solution 7th Gymnasium Katerini Greece | Black Rhino solutions 7th Gymnasium Katerini Greece | Deforestation solutions 7th Gymnasium Katerini Greece | Zoo School Patricio Prazeres Lisbon Portugal | Solutions to protect environment School Germencik Turkish | Solution n1 to protect rainforests' animals Bussage School Stroud UK | Solution n2 to protect rainforest's animals Bussage School Stroud UK | Book Mobillity France | Community building tools | | Materials online | Images online | Dissemination material | | Site Twinspace | Article ""Semaine du Minervois"" | Article ""La Dpche du Midi"" | Dissemination - School Germencik Turkish | Dissemination School Germencik Turkish | Dissemination School 7th Gymnasium Katerini Greece | Dissemination School Patricio Prazeres Lisbon | SOS planet Earth | Dissemination School Bussage Stroud UK | Dissemination Collge Rieux-Minervois France" Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-HR01-KA101-022012;;;Gubec- our window to the world;With importance of lifelong learning and our schools distinctiveness in mind we strive for continuous progress in the educational process with students in its focus. Erasmus+ was seen as a good o...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Inclusion - equity;;Osnovna skola Matije Gupca;HR;HR;16.518,00;Yes;No; School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"With importance of lifelong learning and our schools distinctiveness in mind we strive for continuous progress in the educational process with students in its focus. Erasmus+ was seen as a good opportunity to expand our knowledge on ICT tools, inclusion and interculturality, as well as to gain examples of good practices. | Our project's reached goals within our school's European Development Plan were: gaining knowledge in the field of ICT for successful presentation and acquisition of educational content as well as enhancing our communication;getting to know different cultures and languages to better understand and include pupils from different countries in our school's educational process, to promote tolerance and create an environment in which everyone (pupils and teachers) will satisfy their needs and build successful relationships; implementation of good European practice which has opened us up to our pupils, regardless of their differences and needs, making them feel more involved, more successful and more satisfied;gaining knowledge and enhancing our competences for inclusion of pupils coming from different backgrounds & with different competences to their peers; | Eight of our staff have taken part in this project and successfully accomplished planned activities as follows: English teacher in grades 5-8(Using ICT to facilitate new developments in Teaching and Learning, GB), English teacher grades 1-4(Learn how to create an e-learning platform and a website in one week, Italy); social pedagogue(Special Needs and Learning Disabilities: how to deal with them? Theoretical and Practical Experiences, Italy), music teacher(Creativity in teaching and training & How to use music, art, ICT and sport in education, Netherlands), geography teacher(Diverse Society-Diverse Classroom Student's Diversity Benefiting social diversity, Iceland), Italian teacher(Corso Per Insegnati di Italiano Come Lingua Straniera,Italy), afternoon care teacher(Multisensory Learning, Portugal), the principal(Structured Educational Visit to Schools/Institutes & Training Seminar in Malaga (Spain). | Our teaching has been ennobled by production and use of various ICT material, tools and platforms for our students (Kahoot, Socrative, eTwinning, Windows MovieMaker, ClassDojo, GeoGuesser, Easy Grade, Quizlet, Padlet, Seesaw, Crossword Labs, Magisto, Weebly, Skype, Youtube, presentation tools...) In this way the students use ICT content and platforms for studying in an interesting and fun manner to them, within a controlled eSafe environment on the Internet.We have exceeded our initial expectations in the development of ICT skills, as well as with the intertwining and linking the topics of our project. | Specialisation on the topic of interculturality has resulted in regular celebration of the European Day of Languages through foreign languages lessons at school, World Pasta Day with a culinary workshop, continuous celebration of the International Mother Language Day, as well as International Community Day, where students and their parents present the culture and country they come from. | We have networked with colleagues for Europe and accomplished various projects (6 realised eTwinning projects and 2 in preparation; 3 international collaboration through mail, SeeSaw and Whatsapp). As a result of one of the project's mobilities, we are undergoing a strategic partnership (KA2) with a school from Poland and 4 more countries. | All of the above has improved our ability to cooperate at an international level, and contributed to the visibility of our school's Eramus+ project. | Cooperative work technique (the jigsaw puzzle method) was used at school level for better preparation for the new school year and students' field trips and excursions planning. Since all lessons in the international part of the school are in English language, the method helps students with insufficient English language knowledge (which causes difficulties in understanding lesson content) to become involved in the learning process as an active participant of the lesson sooner, despite the language barrier. | A new workshop Photo-Film and project Using all senses have been established, where multisensory methods and forms of teaching are applied,and advantages of outdoor teaching as well as ICT tools | are used. | A new form that helps in planning intervention and programs for children with difficulties has been created. The form isn't only focused on the child's difficulties, but on its strengths too. A report is generated from it, with the aim of planning support and individual program for the student when transitioning from one school to another (vertical and horisontal transitioning).";Participation in this project has brought us new insight and valuable experience in regards to findings available in Croatia, thus succeeding in our intention to bring the educational process closer to students by identifying and understanding their needs and manners in which they can satisfy them. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2016;2016-1-HR01-KA102-021815;;;Idemo u Europu! 4;Extremely successfully realized previous projects We are going to Europe! and excellent cooperation with our partners from Milan in Italy, motivated Vocational school, Savska street 23 from Zagr...;Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Youth (Participation ...;;Obrtnicka skola za osobne usluge;HR;HR,IT;197.328,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"Extremely successfully realized previous projects We are going to Europe! and excellent cooperation with our partners from Milan in Italy, motivated Vocational school, Savska street 23 from Zagreb for the realization of a new project, the inclusion of a larger number of hairdresser participants and beside the pedicure students include those who are training to become beauticians. In addition to partner ""Evos parrucchieri"" and a beauty center ""Runwaythefirst"" a new partner in the project is a beauty studio ""Beauty e Relax"". Hairdressing studios ""Evos"" take part of a large chain of hair studios which has nearly 150 in Italy, All studios are well equipped and characterized by professional and expert mode of work. ""Runwaythefirst"",, is a prestigious studio in the city center which in addition to top-quality services and quality products is characterized by a narrow specialty in the field of manicure and pedicure. Giancarlo Guccione is an authorized educator and consultant for pedicure and manicure. ""Beauty e Relax"" brings into a project the 30 year rich experience and expertise in the field of cosmetics.The project, other than work in studios, provides conduction of a special education that will be lead by studio owners and certified trainers who will demonstrate to all participants new techniques of work and innovations in the field. In the hairdressing studios will be acquired a new cutting and hair coloring techniques, hair styling according to new trends presented in ""Evos"" catalogs, tricology-analysis of hair/scalp and familiarization with the products. In ""Runwaythefirst"" the emphasis will be on contact with the client, manicures and pedicures according to a new working techniques, new techniques of cuticle softening and hyperkeratosis removing, learning how to determinate the form of a nail in the base of conformation of the hand and feet, learning of colors and the application of the appropriate tones in the according of the skin color. In ""Beauty e Relax"" participants will learn different treatments of waxing, extrafilm, use and effects of special devices, facial cleansing, facial treatment Thalgo, SPA and special body treatments, decontracting massage, use, effects and composition of cosmetic products, cosmo pharmaceutical products, semipermanent makeup.The new project will include many other activities and richly planned free time (sightseeing tours of Milan and Monza, visit to the waterpark Acquaworld, excursion to the Lago di Como and Maggiore, visit to Verona, Venice..).The aim of this project is that participants repeat and reinforce their existing knowledge and skills, and to acquire a new ones through practice and organized training.";The students will be fully involved in the life of the studios, they will monitoring the mode of work, the way they deal with the clients, they will knowing the accessories and products used in the studios, and they will also exchange experiences with Italian colleges. In order to bridge a language barrier and to increase a quality of work on the project every day in the studios will be provided translation, furthermore the educations that will be lead by the managers of the studios will be simultaneously translated. In the project we want to involve 48 students of the second grade and 24 students of the third grade who are trained for hairdressers, 8 students of the second grade who are educated for pedicure and 8 students who are attending a second grade of beautician specialist. The students of the third grade, on the completion of the three years of education, leave school and enter on the labor market. It is planned that each activity lasts 2 weeks and includes 12 hairdresser students, 8 pedicure students, 8 cosmetic students and one professional teacher who will accompany each group. Expected number of students fully comply the conditions, working hours and the number of professional employees whose task is to perform the role of a mentor to the students. This professional activity has a number of priceless values for the participants, for the institutions which are participating in the project, and then for the narrower and broader community on which the project results and values will be transmitted in the process of dissemination. The most benefit the participants gain on the professional level, acquiring new knowledge and skills, new modern working techniques, which they will use in continuing of their education and after that in the job search, becoming more competitive in the labor market. In addition to the professional aspect, participating in this project affects directly the motivation, self-confidence, it gives the priceless experience of working and living in another country and opportunity to gain new contacts.The goal of this project is also the transfer of all acquired experiences and contents to other students and teachers of our school and to the community for whom this experience can be useful. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-HU01-KA101-022492;;;Intzmnyi min_sgfejleszts a kompetencik meger_stsre s a motivci nvelsre irnyul mdszertani megjulssal;Our school is a secondary grammar school providing four or five-year long courses. Talent support is our top priority. In accordance with our Pedagogical Programme we pay particular attention to t...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;Kecskemti Bolyai Jnos Gimnzium;HU;HU;10.768,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"Our school is a secondary grammar school providing four or five-year long courses. Talent support is our top priority. In accordance with our Pedagogical Programme we pay particular attention to teaching foreign languages (classes specialized in English and German, bilingual education), improving our students competencies and social skills. Therefore, we make great effort to improve our international relations and to take part in courses of wide interest in the European Union. Our institutional development plan can only be achieved with well-educated and motivated teachers who have a good methodological knowledge. We feel there is a need for strengthening and developing our teachers competencies and motivation. In order to improve our international relations and partnerships, competent knowledge of foreign languages is essential for our teachers. One teacher who is a member of our school board is going to take part in a language course and three of our teachers are going to attend methodological courses. These courses focus on different competencies: one of them provides cultural knowledge representing a minority (social competence); the other one improves reading comprehension with contemporary literature and the third one provides new skills for using technology to teach English (digital competence). All of our teachers are well-educated with the necessary prior knowledge. They are going to share their experiences among their colleagues in the school staff.We are expecting the following effects: the teachers, teaching in our institution can get a knowledge of new methods, which help to use the IT equipment in a more colourful and frequent way on the lessons, moreover making both the students and the teachers digital competency more adequate.";Through the reading comprehension course we can also gain new methods and opportunities, which we would like to develop into a collection of methods and ideas useful for any other subjects. This way we could improve reading comprehension skills. The colleague, taking part in the language course, would like to gain a fluent English knowledge in order to represent our school in international conferences in an adequate way. She also would like to persuade, motivate the other colleagues, teaching different subjects to improve their foreign language knowledge. All of them are going to come home with new cultural knowledge, great experiences and international relationships after the courses. It will be a motivation for all the students learning here and the colleagues teaching in our grammar school. So we can start organising new international projects where not only a smaller group, but also the wider community of our institution can take part in, which can improve our competency and strengthen the institutions European dimension too. Moreover it can join us such fruitful communities such as e-twinning, where the schools quality can be improved continuously and in a very enjoyable and exciting way. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-HU01-KA101-022739;;;NAVIGARE NECESSE EST;"SUMMARYThe following chapter entails a brief summary of 2016 Erasmus+ project entitled ""NAVIGARE NECESSE EST to be realized by the project team of jpesti Krolyi Istvn ltalnos Iskola s Gimn...";Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Inclusion - equity;;Ujpesti Karolyi Istvan Altalanos Iskola s Gimnazium;HU;HU,DK;30.986,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"SUMMARY: The following chapter entails a brief summary of 2016 Erasmus+ project entitled ""NAVIGARE NECESSE EST to be realized by the project team of jpesti Krolyi Istvn ltalnos Iskola s Gimnzium. Our institutional needs were derived from the force-field of the theoretical triangle of: a, the European educational policies,b, the objectives of newly reformed Hungarian education system, c, and the institutional pattern of our organization. We sketched the chain of OBJECTIVES-ACTIVITIES-EFFECTS-IMPACT, in harmony with the logical framework system, to gain a COHERENT MODEL for our project. The quintessence of the project: I., The 4 areas of institutional OBJECTIVES include1. Defining our position in the process of meeting the European educational standards by answering the following interrogatives:a, Where are we located in the process?b, Raising successful European citizens: What kind of vision/ organizational culture serves this purpose the most?c, To what extent are our vision and mission similar to those of European institution? 2. Creating professional cooperation among staff to improve learning strategies, learning success in the field of foreign language acquisition, by aiming ata, supporting individual learning strategies,b, providing teacher mentoring,c, ensuring equity,d, creating a playful, motivating learning environment,e, exploring and using new teaching methods, eg. drama pedagogy, versus books,f, enhancing the importance of the epochal mission of multicultural education.3., Finding the ways of creating equity in the learning environment by investigating the aspects of individual versus community learning in relation to equity.4., Exploring the new teacher roles and challenges in the dimension of school-society, by carefully examininga, the process of becoming an open institution, b, the ways the teacher-student-parent relationship defines and influences the learning process, c, the intersections of school values and social expectations in Hungary and Europe.II , The organizational needs can be reached by the following ACTIVITIES:1., Teacher Training7 members of the 14-member panel of foreign language teachers, 1-1 member of the panel of humanities and sciences were selected by consensus to attend teacher training courses taking place in England and Germany. Since the range of students affected include students from every grade, the entire organization is sure to benefit from the process. The course syllabi and the organizational needs interrelate. The selected courses are as follows:*Auffrischungskurs: Methoden und Sprache*Better English For Teachers*Drama in the Secondary Classroom and Theatre Studies*Expert Teaching*How to be a Teacher Trainer *More English for Teachers*Methodology and English Language for Primary TeacherThe mobilities take place in July and August, 2016.(Course descriptions, confirmation of applications and the course syllabi are attached as required.)2., Job-shadowing activityEvidently, a school visit at Glostrup Skole in Denmark will provide answers to our inquiries in the four fields of our needs. A 3-member delegation of our institution-comprising of school inspectors and advisors visist the 9-grade institution in the outskirts of the Danish capital in autumn, 2016. A series of preplanned class observation, job-shadowing activities, interviews and the data collecting with the use of questionnaires will be executed at the institution in which 720 students enjoy the support of 85 teachers. III. The IMPACT of the mobilities1. professional development , 2. improvement in adaptive, inclusive educational approach,3. successful individual learning strategies,4. new perspectives on teaching, 5. more effective teaching,6. new inspiration and enthusiasm for teaching, 7. greater knowledge of British, German and Danish Education Systems, 8. greater inter-cultural awareness.IV . ";The expected EFFECTS of the project on the institution are:1. devotion to acquiring an adaptive, inclusive school environment,2. ensuring equity in our classrooms, 3. better results in language acquisition, 4. the quality improvement of language teaching,5. successful individual and community learning,6. more extensive use of Europass CV and EurOpean certificates among our secondary department pupils,7., open-mindedness.The circle of organizational needs and the related activities are in harmony, they ensure the success of the project. By the wide range of dissemination the effects of the project are multiplied. The positive outcomes do not only affect the organization and the quality of the education of 867 students by our 72 devoted colleagues, but by the participation of our school inspectors and the planned publication in a national journal a wider audience counting thousands of the educational profession is to benefit. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-HU01-KA202-023044;;;Grandis XXI. - Vocational Education for Interprofessional Elderly Care in the 21st century;"Introduction Twenty-first century Europe is experiencing an uplift in the health of its population, with adults living longer, healthier lives than ever before. This has an impact on the demogr...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Health and wellbeing, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;PROMPT-H Szmtstechnikai Oktatsi, Kereskedelmi s Szolgltat Kft.;HU;HU,ES,FR,IE,UK;345.091,52;Yes;No;Small and medium sized enterprise;Otros;;;English;"Twenty-first century Europe is experiencing an uplift in the health of its population, with adults living longer, healthier lives than ever before. This has an impact on the demographic profile of our communities, with a higher proportion of older adults among the population. The project is aligned with the problems caused by demographic changes all over the world where the number of older adults is increasing every year and creating serious load problems for accompanying social and health systems. This was recognised by the European Union Commission when it started a Research and Development programme called Active and Assisted Living in 2008 (, aiming to stimulate the development of ICT-based systems and new models of elderly care. These systems support the active ageing and wellbeing of seniors at home in order to avoid their hospitalisation, and to stay in their own house and environment as long as possible. The purpose of Grandis was to improve vocational education and training to optimise adoption and successful use of these systems. | | Objectives | Grandis XXI. project aimed at providing a possible answer to the challenges of the ageing societies by developing curriculum and online course for the social caregivers of the 21st century based on a requirement analysis by involving the target group and beneficiaries from the partner countries. The main results of the project is the course ""Connected Care of Older Adults"" a competence-based, modular training programme designed for formal and informal carers. The course prepares carers for effective use of ICT-based tele-care and communication systems that help monitor, manage, and improve the ability of people to live independently and interact with their care network. It aims to equip carers with an understanding of the demand for new approaches to care and to enhance its delivery through the use of a variety of eHealth technologies and smart devices, like home appliance monitoring, activity sensor wristbands, movement monitors, and even some tele-diagnostic tools installed in the home. Topics addressed by the project: | | 1. ICT - new technologies - digital competences | 2. Health and wellbeing | 3. New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses | | Target groups | - Students of vocational education | - Formal caregivers, care workers, informal caregivers involved in the long-term-care of their relatives | - Young elderly people retired from related professions (e.g. teachers), who are interested in working as informal caregivers in online communities. | | Partnership | Grandis Consortium includes 8 organisations from 5 countries, among them vocational educational schools from Hungary, VET providers from Hungary and Ireland, universities from Spain and the United Kingdom, and a society with social activities from France. In the consortium experts from vocational and higher education, information technology, social care and gerontology worked together in the development of the planned intellectual outcomes.";"Results and impact attained, long-term benefits | The indicators reached demonstrate the impact of the project: for about 700 older adults, 400 teachers and trainers, care workers were directly involved into the needs-analysis, the experiments and pilots and 48 Grandis certificates were issued in the five countries. | The training program was built up in accordance with the educational initiatives of the European Union: EQF, ECVET and DigComp, what ensures the European wide usability and sustainability of the results. | | The long term benefits are supported by publishing the learning content under the Creative Commons license of ""Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International"". This license allows all European organisations to use, distribute, modify and even commercialise freely Grandis curriculum, learning content and is allowed to implement the training course in any type of e-learning systems, and to deliver the course in any kind of forms (face-to-face, online, blended form) regarding the special needs of their target group. | | Project portal: (dissemination platform for visitors) | E-learning platform: | Contact:: Results | Website | | | Direct effect on participants and project partners | | E-learning platform and pilots | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Connected Care of Older Adults - Curriculum (English) | Connected Care of Older Adults - Curriculum (Spanish) | Connected Care of Older Adults - Curriculum (French) | Connected Care of Older Adults - Curriculum (Hungarian) | Training program approved in Hungary | European recognition of the Grandis XXI. course | Learning Content Development (English) | Learning Content Development (Hungarian) | Dissemination material | | Grandis XXI. leaflet (English) | Grandis XXI. leaflet (Hungarian) | Grandis XXI. leaflet (Spanish) | Grandis XXI. leaflet (French) | Organizational and working documents | | Questionnaire for Seniors | Need Analysis - Conclusions" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-HU01-KA219-022976;;;Green Skills for Social Agriculture;The Partnership consisted of six schools from different European countries: Hungary, Spain, Bulgaria, Greece, Romania and Italy. Most of the partner schools had previous experience in European pro...;Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Disdi Etvs Jzsef Nmet Nemzetisgi ltalnos Iskola s Alapfok Muvszeti Iskola;HU;HU,EL,IT,BG,ES,RO;142.195,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;The Partnership consisted of six schools from different European countries: Hungary, Spain, Bulgaria, Greece, Romania and Italy. Most of the partner schools had previous experience in European projects, however all shared common goals and were highly motivated to work collectively in the KA2 Partnerships for schools of the Erasmus plus program. | Our Project was a vertical one, entitled Green Skills for Social Agriculture and held as its main target to develop skills and competences among students belonging to the age range between 6 and 18 that is, primary to upper secondary level. The main focus was to prevent students early school leaving, providing them motivation for studying, basic skills improvement, and links between primary and secondary education in order to encounter some ways for their future studies. | Throughout our partnership, we were exposed to traditional local food products, with reference linked to each countrys territory, namely the apple from the project coordinator school in Disd, Hungary, the grapes from Sandanski, Bulgaria, the olives from Volterra in the Tuscany region of Italy, the oranges from Seville, Spain, the honey from Oradea, Romania and the mastic from Athens, Greece. Valuable knowledge has been gained by each participant exploring and analyzing the food products cultural, scientific, ecological and economic components, getting acquainted with associations of local producers, studying ways of sustainable cultivation and agricultural traditions and participating in a wide range of activities, exchanging eating customs and organizing cooking workshops, particularly enjoying the cultural aspect and presentation of every local food. | The project activities aimed at improving the basic skills of students mainly in Literacy, Maths, Science, Foreign Languages and ICT. One of our main objectives was to encourage all students to participate, either with low motivation or learning difficulties, providing them the opportunity to gain self-esteem and recognition among their classmates as well as overcoming their discomfort for usually being not present. For the topics and activities chosen by all partners upon agreement were used interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary methods and cross curricular approaches, integrating teaching with practical workshops based on specific context and thematic areas. Our first encounters with the local chosen products and their territory background history came from various sources, while collaboration with stakeholders, promotion and worldwide dissemination of their valuable properties, enhanced our knowledge and drew our attention to aspects totally new to us, strengthening our awareness of the role that environmental, scientific and cultural components play in the enhancement and competitiveness of agriculture.;The first short term goal of the project was the identification and knowledge of each product. An in depth analysis followed with research into the components of cultural, scientific, environmental and economic issues related to the food product, culminating in the creation of a promotional campaign through various forms of media for the closing event of the European quality food festival held in Sandanski, where individual schools presented and promoted their local chosen products using the creative ideas and innovative ways that they had worked on throughout the second year of the project. | During the two- year expansion of the project, the students worked each time, either for a set of goals through various creative activities or for every mobilitys specific planned workshops e.g. logo competition, conducting surveys and video conferences, interviewing stakeholders, carrying out promotional campaigns or making educational field trips. They worked both individually on a local level and in cooperation, networking with their partners on site or during their scheduled mobilities, exchanging opinions and good practices. | Dissemination of our work was of utmost importance throughout the two years starting from the local level of the schools, for students and parent community, extending it to the municipality as well as the educational authorities before going public with press interviews with stakeholders as well as with radio commercials and shows on a national level through the media. | The projects expected outcome however, beyond the wealth of benefits it brought to everyone involved, is continuity, well after its two-year duration which can be achieved with the creation of links between local and European schools as well as between schools and organizations that share a mutual interest in our topic. The school community planned and organized activities leading to the realization of products -in recorded (videos, radio shows, commercial spot, song) or digital form (e-books/photo albums) aiming at a wider impact outside the local environment and setting the grounds for sustainability. Results | Website | | | Feedback from participants | | Final survey-teachers | Final survey-students, teachers, parents- evaluation | Direct effect on participants and project partners | | Evaluation of the European Festival of Food Bulgaria | Statistics on students' improvement aimed at 5% | Teacher's self evaluation-model | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Best Teaching Practices Handbook-FINAL COMMON PRODUCT | The more we are together, the happier we'll be | An Apple a Day | Monthly diaries-example | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | Food Products Handbook-FINAL COMMON PRODUCT | Model of system skills certification | Certification of skills-analysis | Good Teaching practice-for SEN students | Organizational and working documents | | Timetable for the two years Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-HU01-KA219-023046;;;ExpertICTize (Becoming Experts of Digital Technology in Secondary Education);"Project background: It has now become a commonplace to talk about the transition and shift from rote-learning to developing 21st century skills in education worldwide. Three years ago, however,...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;Neumann Jnos Kzpiskola s Kollgium;HU;HU,FR,NL,TR,EL;77.240,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;It has now become a commonplace to talk about the transition and shift from rote-learning to developing 21st century skills in education worldwide. Three years ago, however, when this project started digitalisation of schools was a lot less ingrained in the minds of educational professionals. Even if it was felt in the day-to-day practices that generation Y and Z cannot be handled in the old ways, teachers needed a lot of assistance to open up classroom doors and embrace the necessary methodological and technological changes. | It was in the autumn of 2015 in Alcala de Henares, near Madrid that we the birth of ExpertICTize was seen. The future participants took part in an Erasmus+ KA1 Staff Mobility training called Lets make our school more international: European Project Planning, Design, Management and Funding under Erasmus+. The participants learned about important steps in creating a project proposal and managing a successful project but it was also an opportunity for networking with other European institutions. This was where a group of 7 teachers (from 5 schools) started to think along the lines of digital education. The basic project idea was to get acquainted with classroom mobile applications in order to make the learning process more intriguing for students. Also, to become familiar with different models for transforming schools and create increasingly engaging digital learning spaces within the current framework of each educational institution. | | Aims of the project: | | At the beginning of the common work digitalisation in education was not as strong a concept as it is now. Apart from Almende College, Isala (the Netherlands) the partners lacked experience and reliable infrastructure to launch digital projects. Also, there was a somewhat shy and reluctant attitude among the staff members of each school. The main aim of the project was to pave the way for digital schools by becoming familiar with a lot of classroom applications and gain expertize in the use of ICT. | | Project partner institutions: | | During the writing of the project proposal one German school decided to opt out and a French partner school was invited as a result of an advertisement placed on E-Twinnings Partner Search platform. This how the final partnership of a Hungarian, Greek, Turkish, Dutch and French school was created with the coordinating role going to the Hungarian institution. There was one very important common feature: the sending institutions were from the field of secondary education and four of the five schools were academic grammar schools preparing students for successful university admittance. Thanks to the similar school profiles intentions, goals and challenges were easy to fine tune from the project proposal phase until the end of the project period.;Project activities: | | Participants of the project meetings took part in training events together during the transnational project meetings and disseminated the knowledge and know-how amongs their own staff once back to the sending institutions. Sharing good practices was an important part of the collaboration. In between the meetings schools created videos in which they demonstrated how to use classroom mobile apps and how to adapt them in different educational contexts. The videos were uploaded to the project website ( | | Results and impacts: | | Placing the schools on the scale of EC DigCompEdu Progression Model the starting point was A1 (Awareness) or A2 (Exploration) for the partners, except the Dutch school who were already at B1 (Integration) or B2 (Expertize) level. An important result of the partnership is that in the end all schools safely reached this B1-B2 level and are ready to move on to become leaders and innovators in digital education (C1-C2 level). | | Long-term impact of the project: | | ExpertICTize is definitely not a project that closed down on 31 August, 2018. This project of learning and growing together equipped the partner schools with experience about school policies, infrastructure and devices and also the human resources necessary for 21st century education. It has successfully broke through the reluctance of educators and planted the necessary curiosity and willingness to welcome technology in education. Partners schools are now revising previous school policies concerning the use of wifi and smart devices and are in the process of creating the infrastructure necessary to host digital education not only in the scope of a two-year project but in the whole educational concept. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | ExpertICTize Learning Apps | ExpertICTIze 94% | ExpertICTize Filmora | ExpertICTIze WIX | ExpertICTIze Canvas | ExpertICTize Colorado Phet | ExpertICTize Redmenta | ExpertICTize Avogadro | ExpertICTize Pearltrees | ExpertICTize Visible Body | ExpertICTize Clarisketch | ExpertICTize Memrise | ExpertICTize Quizlet | ExpertICTIze Weemee | ExpertICTIze Thinklink | ExpertICTIze Wordle | ExpertICTIze Quizzez | ExpertICTize Kahoot | Dissemination material | | ExpertICTize booklet | Organizational and working documents | | ExpertICTize project guide Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-IE01-KA101-016785;;;ERASMUS+ HOLY SPIRIT ;Holy Spirit BNS (HSBNS) is a boys primary school in Ballymun, Dublin. Ballymun is one of the most disadvantaged areas in IRELAND and HSBNS has been designated as a DEIS Band 1 school by the Depart...;Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Inclusion - equity;;HOLY SPIRIT BNS;IE;IE;17.761,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"Holy Spirit BNS (HSBNS) is a boys primary school in Ballymun, Dublin. Ballymun is one of the most disadvantaged areas in IRELAND and HSBNS has been designated as a DEIS Band 1 school by the Department of Education. We have over 340 boys, 25 teachers and are the largest primary school in the area. Educational research shows that working class boys are the category of children with the lowest levels of literacy and numeracy attainment and are more likely not to complete the education cycle. | | We embarked upon our Erasmus+ project in order to look across Europe and access training opportunities and best practices in teaching that will meet the needs of our children. | | Our project had four areas. These were literacy, numeracy, looking at education outside of Ireland by improving language skills within HSBNS and migrant integration into schools in Germany. | | LITERACY - Over the last ten years we have improved our learning outcomes and we believe part of this improvement is due to our focus on phonics in our infant classes. We examined the latest research concerning the teaching of phonics and believed that further improvements could be obtained, if we implemented a Systematic Synthetic Phonics (SSP) programme. | | As SSP training is not available in Ireland 5 members of staff were sent to the UK. We identified training opportunities provided by Sounds Write, | who are a certified training organisations. Following training we placed specific emphasis on our teaching in the second half of Senior Infants,1st class, 2nd class and our learning support team. We did not simply replace our existing phonics programme, but built on it. The outcomes have been: a) we improved the professional skills of staff in the area of phonics b) improved the quality of our phonics teaching c) extended our teaching of phonics into 1st - 2nd classes and learning support. d) made improvements in standardised test scores in 1st class and maintained above national average scores in our 2nd class, despite class size and staff turnover. e) this year the percentage of children falling below the 10th percentile is 9.38%.This is our lowest % ever. In addition the % scoring below the 10th percentile in our 1st to 3rd classes is 4.35% , which is also our lowest ever. | | LOOKING OUTSIDE OF EDUCATION IN IRELAND/HOW MIGRANT /REFUGEE CHILDREN ARE INTEGRATED INTO GERMAN SCHOOLS - A key role in our project was the mobility whereby a staff member studied German. This had a very positive impact on our Erasmus+ project. Improving the German language capabilities of a staff member allowed us to; a) gain easier access to the education debate in Germany b) allowed us to build our own direct links with contacts in Germany c) to engage directly in educational debate with German speaking colleagues d) build links which we may pursue in the future e) do our own research into education initiatives which are not covered in the English language media.";"These factors enabled us to identify that the German education system has relied on a system of migrant integration known as ""Willkommensklassen"". We did our own German language research into this approach and spoke directly to politicians, teachers and local government officials. Finally, through job shadowing we were able to see ""Willkomensklassen"" in operation and speak directly with those involved. The outcomes have been; a) we have introduced a policy whereby should a sudden influx of non English speaking migrants arrive at our school, we will adopt a ""Willkommensklasse"" approach to integrating such children. b) have had articles on this area published in the internationally renown TES magazine and Irish INTOUCH magazine c) have spoken at the Leargas Forum d) we contacted the author of a new junior Certificate subject textbook who has included a section on ""Willkommensklassen"" | | NUMERACY - The school has made significant improvements over the past 10 years, as evidenced by standardised test scores. We have identified as being key to this improvement, the process whereby trained maths teachers work alongside class teachers to model good practice. Upon examining research, we believed that further improvements could be made by adopting a mastery style approach and using the aforementioned process in its implementation. | As training in this approach was not available in Ireland, we sent two staff members to the UK to participate in training organised by Maths No Problem | Following the training we placed emphasis on members of the learning support team modelling aspects of the mastery approach such as bar modelling and the concrete/pictorial/abstract sequence of instruction. We modified classroom assessment to reflect an emphasis on fewer topics in greater depth, as advocated by a mastery curriculum. We also introduced textbooks in infant classes to reflect a mastery approach. Initial results on standardised assessments are very encouraging, with an average percentile score of 62 in 1st class (compared to 55 in 2017)" Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-IE01-KA104-016818;;;New Horizons - CPD for CMETB Adult Education ;Cavan and Monaghan VEC merged in July 2013 to form Cavan Monaghan Eduacation and Training Boards, in doing so merging two distinct Adult Literacy and Community Education services. In the interveni...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board;IE;IE;19.270,00;Yes;No;Local Public body;Administracin;;not available;English;"riority1. Maximise the usage and potential of technology in both programme delivery and assessment by means of interactive technology, blended learning, e-learning and e-portfolios.Priority 2. Work to provide additional supports to part time tutors, including CPD and team building opportunities, and strengthen collegiality amongst this important core group of CMETB staff. The aim of this mobility project is to try to address both of these priorities by providing staff with the opportunities to attend training courses that focus on these areas, to network with people working in similar services from other European countries, to gain an insight to what is being done elsewhere in terms of technology in the classroom, different approaches to basic education methodologies and strategies; and to bring these insights back to CMETB; to implement them into provision if appropriate, but also to initiate a change in thinking in terms of Continuous Professional Development. Tutors and staff are encouraged to critically reflect on their own practice, to continuously strive to improve and to move with the times. It is easy to become insular and complacent in the daily grind of teaching, paperwork and increasing workloads for tutors.";Current technology used is limited to interactive white boards and IPADs. As a literacy focused service it is important that the provision is relevant and current. In relation to the Priority2, while there has been CPD provision offered, it has dealt primarily with preparing for assessment, First Aid, and Basic IT skills, it is envisaged that future CPD should and will: 1. Take a holistic approach2. Include a European dimension to CPD programming and design3. Provide quality and attractive opportunities for tutors and staff to broaden their horizons professionally and personally 4. Afford tutors and staff the time and opportunity to explore and experience different types of learning opportunities in different countries.5. Invigorate and encourage experienced staff to consider new ways of doing things, and develop new skills 6. Guide and educate staff on the techniques and strategies utilized across Europe7. Become a central part of Provision, rather than an add on.8. Enhance the knowledge base of CMETB tutors9. Improve the teaching and learning experiences by creating environments most conducive to learning. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-IE01-KA104-016819;;;Technology Enhanced Learning:Supporting Quality Teaching through use of New Technologies. ;Technology Enhanced Learning: Supporting Quality Teaching through use of New Technologies was the theme of this KA1 Erasmus Plus Project. The aim of the project was to enhance the capacity of the ...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board;IE;IE;23.005,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Adult education;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;The primary motivation for this project came from concerns from findings of a national FET Staff skills survey of in the area of Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) which found that only 29% of staff have a high-level of confidence in applying TEL, the lowest rate across 19 separate skill areas. Furthermore, 22% of staff reports a low-level of confidence in relation TEL.;"First Cross FET Division EU Project; Development of Organisational Capacity; Show and TEL: A New Model of CPD; Use of New Methodologies and Tools in the classroom" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2016;2016-1-IE01-KA201-016868;;;LearnIng Together To Live togEther: Teachers leading Ethical Education for an Inclusive society;"Context/Background of the project The LITTLE project set out to target primary and second-level teachers in four European countries who are engaged directly in Ethical Education or values based s...";Ethics, religion and philosophy (incl. Inter-religious dialogue), EU Citizenship ...;;Educate Together;IE;IE,SI,IT,HR;279.877,26;Yes;No;Non-governmental organisation/association/social enterprise;ONG;;;English;"Context/Background of the project. The LITTLE project set out to target primary and second-level teachers in four European countries who are engaged directly in Ethical Education or values based subjects. Teachers were identified as the primary project beneficiaries in response to a needs analysis (Schlenk & Meier 2013) which found that over 60% of the teachers surveyed indicated a lack of readiness to teach Ethical Education due to the absence of professional training in this area. In addition to meeting the needs of the primary target group, the project also sought to demonstrate the value of Ethical Education to the achievement of the European Unions vision for education as outlined in the ET2020 report and specifically, to promote freedom of thought and expression, social inclusion and respect for others, as well as to prevent and tackle discrimination in all its forms, to reinforce the teaching and acceptance of these common fundamental values and laying the foundations for more inclusive societies through education"" (417/25). Objectives: The concept of the LITTLE project evolved from previous European projects (ETHIKA and Ethos) which focused on supporting the delivery of Ethical Education in primary and pre-primary schools through the development of teaching resources. The LITTLE Project built on these by shifting the focus away from developing resources to building teachers confidence and capacity in relevant pedagogies and methodologies. The specific objectives of the project were to: 1. Promote innovative practices in the field of Ethical Education through methodologies and pedagogies which support students social, civic and intercultural competencies through an online interactive course; 2. Build the confidence of teachers to examine ethical issues in their own subject areas through guidance on how to develop teacher and student created ethical education content; 3. Raise awareness of Ethical Education amongst politicians and policy makers as an inclusive approach to education for pluralist democracies as part of ET2020 in the lead up to the 2019 European elections.";Number and profile of participating organisations- There were 4 partners in the LITTLE project: 1. Educate Together (Ireland) were the lead partner. The organisation is a management and representative body for over 100 schools in the Republic of Ireland in which Ethical Education is taught to all students. As well as coordinating the LITTLE project, Educate Together led the development of the first intellectual output. 2. The University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) has over 42,000 students was represented by the Faculty of Theology owing to its strong connections in the field of Ethics and inclusive education. The Faculty previously was lead partner in large-scale international projects in the field of Ethical Education. The Faculty were the lead partners in the development of the second intellectual output. 3. Petit Philsophy (Croatia) is a not-for-profit NGO that has developed a specialism in experimental education programmes for developing critical thinking in elementary school and in formal and informal education. 4. STePS (Italy) brought a wealth of experience in European projects and programmes, including on-line teacher training to the LITTLE project. STePs were the lead partner in the development of the third intellectual output. Description of undertaken main activities - Development of a comprehensive e-learning course in methodologies for teaching Ethical Education - Development of Guidelines for teaching Ethical Education in a cross-discipline approach. - Development of a policy paper on the value of Ethical Education for Europe. - 2 Teacher Trainer Learner Events (Croatia and Slovenia) - 12 Multiplier Events - Numerous media features in each partner country - Partner collaboration and engagement through face to face and online meetings. Results and Impact Attained Fully piloted intellectual outputs that are increasing teacher capacity continuously. Impact is detailed in section 6 of this report and supported by dissemination logs and links to evidence of dissemination. Summaries of the results of the evaluation that ran alongside the project activities are also provided - with supporting documentation in the annex section. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-IE01-KA202-016891;;;Technology Enhanced Learning Mentoring Support;Technology offers significant opportunities for VET providers but also presents challenges, as by its very nature it changes at a fast pace. In order to maximise the potential technology can have ...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Pedagogy and didactics;;H2 LEARNING LTD;IE;IE,SI,IT,UK;237.648,00;Yes;No;Small and medium sized enterprise;Otros;;;English;"Technology offers significant opportunities for VET providers but also presents challenges, as by its very nature it changes at a fast pace. In order to maximise the potential technology can have on learning and teaching, the VET workforce must be supported to develop the skills and competences to enhance digital integration into their classroom practices. TELMS project addressed the need for appropriate use of TEL within education provision and the facility to support the staff to embed this in the classroom. Whitin this project a TELMS Programme was developed and delivered to VET teachers from across partner countries. The Programme facilitated partners in establishing an ILT peer mentoring initiatives allowing them to explore how TEL can be embedded across the curriculum using a peer mentoring strategy. It has also promoted professional development of staff in ICT methodologies.The project partnership comprised of H2 Learning from Ireland, an e-learning expert as well as 4 VET organisations: VET College from CDETB in Ireland, South Eastern Regional College, a VET College in the UK; the Solski centre, a VET School in Slovenia; and Malignani, a VET technical institute in Italy. All of the partners had varied experience in digital integration, professional development of staff and mentoring. Only SERC had witnessed the benefits of TEL strategically implemented through a peer mentoring approach and became a natural leader for development of the project Intellectual Outputs. The project was innovative to the partners as it went beyond the mere functionality of the technology and offered deeper pedagogical support and upskilling so that staff could fully realise the instructional potential of the technology to benefit learning and teaching. Within the 2 years of the project duration TELMS has achieved all of the objectives set out in the original project application, namely: | 1.To develop a Teacher Peer Mentoring Programme in the effective use of ILT & associated learning and teaching strategies, | 2.To develop a Teacher Toolkit, | 3.To develop TELMS Online Platform, | 4.To train 8 mentors at a transnational short-term staff training event in Northern Ireland, | 5.To support the 8 mentors to establish & deliver an ILT Pedagogy Mentoring Programme to 16 teachers in the partner institutions, | 6.To disseminate project outcomes across EU Member States. | The target groups reached within the project were: | VET organisations and providers | VET teachers | VET learners | Policy Makers, Research Bodies and Experts.";"The project has developed the following Intellectual Outputs:: | 1. Train the Teacher Mentoring Programme - this programme was developed and delivered by SERC during a one week training activity for VET teachers from partner organisations. The programme has built teachers' capacity and ensured that they could mentor their peers in the utilisation of a range of appropriate technologies and associated digital learning strategies. | 2. TELMS Teacher Toolkit available online through TELMS Online Platform to support the training and provide valuable resources and guidance on implementation of the peer mentoring strategy in the classroom. | 3. TELMS Online Platform to facilitate access to innovative training resources for TEL. | Participation in the TELMS project gave partners opportunity to upskill their teachers and develop the organisation's capacity by facilitating learning experiences for the staff which ultimately have impacted on the learners; and provided access to new materials to support the teachers' professional development through the implementation of a pedagogy mentoring programme. | The project website contains a wide array of resources and it is expected that the TELMS Online Platform will grow into a permanent and evolving resource that can be used to support the ongoing professional development of VET teachers in digital education and training across Europe." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility between Programme and Partner Countries;2016;2016-1-IE02-KA107-000476;;;Project for higher education student and staff mobility between Programme Countries and Partner Countries;The International Education Division (IED) at the University of Limerick (UL) coordinated this 2016 Round 1 ICM project in conjunction with 16 partner universities across 11 countries (Algeria, Gh...;;;UNIVERSITY OF LIMERICK;IE;IE;231.733,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;not available;English;he project is governed, monitored and evaluated in accordance with the principles of the Erasmus+ Charter and Erasmus+ Policy Statement describing ULs commitment to the programme posted at The commitment of the partner universities is set out in the bilateral Erasmus+ ICM Inter-Institutional Agreements co-signed by the legal signatory for Erasmus+. The project included 59 mobility activities, with 13 incoming staff to UL, 22 outgoing staff across all partner countries and 23 incoming students at all levels (Georgia, South Africa, Lebanon) and 1 outgoing third cycle student to Ethiopia. The overall objective of the project was in line with ULs strategic plan, Broadening Horizons 2015-2019, which aims to raise the international profile of UL, through connecting with global communities. Central to all partners needs was the internationalisation of the curriculum, the formation of strategic alliances to increase student and staff mobility opportunities and to expose staff and students to new cultures and environments. This project allowed all partners to gain experience and identify best practices and innovations from the international arena to impact positively on the institutions. It has led to the development of a network of international partners to benchmark research activities against the highest international standards contributing to the development of the regions and the nations.;Students have been extremely positive of their participation. They recognise that the experience of studying abroad enhances employability and characteristics related to global citizenship, with a prolonged stay in another country which involves day-to-day interaction with local people, a different academic system and a very different political, economic and social environment. For example, two undergraduate students from the University of Cape Coast, Ghana spent a semester studying nursing at UL gaining an insight in this career in Ireland. Staff members reported positive experiences teaching in a new environment and gain new skills in the areas of intercultural communication and cultural diversity. They developed skills in adapting and incorporating the most innovative teaching methods into their courses and modules and shared this with colleagues at their home university. It is expected that the exchange of staff will lead to further joint projects under Erasmus+ particularly capacity building in higher education projects. For example, the staff exchange between the Yared School of Music, Addis Abba University, Ethiopia contributed to the BA in World Music at the University of Limerick and brought traditional Irish music to the curriculum in the Yared School of Music. Results also included joint PhD supervision, joint publications and the development of a summer traineeship programme of six weeks with our partners in Lebanon. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-IS01-KA104-017051;;;Digital Information Technology in Teaching DIG-ITT;The main goal of Starfsmennt operation is to assist staff, managers and institutions to meet the fast growing demands of societal/work related changes and diversities. Starfsmennt aims to update ...;Pedagogy and didactics, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Open and distance learning;;Fraedslusetrid Starfsmennt;IS;IS;5.010,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Adult education;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;The main goal of Starfsmennt operation is to assist staff, managers and institutions to meet the fast growing demands of societal/work related changes and diversities. Starfsmennt aims to update and enhance work related education for the target group, being staff in state institutions whose educational level is lower than university degree. Starfsmennt offers LLL and CVT courses in work related subjects for the target group which is based on work related curricula. Starfsmennt recently designed and implemented an online distance educational platform and it is important that the staff have all the competences needed in order to create curricula and use pedagogy to support the new ways of teaching. Starfsmennt is therefore seeking new knowlegde in digital learning and distance educational methods, focusing on designing b-learning methods in structured and coherent way according to institutional needs and individual preferences in learning. Quality issues will to be addressed along with how to create communication culture on educational sites. Various support mechanism and guidance will also be looked upon as preventive measures to avoid dropout from IT programmes and alienation of students. These digital approaches along with marketing issues are best developed and tried out in european cooperation, where teams work together and share knowledge and best practices. Starfsmennt is also looking to improve the vocational and guidance counseling offered to our students, since it is an important part of their education. It is important that the guidance counselor is aware and recognizes various teaching methods and blended learning. The five participants will each be focusing on a certain part of the digital learning and distance educational process. The teaching manager will be focused on the different pedagogy used in creating curricula and teaching methods in distance learning. The marketing director will seek new ways of reaching the target group using social media, e-mail marketing and other forms of on-line marketing in order to reach new participants and introduce them to these new possibilities in education. The guidance counselor will be focusing on the role of the students and how blended learning effects them, what difficulties they seem to face and how to resolve them. The project director will be focused on distance and blended learning and how utilize new technology, Apps and programs to further enhance teaching methods and course offerings. Starfsmennts manager will focus on new possibilities and ideas for Starfsmennt, both organizational and with regard to the course offering. During the four day tour five visits to different educational entities will be made, 1) An adult education center/school, 2) a school focued on distance and b-learning, 3) an educational entity using online marketing successfully, 4) Social partners and 5) an entity specializing in recognition of skills/competences. Participants will be better prepared to adjust teaching methods, models and pedagogy to different needs of various groups and individuals and therefor offering a better education and better possibilities for public employees to participate in LLL and CVT courses nationwide. We will introduce a new focus for all teachers / contractors working for Starfsmennt, together with managers and HR managers of organizations who oversee development and continual education of employees. New teaching methods, models and pedagogical approaches will also be introduced for all teachers working for and with Starfsmennt. Teachers and managers will be invited to a meeting with Starfsmennt where the service and the changes will be introduced as they will affect each group. Electronic and online presentations will also be sent out to all HR mangers of public institutions introducing new ways of educating their employees.;It is our hope that our participating in this program, acquiring more skill and competences regarding blended and distance learning will result in more overall participation in vocational training and education among public employees, ensuring them a better education along with more job security. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-IS01-KA202-017095;;;Safe Climbing;The idea for applying for an Erasmus+ grant came up quickly as the opportune way to transfer knowledge and skills between countries when the Agricultural university of Iceland (AUI) and University...;Open and distance learning, Agriculture, forestry and fisheries ...;;LANDBUNADARHASKOLI ISLANDS;IS;IS,SI,DK;289.356,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;The idea for applying for an Erasmus+ grant came up quickly as the opportune way to transfer knowledge and skills between countries when the Agricultural university of Iceland (AUI) and University of Copenhagen (UCPH) had met and talked about setting up climbing courses in Iceland. In the application process they decided to include a school in Slovenia, SGLS Postojna, in the project since they had very competent climbing teachers and they needed assistance in increasing safety in climbing and forestry in their country. The next partner to enter the cooperation was the Administration for occupational safety and health (AOSH) in Iceland. The last partner to come into the project was Naturbruksgymnasiet Osby from Sweden. They had very competent climbing teachers and were in need of study material for their courses. A year into the project time they left the cooperation after some administrative trouble at their school. | The main objectives of the project were to create quality, accessible, digital study material for arborists as well as setting up guidelines for courses and distance education options. Safety issues and recommended work methods were tackled in the study material. | The AUI was in charge of writing course descriptions and introducing and setting up distance education options for the the test courses completed during the project period. They have vast experience in this field being the only school focusing on agriculture and horticulture in Iceland and students often living far away from school. The UCPH brought to the project over 40 years of experience in teaching forestry and climbing as well as plain chainsaw work. The teachers from UCPH participating in the project have been involeved in teaching in this field all over Europe and the world, including Africa and Australia. SGLS Postojna is one of only two schools in Slovenia that teach forestry and climbing. The two teachers involved in the project are the only two teachers that have been certified on a European level (through the ABA) in Slovenia. Their aim has been to increase safety in forestry and climbing in their country for years and it was going slowly. Therefor we saw this project would be a good opportunity to host a conference on the subject in Slovenia and the teachers would gain study material and insight into how these things are run in the other participating countries. The AOSH in Iceland has not had a good way to focus their energy on the forestry sector in Iceland as well as monitoring those who use chainsaws in their work. Their involvement in this project was a good way to give them good insight into the work of arborist and create checklists and tools that the AOSH can use for inspections in the future.;The main activities undertaken in the project were the production of the two outputs, e-book and course descriptions, then the three seminars held during the project time as well as two multiplier events. The e-book and course descriptions results are available for reading and downloading on the projects website. The first seminar held was about distance education held at AUI in Iceland. Teachers and staff from UCPH, SGLS Postojna and Osby came to learn about the experience of teachers and students at AUI as well as learning about different e-learning platforms such as Moodle. The second seminar was held at Osby in Sweden where students and teachers from Iceland, Denmark, Slovenia and Sweden learned the basics for tree climbing. They had previously been learning at home through Moodle to prepare for the seminar. The third and last seminar took place at SGLS Postojna, Slovenia. There the students and teachers from Iceland, Denmark and Slovenia learned more technical work related to climbing with a chainsaw and spurs. At that seminar some of the students got assessed and certified for chainsaw work and climbing within the ABA certification system. The first multiplier event was held in Slovenia, 2018, about climbing and safety, it was a two day event with a climbing competition on the second day. A small multiplier event was then held in Iceland, 2019, about drafts for courses for arborists intended to be setup at AUI for 2020. The conference ended with a climbing exhibition. | The responses from attendees at the multiplier events have been very positive and people seem to be very interested in being able to access material like this online. In Iceland people are waiting for courses to be ready for teaching in 2020 and many have expressed interest in learning to become arborists. The event in Slovenia has sparked an interest amongst people to educate themselves better in climbing as well as attending regularly seminars and conferences for continuing education purposes. We see a good impact in Iceland and Slovenia after the completion of this project where safety and climbing has become more talked about. At UCPH the main impact is now having the tools to setup distance education in various forms at their school. | Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | E-book about Arboriculture - chapter 3 | Safe use of handsaw in trees | Safe use of chainsaw in trees | The book of knots | Risk assessment sheet | Checklist for climbing gear and work | Investigating accidents | Safe use of handsaw in trees - icelandic | Safe use of chainsaw in trees - icelandic | Risk assessment sheet -icelandic | checklist for climbing gear and work - icelandic | Safe use of handsaw in trees - slovenian | Safe use of chainsaw in trees - slovenian | The book of knots - slovenian | Course descriptions for an arborist program | E-book about Arboriculture - chapter 4 | E-book about Arboriculture - chapter 5 | E-book about Arboriculture - chapter 6 | E-book about Arboriculture - chapter 8 | E-book about Arboriculture - chapter 9 | E-book about Arboriculture | Risk assessment sheet - danish | Safe use of chainsaw in trees - danish | Safe use of handsaw in trees - danish | Investigating accidents - icelandic | Book of knots - danish | Basic treeclimbing - danish | Advanced treeclimbing - danish | Instructional videos | Dissemination material | | Short clip Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2016;2016-1-IT01-KA102-005262;;;TURISTI non PER CASO;"A. CONTEXT The Italian accommodation offer is leader in Europe for quality and dimension. Tourism sector has always been and it is still a solid engine for economic recovery of European Union. I...";Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal), Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Recognition (non-formal and informal learning/credits);;"Istituto Professionale di Stato ""Ferdinando Martini"" per l' Enogastronomia e l'Ospitalia Alberghiera";IT;IT,DE,EL,ES,UK,BG,CZ,PT,LT,IE,HR,MT,FI,BE;554.528,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (pre-primary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"CONTEXT: The Italian accommodation offer is leader in Europe for quality and dimension. Tourism sector has always been and it is still a solid engine for economic recovery of European Union. It is important, in period of economic crisis, to invest in the education and training of young people who want to work in tourism sector. In order to increase sector competitiveness, is it essential to ensure a better correspondence between requested and offered competences in labour market. B. OBJECTIVES - 132 students qualified their competences with a 2 months training in a sector enterprise in BE, BG, EL, ES, DE, IE, LT, MT, PT, UK.34 professors delivered a 5 days job shadowing on the theme of dual system application, visiting schools institutions, training organisations and enterprises. Thanks to the project, students acquired knowledge for working in the sectors: tourism, hotel and restaurant industry, online booking, web marketing, destination promotion; filling out the gap between formal education and non-formal one. They improved language skills and increased intercultural dialogue. Teachers learned techniques and methods to put into practice during teaching sessions and obtain good practices for implementing the dual system. D. METHODOLOGY: ITS Martini promotes the project and coordinates it with MUP. Training plan in hosting enterprises was organised in accordance with ECVET procedure: Units of Learning Outcomes (ULOs), with activities and Learning Outcomes (LOs) (knowledge, skills and competences). ITS Martini has prepared Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), signed by all European partners. In line with MoU, ECVET-Las and MAs will be elaborated. At the end of training period, hosting tutors evaluated LOs achievement of teachers and students. Final evaluation followed. Registers, daily signed by tutor and participants, showed the number of daily hours training. Once having reports, applicant started procedures for having Europass Mobility Certificates validated in Italy. Before departure, students attended OLS course. Participants moving to BG, EL, LT, PT and BE (4 of them attended Frisian course) attended language and culture tuition at destination. Each 14 days tutors and trainees fulfiled monitoring questionnaires (5 days for professors). Online system for exchange of documents was created (accessible through username and password). E. SHORT DESCRIPTION OF RESULTS: Leaning outcomes are expressed in terms of knowledge, skills and competences. All participants received the Europass Mobility Certificate, where LOs are validated. F. IMPACT - The project will involve: - 11 tourism VETs in 4 Italian regions, relevant for tourism industry; - 132 students and/or graduated (less than 1 year); - 34 teachers involved in alternating training for students; - 24 partners in 10 European countries (BE, BG, EL, ES, DE, IE, LT, MT, PT, UK); - participation of students with fewer opportunities will be enhanced (1 person per VET). G. LONG TERM BENEFITS: Expected project impact have been: local, regional, national and European: - enhanced young people employability in tourism sector; - enhanced Italian and European tourism service, quality and competitiveness, thanks to the creation of European and national networks; - improved quality for training system - Dissemination plan will enlarge project impact, improving its sustainability and highlighting European added value.";"DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITIES - Activities are divided into 3 Macro-phases: 1. Mobilities preparation (11/2016 > 06/2017 e 11/ 2017 > 06/2018): a. Partnership coordination; b. Enrolment and selection of participants; c. Participants preparation; d. Management and organisation support to the whole project 2. Mobilities implementation - a. European mobility for students - 60 days (06-07/2017 e 06-07/2018): Training in enterprises; language and cultural tuition course for those students travelling to a country whose language is not supplied by OLS system. b. European mobility for teachers 5 days (03-06/2017 e 03-06/2018) Visiting of: VET institutions (how internships are activated); enterprises of the sector, where apprenticeships have been activated (role of hosting tutor); professional training organisation (how to plan learning outcomes). c. Monitoring and tutoring (06-10/2017 e 05-10/2018); d. Training experience evaluation (11-12/2017 e 09-10/2018); e. Acquired competences validation (11-12/2017 e 10/2018); 3. Cross-sectional activities (24 months): a. Administrative and financial evaluation; b. Dissemination and follow-up." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2016;2016-1-IT01-KA102-005334;;;Work based learning (WBL) nella formazione professionale (VET) per l'accoglienza turistica e lhotel management in Europa ;"The Mobility Project ""Welcome.WBL@vet.eU - Work-based Learning (WBL) in VET for Tourism and Hotel Management in Europe"" is realized by a National Consortium that includes: 1) Hotel Institute IPSS...";Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Recognition (non-formal and informal learning/credits), Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;Istituto professionale di stato per i servizi alberghieri della ristorazione e turistici;IT;IT,ES,BG,UK,EL,MT,CY,DE;546.638,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"The Mobility Project ""Welcome.WBL@vet.eU - Work-based Learning (WBL) in VET for Tourism and Hotel Management in Europe"" is realized by a National Consortium that includes: 1) Hotel Institute IPSSART de Carolis - Spoleto (PG) 2) Hotel Institute IPSSEOASC - Assisi (PG) 3) Hotel Institute ""Patrizi Baldelli Cavallotti"" of Citt di Castello (PG) 4) Agrarian Technical Institute, of Sant'Anatolia di Narco (PG) 5) Municipality of Spoleto (PG) 6) ConSpoleto- Tour Operators' Consortium 7) Umbria Training Center - of Scheggino (PG), The tested/proved international team consists of 7 intermediary VET agencies located in Spain, Bulgaria, UK, Germany, Greece, Malta and Cyprus, and 40 host organizations such as companies of hotel, catering and environment sector. The mobility project has involved 100 students so distributed: 50 of the head institute, 30 of Assisi, 10 of Citt di Castello and 10 of Sant'Anatolia di Narco. A total of 50 cooks, 22 in the tourist reception area, 15 room operators, 3 in the commercial service and 10 environmental technicians, were selected. The participants were so located: 15 in Spain, 15 in Bulgaria, 15 in the UK, 15 in Germany, 20 in Greece, 10 in Cyprus and 10 in Malta. The project proposal was born from the need to enhance work-school alternation paths to increase employability of learners in an international context, to provide new teaching skills for teachers / trainers in the management of the transition's period between education and the world of work and the design of a new curriculum in English, update the European Plan, the Improvement Plan and the PTOF.";"GENERAL OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT. 1) The project provided to the students the development of more employment opportunities in the local and European labor market, through a WBL experience abroad, developing basic, specialist and transversal skills on the job. | 2) It also provided for the teaching staff an opportunity for training abroad for the acquisition of specific methodological tools to implement the mobility projects (we are currently in the third consecutive K1) with foreign countries and to create the conditions for the National Consortium, to manage any incoming student mobility flows of foreign students, develop competence and teaching methodologies useful for the development of innovative curricula in English, consistent with the needs of local businesses. The IMPACT covered all project target groups and bodies, and there was full correspondence between what is indicated in the application form and the results obtained at the end of the activities. For the STUDENTS we highlight that 30% of students from the placement have received job offers from the host companies and have started formal work contracts. We will look the employment situation, the contractual format and the student satisfaction 6 months after the end of the project. For third and fourth grade students, we have verify a general improvement in technical skills, a great development of managerial and transversal skills, and a ""contagious"" effect on other classmates who have increased their overall profit. The use of the ECVET system and the transfer model of the 12 credits recognized by the Council of the Institute and the Councils of Class has translated the experience into the major votes given for each discipline and additional points for general assessments and final exams. The students attending third and fourth classes also received job offers, which will of course be monitored for next year. For the STAFF. The trainers have considerably improved their language skills so much that they have confirmed their participation in the English language course at the institutes and started the Cambridge certification requirements. The objective of C1 certification, useful for bilingual teaching provided by law 107 has been achieved for 2 of them and will be achieved by others in the coming months. The European Plan has been upgraded as a result of the developed common designs (participation in 3 K1 in outgoing, 3 K1 in incoming and a K2 102 as a Italian partner), it was reviewed the position of institut's referents in the school staff organization chart in order to dedicated more time to the European design and internationalization activities. All trainers have started clil modules in this new school year, involving students also in tool and didactic materials design (eg and Google apps). The NATIONAL CONSORTIUM has consolidated the collaboration between training and business bodies, will design a common European Internationalization Plan and apply for the VET Mobility Charter." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility with VET mobility charter;2016;2016-1-IT01-KA116-005085;;;#TwittasticPRO;According to the guidelines of our school EU Internationalisation Strategy, this project aimed at carrying on and widening our Erasmus+ Twittastic to exploit the resources used and the outcomes re...;;;IIS EINSTEIN-NEBBIA;IT;IT,UK,ES,FR,DE,TC,PT;188.772,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"According to the guidelines of our school EU Internationalisation Strategy, this project aimed at carrying on and widening our Erasmus+ Twittastic to exploit the resources used and the outcomes reached, given the updated topic and the shared goals. Our main goal was to train professionals with transversal skills for employment entrepreneurship, digital skills and multilingualism- with an entrepreneurial and flexible attitude to meet trends and novelties of the labour market and to face the present crisis, unemployment and lack of specific skills. Entrepreneurship meant as a basic skill was the leit motif of our strategic plan as well as the goal of the whole plan of activities and mobilities. Other objectives were: | offering quality and variety to our teaching offer | offering job opportunities | orienteering to carreer | improving a sense of European and global identity | promoting innovation at school | improving linguistic competences to overcome linguistic and cultural borders | promoting mobility in Europe and in the world and allow success into the more and more fast-moving and demanding job market | creating an updated learning environment to enable self-discovery and fullfillment, to create interest and awareness implementing CLIL methodologies | implementing a EU dimension in the school curricola and in the credit transfer system like ECVET e EUROPASS | developping digital competences and skills in using new media in students and staff to fill in the gap between the teachers' and the digital natives' worlds, by creating a common language | facilitating learning with diversified paths, overcoming borders and obstacles | According to the VET Mobility Chart, the number of beneficiaries was 40 students attending the 4-5 class (catering, tourism, administration and marketing) and recent graduates of our school. The group included disables, disadvantaged students and with learning difficulties. First learners attended courses about pedagogic/professional training; after they did a 1-month work placement to develop their field competences with a focus on brand identity and reputation and about promotional strategies on social media. Given the large number of mobilities, they were nomore restricted to excellence but offered in a systematic way to all students with good behaviour, widening, differentiating the school training offer, increasing motivation and promoting school success as planned in our school mission. Our school gained an international dimension and conveyed mobility and good practises in the area. Students were accompanied by one teacher given the large number of minors and disadvantaged students + one extra for fluxes with students with special needs. The staff mobilities were 15 (teachers, management and ATA employees) to offer wider opportunites abroad to develop competences, overcome disaffection and spread passion for teaching. The mobilities lasting about 9 days were concentrated on jobshadowing, workshops, visits to companies active in Ecommerce along with courses about foreign languages and CLIL. On the return, the staff broadened and updated the school FB and Instagram page, put into practice the CLIL competences into the curricola,, ECVET system into the curricola evalutation, the best practises learnt, updated learning paths, and spreaded an international dimension at school, a dynamic, positive, motivating climate to get success and personal fullfillment.";"According to the internationalisation process, the network was selected and widened: we chose to keep the partners we trust and that were located in strategic markets and at the same time we widened our partnership as to partner types (schools, SMEs, college, organizations) and with new prestigious cooperations with oversesas schools. Indeed we believe that training should be opened to an international market to mirror the multicultural, multiehnic, global composition of our society. The enthusiasm of Turks&Caicos College to work with us and provide trainings and development of vocational competences was contagious; these Caribeean islands - considered the new tourism destination and pearls - offered our learners unrivaled experiences and gave added value to their competences portfolio. The partner from Reunion, other pride and joy of our partnership, offered mobilities in one of the most outstanding niche tourist destinations in the world in French, a language not so spread in our projects so far. The new partner from Guadeloupe - another relevant French vacation destination - let learners widen opportunities and perspectives, competences and gave the project an international scope. For the call 2016 the mobilities were at some partners but all the network cooperated in the project's dissemination and success. We offered mobilities in all the four foreign languages studied at school." Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-IT01-KA202-005461;;;IWBLabs - Internationalisation of Work Base Learning in the AgriBusiness Sector;"Context/background of the project The IWB-Labs project focus on the agribusiness sector and, with the purpose to increase students motivation, proposes the application of a Work-based learning (...";Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Agriculture, forestry and fisheries ...;;FONDAZIONE ITS - ISTITUTO TECNICO SUPERIORE NUOVE TECNOLOGIE PER IL MADE IN ITALY - SISTEMA AGROALIMENTARE E SISTEMA MODA;IT;IT,SK,LV,ES;274.437,00;Yes;No;Foundation;Fundacin;;;English;"Context/background of the project | The IWB-Labs project focus on the agribusiness sector and, with the purpose to increase students motivation, proposes the application of a Work-based learning (WBL) approach. The students will carry out virtual work experience s where they can apply, in a real work environment, the skills learnt at school. The work experience, which will be carried out at transnational level, will take the form of a virtual internship carried out at distance. | | Objectives | The IWB-Labs project aims to: | Motivate post-secondary VET students | Enhance the participation of Agribusiness managers in the training of the future human resources | Improve the internationalization of the training offer of the post-secondary VET providers | Develop a ICT platform for the internationalization of apprenticeships | | | Participating organisations | The project partners actively worked to make the impact of the project on its target groups as relevant as possible. | For this purpose they involved in the project activities: | - 123 companies for the virtual internships | - 57 companies for the other IOs development; | - 56 company managers; | - 26 VET Organisations | - 41 VET Trainers | - 2 075 students (almost 400 of them uploaded their CV on the virtual internship platform). | - 30 associated partners including companies, trade associations, NGO, public authorities, VET consortiums and universities. | | Activities | The project activities will be organized in the following phases: | | Phase 1 - Repository of e-learning video lessons and interviews | This phase was devoted to the creation of a repository of video lessons for the marketing of Agribusiness sector, delivered by managers and experts and providing VET students with specific knowledge, competences and skills coming directly from the market in order to be prepared to international work internships. | | Phase 2 Guidelines for the organisation of internships | This phase was dedicated to the development of guidelines for the organisation of internships providing VET providers, students and companies with a package of easy to use guidelines and tools to effectively plan and manage internships. | | Phase 3 On line platform for the organisation and management of virtual internships | This phase was dedicated to the creation of an on line platform for the organisation and management of virtual internships containing: the profiles of companies; the profiles of students; a monitoring tool; a database of assessment tools. | | Phase 4 - Testing | Each of the deliverables produced was tested in the framework of specific events addressed to the projects target groups. The testing phase allowed the collection of relevant feedbacks from the end users in order to further improve the deliverables produced and create results that are fully consistent with needs and expectations of the end users. | | Phase 5 - Training and Multiplier events | The project partners organized focus events addressed to the target groups in order to present the 3 intellectual outputs and involved the participants in a further discussion and reflection on the measures to enhance and improve the effectiveness of work based learning approaches in VET and in the organisation of transnational and virtual apprenticeships.";Results and impact attained | The main project deliverables include: | - Repository of E-learning Video Lessons and Interviews | - Guidelines for the Organisation of International internships | - Platform for Virtual Internship | | The project impacted on: | - VET TEACHERS providing them with innovative work based learning teaching methods for enriching their classroom lessons with Video based materials facilitating students understanding of what are companies expectations in real life business scenarios and motivate them students to finish their VET training paths | Also the project implemented effective alternation between training and work through transnational apprenticeships and established fruitful cooperation with companies for organising international and virtual placements | | - VET STUDENTS who acquired knowledge, competences and skills in the fields of the latest trends in agribusiness and raised their awareness on the importance that companies give in the selection of their human resources. | Students also got in contact with European companies of the sector in order to carry out transnational apprenticeships virtual or in person and also experimenting forms of teleworking | | - COMPANIES managers and trainers, by involving them in the creation of the Video collection of training contents. Companies reinforced their participation to the definition of VET training contents addressed to their future workforce, making sure that VET students get trained to be prepared to match their needs of human resources. | | Longer-term benefits | The project outputs have a strong transferability potential and are expected to have long term benefits on the VET sector through a strong cooperation pattern between companies and Vet providers. | Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | IO1 - Video Lessons | IO1 - Successful Stories | IO2 - Guidelines for Students related to the Organisation of International Internships | IO2 - Guidelines for VET Institution related to the Organisation of International Internships | IO2 - Guidelines for Companies related to the Organisation of International Internships | IO2 - Guidelines for Policy Makers related to the Organisation of International Internships | IO3 - Collection of Assessment tools | Community building tools | | IO3 - Platform for Virtual Internship | Partnerships and cooperations | | Involvement of project beneficiaries | Companies on the platform for virtual internships | VET Organisationson the platform for virtual internships | Database of associated partners | Dissemination material | | Promotional Material | Press Review | Multiplier Events Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-IT02-KA101-022756;;;T.I.E (Training in Europe);T.I.E. (Training in Europe) is a two-year Erasmus+ KA1 Project which has been designed in order to develop a European dimension of the didactic-educational activities at the Istituto Comprensiv...;Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Pedagogy and didactics, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills;;ISTITUTO COMPRENSIVO DI FAEDIS;IT;IT,CZ,PL;24.258,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;http://WWW.ICFAEDIS.GOV.IT;;English;"T.I.E. (Training in Europe) is a two-year Erasmus+ KA1 Project which has been designed in order to develop a European dimension of the didactic-educational activities at the Istituto Comprensivo di Faedis, Italy, primarily through languages. As highlighted in the European Development Plan, the aim of this mobility project was predominantly to support the professional development of school staff engaged in both teaching and non teaching roles, in order to: enhance linguistic and communication skills of school staff; contribute to develop methodological skills of teaching staff; implement teaching through CLIL in the whole Istituto in a vertical process, from pre-primary to lower secondary school; modernize and internationalize the school by supporting European oriented activities. The trained staff consisted of the head teacher, one administrative employee and eight teachers (1 pre-primary teacher, 4 primary teachers and 3 lower secondary school teachers), representative of all the different school levels of the Istituto. This two-year project (from 1st September 2016 to 31st August 2018) was divided into the following five steps: 1. Linguistic and communicative training: a 30-hour linguistic preparatory course run by a specialized English mother-tongue teacher took place at the Istituto during the 1st year, in preparation for subject teachers and non-teaching staff to take the B1 level of Cambridge English exam. 2. Teaching and methodological training (1st year): a workshop held in autumn 2016 in collaboration with an eTwinning Friuli Venezia-Giulia Ambassador at the Istituto to show the didactic and training potentials of the platform. This was used by project teachers in school year 2016-17 to enroll in online Learning Events relevant to the project. 3. Structured training courses in the United Kingdom lasting one/two weeks (Spring-Autumn 2017): an intensive language course for the administrative employee and eight language and methodology courses based on CLIL for the teachers specific to both the school level at which they teach and the subject: Language and methodology for pre-primary teachers; CLIL practical methodology for primary teachers; CLIL Courses for Teachers of History, Geography and other Humanities, CLIL Course for Teachers of Science, Maths and Technical subjects. 4. One-week job shadowing and observation following the completing of training courses abroad (2nd year) at the Gimnazjum w Marklowicach in Marklowice, Poland (for the head teacher and a secondary school teacher) and at the Zakladni skola a Materska skola Klic s.r.o. in Ceska Lipa, Czech Republic (for a primary teacher and a secondary school teacher). The purposes and activities of the agreed programs were: job shadowing English lessons based on CLIL; knowledge of the plan to implement CLIL from pre-primary to lower secondary school at the Czech school; exchange of information about European projects, assistantship, policy of internationalization, development of future collaborations with the two partner schools; school education and evaluation systems; cultural visits and farewell events. 5. Dissemination of skills and outcomes within and outside the Istituto to keep the project relevant and interesting. | The trained staff have acquired new knowledge and have improved their professional skills, renewing their didactic activity and integrating the new teaching methods based on CLIL into everyday activities to benefit the pupils of the Istituto. Not only the participants and their pupils, but also other teachers and the school institution as a whole, have benefited from the positive effects of the training courses. ";"The project participants shared the best practice and knowledge/skills acquired during the mobility activities with their colleagues in the Istituto through workshops and meetings to create a Community of practice open to professional development and lifelong learning. Reports of the training experiences and teaching resources have been made visible, accessible and transferable. Methods and channels of dissemination were the web site of the Istituto; the eTwinning Platform; the presentation of the overall project aims, experiences and results to the Teachers' Council, School Council and Departments; the creation of an e-book and the implementation of an eLearning platform on Google Drive where the reports about training experiences, their results and all the teaching resources developed by participants are now available; the participation in regional events for teachers promoted by the USR (Ufficio Scolastico Regionale); the upload of the project results and resources on Erasmus+ Project Results Platform. | Results" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2016;2016-1-IT02-KA201-024125;;;Below 10;"""Below 10"" is a three-year project promoted by a Partnership of nine Organisations in six different EU countries. The Partners comprise schools and school networks, NGOs, and University research ...";Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Social dialogue;;ProgettoMondo Mlal Onlus;IT;IT,FR,RO,HR,PT,UK;426.044,83;Yes;No;Non-governmental organisation/association/social enterprise;ONG;;;English;"""Below 10"" is a three-year project promoted by a Partnership of nine Organisations in six different EU countries. The Partners comprise schools and school networks, NGOs, and University research centers. It aims to address the challenge of early school leaving (ESL) by focusing on an approach aimed at the prevention, through new pedagogical strategies for co - operation and strategic planning between actors of formal and informal education, between school and local community. Taking as term of reference the statistical data for 2013, stating that 12 % of young people aged 18 - 24 in the EU are Early School Leavers, the title of our project recall the objective of ""Europe 2020"": reducing such rate below the 10%. ESL is a tragic phenomenon for young people because it can lead to social and economic exclusion, low employability, low self - confidence and often deviance. ESL is a tragedy from both the social point of view since in a modern democracy, responsible and active citizenship requires high levels of education ; and it is also a problem for economic development because it depletes the ""human capital"" necessary for the ""Knowledge Economy"". The international scientific community agrees that ESL has a systemic nature. Starting from this concept, our project aims at developing transversal and multi - disciplinary solutions and methods so as to develop the skills which both schools and informal education actors need to work together; and to introduce didactic methods oriented to re - motivating all students, included those more disadvantaged; and to develop local strategic medium and long term plans to prevent and counteract ESL. Notably our project intends to achieve the above mentioned objectives through the realisation of two Intellectual Outputs:1. a social qualitative research of drop - out aspects and causes in the Partners' countries that can be considered paradigmatic of the generality of European contexts;2. a model of training and participative co - project planning based on an Action / Research approach to problem-solving and which allows and enables the local actors to study ESL in their territory, to innovate learning systems and to elaborate together a local integrated plans of action. Such plans will be developed through:- an initial phase of local workshops for joined training of ""first level stakeholders"" (teachers, professional educators, volunteers and social workers);- a second phase of practical work, i. e. implementation of what has been learnt and projected during the workshops: so pilot - experiences developed by the participants to the workshop with young people, inside and outside the schools (not only with young drop - out, but also those that can be a positive example for peers de-motivated or border - line);- a conclusive phase during which the ""second level stakeholders"" come back for further training to reflect on the lessons learnt by working with young people, and propose to ""first level stakeholders"" (principles, headmasters, local institutions representatives, CSOs manager) local and multi-annual integrated plans to prevent and reduce ESL. ";"As for expected results, our project purposes are:to update the frame of knowledge on ESL and drop-out causes, in order to reach more effective policies and practices;to create or enhance local networks among schools, local institutions and associations involved in the work with and for young people;to elaborate Local Integrated Plans against ESL;to spread innovative methods both in formal and informal education;to empower and increase school success for disadvantaged young people involved in the pilot - experiences. The long - term expected results and impact are:- to enhance the capacity of formal and informal education systems to work together by planning objectives, methods and action tools. - to optimize the use of financial resources, towards a new ""education community welfare system""- to contribute at the definition of more effective policies against ESL - at national and European level - in order to meet the objective of ""below 10%"" as more as possible in all the EU countries. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Output 2 - Curriculum and OERs | Output 2 - Final Report_IT | Output 2 - Final Report_PT | Output 2 - Final Report_HR | Output 2 - Final Report_RO | OUTPUT 2 - FINAL REPORT_EN | Output 2 - Final Report_FR | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | Output 1 | Output 1_IT_summary | Output 1_RO_summary | Output 1_PT_summary | Output 1_HR_summary | Dissemination material | | Output 1 - Italian version for dissemination | In the end, who are the experts? Young people at risk in qualitative research in education | O Projeto Below 10 prevenir e combater o abandono escolar | Pensare a percorsi di lotta all'ESL" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2016;2016-1-IT02-KA201-024610;;;Enhance self-awareness and balance the personalized learning in ESL prevention through a Smart Learning Environment;Enable project aims at reducing the number of early school leavers by developing career-oriented soft skills, enhanced in a technological environment. The European Union has set the goal of reduci...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Open and distance learning, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education;;ISTITUTO DI ISTRUZIONE SUPERIORE FEDERICO CAFFE';IT;IT,LT,RO,SE;392.294,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;http://WWW.FEDERICOCAFFE.COM;;English;Enable project aims at reducing the number of early school leavers by developing career-oriented soft skills, enhanced in a technological environment. The European Union has set the goal of reducing the number of young people who leave school by 2020 by 10%. Students enhance transversal skills oriented towards the labor market through teaching supported by technology. The European Union intends to support young people and allow them to fully develop their personal talents. One of the main obstacles to the full achievement of this goal is the high rate of young people leaving school before completing the learning path and before obtaining a certification that guarantees them to be competitive within the labor market. The causes of early school leaving can be social, economic, individual or linked to learning difficulties. Plausible countermeasures can be the effective use of educational technology and the growth of awareness of educational goals in students.;"The use of the ENABLE platform for the development of soft skills allows a personalized approach to learning, a diversification of training paths to adapt them to cognitive styles and even to the expectations of young people. The student himself has some control over his training. The teacher or tutor can communicate directly with the student, assigning tasks and personally verifying progresses: for a student, especially if at risk of leaving school, having the opportunity to create his/her own portfolio of skills and negotiate educational goals useful for training a soft skill, is a powerful incentive to empowerment and consequently to the realization that what you learn is useful. By stimulating the curiosity of the students and their personal interests, their self-respect and awareness can be gratified and improved. IIS Federico Caff in Rome is the Coordinator of the project that has Partners from four different countries, Italy, Lithuania, Romania, Sweden: the Regional school Office of Lazio (USR), Eco E-learning, as a technological partner, Effebi association (Finance & Banking, Association for Organizational Development and Human Resources), Technology and Scientific Park of Kaunas (LT), Simono Daukanto Progimnazija School of Kaunas (LT), Gheorghe Lazar National College of Bucharest (RO ) and Folkuniversitetet of Uppsala (SE). In addition to the activities planned within the Project Management and Implementation, A1- management plan; A2- quality plan; A3- Skype Partner meetings; A4 - monitoring and evaluation activities; A5- administrative and financial management activities; A6 - realization of the material for dissemination (brochures, newsletters, website, social pages); A7- agreement on Intellectual Property Rights and Open Access Strategy of the results obtained, five important outputs have been realized: O1-research and analysis of needs in the field of dispersion; O2 - the choice of the methodological approach; O3 - the realization of the technological environment; O4- realization and integration of pedagogical contents into the learning platform; O5 - Pilot Project to test the project activities. The Partners met in 7 transnational meetings and carried out 7 Multiplier Events for the dissemination of the project results. One hundred European students have strengthened their soft skills, carrying out the activities prepared by the Partners and inserted on Enable platform. Twenty teachers have improved their methodology, acting as tutors during the pilot project. The dissemination plan had been established from the very beginning of the project with the aim of spreading information about the project's aims, results and outputs through websites, newsletters, seminars and events, brochures and articles. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | O3-A3 Guidelines for students | Output 4-linee guida per tutor | O3-A3 Guidelines for teachers and tutor | Dissemination material | | ENABLE BROCHURE | SOCIAL MEDIA (LINKEDIN & FACEBOOK) | FIRST ENABLE NEWSLETTER - FEBRUARY 2017 | Organizational and working documents | | ENABLE MANAGEMENT AND QUALITY PLAN | O1-TRANSNATIONAL NEEDS ANALYSIS & RESEARCH | ENABLE EXPLOITATION PLAN | O2 A2 METHODOLOGICAL GUIDELINES FOR INCLUSIVE SMART LEARNING ACTIVITIES | O2 A3 MONITORING AND EVALUATION PLAN OF THE METHODOLOGICAL APPROACH | O2-A3-R2 Methodological approach guidelines | O3-A1 Technical plan of the smart learning environment | Output 4-A3 Report on pedagogical contents and their relation with O4A1 | O4A3 - R2 OER strategy plan | OUTPUT 5 A1-R1 METHODOLOGY FOR SELECTION OF PILOT PARTICIPANTS-TEACHERS SELECTION GUIDELINES | O5A3 - R1 An evidence-based study on the transnational pilot | O5A5 - R1 Final evaluation report on the smart learning environment | ENABLE FINAL PUBLICATION" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2016;2016-1-IT02-KA203-024406;;;Teaching Partnership Addressed to Refugees' Instances Strengthening;PARIS project is a Strategic Partnership made up of seven organizations, geographically located in 3 different European countries, specifically in Italy, Romania and Spain. The partnership is made...;Integration of refugees, Open and distance learning, Migrants' issues;;CONSORZIO TARTARUGA;IT;IT,RO,ES;397.631,00;Yes;No;Non-governmental organisation/association/social enterprise;ONG;;;English;"The main objective of the PARIS project is to contribute through its actions to provide innovative educational tools, to enhance the use of these methods, to provide high quality materials and innovative methodologies for students, trainers and experts, focused in particular on the issue of migrants, asylum seekers and first legal and psychological intervention. | To achieve these goals, the PARIS project has provided a series of targeted project actions, carried out in synergy by the partnership; in particular, one of the key actions of the project was the creation of a Joint Curriculum for the specialization of a professional figure in the management of migrants and asylum seekers, with the recognition of ECTs in their universities; specifically the actions developed by the PARIS project have been: - Implementation of the scientific publication ""Current models for the management of refugees and asylum seekers in Italy, Spain and Romania: training needs for working with this group"" (IO1) - Implementation of thematic Focus groups - Implementation of the e-Learnig platform for open-access training (IO2) - Realization of interviews and webinars by country (sector experts, professors, etc.) - Creation of 5 specific e-learning sections and 1 dedicated section accessible upon registration with 3 Webinars. - Publication of a guide for students and professionals in the sector of migrant and asylum seekers entitled ""Tips and tricks for assertive communication with refugees"" (IO4) - Implementation of a Joint Curriculum (IO3) with the validation of ECTs for university students through participation in the ISP organized in the context of the PARIS project - Implementation of the ISP (PARIS Summer School), including dissemination plan and communication of the activity. - Implementation of III Multiplier Events";"The innovativeness of the project lies in the use of online learning platforms, aimed at encouraging the participation of students, professors and experts in the sector, which include downloadable material, video lessons and discussion forums; the material present is available and downloadable in English and in the three languages __of the partner countries (IT, RO, ES). All the material produced during the PARIS project was functional to the realization of the pilot ISP mobility, a 12-day Summer School, organized in the city of Enna (Italy), during which 26 students from the three countries of the project were able to learn theories and specialized techniques of the work with refugees: NGOs trainers and university professors held morning theoretical lessons and afternoon practical lessons, and supported the students for the realization of a final project work on some concrete cases. Results | Website | | | Feedback from participants | | Third Intellectual Output: Students Satisfaction Survey Results | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Second Intellectual Output ""PARIS Online Learning Platform for open training access"" | Third Intellectual Output ""PARIS Joint Curriculum"" | Fourth Intellectual Output "" Tips & Tricks for Assertive Communication with Refugees | IT Translation_IO4 Tips & Tricks for Assertive Communication with Refugees | RO Translation_IO4 Tips & Tricks for Assertive Communication with Refugees | ES Translation IO4 Tips & Tricks for Assertive Communication with Refugees | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | Current models for the management of refugees and asylum seekers in Italy, Spain and Romania: training needs for working with this group | IT translation_Current Models for the Management of refugees and asylum seekers in Italy, Spain and Romania | ES translation_Current Models for the Management of refugees and asylum seekers in Italy, Spain and RomaniaS | RO translation_Current Models for the Management of refugees and asylum seekers in Italy, Spain and Romania | Project logo | Coordinator | CONSORZIO TARTARUGA | U. GIORDANO, 2 | 90144 | PALERMO | Sicilia | | Organisation type: Non-governmental organisation/association/social enterprise | Partners | Asociacin Claver | UNIVERSITATEA DIN BUCURESTI | UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI ENNA KORE | SC Global Commercium Development SRL | ASOCIATIA ""Centrul Cultural Romano-Arab"" | FUNDACION UNIVERSIDAD LOYOLA ANDALUCIA" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-IT02-KA219-024133;;;Antiquit, Recherche, Sauvegarde;"CONTEXT AND BACKGROUND OF THE PROJECT The Coordinator school works in the outskirts of Palermo, in a socially and economically disadvantaged district, where the risk of the school dropout and th...";International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;ICS Maredolce;IT;IT,FR,ES,PL,TR,RO;131.265,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"CONTEXT AND BACKGROUND OF THE PROJECT | The Coordinator school works in the outskirts of Palermo, in a socially and economically disadvantaged district, where the risk of the school dropout and the problem of the early school leaving are remarkable. So, the project was mainly conceived in order to reduce the rate of school dropouts and, although the methods and the tools to face them have been very different, all the partners worked in a homogeneous way. The project "" ARS Antiquit, Recherche, Sauvegarde "" was based on the experience gained by our school on the thematic of Cataloguing of the archaeological, architectural heritage and works of art, as matter of fact, in the past, in collaboration with the association ""Castle of Maredolce"" and the Touristic Guides of the Province of Palermo, an accord was undersigned with a group of schools of the territory to realize the didactic project ""At school of Cataloguing."" Furthermore, later on, the same theme had been treated in the ""Visit of study n. 215"", a transversal action of the program LLP, addressed to managers and inspectors coming from different European countries with great success. | TARGETS | The whole practices related to the cataloguing and thanks to the observation in presence of the artistic, architectural heritage of the other countries, allowed to requalify the scholastic institutions, to train the staff, to carry out the research and to put into practice new teaching-learning formal - informal - not formal methodologies. On the occasion of the first C1 mobility in Italy, all the participant teachers were trained to the cataloguing and the compilation of the relative cards. All the mobilities allowed to strengthen the active citizenship, to enhance the study and the learning of the foreign languages for pupils and teachers, to experience the cultural exchange among countries, to share good practices and innovative experiences, both human and didactic ones. | | PARTECIPANTS | - ITALY, ICS Maredolce: nursey, primary and secondary school | - FRANCE, Association Ecole Jeanne d'Arc: primary school | - POLAND, Publiczne GimnazjumSPSK: secondary school | - TURCKEY, Ahmet Altikulac Anadolu Lisesi: high school | - ROMANIA, Liceul Teoretic Constantin Brancoveanu: high school | - SPAIN, IES Andrs Bello: secondary school | The project involved teachers of all the disciplines: experts in foreign languages, teachers of Art, Sciences, Technology, architects, archaeologists, geologists, experts in Fine Arts, in restoring architectural and artistic heritages and experts in cultural heritages cataloguing, in methodologies of evaluation and environmental impact etc.";"ACTIVITIES | Fieldwork, study, research, retraining and education, meetings of working groups, lectures, seminars, multimedia activities, descriptive placards, cards of cataloguing, Erasmus+ corner, photographic exhibition, cultural parties, celebration of the Day of Art, events of dissemination, models in scale of the adopted heritage, murals, theatrical/musical plays, merchandising, presentations in PPT, artistic manufactured articles, photos, videos, guided visits, interviews, ARS logo, wishing postcards, C.L.I.L. lessons, correspondence, objects for the dissemination, monitoring, e-Twinning, construction of site, virtual museum and the Catalog ARS. | | RESULTS AND IMPACT ATTAINED | Reduction of the rate of school dropouts and the early school leaving | Improvement of the basic and transversal skills | Strengthening of the professional teacher profile | Implementation of the curriculum | Realization of the Catalog ARS | Involvement of the institutions, of the families and of the territory | Relationships of cooperation and of friendship among the countries | | LONGER-TERM BENEFITS | Teachers and pupils training about Cataloguing useful in the world of school, of work and of entrepreneurship, Acquiring of new competences with release of attestations, Realization of the Catalog ARS available in PDF, QR, open source and paper version Strengthening of the foreign languages with a view to a permanent education Acquiring of new useful competences, useful in the school guidance and available in the world of the work Knowledge, protection and safeguard of the artistic, architectural and landscape heritage | Awareness of the European dimension, Results | Website | | | Without category | | Website ""ARS Antiquit, Recherche, Sauvegarde"" | Logo E+ ARS Antiquit, Recherche, Sauvegarde | Knowledge sharing about rules of compilation of RA sheet primary school | Knowledge sharing about rules of compilation OA sheet secondary school | (English)Tracks with Hypertexts RA Files Archaeological Find Primary, Secondary and High School | (French)Tracks with hypertexts RA File Archaeological Find Primary, Secondary and High School | (French one) FILE A Archaeological Find - Primary school | (French one) FILE A - Archaeological Find - Secondary and High School | (English one) DATA SHEET OA - Primary school | (French one) DATA SHEET OA WORKS/ART OBJECTS Secondary school | (French one) File RA Archaeological Find - Primary schoo | (French one) File RA Archaeological Find - Secondary and High School | Power point about the C1 Short-term joint-staff mobility in Palermo | Laboratory: Realise a search-study laboratory of didactic innovation | Guided visit to the Museo archeologico regionale Antonino Salinas | Photos at the Museo Salinas | Photos at the Real Albergo dei Poveri, during C1 Short-term joint-staff mobility in Palermo (08 November 2016) | Video at the Real Albergo dei Poveri, during C1 Short-term joint-staff mobility in Palermo (08 November 2016) | C.L.I.L. activity in the French-Art-Technology class | Mural Report | Ponte Ammiraglio in miniatura Report | Photos of Ponte Ammiraglio in miniatura product | Presentation about ""Cataloguing elements"" made by Mrs Proto during C1 Short-term joint-staff mobility in Palermo | Class taught by Mrs Verga Maria during C1 Short-term joint-staff mobility in Palermo | Wishing cards prepared and sent by Italian students in 2016 | Wishing cards received by partner students in 2016 | C.L.I.L. ARS- Art lesson scenario, 5th grade primary school | C.L.I.L. ARS -Topic : The journey through capitals of Poland | PPT C.L.I.L.-Topic : The journey through capitals of Poland | C.L.I.L. ARS- ITC lesson - Primary school Topic: Colouring a picture in GIMP programme | C.L.I.L. ARS- ITC French lesson Secondary school Topic: claircir le dessin dans le logiciel GIMP | C.L.I.L. ARS- ITC lesson High school Topic: Painting a picture in GIMP programme using layers | Initial Monitoring results published on the Website ""ARS Antiquit, Recherche, Sauvegarde | PPT C2 Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils in Rennes France | PPT C3 Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils in Santa Cruz de Tenerife Spain | 2016-2018 Planning Project Activities | Staff selection criteria | Planning Laboratory Project Il Museo Vivente tra Storia e Mito | Planning Laboratory Project Mi esprimo riciclando, dal Museo Salinas alla bancarella | Planning Laboratory Project Riproduciamo larte-piccoli artisti al museo. | Final Report Laboratory: Riproduciamo larte-piccoli artisti al museo | Final Report Laboratory: Mi esprimo riciclando, dal Museo Salinas alla bancarella | Disseminating activity : Calendars made by Turkey | Activities during the laboratory ""Il museo Salinas: dal vecchio al nuovo"" | Institute Monitoring | 1.Realization of a reduced model of the Italian heritage | 2.Realization of a scale model of the Italian heritage | 3.Realization of a reduced model of the Italian heritage | 4.Realization of a reduced model of the Italian heritage | 5.Realization of a reduced model of the Italian heritage | 6.Realization of a reduced model of the Italian heritage | 7.Realization of a reducedmodel of the Italian heritage | 8.Realization of a scale model of the Italian heritage | 9.Realization of a scale model of the Italian heritage | Dissemination event on the 31st May 2017 | Results of the Initial Monitoring | Results of the Intermediate Monitoring Directors/Coordinators/teachers | Results of Romania | Results of Turkey | Results of Spain | Results of France | Results of Poland | Video C4 Romany Short-term joint staff training events | PPT C5 Poland Short-term joint staff training events: | e-Twinning Quality label 1st part | e-Twinning Quality label 2nd part | Report about the First Monitoring results | Report about the Intermediate Directors/Teachers Monitoring results | Report about the Intermediate Students Monitoring results | 2016-2017 Report about students with difficulties | Inner Monitoring first year project 2016/17 | C.L.I.L. applied in Italy | World Art DAY 2018 in Italy | World Art DAY 2018 in Turkey | World Art day 2018 in Spain | World Art day 2018 in France | World Art day 2018 in Poland | World Art day 2018 in Romania | PPT about the Teachers Final Monitoring results | PPT about the Students Final Monitoring results | Realisation of a Model concerning the adopted heritage: Italy | Realisation of a Model concerning the adopted heritage: Spain | Realisation of a Model concerning the adopted heritage: France | Realisation of a Model concerning the adopted heritage: Romania | Realisation of a Model l concerning the adopted heritage: Poland | Realisation of a Model concerning the adopted heritage: Turkey | Report about the Final Students Monitoring results | Report about the Final Teachers Monitoring results | Activities of dissemination of the project online news | C6 Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils in Palermo Italy- | Final result of the project" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-IT02-KA219-024220;;;PersOnalized teaChing: the Key to success in EducaTion - Tools;"The project ""Personalized teaching: the Key to success in education - Tools"" has been implemented by the High School ""M. Buratti"" in partnership with 6 schools from the Netherlands, Spain, Turkey,...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal), Early School Leaving / combating failure in education;;"LICEO GINNASIO STATALE "" M. BURATTI """;IT;IT,MT,HU,TR,PT,ES,NL;176.205,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"The project ""Personalized teaching: the Key to success in education - Tools"" has been implemented by the High School ""M. Buratti"" in partnership with 6 schools from the Netherlands, Spain, Turkey, Hungary, Malta and Portugal, to cover a large portion of European territory representing different cultures and educational approaches on which the EU is founded. POCKET was born from the need to share and test new practical tools for individualization and personalization of the learning process. | The project met a number of E + priorities: | 1. Supported schools to tackle early school leaving (ESL) addressing all students from the lowest to the highest level of the academic spectrum, developing methods and creating conditions for personalized teaching and learning in order to support each pupil | 2. Opened and innovative education embedded in the digital era | 3. Addressed underachievement in the basic skills of maths, science and literacy through more effective, innovative teaching methods | 4. Enabled achievements in relevant and high-level basic and transversal skills in a lifelong learning perspective | 5. Addressed inclusive education | 6. Strengthened the profile of the teaching professions | General objectives met are: | - Contributed to reduce early drop out and educational failure with the personalization of learning | - Improved results in basic skill and prepared pupils to face the structured standardized tests | - Offered pupils a school curriculum that gives value to each single character and talent, promoted collaboration and communication between students and teachers, among students (with peer education and tutoring) and within the school bodies to build a learning community, improved the internal relation environment and thus contributed to fight early school leaving, demotivation and failure | - Created and consolidated networks, increased the capacity to operate at EU level, shared and compared ideas, practices and methods";"Specific objectives met are: | - To build modular and graduated learning units (also in e-learning mode) to enable each student to develop his/her own unique intellectual potential | - To reach a fast recovery of prerequisites as a form of early prevention of ESL and failure | - To train teachers in using innovative teaching methods (i.e. Moodle) | POCKET involved 14/15 y.o. pupils, of which half with learning difficulties and poor performance, three teachers and one headmaster per partner in the implementation of 3 activities: | Action 1 - ""Educational difficulties and individualization"": application of mastery learning as an individualized learning strategy to assess initial skills and ensuring a fast recovery for students from the lowest academic spectrum. Several learning units has been produced, using the methodologies of mastery learning and peer tutoring | Action 2 - ""Basic Skills and standardized structured tests"": we focused on basic skills (logical-mathematical skills and literacy) and transversal skills, always moving from the centrality of the learner, using problem-based and inquiry-based learning, cross curricular approach, LABs and cooperative learning methods | Action 3 - ""Excellencies and personalization: creation of modular and graduated learning units in e-learning"": we used the personalized e-learning methodologies, thanks to the Google and the flipped classroom, to support excellences and talents. | Teachers of the international team developed learning units in mathematics, English and mother tongue. | At the end of each action a blended Mobility between students in Spain, Holland and Malta has been implemented; a joint staff training event took place too before the start of action 1 to train teacher on personalization methods. All LTT activities brought an added value to the project itself. | Headteachers have been actively involved in the activities as individualization / personalization of learning/teaching processes implies an organizational and spaces restructuring: the support of the leadership has been essential to achieve the objectives. | At the end of the activities, expected results have both been tangible output products and learning outcomes: coherently with the individualized/personalized approach of the project as a whole, minimum goals and results have been set, all partners have achieved more ambitious objectives and results. Tangible results have been, other than communication tools (website, 9 learning units in mathematics, mother tongue and English, built up in the form of OER in the Moodle e-learning platform and uploaded on the European Dissemination platform. The intangible results consisted in hard and soft skills acquired by the target groups (pupils, teachers, institutions as a whole) that generated long-term benefits. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Learning Units of English language | Learning Units of Maths | Learning Unitsof Mother Tongue | e-learning Moodle training course | Template of LU | Organizational and working documents | | TPMs Agendas an Partnership Agreements" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2016;2016-1-LI01-KA204-000072;;;NeoCraft Transfer;"The strategic partnership titled ""NeoCraft Transfer - New approaches to regional apprenticing companies"" (2016-1-LI01-KA204-000072) has focused over the 2 years of project duration on transferring...";Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;Sytem Design Consulting Prospero AG;LI;LI,TR,DE,AT,PT,BG;79.335,00;Yes;No;European public policy research organisations (thinktanks);Administracin;;;English;"The strategic partnership titled ""NeoCraft Transfer - New approaches to regional apprenticing companies"" (2016-1-LI01-KA204-000072) has focused over the 2 years of project duration on transferring a proven concept in Germany to the project partner countries. A concept (from the precursor project NeoCraft) that has used the power of modern computer- and internet-based technologies to bring together, maintain and share knowledge of old traditional crafts which have a long tradition and are often threatened with extinction. This transfer was carried out in this project and extended/adapted, above all, to regional apprenticing companies (including further education and career opportunities); A consulting concept (especially the use of geocaching as an informal learning medium) in adult education was transferred to the other project partners | | The focus of this partnership is on: | 1. educationally disadvantaged adults (older workers, job seekers, migrants, adult NEETs) as the primary target group and | 2. consultants/coaches of the primary target group | to inform them in a non-formal way on one hand about existing educational and career opportunities: target group-oriented and cross-border-appropriate. On the other hand, the partnership contributes to enhancing the digital skills of the target groups by learning to use digital media and tools (such as geocaching) in an innovative and playful way. | | A partnership with 6 organizations has been formed and the choice of the partners has been done taking into consideration several aspects, aiming for an optimal mix of new partners and partners with experience in the field: | 1. Experienced partners | The participation of experienced partners ensures the transfer of the results (best-practice) obtained in the precursor project NeoCraft. | - WHKT (P2) - responsible for the transfer of the best-practice within the NeoCraft Transfer following the successful implementation of NeoCraft and its know-how in the field. | - Cnet (P4) - responsible for programming the project website and the guide's design based on its experience in consulting through geocaching. | | 2. The new partners | The other partners were mainly selected according to their relation to the project`s theme and subject. Experience with other EU projects was not a requirement for selection, but it was assumed that the partners would be willing to deal with the objectives of Erasmus+ | - Prospero (P1) - responsible for overall coordination (including budget controlling, reporting) as applicant organization. | - CLLL (P3) - responsible for internal communication as well as evaluation based on its core competencies. | - Dixtior (P5) - responsible for the content of the travel guide as compendium as well as for the project documentation (protocols etc.) based on its core competencies. | - Datca MEM (P6) - responsible for creating the dissemination materials and building the Facebook group due to its good national and international networking.";"Results achieved: | A) Geocache Catalogue for regional apprenticing companies (including coordinates, links to the respective geocache) in all project languages: It is available online at and on the geocaching platforms ( and | B) Travel Guide as compendium: Includes 180 (30 per partner country) geocaches, with information about, e.g.: contents of the respective geocache to the corresponding professions, geocache coordinates, etc.; In addition you will find here a training compass or information about training opportunities for each profession. | C) NeoCraft Transfer Facebook group: For interested parties and stakeholders of the project partners; The main focus is to sensitize the mentioned target group for ""Learning through geocaching at 21st century"". | D) for mapping project-relevant information such as project description, partners, project results, dissemination activities etc. | E) 2 newsletters in all partner languages and ENG give an overview of the project progress and the developed products. | F) Flyers and posters have been developed to provide information at the regional level (in the respective national languages). | | Main activities performed: | - Transfer and adaptation of a best-practice model from Germany | - 6 partner meetings | - Organization/visit of geocaching and career events | - Building a social-media and expert networks | - Development of the project website | - Project management, implementation, evaluation and dissemination | | NeoCraft Transfer enables educationally disadvantaged adults, through innovative approaches and products, to gain better access to regional apprenticing companies in the partner regions through a non-formal approach. All developed products resp. project knowledge and project results are made available free of charge for a national and international transfer. | Results | Website | | | Dissemination material | | Poster and flyer | NeoCraft Transfer Facebook group | Press releases | Others | | Geocache Catalogue | Geocache Guide" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2016;2016-1-LT01-KA201-023166;;;ABA - our new view in special education;The elements of ABA science can be used not only in children with autism education, but also wide applicability in working with children with mental retardation, with social, emotional and behavi...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Disabilities - special needs;;"Siauliu r. Kursenu lopselis-darzelis ""Eglute""";LT;LT,IT,EL,BG,ES,TR;177.398,25;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (pre-primary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;The elements of ABA science can be used not only in children with autism education, but also wide applicability in working with children with mental retardation, with social, emotional and behavioral disorder as its very important in children with disorders education. ABA principles-based therapies and interventions are most effective to improve people with autism's quality of life, teaching them skills to adapt to the environment and everyday life in society. Whereas in Lithuania can be provided private ABA therapy and only in the cities. By implementing our project were realised - there are some teachers, help specialist, some kindergartens of their own interest applying ABA science elements in educational process. | Similar situation in partners countries - possibilities of ABA science elements use are no less relevant and possibilities to get such kind help is no less complicated. Realizing the importance of ABA science and application possibilities pre-school, school education, were organized trainings in Lithuania and Turkey, to get more qualified teachers in organizations by applying ABA science elements. Were strengthened experience in national and international level. | Therefore, internationalization helped to share the experiences, to acquire much needed skills of professionals work and the development of services provided amplitude. ICT tools ensured best dissemination results and make possibility to get experience, to rise personal qualification skills using Moodle tool. | Were reached project purpose to enable ABA therapy use in education system, involving national and international experience and objectives: | 1. To realize opportunities and possibilities for ABA training at schools in partners countries. | 2. To create ABA training programme and adapt it with ICT use. | 3. To get practical experience in ABA trainings.;"Main implemented activities: | - intellectual outputs - conducted comparative study Education staff opportunities for ABA integration in Schools and created program ABA-ONV ins Todays School adapted in Moodle system. | - Organized 2 training. On training, held in Lithuania participated 29 partners participants and 16 members from coordinators organization. On training, held in Turkey, participated 17 from partners organizations and 6 - from hosting partner. | - Implemented Multiplier dissemination events: 5 local events in Lithuania, Greece, Turkey, Spain, Bulgaria (total number of participants -230), 1 transnational event in Italy - 67 participants. | The direct beneficiaries of project were: schools staff: ABA-ONV is addressed to school's (all levels) staff interested to improve their competences in order to provide better activities for their beneficiaries. Schools: ABA-ONV wants to involve schools in order to foster and improve the activities of training in the use of ICT tools for ABA science elements in organization. Other stakeholders: other kind of education provider: any education provider (individual specialists, education centers, etc.) were presented about created program in moodle system and possibilities to use like Open Research and to login. | Dissemination events were addressed to provide project idea, got experience on trainings and results of created products. | Impact for beneficiaries: | Provided benefit for participants, participating Organisations/Schools; target groups and other relevant stakeholders; effects on parents, children with SME. Impact in transnational level - led information about ABA science elements and communication technology (ICT) based services for education.- Improved e-learning system oriented to the end-user in partner countries.- Assure transfer of best practice among EU organisations .- Empower stakeholders on effective accessibility and technologies helping to create and improve the understanding of e-learning on Moodle. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | ABA-ONV in Today's Schools | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | Comparative study ""Education staff opportunities for ABA integration in Schools""" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2016;2016-1-LT01-KA203-023177;;;Health Information Systems training and certification implementation for higher education;Health Information Systems training and certification implementation for higher education (HIS4HE) project addresses the education and labour market needs of medicine students in higher education ...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Quality Assurance, Recognition (non-formal and informal learning/credits);;KAUNO TECHNOLOGIJOS UNIVERSITETAS;LT;LT,LV,DE;192.698,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) nowadays are important in all workplaces. TThe number of actions have been taken by European Commission (EC) in order to help people to acquire digital knowledge and skills especially in the workplace. Online courses together with certification can help get right competences for medical students and medical staff. According to the Digital Agenda for Europe ( one of the action areas is the sustainable healthcare and ICT-based support for dignified and independent living. It is recognized, that the deployment of eHealth technologies in Europe can improve the quality of care, reduce medical costs and foster independent living, including in remote places. An essential condition for success is that these technologies incorporate the right of individuals to have their personal health information safely stored within a healthcare system accessible online. To exploit the full potential of new eHealth services, the EU needs to remove legal and organizational barriers, particularly those to pan-European interoperability, and strengthen cooperation among Member States. The project aims to use the knowledge standard applicable in Europe (the ECDL Health, specifically), which defines the HIS curriculum content as well as sets the required level of knowledge and helps ensure module studies/training quality. At the same, implemented standard would help to recognize the existing qualifications of HIS professionals in Latvia and Lithuania internationally. The ECDL HIS certification modules and tools in Lithuania and Latvia are implemented and run by ITI and LIKTA respectively.;"The project partners designed, developed and implemented an up-to-date curriculum, training materials, blended learning environment, and certification system Health Information Systems Usage. The main intellectual outputs are related to the health information systems and they include; Country analysis report and recommendations; Syllabus, syllabus guide and study module; Courseware for e-course; Assessment and certification tools; Good practice guide. All learning products are implemented for partners in Latvia and Lithuania activities, and offered to national higher education/VET institutions and presented for other European countries educators by ECDL products marketing line. | All learning products were tested by and improved after analysis of pilot studies/training and testing/certification in Lithuania and Latvia. All learning products are presented to national higher education and VET institutions, and encouraged to use in health studies curricula. Good practice guide will help by implementing whole training course. EN versions will be used for dissemination in other European countries as ""demo"" and further localization base. All project results are available at the project website. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | O2 - Short syllabus (EN) | O2 - Short syllabus (LT) | O2 - Short syllabus (LV) | O2 - Detailed syllabus (EN) | O2 - Detailed syllabus (LT) | O2 - Detailed syllabus (LV) | O2/O3 Study module (EN) | O2/O3 Study module (LT) | O2/O3 Study module (LV) | O4 - E-learning course (EN) | O4 - E-learning course (LT) | O4 - E-learning course (LV) | O7 - Good practice guide document (EN) | O7 - Good practice guide document (LT) | O7 - Good practice guide document (LV) | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | O1 Country analysis reports and recommendations (English) | O1 Research guidelines (English) | O1 - Evidence data bases for resreach | Dissemination material | | Publication: DLGI as an consultant for introducing E-Health modul in Lettland and Lithuania | Project logo (ITI)" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2016;2016-1-LT01-KA204-023223;;;Improving the initial education of adult immigrants;Immigrants, especially in their first year of life in the host country, have language problems what makes it difficult to offer them any educational programs (with the exception of language learni...;Migrants' issues, Inclusion - equity;;KLAIPEDOS UNIVERSITETAS;LT;LT,IT,RO,LV,BG,BE;174.738,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;The aim of the project had been to create and to test innovative educational tools based on digital technology for immigrants to acquire basic knowledge and understanding about host countrys sociocultural life: e-Educational Tool, which improved and extended the offer of learning opportunities for migrants. Target groups - immigrants (both for the third countries and EU), immigrants' educators.;As a result the objective of the project has been primarily directed to the development of the intellectual product, which would improve and extend the offer of learning opportunities for migrants. In other words it is an innovative product like a survival kit for migrants who have just arrived into the host country. This innovative product has been based on digital technologies - created e-platform having an open access at the same time. This material in the e-platform has been based on textual and visual material that has been written in a very simple, easy to understand language, and short sentences. As a result it is easy-to-use and understand for all immigrants and their educators. The project helps immigrants (who are in the first year of life in the host country and usually do not know the language of the country or cultural and social peculiarities of the life) to integrate into the host society more successfully. Since this intellectual product is open and free-accessed the results are useful and beneficial not only for all interested migrants, educators, but also for tourists, visitors and locals. As a result, this project has provided educational opportunity for immigrants involved in the project and non-participating in it in order to gain basic knowledge and understanding of their host country's socio-cultural life. Thus, basic knowledge and understanding of their host country's socio-cultural life helps to understand the country's culture, values and social life of the procedures and features, that is essential for maintaining good mutual relations, cooperation, understanding, tolerance, mutual respect throughout the European Community. Results | Website | | | Community building tools | | e-Educational Tool Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-LV01-KA101-022513;;;R_gas 34. vidusskolas pedago_isk_ person_la kompetences pilnveide integr_t_ priek_meta un valodas m_c__anas ievie_anai.;During the two years of the Erasmus+ project in Riga Secondary School 34, there were organized not only four teacher training mobility activities but also the seminar for teachers of Riga Secondar...;Teaching and learning of foreign languages, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;Rigas 34 vidusskola;LV;LV;10.229,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"During the two years of the Erasmus+ project in Riga Secondary School 34, there were organized not only four teacher training mobility activities but also the seminar for teachers of Riga Secondary School 34, participation in the conference of the Latvian Association of English Teachers (LATE) and international conferences in Estonia and Bulgaria with creative workshops. The teachers of Riga Secondary School 34 were invited to Riga and Warsaw schools with guest lectures on school experience in participating in Erasmus+ project and the share the school experience of implementing CLIL methodology. | During the project, the development of integrated content and language teaching at school was promoted: the integrated British Literature and English language programme and learning materials for Grade 8 pupils were designed, the science and English language programme and learning materials for the Grade 6 pupils were developed. Integrated teaching materials for science and English for Grade 5 pupils, as well as social studies and English language materials for Grade 6 students have also been improved. The Science and English language programme for Grade 4 pupils was designed and the learning materials are in the process of designing and piloting. There has been an increase in the number of teachers who work with the methodology of CLIL from 6 teachers at the start of the project to 20 teachers at the moment and the network for cooperation with teachers from other European countries was established. | During the project, the communication skills of teachers who were directly involved in the mobility process were significantly improved. During the mobility activities, teachers were able to communicate with native speakers and ask questions about language stylistics, grammar or pronunciation. | During the project, the teachers of Riga Secondary School 34 had an excellent opportunity to get acquainted with the CLIL methodology for learning different subjects using foreign languages, and to implement the CLIL methodology in practice for the development of teaching and learning materials and to conduct integrated classroom and CLIL lessons. During the mobility course in Cambridge, Irina Gri_evska passed a specialized Cambridge Exam TKT CLIL module, which confirms CLIL methodology knowledge. The participants of the project learned about the principles of developing CLIL teaching materials, which were practically implemented in the development of integrated programs and learning materials. Simultaneously with the development of teaching materials, a testing and assessment system was developed to evaluate both the use of English language and the acquired knowledge on the subject. | All mobility activities were also focused on new learning ideas and activities to improve lessons and motivate students. In order to evaluate the success of the pupils' motivation methods in CLIL lessons, a research was conducted at Riga Secondary School 34 It was focused on pupils motivation and well-being during CLIL lessons. 148 pupils of Grade 5 and Grade 6 took part in the research. The results of the research stated that 93% of the students are interested in CLIL lessons and more than 75% of the students are convinced that CLIL lessons significantly increase both English language proficiency and subject knowledge. The results of the research showed that during the simultaneous acquisition of the subject and language, the learning process is significantly enriched, it becomes more creative, more interesting, and its productivity increases. | The project provided the opportunity not only for participants who directly took part in the project, but also for the other teachers of Riga Secondary School 34 to improve the usage of ICT in CLIL lessons. Owing to the Erasmus + project mobility experience, teachers are able provide the visual support for reading content at CLIL lessons, actively using video materials, interactive whiteboards, and various ICT platforms (for example, ""plickers"" for formative assessment). Teachers learned to use the e-learning environment to successfully organize the learning process, provide feedback to students about their participation and growth. | The project made it possible to get acquainted with the experience of other schools in the implementation of CLIL. As the result of the interviews with European teachers, several models for the implementation of CLIL in schools were defined. The most popular model is when subject teachers provide CLIL elements in English during their lessons in pupils mother tongue. Of course, the usage of English depends on the teacher's knowledge of English language. The contributing factors are the priorities and vision of the state and school administration. | During the project mobility activities, the partners provided the excellent cultural program. Participants were able to get acquainted with the culture and history of Scotland, Britain, Malta and Greece. During the mobility activities, our school teachers had the opportunity to get acquainted with teachers from other countries of the world, as well as the project partners provided various creative workshops, presentations, where it was possible to find out not only about the European, but also about other national culture of the world. For example, as she wrote in a member's post-mobility report, she met teachers from Germany, Switzerland, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, France, Spain, Italy, the Arab Emirates, China, Romania, Russia, Denmark, the Netherlands and other countries, and also the opportunity to speak about the culture of different countries, school life, educational opportunities, etc. During the project, participants of the project participated in international conferences in Bulgaria and Estonia, where they also became acquainted with European cultural diversity.";"The Erasmus + project provided an opportunity for international cooperation. Thanks to the mobility activities, a drop box of the CLIL materials was organized with the teachers from different countries. During the mobility to Cambridge, Irina Gri_evska, was interviewed for the elaboration of the online course ""Teaching your subject in English"", which was compiled by Cambridge's English Language Centre. This course is available on the Future Learn platform: Due to the opportunity to contact teachers from different countries during the mobility, the participants of the project were invited to the Polish conference for foreign language teachers ""KONFERENCJA METODYCZNA Kreatywny ucze_ - kreatywny nauczyciel"", where they presented the experience of Riga Secondary School 34 in the implementation of the CLIL methodology and the experience of participating in Erasmus + project. We also had a great opportunity to collaborate with other Erasmus + KA1 and KA2 project promoters from Spain, whose representatives visited our school, monitored our CLIL lessons, and shared their experience in implementing the Erasmus + project. | The participants of the project took part in THE FIPLV NORDIC-BALTIC REGION (NBR) CONFERENCE 2016 (June 9 - June 11, 2016, Tallinn, Estonia) and provided a workshop on the implementing of CLIL methodology in Riga Secondary School 34 and on the promotion of Erasmus + project. In August 2016, teachers I.Gri_evska and M.Barba_ina participated in the conference of the LATE (Association of English Language Teachers) and in the summer school in Bebrene organized by the British Council for English language teachers ""Content learning and teaching - a challenge for students and teachers"". In December 2016 teachers I.Gri_evska and M.Barba_ina took apart in the seminar organized by at the Riga Centre Humanitarian Secondary School with the guest lecture ""Implementation of CLIL in Riga Secondary School 34"" and also provided a practical workshop. On April 21, 2017, a seminar was organized at Riga Secondary School 34 ""CLIL Approach as an Opportunity to Promote the Efficiency of the Study Process"", where teachers from 16 schools of Riga participated. During the seminar the teachers could observe 7 lessons based on the CLIL approach. The participants of the seminar also participated in three creative workshops. On June 5, 2017, Irina Gri_evska participated in a conference in Poland, a bilingual Gymnasium 34 with a lecture and a creative workshop on the Erasmus + project and the implementation of CLIL in Riga Secondary School 34. June 22-25, 2017 Irina Gri_evska and Marina Barba_ina participated in the 1st FIPLV East European Regional Congress, 26th BETA-IATEFL Annual International Conference Learning and Teaching Languages: Creating Bridges to the Future"" in Varna, Bulgaria, with the creative workshop which was focused on the results of the research on students motivation during CLIL lessons and demonstrated the activities of CLIL. | All objectives of the Erasmus+ project were implemented. During the project the participants of the project received numerous invitations from several educational institutions to provide the information on the Erasmus + project and CLIL implementation in Riga Secondary School 34." Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-LV01-KA219-022636;;;Environmentally Friendly Cranberries and Innovative Tablets;"""Environmentally Friendly Cranberries and Innovative Tablets"" was an innovative transnational project for the students aged 13 - 16 and teachers from 5 different countries: Latvia (Rigas Igau_u pa...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Recognition (non-formal and informal learning/credits), International cooperation ...;;Rigas Igaunu pamatskola;LV;LV,FI,PL,IT,EE;90.540,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"""Environmentally Friendly Cranberries and Innovative Tablets"" was an innovative transnational project for the students aged 13 - 16 and teachers from 5 different countries: Latvia (Rigas Igau_u pamatskola), Finland (Kiukaisten yhteiskoulu / Euran yhteiskoulu), Italy (Istituto Comprensivo della Val Nure), Poland (IV Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace im. I Dywizji Kosciuszkowskiej) and Estonia (Vru Kreutzwaldi Kool). This was a project with the big cultural diversity in which each country brought its different experiences and competences. All the partner schools found the utmost priority to purposefully integrate non-formal learning, ICT and digital devices like smartphones and tablets with the knowledge that our students receive via formal learning. *One of the main objectives of this project was addressing an open and innovative education. Despite the fact that the schools involved in the project ""Cranberries and Tablets"" were situated in different parts of Europe, they had to tackle the same problems with the students concerning the age group 13-16. Our teenagers possess various new digital devices (smart phones, tablets etc.), but they lacked the skills for using them on educational purposes. *The second objective was closely connected with the first one and was addressing underachievement in the basic skills through more effective innovative teaching methods. As cranberries means pure natural environment around us and tablets represent innovative methods of studying, the focus of the project was put on field trips to learning sites outside the school in order to integrate formal and non-formal learning in different subjects (math, science, literacy, art, craft, English, IT). This project met the objectives set by the Erasmus+ Programme. *Specifically, the following objectives were fulfilled: 1. to provide more competence for students and teachers in ICT and to encourage using more ICT tools in everyday learning and teaching process. 2. to arouse students` interest towards basic subjects and achieve better results in them 3. to integrate formal (in classroom) and non-formal (other natural environments) learning 4. to promote teachers` and students` communication, language and cooperation skills at regional and European level 5. to supplement curricula in our school systems 6. to broaden the knowledge of natural and cultural heritage of home country and partner countries in order to learn to recognize and respect similarities and differences. *During the first project year the focus of tasks was on teaching our students how to use to make videos and sound recordings of nature using smartphones or tablets during the field trip. We also focused on teaching our teachers how to use Open Educational Resources (OER). We also organised one field trip with integrating formal and non-formal learning in different subjects (math, science, literacy, art, craft, English, IT) and some pieces of creative writing (poems, tales etc) inspired by nature was produced for eBook. *During the second project year the focus was shifted to rehearsing and performing plays based on environment, videoing the plays and having a video conference. We also organised a Photo Hunt which activities were connected with ICT. * The last year focused on one more field trip. This time we also used smartphones, tablets and ready-made apps in the nature. In the 3rd year more attention was paid to project products.";"Contributions of new learning resources were uploaded in Open Educational Resources and a multilingual eBook was designed, edited and uploaded in free e-books environment. eBook also contained photos made during the field trips and photos of art-work inspired by the field trips. * During project studentscultural awareness was raised (Kahoot game, learning about partner schools etc), their basic skills were improved by integrating and using innovative methodologies; their transversal skills were enhanced. Teachers professional skills were promoted. Of course the project was important also to improve all participants English language skills and using digital devices in formal and non-formal studying has become part of everyday work. Overall feedback of partners was good - project was interesting, demanded a lot of work, but as a result it made school life more interesting and gave opportunity to integrate IT and non-formal learning into learning process. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Study Resources in OER | LearningApps | Kahoot - interactive questionnaire | Dissemination material | | eBook | eTwinning | Project homepage | Articles about the project | A premanent display and exhibition in schools | Final conference of Erasmus+ project Environmentally Friendly Cranberries and Innovative Tablets in partner schools" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-LV01-KA219-022637;;;ICT in Active Learning & Teaching-Inspiring, Challenging, Terrific;Technological advances have affected many areas of our lives: the way we communicate, collaborate, learn, and, of course, teach. But what does being a 21st-century teacher really mean and what and...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Pedagogy and didactics;;Jelgavas Valsts gimnazija;LV;LV,PT,BE,TR,IT,NL,PL;180.950,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"Technological advances have affected many areas of our lives: the way we communicate, collaborate, learn, and, of course, teach. But what does being a 21st-century teacher really mean and what and how has educational environment changed, students changed? | Whilst collaboration between teachers and students, students and teachers is much talked about and known, the collaboration between students and students and teachers and teachers to change the role from the passive students to active, on collaboration centered activities, is quite poorly understood. | Where is the balance between using handouts and worksheets and using ICT at the lessons? How much does teacher speak at the lesson and what about students? Is the teacher still the main manager (leader) at the lesson? What should be changed at the lessons? How to help teachers to improve their lessons? What is needed to support the teacher (courses, experience, advice, examples)? | The answers to these questions were found by working together on the project ""ICT in Active Learning & Teaching-Inspiring, Challenging, Terrific"". | Project aim: | An aim of the project is to facilitate a better understanding of how students can better work together to improve their well-being, how teachers can better work together to improve their teaching skills with the use of ICT at the lessons and how to organize the lessons more active and modern where the role of the teacher has changed from the leader to the adviser. | There were 7 countries participating in the project: Latvia, Turkey, Poland, Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy and Portugal. | Profile of schools: | 1.The schools have a common understanding of modern teaching, there are regularly organized observing and analyzing of the lessons. | 2.Classrooms are equipped with modern technology (computers, computer rooms, projectors, interactive whiteboards, document cameras, voting devices, tablets, laptops), most of teachers have the necessary skills to work with them. | 3.School promotes cooperation between students and teachers: learning group of teachers, the weekly consultation training for teachers, student council, school board, etc. | 4. There are students aged 12-16. | To understand what, exactly, are needs for our schools, there was organized a research among all partner schools, teachers and students. The main objective of the research was to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the learning process and the attitude to use of ICT at the lessons. | 89% of students mentioned that they would like to have more active lessons, more games, more common work (work in groups), no lectures, more use of ICT. | About the attitude to the use of ICT among teachers- 53% gave the positive answer, 42% answered that they would like to use it, but they are lack of knowledge, and just 5% are not ready to change anything (waste of time) or they are too old. | The Project length- 36 months.";"Main activities: | STUDENTS | 1. Logo online competition. | 2. Research of use of ICT and motivation. | 3. Team-building course. | 4. ICT course. | 5. Work at the conferences (ICT, science). | 6. Organizing workshops. | 7. Work at the learning groups. | 8. Video tutorials. | 9. Creating video about the country, city, school. | 10. Taking part at the Olympiad. | TEACHERS | 1. Researches at the beginning and at the end of the project. | 2. ICT course (collaborative tools, tools for formative assessment, virtual reality). | 3. Learning course (the structure of the lesson, learning outcomes, formative assessment, collaboration, differentiation) | 4. Learning groups at schools. | 5. Planning the lessons, organizing analyze. | 6. ICT program. | 7. Materials for the international Olympiad. | 8. Presentations | 9. Online lessons. | 10. Regional Olympiad. There were organized 3 Regional language online Olympiads. They were organized as online Olympiads. | 11. Regional conferences.There were organized 4 Regional conferences (creative work, use of ICT, planning lessons). | Results and input. | 1. E-book with the descriptions of the most popular tools and ICT program. There is the description of the tools, information for teachers to work with the tool. | 2. International Olympiad where students worked in the mixed groups to solve the problem. | 3. Presentations of the project work. | 4. E Twinning project to disseminate the results of the project. | 5. Teachers participated at 4 learning courses, learnt to collaborate, planned the lessons, work with the ICT. | 6. Students' created videos to introduce with their school, city, country. | 7. Information about the project- web page articles. | 8. Video of the math lesson and observation tool. Results | Website | | | Feedback from participants | | Evaluation of the project meetings | Direct effect on participants and project partners | | Research of use of ICT, motivation | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Lesson Observation Paper | E-book ""ICT & ALT Stars"" | ICT program | ICT video tutorials made by students | Presentations of the course sessions | Materials of the lessons | The math lesson and observation tool | Partnerships and cooperations | | International Olympiad | Dissemination material | | Presentation of dissemination of the project | ETwinning project | Project Dissemination products | Organizational and working documents | | Protocols of the teaching/training activities- meetings" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-LV01-KA219-022656;;;ICT for minimizing dropout;According to the latest research, one of the most important reasons of dropouts in education is the lack of lifelong learning skills in the field of ICT. Improving these skills is not only a good ...;Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, International cooperation, international relations ...;;Ventspils 6.vidusskola;LV;LV,RO,LT,TR,IT,DK;127.105,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"According to the latest research, one of the most important reasons of dropouts in education is the lack of lifelong learning skills in the field of ICT. Improving these skills is not only a good ground for support in the learning process, but also a necessity in work. In addition, the need of essential e-learning experience of teachers for implementing the process ""learning in the working place"" is important. Minimizing dropout rate is one of priorities proposed by EU. The main goal of the project ICT FOR MINIMIZING DROPOUTS was to exchange of good practices among six partner schools. They have been chosen by the principle of being second chance schools (including secondary and vocational schools). All schools have had a challenge in addressing the dropout problem and supporting the students who have started their learning process after a long gap or have come from social risk families, or have had different problems in previous educational organizations. Giving students optimal support has reduced the amount of dropout students in all partner schools. One of the approaches used in the implementation of the project was meaningful use of ICT for promoting youth interest in learning and cooperation in order to reduce dropouts. Therefore, the ideas borrowed purposefully and introduced through every schools experience was useful for further work of minimizing dropouts in every partner school. There were five project partner schools:1) VENTSPILS SECONDARY SCHOOL Nr. 6 from Latvia is the secondary educational organization for students aged between 7-40 years old and the project coordinator. The school' s motto - It is modern to be smart! 2) TAURAGES SUAUGUSIUJU MOKYMO CENTRAS from Lithuania is the secondary educational organization where students of age from 16 to 44 have the possibility of choosing the studying form: extramural form, distance learning and daily studies. 3) SARAYN MEHMET EMINE AKDOGAN ANADOLU LISESI from Turkey is a public Anatolia High School for pupils aged between 14-18 years old. 4) COLEGIUL TEHNIC MATEI BASARAB from Romania is a Technical Vocational Education and Training high school that offers a variety of specializations in different fields. The school mission is to promote qualitative education, which is open and flexible to student needs. 5) ISTITUTO PROFESSIONALE DI STATO PER I SERVIZI DI ENOGASTRONOMIA E OSPITALITA' ALBERGHIERA POTENZA from Italy is a kind of vocational hotel school that provides technical training and a professional maturity for the access to different areas of work and/or to continue the studies at university. ";"There were implemented three kinds of activities: 1)Transnational meeting activities held on the preparation stage M1 and the final stage of the project M2. 2) Four short-term joint staff training events in Latvia, Romania and Lithuania C1/C4/C5. 3) One blended mobility of school learners in Turkey C3. Furthermore, every partner has been contributed to the implementation of the following project activities: 1) sharing good experiences (A2), 2) production of video-films for practical ICT use and for finding out students thoughts on dropouts (A3), 3) production of video-interviews when students interview the employers for practical ICT use and for getting knowledge about skills for job market (A4), 4) production of video-interviews with the youth who has graduated the school (A5), 5) seminars and/or brainstorms for students and/or parents (A6), 6) surveys for students for summarizing and comparing data for more optimal support system (A7), 7) development and implementation of the on-line course on ""Carreer Education in the Context of the European Single Market"" to improve students ICT and foreign language skills as an opportunity to make career and learning motivation (A8), 8) surveys on feedback for using them in evaluation of the project, as well as for improve content and organizational quality during the project (A9), 9) implementation activity press releases and/or publications in media for popularizing ideas of the project (A10), 10) dissemination of the results (A11), 11) communication among partners through ICT (A12), 12) group on Facebook for involving as many teachers and students as possible (A13). Because of the project, problems connected with dropouts and reasons for them were identified, possible solutions and recommendations for solving these problems were gathered. Project results are available for all interested persons on the project web page: | Concerning the potential longer-term benefits, every partner has experienced new methodical approaches for providing individual support to students in order to reduce students` dropout by using ICT. In addition, the online course ""Career Education in the Context of the European Single Market"" is an open source that can be used by every partner in the future for motivating the students to finish the school. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | The on-line course Career Education and guidance in the context of the European Single Market | Partnerships and cooperations | | Project ""ICT for minimizing dropout"" webpage" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-LV01-KA219-022676;;;Sports formula;"Participants from five countries: Croatia, France, Italy, Poland and Latvia (coordinator) participated in the ""Sport Formula"" project. This included high school students aged 14 to 19, who are stu...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Natural sciences;;Jelgavas 4.vidusskola;LV;LV,FR,HR,PL,IT;102.870,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"Participants from five countries: Croatia, France, Italy, Poland and Latvia (coordinator) participated in the ""Sport Formula"" project. This included high school students aged 14 to 19, who are studying mathematics, IT and science. Partners have acknowledged that PISA results are average or below the average level, and general didactic results show that schools: 1) formal mathematical tasks are more likely to be dealt with than connected with a real life; 2) the use of ICT can improve students' motivation to learn by allowing them to control learning outcomes. Therefore, the project was aimed at developing students' ability to combine their acquired skills in mathematics and science in a complex way that would allow students to read and discover the world around them. In order to achieve this goal, it was necessary to renew and develop teachers' methodological teaching skills. The methodological renewal was implemented by sharing online and during our meetings, practical classes, and collaborating with international universities (University of Latvia, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Perugia University, Zagreb University), other schools and science centres (Copernican Science Centre in Warsaw and Futuroscope In France), which helped partners bring valuable experience in short-term joint staff training activities. | Teachers also discussed and developed methodological materials on ""problem generation and solutions"" in various aspects, as required by the actual situation analysis. One of the most innovative aspects of the project was the use of this methodology by offering students the choice of sports problems themselves (such as floor ball, darts, and long-distance), where the themes selected helped students rise motivation to learn science subjects. Particular attention was paid to the development of various digital learning tools (GeoGebra, ""Using R"" and other free softwares) and activities that were based on the use of various ICT resources. The main result of the project was an e-book Enjoy Maths and Physics through sport, which was developed in cooperation with the teachers of mathematics and science. This e-book, step by step, will help students solve their sports-related challenges. In order to solve these problems, it was necessary to use ICT resources and in some cases at a particularly disciplined level. The products that were created during the project will inspire our colleagues in Europe to use new teaching methods, tools and assessments that address to general and specific skills in science.";"The project also involved pupils aged 14-19 years: they participated in project planning and evaluation at all stages of the project. During their nobilities in partner schools students actively participated in discussions: how to improve the quality of learning in mathematics and science; what kind of problems in sport can be solved through mathematics and science, where students learned to base their opinions and find arguments for research work. Different ICT tools were used to create pupils' works and presentations. Many activities involved teamwork. The final result of a pupil project is an e-book ""Sport with Maths and Sciences eyes"", which is so formed during the visits and interactions between all of them. At the international conference, students presented theoretical arguments about one of the sportsmen through mathematics and science. During the visit pupils and teachers were introduced to the cultural heritage, history, customs and traditions of other countries, thereby reinforcing the sense of personal, national and European identity. | An eTwinning project was created as a main means of communication between teachers and pupils. Communication between teachers was also via e-mail, Facebook, Goggle Drive and WhattsApp (as informal communication). All materials created during the project were posted on the project website at, on the school homepage and on the eTwinning platform. The above sites will be available until they are no longer valid in the evolution of technology. The communication language was English and this helped to develop the ability of pupils and teachers to communicate in another language. Thanks to successful cooperation, most of the partners worked on developing a new project and submitted an application for the continuation of the Erasmus + project ""Mathsbuster"", approved by the Latvian National Agency in summer 2018 and the main coordinator is Secondary School of Kalnciems. | Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Teachers e-book Enjoy Maths and Physics through sport. | Students e-book ""Sport with Maths and Sciences eyes""." Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-LV01-KA219-022683;;;Effective Methods for Strengthening the Learning Process in Teaching Science;During 2016-2018, partner schools from Latvia, Lithuania, Portugal, Italy and Turkey implemented the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership for Schools Project Effective Methods for Strengthening the Lea...;Access for disadvantaged, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), International cooperation ...;;Balvu Valsts gimnazija;LV;LV,TR,IT,PT,LT;93.910,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;During 2016-2018, partner schools from Latvia, Lithuania, Portugal, Italy and Turkey implemented the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership for Schools Project Effective Methods for Strengthening the Learning Process in Teaching Science. The project itself has been designed on a need to exchange teaching and learning experiences between European schools to improve indexes of basic skills of science, namely Mathematics, Biology and Physics through exploring and applying more effective teaching methods that strengthen the learning processes. The project set out to explore the potential of using effective methods and their effectiveness for a more creative learning environment and to enrich everyday educational processes in partner institutions. The project followed the objective to strengthen the learning paradigm in teaching Maths, Biology and Physics to achieve better accountability, involvement into the learning process, connecting students learning to real life and raising their motivation. The project has contributed to the change of paradigms from teaching to learning, and getting education which is of high quality, accessible and orientated to creativity, as well as to education which is a life long process. | The project has given input and strengthened teachers experience focusing on new approaches to involve students into an active learning process and use effective methods in order to achieve changes to arise students motivation to learn science and English language more effectively. The intention of exchanging and exploring different effective methods for strengthening the learning process in teaching Physics, Biology and Maths has been successfully applied in practice organizing short-term learning, teaching, training activities for both students and teachers. | There were short-term exchanges of groups of students and joint staff training events for teachers organized in Italy, Lithuania, and Turkey. The teaching, learning events based on participation in Maths Laboratory and CLIL based Biology and Physics activities, exploring effective methods in relation to CLIL based Science and Maths teaching methodology, Biology teaching by using Natural Science Mobile lab, choosing teaching methods and using technology in order to create active learning processes in teaching Mathematics, participating in Science Fair, an activity based on creating a common project.;"Based on the training experience, using skills and knowledge from transnational activities schools organized their own lessons and activities using the methods discussed. Partner schools also shared lessons plans, co-created lesson plans that support the learning paradigm in the educational process and provided colleagues with feedback. Their learning are resulted in the e-book which is a collection of lesson plans, descriptions of the successfully implemented projects and material for further application in schools. The collection of material in this book also reflects the broader perspective of teachers on teaching methodologies in different countries and an appreciation of belonging to a wider community. | Working transnationally gave a broader perspective and meaning for both teachers and students, enhancing the motivation to teach and learn. This was also related to transforming the learning process into something much more engaging with the use of multiple and varied resources, materials and approaches developed during this project. Results | Website | | | Feedback from participants | | Feedback video. Turkey. MDTO MESLEKI VE TEKNIK ANADOLU LISESI | Feedback video. Italy. Instituto Comprensivo di Uggiate-Trevano. | Feedback Video. Italy. Instituto Comprensivo di Uggiate-Trevano. | Feedback Video. Portugal. Agrupamento de Escolas Daniel Sampaio. | Feedback video.Latvia. Balvu Valsts gimnazija. | Feedback Video. Latvia. Balvu Valsts gimnazija. | Feedback Video. Lithuania. Pakruojo ""Atzalyno"" gimnazija. | Feedback Video. Lithuania. Pakruojo ""Atzalyno"" gimnazija. | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | How do I study sciences | How do I study sciences | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | E-book ""Effective Methods for Strengthening the Learning Process in Teaching Science"" | Partnerships and cooperations | | Cooperation and Communication guide | Dissemination material | | Final Video. Erasmus+ project. Effective Methods for Strengthening the Learning Process in Teaching Science. | A5 Notebook-leaflet" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2016;2016-1-NL01-KA203-022893;;;Homo'poly;Homo'poly seeks to promote understanding and acceptance of diversity, especially homosexuality.Because sustained gender specific inequalities in education and upbringing have been exposed in numer...;Migrants' issues, Inclusion - equity, Gender equality / equal opportunities;;UNIVERSITEIT MAASTRICHT;NL;NL,DE,ES,BE,HU,UK,PL,TR;373.858,69;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;Homo'poly seeks to promote understanding and acceptance of diversity, especially homosexuality.Because sustained gender specific inequalities in education and upbringing have been exposed in numerous studies, national and international organizations are looking for approaches to complement their co-educational infrastructure for the specific needs of both genders, to fight discrimination and to promote tolerance towards diversity in life styles in general.The newest LGBT survey European Union lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender survey shows the actuality of the topic. In March 2016 a resolution of the European Parliament was published. This resolution request, from the European Union, sought for equality and against discrimination of LGBTI- people: In a key report () on Gender mainstreaming in the work of the European Parliament, the European Parliament made a strong call to include the rights, perspectives and well-being of LGBTIQ people in all gender mainstreaming activities.The relevance and challenges of these issues are evident on different levels: nationwide controversy about the incorporation of the topic of homosexuality into school curricula, the controversial discussion about the implementation of gay marriage, homophobic attacks and bullying (particularly at a young age), the outing of and dealing with homosexual migrants, homophobic behavior in sport, homophobic legislation of LGBTI-people in Russia and likewise many African countries, with images published and distributed by the mass media helping fuel it further.The aim of this project is to make a contribution towards better understanding homosexuality. This is true equally for the areas of tertiary as well as secondary education. Taking a cross-sectoral approach, cooperation between eight countries is proposed for the project, with one university and one secondary school participating from each country respectively. The project thus addresses students and lecturers at teaching colleges and universities, teachers in secondary education and students at secondary schools. Greater understanding is hoped to be achieved through resources which will be created by the project team and then implemented, tested and evaluated within the relevant institutions.A comprehensive assessment and a comparative study is to be published, including images related to homosexuality in the participating countries, and the mission, aims and content of gender-appropriate behaviors in schools (for example: the topic of homosexuality in the training of teachers, in curricula and teaching resources for secondary schools) and of complementing non-school initiatives in other educational institutions. A curriculum module Gender & Homosexuality, covering general diversity of lifestyles, sexual identities, the question of coming-out and sexual well-being, is to be established across target groups and will form the basis of a school project over a period of several days. In addition, curriculum module Migration & Homosexuality taking into account the problematic situation of refugees in Europe will be developed. ;"Implementation and evaluation is planned to take place in all participating secondary schools in the third year of the project.During the project a Knowlegde-Portal will be created. All developed resources will be integrated in this portal. An e-learning-portal, the project website, a news-portal etc. will be part of the Knowlegde-Portal.A conference during the third year will bring the project to a conclusion. The resources will continue to be available (indefinitely and without limitation); through the development of applications thus their transparent dissemination is ensured far beyond the duration of the project itself.The project intends to make an active contribution towards establishing intercultural dialogue towards gender equality, and, last but not least, acceptance and better understanding of homosexuality. Apart from its comprehensive geographical reach across the diverse historic backgrounds of the partner countries, the project is enriched especially by our Turkish partner. Cultural differences in the West are manifest also in gender-specific education and upbringing, in gender-specific interactions and attitudes towards tolerance, diversity, and homosexuality. The participating countries from Eastern Europe will further enrich the project outcomes and activities as their traditions and specific experiences, too, are analyzed and incorporated into our project. Results | Website | | | Direct effect on participants and project partners | | 05: Projekteinheit: Durchfhrung und Evaluierung | 05: Projekteinheit: Durchfhrung und Evaluierung | 05: Projekteinheit: Durchfhrung und Evaluierung | 05: Projekteinheit: Durchfhrung und Evaluierung | 05: Projekteinheit: Durchfhrung und Evaluierung | 05: Projekteinheit: Durchfhrung und Evaluierung | 05: Projekteinheit: Durchfhrung und Evaluierung | Evaluation | Evaluation | Evaluation | Evaluation | Evaluation | Evaluation | Evaluation | Evaluation | Evaluation | Evaluation | Evaluation | Evaluation | Evaluation | Evaluation | Evaluation | Evaluation | Evaluation | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | O2 - Curriculares Modul: 'Gender & Homosexualitt' | O3 - Curriculares Modul: 'Migration & Homosexualitt' | O2 - Curriculares Modul: 'Gender & Homosexualitt' | O2 - Curriculares Modul: 'Gender & Homosexualitt' | O2 - Curriculares Modul: 'Gender & Homosexualitt' | O2 - Curriculares Modul: 'Gender & Homosexualitt' | O2 - Curriculares Modul: 'Gender & Homosexualitt' | O2 - Curriculares Modul: 'Gender & Homosexualitt' | O2 - Curriculares Modul: 'Gender & Homosexualitt' | O3 - Curriculares Modul: 'Migration & Homosexualitt' | O3 - Curriculares Modul: 'Migration & Homosexualitt' | O3 - Curriculares Modul: 'Migration & Homosexualitt' | O3 - Curriculares Modul: 'Migration & Homosexualitt' | O3 - Curriculares Modul: 'Migration & Homosexualitt' | O3 - Curriculares Modul: 'Migration & Homosexualitt' | O3 - Curriculares Modul: 'Migration & Homosexualitt' | O3 - Curriculares Modul: 'Migration & Homosexualitt' | 04 - Projekteinheit: Entwicklung und Transfer | 04 - Projekteinheit: Entwicklung und Transfer | 04 - Projekteinheit: Entwicklung und Transfer | 04 - Projekteinheit: Entwicklung und Transfer | 04 - Projekteinheit: Entwicklung und Transfer | 04 - Projekteinheit: Entwicklung und Transfer | 04 - Projekteinheit: Entwicklung und Transfer | 04 - Projekteinheit: Entwicklung und Transfer | 04 - Projekteinheit: Entwicklung und Transfer | 04 - Projekteinheit: Entwicklung und Transfer | 04 - Projekteinheit: Entwicklung und Transfer | 04 - Projekteinheit: Entwicklung und Transfer | O2: Curriculares Modul: Gender & Homosexualitt | O3: Curriculares Modul: Homosexualitt & Migration | 04 - Projekteinheit: Entwicklung und Transfer | 04 - Projekteinheit: Entwicklung und Transfer | 04 - Projekteinheit: Entwicklung und Transfer | 04 - Projekteinheit: Entwicklung und Transfer | 04 - Projekteinheit: Entwicklung und Transfer | 04 - Projekteinheit: Entwicklung und Transfer | 04 - Projekteinheit: Entwicklung und Transfer | 04 - Projekteinheit: Entwicklung und Transfer | 04 - Projekteinheit: Entwicklung und Transfer | 04 - Projekteinheit: Entwicklung und Transfer | 04 - Projekteinheit: Entwicklung und Transfer | 04 - Projekteinheit: Entwicklung und Transfer | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | O1 - Homosexualitt 2016: deskriptive und komparative Studie | O1 - Homosexualitt 2016: deskriptive und komparative Studie | O1 - Homosexualitt 2016: deskriptive und komparative Studie | O1 - Homosexualitt 2016: deskriptive und komparative Studie | O1 - Homosexualitt 2016: deskriptive und komparative Studie | O1 - Homosexualitt 2016: deskriptive und komparative Studie | O1 - Homosexualitt 2016: deskriptive und komparative Studie | O1 - Homosexualitt 2016: deskriptive und komparative Studie | O1 -Homosexualitt 2016: deskriptive und komparative Studie | O1 - Homosexualitt 2016: deskriptive und komparative Studie | O1 - Homosexualitt 2016: deskriptive und komparative Studie | O1 - Homosexualitt 2016: deskriptive und komparative Studie | O1 - Homosexualitt 2016: deskriptive und komparative Studie | O1 - Homosexualitt 2016: deskriptive und komparative Studie | O1 - Homosexualitt 2016: deskriptive und komparative Studie | O1 - Homosexualitt 2016: deskriptive und komparative Studie | O1 - Homosexualitt 2016: deskriptive und komparative Studie | O1 - Homosexualitt 2016: deskriptive und komparative Studie | O1 - Homosexualitt 2016: deskriptive und komparative Studie | O1 - Homosexualitt 2016: deskriptive und komparative Studie | Community building tools | | 06 - Knowledge Portal | Dissemination material | | E1 - Multiplier Event | E1 - Multiplier Event | E1 - Multiplier Event | E1 - Multiplier Event | E1 - Multiplier Event | E1 - Multiplier Event | E1 - Multiplier Event | E1 - Multiplier Event | E1 - Multiplier Event | E1 - Multiplier Event | Organizational and working documents | | 06 - Knowledge Portal" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2016;2016-1-NL01-KA203-022911;;;Education for Democratic Intercultural Citizenship+;"In this evaluation we review the list of outcomes we presented in our application. 1. The joint development of a curriculum for Education for Democratic Intercultural Citizenship (EDIC+), a netwo...";EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy|Ethics, religion and philosophy (incl. Inter-religious dialogue)|Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;STICHTING UNIVERSITEIT VOOR HUMANISTIEK;NL;NL,EL,EE,ES,CZ,FI,UK;339.620,00;Yes;No;Local Public body;Administracin;;;English;In this evaluation we review the list of outcomes we presented in our application. | 1. The joint development of a curriculum for Education for Democratic Intercultural Citizenship (EDIC+), a network structure, and an intensive programme. | Together we developed a curriculum for Education for Democratic Intercultural Citizenship, built a network structure, and designed and trialled an annual intensive programme. | 2. The development of one 7.5 ECTS (Master level) module (in English) by each participating university. The seven modules will together constitute the integrated curriculum EDIC+. All materials will be published (in an open-access book and on the EDIC+ website). | Each university has developed an international module in English and had try-outs of the module or at least crucial parts of it. All universities developed the module in accordance with the content described in our proposal. The intensive dialogues between the participants contributed to a better alignment of the modules with the central theme of Democratic Intercultural Citizenship Education and with a stronger international and comparative methodology. Readers can read about the seven modules in this (open-access) book. For further information, interested parties can contact the coordinator of the seven universities involved ( | 3. All seven universities have recognised the EDIC+ modules of the other universities. All universities have offered the entire EDIC+ curriculum to their students and will do again next year. A lot of information about the different modules is now available on the EDIC website and in this book. | 4. All EDIC+ universities have now signed mutual agreements with the other EDIC+ universities. Students can use normal Erasmus grants to study at one of the EDIC+ universities, in particular in the area of the presented EDIC+ module. Teachers can use Erasmus grants to attend another EDIC university to teach and to expand cooperation in research. | 5. Participation of students from these seven universities and students from other universities in these modules. There is a growing (but still small) number of students that use or want to use these possibilities in the future. For Master students, the period of three months is quite difficult to fit in. We hope that the new Erasmus programme will make it possible to offer shorter periods for Master students. | 6. We have an EDIC+ certificate including all logos of the participating universities. Universities can use this for their own EDIC+ module. We also use it for participation in an Intensive Programme. When students participate in two EDIC+ modules they receive a certificate signed by the general EDIC+ coordinator. | 7. All modules have the following 5 methodological elements: | a. All the modules offer a strong combination of theory and practice | b. In all modules there is a link with civil society institutions. Many site-visits are made. Guest lectures by representatives of such organisations are included in the modules. | c. All the modules are linked with research. In the developmental stage of the modules we could benefit from the EU Teaching Common Values project. All the modules are also aimed at educational change, at improving educational practices, and at the professional development of teachers and other educational professionals. | d. The modules became even more international than we expected, as we moved beyond only a European perspective. The participation of quite a lot of students from outside Europe in the modules and in the intensive programmes contributed to this global perspective. | e. The critical friend lecturer who attended the module of another EDIC+ university and gave a lecture in the module was a strong tool in the collaboration. It was a cooperation within the actual educational practice. | 8. The group of lecturers involved in the Intensive Programme and in the modules of the universities are engaged in a growing collaboration in terms of research, publishing, and supervising. People are more aware of each others competences, are more familiar with each other, and know more about each others formal and informal institutional cultures. | 9. We were forced to drop the intended e-journal because an Erasmus strategic partnership does not support this kind of activity. Most of the EDIC teachers are members of editorial boards of academic journals or book series. They showed the students how publishing works and stimulated them to work towards academic publishing. | 10. The three Intensive Programmes (IP) were very successful. The IPs are important for the (international) learning experiences of the students, the possibility for teachers to present their work to an international audience. Both students and teachers can intensify their contacts in such IP. We hope we can continue them, maybe with the use of normal Erasmus exchange grants. | 11. All universities organised a multiplier event. And We had already symposia at conferences.;Results for this project are not yet available. They might become available after the project's end date Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2016;2016-1-NL01-KA203-023013;;;European Network for Advancement of Business and Landscape Education ;Healthy landscapes and ecosystems are the basis of our life and economy. However, a quarter of the worlds land mass is seriously degraded from centuries of human activity. Degradation of land is ...;Environment and climate change, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Social dialogue;;ERASMUS UNIVERSITEIT ROTTERDAM;NL;NL,PT,IS,ES;435.193,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;Healthy landscapes and ecosystems are the basis of our life and economy. However, a quarter of the worlds land mass is seriously degraded from centuries of human activity. Degradation of land is related to major themes like climate change, food and water security, and biodiversity decline. These are directly connected to well-being, security, poverty and migration. Restoring and conserving landscapes is thus one of the most important tasks of our time. Yet, there is still a big gap between economy and ecology. Europe needs a practical approach for restoring landscapes based on sustainable business cases. There is a need for trust and connection between all stakeholders investing in landscape restoration. A shared understanding or language is needed and an approach that creates engagement, controls complexity and keeps partners inspired to harvest the results of their investment. Such an approach is currently not available in Europe. | The main goal of the European Network for the Advancement of Business and Landscape Education (ENABLE) has been to establish a European education platform to create awareness about the functioning of ecosystems and the benefits of sustainable landscape management that involves renowned academic partners, private business, public sectors and NGOs in developing innovative and high quality education. This education can bridge the gap and help tackle global challenges as defined in the UNs Sustainable Development Goals (eg. SDG 15.3 on Land Degradation Neutrality) and the in the EU 6th Environment Action Programme (Decision No 1600/2002/EC), and the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2020. | | The ENABLE objectives are: | 1. To create an inter- and transdisciplinary educational framework with innovative e-learning components that will help bridge the gap between economy and ecology, accelerate the much-needed change and help establish a landscape management & restoration industry | 2. To teach and train business students to become generators of sustainable value for business and society at large and to work towards an inclusive and sustainable global economy | 3. To initiate and facilitate dialogue and debate among educators, students, business, government, consumers, media, civil society organisations and other interested groups and stakeholders on critical issues related to global social responsibility and sustainability in general and in particular to prevention of landscape degradation and restoration. | | The ENABLE consortium wants to steer the future direction of sustainable business models and of higher education in order to build synergies between economy and ecology, theory and practice, global and local approaches, business and environment and consisted of members of the following organisations from academia and practice: | Erasmus University Rotterdam - Rotterdam school of Management | Commonland | Spanish National Research Council - Centro de Edafologia y biologia aplicada del segura | United Nations University - Land Restoration Training Programme, hosted by Landbunadarhaskoli Islands | Estoril Global Conferences | Universidade Nova de Lisboa - Nova School of Business & Economics;The consortium developed 2 Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs): | 1. A Business Approach to Sustainable Landscape Restoration ( | 2. Business Model Innovation for Sustainable Landscape Restoration ( | | 5 teaching cases: | 1. The Alvelal project in Spain - an example of a successful restoration initiative of collaboratively developing integrated sustainable business cases for rainfed almonds. | 2. The Arento Group in Spain - Towards a Sustainable Future. This case examines how an agricultural business tries to make the transition towards higher levels of sustainability. | 3. From Bare to Birch - Large-Scale Ecosystem Restoration in Iceland. The case examines how to transition from barren desertified land to a resilient and healthy woodland that can provide ecosystem services to the people in the area and beyond. | 4. Reborn from Ashes - The Alvares Project. The North and Centre of Portugal encompass many productive forest areas that are particularly prone to fires. In the middle of this burnt region, the parish of Alvares stands as a representative case of the entire territory: consecutive decades of rural exodus dramatically changed the economic structure in which its population used to subsist. | 5. Sustainable Finance for Landscape Restoration in Spain focuses on mobilising finance for the farmers who take part in the cooperative (Alvelal) and for the trading company (Almendrehesa). This case was turned into an online, rich case. | | A knowledge exchange platform - | This platform is an online space for a growing community of people involved in large scale landscape restoration based on the holistic 4 returns approach. | Website | | | Feedback from participants | | Survey Community of Practice website | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | O1: MOOC 1 - A Business Approach to Sustainable Landscape Restoration | O4: MOOC 2 - Business Model Innovation for Sustainable Landscape Restoration | E2: Final presentations case competition | O3: Community of Practice | O2: Case series (Cases) | E3: Experiential Learning Module | E1: Workshop Share Learnings from MOOC 1 | Workbook MOOC2 | E4: Showcase event | Side event by NOVA SBE | Community building tools | | O3: Community of Practice | Dissemination material | | ENABLE website | Flyer Experiential Learning module | ENABLE MOOC1 Teaser movie | ENABLE at the Leadership Summit (Wanted! Chief Ecosystem Officers) | Newsletter for the advisory board | ENABLE MOOC 2 Teaser movie | Brochure ENABLE project | Flyer ENABLE MOOC1 | Bookmark ENABLE MOOC2 | Bookmark ENABLE MOOC1 | B@B, The Hague 2016 - presentation Wanted!Chief Ecosystem Officers for an upcoming industry | B@B, The Hague 2016 - presentation Wanted!Chief Ecosystem Officers for an upcoming industry | Event release MOOC1 | Conference of the Ecological Society of Iceland 2017 | SER World Conference 2017 | bEURs LEarning & Innovation conference 2017 | Dynamics of Inclusive Prosperity Conference 2017 | Global Landscape Forum Bonn 2017 | SER European Conference, Reykjavk, Iceland 2018 | Global Landscapes Forum Bonn 2018 | Dissemination by CSIC | Dissemination ENABLE | Conference of the Ecological Society of Iceland in Hlar, Iceland 2019 | SER World Conference 2019 | Digital Summits hosted by the Global Landscape Forum | ENABLE Twitter account | ENABLE Facebook analytics | Organizational and working documents | | MOOC 1 evaluation | MOOC 2 first evaluation | MOOC 1 needs analysis | SWOT analysis Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-NL01-KA219-022990;;;Water Equals Hundreds of Opportunities;The aim of the 'Water Equals Hundreds of Opportunities' project is to make students, partner institutions and their local communities more aware of the importance of water in everyday life. It wil...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Christelijk College Schaersvoorde;NL;NL,HU,TR,ES,PL,UK,FR,IT;185.960,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;The aim of the 'Water Equals Hundreds of Opportunities' project is to make students, partner institutions and their local communities more aware of the importance of water in everyday life. It will not only focus the participants attention on water-related issues (e.g. the importance of water in a healthy lifestyle, industry, technology and transportation, water protection) and enable them to broaden their knowledge on these subjects, but it will also help them develop their reading, mathematical, language and ICT skills through their work in the project. By carrying out the project, the project will attempt to reach the aims of Europe 2020 concerning raising the level of reading, science, ICT and math competencies. The project will involve more than two thousand participants, 442 of whom will participate in transnational teaching and learning activities.The theme of water is so broad and diversified that it will enable us to incorporate it into the main parts of the school curriculum. In each partner school there is a need to improve the school curriculum by making students more active in the learning process through more student autonomy and problem-solving tasks. The improved curriculums will include brain-friendly lessons and 'flipped' classroom. Using these methods, students will work on the theme of water in Mathematics, Sciences, ICT, English and other European languages, students will be encouraged to take a cross-curricular approach in noticing the problem, analyzing a possible solution and coming up with their own conclusions through innovations. This way, they will increase their level of competencies, be motivated to study, develop their interdisciplinary skills and raise their awareness of active participation in pursuing their education and future career.;It will enable them to become competitive on the job market since there are more and more companies dealing with the issue of water in every European country. Also, teachers will be able to develop their teaching skills by incorporating innovative teaching approach (neurodidactics). They will also improve their language and ICT skills through working together and visiting partner schools, as well as sharing their experiences and good practices. This will encourage life-long learning. 'Water Equals Hundreds of Opportunities' project will also enable people from different European countries to realize what water-related problems other nations have, and how their local and national governments decisions concerning water can affect their own country or region. As a result, students and local communities awareness will be raised and the feeling of facing the same problems and necessity of cooperation among different European nations will be created. The end results, such as improved school curriculums, a brochure on water springs and spas, e-book containing teaching and studying material for English, Mathematics and Sciences, lesson plans of brain-friendly classes and activities, flipped classroom activities, as well as instructions for carrying out experiments will ensure the widespread usage of the project ideas in other educational institutions across European community. Results | Feedback from participants | | Evaluationform for Parents in the Netherlands | Evaluationform for sending students | Direct effect on participants and project partners | | Questionnaire students | E-twinning certificates Poland | POLAND-online articles about language courses | Online diary project meetings 2016 | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Week schedule Aalten | Weekprogram France | experiments with water on project YouTUbe channel | Community building tools | | Epic for education - Book Library | Partnerships and cooperations | | KIVA Microlending | Dissemination material | | Presentation for parents before the exchange week | Powerpoint Lake Balaton | Powerpoint the river danube | Ruzza webiste and information | About the school in Paks | Presentation of the school in France | Description of the project in Turkey | Dessemination from the project in France | Transnational Meeting 2017 Portchester | Transnational Meeting 2016 Galapagar | Transnational Meeting 2018 Padova Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility between Programme and Partner Countries;2016;2016-1-NO01-KA107-021959;;;Project for higher education student and staff mobility between Programme Countries and Partner Countries;"The project involves 4 country sub-projects which individually have created opportunities for students and staff. 1. QUT / Queensland University of Technology The origin of this project is a r...";;;UNIVERSITETET I STAVANGER;NO;NO;72.594,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;not available;English;"The project involves 4 country sub-projects which individually have created opportunities for students and staff. | | 1. QUT / Queensland University of Technology | The origin of this project is a research cooperation within early childhood education (ECE) focusing on sustainability studies in operation since around the year 2000. The current project objectives were develop a joint course for PhD students using Erasmus+ ICM funds for teacher exchanges to test teaching methods. Two reserachers travelled on teaching exchanges from QUT to UiS in late autumn of 2016, with a return visit by one of the UiS researchers for teaching assignments at QUT in srping of 2017. The participants were professors of ECE with a long track record of teaching and research publications. Teaching target groups were mostly PhD students at both universities, and the results were that the academic groups in question were enabled to develop a joint course which has been organized twice since the mobilities took place, once at UiS and once at QUT, during the 2017-2018 academic year. In the long run, these groups are planning to team up with further partners in the field to develop stronger networks and further collaborative partnerships. | | 2. GUBKIN RUSSIAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF OIL AND GAS | University of Stavanger (UiS) has a long record of cooperating with Russian universities and the Faculty of Science and Technology at UiS has a strategic aim to be internationally leading in petroleum- and offshore-related disciplines. Cooperation with higher education institutions in Russia fits very well into this | strategy. To now, the cooperation has resulted in two formal educational programs with St. Petersburg State University (since 2009) and the Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (since 2011). | UiS and Gubkin have a 2-year double-degree master programme in 'Offshore Field Development Technology'. The objectives were to: | Meet the oil and gas industry needs for high-level professionals in severe Arctic conditions | Provide comprehensive European level education, drawing on Russian petroleum engineering education and leading technology from Norway | Let students draw on experience of working in an international environment | Give high quality instruction for the graduating students to acquire leading positions according to their specialisation and adjacent areas | | 3. SAINT PETERSBURG STATE UNIVERSITY | St . Petersburg State University (SPbSU) | UiS and SPbSU have worked together since 2007 to develop the joint mobility program ""Norwegian-Russian Master of Science program in ""Geoecological monitoring and rational use of natura resources in the Northern oil and gas production regions"". Both universities see the program as strategically important for internationalization and for generating new knowledge on climate and environment. The program aims to facilitate a unified strategy for environmental assessment in the Northern oil and gas producing regions. The program combines existing courses at the two universities into a joint curriculum, incl. e-learning, practical training at research and industrial sites and research and applied projects with active student participation. The outcome were to: | Unification of qualifications of Russian and Norwegian specialists working in the oil and gas production in the Arctic zone | Acquaintance of Russian students with the standard-setting Norwegian experience in the field | Acquaintance of Norwegian students with the Russian experience and practices in the field | Launching joint research projects towards developing unified apJJroaches tonature management | | Mobility in both projects have been students and teachers mobility. | | The cooperation with Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and gas has been strengthen with new academic participants during the project period. The cooperation applied and received additional funding for new educational projects though the Utforsk program. A four year project ,administered by the National Agency; The Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education (SIU). The collaboration is now organizing summer schools, conferences and curriculum development. University of Stavanger arranged an international conference in 2017 ; topic Computational Metods in Offshore Technology. Academic staff from Gubkin University were invited as participants in the Conference Scientific Committee . | | 4. AN-NAJAH NATIONAL UNIVERSITY (ANU) | This project hails from the town twinning network between Stavanger and Nablus, and has developed a platform for exchange of students and staff with great impact. Undergraduate students at ANU follow courses in drama and theatre studies at UiS, developing skills and empowering them to work in conflict resolution situations. Staff exchange has proved rewarding through exchange of teaching methods and good practices, involving a number of various academic and administrative staff from both universities.";Results for this project are not available. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2016;2016-1-NO01-KA204-022090;;;Advenus;In 2016, more than 700 000 refugees were granted asylum in Europe. These people face challenges gaining new knowledge and new skills, in a new country. Successful integration requires learning re...;Integration of refugees, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills;;HOGSKOLEN I LILLEHAMMER;NO;NO,PT,MK,IT;109.502,00;Yes;No;Non-Profit making cultural organizations;Asociacin;;;English;he projects objective is to promote the free and successful movement of workers in Europe through the use of a Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) methodology. For this purpose, the partnership has developed an Open Educational Resource, the VGCLIL training platform, whose target users are adults, employed and unemployed, who completed/are completing their education and plan to look for a job abroad to start their professional life or to make an experience that will enrich their competences. Partners: INFOREF (BE): non-profit with a long experience in European project management, e-learning, and website development. BEST (AT): provides continuous training, vocational qualification and career services to young (+16) individuals and adults. Universidad de Murcia (ES): university covering 8 scientific areas, including humanities. The involved staff is expert in language learning and linguistics. Apricot (UK): non-profit that contributes to a strong, sustainable and socially inclusive economy by promoting and facilitating learning, training and development in and for the workplace. ASTERES (IT): organises and promotes initiatives to foster workers and citizens free mobility and positive inclusion in the job market. They are involved in vocational guidance, language learning and ICT.;The training platform was created in partners national languages (French, English, Italian, Spanish, German) and structured as a CLIL course with gradual difficulty, to constitute a useful language tool that aims to strengthen the communicative competence of the trainees. It is available for B2 and C1 levels and is divided in 4 modules (job search skills, job applications, interview skills and intercultural skills). Using various supports (texts, videos, audio files), the platform enhances learners communication in a foreign language while providing them with vocational guidance on such topics as: how to write an effective CV and cover letter, how to behave during a job interview, etc. The training platform is freely accessible at Firstly the partners produced two sets of guidelines to produce the materials following the CLIL methodology and regarding content learning. They agreed on the topics to be treated and the form they would have (text, dialogs, videos, audio files, etc.) in order to have homogeneous materials. Each partner produced didactic materials in its own language using the CLIL methodology. A sample of the target groups with different background in terms of age, education, job experience and social status participated in the piloting phase. This phase helped the partners produce the final version of the platform. The project gave the partners a new tool they can use in their training programme and everyday practice, and gave them the opportunity to acquire knowledge about employability in their country and in Europe, to acquaint themselves with the CLIL methodology and to create materials specifically designed for e-learning. The pilot users acquired important knowledge and skills related to job search abroad and to the command of a foreign language. Based on their feedback, users of all countries usually feel better prepared and more confident for their job search. These first results indicate that VGCLIL is relevant and appropriate for its objectives. Results | Website | | | Without category | | Advenus Learning Resource: How to write a CV | Advenus e-learning course: Using the Internet to find a job and to learn | Advenus e-learning course: Dealing with money private economy | Advenus e-learning course: Saving the world from my neighbourhood | Advenus e-learning course: Lets eat Consumer awareness about food | Advenus e-learning course: Introduction to the Advenus Courses | Advenus VLE e-learning platform | Intellectual Output 01 Mapping and benchmarking cultural sensitivity Report | Intellectual Output 3 Trials results and evaluation | Advenus Set of redesign/adaptation priorities | Advenus Scientific Articles | Video - Lessons learned from the Advenus project | Video - Overview of Advenus platform and e-learning resources | Video - There is no single kind of refugee in Europe. Professor Roger Slee and professor Stephen Dobson Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2016;2016-1-PL01-KA102-023582;;;LEPSZY START ZAWODOWY UCZNIW TARNOGRSKIEJ SORBONY;The main aim of the project called Better professional start for students of Tarnogrska Sorbona was raising the level of practical skills and professional competence of 30 students of our schoo...;Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy) ...;;Wieloprofilowy Zespol Szkol;PL;PL,DE;68.144,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;The main aim of the project called Better professional start for students of Tarnogrska Sorbona was raising the level of practical skills and professional competence of 30 students of our school Wieloprofilowy Zesp_ Szk_ in Tarnowskie Gry. Students were chosen from two types of schools: Technical College _ 5 and Vocational School _ 3 (both existing within Wieloprofilowy Zesp_ Szk_, or Tarnogrska Sorbona as we commonly call it). We wanted them to develop their openness, entrepreneurial skills and occupational mobility to increase their future chances in the job market. | More detailed goals of our project were as follows: | a) improving language skills (mainly English and German) among students, | b) developing practical skills and knowledge in the fields of hairdressing, automotive mechanics and photography techniques, | c) developing students interpersonal competence, their openness and tolerance towards national, racial and religious differences, | d) personal development of students, their self-assessment and confidence. | e) providing work experience for students and enabling them to gain it in the foreign job market. | Taking part in the project additionally improved the quality of vocational education in our school. Students achieved better results during the exterior exams in the professional areas covered by the project, we also adjusted our educational offer to the needs of the European job market. | Wieloprofilowy Zesp_ Szk_ (WZS) aims at offering possibilities of education adjusted to the constant changes on the job market. Thats why we want to get involved in the international cooperation and foreign mobility programmes. We have already signed another contract for a 24-month mobility called Professional passport to career for students of Tarnogrska Sorbona POWERVET-2017-1-PL01-KA102-037578 | | Our last project involved students of the third form of the Technical College _ 5 and Vocational School _ 3 in the following professions: | Hairdresser/ hairdressing technician 11 students | Automotive technician/car mechanic 10 students | Technician of photography 9 students. | The students during their monthly stay in Germany were accompanied by four teachers of Wieloprofilowy Zespl Szk_ (two teachers per two weeks). | Before their departure to Germany, the students took part in classes, where they learnt not only the general and vocational language, but also about the culture and customs of Germany, and also got the necessary psychological background. The classes were organized on the premises of WZS in November and December 2016 and January 2017, before students leave. | The practice lasted four weeks (12.02.2017-11.03.2017) and took place in Germany in Schkeuditz, where our partner was VITALIS Betreuungsgesellschaft fr Modellprojekte GmbH. This organization has wide experience in comprehensive preparing students for performing their future jobs. VITALIS regularly monitored the students progress according to ECVET procedures. | For our students the training in Germany was a milestone in their professional and personal development. They gained both professional and personal experience which will be profitable in the future. Besides, they learnt a lot about the economic and social situation in Germany and their workplace culture, and they had a chance to meet students from other countries and international backgrounds. They had an opportunity to develop their both German and English language skills during direct contact with foreign workers and students and tested their language abilities during real communication and professional situations. They also got to know many vocational phrases characteristic for their professions. | Thanks to obtaining the European Certificates (Europass Mobility, Europass CV and European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training ECVET) the future graduates will have better employment prospects both in Poland and abroad. Taking part in the foreign internship gave the students better mobility on the European job market. The European certificate Europass confirms their professional knowledge, skills and qualifications acquired abroad, and the ability to prepare the European CV makes their chances for employment bigger.;We presented the results of the project to our local community, encouraging others to take part in the Erasmus+ programme. We used different methods to share the effects: the Internet, social media or our school events like Schools Days and education fair. We also presented them during school meetings and visits in different schools while promoting our educational offer. The students made short films and a brochure presenting their learning experience during the mobility. They boast their skills and share their knowledge in everyday contact with their schoolmates and family members. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2016;2016-1-PL01-KA102-024218;;;Kreowanie us_ug turystycznych na podstaiwe potrzeb zdefiniowanych w kraju pochodzenia turysty;"The project ""Creating tourism services based on the needs as defined in the tourist's country of origin"" was implemented by Zesp_ Szk_ Ekonomiczno-Hotelarskich (ZSE-H) in Ko_obrzeg (Poland) and ...";Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education;;Zespol Szkol Ekonomiczno-Hotelarskich im. Emilii Gierczak w Kolobrzegu;PL;PL,DK;44.957,02;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The project ""Creating tourism services based on the needs as defined in the tourist's country of origin"" was implemented by Zesp_ Szk_ Ekonomiczno-Hotelarskich (ZSE-H) in Ko_obrzeg (Poland) and Tech College Aalborg (TCAA) in Aalborg (Denmark). The participants was a group of 16 students of ZSE-H who are educated in the educational profile of advertising organization technician and tourism service technician. The key component was a four-week placement in Aalborg which was scheduled for 04.09.2017- 30.09.2017. The aim of the project was to get to know the Danish tourism market and the rules of creating a tourist product, methodology of introducing such a product to the market, organizing and conducting a marketing campaign on the practical basis along with the acquisition of practical skills by the participants in the following substantial areas: | -rules of operations of Danish travel agents and hotel system of guest service, | -managing and organizing operations of a travel agency, document preparation and circulation, | -acquisition and accumulation of information about expectations, habits and customs of Danish tourists in their home country, which are useful for creating offers that promote trips to Poland, | -creating tourist offers, methodology of client acquisition in accordance with the standards of Danish tourism-hotel business, | -developing and introducing a tourist product to the market, building up a marketing campaign, preparation of marketing materials, | - setting up and administering the website dedicated to the entities which operate within tourism and hotel business, | -using information technologies while creating tourist offers, organizing a marketing campaign and selling the tourist product. | The practical classes were carried out in specialist classrooms of Tech College Aalborg, and in some Danish hotels and tourist agencies. | The participants received certificates signed by the host institution, along with the Europass Mobility document. As planned there was the verification of the acquired skills and learning outcomes in accordance with the procedures of the European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET). | The projects soft outcome is the participants obtaining niche and unique skills and specialist knowledge regarding the rules of functioning of Danish tourist agencies and hotels , as well as the knowledge of Danish socio-cultural realities. It is a very important area of knowledge and skills for Ko_obrzegs tourism and it is the area that will strengthen the project participants position on the labour market on the account of the increasing trend of tourist traffic from Denmark. Last year three thousand tourists from Denmark visited Ko_obrzeg, but this number includes only so-called qualified stays which last minimum 3 days. The actual number of guests from Denmark is surely much higher than that The geographical closeness of the Danish island of Bornholm (there is a regular sea connection with Ko_obrzeg) and the Danish national football teams stay in Ko_obrzeg during Euro 2012 made our region popular, generating a possibility of a substantial increase in the influx of Danish tourists and in the diversification of tourist traffic. The material outcome of the project include: sample tourist offers, which were developed by the placement participants while in Denmark and which aim at Danish clients inviting them to come to Ko_obrzeg and our country; they were moderated and verified by Danish specialists, and were created on the basis of the knowledge about Danish tourists acquired in their home country. An e-script was made which analyses the expectations, habits , needs of Danish tourists as identified and defined during the placement. The e-script is made available on the schools website and to the trade businesses which could be interested in it.";ZSE-H in Ko_obrzeg, being the beneficiary of the project obtained, as a long-term value, the institutional trans-border added value in the form of a selective transfer of Danish solutions in educating future employees of tourism business sector. The particular aim of the practical interest which was achieved was the project method which is widespread in the Danish educational system with reference to the education of technicians of advertising organization and tourism service. The project was supported by Ko_obrzegs hotels and travel agencies which operate tourist traffic from Denmark and which are interested in the project implementation. On the Danish side in the context of the project implementation, Danish hotels and travel agencies cooperated with the host institution, thus it was an opportunity to start up new trans-border business relations. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2016;2016-1-PL01-KA103-023722;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;The executed project was foc. on 55 mobilities broken down into four types: student mobility for semester or full-year studies in order to complete a part of studies at a foreign partner univ. and...;;;Panstwowa Wyzsza Szkola Techniczno - Ekonomiczna im. ks. Bronislawa Markiewicza;PL;PL;83.063,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;not available;English;The executed project was foc. on 55 mobilities broken down into four types: student mobility for semester or full-year studies in order to complete a part of studies at a foreign partner univ. and student mob. for traineeships to a foreign institution cooperating with PWSTE as well as staff mobility for teaching of academic teachers for conducting lecturers for foreign students of universities and employees for training purposes. Originally, the contract incl. 33 depart. (10-SMS, 14-SMP, 3-STA and 6-STT). At every opportunity, PWSTE applied for add. funds. As a result of an active policy of intern., 55 mob. were completed, which means 12 more than the agreement was expected. The first annex was awarded to us 10, and another 4 additional places for student depart. There was an opportunity, so we applied for funds for STT mobilities, declaring increase of student departures to practice. The final third annex assumed 41 student and 14 STT and STA mobilities. Certainly the priorities of the instit. strategy of the PWSTE have been fulfilled, which include the increase of the intern. of our University. By analyzing the depar.: a total of 21 students took advantage of the study mob., of which 12 people went in the first sem. and the second one was 9. In this 5 people who received the social scholarship were qualified to E+ POWER. In addition, 20 students compl. mob. in practice, choosing both Greece and Spain. In the SMP category, also 5 people received support from the social scholarship. Together 21 SMS and 20 SMP were approved. When traveling to study, the mob. participants selected countries, like Spain, 11 people, 3 to Portugal and Germany, 2 to Italy and one to Slovakia and France. When analyzing employee mob., it should be noted that together 14 mob. was broken down into 10 STT and 4 STA. More precisely, two people went to Spain, Slovenia and one to Romania, Bulgaria and Latvia and as many as 7 to Slovakia, which due to intensive cooperation is very successful. Both qualitative and quantitative objectives, which are the subject of an agreement between PWSTE and the National Agency, as well as those contained in the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) have been achieved. The University accepted all the subjects that the students had chosen in the LA and which they had passed while studying abroad. In addition, the program of all apprenticeships was accepted. Furthermore, participants of the program who finished their studies in the PWSTE received a diploma supplement confirming participation in the mobility program, which was real. based on the interinstitutional agreements, which set out the roles and responsibilities of each party, including the commitments of the partners. Participants were provided with appropriate preparation for departure, both mentally and professionally. Mobility was carried out on the basis of the agreed by three parties agreements (about the program of study/practice/teaching/training). Beneficiaries were provided with visa, insurance and accommodation assistance before commencing mobility. PWSTE took steps to recognize eligible student activities contained in LA, recognizing them as a part of the learning component leading to a diploma. This also included the recognition of training and didactic actions of our employees in accordance with the programs which had been drawn up previously. Permanent inform. connected with E+ Programme in PWSTE was propagated, together with promoting the mob. of mobility activities, includ, results, which in turn we tried to spread. During the implem. of the E+ Programme, special emphasis was placed on ensur. that students of all fields of study and departments, regardless of social and economic status, gender, race and religion, were given the widest access to the program.;When evaluating acquired prof. comp., it is clear that most students have acknowledged that, through their departure, they recogn. the value of other cultures now. Mob. have brought profits on impr. the skills of using the Internet and social media. Part. have raised the self-esteem of their strengths and weaknesses, teamwork and indep. learning. They were self-confident and aware of their skills and they were tolerant towards others, part. were more inter. in the affairs of Europe and planned to engage more activ. in social and polit. life in their environment. They felt more European, being able to coop. with repr. of other cultures and perceived their value, they better adapted themselves in new cond. Staff mob. have resulted among others in increased work satisf., improved social, linguistic and cultural compet., as well as enhanced coop. with partner instit. The departure has affected their pers. and prof. develop. as they have expanded or established new contacts as well as they have benefited from good practice staying abroad. Staff memb. have strengthened lang. skills by acquiring appropriate qualifications for work and prof. development in the hig. educ. sector. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2016;2016-1-PL01-KA103-023898;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;"In the year 2016-17, financial agreement with the National Agency in the frames of Erasmus+ Programme included mobility for students and staff. Mobilities in all categories were realised. One of ...";;;POLITECHNIKA BIALOSTOCKA;PL;PL;334.582,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;not available;English;In the year 2016-17, financial agreement with the National Agency in the frames of Erasmus+ Programme included mobility for students and staff. Mobilities in all categories were realised. One of the strategic objectives of Bialystok University of Technology, concerning internationalisation of the University, has been continuous intensification of student and staff exchange under Erasmus+ Programme as well as integration of academic and local communities with foreigners visiting our University. Other aims include improving the participants linguistic skills and taking part in education at the European level. In the year 2016-17 BUT completed 266 mobilities. We exceeded the plan from the financial agreement by 48 persons. The largest group who went abroad constituted teachers (STA) and students (SMS). Scholarships for 38 disadvantaged students (SMP and SMS together) were financed from the OPKED budget of the European Social Fund. For the first time we sent abroad a disabled student. 14 recent graduates were sent for placement. Mobility was also popular among the administrative staff, 26 persons went abroad. We spent 334 582EUR. Bialystok University of Technology entered into inter-institutional agreements based on reciprocity, balance in mobility, and conformity of the course offers of foreign universities with the learning outcomes assumed at BUT. Active agreements were continuously evaluated as to whether both sides fulfilled their obligations. To exhaust our budget, a number of activities promoting the Programme and encouraging all the groups to participate in mobility were undertaken. The necessary information was made available to candidates and participants via internet websites, radio broadcasts, e-mails, social media, posters and leaflets. A number of initiatives have been launched to start cooperation with companies accepting students for traineeships.;Selected students and staff were provided with the necessary assistance before and during their mobility. Regular contacts of the International Relations Office and Faculty Coordinators with mobility participants increased the effectiveness of the implemented activities. Every effort was also made for the process of mobility recognition to be successful. Intensifying our actions to popularise the achieved results, we aimed at reaching the widest possible audience with the use of means adjusted to the appropriate target groups. The permanence and continuity of the achieved outcomes in the future were also ensured. In order to present the effects of the activities also outside of BUT, a number of meetings were organised and many events were taken part in. Apart from that, foreign students could always count on help from the University staff and students. BUT made every effort to ensure that Erasmus students were treated equally with Polish students and included in the local academic community. The participation of BUT in Erasmus+ Programme was beneficial not only to the participants but also to the whole University. One of the results was expanding the offer for foreign students, e.g. a catalogue of courses taught in English, free-of-charge language courses and equipped rooms in Students Halls of Residence. The project offered all its participants the opportunity to develop their competences and acquire new ones, i.e. openness and tolerance, breaking of stereotypes, enhancing their self-appraisal, increasing their independence, developing communication and language skills. These abilities made the Programme participants more satisfied with their work and more competitive in the job market, helped them to make professional contacts, encouraged to self-improvement, increased professional and personal aspirations. Owing to the Programme, our University is more prestigious, and the quality of teaching and training increased at all levels. The achieved results matched the institutional strategy perfectly. BUT was cooperating with foreign academic centres and economic operators sharing similar values, in order to build up and disseminate scientific, cultural, and technological developments. The project's effects achieved by our University confirm that the quantitative and qualitative goals resulting from the financial agreement with the National Agency and from the ECHE Charter were reached. Moreover, some non-standard activities which could be given as examples of good practice were undertaken. They were aimed at social and cultural integration and also at increasing the competences and satisfaction of mobility participants. The experience gained during the project implementation continuously motivates BUT staff for further efforts, offers new perspectives, and makes the staff open for more challenges. Our University works steadily to be successful at internationalisation through implementing ideas and engaging the whole academic community in activities for the benefit of Erasmus+ Programme. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-PL01-KA104-025492;;;"""Odkurzamy Dom Kultury""";"The aim of the project ""Dusting the cultural centre"" was training by job shadowing for chosen members of the stuff of Poleski Art Centre (POS) during mobility to the partner institution, VHS in ...";Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Creativity and culture, Access for disadvantaged;;Poleski Osrodek Sztuki;PL;PL,AT;7.391,00;Yes;No;Other;ONG;;not available;English;The realization of the project directly translated into a cultural and educational offer for adult audiences. A series of events accompanying the project were organized, both as a project promotion and as a new proposition for the public. The new forms taken in the project were, among others. International meeting on Austrian culture combined with wine tasting (Wiener Melange) Outdoor exhibition of portrait photography with participation of the local community (Faces of Lodz) Online e-book publication ( multimedia exhibition with immigrants from different parts of the world (Urban Hypnosis) Thanks to the events accompanying the project the centre started to be more strongly associated in the local environment with international exchanges.;"The mobility of a group of participants to Vienna, to the partner institution Die Wiener Volkshochschulen (vhs) took place from 16th to 21st of November. The name of the institution means literally Viennese Peoples Universities, there are 17 centrally managed local branches. Each district of Vienna has its own ""vhs"". Widely available, they offer Viennese access to lifelong learning, allow gaining new qualifications and adapting themselves to the needs of specific environments. Promoting the idea of freedom, justice, solidarity and tolerance plays an enormous role in helping the unemployed, the disabled and immigrants." Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2016;2016-1-PL01-KA201-026422;;;HANDS ON MEDIA LITERACY ;Today, the young generation is under the influence of the media. Over the last decade, there has been a drastic increase in the amount of time children and young people spend on-line. This has pos...;Research and innovation, EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy ...;;Zespol Szkol Nr 2 im. Grzegorza z Sanoka w Sanoku;PL;PL,CZ,LV,TR,BG,RO;137.850,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"Today, the young generation is under the influence of the media. Over the last decade, there has been a drastic increase in the amount of time children and young people spend on-line. This has positive aspects, but it can also be a serious problem. For this reason, young people should be aware and critical media user. Partners from Bulgaria, Latvia, Poland, Turkey, Romania and the Czech Republic (5 schools and 1 art association) recognized that one important way to achieve this is to train children and teens in media literacy, build communication skills, exchange ideas in the extent of media literacy and the development of intercultural dialogue. The aim of the project was also to promote in-depth cooperation, provide tools to develop ICT competences, take responsibility for completing tasks and find creative solutions. The project has divided tasks and created working groups composed of people of different nationalities. All countries have fulfilled their assigned tasks. During the entire duration of the project there were also local activities for its participants in each partner country (questionnaires on media addiction, media threats presentations, meetings and interviews with famous journalists, lectures on contemporary media, workshops on the use of ICT, classes preparing for LTTA ). There were also collected materials for the brochure ""Hands on Media Literacy"" (gathering from the partners information on ""Media education at school"" and creating a new informer about ""Media education in Europe"" - included in the brochure ""HOML""). | All partners have prepared min. 2 lesson plans / lesson plans on media education on the topic of the selected and project meeting, which were included in the Porfolio. The Polish partner as a coordinator was also responsible for the administrative and financial side of the project | (partnership agreements, annexes, procedures / monitoring of good implementation of project activities). All activities were monitored on an ongoing basis, and the results of the work were presented and consulted during 4 project meetings. | The project also included 2 activities related to learning / teaching / training. I)Turkey-photographic-ICT workshops and how to debate, exhibitions, create e-newspapers, theatrical performance, an international media evening (well-known journalists). II )Bulgaria - workshops on how to create films, attempts to create short films, blogs, vlogs. All project activities were documented on the FB profile on the project website, the eTweening, blog and project platform was created vlog ( http: / Vlog | Etwinning ""Hands on Media Literacy""";"Soft results: - raising the awareness of young people about such concepts as European citizenship and democracy based on the development of critical thinking; - intensification of cooperation; - reduced Internet addictions of the youth / parents' awareness of the effects of addiction. -technology (ICT, ability to debate, photographing, reading and writing, communication skills,). - introduction of innovative solutions for people involved in the project; - sharing and improving teaching practices and methods. Hard results: - Brochure with national and international strategies against media addiction among students: ""Hands on Media Literacy"". This brochure describes legal regulations and strategies used in the countries involved in the project. The results of the media addiction survey among students in partner institutions and essays written by pupils from each country were also presented. - A portfolio of media education lesson plans: this output product is one of the main innovations of the project that combines the goal of disseminating project results with the need to guarantee follow-up, further stimulation of students and the creativity and knowledge of teachers even after the project activities have been completed. Lesson plans can be included in the program of media education lessons, they can be used in English lessons or educational lessons. - student presentations; _ini-exhibitions, partner site; electronic newspaper, films, PowerPoint presentations; presentations showing the development of the project; short stories, a recorded course on how to debate, take pictures and use ICT in media literacy, a brochure with interviews with media experts. All project results are free of license and placed on the project website and on the Erasmus + Platform, Our project developed, tested, adapted and implemented innovative practices through new forms of learning and training. Results | Website | | | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | Hands on media literacy (English) | Hands on media literacy (Polish version) | Hands on media literacy (Bulgaria version) | Hands on media literacy (Czech Republic version) | Hands on media literacy (Latvia version) | Hands on media literacy (Romania version) | Hands on media literacy (Turkey version) | Lesson scenariosi | Lesson scenariosi | Lesson scenariosi | Lesson scenariosi | Lesson scenariosi | Lesson scenariosi | Lesson scenariosi | Lesson scenariosi | Lesson scenariosi | Lesson scenariosi | Lesson scenariosi | Lesson scenariosi | Lesson scenariosi" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2016;2016-1-PL01-KA201-026443;;;Kompetencje mi_dzykulturowe nauczycieli w wielokulturowych miastach Warszawa-Berlin;Project title: 'The Intercutural Teachers' Competences in Multicultural Cities Warsaw-Berlin'Programme: ERASMUS+, Action KA2 Strategic Partnerships for School Education - Exchanges of PracticesTar...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses|Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning|Integration of refugees;;Miasto Stoleczne Warszawa;PL;PL,DE;119.120,55;Yes;No;Local Public body;Administracin;";";;English;"Project title: 'The Intercutural Teachers' Competences in Multicultural Cities Warsaw-Berlin'Programme: ERASMUS+, Action KA2 Strategic Partnerships for School Education - Exchanges of PracticesTarget groups: teachers, pupils, students of pedagogical faculties.Project Duration: 1st of September, 2016 31st of August, 2018 Applicant Organisation: Miasto Sto_eczne Warszawa - Biuro Edukacji (City of Warsaw, Education Department). The project is implemented in a range of the exchange of good practices in cooperation with Senatsverwaltung fr Bildung, Jugend und Wissenschaft Berlin (Senate of Berlin).Partner Organisations: schools from both partner regions on three levels of education system (primary schools, lower secondary schools and upper secondary schools), pedagogical university, in-service teacher training centre and non-governmental organisations.The objectives of the project: Target group 'Teachers':preparing teachers for effective work with pupils, including: development of cultural and intercultural competences; raising competences with regards to methods of pedagogical work in a multicultural classroom, accounting for cultural differences and similarities; raising competences with regards to didactic work, including improving skills of modifying curricula including intercultural content; updating a system of support for teachers working in multicultural schools/classrooms.Target group 'Students of pedagogical faculties':preparation for work in a multicultural classroom/school, including: development of cultural and intercultural competences; sensitizing students to the cultural context of the student, including cultural differences appearing in a shifting school environment.Target group 'Pupils':preparation for life in a changing society, including fostering attitudes of openness, tolerance and social commitment and involving them in the integration process of migrant pupils; creation of favourable conditions for development and education in a multicultural classroom; introduction of a peer tutoring model - peer assistance in entering a new school environment.The results of the project:- the development of the model of assessment of foreign/refugee students, taking account of the language barrier,- introduction of a peer tutoring model - peer assistance in entering a new school environment, - development of tools supporting teachers working with migrant pupils, such as: 'Good Practice Guidance on the methods and tools of working in intercultural school addressed to headteachers and teachers',- updating the assumptions of a model system of support for teachers working in multicultural schools/classrooms (teacher networking) among others, the appointment of the Warsaw - Berlin Network of Teacher Working with Migrant Pupils,- exchange of good practices in a range of a model of cooperation between a school and an NGO,- updating the assumptions of a model of educating future teachers including intercultural education and its dissamination,- use of social campaigns in the scope of multiculturalism, as a model for social dialogue.";The main adopted methods of implementing project activities are: the exchange of good practices, including use of the 'job shadowing', the development of tools supporting teachers working with migrant pupils, the dissemination of materials through the e-learning, eTwinning type platform and through the partner institutions' websites. All above-mentioned project results will bring a long-term impact on all participating institutions and the target audiencies of the dissemination activities implementing on a regional, national and European level. | Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Good Practice Guidance for Headteachers and Teachers (Polish version) | International Network of Teachers Working with Migrant, Refugee Sudents - schedule | Polish language lesson scenario (primary school) | Science lesson scenario (primary school) - Polish version | Geography lesson scenario (primary school) - Polish version | Social Studies lesson scenario (upper secondary school) - Polish version | Teacher Training Materials | Intercultural competences of teachers in teachers education - examples of workshops | Migrant Students in School Environment Program of Teachers (Students) Training | Cross-Cultural Education at School Program of Teachers (Students) Training | Intercultural lesson scenario 1 (secondary school) - German version | International lesson scenario 2 (secondary school) - German version | Intercultural lesson 3 (materials for secondary school students) | Intercultural lesson 4 (materials for secondary school students) | Intercultural lesson 5 (materials for secondary school students) | Intercultural Lesson 6 (materials for secondary school students) | 'Good Practice Booklet for Headteachers and Teachers (German version) | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | The model of migrant student assessment system (recommendations) | The model of teacher training in the field of intercultural competences | Dissemination material | | Conference Intercultural competence of teachers in multicultural cities Warsaw-Berlin | Social campaign implemented in the partner schools 1 (good practice) | Social campaign implemented in the partner schools 2 (good practice) Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-PL01-KA202-026055;;;Work-based Entrepreneurship Training for People with Disabilities ;The projects idea came from analysis of the situation in the area of employment and particularly employment of people with disabilities. According to OECD, in 2014 there were about 4 million jobs...;Inclusion - equity, Disabilities - special needs, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education;;STOWARZYSZENIE CENTRUM WSPIERANIA EDUKACJI I PRZEDSIEBIORCZOSCI;PL;PL,FR,IT,ES;201.680,48;Yes;No;European NGO;ONG;;not available;English;The projects idea came from analysis of the situation in the area of employment and particularly employment of people with disabilities. According to OECD, in 2014 there were about 4 million jobs needed to return to pre-crisis employment levels and persons with disabilities, among other groups, were facing particularly high risks of being marginalized in the labor market. At the EU level, about 47% of persons with disabilities were employed compared to 72% of persons without disabilities. There was a need of response, and one of the under-explored areas was action for entrepreneurship and for self-employment among disadvantaged groups. | | In view of this situation, the main objective of the project was to promote inclusive entrepreneurship for People with physical disability (PWD) by developing a methodology based on job shadowing, mentoring and coaching of PWD willing to become entrepreneurs or free lancers by entrepreneurs and free lancers. | | The partnership consisted of 5 organisations being a mixture of entities having two main kind of expertise needed for this project: experience in education and support to entrepreneurship and support to labor insertion of people with disabilities. CWEP and BDC are partners specialized in training on entrepreneurship and support to startups, BDC, Aforisma, FDO and ADPI are experienced in labor insertion of people with disabilities. Each member in the consortium organizes VET courses and in addition, CWEP has experience in project management and IT expertise sufficient for development of online versions of the intellectual outputs. Moreover, except for CWEP, all other partners already cooperated in project ESES Designing the Competence Profile of the European Supported Employment Specialist 526851-LLP-2012-IT-LEONARDO-LMP. | | The main undertaken activities in the project included work on the main results, meaning that the activities included elaboration of two guides and their on-line versions which were then extensively tested and improved during complex piloting activities (consisting of trainings, job shadowing, mentoring and coaching all described later in the report). Important activities concerned also LTTA, which included recruitment and training of trainers and PWD in Pisa. Another important part of activities included quality assurance and dissemination of the outcomes in order to assure their exploitation also in other EU countries and other fields. The dissemination included large number of Multiplier Events organised in each country.;The results of the project include tangible results which are four main intellectual outputs: Guide How to coach people with disability for developing inclusive entrepreneurship, e-course How to mentor people with disability for developing inclusive entrepreneurship, Inclusive Entrepreneurship Manual. Guide for not able bodied on developing your own business or consultancy and e-course for not able bodied on developing your own business or consultancy, as well as many dissemination materials (website, social channels, leaflets, newsletters, posters, presentations, articles) and working materials including plans and very important intangible results. Those are: improved key competencies of target groups, particularly strengthened development of key competence sense of initiative and entrepreneurship, enhanced access to VET of PWD by providing an efficient guidance service through intellectual outputs, better understanding of work based learning, inclusive training and social inclusion concepts, better educational offer of organisations offering training as well as new networks of cooperation that the partners reached thanks to projects development. The impact exceeded the expectations. It can be seen in partners organizations, their staff and learners, PWD and trainers, operators in the field of adult education. The most important is that all who participated in activities or at least heard about its results, have better awareness about inclusive training, social inclusion and the particular needs of PWD. In addition, the usage of e-courses themselves helps in increasing ICT skills. One of the very concrete and direct proof of projects impact is example of 3 Polish PWD who due to project activities joined the open labour market more about it is written in follow up section of this report. | | Project was addressed to trainers of PWD and PWD themselves and it is expected that the benefits in the form of better skills will have long-term character in their lives. However, a significant group benefiting indirectly were VET education centres, VET schools, organisations working with PWD, their associations, NGOs. These organisations will benefit from using the guides and e-courses. As the guides are available for downloading from the website and the e-courses are open to public and they will be maintained for next years, it is expected that it will be used by the organisations for longer time bringing them benefits. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-PL01-KA202-026279;;;Training and certification model for photovoltaic trainers with the use of ECVET system;The idea of EU-PV-Trainer project was tightly connected to the EU directions targeting creation of instruments for practical and flexible learning paths, as a way to improve the quality of profess...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Recognition, transparency ...;;SIEC BADAWCZA LUKASIEWICZ - INSTYTUT TECHNOLOGII EKSPLOATACJI;PL;PL,CY,RO,ES;382.059,60;Yes;No;Research Institute/Centre;Centro de Investigacin;;;English;"The idea of EU-PV-Trainer project was tightly connected to the EU directions targeting creation of instruments for practical and flexible learning paths, as a way to improve the quality of professional non-formal education. The project was aimed at a specific form of qualification accusation of PV trainer: that one obtained through non-formal, informal learning and work experience by promoting the development of skills and competencies of trainers and teachers in the field of PV systems installation. | The project is built upon three main pillars: lifelong learning approach, mobility for exchange of experience and use of ICT methods and tools (for e-learning, identifying competency gaps, and validation of competences). The partnership aimed at levelling and improving the competence of VET teachers/trainers who are conducting theoretical and practical training for photovoltaic installers; building a blended learning course with wider coverage of the subject area and clear definitions of the learning outcomes; development of a modular training programme combining theory with practice through education packages based on analysis of the work process in PV installation; creating a system of recognition of competences gained through non-formal and informal learning by the educators in PV installation and supplementing the professional competence of teachers/trainers by the foreign language skills necessary to teach within the specific field of photovoltaic. | The project accomplished in cooperation with the partners from Poland, Romania, Spain and Cyprus creates great opportunities to promote vocational qualification transparency agreed with appropriate authorities and social partners especially when it comes to preparation of the computer-aided training courses for VET trainers in the PV sector. The partnership consists of European organisations involved in vocational education on the tertiary level (UGAL), as well as VET training and adult learning (EDICT, FEH); research institute (ITeE) and specialists in PV field (PTPV, SEP). | All objectives were possible to fulfil due to the consortium awareness of the EU-PV-Trainer importance in the labour market. During the development of the project results, partners cooperated with strategic experts in the field of PV, potential associate partners and members of professional networks involving scientific experts and universities in the partnership the scientific discourse in different faculties and the transfer of project results in order to highlight more quality in university education is guaranteed. This made a contribution to achieve a better quality of cooperation between the relevant actors of the VET system and to adapt concepts related to the education needs for labour market and educational integration.";The project outcomes are intended to be in compliance with the EQF, ECVET and with NQF systems standards in the partners countries. In this context, the project results can be effective tools facilitating different training forms, especially nonformal and informal, with transnational recognition of learning outcomes and qualifications. | The main goal of the PV-Trainer project was to develop a model of training, certification and validation procedures destined to support the vocational education and training of VET trainers and teachers in the field of photovoltaic systems with the use of ICT tools. Specific objectives of the project were oriented towards an increase in quality of vocational education and training of PV fitters through improvement of quality of competence of vocational education teachers, trainers and conducting theoretical and practical training for PV fitters, which may contribute to an increase in their competitiveness on the labour market, thus increase in their fitness for employment or keeping their job. | The consortium aimed at improving the quality of education and training of future PV installers by aligning and improving the quality of professional preparation of the persons conducting PV theoretical and practical classes and specificity of the partner countries. The established European reference frameworks such as NQF related to the EQF, together with the validation system and ECVET. The outcomes are directly linked to national education and training systems, have been taken as a basis for building the PV-Trainer project's contribution to mobility, transparency and recognition of learning outcomes and qualifications throughout Europe. | The emphasis was put on trainer competences acquired in nonformal and informal learning trough work-based experience and in accordance with the established competence standard and with the use the requirements for general requirements for bodies operating certification of persons. The project sets the concrete objectives: to facilitate the validation of non-formal and informal learning and its permeability with formal education pathways and to develop partnerships between education and employment. | Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | IO4_M2_U2_GUA PARA EL FORMADOR Y EL ALUMNO_ES | IO4_M2_U3_GUA PARA EL FORMADOR Y EL ALUMNO_ES Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-PL01-KA202-026462;;;CULTURE PRO. Creative path of development.;Culture is a driver and enabler of human development. It reflects business relations and professional life, being a source of many crucial competences. Art and culture are brilliant educational in...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Inclusion - equity, Creativity and culture;;ORANGE HILL Sp. z o.o.;PL;PL,AT,HU;237.802,62;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"Culture is a driver and enabler of human development. It reflects business relations and professional life, being a source of many crucial competences. Art and culture are brilliant educational instrument. Moreover both play strong role in opening ones horizons and building positive attitudes toward others. | This is crucial in development of managers, who need to develop competences and skills currently most expected by employers, such as: creativity, openness, flexibility, problem solving, out-of-the-box thinking, equality, tolerance and respect. At the same time absolutely basic in conditions of complexity of management processes are: sensibility, mindfulness and cognitive processes, acting through experience, analysing, creation and reflection humanistic approach, which broaden ones horizon and bring a better balance. All can be reached through art and culture. | | CULTURE PRO is aimed to enrich the educational offer by elaboration, tests and dissemination of innovative, comprehensive programme of development the competences of managers through art and culture. | Further objectives: | to develop competences and skills of managers; | to enhance a humanistic approach in management (sensibility, mindfulness and cognitive processes, ability of acting through experience, creation and reflection) | to enhance diversity and equal treatment in a workplace; | to raise the awareness of positive influence of art and culture on management. | | Project lasted 34 months and was undertaken by 3 partners from 3 countries: | Orange Hill form Poland which is the company experienced in lifelong learning, adults competence development and supporting companies in human resources management; | KulturAXE from Austria which is cultural association experienced in the fields of fine arts, design, new media, performing arts and architecture they use to foster intercultural communication and exchange. | Delle Association from Hungary that operates as a platform for the production of exhibitions, study, research, focusing on both art and science and supports programs that promote cultural awareness and social change. | Partners combined their expertise and experience to elaborate educational programmes developing the most required managerial skills through the arts and culture. We used Design Thinking method to set up the model, emphatise the users, create prototypes and then finally test each workshop programme on the group of experienced managers. At the final stage of the process programmes were redesigned in accordance to their feedback. Parallelly partners (in collaboration with final users) worked on designing online edu-platform. Important part of partnerships work was elaboration the scenarios and creation the video promoting personal development through the arts and culture and the meaning of art in our lives. Partners closed the project cycle with the publication summarising the achievements of the project and giving the inspiration on arts in the process of acquiring skills in our professional life.";Projects resulted with complex learning through art and culture educational programme assisted with supporting tools such as on-line educational, video and publication. | | The program was based on new approach of learning through art and culture. Training proposal consists of 2 different types: | Workshops basing on learning through art and culture approach, with following topics foreseen: | a. Art and Revolution (collage / video creation) | b. Big Picture (collage / photography) | c. Jam (music) | d. Mask Play (masks) | e. Moving Images of Happiness (painting / visual arts) | f. Stage and the Lines (theatre) | g. The Word (literature) | | 2-day strongly interactive workshops of Eat Art - based deeply in local culinary culture and strengthening the capacity of going back to the roots, finding your own pace and developing the sensitivity to beauty and simplicity. | | Trainings were complemented by: | EDU- TOOL. Virtual space providing knowledge and developing skills. | VIDEO Art and culture in development of human - interactive film with the possibility to choose the scenario by the user, promoting learning through art and culture advantages and inclusive role of art and culture. | PUBLICATION to: show experience gained during the project, project success, to promote positive attitude towards art and culture and its use in managers workplace. | All materials used together provide tangible support for institution interested in realizing the programme or implementing it into their offer. | | Project is addressed to managers. It may be used by: companies -HR departments, public and private institutions of culture, public and private educational institutions operating in lifelong learning, NGOs, business environment institutions, local authorities, institutions of labour market or culture etc. and individual professionals (advisors, experts, trainers) operating on a market, as well as advisory and/or training companies. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Interactive video: Art and culture in the development of human | Workshop: ART AND REVOLUTION (POLISH) | Workshop: ART AND REVOLUTION (GERMAN) | Workshop: ART AND REVOLUTION (HUNGARIAN) | Workshop: ART AND REVOLUTION (ENGLISH) | Workshop: BIG PICTURE (POLISH) | Workshop: BIG PICTURE (GERMAN) | Workshop: BIG PICTURE (HUNGARIAN) | Workshop: BIG PICTURE (ENGLISH) | Workshop: JAM (POLISH) | Workshop: JAM (GERMAN) | Workshop: JAM (HUNGARIAN) | Workshop: JAM (ENGLISH) | Workshop: MASK PLAY (POLISH) | Workshop: MASK PLAY (GERMAN) | Workshop: MASK PLAY (HUNGARIAN) | Workshop: MASK PLAY (ENGLISH) | Workshop: MOVING IMAGES OF HAPPINESS (POLISH) | Workshop: MOVING IMAGES OF HAPPINESS (GERMAN) | Workshop: MOVING IMAGES OF HAPPINESS (HUNGARIAN) | Workshop: MOVING IMAGES OF HAPPINESS (ENGLISH) | Workshop: STAGE AND THE LINES (POLISH) | Workshop: STAGE AND THE LINES (GERMAN) | Workshop: STAGE AND THE LINES (HUNGARIAN) | Workshop: STAGE AND THE LINES (ENGLISH) | Workshop: THE WORD (POLISH) | Workshop: THE WORD (GERMAN) | Workshop: THE WORD (HUNGARIAN) | Workshop: THE WORD (ENGLISH) | Workshop: EAT ART: SYMBOL_FOOD_FUTURE (GERMAN) | Workshop: EAT ART: SYMBOL_FOOD_FUTURE (ENGLISH) | Workshop: EAT ART: ACTIVATING THE SENSES (HUNGARIAN) | Workshop: EAT ART: ACTIVATING THE SENSES (ENGLISH) | Workshop: EAT ART: SLOW FOOD. POLAND (POLISH) | Workshop: EAT ART: SLOW FOOD. POLAND (ENGLISH) | Culture PRO online edu-tool | Dissemination material | | FINAL PUBLICATION (POLISH) | FINAL PUBLICATION (GERMAN) | FINAL PUBLICATION (HUNGARIAN) | FINAL PUBLICATION (ENGLISH) Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-PL01-KA202-026615;;;MultIcultural Care in European Intensive Care Units;Already in 2003 the Swiss Forum for Migration and Population Studies (2003) and lately scientists from London`s Global University (2011) noticed, that the cultural diversity will be one of the mos...;Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Ethics, religion and philosophy (incl. Inter-religious dialogue) ...;;Polskie Towarzystwo Pielegniarek Anastezjologicznych i intensywnej opieki;PL;PL,DE,SI,NL,CZ;254.792,77;Yes;No;Non-governmental organisation/association/social enterprise;ONG;;;English;Already in 2003 the Swiss Forum for Migration and Population Studies (2003) and lately scientists from London`s Global University (2011) noticed, that the cultural diversity will be one of the most important factor in health-care area. Due to this, it is important to equip medical personnel with proper cultural competencies. As an answer to the above needs, the MICE-ICU project aimed at improving the knowledge, skills and cultural competencies of nurses working in intensive care units (ICUs). The MICE-ICU project was developed to improve knowledge, skills and competencies of ICU nurses in cultural sensitive care by developing and providing online access to a specialist, multicultural course for ICU nurses. The partnership started from the initiative of Polish Society of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Nurses (PTPAiIO). PTPAiIO and two higher education institutions: the College of Nursing in Celje from Slovenia and the University of Ostrava from Czech Republic engaged scientific experts in order to prepare proper methodological approach to achieve the objectives of the project. The high quality of the project results and the effectiveness of dissemination were ensured by the European federation of Critical Care Nursing associations (EfCCNa) - who is a European network and umbrella organisation for national associations of intensive/critical care nurses. EfCCNa consists of 28 national European critical care nursing associations, and represents more than 25 000 critical care nurses in Europe. The strategic partnership was supported by Danmar Computers Lld., who became the technical partner, responsible for preparing e-learning platform, MICE-ICU web site and other IT solutions. Finally the assist GmbH from Germany joined the partnership and offered expertise in training international soft skills as well as train-the-trainer training. All partners, except for Danmar Computers Lld. and assist GmbH acted as experts in the intensive nursing care. Despite the differences in the nature of main activities of the each partner, all of them contributed to the final outcomes of the MICE project. Main activities conducted during the project include: Literature review and ICU nurses training needs analysis the systematic literature review was conducted by researchers from Poland, Slovenia and Czech Republic in order to identify nurses educational needs related to multicultural care in ICU in participating countries. Additionally the survey technique was used to identify actual cultural competences level of ICU nurses. The Healthcare Provider Cultural Competence Instrument (HPCCI) developed by Schwarz i in. (2015) was used for this purpose. In total 598 ICU nurses participated in this study including 155 nurses (25.92%) from Poland (PL), 218 (36.45%) from Czech Republic CZ), 97 (16.22%) from Slovenia (SI) and 128 (21.40%) from 20 European countries like Sweden, Izrael, Finland, Denmark.;The results of literature review and training needs analysis formed the basis for developing the course curriculum and content. | 1. The course was developed in cooperation between all partners and implemented on-line as e-learning course. It was agreed that the course will consist of three modules: Module I: Cultural awareness and sensitivity, Module II: Culturally diverse patients in health care environment, Module III: Specifics when caring for culturally diverse patients on ICU. The course starts with entry test of knowledge and ends with ending test. Topics prepared by the individual partner were reviewed by other partners, further developed or modified and finally the preliminary version of the course content was agreed. The course was translated into Polish, Czech and Slovenian languages. Danmar Computers Lld. implemented the course online and provided access to the testing platform. | 2. Testing phase involved nurses from PL, CZ, SI and a few European countries, who took the e-learning course and answered questionnaires regarding usability, effectiveness and provided other suggestion to improve course quality. | 3. The final version of the online course on multicultural care for ICU nurses was presented to EfCCNa council members and the join decision to recommend this course for ICU nurses all over the Europe was stated. | The MICE-ICU project resulted in a specialized and accredited e-learning course on multicultural care dedicated to nurses working in intensive care environments. Besides main intellectual outputs, the multiplier events in all partner countries and the international Symposium on Multicultural Care were organized. The impact of MICE ICU project is expected on national and the European levels which assure long-term benefits in the shape of better qualified ICU nurses ready for caring for culturally dissimilar patients. If relevant, longer-term benefits. As the result, the ICU Nurses will increase their vocational competencies and receive a practical tool for work with patients from different cultures. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Intercultural course for ICU Nurses | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | ICU Nurses intercultural training needs and competencies analysis report - EN version | ICU Nurses intercultural training needs and competencies analysis report - PL version | ICU Nurses intercultural training needs and competencies analysis report - SI version | ICU Nurses intercultural training needs and competencies analysis report - CZ version | Others | | Course framework (curriculum) for ICU Nurses intercultural training - EN version Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-PL01-KA202-026638;;;Rozwijanie profesjonalizmu.;Developing professionalism project assumed bidirectional exchange of good practices in vocational subjects taught in every partner school, the partner schools are institutions of education at th...;International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation;;Medyczno-Spoleczne Centrum Ksztalcenia Zawodowego i Ustawicznego w Rzeszowie;PL;PL,IT,ES;57.085,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Adult education;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;Developing professionalism project assumed bidirectional exchange of good practices in vocational subjects taught in every partner school, the partner schools are institutions of education at the same level of education, ie. their audience (audit learners) are young people and adults studying medical professions at the level of post-secondary education. Partner schools are schools located in the least economically developed areas of their countries. Schools are underfunded and under-equipped, are faced with difficulties in the areas of teaching and training because of the lack of a sufficient number of facilities, institutions providing vocational training, but also unemployment in each region, which means that graduates of these schools, like many others, can not find work in their profession. Schools of Partnership are important educational centers in their regions, they are very respectable educational institutions. It was assumed that we can help each other without additional funding for schools but only by comparing the methods and forms of work in order to improve them. In this way, schools have become more visible in their regions and are seen as a modern, educational center. | Areas common to the partnership were dentistry and prosthetic dentistry, dental hygiene, cosmetology, massage and medical care. The names of the courses and subjects in each school may vary slightly but the core curriculum in the context of these fields were similar, hence the cooperation in such fields as described was possible. | The objectives of the project was to exchange the best practices of each institution in the field of teaching methodology and practical training in the jointly selected areas of learning, therefore teachers could improve their teaching methods and practical training as vocational teachers whereas students gained more knowledge and skills also in English, information technology-related services and computer software/hardware knowledge such as processing, transmission, storage and data presenting. | Participants expanded their interpersonal skills. In this way, teachers became more involved in the learning process, and students are more competitive in the labor market because of their newly acquired knowledge. | 3 vocational training centers participated in the project activities, two of which are public schools ie. MSCKZiU Poland and the IES La Quintana of Spain also one institution which is a private school SGE Form from Italy.;Each of the schools has been a leader in the field of its choosing. The described below areas are taught in every school as complementary in the profession, and so: | MSCKZiU Poland in the field of medical care and massage techniques together with their use in hygiene procedures , nursing and care. | SGE Form Italy in the field of cosmetics and make-up together with the use of cosmetic techniques in the care of sick people as well as the elderly and children. | IES La Quintana in the field of dentistry and prosthetics, and activities preventive-therapeutic dental hygienist. | The exchange was based on classroom observations, presentation programs and teaching materials as well as the exchange of teaching materials for vocational teachers, participation in practical classes, conducting some joint classes and presenting their skills during the practical presentations by both teachers and students. | The exchange and the presentation of practices in each profession was achieved by organizing short training programs for vocational teachers and students of a given field. Training programs for people undergoing vocational training were preceded by an exchange of practices in the profession using the methods of e-learning and exchange of practices online. | Additionally, other training institutions in the medical professions were visited as well as health care facilities or service providers who were cooperating with schools in terms of organizing internships and professional practices. Institutions providing in-service training for teachers and other subjects in the field of medical care were also visited. | In addition, vocational teachers participated in the training programs for learners, acting as tutors, whose task was to care and support the participation of students in classes who could have experienced language difficulties, cultural and/or social differences. Teachers also took part in other training programs that were organized for them. | This partnership has brought the expected benefits. Teachers enriched their workflow, enhanced the methods of teaching in the field of vocational subjects and practical training. They acquired new or improved their practical skills. We also put some extra attantion for the soft skills which need to be attached to each practise to improve verbal and non-verbal communication of our students in all mobilities with the empathy, ability to cooperate and self-presentation. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-PL01-KA202-026752;;;Extended Learning Support System;Studies on implementation of newly acquired skills show that without support mechanisms, learning itself does not result in knowledge & new skills being used in the workplace. A research conducted...;Research and innovation, Open and distance learning, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;PAIZ Konsulting Sp. z o.o.;PL;PL,IT,EL;197.978,87;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (tertiary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;Studies on implementation of newly acquired skills show that without support mechanisms, learning itself does not result in knowledge & new skills being used in the workplace. A research conducted by Project Partners confirms employers and HR departments desire for a tool that would support implementation of training effects into the workplace. Respondents of the research agreed that such a tool, available online, would help to grow their organizations. Introduction of innovative ICT tools in continuing vocational education and training is strongly supported by European Authorities recommendations. | The aim of ELSS project was to increase effectiveness of implementation of newly developed skills, gained during trainings, by providing an online service supporting the transfer of learning into the workplace that can be used for any classroom training, e-learning module or other forms of learning. Such a tool is of interest to Partners organisations (their trainers, trainees) and their target groups: employees in private & public sector, SME owners, HR departments, employers, employers associations but also for institutional stakeholders e.g. VET education institutions officials. | 2 outputs were created to reach Project aim. | First, the Extended Learning Support System (ELSS),an online service supporting learning implementation. It allows to create pre- and post- learning tasksfor trainees to motivate them to learn, to secure knowledge retention and implementation of learning in practice. Through its functionalities it encourages social learning and enforces involvement of trainees supervisors as coaches and mentors.since as research shows they are crucial for on the job implementation of knowledge and skills inside organizations. | To create the System, Partners analysed expectations of possible userspertaining to its functionalities, designed and tested the system at all development stages, applying changes when necessary. The final System version is available online free of charge in 4 language versions: English, Greek, Italian and Polish. | To evaluate ELSS impact on learning implementation and provide necessary improvements, Partners needed a reference point hence communication skills e-learning course was developed - a standalone solution as well, together with pre- and post-learning tasks in ELSS for this e-learning, both in 4 languages. Together theyform the second output, ELSS with e-learning, which is now ready to be used by trainersand organizationswho want to be sure that the training on communication skills for their trainees/employees produces real, positive changes in their work. | Results of ELSS evaluation confirmed that the system encourages trainees to implement learning into the workplace and increases knowledge retention and skills implementation, which was the desired, qualitative impact of the Project. As for quantitative measurement of ELSS impact, it was counted that as a result of the actions leading to the development of outputs as well as dissemination activities more than 12 000 organisations are likely to implement the ELSS methodology.;"Project results were disseminated to target groups both within Partners organisations & outside. Stakeholders expressed their interest in using ELSS, also because they saw this as opportunity to spread learning culture throughout their organisations partly due to involvement of trainees supervisors in the process. | Producing and disseminating 2 high quality outputs was possible by forming a Strategic Partnership of 5 experienced partners from 3 European countries: | PAIZ Konsulting (PAIZ, PL), Project Leader, has significant experience in coordinating EU-funded training projects, has been a partner in Lifelong Learning & Erasmus+ projects developing vocational competences, including development with the use of ICT tools. | Effebi Association (Effebi, IT) is working in the field of development of HR & organizational models in banking & financial sector, has a consolidated experience in the management of EU projects in the field of quality assurance for VET systems & in projects aimed at using ICT tools for learning purposes. | Hellenic Society for the Promotion of Research & Development Methodologies (PROMEA, GR) is an entity with experience in the development of new technologies for pedagogical purposes & in EU co-funded research & cooperation. | The Italian Confederation of small and medium private industry (CONFAPI, IT) is one of the main actors in the Italian economic & political environment, implementing initiatives & programs aiming at promoting economic & social development in the country in collaboration with National & European Institutions. | The Italian Association for People Management (AIDP, IT) is an association of managers & professionals active in the field of HR; experienced in activities on national & territorial level (conferences, research, surveys, workshops, publications). Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | The Extended Learning Support System | ELSS with e-learning training module uploaded | Organizational and working documents | | O1/A1 Functional analysis report | O1/A2 Mockup testing technical report | O1/A4 Focus Group Report | O1/A6 UX and Usability Testing Report | O1/A8 Regression testing report | O2/A1 Gathering feedback on e-learning training topic repor | O2/A7 Regression Testing Report | O2/A8 D1 Functionality testing report | O2/A8 D2 Usability testing report" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2016;2016-1-PL01-KA203-026152;;;Virtual and Intensive Course Developing Practical Skills of Future Engineers;VIPSKILLS project responds to an increasing need for changes in the higher education system due to developments in the construction sector, availability of ICT technologies, need for higher mobili...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Open and distance learning, Energy and resources;;POLITECHNIKA BIALOSTOCKA;PL;PL,ES,LT;283.653,11;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;Nowadays, creative thinking, language skills and ability to cooperate are indispensable to work in the international labour market. Engineers working in the area of construction and energy systems are expected to be not only designers solving their own tasks but also energy advisors, who share their knowledge with investors to decrease energy consumption.To achieve the aim of the project a cohesive consortium with active involvement of 3 HEIs and one association of engineers was established. All partners understand inevitability of changes in the study programmes and have wide experience in different areas related to the high-efficiency suitable buildings and energy resources. Joint work and participation in 2 short trainings, each for 16-20 teachers from the partnership, enabled the exchange of knowledge about constructions, energy resources and innovative heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems. It also contributed to the creation of a long-lasting network of cooperation in the field of teaching and research, judging from results (common papers, projects etc.). We created an innovative learning module including two segments of a face-to-face course (2 weeks in Poland and 2 weeks in Spain) separated by a 2-week-long e-learning part. Our ideas, tools and methods were tested on two groups of 24 students each (8 students from each HEI, from faculties connected with civil, environmental, energy engineering) in summer 2017 and 2018 to verify and evaluate them after each edition of the course. VIPSKILLS project focused on the necessity to exploit benefits of ICTs. We used modern software during classes and a distance learning module. We will developed 6 e-labs (instead of planned 4) that allow to simulate operation of systems depending on external variables.;The project supports personalized learning by providing additional e-materials for individual use as well as cooperation in international, multidisciplinary teams on joint projects. All products verified during the courses (syllabus of the course, didactic and e-learning materials, e-labs, e-dictionary, results of analyses conducted within the project in 4 languages) were delivered and they are available for free on the VIPSKILLS web page. We also provided 2 parts of the book in printed version (to be sent free of charge to libraries of 30 HEIs) and as an e-book available on the web pages. The innovative VIPSKILLS module was included in our HEIs programmes and is offered to students from various universities as a facultative subject (6 ECTS). The implementation of this module allows to enhance the attractiveness of technical studies, complement the programme with modern ICT technology achievements and make the teaching content more consistent with the practical aspects to prepare graduates to work in the demanding international labour market. Participants of VIPSKILLS project (students, teachers) improved their language, computer and interpersonal skills, raised their multicultural awareness and specialist knowledge. Employers taking part in joint meetings found HEIs as opened for cooperation with business and industry in many fields (joint case-studies, trainings etc.) We intend to improve VIPSKILLS module every year by new technologies and flexible to information from the labour market to be au courant and prepare students for future tasks. We organized at least 6 multiplied events in 3 partner countries, to promote results of VIPSKILLS project and ERASMUS+ ideas at various levels. We encouraged high school students to apply for technical studies that guarantee good preparation for future work. We will also disseminate the results among students, teachers and scientists we shared our outputs, facilitated access to materials that could be helpful in different disciplines and courses. The results of the project were presented to the executives of HEIs to inspire them to further improvements in educational process and show possibility to adopt the syllabus of VIPSKILL course to their requirements and capabilities. Moreover, we disseminated the results of our analysis among citizens to improve their technical knowledge about highly-efficient systems and materials in buildings etc. to make them more environmentally conscious, which hopefully could result in larger use of modern innovative solutions, reduction in energy consumption and decrease of greenhouse gasses emission. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | IO7 BOOK PART 1 | IO7 BOOK PART 2 | IO3 - TECHNICAL DICTIONARY | IO2 - e-labs1,2,3,4,6,6 EN, PL, LT, ES | IO1 - presentation EN | IO1- presentation PL | IO1 - presentation ES | IO1 - presentation LT | IO6 - syllabus | LIST | IO6 - syllabus PL | IO6 - syllabus LT | IO6 - syllabus ES Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2016;2016-1-PL01-KA203-026232;;;SURE: Sustainable Urban Rehabilitation in Europe;The AIM OF the PROJECT was improving quality and increasing adequacy of educational offer of EU Higher Education Institutions to the needs of society through the development of multidisciplinary j...;International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;POLITECHNIKA LUBELSKA;PL;PL,IT,ES,LT;363.762,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;"Sustainable Urban Rehabilitation. Now, in a rapidly changing world, the issue of sustainable development is one of the most important problems of modern countries and societies. Sustainable Urban Rehabilitation is direction that embeds architecture, urbanism and cultural heritage in context of requirements and condition of doctrine of sustainable development. The need for the project directly and closely followed contemporary needs. Spatial, demographic, ecological development require professionals who will be able to customize architecture and urbanism to the specifics of these conditions. The main need of modern societies is protection, revitalization and modernization of already built environment and buildings, and each country has different experiences in these fields. ACTIVITIES: 1. Needs analysis in terms of contents of curricula in the field of architecture, urban planning, heritage protection and sustainable development: - Collection and analysis of information about labour market requirements and practical needs in order to better attune joint SURE curriculum to requirements of labour market and praxis - Analysis of curricula in field of architecture, urban planning and conservation of heritage in Poland, Italy, Spain and Lithuania in order to determine detailed requirements for multidisciplinary joint SURE curriculum - Elaboration of Best practices handbook ""Contemporary realities and needs of sustainable urban rehabilitation"" presenting results of analysis conducted, examples of best practice and guidelines for attuning curricula to current requirements of labour market. 2. Comprehensive elaboration of joint curriculum for SURE based on EU best practice: - Elaboration of Model programme of SURE - plan of study for 3 modules - Elaboration of coherent SURE curriculum (syllabi, learning outcomes, etc.) - Elaboration of didactic materials. 3. Pilot implementation of particular courses of SURE curriculum: - Conducting teaching of particular courses of SURE curriculum - Critical analysis of pilot implementation - Attuning the elaborated SURE curriculum in accordance to conclusions resulting from pilot implementation and conducted critical analysis 4. Multidirectional dissemination of project. SURE Consortium developed modern, innovative curriculum for Master studies in Architecture, giving high quality learning opportunity, attuned to requirements of labour market, modern trends and doctrine of sustainable development. Thanks to this, the universities obtain the possibility of educating new generation of architects who understand need for and objectives of sustainable development, both in terms of architecture and urban planning and in terms of society, as well as protection of heritage.";"INTELLECTUAL OUTPUTS: Best Practices Handbook ""Contemporary realities and needs of sustainable urban rehabilitation"" Model programme of SURE: Sustainable Urban Rehabilitation study SURE: Sustainable Urban Rehabilitation multidisciplinary joint MSc curriculum Didactic materials for SURE SURE e-learning Space SURE Knowledge Exchange Platform. PROJECT RESULTS: Permanent cooperation network Continuous transfer of knowledge, experiences and good practice Joint elaboration of new project proposals. SURE project contributed to the increase of quality and relevance of Higher Education in countries participating in project, and in longer time perspective it may contribute to increase of quality and relevance of Higher Education in the entire Europe and even worldwide. Long-term impact of SURE Project is contribution to the implementation of modernization agenda of HE through: broadened educational offer of European universities increasing attainment levels to provide the graduates and researchers Europe needs improving quality and relevance of higher education strengthening quality through cross-border cooperation supporting internationalisation of European HE. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Model programme of SURE: Sustainable Urban Rehabilitation - 2nd cycle study in field of Architecture | SURE: Sustainable Urban Rehabilitation MSc curriculum | Didactic materials for SURE: Sustainable Urban Rehabilitation in Europe | Didactic materials for SURE: Sustainable Urban Rehabilitation in Europe | Didactic materials for SURE: Sustainable Urban Rehabilitation in Europe | Didactic materials for SURE: Sustainable Urban Rehabilitation in Europe | Didactic materials for SURE: Sustainable Urban Rehabilitation in Europe | Didactic materials for SURE: Sustainable Urban Rehabilitation in Europe | Didactic materials for SURE: Sustainable Urban Rehabilitation in Europe | Didactic materials for SURE: Sustainable Urban Rehabilitation in Europe | Didactic materials for SURE: Sustainable Urban Rehabilitation in Europe | Didactic materials for SURE: Sustainable Urban Rehabilitation in Europe | Didactic materials for SURE: Sustainable Urban Rehabilitation in Europe | Didactic materials for SURE: Sustainable Urban Rehabilitation in Europe | Didactic materials for SURE: Sustainable Urban Rehabilitation in Europe | Didactic materials for SURE: Sustainable Urban Rehabilitation in Europe | Didactic materials for SURE: Sustainable Urban Rehabilitation in Europe | Didactic materials for SURE: Sustainable Urban Rehabilitation in Europe | Didactic materials for SURE: Sustainable Urban Rehabilitation in Europe | Didactic materials for SURE: Sustainable Urban Rehabilitation in Europe | Didactic materials for SURE: Sustainable Urban Rehabilitation in Europe | Didactic materials for SURE: Sustainable Urban Rehabilitation in Europe | Didactic materials for SURE: Sustainable Urban Rehabilitation in Europe | Didactic materials for SURE: Sustainable Urban Rehabilitation in Europe | Didactic materials for SURE: Sustainable Urban Rehabilitation in Europe | Didactic materials for SURE: Sustainable Urban Rehabilitation in Europe | Didactic materials for SURE: Sustainable Urban Rehabilitation in Europe | Didactic materials for SURE: Sustainable Urban Rehabilitation in Europe | Didactic materials for SURE: Sustainable Urban Rehabilitation in Europe | Didactic materials for SURE: Sustainable Urban Rehabilitation in Europe | Didactic materials for SURE: Sustainable Urban Rehabilitation in Europe | Didactic materials for SURE: Sustainable Urban Rehabilitation in Europe | Didactic materials for SURE: Sustainable Urban Rehabilitation in Europe | Didactic materials for SURE: Sustainable Urban Rehabilitation in Europe | Didactic materials for SURE: Sustainable Urban Rehabilitation in Europe | Model programme of SURE: Sustainable Urban Rehabilitation - 2nd cycle study in field of Architecture (Spanish language version) | Model programme of SURE: Sustainable Urban Rehabilitation - 2nd cycle study in field of Architecture (Polish language version) | Model programme of SURE: Sustainable Urban Rehabilitation - 2nd cycle study in field of Architecture (Italian language version) | SURE e-learning Space | SURE Knowledge Exchange Platform | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | Best Practices Handbook ""Contemporary realities and needs of sustainable urban rehabilitation""" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2016;2016-1-PL01-KA203-026321;;;Advanced Learning and Inclusive EnviroNment for Higher Education through greater knowledge and understanding of migration processes;The ALIEN was an interdisciplinary project on migration, funded by Erasmus+, which developed innovative educational tools for educators that draw from inquiry-based learning and human centred desi...;Inclusion - equity, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Migrants' issues;;POLSKO JAPONSKA AKADEMIA TECHNIK KOMPUTEROWYCH PJWSTK;PL;PL,EL,UK,FI;387.315,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;The ALIEN was an interdisciplinary project on migration, funded by Erasmus+, which developed innovative educational tools for educators that draw from inquiry-based learning and human centred design method and are embedded in multi- and interdisciplinary perspectives to enhance students critical understanding and develop their 'research-type graduate attributes. This was done via a series of experimental activities conducted during eight short courses consisting of two one-week events: part one in the form of Living Labs held in Greece, one of the European countries most affected and thus experienced in the recent migration crisis, and part two in the form of participatory Workshops held in Poland, Scotland and Wales respectively by higher education institutions (HEI) engaged in mutual transfer of knowledge and forming interdisciplinary and participatory educational collaborations to enrich their expertise on multiple social science disciplines with stakeholders engagement. So, these events not only served to test innovative teaching methods, but also facilitated knowledge exchange and network building between the project's key players: academics and project partners, students as well as diverse stakeholders, including NGOs, public institutions and migrants. The project advanced young people intercultural competences, knowledge and understanding of migration through transnational, multi- and interdisciplinary collaboration. At the same time the project developed lasting engagement of HEIs with local and international migrant organizations as well as regional authorities to build bridges and share knowledge, good practices and raise awareness of issues around migration. Thus, it contributed to greater equity and social cohesion within Europe through a series of knowledge exchange activities with diverse stakeholders (academics, national and local authorities, migrant community organisations). | The project scope focused on the theme of migration from the perspective of different social science disciplines including: Economics, Education, Politics/Sociology/Social Policy Social Work as well as Art and Design Practice coupled with ICT. Therefore, materials created focus on a broad understanding of migration from the perspective of different social science disciplines as well as art and design practice represented by students and experts from the partner institutions based in Poland (Polish Japanese Academy of Information Technology, Warsaw School of Economics), UK (Glyndwr University and University of the West of Scotland), Finland (Aalto University) and Greece (Technopolis). | The project combined diverse innovative educational methods including: 1. inquiry-based learning, a student-centred approach to teaching and learning based on self-directed or guided inquiry or research 2. multi- and interdisciplinary perspectives to capture the topic of migration from a multidimensional perspective. 3. human-centred design methodology to involve diverse stakeholders. This innovative methodology for teaching and learning has been further developed to combine academic rigor with practical relevance including artistic research, design driven exploration on emerging technologies and materials. Rooted in these methodologies, the project produced the following outputs: Methods Report on inquiry-based and project-based learning with activities on migration, the Understanding Migration Processes manual for Educators of Social Science, the Understanding People Through Art manual for Educators of Design containing the guidelines on implementing our experimental and innovative teaching methods as well as Modules on Migration including thematic course content from the perspective of particular social science discipline including Economics, Education, Politics/Sociology/Social Policy and Social Work and Workshop and Living Lab scenarios and finally the Community of Practice which is a collaborative addon to the NOMAD open access e-platform with related modules as well as numerous student exhibitions and student projects.;The novel educational methods on migration, developed and improved throughout the project lifespan, serve as a guide on how to organise similar, innovative and interdisciplinary courses on migration, and by extension other issues of importance in todays world. Thus, the project not only enhanced the teaching skills and knowledge of the project team designing innovative modules, but also contributed to the creation of novel interdisciplinary and participatory teaching methods described in the outputs of the project, in particular the manuals. In the longer term this project has contributed to greater equity and social cohesion within Europe through fostering understanding of complexities of migration processes to challenge anti-immigration rhetoric with using the scientific, objective reasoning in the broader context of the impact of migration on the society, economy, and public services. | Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Review of Teaching and Learning Activities within the Enquiry and Problem-based Learning | Faculty Staff Workshop Scenario | Understanding migration processes Inclusive Education Manual for Educators | Understanding People through Art Manual for Art and Design Teachers | Understanding migration - educational modules | PL Understanding migration processes Inclusive Education Manual for Educators | PL Understanding People through Art Manual for Art and Design Teachers | GR Understanding migration processes Inclusive Education Manual for Educators | GR Understanding People through Art Manual for Art and Design Teachers | Community building tools | | Development of the Virtual Community of Practice Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2016;2016-1-PL01-KA203-026471;;;Innovative Open Education on IoT: improving higher education for European digital global competitiveness;IOT-OPEN.EU project was aimed at the proposal stage as a way of bridging the gap between what higher education offers and what the European labour market needs in the field of Internet of Things. ...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;POLITECHNIKA SLASKA;PL;PL,EE,RU,LV,IT;332.559,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;European labour market needs in the field of Internet of Things. This was expected through implementing a number of resources and tools for higher education, for various study levels, also for a general audience and industrial professionals. Our objectives also include setting up new cooperation team for IoT on the European level, introducing European collaboration spirit for a non-EU partner: ITMO from Russia and update HE curriculums with high-quality modules. IOT-OPEN.EU delivers content for classical IOT courses held at the universities or companies, MOOC online courses available through the web and provides access to the physical devices so-called VREL distant/remote access IoT laboratories. IOT-OPEN.EU project activities also triggered 5 transnational meetings, 5 dissemination presentations planned as Multiplier Events over 20 other presentations held worldwide as well as 10 peer-reviewed research papers. We also performed pilots at the Silesian University of Technology, University of Messina, and Kazan Federal University. Partners included IoT courses as full time or elective modules in their curriculums, sometimes as part of other courses running at the moment. Now, once implementation is done, we believe that IOT-OPEN.EU project achieved the goals: we made it to interest number of students, educators, practitioners, industrial partners and policymakers to be aware of what we did and let them use our outcomes. We made an international partnership with EU countries and Russian partner and built a team that successfully collaborates and implements projects. Were particularly proud that our project not only has an impact on consortium institutions, our students and workers, not only in the European region but also worldwide. That was proved by observing a growing number of interactions with IOT-OPEN.EU Intellectual Outputs: our coursebook is willingly downloaded by people from 5 continents, so vast is enrollment to our MOOC courses - at the moment of writing the final report, over 1000 students from 74 countries are studying IOT-OPEN.EU content via MOOC platforms, practitioners are using our VRELs. We have a ready answer on how to study and learn IoT? for beginners, undergraduate students, masters and industrial professionals. IOT-OPEN.EU delivers available courses, both on-site and on-line, but also several resources that can be used by teachers and tutors to constitute their courses. In details, we did two coursebooks in English and Latvian, a number of materials for in-class presentations using DLP, laboratory manual used in pilots. We provide free access to 3 online courses and digital content that includes learning curves, course definition, structure, over 100 videos via Youtube to let tutors compose MOOC courses themselves as needed. We provide access to over 10 VREL nodes with remote programming capabilities that require only a web browser! Our VREL proves the power of cooperation and integration and knowledge sharing: i.e. students from Cameroon compile code on the Estonian server and execute it in the laboratory nodes located in Poland and Italy. Those tools virtually give possibilities for persons excluded from studying in HE for whatever reason, bringing them chances to compete for those, who can.;"IOT-OPEN.EU project has a strong impact on the self-development of both individuals involved in the project implementation as well as consortium institutions and their neighbours, mostly industrial partners. We build a team that successfully applied to another E+ grant but also a group of passionates that has growing value and an increasing number of requests for cooperation from both research and industrial partners. We refreshed our curriculum and strengthened our HE bodies position offering professional and up-to-date courses that both teach and entertain, for following 4-6 years. And, most of all, our students get extra value on the competitive labour market whether applying for a job or setting up new startups related to the IoT thus strengthening European position in the global digital market and driver for the development of an information-based economy and society. IOT-OPEN.EU: Introduction to the IoT Coursebook in English; IOT-OPEN.EU: Ievads Lietu Interneta; IOT-OPEN.EU: Introduction to the IoT Coursebook Content Classification; IOT-OPEN.EU: B.Sc. DLP Lecture on IoT 1; IOT-OPEN.EU: B.Sc. DLP Lecture on IoT 2; IOT-OPEN.EU: B.Sc. DLP Lecture on IoT 3; IOT-OPEN.EU: B.Sc. DLP Lecture on IoT 4; IOT-OPEN.EU: B.Sc. DLP Lecture on IoT 5; IOT-OPEN.EU: B.Sc. DLP Lecture on IoT 6; IOT-OPEN.EU: B.Sc. DLP Lecture on IoT 7; IOT-OPEN.EU: B.Sc. DLP Lecture on IoT 8; IOT-OPEN.EU: B.Sc. DLP Lecture on IoT Lab; Start Here! ReadMe for Students; Start Here! ReadMe For Tutors, Professionals and Educators. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | IOT-OPEN.EU: Introduction to the IoT Coursebook in English | IOT-OPEN.EU: Ievads Lietu Interneta | IOT-OPEN.EU: Introduction to the IoT Coursebook Content Classification | IOT-OPEN.EU: B.Sc. DLP Lecture on IoT 1 | IOT-OPEN.EU: B.Sc. DLP Lecture on IoT 2 | IOT-OPEN.EU: B.Sc. DLP Lecture on IoT 3 | IOT-OPEN.EU: B.Sc. DLP Lecture on IoT 4 | IOT-OPEN.EU: B.Sc. DLP Lecture on IoT 5 | IOT-OPEN.EU: B.Sc. DLP Lecture on IoT 6 | IOT-OPEN.EU: B.Sc. DLP Lecture on IoT 7 | IOT-OPEN.EU: B.Sc. DLP Lecture on IoT 8 | IOT-OPEN.EU: B.Sc. DLP Lecture on IoT Lab | Start Here! ReadMe for Students | Start Here! ReadMe For Tutors, Professionals and Educators" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2016;2016-1-PL01-KA203-026652;;;Innovative Education towards Sustainable Food Systems;"Context/background of the project We are facing nowadays a global population growth causing increasing natural resources limitations and environmental problems. Loss of biodiversity and pollut...";International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;SZKOLA GLOWNA GOSPODARSTWA WIEJSKIEGO;PL;PL,FR,DE,IT,ES,EE,DK;254.331,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;"Loss of biodiversity and pollution of the environment are provoking drastic changes in the ecosystems and human health. The only way is to introduce sustainable development on the Earth - reasonable usage of the natural resources and less invasive farming systems. We need to develop sustainable models of the future farming, husbandry and food production systems. We observe that sustainable food systems are not enough covered by the study programs in the European Universities. Without well educated alumni we are not able to provide leaders for the sustainable development. Therefore we need new teaching programs and innovative teaching / learning methods in order to achieve all necessary goals. The aim of the project is to support cooperation between eight European Universities to develop and implement innovative educational materials and methods in the subject of sustainable food systems. The goal is to provide students with necessary knowledge, competencies and skills and to support sustainable food sector and increase students employability. main activities - I. SUSPLUS survey . Task: In-depth analysis of students' understanding of the sustainable food system concept and their expectations towards education within this subject area. The survey has been conducted with ca. 100 respondents in every University. II. Development of innovative teaching tools & contents Tasks: development of tools and contents (for e-learning, Intensive Study Programme, Small Research Projects, lectures in schools). III. Testing materials & methods: A. E-learning module 'Sustainable Food Systems & Diets. Virtual e-learning platform with on-line video lectures, group works, on-line quizes. Participants: 32 students (4 from each country) from BSc and MSc studies; B. Intensive Study Programme 'Sustainable Food Systems & Diets - Time: 23 rd July 4 th August 2017. Place: Kiry (Tatra Mountains) & Warsaw. Participants: 32 students (4 from each country) from BSc and MSc studies. Lecturers: 10 lecturers (3 from coordinating university and 1 from each other university). C. Small Research Projects | Description: Students will cooperate with stakeholders active in the area of sustainable food systems, to find, analyse and describe best practise examples within the food chain. Participants: 4 students from each partner university (2 teams x 2 students, supervised by University lecturers). D. Lectures in schools - Description: Lectures about sustainable food systems were given by the students in schools (secondary schools) under supervision of the university lecturers. Participants: 4 students from each partner university (2 teams x 2 students).";Results and impact attained Reports, programmes and syllabuses of the mentioned educational activities are produced and disseminated within the Partnership and beyond, to be implemented into existing teaching programmes. In addition, a guide/booklet on the sustainable food system concept is jointly elaborated by the project consortium and disseminated to all interested stakeholders. Dissemination: a) Building a network in the topic of sustainable food systems b) 1st SUSPLUS international conference 'Sustainable Food Systems - Outcomes of the SUSPLUS project (Nuremberg, 14 II 2018) c) 2nd SUSPLUS conference 'Sustainable Food Systems - Outcomes of the SUSPLUS project (National in each country, V IX 2018) d) SUSPLUS conference 'Sustainable Food Systems results of the SUSPLUS project International, Terra Madre, Torino, 22 IX 2018. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Aspects of sustainable food systems - A guide for innovative education towards sustainable food systems (IO2) | E-learning module 'Sustainable Food Systems & Diets' (IO3) | Syllabus of the Intensive Study Programme Sustainable Food Systems & Diets (IO4) | Educational materials for the Intensive Study Programme Sustainable Food Systems & Diets (IO5) | Programme of the Small Research Projects (IO7) | Lectures about sustainable food systems to be given by the students in schools (IO8) | Analysis: Concept for implementing Sustainable Food System including Sustainable Diet in curricula and existing study programmes of partner universities (IO12) | Report: Innovative teaching activities in SUSPLUS project (IO14) | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | Analysis of students' understanding of the 'Sustainable food system' and expectations towards education within this subject area (IO1) Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-PL01-KA219-026118;;;School companies ;The basis of the project was that according to schools curriculum analysis in all four schools children were learning entrepreneurship but in some schools this subject was part of curriculum (Aus...;Enterprise, industry and SMEs (incl. entrepreneurship), Creativity and culture ...;;Samorzadowy Zespol Szkol w Kostkowie;PL;PL,AT,DE,RO;88.500,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"The basis of the project was that according to schools curriculum analysis in all four schools children were learning entrepreneurship but in some schools this subject was part of curriculum (Austria, Germany, Romania) and in one of them children were learning it in a school club (Poland). All teachers involved in the project agreed that students | on learning connected with practice and after asking students they decided that that school companies would focus on local/regional food (Germany, Romania, Poland) and crafts (Austria-self-made products of metal or plastic, Poland-Kashubian pottery and embroidery, Romania-trinkets, masks, encrusted eggs). Most of the students had to choose their professional path at the end of the project so they were interested in labor market needs and local business. The main aim of the project was to start up a company in each school. 90 students (Austria-15, Germany-25, Poland-25, Romania-25) started four school businesses (one in each school) and ran it till the end of the project and after that. Students got practice and financial literacy. The same number of students created objects during the project and after that (Austria-products of metal and plastic, Germany-cooking book with recipes in different languages, Poland-ceramic pots, vases and tablecloths, Romania-trinkets, masks, encrusted eggs) and local /regional food (Poland and Romania). The products werent sold during the project. Students learnt how to estimate the cost of production, the profit margin and selling price etc. but accountancy was only virtual. The products will be sold after the end of the project (in September 2018) and the money will be used as start-up capital for continuation of running the companies after the end of the project. During the project 12 students (3 from each school) wrote articles for an e-book about process of starting school companies in each country How to start a company introduction; short profiles of all students and teachers involved in the project; short description of our countries; short description of our regions; information about schools; information about our companies and its products, description of food or crafts. In May 2018, 25 e-books were printed by Romanian school and they were sent to other schools and local institutions as a way to disseminate the project results. During the project 12 students (3 from each school) made four presentations(one from each school) about the process of starting a company. During the project 12 students (3 from each school) made four presentations (one from each school) about the process of making products. Articles, presentation and films were uploaded on eTwinning platform and on project website. In June 2017 and in June 2018 12 students (3 from each school) prepared photo exhibitions about the progress of project and present it in a local cultural or educational centres or in a libraries.";During the project 66 students who travelled to partner countries learnt about its lifestyle through food and crafts which were the main topics of the project but also by staying with the families and taking part in everyday life. At least 26 teachers broadened their knowledge about methodology of teaching entrepreneurship by comparing and contrasting their methods with those used by teachers in partner countries. During the project 90 students (13 - 18 years old) learnt how to start a company in their own and other countries and were able to compare and contrast this process in different countries They were open-minded and eager to learn new competences. They learnt English in everyday situations. Results | Website | | | Without category | | Cooking book 1 made by students of RBB Vorpommern-Rgen in Stralsund, Gemany | Cooking book 2 made by students of RBB Vorpommern-Rgen in Stralsund, Gemany | Cooking book 3 made by students of RBB Vorpommern-Rgen in Stralsund, Gemany Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-PL01-KA219-026128;;;Science 4 all;The Science 4 all project was focused on an exchange of good practice in teaching and learning science subjects and mathematics, and its coincidence with the labour market and entrepreneurship. ...;Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Natural sciences, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills;;Publiczne Gimnazjum Nr 1 z Oddzialami Dwujezycznymi im. Jana Pawla II w Krempachach;PL;PL,FR,EE,PT;112.065,00;Yes;Yes;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"The Science 4 all project was focused on an exchange of good practice in teaching and learning science subjects and mathematics, and its coincidence with the labour market and entrepreneurship. The objectives of the project included enhancing professional skills of partner school teachers, increasing students' competencies and motivation in science, mathematics and entrepreneurship, and improving social, intercultural and language skills in the partner schools. | | The project was dedicated to teachers and students from four lower secondary schools in Poland, France, Estonia and Portugal. The students were between 12 and 15 years of age. Each of four schools in this project is located in another part of Europe, but every school faces similar problems emerged mostly from diversity in a local area and historical or cultural issues. The project emphasised possibilities of effective learning and working within the European Union, especially for pupils from disadvantaged areas. | | The partner schools organised a wide range of activities such as events and competitions in the field of science, mathematics and labour market, professional development workshops for teachers of the partner schools, video-conferences and exhibitions in school halls. Teachers planned and conducted innovative lessons based on good practice in partner schools and recommendations of educational institutions. Students did scientific experiments, then made videos which were published on the Internet. They also participated in events organised by educational or science institutions such as science centres, universities, museums and many others. As part of getting to know the labour market were held professional counselling classes and workshops on Entrepreneurship and economy, companies and job centres were visited. | | Implementing cross-curricular and problem-based teaching, integration of new technology and teaching through innovative pedagogical ways, including labour market requirements allowed teachers to enhance professional skills. The results of their work are scenarios of innovative lessons planned and conducted during the project. The eTwinning programme was used to present the project and communicate, including the TwinSpace platform, which became the official website of the project. Besides the activities and results mentioned above, the following outputs were also produced: | Weather stations built near partner schools; | educational project on weather in partner countries; | films 24h of my life in 2 minutes; | report Partnership. Key Findings & Recommendations; | slide presentations introducing the partner schools; | rules of a new mathematics contest; | mini-dictionary with basic terms in the language of the partner schools and languages of some other nations attending schools; | e-museum on mathematics, science and professions; | Dream story of my life - a collection of imagined students biographies; | posters about the project; | online e-magazines; | collection of puzzles and exercises - digital tasks created with ICT tools and apps. | | Understanding, awareness, tolerance, respect and acceptance of cultural diversities of Europe was possible thanks to personal contacts and collaborative work in multinational teams of students and teachers from four countries. It was achieved not only through the appropriate implementation of the project, but also participation in five international learning, teaching or training activities, in which all participants received the Europass Mobility documents.";The project had a high impact on the participating schools, their students, teachers and local communities. Students increased competencies and motivation through participation in innovative learning activities, exploring the labour market using maths, science and technology. They became more confident and aware of their abilities, also the way they can use them after finishing school. Higher professional and language skills of partner schools teachers motivated them to implement modern approach in teaching practices. The partner schools improved quality of educational offer, got teaching materials and tools and refined cooperation inside and outside the institution. Throughout experiencing different cultures local communities widened their horizons and understood wealth and significance of the European Union better. | Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Workshop on Entrepreneurship and economy | Mini-dictionary | Scenarios of innovative lessons | A collection of puzzles and exercises | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | Report Partnership. Key Findings & Recommendations | Partnerships and cooperations | | Professional development events for teachers Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-PL01-KA219-026290;;;SCIENCE IN OUR LITTLE HANDS;Thisproject was carried out in order to fulfill the EuropeanCommission's 2020 strategy. Fourprimaryschools from Poland, Turkey, Greece, Italy and one kindergarten from Estonia cooperated with the ...;Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Szkola Podstawowa Nr 12 z Oddzialami Integracyjnymi;PL;PL,EL,TR,IT,EE;117.635,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;Thisproject was carried out in order to fulfill the EuropeanCommission's 2020 strategy. Fourprimaryschools from Poland, Turkey, Greece, Italy and one kindergarten from Estonia cooperated with the project. The addressees of the projectactivitieswereaged from 5 to 9 years. The aim of the project was to improve the basicskills in the field of science, mathematics, language and technology of childrenthroughplay and to developprograms and sets of tasks in each of theseinstitutionswithinallclubs. | The project was innovativebecause we developed and applied methods of comprehensive learning (combiningtheoretical and practical). | We implemented the project in stages, and we shared the results of the activitiesduringteacherexchanges. We achieved the goalstogether and theirresultis a set of teachingtasksdeveloped by teachers from each partner country within 4 clubs. | The Polishschool was the project'scoordinator. Ourmethodology of workconsisted in developing practicalexperiments and role playing by children. Teaching was a reflection of the theoreticalknowledgesituation, which was given in the curriculum for kindergartens and earlyschooleducation. Ourgoal was to combinebothtypes of knowledge and provideholistic learning. Childrenwere the main target group and the clubs' activitieswerebased on gainingknowledgethroughplay and experience. The teachersdevelopedpracticalexperiments for children and prepared a systematiceducational program. Childrenparticipated in clubs: natural, mathematical, language, IT. Through theseactivities we haveachievedourgoals: | - we haveanactivepre-school and school environment in classes / groups, | -we decided to interestchildren in the fields of mathematics, language, science, technology, | -we strengthenedstudents' self-esteem and strengthenedtheirself-esteem, | -we implementedgoodpractices and newmethods in partner schools, | - we haveimplementedmethods of holistic learning, | -we decided to develop ICT, languageskills and digitalskills of children, | - cooperating with otherinstitutions (otherinitial and formalschools | and informallocalorganizations, non-governmentalorganizations, parent-teacherassociations), we haveensuredlong-term dissemination of ourlastingresults. | In each of the partner institutions, directaction - participation in clubs, a minimum of 80 students. A group of 8 teachers was established in each partner organization (leadingclubs). English teacher was responsible for communication and projectcoordination, mathematicsteacher for statistical data analysis and questionnaireassessment, ICT teacher to conduct (website, blogs, applications, etc.), psychologist and others. Total approx. 25 teachers in eachschool. Families of students (400 people) willcontribute to the introduction of knowledgeabout the host country and preparedishes for guests. The localcommunity (about 100 people), ielocalpress, municipality, school management and City Offices, contributed to the dissemination of the project to the widercommunity.;Teachersachievedtheirgoalsmainlythanks to short-term teacherexchanges, duringwhichtheypresentedtheirworkresults in clubs and exchangedexperiences. The addedvalueconsisted in the use of modern teaching and learning methods, which was associated with the stimulation of teamwork in the team under the supervision of specializedteachers. The integration of goodpracticesused as peer-learning benchmarkshasalsocontributed to familiarizing with the advantages and limitations of othereducationsystems. The laststage of ourprojectis the prolongeddissemination of activities and results. We haveagreed on the cooperation of schools and assumelong-lastingrelationshipsthrough: | - Project website and Facebook group, whichwill be supplemented with materials from partner schoolswhen the projectiscompleted. | -Gazetki z clubsw as a presentation of the effects and description of the developed products. | -School sister: implementation of informationabout the country of the chosen partner in educationalclasses. | - Project magazines: willcontinue to be distributed in partner schools. | - Photoreports (diaries) in each partner school to ensurefriendshipbetweencultures and prolongeddissemination. | - Erasmus + cornerhasbeensupplemented with the effects of activitiesafter the end of the project. | - E-Tweening - implementation of the project with the same title on the platform. | - EST database. | Thanks to the project, the partnerscreatedbothshort- and long-term results of ouractivities and achievedanimpact on raising the quality of education and improving the skills of ourchildren and ensuredcombiningtheory with practice (holisticmethod) as aninnovativepractice. The group on Facebook and Instagram, the projectwebsiteprovidedconstantaccess to informationaboutprojectactivities, the course and itseffects, and strengthenedourcollectiveimpact on the participants. | Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | IT Club of Estonia | IT Club of Greece | IT Club of Poland | IT Club of Italy | IT Club of Turkey | Language Club of Estonia | Language Club of Greece | Language Club of Italy | Language Club of Poland | Language Club of Turkey | Math Club of Estonia | Math Club of Greece | Math Club of Italy | Math Club of Poland | Math Club of Turkey | Science Club of Estonia | Science Club of Greece | Science Club of Italy | Science Club of Poland | Science Club of Turkey | Dissemination material | | Turkish magazine for Science Club. | Turkish magazine for maths Club | Turkish magazine for Language Club | Turkish magazine for IT Club | Italian magazine for Science Club | Italian magazine for Maths Club | Italian magazine for Language Club | Greek magazine for Science Club about Tornado | Greek magazine for Science Club about Air | Greek magazine for SCience Club about tranpiration | Greek magazine for SCience club about Weather | Greek magazine for Science club about Density | Greek magazine for Science Club about Plants | Greek magazine for Science Club about Deflection | Greek magazine for Science Club about Mixing Liquids | Greek magazine for Science Club about Solar Oven | Greek magazine for Maths Club | Greek magazine for Language Club | Greek magazine for IT Club | Polish magazine for Language Club | Polish magazine for Science Club | Estonian magazine for IT Club | Estonian magazine for Science Club | Estonian magazine for Maths Club | Estonian magazine for Language Club | Agreement | Polish magazine for IT Club Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-PL01-KA219-026296;;;RADWAN - Rado__ Ambasadorem Dzieci, Wiedza Azymutem Nowoczesno_ci.;"The implementation of the ""RADWAN: The joy as an ambassador of children, the knowledge as the azimuth of modernity project is to improve the conditions of education of schools from Croatia, Spai...";Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Zespol Szkol im. Ziemi Kujawskiej - Gimnazjum;PL;PL,TR,HR,ES;124.380,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The implementation of the ""RADWAN: The joy as an ambassador of children, the knowledge as the azimuth of modernity project is to improve the conditions of education of schools from Croatia, Spain, Turkey and Poland. Preparing for responsibility and continuous activity is one of the tasks of the school. To answer this demand, it educates the basic and transversal skills. The project is addressed to parents, teachers, and especially to students aged 11-16 years, because they will be soon citizens of Europe with full rights.They should be aware of the value of continuous learning , personal and professional development also due to Europass. Students have become youth Tourist Guides at their area. The Junior Project Coordinator have been appointed. Parents should be a model for them. Children with their parents have worked at the project and actively participated in the digital society, by posting their work on the eTwinning portal and by hosting in their houses students from the partner countries. There were 120 people (guests, host school and local community) involved in the particular international meetings. It is estimated that 1500 people have taken part in various project activities. On the other hand the result of work have been disseminated in the local community and placed in the media so the scope of the project is larger. Thanks to exchange the teachers' experiences during the international meetings and the dissemination of good practices, participants influenced the reduction of differences in education and had the opportunity to introduce the innovative forms and methods of teaching. It included methods: mind map, board games, concepts comics, Questioning the Author, S@tm, "" peer learning"", WebQuest , CLIL. We presented the ideas and tools that could be used to create specific teaching techniques. The presented methodology included education based on the educational story, learning by action, learning through collaboration and the method of guided discovery. These types of methodologies were presented in teacher's creative book ""The method for success"", methodological guide , that is a set of tasks, brochures about old and new board games. They were also the final products of the project. They could be used in teaching focused on the students' competence acquisition and for the improvement of students' educational results to those who get results below the average. Teaching conferences, workshops and observation of lessons increased the qualifications of the teachers involved in the project in various fields - related to teaching / methodology of science, language learning and cooperation with parents; thus the increase of motivation to work. Old sports games and board games as well as joint educational activities were used to integrate and develop the communication skills of participants. Students involved in the project had the opportunity to gain comprehensive knowledge through its interdisciplinarity . Working in groups (also international) as well as the workshops and specially prepared practical classes allowed to develop student's rhetorical, listening and reading comprehension and writing skills. The detailed distribution and allocation of tasks was the chance to learn how to be responsible for myself and the whole team. It is worth noticing that the content implemented in the project was compatible to the school curriculum. Students deepened their knowledge and skills in the field of science. ";"Through international cooperation, trips, constant contact through social networks and e- mail the mobility of virtual and real was developed. Through the exploration of board and sports games we encouraged the protection of cultural heritage. The project RADWAN has been focused on the acquisition of competences through education for cultural heritage. However, the cultural heritage was not a goal in itself, it was mean of facilitating learning and personal development as well as development of basic and transversal competences within the Erasmus + , such as the ability to work, communication, cultural expression, social skills and the use of media. Students created two new games, each with a partner country subtitled. The first ""Museum in a box"" restored the culture and history of the partner countries. It is an attractive form of bring nearer the cultural heritage for now and in the future. The second "" Mathematics in a box "" developed students' basic competences, the ability of analytical and synthetic thinking. The use of ICT in the project helped in information flow which enabled all stakeholders to benefit from our common cultural and natural resources. The students, working under the guidance of teachers and in cooperation with their parents, were prepared for independent and responsible use of the mass media, computers, the Internet. Results | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Posters | Dissemination material | | Websites, funpages | Erasmus Club" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-PL01-KA219-026303;;;Moving forward with key competences;Our main motivation for starting an Erasmus + project entitled Moving forward with key competences in cooperation with schools from Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland and Turkey was increasing the ...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Natural sciences, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills;;Zespol Szkol Ogolnoksztalcacych nr 2 w Bytomiu;PL;PL,IT,DE,TR,HU;104.800,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;Our main motivation for starting an Erasmus + project entitled Moving forward with key competences in cooperation with schools from Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland and Turkey was increasing the level of basic and transversal competences in the field of secondary education. | The European Union faces rapid economic and social changes for which we must adapt our teaching methods. Many students at our schools lacked basic Maths and science skills as well as language and digital competences, the acquisition of which will be essential for getting jobs later in life. Therefore, by doing the project, we wanted to increase levels of achievement in these competences and, in that way, prepare them for changes in the labour market. | Over 150 students and 10 teachers were involved directly in the project work in each school every year. The aim of the project was to improve attitudes of students and attainment levels in Maths and science. We also wanted students to develop their foreign language skills and digital skills, too. The project aimed at enhancing the quality of education by giving our teachers an opportunity to develop, transfer and implement innovative practices at their schools. Different teaching methods, innovative and student centered approaches were used in teaching and learning. We put more emphasis on synergy between knowledge and practice. | All the main activities undertaken in the project involved doing practical things and experiments, solving problems and doing things outdoors. Learning Maths and science included going on field trips, visits to science centers and workshops at university departments. | During the project students solved Maths problems on e-learning platform, learnt Physics and Chemistry through experiments, created educational resources for Biology and Geography during field trips, learnt through interdisciplinary projects and programmed apps for Chemistry classes. | The project produced a number of educational materials (e.g. a booklet of Maths tasks, a compendium of experiments in Chemistry and Physics, educational resources for Biology and Geography, a set of interdisciplinary projects, a CLIL dictionary), which were implemented into school curricula. There were three short-exchanges of groups of pupils and two short-term joint staff training events.;Activities carried out during the project had a positive impact on its participants and participating organisations. Schools got higher attainment levels, introduced innovative teaching methods, developed interdisciplinary approach to teaching and learning and enhanced the quality of education by increasing the number of field trips, experiments and projects included in the school curricula. Teachers improved their professional development due to exchanges of experiences and good practices and increased their motivation to teach. Students acquired knowledge and skills in an interesting way, improved their scores in national exams and developed social and interpersonal skills. Results | Website | | | Feedback from participants | | Results of on-line survey on Maths and science (second year) | Results of the on-line survey on Maths and science (first year) | Direct effect on participants and project partners | | Evaluation report (first year) | Evaluation report (second year) | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Compendium of Chemistry experiments | Compendium of Physics experiments | Teaching method of detecting learning difficulties in Maths - teacher version | Teaching method of detecting learning difficulties in Maths - student version | Booklet of Maths tasks | Apps for Chemistry classes | Educational material for Geography classes | Educational material for Biology classes | CLIL dictionary Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-PL01-KA219-026777;;;My Europe, My Life, My Future;"""My Europe, My Life, My Future"" is a project whose main goal was not only to develop language and information skills but also key competencies by implementing activities related to sports, music, ...";Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;Zespol Szkol Zawodowych Nr 1 im. mjr. Henryka Dobrzanskiego;PL;PL,PT,RO,EL,HR,BG;128.235,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"My Europe, My Life, My Future"" is a project whose main goal was not only to develop language and information skills but also key competencies by implementing activities related to sports, music, dance, cuisine, famous people as well as history and traditions by using innovative methods and new computer technologies. Another aim of the project was cultural education such as finding differences and similarities between cultures, overcoming stereotypes and prejudices or shaping the attitude of tolerance. | What is more, encouraging participants to develop and implement innovative teaching methods and teaching materials, stimulate students' creativity and imagination and help in acquiring basic life skills and competencies. There were students and teachers from six European countries namely Poland, Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania, Portugal and Greece. Amongst vocational and technical schools, there were also general high schools. | Each mobility concerned a different theme related to a selected aspect of culture. These were topics studied in each country: Poland - dance, Romania - sports, Bulgaria - music, Croatia - cuisine, Portugal - famous people and Greece - custom and traditions. Before the mobility, the participants explored a given subject of the meeting in their schools, preparing presentations, films, making videos, creating photo albums, conducting surveys, searching, collecting, and selecting needed materials. Students learned how to dance traditional dances, sing songs or prepare characteristic dishes from each country. Some of the project members took part in competitions and events. Prepared materials were presented to the partners used for the project by international groups. All participants had the opportunity to become involved in dancing, culinary or artistic workshops, educational lessons, sport events and language classes. Moreover, there were organized competitions, quizzes and some educational trips. After completing the mobility, students and teachers prepared exhibitions, presentations, photo galleries, showing all moments which they had experienced. | Through the use of questionnaires, interviews, observations, tests, document analysis, all of the projects activities and participant progress and knowledge was evaluated. | The transnational meetings of the coordinators were organized at the beginning and at the end of the project. They were related to the efficient organization of the project, division of responsibilities amongst partners, evaluation and summary of the project. They contributed to the competent project coordination. | The proposed activities with the use of productive methods have increased the effectiveness of learning, self-motivation to learn and act, developed creativity and creative thinking. It has contributed to the development and growth of language skills, efficient use of information and communication technologies and development of key competencies needed in the labor market in students personal and professional life. | Participation in the project has greatly influenced the development of cultural competences of the participants. International cooperation, trips, live contacts and using online portals, have developed tolerance, acceptance and openness to other cultures by breaking social, language and mental barriers amongst European citizens. | The final effects of the project are the project website, educational platform, brochures, class scenarios, Europass-Mobility certificates, diplomas, posters, Erasmus walls, souvenir showcases, project logos, meetings and banners. | There are some products that were created in the project: five publications - Legends of Sport, Dances of Europe, Famous People, Music connects Nations and Generations, Tastes of Europe and the European Calendar of Holidays and Customs. There are also multimedia guides around the region, a presentation about Easter customs, videos presenting project meetings, dances, songs and food preparation and The European Tree of Culture. All the products have been described and posted on the project and schools websites, the e-Twinning platform and the dissemination platform. All of the above mentioned results are saved in both paper and multimedia versions and they were sent to school libraries and transferred to other neighboring schools for the didactic use as work and inspiration for similar activities. | T";The implementation of the project contributed to the promotion of schools, the growth of prestige, attractiveness and popularity among young people, educational authorities, which influenced the development of good relations in school and local communities, establishing cooperation with local institutions. Local media helped to reach the local audience with the project. There has been an increase in motivation and activity of teachers, as well as students who we hope will not resign from continuing education after school graduation. The international cooperation has strengthened and will be continued. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Music connects generations and nations. | Tastes of Europe | Famous People | Dances of Europe | Legends of sport | Dissemination material | | Easter in Poland | Greek Easter traditions | Easter in Bulgaria | Easter in Romania | Easter tradition in Croatia | Easter: Portuguese traditions and celebrations | A Legends through Arts | Closed Legend in the Art | Closed Legend in the Art - Croatia Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-PT01-KA104-022478;;;Vencer barreiras metodolgicas na educao no formal de adultos;The project was developed within the framework of the Centro para a Qualificao e Ensino Profissional Litoral Cvado (CQEP-LC), an entity dedicated to adult education in the municipality of Espo...;Recognition (non-formal and informal learning/credits), Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, International cooperation ...;;Escola Secundaria Henrique Medina;PT;PT;22.586,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"he project was designed to improve the service that CQEP-LC provides to the community that serves (Esposende county), based on experiences and sharing with related entities in the European context and with the aim of overcoming the main gaps diagnosed in a of the main values of the entity: the process of Recognition, Validation and Certification of Competences (RVCC) acquired by adults in their life course. In the particular context of the CQEP-LC, the fields identified as capable of improvement were the exaggerated formatting of the autobiographical document, the writing of which is the basis of the process; the lack of an integrated response in the follow-up of the formal certification process; the need to streamline concerted strategies among the various local actors to encourage adults to use the CQEP-LC to improve their training by defining those areas of the local economy where training is most pressing in the current and future context. The specific goals of the project were: a) to break with rigid paradigms and concepts in the development of the RVCC process with adults; b) provide technicians with new tools and methodologies to be applied in the process of validation and certification of competencies; c) improve the dynamics of the training team, creating synergies of collaborative work and more efficient forms of communication; and d) disseminating the added value of participation in training courses to our partner networks.";"training courses were ""Autobiographical Methodologies in Adult Education"" and ""New Teachers for New Competencies: Entrepreneurship, Network and Communication""." Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2016;2016-1-PT01-KA201-022898;;;New European Settings for Teachers and Teaching;European challenges, such as the promotion of common values of equality, democracy and citizenship, bring very demanding tasks for education as they require a (re) consideration of the role of sch...;Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Inclusion - equity, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;CASA DO PROFESSOR;PT;PT,PL,RO,BE;264.490,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Adult education;Centro Educativo;;;English;"European challenges, such as the promotion of common values of equality, democracy and citizenship, bring very demanding tasks for education as they require a (re) consideration of the role of school and teachers across Europe. Thus emerges the project NESTT - New European Settings for Teachers and Teaching, designation originating from the word nest (NEST), associated with birth, growth and space where another value is given to diversity in education, equal opportunities for school success and education, beliefs and core values of the partnership on which the project is based. This consortium, coordinated by Casa do Professor, comprises six other organizations - European Schoolnet Academy (Belgium), which is also holds the ""European Education Observatory"", which comprises thirty-four Ministries of Education, responsible for various projects, such as ""Classrooms of the Future"", Asociatia Edulifelong (Romania), with experience in non-formal education, Stowarzyszenie Nowa Kulture i Edukacja (Poland), dedicated to content development and training - and three more portuguese organizations - the Institute of Educational Communities (Setbal), as a scientific validation partner, and the Schools Groups of Maximinos and Dr. Francisco Sanches (Braga). The main intention of this partnership was to intervene on the traditional way teachers teach, building a perspective that conceives their formation from two assumptions: i) How children and young people learn in formal and non-formal contexts; ii) How can teachers make a difference, considering the indispensable focus on their professional development. The knowledge that has been produced and continues to spread contributes, in a sustained and innovative way, to the necessary change in teaching professional development and, consequently, in teaching in schools. In fact, throughout the project implementation, new training models were sought and presented, with successful practices and results in different countries, but above all, new forms of teacher education for these new realities were envisaged.";"The project was developed around nine properly structured, planned and shared activities: 1-Coordination, which included the set of actions related to the organization and implementation of the project; 2-The transnational meetings, focused on project development, specifically i) the constitution of intellectual products 1, 2 and 3, ii) the preparation of dissemination events, the International Conference, iii) the planning of other moments of dissemination and iv ) the development of the NESTT website; 3-Short events, in the course / workshop, distance or in person, were always includ d and taken care of by all partners; In this context, several communications were also submitted to International Teaching Training Meetings; 4-The e-learning course ""Teacher Skills for the 21st Century"" gave rise to the MOOC ""Empowering Students Learning"", certified 1,155 teachers; 5-The development of products 1, 2 and 3: product 1 had the main focus in the documentary ""Yes, I can""; product 2, following the review of the policies, practices and approaches used in teacher education, was published; for product 3, ""Teaching materials and portfolio of good practices for teachers"", is also finalized; 6- The availability of products resulting from the dynamization of the project, in semi-structured actions, allowed the constitution of the Hands on Practice version, which is public from the website and continues to be used, serving as a basis for partners to disseminate a new version. field of knowledge; 7-The dynamization of the website allows the distribution of resources, the publication of results, the consultation of activities, the search and interaction among participants, the publication of articles; It is within this framework that the NESTT community of practice has been nurtured (; 8- Participants prepared and implemented (in) training actions for non-participating teachers to ensure dissemination; partner produced reports, including photographic evidence and attendance registration, disclosing target group, impact, assessment and results; 9-The Making Learning Meaningful International Conference was a privileged occasion for the dissemination of intellectual production; This event was attended by Antnio Nvoa, Asuncin Flores, Manuel Fernandes, Teresa Godinho, Maria Emilia Brederode Santos, Alexandre Quintanilha and, among foreigners, Marc Prensky, Auli Toon, Daniela Cuccurullo and Miquel Amor; The media partners were Agncia Lusa and TSF. The activities were developed as planned, always with the purpose of reaching the established goals and honoring the commitments made with the different stakeholders. Results | Website | | | Feedback from participants | | Avaliao do documentrio | MOOC_Empowering students learning | Transnational Project Meetings | Learning Teaching and Travel Activities | Atividades de curta durao | Avaliao da conferncia | Avaliao dos percursos formativos | Avaliao aps o trmino do projeto | Direct effect on participants and project partners | | Avaliao da participao | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Produto Intelectual 1 - Yes I can: how children and young people learn | Documentrio | NESTT ""Teachers Make a Difference"": European Benchmark in Teacher Training | Pedagogical-didactic materials and good practices portfolio for teachers | MOOC: Empowering students learning | Relatrio da Conferncia | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | Survey | Guio do documentrio | Construo do MOOC | Community building tools | | Subscriptions on the MOOC | Conferncia website | Dissemination material | | Relatrios dos parceiros | Outros registos | Notcias | Others | | Comunication | Conferncia" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-PT01-KA202-022909;;;Film: ECOLOGICAL AND SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF THE SHELLFISH HARVESTING ON FOOT;"Context: The shellfishing activity is very important for social, cultural and economic reasons, with a strong impact in the coastal zones. However, this activity is usually done in important an...";Environment and climate change, Agriculture, forestry and fisheries ...;;Liga para a Proteco da Natureza;PT;PT,ES,TR,IT;266.675,64;Yes;No; Non-governmental organisation/association/social enterprise;ONG;;;English;The shellfishing activity is very important for social, cultural and economic reasons, with a strong impact in the coastal zones. However, this activity is usually done in important and sensitive biological and environmental zones, most of them being protected areas. Shellfishing activity may have envoronmental impact in these ecosystems. Achieving a balance between the environment, society and economy, it is considered essential to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations. Therefore, there is a need to implement environmental management plans for this activity. | | Objectives: | | The ECOFILM project has developed training materials to qualify professionals to develop their activities with a sustainable methodology. The main goal of the project has been to develop an audiovisual training tool to promote the sustainable shellfishing harvesting on foot through the provision, advice and training of the sector in the transverse skills. This training program has been produced for workers of the shellfishing harvesting on foot, professional Associations of the shellfishing harvesting on foot, Cooperatives Public and Private training centers, NGOs and authorities and public organisms in environmental matters.;"The project has produced as a result 3 main deliverables: | | The report ""PROCEDURE FOR THE IDENTIFICATION AND EVALUATION OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS ASSOCIATED WITH SHELLFISHING HARVESTING ON FOOT ACTIVITIES AND PREVENTION OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS, available in 5 languages in the Website of the project | | The Training program EcoFilm: AUDIOVIDUAL AND EUROPEAN TRAINING TOOL FOR THE ECOLOGICAL AND SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF THE SHELLFISHING HARVESTING ON FOOT, done in a a set of 5 videos translated to 5 languages and available on the project website | | And the EcoFilm training program in pdf format, available in 5 languages in the project website. | | Finally, the EcoFilm program will provide the following long-term benefitss: | | The standardization of training for this sector at European level has been increased. | A better knowledge of the national regulations regarding shellfshing | Improvement of workers mobility among different countries | Improvement of access to better learning systems (e-learning), and innovative training materials | Promotion of linguistic diversity in the sector, they can access the same content in 5 languages | Results | Website | | | Direct effect on participants and project partners | | Indicator 24 and 25 | Indicator 24 and 25 | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Indicator 5 | Indicator 6 | Indicator 6 | Indicator 6 | Indicator 8 | Indicator 16 | Indicator 14 | Indicator 14 | Indicator 14 | Indicator 14 | Indicator 14 | Partnerships and cooperations | | Indicator 23 | Dissemination material | | Incicator 19 | Indicator 22 | Indicator 22" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for youth;2016;2016-1-PT02-KA205-003182;;;Summer e-CHALLENGE: Acquiring Soft & Digital Skills Through Non-formal Free-time Practices;According to the 2015 Eurydice Report, the average summer holidays in Portugal, Bulgaria, Cyprus and Greece was about 11-13 weeks. Could this non-working period be occupied in a useful and product...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Access for disadvantaged, Youth (Participation ...;;MAKE IT BETTER ASSOCIACAO PARA A INOVACAO E ECONOMIA SOCIAL ASSOCIACAODE DIREITO PRIVADO;PT;PT,CY,BG,EL;103.400,00;Yes;No;Non-governmental organisation/association/social enterprise;ONG;;;English;"According to the 2015 Eurydice Report, the average summer holidays in Portugal, Bulgaria, Cyprus and Greece was about 11-13 weeks. Could this non-working period be occupied in a useful and productive way so that young people can acquire skills and competencies that are not promoted in formal education? Are the families and educators available all over this period to support and accompany their children? Does the territory has any alternatives to offer for the occupation of the younger? On other hand, Non-formal learning has been acknowledged widely in the last decade proving unique opportunity to involve young people in activities on a voluntary basis and to develop their skills. | | Having all of the above in mind, the SUMMER e-CHALLENGE project was designed aiming, first of all, using the summer non-school time in order to promote the acquisition, recognition and validation of basic and soft skills, with emphasis on digital skills, that young people gain in non-formal learning opportunities, so that they become transparent, visible and useful for their academic and adult life. | | As for its main activity, the project proposed the introduction of an innovative ""Summer eChallenge Programme (4 Summer Camps held one in each of the partner countries - Portugal, Bulgaria, Cyprus and Greece) which young people (10-16 yo) could participate on a voluntary basis in order to acquire a combination of skills, competencies, knowledge and attitudes that are considered essential for personal fulfillment and development, active citizenship, social inclusion and employment. It is in essence a self-directed, non-competitive, voluntary, flexible, and adaptable scheme of non-formal learning activities based on young people's' personal development. The programme provided holistic opportunities away from subject boundaries for young people to acquire record, recognize and validate those key competencies and transversal skills, while developing personal qualities which are not so much emphasized in formal education. In doing so young people could be guided in an effective and constructive way towards a better career selection, bridging the mismatch between skills and the demands of the future labor market. | | The main outputs of the project include, besides the comprehensive framework of skills (entrepreneurial, digital, soft skills) and the 4 Summer eChallenge Programmes, a dynamic and interactive e-Learning tool, based on cutting-edge technology, designed to manage the implementation of the programme, and to record, present and support young people's learning. As well, a dissemination guide, a project website and a social network page were produced to facilitate the communication and dissemination of the project and of its results.";Direct impact is acknowledged on the target groups, namely on their performance, motivation, confidence and self-esteem, as their progress could be closely monitored and reviewed, while a closer skills match and career orientation was envisioned. The participation, communication and active citizenship of young people could as well be improved and new synergies between stakeholders was initiated (third party institutions, such as schools and parents associations were involved and motivated to support new Summer eChallenge initiatives in the nearest future). Through the Joint training of staff implemented, the digital skills of youth workers and educators, and their skills to work with non-formal methods were as well upgraded and their professional profiles developed thus enriching their quality of work. | | The Summer eChallenge Programme was based on the principles of a research project cycle seeking its continuous adaptation to different contexts of implementation and variations in the profile of the target groups, and the openness and accessibility for its main technical resources, being thus prompt to be replicated in the same or in other educational contexts. | Results | Website | | | Without category | | SeC on the Web (Project Website) | SeC on Facebook | SeC eLearning platform | SeC Dissemination Handbook | SeC Trainings | SeC The Summer eChallenge camps Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-RO01-KA101-023289;;;Innovation, originality and applicability in teaching using ICT;This project has helped to meet the needs of teachers in what concerns their need for training in the development of lesson approach methods by improving the methodical knowledge and skills, worki...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education;;"Colegiul de Industrie Alimentara ""Elena Doamna""";RO;RO,UK,ES,IT;30.175,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"This project has helped to meet the needs of teachers in what concerns their need for training in the development of lesson approach methods by improving the methodical knowledge and skills, working skills and skills needed to train students in any field. The training program had 15 direct beneficiaries divided into three groups of 5 teachers from our institution who attended courses for 5 days in Valencia, London and Cosenza. The training aimed at stimulating didactic innovation and the originality of the learning content approach in order to improve the link between theory and practice and increase the attractiveness of educational activities and the exchange of good practices with partner institutions. | General Objective: | -Professional development of teachers by attending training courses abroad in order to learn new active-participatory methods used in teaching, learning and assessment to increase student interest in personal and professional development, to reduce absenteeism and dropout with 2%. | Specific objectives: | O1- improving pedagogical and methodological competences of developing innovative and attractive teaching strategies to actively involve the students in teaching, learning and assessment process; | O2- improving digital skills in order to increase the applicability of the lessons; | O3- sharpen the teachers' communication skills in foreign languages. | | In order to achieve the objectives, the teachers have done the following: | - participated in courses where they learned and applied new active-participatory methods in didactic activities using ICT in order to increase students' interest in learning and personal development; | - learned and used collaborative methods and tools using ICT (Moodle, Blog, Weebly, Social media, vuvox, checkthis, thinglink, video converter, pdf online, Grockit, YouTube mp3, Wordle, Star Planet, MOOC) | - participated in workshops and integrated the new learning methods and tools in the lesson plans, thus developing innovative teaching strategies based on the active participation of pupils in classes; | - visited schools in England and Spain, where they discussed with teachers and students about innovative teaching and learning methods and practices; | - visited Italian food business operators (Fabio Oil Olive Factory, Spadafora Wine Factory, and Calabria Bella Restaurant) | - Validation and certification of the obtained results; | - carried out project dissemination activities. | The results obtained for the beneficiaries are: | - the improvement of the competences necessary for the training of the students, | -a portfolio in which were introduced lesson plans with learning sequences, evaluation sheets, working papers, documentation, questionnaires and ppt. presentations. | The results obtained for the school: | - the attractiveness of educational activities to reduce absenteeism has increased, | -the quality of cooperation with institutions and organizations on national and European level has improved.";"Project results | Each participant developed a personal portfolio containing: | - 3 lesson plans with newly learned methods; | - an analysis study on the number of students dropping out of school, the causes that determine it and the solutions applied to reduce dropout in the host countries; | - assessment methods and tools based on the learning outcome; | - Mobility reports | - creating a blog for the project and a Facebook group where the materials developed during the mobility period were uploaded, power-point presentations with the dissemination of the mobility | - a CD containing demonstrative teaching / evaluation lessons applying the creative methods learned from participating in mobility; | - photo album with images from training activities; | - information board in school; | - the dissemination of the project was done with an article for the school magazine ""Liane"", an article in the local press ""Viata Libera"", an article in ""Scoala Galateana magazine , on the website of the school, at the teachers meetings, the website of the project, the blog of the project, a symposium, a brochure and the electronic platform Retele Parteneriale. | - creating an e-Twinning partnership." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-RO01-KA101-023842;;;European training for psychologists;"Diagnosing the needs of CESE Nr. 1 Oradea we have identified the existence of certain problems that require finding solutions and solving them. This is: * lack of minimal skills in the field of m...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Disabilities - special needs, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;Centrul Scolar de Educatie Incluziva Nr. 1 Oradea;RO;RO,EL,IT,UK;23.905,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Adult education;Centro Educativo;;;English;"Diagnosing the needs of CESE Nr. 1 Oradea we have identified the existence of certain problems that require finding solutions and solving them. This is: | * lack of minimal skills in the field of modern therapies for recovering pupils with ESCs | * low use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the teaching process | * low creativity in achieving a didactic approach aimed at encouraging the maximum use of pupils' potential | * lack of minimal competences regarding the use of a foreign language, the indispensable premise of the initiation of transnational projects | * lack of exchange of ideas and good practices with teachers from European schools | These needs were included in the Institutional Development Plan 2015-2020 and the problem we were about to solve was the lack of minimum competencies of some teachers in the field of modern therapies for recovering students with ESCs. The aim of the project was to develop professional skills in the field of special education by achieving the following objectives: | * encouraging continuous professional development of school staff; | * developing competences for modern strategies for recovering children with ESCs; | * enrichment of psycho-pedagogical and linguistic competences in the teaching staff during the project | * improvement of methodological and didactic design skills, use of new strategies, methods and teaching-learning-assessment methods specific to pupils with ESCs | * promoting multiculturalism and linguistic diversity | In order to achieve the established objectives, a selection of the teaching staff who expressed their intention to participate in the training sessions was made. At the end of the selection, 11 teachers, of which 4 special psychopedagogy teachers for a special education department, 4 teacher educators, 3 psycho-pedagogical teachers and 2 reserve teachers (2 special pedagogy specialists for a special education chair), were declared admitted. The selected teachers participated in 3 types of training: specialized-pedagogical training, linguistic training, cultural training. Through the project, 12 teachers from the Center for Inclusive Education Nr. 1 Oradea, had the opportunity to take part in training courses abroad organized by our partners: Merganser Consulting Ltd from Great Britain and the ""Evrope Ihnilates"" Association of Greece. Within the same project a teacher participated in a job-shadowing type hosted by Shaftesbury Primary School, London, UK We finally managed to get the 2 Reserves in the project with a total of 13 participants. Once you came back from the training sessions, the participants had the task of drawing up activity reports, conceive the dissemination plan and implement in practice learned methods / strategies. | I mention some of the implemented activities: dissemination of information within methodical commissions, teaching council, pedagogical circles, activities with pupils, parents and students of Oradea University, arrangement of a PECS room, purchase of materials and reorganization of a sensory room and a room organizing games and activities for children using the learned methods, presenting a PPT material about the UK, publishing informative articles at symposiums, conferences, various publications, slide share, blog, site, facebook of the project, mobilitatieplus_romania @ yahoogroups, creating an eTwinning teacher's room, editing two books from Greece and UK The results of the project are: | 2 streams in UK and Greece | 12 teachers participating in training courses | 1 teacher participating in job-shadowing in the UK | 17 activities with students | 1 material exhibition | 1 optional: ""Activate on interactive board!"" | 2 informative materials on acquired knowledge / skills | 1 project web page: https: // InitPreview = true & pageid = 432692476 and | 1 facebook page: | 1 page of teachers on the e-Twininning portal | 1 relocated PECS room | 2 halls (one sensory, one reorganized psychomotricity) | materials for project dissemination: roll-up, banner, agenda, keychain, notes, folder, pen, ballpoint pen, t-shirt, bags";The impact of the project is a positive one reflected on teachers, students, practitioners of Oradea University, community members, and long-term beneficiaries are children with school ESCs.The impact on teachers has been materialized by improving the skills to put into practice the new communication therapies learned and inclusive methods of work, developing ICT and communication skills in class, stimulating imagination and creativity for teaching materials, developing project management skills and developing the skills specific to student with ESCs needed and to integrate them into society. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-RO01-KA101-024009;;;Let`s ICT! (Let`s Improve Our Creative Teaching);The Project titled Lets ICT (Let`s Improve Our Creative Teaching) aimed to determine an obvious but gradual change within the teaching practice from Vasile ContaHighschool, in order to moderniz...;Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;"Liceul ""Vasile Conta""";RO;RO;35.840,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The Project titled Lets ICT (Let`s Improve Our Creative Teaching) aimed to determine an obvious but gradual change within the teaching practice from Vasile ContaHighschool, in order to modernize education and focus it on developing European competences for our students, by promoting critical thinking and conscious learning. | | The project also aimed at determining a higher use of ICT within the educational activity, along with new active methods and strategies according to which students competences can be formed with the support of e-learning instruments. | The project reconciled the willingness of our teachers to continuous education | through training in the European space, their personal and professional needs, and our high school needs, so that our employees' participation in such courses to achieve the highest impact. Through the project, 16 teachers benefited from 1 week or 2 weeks long training courses, organized by well-known trening providers from Malta, Italy and Czech Republic: | Learn how to create an e-learning platform and a website in one week Italy, Palermo, organizer IFOM | Methodology Revisited, Revitalised & Re-Energised organized by ETI Malta | ""English for Educators and Administrative Staff"" Prague, Czech Republic, organizer ITC International | ""Creative Use of Technology in the Classroom"", St. Pawl, Malta, Alpha School | How to design and implement Erasmus+ mobility projects for learners and staff, Palermo, Italy, organized by IFOM | ""Teaching entrepreneurship and leadership at school"", Bologna, Italy, IFOM | ""Bridging the Gap Between Academia and Industry"" (Career Consultancy), Palermo, Italy, organizer DOREA | | | The project covered a wide range of skills of our teachers and employees: the use of new technologies (creating educational software, rapid feedback tests, media presentation of curricular information, site pages, etc., using e-learning platforms) using active methods, formal and non-formal training, forming project management competencies and also English language competencies both for the teachers of English and teachers from other curricular areas. We aimed at creating and improving language skills, cultural dialogue and also updating the knowledge of European civilization of the teachers. | We also managed to support our class masters by equipping two of them with career consultancy and orientation skills and by creating an online platform they can use to support their students to get better integrated on the labor market after graduation The Career Orientation Platform ( contains a consistent number of modern and attractive activities. | Another platform developed by our staff members is used to implement an optional discipline in our school, Entrepreneurship and Leadership - - | Those resources are open-access, and therefore transferable, they can be used by any interested student or teacher. | | The implementation of the project took place at high quality standards, an open and transparent selection procedure has been put in place, along with numerous dissemination and competence integration withing the current activity. | | The total duration of the project has been 24 months, out of which the first project year has been dedicated to preparation activities and mobilities and the second, to dissemination and integration of the new methods.";The main value of the project has been given both by achieving a collection of new teaching materials made according to European quality standards, always updated, as well as by constant and generalized use of new educational practice in our school. Employees attending determined an update of the educational style and their perspective on the role and forms of education in an ever changing society. | More information concerning the project activities, its results and resources can be consulted here:, . Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-RO01-KA101-024076;;;Asigurarea egalitatii de sanse elevilor aflati in situatie de risc pentru prevenirea abandonului scolar, prin dezvoltarea retelei de profesionisti implicati in educatie;The problem of early school leave and school failure is a complex reality of the contemporary society, but also a challenge for all the factors involved in education. Starting from the fact that e...;Access for disadvantaged, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;Scoala Gimnaziala Ion Simionescu;RO;RO;28.775,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The problem of early school leave and school failure is a complex reality of the contemporary society, but also a challenge for all the factors involved in education. Starting from the fact that early school leave is also a threat to the vulnerable groups in our institution, we have set up an educational strategy to prevent this phenomenon, because our management policy puts prevention first and not post-facto intervention. | The purpose of the project arose from the needs of our institution to prevent school failure and dropout by building a team of professionals capable of implementing an educational strategy centered on the development of pupils' key competences and the promotion of lifelong learning, on ensuring equal opportunities for all students and reducing school dropout. | In order to achieve these objectives, we facilitated the professional development of 15 teachers of different subjects/ages through a training strategy. | In order to develop the European dimension of education in our school, we applied for 3 European training courses: | -Task-Based Learning-provided by ITC/Czech Republic, has given us the opportunity to acquire task-based learning techniques adapted to each student; | -Change-Making Educators-provided by Future Balloons/Portugal, helped the teachers to acquire new efficient techniques and strategies capable of turning the teaching process into an attractive process, in order to ensure school success and reduce early school leave; | -Building team spirit among education staff-provided by Esmovia/Spain, has given teachers the opportunity to learn about new techniques to improve pupils motivation, in order to be successful and prevent school failure or dropout. | The beneficiaries of these mobilities, and the entire teaching staff (as a consequence of disseminations and good practice examples) have acquired information and skills that help them work better with the disadvantaged categories, optimizing the use of resources and making the intervention measures more effective in reducing school dropout. | By taking part in three European training programmes, we facilitated transnational access to European educational resources, and we have become ourselves a resource-group capable of providing innovative educational resources and new strategies to local/regional/national partners.";"In order to multiply the experience acquired and the results of the training programme, we achieved: | A.An online International Symposium:Educational Strategies which Promote Equal Opportunities for All Pupils with a view to Preventing Early School Leave, with very different types of participants (teachers, managers, counselors, parents, community representatives),with 3 sections: | I.Change-Making Educators | II.Efficient Task-Based Learning Techniques | III.Strategies for Preventing Early School Leave | There were 152 participants from Romania, The Czech Republic, Portugal, Spain, France, Greece, Poland, Italy and USA. Among the participants, there were also representatives of the three institutions which provided the training courses, teachers from other schools, who also attended the courses, teachers from the partner schools in Erasmus+ KA2 Stay 3E, which is being implemented in our school, representatives from ISJ, CCD, CJRAE, different universities and ONGs. | B. The book of the Symposiuma scientific publication in Romanian and English, with articles from participants | C. A syllabus for an optional school subject:Learning Motivation | D. A scientific study:Factors for an efficient learning | E. A training course-Strategies to Prevent Early School Leaving-approved by CCD, Iasi | The resources, competences, skills, innovative teaching / learning methods have also been implemented in school educational projects as part of the intervention strategy to prevent early school leave: | a.Equal Opportunities for Everybody-a regional project which provides remedial activities/ club activities for pupils at risk of school failure and also for ensuring school success | b.workshops within Parents School regional project, which provides educational support for the parents of the pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds | c.activities within the programmes:Summer School,Santa Claus Entrepreneur say NO to Early School Leave,Young Changemakers. | Through all these activities, we succeeded at the end of this project, to extensively reduce early school leave, to become ourselves a resource-group, able to provide innovative educational resources and strategies to local/national/international partners. | At the end of the project, all the objectives were met by carrying out all the planned activities. | We consider that the major achievements of the project are: | -the high degree of inclusion of the things learned by the teachers in the current teaching and institutional management practices, | -the degree of dissemination (demonstrations) of the activities and results at local, regional, national and European level; | -reducing early school leave." Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-RO01-KA202-024578;;;Training in 3D Printing To Foster EU Innovation & Creativity;3D printing (3D-P) has a large effect on creativity and innovation and it has been identified by EU as one of the technologies that will boost the development of future products and services. The ...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal), New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;SC Ludor Engineering SRL;RO;RO,MT,LT,ES,IT,PL;224.052,00;Yes;Yes;Small and medium sized enterprise;Otros;;;English;"3D printing (3D-P) has a large effect on creativity and innovation and it has been identified by EU as one of the technologies that will boost the development of future products and services. The use of 3D-P in the European industry is growing rapidly, creating new jobs that requires new skills and qualifications. As the development of these skills is not commonly supported by VET programs, there is an urgent need to strengthen the VET curricula content in order to provide the students, youths and adults with the necessary key competencies. | | The main objective of 3DP project was to address the need of European industry for workforce with 3D-P skills by developing a specialized VET course and e-learning platform. Several specific objectives are defined from the main objective: | 1. Promote active cooperation between HEI, VET providers, SMEs and a certification body in order to obtain a significant impact on the modernization of VET education in the 3D-P sector; | 2. Create a flexible learning pathways able to provide VET graduates with important competences and skills, including growing use of digital learning, and aiming to improve the level of both sector specific and transversal competences and skills, with particular regard to those relevant for the 3D-P labour market; | 3. Prepare guidelines and case-studies on the use of 3D-P in VET education to define the most suitable training paths; | 4. Generate a VET 3D-P curricula embedding the most relevant topics for the 3D-P labour market; | 5. Create a VET course focused on developing skills in 3D-P and the related fields; | 6. Develop a multilingual learning management system (LMS) to make the course content free and easily accessible; | 7. Prepare a guideline for the trainers using the developed materials. | | The consortium was made up of 9 partners from 6 countries. | | The main activities undertaken by partnership are: | Developed 5 Intellectual Outputs (IO) | Created a Pan-European certification system and tool, including self-assessment tests and a 3DP knowledge certification test that was sent to ECDL Foundation for approval. | Run one learning, teaching and training activity for trainers in 3D-P | Run a series of pilot test on IOs | Evaluated and revised the IOs | Translated the 3DP courseware and LMS in English, Romanian, Italian, Spanish, Polish and Lithuanian | Produced/ translated/distributed 4 newsletters and one leaflet | Created and continuously updated the project website and social media channels | Held 7 multiplier events in Romania, Italy, Spain, Poland, Malta and Lithuania | Disseminated the project and its results to the target groups | Organized 4 transnational project meetings | | The main projects results are the 5 IOs developed: | Guidelines and case-studies on the use of 3D-P in VET education | Curricula of 3DP course | 3DP courseware | 3DP trainer guidelines | 3DP learning management system (e-learning) | | The 3DP project supported the improvement of participating organizations capabilities in 3D-P and related fields, allowing for development of their activities. The staff of partner organisations gained more knowledge on 3D-P, VET education, e-learning, etc. and expanded their expertise in project management.";"The main attained impact is the modernization of VET curricula by adding features relevant to 3D-P sector. The 3DP outcomes are equipping VET students with new key competencies specific for 3D-P, competencies that are not available in the existing VET curricula. Consequently, the partners as well as the external experts consulted, are considering that the impact of the 3DP project on the VET curricula is a significant one. Already, VET providers from Romania, Spain, Italy and Lithuania are including 3DP courseware in their curricula. The potential is huge and we expect more and more organisations to use the 3DP teaching material. | The project had an impact on all the target groups. It helped VET and other students, post-tertiary graduates and key personnel of various organizations to gain 3D-P competences and, consequently, to increase their chances to find a good job or to open a successful business, to support their organizations in improving the operational capabilities and/or extending the activities range. | The companies using 3D-P benefit from the availability of skilled work force, thus being able to develop, expand their activities field, innovate their processes, etc. | The individuals graduating the 3DP course also enhanced their creativity, innovation and entrepreneurial spirit, as they become able to benefit from the formidable opportunities offered by 3D-P. | | On longer term, we anticipate that the 3DP project will provide significant beneficial impacts on VET providers, regional development agencies, political decision makers, chambers of commerce and industry, industrial associations, foundations relating to design and 3D-P, capital investors, patent attorneys etc. and on the people interested in developing their 3D-P skills | Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Guidelines and case-studies on the use of 3D printing in VET education | Curricula of 3D Printing course | 3D Printing courseware, English version | 3D Printing courseware, Romania version | 3D Printing courseware, Spanish version | 3D Printing courseware, Italian version | 3D Printing courseware, Lithuanian version | 3D Printing courseware, Polish version | 3D Printing trainer guidelines | 3D Printing learning management system (e-learning), English version | 3D Printing learning management system (e-learning), Romanian version | 3D Printing learning management system (e-learning), Italian version | 3D Printing learning management system (e-learning), Spanish version | 3D Printing learning management system (e-learning), Polish version | 3D Printing learning management system (e-learning), Lithuanian version | Pan-European certification system and tool | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | Paper ""3D Printing: how it changes the world and how can we prepare ourselves to be part of this revolution"", in Romanian | Community building tools | | 3DP Youtube channel | Dissemination material | | Website | Project's leaflet in English | Project's leaflet in Romanian | Project's leaflet in Spanish | Project's leaflet in Polish | Project's leaflet in Lithuanian | 3DP logo" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2016;2016-1-RO01-KA203-024476;;;Innovative Solution for enhancing social responsibility education and civic skills in creating sustainable businesses;There is a strongly need to deliver innovation and entrepreneurship competences to students by making the cooperation between universities and business normal features, since the Europe 2020 prod...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;UNIVERSITATEA POLITEHNICA DIN BUCURESTI;RO;RO,BG,SI;141.631,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;"Our project, Edu4society, succeeded to deliver innovation and entrepreneurship to different types of target groups, strengthening the responsibility of education to fulfill its role in society and creating ties to business and civil society, as recommended by the 2011 EU Modernisation agenda, through the following fulfilled objectives: 1. Defined and transformed needs of professional business conduct and civic behavior of business and socio-economic sectors into the learning needs embedded in the innovative curriculum, based on the engagement of 284 stakeholders from education, business, research and civil society, encompassed by Intellectual Output O1, M1-M23, coordinated by P1. 2. Capacitated and harnessed the potential of social responsibility and civic knowledge co-creation through the engagement of 108 learners (students, academics, teachers, experts and business practitioners) in the innovative educational solution based on multi-layer and multi-use educational modules, encompassed by Intellectual Output O2, M3-M23, coordinated by P3. 3. Increased the value of cross-border knowledge exchange for developing social, civic, intercultural and responsible business conduct, based on involving 83 learners (students, academics, teachers, experts and trainers) in the Innovative e-Educational Solution, encompassed by Intellectual Output O3, M2-M23, coordinated by P4, and Intensive Study Programmes: 1st IP, June-17 coordinated by P1 and 2nd IP June-18 coordinated by P5. 4. Promoted active citizenship, improved equity values and business social responsibility, and exchanged good practices across local and European levels, nourishing the cross-sectorial stakeholders with innovative knowledge from education-business cooperation to 169 participants, encompassed by Multiplier Events, E1 Oct-17 leaded by P2; E2 May-18 leaded by P5; E3 Sept-18 leaded by P6.";"Our project induced positive changes at the levels of participating organisations composed of a transnational mix of HEIs from Romania (P1-UPB), Slovenia (P5-UM) and Bulgaria (P6-URAK), 1 Romanian SME (P2-ETS) providing professional training for adults, 1 Romanian educational center for upper-secondary teachers professional development (P3-CCD), and 1 Romanian SME delivering management consultancy to the business sector (P4-AVT) as follows: HEIs with improved curriculum in the area of social responsibility in doing business and with increased scope of their internationalization strategy within European higher education space. For HEIs involved it was a meaningful way for adjusting and improving the curriculum, for the development of strategic partnership and joint courses, increasing thus the internationalization scope of higher education space. SMEs with improved perspectives for resolving critical issues for social innovation, augmented intercultural and civic experiences and improved capacity to generate further international cooperation, to build relationships, exchange perspectives and create shared learning approaches. Educational center with improved cross border cooperation for developing social, civic, and responsible business conduct, having better prepared upper-secondary teachers to became ambassadors for social responsibility education and civic behaviour in teaching their classes, ensuring thus a critical mass of information for educating young people from upper secondary levels (high schools); Our project stimulated responsible business and civic values of students, company staff, academics and teachers, promoted the European culture and civic competences for students and learners, and strengthened the social responsible entrepreneurship. By bringing talented people into innovative learning environment, our project brought positive and sustainable effects, and ensured a critical mass of knowledgeable and more responsive stakeholders to the economic, environmental and social impacts of business and socio-economic sectors on citizens life. Results | Website | | | Direct effect on participants and project partners | | O3. Innovative e-Educational Solution fueled with exchange flows of good-practices | O3. Innovative e-Educational Solution fueled with exchange flows of good-practices | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | O1. Innovative Curriculum with embedded Social Responsibility and civic knowledge | O2. Innovative Educational Solution with digital modules and resources | O2. Innovative Educational Solution with digital modules and resources | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | O1. Innovative Curriculum with embedded Social Responsibility and civic knowledge | O1. Innovative Curriculum with embedded Social Responsibility and civic knowledge | Community building tools | | O3. Innovative e-Educational Solution fueled with exchange flows of good-practices | O3. Innovative e-Educational Solution fueled with exchange flows of good-practices | O3. Innovative e-Educational Solution fueled with exchange flows of good-practices | Dissemination material | | O3. Innovative e-Educational Solution fueled with exchange flows of good-practices" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-RO01-KA219-024638;;;FLIP: Finding Learning Innovative Paths;The new social, economic and technological context stresses a fundamental transformation of education in order to address new skills. The schools' answer to the challenges of nowadays society is u...;Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;"Scoala Gimnaziala ""Constantin Parfene""";RO;RO,UK,IT,HR,EL;92.210,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"The new social, economic and technological context stresses a fundamental transformation of education in order to address new skills. The schools' answer to the challenges of nowadays society is unfortunately delayed. There is a gap between the pace of the society and the school`s adaptation, still very rooted in tradition. | Starting from the identified needs, our project aimed to develop the capacity of 4 European schools to collaborate at transnational level to capitalize experiences and best practices in order to develop transversal key competencies in students (age 12-15 years old) by developing and testing a toolkit for implementing the flipped classroom methodology, based on using ICT&OER and creating a more active learning environment, in a period of 2 years. The target groups involved not only students(age 12-15 years) belonging to vulnerable groups such as economically disadvantaged, migrants, with learning difficulties and special needs, but also high skilled students; teachers involved work with students with very different backgrounds. | The project activities were organised in 3 transversal WP related to Management, Monitoring&Evaluation (M&E), Dissemination (24 months) and 6 operational WP to develop specific activities, achieve the project objectives and build the project results. The proposed activities provided a fluent development of the participants` skills and a ""psychological continuity"" of their professional growth in implementing the flipped methodology: | tools preparation phase (first project year) and | implementation phase (second project year). | The training/learning activities, strongly embedded in the project logic, developed the participants skills on methodology using collaboration and shared good practices. Each transnational training activity was followed by practical activities developed locally, in order to design resources/inputs for the project results. These resources were tested and improved during the learning activities, in international groups of students, mandatory to embed the diversity of students needs. This strategy of the project implementation allowed the project results` building step by step, each pocket activity delivering intermediate results. | Four training activities/5 days joint staff training events and four learning activities for students/5 days short term exchange of students brought the principles and necessary skills to implement the flipped methodology. That was a unique occasion for vulnerable groups students to take part in an international experience and collaborate with EU peers. | The project methodology was based on the concepts and tools of the Project Cycle Management in order to provide high quality results and fulfilling the objectives. The ToolKit for implementing the flipped methodology (structured as eBook with links to the resources organised in 5 chapters) provides the methodological support for implementing the flipped classroom. The Case Study: flipped and traditional classrooms compared - specificity of the partnership schools collected conclusions of implementing the same curricula using flipped and traditional classroom, in each partner school. The Project website has been a dissemination tool as well as a space for learning for the interested stakeholders. Newsletters, press conferences, events also provided information about the project activities and its results.";Students developed their transversal skills such as the ability to think critically, take initiative, problem solving and work collaboratively, taking responsibilities and decision making, ICT skills. A model of how technologies can be used in learning, personal development and lifelong learning was developed. Teachers increased their abilities in designing strategies based on using of ICT&OER, creating a more active learning environment, focused on the students needs. The relationship between teachers and students, based on a more deeply understanding of the students needs and expectations, reducing the inequity that may arise from differences between learning rhythms was reinforced. | Positive changes in approaching the competence-cantered learning within the school and using different teaching paradigms, attention to vulnerable students, monitoring their progress, providing informed guidance were stimulated. The Flipped classroom methodology principles were better understood and more used in learning, even for young students, reinforced the confidence in that school equips students with the 21th century skills and prepared them better for the next stages of their learning path, equipped for lifelong learning. | The capacity of EU schools to collaborate internationally, create and adapt new learning methodological approaches was improved. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | The project Website | The toolkit | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | The Case study: Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-SE01-KA101-021861;;;Teacher Mobilities meet future demands;The municipality of Varberg is facing a future with a lot of changes. The city will be changed into a completely different place when the railway, the harbour and the ferry terminal are moved and ...;Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education;;VARBERGS KOMMUN;SE;SE,EL,MT,PT,UK,FR,IT;105.009,00;Yes;No;Local Public body;Administracin;;not available;English;The municipality of Varberg is facing a future with a lot of changes. The city will be changed into a completely different place when the railway, the harbour and the ferry terminal are moved and a new city district will be developed. The development is part of the infrastructure program of EU - with focus on transport and communication. In order to meet the demands of this labour market we need to educate the students and give them an education with the conditions and qualifications they need for a road into higher studies and a way into the European employment market. Due to that we have a need to prevent early withdrawals from school and encourage students to complete their education and deepen their language and literacy skills, expand their mathematical capacities and entrepreneurial learning. Entrepreneurial learning, sustainable development and internationalisation will be a natural part in the education and result in an upgraded education making the students ready to meet the demands and qualifications that a future society requires from its citizens. It is important that our students graduate with a high level of education and are well prepared for further studies and working life. Coincidently we acknowledge a need to update and develop the educators knowledge and didactics, get new co-operations within the schools, with the local commercial industrial life and the municipality of Varberg. We also need to develop our contacts with organisations and schools outside of Sweden. Therefore we will carry out job shadowing at schools that focuses on different methods in teaching literacy, language didactics, internationalism and entrepreneurship. We will participate in different courses that meet our needs in our development plan regarding IT in school, literacy and language skills, entrepreneurship, and sustainable development from a global perspective. Entrepreneurial learning and sustainable development are both part of the EU2020 general goals. We will now make a vigorous effort in our different school units and have recruited first teachers that will develop the educational goals from EU 2020,Vision 2025- the municipality of Varbergs own development plan and our own European development plans. This application is part of a long-term and on-going process to reach the goals on a local as well as on a global level. In the long term our efforts will lead to a better education, increased literacy and language skills, better mathematical skills, an understanding of the transnational society, an understanding in how to develop a sustainable future and an increased employability.;In the short term will the teachers increased knowledge result in better teaching methods, make the students choose to study languages, give the students opportunities to achieve better result, more students will fulfil their education and better prepared for further studies. This work will be part of our daily routine both in short and in the long run. All our activities will be impregnated by a formative approach where the learners will be participating in their own learning process. Activities such as: reading and literacy projects, modern languages, entrepreneurial learning, mathematical projects, language focus in all subjects and sustainable development. The internationalisation will make us advance quicker with trends that already have been proven useful in other places. Increased mobility means references that we can share and develop in our schools but and in the municipality. Accordingly with the general goals of EU2020 are we emphasising entrepreneurship in all kind of education to increase the quality and the results in our educations. This project will prevent early withdrawal, increase the employability, give improved language skills, European Citizenship, language focus in all subjects, entrepreneurial learning and sustainable development. The elementary focus will be that our developing activities are high-quality work for everyone. Not only the participating teacher (mobilities) are able to participate in the activities/development. Everyone will be given an opportunity to implement and develop the new knowledge. Conferences, dialogues, meetings, seminars, workshops, lectures and presentations are examples of how we will share the information all over the schools and the municipality. The project will be shared on Facebook, e-Twinning, the UF-page and in the local papers. Learners, teachers and other staff will evaluate the new experiences with questioners, self-assessment of own goals and dialogues. Since we are aiming for a long-term development will we be using statistics (grades, SCB, employment, further studies). The group in charge of the project will be responsible for all agreements, insurances, economy, the follow-up, evaluation and reports. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2016;2016-1-SE01-KA203-022102;;;Making Internationalisation a Reality for Occupational Therapy Students;"Context/background of the project; The project was informed by a previous pilot in 2012 between Lund University (LU) and University of Southampton (UoS). Here, students participated in a programm...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;LUNDS UNIVERSITET;SE;SE,UK,IE;193.412,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (tertiary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"Objectives of the project; - To bring the expertise of three universities together to explore innovation in meeting the educational needs of occupational therapy students. - To use the international community to strengthen and deepen students professional identity - To enable students to use occupationally focused approaches to make transformational change to small and isolated groups in society - To develop an interculturally skilled workforce to support increasingly diverse populations in all partner countries. - To develop a workforce with both confidence and skills to work in the European and global market. Number and profile of participating organisations; The three partner Universities Lund University (LU), University of Southampton (UoS) and the National University of Ireland Galway (NUI Galway) were the primary participants. In addition, 76 community partner organisations across five countries and invited keynote speakers collaborated over the three years of the project. In the final year of the project three other Universities (University of Vic (UoV), Bournemouth University (BU) and Riga Stradins University (RSU) participated in the virtual learning activity. Description of undertaken main activities; Physical Exchanges: Three five days physical exchanges took place: 2016 to LU; 2017 to UoS and 2018 to NUI Galway. In total 299 students participated during the three years. The theme for the first year at LU was occupational needs through models and frameworks in the second year was emerging areas of practice and in the third year was dissemination. In all exchanges, there were keynote speakers on the theme, students visited and spoke with community partners and presented their findings at a conference on the final day. Web Exchanges: Three web exchanges also took place. In total 344 students participated over the three years. The students engaged in virtual discussions over some weeks exploring how an occupation-focused perspective might support vulnerable and excluded groups in all three countries. Students also met with vulnerable and excluded groups/communities. A variety of learning materials to support learning were developed and in 2017 and 2018 students presented findings at a web conference. In 2019, three additional partners Bournemouth University (BU), University of Vic (UoV) and Riga Stradins University (RSU) participated. Students from pairs of universities collaborated as before and findings and the results of the discussions were presented in a virtual ePoster and discussion of findings facilitated by a lecturer.";"Intellectual Output 1 - The aim of this output was to evaluate the impact of the internationalisation programme on students professional identity. A tool to measure professional identity was developed and tested psychometrically and used to evaluate students level of professional identity. Results suggest that the tool is psychometrically sound and that the physical exchange predicted 34% of the variability in professional identity scores. Intellectual Output 2 - Offered a set of educational course material. A video outlining aspects of occupational and social justice was used at the beginning of each exchange (both physical and web based). The video was supplemented by multiple choice questions which students answered and discussed in small groups and a case study which was used to generate further understanding of human rights. Intellectual Output 3 - A detailed web based handbook which can be used by other institutions introducing similar blended initiatives has been developed. The handbook details the physical and web exchanges including information on preparation and organisation of both. The use of virtual and web based technology to support activities, and project management is described in the Handbook. Results and impact attained; In total 76 staff and 643 students participated in the various exchanges and over the three years worked in partnership with 76 community partner organisations. The impact was twofold students gained experience in collaborative working, experienced how health and social care delivery differed in other countries and gained a higher level of professional identity. Community organisations gained a sustainable deliverable in each case. Results | Website | | | Others | | MIROTS overview" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-SE01-KA219-022105;;;ON THE ROAD;Skype contacts between pupils at the Antelopenskolan in Klippan, Sweden and OS Ive Andrica, Zagreb, Croatia, prompted teachers from both schools to start discussions on school development issues. ...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Pedagogy and didactics, Inclusion - equity;;Antilopenskolan;SE;SE,HR;53.637,50;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"Skype contacts between pupils at the Antelopenskolan in Klippan, Sweden and OS Ive Andrica, Zagreb, Croatia, prompted teachers from both schools to start discussions on school development issues. We have concluded that we need to change teaching to create opportunities for students to develop skills that the future labor market will claim. | We have defined the following objectives: | -to build up new strategies focusing on ICT and collaboration with colleagues in Croatia and to learn through cooperation and exchange of ideas and proven practice | - to increase teachers` confidence and creativity in the using of ICT in teaching | -to expand the collaboration between two schools in the EU, by increasing knowledge and understanding about cultural, historical and linguistical differences between pupils in northern and southern Europe. | - to give the pupils the opportunity to learn ICT and to connect with children abroad, learn about other countries and widen their views by using those tools. | The project was planned and implemented by two schools: Antelopenskolana, Klippan, Sweden and OS Ive Andrica, Zagreb; Croatia. | Antilopenskolan is located in the centre of Klippan and it reflects the Klippan municipality's socio- economic structure. It`s a small school with about 200 pupils aged from 6 to 12. More than 70 per cent of the pupils are bilingual. The staff in Antilopenskolan have a lot of experience in working with refugees and children with different cultural backgrounds. The school is centrally located in Klippan which means that a lot of pupils live in difficult social circumstances. The educational work is characterized by an intercultural approach and language development as the basis of the pupils' knowledge. The pupils' socio-economic situation entails that the schools compensatory role is extremely important. It`s also important to motivate students to pursue further studies and secure a future with a good education. | Ivo Andri_ elementary school is situated in New Zagreb. There are about 500 pupils aged 7-15. There are some pupils with special needs, too. During 2011/2012 Ivo Andric school participated (among 22 other schools from all over the world) in an international project ' Interactive exercising' which combines modern technologies with exercising. A skype contact was established with Antilopenskolan which pupils use to communicate with their skype friends about different topics. From 2013-2015 OS Ive Andrica was participating in Comenius project 'Healthy Life Project' together with 8 other countries. Ivo Andric school was chosen to be an experimental school in which Science subjects will be taught usig ICT in teaching ( e-books) starting September 2016. | Our common aim and reason why we wanted to participate in On the Road project is to modernize teaching technologies using ICT and to improve teachers' knowledge of it. | The evaluation of the project has shown that we made three changes to the time tables: | - after the conversation with the partner school, we have moved students' visit to Sweden / Croatia until March 2017 and March 2018. The change was made because students in Sweden write several national tests in May | - we have made changes to the timetable regarding transnational project meetings as well. The first meeting was planned to be held in the Klippan. But we decided to start the project in Zagreb. The meeting took place in early October 2016. | - The second transnational project meeting we moved to 25 and 26 June 2018. The meeting has been moved to facilitate evaluation of project and report writing";All other activities were carried out according to the project description. | - We have enjoyed two successful learning, teaching training events. Ten teachers from each school have been able to find out about the country's school system, have participated in the teaching and exchanged experience and knowledge in the work on ICT. In addition, there have been interesting discussions about similarities and differences in educational processes and educational documentation. | - Four pupils and two teachers from partner schools have made a turn-by-turn visit. Pupils have got insight into each other's school day and discovered similarities and differences in school, language and culture. New friendships were built. | - In addition, the pupils have had regular Skype contacts - a total of 16 times. | - Steering groups have had 4 video conferences in order to evaluate and plan activities and follow up the budget | - All planned activities at the local level have also been carried out according to our joint plan | - The biggest change has occurred in the teacher`s group. Due to the fact that the process management was well planned and implemented, the teachers gained new knowledge about ICT and started the change process in everyday teaching. | - We have evaluated the changes quantitatively through a questionnaire but also qualitatively . Results | Direct effect on participants and project partners | | Result of the project | Dissemination material | | Skills development | Skills development | Skills development | Skills development | Learning,teaching, training event in Klippan | We are on the road | LTT event in Klippan | LTT event in Klippan | LTT event in Klippan | Exchange of pupils, Klippan 2017 | Exchange of pupils. Klippan 2017 | Exchange of pupils, Klippan 2017 | Exchange of pupils, Klippan 2017 | Learning,teaching, training event i Zagreb | Theme work at partner school | Theme work | Theme work | Theme work | Theme work | Result On the road Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-SI01-KA101-021456;;;SKRB ZA KVALITETO POU_EVANJA IN U_ENJA;Primary school Frana Kranjca Celje is a highly-qualitative, professional, content-rich and development-oriented school. Our goal is high-quality and professional work with students with a desire ...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;PRIMARY SCHOOL FRANA KRANJCA CELJE;SI;SI;9.493,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"Primary school Frana Kranjca Celje is a highly-qualitative, professional, content-rich and development-oriented school. Our goal is high-quality and professional work with students with a desire to optimally develop their skills and potential. We are aware that the quality of school education is important to team performance. With the project CONCERN for the QUALITY of TEACHING and LEARNING, we have enriched the professional and personal competences of the participants in mobility and other employees, raised the quality of teaching and learning, made the lessons more interesting and varied, enriched by numerous activities where the students were motivated and active participants. There were four planned mobilities, where the participants upgraded in the field of introduction of new methodologies and approaches, they improved the knowledge of English and gained experiences at international level. They participated in structured courses in natural sciences (getting knowledge in didactics, new approaches to learning and new ways to use the external environment), English (different approaches and methods in foreign language teaching, preparation of materials for students); and for the needs of the Elementary classes (the promotion of interactive teaching methods and knowledge of modern didactic games). The goals of the project have been achieved. 1. The participants upgraded their PERSONAL and PROFESSIONAL development; they acquired knowledge on modern approaches/methods of work for learning and teaching in various subjects made awareness and put in force intercultural and the European dimension in teaching foreign languages and integration with other subjects. 2. APPLICATION OF KNOWLEDGE AND KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER; Participants in mobility successfully transferred the skills to work with their students. At the level of the whole school we performed a week project TAKING CARE OF THE QUALITY OF TEACHING AND LEARNING "". We were using motivational and didactic games, a variety of methods for an interesting and active learning of foreign languages, there was a workshop A Journey with Senses and we were using other outdoor teaching and learning approaches. The main purpose of the week project was that e every teacher at school could use the presented methods/approaches with students within their subjects. We are pleased to note that the introduction of implementation of methods/approaches has been successfully used even throughout the school year in the second year of the project. Students and teachers were extremely excited over the succeeded work. 3. DISSEMINATION; The participants have, very successfully spread the results of the integration of innovative practices and new approaches for the students and teachers at conferences, by workshops, by publishing articles on the school's website. There is a brochure, where the participants report on competencies gained on the seminars, about new methods and approaches, and the means of disseminating results. The exhibition in the lobby of the school was the fruit of creative work of all students and staff made during lessons and during other activities. Parents and media were invited to see the exhibition. An article was published about our expert work in the pedagogical newspaper _olski Razgledi, to introduce our work to experts and to general public.";With such a method of work we have already noticed a positive effects on all participants as well as the following results: the use of new approaches in the classroom and other activities, which indirectly helped to improve learning success among students at natural science subjects, it increased childrens interests for science competitions, motivation for learning and improving the knowledge of foreign languages, it also increased quality of school teaching and learning in the benefit of the students. We've increased cooperation with partners from other countries (visiting the lessons by foreigners, WIC, e Twinning projects and connecting to others in order to resume the project KA2), which undoubtedly also ensures the sustainability of the project. With a variety of dissemination activities the visibility and reputation of the school in its environment has increased, on local, national and international level. At the project we have used the following methodology: we have planned the project with a clearly and precisely defined competences and strictly defined effects in school practice, we carefully managed project documentation, we reported and evaluated numerous activities, that have been performed within the project as well as clearly defined activities of dissemination of the results. We gave a great emphasis on internationalization, as in-service trainings for professional staff, presented the opportunity to actualize the gained ideas, skills and competences in practice, we developed our own model of use, transfer and dissemination of the results and ensured the sustainability of the project. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-SI01-KA101-021477;;;Kulturna _ola - evropska _ola;The aim of the project was to explore the various possibilities of including cultural and artistic contents in education. Our school has demonstrated a variety of cultural activities over the last...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Pedagogy and didactics, Creativity and culture;;Osnovna sola Sencur;SI;SI;9.107,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The aim of the project was to explore the various possibilities of including cultural and artistic contents in education. Our school has demonstrated a variety of cultural activities over the last few years and has recently won the title Cultural school (2015-2020). However, our school has been facing a marked deterioration in peer relationships, which is daily reflected in physical and verbal violence and a lack of tolerant communication. This can be ascribed to an increasing social and ethnic stratification in the school district. Thus, our project aimed to find effective solutions and ensure pupils a safe and encouraging learning environment. | Two main goals were set: 1. To achieve creativity in preparing innovative teaching material; 2. To raise awareness and improve deteriorated relations our elementary school and local community have been facing. In order to achieve the goals we have completed a 2-year project Erasmus+ KA1. Since the principle of art in class is relatively poorly developed in Slovenia the project aimed to support teachers' short-term mobilities and a creation of teaching model called Theatre and film in class as a synthesis of the skills acquired in the project activities. | Erasmus project team was formed by 9 representatives of various profiles which ensured broader dissemination and cross curricular integration. Due to maternity leave of Katarina Klajn who was the coordinator of the project and initially the sole candidate for participating in international mobilities there were some changes made in the mobility projects. Other members of the Erasmus project team were encouraged to take part in mobilities and instead of 4 planned mobilities 5 were successfully accomplished. 3 were carried out by the teachers who have never participated in the international projects before. The participants have acquired new knowledge, foreign language proficiency, intercultural understanding and competences as well as the worldwide experience. Moreover, the impact on their professional development and professional self-esteem was very positive. This is of key importance for the promotion of our innovative student-focused teaching material and further international educational cooperation: we have successfully applied for another 2-year project Erasmus+KA2 (2018-2020) and currently run 5 e-Twinning projects. | Despite the absence of the head of the project the project activities proceeded without any disturbance due to the efficient and effective teamwork. The planned activities were successfully completed: an e-survey examined and measured 3 priority topics: disrespect, intolerance, violence; a writing contest for drama literature was hosted and the best drama scenarios were used as a basis for innovative teaching material as well as the theatre performances and 3 short films; we took part in 5 different festivals; we published drama scenarios in our school magazine; various teaching material for language courses and natural sciences were created, evaluated and tested. The efficiency of the innovative teaching methods was being measured by the e-survey.";"The newly created teaching material was combined into a teaching model called Theatre and film in a class and was published on online bulletin board Padlet. We plan further improvements. The teaching model was represented at teacher-parent conferences, municipal events, experts meetings at home and abroad, on the schools webpage, in the media, at 2 international conferences, at 2 Cmepius events (Erasmus+ dan, Ustvarjalne sinergije+); we hosted a panel Tolerant attitude towards intolerance which was attended by students, parents and municipality representatives. The project coincided with the timing of the refugee issues in _en_ur. In our opinion, the primary school _en_ur and its Erasmus project activities contributed significantly to tolerant behaviour not only in school district but also in local community. Moreover, various activities and workshops were held in our school throughout the year in order to discuss the necessity and importance of tolerance. | At the end of our project we aim to achieve the following goals: to publish articles in specialized magazine Vzgoja in izobra_evanje; to present topical issues at international conferences Vivid and Takatuka in autumn 2018; to host a short film competition called Kindness, embrace, cultural society 2019 intended for all Slovene schools; to ensure permanence, development and progress; to evolve the main ideas of our project in correlation with the ongoing school project Sobivanje and the newly obtained project KA2. | By introducing art in the curricula we have achieved the objectives set. We have demonstrated openness to innovative teaching practices and lifelong learning and encouraged artistic creativity, we have strengthened national and European cultural awareness and development of the European identity, which will be of great help to us in any further cooperation at the European level." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-SI01-KA101-021525;;;Z mobilnostjo dvigujemo digitalne kompetence;Our school_s vision is in upbringing and educating for life. Our teachers and learners' goal is to develop eight key competences of lifelong learning. For the past few years we have focused on act...;Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Osnovna sola Draga Kobala Maribor;SI;SI;16.190,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;Our school_s vision is in upbringing and educating for life. Our teachers and learners' goal is to develop eight key competences of lifelong learning. For the past few years we have focused on activities that would equip teachers and learners with knowledge of digital competences (later in the text D.C.). With the development of information and communication technologies, we acquired new possibilities for learning and teaching, and thous providing even more effective ways of obtaining new knowledge and competences, especially in the field of e-inclusion. We put that on top of our organization's priorities. For this purpose, we have established an e-development team that takes care of our school's technological progress and realization of primary tasks. In recent years, we modernized school in terms of technology. In addition, we started using digital documents and established electronic (online) staffroom and classrooms. Our aim is to use the latest, most advanced technologies through the process of education. In cooperation with the National Education Institute of the Republic of Slovenia, we carried out a self-assessment of our teachers' D.C. In doing so, we used a tool that was created in the project DIGCOMP. The results showed that we are still a bit green in this field. With introduction of modern teaching approaches into educational process, a need for increasing the level of teachers' D.C. occurred. We are well aware that only a highly trained professional staff can offer students the methods and forms of work that represent the challenges of modern times.We assembled a team of ten highly motivated professionals who are ready to accept the challenges in daily work. We want to acquire knowledge in the field of the use of ICT, internet and other tools and methods of implementing the learning process which develops D.C. of children and teachers. This knowledge can be obtained with the active participation in well organized courses. When reviewing the service providers in the EU, the most appropriate course has been found in Spain. The rise of D.C. of our teachers is not our only goal. Even more challenging is the implementation of such contents in the educational process, from planning to execution. We would also like to experience this through good practice examples in Sweden, since this country is one of the leading European countries in ICILS rankings, and a country that has been successfully implementing these practices. Therefore, we would have a great opportunity to monitor how acquired knowledge, experience and skills of an organized, well structured course are used in practice. In addition we would like to become familiar with all the steps, from planning, preparation, execution, monitoring and evaluation. We would also like to investigate whether the knowledge acquired this way is more solid and permanent. In practice, we're going to achieve this with well planned activities that would involve the entire team, including teachers from various areas of expertise: early-years teachers, Maths, Sports, Computer science, special and rehabilitation social pedagogue, educator, computer scientist - an organizer of information activities and the principal. This way we can monitor and transmit knowledge in all fields of expertise. On the basis of experience, we will update our annual and hourly lesson plans that will contain a record of implementing contents for the purposes of developing D.C. in learners and teachers. We are going to prepare a model of these documentations and implement it in practice. The model will contain a set of all 21 D.C. Teacher will select the D.C. that will be developed through his teaching process. These models will be permanently embedded in our teaching process. This way we will form a model of systematic entering of D.C. in the educational process and to present it at the national level.Our emphasis will be on extending knowledge in our organization. Examples of good practices will be presented to teachers by team members. We expect that after established concept our co-workers will be able to perform lessons that will comprise planning-to-execution process. In addition, a teacher will be required to raise his knowledge in D.C.;The progress will be measured by repeated self-assessment of D.C. which had already been executed before planned activities. This form of monitoring the progress will be included as a continuous monitoring of developing D.C. of our teachers. We wish and hope that freshly gained knowledge become a permanent feature of our work, and even improve over time.Acquired knowledge, experience and examples of good practices will be presented to advisors of the National Education Institute of the Republic of Slovenia, Science and Sport, to colleagues on study meetings, to students of suitable faculties and to wider groups of experts in this field. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2016;2016-1-SI01-KA203-021558;;;DigiLing: Trans-European e-Learning Hub for Digital Linguistics;DigiLing created a transnational e-learning hub for Digital Linguistics containing online core modules covering the essential skills and competencies as identified through the labour market survey...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Inclusion - equity, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI;SI;SI,DE,HR,CZ,UK;224.749,99;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;"Digital Linguistics is a new interdisciplinary field which develops knowledge and skills for understanding, processing and exploiting language content in the digital era. At the beginning of the project no European university offered a curriculum in this field, at the time of conclusion we are aware of only one related masters programme at the University of Zurich. The relevance of Digital Linguistics is growing even more rapidly than expected at the beginning of the project, as traditional language services such as translation and interpreting are being increasingly replaced by digitally enhanced solutions. The DigiLing consortium consisted of 5 university partners (University of Ljubljana, University of Zagreb, Charles University, Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, University of Leeds) and 1 industry partner (Lexical Computing CZ, a leading developer of e-lexicography tools and services). The partnership connected experts and institutes from different fields (translation, multimedia, information science, computer science, corpus linguistics), which was essential given the interdisciplinary nature of Digital Linguistics. 1. Create a model curriculum for Digital Linguistics by analysing employers' needs and identifying key competences and skills of future graduates. This was achieved by conducting a trans-European survey among employers and identifying gaps in existing curricula during the first 6 months of the project. A model curriculum was designed, furthermore a consortium of 3 university partners was formed to implement the new curriculum as a joint master programme in Digital Linguistics (awaiting accreditation). 2. Train the teachers in relevant disciplines in the use of authoring tools and in the design of high quality online learning materials. This was achieved first by organising a one week intensive hands-on training at Leeds University with the aid of their centre for e-learning, and second by intense collaboration between partners throughout the project. 3. Design online courses for selected modules; localize, evaluate, test and implement. DigiLing created 7 full online courses, each consisting of 10 or more learning units and equaling 3-5 ECTS. The titles of courses are as follows: Variability of Languages in Time and Space, Introduction to Text Processing and Analysis, Post-Editing Machine Translation, Introduction to Python for Linguists, Computational Lexicology and Lexicography, Localisation Tools and Workflows, Mining and Managing Multilingual Terminology. All courses were developed in English and some have been localised into partner languages. Several rounds of evaluation and testing were performed to ensure quality, accessibility and sustainability of e-learning resources. The project established an e-learning platform ( where the full courses are freely available upon registration. In addition, a YouTube channel was set up where all the video resources are available for public use under the CC-BY license. 4. Disseminate and sustain. DigiLing results have been publicized to a broad network of stakeholders, the widest academic community and the public at large including special needs students. Word about the project reached an estimated audience of 100.000 people, and the DigiLing e-learning resources bring potential long-term benefit for anyone studying or planning to study at any language- or IT-related study programme.";The project results have had the following impact: - At the local, regional and national levels we improved digital skills of HE teachers and students, promoting the use of e-learning and opening up education. We created a solution for inclusive online learning by providing open multilingual e-learning courses accessible also to special needs students. We improved the quality of HE by building an international network of excellence and promoting (real and virtual) mobility, by using multi-tiered evaluation of teaching and learning, by promoting entrepreneurial activities through our industrial partner and DigiLing users from the language industry. At the national, international and EU levels we contributed to the strategic goals as described in the Opening Up Education, Modernisation Agenda, ET2020, the Paris declaration and other strategic documents. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | DigiLing e-Learning Hub | DigiLing Youtube Channel | Introduction to Text Processing | Localization Tools and Workflows | Computational Lexicology and Lexicography | Variability of Languages in Time and Space | Post-Editing Machine Translation | Managing and Mining Multilingual Terminology | Introduction to Python | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | Project report: DigiLing Labour Market Survey & Model Curriculum | Dissemination material | | DigiLing Booklet | DigiLing Poster Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-SK01-KA104-022443;;;Mal kroky pre sebarozvoj pedaggov, ve_k_ skok pre eurpsky rozmer _koly;Our project was focused on professional courses for teachers and job shadowing at a partner language school in Cardiff, Wales. It created an opportunity for our teachers, not only mobility partici...;International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;Jazykova skola, Ul. 1. maja 2, Trencin;SK;SK,UK;17.115,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Adult education;Centro Educativo;;;English;"mobility participants learned about the culture of the country speaking the language they teach, met colleagues from other countries, exchanged know-how and established friendly relationships which continue by means of methodological cooperation. we have included ""Blended Learning"" and ""The Use of New Technologies in Teaching English"" in the project. At present, our school is already providing an opportunity for an external and combined study where information and communication technologies are used. n order to make our work more attractive and effective, we chose ""Creativity in the Classroom"" where we have found a lot of inspiration, motivation and interesting activities for our students. Our long-term goal is to find foreign partners for active cooperation. Project management courses for intercultural exchange projects in Europe helped us to get an overview of the management of international cooperation between schools. ";To disseminate the results we used social social networking sites (Facebook), we have created a website ( where we have published project information, presentations from individual mobilities, including photos, summaries of the courses and practical activities, which colleagues can use in their teaching. We also held teacher meetings where we presented the outcomes of our mobility and discussed them with our colleagues. We continue to organize these meetings. An article about our project was published in regional newspapers. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility between Programme and Partner Countries;2016;2016-1-SK01-KA107-022433;;;Project for higher education student and staff mobility between Programme Countries and Partner Countries;"The aim of the mobility project was to deepen and strengthen international cooperation and to create mutual support with the partner institution through international activities. The main objecti...";;;Univerzita J. Selyeho;SK;SK;16.440,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;not available;English;The main objective of the project was to provide international activities for the participants. In the project, we also set partial goals: - strengthen cooperation in education and research - develop and strengthen the skills and competences of mobility participants - improve the quality of education - exchange experience in teaching and science - deepen cooperation in common areas of interest in the future - carry out joint scientific and educational projects - highlight the common European elements in culture and in traditional values;"All activities (lectures, workshops, laboratory visits) were conducted in Hungarian in both institutions. Participants in STT strengthened and established new contacts; in the framework of informal interviews they strengthened further cooperation with the staff of the Ukrainian Faculty of Economics, they opened and exchanged experience in the field of international and library activities. All participants had the opportunity to discuss selected issues related to international political and economic relations. During the implementation of the mobility project it was considered important: monitoring of the project, transparency of the communication and intensive cooperation between the involved institutions-which was held through personal meetings, phone calls and e-mails. After the successful completion of the mobility activity, the coordinator issued a Certificate for the acquired skills for each participant. After completing the mobility, the participants filled in and submitted an on-line report in the Mobility Tool (12). We used quantitative and qualitative indicators to measure the impact of the project on participants, institutions and on the community. The most commonly used methods were reports, interviews, observations, and ratings. Quantitative indicators: number of participants, number of certificates, number of emails, number of personal meetings. Participants who have been involved in the project see a significant contribution to expanding their knowledge and skills, developing their expertise and learning experiences in the field of teaching and science. Teachers have immediately demonstrated their innovative experience in pedagogical practice. Participants share their acquired knowledge with their direct colleagues and students at their home institution through open hours, workshops, but also with the wider public in the region. For the long-term benefit we consider building a good name for our university. The realized project fulfilled its objectives, which is why we plan to implement similar projects in the future." Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-SK01-KA202-022502;;;FEAL: multifunctional Farming for the sustainability of European Agricultural Landscapes;Small farms make a considerable contribution to territorial development, they provide specialised local and regional products as well as support social, cultural, and environmental services. Farmi...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Rural development and urbanisation, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education;;TECHNICKA UNIVERZITA VO ZVOLENE;SK;SK,DE,SI,ES,BE,IT;368.515,50;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;"Small farms make a considerable contribution to territorial development, they provide specialised local and regional products as well as support social, cultural, and environmental services. Farming activities which respect the landscape value and heritage bring added value to the landscape and create potential for agri-tourism development. However, agricultural production depends on unpredictable natural conditions and the direct sale of agricultural products from farms is not easy. These reasons motivate farmers to start doing complementary business in non-agricultural activities. The targeted group of the FEAL project are young farmers, young rural entrepreneurs and family farmers. The share of population participating in lifelong learning courses in rural areas of the EU-27, reaches only 6.6% (European Commission, 2013). People living in rural areas may represent a group at risk of exclusion. Therefore, free access to vocational education and training material for people living in rural areas is crucial. Digital training material of the project is available under a Creative Commons License allowing the use and the distribution free of charges thus granting the access to education for everyone. The projects training concept is adopted to be accessible through the Open Educational Resources (OER). | The FEAL project aimed at developing a flexible training system based on case studies that will provide young farmers, young rural entrepreneurs and family farmers the skills and knowledge to implement sustainable farming activities within different European Agricultural Landscapes (EALs). Outputs are available in 7 languages: English, Slovak, German, Spanish, Italian, Slovenian and French, thus making the results accessible to around the 70% of European citizens speaking these languages as mother tongue (European Commission, June 2012). | The FEAL consortium consists of eight partners' organisations from Belgium, Germany, Italy, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain. The variety of organisations guarantees a multidisciplinary approach reflecting in educational material; two institutions are public and provide education and research, three agencies focus on project management and provide advisory services for farmers, one is a local action group and one residing in Brussels is a unique federation of national associations from the EU28 representing the interests of the landowners, land and forest managers and rural entrepreneurs at the European political level.";"The project's conceptual research framework consists of a methodology to compare farming practices in different EALs considering landscape value. The project resulted into the development of a comprehensive and flexible e-learning training system. It is adapted to the learners' heterogeneous conditions showing sustainable and multifunctional farming practices improving the quality of EALs in a pan-European context. The project implemented several innovative elements mirroring in its intellectual outputs: O1: Summary report about the state of the art of the relation between sustainable / multifunctional farming practices and EALs; O2: Case studies. Online database represents best practices of farms situated in different EALs with specific regional and local features reflecting the variety of social and economic systems. Case studies implementing win-win-situations provide the opportunity for trainees to learn through real, successful experiences and, for the first time, an entrepreneurial exchange about the topic on regional, national and European levels; O3: FEAL complementary to OER includes training modules and interactive E-Atlas and both materials are linked with other outputs; O4: Pilot testing and development of the definitive training system FEAL-EDUWEB and its adaptation to VALOR platform and Moodle. FEAL-EDUWEB contains educational material and online self-evaluation forms for knowledge testing. | Farmers, rural development organisations, farmers associations, local action groups and representatives of policy makers were invited to multiplier events organized at the end of the project by the consortium partners. The aim was to raise awareness to stakeholders about the possibilities offered by sustainable farming activities, the win-win-situations within different EALs and to integrate the results of the FEAL project into wider national and European practices and programmes. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Welcome to the FEAL-EDUWEB! -EN | State of the Art Report -EN | Case Studies -EN | E-Atlas -EN | Training Modules -EN | Willkommen im FEAL-EDUWEB! -DE | Zusammenfassender Bericht -DE | Fallstudien -DE | E-Atlas -DE | Trainingsmodule -DE | Vitajte vo FEAL-EDUWEB-e! -SK | Shrnn sprva -SK | Prpadov _tdie -SK | E-Atlas -SK | Vzdelvacie trningov moduly -SK | Dobrodo_li vo FEAL-EDUWEB! -SI | Zbirno poro_ilo -SI | Zbirka _tudijskih primerov -SI | E-Atlas -SI | Moduli usposabljanja -SI | Bienvenue au FEAL-EDUWEB! -FR | Le Rapport Sommaire -FR | tdes de cas -FR | LE-Atlas sur les EALs -FR | Modules de formation -FR | Benvenuto in FEAL-EDUWEB! -IT | Rapporto di sintesi -IT | Casi di studio -IT | E-Atlas-IT | Moduli di formazione -IT | Bienvenido a FEAL-EDUWEB! -ES | El informe resumen -ES | Casos de estudio -ES | E-Atlas -ES | Mdulos de formacin -ES | Training Modules-Farm-SWOT-analysis -EN | Trainingsmodule-Farm-SWOT-analyse -DE | Vzdelvacie trningov moduly-Farma-SWOT-anal_za -SK | Moduli usposabljanja-Kmetija-SWOT analiza -SI | Modules de formation-Ferme-Analyse SWOT -FR | Moduli di formazione-Farm-Analisi SWOT -IT | Mdulos de formacin-Granja-Anlisis DAFO - ES | Case Studies-interactive PDF -EN | Fallstudien-interactive PDF -DE | Casos de estudio interactive PDF -ES | tdes de cas-interactive PDF -FR | Casi di studio-interactive PDF -IT | Zbirka _tudijskih primerov-interactive PDF -SI | Prpadov _tdie-interactive PDF -SK | Dissemination material | | FEAL web -EN/DE/FR/SK/SI/IT/ES | FEAL newsletter -EN/DE/ES/FR/IT/SI/SK | FEAL promo -EN/DE/ES/FR//IT/SI/SK | Twitter-FEAL_ERASMUS -EN | Facebook FEAL -EN | FEAL poster -EN/DE/FR/SK | Bro_ra -SK | Report by ELO-2016, 2017 - EN | FEAL sharing heritage-ECHY 2018 -EN/DE | FEAL posters -EN | Rollup-postery - Multiplika_n podujatie -SK | FEAL letk/leaflet -SK/EN | FEAL-prezentcie na Slovensku -SK/EN | FEAL-presentations-foreign -EN | FEAL-newletter-print SK/EN | Web-partneri-o projekte FEAL-EN/DE/ES/FR/IT/SI/SK | _lnky pre _irok verejnos_-TUZVO -SK | Artikel in der Zeitschrift Lndlicher Raum -DE | CountrySide Magazine-166/2016, 170/2017, 172/2017, 175/2018 -EN | _lnky pre odborn verejnos_ (WoS, SCOPUS, CC) -SK/EN | Press-release-Brussels -EN | FEAL presentation by ELO: Building a Community of Innovators in Cultural Heritage -EN | CountrySide Magazin-166/2016, 170/2017, 172/2017, 175/2018 -FR" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2016;2016-1-SK01-KA204-022518;;;Managing Migration and Diversity through Local Government Capacity Building ;In contemporary globalization, migrations to Europe have accelerated in speed and scale. Between 2010 and 2013, around 1.4 million non-EU nationals, excluding asylum seekers and refugees, immigrat...;Migrants' issues, Integration of refugees, Inclusion - equity;;ASTRA - ZDRUZENIE PRE INOVACIE A ROZVOJ;SK;SK,EL,HU;197.994,00;Yes;No;Non-governmental organisation/association/social enterprise;ONG;;;English;More than a million migrants and refugees crossed into Europe in 2015, compared with just 280,000 the year before. More than a million migrants and refugees have gone to Europe in 2015, compared with just 280,000 a year ago. The migration brings diversity. Both are key factors in one of the most fundamental transformations of society ever. The EC formulated recommendations regarding managing diversity and migration and some of them emphases the role of local governance in this process. Beside this the Capacity building of Local Governments is one of the recommendations for actual problems overcoming. There is no doubt that migration and especially refugee flows reach Europe totally unprepared. Those who are expected to be the first contact points al local level for managing migrations and diversity cope with unusual and unknown problems. The aim of the MAMIDI project was to strengthen the professional capacities of the public administration to be better prepare for the changes arising from the current challenges facing the EU.;The professional capacities have been strengthened by two main tools. The first was the preparation and pilot implementation of the training in management of migration and diversity for local government and institutions dealing with migration and diversity. The second was to prepare a handbook on management of migration and diversity for local governments. The multidisciplinary training design has enabled participants who were trained to analyze and evaluate migration and diversity from multiple angles and to work on these topics in different environments. This proposal has also manifested itself in the structure of several training areas and provided a unique combination of expertise within a single course. The sociology-oriented area focuses in particular on the analysis of migration and integration processes and on the societal implications of these processes. The policy area focuses mainly on public policies and wider political implications of migration and diversity. The multidisciplinary nature of the project required the participation of transnational teams that were able to bring expertise and various experiences and approaches to problem solving. In the MAMIDI project, the transnational partnership benefited from real experience, as three partners - TREBAG, Hungary, IDEC, Greece and PROVEST, Turkey already have a direct experience in migration and diversity. Therefore, the training and pilot courses prepared, the development of the Migration and Diversity Management Manual as well as the practical trainings of trainers that have been implemented in Greece have ensured a very current and appropriate course content and guidebook that can be used in the day-to-day work of workers who come into contact with migration and diversity. The project has made it possible to increase the level of readiness of the target group of the MAMIDI project, which was created in addition to local self-government representatives and employees, and those who expect direct contact with migrants or will have an impact on migrant management and diversity at local self-government (e.g. the municipality staff, the staff of budgetary and contributory organizations that are created by municipalities, client centres staff, staff of district offices, trade business departments, land registry department, land and forest department, the environment department, departments for construction, housing and education, the labour office, office of social affairs and family, tax offices, customs offices, offices of the public health, staff of organizations established by municipalities and higher territorial units as educational and health facilities) also all those who come into contact with migrants respectively tackle diversity, such as NGO staff as well as trainers and students preparing for the public administration. As the project focused on building the capacity of organizations in the area of migration and diversity management, the direct impact on these immediate target groups was significant. The MAMIDI partnership consisted of 5 partners (NGOs, universities, small and medium-sized enterprises, educational and consulting institutions) from four countries (Greece, Hungary, Slovakia and Turkey). The Turkish partner, after 14 months, had to withdraw from the project as a result of the political changes that took place in Turkey in the summer of 2017. The duration of the project was 27 months. The project has trained more than 400 people (compared to the planned 75 persons) using the methodology of e-learning as well as face to face education. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Roadmap for local goverment on managing migration and diversity_ENG | Roadmap for local goverment on managing migration and diversity_SK | Roadmap for local goverment on managing migration and diversity_HU | Roadmap for local goverment on managing migration and diversity_GR | Module I: Cultural Manifestation and Acculturation which covers cultural aspect of migration_ENG | Module I: Cultural Manifestation and Acculturation which covers cultural aspect of migration_SK | Module I: Cultural Manifestation and Acculturation which covers cultural aspect of migration_HU | Module II: Local Integration Policy which covers social aspect of migration_ENG | Module II: Local Integration Policy which covers social aspect of migration_SK | Module II: Local Integration Policy which covers social aspect of migration_HU | Module III: Governance of Migration and Diversity at Local Level: Public Decision-Making which covers administrative aspect of migration_ENG | Module III: Governance of Migration and Diversity at Local Level: Public Decision-Making which covers administrative aspect of migration_SK | Module III: Governance of Migration and Diversity at Local Level: Public Decision-Making which covers administrative aspect of migration_HU | Module IV: Discovering of migrants and refugees' economic potential which covers economic aspect of migration_ENG | Module IV: Discovering of migrants and refugees' economic potential which covers economic aspect of migration_SK | Module IV: Discovering of migrants and refugees' economic potential which covers economic aspect of migration_HU | Module I: Cultural Manifestation and Acculturation which covers cultural aspect of migration_GR | Module II: Local Integration Policy which covers social aspect of migration_GR | Module III: Governance of Migration and Diversity at Local Level: Public Decision-Making which covers administrative aspect of migration_GR | Module IV: Discovering of migrants and refugees' economic potential which covers economic aspect of migration_GR | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | Report on Identification and Anticipation of Future Skill Needs for Local Government in the Area of Migration and Diversity Management_ENG | Report on Identification and Anticipation of Future Skill Needs for Local Government in the Area of Migration and Diversity Management_SK | Report on Identification and Anticipation of Future Skill Needs for Local Government in the Area of Migration and Diversity Management_HU | Report on Identification and Anticipation of Future Skill Needs for Local Government in the Area of Migration and Diversity Management_GR | Report on Identification and Anticipation of Future Skills Need for Local Government in the Area of Migration and Diversity Management, Slovak Republic. | Report on Identification and Anticipation of Future Skills Need for Local Government in the Area of Migration and Diversity Management, Greece. | Report on Identification and Anticipation of Future Skills Need for Local Government in the Area of Migration and Diversity Management, Turkey. | Report on Identification and Anticipation of Future Skills Need for Local Government in the Area of Migration and Diversity Management, Hungary. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2016;2016-1-SK01-KA204-022541;;;Social Growth on Trafficking and Immigration;SOGTIM - Social Growth on Trafficking and Immigration is a training and incubation platform for existing and future sustainable nonprofits and prospective social entrepreneurs in acquiring the req...;Integration of refugees, Inclusion - equity, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education;;PEDAL CONSULTING SRO;SK;SK,EL,IT,ES,RO,PL;246.525,00;Yes;No;Small and medium sized enterprise;Otros;;;English;"We managed to have a wide dissemination of the platform worldwide, as of today over 100 participants have registered to the platform from the world over, crossing the borders the borders of the 6 countries where the members of this consortia are located. Overt thirty million people are trapped in modern slavery, mostly women and children (Global Slavery Index, May 2016). Every minute, two people are being enslaved around the world. Two thirds are subjugated in the sex industry and one third into forced labor, mainly in the nonprofit and social enterprise industry dealing with immigrants and victims of human trafficking. Of them, only 1% are being rescued, and of this 1%, the 80% are being re-trafficked due to financial vulnerability. Romanians free international mobility encouraged slavery among a wide variety of forms and via black chains; in 2014 875 trafficking cases were recorded and 70% of Romanian immigrants said that they dream to return home (USA Embassy, Romania, 2015). In 2016 148,355 migrants and refugees entered Europe (March 2016). The cumulative arrivals to Greece stands at 144,899. While in 2015 1,046,599 migrants arrived to Europe, Greece received 858,608 of them (Mediterranean Update, IOM, January 2016). SOGTIMs objective is to provide an experimental pedagogical program for the training of nonprofits and prospective social entrepreneurs in the skills, knowledge and networking needed to augment their chances of success without having them to rely on government handouts and support from donors an aspect which will resultantly lead to a ripple effect of benefitting the more disadvantaged in their communities.";"The SOGTIM training platform has been designed based on the results of an extensive research addressed to the European nonprofit and social entrepreneurship sectors. This research helped us to identify the skills, strategies and competences that nonprofits and social entrepreneurs need in order to become innovators and change makers in their areas of operation. The programme elements consist of the: Active Project of the Participants.Two SOGTIM handbooks and self-administered exercise books. E-learning platform with six E-modules and online courses. | 26 Best Practice cases of collaborative non-profits and social enterprises. Action learning sets. A Six month Mentoring Cycle: Two face-to-face Workshops in 6 countries. Peer to peer support platform on SOGTIM channels. SOG-TIM Competition and Award ceremony. The SOGTIM projects partners are seven organizations from different EU countries: 1. Pedal Consulting s.r.o from Slovakia 2. The Nest Social Cooperative Enterprise from Greece 3. Make A Cube from Italy 4. Eolas S.L. from Spain 5. Universitatea Lucian Blaga Din Sibiu (ULBS) from Romania 6. Spoleczna Akademia Nauk (SAN) from Poland -The Leader Organization is PEDAL Consulting s.r.o. Pedal is private Slovak consultancy specializing in entrepreneurship and business development through all its phases. | | -The Nest is the Hellenic Centre on Social Entrepreneurship & Social Innovation with official branches in Athens and Alexandroupoli (North Greece). | | -Make A Cube is s a joint venture between Avanzi (80%) and Make a Change (20%). Avanzi is a leading think tank and consulting firm working on sustainable development issues since its foundation. | | -EOLAS S.L. is founded by a team of professionals with more than 15 years of experience in idea generation, business development and innovation. | | -SPOLECZNA AKADEMIA NAUK (University of Social Sciences) is one of the leading private universities in Poland having 20,000 students and over 1,000 academic staff. Based in the city with a long history of textile industry. | | -Universitatea Lucian Blaga Din Sibiu (ULBS). ""Lucian Blaga"" is a public institution of higher education in Sibiu. It has in its nine faculties and more distance education centers in different cities. It has a student population of 16,562. | Results | Website | | | Feedback from participants | | SOG-TIM evaluation report | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Entrepreneurial and co-creation skills handbook | Guides for civil society organization, NGOs, national and regional institutions on immigration and trafficking | Guides for Incubators and training centers | Guides for prospective and existing social entrepreneurs | Guides for immigrants, refugees and rescued victims of human trafficking | Guide for social investors, social donators and social sponsors, opinion leaders and experts | IT: Guides for civil society organization, NGOs, national and regional institutions | IT: Guides for Incubators and training centers | IT: Guides for prospective and existing social entrepreneurs | IT: Guides for immigrants, refugees and rescued victims of human trafficking | IT: Guide for social investors, social donators and social sponsors, opinion leaders. | RO: Guides for civil society organization, NGOs, national and regional institutions | RO: Guides for Incubators and training centers | RO: Guides for prospective and existing social entrepreneurs | RO: Guides for immigrants, refugees and rescued victims of human trafficking | RO: Guide for social investors, social donators and social sponsors, opinion leaders | SK: Guides for civil society organization, NGOs, national and regional institutions | SK: Guides for Incubators and training centers | SK: Guides for prospective and existing social entrepreneurs | SK: Guides for immigrants, refugees and rescued victims of human trafficking | SK: Guide for social investors, social donators and social sponsors, opinion leaders | GR: Guides for immigrants, refugees and rescued victims of human trafficking in Greek language | GR: Guides for Incubators and training centers | GR: Guide for social investors, social donators and social sponsors, opinion leaders and experts | GR: Guides for prospective and existing social entrepreneurs | PL: Guides for prospective and existing social entrepreneurs | PL: Guides for civil society organization, NGOs, national and regional institutions on immigration and trafficking | PL: Guides for immigrants, refugees and rescued victims of human trafficking | PL: Guides for Incubators and training centers | PL: Guide for social investors, social donators and social sponsors, opinion leaders and experts | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | Aggregated research report | Organizational and working documents | | IO5 Pilot methodology | IO7 F2F Workshops-Mentoring Methodology and Aggregated Feedback" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-SK01-KA219-022523;;;Fantastic Four;Fantastic Four was a strategic partnership whose main objective was exchange of good practises on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) methodologies among 4 European primary and se...;Natural sciences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills;;Zakladna skola Nam. L. Novomeskeho 2, Kosice;SK;SK,SE,PT,ES;103.930,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;Fantastic Four was a strategic partnership whose main objective was exchange of good practises on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) methodologies among 4 European primary and secondary schools. The coordinating school was Nm. L. Novomeskho 2, Ko_ice, Slovakia. The other three partners were Malmslttsskolan Tokarp in Sweden, Agrupamento de Escolas de Canas de Senhorim in Portugal and CEIP Arcipreste de Hita in Spain. Each school had a different field of expertise and in our partnership we shared these abilities and learned from one another. It was a give-and-take relationship based on mutual concessions, shared benefits and cooperation. Slovak project team focused on Physics enquiry based activities, Spanish project team adapted all activities to young learners 'needs and special needs students, Portuguese project team focused on Mathematics and Maths computer programmes and Swedish project team introduced cross-curricular methodology that implemented environmental issues into STEM education. The partnership was established because recent studies show our students lack STEM skills and are reluctant to pursue it as their future career. Since there is a shortage of STEM workers across Europe, Fantastic Four contributed to solving this problem by increasing student's interest in STEM, promoting a positive image of STEM, making improvements in school based science teaching and learning, empowering teachers with innovative teaching methods, supporting inter-peers learning and aiming for gender balance. The target groups consisted of students and teachers of the above mentioned schools, however, the newly-adapted activities as well as all the other outcomes were available to all teachers across Europe on the joint-project web site on Twinspace as well as on the disemination platform E+ VALOR. ;The activities were as follows: presenting the project and setting up the project web site, survey done on teachers and students in the beginning and at the end of the project, Science Week held simultaneously at all schools, STEM Olympic Games full of gripping activities both for girls and boys, and evaluation and adaptation of all developed materials. In the course of 2 years the partnership produced these tangible and intangible products: a joint-project web site on Twinspace, a questionnaire for students, a questionnaire for teachers, detailed analysis of these two questionnaires, ppt presentations about project teams, ppt presentations about schools/regions/countries, worksheets with activities in English, Slovak, Swedish, Portuguese and Spanish, activities for young learners/special needs children in all 5 languages, videos, quizzes, exhibitions, excursions, World Games presentation, Science Week, STEM Olympic Games, a brochure with Maths tasks. The main expectations regarding the impact were changing the way STEM was taught and viewed, an increase in students 'motivation to study STEM, an increase of the number of qualified people within Europe and thus reduction of the number of the unemployed, an improvement of students grades, an increase in teacher job satisfaction, an improvement of European education system by implementing innovative practices, creating a network of professionals across Europe and an intercultural awareness and respect for the different cultures of European countries. Results | Website | | | Direct effect on participants and project partners | | StudentsInquiry Results | TeachersInquiry Results | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Young Learners Worksheet - Science | Young Learners Worksheet - How heavy is your schoolbag? | Young Learners Worksheet - Measure before you cut | Young Learners Worksheet - Science | Santa Worksheet - Maths | Physics worksheet - measuring physical properties of water | Physics worksheet - measuring properties of gas | Science worksheet - Cinderella 4 a Day | Science worksheet - What makes water boil? | Science worksheet - Magic Candle Show | Science worksheet - Chemical substances and compounds | Science worksheet - Physics in water | Science worksheet - Tracker | Science worksheet - When will a lightbulb light up? | Science worksheet - Brightness of a lightbulb | Outdoor enquiry based learning activity worksheet - the High Tatras | Science Olympics | Young Learners Worksheet - Science - Soil and Its Composition - Slovak | Young Learners Worksheet - Maths - Geometry Science - Journey into the Past -Slovak | Young Learners Worksheet - Science - How heavy is your bag? - Slovak | Maths - Christmas Worksheet - Slovak | Physics worksheet - measuring physical properties of water | Physics worksheet - measuring properties of gas | Science worksheet - Cinderella 4 a Day | Science worksheet - What makes water boil? | Science worksheet - Magic Candle Show | Science worksheet - Chemical substances and compounds | Science worksheet - Physics in water | Science worksheet - Tracker | Science worksheet - When will a lightbulb light up? | Science worksheet - Brightness of a lightbulb | Outdoor enquiry based learning worksheet - The High Tatras | Science Olympics | Video showing Science Week experiments done by Year 8 students in Slovakia | Video showing Science Week experiments done by Year 6 students in Slovakia | Video showing Science Week experiments done by Year 8 students in Slovakia | Cover of the Maths brochure - Portuguese project team | Index of the Maths brochure - Portuguese team | Maths brochure - Portuguese project team | Maths worksheet - Cadets | Maths worksheet - Juniors | Video about energy saving | Video about recycling and reusing | Video about making soap from oil | Video about World Games | Geogebra - notable points worksheet | Geogebra - notable points worksheet II. | Geogebra - rectangles | Maths in the Portuguese Cuisine | Treasure Hunt I. in Canas de Senhorin, Portugal | Treasure Hunt II. in Canas de Senhorin, Portugal | Treasure Hunt III. in Canas de Senhorin, Portugal | Treasure Hunt IV. in Canas de Senhorin, Portugal | Treasure Hunt - Peddy Paper | Treasure Hunt - Peddy Paper I. | Chemistry - properties of rain water | Physics- distance vs. time graphs | Maths Olympiad - Year 5 | Maths Olympiad - Year 5 - Key | Maths Olympiad - Year 6 | Maths Olympiad - Year 6 -Key | The Duraton River Outdoor Learning | Roman Scale Lesson | Science Week in Spain - 2018 | Recycling Gangsters Project in Spain | Elisa operating a hydraulic arm - Spain | 5 Kingdoms - Bacteria, Algae, Fungi, Plants, Animals | Science Week in Spain - 2017 | Dissemination material | | Article in the Slovak newspaper - Korzr | Article in the Slovak newspaper - Korzr | Local Newspaper Article in Portuguese | Organizational and working documents | | Maths Curricula in All Four Countries Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-TR01-KA202-034059;;;Integrated Management of Pesticides and Liable Exposure with Machinery Executing Needed Treatments;The IMPLEMENT project aims at disseminating good and innovative practices for European farmers on the use of pesticides and other plant protection chemicals, also in comparison with similar standa...;Energy and resources, Agriculture, forestry and fisheries ...;;ONDOKUZ MAYIS UNIVERSITESI;TR;TR,ES,IT;165.004,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;"The IMPLEMENT project aims at disseminating good and innovative practices for European farmers on the use of pesticides and other plant protection chemicals, also in comparison with similar standards used in Turkey, with a specific attention to i) safety of operators, ii) environmental protection from diffusion of toxic and polluting products, and iii) food safety. Plant protection is an absolutely necessary measurement for securing the high and stable productivity in the present agriculture. However, because of applying pesticide, it has produced the pollution of environment, which endangers the life of human being, so that it has been paid more attention greatly. Also, plant protection machinery is very different with the other agricultural machinery, its quality and application techniques level affect safety of products. The project is coordinated by the Ondokuz Mayis University and partners are: Agricoltura Vita Associazione and ENAMA from Italy, ASAJA Granada from Spain and Ankara University and University of Cukurova from Turkey. Other foreseen external collaborations will be: COPA-COGECA, representing the European farmers' associations and cooperatives, ENTAM, representing the EU agricultural machinery certification bodies and CEMA, representing the European Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers. Other European associations and networks will be involved during the ongoing activities (CEJA, OSHA-Europe, CEDEFOP), as well as representatives of European institutions.The main output of the project will be a catalogue for combined training, open on the spot, long distance and online interactive learning, based on a typologic selection, without reference to trade marks, of the sprayer machineries with their positive and negative issues with relation to the triad of personal, environmental and food safety. The machines will be adequately explained, by support of brief descriptions and a wide use of pictures and video-clips, within training modules sequenced according to increasing levels based on the European Qualifications Framework, starting from a basic admission test (Level 1) corresponding to the qualification of farmer and generic agricultural employee and/or first instalment young farmer to grow up step-by-step to the superior levels (Level 2, for the basic use and maintenance of the machine; Level 3 for planning spraying and related preparation, cleaning and maintenance ; Level 4, with a specialistic module for functional controls addressed to expert sprayer users and personnel responsible for this kind of controls; Level 5, with a specialistic module for sprayer machinery manufacturers including advises for improvement of some technical characteristics, fit for increasing safety standards and providing a user friendly manual for use, controls and correct maintenance).The main target users are: a) farmers and sprayers operators; b) agronomists, trainers and persons in charge of the prevention and protection service at work; c) technicians in charge for functional controls of sprayer machineries ; d) manufacturers of sprayer machineries with specific reference to providing user friendly use and maintenance manuals. ";"The project is sheduled to be developed through 8 Work Packages:I) Staff building, task responsibility sharing and coordination (OMU);II) Training needs analysis and comparison between the participating countries, with specific reference to European rules and standards and to Turkey as a case study (AV);III) Adaptation of existing training materials with innovative methodology based on slides and animations with brief description and commented movies (ENAMA);IV) Evaluation of the teaching materials, risk analysis and internal assessment (Ankara University);V) Transfer of the teaching materials in an interactive e-learning training platform (OMU) and translation of the teaching materials from English into the national languages (all partners); VI) Test of prototype training materials with target groups (ASAJA Granada);VII) Presentation of the training materials and piloting tests with farmers and manufacturers representatives (with involvement of CEMA, ENTAM and COPA-COGECA in Brussels), and participation of the involved European institutions (European Commission DG AGRI, Employment, Health and Safety; members of the European Parliament and of other institutions, such as Economic Social Committee and Committee of Regions), press and other media journalists specialized for agricultural and work safety. VIII) International Final Conference with presentation of the final results and products and availability online of the training materials (OMU in collaboration with Cukurova and Ankara Universities)." Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2016;2016-1-TR01-KA203-034710;;;Exploring the Field of Interaction in Architectural Design Education;"Context Architecture as an education needs to strengthen its knowledge-transfer infrastructure and breed an interactive, flexible learning environment to absorb ever-changing needs and objective...";Quality and Relevance of Higher Education in Partner Countries, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;TOBB EKONOMI VE TEKNOLOJI UNIVERSITESI;TR;TR,PT,NL,BE,FR,HR;205.175,29;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;Context | Architecture as an education needs to strengthen its knowledge-transfer infrastructure and breed an interactive, flexible learning environment to absorb ever-changing needs and objectives of the professional/research sides of the field of architecture, and find ways to steer the poles of the knowledge triangle (research/education/profession) to enhance the innovation potential of European educational and research system in terms of handling the transformation of the built environment. | | Architectural design education programs have the potential to steer the poles of the knowledge triangle within the two key fields of interaction at their core curricula. The final architectural design studio (FADS) and internship program are fields of interaction and transitional learning domains as thresholds that bridge academic education and the professional world. Thus, they not only represent the incorporation and culmination of the educational cycle but also the interaction and synthesis of all the accumulated experiences of the student. | | Objectives | The objective of project was to first explore and then innovate the paths followed by the in-between mediation activities occurring in these two fields of interaction (methods, processes, and execution), in this way to enhance architectural education programs that are compatible with EU directives and 2011 EU modernisation agenda by respecting local and regional qualities. | | Partnership | e-FIADE have created a platform to share/experience/exchange architectural educational practices and academic expertise with the following organisations: | TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Department of Architecture (TURKEY) | The European Association of Architectural Education (BELGIUM) | Eindhoven University of Technology, Department of the Built Environment (THE NETHERLANDS) | University of Zagreb, The Faculty of Architecture (CROATIA) | Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Department of Architecture (TURKEY) | Institut National des Sciences Appliques de Strasbourg (FRANCE) | Universidade Lusofona, School of Architecture (PORTUGAL);"Main Activities and Results | The project activities were managed by four work teams (FADS and internship research; project management; quality assessment and dissemination) and through 7 transnational project meetings. e-FIADE accommodated diverse formal and informal teaching, learning, training environments: 3 forum sessions on FADS and internship, one intensive architectural design studios (IADS), and one joint FADS among the partner HEIs, followed by the exhibition of the students works at the joint FADS at the EAAE Annual Conference 2019. | | Through these activities, it produced 4 seminal intellectual outputs to fulfil the project objectives: | (O1-2) Mapping and analysis of existing diploma studio tracks and curricular internship models in the European departments of architecture based on the knowledge, skills, and competences defined by EU directive 2013/55. | (O3-4) Alternative paths for diploma studios and curricular internships that respect the synthesis of the major challenges of our era affecting the profession and the emerging hybrid, trans-disciplinary professional areas of the 21st century both in local and international context. | | The dissemination happened through 4 seminars entitled e-FIADE Seminar: Thresholds in Architectural Education organised in _stanbul, Ankara (Turkey), Strasbourg (France), and Zagreb (Croatia). The 4th seminar represented the project results to the representatives of many European schools of architecture at the EAAE Annual Conference. All the project materials, major lectures, and the intellectual outputs are published open-source at the project website. | | Impact | The initial impacts measured through the verbal feedback from students, instructors and professionals attending the dissemination events showed that the mapping outputs are key reference documents that help academics understanding both where their existing studio practices and the mutual interaction between the formal and non-formal learning in their school curricula stand. Likewise, the alternative paths were appreciated as a valuable repertoire bringing together hybrid practices that involve people from the three sides of the knowledge triangle of the discipline. The research topics feed the current and future activities of the Education Academy working under the EAAE and the Turkish council working on access to the profession. The participating partners have started establishing the alternative studio models and the internship app produced by e-FIADE. | | Longer-term benefits | e-FIADE results will have long-term impacts on research in architectural education that explore, discuss, and consider new and innovative perspectives on the crossings, interactions, and transformations of non-formal, informal learning, and formal learning within or prior to FADS and Internship and on the formation of the Charter on Architectural Education. | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | O3: Alternative Paths for Final Architectural Design Studios | O4: INTERNSHIP GUIDE | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | O1: MAPPING AND ANALYSIS OF FINAL ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN STUDIOS | O2: MAPPING AND ANALYSIS OF INTERNSHIPS | Dissemination material | | Project dissemination leaflet | Journal paper on international architectural design studio (IADS) | Architectural Design Studio Book (INSA Strasbourg) | e-FIADE Project Website | Exhibition of Students' Works at the e-FIADE Joint FADS | Exhibition of Students' Works at the e-FIADE Joint FADS (TOBB ETU) | Organizational and working documents | | Project Timeline | Project Implementation Report" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2016;2016-1-TR01-KA203-035231;;;Innovative Women Entrepreneurs of the Future ;"""Statistical Data on Women Entrepreneurs in Europe"" (European Comission, September 2014) show that women entrepreneurs constituted 31% of all entrepreneurs in European Union. These statistics pers...";Gender equality / equal opportunities, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education;;Bursa Teknik Universitesi;TR;TR,IT,PL;157.174,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;"Statistical Data on Women Entrepreneurs in Europe"" (European Comission, September 2014) show that women entrepreneurs constituted 31% of all entrepreneurs in European Union. These statistics persist in 2018 and women make up only one third of all entrepreneurs in Science and Technology sectors, reflecting the ratio of female students studying Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) at higher education institutes. The 2011 EU Modernisation Agenda lists; stimulating the development of entrepreneurial, creative and innovation skills in all disciplines, promoting through more interactive learning environments, strengthening the knowledge-transfer infrastructures and enhancing their capacity to engage in start-ups, as priority areas for higher education institutions. | | InnoWomEnt Project, is a strategic partnership of Bursa Technical University (Bursa, Turkey), Politecnico di Torino (Torino, Italy), I3P - The Innovative Companies Incubator of Politecnico di Torino (Torino, Italy), Silesian University of Technology (Gliwice, Poland), Technopark Gliwice (Gliwice, Poland) and KOSGEB - Small and Medium Enterprises Development Organization (Bursa, Turkey) established with the following objectives: | | Raise awareness about the gender gap in technological fields and encourage female students to study Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, | Improve transversal/entrepreneurial skills (creativity, analysis, critical thinking, risk taking, digital literacy, foreign langauage speaking, problem solving, and etc.) through curricular courses, seminars, workshops and teaching/learning mobilities, | Develop learning modules for all prospective entrepreneurs, and | Create a roadmap for an efficient Entrepreneurial Ecosystem where prospective entrepreneurs could reach the network, training, mentoring and support that they strive for. | | Development of transversal/entrepreneurial skills has been encouraged through workshops on 'Entrepreneurial Training' and Innovative Entrepreneurship, where experts from partner organizations gave seminars on; invention, innovation, women in STEM fields, technology transfer, intellectual property rights, business plan, status of women in society, leadership and entrepreneurship. | | Twelve female engineering students were placed at international high technology start-ups for a period of 6 weeks as part of the 'Transnational Entrepreneurial Internship Program' and they have been awarded ECTS credits for having completed the program successfully.";Entrepreneurial training was embedded in Bursa Technical University's curriculum through a course titled Basics of Innovative Entrepreneurship (taught in English). The students who succeeded the course were granted ECTS credits and the right to apply for KOSGEB's (Small and Medium Enterprises Development and Organization) Entrepreneurial Funding. | | A book titled Experiences of the Innovative Women Entrepreneurs of the Future, which presents a comprehensive guideline to not only women but everyone who is willing to set up their own enterprises and an e-book titled A Roadmap to Successful Incubator, which aims to function as a manual not only for prospective entrepreneurs but also for organizations willing to support start-ups were published. All the information gathered through this project are covered in these two books. | | InnoWomEnt Videoclips were produced and broadcasted to raise awareness and encourage more female students to study Scince, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics and start their own businesses. | | The outputs of this project are compiled and shared by the society without any limitations at the project website ( which functions as an e-learning module. | | The InnoWomEnt Project Logo symbolizes a Women in Victory pose. | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | An e-book titled A Roadmap to Successful Incubator | A book titled Experiences of Innovative Women Entrepreneurs of the Future | Transnational Entrepreneurial Internship Program | A curriculum proposal: Basics of Innovative Entrepreneurship | InnoWomEnt Tools Kit: e-Learning Module | Dissemination material | | InnoWomEnt Project Website | Others | | Videoclip titled, 'Erasmus+ InnoWomEnt Project' | Videoclip titled, 'Erasmus+ InnoWomEnt - STEM' Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-TR01-KA219-034227;;;Innovation starts with action! STEAM ;Occupations of the future have been changing rapidly and the knowledge and skills acquired today are not foreseen to be sufficient while preparing our students for life. According to the researche...;Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Environment and climate change, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education;;MERSIN BILIM VE SANAT MERKEZI;TR;TR,IT,MK,RO,PT,ES,UK;127.215,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;Occupations of the future have been changing rapidly and the knowledge and skills acquired today are not foreseen to be sufficient while preparing our students for life. According to the researches, 65% of people will be employed in new fields of occupation which are not even known today. It is emphasized about these occupations that 21st century skills such as digital skills, critical thinking, cooperation,team spirit, innovative and analytical thinking are required.Technology has been improving so rapidly that even internet of objects has begun to be discussed. It is of great significance for students to adapt to these constant and rapid changes in technology. Individual competencies in STEAM subjects (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics) are getting more important for the occupations of future which are based on high technology. Therefore, innoative approaches are required in education. The curriculums not only in Turkey but also in other countries need to be revised because student motivation is not referred enough in STEAM subjects. | Regarding this, the project had three main innovative approaches which enabled students to be more participative in lessons:1.To increase readiness level of students in science and mathematics through art-in-museum activities.2.To develop students competencies in technology and engineering with use of lego robots in education.3.To combine all these 3D designs, QR codes, experiment video quizzes and robot programming activities in STEAM subjects.These approaches made easy to provide particularly primary school students with basic skills in STEAM subjects and to teach technology, engineering, maths and science simultaneously. In addition, the students were able to improve their basic coding and analytical thinking skills by writing instructions in lego robot. That activated students problem solving abilities while it also helped them develop evaluate things from different perspectives. This Project also enabled teachers to associate school subjects with each other more, highten student | motivation, adopt innovative approach, focus on coding training and make use of technology for particular purpose. It contributed to teachers professional development and they kept themselves up to date. While preparing students for occupations of future, teachers trained individuals who can easily comprehend to use robots, internet and other technological devices working on 3D technology and sensors. Museums are source of inspiration for art. Examining art works of different cultures, we integrated art | activities with science, technology and mathematics. This helped teachers build up creative lesson plans for STEAM and students have different perspectives, which led them to be more active and participative in lessons. This evidently contributed to their academic success;"For that reason,STEAM is of great importance. In a globalized world where internatonal interaction has been easier and more common, exchange of ideas and experience between teachers in different countries helped the methods and techniques be developed. Particularly face-to-face dialogues for a common purpose strenghtened mutual interaction so that they could teach STEAM subjects more efficiently and effectively. Before mobility began, all the teachers in the project were required to take an online GoLab course. During the project, 3 transnational meetings were planned; the 1st is in Turkey, the 2nd is in Italy and the last meeting is in Macedonia. Planning, revision and outcomes of the project were evaluated in these meetings. It was necessary to discuss on planning workshops, writing scenarios and lesson plans about STEAM, use of technology, programming and using lego robot software, and uploading experiment videos to GoLab. After each teacher participant returned from the meeting, they disseminated the results by presenting them at staff meetings in their schools and others in the town. They also prepared open-door exhibitions for their colleagues, students and parents to make it popular and sustainable. They also shared outputs and their | experineces via Project website, GoLab, eTwinning Project, flyers and e-magazines. Assessment of the project covered pre-tests and post-tests about STEAM replied by teachers and students. In addition, it was evaluated through satisfaction surveys. We prepared a free GoLab involving learning scenarios, lessons plans about STEAM activities that could be used inside and outside the school. We produced an emagazine in seven languages in that the partners explaine their experiences, how they integrated the STEAM with ICT. We also shared the survey outcomes about our project results and gave all for free.The other outcomes of our STEAM project were the video lessons about lego robotics programs,3D design,art , math and orienteering games,QR codes in education and the science and engineering experiments. Results | Website | | | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | Innovation starts with action! STEAM | Partnerships and cooperations | | Innovation starts with action! STEAM | Dissemination material | | Innovation starts with action! STEAM | Innovation starts with action!STEAM | Innovation starts with action! STEAM" Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-UK01-KA101-023367;;;Language Training;At Clentry Nursery we are in the very early stages of implementing the 1+2 strategy. The training offered by this immersion course will equip the applicant with the latest skills and competences t...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, International cooperation, international relations ...;;Clentry Nursery School;UK;UK;2.005,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (pre-primary level);Centro Educativo;not available;not available;English;At Clentry Nursery we are in the very early stages of implementing the 1+2 strategy. The training offered by this immersion course will equip the applicant with the latest skills and competences to lead initiatives to promote learning modern languages in the early years. The applicant will develop a cultural awareness of another European country that will be shared with children, colleagues and parents. Using the E-twinning portal the applicant will work together with teachers in a different European country to share ideas and exchange best practice in teaching a modern language. This will create a European dimension in our nursery with the children being more aware of their place in the wider world.During the immersion course the applicant will develop her understanding of using the Internet and ICT resources to enhance the teaching and learning of modern languages. This learning will be shared with staff in the nursery and all colleagues will be provided with the necessary skills and competences to integrate Spanish into daily routines in the nursery. In the long term this will create a team who work together to develop pedagogical strategies for delivering modern languages to young learners. Learning will also be shared with parents and the wider community by creating an interactive display and by producing a leaflet in an attempt to develop their language skills and engage them in their children's learning.After the immersion course the applicant will evaluate the impact on all learners. This will include having observations by the head teacher and colleagues. ;These observations will provide a starting point for professional dialogue between staff and will enable the applicant and all staff involved to identify future development needs and continually improve the delivery of modern languages in our early years setting. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-UK01-KA101-023470;;;Spanish Language Professional Development;Irvine Royal Academy is a non-denominational secondary school for pupils aged 11-17 serving the area of Irvine West, one of the most deprived areas in Scotland.In order to enhance its provision of...;International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;Irvine Royal Academy;UK;UK;3.677,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;not available;not available;English;Irvine Royal Academy is a non-denominational secondary school for pupils aged 11-17 serving the area of Irvine West, one of the most deprived areas in Scotland.In order to enhance its provision of Spanish to our young people, and to be in line with national developments in the field of Modern Languages, we would like a member of our staff to take part in a European mobility project, namely a 3 week immersion course in Malaga, Spain, run by Languages for Education Europe.The aim of this project is to have a member of our staff receive further training in the Spanish language and teaching methodology. The project would also create opportunities for links and partnerships with other European schools through e Twinning.As an excellent linguist and teacher of French, and having already taken on further study of Spanish in his own time and as part of his professional development, David Burns was selected through the Professional Review and Development process as our applicant for funding to attend this course.An action plan will be drawn up prior to the course by the Head teacher and the applicant to ensure that the professional learning undertaken is recorded so it can be reviewed and disseminated to other colleagues. Irvine Royal Academys strong self-evaluation and quality assurance policies will ensure that the learning activities undertaken in this course are reflected upon regularly and their impact reviewed, measured and evidenced through professional review activities.We hope that this European mobility project will have a positive impact on the teaching and learning of Modern Languages in our school, as well as our wider community through links with other primary and secondary school colleagues and meetings or events involving the parents or carers of our young people.;Results for this project are not available. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2016;2016-1-UK01-KA102-023144;;;Oyster Project 5;Oyster project 5 was a two week mobility project to Spain, Tarragona. This project developed participants skills sets, including enhancing vocational competence with pan European techniques and t...;Creativity and culture;;ISA Training Ltd;UK;UK,ES;16.517,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (tertiary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"Oyster project 5 was a two week mobility project to Spain, Tarragona. This project developed participants skills sets, including enhancing vocational competence with pan European techniques and transferable skills. The project participants consisted of a group of 7 learners aged between 16 and 24 all of which worked towards or recently completed one of the government funded apprenticeship programmes listed below; NVQ level 2 Hairdressing Foundation Apprenticeship Training Programme, NVQ level 3 Hairdressing. Advanced Apprenticeship Training Programme. For the duration of the stay, the participants attended workshops held by the host organisation for a least 3 days each week along with working in commercial hair salons across the region to enable them to not only learn new skills but also to experience the cultural of Spain and adapt to the different working practices and patterns compared to the UK. The overarching aims and objectives of Oyster Project 5 can be found below;Specific aim: To enhance the learning experience for all participants, enthusing and motivating learners to stretch themselves, realising that the world is their Oyster, whilst supporting the learners journey to visualise their ultimate career aims. The project objectives were; 1. Provide 100% of participants with the opportunity to expand, update and develop their vocational skills to include Pan European techniques 2. Contribute to braking down barriers to apprenticeships by targeting under represented groups 3. To grow and develop 100% of participants confidence and self-esteem levels including entrepreneurship vision, equipping them to be success in the labour market 4. To develop 100% learners communication skills, where language is a barrier 5. To strengthen and nurture the participants life skills, employability skills and social skills 6. Increase awareness of mobility projects within European countries 7. To support participants to complete additional added value qualifications over and above the government framework requirements";"Expected visit outcomes: By the end of the mobility visit the participants could; Demonstrate new technical vocational skills to their peers and their organisation enabling them to diversify the services that can be offered in their workplace, thus increasing productivity through staff being competent though increased talent and innovation. Improve their communication skills, even where language is a barrier: Have more self confidence to diversify their careers outside the 'Norm' of a salon environment and entrepreneurship skills. Gain additional qualifications from the City and Guilds Employability suite of qualifications as mentioned in section E.1 Disseminate their experiences to others outlining the benefits of mobility visits. Have an enhanced CV to increase future job prospects. Increase participants motivation levels to take part in future mobility activities. The project had an impact at many levels including participant level, sectorial, regional and national, raising the profile of the education sector in particular apprenticeship opportunities though planned dissemination activities, and participants returning with increased confidence levels and skills sets which can be passed onto others. The longer term benefits of this project would be to bring pan European techniques into the local community thus increasing profitably and raising the profile of hair and beauty as a professional career path. Finally, we are hoping that a longer term benefit of this project will be to continue to raise awareness of mobility with Europe, thus increasing mobility numbers along with developing ISA international working and competitiveness within the Europaen market and support targets to breaking down barriers to apprenticeships inclusive of unrepresentative groups." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2016;2016-1-UK01-KA103-023628;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;"Context / Background of the project: Aberystwyth University (AU) is engaged in the Erasmus+ KA103 programme for student and staff mobility. We have run this programme through our international...";;;ABERYSTWYTH UNIVERSITY;UK;UK;309.288,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;not available;English;Aberystwyth University (AU) is engaged in the Erasmus+ KA103 programme for student and staff mobility. We have run this programme through our international office for the past three years. Through the implementation of the Erasmus programme at AU we assist in carrying out AU's Strategic Plan to increase internationalisation amongst students and staff, thereby empowering students to develop as independent learners in order to reach their full potential. We wish to embed a sense of global awareness and transversal skills by creating the opportunity to engage in international experience, whether through study or work experience. We wish to create a desire for exchange of ideas and best practice at all levels of our university. Objectives: To create greater awareness of life in a global context. To establish an appreciation for different cultures. To promote international experience as a key to greater personal enrichment. To promote cross-cultural awareness amongst incoming and outgoing students and staff. To increase foreign language fluency amongst our students and staff. To expand the student learning experience through encountering new teaching and learning methods, thus encouraging imaginative, free and critical thinking. To increase transversal skills, such as confidence, tolerance and problem-solving ability To offer international experience in order to increase graduate employability. To help add to the diversity of student and staff life experience. To increase international networking amongst students and staff. To promote the exchange of best practice and expertise in teaching and work methods. To share our global reputation in discovery, educational quality and innovation with the wider world via incoming student and staff mobility. To create an understanding of global challenges in order to drive positive change. To unlock individual potential in all, regardless of background, age, income, physical or learning difficulty.;"Number and Type/Profile of Participants: Total Student mobility: 105; Study: 57; Training: 48. Students from disadvantaged backgrounds: 39 / or 38% of the total student mobility cohort. Students with learning difficulties: 8; Total Staff mobility: 10; Teaching: 4; Training: 6; Description of Undertaken Activities - Student: Study exchange at a partner university. Traineeship within a private company as an integrated part of the degree. Traineeship within a private company for graduate work experience. Teaching assistant training in an EU school through the British Council. Studying a foreign language with the help of OLS. Description of Undertaken Activities - Staff: Teaching at a partner university. Job shadowing at an EU institution. Mutual exchange of knowledge and expertise. Results and Impact Attained: Our students have returned from their placements with a greater global mind-set. They reported that going on Erasmus mobility has increased their cultural awareness, their tolerance and problem solving abilities. Largely, they returned with better grades and an increased desire to succeed in their studies. The most striking result overall has been their increased self-confidence and their willingness to / ability to adapt and be more versatile. We have many testimonials from students overcoming the initial challenges they faced at the start of their placements and succeeding in not only surmounting these problems but embracing and growing from the experience. Many students when faced with the option to adapt or quit reported a sense of reward in discovering their ability to cope. This indicates an increase in their level of maturity with a greater respect for and understanding of different cultures. In the long term we expect our students to be a more motivated and mobile workforce with a heightened sense of their place in the world and their impact on the global stage. Longer-Term Benefits: The aims of Aberystwyth University's Strategic Plan to empower students to develop as independent learners in order to reach their full potential, to create well rounded individuals with a cross cultural and global outlook is realised in our Erasmus students. We embrace our visiting mobility students and encourage them to become part of the wider community. The impact both sets of mobility students have within the Aberystwyth community is clearly visible. Our county voted overwhelmingly to remain part of the European Union and I believe this is in part due to the Erasmus programme's influence in creating a more multicultural society. Through the E+ programme, we are creating global ambassadors and the future caretakers of society. We are successfully helping to forward the agenda to create a greater awareness of life in a global context by encouraging students and staff alike to explore the world outside their doorstep." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility between Programme and Partner Countries;2016;2016-1-UK01-KA107-023839;;;Project for higher education student and staff mobility between Programme Countries and Partner Countries;"Context/background: The University of Edinburgh (UoE) has participated in the Erasmus Programme since its inception in 1987, in Erasmus Mundus Joint Programmes since 2007 and in Erasmus Mundus ...";;;THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH;UK;UK;889.638,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;not available;English;"UoE was delighted to represent the UK at the 30th anniversary celebration of the Erasmus+ programme in Strasbourg and we were proud to be invited in recognition as the top sending and receiving organisation for student mobility in the UK, long-standing support and participation since 1987 and active participation in all available aspects of the programme including the 30th anniversary itself (Ruth Sinclair-Jones, Director, British Council). The University of Edinburgh has an ambitious Vision 2025 to offer all our students an international learning experience; enabling us to make a truly global impact. We have a shared vision with all our project partners to significantly grow the range of international experiences for our students and staff. Objectives: UoEs objectives are to increase its global engagement, working closely with partner institutions to develop regional engagement strategies. The project has significantly increased our ability to deepen those institutional links through student and staff mobility. The project has offered an increasing range of opportunities for students and staff to engage with international activities. Through Erasmus+ ICM, participants have had the opportunity to develop their critical skills, life skills and to ultimately improve their future career prospects and become engaged global citizens. Additionally, for staff it has created further teaching and training opportunities and has led to research and teaching collaborations. In particular, we have worked diligently with encouraging results to identify and motivate students from a widening participation background to engage with Erasmus+ ICM at partner institutions.";"The Erasmus+ ICM project achieved the following overarching results and impact. Firstly, the project has encouraged the development of UoEs exchange programme in each partner institution for staff and students. The addition of funding for staff has helped to further strengthen and enhance collaborative research and teaching practices. This project has had significant impact in the following areas: Developing and enriching academic communication at each institution by improving the skills and qualifications of staff and students through mobility; Fostering multicultural awareness and environment within each of the partner institutions; Enhancing the existing partnership between the UoE and our valued partners, by engaging in more intensive knowledge sharing and capacity development processes; Promoting European higher education in each of the regions and working towards creating internationally transferable educational policies and standards; Enhancing cooperation between UoE and its partners, promoting the internationalisation of higher education and skills by sharing the best practices in teaching, learning and research." Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2016;2016-1-UK01-KA201-024386;;;Stereotypes: Tackling Adverse representations in School;Each of the schools is located in a ethnically homogenous, economically underperforming and culturally traditional region and many of our students do not have experience of encounter individuals ...;EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education ...;;academy at shotton hall;UK;UK,HR,FI,PT,MT;172.460,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;Each of the schools is located in a ethnically homogenous, economically underperforming and culturally traditional region and many of our students do not have experience of encounter individuals who represent ethnographic diversity. The project is intended to challenge the widely held stereotypes our students encounter and often accept without question. We intend to focus on students aged between 11 and 14 and integrate the project work within the curriculum. Each school will offer participation in the project to all students within this age group.Because stereotyping and prejudice is such a wide ranging topic, we are going to focus on five key areas with each partner taking the lead in managing the project content, student activities and outputs. The principle stereotypes we have decided to focus on are Gender stereotypes, sexual identity stereotypes, racial stereotypes, religious stereotypes and migration stereotypes.The first transnational project meeting will coincide with a training event hosted by local authority equalities staff and community leaders who will provide training on strategies we can use to raise awareness of this topic.Each of the partners has a particular area of expertise, the Maltese teacher is experienced in web design and her role is to create a portal for displaying results.The Finnish teacher school are specialists in inclusive education and have a particular expertise in integrating students with learning difficulties into mainstream education. The Portuguese school has worked in partnership at local, regional, national and international projects (Comenius and LdV).They have a long history in Multimedia VET courses for high school students. This way they will be responsible for the disseminating the project results through video, audio and other multimedia formats.The Croatian school already have extensive experience of tackling stereotypes and has established contacts with the Red Cross. They have highly- developed communication, social and conflict- resolution skills, our teachers challenge stereotypes on a daily basis. These have primarily been focused upon stereotypes relating to Croatia's relationships with countries from the former YugoslaviaThe UK school has extensive experience of managing international projects, of keeping the project focus, of ensuring effective communication between partners.;"On completion of the project we will have created a public web site in which we will offer our outcomes to teachers and educators as a learning resource.Each school will collaborate to produce written schemes of work , printed activities, which are to be offered to other schools throughout Europe. This will be publicised on the public events forum on E Twinning.Public performances of poetry, drama and music which tackle stereotypes will be staged in our schools and recorded The schools will work n partnership with womens rights groups, LGBT groups such as Rainbow schools and Stonewall alliance as well as with local bodies representing diverse sections of our societies.From a project management perspective, all schools will work with local authorities, local employers and will consolidate their existing links with the press.E Twinning will be the means by which we maintain day to day communication and we will be offering participation in the project to schools outside of the Erasmus partnership. The medium term objective is to ensure our students can increase their respect for their fellow citizens.In the longer term we want to create a library resource of work challenging stereotyping, freely available to other schools.During the UK short term student study visit, the Academy at Shotton Hall will, in partnership with ""Durham Direct"" , organise a diversity conference.A monthly bulletin/newsletter will be prepared." Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-UK01-KA202-024286;;;Migrapreneurs - Entrepreneurial and Intrapreneurial Mindset Development for Highly Skilled Migrants in Europe;Migrapreneurs is a consortium of 5 partners from the UK, France, Turkey & Spain, all committed to promoting entrepreneurship and employability skills and with a specific interest in supporting mig...;Migrants' issues, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education;;THE UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD;UK;UK,FR,TR,ES;301.878,92;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;"Migrapreneurs is a consortium of 5 partners from the UK, France, Turkey & Spain, all committed to promoting entrepreneurship and employability skills and with a specific interest in supporting migrants in our communities and at a European level. | | Skills mismatch can contribute to unemployment and may reduce productivity and competitiveness. It appears in various forms such as skill shortages or gaps, but also applies to situations where the qualifications, knowledge and skills of an individual exceed the requirements of their job. Vertical mismatch, commonly referred to as over-education, occurs when an individual is employed in a job, which requires a lower level of education. Migrant workers are more likely to experience over-qualification. With the worsening refugee and migrant crisis across Europe and linked negative media coverage, partners in Migrapreneurs came together in 2016 to begin work, which could contribute to overcoming this issue. | The Migrapreneurs partnership believes that we, as an EC community, need to make sure that we make the most of migrants' skills and education and show the benefits they bring. Erasmus+ guidelines (2016) were updated to address issues around social cohesion and the integration of migrants. Education and youth work are key to prevent violent radicalisation by promoting common European values, fostering social integration, enhancing intercultural understanding and a sense of belonging to a community. | | Migrapreneurs aimed to contribute to this priority through the development of entrepreneurial and employability training and resources, which could help Europe to make the most of its highly skilled migrants and, as a result, enhance social inclusion and intercultural understanding. Migrants and people from ethnic minorities represent a considerable pool for entrepreneurship. | | The overall objective of Migrapreneurs was to better utilise the skills that highly skilled migrants bring into partner countries by fostering an entrepreneurial/intrapreneurial mindset within the target group. Through the project, we have provided an initial group of 152 migrants with the necessary skills and knowledge to improve their chances of finding employment that matches their skills and experiences or start a business instead. Through our other resources and sustainability work, we will continue to help that number grow. We have completed the following activities: | 1/ Reports (National and European) on the training needs of highly skilled migrants to develop entrepreneurial mindsets | 2/ Development of a Training Programme Entrepreneurial Journey for Highly Skilled Migrants, including the delivery of the programme as pilots in the UK, France, Spain and Turkey with 152 participants. | 3/ Development of a Training the Trainers Guide to accompany the Entrepreneurial Journey for Highly Skilled Migrants training programme | 4/ Development of a guide entitled, ""Transferring your Skills into Self-Employment: A Guide for Highly Skilled Migrants. | 5/ Development of a Policy Guide entitled, Developing Entrepreneurial and Intrapreneurial Mindsets: A Guide for Working with Highly Skilled Migrants. | 6/ Development of an E-Learning Hub providing access to a wider range of resources developed by the project as well as links to wider sources of information and support.";"The project has been successful in working directly with the main target group of un/under-employed Highly Skilled Migrants (those with a degree level or above qualification), who have been supported through the project to develop their skills and knowledge in terms of entrepreneurship/employability. Migrapreneurs provided access to specifically tailored training for over 150 members of the target group, which has helped them to develop their skills and knowledge of entrepreneurship and employability skills through both soft and hard skills units that helped them to understand whether entrepreneurship was right for them and, if so, to develop a business plan. 91% of participants reported that they felt more confident in their entrepreneurial skills following the programme. 91% said they were either very likely or likely to develop their start-up because of the training. | | The programme improved my negotiation, communication and problem-solving skills. | | The programme helped me be more creative and innovative. | | This program brought together an eclectic group of migrants and it was a real pleasure to | see and experience the development of such diverse projects in addition to my own. Migrapreneurs | taught me about business and diversity in a rich intercultural and fun way | | All the materials and resources produced by the Migrapreneurs project ( are freely available online and will continue to be maintained after the project so both migrants themselves and those working to support them, can continue to access our tools and use them to help more individuals grow and develop.| Results | Website | | | Feedback from participants | | Comparative Report on Pilot Training Programmes | Participant Feedback on E-Learning Hub | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Entrepreneurial Journey for Highly Skilled Migrants: Learner Pack EN | Entrepreneurial Journey for Highly Skilled Migrants: Learner Pack FR | Entrepreneurial Journey for Highly Skilled Migrants: Learner Pack ES | Entrepreneurial Journey for Highly Skilled Migrants: Learner Pack TR | Training the Trainers Guide to accompany ""Entrepreneurial Journey for Highly Skilled Migrants Training Programme"" EN | Training the Trainers Guide to accompany ""Entrepreneurial Journey for Highly Skilled Migrants Training Programme"" FR | Training the Trainers Guide to accompany ""Entrepreneurial Journey for Highly Skilled Migrants Training Programme"" ES | Training the Trainers Guide to accompany ""Entrepreneurial Journey for Highly Skilled Migrants Training Programme"" TR | Training the Trainers Workshop | ""Transferring Your Skills into Self-Employment: A Guide for Highly Skilled Migrants"" | ""Transferring Your Skills into Self-Employment: A Guide for Highly Skilled Migrants"" | Policy Guide: ""Developing Entrepreneurial Mindsets: A Guide for Working With Highly Skilled Migrants"" | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | Report on Training Requirements of Highly Skilled Migrants setting up in business/getting skills matched jobs | Community building tools | | E Learning Hub" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-UK01-KA202-024636;;;Exploring Blended Learning approaches for VET;There is a growing realisation that digital technology has a role to play within VET programmes and services. Many see such technologies as having the potential to enhance existing learning provis...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Open and distance learning;;BELFAST METROPOLITAN COLLEGE;UK;UK,EE,NL,IE,ES;238.680,87;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (tertiary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;There is a growing realisation that digital technology has a role to play within VET programmes and services. Many see such technologies as having the potential to enhance existing learning provision and in enabling new forms of learning, which are captured under the term Technology-enhanced Learning (TEL). However, the use of TEL across European VET providers is patchy and there is a lack of professional practice knowledge in relation to implementing fundamental change in the sector using approaches such as blended-learning. | | Blend4VET is a TEL project proposal focusing specifically on how blended-learning approaches can expand learning opportunities while also enhancing existing quality of learning programmes. By implementing and trying out different blended learning approaches project partners will learn from this experiment and take on board the key lessons for their organisations. | | Project objectives: | 1. Explore and document a process the VET provider should follow when moving an existing accredited programme to a blended model and develop a Toolkit to guide other VET providers in designing and implementing blended-learning approaches. | 2. Design and implement five blended learning units for different VET con-tent areas as part of existing accredited course for VET learners. | 3. Explore what implications blended-learning will have the VET institutions, the role of the VET tutor and learners. | 4. Enhance the professional practice knowledge of VET management, principals and teachers in relation to implementing blended-learning through engaging them in a dialogue and professional development activities. | 5. Explore how VET providers can work together to develop quality learning resources that can be used across VET programmes. | 6. Disseminate project outcomes across EU Member States. The project consortium is comprised of 6 organisations from 5 European countries bringing a wide range of technological and pedagogical knowledge and experience. The project partners are 5 VET organisations (Belfast Metropolitan College from Northern Ireland, City of Dublin ETB from Ireland, Koning Willem 1 College from the Netherlands, Tartu Vocational Education Centre from Estonia and Usurbil Vocational School from Basque Country in Spain) along with an e-Learning services and consultancy organisation, H2 learning from Ireland. Furthermore, the project is supported by two Associate Partners - BBC Northern Ireland and SOLAS Further Education and Training Authority in Ireland. | The Target group of the project are: | VET Senior management (internal and external stakeholders) | VET Principals | VET Teachers | VET Students | Employers | Private training providers | Awarding Bodies (state and private) | | This project will select 5 existing face-to-face accredited courses and identify elements that can be piloted in a blended way. The project will carry out an audit of what elements of the courses might work best online and then test this out with 10 teachers, 100 learners, employers and other stakeholders. | | The focus here is on experiencing how this can be done, by capturing the lessons learnt and in engaging with partner organisations to develop innovative solutions to the challenges encountered. The project will explore the change management process involved in implemented a more harmonised approach across VET institutions that will ultimately increase student retention rates, graduation rates and employment opportunities.;"The project will develop a number of outcomes: | 1. What constitutes good Blended Learning in VET? Module which will aim to prepare VET teachers from partner organisations to develop and design quality learning content that will be delivered in a blended way. | 2. Five VET blended learning units elements of accredited VET programmes which have been redesigned for blended learning and piloted in partner countries | 3. ""Building Capacity for Blended Learning - Leading Innovation and Change"" Module | 4. Case studies of blended learning in VET which will capture the process and the implications and the impact this new approach had on partner organisations, teachers, learners and employers. | 5. Toolkit for Blended Learning in VET which will guide other VET providers in designing and implementing blended-learning approaches | | The Toolkit will capture the process a VET provider should follow when moving an existing accredited programme to a blended model, where some elements are offered in a face-to-face setting and others are offered online.The experience from the project will inform the review and/or development of strategic of the VET organisations and will provide valuable knowledge on how to design and implement blended learning programmes within VET organisations. It will inform how VET providers should go about identifying programmes that lend themselves to a blended learning approach and how they can go about designing and implementing such programmes. Results | Website | | | Direct effect on participants and project partners | | Case Studies | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | BLEND4VET Toolkit - English version | BLEND4VET Toolkit - Estonian | BLEND4VET Toolkit - Spanish | Dissemination material | | website link to BLEND4VET website and accredited Blended Learning module link | Epale article | poster in English | poster in Estonian | poster in Spanish | Article sent to newspapers" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2016;2016-1-UK01-KA203-024452;;;Promoting excellence in employability and transversal skills;"Context/Background PEETS - Promoting Excellence in Employability and Transversal Skills (skills which are readily transferable and flexible) is our international 4-partner collaboration. PEETS c...";Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal), Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;THE GLASGOW CALEDONIAN UNIVERSITY;UK;UK,NL,FI;244.476,36;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;not available;;English;We wanted to develop an approach to teaching and learning around the concept of Global Citizenship using a sustainable development initiative that inspired our students and supported their graduation and employment. Central to this is working across disciplines and borders necessitating students developing transversal skills and engaging in teamwork and industry challenge. This concept arose out of informal networking across our universities with our industry partner, and led to the formation of our multi-disciplinary and international PEETS team (Figure 1). Led by GCU, the University of the Common Good, we created an Erasmus+ bid in 2015. We revised/enhanced this unsuccessful bid and successfully resubmitted in 2016. We operationalized PEETS through the following initial objectives: 1. Develop an online diagnostic tool (ICApp) to: a. Establish an understanding of the International Competencies (IC) required of graduates to the European renewables industry b. Enable students to diagnose and track their development in these competencies 2. Develop innovative learning approaches and resources to interdisciplinary and multicultural participation in a 'real world' renewable energy project where students could develop transversal skills including communication, team-working and leadership 3. Deliver an industry-informed, 10-day Intensive Study Period (ISP) for 42 multidisciplinary/international students (repeated and enhanced annually) 4. Evaluate the effect of these learning activities on students graduate job search strategies and first job after graduation 5. Develop a 5 ECTS credit module (integrated into partner institutions curricula). activities. Together we created industry informed, multidisciplinary and intercultural learning designs and resources to enhance the professional development of HEIs students and staff. This included: - designing learning activities and curricula to develop skills and competencies addressing labour market needs - enhance international exposure of students during their studies - develop multidisciplinary curricular activities - promote transfer of innovation in learning and teaching both within and outwith partner institutions - increase students understanding of different cultural activities - provide students with the opportunity to measure their journey travelled in the development of transversal skills - strengthen international cooperation between Higher Education and Industry. All objectives have been achieved with impact continuing to be created over an ever widening institutional, geographical and cultural area;"Outputs and results have been disseminated through a continually enhanced dissemination plan (E+ PR platform). This includes: successful delivery of an annual intensive study period (Scotland 2017, Finland 2018, the Netherlands 2019) with over 150 students, staff and external participants. presentations at over 20 international conferences in 3 continents. PEETS website, LinkedIn and Facebook groups. sharing of results on partners intranet. invited to write ""Blogs"" for Advance HE. selected as a best practice case study by British Council. Overall success of our project has been evidenced through : internal review and evaluation - eg participants completing pre and post ""transversal skills"" questionnaires. external independent review for each annual cycle. PEETS - shortlisted for the finals of the Scottish Green Energy Awards in 2017 and 2018. PEETS awarded with the prestigious Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence (Advance HE 2019). Results | Website | | | Feedback from participants | | Years 1-3 feedback | Indicative 360 degree survey | Pretest for participants | Feedback from year 2 | Feedback from year 1 | Combined feedback on student evaluations | Direct effect on participants and project partners | | External evaluation year 1 | External evaluation year 2 final | External evaluation year 3 | Evidence of impact of collaborative work | Impact PEETS has had on me | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Overview of year 1 VLE | Overview of year 2 | Overview of year 3 VLE | Module approval proforma | Module Descriptor | working for a green britain | Cares toolkit | skills and occupational needs in renewables | Skills gap survey scotland | Focus group wind energy | Information sets solar | Geothermal energy | Renewables in Finland | Ameland Presentation | ISP guide Finland | Marketing communication narrative | Assignment ISP3 | Personal branding | ISP information | Solar case study | Nocart presentation | Industry presentation | STARR presentation | Teamworking presentation | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | Skills gap survey responses | Checklist stakeholder consultation | ICC app questions | Dissemination material | | Internal Presentation to Glasgow Caledonian University | HEA presentation June 2017 | Advance HE presentation | Dissemination plan | Examples of dissemination | ICE presentation | Students study trips and employability | REALISE conference | Going Global Berlin 2019 | Making it real - enhancing the student experience | Businet Unite conference 2017 | PEETS Europe event | Interdisciplinary, international study visits | PEETS through International Collaboration | PEETS multiplier event | Press coverage | Advert for PEETS presentation in the Hague | Using short term mobility to increase overall mobility | Advance HE Presentation | T-shirt with PEETS participants and partners | Text of 1st press release | PEETS website | Organizational and working documents | | Example of minutes from management meeting | Dissemination activities | PEETS outline in graphics" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2016;2016-1-UK01-KA203-024648;;;Certificate in University Social Responsibility Auditing ;The European Students Sustainability Auditing (ESSA) project is a response to the developing commitment of higher education institutions and the growing interest of students in University Social R...;Recognition (non-formal and informal learning/credits), New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Recognition ...;;NATIONAL UNION OF STUDENTS (UNITED KINGDOM);UK;UK,BE,LT,PT;259.712,00;Yes;No;Non-governmental organisation/association/social enterprise;ONG;;;English;"The ESSA project empowers students as auditors of social responsibility using the Benchmark Standards. During the Erasmus+ funded period, participating students experienced a learner-centred training programme USR auditing followed by completing cross-national student audit of a European higher education institution. Participating students received an EQF Level 6 Certificate in Social Responsibility Auditing following satisfactory completion of the training programme, the audit and the Certificate requirements through a portfolio based assessment of learning. The objectives of the ESSA project have been to: Create an innovative approach to the recognition and validation of knowledge, skills (including soft skills) and competences; Produce a significant Open Educational Resource (OER) for a ECTS 5 Credit Certificate in Social Responsibility Auditing (EQF Level 6); Contribute to the wider process of developing alternative models of curriculum development. Project activities leading to the development of the OERs and the Certificate in Social Responsibility Auditing include: | Facilitator training programme (FTP) - The FTP is designed to prepare participants for the development and delivery of the ATP with students at their institution. The training was delivered in early 2017 with 20 participants from 5 partner organisations. The pedagogical strategies focused on during the training mirror those adopted in the ATP, and include promoting group work, debate, problem resolution and individual reflection. The key output from this activity is the facilitator training manual which has been re-formulated as a self-directed course which can be adopted and replicated beyond the Erasmus+ funding.";"Auditor training programme (ATP) - During the Erasmus+ funding period, 73 students completed the ATP, with 60 going on to complete an audit of a university partner against the Benchmark Standards for USR. The development of the training was led by Kaunas University of Technology. The programme was delivered in blended mode ahead of each of the four audits. The training is designed as a series of units, which can be delivered according to a flexible timetable, covering the following aspects: Introduction to the project; Audits and auditing; Benchmarking criteria; Methods in auditing and audits; Audit simulation; Reporting. The resources produced as part of the OERs include a manual to support facilitators in delivering the training, alongside student-facing training resources. Audits - Key milestones for the project were the design and delivery of four audits of HEIs across Europe. Each HEI project partner has been audited by a team of students, as well as King's College London who acted as a test for the model in a non-partner organisation. University staff arranged an intensive audit week with 60 students participating from the 3 partner universities. The audit week comprised of interviews, focus groups and documentary analysis followed by a presentation to key university stakeholders. After the audit, auditors produce a report detailing findings and recommendations for the university. A suite of resources are available for student auditors and university hosts to support delivery of an audit. Assessment - The assessment process is tightly integrated into the student learning journey, and covers the auditor training and audits. It is based on an reflective experiential learning approach, with assessment realised as a structured e-portfolio. The e-portfolio has been designed to support students surface, validate and justify their claims for learning and competence. All resources are available for use by universities across the EHEA. Results | Website | | | Direct effect on participants and project partners | | Certificate in Social Responsibility Auditing: Student achievements | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | European Students Sustainability Auditing: Facilitator Training Manual | European Students Sustainability Auditing: Auditor Training Programme | European Students Sustainability Auditing: Audit manuals | European Students Sustainability Auditing: Assessment and Certification Manual | Benchmark Standards for University Social Responsibility | Community building tools | | ESSA project: Social media platforms | Dissemination material | | ESSA Project: Infographic report | European Students Sustainability Auditing: Website | ESSA Project: Social media" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for youth;2016;2016-2-CZ01-KA205-024360;;;Community building lab;The project aims to respond to the numerous initiatives of young people who are involved in building of communities, in the creation of an inclusive environment, engaging marginalized groups and a...;Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy) ...;;NESEHNUTI;CZ;CZ,SK;122.366,00;Yes;No;Civil Society Organisation;Asociacin;;;English;The project aims to respond to the numerous initiatives of young people who are involved in building of communities, in the creation of an inclusive environment, engaging marginalized groups and actually volunteerin in the refugee crisis. In cooperation with experienced partner organizations from Slovakia, we project to offer innovative tools such as e-community, e-library, learning exchanges, counter narratives and slow hackathon within online web platform. These tools will be used to maximum support, training and development, networking and creative inspiarcy for target groups - young people, grassroots initiatives, youth workers. The project involves contemporary Czech and Slovak youth initiatives in educational action so thus their needs will be sufficiently analyzed. They will also provide a very detailed knowledge of local communities, cases and problems. All materials and activities outputs from the work of initiatives during the project will then serve as a source for the main outputs. Total project addresses around 8,000 people. The project will involve directly 20 representatives of initiatives from the Czech Republic and Slovakia and an additional 160 people during dissemination events.;"Results | Website | | | Direct effect on participants and project partners | | Social Good Hackathon | Community building tools | | E-Library - The Community Guide ""Change Begins Together"" | E-Library - P_ru_ka ""Zm_na za_n spolu"" | E-Communities - Mapa iniciativ | Learning Exchange | Others | | Counter Narratives | Counter Narratives | Counter Narratives | Counter Narratives | Counter Narratives" Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-2-DE03-KA101-034885;;;Von Europa lernen- unser Weg zur Europaschule;" The educational staff at our school is confronted with an extreme level of heterogeneity of students, a growing number of migrants from all over Europe and even refugees which have to be incl...";Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Inclusion - equity;;Europaschule Grundschule Sudenburg;DE;DE,EL,AT,DK;18.179,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;The educational staff at our school is confronted with an extreme level of heterogeneity of students, a growing number of migrants from all over Europe and even refugees which have to be included. Therefore we are forced to change the learning environment to offer suitable conditions and enrich school life for all our learners and the staff at the same time. The main aim is to help our teachers and staff include and motivate the many students that were born in other countries now living in Magdeburg within the local area of our school. We try to create an international sense of identity. Our staff is already used to take part in international projects and willing to go on working in those. The participating colleagues are teachers of Ethics, physical education and English as well as additional pedagogical staff which is responsible for the development of childrens competences in the morning and in afternoon activities. | The aims are: | | 1.Finding inspiration for the development of our school by looking at other schools ideas and ways of teaching(Job Shadowing) | 2.Encouraging a change in thinking at teachers and staff through exchange | 3.Improve open-mindness and willingness to try new things by experiencing exchange among teachers | 4. Improve the foreign language skills of the teachers of English as the basis for a high quality language teaching | 5.Serve as role models to our students and parents and open them to international exchange and acceptance of interculturalism. | 6.Better preparation of the transitions of students (Kindergarten-primary school and primary school-secondary school) | 7. Improving teaching methods and to enrich the quality of school routine by introducing modern methods | 8.The consideration of the holistic nature of teaching and learning processes, compliance with the different individual potentials of students and educators as well as the complex cognition of people (students, parents and teachers) and their needs. | 9. promote inclusion in education | 10.To go on becoming a school with an official European profil (title: Europaschule);We want to keep in contact using Skype, E-Mails, Facebook and practice our partnerships and maybe find new ones for echanging ideas in the future. The learning results will be presented on team meetings, discussed and when possible transferred within our school routine. Project results will be shown on our school homepage and on eTwinning. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-2-DE03-KA101-035033;;;Ich - Du - Wir - Sprechen immer und berall!;Three colleagues and the head of our school who are working with nonverbal students and who are highly motivated for new technologies in ICT, participated in structured courses in Iceland, Ireland...;Disabilities - special needs, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Access for disadvantaged;;Adolf-Rebl-Schule;DE;DE;14.234,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;Three colleagues and the head of our school who are working with nonverbal students and who are highly motivated for new technologies in ICT, participated in structured courses in Iceland, Ireland, Austria, Spain and Latvia. All 6 mobilities were realized as granted ((future learning with ipads, digital learning, e-learning for use in Schools, European diversitiy and inclusion, Development of leadership-competences). The colleagues travelled in pairs, to exchange and discuss their experiences and impressions. The main target was to develop the supported communication with digital device of ICT. The mobilities effected various impulses creating lessons with iPads in multiple ways. Our colleagues developed a concept for supported communication. It includes a communication portfolio for each nonverbal student describing his communication level and defining his IT device. The level of communication skills is described as well as the kind of using ICT-media. Now the curricula communication is stronger connected in aspects of nonverbal communication with ICT.;The course results and travel impressions were shared with the whole school family. A positive attitude of opening and welcoming for European guests and traveling with students was arising and is still obviously. In the same time the motivation and courage increased to participate in a new Erasmus-project. Furthermore intensive contacts to a school in Spain were ensued. A spontaneous visit of a Spanish teacher in Germany was created. More ipads were bought and equipped with specific communication-apps. With the augmenting use of ipads in lessons the interest of getting new impressions and exchange from other schools grew up. A further applification on base of job shadowing was forced and already granted. | The head of school took part in a helpful English-course on Malta and in two further courses (school system in Spain and inclusion). More trust in speaking english and also in the subjects specific vocabulary was developed. The contact and the meetings with European colleagues were highly effecting. Thanks to her new contacts job-shadowings (one week school visits) were provided for the follow-up applification. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for youth;2016;2016-2-EL02-KA205-002486;;;E___________ ________ ___ _________ _________________ ___ _____ (Social entrepreneurship and educational practices for young people);"Context The last decade, two unexpected things happened in Europe: a financial crisis and a significant rising of unemployment (especially in youth). In this context social entrepreneurship was r...";Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;UNIVERSITY OF MACEDONIA;EL;EL,UK,AT,PL,PT;100.074,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;Context | The last decade, two unexpected things happened in Europe: a financial crisis and a significant rising of unemployment (especially in youth). In this context social entrepreneurship was risen as a sustainable solution for economy and an answer to the new needs that widely appeared. The SE+ED project, on one hand, draws on the social entrepreneurship tradition and at the same time offers a new perspective bringing together five different countries (Austria, Portugal, Poland, UK, Greece) with different cultures, needs and experiences of economic recession. On the other hand, fosters the exchange of educational practices, sharing ideas and know-how, active involvement of youth and raise awareness about social entrepreneurship. | | Objectives | The main objective is to promote entrepreneurship education and social entrepreneurship among young people focusing in innovation, creativity, active citizenship and use of digital media. | More specific: | - reinforcing cooperation of different institutes (Universitites, NGOs, SMEs) | - training young people in application of innovative methodological tools of digital entrepreneurship | - creating and applying original ideas by young participants in local social enterpises | - disseminating the projects results in an international conference with wide participation of young people and social enterprises across Europe | - empowering the sense of community and sharing among European citizens | | Partners | Five partners from five different countries are participating in SE+ED project. | 1. Univeristy of Macedonia (Greece): a public higher education institution (tertiary level) located in Thessaloniki. UoM is focusing in lifelong learning and responsible entrepreneurship and empowering youth in entrepreneurship and innovation as well as support counseling schemes. | 2. MBM Training and Development Centre (UK): an international agent working on lifelong learning. The MBM TD Centre for Social Entrepreneurship acts as a network hub and fosters innovative social transformation through education, research, and collaboration. | 3. Gain & sustain: europe (Austria): a youth organisation that aims to support social, economic and ecological sustainability in Europe and developing countries worldwide. | 4. ECOS Cooperativa de Educao Cooperao e Desenvolvimento (Portugal) is promoting non-formal education with expertise on participatory-based project development involving young people and decision makers on local or regional level. | 5. University of Rzeszw (Poland): a public higher education institution (tertiary level) that develops research projects and participates in various educational programmes important for South-Eastern Poland development. | | Main activities | - Transnational Meeting: held in Klagenfurt, Austria (28/01/17), hosted by gain & sustain, 11 representatives participated. Main aims: discussion and clarification of the research project, planning the training and the conference. | - Learning Activity: a 5 day Training Course held in Thessaloniki, Greece (20-24/03/17), hosted by University of Macedonia. 25 young participants, 5 partner countries. Lectures, workshops, methodological applications on Social Entrepreneurship, digital tools, research tools. | - Multiplier Event: an International Conference held in Portimo, Portugal (11/09/17), hosted by ECOS in cooperation with DYPALL Network. Main aim: the Intellectual Outputs presentation and the final evaluation.;Results | - Web-Portal/Forum: website for documenting SE+ED activities, uploading educational and informative material, promoting interaction among all stakeholders. Keeping the material up-to-date is a long-term goal. | - Webinars on Social Entrepreneurship: a series of online courses (educational videos) on SE. The content is based on the lectures and workshops of the training course. The supplementary material (EU documents, presentations or references) that accompanies the educational videos aims to help the young social entrepreneurs around Europe to benefit from the webinars even more. | - e-Book: a digital book in two parts. The first part is based on the preliminary research of young participants in each partner-country about the SE context and legislation, practices of non-formal and formal education, resources and tools to support SE. The second part consists of various case studies conducted by the young participants at local social enterprises and showcases the young participants innovative action-plans implemented to improve the business model of the studied enterprise. The e-Book will be used as teaching material in academic modules by the participating Universities. | Results | Website | | | Without category | | Web-Portal | Online Forum | SE+ED e-book | Educational videos on Social Entrepreneurship | Funding application | SE+ED photobook | Learning activity poster | Conference poster | SE+ED blog | Facebook page | SE+ED logo Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2016;2016-2-ES01-KA102-035108;;;EUROPEN WORK TRAINING EXPERIENCE;"The Erasmus + project ""European Work Training Experience"" has been carried out according to the guidelines established in the application. PREVIOUS PHASE: INFORMATION AND DISCLOSURE OF THE PROJEC...";Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;IES San Juan de la Rambla;ES;ES,IT;19.100,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"The Erasmus + project ""European Work Training Experience"" has been carried out according to the guidelines established in the application. | PREVIOUS PHASE: INFORMATION AND DISCLOSURE OF THE PROJECT: Informative meetings were held for potential participants. The project objectives, selection criteria, deadlines for submitting applications and the selection process according to the criteria established in the proposal were presented. All this information was also disseminated through the website of the specific center for Erasmus. - Project objectives: In summary we could highlight the improvement of key professional and linguistic skills, business initiative, improvement of employment possibilities, improvement of ICTs in the teaching-learning process, development of personal and professional skills, adaptation to new work situations, empowerment of innovation processes in the teaching activity, improvement of educational quality, reinforcement of cooperation between the training sector and the labor market - Process of selection of participants: After the selection process developed during the month of January 2017, 3 male students of the CFGM Microinformatics Systems and Networks and two students of the CFGM Exploitation and Conservation of the Natural Environment were beneficiaries. The selection process for the teaching staff was carried out during the month of November since for organizational reasons it was agreed that the mobilities of the faculty were carried out in December with the faculty for the new course. In this way the results and benefits expected after participating in the project, could be better used in this course 17/18. The participant profiles to which it was addressed were students of the 2nd year of the center's cycles (Use and conservation of the natural environment, micro-computer systems and networks); and on the other side teachers of professional training of the center. In total, 5 places were offered for students and 2 for teachers. - Preparatory phase of the participants: With the definitive list of participants, meetings were held to inform about the legal aspects, rights and duties, assumed commitments, training programs, etc. They were also advised on the necessary and recommended documentation (health card, insurance, etc.), as well as other important aspects for the day to day in the host country, in this case Italy (city of Rimini, in the case of students, and Massa and Lucca in the region of Tuscany in the case of teachers). Contact information was provided for both the residence hall and the reception companies and their tutors. -Phase of management of the practical dispositions of the project: The Erasmus committee of the center managed the following aspects as established in the application: - Insurance of the participants. - Provision of the OLS platform for linguistic preparation. - Agreements with the intermediary agency to search for the most suitable company for each profile. - Accommodation. - Preparation of all relevant documentation (training agreements, quality commitments, agreements between participants and the center, agreements between participants and host companies). - Local ticket and transport management.";"ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT: 5 places for stays of students of FP in companies abroad; 2 places for Mobility for personnel for training. The tasks performed were those specified in the training plan agreed upon for each participant, and are related to their professional profiles according to the evaluation criteria of the FCT modules of each cycle. There were also cultural visits and language improvement sessions. - Mobility flow phase: The student mobility dates were from 04/11/2017 to 06/19/2017; and for the teaching staff from 12/12/2017 to 12/18/2017. The final host companies were: - CFGM Use and conservation of the natural environment: Sartini F.lli e Figli Societ Agricola S.S. (2 students) - CFGM Microcomputer Systems and Networks: Istituto professionale statale per l'industria and l'artigianato Leon Battista Alberti (1 student), ITTS ""Odone Belluzzi - Leonardo da Vinci"" (2 students). - Teaching staff: Istituto Tecnico Agrario ""N. Brancoli Busdraghi"" (FP center specialized in the agrarian family), Istituto Istruzione Superiore ""A. Meucci ""(FP center with the computer science branch) The activities were of job-shadowing, cultural visits and exchange of experiences with the teachers of the centers visited. - RESULTS: Improvement of linguistic competence, management of their academic-professional careers, improvement of personal and professional skills, improvement of educational quality, improvement in training plans, opening of the center abroad, contacts for new collaborations." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility between Programme and Partner Countries;2016;2016-2-IE02-KA107-000488;;;Project for higher education student and staff mobility between Programme Countries and Partner Countries;The International Education Division (IED) at the University of Limerick (UL) coordinated this 2016 Round 2 ICM project in conjunction with 20 partner universities across 10 countries (Russian Fed...;;;UNIVERSITY OF LIMERICK;IE;IE;198.269,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;not available;English;The overall objective of the project was in line with ULs strategic plan, Broadening Horizons 2015-2019, which aims to raise the international profile of UL, through connecting with global communities. Central to all partners needs was the internationalisation of the curriculum, the formation of strategic alliances to increase student and staff mobility opportunities and to expose staff and students to new cultures and environments. This project allowed all partners to gain experience and identify best practices and innovations from the international arena to impact positively on the institutions. It has led to the development of a network of international partners to benchmark research activities against the highest international standards contributing to the development of the regions and the nations. Partnership was central to this project, which allowed for mutually beneficial experiences and results for all participating universities, students and staff. The universities have cemented a strong relationship, increased their profiles at international level, created a sustainable contribution to the internationalisation of the curriculum through visiting lecturers, introduced new cultural perspectives into the universities and exposed students to diverse cultures giving an enhanced learning experience. Further concrete areas for future collaboration were identified, for example curriculum mapping was undertaken with Russia and Georgia to investigate the possibility of sending undergraduate students.;Students have been extremely positive of their participation. They recognise that the experience of studying abroad enhances employability and characteristics related to global citizenship, with a prolonged stay in another country which involves day-to-day interaction with local people, a different academic system and a very different political, economic and social environment. For example, PhD students from Belarus and Tunisia who had never travelled abroad to study previously had the opportunity to participate in the programme. Staff members reported positive experiences teaching in a new environment and gain new skills in the areas of intercultural communication and cultural diversity. They developed skills in adapting and incorporating the most innovative teaching methods into their courses and modules and shared this with colleagues at their home university. It is expected that the exchange of staff will lead to further joint projects under Erasmus+ particularly capacity building in higher education projects. Results also included joint PhD supervision, joint publications and the development of plans in preparation for Serbia becoming a programme country in the Erasmus+ Programme in the area of music. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2016;2016-2-NL02-KA105-001350;;;From Prejudice to Discrimination: how to take the step backwards and learn from European cultural diversity?;The project aims at raising awareness on the issue of discrimination among European youngsters. Participants with various European backgrounds will come together in an informal environment, learni...;Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy) ...;;Foundation Netherlands-Romania;NL;NL,IS,PL,RO,RU;31.394,00;Yes;No;Foundation;Fundacin;;not available;English;"The project aims at raising awareness on the issue of discrimination among European youngsters. Participants with various European backgrounds will come together in an informal environment, learning from each others cultures while developing creative tools for fighting discrimination in youth work. The tools resulting at the end of the project should contribute to diminishing the impact of negative attitudes which often lead to discrimination.We noticed that youngsters become more aware of the roots of discrimination, when they come in direct contact with each other. After spending time together, they develop a more realistic image about the others and formulate lessons from which very many could learn, such as the example below:""What became clear to me, is that we could solve a lot of problems, if we work together. Discrimination is preventing us from doing that right now. People have a lot of prejudices about other countries, and about people that theyve never met. To have a good future and live peacefully together on one continent, we need to diminish discrimination. An easy task? No. But this project made me feel very positive about it, and I think it must be possible"". (W. Kalkman, participant to a youth exchange in The Hague, in 2015).Through their work in a non-formal learning atmosphere, participants to the programme will try to answer the main question in the title of the project: ""From Prejudice to Discrimination: how to take the step backwards and learn from European cultural diversity?"". The project combines two activities under the same mobility: a youth exchange and a training. Both activities end with achieving a concrete goal, as a direct result of the learning outcomes and daily experience exchanges. The main objective of the youth exchange is to produce ten collages and gather them in a e-brochure which will also include the video links from the presentations of the collages. The e-brochure aims at presenting creative thinking and it can be used as an inspiration source in youth work, promoting creativity exercises as a tool for fighting discrimination.Based on the results of the exchange, participants to the training will have to turn the 10 collages into a card game. The game is also meant as a tool of fighting discrimination in a creative and positive manner, exploiting and exploring the suggestions proposed by youngsters themselves. The exchange will take place in The Hague during a period of seven days, between 23 and 29 September 2016 (excluding traveling). It will be attended by 35 people from five countries: Romania, Poland, Iceland, Russia and The Netherlands. Each national group will be formed from 6 youngsters (aged between 15 and 19) and 1 group leader - in total 7 participants from each participating country.The training will also take place in The Hague, during a period of five days, between 3 and 7 December 2016 (excluding arrival and departure). It will be attended by 23 participants (aged above 18) from Romania, Poland, Russia, Iceland and The Netherlands. For the youth exchange, participants will be selected on the base of several criteria agreed with the partners: interest in international projects and learning about other countries, age, gender, frequency of traveling abroad.";"The participants to the training will be selected from people involved in working with youth during non-formal and outside school activities: youth workers, youth leaders, youth programme managers, youth policy makers or youngsters active in the field of youth work.We want to combine the two activities in one project as we think it is equally important for youngsters to understand that people have negative attitudes, to explore discrimination and develop skills to combat it, as it is for youth workers to recognise discriminatory attitudes, to challenge them and to become aware of their negative consequences in youth work.The working methods used during the project will be: thematic workshops, team work, icebreakers, energizers, discussions, individual work, exercise, presentations, experience exchange, creativity techniques, filming, simulation, role-play, outdoor activities, open space, reflection, documentation all with the aim of learning by experience while keeping balance between theory and practice.The products created by participants working together will no doubt leave impact on the way they will be thinking about people from other countries. They will better understand how discrimination works and will develop innovative skills to tackle it in the future. They will become aware of the chances offered by Erasmus+ programme.As longer time benefits for our organization, we want to:- acquire new skills for innovation and creativity;- kick-off a new project, following upon past activities;- develop new tools for youth work;- raise international cooperation in the field of youth to a new level, by including Iceland and Russia as new partners." Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for youth;2016;2016-2-TR01-KA205-036191;;;Social Entrepreneurship for Young Community Media Makers;The SEYMM project idea is to develop new educational modules for young members of local communities in the area of community media technical skills, entrepreneurship skills, management of the coll...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;EGE UNIVERSITY;TR;TR,PT,BG;210.284,64;Yes;No; Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;not available;English;"The SEYMM project idea is to develop new educational modules for young members of local communities in the area of community media technical skills, entrepreneurship skills, management of the collaborative involvement of community, members, and target groups. Social Entrepreneurship for Young Community Media Makers (SEYMM) Project aims to be in line with the recent media literacy strategies to increase access to media training opportunities, media skills training and to hands-on coaching in media tools. SEYMM Project involves three partners from the countries of Turkey, Portugal and Bulgaria, all of which have experience in volunteering and youth training. The duration of SEYMM is 30 months with start date 01/09/2016 and end date 28/02/2019. | | OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT | Development of innovation | Promoting enterpreneurship education and social entrepreneurship among young people | Promoting high-quality of youth work | Transparency and recognition of skills and qualifications to facilitate learning, employability and labour mobility | Strengthening the media and entrepreneurial activities of the participants. | Creating Europeon network to develop further innovative projects. | Enterpreneurial learning-entrepreneurship education. | ICT-new technologies-digital competences. | New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses. | | OUTCOMES OF THE PROJECTS | | The SEYMM project has four main intellectual outputs: | Community Media Training Framework Report; It includes the youth pedagogical framework and specic learning outcomes which are expected to be achieved by the young people at the end of the training process. | Community Media And Social Entrepreneurship Training Curriculum; The results of the research outputs will lead to the development of concrete learning material which will form the basis of the e-learning curriculum. | E-learning Modules With Practical Exercises; The main aim of this intellectual output is the design and imple- mentation of training contents and methodologies for active usage of community media and social entrepreneurship competences of young people. | Assessment And Impact Scales Strategy; The aim of this intellectual output is undertaking activities to create assessment scales, observation checklist and impact tools which will ensure the gathering of feedback in terms of effectiveness, engagement and level of achieved learning goals and learning outcomes. | | NUMBER AND PROFILE OF PARTICIPATING ORGANISATIONS; | EGE UNIVERSITY SEYMM project coordinator | Ege University is a 64 year-old State University that acts as a focal point for education, research, cultural and social activities in the city of Izmir and the Aegean region. | | CONSULTIS Consultoria Empresarial, Unipessoal Lda. | Consultis is a private limited company located in Vila Nova de Gaia. It was founded in 2005 to work in the field of entrepreneurship consultancy, innovation and specialized research, as well as education/training activities | | ZGURA-M Ltd. | ZGURA-M is a consulting enterprise with centre for information and professional orientation, having its activities fully directed towards people with disabilities and young people. The company was established in 2000 in Plovdiv, Bulgaria and up to this moment in their education, training and consulting activities they involved more than 7000 beneficiaries. | | DESCRIPTION OF UNDERTAKEN MAIN ACTIVITIES; | 1. Partners agreements,steering commitee | 2. Quality and Dissemination Strategy | 3. National advisory boards in each partner country/ five meetings each. | 4. Community Media Training Framework Report (IO1) | 5. Seven TPM meetings | 6. Community Media and Social Entrepreneurship Training Curriculum (IO2) | 7. E-Learning Modules with Practical Exercises (E-Platform) (IO3) ( | 8. Assesment and Impact Scale Strategy (IO4) /internal evaluation | 9. Pilot Trainings in each partner country. | 10. Three Blended Mobiliy Activity in each partner country (LTA1, LTA2 and LTA3) | 11. Dissemination activities through conventional and digital media | 12. Multiplier Event in Turkey";IF RELEVANT, LONGER-TERM BENEFITS: | Improvement of skills of youth in community media | Enabling youth to create their own community media enterprises | Combating indiffirence and marginalization of young people | Providing innovative Community Media training options. | In line with Europe 2020 strategy on education to encourge the ICT literals to continue their education on the web | In line with the strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training(ET2020) | In line with EU values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities, includes impact on widening the possibility of participation in easly accessible education options. | Increasing social well-being of youth and active media literate citizens. | Creating a multiplier efect by producing e-training materials. | Results | Results for this project are not available. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility between Programme and Partner Countries;2016;2016-2-UK01-KA107-034978;;;Project for higher education student and staff mobility between Programme Countries and Partner Countries;The project contributed to achieving the strategic goals of the Partner Universities by (i) creating knowledge for sustainable social and individual development and (ii) providing education (knowl...;;;BUCKINGHAMSHIRE NEW UNIVERSITY;UK;UK;69.596,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;not available;English;The project contributed to achieving the strategic goals of the Partner Universities by (i) creating knowledge for sustainable social and individual development and (ii) providing education (knowledge transfer) to socially responsible graduates. The project established closer cooperation links with partner universities, and also contributed to the training and teaching of their academic staff and skill transfer, as well as the establishment of the cooperation in the field of Master education. The academic mobility was oriented towards teaching assignments, but also to the training of the academic staff. The training was carried out in the form of teaching observations, discussions with colleagues, teaching of similar courses at the host institution related to the curriculum (e.g. content of courses, literature used, methodology), participation in academic events at the host institution, seminars, open lectures, individual work in the library and, where relevant, field trips. The teaching was carried out in accordance with the stipulations of the project scheme and in the form of teaching in existing courses at the host institution compatible with the expertise of the academics participating in the mobility. The student mobility was based on the bilateral exchange of master students both ways between BUCKS and Partner Universities in the second year of their project. Participant students were engaged to follow the courses taught at the host university and worked on their dissertation research towards the fulfillment of the requirements for the completion of their study program. During their mobility, students at host universities were registered as exchange students and had access to all services and facilities available to all exchange students at a given institution. Three students and 12 academic staff were involved in the project learning mobility exchange. All partners were involved subsequently in developing new projects under the Erasmus + call on capacity building for developing new MA programs on tourism management and entrepreneurship, tourism and management. | In Ukraine, the project contributed to the enhancement of the professional development of staff members of the Kharkov National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture and Kharkiv National University of Economics. In Montenegro, Donja Gorica University staff were enabled by the project to further their professional skills in management areas. | Members of staff involved in the project have significantly developed their ability of promoting innovation, entrepreneurship and commercialisation of research results among 185 Master and 72 PhD students at both partner institutions.;An important achievement that was not initially planned was the development through bilateral cooperation of an English Learning Portal to support members of staff of Partmer institutions and students to enhance their language proficiency. The e-learning portal is being currently used by 42 members of staff in partner institutions in order to pass the B2 English Exam. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2016;2016-3-AT02-KA105-001699;;;eljub E-Book Woche 2017;The 2017 eljub E-Book Week continued a European project held annually since 2013. The eljub E-Book Week 2017 was open to 50 young people from eight different European countries to promote networki...;Inclusion - equity, Creativity and culture, Youth (Participation ...;;pilgern & surfen melk;AT;AT,HU,DE,RO,CZ,BG,PL;20.244,00;Yes;No;Publically funded cultural organizations;Asociacin;;;English;"The 2017 eljub E-Book Week continued a European project held annually since 2013. The eljub E-Book Week 2017 was open to 50 young people from eight different European countries to promote networking and interaction. The focus was on the exchange of ideas and experience on project days that take place in Krems an der Donau/ Lower Austria and Vienna. eljub E-Book Week offeres young people from many countries the opportunity to appreciate and learn more about Europes shared heritage by focusing on writing and media. The focal point was intercultural interaction and the experience of European heritage. At the same time, eljub E-Book Week promoted greater awareness of the potential for communication through digital media and helps young people to become proactive in their own environment: they gained positive experience throughout the eljub E-Book Week about the reality of integration, as well as learning to treat media both playfully and with a critical and alert | approach. | | eljub E-Book Week was oriented to the practical lifeworld that young people experience in Europe today in almost all countries. Virtually every youngster has a smartphone and uses the internet for everyday purposes. Yet there is often a wide range of varied perceptions of Europes shared heritage. Nonetheless, they all participated in eljub E-Book Week to gain experience together with young people from other countries, to develop perspectives for their future and to establish | networks. The agenda for eljub E-Book Week combined these aspects; it comprised jointly organized learning days as well as workshops, seminars and meetings with European literature and media experts. Young people were assisted to devise the structure of meetings and events as well as with transnational, constructive collaborative work. This was achieved during the project-week in July 2017 with small groups with a mix of participants who create an e-book which is available both in digital | format as well as a print version. The entire project was based on interactive and practical work and is developed in joint dialogue. The social programme was also important and involved local and regional partners offering young people activities in the field of sports, culture and art. eljub E-Book Week promoted and structured the intellectual exchange between young people from different countries. The young adults were supervised by experts from the Literaturhaus Europa to adopt a critical | approach to our new digital world of knowledge, readership and communication; moreover, they were encouraged to set up sustainable networking structures. They were offered creative learning options concerning the current journalistic, intellectual and political situation in Europe. The special focus was clearly on the dimension of integration and shared heritage. Respectful and appreciative behaviour was also a practical aspect here as well as learning more about Europes social basic values (freedom, democracy, respect for human rights, the rule of law and tolerance).";Since 2015, the eljub E-Book Weeks have been significantly expanded. Funded by the EU Programme Erasmus + Structured Dialogue, eljub organizes the Dialogue Conferences in which young adults from different countries devise questions, criticisms and suggestions or in discussion with decision-makers from the youth | sector get to know more about practical measures to implement political policies. The questions posed to decision-makers are in each case based on texts compiled during the eljub E-Book Week. This interlocking of content compiled during the eljub E-Book Week and the eljub Dialogue conferences has proved highly productive. In 2017, for the first time the eljub E-Book Week was held at the same time as a workshop as part of eljub Dialogue about the values in a globalized world. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for youth;2016;2016-3-AT02-KA205-001739;;;Supporting Innovative models for Deaf youth Empowerment ;In Europe, about 900.000 people are deaf or hard of hearing and struggle with negative preconceptions of the hearing society. Consequently, they encounter a variety of barriers during their formal...;Disabilities - special needs, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Open and distance learning;;Auxilium pro Regionibus Europae in Rebus Culturalibus;AT;AT,CY,IT,SK;186.598,00;Yes;No;Non-governmental organisation/association/social enterprise;ONG;;;English;In Europe, about 900.000 people are deaf or hard of hearing and struggle with negative preconceptions of the hearing society. Consequently, they encounter a variety of barriers during their formal education and especially during the transition from education to work. | To face this social and workforce exclusion, a multidisciplinary partnership consisting of pedagogical and education experts, youth and Deaf youth associations as well as a higher education institution assembled to develop Supporting Innovative models for Deaf youth Empowerment (SIDE). Together, these six partner organisations from four EU countries reached the following achievements, while including hearing and deaf persons in their team: | | 1) A research study that combined desk research about the situation of Deaf youth in the partner countries (AT, CY, IT, SK) with interviews with the direct target audience to ensure a real life insight in their daily life including barriers, potential skill gaps and preferred ways of learning. As relevant data on Deaf youth is available, this study may serve as base for future initiatives for the same target group, in the partner countries and even beyond. The full study is available in English, executive summaries have been developed in ENG, GER, ITA, GRE, SVK. Furthermore, video reports in national sign languages have been published. | | 2) A training for empowerment curriculum that is transversal and supporting of the needs and demands of the Deaf youth community. While being specific in general pedagogical approach, objectives and learning outcomes, the curriculum allows trainers to set an individual focus that caters the needs of their target group. This is especially relevant, since Deaf communities differ from country to country, and a training should always be oriented on the competences and the resources of the participants. Concise guidelines for trainers support this approach even further. The curriculum and the guidelines are available in ENG, GER, ITA, GRE, SVK, and could be easily transferred to other settings and other special needs target groups. | | 3) A SIDE blended learning model that combines training activities in face-to-face settings with online activities for self-study. The SIDE Model consists of a comprehensive handbook for trainers compiling four modules: M1: Development of teamwork, self-confidence and personal skills through visual languages and arts. M2: How to identify possible employment. M3: How to prepare your applications. M4: How to prepare and conduct a job interview. All modules cater to the creative potential of Deaf learners and enhance their key competences by working with visual languages and arts. The handbooks are available in ENG, GER, ITA, GRE, SVK. | | 4) Complementary to the SIDE blended learning approach, the SIDE e-learning platform was established on Moodle, featuring all online activities in all partner languages and in English. The access is open and free. Anyone who is interested may access the Moodle platform via the SIDE website and request a log-in key free of charge. | | 5) To test the SIDE blended learning model and the curriculum, a training activity (LTTA) was implemented with hearing and deaf trainers from the partner organisations. These trainers later implemented national pilot trainings with Deaf youth. The LTTA and the pilot phases were evaluated in terms of their relevance, applicability and sustainability and one evaluation report has been developed for each. | | 6) After all outputs and pilot phases have been finished, national workshops were implemented to further multiply the SIDE impact among relevant stakeholders and beneficiaries. | | 7) Due to extensive dissemination efforts of all partners, the SIDE project involved 420 participants with fewer opportunities actively in the project, reached 2006 Deaf Youth education and training providers and trainers, 7238 stakeholders, 8091 persons in Deaf communities and 60937 others during the projects lifetime (overall: 78692). | 8) The inclusive and empowering approach of the SIDE project will live on as all partners will continue to offer the SIDE training in their organisations and will implement one annual workshop for trainers to exploit the SIDE outputs and their impact further. The flexibility of the outputs allows also a transfer of the learning contents for other special needs groups and NEETs. | | 9) All project activities have been monitored and continuously evaluated by the project coordinator and all partners contributed with regular reports on progress, quality, dissemination, and financial status. A steering committee facilitated the constant exchange additionally and three transnational partner meetings guaranteed clear communication among partners and distribution of tasks and responsibilities. | | 10) The following SIDE projects communication channels will be maintained: | > (SIDE online platform is available here) | > | >;not available Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for youth;2016;2016-3-IE01-KA205-025494;;;Youth Work eLearning Partnership;"The Project The Youth Work eLearning Partnership [YWeLP], is an Erasmus+ funded KA2 strategic partnership across five countries (Ireland, Finland, Estonia, Northern Ireland and Australia) during ...";Open and distance learning, Youth (Participation, Youth Work ...;;NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF IRELAND MAYNOOTH;IE;IE,EE,AU,UK,FI;189.107,88;Yes;No; Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;he Project | The Youth Work eLearning Partnership [YWeLP], is an Erasmus+ funded KA2 strategic partnership across five countries (Ireland, Finland, Estonia, Northern Ireland and Australia) during the period 2017-19. The project is co-ordinated by the Centre for Youth Research and Development [CYRD] in the Department of Applied Social Studies, Maynooth University with partners in Humak University of Applied Sciences in Finland, Talllinn University in Estonia, Ulster University in Northern Ireland and Victoria University in Melbourne, Australia. Each partner is supported by a youth work organisation in each country namely, the National Youth Council of Ireland (NYCI), Youth Action Northern Ireland (YANI), the Estonian Youth Workers Association, the Victorian Youth Workers Association in Australia and the Kanuuna Network of directors of youth services in Finland.Each of the partner universities provides professional youth work education and training in their respective countries. As well as well as teaching and research each is connected into the wider youth work sector. YWeLP looked at that sector to support the development of the project, taking as its starting pint that youth work organisations and universities engaged in youth work education can support each other, can work together, can learn from each other to promote and sustain quality youth work to directly benefit young people. | | Context | Youth work is in an international practice and while the issues facing young people will change, the contexts will change and our responses to those contexts will change, the principles on which youth work is based remain stable. These principles include the primacy of relationship and educational processes based on voluntary participation, working in ways that are enabling and empowering and promoting young peoples capacity for agency not just in their own but in those communities lives. YWeLP's final product is a website called which contributes to quality youth work by providing youth workers (voluntary, paid or students) with access to e-learning materials to promote their capacity to engage effectively with young people. As Carmel (in Module 1 Unit 3), says we need to empower youth workers in the same way that they empower young people YWeLP's intent is that youth workers find engaging with this material an empowering experience which in turn has positive consequences for young people. The YWeLP team is committed to supporting a youth work community of practice dedicated to the development of quality youth work globally.;YWeLP has created, designed and hosts which provides digital curriculum materials on five contemporary youth work themes. Youth work is a dynamic field and there are many themes in contemporary youth work on which the team could have chosen to focus. In making its decisions YWeLP considered the practice and policy context of youth work across Europe and the wider world choosing to prioritise those most relevant right now: | 1. Communicating Youth Work led by Maynooth University in collaboration with Tallinn University. 2. Youth Participation and Non-formal Learning in Youth Work led by Tallinn University in collaboration in with Victoria University 3. Ethics and Human Rights in Professional Youth Work led by Victoria University in collaboration with Ulster University. 4. Youth Work in Diverse Societies is led by Ulster University in collaboration with Humak University of Applied Sciences. 5. Youth Work in the Digital World led by Humak University of Applied Sciences in collaboration with Maynooth University. Each module consists of three units. Each unit consists of an interactive video (using H5P technology) along with downloadable material accessible from a variety of devices. All videos are subtitled in English. Each video is approximately five minutes if watched through without the interactivity and in the region of 20-30+ minutes with the interactivity. Both options are available on the website.While each video is informative in its own right, the interactive dimension invites participants to engage more deeply with the topic, to watch, read, reflect and act. The downloadable resource in pdf format delves deeper again and provides additional information and resources on each units topic. In this way, the module promote the practice of self-reflection in all learning activities. Time for reflection is important to integrate new knowledge and insights in any youth work work context and a core aspect of reflective practice. Participants are welcome to dip in and out, look at an individual video or check out a single pdf resource document in any order, at any time though learning is likely to be deeper if units are engaged with sequentially . Another aspect of what does is act as a hub for curated resources to support practice - the intention is that the web site will continue to be relevant and updated. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for youth;2016;2016-3-TR01-KA205-036984;;;Practical Learning for Action and Networking via an Educational Tool, Inspiring Study of Environment;Planetbook game is a methodology developed and successfully implemented across Greece by KEAN, aimed at increasing youth awareness of the environment at local, regional, national and global lev...;Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy) ...;;ATATURK UNIVERSITY;TR;TR,EL,IT,DE,RO,PT;312.516,21;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad; - ;not available;English;Planetbook game is a methodology developed and successfully implemented across Greece by KEAN, aimed at increasing youth awareness of the environment at local, regional, national and global levels alike. | | An innovative educational board game about the environment and climate change, it is also presented in a floor version, as well as a digital version. The Planetbook gamecontains 700 questions of encyclopedic knowledge about environmental issues of our planet and international NGOs that are concerned with its protection, as well as Natures four basic elements that define the climate of the planet (earth, air, water and fire). This educational game that aims to save the earth evolves around a tree: as the players advance in the game and climb up the tree, the world becomes a better and greener place. | | Planetbook game has been distributed to over 100 youth organizations and 700 schools in Greece since it was initiated in 2008. There is also a US version of the game that was developed in 2010, and implemented with notable results on a small scale in Greek schools in the US.Given the success of Planetbook game, PLANETISE seeks to transfer this innovation and good practice to other EU countries, featuring the added component of pedagogical guidelines for youth organizations active in the field of environment , youth , sustainability , energy, etc. on how to best use the tool. | | The creation of a complementary e-platform will also be an extra element. In addition, the new project will also feature a social network for youth organizations, developing an online community for further learning and exchanges on environmental challenges in partner countries.In addition, the training workshops with youth leaders that will take place face-to-face in partner countries will also be provided as webinars, with a view to strengthen the impact of the project across Europe through e-platform. | The present project proposes to bring a tried and successfully tested educational game to other countries, where there is an identified need for innovative methodologies concerning the environment, revising and enriching the tool to match the target group of youth , while adapting it to different national settings. | | Nearly 500 persons will be directly targeted in PLANETISE project activities, through focus groups, workshops, small scale training sessions, national dissemination events and Empowerment Planetbook Europe E-platform.;The consortium of partners has substantial expertise in the fields of inclusive education, sustainable development, environmental education, awareness raising, and non-formal training, as well as social networking and e-learning. The main project outcome will be the edition of the revised Planetbook game (inTurkish,Greek,Italian,Romanian,Portuguese,German) in National Level and the creation of the edition of Planetbook game in International Level (in English). | Results | Results for this project are not available. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-AT01-KA202-035009;;;From e-learning to e in learning: Quality improvement, professionalization and modernisation of VET training for young low skilled learners through modern ICT use;VET training especially for low-skilled young learners and people with socio-economic disadvantages is a European VET priority and, as such, is certainly seen as one of the most important factors ...;Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;JUGEND AM WERK STEIERMARK GMBH;AT;AT,IT,CY,ES,IE,FI;262.974,18;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"VET training especially for low-skilled young learners and people with socio-economic disadvantages is a European VET priority and, as such, is certainly seen as one of the most important factors to tackle youth unemployment throughout the European countries. It is part of a quality initiative for the VET systems accross Europe. VET provision for low-skilled young learners is, however, a complex pedagogical challenge. Quite frequently, the current offers from the European VET systems in terms of content, methods, approaches, tools, skills, and competences miss their recipients. VET teachers/trainers report that they find it hard to reach the young peoples with classical methods, theoretical topics. In addition, the complexity of professions and professional competences in many sectors is steadily growing, which adds to the complex and challenging situation of VET training and its processes. | If we want to improve the quality of the VET learning process for young (low-skilled) learners and add to the professionalisation of VET teachers/trainers, taking a closer look at the communication habits and processes of young people can help: text-based communication involving reading and writing of complex texts tends to disappear; communication tends to focus on key words, slang words, shortcuts, emojies, etc, thus getting shorter and shorter; communication and interaction processes are becoming fast and immediate; communication and interaction have become digital to a high degree. According to recent youth studies, indicators clearly show that if VET training for young people wants to be successful, it needs to make full use of the digital tools available and used by the target group. So far, paper-based, presentation-based, traditional teacher-/trainer-centred, offline-based, theory-based, and, even, classical e-learning-based VET training has not been able to enter in and utilise the young learners' every-day communication channels. Often, VET learning processes run parallel to core communication processes of the target group, which then can have negative consequences in the teaching/training process. Usually, the technical infrastructure and its availability is not the reason. It is, however, a matter of comepetences of the VET teachers/trainers on how to make full use of their learners' ""smart"" and IT-based communication tools and embed them in VET didactics and training processes and plans. It is all about truly bringing the ""e"" into learning - the main objective of the PROMOVET project. | Therefore, the main aims of the PROMOVET project were: | (1) the implementation of an investigative research with young low-skilled VET learners, VET teachers/trainers and relevant education stakeholders and decision-makers; | (2) the development of a web-based compendium of ""smart"" ICT-based tools and platforms to be used by VET teachers/trainers in VET training; | (3) the development of a training programme for VET teachers/trainers on the didactically valuable use of ""smart"" ICT-based tools and platforms, their advantages and impact and their selection, particularly for teaching/training processes with low-skilled young learners; | (4) a general improvement of quality and professionalisation for VET teachers/trainers through a well-selected involvement of ICT in the VET training process; and | (5) the realisation of a participative ""inclusive"" VET training approach, where young learners become their own teachers'/trainers' teachers with regard to the use of modern ""smart"" ICT-based tools in the learning process.";"In order to reach the project aims, the partnership developed three intellectual outputs: (IO1) PROMOVET Investigation Research on modern ""smart"" ICT- and social media-based tools frequently used by young (low-skilled) learners. (IO2) PROMOVET Web-Compendium of modern ""smart"" ICT- and social media-based tools featuring, amongst others, a description of their advantages and disadvantages and videos to demonstrate their potential for use in VET didactics. (IO3) PROMOVET Curriculum, a 36-hours' training programme for VET teachers/trainers on how to include modern ""smart"" ICT- and social media-based tools in VET didactics for young low-skilled learners and featuring an inclusive training approach. These outputs were supported by a multiplier event, a transnational learning/teaching/training activity and pilot courses in all partner countries. | The project partnership consisted of seven organisations from six European countries (AT, CY, ES, FI, IE, IT), mainly VET training centres, expert organisations in IT-based didactics and research and large European networks. The main target and impact groups were VET teachers/trainers, young low-skilled learners, labour market authorities, social partners and VET policy-makers on local, regional, national and European levels. | Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | PROMOVET Curriculum [EN] | PROMOVET Curriculum [DE] | PROMOVET Curriculum [FI] | PROMOVET Curriculum [GR] | PROMOVET Curriculum [ES] | PROMOVET Curriculum [IT] | PROMOVET Web-Compendium of ICT Tools | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | PROMOVET Investigation Study | PROMOVET Study Summary [EN] | PROMOVET Study Summary [DE] | PROMOVET Study Summary [ES] | PROMOVET Study Summary [FI] | PROMOVET Study Summary [GR] | PROMOVET Study Summary [IT]" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-AT01-KA202-035095;;;EUROPA-MEISTER - Towards a European quality label for the crafts;The main purpose of EUROPA-MEISTER has been to describe the knowledge, skills and competences of Master craftsmen in the Painting/Decorating sector at level 6 of the European Qualifications Framew...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses|International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation|Recognition, transparency, certification;;GEMEINNUTZIGER VEREIN D.FORD.D.MALERHANDWERKS U. SEINER BILDUNGSSTATTEN;AT;AT,NO,BE,LU,SI,DE;331.936,00;Yes;No;Non-governmental organisation/association/social enterprise;ONG;;;English;"The main purpose of EUROPA-MEISTER has been to describe the knowledge, skills and competences of Master craftsmen in the Painting/Decorating sector at level 6 of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF). The EUROPA-MEISTER certificate represents a seal of quality for services rendered to clients from qualified Painters in Construction which will be delivered by the International Association of Painting Contractors (UNIEP) and selected experts gathered in examinations committees. | The projects objective was achieved in five specific phases which correspond to the different activities, known as Intellectual Outputs (IOs). | | As a first step, the IO1 described the competencies, knowledge and skills (CKS) at level 6 of the EQF for the Painting trade. Some units of learning outcome, particularly required for the European dimension, were added: Unit U6-5 EU Law and Law in Europe and Unit 10 General Education with the subunits U10-1 on Digitization and U10-2 on (English) Language. | | Within the framework of the IO2, the Matrix of competences was translated into the national languages of all project partners and entered into the Multilingual Skillsbank, where qualifications descriptions also for other professions are classified in the same format. | | With the IO3, the formal structures and the procedures for the EUROPA-MEISTER issue were defined and are available as guidelines for the cooperation of European Vocational Institutes in the form of a Manual. This output creates a link of the different country-specific requirements for the qualification up to level 6+. | | IO4 being another fundamental part of the project, enables the desired qualification with a suitable instrument. Based on the learning outcomes described in IO1, documents were adapted for an e-learning course system for cross-border Meister training at level 6+ of the EQF. The lecture notes are available in German and English and future candidates will dispose of them through a digital platform. Furthermore, individual learning contents of competence areas were successfully tested with young learners from the painting sector. Teachers, trainers and company tutors were involved in a transnational testing and orientation phase in a working group, in line with the realized learning, teaching and training activities (LTTA) at the School of Painting in Baden. The test was successful and the results provided important conclusions for the further development of the learning materials. The course system itself, i.e. the concrete offer of bookable courses, will be further developed by the UNIEP experts committee after the end of the project. | | The IO5 was entirely dedicated to ensuring the transnational quality protection by introducing, in a detailed manual, regulations, working methods and competences for the EUROPA-MEISTER Committees and its experts. Some examinations, in addition to national tests, have been included especially with reference to digitalization and English language knowledge. Furthermore, a supplementary qualification will be now acquired, in the theoretical or practical context, at European Master Schools, Educational institutions and/or painting establishments, through a mobility programme (""EUROPA-Walz"") for a period of 4 weeks (such as special training courses on historical painting techniques, concrete remediation, corrosion protection, fire protection coatings, ect.). | This Intellectual Output was developed under the leadership of UNIEP and will continue to be supported by this European umbrella association in the future. It will ensure the sustainability of the project and also its permanent development capability. IO5 made it clear that for the first time, individual career planning as well as a largely time- and location independent learning qualification at level 6+ in the painting trade is possible.";At the concluding Multiplier Event, the attention with which the European public already perceives the EUROPA-MEISTER project was made visible by involving high level European stakeholders. The successful completion of the project laid the foundation for further development and implementation processes. The great complexity of the content of the EUROPA MEISTER project has shown that qualification at Level 6 and further professional qualification measures are an important requirement in order to avoid economic damage and deficiencies. Through the umbrella organization UNIEP and its member associations, further European countries will benefit of its results. | Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | O1 - Competence Matrix for the painting trade at level 6 of the European Qualifications Framework [DE] | O1 - Competence Matrix for the painting trade at level 6 of the European Qualifications Framework [EN] | O1 - Competence Matrix for the painting trade at level 6 of the European Qualifications Framework [FR] | O1 - Competence Matrix for the painting trade at level 6 of the European Qualifications Framework [NL] | O1 - Competence Matrix for the painting trade at level 6 of the European Qualifications Framework [NO] | O1 - Competence Matrix for the painting trade at level 6 of the European Qualifications Framework [SL] | O3 - Guidelines and procedures for the cooperation of European Meister schools [DE] | O3 - Guidelines and procedures for the cooperation of European Meister schools [EN] | O4 - E-learning course system for cross-border Meister training [Unit 1 DE] | O4 - E-learning course system for cross-border Meister training [Unit 1 EN] | O4 - E-learning course system for cross-border Meister training [Unit 2 DE] | O4 - E-learning course system for cross-border Meister training [Unit 2 EN] | O4 - E-learning course system for cross-border Meister training [Unit 3 DE] | O4 - E-learning course system for cross-border Meister training [Unit 3 EN] | O4 - E-learning course system for cross-border Meister training [Unit 4 DE] | O4 - E-learning course system for cross-border Meister training [Unit 4 EN] | O4 - E-learning course system for cross-border Meister training [Unit 5 DE] | O4 - E-learning course system for cross-border Meister training [Unit 5 EN] | O4 - E-learning course system for cross-border Meister training [Unit 6 DE] | O4 - E-learning course system for cross-border Meister training [Unit 6 EN] | O4 - E-learning course system for cross-border Meister training [Unit 7 DE] | O4 - E-learning course system for cross-border Meister training [Unit 7 EN] | O4 - E-learning course system for cross-border Meister training [Unit 8 DE] | O4 - E-learning course system for cross-border Meister training [Unit 8 EN] | O4 - E-learning course system for cross-border Meister training [Unit 9 DE] | O4 - E-learning course system for cross-border Meister training [Unit 9 EN] | O4 - E-learning course system for cross-border Meister training [Unit 10 DE] | O4 - E-learning course system for cross-border Meister training [Unit 10 EN] | O5 - EUROPEAN MEISTERBRIEF [DE] | O5 - EUROPEAN MEISTERBRIEF [EN] | Others | | O2 - Multilingual Skillsbank qualification profile Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2017;2017-1-AT01-KA203-034984;;;Future-proof your classroom: teaching skills 2030;Education in 2030 will undergo huge changes with generation Z in the classroom. The real digital natives will influence economic structures as well as the educational system due to their modifie...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Pedagogy and didactics, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;FACHHOCHSCHULE BURGENLAND GMBH;AT;AT,SI,MK,ES,HR,HU,PT,IT;310.204,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;"The objective of the EU funded project within the Erasmus+/Strategic Partnerships Future-proof your classroom teaching skills 2030 is to deliver an innovative educational Blended-Learning course, (TEACHING 2030) including a web based training in an appealing cBook format for teachers, trainers and educators that can be accessed without limitations and is free of charge. The on-line (cBook) and on-site (iLabs) trainings equip educators with the decisive competencies and skills for successful teaching in future. The course comprises eight modules covering topics like the future professional role of educators, producing technological tools for tuition (videos, podcasts, online presentations...), designing holistic learning experiences; combining technology and emotion in class, framing the course contents by using on-line and on-site education and using Social media, including netiquette, for tuition. The project meets the needs of educators, aged around 40, who are still described as digital immigrants in contrast to students belonging to generation Z who are skilled in the use of technology. As a consequence professors, tutors, trainers and lecturers have to be equipped with the competencies and skills in order not to follow but to lead this new generation.";"The methodology of the project follows five decisive phases, the designing and structuring of the course is followed by the first version; after a cultural adjustment the final version is produced; the testing and evaluation then makes the course perfect. Feedback and production phases are closely linked together for the best outcome. In contrast to many initiatives and courses that only present a collection of electronic materials or tutorials, the final result of the course TEACHING 2030 follows the entire concept of storytelling. The contents of the modules will be arranged within a dramaturgic setting. Each module is structured like an arc of suspense, which means that during the entire module a story of teaching experiences in future is told. Each partner has to write the storyboards for the exercises of the respective module arranging these exercises in a kind of stage play. The project members figure as stage directors involving the audience - the future learner - in the play. Longer term benefits will emerge on different levels. Personally, learning within the stay-play approach is fun. Thus educators are motivated to be engaged in technological issues of teaching and to reduce anxiety when it comes to electronic teaching formats. At institutional level, the course can be implemented within teacher trainings, accrediting ECTS points. The more individualized use at universities can be enhanced by the possibility that certain e-exercises or modules can be extracted and integrated in LMS platforms at universities via Open Access. Moreover, the on-site training can be enriched by additional exercises and tools according to the specific needs of the educators at the respective university. At European level, the flexible use of the course is a great advantage for its sustainability. The cBook part can be used as a MOOC across Europe without geographical limitations or limitations in access. Results | Website | | | Feedback from participants | | Survey results Teaching2030 | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Project Handbook | Teacher Training Assessment | Intro video for Module 1 | Intro video for Module 2 | Intro video for Module 3 | Intro video for Module 4 | Intro video for Module 5 | Intro video for Module 6 | Intro video for Module 7 | Intro video for Module 8 | Module Layout of all Modules | ilab Manual Module 1 | iLab Manual Module 2 | iLab Manual Module 3 | iLab Manual Module 4 | iLab Manual Module 5 | iLab Manual Module 6 | iLab Manual Module 7 | iLab Manual Module 8 | https;// | https;// | | | | | | https;// | Dissemination material | | Flyer Teaching2030 | Poster Teaching2030 | | Teaser Video | Organizational and working documents | | Chapter overview | English Style Guide | Project Milestone Chart | Survey Teaching2030" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2017;2017-1-AT01-KA204-035073;;;Promoting Intercultural Science Education for Adults;The two-year-project Promoting Intercultural Science Education for Adults (PISEA) aimed at promoting intercultural awareness and competences in adult science education in informal science educat...;Integration of refugees, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;SCIENCE CENTER NETZWERK;AT;AT,EL,SE,FR,IT;208.147,66;Yes;No;Non-governmental organisation/association/social enterprise;ONG;;;English;Science centers, science museums and other adult science education institutions that use interactive, hands-on methods can play a relevant role offering inclusive and accessible science education for adult refugees and migrants, but so far there was a lack of awareness on how to address these disadvantaged and diverse target groups and how to offer science education which is relevant for them. The objectives PISEA included: Improving science educators competences regarding intercultural work and working with marginalized groups through resources and trainings Encouraging intercultural dialogue by transforming the role of science centers and museums Promoting key competences of migrants and refugees (such as basic mathematics and science competences, language competences, social and communication skills and the ability of learning to learn) Networking and expertise sharing between refugee/migrant organisations and adult science learning institutions across Europe Raising awareness for intercultural issues and social inclusion, making it a priority for European institutions of informal adult science education;The project developed a comprehensive set of innovative resources and measures to enable science centers and other institutions to offer relevant and interculturally sensitive science education: Key Competences for Science Educators, Facilitators, and Science Engagement Institutions: The idea of this set of Intercultural and Inclusive Key Competences for professionals in science engagement is to provide an overview of relevant and helpful competences and skills for working with marginalised groups of adult migrants and refugees. It is an extensive, but, of course, not complete list of competences and skills, that we as practitioners have found valuable. Training Resources for Intercultural Training of Science Educators/Explainers: The professional development of science engagement institution staff and the development of intercultural key competences are essential for the initiation of deep and lasting intentional change. Scientific educators, facilitators and other staff members already possess many skills that are also useful for working with new audiences. For specific aspects and skills, staff may require additional training. This concrete and innovative tool offers practical tools for staff members to develop or improve their Intercultural competences. The resource is a series of training modules that are designed for use in training workshops. They can be held separately or as a tailor-made training course with several (or all) modules combined. A Handbook for Adult Science Education Institutions that serves as a quick-start toolkit for institutions interested in improving their institution as inclusive science learning places for adult refugees and migrants and in offering relevant science learning activities. The handbook includes good practice examples and lessons learned from intercultural small scale activities, an intercultural/diversity scan for science centers and museums and examples of Intercultural mission statements. The outputs and activities of the project have been disseminated at local, national and European levels through multiplier events, participation in conferences, and are easily accessible as Open Educational Resources on the PISEA website, the partners websites, the EPALE database, the Scie-Citizens Smart Practices Repository, the AACMR e-library and others. Two transnational trainings were organised in order to train project partners and their staff in intercultural competences, specific science education approaches and the elaboration of relevant science education activities and formats for refugees and migrants. Several Pilots were conducted to develop and test small scale activities that promote basic science literacy and key competences of diverse refugee and migrant groups, or promote intercultural dialogue between refugees, migrants and other social groups. | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Key Competences for Science Educators, Facilitators, and Science Engagement Institutions | Key Competences for Science Educators, Facilitators, and Science Engagement Institutions | Key Competences for Science Educators, Facilitators, and Science Engagement Institutions | Key Competences for Science Educators, Facilitators, and Science Engagement Institutions | Key Competences for Science Educators, Facilitators, and Science Engagement Institutions | Key Competences for Science Educators, Facilitators, and Science Engagement Institutions | Training Resources for Intercultural Training of Science Educators/Explainers | Training Resources for Intercultural Training of Science Educators/Explainers | Training Resources for Intercultural Training of Science Educators/Explainers | Training Resources for Intercultural Training of Science Educators/Explainers | Training Resources for Intercultural Training of Science Educators/Explainers | Training Resources for Intercultural Training of Science Educators/Explainers | Training Resources for Intercultural Training of Science Educators/Explainers - Working with Refugees/ Migrants as Co-Explainers | Training Resources for Intercultural Training of Science Educators/Explainers - Working with Refugees/ Migrants as Co-Explainers | Training Resources for Intercultural Training of Science Educators/Explainers - Working with Refugees/ Migrants as Co-Explainers | Handbook for Adult Science Education Institutions Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-AT01-KA219-034993;;;Let's Build Europe Together!;"Context/background of project In recent years, violent extremism and terrorist attacks have surged across Europe and are posing a threat to the safety of its citizens and to its fundamental value...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Home and justice affairs (human rights & rule of law), EU Citizenship ...;;ffentliches Stiftsgymnasium der Benediktiner in St. Paul;AT;AT,EL,IT,HR,ES;121.110,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;Context/background of project: In recent years, violent extremism and terrorist attacks have surged across Europe and are posing a threat to the safety of its citizens and to its fundamental values of freedom, democracy, equality, respect for the rule of law, human rights and dignity. The alarming developments stand in opposition to the vision of a EU society characterised by pluralism, non-discrimination, tolerance, justice, solidarity and gender equality. | Objectives: In line with the Paris Declaration and bearing in mind the crucial and strategic role of education to help to tackle socio-economic-changes and key challenges of the EU, the aims of the project were: - Promote equal opportunities, social cohesion and active citizenship. -Development of innovative integrated approaches promoting EU values, fostering active citizenship and social integration, enhancing intercultural understanding and a sense of belonging to a community. -Improvement of pupils basic and transversal skills through formal/non-formal education in a LLL perspective. -Promotion of internationalization and improvement in the quality of teaching staff and their abilities/competences as well as development of synergies between various partners on a EU level. -Increasing the attractiveness and visibility of each respective school. Number and profile of participants. The partnership was made up of 5 different schools from Austria, Croatia, Greece, Italy and Spain. The target participants were upper secondary school pupils in the ages 1518. Working groups of 16 pupils were formed in each respective school. Every 8th (alternating) pupil took part in transnational learning activities and acted as disseminators for their working group and school community. Description of activities/ Methodology used: The following activities have been implemented for the 2017-2019 school years addressing the aforementioned topics: Content/regional/intercultural preparations -Video statements: the pupils introduced their school and their city -Preparation of teaching materials, designed in a way that partner schools can integrate them in their own lesson plans without any problems -Teaching of lessons -Regional and intercultural preparation of the student exchange and creation of a portfolio -In-school and external dissemination events (conferences with experts, etc.) Transnational learning, teaching and education activities -Presentation/exchange of the tests implemented and their results - Exchange of and testing of lessons in mixed working groups -Video filming and editing -Documentaries/interviews, after study visits at the regional EU-coordination centre. -Awards for best creative products -In-school and external dissemination events -Exchange with non-participating institutions via Blended Mobility;"Results: The following results were obtained for each respective project topic: project website, Facebook/YouTube account, various lesson plans, video documentaries, PP-presentations, brochures, e-booklets, guidebook, manual for educators, etc. All results were distributed open Access, so that these can be used in other schools and countries (homepage, eTwinning, further education servers); the lesson plans developed during the project can also be adopted in bilingual lessons of various school subjects or in a series of lessons (CLIL). Impact: -Deeper understanding of the themes of Active citizenship -Development of innovative integrated approaches promoting EU values, fostering active citizenship and social integration, enhancing intercultural understanding and a sense of belonging to a community -Improvement of pupils basic and transversal skills through formal/non-formal education in a LLL perspective -Strengthening of teaching staffs didactic skills -Improved internationalization -Sensitizing and making society aware of the European dimension of education and of its priorities -Improvement of attractiveness and visibility of the schools location. Potential longer term benefits. After the completion of the project, material as well as immaterial results will continue to be available and can be used by further stakeholders. In addition to that, appropriate tools will be implemented, which constitute a substantial and economic resource for ensuring sustainability. As a result of the activities realized and the achievable results, the following additional long-term benefits can result from the project: -a change of mindset of the participants involved in the project, resulting in a greater knowledge, a better understanding of the topic and willingness to be more active in their society -Impulses for further development -Inspiration for third parties to participate in future Erasmus+ programs -Transfer of project results to new areas -Promotion of the EU values. Results | Website | | | Dissemination material | | Project Website | Organizational and working documents | | Products & Outcomes - Austria | Products & Outcomes - Croatia | Products & Outcomes - Greece | Products & Outcomes - Italy | Products & Outcomes - Spain" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-AT01-KA219-034997;;;INTERFACE - Exploring interfaces and artistic pathways in Arts and Design in higher secondary vocational education;The situation of European schools offering higher secondary vocational education in Arts and Design can be called special in many ways. These schools usually cater for students aged 14 to 19, some...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Creativity and culture;;HTBLVA Graz - Ortweinschule;AT;AT,DE,PL,IT;103.804,81;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;The situation of European schools offering higher secondary vocational education in Arts and Design can be called special in many ways. These schools usually cater for students aged 14 to 19, some of them additionally offer master classes for adults. Qualifications obtained usually combine an A-level in general education and vocational qualifications in specific fields such as Graphics and Communication Design, Film and Multimedia Art, Product Design and Presentation, Book Design, Ceramics Art Craft. | | Project INTERFACE tried to meet mayor requirements of its main target groups - teachers and students - such as: | | The constant need for development of high quality arts and design education and training to remain attractive and competitive in comparison to the more practical skills-oriented settings and educational pathways offered by technical vocational schools. | Thinking outside the box and developing modern curricula that do not only meet legal requirements but help to remain innovative in processes and outcomes. | Answering to labour market requirements without neglecting free artistic development of students. | Acquiring the skills and competences to be competitive on a European job market | Rendering interfaces (admission procedures, initiation, access to the professional world outside, advancing to further tertiary level education and the European labour market) as effective and supportive as possible. | | To meet demands and answer to the needs expressed, the following goals and objectives were set for INTERFACE: | | a) Increasing the attractiveness of vocational education in Arts and Design | b) Comparing and discussing concepts, curricula, learning pathways in these fields with the emphasis on interfaces. | c) Evaluating and highlighting examples of good practice concerning admission procedures, initiation processes, learning pathways and connecting with the outside world. | d) Discussing and artistically implementing concepts revolving around the idea of interfaces | e) Engaging students in disseminating processes and project outputs | f) Fostering European exchange, intercultural communication and foreign language acquisition | g) Supporting entrepreneurship and the acquisition of foreign languages in vocational contexts (CLIL);"The project partners in INTERFACE - Ortweinschule(AT), Zespol Szkol Plastycznych im. Jacka Malczewskiego (PL), Liceo Artistico ""Scuola del Libro"" (IT) and Staatliches Berufskolleg Rheinbach (DE) - teamed up to engage 96 students and accompanying teachers in 4 short-term learning activities in each of the countries involved. Results have been made available to stakeholders over a wide range of dissemination activities and channels and in the form of two publications: one containing a selection of examples of good practice in terms of effectively rendering interfaces in vocational education in arts and design, the second highlights students` project activities and works of art dealing with the concept of ""interfaces"". See | | Through our activities in INTERFACE, we saw an improvement of key competences, increased skills in mastering the latest techniques and computer technologies in the respective fields of arts and design, an increased awareness of employment opportunities on the European labour market and, last but not least, a boost in positive attitude towards the European project and the EU values. Results | Website | | | Direct effect on participants and project partners | | INTERFACE Brochure ""Interface - Exploring Interfaces and Artistic Pathways in Arts and Design in Higher Secondary Vocational Education"" | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | INTERFACE Brochure ""Mapping Interfaces in Higher Secondary Vocational Education in Arts and Design""Educat | Dissemination material | | INTERFACE Folder | INTERFACE Poster | INTERFACE Website | INTERFACE Social Media Channels" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-AT01-KA219-035046;;;"Youth feature film project ""Freund - Prijatelj II""";The project Freund Prijatelj II as a follow-up arised out of conviction that film projects, which crossing the borders and on which the schools, teachers and other experts from two or more dif...;Regional dimension and cooperation, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Creativity and culture;;Praxis-Handelsakademie Vlkermarkt;AT;AT,SI;41.870,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;The project Freund Prijatelj II as a follow-up arised out of conviction that film projects, which crossing the borders and on which the schools, teachers and other experts from two or more different schools with different national background collaborate, are rare. Nevertheless, it is to consider, these are the projects which can essentially contribute to expansion of knowledge and skills of young people for their lifetime. The feature film production is a complex matter, since it demands an interdisciplinary approach as well as many motivated teachers and young people with different talents and skills. A high amount of artistic creativity and technical know-how are needed as well. | | This project Freund Prijatelj II outlines the intended cooperation between two schools, which are different by type as well by cultural and language background. Nevertheless, they are put down in the two regions which are historically tied and geographical very close (southern Carinthia in Austria and Carinthia in Slovenia, where Ravne na Koro_kem is placed), so it has called for a stronger academic cooperation. Furthermore out of the bilingual minority in Southern Carinthia (the Carinthian Slovenes) the advantage or opportunity raised to reduce the linguistic and cultural barriers by this transnational project. | | The goals of the project referred to the use of different talents, competences and skills by young people, teachers and by all participating professional experts. The implementation of one transnational feature movie by the use of high amount of creativity during the film production process required various talents, knowledge and skills in different art forms, which feature film as art form, the whole film production combined on film set, to achieve the best results. This led by the project to a permanent mobile networking of young people and teachers. In consequence the cultures of two neighbor regions were brought together. | | The number of participants varied, since in the various phases of the feature film production the different profiles of young people as well as the teachers and the participating experts were needed. Thus, the young people and all the other collaborating participants with the various talents and skills continuously came together, they exchanged the knowledge and enriched each other, all this for the benefit of the common transnational project. Diversity of all participants and the desire for the creativity made the project interestingly for the different profiles of people, starting from literature, music, photography;"The activities referred to a complex film-production, a kick-off-event took place presenting the story and screenplay by an external expert. Further steps were devided into several project stages, consisting of ""pre-production"", ""production"", ""post-production"" and ""distribution"" of the fiction movie - and a final reflection phase. There was implemented a special eLearning system for all matierals and communication processes. | As a result of certain steps - idea, synopsis, treatment, recording book, storyboard, production book, location scouting, scene plan, disposition, casting (all supported by different workshops for the students in both schools using learning mobility) - the film crew got to the production steps and to the final realisation of the project. The creation of ""mise-en-scne"" challenged the students in production techniques but also within their creative and acting competences. The shooting took place in both regions and was arranged in both languages (German and Slovenian). The recorded scenes ended in the post-production phase. There the cutting/editing, but also the image editing and color grading followed - all techniques asked for additional capabilites of the students, which were transfered through certain workshops (e.g. editing-software skills). A ""master-copy"" was the beginning of the distribution phase. There the film premiere and all the other public screenings of the product were organized. PR-material in different languages was prepared for several filmfestivals, the final DVD and Blu-Ray were produced. A special fact was the interaction and cooperation of students out of all socio-economic social classes. | | One of the main targets was the increase of student's interests to discover their individual talents. Better skills for team-work-proccesses were developed for both groups - students and teachers. Language competencies of all participants were improved and fostered as well as interests for the other cultural region were aroused. Technical and management skills increased, too. The existing partnership between both schools has been increased, the perfection of competences and skills in the field of film production was given. The planned establishment of a 'competence center' for youth film productions in both regions was the crowning moment as a result of this follow-up project. Results | Website | | | Partnerships and cooperations | | Jugend-Spielfilmprojekt - Krimi ""Still ruht der See""" Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-BE02-KA104-034550;;;Anders leren en lesgeven in het volwassenenonderwijs;Our Erasmus+grant 2017-2019 finds its roots in the knowledge that adult education cant get away from a changing society where knowledge construction and transversal skills play more and more a ke...;Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Centrum voor Volwassenenonderwijs Sint-Godelieve;BE;BE;20.655,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Adult education;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;development of expertise of our adult educators regarding creating different, powerful learning environments. The different E+ mobilities gave teachers the opportunity to learn about several models of differentiated, vocational learning environments in adult education, hereby putting the focus on stimulating teachers to break through their existing and often inveterate patterns and evolve towards educational innovation. In conclusion, we can say that the European exchange has definitely led to educational innovation on micro-level, as every adult educator gave during the debriefing different examples of changes, they were going to implement in their own teaching practice. Furthermore, we see a more profound educational innovation process, as the E+ exchanges have led to 1 pilot and 2 testcases, more specifically on evaluation without grades and project-based learning.;cross-subject teaching, co-teaching, alternative ways of evaluating and work-based learning. Each of these initiatives is linked with a specific E+-exchange. Teachers say that the European experience has motivated them to break through existing patterns and question their traditional way of teaching, which has opened for them different doors of educational innovation. We notice more and more a culture in which teachers not only analyze their teaching from their own teaching practice but from a broader Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2017;2017-1-BG01-KA201-036220;;;Math and Motivation;The EUs plan for tackling early school leaving aims to reduce the average drop-out rate to below 10% by 2020. To give their contribution to this ambitious goal, 8 organisations (schools and train...;Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Pedagogy and didactics, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills;;REGIONALNO UPRAVLENIE NA OBRAZOVANIETO SOFIA GRAD;BG;BG,RO,IT,ES,PT,HR,PL;218.125,00;Yes;No;Counselling body;Administracin Educativa;;;English;The EUs plan for tackling early school leaving aims to reduce the average drop-out rate to below 10% by 2020. To give their contribution to this ambitious goal, 8 organisations (schools and training providers) from 7 EU countries developed the idea for the project Math & Motivation. The main aim of the M&M project was to improve basic skills of secondary school students in the sphere of math and sciences and reduce dropout rate in Bulgaria, Croatia, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Romania and Spain. This aim was achieved through: - development and testing of Collaborative methodology and implementing it in an on-line e-platform - development and testing of a Curriculum with lesson plans for improving math, science and literacy skills of school students - improving the competences of teachers into creating and applying innovative teaching methods and tools (including ICT) in their classroom in order to increase the students motivation to be more actively engaged in their learning process and improving their academic results | The innovation that M&M project offered was the combination of three innovative teaching methods (self/peer learning, gamification and flipped learning) into one complex Collaborative methodology available in the form of theoretical guidelines as well as a base of an e-learning platform for collaborative learning: an online environment for teachers that supports modern approaches and models in learning. The platform can be used by teachers and students with the strong focus on achieving learning outcomes with the use of peer learning, quizzes and ability to check-mark rather than grade individual students. The direct target groups and beneficiaries of the M&M project were math and science teachers and secondary school students in the partner countries and in Europe (more than 140 teachers and 430 students involved in total). In the course of 2 years (September 2017-August 2019) the project partnership put many efforts and dedication on order to achieve the aims and results drafted in the initial proposal. During the first year was created I_1 The Toolkit for teachers, consisting of the Collaborative methodology and the Curriculum aiming at increasing math and science skills. It was presented during the LTTA staff training in Italy (March 2018) aiming to provide the participants opportunity to share and exchange knowledge and good practices, learn the new methodology and to create the program and activities for the national cascade trainings. Based on the feedback, suggestions and comments of the participants in the event the Toolkit was improved and finalised before the end of the first year of the project. The national cascade trainings took place at the beginning of school year 2018/2019 in all partner countries. The aim of these events was to acquaint more teachers with the innovative toolkit and engage them in the further testing of the methodology and online platform in real classroom environment. The second project year was dedicated to the work on IO2 Collaborative learning e-tools platform. All partners worked hard to set up the online learning environment, fill it in with content and test it among the target group teachers and secondary school students. The piloting of the platform was implemented in the period May-July 2019. The last month of the project (August 2019) was used for finalization of the platform and improvements based on the results of the national testings.;All products and results in the frame of Math & Motivation project were widely disseminated on the national multiplier events during the final months of the project implementation. Considering the feedback, interest and comments received during the whole project duration by interested parties at different occasions, it could be concluded that the project and its activities had and will continue to have a very positive impact on the participating organisations as well as on the direct target group teachers and students, thus providing a positive influence at local and national level. All teachers who participated in the different stages of the project declared with certainty that they will continue to use the e-platform and the toolkit in their future work. They all considered M&M products as an innovative and attractive supplement to the formal school activities that could increase the students motivation in their learning and improve their peer to peer connection. The students themselves were very happy to participate in the project and stated that they would like to continue to use the platform during the next school year. The attractiveness and efficiency of the method will help to ensure the sustainability of the project results. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Collaborative learning methodology - English version | Curriculum for improving the knowledge and skills of secondary school students in the sphere of mathematics and sciences (EN version) | Collaborative learning e-platform | Collaborative learning methodology - Bulgarian version | Collaborative learning methodology - Spanish version | Collaborative learning methodology - Croatian version | Collaborative learning methodology - Italian version | Collaborative learning methodology - Polish version | Collaborative learning methodology - Portuguese version | Collaborative learning methodology - Romanian version | Curriculum for improving the knowledge and skills of secondary school students in the sphere of mathematics and sciences (BG version) | Curriculum for improving the knowledge and skills of secondary school students in the sphere of mathematics and sciences (ES version) | Curriculum for improving the knowledge and skills of secondary school students in the sphere of mathematics and sciences (HR version) | Curriculum for improving the knowledge and skills of secondary school students in the sphere of mathematics and sciences (IT version) | Curriculum for improving the knowledge and skills of secondary school students in the sphere of mathematics and sciences (Polish version) | Curriculum for improving the knowledge and skills of secondary school students in the sphere of mathematics and sciences (PT version) | Curriculum for improving the knowledge and skills of secondary school students in the sphere of mathematics and sciences (RO version) | Dissemination material | | M&M leaflet (EN version) | Math & Motivation Newsletter 1 (EN version) | Math & Motivation Newsletter 2 (EN version) | Math & Motivation Newsletter 3 (EN version) | Math & Motivation Newsletter 4 (EN version) | Math&Motivation project website | M&M leaflet (BG version) | M&M leaflet (ES version) | M&M leaflet (HR version) | M&M leaflet (IT version) | M&M leaflet (PL version) | M&M leaflet (PT version) | M&M leaflet (RO version) | M&M Newsletter 1 (BG version) | M&M Newsletter 1 (ES version) | M&M Newsletter 1 (HR version) | M&M Newsletter 1 (IT version) | M&M Newsletter 1 (PL version) | M&M Newsletter 1 (PT version) | M&M Newsletter 1 (RO version) | M&M Newsletter 2 (BG version) | M&M Newsletter 2 (ES version) | M&M Newsletter 2 (HR version) | M&M Newsletter 2 (IT version) | Description | The second project newsletter was created in July 2018 and includes description of the first part of IO1 - the Collaborative methodology, an article about the LTTA in Italy and short overview of the next steps. The document is available in all partner languages, including English and has the necessary disclaimers and recognition of the Erasmus+ programme funding. The Newsletter also presents the project website and social media channel in order to ensure better visibility and promotion among stakeholders. | | Type | Other: Newsletter | | Contents | IT_M&M Newsletter 2.pdf | | M&M Newsletter 2 (PL version) | M&M Newsletter 2 (PT version) | M&M Newsletter 2 (RO version) | M&M Newsletter 3 (BG version) | M&M Newsletter 3 (ES version) | M&M Newsletter 3 (HR version) | M&M Newsletter 3 (IT version) | M&M Newsletter 3 (PL version) | M&M Newsletter 3 (PT version) | M&M Newsletter 3 (RO version) | M&M Newsletter 4 (BG version) | M&M Newsletter 4 (ES version) | M&M Newsletter 4 (HR version) | M&M Newsletter 4 (IT version) | M&M Newsletter 4 (PL version) | M&M Newsletter 4 (PT version) | M&M Newsletter 4 (RO version) Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2017;2017-1-BG01-KA204-036351;;;e-OpenSpace - European Innovative Open Platform for Electronic Networking and Sustainable Provision of Adult Centred Education in Privacy and Personal Data Protection;The proposed project aims at the establishment of a sustainable and long-term Strategic Partnership between national supervisory authorities, academia and civil society organisations for the deliv...;International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;KOMISIYA ZA ZASHTITA NA LICHNITE DANNI;BG;BG,IT,PL,HR;174.809,00;Yes;No;National Public body;Administracin;;;English;"1. Overall objective: Promotion of civic education and awareness in a field of privacy and personal data protection. | 2. Specific objectives: - Establishment of sustainable strategic partnership between data protection authorities, academics and non-governmental sector in the EU in the field of data protection learning and privacy awareness raising; - Promotion of common approach and synergy among European Member States for personal data protection to delivery of non-formal digital data protection and privacy learning; - Development of a web-based solution for providing environment for cooperation and open, innovative and inclusive non-formal digital learning in compliance with the new EU data protection legal framework;";"Catalogue of good practices (O1); - Guidelines for online delivery of non-formal digital data protection learning (O2); - Common Curriculum (O3); - Open Educational Resources for non-formal digital data protection learning (O4); - e-OpenSpace pilot e-learning and e-cooperation tool (O5); - Methodology for validation of non-formal and informal digital data protection learning (O6). Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Common Curriculum | Guidelines for online delivery of non-formal digital data protection learning | Catalogue of good practices | Guidelines for online delivery of non-formal digital data protection learning | Guidelines for online delivery of non-formal digital data protection learning | Guidelines for online delivery of non-formal digital data protection learning | Guidelines for online delivery of non-formal digital data protection learning | Common Curriculum | Common Curriculum | Open Educational Resources for non-formal digital data protection learning - Module 1 | Open Educational Resources for non-formal digital data protection learning - Module 2 | Open Educational Resources for non-formal digital data protection learning Module 3 | Open Educational Resources for non-formal digital data protection learning Module 4 | Open Educational Resources for non-formal digital data protection learning Module 5 | Open Educational Resources for non-formal digital data protection learning Module 6 | Open Educational Resources for non-formal digital data protection learning Module 7 | Open Educational Resources for non-formal digital data protection learning Module 8 | Open Educational Resources for non-formal digital data protection learning Module 9 | Open Educational Resources for non-formal digital data protection learning Module 10 | Common Curriculum | Common Curriculum | Open Educational Resources for non-formal digital data protection learning Module 1 | Open Educational Resources for non-formal digital data protection learning Module 2 | Open Educational Resources for non-formal digital data protection learning Module 3 | Open Educational Resources for non-formal digital data protection learning Module 4 | Open Educational Resources for non-formal digital data protection learning Module 5 | Open Educational Resources for non-formal digital data protection learning Module 6 | Open Educational Resources for non-formal digital data protection learning Module 7 | Open Educational Resources for non-formal digital data protection learning Module 8 | Open Educational Resources for non-formal digital data protection learning Module 9 | Open Educational Resources for non-formal digital data protection learning Module 10 | Open Educational Resources for non-formal digital data protection learning Module 1 | Open Educational Resources for non-formal digital data protection learning Module 2 | Open Educational Resources for non-formal digital data protection learning Module 3 | Open Educational Resources for non-formal digital data protection learning Module 4 | Open Educational Resources for non-formal digital data protection learning Module 5 | Open Educational Resources for non-formal digital data protection learning Module 6 | Open Educational Resources for non-formal digital data protection learning Module 7 | Open Educational Resources for non-formal digital data protection learning Module 8 | Open Educational Resources for non-formal digital data protection learning Module 9 | Open Educational Resources for non-formal digital data protection learning Module 10 | Open Educational Resources for non-formal digital data protection learning Module 1 | Open Educational Resources for non-formal digital data protection learning Module 2 | Open Educational Resources for non-formal digital data protection learning Module 3 | Open Educational Resources for non-formal digital data protection learning Module 4 | Open Educational Resources for non-formal digital data protection learning Module 5 | Open Educational Resources for non-formal digital data protection learning Module 6 | Open Educational Resources for non-formal digital data protection learning Module 7 | Open Educational Resources for non-formal digital data protection learning Module 8 | Open Educational Resources for non-formal digital data protection learning Module 9 | Open Educational Resources for non-formal digital data protection learning Module 10 | Open Educational Resources for non-formal digital data protection learning Module 1 | Open Educational Resources for non-formal digital data protection learning Module 2 | Open Educational Resources for non-formal digital data protection learning Module 3 | Open Educational Resources for non-formal digital data protection learning Module 4 | Open Educational Resources for non-formal digital data protection learning Module 5 | Open Educational Resources for non-formal digital data protection learning Module 6 | Open Educational Resources for non-formal digital data protection learning Module 7 | Open Educational Resources for non-formal digital data protection learning Module 8 | Open Educational Resources for non-formal digital data protection learning Module 9 | Open Educational Resources for non-formal digital data protection learning Module 10 | Open Educational Resources for non-formal digital data protection learning | Open Educational Resources for non-formal digital data protection learning | Open Educational Resources for non-formal digital data protection learning | Open Educational Resources for non-formal digital data protection learning | Open Educational Resources for non-formal digital data protection learning | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | Methodology for validation of non-formal and informal digital data protection learning | Community building tools | | e-OpenSpace: pilot e-learning and e-cooperation tool | Dissemination material | | e-OpenSpace leaflet | Presentation of the project" Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2017;2017-1-CY01-KA102-026590;;;Increasing Students Employability and Enhancing Educators' Teaching Methods. ;"Our school aims to establish a solid cooperation with European Vocational organizations aiming at: Rise the image of our School, improve communication among staff and between students and staff...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Enterprise ...;;TECHNIKI SCHOLI LARNAKAS;CY;CY,CZ,IT,ES,UK;82.618,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"Our school aims to establish a solid cooperation with European Vocational organizations aiming at: Rise the image of our School, improve communication among staff and between students and staff Promote staff competence, improve students' learning, help students to understand and come closer to a European multicultural internationalized environment, and improve students' employability through practical training in a European dimension. The participants were educators of the school and students. The participants were students from the catering and computer engineering department. All of our students during their second year in school, they must undergo practical training in business establishments of their subjects for 180 hours, a pre-require for obtaining their school diplomas. This mobility helped them acquire this pre-require certificate. This mobility project consists of two main activities: Activity 1:Flow 2,3,4: 10 students from the computer engineering department, 6 students with special needs from the catering department and also 10 students from the catering department accompanied by their teachers, attended 2 weeks working placements (internship) in business in Spain and UK. Our analytical curriculum includes a practical training ,so this was part of it. The students achieved high quality practical experience, knowledge, skills and got familiar with new technology in industry. All these further enhanced students' employment prospects. Activity 2:Flow 1,2: Two groups of 2 educators attended a course seminar regarding, how to increase their proficiency in using technology in the classroom, especially to learn how to effectively use e-learning platforms (Moodle) in order to run on line courses. Also teachers will acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to create and implement their own e-learning platform. Another group of 2 educators, attended a course seminar titled, ""Encouraging Creative Thinking"". As it is previously mentioned, one of the main objectives of this project was to establish a solid cooperation with European Institutions in the field of VET and this objective was met successfully. Another important achievement of the project was the improvement of qualification of teaching personnel as well as the establishment of processes regarding validation of experience gained during the learning periods (for students) and teaching (for educators) in another country. Students improved their skills in language and learning performance; upgraded students awareness of the European Union values and European Mobility projects eventually upgraded students' inter cultural awareness and increased their self-esteem. | The communication with their peers from different cultures developed their inter cultural skills.Their abilities towards thinking, understanding and developing positive reactions to differences were also improved It broke stereotyped ideas prevent our students from their prejudices and builded tolerance and cultural wealth.The students shared their own life stories with others so that this helped their personal development. The students were motivated released their individual potentials and to raised team spirit.The economically and socially limited students had their own benefit. The students raised their self -confidence by the help of activities and enhanced innovation in education.The students achieved a better counseling and work insertion, as well as professional initiation for job seekers.Another objective is the exploitation of the practical training to achieve an excellent performance in order to enter the current labor market. This mobility open their horizons concerning future employment opportunities in other European Countries. In conclusion the students achieved high quality practical experience, knowledge, skills and get familiar with the new technology in industry. All these further enhanced students' employment prospects.";"Regarding the main objectives in relation with activity 1 (Staff training): Teachers were trained to develop students' creative and critical thinking. Provided teachers with practical ideas for how they can incorporate technology into their existing lessons. Familiarized teachers with current Internet trends and how they can be applied in the creation of an e-lesson. Allowed teachers to create their own controlled test courses on the Moodle platform. Provided teachers with the skills and knowledge necessary to create and implement their own e-learning platform. Provided teachers with resources with which they can augment their e-learning content. Allowed teachers to share ideas and cultural differences with other nationalities from the EU. Educators in the future would support the promotion of such mobility actions; upgrading their competences in teaching and training would be another great value and finally they would try to implement different systems, strategies and policies in education." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-CZ01-KA101-034594;;;Profesn r_st - brna k sp_chu ve vzd_ln III;All mobilities met the targets stipulated for this project. Each participant developed activites in accordance with project purpose specified in the grant application with following impact on the ...;Pedagogy and didactics, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;Mendelova stredni skola, Novy Jicin, prispevkova organizace;CZ;CZ,PT,BE;15.229,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"All mobilities met the targets stipulated for this project. Each participant developed activites in accordance with project purpose specified in the grant application with following impact on the sending school which eabled to the given participant that he/she: | a) took part in methodical lessons of English focused on use CLIL method in Malta. The participant worked under guidance of experienced teacher and after completion of the educational part of the prorogramme there will follow the assessement of the progress made by the participant both in Malta and afterwards also in the Czech Rep. There will be impact of the mobility not just on the participant himself in the sense of increasing his pedagogic skills, but also for the sending institution, which will be able to engage more staff into the process of CLIL and it will lead consequently to the bigger proportion of foreign language in the vocational subjects after end of this project. | b) took part in methodical lessons of English focused on use CLIL method in Malta. The participant worked under guidance of experienced teacher and after completion of the educational part of the prorogramme there will follow the assessement of the progress made by the participant both in Malta and afterwards also in the Czech Rep. There will be impact of the mobility not just on the participant himself in the sense of increasing his pedagogic skills, but also for the sending institution, which will be able to engage more staff into the process of CLIL and it will lead consequently to the bigger proportion of foreign language in the general educational subjects after end of this project. . | c) took part in jobshadowing which was focused on monitoring methods of teaching ICT subjects (mainly teaching programming), the use of ICT in other subjects (including touch devices), the work of ICT coordinator, the possibility of ICT financing in the pariticular schools (countries), learn to inclusive education methods students other ethnicities, possible cooperation at the drafts the new project Erasmusmus +, and of course to improve the language skills of the participant. The acquired knowledge will be used to enrich teaching methods, as well as colleagues from our school, respectively. other schools through the Regional educational centre. A very important benefit will be cooperation between our school and the host organization after end of this project. . | d) took part in language course which was focused on improving language skills, methodology and using of new learning technologies in foreign languages, which could be use in Spanish lessons in the Czech Republic. She can also use new knowledge to improve teaching methods and methodology support of school colleages. The participant will use the gained information to implement them to our school curriculum after end of this project. | e) took part in two-week course of the German language. It was aimed to strengthen the language proficiency of the management as the language skills are required and the director does not teach a foreign language. The two-week course was arranged by a language agency and the aim is strengthening the language skills of German, improving listening and reading comprehension and oral and written expression. | f) took part in two-week course of the English language. It was aimed to strengthen the language proficiency of the management as the language skills are required and the director does not teach a foreign language. The two-week course was arranged by a language agency and the aim is strengthening the language skills of English, improving listening and reading comprehension and oral and written expression. | g) took part in the jobshadowing activity, which was focused on projects education in technical subjects and teaching foreign languages, CLIL activities and effective using of learning technologies in ELT. The participant took also part in the ""learning to learn"" subjects, where pupils are taught and develop themselves learning strategies to develop their skills and competences.";Results for this project are not available. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2017;2017-1-CZ01-KA102-034430;;;Studium bez hranic IV;"This project ""Studying without borders"" enabled the work experience of 30 students of the Business School, Secondary Special School for Librarians and Further Education College Brno to Great Brita...";Economic and financial affairs (incl. funding issues), Enterprise, industry and SMEs (incl. entrepreneurship);;Obchodni akademie, Stredni odborna skola knihovnicka a Vyssi odborna skola Brno, prispevkova organizace;CZ;CZ,UK;68.542,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"This project ""Studying without borders"" enabled the work experience of 30 students of the Business School, Secondary Special School for Librarians and Further Education College Brno to Great Britain for two weeks (10 working days). During this time period they worked in various London companies e.g. in the real estate agency Astberrys, the employment agency The Works Search, the travel agency Lets Travel Service, the accounting office Taj Accountants, the marketing agency Sri Executive, the charity National Algerian Centre, etc. Their work experience included writing business letters, working with databases, communication with customers, preparation of company events, processing invoices, planning presentations and performing other administrative tasks. The project was implemented in cooperation with its partner ADC College from London, which arranged contact with companies and enabled suitable work placement of students, based on questionnaires, CVs, language tests and other materials provided by our school. Only one student was usually placed in a company. During work experience, they were directly supervised both by company representatives/ mentors, who evaluated their work, and by two accompanying persons, who visited students in companies, provided support, helped with solving problems and evaluated the quality of provided working practice. Moreover, there were running meetings of students and accompanying persons where participants shared particular knowledge from both workplaces and host families. The aim was sharing experience and improving quality of further part of the work experience.";"Students of the 2nd and 3rd form of the business academy and business lyceum, who have more advanced professional knowledge, were chosen for this work experience in the school competition (consisting of four parts). The first term of work experience took place 3 16 December 2017 (15 students), the second term 8 March 21 April 2018 (15 students). Students managed work in companies without problems and their employers highly appraised their communication skills, professional skills and work attitude. Their improved their skills in contact with customers, administrative work and use of information technologies. They also learned to present their work to their colleagues or customers in a suitable way, which contributed to the development of their soft-skills. They broadened their professional English terminology. All these aspects enable them to gain competitive advantage at the labour market. New modes of operation and experience from London companies will be used during students further education and practice. At the end of the work experience all participants recieved Europass-Mobility and references from their employers. This project implemented ECVET, which enabled clear defining of the content of the stage, using the Unit of Learning Outcomes Business Correspondence and Working with Databases of Clients (part of the professional qualification Assistent, Secretary from the Czech National Framework of Qualifications). This unit was defined in the Participants Agreement and was based on communication between the sending and the receiving organization, teachers of professional subjects and supervisors in companies. The unit enabled transmission and recognition of knowledge, skills and competences of students which were gained during working experience. It is part of the school educational programme and its outcomes were recognized by school without further examining (subject Professional Practice). It facilitated both monitoring and mentoring and guaranteed full transparency. Integral part of the project was dissemination, which took part on several levels. It was a presentation with discussion for other schoolmates. Special presentations were held aimed at teachers and school management the aim was to discuss the interconnection of theoretical subjects with practice abroad and suggest possible improvement. Information about project were passed on persons interested from other schools via personal contact. Dissemination took part at parent-teacher meetings or school internet site. Materials were presented to broad public at the Fair of Secondary Schools and Doors Open Day. The news was published on the website South Moravia Region Portal, on the Czech internet portal and will be published in local press. Students, who participated in this work experience, cooperated with their teachers on a brochure in English, which provides practical advice to possible future applicants students. It is available on school internet site in the part ""Projekty - Erasmus+"" ( The aims of the European Development Plan were achieved - e. g. further cooperation with partners, improvement of education, sharing experience with colleagues working on projects and further use of the Unit of Learning Outcomes." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-CZ01-KA104-034978;;;Training is a Journey - Ecett Mobility;The project Training is a Journey Ecett Mobility is based on the needs to improve key competencies and skills of professionals in the field of the human centered occupations working with vulnera...;Access for disadvantaged, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, International cooperation ...;;Magdalna, o.p.s.;CZ;CZ,EL,BE,PT,ES,UK,PL,BG,IE,IT,FR;36.976,00;Yes;No;Non-governmental organisation/association/social enterprise;ONG;;not available;English;The final project objective was to improve practical training and support methods to addicted people, the improvement of social work and primary prevention training methods, improvement in the area of project cycle management, coordination and overall management of professional training and preparation. Overall, we have involved 28 mobility participants who used the e-learning platform of ECEtt network. Mobility participants are professionals in human centred occupations: the treatment of addictions, social work, education, prevention, treatment and social reintegration, management and coordination, etc.;This way participants contributed to the expansion of the global Ecett databaze by 28 new good practices. This project enabled the participants to discover new training practices and work methods. Their feedback brought new ideas and inspiration into their respective working teams. It provided space for opening professional debates and strengthened European professional relationships among the partner institutions and their professional employees. The project has contributed to the future cooperation among organizations working teams in the implementation of good practices in the Czech Republic. The quality improvement of existing services will represent a great benefit for service users within the utilization of new approaches in their recovery and education. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility between Programme and Partner Countries;2017;2017-1-CZ01-KA107-035015;;;Project for higher education student and staff mobility between Programme Countries and Partner Countries;The goal of the project No. 2017-1-CZ01-KA107-035015 was to implement staff mobilities within programme as well as partner countries. The project lasted from 1st June 2017 to 31st July 2019. Our i...;;;Vysoka skola evropskych a regionalnich studii,z.u.;CZ;CZ;22.970,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;not available;English;he main fields of cooperation were management and administration, marketing, law and security services relating to conducted study programmes. Nevertheless, there were other (and brand new) fields of cooperation such as publishing, review activities, and foreign cooperation has been enhanced with other partner institutions in Ukraine. | Teaching mobilities were mainly focused on teaching undergraduates in bachelor study programmes. Teaching mobilities were beneficial not only to academic staff relations, but they also enriched students knowledge (e. g. the topics of the EU and NATO memberships, EU funds etc.). Students at the receiving institution had the opportunity to get familiar with a wide range of topics and get an international view of their study programmes. Students at the receiving institution had the opportunity to benefit from international experience of their lecturers.;Training mobilities were focused on various activities. The staff attended various departments of the receiving institution. They were trained at the department of international cooperation, the department of research, the department of economics, the rectorate, the library, the lifelong learning centre and the technical and administration department. In most cases there was work shadowing of the receiving institutions staff. There was also mutual exchange of experience, the exchange of work procedures (e. g. indexation and publishing monographs, grant project activities), and also establishing and deepening inter-institutional relations, which was possible to enhance also at other levels of the institutions, not just at the top one, i. e. rector and vice-rectors. | Both teaching and training staff mobilities were beneficial to both sending and receiving institutions, which had a positive impact on rising number of mobilities. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-CZ01-KA202-035560;;;Digital Training Toolbox for Entrepreneurial Training in Augmented Reality ;The AROMA project was motivated by the EUs Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan and in particular by the need to amplify Europe's entrepreneurial potential. A survey, which was one of the project ou...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;UNIVERZITA PALACKEHO V OLOMOUCI;CZ;CZ,EL,BE,SE,RO,MT,ES;257.750,75;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;"The AROMA project was motivated by the EUs Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan and in particular by the need to amplify Europe's entrepreneurial potential. A survey, which was one of the project outcomes and served as a base for the design and the development of the project materials, confirmed several motivating expectations. Though the augmented reality (AR) technology gradually finds its way into business, education and common life, it can be still considered like relatively unknown and there is a gap and need to promote the awareness about the technology. Generally, many experts expects the technology can help to rise the efficiency, could accelerate training, make learning and training more dynamic and could also enable to solve problems faster. Moreover, digital skills and ICT competencies are generally considered as key and crucial to develop in today's education and training. This situation supports the need of providing training in augmented reality to relevant audience using a practical and hands-on approach. | The overall objective of the AROMA project was to develop an on-line course ""Augmented reality and Business Skills"" and supporting materials (the course curriculum, supporting train the trainer course, case-studies, live-demos) that altogether form a digital training toolbox through which the projects target audience, especially those entering the topics, can be provided with training in augmented reality technology, can learn about its principles, possibilities and get some practical experience with it. A special feature of the course is a connection with training in business skills and competencies, for which the technology may serve as an important tool. The aim was to motivate a novel breed of entrepreneurs that should able to exploit the technology in different business scenarios and hopefully find the way how to use it for their activities. All the materials as a comprehensive digital toolbox should facilitate vocational education (VET) trainers in their creation of their modular training, compiling other relevant case-studies etc. Designed innovative educational curriculum integrating training in augmented reality and multilingual training in business skills can be flexibly applicable in various contexts. An integral part of the toolbox is the created AROMA e-Learning Management System maintained also after the project completion. | The project brought together 8 European partners with a specific mix of profiles, backgrounds and expertise relevant for various aspects of the project including vocational education provision, augmented reality technology expertise, pan -European entrepreneurship association, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) supporting organisation, higher education and adult learning as well as the world of work.";The pedagogic methodology of the AROMA project is based on the train the trainers and modular approach and all the outcomes are freely available from the project website The project targeted primarily on vocational education trainers with the expectation that though this community the AROMA results might reach out to the end target audience all those interested augmented reality technology in context with setting-up business or specialized training and skills development e.g. existing entrepreneurs, start-up entrepreneurs, social enterprises, stakeholders, business incubators and centres, and secondary to any adult learners, and higher education students. | Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | IO2: Curriculum for a VET Course lntegrating AR and Business Skills | IO3: AROMA Digital & Flexible Training Toolbox: Introduction to AR | IO4 Train the VET Trainers course on AR for Entrepreneurship 1: Introduction | IO5 Case Study of AR in Business Applications 1: Retail and wholesale | IO6: AROMA E-Learning Management System | IO6: AROMA E-Learning Management System mirror | IO7: Set of Live AR in Business Demos, case 1 storyboard | IO3 learning path guide | E-Book with Guidelines of how AR can be used in Busienss | IO7: Set of Live AR in Business Demos, case 2 storyboard | IO7: Set of Live AR in Business Demos, case 3 storyboard | IO5 Case Study of AR in Business Applications 2: Education | IO5 Case Study of AR in Business Applications 3: Museums | IO5 Case Study of AR in Business Applications 4: Travel and Tourism | IO5 Case Study of AR in Business Applications 5: Advertising | IO5 Case Study of AR in Business Applications 6: Health care | IO5 Case Study of AR in Business Applications 7: Technical field | IO4 Train the VET Trainers course on AR for Entrepreneurship 2: LMS | IO4 Train the VET Trainers course on AR for Entrepreneurship 4: Supporting tools (part 2) | IO4 Train the VET Trainers course on AR for Entrepreneurship 3: Supporting tools (part 1) | IO4 Train the VET Trainers course on AR for Entrepreneurship 5: Business Model Canvas | IO4 Train the VET Trainers course on AR for Entrepreneurship 6: Online Teaching | IO4 Train the VET Trainers course on AR for Entrepreneurship 7: Project_evaluation | IO4 Train the VET Trainers course on AR for Entrepreneurship 8: Assessment Tools | IO4 Train the VET Trainers course on AR for Entrepreneurship 9: Evaluation and feedback | IO3 AROMA Digital & Flexible Training Toolbox: AR Technology | IO3 AROMA Digital & Flexible Training Toolbox: AR enhanced entrepreneurship | IO3 AROMA Digital & Flexible Training Toolbox: AR as part of digital business skills | IO3 AROMA Digital & Flexible Training Toolbox: The Future: Conducting business using AR | IO3 AROMA Digital & Flexible Training Toolbox: Implementation Strategies AR as a Business Tool | IO3 AROMA Digital & Flexible Training Toolbox: Different AR-based Business Solutions/ AR based case studies | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | IO1: Status & Foresight Report of European Augmented Reality Training Needs | Dissemination material | | AROMA multimedia presentation | 1st AROMA newsletter | 2nd AROMA newsletter | 3rd AROMA newsletter | 4th AROMA newsletter | AROMA Project featured on Magazine in Romania | AROMA webinar in English | AROMA webinar in Czech | AROMA webinar in Greek | AROMA webinar in Spanish | AROMA flyer | AROMA brochure | AROMA poster | AROMA roll-up Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2017;2017-1-CZ01-KA204-035438;;;Inclusive Senior Education through Virtual U3A;The project stems from long-standing experience of partner organisations, or their staff, with the education of seniors and from the effort to integrate good practice in individual countries into ...;Inclusion - equity|ICT - new technologies - digital competences|New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;OSTRAVSKA UNIVERZITA;CZ;CZ,PT,IT;194.921,45;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;The project stems from long-standing experience of partner organisations, or their staff, with the education of seniors and from the effort to integrate good practice in individual countries into the common methodology. The project objective is to create a system of inclusive education of seniors (based on the common methodology) with the use of information technology and active engagement of the seniors into the creation of the content of individual courses, including participation in their implementation. Another project objective is to systematically engage the youth into the education of seniors. These aims were reached. | The project was participated by 4 institutions. The project coordinator was the University of Ostrava, Czech Republic. The partners were Associao de Melhoramentos e Bem Estar Social de Pias, Portugal, FONDAZIONE MONDO DIGITALE, Italy and Associao Rede de Universidades da Terceira Idade. | Profile of Participants is described in part D. | | Description of activities: | - Analysis of the current state of seniors education in partner organisations, focus mainly on inclusive components. Analysis was done according the structure published on project web pages Analysis was the base for development of the comparative study. Questionnaire results are available on project web pages | - Comparison of these analysis, identification of common and different parts, evaluation through dialogue, conclusion as an input into design of new methodology. Comparative study is available on | - Main innovations: innovation of using ICT in more sophisticated way, strengthen the role of digital data in different formats, role of learning management systems and their huge potential. Innovations aim to involvement of seniors into teaching activities and involving students, youth. Seniors were in the role of developer of eLearning courses as well as teacher. They collaborated with students in developing of the eLearning courses. | - Finding of additional inclusive components from the analysis and through the discussion. | - Design of the new methodology which will integrate innovations leading to improvements of inclusive seniors education and removing of weak points. This methodology will be shared by all partners and will be base for future implementation. Methodology was developed and it is available on Methodology was piloted. | - Blended mobility of seniors with virtual mobility focus on inclusive elements of seniors education. Seniors participated in this mobility will prepare educational activity (course) for their schoolmates that will integrate knowledge and skills obtained through blended mobility. The aim of the blended mobility was to train seniors how to design and develop eLearning course in the Moodle LMS. Training was focused on methodology of the design of eLearning course in general as well as on technical issues of its implementation. | - Implementation of this methodology into Virtual U3A at University of Ostrava, ev. into partners seniors educational systems. Methodology was implemented in all partners' institutions. | - Pilot of this methodology through at least one semester course in each partners institution. Pilot was realized in all partners' institutions. | - Dissemination seminar. All partners' institutions realized dissemination seminar in their country. Erasmus Day was also utilized for dissemination of the project results.;Results: | - Three analysis developed by common instructions. Each partners' country developed analysis according to the common structure based on the results of questionnaire for seniors | - Comparative case study. It was created | - Methodology of inclusive seniors education (without barrier) based on smart using of ICT, cooperative learning, social learning, integrating of youth and boost seniors confidence. It was created | - New virtual classroom as a result of implementation of designed methodology (at least in applicant organisation). Virtual classroom was implemented in the Moodle platform. It is available on All together we have created 36 eLearning courses (AMBESP 8, FMD 10, OU 13, RUTIS 5). | - Courses :seniors to seniors. The topic of the courses will be chosen during the project. The courses will follow new methodology and will use new virtual classroom. In each partners institution there will be at least one semestral course. Seniors from all partners countries have developed eLearning courses in the platform and offered them to their schoolmates. As an example: Czech seniors have created four eLearning semestral courses. All are available on | | Envisaged impact and long term benefits: | - Removing the barriers give more Seniors chance to take part into life-long education. This benefit was tried during covid-19 crisis. Seniors could study from their homes and be in contact with the school as well as with their schoolmates. | - Increase the number of seniors participating in U3A. Using distance form of study increased number of U3A seniors. | - Increase the number of active seniors, who will be able to collaborate on learning/teaching activities. | - Enlargement comparative study and methodology among a vast array of stockholder. Comparative study as well as methodology were presented stockholders on national seminars and conferences. They are also available on project web pages. | - Enhancement the OU in its third role (Life-long education). This benefit was also checked during covid-19 crisis. OU did not stop offering educational activities for seniors. OU has created new courses for seniors in distance form. It was possible thanks to ISEV project because more than 100 seniors that were involved in ISEV project were able to study in distance using Moodle platform. | Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Platforma pro tvorbu kurz_ a pilotn kurzy | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | Komparativn studie | Spole_n metodika tvorby vzd_lvacch aktivit pro seniory zalo_en na _ty_ech pil_ch projektu | Dissemination material | | Evaluace a diseminace projektu | Others | | P_klad mezigenera_nho dialogu Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-CZ01-KA219-035416;;;Digital teaching in natural scientific subjects;The goal of the project Digital teaching in natural scientific subjects was to focus on the use of smartphones and tablet computers (not only as displaying devices but also as measuring or votin...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Natural sciences;;Stredni odborna skola a Gymnazium Stare Mesto;CZ;CZ,IT,PT,RO,SE;122.310,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"The goal of the project Digital teaching in natural scientific subjects was to focus on the use of smartphones and tablet computers (not only as displaying devices but also as measuring or voting devices)in the lessons of natural scientific subjects (particularly in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Geography). In the project, there were involved students and teachers from the Czech Republic (coordinator of the project), Romania, Italy, Portugal, and Sweden. We took an advantage from the current state when new technologies became a part of young peoples life. Even if these technologies are available to everyone, the students cannot use all their capacity. We can say the same about the teachers who usually have quite negative attitude to new technologies used by young people. The aim of the project was to find a way to get rid of the teachers shyness of using new technologies, and, at the same time to support students to use these technologies more effectively. We also wanted the teachers to realize a huge potential of new technologies as they can serve as a measuring device with a lot of sensors. | | We altogether worked on creating new teaching materials (worksheets, inspiromats, tips) which were all placed into the final product (e-book); and mobile applications which might be used in natural scientific subjects. During the progress of the project we proved that a smartphone contains a lot of detectors and sensors which can be effectively used in the lessons of Physics, Biology, Geography, or Chemistry (e.g. the sensor to measure the intensity of noise or light, GPS sensor, a sensor to measure acceleration, etc.). Continually we found other possibilities and ways of using these sensors in lessons, and, in this way, we found an opportunity to make the lessons of natural scientific subjects more attractive. The proof that we were successful is the amount of students interested in natural scientific seminars at all partner schools. | Our aim was not to make the teachers create the materials for students but to make them work together. So, there was a two-way discovering of possibilities of the digital teaching. And, what is more, as the conference language was English, the language knowledge of both teachers and students improved. Due to this, we were able to implement CLIL methods to the lessons. | Each employed country brought to the project some specific experience or skill (e.g. controlling projects, programming, etc.). The coordinator of the project assumed the biggest responsibility, but the other countries also had some important tasks. Each partner state became a guarantee of one natural scientific subject (Italy of ICT, Romania of Biology, Sweden of Physics, the Czech Republic of Chemistry, and Portugal of Geography). Each partner was also responsible for the mobility (its preparation, realization, accommodation, etc.), for publishing materials, presentation of the project, the quality of materials, etc. | During the progress of the project, we put the biggest emphasis on the attractiveness of the mobilities and their benefits for students and teachers. Before each mobility, the single countries chose any subject matter from Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, and ICT. Then, they prepared a presentation, worksheets, a mobile application, and digital devices to this topic. Finally, they presented all these in the form of workshop where the students became teachers of other students. This way of workshops was found very effective, because the students and teachers got the immediate feedback about the materials and their attractiveness. The results of each mobility were the worksheets, lesson plans, and applications, either currently existing or newly made. All created materials are available on the website of the project";"A huge benefit of the project is not only the main dealt topic (new ways of digital teaching in natural scientific subjects), but also the development of ICT qualifications of both teachers and students, improving communicative skills between teachers and their students, improving the language skills, and strengthening the relationships among teachers and students. The project supported the creativity of students, we increased their motivation to study natural scientific subjects, the students tried peer learning on an international level; cooperative, formal, and informal teaching, lessons focused on research, and experience pedagogy. The project elevated the teachers as well, some of them started to be interested in new things again, and they developed their professional skills on the national and international level. | In the project, there were more than 140 teachers and students from 5 partner states employed directly (they attended mobilities), but there were about 500 students and teachers employed indirectly those who tried our lesson materials in practice. However, the project involved other people as well (website visitors, readers of articles, et | Results | Website | | | Direct effect on participants and project partners | | Evaluation of project | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Connecting Biology and ICT | E-book | Possibilities of ICT usage in biology | Possibilites of ICT usage in geography | Possibilities of ICT usage in physics | Possibilities of ICT usage in chemistry | Possibilities of ICT usage in natural science | Links to apps | Arduino Heart rate | Arduino Lie Detector | BiomanBiology in Biology | Kahoot! in teaching activities | The Nervous System Android App | Ablative Shield | Worksheet Faraday Law | Having fun with Arduino | Worksheet for geography | Worksheet for geography | Sky View Lite App | Worksheet Relative and absolute location | Periodic table App | Dissemination material | | Video about school | Video about school | Movies from mobilities" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-CZ01-KA219-035520;;;Together with nature;The realized project was focused on environmental issues, the protection of nature and equally promoted the international cooperation and the development of communication skills in a foreign langu...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences|Environment and climate change|Natural sciences;;Gymnazium, Trutnov, Jiraskovo namest 325;CZ;CZ,UK;52.380,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);centro Educativo;;;English;The realized project was focused on environmental issues, the protection of nature and equally promoted the international cooperation and the development of communication skills in a foreign language. The main content of the project was focused on the national parks available near the both participating schools. We chose the Giant Mountains National Park (KRNAP) in the Czech Republic and the NP Snowdonia in the UK. During the project we watched and evaluated four areas of interest, the first three have been associated to the assessed national parks and the fourth area was aimed to compare the ecological operation of school buildings of both participating schools. The monitored areas were: | 1. The national park nearby its characteristics, history, geological and geographical conditions, methods of conservation. | 2. Coexistence of a man and nature in the national park. Searching for a compromise between an environmental protection and living conditions of people. | 3. Protected species of plants and animals in the compared parks, occurrence of endemites and other unique phenomena - searching, observation and identification of natural items directly in the field. | 4.Ecological footprint of our school. The characteristics of an ecological operation of my school. Comparison of the situation in both schools. A modern building versus 90 years old building. | The realization was ensured on both sides of the project by teams that were consisted of school pupils and teachers. During the implementation of the project we organized two international workshops of involved teachers. The first took place in November 2017 in Liverpool and the second in May 2019 in Trutnov. | Pupils' work on the project was launched at the end of 2017, when the two schools formed a group of students and teachers who started to deal with individual topics. The work took place not only individually in both schools but also in the form of electronic communication - e-mail, Skype. Gradually, pupils gathered information and material and, using the websites of both national parks, learned about the landscape. The original plan of the project was to use the E-Twinning platform for both communication and sharing of ongoing information. However, as we faced difficulties during this phase in the ability to reconcile the individual work meetings of the pupils of both schools, we preferred to communicate via e-mail or via Skype or different chats. In the context of increasing knowledge of the territory and functioning of the Giant Mountains National Park a discussion was held for a group of Czech pupils, first in March 2018 and then in June with a field trip to the Giant Mountains National Park. Similarly, pupils from the English school got acquainted with the nature of Snowdonia NP, although the excursion to the area took place later. For October 2018 a short exchange visit to the UK was prepared, which thanks to the cooperation with the KRNAP staff was planned so that we could first make a continuous three-day visit to Snowdonia NP (the starting point in the Plas Tan y Bwlch) and then we travelled to Liverpool, where we could work together with an English partner on partial outputs, sorting and processing photos of other materials. During the stay, we also organized a conference where individual pupil groups presented the information and materials they had gathered so far on particular topics. During their stay in Liverpool, the pupils were accommodated in families, which significantly contributed to learning about the way of life and cultural habits of the people of Great Britain. Staying in the natural language environment also brought a direct confrontation of the current knowledge of English and could become a significant motivation for its further development. In the next stage of implementation, the pupils of both schools worked on the sorting of materials and preparation of documents for the outputs, which were: | An exhibition of photographs from both national parks, a wall calendar, a paper information folder and three wall information panels.;The first of the outputs, the exhibition of photographs, was realized as a part of a short exchange stay of English pupils in the Czech Republic in October 2019, when LHS pupils also visited KRNAP, gained new information and together they participated in the elaboration of the environmental impact assessment of the operation of both partners' school buildings. At the end of 2019, the remaining effort was devoted into the particular implementation of all planned outputs. It can be stated that we managed to achieve all the essential project goals together during the project implementation. The outputs were spread on both sides not only towards the participants, the schools or families, but also towards the wider public. The project fulfilled the goals of professional, language and international cooperation. | Results | Website | | | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | Presentation Logo I | Presentation Logo II | Presentation geology | Presentation Logo III | Together with Nature - Ekological footprint | Dissemination material | | Together with Nature - Project outputs - materials | Together with Nature - Project outputs - texts Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2017;2017-1-DE02-KA102-003581;;;Together in Europe II - social inclusion in early childhood;For the Berufsbildenden Schulen V vocational colleges in Braunschweig, the project is an important part of the final youth work training. The main aim is to allow students to gain specific well-...;Inclusion - equity, Pedagogy and didactics;;Berufsbildende Schulen V Fachschule Sozialpdagogik;DE;DE,FI,ES,EE,FR,PL,PT;51.416,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (tertiary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;For the Berufsbildenden Schulen V vocational colleges in Braunschweig, the project is an important part of the final youth work training. The main aim is to allow students to gain specific well-founded and practical expertise that will additionally qualify them in inclusive and inter-cultural teaching in their future career. In addition to in-depth analysis of inclusive education in Europe, students test their personal skills in applying professional methods, and their inter-cultural, e.g. social communication, capabilities in very demanding situations. The individual competences are summarised in concrete terms in three learning units. A total of 30 six-week trips for students are planned shortly before they complete their pre-school teaching and youth work training. Skills are gained through active teaching in the six European partner institutions earmarked, and by analysing access/barriers in terms of equal social inclusion at the institutional, local and national level. The first two weeks are dedicated to exploring in detail the institutional environment and the local situation with respect to social integration. From week three, the focus shifts increasingly to independent youth work. Active pedagogical in the institutions centres around the particular situation in the partner institutions, and at the same time targets the skills identified. Skills relate to developing personal communication skills in unfamiliar circumstances, reviewing group processes with respect to integration and exclusion, and assessing the institutional and organisational environment with respect to accessibility and barriers.;Prospective vocational college students are invited to apply at the beginning of the academic year. Students are enrolled on an advanced course where they are supported in their application, and then prepared for the placement in terms of content and organisation. During the placement, there is monitoring by means of e-conferences, e-mail contact and coordinated self-evaluation and assessment tools. The skills obtained are thus documented, and reviewed as part of the practical course. The skills gained are shown in the Europass. The subsequent practical part in local institutions provides for exemplary transfer of conceptual ideas and methods. Outcomes are evident first and foremost in the participants professional qualification. The project also ensures the international focus of BBS V Braunschweig, not least thanks to stronger integration of international content in the youth work training course. Finally, we see long-term benefit in that the placement during the course ensures that European perspectives are clear, understood by the student and therefore better accepted. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2017;2017-1-DE02-KA102-003698;;;Fremdsprachenassistenten und Industriekaufleute EU - Kompetenzen fr Europa;For many years the Robert-Schuman-Berufskolleg in Essen has been offering, among others, a two and three-year course to become a State-qualified Commercial Assistant with Languages. The two-year...;Teaching and learning of foreign languages, EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy ...;;Robert-Schuman-BK-Essen;DE;DE,UK;90.985,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;For many years the Robert-Schuman-Berufskolleg in Essen has been offering, among others, a two and three-year course to become a State-qualified Commercial Assistant with Languages. The two-year course is for students with university entrance qualifications and the three-year course for those with higher education entrance qualifications. An important feature of these courses is an eight-week work placement, all or part of which can be absolved abroad e. g. UK, France, Spain, the Netherlands. The duration of the work placement abroad varies between four and eight weeks depending on the requirements of the company and the wishes of the trainees. The course, European Business and Administration Assistant, which is also offered at the RSBK, has been putting the requirements and wishes of the individual training companies into practise within the framework of the primary vocational training since 2004. This training course provides young people, who have higher education and university entrance qualifications, with a good alternative to a university degree. The mandatory 13-week work placement in the UK is absolved in their second year and is one of the main focal aspects of this year. Globalization of markets in international companies makes it necessary for employees, who have comprehensive language skills at their disposal, to possess inter-cultural awareness and demonstrate a high degree of flexibility and mobility. As these requirements need to be met during the initial vocational training, the above-mentioned courses with the following objectives were introduced: - increasing language and inter-cultural skills - the application of such skills in companies in other European countries - extending communication skills as well as the ability to acquire experience of working | internationally and being mobile. ;As a result, the trainees should be in a position to cope well with the increasing requirements of the job market. All the 33 trainees (34 mobilites) have completed their work placements predominantly in small and medium-sized companies, in administrative as well as tourist businesses i.e. 15 Commercial Assistants with Languages in various European countries or respectively 18 European Business and Administration Assistants in the UK. Contracts for these placements have been concluded. This type of work placement is particularly suitable because there they can better experience how complex company operations are than in large companies. A language course together with the work placement for the European Business and Administration Assistants also improved language skills and was completed with a BEC qualification. The trainees were accommodated either with host families or in student hostels. For both courses, the work placement abroad took place after approx. half of the course. On the one hand, this has the advantage that the trainees have obtained considerable insight into how companies operate, as well as extensive language and commercial skills during their lessons at college. On the other hand, in the final year, they have to sit numerous final exams which certify the skills they have acquired and the relevance of the important role of their work placement abroad. As a result it has been possible to strengthen and expand the cooperation with our numerous international partners which has developed over the years. This has led to a high degree of satisfaction for everyone involved in these work placements. In conclusion, we would like to emphasize that we set great store on continuity and reliability when building up our partnerships and this is reflected in the structural growth. It is our wish to work together with companies based in the countries whose languages are taught at our college, in companies which mainly use these languages or with whom we have been involved in international projects. In various companies, the trainees can, with skilled instruction, put into practise and improve their foreign language skills as well as the theoretical knowledge which they have acquired. As a result of the mobility programme, the perspectives of life-long learning can be taught. Furthermore, motivation and the ability to work under pressure independently can be developed, while at the same time prejudice towards people who think and behave differently can be diminished. These aspects have been included in the main targets of our school programme which documents the European orientation of our college as a certified European college of the state of North-Rhine Westphalia. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-DE02-KA202-004129;;;Motivating young Europeans;"As part of the ""Young Europeans* Move"" project, vocational schools from Liepaja/Latvia, Plock/Poland, Brescia/Italy and Darmstadt/Germany have joined forces with the industrial and training compan...";Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Pedagogy and didactics, International cooperation ...;;Heinrich-Emanuel-Merck-Schule;DE;DE,IT,PL,LV;129.965,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"As part of the ""Young Europeans* Move"" project, vocational schools from Liepaja/Latvia, Plock/Poland, Brescia/Italy and Darmstadt/Germany have joined forces with the industrial and training company Merck KGaA and the Chamber of Industry and Commerce Darmstadt Rhein-Main, to create a sustainable European vocational training network by using different forms of learning cooperation, offering learning stays for trainees abroad for IT, electrical, mechatronics, metalworking, gastronomy and automotive occupations in the context of an EU town twinning. | | Our project thus began with the increasing internationalisation of companies and the necessary increase in the mobility of young people in initial vocational training. The project was embedded in an EU partner city network that dealt more or less ""ineffectively"" with the topic of ""youth unemployment and lack of skilled workers"". Under the guidance of the Heinrich-Emanuel-Merck-Schule Darmstadt, the EU partner cities, Merck and IHK Darmstadt have recognized that ""learning location cooperation"" with its effects and opportunities for discussion is a key effective and strategic measure to increase the employment of young people in Europe. For this reason, efforts have been made through the EU town twinning network to attract vocational schools to participate in the project. | Learning location cooperation is defined as cooperation between vocational schools and training companies/institutions or cooperating companies or practical institutions (e.g. workshops in schools). It not only refers to the dual system, but also describes all forms of vocational training, including full-school forms, in which cooperation takes place between different learning locations in order to optimise vocational training. | | The Chamber of Industry and Commerce and the company Merck KG a.A. took a representative view of the companies, while the schools, from their point of view, designed the topic according to concrete goals. Both economic and industrial partner institutions also supported the placement of places for learning stays and the dissemination of the project results through media publications, web presence and within their institutions. | | The project transported the idea of European unity into vocational training through the cooperation of the various European partners. It was illustrated by many examples and made tangible by the project results, how the educational mission of the vocational school - to enable trainees to fulfil their tasks in their profession and to help shape the world of work, society and Europe in social and ecological responsibility - can be implemented in the European context. The exchange of good practice in cooperation between learning venues provided support in this respect.";"Basic structures for the readiness and openness for these goals were at the centre of our partnership's work mandate. In detail, the following aspects of learning location cooperation were achieved: | | 1) Organisation, tasks and management of a vocational training network with 40 companies from four countries (IT, DE, PL. LV), | 2) Planning, implementation and evaluation of 32 occupation-related, cooperative training projects (web-based learning, e-learning, digitisation 4.0) in the form of learning stays, | 3) Planning, implementation and post-processing of 25 operational investigations for the generation and evaluation of a guideline for operational investigations and | 4) Implementation of 8 transnational project meetings for the coordination/collaboration of the participants and cooperation with companies for the generation of vocational learning stays. | | The following results were achieved: | | Outcome 1) A transnational network of 40 VET institutions was established. The majority of these offer learning stays. Particular mention should be made of the newly established cooperation between vocational schools, companies and municipal institutions as well as between the Darmstadt Chamber of Industry and Commerce and the Brescia Chamber of Industry and Commerce. | Outcome 2) Concepts of web-based learning and digitisation were exchanged with cooperative training projects. | Outcome 3) A guideline for the preparation, implementation and follow-up of company investigations was drawn up, tested, evaluated, distributed and made available for download. | Outcome 4) A tailor-made vocational and intercultural motivation training for learning stays abroad was developed, tested and evaluated through 32 learning stays. The concept is available for download together with films. | Outcome 5) The project was widely published through various dissemination media (e.g. TV, international press, websites, print media). The results are available for download on the EU websites and on the project website ( Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Guide for Company Explorations | Intercultural Training | motivation film (Latvia) | questions about partner cities | Partnerships and cooperations | | project website | Projektvideo ""Motivating young Europeans"" | Dissemination material | | further links | final conference in Brescia | intermin conference in Brescia | presentation for the final event from Latvia" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2017;2017-1-DE02-KA204-004204;;;BADGES for quality learning approaches and validation of non-formal learning in cultural/heritage contexts ;"The project BADGES has aimed at valorising the huge lifelong learning potential of European cultural and natural heritage sites. Nowadays the concept of lifelong learning is strictly connected ...";Recognition, transparency, certification ...;;LANDKREIS KASSEL;DE;DE,BE,PL,IT,PT,NL;276.527,00;Yes;No;Regional Public body;Administracin Educativa;;;English;BADGES developed a fully fledged methodology to support both cultural and natural heritage sites in offering learning enhancement experiences to their visitors, and the opportunity to have the new knowledge and skills acquired during the learning experience recognised and validated. BADGES developed: a methodological frame for competence based informal and non-formal learning in cultural and natural heritage a CPD Programme for cultural and natural heritage staff capacity for developing and organizing validated informal and non-formal learning at their sites a European system for issuing electronic badges as a certificate for competence development and eventually created a community of interest around this topic and support the creation of a badging culture as part of an approach to personal and professional development and to employability;The main target groups of the project are: | - Professionals working in museums, other heritage or cultural organisations, natural parks, archaeological sites that will be able to issue the badges linked to their mission. | - People visiting cultural sites, nature parks, historical sites, etc. that can be invited to make the most of the experience by getting a badge. | The project started with a research on: Good practices in European cultural and natural heritage sites Heritage professionals needs in terms of educational methodologies Successful examples of electronic badges usage - The results of this study laid the basis for setting up the core components of the BADGES methodology. An inventory of relevant competences was identified, relating to transferable social, personal and organisational competences (SPOC) that may be acquired in the specific learning contexts and also field competences connected to the cultural and natural heritage topics. The description of the competences followed the LEVEL5 validation system, a well proven methodology to validate social and personal competences acquired in informal and non-formal learning. For each competence, a framework will be set up along the dimensions of knowledge, skills and attitudes. A validation system was set up considering the stages: Identification, Assessment and Documentation of competences and their Certification with Badges. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | BADGES - IO2 Inventory of Competences | BADGES IO2 Competence frameworks | BADGES - IO2 Transfer EQF | BADGES - IO3 validation approach | BADGES IO4 Learning approach | BADGES IO6 Toolkit | BADGES IO7 valorisation | IO6 Toolkit - Short version EN | IO6 Toolkit - short version DE | IO6 Toolkit - short version NL | IO6 Toolkit - short version IT | IO6 Toolkit - short version PT | IO6 Toolkit - short version PL | IO6 Toolkit - short version FR | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | BADGES - IO1 Global Report on Best Practices | Dissemination material | | BADGES - Newsletter | BADGES - Brochure | BADGES Dissemination Strategy | BADGES - Video | Project logo | Coordinator | LANDKREIS KASSEL | WILHELMSHOHER ALLEE 19-21 | 34117 | KASSEL | HESSEN | | Organisation type: Regional Public body | Partners | TRENDHUIS | BUPNET BILDUNG UND PROJEKT NETZWERKGMBH | MALOPOLSKI INSTYTUT KULTURY W KRAKOWIE | Associazione Culturale Imago Mundi Onlus | INSTITUTO POLITECNICO DE LEIRIA | PLATform Opleiding, Onderwijs en Organisatie BV (PLATO) | VLAAMSE GEMEENSCHAP Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-DE03-KA101-035136;;;WE IN EUROPE- EUROPE WITHIN US - on our way to become a European school ;The educational staff at our school is confronted with an extreme level of heterogeneity of students, a growing number of migrants from all over Europe and even refugees which have to be include...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Integration of refugees, Inclusion - equity;;Europaschule Grundschule Sudenburg;DE;DE,AT,DK;14.935,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;The educational staff at our school is confronted with an extreme level of heterogeneity of students, a growing number of migrants from all over Europe and even refugees which have to be included. Therefore we are forced to change the learning environment to offer suitable conditions and enrich school life for all our learners and the staff at the same time. The main aim is to help our teachers and staff include and motivate the many students that were born in other countries now living in Magdeburg within the local area of our school. We try to create an international sense of identity. Our staff is already used to take part in international projects and willing to go on working in those. The participating colleagues are teachers of Ethics, physical education and English as well as additional pedagogical staff which is responsible for the development of childrens competences in the morning and in afternoon activities. | The aims are: | | 1.Finding inspiration for the development of our school by looking at other schools ideas and ways of teaching(Job Shadowing/ | teaching) | 2.Encouraging a change in thinking at teachers and staff through exchange | 3.Improve open-mindness and willingness to try new things by experiencing exchange among teachers | 4. Improve the foreign language skills of the teachers of English as the basis for a high quality language teaching | 5.Serve as role models to our students and parents and open them to international exchange and acceptance of interculturalism. | 6.Better preparation of the transitions of students (Kindergarten-primary school and primary school-secondary school) | 7. Improving teaching methods and to enrich the quality of school routine by introducing modern methods | 8.The consideration of the holistic nature of teaching and learning processes, compliance with the different individual potentials | of students and educators as well as the complex cognition of people (students, parents and teachers) and their needs. | 9. promote inclusion in education | 10.To go on becoming a school with an official European profil (title: Europaschule) | 11.To increase self-confidence, Resilienz;We want to keep in contact using Skype, E-Mails, Facebook and practice our partnerships and maybe find new ones for echanging ideas in the future. The learning results will be presented on team meetings, discussed and when possible transferred within our school routine. Project results will be shown on our school homepage and on eTwinning. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-DE03-KA101-035354;;;Ausbau der digitalisierten Formen des Lehrens und Lernens sowie der schulischen Qualittsentwicklung zur Festigung des Europaprofils des Burg-Gymnasiums;"The aim of our project ""Fostering the digital forms of teaching and learning as well as school quality enhancement for the strengthening of the European profile of the Burg-Gymnasium"", which the B...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), EU Citizenship ...;;Burg-Gymnasium Bad Bentheim;DE;DE;9.566,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The aim of our project ""Fostering the digital forms of teaching and learning as well as school quality enhancement for the strengthening of the European profile of the Burg-Gymnasium"", which the Burg-Gymnasium Bad Bentheim carried out in the period between July 2017 - December 2017, was to develop our school - located in the rural ""Euregio"" region - to a tolerant, European-minded educational institution, which eventually may call itself ""Europaschule"" and thus may have the capacity to cope with the challenges of a growing multicultural society, as represented in our school. The most effective way to secure best results was to train five participants from different levels (heads of departments, members of the school management) with an interdisciplinary approach, combining different subjects. Thus, the courses tackled diverse topics: Our Deputy Head joined a one-week course about the use of digital devices like tablets and smartphones in teaching, which took place in Florence. In a similar way the Head of the Physics Department took part in a one-week course in Prague and learnt a lot about E-learning platforms. The Head of School attended a one-week course in Dunfermline, where she dealt with issues like school development and quality evaluation and learnt a lot about the Scottish education system. In a one-week course in Tramin a Biology teacher and Head of the Physical Education Department dealt with E-Hives and the possibilities of using digital tools in the teaching of the Sciences in a pupil-oriented way. A teacher of German and History, who has been teaching a seminar Journalism for years, deepened his knowledge about Teaching cinema in the classroom in a one-week course in Lisbon. | All courses led to an increase of the motivation of the participants and enhanced the knowledge related to the subjects and improving the social and communicative competences. All participants exchanged their ideas in the working team ""Europe"" and used their new impressions for their teaching in different ways. Thus, digital tools were integrated in lessons and teachers were trained in the use of digital tools (see Projektbeschreibung). The ongoing eTwinning- project ran smoothly. The working team ""Europe"" prepared the project days, which took place at the end of August 2018 (a few weeks after the beginning of the new school year), culminating in a public presentation afternoon at our school, partly with the use of digital tools (see Homepage). Contacts to foreign teachers, that had been established during the seminars abroad, could not be directly used, but the contact with a Swedish school that had been set up during the first project 2016/17 was revived and enabled students to get in touch with Swedish kids. The development of a European curriculum has already started, but this process has not been completed yet. The language Departments of English, French and Dutch have already handed in their contribution to a European curriculum, which can be found in the appendix.";The different highlights of the project have been published intensely on our homepage and in the press (see appendix). Through this extensive documentary of the project the public has been informed about the growing European profile of the Burg-Gymnasium. | After completion of the project we can state that all members of staff and all students of our school have again learned a great deal about Europe and have thus strengthened our cultural awareness, but we have also learnt to integrate digital devices in learning and teaching. | We, after having left out one application round, have already applied for our third Erasmus+ key action 1 project, which deals with the creation of a Happy School. On top of that we have applied for an Erasmus+ key action 2 project for the first time, which will involve an Irish (coordinating school) and a Belgian school. | We are convinced that via our two completed Erasmus+ - projects our teachers and students have strengthened their intercultural competences. By doing so, our Burg-Gymnasium has made a contribution to securing a peaceful Europe. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-DE03-KA219-035459;;;Fun And Curriculum oriented Exercises for: Information Technology;The goal of the project was the preparation, organization and creation of a mobile phone app for an international quiz of knowledge taught at all schools as well as general and civic knowledge. Th...;Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Staatliche Wirtschaftsschule Dinkelsbhl;DE;DE,EL,PL,NL,ES;89.560,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;The goal of the project was the preparation, organization and creation of a mobile phone app for an international quiz of knowledge taught at all schools as well as general and civic knowledge. The participating schools were located in Germany, Greece, Poland and Spain (the Dutch quit). The quiz is available in the languages of the schools & in English. The coordinators analyzed the curricula & decided on similar topics for the quiz. Then the pupils had to create the questions & the answers for the quiz in project groups. The work there was done in group work mainly. The pupils translated all questions into English. The questions had to be written in complete sentences & dealt with the curricula of the 5 countries. So the pupils improved their skills and knowledge in the subjects of the quiz (e.g English, History etc) & improved their English language skills as well as their writing abilities in their mother tongues. The Greek school's pupils could function as peer teachers teaching the other pupils how to create the app during the learning activities. During these activities the exchange pupils stayed in host families. In that way we inceased their intercultural competences. The pupils were prepared for their stays abroad in cultural preparation courses. Each school sent 16 pupils abroad. They were accompanied by one or two colleagues each time. We included pupils of fewer opportunities. | | The past Erasmus projects of our schools had showed that pupils who took part in these activities were often the outgoing & extroverted ones. The pupils who are good at Science, IT or Mathematics are often the quiet, the brooding pupils who have difficulties in communicating in foreign languages. So we wanted to include these pupils and make use of their knowledge of IT, thus boosting their self-esteem. We used their enthusiasm for computers and mobile phones. There are many pupils who have great knowledge in this field but who are not very interested in school subjects. So we wanted to motivate them by utilizing their knowledge in the context of the curriculum.;"The app is downloadable and can now be used in our classes after the project. During the project there were other results, too. During the activity weeks there were quiz-events at the different schools. Most pupils of the schools took part then. The pupils had to create a project logo, a ""language survival guide"" for travelling pupils and they prepared the mobilities with reports and presentations on their towns, regions and countries. There is a blog on the project, an instagram profile, a facebook site and a youtube channel. We used e-twinning for communication. | | The target groups involved were the following: The pupils of the schools who created the app technically and who created the questions, the teachers, who supervised the participating pupils, all other pupils of the schools who took part in the locally organized quiz show-competitions, the other teachers of all schools who supervised the competitions and the parents who hosted the exchange pupils in their homes during the mobilities. The project strengthened the international orientation of the schools and helped to fulfill their internationalization strategies. These strategies were created during the project on the basis of the German version which serves as a template now for the other schools. By creating questions on general knowledge, European history and also cultural aspects of European life we fostered the European awareness of our pupils and created a mutual feeling of understanding amongst the young generation of the people of Europe while dealing at the same time with multidisciplinary and integrated content in English. | | The international character of the project was important, as the pupils should learn cultural competences, tolerance & awareness for the history at home as well as abroad. This widened their horizon and shall boost their chances on the international job market later in life. The pupils were involved in the organization, creation & set up of the app. So their own initiative, their self-confidence & their motivation was stimulated. The groups were of mixed-gender and mixed nationality. The common language was English, so the pupils language skills benefited, too. The European idea and the implementation of the European unification process could be felt by the people involved. The schools now profit from the project as their publicity & attractiveness for (future) pupils & staff rose through the publicity reached by the project. Results | Dissemination material | | Facebook address blog address | school website | Organizational and working documents | | Internationalisierungsstrategie_template | twinspace | Logbook | Others | | THE APP" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-DE03-KA219-035471;;;Digital Empathy;The purpose of the partnership was to learn about other cultures, especially the immigrants in our countries and compare them with our own culture, to improve ICT competences and foreign languages...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Migrants' issues, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;Mittelschule Lindau (Bodensee);DE;DE,ES,IT,PL,TR,PT,NL;152.790,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"The purpose of the partnership was to learn about other cultures, especially the immigrants in our countries and compare them with our own culture, to improve ICT competences and foreign languages. We used the tools such as videos, internet, e-Twinning, the social media-Twitter, YouTube and Facebook-bulletin boards, posters, logos, pictures and books to share and compared different life styles. We had knowledge and skills in many areas such as culture, history, languages, geography, art and etc. We wanted to meet our needs such as getting to know the cultures (immigrants) sprouting in our countries, learning and enhancing our respect to them, destroying the prejudices, reaching more information about them, strengthening the mutual relations and reinforcing the friendship. Students acquired such abilities as creating conscious content and assess the author, purpose and content of a message critically when they decided the reliability of content on the digital media. The project focused on the problems and misunderstandings that may come out of the easy access to the internet through ICT. The spreading of incorrect communication about migrants is problematic to pupils perception of migrants and the surrounding world. According to the European priorities, our project focused on the intercultural dialogues in order to promote international understanding and world peace. The educative community discovered value and respect; understood the local and national cultures, each country and region. Teachers and students shared and exchanged experiences to reinforce cooperation in order to achieve great convergence and improvement. The students developed social skills by sharing ideas, knowledge, tasks, materials and etc. They learned a foreign language in a true situation of communication and developed literacy skills as well. ";We created an awareness of the outside world and other cultures. We guided the immigrants appreciation and acceptance. We also created our own products of activities such as educational materials related to digital literacy and ICT, a product by Scratch, a short video film for peace, designing logos and slogans, painting competition and exhibitions, a digital dictionary, a calendar creation, slide shows about immigrants (pictures, brochures, interviews and memories), an e-book with all the recipes of the partnership, slide shows about our religious traditions, preparing an online magazine, recorded videos (mobility experiences), diaries, important days and weeks and the results of the questionnaires. The partner schools had students of the same ages and similar needs. The schools had a variety of cultural diversity with students from different social and economic backgrounds. We wanted to do this project mainly in terms of developing language and ICT skills and sharing cultures. We were altogether in this project aiming to achieve common goals. We run the project according to the planned activities, budget and time schedule. We worked cooperatively. | In a multi-social and multi-cultural environment the students took responsibility for each other, for the ones who were different in skin colour, religion or just from a different cultural background. Based on cooperative work between the schools, we would like to familiarize pupils with different cultures and enhance their understanding and create an interesting learning environment. Results | Website | | | Feedback from participants | | Who is who - results | Interim Evaluation | Final Evaluation | Dissemination material | | calender 2019 | Quiz Children on a run | Communication with emojis | Communication with emojis | Scatch workshop - social inclusion | Speaking up for peace, against war and discrimination | Essential Dictionary | Why did Kunkush leave his home? | Website | Others | | refugees on the run | Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-DE03-KA219-035489;;;Job Market 4.0 - Challenges for European Work and Life;"Context/background of the project In recent years the European world of work and consequently also the European job market have been influenced by new challenges such as globalization, youth ...";Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal), ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment;;Leonore Goldschmidt-Schule - IGS Mhlenberg;DE;DE,IT,FR,HR,BG;111.870,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;Context/background of the project | | In recent years the European world of work and consequently also the European job market have been influenced by new challenges such as globalization, youth unemployment and in particular digitalization, with the latter mostly referred to as Industry 4.0. In analogy to the concept of Industry 4.0 one has to see the major impact those developments have had on the job market. Therefore, in this project the participating schools spoke of the Job Market 4.0. | | Objectives of the project | | The project aimed to make the participants understand and reflect both the major historic devolopments in the job market still affecting us today and the current economic and technological changes on a pan-European level so they can mutually benefit from and succeed in that newly shaped and highly competitive job market by acquiring knowledge and competences as much as training e.g. high quality language, digital and social skills. | Thus the project tried to make a small contribution to make the EU's 2020 Agenda to create jobs an even bigger success. | | Number and profile of participants | | The five countries and likewise the schools coming together in this project had very different socio-economic backgrounds regarding the level of industrialization, unemployment etc. Yet all schools were united in their long-standing efforts and commitment in preparing their students for the requirements of the job market. | | Description of activities and the methodology used in carrying out the project | | The project was split in three stages: | | Stage I. Industrializations (19th century second half of the 20th century) | Stage II. Current and future challenges: Globalization, Industry 4.0 and their impact on the job market | Stage III. Job Market 4.0 in five European countries | | In a kind of group puzzle the participants collected and analyzed various materials in their own country leading to diverse products which they shared and compared in multinational mixed groups at the transnational meeting that came with every stage of the project. This process finally lead to new common results in line with the actual stages of the project which were then presented to the pupils and teachers back in the home countries and an even wider audience in the participating schools. | In addition, throughout the whole project the schools involved were in contact with more or less high profile employers and institutions, depending on the very different local economic possibilities, providing the participating pupils with high profile training in quality skills necessary for the current and future job market with a particular focus on digital skills. Those trainings took place both in national teams between project meetings and in mixed international groups when meetings took place.;The final results and the impact | | - There was an increase of key knowledge as well as improvement of quality communicative, foreign language and digital PC skills required to master future challenges in the job market | - Europass certificates | - comparable products for an online E-Book exhibition for the common website for the dissemination of the results in the participating schools and their communities, thereby creating free teaching materials for other schools | - the results of a survey in all five European countries, asking local companies what problems and most of all school failings they see and have with their current applicants or apprentices | - an exemplary manual on how to access the job market in the five participating countries | | The longer term benefits | | The pupils improved and acquired key abilities and skills necessary to meet the challenges in a common European job market. | The manual mainly focuses on the present and future school-leavers, providing them with information, orientation and useful advice on how to apply in the five project countries. The skills and knowledge acquired in that process complement the respective career orientation concepts of the schools involved leading to a real pan-European benefit. | All schools have come to a better understanding of the challenges of the future job market and are therefore better equipped to prepare and train their students for the European job market. | Stakeholders such as companies have also benefitted by raising the interest of applicants from other European countries and by learning about the requirements of the institutional arrangement and the application procedures in other European countries. Moreover they have gained a closer relationship with schools. Results | Website | Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-DE03-KA219-035534;;;A Healthy Dose of Social Media;"The project was titled ""A Healthy Dose of Social Media. The idea came from daily life, when we observed our own children and students at school. There is no doubt that Social Media have become an...";International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;Gesamtschule der Stadt Hemer;DE;DE,EL,LT,PT,PL;131.705,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"The project was titled ""A Healthy Dose of Social Media. The idea came from daily life, when we observed our own children and students at school. There is no doubt that Social Media have become an essential part of most peoples everyday lives, from checking Facebook and Twitter to posting blogs, Pinterest listings and uploading YouTube videos. | The aspiration for our project team was to find ways where Social Media networks can be leveraged to engage and build a foundation for future student's learning. | The main aim of the teaching staff was to develop the right Social Media teaching strategies which can lead to creative learning, and a productive approach to making Social Media a part of ongoing personal and professional development. | Our aim was to create opportunities for our students to view Social Media as something that is not going away and which should be used productively rather than devalued in schools. Doing so can mean that students moving into workplaces know how to use Social Media as an important tool. Thanks to being involved in all project activities our students gained the key for competences for a successful life such as problem solving, reflection, creativity, critical thinking, learning to learn, risk-taking, collaboration and entrepreneurship. Also, they improved their English and ICT skills. | We were team of 5 countries with the similar experience connected to the project topic and who worked together on the same subject which interested all participants active methods, ICT and social skills, the use of Social Media as a tool during the lessons. But above all we wanted to share our innovative teaching approaches. | The project team consisted of teachers who are well-qualified and skilled enough. They can be called innovative and willing to experiment on new ideas, methods and approaches. They participated in various European projects and seminars about the new learning methods, activities and also they took part in Comenius projects as team members. More than half of the key persons are well-qualified and skilled on ICT. | Students target groups were from 9 to15 years old and were selected on the basis of that children and teenagers are one of the biggest media consumer group in the society. The project aimed at enhancing the quality of media education offered for this target group. 60 students from 5 participating schools attended the mobilities of students. These young people were communicative, cooperative, social, enthusiastic, creative, able to work in a team and assumed the leadership role. In addition to good social and personal skills, they had good English and ICT knowledge. So 100 participants actively participated in the project. However, this team involved the whole school community from their countries to participate actively in this project.";"All partners were important and gave something special to the project. The German partner's role as a coordinating school within the project had a supportive role but also provided specialism for the whole project group. The coordinating school brought new innovative pedagogical teaching materials which will be shared with all partners. The Portuguese partner brought the new advanced ICT technology and they shared their knowledge with others. They designed the website and all materials. The school has a good command of computer technologies and participated in some training. The Lithuanian school brought new ideas and created new teaching materials by using social games and active learning methods in class. They used their knowledge and ICT experience in teaching and shared that with the partners. The Greek school showed our students that the world is open to new opportunities and that they can explore this world by the use of the Internet as a main channel of communication. The Polish school brought their enthusiasm and innovative ideas. They helped other partners to organize and moderate students' activities during all students meetings. Our international team shared good practices which were essential to create high quality project activities and results. The main activities were: | - creation of project's logo and website | - publishing a 4 parts teachers e-book with teaching material | - creating videos which documented the project meetings | - publishing students' stories e-book | - creating videso with with students' interviews | - publishing material ""Window to Daily Life at School: Social Media and Students"" | - brochures , videos and posters created by students about Cyberbullying on Social Media. | IMPACT on: | Teachers: improvement of language skills, mastery of ICT, use of new teaching methods, management skills. | Students: improvement of their basic English language skills, ICT and social skills | The project's realization led to a raise of the schools' status as a learning institution and the gained knowledge enabled them to apply for new future European projects. Results | Website | | | Feedback from participants | | Project Evaluation | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | A Healthy Dose of Social Media: Project Website | E-books on lessons held during project meetings on different topics related to the integration of Social Media in lessons | Debate as a method of working with students | Cyberbullying | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | Results of survey about student's habits with Social Media | E-book: Selection of Students's Stories on the topic of 'One day without Social Media' | Partnerships and cooperations | | Links to project partner's websites | Dissemination material | | Conference: 'Window to daily life at school - Social Media and the students' | Videos documenting project meetings" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-DE03-KA219-035558;;;Young creative European artists: Re-defining and shaping their own world exploring Romeo and Juliet;"The Erasmus+ School Project Young Creative European Artists: Re-defining and shaping their own world exploring ""Romeo and Juliet (YEA!), for a widely heterogeneous group of students, aged 14 to1...";Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Inclusion - equity, Creativity and culture;;Integrierte Gesamtschule Hannover-Linden;DE;DE,PL,ES;85.440,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The Erasmus+ School Project Young Creative European Artists: Re-defining and shaping their own world exploring ""Romeo and Juliet (YEA!), for a widely heterogeneous group of students, aged 14 to16 years, including special needs' learners, from diverse social backgrounds, had the intention of developing and supporting students pragmatic communicative abilities in English and enabling active cooperation with international peers and empowering learners to participate in intercultural communicative relationships. As the project idea connected with vital aspects of students' learning horizons where they found themselves involved in complex everyday life situations, while encountering puberty and adolescence, a further goal was directed at achieving cultural awareness of and togetherness with foreign peers through a European partnership of three schools. Thus, the project aimed to bring together young people with diverse social experiences and backgrounds to enable friendly encounters with peers in cooperation, communication and learning relationships, rejecting social segregation and separation. For the students, language learning processes were organized at three differentiating levels, i.e. students with advanced skills matching CEFR-level B1, with basic skills reaching CEFR-level A2+ supported partly bi-lingually, and with learning impairments enabling basic competences at CEFR-level A1 provided for fully bi-lingually. In addition, the project was directed at the extension of students IT-skills by using digital media tools, such as e-mails, blogs, chats and video-transmitted exchanges. IT-resources were used as a means of research for content- and language integrated (CLIL) tasks. To achieve the relevant learning goals for the heterogeneous cognitive levels of students, socially-oriented interaction models of learning had priority, e.g. peer-assisted learning activities supported by prompting and scaffolding methods which enabled the individual learner to concentrate on the processual involvement instead of individual difficulties in learning. For the purpose of creating cognitive curiosity and the building of reflexive knowledge as well as language competencies leading to communicative interaction, the literary reception of the drama ""Romeo and Juliet"" (R&J) in interdisciplinary language teaching was introduced. The drama R&J was to be modelled as the project's plot structure allowing students' to compare and contrast their individual everyday life experiences with the emotional situation of the characters in the play. ";"Covering the two-year project period, seven curricular modules were formed. Module 1, I and Others introduces the project programme to the students with the first steps into R&J, and encouraged them to reflect on their own personal everyday experiences which might link up with the general plot of the drama. Module 2, Friendship and Love, dealt with the meaning of these two basic emotions; students' biographical stories were collected and compared with specific scenes in R&J. Module 3, Strangeness and Borders, discussed the notions of strangeness and enmity, and the overcoming of borders, in both the contexts of the real world and R&J. Module 4 was a Workshop-based Phase in which the creative outcomes of the first project year were made by handicraft activities and theatrical performances. The second project year started with Module 5, I and We, to re-connect students with their project, re-enable a thorough identificatory bonding and to discuss and analyze the significance of being socially encoded in the We ; materials were based on R&J; steps into musical elements were practiced and artistic products were made. Module 6, War and Flight, presented in addition to excerpts from the literary R&J source another modern text type, i.e. the Charta of Human and Childrens Rights, with the function of analyzing family patterns and children's rights historically. Module 7, the second Workshop-based Phase of the project, concluded the second year's programme. Scenes from R&J were staged, and, secondly, a joint project book, containing materials selected from all outcomes, was produced. The activities were supported by four LTTA Meetings where students actively interacted with their peers, worked together in mixed-groups, created texts and songs, performed and videoed scenes and produced a project book. The activities were regularly evaluated, documented on websites and materials were presented in public school rooms. The impact of the project on the participating students and their teachers, and the school as a whole, was increased intercultural and European awareness and a movement against discrimination, racism and xenophobia. A long term benefit to students lay in greatly increased competencies and skills from the use of English as the project language, including increased confidence in grammatical strength, and heightened fluency in written and spoken language. Results | Feedback from participants | | Evaluation of the LTTA meetings | Evaluation of all LTTA meetings | Final evaluation of the project | Direct effect on participants and project partners | | Module 4 I and We | Module 4 | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Module 4 | Module 4 | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | Module 5 | Dissemination material | | Project Phase Production 1 | Joint book | Joint book, TNM | Joint book, 1st LTTA | Joint book, 2nd LTTA | Joint book, 3rd LTTA | Joint book, 4th LTTA | Joint book, Module 1 | Joint book, Module 2 | Joint book, Module 3 | Joint book, Module 4 | Joint book, Module 5 | Joint book, dissemination and more | Others | | 3rd Transnational Meeting in beda | 3rd LTTA Meeting in beda | 4th LTTA in Hannover | 4th LTTA in Hannover | Without category | | YEA! - Young creative European artists: Re-defining and shaping their own world exploring Romeo and Juliet | Preparation of the project, 2 | Module 1 | Module 1 | Module 1 | 1st Transnational Meeting | 1st Trainsnational Meeting | 1st Trainsnational Meeting | 1st Transnational Meeting | 1st Transnational Meeting | Module 2 | Module 2 | Module 2 | Module 2 | Module 2 | 1st LTTA Meeting in Hannover, January 2018 | 1st LTTA Meeting in Hannover | 1st LTTA Meeting in Hannover | 1st LTTA Meeting in Hannover | 1st LTTA Meeting in Hannover | 1st LTTA Meeting in Hannover | 1st LTTA Meeting in Hannover | Module 3 | Module 3 | Module 3 | Module 3 | Module 3 | Digital literacy | Digital literacy | Digital literacy | Digital literacy | 2nd Transnational Meeting | 2nd Transnational Meeting | Module 3 | Dissemination | Dissemination | Dissemination | 2nd LTTA Meeting in Radom | 2nd LTTA Meeting in Radom | 2nd LTTA Meeting in Radom | 2nd LTTA Meeting in Radom | Project logo | Coordinator | Integrierte Gesamtschule Hannover-Linden | Am Lindener Berge 11 | 30449 | Hannover | NIEDERSACHSEN | | Organisation type: School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level) | Partners | Zespol Szkol Integracyjnych w Radomiu (Publiczna Szkola Podstawowa nr 14/ Publiczne Gimnazjum nr 14) | I.E.S. Los Cerros" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-DE03-KA219-035703;;;E-teach the teacher;"""e-teach the teachers"" (abbreviated with the acronym e-ttt) is a school partnership that has developed the didactics for mobile learning with mobile devices (smartphones, tablets). All three proje...";Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Rennbuckel Realschule Karlsruhe;DE;DE,NL,UK;34.190,00;Yes;No;Accreditation, certification or qualification body;Administracin;;;English;"""e-teach the teachers"" (abbreviated with the acronym e-ttt) is a school partnership that has developed the didactics for mobile learning with mobile devices (smartphones, tablets). All three project partners can look back on a long tradition of working with tablets in class: in all three schools, pupils learn on their own iPads (bring your own device). | Furthermore,The English De Ferrers Academy has been an Apple Distinguished School for many years. The Realschule am Rennbuckel from Germany has received the awards SmartSchool by Bitcom and Digitale Schule Deutschland. | | The participating teachers from Holland, England and Germany worked together to develop the so-called iPAC Framework and brought the Accelerated Learning Cycle (ALC) into play as a teaching structure for mobile learning. The focus was always on the question of how 21st century skills can be taught in an integrative way in teaching. | | The result is a comprehensive ebook - freely accessible in the Apple iTunes Store at | In it, app-based learning is vividly explained using the Accelerated Learning Cycle model. In addition, there are app suggestions and numerous explanatory videos - all self-made in the respective teaching situations. | Further information can also be found at until 2028. | | As part of the Erasmus+ school partnerships, we met a total of four times. Twice in Germany and once each in Holland and England.";"Since the application was made by the Dutch school, but the project management was to have the German school from now on, the goals we had set in the application were still very vague. We were still inexperienced in writing applications and had hardly any time. A lot of the information was therefore not filled in correctly. Nevertheless, our project can be seen in retrospect: In addition to the ebook (which was not a goal in the application), we also held an international Mobile Learning Conference in Karlsruhe, which was attended by over 100 external educators. Furthermore, the Accelerated Learning Cycle and the iPAC Framework were presented in numerous workshops and lectures, so that it can be assumed that the iPAC Framework and the Accelerated Learning Cycle will have a long-term effect. Our aim is (also in our follow-up project ""Learning Beyond Reality"" - - online from January 2020) to make mobile learning in Europe more presentable (social acceptable) and to provide pedagogical, methodological and didactic support for educators. Results | Website | | | Dissemination material | | Unser Ebook | Unsere offizielle Webseite | Unsere Mobile Learning Conference | Unser Bericht und Danksagung von der Mobile Learning Conference | Projektvorstellung an der Schule | Youtube Channel - Videos" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-DE03-KA219-035723;;;Challenges of 21st century: globalisation and sustainability;"Various national and European studies - like ""Developing Key Competences at School in Europe"" and ""Science Education in Europe"" of the Eurydice network - show that basic key competences (languages...";Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal), ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Environment and climate change;;Gymnasium Lneburger Heide;DE;DE,LV,PT,ES;96.595,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"Various national and European studies - like ""Developing Key Competences at School in Europe"" and ""Science Education in Europe"" of the Eurydice network - show that basic key competences (languages, maths, sciences) as well as transversal skills (ICT, entrepreneurship) of students are poorly developed and that the national differences in students' education are great. | The agenda Europe 2020 demands among others to raise the employment rate, to increase the share of population having completed tertiary education, to enhance the performance of education systems, to reinforce the international attractiveness of Europe's higher education, to foster digital competence and the sense of initiative and entrepreneurship at school and to raise energy efficiency and to controvert poverty and social marginalisation. | In our project students investigated different topics in the contexts of globalisation and sustainability. Nowadays both, globalisation and sustainability are important aspects in the human co-existence. A peaceful human co-existence requires comparable necessities of life. For reaching these aims we have to improve social inclusion as well as basic and transversal skills and the critical thinking especially in environmental and cultural aspects of our students in order to become well educated and social competent EU citizens. In these contexts we had a look at materials circles of consumer products, the problems of plastics in environment, the using of water, food waste, typical crafts, technology in our life, energy and Shakespeare's canon. For mostly students use different kinds of new media in their daily life we used ICT tools to make these issues more attractive for students. Besides, by using these digital methods we improved the acceptance and integration of digital media in schools by students and staff. | We collaborated with different stakeholders concerning global learning and sustainability, universities, waste disposal plants, etc.. | During the project we developed products which were published on the projects homepage, the etwinning twinspace and as OER as far as possible. Such as | - surveys about globalisation and sustainability, and European identity | - presentations about the educational systems and the influence of globalisation on employment and entrepreneurship | - media-based educational trails for the material circles of consumer products | - e-book of graphic short novels about globalisation and sustainability | - a presentation and experimental instructions about plastics (use, recycling, perils, ..) | - media-based learner-centred pedagogical approaches concerning plastics, energy | -presentations about water (water consumption, water scarcity,..), country-typical handcrafts, technology in our life | - video of scenes of Shakespeares plays | - brochures about food waste | - infographic about the future of technology in education | - models of bioclimatic buildings | The four partner schools are on secondary level and the participant students at the age of 13 to 17. Altogether, about 600 students took part in the project. 68 students and about 30 teachers participated in the mobilities.";"The main objectives of the project were: | - to strengthen basic and transversal skills using innovative and learner-centered pedagogical approaches, | - to foster the development of social and intercultural competences | - to raise social and ecological awareness | - to improve media literacy | - to foster critical thinking in the environmental and cultural context | - to foster the interaction with diversity | - to foster the skills of changing perspectives | - to enhance digital integration in learning and teaching and | - to promote entrepreneurship education. | Using methodologies like IBL, CLIL and PBL we fostered self-educated learning. We worked in transnational students and teachers groups and due to the different aspects of sustainability and globalisation we used interdisciplinary approaches to increase the attractiveness for students. | As mentioned in the ""Youth on the move"" concept one of the main aims is to enhance the international attractiveness of Europe's higher education institutions and to improve the employment situation of young people. Therefore students learnt about the possibilities the European community offers to them. | The longer term benefits of the project were | - higher inclusion of social disadvantaged persons | - higher awareness of ecological and global aspects | - higher ability of critical thinking especially in sustainable and global contexts | - higher motivation of students and staff by using innovative methods | - enhanced digital integration in teaching and learning | - more independent work of students | - increasing interest of students in education and entrepreneurship Results | Website | | | Dissemination material | | Homepage | Twinspace" Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2017;2017-1-DK01-KA103-033998;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;The context of the 2017-2019 Erasmus+ project has internationalization at Cphbusiness at the core, as promoting and embedding this amongst staff and students has a high priority which is also what...;;;Copenhagen Business Academy;DK;DK;127.317,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;not available;English;"The context of the 2017-2019 Erasmus+ project has internationalization at Cphbusiness at the core, as promoting and embedding this amongst staff and students has a high priority which is also what Cphbusiness overall 2020 strategy Turning Value into Knowledge focusses on. One of the 7 focal points in the strategy is the value of an international mindset which emphasizes the need for a continuous focus on collaboration with our international partner universities and relevant partners for partnerships. Also increased level of teacher/staff exchange, more academic collaborations as well as an increased number of outbound students are mentioned in the strategy. The Erasmus+ programme is therefore a key factor in being able achieve our ambition of becoming the most internationalized academy in Denmark. | Objectives: For a number of years, Cphbusiness has aimed at internationalization on campuses, in study programmes and across faculties for all students, staff and faculty members. Like in previous years, the ways in which this takes place varies from programme to programme, from campus to campus; for some programmes focus has been on maintaining stronger bonds to long time E+ partners, other newer programmes (ie within Entrepreneurship as well as Digitalization) are looking for new partners or new study programmes at existing partners in order to find a relevant academic match/interests. On an overall level, Cphbusiness sees the E+ programme and the framework it offers as a vital an active programme, that allows us to both maintain but also to keep developing our vision of internationalization at Cphbusiness together with our E+ partneruniversities. Our institution does not have any partner universities in Europe which are not part of the Erasmus+ programme. This is due to the fact that we find that the E+ programme ensures a high level of quality as well as a very clear frame for the collaborations and the exchanges that take place within the Erasmus+ programme. In order to promote internationalization better at Cphbusiness, the international office expanded in 2015 and added 2 extra staff members which has enabled us to promote the study exchanges, internships as well as the E+ programme more intensively. The office is constantly looking at new methods of doing this, and during this project period, new initiatives like pop up booths in the students areas in order to promote studies and internships abroad as well as sessions for both inbound/outbound students which addresses cultural shock and intercultural understanding have been introduced. Also for the inbound student areas, focus on quality in procedures, materials etc have also been selected as a high priority area. This will continue into autumn 2019.";"Particularily getting to know our existing E+ partners and their study programmes better has been in focus over the last couple of years, where we have only entered into a few new E+ partnerships each year. Having a large portfolio of partners which are not active partnerships is not a must for us, we would rather look at having a number of active partnerships where student and staff exchange and academic collaboration are in focus. Over the last 5-6 years we have had this focus, and we can see that a better knowledge of our partners and their programmes, ensures that staff and students on exchange find it relevant and valuable for their study programme/academic interests. | All programmes have mandatory internships, and the students are allowed to do their internship abroad as long as the mandatory learning objectives are met. As mentioned in previous years also, the financial support that the E+ grant provides our students is important and for some students, this is a determining factor, that for example enables them to do an internship abroad, which they may not have been able to do otherwise. The mobility numbers aimed for in the 2017-2019 project have not quite met the planned figures; for students (study and internships) we aimed for a figure of 65, but only 58 student mobilities took place in this projects. For teacher/staff mobilities, the planned figure was 20 but only 16 mobilities took place. However, a number of students and staff had actually applied to do a mobility abroad, but cancelled due to lack of time/personal reasons. Had they not cancelled, the planned figures would have been met and even slightly exceeded. Cphbusiness will continue to promote mobilities abroad to all, staff and students alike, and at the same time we continously look at our procedures etc in order to see how we can ease the application- and planning for the participants." Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2017;2017-1-DK01-KA204-034254;;;Sowing the seeds for the digital agricultral worker;"Over the project-period all objectives and activities described in the application have been undertaken according the application. The aim of this 24 months project was to develop a digital too...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;Fagligt flles forbund;DK;DK,AT,PL,DE;223.465,00;Yes;No;Civil Society Organisation;Asociacin;;;English;The project was inspired by the recommendations of The European Commissions Upskilling Pathways: New opportunities for Adult. The rapid digital development in all sectors is changing work and daily life which requires an increased level of digital skills of all Europeans. Estimated 20% of the European population had no digital skills according to the European commission in 2016. (Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition European Commission 2016). Target group: Migrant Agricultural Workers The no of migrant workers in agriculture in Northern Europe has been increasing. Alone in Denmark, 33% of the workforce in agriculture were foreigners in 2016. This number has increased since. It was the assumption of the project that migrant workers in agriculture have few basic digital skills and that due to little knowledge of the local language, they face serious problems in several ways. The migrant workers have difficulties attaining knowledge and information about the country of work, their workers rights. Furthermore, they have low enrolment in LLL. This leaves these migrant agricultural workers very vulnerable to social stigmatization, exploitation in the country of work with no or very limited possibilities to gain information about their rights, consequently developing skills relevant for their job-security and mobility. Concept AGRI-Worker learner APP: Reaching out for the least motivated Focusing on workers that are not digital natives and over 35, the target group of the project was aiming at mainly Polish agricultural workers, or potential migrating, working in the neighbouring countries of Poland. However, it became very clear early in the project that also Poland is attracting many foreign workers from Russia and Ukraine. Also, there are many Romanian agricultural workers working in Austria, Germany and Denmark. The target group of migrant workers is therefore diverse in national background, hence the different language versions on the APP. By constructing an e-tool (the AGRIworker APP) directly for the target group, and with the help of the manual and training a corps of trainers, the project was intended to develop alternative strategies and methods to develop the digital skills of low-skilled adult agricultural workers.;"According to the application our ambitions were to: | Create an alternative learning offer for the target group; | Gain new knowledge on adult digital pedagogics for low-skilled workers; | Developing new methods and practices to reach low skilled target groups for e-learning and digital skills; | Developing secure and safe learning environment for the target group | Providing a tool of empowering workers with knowledge and skills. | The project aimed to be innovative in the following ways: | Development of European e-learning APP for the target group where few e-learning alternatives exist which is transferrable to other branches and target groups | Developing new methods and practices to reach low skilled target groups concerning e-learning and digital skills. | Strengthen transnational cooperation of social partners and NGOs | Transfer of the new outcomes in the partners working field with the possibilities of transferring to related branches and target groups. | Access to the target group and A hand-on instruction of the APP in the workplace (or local union) | The project has worked in a structed way in developing the two products: a) the AGRIWORKER APP which is provided in several languages and b) a training manual for our key- and app-trainers. To reach the target group, the key- and app-trainers were trained to carry out outreach work for the target group. This introduction and training in the use of the APP was to take place in different settings: at the local union, in the field or more formal training. | It was the hope that approximately 500 agricultural workers should have been trained or introduced to the learner app in 2019. | To ensure further outreach of the project, the project partners were to consolidate the project at European level through our European network of EFFAT (European Federation of Food, Agriculture and Tourism Trade Unions) ensuring transfer of knowledge about the project to other branches and projects. Results | Website | | | Dissemination material | | Sowing the seeds | Training manual" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-EE01-KA219-034916;;;Minds on Hands on STEM Goes on;The number of reports on science education indicated that in many EU countries, unlike the number of young people entering universities is increasing, studying in the scientific field is decreasin...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, Gender equality / equal opportunities;;Juhan Liivi nim Alatskivi Kool;EE;EE,BG,SI,TR,PT;128.035,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"The number of reports on science education indicated that in many EU countries, unlike the number of young people entering universities is increasing, studying in the scientific field is decreasing. Students often describe science is interesting, despite their positive attitude; they do not like learning science at school, and the number of students lack basic skills in science. | STEM education has emerged as an innovative approach in recent years, appears to be a remedy for the problem in this area. | | According to need analysis conducted in our schools, we have faced with the inconvenient reality; most of the students are unsatisfied with the relevance and success to math and science courses. Because of this reality, the project mainly focused on increasing our children interest STEM subjects and to make science and math education more relevant and meaningful for them in the ways of respect, beliefs and cultural diversity. | | In the line of the main aim of the project, we have established a partnership to; | develop key competencies and basic skills on STEM education | increase science literacy and student interest in STEM | improve attitudes toward STEM fields and careers | acquire 21st-century skills | engage and support girls in STEM fields | make students excited and enthusiastic about the natural world, learning about ecology and protect the environment | understand the ""Nature of Science"", how science and scientists work and how science affects society | develop innovative and research skills | lead science beyond school time and involve students into scientific activities with head, heart and hand | Improve teacher competencies and increasing their awareness of pupils needs and difficulties in learning science. | broaden our curriculum, making it more international and more relevant to childrens lives | have a positive impact on our wider school communities | | At the beginning of the project, we have investigated the STEM Ed. models. in order to ensure a common understanding of STEM Ed., a teacher training course organised.15 participants, 2 teachers from each partner school and one administrator, took part in the teacher training. We have investigated STEM Ed. models in the literature then shared our knowledge. After the course, we have developed STEM lesson and activities for implementing.";Developed STEM activities aimed to enhance our children cognitive, affective, social and physical skills. They worked as an engineer/scientist in their team. In this way, collaboration and cooperation, communication in native and English skills of children were improved. Due to its nature of STEM Ed., students learned by doing, used math skills and technological tools, understanding the relation the connection of disciplines. | | In the second phase of the project, developed STEM lessons/activities implemented in each school and during the LTTAs in order to realize our objectives. | The common activities: | -Afterschool STEM Ed.program | -Robotic courses designed for children from 100 of 20 from each partner | -Stem career days organised (invited STEM professional met with the children) | -Led Jewellery/Fashion of STEM activity organised only for girls | | During the LTTAs students participated in STEM activities in the formal and nonformal context. They observed ecosystems in nature and build its models, presented their STEM project during the science fair, participated fossil hunting, visited the factory to see how robots are working in real-life, dissected fish with scientist, investigated rock formation in natural area, participated astronomy lesson in planetarium and attendant experiments and activities science centres and museums. In this way, they have found a chance to meet STEM professionals and scientist in their working place and understood how engineers and scientist work. | | From 100 of 20 participants from each partner participated in LLTs. Overall 350 students directly participated in project activities. Participation provided by taking into consideration the conditions of the students who are at risk and lacking in activities especially economic and social obstacles. | | The outputs of the project are as follows: | -The project website, facebook groups and e-Twinning page created. | -STEM lessons/activities book created for teachers | -Women scientist in EU digital book created | -Slowmation/slow animation DVD created | -Led Jewels built and exhibited | -If a scientist writes a fairy tale DVDs created | We conducted a survey to evaluate students attitudes towards STEM fields at the beginning and end of the project. To evaluate the project impact open-ended questions and interview conducted on students and teachers from each partner schools. The results indicated that the project has positive effects on students and teachers. We have shared our findings in two international conferences as an oral presentation and a poster in ESERA2019 conference. An article about the detailed results will be published in a scientific journal. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | STEM ACTIVITY BOOK | STEM Lesson plans | Community building tools | | FACEBOOK PAGE OF PROJECT Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2017;2017-1-EL01-KA204-036189;;;"Developing Skills in Dealing with Emergencies: Civil protection for people ";Preparedness to hazards, such as extreme weather conditions and flooding, fires, earthquakes, industrial accidents, etc., could help to reduce the impact of such events on livelihoods and communit...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Gender equality / equal opportunities;;OIKOLOGIKOS POLITISTIKOS SYLLOGOS CHAIDARIOU;EL;EL,GE,IT,TR;59.409,71;Yes;No;Non-governmental organisation/association/social enterprise;ONG;;;English;In the framework of this project, we would like to undertake action and get in touch with the local communities, of each partner region, including immigrants-refugees of the area (if there are such in the vicinity), in order to train and prepare them and, if possible, make them able to deal with these emergencies (and, maybe, more). Unfortunately, the full protection from emergencies is technically and economically unfeasible. Thus, the preparation and establishment of a strategic plan for their management is important. We are intended to activate and involve in the training procedure youth organizations, school students, teachers, and teachers associations, open care centers for adults, local authorities, a hotspot for refugees, volunteer associations and relevant networks as well as adults (educational personnel, municipality seniors, members of adult organizations, nursing homes as well). We would also like to collaborate with relevant networks from other European, especially the Mediterranean, countries, not only in EU but also in non EU countries, both involved in the project as well as relevant networks and organizations not involved in it. Our project aims to create specific profiles, which will operate together and/or inside Civil Protection organizations and that will be competent for the optimization of the preparedness activities and, further, for dealing with people in the post-disaster phase. Users of these profiles will be trained for working in an international environment (during the project period, through e-learning sessions) so as they could be available not only during emergencies at the national level but also in order to support other teams in the other EU project Countries. Hence, the trained people will have the chance to know each other during the project period and will be able to cooperate in case of emergencies. The actions will be focused on the optimization of the preparedness activities in Civil Protection, in favor to vulnerable social groups in case of emergencies, particularly right after the disaster event, when citizens are often required to live in provisory camps, because of temporary impossibility to stay in their houses (because of flooding, earthquakes, fires, etc.).;The final outcome is a compendium, which contains information and other materials produced and collected from all the partners countries during the project implementation period as good practices, questionnaires in order to investigate the citizens' awareness on civil security issues, case studies and a survival guide created by all partners in collaboration. The sustainability of the project is the creation of a Network of people and associations in all Europe with the purpose of continuing to exchange ideas and training about civil protection. Also, all partners will continue to organize workshops to attract volunteers to be trained in civil protection. The activities helped people enhance their understanding of civil protection aspects. The immersion in the project helps people to discuss important issues concerning civil protection aspects as we inferred through our analysis (2 surveys). Also, all activities have shown how urgent is the need to set up Human Networks to exchange ideas and knowledge on civil protection. Results | Website | | | Direct effect on participants and project partners | | Compendium | Greek survival guide_for school | Italian survival guide for families and schools | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | 1st questionnairy report | 2nd research for Civil protection | Partnerships and cooperations | | Agreement on continuation and extension of cooperation. Creating a network of citizens for civil protection | Dissemination material | | The CPP project at the 12th annual International Conference in Seville | About 112-3rd gymnasium Aegaleo | Organizational and working documents | | European Organizations of civil protection | SCENARIO OF AN EARTHQUAKE SIMULATION Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2017;2017-1-EL01-KA204-036253;;;Healthnic: Healthy and ethnic diet for inclusion;"Food is a great vehicle for sharing culture with people from different backgrounds. The Erasmus+ project Healthnic: Healthy and ethnic diet for inclusion"" (2017-1-EL01-KA204-036253) created th...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Integration of refugees;;Vardakeios School of indigent children;EL;EL,PL,UK,IT,IE;213.282,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Adult education;Centro Educativo;;;English;"The Erasmus+ project Healthnic: Healthy and ethnic diet for inclusion"" (2017-1-EL01-KA204-036253) created the Healthnic Diet Workshops based on participatory learning methodology. The workshops enable participants such as refugees, immigrants, local people, and vulnerable target groups to acquire basic skills such as home economics, healthy eating education, food preparation methods and also language and ICT skills by creating digital stories focused on the knowledge gained. Above all the project focus on how a person can acknowledge her/his own home country food traditions and interact in a culturally inclusive environment. 15 staff members from the 5 partner countries attended a 5-day Learning and Teaching Training activities seminar on Syros island and then organised local workshops, in their own countries were overall 60 participants from the above target groups attended cooking and digital storytelling sessions. All these activities were based on the Practical Guide that was created with the contribution of the staff of all organisations and includes step-by-step instructions on how to organise a learning by doing cooking, multicultural and interactive workshop. The feedback from all the workshops was gathered and became the main material for the second educational resource, the Healthnic Toolkit, which is a web-based compilation of interactive resources, do`s and don`ts and comments from the participants and facilitators.";During the last months of the project all partners organised Multiplier Events to disseminate the project and the intellectual outputs on professionals that work with the above target groups. These meetings set the bases to expand the horizons of the project, to create a link between the project partners and the local, national and international stakeholders. It`s really optimistic that many organisations want to organise Healthnic workshops and are in contact with the consortium in order to advise them and to receive more feedback from the gained experience. is the e-platform that the project created in order to offer to everybody all the educational resources (translated in English, Greek, Italian and Polish) and material that was produced during the implementation of the project. There you can find: -the Practical Guide to Healthnic Workshops - available in Free Download -the Healthnic Toolkit - a free web-based interactive manual -the videos produced over the last two years in the various workshops developed in several European countries - and also all the data about all the activities carried out. Cooking as a group brings us together because we are able to share our culture and heritage through food and give each other nourishment. | | For more information on the project don`t hesitate to contact us on: | Mail: / | Web: | Tel: 00306936497398 | or follow us on social media. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Practical Guide to Healthnic Workshops (EN) | Healthnic Toolkit (EN) | Healthnic e-platform (EN) | Practical Guide to Healthnic Workshops (GR) | Practical Guide to Healthnic Workshop (PL) | Practical Guide to Healthnic Workshops (IT) | Healthnic Toolkit (GR) | Healthnic Toolkit (IT) | Healthnic Toolkit (PL) | Healthnic e-platform (GR) | Healthnic e-platform (IT) | Healthnic e-platform (PL) | Dissemination material | | Healthnic Diet leaflet | Healthnic Diet leaflet | 1st Healthnic Newsletter | 2nd Healthnic Newsletter | 3rd Healthnic Newsletter | 4th Newsletter | Healthnic leaflet (GR) Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2017;2017-1-EL01-KA204-036274;;;Popular University in Community Psychology: well being through art;POPULART project, using ART as a vehicle offered unique pathways to adult education for active citizenship, personal development and fulfillment. POPULART promotes human development by self-motiv...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Inclusion - equity, Health and wellbeing;;DIMOS NEAS SMYRNI;EL;EL,ES,CY,UK;251.853,00;Yes;No;Local Public body;Administracin;;;English;POPULART delivered a methodological framework for using arts in Popular University, and 11 interactive and multimedia courses on Community psychology through Arts. Community Psychology employs various perspectives within and outside of psychology to address issues of communities, the relationships within them, and related people's attitudes and behaviour. Using ART as the trigger, POPULART combines disciplines which have been isolated from one another under traditional educational models. The objectives of the project were: -To change attitudes and stereotypes regarding adult education. -To create a training methodology, adequate for Popular University, promoting art-based experiential learning for adult education. -To develop ICT tools (arts database and interactive e-books authoring tool) that will help trainers to apply art-based training in the framework of POPULART and for future courses. -To develop training material on Community Psychology in the form of e-books(using ICT), engaging adult learners through art. -Offer lifelong learning that is accessible to all, regardless of age, vulnerability, religion and educational, cultural and economic backgrounds.;TheIntellectual Outputs are: O1: POPULART methodology O2: Arts online database O3: ICT Platform O4: Art based training course on Community Psychology(11 ebooks) O5: Certification Scheme for the Certification of Assessment O6: Sustainability, exploitation and replication guide During the project 2 workshops, 2 focus groups and 3 multiplier events took place for the dissemination of the project. | | The particpating countries were Greece, Spain, Cyprus and UK. These include municipalities active in adult training, a University that is involved with Arts, a Software company with expertise in educational applications, a specialized company on Psychology and training, a Certification company, a company active in the training field and the Hellenic National Commission UNESCO. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | O1: POPULART methodology | O2: Arts online database | O3: Populart ICT Platform | O4: Art based training material on Community Psychology(EN) | O5: Certification Regulation for the Certification of Assessment(EN) | O6: Sustainability, exploitation and replication guide(EN) | PopulArt E-Learning Handbook | O4 Art based training material on Community Psycology(GR) | O4 Art based training material on Community Psycology(ES) | O4 Art based training material on Community Psycology(CA) | O5: Certification Regulation for the Certification of Assessment (GR) | O5: Certification Regulation for the Certification of Assessment(ES) | O6: Sustainability, exploitation and replication guide (ES) | O6: Sustainability, exploitation and replication guide (GR) | O2: Arts online database (ES) | O2: Arts online database (GR) | O3: Populart ICT Platform(ES) | O3: Populart ICT Platform(GR) Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-EL01-KA219-036151;;;EUROPEAN PATH (e)MOTION;The European Path (e)Motion is a project whose aim is the approach and the promotion of the European paths, that cross our continent, through different views. First of all, the project's objective...;Health and wellbeing, Environment and climate change, Integration of refugees;;Senior High School of Thesprotiko;EL;EL,IT,RO;72.819,75;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"The European Path (e)Motion is a project whose aim is the approach and the promotion of the European paths, that cross our continent, through different views. First of all, the project's objective is to give the opportunity to participants to gain knowledge through the movement in the path. Also, using activities in nature we want them to establish relations with it and change attitudes and values towards it. Thirdly, the humanitarian dimension of the program is of great importance, since it aims at bringing together people of different nationalities and cultures paying attention to the emotion that is cultivated if they walk the common European paths, which unite people. | Four schools take part in this project. The Senior High School of Thesprotiko, Greece, the Istituto di Istruzione Superiore ""Caminiti - Trimarchi"", Italy, the Saarde Educational Foundation, Estonia and the Liceul Teoretic ""Aurel Lazar"", Romania. | During the project there will be activities which will study the European paths from a geographical point of view, but also through different sciences (geology, biology, physics, chemistry, environmental studies). Also, activities will be conducted about the historic and archaeological paths and their importance. In addition, activities related to the approach of the path through literature and the inclusion of the idea of refugee paths are of great interest. Of course sports activities in nature as well as actions related to the promotion of local products and healthy dieting add great value. Moreover, the activities will cover the psycho - kinetic field resulting in emotional health and euphoria. Finally, students will participate in artistic activities having thus the chance to create inspired works related to the paths. The actions will include blended mobility of school learners and short term exchanges of groups of students. | All the activities of the project will be conducted using innovative approaches that will study the issue of the path cross curricularly and holistically. Specifically the methods of brainstorming, interview, bibliographical research, role playing, drama will be used. The whole project will be based on experiential learning which makes knowledge even more interesting for young learners.";The results expected from the implementation of the project will lead to the contact with nature, away from the passive way of life. This will result in the protection of nature. Also there will be cognitive results as well as linguistic development which is very important for the communication among students. Additionally, results are expected at the emotional level for all participants, who will wally together the common European paths and will thus meet each other putting aside difference and making true the European vision for unity. | The impact of the project doesn't only involve individuals but will be apparent at a social, local. national and transnational level, too. Specifically, our aim is the promotion of the path so as to be used by the modern person for business development in the areas around the path. We also aim to have a strong impact on the educational institutes as far as their educational policy about the environment is concerned. Last but not least the regional and national organizations are important target groups in order to rethink policies towards sustainable development. Results | Website | | | Feedback from participants | | The first questionnaire | The second questionnaire | Qualitative assessment | Direct effect on participants and project partners | | Literature Path | Art therapy in art class | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Textbook | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | European Paths | Archaeological and historic Paths in Epirus,Greece | Archaeological and historic Paths in Sicily,Italy | Archaeological and historic Paths in Oradea,Romania | The greek fairytales | The italian fairytales | The romanian fairytales | The three chosen fairytales | Artistic Path | Sport Activities | Recipe Album | Study Book | Board Game Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-EL01-KA219-036155;;;Lifeboats full of hopes;"Final summary The project titled Lifeboats full of hopes was proposed and actualized having as a main purpose to develop and cultivate intercultural skills and competencies of students and teac...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Inclusion - equity, Integration of refugees;;5th nipiagogio Farsala;EL;EL,PT,CY,PL,NL,EE;121.964,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (pre-primary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;The project titled Lifeboats full of hopes was proposed and actualized having as a main purpose to develop and cultivate intercultural skills and competencies of students and teachers, to cultivate positive attitudes towards cultural diversity and especially towards refugees. | To meet these needs, it was deemed necessary and useful to focus and work on an issue that exists nowadays in Europe, the refugee issue. The main objectives to be achieved were: - To help students and teachers to the creation of their critical thinking and motivate them to tell their opinion and act in social challenges. - To cultivate ethical values such as justice, equality, tolerance. -To understand the meaning of dissimilarity and exclusion in combination with the basic and catholic childrens needs. - To obtain empathy for the situation in which are people that are forced to leave their country, so as to respect them and prevent xenophobic tendencies: - To get to know basic human rights and defend them - To get to know more information about the forms of support of the organized citizens action in local, national and international level in the framework of cooperation with organizations like UNICEF, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, International Amnesty and the worldwide organization about childrens rights - To develop skills of effective search on internet and choice of proper information - To practice on material production with the means that technology offers - To strengthen relationships of friendship and peace among European countries, through the exchange of experience and the formation of a cooperation climate for the confrontation of common issues. The coordinator was the 5th Nipiagogio of Farsala, Greece. Partner schools were: 2nd Gymnasio Farsalon, Farsala, Greece, Tallinna Mustamae Humanitaargumnaasium, Tallinn, Estonia, Stavros Gymnasium, Nicosia -Strovolos, Cyprus, Agrupamento de Escolas de Maximinos, Braga, Portugal, Charles de Foucauld Mavo, Spijkenisse, Netherlands and Publiczna Szkola Podstawowa imienia Kardynala Stefana Wysznskiego Prymasa Tysiaclecia w Muchowce, Muchowka,Poland. All the institutions are state, providing general education for students 5-17 years old. Three education levels (pre-primary, primary and high) were united, cooperated and interacted to the achievement of the projects common goals.;According to the approved application, local activities were carried out at all the partner schools and common activities during the Transnational Meeting and the LTTAS. -The project was firstly created in etwinning by the coordinating school -The project poster and logo were created by each school and chosen by voting during the 1st meeting (Transnational). The project blog was also discussed there and decided to be created by the 2nd Gymnasium of Farsala. -Erasmus+ corners were organized and worked at each school during the implementation of the project + | -Leaflets after each meeting were made concerning each schools preparation activities before the meeting and common ones during it | -All students and teachers searched and studied information about human rights, refugees and generally about the refugee issue and created material referred to these topics, as following: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights in a short video, The Refugee Primer (electronic), refugees stories in comics form, creative writing refugees stories gathered all together in an e-book, e-fairytales based on real stories of unaccompanied refugee children, e-magazine, a short film about refugees around the world, essays in Google Drive dedicated to the refugee stream in Europe after the 2nd World War. -Charity bazaars were organized by the Greek, the Polish and the Cypriot schools. The project had a positive impact on all the participants. Students learned about cultural diversity and were sensitized on human rights issues. They raised their awareness, tolerance and respect of cultural and social differences between nations. They developed their critical thinking and creativity and built skills such as problem solving and decision making. They cultivated a spirit of teamwork and cooperation between them. Teachers cooperated with their colleagues from the partner countries. They improved their pedagogical skills by exchanging and sharing teaching methods, good practices and new approaches. Their communication, language and ICT skills were cultivated and improved too. | The participating schools had the experience of developing links with other European schools, cooperating and learning about different educational systems and approaches. Parents were offered the opportunity to learn more about European Union and European projects. They gained new experience by hosting international students and found out more about various cultures in Europe. Results | Website | | | Dissemination material | | Lifeboats full of hopes 5th kindergarten Farsala Greece ERASMUS ______ ________ _________ Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-EL01-KA219-036202;;;"""Flying with the wings of Mythology through time and space""";"Our strategic partnership aimed at the cooperation for the exchange and development of good practices. The main objective was to make school more attractive for students and schooling more eff...";Integration of refugees, Inclusion - equity, Access for disadvantaged;;EPAGGELMATIKO LYKEIO AGRIAS;EL;EL,FI,IT,PL,LV,ES,IS;160.010,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"The main objective was to make school more attractive for students and schooling more effective by making everyone feel important, successful and respected despite any cultural, physical, economic or other disadvantage they may face (inclusive education). In such a positive climate class participation would increase, learning would become a satisfactory experience and students would have the opportunity to further develop necessary-for-life skills. The theme of mythology was selected as the canvas upon which we built lessons and communicated knowledge. Mythology is both fantasy and reason and thus pleasant and didactic. It is culture-specific and multicultural at the same time and as such illustrates the National and European identity of people. Therefore, it can exceed the school yard, reach out to the community and make citizens realise that all peoples share notions and fears. Mythology proved to be the ideal theme for our partnership comprising seven schools from seven geographically and culturally diverse regions with rich mythology(Greece, Iceland, Italy, Finland, Spain, Latvia and Poland) and both levels of education (primary and secondary). All schools had experience in projects, students who needed support and opportunities in life, teachers with expertise in different fields of education, but, above all, people who were eager to cooperate, share knowledge and develop. Activities touched on many school subjects and covered a range of skills.They served differentiated instruction by catering for all students needs, wants, talents and age. They were characterised by student-centeredness - placing great emphasis on group-work, creativity, action, cross-curricular tasks and CLIL. And they were not just lessons.They ranged from creating simple artifacts and playing games to developing arguments on the relevance of mythology in the 21st century and from workshops at school to open-to-public events in local venues and guided mythological tours; not to mention, of course, the face-to-face meetings with partners, important for the efficient running of the project. Various dissemination channels were used so that the valuable project results would be shared and inspire beyond the partnership's borders: events, workshops, signs, websites, social media, mass media and many more. As a result, the project activities reached diverse audiences and engaged participants, starting from school students, teachers and parents to the wider community on a local, national and international level, whose number is hard to define. ";"The results are tangible and intangible but, more importantly, they are sustainable thanks to our website and Twinspace. We created and shared innovative lesson plans and guided mythological tours (virtual and actual), a compilation of expressions related to mythology and an e-book with myths related to inclusion, ancient, medicine and geophysical phenomena, a mobile application and works of art. We organised events to share our knowledge in schools and out of them. Climate in school has improved, teaching practices have become more effective, equal opportunities have increased for everyone, students' self-esteem is higher and bullying is lower. Many students are happier and more eager to learn. The link between learning at school and life requirements has been made clearer. Students have become more interested in mythology, have seen the implications of it in their culture and become more tolerant towards diversity, which is a prerequisite for inclusion both at school and in society. The school has enhanced its European profile by becoming an active member of an international education community; a community that shares ideas and good practices, organizes cooperations and always improves in order to meet the constantly changing life requirements. Apart from that, the schools role in the local community has been reinforced. People have come closer to it and benefited from the knowledge that it has to communicate. A relationship of mutual understanding and support has been forged. Concluding, our partnership has neither aspired to nor managed to bring about dramatic changes in the schooling system or in people's mentality. However, it has provided food for thought conducive to making our schools a better place for everyone and our community less xenophobic and more tolerant towards diversity. Results | Website | | | Feedback from participants | | Sampo opinion measuring device | Feedback from students in Finland | Evaluation activities in Greece | Evaluation Questionnaires in Italy | Evaluation questionnaires in Latvia | Direct effect on participants and project partners | | Outcomes: Effect on participants | ""Erasmus+ means..."" (video in Greece) | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | e-Book of Lesson Plans and Activities | Power Jewellery workshop | Tintamaresk paintings Workshop | Kalevala trailers | Fairytales and Stories of Vesilahti (Finland) | Naivistic Kalevala Art | Saint George and the Roses | Mythology and Physical Education | Online quizzes | Student selection process in Greece | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | e-Book Mythology Matters | e-Book of Mythological Expressions | Herbarium (book of herbs) | Community building tools | | eTwinning project | Partnerships and cooperations | | Cooperation in the ""Train my Brain"" event in Greece | Cooperation with a Greek University | Guided tours and further cooperation in Italy | Dissemination material | | Mythology Quiz (Mobile Application) | Mythological Route on Mt Pelion, Greece | Mythological Route in Sardinia, Italy | Mobile Guided Tour in Finland | Finnish Erasmus+ Website and Instagram account | Newspaper Articles by Finland | Newspaper Articles by Greece | Flying Mythology Website | Flying Mythology on Facebook, Instagram, You Tube | School Facebook account in Greece | Link on school website (Greece) | Presentation at eTwinning Professional Development Workshop (PDW) | Logo gifts | Project Logo | Workshop for elderly people | Poster for the LTT week in Finland | Theatrical performance in Greece | Final Erasmus+ event in Greece | Erasmus Days 2019 in Greece | Presentation of the LTT activity in Finland | Posters for the LTT week in Italy | Dissemination activities in Italy | Spanish school website | Dissemination via TV and radio in Spain | Posters in Spain | Posters in Greece | Open School Day and Erasmus+ in Poland | Final Erasmus+ event in Poland | Articles on websites in Latvia | Exhibition of masks in Italian school | Project and exhibition on ancient signs in Latvia | Erasmus+ corners | Presentations of the Erasmus+ activities (by the Greek school) | The Legends of Czaplinek tour in Poland | Exhibitions in Finland | Organizational and working documents | | The Finnish schedule of activities | Records of teacher meetings | Others | | Presentation of education system and host school in Italy | Two years of Erasmus+ activities in Iceland" Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-ES01-KA101-035349;;;SCHOOL SUCCES BASED ON THE COOPERATIVE WORK;"SCHOOL SUCCESS BASED ON THE COOPERATIVE WORK Currently, CEIP PUIG D'EN VALLS, is defining the methodological line of the centre. It has a stable staff of teachers formed in the use of ICT. Bei...";Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;CEIP PUIG DEN VALLS;ES;ES,UK;13.370,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;unavailable;English;"SCHOOL SUCCESS BASED ON THE COOPERATIVE WORK | | Currently, CEIP PUIG D'EN VALLS, is defining the methodological line of the centre. It has a stable staff of teachers formed in the use of ICT. Being a multilingual centre since 2016/2017 (before it was a multilingual pilot centre). We have 5 English teachers and other teachers with a high level. This School carries out a big number of projects that help to develop a more dynamic methodology and it allows the inclusion of all the students offering a quality education. The school also offers different English and methodology training courses for teachers every year. | A.- Objectives of the project: | 1.- To define a centre methodology taking as reference other European education systems. | 2. To enhance the communication skills of teachers and students. | 3.To offer the students the possibility to work in the European Union or in other countries that use the English Language. | 4.- To use motivational, dynamic and cooperative methodologies. | 5.- To encourage cooperative work between teachers and students. | 6.- To provide training courses of English and methodology for teachers. | 8.- To promote the participation of the centre in European courses and projects. | 9.- To establish links of cooperation between teachers from other European countries to share good practices in order to continue innovating our methodology. | | B.- Methodological characteristics of the centre: | The school is involved in the adoption of new dynamic, cooperative and motivational methodologies based on the educational quality. This methodology is focus on workshops, cooperative learning, inclusive methodology, centres of interest, flexibility in the schedule, using different spaces (inside and outside) the classroom, encouraging students' autonomy, coexistence and increasing their motivation and learning development. | | C.- Training Courses and job shadowing periods: | _ Course: ""Structured Educational Visit to schools / institutes and Training seminar"" in Sweden, Stockholm, course per 2 persons from 24/9 to 30/09 of 2017 for 7 days. | _ Course: ""Narrative coaching and guidance"" in Copenhagen Denmark from 05/02 to 09/02 of 2018 for 7 days per 2 persons. | _Job shadowing at Blewbury School- United Kingdom per 2 persons of the centre for 4 days in the month of April or May of 2018. | _Course: Structured Educational Visit to schools/institutes and Trainning seminar in Helsinki, Finland. In March/April 2019 for 7 days per 2 persons.";The impact and diffusion expected with his project are: | To improve the English level and communication skills of our teachers. | To introduce new methodological proposals in the centre as a consequence of the job shadowing and training courses of other quality education systems. | To evaluate the application of this methodology. | To approve the methodological agreements reached and to include them in the year planning that will be evaluate every term. | To increase the teachers' and students ' motivation through the adoption of new techniques. | To improve the students' results in primary and secondary school and to compare them with other centres in the island and in The Balearic islands. | To favour the insertion of the students in the European Working Market being able to work in the European Union or in any English-speaking country. | To increase the quality of the education in the centre and to be closer to the European objectives in the teaching of foreign languages competences. | To reduce school drop out and failure in future levels. | To spread out and to share our expertise locally, in the island, in the mainland and in Europe using E- Twinning, Twin space, Facebook, our School web page and local media. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-ES01-KA101-035511;;;DEVELOPMENT OF INTERNATIONALIZATION STRATEGIES AND GLOBAL EDUCATION STRATEGIES OF OUR STAFF AND STUDENTS ;CONTEXTSchool is located in the outskirts of the town,in an area of demographic growth.Students come by bus from villages and suburbs and are from a poor background.Before the 2017 Call,our school...;Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Creativity and culture;;IES AGUAS VIVAS;ES;ES;16.468,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (tertiary level);Centro Educativo;not available;not available;English;CONTEXTSchool is located in the outskirts of the town,in an area of demographic growth.Students come by bus from villages and suburbs and are from a poor background.Before the 2017 Call,our school had participated in projects that set up a slow but steady modernization process.We had our 1st Comenius project in 2006,in 2007 we created a Behaviour Management Department,in2012 we first participated in KA103,in 2013 one Department started using cooperative work in all school levels and, after that,applying for E+ projects is an annual goal.Meanwhile,we have taken part of innovation projects at local,regional and national levels.Whereas in the past one or two teachers led the change with no support from their colleagues,nowadays there are groups of teachers supporting innovation and leading the change in methodological approaches.Our school,not chosen by many families in the past,has gradually become a nice place where to study | OBJECTIVES.We have fulfilled nearly all the goals set in the application form,especially those related to internationalization strategies,better linguistic an professional strategies of our teachers,better motivation and the application for KA229 projects.We have also transformed some areas of our school into more modern places.We have not fully reached some goals that must be improved by our Insitution.They are how to focus on students with special education needs and how to include our future modernization strategies within the school programs in a more organized way | NUMBER/PROFILE OF PARTICIPANTS:In the 2017Call we applied for 14mobilities but we were granted just 8.After a selection process,the Selection Comitee decided to increase the number of mobilities using the management budget.We increased the mobilities by two,which means we have carried out 10 mobilities in total | -teachers qualification:degrees in Economy,Languages,Music,Architecture and Labour Relations | -teachers`profiles:Members of the Behaviour Management Department,International Programs Coordinator,Coordinators and participants in innovation programs,Coordinator of the Education Quality Control Department,Coordinator of the Multilingual Program | -years of service:between 6 and 25,depending on the teacher | -they all are teachers who are promoting changes at school and also disseminating their results with other teachers | ACTIVITIES DEVELOP BETWEEN 2017-19.All structured courses: | -5structrured linguistic courses.Results:better quality of the Multilingual Program,new tools brought to the teaching contexts,teachers feel confident to apply for a KA229 | -5structured coursed on teachingt-learning innovation,some of them included short jobshadows at schools.Results:methodological update,awareness of other ways of teaching,inspiration.;RESULTS AND IMPACT.Our internationalization agenda is more modern,which can be appreciated in the following results: | -teachers are more qualified from a professional and a linguistic point of view, this can be seen in their classes as well as in their eagerness to apply for two KA229 approved in August 2018 | -all the teachers who have benefited from mobilities in the 2017 Call,have participated in the of application for two KA229 and are also developing the projects | -we are more able to introduce changes,modernisation and openness: the E+project at school is now steady and well-known by the school community,we have adapted and transform some physical places in the school building and we have introduced a project-based structure in some areas | -students have more learning resources and more opportunities,they benefit from better qualified teachers | The school environment is more modern, dynamic and open: we have created an E+ area inspired in European schools(with sofas,a chillout,selfmanaged by students),we are designing a E+room for the development of international projects,and we have designed a plan to improve other school areas | -we have started a Work Group that centralizes all the initiatives to improve methodology, resources and spaces | -We have consolidated a Department of Internationalisation that coordinates all the E+ actions | -Whereas some teachers innovated on their own in the past and some others did not want to hear about innovation,we now have teachers and groups of teachers who work together to introduce new ways at school.Besides,we have more teachers who now demand information,do courses and dare question the traditional ways of teaching by introducing little and big changes in their classes | -our educational offer and management skills have improved | -teachers who have benefited from E+ mobilities are happier and more motivated | -In the E+ Call for projects in 2019,we have applied for a KA101 and this time teachers will do jobshadows. Many of these JS have been applied for by teachers who benefited from linguistic courses in 2017 | LONG TERM BENEFITS.To better integrate the experiences and competencies from E+ in the educational program.To continue benefiting from school exchange projects Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-ES01-KA101-036020;;;Actualizacin de metodologas y el aprendizaje por proyectos;"CONTEXT AND BACKGROUND Alto de los Molinos Secondary School in Albacete (Spain) has been bilingual since it was created in 2008 and nowadays nearly two thirds of our students are involved in bili...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Pedagogy and didactics, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;IES Alto de los Molinos;ES;ES,IT;9.798,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;Alto de los Molinos Secondary School in Albacete (Spain) has been bilingual since it was created in 2008 and nowadays nearly two thirds of our students are involved in bilingual studies. The European dimension of our school has been a priority from the beginning. We have been involved in two Comenius Projects and now we are coordinators of an Erasmus + KA219. We also worked on an Erasmus + KA101 aimed at bilingual teaching improvement and now we are carrying out another E+ KA101 about digital implementation in the classroom. | | We did research into what needs have to be addressed in our school and the results of this survey showed that two new subjects had been included in our curricula, Robotics and Drama, which means that our teachers needed to be trained in order to teach those subjects. The survey also revealed that our departments of Music and PE were using out-of-date methodologies and that we had a considerable number of teachers interested in project based learning as well. | | METHODOLOGY | For that reason, we were determined to address those weaknesses with the aim of making our school an example in the use of project based learning methodology, including the new subjects. For that purpose, we strategically selected structured training courses as well as job shadowing activities for departments with a scientific profile (Technology) and for the artistic ones (Music and Drama) in order to have a holistic view of the teaching process. The training of the PE department was tackled from those two different perspectives as well: the scientific and the artistic point of view. The thread of all the departments involved in the training and job-shadowing activities has been the project-based learning methodology. | The selected participants in each sector adapted the content of their training courses to the teaching areas they represented, so that the project had a global impact and all teaching departments were included. The participants organised dissemination activities in our school aimed at spreading the resources and methodology so that the project had a holistic impact. | | OBJECTIVES | Our main objectives were: | 1. To foster and update the teaching methodology of Music and PE departments | 2. To foster and encourage project-based learning methodology in our school | 3. To achieve and develop the necessary skills and knowledge to teach Robotics | 4. To achieve and develop the necessary skills and knowledge to teach Drama | 5. To optimize resources and maximize results which must be included in annual lesson plans and shared with the rest of the teachers | 6. To share resources and inbuilt methodology with European schools through job shadowing activities | 7. To improve participants own language skills, foreign language communication and boost bilingualism | 8. To network with European schools | | PROFILE OF PARTICIPANTS | The participants in the activities were selected mainly from the departments of Technology, Physical Education, Music, Drama as well as from those interested in implementing the project-based learning methodology among teachers with a minimum B2 level of English and according to an agreed scale and to our school training needs. | | DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITIES | We planned 4 structured courses and 2 job-shadowing activities so that we could have a wider view according to our needs: | | TRAINING ACTIVITIES | -1 in United Kingdom Course for PE Teachers (from the scientific perspective) (7 days) | -1 in Ireland Theory and Practise of Project Based Learning (5 days) | -1 in United Kingdom Robotics for Schools (7 days) | -1 in Ireland Using Drama to Enhance Teaching in Classroom (5 days) | | JOB SHADOWING ACTIVITIES | In Liceo Artistico I.I.S.S. Giannelli (Parabita Italy) | - 1 for the Music Department (7 days) | - 1 for the Physical Education Department (from the artistic perspective) (7 days);RESULTS AND IMPACT | - We wanted our school to be an example in the use of Project Based Learning methodology | - Skilled teachers to implant Robotics and Drama in our school | - Inclusion and improvement of new teaching methodologies | - Global impact due to the interdepartmental working groups | - English language skills improvement | - More self-sufficient students prepared for collaborative and research work | | POTENTIAL LONGER TERM BENEFITS | - Our school is visible abroad sharing our experience with other schools around Europe throughout Job Shadowing activities. | - More motivating, realistic and modern up-to-date lessons, reflecting modern times and offering a wider and more global point of view because of the relationship with other European schools | - Creation of a network with teachers form different European Schools and organizations. Our students are likely to make the most of this network. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-ES01-KA101-036472;;;A STEP FORWARD FOR AN AUTHENTIC BILINGUAL SYSTEM;"Our project ""A step forward towards real bilingualism"" has been implemented at the CEIP. Bilingual Ciudad de Mrida and it is one of the identity sign of our school. It has an important influence ...";EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, Pedagogy and didactics ...;;CEIP Ciudad de Mrida;ES;ES;13.385,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"Our project ""A step forward towards real bilingualism"" has been implemented at the CEIP. Bilingual Ciudad de Mrida and it is one of the identity sign of our school. It has an important influence on projects such as the linguistic and bilingual. Our objectives are: | * To improve the English linguistic competence of the teaching staff in order to develop cooperation programmes with other European schools. | * To develop methodological strategies such as CLIL and implement them in the classroom. | * To deepen the knowledge of the Project Based Learning methodology. | * To exchange ideas and educational experiences with teachers from other countries in order to dynamise the projects carried out in the school. | During the two years of the project, the teaching staff of the Infant and Primary stages has participated. | The first part of the project was ""teacher training"" abroad with three profiles. Three structured courses were held from 31st of July to 12th August in Leeds, United Kingdom. The host organisation was English Matters. The participants who carried out the mobilities were: Ester Len Carrascal, secretary, ICT coordinator, eScholarium and teacher of support to Infants, attended the course ""English for teachers A2 - B1""; Sarai Figueredo Vecino, specialist teacher in Hearing and Language and Cristina Sez Pardo, tutor of 4th level of Primary Education; M Jse Fernndez Durn, 5th E. Primary, specialist in foreign languages, bilingual project coordinator and Marta Pintado Fernndez, coordinator of Infantis., took the course ""Clil- content and Language integrated Learning"". | The second part was the application and development of the contents learned in the courses for both teachers and students. | * Activities for the TEACHERS: | - Creation of a BLOG for our Erasmus KA1. | - Creation of GSuite accounts of the Department of Education and Employment of the Junta de Extremadura and a shared unit to work collaboratively in the implementation of the project. | - Training Projects in the centre, approved by the Department of Education and Employment of the Regional Government of Extremadura. Course 2017-18, ""A step forward towards real bilingualism"". In this project, all the contents learned in the structured courses were presented. And in the academic year 2018-19, ""Use of web 2.0 tools for the promotion of active methodologies"", reinforcement of previous and new contents. Carried out in afternoon sessions in the centre. In both the participation of the faculty was important, in the first all the faculty, and in the second, the majority. | - Training for Erasmus coordinators (project coordinator). | - Etwinning platform project. It has been a safe web space where we have been exposing everything related to the project: Initial training, mobility, activities of the two courses, evaluation and dissemination.";"STUDENTS ACTIVITIES - COURSE 2017/2018: | - Design of the logo of the project (the whole centre). | - Erasmus English Corner (most classes). | - Let _s start English! (3 A). | - Monstrous cooking workshop (4 years). | - This is London (2 A ). | - Our vegetable garden (2 C). | - Creating flowers in Art (2C). | - Karaoke (3 A-B 4 B). | - Gymkana (5 A 3 B). | - Vertebrate and invertebrate animals (3 B ). | - The Pretenders, Women for future! and Landscapes (4 C). | - Role Plays, Gamification, Getting our performances ready!, Plant Kingdom (5 A) | - Celebrations: Saint Patrick. | * STUDENTS ACTIVITIES COURSE 2018/2019: | - Celebrations: Thanksgiving Day! (3 C), Story of Santa Claus (5 B), Halloween (Infants 4 years), Saint Patrick Day (3), Christmas workshop (5 C). | - Erasmus English Corner (all courses). | - Jolly Phonics, English Corner (All the pupils in Infant Education) | - Physical Education (Frisbee, Basketball, Acrogym, Juggle, minibasket and pequevoley). | - Topics (3 years A and B). | - The syrup bride (5 years A). | - English Tales, Europe (Infants Education - 5 years A). | - Food comes food... (1A). | - The very hungry Caterpillar (1B). | - Playing a Kahoot, A project landscapes, ""Looking for the answer"" game, Other projects and activities of Science (2 B). | - New York (3rd A). | - ICTS (3 C). | - Gymkana, water cycle, Natural Science Project with Quizlet, Grammar and vocabulary, Literature and Our bookmarks (4B). | - Mythology News and Carnival in the air (5th level of P. E.) | - Means of transport (5 C). | - eTwinners around the world (6th). | - The European Capitals (6 B). | The results, after these two courses, have been positive as active methodologies have been applied in many of our classes, which have contributed to the improvement of the objectives set. | In the long term, we are convinced that the impact is also positive, since documents have been agreed on at the school, which are the basis for the learning that is the basis for the learning that will be carried out in the next courses." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-ES01-KA101-036638;;;IES CUEVA SANTA : CALIDAD Y PLURILINGISMO.;'Cueva Santa ' Secondary School is a state institution located in Segorbe, in the inlands of Castellon.'Cueva Santa' Secondary School has belonged to the Multilingual Schools Nertwork in the Valen...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;INSTITUTO DE EDUCACIN SECUNDARIA CUEVA SANTA;ES;ES;14.512,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"Cueva Santa ' Secondary School is a state institution located in Segorbe, in the inlands of Castellon.'Cueva Santa' Secondary School has belonged to the Multilingual Schools Nertwork in the Valencian Community since the academic year 2011-2012. | Our project is proposed as an integrating experience of the different cultures and curriculum areas adquired by the vehicular use of two or more languages ( Valencian, Spanish and English). All that favours multilingualism as the foundation of union in diversity. | Fighting against school failure, early school leaving, output enhancement and innovating teaching-learning methods are a fixed value in the daily work of 'Cueva Santa' Secondary School staff.That's the reason why we drew the following targets: | A.Enhance continuously the results having other more successful educational system as a reference. | B. Enhance notably the participants' foreign language competence and their ability of using English as communicative tool in the classroom. | C. Enhance innovative teaching techniques with a view of improving the quality of teaching. | D. Increase the capacities, attractiveness and international dimension of our centre, so that we are able to offer activities and program that better respond to the needs of individuals. | E. Acquire organization techniques, enhance making decisions techniques and problem solving to improve the quality level of the school. | | The mobility project designed by ""Cueva Santa"" Secondary School aimed to improve the didactic, linguistic and management competences of a group of 7 teachers. Different activities were planned in order to ensure the development of the competences the participants with the following profiles: | A)TEACHERS INVOLVED AT THE MULTILINGUAL PROGRAM. | STRUCTURED COURSES :Our teachers developed their communicative competences and skills ( oral fluency, vocabulary and pronunciation) and they improved their English language mastery as a communicative tool in the classroom in order to be able to teach part of the core curriculum in English. | B) TEACHERS BEING TRAINED TO TEACH CLIL.( ENGLISH COURSES B1) Our teachers were able to reinforce their skills in order to teach their subjects in English. As a result, we will be able to broaden the number of skilled teachers as well as the catalogue of subjects taught in English. | C) ENGLISH LANGUAGE DEPARTMENT. | 1. COURSES ON NEW METHODOLOGIES AND ICT FOR ELT. Our teachers had the opportunity of experiencing innovative methodological approaches to ensure successful learning-teaching experiences.They took part in practical courses to incorporate information technology into teaching to facilitate an appropriate learning in a changing world as well as give the opportunity of participating in European professional networks. Our teachers improved their communication skills in and out of the classroom in order to achieve better results. | 2. JOB SHADOWING in a Bilingual School in Salgotarjan, Hungary. A direct observation of the Hungarian Education System was carried our in this mobility, more specifically the teacher observed the bilingual program which was started in 2002. The activity has provided new ideas for the implementation of our multilingual program and has led to a compromise for a school exchange which will become a reality in the academic year 2019-2020 if the KA229 project planned for the Erasmus+ call 2019 is approved. | E) BOARD OF DIRECTORS. STRUCTURED VISIT TO SCHOOLS IN SWEDEN. | The school director participated in the course 'Learning in Europe: Individualized Learning in Swedish Schools in which he observed the education system in that country, taking it as a reference of good learning practices against early-school leaving and the improvement of results of lower-qualified students.";"The impact of the listed mobility activities has shown an effect in the whole educative community. On the one hand, the students will be the main beneficiaries in terms of: a more effective teaching approach, core curriculum improvement, more accurate Intercultural perspective of our school, motivation improvement and improvement of our centre European dimension through cooperation. | | On the other hand, the dissemination plan of the project has given the opportunity to communicate and share outcomes with the rest of members of the school staff and with other educational centres of the area. | | As a conclusion, with the European Development Plan as bases of this project, ""Cueva Santa"" Secondary School wants to respond to the increasing social demand in language qualifications, quality enhancement and fight against school early-leaving supporting acts leading to the promotion of multilingualism as well as innovative learning focussing on results improvement. The skills acquired in the mobilities will benefit our students' development as a whole and will encourage them to take part in actively in our society." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-ES01-KA101-036702;;;DESCUBRIENDO EL MUNDO;"The project ""Discovering the World"" has meant the continuation of our previous Erasmus + project ""after the Myth of Europe"". In the current project we have deepened, following the trail of the cla...";EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, ICT - new technologies - digital competences ...;;IES PROFESOR DOMINGUEZ ORTIZ;ES;ES;4.563,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (tertiary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The project ""Discovering the World"" has meant the continuation of our previous Erasmus + project ""after the Myth of Europe"". In the current project we have deepened, following the trail of the classical world, in the universe of the mental and physical representations of our ""world"". | Interdisciplinary work has been done in the fields of biology and geology, mathematics, geography and history, and philosophy. This work has been framed in the teaching of the non-linguistic disciplines of the European section in French and Bachibac, so that the vehicular languages of work have been French and Spanish. | All has served to reinforce language skills, interdisciplinarity and cooperation at the international level, key in bilingual projects. The work has been developed, expressed and disseminated through digital materials (E-Twinning platform, Twing Espace, blog, Facebook, Twitter, videos, short films, holograms), exhibition at the Center, organization and Development of the II days of Promotion of the French language, etc. | To carry out these activities and materials, the training course "" Cannes, faites votre cinma en classe"" was carried out. The impact has been fully positive for training and methodological updating in the center as well as in the locality. | This has allowed us to bring digital tools and strategies to the ordinary educational practice, a linguistic improvement in teachers and students and to continue a close contact with the educational administration, the French Institute and the Cultural attach of The French embassy. This has resulted in the strengthening of the European section in French, as a bet on learning and promotion of a second foreign language, and the consolidation of the BACHIBAC program or baccalaureate of minimum and compatible content of the Spanish baccalaureate and the French baccalaurat.";The profile of the participants in the project is the following, the mobility has been carried out by four professors belonging to the linguistic program and to the Bachibac of the Departments of Biology and Geology, Mathematics, Geography and History and Philosophy. The activities of the project have been worked with the students of ESO and 1 of Bachibac. There have also been workshops with the faculty of the center belonging to different departments, especially with those included in the language program (in addition to those previously named, Physical Education, music and French) Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-ES01-KA101-037177;;;"""The world is our school""";"Context and historical background Alfonso VIII School was created in 1844 and currently has 935 students, 95 foreigners, divided into the different teaching levels: Secondary school, classroom t...";Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Migrants' issues, EU Citizenship ...;;IES ALFONSO VIII;ES;ES,BE,SE,LT;12.050,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;not available;;English;Context and historical background | Alfonso VIII School was created in 1844 and currently has 935 students, 95 foreigners, divided into the different teaching levels: Secondary school, classroom taught and distant Baccalaureate, Vocational Studies and e-learning and 76 teachers. It is a historical school that belongs to the UNESCO net (ASPnet). Our school started under the European projects in the section of Vocational Studies in 2008, under the Comenius programs this participation broadened to Secondary Education in 2011. Since 2015 we participate in Erasmus+ programs. | Objectives of the Project | Promote teachers training mobility to follow structured courses in Europe, favor teachers mobility to carry out job shadowing periods in schools from the European or ASPnet, establish agreements for a future KA2 program, formation of strategic organizations among the associates, acquisition of new teaching strategies about intercultural learning, diversity, Human Rights and European Institutions, including the use of ITCs and making the students aware that migrations are historical facts , disregarding alarming and Xenophobic discourse. | Number and Profile of teachers | Three teachers from Secondary are involved in the Project through the courses. They have different profiles and daily, they face to face the cultural diversity in the classrooms. That will directly influence students in a positive way using new learning and teaching strategies and the use of ITCs on the aforementioned topics that will contribute to a peaceful coexistence, the main aim of the ASPnet.The ASPnet encourges to their schools to work in favor of intercultural learning. The Headmaster at school is directly involved as well as the Erasmus and ASPnet Coordinators trhough job-shadowing experiences. | DESCRIPTION OF THE ACTIVITIES | a. Training Action | - Focused in the planning, organization and the realization of teachers mobilities (all those who are interested in taking part in the ASPnet project The World is our School). These mobilities will be used to follow training courses in Europe about migratory cultures in Europe, Diversity and Intercultural learning, the international and european dimension of Education and active Citizenship. | - Centered in the planning, organization and realization of jobshadowing periods in three European Schools, one of them member of the ASPnet and with three different nationalities: Belgian, Lithuanian and Swedish. This will provide a wide overview of different educational issues. These schools have been chosen for their experience in topics about interculturality, migration, cultural exchange and European citizenship. | b. Action at school | The teachers involved must participate actively in the activities of the project The World is our School invigorating the students initiative of taking part in e-Twinning projects as a tool for intercultural learning and it will foster what is learnt in the classroom. | c. Actions that will lead to the project evaluation, development of conclusions and collection of proposals for improvement. | METHODOLOGY | In order to make projects productive, all the agreements should be adopted by all the involved parties. That is why we consider collaborative groups as the best procedure to reconcile all the participants goals and opinions, the guest associate, the host associate and the beneficiary teachers. | Besides, the beneficiary teachers will take the learnt strategies into the classroom so as to improve the teaching-learning process adapting them to the characteristics of the group.;RESULTS AND EFFECT | The Project is centered in: | Broaden the international dimension of the school reaching collaborative agreements among associates. These agreements may range from lessons taught by the guest teacher at the host school, to the production of eTwinning projects with students from associated school to the preparation of a KA2 project of strategic association which will permit the mobility not only of the teachers but also of the students. | Increase the number of teachers and students willing to participate in European Programmes. | To make interculturality into a learning tool. | The main effect of this program will surely and principally affect students due to the fact that the agreements reached might give a chance to Secondary students to experience learning in European schools. Without this opportunity, they may not be able to afford these unique intercultural experiences and improve their foreign language competence. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-ES01-KA101-037236;;;3150 kilmetros (Implementacin CLIL);"CONTEXT Tirso de Molina is a state-funded, bilingual-education school which comprises ESO and Bachillerato and faces particularly demanding performance. It is located in Puente de Vallecas, Mad...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;IES Tirso de Molina;ES;ES,SE;14.962,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"Tirso de Molina is a state-funded, bilingual-education school which comprises ESO and Bachillerato and faces particularly demanding performance. It is located in Puente de Vallecas, Madrid, and there are 85 teachers working in 2 shifts: | | Morning shift: 899 students of over 30 nationalities with ages ranging between 12 - 20. | | Evening shift: 267 students aged 18 and over. | | The districts main characteristics are as follows: | | - High migration rates | | - High rates of unemployment and divisiveness | | - High rates of absenteeism and early school leaving | | - 2nd poorest district in Madrid and high rate of poverty. | | The need to provide bilingual education to the district stands out among the schools priority efforts. The ultimate goal is to match the districts educational opportunities with those of other areas of Madrid and to offer quality teaching that favours meaningful learning, as well as the students integration into the job market. | | PROJECT HISTORY/BACKGROUND | | The school has taken part in various international projects since the Bilingual Programme was implemented in the 2010/11 school year, one of them being the Comenius programme, in 2012. Since then several departments have launched E-Twinning projects. In addition, the school takes part in the ""Global Classrooms"" and organises a student exchange with the Schadow Gymnasium, a secondary school in Berlin. What is more, the school participates in a language immersion programme with English-speaking supervisors. | | GOALS | | 1. To improve the linguistic competence of those teachers responsible for subjects taught in English. | | 2. To implement knowledge and work techniques based on Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). | | 3. To become familiar with a new system of implementing CLIL in order to incorporate new good practice into our educational system and enhance student linguistic competence. | | 4. To help our Swedish partner throughout the implementation of CLIL methods. | | 5. To learn new skills and strategies in the field of EFL teaching. | | 6. To know and to analyse the factors which make Sweden a point of reference in regard to student civic education and to assess their good practice to implement it in our school. | | 7. To expand the internationalisation of our school. | | 8. To learn new school management models. | | PROFILE OF PARTICIPANTS | | The educational community in its entirety will benefit from and participate in this project. However, the participants who will actually travel will be eight and the selection criteria, stages and boards are based on principles of equality, transparency and coherence.";ACTIVITIES | | 1. 2 Training courses for 2 people in Ireland and 2 people in Italy, July 18. | | 2. Jobshadowing for 4 people in Fridhemsskolan, Sweden | | METHODOLOGY | | A European committee has been created in order to carry out the staff selection process as well as to audit the funds. Also an international department has been created (coordinator, school headmaster and bilingual head of studies). Both will apply a participative, transparent and fair methodology | | RESULT DESCRIPTION | | 1. Each travelling participant will implement a project related to the general goals mentioned above. | | 2. Proposals for enhancement plans of annual reports and departmental sillabi. | | 3. Self-assessment of the bilingual programme implementation in our school. | | 4. Assessment of the documents and procedures we have offered our partner for the implementation of CLIL methods. | | 5. Implementation of new EFL teaching techniques in the English department which will bring advances and serve as the base for a project by the travelling participants. | | 6. Familiarisation with and implemention of Swedens good practice with regard to civic education in order to incorporate what is considered appropriate in the new Plan for Coexistence and in the PEC (School Educational Project) with the purpose of reducing divisiveness. | | 7. Creation of an interdisciplinary team to expand its internationalisation. | | IMPACT | | The repercussion will not be limited to students, it will reach the entire educational community: teachers, departments, managerial bodies, etc, as well as those families who participate actively in the programme. Moreover, the results will spread to educational governing bodies (CRIF Madrid Capital (Regional Centre for Innovation and Training), Dat Capital (Local Area Management), D.G. Innovacin (Innovation General Management), political bodies (Vallecas Council), and social bodies (Social Services, absenteeism, etc). A Dissemination Plan will be compiled to keep record of it all. | | LONG-TERM BENEFITS | | The good practice resulting from the participation in the Erasmus + project will be obvious through the improvement of the annual reports, the departmental sillabi, and the schools Plan for Coexistence, documents which will help towards the sustainability of the former. These efforts will be assessed and integrated into the school in order to enhance meaningful learning on the part of our students - Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-ES01-KA101-037400;;;BREAKING BORDERS THROUGH COLLABORATIVE LEARNING;Comarcal Secondary School has worked on the way of the Integrated Language approach and the internationalization of the centre since its foundation. Since 2008 it has taken part in the experimenta...;Inclusion - equity, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;IES COMARCAL;ES;ES,PL;27.168,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;Comarcal Secondary School has worked on the way of the Integrated Language approach and the internationalization of the centre since its foundation. Since 2008 it has taken part in the experimental implementation of multilingualism throughout work projects, teacher training courses and European projects in English. In the school year 2011-2012 the centre joined the Multilingual Schools Network in the Valencian Community while a Multilateral Comenius program came to an end , which had started back in 2010 under the name : Through Democratic Citizenship Through Equal Opportunities. In the school year 2012-2013 another program took place, a Comenius Student Mobility along with ITCG F. Borghese de PAtti (Italy) as a partner school, where three students of every centre took part . Soon afterwards , another Comenius Multilateral program called Lets love, lets know, lets protect our environment was led by our centre from 2013 to 2015. Then a teacher training course was accomplished by our staff as part of an official Teacher Continuous Support Program in English during the school year 2012-2013.From 2015 to 2017 an Erasmus + KA1 teacher training program called: E-Quality For Competent European Citizens took place. And finally, the present Erasmus + KA1 project Breaking Borders Through Collaborative Learning has been developed with a two-year duration ( 2017-2019). The analysis of the needs of our centre has always been put forward as main source of all our teacher training courses. Since 2014 a multilingual program has been implemented in the secondary courses , which has had a great demand and acceptation in our community. | | Taking part in the aforementioned European programs has proved to be very positive and productive for our school since it implies the possibility of improving the knowledge and mastering of the English language, which is the language that some of the CLIL subjects are taught in, such as biology, mathematics and technology. Moreover, it helps update the language skills of our teachers as well as give a closer perception of other educational systems, approaches and good teaching practice. It also takes us closer to other countries and cultures, fostering networks and contacts with other educational institutions in order to boost new projects.These aspects bring us closer to European framework strategic objectives (ET2020). | | The present project originated as a consequence of a Teaching Training Course on Project Based Learning and Collaborative Learning, which was carried out in the school year 2016-2017 , and whose starting point was the needs analysis of the Improvement Plan of our centre. Its main aim was the acquisition of new methodologies related to the learning- teaching process that could help deal with the issue of the students academic results as well as contribute to help multi-skilled students more effectively so that it could bring more active and motivating methodologies into the classroom as a way of enhancing the Key Competences. Given the welcoming of this training course, a KA1 Project was proposed as a way of deepening and putting together different working plans, with the intention of joining the European dimension through networking and collaboration with other centres in Europe , the continuous teacher training programs and the implementation of new tools and schedules of education management.;As a result, the main points of our project are the following: | Promote teaching innovation through the training in active methods | Get to know certain European educational systems that are a model in education and have a high level of academic success | Develop and implement a methodology based on PBL and collaborative learning | Reach the comprehensive development of the students, based on respect, team work, creativity and diversity | Enhance the quality of education and improve academic results | Deal with diversity, providing equal opportunities on behalf of inclusion and equity | Improve students motivation | Foster the use of ICT in the classroom | Cooperate with other teachers and centres to establish networking and knowledge-sharing, making possible future projects | | As complementary objectives , it can also be taken into account the following: | Promote foreign language update | Power multidisciplinary teams and cohesion in the institution | Deal with academic failure and early school leaving | This project has been accomplished by teachers with a steady position, nine of them with duties within the school management or in charge of didactic coordinations.15 mobilities have taken place corresponding to 8 training courses and a job shadowing experience. All of them focused on new technologies, methodologies based on PBL and collaborative learning and its assessment, as well as several seminars on educational systems. They all have had an impact and have been disseminated both in and out of the school context so as to look for the European dimension itself. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-ES01-KA101-037656;;;EducaTools+;The project Educatools+ aimed to meet the institutional needs we detected and so improve the quality of education following the objectives set in the strategic framework: Education and Formation...;Quality Assurance, Inclusion - equity, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;ESCUELAS PROFESIONALES DE LA SAGRADA FAMILIA - NUESTRA SEORA DE LOS REYES;ES;ES;7.736,00;Yes;No;Foundation;Fundacin;;not available;English;"The project Educatools+ aimed to meet the institutional needs we detected and so improve the quality of education following the objectives set in the strategic framework: Education and Formation 2020. | | To achieve this goal we believe that our teachers must be constantly updated in both theoretical and practical knowledge with avant-garde teaching methods and adapted to current educational requirements. | | In particular, in the project ""Educatools+"" 5 mobilitys have been carried out in which teachers from the following educational levels of our center have participated: Early Childhood Education, Primary Education, Secondary Education and Baccalaureate. | | Our teachers have had the opportunity to participate in high quality training courses or events taught by course providers in Europe. | | The courses attended by our teachers have been different from those originally proposed in the initial project proposal. The reason for the changes has been the cancellation of courses by course providers. We have tried to select other courses with similar themes that have allowed us to achieve the objectives initially set out in the project. | | In particular, the courses in which our teachers have participated are as follows: | - ""Interaction and Management of Multicultural Groups"", taught by the Innovazione Formazione Orientamento e Lavoro training centre (Italy) for 5 days. Thanks to this course our teachers have known effective tools to work in a multicultural teaching and learning environment promoting teaching from a collaborative and non-competitive point of view. | | - ""Stimulating creativity and innovation in the classroom"", taught by the CREF training centre (Portugal) for 6 days. In this course our participants have acquired the skills to know the very useful computer tools at the educational level, stimulating creativity and innovation in the classroom. | | - ""British Culture"", taught by the Language Link London training centre (United Kingdom) for 5 days. This course has allowed our teachers to know British culture to cultivate in students the linguistic skills and British art improving communication skills.";The participants of each course on the return of mobility prepared a presentation that summarized the most important points of the training. In such a way that the acquired skills have been shared with the rest of the team of teachers making a multiplier effect. During these days of dissemination, a number of conclusions and a list of measures to be studied have been drawn to integrate into the teaching practice. | | The project has helped our centre in the line of methodological innovation that is immersed, learn about new tools and expand scant of European contacts, thus improving the quality of teaching in both inclusion, the use of new technologies, as well as creativity and teaching in general. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-ES01-KA101-037709;;;Future Classroom: a proposal adapted to diversity;"CONTEXT: Public School of Special Education in Denia (Alicante). The School serves 58 students permanently aged between 5 and 21 years, from the 2017-2018 academic year will be extended to stude...";Disabilities - special needs, Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;Colegio Publico de Educacin Especial Raquel Paya;ES;ES,DE,BE,FI;24.222,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Adult education;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"CONTEXT: | Public School of Special Education in Denia (Alicante). | The School serves 58 students permanently aged between 5 and 21 years, from the 2017-2018 academic year will be extended to students from 21 to 24 years with the incorporation of a Basic Qualification Program. | The School has TEACHING staff (18) and NOT TEACHING staff (16). | | PROJECT BACKGROUND: | It is worth highlighting the wide experience of our School in European projects: | - COMENIUS Project (2011- 2013) ""How to make enthusiastic European citizens"" | - Comenius Project (2013 - 2015) ""Heathy Habits"" | - ERASMUS + Ka 101 (2016) ""Increasing the job inclusion options of students enrolled in Special Education Schools through the development of a training plan for property manteinance."" | - Various Projects underway for classroom collaboration through the e-Twinning platform. | | OBJECTIVES, RESULTS AND EXPECTED IMPACT: | - Achieve the greatest number of successful performances in our School in the line of work of the Classrooms of the Future. | - We gradually obtained training and familiarization with the resources of the Classrooms of the Future. | - We achieved a progressive improvement of the linguistic competence and a motivation for the use and training in the English language. | - We disseminated models of good practice derived from the observations of good practices in the reference School. | - We developed and transmited methodological systems that promote Social Skills from activities in the open air. | - We developed teaching activities in other educational contexts. | - We disseminated the cultural heritage from games and sports as elements of inclusion to students with functional diversity. | - We raised awareness of the importance of the activities of self-training ""Webinar"". | - We Put in value the work of every professional, sharing their learning with ""cascade"" formations.";PROFILE OF THE PARTICIPANTS: | The staff directly involved in the project are the members of the Internationalization Commission of the School and indirectly all the staff and educational community of the School. | Our School has the singularity that we live together professionals from different sectors such as Education, Health and Public Service. Even so the philosophy of the School understands that teamwork is vital rather than parcelling out skills. | | ACTIVITIES: | - JULY 2017 STRUCTURED COURSES of 2 weeks of training for the improvement of the linguistic competences in ENGLISH | - MAY 2019: TEACHING in Cruismannschule of the population of Bochum (Germany), | - MAY 2018: STRUCTURED COURSE of Methodologies for the development of Social Skills through cooperative activities developed in the Natural Environment. In Borgarnes (Islndia) | - MARCH 2019: JOB SHADOWING: RHYZO LYCEUM Kortrijk (Belgium) | - NOVEMBER 2018: STRUCTURED training course at the FUTURE CLASSROOM Lab and European Schoolnet | - JANUARY 2019: JOB SHADOWING activity: OULUN YLIOPISTO Olulu (Finland) | | LONG TERM BENEFITS: | The realization of this project, have improved the quality of the service of our School. We are going to implant the FCL methodology experimentally and progressively mean a reversal of traditional methodological schemes and adapt them to our reality, it will be a truly exciting challenge. | We shared experiences from teaching with e-twinning partners and learn new methodologies to develop students' social skills. And to seen grow colleagues in linguistic competence in English, will favor the realization of new and enriching projects. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2017;2017-1-ES01-KA102-036683;;;Internationalisation of Nurse Assisstant Education-3;The Project has been the continuation of the two previous E + KA1 Projects and a base for the following we have. It has achieved that our expectations have been fulfilled, with the internationaliz...;Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Recognition, transparency ...;;IES SANTA BRBARA;ES;ES,FI,CZ,PL;19.524,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (tertiary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;The Project has been the continuation of the two previous E + KA1 Projects and a base for the following we have. It has achieved that our expectations have been fulfilled, with the internationalization of the training in the Nursing Auxiliary Care of both students and teachers. In addition, we were awarded with a new project in 2018 to properly program and provide stability to the flows of mobility. The main problem associated with this qualification is the high unemployment rate. We consider it was important to improve the students' work and academic expectations by offering training abroad, in a quality and planning framework, with known partners. Mobility activities have been done for students and recent graduates (from now onwards RT) for internships and improve skills and teachers update. The Project has lasted 24 months to carry out mobilities of 2 students and 2 RT, in two courses. The mobilities lasted 60 days corresponded to the FCT Module and improved skills for RT. There were detailed training programs, to reach the capacities foreseen in the Programming of the Module and improvement of competencies for RT. The internships venues were elderly homes. The participating students were selected transparently by the selection commission, which assessed their skills in languages, personal and professional maturity and other criteria mentioned. The internships were recognized with the FCT Module, which is a curricular part of their studies and for RT students as an extension / improvement of competencies. All in all have allowed them to expand their work and academic possibilities in an international space. The methodology of the organization of the FCT / internship abroad consists of the following phases: contacts with host partner, selection of candidates, linguistic and cultural preparation (OLS platform and / or language course, Eures website, Center resources) , signature by all parties of the Learning Agreement for practices with training program included, grant agreement, travel and insurance arrangements, search for accommodation, monitoring through teacher tutors (Helvia or Moodle platform of the virtual classroom, email, telephone, questionnaires to be completed, Erasmus Mobility Tool) that contact labor tutors at destination, collection of the documentation provided by the student on their return (follow-up sheets, evaluation of the labor tutor and certificate of attendance) and evaluation of the FCT. All these phases are widely known by our HEI since for 14 years we have carried them out under Erasmus or other projects. We have the international programs coordinators. Our quality standards are demanding and this completed project will allow us to request the European Mobility Charter for VET.;Training and job shadowing activities were also carried out for the 4 and 5-days teaching staff at 2 centers in France and Poland, to perform a job shadowing of the teaching activity, attention to students with SNE, the teaching organization and the FCT . 3 teachers were selected according to criteria set by the Selection Commission (involvement with the International Programs, time working in the subject and by us and language skills) that were responsible for the dissemination of the training received to produce the greatest possible impact.The results and their impact have been: The experience of the FCT abroad was useful not only the participating students, but also by dissemination to all their colleagues, to improve their work expectations in our environment (where tourism activity is decisive) and in the international labor market, as well as consider continue their training in other countries. Improvement of the systems of recognition of titles and professional competences in the Health sector, analysis of the professional achievements required in other work environments. Proposal for a more defined framework for recognition of competencies in the Health sector at European level. For teachers, renewal of teaching activity, analysis of other models of teacher training. Improvement of individual support in the care of students with SNE. Improvement of the management of the FCT with the companies in our environment, new possibilities of organization after the knowledge of experiences of other management models and analysis of possibilities of its implementation in our school. Increase in linguistic and ICT skills of teachers and students, not only of participants, since dissemination activities are essential in this project. Increase in student employability. For the two reception centers for teachers, it was their first Erasmus + experience, the center of Poland having been encouraged to request an E + project in 2019 and that of France will do so in future calls. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2017;2017-1-ES01-KA102-036913;;;Opening ways in Tourism, Hospitality and Food Industries;"1. Context ""Open roads"" is a project within the context of globalization, where Spain is located with a rate of over 40% of youth unemployment. However, the tourism industry in which our stude...";Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education;;Centro Integrado Pblico de Formacin Profesional Costa de Azahar;ES;ES,UK,PT,FR;34.812,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"1. Context | | ""Open roads"" is a project within the context of globalization, where Spain is located with a rate of over 40% of youth unemployment. However, the tourism industry in which our students are going to work, is one of the engines of wealth and jobs creation in our country. UK, France and Portugal are the destinations chosen for training practices since they are the countries of origin of most visitors we receive in Valencia.Furthermore our neighboring countries have a rich gastronomic tradition and the hospitality industry is highly developed and that can provide ideas for culinary fusion creations and future business projects in our country or offering quality service as future workers. | | 2. Project Background | | Our experience with European programs started in 2013. The projects promoted so far are 2 mobilities Leonardo, two KA102,one K103 and a Strategic School Partnership. The balance cannot be more positive. For the educational community is a great achievement that in more than 90 mobilities ,both students and companies, have conveyed their appreciation and satisfaction. | | 3. Project objectives | | Improving the employment and development of entrepreneurial skills of our students and promoting intercultural awareness, development of tolerance and social skills of our students. | | 4. Number and profile of participants . | | The student profile is a young student over 18 with an Intermediate Vocational Training Course in the following specialities: | | Four students of Cuisine and Gastronomy (UK and Portugal) .Three students of Bakery, and Confectionery (France). Three students of Restaurant Services (Portugal). | | 5. Description of activities | | Since the mobilities of students will be developed by students on second course or recent graduates only, the calendar to consider will depend on the selected candidates: | | From March of 2017/2018 course for those doing their Training in Work Placements. | | From July 2017/2018 course for recently graduate. | | The activities to carry out | | Call for Mobility Grants, preselection , election and publication of candidates. Learning Program Design. Preparation of the students. Contact via e-mail and telephone with host partners to follow up and monitoring of the training program. Collection of documents, photos, videos, prints, tracking sheets, presentations, memories for later dissemination. Final Report and gathering documents for SEPIE, among others. | | 6. Methodology used to carry out the project | | It is based on the principles listed in the European Quality Charter for Mobility. The guidance and information will be guaranteed to all candidates , a personalized learning plan for each will be prepared and their reintegration and support will be provided to candidates at all times, before mobility students will a general preparation,both in linguistic aspects and logistical support .Also our school and the host company will consensually assume commitments and responsibilities and they will be registered in writing to ensure a successful stay for our students";Brief description of the results and expected impact and long-term benefits | | At individual level, students will improve their personal and professional skills, enrich their CV, open their minds, creativity and innovation necessary to generate ideas for creating their own business, improve social and communication skills in another culture.At a collective level,the school community will strengthen international relations, get prestige and will enhance the European dimension of the school. At a regional or local level, the impact on the economy of the area will be achieved by the improvement of the workers skills which will provide a cultural enrichment in fusion gastronomy and restaurant services to meet the tourists expectations , derived from the direct experience of our students in European countries Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2017;2017-1-ES01-KA102-037160;;;"""e-Buggy: The future technology in our hands 3 and Learning automotive in France""";"Our project ""E-Buggy: The Technology in Our Hands 3 and Learning Automotive in France"" is designed for teachers of FP and students of second course of CFGM of different specialties at the Salesian...";Recognition (non-formal and informal learning/credits), Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;Colegio Salesiano Santsima Trinidad;ES;ES,FR,DE;59.480,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (tertiary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"Our project ""E-Buggy: The Technology in Our Hands 3 and Learning Automotive in France"" is designed for teachers of FP and students of second course of CFGM of different specialties at the Salesiano Santsima Trinidad School in Seville - Machining, - Electrical and Automatic Installations - Electromechanical Maintenance - Automotive Electromechanics - There have been a total of 30 participants counting students and teachers, in addition to two other accompanying teachers developing in a period of 24 months during the academic courses 2017-18 and 2018-19, which will be broken down as follows; -16 students from the different specialties previously mentioned in Germany, making the manufacture of an electric vehicle at the company Vitalis in the city of Leipzig. 8 of them between mid-March and mid-April 2018 and another 8 during the school year 2018-19 also between mid-March and mid-April 2019. where they spent a month of internships in Germany as part of the training module in work centers to complete the module in companies from Seville upon returning from Germany. The practices have consisted of designing and manufacturing an electric vehicle with an engine type that is increasingly booming in the market due to its ecological value and because its benefits are approaching those of internal combustion. For all, this we consider that it is an attractive project for our students since it has acquired a high specialization in this field that demands personnel with specific competences. The internship has been a team effort that has made the participants share not only professional but also personal moments that have helped them develop as people. - Also 8 students in this case of the automotive specialty of second year in companies in this sector in the French town of Caen, tutored by the Institut Professionnel Lemonnier that has taken over our students during the period that has lasted mobility as the Salesiano Trinidad School took charge of their students when they arrived in Spain. The French center asked its national agency for a similar project for its automotive students in Seville companies supervised by our center but it was not granted and they did it without the Ersmus + subsidy and instead of companies they did internships in our school. 4 students from our center carried out their internships in the 2017-18 school year between mid-March and mid-April 2018 and another 4 in the 2018-19 school year in May 2019. They had a month of internships and were part of the FCT as happened with the participants in Germany to finish it in Seville around the corner of France. The objective of this mobility was for students to do internships in companies related to their professional profiles and in this sense our partner who has an important network of companies in charge of selecting the companies that fit the profile of our students and their training program . - 2 accompanying teachers to ensure that the students did the practices in Germany correctly and their acclimatization was correct, since the students had no experience abroad,. It was for a week, being a teacher in the course 2017-18 and another one in 2018-19. - Another 6 teachers of vocational training of different specialties, 3 in the 2017-18 academic year and another 3 in the 2018-19 academic year, in May 2018 the first 3 and in the month of May 2019 the other 3 performed a Job Shadowing. The mobility lasted five days and during the mobility our teaching staff carried out a follow-up program at the Institut Professionnel Lemonnier, center homologous to ours that included observation of classes, discussion in round tables on current issues in the FP and visits to companies from sectors relevant to the professional profiles of our participants";The objectives that were achieved with this project were: To foster European spirit and mobility, in our Center, in order to achieve a more cohesive society. To improve the quality of the training provided in our Center in relation to CFGM through the professional development of our teaching staff. Adapt our vocational training to the real needs of the European labor market Improve the language skills of our students and teaching staff. Increase the employability and competitiveness of our middle-level VET students. Increase the network of contacts in Europe with training centers, companies and other organizations involved in training and employment. Encourage the use of validation tools and recognition of training periods in Europe. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2017;2017-1-ES01-KA103-035436;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;Our HEI started implementing the Erasmus program within the Lifelong Learning Program (LLP) in 2007 and was awarded the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) in 2010. Since our start, we hav...;;;IES Toms Navarro Toms;ES;ES;19.875,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (tertiary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"Our HEI started implementing the Erasmus program within the Lifelong Learning Program (LLP) in 2007 and was awarded the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) in 2010. Since our start, we have acquired substantial knowledge and expertise in the field of European programs, which enable us to manage a significant number of mobilities of both students and staff members every year. We are especially satisfied with the outcome of the current Project, as we have been able to generate successful training experiences and new employment opportunities within a European framework. Also, we have successfully achieved one of the key objectives of our program, which is to acquire knowledge from good practice abroad and, consequently, improve and develop new learning practices and teaching methods. We have reached other additional results, such as improving the language skills in all the participants, increasing the cultural awareness, allowing a wider diversification of the professional approach of the participants, etc. In the current project we have successfully managed 10 student mobilities for traineeships at a workplace abroad (extending the 9 granted by the Agency) and 8 mobilities of staff for training (extending the 6 granted by the Agency), as a clear commitment of the Institution towards the European projects. We would like to underline that a part of the funds for organisational visits has been transferred to finance this extension in the number of mobilities. One of our guidelines has been to try to diversify the professional profiles and destinations offered in the mobilities of students, with the following results: 3 students of Pre-School Education in United Kingdom and Germany; 3 students of Social Integration in the Netherlands; and 4 students of Socio Cultural Animation in Italy, the Netherlands and Poland. On the whole, we are pleased to observe that our HEI has made a successful effort to meet our students demands regarding our offer of hosting institutions. Another objective our HEI has successfully achieved in this current project is to carry out training mobilities with students of all the different courses in our professional sector of Sociocultural Services. We are especially satisfied because for the second time one student of Pre-school Education in the e-learning modality has participated in our program. Furthermore, we are pleased to say two of our students have signed an employment contract in their destination country. Regarding staff mobilities, different staff members at our HEI have carried out 8 staff training mobilities with these destinations: Germany (5 mobilities), Belgium (2) and France (1).These staff mobilities have included job-shadowing, workshops, monitoring of Erasmus+ activities and also planning of future Erasmus+ co-operation. The main professional developments and impacts of these mobilities have been: to learn from good practices abroad, to enhance our organisational skills, and to build up new professional contacts.";"We have also made an effort to guarantee the quality of our mobilities by offering our students an especial support in relation with additional insurance and counselling services. Our team members include 11 teachers who support all the mobilities throughout the whole process, while at the same time help to strengthen relations with our network of collaborating companies, by keeping in touch with them and establishing professional relationships. We are proud to notice the qualification and the attitude of our students have consistently been highly praised by our partners abroad. And vice versa, the professional experience at the hosting institutions has been positively assessed by our students in every experience. As a consequence, we are satisfied to have a wide variety of collaborating companies in different professional fields of our sector and in an increasing number of EU countries. Lecturers from partner institutions in Germany, Sweden and the UK have given lectures to our students and staff at our HEI. Also, we are starting to develop a training European cooperation in 3 areas of interest related to our higher studies: Cognitive accessibility (an award-winning educational project), Bilingual Pre-school Education; and Resources for the social care of disadvantaged groups. We have carried out a number of activities for the diffusion of our programme, as we have always placed emphasis on the publicity of the results, by ensuring a significant impact of our European experience in our professional performance. In this regard, we have carried out regular dissemination and exploitation meetings with colleagues and students at our HEI. We have participated in Seminars to talk about our project and we have also celebrated a Working Day devoted to our program with lectures, exhibitions and presence of local authorities and press. Furthermore, we continue broadcasting our activities through our website, social networks and YouTube channel on the Internet." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2017;2017-1-ES01-KA103-035859;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;Decroly supports the creation of a modern, dynamic, inclusive, professional learning environment, committed to the internationalisation. We intend to integrate best practices and new methods in th...;;;DECROLY,SL;ES;ES;14.350,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (tertiary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"Decroly supports the creation of a modern, dynamic, inclusive, professional learning environment, committed to the internationalisation. We intend to integrate best practices and new methods in the daily activities of our educational community, opening up synergies with active organizations in different areas, such as social, educational and employment, within a national and international level. The Linguistic diversity plays an important role in our lives, so we set ourselves as an objective the promotion of languages among our educational community to grow as society. We plan strategies for professional development within our staff in relation to the individual needs and objectives of the Organization, and, where appropriate, the ability to attract students or academic excellent staff from all over Europe. | Since 2007, we have been doing mobility projects KA1 every academic year: mobility for students and staff of higher education; covering three of the four modalities that the program offers - SMP mobility of students for practices; STA - mobility of staff to provide teaching and STT - mobility of staff for training / Job shadowing. The Erasmus + program is integrated in our institution within our annual general planning and our quality system through a quality procedure where it appears the management of the Erasmus+ programme. Both documents are updated each academic year. Our goal is to increase the number of mobilities every year. For both, students and staff. Students will make their trainship abroad and the staff will develop and/ or train in other European countries, in addition we will host students from different European institutions.To carry out this mobility projects, we use as a tool of dissemination our website (, Bulletins Board, E-mail and posts published in our Regional Minister of Education in Cantabria website ( Information sessions for both students and the teaching staff. The Erasmus+ program wakes a great interest in our educational community. These sessions are planning in our annual general planning every academic year. DECROLY took two calls, one for students and one for staff in September. In the case of the students, upper-grade students could make their FCT internship in EU companies for three months; and in the case of staff, teachers could make training and teaching in companies and/or institutions of the EU for five days. ";"During 2017-2018 the Erasmus students profile in DECROLY was focused to students who were doing higher education studies in different vocational training areas: Higher Technician in Office Director Assistance, Higher Technician in Tourist Guide, Information and Assistance, Higher Technician in Sales Management and Commercial Spaces and Higher Technician in Administration and Finance. The average age was between 20-25 years old. Eight of these students were females and two males. All of them are characterized by having an open mind, responsibility, cultural diversity, efficiency and interconnectivity; flexible in accepting the variety of contexts, they have a sense of involvement in international issues, they value other cultures and want to be involved in them. All of them wished to do an internship (the FCT) in a European country, for different reasons. In the case of staff, two teachers who teach in different groups and from different field of studies (Tourism and administration), did their mobility in Malta during five days in May. One of them taught in the University of Malta in the Tourism department and the other one did the training in the department of administration of Ta' Xbiex Local Council.The teachers profile were two female teachers who developed classes in higher education andwanted to take advantange of this opportunity to adquire knowledge or to transfer knowkedgeto another sector of education, share new profesional perspective abroad, improve their linguistic competences, wide the european networks and contribute to modernise and internalionase our institution. Both teachers had a very good english level to develop their mobility. During this academic year 2017-2018, Decroly were awarded with 12 grants. Ten for students- SMP mobility of students for practices and two for staff: One for STA - mobility of staff to provide teaching and one for STT - mobility of staff for training / Job shadowing. The students mobilities for training took place in the period March- June 2018, meanwhile the staff Mobility took place in May 2018. All of the mobilities were developing as the agreements established before the mobility took place and the satisfaction degree was very remarkable for our institution, the host institution and the participants. The students Mobility: the work placements chosen adapted perfectly to our students, depending on the level and field of studies. All of the companies will sign again the interinstitutional agreements and collaborate with us again. One of them offered a job to the student.T" Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2017;2017-1-ES01-KA103-035882;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;This Project arises in the context of the UHU community, involving all its members, greatly impacting on city and province, as well as further afield at national and international level. Our offic...;;;UNIVERSIDAD DE HUELVA;ES;ES;673.751,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;not available;not available;English;This Project arises in the context of the UHU community, involving all its members, greatly impacting on city and province, as well as further afield at national and international level. Our office places special importance on its dissemination through our website, Canal UHU, press and local television, Welcome Days, Open Doors, national conferences (AUPA, SEPIE) and international (EAIE, NAFSA) as well as social network. | Transference of results is prioritized through reports to the University Assembly on international visitors, seminars and various activities and to European partners during our International Week and Study Abroad Fair. Success of the project lies in its background, in its data history showing that we receive a yearly average of approximately 660 incoming Erasmus and send more than 300 outgoing. High quality of our E+ project is validated by recent awards received: SEPIE Recognition of Quality December 2016, Premio Study Portals International Student Satisfaction 2016 and Prize for Best Practice in Administration Services for Good Practices in Internationalization of the UHU, March 2017. | The fundamental sought after objective has been achieved: another year of transparent, effective progress benefiting our community in the framework of learning and academic exchange (teaching and research) and training. The governing teams interest in providing the service with specialized workers, its support for internationalization initiatives (guide for international student mobility, Call for teaching subjects in foreign | languages, efforts towards accreditation and language courses especially Spanish as a foreign language, creation of the East Asian Academic and Cultural Centre for possible involvement in E+K107, etc.) havebrought about professionalization of the team and the hoped for results, with provisos and difficulties overcome. | The figures and profile of participants is as follows: Evaluated Project 2017: Received SM 596 and ST 83,sent SM 280 and ST 37, proving a) consolidation of student exchange b) interest maintained by our academic staff, c) growth in the number of placement students and d) growing implication of lecturers and administrative staff in training mobility, not only in receiving visitors but also in achieving the objectives in careful planning of international mobility periods. | The various activities carried out, also described in this report, show the Services guarantee to effect an efficient process before, during and after the SM and ST periods. The list shows that we have support of all university sectors. We are guaranteed the presence of our Rector and Vice rector at international, national and local acts, for example the twice-yearly Welcome Days and yearly International Week. Directors of different services (Human Resources, Sustainability, Service to University Community and Emplyoment, Health, Library) collaborate systematically receiving international staff for training. Equally, lecturers act as centre or academic coordinators guaranteeing the viability of the exchanges. Many coordinators and directors of our cultural centres (Hungarian, Slavic, German, Iberoamerican and Asian) participate actively in reception of international E+ visitors celebrating seminars, conferences, innovation projects or projectionssuch as K2 and K107;Finally, the results in this report and evidence of subjects passed in host institutions prove that students have satisfactorily availed of their exchange period from an academic point of view, developed personally and prepared for their future in the labour force, their capacity and self-esteem having grown. Staff has increased competences relating to internationalization of their professional profile and to the capacity to bring about change in modernization and international outlook in their respective units. The institution is benefited not only by the increase in training opportunities for students, but also, in fomenting consolidation of our institution and social space in its regional and national dimension, it has acquired strategic importance. On an internal level, our management of mobility and contact with other universities, academic and administrative staff, have improved without doubt, our ability for management, strategies for international processes, cooperation for the organization of future teaching, research and management projects, and for elaboration of more attractive programmes for students, teaching and administrative staff adapting to their needs and professional expectations. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-ES01-KA104-037314;;;EOI Maspalomas: Progresando y Estrechando Lazos;The teachers and the school leaders of EOI Maspalomas (State Language School in The Canary Islands) have designed and implemented this European project to reflect on our teaching methods as well a...;Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Maspalomas;ES;ES;12.422,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Adult education;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The teachers and the school leaders of EOI Maspalomas (State Language School in The Canary Islands) have designed and implemented this European project to reflect on our teaching methods as well as to introduce new knowledge and learning so as to improve education quality and student learning in our institution. | | The teachers set up a work team Erasmus + with those teachers interested in taking part in organizing and implementing the project. Once the teaching key areas for improvement were established, the work team agreed to categorise the activities for the staff mobility into three working areas: | - Methodology | - Assessment and Evaluation | - European dimension in the school community | | The main aims that we agreed to established for each of the three working areas are the following: | | Methodology: | - Improve and tailor our methodology to our students | - Adapt and update our teaching resources | - Revitalize the teaching-learning process | | Assessment and Evaluation: | - Improve the effectiveness of the assessment tests | - Maximise the work when designing the assessment tests | - Develop the knowledge and skills of the evaluator | | European dimension in the school community: | - Strengthen our relationships with European institutions | - Establish common interests to provide the basis for future partnerships | - Promote public awareness of the European citizenship | | During the period in which the work team completed the Erasmus+ application and once the objectives were established, we agreed to share the search for the receiving or participating organizations and the eligible activities that were relevant for the European Development Plan. We also concurred that all the school departments should take part in the project and selected the activities as well as the participants following the agreed criteria (the teachers role at school and its relevance to the project, the experience on the working area and the foreign language competence among others). | | Once our project was admitted (Call for proposal 2017) the work team started to set up meeting sessions to organize the kind of preparation that should be offered to the participants for each of the mobilities. Afterwards, we got in touch with the receiving organizations to agreed on the terms and sign the staff mobility agreement as well as the work plan for the activity. | | Along the implementation the project underwent a few changes that did not alter the aims that were established or the duration. We asked the Spanish National Agency permission to change the receiving organization for the mobility for the teaching assignment and we also included a structured course on evaluation criteria (with no changes in the approved budget) that enriched the development of the project. | The activities that were carried out within the project are the following: | - Activity 1 Structured course ""Aspects of Teaching and Learning English"" at The English Language Centre in Brighton, UK. | | - Activity 2 - Structured course Stages pdagogiques d't at Alliance Franaise in Paris, France. | | - Activity 3 - Structured course Testing, Evaluation and Assessment at Norwich Institute for Language Education in Norwich, UK. | | - Activity 4 Job shadowing at the language school Tandem Schule Mnchen e V., in Munich, Germany. | | - Activity 5 Teaching assigments at the institution Consorzio Scuola Comunit Impresa in Novara, Italia. | | - Activity 6 - Job shadowing at Universit per Stranieri di Siena, UNISTRASI, in Siena, Italy. | | - Activity 7 - Structured course Better Testing and Assessment at the Language school Lexical Lab in London, UK. (This course was included in the project with no changes in the approved budget.) | | The work team organised meeting sessions at EOI Maspalomas after each mobility in which the teachers compared and reflected on the school organizations as well as on the teaching methods of our institution and the receiving institutions. We also analysed the new learning that were relevant for our teaching system or school structure. Besides, we took part in several public events in Gran Canaria to disseminate the project and the new learning within the educational community.";These actions or mobilities have meant a great incentive for the teachers at EOI Maspalomas because of the new learning and methods that we have incorporated into our teaching and because we have confirmed the value of our school system and our work. We are also very proud of helping to disseminate and raise awareness of the European citizenship as well as strengthen our ties with European colleagues and offer our institution as a receiving organization for future projects. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-ES01-KA104-037505;;;Opening doors to diversity in europe;Context. CEPER Cehel is an EPA Center located in the south of Granada. It has 10 teachers and intercultural mediator, educational inspectorate, provincial coordination team and educational guida...;Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment;;CENTRO EDUCACION PERMANENTE CEHEL;ES;ES,RO,DE;10.065,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Adult education;Centro Educativo;;;English;"Context. CEPER Cehel is an EPA Center located in the south of Granada. It has 10 teachers and intercultural mediator, educational inspectorate, provincial coordination team and educational guidance team. Our main plans: Adult secondary education, tics, foreign English and Spanish. Our project has integrated 4 important concepts into todays society and education: New technologies, second language education, culture and job training. | | Main objective: Improve key teacher skills and prepare adults to meet the challenges of the information society. Launch actions to incorporate ICT and second language teaching as a means for teachers to explore, innovate and investigate new methodological approaches with new tools. | In order to achieve this objective, we have participated in 3 teachers and 1 member of the Mobility Orientation Team and the following activities have been carried out: | | a.- Structured course. ""The integration of new technologies in didactics and training."" Held in Bologna from 02 to 08 July 2017. By participating in this course we have gained insight into best practices and how to use ICT in teaching activities to improve classroom experience. Course that has resulted into training centers conducted during the courses 2017 to 19. We have learned to develop our tics capabilities by developing the different activities carried out and the methodology learning by doing used. | | b.- Structured course. ""When school and Labour market Meet: dual education and work-based learning"" Held in Bologna from 04 to 10 March 2018. The participant has become familiar with the basic concepts and trends of dual education and has learned about specific strategies and best practices for integrating the learning based on work education pathways. Course that has resulted into participation within the convocation of the EQF program Proeducar with the project reinstate. | | c.- Structured visit. 02 to 13 July 2018 to the Intercultural Institute Timisoara in it we were able: 1.- To analyze the diversity and the intercultural dialogue. Solutions to community problems 2.- Analyze the principles and methodological criteria for creating language teaching materials of the host country. 3.- Develop a meeting with teachers/women working on teaching materials and with Romanian language trainers and cultural orientation, Visit that has resulted in the elaboration of new Erasmus+ ka105 project and realization of workshops active citizenship. | | d. - Structured visit. 12 to 17 May 2019 to Volkshochschule Olching where we have been able to appreciate different courses. At the same time we have been able to observe two good practices with language teaching: 1.- Teaching Languages with pictures. - With special materials for illiterate students. 2.- Learning in the city (other Ways of learning and Teaching Languages). The preparation of the visit results in the organization of two working groups courses 2017 to 2019 related to the preparation of materials teaching Spanish to foreigners and the revision of teaching materials. | | e) Sharing through platform contributes to learning outcomes: training in centers and working groups.";The results obtained are: 1.- Teachers are able to know and put into practice updated methods and techniques linked to the teaching of other languages, and vocational training in order to broaden learners' learning options. 2.- Enhance aspects enrichment of different cultures by facilitating second language learning. | 3.- Promote intercultural dialogue. 4.- Promote access to new technologies for people who are immigrant or at risk of social exclusion. 5.- To facilitate the learning of a second language as a means of integrating their personal, social and cultural development 6.- To facilitate employment insertion 7.- Workshops active citizenship: Digital, social and civic competence developing the necessary and indispensable competences to adapt to the current society with specific actions for prevention and treatment of sexist and racist violence. 8.- Creation of web site management didactic center, | | Positive impact on the educational community, as well as on other institutions that will benefit at the local, provincial, national and even international level from the implementation of some of the activities developed. We can cite: didactic units, material revisions, website, workshops, ... | | In the long term the experiences gained contribute to increase the European dimension of our centre as part of our strategic development plan in the future by facilitating the possibility of finding partners for future collaborative actions. | Results | Website | Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-ES01-KA202-037932;;;PBL Training for managers to face the Foundry 4.0 challenges ;Industry is a key element for country development and for employment quality: it provides more qualified and stable jobs than other economic sectors and it has a big multiplier impact being strict...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences|New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses|Research and innovation;;ASOCIACION DE FUNDIDORES DEL PAIS VASCO Y NAVARRA;ES;ES,PT,RO,IT;196.380,00;Yes;No;Social partner or other representative of working life (chambers of commerce, trade union, trade association);Asociacin;;;English;"Industry is a key element for country development and for employment quality: it provides more qualified and stable jobs than other economic sectors and it has a big multiplier impact being strictly connected to commerce and service sectors. For this reason economists agree that reindustrialization and innovation in industry are today the main key for economic competitiveness. | | Synthetically, innovation means go to industry 4.0, which consists in: 1) digitalisation and integration of processes vertically and horizontally across the entire organisation; 2) digitalisation of product and service offerings, using big data to refine products and meet the increasing needs of end-customers; 3) digital business models and customer access, optimising customer interaction. The benefits of these transformations are evident: gains in operational efficiency, cost reduction, quality improvement, optimisation of the manufacturers - consumers communication, major competitiveness and profits. | | In Spain, industry represents 15% of GDP and 11.5% of employee people (INE, 2014). The metal sector, which includes foundry industry, covers 44% of industry and 40% of employment. According with J. Mestres Domnech analysis (Macro economy department, CaixaBank, 2016) digitalisation in Spanish industry is really poor and is expected to be slower in Spain than in other world countries, and one of the main causes is the lack of adequate digital culture and training. | | The main aim of INNORESOLVE project was to transfer the benefits of the digital revolution within the Foundry industry. Thus, target group is the Foundry industry top and intermediate managers to make them ready to face the Foundry 4.0 challenges, but also sectorial organizations that support management training, policy makers and stakeholders in this field. More than 3.000 members of the primary target group were contacted during the project. | | The main project results: | | A) INNORESOLVE PBL collaborative e-learning training: a training program based on problem solving methodology. Such training provides required skills and promptly enable management in Foundry industry to cope with the increasingly demanding industrial environment. | Activities carried out: | - Definition of contents and pathway | - Technical definition of training structure and pedagogical approach. | - Development of e-learning training content | - Development of the learning environment. | - Translation of the Online Collaborative Learning Training (EN, ES, PT, IT and RO) | - Design of the Pilot testing (evaluation questionnaires and Focus Group guidelines) | - Pilot testing activities with 20 professionals of foundry companies in each country, plus an Expert Committee. Each partner elaborated a national report | - Adapting and updating to the results of pilot testing | | B) INNORESOLVE Support Guide: a guide about the new challenges of Foundry in partners countries and a collection of good practices and case studies of Foundries 4.0. | Activities carried out: | - Definition of Guides contents and structure | - Design of the case studies research. | - Collection of case studies. 48 case studies of technological innovation in foundry industry | - Elaboration of the Guide national contents. | - Elaboration of the common guide | - Translation of the Guide (EN, ES, PT, IT and RO) | - Validation of the guide with 20 professionals in each country, plus an Expert Committee. National reports | - Adapting and updating to the validation results";"Impact and benefits: | 1) On participating organizations: improving their knowledge, skills and experience in this field, to both update their training offer and have new resources for dealing with their companies and their national and international network for innovation. Partners are updating their training programs in this new range of skills and competencies related to (KET) for advanced manufacturing, updating the professional profiles required by industries. | 2) Target groups: improving their skills and knowledge concerning Industry 4.0; INNORESOLVE motivated and enabled them to afford digitalisation and acceleration processes in their companies. Most of them considered that the INNORESOLVE training course manages to provide support in understanding the benefits of digitalization, being very easy to study and of use even for persons not so familiarized with this concept, as it provides a very good overview of the Industry 4.0, starting from its origins, then moving on the impact on companies and people (HH.RR.), finally moving to technologies. | 3) Other relevant stakeholders (other industry representatives, organisations and institutions at national and international level, managers of other industry sectors, industrial confederations, public or private organisations committed with industrys innovation and competitiveness, training providers, etc.). They were invited to test and use the final project products to boost innovation and digitalisation of secondary sector at all levels. | Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | INNORESOLVE PBL Collaborative e-learning Training platform (IO1) | INNORESOLVE Guide on Competences 4.0 (IO2) | PBL methodology | Dissemination material | | INNORESOLVE dissemination video | INNORESOLVE websiteImpact and benefits: | 1) On participating organizations: improving their knowledge, skills and experience in this field, to both update their training offer and have new resources for dealing with their companies and their national and international network for innovation. Partners are updating their training programs in this new range of skills and competencies related to (KET) for advanced manufacturing, updating the professional profiles required by industries. | 2) Target groups: improving their skills and knowledge concerning Industry 4.0; INNORESOLVE motivated and enabled them to afford digitalisation and acceleration processes in their companies. Most of them considered that the INNORESOLVE training course manages to provide support in understanding the benefits of digitalization, being very easy to study and of use even for persons not so familiarized with this concept, as it provides a very good overview of the Industry 4.0, starting from its origins, then moving on the impact on companies and people (HH.RR.), finally moving to technologies. | 3) Other relevant stakeholders (other industry representatives, organisations and institutions at national and international level, managers of other industry sectors, industrial confederations, public or private organisations committed with industrys innovation and competitiveness, training providers, etc.). They were invited to test and use the final project products to boost innovation and digitalisation of secondary sector at all levels. | Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | INNORESOLVE PBL Collaborative e-learning Training platform (IO1) | INNORESOLVE Guide on Competences 4.0 (IO2) | PBL methodology | Dissemination material | | INNORESOLVE dissemination video | INNORESOLVE website" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-ES01-KA202-038057;;;RURAL BIOENERGY: Training Plan on Bioenergy for the agri-food sector;The Project Training Plan on Bioenergy for the Agri-food Sectors-RURAL BIOENERGY is a project of cooperation for innovation of a partnership strategy for vocation education and training among 6 ...;Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Energy and resources, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;MANCOMUNIDAD ALTA SANABRIA;ES;ES,PT,SK,BG,IT;279.301,00;Yes;No;Local Public body;Administracin;not available;;English;"The Project Training Plan on Bioenergy for the Agri-food Sectors-RURAL BIOENERGY is a project of cooperation for innovation of a partnership strategy for vocation education and training among 6 partners from 5 countries. RURAL BIOENERGY derives from the needs analysis that arises from bio-economics in rural areas. EUs Horizon 2020 objectives have given rise to policies that encourage bioenergy projects related to the agri-food sector. This project is based on the promotion of manpower requirements in rural reas in order to meet EU objectives, policies and strategies. The transition towards a circular economy also requires skilled labour with new and specific qualifications as well as the creation of employment opportunities. There is a training gap in this field and in the following years training will be demanded when the deployment of rural bioenergy will step up. Currently, some professional qualifications cover certain needs regarding bioenergy. Nevertheless, it is necessary to develop specific professional qualifications that integrate the mentioned aspects, as we find ourselves facing a confluence of different sectors and knowledge areas. | | PROJECT OBJECTIVES: | - Development of a Training Plan on Bioenergy to contribute to the professionalization on bioenergy in rural areas . | - Elaboration of the methodological guide of new qualification and training and other educational resources and tools that contribute to the professional development of trainers/teachers/mentors and enhance the access to training and qualifications for all. | - Development of the new competence of worker BIOENERGY SPECIALIST FOR AGRI-FOOD SECTORS (for potential recognition and validation in the future). | - To promote innovative pedagogical methodologies as a successful recipe for satisfactory transition to labour market. | - To promote the cooperation and offer training opportunities for local communities as well as to facilitate the development of bioenergy use and rural economy. | | The applicant is MANCOMUNIDAD ALTA SANABRIA, a Spanish local entity. The rest of the partners are the Spanish environmental company SERVIMA, the Portuguese association for the development CoraNE, the Italian Confederation of Farmers in Tuscany, CIA TOSCANA, the Slovak vocational training institution, AGROINSTITUT NITRA and the Bulgarian engineering company in energy efficiency, QUATTROGI. | | The project aims the involvement of the target groups in drafting the contents and the consensus of a methodology to develop the training route. It will be achieved through a fluid exchange of information and common experiences among a broad network of stakeholder, direct and indirect participants, especially in rural areas: local Action Groups and rural development actors ; agricultural unions; associations for the valorisation of biomass producers of renewable energy, bioenergy technology enterprises; environmental associations; institutes of rural youth and women associations; research centers and University; non-formal vocational training entities and with lifelong learning programs; formal Centres of VET; public and private entities of employment; associations of entrepreneurs; local authorities, educational authorities , etc | | In order to involve that stakeholders, the consortium has done a great effort in dissemination activities: around 20 dissemination seminars have been held, in addition to other project presentation meetings; 4 Newsletters have been disseminated; news and articles published; website; blog; mailings; social networks, etc";"The results of the Project will materialize in the following intelectual outputs: | O1. Methodological guide for training | O2. Structured training course | O3. Educational materials for students | O4. ICT Platform (for training and for knowledge and job exchange) | | There has been also two multiplier events (E1 and E2), one training activity (Short-term joint staff training event C1) and 4 Transnational Meetings: 1. Padornelo (Sanabria -Spain); 2. Bragana (Portugal); Florence (Italy); 4. Lubin (Sanabria- Spain). | | ""RURAL BIOENERGY TRAINING PACKAGE (OER) will have an impact on all local, regional, national and international stakeholders in participatory and community development groups and will contribute decisively to the sustainability of the project, as well as the ICT platform E-learning, the website and other activities (articles, Newsletters) | | In the short and medium term, the positive impacts of the project are: training in bioenergy, professionalization of the rural population; promotion of bioenergetic uses; increase competitiveness of the agricultural and agroindustrial sectors; improvement of teacher skills and curricula for vocational training, promotion of initiative and entrepreneurship; greater employability and creation of new companies; more positive attitude towards Europe as a common space. | Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | IO1 (ES) Methodological Guide RURAL BIOENERGY | IO2 (ES) Structured training Course RURAL BIOENERGY | IO3 (ES) Didactic materials for students RURAL BIOENERGY IO3 | IO4 RURAL BIOENERGY E-learning Platform (ES-EN-PT-BG-SK-IT) | IO1 (EN) Methodological Guide RURAL BIOENERGY | IO1 (PT) Methodological Guide RURAL BIOENERGY | IO1 (BG) Methodological Guide RURAL BIOENERGY | IO1 (SK) Methodological Guide RURAL BIOENERGY | IO1 (IT) Methodological Guide RURAL BIOENERGY | IO2 (EN) Structured training Course RURAL BIOENERGY | IO2 (PT) Structured training Course RURAL BIOENERGY | IO2 (BG) Structued training Course RURAL BIOENERGY | IO2 (SK) Structured training Course RURAL BIOENERGY | IO2 (IT) Structured training Course RURAL BIOENERGY | IO3 (EN) Didactic materials for students RURAL BIOENERGY | IO3 (PT) Didatic materials for students RURAL BIOENERGY | IO3 (BG) Didactic materials for students RURAL BIOENERGY | IO3 (SK) Didactic materials for students RURAL BIOENERGY | IO3 (IT) Didactic materials for students RURAL BIOENERGY | ES-EN SHORT-TERM TRAINING COURSE FOR STAFF (C1) of RURAL BIOENERGY project | Dissemination material | | Brochure for dissemination of RURAL BIOENERGY project (ES-EN) | Newsletters of RURAL BIOENERGY project (ES-EN) | Presentation of RURAL BIOENERGY project (EN) | Presentation of RURAL BIOENERGY for a Dissemination Seminar (ES) | Presentation of RURAL BIONERGY project (IT) | Presentation of the intellectual outputs of RURAL BIOENERGY project (EN)" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-ES01-KA202-038128;;;Sustainable Tourism through Networking and Collaboration;There is a new sense of urgency about improving sustainability of the tourism sector. Europe is becoming more and more popular tourist destination, commanding a market share of the world tourism i...;Enterprise, industry and SMEs (incl. entrepreneurship), New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;UNIVERSITAT AUTONOMA DE BARCELONA;ES;ES,IT,BG,HU,PT,UK;272.102,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;There is a new sense of urgency about improving sustainability of the tourism sector. Europe is becoming more and more popular tourist destination, commanding a market share of the world tourism industry bigger than 40%. Along with this positive economic impact, however, tourism puts a significant strain on European natural environments and socio-cultural authenticity. Many initiatives have arisen in the EU to raise public awareness of sustainability and to ensure sustainable management of tourist destinations, businesses and products. Numerous Europe-wide reports, however, prove that the workforce employed in the sector still lacks the right, green skill set for implementing principles of sustainable development.Micro and small enterprises (MSEs) dominate the tourism sector in Europe, which often have lack of resources to invest either in sustainable practices or in workforce skills development. At the same time, many sustainable tourism practices have already proven their economic viability to micro and small enterprises. Moreover, affordability and cost efficiency of such practices increase significantly, if MSEs create clusters and combine efforts to implement them.The Sustain-T project, therefore, aims to enhance the sustainability performance of EU micro and small enterprises in the tourism sector by raising their managers awareness of sustainable tourism practices and improving their networking and collaboration skills for establishing new green alliances and implementing joint sustainability initiatives.;"Projects specific objectives have been:1. To develop an on-line training package, addressing challenges tourism MSEs face in transforming their business model towards sustainability 2. To create interactive tools, facilitating collaboration of tourism MSEs in developing joint sustainability initiatives 3. To provide tourism MSEs with an open educational resource - an interactive learning platform containing all Sustain-T training material 4. To deliver guidelines for MSEs and for VET providers on using the developed materials and resources in their practiceThe project has utilised life-cycle methodology, which has implied a sequence of activities for planning, executing and disseminating the project results. During the project lifetime, the following intellectual outputs were developed: 1. Sustain-T curriculum, based on a genuine research into challenges tourism MSEs face in improving sustainability performance of their firms 2. Sustain-T learning content, structured around the four main themes of GSTC criteria 3. Interactive Self-audit, Resource-mapping & Ideation tools, allowing for: reflection on the current state of sustainability of a tourism enterprise; analysis of available resources for sustainability improvement; and collective idea generation for developing and undertaking joint sustainable tourism initiatives 4. E-learning platform a virtual learning environment, containing all Sustain-T training materials and e-tools The project targeted at owners and managers of EU tourism micro and small enterprises, at VET providers, trainers and learners interested in sustainable tourism issues. More than 1500 representatives of the project target groups and stakeholders were directly involved in project activities and events (such as Curriculum validation workshops, Training launch seminars, National promotional conferences and others). Close relationship with the project stakeholders multiplier agents (tourism administration and management bodies, tourism associations, professional associations and networks, etc.) was established and supported throughout the lifetime of the project and at least for five years after project completion. For this time, the consortium plans that Sustain-T training and e-tools will reach out to and used by more than 25000 tourism enterprises and tourism education and training institutions in the partners countries. By achieving its aim, the Sustain-T project will be a first step towards a more ambitious objective of providing a comprehensive tool for learning about sustainability and tourism in Europe. Promoting sustainability initiatives of EU tourism enterprises will move Europe closer to its ultimate goal: making our continent a home of sustainable destinations. | Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Sustain-T Curriculum - English version | Sustain-T Curriculum - Version Espaol | Sustain-T Curriculum - Italian Version | Sustain-T Curriculum Hungarian | Sustain-T Curriculum - Portuguese | Sustain-T Curriculum - Bulgarian | Sustain -T. MODULE 1- Sustainable Management in the Tourism Sector | Sustain-T.MODULE1-Sustainable Management in the Tourism Sector - Spanish | Sustain-T.MODULE 1 - Sustaniable Management in the Tourism Sector - Italian Version | SUSTAIN-T.MODULE 1 - Sustainable Management in the Tourism Sector - Bulgarian Version | SUSTAIN-T.MODULE 1 - Sustainable Management in the Toursim Sector - Hongarian Version | SUSTAIN-T.MODULE 1- Sustainable Management in Toursim Sector - Portuguese version | Sustain-T. MODULE 1 - Sustainable Management in Tourism Sector - Catalan Version | SUSTAIN-T.MODULE 2 - Socio-economic benefits of sustainable tourism to local communities | SUSTAIN-T.MODULE 2 - Socio-economic benefits of sustainable tourism to local communities Spanish version | SUSTAIN-T.MODULE 2- Socio-economic benefits of sustainable tourism to local communities ITALIAN Version | SUSTAIN-T.MODULE 2 . Socio-economic benefits of sustainable tourism to local communities Hungarian version | SUSTAIN-T.MODULE 2. Socio-economic benefits of sustainable tourism to local communities- BULGARIAN VERSION | SUSTAIN-T.MODULE 2. Socio-economic benefits of sustainable tourism to local communities- Catalan Version | SUSTAIN-T.MODULE 2.Socio-economic benefits of sustainable tourism to local communities - Portuguese version | SUSTAIN-T.MODULE3.ENGLISH.Sustainable tourism benefits to cultural heritage | SUSTAIN-T.MODULE 3. BULGARIAN. Sustainable tourism benefits to cultural heritage | SUSTAIN-T.MODULE 3. ITALIAN. Sustainable tourism benefits to cultural heritage | SUSTAIN-T.MODULE3.CATALAN. Sustainable tourism benefits to cultural heritage | SUSTAIN-T.MODULE 3. SPANISH.Sustainable tourism benefits to cultural heritage | SUSTAIN-T.MODULE3.HUNGARIAN.Sustainable tourism benefits to cultural heritage | SUSTAIN-T.MODULE 4. Sustainable tourism benefits to the environment | SUSTAIN-T.MODULE 4. ITALIAN_Sustainable tourism benefits to the environment | SUSTAIN-T.MODULE 4. SPANISH. Sustainable tourism benefits to the environment | SUSTAIN-T.MODULE4. BULGARIAN.Sustainable tourism benefits to the environment | SUSTAIN-T.MODULE 4. HUNGARIAN. Sustainable tourism benefits to the environment | SUSTAIN-T.MODULE4.CATALAN. Sustainable tourism benefits to the environment | SUSTAIN-T.MODULE4.PORTUGUESE.Sustainable tourism benefits to the environment | SUSTAIN-T.MODULE 5.ENGLISH. Networking and Collaboration Benefits to Tourism Business | SUSTAIN-T.MODULE 5.ITALIAN.Networking and Collaboration Benefits to Tourism Business | SUSTAIN-T.MODULE 5.SPANISH. Networking and Collaboration Benefits to Tourism Business | SUSTAIN-T.MODULE5.CATALAN. Networking and Collaboration Benefits to Tourism Business | SUSTAIN-T.MODULE 5. BULGARIAN. Networking and Collaboration Benefits to Tourism Business | SUSTAIN-T.MODULE 5. PORTUGUESE. Networking and Collaboration Benefits to Tourism Business | SUSTAIN-T.MODULE 5. HUNGARIAN.Networking and Collaboration Benefits to Tourism Business | SUSTAIN-T.MODULE 6. ENGLISH. Innovation and competitiveness in sustainable tourism | SUSTAIN-T.MODULE 6. SPANISH. Innovation and competitiveness in sustainable tourism | SUSTAIN-T.MODULE 6. CATALAN.Innovation and competitiveness in sustainable tourism | SUSTAIN-T.MODULE 6. ITALIAN. Innovation and competitiveness in sustainable tourism | SUSTAIN-T.MODULE 6. BULGARIAN. Innovation and competitiveness in sustainable tourism | SUSTAIN-T.MODULE 6. HUNGARIAN. Innovation and competitiveness in sustainable tourism | SUSTAIN-T.MODULE 6. PORTUGUESE. Innovation and competitiveness in sustainable tourism | Self-Audit, Resource-Mapping. ENGLISH | Self-Audit, Resource-Mapping. SPANISH | Self-Audit, Resource-Mapping.BULGARIAN | Self-Audit, Resource-Mapping. ITALIAN | Self-Audit, Resource-Mapping. HUNGARIAN | Self-Audit, Resource-Mapping. PORTUGUESE" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-ES01-KA202-038232;;;E-commerce of safe children's products: a common view for SMEs, consumers and authorities;The ability to buy and sell products online offers many opportunities for companies and consumers: consumers benefit from a broader range of products at competitive prices, and smaller businesses ...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences|Enterprise, industry and SMEs (incl. entrepreneurship);;ASOCIACION DE INVESTIGACION DE LA INDUSTRIA DEL JUGUETE CONEXAS Y AFINES;ES;ES,IT,CZ,PT;211.026,52;Yes;No;Research Institute/Centre;Centro de Investigacin;;;English;The ability to buy and sell products online offers many opportunities for companies and consumers: consumers benefit from a broader range of products at competitive prices, and smaller businesses with fewer resources can access more national consumers and those from other countries. | | According to EUROSTAT e-commerce statistics, childrens products such as clothing, toys or furniture are some of the best-selling products on the internet. 95% of companies in the childrens products sector are SMEs, who lack qualified personnel for the online sale of these products of a sensitive nature to the intended target and also face competition from big online platforms. | | The level of protection offered to consumers concerning the risks of products sold on the internet is below that offered by other distribution channels, such as direct sales in stores. 78% of the products sold online do not meet the minimum safety requirements regarding the information that must be provided to the consumer before purchasing. Consumers need new skills to enter the online marketplace, make informed decisions, and be able to weigh up the benefits against the risks. In this process, consumer organisations play a key role in raising consumer awareness and defending their rights and interests in the policies that are developed. | | In addition to consumers and businesses, consumer authorities are the third pillar of e-commercewhich represents a new challenge for the authorities responsible for market surveillance, and is of particular difficulty for some authorities in the Member States with fewer resources and experience in this area. | | Within the e-COM 4 CHILDREN project, open online educational resources have been developed, which provide training on the e-commerce of safe childrens products, such as toys, childrens furniture or childcare items. Specifically, three e-COM 4 CHILDREN intellectual property products have been obtained: | - Training materials: compendium of lessons in video format, texts, photographs, activities, exam questions, reading material, etc. that combine theory and practice on the essential aspects of e-commerce of childrens products. | | - Interactive comic: interactive ICT resource that provides training for the online purchase of childrens products, aimed at the staff of consumer associations and consumers in general. | | - Adaptive MOOC: adaptive online open course where the training itinerary adjusts to the characteristics of individual students and the pace of their implementation to the pace of the students learning. The course is specifically designed for companies, consumer associations and staff of the authorities that carry out market surveillance activities. The course tackles legal aspects of e-commerce, consumer rights and the safety of childrens products in Europe. | | This training is complementary to another type of formal training on digital marketing, content management on websites or laws that regulate online sales. | | The project has been carried out by a consortium led by the Technological Institute of Childrens Products and Leisure, a leader in child safety (AIJU, Spain), formed of industry representatives (SHH, Czech Republic), consumer associations (APSI, Portugal), a higher education institution that is an authority on the legal aspects of e-commerce (UNIVPM, Italy) and another higher education institution with expertise in ICT technologies applied to education (UA, Spain). | | This project contributes to improving the skills of the personnel of SMEs, consumer associations and market surveillance authorities for the sale, purchase and monitoring of childrens products sold online, so that the level of safety of childrens products is the same for products sold online as those sold offline.;The ultimate purpose of the e-COM 4 CHILDREN project is to improve the skills of target group staff and other stakeholders so that they can contribute to and benefit from the Digital Single Market, which is one of the main challenges of the Europe 2020 Strategy. | Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | e-COM 4 CHILDREN INTERACTIVE COMIC (EN, ES, CS, IT, PT) | e-COM 4 CHILDREN adaptive MOOC (EN, ES, CS, IT, PT) | e-COM 4 CHILDREN training materials (EN, ES, CS, IT, PT) | VIGNETTES OF THE e-COM 4 CHILDREN INTERACTIVE COMIC | GUIA BSICA DE USO DEL MOOC ADAPTATIVO e-COM 4 CHILDREN | GUIA BSICA DE USO DEL COMIC INTERACTIVO e-COM 4 CHILDREN | User Guide for e-COM 4 CHILDREN adaptive MOOC | User Guide for e-COM 4 CHILDREN Interactive Comic | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | e-COM 4 CHILDREN project presentation at the European Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion 2019 (EU-Safety 2019) | Dissemination material | | e-COM 4 CHILDREN video presentation | e-COM 4 CHILDREN project website | Leaflet of the e-COM 4 CHILDREN project in English. | Leaflet of the e-COM 4 CHILDREN project in Spanish | Leaflet of the e-COM 4 CHILDREN project in Italian. | Leaflet of the e-COM 4 CHILDREN project in Czech | Leaflet of the e-COM 4 CHILDREN project in Portuguese | e-COM 4 CHILDREN presentation for the webinar provided within the initiative Erasmus Days 2019 | Materials of the multiplier event E1 (in Czech) | Materials of the multiplier event E1 (in English) | Materials of the multiplier event E2 (in English) | e-COM 4 CHILDREN infographic aimed at authorities | e-COM 4 CHILDREN infographic aimed at consumer associations and consumers | e-COM 4 CHILDREN infographic aimed at industry | e-COM 4 CHILDREN roll up | Agenda multiplier event E3 | Infographic Best practices for selling childrens products online (English language) | Infographic Best practices for selling childrens products online (Spanish language) | Infographic Best practices for selling childrens products online (Portuguese language) | Infographic Best practices for selling childrens products online (Italian language) | Infographic Best practices for selling childrens products online (Czech language) | Kahoot game Safety is a serious thing (Portuguese language) Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2017;2017-1-ES01-KA204-037935;;; INTEGRATION THROUGH BLENDED LEARNING;The project arose from the detection by the Spanish partners of difficulties experienced by teachers and students of the blended learning modality who use a Moodle platform adapted by the Junta de...;Access for disadvantaged, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Open and distance learning;;Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Fuengirola;ES;ES,AT,IT,EL;64.253,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Adult education;Centro Educativo;;;English;The main objectives of the project were to detect these difficulties in the use of the platform, propose solutions and complementary digital tools, as well as initiatives to reduce the desertion rate. Finally, to present to the Andalusian educational authorities the project conclusions as improvement proposals for blended learning and the adoption of a better common model. Although the project arises from and focuses on the needs of two particular members, the final aim was the collective enrichment by sharing good practice and solving difficulties experienced by all partners, adopting common models and procedures.;"Activities: dissemination of project start, common knowledge of the project terms, intern agreement signing, Mobility tool+ access, setting up a basic structure for communication and information exchange through a Google account (Drive, Calendar). Design of plan for joint action, task assignment among partners until first transnational meeting, agreement on meeting calendar. Creation of common database for dissemination initiatives, logo, blog, website and Facebook account. Presentation to show blended learning platform features. Design of two surveys to be conducted through Google Forms to know the opinion of the platform users, teachers and students; translation into English of the surveys, four in total, to facilitate suggestions and changes by all partners. With the collected data, a Spanish-English report was prepared for the partnersconsideration and discussion. With the collected data, a Spanish-English report was prepared for the | partnersconsideration and discussion. Taking into account the conclusions of the report, partners made different proposals. The final outcome was transferred into a document which included improvement proposals and which was sent to the Direccin general de educacin Permanente, responsible of blended learning education in Andalusia. It was also sent to the institutions that participated in the survey about the platform as well as to the language School Teachers Association for their members knowledge. Selection of free digital tools to complement the ones already present in the platform to facilitate the teachers and students labour, promoting a bigger participation in the platform through gamification. Selection and presentation, by every partner institution, of their features and common election of those deemed more appropriate. Selection of personnel, from among the institutionsstaff, to be trained in the utilization of these tools and the later implementation and dissemination in their institutions, as well to acquire knowledge about the studentsopinion on the digital tools and provide their own, all through a common form designed by the coordinators of the institutions. Designing a Google Forms survey about student desertions, writing a report with survey results and proposal of prevention initiatives on final document." Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2017;2017-1-ES01-KA204-038271;;;INNOVATIVE CURRICULUM FOR ADULT LEARNERS ON SOFT SKILLS;ICARO project main objective is to improve the employability of long-term unemployed adult learners through the development of a global methodology, based on an innovative online curriculum on sof...;Open and distance learning, Recognition (non-formal and informal learning/credits), New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;SERVICIO REGIONAL DE EMPLEO Y FORMACION DE LA REGION DE MURCIA;ES;ES,LT,BE,EL,DE,IE;204.841,00;Yes;No;Regional Public body;Administracin;;;English;"ICARO counted on a multi-agent partnership; 6 organizations with complementary skills: a public authority in charge of employment and training policies; a public adults education centre; a NGO working with disadvantaged groups; an university with experience in designing training curriculum, a chamber of commerce representing business sector and an international network to ensure the visibility and impact of its outputs. In addition, partners came from 6 EU countries at different stages of development (Spain, Ireland, Germany, Lithuania, Belgium and Greece). This diversity facilitated policy-learning which is an important added-value. Each partner created a Local Action Group (5 in total) with more than 50 stakeholders related to training for employability. Educational entities, Teachers from vocational training schools, NGOs, SMEs, Human resources responsibles, employment and training civil servants and policy makers, etc. participated on six-monthly meetings, where they were updated about the ICARO project progress and gave inputs according their experience to its outputs.";"During the project lifetime, the partnership produced the following intellectual outputs (IO): IO1: Transnational Report on accredited tools/programmes on soft skills for adult learners IO2: Soft skills Assessment Toolkit Personalized and Customized Service Strategy IO3: Training curriculum on soft skills for unemployed adult learners IO4: Handbook for Adult Educators IO5: Blended learning programme From home to work IO6: Accreditation IO7: Case Studies 6 Multipliers events (ME) national dissemination seminars took place in all partner countries. Belgian event was in Brussels. It was ICARO final conference and had the participation of relevant European bodies. ICARO Project had an impact on the participating adult learners who improved their employability as well as in relevant educational and employment stakeholders, who extended their knowledge of soft skills development to increase employability. That is the case of Ireland, whose Further Education and Training strategy put Soft skills high on its agenda, but needed training experiences as ICARO to materialized it. Kaunas (LT) local policy makers have considered after ICARO to recommend employability services to send unemployed persons to soft skills courses. At European level, ICARO Blending Learning Programme was promoted among European Commission officers (DG EMPL and EAC), and other stakeholders working on Adult Education (EAEA, ICAE). | | There are organizations planning new editions of ICARO From home to work blended training programme what demonstrate the transferability of the project. Job Centre in Hamburg foreseen its implementation by Spring 2020. The city of Murcia will implement the programme in March 2020 and members of LAG asked for future replicability. | | ICARO Project has improved the capacity of partners organizations. HVHS (DE) has now a training tool that include not just one but a wide range of soft skills to be used by the adult learners they attend. SEF (ES) users will also enjoy that tool, as several units will be available at their online training platform FORMACARM soon. SIF (LT) offers Soft Skills training as well. DCU (IE) adds ICARO as practical example of Soft Skills training in its educational degrees. TIHC (GR) will include soft skills as learning outcomes of their train the trainers courses. EfVET (BE) facilitates ICARO results among its members. | | Main output of ICARO project, online training platform, will be available until 2024. German, Greek and Spanish partners will maintain it afterwards. There is a contact person for each language version that will facilitate access to those organizations that request it. The rest of outputs can be downloaded in ICARO website and in E+PRP. Soft skills training will be high on agenda and included in future trainings of all partners during the following years. Job centers, local authorities, NGOs, training centers for young unemployed people and Prison education sector will also use ICARO materials to improve its training offer. These can be considered principal long-term be | Results | Website | | | Feedback from participants | | IO7 case studies | IO7 estudio de casos | IO7 fallstudien | IO7 __ _______________ _______ | IO7 etudes de cas | IO7 ATVEJ_ ANALIZ_ | IO5 Assessment of pilot course in Spain | IO5 Assessment of pilot course in Ireland | IO5 Assessment of pilot course in Germany | IO5 Assessment of pilot course in Greece | IO5 Assessment of pilot course in Lithuania | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | IO2 Report of existing soft skills assessment tool | IO2 Informe y Desarrollo de herramientas adecuadas | IO2 Situacijos pristatymas ir tinkamiausi_ priemoni_ k_rimas | IO2 _________ ___ _______ _______ _________ | IO2 Rapport et mise au point des outils idaux | IO2 Report und Entwicklung eines ""idealen"" Tools | IO2 Goal mapping method | IO2 Soft skills assessment tool | IO2 mapeo de objetivos | IO2 cartographie des objectifs | IO2 Tikslo vaizdavimas | IO2 Zielfindung | IO2 ____________ ______ | IO2 Assessment von Soft skills | IO2 Valoracin de Soft Skills | IO2 valuation des comptences non techniques | IO2 __________ __________ __________ | IO2 Bendr_j_ geb_jim_ vertinimas | IO3 Training curriculum on Soft Skills for adult learners | IO3 Curriculum | IO3 curriculum formativo | IO3 Programme de formation | IO3 ____________ ___________ __________ | IO3 Mokym_ programa | IO4 Handbook for adult educators | IO4 Handbuch | IO4 Manual | IO4 Manuel | IO4 __________ | IO4 METODINIAI NURODYMAI | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | IO1 Transnational report on training tools for soft skills for adult learners | Community building tools | | IO3 online training platform | Dissemination material | | ICARO newsletters | ICARO newsletters en espaol | ICARO newsletters auf Deutsch | ICARO newsletters ___ ________ | ICARO Naujienlai_kis | Organizational and working documents | | IO6 Evaluation / Accreditation of the training course | IO6 Evaluation und Akkreditierung des Trainingskurse | IO6 ___________ | IO6 valuation / accrditation du cours de formation | IO6Evaluacin / Acreditacin del curso de formacin | IO6 Mokym_ programos vertinimas ir pripa_inimas" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-ES01-KA219-037870;;;The development of competencies through a project-based work;Six european nursery and elementary schools (Spain, Italy, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Portugal and France) participated in this project aiming to put project based learning at the service of the acqui...;Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills;;CEIP CERVANTES;ES;ES,PT,IT,LT,BG,FR;131.713,29;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;Six european nursery and elementary schools (Spain, Italy, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Portugal and France) participated in this project aiming to put project based learning at the service of the acquisition by pupils of the key skills, as they are described in Europe 2020 strategy. In this context, teachers needed to become familiar with new methodologies allowing them to optimize their teaching.Therefore, teachers needed to acquire new skills in this particular field to use them in their teaching and then transmit them to newcomers joining the school staffs every year. | Project objectives have been achieved and are listed below: | Objective 1: Mutualization of innovative practices and implementation of new learning methodologies. | Objective 2: Development of basic skills such as: | -Development of the knowledge of the mother tongue particularly through comprehension of written texts and writing of reports and accounts. | -Speaking and writing skills in a foreign language by writing to pupils of partner schools in French and in English, and by recording documents then sent via the internet. | Objective 3: Development of transversal skills | intellectual: Pupils treat the information sent by the partner schools and must exercise their creativity to produce new documents. | mthodological: The pupils use digital technologies to create documents and communicate with partner schools. | Objective 4: Reinforcement of intercultural teaching. With the exponential increase of the mobility of persons from one country to another, we consider as essential to implicate pupils in project programs that will allow them to communicate with their european fellowmen. | Secondary Objectives: Improvement of the communication skills through cooperation between pupils. | Number/type/profile of participants | Our schools are situated in semi-urban zones except for the one in Lithuania that is in a rural zone. Between 100 and 600 children attend these schools. They are nursery and elementary schools except for the Lithuanian school whose pupils are aged 1-7. Children with special needs are included in classes and each school has a specialized teacher who teaches them in small groups for designated learning sessions. A certain homogeneity can be noted in terms of socio-cultural level and of number of pupils attending. Yet there are differences when it deals with digital equipment and with the number of people working in each school. All schools are fully provided with digital tools (video projectors, computers, tablets) except for the French school that has no computer room and will wait September 2019 to have all classrooms equipped with a video projector. All schools have a good number of people working with children except for the French school where there is only one teacher in each class, which make things complicated when teachers participate in mobilities and must be replaced.;"Activities achieved: | Mutualized Projects: The secret life of Trees and Water, source of life, source of creation. | Free choice projets: School cooperative managed by the children, Manager of a day, School newsletter, Short movie festival, Sponsorship of endangered animals, Recycling, Coding, Calendars, Local History. | Connected Small projects: Waterday, Peace day, Books day, Tree day, Forest feast. | Miscellaneous other projects : Creation and choice of a logo for the Project, Creation of a mascot by each country, Gathering of local legends and selection of one of them in each country, making of puppets related to these legends, creation of a giant book of legends, Creation of a poster presenting a national or local tradition, Writing of a tale inspired from the chosen legend, Creation of an e-book gathering the six legends and six tales, Creation of an e-book gathering the different traditions, Creation of Annas Book, completed after each mobility, Making of a snakes and ladders game by each school and of another common one. | Communication: Creation of a website, Creation of a blog by each school, Creation of a Facebook page, of an E-twinning page and of a Whats app group. | All results emanate from a Project based pedagogy. Each final product results from activities simultaneously led by teachers. The impact on the school community was very strongChildren were very receptive and much more motivated because more active and giving sense to their school work. Teachers have shown more and more interested throughout the two years and have brought some changes to their way of teaching, creating new habits in their way to prepare their teachings. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | BOOK OF LEGENDS | BOOK OF POPULAR TRADITIONS | THE ""ABN"" METHOD | A CONSTRUCTIVIST APPROACH TO LEARN HOW TO READ AND WRITE | A COMPANY IN MY SCHOOL | A COMPANY IN MY SCHOOL 1 | THE CLIL APPROACH | THE MEANING OF NUMBER IN THE PRESENT WORLD | FAMILIARICE STUDENTS WITH COMPUTER THINKING THROUGH CODING ACTIVITIES | TEACHING ENGLISH AT PRIMARY SCHOOL" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-ES01-KA219-038003;;;safe.netizens@eu;The project partnership is composed of five schools from Finland, Hungary, Italy, Slovenia plus the coordinating school from Spain and the project itself was designed to raise awareness about the ...;EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, Teaching and learning of foreign languages ...;;IES SANTIAGO APSTOL;ES;ES,HU,FI,IT,SI;133.180,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (tertiary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;The project partnership is composed of five schools from Finland, Hungary, Italy, Slovenia plus the coordinating school from Spain and the project itself was designed to raise awareness about the topic of digital citizenship as a common need to make our schools better learning places as well as to prepare students for a world in which they have to cope with new risks and situations related to technology use. | The goals of the project were developing and enhancing digital skills and inclusion, making a safe use of technology, promoting a responsible and respectful digital behaviour, increasing a sense of European citizenship, exchanging good practices and innovative methods to engage students with the help of ICT tools, improving communication skills as well as intercultural competences and promoting digital training in the use of open educational resources (OER). | Through the project we provided students with competences and knowledge built on digital literacy and foreign language skills so they can become responsible European citizens actively involved in a digitalized society. We are now convinced that with the skills acquired by the students, they will have more mobility opportunities both within European higher education and in the labour market. | As teachers, our involvement in the project has improved our professional skills, it has developed our knowledge and understanding of digital citizenship to a great extent and has increased our awareness of social, linguistic and cultural diversity, all of which has contributed to the achievement of our students basic skills and the implementation of new teaching practices and inclusive approaches. | The main methods followed to achieve the set goals were working together on tasks at national level in which students carried out research through surveys and interviews, prepared presentations, presented their findings to other students, wrote scripts and tests... and the other method with the students from the five partner schools was collaborating and working jointly during mobilities. In this regard with the help of experts we implemented workshops related to elements of digital citizenship such as digital literacy, e-commerce, digital communication, digital etiquette, digital law, rights and responsibilities and digital security. Parallel to these workshops, many activities involved creating scenarios, filming short movies, designing digital posters and infographics, debating and taking part in technology-related quizzes. | Consequently, the project has brought about tangible results in the form of films, posters with tips and guidelines about appropriate technology use, students portfolios, a handbook which includes the exchange of best teaching practices as well as tools for evaluation, innovative digital tools for the classroom, new curricular content related to digital citizenship. Additionally, a comprehensive project website with all the materials, experiences and practices have been published and made accessible as open resources available to be reused. | Likewise, the students participated in peer-to-peer sessions, they took part in debates and completed tests. As a result, based on their work and tests they were awarded with a digital drivers licence at the end of the project. The knowledge and skills acquired during the mobities were also recorded in the students Europass mobility document.;The project has made a great impact on the students who have been directly involved since they have become more responsible digital citizens, more open-minded and independent and they are now more open to diversity and, consequently, ready for intercultural dialogue. It will also bring longer-term benefits as all the skills acquired by the students contribute to their personal development which will undoubtedly result in a better improvement of their academic achievements and better preparation for the world of work. | Thanks to safe.netizens@eu project our schools are now better equipped and enhanced with different teaching practices and approaches, new curricular content has been incorporated in the schools curricula. The European dimension has been reinforced as a result of the sustainable cooperation of the five partner schools. Mobilities, methodological changes, and the internationalization of the institutions mark a turning point at school level after this European experience and will serve as the basis for future cooperation. The project has also helped create long-lasting synergies with institutions and collaborating partners in the activities at local, regional and international level. | We are willing to carry out joint activities based on our project findings and take part in a new eTwinning or another international project trying to involve other new members. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Digital citizenship. A handbook of good teaching practices | Digital driver's license tests Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-ES01-KA219-038105;;;take the e+train;We are six European Schools from Spain, Poland, Italy, Slovakia, Lithuania and Greece that have joined together in the Erasmus + project Take the e-Train. Using the theme of trains we have linked ...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, International cooperation, international relations ...;;Escola Joan Sanpera i Torras;ES;ES,EL,SK,IT,PL,LT;98.930,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"We are six European Schools from Spain, Poland, Italy, Slovakia, Lithuania and Greece that have joined together in the Erasmus + project Take the e-Train. Using the theme of trains we have linked our schools, learnt about our different cultures, embraced the concept of European citizenship and promoted social inclusion. We have also developed ecology consciousness and tried to establish a healthy and safe style of living in our communities. Through the use of the new technologies we have developed our students academic, social, linguistic and digital skills that will allow them to be future European citizens capable of surviving the constant changes in their social environment. Families and local and educational authorities have collaborated with our project and we have created synergies with some teaching and non teaching institutions in our communities; train modelling associations, a refugees association, local libraries, universities and train museums have been involved in our project. Our project has reached younger and older students and we have planned activities suitable for different levels and capabilities spreading the project throughout our schools. We have designed and built a train track model together, we have written a cooperative story based on two refugee children, Ahmet and Dalia, travelling to all our countries by train looking for their relatives, we have learnt six train songs in six different languages, we have recorded a train songs CD and we have managed to put a choir together for our train songs concert. Our students were also involved in some ecology activities, like our eco-week, the analysis of the use of the train questionnaire and our advert about the importance of using public transport and its effects on the environment. All the activities have been embedded in our school curriculum and have helped our students to improve and achieve the basic skills in all the different areas. Cooperation has been one of our aims and the engine of our project. Teachers and students have cooperated in the distance using digital platforms and face to face during our project meetings. Cooperation was also needed in each one of the schools to be able to complete the project products and achieve our aims. As a result of that, the digital and language skills of our students and teachers have improved and cooperative work has been reinforced in all partner schools. The use of the cooperative learning gave also good support and connection to all type of students promoting inclusion an equity in all our schools. Take the e+ train project had a great impact in our students, teachers, schools and communities. Our communities are a bit more ecology conscious and as a result of our e-train story and the link with a refugees association we have all become more aware of the social inclusion problems in Europe. ";During the various project meetings, students and teachers were immersed in the life of all the schools in the partnership. They have gained knowledge of our different cultures and educational systems and they have spread it throughout all our schools and communities helping to break cultural stereotypes and reinforcing the understanding of our different ways. Teachers in all our schools have seen and shared good practices, they have gained in competence and they are more open to new ways of teaching and learning. Because of the project, they are now eager and willing to take part in other European projects. Due to their nature, our project products will be able to be used after the project making our project sustainable. Some of our products and the pedagogical documents created during the life of the project will be available to be used by others. The project has generated changes in all our schools. Changes that we are all willing to keep and develop in the years to come. We are aiming to share our project beyond our partnerships and we hope that by sharing our project products, results and achievements we inspire and encourage other schools to get involved in similar projects in the future. Results | Website | | | Community building tools | | Take the e-train TwinSpace. | Dissemination material | | Project's website and social media accounts | Others | | The e-train story Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-ES01-KA219-038260;;;"""RADIO, TEENS AND NEWS. A PROJECT FOR INCLUSIVE IN EUROPE""";In this Project have been involved 5 high schools of different European countries: France, Romania, Bulgary, Hungary and Spain (coordinator). Spanish has been the chosen language to develop the ac...;Teaching and learning of foreign languages, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Inclusion - equity;;IES SCILIS;ES;ES,HU,RO,BG,FR;114.295,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"In this Project have been involved 5 high schools of different European countries: France, Romania, Bulgary, Hungary and Spain (coordinator). Spanish has been the chosen language to develop the activities around the Project, though the language of every country has been taken into account. | | Just the Spanish partner had experience in this kind of projects and in the ETwinning platform. Every secondary school worked in an eTwinning Project during a year defining the main goals and objectives of this Project. | | Taking into consideration de context of every school and its needs, we formulated the following OBJECTIVES: | | -Encouraging the social inclusion and the rejection of any discrimination related to gender, ethnics, disability, sexual orientation, religion or any other given reason; including all participants in the project, especially the student body, trying to avoid school dropout | - Integrating the media education and literacy in the curriculum of every high school involved, developing digital skills and the critical thinking among the students | - Promoting intercultural communication through different languages trying to focus or aiming to social inclusion | | Around 350 people have been involved in this project with students between 14 and 18 years old. | THE GENERAL CONTEXT regarding each educative center has been characterized by different aspects: | -Diversity among the students regarding ethnics, religions or social status. The challenge in this sense has been to actively work towards the overcoming of stereotypes or discriminatory attitudes against the others in certain ambits like the integration of immigrants and other ethnics (especially gypsies), the equality of rights related to gender, the rights of LGTBIQ+ community, or also the inclusion of students with special educative needs. | -The lack of media literacy specialization in the curriculum of each center or the low use of innovative methodologies in the process of teaching-learning. | -Low development of the linguistic and communicative competences in foreign languages";"To overcome these difficulties derived from this context, and with the main goal of fulfilling the objectives mentioned above, we have developed the following | ACTIVITIES: | - Students have developed radio programs (podcasts), videos and social-themed plays. The dynamics generated from these products have fostered contact with the reality of young Europeans, helping them to develop attitudes of respect and overcome prejudice. | -Training activities have been carried out for teachers related to eTwinning, with theatrical participatory dynamics and educational inclusion. Long-term and short-lived teaching and learning activities have also been carried out for students, which have enabled a real cultural immersion, the development of their language skills and a positive attitude towards different cultures. | -Active methodologies based on an inclusive, participatory and active model have been used through dialogical and cooperative learning. Successful educational actions (SEAs) have been implemented with interactive groups and dialogical talks as a common form of work, as well as innovative methodologies where students have been the protagonist of the learning process. | -The eTwinning platform has been fostered as a space for interaction between teachers and students. | - Important coordination and evaluation work has been carried out with numerous and varied tools. | -A Plan to disseminate the results has been developed. | The following RESULTS are highlighted: | Students: improvement of key competencies, especially those related to cultural awareness, Learn to Learn, Digital, Social and Linguistics. | Teachers: integration of ICT and collaborative learning into teaching. | Families: learning in common with their children conducive to intercultural openness/competence through contact with people from different countries. | Local community: Knowledge of other models of social and economic development, making it possible to disseminate its own cultural identity. | Other institutions: Collaboration with bodies such as the Embassies of Spain, the Instituto Cervantes and different European universities has had an important reciprocal impact. | Longer Term BENEFITS: | -Free access to processed materials guarantees their possible use by other persons and institutions. | -The Educational Units developed on inclusion are an excellent way of working for those centers that intend to work on aspects related to inclusion and a very valuable material for ELE classes. | -4 schools have had sufficient experience and training to develop other Erasmus+ projects. | - An E+ Project derived from the inclusive work of this project is currently being developed. | - In the Spanish center has opened a school radio ""Radio Scilis"" thanks to this project. | - Commitment to continue collaboration agreements, with Institutes Cervantes, Universities, European institutions in Strasbourg, radio stations and with teaching centers in Spain and Romania. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Unidad Didctica ""En la misma onda"" | Unidad Didctica ""Teatro escolar e inclusin"" | Unidad Didctica ""LGTBIQ"" | Unidad Didctica ""El teatro foro en el aula""" Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-FI01-KA101-034467;;;Oppimisprosessien visualisointimahdollisuudet Joensuun yhteiskoulun lukiossa;"Our project ""Exploring visualization possibilities in learning processes at Joensuun yhteiskoulun lukio was initiated by the observation that modern technology has improved the possibilities of u...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, International cooperation, international relations ...;;Joensuun yhteiskoulun lukio;FI;FI;13.810,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;not available;not available;English;"Our project ""Exploring visualization possibilities in learning processes at Joensuun yhteiskoulun lukio was initiated by the observation that modern technology has improved the possibilities of using image - especially video image - in learning processes. Watching video clips on mobile devices is something that takes place on a daily basis. Everyone has access to devices needed to record clips of themselves. When we encounter a new issue, most of us will search YouTube for a video clip in order to get some further information on it. The same could also apply to studying if there were reasonably high quality video material available. Our objective is to develop the pedagogy in our subjects to make our lessons more visual. The video material could be produced by teachers or students alike, which in the latter case would constitute an exceptionally rewarding learning experience. Every teacher knows that the best way to learn a thing is to teach it to somebody else. When a student produces a video clip, they are anxious to teach it to a viewer, especially when they are aware of the fact that the viewer could be a fellow student. Creating videos also contributes to reaching a concrete objective by working together. Our project will respond to the so called phenomenabased approach, which is an integral part of the school curriculum. Uploading the produced material to electronic learning environments gives new dimensions to students in their studies and thereby they also become producers of e-material. There are six key persons involved in this project. The group comprises teachers of mathematics, ICT, mother tongue and literature, religion and psychology, and history and social studies. The courses involved in the project aim at lowering the threshold of using digital media and video production as an integral part of teaching. These key persons will improve their technical skills to enable them to produce videos, analyze them, and eventually to encourage students to produce their own video material. One main objective of the project is to obtain international contacts for future co-operation.";The objectives are set and defined in group meetings before participating in educational courses abroad. After these courses the results are analyzed in a group meeting to determine how the training contributes to the project as a whole. Then the new methods will be implemented in the classroom. After the experiment, the teacher will evaluate the results together with the key persons of the project and further develop the method. Breaking the barriers between target groups by working together not only enhances the sense of community but also gives new insights into developing the method further. The participants disseminate the new methods within their own target group and inspire teachers of other subjects by providing training sessions. As a concrete short-term output we aim at obtaining a big amount of video and animation material. We firmly believe that the effective use of videos as a learning device will motivate and activate the students to achieve better learning results in all subjects. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-FI01-KA202-034710;;;WorkSafe - Developing and implementing a WorkSafe Toolbox and WorkSafe Online Training Course to be used within work based learning within the fields of metal work and construction;WorkSafe was a 28 month long strategic partnership that developed & implemented tools that makes work based learning (WBL) within metalwork and construction more transparent and safe. The partner...;International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;Axxell Utbildning AB;FI;FI,ES,NL,NO,FR;223.107,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"WorkSafe was a 28 month long strategic partnership that developed & implemented tools that makes work based learning (WBL) within metalwork and construction more transparent and safe. The partnership consisted of 6 partners from 5 different countries. The partners were: | P1 = Axxell Utbildning Ab, Finland | P2 = Charlottenlund Upper Secondary School, Norway | P3 = ROC Noorderpoort, Netherlands | P4 = Cfai Adamic, France | P5 = Education and Mobility, Spain | P6 = Ikaslan, Spain | In order for the intellectual outputs (IOs) to be usable and fill the needs of the small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), SMEs and the Centers for Occupational Safety, unions etc in the participating countries were involved in developing, testing, evaluating and finalizing the IOs. | | The need for WorkSafe became evident as teachers started to raise concerns about students work safety during WBL. They felt there was a need to develop tools that improves students safety during WBL. After analyzing the problem more in detail we realized that many of the SMEs wants to improve collaboration with VET providers and that they need support, guidance and tools that clarifies their tasks during WBL. The WorkSafe partners have learned that even if improved work safety is a topic that is of importance in all European countries there are national differences when it comes to the implementation of work safety. This is why it was of great value that this project was done as a collaboration with partners from different European countries. | | WorkSafe aimed and did 1) collect, compare & clarify common standards relating to work safety and point out what standards are unique for Finland, Norway, Netherlands, France and Spain; 2) Make it safer and easier to send metalwork & construction students on WBL to these 5 countries; 3.) Created a WorkSafe Toolbox and 4) Created an Online WorkSafe Manual that can be used for eg. training/education/raising awareness. In order to reach these aims we collaborated with employers within our region. | | 6 transnational project meetings (PM) and 1- 2 skype meetings were held in between the PMs. During the meetings each partner kept the others aware of what steps they had taken to implement the outcomes of the project. Work meetings focusing on developing, evaluating and making amendments to the IOs together with silent partners were held regularly. Towards the end of the project each partners held a Multiplier Conference in the country they represent in order to test the usability and collect feedback on the outcomes.";The project developed 2 Intellectual Outputs: | 1) WorkSafe Toolbox | Target group: VET providers, teachers, students, employers & work mentors and other stakeholders. | Aim: 1) improve cooperation between VET providers and SMEs within metalwork and construction, 2) provide VET providers and SMEs with tools that helps to improve work safety during WBL nationally and in Europe and 3) make collaboration more transparent. The toolbox will e.g. a) help to map problem areas and common obstacles, b) describe possible obstacles and suggest solutions and ways to address obstacles, c) describe minimum requirements shared by all and those who are specific for the partner countries and d) describe tasks/responsibilities relating to work safety during WBL | | 2) WorkSafe Online Manual | Target group: Teachers, employers, work mentors & students | Aim: Create an online manual that can be used to educate students, employers and work mentors on requirements relating to improving work safety during WBL both nationally and in Europe. | The Training Course will a) visualize the minimum requirements in work safety within metalwork & construction, b) bring up benefits of following and maintaining safety regulations during WBL, c) provide tools to maintain & supervise that work safety standards are obtained and followed, d) make the cooperation between student, work mentor and teachers more transparent, e) improve work safety during WBL, f) help interested parties to implement the WorkSafe Toolbox | | Expected and already noticed impacts/benefits | 1) Improved work safety during WBL within metalwork & construction | 2) Raised awareness of national similarities and differences in work safety in Finland, Norway, Netherlands, France and Spain | 3) Raised awareness of the importance of collaborating with the SMEs in topics relating to work safety during WBL | 4) Improved quality of WBL both nationally and during European mobilities | 5) Improved cooperation between the teacher, student, work mentor (and hosting/sending partners during European mobilities) | 6) Improved quality of the learning experience students have during WBL nationally and in Europe | 7) Increased number of European mobilities as the VET providers and SMEs feel better prepared to host students from foreign countries. | Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | WorkSafe Online Manual | WorkSafe Toolbox Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-FI01-KA202-034774;;;YOUNG TALENTS - CREATING NEW MULTICULTURAL BRANDS;"CONTEXT AND BACKGROUND OF THE PROJECT VET schools has fulfilled most of its goals if students learn necessary skills and knowhow of particular profession, graduate on time and become employed aft...";Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Pedagogy and didactics;;Kauppiaitten Kauppaoppilaitos Oy;FI;FI,ES,NL;236.128,06;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;CONTEXT AND BACKGROUND OF THE PROJECT | VET schools has fulfilled most of its goals if students learn necessary skills and knowhow of particular profession, graduate on time and become employed after graduation. This task is not easy as alarming number of early leavers from VET education and decreasing number of employment rate of recent graduates show. | Our aim was to find new pedagogical methods to tackle these challenges. We focused on develop of intrinsic motivation of students by collaborative knowledge creation culture, supporting atmosphere and constant feedback. This was done by studying larger multidisciplinary modules and with teachers who have a mindset of supporting coach. Finally learning framework for all this was a company which students established, branded and run with coaching of well-branded companies and retailers, and use of advanced eLearning platform. | | OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT | STUDENTS | 1) Learn vocational and life-learning skills and STUDY PART OF VET DEGREE by | a. establishing 6 companies as a mixed group (business & artisan students together) | b. branding companies with coaching of well-branded company | c. running the company as a mixed group and selling products in 3 countries and online webstore | 2) Will be coached and supported in emotionally safe, helpful and permissive international learning environment | 3) Support skilled and motivated students to make their dreams come true and learn VET degree in learning-by-doing way | COMPANIES | 4) Retailers support Young Talents and benefit from co-operation | 5) Well-branded companies support students to create new successful brands | TEACHERS | 6) Learn new groundbreaking pedagogical model and mindset to work as supporting coach | SCHOOLS | 7) Participating students graduate on time and become employed with brilliant vocational and life-long learning skills. New alternative way of studying curriculum will be constructed (learning wise&economically competitive). | VET EDUCATION IN GENERAL | 8) Improve the brand of VET education in Europe;RESULTS AND IMPACTS | RESULTS | 1. YOUNG TALENTS ENGAGING LEARNING MODEL TO LEARN LARGE PART OF VET DEGREE BY BEING INTERNATIONAL ENTREPRENEUR WAS CREATED | 1.1. SIX INTERNATIONAL COMPANIES WITH STRONG BRAND WAS ESTABLISHED | 1.2. LEARNING MATERIAL TO LEARN VOCATIONAL SKILLS AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP WAS PUBLISHED | 1.3 RETAILERS GOT NEW PRODUCTS TO THEIR STORE | 1.4. SCHOOLS GOT NEW DIGITAL PEDAGOGICAL TOOLS FOR THEIR USE | | IMPACTS: | STUDENTS 48 students studied part of VET degree with multidisciplinary entrepreneurship studies and | - Learning skills developed as they had to find themselves solutions to their company challenges | - Super learned life learning skills including digital skills (incl. making of videos) | - Are able to establish, brand and run a company in intl market | - Have a real chance to become a fulltime or part-time entrepreneur after graduation with their company | - Co-operation with retailers increased and possibility to get a job there improved | - Were able to learn 24/7 | TEACHERS got skills to change teaching from distributor of knowledge to supporting coach. | | WELL-BRANDED COMPANIES, RETAILERS AND JA FINLAND were able to participate in constructing content of VET studies. Can use Young Talents brand in companys sustainable responsibility PR. Got new fresh ideas and new products to their company. | SCHOOLS Change in pedagogical structure in VET schools makes it possible to re-allocate economical resources. Utilization of eLearning increased significantly. | COORDINATORS Projects can be run more smoothly with user friendlier eKampus | VET in general was polished by success stories of pedagogical model. | | RESULT | 2. YOUNG TALENTS COACH ACADEMY MODEL FOR TEACHERS TO LEARN HOW TO WORK AS SUPPORTING COACH | IMPACTS: | STUDENTS are now better able to learn in emotionally safe, helpful and permissive learning environment. | TEACHERS mindset changed from distributor of knowledge to supporting coach working with collaborative method | WELL-BRANDED COMPANIES AND RETAILERS were able to participate collaboratively in developing VET education (in the learning process of students (and teachers)) | SCHOOLS Teachers new competence makes it possible to re-allocate economical resources in new pedagogical focuses in VET schools | | LONGER TERM BENEFITS | - Schools have opportunity to learn the improved learning and economically competitive features of the Young Talents Learning Model and the Young Talent Coach Academy model. For this reason, they may broaden the Young Talents Learning model to other studies in their school and coach new teachers with Young Talents Coach Academy model. Model was put in use also in other schools through good dissemination. | | See: | - THE STORIES OF YOUNG TALENTS - INTRODUCTION TO YOUNG TALENTS LEARNING MODEL | - YOUNG TALENTS COACH ACADEMY - New Learning Model | - | Results | Website | | | Dissemination material | | YOUNG TALENTS - Context, Background, objectives, results, impacts, longer term benefits of the project | THE STORIES OF YOUNG TALENTS - INTRODUCTION TO YOUNG TALENTS LEARNING MODEL | YOUNG TALENTS COACH ACADEMY - New Learning Model | Young Talents webpage & webstore Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2017;2017-1-FI01-KA204-034732;;;Kaleidoscope: supporting female migrant entrepreneurs;Migrants experience higher unemployment and under-employed rates in EU countries than their native citizens (OECD 2013). An especially vulnerable group is migrant women who are subjects of a doubl...;Gender equality / equal opportunities, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Inclusion - equity;;OY VAASAN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU - VASAYRKESHOGSKOLA AB;FI;FI,IT,FR,UK;203.045,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;The Kaleidoscope project addressed this challenge by developing entrepreneurship training which focuses especially on soft skills needed in entrepreneurship and that is particularly tailored to the needs of migrant women. The Kaleidoscope training has been developed in a consortium of four partners coming from countries with a different history and situation of migration, Finland, France, Italy and the UK, and with complementary expertise in entrepreneurship, migration, vulnerable groups and women, creativity and formal education.The Kaleidoscope entrepreneurship training is delivered face-to-face and on the social learning platform as blended learning using a mix of methods from basic theory of the topic, workshops, action learning, e-learning to personal coaching. The non-formal nature of training and the flexibility in its delivery ensures that learners cultural needs and learning styles are being addressed and that the educational background does not limit the participation in training.;The target groups of training are: | 1) Migrant women residing in the EU | 2) Stakeholders: Migrant trainers and workers, unemployment centres and workers, start-up incubators, social workers, municipalities, policy makers etc. who can organise the training. | | The Kaleidoscope training is formed of six modules: 1) Action Learning and Coaching 2) Daily Problem Solving, networking, communication 3) Creativity and fun for developing an entrepreneurial mindset + Business modelling as a game 4) Entrepreneurship education for migrant women, resilience and entrepreneurship 5) Intercultural barriers to access market, learning from the hosting culture and how to adapt it 6) Progress and Reflection The modules are complemented by additional resources. A competence validation at the beginning of training helps migrant women to detect the competence areas which need most attention and to tailor individual training paths. At the end of the training the competence validation helps to see the progress. In addition, a handbook for self-learning supports individual learning and provides complementary material to training.| The development of the training and competence validation benefits from the research and the Kaleidoscope Competence Framework for entrepreneurial support of migrant women developed during the first phase of the project. | All the training material are freely available on the Kaleidoscope Social Learning Platform which, besides providing the training materials online, enables discussions, learning and group work through a forum and through cloud tools. Migrant women have the possibility to upload their personal mini CVs on the platform too. | The project reports and the handbook are also freely available in the results section of the project website in the respective language section. | | During the project, the Kaleidoscope training was piloted in all partner countries with 54 migrant women of 29 nationalities and four continents: 13 in the UK, 18 in France, 9 in Italy, and 14 in Finland. In addition, 12 of them took part in an international pilot training week. The feedback from the participating women was similar despite their differences. Hence the training seems to be suitable to any national, cultural and educational background. The women felt that the training was highly useful, appropriate and relevant, empowering and increasing their self-belief, and that it helped them during their first steps towards entrepreneurship and in understanding their potential. All the participants showed an increase in mastering entrepreneurial soft skills. The training and the handbook were evaluated positively also by the stakeholders. | | Based on the highly positive feedback from the target groups and stakeholders, it can be concluded that the Kaleidoscope training addresses well to the needs of all migrant. The training material is the first of its kind, entrepreneurship training specially targeted for migrant women. As the material is also freely available online for all migrant women and for all trainers working with migrants to implement the training, in the future, more migrant women are expected to receive help in their business creation and employment through Entrepreneurship.| Results | Website | | | Direct effect on participants and project partners | | IO2 A European comparative report of Kaleidoscope training pilots (EN) | Kaleidoscope testimonials | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | IO2 - Kaleidoscope Training Package for female migrants entrepreneurship education | IO2 Kaleidoscope training programme video tutorial | IO2 Kaleidoscope Competence Validation in English | IO2 Kaleidoscope Competence Validation in Finnish | IO2 Kaleidoscope Competence Validation in French | IO2 Kaleidoscope Competence Validation in Italian | IO3 Kaleidoscope Social Learning Platform (SLP) | IO4 Kaleidoscope: Handbook for Female Migrant Entrepreneurial Development in English | IO4 Kaleidoscope: Handbook for Female Migrant Entrepreneurial Development in Finnish | IO4 Kaleidoscope: Handbook for Female Migrant Entrepreneurial Development in French | IO4 Kaleidoscope: Handbook for Female Migrant Entrepreneurial Development in Italian | IO4 Kaleidoscope Handbook extension for Migrant Women in English | IO4 Kaleidoscope Handbook extension for Migrant Women in Finnish | IO4 A video tutorial for the use of the Kaleidoscope Handbook for Female Migrant Entrepreneurial Development in English | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | IO1 - The Kaleidoscope Competence Framework for entrepreneurial support of migrant women | Dissemination material | | Kaleidoscope leaflet in English | Kaleidoscope leaflet in Finnish | Kaleidoscope leaflet in French | Kaleidoscope leaflet in Italian | Kaleidoscope Social Media | Kaleidoscope Newsletters | Kaleidoscope Basic Project Presentation in English | Kaleidoscope Basic Project Presentation in FInnish | Kaleidoscope Basic Project Presentation in French | Kaleidoscope Basic Project Presentation in Italian | Kaleidoscope promotional video Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2017;2017-1-FR01-KA201-037433;;;"OPEN-SIGN, socio-educational e-magazine for European deaf children ";Worldwide, one in every 1,000 children is deaf, in Europe-28 that represents close to 500,000 deaf people who are trying to gain access to knowledge and employment. However, this community suffers...;Access for disadvantaged, Disabilities - special needs, Inclusion - equity;;Les Apprimeurs;FR;FR,BE,DE,IT,RO;334.715,00;Yes;No;Small and medium sized enterprise;Otros;;;English;Worldwide, one in every 1,000 children is deaf, in Europe-28 that represents close to 500,000 deaf people who are trying to gain access to knowledge and employment. However, this community suffers from a lack of inclusion: 80% of the deaf are illiterate and have a lot of difficulties to find a job (the employment rate is 71% for people with slight deafness, 59% with middle deafness, and only 34% for people with deep deafness). This shows the importance of instilling a wide breadth of knowledge early on, to ensure that deaf children have as much opportunity to receive knowledge and information and to become responsible citizens. However, the dissemination of existing information adapted to the deaf audience is seriously deficient for deaf adults and dramatically non-existent for deaf children. This prevents deaf people from accessing information and this is even more critical at school, where teachers are unable to use pedagogical content adapted to their deaf students. Existing material uses content too rich in text (with sentences often long and complicated to be easily understood by deaf children) and videos are containing voice-overs and subtitles. This has the effect of demotivating many deaf children in school learning. This has the effect of demotivating many deaf pupils in school learning. Open-Sign project aims to develop the first e-magazine adapted to deaf children. We focus on pupils between 7 to 13 years old. Indeed, it is the age range when children learn how to read and write and the needs become crucial. With pedagogical elements that are easily understood by deaf children, we want to support teachers to nurture children's interest in school learning, to open deaf children to the world, to arouse their curiosity, to develop their knowledge and to give them the means to communicate with their environment, including their family. What then allow them to improve their learning performance and to enhance their access to abstract concepts and reading potentialities. The e-magazine will be proposed in two different and complementary media: a web site to gather all the available contents (combined with a search engine) an enriched digital magazine with a structured and editorialized content, sent through subscription and readable offline.;Information will be proposed through written texts (in English and in the national languages of the different partners) and videos using sign language (with a specific usage of the International Sign - IS). We intend to use interactive potentialities of web site and e-book to propose unprecedented content for deaf children (culture, educational games and activities to make by themselves), along with educational sheets than can be used by teachers and family members: 6 Thematic topics (e.g. Dinosaurs, Ancient Egypt, What is a democracy? ) 15 Educational games using 3 different game engines (e.g. Memory, MCQ video) 32 Manual activities videos made with pupils (e.g. cooking, scientific experience, creative activities, magic trick). The Open-Sign project brings together 6 complementary specialized partners: Les Apprimeurs Leader (Paris, France), a small enterprise specialized in ebook creation MediaPi (Paris, France), an association created by deaf people specialized in news content for deaf people SignFuse (Antwerp, Belgium), a small enterprise created by deaf people specialized in web development ada ted to the deaf community | Yomma (Berlin, Germany), a small enterprise created by deaf people specialized in graphic design and videos Istituto dei Sordi (Turin, Italy), one the oldest deaf school of Italy, founded in 1814, working with about 250 deaf students, from kindergarten to university Liceul Tehnologic Special pentru Deficienti de Auz (Cluj-Napoca, Romania), an institute with over 125 years of experience in the field of education rehabilitation of children with hearing disabilities, working with about 200 deaf students, from kindergarten to high school | Next to these partners, Open-Sign already gathered interest from 6 other institutes that become associated partners, located in Italy, Spain, Turkey, Hungary and Portugal. Deaf children between 7 to 13 are estimated at 37,000 in EU-28, 16,000 in the 5 countries of the partners (France, Germany, Italy, Romania and Belgium), and 30,000 in the 9 countries of partners and associated partners (including Spain, Portugal, Hungary and Turkey). During the program, we aim at gathering: 2,000 ebook subscribers 5,000 Facebook fans 300 public bodies, associations, schools, educational institutions, public libraries 15 contributors who will create new contents. Open-Sign is designed to function independently at the end of the project. By developing an easy-to-use platform and by providing detailed explanatory sheets explaining step by step how to create and upload autonomously new contents, we expect contributors and users to appropriate the platform and make it live. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | The Platform | Ebooks generator | Thematic Topics | Interactive Educational Games | Manual Activities Videos | Educational Sheets | Dissemination material | | Press articles | Teacher Testimonies | Charter of the project Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-FR01-KA202-037259;;;Blockchain skills for ICT professionals;Blockchain is a technological innovation that has recently gained substantial prominence in most EU sectors. Consequently the provision of relevant VET offerings is insufficient in quality and qua...;Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal), Open and distance learning, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;UNIVERSITE LYON 1 CLAUDE BERNARD;FR;FR,BE,IT,EL,EE,BG;360.625,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;not available;;English;Blockchain is a technological innovation that has recently gained substantial prominence in most EU sectors. Consequently the provision of relevant VET offerings is insufficient in quality and quantity, fragmented and infrequent, not adequately addressing the emerging training needs for ICT professionals. There is a scarcity of training programmes and courses on distributed ledger technology, especially if looking at European dimensions and a need to address existing skills mismatches, resulting from the dynamic penetration of blockchain technology across all sectors of the EU economy (incl. banking, accounting, auditing and government services). | BLISS aimed to tackle this challenge by delivering a modular VET course and OERs on the technologies and practical applications of blockchain to empower ICT professionals across the EU with updated digital knowledge, skills and competences required to understand, work with and manage blockchain projects. | In particular, project objectives involved: 1) Enhancing the labour market relevance of VET for ICT professional to address blockchain skills needs, 2) Introducing modern training delivery methods and innovative open access pedagogical resources, enabling learners to acquire blockchain skills related to blockchain technology and applications, and 3) Facilitating mutual recognition of the developed learning outcomes across the EU. | The partnership comprised 6 organisations from 6 EU countries, from the world of VET, the ICT sector, technological research, as well as learning innovation experts. UCBL and UT lead research activities in innovative technologies, being also experts in the design/delivery of ICT courses. Business Training and TELESIG bring the expertise in the design/delivery of VET programs covering the entire spectrum of Information and Communication Systems. AICA represents occupational needs and workplace realities at national and EU-level, working with the wider ICT sector to develop standards and qualifications (e.g. e-Competence Framework). EXELIA is an expert in R&D and delivery of innovative ICT-based methodologies (e.g. MOOCs). | Main project activities involved: analysis of current and future workforce training needs to develop updated and tailored to occupational needs, on the technologies and practical applications of blockchain and, development of modular learning units for a comprehensive VET programme in blockchain skills and applications, development of pedagogical resources and assessment tools to be offered as Open Education Resources, development, testing, and delivery of a Vocational Open Online Course on blockchain skills and applications, promoting the adoption of innovative practices in VET, involvement of key policy makers & stakeholders for the endorsement and mutual recognition of BLISS units of learning outcomes, sharing and validation of outputs with multiplier events, inviting target groups to uptake BLISS results and to act as further disseminators.;The BLISS project led to the following results and impact: | VET world and occupation validated learning outcomes for training provision in blockchain skills and applications for ICT professionals. | Formal VET learning units and VET integration guidelines. | Pedagogical resources and assessment tools for blockchain skills and applications, offered as OERs. | BLISS Vocational Open Online Course on blockchain skills and applications for ICT professionals. | A Blockchain skills certificate supplement to lay the ground for the establishment of a certification scheme for blockchain related skills. | A position paper to support decision making on VER & skill development policies & promote the integration of blockchain skills into the e-Competence framework. | Three demonstration workshops and three national info days to promote project results and validate all developed materials. | Finally, long term benefits of the project involve: the uptake of project materials and open educational resources from relevant VET providers across the EU, participation of a growing number of initial and continuous VET learners in courses based on project outputs, expansion of the strategic partnership towards a network of collaborating VET and sector stakeholders, further maturing & development of national and EU VET policies targeted to the occupation influenced by BLISS recommendations, and cross border certification of skills acquired. | Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | BLISS_IO_O2-T1_2020-03-20 | BLISS_IO_O2-T2_2020-03-20 | BLISS-O3-T1 Unit 1 slides_EN | BLISS-O3-T1 U2 Blockchain platforms | BLISS-O3-T1 U1 blochain essentials slides _BG | BLISS-O3-T1 Unit 2_Blockchain Platforms _BG | BLISS-O3-T1 Unit 1 slides_NL | BLISS-O3-T1 U2 Blockchain platforms_NL | BLISS-O3-T1_U1-slides-EE | BLISS-O3-T1_U2-slides_EE | BLISS O3-T1_LU1_FR | BLISS O3-T1 U1 blochain essentials slides_IT | BLISS-O3-T1 U2 Blockchain platform _IT | BLISS__3-T2_Trainers_Handbook | BLISS_O5_T1_AICA_ Validation Methodology & tools | BLISS_O5-T1_Validation_report | BLISS_IO_O5-T2-final | BLISS_IO_O4-T2_links | BLISS_IO_O4-T1_VOOC_links | BLISS_IO4_O4-T1_report | BLISS_O4-T2_L1_Work assignment_BG | BLISS_O4-T2_L2_Work assignment_BG | BLISS_O4-T2_L3_Work assignment_BG | BLISS_O4-T2_L4_Work assignment_BG | BLISS_O4-T2_L1_Work assignment_EL | BLISS_O4-T2_L2_Work assignment_EL | BLISS_O4-T2_L3_Work assignment_EL | BLISS_O4-T2_L4_Work assignment_EL | BLISS_O4-T2_L1_Work assignment_FR | BLISS_O4-T2_L2_Work assignment_FR | BLISS_O4-T2_L3_Work assignment_FR | BLISS_O4-T2_L4_Work assignment_FR | BLISS_O4-T2_L1_Work assignment_IT | BLISS O4-T2_L2_Work assignment_IT | BLISS_O4-T2_L3_Work assignment_IT | BLISS_O4-T2_L4_Work assignment_IT | BLISS_O4-T2_L1-4_Work assignments_EE | BLISS_O4-T2_L1-4_Work assignment_NL | BLISS_O4-T2_L1-4_Work assignment_EN | BLISS-U4-quiz-questions_2019-03-26 | BLISS-O3-T1_U4-Lecture-1-6_ENG | BLISS-U4-questions_BG | BLISS-____3-_1_U4-Lecture-1-6_BG | BLISS-U4-questions_NL | BLISS-____3-_1_U4-Lecture-1-6_NL | BLISS-U4-questions _EE | BLISS-____3-_1_U4-Lecture-1-6_EE | BLISS-U4-questions _FR | BLISS-____3-_1_U4-Lecture-1-6_FR | BLISS-U4-questions-IT | BLISS-____3-_1_U4-Lecture-1-6_IT | BLISS-U4-quiz-questions_EL | BLISS-____3-_1_U4-Lecture-1-6_EL | BLISS_O3_T1_b_LU3-Open Education Resource - training and assessment material_Part1-Exercises | BLISS_O3_T1_b_LU3-Open Education Resource - training and assessment material_Part2-Exercises | BLISS-O3-T1.b-LU3_Part1-Usecase_2019-03-18 | BLISS-O3-T1.b-LU3_Part2-Usecase | BLISS-O3-T1.b-LU3Part1_2_BG | BLISS_O3_T1_b_LU3-Open Education Resource - training and assessment material_Part1-Exercises_Bg | BLISS_O3_T1_b_LU3-Open Education Resource - training and assessment material_Part2-Exercises_Bg | BLISS_O3_T1_b_LU3-Open Education Resource - training and assessment material_Part1-Exercises_NL | BLISS_O3_T1_b_LU3-Open Education Resource - training and assessment material_Part2-Exercises_NL | BLISS-O3-T1.b-LU3-template-slides-Parts1_2_NL | BLISS_O3_T1_b_LU3-Open Education Resource - training and assessment material_Part1-Exercises-ee | BLISS_O3_T1_b_LU3-Open Education Resource - training and assessment material_Part2-Exercises-ee | BLISS-O3-T1.b-LU3-template-slides-Parts1_2-WithoutUsecase___ | BLISS-O3-T1.b-LU3-template-slides-Parts1_2_FR | BLISS_O3_T1.c_LU3-OER-Training and Assessment Material_Part1-Exercises-FR | BLISS_O3_T1.c_LU3-OER-Training and Assessment Material_Part2-Exercises-FR | BLISS_O3_T1 U3-Open Education Resource - training and assessment material_Part1-Exercises _IT | BLISS-O3-T1.b-LU3-template-slides-Parts1_2___ | BLISS_O3_T1 U3-Open Education Resource - training and assessment material_Part2-Exercises_ IT | BLISS_O3_T1_b_LU3-Open Education Resource - training and assessment mate_part 1_EL | BLISS_O3_T1_b_LU3-Open Education Resource - training and assessment mate_part 2_EL | BLISS-O3-T1.b-LU3-template-slides-Parts1_2_EL | BLISS O3-T1 Unit 1_Evaluation_questions_ENG | BLISS O3-T1 Unit 1 evaluation_questions_BG | BLISS O3-T1 Unit 1_evaluation_questions_NL | BLISS O3-T1 Unit 1_evaluation_questions_EE | BLISS O3-T1 Unit 1_evaluation_questions_FR | BLISS O3-T1 Unit 1_evaluation_questions_IT | BLISS O3-T1 Unit 1_evaluation_questions_EL | BLISS 03-T3 Unit 1 slides_EL | BLISS-O3-T1 U2 Blockchain Platforms-FR | BLISS-O3-T1 U2_Blockchain_Platforms_EL | BLISS O3-T1 Unit 2 evaluation questions_ENG | BLISS O3-T1 Unit 2 evaluation questions_BG | BLISS O3-T1 Unit 2 evaluation questions_NL | BLISS-U2-evaluation_questions_EE | BLISS O3-T1 Unit 2 evaluation questions_FR | BLISS O3-T1 Unit 2 evaluation questions_IT | BLISS_O3-T1_U2_evaluation_questions_EL | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | BLISS_O1-T1_Research_methodology | BLISS_O1-T2_Desk research_NL | BLISS_O1-T2_2018-01-31 | BLISS_O1-T2_Desk research_BG | BLISS_O1-T2_Desk research_EE | BLISS_O1-T2_Desk research_GR | BLISS_O1-T2_Desk_Research_IT | BLISS_O1_T3_d_Definition of BLISS learning outcomes_FINAL | BLISS_O5_T3_AICA_ Position paper | Partnerships and cooperations | | BLISS_TPM_M1_Presentation_Aica | BLISS_TPM_M1_O5_presentation_AICA | BLISS_TPM_M1_BT_presentation | BLISS_TPM_M1_BT_material & trainer guide | BLISS_TPM_M1_TELESIG_profile_2017-10-27 | BLISS_TPM_M1_TELESIG_Integration Guidelines | BLISS_TPM_M1_TELESIG_Dissemination&Exploitation | BLISS_TPM_M1_UT_profile | BLISS_TPM_M1_UCBL_Prsentation LYON 1 EN | BLISS_TPM_M1_UCBL_O1-T2 and O1-T3 | BLISS_TPM_M1_UCBL_project management | BLISS_TPM_M1_UCBL-Team-Presentation-Themes-2017 | BLISS_TPM_M1_EXELIA Profile | BLISS_TPM_M1_EXELIA_Project overview & Workplan | BLISS_TPM_M1_EXELIA_Reporting Financial Management | BLISS_TPM_M1_EXELIA_Quality monitoring & Decision making | BLISS_TPM_M1_EXELIA_4.O1-T1- Evidence Based Learning Outcomes | BLISS_TPM_M1_EXELIA_O4_VOOC infrastructures_presentation | BLISS_TPM_M1_EXELIA_SUM UP | BLISS_TPM_M2_BT_material and trainer guide_KO Brussels May 2018 | BLISS_TPM_M2_TELESIG_Dissemination & Exploitation activites_2018-05-15 | BLISS_TPM_M2_TELESIG_VET integration guidelines_2018-05-15 | BLISS_TPM_M2_UCBL_O1-T3-2018.05.23-review-2018.06.08-CFS | BLISS_TPM_M3_AICA_O5 | BLISS_TPM_M3_BT_O3-T1presentation | BLISS_TPM_M3_BT_O3material and trainer guide | BLISS_TPM_M3_EXELIA_VOOC | BLISS_TPM_M3_O2_presentation_UT | BLISS_TPM_M4_EXELIA_ Multiplier events_2019-05-13 | BLISS_TPM_M4_EXELIA_O4_VOOC presentation_2019-05-13 | BLISS_TPM_M4_UCBL_E1workshop-presentation | BLISS__PM_M4-O4-T2_UT | BLISS__PM_M4_O5-T1_AICA | BLISS__PM_M4_O3_material and trainer guide_BT | BLISS__PM_M5_O4-T3_pilot-run_2019-11-27 | BLISS__PM_M5_O5-T2_Certificate Supplement | BLISS__PM_M5_AICA_O5_T1 | BLISS__PM_M5_AICA_O5-T3 | Dissemination material | | BLISS_PMI_1st digital presentation | BLISS_PMI_1st digital presentation_2018-03-20_BG | BLISS_PMI_1st digital presentation_EE | BLISS_PMI_1st digital presentation_FR | BLISS_PMI_1st digital presentation_2018-03-20_EL | BLISS_PMI_1st digital presentation_2018-03-07_IT | BLISS_PMI_1st digital presentation_NL | BLISS_PMI_2nd digital presentation_2018-09-11 | BLISS_PMI_3rd digital presentation_2019-03-18 | BLISS_PMI_4th digital presentation_EN_2019-09_final | BLISS_PMI_5th_digital_presentation_en_2020-02-28 | Information Day E5 - BLISS Online Course Presentation | BLISS_brochure_BG_2018-03-30 | BLISS_Dissemiination_material_brochure_final_EE | BLISS_dissemination_material_brochureEN_2018-03-30 | Information Day E5 - Blockchain Potentials Presentation | BLISS_Dissemination_material_brochure_FR | BLISS_E3_presentation_Introduction | BLISS_E3_materials | BLISS_E3_materials2 | BLISS_E3_materials3 | BLISS-E3_O4-design-workassignment | BLISS_E3_materials_linkstodrive | Organizational and working documents | | BLISS_PMI_Dissemination and Exploitation Plan | BLISS_PMI_Quality_Assurance_Plan_2017-11-09_final | Others | | BLISS_O4-T3 Report on testing and evaluation outcomes Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-FR01-KA202-037407;;;An online training resource for cluster managers towards a smart industry ;Cluster organisations role is to facilitate industry competitiveness of geographicaly concentrated companies and players of a same industry sector by connecting them together and fostering collab...;Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal)|Enterprise, industry and SMEs (incl. entrepreneurship)|New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;POLE SOLUTIONS COMMUNICANTES SECURISEES;FR;FR,HU,ES;338.592,00;Yes;No;Non-governmental organisation/association/social enterprise;ONG;;;English;"Cluster organisations role is to facilitate industry competitiveness of geographicaly concentrated companies and players of a same industry sector by connecting them together and fostering collaborative innovation dynamics. Clusters must be aware of global trends impacting the economy to support their members in their anticipation and adaptation to changes. | | In the context of transition towards Industry 4.0, it has become a necessity for cluster managers to upskills and advice the SMEs of their network to foster their digitalisation and competitiveness. That is why the Cluster4Smart project aims at upskilling cluster managers, with the final purpose to shape strong European clusters able to prepare industries for incoming trending topics of the global market. The main objective of Cluster4Smart is thus to develop an innovative online training resource dedicated to cluster managers of Europe and to their stakeholders. | | To this effect, a strategic partnership of seven complementary entities gathered, from different countries and expertise in different relevant fields: three clusters (SCS Cluster, ArchEnerg and AMUEBLA); the University of Strasbourg, (UNISTRA); a consultancy firm in cluster management (gnomon); an Innovative Business Center (CEEI-Burgos); and the Hungarian Cluster Association (IKOSZ). | | | Diverse activities were successfully carried on, leading to the following outcomes : | | 1. Study of the current knowledge and gaps on clusters towards clusters4.0, based on the existing literature and the actual needs for skills of European cluster managers and stakeholders since 146 respondants (on 150) expressed their needs in the survey. | 20 ability, capacity, skills, and competence needs have been identified and served as a basis for the definition of the course learning outcomes. This survey completes the few existing literature on this topic. | | 2. Selection of the learning outcomes and definition of the training content. | Prior to the selection was lead an in-depth mapping of the cluster managers competences, skills and knowledge profile, based on the IO1 results and on the experience of gnomon and Unistra in teaching cluster management. Then the Cluster4Smart learning outcomes were selected by the consortium and according to the needs expressed in IO1, and a set of 50 topics united in 10 lessons and 4 main modules have been defined, indexed in the Joint Curriculum (IO2). | This work carried out in this phase was not only useful the project but also allowed Unistra to further develop its training offer in cluster management. | | 3. Production of the e-learning training materials, which was the fruit of the consortium collaboration, since the lessons were distributed among 5 partners, harmoniously coordinated by Unistra. | Diverse innovative tools were developed: 53 videos (traditional course and motion design), 3 interactive infographics, 22 interactive exercises, 47 course documents and 14 tool and vocab sheets, and 3 case studies. | This longer but fruitful phase (c. 60-hours-training) also involved 21 industrial and academics experts within and outside the consortium in the fields of cluster management, innovation and industry. | | 4. Creation of an online MOOC platform to upload and display the training course. The platform is available here ( and gathers all the training materials produced in phase 3. | | 5. Validation of the Cluster4Smart training course by stakeholders and dissemination. | The real verification survey, which was led during the COVID-crisis, only gathered 35 respondents among the sample of 101 testers, but the vast majority of them validated the training course content quality, pedagogical approach, and platform usability, and the compliance with their learning expectations. | The validation phase strongly contributed to the dissemination of the training platform, thanks to a word of mouth effect: 75 user-accounts have been created during the test phase. | Given the global context, the local multiplier events have been cancelled and replaced by a webinar disseminated at the European level, with the participation of Ulla Engelmann, Head of Unit Advanced Technologies, Clusters and Social Economy of the European Commission.";In terms of longer-term benefits: | Cluster4Smart is upskilling the current cluster managers and regional developers, and thus contributes to improve current clusters strategies, empowering them to provide better services fostering the European industry and smart transition. In this sense, Cluster4Smart contributes to establish clusters as key tools for regional developments. It also enhances the opportunities for academic-business cooperation, providing new opportunities among stakeholders and the exchange and transfer of knowledge and know-how. New similar projects are already being implemented on the same model. | | [1] | Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Cluster4Smart Joint Curriculum | Cluster4Smart training platform | Cluster4Smart Harmonized Units Description | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | Cluster4Smart IO1 - Cluster management abilities, capacities, skills and competences towards a smart industry | NQFs Comparative Summary | Dissemination material | | Cluster4Smart Introduction Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-FR01-KA219-037109;;;Open your minds through games;"Our project entitled ""Open your mind by the game"" lasted two years (2017/2019) and concerned alll children without discrimination of age, handicap or a social environment, of the seven nursery sch...";Inclusion - equity, Pedagogy and didactics, Creativity and culture;;Ecole Maternelle;FR;FR,EE,EL,PT,BG,TR,IT;137.570,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (pre-primary level);Centro Educativo;not available;;English;"Our project entitled ""Open your mind by the game"" lasted two years (2017/2019) and concerned alll children without discrimination of age, handicap or a social environment, of the seven nursery schools, of France, Turkey, Portugal, Greece, Bulgaria, Italy and Estonia. | Our project based on arts through games allowed to offer to the children a very rich project in which most of the disciplinary approaches considered have been applied to the school curriculum. | Thus planned activities such as drawing, painting, preparing games, research, gathering the necessary information have allowed to develop many skills in the program's vital areas : language, social sciences, foreign language, literature, mathematics. | It allowed students to acquire knowledge on the theme of European citizenship but also to develop group work, social relations and the discovery of other cultures through the arts in the game. | Our partnership was essentially based on the exchange of good practices, taking advantage of the different skills that each partner could bring to the project, the extension of ICT skills and the promotion of reflection practices. | Our project has also strengthened the quality and European dimension of teacher education. The project examined the overall needs of 7 European pre-school education programs for the designation of project tasks. This allowed for comparing techniques and transferring best practices of preschool approaches. Teachers who have used these intercultural learning methods have found ways to improve their skills in their field, with ""Learning to Learn"" techniques for young students. Thanks to the mobility, meetings (LTTs), teachers have been derive the maximum benefit of the partnership. | | We focused on the following objectives: | * broaden the horizons of students ; to advance children's knowledge of the diversity and richness of cultures in different parts of Europe | * Allow the child to understand the world around him and better understand the relationship between the different elements of his environment | * Improve artistic and social skills, learn to work, play as a team | * Mode of expression and construction of oneself | * experimenting with systems of values __and rules (reciprocity, cooperation, competition, negotiation, etc.), social relations, | this contributes to the feeling of belonging and allows the development of situations of assistance, of need, in order to achieve a better tolerance of failure. With the game you learn to win and lose. | * strengthen the professional development of teachers by developing innovative teaching methods and resources. | * encourage communication and cooperation between pupils and teachers from different European countries";"Results: | Partners and children were involved in activities via the website, e-mail exchanges, creating games (puzzles, games, storybook, Ebook, PPT, mascots travel photo album, etc.). | * Each country has chosen a mascot to bring the culture of the partner, through mobility, to children - travel photo album of the mascot | During the project process, different educational games were created and a process of use: | 1. show and tell the game with the mascot, each partner brought cultural objects from the country visited (discussion with the children) | 2. Lotto game: we chose pictures that best represented their country, photo of the capital, the flag, the mascot | 3. Game dominoes / graphics: choice of photos with graphic representation such as famous monuments, national symbols, works of art, to combine them with the forms... | 4. Labeling word game: ""The pencil box talked"", learn words in English (colors, objects etc.), | 5. Thinking game: on the folk tale (draw me a story), puzzles | 6. Board game, goose game way, use of the mascot | 7. 7 family card game: combination of art and cultural heritage from all countries / find different flags, mascots, artists' works, etc.) | 8. Ebook regroupant tous les jeux | Website | Twinspace | | Impacts: The project activities, the organization of Erasmus Day, the exhibitions accessible to children, their parents, local representatives, members of education have promoted ideas, cultural differences and draw profit. The results of the project acted as an agent of social and cultural integration, they support communication with others and building friendships.. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | First Game | Second Game Domino | Ebook | Jeu des 7 familles | Partnerships and cooperations | | Logo for the project | Dissemination material | | Our website project | Twinspace | Dissemination" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-FR01-KA219-037198;;;My hero, your hero, our heroes;"The main objective of the project ""My hero, your hero, our heroes"" was to confront the cultures of the five partner countries to highlight among the heroes of each country, common values __that ce...";EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills ...;;OGEC des coles du Bon Sauveur;FR;FR,IT,EL,HU,RO;125.040,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"The main objective of the project ""My hero, your hero, our heroes"" was to confront the cultures of the five partner countries to highlight among the heroes of each country, common values __that cement our European conscienceand humanity, values __that we, as educators, must perpetuate. The objectives of this project were to : | - Retrace the experience of heroes to discover the deep meaning to make it meaningful ; | - Establish scales of values __and make them alive ; | - Justify the choices of heroes by public pleadings, share the analyzes of their profiles ; | - To create exchanges based on our cultural differences as well as our common values __and to make them respected ; | - Learn about citizenship and associated values __such as tolerance and solidarity ; | - Being able to describe Europe through its heroes to the new migrant population and highlight the commitment of those who welcome them. | The project was aimed at secondary school pupils aged between 13 and 15, most of them.";"The productions are : | - Project logo, | - Creation of the project space on the eTwinnning and Twinspace platform : | - Website : | - Facebook page : | - Audio eBook ""My hero, your hero, our heroes"", with a chapter dedicated to the psychological profile of heroes : | This booklet was also printed and distributed to the students participating in the project as well as to the associations met working with the migrants, taking care not to impose our values __on them. | - ""The Heirs of Europe"" theater drama presented as part of the XXV Festival dei Giovanni, performed on the stage of the ancient Greek theater of Syracuse : | - Calendar ""My heroic year"" : | - Video series ""Daily life heroes"": | - Interview series ""How do you honor the heroes?"" : | - Collection of letters addressed to a hero of the future: | - Video series ""My parents, the heroes of my life"": | - Cartoons with the characters of the heroes of the future and the recorded voices of the students : | - Film ""Heroes and Victims of Resistance and Deportation"" participating in the National Contest for Resistance and Deportation: | - Posters, slogans. | Students were given the opportunity to perform the same tasks in each participating school, and their results were compared later. They also had the opportunity to meet personally or communicate with students from other countries during learning activities, group exchanges students and online communication and cooperation. As a result, students have developed skills of collaboration, tolerance andopen-minded. They had the opportunity to know the culture, history, traditions and daily habits of other countries. This has resulted in the breaking of prejudice, the evolution of opinions and attitudes towards other cultures. These intercultural meetings allowed students to develop their skills faster than the only school environment and to eliminate the fears of speech in a foreign language through possibility to use it in the real context. Students had a wide range of opportunities to use ICT technologies while preparing presentations, doing research, writing blogs, reporting and communicating with their correspondents and their skills in this area have improved considerably. The project enabled students to learn, especially foreign languages, their interpersonal communication skills, their independence, their responsibility and the tasks assigned to them. They have learned to work in groups or individually, to manage their free time, to make wise choices in this area, to react in unforeseen situations. | To achieve the objectives of the project we applied different methods : interviews, individual and collective surveys, aptitude tests, self-control questions, competitions, quizzes, workshops, trips, artistic works, conferences. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | ebook HERO - format audio | ebook HERO - format imprimable | Mes parents, les hros de ma vie | Drama ""The heirs of Europe"" | The heirs of Europe : text | Cartoon | How does your country honor its heroes ? | Letter for a hero of the future | Daily life heroes | Dissemination material | | HERO | Calendar for a year of heroes | Two years of work and hapiness ! | Website" Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-HR01-KA101-034993;;;Nastava 21. stolje_a;KA 1 projektom Nastava 21. stolje_a unaprijedili smo sljede_a podru_ja unutar _kole: kvaliteta rukovo_enja _kolom, IKT i jezi_ne kompetencije, upotreba inovativnih metoda pou_avanja, uvo_enje euro...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;Srednja skola Ban Josip Jelacic;HR;HR;18.892,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;Bosnio;"KA 1 projektom Nastava 21. stolje_a unaprijedili smo sljede_a podru_ja unutar _kole: kvaliteta rukovo_enja _kolom, IKT i jezi_ne kompetencije, upotreba inovativnih metoda pou_avanja, uvo_enje europske dimenzije te pove_anje vidljivosti _kole. Radom na projektima, uvo_enjem inovativnih metoda i IKT-a u_enika stavljamo u sredi_te u_enja poti_u_i razvoj mekih vje_tina i posti_emo ve_u motiviranost u_enika. Ste_ena znanja, i vje_tine te rezultati mobilnosti predstavljeni su na Danu otvorenih vrata, Erasmus+ kutku _kole, web i dru_tvenim stranicama _kole,lokalnim medijima (TV Zapad 11 priloga, 2,, Gradsko informativno glasilo-mjese_no, (13 objava), (2 objave)), obrazovnim portalima te eTwinning grupi i projektu The 21st Century Classroom (CC). Pove_ana je vidljivost i prepoznatljivost _kole. Sudjelovanjem u eTwinning projektima i umre_avanjem s europskim kolegama uveli smo europsku dimenziju u _kolu i omogu_ili me_ukulturalni dijalog i osje_aj pripadnosti Europi. Ostvarena je suradnja s Gimnazijom iz Beograda, S_ iz Sarajeva, GK Ante Kova_i_a u Zapre_i_u, Muzejom Brdovec te O_ i DV zapre_i_kog podru_ja u svrhu postizanja vertikale od vrti_a do srednje _kole.Nastavnica hrvatskog, dvije nastavnice engleskog, nastavnica njema_kog jezika, nastavnica povijesti, nastavnica sociologije, politike i gospodarstva, nastavnica matematike i nastavnica ekonomske grupe predmeta i stru_ni suradnik pedagog bili su na devet mobilnosti-strukturirani te_ajevi.Nakon potpisivanja ugovora s AMPEU, sudionici mobilnosti potvrdili su sudjelovanje na te_aju te organizirali smje_taj i prijevoz. Prije odlaska na mobilnost,3 sudionice mobilnosti zavr_ile su konverzacijski te_aj engleskog jezika, a koordinatorica i zamjenica odr_ale su jezi_ne pripreme ostalim sudionicima.Nastavnica povijesti je odlaskom na ispit za Cambridge English Certificate in Advanced English, Council of Europe Level C1, nakon mobilnosti potvrdila napredak svojih jezi_nih sposobnosti i stvorila preduvjete za CLIL u _koli.Kulturolo_ku pripremu su sudionici mobilnosti radili samostalno. Zamjenica koordinatorice projekta redovito je nadzirala vo_enje evidencije o planiranim i ostvarenim mobilnostima, diseminaciji, pisanju izvje__a i pra_enju tro_kova. Komunikacija izme_u svih sudionika mobilnosti, ustanove po_iljatelja i organizatora te_ajeva vodila se putem e-maila i WhatsAppa-grupne i privatne poruke.Evaluacija je provo_ena u svim fazama projekta-anketama, vo_enjem learning diaries s video i foto-bilje_kama te razgovorima i pisanjem izvje__a sudionika mobilnosti.Na NV, sudionici mobilnosti odr_ali su 3 predavanja i 5 radionica,na lokalnoj razini 3 predavanja i 3 radionice za predstavnike 3 DV-a zapre_i_kog podru_ja, O_ Ljudevit Gaj te Zrakoplovno-tehni_ku _kolu R.Pere_ina.Sudionici mobilnosti odr_ali su 9 predavanja i 6 radionica na _SV prof. engleskog, njema_kog i hrvatskog jezika te na _SV prof. matematike i pedagoga S_-a. Na me_u_upanijskim skupovima odr_ana su 2 predavanja i 2 radionice za prof. ekonomske grupe predmeta i filozofije, logike i etike, te predavanje za voditelje _SV-a nastavnika filozofije, logike i etike na dr_avnoj razini. Odr_anim predavanjima nastavnici stje_u bodove za napredovanja u struci-4 sudionice promovirane u zvanje savjetnika, a 1 u zvanje mentora tijekom trajanja projekta.Inovativniji pristup pou_avanju vidljiv je u razli_itosti provedenih projekata koji su interdisciplinanrim pristupom stavili u_enika u sredi_te: izlo_ba Jane Austen u 21.stolje_u, Mock Trial: Annie Wilkes, javna tribina Povijest za budu_nost u GK Ante Kova_i_a i premijera filma Sto godina od zavr_etka Velikog rata, Zanimljiva matematika, Prevencija vr_nja_kog nasilja...U_enici su sudjelovali na razli_itim natjecanjima (LiDraNo, Oxford natjecanje, HUP, Poziv pravobraniteljice za podjelu primjera dobre prakse, Natje_aj za najbolje _kolske novine u organizaciji Jutarnjeg lista). . Dugoro_ni utjecaj ovog KA1 projekta na _kolu i osoblje _kole osiguran je uvr_tavanjem novonau_enih znanja u _kolski kurikulum i NPP svrhu pobolj_anja kvalitete provedbe na_ih obrazovnih programa.Rad na eTwinning projektima je integriran u redovni rad _kole,a na odobrenoj fakultativnoj nastavi iz engleskog jezika u_enici se dodatno jezi_no i digitalno osposobljavaju za rad na me_unarodnoj razini.Odr_ivost projekta osigurava se daljnjim radom na projektima-novi KA101 te dva KA229-_kola je koordinator u jednom. Jedan od projektnih rezultata, dokumentarni film o Prvom svjetskom ratu, u_eni_ki uradak nastao u sklopu nastave povijesti bit _e sastavni dio izlo_be Zapre_i_ki kraj u Velikom ratu u Muzeju Brdovec.Diseminacijski eTwinning projekti The 21st CC, Clicks in the City, Viktor Frankl; Mans search for meaning u kojima smo s nastavnicima i u_enicima iz 7 europskih zemalja koristili nau_ene metode i aplikacije i dva su nagra_ena europskom oznakom kvalitete._kola je aplicirala za projekt e-skole te pedagog provodi uvo_enje G-suita u ovoj _kolskoj godini.";Project website - Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-HR01-KA101-034999;;;Primjena CLIL metode u nastavi web dizajna;The project's main objective was introducing CLIL methodology to teachers of vocational subjects who will conduct the bilingual education in School for Art, Design, Graphics and Clothes Zabok (SUD...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills;;Skola za umjetnost,dizajn,grafiku i odjecu Zabok;HR;HR,MT,UK,IT;12.219,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;The project's main objective was introducing CLIL methodology to teachers of vocational subjects who will conduct the bilingual education in School for Art, Design, Graphics and Clothes Zabok (SUDIGO) in the sector of web design. Two vocational teachers attended structural courses on the theoretical approaches to bilingual education, practical insights of CLIL and online tools which can be used for creating bilingual teaching materials. Upon their return they shared their knowledge to all teaching staff at School thus meeting another objective: awakening the awareness of both teachers and students about the importance of bilingual education and the opportunities of using the CLIL method. In May 2018 three vocational teachers (in coordination with the school librarian and an English teacher) held the pilot lessons of bilingual education in the second grade of web design, that is, in the subjects of Web Programming, Web Design and Art which were based on CLIL methodology. Prior to those lessons teachers had decided on key terminology within these three subjects to be included in e-Glossary of web design. The e-Glossary, whose creation and future implementation in the teaching and learning process was also planned as one of the objectives, has been used in pilot lessons, but is also going to be used in the preparation of setting up bilingual classes planned in school year 2019/2020. e-Glossary is the product of joint work of 48 students of two classes and 5 teachers and consists of 100 terms listed and explained in English and Croatian. All teachers and students in Croatia can access it by using their educational identity (HUSO identity) on the link given on our projects website: | Through the project an English teacher was able to meet the proscribed curriculum objective in the education of web design, that is, more than 15% of English lessons in the 2nd grade of web design were dedicated to the vocation (English for special purposes). Having met that objective, alongside the pilot lessons, both the teacher and 20 students were able to improve their language skills in the field of web design. The eGlossary and materials used in pilot lesson in three vocational subject will be used and upgraded in following years as well. | An Art teacher, an English teacher and a school librarian attended courses on digital skills and new didactics and innovative approaches in education. The aim of their professional development was to upgrade their digital literacy and use the schools equipment and Wi-Fi connection more efficiently and to modernise the teaching process at school. In April, after all mobilities had been completed, these three teachers held workshops for the teaching staff of the school with the purpose of dissemination of their knowledge and enabling their colleagues to modernise their teaching methods and approaches. All members of the project team disseminated the projects outcomes in the classes they teach, and as speakers on teachers meetings in SUDIGO Zabok, in Krapinsko-Zagorska County and central Croatia (all together more than 130 teachers).;More than 100 students were involved in activities related to the project. 48 students participated in eTwinning projects (6 students in national eTwinning project with I Gymnasium in Osijek, 18 in international project Speech competition, and 24 in schools eTwinning project About Art in English), during which they improved their language skills, presentation skills and digital literacy by using online tools such as Padlet, Thinglink, Bookcreator and Picsart. Online tools such as these but also Kahoot, Quizlet, Snapseed, Code readers and generators were used in 5 different classes (not only 2nd web design) by an English and Art teacher. | | During the implementation of the project five more teachers expressed their interest in Erasmus+ and the school applied and was granted a new Erasmus+ project which will upgrade this one in terms of broadening e-Glossary with new vocational terms related to multimedia and enhance digital literacy of the teaching staff. Two teachers who have attended CLIL courses have agreed to take a language exam and obtain the necessary certificate to set all up for bilingual education in 2019./2020. One of goals was a greater interest of students for web design and in June around 100 elementary students applied for a 22-student class of web designers. Dissemination about the benefits of eTwinning and School Education Gateway led to 8 new teachers joining those platforms (there are only 62 teachers at our school so that is 20% of teaching staff). The workshops about digital skills and online tools to be used in classroom held by an English teacher, are scheduled for history teachers' meeting in autumn and the meeting of art teachers of three counties. Students expressed their satisfaction with the pilot lessons and participation in eTwinnning projects. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-HR01-KA101-035164;;;Colours of Knowledge;"The purpose of the project ""Colours of knowledge"" was to modernize and enrich educational process, whilst placing an emphasis on changes to teaching and learning. New generations need changes in ...";Environment and climate change, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Creativity and culture;;Osnovna skola Ivana Grandje;HR;HR;13.271,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The purpose of the project ""Colours of knowledge"" was to modernize and enrich educational process, whilst placing an emphasis on changes to teaching and learning. New generations need changes in learning styles, and these are exactly the changes that we have introduced into our school following this mobility programme. We have added more diversity and creativity to learning processes and made them more dynamic. Additionally, this project has increased our schools visibility in both the local community and beyond. | Given financial and other limitations, we recognized the Erasmus+KA1 project as an important tool that could help us respond better to the aforementioned challenges. | Our goal was to familiarize ourselves with the European education, improve out teaching competencies and change our students attitudes towards learning so that they can also embrace and further develop 21st century skills. | Thanks to this mobility programme, we found out about new learning strategies and new teaching methods and tools. We learned about the experiences of teachers from other countries and shared good practices. We have integrated what we learned into our work, changed our approach to teaching and learning and increased the quality of the permanent knowledge of our students by introducing them to experience-based learning. We have also increased their motivation and reinforced links among different school subjects. In addition, we have given more importance to teamwork and improved our project management skills. | The objectives were to popularise mathematics and science in general; acquaint students with new learning methods and technologies; improve creative and critical thinking; encourage students to take a more active role in their learning; familiarize students with folk literature from Croatia and other European countries; develop public speaking and performance skills; preserve tradition through songs and dancing; raise environmental awareness; encourage healthy diet and lifestyles, community and teamwork; develop positive attitude towards work; empower teachers to cope better with everyday work requirements, and upgrade cooperation between our school, parents and the local community. | There was 9 participants (3 lower primary, a maths, a science, an IT, and an English teacher, a school psychologist and a librarian) who initiated a number of subprojects: Yellow Friday: A Happy Maths Day; Sepia Friday: Folk Literature; Silver Friday: E-Learning; Green Friday: Walk, Research, Learn!; Blue Friday: Get to Know Your Town; Colourful Friday: Think Creatively and Orange Teachermeeting room. These subprojects involved either directly or indirectly over 300 students and 40 teachers. | The activities carried out as part of the Project included the following: | -all project participants attended professional development programmes and implemented the methods and techniques in their subprojects | -students employed Edward De Bonos thinking tools in their maths classes | -used research methods directly in the nature during their science classes | -in the extended stay in school programme used creative and critical thinking skills to get acquainted with the visual aspect of their town | -used digital platforms to connect with their IT teacher and did exercises using new methods and technologies | -in lower primary classes (3rd grade) learned outdoor through unconventional activities, while other students (4th grade) learned in a digital environment | -read legends of other nations in the school library and explored the legends of their own region; both through this and other subprojects, they adopted certain techniques that helped them stage a theatre performance and made a movie | -a school psychologist encouraged creative and innovative thinking in gifted and talented students and they in turned presented what they learned in workshops for other students | -teachers became acquainted with stress identification and management methods and techniques through a number of lectures and a stress management guide";Project results include: | -improved collaboration between teachers thanks to close cooperation on subprojects, problem solving and teamwork | -students were very motivated to participate in project activities and solve given problems, as it can be seen from their results (videos, eTwinning activities) | -by participating in eTwinning activities, we connected with our colleagues and students from other schools and countries and thus shared valuable experiences and acquired ideas for future cooperation and new projects | by sharing our experiences, we set an example to our colleagues from other schools and inspired them to get involved and implement our activities in their work | -the work on this project has inspired and empowered us to continue our professional development programmes, such as the Carnet Users Conference where we shall present some of our project results | -one of this projects achievements is Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-HR01-KA101-035279;;;Iskorak u budu_nost;"Project ""Step into Future"" deals with improving the quality of the school and preparing for the future by using ICT - new technologies for the benefit of the community, development of digital comp...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Creativity and culture, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Osnovna skola Strahoninec;HR;HR,PL;15.518,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"Project ""Step into Future"" deals with improving the quality of the school and preparing for the future by using ICT - new technologies for the benefit of the community, development of digital competences, new teaching methods both in formal and informal learning and encouraging creativity of the teachers as well as the students. We wanted to motivate our students for learning and working, encourage their talents and innovation through creativity, so they can gain basic knowledge, skills and competencies. Through the project nurtured tolerance, interculturalism, social inclusion and positive attitudes towards living in the EU community as active members of the society. We accomplished this by sending 8 teachers to professional development on courses and job shadowing in Europe. | The main aims of the project were improving the key competencies and skills of teachers and students through life-long learning, modernisation of school through new teaching methods and ICT tools for classes, as well as internationalisation and improving school quality, lesons, teaching methods and nurturing creativity. | Both teachers of upper and lower primary participated in the courses and job shadowing and the topics they dealt with were ICT based classes - formal and informal education in school (France), learning assessment, creative and diverse methods for education in 21st century (Iceland), teaching languages more creatively through computational thinking, coding and tablets (Malta) and job shadowing in Poland. The results of the professional development are seen in making of new curricula of school subjects and school curriculum, as well as in making of new digital educational materials that are available on school web pages, on project blog, TwinSpace pages of eTwinning project ""Future Schools 2018"" and in e-booklets for teachers. In regular lessons a higher number of our teachers now implements new knowledge in ICT in order to modernise their classes and make them more interesting and approachable to students.";"The dissemination was done at local, regional, national and international level, after each mobility and in the end of the evaluation of the finalized project. We organized live workshops for teachers in our region, we showed the project on international conference and we displayed the project results on our project blog (, Facebook page ( and TwinSpace pages ( We published articles in newspapers, peer-reviewed magazines, and published online materials. The evaluation of the project showed that the project goals were accomplished successfully and that the school has the better quality, which can be seen in better results in regional and state competitions, educational events and in new equipment (tablets in lessons), better cooperation with the local community, other schools, Erasmus+ and eTwinning partners and more motivated teachers to lead a higher quality lessons in the next school year. Another evidence of success is the sustainability of our continuous work on school improvement in the next KA1 project ""STEP"" for the next school year 2018/19." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2017;2017-1-HR01-KA102-034990;;;SIPS mobility;Mechanical Engineering and Traffic School (SIPS) facilitated the transition from secondary education to the labour market to its students in their final year of studies by enabling them a two-week...;International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;Strojarska i prometna skola;HR;HR,PT,FI,IT,DE;87.517,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;Mechanical Engineering and Traffic School (SIPS) facilitated the transition from secondary education to the labour market to its students in their final year of studies by enabling them a two-week practical training abroad during the project SIPS mobility. The project objectives were to enhance the quality of vocational education, to make vocational occupations more attractive and the school more international. | In order to achieve these objectives the School connected with partner institutions: | -Tampere Vocational College Tredu (Tredu) from Finnland | -Kroatische Wirtschaftsvereinigung (KWVD) from Germany | -Istituto Tecnico Tecnologico G. Marconi (ITT Marconi) and Istituto per la Formazione, l'Occupazione e la Mobilit (IFOM) from Italy | -APLICAPROPOSTA LDA (Braga mob) from Portugal. | 41 students participated in the project, 1 mobility was financed from organizational costs (zero grant mobility). According to their fields of education and occupations, the structure of the participants is as follows: | -the field of traffic and logistics: 6 motor vehicle drivers, 7 road traffic technicians, 8 freight logistics technicians | -the field of mechanical engineering: 6 automotive technicians, 8 mechanical computer technicians, 6 heavy vehicle and mobile equipment service technicians. | The selection of participants was made according to the criteria in the project application, on the basis of excellence in learning. | The students did their practical training in companies (Braga mob, IFOM and KWVD) and school practicums and workshops (ITT Marconi and Tredu) which are equipped with the contemporary equipment and software so students enhanced their professional skills, as well as their competitiveness on the labour market. | Tampere Vocational College Tredu (Tredu) organized a four-day practical training for automotive technicians in a car service workshop. | Mechanical computer technicians used special measuring devices in the companies and by using the Brinell and Rockwell methods tested the hardness of material, and in school practicums they calculated solar thermal and photovoltaic systems and programmed a robot. | Automotive technicians worked on the diagnostic of electric cars and Ecomatic engine in the companies, while in school practicums they used the equipment for control and repair of all sorts of machines used in forestry as well as cutting logs simulators. | Heavy vehicle and mobile equipment service technicians examined the mechanical parts and the impermeability of hydraulic and pneumatic car assemblies in practicums, used cutting logs simulators, programmed a robot, and calculated solar thermal and photovoltaic systems while in the company they analyzed the crash test parameters. Freight logistics technicians used computer applications for warehouse operations and simulators for driving and managing heavy machines in school practicums, while in the companies they stored the goods in high-frequency warehouses, used special software programs and bar code readers. Motor vehicle drivers used simulators for driving and managing heavy machines in school practicums, drove trucks and buses in winter conditions, while in the companies they used GPS devices and tachographs, transported freight and drove forklifts and trucks in a municipal utility company. Road traffic technicians used simulators for driving and managing heavy machines in school practicums, planned cargo and passenger transportation, while in the companies they used computer applications and special warehouse software programs and planned a vehicle inspection. In addition to the professional skills, the students also increased their language skills, especially in the professional terminology in English and German, and personal competencies: independence, teamwork, tolerance development and diversity acceptance, greater intercultural awareness.;Acquired competences were recognized through regular practical training or through vocational training exercises, and in the mobility of school partners with ECVET. The School has increased the quality of teaching because the teachers of vocational group of subjects have implemented good practice in theoretical or practical lessons from the tasks described in the paperwork that students wrote during mobility. By introducing the examples of good practice, the international educational sector and labour market have been successfully linked and, more specifically, linked with international partners. All this has contributed to the internationalization of the school and to the attractiveness of vocational occupations. After the mobility implementation, it was noticed that the participants were encouraged to lifelong learning and the introduction of new technologies, the interest for the vocational professions has also increased. By analyzing the collected data, it was found that 23 students already work in the profession and 18 continue their education. Two students were employed on the basis of mobility experience. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2017;2017-1-HR01-KA102-035207;;;Znanjem za bolje sutra;"Project ""With knowledge to a better tomorrow"" was a project of a consortium of three Croatian agriculture, veterinary and hospitality schools. Schools that made up the consortium were Srednja _kol...";Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, International cooperation, international relations ...;;"Srednja skola ""Arboretum Opeka""";HR;HR,SI,NL,DE,IT,PL;161.608,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"Project ""With knowledge to a better tomorrow"" was a project of a consortium of three Croatian agriculture, veterinary and hospitality schools. Schools that made up the consortium were Srednja _kola Arboretum Opeka, Mar_an, Srednja _kola Petrinja and Srednja gospodarska _kola in Kri_evci. It was essential to establish consortium and the association of educational institutions and labor market needs at the national and international level in order to develop a common economy across the EU. It was also essential to establish such consortium and association if we wanted the quality of education to be satisfactory in all EU member states. Foreign partners involved in this project which responded to the needs of improving the quality of vocational education were: Biotehni_ki center Naklo from Slovenia. Kroatische Wirtschaftsvereinigung e.V. from Germany. Zesp_ Szk_ Ogrodniczych. im. S. Szumca w Bielsku-Bia_ej from Poland. Ocean Orchids d.o.o. iz Slovenia. Terra MBO from Netherlands. Associazione Culturale ""Cultura e Dintorni"" iz Italy. The project objectives were defined on different levels: a personal, level of students, personal teachers / teaching assistants level, the school level, the consortium and international level. On the personal level of students, teachers and staff goals set by this project were: acquiring and increasing professional, entrepreneurial, linguistic and personal competencies. At the level of the sending institutions the goal was to increase the quality of teaching and implementation of projects in all the sending schools, higher recognition of acquired competences for the participants of the school. At the consortium level, the goal was to create a better link between the sender's partners, the establishment of a national consortium through examples of good practice, and attracting other schools to the consortium. At the international level main objective was international and intercultural connection, linking the education sector and labor market, internationalization of institutions involved in this project. All project goals have been realized. The first, second, third and fourth grade students in vocational education (agricultural, veterinary and hospitality education) participated in the consortium school project. A total of 68 students + 2 Zero Grant, 9 accompanying vocational teachers, 7 teacher / assistant in teaching participated.";The partners were selected according to the principle of quality, innovation, ecological principles and sustainable development, application of new technologies and expertise. We have also selected partners considering the students' wishes, regarding the chosen professional practice, stated in the survey conducted prior to the project submission. Partners were carriers of knowledge in the technology of wine production and viticulture, greenhouse production, fruit growing, animal husbandry, veterinary medicine and cooking. Partner schools worked together with private businesses as the engine of innovative activities and joint projects for the development of the region. Professional and entrepreneurial competences led to detailed knowledge and understanding of new technologies in manufacturing, knowledge of the business and the organization of the company, cooperative learning and team work, better work attitude, knowledge of the structure of vocational education abroad. Language competence led to better cross-cultural communication and understanding of vocabulary and learning about the culture, lifestyle and customs of the host country, increased the independence and taking responsibility for their own learning. All this ultimately contributed to the improvement of the quality of vocational education and raised the competences of future professionals as holders of the European economy, increased competitiveness and employability of students who took part in mobilities. It promoted the inclusion of a greater number of participants in mobility, and has also made recognition of acquired skills more transparent, increased the employability which is in accordance to the provisions EU set out in Bruges Communique and Europe 2020. All this also reduced prejudices towards diversity, discrimination and violence of any kind: national, religious, gender and social. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2017;2017-1-HR01-KA201-035396;;;Multilingualism Accelerator - A method to boost foreign language learning and raise language awareness;The Multilingualism Accelerator is a curriculum which enables children to learn foreign languages faster and to become more confident in their language-learning abilities. It was based on the prop...;Pedagogy and didactics, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;IZVORI DRUSTVO S OGRANICENOM ODGOVORNOSCU ZA NAKLADNICKU DIELATNOST;HR;HR,SI,BG,DE,DK,SK;246.450,00;Yes;No;Small and medium sized enterprise;Otros;;;English;"The Multilingualism Accelerator is a curriculum which enables children to learn foreign languages faster and to become more confident in their language-learning abilities. It was based on the propedeutical idea, i.e. that learning a model language, in this case basic Esperanto, if it is limited to the 300 most frequently-used morphemes, can boost childrens language learning skills. Several studies have shown that learning the model language Esperanto for one year may increase the speed of subsequent language learning by up to 30%. The reason is that such a model language is very easy, has no exceptions and functions logically. It enables children to easily understand the underlying linguistic principles by taking apart and rebuilding words and sentences. It is thus far more effective than other languages, burdened by many exceptions to rules, in motivating students. They learn by autonomously constructing their own sentences. Through this course, children playfully learn the basics of an analytical language, and this gives them clear ideas about how languages are organized. Children understand grammatical terms such as plural, the basic two cases (nominative and accusative), how to create sentences, and acquire the ability to create many new words from the basic roots and affixes present in every language. This gives learners a clear view of the structure of languages in general, known as meta-linguistic knowledge. Perhaps the most revolutionary feature of the Multilingualism Accelerator is that it can be taught by language teachers who have no previous knowledge of Esperanto. The materials contain the minimal knowledge of Esperanto, which can be easily learned by experienced language teachers, who learn while preparing for the lessons. On the Multilingualism Acclerator platform didactic material for 60 school hours (or 30 block hours) is available in 10 languages: Bulgarian, Croatian, French, English, Esperanto, German, Portuguese, Russian, Slovak, Slovene and Spanish. The material is divided into six lessons. Each lesson contains the following materials: - Didactic methodology, which is easy to follow for language teachers; - Ready-to-print work sheets with attractively and colorfully illustrated exercises, dialogs and texts; - Direct links to grammatical explanations in order to provide teachers with no prior knowledge of Esperanto with additional information, when preparing for classes; - E-learning exercises for individual use by pupils; - Audio material.";The use of the Multilingualism Accelerator approach for two years by five teachers in three primary schools in three EU Member States has been remarkably successful. Surveys among pupils, teachers and parents showed their enthusiasm for the Multilingualism Accelerator course. Children, aged 8-9 years, enjoyed the course (2 hours per week) and the teachers found it not only interesting, but also very useful. Two tests at the end of the school year evaluated recognition of elementary grammatical notions in the native language and the meta linguistic knowledge of the pupils. The tests were completed by the pupils who learned Esperanto and a control group of equal size and same previous language learning experience, who did not. They showed that the children who participated in Multilingualism Accelerator classes had considerably higher scores than those who didn't. However, a larger sample would have to be tested in the future to make scientifically relevant claims. Another very important result of the project is the computer program for creating sentences, which was used to develop e-learning exercises on the platform. The idea of the computer program was to develop a tool for generating sentences which include only morphemes used in lessons. It can either generate sentences from scratch or determine the acceptability of a given input sentence. In a CALL context, the system works with a lesson-/level-constrained vocabulary and could in the future be integrated into e.g. substitution table or slot filler exercises. It could also be adapted to be used by teachers to generate exercises or by students who can write sentences on the computer and the computer could give feedback if the sentence is grammatically correct and meaningful. As such the program is completely innovative and unique and might also be implemented in other CALL contexts in the future. The partnership of 9 organisations from 6 countries consisted of three schools, two universities, one education NGO and one private company active in the field of education, one education and media company and a publisher. | Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | IO1: Content of the modules | Dissemination material | | IO4: E-learning portal for teachers Multilingualism accelerator | Leaflets Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2017;2017-1-HR01-KA203-035359;;;INSPIRED - Innovative Solutions for Practicality and Impact in Refugee and Migration Oriented Education ;INSPIRED (Innovative Solutions for Practicality and Impact in Refugee and Migration Oriented Education) responds to the need for a specific, multidisciplinary curriculum that would allow specialis...;Migrants' issues, Open and distance learning, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;SVEUCILISTE JOSIPA JURJA STROSSMAYERA U OSIJEKU;HR;HR,UK,HU,LT,NL;200.385,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;"The rationale of this project proposal is based on three strategic objectives: 1) improving the quality and relevance of legal education in the field of refugee and migration oriented education at five European Universities; 2) the introduction of innovative learning methods in legal education such as virtual mobility, strategic use of ICTs, use of open educational resources, open and flexible learning and transnational collaborative learning, and 3) strengthening of the quality of specialized education through international mobility and trans-border cooperation. INSPIRED involves five partner universities: University of Osijek (Croatia), Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania), University of Pcs (Hungary), Inholland University of Applied Sciences (the Netherlands) and London South Bank University (UK). INSPIRED envisages the development of a joint International curriculum on the most acute topics of refugee and migration oriented education through the preparation of 3 sub-modules covering the sub-topics around migration and refugee law. The modules developed will be transformed into an E-Learning platform that will be accessible through open access to other universities and stakeholders in five countries and beyond. The joint curriculum will be tested through delivery of two Intensive Programmes in 2018 (Part I) and 2019 (Part II), which will involve the mobility of students and lecturers of five universities, followed by trans-national research papers of students and research results by lecturers of partner universities in the form of a project publication. INSPIRED project activities will also include lecturers and student mobility, Strategic Partnership Consortium meetings and multiplier events in each project country. Law students in five EU countries include students with different cultural backgrounds, students with special needs facing social obstacles due to health problems, students with fewer opportunities for mobility and coming from disadvantaged areas in project countries) will directly benefit from the project and around 300 other persons will make an indirect use of project results, as e-learning module and publications will be open to students of partner universities and externally to all interested in Life Long Learning programs. Among other project results will be increased mobility of students and lecturers, increased capacities in thematic areas and enhanced trans-border cooperation among partner organisations.";The project will result in the following intellectual outputs: 1) Development of joint and multidisciplinary E-Module on Refugee and Migration Oriented Education (with 3 sub-modules). 2) Delivery of two intensive programmes in Lithuania (C1 Part I/March 2018) and Croatia (C 2- Part II/March 2019). 3) Joint student research papers in the area of Refugee and Migration Oriented Education published. | 4) Joint lecturers research papers in the area of Refugee and Migration Oriented Education published in a project book. The project builds upon proven successful cooperation among partner organizations in delivering courses in the area of Freedom, Security and Justice in a form of three informal intensive programmes in 2013-2015, exchange of lecturers and students and joint research. This project will allow partner universities to apply new multidisciplinary initiatives that multiply and upscale the effect of successful activities to a broader range of beneficiaries, ensure deeper integration of education and institutionalise trans-national cooperation in the format of a joint curriculum, so that sustainability of efforts could be achieved. It will have a positive impact on the participating students, as their access to specialised skills, e-learning will be facilitated and competitiveness in the labour market enhanced. University curricula will be improved through new methods of teaching, including enhanced digital integration in learning as well as student and staff international mobility. The project will impact on the creation of synergies and cross-fertilization of traditional legal education, of the sharing of best practices and real, on-the-job experience of practitioners in the area of refugee and migration oriented education. Results | Website | Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-HR01-KA219-035417;;;A magical dream: Animal assisted therapy for disabled students;"""A magical dream:Animal assisted therapy for disabled students"" project has been carry out in the coordination of Croatia,and in partnership of schools from Turkey,Hungary,North Macedonia and Ital...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Disabilities - special needs, Health and wellbeing;;Osnovna skola Josipa Matosa;HR;HR,IT,TR,MK,HU;110.130,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"""A magical dream:Animal assisted therapy for disabled students"" project has been carry out in the coordination of Croatia,and in partnership of schools from Turkey,Hungary,North Macedonia and Italy.Project duration was 24 months. | In our schools,we have some students with whom are difficulty to handle (eg the ones who need special training,have behavioral disorder and are in difficulty with learning,have hyperactivity and concentration disorder and whose academic success is low).Some animal assisted education methods have been developed to minimize these students' problems by the partner schools.Our aims was to share experience,knowledge,methodology and the best practices in EU level by the way of pulling together with foundings in different countries,to develop occupational talents of different teachers,to compare animal assisted education practices in the schools of project partners and also to share different solution methods and to spread out the best practices.Our targets was:developing the sense of dependence and assuming responsibility of disadvantaged students,to cause them to perceive human-animal bond,to teach responsible pet proprietorship,to increase their concentration,to decrease their worries,to solve their problems about learning,to produce more effective and lasting solutions in order to decrease their bad behaviours;to give students a hand in order to get rid of the troubles that impact their psychology badly,to make them individuals who have an active role in society by developing their knowledge,ability and talent,to spread out the results in EU level by introducing new ideas to the foundings,to explore and describe best practices in education,to prepare a guide of animal assisted education practices and to make other schools use these practices,to develop an awareness in order to generalize animal assisted education practices,to develop the occupational experience and talent of our teachers in animal-aided therapy and practices. From each school,4 or more teachers attended learning-teaching activities in each country.Attendants was teachers and other professionals open for innovation and development,have skills of communication in english and of ICT usage,have students need special training and who want to share their experience with their collegues. ";"The project activities in schools was:sharing good animal-assisted practices in the class setting,seminars of animal-assisted education,therapy practices with the support of experts using horses,cats or dogs,adopting animal,writing short animal stories,child-animal safety and animal care,ect.We used methods such as cooperation, team work, sharing good practices and experiences,campaign and surveys.The students who have any kind of special needs developed themselves in motor and physical skills by the help of the interaction of human-animal.Their talents of having responsibility, solving problems, communication and being social was improved and their anxiety was decreased, their literacy skills and academic success was increase. Teachers increased their skill of coping with problematic students, they gained knowledge and skills in animal assisted education through LTT activities and observing of god practice in different countries, gained professional experience from experts and shared they own experience with their collegues in local and EU level.All schools improved their own teaching approaches and delivering informal lessons through pet therapy; also teachers adopted more practical,fun,active and high quality experiences to allow children to learn, explore and develop social concepts and skills.Teachers also shared good practice and explored new approaches and teaching styles. The students learned how to be responsible pet ownership,gained knowledge about animals,increased self-esteem, their motor and physical skills also developed by the help of human-animal interaction,their literacy skills and related academic and behavioural skills improved,their social,motor and physical skills developed by the help of human-animal interaction. The teachers developed their ability to cope with the students who need special training or who are low in academic performance.Teachers also shared and developed their experience about animal-assisted education,developed their professionalism by the help of cooperation,shared experience in different platforms at national and EU level. | Families was included in project activities which increased quality of cooperation between school and parents and effect positively on students. Through project we developed animal assisted guideline,booklet with examples of god practice and project results,e-book about animal care and animal handling and e-book with animal stories and social stories with animals.All of them are available on web page of project and educational platforms for free. Knowledge and experience that participants,students and teachers,have gained will impress their performance in future positively. Results | Website | | | Feedback from participants | | Feedback from participants on first LTT activities in Croatia | On-line survey-students, parents, teachers | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | A workshop about READ program in Vukovar Library | Workshop about making educational personalized picture e-book | Guideline-Animal Assisted Therapy in the School | Booklet-Animal Assisted Therapy in the school | E-Book: Animal Care and Animal Handling | Example of E-books: Stories with animals | Guideline-Animal Assisted Therapy in the school-ITA | Booklet-Animal Assisted Therapy in the School-ITA | E-Book: Animal Care and Animal Handling - ITA | Guideline-Animal Assisted Therapy in the school - MAK | Booklet-Animal Assisted Therapy in the school - MAK | E-Book-Animal Care and Animal Handling - MAK | Guideline-Animal Assisted Therapy in the School-CRO | Booklet-Animal Assisted Therapy in the School-CRO | E-Book-Animal Care and Animal Handling-CRO | Guideline-Animal Assisted Therapy in the School-TUR | Booklet-Animal Assisted Therapy in the School-TUR | E-Book-Animal Care and Animal Handling-TUR | Guideline-Animal Assisted Therapy in the School-HUN | Booklet-Animal Assisted Therapy in the School-HUN | E-Book-Animal Care and Animal Handling-HUN | Dissemination material | | Newspaper article | On-line portal article | eTwinning project | eTwinning group | Web page of the project | On-line portal video | On-line portal article | On-line portal article | Promotional Poster | Lecture about project on international conference in Oulu, Finland | Article in Book of Abstracts from International conference | Project web page on Josip Matos PS Official web page | Project web page on Szent Imre Katolikus Altalanos Iskola Official web page | Project web page on Istituto Comprensivo di Tavagnacco | Project web page on ""Braka Miladinovci"" PS | Video about project activities in Josip Matos PS | Video about the project | Others | | Lecture and workshops for special education teachers about Project | Lecture about project activities on international conference | Lecture about project activities on conference in Croatia | Lecture about project activities for students of University of Udine | Lecture and workshop about project activities and project results" Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-HU01-KA101-035532;;;j oktatsi mdszerek az FM KASZK-ban;"The projects first aim was to include participants who can gain international experience, knowledge and skills that are capable of developing students to achieve long-term impacts. 11 colleagues...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;FM Kzp-magyarorszgi Agrr-szakkpz Kzpont, Bercsnyi Mikls lelmiszeripari Szakgimnzium, Szakkzpiskola s Kollgium;HU;HU;29.350,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;The projects first aim was to include participants who can gain international experience, knowledge and skills that are capable of developing students to achieve long-term impacts. | 11 colleagues participated on courses abroad, four of them on methodological trainings, seven of them on language courses. We realized the project with the planned courses and host countries. The participants didnt change since the application. | The language and methodological skills of teachers are developed what was very important for our internationalization strategy. By having a basic language knowledge, the collagues can be involved to other projects, they updated their lesson-plans, and they can achive more motivation from the students. Their intercultural, methodological and ICT skills also developed, and they are now able to organize their travels, make a foreign language Europass CV and keep contact with other teachers from abroad. It could raise their motivation and the professional dedication. | In our institutions methodological change occured. The colleagues supported this change with their ecxperiences, motivation and the ready to teach lesson-plans. These lesson-plans are not just available for our teachers but also for other schools and institutions on our online platforms. | The short term effect of the project is the development of the language skills, and thanks to this fact now more and more professional educational documents are available for our teachers, what they can use to teach their own subject. | We feel already our long term effects too. We educate international teachers, who are dedicated to their profession, able to the self-development adapting to the changing needs and social differences all the time. They are able to involve foreign language educational methods to the daily teaching, they can motivate their students to search new information on the internet, what is a basic need of the Z generation. Our dedicated and motivated teachers educate students, whom the learning and experiencing abroad is an important aim and broaden their horizons is needed to their profession.;Those colleagues who participated in a mobiltiy motivated more other colleages to gain experiences in an international environment. In 2017 we had 11 applicants and in 2018 we had 21 teachers wanted to take part, it means the 17,5% of the employees of our institution. Among all the colleagues the experience abroad is considered acknowledged, and we have more and more applicants for the vocational trainings too. | The international environment was a good oppurtunity to present and publicize the results of our institution, we could change experiences about projetcs with other colleagues from abroad, broaden our horizons. | The colleagues know the e-twinning platform and they are participating/participated on some courses. They search for new courses in Hungary and also abroad. | Out of the 11 colleagues, 10 of them are still the employees of our institution and regarding the extreme fluctuation in the vocational education it is a very good result. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-HU01-KA219-035913;;;Move Yourself - Do it Yourself;"CONTEXT AND ACTIVITIES In this project we addressed the issues of learning/teaching to/from each other about creating teaching materials by using different programmes. We were exploring methods a...";Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;Nyregyhzi SZC Sipkay Barna Kereskedelmi, Vendgltipari, Idegenforgalmi Kzpiskolja, Szakiskolja s Kollgiuma;HU;HU,IT,TR,RO,FR;85.550,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level) ;Centro Educativo;;;English;"CONTEXT AND ACTIVITIES | In this project we addressed the issues of learning/teaching to/from each other about creating teaching materials by using different programmes. We were exploring methods and approaches and we were developing materials to motivate students and equip them with life skills necessary in their everyday lives. | The idea was coming from lack of integration of knowledge which are learned in schools. We challenged lack of motivation as the need and we put the development of life skills as the tool by which students and teachers in the case study schools can handle the problem, and do against early school-leaving. | As the project team, the contact persons of the partner schools, we strove and worked on the issue and stated the needs in our schools as; | This partnership focused on the development of practical skills of learners, and on developing creativity through a range of real life ativities. Combination of both practical and theoretical methods were in the focus of this project. | In our project we created practical materials, activities and real situations for those of theoretical knowledge that are given in school curricula. We aimed to connect both types of knowledge and provide real learning. | OBJECTIVES | -Creating an active and happy school environment outside the classes | -Providing real learning | -Developing ICT, Language and Digital skills of students | -Preventing lack of basic skills (literacy, mathematics, language, science, technology) | -Improving self-esteem and self confidence as in all partner schools students seemed to lack confidence to use English for real life communication, to cooperate with their international partners, to present in front of an international group of students and teachers implementing their own ideas, experiences and solving problems. | PARTICIPANTS | Students were the main focus in all stages. Teachers acted as supporters, supervisors and beneficiaries. Administrative staff were also important members as they were arranging administrative and financial issues. Parents and local communities were the side beneficiaries since they were the target group of while we were disseminating our project activities, outputs and results. The parents and local community also took part in the activities. Students were hosted by other host students in each country. | Schools cooperated with other educational institutions and local institutions in their cities so the members of these institutions joined the activities as audiences, they helped in some cases, and university lecturers were also invited to engage students and teachers into relevant subtopics.";"ACTIVITIES | Presentations; Planting and growing trees; flowers and vegetables; Preparing lesson materials (3D); Participating in charity events; Cooking, repairing and doing house works; Running personal budget/ doing own shopping; Taking social responsibility and being volunteer individuals for our environment; Helping children in primary and kindergarten schools; Visiting Old people in the neighbourhood and talking, helping them; Owning a pet and taking theirs responsibilities/building house for them; Cooperating in the lessons and doing peer studies/improving international friendship; Organising recycling activities with peers in the school/in the neighbourhood; Living like disable children and understanding their world, web-site of the project, e-twinning accounts and running partnership | METHODOLOGY | Our aim was to find and implement ways of supporting learners to become responsible, competent and skilled. Due to the poor academic performances of learners we wanted to address their problem solving skills, creativity, work skills and social skills. On the other hand, teachers and trainers needed to benefit from transnational sharing of good practice and learned from each other. | There were 4 LTTA-s in two years and 2 TM-s one in the beginning and one at the end of the partnership. Teachers guided the students to join all kind of activities. Creating a positive synergy in the school environment and impact every member of school. The activities and methodology of the subtopics were prepared by the project team. Working plans were created according to our own school environment and facilities. | IMPACT | The project stimulated multicultural education, the concept of European citizenship and the idea of tolerance. It also encouraged the use and study of foreign languages and the application of modern technologies. Partner schools cooperated with each other during the whole project and met face to face during project meetings to discuss and establish a common approach to issues that appeared in the course of work. We also tried to raise the level of awareness and sensibility of learners towards teenage problems and to offer solutions. We aimed to form self-confident people who think that their voice could be heard and can make a difference not only on local level, but also on European one. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Developing practical skills by recycling | Community building tools | | Creating the project e-twinning site | Dissemination material | | Film about the first meeting | Italian students introductory film | Interview with a disabled boy | Our project shown at a national competition in Romania | Taking care of pets | Erasmus Calendar for parents, children and other participants | Student Magazine 3 on LTTA in Turkey" Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-IE01-KA101-025563;;;Building Gastronomic Bridges / Healthy Eating in Schools;As our project draws to a close our school community have managed to meet the vast majority of the objectives we set for ourselves at the beginning of last year. The first part of our project invo...;Access for disadvantaged, Health and wellbeing, Inclusion - equity;;Carlow Town Educate Together National School;IE;IE;50.655,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;As our project draws to a close our school community have managed to meet the vast majority of the objectives we set for ourselves at the beginning of last year. The first part of our project involved visiting schools in European countries which had a long-standing tradition of providing healthy meals for their children. We visited schools in Austria, France, Germany, Romania and Finland predominantly in urban centers. The second part of our project enabled staff to learn to cook healthy meals from European which in turn they will teach to the children in our new kitchen in September 2019. Our school has a very inclusive environment and, to reflect this, a mixture of teachers, special needs assistants, caretaker, principal and vice principal and administration staff went on both the job-shadowing and cookery courses. 80% of staff went on a mobility and 100% took part in some element of the project. | | The main objective of our project was to educate ourselves on the provision of healthy food for our pupils with a view to enhancing the quality of their educational experience. As we visited schools around Europe which had systems of food provision in place we interviewed teachers, students, principals, chefs, food service providers and parents and tried to use the information gathered to help us approach our planning around school lunches and our healthy eating and well-being policies. | We saw multiple different systems in place and staff gave feedback both formally in staff meetings and informally to each other on ideas they thought would work well in our school. Based on our learning experiences we starting working with our previous school lunch provider during the year to improve things in order to give children a healthier choice of food. | | We made contact with other schools using the e-twinning platform and renewed contact with schools we had worked with on previous Erasmus and Comenius Projects. We visited schools at primary, post-primary and kindergarten levels in order to widen our experience as much as possible. We were quite unused to and impressed by the level of responsibility given to the younger children in many of the schools when it came to mealtimes. At an organisational level we looked at the sources of funding for the school meals which varied from country to country. Our school receives funding from the Department of Social Protection under the DEIS scheme to buy lunch from the children and we currently use an external local provider who delivers the lunch daily. In most of the European schools the parents also contributed to the cost of their children's lunch. In France it was means-tested, in Germany it varied depending on the region. There were a mix of external companies and meals prepared in-house by catering staff employed by the schools. Aside from the practicalities we were also interested in experiencing the attitudes of both staff and pupils in different schools towards food, the time given to eating it and how the part it played in the school day.;The biggest immediate change we have made is changing our food provider to incorporate a food production room in our own school building. It will be run by an outside agency but with local staff, food producers and food from our school garden being used. We found this to be the best model across the schools we visited on our job shadowing activities. This will greatly increase the quality of the school food as it will be freshly prepared, the staff will have immediate feedback from the children and they are able to provide a far wider range of products than our previous provider. From an environmental perspective we will greatly reduce our amount of plastic packaging and food waste. Along with the environmental benefits this change will reduce the production costs and enable us to use more of our budget for better quality food. The new company will provide more varied fresh fruit and vegetable platters, a greater choice of sandwich fillings and also the provision of healthy soup on two days per week, a hot meal for every child one day a week and an increase in the capacity of our breakfast club group. | | Our research also noted the value of school gardens in the relationship children had with food. Many of the schools had some facility to grow some of their own produce and on the cookery courses we were very impressed with the accessibility of fresh ingredients. Seeing the prevalence of fresh local food in the markets in Europe also inspired us to upskill our staff in growing fruit and vegetables on our school grounds. We have invested in a poly-tunnel which will be erected this summer and a group of children (under the guidance of two volunteer parents) will have responsibility to maintain it. Another member of school staff has started cookery lessons with a group of 5th class children after school and is teaching the children how to prepare basic, fresh healthy hot meals for themselves. This will be an on-going project. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-IE01-KA101-025640;;;Language Training;We are a 6 teacher co-educational disadvantaged (DEIS) rural primary school based in the West of Ireland. We strive to provide a well-ordered caring, happy and secure atmosphere where the intellec...;Creativity and culture, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Access for disadvantaged;;St Pauls NS;IE;IE;7.820,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;not available;not available;English;Under our school language policy, we introduced French as a foreign language in all classes in September 2015. This unique learning opportunity has offered pupils a solid foundation in the French language before transferring to secondary school. We aim to give all learners access to a language education programme suited to their motivation, abilities and interests by using a multi sensory approach to teaching and learning. We hope that our competence and performance in French will be greatly improved and thus would give us a greater understanding of the French primary school system and language policies. | | All members of staff have studied French to a Leaving Certificate/A Level standard. Previous immersion courses combined with our existing knowledge of the French language have provided the necessary up-skilling of our staff in delivering a comprehensive language programme for our children. It was of enormous benefit to have 6 members of staff involved in the immersion courses in France as it facilitated in the planning and implementation of a whole school approach to the teaching of French. Our new found confidence in French has enabled us as a staff to embark on a language teaching programme with greater confidence which we hope to build on. Currently, we are using the 'Early Start French' programme and 'Blox-Zone' programme, which are multi-sensory in nature, in all classes. This is complemented by the 'French is Fun' programme for the younger children. We have used varied and creative activities such as 'Les Minions' and other French movies, ICT and other useful educational French websites, acquired on our mobilities to France which have contributed greatly to the linguistic progression and the development of pupils cultural awareness. The experience we gained greatly enhanced our linguistic skills and offered wonderful methodological support to all classroom and special need teachers. However, we need to maintain and build upon our current language skills in order to enhance the children's language acquisition. | | We will implement methodologies that have an inter-cultural approach through skype, email and collaborative language projects with both our neighbouring schools and our e-twinning schools in France. We will continue to organise our annual 'French Week' where we celebrate French language and culture. Our emphasis has been on speaking and listening but we are currently developing our reading and writing skills. We are liaising with French teachers in our local secondary schools and past pupils to facilitate this. We will place more emphasis on ICT tools to facilitate communication and creativity in language learning . Having up-skilled our staff in the use of new methodologies we will implement these strategies throughout our language curriculum. This will have enormous benefits to our pupils, parents and the greater community as our school has disadvantaged status (DEIS). The families will not incur any cost as the teachers will have the competency to deliver this as part of the overall language policy of the school. Now that the programme is established in our school and has been allocated specific curriculum time, it is being evaluated on a regular basis at our staff meetings. Our two special needs teachers are shared with two other schools in a cluster area. The positive impact of this project will be felt by the whole school catchment area which has a total population of 400 people. Our plan was to extend our knowledge of French to a neighbouring primary school which is currently underway. We would aspire to school exchanges and school tours to France in the future. This, using some funding from our disadvantaged status could hopefully become an annual event.;We believe it is vitally important for the school going forward to have real links with the authentic culture of a country when studying the language of that country. Through this mobility project,we would endeavour to enhance our own competence and confidence in French to deliver an exciting and engaging language programme. | | We will continue to network with teaching colleagues through the Mayo Education Centre and we will keep the wider school community updated about our mobility project. | | If Ireland is to become a truly multilingual society where the ability to learn and to use two or more languages is taken for granted, then the foundations for language acquisition need to be fostered at primary level. St. Paul's is attempting to bridge the gap that exists in terms of language policy in Ireland compared to our European colleagues. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2017;2017-1-IE01-KA102-025576;;;GCC/Evora partners in Europe;"This project was an Erasmus+ mobility partnership between Galway Community College in Ireland and Agrupamento de Escolas n 4 de vora in Portugal. Contact persons Tom Flanagan and Ana Pires met...";Access for disadvantaged;;Galway and Roscommon Education & Training Board;IE;IE,PT;41.284,00;Yes;No;National Public body;Administracin;;not available;English;"This project was an Erasmus+ mobility partnership between Galway Community College in Ireland and Agrupamento de Escolas n 4 de vora in Portugal. Contact persons Tom Flanagan and Ana Pires met at the Leargas Connect Conference in Dublin in November 2016 and decided to apply for funding to send students on mobility projects to each others respective colleges. This project was the first Erasmus venture undertaken by Galway Community College which proved very benefical to our students, staff and the wider school community. We decided to launch Erasmus in our College by putting relevant information in local newspapers and in local radio adverts. An Erasmus noticeboard was erected in the main foyer informing students of the opportunity to participate in mobilities. An Erasmus committee was established in the school and the Erasmus co ordinator informed all teachers at a staff meeting about the potential benefits of such projects for students, staff and the teaching and learning environment. All students were informed and given applications to apply for places in their chosen departments. Interviews were set up and a selection criteria was established making the process fair and transparent. 16 students were chosen to travel to Evora with a teacher from each department getting the opportunity to accompany them and meet their educational counterparts in Portugal. The first teacher travelled home after 1 week and another teacher from a related department travelled out for exchange of best practices in vocational education and training and then accompanied our students home. Although teachers involved were travelling as accompanying persons they found the experience very worthwhile and enjoyable, they have built contacts in education and industry and it has allowed them to both learn new teaching methods but also showed them what they are already doing well. The introduction of Erasmus has created a notable ""buzz"" or energy in our college which serves to both attract and retain our students in education. They travelled in October 2017 and October 2018. We applied for two accompanying staff due to the fact that most of our students would be considered vulnerable learners and have little or no experience in foreign travel.";We selected students from the following courses TV and Film, Horticulture, Sports and Bio medical/ Laboratory skills. students from these departments travelled to Evora to learn new skills and competencies in the classroom and practical college based sessions. College learning took place on their first day. They then carried out work placements. 2 sports students worked with a local professional Sports company Desafio Sul. 2 students worked with TV company GMT Productions. 2 students worked at a local Vineyard and at E Cork hotel. 2 students worked inn a local water and blood laboratory. All these companies have a close working relationship with our host college. Students gained accreditation for QQI level 5 course module in Work experience and received a certificate of completion. Staff participated in the exchange of best practice in vocational education training which contributed towards their continuous professional development. Participants learned new skills and competencies that increased their ability to progress in education and obtain future employment. Students developed greater social and inter personal skills. As a result of this mobility students have increased confidence, ambition and a greater sense of the European labor market. The Impact was assessed through evaluation forms, supervisor reports and student surveys. Dissemination activities of project results included displaying information on the school website and face-book page, through local media and information sharing seminars with other schools and colleges within the GRETB. Erasmus Noticeboards informing students, staff and the general public about impacts were erected in our college. There was a significant impact from our participation in Erasmus+ projects at learner, staff and organisational level. An Internationalization strategy and policy was put in place at Galway Community College. Both staff and students have built European networks in education and industry. A European identity has been fostered by students and staff at GCC. This Erasmus project started our journey in Europe and we are continuing to build European social and cultural capital. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility with VET mobility charter;2017;2017-1-IE01-KA116-025639;;;Mobility Abroad for Knoweldge and Exdperience;"Context/background pf the project objectives: GTI is a committed participant in the Erasmus+ program and has engaged with over 40 European partners. GTI has a proven track record of collaboratio...";;;Galway and Roscommon Education & Training Board;IE;IE;264.424,00;Yes;No;National Public body;Administracin;;not available;English;Context/background pf the project objectives: | GTI is a committed participant in the Erasmus+ program and has engaged with over 40 European partners. GTI has a proven track record of collaboration and partnership to meet local, national and European needs. The provision of student & staff mobility opportunities across the EU will remain a core activity of the Erasmus+ program at GTI and part of our internationalisation strategy. This project allowed us to work with 18 different project partners in Europe. | | Number and type/profile of participants: The application was for the following: | Activity A1 Flow: 89 participants representing the ten GTI departments will be involved. | Activity A2 Flow: 17 GTI staff training / Work shadowing / CPD | Activity A3 Flow: 34 Accompanying persons | | During this KA1 project timeframe, we sent 87 students on work placement, 16 staff on work shadowing placements and 24 teachers as accompanying persons with our students. The staff work shadowing number was significantly higher than the 5 we had planned for in our KA1 E+ Charter application. | | Description of undertaken activities: | | Student activities: The following student groups undertook their E+ placements (2-4 weeks duration) from October 2017 - May 2018. | -Sports students to Scotland where they worked for two weeks at New College Lanarkshire | -Fashion students to Tenerife. Students applied their learning to real life by working on costumes for the Tenerife Carnival (the 2nd largest carnival outside of Rio) | -Art/Animation students to Finland where they worked in museums, animation companies and colleges. | -Media students to Finland & Scotland where they had the opportunity to use industry standard media equipment for three weeks. | -Hair/Beauty students to Scotland and Tenerife where they worked in 4*/5* hotels applying theory to practice in real salons. | -Healthcare students to Madrid: Students worked in a busy hospital in Alcala de Henares outside of Madrid. | -Nursing students to Sweden. This was a new placement organised after meeting the project manager from Hudiksval College at a thematic seminar in Dublin. Students worked in a busy hospital setting. | -IT students to Poland: Students worked in large organisation using various programming languages and learning about artificial intelligence. | -Business students to Spain (Tenerife, Ceuta, Portugal and the UK). A large cohort of students worked in small to medium enteprises and hospitals working in administration, marketing and human resources. | | Staff work shadowing: All GTI staff were asked to express interest in taking part in work shadowing to the UK, Portugal, Turkey and Denmark in June 2018. We had a very high level of interest in this opportunity. | -UK: 3 staff members from different GTI departments (Business, Art & Health) completed a work shadowing placement at South Devon College - the largest Further Ed. college in the UK. They observed classes and had the opportunity to experience working in the busy marketing department at the college. | -Turkey: 8 staff members from different departments (Career Guidance, Business, Art, Senior Management, Design, Media and Beauty) at GTI completed work shadowing placements at two different Turkish partners both of whom GTI has previously worked with. Staff from our Media department worked in the Media department at Aydin Dogan Media College where they work shadowed their peers. Staff from various departments had the opportunity to work in ISMEK with a college population of 300,000 in Istanbul. | -Denmark: 3 staff members (Sport, IT and Social Sciences) carried out their work shadow placements at a partner college in Viborg, Denmark where they had the opportunity to work alongside their counterparts. | -Portugal: 2 staff members (Senior Management) completed their work shadow placements in Portugal with a long standing project partner where they experienced ICT approaches and management approaches in a similar environment.;Results & Impact attained: | | Results: | - Increased transferable skills for our learners | - Development of vocational skills and cultural empathy | - GTI is delighted to be able to offer almost 10% of our learners the opportunity to work abroad. | - European partnership development and cross sectoral strategic initiatives. | | Impact attained: | - Increased confidence in working abroad for both staff and learners | - Development of European project management awareness by GTI staff. | -Systemic improvements in managing large scale KA1 projects. | - Increased job satisfaction and job motivation for staff at GTI. | - Improved vocational and transferable skills. | - Re design of curricular areas as a result of staff work shadowing | - Supporting other Further Education colleges and transnational partners in developing their internationalization strategies. | | Longer term: The longer term benefits of our European project engagement is linked to our internationalisation strategy. We aim to continue to develop strategic links with our partners in the future. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2017;2017-1-IE01-KA201-025692;;; Intercultural Education in Primary Schools, ;Education shall be directed to the full development of human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. (UNESCO, Intercultural Education).There are ...;Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Inclusion - equity;;The Gaiety School of Acting, The National Theatre School of Ireland;IE;IE,DE,FR;242.321,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Adult education;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"Education shall be directed to the full development of human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. (UNESCO, Intercultural Education).There are number of effective ways to tackle child inequality. The role of education in integrating migrants and enhancing social cohesion appears to have been accepted and recognised at official level. While the inability of current school systems to tackle this issue is now recognised. The progress is being made at policy level, as far as practice is concerning. | | The ""Grow from Seeds"" programme will facilitate an intercultural dialogue and explore social inclusion in modern Europe within our primary school education system. This cross European project will nurture a creative and artistic response to the ever changing needs, demands and issues of living in a multicultural society as seen through the experiences and creativity of our young children. By tackling these issues at an early age in a fun, educational and innovative way we can generate greater understanding and teach our children to celebrate their commonalities and embrace each others differences. | | The ""Grow from Seeds"" Project will be developed in three stages: | | THE Play ""Seeds"" will be created to address and explore the issue of social inclusion on a new multicultural Europe, particularly among young children, through the medium of visual arts, storytelling and creative drama. The initial phase is specifically designed to be performed in primary schools (Germany, France and Ireland) . This first staging will allow teachers and children to familiarize themselves with the shows essence and format in order to facilitate; ""Grow from Seeds"" Programme | | YEAR ROUND PROGRAMME/Course for teachers in Ireland accredited by Dept. of Education and Skills. The year round programme and play will : | | -encourage assertive behaviour, | -building greater empathy and confidence | -raise awareness among children, youth and adults (the play will be for the school community including parents/guardians) | -build a collaborative classroom environment | -develop creative thought and expression in children | -gain a sense of confidence in their ability to engage | -cultivate their reflective skills | -teach on intercultural skills (INCA model) | | THE STORYBOOK-Having experienced the show, grasped its essence and participated in ongoing class based drama, writing and art workshops, the schools are then invited to stage the play in a new school, mapping the journey of the project and the creativity of the children involved. The aim of each story is to show people learning how its our differences that make the world and our society such an interesting place but its how we cooperate that keeps it turning. | | This project will be implemented and developed with cross European partners. Grow from Seeds is a multi-faceted project with enormous potential, opening up a mutually beneficial and creative dialogue around the topic of multi- culturalism, identity and social inclusion. | | The target groups to be addressed are: | | - pupils in primary schools | - Primary school teachers/ Principals/policy makers and Professionals | | The project is carried out by a partnership made of theatre company, acting school, charity and 3 primary schools . Together we will develop an education programme using active learning methods, creative drama, visual arts, to raise awareness amongst pupils of their human rights, challenging social exclusion and building empathy amongst pupils. Outputs will include an E-Book outlining context and theory of intercultural education, the Handbook on the play, the Handbook on the Education Programme will provide a step by step guide on how to deliver the programme consisting of play and year round programme to the target audience.";"A report on participants' experience of taking part in the programme will provide insight into the actual workings of the programme. The lessons learned report will provide a platform for sharing knowledge with wider community. Capturing and using lessons will allow other stakeholders learn from our previous experience thus avoid re-inventing the wheel; help stakeholders at different levels understand the relevance of activities in the intercultural education, thus improving collaboration and coordination; inform decision-makers to help promote a more enabling environment in the prevention of social exclusion. | | A common need of all of the partner organizations in this proposed project is to find new ways to educate, and provide teachers and pupils with the skills to protect themselves and those they educate. The impact envisaged is wider awareness amongst pupils of their rights, increased intercultural skills and understanding of diverse society and new teaching methods for teachers and wider community. | Results | Direct effect on participants and project partners | | Sharing Knowledge Explore ways of integrating Intercultural Education into the classroom. | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | ""Grow to Show"" Handbook | ""The Seeds"" Handbook for teachers | Toolkit for Teachers- Evaluation tools | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | Context, Theoretical Approaches & Best Practices in Intercultural Education in Primary Schools- EBook" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-IE01-KA202-025699;;;Pop-Up Shop Helper;The PUSH PROJECT is designed with the aim of developing a unique innovative entrepreneurial training product to help those in the creative/artistic sector to make the transition from creativity to...;Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Creativity and culture, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education;;MULLINGAR EMPLOYMENT ACTION GROUP;IE;IE,PL,ES,LT,EL;209.943,17;Yes;No;Non-governmental organisation/association/social enterprise;ONG;;;English;The PUSH PROJECT is designed with the aim of developing a unique innovative entrepreneurial training product to help those in the creative/artistic sector to make the transition from creativity to commercialization. Many of the participants that were interviewed by PUSH confirmed that prior education or training in their chosen art/craft did not include any components relating to how to monetize their output. The statistics within this target group make for uncomfortable reading. Almost a third of visual and applied artists earn less than 6,000 a year from their creative work, according to a survey conducted by Artists' Interaction and Representation (AIR). 57% of the 1,457 respondents said that less than a quarter of their total income was generated by their art practices.The training provided through the PUSH Project is developed around how to set up a pop-up shop, through a step by step guide, case studies and interviews with pop-up shop creators. Pop-up retail is the temporary use of physical space to create a long term, lasting impression with potential customers, offering the initiator a low-cost, low-risk opportunity to test the market, get product feedback and make some money, at the same time showcasing vacant property.The course is delivered in two complementary components available online through the specifically developed web platform ( ;The PUSH e-Learning course and the PUSH game.E-learning CourseThe course has 5 sections each dealing with a different topic relating to the main points you need to know about when setting up a pop-up shop. These 5 topics were chosen based on interviews with over 100 makers at varying stages in their career. Each section is followed by a short quiz. The questions recapping on the section to reinforce what has been learned. Additional resource with the online materials include info-graphics, videos and worksheets.Section 1: Introduction to Pop-up shopSection 2: Planning and OrganisationSection 3: Management and MarketingSection 4: Evaluation of a pop-up shopSection 5: Personal developmentGame-based platformThe Gamed-based platform is based on PUSH Training Course is available online adds a different dimension to the e-learning course, allowing the student to understand the dynamics and consequences if decisions and resource trade-offs that the entrepreneur must make. In this way a greater understanding of commercial activity and work/life balance is achieved through playing the game. For people who have different learning styles the combination of online modules and game-play offers the chance to learn in a fun and interactive way. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | PUSH Modules for E-Learning Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2017;2017-1-IE01-KA204-025696;;;Ethical Media for Active Citizens;The proliferation of mass media and new technologies has brought about decisive changes in human communication processes and behaviour. This fact has been recognised by global and European institu...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Social dialogue, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Dublin North East Community Communications Cooperative Society Ltd;IE;IE,DE,AT,ES,BE;85.306,00;Yes;No;Civil Society Organisation;Asociacin;;;English;The change in the media landscape has also impacted the role and social, professional and ethical responsibilities of journalists. The partners in this project will develop a training resources delivering media literacy tools while providing citizens and media activists with valuable competences to face very topical challenges presented to both, media producers and audiences (fake news/alternative facts, infomercials vs. information, freedom of speech and hate speech, diversity and pluralism in media, production values and content placement). Furthermore, all the resources and relevant document are now available in the project online training platform ( that is accessible to the general public and that could be used as a e-learning tool or as a training resource.;"The training course will have two main objectives in terms of the most important learning outcomes and we also feel that the awareness and skills that will be acquired through the activities are transferable to other aspects of the professional and social life of participants: 1) Sensitisation for the sources and premises of media products. Truth isn't the truth at all. Being honest while producing media content and depicting the facts best of one's knowledge and belief may not be enough to produce ""true"" content. Every author and every editor has personal bias, premises, views of the world. We are all affected by our family and social backgrounds, our society and context, our language and political or religious beliefs. We can not change that and neither should we, but it's vitally important for anyone in journalism to be permanently aware of these restrictions. To instill that heightened awareness of self in the learners is one of the main objectives of the training resources as it is in media literacy training in general. 2) Specific tools directed at helping journalists argue against false premises, hate speech elements in media products The second objective of this project is to build tools for the training course, that specifically help the learners to use this awareness in their journalistic work. Recognising false premises (about an event or a group of people, etc) and disrespectful or even misanthropic language is the first step. We have developed activities countering such media output in an appropriate way, with thoughtful argument and analysis. We believe that these resources enable learners to counter this kind of content without resorting to just take the other side and getting caught in the populist trap by using the same conversational techniques and in a way reinforcing exactly the biased and prejudicial way of communicating they were aiming to counter." Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2017;2017-1-IE02-KA203-000545;;;Disablist Bullying - Experience into Change, providing the right support services ;Disablist bullying is a complex and layered issue that crosses from child to adult level, often because ID/SEN individuals have not been sufficiently prepared to cope with such issues as marginali...;Disabilities - special needs, Inclusion - equity;;DUBLIN CITY UNIVERSITY;IE;IE,IT,PT,ES;251.542,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;not available;English;Within this project then, the partners operating at higher education level, aim to combine research, best practice and cross-disciplinary (educational, psychological, sociological) modern pedagogical approaches (eLearning, partner learning, and peer learning) with widely used technological means (Internet, apps, multi-media,) in order to provide comprehensive cross-national insight into research, policy and practice in regards to disablist bullying that will form the basis of a report with policy recommendations but also, and most pertinently, create an online repository sharing research, best practice and host partner developed training course materials, including multi-media material, that will form a cross-partner trialled and evaluated course for the prevention and intervention of disablist bullying aimed at and piloted cross-nationally with 100 participants across both those with SEN, and student teachers/teachers/and professional trainers, who will work and learn together.;In creating this course, and supplying online the materials (written & multimedia) required to implement it elsewhere, alongside access to the partner networks/expertise in an on going basis, this project will provide timely, innovative and continuing support to both learners with disabilities/special needs and those who seek to educate/work with them in order to tackle bullying issues, improve socialisation, reduce marginalisation and ease both their lives in school and their migration into adulthood and the working world, to allow them to enjoy fully rounded lives and contribute more widely to society. It will also provide support to and educate, educators and trainers in promoting equity, diversity, and inclusion in learning through educational institutions and wider society, via more in-depth understanding and work with SEN individuals, and the provision of training/educational materials. At the local level the impact of this project will be felt most directly in schools and workplaces and in changing/enhancing the personal/professional lives of those that undertake the coursework/training. At a regional and national level the advertising, recruitment and dissemination process for the project will alert, educate and involve schools, workplaces and stakeholder institutions (e.g. SEN advocacy groups, Teacher Unions, Work Unions, Parent Organisations) to the work being done, encouraging them to utilise their networks in turn to further advertise the project and educate its members as to the outcomes. In addition, the report with associated policy recommendations will be disseminated to all stakeholders including regional and national governmental authorities. This will ensure a promotion and dissemination of the project and project results across decision makers at different levels. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-IS01-KA104-026443;;;Technology, Activities, Skills and Knowledge;The objectives were to learn from experiences and good practices of others by using ICT, new thinking in cooperation between the labor market and educational system and intercultural methodology. ...;Migrants' issues, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;MIMIR-SIMENNTUN EHF;IS;IS;18.800,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Adult education;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;The objectives were to learn from experiences and good practices of others by using ICT, new thinking in cooperation between the labor market and educational system and intercultural methodology. | Mimir has a special focus on the use of ICT with the purpose of facilitating studies for students, increasing ICT skills, strengthening connections with the labor market, adapting courses and teaching methodology. Cooperation with the Directorate of Labor and unions is important in serving the unemployed and low skilled workforce, increasing cultural sensitivity and introducing migrants into Iceland. | 8 people from Mimir participated and attended 4 courses, 2 to each course (project managers/teachers, study and career counsellors). Most of them have a MA-degree in teaching or study and career counseling and have taken part in European projects before. The plan was to seek best practice, new knowledge and skills through courses in European institutions. They supported each other during the course, when implementing new skills and especially when disseminating new knowledge to coworkers. | The first course was Creating an e-learning platform and a website in one week . Participants learned how to use Weebly, Wix or Wordpress, Moodle and Edmondo to create websites and e-learning sites, how to boost learners motivation through using new technologies, how to deliver blended courses and combine face-to-face education with virtual learning. | The second course was When school and labor market meet: dual education and | work-based learning. Participants got acquainted with the basic concepts and trends about dual education and learned about concrete strategies and best practices to integrate work-based learning into education. Mimir has some experience of combining job-related courses with on the job training but wanted improvement. | The third course was: Introducing Project Based Learning in the Classroom . Experience of the PBL method is limited in Mimir and collaboration among students is often up to chance, a situation which can be improved by teachers and trainers knowledge of how to engage and motivate students. It has benefited Mimir to be provided with the necessary tools and ideas for planning and implementing PBL. | Diversity and Inter-cultural Learning in the Classroom was the fourth course. An increasing number of migrants in Iceland has put some strain on the population and created a need for knowledge of how to confront stereotypes, personal prejudices and develop cultural sensibilities. Also, to learn new approaches to education is applied to culturally diverse classrooms.;The objectives were to learn from experiences and good practices of others by using ICT, new thinking in cooperation between the labor market and educational system and intercultural methodology. | Mimir has a special focus on the use of ICT with the purpose of facilitating studies for students, increasing ICT skills, strengthening connections with the labor market, adapting courses and teaching methodology. Cooperation with the Directorate of Labor and unions is important in serving the unemployed and low skilled workforce, increasing cultural sensitivity and introducing migrants into Iceland. | 8 people from Mimir participated and attended 4 courses, 2 to each course (project managers/teachers, study and career counsellors). Most of them have a MA-degree in teaching or study and career counseling and have taken part in European projects before. The plan was to seek best practice, new knowledge and skills through courses in European institutions. They supported each other during the course, when implementing new skills and especially when disseminating new knowledge to coworkers. | The first course was Creating an e-learning platform and a website in one week . Participants learned how to use Weebly, Wix or Wordpress, Moodle and Edmondo to create websites and e-learning sites, how to boost learners motivation through using new technologies, how to deliver blended courses and combine face-to-face education with virtual learning. | The second course was When school and labor market meet: dual education and | work-based learning. Participants got acquainted with the basic concepts and trends about dual education and learned about concrete strategies and best practices to integrate work-based learning into education. Mimir has some experience of combining job-related courses with on the job training but wanted improvement. | The third course was: Introducing Project Based Learning in the Classroom . Experience of the PBL method is limited in Mimir and collaboration among students is often up to chance, a situation which can be improved by teachers and trainers knowledge of how to engage and motivate students. It has benefited Mimir to be provided with the necessary tools and ideas for planning and implementing PBL. | Diversity and Inter-cultural Learning in the Classroom was the fourth course. An increasing number of migrants in Iceland has put some strain on the population and created a need for knowledge of how to confront stereotypes, personal prejudices and develop cultural sensibilities. Also, to learn new approaches to education is applied to culturally diverse classrooms. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2017;2017-1-IT01-KA102-005972;;;The Work Based Learning process in European Vocational / Educational Training, through Better Social and Economic Strategic Outcome for Youth Employability in the Tourism Sector;The Project was realized in observance of the Strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training (ET 2020), meaning in particular the Strategic Target 1 training periods ...;Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;Istituto professionale di stato per i servizi alberghieri della ristorazione e turistici;IT;IT,EL,BG,ES,DE,UK,FI,CY;498.255,97;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"The Project was realized in observance of the Strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training (ET 2020), meaning in particular the Strategic Target 1 training periods abroad should be a norm and in the guidelines of the conference Work-based Learning 2020 of the NetWBL-Network, held in Berlin on 28th and 29th of June of 2016. The VET National Consortium has fostered and used the tools of the Work-based Learning Toolkit-Platform and has connected the Learning outcomes that were achieved by the participants, and that were reported in the ECVET Learning Agreement, to the pertinent ADA of the Repertorio Nazionale ""Atlante del Lavoro e delle Qualificazioni"", coherent with the DGR no. 834 of 07/25/2016 Integrated system of certification of skills and recognition of credits in vocational training. The project WBL.StrategicSkills@VetTourism.EU has enhanced the work based learning pathways, increasing the employability, both on international and local level, of the enterprises operating in the touristic sector that were damaged by the economic crisis and also by the recent earthquakes. Erasmus internships were integrated as curricular and the post-project report highlighted a higher employability rate of participants. It supplied new teaching skills to the teachers regarding the handling of the WBL itself: in some cases there were English courses for teachers and in CLIL. VET.N.C promoted the mobility in the ECVET field and updated 8 MoUs with the Host Company, for the 5 Qualifications of the 100 learners. The VET.NC, structured in 5 ""Educational Districts"" made up of a VET, a Trade Union and a Local Administration, was coordinated by the Istituto Alberghiero di Spoleto assisted by a Media Partner who disseminated its activities in the media and in social media. The INTERNATIONAL NETWORK is composed by 9 Hosting VET Companies, located in ES, BG, UK, DE, GR, FI and CY, and by more than 48 enterprises operating in the sectors of hospitality, food and beverage, tourism, food farming and environment. The PARTICIPANTS were 100 students of the last 3 years of high school, 15 of them with special needs (4 of them belonging to group H people with lower form of disabilities) and 20 with less opportunities coming from the rural area of Valnerina. 36 teachers participated as well (21 from the VETc and 15 from the enterprises consortium or local bodies + 1 at the expense of the coordinator) in training: CLIL for Tourism Sector, School Management and Teaching Skills for WBL. Two representatives of English enterprises teached for one week in Italy the application of the didactic methodologies to the VET.N.C. Network. The specific TARGETS were satisfied concerning 1) a WBL experience abroad, that developed competences and that increase employability of the learners, both abroad and in Umbria; 2) the training of the Staff, which allowed to start with modules in English language and CLIL; 3) an improvement of the relationships between local VET districts with international partners. The preparatory ACTIVITIES involves 100 STUDENTS with their families, 36 TEACHERS, 14 TUTORS, 5 EXECUTIVES and all the members of VET.N.C. 7 different language courses were organized, one for each country of destination, as well as orientation meetings and seminars on strategic competences. All 100 Students completed their full mobility period. During this time they were monitored and evaluated using the ECVET-System and certificated with EuroPass Mobility and Supplements. The ECVET-Credits were transferred in the school context and in the agreements with the enterprises and the Universities. The 36 Teachers have done co-teaching activities and have designed new modules in CLIL. The outputs were enhanced and shared with the other VETc and have been introduced in the new PTOF 2019-2020.";COMMUNICATION. Umbria Journal and Regional RAI-TV gave visibility to the project. Videos and interwies were made and spread through the medias, the social networks and in both local and abroad seminars. A new platform was created: Erasmus+ tools Instructions for Use, dedicated to both participants and teachers/tutors, available on the site of the intermediary agency Umbria Training Center. IMPACT. The project fostered the employability of 36 from 47 students of the last high school class, 9 of them are employed abroad with a regular contract. VET.N.C. has been opened to all the VETc of the region, made agreements with companies trade unions, strengthen the relationship with the Chamber of Commerce of Perugia and with the local department for education of the Umbria Region. For 4 of 5 qualifications were activated modules in English language and CLIL. The VETc have given tasks to their representatives for internationalization. The incoming orientation, awarded with the Erasmus Best Practice, has produced a significant increase of enrolments among the VETc of the VET.N.C. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-IT01-KA202-006108;;;A Valueable Network;"CONTEXT OF THE PROJECT IDENTIFIED NEEDS 0,1% of European citizens are now living with ID (prevalence of people with Down Syndrome is 1/2000). Average life expectancy of these individual...";Access for disadvantaged, Inclusion - equity, Disabilities - special needs;;Associazione italiana persone down onlus;IT;IT,DE,PT,HU,ES,TR;166.964,69;Yes;No;Non-governmental organisation/association/social enterprise;ONG;;;English;"CONTEXT OF THE PROJECT | | IDENTIFIED NEEDS | 0,1% of European citizens are now living with ID (prevalence of people with Down Syndrome is 1/2000). | Average life expectancy of these individuals has increased; it is now around 60. | The right to work is getting crucial to ensure their independent living and self-determination. People with ID face a much higher unemployment rate than the rate applied to the general population. | Furthermore, the vast majority have never experienced any form of vocational training and this is a further limit to their access to the labour market. | Hospitality companies and VET providers for people with ID are two ""worlds"" which are still strangers. | | DATA | According to US disability statistics (2015), only 25,6 % of the labour force with ID is employed (76% of non-disabled ). | In UK (2016) people with ID have the lowest employment rate among all disabilities (only 23,9%). (House of Commons briefing paper 7540, 14/12/2016). | | OVERALL OBJECTIVE | Facilitate the access of European citizens with ID to VET and employment in the hospitality sector, through long- lasting collaborative partnership between VET agencies and employers. | | PURPOSE | Increased capacity of both sides of the network-VET providers and hospitality companies- to operate together both atlocal and at transnational level aiming at job inclusion of trainees with ID. | | OPERATIONAL OBJECTIVES | Strenghtening the network | Exchange of good practice mainly between VET providers and hospitality organisations . | *Sharing ideas, practices, methods and tools (app for trainees ,videos for their colleagues, e learning for hotel/restaurant managers): | +Focused project meetings and monthly Skype meetings. | +Tutored internships abroad of trainees with ID | *Awareness raising of the managers of partner organisations belonging to the hospitality sector about the opportunity and feasibility of job inclusion of people with ID | +on line training resources | +study visits abroad . | | NUMBER AND PROFILE OF PARTICIPANTS | Main beneficiaries of the project have been: | + 12 trainees with ID, who had their intership abroad; | + 12 hospitality managers who took part in the study visit; | + 30 hospitality managers who attended the learning course.";"ACTIVITIES | Strengthening the network | a. Structuring its governance and ensuring its sustainability | b. Facilitating dialogue among the different partners, expecially those belonging to different ""worlds""also by promoting exchanges at many levels (managers, professionals and trainees) | c. Drafting guidelines for internships of people with ID at ""home"" and abroad and study visits of managers to learn good practice. | d. Providing e learning resources for managers and staff about job inclusion of people with ID | e. Promoting internships of trainees with intellectual disabilities in a hospitality company abroad. | f. Organising Study visits of hotel managers to hospitality companies as examples of good practice | g. Producing an e learning course for hospitality managers in 7 languages with evaluation questionnaires. | h. Advertising the network through social media, interviews at the TV and radio, speeches at meetings (UN in NY as well) | | METHODOLOGY | Strengthening the network: facilitating contacts among members, ensuring visibility to its members and testing the system through internships and study visits. | Extending the network: diffusion of the Valueable-handing opportunities registered trade mark, to encourage the commitment of managers. Awareness raising of managers of potential members. Agreements with relevant stakeholders. | Vocational training of people with ID: training on the job at home and internships abroad. Diffusion of the On my own at work app. Training of their colleagues with the videotutorials. | | RESULTS ACHIEVED | 14 trainees abroad. Instead of 12. Half of them went to Axis Porto and the other half went to Hotel Meli Milano. During the project, the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Hamburg made itself available for hosting an internship of two youngsters from Campobasso (Italy). | 12 managers took part in two study visits abroad. 6 Italians went to Porto (Axis Hotel) and 4 Portuguese, one German and one Turkish managers went to Milano (Hotel Meli). Thus 2 visits of 6 people were organised instead of three of four people. | 30 managers trained with e-learning and coming from 6 different countries. Results | Website |" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-IT01-KA202-006158;;;"CERASMUS+ Ceramics E+KA2 project for networking, heritage and innovation";"CONTEXT CERASMUS is placed in the context of VET education and training efforts for the European ceramic industry sector, characterised by micro-enterprises and self-employed artisans. The proje...";Enterprise, industry and SMEs (incl. entrepreneurship), Creativity and culture ...;;TIBER UMBRIA COMETT EDUCATION PROGRAMME;IT;IT,ES,CZ,HU,FI,PL;299.535,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;"CERASMUS is placed in the context of VET education and training efforts for the European ceramic industry sector, characterised by micro-enterprises and self-employed artisans. The project aimed to support upskilling and reskilling, experimenting work-based learning approach and technological innovation. | | OBJECTIVES The main objectives of the project have been : | a) creating a European networking of ceramics stakeholders, starting from the Partner Countries; | b) combining ceramics tradition with innovative design and production techniques, experimenting also additive manufacturing; | c) revising and innovating vocational education in the ceramics sector through work based learning and systematising the results in set of curricula. | | PARTICIPANTS | The project has involved 8 Partners from 6 EU Countries. TUCEP, The Coordinator (IT), AEuCC Agrupacin Europea de Cooperacin Territorial Ciudades de la Cermica (Es), International Ceramics Studio ICS (HU), V. Cal High School Institute (IT), Forssa Vocational Institute (FI), Masarykova Stredn Skola Letovice (CZ), Zesp_ Szk_ Oglnokszta_c_cych i Zawodowych (ZSOIZ, Poland) and The Ceramics School Of Manises (ES) | | Target groups have included: | - I-VET students; | - Ceramics professionals and craft businesses; | - VET trainers; | - VET providers willing to improve the quality of their educational offer; e) organizations in the field of culture, art and ceramics heritage; | - other parties interested in protect and develop the ceramic craft. ACTIVITIES | The project has been articulated in different activities that can be collected in three main phases. As first step Partners have carried out at national level an on-field analysis to explore in a direct and updated approach the needs for competences and outlining the sector development also through networking, protection of immaterial heritage and innovation. | | The second step has been the design and development of a virtual environment addressing the ceramics key actors and stakeholders. The area has been (and will be) useful to discuss the main issues emerged from the assessment stage and to open a permanent forum and assuring closer cooperation. | Finally, Partners have tested, through pilot courses delivered at national level, specific curricula for initial and continuous vocational training, focused on work-based learning approach and aimed at gaining transversal and professional competences for the improvement of the ceramic sector value chain. | | The Cerasmus+ project has developed six specific curricula. For both I-VET and C-VET, the curricula have focused on the areas of innovation, urban environment and start-ups. In total 22 teaching units have been drafted, and for each of these three areas there are study plan explaining which units relate to I-VET learners and which relate to C-VET learners. | The Partners have delivered the pilot courses from summer and autumn of 2019, in which all three topic areas were tested, both for I-VET learners and for C_VET learners. The six training curricula have been divided up amongst the Partners and the testing phase has been implemented as follows: | - Escuela de Arte y Superior de Cermica de Manises (EASCM, Spain): Urban environment for C-VET. | - Istituto Superiore Secondario (V Calo, Italy): Tradition and Innovation for I-VET. | - Forssan ammatti-instituutti (FAI, Finland): Urban environment for I-VET. | - MSSL Masarykova st_edn _kola Letovice, p_sp_vkov organizac (Czech Republic): Tradition and Innovation for C-VET. | - ZSOIZ (Poland): Business start-up for I-VET. | - ICS (Hungary): Tradition and Innovation for C-VET. | - TUCEP involving Liceo Artistico ""Magnini "" Deruta I - VET";"RESULTS AND IMPACT | The main outputs of the project are: | a) an Assessment of training needs in ceramic sector; | b) a Training Curricula set for Initial and Continuing VET; | c) Guidelines for the ceramic sector development. | These products are at disposal to everyone interested in education and training in ceramic industry and are the basis for further initiatives and projects. | Moreover, the project has led to: a) the consolidation of a transnational Partnership for VET improvement in the ceramics sector; b) the experimenting of online activities and additive manufacturing approaches in ceramics education and training; c) raising awareness among young workers and students about new opportunities in the ceramic industry. | | LONGER-TERM BENEFIT It is expected improved opportunities of employment and occupation in the ceramic sector, in the project Partner Countries, in particular for the participants in the pilot training activities. The project will contribute to the education and professional mobility with a wider positive impact in the professional area at European level and with a diffusion of the work-based learning experiences. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | IO3. CERASMUS+ educational model and open educational resources | IO4 Guidelines | IO3. CERASMUS+ educational model and open educational resources | IO3 - CERASMUS+ Educational Model - ES Language | IO4 Guidelines - Spanish Language | IO4 Guidelines - PL Language | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | IO1 - National Survey | IO1 - National Report Italian Language | IO1 - National report Spain - Eng | IO1 - National report Spain - Spanish Language | IO1 - National Report Czech Republic - ENG | IO1 - National Report Czech Republic - Cz | IO1 - National Report Poland - ENG | IO1 - National Report Poland - Polish Language | IO1 - National Report Hungary - ENG | IO1 - National Report Hungary - HU Language | IO1 - Assessment of training needs in the ceramic sector - Transnational Report | IO1 - Assessment of training needs in the ceramic sector - Transnational Report | IO1 - Assessment of training needs in the ceramic sector - Transnational Report - ES Language | IO1 - Assessment of training needs in the ceramic sector - Transnational Report - FI Language | IO1 - Assessment of training needs in the ceramic sector - Transnational Report - CZ Language | IO1 - Assessment of training needs in the ceramic sector - Transnational Report - PL Language | IO1 - Assessment of training needs in the ceramic sector - Transnational Report - HU Language | IO1 - National Report Finland - Eng | IO1 - National report Finland - Finnish Language | Partnerships and cooperations | | CERASMUS+ Networking Platform | Dissemination material | | DISS - Brochure - Eng | DISS - Brochure - IT | DISS - Brochure - FI | DISS - Brochure - ES | DISS - Brochure - CZ | DISS - Brochure - PL | DISS - Brochure - HU | DISS - Press release English | DISS - Press release Spanish | DISS - Newsletter Italian May 2018 | DISS - Press realease HU 12.18 | DISS - Press realease HU April 19 | DISS - Press realease HU Aug 19 | DISS - Press realease HU | DISS - Press realease HU conference | DISS - Press realease HU Dec18 | DISS - Press realease HU Feb 19 | DISS - Press realease HU jul 18 | DISS - Press realease HU May 19 | DISS - Press realease HU Oct 18 | DISS - Press realease HU Oct 19 | DISS - Press realease HU Sept 19 | DISS - Press realease HU poster | DISS - Press realease HU survey | DISS - Press realease HU | DISS - Press Realease Oct 19 | DISS - Roll Up HU | DISS - Project Overview | DISS - POSTER - CERASMUS+ | DISS - POSTER - CERASMUS+ | DISS - POSTER - CERASMUS+ | DISS - POSTER - CERASMUS+" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-IT01-KA202-006243;;;Valuing informal learning and transversal competences experienced in the voluntary service to increase employability, social responsibility and mobility;How can we evaluate competences such as empathy, flexibility, and problem solving? How can we develop them? How can we make them visible in the interest of job recruiters, employers, trainers, and...;Recognition, transparency, certification ...;;FONDAZIONE POLITECNICO DI MILANO;IT;IT,ES,BE,NL,PL;337.488,00;Yes;No;Foundation;Fundacin;;;English;How can we evaluate competences such as empathy, flexibility, and problem solving? How can we develop them? How can we make them visible in the interest of job recruiters, employers, trainers, and teachers? | LEVER UP provides a model, procedures, and a wide set of tools for identifying and valuing the transversal competencies of the individuals, and that are able to show that the informal contexts, such as volunteering, can be a melting pot of practice and learning for people. It defines a framework for individuals to validate their prior learning, as well as to nurture and to empower their soft skills for the future. It also outlines a governance model for the validation service with common policies to ensure equal quality standards and mutual recognition across Europe, yet sustaining the national peculiarities. Exploiting the legacy of the previous Erasmus+ LEVER project (2014-16), LEVER UP sets the basics for a 360-degree service, in other words, a validation system shareable by multiple European countries and supporting all the aspects for a continuing service over time. | As LEVER UP deals with soft and transversal competences and it aims at giving them visibility to increase employability, social responsibility and mobility, the competence framework played a key role for their valorisation in full transparency and transferability among VET, Volunteering and labour market. Various stakeholders may have different perspectives, yet they belong to the same socio-educational and economic context where individuals are the actual competence carriers in a lifelong, life-wide learning system. The learning outcome based approach and the alignment with the main EU references such as EQF made the LEVER UP frame more readable, portable, and consistent with the credits system approach (ECVET) and EU mobility tools such as EUROPASS. Nonetheless, the debate on how the soft and transversal competencies relate to the National Qualification Frameworks and can be valued in job matching platforms such as EURES is still open and in progress. | The main target groups of the project were volunteers, voluntary service organisations and their staff, employers, job recruiters and employees, training providers, schools, teachers and trainers, certification bodies, labour policy makers, young people, students and families, and all citizens. For VET, competence validation means easier access, higher qualification, and possibilities for exemption of (part of) a VET-path. For companies, it means to provide profit and non-profit organisations with an effective way to improve transversal competences that may influence personal and business performances. For volunteering, giving visibility to the competencies acquired means to foster social skills, social contribution and citizenship as chances of self-empowerment as well as a way to increase the quality of volunteering.;"The project designed and implemented: | - A model, i.e. a set of 15 transversal competences, described according to EU frameworks standards, and a multiple step validation process; | - A toolkit, i.e. a set of 36 tools for LEVER UP candidates, assessors, tutors and trainers, released under a CC BY-SA 4.0 License and available online in English, Italian, Spanish, French, Polish, and Dutch; | - A validation service, with clear roles and responsibilities at local, national, and international level; | - A training service, i.e. an e-learning program releasing digital credentials (Open Badges) for future LEVER UP assessors, tutors, and trainers; | - A digital space, i.e. the LEVER UP Webtool, a web application for service centres to manage the validation of assessors, tutors, and candidates, and the e-learning platform, with training contents and the features for releasing the Open Badges; | - A governance model, outlined in a Memorandum of Understanding defining how to join the LEVER UP system within common policies that make it work transparently at local, national and international level. | LEVER UP approach and its outputs were tested in pilots and other activities. In 2019, about 300 people were involved in the training and about 600 candidates went through the competence validation process all over Europe. | About dissemination, LEVER UP reached more than 340 people with its 3 sets of multiplier events. The project was also selected as good practice in relevant international events such as the 3rd VPL Biennale (Berlin, May 2019), the ECVET Annual Forum (Rotterdam, June 2019), the 1st Validation Festival (Brussels, June 2018), and EQF Advisory Group Peer Learning Activity (Brussels, January 2019). There, it presented the approach and the results, enlarging its audience to other EU and non-EU countries. LEVER UP organised the final conference in Brussels in November 2019, jointly with the CEV Autumn Volunteering Congress. It was the last official event for the project to continue and nurture the debate at the presence of highly representative stakeholders and EU policy makers. Results | Website | | | Dissemination material | | DISSEMINATION_Project website | DISSEMINATION_Final video | DISSEMINATION_Promo Video | DISSEMINATION_Materials_multilanguage | TestimonialInterview: Volunteering&Education | Organizational and working documents | | ME_Multiplier Events Report | Others | | IO1_Model Evolution Report | IO1_Toolkit&Guides_EN | IO1_Toolkit&Guides_IT | IO1_Toolkit&Guides_ES | IO1_Toolkit&Guides_PL | IO1_Toolkit&GUides_NL | IO1_Toolkit&Guides_FR | IO1_A1_SelfAssessment_Format_EN | IO1_A1_AssessmentForm_IT | IO1_A1_Formulario-Evaluacin_ES | IO1_A1_Formularza_Oceny_PL | IO1_A2_360FeedbackForm_EN | IO1_A2_360FeedbackForm_IT | IO1_A2_Formulario-Feedback-360_ES | IO1_A2_Formularza_360_PL | IO1_A6_Karta oceny uczestnika szkolenia (tylko dla Trenerw)_PL | IO1_A6_SCHEDA_INDIVIDUALE_Formando_IT | IO1_A6_Trainee Individueel Grid (Trainer)_NL | IO1_A6_Trainee_Individual_GRID_EN | IO1_A7_Formularz obserwacji zada_ praktycznych (tylko dla Trenerw)_PL | IO1_A7_MODULO_di_OSSERVAZIONE_AttivitPratiche_IT | IO1_A7_Oefenobservatieformulier (Trainer)_NL | IO1_A7_PracticeActivitiesOBSERVATION-FORM_en | IO2_TrainingReport | IO2_e-Learning Content_EN | IO2_e-LearnignContent_ES | IO2_e-LearningContent_FR | IO2_e-LearningContent_IT | IO2_e-LearningContent_NL | IO2_e-LearnignContent_PL | IO3_TriangleSystem Report | IO4_Multilanguage e-Learning Platform | IO4_multilanguage management webtool | IO4_eL Platform Manual for end users | IO4_eL Platform Manual for trainers | IO4_Management Webtool Tutorial_EN | IO4_Tutorial del webtool gestionale_IT | IO4_Management Webtool Tutorial_PL | IO4_management webtool tutorial_NL | IO4_Management Webtool Tutorial _ES | IO5_QualityAssurancePLAN | IO5_QA_IntermediateReports | IO5_QA_FinalReport | IO5_QA_MonitoringManual | IO6_Economic sustainability report | IO7_Service Centre Report | IO7_MoU_EN | IO7_MoU_ES | IO7_MoU_IT | IO7_MoU_FR | IO7_MoU_NL | IO7_MoU_PL | Project logo | Coordinator | FONDAZIONE POLITECNICO DI MILANO | PIAZZA LEONARDO DA VINCI 32 | 20133 | MILANO | Lombardia | | Organisation type: Foundation | Partners | ECOLE - ENTI CONFINDUSTRIALI LOMBARDI PER L'EDUCATION - SOCIETA' CONSORTILE A R.L. | CSVnet | HOMINEM CHALLENGE SL | AnciLab | CENTRE EUROPEEN DU VOLONTARIAT | FOUNDATION EUROPEAN CENTRE VALUATION PRIOR LEARNING/STICHTING EUROPEESCENTRUM WAARDEREN VAN LEREN | Fundacja Dobra Siec | FONDAZIONE SCUOLA NAZIONALE SERVIZI" Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-IT02-KA101-035434;;;"At school... all together! Promoting cultural competences to better serve culturally diverse students.";"In this project, ""At school ... all together! Promoting cultural competences to better serve culturally diverse students"", our goal was to improve staff skills through high quality courses. Our s...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Inclusion - equity, Migrants' issues;;"I ISTITUTO COMPRENSIVO STATALE ""G. VERGA""";IT;IT,MT;29.360,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"In this project, ""At school ... all together! Promoting cultural competences to better serve culturally diverse students"", our goal was to improve staff skills through high quality courses. Our staff needed a professional training in the field of education, intercultural communication and the integration of migrants that are increasingly numerous within our school. All this required a good knowledge of linguistic skills, of the European dimension, of interactive teaching methods and of integration of migrant students within the classes. Teachers who took part in the training courses, have deepened their language skills and the course was an opportunity to update their knowledge on how to definitively integrate the local community with the communities of immigrates who live permanently in our territory in order to build a multiethnic and multicultural society and to give to each individual the opportunity of being an active European citizen, whatever are their social origins or cultural beliefs. The activities of European mobility had contibuted to introduce a new type of educational approach that has promoted active learning and engaged interactive relationships because it has been based on the direct witness of people belonging to other cultures. These training courses have helped our staff to know the cultural and human wealth of others and integrate it into a new multicultural and multi-ethnic society. The project started from the needs and interests of the staff involved and aimed to make themselves promoters of their own cultural growth in order to promote an active European citizenship. | The staff involved in this project (20 participants) wanted to know and learn about the processes that generated their own and others' culture, recognizing their value. It wanted to stimulate the discovery and understanding of owning and sharing common values in relation to human rights and improving cooperation practice to be shared with european colleagues. Moreover, the staff involved wanted to collect useful materials for their training and professional career. Then, it had organised these materials for students and migrants to enrich the quality of school education and to help young people live and work successfully in a global society. All this has raised standards, improved teaching and learning objectives and embed an international dimension in the curriculum. The partnership activities have been: Evaluation of objectives and guidelines; Identification of the institutions / organizations involved in the project; planning of an operating program; Presentation of the partnership to the participants; Preparation of materials: questionnaires and other research criteria on intercultural communication; English courses for all the participants;Training courses in Malta; Comparative analysis of the critical and positive aspects / contents of the meeting; Intermediate evaluation; collection of the produced datad documentation; Second training course in Malta; Synthesis of results; Dissemination of results.";The different and specific peculiarities of the partners involved an effective strategy and collaboration. The partners communicated in English via e-mail to share contents and teaching methodology. Contents, procedures and methods of work have been realised from the first meeting between teachers and trainers, in order to start and promote the application of the project. Communication between teachers has been promoted to share ideas and opinions and to compare experiences. We have created a file in Dropbox and a shared folder in Google Drive to download all the materials produced - progressively updated with the contribution of each institution involved - as a fundamental element of the project. | The expected impact on participants has improved techniques or skills that encouraged social and linguistic integration between students from different cultures. Then, participants promoted a multicultural school based on peace, tolerance and education for humanity values, to strenghten active citizenship among ethnic minorities. The project has created a close partnership between the two Institutions and so, they will continue with exchanging of different teaching practices and methods which will make lessons more attractive. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2017;2017-1-IT02-KA103-035922;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;The Increasing Learning Opportunities in the job market (ILO) Mobility Consortium acts both as a prosecution and as an expansion of the long-standing cooperation among partner universities in th...;;;UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI PADOVA;IT;IT;285.617,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;not available;English;"The Increasing Learning Opportunities in the job market (ILO) Mobility Consortium acts both as a prosecution and as an expansion of the long-standing cooperation among partner universities in the field of traineeships abroad. The Consortium is coordinated by the University of Padova in partnership with IUAV University of Venice, the University of Pisa, the University of Catania, the University of Trieste and Ca Foscari University of Venice. Its main goal is to increase the employability of the courses offered, and the qualifications awarded by the various universities, by giving students the chance to acquire or further develop the skills demanded by companies and to develop cooperation with international firms useful for their future job. 172 grants have been awarded for traineeships abroad, of which 160 financed by EU funds. The fields of study that were more involved are the following: - Economics - Medicine - Natural Sciences - Architecture - Psychology - Foreign Languages - Engineering. Students and recent graduates in all types of courses offered by partner universities have had the opportunity to benefit from a hands-on learning approach based on practical activities to be carried out in a work environment; this being the main goal, attention has been paid to the quality of receiving institutions. Different types of institutions were chosen in order to meet students needs, among which are the following: | - universities and research centres (for students wishing to carry out either thesis work or research activities during job placement) | - language schools and translation and interpretation agencies - small and medium-size manufacturing enterprises - public bodies - chambers of commerce - hospitals - local and governmental institutions - large companies - associations, foundations and NGOs - architectural firms - museums and libraries - law firms - tourism enterprises - consultancy firms - schools of different levels of education.";As far as the goals of specific traineeships are concerned, participants have generally acquired the relevant skills. In particular, they have had the possibility to acquire or further develop: - key competences such as e-skills, entrepreneurship, critical thinking and problem solving - hard skills with reference to their field of study and the use of foreign languages at work - soft skills such as promoting business relationships with enterprises, institutions and associations outside their own country, creating networks, debating, public speaking, mediating and negotiating, synthesizing information and accommodating conflicting interests. As far as recognition is concerned, then, results are equally satisfactory: although the process is still ongoing for mobility periods ending in September, the vast majority of students has so far obtained credit recognition for their traineeship mobility. Funding has been distributed among the six participating universities based on the requests of each of them. Every single university has played a pivotal role and has contributed to the project by performing key functions and carrying out core activities through its own office responsible for the implementation of Erasmus+ traineeship projects. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility between Programme and Partner Countries;2017;2017-1-IT02-KA107-035940;;;Project for higher education student and staff mobility between Programme Countries and Partner Countries;The E+ ICM 2017 project was conceived and managed in the framework of an overall internationalisation process which has involved the whole Ca' Foscari University of Venice (UNIVE) governance and a...;;;UNIVERSITA CA' FOSCARI VENEZIA;IT;IT;299.986,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;not available;English;The E+ ICM 2017 project was conceived and managed in the framework of an overall internationalisation process which has involved the whole Ca' Foscari University of Venice (UNIVE) governance and administration. It has been one of the various strategies used by UNIVE. | | It has been the third ICM project submitted by UNIVE and, respect to the previous ones, it has been characterized by a smaller dimension and a greater focus on more specific geographical objectives and study areas. | It has involved 5 partner countries and 6 partner Universities in three main geographical areas: Balcans, Caucasus and Asia, being strictly linked to the geographical objectives imposed by the UNIVE Strategic Plan 2016-2020. | | In particular, the project has been designed around the following objectives: | Consolidating and strengthening existing bilateral mobility agreements with strategic extra-EU partner Universities (Armenia, Ukraine - Odessa Univ., Vietnam) and creating new partnerships (Azerbaijan, Ukraine Nikolaev Univ., Kosovo) | Increasing study opportunities abroad for UNIVE students, especially for students of Armenian language (languages is one of the most strategic areas of study for our University) | Broadening and enlarging academic offer for both UNIVE and partner Universities students | Promoting UNIVE attractiveness all around the world to increase the number of international degree-seekers, through initiatives like the opening of an UNIVE promotional desk office in Azerbaijan | Providing extra-EU students from developing countries with an opportunity to access high quality educational programmes directly (through incoming students mobilities) or indirectly (through outgoing teachers mobilities) | Providing institutional and capacity building support to non-EU Universities/countries joining the Bologna Process, creating relationships for future and more complex EU and non-EU cooperation projects. | | The ICM project objectives inscribe in the wider internationalising strategy of UNIVE which has a longstanding tradition in the Erasmus Programme (since 1987). | | Actually the University Strategic Plan 2020 aims to: | Create a prestigious network of institutional partnerships | Foster a transformative learning experience: developing an international environment, capable of attracting a diverse and international community of scholars and students | Support international mobility and internships | Increase international study programmes and English-taught programmes at all levels | Increase international attractiveness of study and research products fostering participation in EU and non EU cooperation. | | TYPE OF PARTICIPANTS: | The 2017 ICM project was opened to all students, teachers and administrative staff of both UNIVE and partner Universities. Every country project detailed restrictions in terms of study cycle (for students) and study areas to be applied for the exchanges (for students and teachers). | | UNDERTAKEN ACTIVITIES | Student mobility for studies (SMS) - incoming: 38 | Student mobility for studies (SMS) - outgoing: 4 | Staff mobility for teaching (STA) - incoming: 10 | Staff mobility for teaching (STA) - outgoing: 10 | Staff Mobility for training (STT) - incoming: 6 | Staff Mobility for training (STT) - outgoing: 1;"ATTAINED RESULTS | The main short-term results are different for every Country-project and they can be summarized as follows: | - Consolidation and extension of existing bilateral mobility agreements or creation of new partnerships, with all 6 partner Universities | - Increase of study opportunities abroad for UNIVE students of languages (Armenia) and for partner Universities students (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kosovo, Ukraine, Vietnam) | - Enlargement of home academic offer for UNIVE students in specific study areas: Vietnam (vietnamese language), Kosovo (albanian language) | - Enlargement of home academic offer for partner Universities students in specific study areas: Armenia and Kosovo (for linguistics); Azerbaijan (for italian language teaching); Ukraine (for archaeology); Vietnam (for Management and Tourism). | | Azerbaijan project, in particular, was a pilot project aiming to improve a capacity-building strategy of UNIVE's LabITALS to develop the teaching of Italian and language teaching methods at Ca 'Foscari partners. With the project 2018 the strategy was extended to 2 additional countries (Republic of Korea and Kosovo) and under the 2019 E+ ICM call the same strategy arrived to involve 6 partner countries. | | The main long-term benefit attained thanks to the Programme is the qualitative and quantitative growth of mobility, for students, faculty and administrative staff. | | The majority of beneficiaries who took part in this programme declared that the experience enriched them personally, culturally, and academically. | Moreover, UNIVE participation in the ICM project has considerably encouraged and pushed forward the modernisation of its internal governance and administrative mechanisms." Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-LI01-KA202-000087;;;Principles for effective Learning Analytics in Augmented Reality learning applications for professional education;Augmented Reality (AR) has the potential to support effective learning in informal and non-formal learning environments, in school or higher education and in professional education. Especially in ...;Research and innovation, International cooperation, international relations ...;;i-smARt Trust reg.;LI;LI,UK,DK,DE,BE;296.980,00;Yes;No;Small and medium sized enterprise;Otros;;;English;"Augmented Reality (AR) has the potential to support effective learning in informal and non-formal learning environments, in school or higher education and in professional education. Especially in the building/construction industry or in the Event Industry, trainings for safety and security are needed to protect workers at their workplace. One central issue hereby is, that particular elements must be taken in consideration (e.g., teaching and learning elements, design elements, etc.) when developing effective learning applications. Such applications should support responsible persons at the workplace so that they can ensure that each employee has been trained in safety & security, has understood the key elements of the training and has the ability to behave according the instructions. | Therefore, Learning Analytics (LA) provides various tools and concepts to support learning, especially for people who are involved in learning processes (trainer, trainee, evaluator). Within the project, a framework was developed based on LA insights, to implement elements of AR learning and to support teaching and learning processes towards a higher efficiency and efficacy. E.g., dashboards integrate aspects derived from LA to provide feedback about handling and ease of use from the apps, as well as measures for learning performance. | | The consortium of leading European scientist from the areas LA and AR established a strategical partnership with VET partners, in which the conceptualisation of the topics LA and AR are used to apply in the field of professional education, especially in informal learning environments and directly at workplaces. With their work, the partners contributed to the research community and developed new opportunities at workplaces and also for LA and AR to provide an added value and to give answer to current questions from professional education. Partners of the consortium are: i-smART (coordination in LI), IT University Copenhagen (DK), Oxford Brookes University (GB), STEPP vzw (BE), and VPLT (DE). | | In a first step, a generic, conceptual framework was developed, based on current research results (IO1: paper ""literature review"") and to answer leading questions (IO1: paper ""blueprint""), also to apply the framework in the development stages for AR software applications. | In a second step with various iterations, a series of functional prototypes of AR learning applications were developed (IO2: iPhone/iPad and Microsoft Hololens) for analysis and evaluation purposes, which then were applied in various iterations (design science approach) within field experiments (IO3) at workplaces for the Event Industry (e.g., training elements from the Hilversum test as developed by the ERASMUS+ project ETTE for traditional training). The source codes are made accessible for the public (e.g., on github and project website """"). From the results and insights, key questions are answered like: How can AR and LA be used in professional training applications to create more effective learning experiences for learners on their individual path and pace. Additionally, the provided insights from a ""big-data analysis"" of the captured training data demonstrate how to process likewise in a small work environment. The provided methods lead to knowledge about their application for established, large learning environments. | Exemplarily, a full session training and assessment (e.g. from the Hilversum test, project ETTE: How to connect trusses) was conducted on the basis of AR learning applications and the use of LA tools and measures (IO3: paper ""collaboration"" and thesis paper). | Finally, recommendations were given towards how the transparency of learning services in the understanding of learning outcomes can be depicted with the aid of LA and AR in order to dismiss the responsibility for employers and not only to offer the possibility to participate in safety briefings (consumption) but also to ensure that employees have understood and will behave adequately (see IO1 result ""white paper"").";With the Multiplier Event (carried out at the biggest industry fair in Frankfurt) and other dissemination activities of all partners, the project addressed a wide range of organizations that are related with the industry, and scientific audience (e.g., in multiple conference presentations worldwide). More than 500 experts and participants were included into the test and experiment sessions and interviewed within the field experiments and in multiple stakeholder discussions. | | The LAAR project demonstrates a futuristic idea of education and training with user-friendly training and sustainable learning success. The results are already reused in other E+ projects (e.g., TeBeVAT), scientific research (e.g., design framework) and in practice (e.g., ETTE safety training). In future, the consortium aims to continue with the development of AR learning applications for various devices and additional training scenarios. Results | Website | Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-LT01-KA202-035218;;;The Ability advisor: improving the tourism for all market by VET;Tourism impacts on a wide range of policy areas - including competitiveness, social policy and inclusion (tourism for all) - while the continued globalisation opens new opportunities and creates i...;Disabilities - special needs, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Enterprise ...;;Panevezio darbo rinkos mokymo centras;LT;LT,BE,IT,PT;195.115,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"Tourism impacts on a wide range of policy areas - including competitiveness, social policy and inclusion (tourism for all) - while the continued globalisation opens new opportunities and creates increased competition. The European Commissions Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs has focused efforts on encouraging the diversification of the European tourism offer through initiatives in different areas. | | As declared by the European Commission: evidence shows that making basic adjustments to a facility, providing accurate information, and understanding the needs of disabled people can result in increased visitor numbers. Improving the accessibility of tourism services increases their quality and the enjoyment of all tourists. It also improves the quality of life in local communities. Although important steps have been made in recent years, much remains to do: research and surveys on this field demonstrate that improper attitude of staff towards disability and poor customer service are two of the main problems tourists with disabilities face in carrying on their touristic experiences. | | According to this background and according to the European Commission definition of Accessible Tourism - the set of services and facilities that can allow people with specific needs the enjoyment of the holiday and leisure without obstacles and difficulties - the project aimed to contribute to make Europe an accessible destination, by training people on a market field that have both a social and an economic value. | | The main project goals were to: design, implement, promote and test, starting from a transversal focus on the field, the profile of a professional able to match the training offer and the market needs: an Ability Advisor operating in supporting SMEs to face successfully the increasing tourism for all market; to generate new job opportunities for trained people; to tackle the topic by a cross-sectoral approach matching the needs of VET providers, VET learners and SMEs; to develop a cross-sectoral partnership to look at the topic by an European perspective. | | The project objectives and the needs it intended to fulfill were strictly related to the target group identified and to the key stakeholders needs. | | The main target audience was made of VET learners or graduates aged 20 to 35, currently unemployed or underemployed, graduates from specific University courses or High School graduates with specialized diplomas (including post-school diplomas) and/or people having previous experiences in tourism services fields, while the key stakeholders are VET providers, SMEs operating in the tourism sector, public bodies and associations dealing with disability.";"To reach its objectives and the selected target groups, the project implemented, as IO1, a comprehensive document of the local framework - a starting point on which the following project steps was built - and a training course model which was tested and released as an OER in in English, Lithuanian, Italian, Portuguese languages. | | The training course has an average length of 80 hours. It was implemented with the support of people representing associations dealing with disability and trainers with specific skills, was evaluated by a transversal team of 27 persons representing VET providers, SMEs, public entities, associations and was delivered in its pilot version in Lithuania, Italy and Portugal in a blended mode: 40 hours of traditional classroom-based learning, 20 hours of e-learning and 20 hours of work-based learning. The WBL activities enabled learners to get a real WBL experience and the selected SMEs improved their knowledge on how to welcome better people with specific access requirements, improving their business as well. The number of people applying the course, in its testing phase was 43; also 30 SMEs. | | All the project activities were carried out by five partners - organizations coming from Lithuania, Italy, Portugal and Belgium, belonging to different business and social sectors and dealing with different topics (training, labour market, disability, social communication). | | The project was designed to become sustainable: the sustainability plan included a direct dissemination activity - a serie of small events at local level targeted to 390 persons and four Multiplier Events involving a total amount of 270 persons - to promote the course among VET providers, SMEs, public bodies, associations and a set of activities to start a collaborative dialogue with public bodies. | | The project was developed at transnational level, as it offers to participants opportunities to understand better foreign and European contexts, take part and be supported by an European stable network: all key assets in the touristic sector and a positive trigger for work quality and employment opportunities. Results | Website | | | Others | | Research on accessible tourism ""A tour around"" | The Ability Advisor online learning program" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2017;2017-1-LT01-KA203-035275;;;Experiential Live Project Enhancemet;The project Experiential Live Project Enhancement (ELPE) will develop and create a new model for live projects, whereby consultancy groups will comprise of students from different countries acting...;International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;Utenos kolegija;LT;LT,ES,IT,FI;207.365,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;"This project - is a continuation of the TARSI (Tailored Applied Research System Implementation Project, LLP-LDV-TOI-2009-LT-0030, 2009-2011). The aim was to develop the TARSI in colleges to strengthen cooperation links with social partners-companies, to improve the study process in terms of practical training. Partners working together and monitoring the results obtained; the system is useful but it is necessary to develop and introduce new methods to encourage students' creativity, the ability to work in a team, cooperation between higher education institutions and countries. In this project the main part of Partners Network from the project TARSI is involved it is leader partners: Centro Internazionale di Studi e Ricerche sullEconomia Turistica (Italy), Utenos kolegija (Lithuania) and for transferring innovations and for getting new experiences, practice cases there are involved two new partners: HAAGA-HELIA OY AB (Finland), Fundaci Universitat Autnoma de Barcelona (Spain). THE AIM OF THE PROJECT is to build a strategic partnership to support the adoption live projects in the role of students consultancy at a European and regional level and to integrate this innovative methodology with e-learning, thus positively contributing to quality and modernization of undergraduate and post-gradute curricula, youth employment, and the engagement of HEIs with businesses and local authorities. Furthermore, the project aims at fostering creativity and innovation in the study process. OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT: to integrate academic and prior experiential knowledge with that of personal development attributes and employability skills by supporting and promoting the use of live project within EU HEIs. THE METHODOLOGY applied in the project will promote science and business synergy and create appropriate conditions for interaction of educators, students and business entities. For the external partners (community and business enterprises) there is an opportunity to get to access to university expertise and resources; contribute to the study programmes and in some cases encourage academic staff development. And for the HE benefits include building links and networks in the wider community; a better understanding of employers requirements with respect to graduate skills; opportunities to contribute to the economic and social strength of the local area; active learning programmes for the students.";"EXPECTED IMPACT is to gain experience or to renew and update the participants experiences in student live projects within an experiential learning environment; for participants to gain or renew their training in student group consultancy, to apply this experience in some form of academic environment together with up to date and relevant business contacts. The participants will gain international partnership experience and be able to share this with their home students. Collaborative business partners will be able to gain significant research and consultancy expertise to develop and solve their problems and opportunities whilst gaining an opportunity to mentor and encourage young people to work in their chosen industry. Collaborative partners will have an opportunity to increase their professional working relationships with academics and seek further creative outputs with students. Students improved level of transversal skills, especially team - working, relationship, communication, stress management, etc.; improved level of employability, managerial and entrepreneurial skills and meta-skills, better understanding of the relationship between theory and practice and of the utility of the higher education content. Better access to information not only on the present needs of the industry in terms of skills, but on the future ones, thanks to the combination of the innovative drive brought by HEIs and their stronger links to the industry created by live projects. The main project TARGET GROUP is HEI's academic staff, then students and business representatives. The project is based on live projects innovative approach to develop relevant and high quality skills and competences. Its application in higher education will innovate the teachers' skills and methodologies, and provide opportunities for the learner to develop competences and skills essential in a professional career context. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Students' Consultancy. An International Perspective. A Guidebook for operating, Implementing and Managing Students' Consultancy Live Projects | Learning platform - ELPE MOODLE CLOUD | Guidebook SHORT VERSION - English | Guidebook SHORT VERSION - Lithuanian | Guidebook SHORT VERSION_Spanish | Modules integrating live project approach_Report on Modules integrating live project approach. On behalf of FUNDACI UAB | Modules integrating live project approach_Report on Modules integrating live project approach. On behalf of Utenos Kolegija | Project logo | Coordinator | Utenos kolegija | Maironio str. 7 | LT 28142 | Utena | Utenos apskritis | | Organisation type: Higher education institution (tertiary level) | Partners | Fundaci UAB | CISET - University of Venice | HAAGA-HELIA AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU OY" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2017;2017-1-LT01-KA204-035219;;;Improving the Integration of Low-Skilled Adults Through Developing Mathematical Skills and Community Support;"The project contributes to achieve Europe 2020 benchmarks: to decrease number of low-skilled adults in mathematical skills up to 15%, to increase employment rate by 75%; to raise participation of ...";Migrants' issues, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills;;SOCIALINIU INOVACIJU FONDAS;LT;LT,CY,PL,IT,AT;291.145,18;Yes;No;Non-governmental organisation/association/social enterprise;ONG;;not available;English;"The project contributes to achieve Europe 2020 benchmarks: to decrease number of low-skilled adults in mathematical skills up to 15%, to increase employment rate by 75%; to raise participation of adults in lifelong learning by 15%. According to the Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC), conducted in 2014-2015, mostly all EU-28 countries have a big demand on increasing the low levels of adults skills at problem-solving in technology-rich environments: LT-45%, PL-40%, CY-38%, AT-25%, IT-45%. According to Eurostat (2016) 35.5 % of the 2554 year-old non-EU-born population has attained only pre-primary, primary or lower secondary education. Education plays a crucial role in helping low-skilled migrants and refugees settle in new countries. So, their motivation for increasing competences and skills through life-long learning has to be improved. Thus, there is a great need over the European Union to increase engagement of the local communities in motivating low-skilled adults, including refugees, asylum seekers and migrants, to learn in order foster their inclusion and integration. Thus, the project has two aims: | To supply high quality ICT-based learning opportunities for improving basic mathematical skills of low-skilled adults, including refugees, asylum seekers and migrants | To increase awareness within the local communities about the importance of educational help for low-skilled adults, including refugees, asylum seekers and migrants. | The objectives are: | To improve the integration of low-skills adults through developing their mathematic skills by using problem-solving ICT-based approach. | To monitor, assess and collect learners achievements in order to facilitate the validation of obtained basis skills. | To extend and develop educators competences needed for effective training of the low-skilled. | To increase engagement of local communities to foster inclusion and integration of low-skilled adults though education and learning. | The objectives have been met by developing three main intellectual outputs openly accessible within e-learning platform 1)Training course M-Easy Improve Your mathematical skills; 2).Adult Educators Guide with the toolkit for developing competences needed for effective running of M-Easy training course; 3).Communities Workshop training materials Success of the inclusion and integration of low skilled adults through education. | The general methodology to all 3 intellectual outputs is based on Open Educational Resources in order to promote the open access to developed educational tools. However, each outcome is based on the specific to this outcome methodology. The methodology of the training course M-Easy is based on open and innovative digital era Mobile applications approach using problem-oriented experiential learning, blended learning and reverse training. The training course is developed to improve 27 basic mathematical skills, defined by partnership within needs analysis stage. M-EASY mobile application includes the set of 21 problem-oriented practical exercises, developed and programmed by partnership, is available on The methodology of the Adult educators Guide for adult educators is based on self-directed e-learning as it consists of five on-line learning modules to help the effective facilitation of M-Easy training course for the low-skilled. Training materials for adult educators-practitioners on how to run local communities workshop is based on reversed training methodology using 10 digital success stories (for self-learning prior the workshop) and e-Guide for adult-educators-practitioners | Target groups: | Low-skilled adults, including refugees, asylum seekers, migrants: 82 were involved in piloting. | Adult educators/facilitators engaged in mathematical skills training of the low-skilled: 17 were trained within the learning activity, 19 were involved in the piloting as trainers and 81 in the multiplying events. | Adult educators/practitioners working in the field of community education: 100 were involved in piloting. | The main impact on 82 low-skilled adult learners, participating in the piloting of M-EASY training course, was on upgrading of their mathematical skills for 41%. The measure of this impact was possible by using the Assessment tool for pre-assessment and post-assessment of 27 basic mathematical skills of the learners.";The impact on adult educators/facilitators/practitioners was in strengthening their capacities and developing their digital, social and civic competences to offer M-Easy training course based on mobile applications and tailored for low-skilled individual learners (85% stated their satisfaction of the usefulness of the Adult educators Guide). 97% of the adult educators and community leaders concluded that they have gained enough knowledge and self-confidence to to lead a Workshop in the local communities on their own. | Results | Feedback from participants | | Feedback from Participants | Direct effect on participants and project partners | | Projects Activities and the Direct Effect on the Participants and Project Partners | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Training Course M-Easy: Mathematics is Easy | Mobile App M-Easy | Toolkit for adult educators in order to facilitate effectively the M-Easy training course for low-skilled adults, including refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants | Training material for local communities workshop Success of the inclusion and integration of low skilled adults through education | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | State of Arts Report Needs analysis for upgrading learners basic mathematical skills | Community building tools | | M-Easy Community Building using Social Networks | Dissemination material | | Dissemination tools and channels | Learners guides Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-LT01-KA219-035158;;;Refugees Matter: from Challenges to Opportunities;The constant influx of refugees caused dramatic and fundamental changes in socio cultural, political, economic as well as educational landscape of the European Union. Therefore, European values s...;Migrants' issues;;Kauno jezuitu gimnazija;LT;LT,IT,ES,TR,EL,NL;121.115,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"The constant influx of refugees caused dramatic and fundamental changes in socio cultural, political, economic as well as educational landscape of the European Union. Therefore, European values such as tolerance and solidarity were put under stress as racial and xenophobic attitudes towards refugees among Europeans seem to prevail. Being aware of the complexity of the problem, we had formed a team for Erasmus + Project, under the title ""Refugees Matter: from Challenges to Opportunities"", consisting of 7 European countries, such as Lithuania, Greece, Italy, The Netherlands, Spain and two schools from Turkey. At the initial stage of the project Greece refused to further participate in it, so ,consequently, 6 teams from five countries addressed the following objectives of the project: form an open and balanced perception of refugees and their cultures through research, analysis, counter narratives, intellectual dialogue, and direct encounters; transfer, share and gain good experiences as well as useful and manageable practices regarding social inclusion of refugees and the way host countries accept and treat them; focus on such competencies as social and civic responsibilities, a sense of initiative and leadership, cultural awareness and creativity, digital competence, and English language skills. The project, included 140 core participants (50 teachers, school staff and 90 students, aged 16-19, directly participating in transnational meetings and students learning/teaching/training activities) and more than 400 participants (family members, local authorities, refugees, politicians, etc.) involved into the process of the Project implementation. The project took the holistic approach that encouraged students to form balanced views on refugee crisis. All the activities of the project were interrelated since they aimed to analyze the project problem of refugee treatment from different angles, starting with the insight into national history related to migration, then focusing on analysis of the current situation of the issues related to refugees and reasons of migration.";"The activities carried out consisted of: | creating project team and tools; online logo, poster, motto competition; Interpretive reading, the aim was to integrate the English language skills and knowledge of national history; short documentary film competition to understand refugee experience, the difficulties they were facing in a foreign environment; Movie night followed by a discussion with a person(s) directly related with the Project topic; Volunteering - students gained practical experience when working with refugees; Photography exhibition increased awareness about the project of all interested parties; Preparing final works - E-book was created at the end of the project and it includes photos, activity descriptions and reports and other significant project information; Dissemination activities with the aim to highlight the potential value of the project as well as help spread the information to other interested parties . Three students learning/teaching/training sessions were carried out. They comprised the following: conference on ""Refugee issues in Europe""; workshop on debates under the motion: ""The EU is losing at its attempts to integrate refugees"" together with European Parliament Simulation to discuss refugee integration mechanisms; Cultural week focusing on cultural aspects of refugees through folklore, handicrafts, food and customs. | | Project activity management methodology was developed to ensure that the project is disciplined, well managed and the quality of the results secured. The methods to be applied during the project were: survey, observation, checklist, reflection, and interview. | | Participation in the project activities promoted critical thinking, initiative, and leadership as well as strengthened English language skills. The project result was a change in the refugee perception, from prevailing xenophobic and stereotypical attitudes to more tolerant and emphatic. All the activities motivated students and prepared them for further actions in their communities concerning elimination of racial attitudes. European dimension regarding the main European values such as solidarity and respect to diversity and multiculturalism were strengthened. The whole desired impact of the project covered all the levels of scope starting from local to international, that was, to reach positive changes towards treatment of refugees and migrants as much as possible. The acquired knowledge and experience encouraged the participants to become active problem solvers instead of passive situation observers in all possible levels. Being greatly significant, sustainable activities will futher be organized in the form of inter local school projects, conferences, continuous volunteering, good practice incorporation into the curricula. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | European Parliament Simulation | Debates | Dissemination material | | E-book Refugees Matter" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-LT01-KA219-035176;;;Universe - an odyssey of space and time;The poor interest in STEAM subjects at schools determines the low rate of entrants and the lack of potential specialists in the job market. The education mostly includes the nature science and mat...;Research and innovation, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universiteto inzinerijos licejus;LT;LT,ES,NL,PT,UK;111.310,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"The poor interest in STEAM subjects at schools determines the low rate of entrants and the lack of potential specialists in the job market. The education mostly includes the nature science and mathematics however, we abandon the engineering and technology science, and this is the reason why we with the help of this project were trying to increase the popularity of STEAM studies by materializing this project as well as the increased interest in this field. | The OBJECTIVES of the project were to increase students interest in STEAM studies and to improve their achievements in this field; to encourage the implement by grounding activities in research, solving the problem and connection reason and consequence; to learn foreign languages and develop linguistic communication; to improve the partnership between the schools communities in the EU; to make the conditions not only for the students but for the teachers as well to improve academic skills during the project. | While implementing the project, three target groups were involved: STUDENTS aged 10-18 implemented the project and learnt to work together, explore, experiment, create; 2) TEACHERS and SCHOOL STAFF ensured smooth implementation of the project activities, shared experiences, worked in an international team, encouraged students to search, find, interest in collecting information; 3) SCHOOLS AND LOCAL COMMUNITY MEMBERS were presented with the project results, they could use methodological material created during the project, also they increased interest in STEAM. | 104 participants of the project partner countries went to transnational and learning visits. ACTIVITIES were carried on: gathering information on the first flights, astronauts, life on a Space station and presentation to others, producing spacecraft telescopes. TED type conference were held. Students created fairy tales, haiku, they performed and filmed national legends and fairy tales, they also worked with Solidworks and other programs. ICT and engineering teachers supervised the project. Educational lessons in a planetarium, an observatory and other science places were organized for all participants. Students created a game using the program of Codes and also crosswords using Edpuzzle, Eclipse, Crossword and some other programs. Students also accomplished mathematical calculations and experiments. Supervised by technologies, engineering, ICT teachers students were involved in the projects Planetarium Design and ""Mars Rover"".";"METHODOLOGY. Project activities were implemented with the help of methods and techniques which were consistent with the target age group of students, their needs, skills and abilities. Most of the activities were organized by WORKING IN GROUPS. Lots of presentations were made. During WORKSHOPS, ROUND TABLE DISCUSSIONS, also via social media dissemination was be made. Students and teachers reflected their activities, made self-assessments. | Implementation of the project enabled the development of the new positive approach to the educational process popularization STEAM subjects. Impact for STUDENTS: motivated and encouraged students for further action at the international level, improved language skills and knowledge, raised motivation, improved self-esteem, increased the desire to go deeper into STEAM subjects, which will definitely have an impact on students' educational quality and STEAM subjects learning outcomes. For TEACHERS: the leadership and personal development progress of each teachers cooperation and communication, openness and innovation, innovative methods and responsibility for the decisions taken. Teachers developed training methods for dealing with ICT training, pedagogy, didactics, methods of management, school organization, the development environment competencies essential to the harmonious organization, for improving the quality of education and strategic goals. Teachers broadened the knowledge of the diversity of education systems, improved organizational competencies and language skills. For PROJECT PARTNERS: they gained an important experience in realizing international projects, developed products - methodical books, activities that were developed during the project, stressed the importance and attention of the local community STEAM things popularization problems, the benefits of STEAM subjects. Cooperation between the schools implementing STEAM education were expanded. Other European countries were able to access and customize STEAM subjects integration in their education process. Collected information was successfully used in lessons and also carrying out other projects. The created e-products as well as STEAM ideas were presented in various school and national events, shared in social media, also with the foreign partners of other projects. After completing the project in each organization the group of project coordinators will continue working and promoting the outcome of the project on eTwinning platform. | Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Infographic ""Electromagnetic Radiation Effect on Plant Growth"" (ENG) | Infographic ""The Effect of Sunlight on Radish Growth"" (ENG) | Infographic ""Sun Impact on Growing Process of Peas"" (ENG) | A poster ""Aviation History of Lithuania"" (ENG) | A poster ""Aviation History of Lithuania"" (ENG) | A poster ""Spacecrafts, launch vehicles, satellites. What is their goal?"" (ENG) | A poster ""How Lithuania has Contributed to the Exploration of Space?"" (ENG) | Space and Planets in Movies: Review and Analysis (video) (ENG) | The music album ""Sounds of Universe"" | Orientation according to the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars (ENG) | Inscenization of the legend about The Sun, The Moon and The Stars (LT) | E-book ""Posters about the Planets"" (ENG) | ""Space, Sun, Moon and Stars in Lithuanian Folklore"" (LT) | Computer game ORBITUSMAXIMUS (ENG) | Creation of a Space Game Using KODU (ENG) | Crosswords ""Solar System"" (ENG) | E-book ""Mars Rover"" (ENG) | Partnerships and cooperations | | Learning and teaching visit in Spain: practices and experiences"" (video, ENG) (video) | Transnational meeting of the coordinators (ENG) | Dissemination material | | Leaflet ""Universe - an Odyssey of Space and Time"" | The Solar System (ENG)" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-LV01-KA202-035432;;;PONICS VET: Hydroponics Agricultural Technician;"CONTEXTS Hydroculture has a key role to play in food provision and tackling global challenges such as water scarcity, food security, urbanization and reductions in energy use and food miles. The...";Agriculture, forestry and fisheries|Environment and climate change|Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education;;LATVIJAS LAUKSAIMNIECIBAS UNIVERSITATE;LV;LV,BE,EL,BG,IT;234.582,77;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;"CONTEXTS | Hydroculture has a key role to play in food provision and tackling global challenges such as water scarcity, food security, urbanization and reductions in energy use and food miles. The EU acknowledges these challenges through its Common Agriculture Policy and policies on Water Protection, Climate Change, and Social Integration. A European approach is required in the globally emerging hydroponics research field building on the foundations of Europe s status as a global centre of excellence and technological innovation in aquaculture and hydroponic horticulture. | Given the subject, to achieve high levels of performance in this project (actually aimed also at increasing employability in agriculture and rural development) it is necessary to foreseen also a common system in the jobs implementation. The European credit system for VET (ECVET) is one of the most important common European tools to support and increase European mobility. This aims to transform skills and competences into new job opportunities. | OBJECTIVES | The project aims to the objectives of the strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training (ET 2020), including the corresponding benchmarks, of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth and its education and employment headline targets through better labour market integration, especially, in agriculture sector it aims at improving jobs in the food processing, food retail and food services. | After that, one of main indirect objective is in relation to diversification actions and creation and development of a new professional role: the Hydroponics technician. | PARTICIPANTS-NUMBER-PROFILE | Target group will participate particularly to the following activities: | - Survey collection a total of 180 rural and semi-urban farmers interviewed | - Pilot test a total of 20 rural and semi-urban farmers involved | The indirect target group of the project are all the private and public entity committed to Green jobs and vertical agriculture sector at local level. | In particular: | - Public offices for sustainable agriculture promotion | - Organizations active in the promotion of rural farming and ecofriendly methodologies | - Integrated systems for sustainable agriculture promotion | ACTIVITIES | Intellectual Output 1 HYDROPONICS VET: A GUIDE FOR HYDROPONICS PROFESSION IN EUROPE | Intellectual Output 2 Toward qualification of new occupation: Hydroponics technician | Multipliers Events Hydroponics technician demonstration event | METHODOLOGY | - E-learning tools | - pilot training with small group of learners | RESULTS | - transparency and recognition of skills and qualifications: ECVET for Hydroponics technician will facilitate employability and mobility; | - enhancing access to training and qualifications for all, with a particular attention to the low-skilled, through continuing VET, notably by increasing accessibility of continuing VET, validation of non-formal and informal learning, promoting work-place learning, providing for efficient and integrated guidance services and flexible and permeable learning pathways; | - arising competencies in vocational and adult training, helping to enhance food production as well as create employment for EU rural and semi-urban farmers; | - intervening in the sustainable lifestyle achieving the goals of training responsible citizens for Europe 2020; | - applying ECVET to vocational and adult training into agriculture fields aimed at rural development. | - allowing farmers to be trained on topics such as innovative and economically, socially and environmentally sustainable.v";"IMPACT | The project will create a model for the development of hydroponics approach for rural and semi-urban farmers with the skills to plan the sustainable economic development of their businesses. | LONGER TERMS BENEFIT | It is expected that sustainability can be achieved at different levels: | at European level: promotion through European network channels and conferences; | at local, regional and national level: promotion of results and outputs by project partners in their countries; ongoing promotion of activities through cross-sectorial partnerships; it is also expected that the cross-sectorial partnerships in the five countries will continue after the course of the project. | An exploitation strategy with free-for-use issues will be developed by the end of the project. The consortium members will sign an Intellectual Property Right Agreement, that will regulate the shared property of the results and will be attached to a comprehensive Exploitation Plan. | Exploitation activities go beyond dissemination activities, as they aim at adapting existing products to other beneficiaries or systems than those for which they were initially conceived. This adaptation requires supportive and regulated work, and for this reason exploitation activities have developed either through further transnational projects, or through key organization able to implement these types of activities. | Results | Website |" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-LV01-KA219-035418;;;Digital and media literacy for sustainable life learning;According to EU Committee`s priorities 2017, AGENDA 2030 and the Project of Education Ministry of Latvia in the changes of curriculum, the goals of the Project was to develop teachers` knowledge a...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;Ludzas pilsetas gimnazija;LV;LV,BG,IT,RO,TR,FR;113.171,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;According to EU Committee`s priorities 2017, AGENDA 2030 and the Project of Education Ministry of Latvia in the changes of curriculum, the goals of the Project was to develop teachers` knowledge and skills working with different digital tools in classrooms and students` knowledge, skills and attitudes of foreign language, ICT skills, social competence and digital and media literacy. The main idea of this Project was the good practice exchange, teacher and student learning and training different activities using different digital and information technologies, that is sustainable and lifelong. Teachers developed their skills how to work by digital and media literacy with pupils.They acquired innovative skills and competencies in digital education, as adding a European dimension to the everyday classwork by exchanging the developed innovative methodology aiming at the school success within the partner schools. Furthermore Innovative approaches definitely transformed their daily traditional teaching methods in lessons based on practice-based and inquire-based techniques creating a stronger relationship with their students. | Objectives were achieved: 1 To give definition to digital competence and media literacy in different countries in order to promote inclusion. 2 To explore students` knowledge about digital and media competence. 3 To explore and develop teachers understanding and skills in field of digital and media literacy. 4 To develop, transfer and implement good practice in using different digital tools for developing of digital and media competence. 5 To promote teacher training. 6 To develop students` 21st century skills 5c: Communication, Collaboration, Creativity & Innovation, Critical thinking, and Cross-cultural awareness. 7 To create European identity. 8 To make professional and collaborative contacts worldwide. 9 To improve new multidisciplinary digital skills in order to live, work, learn and participate in the modern society. | There were 6 participating countries. Each country brought into our Project something very important for students` life- learning and did it sustainable. For some participating countries, where the risks of early school leaving are high ,there were some possibilities to learn about e-learning too, the students became self-aware,self confident and more motivated decreasing their school early leaving. Some of the participants were very experienced in using technologies and collaboration and cooperation skills through different Erasmus online platforms like eTwinning. ;So teachers and students had a chance to do different activities inside class and out of class using digital and media literacy. They improved English language, ICT, social and cross- cultural competence. They collaborated and cooperated in different countries in different groups of partners. Teachers improved their professional development by embracing new types of literacy for a meaningful use of technologies in the classroom to be able to share their skills with other colleagues and to continue their own development also after project lifetime. Moreover, the teachers improved their ICT literacy and digital skills within their fields of teaching by using innovative and student-centered activity and also the strategic partnership itself. The project employed new e-learning teaching methods based on open source tools. We created a teaching model based on Active Learning in order to stimulate the pupils interest and directly encourage a sense of participation in each individual student . | Concerning the school as a whole, the project stimulated the use of ICT tools, gave both teachers and pupils a broader insight into European education and learning, propose new teaching methods and approaches for secondary schools and favoured an intercultural approach to education by instilling healthy values into the pupils, such as respect for other individuals, other ethnic groups or ideologies that was different from their own. We also are sure that this project had an impact outside the classroom as extra-curricular activity offers the opportunity to initiate communication between students of different schools. We strongly agree that the project influenced the students outlook on life, made them more open-minded and open to innovation, and let them develop skills and values which are extremely useful for them later on in their adult lives. | Our achieved results refer not only to teachers and students, but also to local people and community: involved parents in school life and different activities connected with the project, to tighten the cooperation with local and regional institutions and the partner | schools, to popularize the pupils work among their parents , the local, regional, National and European community, to produce the final products that will be beneficial to the society. Results | Website | | | Feedback from participants | | Feedback analyses after TPM 1 | Feedback analyses after C1 teachers | Feedback analyses after C1 students | Feedback after C2 in Romania teachers | Feedback analyses after C3 in France teachers | Feedback after C4 teachers | Feedback analyses after C4 students | Feedback after C3 in France students | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Pocket Film Guidelines | The Pocket Film Tool | Webinar on Media Competence | FINAL PRODUCTS IN C1 / LTT 1 MEETING IN DOBRICH, BULGARIA | Final Products in C2 Meeting in Barlad, Romania | Final Products in C3 meeting in Montpellier, France | Final product in C4 | Final product in C4 | Final product C4 | Final product C4 | Final product C4 | Final product C4 | Partnerships and cooperations | | Report after TPM 1 | Dissemination material | | Dissemination of the Project by Latvia | Dissemination of the Project by Bulgarian team | Dissemination of the Project by Italian team | Dissemination of the Project by Turkish team | Dissemination of the Project by French team | Dissemination of the Project by Romanian team | Final videos as a final product of the Project after C4 | Organizational and working documents | | Transnational Meeting 1 | Report after C2 | Report after C1 | Results of Logo competition | Midterm report | Report after C3 | Report after C4 | Transnational Meeting 2 Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2017;2017-1-MK01-KA103-035189;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;The Erasmus+ Cooperation in scope of the Project KA103 is being directly implemented through the International Relations Office (further abbreviated as IRO) of International Balkan University (fur...;;;INTERNATIONAL BALKAN UNIVERSITY;MK;MK;119.581,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;not available;English;The Erasmus+ Cooperation in scope of the Project KA103 is being directly implemented through the International Relations Office (further abbreviated as IRO) of International Balkan University (further abbreviated as IBU). Until now, IBU has expanded its successful cooperation with many universities in several EU countries. The number of agreements increased for 28 more agreements throughout of the project and now IBU has a total of 89 Erasmus+ inter-institutional agreements with countries in Europe and beyond. The cooperation is going well with all partners, bearing in mind that IBU has successfully implemented student mobility for studies and traineeships and staff exchanges with counties such as: Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Spain and Turkey. Internal calls were published in several intervals throughout the year, depending on the type of the mobility taking place. The internal calls are usually published on the IBU main webpage, the IRO website, and additionally on social network sites such as: Facebook IBU Students group, IRO Facebook page as well as the official IBU Facebook page, IBU announcement board, and e-mail circulation. In order to be transparent and open to anyone, IBU has created an Internal Commission (IC) for the candidates that applied on the internal calls, which is composed of IBU Deans of Faculties and the Erasmus+ Institutional Coordinator. Applications are being selected according to the following criteria: Grade Point Average (GPA) of the students, passed and failed exams, motivation letter, equal division of the quota between all study programs, previous usage of Erasmus+ grants, as well as results from the separate interviews with the candidates. Within this Erasmus+ Project, IBU has successfully used the quota for all approved mobilities, including: 25 student mobilities for studies, 15 student mobilities for traineeships, 4 staff mobilities for teaching and 3 staff mobilities for training. All students have followed the regulations from the EU Commission and the National Agency for European Educational Programs and Mobility in the Republic of Macedonia, including: respecting the rules of the ECTS credit transfer, using the OLS licenses within IBU premises, delivering the participant reports as well as the administrative procedures such as: valid learning agreements with all signatures, noted changes of courses in the during mobility forms, delivery of transcript of records, certificates of attendance and after mobility documents after accomplishing the mobility. Out of the 40 OLS licenses which have been delivered to IBU, 39 have been distributed, however, 28 have been finalized with the two assessments and the rest are only with one assessment. The second OLS assessment could not be finalized due to movement of the IBU in the new premises where we faced with electricity, internet restrictions and lack of computer laboratories. ;The number of incoming students for the 2017/2018 academic year totaled 19 students, from the following countries: Germany, Poland, Turkey, Lithuania and France. IRO is striving to assist the incoming students in every possible way, bearing in mind that Macedonian visa takes long time to be approved. IRO is assisting Erasmus+ incoming students in terms of: transparency of openness of courses from all study programs and providing catalogs for course choices, helping with translation issues, accommodation options and information circulation. IRO has been greatly assisted by all professors who welcome the students as our own students. IBU Student Mentors were appointed to incoming students which are helping them during their stay in Skopje. The incoming students always attend the IBU InfoDay organized by IRO in order to get to know the rules of the university, exams regulations, attendance criteria as well as meeting the student mentors and IRO staff. When it comes to outgoing staff mobility for teaching and training, the most attractive destinations were Turkey and Lithuania, while IBU has been visited throughout the year by 33 professors and administrative staff from Latvia, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Poland and Turkey. During the project, both incoming and outgoing students and staff experienced different teaching methods, a mixture of culture, religions and languages, as well as a variety of events and new ideas, which increased the level of internationalization in scope of the university itself and adding up to the quality of education and implementation of the EU practices in the higher education. With the organizational support budget from this project, IBU spent most of the budget in designing and printing its IRO promotion materials with the logo of IBU and official Erasmus+ logo. Materials include: tea cups, pens, pencils, folders, notebooks and bags for promoting the university and this project. IRO organised the sightseeing trip on the touristic places around Macedonia. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility with VET mobility charter;2017;2017-1-MT01-KA116-026912;;;Strengthening the training of VET learners and VET Educators;The Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST) is, by far, the major Vocational Educational and Training (VET) college in the Maltese Islands. The MCAST trains and prepares youths and a...;;;MALTA COLLEGE OF ARTS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY;MT;MT,NL,LV,IT,UK,DE,FI,FR,PT,ES,SE;515.323,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;The Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST) is, by far, the major Vocational Educational and Training (VET) college in the Maltese Islands. The MCAST trains and prepares youths and adults in a wide range of specialised skills in order to provide the bulk of the manpower needed by the local industry on a national level. | It is therefore crucial in the current global scenario for the MCAST to keep its VET system constantly updated by exposing and training its students and staff in other countries and beyond the national VET scenario. In itself the project acts as an essential cross-fertilisation project for VET education across the EU. | The main activities associated with the participation in this project will include: | 1) In line with the MCAST Internationalisation Strategy (Annex 1), the participation of the MCAST in this Erasmus+ project will give learners a unique enhancement to their educational experiences as they will have the opportunity of going on traineeships in companies and vocational education institutions in other European countries. This is especially important within the context of a globalised economy: the students are presented with the opportunity of training in the international employment market. This project would offer over 120 students the opportunity to do an international VET learner traineeship in a company or vocational college and giving them the chance to apply the knowledge they learnt at the College, to learn new practical skills from their placements but also to be able to learn about a different European country and its culture. On successful completion of the mobility, a Europass Mobility Certificate will be issued to each participant in recognition of the experience gained. | For each of its six different institutes, the MCAST has identified a number of potential partners which will host students in companies, organisations or colleges abroad. These partnerships and their links to the different institutes and areas of studies are summarised in the attached Annex 2. ;"The expected learning outcomes for the students going on an Erasmus+ traineeship are: | a. to get work experience in their specific sector | b. to recognise the main challenges in the sector | c. to perform tasks independently & in a team | d. to use standard tools & accessories in the specific sector | e. to appreciate the main differences between the local market & the European market | f. to appreciate different people, languages & cultures | The MCAST will also send students from the Centre for Maritime Studies (CMS) on VET mobilities which last 6 months. These students will conduct practical training on board ships. This is fundamental for the students to acquire their profession as maritime officer. The Erasmus+ program will also offer OLS support to these students who often have to work on vessels to improve on their language skills. | One of the major changes in the scope of the mobility flows is the substantial increase in mobilities of learners and staff in the Netherlands. For 2017 and 2018 the MCAST, in line with its European Internationalization Strategy, desires to increase the number of VET learner traineeships in vocational institutes in colleges based in Leeuwarden, the Netherlands. In 2018 both Valletta and Leeuwarden will be cultural capitals of Europe. The MCAST has initiated several collaborative projects with the colleges of ROC Friese Poort , Nordwin and Friesland for 2018. The MCAST desires to send 40 learners to carry out a traineeship in these vocational colleges in the Netherlands to work on collaborative projects. These collaborative projects will not only give an exposure to students in their area of study but will foster a cultural exchange between two European countries. Students from all of the MCAST institutes, including: creative arts, sciences, engineering, business, ICT and community services will be eligible to apply. These Dutch colleges have strong ties with local industries and can give a good exposure to MCAST Technical College students in the respective industries. | 2) Staff; For MCAST staff to stay updated and relevant in today's educational system it is crucial that the staff is regularly trained and kept abreast with technological advancement. Through this project the staff would be given an opportunity to receive a 5-day training in other vocational schools besides the opportunity to observe new areas of study, new technologies, new teaching methods etc. This will be a cross-fertilisation exercise across VET institutions. The mobilities will be in line with the MCAST training needs (Annex 3). | 3) Students and staff with special needs will have an equal opportunity to apply and participate in this project. These participants will be supported whole-heartedly by the MCAST International Office and the NA, including the provision of accompanying persons where needed. | Finally, refer to Annex 4 for the Application, Selection Procedure and Dissemination." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2017;2017-1-PL01-KA103-035754;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;The project, which has been implemented, foc. on 64 mobility types divided into 4 types: student mob. for semester studies in order to carry out part of the studies at a foreign partner university...;;;Panstwowa Wyzsza Szkola Techniczno - Ekonomiczna im. ks. Bronislawa Markiewicza;PL;PL;100.350,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;not available;English;The project, which has been implemented, foc. on 64 mobility types divided into 4 types: student mob. for semester studies in order to carry out part of the studies at a foreign partner university and depart. for internship to the foreign institution coop. with PWSTE, as well as academic teachers to conduct classes didactic for foreign university students and employees for training purposes. Initially, the contract prov. for 41 mob. (15-SMS, 13-SMP, 7-STA and 6-STT). At the emerging occasion, PWSTE applied for additional funds. As a result of an active policy aiming at intern., as many as 64 mob. have been implemented, which is 23 more than the contract provided for. The first annex was granted to us with an additional 6 SMS mob. and the second one: 11 SMP and 7 STT. We regularly applied for funds for STT mob., decl. at the same time an increase in student dep. for apprenticeships, which included the final annex, assuming 45 mobility, however 44 student mob. and 13 STT and 7 STA dep. were completed. Certainly, the priority assumptions of the institutional strategy of PWSTE, which include the increase in the intern. of our University, were certainly made. Analyzing the conducted mob.: a total of 21 students took advantage of dep. for studying, of which 4 people left in the first sem. and in the second 17 ones. 4 of them receiving social scholarships were qualified for E+ POWER. In addition, 23 students real. mob. for internships, choosing both Greece and Spain. In the SMP category, also 3 people received support for a social scholarship. A total of 21 SMS mob. and 23 SMP were approved. When leaving for studies, mob. participants chose such countries as Spain - up to 9 people, and 12 to Portugal. 19 apprentices have chosen Greece, 3 Spain and 1 Cyprus. Analyzing the mob. of empl., it should be noted that 20 mob. was jointly impl. divided into 13 STT and 7 STA. More specifically, 2 people went to Romania and Portugal, 1 to Cyprus and Bulgaria, and as many as 14 to Slovakia, which is very successful due to intensive coop. Both the priority qualitative and quantitative objectives that are the subject of the agreement between the PWSTE and the National Agency as well as those included in the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) have been achieved. The university accepted all the subj. that the students chose in LA and which they passed during their studies abroad. In addition, the program of all foreign apprenticeships was accepted. In addition, program participants compl. their studies at PWSTE receive a diploma supp. certifying partic. in the mobility program, which was implem. on the basis of previously concl. intern. agreements that defined the role and respons. of each party including the partners' obligations. Participants were provided with adequate prep. for the trip, both mentally and substantively. Mobility was carried out on the basis of pre-departure agreem. prepared and approved (on the program of study/apprenticeship/teach./train.), agreed by the 3 parties. Benef. were prov. with support related to obtaining a visa, insur., as well as finding accom. before the start of mobility. ;The university undertook activities inv. the recognition of qualified student activ. LA, recogn. them as a stage of an element of education leading to a diploma. This also concerned the recognition of training and didactic trips of the staff in accord. with the previously prep. progr. Permanent inform. was propagated about E+ operating in PWSTE, promoting the undertaking of mob. activ., incl. the results obtained, which in turn were sought to be disseminated. During the implem. of activ. under the program, particular emphasis was placed on ensuring the widest possible access to the part. of students of all faculties, regardless of social and econ. status, gender, race and religion. When assessing the acquired prof. compet., it can be seen that the majority of students admitted that thanks to the trip they can now perceive the value of other cult. Trips paid off in improv. the skills of using the Internet and social media. Part. incr. the self-assessment ability of their strengths and weaknesses, coop. in the group and indep. learning proc. They are confident and aware of their skills and more tolerant towards others, they are more inter. in Europ. affairs and plan to be more actively inv. in social and polit. life in their environ. They feel more European, being able to coop. with repr. of other cultures and perceive their value, they adapt better in new cond. The trips of the staff res., among others, incr. job satisf., improv. social, linguistic and cult. compe., as well as strengthening coop. with a partner institution. The dep. influenced their personal and prof. devel. as they expanded or establ. new contacts as well as benef. from good pract. learned abroad. The staff strengthened lang. skills by acquiring qualific. relevant to the higher educ. sector that are relevant to current work and prof. devel. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility between Programme and Partner Countries;2017;2017-1-PL01-KA107-036565;;;Project for higher education student and staff mobility between Programme Countries and Partner Countries;The implemented project includes 11 mob. in cooperation with five partner universities: Banking University in Kiev, Ivan Franko National Univ. of Lviv, Odessa National Maritime Univ., Simon Kuznet...;;;Panstwowa Wyzsza Szkola Techniczno - Ekonomiczna im. ks. Bronislawa Markiewicza;PL;PL;19.195,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;not available;English;This situation results from the fact that two more lecturers came to the PWSTE from the Odessa State Academy of Civil Engin. and Architecture, in turn the next two from the Odessa National Maritime Univ. and Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National Univ. of Economics. The training visit of the Rector of the Banking Univ. in Kiev-275 e (travel), while the student mob. did not require financing the trav. as the student arrived (bachelor studies - summer sem. 17/18) from the Lviv Institute of the Bank. Univ. in Kiev, understood as the Lviv branch of the Kiev Univ. Financing of the trip amounted to 0. Individual support for all participants of the project was paid for 7 days, in accordance with the funds allocated in the contract for which we applied. Individual STA support for arrivals = 3920 e, STA trav = 1100 e, total STA-arrivals = 5020 e. STT individual support for arrivals = 2940 e, STA trav=275 e, total STT-arrivals = 3215 e. Individual outgoing STA support = 3360 e, STA trav = 825 e, total STA-outgoing= 4185 e. Individual SMS support = 3275 e (4025 e in the contract, individual support including travel). It remains 750 e from SMS and 275 e from travel of incoming STT, total=1025 e. From this amount, additional STT incoming mobility was realized in the amount of 980 euro. The unused funds are 45 e. Organizational support = 3500 e.;The priority assumptions of the institutional strategy of PWSTE and partner univ. were made, including the increase in the internationalization of both partner univ. Both the priority quality and quantity objectives, which are the subject of the agreement between the PWSTE and the National Agency, as well as those included in the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) have been achieved. Ukrainian colleges accepted all the subjects that the student had chosen in LA and which she had passed during her studies in Poland. Participants were provided with adequate preparation for the mobility, both mentally and substantively. Mobility was carried out on the basis of pre-departure agreements prepared and approved (on the study/teaching/training program) agreed by 3 parties. Beneficiaries were provided with support related to obtaining a visa, insurance, as well as finding accommodation before the start of mobility. Universities undertook activities involving the recognition of qualified student activities concl. in LA, recognizing them as a stage of an element of education leading to a diploma. This also applies to recognizing the arrivals and departures of employees in accord. with the previously prepared programs. Permanent information was propagated on the E+ program, promoting the undertaking of mobility activities, including the results obtained, which in turn were sought to disseminate. During the implementation of activities under the E+ program, part. emphasis was placed on ensuring the widest possible access to part. in the program of students of all majors and modes, regardless of social and economic status, gender, race and religion. When assessing the acquired professional competences, it can be seen that the participants raised their analytical skills, the ability to logically thinking and draw conclusions, co-exist in the group and the independent learning process. They are confident and aware of their skills and tolerant towards others, more interested in European affairs, and plan to be more actively involved in social and political life in their environment. They feel more European, being able to cooperate with representatives of other cultures, they adapt better in new conditions. Personnel mobilities have resulted in increased job satisfaction, improved social, linguistic and cultural competences, as well as enhanced coop. with a partner institution.The mob. influenced their personal and prof. development as they expanded or established new contacts as well as benefited from good practices learned abroad. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2017;2017-1-PL01-KA201-038540;;;Stalag: live and die in a German prisoner-of-war camp during the World War II;Learning about the history of the II World War in Poland, France and Germany is a very difficult subject which students consider to be not very interesting, as usually about II World War they find...;Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;Centrum Polsko-Francuskie Ctes d'Armor-Warmia i Mazury w Olsztynie;PL;PL,FR,DE;147.865,00;Yes;No;Publically funded cultural organizations;Asociacin;;;English;Learning about the history of the II World War in Poland, France and Germany is a very difficult subject which students consider to be not very interesting, as usually about II World War they finding out on the last step of the studying and its a lots of real story listening. Innovation about this project is to propose an attractive method of learning, based on alternative ways of teaching which goes together with needs and expectations of young people, on activating methods for lessons and information technology. The novelty consists on adaptation of the teaching tools on different kind of differences between project partners: social differences (pupils from both technical and general secondary schools), language differences (mother tongues used by the participants) and cultural (tradition and religion). We would like to put teaching the history in a wider dimension, in order to give to students the envy to discover the link between the past and the present day. Also to show the connection with other subjects like arts, philosophy, foreign language we would like to prove that history it is not a simple research in the past but the source of inspiration, themes of discussion, a pretext to exchange with colleagues from other countries. The history of the POW camp is considered as a beginning of the complex reflection about good and evil, about moral attitudes in front of difficult historical events. Its particularly true today when the world and also Europe are confronted to the terrorism, to the flow of immigrants and a fear towards foreigners. Also to show the consequences of racial, cultural and ethnic segregation. The common work in international group will facilitate an understanding of the past of different countries who were linked by painful history for a long time. Structure of partnership consortium, base on participants from Poland, France and Germany, came from a fact that people from these countries took a part in a war, were prisoners and guards of stalag.;The main goal of the project is to engage learners from those three countries to learn more about their history, to enrich collective memory and to develop historical knowledge about the POW camps and their prisoners after the war. During the project we would like to search for contacts with last war prisoners who are still alive and their families, visit the museums with war display, develop innovate educational material, develop pedagogical games and organize the event which will publicize. Innovate will be shown by: - Educational Video - short video about the history showing the most important things during the class work. - TACOS - Interdisciplinary and creative challenge for students - put the students in a situation which will be a touch challenge for them and let them use the abilities and competences and look for necessary information and documents to finish the tasks. This technique is about teamwork and creative side of students - Flipped learning - when the students became a teacher and passed the knowledge not only during the lesson but also outside in front of the large public. The task for project participants will be not just gain the knowledge and reflection but also lay the information and own thoughts thought different meaning of expression. Another goal of the project is to start to build the symbolic monument of the Stalag IB Hohenstein in the place of the ex camp territory. Participation to work with a young people from the countries which in the war were in a different points of the barricade will give a symbolical dimension. Innovation is also the project subject - history of stalag and war prisoners. This subject will give a huge chance to find out about information and all the facts so we would like to expand it with adding source institutions like museum from Olsztynek, Schloss Holte-Stukenbrock and Saint-Connan. Innovativeness of the showing method is a result that despite its a history, the assembled videos will be use for teaching different subjects like literature, nature subjects, maths and many more. Also TACOS is very useful tool to enrich lesson about native language, arts subjects and will give an idea for after-school clubs. Added thing for the project will be contact with people working in a museum and will give a chance to exchange the experiences to work with young people, enrich own workshop and animation offer which will give in a future for better contacts with college. To communicate between schools will use e-twinning which will enable to fulfil online. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Live and die in Stalag | Escape from Stalag | Memory game | True or false | Scenario de classe | Lesson plan: stalags, oflags, concentration camps | Dissemination material | | Interview with a history witness Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-PL01-KA202-038280;;;Micro-enterprise Learning Partnerships;The ME2ME project has been aimed at development of bespoke peer-to-peer learning networks in real and virtual environments where micro-enterprise owners share their knowledge and skills. During 24...;Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Enterprise, industry and SMEs (incl. entrepreneurship) ...;;OSRODEK SZKOLENIOWO-BADAWCZY INNEO;PL;PL,UK,HU,CZ,IE,FI,RO,LT;265.065,00;Yes;No;Non-governmental organisation/association/social enterprise;ONG;;;English;The ME2ME project has been aimed at development of bespoke peer-to-peer learning networks in real and virtual environments where micro-enterprise owners share their knowledge and skills. During 24-month timeframe of the project eight partners from eight EU countries have developed six intellectual outputs, organized five transnational meetings, transnational training event and multiplier event in each partner country. | | Each partner has performed piloting on local level, using the materials developed in practical way and developing peer-to-peer learning networks. The project brought together VET professionals and micro-enterprise owners to create attitudes and relationships that otherwise would not be created. Partners have identified skills and knowledge that could be used to benefit the business community as a whole.;Partners performed audits of micro-enterprises in their local areas to identify skills and knowledge that could be useful to the wider business community. The partnership developed and piloted CPD curriculum resources (for VET professionals) and Induction to Pedagogy training programme (for micro-enterprise owners that had no pedagogic training to ensure that the required quality standards are achieved in peer-to-peer learning networks). A suite of bespoke mini-learning-format resources appropriate for on-line learning environments has been developed to address issues identified during a research and audit exercise on local level. These resources supported the role of VET specialists as developers of engaging learning content and facilitators of learning in the new peer-to-peer learning networks. | | Partners have developed also e-Learning portal to provide access to the learning resources developed and Policy Paper that addressed the issue of the transforming of micro-enterprise owners from consumers of education and training services into producers of education and training. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | IO2 - CPD Curriculum | IO3 - Induction to Pedagogy Programme | IO4 - Mini-Learning Format Resources | IO5 - E-Learning Portal | IO3 - Induction to Pedagogy Programme PL | IO3 - Induction to Pedagogy Programme CZ | IO3 - Induction to Pedagogy Programme HU | IO3 - Induction to Pedagogy Programme RO | IO3 - Induction to Pedagogy Programme FI | IO3 - Induction to Pedagogy Programme LT | IO5 - E-Learning Portal PL | IO5 - E-Learning Portal CZ | IO5 - E-Learning Portal RO | IO5 - E-Learning Portal HU | IO5 - E-Learning Portal FI | IO5 - E-Learning Portal LT | IO4 - Mini-Learning Format Resources PL | IO4 - Mini-Learning Format Resources CZ | IO4 - Mini-Learning Format Resources HU | IO4 - Mini-Learning Format Resources RO | IO4 - Mini-Learning Format Resources FI | IO4 - Mini-Learning Format Resources LT | IO2 - CPD Curriculum PL | IO2 - CPD Curriculum CZ | IO2 - CPD Curriculum RO | IO2 - CPD Curriculum HU | IO2 - CPD Curriculum FI | IO2 - CPD Curriculum | IO3 - Induction to Pedagogy Programme PL | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | IO1 - Research and Audit Report | IO6 - Policy Paper | IO1 - Research and Audit Report PL | IO1 - Research and Audit Report CZ | IO1 - Research and Audit Report RO | IO1 - Research and Audit Report HU | IO1 - Research and Audit Report FI | IO1 - Research and Audit Report LT | IO6 - Policy Paper PL | IO6 - Policy Paper CZ | IO6 - Policy Paper HU | IO6 - Policy Paper RO | IO6 - Policy Paper FI | IO6 - Policy Paper LT | Research and Audit Report PL | IO6 - Policy Paper PL Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-PL01-KA202-038301;;;Utilization of Renewable Energy Sources in Agricultural Vocational Education;"Project URESA has been focused on the topics related to producing green energy from renewable resources available in rural areas and possible to acquire from agricultural production. In Europe, t...";Energy and resources, Agriculture, forestry and fisheries;;Malopolski Osrodek Doradztwa Rolniczego w Karniowicach;PL;PL,TR,SK,BG;248.667,04;Yes;No;Regional Public body;Administracin Educativa;;;English;Project URESA has been focused on the topics related to producing green energy from renewable resources available in rural areas and possible to acquire from agricultural production. | In Europe, there are a number of different levels of renewable energy sources in rural areas. Western European countries in this respect are much better developed than the countries of Eastern Europe. The subject of agricultural RES plants is developing very fast in Eastern Europe. According to the need analyses conducted before project and noticing this fact during project implementation there is a very strong interest in small plants of agricultural farmers. Thats why we have elaborated high quality of the training materials to disseminate knowledge on agricultural RES plants. The project has been dedicated for farmers and residents of rural areas.;"The project products consist of the curriculum and interactive e-learning course which is available online and consist of the 7 modules on the topics of RES, with the introductory module at the beginning. The structure of the curriculum and the training content gives competences of the professionals from agriculture (farmers) VET teachers of agricultural school on the high level. Training course consists of following modules: | Module 0 - Introduction - basic information about the RES | Module 1 - ""Wind energy"" | Module 2 - ""Water energy"" | Module 3 - ""Solar energy "" | Module 4 - ""Geothermal energy "" | Module 5 - ""Biomass energy"" | Module 6 - ""Biogas energy"". Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Curriculum EN | Curriculum BG | Curriculum PL | Curriculum TR | Curriculum SK | Training content on-line | Uresa handbook EN | Uresa handbook PL | Uresa handbook BG | Uresa handbook SK | Uresa handbook TR" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-PL01-KA202-038380;;;Care Activities Raising Employment and Training on Farm Adaptation to Responsible and Mental-health Services ;The idea of social agriculture is based on the multifunctional approach to rural development. It is connected with an educational approach, which assumes that combining agriculture and social serv...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Access for disadvantaged, Disabilities - special needs;;Centrum Doradztwa Rolniczego w Brwinowie Oddzial w Krakowie;PL;PL,IT,BE,TR,ES;276.161,08;Yes;No;Regional Public body;Administracin Educativa;;;English;"The idea of social agriculture is based on the multifunctional approach to rural development. It is connected with an educational approach, which assumes that combining agriculture and social services on the local level can give benefits in the agriculture, education, health and labor market. This project intended to create a bridge in which training programmes simultaneously offer opportunities to farmers and those who can become partners of the evolution of social agriculture aiming at a real service for schools, families social care and health services. | The purpose of the project was to create training materials and platform that give people the skills to increase the uptake of social farming across Europe. Starting from a learning-by-doing methodology, typical of the traditional farmers heritage, the special programmes were elaborated (programmes based on soft skills, addressed to customers with special needs, and hard skills, such as gardening and horticulture, management of farm animals, specially trained courtyard animals, traditional food making like cheese and bread with traditional recipes, use of ecologic materials for buildings, like wood, clay, and straw, knowledge, cultivation and propagation of herbs for health and food purpose""). All of these training materials, depending on a State-of-the-Art and Training Needs Analysis, performed by the partners in the preparatory phase, were elaborated, discussed, shared, adapted, tested and evaluated. The teaching materials, implemented with 15 case studies (from Belgium, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Italy, Poland, Spain, and Turkey) are available from an online e-learning platform. The teaching materials, based on managing social agriculture and care farm, were listed according to different target users and level of difficulty and competence, and were based on triad: ""care farm tutor"", ""care farm manager"" and ""care farm social/health educator"". The ""Care Farm Tutor"" module aimed at farmers, farm workers and secondary school students. It aims to give a basic understanding to learners of the day-to-day activities associated with tutoring people on-farm activities in a social or care farm setting. This module corresponds to EQF level 3/4. The ""Care Farm Manager"" module is directed towards farmers who have experience in hosting people on their farms and in being part of teaching activities. It gives these farmers a detailed understanding of planning care fam activities on their farms, with a strong focus on suitability and accessibility for all participants. This module corresponds to EQF level 4/5. The ""Care Farm Social/Health Educator"" module is designed for social workers, psychologists, and psychiatrists who have experience in therapeutic help and assistance. This module provides specialist knowledge on planning social or care farm courses as an extra-clinical treatment or intervention. This level is in line with EQF level 5/6. Those three modules with the Summary State-of-the-Art Report, 15 case studies, keywords, bibliography, and self-evaluation test constitute an e-learning platform which was conceived and released as user-friendly, interactive and OER free of charge. The training course is available in six languages (English, Italian, French, Polish, Spanish, and Turkish)";"The results of the project can thus enable the best impact at European level for social agriculture and connecting different experiences and listing the most valuable case studies. The project creates new opportunities for agricultural entrepreneurs, and capitalise the human resources at risk getting lost in the difficulties of the job market. The teaching materials constituted the full collaboration between the world of agriculture, education and social/health services, with greater involvement and benefits of persons with mental disorders and social problems and their families and gives attractiveness of social farm methodologies targeted to children, youngsters and adults with special needs due to mental disorders and social troubles. The training platform enables circularity of experiences at European level, using linguistic and technological resources as a tool for conveying knowledge and acquiring training experiences, and convergence of themes, contents, and methods that make it possible to use common evaluation parameters of the educational paths of social farm experts on a transnational level, according to the EQF recommendation. The project relies on various instruments to spread the results achieved through piloting and monitoring tests performed in all the target countries; participation in events and workshops; social networks presenting the multilingual training products; involvement of education and health institutions, and farmers associations; online management of the system through a portal using the training materials available on the website. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | IO1_Module 1 _EN | IO1_Module 1 _ES | IO1_Module 1 _FR | IO1_Module 1 _IT | IO1_Module 1 _PL | IO1_Module 1 _TR | IO2_Module 2_EN | IO2_Module 2 _ES | IO2_Module 2 _FR | IO2_Module 2 _IT | IO2_Module 2 _PL | IO2_Module 2 _TR | IO3_Module 3_EN | IO3_Module 3_ES | IO3_Module 3 _FR | IO3_Module 3 _IT | IO3_Module 3 _PL | IO3_Module 3 _TR | IO4_Platform Tutorial_EN | IO4_Platform Tutorial_ES | IO4_Platform Tutorial_FR | IO4_Platform Tutorial_IT | IO4_Platform Tutorial_PL | IO4_Platform Tutorial_TR | IO1,2,3,4_Introduction_EN | IO1,2,3,4_Introduction_ES | IO1,2,3,4_Introduction_FR | IO1,2,3,4_Introduction_IT | IO1,2,3,4_Introduction_PL | IO1,2,3,4_Introduction_TR | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Belgium_1_EN | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Belgium_1_ES | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Belgium_1_FR | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Belgium_1_IT | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Belgium_1_PL | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Belgium_1_TR | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Czech Republic_1_EN | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Czech Republic_1_ES | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Czech Republic_1_FR | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Czech Republic_1_IT | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Czech Republic_1_PL | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Czech Republic_1_TR | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Netherlands_1_EN | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Netherlands_1_ES | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Netherlands_1_FR | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Netherlands_1_IT | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Netherlands_1_PL | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Netherlands_1_TR | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Poland_1_EN | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Poland_1_ES | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Poland_1_FR | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Poland_1_IT | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Poland_1_PL | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Poland_1_TR | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Poland_2_EN | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Poland_2_ES | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Poland_2_FR | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Poland_2_IT | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Poland_2_PL | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Poland_2_TR | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Poland_3_EN | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Poland_3_ES | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Poland_3_FR | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Poland_3_IT | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Poland_3_PL | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Poland_3_TR | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Spain_1_EN | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Spain_1_ES | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Spain_1_FR | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Spain_1_IT | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Spain_1_PL | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Spain_1_TR | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Spain_2_EN | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Spain_2_ES | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Spain_2_FR | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Spain_2_IT | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Spain_2_PL | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Spain_2_TR | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Spain_3_EN | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Spain_3_ES | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Spain_3_FR | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Spain_3_IT | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Spain_3_PL | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Spain_3_TR | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Turkey_1_EN | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Turkey_1_ES | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Turkey_1_FR | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Turkey_1_IT | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Turkey_1_PL | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Turkey_1_TR | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Turkey_2_EN | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Turkey_2_ES | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Turkey_2_FR | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Turkey_2_IT | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Turkey_2_PL | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Turkey_2_TR | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Turkey_3_EN | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Turkey_3_ES | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Turkey_3_FR | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Turkey_3_IT | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Turkey_3_PL | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Turkey_3_TR | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Italy_1_EN | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Italy_1_ES | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Italy_1_FR | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Italy_1_IT | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Italy_1_PL | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Italy_1_TR | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Italy_2_EN | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Italy_2_ES | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Italy_2_FR | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Italy_2_IT | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Italy_2_PL | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Italy_2_TR | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Italy_3_EN | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Italy_3_ES | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Italy_3_FR | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Italy_3_IT | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Italy_3_PL | IO1,2,3,4_CASE STUDY_Italy_3_TR | IO1,2,3,4_SoA_Italy_EN | IO1,2,3,4_SoA_Turkey_EN | IO1,2,3,4_SoA_EU_EN | IO1,2,3,4_SoA_Poland_EN | IO1,2,3,4_SoA_Spain_EN | IO1,2,3,4_SoA_Summary Report_EN | IO1,2,3,4_SoA_Summary Report_ES | IO1,2,3,4_SoA_Summary Report_FR | IO1,2,3,4_SoA_Summary Report_IT | IO1,2,3,4_SoA_Summary Report_PL | IO1,2,3,4_SoA_Summary Report_TR | Community building tools | | Care Farm Training Platform and e-learning | Dissemination material | | Dissemination_Brochure_EN | Dissemination_Brochure_ES | Dissemination_Brochure_FR | Dissemination_Brochure_IT | Dissemination_Brochure_PL | Dissemination_Brochure_TR" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-PL01-KA202-038756;;;Improving the Employability of People with Hearing Impairments;The situation of people with disabilities is high on the EU social inclusion agenda, as through the adoption and implementation of the European Commission's European Disability Strategy 2010-2020,...;Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal), Access for disadvantaged;;SPOLECZNA AKADEMIA NAUK;PL;PL,LT,BG,IS;227.455,50;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;The situation of people with disabilities is high on the EU social inclusion agenda, as through the adoption and implementation of the European Commission's European Disability Strategy 2010-2020, EU promotes the active inclusion and full participation of disabled people in society, in line with the EU human rights approach to disability issues. Regarding labour market participation, it has been reported in the EC Joint Employment Report 2017 (, that data (EU-SILC 2014) show high activity and employment gaps for people with disabilities what was no exception for the main target group of the ProHear project. | Thus, the main goal of the proHear project, within 26 months Strategic partnership, was to provide integrated support, tailored to the needs and specificities of people with hearing impairments, through development and validation of innovative integrated training tools and materials, in order to increase motivation and self-awareness, create incentives for acquiring new soft skills necessary for efficient job search, improve job-finding competences and employment performance and thus promote efficient integration of hearing impaired people into employment. | 1. Identification of the key competence gaps and specific training needs of people with hearing impairments in the partner countries, related to job finding, on-the-job performance and employability in general. | 2. Identification of a number of occupations (3-5) in each partner country, in which people with hearing impairments find serious difficulties effectively integrating. | 3. Elaboration of an innovative training methodology, tools and materials, combining the processes of counselling, training and job-seeking in a single, integrated approach, in order to enhance the employability and social inclusion of hearing impaired people. | 4. Transfer the project effects to other countries through the set-up of an Interactive e-Learning Platform and establishment of a network for trainers and employment counsellors of people with hearing impairments. | The proHear consortium comprised 6 partners from 4 countries (Poland, Bulgaria, Lithuania, and Iceland), with diverse profiles in the field of hearing impaired peoples support and employment (i.e. universities, union of deaf people, educations association and rehabilitation centre). Thus, the proHear partnership achieved a good balance and mutual complementarity in terms of experiences/competences possessed and allocation of tasks and responsibilities. | The proHear main target group were people with hearing impairments, differentiated by their employment status (inactive/unemployed/employed) as well as relevant stakeholders, incl. actual/prospective employers and trainers/employment counsellors.;As part of the project a Survey and Gap Analysis (IO1), were carried out by means of desk research and interviews with hearing impaired persons and relevant stakeholders, incl. actual/prospective employers of such individuals. Based on the above high quality, practically-oriented training workshops were conducted using curriculum and training content, as well as training guide for counsellors, elaborated within (IO2) and a special Empowerment Kit (IO4) for people with hearing impairments was created. In order to enhance the sustainability and efficiency of the training activities, a trainers/employment counsellors collaborative network was established and an Interactive e-Learning Platform created (IO3), containing all the developed learning resources and making training content and experience accessible to all stakeholders for adaptation and further use. | The proHear project had an overall impact on participating organisations, policymakers, social partners, single employers and, finally, people with hearing impairments, as its major objective was to narrow the existing knowledge gap, provide awareness on key concepts and opportunities and equip hearing impaired people with the needed tools to support their efforts for mitigating their own state of vulnerability in the labour market and improving the degree of their social inclusion. Moreover, put in place a sustainable process of empowerment, self-awareness and self-initiative among the projects target group will continue to evolve after the project's completion by using the and the project results will further be available at project website beyond the project end. Dissemination included mentoring approach, valorisation (pilot) workshops with practitioners and hearing impaired people as well as 12 different Local Info, Career and Labour market days with relevant stakeholders (indirect beneficiaries) in each country including international valorisation conference in PL and EU dissemination through partner networks. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | proHear Curriculum_ENG | proHear Curriculum_BG | proHear Curriculum_IS | proHear Curriculum_LT | proHear Curriculum_PL | proHear Methodological guidebook for trainers and counsellors_ENG | proHear Methodological guidebook for trainers and counsellors_BG | proHear Methodological guidebook for trainers and counsellors_IS | proHear Methodological guidebook for trainers and counsellors_LT | proHear Methodological guidebook for trainers and counsellors_PL | The proHear Interactive e-Learning Platform | proHear_Training Guide for E-platform users_ENG | proHear_Training Guide for E-platform users_BG | proHear_Training Guide for E-platform users_IS | proHear_Training Guide for E-platform users_LT | proHear_Training Guide for E-platform users_PL | The proHear Empowerment Kit_ENG | The proHear Empowerment Kit_BG | The proHear Empowerment Kit_IS | The proHear Empowerment Kit_LT | The proHear Empowerment Kit_PL | proHear Sign Language Materials_All languages versions | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | proHear Synthesis Report of Survey and Gap analysis | proHear National Report of Survey and Gap analysis_Bulgaria | proHear National Report of Survey and Gap analysis_Iceland | proHear National Report of Survey and Gap analysis_Lithuania | proHear National Report of Survey and Gap analysis_Poland | The Executive Summary of the Survey and Gap Analysis Synthesis Report_ENG | The Executive Summary of the Survey and Gap Analysis Synthesis Report_BG | The Executive Summary of the Survey and Gap Analysis Synthesis Report_IS | The Executive Summary of the Survey and Gap Analysis Synthesis Report_LT | The Executive Summary of the Survey and Gap Analysis Synthesis Report_PL | Dissemination material | | proHear_Leaflet_ENG | proHear_Leaflet_BG | proHear_Leaflet_IS | proHear_Leaflet_LT | proHear_Leaflet_PL | proHear_Newsletters_1,2,3,4_all languages versions Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-PL01-KA202-038850;;;Methods and tools for efficient use of existing resources and for support of development of effective training content by VET Teachers;Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) provide great opportunities both for school education and for training and thus contribute to their quality, attractiveness and effectiveness. ICT...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;INSTYTUT TECHNIKI GORNICZEJ KOMAG;PL;PL,FI,LV;287.972,12;Yes;No;Research Institute/Centre;Centro de Investigacin;;;English;"Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) provide great opportunities both for school education and for training and thus contribute to their quality, attractiveness and effectiveness. ICT solutions useful for teaching have become commonly available, and affordable or for free, but their effective use requires relevant teachers skills. E-MOTIVE project was initiated by: i) observation that in VET application of ICT was still relatively low and ii) conclusion that one of reasons was lack of materials which are easy-to-use, and enable to obtain necessary knowledge and skills in a short time. The project objective was to solve this problem by development of training materials and solutions which would enable VET teachers to acquire knowledge and skills necessary for: | i) use of ICT to create different types of attractive electronic training materials which meet VET students needs and expectations, | ii) use of existing ICT tools for teaching, | in all main forms of teaching that might be carried out in VET, i.e. classroom learning (traditional), on-line learning (via Internet) and blended learning (carried out partly in the classroom and partly via Internet). | The project consortium members were: | - Instytut Techniki Grniczej KOMAG (PL) - team involved in the project is experienced in use of ICT, also for development of training materials and courses | - VET units: | + RTRIT - R_gas T_risma un rado__s industrijas tehnikums (LV) is a VET school related with tourism and hospitality sector. ICT solutions are integrated in many lessons provided there. | + TTS Tytehoseura (FI) is a VET centre related with road transport and logistics sector. ICT solutions are very intensively used by them, including those more advanced like simulators. | Both VET units cooperate with other VET units and organizations at national and European level, with national authorities, and participate in events related with VET. | Competences and experiences of all the project partners contributed to the project realization and its results. | E-MOTIVE consortium developed e-MOTIVE platform at which free access to the following resources and solutions has been provided: | - repository of knowledge pills (short, easy-to-use instructions) that show and guide how to use ICT tools for: i) development of training materials, ii) use of Internet tools for teaching, and provide necessary background knowledge | - reports and use cases regarding ICT-enhanced teaching | - software sandboxes for several Internet tools; a sandbox is an isolated software environment in which an Internet tool - a piece of software or platform - can be used without affecting other systems or causing serious problems. Although it is a specially prepared installation of a given tool it looks and works the same as a fully operational one. | - e-MOTIVE AR tool which enables to develop training materials based on Augmented Reality technology and use it during teaching.";"To make the e-MOTIVE platform truly useful the following conditions have been met: | - knowledge pills and software sandboxes regard ICT tools which are open-source and/or commonly used | - use cases are supplementary to knowledge pills | - content (topics) of knowledge pills was established based on survey carried out with both parties involved in the teaching process, i.e. VET students and VET teachers. The questionnaire used included questions about respondents preferences and expectations regarding application of ICT in teaching/learning; therefore ICT competences acquired by the VET teachers meet their students expectations | - all main modes of teaching (classroom, e-learning, blended) were covered, therefore training materials and solutions in a comprehensive way prepare VET teaches to integrate ICT in their teaching | - the knowledge pills repository is searchable, e.g. via key words, and each knowledge pill can be downloaded for offline use and/or for printing | - all resources are accessible any time and place, therefore a teacher can in a flexible way shape their learning path (pick and use mode) | - application of e-MOTIVE AR tool requires only standard hardware and software (computer for development, mobile device with a camera for use), and access to the Internet. No special IT skills are necessary. | - the platform resources are accessible also via Moodle Mobile app. | The prototype e-MOTIVE platform (and all the materials and solutions it provides) available in English positively underwent pilot tests and then was translated into Polish, Latvian and Finnish. | ICT competences provided by the e-MOTIVE products not only contribute to VET teachers abilities in integration of ICT in teaching, but also to the teachers self-development as educators e.g. via use of electronic training materials, participation in on-line courses. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | e-MOTIVE course - English version | e-MOTIVE course - Polish version | e-MOTIVE course - Latvian version | e-MOTIVE course - Finnish version | AR Tool | Sandboxes" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2017;2017-1-PL01-KA204-038688;;;E-citizen - effective inclusion through e-governance services ;The project concerned the exchange of practices in the field of effective citizens inclusion into the process of designing and developing e-services by the local and regional administration. In th...;Inclusion - equity, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;"Fundacja Laboratorium Badan i Dzialan Spolecznych ""SocLab""";PL;PL,TR,CZ,ES;47.120,00;Yes;No;Foundation;Fundacin;;;English;"The project concerned the exchange of practices in the field of effective citizens inclusion into the process of designing and developing e-services by the local and regional administration. In the digital times of today, there are more and more opportunities for citizens to become involved in such processes. Nowdays the local and regional authorities are increasingly facilitating the citizens' cooperation with various types of applications and virtual platforms. They care about the fact that public institutions have ceased to be perceived as hostile institutions for residents, hindering their daily life and dealing with administrative matters. Moreover, often in the context of such e-services they offer opportunities for participation, e.g. in the public consultations or in forms of civic participation. Unfortunately, this offer is still very inaccessible to people with low competences and digital skills. Due to the lack of effective ways in terms of learning using e-government services, some part of the population is even more socially excluded. For this reason, the project handle the issue of social inclusion through using the open and innovative practices related to new technologies. Therefore, the main objective is using the idea of e-government as a tool for more effective social inclusion of EU citizens. The aim is to be more e-governance than e-government. Through the development of good practices in adults teaching effectively, especially for those who have low educational competences, we can change this situation and take advantage of the potential of e-government fully. | | In the project over 600 people were involved, including 240 in Turkey, 124 in the Czech Republic, 171 in Poland and 108 in Spain. Participants were people with low digital skills, eg elderly people, residents od rural areas or migrants. In the project, we also established cooperation with non-governmental organizations or specialists in the ICT industry. Very important partners were local and regional administration offices that implement e-services and inform and train residents in this area. | | The basic activities were transnational meetings in Poland, the Czech Republic, Spain and Turkey. We exchanged experiences during them, we learned good practices and worked out an e-book recommendation. During field work, each of the partners held meetings on e-services with residents, cooperated with offices, eg by researching the user experience of existing e-services and developing a plan of information activities. | | One of most important results of our activities is an effective exchange of experiences between partner organisations and cooperating institutions on how to involve citizens and encourage them to use e-government services. Thanks to these acttvities the E-book titled: ""E-GOVERNMENT CLOSER TO THE PEOPLE"" was written. The main issues within this publicaton are: what is the idea of e-governance and how the systems of e-government in all project partners' countries looks like, what are good practice examples for effective adult learning with the use of new technologies in differnect countries and how effective are e-government practices in partner countries and also how to educate effectively low-skilled citizens by using e-government. In order to make the publication more practical, we took much care of the recommendations and references. We exchanged our national experiences putting special interests on the obstacles in using e-government and e-services, needs, barriers, support and key elements of effective usage of e-government. We discovered the big gap in designing effective adult education which can transfer effectively the knowledge of e-government services and acquire skills in using them.";We have already taken steps to create a continuation of the project. We want to develop a specific platform that could be used by the administration and non-profit organizations in creating e-services, especially at the local level with strong involvment of the citizens. We would like also work out specific educational forms for adults that would be the most engaging and effective way to teach using e-services. | Results | Website | | | Feedback from participants | | Evaluation | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | E-services usability-test report Gate of PodlaskieDigital Officeof the Gate of Podlaskie | Dissemination material | | E-citizens - feedback from participants of Field Work in Spain | E-citizen effective inclusion through e governance services | E-citizen - effective inclusion through e-governance services | E-citizen effective inclusion through e governance services | SPAIN / ORGANIZATION CENTRAL / REGIONAL / LOCAL | Others | | E-government closer to the people | Fotos Transnational Project Meeting Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-PL01-KA219-038323;;;Smarter...Greener...Safer...;The project SmarterGreenerSafer was to increase practical scientific and entrepreneurial skills of students and equip teachers with innovative and effective teaching methods to support scient...;Energy and resources, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Natural sciences;;I Spoleczna Szkola Podstawowa im. Unii Europejskiej w Zamosciu;PL;PL,IT,PT,FI,HR;127.165,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"The project SmarterGreenerSafer was to increase practical scientific and entrepreneurial skills of students and equip teachers with innovative and effective teaching methods to support scientific and entrepreneurial education. The project concerned environmental issues as disrespect for natural environment, excessive use of raw materials, energy and overconsumption are problems of our times. Scientific and entrepreneurial knowledge of students is often too theoretical and teachers lack innovative and effective teaching methods. Students proved to be poor at managing time, home budgets, recycling and energy usage, teachers lacked competence in teaching scientific subjects combined with entrepreneurial skills. The project objective was to foster innovative, out-of-box thinking, appealing to young minds who are more and more demanding and not interested in traditional methods used at school and to equip teachers with innovative teaching tools. The project was innovative because it introduced and tested out innovative methods of teaching scientific subjects and entrepreneurial skills (innovative multidisciplinary approach with interconnection between scientific knowledge and entrepreneurial skills to prevent/solve environmental problems). It made use of the newest technological innovations and tools to solve environmental problems using entrepreneurial skills. It emphasised Problem-Based Learning (PBL) and collaborative problem solving as effective tools for creative thinking. The target groups were young teenagers (12-14), for whom entrepreneurial education intermingled with scientific courses was something new and unavailable within the regular school curricula, and Science, English and IT teachers who learned how to put this idea into practice (at least 150 students and 30 teachers). Project partners cooperate closely with local companies and specialists to make the interconnection between environmental and entrepreneurial education most effective. In technology-oriented world, engaging students in designing simple devices, using videos involving peer teaching and use of technological innovations stimulated their minds to perceive environmental issues more practically and attractively. Project activities were a grassroot initiative triggering off new approach and changes in scientific curriculum to make it more practical and efficient. The activities took place at local, regional and international levels. Workshops for teachers on how to teach multidisciplinary entrepreneurial skills (including online ones), workshops for students using activating methods of teaching and studies conducted during mobilities fostered innovative approach to promoting green energy and business ideas in countries with different economic and cultural background, and with diverse eco-systems. Cooperation with local institutions, educational centres and companies enhanced the participants practical scientific and entrepreneurial skills and became the basis for future cooperation in the field of environment protection in diverse eco-systems. | Transnational project meetings and short-term exchanges made it easier for the target groups to exchange ideas and practical experience, especially that some partners to the project could offer facilities and equipment unavailable to others (e.g. cooperation with EduFor Training Centre, Portugal; status of Apple partner in education, Croatia). Partners to the project face diverse ecological problems, their experience in environmental protection differs a lot, thus international exchange of good practices was the key to success.";"The activities took place at local, regional and international levels. Workshops for teachers on how to teach multidisciplinary entrepreneurial skills (including online ones), workshops for students using activating methods of teaching and studies conducted during mobilities fostered innovative approach to promoting green energy and business ideas in countries with different economic and cultural background, and with diverse eco-systems. Cooperation with local institutions, educational centres and companies enhanced the participants practical scientific and entrepreneurial skills and became the basis for future cooperation in the field of environment protection in diverse eco-systems. Transnational project meetings and short-term exchanges made it easier for the target groups to exchange ideas and practical experience, especially that some partners to the project could offer facilities and equipment unavailable to others (e.g. cooperation with EduFor Training Centre, Portugal; status of Apple partner in education, Croatia). Partners to the project face diverse ecological problems, their experience in environmental protection differs a lot, thus international exchange of good practices was the key to success. Tangible results of the project (Greenpreneurs Book, Green E+Dictionary, innovative lesson plans, GreenSmart Stories) were disseminated at local, regional and European levels to make our ideas available for everyone. A multimedia teaching aid base was made available to all partners and anyone interested in practical scientific and entrepreneurial education through Erasmus+ Project Results Platform, this way sharing good practice and experience within schools, communities and regions, allowing others to learn from it. The project will bring longer term benefits. Activities promoting practical scientific and entrepreneurial skills have become part of school curricula and cooperation with local institutions will be continued. Project online groups remain active making background for further discussions and future cooperation. Students became familiar with culture and natural heritage of other countries and broke down barriers and prejudices between nations. They improved linguistic skills, which facilitates creating new EU program projects in the field of education through exchange of good practices. Above all, the project participants learned that despite cultural diversities we all have the same goal as responsible European citizens to be smarter greenersafer Results | Website | | | Dissemination material | | Smarter...Greener...Safer... project website | Greenpreneur's Book - e-guidebook" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-PL01-KA219-038424;;;Developing teaching methods and strategies on the basis of key competences and MI;The difficulties the teachers face in the schools with the recognition of students' competences and the ways they use them to study and achieve educational success, the issue of routine and decre...;International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;Szkola Podstawowa nr 6 im.Karola Palicy;PL;PL,PT,HU,ES;117.730,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;The difficulties the teachers face in the schools with the recognition of students' competences and the ways they use them to study and achieve educational success, the issue of routine and decrease in motivation among teachers and students inspired teachers tostart international cooperaton. We decided to work out the tools and strategies to change the mind-set of teachers by real exchange of ideas and research while meeting to find methods and tools that could be used and modified to support the students in primary level to learn successfully by use of Key Competences and Multiple Intelligences as the foundation to efficient and effective learning. By international cooperation the organizations experienced the work as the emotions and the markers of memory. | We aimed at promoting the aquisition of skills and competences as the MI recognition is the tool to more efficient organization of teaching and learning process and aquisition of knowledge by students. We observed that low motivation among students to study and get knowledge affects the teachers attitudes and their image among society. We managed to | 1/modify the school curricula on the methods and tools that involve MI and Key Competence development by selecting the most relevant ideas to eliminate routine actions and create typical tasks in untypical ways,Transnational modification of the curricula gave us a chance to exchange experience, knowledge about educational systems and the teaching problems other partners face and cope with, share know-how. | 2/ transnational character of project with students participants helped us to create tools that trigger courage to actions, develop strengths both teachers and students. | 2/enrich the educational offer of the institutions by project activities, students' exchange, new methods of teaching. | 3/create international cooperation by e-mails, blogs, meetings .The experience showed that these type of relationship is a long lasting one involving all families | 4/increase the team-work skills both among students and the teachers- the students had to work in teams in their countries and during the visits in information search, realizing the tasks and evaluating in blog. They had to use communication competence, language and interpersonal skills. The teachers had a chance to work in an international environment, share experience and develop and practice language skills. This integrated the teachers. | 5/all schools had number of students with various deficits and difficulties so involving them in the project tasks motivated them and gave them feeling that their skills and knowledge were also important and valuable. | 6/select and process methods and tools to realize the tasks in international environment with various expertise. | There were 4 partners in the project. The number of people directly involved in the project activities was about 730 and indirectly all school communities, youtube users, local governments, e-twinning users and facebook users.;Activities and results: | -observing teachers work, | -research on MI and Key Competences level, | -composing lesson plans, tests, | -creating working teams of teachers with leaders- gaining competence- communication, organizational and EU project management competence, | -local projects and events that involved communities and other partcipants | -workshops for teachers on Key competence,Coaching, Maths experiences,Faciitation as a method of work with studnets, | -Organisation of Dissemination Conferences in Poland, Hungary | -the teachers visited real schools and participated in classes | -juxtapositioning the working styles, | -the creation of common database eg.GoogleDrive - we provided the materials and used them, | The results and influence of the project: | -development of professional attitde of teachers-development of language skills supported by language course with certificates, | -increase of direct teachers' skills ICT, use of IT tools durng lessons, developing variuos competences when one subject, | -increase in students' motivation to learn foreign language, | -promotion of active ways of teaching and learning, | -participation in educational events-organising conferences, attendig tranings on new methods of teaching, | -promotion of institutions in local and international market, | -modification of curricula and implementing research in daily work of a teacher, familiarising the parents with the results and supporting students with handful tools to learn effectively, | -active role of students in teaching process, | -increase of motivation to learn foreign language and competence among teachers , | -big base of teaching methods and tools-booklets, CDs, brochures, films, presentations, worksheets,. | -the communities open to foreigners and European cultures | Long-term benefits: | Practcal knowledge for the teachers, variety of tools and methods adjusted to the students needs, broad horizons and experience of teachers. Results | Website | | | Direct effect on participants and project partners | | Comparative study of competences-Poland 2019 | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | COACHING | RESILIENCE | Dissemination material | | Dissemination result of the conference Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-PL01-KA219-038664;;;New Paths in Math - innovative methods in math for engineering students;"The project ""New Paths in Math - innovative methods in mathematics for engineering students"" was carried out for a period of 25 months in five secondary schools from Poland, Bulgaria, Italy, Cypru...";Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills;;Zespol Szkol Elektronicznych i Licealnych;PL;PL,PT,IT,BG,CY;139.075,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"The project ""New Paths in Math - innovative methods in mathematics for engineering students"" was carried out for a period of 25 months in five secondary schools from Poland, Bulgaria, Italy, Cyprus and Portugal. The common feature of the participating schools was that we provide education to future technicians and engineers for electronics and IT companies. The idea of the project arose from the need to develop new tools and materials for teaching mathematics and science using the interests and skills of our students. The main goal of the project was to improve students' mathematical competence, increase their motivation to learn, encourage to further education and prepare them to enter the labour market. During the project, we aimed to build a correlation between mathematics and vocational subjects, use students' electronic and IT knowledge and passion, and provide them with access to various forms of learning and development. The students had the opportunity to participate in many workshops, took part in extracurricular classes, taught each other in a new multicultural environment, acquired new social skills and developed their language skills. The project evaluation results clearly show that the project aims have been fully achieved. The students, aged 15-19, were involved in all project activities, willingly shared their experience with peers in cooperating schools, suggested interesting initiatives and implemented them in a very professional manner. Various presentations, infographics, interesting Padlets and brochures were created. The students have become more open to other cultures, learned about their peers' problems in other countries and together got rid of cultural stereotypes. Each school hosted one short-term exchange groups of students and in total students took part in 64 mobilities. Not only were the traveling to another country and staying in an unknown family a challenge but also hosting a peer from abroad at home. Each participating student had the opportunity to learn about the traditions and culture of another country as well as to show their home city and daily life. There was time for discussions about the future of the common Europe, about the challenges facing them in adult life and for talking about future plans. Undoubtedly, the young people have become more conscious citizens of the European community and ambassadors of EU ideas. The precondition for implementing successfully the project was to train the teaching staff so that they could use the new teaching methods. In each project group, there were at least two mathematics teachers as well as science and vocational teachers. There were three short-term joint staff training events and three international transnational project meetings. All short employee trainings supported the professional development of teachers and allowed to prepare high-level teaching materials that can be used for several years in teaching mathematics, science and vocational subjects. ";"Brochures and a mini-compendium have been created for math teachers. Together, we have developed lesson plans using modern technology and Geogebra applets that can be used and adapted freely. In addition, we've prepared math games and quizzes together. We creatively cooperated and everyone tried to to put into the work as much effort as possible in order to accomplish the project objectives. The mathematics teachers could look at their subject with the eyes of electronics and IT teachers. All materials have been collected and described in the form of an e-book, which will be available not only to our five schools but also to all interested parties. Together, using different channels and tools, we will try to make them known to as many teachers as possible across Europe. In our opinion, this project is a huge success and we want to share its deliverables. Teachers, as well as students, developed their digital skills, learned how to work in an international environment, and improved their language competences. Together, we have created a group of people who want to continue to develop and work on improving the quality of education in our schools. We have gained the experience that makes us even more open to new challenges and opportunities. During the implementation of the project and immediately after its completion, some teachers took up new challenges in which they will use the skills acquired in the ""New Paths in Math"" project. We are implementing new Erasmus + projects and pedagogical innovations in our schools and use the acquired knowledge and skills in everyday work with young people. " Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-PL01-KA219-038706;;;Healthy human in the healthy environment ;Our schools started the project owing to a common interest in human beings impact on the Earth and vice versa. Thinking about the future we decided to make the students aware of the fact that i...;Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Health and wellbeing, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace im. Janka Bytnara;PL;PL,IT,PT,RO;122.320,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;Our schools started the project owing to a common interest in human beings impact on the Earth and vice versa. Thinking about the future we decided to make the students aware of the fact that it is a man, as an individaual, who is responsible for wathever is happening to our planet and for its sustainable development. Through our actions we wanted to encourage them to become ecologically active.Moreover, observing our students, we noticed that they were not always able to choose appropriate products. Instead, they preferred reaching for fast foods or unhealthy snacks. As a result, we aimed to expand our students knowledge of healthy lifestyle and diet and to encourage them to do sports regularly. We also wanted to give them more detailed information about saubstances which influence our body negatively and, finally, to outline a sensible approach to health and environment, which they would be able to put into practice now and in the future. | Groups of about 20-30 students, 16-19- year- old teenagers, shared their knowledge concerning local and international ecological problems, prepared interactive posters getting in touch via the Internet, created brochures and films about their actions and prepared insturctional materials the recipes for traditional dishes of the regional cuisine. The students became each others teachers and partners in caring about the Planet and sharing their knowledge of their culture and traditions. The additional value of the project was popularising consumption-conscious approach , limiting food waste and air and water pollution, as well as learning about renewable sources of energy.;Doing the project tasks gave students the opportunity to develop their language skills by working in international groups and their TIC skills by using new technologies and programs.They acquired information by attending interdisciplinary classes, meeting dieticians and conservationists and undertaking various initiatives in their local communities. The teachers developed their professional skills. | The main effect of our cooperation is an online blog with a manual for young people containing a wide range of recipes for healthy eating and various articles about sustainable development. Thanks to new applications we have created a lot of materials such as interactive posters, e-books, films, presantations, newsletters and apps to learn vocabulary as well as brochures, leaflets, infographics, CDs and teaching aids. | The project had a positive influence on all the participating schools. All the planned tasks have been acomplished. The atmosphere of cooperation and understanding and the coordinators creativity were the highlights of the project, which made it even more successful. The schools are going to continue some ecological actions like: Earth Day, Water Day, cleaning the world, planting trees or a picnic on a bike. Results | Website | Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-PL01-KA219-038835;;;STEM For Everyone;"The authors of the project have determined that each institution has a large group of students who have problems achieving specific competences: a) mathematical competence - the ability to use ba...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, Natural sciences;;Szkola Podstawowa nr 88 w Poznaniu;PL;PL,PT,EL;49.110,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"The authors of the project have determined that each institution has a large group of students who have problems achieving specific competences: | a) mathematical competence - the ability to use basic mathematical tools in everyday life and to carry out elementary mathematical reasoning; | b) scientific competence - the ability to formulate conclusions based on empirical observations regarding nature and society; | c) competence to communicate in a native and foreign language (with particular emphasis on English), both in speech and in writing; | d) competence to communicate with modern information and communication technologies, searching and using information; | e) teamwork skills. | Teachers of all partner institutions reported the need for professional development through exchange of experience and good practices. In addition, teachers pointed out the need to develop skills in using information and communication technologies and to improve their English language competence. Each of the partner institutions has in its development plans establishing strategic international partnerships. Accordingly, the main goal of the project is to exchange practices and experiences between partner schools to increase the interest of young Europeans in education and subsequent careers in the field of natural sciences, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and to improve the results of students achieving below-average results in basic skills through using more effective methods. The project focused on students and the use of innovative forms of classes (e.g. robotics, programming) as well as active forms of work during the lesson. The implementation of the project allowed achieving the goals and meeting the needs of individual project partners, taking into account the following target groups: | 1. Students | - improving mathematical, scientific and technical competences of 40% of students participating in the project | - increasing IT competences in 70% of students participating in the project | - raising foreign language competence in 25% of students participating in the project | - increase of initiative and creativity | - better understanding of cultural diversity | 2. Teachers | - increasing teaching competences in 75% of teachers involved in the project | - improving competences in the field of foreign languages __in 25% of teachers participating in the project | - gaining new professional experience | - increase of motivation and job satisfaction in 60% of teachers directly involved in the project | 3. Parents | - increasing social activity | - change of approach to European projects (increase by 25%) | 4. Institutions | - improving the quality of education (institutions will introduce new learning methods) | - establishing international partnerships (partnerships will be maintained after the end of the project) | - exchange of experiences and good practices | As part of the project, in November 2017, an international training meeting on the use of technology in early childhood education, programming programming in Scratch and robotics, operation of educational platforms, as well as exchange of experience and good practices in mathematics and nature took place in Poland. These activities contributed to the exchange of knowledge and experience in the subject of the project. It also made it possible to compensate for differences in the level of knowledge among training participants in the above-mentioned issues.In April 2018, the first short-term student exchange took place in Poland with the participation of 16 students and 6 teachers from Portugal. The exchange included the following activities: mutual presentation of presentations on partner countries. Integration classes using mathematics. Scratch programming classes. A field game using mobile applications. Robotics classes. Thematic laboratory classes in physics, chemistry, biology at the Imagination Laboratory and educational classes at the Botanical Garden conducted by employees of the University of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan. Classes were slightly changed compared to the planned ones due to the resignation of partners from Greece. In October 2018, a second short-term student exchange took place in Portugal with 16 students and 4 teachers from Pozna_. The exchange included the following activities: Educational activities in the EVOA nature reserve and bird watching. Classes at the Lisbon Oceanarium. Educational classes in robotics. Observation of nature at low tide. Learning and teaching activities have enabled students and teachers from different countries to collaborate in all areas of STEM education. This made it easier for participants to acquire and improve skills not only in the field of STEM, but also work in a group or social relations. In addition, it gave students and teachers the opportunity to practice a foreign language, which has contributed to increased motivation to learn foreign languages.";Results | Website | | | Dissemination material | | Website of the project and Twinspace | Mini guide of project | Mini guide of project 2 | Programming Studio Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-PT01-KA101-035319;;;Step by step building the futur;The project Step by step building the future represented the achievement of an international idea for all the educative community, as well as the integration of European values in Agrupamento de...;Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;Agrupamento de Escolas do Cerco;PT;PT;61.721,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;The project Step by step building the future represented the achievement of an international idea for all the educative community, as well as the integration of European values in Agrupamento de Escolas do Cerco do Porto (AEC). AEC belongs to the group of schools TEIP (Educational Territories of Priority Intervention) and includes seven different schools: six primary schools with kindergarten (EB 1 Falco, Corujeira, N. Sra. Campanh, S. Roque da Lameira, Cerco e Lagarteiro) and the main school EBS do Cerco do Porto, covering all school levels (pre-school, 1st, 2nd and 3rd cycle plus secondary): about 2000 students in regular classes, professional classes, PIEF and CEF (education and training) and EFA (education for adults) classes. | The great majority of students comes from social housing background families (Cerco, Falco, Lagarteiro, Pego Negro, Machado Vaz, S. Roque, S. Joo de Deus, Antas, Contumil, Monte da Bela e Ilhu). There is also a great number of students from gypsy ethnic origin, relocated at Bairro do Cerco do Porto after moving out from Bairro S. Joo de Deus. | In the last years, due to the economic crisis, a large number of families face unstable conditions with precarious jobs, atypical types of subsistence, with short incomes below the national minimum wage, depending on welfare and social income (RSI). There are high levels of exclusion, either from the school system and the labour market which are both structural elements for the sustainable development of every community. Our students, the students of AEC, are born and live in this reality. In general, their educational levels are low and self-motivation for studying is reduced. Their background leads them to disbelieve in the power of school education to attain personal and professional success and they tend to find hard to understand the school culture. | Bearing this in mind, AEC decided to apply for the Mobility Staff Project Erasmus+ KA1, trying to find answers to these challenges, analysing new strategies and methodologies to solve these problems, enrolling the European strategy of development and modernization so that we can contribute to reach the targets of European Strategy 2020. | The process of selecting participant candidates focused on the necessity of finding people capable of exploring the cultural, human and scientific potential of Europe, promoting the principle of lifelong learning, combining grants for formal, non-formal and informal learning in education and training, contributing to meeting the challenges identified by the project. | Thus, we were able to select, for the thirty-five Erasmus+ Staff Training Mobility actions, 31 teachers (9 from the 1st cycle, 6 from the 2nd cycle, 10 from the 3rd cycle and secondary/vocational), two superior technicians from Gabinete de Interveno Social (Social Intervention Office), one Technical Coordinator of School Administration and one Technical Assistant.;"The selected training courses covered three major areas: | improving the overall quality of the institution; innovative curricula; problems raised by early school leaving. | The training events/ courses selected were able to give an effective answer to the needs of the institution and achieved the original goals of the project. | On the other hand, sharing and dissemination knowledge and information by the participants on the project allowed the diversification of strategies and will continue to make possible the implementation of innovative processes, both by teachers and technicians, in the resolution of school problems. | The development and implementation of the project affected everyone involved, either directly or indirectly. For the participants in the mobility, it allowed unique personal and professional development, as well as an improvement in communication, social and cultural skills. The other teachers and technicians benefited from the experience of their peers that went on mobility training courses, either through the dissemination of information on AEC social net, either through workshops or communications in group/department reunions and staff meetings. All this new information, Knowledge and techniques reached our students and they were able to benefit from new and more motivating methodologies, as well as new measures against failure at school and ways of combating school drop-out. | Last, but not least, in the middle and long term, thanks to the dissemination and sharing of results, all AEC and all the school community benefited and will continue to benefit from the participation in this project, not only for creating different opportunities of intervention which allows external recognition, but also for reducing early school leaving, improving discipline and school results, which represents the fulfilment of the major goal of becoming an educational project of success and for success." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-PT01-KA101-035487;;;TECEMOS - Tecer Espaos Criativos e Motivacionais Olhando o Sucesso;In the Educational Project of our organisation it is clearly designed what we really want: - An innovative and entrepreneur school, educating for the future. So, we have been developing many pr...;Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;Agrupamento de Escolas Dr. Guilherme Correia de Carvalho, Seia;PT;PT;45.112,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;In the Educational Project of our organisation it is clearly designed what we really want: - An innovative and entrepreneur school, educating for the future. So, we have been developing many projects in order to create environments to improve students responsibility, autonomy and creativity so that they can get useful skills for their future. | In this process of getting competences to be better and better we applied for external partners and we found them through the Erasmus+ Project, in this Europe which gives us not only the opportunity of acquiring and sharing cultural and linguistic knowledge but also interacting with other educational organizations. And so, the project we called TECEMOS (Tecer Espaos Criativos e Motivacionais Olhando o Sucesso - weaving motivational and creative spaces looking for the success) was born. | The first priority of this project and to achieve its success we involved the leaders of the different departments of our organization/school so that they could involve their partners. The course Liderazgo Educativo planned to give complementary training to the different department coordinators made the organization inside each department better as each one who attended the course disseminated among the peers according to their own needs. We have now a better and more efficient communication. Our first goal is to better school results and prevent dropout. All the actions designed in the project focused this main goal. | Concerning this main goal, we participated in job shadowing activities to observe and learn new teaching methodologies. As a result, we have been improving our own methods. Besides, we also observed how a school is organized, the different ways of teaching/learning related to the different spaces. All the knowledge and experience came into practice in our school. | Regarding the schools we visited we improved and carried out methodologies related to the environment specially with kindergarten children, to invest in the application of the tools related to Educational Coaching, to enforce multisensory methodologies, above all with students with special needs and acquired a deep knowledge from the Finnish Educational System considered one of the most developed in the world. | To improve the educational environment, we made the use of the new technologies better, introducing digital tools which facilitates the learning process. We deepened the knowledge about Flipped Classroom and Inquiry Learning through Go-Lab platform. All these methodologies have a technological component and so we developed the digital competences of our students to make them students of the future and for the future. This is where the real challenge started - to change the community mentality so that the new educational environment could be accepted. We were aware of the difficulties and we also knew that all those methodologies had a timing and so we planned to experience and evaluate them. So all the methodologies which have been considered proficient are now part of the good pedagogical practice and were disseminated in the TECEMOS seminar through communications done by the ones who more directly participated in the courses and have already experienced the methodologies acquired through the courses and job shadowing activities. | Our project TECEMOS has been promoting Merit Scholarship Awards considering everything which is important for the fully formation of our students. This focuses above all learning and pleasure.;This project allowed the mobility of about 50 collaborators in job shadowing and complementary training courses. Afterwards the acquired knowledge was disseminated through internal actions which included the action plans. This made all the school community to get involved in the implementation of the new methodologies and in the improvement of the learning process. All the participants had to be dynamic, sociable and capable of disseminating the introduction and application of these new methodologies. | Besides the dissemination inside school, we also disseminated the activities through our site, in the local papers and promoting complementary training certificated by the CCFC (an institution guarantees the certification). | We gave a special attention to the Seminar called TECEMOS where we conveyed all the activities already done. We also planned activities of job shadowing in our school. Step by step we intend to develop good habits concerning education that we want to share nationally and internationally. All the activities designed in the project move towards the main goal - weaving motivational and creative spaces looking for the success. Our students are becoming more autonomous, responsible, happier and more capable of managing their own learning. Together we are building up a new future. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-PT01-KA101-035656;;;"BRITEIROS: Le@rning, Te@ching and Sh@ring- creative ideas for a successful school"",";"The project ""BRITEIROS: Le@rning, Te@ching and Sh@ring- creative ideas for a successful school"", emerged to fill a gap in the training of teachers from Agrupamento de Escolas de Briteiros, in Port...";Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education;;Agrupamento de Escolas de Briteiros;PT;PT;41.237,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"The project ""BRITEIROS: Le@rning, Te@ching and Sh@ring- creative ideas for a successful school"", emerged to fill a gap in the training of teachers from Agrupamento de Escolas de Briteiros, in Portugal, allowing to meet the needs of both teachers and students by building appropriate and integrated responses from a social and school inclusion perspective. | This project opened training opportunities that enabled teachers with the necessary skills to meet the challenges of 21st century education through the integration of new digital technologies in the teaching-learning process, as well as encouraging reflection, self-training and permanent professional development. | Inserted in a fragile socioeconomic context, 50% of students come from poor families that do not value sufficiently neither school knowledge nor culture. Thus, the main objectives of the project were to develop innovative and sustainable teaching strategies that would enhance the quality of learning, motivate students and lead to improved school outcomes. | To achieve these objectives, activities were developed to reduce the difficulties identified in the 4 priority intervention axes: | AXIS I - Enhancing the European dimension of education through the internationalization of school and the development of transnational projects | AXIS II- Improving the quality of teaching and learning by promoting more active and innovative teaching practices | AXIS III- Strengthening the importance of curriculum monitoring and articulation in the promotion, development and professional training of teachers; | AXIS IV - Promoting a citizenship education with benefits in the professional, social and personal domains. | The training activities and participants were carefully selected, according to the needs of each intervention axis. There were 25 mobilities, involving 21 participants, to participate in the following courses: | A. A guide to conducting classroom observations , Malta: 5 participants | B. Structured Educational Visit to Schools/Institutes & Training Seminar in Finland, Finland: 5 participants | C. Interactive ICT-based, digital and web tools for an effective blended, flipped and cooperative learning, Belgium: 4 participants | D. New learning environments - What kind of schools should we build in a future?, Finland: 4 participants | E. Teaching mathematics with ICT: Discovering Math with Geogebra, Greece: 4 participants | F. COACHING& MENTORING. Innovative technics for teachers, mentors and educators to fight drop up and motivate youth, Italy: 3 participants | Coming from different disciplinary groups and with different responsibilities, 4 of the participants were male and 17 female. Thus, the activities involved: the president of the general school council; the school headmaster and his advisors; the director of Francisco de Holanda Training Centre; Erasmus + project coordinator; department coordinators; the ICT coordinator; the coordinator of the journalism team and teachers of: Portuguese, Mathematics, Science, History, English, French and Arts. | Through the analysis of questionnaires and monitoring the activities, it is possible to verify that the teaching practice has changed for most of the teachers who participated in this project. Teachers are now more motivated to further develop their professional skills and sharing their experiences and knowledge has undoubtedly benefited students and colleagues.";Changes have already been noted, both organizationally and pedagogically, although the impact of some will only be felt in the medium and long term. There were several results achieved and we highlight the following: | 1. @telier of le@rning (original name: Oficin@ do s@ber): this is a new innovative learning space created in the same way as Future Classrooms, which made it possible to put more active and creative methodologies into action, involving students in the construction of their learning. | 2. Sh@ring M@nual: a variety of digital content has been produced using Web 2.0 tools, which are available for sharing in this manual available on the eTwinning platform. | 3. Training courses: promotion of 4 training courses based on international good practices and whose quality has already been recognized by the Francisco de Holanda Training Centre. | 4. New subjects in the curriculum: based on experiences and contact with new education systems, new subjects were introduced in the 2nd and 3rd cycle class curricula. | In short, the project was very successful and exceeded initial expectations, as it involved a large number of teachers and students, leading to an openness and willingness to participate in new Erasmus + projects in the future. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-PT01-KA101-035691;;;Empowering towards the 21st Learning Environments;This project arose from the need to provide training courses to the staff of Agrupamento Vertical de Escolas da S. The attendance of these courses will certainly enable the achievement of the goa...;Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Pedagogy and didactics, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Agrupamento Vertical de Escolas da S;PT;PT,LT,ES,AT;36.254,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"This project arose from the need to provide training courses to the staff of Agrupamento Vertical de Escolas da S. The attendance of these courses will certainly enable the achievement of the goals of our Educational Project and the objectives of the Autonomy Contract celebrated with the ward on November 11, 2013. The main objective of the Contract of Autonomy is to ensure that our Educational Project, when it comes to Escola Bsica e Secundria da S, the main school of the cluster, is carried out with more efficiency, effectiveness and quality. | | What moved us to submit the application was our conviction that the school should affirm itself as an institution with an international dimension, knowledgeable of other cultural and educational realities and promoting innovative practices with quality and innovative approaches to learning, and as a place where critical spirit, creativity, initiative, innovation and the different literacies, namely the scientific and the digital, are promoted, from pre-school education to secondary education. This project could be the driving force behind the change we want: that of a school paradigm shift - a reflexive, critical, collaborative school; a school where innovative teaching and learning scenarios are implemented and developed, enhancing student's action, promoting students' nvolvement in the individual and collective construction of their knowledge, providing a positive impact on students, on the development of competences for the 21st century, on their attitudes and on their learning improvement. | | Todays leaders are to an increasing extent asked to be visionary and to act within rapidly changing environments. For this reason and because it's our purpose to create sustainable change in our team, organisation and community as well, leaders will also participate in this mobility project for school education staff. | | Finally, and since we live in a global world we look to enhance global education and promote global citizenship. So it is increasingly important to collaborate with staff from other nationalities, sharing experiences, promoting an European dimension and internationalising education. | | Participants will be grouped and will attend the courses according to the roles and functions they have at school.";"The expected impacts on the participants are: | | - Improvement of language skills. | | - Updated knowledge of methodologies and teaching and learning techniques of pre-school, primary, , Physics and Chemistry, Natural Sciences / Biology and Geology, Mathematics, English, Portuguese/French, History, Geography and Arts teachers. | | - Improved abilities to use innovative and student-centred pedagogical approaches and to develop appropriate assessment and certification methods, based on learning outcomes. | | - Improved abilities to use ICT-based teaching and assessment practices. | | - Increased awareness of recent trends inteaching. | | - Encouragement of sharing best practices, ideas and materials between colleagues within the EU. | | - Strengthened capacities of coordinators as supervisors and leaders that promote interaction, cooperation, collaboration, innovation, creativity and collegiality. | | - Enhanced quality of school leadership , since good leadership is associated with good learning outcomes . | | - Improvement of the chool psychologist's perfromance, particularly in terms of soft skills and school guidance. | | - A broader understanding of practices, policies and systems in education. | | - Increased capacity to cooperate on international level. | | - Enhanced intercultural awareness. | | These activities will contribute to a qualitative professional development of the staff , to a better functioning of the whole cluster, especially the main school, which will have an impact on the resolution of conflicts, on the learning process and learning outcomes. | | Other colleagues may be encouraged to participate in future training activities. Furthermore, our organization will acquire a more European/ international profile as well as a a greater projection in the educational and local communities, sharing experiences, knowledge and best practices at a local, national and international level. | | All the staff will benefit directly or indirectly from these training courses through actions of dissemination. These activities will include training and workshops for our staff and also for the staff of other clusters, which will be held in our organisation or at Training Centre for Teachers of Lamego, Armamar, Resende and Tarouca; newspapers articles; our website; our school newspaper; social networks; school radio, teachers' organizations, eTwinning Platform, e-learning portals and other on-line portals." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2017;2017-1-PT01-KA103-035338;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;As atividades desenvolvidas no mbito deste projeto contriburam de forma significativa para a prossecuo da poltica de internacionalizao do Instituto Politcnico de Setbal (IPS). A participa...;;;INSTITUTO POLITECNICO DE SETUBAL;PT;PT;109.950,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;not available;Portuguese;As atividades desenvolvidas no mbito deste projeto contriburam de forma significativa para a prossecuo da poltica de internacionalizao do Instituto Politcnico de Setbal (IPS). A participao em programas de mobilidade internacional, como o caso do Erasmus+, divulgada junto da comunidade acadmica como um elemento diferenciador do percurso acadmico quer de estudantes quer de staff, permitindo o contacto com realidades distintas, a troca de experincias e de boas prticas, e a criao de redes de trabalho internacionais. No caso dos estudantes, h inclusive estudos da CE que evidenciam que a participao num programa de mobilidade aumenta em cerca de 80% a empregabilidade dos diplomados. Desta forma, quer a mobilidade dos participantes outbound quer a partilha de conhecimentos obtida por via dos participantes que recebemos no IPS (permitindo momentos de internacionalizao em casa), tm-se constitudo como um fator de extrema importncia e com impacto elevado na nossa instituio. Podemos identificar como objetivos principais deste projeto: permitir aos participantes o acesso a realidades distintas nas suas diversas reas de estudo, aumentar a empregabilidade dos nossos diplomados, potenciar oportunidades de candidatura a projetos internacionais de outra natureza (dentro do Programa Erasmus+ ou outros), identificar oportunidades de linhas de investigao conjunta, proporcionar ao staff momentos de benchmarking com os seus pares, e tambm partilhar recursos e conhecimento com as diversas instituies parceiras (neste caso foram 116 instituies envolvidas). Analisando o perfil de participantes no projeto, podemos referir que executmos um total de 92 fluxos com o financiamento atribudo, o que representou um aumento de 15 fluxos no global, superando os 77 fluxos estabelecidos em Contrato. Em termos de mobilidade de estudantes concretizmos 11 fluxos adicionais, e em vez de 40 fluxos de staff foram realizados 44. Podemos tambm salientar que dos 48 estudantes que participaram no projeto, 18 estavam sinalizados como oriundos de um background econmico-financeiro desfavorvel e tiveram acesso a um complemento de bolsa atribudo pela Direo-Geral do Ensino Superior. Tivemos apenas um recm-graduado a realizar mobilidade. Embora tenhamos recebido algumas candidaturas para esta modalidade, verificmos que grande parte consegue emprego em Portugal e acaba por no concretizar a participao no Programa Erasmus+.;"Identificando as atividades desenvolvidas, foram realizados 37 perodos de mobilidade para estudos, 11 para estgios no que aos estudantes diz respeito. O staff realizou 9 misses de ensino e 35 de formao. De forma a melhor preparar os nossos pblicos-alvo para estes perodos de mobilidade foram realizadas inmeras sesses de divulgao e de esclarecimento dirigidas a estudantes, grande parte delas contando com o testemunho de outros estudantes que j haviam passado pela experincia da mobilidade internacional. Para o grupo de estudantes selecionados foram organizadas sesses de preparao, antes da partida, com o tema ""Are you ready for check in?"", nas quais foram abordadas questes relacionadas com o choque cultural, a adaptao a novas culturas, segurana bem como questes prticas associadas ao programa Erasmus+. Os estudantes inbound beneficiaram de atividades de acolhimento e integrao que incluram momentos de reunio formal para apresentao da instituio, mas tambm de lazer e de convvio, com o objetivo de dar a conhecer a regio e de facilitar a sua integrao. Para o staff foi realizado um International Day com a partilha de testemunhos de experincias de misses de ensino ou de formao, que certamente contribuiu para o aumento do nmero de candidaturas recebidas nas convocatrias seguintes. Durante a vigncia do projeto organizmos 2 Semanas Internacionais que proporcionaram oportunidades de internacionalizao em casa comunidade acadmica do IPS, permitiram estreitar o relacionamento com os parceiros recebidos, e promover no s a instituio mas tambm a cidade e a regio de Setbal. Analisando as respostas dos relatrios dos participantes podemos concluir que o projeto teve um impacto elevado na instituio, permitindo atingir os objetivos elencados acima: 100% do staff referiu estar satisfeito com a sua experincia de internacionalizao, inclusive o staff recebido para training; a totalidade dos estudantes que realizaram estgio tem tambm um elevado nvel de satisfao, bem como cerca de 98% dos estudantes que realizaram um perodo de estudos. Mais detalhes acerca do impacto do projeto nos participantes so fornecidos mais frente neste relatrio, nas respostas ao ponto 9.1. Learning Outcomes." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2017;2017-1-PT01-KA103-035450;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;Universidade Aberta (UAb), the Portuguese public distance education university, participates in the Erasmus Programme since its inception. All projects have been fully achieved over the years and ...;;;UNIVERSIDADE ABERTA;PT;PT;23.630,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;not available;English;Universidade Aberta (UAb), the Portuguese public distance education university, participates in the Erasmus Programme since its inception. All projects have been fully achieved over the years and the mobility figures (both planned and executed) have been increasing from year to year in what concerns the staff mobility for teaching or training. UAb disseminates largely the program within its academic community (students, teachers and other staff) and stimulates the participation of all. The Office of Communication and International Relations (GCRI), together with the departments and their teachers, promote internally the program, stressing the added value that a mobility for internship or studies abroad brings to the resumes of students and enriches the professional skills of employees, either academic and non-academic staff. As a promotion and dissemination strategy, the GCRI has been requesting to students and employees who performed a mobility, to write or record a testimony to be published on the Universitys website, newsletter and/or social media. The participation of students is nevertheless reduced and during this project no student mobility took place. This is due to the profile of UAb students, who are adults having already professional and/or familiar commitments. They have increased difficulties in managing time and money issues (the Erasmus+ financial support per month granted to students in Portugal is underestimated considering the cost of living in other European countries and that the majority of them gets no longer support from the family. Considering the elearning pedagogical model of Universidade Aberta and the profile of its students, it seems relevant to suggest that the Erasmus+ Program would also include virtual mobility for studies combined with shorter periods of presence-based mobility. In such case, the grants would have to address different needs such as expenses with specific equipment and software required for carrying out distance learning activities. Such an inclusive measure would allow students from different backgrounds and/or with different profiles to benefit from the opportunity to live an intercultural experience by studying in a different academic environment. As far as staff mobility for teaching is concerned, more mobility activities were achieved than the ones in contract. Even though, this outcome did not match all the requests collected before presenting the annual application to the Program. Teaching staff recognize the importance of the Erasmus program in their teaching and research activities along with the importance of sharing knowledge with their peers in Europe. Also, staff mobility for training was considered by those who have experienced it as an important occasion for sharing knowledge and best practices. The search for STT has increased and the number of achieved mobilities doubled the number granted by this project. Both outgoing as incoming mobilities were successful as the degree of satisfaction of the participants show.;Also the external demand for STT keep on growing, a fact that led to organization of two more international Erasmus+ week. The last one counted with 28 participants from 12 European countries. This decision seems to be a good solution for optimizing all institutional resources and efforts into a single period. Actually, both STA and STT activities contribute not only for the enrichment of the participants but also to disseminate the image of Universidade Aberta and its pedagogical model in Europe. As an overall evaluation, Universidade Aberta considers that this project was successfully carried out and respected the principles stated in the ECHE. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-PT01-KA104-035737;;;As TIC como resposta aos desafios da Educao e Formao de Adultos;The Agrupamento de Escolas de Alvalade (AEA) for three years has been promoting a Centro para a Qualificao e o Ensino Profissional which is being re-assigned to the Centro Qualifica (CQ), which ...;Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Open and distance learning, Recognition (non-formal and informal learning/credits);;Agrupamento de Escolas de Alvalade, Lisboa;PT;PT;20.786,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The Agrupamento de Escolas de Alvalade (AEA) for three years has been promoting a Centro para a Qualificao e o Ensino Profissional which is being re-assigned to the Centro Qualifica (CQ), which welcomes adults from multiple social and cultural backgrounds. Recently has been sought by adults from countries whose mother tongue is not Portuguese, acquiring a multicultural and multilingual identity. | This application is born from the need to open the school abroad, learning from peers, from other cultures and languages, ways of organizing lifelong adult education using ICT. | We seek to achieve the following objectives: | - To learn different methodological approaches in the field of organization and communication on adult education, by sharing knowledge and experiences with other cultures. | - Promote diversified interaction spaces using digital platforms. | - Respond creatively to the temporal limitations arising from the different work agendas of team members working in adult education. | - Improve participants' language skills. | Participants are expected to acquire diverse skills related to: | - ICT in the creation of pedagogical tools through digital platforms; | - ICT in the use of digital platforms that promote a motivating learning environment; | - ICT in creative response to the temporal limitations of actors in adult education; | - ICT in school organization with impact on lifelong learning, based on collaborative work; | - improving their language skills. | The following steps were developed: | - Team reflection to diagnose the emerging difficulties of education and recognition of adult competences. | - Search for answers to the difficulties diagnosed, seeking to achieve a significant improvement of the intervention with our adults. | - We publicize the Erasmus+ program in a open session to all teachers and technicians of the group involved in adult education and training. | - We endorse invitations to participate in the initiative. | - We are preparing the process of selecting and organizing the participants in groups, according to their preferences and the interest of the institution. | - Establishment of commitments related to the monitoring of the activity and dissemination of results.";"Five training courses were selected. It is intended that in each course two participants, teachers / trainers / technicians, from key areas of competence / diversified functions, will be involved, in order to promote multidisciplinarity and the sharing of experiences, whose motivation and self-diagnosis of needs fits better in the Within the scope of the objectives to be achieved, giving priority to: | - eLearning: Moodle (learning how to manage and maintain the Moodle platform); | - Apps for teaching and learning (apps as a tool to support learning); | - ICT tools at the service of creativity (developing creative group projects using ICT); | - Technology Assisted Learning (learning to learn with digital resource systems); | - The use of ICT in teaching (learning basic ICT tools applied to teaching). | With this project we expected to have a significant impact on changing practices in lifelong learning processes and on the recognition of adult competencies. | Thus, it is intended: | - Participants: motivation to apply and disseminate the different methodologies contacted in the activities of this project, as well as the improvement of language and communication skills. | - coordination of the CQ: implementation of new and more effective forms of organization and communication; projects that integrate participants' experiences. | - teachers / trainers: motivation to change practices and adherence to new initiatives and projects. | - adults: the possibility to participate more actively in their learning, with more motivation and, consequently, obtaining better results and improving their self-confidence; less drop-outs in skills recognition processes and in adult education courses; promoting a more active role in dissemination of lifelong learning among their peers. | The project will integrate the AEA Annual Activity Plan for 2017/18 and 2018/19." Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2017;2017-1-PT01-KA201-035847;;;Education in Mathematics in Game-based Immersive Contexts;E-MaGIC was a project that gathered teachers, programmers and researchers from Portugal, Germany, Greece and Italy, sponsored by the Portuguese Erasmus+ Education and Training National Agency. Thi...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills;;Direo Regional de Educao;PT;PT,DE,EL,IT;228.821,50;Yes;No;Regional Public body;Administracin Educativa;;;English;E-MaGIC was a project that gathered teachers, programmers and researchers from Portugal, Germany, Greece and Italy, sponsored by the Portuguese Erasmus+ Education and Training National Agency. This multidisciplinary consortium consisting of a software development company and teachers from different backgrounds and know-how, developed a cutting-edge educative game for mobile devices named Clash of Wizardry (available for free on Google Play and on Apple App Store complemented by an innovative teaching approach which can help teachers support the training of mathematics skills of their students. The approach can be used both formally and informally to help improve school achievements and enable success, to promote inclusion (the game can adapt to the students skills) and to inspire students to become interested in science and maths. The consortium partners were: Gabinete de Modernizao das Tecnologias Educativas from Direo Regional de Educao (GMTE-DRE) Funchal, Portugal. The GMTE office develops, implements and coordinates ICT educational projects in Madeira schools. Belonging to the regional public body DRE, its major asset is to have access to schools (either formally or informally) where the project has been implemented and disseminated, having direct feedback from students and teachers. Ingenious Knowledge (Cologne, Germany) is a small company founded in 2010 that develops software tools and an innovator in game-based learning, being heavily involved in education research cooperating with universities worldwide. One of its main strengths is creating next generation serious games with the aim of making games that are good enough to compete with commercial entertainment games. The company was the projects game concept designer and software developer. E.E.G. Acharnon (Athens, Greece) is a secondary school of special and vocational education for students aged 12 to 17 who have cognitive disorders and severe learning difficulties. This partner paid special attention to making the game usable and attractive to disadvantaged learners and made sure that the learning results were worthwhile. | I.I.S. Leonardo da Vinci-Nitti (Potenza, Italy) technical and vocational secondary school has been active in developing new digital educational approaches. The school provided a testing ground and involved students with different profiles in evaluating this new approach in cooperation with the University of Salerno.;The E-MaGIC project checked data from national and international reports which confirmed that mathematics is the common subject in which students have low achievements due to severe lack of basic skills and motivation. It was also found that the adverse maths social stigma has a general negative emotional impact on students though having enough skills (with greater or lesser difficulty) to effectively solve any given exercise / calculation / problem. Consequently, the question has arisen: how does this happen if scientifically validated maths curricula are being applied by qualified teachers? The answer seems to be that teaching focuses on explaining and many teachers feel like the curriculum doesnt allow them enough time to simply train calculations with their students. In many cases the lack of calculation skills also leads to difficulties in understanding the mathematical thoughts that teachers try to convey. That is, students dont feel a connection with the curricular contents which is reflected in their lack of motivation for maths and subsequent low achievements. These outcomes contrast greatly with the European Union proclaimed goals for its 2020 strategy. So, the consortium concluded that to meet the actual needs of our students, teachers need proper teaching tools, methodologies and strategies that can motivate students without neglecting the scientific value and content quality. Promoting their motivation to learn and study maths is essential for enabling them to follow scientific careers in STEM where graduates are needed. The major contribution from the E-MaGIC project was the creation of a game to train basic maths skills that can find its way into the personal space of students by running on their smartphones and tablets. Based on our initial research we developed the game and tested it with students. Their overall feedback was very good because the fun element (winning magic duels) is intrinsically connected to the learning element (solving equations). The game never forces students to progress to harder maths, but by offering more powerful spell effects with harder equations it tempts students to go beyond their limits. Thus, our students are not forced to learn new skills, however they quickly understand that by practicing their maths skills they will obtain better results, progressing in the ranking and earning bragging rights, making the game more challenging and fun. Results | Website | | | Feedback from participants | | Usability test | 1st stage | Students survey results | Usability test | 1st stage | Teachers survey results | Usability test | 2nd stage | Students survey results | Direct effect on participants and project partners | | Students in action | Usability test - 2nd stage | Students in action | Usability test - 1st stage | Students in action | Usability test - 2nd stage | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Clash of Wizardry | Handbook | The Magic of Training Maths in a Game | Clash of Wizardry | Handbuch | Die Magische Kunst Mathematik Mit Einen Spiel Zu Trainieren | Clash of Wizardry | E_________ | H ______ ___ __________ ___ __________ __ ___ _______ | Clash of Wizardry | Guida Pratica | La Magia Dell'allenamento di Matematica in un Gioco | Clash of Wizardry | Guia Prtico | A Magia de Praticar Matemtica num Jogo | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | Class follow-up activity | Dissemination material | | Clash of Wizardry | Trailer | Flyer Clash of Wizardry | PT | Others | | Usability test | 1st stage | Report | Usability test | 2nd stage | Report | Clash of Wizardry | Clash of Wizardry | Tutorial Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-PT01-KA219-035912;;;Hands On CLIL;"Hands On CLIL aimed to promote the professional development of educational staff within CLIL and bilingual education, namely by comparing teaching methods in different European countries; develop ...";International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;Agrupamento de Escolas de Marco de Canaveses;PT;PT,ES,IT,SK,EL,TR;73.559,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"Hands On CLIL aimed to promote the professional development of educational staff within CLIL and bilingual education, namely by comparing teaching methods in different European countries; develop and increase skills on bilingual education; create educational resources at primary level for bilingual teaching in Science, Arts and Crafts, Music, PE, Citizenship, Geography, with ICT use; develop skills on writing curricula and methodological resources for bilingual education (CLIL); and foster students foreign language skills while learning different topics content, providing the use of foreign language in meaningful and real life situations. | The project was developed by four European schools from Portugal, Spain, Slovakia and Turkey, from kindergarten to grade 6. According to the project final evaluation report available at:, it involved 27 teachers from different subjects, 142 pupils and 72 parents. According to the aforementioned report the results/ impact are as follow: | - There was an increase of CLIL knowledge for the participant teachers with over 60% of the teachers finding the project very effective, especially if one takes into consideration that at the beginning of the project, according to the Need Analysis undertaken, nearly 60% of the respondents had never employed CLIL methodology in their teaching practice and 74% of the respondents mentioned having no training in CLIL. It is safe to say the project has provided teachers with new strategies and resources for CLIL implementation offering them a variety to choose from and adapt to the groups they are working with bridging the gap of lacking training in this field. Since the project has created a database with Open Educational Resources, the project gains sustainability for further implementation. | - More than 50% of the participant pupils consider that learning language and content at the same time is a better way to learn a foreign language as well as school subjects like science, music, arts, etc. It also stands out from pupils evaluations the project has made great contributions to help them become available for challenges and to deal with unforeseen situations, skills needed to deal with the 21st Century challenges. It also increased learners' motivation and confidence in both language and the subject taught and raised their awareness of being a European citizen. | - As far as parents, they consider Hands On CLIL has produced great impact in terms of foreign language use, motivation for learning and better management of ICT skills, all aims set at the beginning of the project. It is also clear that parents valued real and communicative activities when comes to choose and evaluate the activities with greater learning impact for foreign language use. They also became more engaged into school life. | - For the participant Schools it introduced changes into the schools curriculum including contents of the project, enriching their schools offer with higher standards and a bigger interest around the school in the local community, enhancing cooperation amongst headmaster, teachers and parents as well as other local educational institutions as well as national stakeholders.";The project followed a Strategic Action Plan which identified a sequence of steps to be completed, such as planning, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and dissemination. The final products are published in the project's eTwinning TwinSpace -, Website - and Facebook group - | It is safe to state the activities were fully accomplished during the projects lifecycle: | (1) A needs analysis questionnaire was applied, and the data stood for the preparation of the CLIL Tool Kit, the workshops and the lesson plans (CLIL pathways modules). | (2) A leaflet was prepared containing its objectives and the projects activities, used as an institutional tool to disseminate the project. | (3) Logo competition. | (4) Hands On CLIL E+ corner. | (5) Creation and maintenance of the projects eTwinning platform, website and Facebook page, integrated in the dissemination plan and as part of the OER and Exchange of Good Practices. | (6) A state-of-the-art report about the use of CLIL Methodology in Primary Schools in each involved country. | (7) eTwinning Live Events to share and present the CLIL Tool Kit Guide as well as CLIL materials. | (8) CLIL Pathways were created into modules organised around a lesson(s) template, a pre and post-test and resources: Science, Arts & Crafts, P.E., Music, Geography, Citizenship, Lower Primary and Kindergarten. | (9) CLIL lessons filmed. | (10) Live Streaming CLIL lessons implemented. | (11) Europe Day celebrations. | (12) Online sessions to keep track of the Project Action Plan. | (13) Project Magazine Nr.1, Nr. 2. | (14) Good Practices Catalogue. | (15) Learning/teaching/training activities foreseen in the application. Results | Website | | | Feedback from participants | | Hands On CLIL Evaluation | Direct effect on participants and project partners | | HANDS ON CLIL Awards | Pre and Post tests Data Report | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | HANDS ON CLIL Tool Kit | HANDS ON CLIL Activities | Ibiza Blended Mobility of School Learners | Gaziantep Short-term joint staff training events | Portugal Blended Mobility of School Learners | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | CLIL State of Art Report by Hands On CLIL | Dissemination material | | Hands On CLIL Brochure | Hands On CLIL Project Magazine Issue 1 | Hands On CLIL Project Magazine Issue 2 | Hands On CLIL Good Practices Catalogue | Hands On CLIL Facebook | Hands On CLIL Website | Organizational and working documents | | Hands On CLIL on eTwinning | HANDS ON CLIL Strategic Action Plan | Needs Analysis Questionnaire on European Projects and Bilingual Methdology | Hands On CLIL MILESTONES Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-RO01-KA101-036504;;;_coala mea - _coal_ pentru to_i;The Erasmus + project: My school A school for everyone, successfully met the needs of our institution in which most students come from the disadvantaged social background of a small village, f...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Inclusion - equity, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education;;Scoala Gimnaziala Luizi-Calugara;RO;RO,TR;19.275,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"The Erasmus + project: My school A school for everyone, successfully met the needs of our institution in which most students come from the disadvantaged social background of a small village, facing financial difficulties and lacking family support in their learning. | The objectives of the project were in accordance with the main aims of the school to create a friendly and highly qualitative environment for the students and to provide the teachers with opportunities for personal and professional development. We consider we have achieved the project objectives, which were: | - To promote the professional development of our teachers, in order to be able to bring innovation and improvement in the quality of teaching through the active use of ICT and social media competencies in the educational activity; | - To improve the teachers key competences and skills from the perspective of the inclusive education, addressing the needs of disadvantaged pupils in order to fight early school leaving; | - To consolidate the linguistic competences of the participants in this project; | - To enhance the participants awareness and understanding of other cultures, thus providing them with the opportunity to strengthen international cooperation, to promote active social engagement and to contribute to a cohesive European society; | Our project covered a period of one year, between September 2017 and August 2018. | During the preparatory period, between September 2017 and October 2018, the activities involved the selection process of the teachers for the mobility programs, consultancy and assistance for the elected participants, their linguistic and intercultural preparation. | During the mobilities, six teachers acquired competencies to fight the early school leaving phenomena, by applying integration educational strategies on students presenting this risk, following the training course Success methods for students social inclusion and reducing early school leaving provided by Hayat Boyu Gelisim Dernegi (Lifelong Development Association), in Konia, Turkey (September 2017) and six teachers acquired digital and social media competences, in order to implement the newest technologies in their lessons, by attending the course Digital and Social Media Competencies @ School, provided by Associazione Euphoria Roma in Rome, Italy, in October 2017. | Between December 2017 and June 2018, the acquired competences were put into practice in class activities, workshops or teacher shadowing, in the benefit of all our students and teachers.";"The results of our project are: | - The professional development of 12 teachers and the knowledge gained by the other teachers in the school during the dissemination period; | - the improvement of the school educational activity by applying the competences acquired during the courses and the following dissemination workshops; | - the development of an ICT optional course, which has already been included in the school curriculum for grades I to IV; | - the writing of an Intervention Guide for the prevention of early school leaving; | - an increase in the students motivation to learn; | - a decrease by 30% in the number of course absences and by 50% in the cases of early school leaving. | The project activities, the competences acquired in the courses and the project results were disseminated during various events such as workshops, teachers meetings, symposiums, in mass media articles and also online: on the school site and Facebook, on educational platforms such as, E-Twinning etc. | In order to ensure the project sustainability, the teachers will continue to apply in their class activity the competences acquired in the courses and in the dissemination workshops, will use the Intervention Guide for the prevention of early school leaving and will run the optional ICT course for primary students. Following the completion of the project, the dissemination of the project results will continue in order to offer examples of best practices mainly inside the didactic community. | Our participation to this project has been of utmost importance for our school, because it has provided the opportunities to enhance the quality of the educational process we offer to our students, to reduce the perils of early school leaving, to ensure the professional and personal development of the teaching staff and to build a high reputation of our school, placing it on the map of the European and worldwide education." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-RO01-KA101-036774;;;Smart School- A Step Closer with ICT;"Using the opportunity offered by the Erasmus + Program, the project "" Smart School- A Step Closer with ICT "" has realized a qualitative intervention in the digital didactic approach and the intra-...";Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Pedagogy and didactics, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;"COLEGIUL NATIONAL ""CONSTANTIN CARABELLA""";RO;RO;21.070,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"Using the opportunity offered by the Erasmus + Program, the project "" Smart School- A Step Closer with ICT "" has realized a qualitative intervention in the digital didactic approach and the intra- and inter-institutional cooperation, by developing the methodological, digital, and cooperation skills of the teachers of the National College "" Constantin Carabella '', Targoviste, Romania, in order to increase students motivation for learning and to improve the learning environment of the school.The main goal of the project was to enhance the quality of education, by providing an educational environment motivating pupils to develop their core and transversal competencies, for their personal development, for continuing their studies and / or for facilitating their access on an internationalized labor market.Being aware of the multitude of alternative learning sources, of new technologies, and convinced that the students' learning needs are multiplying and diversifying, we decided to transform the school into an educational environment that capitalizes and selects the unlimited resources existing in the virtual environment, which are relevant for the future personal or professional needs and interests of our students.To this purpose, the school selected 10 teachers, specialized in different curricular areas, with different responsibilities, whose training needs were grouped into two areas of improvement: the development of digital skills, respectively the development of cooperation skills, especially for team building and group cohesion, for improving the efficiency of the educational and managerial process.The training activities took place between February and September 2018, and were grouped into categories, based on the specific needs and expected results at the institutional level:1st mobility: the course ""ICT FOR TEACHING: A practical course to incorporate Information Technology into Teaching"" aimed at enhancing teachers digital skills for creating multimedia resources by using various types of software; expected results: use of image and sound editing techniques in promoting the educational offer of our school in the community (including e-Twinning), and the use of ICT tools in the realization of the portfolios of teachers and students.2nd and 4th project mobility: the courses ~SCHOOL REVOLUTION! Innovative Didactic Methodologies and the Flipped Classroom '' and `Web Solutions for the Classroom' aimed at developing the use of evaluation platforms, tools and methods (e.g. Edmodo, Flubaroo) for the classroom interaction in formal, non-formal and informal learning contexts, and for the creation of a database with test items for students preparation for exams and school competitions. 3rd project mobility: the course ""Learning, ";"Creativity and the Future Classroom Lab"" aimed at developing the participants programming and web design skills for the development of the school web page and the elaboration of two optional course programs for the students in upper secondary level (Web Design and Applied Mathematics). 5th project mobility: the course ""Team building for school: play and fun building educators communities"" aimed at developing the communication and management skills, and produced the following results: an educational project focused on the digital learning, and on the peer learning; two databases containing the academic achievement of our graduates, respectively the information regarding the continuous training of our teaching staff. The impact of the dissemination and follow-up activities on the school and on the target groups was consistent, and consisted mainly of the added value at the quality of educational and training activities, through the transfer of best practices and the capitalization of non-formal and informal learning experiences in formal context.The positive effects of the project were reflected both in students' attitude towards learning and in their study performance, in the enhanced openness to social, linguistic and cultural diversity , in the increased interest for collaboration at school level, or with other institutions. The project ""Smart School- A Step Closer with ICT "" complied with the Europe 2020 Strategy, and focused on the continuous improvement of teachers and students competencies. The project responded to the following specific Erasmus + objective in the field of education and training: ""fostering quality improvement, excellence in innovation and internationalization at the level of educational institutions" Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-RO01-KA101-036847;;;Interactive Teaching in Future European Classroom;The Erasmus + project, entitled Interactive Teaching in Future European Classroom is the attempt of Virgil Madgearu Economic Colleges teachers from Galati to improve the instructional educa...;Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;"Colegiul Economic ""Virgil Madgearu"" Galati";RO;RO;37.380,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;The Erasmus + project, entitled Interactive Teaching in Future European Classroom is the attempt of Virgil Madgearu Economic Colleges teachers from Galati to improve the instructional educational process and implicitly, their students performance. | We started from the needs identified at our high schools level, as follows: | - the decreasing trend/prevention of early school leaving | - the integration of students with special educational needs | - the introduction of the new e-learning technologies in the teaching process | - the quality and efficiency growth of the educational process in the classroom, creativity encouragement and the use of IT tools for the development of critical thinking | - the increase of the extracurricular activities that enforce the students professional profile, the motivation and trust in promoting them as a means of prevention regarding early school leaving and antisocial behavior | - the enhancement of the communication skills and the abilities specific to foreign languages, the development of the professional vocabulary and the promotion of the European linguistic diversity. | The purpose of the project was to fulfill the school needs, while its objectives, connected with these needs were the following: | - improving students personal and professional competences | - capturing new development and training opportunities of the teaching staff | - diversifying the school educational offer | - implementing local/regional/national/European projects and partnerships | - training human resources involved in the educational process | - designing digital resources that have been promoted online and providing them to those who want to access them. | We should mention the fact that the target objectives have been fully accomplished. | We have consulted the SEG platform and we have chosen the ITC International training providers, having an excellent collaboration with them. ITC is an authorized institution, led by the Czech Education Ministry, which has a professional team, including qualified lecturers, specialists from the educational system. It uses emerging, innovative teaching methods and organizes high-quality courses.;"The 23 teachers have attended the following courses: | 1. Extracurricular Activities, in the period: 12.03.2018 16.03.2018 in Prague, 4 teachers | 2. Using E-learning Platforms, in the period 14.05.2018 - 18.05.2018, in Prague, 4 teachers | 3. Innovative Approaches to Teaching, in the period 04.06.2018 - 08.06.2018, in London, 3 teachers | 4. Special Needs Children, in the period 24.09.2018 - 28.09.2018, in Prague, 4 teachers | 5. Early School Leaving, in the period 15.10.2018 - 19.10.2018, in Prague, 4 teachers | 6. Innovative Approaches to Teaching, additional mobility, in the period 13.05.2019-17.05.2019, in Barcelona, 4 teachers. | The impact on the participants and school at the local and European level consists of: | - the improvement of the teaching and evaluation skills in the e-learning system | - 23 teachers developed their English communication skills | - the teaches interest for international projects has increased | - the students motivation to learn and have better school results has also increased | - the quality of the instructional-educational process has improved | - the teachers have updated their cross-curricular and multidisciplinary approaching strategies in the teaching process. | The outcomes of the project are the following: | - professional and linguistic skills for all the 23 teachers involved in the project | - software for teaching purposes, using the platforms and applications used in mobility | - the webpage designed and developed during the training course ""Using E-learning Platforms"" | - 23 portfolios with worksheets and learning sequences made available to students and teachers in our college using the Moodle platform | - a training course included in the offer of the Teaching House from Galati, entitled ""Modern approaches to the teaching-learning-evaluation process"", following the participation in the ""Innovative Approaches to Teaching"" mobility - June 2018 | - - INTERGALCULTURE. The Story Olympiad - an interdisciplinary contest organized by CEVM, with direct and indirect participation, found in the calendar of Regional and Interdisciplinary educational activities for 2019, which encouraged the participation of students with special needs and the promotion of teaching materials and software specially designed to facilitate their educational endeavor | - the creation of a CD with photos and materials received at the training courses, with handouts created during the mobility | - the organization and implementation of the social project ""Volunteers involved in society"", coordinated by the teachers who attended the courses ""Innovative Approaches to Teaching"" and ""Extracurricular Activities"" | - the organization and implementation at the county level of the project ""Going to school assures your future"", coordinated by the teachers who attended the ""Early School Leaving"" course." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2017;2017-1-RO01-KA102-036156;;;ERASMUS+INCLUZIUNE pentru tinerii din TARA OASULUI !;The project has fulfilled the need to ensure the quality and relevance, in the job market, of the things students have learned in our school, through an educational purpose mobility, in another co...;Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Access for disadvantaged, Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment;;"Liceul Tehnologic ,,Anghel Saligny"" Turt";RO;RO,PT;73.582,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;The project has fulfilled the need to ensure the quality and relevance, in the job market, of the things students have learned in our school, through an educational purpose mobility, in another country, all students coming from a rural environment, vulnerable from the social and economical point of view, having as final purpose the increasing of their chances of getting a job, after graduation, the increasing of their career chances and the social inclusion. | The project participants were 29 students from the vocational education system,14 from the 10th grade, Textile Industry Field and 15 from the 11th grade, Mechanics Field, level 3 of qualification. | There were 2 types of mobility activities, each of 3 weeks, 19 days of activity and 2 days of transport: | The first series traineeships in companies, at SANTOGAL P. COMRCIO E REPARAO DE AUTOMVEIS Lda, between 19.02-08.03.2018 for 15 VET trainees with the qualification of cars tinsmith,8 students from the 10th grade and 7 students from the 11th grade + 1 accompany person. | The second series: traineeships in formation centers, at Modatex, between 12.03-30.03.2018, for 14 VET trainees with the qualification of textile confections maker, 7 students from the 10th grade and 7 students from the 11th grade + 2 accompany people. | The training activities took place 5 days a week, 6 hours a day, under the guidance of the traineeship tutor, according to MoU, signed with the external partners and according to the corresponding activities written in the ECVET Learning Agreement and they included the modules theme content for the CDL merged training with the themes: Specific works for cars tinsmithery and The making of complex textile produce with the help of mechanic stitches,respectively The painting of the automobile and The assembling and finishing of the textile produce from the national curriculum. | Apart from the training activities, the project also included cultural, pedagogic and language training activities,before and during the mobility, which contributed to the enrichment of the participants civic, social,intercultural and communication skills. | The specific objectives related to the strategic objectives from PDE, were: | O1.The acquiring of knowledge, abilities and attitudes by 28 students of the High School from the Turt commune, according to the standards of professional training of their qualifications and according to the specific competences for the textile and mechanics jobs, in an international context and their acknowledgement abroad, for bigger chances of professional insertion. O2.The accumulation of transversal, language and cultural competences, in another environment than the school, in the context of practicing the job for which the students are training for, with the purpose of preparing them for life. O3.The development of partnerships with employers at an international level, who can promote studying based on work and who can facilitate professional mobility. | The objectives have been 100% reached through the students results,following the mobility activities,which have contributed to the consolidation of the professional training, to the personal development of the participant students and to the optimizing of the students capacity of professional insertion and social inclusion. | Results: 29 participants now have specific professional competences,for a better qualification, correlated with the new SPP of level 3, from URI 13,The automobile painting and URI 15,The quality of produce,respectively The Maintenance and the repairing of car body elements, URI 8 for cars tinsmiths and URI 5, The prosecution of technological operations for the making of a produce specific to the textile industry or URI 14 The assembling of textile produce and URI 15 The finishing of textile produce for the textile industry maker,10th grade and 11th grade,certificated by the Europass mobility document and recognized and validated by our school through ECVET and included in the students qualification. | - working experience in a real job environment and in mixed and multicultural teams, capacity of planning work tasks, assuming responsibilities, self-evaluation of work performance. | - intercultural and communication competences in English and Portuguese,more faith in the European Union values | - increased interest in learning, positive attitude towards school and career, increased chances of social insertion and inclusion.;Impact: 0 % school abandonment of participants, the reduction of absences by 30%, the growth of educational success and the obtaining of the level 3 qualification, by all 14 participants from the 11th grade, who graduated and who had the qualification exam. 64,2 % of these graduates have jobs, 3 of 7 textile graduates are working at Mondiala, Satu Mare and 6 mechanics graduates are working abroad, after almost 8 months from the mobility and 3 months after getting their qualification certificates. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2017;2017-1-RO01-KA102-036608;;;Vocational training in Services based on the dual education system and the learning outcomes ;The context of the dual education in our country and in our area is still in an early stage due to the fact that the educational policies are somewhat uncorrelated with the economic ones. High sch...;Quality Assurance, Inclusion - equity, Recognition ...;;Liceul de Turism si Alimentatie Dumitru Motoc;RO;RO,DE,UK;149.612,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;The context of the dual education in our country and in our area is still in an early stage due to the fact that the educational policies are somewhat uncorrelated with the economic ones. High schools such as ours must constantly strive to ensure training placements for students and the implementation of a dual system (DS) is still a big challenge. The present project was written and impl. in order to give our students the opportunity to experience an internship in EU and to offer VET teachers working tools that will allow them to address the economic units for the purpose of applying the DS. Although the demand for the hospitality workforce is high, there are few training places in our city that would provide adequate conditions for a quality training in a DS and the economic agents are reluctant. That is why, in order to deliver the skilled workforce, our school is constantly improving its training strategy, also by submitting E + applications. In 2018 our school submitted a new E + VET mobility project, which was approved. In 2019 we sent another application that was not funded but we intend to improve and submit it again. The School Action Plan includes strategic measures through which more training alternatives are made available to students in order to obtain the skills needed to enter the labor market and which has the training by the means of the projects as a priority. The students participating in mobility were selected from those who are facing major difficulties in terms of having a proper family and in the availability for learning.The objectives of the project were 100% achieved, and even surpassed at the number of participants in mobilities and in the preparation of participants and from a qualitative point of view, the objectives were fully met. All participants received certificates of participation and Europass documents. The learning results were recognized and validated and the dissemination sessions of the results fully showed this fact.The number of the participants in mobilities has changed from what was initially suggested. At the second flow, although there was a sufficient number of candidates, due to the fact that some of them had situations that did not allow them to travel to a foreign country, in the end there were only 12 participants. I kept 2 accompanying teachers, because the group was having adapting difficulties, some were with emotional disorders that were under the supervision of the school psychologist and it was evident that they needed more support, one of the participants being also physically disabled. For the 3rd flow, we asked to increase to 15 the number of participants and the request was approved. At 4th flow, given the growing interest of the candidates and that the external partner offered their availability, the number of participants was increased to 17;Finally, we had 58 participants instead of 56 and 8 companions, one financed from the management and organization funding.The participants were selected from the 10th and 11th high school classes and from the 10th vocational school classes according to the selection criteria assumed by the application form. The involvement of the vocational school students in an E + project was a first for us. Regarding the involvement of these students we can say that we have had difficulties from families and also significant students' peer pressures. Some of them refused to participate due to the extremely poor linguistic skills, realizing that it would be practically impossible to understand even very simple sentences and preferred not to register for the selection from the start.The undertaken activities were done according to the agenda and on time. The project team appointed by the decision of the legal representative and approved in the Administrative Council, prepared the project timetable, established responsibilities, deadlines, communication and cooperation methodology in the team and with the partners, monitoring and evaluation procedures. The project was promoted among students, teachers and parents. The selection of the participants was made in 2 annual rounds for each project year. The mobilities were carried out in the best conditions, the transport, accommodation and meals of the participants being ensured. The training and evaluation process was well organized and produced the intended results.All participating students fully attended the mobility program and obtained the certifications provided. The participants also obtained a certificate of hygiene and food safety issued by the Institute of Food Safety and Food Hygiene in Germany.The impact of the project: the increasing in the interest and responsibility of the students for getting involved in various activities, the growth of the attractiveness of the high school among the potential students, a better and efficient collaboration and cooperation with internal and external partners and the improvement of the image of the school in the community. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-RO01-KA202-037344;;;Flip your classes through multimedia enriched apprenticeship simulations and develop e-skills for VET teachers and students to enhance youth employability;E-Classes Project focused on developing the professional and pedagogical competences among teachers and trainers enhancing ICT uptake in teaching and learning, through the support of learning and ...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment;;Liceul Tehnologic de Mecatronica si Automatizari;RO;RO,BG,ES,IT;197.050,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;not available;;English;E-Classes Project focused on developing the professional and pedagogical competences among teachers and trainers enhancing ICT uptake in teaching and learning, through the support of learning and access to OER in the education and training fields with the aims to combining higher levels of excellence and attractiveness with increased opportunities for all. | The project was designed and implemented for helping teachers in VET learning system by elaborating, testing and implementing a new and innovative pedagogical model - the flipped classroom methodology, together with the involvement of companies partnerships through multimedia enriched apprenticeship simulations for enhancing youth employability. | The main results of the project consists in several products that are open and ready to use by any teacher across Europe interested in developing the teaching skills in order to be better prepared for digital native learners: | The Guide of Flipped Classroom Methodology presents in a short and attractive manner the concept of the flipped classroom and the methodology on how to flip your class. The structure of the Guide includes 5 modules structured in 4 units. Each module includes 2 types of materials: a text support and video tutorials explaining the main concepts in the presented units. Each module is autonomous &independent. By being presented online and by the help of video support materials, the Guide is structured into an Online Course designed to explore the pedagogical approach of flipped learning. An evaluation online questionnaire includes items from all modules and can provide a useful direct feed-back for the teachers enrolled in the course. The course followed a stage of piloting and validating and a stage of National trainings of VET teachers interested in this topic. Access to the online platform can be done by creating an account (which takes 2-3 minutes and is an automatic process). | The Flipped Classes Multimedia Lessons were designed and implemented by teachers involved in the project, who selected different STEM and VET disciplines to create best practice models of. There are 47 model lessons included in the e-learning platform structured in 4 categories: Math and Sciences (15), IT & Programming (12), Technologies (14), Interdisciplinary lessons (6). | Each lesson example is an educational package containing: the video(s) presenting the teaching material, the plan for in-class activities, including educational games, video samples for the in-class activities, Activity& Resources, including the evaluation and follow-up of the class. Using this kind of methodology for teaching has been challenging but also considered highly appropriate by the students across Europe. | Beside the development of knowledges and competences on science and technological disciplines, using the flipped classes methodology, E-Classes project integrates the requirements and the experience of the job market as a transversal theme within the school subjects taught. Students collaborated with companies and based on visits in companies and research/interview/observation techniques, created 12 videos (3 for each country involved in the project) in companies which focus on: how companies support youth employability, competences requested, jobs programmes, integration and motivation, equal opportunities, etc.;These videos are presented in the e-learning platform of the project, under a specific category and under the slogan I Am Welcomed, Therefore, I Belong. 2 pairs of international online events of common debates between students (RO-BG and ES-IT) have been organised in order to encourage virtual interaction of students at school. | The network of teachers involved in creating these final products collaborated and shared feedback on their work by the help of 2 valuable short staff trainings included in the project which increased the cooperation and direct valorisation of the project. | The YouTube Channel of the project (with over 100 video materials) and the website ( are powerful online tools which will further increase the visibility&accesibility of these products and will maintain the interest of teachers and trainers in the project's topic. | The results and actions of E-Classes project have been disseminated by the help of 8 Multiplier Events, organised by each partner organisation at local and regional level. The main aim of these events was to raise the teachers and trainers community awareness about the importance of developing, testing and implementing an innovative approach for teachers focusing on the strategic use of an open and flexible learning, OERs and a better exploitation of the ICT resources. | Various local dissemination activities such as workshops, training sessions, common debates or experimentations attracted a lot of interested participants, which means a greater exposure of the online final products and increased utility for those who want to develop this method further in the future. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Guideline on Flipped classroom methodology and how to create and use it at class for science and technological disciplines and transdisciplinary areas | Open-Online Course on Flipped classes methodology for VET teachers | Flipped classes multimedia lessons | Videos on job orientation and integration students-schools-companies cooperation | Community building tools | | Virtual E-Classes Learning Platform: | Dissemination material | | E-Classes website Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2017;2017-1-RO01-KA204-037448;;;Parenting Education and Awareness of Community to Enable Social Inclusion of Teens Exposed to the risk of becoming parents;The main objective of PEACE SITE project was to allow organizations from Romania and from the other partners countries to exchange ideas, practices and methods regarding the education of parents...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Inclusion - equity, Open and distance learning;;Asociatia de Educatie Prenatala din Romania;RO;RO,EL,BE,IT,LV,CY;236.450,00;Yes;No;Non-governmental organisation/association/social enterprise;ONG;;not available;English;The project was focus on improving and extending the offer of high quality learning opportunities for parents to enhance their knowledge, skills and attitudes for a better communication with their children to support them in adopting a healthy life style, through sexual education and prenatal education. Different tools were developed within the project to facilitate parent-child communication: an interactive, user friendly, multi-lingual platform with e-learning courses (9 modules), 4 doodle animations and a mobile phone application. Although prior to the application the partners did not assess directly the training needs of parents regarding communication with children of different ages, they based the project proposal activities and intellectual outputs on reviews from scientific and specific literature. That is why the partners aimed to remedy this shortcoming through the IO1, the Comparative study, meant to investigate the educational needs concerning parent-child communication on sexual education/prenatal education issues of 6 parents / partner Finally there were interviewed 398 parents (of which 198 from Romania) - the sample in this study being one of availability. The results of the study guided the further development of content for the project products and activities. Thus, instead of 7 modules there were developed 9 modules. The 2 extra topics were: emotional development of children and the risks of digital technologies for children.;" The content of the IO3 training materials / IO4 the 9 e-learning modules, IO5 the 4 doodle animations and IO6 the mobile phone application sought to answer the parents' educational needs concerning their communication knowledge, attitude and skills on life subjects (as sexual education and prenatal education) in the relationship with their children, as revealed by questionnaires replies. During their 4 transnational meetings the coordinator and partners decided to improve the project outcomes and the up-graded topics where addressed during the learning training events: C1 short-term joint staff training event and C2 blended mobility of adult learners, during dissemination events inside the project. The results where positive and were confirmed in all the meetings and events that partners had with their associate partners during the PEACE SITE project life time. Although the project language was English, due to the participants request, IO1 was also translated in Romanian and IO3, IO4 IO5 and IO6 were additionally developed in French and Romanian, while part of IO5 was subtitled in Japanese. The partners have transmitted information about the products of the project to the parents' associations and several schools (including the electronic networks to which the schools are registered and we expect this number to increase now that the schools activities are in full swing. The access to the e-learning platform remained free after project completion; through IO2 (the accreditation of the e-learning courses) the graduates (with university training) of the modules will be certified by the University of Perugia receiving 3 CFU university credits valid in the EU. | Results | Website | | | Feedback from participants | | PEACE_Evaluation_E1-E6_Multiplier_Events_Final | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Intellectual Output 3 - RO - Module 1 Parent Child comm skills | Intellectual Output 3 - RO - Module 2 Sexual develop of children | Intellectual Output 3 - RO - Module 3 Self esteem | Intellectual Output 3 - RO - Module 4 Parent awareness in forming child values | Intellectual Output 3 - RO - Module 5 Child participation | Intellectual Output 3 - RO - Module 6 Prevention of unwanted pregnancy and sexual transmission infections | Intellectual Output 3 - RO - Module 7 Prenatal education | Intellectual Output 3 - RO - Module 8 Emotional develop of children | Intellectual Output 3 - RO - Module 9 Parents in digital age | Intellectual Output 3 - EN - Module 1 Parent Child comm skills | Intellectual Output 3 - EN - Module 2 Sexual develop of children | Intellectual Output 3 - EN - Module 3 Self esteem | Intellectual Output 3 - EN - Module 4 Parent awareness in forming child values | Intellectual Output 3 - EN - Module 5 Child participation | Intellectual Output 3 - EN - Module 6 Prevention of unwanted pregnancy and sexual transmission infections | Intellectual Output 3 - EN - Module 7 Prenatal education | Intellectual Output 3 - EN - Module 8 Emotional develop of children | Intellectual Output 3 - EN - Module 9 Parents in digital age | Intellectual Output 3 - FR - Module 1 Parent Child Comm skills | Intellectual Output 3 - FR - Module 2 Sexual develop of children | Intellectual Output 3 - FR - Module 3 Self esteem | Intellectual Output 3 - FR - Module 4 Parent awareness in forming child values | Intellectual Output 3 - FR - Module 5 Child participation | Intellectual Output 3 - FR - Module 6 Prevention of unwanted pregnancy and sexual transmission infections | Intellectual Output 3 - FR - Module 7 Prenatal education | Intellectual Output 3 - FR - Module 8 Emotional develop of children | Intellectual Output 3 - FR - Module 9 Parents in digital age | Intellectual Output 5 - RO - Onscreen Doodle Whiteboard - Am grij_ de corpul meu | Intellectual Output 5 - RO - Onscreen Doodle Whiteboard - Fiecare copil este o fiin__ unic_ | Intellectual Output 5 - RO - Onscreen Doodle Whiteboard - Alegerile de fiecare zi _i modeleaz_ viitorul | Intellectual Output 5 - RO - Onscreen Doodle Whiteboard - Energia sexual_ este asemeni curentului electric | Intellectual Output 5 - EN - Onscreen Doodle Whiteboard - I take care of my body | Intellectual Output 5 - EN - Onscreen Doodle Whiteboard - Every child is unique | Intellectual Output 5 - EN - Onscreen Doodle Whiteboard - Your everyday choices shape your future | Intellectual Output 5 - EN - Onscreen Doodle Whiteboard - Sexual energy is like electricity | Intellectual Output 5 - FR - Onscreen Doodle Whiteboard - Les choix quotidiens faonnent ton avenir | Intellectual Output 5 - FR - Onscreen Doodle Whiteboard - L'nergie sexuelle est comme l'lectricit | Intellectual Output 5 - FR - Onscreen Doodle Whiteboard - Chaque enfant est unique | Intellectual Output 5 - FR - Onscreen Doodle Whiteboard - Je prends soin de mon corps | Intellectual Output 5 - JPN- Onscreen Doodle Whiteboard - __________ (I take care of my body) | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | Intellectual Output 1 - EN - Comparative Study Report Parent-Child Communication Study | Intellectual Output 1 - RO - Raport Studiu Comparativ evaluare comunicare parinti-copii | Community building tools | | Intellectual Output 4 - RO - EN - FR - E-learning platform | Intellectual Output 6 - EN - RO - Mobile phone app | Others | | Intellectual Output 2 - EN - IT- Course Training Curriculum and Accreditation" Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2017;2017-1-SE01-KA102-034254;;;PS - enhet 1 APL: RL ett internationellt yrke;Unit 1 at Peder Skrivares Skola is located in Varberg. The city is moving towards a future where it will undergo great change, due to the building of a new railway tunnel, the harbor being moved o...;Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education;;PEDER SKRIVARES SKOLA Enhet 1;SE;SE,AT;66.678,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;Unit 1 at Peder Skrivares Skola is located in Varberg. The city is moving towards a future where it will undergo great change, due to the building of a new railway tunnel, the harbor being moved outside the city giving place to a new part of Varberg, called Vsterport, to be built. This transformation is a part of the European Unions program of infrastructure, focusing on communication and transportation. From an EU-level to a national level, a common area of sustainable development, entrepreneurship, innovations and participation runs through the entire urban development project. This is taken into consideration in the municipality of Varbergs own Vision 2025 and then brought into the administration and down to a school level where a European development plan is created. The entire city development project is calculated to be finished in 2035. We predict that Varberg will be a work-intensive area for many years to come where specific requirements on employees are important. Many of the employees will come from other parts of Europe and even the world, which will allow both the restaurant business to increase. Our school has introduced an international profile, where we want the lessons to be permeated by both an international and a transnational perspective. The labor market has moved from being local to global. Businesses are demanding that their employees have the right qualifications to suit this new global work force. In line with EUs educational goals for 2020, business, entrepreneurial learning and internationalization should be a vital part of the education. This should also enable our educational system to stay updated on the requirements and qualifications employers have. We have spent a lot of time and effort on developing strong contacts between the school and businesses, an entrepreneurial learning, and internationalization.;We have implemented a pedagogical part of this exchange. Teachers have together with their colleges in Austria formed a group in which they had created an efficient and evaluation tool, that can be used to evaluate each student during their work practice. The tool facilitate student evaluation both locally and in another country and it should be able to be used in future exchange programs. We shared our project and its results with the rest of our school. We also shared it publically using educational fares, newspaper articles , EUs Erasmus+ Project Results Platform and our page on Instagram and Facebook. By using new working methods and having an updated knowledge of the local business, we want to reduce the amount of defections (students quitting or changing educational programs) from the high school programs. We also have the exchange program to encourage the students with the knowledge that they recieve extended knowledge of the English language, that they are more employable, and that they feel as they are a part of the European work market. (European Citizenship). All this have fit well into EUs vision for the year 2020, Varbergs Vision of the year 2025 and our schools goals for development of the educational system. Evaluation of student accomplishments and projects have taken place continuously throughout the project. Inquiries have been sent out both prior to the exchange program and after. The result have showed in the number of students who have defected, the ability to grade the students. The students have received Europass and it have been written in to their final grade report when graduating. Our project was runned and organized by the project group together with teachers from the program participating. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2017;2017-1-SE01-KA102-034309;;;Yrkesutbildning med APL i Bygg-och anlggningsprogrammet ll;The Building- and Construction Programme at Brckegymnasiet is Swedens largests. We offer education in eleven vocational orientations. Our goal is to reinforce capacity and international scope thr...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;Brckegymnasiet Lindholmen;SE;SE,FI,DE,IT;53.085,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The Building- and Construction Programme at Brckegymnasiet is Swedens largests. We offer education in eleven vocational orientations. Our goal is to reinforce capacity and international scope through development of a long term cooperation with educational institutions/training centers and companies in Finland, Italy and Germany, Offering vocational training and jobshadowing we expect to improve competence in the professional profiles as well as greater understanding and responsiveness to social, linguistic and cultural diversity. | Students in year three in sheet metal went to Pieksmki/Mikkeli, painters, bricklayers and tilers to Pistoia and carpenters, constructon workers and floor layers to Utrecht. | At the point of selecting students to placements in Krefeld, Germany, september 2017, we experienced a lack of interest. We then changed partner from Bildungszentren des Baugwerbes, BZB, to ROC Midden Nederland in Utrecht with focus on carpentry, construction works and floorlaying. | The selection criterias have been high attendance rate, good results and ability to be a good ambassadeur for the school. For two of the students we have deviated from the criteria high scores by taking the chance of presenting a different vocational situation, in order to give the student a ""fresch start"" when returning to school. Ten percent of the mobilities were women. 18 percent have an immigrant background. We did send 19 students on placement; two sheet metal workers, six painters, two bricklayers, one tiler, five construction workers, two carpenters and one floorlayer. In 2018 no student in sheet metal applied. Instead construction workers showed interest which ROC could match. Two of six applicants were placed in Utrecht. ESEDU arranged a program with construction work and forestry. For our students, used to operate various machines, the forestry experience should broaden their competence substansially. Unfotunatly, the outcome did not come up to the students expectations. Already, after a few days they reported lack of stimulation. Brckegymnasiet and ESEDU communicated repeatedly and in a few days a new training program, focusing on forestry was in place. Despite this, the students droped of after ten days. | According to planning our principal, responsible for validation of adults, adult education and contracting companies should do jobshadowing at CSCS. At the time beeing it showed they had difficulties organising the activity and we decided to postpone. Instead one of the principals for our construction program did jobshadowing at ROC, especially valuable since the cooperaton just started. | All together nine vocational teachers did jobshadowing, one week in the beginning of the placements period and one in the end. It has been a great advantage to organise the activity during the students placement period. In most cases the teacher is specialised in the profession the students do work training in and often is his/her mentor as well. When neither students has been placed nor has a teacher. Therefore the activity for two teachers which should have done jobshadowing at BZB in autumn 2017 didnt occur and the same for one teacher in ESEDU in autumn 2018. | Students and teachers have got insight in new professional methods, knowledge about new tools and materials, increased skills in environmentaly adapted working methods as well as higher quality awareness. The teachers have deepened their knowledge about evaluasion and assessment models of the LOs when comparing metods of the host organisaton with Brckegymnasiets.";Both students and teachers have developed their intercultural competence and do communicate easily with people from various backgrounds. To have experience from being from another culture than the rest of the working team has been very educational for the individual. | The students were prepared for the stay abroad trough lessons about the political and social circumstances in the host country. They also got to learn some introductional phrases in the language spoken. Vocationally they got prepared for the coming situation in the workshops. The international coordinator, the school management and particiating teachers had a meeting for all parents of each flow to give information about the project. | Learning Agreements have been used. The Learing Outcomes have been divided into smaller units in Assessment Grid which has been used for assessment | The documents used are Europass CV and Europass Mobility Document. For Finland Certificate of Attendance has been used. ERASMUS+ Work Program for Staff VET Mobiity and Certificate of Attendance has been used for personel. We have communicated with our partners through e-mail, phone calls and Facebook. The results have been disseminated through our webbsite, social media and Open houses. In spring 2019 the participants will inform about the project to students in year two. Cooperation with other countries give us new perspectives which contribute to quality developement. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-SE01-KA104-034425;;;Internationalisation and Didactics in Practice;In today's global world and in our multicultural society, it is important that internationalization in some form is always included in our studies. We live in a constantly changing world where man...;Pedagogy and didactics;;Uddevalla Vuxenutbildning;SE;SE,UK;29.241,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Adult education;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"In today's global world and in our multicultural society, it is important that internationalization in some form is always included in our studies. We live in a constantly changing world where many factors such as the labor market, the economy, the environment and climate threats affect us, and this includes both global and European dimension that we must have knowledge of. We saw these factors as an important area of development for our educational work when planning our project. | Our project ""Internationalization and Didactics in Practice"" has, through approved application, been linked to our school management area (RO2), Uddevalla Adult education and our upper secondary school teachers. The 15 mobilities included structural courses and our teachers were offered to participate in the project at the mobilities relevant to their educational activities. Good knowledge of English was an important qualification for being able to participate in the project where all cooperation with our European partner (EUcourses, United Kingdom), participation in mobilities, the material etc. were in English. | One of the objectives was to create a clear internationalization and European dimension at our school and to increase the pedagogical competence of the staff. Internationalization as a concept in our project therefore included developing knowledge of factors to promote the students' ability to take personal decisions and the ability to see their own reality. Increased internationalization in the studies could stimulate an increased interest in the subject and thus be a motivation for one's own work, and also indirectly strengthen one's own responsibility for the studies. | Another objective was to strengthen the quality of teaching and learning regarding both basic skills in basic upper secondary education and the labor market's need for more people to be able to obtain a high school diploma, increase their employability and also gain higher knowledge and personal qualifications. The project's work to increase knowledge about these factors would also strengthen our teachers' competence. | Our goals also included creating a platform for exchange and collaboration with other teachers in adult education, upper secondary courses and schools in both our municipality and other municipalities in various forms of activities such as internal training, seminars and exchange of experiences and also create networks for future collaborations with colleagues across Europe. | During the project period 20171101 - 20191031, 15 of our teachers participated in the mobilities relevant to their educational assignments. Each individual mobility had 3 teachers. The teachers' different skills were linked to the different mobilities. Each mobility group created a work that together with the work of the other mobility groups became a broad educational material with great importance for strategic development of skills and quality for the business. All the documentation, pictures, films and compilation of all mobilities led to a jointly produced work material. | The course ""Smile"" (Lisbon) made it possible to explore a number of aspects of the concept of identity and to compare the different identities expressed by other Europeans. The ""Reading the City"" (Tuscany) course taught participants to discover and use the city as a learning resource. The course ""Eduglocal"" (Lesbos) was about the interdependence between global themes such as climate change, global citizenship, food, health and migration. The course ""Digital extra"" (Berlin) with a focus on Mobile European Dimension aimed to learn how to create modern eLearning content using the framework of culture and heritage. The course ""Sharing Landscapes"" (Tuscany) had as its ultimate goal the creation of tools for students to strengthen the European cultural identity, produce and use mobile learning materials in outdoor education.";Participation in the project has strengthened a common vision within our rector's staff and the organization as a whole, which was also beneficial to our students. The project's mobilities and activities gave us the knowledge to identify our school management area and our school's development needs and develop a plan for internationalization. | The gained experience and knowledge were presented to teachers at other local municipal schools in various forms of activities. With the help of digital meeting places, our teachers were able to create networks for present and future collaborations through, among other things, EPALE, a platform where opportunities for digital collaboration with colleagues across Europe could benefit from the exchange of experience and knowledge with participants from Sweden and other European countries. In this way, the project has created the conditions for a broader perspective on the practical pedagogical work of our school management area, as well as to gain knowledge and skills in internationalization and the European dimension in adult education. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-SI01-KA101-035359;;;Razli_nost nas povezuje;We are a public elementary school in the middle of Slovenia, in which three groups of pupils cohabit. We provide pre-school and basic education programmes for pupils with special needs, pupils of ...;Disabilities - special needs, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Migrants' issues;;Osnovna sola Litija;SI;SI;51.496,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"We are a public elementary school in the middle of Slovenia, in which three groups of pupils cohabit. We provide pre-school and basic education programmes for pupils with special needs, pupils of lower educational standard, and pupils, who visit regular primary school. | Our project is a consequence of a desire to gain new experiences and transfer them to our pupils. We want them to be equipped with knowledge and skills needed for life in the future. We also started the project because of our employees desire upon their professional growth, and numerous international cooperation opportunities. All this would provide and guarantee an even higher quality of education in our institution. | Lately, we are witnessing a growing number of pupils who migrate due to economic or safety reasons. That is why; the main theme of our project is to assure the best service possible for all pupils included in the learning process, including the ones, who, due to language and cultural differences or special needs, find usual approaches insufficient. | | To achieve the above mentioned, our projects goals are: | - professional qualification of pedagogical workers to ensure individual approaches towards pupils and focusing on their strong areas; | - expansion of knowledge and qualifications of our school personnel in the field of special needs, inclusion, ICT, policy making, foreigners and migrants; | - to become aware of new tools, applications, didactic materials, graphic, textual, and audio-video materials for providing active cooperation of our pupils; | - analytical treatment and adjustment of experiences to use in our school, and the expansion of all that to other interested schools in the country and abroad; | - to increase the ability of incorporation into KA2 strategic partnerships and finding partners in the e-Twinning surroundings. | | The set goals were achieved much easier with a project group of thirteen mobility teachers of different profiles (the headmaster, a headmasters assistant, primary school teachers of lower classes, teachers who help pupils with special needs, a defectologist, a librarian, a teacher skilled in logopedia, a teacher educator, and a special teacher educator). Our team also consists of other, highly motivated employees, who offer support to mobility participants.";We wish and want pupils to cooperate in the teaching process. Through that, we can monitor their responses and progress, follow the suitability of introduced new subject matters and according to success, keep or abandon the new approaches. | Each individual participants activities are monitored and that enables us an insight upon the realization of the inflicted goals. A questionnaire was a great help to us. | Our aim is to adopt enough new approaches to enable pupils with special needs, and pupils from other language and cultural backgrounds, to be more active and successful in adopting new knowledge. | Based on foreign good praxis examples, we set solid foundations for future work, for students of all profiles. We enrich our work with some ICT technology, as well as with the awareness of all the involved, that we are all different, yet the same. | The acquired knowledge and novelties are going to be included into our schools activities and systematically (with the help of workrooms, lectures, performances, e-events, didactic accessories, international projects, conferences, etc.) spread among other interested at home and abroad. The expansion is continuing after the conclusion of a two-year project. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-SI01-KA101-035400;;;Pozor! Z bolj_o komunikacijo zmanj_ujemo kulturne, generacijske in digitalne razlike novodobne generacije dijakov v evropski dru_bi.;"The project Mind the gap! included three essential dilemmas of schooling in Slovenia, as well as basic project themes; namely, the gap in the intercultural field, the gap between generations and...";International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;II. GIMNAZIJA MARIBOR;SI;SI;40.938,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The project Mind the gap! included three essential dilemmas of schooling in Slovenia, as well as basic project themes; namely, the gap in the intercultural field, the gap between generations and the gap in modern communication. | The project challenged the intercultural differences in Europe, where people's fluctuations are high. The first objective of the project was to identify differences and to find common routes between different cultures as well as between different generations. ""Update"" is one of the most common words among youth, and the word has many meanings. In the project Mind the Gap!, teachers ""renewed"" and ""upgraded"" their knowledge of modern multi-media; therefore, the development of modern media and the development of critical thinking was the second main goal of the project. Due to modern media, the environment of youth is a ""linguistic bath"" of the English language. English is, thus, the main means of communication in the International Baccalaureate programme, where the teachers who teach in this programme are not native speakers of English, so they followed the guidelines and trends in English language teaching throughout the project. Student exchanges, teacher mobility, international projects and the aforementioned reasons require the improvement of the teachers' competencies in communicating in English, which was the third main objective of the project. | II. gimnazija Maribor has in its vision to be The school that opens all doors! and it wants to achieve academic excellence in all areas of work that it develops and supports with its programmes. Learning a language is necessary for better understanding of different cultures and cultural heritage. We want our teachers to be actively involved in language courses, use modern ICT, using innovative methods in the access language that combine cultural heritage and learners. With the international profile of students in the International Baccalaureate programme, there are several possibilities that allow them to accept intolerance among students due to different obligations in intercultural differences. By participating in international seminars and workshops on cultural differences, the newly acquired knowledge was used in class. With new experiences, it was easier to raise awareness among school colleagues at local levels, especially with the new model that was established due to this E+ project. Five teachers visited schools in Sweden, France and Italy, where one third of immigrant pupils have a special model to include foreign students in the local community, school and home classes. Our teachers took examples of good practice and adjusted them to our schools environment. They created a model that guides and directs foreign students from enrolment (enrolment, visas, acclimatization in classroom, presentations, excursions) to student monitoring (counselling tutor - student, student - pupil) and the grand finale of two years that these students spend at II. gimnazija Maribor, namely, the students create a play in 5 languages on the stage of II. gimnazija Maribor, where foreign students present their mother tongues and their culture through the play.";"Other goals and objectives met by this project in order to ensure international mobility and the expansion of competencies for the profession in students (we followed the global rules recommended by the European Commission for mobility in the field of education, training and training): | a. improve the knowledge of academic, professional and conversational English: Consequently, students who are directly involved in the International Baccalaureate programme have improved the quality of student- teacher communication in English. The teachers involved in this kind of structured course have raised the level of teaching using new contents; | b. teachers have enhanced their knowledge of the historical and sociological background of other cultures, and with the acquired materials, they have strengthened their knowledge by establishing international exchanges and organizing international events, strengthening the internationalization of their own institution; | c. teachers transferred experience from structured courses and training and began to introduce state-of-the-art ICT trends. | Further skills acquired by mobility by teachers: | a. teachers improved didactic competencies using new methodologies, learning aids, English knowledge; | b. teachers included modern practices and new methods in teaching, thus providing a dynamic professional environment; | c. teachers strengthened the relationship between the formal and informal parts of education, especially through tutoring / mentoring; | d. teachers have strengthened social, civic and intercultural competencies, and actively use them in the regular school and outreach process, and further sensitize students for intercultural differences; | e. teachers have established formal and informal international contacts to improve international cooperation." Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2017;2017-1-SI01-KA204-035545;;;Boosting Educators' Competences to do Quality Blended Learning ;In the Quality Blended Learning project, we developed a Handbook named Introduction to Blended Learning for Adult Educators and an E-platform with learning materials supporting the contents of the...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Open and distance learning, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;UPI - ljudska univerza Zalec;SI;SI,EL,IT,ES,IE,DE;201.059,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Adult education;Centro Educativo;;;English;n the Quality Blended Learning project, we developed a Handbook named Introduction to Blended Learning for Adult Educators and an E-platform with learning materials supporting the contents of the Handbook. They are intended to be used by professionals in adult education: teachers, educational organizers and heads of organizations. Blended learning is a combination of the traditional way of teaching and learning and learning through engagement of digital technology. Adult education providers are lagging in the use of blended learning compared to other sectors. | The Handbook we created is an extremely practical and transparent tool for all those who are starting their blended learning journey and for anyone who already has basic knowledge and wants to refresh and upgrade it. | The handbook consists of 8 units, each of which represents an independent unit therefore,one can also read individual chapters. The Handbook contains spreadsheets, worksheets, practical guidance, examples and explanations for the use of tools, and outlines the concept of blended learning, highlighting the benefits and challenges. The Handbook addresses all the main actors involved in the blended learning process: learners, teachers, and management or adult education providers. While the Handbook is extensive (there are a good 220 A4 pages), the materials of the e-learning platform are of smaller extent. The e-platform supports the contents of the Handbook by using the elements provided by the Moodle online environment. Video clips, interactive presentations, knowledge quizzes with questions of different types to present the main six tools for blended learning are used to further help educators plan and develop blended learningcontent. Platform users can also earn digital badges. The handbook is published on the platform in the following languages: English, German, Spanish, Slovenian and Italian. | The design of the handbook and the e-platform is based on an e-survey and face-to-face interviews of the target group. E-platform materials were tested in 4 pilot workshops, where we received valuable feedback. In the last two months of the project, partners held 6 closing events where they presented the main results to project stakeholders and received enthusiasm and praise. The handbook and the e-platform are open educational resources available on the e-platform and the websites of partner organizations.Three of partner organisations are going to publish the printed version of the Handbook and the Irish and the Spanish partner developed a training course about blended learning based on the training activity that took place in Dublin.;Partners believe that both main project results can be used not only by professionals in adult education but also by professionals in other education sectors. | Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | BlendItWell Handbook_ENGLISH | BlendItWell Handbook_SLOVENIAN | BlendItWell Handbook_SPANISH | BlendItWell Handbook_GREEK | BlendItWell Handbook_GERMAN | E-PLATFORM about blended learning for adult educators: | Summary Interviews/Survey Report Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-SI01-KA219-035496;;;A cup of creativity in educational process;The project A Cup of Creativity in Educational Process brought together schools of secondary education from four European countries: Slovenia, Italy, Greece and Portugal. All the schools observed ...;Creativity and culture, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Gimnazija Ptuj;SI;SI,PT,EL,IT;105.425,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"The project A Cup of Creativity in Educational Process brought together schools of secondary education from four European countries: Slovenia, Italy, Greece and Portugal. All the schools observed the need to include creativity as a competence, intercultural, linguistic and digital competences in educational process. All partner countries have developed diverse social habits connected with drinking coffee, tea and milk, which served as the basis for researching and creating. The objectives of the project were: inclusion of creativity in learning and teaching, development of social and intercultural competences and the change of teacher's as well as students' perception of creativity and its evaluation. | The core project teams at each school consisted of four teachers and six students. In order to achieve the goals, there were national and four international learning activities in the time period of 24 months. In each initial activity, the students researched their local environment. The preparatory activities were followed by international learning activities, where the findings were presented in international groups. What is more, they served as the starting point for cooperative creative activities the research of characteristics, habits, culture and economy of each country, and presenting them as a lesson plan, a video or a visual presentation to be used educational process. Each international activity focused on a topic that was agreed upon by all partners as the most suitable for their environment: the meeting in Ptuj focused on languages and cultural awareness, introducing the participants to the period of the Middle Ages and Baroque. Kavala hosted the second meeting, whose topic was history and art. Torino provided the participants with the environment where science and entrepreneurship can flourish. Caldas da Rainha focused on multimedia and the activities connected with it. The teachers exchanged examples of good practice and included creative approaches in teaching. Thus the methodology followed the pattern: researching/learning creating presenting/use of results. During the project, the website was being created, which now comprises the tangible project results: an online resource pack of creative material for classroom use, created by the participants, which comprises creative lessons for English, History, History or Art, Literature, Mathematics and Geography; a collection of guidelines for assessment of creative activity, created by the teachers, the findings of the international research of beverages drunk from a cup, and a gallery of posters, drawings, paintings, design produced by the participants. The website also represents an exhaustive diary of all project activities, including tools for monitoring and evaluation, dissemination activities and use of results. ";The activities and the impact were evaluated with tools created during the project. Thus, at the project's completion, all four participating institutions observed an increased awareness of their creative potential among participating students, the positive change in their perception of partner countries as well as the novel perception of their homecountry's ingenuity, attractions and heritage, improved interpersonal skills and the ability to actively contribute to the work of (an international) group, improved presentational skills and self-confidence, and new pursuits in the field of ICT, particularly in the field of video-presentation projects. The teachers began including creative material in their lessons, either the project results by created students or their own creations. The new approach to creative teaching was the inclusion of creative projects as homework activity. In each partner country, the most remarkable impact of project activities was observed on school, local and regional levels. Teachers at partner schools and at primary/secondary schools in the region were willing to try out the project results as soon as they were disseminated, already in the duration of the project. Local cultural organisations, craftsmen and entrepreneurs were actively involved in the project activities, in turn, their activity was presented to the international audience. Creative activities did not end at the project completion: the website remains active and is upgraded into an online collection of examples of creative approaches in education. Schools to which the project results have been disseminated use the material and/or add their own creations. An e-mail address was created, allowing all interested teachers to comment on the results or their use of results and approaches. The cooperation between the participating schools and the local institutions involved in the project activities continues in the future. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | ON-LINE RESOURCE PACK OF CREATIVE LEARNING/TEACHING MATERIAL | COLLECTION OF GUIDELINES FOR INTRODUCTION OF CREATIVITY | COLLECTION OF POSTERS ON BEVERAGES | COLLECTION OF CUPS CREATED IN THE PROJECT Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-SK01-KA101-035009;;;Zlep_ovanm kvality u_ite_ov k zv__eniu kvality vyu_ovania.;Our organization is Connected School with two departments: Secondary Technical School and Business School. There are 817 students in seven fields: engineering, technical lyceum, mechatronics, ele...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Access for disadvantaged;;Stredna priemyselna skola informacnych technologii;SK;SK,UK,MT;25.275,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;Our organization is Connected School with two departments: Secondary Technical School and Business School. There are 817 students in seven fields: engineering, technical lyceum, mechatronics, electrical engineering, business academy, information and network technology, logistics. Part of the study is also required yearly two-week practice in enterprises, businesses or offices. The school is involved in experimental teaching and validation of new educational disciplines and courses in ICT and electronics. New branches of study were created in our school - logistics and network technology. The school is looking for perspective for the future and trying to be attractive, therefore it is involved in many projects. In 2016 our school became the training center for the public. | From the objectives of the project after the first year we managed to: | -improve the methodology of teaching English language using the provided training materials | -improve the methodology of teaching vocational subjects using English special textbooks and other resources, using provided training materials | -experimental use of CLIL in the classroom on computer network lessons | -we got new ideas and techniques for working with special needs students | -for the next school year, we expect to improve the results of the English language schooling exam | Nine teachers of our school were involved into the project. The six were English teachers and three were vocational subjects teachers. | All the planned activities were realized: analysis, evaluation, planning of courses focusing on development of the school, setting up a working group, selection of teachers, contacting and signing contracts with partners, attending a meeting of selected teachers and their sharing of roles, completing the questionnaire, making bulletin board with a visible logo Erasmus +informing about the project. | The main accomplished activity was the completion of structured courses abroad, evaluation and dissemination of results and learning outcomes according to established criteria, application of acquired experience in further training and preparation of plans and standards. | After the first year of the project | -new illustrative materials have been created for teaching English according to the lessons learned on courses | -the acquired techniques of teaching special needs pupils started to be used | -the acquired educational findings have been applied to school educational curricula to improve the level of English and professional subjects | -students were recommended on-line programs and mobile applications that help them in language and professional skills | From the measurable evaluations, the first expected goal of the project was met after the first year, students had better results from leaving exams in ICT subjects. | -course participants have used new trends in teaching special subjects from foreign websites, informed school management. Next year, a new subject will be included in teaching - the Internet of Things. | Teachers of special subjects also used English literature and they have prepared materials for teaching and self-study of students. Materials are published on our school's E-learning where they are also available to other schools with a similar focus.;Impact on students: | -they improved their creative thinking, are involved in education and thereby improved attention in learning process, enhanced intercultural awareness, including social, linguistic and cultural diversity, enhanced the ability to use online programs and mobile apps to help them in linguistic and professional skills, thanks experience methods they soon took up a new curriculum | on teachers and colleagues: | -efficiently planned the teaching grammar and vocabulary in foreign language, improved the ability to choose visual materials, enhanced intercultural awareness, including social, linguistic and cultural diversity, developed their language skills, enhanced ability to use online programs and mobile apps, enhanced the ability to design and use educational materials, resources and tools to support learning, gained an overview of the use of CLIL, they familiarized with the use of practical on-line tools for CLIL and learning aids developed specifically for CLIL | on school: | -course participants have built up contacts on the basis of which another project for pupils was submitted | -to strengthen international cooperation and development in the field of education the school submitted the Erasmus+ 2018 for students, in which they would have the chance to use some devices not found at our school and compare vocational training abroad with our school. Teachers would have opportunity to implement some experience to their lessons in teaching at our school. | on the region: | -we allow general public to study new subjects and technologies without the need to travel to distant places, to ensure highly qualified and professional workforce to factories. Long-term benefits will be reduced unemployment of our graduates. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-SK01-KA101-035206;;;GEMS ( Goal-based Educational Movement to Success);Project G.E.M.S arises from the initial motivation to decrease the studentsabsence and to modernize educational process from the aspect of professional teachers growth, popularization of the ins...;Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, International cooperation, international relations ...;;Gymnzium Andreja Vrbla Levice;SK;SK,UK,CZ,EL,IT,CY,HU,LV;47.901,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;Project G.E.M.S arises from the initial motivation to decrease the studentsabsence and to modernize educational process from the aspect of professional teachers growth, popularization of the institution from the aspect of implementing the innovative methods and approaches which would definitely replace the traditional teaching forms. The project objectives are as following to popularize the teaching profession in different subjects, improve the external MATURIA exam results in MATHS by increasing the intrinsic motivation of students towards studiyin, improving intrapersonal and interpersonal skills. By means of jobshadowing activity in 3 different countries, 1 management member, 1 schoold head, 1 school counsellor the project would definitely be the means for gaining new notions, knowledge , attitudes and approaches, studying the different school curriculas, comparison and contrast of them would lead into implementation of innovative aspects which would result in one of the projects benefits. Furthermore, the project objectives were the improving the 2nd foreign language skills specifically in Russian, German langauges by means of implementing innovative student-centred methods, CLIL metod in German conversation classes, create and provide Maturita students with a new subject - Business English as the form of university preparation, proffession orientation, assertion on the job market. Speaking of first foreign language - English we aimed onto the specific fields of study namely differentiation of tasks for students with specific learning needs, implementation of drama elements into average lessons, interconnection of creative methodologies and lessons, fostering CLIL method in Music lesson. What is more, the non-language subjects teachers improved communicative English skills which resulted into CLIL method usage in Geography, Etics, Civics, Art and finally 1 management member improved her English communication skills in order to engage management into projects more. The school has been modernized, internationalized in the market of educational institutions due to the broad implementation of innovative methods in different subject ( Maths, Geography, Chemistry, Physics, History, IT, Russian,German,English langauges, Etics,Art,Music,Civics)+ active school management involvement.;The educationl activities succesfully resulted into creating and rallying different educational materials, presentations, videos, video tutorials, specialized articles, websites which were consecutively disseminated to other teachers via MOODLe internal e-learning system which is available as well as for teachers as for students. Finally we were disseminating the project results in the form of gained skills, approaches, attitudes, materials through Open Days for both 8 year and 4 year forms of studies separately, Methodology days for foreign language teachers and Methodology conference on 28.11.2018 for teachers of Levice region, teachers outside Levice region, school heads, foreign partner from Czech republic, representatives of Levice town municipality, Municipality Nitra representatives. The project results are sustainable due to the fact that they are the part of renewed school curriculum, implemented in the lessons, MOODLE internal e-learning system serves as the means of materials and sustainability and results of the project. Not only we mention the dissemination of the results in Slovakia and regional aspects but also at the international matter as well through community of e-twinning platform teachers by participating in the specific groups, we participate in 3 new e-twinning projects, English,German,Chemistry as the project impact but we also disseminate the project results at the Learning and Teaching mobilities at KA229 projects ( 2 projects) , creating follow-up KA101 project with specialization in IT - robotics, English - improvement of critical thinking, multiculturalism, fostering CLIL method in Art and Music. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-SK01-KA101-035235;;;Inovcia a modernizcia metd a ich implementcia vo vyu_ovan, zefektvnenie odborn_ch kompetenci zamestnancov.;"The aim of the project is ""Innovation and Modernization of the Methods and their Implementation in the Classroom, Streamlining the Professional Competencies of the Employees."" was to enable educat...";Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Creativity and culture;;Zakladna skola sv. Vincenta;SK;SK;9.015,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The aim of the project is ""Innovation and Modernization of the Methods and their Implementation in the Classroom, Streamlining the Professional Competencies of the Employees."" was to enable educators to study abroad in purpose to acquire new methods in English language teaching. There were five school staff attending the training courses. | These are three primary-level teachers who want to more motivate pupils of creative at lessons. Mobile participants participated in the section of English language (Drama in the Primary classroom), organized by the International Study Programmes, the course (CLIL - Contect and Language Integrated Learning), organized by the Bell Teacher Campus and the course (Using Technology for Teaching English,"" organized by InterEducation.";The course was attended by two English language teachers, organized by the Ministry of Education and Employment (Methodology and Motivating Materials for Secondary Classroom) and (Language and Practical Methodology). After graduating, they spread the acquired competencies in the educational process, among colleagues, attended meetings, (such as e-Twinning projects, articles in the schools magazine, in the media, cooperation with Kindergarden). It has been improved the quality of regular activities, the strategy of teaching English lessons. The basic impact is to improve the level of foreign language teaching by introducing innovative elements, activities, games based on teacher creativity in English lessons. The level of communication of foreign-language mobility participants and project cooperation at international has improved. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-SK01-KA101-035268;;;All for joyful learning;The Primary School of Jozef Ignc Bajza is a regional, fully-organized state school. 171 pupils attend the school, there are 9 classes and 2 school-club classes. The School Education Programme t...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;Zakladna skola Jozefa Ignaca Bajzu;SK;SK,UK;6.010,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The Primary School of Jozef Ignc Bajza is a regional, fully-organized state school. 171 pupils attend the school, there are 9 classes and 2 school-club classes. The School Education Programme the innovated version named JA (language) PO (computers; movement) NEC (eco education) puts the pupils personality first. We achieve the educational objectives in a complex way; the pupils personality is shaped as a whole, concerning both the mental and physical aspects. The educational priorities are as follows to provide quality basic education, develop pupils communication skills in the Slovak language, foreign languages, ICT, and social relationships; help pupils with special educational needs, support gifted students, promote the development of pupils physical and intellectual abilities. The schools motto is as follows - Education is kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel (Socrates). | The school focuses on health, healthy lifestyle, sports, competitions, promotion of teaching using ICT, project-based learning, speech, two foreign languages English and German, ecology, environmental education, spiritual development, building up Christian values, material and technical development of the school, pupils and teachers individual growths, empathy development, aesthetic skills, and local patriotism. | The primary education programme is to ensure a smooth transition from pre-school education and family care to regular school education by stimulating the cognitive curiosity of children based on their personal knowledge and their own experience. The aim of our school is to ensure continuity as well as a smooth transition from primary to lower secondary education.";The lower secondary education is based on the interdisciplinary approach in the teaching process and on the development of pupils analytical and critical thinking skills. We teach English at our school from the 1st grade. In the first grade (the lower primary) it is one lesson a week, in the second two lessons, in the third three lessons and in the fourth grade it is four lessons a week. At the upper primary part it is four lessons a week. Since languages are our key area of focus our teachers regularly attend teachers trainings, follow the latest language teaching trends and methods such as CLIL, e-Learning, inclusive learning, and the TPR method in order to improve the teaching process. The aim of the project was to send 2 teachers, one of the lower primary part and the other of the upper primary part, to the United Kingdom so that they can further their personal and professional growth, improve their professional competences and thus ensure the achievement of the strategic objectives. The aim was to make sure that the past and current project activities have a positive and long-lasting impact on both the teachers and pupils. In accordance with our schools focus, we intended to follow modern trends in English language teaching and used such methods as CLIL in interdisciplinary teaching. We intended to use the gained knowledge, experience and skills in order to organize block and project teaching, prepare lesson and curriculum plans, and foster pupils language competence in speaking and listening. In order to ensure a quality and smooth transition of our pupils from the lower part to the upper part of our primary school, our intention was to link up this course Methodology & English Language for Secondary Teachers with the previous one Methodology & English Language for Primary Teachers, and thus keep up the well-running teaching programme at the lower primary part and build it up on the children's knowledge. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2017;2017-1-SK01-KA103-035010;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;"Project Background: The Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava ( hereinafter "" the APA "" ) pays a great attention to the development of cooperation with the artistic HEI in Europe....";;;VYSOKA SKOLA MUZICKYCH UMENI V BRATISLAVE;SK;SK;169.925,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;not available;English;"The Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava ( hereinafter "" the APA "" ) pays a great attention to the development of cooperation with the artistic HEI in Europe. The Project "" Mobility of Students and Staff of the APA in the programme countries "" Key Action KA 103 "" Learning Mobility of Individuals "" has been implemented in accordance with the long - term development objective of the APA for 2013 - 2018, and at the same time, it significantly supported the internationalisation process and the strengthening of the international reputation of our university. The project was planned for 2 year period. The Academy received the grant to finance 85 mobilities in the following types of mobilities:; 1. students mobilities - study 44; 2. students mobilities - traineeships 18; 3. teachers mobilities 14; 4. staff trainings 9. The objective of the project was to support students and teachers mobilities, to improve the conditions of accepting foreign students, teachers, and staff, to enlarge the network of artistic schools and to create conditions for the participation in the joint transnational projects.";"Types and profile of participants: 1.Students mobilities - study. The number of mobilities was less by 1 , as stipulated in the Grant Agreement. The highest number of students were sent by the Music and Dance Faculty ( 20), the major part of students took part in the exchange study during the 1st year of the project implementation. Among the most preferred partner schools were : Falmouth University ( UK), Academy of Performing Arts in Prague, Janacek Academy of Performing Arts in Brno ( Czech Republic). The average time spent at the study abroad was 4 months and 19 days. 2. Traineeships of students : Within the project, 26 traineeships were realised, it was much more as set in the Grant Agreement. Among participants, the higher interest was showed by fresh graduates of the master degree study, in total , there were 10 mobilities of graduates. Most placements took place in the Czech Republic, in various theatres situated in Prague, Ostrava, Brno, Plzen. For the first time, 1st year students of the bachelor level participated in the traineeship. The average time spent on the traineehips were almost 3 months. 3.Teaching mobilities and staff trainings; Most of the teachers and researchers were from the Music and Dance Faculty, in total there were 10 mobilities. | Film and TV Faculty has demonstrated the more active approach towards mobilities, 6 teachers and employees were sent out. Theatre Faculty realised 2 teaching mobilities. In the category of non teaching staff, the following parts of the Academy seized the opportunity to participate: rectorate, Centre of Arts and Science, Festival Department of the Film and TV Faculty, Research Centre of the Music and Dance Faculty. The Academy received the funds to finance 23 teaching mobilities and staff trainings, however, finally, it was the slight decrease by 3 mobilities. All stakeholders took part in the project, namely students, teachers, researchers, administrative staff, specialists. The highest percentage concerning the study degree was among the students of the bachelor level. In total, there were 69 students mobilities, the increase by 7, as was originally planned. Teaching and staff trainings achieved the small decrease, instead of 23 mobilities, we managed to organize 20." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility with VET mobility charter;2017;2017-1-SK01-KA116-035207;;;Zru_nosti pre chemick_ priemysel;The project responded to the changing criteria of meeting specific requirements on the secondary vocational school graduates in the chemical industry. Dual education is returning back to regular s...;;;Stredna odborna skola chemicka, Vlcie hrdlo 50, Bratislava;SK;SK,CZ,IT,DE;42.987,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;The project responded to the changing criteria of meeting specific requirements on the secondary vocational school graduates in the chemical industry. Dual education is returning back to regular school life, but it is an exacting process that is difficult for both sides, for schools and chemical companies. It is necessary to overcome the period of several years in which small and medium-sized chemical companies begin to be more interested in the implementation of dual education. During this period, the school ensures the gaining of competences in their laboratories. Foreign partners support gaining competencies and increasing quality of VET at their workplaces and laboratories to a large extent. | | Students of Secondary vocational school of chemistry, who study Biotechnology and Pharmacology, Technology of Cosmetics and Pharmaceutical Products and Chemistry Operator, carried out chemical learning units in five European host organizations. | Twenty-six participants carried out a 12 days lasting mobility from October 2017 to June 2018 in five beneficiary organizations in Kralupy nad Vltavou, Pardubice, Praha, Dresden and Padova. Participants gained knowledge, skills and competences in a VET schools and in enterprises in the following areas - Separation and mixing substances, Material constants determining properties of materials, Spectroscopic analysis of substances, Volumetric analysis of substances, Gravimetric analysis of substances, Chromatographic separation and analysis of substances, Preparing of inorganic and organic substances, Synthesis methods, Isolation and identification of cells and microorganisms, Isolation and determination of substances in biological material. Evaluation of learning units belonged to evaluation of theoretical and practical technical subjects as organic chemistry, analytical chemistry, physical chemistry, biochemistry, biotechnology, chemistry laboratory exercises, special practice and vocational training. | | Learning units covers not only the educational standards that are common for all fields of study as analytical and physical chemistry, organic chemistry, chemical technique, but also some specific standards as microbiology. | Participants will be more appealing to employers, thus rising of employment rate of graduates in Bratislava region is expected. The number of students in chemistry has descended during last decade. Project will make chemical courses more attractive to primary school pupils. | | The labour market requirements in chemical industry has changed. An increasing chemistry operator demand was observed. Partner organisations responded with reviewing learning units prepared previously from 2011 to 2016 and preparing and verifying new learning units. They prepared new learning units focused on forensic analysis, preparing of inorganic and organic compounds and chemical technique. Partners used the ECVET methodology in vocational education and training in chemical sector. | | Vocational education and training has considerably changed over the past few years, especially the structure of study fields and teaching methods. It faces decreased interest in study of technical and science oriented courses. New technologies are showing up in chemical industry permanently. The above mentioned changes places increasing demand on teachers of vocational subjects that have to watch new trends in the field of their activity, work with information and communication technology, select modern and effective teaching methods, use appropriate methods to evaluate the education.;Another aim of the project was to initiate personal and professional growth of teachers and transfer new trends in vocational education and training. To achieve this goal, teachers carried out 5 days lasting staff training- job shadowing at partner school in Pardubice. The partner has long-standing experiences in this field and is a leader in technical education in region. Teachers gained competencies in cooperative learning and flipped learning methods, in using e-learning in the process of lifelong learning and in evaluation of learning process. They also gained competences in chemical technique and instrumental analytical methods. Specially the field of chemical technique was reduced over the past few years and students are lacking in technical skills and chemical calculation skills. Teachers will transfer the gained competences into the education that will result in improvement the quality of education, raising the attractiveness of education and motivation of other teachers. The benefit for school will be the implementation of good practice. | The activities of students and teachers, gained competencies, impact on participants and on organisation, growth of international cooperation were in accordance with the VET mobility charter. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-SK01-KA202-035388;;;Education for Local Development of Rural Areas;The project ELDORA - Education for Local Development of Rural Areas was prepared and implemented by a partnership of 5 organizations from 4 EU countries. The project also wanted to address the cha...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Rural development and urbanisation;;AGENTURA NA PODPORU REGIONALNEHO ROZVOJA KOSICE NO;SK;SK,IT,PL,HU;199.966,26;Yes;No;Non-governmental organisation/association/social enterprise;ONG;;;English;The project ELDORA - Education for Local Development of Rural Areas was prepared and implemented by a partnership of 5 organizations from 4 EU countries. The project also wanted to address the challenges facing the European Union, such as the youth unemployment, depopulation of rural areas, or so-called brain drain. One of the main reasons for the aforementioned phenomena is that young people and graduates often cannot find their first job in the region where they come from. Social enterprises could address this situation. | The aim was to increase the professional capacity of the staff of the institutions involved to be able to provide better training for VET students, unemployed people and local rural leaders in social entrepreneurship. Another goal was to process materials, provide supporting documents, best practices and information on social entrepreneurship and disseminate them further. | During the project implementation we differentiated the target group into 2 groups - primary: young people in their final years of school, local leaders, mayors and municipalities employees, small and medium-sized enterprises and secondary: NGOs, organizations providing training, consultation and disseminating information on social entrepreneurship and groups active in municipalities. However, the most important indirect target group were the young unemployed people from vulnerable groups.;"The following intellectual outputs have been prepared to fulfill the objectives: | O1: Handbook How to Establish and Manage Social Enterprises , including the Best Practice Collection, are intended primarily for social business founders and managers. | O2: Teaching material "" Social Enterprise as a Tool for Local Economic Development"" has been prepared for trainers, including 20 e-learning videos that form a series of interviews (5 from each country) with entrepreneurs who have succeeded in the social economy. The output serves and will serve VET trainers, course providers and a Technical University that will lead the subject on social entrepreneurship based on the output. | O3: The social enterprise game Larn is aimed at young people, students and young unemployed. In the game, one can try aspects of starting and running a business with a specific attribute ""social"". This is a mobile app that can be downloaded from google play and app store for free. | All intellectual outputs have been developed in close cooperation of all partners and translated into national languages for better usability and are also accessible to the general public at: and, of course, in the Erasmus + Project Results Platform. | The work on intellectual output was supported by 2 short-term joint staff training event for Slovak, Hungarian and Polish partners. The first training event was aimed at visiting well-functioning social enterprises and labs that support social entrepreneurship and at communication with successful managers in foreign regions (Tuscany). It was attended by 13 employees of the partners involved in the project. | At the second training activity, participants had the opportunity to get the latest information on social entrepreneurship and to acquire knowledge that is important in setting up and running a social enterprise; they learned about what motivates a social entrepreneur, how to motivate a potential candidate for social entrepreneurship, and what is the best functioning motivation, as doing business socially is more demanding than ordinary entrepreneurship, which is focused on making profit. 13 people also participated in this training activity. | An important part of the project was publicity and multiplication events. Each partner ensured a dissemination of information about the project already during the project implementation through its website, but also via social network, eventually at the events he organized. Partners disseminated information on project outputs at multiplication events. | Slovak partner held an event for 40 participants, Italian for 20, Polish for 23 and Hungarian for 16 participants. Dissemination of the project outputs was supported by sending the outputs to the Department of Social Development and Labor of the University of Economics in Bratislava, to the Academy of Social Economy - Green Foundation, to the SLSP specialist for the non-profit sector and start-up entrepreneurs. | Implementation of the project has increased the capacity of employees of involved partners, of educators in the field of social entrepreneurship, which will have an impact on the establishment and success of such enterprises and on increase the employment of young people. | In the long term, we can see an increasing trend of setting up social enterprises, not only thanks to the project, but also thanks to the joining forces as during the project implementation we have established cooperation with the Regional Center of Social Economy in Ko_ice and the Office for Integration of Socially Excluded Communities of Kosice Region. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | How to establish and manage social enterprises? | Best practice collection | Social Enterprise as a Tool for Local Economic Development | E-learning videos | Game on social entrepreneurship ""Larn"" | Ako zalo_i_ a riadi_ socilny podnik | Hogyan alaptsunk s menedzseljnk trsadalmi vllalkozsokat? | Jak za_o_y_ i zarz_dza_ przedsi_biorstwami spo_ecznymi? | Come istituire e gestire unimpresa sociale? | Prru_ka dobrej praxe | J Gyakorlatok Gy_jtemnye | Edukacja wspieraj_ca rozwj na terenach wiejskich. Zbir dobrych praktyk | Raccolta di buone pratiche | Socilne podnikanie ako nstroj miestneho ekonomickho rozvoja | A trsadalmi vllalkozs, mint a helyi gazdasgfejleszts eszk_ze | Przedsi_biorstwo spo_eczne jako narz_dzie lokalnego rozwoju gospodarczego | Le Imprese Sociali come Strumento per lo Sviluppo dellEconomia Locale | E-learning video | E-learning video | E-learning video | E-learning video | Dissemination material | | Project leaflet | Projektov_ letk | Ulotka projektu | Projekt tjkoztat | Il Volantino del Progetto" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2017;2017-1-SK01-KA204-035370;;;SILVER;Given the prolongation of life expectancy and retirement age and the aging population, a group of citizens over 50 is becoming very important in several aspects of the EU national economy. However...;Inclusion - equity, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal);;TREXIMA Bratislava, spol. s r.o.;SK;SK,HU,FR,NL;196.883,61;Yes;No;Research Institute/Centre;Centro de Investigacin;;;English;The aim of the SILVER project was to promote new and innovative methods of education that will contribute to improving skills that affect the employability of people over 50 years of age. The project also aimed to open a debate between relevant stakeholders to identify the barriers that this population group has to face. It was also important to emphasize the importance of lifelong learning, the silver economy and age management in the current EU demographic situation. The main objectives of the project were: - Identifying the missing basic transversal skills of seniors and discrepancies between what seniors have and what is expected of them in the labour market - Improving the skills of citizens over the age of 50 through the creation of an innovative educational tool.;training program - based on the results of questionnaires and discussion forums, the project partners have built a training program structure - defined 7 main topics that form the basis of the training program. Each topic contains several areas deepening the knowledge of the topic in the form of short videos, additional documents, quizzes, respectively exercises. The training program consists of the following topics: generation gap, networking, job strategy, personal development, professional development, lifelong learning, entrepreneurial skills. 3. Implementation of the training program - creation of an electronic platform through which the training program is implemented. Once registered, the platform is accessible to both the general and professional public at As part of the implementation of the training program, its testing and pilot training sessions were also carried out in each of the partner countries. Feedback to the platform was positive from all participating countries, where more than 90% of users (106 users) rated the platform as useful, deepening skills and knowledge of the topic, and visually and user-friendly. 4. Availability - creation of a project guide that summarizes individual outputs and gives guidance on how to use the results even after the project is completed. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | E-learning platform | Project Guide | Project Guide | Project Guide | Project Guide | Project Guide | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | Study - Situation of seniors in EU and selected countries | Extract of the study on situation of seniors in EU and selected countries | Extract of the study on situation of seniors in EU and selected countries | Extract of the study on situation of seniors in EU and selected countries | Extract of the study on situation of seniors in EU and selected countries | Extract of the study on situation of seniors in EU and selected countries | Dissemination material | | Project leaflet | Project leaflet | Project leaflet | Project leaflet Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-SK01-KA219-035392;;;Spielend neues lernen;The Spielend neues lernen project was a continuation of the successful implementation of the eTwinning project, which was awarded the European Quality Label and got also an award for the best Germ...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences|Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;Zakladna skola, Wolkerova v Bardejove;SK;SK,PL,TR,IT,EL;106.755,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;The Spielend neues lernen project was a continuation of the successful implementation of the eTwinning project, which was awarded the European Quality Label and got also an award for the best German project. And that was the main reason why the eTwinning project implementer from Turkey, Slovakia, and Greece decided to implement the project as an Erasmus+ project and they invited two other schools from Poland and Italy to participate in it. The project coordinator was Elementary School, Wolkerova 10 in Bardejov. The aim of the project was to motivate pupils to learn foreign languages, to expand the use of activating elements of the game in foreign language teaching, but also in other subjects and to improve pupils digital skills. Gamification in education suggests using gaming systems, new experiences and cultural roles to motivate students in learning. Everyone involved in this project had the opportunity to work with web 2.0 applications, create online games, learn from each other, and compare the traditional form of learning with gamification. New learning resources have been created, which are constantly being disseminated and published on the project website, for other schools and teachers. Pupils aged 14-16 years were involved in the project. The project had 2 transnational meetings and 3 short-term pupil exchange meetings. In the 1st phase of the project realization, a website was created to inform about the objectives and implementation of the project. The 1st transnational meeting in Turkey was focused on the evaluation of ongoing activities and at the same time coordinators had made decisions about coordinating other project activities as well as the organization of the exchanges according to the plan. The 2nd transnational meeting was linked to the final evaluation of the project. The main part of the project was the exchange of pupils mainly focused on the practical application of the game elements in learning and communicating in a foreign language. The main part of the project was working on English and German lessons. Pupils created vocabulary collections on selected topics and created online quizzes and games. Subsequently, the short-term meetings of pupils were primarily focused on the practical application of the elements of the game in learning and communicating in a foreign language. Activities in which pupils could participate were also focused on learning about culture. Short-term student exchanges were attended by 45 teachers and 58 pupils from five countries. Each meeting lasted for five days. The program was aimed at checking the acquired language and digital competences. The verification was carried out through quizzes, created online. Pupils worked in international teams, wrote scenarios on assigned topics, and created digital learning material through Learningapps, Quizzis and Kahoot. They also learned how to work with a 3D printer. Thanks to the excursion to Samsung's development laboratory, they became acquainted with creating the mobile applications. They had also the opportunity to become familiar with the lifestyle of teenagers in the country, to develop a team spirit, to improve their language, digital and presenting skills. Each meeting had a game day, where teams played online games and quizzes. The last day of each meeting was always dedicated to the evaluation and the best team was rewarded. The Evaluation of the project was in the form of questionnaires. All results were processed in the final evaluation of the project. The use of games in the classroom aims to achieve success in learning in a simple and fun way. This learning increases pupils' self-confidence, improves problem-solving autonomy and encourages team spirit. We have achieved a great deal by working on our project. As a result, 2692 pupils dealt with 771 questions online via quizzes. The percentage success rate increased from 60% to 80%. The exchange provided the opportunity to explore other cultures on the basis of one's own experience and to gain a sense of European identity. Acquired digital skills have taught pupils to look for the necessary information and critically evaluate them. Not only mobility was our goal. It was durability and reusable learning methods in the form of a game. All scenarios and online games are available to the general public on the project website as well as on the project's eTwinning website.;The website is a guide and resource for teachers. The e-magazine informs about the course of the project as well as about the overall experiences and life of the pupils involved in the project. Created collections of thematic vocabulary and games were offered to foreign language teachers at workshops by project participants at schools in their region. The teachers who created this project recognized the benefits of using gamification elements in the classroom and therefore encouraged their colleagues to combine the traditional method of teaching with the use of gamification. | Results | Website | | | Feedback from participants | | Feelings are important | Video - student feedback | Feedback | Feedback of the student exchange visit | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Collection of quizizz in german language | collection of links to created quizziz in English | Others online resources | Scenario in german | Vocabulary collection in German | Vocabulary collection | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | webinar about project | Dissemination material | | e magazin | blog of the project | website | article in turkish online magazin | online article in slovak emagazin | linkedin article | FB page | article in italian e magazin | regional italy television | article and photos | article in regional emagazin | Pinterest pictures | article in slovak national e magazin | slovak school website | Information Days in Ko_ice | Erasmus friends Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-SK01-KA219-035396;;;Czechoslovak reciprocity in crafts;"Strategic partnership ""Czechoslovak reciprocity in crafts"" was created by a common determination of participated schools. They decided to cooperate in developing vocational education and trainin...";Recognition, transparency, certification ...;;Sukromna skola umeleckho priemyslu;SK;SK,CZ;71.660,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"Strategic partnership ""Czechoslovak reciprocity in crafts"" was created by a common determination of participated schools. They decided to cooperate in developing vocational education and training in artistic fields by means of unconventionl teaching methods as well as technological procedures in following kinds of design garment, photography, space, product and advertising. Students of two secondary art schools from _ilina and Jihlava were involved in this project. These institutions educate teenagers aged 15-19 years. | The project was running from 01. 09. 2017 to 31. 08. 2019 with the aim to transfer reciprocally professional knowledge, skills and competences in unconventional artistic techniques. The target group was represented by students of secondary vocational schools. | The main objective of the project was to link the theoretical study in artistic fields with practical work, to adapt and implement training techniques of work into educational process and reciprocally exchange proved procedures between partner schools. The added value of the meeting was developing of information and communication technologies, linguistic and professional competences. Participants of the project received the necessary information about the working environment, working tools, techniques, work procedures and practical work in the field of art and design. | Among the partial aims belonged: | a) Present to each other vocational knowledge, skills and competences of students in selected art oriented branches of study. | b) Help young people enter to the European labour market after graduation. | c) Implement Description of learning units within ECVET into educational process. | d) Compare history, art and cultural development, system of education and vocational training in the area of Czech-Slovak cooperation. | e) Use of English, Slovak and Czech language for communication in the new environment. | f) Create relevant information outputs resulting from project activities. | g) Increase professional qualifications of involved teachers and subsequent use of newly acquired knowledge and skills in the professional education. | h) Spread proved procedures in the field of vocational education between partner schools.";The project covered the following target groups: 8 participants from teaching staff from each school and 24 students from each school (total of 48 students). Four workshops were held for teachers and selected groups of students during the project. Meetings were directed to four areas of vocational education: studio painting, drawing, photography and creating of visual object (artistic processing of fabric and serigraphy). The topic of common output of student groups was selected to capture the most significant feature of their venues. The studios worked on the following selected topics: SPU_ Jihlava - Artistic rendering of fabric (various textile techniques, serigraphy), SSU_ _ilina Art and Design (computer graphics, linocut technique and artistic photography). While working in the studios also special events were running, such as the common language training in English, Czech as well as Slovak language and other cultural and social activities. Each of Czech-Slovak meetings was finished with collective exhibition and opening, where the artworks were presented to other teachers, students and to the public as well. The teaching staff became familiar with selected techniques during the project meetings. They formed the Description of learning units in ECVET for each technique. The students were assessed on the basis of these materials on their last meeting. | The ongoing communication of working teams was the constituent part of the project and it was provided on co-operative created website. The output of the project was production of trilingual dictionary (English - Czech - Slovak) focused on special terminology of art and design. Achieved knowledge and bonded professional contacts became a lasting contribution to everyone who was associated with the project. During the project meetings each participant was provided with the tablet, through which their activities on assigned tasks were documented. Collective movie was created from student film-records. All activities were published in a common project site from which also promotional DVD was produced. Students acquired a new knowledge, skills and competences within the scope of 12 days according to Description of learning units in ECVET. The educational material in the area of selected techniques of approx. 40 pages was created at the same time. Strategic partnership has contributed to both innovation of vocational education and training as well as to making teaching art oriented vocational subjects in a more effectvie way at both schools. Results | Website | | | Dissemination material | | Vzdelvac materil. | Trojjazy_n_ web slovnk. | V_stavy pracovn_ch stretnut. | Trojjazy_n_ slovnk odborn_ch pojmov. | Informa_n letky projektu. | Organizational and working documents | | Popis jednotiek ECVET Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-SK01-KA219-035422;;;European Olypics Games;The project is the reaction to the necessity of development students key competences via active learning. It provides an exchange of good practices in the field of experience-based learning and c...;Environment and climate change, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education;;Stredna odborna skola chemicka, Vlcie hrdlo 50, Bratislava;SK;SK,CZ,AT,HU;24.000,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The project is the reaction to the necessity of development students key competences via active learning. It provides an exchange of good practices in the field of experience-based learning and cooperative learning. | The contents of the project was devoted to the topics of 1) culture and arts, 2) environment with activities focused on pollution of water sources in the Central Europe, mainly rivers flowing thorough the town where the school is situated, it means Danube, Moravia, Elbe, Chrudimka, 2) business learning connected with application of mathematics and digital skills, 4) sports like a tool to strengthening of fellowship and fair play. | The target group were students of secondary vocational schools. From the total number of 200 students, 101 were direct participants of activities performed by means of Olympic Games. The rest took part in the further project activities as organisational team or audience. | Within the project four international meetings were be organised. They lasted 2 days (3 days with travel day) and they were held like European Olympic Games in disciplines due to the main project topics like a triathlon. Within a CULTURAL OLYMPIC GAMES triathlon was organised in disciplines e-quiz Know the famous art work, food art and artistic representation of historical event or famous personality. We created project logo and used it on T-shirts. ENVIRONMENTAL OLYMPIC GAMES were organised like triathlon in water analysis, geocaching and recycling. BUSINESS OLYMPIC GAMES were held like triathlon in the e-quiz about brands, branding, slogans and logos; trading game and creating an advertising campaign and Pitching. SPORT OLYMPIC GAMES took place like triathlon in floorball with limitations, badminton in regional costumes, relay race in masks. We donated the project shirts and collected shirts to socially excluded citizens, each partner school in their local environment. | The next target group were teachers of academic subjects, professional chemical, fire protecting, economic subjects and also subjects focused on services, of f them 20 teachers directly took part in these activities, 16 teachers were part of organisational team and 25 other teachers are using good practice procedures. | Within the project, the workshops of 34 engaged teachers were organised in Bratislava and Vienna. They served like a field for the exchange of good practices and experiences, evaluation of targets and impact of the project, assessment of utilization the project budget and dissemination of results.";The students gained the key competencies via performance of project activities which will enable him/her to utilize educational the whole life educational options, to develop his/her personality whole life, to gain competencies in order to adapt with different social and working situations, to work in teams, to learn to be an active solver of life situations, to learn to decide independently. To live and work with various people, to solve conflicts with respect to of plural values, mutual understanding, tolerance and peace, to respect and tolerate differences of other people, to cooperate with them, not to dominate other people, to behave to others with responsibility, to be authentic personality what he/she wants and this personality manages his/her own life, to be individual, to find the sense of the life, own happiness and identity. They will enable to have ability of self-reflection, autoregulation of behaviour, critical thinking and personal responsibility. | The partnership developed school cooperation from cities that are situated near some of the European rivers. The objective was to build the partnership among school, which have the different studying fields, mainly chemistry, business and services. | The project offers the platform for exchange of good practices and experiences. Thanks to school network we can share experiences from the innovative teaching methods. Within the project due to the networking, the assumption for long-term and successful partnership and increasing the volume of international school cooperation with different focus in the name of European philosophy to connect different groups of people was created. Results | Dissemination material | | EULYMPICS e-learning course | Others | | Methodical material for teachers Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2017;2017-1-TR01-KA201-045815;;;STEM FOR ALL ;STEM FOR ALL aimed to encourage our new generations to find solution of globalized world's problems by motivating teachers to keep up the date and enriching their professional skills because we be...;International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;SARIYER ILCE MILLI EGITIM MUDURLUGU;TR;TR,RO,SE,PT,IT,EL;151.895,00;Yes;No;Local Public body;Administracin;;;English;"STEM FOR ALL aimed to encourage our new generations to find solution of globalized world's problems by motivating teachers to keep up the date and enriching their professional skills because we believed that STEM related subjects needed to be taught by engaged and enthusiastic teachers using hands-on and minds-on activities. In additonal, making Stem related subjects enjoyable and exciting didn't only help them to learn, to make connection with real life but also it became a step for anticipatory STEM career. Student engaged with basic skills in math and science as well as 21st century skills such as creative and critical thinking, problem solving,information literacy and communication. In STEM FOR ALL project we combined many methods and techniques as our methodology although we mostly used Inquiry-based and project based learning as well as active learning and Ict based learning for project activities. The objectives of project were; To broaden the STEM awareness among students, teachers, local authorities,communities and raise positive attitudes of Stem related careers. To empower the teachers' teaching profiles and build basic Stem skills hence to faciliate them use more student centered teaching styles by combining interdiciplinary teaching with the inquiry learning. To provide STEM curriculum which helped us to implement STEM activities, pilot implementation of the curriculum was practically implemented through 20 hour- course in each participant country, teachers and students tested the curriculum and manuals. To involve students with fewer oppotunities such as disability,cultural differences and economic obstacle as well as advantaged students into the STEM activities thus we we gave chance to these students to be part of the project while living STEM experiences, we took account for gender equality while involving students into the implementing stem activities . To disseminate the project results,experiences,impact as wide as possible. we set very strong partnership to materalized above objectives.Different type of organisatio strengthened our projects dissemination and impact of the project result on different types of teaching learning areas and communities ,too During the project life time, we planned 3 transnational project meetings and 4 LTT as short term joint staff training events. LTT activities took place for the 1st training in Portugal for ""Teaching STEM in the 21st century classrooms"" , for 2nd training in Sweden for ""The Role of Technology in Education and best practices of using it in our classes"" , for 3rd training in Greece for ""Innovative Curriculum and pedogogy in STEM disciplines "" and for the 4th training in Romania for ""A practical workshop for teachers and Science Fair"". The first and second transnational project meetings took place in Italy and the final meeting took place in Turkey. Many other project activities carried out in national level such as launching event, seminars,workshops, STEM conference and pilot implementation of the curriculum, celebrating World Science Day and Pi Day.With these seminars and Stem conference, educational stakeholders, public, local authorites involved in STEM FOR ALL and with the upgoing teacher training courses and seminars we ensured the project impact and results remained after the project. Moreover we are carrying out an Etwinning project not only for spreading our STEM experiences gained from our mobilities but also involving much more students and teachers into STEM FOR ALL. On our management meetings all the coordinators decided to use etwinning platform as follow up activity so we are using our e twinning project for our project's sustainabilty after its life time. we are currently adding new pages and new partners to broaden STEM FOR ALL's impact.By this way our lesson plans and stem activities are going to use by many teachers and may inspire them to produce new ones. Thanks to scientix community,they have chosen STEM FOR ALL one of the sample project, many teachers reached us to learn more about the project and wanted to collaborative with us. We will continue to work with new participants on our twinspace and continue to organize online events. Besides these,running a EU project gained us internationalizm and being tolerant to cultural differences as well as gaining us collaborating and project management skills.";Our students and teachers not only educationally improved but also they lived the European values.For Romania LTT Meeting we managed to add students mobility without demanding extra budget,Students participation to this activityboosted our impact on our students .Thanks to Erasmus + programmes provided us to disseminate our project on the Erasmus Plus Dissemination Platforms thus we got chance to show our project results to not just our vicinities but to all around the Europe.We've joined international Scientix Conference and represented STEM FOR ALL as an Erasmus + project,IT was greta dissemination oppurtunity for us. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-TR01-KA202-046790;;;IMPROVEMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL NOISE MANAGEMENT SKILLS IN AUDITS;"The project ""Improvement of Environmental Noise Management Skills in Audits"" shortly as ""Noise Training Project (NTP)"" explores practices and training programs on environmental noise management (E...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal), International cooperation ...;;PROVINCIAL DIRECTORATE OF MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND URBANIZATION;TR;TR,ES,IT;174.238,75;Yes;No;Local Public body;Administracin;;not available;English;"The project ""Improvement of Environmental Noise Management Skills in Audits"" shortly as ""Noise Training Project (NTP)"" explores practices and training programs on environmental noise management (ENM). It promotes the exchange of good practices in this field by proposing the curriculum content and creating the handbooks with their innovative digital aids for the training program given in vocational education cemters and universities. NTP analysis the existing situation in the partner countries and proposes recommendations on vocational profiles on acoustics for the recognition of both training programs and professional profiles. | Context/background of the project; | World Health Organization noticed that environmental noise pollution is assessed as the second most hazard environmental type of pollution after air pollution especially in densely populated urban areas. EC Report on Evaluation of Environmental Noise Directive highlighted the variances across Europe in terms of implementation of national strategies for ENM and there is inevitably considerable variance in the quality of lived experience of public administrations responsible for this directive. All these bring the need for greater knowledge and practice exchange with using the innovative developments. This is the primary focus of the project and the main reason why this project was carried out transnational. | Objectives; | The aim of the project is to improve the vocational skills and practices of staff working on ENM. In addition, it aims | - To determine training need on ENM in audits | - To develop sharing of good practices on environmental noise audits and training programs, | - To create the curriculum content proposal on environmental noise | - To develop the learning materials and evaluation tool on environmental noise | - To contribute the ENM and audit policy in both partner countries and throughout EU. | Number and type/profile of participants; The partnership consists of 4 partners from 3 different countries. 2 HEIs are involved as Universidad Politecnica de Madrid from Spain and Univsita Degli Studi di Firenze from Italy, 1 SME as Ingegneria Srl. from Italy and 1 local public body as Antalya Provincial Directorate of Environment and Urbanization from Turkey, which is the coordinator of the project. | Description of Activities: The survey was conducted in all partner countries to determine the training need on environmental noise audits. The report and project article has been published with the research results and recommendation on curriculum content proposal and vocational professional on acoustics. Based on this analysis, learning materials as 5 handbooks and their digital aids as e-learning videos within the 5 training modules on legal, technical and communicative aspects of ENM have been developed. Moreover, virtual noise audit tool for the evaluation of learners was developed as an innovative aspect of the project. Totally 14 Self Monitoring reports for each activities as 5 transnational meetings, 5 short term training programs and 4 multiplier events were prepared. Extensive dissemination activities such as project webpage, workshops, conferences, publications in media as OER which are fully in line with the objectives of the Erasmus+ Strategic were carried out to reach all potential target groups. | Methodology: Throughout the project, project management methodology was employed, for proper time and budget control, risk handling, effective communication and coordination. A comprehensive monitoring and evaluation methodology described within NTP ensured quality and achievement of objectives and results.";Results and impact: | Project participants have been strengthened through knowledge exchange and best practice events in the understanding of environmental noise audits across Europe. With this project, they gained the experience of intercultural working environment. Professional growth in terms of using new ICT based methodologies through interactive resources that are relevant for a range of fields in education and training provide the opportunity for all project partners and wider stakeholders to disseminate beyond their organizations. Large numbers of institutions, professionals and individuals concerned with environmental noise management were reached through dissemination activities. | Longer term benefits: | To sum up, the project contributes the vocational training programs on acoustics through the innovative outputs. It provides to raise awareness on policy makers, stakeholders and all of these involved in noise management of the necessity of shared curriculum content and vocational profiles in target groups in both national and international level. It has potential to influence the policy on environmental noise management. The NTP partnership have been going on with newly Project proposals so the sustainability of the Project results will have been ensured. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | O1- HANDBOOK-1-ENVIRONMENTAL NOISE AUDITS BY LOCAL AUTHORTIES | O2-HANDBOOK-2-LEGAL ASPECTS OF ENVIRONMENTAL NOISE MANAGEMENT-ENGLISH | O3-HANDBOOK-3-TECHNICAL ASPECTS OF ENVIRONMENTAL NOISE MANAGEMENT-ENGLISH | O4-HANDBOOK-4-COMMUNICATIVE ASPECTS OF ENVIRONMENTAL NOISE MANAGEMENT-ENGLISH | O5-HANDBOOK 5-COMMUNICATIVE WAY SUPPORTED BY TECHNICAL ASPECTS OF NOISE MANAGEMENT--ENGLISH | O1-HANDBOOK-1-TRKE_YEREL OTOR_TELERDEK_ DENET_MLERDE EVRESEL GRLT YNET_M UYGULAMALRI | O2-HANDBOOK-2-TRKE_EVRESEL GRLT YNET_M_NDE YASAL YAKLA_IMLAR | O3-HANDBOOK-3-TRKE_EVRESEL GRLT YNET_M_NDE TEKN_K YAKLA_IMLAR | O4-HANDBOOK-4-TRKE_EVRESEL GRLT YNET_M_NDE _LET___MSEL YAKLA_IMLAR | O5-HANDBOOK-5-TRKE_EVRESEL GRLT YNET_M_NDE TEKN_K DESTEKL_ _LET___MSEL YNLER | O6-Training Need Analysis and Curriculum Development for Acoustic Technicians | O6 - VIRTUAL NOISE AUDIT TOOL | O6- DIGITAL AIDS FOR O1-_NOISE AUDITS | O6- DIGITAL AIDS FOR O2 -PRESENTATION_LEGAL ASPECTS | O6- DIGITAL AIDS FOR O3-TECHNICAL ASPECTS | O6-DIGITAL AIDS FOR O4-COMMUNICATIVE ASPECTS | O6-DIGITAL AIDS FOR O5-NOISE DIRACTIVE | O7-Noise Training Project-Modules for Environmental Noise-English | O7- Noise Training Project-Modules in Turkish | O7- Noise Training Project- Modules in Spanish | O7- Noise Training Project Modules in Italian | O1-HANDBOOK-1-IT | O2-HANDBOOK-2-IT | O3- HANDBOOK-3-IT | O4-HANDBOOK-4-IT | O5-HANDBOOK-5-IT | O1-HANDBOOK-1-SP | O2-HANDBOOK-2-SP | O3-HANDBOOK-3-SP | O4-HANDBOOK-4-SP | O5-HANDBOOK-5-SP | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | TRAINING NEED ANALYSIS AND CURRICULUM DEVELOPED FOR ENVIRONMENTAL NOISE MANAGEMENT | EVRESEL GRLT YNET_M_NDE E__T_M _HT_YA ANAL_Z_ VE MFREDAT _ER____F | CURRICULUM CONTENT PROPOSAL FOR ENVIRONMENTAL NOISE | Partnerships and cooperations | | NEW PARTNEERSHIP AND COOPERATIONS | Dissemination material | | Noise Training Project Website | NTP Social Media Accounts | Noise Training Project Article | Project Workshop News on International Journal | ANNEX-5-BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF INTELLECTUAL OUTPUTS | ANNEX-6.1-MULTIPLIER EVENT REPORT-E1-ANTALYA-OCTOBER2019 | ANNEX-6.2-MULTIPLIER EVENT REPORT-E2-FLORENCE-OCTOBER2019 | ANNEX-6,3-MULTIPLIER EVENT REPORT-E3-SPAIN- JUNE2019 | ANNEX-6.4-MULTIPLIER EVENT REPORT-CLOSING CONFERENCE-E4-ANTALYA-NOVEMBER 2019 | ANNEX-8-DISSEMINATION AND EXPLOITATION REPORT OF PROJECT | BRIEF PRESENTATION ON NOISE TRAINING PROJECT-TR | POSTER OF NOISE TRAINING WORKSHOP IN MADRID | ROLLUPS FOR KICK-OFF CONFERENCE-2018 | POSTER FOR NOISE AWARENESS SEMINAR | ROLLUP FOR WORKSHOP ON ERASMUSDAYS | POSTER FOR PROJECT CLOSING CONFERENCE | PROJECT STICKER MASCOT FOR NOISE AWARENESS | LEARNING MATERIALS IN FLASHDISKS | ERASMUS+ NOISE TRAINING PROJECT LIFE | Organizational and working documents | | ANNEX-2-MONITORING HANDBOOK OF NTP | ANNEX-3-EVALUATION REPORT OF NTP | ANNEX 7.1.TRAINING -C1 ACTIVITY-SPAIN-JUNE2018 | ANNEX 7.2.TRAINING-C2 ACTIVITY-ITALY-OCTOBER2018 | ANNEX 7.3. TRAINING-C3 ACTVITY-TURKEY-JANUARY2019 | ANNEX 7.4..TRAINING-C4 ACTIVITY-SPAIN-JUNE2019 | ANNEX 7.5. TRAINING-C5 ACTIVITY-ITALY-SEPTEMBER2019 | ANNEX-5-BRIEF INTRODUCTION OF INTELLECTUAL OUTPUTS Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2017;2017-1-TR01-KA203-046818;;;Timeline Travel: An Alternative Tool for Architectural History Learning and Teaching;Architectural history classes are usually described as one of the least enjoyable courses by undergraduate architecture students. Most of them feel themselves forced to learn the histories of th...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Creativity and culture, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;GAZIANTEP UNIVERSITESI;TR;TR,PL,IT;180.075,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;"Timeline Travel Project creates an alternative architectural history teaching and learning tool that triggers visual cognition with the help of a timeline and a map. Accessible through, this tool is designed so that it could be used both as a teaching/learning/research companion and as an e-learning platform. It gives the learners the chance of making time travel while studying architectural history. Interdisciplinary nature of this project blending architectural history, software technologies and education science required a transnational, enthusiastic, innovative and energetic team. Each partner institution and all members of the project were experts in their own fields and produced five intellectual outputs collaboratively: Timeline Travel Tool (TTT) for visualizing data; its content, i.e. architectural history databases of Constantinople/Istanbul and Ravenna; Timeline Travel e-learning Platform (TTeLP); new curricula designed and tested for this platform, and a user profiling software to improve success of learners. TTT has initially been prepared for two historic cities: Istanbul in Turkey and Ravenna in Italy. Then, it was augmented with the architectural history timelines of Rome, Bursa and Edirne, and several other thematic timelines were added into TTTs library within project duration. TTeLP, which was developed as the first e-learning platform in the world dedicated to architectural history primarily and working in connection with TTT, has been integrated with eight courses of History of Architecture, including Byzantine Architecture in Constantinople, Ottoman Architecture in Istanbul, Renaissance and Baroque Architecture in Rome, Late Ancient and Byzantine Architecture in Ravenna. As a part of the project, the outputs of the project have been used and tested at partner institutions, giving students and teachers of these institutions the opportunity to benefit from the project outputs. Test lectures held at GAUN, UNIBO and YU gave very successful results, which can be understood from student feedbacks. With the help of the dissemination activities, the project outputs have reached a wider audience in and outside partner institutions. The primary target groups of the project were HE students and teachers of architectural history; and approximately 330 students, 50 academicians from partner institutions and 150 architectural historians within Europe has been directly reached via project activities.";Another objective of the project was creating a cultural and historical awareness among the citizens of Europe thorough architectural histories of their cities and countries. By making this tool available and easy-to-use for a wider audience from K12 students to elderly, the project aimed to reach almost every individual through the project website, and it is ambitious to become a global tool for learning and discovering architectural histories. To realize these, the project was disseminated at high ranking architectural history websites including SAH and EAHN, several radio programs, and social media accounts. Collaborations with municipalities were established and other universities architecture departments were also included in the use of project results. Another significant objective and long-term benefit of this project was to develop the Timeline Travel in a flexible way so that it can be adapted to other fields, such as history, art history, archaeology or urbanism, which would make the impact and EU benefit of the project will be greater. These objectives were also met within project duration, as the tool has already been adopted to Urbanism courses and integrated with the outputs of two master thesis. Moreover, new implementations from different disciplines are currently under way. The impact of the project was a significant improvement in students learning capacities and their enthusiasm. It also gave the opportunity to make novel interpretations and analyses on architectural history for both students and researchers. Another significant impact was allowing anyone interested in architectural history to study and learn this subject on their own, without the need of an instructor. Consequently, Timeline Travel successfully reached every individual at local, regional, European and international level, and it could well be used to discover architectural histories of other cities, adapted into other disciplines, or used even for personal purposes such as a visual diary. Results | Website | | | Feedback from participants | | Student Surveys of the 2nd test lectures at GAUN | Raw student survey results of the 2nd test lectures at GAUN | Interview questions with researches working in the project | Interview questions with researches working in the project | Interview questions with researchers working in the project | Students Surveys of the 1st test lectures at GAUN | Direct effect on participants and project partners | | Timeline Travel Project Dissemination Report | Quantitative Results of the 2nd test lectures at GAUN | Quantitative results of the 1st test lectures at GAUN | Results of the test lectures at YU | Results of the test lectures held at UNIBO | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Timeline Travel Tool | Timeline Travel e-Learning Platform | Timeline Travel YouTube Channel | Timeline Travel implementation at ITU in 2019/2020 Fall semester | Architectural history databases (IO2) of Istanbul, Edirne, Bursa, Ravenna and Rome | Articles from Timeline Travel e-learning courses (IO4) | The codes (i.e software) of intellectual outputs IO1, IO3 and IO5 | Syllabus of Ottoman Architecture in Istanbul course module | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | Academic article about test lecture results at GAUN | Presentation abstract about the usage of Timeline Travel Tool in academic research and submitted to IASTE 2020: Virtual Traditions Conference | First academic work that shows the usage of Timeline Travel | Abstracts booklet of the Digital Publication of Architectural History Workshop organize by EAHN | Summary of project coordinator Muzaffer zgle_s research statement for Fulbright Visiting Scholar Grant | Article about Timeline Travel in Architectural Episodes: Educational Pursuits and Experiences Proceedings Book | Article about Timeline Travel published in Yap journal | Poster presentation related with IO5 presented in the Symposium of Interdisciplinary Artificial Intelligence Studies | Dissemination material | | Timeline Travel Multiplier Event Poster | Timeline Travel Multiplier Event Advertising Materials | Timeline Travel Brochure | Project web page | Links advertising the project on the Internet | Dissemination of the Project on Architectural History Networks | Timeline Travel Multiplier Event 2 (at ITU, Istanbul) Program | Timeline Travel Dissemination Event (at GAUN) Poster | Timeline Travel Multiplier Event 3 (at AHE, Lodz) Program | Timeline Travel Multiplier Event 1 (at UNIBO, Ravenna) Program | Advertising video of Timeline Travel Project | PPT presentation of Timeline Travel Project | Advertising video of the Multiplier event in Ravenna | Photos from several project meetings and dissemination events | Timeline Travel on Ak Radio | Banner of Timeline Travel project Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-UK01-KA101-035765;;;Language Immersion Course;Although only one teacher was involved in undertaking the LFEE language course, all staff have benefitted from the experiences gained and the resources and activities brought back. All of our depa...;International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;Kilmarnock Academy;UK;UK;3.677,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;Although only one teacher was involved in undertaking the LFEE language course, all staff have benefitted from the experiences gained and the resources and activities brought back. All of our departmental staff are committed to raising attainment in language learning and fully implementing the Languages 1+2 policy. Staff have been open and receptive to gaining teaching ideas and resources. I have been able to jointly plan and develop resources for new and existing courses with the department, as well as working with the Support for Learning department to develop a new Spanish tutorial course for pupils who previously had no opportunity to study Spanish. I have been able to share my knowledge and resources with a wider group of staff and pupils as a result of the merger between James Hamilton Academy and another local secondary school, to form the new Kilmarnock Academy, William McIlvanney Campus. | | The LFEE Spanish course was an excellent opportunity for me to develop my proficiency in all aspects of Spanish as well as to converse and communicate with others in Spanish, including native speakers, and develop a deeper understanding of how to teach foreign languages. I gained many resources, materials and teaching ideas, which have re-ignited my Spanish lessons, as well as the passion and enthusiasm of my pupils to learn a foreign language. I have shared these with colleagues in school and also in other schools, through GLOW, to allow for a dissemination of high quality language teaching. I have used ICT more fully in language lessons, and allowed pupils to explore and use a number of websites to increase their confidence and capacity in Spanish. Having interviewed pupils before my participation on the course, and then after teaching using the resources I received, children had a much more positive experience of language learning and have a deeper understanding of the purpose of learning a foreign language, as we looked at cultural aspects as well as core language skills.;Having made links with a secondary school in Spain, I started an e-Twinning project, which has so far taken the form of letter writing between pupils from my school and Spanish pupils. This has allowed my pupils to utilise their language skills in a real-life context, and several pupils have told me that this was a factor in their decision to continue their studies of Spanish into the senior phase. | | My confidence in teaching Spanish has greatly increased, as has my knowledge of the language and the Spanish and Hispanic culture. The variety of resources and activities I have now incorporated into my lessons has proved successful over the current academic session, and I aim to continue with and develop these techniques and resources and disseminate them throughout the newly merged school to allow more pupils to benefit from my LFEE experience. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-UK01-KA101-036291;;;Spanish immersion course 2017/2018;The Scottish Government has set a target whereby all pupils are to be actively engaging in two languages, in addition to their own by the year 2020. At present, French is being taught throughout t...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, International cooperation, international relations ...;;Warddykes Primary School;UK;UK;2.005,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;not available;not available;English;The Scottish Government has set a target whereby all pupils are to be actively engaging in two languages, in addition to their own by the year 2020. At present, French is being taught throughout the school, from age 5 - 12 and Spanish has been chosen as the second language which is to be experienced by pupils at Warddykes Primary School. | | | | In order to meet this Government target, and do it justice, staff need to have the confidence and skills to embed Spanish in the current curriculum. As well as this, it is vital the staff and children have an awareness and an understanding of Spanish culture to allow them to make links with their own culture and essentially have an appreciation of other global citizens. The immersion course would provide a deep understanding of Spanish culture and language as well as provide practitioners with teaching resources in order to effectively deliver quality Spanish.;It would therefore be the hope that we not only meet the Scottish Government's target, but inspire children to enjoy learning a new language, utilising it throughout the school on a daily basis. Lastly, the course would provide a platform to introduce e-twinning and allow links to be established with other schools globally to ensure children have the opportunity to share their work and be proud of their learning journey. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2017;2017-1-UK01-KA201-036731;;;Learn English Through Signs;The project Learn English Through Signs (LETS) has developed and tested tools and methodologies for Teaching and Learning English through using signs, symbolic gestures and music for children b...;Inclusion - equity, Migrants' issues, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;Language in Your Hands Ltd;UK;UK,SI,PL;106.825,81;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (pre-primary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;The project Learn English Through Signs (LETS) has developed and tested tools and methodologies for Teaching and Learning English through using signs, symbolic gestures and music for children between the ages of 2 and 6 years who are learning English as a second language. The aim was to teach children below the age of 6 their frst 500 words and phrases in English. The materials have been tested in early years settings in each of the 3 partner countries, following international training in Leeds, UK. The training materials and course were developed from initial research in the partner countries to identify firstly the current position (in 2017) as to how children are taught an additional language in early years education in the partner countries. Further research into the training requirements and recommendations from professionals to develop the materials, resources and training programme for the international training programme then took place. The target group for the training was childcare practitioners, early years teachers courses and language teachers, with 5 participants taking part in the international training from Poland and Slovenia, together with 15 childcare professionals from the UK. The 5 day international training programme therefore delivered the tools, materials and methodologies and those who received the international training then were tasked with delivering national training programmes in their own country. In the case of the UK the national training took part within the international training. To support the training and delivery of introduction of Learn English Through Signs, the project developed a wide range of signs, materials, lesson plans and accompanying music. The material is stored within the project website and within the eLearning platform. All of these materials will be freely available for a minimum of 5 years following the end of the project. The childcare practitioners, early years teachers and language teachers were therefore provided with both training to deliver the programme as well as the tools to deliver the programme within the classroom. Lesson Plans have been produced by the partners with a final course of 36 weeks, broken down into 3 x 12 week programmes. Examples are provided through case studies. A final project handbook has been produced which acts as an introductory guide to childcare providers and language teachers who would like to introduce elements of the model within their settings. This is then supported by songs, signs and other materials available online. The methods have been very successful within the 20 settings that they have been tested and all settings have confirmed that they will use the methods on an ongoing basis. The numbers of childcare professionals, language teachers, children and their parents involved in the learning from the project has far exceed our initial expectations.;The same methodology was used in all countries but the target groups in each country has been different. Within the United Kingdom, the project was targeted at early years education settings and children (2-6) whose first language is not English. This project therefore developed a new model where all children in the educational setting can support the children whose first language is not English in learning new English words. The models have also been used and tested within 20 childcare settings. Elsewhere the project has developed innovative methods of language learning in early years which has introduced a holistic approach to language teaching building on the diversity of todays multilingual classrooms. This has been done by introducing a new model of English to early learners between the ages of 2 and 6 in Slovenia and Poland. | Additionally the project has aimed is to create a more meaningful dialogue between home and early childhood settings to support language learning. This has been done through the increased participation of parents in both the development as well as the implementation of LETS curriculum.. We have therefore engaged parents into learning with their children also at home, and have prepared and implemented the parents/children sign supported English language activities with the basic English signs vocabulary which can be used with the mother tongue as well as second language. In this way we have stimulated childrens natural condition to code switching from one language to another using the signs as a common denomina. This has been supported therefore via a variety of methods of engaging parents, through offering signing courses to parents through to providing learning bags for the children to take home to use with their parents. The packs have included books, signs, music and toy animals eg spiders to link with the songs in the pack. All materials in the packs were therefore in English. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-UK01-KA202-036681;;;CREUS - Developing and nurturing the vocational transversal skills of disadvantaged young people through creative, non-formal learning in unconventional spaces;The CREUS project developed and applied new, innovative ways for young people who are disadvantaged and NEET to develop transferable and transversal key competences for the labour market by engage...;Access for disadvantaged, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Creativity and culture;;COLLAGE ARTS;UK;UK,CY,IT,EL,NL;251.902,23;Yes;No;Non-Profit making cultural organizations;Asociacin;;;English;The CREUS project developed and applied new, innovative ways for young people who are disadvantaged and NEET to develop transferable and transversal key competences for the labour market by engagement through non-formal, cultural and artistic learning. Led by Collage Arts (UK), CREUS was delivered by seven Vocational Education and Training partners in five European countries, UK, The Netherlands, Greece, Cyprus and Italy. | | The project aimed to improve the prospects for young people (aged 16-24) who have been alienated by traditional educational experiences and/or as a result are at risk of severe social and economic exclusion. One of the projects main innovations was to focus on learning located in unconventional places. These included creative industries workspaces in London, refugee centres in Cyprus, a market forum in Greece, a housing project, shopping centre and theatre in Rome, and an Academy for Community and Talent in the Netherlands which works with young people who have dropped out of conventional education. | | CREUS was implemented in a way that reflected a range of research studies that call for innovation in the design of post-statutory, employment-related VET through transversal skills. | | The CREUS methodology had at its heart the deployment of peer mentors in motivating disaffected young people and bringing them back into learning. In the context of CREUS, peer mentoring is defined as learning from individuals with similar backgrounds, enhanced experiences, through cooperation and shared practices. CREUS explored how space is important as a factor potentiating the interaction and exchange of knowledge between mentor and mentee, between peers. | | The CREUS partnership engaged 138 disadvantaged young and unemployed people aged 16-24 directly in the project activities. Key to the process were 25 young peer mentors who worked with the Creus methodology to develop the young peoples motivation, confidence and transversal skills.;"The key activities of CREUS were: | 1) testing pilot activities; | 2) writing case studies and recommendations; | 3) developing a modular learning curriculum; | 4) building recognition tools for peer mentors; | 5) producing an e-Learning guide for young peer mentors. | | The professional development of the 25 participating peer mentors was highly impactful, both on informing the content of the project's IOs but also in terms of the transformative experiences in mobilities and transnational exchange of practice. The peer mentors participated in a peer to peer mentoring process which enabled them to reflect upon their practice and equipped them to support learners with new and improved processes for recognition of transferable competences, providing a rich vein of experience and content for the intellectual outputs. | | Evaluation, both internal and external, demonstrated the positive impact for the young learners from participating in creative learning outside a formal educational setting. By delivering the pilots in refugee centres in Cyprus, a peripheral housing project suffering from failed infrastructure on the outskirts of Rome and in urban settings where unemployed young people gather in Larissa, London and Arnhem, CREUS was able to reach marginalised and isolated groups who would not have attended vocational training in a conventional setting, and to test and demonstrate new creative approaches to engaging young people in vocational learning. Spaces used in the project ranged from disused warehouses to museums and galleries to a community music festival within a housing estate or at an immersive theatre event in a shopping mall, or an arts session within a young people's hostel or refugee centre. Mentors attested to the impact of CREUS upon inclusion of vulnerable young people, which arose from the powerful combination of non-formal education in unconventional spaces, cultural awareness, exchange and creative learning. | | Finally, the European perspective in CREUS has also enabled participating VET organisations to innovate in their training. Through the process of developing the CREUS modular curriculum they have deepened their understanding of the potential of non-formal learning. As a result they have been able to strengthen learning resources and the skills and experience of staff in this area. The transnational mobilities, exchange and transfer of experience have had a particular impact. | | At the end of the project there was a shared conclusion that there is further potential for empowerment of the young people in co-design and co-creation activities through which they take more of a lead in shaping the provision to effectively fit their needs, and that this is an area that the partners will seek to build upon. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | IO3 - Mentees Visual Guide | IO3 - Mentors Visual Guide | IO5 - Recognition Tools for Peer Mentors Learning Agreement & Peer Mentor Transcript Youth Pass | IO3 - The CREUS Development Curriculum | IO2 - Methodology concept Creative Peer Mentoring in CREUS | IO3 - CREUS Development Curriculum - IT | IO3 - CREUS Development Curriculum - NL | IO3 - CREUS Development Curriculum - EL | IO2 - Methodology concept Creative Peer Mentoring in CREUS - IT | IO2 - Methodology concept Creative Peer Mentoring in CREUS - NL | IO2 - Methodology concept Creative Peer Mentoring in CREUS - EL | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | IO1 - Case studies and qualitative enquiry Transnational Report | IO1 - Case studies and qualitative enquiry Transnational Report - IT | IO1 - Case studies and qualitative enquiry Transnational Report - NL | IO1 - Case studies and qualitative enquiry Transnational Report - EL | Community building tools | | IO6 - E manual The CREUS e-learning guide for young peer mentors tutors and coaches" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-UK01-KA202-036686;;;Forget-me-not;This two-year project addressed the problem of insufficient training provision in the field of adult care and the related outdated provision of care to dementia sufferers. It built a partnership o...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Health and wellbeing, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;edEUcation ltd;UK;UK,FR,CY,DE,PL;172.241,00;Yes;No;Small and medium sized enterprise;Otros;;;English;"This two-year project addressed the problem of insufficient training provision in the field of adult care and the related outdated provision of care to dementia sufferers. It built a partnership of five organisations from five countries, who brought into this project complementary expertise and experience in senior care, adult training, e-learning, software coding and development of training programmes. | | The focus of this Strategic Partnership was to innovate through cooperative practice with the aim of developing an Integrated Platform to be used as tool for dementia care and a Vocational Education Training Package at a European level in order to: | | improve the ways senior care professionals are trained to work with patients in person-centred mode; | provide them with the necessary digital skills, communication, problem solving and team building skills and specific sectoral skills in the care of dementia sufferers; | provide them with state-of-the-art guidance and digital tools to tackle dementia; | make the methodology accessible to informal carers in domestic setting; | ultimately improve dementia sufferers' condition";"In order to reach our aims, the objectives of this project were therefore to: | | develop a platform to be used as a multilingual tool in dementia care, based on reminiscence therapy, allowing users to record and later use memories in the format of sound, images, text or videos | establish a baseline and create a comprehensive set of training tools (a training framework, 5 modules, 5 videos, 5 webinars) | pilot, test, evaluate and refine the training resources through training events and collaboration with our associated partners | identify and use tools to evaluate impact in the short, medium and longer term against the baseline | disseminate the outcomes widely through the transnational network of associated partners and through 5 multiplier events in 5 countries | build an online network of expertise to exchange practice through the online communities hosted on the Integrated Platform | | The platform and the training programme were developed in English, French, German, Polish and Greek. | | The initial impact has been a demonstration of improved training provision for VET and CVET learners in the field of dementia care, acquired new core and sector-specific skills for the professional carers, but ultimately an improved treatment of dementia sufferers through reminiscence and namely: | Improvement in cognition, mood, and functional ability. | Reduction in the symptoms of depression. | Reduction in the strain experienced by carers and relatives. | | This is the ultimate goal of this project, to improve the well-being of dementia sufferers through improved training provision for carers and use of modern methodologies. Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | IO1:Forget me not platform | O2: ""Forget-me-not"" training programme for carers in the dementia care sector overall Framework | O2: ""Forget-me-not"" training programme for carers Module 1 | O2: ""Forget-me-not"" training programme for carers Module 2 | O2: ""Forget-me-not"" training programme for carers Module 3 | O2: ""Forget-me-not"" training programme for carers Module 4 | O2: ""Forget-me-not"" training programme for carers Module 5 | Forget me not - webinar | Training Video 1 | Training Video 2 | Training Video 3 | Training Video 4 | Training Video 5 | Dissemination material | | Newsletter 1 | Newsletter 2 | Newsletter 3 | Newsletter 4 | Forget me not promotional leaflet | Organizational and working documents | | IO1: Enhanced MemoryStoria platform as tool for dementia carers | IO1: Forget me not platform - outline structure | Exploitation Plan | Quality and Evaluation Plan | Final Evaluation Report | Dissemination Plan" Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2017;2017-1-UK01-KA203-036607;;;Internationalising Trading for Social Enterprise Sustainability and Education;"Project Summary intsense aims to support the development of innovative practices in the education and training of individuals who are either seeking to expand their expertise in relation to the i...";Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Enterprise ...;;GLYNDWR UNIVERSITY/PRIFYSGOL GLYNDWR;UK;UK,LT,IE,DE,IT,EL,LV;245.029,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;not available;English;The project partnership is led by Wrexham Glyndwr University (UK) and is both cross sectoral and pan European in its complexion as it includes four higher / vocational education colleges (Wrexham Glyndwr University - UK, Limerick Institute of Technology - Ireland, Panepistimio Patron - Greece and Pdagogische Hochschule Freiburg - Germany), three independent vocational training organisations (Archivio della Memoria - Italy), Inovaciju biuras - Lithuania, Socialas Inovacijas Centrs - Latvia) and one social enterprise research/training agency (Social Impact Consulting Ltd. - UK). The establishment of the partnership will internationalise the operations of the partner organisations and further embed them in European and International networks. The cross sector nature of the project partnership ensures the open access multi-media inter-active blended learning materials. Video and case study material will help to improve / internationalise high quality formal and informal social enterprise programmes of higher education and further and vocational education / occupational adult training across Europe which is relevant to national and European labour market needs. | Context. Although it is acknowledged that some social enterprises are trading internationally, limited work has been undertaken on this subject. | intsense conducted a study across its partner countries that explored, on a qualitative basis, the reasons why social enterprises engage in international trade and the barriers and enablers that facilitate this form of enterprise. The study explored factors such as: motives behind foreign establishment, typical forms of trading international, relevant resources and the barriers and challenges faced.;"Project Outputs intsense accordingly developed a number of outputs, namely: A framework of factors that act as enablers and barriers to the internationalisation of social enterprise trading of goods and services that reflect differing business models currently in use. This is an entry level framework and acts as a summary to the whole of the project; A desk-based research report that maps out and appraises the use of current support mechanisms available in each partner country for social enterprises wanting to internationalise their trading practices; Case study materials that act as pilot lights to show exemplars of social enterprise international practices, collected from social entrepreneurs that are already trading their goods and services internationally; and Formal and informal educational and training materials relating to the international trading of social enterprise goods and services, their sustainability and support mechanisms available. The materials will comprise an online interactive business canvas, video summaries and written modules, based on the findings of the project that can be adapted to a variety of educational settings. Thus the target groups for this project are students/learners, teachers, trainers, partners institutions, other educational institutions, research centres, employers and their associations, third sector voluntary bodies and policy-makers, new social entrepreneurs, existing social enterprises & their employees seeking to develop their knowledge and expertise and achieve lifelong learning." Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2017;2017-1-UK01-KA204-036605;;;Health Points - A game based approach for Health Promotion;Various studies on European and national level prove that there is a crucial need to improve health literacy among young adults, especially those who are disadvantaged. Many serious diseases in ad...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Health and wellbeing, Access for disadvantaged;;RINOVA LIMITED;UK;UK,IT,CY,DK,AT,HU,DE;273.363,59;Yes;No;Small and medium sized enterprise;Otros;;;English;"Health Points addresses European trainers, educators tutors that work with these young adults. Being able to raise interest and motivation in this area is a major challenge. Hence, the project will follow a game based blended learning approach to make use of the existing positive attitude towards using online games and social media in combination with an accompanied training offer and guided learning opportunities. The objectives of Health Points are to: - Develop a game based approach and learning game to provide an attractive access to information on health prevention and education for young disadvantaged groups; - Equip trainers, educators and youth workers with an innovative tool to promote awareness for and provide information on health related topics in their training or in any other context or initiative addressing young disadvantaged people. Which ultimately aims to: - Reduce unhealthy behaviour patterns and lifestyle diseases among young adults; - Promote motivation for self-responsibility and changing unhealthy behaviours into healthier ones; - Empower young adults to take care of themselves as important contribution to their employability and active citizenship. In the first phase the specific needs and interests in terms of health education and promotion as well as perceived barriers will be explored by means of interviews and dedicated focus groups involving both trainers and young adults themselves. On the basis of findings from this activity, the methodological concept will be created, with specified learning objectives, together with the organisational structure of the training programme (game and setting according to the contextual surroundings) will be set up. The learning game will be the technical realisation of the methodological concept. A technical framework will incorporate 'gamification' and 'nudging' aspects. Its goal is to create a highly interactive learning environment and resources for trainers and learners. The learning game will be implemented in a fully responsive HTML5 framework supporting smartphones, tablets, desktops and notebooks.";The game-based approach to Health Points with be designed to be integrated into existing educational initiatives for young disadvantaged adults. Trainers and facilitators working in these contexts will be supported to use the game as an integrated, interactive learning resource that will be accessible and attractive to their learners, using techniques, devices and media that respond to many disadvantaged young adults positive responses to non-formal and non-traditional learning programmes. Health points incorporates robust processes for the testing and validation of its design. Feedback and experience will be gathered in order to adapt and improve the approach. The piloting will also be used to evaluate changes in motivation, action taking and awareness towards health literacy issues among the beneficiaries and to validate competency developments. This will be published together with an assessment of the results and case studies will be compiled in an impact study report. The project will be completed by the production of an e-Manual guidance publication. It will describe the design and use of the Health Points Programme and the game in a user-friendly and non technical language. This will provide background information on the importance of promoting health and well-being literacy and awareness to young adults, and highlight the reasons why the learning targets were chosen and why they are relevant for young socially disadvantaged adults. Health Points will create very concrete products that can be used also beyond its life cycle in many different settings involving young disadvantaged adults. Health Points will positively effect their attitude towards health prevention and lead to a healthy lifestyle and an increase in their employability. Results | Website | | | Direct effect on participants and project partners | | IO5. An Impact Study and external evaluation report exploring the impact of the programme as piloted and identifying improvements and refinements | Summative External Evaluation Report | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | IO3. The Health Points Learning Game the technical realisation of the concept, involving gamification-based design approaches | IO4. Training Programme for trainers, tutors and educators a train the trainer accompanying guide and resource programme | IO6. E-Manual and Webinar Resources a guidance publication to support the stand-alone sustainable use beyond the funding period | Dissemination material | | First Project Newsletter | Second Project Newsletter | Third Project Newsletter | Others | | IO2. A methodological concept constructing the framework of Health Points according to structure, modules, scenarios and techniques Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2017;2017-1-UK01-KA204-036747;;;Developing the competences of educators / professionals for the promotIoN of Social Entrepreneurship to adults with migRanT background;The INSERT project was a collaboration of 6 European Organisations highly motivated in exploiting the future INSERT outputs and results. The partnership developed innovative tools in order to exte...;Migrants' issues, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Open and distance learning;;Point Europa Ltd;UK;UK,EL,IT,AT,FR;202.340,66;Yes;No;Small and medium sized enterprise;Otros;;;English;The objectives of the project were the following: To enhance the background and knowledge of educators / professionals in social entrepreneurship fields, which will facilitate them in the long run to develop social entrepreneurial skills to learners with migrant background, Improve the supply of high quality learning opportunities in the field of social entrepreneurship tailored to the needs of both educators with no prior relevant knowledge in the field, as well as of low-skilled adults with migrant background. Increase the capacity of educators / professionals as trainers of trainers in social entrepreneurship Promote the social entrepreneurship spirit and raise awareness on the alternative pathways to pursue self-sustainability Increase labour market relevance of learning provision and qualifications and reinforce links among the world of social entrepreneurship with adult trainers and, ultimately, with migrant learners. The primary target group of the project were educators/trainers and professionals working with adult migrants in organisations providing social and educational support to migrants. The project also targeted Municipal Authorities, NGOs, Adult learning Centres, diaspora associations, and other relevant stakeholders. The projects innovation and added value lies in the very fact that it did not merely seek to train trainers on social entrepreneurship teaching methods and practical thematic knowledge, through the means of an e-tool. The project went beyond the mere e-learning and training of trainers scheme as it incorporated the innovative set up and activation of the network of informal social learning e-centres for educators/ trainers/ professionals working with migrant adults, through which the trained educators are now involved in engaging new peers to follow the capacity building programme using the same capacity building mechanism.;The validation and certification of the acquired skills of educators through the projects non-formal learning activities has also equipped them in offering high-quality teaching on social entrepreneurship both to new peers and potentially to migrants. | Through the INSERT Project: *over 25 participants tested the capacity building course and social learning e-centres digital tools. *over 700 participants have benefited from project activities i.e pilot testing etc. *50 participants have successfully completed the capacity building and social learning e-centres programme *Over 50 new peers have been engaged and trained by selected educators during the social learning e-centres programme *Over 200 participants took part in the awareness raising events *Over 19,555 national and EU Stakeholders have received information about the e-tool *Over 50,000 persons have been reached via newsletters,leaflets, posters, web platform of project. * Over 32,599 stakeholders and beneficiaries have been reached through dissemination and exploitation activities. Results | Website | | | Direct effect on participants and project partners | | INSERT Evaluation Report | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | IO 2 INSERT user guide for Web platform | IO1 A1.1 Capacity Building Course Transnational Report | IO3 Transnational Report | Dissemination material | | INSERT Newsletter 1 EN | INSERT Newsletter 2 EN | INSERT Newsletter 3 EN | INSERT Newsletter 4 EN | INSERT Newsletter 1 FR | INSERT Newsletter 1 GR | INSERT Newsletter 1 IT | INSERT Poster EN | INSERT Poster EN | Organizational and working documents | | A1.1 INSERT Project Quality Assurance and Quality Management Plan | A.2 INSERT Dissemination and Exploitation Strategy | INSERT Dissemination report Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-UK01-KA219-036536;;;Dream a Little Dream: Developing reading skills and inspiring readers in an ever increasingly technological world.;Our project, entitled 'Dream a Little Dream: Developing reading skills and inspiring readers in an ever increasing technological world', aimed to do exactly this! Inspiration for the project came...;Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, Pedagogy and didactics, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;Branston Junior Academy;UK;UK,PL,ES;40.350,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;Our project, entitled 'Dream a Little Dream: Developing reading skills and inspiring readers in an ever increasing technological world', aimed to do exactly this! Inspiration for the project came initially from a magazine article entitled 'Dream a Little Dream', written by British children's author Michael Morpurgo in the November / December 2016 edition of the ATL teaching union magazine. In this article he addressed the concept of encouraging teachers to give children 'the love of a story first and the rest will follow'. He suggested we 'Invite in parents and grandparents, people from the local community and from the world community to come in and tell their stories..' From this, our project ideas of a transnational project based on reading, was formed. | | Partners are all in agreement that inspiring children to read for pleasure is essential in the development of this key skill. In the modern world, where technology plays such a part in almost everything we do, we want to explore ways of developing reading skills further and embrace the age of technology in supporting us to do so. This was at the children's level, in terms of the use of e-readers, apps and computer tablets to inspire reading skills, but also by creating blogs and using video conferencing to encourage and promote 'book talk', and for staff of each partner school to communicate to support each other and share best practice. | | Three partner schools are involved in the project. The Polish and British partners previously worked together on a KA2 Schools only project and have worked together since 2008. The Spanish partner school is new to this particular collaboration but are familiar with working together with other schools local to them who are involved in Erasmus+ collaborative projects. Each school has one named coordinator, in order to provide consistency, and also has an additional named member of staff to ensure sustainability of the project.;"The project was made up of four classroom-based phases, exploring different elements of reading; Phase 1: My favourite book; Phase 2: Traditional and Cultural Stories; Phase 3: Poetry and Phase 4: Reading and Technology. Transnational meetings were planned in at strategic points, either to evaluate the project to date, or prepare staff for further planned activities, and in many cases, both. Staff worked with children in the hosting school to deliver a range of reading activities and also to write contributions to a joint story book - which was one of the outcomes at the end of the project. We also spent time sharing best practice in the teaching of reading and considering how we can each adapt and improve teaching methods in our own schools, within the constraints of specific curriculum requirements. | | One of the outcomes of this project was the greater enthusiasm that children showed in the discussion of reading and in the development of this key skill, which in turn, has had a positive impact on other areas of their learning. This was measured in a number of ways, including reading assessments undertaken by individual partner schools, and by staff and children surveys to measure the 'softer' impact on learners. Collaboration with children in partner schools drove children forward and inspired them further, giving them the platform for communication beyond their own school and local area. The joint ownership of the story book written by staff and children during project meetings, further inspired children. This book will be available beyond the project to be used by future children of the partner schools, therefore maximising impact of the project as a whole. Online communication between students set up for this project will be continued after the two years is over, therefore providing an additional long term benefit. Teachers have learnt from each other in terms of developing their own classroom practice; another example of a long term benefit of our project." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2017;2017-2-PT02-KA105-004445;;;DAR(t)E - Doing ART as Education;DAR(t)E, Doing Art as education, will be a multilateral youth exchange, taking place in So Jacinto, Matosinhos, Porto and Aveiro Portugal. Young people coming from five different countries in Eu...;Creativity and culture, Access for disadvantaged, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education;;ASSOCIACAO PARA A EDUCACAO DE SEGUNDA OPORTUNIDADE;PT;PT,HU,DE,BG,ES;19.927,34;Yes;No;Multimedia association;Asociacin;;not available;English;he project will involve young people with fewer opportunities, mixed with other young people with some artistic skills and orientation. The aim of the project is to promote social inclusion and non formal learning by arts, creating conditions for being together, dreaming together, dancing and singing together, sharing and expressing freely, exchanging opinions and ideas, taking decisions, enjoying the diversity and being inspired by the nature, the context of the space and the artistic tasks.. three working groups (i.e. Theatre, Dance and Music, Media in support ). Thanks to everyday workshops led by experienced trainers, participants will have a chance and possibility to gain new knowledge and skills, to express themselves and to work within an international team.;Public outdoor activities, sport games, media & photo sessions, intercultural presentations, open for local community, walks in the nature and sightseeing in Matosinhos, Porto and Aveiro region will complete the activity program. All the participants will be informed about the opportunities that Erasmus + program open and will be encouraged to make the next steps in other Youth Exchanges. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2017;2017-3-AT02-KA105-001973;;;eljub E-Book Woche 2018;The Eljub Book Week 2018 continued a European project, which has been organized annually since 2013, and included a substantial new aspect: namely, the integration of migrants. Young people from A...;Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy) ...;;pilgern & surfen melk;AT;AT,DE,PL,RO,CZ,HU,BG;26.543,51;Yes;No;Publically funded cultural organizations;Asociacin;;;English;"The Eljub Book Week 2018 continued a European project, which has been organized annually since 2013, and included a substantial new aspect: namely, the integration of migrants. Young people from Afghanistan and Syria, who have found asylum in Austria, participated in the week of creative activity with young people from different European countries. Their longing for security and peace, for freedom and creativity energized the discussions, while the time spent together during the project week was more strongly influenced than ever by the spirit of integration. For the sixth year, an e-book was created with texts about various topics that interest young people today. About 50 young adults from 13 countries wrote down their ideas from 30 June to 7 July 2018 in Krems an der Donau. The texts were based on intensive contemplation of their concerns as well as their hopes and wishes, and the question about what life may look like in fifteen years. | | eljub E-Book Week offers young people from many countries the opportunity to appreciate and learn more about Europes shared heritage by focusing on writing and media. The focal point is intercultural interaction and the experience of European heritage. At the same time, eljub E-Book Week promotes greater awareness of the potential for communication through digital media and helps young people to become proactive in their own environment: they gain positive experience throughout the eljub E-Book Week about the reality of integration, as well as learning to treat media both playfully and with a critical and alert approach. To consolidate these experiences, the 2018 eljub E-Book Week especially aimed a) to integrate into the project young refugees and migrants from countries outside Europe, and b) focused on the topic of integration in special workshops to highlight for the young adults the ways and methods in which their integrative work can have a positive effect on their personal living environment. | | eljub E-Book Week is oriented to the practical lifeworld that young people experience in Europe today in almost all countries. Virtually every youngster has a smartphone and uses the internet for everyday purposes. Yet there is often a wide range of varied perceptions of Europes shared heritage. Nonetheless, they all participate in eljub E-Book Week to gain experience together with young people from other countries, to develop perspectives for their future and to establish networks. The agenda for eljub E-Book Week combines these aspects; it comprises jointly organized learning days as well as workshops, seminars and meetings with European literature and media experts. Young people are assisted to devise the structure of meetings and events as well as with transnational, constructive collaborative work. This is achieved during the project-week in July 2018 with small groups with a mix of participants who create an e-book which is available both in digital format as well as a print version. The entire project is based on interactive and practical work and is developed in joint dialogue. The social programme is also important and involves local and regional partners offering young people activities in the field of sports, culture and art. | | eljub E-Book Week promotes and structures the intellectual exchange between young people from different countries. The young adults are supervised by experts from the Literaturhaus Europa to adopt a critical approach to our new digital world of knowledge, readership and communication; moreover, they are encouraged to set up sustainable networking structures. They are offered creative learning options concerning the current journalistic, intellectual and political situation in Europe. The special focus is clearly on the dimension of integration and shared heritage. Respectful and appreciative behaviour is also a practical aspect here as well as learning more about Europes social basic values (freedom, democracy, respect for human rights, the rule of law and tolerance).";Since 2015, the eljub E-Book Weeks have been significantly expanded. Funded by the EU Programme Erasmus + Structured Dialogue, eljub organizes the Dialogue Conferences in which young adults from different countries devise questions, criticisms and suggestions or in discussion with decision-makers from the youth sector get to know more about practical measures to implement political policies. The questions posed to decision-makers are in each case based on texts compiled during the eljub E-Book Week. This interlocking of content compiled during the eljub E-Book Week and the eljub Dialogue conferences has proved highly productive. In 2018, for the second time the eljub E-Book Week was held at the same time as a workshop as part of eljub Dialogue about the values in a globalized world. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for youth;2017;2017-3-CY02-KA205-001117;;;"Crafting Career Roadmaps ";"Context/background The project CURSOR- Crafting Career Roadmaps addressed the issue of youth unemployment which was 17,7% (3.905 million young persons) in EU in February 2017 while during 201...";Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Access for disadvantaged, Inclusion - equity;;CYPRUS ORGANIZATION FOR SUSTAINABLE EDUCATION AND ACTIVE LEARNING (S.E.A.L CYPRUS);CY;CY,RO,IE,PL;85.245,50;Yes;No;Non-governmental organisation/association/social enterprise;ONG;;;English;"Context/background | | The project CURSOR- Crafting Career Roadmaps addressed the issue of youth unemployment which was 17,7% (3.905 million young persons) in EU in February 2017 while during 2016 in the partners' countries it was 29,1% in Cyprus, 17,7% in Poland, 17,2% in Ireland and 20,6% in Romania according to Eurostat. | Career support in youth work settings was deemed to be limited and in most cases, amounted to providing access to career guidance products that were usually available informal education settings. The partners believed that it was time for a completely new approach to support the development of career planning skills among disadvantaged youth target groups. | Moreover, the partners had witnessed a lack of professional development training for youth workers working with disadvantaged youth as it regards to career planning. | | Objectives | | With the project CURSOR, we wanted to tackle the issue of youth unemployment and social exclusion. | | Our objective was to offer to youth workers an opportunity for professional development along with innovative tools to use in their work to support the employability of young people with fewer opportunities. | | We proposed a new model of career planning as a subject instead of career guidance as a service; a subject with resources at different levels, with required learning outcomes and an assessment framework to measure attainment. | | With CURSOR, the partners aimed to enhance the international dimension of youth activities and promote high-quality and inclusive youth work. | | Number and profile of participants | | 48 front-line youth workers completed the first In-service Training. Each youth worker then engaged at least 10 young people in career planning activities before the end of the project. This resulted in over 480 young people to engage in career planning activities, many of whom came from disadvantaged backgrounds. | | 72 youth professionals attended the dissemination workshops and final conference, at least 1.000 people benefited indirectly, and 2.500 people were reached. | | | Description of activities | | The project developed an entirely new career planning framework where young people were supported to acquire the necessary skills to plan their own career progression pathway and to retain those skills for use throughout their active working life. CURSOR proposed the modernization of career planning to reflect the reality of the European employment marketplace where a change in career path can be a frequent occurrence. CURSOR harnessed the potential of digital technologies and developed a career planning framework, complete with all the required tools and resources, that benefited from blended learning; is free to service users and cost neutral to service providers; and easy to sustain and update in times of shrinking expenditure. | | Methodology to be used in carrying out the project | | CURSOR proposed an innovative, integrated approach to key competence building in youth work environments which was based on a youth-centred design approach. The partners followed an innovative, integrated enquiry-based learning approach based on non-formal education methods and tools. | | Based on Needs Analysis, CURSOR produced a career planning subject framework with outputs such as a Handbook for the youth professionals. Further, we created a number of Career Planning Resources and digital tools such as the e-learning portal to help young people to develop the necessary skills to enable them to construct their own career progression pathway and update it as required throughout their working life. | | The Handbook and the Resources were presented to selected youth professionals during an In-service Training. The young people were guided and trained face-to-face and online in the use of the Career Planning Resources.";Results and impact | | CURSOR equipped the youth professionals with practical tools to use in their work. The results of the CURSOR project include a totally new career planning framework, complete with a full suite of 12 introductory and 12 advanced resources available to front-line youth workers to support their work with young people on the margins of society and economy. | This way, the youth professional became more efficient in supporting the social inclusion of disadvantaged youth to formal education or employment and their progression as valued and contributing members of European society. | | Potential longer-term benefits | | Most importantly, young people, whatever their status, who completed the introductory and advanced career planning curriculum resources developed as part of the CURSOR project gained a considerable skill-set that will stay with them wherever they will go in their career and will have those skills to call on when the opportunity for career change presents itself. | Ultimately, the project impacted the influence and recognition of youth work. | Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | I.O.2 CURSOR HANDBOOK_EN | I.O.2 CURSOR HANDBOOK_GR | I.O.2 CURSOR HANDBOOK_PL | I.O.2 CURSOR HANDBOOK_RO | I.O.3 CURSOR CAREER PLANNING RESOURCES | I.O 4. CURSOR E-LEARNING PORTAL | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | I.O.1 CURSOR - Summary Research TNA_English | I.O.1 CURSOR - Summary Research TNA_Greek | I.O.1 CURSOR - Summary Research TNA_Romanian | I.O.1 CURSOR - Summary Research TNA_Polish | I.O.1 CURSOR - Learning Outcomes Matrix_English | I.O.1 CURSOR - Learning Outcomes Matrix_Greek | I.O.1 CURSOR - Learning Outcomes Matrix_Polish | I.O.1 CURSOR - Learning Outcomes Matrix_Romanian | A11 CURSOR - National Report - CYPRUS_EN | A12 CURSOR - National Report - IRELAND_EN | A13 CURSOR - National Report - POLAND_EN | A14 CURSOR - National Report - ROMANIA_EN | Dissemination material | | A17 CURSOR_Facebook Page | A18-A19-A20-A21 CURSOR_4 Newsletters in 4 languages_Compilation | A28 CURSOR_Website Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for youth;2017;2017-3-CY02-KA205-001169;;;European youth Network for dIversity and TolerancE ;For the E-UNITE project, a competent consortium was established consisting of a University, three NGOs and two Research Institutes that combined efforts to deliver the E-UNITE network an interna...;Social dialogue, Creativity and culture, Youth (Participation ...;;EDEX - EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE CORPORATION LIMITED;CY;CY,EL,BG,SI,RO,XK;99.133,75;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;"For the E-UNITE project, a competent consortium was established consisting of a University, three NGOs and two Research Institutes that combined efforts to deliver the E-UNITE network an international youth network, that promotes community-led initiatives in the fields of tolerance, inclusivity, and diversity. The consortium addressed challenges effectively through concise project management approaches, appropriate risk mitigation techniques, and an excellent team spirit. For the successful completion of the projects, partners formed a Steering Committee based on the following rule: every partner (except the coordinating partner) appointed a representative, and UNIC (in its capacity as the coordinating partner) contributed two representative, namely, the project manager and the financial officer.The Steering Committee was responsible for examining any project-related issue and facilitating collective decision-making. The main enabling factors entailed mutual understanding, collaborative efforts, and frequent communication using a variety of channels with an emphasis on electronic means. | | The main output of this project is the E-UNITE Hub that allows the convergence of young minds, exchange of ideas, and a showcase of various initiatives. This output has been tested, and the results are comparable to the high specifications initially sought. This platform, the E-UNITE Hub, was pilot-tested in two phases. Initially, tests were performed by the project partners with the support of selected youth; the outcome of such tests consisted of suggested changes and improvements. The second phase took place during the E1 activity, i.e., the youth workers workshop held on the 16th of May 2019 in Sofia Bulgaria, with the participation of 34 youth workers.";"The E-UNITE Manual is an electronic book targeted at youth workers promoting tolerance and diversity in community-led actions. The E-UNITE Manual is designed to encompass practical advice and guidelines, highlighting good practices and business models aiming to develop networks of stakeholders and facilitate the implementation of grassroots initiatives. | Finally, the E-UNITE Sustainability Roadmap has been developed. This output supports the E-UNITE HUB sustainability through the development of an online community and a series of activities for its members that will yield the necessary resources (financial and others) for its future growth, visibility, and acceptance. | | All Intellectual Outputs were developed according to high-quality specifications; the Intellectual Outputs of E-UNITE were translated in partner languages as it was outlined in the application form and the Amendment; Intellectual outputs O1 and O2 were translated in all partner languages while the O3 was developed in English. | | A short term Learning/Teaching/Training Activity the Joint Staff Training was held between the18th and the 20th of June 2019 in Athens, Greece. | | Participants came from the targeted groups described in the application form and were extensively involved in the project activities. At the same time, transnational partner meetings and all other events were implemented as in the approved Amendment. | | The project carried out extensive dissemination using the primary means youth frequently undertakes: the internet and social media. | Results | Website |" Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2017;2017-3-HU01-KA105-046874;;;Discover our Cultural Heritage in Szigetkz;"CONTEXT/BACKGROUND Our project was dedicated to cultural awareness and diversity, the protection of the cultural heritage, embedded in the European Year of Cultural Heritage. It also included sev...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy ...;;KOZGAZDASAGI POLITECHNIKUM ALTERNATIV GIMNAZIUM;HU;HU,EE,IT;20.948,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"CONTEXT/BACKGROUND | Our project was dedicated to cultural awareness and diversity, the protection of the cultural heritage, embedded in the European Year of Cultural Heritage. It also included several sports activities, canoeing, biking and ball games. Based on the initiative and empowerment of the students of Kzgazdasgi Politechnikum Alternatv Gimnzium, Hungarian, Italian and Estonian youth discovered the cultural heritage of Szigetkz. They used the good practice of Kzgazdasgi Politechnikum about village research and deploying/finding Munzee points with app. Local youth was also involved in some project activities. | OBJECTIVES: | to discover a segment of the Hungarian cultural heritage in Szigetkz with the active participation of Hungarian, Italian and Estonian youth, | to establish intercultural exchange in transnational groups, | to share the the good practice of Kzgazdasgi Politechnikum about village research and deploying/finding Munzee points with partners, | to enhance digital, communication, cooperation and physical skills and competences of young people through peer to peer learning, | to develop cooperation among 3 European organisations - 2 schools and 1 NGO, | to communicate the Erasmus + program and its objectives among project participants and local communities. | NUMBER AND PROFILE OF PARTICIPANTS 10 young people from each partner (17 with fewer opportunities), all of them between 16 and 19, gender balanced, their work was guided by 2 group leaders per country. | DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITIES | APV 1 group leader and 1 youth from each partner discussing partnership agreement, infopack, detailed program of the youth exchange, means of communication and dissemination, visiting venues in Szigetkz, | selecting and preparing participants (linguistic, intercultural, task-related, etc.) + individual preparation for those with fewer opportunities; | practical and technical arrangements, | implementing the youth exchange village research and deploying/finding Munzee points in 5 settlements in Szigetkz, sports activities, team building, evaluation and dissemination, | final evaluation after the youth exchange, dissemination inside and outside the organisations. | METHODS: | empowerment of young people to manage a project: peer to peer learning in transnational groups; intercultural nights, energizers and team building games, | village research contact with local communities surveys, interviews, | practical use of ICT Munzee application, taking photos, making videos, writing blogs and posts, keeping individual e-log books, browsing the Internet, working on social platforms (facebook) and websites, making presentations. | INDICATORS: | 15 local youth involved in the project in each village; | at least 50 people (youth, teachers, youth workers, etc.) invited to the dissemination event at each partner.";"DESCRIPTION OF RESULTS AND IMPACT | it has improved physical, digital, English and social skills of young people, even of those with fewer opportunities; they discovered the culture of the partner countries, mostly of the host country, | 3-4 interviews were made, 8-10 Munzee points deployed in each settlement, and local youth became aware of Erasmus+ program and our project, | it has developed a sustainable partnership amongst the partner organisations, strengthened their capacity to other transnational collaborations. | POTENTIAL LONGER TERM BENEFITS | due to their skill enhancement, the academic performance of the participants, including those with fewer opportunities, is expected to improve; as well as their position at the labour market after their graduation, | there will be Erasmus+ transnational projects initiated in Szigetkz, also involving youth of disadvantaged settlements, | there will be more tourists discovering Szigetkz and its villages with Munzee points which will create new possibilities and jobs for local communities." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2018;2018-1-AT01-KA102-039078;;;HLW abroad - key to competence and success III;"Project name: HLW abroad - key to competence and success III Erasmus+ 2018 The background of this project is the 3 month (minimum) internship required by the curriculum of the Secondary School ...";Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Creativity and culture, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills;;Hhere Lehranstalt fr wirtschaftliche Berufe des Vereins der Don-Bosco-Schwestern fr Bildung und Erziehung;AT;AT,DE,UK,FR,IT,IE,TR;93.832,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"Project name: HLW abroad - key to competence and success III Erasmus+ 2018 | The background of this project is the 3 month (minimum) internship required by the curriculum of the Secondary School for Economic Professions (HLW). The internship is an important part of this dual education (school and occupational training) during the five years at this school. | The internship can be completed at any kind of business, preferably in the hotel or gastronomy sector. | By completing this internship in the hotel or gastronomy sector and the associated work fields (kitchen, service, reception, bar, catering), the students acquire professional advantages and paves the way to self-dependence. | Goals: | *Application and expansion of knowledge, skills and qualifications learned at school. | *Improving employability on a national, European, and international level. | *Improving mobility and flexibility. | *Strengthening of life skills, personality and autonomy. | *Growth of self-dependence and self-determination. | *Coping with challenges and assigned tasks in a foreign country and unfamiliar surroundings, using a foreign language, and learning to live and work in a multicultural environment. | *Improvement of language skills in English, French, Italian and Spanish | *Promoting intercultural dialogue | *Forming new friendships | *Getting to know different organizations and cultures, different company structures and operational procedures | Number and profile of the participants: | 30 students have completed their internship abroad in summer 2018. | For 2018, our target countries and regions were: France, the United Kingdom, Germany and Italy. These countries have been chosen to improve language skills in French, Italian and English. | People involved in the project: Head Teacher Erich Hinterleitner; project coordinators Christine Lahninger and Elfriede Maier; language teachers: Philippe Patry, Monika Rucker, Christina Humer, Bianca Schfbnker, Christiane Gassenbauer; accounting: Martina Schmid. IT-Teacher: Martina Owsaneki. | Activities: | The compulsory internship complements the knowledge and skills gained in the relevant school subjects (Kitchen and Service, Business organization, Business Administration) with expertness at the workplace in a company. This expertise is a requirement in the following job fields: | cook, restaurant specialist, hotel and restaurant trade commercial assistant. | The participants gained experience especially in the fields of kitchen, service, bar, reception, housekeeping. | Methods of project implementation: | For the implementation of this project, ECVET elements (learning agreement, cooperation agreement) habe been used. | The cooperation agreement was the frame for cooperation between the sending and the receiving institutions. In this document, the specific tasks and criteria for successful cooperation were regulated. | The learning agreement aimed to improve transparency and to ensure that the intern was assigned tasks commensurate to their level of competence and the educational goals. | An internship contract was regulated the employment. The receiving institution issued the internship certificate and voice their feedback in a form. | Workshop to prepare for the stay, compilation of a final report.";Results, effects and benefits: | Learning life skills, improving self-confidence and self-management, expansion of the horizon had positive effects on class instruction. The participants realized the importance of foreign languages and gained more motivation in learning English, Italien and French. | The internship abroad is an important advertising vehicle for our school and is becoming more and more popular. Parents and students recognized the effects of this project, more job opportunities and better possibilities to enter employment. | With great enthusiasm, the students presented the results of the internships to the following third classes. The participants created portfolios, reports, power point presentations, and posters to show their experiences. | Presenting the project at the open day. | Part 2: Teacher training abroad/jobshadowing | 2 teachers visited for a job shadowing 2 schools in France and Turkey. In both countries, the focus was on deepening the previous joint project in e twinning. Exchange CLIL lessons, healthy, international cuisine and the ecology aspect. Also important was to impove the language skills. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2018;2018-1-AT01-KA103-039117;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;Die Akademie der bildenden Ku_nste Wien ist eine der bedeutendsten Ausbildungssttten fr Knstlerinnen und Knstler in Europa. Sie bietet rund 1.500 Studierenden ein Lehrspektrum der bildenden...the;;;AKADEMIE DER BILDENDEN KUNSTE WIEN;AT;AT;194.366,00;Yes;No;Institucin de educacin superior (nivel terciario);Centro Educativo;;not available;German;"Die Akademie der bildenden Ku_nste Wien ist eine der bedeutendsten Ausbildungssttten fr Knstlerinnen und Knstler in Europa. Sie bietet rund 1.500 Studierenden ein Lehrspektrum der bildenden Kunst, das von der Malerei, der Zeichnung und Skulptur ber Fotografie bis hin zu Video, Performance und Konzeptkunst reicht, und auch die Studienrichtungen Architektur, Bhnengestaltung und Konservierung/Restaurierung umfasst. Ein vielfltiges Lehrangebot kann durch weitgehend individuelle Studienwege in Anspruch genommen werden. | Als Outgoing Studierende wurden 53 SMT und 37 SMS Mobiltten durchgefhrt (41 Mobilitten waren geplant). 20 Bewerbungen wurden in verschiedenen Stadien der Bewerbung abgebrochen oder erhielten von der Partneruniversitt eine Absage (an Universitten der Knste erteilt die Partneruniversitt die Zu- oder Absage). In der Programmlinie STA (Lehre) wurden 3 Lehrende entsandt (Niederlande, Deutschland). In der Programmlinie STT (Fortbildung) wurde allgemeines Universittspersonal (2 Personehangn; Welcome Center; Wissenstransfer) nach Finnland und Rumnien entsandt. In jeder Mobilittsart waren mehr Frauen als Mnner mobil. Die Akademie hatte 2 Incoming Traineeships (beide mnnlich) und 58 Incoming Austauschstudierende, wovon 7 von Winter- auf Sommersemester verlngerten. Auch hier ist der Frauenanteil hher. 73 Bewerbungen wurden in verschiedenen Stadien der Bewerbung abgebrochen oder erhielten von der Akademie eine Absage. | Im Berichtsjahr 2018 lag der Fokus des International Offices auf der Umstellung der Erasmus plus Incoming Bewerbungen ber die Datenbank Mobility Online. Der Incoming Bewerbunsprozess findet nun elektronisch statt. Die Bearbeitungsschritte des Learning Agreements werden zur Zeit allerdings noch postalisch oder mittels scanned document per e-mail erledigt. Die Programmierung von Mobility Online fr den Outgoing Prozess wurde um ein Jahr verschoben. Es wurde ein weiterer Schritt zur Vernetzung der Incoming mit den Outgoing Studierenden unternommen. Im Oktober 2018 veranstaltete das International Office die erste Exchange Fair. Eine halbtgige Informations- und Vernetzungsveranstaltung unter Teilnahme von Lehrenden der Akademie, dem Student Welcome Center, dem Doktoratszentrum, Kolleginnen einer Partneruniversitt, der Erasmus plus Nationalagentur, Kultur Kontakt Austria sowie mit Studierenden (Incoming und Outgoing), die Partneruniversitten aus 14 Lndern prsentiert haben und Erfahrungen und Erlebnisse teilten. Im Rahmen der Veranstaltung wurde besonders auf die fremdsprachliche Untersttzung und Untersttzung fr besondere Bedrfnisse und bei gesundheitlichen Problem hingewiesen. Darber hinaus werden weiterhin Kontakte und Gesprche zwischen Incomings, potentiellen Outgoings und zurckgekehrten Outgoing Studierenden individuell vom International Office vermittelt. Um die Curriculakommission der Studienrichtung bildende Kunst zu untersttzen, wurden alle Informationen von Erasmus plus Partneruniversitten, die fr den Anerkennungsprozess ntig sind, erfasst. Interessant ist, eine Zusammenstellung zu haben, die dokumentiert, wie unterschiedlich die Lehre fr den knstlerischen Einzelunterricht an den ca. 70 Erasmus plus Partneruniversitten organisiert ist. | Das International Office beschftigte zwei Student Advisors (studentische Hilfskrfte), mit denen gemeinsam verschiedenen Aktivitten fr Incoming Studierende organisiert wurden, um die Orientierungsphase zu Beginn des Austauschstudiums mglichst effizient zu gestalten und die Integrierung an der Akademie voranzutreiben. Fr den Rundgang 2018 haben Incoming Studierende eine Erasmus plus Ausstellung in einem Off Space kuratiert und organisiert. | Die Einladungskarten zum Rundgang trugen das Erasmus plus Logo und ergingen an 6.000 Stakeholders der Akademie. Die zielgruppengerechten Informationen im Postkartenformat werden nach wie vor als Teaser und zur Untersttzung der Beratungen eingesetzt (fr erstsemestrige Studierende, fr Studierende, die mit Kindern einen Auslandsaufenthalt planen, fr Studierende mit gesundheitlichen Problemen, fr OLS und andere sprachliche Untersttzung als Vorbereitung des Auslandsaufenthalts, fr Praktika und fr Lehrende). Vorbereitende Sprachkurse wurden aus OS Mittel finanziert. Die Bewerbung der beiden Erasmus Einreichfristen im Oktober und im Mrz wurden fortgesetzt. | Vertreter_innen des Internatioal Offices nahmen an einer Transnationalen Kooperationsaktivitt (TCA) in Split, Kroatien mit dem Titel: Connecting Higher Education Institutions and Business Community: Increasing the Quality of Erasmus+Traineeships und an einer International Staff Week an der Bauhaus-Universitt Weimar zum Thema Internationalisation of Administration teil. | Aus gegebenen Anlass konsultierte das International Office eine Expertin der psychologischen Beratungsstelle der Akademie fr einen eintgigen Workshops zum Thema Umgang mit Studierenden";Results for this project are not available. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;School Exchange Partnerships;2018;2018-1-AT01-KA229-039284;;;Experience Austria and Italy First-Hand;The project Experience Italy and Austria First-Hand was commonly initiated by the Tourism School Bad Hofgastein and the I.P.S.S.A.R. Pietro DAbano. The focus was on a student exchange program b...;Creativity and culture, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;Tourismusschulen Salzburg GmbH;AT;AT,IT;18.410,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The project Experience Italy and Austria First-Hand was commonly initiated by the Tourism School Bad Hofgastein and the I.P.S.S.A.R. Pietro DAbano. The focus was on a student exchange program between the aforementioned schools, which both pursue an education in general and technical schooling for practicing elevated professions in all economic fields, especially in those of tourism and leisure industry. | The visit to Abano Terme, Italy, was scheduled to take place at the beginning of the next school year 2018/19. The students wern't only involved in the daily school routine, but also visited touristic establishments and cultural facilities. Participating in the language week was supposed to motivate students to apply their foreign language knowledge in and outside of the scholastic context. The student exchange program served both the acquisition of linguistic and comprehensive intercultural competences, which was ensured by the sharing of students everyday lives. The strategic partnership between the schools facilitates a direct analysis of different cultures and both their similarities and differences; by doing so, intercultural communication skills were improved. This permited students to understand different mindsets and to value this as personal gain. | Trends in the touristic offer, activities and products of different touristic service providers, cultural and linguistic variety, as well as needs and culture-specific behavior of guests, teenagers everyday realities in different countries, and developments in the social and economic field were key topics of language teaching in the fourth year of learning. These were addressed by excursions to touristically popular cities, hotels and establishments, whereby a direct on-site insight was provided. An additional aspect of foreign language education, which was established through a practical project day, lay in the coordination of projects and instructions on work processes. For the practice day, students planned and conducted an Austro-Italian evening, where they cooked for and hosted their guests. The role of the language mediator was particularly boosted during this day, since students had to mediate between interlocutors who did not directly understand each other. | Tourism schools feel it their duty to provide students with innovative learning materials. Part of these constitutes the integration of e-learning, which was supported by offering eTwinning. Twinspace was used for the project in order to provide access to innovative learning to students outside of the classroom and to make numerous communication paths available.";The third pillar of the project and, at the same time, educational mandate of tourism schools, is the direct intercultural exchange and involved understanding of different cultures and ways of living. Apart from essential cultural cornerstones of the respective regions, which were transmitted to the students, they were enabled to directly experience the living environment of fellow European Union citizens of the same age. Ultimately, the project served not only the purpose of the students linguistic advancement, but also the responsible dealing with people, with the own and the other culture. At the end of the day, the skill at responding to personal, professional and social challenges in an open, flexible and creative way, and to arrange them actively, was promoted. | Results | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Projektbuch mit traditionellen sterreichischen und italienischen Rezepten Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-BG01-KA101-047013;;;Innovative Educational Technologies;"In recent years the digital revolution had a significant impact on children and led to the formation of so-called ""Net-generation. The school education system is facing a big challenge - to provi...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;"Secondary Vocational School of Economics ""Prof.Dr.Dimitar Tabakov""";BG;BG,MK;7.440,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"In recent years the digital revolution had a significant impact on children and led to the formation of so-called ""Net-generation. The school education system is facing a big challenge - to provide adequate training to children whose way of thinking, behavior, preferences, expectations and learning styles are radically different than those of teachers and generations of students preceding them. One of the ways to engage the attention of the students at school is integration into the educational process of those devices they use daily in their personal virtual space. | | The target group consists of 10 teachers from the Secondary Vocational School of Economics ""Prof. Dr. Dimitar Tabakov "" who teach different subjects of the curriculum. Five teachers teach economic subjects - Business Communication, Management, Marketing, Entrepreneurship and E-commerce, and five of them are teachers of general subjects - English, Bulgarian Language, Geography, History and Philosophy. | | By the time of the mobility the teachers have acquired the initial knowledge and practical skills in ICT. A significant part of them feel insufficiently prepared for the challenges of the new technologies. This can be explained by the lack of effective system of continuous training according to the needs of each teacher. | | The participation of the target group in the mobility project will contribute the exchange of experience in the use of innovative approaches in teaching and learning and the purposeful and effective use of ICT. This will lead to an unconditional increase the quality of teaching and the final results. The participation in the program will motivate them to develop in the future knowledge and skills to visualize and facilitate educational content, making it more attractive, increasing learning motivation and seeking opportunities for individual approach to each student. In turn students develop their maximum capacity, gain confidence and willingness to learn, acquire basic key skills of the 21st century to work with new technologies and skills of cultural and multicultural communication in social networks. | | The preparation of the mobility will take place in Bulgaria from 01.09.2018 to 02.03.2019. The activities at this stage are: coordination of the programme with the partner organization; signing a contract, including obligations of the sending and host partner; information and selection of the participants; signing contracts with the participants; linguistic, multicultural and professional preparation; travel arrangements. | | Teachers training will be held in Tetovo, Macedonia, at two flows, in cooperation with the Association Community Development Institute. The practical teacher training will take place in the South East European University. | | First flow from 03.03.2019 to 09.03.2019 | Subject of the seminar: Smart School. The aim of the seminar is application of strategies and techniques of autonomous learning in e-learning. | | Second flow from 10.03.2019 to 16.03.2019 | Subject of the seminar: ICT in Education .The goal is teachers training in the effective management of existing cloud applications applied in education. | | Dissemination of the results will take place in Bulgaria from 17.03.2019 to 31.08.2019. The activities at this stage are: results publication/ School Web site, information boards, local press, electronic media, Facebook/; a seminar for dissemination of the results; a brochure about the project and its results; promotional materials with the logo of the programme; participation and presentation of the project in information meetings, career days and seminars in the field of education.";"Project objectives: | Through the planned activities to broaden the digital competences of the teachers and to acquire skills and knowledge in using ICT in teaching; | To promote the international cooperation between educational institutions for the transfer of educational approaches, methods of teaching and innovative educational technologies. | | Specific objectives: | Acquiring skills to use web-based tools and their integration into the teaching and learning process; | Modernizing the classroom management approach, planning lessons and developing electronic content materials in learning different subjects; | Facilitating and encouraging the sharing of learning materials and resources between teachers through the use of digital technologies; | Improving communication and the use of a foreign language for professional purposes; | Understanding culture, traditions, lifestyles in another European country; | Promoting the school as innovative." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-CZ01-KA101-047212;;;The modern school;We started our project Modern school because we have been dealing with the possibilities how to improve the professional growth of the pedagogical employees at our school and how to improve teachi...;Disabilities - special needs|Pedagogy and didactics|ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Zakladni skola Kojetin, Svatopluka Cecha 586, okres Prerov;CZ;CZ,PL,ES,EL;13.877,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;We started our project Modern school because we have been dealing with the possibilities how to improve the professional growth of the pedagogical employees at our school and how to improve teaching for a long time. Another impulse to start this project was a need to improve working with children with special educational needs. | | The goal of this project was to provide modern teaching methods, methods of using IT devices during classes and methods of working with children with special educational needs to our school teachers. We were searching for partners for this project ourselves based on our needs. We wanted to involve as many teachers as possible and to show them the methods used at schools abroad. | | In our case, the preparation was focused on the language (in which we saw significant shortcomings) and on learning about our partner schools and basic information about education in their countries. | | The main activity was shadowing at each partner school in Greece, Poland and Spain. We shadowed our colleagues in teaching of their subjects - History, English, Physics, Chemistry and Geography, primary school subjects and museum education. Afterwards we discussed with our colleagues about their used methods, tools, i. e. the didactics. | Another main activity was looking at the work with children with special educational needs. The education consultant and the school principal were shadowing managing work with these children, school management, school organization, etc. We reinforced our work competencies, gained experience in the field of didactics of subjects and improved social, communicative and language skills. | | 7 people - including the educational consultant and the school director - from our school participated in this project. Teachers from both primary and secondary school involved in the shadowing so we were able to cover the main subjects.;Thanks to the main activity - shadowing - there have been improvement of teaching, implementation of modern teaching methods, group teaching, project teaching and museum education. In education we use much more IT devices (computers, interactive whiteboards, data projectors, tablets). The work of our educational consultant is improving. We are also trying to improve an independence of our teachers assistants in work with pupils with special educational needs. | | Thanks to the project Erasmus+, our school has joined international collaboration, has found partners abroad and this collaboration still continues even though the project has already ended. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2018;2018-1-CZ01-KA102-047145;;;Studium bez hranic V;"This project ""Studying without borders"" enabled the work experience of 38 students of the Business School, Secondary Special School for Librarians and Further Education College Brno to Great Brita...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Enterprise, industry and SMEs (incl. entrepreneurship);;Obchodni akademie, Stredni odborna skola knihovnicka a Vyssi odborna skola Brno, prispevkova organizace;CZ;CZ,UK;87.682,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"This project ""Studying without borders"" enabled the work experience of 38 students of the Business School, Secondary Special School for Librarians and Further Education College Brno to Great Britain for two weeks (10 working days). During this time period they worked in various London companies according to their field of study e.g. in the real estate agency Maple Estates, the travel agency Almont Travel, the accounting office Clear House Accountants, the Kilburn Library, the charity Redmond Community Centre, etc. The work experience of business students included writing business letters, working with databases, communication with customers, presentations and performing other administrative tasks. Students of social services communicated with clients, processed their documentation, entered data into databases, suggested services and intervention. Students of information services and librarianship answered the inquiries of users, lent documents and created catalogue records of documents. The project was implemented in cooperation with its partner ADC College from London, which arranged contact with companies and enabled suitable work placement of students, based on questionnaires, CVs, language tests and other materials provided by our school. Only one student was usually placed in a company. During work experience, they were directly supervised both by company representatives/ mentors, who evaluated their work, and by two accompanying persons, who visited students in companies, provided support, helped with solving problems and evaluated the quality of provided working practice. Moreover, there were running meetings of students and accompanying persons where participants shared particular knowledge from both workplaces and host families. The aim was sharing experience and improving quality of further part of the work experience.";Students of the 2nd and 3rd form of the secondary school (and 3rd form of higher education college), who have more advanced professional knowledge, were chosen for this work experience in the school competition (consisting of three parts). The first term of work experience took place 2 15 December 2018 (19 students), the second term 31 March 13 April 2019 (19 students). Students managed work in companies and organizations without problems and their employers highly appraised their communication skills, professional skills and work attitude. They improved their skills in contact with customers, administrative work and use of information technologies. They also learned to present their work to their colleagues, customers or clients of the organization in a suitable way, which contributed to the development of their soft-skills. They broadened their professional English terminology. All these aspects enable them to gain competitive advantage at the labour market. New modes of operation and experience from London companies will be used during students further education and practice. At the end of the work experience all participants recieved Europass-Mobility and references from employers. This project implemented ECVET, which enabled clear defining of the content of the stage, using e.g. the Unit of Learning Outcomes Business Correspondence and Working with Databases of Clients (for business academy). These units were defined in the Participants Agreement and were based on communication between the sending and the receiving organization, teachers of professional subjects and supervisors in companies. The units enabled transmission and recognition of knowledge, skills and competences of students which were gained during working experience. They are parts of the school educational programme and their outcomes were recognized by school without further examining (subject Professional Practice). They facilitated both monitoring and mentoring and guaranteed full transparency. Integral part of the project was dissemination, which took part on several levels. It was a presentation with discussion for other schoolmates. Presentations were held aimed at teachers and school management the aim was to discuss the interconnection of theoretical subjects with practice abroad and suggest possible improvement. Information about project were passed on persons interested from other schools via personal contact, at parent-teacher meetings or school internet site. Materials were presented to broad public at the Fair of Secondary Schools etc. The news was published on the Czech internet portal and was published in local press. Students cooperated with their teachers on a brochure in English, which provides practical advice to possible future applicants students. It is available on school internet site ( The aims of the European Development Plan were achieved - e. g. further cooperation with partners, improvement of education, sharing experience with colleagues working on projects and further use of the Unit of Learning Outcomes. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2018;2018-1-CZ01-KA102-047227;;;Get experience in Europe II;The project 'Zskej zku_enosti v Evrop_ - Get Experience in EU - GEEII' was created on the basis of our previous excellent cooperation with our project partners from Luxembourg, Austria and Irelan...;Transport and mobility|Economic and financial affairs (incl. funding issues)|ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Obchodni akademie a Stredni odborna skola logisticka, Opava, prispevkova organizace;CZ;CZ,IE,ES,LU,AT;150.067,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;The project 'Zskej zku_enosti v Evrop_ - Get Experience in EU - GEEII' was created on the basis of our previous excellent cooperation with our project partners from Luxembourg, Austria and Ireland in the project Erasmus+ 'U_me se prax v EU We learn from experience in EU'. A new partner in the project was the Spanish company Universal Mobility SL which allowed to involve students who were studying Spanish in our school. The aim of the project was to help students use and improve their language and technical skills in the European countries as well as improve their qualification and competitive abilities on the labour market. The system ECVET was used for evaluation and the Europass Mobility for certification. The project also included a long-term student ErasmusPro mobility and an employee mobility in technical education. This latter mobility was prepared in cooperation with our Luxembourgish partner Lycee Technique. | Our teachers could improve their language skills, mainly in German and English, and compare their gained skills with their counterparts from the educational institution from Luxembourg. The teachers also focused on using information technology in education and could compare using e-learning tools. The biggest synergy took place in technical and IT subjects. The participants got experience in management and established contacts with the companies in which our students worked. They also focused on integration and education of foreign students, inclusion, and further education of adults. Another important topic was early leaves from education system. | The project was designed for second, third and forth year students of all branches who were chosen according by set and transparent rules. | All the host organizations remained same as presented in the project application. During the project we had to involve a new partner for the second run in Austria. | The part 'Technical Education - Internship in Company' of the project involved 35 students of our school: 8 students to Luxembourg, 8 to Spain, 12 to Ireland and 7 to Austria with one extra student instead of planned 6. In ErasmusPro project, 4 students participated in 3-month intership in Ireland. There was a preparation course focused on specific, cultural and psychological differences of the countries in order to prevent all possible risks. Meetings with participants parents were also very useful. There were 11 accompanying persons. | In the VET staff mobility in Luxembourg the group included 14 teachers and a maintenance technician.;Students: | Based on their written messages and evalution, interviews after coming back and their presentations for other students, we state that they became familiar with the visited countrys economy, grasped principles of the company in which they worked, including the management mechanisms. The mobility improved their personal competences, experience in logistics, transport, marketing, sales, administration and finance depending on the department or branch they worked in. Another important benefits were an improvement of their language skills which was proved by their test results in the system OLS after their return, learning about culture differences of each country which contributed to gain intercultural competences and getting new contacts which even led to making new friends with whom they are in contact until now. | Teachers: | We achieved our goal to extend our partnership in Luxembourg with the teacher mobility in technical education and allowed our teachers to compare the education systems in the Czech Republic and Luxembourg. There had been a replacement of the headmaster in the partner school, but thanks to the project and intense contacts, we managed to maintain the high standards of our cooperation and made plans and contracts for the future. Our future projects were discussed at the workshops. Our employees visited IFEN, the Luxembourgish Institute of National Education of Teachers in Walferdange and participated in a seminar focused on pregradual and postgradual training of teachers mainly in technical education. They also visited the European Investment Bank and the European School in Kirchberg, which is attended by children of EU administration workers. Our employees learnt about multicultural and multilingual education and environment as well as development of democracy and European values. They also gained an insight into education forms and methods in multicultural and multilingual classes with the use of IT, including LMS systems. | In the DV company in Wormeldange they learnt about logistics chains and had a very interesting meeting with the Czech honorary consul and ambassador. | The cultural programme included visits to important sights, especially historically connected with our country, such as the grave of John of Bohemia. Our teachers used the gained knowledge and experience for teaching their subjects and updating their electronic teaching materials. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2018;2018-1-CZ01-KA102-047690;;;Education Without Borders foreign practice of students of Vocational and Practical school Kladno - Vrapice II.;The main objective of the Education Without Frontiers project the practise of pupils and teachers at the Secondary Vocational School and Practical School in Kladno Vrapice abroad, was to incre...;Access for disadvantaged, Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Inclusion - equity;;Stredni odborne uciliste a Prakticka skola Kladno - Vrapice, prispevkova organizace;CZ;CZ,IT;90.376,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;The main objective of the Education Without Frontiers project the practise of pupils and teachers at the Secondary Vocational School and Practical School in Kladno Vrapice abroad, was to increase the competitiveness of pupils with special educational needs. The project was focused on improving the preparation of pupils in the field E - Culinary Work, Nursing Services and Garden work. The main themes of the project were: Inclusion - Equality, Inclusion of Disadvanteged Groups. Key Competences (maths and literacy included) Basic Skills. The project touched other important themes: Early School Leaving Problems in the Labor Market Including Career Consulting / Youth Unemployment. The project has clearly met the EUs goals and strategies, where one of the most important educational goals is to reduce the number of early school leavers. The project Education For Better Future studentspractise SOU a PrS Kladno - Vrapice abroad included: a) 14-day internship of pupils with special educational needs in the field of Catering and Accommodation Services a total 10 supported pupils with SEN b) 14-day internship of pupils with special educational needs in the field of Nursing Services a total 10 supported pupils with SEN c) Monthly internship of pupils with special educational needs in the field of Culinary Work a total 4 supported pupils with SEN d)14-day internship of pupils with special educational needs in the field of Garden work a total 6 supported pupils with SEN e) 5-day training stay of 3 school employees in the partner school;The objective of the mobility was to improve the theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the partner organizations Innovazione Apprendimento Lavoro Emilia Romagna S.r.L. Impresa Sociale a Solaris s.n.c. The students were given the opportunity to gain new experience related to the studied professional orientation in a real environment of foreign language enterprise and thereby to support their competitiveness in the labor market. The activities were focused on practical activities and skills in the real environment of the hotel business and in the retirement home. Pupils worked in small groups with the support of the teachers assistant that used an individual approach. The participants of 2-week internship were accompanied by two teachers and a teachers assistant. On the monthly internhip, there were two accompanying people who monitored the course and the organization, participated in the creation of work plans and cooperated on leasure activities. Trainees were evaluated by Italian teachers according to parameters contained in units of learning outcomes. Another tool of evaluation was their working diaries. Mobility results were recorded in the Verification Sheets of Learning Units that helped to simplify the verification of mobility results. The output of the project was 30 supported students who received Europass and certificate of foreign practise. These documents are important for their future employers. Graduates of the internship have gained complete know-how about Mediterranean gastronomy, they have learnt new skills in the field of client care and activation methods of seniors and also they have learnt set up urban greenery. They have also developed communication skills in a foreign language. The material output of the project is the methodology of activation work with seniors, cookbook with Italian recipes, practises, herbarium with work sheets and a new educational film. The project has increased the credit of the school. Upon completing of the mobility, the school informed students, teachers, parents, the public and the media about the results of international mobility. We presented the results of the internship at the conference of directors of primary and secondary schools, Czech School Inspection and foreign partners. The projekt did more than expected. Foreign mobility has improved conditions for employability of young people with a handicap and social disadvantage. A great benefit for educators was new practical experience and inspiration for further work on integration and inclusion of pupils, the education of foreign secondary school students, experience in the field of early school leaving and youth unemployment. The project has developed professional skills of participants, increased their motivation of learning and attendance. The newly acquired practical activities and the skills of pupils after the internship correspond to the current European labor market. The conditions for graduating of young people with disabilities have improved, they are more able to find an employment in the relevant field and thus also reduces the unemployment of young people in the Czech Republic. We consider the elements of motivation to be key to prevent early school leaving. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2018;2018-1-DE02-KA102-004555;;;Discovering the OT-world in Europe;"The project ""Discovering OT-worlds in Europe (DOT Europe)"" has been developed by the School for Occupational Therapy (Bildungsakademie Gesundheit Nord Bremen) based on the need for professionaliza...";Social dialogue|New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses|International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation;;Gesundheit Nord - Klinikverbund Bremen gGmbH;DE;DE,RO,BE;31.907,40;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"The project ""Discovering OT-worlds in Europe (DOT Europe)"" has been developed by the School for Occupational Therapy (Bildungsakademie Gesundheit Nord Bremen) based on the need for professionalization of German Occupational Therapy service delivery and the demand to train highly qualified Occupational Therapists for the European job market.The project's goals are to improve the trainees' intercultural competence and professional, social and personal competences, especially the skills to be proactive, to act autonomously and to reflect on ones action and the position on ethics. Furthermore we want to improve communication and interactive skills as well as the ability to work in a team. The goals for the teachers are to strengthen professional and didactical skills. The project aims for high quality standards in Occupational Therapy training by implementing innovative contents and teaching/ learning methods, by extending the international network and implementing international aspects in the curriculum. All this enhances the trainees' motivation to learn. | Participants were 8 trainees and 4 teachers. The trainees are young people who train as Occupational Therapists in a 3-year-full-time-program. The teachers are Occupational Therapists and Lecturers with long lasting experience in therapy and training. | The trainees completed a 12 -13-week-long work placement in a foreign institution chosen and supervised by the partner university. This work placement is part of the Occupational Therapy-program. The trainees learned about Occupational Therapy service delivery, the health system and the understanding of health and sickness in the country of destination. They took the chance to implement particular projects and experienced how Occupational Therapy is taught at university level. | The teachers visited the partner universities for 2-3-day-trips and attended lectures and seminaries. They learned about innovations in Occupational Therapy and different curricula and teaching/ learning methods. They discussed and initiated future projects. | We drafted a contract with the partner universities and determined the roles and responsibilities throughout the project. Teachers and trainees set up and signed an agreement about the learning outcomes. | The trainees work placement was divided into four parts. In the first part the trainess attended lectures and seminaries at the University. In the second part (at the work placement) they learned about the institutional setting and the way Occupational Therapy services are provided in the country of destination. They predominantly observed, kept records and researched. In the third and main part they became more active and planned, delivered, reflected and documented Therapy services. In the fourth and final part the trainees did theirs final evaluations and prepared records of delivery. | Throughout the work placement the trainees kept a learning diary and profitted from regular counselling by the therapists and the lecturer of the partner university as well as by the teacher at home via telephone, skype or e-mail. The trainees were in touch with the students of the partner universtiy, too. The lecturer of the partner university graded the trainees performance and the trainees wrote and published essays about theirs experiences and learning outcomes. Learning outcomes were presented at special occasions and documented in the Europass mobility. The experiences were evaluated in a final interview with the teacher at home.";The teachers documented theirs learning outcomes and used them for curriculum development and learning projects. | As project results we are proud that the participating trainees got a deeper understanding of their's profession and identify themselves better with their's job. They are able to exhibit culturally sensitive behaviour towards clients and staff, feel more motivated to take part in shaping their's own training, are politically active and involved in professional development. We still expect that the experieriences and learned skills improve the participants chances on the job market. The teachers improved motivation and engagement, too. The experiences influence the curriculum development and enhance the quality of the program. | In the long run this stabilizes and enhances the knowledge about Occupational Therapy and the service delivery in the region. It secures the training program and continously improves international networks and the quality of the program. We used the experiences to introduce academic standards in the profession and to help advance the profession to high quality standards nationwide and internationally. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-DE03-KA101-047094;;;On the Way to be a School of the 21. century ;"The BBZ wants to develop as a school and a good school needs a high quality of teaching. We plan to start with a special teacher training and then would like to go on with school partnerships. ...";Recognition, transparency, certification|ICT - new technologies - digital competences|EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy;;Marie Curie Schule Berufsbildungszentrum Vlklingen;DE;DE;20.070,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;The BBZ wants to develop as a school and a good school needs a high quality of teaching. | We plan to start with a special teacher training and then would like to go on with school partnerships. | In the light of an increasingly rapid development of communications technology within and outside the school sector, teachers see themselves more and more confronted with problems, particularly in those classes and/or learning groups, where special teaching methods are required due to behavioural disorder. It is also the aim of this project to improve the organization of lessons and the learning achievement for these groups on the basis of best-practice experience. New media and techniques should be meaningfully included in the teaching methodology. | Furthermore, a special focus is placed on the practice in communicational-, vocational- and Europe-oriented subjects. | At the same time, this exchange of experiences, pedagogical ICT review and motivation techniques should ensure a European awareness. A total of 12 teachers and department heads in five countries will attend training courses, sit in on classes and teaching;"Objectives are: | - Inclusion of ICT; Tutorials and networking of institutions for advanced pan-European use | - Promotion of European consciousness among teachers / students | - Job experience in Europe related lessons in schools of other EU countries. | - Job shadowing of teachers and heads of department in schools. | - Acquisition and exchange of best practice between European schools of different cultures | - Integration of groups of disabled or disadvantaged students; Comparison of the ways schools and countries with different EU- | disposition deal with this topic | - Dissemination of results to regional schools | - Building new networks between the schools involved | - Exchange of teachers in the future | - Dissemination of knowledge and joint projects on e-twinning and other networks | - Improving the chances of disadvantaged adolescents in the European labor market" Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-ES01-KA101-046740;;;Adaptation of the European Educational System's Best Practices for IES Carolina Coronado ;"CONTEXT / BACKGROUND OF PROJECT IES Carolina Coronado is a secondary high school in Almendralejo with 50 years of the educational experience. The development of its syllabus is based on innova...";Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy ...;;IES Carolina Coronado;ES;ES;6.918,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;CONTEXT / BACKGROUND OF PROJECT | IES Carolina Coronado is a secondary high school in Almendralejo with 50 years of the educational experience. | The development of its syllabus is based on innovation through best educational practices, ICT and foreign languages, which have become the hallmark of our educative ideology. We emphasize on the social and emotional training of our students, which will always be a fundamental element in our school including all pupils those with special needs and immigrants. The way of improving our teaching-learning system is an ever-present theme in our educational institution, learning from different European educational systems necessary and vital. | The project which has just finished has aimed to improve the competences and internationalize our school through the best educational practices. To accomplish this goal it has been essential to analyze and learn from other European teachers so that we could bring their methods to our institution. | | OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT | -The strategies and updating the approach of teaching practices have improved through the study of other guaranteed successful European educational systems. | - Our school has internationalized to face the challenges of teaching key competencies and being capable of implementing them in our educative community. | -The mobility of students from Vocational Training Courses has increased, encouraging their participation in European society. | | NUMBER AND PROFILE OF PARTICIPANTS | Twenty participants from different didactic departments have been integrated into the team to carry out this project, although only 3 members have completed the mobility part. These 20 members are characterized by their inquisitiveness, creativity, and desire for innovation in their daily work. All of them are involved in initiatives aimed at the improvement of the quality and educational success of our students, as the Innovative Programme Muvete, e-Twinning projects or the Dialogic Gatherings and Interactive Groups. This team has been in charge of creating the web page, the Erasmus corner and the dissemination of the project in different ways. | The three teachers who completed the mobility belong to three different areas in the school: one of them teaches in Medical Attention (Vocational Training), other is a teacher of Physics and Chemistry for the Bilingal Section of the school, and the third one is an English teacher who is also the coordinator of the European Programmes. | | DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITIES | The selected activity was Original Practices Benchmarking 7 days, which was carried out in Helsinki (Finland) and Tallinn (Estonia). This activity has compared the best educational practices and the transition of ideas has helped the educative innovation through contact with the other participants before, during and after the course. | Summary of the activity: | Before the course: | -A very short communication existed through an online community to do preparatory tasks, a compilation of materials, presentations of participants, etc. | During the course: | -There have been different sessions of Job Shadowing and presentations about the Educational System in Finland (Varia Vocational College) and Job Shadowing and presentations in three different schools inTalln(Tallinna XXI Kool, Gustav Adolfi Gumnaasium y Tallinna Kesklina Vene Gmnaasium). | After the course: | - No contact has been offered to the participants by email and the online community. | - Some contact with some participants from other countries. | - Everything learned have been shared with the Educational community of the IES Carolina Coronado. | | METHODOLOGY USED TO COMPLETE THE PROJECT | It was diverse, eclectic and adapted to reach the objectives. The digitalization of the activities, dialogue, participation, investigation, and development of competences has been essential in our project.;A SHORT DESCRIPTION OF THE RESULTS ACHIEVED | The internationalization of our school through this project has represented a very positive cultural, methodological, and linguistic change. The results have aimed toward developing personal and professional competencies through our intercultural and diverse Europe and more effective teaching. | | EXPECTED EFFECTS | This project meant a progressive change in our Educational Project and in the development of our students. Changes in the short and long term are: | 1. Innovation in the educative tasks through contact with other participants experiences. These ones have been brought to our schools educative community. | 2. Participation in a new project KA2 with schools from Italy, France and Poland, and whose theme is Surfing Water Waves. | 3. Improvement of the development of our linguistic competence in the English language. | 4. Updating and adapting our teaching practices to the needs of our students as 21st European citizens. | | LONG-TERM FEASIBLE BENEFITS | The benefits that are reflected in our school thanks to the implementation of our project are: | 1.- The progress of the q | Results Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-ES01-KA101-047408;;;Science with robotics;In our Institute we are initiating a process of pedagogical renewal and incorporation of new methodologies that impact on a major teachers motivation, as well as greater student performance and mo...;Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Instituto Agrario Bell-lloc del Pla SA;ES;ES;3.364,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;unavailable;English;"In our Institute we are initiating a process of pedagogical renewal and incorporation of new methodologies that impact on a major teachers motivation, as well as greater student performance and motivation. In 2017 we launched a MakerSpace and started work on projects using this space. | With this project we wanted to provide teachers with the necessary training to go one step further and introduce robotics to work with content from different areas. The objectives of the project have been the following: | - Train teachers to introduce educational robotics (EV3 and Arduino sensors) in different areas and science subjects. | -Learn to develop transversal projects in which robotics tools are used and involve several subjects. | -To take another step in the pedagogical renewal that began the academic year 2017-2018, especially among the teachers with more experience in teaching, who also suffer from a certain demotivation. | - Improve the performance of students, especially in the areas of science and reduce the rate of school failure. | -Interchange teaching practices and increase the network of contacts from other countries to start new international projects in eTwinning. | | To achieve these objectives we have carried out two structured training courses: | A. ""New technologies in education: Robotics"" (July 2018): The course deals with the use of the EV3 robot to work with contents of science subjects. | B. ""STEM and Arduino"" (July 2018), in which the participants will learn to use the Arduino sensors to work with content from different areas. | The methodology used in these courses was very practical: learning by doing. The participants learned how to use the robotics tools by programming projects that they have started using in their teaching practice. | The participants in these courses were teachers with long experience in the centre and who are committed to the methodological renewal that we are promoting. Once the two courses finished, the participants presented the contents of the courses carried out to the rest of the teaching staff. In addition, in September 2018, two workshops were organized to train the rest of the teachers in the use of robotics (EV3 robot and Arduino sensors) to work on science content.";With this project we hope to achieve the following long-term results: | A / Learn to use the EV3 robot in interdisciplinary projects that include content from different subjects. In this course a project with the EV3 robot will be developed to be applied already in the centre. | B / Acquire the necessary training to learn how to use sensors. This training will allow us to understand how to program and use sensors in different science subjects: mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc. | C / Take another step in the pedagogical renovation of our centre: not only with the introduction of robotics, but also with new strategies and innovative methodologies. | D / Increase teacher motivation and improve student performance | E / Increase the contact network to start future KA229 projects. | | The results of the project have been disseminated internally (the Institute's website, monthly newsletter sent to more than 2,000 contacts, organization of workshops for teachers, dissemination at meetings of parents of students), and external ( press releases to local newspapers and radios, dissemination in Barcelona and Madrid on the occasion of the National Competition of mini-companies) Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-ES01-KA101-047413;;;A school connected to Europe;"Goals and framework: Our expectations were to polish up and improving the language skills of our Secondary Education teachers, besides increasing the English competence of our management team i...";Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;INSTITUTO DE EDUCACIN SECUNDARIA ALBERT EINSTEIN;ES;ES;13.691,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"Goals and framework: | Our expectations were to polish up and improving the language skills of our Secondary Education teachers, besides increasing the English competence of our management team in order to facilitate the internationalization of our High school. On the other hand, we strongly believe that the contact with foreign teachers will make the development of this internationalization easier for us. | | We also aimed to achieve other objectives: | - Motivating teachers by offering them a high quality international training | - Starting and developing other European projects (KA1, KA2, e-twinning) | - Improving the image of our High School as well as the self-esteem | - Promoting cultural sensitiveness and diversity and stimulating European cooperation in teaching and learning. | | The eight teachers participating in this proyect come from different departments, are in positions of responsability in our center and three of them are members of the management team. Everybody is committed to internationalisation our school. | | Activities | Previously to the mobility: | Different task were allocated to teachers involved in this project that were monitorized through meetings. | | 1st meeting:November 2018 . Participants were met to distribute task among them (linguistic preparation, courses search, booking and purchase of airline tickets and accomodation). | | 2nd meeting: January 2019 Meeting to monitor the allocated task. Information about travel insurance, health card, identity documents was given | | 3rd meeting:Two weeks before to the mobility. Meeting with management team in order to sign mobility documents. Participants applied for permission to Educational administration. | | 4th meeting: Between February and May 2019. Twice a month, participants met to talk English | | Activities carried out during mobility: | * A one-week English course in Malta in order to boost the competence in English of three members of our management team and a teacher of Economy. | | * A one-week course called Innovative and Effective Methods and Tools"" regarding CLIL methodology, in Tropea (Italy) in which our school was represented by the Head teacher of the Music department, who is also the Artistic area coordinator. | | * A one-week course called Active Art: Understanding and Enjoying Art in the classroom and beyond in Florence (Italy) with the attendance of two teachers of Geography and History | | *The one-week course ""European School Development: Planning and Managing Erasmus+ Projects"", which took place in Rome attended by our former Erasmus Coordinator. | | Activities carried out after mobility: | Participants produced a personalized report for each mobility. The current coordinator supervised all documents that were generated and carried out activities to disseminate the results. | We have used the these means to disseminate the results: | -Erasmus + blog located on web page of IES Albert Einstein. | -Twitter @IES_AE | -Informational meeting with other teachers and students were made by all participants. | -At provincial level, this project has been presented at the Erasmus+ conference, organised by Sevilla Teachers Center (CEP) .";Results by activities: | Teachers attendind the structured course in English show a great satisfaction and significant improvement in their language communication skills. | Teachers attending the course in Florence have made activities with their students based in this experience. Both of them have signed up for a e-twinning course to plan projects that will be implemented in the future. | Teacher attending the course in Tropea is going to use CLIL methodology with her students in classroom. | Teacher attending the course in Rome has been actively collaborating with the current coordinator in writing applications for KA1 and KA2 projects of 2019 call | All participants have improved their command and fluency of English and their sensitivity and empathy to other cultures and customs. | We have increased the numbers of foreing contacts and the number of teachers involved in new projects. | | Impact and benefits: | We have succeeded in persuading the rest of the teachers in developing new European projects. On the other hand, the number of excited students wanted to participate in movilities has increased. | We have given one more step in getting the internationalization because ,now, our school have more European contacts with whom to exchange experiences. | In addition, we believe families of the neighborhood will be satisfied because they will see improved education of their children at the same time that their employment prospect will be increased. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-ES01-KA101-047651;;;Introduction of CLIL ( content and language integrated learning) methodology and gamification in a context of diversity and inclusion.;"The project has consisted in a period of Job Shadowing for four teachers from our center, in the Newark School of Malta, during 4 days. The project arises from the need to improve in our student...";Inclusion - equity, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;CEIP JOS PEDRS;ES;ES,MT;4.164,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;The project has consisted in a period of Job Shadowing for four teachers from our center, in the Newark School of Malta, during 4 days. | The project arises from the need to improve in our students the linguistic competence in English. In our province children have a more direct contact with other languages: Spanish, Valencian, etc. and the use of English is reduced only to the school context and in certain areas. | The host school has given us a vision where, in a similar context to ours, the strategies used are giving satisfactory results and allow them to make plurilingualism a tangible reality. | We chose a destination based on common characteristics to ours (cultural and linguistic diversity), where they achieve the main objective we try to improve: the linguistic competence of our students. | With this project we have tried to take a step forward to the internalization of our school and improve the linguistic competence of students and teachers in English through the CLIL methodology and active learning in a context of diversity and inclusion. | We have also tried to acquire new tools for the learning of the English language to apply them in the other areas, as well as establish new relations of cooperation with the host school to continue working and researching on topics of common interest. | The objectives proposed in the project have been achieve, through direct observation of the context and the methodologies applied. With everything we have learned, we try to start from the next school year 19/20: | 1. Establish methodological strategies to improve the linguistic competence of our students in English. | 2. Integrate CLIL methodology progressively, through several multi-disciplinary projects. | 3. Start new European projects based on new established relationships and common interests. | 4. Continue sharing experiences and methodologies between both schools. | The profiles of the four participants in the project are : | 1. David Mascarell Escriv: director of the school, teacher of primary music , coordinator of educational innovation projects, member of the e-twinning . | 2. Rosa Ana Peir: English teacher, active member of the etwinning platform (participant and coordinator in different projects). | 3. Tere Girau Alemany: secretary of the center, French teacher, and Pre- Primary teacher. Coordinator of teacher training. Bet for educational inclusion adapting materials and resources for students with special needs. | 4. Clara Pausa Pareja: Primary and Pre-Primary teacher, active participant in innovation projects of the center, promoter of the introduction of new work methodologies in the center. | The four participants have contributed to the project with a wide experience in topics such as: educational innovation, application of new methodologies, inclusion, organization and management of resources and knowledge of English. | The type of activities that we have developed have focused on the observation of the CLIL methodology (Content and Language Integrated Learning), how the learning of the different linguistic and non-linguistic areas is carried out in English , through the games, in a context of diversity (in the school study students of 36 different nationalities) and inclusion. We have been able to learn new methodologies, share educational materials and experiences that are already helping to promote English in our school context. | During our job shadowing project, we have also shared our experience in the use of ICT, doing practical CLIL sessions with students.;This project has provided teachers with tools to improve teaching practice and linguistic competence in English. | We have obtained tangible results related to new methodologies and educational materials, and intangible as a greater sense of openness of our school to the European dimension and the promotion of the English language in our school context. | Everything learned has had a short-term impact on an immediate application in the classrooms of educational tools and experiences learned. | In the long term, all this will contribute to an improvement in the educational quality that will be reflected in our educational project (methodological and organizational changes) and in our future research projects and pedagogical innovation. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-ES01-KA101-047866;;;"""In Search of New Learning Paths in Europe""";This Project has improved the modernization and internationalization strategies of our School, promoting the mobility of teachers who have actively been taking part in projects at local and regio...;Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Research and innovation, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;IES Alvaro Cunqueiro;ES;ES,HR;8.743,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"This Project has improved the modernization and internationalization strategies of our School, promoting the mobility of teachers who have actively been taking part in projects at local and regional level and in eTwinning projects. | Our objectives, aimed at solving the detected needs, are: | Professional Development of the teachers regarding their individual needs and the objectives of our Annual Plan. | Improving the quality of teaching practices:more attractive programmes. | Promoting mobility opportunities for learning and establishing partnerships with foreign schools. | Improving innovation and internationalization with the cooperation Training Providers. | Creating a European area of lifelong learning. | Improving the teaching and learning of foreign languages and promoting linguistic diversity and cultural sensitivity. | Improving the teacherslanguage skills in foreign languages. | Increasing motivation and satisfaction in daily work by encouraging teachers to integrate good practices and new methodologies in everyday activities and share experiences with foreign colleagues. | Increasing student participation, who will benefit from new methodologies,Project-Based Learning and encouraging contact with foreign students through e-Twinning and Strategic Partnerships. | The proposal has consisted of carrying out one-week courses in Reykjiavick(Literature teacher and Head teacher),Stockolm (Music teacher)and Florence (PE teacher) focused on achieving the stated objectives. | In Iceland and Sweden, they have combined workshops,seminars and pedagogical visits to schools.The participation in structured courses (""Structured Educational Visit to Institutes and Training Seminar"") hasmade possible to get in touch with counterpart schools enabling the International Dimension and collaboration among countries. This will have a direct short-term impact on the students and we have been able to find partners for a new KA1 and a KA2 project, in which more teachers have got involved so that we will be able to broaden the horizons and aspirations of the students through more direct experiences. | The course in Italy""Yoga and Meditation for Educators: Be agreat Teacher Be your Best Self"", enabled the participant tools to handle stress, improve teaching skills, increase physical,mental and emotional health to maintain a favorable climate in the classroom and school community.Besides, she has created a guide with breathing and meditation techniques useful for teachers to handle overcrowded groups with behavioural problems, most of all in early years of Secondary Education. | In addition, two teachers (English and History) took part in a six-day job shadowing at a Croatian school with broad experience in innovation.School with a long history in KA1 and KA 2 projects, which has enabled exchange of good practices,getting to know its educational system,interacting with teachers and students and learn about Erasmus projects management, dissemination and ideas to use in future projects. | After a preliminary phase of preparation of the application, the first phase has been the mobility arrangements; Second phase: mobility flows | a Structured courses: | Reykjavik (17-23 March 2019): | Stockholm (24-30 March 2019) | Florencia (12-18 March 2019): ): | b. Job-shadowing at ""O_ Jurja Dobrile"" school in Rovinj (26-31 May 2019). | The dissemination phase has been carried out along the project; The final phase has been evaluation and study of impact and results.";results and impact: | The participants have performed their mobilities in a satisfactory way, acquired the expected professional skills and the recognition of them. | They have acquired new, modern and innovative methodologies to incorporate into daily teaching practice and their colleagues and the students will benefit from them. | The participants have Increased the degree of personal satisfaction since,after exchanging good practices, feel more self-confident and motivated. | Knowledge of other educational systems and the organization of other European Schools. | Innovating the way of working with students:more attractive programmes. | Improving language skills. | Our School is now known by other foreign schools in the host countries and foreign participants in the structured courses. | Consolidation of the Croatian partner and stablishment of collaborations for Job Shadowing for the next KA1. | Agreement with several countries to take part in KA201. | The participating organizations are more open to synergies with other organizations. | Improvement of academic achievements and interest of the students to take part in eTwinning and mobility projects. | The experience and knowledge acquired have been transmitted to the rest of the teachers, to the students and to the educational community. | Increase of the number of teachers who want to get involved in European programmes, either through e-Twinning or Erasmus +, which is giving a meaningful boost to the internationalization of our school. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-ES01-KA101-047887;;;Project based learning and creative teaching;"CONTEXT OF THE PROJECT Alto de los Molinos Secondary School in Albacete (Spain) teaches a bilingual education in English, where almost two thirds of students are in this program. From the beginn...";Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Pedagogy and didactics;;IES Alto de los Molinos;ES;ES,IT;14.918,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;unavailable;English;"CONTEXT OF THE PROJECT | Alto de los Molinos Secondary School in Albacete (Spain) teaches a bilingual education in English, where almost two thirds of students are in this program. From the beginning, the European dimension of our school has been a priority taking part in Etwinning, Comenius projects, we have been coordinating an Erasmus + KA219 and we are preparing another now, we finished a KA101 aimed at improving teaching bilingual and another on digital methodologies as well as another project that we are developing currently. | | In our analysis of our own teaching practice, we have found that there are departments that require training, either because of their obsolete techniques or because of the need for constant updating. Due to this, different methodologies to be developed have been selected: project-based learning and other creative methodologies such as drama, flipped classroom and gamification. | | METHODOLOGY | For this reason, we have proposed to solve these deficiencies and be and example in the use of methologies such as PBL and other interdisciplinary work techniques. For that purpose, training and observation activities have been combined in order to have a complete theoretical-practical vision, selecting departments with a scientific profile (Technology, Mathematics and Physical Education), social (Geography and History), humanistic (Spanish Language and Literature) and artistic (Music and Drama). The common thread of all the departments involved in the training and observation activities will be the project-based-learning methodologies. | The selected participants in each sector will adapt the content of their training courses to the teaching areas they represent, so that the project has a global impact and all teaching departments are included. The participants will organize dissemination activities in our school aimed at spreading the resources and methodology so that the project has a holistic impact. | | OBJECTIVES | Our main objectives are: | 1. To promote and update the teaching methodology of the departments of Mathematics, Physical Education and Spanish and Literature. | 2. To promote and encourage the PBL methodology in our school. | 3. To expand training in theater and drama as a creative and innovative educational methodology. | 4. To maximize the results obtained, integrating them in the annual lesson plans and sharing them with the rest of the teachers. | 5. To share our experiences with other European schools through job shadowings. | 6. To improve the linguistic competence in English. | 7. To establish a network of contacts with other schools abroad. | | PROFILE OF PARTICIPANTS | The participants will be teachers of the school from the departments of Technology, Mathematics, Physical Education, Music, Spanish Language and Literature, Geography and History as well as from those interested in implementing the project-based learning methodology among teachers with a minimum B2 level and according to an agreed scale to our school training needs. | DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITIES | We have planned 6 structured courses and 3 job-shadowing activities so that we can have a wider view according to our needs: | | TRAINING ACTIVITIES | - 1 in Soverato: Course in outdoor teaching for PE teachers. (5 days) | - 1 in London: Course in Drama for Music teachers. (12 days) | - 2 in Project-Based Learning meyhodology: one in Berlin for Geography and History teacher and another in Bologna for teachers in Scientific subjects. (6 days and 5 days respectively) | - 1 in Prague: A E-Learning course for Technology teachers (5 days) | - 1 in Prague: Course in Gamed based learning and gamification. (5 days) | JOB SHADOWING ACTIVITIES | In the ""Scuola Paolo VI"" (Tradate-Italy) | - 1 for the Mathematics Department (6 days) | - 1 for the Physical Education Department (6 days) | - 1 for the Spanish Language Department (6 days) | | RE";RESULTS AND IMPACT | - We would like to be an example in the use of the project based learning methodology as well as other creative and innovative methodologies | - Improvement and incorporation of new teaching techniques | - Global impact for the school thanks to the working groups | - English language skills improvement | - More self-sufficient students prepared for collaborative and research work | | POTENTIAL LONGER TERM BENEFITS | - Our school will be visible abroad sharing our experience with other schools around Europe throughout Job Shadowing activities. | - More motivating, realistic and modern up-to-date lessons, reflecting modern times and offering a wider and more global point of view because of the relationship with other European schools | - Creation of a network with teachers form different European Schools and organizations. Our students are likely to make the most of this network. | Results Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-ES01-KA101-048575;;;Way is made when walking;We are a secondary school on the outskirts of the city of Seville, Andalusia, in an environment of lower-middle class and limited job opportunities. Our students have few expectations of internati...;Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Teaching and learning of foreign languages, EU Citizenship ...;;I.E.S. Santa Aurelia;ES;ES,IS;31.025,46;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (tertiary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"We are a secondary school on the outskirts of the city of Seville, Andalusia, in an environment of lower-middle class and limited job opportunities. Our students have few expectations of internationalization due to their limited language skills, in addition to their low level of motivation and academic results .We have an experienced teachers team, who initiated the projects Erasmus + 4 years ago. Currently we are carrying out some international activities, especially using e-Twinning and sending professional training students to do their internship abroad what has contributed to improve their academic levels. | The objectives of the project are to increase the number of teachers with good communication skills in English and French; improve the training of our English teachers ; to increase European dimension by sharing experiences with other colleagues; start projects with collaborating centers involving students; have teachers trained to design a strategic partnership; improve the competences of our school staff in management of classroom, prevention of school drop-outs and conflicts, motivation and new methodologies; and strengthen the relationships already established with the European schools. | Number and profile of participants: 14 teachers with minimum level B1 in the working language , except for those who studied improvement of the language that will be minimum A2. These teachers also presented the following profiles: a member of the management team with a capacity of Organization, international experience and knowledge of Spanish cultural heritage; 2 teachers with international experience in international projects such as e-twinning and knowledge of audiovisual media and health education; 2 teachers with experience in the management of Erasmus projects and aptitude for a strategic partnership coordination; 1 teacher in the Department of English with commitment to collaborate in the motivation of students for their participation in the European activities of the Centre; 3 teachers in departments other than the English language motivated towards internationalization, intention to introduce that language in the teaching of their programmes and collaborate in future Erasmus projects; 2 teachers with an accurate knowledge of the legal backgrounds of the Spanish educational system and the structure of other European educational systems; 1 Teacher involved in the emotional intelligence activities developed in our school and 1 teacher with experience in the application of innovative techniques in the first levels of secondary. 1 teacher with experience in international projects and intention to collaborate in future Erasmus projects. | The participants were selected by a committee after the official call announcement is made. We will not only value the profile of the candidates, their involvement in the project design and language level, but also their experience and personal input to the project. The schools Erasmus coordinator supervised the courses and practical details as well as the mobility agreements and quality standards of the host organizations and participants. | Before mobilities, the selected teachers were given access to the different work platforms and also to the resources and activities designed by the Erasmus coordination. During the mobilities, the participants maintained constant communication with the Erasmus coordination and communicated their progress by uploading materials to the school's web sites. | After every mobility the Erasmus+ committee will supervised all documents and projects generated and organized the diffusion within the school community. Moreover, after the end of the project, the committee evaluated the impact of the program and then written the final report.";"Brief description of the expected outcomes and long term impact of the project: | Among the participants: an increase of professional competence, language capabilities and european contacts. Among participants colleages: an increase in European motivation, acquisition of different educational tools and an active involvement in support of the contacts made. | Among our students we would like to see a more creative way of learning closer to the realities of European countries and languages like English and French; the creation of collaborative studies; increase of study motivation; an improvement of behaviour. | Within the school itself we would like to see the development of the process of internationalization that we started two years ago, an improvent in teacher collaborations and the possibility of bilingual teaching and of future strategic partnerships. | Locally we could open the school culture week to the community. The impact at regional level would be made through the Centro de Profesorado (Teacher Learning Centre) and through several meetings with other schools as scheduled in the Erasmus+ Program | The impact at national level will be made through the National Agency. At an international level we would profit of the professional network and KA 2 Erasmus projects. We would publicise in all social media, internet, newspapers and radio." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-ES01-KA101-048678;;;Learning, Innovating and Sharing;"LEARNING, INNOVATING AND SHARING IES EL PALMERAL The centre states the following premises to get embarked on a European project: 1) A complete training of our teachers and students in b...";Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Pedagogy and didactics;;IES EL PALMERAL;ES;ES;16.066,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;LEARNING, INNOVATING AND SHARING | | IES EL PALMERAL | The centre states the following premises to get embarked on a European project: | 1) A complete training of our teachers and students in both personal and professional competences. | 2) Promoting of the spirit of partnership and raising the European awareness: collaboration and cooperation as democratic values for a successful opening to Europe and an internationalisation of the school. | 3) The need to enhance the linguistic competence among the students of English, innovate CLIL approaches as an essential part of the Bilingual Programme and improve the level of acquisition of the key competences of both teachers and students. | 4) A significant reduction of absenteeism and the early school-leaving rate in the school thanks to a more successful attention to diversity and motivation of the students. | | OBJECTIVES | Due to the success of the previous exchanges and international projects carried out by our school, such as Comenius or Erasmus+ KA219, we have decided to get involved in this European project KA101 as a response to the need of improving the quality of teaching in our school. Thus, the objectives of this project are: | | a) To acquire more innovative, inclusive and effective methodological approaches to raise students motivation. | b) To improve teachers digital competence by learning how to use the newest tools and applications. | c) To update the CLIL methodology of those teachers belonging to the non-linguistic areas. | d) To acquire knowledge and adopt new strategies to attend diversity and deal with inclusion in order to fight against absenteeism and early school leaving in our school. | e) To learn about other management models and school organisation. | f) To promote the European awareness among all the members of the education community. | | PARTICIPANTS AND PROPOSED ACTIVITIES | 1. Structured course Mobile Learning of Mathematics with the MILAGE Learn+ platform, 6 days (29/07/2018 - 03/08/2018). Training centre: Learning Together (Porto, Portugal): Two participants: two teachers of bilingual Maths. | 2. Structured course Mathematics and Connections with other science. Examples from Ancient Greece, 7 days (18/11/2018 - 24/11/2018). Training centre: MetaGnosi (Larisa, Grecia): One participant: One teacher of the Maths Department. | 3. Structured course CLIL Content and Language Integrated Learning, 5 days (06/08/2018 - 10/08/2018). Training centre: ITC International (Prague, Czech Republic): Two participants: a teacher of the Geography and History Department and a teacher of the Science and Technology area. | 4. Structured course Early School Leaving, 5 days (27/08/2018 31/08/2018). Training centre: ITC International (Prague, Czech Republic): Two participants: one teacher of the English Department and one teacher of the Philosophy Department. | 5. Structured course Structured Educational Visit to Schools/Institutes & Training Seminar in Finland, 7 days (07/10/2018-13/10/2018). Training centre: English Matters (Helsinki, Finland). Two participants: one teacher of the English Department and one teacher of the Philosophy Department.;RESULTS AND EXPECTED IMPACT | With this project we expect to achieve the following results: | -Updating the CLIL methodology of bilingual teachers. | -Significant improvement of the use and exploitation of new technologies in the classroom. | -Acquisition of techniques and strategies to enhance students motivation and attend to diversity. | -Dissemination of our experiences among the education community, neighbouring schools, and social networking sites. | -Creation of a network of reliable contacts for future projects with European teachers and schools. | | LONG-TERM BENEFITS | In general terms, the long-term benefits we expect to obtain can be summarised as: | -Better application of inclusive and innovative methodological approaches. | -Significant improvement of our students linguistic competence. | -Greater motivation and willingness to work from our students. | -Higher involvement and enthusiasm to participate in European projects from the teaching community. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-ES01-KA101-049046;;;A NEW OUTLOOK, PROJECT-BASED LEARNING;"CONTEXT: Secondary School in Barcelona, created in 1996. There are 67 teachers and 728 students. PREVIOUS INFORMATION: We belong to a multilingual program supported by the Education Departmen...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, International cooperation, international relations ...;;EL CASTELL;ES;ES,FI;4.236,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;CONTEXT: Secondary School in Barcelona, created in 1996. There are 67 teachers and 728 students. | | PREVIOUS INFORMATION: We belong to a multilingual program supported by the Education Department, which considers the cross-curricular treatment of languages as essential and approves our extensive use (since 2006) of CLIL methodology (Contents and Language Integrated Learning). We have also carried out a Job Shadowing in Norway (2016), analysing foreign languages learning and the cross-curricular approach of contents. We are also in the process of several e-Twinning projects and we have accepted to take part in a KA2 project. | | AIMS: The main aim is changing our methodology to project-based learning. There are several related aims, such as learning about the Finnish curriculum (a very good reference in this type of methodology), acquiring strategies to link competences and contents and assimilate ideas as regards to the organisation of cross-curricular learning. | | PROFILES: a group of three people was created to encourage this methodological change and carry out the Job Shadowing. They were chosen by a candidate selection committee in a fair, transparent and documented way. The selection criteria were the following: previous experience in projects, good level of English (B2), post related to this project, eagerness to share this experience, personal motivation and availability during the vacation period. | | PROFILE 1 - Head of Foreign Languages Department and Coordinator of related projects. Coordinator in Managing Team. | PROFILE 2 - Head of Languages Department. Language and Social Cohesion, Dissemination Coordinator, e-Twinning ambassador and trainer. | PROFILE 3 - Stage Coordinator (9th and 10th grades). Co-worker in the present Managing Team and member of the future managing team. | | ACTIVITIES: Observation of different subjects, meetings with managing teams, teachers, visits to schools in the area, visit to libraries, town halls, resource centres, etc. | | METHODOLOGY: A detailed diagnosis about the situation of our school was made and we realised the need to work with contents in a cross-curricular way to obtain two types of improvement: | - Students results' improvement (10% during the first year (2019-20), starting with the youngest students and reaching 10th grade progressively). | - The application of this new project-based methodology (25% the first year and progressively reaching 100% during the four-year term of office of the future managing team). | | There will be some requests after the Job Shadowing: | -These profiles will be responsible for dissemination and also training for the rest of teachers in our school as regards to the new methodology, providing them with practical examples of activities. | - The Managing Team, with the help of teachers, will design a plan with all the new activities to integrate in our school's teaching. | | We met our partner, Kungsvgens skola, a secondary school that shares a building and many projects with another secondary school, which we will also visit. Hillevi Lassas, e-Twinning ambassador, helps in the progressive application of a cross-curricular methodology using project-based learning.;IMPACT AND LONG-TERM BENEFITS: Acquisition of knowledge for the practical application of project-based learning, strategies to work in a cross-curricular way, incorporation of the necessary elements for the project's evaluation, abilities for the right treatment of diversity in project-based learning, students' motivation facing a new methodology that allows them to be protagonist in their own learning process, encouraging autonomy and improving their competence in English. There are the following stages: | | - Before: Transfer all the information related to the project to the learning community and creation of a selection candidate committee. | - During: Job Shadowing portfolio. | - After: Training and seminars to share what we have learnt. | | Our Finnish partner is an example for the application of this project in our school, starting with the Managing Team and reaching all teachers, in an integrated and organised way. After their kind welcome, we consider this project as the beginning of a very profitable collaboration between both schools. | | DISSEMINATION: As regards to dissemination, we have the same stages: | | - Before: Transfer all the information related to the project to the learning community. | - During: Publication of Job Shadowing portfolio. | - After: Transfer all the obtained results and what is need to carry out the project to the learning community, their publication in social-networking sites, other schools in the area and official institutions by means of our web and official journals. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-ES01-KA101-049118;;;COEXISTENCE AND INNOVATION: CHALLENGES FOR IMPROVEMENT;Coexistence and innovation: challenges for improvement is a European project of the Santa Pola High School, within the Erasmus+ programme, aimed at promoting structural and sustainable change in t...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Creativity and culture;;IES Santa Pola;ES;ES,IT,FR,DK;13.790,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"Coexistence and innovation: challenges for improvement is a European project of the Santa Pola High School, within the Erasmus+ programme, aimed at promoting structural and sustainable change in the Centre. | | After analysing the situation of the centre, the following needs were identified and are expected to be met: | - New teaching tools and methodologies. | - Improvement of language skills in foreign languages for students and teachers. | - Increasing our European knowledge and identity. | - Improving coexistence, equality and social cohesion. | - Teaching organization. | | For this purpose, we had defined 5 objectives: | - To improve the coexistence and cohesion of the educational community, promoting equality. | - To learn active and innovative methodologies and digital tools used in teaching practice to apply in our centre and to motivate students and improve their acquisition of key competences and academic results. | - To promote and settle our A Levels in Arts. | - To increase linguistic competence in foreign languages for teachers and students. | - To internationalize our high school, promoting European culture among the entire educational community. | | They will all contribute to the achievement of the following Europe 2020 targets: | - To promote equality, social cohesion and European culture. | - To encourage creativity and innovation, including entrepreneurship. | - To improve the level of key competences and language skills. | | The Project has been formed by 10 teachers of different subjects, representing 15% of the staff and 56% of the total number of departments, 3 teachers in the Erasmus+ Commission and 7 professors who have gone to the 4 mobilities designed, which means: | - ""Original best practices: Benchmarking course"" in Helsinki and Estonia: Department of Physics and Chemistry. | - Digital STEM: Integrating Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics ""course in Estonia: Mathematics and Computer Science Departments. | - Job Shadowing at Lyce Polyvalent Remi Belleau in Nogent-le-Rotrou and other centres in France: Departments of Language and E+ Project Coordinator. | - Job Shadowing in Skovbyskolen and Herning Gymnasium in Denmark: Direction of the Centre and French and Orientation Departments. | | Contact with other educational realities has enriched our teaching practice and has affected many other teachers. Likewise, the motivation for learning English has increased in the teaching staff. | In addition, active methodologies have been implemented that encourage the work of students, such as cooperative work in groups of 1ESO (extended to 2, next school year) and actions programmed in our Innovation Plan. Another direct consequence is the increase in the number of teachers who use tablets and/or mobile phones as an educational resource.";"The Job Shadowing carried out in Denmark has allowed the use of innovative practices for the improvement of coexistence in the centre, such as the introduction of mindfulness in the centre and in the classroom, ""revolutionary pause"", ""wheel of conflict"", ... Some concepts of Narrative Pedagogy have been used in activities of the Tutorial Action Programme and in the practice of individualised guidance advice. | | The training carried out in Tallinn made it possible to programme various STEAM Projects. Taking advantage of the International Year of the Periodic Table, the areas of Physics and Chemistry and Computer Science worked together with 120 students to create an interactive periodic table. Another STEAM Project was ""Quiero ser ingeniera"", proposed by the University of Alicante, where 40 students have participated to awaken the vocation for scientific and technological disciplines among girls. | | The Job Shadowing in France allowed to observe the motivation of the students working in a radio. Two of the participating teachers have developed a centre project consisting of a podcast, Radio Trinquet, with a very positive reception, and this mobility has allowed the creation of a KA2 Project with the French centre for the next academic year. | | The Centre's Innovation Plan is being developed successfully and participation in Erasmus+ Projects is growing. In fact, our centre is the only one in the region with 2 Erasmus+ approved for the next academic year, KA1 and KA2. | The Project has been known at a local level so that the other Institute of Santa Pola has been initiated in Erasmus+ Projects." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-ES01-KA101-049275;;;Internationalizing innovation: towards a more competent Europe;Jesuitinas Pamplona is a Christian educational school promoted by the Congregation of the Daughters of Jesus, located in Pamplona, in a medium to low socio-economic environment, which offers edu...;Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Fundacin Educativa Jesuitinas;ES;ES,NL;13.711,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"Jesuitinas Pamplona is a Christian educational school promoted by the Congregation of the Daughters of Jesus, located in Pamplona, in a medium to low socio-economic environment, which offers educational levels (0-18). | | The schools new 2018-2021 Linguistic Project includes as strategic objectives ""Increase and consolidate the relationships established with other European schools"", ""Encourage the student's life experiences outside the classroom context (student exchange programmes, stays abroad, eTwinning projects)"", ""The use of ICTs as motivational tools to improve the linguistic competence of students"" and ""Increase the number of students who finish secondary and Baccalaureate with an official language certificate"". | | In order to give a better response to our students, it was necessary to complement teacher training abroad, observing and sharing experiences with other European schools to improve the teaching practice. Therefore, this project, as part of the overall planned activities has helped achieve its objectives. | | The ultimate objective of this project is the consolidation of the internationalization process that began in the 2013-2014 academic year. The aim was to improve the knowledge of the participants in didactics of foreign languages, the use of new technologies and methodologies and, in addition, to update their oral skills, and improve their training in ICTs (commitment to ICTs in the classroom) and active methodologies. Job shadowing in a reference school in terms of internationalization and ""e-learning environments"" for the teaching of foreign languages also contributed to the achievement of this objective. | | 8 teachers were selected, 6 attended six different training courses and 2 participated in job shadowing activities at the school RSG Wiringherlant in The Netherlands. All the participants met the minimum requirements; they certify a B2 level in English, have at least three years teaching experience and accumulated teaching merits.";The eTwinning platform was used as a communication channel during the project, using all the tools available. | | The project followed the PDCA methodology (plan, do, check, act) like all the projects carried out in the school following the EFQM management model. The following stages were established: | 1. Project planning, establishing the objectives and selection of the participants | 2. Implementation and monitoring of the project by the Internationalization Committee | 3. Evaluation of the project and improvement proposals | 4. Dissemination of the knowledge learned | | As major impacts, the school has teachers who are now more qualified, who have improved their oral communication skills in English, were formed in new methodologies and who have access to new tools and teaching methods, thus enhancing their professional development. The teachers who have not participated directly in the project also benefited from the project through the organization of good practice sessions. Students also benefited and their families feel more involved and satisfied with the international projects promoted by the school. These impacts were measured through external and internal indicators as well as through the validation of participants in Europass. | | The Navarre society also benefited from the project through more competent teachers and students better formed in languages. In addition, the organisation of the III Internationalization Event and the organization of good practice sessions open to other schools in collaboration with the CAP and the Department of Education of the Navarre Government also contributed to improve the Navarre education system. | | The school has consolidated its strategic alliances with other European schools improving the competences of all its students. The school also lead European projects and helped other schools who wanted to commence in Internationalization. The school is a pioneer in its province regarding Internationalization and dissemination of good teaching practices. | | The main dissemination and information activities carried out are: the creation of a specific website of the project, articles on the school website, blog and yearbook, social networks, press releases in local media, internal and external good practices sessions, the celebration of the III Internationalization Seminar, Open Door Days, transmission of experiences through the eTwinning platform, dissemination through the corporate website and the Erasmus+ results web page. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-ES01-KA101-049644;;;" EDUCATIONAL INCLUSION AND EDUCATIONAL ACTIONS OF SUCCESS IN A SECONDARY SCHOOL ";"CONTEXT IES Veles e Vents is a secondary school located on Gandia beach (Valencia) that began its journey in September 2003. Currently the school teaches 1008 pupils of 23 different nationaliti...";Civic engagement / responsible citizenship|Early School Leaving / combating failure in education|Inclusion - equity;;INSTITUT D'EDUCACI SECUNDRIA VELES E VENTS;ES;ES,NO,IT,UK,PT;22.968,86;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"CONTEXT | | IES Veles e Vents is a secondary school located on Gandia beach (Valencia) that began its journey in September 2003. Currently the school teaches 1008 pupils of 23 different nationalities (owing to the fact that our neighbourhood, being located by the port and beach, has become an important focal point, attracting many immigrants who work in the service sector). We offer both compulsory secondary education as well as vocational training courses at both intermediate and advanced level. | In addition we are supported by 105 teachers of the educational routes described above. | Our centre also has a specific educational unit for children with Special Educational Needs which attends to 8 pupils on the autistic spectrum. | Furthermore we cater for a high percentage of the pupil population with specific needs for educational support (Special Educational Needs and educational compensation). | | HISTORY | | Our centre is currently undergoing a period of change which began in September 2014 when we became part of the Community of Learning (Comunidad de Aprendizaje). The aim of our interventions and those taking priority have been those focused on the development of inclusive methods based on the development of the 7 principles of dialogical learning; and on the participation and involvement of families and of our pupils in the schools decision making. We have focused on the creation of different committees and on the application of various activities for educational success with the aim of improving results and social harmony including interactive groups, dialogical literary discussions, library mentoring, and pedagogical dialogical discussions. | The organisation of our centre through policies, cultures and educational practices enables the most vulnerable pupils to attend, participate and and learn, especially those with Special Educational Needs, whether that be learning difficulties, sensory disabilities or autistic spectrum disorders. It also enables those with difficulties in reading, writing or Mathematics to improve their learning. | The implementation of these activities for success which are establishing inclusive centre policies has even enabled us to raise the percentage of those graduating for obligatory secondary education to 90% for the school year 2018-2019. We have also been able to reduce the dropout rate to 5 %, less than recorded in previous years. We have reduced the number of formal behaviour records and exclusions in relation to previous years as well as the severity of disruptive behaviours, incorporating reporting as a means of prevention. | Our school has become an exemplar not only in the region but also for the educational inspectorate and educational administration in the proposals for its improvement plans. | | OBJECTIVES | | Our objectives are aimed at two areas; the first is focused on the quality of education in the school and the second on developing an international outlook within the school. | - Quality of education. | There are three outlined objectives: to raise the percentage of pupils graduating from obligatory secondary education; to reduce the rate of absenteeism and reduce the number of formal behaviour records and exclusions as well as the severity of these incidents. | - Towards an international outlook | Objectives: to participate in the creation of courses related to inclusive policies and practice; to participate through learning by observation in centres that were implementing educational activities for success within other Erasmus projects and whose cultures have been transformed in order to meet the needs of a diverse pupil population with inclusion at the heart, creating networks of collaboration for possible future projects. | Participants: Number and Profile | This project has been aimed at secondary schools in which 52 teachers impart teaching, and of whom 9 professionals with very diverse profiles and the decision making abilities as was necessary have participated. | Also taking part were the educational inspectorate, the management team, Department of Educational Guidance, Coordinator of Social Cohesion and Equality and the English and Spanish departments. | | DESCRIPTION OF THE ACTIVITIES | | A total of 13 movements were carried out | Job shadowing: 7 | Courses: 5";METHODOLOGY UDES TO COMPLETE THE PROJECT | The methodology used involved the participation of the entire educational community including teachers, pupils, families, administration and service personnel, the educational inspectorate, teacher training centres (CEFIRE), the General Directorate of Inclusive Education within the Regional Educational Department and universities that have participated in work sessions. All the while equality and inclusion have been the guiding principles for this work. | | This project follows the same theme of social inclusion and success for all. We have also joined in a 2020 HORIZON project as receiving partners. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2018;2018-1-ES01-KA102-049637;;;Cooperating for the reduction of European youth unemployment II;"Context/ Antecedents of the Project: The High School Campia Alta is a Centre of education located in El Casar (Guadalajara) and where Compulsory Secondary Education, Baccalaureate and Vocationa...";Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment;;IES CAMPIA ALTA;ES;ES,UK;4.148,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Adult education;Centro Educativo;;;English;"Context/ Antecedents of the Project: The High School Campia Alta is a Centre of education located in El Casar (Guadalajara) and where Compulsory Secondary Education, Baccalaureate and Vocational Training studies are offered (Basic Vocational Training of Administrative Services, Medium Education Training Cycle of Administrative Management"" and Higher Education Training Cycle of Administration and Finance). It has 634 students: 634 and 58 teachers. In the Centre a plurilingualism program for Castilla-La Mancha has been developed since 2008 in the Compulsory Secondary Education and since 2011 in Vocational Training Studies. The Medium Education Training Cycle and the Higher Education Training Cycle are offered in bilingual. There are 13 teachers teaching in the Vocational Training Program. The Centre has had a European Charter of Higher Education since 2013 and has taken part in the different Erasmus+ calls since 2014 in the Key Action 1 (Mobility for the learning in School Education, Vocational Training and Higher Education). Moreover in the 2007 call the Centre has submitted a KA 219 project as a coordinator. The Centre is a host institution for other Vocational Training Centers that take part in the Eramus+ Program such as Lyce Professionnel J. et E. de Montgolfier, Coleg Cambria (Gales) and The College Merthyr Tydfil (Gales). Some of the Vocational Training teachers of the center are enrolled in eTwinning platform and all of them have taken part in eTwinning proyects.";Necessities of the High School Campia Alta: - Improve the possibilities of insertion labour of the vocational training students. - Fight against the school failure. - Promote the learning of languages. - Stimulate the students to the Knowlegde of other cultures. Objectives of the Project: Objective n 1 -Increase the labour insertion of our vocational training students. A determining factor that increases the possibilities of employment is the prior experience. The obligatory internship periods included in the curriculum, Dual Vocational Training and internship periods for recent graduates increase the possibilities of insertion Objective n 2 - Reduce the school dropout of our students. Internships, participation in Dual Vocational Training projects and the practices of recent graduates help to reduce the dropout rate, especially among students of Basic Vocational Training, since they are much more attractive than school periods. Objective n 3 -Increase the graduade rate for Vocational Training Studies (enrolling in Medium Education Training Cycle Studies for students who have finished their Basic Vocational Training Studies or enrolling in a Higher Education Training Cycle for the students who have finished their Medium Education Training Cycles Studies (Keeping on studing helps to increase the possibilities of improving their labour insertion expectation. Objective n 4 -Improve the Linguistics competence of our Vocational Training students. The realization of mobilities abroad helps to discover the importance and usefulness of knowing other languages. Activities requested in relation to the objectives of the center: For students: short duration mobilities (internships in company or periods in a homologous training center that includes compulsory internships in a company, between 10 days and 89 days, excluding travel): 2 60 day duration mobilities each of them. For students: long duration ErasmusPro mobilities (internships in a company or periods in an equivalent training center that includes compulsory internships in a company, between 90 days and 366 days, excluding travel): 5 90 day duration mobilities each of them + 1 3 day duration mobility for an accompanying teacher For staff: observation practices/job-shadowing (observation): 2 mobilities. Due to the previous experience in previous projects, most teachers prefer to do structured courses or methodology courses that job shadowing, but there is also a part of the teaching staff to do observation periods. Previous Preparatory Visits in order to organize the ErasmusPro mobilities: 1. We have requested preparatory visits because we understand that it is a remarkable improvement in the development of the project and those visists allow to achieve much better the objectives of the project. Description of the results and expected impact: -Increase of the labour insertion rate for vocational training students -Reduce the school dropout rate. -Improve the English level of our students and teachers. - Know good practices of European vocational training centers. - Create a network of contacts between European vocational training centers and companies with the aim of facilitating access to the labor market of vocational training students. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility with VET mobility charter;2018;2018-1-ES01-KA116-048712;;;Technicians on the move;In accordance with the strategic objectives of the Erasmus + Program, and acting in accordance with the guidelines set forth by the Internationalization strategy, the implementation of the Dual Sy...;;;CENTRO DE FORMACION PROFESIONAL XABEC;ES;ES;30.765,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;In accordance with the strategic objectives of the Erasmus + Program, and acting in accordance with the guidelines set forth by the Internationalization strategy, the implementation of the Dual System and the improvement of the skills of our center's staff, the following activities have been carried out. | | STUDENTS: | | The stays are carried out in a business environment of the industrial manufacturing sector, with a dedication in the workshops of the host school of 30%, and the remaining 70% in the company training. | | a) Two students of Rail Material Maintenance and three of Electromechanical Maintenance students have completed practical training in machining. The experience has been repeated over the past three years, thus being an excellent program. The result has been very positive for electromechanical maintenance students, because it is aligned with the objectives of the course, and it has been a very good base for railway maintenance students because they have continued their studies towards higher stages or have joined the working world with more entrenched knowledge than other students. | | The work methodology, based on Projectx, is a specific, tangible practical work that integrates theoretical and practical learning, based on learning results validated by both the sending and receiving institutions. The Project is agreed and developed by the host and sending schools following the methodology designed in the TOI one2one ( The learning results have been collected in the Europass mobility document. | | b) Two students have gone to Germany to develop a technician in Electropneumatics at school, and the implementation in a company in the city of Munich. Again it is a consolidated relationship after years of collaboration and developed through the Emeu Network ( | | c) A student has completed 90 days of training at Durwen ( in Koblenz, Germany in the area of __machining. This activity was promoted by the Innmain network ( and aligned with the XABEC Internationalization strategy, based on international work between Technical Departments. | | STAFF | | a) A teacher from the Machining Area of __the Department of Industrial Mechatronics has attended as an accompanying professor at the Aarhus tech school. | | b) Two staff from the Admin Department have attended Dudley College (UK), carrying out a training on secretary management, in addition to strategies and tools for the support of students who will study a training in the school and develop for them A catalog of soft skills. This school was considered relevant given its size and its international projection. | | c) An Automation professor, responsible for the Department of ICT, has visited the University of Pitesti, in Romania, to complete a session of exchange of good practices about how to include technologies in teaching and distance learning. | | d) Two more staff from the Dep. of Administration have attended SAVO Finnish School, for the observation of good practices in the management of the course and in the training for immigrants and other disadvantaged groups. | | e) The head of the International Department has made mobility to the Chamber of Commerce of Koblenz, being the work program related with internationalization strategies and the involvement of companies to promote the mobility of students and apprentices. | | f) Two staff from the management area have attended the Portuguese school of Val do Rio. The work program was intended to show innovative pedagogical practices in professional training and the Internationalization strategy. A company has been visited checking how they work together with the school | | g) A professor of the Air Conditioning Department went to the Danish school of TEC, where he has shared good teaching practices, with special detail on how to develop materials related to Energy Efficiency | | h) Staff from the Financial Department has attended the school Val do Rio, very similar in size to ours. Its training program was based on knowing good practices in budget and treasury management. | | i) A professor from the Company Department has gone to Munich to teach to a group of German and Spanish students, who have been working together for months on a program that aims to reduce the risk of dropping out of school, the teaching area was the soft skills.;We considered that the intended objective of strengthening relations with other schools and share good practices that allow excellence in all school processes have been met, as reflected in the application of the Mobility Charter E 2.1. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-FI01-KA101-046859;;;SMART - Sensitive, Motivated & Active - Ready to Learn;Sotkamon lukio is a high school with 21 teachers, 15 coaches, about 300 students, and is a part of the Vuokatti-Ruka Sports Academy. Our school plays a significant role as one of the sports high s...;Pedagogy and didactics|Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development)|New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;Sotkamon lukio;FI;FI;31.598,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"Sotkamon lukio is a high school with 21 teachers, 15 coaches, about 300 students, and is a part of the Vuokatti-Ruka Sports Academy. Our school plays a significant role as one of the sports high schools in Finland, and it brings with it specific challenges in combining sports and studying. | | | The new high school curriculum and the e-matriculation examination requirements have brought us new goals: we have to have more flexible and more versatile study environments; life-long learning and the skills needed for working life need to be strengthened, and we need to offer more support to our students in finding their role as responsible learners and reflectors of their learning. | Our students different ways of learning and the long absences of sports students challenge us to further develop flexible, personal ways of studying and help students improve their capabilities to study on their own on the internet in various learning environments. | | Information technology brings not only new possibilities but also big challenges to teachers. Technology should enhance learning instead of being an extra burden. | Effective distance learning and digital learning environments increase the need for the use of technology in teaching. | In addition, we need to improve our students skills to work in teams, and we need to offer them the skills to study and work in international surroundings to better prepare them for the challenges of the modern working life. | | To improve all these skills, we took part in an Erasmus+KA1 programme during the years 2018-2020. A group of 12 subject teachers, a welfare officer and a head teacher took part in the various courses in the programme. Besides the teachers that took part in the courses, our entire school staff has received international training and created contacts to develop innovative learning environments as part of the project of developing high school teaching. | | During the project, teachers took part in training to improve their ability to use IT-skills for online- and phenomenon-based teaching, as well as to create individualized learning paths for students. The project resulted in clear improvements in planning and producing online teaching material, and the skills were put to test in the spring 2020 because of the COVID-19-pandemic. | | One of our goals was to improve our readiness for interdisciplinary teaching and co-operative teaching. Courses for emotional and social skills and conflict resolution provided our teachers a good environment to develop their co-operative skills. In addition to the courses, we organized a sustainable development theme-year in our school that made use of creative learning environments in its numerous events. | Another one of our development goals was to extend our co-operation with parties from outside our school staff in teaching. This was accomplished, for example, in a trial project where we made use of external help in organizing science and business courses. This helped us create new contacts and find easily reproducible methods for creating more varied learning environments for our students. | We did not meet our goal of expanding subject teaching in foreign languages in the intended way. CLIL-courses were not held, but the use of English in teaching and in learning materials was tested on courses in various subjects. Some students reacted positively to language immersion lessons, while others thought that it made it harder to learn the target subjects. | | During the project, we found means of transforming the learning atmosphere in our school to be more stimulating and involving for our students, and nurturing their own sense of responsibility and commitment to their studies. Additionally, based on a survey, students and their parents found international activities to be an important part of our school. The survey, positive feedback and all our experiences during the project have led our staff to be even more motivated to develop our school to be more attractive for potential applicants and to improve the learning experiences and results of our students.";In conclusion, our school is a modernized institution, where students are able to study using various methods in a number of different types of learning environments. The development of distance teaching and the use of IT skills in teaching makes it possible for our students to study regardless of time or place. Both our teachers and our students are well-equipped to handle international situations, and more and more of learning can be individualized to meet the needs of the individual student. | Our school is a part of European co-operation networks. We have applied for the first ERASMUS+KA2 project with partnering schools, and found two European sports schools with whom we have started developing co-operation between European winter sports high schools. In other words, our school continues to develop itself in an increasingly international direction. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-FR01-KA101-046157;;;Estic in motion;For ten years, our school has adopted a systematical and progressive approach towards the international scene through varied educational options such as the European Class in high school or intern...;Recognition, transparency, certification ...;;ASSOCIATION IMMACULEE CONCEPTION;FR;FR;35.528,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;not available;English;For ten years, our school has adopted a systematical and progressive approach towards the international scene through varied educational options such as the European Class in high school or internal activities for the entire school favoring the meeting of foreigners and exchanging experiences abroad. In 2019, its expertise was recognized by the Regional Board of Education in Reims with the use of the Euroscol label which was added to the Label for European projects delivered by Don Bosco International and Catholic authorities. | With that background and the determination to provide top quality teaching, staff members have been urged to participate in international projects including mobilities, seminars and special events so as to upgrade the quality of their teaching. Some of them are also getting trained to teach their subject in English as part of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIS). | After offering a 3-year internal English course, it has become obvious that the teachers involved should practise the language more intensely by attending training sessions in English-speaking countries. As a result, this KA 101 project primarily aims at strengthening language skills and developing cross-cultural skills. However, it also aims at convincing young people to dare to experience life abroad thanks to the adults positive testimonies. | 12 staff members with varied profiles have benefited from a 2-week English course arranged by SILC either in England, Ireland or Malta : | One head for 1st and 2nd forms, one teacher of management teaching the new subject ELTV , i-e technological learning taught in English, two teachers of physics and chemistry one already teaching in the European class, the other preparing the certification -, one German-certified music teacher leading the exchange with Germany, one teacher of Risk Assessment preparing for CLIS, two teachers of French who regularly organize school trips in the United Kingdom for 3rd and 4th formers, one biology teacher involved in the KA229 project entitled Pollute less, eat better : utopia or necessity ? and finally three teachers of English who lead physical mobilities.;Each participant benefited from about 30 hourstraining so as to develop their speaking skills first and second study fundamental language tools further (vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, face-to face conversations, role-plays within international teams). | Moreover, accommodation in host families or studentshouses allowed day-to-day concrete practice (finding ones way in town, buying in shops, settling plumbing problems at times). | Today, it is worth noting that that course has had a strongly positive impact on the beneficiariespersonal and professional development. Their motivation has dramatically increased and a few of them are now engaged in the preparation of Cambridge exams or CLIS certification, opening the path for new volunteers. Besides, their self-esteem and faith in their ability to make progress in English have undoubtedly risen, which offers an interesting model to be followed by younger students. Indeed, regardless of possible obstacles, testifying on a successful mobility contributes to reassuring and encouraging parents and their youngsters to take up the challenge. | In the end, the image of the school as an institution open to the world has been comforted among families first, but also among the local population and official authorities. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2018;2018-1-FR01-KA202-048228;;;Diversity;"Context In today's European context, one of the priorities for a prosperous, tolerant and inclusive society is to ensure that newcomers have the opportunity to learn, work and contribute in Membe...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses|EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy|Migrants' issues;;EUROCIRCLE ASSOCIATION;FR;FR,CY,IT,NL,PL;177.629,00;Yes;No;Non-governmental organisation/association/social enterprise;ONG;;;English;Context | In today's European context, one of the priorities for a prosperous, tolerant and inclusive society is to ensure that newcomers have the opportunity to learn, work and contribute in Member States according to their skills and ambitions. The integration of this public is becoming more and more of a priority in order to reduce social tensions and face the rise of Euroscepticism and xenophobic and populist political parties. | Thus, the entire community must take their needs into account and recognize that third-country nationals are very likely to become long-term members of the host society. The effectiveness of the various integration programs is jeopardized by the lack of adequate training on the definitions of diversity and interculturality for the professionals in charge of these programs. Since the wave of new refugee arrivals in recent years, the state of emergency has seen the birth of thousands of reception, orientation and training centers where professionals, often coming from different educational backgrounds and sometimes without previous experience, lack the skills and tools necessary to work effectively with this public. | | Objectives | To develop an integrated, innovative approach in favour of social inclusion, diversity and European citizenship. | Promote social, civic and intercultural competences related to inclusion, the fight against discrimination and active European citizenship. | Co-construction and co-participation of audiences and beneficiaries to foster the development of empowerment and autonomy | | Target groups: | 1. Professionals who work in integration programs for newcomers and adults following a training course to work in direct contact with newcomers. | 2. Adult foreign learners who have experienced mobility: First-time arrivals / new comers | About a dozen per country among the 2 groups were involved in the transnational trainings or local laboratories.;Results | - a training course in 4 modules, with theory, group activities, individual activities, self-reflection activities, available in English and a short version in French, Italian, Dutch, Greek and Polish | - an open and freely accessible e-learning that includes the 4 modules, available in 7 languages: English, French, Italian, Dutch, Greek, Polish and Arabic | - a methodological guide for navigating the e-learning platform and a roadmap for the sustainability of the project results, available in 6 languages: English, French, Italian, Dutch, Greek and Polish. | - a feasibility guide on methods for validating and recognizing the skills of newcomers and their impact on beneficiaries, in English, and a short version in French, Italian, Dutch, Greek and Polish. | - an awareness campaign in 6 mini videos | - 3 newsletters | - 2 brochures | - internal project management results, such as financial reports, dissemination, evaluation, etc. | | | Activities put in place to achieve these results | - 2 transnational trainings on training contents and on methods of validation and recognition of newcomers' competences and their impacts. | - 3 TPM and online meetings | - 5 final dissemination events | - local laboratories in each country for each production involving both professionals and newcomers. The involvement of the beneficiaries in the conception and realization of the training supports their critical sense and participates in their empowerment and in the exercise of a better lived European citizenship. | | Impacts | This project has enabled: | -To renew the considerations on newcomers and particularly with regard to living together, intercultural dialogue, diversity, languages and Europe (through our diversity awareness campaign which aims to give them a voice through their direct involvement, the creation of a series of videos which is a collection of their testimonies). | - To increase partners' skills and knowledge in the areas of ICT and OER (open education resource). | - Increase the skills and knowledge of professionals working in direct contact with newcomers. | - Raise awareness among professionals about European programs related to education and training, and the contribution of a European project context for newcomers. | - To identify the social, civic and intercultural skills of newcomers and to value these skills thanks to European methods of recognition and validation of competences. | - Valuing migrants', newcomers' and refugees' pathways and skills acquisition | -Developing the feeling of being a citizen of the European Union | - Boosting empowerment | Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | DICE TRAINING MANUAL | DICE TRAINING SUMMARY | DICE TRAINING SUMMARY | DICE TRAINING SUMMARY | DICE TRAINING SUMMARY | DICE TRAINING SUMMARY | DICE E-LEARNING PLATFORM | Methodological guide - user service oriented | Methodological guide - user service oriented | Methodological guide - user service oriented | Methodological guide - user service oriented | Methodological guide - user service oriented | Methodological guide - user service oriented | Feasibility Guide and impacts of the validation tools | Feasibility Guide and impacts of the validation tools | Feasibility Guide and impacts of the validation tools | Feasibility Guide and impacts of the validation tools | Feasibility Guide and impacts of the validation tools | Feasibility Guide and impacts of the validation tools | Dissemination material | | DICE awareness campaign ROLL TEH DICE | FLYER | FLYER | FLYER | FLYER | FLYER | FLYER | BROCHURE 1 | BROCHURE 1 | BROCHURE 1 | BROCHURE 1 | BROCHURE 1 | BROCHURE 1 | BROCHURE 2 | BROCHURE 2 | BROCHURE 2 | BROCHURE 2 | BROCHURE 2 | BROCHURE 2 | NEWSLETTER 1 | NEWSLETTER 1 | NEWSLETTER 1 | NEWSLETTER 1 | NEWSLETTER 1 | NEWSLETTER 1 | NEWSLETTER 2 | NEWSLETTER 2 | NEWSLETTER 2 | NEWSLETTER 2 | NEWSLETTER 2 | NEWSLETTER 2 | NEWSLETTER 3 | NEWSLETTER 3 | NEWSLETTER 3 | NEWSLETTER 3 | NEWSLETTER 3 | NEWSLETTER 3 Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-HR01-KA101-046950;;;Let's grow in learning and teaching;Erasmus + KA 1 project WE GROW IN LEARNING AND TEACHING was carried out by the teachers of Elementary school Matija Gupac Gornja Stubica, thus raising the quality of work of their school in the fo...;Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning|Early School Leaving / combating failure in education|Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;Osnovna skola Matije Gupca;HR;HR,IE;13.515,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"Erasmus + KA 1 project WE GROW IN LEARNING AND TEACHING was carried out by the teachers of Elementary school Matija Gupac Gornja Stubica, thus raising the quality of work of their school in the following areas: quality of learning, teaching and evaluation of learning; student support and well-being; a partnership area with an emphasis on the international dimension of education and training. | Between September 2018 and October 2019, there were 6 implemented teacher trainings in Portugal, Greece, Italy, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands and Ireland where teachers acquired the necessary knowledge, skills and competences that they utilized in designing the following programs embedded in the 2019/2020 school curriculum: 1. Program for more intensive involvement of preschool students in school activities (40 students and 3 teachers participated), 2. One hour strength - intensive program for raising the reading skills of second grade students in the school library (15 students and 5 teachers participated), 3. We learn better, more and with fun - a program for gifted students based on innovative learning methods (8 students and 2 teachers participated), 4. Learning, creating and growing together an inclusive program for students with difficulties to participate in the work of school cooperative (8 students and 3 teachers participated) and 5. Outdoor learning - an extracurricular learning program in extracurricular activities (20 students and 1 teacher participated). | After participating in individual mobility activities, and in the same time with the design and implementation of activities for students, dissemination activities were carried out, which included: 6 lectures of participants at the sessions of the Teachers Council for 44 teachers, 2 lectures at the county level (about 50 participants), 1 webinar at the state level (134 participants), 2 newspaper articles, 1 radio broadcast, announcements on the school website, final reports on Teachers 'Council, School Board Meeting and Parents' Council. | In addition to the direct impact on the 6 teachers who participated in the mobility, this project had a direct impact on the additional 8 teachers who became involved in the implementation of the above mentioned programs of work with the students and in the team work with the teacher leaders conducted activities with the students. In total, 91 students were involved in the project activities, who expressed their satisfaction and positive attitude towards the implemented programs in the evaluation forms. | Although the implementation of all planned activities was stopped on March 13, 2020, when all schools in Croatia were closed due to the Covid-19 pandemic, planned documents were drafted that will allow the activities to be included in the next school year school curriculum, thus contributing to the sustainability of the project.";The long-term benefit of this project is evident in the primary participants who are enriched by the experience of developing plans and programs to work with students and thus strengthen their professional skills, confidence, competences for similar tasks in future work, in particular: social, linguistic and communication competences, cultural awareness. In addition to positive experiences in professional development outside Croatia, colleagues have gathered a number of professional contacts that are the key for future international projects. Currently, 11 teachers from our school are registered on the e-Twinning portal (there were 3 before this project) where they collaborate with colleagues and plan new projects. The strong impact of the project on the school as an organization is evident in the more successful external recognition of the school as a modern institution that develops a European dimension in working with students, and as such is a desirable place to learn and work. Accordingly the school has become involved in the new Erasmus + KA2 collaboration project with 4 other partner institutions from Ireland, Norway, Greece and Portugal for a period of 3 years in which 12 school staff actively participate. | Results | Website | | | Feedback from participants | | Education diary | Video report | Direct effect on participants and project partners | | Project results | Reports | Results | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | School projects | Articles | Dissemination material | | Project blog | Radio broadcast Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-HR01-KA101-046973;;;The Inclusion Of The 21st Century Looking For New Knowledge;"Centre for Education of Children from Karlovac (Centre) implemented its first Erasmus+Inclusion for the 21st Century Seeking New Knowledge between 15th June and 14th November 2019. On the basis o...";Disabilities - special needs, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;Centar za odgoj i obrazovanje djece i mladezi Karlovac;HR;HR,HU;25.162,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"Centre for Education of Children from Karlovac (Centre) implemented its first Erasmus+Inclusion for the 21st Century Seeking New Knowledge between 15th June and 14th November 2019. | On the basis of self-evaluation implemented in 2013, the Centres Strategic Development Plan was adopted and amended with the European Development Plan. The integral part of these plans is systematic planning of our workers professional development. | Working with children with developmental disabilities (DD) requires special approach, methods and skills. We wish to keep up with the promotion of education standards in learning and teaching the children with DD; monitor professional amenities systematically and participate in different types of training and apply the acquired knowledge and competencies developed in the classroom. Through professional experience and constant development, we can provide top results and achieve all of the set goals. | It was precisely the training implemented through the Erasmus+ which offered us the opportunity to achieve the set goals and introduce schools for children with DD to the 21st century. Since the Centre offers education programmes, professional training and rehabilitation for children and youth with DD aged between 4 and 21, this project encompasses every activity fields of the Centre (kindergarten, elementary school, vocational school, educational groups and professional service). To provide quality and successful project implementation, we formed 5 teams and set their tasks and responsibilities. A total of 13 workers participated, 6 of them participated in the implemented mobility activities (4 special education experts, a psychologist and a social worker). Even though we realised 8 out of 9 mobility activities (7 structured courses and 1 job shadowing), this did not have an impact on achieving the set goals. We replaced 2 of the mobility activities within the project and reported this to AMPEU and chose the mobility activities in compliance with the projects requirements and goals. We didnt realise the last mobility due to unplanned circumstances (supported by elaborate documentation) . | The project allowed us to learn about the practices and policies of educating children with DD from different European countries (in which education seminars were held and the participants countries of origin). The participants of these mobility activities increased the level of their acquired knowledge and gained new one for the purpose of improving the quality of teaching, working and cooperating with parents and experts. We integrated good practices and new methods into everyday activities, learned and applied new theoretical and practical knowledge in the education process as well as work methods and programmes (Zones of Regulation, PECS and Montessori). We are constantly implementing workshops with our students. | We use our new knowledge when counselling parents and professionals (TA, school-teacher partnership, interdisciplinary approach, soft skills) with our team approach to work, and we integrated them in the School Curriculum (School Prevention Programme), Annual Work Plan and Programme of the School (Work Plan for Professional Associates).";"We upgraded and developed the existing digital, language, communication, social, interpersonal, presentation and management skills, developed the use of ICT in class departments by applying web 2.0 tools for developing teaching material. In cooperation with the Ministry of Science and Education, we developed the ICT infrastructure and ensured additional equipment (tablets, optical cables, smartboards and projectors). | We increased the capacities of Center for project participation and management on an international level; raised professional status and reputation on the local, regional, state and international level; met new people and established a foundation for future projects; continued cooperation with the school partner. This is all evident in the type and scope of the projects implemented activities per key areas of the implementation. | We take part in new e-Twinning projects which have become an integral part of our curriculum. By participating in e-Counselling on the curriculum for students with DD we are trying to make a difference on an international level. | We are constantly implementing dissemination and plan the results application within the development framework of the Support Centre. We set up a website of the project; published articles on the schools portal and local newspaper; printed brochures and leaflets for promoting the project; presented the project to target groups: colleagues, experts from similar professions, parents, founder (City of Karlovac) and the local community. The proposals for the Centres Curriculum and the schools cultural and public activities were prepared in a manner to provide a long-term effect. | As we are approaching the Centres 60th anniversary, the schools mission and vision is completed by this project. The plan for 2020 is to continue the dissemination process inside and outside the Centre, in compliance with knowledge, skills and experience acquired by working on our project. | The implementation of the Inclusion for the 21st Century Seeking New Knowledge is our contribution to creating equal opportunities for acquiring new knowledge and skills of students with DD, directed towards their inclusive education, life and work in the community." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-HR01-KA101-046988;;;Digital school;Administration School Zagreb is a vocational high school that educates students in the educational sector of Economy, Trade and Business Administration for four-year programs of Personal assistent...;Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Upravna skola Zagreb;HR;HR;18.922,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;Administration School Zagreb is a vocational high school that educates students in the educational sector of Economy, Trade and Business Administration for four-year programs of Personal assistent and Administrative officer and two-year program of Administrator. All students and staff have access to computers and the Internet in the school. The school uses an e-register book. | | The aim of the project was to improve the competencies of employees in the field of learning, teaching, leadership and management and to act strategically on the development of digitalization of all processes in the school. Through various activities and tools, we have developed digital, financial, media, legal and reading literacy of students, parents and staff. We motivated teachers and school staff to continuous professional development and use of ICT in the teaching process, and all other stakeholders to lifelong learning. | The project team consisted of eight people: four teachers of vocational subjects, one teacher of general education subjects, a pedagogue and librarian, and the principal. Project participants realized eight mobility to Spain, Cyprus, Italy and Portugal. | | Upon returning from mobility, the principal, pedagouge, librarian and teachers carried out projects and activities (15 of them) to achieve the project goals and development needs of the school. They created digital teaching materials, established a school digital security policy, modernized the school curriculum and digitized the organization of school work, and involved all students in the virtual way in educational work. We evaluated the implemented activities by analyzing the results of the questionnaire for evaluation and self-evaluation during mobility, and after the end of the project we checked the realization of development and organizational needs and planned outcomes with various qualitative and quantitative methods. One of the indicators of the success of the activities is the number of visitors and subscribers on social networks and the school's website, as well as the number of extracurricular activities created as a direct result of this Erasmus+ project.;We increased the number of teachers and staff who applied the ICT approach and improved teaching materials and working methods, using ways that best suit students and activated students to participate in the teaching process and their use of ICT and other competencies outside school. As quality indicators we can mention a higher offer and quality of extracurricular activities and projects in the school curriculum for students and parents that will further develop their competencies, better student results in PISA testing, more parental access to the e-register book, greater motivation of students and teachers for active learning and opening the school to the community. We have improved the management of the digital school and established a school digital security policy. In vocational subjects, we have developed new competencies necessary for the active application of digitalization of public administration. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2018;2018-1-HR01-KA102-046946;;;Do kvalitetnijih usluga u turizmu-Iskustvo iz Bavarske;"The project ""BEtter customer SErvice in Tourism-Bavarian Experience"" Strukovna _kola / Scuola di formazione professionale E. Kumi_i_ focused on the Tourism and Hospitality sector as the developmen...";Recognition, transparency, certification ...;;Strukovna skola Eugena Kumicica Rovinj - Scuola di formazione professionale Eugen Kumicic Rovigno;HR;HR,DE;23.718,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The project ""BEtter customer SErvice in Tourism-Bavarian Experience"" Strukovna _kola / Scuola di formazione professionale E. Kumi_i_ focused on the Tourism and Hospitality sector as the development strategy of the city of Rovinj 2015-2020 follows modern trends and includes defining and developing programs for wellness tourism, cultural tourism, recreational Tourism, sport tourism, gastrotourism, congress tourism, health tourism, nautical, adventure and elite tourism, etc. Furthermore, in tourism it is important to employ staff with the skills that enable them to easily engage in work assignments and teamwork, and this is achieved by directing students towards practical knowledge and skills that contribute to the quality of work, as well as participation in international activities providing opportunities for new experiences and openness to cooperation with partners from Europe. The largest number of tourists comes to Rovinj from Bavaria and we have focused on the acquisition of knowledge and skills related to the gastronomic trends and standards, regional cuisine and Bavarian specialties. The aim of the project was to strengthen students ' professional knowledge and competences. We have achieved this goal with partner BSZ Miesbach (State Vocational Center in Bavaria) who has provided professional practice for our pupils for 2 weeks in high class hotels and restaurants with Michelin * .Students had opportunities to work in high quality restaurants that offer Michelin* and had efficient organisation of the work process. | 10 pupils participated in the project, represented by 4 occupations: waiter, cook, confectioner and tourist hotel commercialist (serving area), 3rd and 4th grades. These are students of the final years of education who have had sufficient professional level to work in excellent restaurants and hotels, that will immediately enter the labour market after graduation and have the opportunity to apply the concrete knowledge and skills that are gained during mobility and thus contribute to the quality of the elite tourism of our city.";"We have implemented the mobility project as part of our school's internationalisation plan in terms of opening new destinations and introducing new education systems and organising incoming mobility for pupils from different countries. We collaborate with the partner school from 2017. when we signed the cooperation agreement, we organised the incoming mobility of their pupils. Students upgraded their existing and adopted new knowledge and skills, gained experience in the new environment, adopted new methods of work, technological procedures and standards of high service that were compared with the experience of practice in Rovinj. The students ' experiences are very positive, they distinguish the importance of quality (instead of quantity) and quality of Michelin *, excellent work organisation and teamwork, as well as the exceptional relationship of mentors to them during the practice that encouraged them to learn, to expand knowledge and work independently. All students used German language, in addition English and Italian language, and developed language competences. The number of practical hours abroad is recognised in a compulsory practice hours, they have received certificates of participation, Europass Mobility and have recognised learning outcomes using ECVET. The project was implemented in several phases in agreement with the partner: preparatory (administrative business, linguistic, cultural, professional and pedagogical preparations, implementation of mobility 2 weeks, dissemination is ongoing activity, and we will continue after the project is completed). The evaluation of all activities is carried out continuously until the end of the project and for monitoring we used: during preparations various tests, situations of dialogue, practical tasks, during mobility : a questionnaire prepared by the partner of satisfaction during the mobility , which included the question of accommodation, the monitoring of their teachers, and in particular the mentor relationship towards pupils, the mentors followed the daily work of pupils by as agreed: appearance, work suits, monitoring professional standards, the application of gastronomic knowledge, selection and preparation of foodstuffs, and the process and technology of preparation, respect for health and safety at work, how they collaborated with other team members and communication in German and how they had achieved the agreed learning outcomes; participants carried out an evaluation of the working day, whether there was any problem and which content or techniques of work would be presented as newly acquired outcomes to be transferred to other students in Rovinj and to employers, written and oral participants reports, presentations in classes etc. The partners found that all students achieved the planned learning outcomes and during practice applied peer learning with local students and created new friendships." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2018;2018-1-HR01-KA102-046990;;; COmpetitive VET for learners and teachers;The Industrial Mechanical School in Zagreb provides 3 years VET programs: car mechanic, mechanic, heating and air conditioning, turner, car mechanic, locksmith, and industrial programs: toolmaker,...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Cooperation between educational institutions and business;;Industrijska strojarska skola;HR;HR,IE,FI,FR;51.326,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The Industrial Mechanical School in Zagreb provides 3 years VET programs: car mechanic, mechanic, heating and air conditioning, turner, car mechanic, locksmith, and industrial programs: toolmaker, drawing technician and CNC operator. Theoretical classes are carried out in the school, practical classes partially in the school workshop, and a part in crafts workshops. Analysis of development needs of our school concluded that it is necessary to engage in international cooperation through Erasmus + programme, to moderate teaching methods and content in order to internationalise and harmonize the competences of our students with those from other EU countries and provide professional training for VET teachers. The teachers ' Council decided that in the first Erasmus + project will participate: CNC operators, drawing technicians and car mechanics with the aim of acquiring the experience of working in an international environment and enhancing professional and personal competences . The car mechanics education program does not correspond to the requirements of the modern automotive industry based on electronics, drawing technicians have practice in the school, we use educational CNC machines that are not for real production, we do not use digital learning tools, and it is necessary to moderate curriculum and use ECVET credit points, to achieve better cooperation with employers and to foster individual learning pathway in order to achieve all students' potential. We have implemented the project with 3 partners from 3 EU countries: CFAIMP, an educational centre from Toulouse, in 12.2018. provided traineeship for 8 CNC operators in their practicum and in company Esteve, a supplier of Airbus products and tools; MartelloTrainingLtd . from Ireland in 02.2019. provided traineeships for 5 car mechanics and 5 drawing technicians in car services and architectural offices that create technical documentation using different arthitectonic IT drawing programs; Omnia, a regional education centre from Espoo in Finland, where in 05.2019, is carried out the professional development 2 teachers of a mechanical group of subjects. The students stayed for two weeks, and the teachers had a week abroad. Professional practice abroad has enabled our students to meet new working backgrounds and educational systems, new methods of work, technology and tools, specific work on CNC machines for aviation industry. The lack of sufficient representation of motor vehicle failures with the help of software solutions in the curriculum will be resolved by introducing an automehatronic program with a sufficient number of hours in the field of electric cars. In Ireland, students worked on different types of cars using failure diagnostic programs that apply in auto services and repair workshops. Drawing technicians had the opportunity to work in different companies and offices where they were introduced to the Revit and Vector Works program, performed drafting tasks for construction, skeleton buildings using geodetic drawings, drawings for houses and smaller buildings, interior design, design of project documentation for entire districts, approval of blueprints for construction of buildings, proposing changes and care for the safety of the facilities.";Professional practice abroad using Europass Mobility Document, Certificate of participation and certificate (certificate) on foreign language knowledge has increased competitiveness in the labour market. Student developed autonomy of work. The experience of teachers in Finland and accompanying teachers in Ireland and France has positively influenced other teachers in our school to engage more in modernising our curriculum, equipping the school with new technology, better cooperation with employers as part of Regional comptences center and take advantage of the introduction of new technologies. The creation of new standards of occupation as Finnish model (metal artisan), the development of new educational programs based on learning outcomes and credit score, a system of knowledge-based work on autonomy, and individualised education programmes, IT tools for student monitoring are the development guidelines that the school has included in the long-term plan. The participants of the project used creative learning models and materials that had met in Omnia and created e-book that promotes our school and engineering programs. They used animations, videos, photos, crossword puzzles, quiz and popular games such as memory games, in order to clarify and demonstrate in an interactive way all the advantages of vocational education in the mechanical engineering sector. This material will serve as a basis for the development of Interactive learning content in the future. The first Erasmus+ project opened our school to co-operatation with other institutions and employers in the EU, to the international dimension of our school and gave us opportunity to take part in new projects. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2018;2018-1-HR01-KA102-047162;;;Electronics - Vocational Education for New Technologies;"Erasmus + project ""E-VENT"" is mobility project designed for eleven creative and talented students of electronics from high school ""Jure Ka_telan"". Our students participated in two week educational...";Natural sciences, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Srednja skola Jure Kastelan;HR;HR,ES;26.202,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"Erasmus + project ""E-VENT"" is mobility project designed for eleven creative and talented students of electronics from high school ""Jure Ka_telan"". Our students participated in two week educational course ""Drones Construction and Programming"" in cooperation with our partners agencies EuroMind and Dronetools. S.L. in Seville, Spain between October 6th and October 20th 2018. In two week educational course ""Drones Construction and Programming"" our students improved their existing knowledge and skills in programming, mechanics and electronics and gained the new ones.";"Successful realization of""E-VENT"" represented an excellent upgrade of existing national curriculum for vocational education in electronics and extra motivation for our students to participate more actively and responsible in school project ""Smart Mobile Car"". All the wider desired goals of ""E-VENT"" project have been achieved. First we revived the interest for our education course technician for electronics and for STEM knowledge and skills in general through dissemination activities. Second, with our dissemination activities we improved the cooperation with elementary and high schools in our municipal and geographical area. Fact that from the first ten enrolled students of electronics nine of them are from other municipal area (like town Makarska, Brela, Stro_anac etc.) confirms above. Third and the last ""E-VENT"" project finally motivated other teachers in our school to start some other school projects with European dimension. Beside unsuccessful project ""Home Smart Home"" application for this year Erasmus + call, today our school successfully finalized two E-Twinning projects with national and European award for quality (""Learning through baking"" and ""Inspired by nature"") with two projects ""Sweep in the front of your school door first"" and ""Entrepreneurship: Practical,innovative and creative (E.P.I:C)"" currently ongoing." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-HR01-KA104-047128;;;Mobilno__u i ambicijom do novih dodanih vrijednosti za polaznike;"The project "" New Added Values for Learners through Mobility and Ambition"" was implemented with aim to improve the application of innovative teaching methods and advanced e-learning methods and th...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Open and distance learning;;Uciliste Ambitio ustanova za obrazovanje odraslih;HR;HR,CZ;5.633,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Adult education;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;The overall goal of the project was to improve teaching processes based on innovative teaching methods, to contribute to further development and implementation of e-learning, and to improve the quality and efficiency of educational processes through better human resource management. Participants of project were 3 staff members of the Ambitio College - a senior Adult Education Manager, E-Learning Manager and Director who participated in the mobility activities. E-Learning Manager was also the Project Coordinator. Three five-day mobilities were implemented, i.e. following structured courses: Using the E-Learning Platforms and Human Resource Management in Prague and Innovative Approaches to Teaching in Helsinki, all organized by Partner - ITC International. By delivering mobility, participants acquired knowledge and skills in the field of advanced e-learning methods, innovative approaches to teaching and human resources management, familiarized with the colleagues from different nationalities within the EU, and engaged in the experience of exchanging ideas and learning among cultures. They also achieved a broader understanding of the practices, policies and education systems of different countries, developed mutual respect and intercultural awareness, adopted common European values of education and training, improved communication skills, improved English language skills and expanded vocational vocabulary. All of these contributed to raising their awareness of the importance of understanding other nations and cultures and raising their awareness of a common European identity. Their participation gave them an encouragement for dissemination of information on the benefits of participating in Erasmus + projects.;The results of the project, apart from workshops and daily interactions with teachers and employees, were disseminated by oral communication during the conferences and events and through media announcements, EPALE platform, the Ambitio College website, Linkedin and Facebook, which contributed to the visibility and recognition of the Ambitio College as an organization that promotes European values, investing in the quality of education provision and developing new projects. Public availability of all project documents and project results has enabled the dissemination of experience and has certainly encouraged other organizations to participate in future Erasmus + projects. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility with VET mobility charter;2018;2018-1-HR01-KA116-047081;;;Perpetuum mobile 5;"The project was implemented by the Road Traffic School from Zagreb. The purpose of the Perpetuum mobile 5 project was to use mobility to connect education and the labor market, to increase the...";;;Skola za cestovni promet;HR;HR,SI,DK,IT,DE,FI,SE,PT;136.396,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;The project was implemented by the Road Traffic School from Zagreb. | | The purpose of the Perpetuum mobile 5 project was to use mobility to connect education and the labor market, to increase the quality of vocational education in the transport and logistics sector and to internationalize the institution. This is achieved with partners from Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Germany, Portugal, Italy and Slovenia, namely: SDE College (Odense, Denmark), South Savo Vocational College, (Finland), Bjrknsgymnasiet (Boden, Sweden), The Croatian Economic Alliance from Frankfurt on Main (Germany), APLICAPROPOSTA LDA (Braga, Portugal), IFOM - Instituto per la Formazione, lOccupazione e la Mobilit (Bologna, Italy), Istituto distruzione secondaria superiore Agostino Berenini (Fidenza, Italy) i Srednja poklicna in strokovna _ola Be_igrad Ljubljana (Slovenia). | | The project involved 51 students from the transport and logistics sector educated for the occupations of the motor vehicle driver, road transport technician and logistics and forwarding technician. Among mentioned 51 students, there were 49 final grade students and 2 recently graduated. | | 2, 3 or 4-week professional practise took place in companies, on driving training ranges, in specialized classrooms and school logistics' practicums equipped with modern warehouse machinery and equipment, driving simulators and ICT tools used in the transport and logistic activities. Professional practice has enabled students to become acquainted with new methods of work and equipment and to gain work experience in the international working environment. Travelling to their destination students effectively met the different types of traffic, the procedure related to the air transport of passengers, acquired skills of getting around in airports and developed responsibility and accuracy. Staying in a foreign country significantly improved their knowledge of English/German and their language competence. During their stay abroad students became familiar with the culture, customs and lifestyle of the host country. Separation from parents and family contributed to their independence. | Selection of the students was based on the principle of excellence in learning and behaviour. | | At the same time, 3 vocational teachers participated in professional training in the form of 2-week job-shadowing organized in partner institutions in Denmark, Finland and Sweden. | In vocational schools in Denmark, Finland and Sweden teachers have been introduced the Scandinavian educational system, especially vocational curricula in the fields of transport and logistics, as well as working methods, equipment and ICT- tools used by their fellow teachers. Teachers improved English skills, exchanged experience as well as examples of good practice. Furthermore, one teacher was included in vocational training for forklift handling in Danish SDE College. The acquired knowledge and skills will be used for the modernization of existing curricula (especially of the motor vehicle driver) and complying with the requirements and needs of the economy and labour market.;The professional practice of students and the professional development of teachers carried out abroad has contributed to the vision of the Road Traffic School: to prepare students for equal participation in the European labor market. | Project activities are aligned with the goals of international cooperation development as defined in the Internationalization Strategy for the period 2016-2021, especially in terms of increasing the number and quality of student mobility (27% of mobility longer than 2 weeks compared to 12% in the previous year). Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-HU01-KA101-046962;;;Szakmdszertani, digitlis s nyelvi kompetencik fejlesztse a Vasvriban;"Enhancing methodological, digital and linguistic competences in Vasvri Aims and Context Vasvri Pl Secondary School of Economics and IT is an institution integrated into the Szeged Vocation...";Teaching and learning of foreign languages, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Pedagogy and didactics;;Szegedi Szakkpzsi Centrum Vasvri Pl Gazdasgi s Informatikai Szakgimnziuma;HU;HU;38.949,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;Aims and Context | Vasvri Pl Secondary School of Economics and IT is an institution integrated into the Szeged Vocational Training Centre. The main objective of our Erasmus+ KA1 project was to expand institutional capacities in linguistic, professional and digital competences and to support the personal and professional renewal of our colleagues. The project fits into the institution's internationalization strategy, as our 105-year-old school, besides nurturing traditions, places great emphasis on improving our vocational training to meet the requirements of the changing European labor market. We ensure this with a high level of language teaching, constantly modernized technological devices and the integration of modern ICT methodology and in the classroom. In addition to renewing our technological tools, teachers also need an open and motivated attitude to meet the modern learning needs of students in line with the institutional strategy. Our current application has helped us in this direction. | | Participants | Our project aimed at developing professional methodology, digital and linguistic competences of 14 members of the teaching staff: ten foreign language teachers and four teachers teaching general or vocational subjects. | Project period: 01/01/2018 to 31/05/2019 | | Project Activity: | Between July and August 2018, 14 teachers travelled for one- or two-week trainings to England, Ireland, Malta, France and Germany. Some of the trainings aimed at developing ICT skills including integrating different ICT tools (websites,smartphones, tablets, social media, applications) into the various phases of education, while methodological trainings aimed at integrating content and project-oriented teaching methods and cooperative learning techniques into the educational process. Teachers taking part in language courses have developed and strengthened their language skills, communication skills and intercultural awareness. | | After returning home, the project continued in our institution, as participants shared the methods, applications, computer programmes and teaching ideas with each other and the teaching staff in methodological workshops/training sessions. Students have also tried these new methods and formed opinions on them (by filling in a exit card on motivation and degree of effectiveness). Finally, the participants collected the learned and tested methods, tasks and links in a task bank. Participants in intensive language training have reported on their experiences to the educational Body and students. With the involvement of all participants, we organized a Dissemination Day, which was attended by management and representatives of the Vocational Training Center and the local media (Dlmagyarorszg, SzegedMa). On this event the participating teachers presented a brief summary of their experiences during the mobility and had the opportunity to try the new methods in small groups.;Achievements and impact | During the project, the teaching staff formed a positive attitude towards internationalization and colleagues recognized the benefits of participating in international projects. There has been a clear increase in interest in further Erasmus+ projects as well as a conscious effort by colleagues to implement e-Twinning projects. The members of the school management and the teaching staff can also see an opportunity in the Erasmus+ projects to successfully develop the international relations of our institution and improve our professional skills and knowledge of methodology to the European level. We have recognized that to be successful teachers we need to find our place in the digital world, so the school management (after the motivating effect of Erasmus+ Dissemination) has organized an internal digital training for all members of the teaching staff and supports the need for further professional renewal. At the same time, we are also open to other Erasmus+ projects, and we are happy to undertake job shadowing and partnership in vocational training. | The project also touched the school's students through the teaching staff of the school, as the increase in awareness of Erasmus + programmes in the pupils has also created a positive attitude towards lifelong learning and active participation in European programmes. In the next 4-5 years, the project will continue to be used to initiate the submission of further applications to improve the competence of the teaching staff and the operation of the school management. Therefore, our long-term goal is to apply for / organize further trainings abroad and take part in vocational training mobilities and internships abroad. We have realised that we can only achieve our future goals with new international cooperation. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-HU01-KA101-047128;;;budai Gimnzium nemzetkziestse a tanri kompetencik tmogatsa cljbl;"Internationalization of budai Secondary School in order to support teacher competencies The context/background of the project The goal of budai Secondary School is to train students to acqui...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;budai Gimnzium;HU;HU;18.328,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;Internationalization of budai Secondary School in order to support teacher competencies | | The context/background of the project | The goal of budai Secondary School is to train students to acquire European and multicultural value systems through their studies. Our teachers therefore actively participate in forming these value systems by keeping Hungarian culture and other traditions value systems in the forefront of their teaching by incorporating the presentation of eastern and western languages and their cultures in the curriculum. We worked out a project which trustworthily followed previous years Erasmus+ projects and made it possible to link them to future ones in order to set an example of life-long learning for our students and colleagues as well. This way we can ensure our language teachers professional renewal and mental refreshment in the long run. | | The aim of the project | We aimed at developing colleagues language skills, cultural awareness, and teaching methodology through the mobilities, so that they can pass on professional renewal to other colleagues with their mental refreshment and sharing good practices they acquired. Thus we hope to incite their implicit motivation to take a chance at broadening their own experience in the future as well. | | Professional background of the participants | Six colleagues participated in this project, one Mathematics teacher, one P.E. teacher, the others being English and German as a foreign language teachers. It was as as a result of our previous Erasmus+ projects that non-linguistic teacher colleagues also dared to take this form of professional and personal development. | | Description of implemented activities | In order to get a full picture of the effect of the mobilities and also about the areas to be improved in the future beside of participating in the projects courses we carried out psychological immunity measurements, teacher self-assessment and attitude tests, as well as student satisfaction measurements. We presented the experience of the mobilities to our students, their effects on us, and how this experience influenced or changed our work at home afterwards. Moreover, we expanded our professional relationships, so that later on we can perform successful student exchanges. Last but not least, in order to develop intercultural competence we worked out short, practical activities that can perfectly help improve the students to cooperate and to accomplish well in an international environment in the future.;Achieved results and effects | Every colleague finished the project with a strengthened psychological immunity. There is a clear link between the mobilities and enthusiasm, willingness to fight and in maintaining a proactive attitude. By the end of the project we strengthened students self-confidence who thus have more advanced personalities in terms of intercultural and emotional intelligence. In the future an area to improve is the involvement of online platforms in the follow-up, like the e-Twinning portal. Acquired good activities can be practiced in a digital form, and also new activities can be worked out on these platforms which stand close to the learning forms of todays student generations. | | Long term advantages | The most important long term advantage of this project was that it raised awareness of the existence and opportunities of the Erasmus+ program among colleagues from other specialties than language teaching. An opening process has started within the circle of colleagues who have uncertain language knowledge, but now they are starting to believe that with suitable and planned preparation they can meet the challenges of such a project in the future, and what is more, they see how much they can develop in the process. They are now willing to experience the hardships of change that goes with improvement and development and are ready to face challenges. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-HU01-KA101-047303;;;Eslyegyenl_sg megteremtse a tanulsi klnbz_sgek ellenre.;In sum, we can state that the Equal opportunities for those with learning differences Erasmus+ KA1 project has been a success. An 8-year-long secondary education programme commenced its first yea...;Inclusion - equity, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), International cooperation ...;;Karolina voda, ltalanos Iskola, Gimnzium, Alapfok Muvszeti Iskola s Kollgium;HU;HU,DE;26.783,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;In sum, we can state that the Equal opportunities for those with learning differences Erasmus+ KA1 project has been a success. An 8-year-long secondary education programme commenced its first year in 2013 in the Karolina School. The main aim of this present project has been the development of the quality of education. | | The courses aiming directly at quality improvement and school management, namely the Italian Inclusion course and the Scottish Assassement course, and the job-shadowing program in the Stiftsschule St. Johann, Amneburg, Germany has been altogether succesful. They resulted in good practices that can be incorporated into our everyday routine. The leadership of the school can work out a system of assassment that is both summative and combines elements and methods of formative assassment, providing prompt feedback. This helps the self-development of the students and their educational attainment is predictable. This approach, taking individual learning needs into consideration, can be incorporated into our pedagogical aims. The end of term exams of the 8-year-long secondary school can also measure the successful improvement in the different subject areas and skills. The results of these are monitored by the school leadership and are used for further strategical planning. The most important internationalizational outcome of the project was the partnership between the German school and the Karolina. This is embodied by an Erasmus+ KA2 strategical partnership project, which was submitted in May 2019 and is entitled 'Learning languages differently: Seeing Europe through German and Hungarian glasses'. In this project 15-15 students will travel on exchange to Amneburg or Szeged. The importance and incorporation of the exchange project into our school life is shown by the fact that the Hungarian parents would take on the expenses of the student mobility even if the project does not win support. The newly-learnt school management methods were shared with the colleagues and resulted in a lively debate. The so-called individual learning plan was supported by the Teaching Exam Classes course as well, where our colleague learnt good practices, which can help student preparation for language exams, or the advanced level matura exam. In the short run we can already spot an increase in the number of B2 English or German language certificates by the end of Year 10, and trust that the number of advanced level matura exams and B2 language exams in two languages, or possible C1 language exams will increase in the long run.;"In order to address the challenges posed by the learning differences of the students in the new educational system, three courses were primarily chosen: Teaching Difficult Learners, Drama Techniques for the English Teaching Classroom' and Special Educational Needs. As our teachers have learnt a lot about differentiating, activity-based education, keeping the students focused is much easier for them in class. The same aim was supported by the courses developing digital competence. These were Audiovisuals and Social Media for the Classroom, and Integrating Information Technology into Lessons A practical Ideas Course. As a result, our teachers try to provide the students with individually tailored tasks in the classroom. They facilitate home learning with the help of tablets, mobile phones, web platforms, taking personal motivation and individual skills into consideration. | | The school leadership places great emphasis on helping the stressless transition from lower primary education to upper primary and secondary education. To reach this, they try to harmonize these school types pedagogically. This change of approach was to be supported by the course based on Gestalt pedagogy in Greece. A colleague from lower primary education took part in this course. She brought back a method which helps the gradual development of the students' talent and considers difference as basic. Our school leadership ensures the continuity of the different school types, from lower primary to upper primary and secondary education with the help of this project, too. | On the whole, we can say that the colleagues taking part in the mobilities have transferred the newly learnt methodological elements into their teaching practice: their personality has become more open, more accepting to differences. Cooperative techniques, drama pedagogy, differentiation in the classroom and inclusion resulted in the decrease of frusration among students; they can bear failure more and strive for more success. The new methodology has contributed to the institution's everyday pedagogical practice, because the colleagues have shared their knowledge both in and outside the school: on workshops, Creative Cafs, disseminational events, competitions, and online, like E-twinning. | We can conclude that the mobilities have helped the success of the primary aim of quality development of the new 8-year-long school system." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-HU01-KA101-047346;;;Iskolai egyttm_kdsek fejlesztse;"One of the main strategic principles of Saint Gerard Catholic Primary- and High School has been the development of collaboration and school community; this is how we prepare our students for their...";Pedagogy and didactics, International cooperation, international relations ...;;Szent Gellrt Katolikus ltalnos Iskola s Gimnzium;HU;HU;32.563,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"One of the main strategic principles of Saint Gerard Catholic Primary- and High School has been the development of collaboration and school community; this is how we prepare our students for their future. Our project ""Improving school collaboration"" in 2018-19 was aimed at student-teacher and student-student cooperation, cooperation between departments/ teachers, improving our international networks. To reach our goal, 12 colleagues took part in training courses abroad. | | Some of the training courses were connected to methodology (Mathematics, PE, German, English, Primary Education). These courses enhanced student-teacher collaboration, since teachers using up-to-date methodology resultes in better student-teacher cooperation. At the same time, these courses improved relations in and between different departments of our school, due to the follow-up ""methodology workshops"". The course about online course development (E-learning) also targeted student-teacher relations, as a part of student-teacher communication already takes place online. Our short-term goal was to use and popularise E-learning platforms in our institution. | | The training course on inclusive education was also aimed at student-teacher collaboration, as it prepared participants for analysing and adjusting to students' needs and using learner-centred approaches. | | The courses about collaborative learning and drama in education were connected to both student-teacher cooperation and collaboration between departments. | | The development of international partnerships, as a long-term aim, had a central role in our project. This was supported by the English language course which one of our colleagues attended so that she can help organise not only Italian, but other partnerships as well. | | Measuring outcomes and evaluation included self-evaluation, evaluation by the management, but students were also involved in the process, via surveys, and documents were created to introduce good practices. The development of foreign language skills was measured by proficiency tests.";"The success of our project was shown primarily by the large number of methods and strategies, as each colleague returned from mobilities in possession of about 5 approaches/ methods that could be presented in front of the staff. We put together a collection based on these practices that enhance collaboration. One of our colleagues, who participated in the language course successfully helped organise our KA2 project in English, while the other colleague managed to apply for a methodology course in English in a new project. | | The success is also displayed by the improvements in the quality of education, which was the result of the new methods. This has be proved by management evaluation, lesson observations, and student surveys. Another proof is the improvement of cooperation in the staff (inspired by mobilities), which can be seen by the organisation of more and bigger project days, on one of which the democracy game was born, which gave access to real student-teacher cooperation. Moreover, the popularity of our ""small group"" system, GellrTrend also signifies the achievements. We have started ""drama in English"" in 11th grade and have also participated in a competition; the final exam results also reflect the success of the new method. A new interdisciplinary approach, Bible studies combined with culture has also been launched. E-learning has become more popular; however, our school has a long way to go in this respect. Our international partnerships have become wider and stronger, we have started our first KA2 partnership and successfully applied for a new one. | | Our school has been advertising good practices (drama in English curriculum, democracy game, project days, international collaboration) in numerous ways. In the circle of colleagues, in departments, on the project's blog, on our Erasmus+ teacher training day, on parents' meetings, on the corridors, in Modern School Magazine, and in the circle of our KA2 partners. In the project we won this year, we aim to continue traditions that were created in this project (drama, interdisciplinary aproach) as well as start new ones (robotics)." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2018;2018-1-IE01-KA102-038684;;;Mallow College Erasmus;"Staff Mobility The primary focus of this project was to gain knowledge and competences in the areas of E-Learning. Following the publication by the Irish Department of Education Further Educatio...";International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;Mallow College of Further Education;IE;IE,ES,PT;86.293,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Adult education;Centro Educativo;;;English;Staff Mobility - The primary focus of this project was to gain knowledge and competences in the areas of E-Learning. Following the publication by the Irish Department of Education Further Education in Ireland, the area of blended/online courses was highlighted as an area for development. For this reason, Mallow College has pursued this project in the hope of developing the necessary skills to develop and implement such courses. The benefits of this would be that Mallow College could provide flexible pathways for these type of courses, which would aid learners education as well as growing learner enrollments within the college. This project has helped develop new teaching methodologies as well as enhancing existing teaching pedagogies. The project involved 10 staff members with backgrounds in Business and I.T. The results will be disseminated via report writing and a serious of presentations to all stakeholders. Learner Mobility - The main goal of the project was the growth of knowledge and the increase of learners vocational competences through t vocational training in Spanish companies. The target receivers of the project are learners varying in age from 18-65. Their theoretical knowledge exceeds their practical skills. The expected results are the development in the quality of vocational and practical training at the school and the increase in vocational qualifications, with the hope of enhancing employment opportunities for learners. The vital aspects of the mobility project are improvement of students language skills, knowing the culture and history of Spain breaking the barriers and national stereotypes, learning independence and responsibility, synergy effect (positive impact on school community), the growth of competitiveness of the Mallow College, widening of the educational offer, proper assessment of possibility of employment, establishing new international contacts. The learners will also achieve credits towards their QQI work experience module of their relevant course being studied.;The project lasted 12 months with 29 learners involved. The following were the overall project goals that were achieved: 1. Raising occupational qualifications. 2. Appreciation of a foreign language command. 3. Getting to know a foreign culture, history and everyday life in Spain. 4. Breaking through national stereotypes. 5. Training of independence and responsibility. 6. Positive impact on the college community. 7. Increasing competitiveness of Mallow College on the educational market. 8. Gaining new international contacts. 9. The appropriate evaluation of actual possibilities in finding employment. The outcomes of the project were disseminated via a dedicated Mallow College website, reports, presentations and social media. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-IE01-KA104-038652;;;Staff Development Plan ;"Tipperary Education and Training Board has set out the following strategic priorities: Harness the strengths of staff for the benefit of the organisation and its students Support staff...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Disabilities - special needs, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education;;Tipperary ETB;IE;IE;26.590,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Adult education;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"Tipperary Education and Training Board has set out the following strategic priorities: | | Harness the strengths of staff for the benefit of the organisation and its students | Support staff to develop the necessary skills to deliver a quality service | Foster an ethos of lifelong learning. | | This application will form a vital part of promoting professional development across our FE service and to linking TETB with leading practice in Europe. | | TETB has a need to seek upskilling opportunities for management staff who are moving internally into new roles as managers and also to up-skill those in management who face constant challenge in their jobs. | | It is stated in the Solas Further Education and Training Strategy that is one of the Governments ambitions for Ireland to ""be among the most entrepreneurial nations in the world and to offer a world class environment in which to start and grow a business"". To support the development of entrepreneurship in our part-time programmes that are particularly relevant to the robust agri-food sector in Tipperary, this mobility will provide a framework for leading out new thinking in this area. | | To ensure quality of provision we employ people who are qualified to the highest standards. However, staff need ongoing support and professional development to maintain standards. This application is aimed to resource the organisation's ongoing commitment regarding professional development for teachers in our full and part-time adult education service. | | TETB are currently working on the Further Education and Training Baseline & Action Plan for TEL and we have formed a working group toward exploring what our ongoing professional development will be to support the organisation, its staff and students in TEL. The mobilities applied for in TEL will set about supporting leaders in the organisation who will be part of this working group. | | There are many subject areas being taught within the organisation and to support staff members who are currently developing specific skills, we have included a number of areas of special interest in this application. | | The objectives of this staff mobility are to: | | To provide time and space for leaders to learn about thinking and planning strategically | provide an environment where peers can share experiences and knowledge | develop a community of learning to enable the deepening and strengthening of professional relationships across the organisation | develop entrepreneurial mind-sets and skills to support economic growth and employment in Tipperary | identify existing, new and emerging technologies which have the potential to enhance the quality of teaching and learning | enhance the competence and confidence of adult learning professionals in TEL | promote a culture of innovation and reflective practice by creating opportunities for teaching staff to exchanges ideas and share best practice in areas of special interest | promote and develop the confidence of teaching staff to take responsibility and develop areas of special interest relevant to their groups of students | | There are 19 participants who will be take part in this project over fifteen months from June 2018 to August 2019. All are staff members working in management and leadership roles or are part of our further education team of part-time adult educators. | | Management & Leadership: | 2 of our staff members working in Youth reach have applied for Problem Solving and Decision Making. One of our Adult Education Officers who is currently working on the Professional Development Strategy Steering Group at ETBI has applied for a mobility in Leadership and Management in Educational Institutions. | | Entrepreneurship: | One of our long serving Further Education Business tutors has applied for Cultivating the Entrepreneurial mind-set in Education. | | Teaching and Learning: 6 of our Further Education tutors have applied for mobilities in teaching and learning, 2 in areas specific to working with students with disabilities and to developing innovating teaching methods for students with mental disabilities. 4 other tutors have applied for peer coaching, teaching creatively in the classroom and active learning teaching. | | Technology Enhanced Learning: 3 of our tutors have applied for teaching creatively with ICT and also using e-learning platforms.";Areas of special interest: 6 of our tutors working in our Community Education and Adult Literacy programmes have applied for areas of particular interest relevant to their area of work. | | Over the long term, we expect to be able to demonstrate enhanced quality and relevance of our learning programmes to learners, employers, communities and other stakeholders and to be widely recognised for the quality of our teaching and learning. We also expect that at both regional and national level to continue to raise the profile of our FET services and to contribute to the dynamic and emerging field of professional developm Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility with VET mobility charter;2018;2018-1-IT01-KA116-006392;;;MI.FOR.MO.4;The MIFORMO 4 project offered to 92 students (2 more than expected)and two members of the teaching staff the opportunity to experience transnational mobility.Mobility took place in 5 countries of ...;;;I.I.S. LEVI-PONTI;IT;IT,UK,ES,FR,DE,MT;209.818,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The MIFORMO 4 project offered to 92 students (2 more than expected)and two members of the teaching staff the opportunity to experience transnational mobility.Mobility took place in 5 countries of the European community: UK (Cardiff), France (Bordeaux), Spain (Seville), Germany (Leipzig) and Malta. In the UK two flows were made while for the other destinations only one with a first departure in late May. The period for the flows turned out to be the best in order not to interfere with the correct performance of the teaching activity. 19 apprenticeships were made for the CHEMICAL course; 13 for the COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY course; 35 for the TOURISM course; 18 for the ADMINISTRATION course; 2 other ones for the AGRICOLTURAL course; 2 for the MECHATRONIC course and 1 for the MECHANICAL one; 1 for CAT (buildings, environment and territory address), and finally 1 for the ELECTRONIC-ELECTRO-TECHNICAL course. The contexts have been the most varied and stimulating. The students have worked in Universities, Hospitals, Companies, Museums, shops, Hotels, Charity Shops, schools and parks. The working contexts were collaborative and stimulating and allowed students to put into practice competences even different from those carried out in the classroom. It should be emphasized that a student of MECCATRONICA, thanks to the experience carried out at the University of Applied Science in Leipzig, was then selected to participate in the Erasmus VET week, which took place in Rome, as a witness of his own mobility experience.The two teachers, one of language and one of ICT subject with CLIL competences, carried out a 12-day mobility in Cardiff at a language school We Bridge Academy, where they attended CLIL courses and preparation for linguistic certifications. The two colleagues were able, each for their own skills, to see teaching methods that are different from the usual ones. There is certainly a lot to work on in the next project , in order to make the staff's mobility action even more effective since the main future objectives will be the development of the CLIL methodology as a strong point within our school reality. Supervision of the beneficiaries was carried out constantly by all the Organizations through: 1) follow-up of the host organization who verified the progress of the internship and checked that the training course was consistent with the set objectives. Activities was monitoring with meetings and the completion of two questionnaires (one after the first week of internship and a final one) by the beneficiaries. The questionnaires with the logbook served to the students to write the final report and to have the feedback of all activities. 2) Monitoring of the sending organization was carried out with a tutor, who followed for one or two weeks the students in the destination country, contacts via e-mail and videoconferences with beneficiaries and with the host organization.3) Constant supervision by the coordinating body with the sending and receiving organizations. The host organization has guaranteed each beneficiary a company tutor to encourage their inclusion and professional growth during the internship.The use of ECVET by the host institutions allowed to insert and outline the competences reached by the participants during the internship activity. All this activity has been well highlighted in the final reports of the institutions themselves. ";"Dissemination was carried out through: | Conferences and meetings with the managers of the various production sectors and with companies of the territory. | Dissemination of results at national level, first of all by exploiting the possibility offered by the Internet (in all the sites of the participating schools and in particular in the APIC syte there is a ""Work in Progress"" section in which a selection of the personal and professional experiences of the beneficiaries will be collected; | Creation of videos and presentations: beneficiaries who have shared their own experience within meetings with teachers, parents and students and representatives of the local authority. | Articles in the local press | The achievement of the aforementioned objectives was, as already stated, achieved and underlined in the final reports of the students, of the beneficiary professors and the foreign partners. On the one hand, improving soft skills, strengthening the idea of Europe as a place for study and work, bridging the gap between higher education and the world of work, developing entrepreneurial and linguistic skills for children have been objectives that we were places and that were fully achieved. On the other hand the learning outcomes related to the mobility of teachers which aimed at improving the capacity for international openness within organizations, at increasing in motivation and satisfaction in their daily work, at using better the foreign language, were achieved satisfactorily but certainly they need to be improved with future mobility." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-IT02-KA101-047232;;;TEAM UP!;Context: Vittorio Emanuele II Ruffini is a multi-faceted school with different courses (high school, technical, vocational) and different kinds of students (adolescents, adults, prisoners in the...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences|Inclusion - equity|Pedagogy and didactics;;INSTITUTO DI ISTRUZIONE SECONDARIA SUPERIORE VITTORIO EMANUELE II - RUFFINI;IT;IT;24.995,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;Context: Vittorio Emanuele II Ruffini is a multi-faceted school with different courses (high school, technical, vocational) and different kinds of students (adolescents, adults, prisoners in the district prison). Vocational courses in particular are attended by a high number of first- or second-generation immigrant students and are marked by social deprivation, a high number of students with special needs (learning disabilities and disorders), Invalsi test competence levels significantly below the average and a drop-out rate exceeding 30% in the first two-year classes | The School Enhancement Plan aims at supporting teachers professional, methodological, teaching, technological and team-building competences, so as to increase the learning quality, reduce the drop-out rate, increase the level of the key competences, develop meta-knowledge thus enhancing internal resources and talents, support students lifelong learning and employability and guarantee the principles of equality and equal opportunities | TEAM UP project is hinged upon the triennial enhancement process with its organic framework of training initiatives consistent with the needs that have been identified and of positive dynamics enhancing the school staffs and managements abilities to act in line with the objectives of the European Development Plan and the 3-year Educational Policy Plan. | TEAM UP has created a task force of teachers capable to act as trainers/guides for a larger number of colleagues through peer learning activities, classroom action-research, local and national dissemination initiatives, and the publishing of an e-book introducing innovative practices with ICT, gamification, flipped classroom, according the Universal Design for Learning method. | The participants in the TEAM UP mobility flows have been 13 people: | - 1 teacher collaborating with the school Management | - 4 teachers who have key roles within the school, namely Special Project Teachers who coordinate curricular and extra-curricular activities and analyse learning needs in order to achieve the objectives set in the schools 3-year Educational Policy Plan (education, work-based learning, support to students, inclusion strategies, school guidance and councelling) | - 2 teachers responsible for the school digital innovation | - 1 teacher responsible for the school internationalisation process | - 1 teacher specifically devoted to develop qualitative trends within the school | - 4 teachers (including teachers for special need students) who have significant project-developing and colleague-involving skills | All teachers have at least a CEFR language level B1 | The teachers have been involved in 4 course-related mobility flows: | Flows 1 and 2 BARCELONA and BERLIN: Classroom Management Solutions for Teachers: New Methodologies, Effective Motivation, Cooperation and Evaluation Strategies | Flow 3 DUBLIN: The 4Cs: Creativity, Critical Thinking, Communication and Collaboration in Schools | Flow 4 BARCELONA: Creative methods in special needs education;The short-term impact on the mobility teachers has included: | -better understanding of the EU and its wide range of opportunities | -understanding of other countries educational systems | -learning of good practices from foreign colleagues | -creation of closer bonds with other European teachers that will lead to the development of future significant Erasmus project activities | -acquisition of tools for a more effective communication and understanding of group dynamics | -increase in multitasking teamwork activities | -increase in language competencies | -improvement of motivation and satisfaction in the daily working activities | -Improvement of digital skills for the development of smarter and more stimulating learning patterns | The expected impact on the school following dissemination activities includes: | -development of the European awareness stemming from the exchange of experiences with colleagues from other countries | -enhancement of the teaching and learning quality thanks to the introduction of smarter learning by doing, problem-solving, project-oriented approaches | -acquisition of new tools to undertake strategic actions in order to achieve educational success in our school | -improvement of digital competencies and building of smarter and more stimulating educational settings | -increased assessment and self-assessment capacity | The long-term impact expected over a 3-year period includes: | -increase in the use of technologies and reducing traditional teacher-led classes | -increase in innovative practices | -increase in student and teacher mobility projects over the next 2 years, particularly student-mobility KA2 projects in the wake of KA1 planning. The school has just submitted an Erasmus+ Accreditation application in the field of School Education | -reduction in the dropout rate | Results | Website | | | Feedback from participants | | Teachers' Report 1 | Teachers' report 2 | Teacher's report 3 | Teachers' report 4 | Teachers' report 5 | Teachers' report 6 | Teachers' report 7 | Teachers' report 8 | Teachers' report 9 | Teachers' report 10 | Teachers' report 11 | Teachers' report 12 | Teachers' report 13 | Dissemination material | | TEAM UP! e-book Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2018;2018-1-IT02-KA103-047019;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;Lesperienza maturata dallUniversit degli Studi di Salerno in seno al Programma Erasmus e le collaborazioni internazionali acquisite nel corso degli anni hanno consentito allAteneo di sviluppar...;;;UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI SALERNO;IT;IT;1.122.436,27;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;not available;English;"Lesperienza maturata dallUniversit degli Studi di Salerno in seno al Programma Erasmus e le collaborazioni internazionali acquisite nel corso degli anni hanno consentito allAteneo di sviluppare ulteriori progetti di mobilit e di occupare uno spazio sempre pi rilevante sul panorama internazionale. Rientrano tra i suoi obiettivi strategici promuovere, ampliare e migliorare le opportunit di mobilit attraverso iniziative, quali: - UNISA Scholarship Program finalizzato al recruiting di studenti e docenti internazionali; - percorsi di doppio di titolo, di cui alcuni con programmi di studio congiunti; - potenziamento delle collaborazioni tra Universit e imprese; - partecipazione a programmi di ricerca internazionale; - inserimento dellAteneo in ranking internazionali; - incremento dei corsi di laurea magistrale erogati in lingua inglese; - rafforzamento delle collaborazioni internazionali. Le suddette azioni hanno contribuito ad accrescere la visibilit dellAteneo e ad incrementare la mobilit internazionale. Nellanno accademico 2018-2019, infatti, la mobilit complessiva stata di 1.144 studenti: 651 in uscita e 493 in ingresso oltre che di 203 staff: 66 in uscita e 137 in ingresso (95 per docenza e 37 per staff training). Gli studenti in uscita (142 in pi rispetto allo scorso anno) hanno potuto sviluppare competenze trasversali, acquisire una maggiore consapevolezza di s e riconoscere il valore aggiunto del programma di mobilit in termini di crescita personale e professionale. Per promuovere tali opportunit e diffondere i risultati del Programma tra i potenziali studenti sono state poste in essere una serie di misure. In fase di apertura del bando, con lo slogan #BeTheChange, lAteneo ha programmato degli incontri calendarizzati allinterno dei corsi di studi. Lo scopo stato intercettare anche gli studenti pi riluttanti. Prima della partenza stato anticipato il 100% dei fondi comunitari agli studenti in mobilit per studio e l80% agli studenti in mobilit per traineeship, impedendo cos che studenti provenienti da contesti socio-economici svantaggiati dovessero rinunciare a questa incredibile opportunit formativa. Sono stati previsti incentivi economici in base al numero dei crediti riconosciuti, qualora superiori alla soglia minima prevista nel bando:15 per un semestre e 25 per periodi superiori. Tra gli incentivi didattici si segnalano, invece, un bonus minimo 2 crediti massimo 5 da utilizzare in caso di discrepanze tra crediti ottenuti e crediti da riconoscere oltre allattribuzione di 1 o 2 punti in pi per la ricerca tesi. Al rientro dalla mobilit gli studenti hanno ottenuto il riconoscimento dei learning outcomes come parte integrante del programma di studio. Tutte le attivit formative di studio e tirocinio sono state inserite nel Diploma Supplement.";Per gli studenti in ingresso stato previsto un corso gratuito di lingua italiana organizzato all'inizio di ogni semestre della durata di 50 ore. stata, inoltre, stipulata una convenzione con due associazioni studentesche a carattere internazionale sia per assistere gli studenti nella ricerca dellalloggio che per velocizzare il loro processo di integrazione culturale. Lofferta didattica pubblicata sul sito web dellAteneo nel mese di giugno, disponibile anche in lingua inglese, ha consentito a tutti gli studenti di trasmettere il Learning Agreement prima della partenza. Per il miglioramento dei servizi sono stati somministrati questionari sia durante il soggiorno che a conclusione della mobilit. Il Transcript of Records e il certificato di soggiorno sono stati trasmessi dall'Ufficio Relazioni internazionali direttamente agli istituti partner entro le due settimane successive alla partenza dello studente. Linterazione tra ricerca, mondo accademico e imprenditoriale perseguita sia con il bando per attivit di docenza che di staff training. Entrambi prevedono un certo numero di mobilit riservate al personale che proviene o che si reca presso imprese. Lattivit di docenza proposta dallo staff in ingresso, la presenza in aula di studenti Erasmus e internazionali hanno consentito agli studenti dellAteneo di beneficiare della cosiddetta Internationalisation at home. La contaminazione tra diverse culture e una metodologia didattica differente hanno consentito loro di ampliare i propri orizzonti, di acquisire nuovi punti di vista e di riflettere anche sulla possibilit di inserire nel proprio percorso di studio di un periodo di mobilit. Creare sinergie tra istruzione, ricerca e innovazione, modernizzare i curricula, offrire delle opportunit di mobilit altamente qualificate, porre in essere progetti di ampio respiro internazionale, contribuire alla formazione di capitale umano di eccellenza in grado di promuovere una trasformazione economica innovativa e intelligente della societ sono - in linea con lAgenda di modernizzazione dellistruzione superiore europea - obiettivi strategicamente perseguiti. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2018;2018-1-IT02-KA103-047028;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;LUniversit di Sassari (UNISS), radicata in una complessa realt insulare al centro del Mediterraneo, attua politiche di internazionalizzazione incentrate sulla promozione della mobilit di stude...;;;UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI SASSARI;IT;IT;1.665.119,85;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;not available;Italian;LUniversit di Sassari (UNISS), radicata in una complessa realt insulare al centro del Mediterraneo, attua politiche di internazionalizzazione incentrate sulla promozione della mobilit di studenti e staff in ambito europeo ed extra-europeo, sulla cooperazione con i Paesi Partner e, in particolare, con quelli dellarea mediterranea, e sulla programmazione di corsi di studio internazionali. Le esperienze di studio e tirocinio allestero favoriscono lacquisizione di competenze settoriali e trasversali strategiche per i partecipanti, sono da tempo parte integrante dellofferta formativa di ateneo e sono sostenute attraverso una serie di misure e servizi finalizzati a contrastare alcuni effetti negativi dellinsularit e a raggiungere importanti risultati in termini qualitativi e quantitativi. Il numero delle mobilit in uscita (885 nel 18/19) in costante crescita e, nellambito del programma Erasmus Traineeship (345 outgoing nel 18/19), UNISS si colloca ai primi posti su scala nazionale per numero di partecipanti, contribuendo a migliorare le prospettive occupazionali dei propri iscritti e a favorire lo sviluppo di abilit maggiormente spendibili nel mercato del lavoro. UNISS ha adottato delle procedure che hanno migliorato laccessibilit e linclusivit del Programma Erasmus e hanno favorito anche la partecipazione degli studenti provenienti da contesti socio-economici svantaggiati. Grazie ad un consolidato sistema di anticipazioni delle borse di studio e ad una politica finalizzata al loro incremento (oltre 700 per SMT e circa 600 per SMS), sono stati notevolmente limitati gli ostacoli che potrebbero scoraggiare la partecipazione alle azioni di mobilit. UNISS incentiva la mobilit anche attraverso ladozione di un sistema di premialit finanziaria e accademica (incremento di 1 o 2 punti della media del voto di laurea) per gli studenti che hanno conseguito i migliori risultati allestero. Lateneo ha, inoltre, attuato un efficace sistema di supporto e orientamento per gli studenti e lo staff incoming e outgoing, che coinvolge lURI, i Delegati, lo staff degli sportelli Erasmus dei dipartimenti, e che ha determinato la crescita del numero di partecipanti al programma (+17,6% rispetto al 2014/15). Il miglioramento qualitativo delle mobilit, che, nellambito del SMS hanno registrato una media di CFU conseguiti su base mensile pari a 4,59 CFU, stato reso possibile grazie al rafforzamento dei corsi di lingua destinati agli outgoing e al miglioramento delle procedure di riconoscimento e registrazione dei crediti conseguiti allestero dagli studenti, ormai automatico in caso di piena corrispondenza tra il Learning Agreement e le risultanze del Trasncript of Records. I corsi di lingua, organizzati in collaborazione con il Centro linguistico di ateneo, hanno permesso agli studenti outgoing e incoming di curare gratuitamente la propria preparazione linguistica, favorendo una maggiore integrazione presso lateneo ospitante e un proficuo svolgimento delle attivit didattiche pianificate.;Anche la mobilit dello staff (cresciuta del 116% rispetto al 2014/15) ha avuto un notevole impatto sulla didattica e ha consentito di rafforzare ed estendere le collaborazioni internazionali, anche in vista del rinnovamento dellofferta formativa di ateneo e della pianificazione di corsi di studio internazionali, il cui numero, nel 2018/19 cresciuto rispetto al 2017/18. Alcune misure sono state realizzate per favorire, grazie anche alla collaborazione con lESN, laccoglienza e lintegrazione degli studenti incoming: servizio di pick up in aeroporto, supporto nella ricerca degli alloggi, organizzazione di attivit sociali e culturali, organizzazione del Welcome Day, presenza di un Garante degli incoming. | Sempre pi evidente risulta, inoltre, limpatto del Programma in termini di rafforzamento delle collaborazioni con le realt istituzionali, culturali e sportive del territorio: in particolare, si segnalano gli accordi stipulati con lEnte Concerti locale, con la Dinamo Fondazione di Sardegna e con il Conservatorio, che hanno consentito di arricchire ed integrare lofferta formativa destinata agli studenti incoming e creare un contesto di accoglienza e integrazione anche al di fuori dellambito universitario. Limpatto del programma a livello regionale testimoniato dai cospicui finanziamenti erogati dalla Regione Sardegna, che sostiene un programma che mira a rafforzare e migliorare le competenze dei partecipanti e a favorirne le prospettive lavorative, con una conseguente ricaduta sulla competitivit economica a livello locale e regionale. La gestione di un partenariato con le Istituzioni e le imprese locali, finalizzato a creare opportunit di tirocinio per studenti incoming (Erasmus Traineeship in Sardinia), ha notevolmente incrementato il numero degli incoming per tirocinio e ulteriormente rafforzato limpatto sul territorio in termini di internazionalizzazione. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2018;2018-1-IT02-KA103-047282;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;LUniversit di Padova collabora con 610 IIS dei Paesi del Programma, attraverso 1758 accordi inter-istituzionali (124 pi dellanno precedente). La rete di partners copre tutte le aree di studio ...;;;UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI PADOVA;IT;IT;3.494.992,56;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;not available;English;"LUniversit di Padova collabora con 610 IIS dei Paesi del Programma, attraverso 1758 accordi inter-istituzionali (124 pi dellanno precedente). La rete di partners copre tutte le aree di studio e include anche istituzioni di paesi entrati nellUE solo di recente. Ci permette di offrire ai partecipanti in uscita unampia gamma di opportunit, nonch di diversificare la popolazione studentesca patavina creando un ambiente di studio internazionale. Partecipando a Erasmus+, Unipd ha arricchito il proprio contesto linguistico, culturale e didattico, migliorando le competenze degli studenti, ampliandone le opportunit lavorative, ed offrendo a docenti e staff nuove occasioni di crescita personale e professionale. Lesperienza allestero permette ai partecipanti di sviluppare competenze personali, come ladattamento ad un contesto interculturale e a metodi educativi diversi, la crescita della conoscenza di s, lacquisizione di nuove competenze accademiche. In base ai questionari, lesperienza Erasmus valutata molto positivamente. Lincessante processo di perfezionamento della gestione dei flussi di mobilit e lintensa promozione delle opportunit di scambio hanno portato ad un incremento costante della partecipazione da parte della comunit universitaria, che ha superato le cifre dellanno accademico precedente: 1.520 studenti, 318 tirocinanti, 95 docenti e 14 partecipanti alla mobilit per training. Una delle priorit di fornire ai partecipanti informazioni chiare e complete nel corso delle varie fasi della mobilit, specialmente attraverso il sito istituzionale, dove sono pubblicati bandi e procedure per gli studenti in uscita; gli studenti in ingresso possono consultare il catalogo dei corsi in italiano e in inglese, costantemente aggiornato, e trovare le istruzioni necessarie per organizzare il loro soggiorno e portare a termine le pratiche amministrative. LInternational Office e il Career Service organizzano eventi per fornire supporto agli studenti in uscita (giornate informative e seminari) e per aiutare gli studenti in ingresso ad integrarsi nel contesto socio-culturale (allinizio di ogni semestre vengono organizzati i Welcome Days, dedicati a tutti gli studenti partecipanti ai programmi di mobilit).I partecipanti sono sempre supportati dagli uffici competenti: i docenti responsabili dei flussi e gli uffici amministrativi dei corsi di studio offrono orientamento didattico per la compilazione del Learning Agreement e per il riconoscimento delle attivit di studio/tirocinio; un supporto dal punto di vista pratico (per lalloggio, il permesso di soggiorno, lassicurazione, limmatricolazione, ecc.) garantito sia dallInternational Office sia da altri servizi coinvolti, come ad esempio il Servizio Alloggi SASSA, lo Sportello Accoglienza Ospiti Stranieri (SAOS Desk), ecc .Ai partecipanti in uscita assicurato il pieno riconoscimento delle attivit superate con successo, concordate in precedenza, i cui risultati compaiono nel certificato di laurea con esami. Il Diploma Supplement, disponibile per ogni studente, elenca le attivit sostenute durante il periodo di mobilit, anche quando non concorrono al conseguimento del titolo di studio. Tutti gli studenti in ingresso ricevono al termine della mobilit un Transcript of Records o un certificato attestante il tirocinio. I nostri studenti in uscita questanno hanno ottenuto, durante la mobilit, in media 31.91 ECTS permettendo di raggiungere lobiettivo dei 30 ECTS per semestre. Ci dovuto alla semplificazione delle procedure di riconoscimento, che ha portato a una revisione delle regole interne e, dallanno accademico 2015/16, al riconoscimento degli ECTS per il lavoro di tesi.";"La gestione del programma Erasmus+, e della mobilit internazionale in generale, vede il coinvolgimento di molti uffici che lavorano in sinergia (sia dentro che fuori lAteneo). Tale cooperazione ha portato ad un miglioramento dei servizi offerti e allelaborazione di nuovi strumenti amministrativi volti alla dematerializzazione ed allottimizzazione delle procedure: 1) presentazione e approvazione online (dal portale studenti Uniweb) del Learning Agreement studenti in uscita; 2) incontri informativi con firma contratto finanziario per gli studenti in uscita (incontri in inglese dedicati agli studenti internazionali); 3) appuntamento online per consegna certificati di fine soggiorno (studenti in entrata e uscita); 4) dematerializzazione completa dellarchivio studenti in entrata, totalmente virtuale; 5) nomination online per studenti in entrata; 6) application online in Uniweb per registrare e immatricolare gli studenti in entrata; 7) piano di studio (popolazione libretto) online in Uniweb per studenti in ingresso; 8) richiesta telematica allAgenzia Entrate dei codici fiscali per gli studenti stranieri, e invio agli studenti prima dellarrivo; 9) procedure di immatricolazione studenti in ingresso durante gli eventi di Scuola/Dipartimento della Welcome Week." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-LV01-KA101-046870;;;Knowledges of nowaday teachers create a future person;Within a framework of a project 10 teachers from Marupe Elementary school took part in five courses of different content in Portugal and Slovenia supported by Erasmus+KA1. Courses attended within ...;Disabilities - special needs, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;Marupes pamatskola;LV;LV;22.266,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"Within a framework of a project 10 teachers from Marupe Elementary school took part in five courses of different content in Portugal and Slovenia supported by Erasmus+KA1. Courses attended within a school year of 2018/2019. The main aim of the project was to give opportunity for 10 teachers of Marupe Elementary school to gain experience and knowledge in range of versatile and international scholastic methods in Europe as well as insight in iternational model of cooperation of teachers and learning of foreign languages and to make innovative set of methods as a result to share it with other teachers in Latvia in framework of official courses/seminars/master classes after mobility. | Within the framework of the project, 12 Marupe Elementary School teachers went to the courses, instead of the initially planned 10 teachers, as well as six competence development courses. This was possible because teachers in the project gained additional knowledge not only in Portugal and Slovenia, but also in Latvia, both in e-twinning and in participants' courses, which motivated other teachers to join the project. | Each course was attended by two teachers and every had to represent another field of study besides both should be with different level of English (was determined by test prepared by English teacher) to provide improvement of skills of foreign languages among teachers as well. In these courses teachers was gain such skills and abilities which could not be acquired in Latvia as methods of creative thinking non-existent in educational system of Latvia; new techniques working with pupils of integrated education programmes and their parents; promoting collaboration between pupils of regular and integrated education programmes; formation of positive, united communication and working style among all involved in educational process; usage of ICT to teach; learning by intermediation of ICT. | Special attention was paid to methodology of career education in schools of Europe as to instrument of motivation of studying in all levels in Elementary school. Before mobility each teacher had to perform necessary preparatory work for courses according to official regulations. After mobility they had to organize at least one course/seminar/master class registrated in system of education, culture and sport management of Riga Suburb for teachers of Riga Suburb schools (together at least 4 courses/seminars/master classes were taught of 2018.-2019., and one course will be organized on 2020) where participants got certificate of programme A.";Each teacher involved in project of mobility for the purpose of increasing their English skills had to register at least one international project in eTwinning platform together with other teachers from Marupe district after mobility. Monitoring of results of accomplished tasks of all teachers involved in mobility project was provided by headmaster of Marupe Elementary school and coordinator of project. Results was included in quality work. | As a result of the project, the network of teachers in the school environment has been improved, and the project has also expanded the collaboration in a virtual environment, e-twinning, to include teachers from other countries. Within the framework of the project, 4 teacher seminars were organized in Pieriga, which facilitated the formation of new teachers' cooperation, exchange of ideas and experience, introduction of innovative methods in Marupe Elementary School and other Pieriga schools. Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2018;2018-1-LV01-KA201-046972;;;Restarting adult learning skills through new teaching methods;Restarting adult learning skills through new teaching methods. The topic of the project is trending today and will be of great importance tomorrow as we are all living in the world where IT plays ...;Pedagogy and didactics, Open and distance learning, International cooperation ...;;Jelgava District Correspondence School;LV;LV,IT,EE;18.860,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Adult education;Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"Restarting adult learning skills through new teaching methods. The topic of the project is trending today and will be of great importance tomorrow as we are all living in the world where IT plays important role in every level study process/activity; the same is with teacher interaction with students and methods used for teaching. Educators should know latest trends in ICT usage and know how to use/adopt them effectively daily, taking into account that technologies and teaching methods are developing rapidly. Students as target group who has to use ICT tools for study purposes have to understand and be able to learn through new approach, they have to adapt. Both students and teachers have to get explanation and proper training before they start to use new tools and methods. The learning process and subject delivery at schools are of a high standard, from the very first days of school onward, unleashes the abilities and skills, and prepares the young generation to be competitive in the labour market in the future. The big European issue that unites all the project partners is the question about the provision of education and training, especially for adults with no secondary education, different social backgrounds, young parents, people working full time, living abroad, etc., but most of them have no previous experience in self-education or have had negative prior experience in education, system, methods, etc. The problem with distance learning in schools is that not only students but also teachers need to be encouraged to learn new technologies and new learning habits. Trends show that the learning process is increasingly transformed into a virtual environment, but this does not mean that the on-the-spot effects at school will disappear. We are convinced by hearing that students want to combine face-to-face study and counselling where they can ask about the unknown and work in a virtual environment. The key issue of the project was not only to promote learning by improving the quality and efficiency of education services, but also to make education methods more attractive. Thus project has developed methodological material through the project partners joint research, experience and learning activities. The elaborated Material is available for free usage to everybody who is interested in the topic and find it valuable in 4 languages - English, Latvian, Estonian and Italian.Target group who already use methods are adult learners at project partner organisations and educators/teachers, leading to more than thousand learners.";"The goal of the project was to build a strong European network of three educational institutions with ICT expertise, enabling adults to learn at school, to study, develop and exchange methodological materials for distance learning, to structure the work of teachers using the various privileges offered by information technologies in order to promote work system with adult learners and learn new methods for individualized approach to each learner. The goal has been reached and there are further plans to be announced within the same project partners as key organisations and inviting extra participants, who are able to contribute with their experience and share the knowledge in ICT for joint achievements. The idea of partnership was to find joint solutions that add value to all project partners and lead to joint positive results, as the project participants are teachers, who attended structured course about integrating ICT in teaching and education. The project was serving as a good start to offer qualitative, better and varied education to its residents. Project has clearly defined roles of each and every partner in terms of cooperation, project management, dissemination, impact and sustainability. There are several benefits of the project to the educators, adult learners, schools - a close friendship and exchange of experience in adult education among three European countries - Latvia, Estonia and Italy - have been established; methodological material for better use of distance learning environment using various IT tools has been developed during the project; physical Moodle environment for distance learning has been improved; educators have been trained to work with the new distance learning Moodle environment and its capabilities; new cooperation contacts have been established to develop and improve adult learning methods; the issue of promoting the opportunities offered by the school in the e-environment has been raised. Results | Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector | | Research on distance learning studies using IT | Dissemination material | | Project presentation | Methodological Material for Adult Education in Distance Learning (English version) | Methodological Material for Adult Education in Distance Learning (Latvian version) | Methodological Material for Adult Education in Distance Learning (Estonian version) | Methodological Material for Adult Education in Distance Learning (Italian version) | Dissemination plan" Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2018;2018-1-MK01-KA103-046816;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;As soon as the general call for E+ project proposals was published by the European Commission (end of October beginning of November 2017), UKLO prepared and published on the university web, the P...;;;UNIVERSITY ST KLIMENT OHRIDSKI BITOLA;MK;MK;143.414,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;not available;English;As soon as the general call for E+ project proposals was published by the European Commission (end of October beginning of November 2017), UKLO prepared and published on the university web, the Preliminary Call for expressing interest of our students and staff for participation in the Programme, together with the latest edition of the Programme Guide. The preliminary call in fact, represents our internal, institutional instrument that we use to scan the interest for participation in various mobility schemes, and, based upon the preliminary figures, to the prepare the Application Form. Of course, for the purpose of achieving efficiency and efficacy for the latest edition of the Project promotion and to gain the optimal projections for applying, the preliminary call involves close cooperation between the central administrative unit and the established network of coordinators at faculty/school level, whose task is to, first publish the call on their respective faculty/school web, and then to collect the preliminary applications and transfer them for further processing at the central IRO. The deadline was set for the last week of January 2018, so that there was time to make the final calculations and to fill in the definite figures in the Application Form. ;Following the results announcement by the National Agency, the actual call for participation in the new project (one more step of our internal procedure that follows the internal regulation but deriving from the official E+ documents that was opened and a relatively high number of student and staff application packages were received for consideration. Adhering to the transparently set selection criteria, like, academic achievements, motivation and language proficiency for students, as stated in the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education and the Student Charter as the most important prerequisites for participation in a mobility project that proved to be beneficial, the process of selection held at central University level, produced a certain number of quality candidates to give the E+ grants for mobility to. The selection team involved the institutional coordinator, administratively and logistically supported by the IRO staff, with consultation and final approval by the university management, of course taking into consideration the departmental coordinators views. Apart from this, the selection team took careful consideration of the possibilities available according to the inter-institutional agreements, to best suit the wishes as well as the needs of the applicants, having in mind the fields of study and the opportunities for the students mostly to enter into preparing a quality Learning Agreement that would eventually result in a successful mobility. In the course of the 16 available project months, UKLO notifies the realization of mobilities of a total of 55 participants Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2018;2018-1-MK01-KA103-046837;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;The Erasmus+ Cooperation in scope of the Project KA103 is being directly implemented through the International Relations Office (further abbreviated as IRO) of International Balkan University (fur...;;;INTERNATIONAL BALKAN UNIVERSITY;MK;MK;119.058,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;not available;English;The Erasmus+ Cooperation in scope of the Project KA103 is being directly implemented through the International Relations Office (further abbreviated as IRO) of International Balkan University (further abbreviated as IBU). Until now, IBU has expanded its successful cooperation with many universities in several EU countries. The number of agreements increased for 43 more agreements throughout of the project and now IBU has a total of 126 Erasmus+ inter-institutional agreements with countries in Europe and beyond. The cooperation is going well with all partners, bearing in mind that IBU has successfully implemented student mobility for studies and traineeships and staff exchanges with counties such as: Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Spain and Turkey. Internal calls were published in several intervals throughout the year, depending on the type of the mobility taking place. The internal calls are usually published on the University information board, the IBU main website, the IRO website, and additionally on social network sites such as: Facebook IBU Students group, IRO Facebook page as well as the official IBU Facebook page and e-mail circulation. In order to be transparent and open to anyone, IBU has created an Internal Commission (IC) for the candidates that applied on the internal calls, which is composed of IBU Deans of Faculties and the Erasmus+ Institutional Coordinator. Applications are being selected according to the following criteria: Grade Point Average (GPA) of the students, passed and failed exams, motivation letter, equal division of the quota between all study programs, previous usage of Erasmus+ grants, as well as results from the separate interviews with the candidates. Within this Erasmus+ Project, IBU has successfully used the quota for all approved mobilities, including: 35 student mobilities for studies, 10 student mobilities for traineeships, 5 staff mobilities for teaching and 5 staff mobilities for training. All students have followed the regulations from the EU Commission and the National Agency for European Educational Programs and Mobility in the Republic of Macedonia, including: respecting the rules of the ECTS credit transfer system, using the OLS licenses within IBU premises, delivering the participant reports as well as the administrative procedures such as: valid learning agreements with all signatures, noted changes of courses in the during mobility forms, delivery of transcript of records, certificates of attendance and after mobility documents after accomplishing the mobility. Out of the 45 OLS licenses which have been delivered to IBU, all of them have been distributed, however, 42 have been fully realized in both assessments, 1 has been realized only in the 1st round of assessment and 2 have not been realized in neither of the rounds due to license expiration. ;The number of incoming students for the 2018/2019 academic year totaled 25 students, from the following countries: Poland, Turkey, and France. IRO is striving to assist the incoming students in every possible way, bearing in mind that Macedonian visa takes long time to be approved. IRO is assisting Erasmus+ incoming students in terms of: transparency of openness of courses from all study programs and providing catalogs for course choices, helping with translation issues, accommodation options and information circulation. IRO has been greatly assisted by all professors who welcome the students as our own students. IBU Student Mentors were appointed to incoming students which are helping them during their stay in Skopje. The incoming students always attend the IBU InfoDay organized by IRO in order to get to know the rules of the university, exams regulations, attendance criteria as well as meeting the student mentors and IRO staff. When it comes to outgoing staff mobility for teaching and training, the most attractive destinations were Turkey, Spain, Latvia, Italy France and Poland, while IBU has been visited throughout the year by 70 professors and administrative staff from Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Turkey. IBU, for the first time, also organized the IBU Erasmus+ International Days for incoming staff in the spring semester in order to increase the impact of the program in terms of networking, providing information about scientific opportunities and research, as well as increasing the possibility for cooperation on other projects and key actions. With the organizational support budget from this project, IBU spent most of the budget in designing and printing its IRO promotion materials with the logo of IBU and official Erasmus+ logo. Part of the organizational support budget was also spent on a specialized training program and international week at War Studies University in Poland for of the IRO staff members, cultural and social programs for incoming students, IRO office equipment, and organization of the Erasmus+ International Days. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2018;2018-1-PL01-KA102-048273;;;Transgraniczne kszta_cenie dualne jako moderator jako_ci us_ug gastronomicznych.;"The project, ""Trans-border dual education as a quality moderator of catering services"" will be implemented by Zesp_ Szk_ Ekonomiczno-Hotelarskich (ZSE-H) in Ko_obrzeg (Poland) and Tech College A...";Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Cooperation between educational institutions and business;;Zespol Szkol Ekonomiczno-Hotelarskich im. Emilii Gierczak w Kolobrzegu;PL;PL,DK;70.691,69;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The project, ""Trans-border dual education as a quality moderator of catering services"" will be implemented by Zesp_ Szk_ Ekonomiczno-Hotelarskich (ZSE-H) in Ko_obrzeg (Poland) and Tech College Aalborg (TCAA) in Aalborg (Denmark). The participants will be a group of 22 students of ZSE-H who are educated in the educational profile of the technician of nutrition and catering services, and a group of 5 gastronomy teachers of ZSE-H. The key component of the project will be two placements in Aalborg, one scheduled for 09.09.2018 - 06.10.2018 for the students, and the other for 23.09.2018 06.10.2018, for the teachers. The aim of the project is the practical learning of the Danish model of the catering services and the rules of creating such services intended for Danish and Scandinavian tourists along with the acquisition of practical skills by the participants in the following substantial areas: the students: -preparing the dishes characteristic to the Danish national cuisine, -waiting service on Danish guests with the culture context and Danish concept of hugge being taken into account, -organization and marketing of the catering services dedicated to Danish tourists who visit Poland and Ko_obrzeg, -operating computer programs used in gastronomy, -generating questionnaires that will assess and evaluate the demand for catering services; the teachers: - getting to know the Danish education system for catering workforce, - practical getting to know the Danish project method, - acquiring new didactic skills and enriching professional experience, - getting to know the Danish model of cooperation educational institutions with companies while implementing educational initiatives and undertakings.";The practical classes will be carried out in specialist classrooms of Tech College Aalborg, and in catering. The projects soft outcome will be the participants obtaining the extra-curricular knowledge and skills, meeting the expectations of the market within the scope of functioning of Danish catering establishments and hotels , as well as the knowledge of Danish socio-cultural realities. It is a very important area of knowledge and skills for Ko_obrzegs tourism and it is the area that will strengthen the project participants position on the labour market on the account of the increasing trend of tourist traffic from Denmark. Last year 3,500 tourists from Denmark visited Ko_obrzeg, but this number includes only so-called qualified stays which last minimum 3 days. The actual number of guests from Denmark is surely much higher than that. The geographical closeness of the Danish island of Bornholm (there is a regular sea connection with Ko_obrzeg). The progressing improvement of land connections and increasing number of flight connections with the airports, from which Ko_obrzeg is better accessible due to the progressing construction of Szczecin-Gda_sk expressway, are the long-term factors which favour the intensification of the incoming stream of Danish guests. The products of the project will be: - an e-coursebook containing recipes and ways of preparing the flagship dishes of the Danish cuisine and the consumer analysis of Danish guest as well as specificity of his expectations and culinary habits, - an educational film, made by the project participants, presenting the preparation and display of dishes of the Danish cuisine along with the rules of serving them and elements of waiter service, - pedagogic innovation. The e-coursebook and the film will be made available on the schools website and to the trade businesses of the catering-hotel sector, which will be interested in them. ZSE-H Ko_obrzeg, being the Beneficiary of the project, presumes the acquisition of the institutional, long0term benefits: - acquiring the specialist knowledge and skills by the gastronomy teachers, - optimization of the model of cooperation between companies, - implementing the pedagogic innovation which will increase the quality of education of students within the educational profile of the technician of nutrition and catering services, - gaining the unique didactic material, - trans-border added value in the form of the selective transfer of Danish solutions in educating of workforce for catering sector. The particular aim of the practical interest will be a project method which is widespread in the Danish educational system with reference to the education process of technicians of nutrition and catering services, as well as the rules of functioning and arrangement of the specialist gastronomy classrooms. The project is supported by Ko_obrzegs catering establishments and hotels which operate tourist traffic from Denmark and which are interested in the enrichment of their catering offer to this guest group. On the Danish side in the context of the project implementation, Danish hotels and catering establishments will cooperate with the host institution, thus it will be an opportunity to start up new trans-border business relations. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-PT01-KA101-046957;;;European innovative Learning environments;The European Innovative Learning Environments project was designed by the school named Agrupamento de Escolas Beira Douro, which is located 20 kilometres away from Oporto. The school has 970 stu...;Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development)|ICT - new technologies - digital competences|Early School Leaving / combating failure in education;;Agrupamento de Escolas Beira Douro - Medas;PT;PT;55.233,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The European Innovative Learning Environments project was designed by the school named Agrupamento de Escolas Beira Douro, which is located 20 kilometres away from Oporto. The school has 970 students (70 have special educational needs), 97 teachers and 59 non-teaching staff distributed throughout 7 schools from pre-school to secondary school level. Most of the students lack proper study habits, a jaundiced attitude to culture, come from economically and socially deprived and uneducated backgrounds, where families undervalue education and expect little from their children. Our school has some international projects experience (e-learning, Comenius, Erasmus+ and eTwinning), which enriches its working dynamic. | This project aims to internationalise the school, to learn new teaching methods and tools, to develop digital literacies, to widen the institutions cultural and linguistic horizons and to develop foreign language skills and autonomy. These objectives attempt to meet the needs of the above named school district in order to meet its Educational Project goals. | Twenty-two highly-driven teachers and four non-teaching staff were motivated to work on this project to increase their knowledge/skills in an international context. All the teachers are permanent members of the school staff and teach varied curricular areas and levels. They teach regular classes and some of them have students with special educational needs. Two of the teachers are Special Needs Teachers but all the other teachers also help the students with special educational needs. The 4 members of the non-teaching staff had a very important role in the leisurely and pedagogical activities in both the Students Room and the School Library. | Using the SEG and e-Twinning platforms, 10 structured programmes about innovative learning environments were chosen. This choice followed the parameters of geo-cultural diversity and the quality of its theoretical and practical facets. The following were the course subjects: teaching support technology tools, fostering innovative teaching techniques/strategies, learner autonomy, creativity and critical thinking development teaching methodologies, promotion of web-based language and communication competencies, New learning environments for SEN (Special Education Needs) students, reformulation of traditional teaching-learning spaces and the role of the school in the future. | The Project Team established participants profile and the selection criteria. Furthermore it also drew up a Participant Code of Conduct and candidature documentation. Reflection and debate were prominent features of the meetings held by the Project Team. | Project participants developed their knowledge of a range of competencies: the majority felt that they improved their IT and English language skills, deepened their knowledge about the people and the country in which the course took place, developed a greater European conscience and acquired competencies consistent within the ambit of the course; participants demonstrated their satisfaction with the training as they were able to developed their autonomy, social, linguistic and professional skills and broadened their cultural awareness (countries, landscapes, languages...), applied the skills acquired and shared as well having applied them to their pedagogical practice and materials. | Of the project outcomes obtained the following may be highlighted: planning and implementation of a short training course on Programming and Robotics in Teaching in which the potential of robotics was made known to the 35 teachers throughout different schools, the setting up of a Programming and Robotics Club within the school district, improvement and innovation of pedagogical methodologies and the use of new digital tools by teachers for a more practical teaching-learning practice, expansion of European horizons within the school district, creating the potential for new partnerships and the growth in the feeling of belonging in the European Union, leading participants to envision the creation of a Future Room in their school and, for the first time, many teachers and non-teachers expressed the willingness to participate in future instances of Erasmus+ projects.";The project had an enormous direct impact on an individual and collective level through workshops and the sharing of knowledge, practice and materials. Participants promoted the ERASMUS+ project experience within the community and the idea that mobile tools are an important component in the implementation of teaching-learning activities, having used them in class as well as incentivising students to use them themselves. The impact of the project was both local and regional as a result of an awareness campaign carried by the Project Team, improving the school districts image within its geographical area. It also had an international impact since some of the competencies developed were used to drive other international projects. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-PT01-KA101-047237;;;Developing Flexibility for Success;"The aim of our organisation when submitting the project ""DFlex (Developing Flexibility for Success) was to provide its teachers with training experiences that would bring solutions for the needs i...";Cooperation between educational institutions and business, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education;;Agrupamento de Escolas de Oliveira do Bairro;PT;PT;9.440,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"The aim of our organisation when submitting the project ""DFlex (Developing Flexibility for Success) was to provide its teachers with training experiences that would bring solutions for the needs identified in the institution. By engaging in collaborative/ team work, promoting cross curricular activities, offering students diversified learning environments and experiences, teachers foster students autonomy, participation and involvement in their learning process. Also, it would enhance students global citizenship leading them to be the agents of change in a school that is meant to be student-oriented, an environment that will provide them with the tools to be active and informed citizens, capable of adjusting to unexpected circumstances that may arise in everyday lives. We believe that most of our objectives were reached as the participants involved were able to reproduce and disseminate methodologies, tools and strategies that will promote a transdisciplinary process. The cross curriculum we set out to implement at the start of this project is well underway. In fact the way teachers from different areas got involved and responded to the needs identified at the beginning as scarce - like collaborative work in different school cycles (primary to secondary years) within the curricula and extracurricular activities improved a great deal. Most of the projects carried out showed this flexibility and collaboration in subjects like: maths, arts, science, languages or music. The various projects (including eTwinning) and training sessions promoted by the participants provided methodology and tools that contributed towards this cross curriculum approach which our school is implementing. Many of the activities were carried out so as to develop linguistic skills, scientific competences and artistic aptitudes. The participants energized curricular changes by promoting transdisciplinary projects, encouraged and carried out international exchanges with Slovakia and Italy (job shadowing) due to contacts made during their mobility and eTwinning projects which contributed to European awareness, multiculturalism and plurilingualism. The need to use some of the tools presented led participants to realize the necessity to improve these skills and in turn to help their peers apply them. As a result, specific training was designed and carried out by the participants, in order to boost the necessary technological upgrading of the school, as well as promote students international networks. The staff involved in the mobility fostered stimulating clusters that are promoting changes which respond to the objectives identified as the schools needs: acquire skills and develop competences that enable the community to participate meaningfully in national and international projects involving all stakeholders.";"The D-Flex project brought visibility and promoted the image of the institution inside and outside the country. It gave the organisation the opportunity to disseminate the work carried out during its duration in various initiatives promoted by the participants and students in the local community and in other European countries, within the framework of eTwinning projects. Throughout the year many were the activities involving community members teachers, students, school staff, management, families, small businesses and local authorities. However, one activity aggregated all the experiences the participants went through, which took place in the schools Open Day where participants invited the families to take part in the event that was developed in cooperation with local authorities which culminated in a great parade of dissemination with the whole community present to witness the work accomplished - ""The Flower Festival - music throught time"" an interdisciplinary activity involving history, artes and tecnology, music and dancing, science and all use of recycled materials. The many activities developed within the project have given pupils the opportunity to use good educational practices absorbed in the structured course conceived by eduKarjala centre in Finland. So, our institution benefitted greatly from this project - diverse experimental activities within the curricula, better interpersonal relations, consolidated language and communication skills, more ICT skills to access e-learning platforms and other educational applications, work on artistic, drama and music skills. Ultimately, it conveys a message to all stakeholders: knowledge is not something isolated but constantly evolving. This is also the message we want our students to keep in mind. To succeed in life, they need to be active participants in their community, they need to be able to work collaboratively, be involved in their own learning process, to respect each others opinions and have an open mind to new ideas. Its our job and our duty, as teachers, to foster this attitude in our students, and thats what we are doing by engaging in this project." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility with VET mobility charter;2018;2018-1-PT01-KA116-046831;;;Upgrade Your Skills in Europe 3;The Project Upgrade your Skills in Europe 3, propounded by Escola Profissional de Santo Tirso (EPST), took place between 31st December 2018 and 30th December 2019. Its main purpose was to give 8...;;;Escola Profissional de Santo Tirso, Sociedade Unipessoal, Lda.;PT;PT,IT,ES,EL;77.760,80;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The Project Upgrade your Skills in Europe 3, propounded by Escola Profissional de Santo Tirso (EPST), took place between 31st December 2018 and 30th December 2019. Its main purpose was to give 8 EPST students (2nd and 3rd years of vocational courses), aged 16 to 18, the opportunity to do international vocational internships in Europe, and 3 alumni (newly graduates), as well as 6 CEF Education and Training Courses - students, plus the opportunity of doing their complementary training. | We also intended to provide 3 faculty members of the technical area, with the experience of on-going training in the form of job shadowing in positions of Management and Administration. | They were placed in schools and companies in Spain, Italy and Greece, according to their profile and professional background. | In addition to the training, these 20 participants took part in professional and cultural visits in the European space, which played a big part in widening their horizons, by allowing them to have rewarding experiences which greatly complemented their training. | The main goals that were achieved: | For students and alumni, were to: | a) Update, improve and develop technical, professional, linguistic and cultural skills; | b) Know and evaluate new working methods and adapt them to the national reality; | c) Acquire new skills, like work motivation, problem solving, assertive responsibility in decision making, team work and entrepreneurial and innovative spirit; | For staff: | a) Update, improve and develop their pedagogical, language, scientific and technical skills; | b) Come into contact with new working methods and pedagogically adapt them to the national reality. | For the school: | a) Ensure the sustainability of the institution, through excellence in quality and innovation in education and training, as well as technical and pedagogical quality of teachers and staff; | b) Contribute to the training of its students, as well as their personal, professional and cultural enhancement in the European space; | c) Reinforce European cooperation between all the institutions involved, develop entrepreneurship and improve employability; | d) Reduce the school drop-out rate and promote social cohesion and citizenship. | Our students of the 2nd and 3rd years took part in the following flows: | a) A flow of 50 days, between May and June 2019, to Rovigo, Italy, for 4 students of the 3rd year of the Professional Courses of Commerce and Secretary; between June and July 2019, to Syros, Greece, for 4 students of the 2nd year of the Professional Courses of IT and Secretary. These students completed their vocational internships, with key skills of their course. | b) A 16 days flow, for 6 ""CEF"" students of the Administrative Assistant and Logistics Operator courses; they completed a portion of their vocational internship, fulfilling key skills of their course and cultural visits. | c) Flows for 4 accompanying teachers of the 3 student flows: some students were still underage at the start of the mobility, have great financial difficulties, which means they have never travelled abroad, and their legal guardians would never allow them to travel without a teacher. These teachers also supervise the training and take part in the evaluation, ensuring that the internships abroad have the same accreditation of those done in Portugal. | d) The 3 alumni did their internships in Spain, for 125 days in June and September 2019. They completed their internships and revitalized and perfected key skills of their course. | e) The staff flows (3 teachers and 1 staff members) lasted 1 week and took place in all 3 countries, in May, June, and September 2019. They participated in technical visits, workshops and, mainly, job-shadowing activities";"EPST managed to achieve the following Results and Impact: Widen cooperation with the entities involved in the project, through interchanging experiences that lead to the transfer of innovative professional training methods and skills; Enhance the participants taste for different cultures and languages and widen their view of Europe; Recognize and validate the skills that were acquired during their internship. Our school also managed to increase the youth employment rate, develop the region and create a positive impact on an international level. | The participants had several benefits in what comes to their professional and personal skills, which helped their entry into the labour market. | We must definitely enhance the success in the mobility of the six students from CEF courses, who are usually stigmatized as being misbehaved, incompetent, with integration and learning difficulties: it was a GREAT SUCCESS." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2018;2018-1-SE01-KA102-038819;;;Workplace-based learning Dublin 2018;"Context/Background of the project Bruksgymnasiet has a long tradition and positive experiences of international co-operation and exchange. However, the students from the Business and Administrat...";International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation|Cooperation between educational institutions and business;;Bruksgymnasiet;SE;SE,IE;12.190,00;Yes;No; School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;Context/Background of the project | Bruksgymnasiet has a long tradition and positive experiences of international co-operation and exchange. However, the students from the Business and Administration Programme (HA), the Restaurant Management and Food Programme (RL) and the Health and Social Care Programme (VO) have not previously had any work placements abroad. | | Objectives of the project | The main objective of the project is to provide students with opportunities for workplace-based learning abroad that enriches their vocational education, vocational culture, professional practice as well as their professional language and everyday language. In addition to general goals, the objectives of the project also include individual goals that concern self-confidence, self-esteem and self-image. Other aims of the project are that the students' experiences will complement the education at Bruksgymnasiet and this will in turn raise interest in other programmes at the school and other schools to do something similar. Bruksgymnasiet is located in a municipality with many visitors both from Sweden but also from other countries, which means that another goal of this project is that we want to educate and develop our students' international skills for future jobs. | | Number and profile of participants | We plan to complete this project with 9 students from the Business and Administration Programme (HA), the Restaurant Management and Food Programme (RL) and the Health and Social Care Programme (VO) and four vocational teachers. In order to keep costs down and to let the students take more responsibility themselves, the teachers are only included for a few days at the beginning and for a few days at the end of the internship. However, the students will be in contact with the staff via e-mail, chat, phone and skype throughout the period. | | Description of activities and methodology | During three weeks students from the Business and Administration Programme (HA), the Restaurant Management and Food Programme (RL) and the Health and Social Care Programme (VO) will obtain work experience at different workplaces in Dublin and study and experience everyday life in another country. The teachers participating will be given the opportunity to do job shadowing.;Effect and spread | This is linked directly to our goals where we see that the project will be of use for the individual student, Bruksgymnasiet as a whole, and the municipality of sthammar based on increased knowledge. We hope that this project will in the long run also make more students dare to take the step of obtaining work experience in other countries, which will develop them as individuals, but also in their choice of profession. By spreading information about Erasmus+ and the completed project in various ways, we hope that the number of students applying for vocational programmes will increase as the number of applications has decreased in recent years. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-SK01-KA101-046135;;;GAV GOES CLIL;Project GAV GOES CLIL is the follow - up of the previous succesful G.E.M.S project where the modernization of our school has been established. We are the school with the long-lasting tradition in ...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Pedagogy and didactics, Cultural heritage/European Year of Cultural Heritage;;Gymnzium Andreja Vrbla Levice;SK;SK,IT,LV,HR,MT,UK,CZ,HU;22.640,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;Project GAV GOES CLIL is the follow - up of the previous succesful G.E.M.S project where the modernization of our school has been established. We are the school with the long-lasting tradition in Erasmus+ programme project School partnerships , so the natural consequence of it was to continue with the teacherseducation. Moreover, it ist he form not only of popularization of our institution environment but also the form of professional growth, enforcement of langauge skills and last but not least to establish the contacts with the teachers at the international level . The project is the specification of our school needs in order to popularize the teaching profession, attract the graduates from Faculty of Education to teach at our school. The project popularized it by means of implementing and enforcing CLIL method in Art and Music , project-based learning through e-twinning in Chemistry, flipped classroom in German and Russian languages,developed critical thinking, broadened horizons with the emphasis onto the cultural education, diversity, cooperative learning in English language learning and improved Hejn_ method in Maths and Robotics in IT as well. 12 teachers specifically 1 Music,Art,Chemistry,IT,Maths,German,Russian teacher and 5 English language teachers actively participated in the project and were involved in 4 jobshadowing activities and 8 specific courses in different countries of EU.Beside the mobilities the teachers made implementation activities feasible lessons enriched of gained skills, experience, methods.Furthermore, the teachers disseminated actively their project results at mobilities in other projects KA229 ( short-termstaff exchange) , Open days,Erasmus+ days, Methodology days in foreign languages for teachers from other schools. The project outcomes are several of type specifically enabling the Hejn_ method in prima,sekunda,tercia,having 3 trained Maths teachers, Robotics has been established in both forms of study - 8year and4year programmes as the extra-curricular activity, e-twinning has been actively implemented into Chemistry education and submitted KA229 aimed onto Climate changes influence onto local fauna and flora via CLIL method is the impact onto science subjects. German and Russian languages higher number of students enrolled in Final Maturita exam with the continue at University study. English language department has established Debate club with the aim of critical thinking enforcement, submitted KA229 topic Migration,Extremism is another evidence. CLIL method is enforced in Music, broadened to Art practised through KA229 aimed onto cultural heritage ( , submitted KA229 aimed onto Climate changes and their influence onto local fauna and flora via CLIL method.;Dissemination material | | GAV GOES CLIL TEACHING MATERIALS | GAV GOES CLIL TEACHING MATERIALS | GAV GOES CLIL Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-TR01-KA101-053806;;;"Technology in Education;Address of Power";Our school Karatay High School of Science professional development of our staff in the increase of quality of education is a great place. Class arrival of our smart board, together with the EBA in...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Research and innovation, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;KARATAY FEN LISESI;TR;TR;15.962,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"Our school Karatay High School of Science professional development of our staff in the increase of quality of education is a great place. Class arrival of our smart board, together with the EBA information network creation and the advancement of technology has changed the role of our teachers in the classroom. Using technology and web 2.0 tools in education provides students with lasting learning. For this reason, our teachers' self-improvement in this field is the first objective of our institution's strategic plan and the European Development Plan that we have prepared within the scope of the project. | Our country aims to be one of the world's top ten economies until 2023.We also aim at the objectives of '' Smart Growth: an economy based on information and innovation '' which is in the targets of EU 2020. With the help of effective and functional information technology tools that can benefit from the achievements of our school, the achievements gained in the schools in social and professional lives, with the help of information technology tools, problem solving, knowledge processing and presentation skills, was possible for young people who can increase their gains in entrepreneurial, academic, cultural, social, artistic, human and sporting fields and who can use these gains in their social lives. With this project, we prepared our young people as active individuals in harmony with social life. | At the Board Meeting held in September 2017 under the chairmanship of our school, a commission was established for the full identification of the participants, consisting of our administrators, Project communication person, teacher and guidance teachers. Participants were selected according to the criteria of having sufficient experience period in their profession, balanced age and branch group distribution which can adapt to technology, being in the branches to be trained according to the survey results, and having interest and desire to learn to use the technology efficiently. | A total of 5 teachers and administrators from our school attended the courses in Italy, ""Interactive ICT-based and web-based tools for an effective blended, flipped and cooperative learning"" and ""How to use tablets, educational apps and social media in your classroom"" | In these courses; integrating our mobile applications and mobile devices into our courses, using desktop programs and electronic products, platforms such as Facebook, Edmodo and E-learning, using ICT technologies, web platforms and applications (Socrative) , Using Web-based platforms (Stack and Kahoot), Interactive Smartboards, Integrating social media platforms into classes (Instagram use- Mindomo), Creating multimedia teaching content, Creating video, Creating visual resources to facilitate learning, We strengthened our students' development and education by sharing social photos, using Google Forms, and learning to develop an E-Secure classroom.";To carry out the project, to ensure that the project is carried out efficiently, to organize the process, to coordinate the preparations, to solve the problems that may occur, to complete the output preparations, to coordinate the dissemination activities and to follow up the dissemination online, to perform the reporting studies, we used a systematic methodology called Plan - Apply - Check - Take Prevention - Follow (Pukot)(PACTF).. | Our students acquired the skills of accessing information, problem solving, processing and presenting information using information technology tools. Our teachers shared their experiences with all the teachers in the country by means of information networks such as project website and EBA, increase awareness of their colleagues, increase their level of knowledge and consciousness, prepare and use materials, transfer information by transferring the processes of efficient teaching of Web tools and social media integration to lectures to teachers in other institutions. This project developed a business association between parent school teachers and students. The parent was happy to see that the students benefit from technology efficiently. By transferring project products to our own school and to other schools,we achieved European standards in the use, planning and implementation of Education Technologies. Our school became an institution that carries out international activities through the projects that teachers will set up in future years with the connections they have established. In the long term, teachers will have become a more successful school as a school that can provide consultancy and support services to other institutions and schools through the trainings and applications they receive. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-UK01-KA101-047425;;;French Immersion Training Course;"Context/Background of Project Moray Primary School in Grangemouth would like to fulfill Scottish Government 1+2 guidelines, to ensure all learners can speak their mother tongue plus 2 others by ...";Teaching and learning of foreign languages, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, International cooperation ...;;Moray Primary School;UK;UK;2.325,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;Context/Background of Project | Moray Primary School in Grangemouth would like to fulfill Scottish Government 1+2 guidelines, to ensure all learners can speak their mother tongue plus 2 others by 2020, which is in-line with EU policy to introduce languages from a younger age. | | Objectives | We plan to send a teacher on an immersion course in France to develop skills in French in order to embed the target language into School. | | Number & Profile of Participants | One teacher will go on the immersion course. This teacher will develop skills in 15+ teachers within the school and more teachers within the cluster and authority. These teachers will develop French language skills in 375 pupils within our school. All parents of pupils will be asked to be involved with activities to enhance learning. We also plan to take learning out into the community. | | Description of Activities | Develop CPD and training materials | Develop school plans | Develop resources and identify on-line resources | Develop links with the community | Develop links with a school in France | Share results | Quality Assurance Visits | Monitor & evaluate;Short Description of Results | To build confidence and skills in teachers and pupils | To embed language learning in daily life of learning and teaching in school | To work with parents to show the relevance of language learning outside school | To work with a school in France | To improve methodological expertise in the teaching of French to young learners | To develop cultural awareness and understanding of contemporary France by linking with French schools through E-twinning | To identify new teaching tools and how to use ICT resources to support learning | | Impact Envisaged | Pupils converse well in modern language | The Scottish 1+2 Guidelines will be fully implemented by 2020 | | Potential Longer Term Benefits | Pupils grow up and can see the benefits and relevance of learning a modern language from a young age | Pupils grow up to have a career using the modern languages they have learned Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2018;2018-2-HU01-KA105-047952;;;#BikeSkiHealth;"CONTEXT/BACKGROUND The project was implemented by the students of a Hungarian secondary school, Kzgazdasgi Politechnikum and the youth of a Norwegian youth centre, Overhalla Kommune, with an ex...";Health and wellbeing, Youth (Participation, Youth Work ...;;KOZGAZDASAGI POLITECHNIKUM ALTERNATIV GIMNAZIUM;HU;HU,NO;34.365,16;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;a) to raise awareness of active, healthy lifestyle and intercultural dialogue among Hungarian and Norwegian youth, b) to enhance the ICT, communication, physical and other skills and competences of young people through peer to peer teaching / learning, c) to promote co-operation among 2 European organizations (a secondary school and a youth centre) in order to increase their capacities, attractiveness and international dimension, d) to make publicity to the Erasmus+ programme among participants and local communities.;"the project has improved the ICT, foreign language, social, problem solving, cooperation, observation and communication skills of young people; " Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2018;2018-3-DE04-KA105-017327;;;Coffee for the better 2019;"Basics The project ""Kaffee zum Glck 2019 - Junior Company Intercultural and Inclusive"" (Coffee for a better) was a project of the Education and Encounter Centre Schlo Trebnitz e.V. in cooperat...";Integration of refugees, Social entrepreneurship / social innovation, Inclusion - equity;;Schlo Trebnitz Bildungs- und Begegnungszentrum e.V.;DE;DE,PL;51.584,00;Yes;No;European NGO;ONG;;not available;English;"The basic idea of the ""junior company"" was to operate a ""mini-company"" within the Bildungssttte Schlo Trebnitz e. V. with fixed rules, which comes as close as possible to the real conditions of the economy, in order to give disadvantaged young people an insight into real production and economic processes. The junior company ""Kaffee zum Glck"" was present in the publicly accessible shop in the newly renovated shed on the castle grounds.";"During the four workshop meetings, we first taught the young people how a company works and what needs to be taken into account during the start-up process. Then we divided the tasks within the company. Furthermore, the participants took part in many courses, f.ex. a barista and serving course. In addition, the inclusive youth group employed in the junior company worked with various project coordinators or referents in the areas of catering, accounting, public relations, photography and floristry. Much of this took place in peer-group learning settings, so that we were able to achieve additional positive effects by motivating people to learn from each other. In addition, there were intergenerational cooperations with the Trebnitz ""village heroes"" and the children's caf." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2019;2019-1-ES01-KA101-062015;;;Challenge 2020: A School open to Europe;"1. CONTEXTUALIZATION. Fernando III Secondary School is located in the south of Spain in the town of Martos (Jan). The economy is largely based in agriculture and farming industry; besides plas...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences|Research and innovation|Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;IES FERNANDO III;ES;ES;11.894,99;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"1. CONTEXTUALIZATION. | | Fernando III Secondary School is located in the south of Spain in the town of Martos (Jan). The economy is largely based in agriculture and farming industry; besides plastic and automobile manufactures add to the citys economy. The school has a wide range of training programmes including compulsory secondary education and high school (Bachillerato), as well as an intermediate VET degree related to the industry of plastic and metal, and 4 upper VET degrees, namely Computer application systems, Electronic maintenance and Metals, polymers moulding production scheduling and design in mechanical manufacturing. The latter 3 were implemented in the DUAL VET mode. | | Approximately 30% of the students come from a very low economic status neighborhood and about 1/3 of them belong to disadvantaged families at risk of social exclusion, with high unemployment rate and problems associated with this situation (marginalization, high school drop-out rate, gender inequality, etc). | | 2. OBJECTIVES | | Our main objective is to achieve the internationalization of our Institution. Some of the objectives we propose with this project can be: | | a) Improve the skills of our educational team in the matter of acquisition of new didactic strategies, use of ICT tools, improvement of technological competence. | b) Improve in terms of communication in foreign language (English). | c) Achieve a high number of European projects in which we participate due to the fact we are going to increase the number of contacts. | These are our main goals, but there are many transversal competences that will be implemented by the execution of the project. | We are aware that this type of training will provide an experience of great value for this secondary school, not just because it will increase the linguistic skills in foreign language for the teaching staff or the acquisition of new teaching strategies, if not the opportunity to be in a intercultural environment where other foreign professionals who will contribute ideas / experiences / good teaching practices will coincide, an ideal way to establish contacts that lead our Institution to the creation of an important partners network with whom to collaborate soon. | | 3. PARTICIPANTS. | | The staff involved in the project consists of 15 teachers belonging to the scientific-technological and artistic areas, as well as the School's Head. Part of this team will perform the requested mobilities. | Some teachers of the team have already participated in previous projects, which have obtained good results and great impact in our educational institution. They continue with great enthusiasm and desire to continue participating in European programs, and ""open our institution to Europe"". | For other colleagues, it is the first time they are immersed in this kind of project. They are very motivated to know previous experiences. | In general, the working team is characterized by being formed by young teachers, with a great working capacity, good level in languages __and high motivation. | | 4. ACTIVITIES. | | Our project consists of several lines of work. After conducting a needs study we have considered the following training courses in different European countries. | | a) ""__O-STE[A]M Build Your Own STE[A]M based in differentiated learning paths"" | b) ""Maker Spaces in Education - Getting started"" | c)""The German Dual System of Vocational Education and Training"" | d) ""Digital Classroom: Using ICT in Education"" | e) ""Introduction to Coding and Robotics with Arduino"" | f) ""Creativity Lab"" | g) """"Structured Educational Visit to Schools/Institutes & Training Seminars in SWEDEN"""" | h) ""3D Printing "" | | The participants who carry out the mobility will be responsible for establishing seminars / workshops in the center addressed to the rest of the faculty, where the contents taught during their stay are treated.";5. EXPECTED RESULTS. | Teachers will improve their technological competence and in a foreign language, study new teaching methodologies, increase the number of contacts, etc ... The received training will be shared with the rest of the teaching staff. The participating teachers will commit themselves to apply them (as long as they consider appropriate to the context and environment of the center) and include them in the syllabus. The training and higher qualification of the teaching staff implies an improvement in the teaching-learning process, thus increasing the academic performance of our students. | | 6. LONG-TERM BENEFITS. | If a high degree of internationalization is achieved, the quality of the institution will be increased for the enrichment that involves participation in the teaching staff and others. One of the pillars that is based on the present project. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2019;2019-1-ES01-KA104-062886;;;ICT INNOVATION, LEARNING SPACES AND LEADERSHIP THROUGH AN EUROPEAN DIMENSION.;"""ICT INNOVATION, LEARNING SPACES AND LEADERSHIP THROUGH AN EUROPEAN DIMENSION."" is the project title that the Teacher Training Centre (CFIE) of Ponferrada is submitting to participate in KA104 Era...";Research and innovation|ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;CFIE Ponferrada;ES;ES;2.658,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Adult education;Centro Educativo;;;English;"""ICT INNOVATION, LEARNING SPACES AND LEADERSHIP THROUGH AN EUROPEAN DIMENSION."" is the project title that the Teacher Training Centre (CFIE) of Ponferrada is submitting to participate in KA104 Erasmus + mobility in the 2019 call. The main targets of this project are the adult centres of its area of influence and their adult students, located in the northwest of Len county. Engaged in this remarkable project, the CFIE reinforces the training carried out by its team of advisors (pedagogical assistants), which in turn reverts to adult teachers seeking to improve their skills and finally to adult students, conforming to the priority lines established by the Regional Government of Education following the guidelines of the strategic framework for European cooperation in the field of education and training ET2020. | | The CFIE has got a staff of teacher training advisors that cover seven areas. We have focused on two priorities that are believed to be crucial at the moment: to promote active methodologies focused on the creation of flexible learning spaces with the implementation of ICT, the development of leadership skills and to continue working on the internationalisation of adult centres. | | To achieve our goals, two mobilities were chosen, a structured training course and a job shadowing action. One is a structured training course whose objectives are primarily aimed at the acquisition and reinforcement of leadership skills and in observational learning in various centres with learning spaces. In the action of learning by observation (job shadowing) it will be carried out in a school with an Autonomy Project in operation and focused on self-learning and self-regulation with ICT implementation. | | The course and the school chosen to the job shadowing action to meet these needs are: ""LEADERSHIP AND IN SERVICE TEACHERS TRAINING: AN EUROPEAN INNOVATIVE APPROACH"" organised by CREF - Centro de Recursos Educativos e Formao, Sesimbra, Portugal and COLEGIO MONTE FLOR in Carnaxide, Portugal. | | The expected findings of the project will translate into CFIE fostering new activities. These will increase its capacity to bring about changes in terms of redevelopment and on its international openness, improving management skills and internationalization strategies. A better quality in the preparation, management and monitoring of European projects, both in the CFIE itself and in the adult centres are also expected. The development of a more dynamic, committed and professional environment, with a predisposition to integrate good practices and other methodologies, is presumed.";In short, the impact and long-term advantages of this project will be evident not only in its local area of influence but throughout the region, becoming a reference for adult centres and for other CFIE, increasing the quality and variety of their educational landscape. This project opens doors for promoting cooperation projects with other CFIE, offering to carry out future observation actions (job shadowing) and advising adult centres in a more effective way. This in turns will increase the number of consortiums and associations in Erasmus + programs and the number of active adult centres in platforms such as eTwinning (16-19) and EPALE. We also hope that our Training Teacher Centre will implement new activities and inspire the adult centres in their area of influence to adopt more creative methodologies, achieving an authentic European dimension. | Results | Website | Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2019;2019-1-FR01-KA101-061899;;;Innovative technology in learning and teaching process ;"Our project entitled ""Innovative technology in learning and teaching process was born from a long reflection on the use of ICT as a learning tool in education. Nowadays there is a growing tre...";Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;Collge Albert lougnon;FR;FR;7.220,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"Our project entitled ""Innovative technology in learning and teaching process was born from a long reflection on the use of ICT as a learning tool in education. | | Nowadays there is a growing trend towards integrating Information and Communications Technology (ICT) into teaching and training. Therefore, the necessity for teachers to adopt innovative methods, such as teaching through educational games, is highlighted. Indeed, educational games that add a creative and entertaining touch to the educational process are an effective tool for teachers who look forward to support their students efforts so that their path to the acquisition of knowledge becomes easier and more pleasant. Thus, teachers need to keep up with evolving technology, know what digital tools are best suited to their students and use them creativily and effectively in their classrooms. However, ICT can be a muddy environment and approaching it without a proper guidance and a practical training can be a time-consuming task. That is why we would like to attend a 7-day course with the option to extend it to 10 days which is implemented by experienced and specialized educators in Italy, Greece or Portugal. Thus, thanks to these courses we will learn about the world of educational games and practise in their use. | | We are three teachers who are involved in this project. Always in search of new digital tools to stimulate learning, we are eager to bring novelty and innovation into our classrooms. We use digital tools and a variety of applications during our sessions such as Padlet, Plickers, Mindmodo, Aurasma (Augmented Reality). We also incorporate a new style of teaching into our lessons by using Escape games designed for pedagogical purposes. In other words, each of us has a profile that match with the topic of these trainings. | | The main objectives of our organizations are : | -Fighting against school dropout, | -Developing key skills of students and teachers, | -Strengthening cooperation between actors in formal and non-formal education, | -Improving the quality of teaching through peer exchanges. | | The Learning objectives are: | - Observing and attending courses that use ICT tools and resources, | - Integration of educational games into the teaching practice, | - Learning how to easily create exceptional multimedia content, | - Learning how to create our first website or blog and an e-learning class page.";The learning outcomes are: | - Discovering new apps and tools, | - Developing a better understanding of ways to integrate ICT into a classroom teaching environment, | - Integrating a variety of apps into their lesson plans, to motivate and engage students. | | In the long term, the participants and the host partners will be able to establish contacts with individuals and organizations working in the field of education in Europe through cooperation and networking activities. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2019;2019-1-HR01-KA102-060621;;;Intelligent solutions for Digital Europe;"Mobility project for students of the Electrical Engineering School entitled ""Intelligent solutions for Digital Europe"" encompasses the participation of 27 students and 3 accompanied teachers by t...";Cooperation between educational institutions and business|International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation|ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Elektrotehnicka skola;HR;HR;69.177,47;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"Mobility project for students of the Electrical Engineering School entitled ""Intelligent solutions for Digital Europe"" encompasses the participation of 27 students and 3 accompanied teachers by two mobility flows; ie 3 students in Finland who are trained for computer technicians and in Ireland -10 computer technicians, 6 electrotechnicians, 6 technicians for applied computing in electrical machinery and 2 electromachine technicians. The overall objective of the project is providing students within 2 weeks of professional practice in Finland (partner host school Omnia) and Ireland (partner host organization Martello Training) learning and acquainting with the application of modern intelligent systems with which, due to a small number of hours of practical teaching, nonequipped practitioners, insufficient use of digital technologies in learning and teaching they didn't get a chance to know through regular education. The specific goal of the project is to expand students' knowledge using intelligent systems based on smart solutions in the E & R area. Students -computer technicians will thus focus on user programs that are interfaces for achieving the performance of devices in ""smart homes"" and programming ""smart"" systems; electrotechnicians and technicians for applied computing in electrical machinery will focus on connectng of a central control unit with sensors (key aspect of communication in industry 4.0 and digital economy) and intelligent networking of electrical installations (KNX technology); while electromachine technicians will focus on installing of electrical installation and smart automation solutions. In addition, students will develop linguistic and sociological competencies, skills of diversity and tolerance, and have the opportunity to change their experience with their peers, work on establishing and maintaining relationships and expanding the social network. | The project will have a strong and positive impact on project participants, the School, partners and the general public. At the School level, 27 students will improve the professional, digital and entrepreneurial competencies related to the field of intelligent solutions in the E & R sector, applied to the EU labor market through real-life professional practice in Ireland and Finland. In this way, the project will help reduce the gap between a set of traditional competencies used to predict the impact within the School as a VET organization and the new challenges posed by the digital economy. In particular, the project will focus on the application of modern intelligent systems based on smart solutions for smart and sustainable homes /buildings. The effect is also important through the transfer of relevant skills and competences through modernized curricula, the improvement of interdisciplinary approaches of learning and teaching based on modern technologies, more attractive teaching processes with the application of digital technology that teachers will use transferring their knowledge to colleagues after the project, as well as a critical review of the Finnish and Irish education system for vocational occupations of the E & R sector. This will ultimately have an impact on greater ability and work competence in general and the expansion of partnership cooperation between schools in Croatia and the European Union - better cooperation with partners from other countries and other educational areas, greater awareness of the values of the EU,more intensive involvement of the School in the implementation of EU projects as well as more massive use of achieved results and acquired knowledge and experience. In the long run expected benefits of mobility projects are better synergy and harmonization of the secondary vocational education system with the market needs and opportunities, better connection with enterprises and the community, improved assessment of basic and transversal skills, in particular: entrepreneurship, intercultural and linguistic competences and digital skills,better transition between different vocational educational systems related with better use of ECVET for recognition, evaluation and transparency of competences and qualifications, strategic and integrated use of ICTs as a learning process in school practices that should be based on pedagogical understanding that digitization promotes teaching and guidance, improves the quality of routing and gives the opportunity to develop and create a new modern material.";This project seeks to improve the living prospects and employability of students, which ultimately will contribute to a more sustainable base of human capital and more and more inclusive growth. For visible results investment in students skills is required through certain measures such as mobility within K1 Erasmus + because such investments will consequently enable the employment of a larger number of people and increase the productivity of the workforce in EU. | Results | Website | Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility with VET mobility charter;2019;2019-1-HR01-KA116-060282;;;Perpetuum mobile 6;"The project is implemented by the Road Traffic School from Zagreb. The aim of the Perpetuum Mobile 6 project is to increase the quality of vocational education in the transport and logistics se...";;;Skola za cestovni promet;HR;HR;164.662,20;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"The project is implemented by the Road Traffic School from Zagreb. | | The aim of the Perpetuum Mobile 6 project is to increase the quality of vocational education in the transport and logistics sector, to connect education to the economy and to internationalise the institution. | | The project has a yearlong cooperation with the EU vocational schools and institutions: | SDE College (Odense, Denmark), | South Savo Vocational College (Mikkeli, Finland), | Bjrknsgymnasiet (Boden, Sweden), | Istituto d'istruzione secondaria superiore ""Agostino Berenini ""(Fidenza, Italy), | Croatian Economic Association from Frankfurt am Main (Germany), | APLICAPROPOSTA LDA (Braga, Portugal), | IFOM-Instituto per la Formazione, l'Occupazione e la Mobilit (Bologna, Italy). | The new partners, Kauno technikos profesinio mokymo centras (Kaunas, Lithuania) and the company Kobal Transporti d.o.o. (Ljubljana, Slovenia), also contribute to the network quality. | | The project will include 57 students and 8 vocational teachers from the transport and logistics sector and 4 accompanying teachers. Project includes two activities: | | 1. Mobility of VET learners: | The project is intended for the final grade students and those who have completed regular education in the programmes of the transport and logistics sector for occupations of motor vehicle drivers, road traffic technician and logistics and freight technician in the current school year. The students will be selected by the principle of excellence in learning and behaviour. | Professional practice during 2, 3, 5 or 8 weeks will take place in companies and in school logistics practicums equipped with modern storage mechanisation and equipment used in traffic-logistics activities. Professional practice will enable students to familiarise themselves with new methods of work and equipment and to acquire work experience in international work environment. During the journey to their destination, students will learn about the different types of traffic, the procedures in passenger air traffic, acquire skills in airports, and develop accountability and accuracy. Staying in a foreign country will significantly improve their knowledge of English/German language and language competences. | During their stay abroad, students will learn about the culture, customs and lifestyle of the host country. Since it is a minor student, it is also necessary to provide them with escort, although separation from parents and family will contribute to their emancipation. | | 2. Staff training abroad: | At the same time, together with their students, vocational teachers will participate in professional training in the form of job shadowing, which will be organized in the partner institutions in Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Italy and Portugal. | In vocational schools in Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Italy, teachers will learn about other educational systems, in particular vocational curricula in the field of transport and logistics, the working methods, equipment and ICT tools used by their fellow teachers, and exchange with them the experiences and examples of good practice. In addition, the teacher in Danish SDE College, will be involved in the forklift course. | Professional training in Portugal will be organized in the vehicle technical station and by the transport psychologist engaged in the training of young drivers. | Staying abroad will contribute to improvement of the English language competences, especially to the knowledge of the professional terminology in the field of transport, logistics and freight forwarding. The acquired knowledge and skills will be useful for the modernization of existing curricula (especially for motor vehicle drivers) and for the alignment with the requirements of the economy and the needs of the labour market.";Project activities are in line with the scope and quality of the Internationalization Strategy and contribute to the development and internationalization of the institution: the partner network has been expanded with two new partners, the length of student mobility, compared to the previous project year, has been extended to enable them to gain learning outcomes and contribute to the acquisition of students' professional competencies. | Student professional practice and professional training of teachers carried out abroad will contribute to the vision of the Road Traffic School: to prepare students for equal participation in the European labour market. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2019;2019-1-HU01-KA101-060301;;;Let's get motivated by using 21st century technics to make teaching and learning an experience;"Let's get motivated by using 21st century technics to make teaching and learning an experience is a project of Vci Madch Imre Gimnzium. At the very heart of the project we would like to o...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences|Early School Leaving / combating failure in education|Natural sciences;;Vci Madch Imre Gimnzium;HU;HU;40.117,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;Let's get motivated by using 21st century technics to make teaching and learning an experience is a project of Vci Madch Imre Gimnzium. | | At the very heart of the project we would like to offer the opportunity to our colleagues to participate in European mobilities, to develop their professional competences, methodological and e-skills, to gain cultural awareness and to experience the hospitality of other nations. | The aim of our project is to prevent early school leaving. The measure of quality teaching in a middle school educational institute is the proportion of students going on further education. Unfortunately, in the recent past there has been a growing number of students who did not manage to get into their chosen university. We would like our students to prepare deliberately for their further studies in the 11th-12th grades, to be able to see real carrier prospects and to make informed choices. In fact, of the utmost | to study for knowledge and their dreams and not for marks. | We must achieve that our students should find themselves, find motivation for learning subjects in time. To enhance this one of our tasks is to follow the technical development of the world and use it in our everyday practice in the school. We would like to increase the digital competence of teachers and students as well. Learning foreign languages, moreover being confident to communicate with partners all over the world is essencial these days. Multilingualism, e-skills and cultural awareness will allow our students to seize many opportunities offered by today's global labour market. | | Unfortunately, we experience the loneliness of students in our secondary school as well. Lots of them only communicate on chat programmes or they play games on their mobile phones in the breaks. We have to teach them how to prepare in and co-operate in teams. We have to set up an advising team which helps students with their questions in connection with their further studies. The mentor can be a teacher, the school psychologist or even a trustful student. | | The 16 employees of the school who are willing to take part in the mobility want to set a good example in commitment for students and colleagues. Their aim is to gain good practices in teaching and improve personal classroom practice to become innovative, forward-thinking teachers of the 21st century. Colleagues participating in the programme are not only motivated to train themselves further by becoming familiar with new methodologies, but the knowledge they share with their faculty will certainly raise the standard of education the school offers to its students. Educators taking part in the project teach a wide variety of subjects ranging from English, German, Hungarian and Italian to Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Maths and Information Technology. For this reason the project consists of 4 mini projects which cover special key competencies of the wide educational spectrum of the school, complementing each other. With this united project and sharing of best practices the quality of education and motivation of students grow, the danger of burn-out syndrome among teachers decrease as a consequence of varied new teaching methods and innovative co-operation. | | On account of mobilities we expect the development of competencies which had been named as problematical ones in the preparation phase (use of ICT technologies, co-operative techniques, student-centered methods, gamification and drama pedagogy). This way not only the efficiency of teaching can progress but by creating new professional contacts around Europe the international relationships of the school evolve as well. Taking this opportunity we can establish exchange student and sibling school contacts which again would return to the students advantage;The main objective of our school is to ensure such a base for the students by which they can become open-minded, coherent European citizens with proper language competencies. It is substantial to assure that they become competitive rivals of students from other countries and plan their further studies around Europe. It is highly essential to understand and be able to adapt themselves to the changes of the world and on the labour market use their knowledge confidently. | We would like to encourage them to try their hands at international projects, research and development, field trips and other projects where not only have they the opportunity to get to know other people but the world can meet them and through them our school as well, and this way they broaden our schools European outreach. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2019;2019-1-HU01-KA102-060578;;;Improving professional competences of VET staff;"Our project ""Improving professional competences of VET staff"" is an important milestone in the internationalization efforts of rd Vocational Training Centers Ks Kroly Vocational Secondary Scho...";International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation|New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses|Pedagogy and didactics;;rdi SZC Ks Kroly Szakgimnziuma s Szakkzpiskolja;HU;HU;13.750,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"Our project ""Improving professional competences of VET staff"" is an important milestone in the internationalization efforts of rd Vocational Training Centers Ks Kroly Vocational Secondary School. | Project objective | The primary aim of the project is to develop the professional competencies of our vocational training staff, for them to master good practices, to settle into new educational pathways, to strengthen open-mindedness and commitment to the school's development goals, to call attention to innovative, student-centered learning methods. | In the course of the project, we will start to prepare the staff for the mobility programs planned and presented in the application. In addition to mobility, important elements are to build relationships and cooperation through online platforms with colleagues and students from partner institutions, and to coordinate and schedule future joint applications. | Project background | We have identified the need for internationalization beforehand, and we have been seeking opportunities to build transnational connections. We believe that by exchanging experiences and implementing joint projects we can develop together with our partner institutions. | Our school, a vocational training institution, is located in the outskirts of Budapest, rd, and is the only vocational training institution in the town with a history of over half a century. In addition to our general educational and pedagogical goals, we are also committed to practice-oriented vocational training, we currently offer training in fifteen professions including fields with a shortage of professionals. | In February 2018, our school director attended a study trip in conenction with an application to Madeira to visit a school called Escola Profissional de Hotelaria e Turismo da Madeira. During the meeting with the staff of the institution, similarities were not only found in the education-training structures, but also in our visions, therefore we realized that closer ties would be mutually beneficial. Thus, when designing the project, it became obvious that our existing partner would be an integral part of the implementation. | Project schedule | The timeline of the project is one year (01.06.2019 - 31.05.2020). The majority of the schools 70 employees will contribute through online contact building, training sessions organized for mobility participants, planning and conducting of dissemination events, organization of travel, provision of tools and the testing of new educational methods. Those 10 individuals involved in mobility will be selected based on professional aspects by the school's management and a dedicated team. The project director, the head of practical training, the leaders of the working communities concerned and the hospitality teachers are expected to take part in the trip. | The five-day mobility will take place in October 2019 in Funchal, Portugal, where the participants will familiarize with the operation of the aforementioned partner institution, attend theoretical and practical lectures, visit practical training sites and exchange experience with local professionals. Mobility provides an opportunity also to visit Madeira's Hungarian related historical and cultural locations. | Project results | This project is the first step in the implementation of a long-term strategy, so the main indicator of its success is the start of the internationalization process. Effectiveness will be demonstrated by whether the collaboration among the student groups and their teachers via the online platform launched in the first phase of the project would function throughout the whole school year.";The results of the project include organizing workshops and tutorials for the school departments, for the students of our school, other member institutions of the rd Vocational Training Centre, as well as for the local media. Also the incorporation of good practices in the pedagogical practice of our staff. Our students, their parents, visiting guests and other interested individuals can enquire about the project news and results on the schools website, on its Facebook page and on a bulletin edited for this purpose. | Long-term effects | We are confident that the experience and results of the project will strengthen our concept to continue our internationalization efforts in the coming years, for example by submitting applications for student mobility. | By developing the pedagogical methods of our professionals and expanding our relationships, our school becomes a popular international partner. As a result of regular exchange of experiences and mobility (of professionals and students), our school becomes the basis for up-to-date, experience-centered vocational training. | Results | Website | Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2019;2019-1-IE01-KA101-051220;;;Language Training;Scoil Mhuire Naofa, Rhode, Co. Offaly, is educating children from Ireland, The United Kingdom, Poland, Lithuania and Romania. There is a need for the training and upskilling of our staff in the ar...;Pedagogy and didactics|Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development)|Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;Scoil Mhuire Naofa;IE;IE;2.095,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (primary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;Scoil Mhuire Naofa, Rhode, Co. Offaly, is educating children from Ireland, The United Kingdom, Poland, Lithuania and Romania. There is a need for the training and upskilling of our staff in the areas of E.U. language, culture and the methodologies for the teaching and learning of a foreign language. This upskilling will allow our school to be more inclusive and welcoming to all. It will involve and influence our school, community and indeed county Offaly and beyond. Both the E.U. and Department of Education in Ireland acknowledge the importance of teaching language from a young age. | At a staff meeting last January, 2018, we sat down and devised a School Development Plan to decide on specific goals and to decide how we would achieve these goals. Every staff member acknowledged the importance of expanding all of our pupil's horizons and the significant increasing need to connect further with Europe. | Our aims are to improve the methodologies of teaching and learning of a foreign language in Scoil Mhuire Naofa. We aim to introduce our student's to different European cultures. We aim to instil in our pupils a sense of European identity by studying European history. Our final aim is to improve teacher's own language skills. These goals were communicated to pupils, staff and parents via our school newsletter. | We evaluated our European iniatitives to date. These included participation in The Blue Star Programme, e-twinning, staff professional development courses, participation in European Year of Cultural Heritage, the Young Entrepreneur Programme, the Young Scientist project, Youth Week, European Day of Languages and E.U. Day. We assessed how these iniatitives were contributing to the goals of our School Development Plan. | We decided as a staff that in order to meet the goals of our School Development Plan an Erasmus project would be paramount. As a staff, after researching, reading reviews and contacting past participants, we decided that the LFEE Immersion Course in France would be most suitable and worthwhile for us. Its aims are to improve methodological expertise in the teaching of French to young learners, to provide participants with materials and ideas suitable for the teaching of French at primary level, to develop cultural awareness and understanding of contemporary France, to improve participants' competences and performance in French and to use internet and other ICT resources in our classrooms. The course was the perfect opportunity for us to connect with Europe. I found out that the course was also listed in the European catalogue of professional development courses for school teachers and staff. The LFEE course is in line with the Irish Primary Curriculum. | Within our staff we had a vote on who the most suitable person would be to put forward for this course. I was chosen to participate as I have initiated a number of European projects in our school. Although only one member of our staff is attending the LFEE Immersion Course, all of our staff, students and our community will benefit from this programme. On completing the LFEE immersion programme I will return with skills, resources, ICT skills, knowledge and methodologies to share with all the school staff, pupils and community. Initially on my return I will meet with staff as a whole during after school meeting hours to share my knowledge, skills, resources and experience with them. We will have formal and informal meetings, emails and skype sessions. Meetings will be organised regularly to share progress, successes, difficulties and new ideas. These meetings will allow for the constant monitoring and evaluation of the impact this project is having on our school as a whole. Parents will be kept up to date on what is going on in each classroom through the school email and website, parent evenings, newsletters and homework activities. Locally we will send in a newspaper article to be published in the local newspaper about our project. | French will be taught in each class during discretionary time weekly. Learning about French life, culture, History, Geography and traditions will take place in each class as part of the curriculum.;The learning outcomes from this course will be many and its effects will be seen and felt in our school and community for years to come. This course will help to prepare our students for life and work in an international environment. Our school will link us with the two other schools in our parish to share learning and for the sharing of ideas and skills. We will share our learning with others through our school Twitter page and Facebook page. We will also share our learning with the local newspapers, EPALE, School Education Getaway and with our e-twinning partners. | Our school will have a European dimension and will be more inclusive and welcoming to all. The course, as part of our School Development Plan, will have life long learning benefits for teachers, staff, pupils and the wider community locally and nationally. Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2019;2019-1-IT02-KA101-061636;;;Service Learning: a way to build bridges towards an empowered life;"This project titled ""Service Learning: a way to build bridges towards an empowered life, is a 12-month initiative designed to give the opportunity of applying the ""Service learning"" methodology f...";Social entrepreneurship / social innovation|Civic engagement / responsible citizenship|Inclusion - equity;;ISTITUTO GESU' NAZARENO DELLE SALESIANE DI DON BOSCO - SCUOLA MARIA AUSILIATRICE;IT;IT;21.490,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"This project titled ""Service Learning: a way to build bridges towards an empowered life, is a 12-month initiative designed to give the opportunity of applying the ""Service learning"" methodology for a staff group of 14 people from the ""Maria Ausiliatrice"" school in Rome. The participants will attend a 5-day training course focused on the methodology. The training organization will be the Spanish school network ""Red Espaola de Aprendizaje-Servicio"" (Spanish Network for the Service Learning) in Barcelona (ES). | The ""Maria Ausiliatrice"" Institute is an independent (non-State) school organization with 800 pupils. The organization offers education from the preprimary grade until the last year of the high school (13th level). The high school offers three specializations: Classical studies, Foreign languages, Scientific studies. As a Salesian school, affiliated to the CIOFS-Scuola-FMA national independent organization, the school provides education in: responsible European citizenship, inclusive education, acceptance of the diversity and global human education. The schools educational priorities are defined by the following papers: Leading Act of the School Principal, Plan of Development, Plan of the School Educational Offering 2019-2022, ISO9001:2015 Quality Register's Certification (by ""Accredia-Ente Italiano di Accreditamento""). The predicted main management papers stress some priorities: training teachers to creativity in the learning strategies, inclusive education, empowering teachers in planning and developing European and international projects, enhancing language competences for the teachers, providing an inclusive and European citizenship oriented education to the pupils. The proposal has the following specific objectives: | - Supporting teachers in analysing the social needs context in writing the School Social Report (Rendicontazione Sociale); | - Supporting teachers in building international network relationships with training and educational organizations, E-twinning at first (used by the applicant school); | - Training teachers with the ""Service Learning"" methodology as an effective inclusive educational methodology, in order to covey messages and practices of social responsibility to pupils; | - Expose teachers to Service learning through theoretical and practical training and by exchanging good practices; | - To educate students in building bridges through European nations, empowering students about the European citizenship and the solidarity for people from other countries, using the teachers training as a starting point. | The ""Service Learning Methodology"" is mixing together ""service"", meaning taking care of others, and ""learning"", as the formal education processes. The applicant school takes part in this initiative because of a preceding teachers' training project through an agreement between the school and the University LUMSA of Rome - Human Sciences Department. S. Consegnati (Phd.), a teacher in the department, encouraged a dialogue between the applicant organization and the Spanish school network ""Red Espaola de Aprendizaje-Servicio"" (Spanish Network for the Service Learning). At the end of the training course the staff will receive certification in order to enrich their ""Europass CV"". | The Project Development Plan is going to follow the three typical steps: preparation, implementation, dissemination. | In the preparation phase, the project management team will be engaged, and will be composed of the school leaders, the contact person, some members of the three institute's schools. The project team will be in charge of preparing the Course agreements, staff mobility, linguistic and logistical preparations, the mobility agreements, the monitoring and impact plan, the risk prevention plan and the specific project timetable. | Concerning the implementation plan, the action's main event will be the staff mobility training during the second half of the year, while the planning and the acting of Service learning activities must take place in the applicant school. In the service learning activities, students from each institute's school will to be involved, thanks to the action of the staff mobility Course participating teachers.";"The dissemination plan will be made by at least 3 disseminating activities, taking place during the second half of the year 2019/2020. The action's impact will continue for the management of new Service Learning activities by the school for the next school year, especially by creating a plan to sustain the exchange of good practices with the Spanish schools of the ""Service Learning Network""." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2019;2019-1-IT02-KA101-061987;;;Go Across Borders;Isabella d'Este High school in Tivoli is a high school with a long training tradition having been active in the area for several decades. In the recent few years, three different forms of educatio...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses|Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development)|Inclusion - equity;;LICEO LINGUISTICO E DELLE SCIENZE UMANE ISABELLA D'ESTE;IT;IT;15.085,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre General education (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"Isabella d'Este High school in Tivoli is a high school with a long training tradition having been active in the area for several decades. In the recent few years, three different forms of education have been set up: human science high school, social-economic high school, linguistic high school, which host about 900 students from all over the territory of the city and neighbouring areas. Only recently a generational turnover of the teaching staff and a new leadership have triggered a first renewal process. In some classes, alternative teaching-learning methods have been applied, such as the use of i-pads in the classroom in daily teaching. The first international projects have begun (international exchanges, working experience abroad, E-twinning use). However, this modernization which has reached good results in motivation and levels of competence of some students, doesn't affect the school as a whole. There are still areas of severe criticality in the performance of many students of the school. In fact, the results of Invalsi tests and in the internal parallel trials of our school as for Italian, Maths and English show that Liceo Isabella d'Este records a level of competence below the national and local average. Recovery didactic strategies have been implemented through RAV and PDM. The situation has improved over the last two years, but the need for a more effective intervention is highlighted. it should trigger innovation and motivation both for teachers and students. Through a process of evaluation and self-assessment of the needs of teachers, the need for innovation in inclusive education methods has emerged, including those methodologies that can reach all types of intelligence, multiple social environments and ensure the success of training for everybody. In particular, new teaching strategies through the use of ICT are sought. A highly performing approach is hoped, too. The school's internationalization committee therefore outlined a European High School Development Plan, writing down training needs. The training target was focused: teachers of the 4 foreign languages taught in high school and the head teacher. The choice fell on this department because one of the 8 European competences is "" communication in foreign languages and multilingualism: skills for mediation and intercultural understanding"", because foreign languages are basic subjects of school curriculum for many classes. Furthermore, the language teachers would also train to refresh their use of the foreign language they teach, a basic l element to maintain a high standard of quality. For the selection of hosting partners, the European School Gateway and E-twinning platforms were used, identifying the training partners on the reviews, the training offer pre during and after the structured course, the number of hours of daily lessons, the presence of a tutor for the trainee. Obviously the working language of the course is chosen on the basis of the foreign language taught by the teacher. The annual project includes 4 structured courses and a job shadowing in Spain with a school that was a partner in a e-twinning project and has a high specialization in inclusive education.";Throughout the phases of the project, evaluation methods were provided for both training , monitoring of activities, their effectiveness and efficiency, tutoring of training personnel abroad and therefore the teachers in Italy too. Finally, particular care was given to the dissemination of experiences, results, skills acquired not only within the school but also outside using the net and social media and with the creation of events aimed at involving not only the school world but all the local stakeholders who can appreciate the new way of working. Dissemination material | | Relazione finale | Disseminazione mobilit Finlandia | Relazione Job shadowing in Spagna Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2019;2019-1-PL01-KA102-063445;;;Designing A European Professional Future;Zesp_ Szk_ Rolniczych (The Cooperation of Agricultural Schools) in Grzybno prepared the Erasmus + project after establishing cooperation with the Spanish intermediary organization euroMind Proje...;Teaching and learning of foreign languages|Rural development and urbanisation|Recognition, transparency, certification;;Zespol Szkol Rolniczych w Grzybnie;PL;PL;31.344,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;not available;English;"Zesp_ Szk_ Rolniczych (The Cooperation of Agricultural Schools) in Grzybno prepared the Erasmus + project after establishing cooperation with the Spanish intermediary organization euroMind Projects S.L. with headquarters in Seville. Thanks to the mediation of this central partner, 36 students of Zesp_ Szk_ Rolniczych in Grzybno will be able to participate in a two-week internship in Spain in March 2020 and in November 2020. | The participants aged 17-19 will be the students of the technical school which offers the education of the professions such as farmer technician, technician of agriculture mechanization and agrotronics, technician of landscape architecture and veterinary technician. | Agricultural group (16 participants) is going to participate in the internship with the use of drones in agronomy; landscape architects (10 participants) are going to learn how to design, create and cultivate ""Mandala gardens"". Moreover, in both mobility stages are going to take part veterinary technicians (10 participants in total) who will participate in the internship in zoological gardens in Seville and Malaga. | The main goal of the project is to increase the quality of vocational education of the school, to develop practical skills of the students, as well as familiarize them with European technologies at work. | The internships will take place at the Mundo Zoo, at TYC GIS Soluciones Integrales S.L., Canitas intermediacin veterinaria S.L. and at SAFA vocational school. | All these enterprises have at least several years of experience in offering vocational education for Polish youth, and they are partners in mobility projects for other European schools. The main results of the project will be the acquisition of practical professional, social and linguistic skills by students, the development of international cooperation of the school with employers and vocational training organizations, and the improvement of the image of the school in the region as a leader in vocational training.";"By implementing the project there will occur an increase in knowledge about the Erasmus + Project, the European Union, and Spanish culture. Obtaining by the students the Europass- Mobility and Certificates will contribute to the professional and personal development of participants as well as the directorate and teachers involved in the project. Project participants will learn about modern methods of foreign language learning, for example OLS e-learning platform and other web applications that will motivate them to self-education in the profession. | From the long-term perspective, in particular employers in the region will profit. They will learn about school graduates - project participants- and they will be more open to employ them in their enterprises. The results of the project will also benefit the recipients of dissemination and promotional activities, who, encouraged by the possibilities of the Erasmus + program, will apply or seek applying institutions for participation in this program that ""changes lives and opens minds""." Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2019;2019-1-PL01-KA104-064542;;;English language learning as the key to providing equal opportunities and developing cultural intelligence - language education for adults;"The project entitled ""English language learning as the key to providing equal opportunities and developing cultural intelligence - language education for adults"" was created in order to increase l...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses|Teaching and learning of foreign languages|Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;Mabila English Spolka z ograniczona odpowiedzialnoscia;PL;PL;5.926,00;Yes;No;Small and medium sized enterprise;Otros;;;English;"The project entitled ""English language learning as the key to providing equal opportunities and developing cultural intelligence - language education for adults"" was created in order to increase language and cultural competences of adults. The staff of recently opened English language school in Gorzw Wielkopolski has noticed that common problems of adult learners concern not only their weak command of English or fear of exclusion related to that, but also lack of cultural awareness of the country they are planning to visit or have already visited in family matters or as tourists. The decision has therefore been taken to send the teaching staff to specialist courses, and then use the acquired knowledge and skills to educate school students as well as a wider target group, simultaneously boosting the language and cultural competences of the staff and placing the school in the European dimension. | The main goals of the project include: increasing the level of knowledge of British culture; preventing linguistic exclusion of adults; encouraging common interest in foreign language learning and the philosophy of lifelong learning; mediating in strengthening cross-generational bonds and breaking cultural-national barriers through language and culture education conducted among adult learners who have a weak command of English and keep in touch with their families abroad; increasing the level of language, methodological and cultural competences of the school staff; promoting mobility and European cooperation through encouraging to engage in foreign trainings/studies and professional mobility on the job market; preventing the radicalisation of learners' and wider target groups' attitudes through promoting intercultural understanding; establishing international contacts with educational institutions which have a similar activity profile (adult education) in order to exchange experiences, ideas and form potential cooperation. | The project involves two participants - English teachers working in Mabila English language school. One of them specializes in teaching adults, focusing mainly on effective spoken communication, activating seniors to learn foreign languages, and teaching adults whose weak command of foreign languages affects negatively their professional situation and/or relations with their families living abroad. Target learners of the other teacher include older teenagers and beginner adults. She focuses on individualized and creative approach towards teaching in order to achieve optimal educational effects. | The actions planned within the scope of the project concern participation of the two teachers in courses organized by Bell Educational Services in Cambridge (""Bringing British Culture to Life"" and ""Language and Methodology Refresher [Secondary/Adult]""), followed by further implementation and popularisation of knowledge and skills acquired during the trainings. This will include: internal trainings in the field of new teaching techniques and cultural competences; thematic lessons educating learners in the scope of recently gained knowledge; British Culture Week; publishing at least two e-books (free access, open license) popularising valuable content selected from the information acquired on the trainings; daily posts on the school's Facebook fanpage and Instagram profile during the 2-week mobility period in the form of a ""Mabila Culture Tip"" and/or ""Mabila Learning Tip"" - sharing selected culture facts and foreign language learning tips on a daily basis; designing autonomous culture language courses for learners interested in British culture and language elements inseparably linked to it; popularising potentially useful project-related information on such platforms as EPALE or Erasmus + Project Results Platform.";The expected results of project realisation: increasing language and cultural competences of the school staff, improvement of teaching techniques and significant upgrade of teaching materials, bigger cultural awareness among learners and other target groups (e.g. local community, social media followers, potential students, etc.), increasing the school attractiveness in the eyes of local community thanks to organising cultural events and extending educational offer, establishing contacts with foreign educational institutions. Among potential long-term benefits one can name developing educational-cultural standards in the European dimension, preventing such negative trends as linguistic and professional exclusion or attitude radicalisation, professionalisation of teaching staff, promoting Mabila English school in the international arena and creating an increasingly adequate offer of language courses tailored to learners' needs. | Results | Website | | | Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners | | Successful lessons thanks to inspiring activities | Selected aspects of British culture | Dissemination material | | Education in Cambridge as the source of inspiration and opportunities for development - our adventure with the Erasmus+ programme | Cambridge City Game Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility with VET mobility charter;2019;2019-1-SK01-KA116-060441;;;Students of Spojen _kola Detva for international mobility;Within the project submitted we plan to implement mobilities of 28 students and 4 accompanying persons during four work placements in the range of 2-3 weeks. We also plan 2 mobility for teachers i...;;;Spojena skola;SK;SK;59.654,00;Yes;No;School/Institute/Educational centre Vocational Training (secondary level);Centro Educativo;;;English;"Within the project submitted we plan to implement mobilities of 28 students and 4 accompanying persons during four work placements in the range of 2-3 weeks. We also plan 2 mobility for teachers in VET training at the new IISS partner ""Ilaria Alpi - E. Montale"" in Italy (for 2 teachers of economic subjects) to acquire new competences in teaching economic skills and transferring experience to the school. | Work placements: | a)in institution of vocational training: | 1. in secondary vocational school in T_emo_nice for students of professions mechanic setter, mechanic electrician. We organize a three-week work placement aimed at traditional mechanical machining, technical drawing using graphical systems and programming of CNC machines. | 2. in vocational education centre Internationaler Bund BZ Jena, where students during two-weeks long internship will practice their knowledge and skills of the administration, correspondence and writing business and personal letters in German. | b)in companies in Czech Republic and Malta. We organize work placements directly in enterprises, where our students perform work placement for several years. Our partner organizations have concluded contracts with companies. Each organization delegated responsible worker who will supervise the student's progress. The school will prepare learning agreements with the companies and each student will receive certificate and ECVET personal transcript from the company. | Within this activity, we have made a change to the Charter application when we replaced the original partner Siawns Teg in the UK for Easy Jobs Bridge in Malta. The reason is the situation around brexits as well as the change of management in Siawns Teg, as the quality of organization has fallen in the last 2 years. | By implementing the project we will support the objectives defined in the strategy of internationalization for both parts of the school. Project supports the concept of partially bilingual teaching and especially by linking content and language learning. In the VTS, the management has long focused on linking education with practice and implementation of dual education.";The project fulfills the strategy of the following aspects: | -Promoting of multilingualism:students attending international activities have better premises to master a foreign language | -The need to know and accept foreign cultures | -To promote the European dimension: connection of education systems | -Development of the curriculum with an emphasis on internationalization | -Implementing of strategies to school concept: | -We provide students an internationally recognizable qualificationsin form Europass | -Learning the language for the profession-we support the acquisition of language experiences in a country where the language is spoken | - Other impacts for students: preparing students for the labor market,orientation to students and their need-to develop learning outcomes ECVET | By implementing of the project we fulfill the following objectives of the strategy:: | 1.1 The long term goal of the school is to establish and expand the network of international partners with the aim to increase the attractiveness of the education | - through the mobility Erasmus + | - the project is supplemented by the implementation of other projects (Euroscola, EEA ESF) | 1.2 Operational objectives: | 1)to implement 20 to 30 mobilities each year | 2)to establish the cooperation with existing partners | 3)to provide: | -modernisation of the curricula with the transfer of good experience from international projects | -Increasing of the using of modern technologies in education | -connection of language and vocational training | -Better success of graduates in the European labor market | 1.3 To develop the system of implementation and evaluation of international projects: | -Project teams were created for the preparation and implementation of project - with the support of the school management | 1.4 Ensuring the quality of international cooperation: | -International cooperation will be provided by the Memor. of Understanding | -Cooperation with each partner will be assessed | -The quality of international co-operation will be ensured by fixing the contacts with existing partners and enlarging with new partner | -Participants will receive certificates and Europass - Mobility | -Graduates of partial bilingual education program will have this fact recorded in the Diploma Supplement | -ECVET learning agreements will be prepared, all acquired learning outcomes will be recorded | -All outputs of projects will be implemented in existing and innovative curricula | Given the fact that the internship will be attended by students younger than 18 years, they will be accompanied by teaching staff. Their main task will be to follow the course of work placement, in particular its content, compatibility with the objectives and content of the school curriculum. Accompanying persons will be teacher and will be present during the whole period. | Results | Website | Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2019;2019-2-IE01-KA105-051596;;;Visualise the Invisible;The Erasmus+: Mobility for Youth Workers Training Course 'Visualise the Invisible' is based on the current societal need to empower young people to upgrade their inclusion. For this process the r...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses|Inclusion - equity|Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy) ;;Waterford and South Tipperary Community Youth Service Ltd;IE;IE,CZ,RO,DE,AM,ES,JO,BE,EE;21.724,64;Yes;No;Non-governmental organisation/association/social enterprise;ONG;;;English;"The Erasmus+: Mobility for Youth Workers Training Course 'Visualise the Invisible' is based on the current societal need to empower young people to upgrade their inclusion. For this process the role of youth workers is essential. | | The overall aim of the Training Course is to increase the awareness of personal strengths and authenticity among | Youth Workers during a personal journey of self-discovery, to make visible what is invisible. Participants are stimulated to support the young people they work with, and to guide them in their learning process as full, authentic persons. | The participants do this by applying their own learning process to the young people with whom they work on a regular basis, with a view to connecting with and empowering young people who are at risk of exclusion. | | The key objectives of the 'Visualise the Invisible' Training Course are: | | 1. To support Youth Workers to become more aware of themselves, and therefore to enable them to make conscious choices and decisions that fit with the core of their identity and their goals in life. | 2. To stimulate creativity, vulnerability, empathy, confidence and resilience of the participants. | 3. To frame a learning process where youth workers feel commitment and inclusion by | sharing and experience. | 4. To provide Youth Workers with tools to support a deep connection with the young people they work with. | 5. To encourage and serve the participants with tools to implement their learning process after the training course with a similar process for their target groups in their own community. | 6. To reflect on their own learning process by using the Key Competences from the Youth Pass and give the opportunity for capacity building in the context of the Erasmus+ Program | Activities | This Training Course will be organised in Woodstown, Co. Waterford, Ireland, over 6 days between the 7th to 12th of September, 2019. We will host 24 Youth Workers who work directly with young people from 9 different countries: Ireland, Belgium, Spain, Armenia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Romania, Jordan and Germany. | | The Course will be based on non-formal and informal education with a self-directed learning approach, and will be characterised as highly participatory, interactive and experiential. The main methodology will be the use of Labyrinth Theatre, involving the creation of a learning process using artistic tools and performances. | Working methods will include case studies, working in pairs and small groups, team building activities, discussions, workshops developed by the participants and self-assessment. | | The flow of the activities will involve different workshops around the following areas - | A. General overview of Erasmus+ program and the Youthpass and 8 key competences | B. Introduction of the programme of the training course | C. Getting to know each other activities and making a close and safe group out of the individual youth workers | D. Inner leadership and river of life; Vulnerability; | E. Labyrinth Theatre and the preparation for this day by the power of silence, attention for the body; | F. Putting on a Production for the public and members of WSTCYS in Woodstown | G. Reflection on the labyrinth-day; Inconvenient feelings and resilience; Methods and tools and capacity building; Transition and Accountability.";Impact | In developing the capabilities of Youth Workers from the 9 different countries, and in deepening the ties that bind Europe together, we expect that young people will be more empowered on a personal level, will be more engaged with European civic life, and will be more connected with their societies in a positive manner, all resulting in increased inclusion and the development of a sense of European identity. | | More specifically, the impact on the young people with whom the Youth Workers work on a daily basis, we believe that: | - young people will directly benefit from the more qualified youth workers | - volunteers will benefit from the more competent mentors and youth workers | - young people will increase the chances to participate in international or local projects inspired by the training course | - young people will directly benefit from innovative methods used by participants in their daily activities | - young people will develop European values of tolerance, respect and openness Erasmus+;Jean Monnet Activities;Jean Monnet Projects;2014;553328-EPP-1-2014-1-IT-EPPJMO-PROJECT;;;From Italian teachers to European teachers;The main aims of this project are improving the ability of school teachers to explain the EU at school. There will be organized different forms of training course. The first training phase will be...;EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy|Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning|New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;ALMA MATER STUDIORUM - UNIVERSITA DI BOLOGNA;IT;IT;60.000,00;Yes;No;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;The main aims of this project are improving the ability of school teachers to explain the EU at school. There will be organized different forms of training course. The first training phase will be a two days Seminar training course (in Italian language and English) addressed to 40 teachers selected to national scale. During this course the Professors of the University of Bologna and from European and International University network will give to school teachers the basis of the European integration and the members of Europe Direct will focus on the internet European opportunities. It will be also a place in which the teachers of the school can know each other, exchange experience and information. The training will continue at home through a 4 Months virtual class in which the e-learning will be the tool to know. This training course will be open assuring the major participation to all national and international teachers. During this period the EU will be presented through thematic in-depth analysis. Thanks to a creation of website and the creation of a network of teachers interested in EU issues and the e-book, which will be a modern and innovative didactic support to teach the EU, the content and didactic material will be spread all over the European schools. The creation of an European teachers Platform for exchanging and introducing new pedagogical content and didactic material will be one of the innovative features of the project. The Growing European Community will be also presented during the final phase of the International Conference as an in evolution output. In meanwhile the European issues will enter in school also through meetings organised to explain the history of European integration and how the EU works, but they will also deal with specific topics such as the EU environmental policy, mobility opportunities, promotion of human rights and gender equality, globalisation and new challenges.;Results for this project are not available. Erasmus+;Jean Monnet Activities;Jean Monnet Chairs;2014;553463-EPP-1-2014-1-NL-EPPJMO-CHAIR;;;European integration and Health law;"The aim of JM CHAIR is twofold: 1. Developing an unique EU health law teaching course, based on a mix of innovative methods (problem-based learning, testing knowledge and skills), and novel tool...";Health and wellbeing|New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses|Open and distance learning;;ERASMUS UNIVERSITEIT ROTTERDAM;NL;NL;44.550,00;Yes;Yes;Higher education institution (tertiary level);Universidad;;;English;The aim of JM CHAIR is twofold: | 1. Developing an unique EU health law teaching course, based on a mix of innovative methods (problem-based learning, testing knowledge and skills), and novel tools (role plays, mooting, open access modules, chatsessions) stimulating excellence in teaching in European health integration. New pedagogical techniques impact positively on our full degree program. The university incorporates the new course in its regular curriculum. In addition, (public) lectures apply new teaching and debating technologies (massive open online lectures, social media interaction), attracting audiences worldwide. These lectures should initiate public debate, popularizing European integration at various levels of society. Also, enhancing the university's reputation for intellectual, challenging ideas and discussion with a broader public audience. | 2. Conceptualising the Europeanization of health law by exploring the impact of EU health measures and European integration on national health systems and legislation. Europeanization includes both hard law penetration in national regulation and soft law processes and practices in healthcare issues by using multidisciplinary synergies. A transnational panel of scientists/policy-makers from different branches of law and policy, will be established, acting as an advisory board. Advisory board members will participate in an e-platform and seminars, exchanging research ideas, proposals, and conclusions, open for discussion. Collaboration between these members will ensure their input into research design, analysis and results, strengthening excellence in research, fostering dialogue between academics and policymakers, and ultimately result in high quality and effective regulation. Research outcomes will be published in an open access ebook.;"To enhance impact, the visibility of results and activities will be promoted, leading to better feedback. Finally, the project will collaborate with other JMChairs in Europe. | Results | Website | | | Without category | | Book of Abstracts ""E-health: Grand Challenges and Legal Concerns"" | Book project ""Cross-border health care and European Union law"" | Presentation ""The EU-WHO Relationship"" | Presentation ""European Law and New Health Technologies: Mapping the General Framework"" | Course Book ""Health and European Law"" | Presentation ""Europeanisation of Health Law"" | Presentation ""Eu Health Law: impact on association countries (Ukraine perspective)"" | Presentation Eu Health Law: A Legal/Policy 'Patchwork' | Presentation ""Accession of Croatia to the EU and Health Law"" | Presentation ""Regulating e-Health in the European Union with a focus on EHRs"" | Presentation ""Introduction to the EU law""" Erasmus+;Sport;Collaborative Partnerships;2014;557109-EPP-1-2014-1-EL-SPO-SCP;;;Innovative learning Resources to foster equal participation In grassroots Sports dealing with discrimination, racism and violence incidents;IRIS-Innovative learning Resources to foster equal participation In grassroots Sports dealing with discrimination, racism and violence incidents,is submitted under the Erasmus+ Programme with the ...;;;PERIFEREIA DYTIKI ELLADA;EL;EL,HU,FI,ES,BG;472.792,00;Yes;Yes;Regional Public body;Administracin Educativa;;;English;IRIS-Innovative learning Resources to foster equal participation In grassroots Sports dealing with discrimination, racism and violence incidents,is submitted under the Erasmus+ Programme with the aim to provide novel and interactive tools and education resources that would increase end-users capacities to prevent and handle this multifaceted phenomenon,as well as to raise the awareness of key actors and policy makers for integrating good practices and EU principles in any national, regional or local initiative. Even through Sports are considered to be the ideal framework to ensure social inclusion and to build friendships among the youngest by conveying the concepts of peace, tolerance, mutual understanding and education (White Paper of Sport),the reality of Sports is contradictory since alarming intolerance incidents continue to rear their head in professional and amateur level posing concerns for the results and extent of this phenomenon.EU has issued guidelines on equal opportunities and social inclusion in the field of Sports to be adapted and fostered across EU regions. To this direction,IRISmultidisciplinary consortium will work in view of facilitating the promotion of EU directives and transferring of good practices and updated knowledge to all directly involved actors,effectively addressing this negative social phenomenon by: promoting tolerance attitude to the youngest,sensitizing them and their social environment on values and ethics of Fair Play and equal participation through interactive educational tools and events improving knowledge and skills of PE teachers and coaches,to handle and prevent such incidents,through modernized e-learning resource with updated modules and tools Generating knowledge on the State of the Art and Training Needs Supplying policy makers with an integrated good practices and policy solutions Paper Networking and raising awareness activities with key actors across EU to transfer results and gain Shareholders suppo;Website | | | Without category | | 1. State Of The Manifestations Of Violence And Discrimination In Grassroots Sport In Schools And In Sports Clubs | 2. Projects Brand Identity | 3. IRIS Website for Free Use of Tools & dissemination of Knowledge | 4. Modernized distance learning platform (in Greek, English, Hungarian, Spanish, Bulgarian and Finnish). | 5. A Handbook for PE Teachers and coaches | 6. Good Cases & Practices Database, in English and only in digital version | 7. Comic Book for children between 6 to 11 years old (in English, Greek, Bulgarian, Spanish, Hungarian and Finnish) | 7.1 Comic + activities: La Panda | 8. The RPG serious game aims at raising awareness (children between 11 to 15 years old) | 9. The TV spot (in English, Greek, Bulgarian, Spanish, Hungarian and Finnish) | 10. The Policy Issue Paper on Promoting equal participation in Sport, | 11. Intra-School and Intra-Club Application | 12. Community Awareness Raising Events | 13. The Network list | 14. NEWSLETTERS Erasmus+;Sport;Collaborative Partnerships;2015;567140-EPP-1-2015-2-RO-SPO-SCP;;;Regional Center for Dual Career Policy and Advocacy;"WP1.1 Kick-off meeting (Bucharest, January 20-21, 2016). Project presentation, work plan, budget, financial regulations, templates for reporting. WP1.2 EU guidelines translation. Each partner tr...";;;INSTITUTUL NATIONAL DE CERCETARE PENTRU SPORT;RO;RO,EL,BG,SI,SK,HU,IT;319.768,50;Yes;No;Research Institute/Centre;Centro de Investigacin;;;English;WP1.1 Kick-off meeting (Bucharest, January 20-21, 2016). Project presentation, work plan, budget, financial regulations, templates for reporting. | WP1.2 EU guidelines translation. Each partner translated the EU guidelines for Dual Career in their own language. Translations are freely available on Project portal. Hundreds of hard copies were distributed. | WP1.3 National status of DC in participating countries. Reports issued by each partner were integrated in a comprehensive project report, published on | WP1.5 Questionnaire of needs and expectations regarding DC. The Questionnaire was applied to up to 300 athletes per country. Results analysis is available on the project site and was communicated in different dissemination events. | WP1.4 Best practices identification. Based on the reports of the partners, a Handbook of Best Practices in Dual Career of Athletes was integrated by Hungarian partner and published on project web site. | WP1.7 Partners meeting (Budapest, June 20-21). Comparative benchmarks, discussions on enforcing the application of EU guidelines, evaluating good practices at national level and possible implementation of these measures in other participant countries. | WP2.1 Gaps and weaknesses in the national public laws and regulations: sport, education and employment. An analysis made from National reports on actual status of DC in each participant country. | WP2.2 International Conference on Dual Career in Sport (Bucharest, October 20, 2016). The conference was accompanied by an Educational and Job Fair, designed to attract talented and elite athletes to the event and to deliver educational and labor offers. | WP2.2 Partners meeting (Bucharest, October 21, 2016). The debates focused on finalizing the gaps and weaknesses in the national public laws and regulations analysis. | WP2.3 Policy proposal on improving the national legal frameworks for DC. Based on the findings of the partners as well as on two studies implicating issues of DC for athletes, a first draft of the Handbook of policy and advocacy was discussed. | WP2.4 Round tables with sport stakeholders. Such round tables were organized locally by partners in order to build a database of ideas, experiences and good practices in each participating country. | WP2.5 Partners round table (Milan, March 23-24, 2017). This event implicated both an international conference on March 23, 2017, in the premises of Universita Catolica di Milano and a partners meeting. | WP3.1 to WP3.3 Pilot formatting program using the facilities of the e-learning platform. The program comprised an initial number of 29 female elite athletes, rowers of the Romanian Rowing Federation. 18 of the student-athletes passed the final exam and received diplomas. | WP3.4 Evaluation of the pilot project. The evaluation was made in common by leaders of the Romanian Rowing Federation, DC4AC project leader INCS and experts from INVENIO. | WP4.1 Creating the image of the project. Logo was used, with EU logo, on all materials and documents issued/published by partners. | WP4.2 Web site development & update. Each partner had to elaborate his own web site of the project as Official Project Web Portal developed by the Greek team, as | WP4.3 & WP4.4 Local promoting activities. Project partners created various dissemination materials using them for local meetings and events. All dissemination actions are published on the project web site in form of a Final Dissemination Report. | WP4.5 Final conference, June2-3, Nafplio. Partners discussed the final results of the project, draw conclusions and shared the opinion that this work should not stop once the project is finalized. A memorandum to this purpose was signed by all partners. | WP5.1 to WP5.3 Risk analysis and mitigation. Quality control of implementation and outputs. Reporting. Partners agreed to send intermediate reports to the leader every 6 months. Due to this system, no major corrective measures were needed. | Results;Website | | | Without category | | EU Guidelines on Dual Career of Athletes - Romanian translation | EU Guidelines on Dual Career of Athletes - Greek translation | EU Guidelines on Dual Career of Athletes - Hungarian translation | EU Guidelines on Dual Career of Athletes - Italian translation | EU Guidelines on Dual Career of Athletes - Slovenian translation | EU Guidelines on Dual Career of Athletes - Slovak translation | EU Guidelines on Dual Career of Athletes - Bulgarian translation | Questionnaire: Needs and expectations on dual-career of athletes - English (official version) | Italy: Analysis and interpretation of the Athletes' Needs and Expectation on Dual Career | Handbook of Best Practices in Dual Career of Athletes in DC4AC countries | Handbook of Policy and Advocacy for implementing the EU Guidelines for Dual Career | DC4AC video clip: Face the DC challenges! | National Conference on Sport, Law and Athletes Rights | Partners' Final Declaration on Dual Career | Study on Romanian legislation and Dual Career | Study on DC system development in Hungary | DC promoting video clip for DC4AC | Selecting a Career after Sport -Athletes' experiences Erasmus+;Sport;Collaborative Partnerships;2016;572813-EPP-1-2016-1-UK-SPO-SCP;;;Watersports Enhanced Together;The overall aim of the project was to encourage increased health enhancing physical activity especially for those at risk of social and economic isolation through the use of water based sports and...;;;THE SPORTS COUNCIL FOR NORTHERN IRELAND;UK;UK,PT,BG,FI,ES;148.500,00;Yes;Yes;National Public body;Administracin;;;English;The overall aim of the project was to encourage increased health enhancing physical activity especially for those at risk of social and economic isolation through the use of water based sports and activities. It involved collaborative working at a local, national and European level to promote opportunities for long term sustainable engagement in sport and physical activities in, on or adjacent to water. The project also aimed to promote the value and importance of watersports through the promotion of water based sports activities during the European Week of Sport. | | The key outputs from the project were as follows: | 1. A joint brand that promotes Watersports was developed and continues to be used by all of the partners and also other organisations to help promote water sports and the #BEective European Week of Sport message. | | 2. A website has been created that promotes the project, opportunities and engagement in water based sports and this provides a legacy to the project. Furthermore it provides a single point of reference for all of teh watersports federations in the 28 EU member states | | 3. A Facebook account and Twitter account have been created that promote the project and continue to highlight watersports events and opportunities as well as sharing key information on watersports in general | | 4. A series of taster and try it events were provided by clubs and activity providers throughout the summer season in 2016 across the 6 partner countries that engaged 5468 participants with a range of water based sports. The target number to be involved in these events was 2500 and so the project exceeded the target by over double the numbers. the sport sthat people engaged with included: | a. Angling | b. canoe and kayaking | c. Hydro-speed | d. Kite surfing | e. Open water swimming | f. Rowing (including traditional rowing) | g. Sailing | h. Stand up paddle boarding | i. Surfing | j. Sub aqua | Many of these programmes and activities were repeated in 2017 without any additional funding which demonstrated an effective legacy to the project. It is planned to run them again in 2018. The partnership and others are also developing the concept of a Get WET weekend in the summer that focuses on promotion of a range of watersports activities on the last weekend of July | | 5. 7 follow up flotilla events (called SPLASH events) were held for those who have had initial taster sessions during EWOS in conjunction with local clubs that had 2160 participants involved. These were held on major waterways to try to derive media interest in the sports. | | 6. A seminar in Brussels took place in March 2017 involving 41 delegates from 14 countries to share learning and gain feedback on the toolkit and the EU Sport Unit were involved in this seminar | | 7. A toolkit that has been created following surveys to both participants and coaches to support the development of Watersports. The intial draft of the toolkit was sent to a wide range of stakeholders across Europe for a broad consultation before being finalised. It was launched in September 2017 at the nature and Sports Euro'meet in La Seu D'Urgell during European Week of Sport. The toolkit is available to download from the website | | 8. The toolkit has been sent to every Miistry of Sport in Europe and to all of the federations for watersports in all 28 member states.;Results | Website | | | Without category | | Best possible project outcomes produced | Increased participation in Watersports through better information | Significant participation in the taster events | Increased club membership and sustained participation in Watersports | High participation in the Splash flotilla events during EWOS | Improved knowledge and strategic management of Watersports in Europe Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Capacity Building for youth in ACP countries, Latin America and Asia;2016;573098-EPP-1-2016-1-MK-EPPKA2-CBY-ACPALA;;;Youth Marketing Policy Makers for Sustainable Development;The main project aim was to develop the capabilities of participating organizations through gaining creative marketing knowledge for increasing the awareness especially of public authorities and b...;;;ASSOCIATION FOR RESEARCH EDUCATION AND DEVELOPMENT MARKETING GATE SKOPJE;MK;MK,SI,PL,BG,RO,SK,NP,CZ,KG,HR,GH;59.720,83;Yes;Yes;Non-governmental organisation/association/social enterprise;ONG;;;English;"The main project aim was to develop the capabilities of participating organizations through gaining creative marketing knowledge for increasing the awareness especially of public authorities and business sector about the three pillars of sustainable development [SD]: economic, social and environmental benefits. | Previous experiences from preceding activities realized from consortium members, primarily based on achieved outcomes in YiA and Erasmus+ projects encouraged us to develop the idea of CBY in order to cooperate and exchange the best marketing practices and promotion tools for creating policies and implementing imaginative campaigns for SD using social media. | The project gathered 12 partners from 11 countries: Bulgaria; Croatia; Czech Republic; FYR of Macedonia; Ghana; Kyrgyzstan; Nepal; Poland; Romania; Slovakia and Slovenia. | Focus was on creating synergies between the next objectives: | 1.Capacity building and networking of consortium members: NGOs, education (community learning centres) and business sector from Africa, Asia and Europe; | 2.Rising knowledge for SD (Economic, Social and Environmental well-being for today and tomorrow); | 3.Creative contribution of 3 existing marketing sub-disciplines: Green; Social and Critical marketing paradigm; | 4.Using marketing 8Ps instruments through gaining traffic or attention by social media in order to build awareness and SD knowledge; | 5.Increasing pressure on the public authorities and business sector for the implementation of policies for SD; | 6.To balance different, and often competing, needs against an awareness of the SD limitations we face as a society, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. | Project activities were set on several different methodologies based on non-formal approach: | 1.Kickoff meeting and monthly online meeting of the implementation team; | 2.Two Mobility of youth workers (54 participants); | 3.Organizing Training Courses for own members and representatives of other NGOs, Business community and/or Local authorities; | 4.Final event YouMUST: Do it! NOW!; | 5.Final Webinar. | Realized outcomes: | 1.Developing multi-functional E-platform YouMUST; | 2.E-guide YouMUST: Create Your Future; | 3.E-booklets (17) for practical implementation of Rio+ SD Goals. Each project consortium member participated in preparation on minimum two (2) E-booklets; | 4.Developped promotional E-materials; | 5.In all activities were involved minimum 2.000 participants and/or representatives from NGOs, youth workers, business community, local authorities, media).";This project promoted active youth citizenship in general gathering 12 consortium partners from Africa, Asia and Europe, with non-formal education and outdoor activities to promote transnational cooperation between youth with a real positive influence on accepting the value and the meaning of cultural diversity around the world | Period of realization: 01.08.201630.09.2017 | Results | Website | | | Without category | | YouMUST: Create Your Future | SDG 01: End Poverty | SDG 02: Zero Hunger | SDG 03: Good Health And Well-Being | SDG 04: Quality Education | SDG 05: Gender Equality | SDG 06: Water and Sanitation | SDG 07: Affordable and Clean Energy | SDG 08: Decent Work and Economic Growth | SDG 09: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure | SDG 10: Reduce Inequality | SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities | SDG 12: Ensure Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns | SDG 13: Climate Action | SDG 14: Life Below Water | SDG 15: Life on Land | SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institution | SDG 17: Partnership for the Goals | Brochure Dezvoltare sustenabil | How to organize a social enterprise | Info Pack 1 | Info Pack 2 | Official anthem of YouMUST project | YouMUST_Make People More Sustainable | YouMUST: Sustainable Development Goals | YouMUST: Watergraphic | YouMUST: Be Sustainable | YouMUST: Corruption | YouMUST: Our Earth | YouMUST: Life on Land | YouMUST: Friendly Macedonia | YouMUST: Gender Equality | YouMUST: Good Health and Well Being | YouMUST: Dare to Know Association | YouMUST: Partnerships for the Goals | YouMUST: Hip Hop Sustainability | YouMUST Banner | YouMUST flyer ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;