Programme;Key Action;Action Type;Funding Year;Project Identifier;External Reference;National Identifier;Project Title;Project Summary;Topics;Results Platform Project Card;Coordinating organisation name;Coordinator's country;Participating Countries;EU Grant award in euros (This amount represents the grant awarded after the selection stage and is indicative. Please note that any changes made during or after the project's lifetime will not be reflected here.);Is Good Practice;Is Success Story Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility with VET mobility charter;2019;2019-1-HR01-KA116-060282;;;Perpetuum mobile 6;"The project is implemented by the Road Traffic School from Zagreb. The aim of the Perpetuum Mobile 6 project is to increase the quality of vocational education in the transport and logistics se...";;;Skola za cestovni promet;HR;HR;164.662,20;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-DE03-KA101-035136;;;WE IN EUROPE- EUROPE WITHIN US - on our way to become a European school ;The educational staff at our school is confronted with an extreme level of heterogeneity of students, a growing number of migrants from all over Europe and even refugees which have to be include...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Integration of refugees, Inclusion - equity;;Europaschule Grundschule Sudenburg;DE;DE,AT,DK;14.935,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-HR01-KA101-046988;;;Digital school;Administration School Zagreb is a vocational high school that educates students in the educational sector of Economy, Trade and Business Administration for four-year programs of Personal assistent...;Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Upravna skola Zagreb;HR;HR;18.922,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-SI01-KA101-021525;;;Z mobilnostjo dvigujemo digitalne kompetence;Our school_s vision is in upbringing and educating for life. Our teachers and learners' goal is to develop eight key competences of lifelong learning. For the past few years we have focused on act...;Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Osnovna sola Draga Kobala Maribor;SI;SI;16.190,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-HR01-KA104-047251;;;Creating Communities of Cohesion in Croatia;"Context of the project: This project was a cooperation between Zelena Akcija (ZA) & Collectiu Eco-Actiu (CEA). ZA, also known as Friends of the Earth Croatia, is a leading non-governmental, no...";Civic engagement / responsible citizenship, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Migrants' issues;;ZELENA AKCIJA;HR;HR,ES;42.648,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2018;2018-1-MK01-KA103-046816;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;As soon as the general call for E+ project proposals was published by the European Commission (end of October beginning of November 2017), UKLO prepared and published on the university web, the P...;;;UNIVERSITY ST KLIMENT OHRIDSKI BITOLA;MK;MK;143.414,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2018;2018-1-MK01-KA103-046837;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;The Erasmus+ Cooperation in scope of the Project KA103 is being directly implemented through the International Relations Office (further abbreviated as IRO) of International Balkan University (fur...;;;INTERNATIONAL BALKAN UNIVERSITY;MK;MK;119.058,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility with VET mobility charter;2018;2018-1-PT01-KA116-046831;;;Upgrade Your Skills in Europe 3;The Project Upgrade your Skills in Europe 3, propounded by Escola Profissional de Santo Tirso (EPST), took place between 31st December 2018 and 30th December 2019. Its main purpose was to give 8...;;;Escola Profissional de Santo Tirso, Sociedade Unipessoal, Lda.;PT;PT,IT,ES,EL;77.760,80;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2017;2017-3-PT02-KA105-004861;;;YOUth Inspires Europe;The YOUth inspires Europe YE took place in the summer of 2018 in Oeiras, Portugal and came at a time when Europe faces multiple challenges and the strength and inspiration to respond to them, for ...;Healthy lifestyle, active ageing, EU Citizenship ...;;PROATLANTICO - ASSOCIACAO JUVENIL;PT;PT,ES,IT,BG,CZ,RO,LT;36.686,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-PT01-KA101-035656;;;"BRITEIROS: Le@rning, Te@ching and Sh@ring- creative ideas for a successful school"",";"The project ""BRITEIROS: Le@rning, Te@ching and Sh@ring- creative ideas for a successful school"", emerged to fill a gap in the training of teachers from Agrupamento de Escolas de Briteiros, in Port...";Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education;;Agrupamento de Escolas de Briteiros;PT;PT;41.237,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2019;2019-1-FR01-KA101-061899;;;Innovative technology in learning and teaching process ;"Our project entitled ""Innovative technology in learning and teaching process was born from a long reflection on the use of ICT as a learning tool in education. Nowadays there is a growing tre...";Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;Collge Albert lougnon;FR;FR;7.220,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-ES01-KA101-048575;;;Way is made when walking;We are a secondary school on the outskirts of the city of Seville, Andalusia, in an environment of lower-middle class and limited job opportunities. Our students have few expectations of internati...;Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Teaching and learning of foreign languages, EU Citizenship ...;;I.E.S. Santa Aurelia;ES;ES,IS;31.025,46;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-SI01-KA101-012542;;;Igrificirani interaktivni _asovni trak Davorin Jenko;The Interactive Timeline Davorin Jenko, an animated computer game, that presents the second part of the 19th century in an interesting and modern way, is the main goal and achievement of our proje...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;OS Davorina Jenka Cerklje na Gorenjskem;SI;SI;29.710,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-HU01-KA101-013145;;;Hd a kultrk kztt- Bridging the Gap;The proposed project has been realized, including the goal of integrating the Hungarian and British National curriculums in such a way that they are beginning to be seamlessly cohesive. This goal...;International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;Budapesti Nemzetkzi Iskola-International School of Budapest s Magyar-Angol Kt Tantsi Nyelv ltalnos Iskola;HU;HU;18.958,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-LV01-KA101-046870;;;Knowledges of nowaday teachers create a future person;Within a framework of a project 10 teachers from Marupe Elementary school took part in five courses of different content in Portugal and Slovenia supported by Erasmus+KA1. Courses attended within ...;Disabilities - special needs, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;Marupes pamatskola;LV;LV;22.266,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-SK01-KA101-046135;;;GAV GOES CLIL;Project GAV GOES CLIL is the follow - up of the previous succesful G.E.M.S project where the modernization of our school has been established. We are the school with the long-lasting tradition in ...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Pedagogy and didactics, Cultural heritage/European Year of Cultural Heritage;;Gymnzium Andreja Vrbla Levice;SK;SK,IT,LV,HR,MT,UK,CZ,HU;22.640,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-ES01-KA101-047866;;;"""In Search of New Learning Paths in Europe""";This Project has improved the modernization and internationalization strategies of our School, promoting the mobility of teachers who have actively been taking part in projects at local and regio...;Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Research and innovation, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;IES Alvaro Cunqueiro;ES;ES,HR;8.743,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-MK01-KA101-002734;;;Let-s make our school more international;"The ICT provision and use in European schools is improving but several obstacles remain. > Firstly, whilst teachers are using ICT for preparing classes, ICT use in the classroom for learning i...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, International cooperation, international relations ...;;SSOU MOSHA PIJADE - Tetovo;MK;MK,ES;25.920,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2018;2018-3-DE04-KA105-017327;;;Coffee for the better 2019;"Basics The project ""Kaffee zum Glck 2019 - Junior Company Intercultural and Inclusive"" (Coffee for a better) was a project of the Education and Encounter Centre Schlo Trebnitz e.V. in cooperat...";Integration of refugees, Social entrepreneurship / social innovation, Inclusion - equity;;Schlo Trebnitz Bildungs- und Begegnungszentrum e.V.;DE;DE,PL;51.584,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2018;2018-3-EL02-KA105-004683;;;Youth Votes for Europe;The EU, democracy and active citizenship of young people is the basic framework of the program. Through the activities of Hellenic Youth Participation in the field of European mobility, active par...;Civic engagement / responsible citizenship, Youth (Participation, Youth Work ...;;KINONIKI SINETAIRISTIKI EPICHERISIELLINIKI SYMMETOCHI NEON;EL;EL,RO,HR,LT,DE,PL;20.964,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-FR01-KA101-046157;;;Estic in motion;For ten years, our school has adopted a systematical and progressive approach towards the international scene through varied educational options such as the European Class in high school or intern...;Recognition, transparency, certification ...;;ASSOCIATION IMMACULEE CONCEPTION;FR;FR;35.528,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2017;2017-1-RO01-KA102-036608;;;Vocational training in Services based on the dual education system and the learning outcomes ;The context of the dual education in our country and in our area is still in an early stage due to the fact that the educational policies are somewhat uncorrelated with the economic ones. High sch...;Quality Assurance, Inclusion - equity, Recognition ...;;Liceul de Turism si Alimentatie Dumitru Motoc;RO;RO,DE,UK;149.612,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2018;2018-3-CY02-KA105-001380;;;Be Active, Be Inclusive;"The project ""Be Active, Be Inclusive"" was implemented in Cyprus in March-April 2019 under E+ YouthExchanges partner countries. Partners were NECI CY -applicant, NECI Serbia, NECI Armenia, Masterpi...";Inclusion - equity, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Youth (Participation ...;;Network for European Citizenship and Identity;CY;CY,RS,AM,RO,ES,BY,TR,GE;29.373,62;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2018;2018-3-CY02-KA105-001445;;;Training of Youthworkers on Conflict Resolution;"The project '""Training of Youthworkers on Conflict Resolution"" met the needs of 26 youthworkers and their NGOs (from Cyprus, Romania, Bulgaria, North Macedonia, Greece, Turkey, Poland, Italy). The...";Inclusion - equity, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;Network for European Citizenship and Identity;CY;CY,RO,BG,EL,TR,PL,MK,IT;21.566,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2018;2018-1-IT02-KA103-047028;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;LUniversit di Sassari (UNISS), radicata in una complessa realt insulare al centro del Mediterraneo, attua politiche di internazionalizzazione incentrate sulla promozione della mobilit di stude...;;;UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI SASSARI;IT;IT;1.665.119,85;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-ES01-KA104-049725;;;Towards a New Training Plan for Adult Education Staff;"* Context: Adult Education in Madrid has shortcomings in terms of CEPA training provision and initial and in-service teacher training. * Objectives: With this project, FREM-CCOO aimed to estab...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;Unin Sindical de Madrid Regin de Comisiones Obreras;ES;ES;4.353,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2014;2014-1-SE02-KA105-000013;;;Working on Work;"From 08th - 16th of September, 2014 Partnership Building Activity ""Working on Work"" will gather 30 youth workers and young leaders from different organizations based in EU and EECA. It will take p...";Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, International cooperation, international relations ...;;IDEELLA FORENINGEN FRAMTIDSTAGET;SE;SE,PL,ES,LV,GE,AM,RS,IT,MD,MA;15.300,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2014;2014-2-HU02-KA105-000333;;;WYN-Virtual Youth Networking;Projects aim was to build a cultural bridge between Hungarian, Italian and Romanian youth groups having fewer opportunities, their youth workers united under a common goal: to allow promoting eq...;Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Access for disadvantaged, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;INNOVAFORM Kzhaszn Nonprofit Kft.;HU;HU,FI,IT,EL,UK,RO;46.200,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-SK01-KA104-022443;;;Mal kroky pre sebarozvoj pedaggov, ve_k_ skok pre eurpsky rozmer _koly;Our project was focused on professional courses for teachers and job shadowing at a partner language school in Cardiff, Wales. It created an opportunity for our teachers, not only mobility partici...;International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;Jazykova skola, Ul. 1. maja 2, Trencin;SK;SK,UK;17.115,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility between Programme and Partner Countries;2016;2016-1-SK01-KA107-022433;;;Project for higher education student and staff mobility between Programme Countries and Partner Countries;"The aim of the mobility project was to deepen and strengthen international cooperation and to create mutual support with the partner institution through international activities. The main objecti...";;;Univerzita J. Selyeho;SK;SK;16.440,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2017;2017-1-SK01-KA103-035010;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;"Project Background: The Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava ( hereinafter "" the APA "" ) pays a great attention to the development of cooperation with the artistic HEI in Europe....";;;VYSOKA SKOLA MUZICKYCH UMENI V BRATISLAVE;SK;SK;169.925,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility with VET mobility charter;2018;2018-1-IT01-KA116-006392;;;MI.FOR.MO.4;The MIFORMO 4 project offered to 92 students (2 more than expected)and two members of the teaching staff the opportunity to experience transnational mobility.Mobility took place in 5 countries of ...;;;I.I.S. LEVI-PONTI;IT;IT,UK,ES,FR,DE,MT;209.818,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-ES01-KA101-037656;;;EducaTools+;The project Educatools+ aimed to meet the institutional needs we detected and so improve the quality of education following the objectives set in the strategic framework: Education and Formation...;Quality Assurance, Inclusion - equity, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;ESCUELAS PROFESIONALES DE LA SAGRADA FAMILIA - NUESTRA SEORA DE LOS REYES;ES;ES;7.736,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2015;2015-1-FI01-KA105-008629;;;Media Literate. Digitally Skilled: Ready for Anti-discrimination Campaigning.;Training course Media Literate. Digitally Skilled: Ready for Anti-discrimination Campaigning is a single activity develop in close cooperation of Finish and Macedonian organizations addressing t...;Creativity and culture, Inclusion - equity, Youth (Participation ...;;Maahanmuuttajien ty, koulutus ja kulttuuri ry;FI;FI,TR,PL,LT,RO,ES,CZ,MK,EL,DE,CY,HR;28.665,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2018;2018-1-IT02-KA103-047019;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;Lesperienza maturata dallUniversit degli Studi di Salerno in seno al Programma Erasmus e le collaborazioni internazionali acquisite nel corso degli anni hanno consentito allAteneo di sviluppar...;;;UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI SALERNO;IT;IT;1.122.436,27;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2017;2017-1-ES01-KA102-036683;;;Internationalisation of Nurse Assisstant Education-3;The Project has been the continuation of the two previous E + KA1 Projects and a base for the following we have. It has achieved that our expectations have been fulfilled, with the internationaliz...;Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Recognition, transparency ...;;IES SANTA BRBARA;ES;ES,FI,CZ,PL;19.524,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-ES01-KA104-037505;;;Opening doors to diversity in europe;Context. CEPER Cehel is an EPA Center located in the south of Granada. It has 10 teachers and intercultural mediator, educational inspectorate, provincial coordination team and educational guida...;Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment;;CENTRO EDUCACION PERMANENTE CEHEL;ES;ES,RO,DE;10.065,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2018;2018-1-ES01-KA102-049637;;;Cooperating for the reduction of European youth unemployment II;"Context/ Antecedents of the Project: The High School Campia Alta is a Centre of education located in El Casar (Guadalajara) and where Compulsory Secondary Education, Baccalaureate and Vocationa...";Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment;;IES CAMPIA ALTA;ES;ES,UK;4.148,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-IE01-KA104-016818;;;New Horizons - CPD for CMETB Adult Education ;Cavan and Monaghan VEC merged in July 2013 to form Cavan Monaghan Eduacation and Training Boards, in doing so merging two distinct Adult Literacy and Community Education services. In the interveni...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board;IE;IE;19.270,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2018;2018-1-IT02-KA103-047282;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;LUniversit di Padova collabora con 610 IIS dei Paesi del Programma, attraverso 1758 accordi inter-istituzionali (124 pi dellanno precedente). La rete di partners copre tutte le aree di studio ...;;;UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI PADOVA;IT;IT;3.494.992,56;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2018;2018-1-CZ01-KA102-047690;;;Education Without Borders foreign practice of students of Vocational and Practical school Kladno - Vrapice II.;The main objective of the Education Without Frontiers project the practise of pupils and teachers at the Secondary Vocational School and Practical School in Kladno Vrapice abroad, was to incre...;Access for disadvantaged, Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Inclusion - equity;;Stredni odborne uciliste a Prakticka skola Kladno - Vrapice, prispevkova organizace;CZ;CZ,IT;90.376,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-PT01-KA101-035319;;;Step by step building the futur;The project Step by step building the future represented the achievement of an international idea for all the educative community, as well as the integration of European values in Agrupamento de...;Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;Agrupamento de Escolas do Cerco;PT;PT;61.721,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2014;2014-1-IT01-KA102-002326;;;Tourism Training Towards Europe - dall'Italia verso l'Europa;"A. CONTEXT The Italian accommodation system is leader in Europe for quality and dimension. Tourism sector has always been and still it is a solid engine for the economic recovery of European...";Encourage social inclusion and equal opportunities in sport, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Energy and resources;;Match Up Srls;IT;IT,EL,MT,PT,UK,ES,DE;258.700,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2015;2015-1-IT01-KA102-004316;;;I-MEET - International Mobility Experience for E-Tourism;I-MEET contributed to respond to the need for acquiring professional knowledge and skills to enable promotional and marketing strategies based on information technology (e-tourism), already widesp...;Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal), Recognition, transparency ...;;European Grants International Academy S.R.L.;IT;IT,ES,PT,MT,DE,FR;476.656,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2014;2014-2-SK02-KA105-000250;;;Jazykov vzdelvanie (nielen) cez internet;The project Language learning (not only) via Internet covered the program countries Slovakia, Poland, Germany, Italy and Sweden. It took place in the town of Partiznske, Slovakia and its surrou...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, International cooperation, international relations ...;;Edukcia@Internet;SK;SK,IT,DE,SE,TR,HU,PL;30.931,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2018;2018-3-CY02-KA105-001378;;;Developing By Sharing;"The project ""Developing By Sharing"" was designed to offer space and time to 35 youths and 7 leaders from 7 partner NGOs (Cyprus, Bulgaria, Spain, Greece, Turkey, Romania, Italy) for collaboration ...";Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy) ...;;Network for European Citizenship and Identity;CY;CY,IT,EL,ES,TR,RO,BG;25.062,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2016;2016-1-IT01-KA102-005262;;;TURISTI non PER CASO;"A. CONTEXT The Italian accommodation offer is leader in Europe for quality and dimension. Tourism sector has always been and it is still a solid engine for economic recovery of European Union. I...";Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal), Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Recognition (non-formal and informal learning/credits);;"Istituto Professionale di Stato ""Ferdinando Martini"" per l' Enogastronomia e l'Ospitalia Alberghiera";IT;IT,DE,EL,ES,UK,BG,CZ,PT,LT,IE,HR,MT,FI,BE;554.528,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-ES01-KA101-049275;;;Internationalizing innovation: towards a more competent Europe;Jesuitinas Pamplona is a Christian educational school promoted by the Congregation of the Daughters of Jesus, located in Pamplona, in a medium to low socio-economic environment, which offers edu...;Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Fundacin Educativa Jesuitinas;ES;ES,NL;13.711,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-SI01-KA101-035314;;;UVAJANJE INOVATIVNIH U_NIH OKOLIJ;Implementing innovative learning environments is a project resulting from cooperation between school teaching staff in which our aim was to pursue the educational guidelines in our (extra)curricul...;Quality Assurance, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Pedagogy and didactics;;Gimnazija Celje - Center;SI;SI,HU;18.850,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-CZ01-KA101-034594;;;Profesn r_st - brna k sp_chu ve vzd_ln III;All mobilities met the targets stipulated for this project. Each participant developed activites in accordance with project purpose specified in the grant application with following impact on the ...;Pedagogy and didactics, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;Mendelova stredni skola, Novy Jicin, prispevkova organizace;CZ;CZ,PT,BE;15.229,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility with VET mobility charter;2018;2018-1-ES01-KA116-048712;;;Technicians on the move;In accordance with the strategic objectives of the Erasmus + Program, and acting in accordance with the guidelines set forth by the Internationalization strategy, the implementation of the Dual Sy...;;;CENTRO DE FORMACION PROFESIONAL XABEC;ES;ES;30.765,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-HR01-KA101-046973;;;The Inclusion Of The 21st Century Looking For New Knowledge;"Centre for Education of Children from Karlovac (Centre) implemented its first Erasmus+Inclusion for the 21st Century Seeking New Knowledge between 15th June and 14th November 2019. On the basis o...";Disabilities - special needs, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;Centar za odgoj i obrazovanje djece i mladezi Karlovac;HR;HR,HU;25.162,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility between Programme and Partner Countries;2017;2017-1-IT02-KA107-035940;;;Project for higher education student and staff mobility between Programme Countries and Partner Countries;The E+ ICM 2017 project was conceived and managed in the framework of an overall internationalisation process which has involved the whole Ca' Foscari University of Venice (UNIVE) governance and a...;;;UNIVERSITA CA' FOSCARI VENEZIA;IT;IT;299.986,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA101-013975;;;Abriendo mentes, conectando con Europa;Our project is set in a CONTEXT of a rural setting with a low rate of foreign population as a small secondary school with 260 students and 37 teachers. Our students come from 3 small populations a...;Pedagogy and didactics, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;IES MESTRE RAMN ESTEVE;ES;ES;11.227,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2015;2015-3-HU02-KA105-001297;;;Changemaker self coaching for youth workers and young social activists;CHANGEMAKER consisted of 2 interrelated training courses in Hollk_, Hungary, with a duration of 10 days each. Partners were 8 NGOs from 8 countries: Bulgaria, Italy, Greece, Lithuania, Portugal, ...;Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy) ...;;Egyesek Youth Association;HU;HU,RO,EL,BG,LT,PT,IT,TR;59.105,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-IE01-KA104-038652;;;Staff Development Plan ;"Tipperary Education and Training Board has set out the following strategic priorities: Harness the strengths of staff for the benefit of the organisation and its students Support staff...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Disabilities - special needs, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education;;Tipperary ETB;IE;IE;26.590,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2017;2017-1-IE01-KA102-025576;;;GCC/Evora partners in Europe;"This project was an Erasmus+ mobility partnership between Galway Community College in Ireland and Agrupamento de Escolas n 4 de vora in Portugal. Contact persons Tom Flanagan and Ana Pires met...";Access for disadvantaged;;Galway and Roscommon Education & Training Board;IE;IE,PT;41.284,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2018;2018-3-LV02-KA105-002343;;;Magic in the Projects;"The overall objective of the project ""Magic in the Projects"" was to raise quality of Erasmus+:Youth in Action mobility projects and to improve the quality of work with young people, in particular ...";Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy) ...;;BALTIJAS REGIONALAIS FONDS;LV;LV,IT,LT,EL,FR,ES,PL,BG,HU,EE;22.569,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2018;2018-1-HU01-KA105-047543;;;Digital Employment;One of the signals showing low sense of initiative of youth in Europe is unemployment rate, e.g. SK 17%, RO 16.8%. These numbers indicate not only the young people who are unemployed but also youn...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;IFJUSAGI NOMAD KLUB NONPROFIT KFT;HU;HU,RO,CZ,SK;30.645,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2017;2017-2-PT02-KA105-004468;;;Open Your Arms ;"CONTEXT This project was born from an EVS project and its volunteers. The project was focused on intercultural dialogue and it was carried out in gueda, hosted by Psientfica. As EVS volunteers,...";Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Romas and/or other minorities, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;Psientfica - Associao para a promoo e desenvolvimento social;PT;PT,ES,IT;19.848,09;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-RO01-KA101-036774;;;Smart School- A Step Closer with ICT;"Using the opportunity offered by the Erasmus + Program, the project "" Smart School- A Step Closer with ICT "" has realized a qualitative intervention in the digital didactic approach and the intra-...";Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Pedagogy and didactics, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;"COLEGIUL NATIONAL ""CONSTANTIN CARABELLA""";RO;RO;21.070,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-RO01-KA104-048149;;;Use of technology in adult training for insertion into the labor market;Following the implementation of the project, the passability for the baccalaureate examination increased to 45%, with an identical participation as last year, but for the first time there were als...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Access for disadvantaged;;Liceul Tehnologic Costesti;RO;RO;22.620,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-CZ01-KA101-023619;;;Evropsk _kola - program dal_ho vzd_lvn pedagogick_ch pracovnk_;European School project is part of the strategic document of Gymnazium Hladnov and Language School on further education of lecturers. It focused on language and methodical education of teachers, w...;Teaching and learning of foreign languages, International cooperation, international relations ...;;Gymnazium Hladnov a Jazykova skola s pravem statni jazykove zkousky Ostrava prispevkova organizace;CZ;CZ,HU;21.761,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2018;2018-1-LV02-KA105-002005;;;POWER in (e)MOTION;"The project ""POWER in (e)MOTION"" was a training course realised in Gulbene, Latvia from the 27th August to 1st September 2018 (travel days excluded), with the participation of 30 participants plu...";Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Youth (Participation, Youth Work ...;;"Jauniesu centrs ""Baze""";LV;LV,DE,UK,EL,RO,CZ,PT,ES,PL,IT;23.884,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA103-013499;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;"Our project 2015-1-ES01-KA103-013499 (E MADRID42) accomplished the objectives and agreements of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education. 12 mobilities were bestowed and carried out in total: 1 S...";;;IES MARIA DE ZAYAS Y SOTOMAYOR;ES;ES;11.980,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-EL01-KA104-035553;;;Addictions and staff mobility;KETHEA as a modern learning organization facilitates the participation of its employees in educational processes and informal learning, using flexible and modern methods, with the aim of enabling ...;Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Transport and mobility, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;KENTRO THERAPEIAS EXARTIMENON ATOMON - KETHEA;EL;EL,BE,IE,NO,FR,CZ,ES,PL,IT;14.994,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2018;2018-1-PL01-KA102-048273;;;Transgraniczne kszta_cenie dualne jako moderator jako_ci us_ug gastronomicznych.;"The project, ""Trans-border dual education as a quality moderator of catering services"" will be implemented by Zesp_ Szk_ Ekonomiczno-Hotelarskich (ZSE-H) in Ko_obrzeg (Poland) and Tech College A...";Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Cooperation between educational institutions and business;;Zespol Szkol Ekonomiczno-Hotelarskich im. Emilii Gierczak w Kolobrzegu;PL;PL,DK;70.691,69;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2018;2018-1-IE01-KA102-038684;;;Mallow College Erasmus;"Staff Mobility The primary focus of this project was to gain knowledge and competences in the areas of E-Learning. Following the publication by the Irish Department of Education Further Educatio...";International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;Mallow College of Further Education;IE;IE,ES,PT;86.293,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-BG01-KA101-047013;;;Innovative Educational Technologies;"In recent years the digital revolution had a significant impact on children and led to the formation of so-called ""Net-generation. The school education system is facing a big challenge - to provi...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;"Secondary Vocational School of Economics ""Prof.Dr.Dimitar Tabakov""";BG;BG,MK;7.440,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2018;2018-3-HU01-KA105-059831;;;Conquer the Internet;This project idea was developed after previous successful E+ project Bilateral Intercultural Dialogue in collaboration with participants from Gymnasium Balassi Balint in Balassagyarmat and its d...;Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;IFJUSAGI NOMAD KLUB NONPROFIT KFT;HU;HU,CZ,RO,SK;30.400,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2017;2017-3-AT02-KA105-001973;;;eljub E-Book Woche 2018;The Eljub Book Week 2018 continued a European project, which has been organized annually since 2013, and included a substantial new aspect: namely, the integration of migrants. Young people from A...;Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy) ...;;pilgern & surfen melk;AT;AT,DE,PL,RO,CZ,HU,BG;26.543,51;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2017;2017-1-CZ01-KA102-034430;;;Studium bez hranic IV;"This project ""Studying without borders"" enabled the work experience of 30 students of the Business School, Secondary Special School for Librarians and Further Education College Brno to Great Brita...";Economic and financial affairs (incl. funding issues), Enterprise, industry and SMEs (incl. entrepreneurship);;Obchodni akademie, Stredni odborna skola knihovnicka a Vyssi odborna skola Brno, prispevkova organizace;CZ;CZ,UK;68.542,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2017;2017-1-IT01-KA102-005972;;;The Work Based Learning process in European Vocational / Educational Training, through Better Social and Economic Strategic Outcome for Youth Employability in the Tourism Sector;The Project was realized in observance of the Strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training (ET 2020), meaning in particular the Strategic Target 1 training periods ...;Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;Istituto professionale di stato per i servizi alberghieri della ristorazione e turistici;IT;IT,EL,BG,ES,DE,UK,FI,CY;498.255,97;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-EL01-KA104-047554;;;Art as a tool to tackle radicalization and extremism;It is certain that the current economic crisis is intertwined with the social fabric, thereby intensifying the humanitarian crisis and driving groups and young people into violent extremism-fanati...;Social dialogue, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;ENALLAKTIKI KAINOTOMA ANAPTYXI ASTIKI MI KERDOSKOPIKI ETAIREIA;EL;EL,UK;13.764,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-IE01-KA101-016785;;;ERASMUS+ HOLY SPIRIT ;Holy Spirit BNS (HSBNS) is a boys primary school in Ballymun, Dublin. Ballymun is one of the most disadvantaged areas in IRELAND and HSBNS has been designated as a DEIS Band 1 school by the Depart...;Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Inclusion - equity;;HOLY SPIRIT BNS;IE;IE;17.761,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-UK01-KA104-035858;;;ARISE: Analysing Refugee Inclusion in Southern Europe;"As Europe is trying to come to terms with what has been misnamed ""The European Refugee Crisis "" this project aims to challenge prevailing ideas about the crisis and developing different perspect...";Migrants' issues, Integration of refugees, Social dialogue;;Kairos Europe Limited;UK;UK,IT;155.530,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2018;2018-1-AT01-KA103-039117;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;Die Akademie der bildenden Ku_nste Wien ist eine der bedeutendsten Ausbildungssttten fr Knstlerinnen und Knstler in Europa. Sie bietet rund 1.500 Studierenden ein Lehrspektrum der bildenden......;;;AKADEMIE DER BILDENDEN KUNSTE WIEN;AT;AT;194.366,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-PT01-KA101-035691;;;Empowering towards the 21st Learning Environments;This project arose from the need to provide training courses to the staff of Agrupamento Vertical de Escolas da S. The attendance of these courses will certainly enable the achievement of the goa...;Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Pedagogy and didactics, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Agrupamento Vertical de Escolas da S;PT;PT,LT,ES,AT;36.254,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2016;2016-3-AT02-KA105-001699;;;eljub E-Book Woche 2017;The 2017 eljub E-Book Week continued a European project held annually since 2013. The eljub E-Book Week 2017 was open to 50 young people from eight different European countries to promote networki...;Inclusion - equity, Creativity and culture, Youth (Participation ...;;pilgern & surfen melk;AT;AT,HU,DE,RO,CZ,BG,PL;20.244,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2018;2018-3-EL02-KA105-004578;;;"""CREacting in EU""";"""CREacting in EU"" is an informal learning of 4 partners from Greece (The Good House), Cyprus (CULTURAL ASSOCIATION NOSTOS PISSOURIOU), Spain (Ayuntamiento de Villalbilla) and Portugal (ASSOCIAO ...";Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Creativity and culture, EU Citizenship ...;;THE GOOD HOUSE;EL;EL,ES,PT,CY;36.265,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2018;2018-1-CY02-KA105-001193;;;R.E.C.I.P.E.S;The project RECIPES is an acronym and a result of a cooperation between youths from partners coming from Romania, Estonia, Cyprus, Italy, Portugal, Greece (Ellada) and Spain and is about the influ...;Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Inclusion - equity, Creativity and culture;;Network for European Citizenship and Identity;CY;CY,RO,EL,PT,EE,ES,IT;27.270,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-SK01-KA101-035206;;;GEMS ( Goal-based Educational Movement to Success);Project G.E.M.S arises from the initial motivation to decrease the studentsabsence and to modernize educational process from the aspect of professional teachers growth, popularization of the ins...;Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, International cooperation, international relations ...;;Gymnzium Andreja Vrbla Levice;SK;SK,UK,CZ,EL,IT,CY,HU,LV;47.901,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-TR01-KA101-053806;;;"Technology in Education;Address of Power";Our school Karatay High School of Science professional development of our staff in the increase of quality of education is a great place. Class arrival of our smart board, together with the EBA in...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Research and innovation, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;KARATAY FEN LISESI;TR;TR;15.962,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2018;2018-1-HR01-KA102-047162;;;Electronics - Vocational Education for New Technologies;"Erasmus + project ""E-VENT"" is mobility project designed for eleven creative and talented students of electronics from high school ""Jure Ka_telan"". Our students participated in two week educational...";Natural sciences, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Srednja skola Jure Kastelan;HR;HR,ES;26.202,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-SI01-KA101-021456;;;SKRB ZA KVALITETO POU_EVANJA IN U_ENJA;Primary school Frana Kranjca Celje is a highly-qualitative, professional, content-rich and development-oriented school. Our goal is high-quality and professional work with students with a desire ...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;PRIMARY SCHOOL FRANA KRANJCA CELJE;SI;SI;9.493,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-ES01-KA101-049046;;;A NEW OUTLOOK, PROJECT-BASED LEARNING;"CONTEXT: Secondary School in Barcelona, created in 1996. There are 67 teachers and 728 students. PREVIOUS INFORMATION: We belong to a multilingual program supported by the Education Departmen...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, International cooperation, international relations ...;;EL CASTELL;ES;ES,FI;4.236,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-PT01-KA101-035487;;;TECEMOS - Tecer Espaos Criativos e Motivacionais Olhando o Sucesso;In the Educational Project of our organisation it is clearly designed what we really want: - An innovative and entrepreneur school, educating for the future. So, we have been developing many pr...;Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;Agrupamento de Escolas Dr. Guilherme Correia de Carvalho, Seia;PT;PT;45.112,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-ES01-KA101-036472;;;A STEP FORWARD FOR AN AUTHENTIC BILINGUAL SYSTEM;"Our project ""A step forward towards real bilingualism"" has been implemented at the CEIP. Bilingual Ciudad de Mrida and it is one of the identity sign of our school. It has an important influence ...";EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, Pedagogy and didactics ...;;CEIP Ciudad de Mrida;ES;ES;13.385,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-ES01-KA101-037177;;;"""The world is our school""";"Context and historical background Alfonso VIII School was created in 1844 and currently has 935 students, 95 foreigners, divided into the different teaching levels: Secondary school, classroom t...";Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Migrants' issues, EU Citizenship ...;;IES ALFONSO VIII;ES;ES,BE,SE,LT;12.050,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-ES01-KA101-037709;;;Future Classroom: a proposal adapted to diversity;"CONTEXT: Public School of Special Education in Denia (Alicante). The School serves 58 students permanently aged between 5 and 21 years, from the 2017-2018 academic year will be extended to stude...";Disabilities - special needs, Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;Colegio Publico de Educacin Especial Raquel Paya;ES;ES,DE,BE,FI;24.222,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2018;2018-1-CY02-KA105-001198;;;Heirs of Culture, Founders of the Future;"The idea the project was shaped by 8 youths from our partnership who met during previous Youth Exchanges because of the following reasons: A) In regards to Culture -It is observed that year af...";Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Youth (Participation, Youth Work ...;;Network for European Citizenship and Identity;CY;CY,EL,IT,LT,BG,PL,TR,RO;28.122,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-CZ01-KA104-034978;;;Training is a Journey - Ecett Mobility;The project Training is a Journey Ecett Mobility is based on the needs to improve key competencies and skills of professionals in the field of the human centered occupations working with vulnera...;Access for disadvantaged, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, International cooperation ...;;Magdalna, o.p.s.;CZ;CZ,EL,BE,PT,ES,UK,PL,BG,IE,IT,FR;36.976,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2017;2017-1-ES01-KA102-036913;;;Opening ways in Tourism, Hospitality and Food Industries;"1. Context ""Open roads"" is a project within the context of globalization, where Spain is located with a rate of over 40% of youth unemployment. However, the tourism industry in which our stude...";Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education;;Centro Integrado Pblico de Formacin Profesional Costa de Azahar;ES;ES,UK,PT,FR;34.812,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-HR01-KA101-035164;;;Colours of Knowledge;"The purpose of the project ""Colours of knowledge"" was to modernize and enrich educational process, whilst placing an emphasis on changes to teaching and learning. New generations need changes in ...";Environment and climate change, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Creativity and culture;;Osnovna skola Ivana Grandje;HR;HR;13.271,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-SK01-KA101-000046;;;Overcoming Cultural Borders Within European Community And Its Implementation Into Education;"1. Context/background of the project: - the project meets the neccessity of continuous lifelong learning in the way of teachers` personal and professional development, meeting teachers from diffe...";EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, ICT - new technologies - digital competences ...;;Gymnazium Partizanske;SK;SK;6.480,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-CY01-KA101-000092;;;Promoting quality of teaching and learning through empowering teachers' ICT competences ;"Promoting quality of teaching and learning through empowering teachers' ICT competences' was a project implemented by Dimotiko Scholeio Pano Polemidion-Karmiotissas, in Cyprus during 2014-2015. ...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Inclusion - equity, International cooperation ...;;DIMOTIKO SCHOLEIO PANO POLEMIDION - KARMIOTISSAS - PERIFEREIAKO;CY;CY,PL;5.620,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-ES01-KA101-046740;;;Adaptation of the European Educational System's Best Practices for IES Carolina Coronado ;"CONTEXT / BACKGROUND OF PROJECT IES Carolina Coronado is a secondary high school in Almendralejo with 50 years of the educational experience. The development of its syllabus is based on innova...";Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy ...;;IES Carolina Coronado;ES;ES;6.918,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2017;2017-1-ES01-KA103-035859;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;Decroly supports the creation of a modern, dynamic, inclusive, professional learning environment, committed to the internationalisation. We intend to integrate best practices and new methods in th...;;;DECROLY,SL;ES;ES;14.350,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-ES01-KA101-049118;;;COEXISTENCE AND INNOVATION: CHALLENGES FOR IMPROVEMENT;Coexistence and innovation: challenges for improvement is a European project of the Santa Pola High School, within the Erasmus+ programme, aimed at promoting structural and sustainable change in t...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Creativity and culture;;IES Santa Pola;ES;ES,IT,FR,DK;13.790,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-ES01-KA101-047651;;;Introduction of CLIL ( content and language integrated learning) methodology and gamification in a context of diversity and inclusion.;"The project has consisted in a period of Job Shadowing for four teachers from our center, in the Newark School of Malta, during 4 days. The project arises from the need to improve in our student...";Inclusion - equity, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;CEIP JOS PEDRS;ES;ES,MT;4.164,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-ES01-KA101-049144;;;" NEW METHODOLOGIES TO ATTEND DIVERSITY IN THE EUROPEAN FRAMEWORK";The Diversity Attention Consortium consists of the CFIE (Centro de Formacin del Profesorado e Innovacin Educativa) and two educational centres (CEIP Villa Romana and CRA Villaquilambre) in the p...;Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Disabilities - special needs, Pedagogy and didactics;;CFIE (CENTRO DE FORMACIN E INNOVACIN EDUCATIVA);ES;ES;7.440,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-ES01-KA101-047408;;;Science with robotics;In our Institute we are initiating a process of pedagogical renewal and incorporation of new methodologies that impact on a major teachers motivation, as well as greater student performance and mo...;Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Instituto Agrario Bell-lloc del Pla SA;ES;ES;3.364,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-ES01-KA101-047413;;;A school connected to Europe;"Goals and framework: Our expectations were to polish up and improving the language skills of our Secondary Education teachers, besides increasing the English competence of our management team i...";Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;INSTITUTO DE EDUCACIN SECUNDARIA ALBERT EINSTEIN;ES;ES;13.691,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-ES01-KA101-047887;;;Project based learning and creative teaching;"CONTEXT OF THE PROJECT Alto de los Molinos Secondary School in Albacete (Spain) teaches a bilingual education in English, where almost two thirds of students are in this program. From the beginn...";Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Pedagogy and didactics;;IES Alto de los Molinos;ES;ES,IT;14.918,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-ES01-KA101-035349;;;SCHOOL SUCCES BASED ON THE COOPERATIVE WORK;"SCHOOL SUCCESS BASED ON THE COOPERATIVE WORK Currently, CEIP PUIG D'EN VALLS, is defining the methodological line of the centre. It has a stable staff of teachers formed in the use of ICT. Bei...";Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;CEIP PUIG DEN VALLS;ES;ES,UK;13.370,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-RO01-KA101-036847;;;Interactive Teaching in Future European Classroom;The Erasmus + project, entitled Interactive Teaching in Future European Classroom is the attempt of Virgil Madgearu Economic Colleges teachers from Galati to improve the instructional educa...;Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;"Colegiul Economic ""Virgil Madgearu"" Galati";RO;RO;37.380,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-ES01-KA101-035511;;;DEVELOPMENT OF INTERNATIONALIZATION STRATEGIES AND GLOBAL EDUCATION STRATEGIES OF OUR STAFF AND STUDENTS ;CONTEXTSchool is located in the outskirts of the town,in an area of demographic growth.Students come by bus from villages and suburbs and are from a poor background.Before the 2017 Call,our school...;Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Creativity and culture;;IES AGUAS VIVAS;ES;ES;16.468,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-ES01-KA101-037400;;;BREAKING BORDERS THROUGH COLLABORATIVE LEARNING;Comarcal Secondary School has worked on the way of the Integrated Language approach and the internationalization of the centre since its foundation. Since 2008 it has taken part in the experimenta...;Inclusion - equity, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;IES COMARCAL;ES;ES,PL;27.168,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2017;2017-1-ES01-KA102-037160;;;"""e-Buggy: The future technology in our hands 3 and Learning automotive in France""";"Our project ""E-Buggy: The Technology in Our Hands 3 and Learning Automotive in France"" is designed for teachers of FP and students of second course of CFGM of different specialties at the Salesian...";Recognition (non-formal and informal learning/credits), Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;Colegio Salesiano Santsima Trinidad;ES;ES,FR,DE;59.480,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-ES01-KA101-048678;;;Learning, Innovating and Sharing;"LEARNING, INNOVATING AND SHARING IES EL PALMERAL The centre states the following premises to get embarked on a European project: 1) A complete training of our teachers and students in b...";Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Pedagogy and didactics;;IES EL PALMERAL;ES;ES;16.066,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-IS01-KA104-026443;;;Technology, Activities, Skills and Knowledge;The objectives were to learn from experiences and good practices of others by using ICT, new thinking in cooperation between the labor market and educational system and intercultural methodology. ...;Migrants' issues, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;MIMIR-SIMENNTUN EHF;IS;IS;18.800,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA101-014725;;;"""Espacios educativos colaborativos""";The educational context corresponds to an eminently agricultural area, of medium-low socio-economical background, with a high percentage of immigrant population. Among the many problems we encount...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Pedagogy and didactics;;I.E.S. Amrico Castro;ES;ES;9.542,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility with VET mobility charter;2017;2017-1-MT01-KA116-026912;;;Strengthening the training of VET learners and VET Educators;The Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST) is, by far, the major Vocational Educational and Training (VET) college in the Maltese Islands. The MCAST trains and prepares youths and a...;;;MALTA COLLEGE OF ARTS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY;MT;MT,NL,LV,IT,UK,DE,FI,FR,PT,ES,SE;515.323,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-HR01-KA101-034993;;;Nastava 21. stolje_a;KA 1 projektom Nastava 21. stolje_a unaprijedili smo sljede_a podru_ja unutar _kole: kvaliteta rukovo_enja _kolom, IKT i jezi_ne kompetencije, upotreba inovativnih metoda pou_avanja, uvo_enje euro...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;Srednja skola Ban Josip Jelacic;HR;HR;18.892,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2017;2017-1-ES01-KA103-035436;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;Our HEI started implementing the Erasmus program within the Lifelong Learning Program (LLP) in 2007 and was awarded the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) in 2010. Since our start, we hav...;;;IES Toms Navarro Toms;ES;ES;19.875,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-PT01-KA104-035737;;;As TIC como resposta aos desafios da Educao e Formao de Adultos;The Agrupamento de Escolas de Alvalade (AEA) for three years has been promoting a Centro para a Qualificao e o Ensino Profissional which is being re-assigned to the Centro Qualifica (CQ), which ...;Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Open and distance learning, Recognition (non-formal and informal learning/credits);;Agrupamento de Escolas de Alvalade, Lisboa;PT;PT;20.786,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-UK01-KA101-047425;;;French Immersion Training Course;"Context/Background of Project Moray Primary School in Grangemouth would like to fulfill Scottish Government 1+2 guidelines, to ensure all learners can speak their mother tongue plus 2 others by ...";Teaching and learning of foreign languages, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, International cooperation ...;;Moray Primary School;UK;UK;2.325,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-ES01-KA101-024633;;;Competencia lingstica y convivencia en centros educativos europeos;"PRE_PRIMARY AND PRIMARY EDUCACTION PUBLIC SCHOOL: ""CEIP La Marina""THE SCHOOL IS LOCATED IN A COASTAL AREA OF SOUTHEAST SPAIN IN THE NATURAL AREA OF LEVANTE NEARBY THE BEACH AND PINE FORESTS162 S...";Pedagogy and didactics, Inclusion - equity, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;CEIP LA MARINA;ES;ES,SE;12.529,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-IE01-KA101-025563;;;Building Gastronomic Bridges / Healthy Eating in Schools;As our project draws to a close our school community have managed to meet the vast majority of the objectives we set for ourselves at the beginning of last year. The first part of our project invo...;Access for disadvantaged, Health and wellbeing, Inclusion - equity;;Carlow Town Educate Together National School;IE;IE;50.655,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2017;2017-1-PT02-KA105-004061;;;YELLO: Your E+ Lifetime Learning Opportunity ;"""YELLO! Your E+ Lifetime Learning Opportunity"" was a four months long European Voluntary Service mobility project - Partner Countries, that happened in fall 2017 in Aveiro, Portugal, under KA1 of ...";Creativity and culture, Youth (Participation, Youth Work ...;;Agoraveiro;PT;PT,LT,HU,RS,NL;13.495,05;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility between Programme and Partner Countries;2017;2017-1-CZ01-KA107-035015;;;Project for higher education student and staff mobility between Programme Countries and Partner Countries;The goal of the project No. 2017-1-CZ01-KA107-035015 was to implement staff mobilities within programme as well as partner countries. The project lasted from 1st June 2017 to 31st July 2019. Our i...;;;Vysoka skola evropskych a regionalnich studii,z.u.;CZ;CZ;22.970,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2017;2017-1-IT02-KA103-035922;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;The Increasing Learning Opportunities in the job market (ILO) Mobility Consortium acts both as a prosecution and as an expansion of the long-standing cooperation among partner universities in th...;;;UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI PADOVA;IT;IT;285.617,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2017;2017-1-DE02-KA102-003581;;;Together in Europe II - social inclusion in early childhood;For the Berufsbildenden Schulen V vocational colleges in Braunschweig, the project is an important part of the final youth work training. The main aim is to allow students to gain specific well-...;Inclusion - equity, Pedagogy and didactics;;Berufsbildende Schulen V Fachschule Sozialpdagogik;DE;DE,FI,ES,EE,FR,PL,PT;51.416,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2018;2018-2-HU01-KA105-047952;;;#BikeSkiHealth;"CONTEXT/BACKGROUND The project was implemented by the students of a Hungarian secondary school, Kzgazdasgi Politechnikum and the youth of a Norwegian youth centre, Overhalla Kommune, with an ex...";Health and wellbeing, Youth (Participation, Youth Work ...;;KOZGAZDASAGI POLITECHNIKUM ALTERNATIV GIMNAZIUM;HU;HU,NO;34.365,16;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2018;2018-2-HU01-KA105-047895;;;Our Dances;Our Dances was a youth exchange project that reunited 48 young people from Hungary and Romania that worked and collaborated together in order to tackle the issue of little intercultural understa...;Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;Lgramlat Nonprofit Kft.;HU;HU,RO;31.494,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-HU01-KA101-022492;;;Intzmnyi min_sgfejleszts a kompetencik meger_stsre s a motivci nvelsre irnyul mdszertani megjulssal;Our school is a secondary grammar school providing four or five-year long courses. Talent support is our top priority. In accordance with our Pedagogical Programme we pay particular attention to t...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;Kecskemti Bolyai Jnos Gimnzium;HU;HU;10.768,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-HU01-KA101-013448;;;Csak gy tovbb!;Szentendrei Reformtus Gimnzium has been operating since 1999. Since then it has been expanding and developing. The growing number of students and staff has posed challenges and made it indispens...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Pedagogy and didactics, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;Szentendrei Reformtus Gimnzium;HU;HU;24.819,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2015;2015-1-FI01-KA102-008746;;;Fun InterNational Learning And kNow-how Development opportunities IV;"Background Hyria Education (Hyria) is a multidisciplinary educational institution offering vocational education and training. Hyria operates in the rapidly growing Hyvink Riihimki region w...";Recognition, transparency, certification ...;;Hyria koulutus Oy;FI;FI,IE,MT,UK,NL,TR,HU,DE,FR,PT,ES,CZ,DK,IT,SI;155.448,01;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2017;2017-1-DK01-KA103-033998;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;The context of the 2017-2019 Erasmus+ project has internationalization at Cphbusiness at the core, as promoting and embedding this amongst staff and students has a high priority which is also what...;;;Copenhagen Business Academy;DK;DK;127.317,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-UK01-KA101-035765;;;Language Immersion Course;Although only one teacher was involved in undertaking the LFEE language course, all staff have benefitted from the experiences gained and the resources and activities brought back. All of our depa...;International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;Kilmarnock Academy;UK;UK;3.677,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-IE01-KA101-016847;;;Special Needs and Outdoor Education Project;Our school is a rural school in Donegal, Ireland with a vision of creating an SEN unit and an outdoor education facility while focusing on learning outdoors, ICT, inclusion and teaching a second l...;Disabilities - special needs, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Inclusion - equity;;Scoil Anagaire;IE;IE,UK;42.480,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-IE01-KA104-016826;;;ECEtt mobility IRL ;This Mobility project is a follow up of the previous Ecett projects funded by Leonardo da Vinci. The innovative training method of Ecett has been described, tested and transferred from 2006 until...;Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Access for disadvantaged, Creativity and culture;;Coolmine Therapeutic Community;IE;IE,EL,ES,NO,IT;9.520,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2018;2018-2-NL02-KA105-002142;;;Pay it Forward through a youth exchange;The very essence of YE projects is that these should be the projects BY the young people & FOR the young people & WITH the young people. Nevertheless, from our experience, Erasmus+: Youth in Actio...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Youth (Participation, Youth Work ...;;Stichting WOW Go;NL;NL,LV,CY,BG,LT,HR,EE,CZ,EL,IT,PL,ES,TR,PT,RO;27.150,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility between Programme and Partner Countries;2016;2016-1-NO01-KA107-021959;;;Project for higher education student and staff mobility between Programme Countries and Partner Countries;"The project involves 4 country sub-projects which individually have created opportunities for students and staff. 1. QUT / Queensland University of Technology The origin of this project is a r...";;;UNIVERSITETET I STAVANGER;NO;NO;72.594,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2018;2018-3-EE01-KA105-051137;;;Fusion for inclusion;Today's Europe faces high & increasing levels of migration into & outside of its borders. Migration has a profound effect on y.p. (young people) that moved to different countries & are not fully i...;Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Migrants' issues, Access for disadvantaged;;Watergratt Pirita MT;EE;EE,GE,UA,EL,CZ;18.676,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2017;2017-1-PT01-KA103-035338;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;As atividades desenvolvidas no mbito deste projeto contriburam de forma significativa para a prossecuo da poltica de internacionalizao do Instituto Politcnico de Setbal (IPS). A participa...;;;INSTITUTO POLITECNICO DE SETUBAL;PT;PT;109.950,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-SI01-KA101-035400;;;Pozor! Z bolj_o komunikacijo zmanj_ujemo kulturne, generacijske in digitalne razlike novodobne generacije dijakov v evropski dru_bi.;"The project Mind the gap! included three essential dilemmas of schooling in Slovenia, as well as basic project themes; namely, the gap in the intercultural field, the gap between generations and...";International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;II. GIMNAZIJA MARIBOR;SI;SI;40.938,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2018;2018-1-CY02-KA105-001194;;;Intercultural Learning Through Arts;"The project ""Intercultural Learning through Arts"" aimed to involve 40 youths and 8 leaders from 8 partner NGOs (Cyprus, Bulgaria, Armenia, Belarus, Ukraine, Serbia, Greece, Turkey) in collaborativ...";Creativity and culture, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, International cooperation ...;;Network for European Citizenship and Identity;CY;CY,BY,TR,AM,BG,RS,EL,UA;28.096,04;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2017;2017-2-CY02-KA105-001036;;;Sports Activities: The Path to Social Inclusion;"The project "" Sports Activities: The path to Social Inclusion'' aimed mainly to support 26 youthworkers from partner organizations (Cyprus, Bulgaria, Italy, Greece, Spain, Latvia, Malta, Romania) ...";Health and wellbeing, Integration of refugees, Inclusion - equity;;Network for European Citizenship and Identity;CY;CY,ES,LV,IT,EL,BG,MT,RO;20.351,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2017;2017-1-CY02-KA105-000933;;;Ready, Steady, Go;"The project ''Ready, Steady, Go"" involved 9 partners organizations (from Cyprus, Italy, Romania, Turkey, Slovenia, Spain, Bulgaria, Greece, Poland) and is designed to fix the mismatch between the ...";Inclusion - equity, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Integration of refugees;;Network for European Citizenship and Identity;CY;CY,ES,IT,RO,TR,BG,EL,SI,PL;21.984,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-HU01-KA101-047346;;;Iskolai egyttm_kdsek fejlesztse;"One of the main strategic principles of Saint Gerard Catholic Primary- and High School has been the development of collaboration and school community; this is how we prepare our students for their...";Pedagogy and didactics, International cooperation, international relations ...;;Szent Gellrt Katolikus ltalnos Iskola s Gimnzium;HU;HU;32.563,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-HU01-KA101-047303;;;Eslyegyenl_sg megteremtse a tanulsi klnbz_sgek ellenre.;In sum, we can state that the Equal opportunities for those with learning differences Erasmus+ KA1 project has been a success. An 8-year-long secondary education programme commenced its first yea...;Inclusion - equity, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), International cooperation ...;;Karolina voda, ltalanos Iskola, Gimnzium, Alapfok Muvszeti Iskola s Kollgium;HU;HU,DE;26.783,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-HU01-KA101-047128;;;budai Gimnzium nemzetkziestse a tanri kompetencik tmogatsa cljbl;"Internationalization of budai Secondary School in order to support teacher competencies The context/background of the project The goal of budai Secondary School is to train students to acqui...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;budai Gimnzium;HU;HU;18.328,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-SI01-KA101-035359;;;Razli_nost nas povezuje;We are a public elementary school in the middle of Slovenia, in which three groups of pupils cohabit. We provide pre-school and basic education programmes for pupils with special needs, pupils of ...;Disabilities - special needs, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Migrants' issues;;Osnovna sola Litija;SI;SI;51.496,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2016;2016-1-BE02-KA102-017265;;;Stageprojecten Vesalius 20162017;Stage JGVesalius Institute is a school for health education and any training has close links with the care-reaching industry. The school is aimed at young people who want to care on a professional...;Health and wellbeing;;GO! technisch atheneum Vesaliusinstituut Oostende;BE;BE,NL;24.532,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-HR01-KA104-047128;;;Mobilno__u i ambicijom do novih dodanih vrijednosti za polaznike;"The project "" New Added Values for Learners through Mobility and Ambition"" was implemented with aim to improve the application of innovative teaching methods and advanced e-learning methods and th...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Open and distance learning;;Uciliste Ambitio ustanova za obrazovanje odraslih;HR;HR,CZ;5.633,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-CZ01-KA104-022976;;;ASTRONET - networking evropsk_ch planetri a science center;The Project Astronet is intended to increase competence of educators of Brno Observatory and Planetarium working on lifelong and informal learning . The domain of Observatory is applying scientifi...;Natural sciences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Hvezdarna a planetarium Brno, p. o.;CZ;CZ,ES,HU,EE,UK,SE,IT;35.036,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-DE03-KA101-022632;;;Differenzierung und Leistungsbewertung/Inklusion;Our school has established a team of 8 qualified teachers, who have become familiar with the concepts behind successful European schools. Through job-shadowing trips and further education courses ...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Inclusion - equity;;Freie integrative Gemeinschaftsschule Friedrich W. A. Froebel;DE;DE;28.368,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2018;2018-1-HR01-KA102-046990;;; COmpetitive VET for learners and teachers;The Industrial Mechanical School in Zagreb provides 3 years VET programs: car mechanic, mechanic, heating and air conditioning, turner, car mechanic, locksmith, and industrial programs: toolmaker,...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Cooperation between educational institutions and business;;Industrijska strojarska skola;HR;HR,IE,FI,FR;51.326,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-HU01-KA101-046962;;;Szakmdszertani, digitlis s nyelvi kompetencik fejlesztse a Vasvriban;"Enhancing methodological, digital and linguistic competences in Vasvri Aims and Context Vasvri Pl Secondary School of Economics and IT is an institution integrated into the Szeged Vocation...";Teaching and learning of foreign languages, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Pedagogy and didactics;;Szegedi Szakkpzsi Centrum Vasvri Pl Gazdasgi s Informatikai Szakgimnziuma;HU;HU;38.949,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-PT01-KA101-047237;;;Developing Flexibility for Success;"The aim of our organisation when submitting the project ""DFlex (Developing Flexibility for Success) was to provide its teachers with training experiences that would bring solutions for the needs i...";Cooperation between educational institutions and business, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education;;Agrupamento de Escolas de Oliveira do Bairro;PT;PT;9.440,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-IE01-KA104-000158;;;ECEtt Leonardo Mobility IRL- Training by travel;This Mobility project is a follow up of the previous Ecett projects funded by Leonardo da Vinci. The innovative training method of Ecett has been described, tested and transferred from 2006 until...;Creativity and culture, Access for disadvantaged, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education;;Coolmine Therapeutic Community;IE;IE,BE,UK,CZ;13.785,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2017;2017-1-SE01-KA102-034254;;;PS - enhet 1 APL: RL ett internationellt yrke;Unit 1 at Peder Skrivares Skola is located in Varberg. The city is moving towards a future where it will undergo great change, due to the building of a new railway tunnel, the harbor being moved o...;Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education;;PEDER SKRIVARES SKOLA Enhet 1;SE;SE,AT;66.678,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2017;2017-1-CY01-KA102-026590;;;Increasing Students Employability and Enhancing Educators' Teaching Methods. ;"Our school aims to establish a solid cooperation with European Vocational organizations aiming at: Rise the image of our School, improve communication among staff and between students and staff...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Enterprise ...;;TECHNIKI SCHOLI LARNAKAS;CY;CY,CZ,IT,ES,UK;82.618,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-IE01-KA104-016819;;;Technology Enhanced Learning:Supporting Quality Teaching through use of New Technologies. ;Technology Enhanced Learning: Supporting Quality Teaching through use of New Technologies was the theme of this KA1 Erasmus Plus Project. The aim of the project was to enhance the capacity of the ...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board;IE;IE;23.005,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2016;2016-2-SK02-KA105-001014;;;Non-formal education through board games;Project Non-formal education through board games instead of presented project involved only youth exchange because it was approved only one part of project. Originally planned training with the sa...;Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy) ...;;Cardio Youngs;SK;SK,CZ;11.850,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-BE02-KA104-034550;;;Anders leren en lesgeven in het volwassenenonderwijs;Our Erasmus+grant 2017-2019 finds its roots in the knowledge that adult education cant get away from a changing society where knowledge construction and transversal skills play more and more a ke...;Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Centrum voor Volwassenenonderwijs Sint-Godelieve;BE;BE;20.655,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2018;2018-1-CY02-KA105-001196;;;Empowering Youth workers for Supporting Diversity;"The project Empowering Youthworkers for Supporting Diversity"" resulted from a mutual planning between partner organizations of EU and is related to ongoing changes and inputs (refugees and migra...";Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, Inclusion - equity, Integration of refugees;;Network for European Citizenship and Identity;CY;CY,BG,ES,RO,TR,EL,IT,EE;23.541,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2018;2018-1-CZ01-KA102-047145;;;Studium bez hranic V;"This project ""Studying without borders"" enabled the work experience of 38 students of the Business School, Secondary Special School for Librarians and Further Education College Brno to Great Brita...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Enterprise, industry and SMEs (incl. entrepreneurship);;Obchodni akademie, Stredni odborna skola knihovnicka a Vyssi odborna skola Brno, prispevkova organizace;CZ;CZ,UK;87.682,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-IT02-KA104-000002;;;La caccia di Artemide. Dall'Italia alla Romania alla cattura di nuove competenze.;"CONTEXT, BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES Artemide has in recent years implemented its training offer with a special segment called """"For my azione"""", where periodically there are courses, seminars a...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Disabilities - special needs, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;Cooperativa Sociale Artemide;IT;IT,RO;59.931,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility with VET mobility charter;2018;2018-1-HR01-KA116-047081;;;Perpetuum mobile 5;"The project was implemented by the Road Traffic School from Zagreb. The purpose of the Perpetuum mobile 5 project was to use mobility to connect education and the labor market, to increase the...";;;Skola za cestovni promet;HR;HR,SI,DK,IT,DE,FI,SE,PT;136.396,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2018;2018-1-HR01-KA102-046946;;;Do kvalitetnijih usluga u turizmu-Iskustvo iz Bavarske;"The project ""BEtter customer SErvice in Tourism-Bavarian Experience"" Strukovna _kola / Scuola di formazione professionale E. Kumi_i_ focused on the Tourism and Hospitality sector as the developmen...";Recognition, transparency, certification ...;;Strukovna skola Eugena Kumicica Rovinj - Scuola di formazione professionale Eugen Kumicic Rovigno;HR;HR,DE;23.718,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility between Programme and Partner Countries;2016;2016-1-IE02-KA107-000476;;;Project for higher education student and staff mobility between Programme Countries and Partner Countries;The International Education Division (IED) at the University of Limerick (UL) coordinated this 2016 Round 1 ICM project in conjunction with 16 partner universities across 11 countries (Algeria, Gh...;;;UNIVERSITY OF LIMERICK;IE;IE;231.733,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2015;2015-1-NL01-KA103-008568;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;This Final Beneficiary Report details the progress and developments for the Erasmus+ project Learning Mobility of Individuals, Mobility of Learners and Staff, Higher education student and staff mo...;;;TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITEIT DELFT;NL;NL;796.021,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2014;2014-1-NL01-KA103-000918;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;Participation in the E+ project Learning Mobility of Individuals is part of TU Delfts strategic plan on Internationalization of Education, in order to maintain and strengthen its strong position ...;;;TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITEIT DELFT;NL;NL;712.355,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility between Programme and Partner Countries;2015;2015-2-IE02-KA107-000426;;;Project for higher education student and staff mobility between Programme Countries and Partner Countries;The University of Limerick coordinated this project with 14 partner countries across 15 partner universities with 33 participants (4 students and 29 staff). This project was governed, monitored a...;;;UNIVERSITY OF LIMERICK;IE;IE;102.440,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2016;2016-1-ES01-KA103-023203;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;Our HEI started implementing the Erasmus programme within the Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) in 2007and was awarded the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) in 2010. Since our start, we ...;;;IES Toms Navarro Toms;ES;ES;18.900,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2014;2014-1-IT02-KA103-000181;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;The background of the Erasmus+ Traineeship Consortium BET for Jobs, coordinated by the University of Calabria, is mainly based on the long and positive experience gained through the implementati...;;;UNIVERSITA DELLA CALABRIA;IT;IT;359.956,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility between Programme and Partner Countries;2016;2016-2-UK01-KA107-034978;;;Project for higher education student and staff mobility between Programme Countries and Partner Countries;The project contributed to achieving the strategic goals of the Partner Universities by (i) creating knowledge for sustainable social and individual development and (ii) providing education (knowl...;;;BUCKINGHAMSHIRE NEW UNIVERSITY;UK;UK;69.596,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility between Programme and Partner Countries;2016;2016-1-UK01-KA107-023839;;;Project for higher education student and staff mobility between Programme Countries and Partner Countries;"Context/background: The University of Edinburgh (UoE) has participated in the Erasmus Programme since its inception in 1987, in Erasmus Mundus Joint Programmes since 2007 and in Erasmus Mundus ...";;;THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH;UK;UK;889.638,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2017;2017-1-MK01-KA103-035189;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;The Erasmus+ Cooperation in scope of the Project KA103 is being directly implemented through the International Relations Office (further abbreviated as IRO) of International Balkan University (fur...;;;INTERNATIONAL BALKAN UNIVERSITY;MK;MK;119.581,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2016;2016-1-PL01-KA103-023898;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;"In the year 2016-17, financial agreement with the National Agency in the frames of Erasmus+ Programme included mobility for students and staff. Mobilities in all categories were realised. One of ...";;;POLITECHNIKA BIALOSTOCKA;PL;PL;334.582,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2016;2016-1-PL01-KA103-023722;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;The executed project was foc. on 55 mobilities broken down into four types: student mobility for semester or full-year studies in order to complete a part of studies at a foreign partner univ. and...;;;Panstwowa Wyzsza Szkola Techniczno - Ekonomiczna im. ks. Bronislawa Markiewicza;PL;PL;83.063,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility between Programme and Partner Countries;2017;2017-1-PL01-KA107-036565;;;Project for higher education student and staff mobility between Programme Countries and Partner Countries;The implemented project includes 11 mob. in cooperation with five partner universities: Banking University in Kiev, Ivan Franko National Univ. of Lviv, Odessa National Maritime Univ., Simon Kuznet...;;;Panstwowa Wyzsza Szkola Techniczno - Ekonomiczna im. ks. Bronislawa Markiewicza;PL;PL;19.195,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2017;2017-1-PL01-KA103-035754;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;The project, which has been implemented, foc. on 64 mobility types divided into 4 types: student mob. for semester studies in order to carry out part of the studies at a foreign partner university...;;;Panstwowa Wyzsza Szkola Techniczno - Ekonomiczna im. ks. Bronislawa Markiewicza;PL;PL;100.350,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA103-013501;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;Our Erasmus+ High Education project (2015-1-ES01-KA103-013501) was created to offer our students and VET teachers of high education, the chance to make a training period in a UE country, through t...;;;IES PAU CASESNOVES;ES;ES;4.417,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2016;2016-1-DE01-KA103-002370;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;Rosenheim University of Applied Sciences (UAS) offers many study programmes in the field of Technology, and has a long-standing tradition on placing great emphasis on a practical approach to eduac...;;;TECHNISCHE HOCHSCHULE ROSENHEIM / TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES;DE;DE;98.156,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA103-001564;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;The Institute Severo Ochoa is a public secondary school that began teaching in 1976 as a vocational training center. Currently focuses its formal educational provision in the studies of secondary ...;;;INSTITUT SEVERO OCHOA;ES;ES;3.150,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA103-001533;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;"- Context and background of the Project: The project with agreement number 2014-1-ES01-KA103-001533 has been carried out since June 1st, 2014 until September 30th, 2015 at IES San Jose Villanueva...";;;Instituto Enseanza Secundaria SAN JOSE;ES;ES;3.000,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA103-001511;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;The Higher Education Organization IES El Bohio in Cartagena(Murcia), Erasmus code E MURCIA 35 has carried out a project within the Erasmus+ Program , Key Action: Learning Mobility For Individual...;;;"Instituto de Educacion Secundaria ""El Bohio""";ES;ES;5.800,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA103-001120;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;"The 2014-1-ES01-KA103-001120 Proval IES Escolas project aimed to provide students of Short Cycles the possibility of doing their On the Job Training in European companies. The project was primari...";;;Instituto de Educacin Secundaria Escolas Proval;ES;ES;5.366,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA103-000843;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;Our Erasmus+ High Education project (2014-1-ES01-KA103-000843) was created to offer our students and VET teachers of high education , the chance to make a training period in a UE country, through...;;;IES PAU CASESNOVES;ES;ES;5.357,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA103-000651;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;"For two years, our institution despite its small size, has made internationalization of training and mobility practices a key objective. Our main purpose is to promote a greater employability an...";;;IES MANUEL CHAMOSO LAMAS;ES;ES;2.263,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA103-000488;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;"CONTEXT AND BACKGROUND IES Federica Montseny consider priority number one the participation in the Erasmus + program in order to promote the exchange of experiences, cooperation and mobility of o...";;;IES FEDERICA MONTSENY;ES;ES;5.400,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA103-000316;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;Our institution is located in an inner area of great natural beauty. Its economic activities are industry and services. Our therapeutic waters and proximity to the sea and to cities such as Barcel...;;;INSTITUTO DE EDUCACION SECUNDARIA SANTA COLOMA DE FARNERS (INSTITUT DENSENYAMENT SECUNDARI DE STA. COLOMA DE FARNERS);ES;ES;2.313,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility between Programme and Partner Countries;2016;2016-2-IE02-KA107-000488;;;Project for higher education student and staff mobility between Programme Countries and Partner Countries;The International Education Division (IED) at the University of Limerick (UL) coordinated this 2016 Round 2 ICM project in conjunction with 20 partner universities across 10 countries (Russian Fed...;;;UNIVERSITY OF LIMERICK;IE;IE;198.269,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2016;2016-1-UK01-KA103-023628;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;"Context / Background of the project: Aberystwyth University (AU) is engaged in the Erasmus+ KA103 programme for student and staff mobility. We have run this programme through our international...";;;ABERYSTWYTH UNIVERSITY;UK;UK;309.288,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2015;2015-1-AT01-KA103-004723;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;During the academic year 2015/16, the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria organized and conducted 130 SMS mobilities between programme countries, 117 SMT mobilities between programme coun...;;;FH OO STUDIENBETRIEBS GMBH;AT;AT;394.785,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA103-000212;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;La estrategia seguida por el EASDA se centra en la implementacin de los estudios de diseo que se ofrecen en el marco del Espacio Europeo de Educacin Superior (EEES). En esta estrategia se conte...;;;ESCUELA DE ARTE Y SUPERIOR DE DISEO DE ALICANTE/ESCOLA D'ART I SUPERIOR DE DISSENY D'ALACANT;ES;ES;10.267,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA103-000111;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;DECROLY faces the challenge of new Erasmus program with the intention to continue participating in their programs, but particularly and consolidating our experience in programs of Mobility key act...;;;DECROLY,SL;ES;ES;10.100,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2014;2014-1-FI01-KA103-000019;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;This is a Mobility project for HE students and staff with programme countries. The figures for outgoing students are for SMS: 218 and SMP:99, which makes 317 student mobility periods in total. Tha...;;;METROPOLIA AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU OY;FI;FI;548.429,29;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2016;2016-1-AT01-KA103-016323;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;FHWien der WKW is a higher education institution with a cosmopolitan and international outlook. This understanding is reflected in the organizations strategy, in which internationalization has be...;;;Fachhochschulstudiengnge Betriebs-und Forschungseinrichtungen der Wiener Wirtschaft;AT;AT;241.440,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA103-000690;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;"Summary of the project - Context and background to the project This project is part of the European policy of IES La Albuera in order to know other European countries, other cultures, other dif...";;;LA ALBUERA;ES;ES;2.785,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA103-002433;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;Centro Cultural Nazaret is a VET institution committed to the development of innovative methodologies to promote employability. It is also committed with the idea of training the professionals of ...;;;NAZARET FUNDAZIOA;ES;ES;7.915,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA103-001195;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;The Centro Integrado de Formacin Profesional Majada Marcial is located in Puerto del Rosario, the capital of Fuerteventura. training cycles and higher degree 10 Professional Families in classroom...;;;CENTRO INTEGRADO DE FORMACIN PROFESIONAL MAJADA MARCIAL;ES;ES;18.741,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA103-000278;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;This mobility project was requested to provide opportunities for higher education students for internships and studies in partner countries. The international strategy of CEEDCV aims at providing ...;;;CEEDCV;ES;ES;9.549,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA103-000334;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;"IEFPS REPELEGA is awarded with Erasmus+ Charter for Higher education in 2013 and we start our own Project KA 103 (24 months). We carried out six Student Mobilities for Training (three months fr...";;;CIFP REPELEGA LHII;ES;ES;9.285,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA103-001025;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;Our educational institution, IES Mara Zambrano in Torre del Mar (Mlaga), is a public school dependant on the Consejeria de Educacin de la Junta de Andaluca. Taught in this center, apart from o...;;;IES MARA ZAMBRANO;ES;ES;4.244,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA103-002287;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;"During the first term, the Erasmus+ Selection Commission was created and was composed by: a head of studies, the E+ coordinator and students and teachers representatives. The commission publish...";;;CENTRO INTEGRADO DE FORMACIN PROFESIONAL CAMINO DE LA MIRANDA;ES;ES;5.137,24;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA103-013140;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;El proyecto se ha llevado a cabo en un Instituto Pblico de Formacin Profesional de la Comunidad de Madrid, para alumnos de los siguientes Ciclos Formativos de Grado Superior de la Familia Profes...;;;CIFP PROFESOR RAL VZQUEZ;ES;ES;13.886,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA103-013268;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;"CONTEXT AND BACKGROUND In the IES Federica Montseny we consider the participation in the Erasmus + program in order to promote the exchange of experiences, cooperation and mobility of our educat...";;;IES FEDERICA MONTSENY;ES;ES;5.695,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2014;2014-1-AT01-KA103-000039;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;A key objective of working with the Erasmus+ project is transfer of knowledge, implementing innovation and promoting development in the health (education) sector. Through international exchange a...;;;FH Gesundheitsberufe O GmbH;AT;AT;29.176,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2015;2015-1-AT01-KA103-004648;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;A key objective of working with the Erasmus+ project is transfer of knowledge, implementing innovation and promoting development in the health (education) sector. Through international exchange ac...;;;FH Gesundheitsberufe O GmbH;AT;AT;32.252,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2015;2015-1-HU01-KA103-013142;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;"BACKGROUND, OBJECTIVES The Project was aimed to enhance international mobility exchanges of students and staff at the University of Szeged in the 2015/2016 academic year. The main goal of the pro...";;;SZEGEDI TUDOMANYEGYETEM;HU;HU;955.189,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2015;2015-1-IE02-KA103-000402;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;ITB is located in Dublin 15, also known as the Greater Blanchardstown area in County Fingal. Dublin 15 was the fastest growing urban area in Ireland over the past 15 years and one of the character...;;;INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BLANCHARDSTOWN (ITB);IE;IE;21.055,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2015;2015-1-FR01-KA103-013222;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;"The historical background of the project : The ENSA Normandie has experience of mobility since the 2007-2013 Erasmus Charter, before moving to Erasmus+. So, the institution has already done som...";;;Ecole nationale suprieure d'architecture de Normandie;FR;FR;79.149,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2014;2014-1-DE01-KA103-000381;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;"Die Hochschule Zittau/Grlitz (HSZG) handelt bei der Umsetzung ihrer Internationalisierungsstrategie u.a. nach folgenden Leitlinien: 1. Internationalisierung ist ein zentraler Baustein fr den ge...";;;HOCHSCHULE ZITTAU-GORLITZ;DE;DE;88.744,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-UK01-KA101-036291;;;Spanish immersion course 2017/2018;The Scottish Government has set a target whereby all pupils are to be actively engaging in two languages, in addition to their own by the year 2020. At present, French is being taught throughout t...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, International cooperation, international relations ...;;Warddykes Primary School;UK;UK;2.005,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2015;2015-2-PT02-KA105-002566;;;Raising Strengths for Future Projects Together;Raising Strengths for Future Projects Together - Partnership Building Activity - is a Youth Workers meeting focused on developing new Partnerships between European organizations. This meeting will...;Creativity and culture, International cooperation, international relations ...;;COOPCASA - Cooperativa para a aco social e artstica, crl;PT;PT,IT,EL,ES,PL,NL,SI;9.290,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2017;2017-1-PT02-KA105-004080;;;Hug the Differences;"The Hug The Differences project took place in Portugal in Casa Pia de Lisboa (CED Aurlio da Costa Ferreira), Associao Qe & APCL, receiving organizations that work with disabled people. T...";Inclusion - equity, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Disabilities - special needs;;ProAtlntico - Associao Juvenil;PT;PT,ES,HR,IT,AT,RO;54.541,12;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2015;2015-1-SE01-KA102-011971;;;Vocational Education and Training in the Construction programme;The Building- and Construction programme at Brckegymnasiet with 450 students is one of Swedens largests. We offer many orientations from construction machine operator to glass technician. Half of...;Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education;;Brckegymnasiet Lindholmen;SE;SE,FI,IT,DE;67.952,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2018;2018-1-AT01-KA102-039078;;;HLW abroad - key to competence and success III;"Project name: HLW abroad - key to competence and success III Erasmus+ 2018 The background of this project is the 3 month (minimum) internship required by the curriculum of the Secondary School ...";Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Creativity and culture, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills;;Hhere Lehranstalt fr wirtschaftliche Berufe des Vereins der Don-Bosco-Schwestern fr Bildung und Erziehung;AT;AT,DE,UK,FR,IT,IE,TR;93.832,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2016;2016-1-CY02-KA105-000685;;;"""Life with Meaning""";Life with meaning is going to be an educational project that focuses on an important objective of the European Union which is to foster solidarity and tolerance among young people, and to especi...;Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Creativity and culture, EU Citizenship ...;;Cyprus Youth Clubs Organisation;CY;CY,EL,FR,DE;19.330,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2017;2017-1-IE01-KA105-025566;;;Good Energies 2017.1;Good Energies Alliance Ireland (GEAI) is an Irish Environmental NGO that works through research, advocacy, education and campaigning to achieve a ban on fracking in Ireland and to work with local ...;Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy) ...;;Good Energies Alliance Ireland Limited;IE;IE,ES;9.817,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2015;2015-1-RO01-KA102-014847;;;Getting together, to create something better!;The project Getting together, to create something better! was proposed by School Centre for Inclusive Education Arad in order to meet the needs identified in the school teachers and students. T...;Disabilities - special needs, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Access for disadvantaged;;CENTRUL SCOLAR PENTRU EDUCATIE INCLUZIVA ARAD;RO;RO,PT;238.500,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-PT01-KA104-022478;;;Vencer barreiras metodolgicas na educao no formal de adultos;The project was developed within the framework of the Centro para a Qualificao e Ensino Profissional Litoral Cvado (CQEP-LC), an entity dedicated to adult education in the municipality of Espo...;Recognition (non-formal and informal learning/credits), Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, International cooperation ...;;Escola Secundaria Henrique Medina;PT;PT;22.586,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-2-DE03-KA101-034885;;;Von Europa lernen- unser Weg zur Europaschule;" The educational staff at our school is confronted with an extreme level of heterogeneity of students, a growing number of migrants from all over Europe and even refugees which have to be incl...";Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Inclusion - equity;;Europaschule Grundschule Sudenburg;DE;DE,EL,AT,DK;18.179,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-SE01-KA101-021861;;;Teacher Mobilities meet future demands;The municipality of Varberg is facing a future with a lot of changes. The city will be changed into a completely different place when the railway, the harbour and the ferry terminal are moved and ...;Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education;;VARBERGS KOMMUN;SE;SE,EL,MT,PT,UK,FR,IT;105.009,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-CY01-KA101-017274;;;CLIL in Pre-primary Education: Building a network of good CLIL practice;The aim of the project was to support one of the recent reforms in the Cyprus Educational system: the introduction of a foreign language in preprimary education through the implementation of a CLI...;International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND CULTURE, CYPRUS;CY;CY;18.680,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-ES01-KA101-036638;;;IES CUEVA SANTA : CALIDAD Y PLURILINGISMO.;'Cueva Santa ' Secondary School is a state institution located in Segorbe, in the inlands of Castellon.'Cueva Santa' Secondary School has belonged to the Multilingual Schools Nertwork in the Valen...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;INSTITUTO DE EDUCACIN SECUNDARIA CUEVA SANTA;ES;ES;14.512,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2018;2018-2-DK01-KA105-047194;;;UNITED for DIVERSITY - We're Different, We're the Same;"The project ""UNITED for DIVERSITY - We're Different, We're the Same is the youth exchange financed by the European Commission through Erasmus+, which took place in Ganlse, Denmark in April, 2019...";EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, Integration of refugees ...;;Copenhagen Youth Network;DK;DK,GE,UA,IT,EL,PL,TR,JO;31.525,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA101-013570;;;Hacia una enseanza Bilinge de Calidad - Estableciendo Redes en Europa;"CONTEXT AND BACKGROUND Alto de los Molinos Secondary School in Albacete (Spain) has been bilingual since it was created in 2008 and, nowadays, nearly two thirds of our students are involved in ...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Pedagogy and didactics, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;IES Alto de los Molinos;ES;ES;13.606,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2017;2017-3-DE04-KA105-016011;;;"Youth, Peace and Change-Making - Strengthening Youth Capacities for Building Peace ";The project Youth, Peace and Change-Making - Strengthening Youth Capacities for Building Peace intended to promote the involvement of young people as key actors in peacebuilding and change proce...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Social dialogue, Youth (Participation ...;;European Intercultural Forum e. V.;DE;DE,GE,UA,AM,SE,BY,PL,TR;35.842,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA102-000599;;;PRCTICAS DE FP EN EUROPA;The Sociedad Cooperativa Madrilea Teide-Hease, mainly dedicated to Higher and Intermediate Vocational Education and Training (VET), consists of three different state schools in Madrid. In 2015, t...;Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education;;Sociedad Cooperativa Madrilea Teide - Hease;ES;ES,IT,DE,CZ;56.097,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2017;2017-3-CY02-KA105-001095;;;"""WWWith.E+Games.welCOMe/inclusion""";"The 12 months project ""WWWith.E+Games.welCOMe/Inclusion"" comes from youths for youths. All partners' youth workers and Boards (from Cyprus, Armenia, Romania, Spain, Serbia, Ukraine) encouraged our...";Inclusion - equity, Creativity and culture, Youth (Participation ...;;Network for European Citizenship and Identity;CY;CY,BG,UA,AM,RS,RO;18.420,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2014;2014-1-NL01-KA102-000172;;;Grenzenloos Onderwijs;"Background ROC Nijmegen provides vocational training in the provinces of Gelderland, Brabant (and Limburg). ROC Nijmegen has about 10,000 students in various sectors (Technology, Healthcare & Wel...";Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Recognition ...;;Stichting ROC Nijmegen e.o.;NL;NL,DE,UK,ES,IE,MT,IT;252.156,53;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-NL01-KA101-000084;;;Scholing docenten TTO team ;The goals of the project concerning this grant application are to develop the bilingual department at the St. Nicolaaslyceum as well as support the development of the bilingual team (30 persons) r...;Pedagogy and didactics, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;St. Nicolaaslyceum;NL;NL;54.450,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2014;2014-1-NL01-KA102-000285;;;Moblity For Ever/Ecvet/EQF/Europe;The students that had a mobility activity in M4E are all in competence-oriented education. We are in the process of making the curriculum of the courses outcome based so that they can be more easi...;;;Stichting Wellant;NL;NL,BE;332.357,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-DE03-KA101-035354;;;Ausbau der digitalisierten Formen des Lehrens und Lernens sowie der schulischen Qualittsentwicklung zur Festigung des Europaprofils des Burg-Gymnasiums;"The aim of our project ""Fostering the digital forms of teaching and learning as well as school quality enhancement for the strengthening of the European profile of the Burg-Gymnasium"", which the B...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), EU Citizenship ...;;Burg-Gymnasium Bad Bentheim;DE;DE;9.566,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-IT02-KA101-014474;;;SMART Mobility;The idea of developing a mobility project for teachers from Vocational School Luigi Einaudi starts from the consideration that school needs to improve its quality and efficiency of teaching, in or...;Teaching and learning of foreign languages, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Istituto D'Istruzione Superiore Einaudi Pareto;IT;IT,ES;79.343,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2017;2017-1-SE01-KA102-034309;;;Yrkesutbildning med APL i Bygg-och anlggningsprogrammet ll;The Building- and Construction Programme at Brckegymnasiet is Swedens largests. We offer education in eleven vocational orientations. Our goal is to reinforce capacity and international scope thr...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;Brckegymnasiet Lindholmen;SE;SE,FI,DE,IT;53.085,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2017;2017-3-HU01-KA105-046874;;;Discover our Cultural Heritage in Szigetkz;"CONTEXT/BACKGROUND Our project was dedicated to cultural awareness and diversity, the protection of the cultural heritage, embedded in the European Year of Cultural Heritage. It also included sev...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy ...;;KOZGAZDASAGI POLITECHNIKUM ALTERNATIV GIMNAZIUM;HU;HU,EE,IT;20.948,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-PL01-KA101-000400;;;"""Together for a better education of sick children and adolescents-Preparing Pedagogues to work in a multidisciplinary team in Hospital"".";The main idea of this project are widely understood necessities of children with chronic illnesses, those treated on hospital wards and the way the teachers work on these wards. The most important...;Disabilities - special needs, Pedagogy and didactics, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;Zespol Szkol Specjalnych Nr 110;PL;PL;8.165,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2018;2018-1-PT02-KA105-005109;;;Ecotourism: Discover your Inner Soul ;Contemporary society keeps evolving: on one side, our lifestyle imposes the earth rhythms impossible to maintain. On the other side, despite we are living in an always more multi-ethnic society, i...;Rural development and urbanisation, Cultural heritage/European Year of Cultural Heritage, Environment and climate change;;AGNCIA LOCAL DE JUVENTUDE DAS BEIRAS E SERRA DA ESTRELA, CRL;PT;PT,RO,PL;15.430,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2016;2016-3-IE01-KA105-025479;;;Sail Training Ireland for Youth Development Project;"Context/Background Sail Training Ireland (STIRL) has been running Youth Exchange and other programmes using Sailing Voyages on Tall Ships as a platform for non-formal learning on an annual basis ...";Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Inclusion - equity, Access for disadvantaged;;Sail Training Ireland for Youth Development;IE;IE,UK;30.390,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2017;2017-1-SI02-KA105-014090;;;Level Up - Power Up;"Level UP Power UP: Developing & Realising International Projects was 8 day training course executed in Bre_ice, Slovenia, in August 2017. The project aim was to empower and give tools to youth ...";Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy) ...;;Association for circus, education and culture - CIK;SI;SI,DK,PL,BE,EL,FR,FI,UK,ES,HU,CZ,EE,IT,DE;21.095,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-EE01-KA101-017129;;;Uues majas uus elu;Ahtme School is a school for children with slight, medium, severe and profound disabilities. In year 2014-2015 the school house was completely renovated with the support of European Regional Devel...;Pedagogy and didactics, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Disabilities - special needs;;Ahtme Kool;EE;EE;15.749,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-EE01-KA101-017059;;;Meeskonnat oskuste areng Porkuni Koolis;The purpose of this project is the development of conscious leading of the learning process among thestaff, including assistant staff, through the following forms/themes of international cooperati...;Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Disabilities - special needs;;PORKUNI KOOL;EE;EE,FI;14.130,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2017;2017-3-BE04-KA105-002188;;;Apprendre comment mettre en place de projets adapts la dficience visuelle;"""Learning how to set up projects adapted to the visual impairment"" is a job shadowing project that will take place from 19 to 29 March 2018 in Lige in Belgium. We would like to host at VIEWS Inte...";Disabilities - special needs, Youth (Participation, Youth Work ...;;VISUALLY IMPAIRED EDUCATION AND WORK SUPPORT INTERNATIONAL AISBL;BE;BE,FR;990,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2018;2018-1-FI01-KA105-047078;;;YOUth Are The Voice;"""YOUth Are The Voice"" was a training course designed to equip youth organisations and youth workers with the necessary tool to be a voice as well as to be heard and followed and to deliver a messa...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Inclusion - equity, Migrants' issues;;Seinjoen kaupunki, nuorisopalvelut;FI;FI,EE,AT,SK,ES,DE,EL,SI,CZ,PT,IT,PL;25.153,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-CY01-KA101-011831;;;Supporting CLIL implementation in Cyprus Primary Education;The project aimed to support the implementation of CLIL in Cyprus Primary Education. CLIL has numerous benefits for language learning and education in general and it is an approach strongly suppor...;International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND CULTURE, CYPRUS;CY;CY;20.580,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2017;2017-2-EE01-KA105-034980;;;Aktiivne noorsoot Valgamaal;The aim of the project Active youth work in Valga County is to enrich and diversify the life of local youth and active citizenship, to develop intercultural tolerance and to improve the possibil...;Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy) ;;NGO Valga county youth work center Tankla;EE;EE,ES,AT;15.097,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-ES01-KA101-037236;;;3150 kilmetros (Implementacin CLIL);"CONTEXT Tirso de Molina is a state-funded, bilingual-education school which comprises ESO and Bachillerato and faces particularly demanding performance. It is located in Puente de Vallecas, Mad...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;IES Tirso de Molina;ES;ES,SE;14.962,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2017;2017-2-ES02-KA105-010143;;;Horizontes Vinculados ;Horizontes Vinculados project was born from the direct demand of a representative group of young people and professionals from Ca. Danza Vinculados and Scottish National Youth Dance Company that...;Inclusion - equity, Creativity and culture, Disabilities - special needs;;Compaa Danza Vinculados;ES;ES,UK;20.680,68;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2016;2016-2-PT02-KA105-003454;;;Learning Together ;"The project ""Learning Together"" took place in Portugal in Casa Pia de Lisboa (CED Aurlio da Costa Ferreira), Associao Qe & APCL, receiving organizations that work with disabled people, based i...";Inclusion - equity, Disabilities - special needs, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education;;ProAtlntico - Associao Juvenil;PT;PT,ES,SI,IT,EE,RO;53.346,71;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-IE01-KA101-000075;;;Promoting innovative teaching of Modern Languages at Dunshaughlin Community College;Our project aimed to benefit the teaching and learning of French, German and Spanish at our post primary school, with a particular focus on developing skills in innovative methodologies and e-lea...;Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;LOUTH AND MEATH EDUCATION AND TRAINING BOARD;IE;IE;10.610,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2015;2015-3-IE01-KA105-016663;;;Youth Engagement in Participation;PROPOSED PARTNERSDonegal Youth Service & Nordland Youth Council (Norway)PROJECT BACKGROUNDThe main motivation behind this project was to bring young people, youth workers, youth councillors, senio...;EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, Youth (Participation ...;;Donegal Youth Service Ltd;IE;IE,NO;29.820,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2017;2017-1-ES02-KA105-009208;;;SPORT FOR INCLUSION;"TITLE: SPORT 4 INCLUSION TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Youth Exchange DATES: NOVEMBER 2017 (8 days) LOCATION: Malaga, Spain PARTICIPATING COUNTRIES: SPAIN + 5 ( Erasmus+ Programme Countries, Partners ...";Disabilities - special needs, Inclusion - equity, EU Citizenship ...;;ASOCIACION JUVENIL INTERCAMBIA;ES;ES,EL,BG,RS,PL,IT;21.374,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-2-DE03-KA101-035033;;;Ich - Du - Wir - Sprechen immer und berall!;Three colleagues and the head of our school who are working with nonverbal students and who are highly motivated for new technologies in ICT, participated in structured courses in Iceland, Ireland...;Disabilities - special needs, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Access for disadvantaged;;Adolf-Rebl-Schule;DE;DE;14.234,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-IE01-KA101-025640;;;Language Training;We are a 6 teacher co-educational disadvantaged (DEIS) rural primary school based in the West of Ireland. We strive to provide a well-ordered caring, happy and secure atmosphere where the intellec...;Creativity and culture, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Access for disadvantaged;;St Pauls NS;IE;IE;7.820,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2017;2017-1-RO01-KA102-036156;;;ERASMUS+INCLUZIUNE pentru tinerii din TARA OASULUI !;The project has fulfilled the need to ensure the quality and relevance, in the job market, of the things students have learned in our school, through an educational purpose mobility, in another co...;Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Access for disadvantaged, Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment;;"Liceul Tehnologic ,,Anghel Saligny"" Turt";RO;RO,PT;73.582,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-IT02-KA101-035434;;;"At school... all together! Promoting cultural competences to better serve culturally diverse students.";"In this project, ""At school ... all together! Promoting cultural competences to better serve culturally diverse students"", our goal was to improve staff skills through high quality courses. Our s...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Inclusion - equity, Migrants' issues;;"I ISTITUTO COMPRENSIVO STATALE ""G. VERGA""";IT;IT,MT;29.360,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2017;2017-3-PT02-KA105-004711;;;Empowering Youth Workers for Entrepreneurship under Social Inclusion Perspective;"Context of the project: The current reality of the labor market is characterized by high unemployment rates and poor opportunities associated with the employability of young people, thus result...";Inclusion - equity, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Youth (Participation ...;;Municpio de Albergaria-a-Velha;PT;PT,BG,IT,ES,SI,EL;24.830,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2015;2015-2-IT03-KA105-005875;;;Zooming out diversity;Zooming out diversity was a voluntary service project, that finance the hosting of a French 23 years old girl in the city of Nettuno, Italy for 4 months, from the 15th of October 2015 to the 13rd ...;Disabilities - special needs, Health and wellbeing, Inclusion - equity;;ASS A RUOTA LIBERA ONLUS;IT;IT,FR;3.176,66;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-FI01-KA101-034467;;;Oppimisprosessien visualisointimahdollisuudet Joensuun yhteiskoulun lukiossa;"Our project ""Exploring visualization possibilities in learning processes at Joensuun yhteiskoulun lukio was initiated by the observation that modern technology has improved the possibilities of u...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, International cooperation, international relations ...;;Joensuun yhteiskoulun lukio;FI;FI;13.810,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-FI01-KA101-022577;;;Computer based Learning to enhance Integration;Our 2-year project dealt with the improvement of ICT skills in education to enhance students' integration so that students with different backgrounds could work together using the digital tools an...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;Petjveden ylaste;FI;FI,IT,EL,DE;12.435,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-FI01-KA101-022245;;;Shkistyv ja verkottuva lukio;Lauttakyl Upper Secondary school (Lauttakyln lukio) has a strong experience with international activities. This was our second Erasmus+ KA1 project, and we wanted to increase our capabilities i...;Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, International cooperation ...;;Lauttakyln lukio;FI;FI;10.520,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2017;2017-1-HR01-KA105-035225;;;Trainers SOS - Save Our Seas;In the period between 01 - 09 of september 2017, we implemented a training course Trainers SOS - Save Our Seas. The training provided opportunity to 29 youth workers to work on their personal de...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Environment and climate change;;UDRUGA ZA ZASTITU PRIRODE I OKOLISATE PROMICANJE ODRZIVOG RAZVOJA ARGONAUTA;HR;HR,PT,ES,EL,TR,LV,IT;23.067,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-IE01-KA101-000151;;;European Staff Development Project;Our project focused on developing ICT skills amongst the teaching staff in our school. Over the past five years our school has invested heavily in information technology. Each teacher has been sup...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Disabilities - special needs, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education;;St Francis Boys School;IE;IE;7.655,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility with VET mobility charter;2017;2017-1-IE01-KA116-025639;;;Mobility Abroad for Knoweldge and Exdperience;"Context/background pf the project objectives: GTI is a committed participant in the Erasmus+ program and has engaged with over 40 European partners. GTI has a proven track record of collaboratio...";;;Galway and Roscommon Education & Training Board;IE;IE;264.424,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-IE01-KA101-008558;;;St Joseph's secondary school project for the development of teaching and learning 2015-2016;" Context/background of project In 2014, a whole school evaluation was carried out in St Joseph's by the department of education's inspectorate. This evaluation highlighted areas of strength...";Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Disabilities - special needs;;St. Josephs Secondary School;IE;IE;19.150,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-IE01-KA101-000096;;;Path to e-Maturity;"Scoil Eoin Pl- Path to E-Maturity: It was the aim of this project to make our small rural Irish Gaeltacht school ( Irish speaking) reach a level of competency in ICT, that would grant us access ...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;Scoil Eoin Pol;IE;IE,ES,UK;36.730,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-LT01-KA104-023108;;;Lietuva-Latvija-Suomija: suaugusi_j_ mokymo (-si) proces_ inovacijos bibliotekose;Kaunas County Public Library (KCPL) as the center of methodology and teaching of the public libraries in Kaunas and Marijampole county municipalities (regional libraries), prepare and execute non-...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Open and distance learning;;Kauno apskrities viesoji biblioteka;LT;LT;6.780,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-PT01-KA101-012648;;;Learning More To Teach Better;The Municipality of Ansio in a consortium together with the Agrupamento de Escolas de Ansio and Escola Tecnolgica e Profissional de Sic implemented the project Learning More To Teach Better ...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;Municpio de Ansio;PT;PT;63.420,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2016;2016-1-PT01-KA102-022645;;;MOINHOS III FORMAR PARA INOVAR;The Consortium MOINHOS was established in 2014 by the Municipality of Torres Vedras and several vocational schools in the municipality, following the unofficial collaboration that already existed ...;Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Early School Leaving / combating failure in education;;Municpio de Torres Vedras;PT;PT,ES,DE,CY,IT,UK,MT,EL,FR,IE;235.279,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2016;2016-1-BE04-KA105-001768;;;Mobilit de travailleurs belges du secteur jeunesse ;CONTEXT/HISTORY : This project was born two years ago after the meeting between Amarrage and Ecett-Networks. L'Amarrage is a Belgian youth welfare institution that takes care of young people and f...;Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Youth (Participation ...;;Amarrage;BE;BE,FR,IT,EL,UK,PL,CZ,BG,ES,BA;26.340,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-IT02-KA101-000949;;;Per dei nuovi cittadini europei;"Istituto di Istruzione Superiore E. Fermi is a State Upper Secondary School located in Catanzaro Lido, in the southern area of Catanzaro. It has five main curricula: Foreign languages ( with...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;"Istituto Istruzione Superiore ""Enrico Fermi""";IT;IT,LT,SE,FR;85.102,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-RO01-KA101-036504;;;_coala mea - _coal_ pentru to_i;The Erasmus + project: My school A school for everyone, successfully met the needs of our institution in which most students come from the disadvantaged social background of a small village, f...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Inclusion - equity, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education;;Scoala Gimnaziala Luizi-Calugara;RO;RO,TR;19.275,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility with VET mobility charter;2016;2016-1-IT01-KA116-005085;;;#TwittasticPRO;According to the guidelines of our school EU Internationalisation Strategy, this project aimed at carrying on and widening our Erasmus+ Twittastic to exploit the resources used and the outcomes re...;;;IIS EINSTEIN-NEBBIA;IT;IT,UK,ES,FR,DE,TC,PT;188.772,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-RO01-KA101-024009;;;Let`s ICT! (Let`s Improve Our Creative Teaching);The Project titled Lets ICT (Let`s Improve Our Creative Teaching) aimed to determine an obvious but gradual change within the teaching practice from Vasile ContaHighschool, in order to moderniz...;Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;"Liceul ""Vasile Conta""";RO;RO;35.840,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-RO01-KA101-023842;;;European training for psychologists;"Diagnosing the needs of CESE Nr. 1 Oradea we have identified the existence of certain problems that require finding solutions and solving them. This is: * lack of minimal skills in the field of m...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Disabilities - special needs, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;Centrul Scolar de Educatie Incluziva Nr. 1 Oradea;RO;RO,EL,IT,UK;23.905,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-RO01-KA101-023289;;;Innovation, originality and applicability in teaching using ICT;This project has helped to meet the needs of teachers in what concerns their need for training in the development of lesson approach methods by improving the methodical knowledge and skills, worki...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education;;"Colegiul de Industrie Alimentara ""Elena Doamna""";RO;RO,UK,ES,IT;30.175,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2016;2016-1-PL01-KA102-024218;;;Kreowanie us_ug turystycznych na podstaiwe potrzeb zdefiniowanych w kraju pochodzenia turysty;"The project ""Creating tourism services based on the needs as defined in the tourist's country of origin"" was implemented by Zesp_ Szk_ Ekonomiczno-Hotelarskich (ZSE-H) in Ko_obrzeg (Poland) and ...";Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education;;Zespol Szkol Ekonomiczno-Hotelarskich im. Emilii Gierczak w Kolobrzegu;PL;PL,DK;44.957,02;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2016;2016-1-PL01-KA102-023582;;;LEPSZY START ZAWODOWY UCZNIW TARNOGRSKIEJ SORBONY;The main aim of the project called Better professional start for students of Tarnogrska Sorbona was raising the level of practical skills and professional competence of 30 students of our schoo...;Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy) ...;;Wieloprofilowy Zespol Szkol;PL;PL,DE;68.144,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA102-001127;;;Movilidad Erasmus CM para prcticas en empresas;"The ""Erasmus CM Mobility for placements"" project requested by the IES Escolas Proval is contextualized within the Erasmus + Training Action Programme ""Mobility of persons based learning (KA1)"". Th...";Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Enterprise, industry and SMEs (incl. entrepreneurship) ...;;Instituto de Educacin Secundaria Escolas Proval;ES;ES,IT,UK;66.110,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-BE02-KA101-012142;;;SIGO! goes further in the future;"SIGO ! is a small , dynamic secondary school nearby Brussels. We emphasise on the individual development of each student . Our main goal is to give students the opportunity and tools to functio...";EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, ICT - new technologies - digital competences ...;;GO! middenschool Sigo Lennik;BE;BE;14.035,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-BE02-KA101-000066;;;M-ICT;KA DHek Landen is situated on the Campus DHek Landen. There is also a junior comprehension school MS DHek Landen on this Campus. Together with MS DHek Landen KA DHek Landen forms a pedagogic ...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Inclusion - equity, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;Atheneum d'hek Landen;BE;BE;44.985,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2015;2015-1-BE02-KA102-012156;;;Training and Development ;Sint-Lambertusinstituut, a school in Heist-op-den-Berg applied for a subsidy to realise a student trainee workplacement. So far, no traineeships abroad had been organised in our technical/vocation...;EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education;;Sint-Lambertusinstituut;BE;BE,IE;16.918,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-ES01-KA101-036702;;;DESCUBRIENDO EL MUNDO;"The project ""Discovering the World"" has meant the continuation of our previous Erasmus + project ""after the Myth of Europe"". In the current project we have deepened, following the trail of the cla...";EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, ICT - new technologies - digital competences ...;;IES PROFESOR DOMINGUEZ ORTIZ;ES;ES;4.563,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-HR01-KA101-035279;;;Iskorak u budu_nost;"Project ""Step into Future"" deals with improving the quality of the school and preparing for the future by using ICT - new technologies for the benefit of the community, development of digital comp...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Creativity and culture, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Osnovna skola Strahoninec;HR;HR,PL;15.518,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-IT02-KA101-022756;;;T.I.E (Training in Europe);T.I.E. (Training in Europe) is a two-year Erasmus+ KA1 Project which has been designed in order to develop a European dimension of the didactic-educational activities at the Istituto Comprensiv...;Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Pedagogy and didactics, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills;;ISTITUTO COMPRENSIVO DI FAEDIS;IT;IT,CZ,PL;24.258,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2016;2016-3-ES02-KA105-008766;;;Strengthening Non-Cognitive Skills among Europeans with Migrant Background;"The ""Strengthening Non-Cognitive Skills among Europeans with Migrant Background"" project empowered 16 young Europeans (especially first or second generation migrants) in the following areas: Youth...";Recognition (non-formal and informal learning/credits), EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy ...;;BIDERBOST BOSCAN & ROCHIN SL;ES;ES,IT,EL;5.120,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-PL01-KA101-000552;;;English World LIVE! - Nauka twoj_ szans_!;The project was a course for teachers, it took place at Bell Teacher Campus in Cambridge, based at Homerton College which is part of the University of Cambridge. It was a two-weeks course of ble...;Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy) ...;;Zespol Szkol w Bozympolu Wielkim;PL;PL;5.786,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-TR01-KA101-003671;;;OKULUMUZDA ULUSLARARASI E__T_M REFORMU;"THE INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION REFORM AT OUR SCHOOL The project we want to carry out for fulfilling our school's needs aims at providing our eager teachers who give importance to personal growth, ...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Pedagogy and didactics;;GIRNE ORTAOKULU;TR;TR;13.080,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-SK01-KA101-000041;;;Implementing CLIL method into the school curriculum;The initial project bacgkround Implementing CLIL method into the school curriculum follows logically the previous project The change of the tradional school into the modern one. While the previous...;Pedagogy and didactics, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;Gymnzium Andreja Vrbla Levice;SK;SK,UK;3.005,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-HR01-KA101-034999;;;Primjena CLIL metode u nastavi web dizajna;The project's main objective was introducing CLIL methodology to teachers of vocational subjects who will conduct the bilingual education in School for Art, Design, Graphics and Clothes Zabok (SUD...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills;;Skola za umjetnost,dizajn,grafiku i odjecu Zabok;HR;HR,MT,UK,IT;12.219,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-ES01-KA104-037314;;;EOI Maspalomas: Progresando y Estrechando Lazos;The teachers and the school leaders of EOI Maspalomas (State Language School in The Canary Islands) have designed and implemented this European project to reflect on our teaching methods as well a...;Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Maspalomas;ES;ES;12.422,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2016;2016-3-EE01-KA105-034494;;;DIY: Diversity and Inclusion for Youth Do it Yourself!;The training course DIY: Diversity and Inclusion for Youth Do it Yourself! brought together 29 people (26 participants, 3 trainers) working with youth (youth leaders, social workers, extra cur...;Inclusion - equity, Youth (Participation, Youth Work ...;;H&H Noored;EE;EE,SI,BG,SK,LT,ES,LV,RO,IT;21.601,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2017;2017-2-HU01-KA105-036101;;;No worlds apART;This project was born from a strong desire to understand and accept cultural differences and to fight against xenophobia using art as a mean for intercultural learning and solidarity. As the them...;Access for disadvantaged, Creativity and culture, Youth (Participation ...;;VILAGJARO ONKENTES TANACSADO ES SZOLGALTATO NONPROFIT KORLATOLT FELELOSSEGU TARSASAG;HU;HU,IT,FR,RS,BG;14.944,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-UK01-KA101-013104;;;Developing an International Dimension in the School Curriculum;This has been a successful, large-scale project which has captured the imagination of many pupils and staff, had a very positive impact on the school and all stakeholders and made a great improvem...;Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Pedagogy and didactics, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;Urmston Grammar;UK;UK;38.770,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility with VET mobility charter;2017;2017-1-SK01-KA116-035207;;;Zru_nosti pre chemick_ priemysel;The project responded to the changing criteria of meeting specific requirements on the secondary vocational school graduates in the chemical industry. Dual education is returning back to regular s...;;;Stredna odborna skola chemicka, Vlcie hrdlo 50, Bratislava;SK;SK,CZ,IT,DE;42.987,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-ES01-KA104-024818;;;Calidad en e-learning para reducir el abandono en educacin de adultos.;The KA1 mobility project sets up a group of associations operating within the context of e-learning. All institutions will organize exchange and learning activities in collaboration with the CEED...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;CEEDCV;ES;ES,AT,BE;10.150,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA101-014704;;;Proyecto Suma-T;"Our proyect ""Suma-T"" was created because we needed to renew our school to achieve the expectations of our students. It is based on 3 big groups that are conected: Bilingualism, ICT and New Methodo...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;CDP San Bartolom;ES;ES;8.442,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA101-013602;;;TOWARDS A REAL INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL;"The school Arcipreste de Canales is a rural centre located 26 kms from the capital city Toledo.""Towards a Real International School"" originated from the schools necessity of improving the teachin...";Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Teaching and learning of foreign languages, International cooperation ...;;IES ARCIPRESTE DE CANALES;ES;ES;18.121,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA101-002227;;;La comunicacin y las nuevas tecnologas nos acercan a Europa;"Our school, La Palma Secondary School, is located in La Palma del Condado, Andalusia (Spain). It is a public school with 68 teachers and over 1100 students. Since we took part in the Comenius P...";EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, ICT - new technologies - digital competences ...;;IES LA PALMA;ES;ES;20.225,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2016;2016-1-FI01-KA102-022352;;;Opening the Paths for Student Mobility 3;Opening the Paths for Student Mobility 3 (OPSM 3) was a two-year project. 42 students at Raisio Regional Education and Training Consortium (later Raseko) perform their avarage 51 days mibility per...;Disabilities - special needs, International cooperation, international relations ...;;Raision seudun koulutuskuntayhtym;FI;FI,ES,IS,UK,DE,SE,NO,MT;115.566,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-ES01-KA101-023031;;;Descubriendo la Educacin del Siglo XXI;The school Antonio de Nebrija is located in Cabezo de Torres, Regin de Murcia. Our institution experiences a constant methodology renovation process, characterized by the cooperative efforts of t...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;P.E.I Gonzlez Valverde S.L.L;ES;ES,NO;3.604,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2015;2015-1-PT01-KA102-012697;;;PROTEFORMA NA EUROPA;Proteforma Formao e Consultoria em Segurana, Lda is a Specialized Training Entity in the field of Private Security that aims to provide the best services of consultancy, selection and trainin...;Home and justice affairs (human rights & rule of law), ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;PROTEFORMA - Formao e Consultoria em Segurana, Lda.;PT;PT,ES;16.236,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-SE01-KA101-021944;;;Livslngt lrande;Sector education has a great need to increase the pedagogical and didactic consensus and collaboration between preschools and schools , today cooperation only take place regarding practical issues...;Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Pedagogy and didactics, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education;;SDF Norra Hisingen sektor utbildning;SE;SE,IT;62.775,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2014;2014-1-NO02-KA105-000013;;;YW-See, observe and show;See, Observe and Show (SOS) was a training course which aimed at stimulate creativity, building confidence, increasing awareness of public relation and media impact on visibility of future project...;Creativity and culture, Access for disadvantaged;;Balestrand ungdomslag;NO;NO,TR,PL,SK,PS;24.621,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA101-013944;;;BOOSTING ENGLISH AND CLIL SKILLS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM ;Fortuny secondary school is located in the centre of Madrid and has 50 teachers, 20 of whom are accredited to teach in English, and about 640 students. It runs a successful bilingual programme in ...;Open and distance learning, Pedagogy and didactics;;Instituto de Educacion Secundaria Fortuny;ES;ES;8.655,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-ES01-KA101-036020;;;Actualizacin de metodologas y el aprendizaje por proyectos;"CONTEXT AND BACKGROUND Alto de los Molinos Secondary School in Albacete (Spain) has been bilingual since it was created in 2008 and nowadays nearly two thirds of our students are involved in bili...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Pedagogy and didactics, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;IES Alto de los Molinos;ES;ES,IT;9.798,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA102-000983;;;PRACTICAS EN EUROPA;"Context / background The Secondary Education and Vocational Training College Azuer is located in Manzanares (Ciudad Real). Besides compulsory secondary education, we also teach different branche...";Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;IES AZUER;ES;ES,UK;19.690,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA101-001356;;;Mejorar la competencia lingstica en ingls en nuestro colegio utilizando las TIC, con el objetivo puesto en la formacin de ciudadanos europeos.;The school is a small not bilingual Center, located in a town of 15,000 inhabitants in the North of Madrid. The context of the project is based in the improvement of English as a lingua franca in ...;Pedagogy and didactics, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;C.E.I.P. SIERRA DE GUADARRAMA;ES;ES;7.838,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2017;2017-1-NL02-KA105-001664;;;Different cultural approach, different traditional upbringing one promising youth;"Aim and the specific objectives of the Project To develop intercultural sensitivity, and awareness, learning to look at, analyze and resolve problems from the perspective of cultural differences;...";International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;Stichting Bright Future;NL;NL,AM,RU,ES,DE,AT;34.830,01;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2016;2016-1-DE02-KA102-003051;;;AusBildung wird Forschung - DKFZ-Auszubildende forschen europaweit;"Within our 24 months project ""AusBildung wird Forschung - DKFZ-Auszubildende forschen europaweit"", 33 apprentices and one of our staff members in the training department had the opportunity to par...";International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;DEUTSCHES KREBSFORSCHUNGSZENTRUM HEIDELBERG;DE;DE,SE,NO,IT,UK;88.035,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2017;2017-2-BE05-KA105-002229;;;"Personal Stories and narratives of society through participatory theatre and playback theatre ";"""From the 27th of Oktober till the 7th of November 2017, 25 youth workers from the Russian Federation (Chechnya), Belgium, The Netherlands and Israel (including Palestine), will go on an intercult...";Creativity and culture, Gender equality / equal opportunities, Inclusion - equity;;Pax Christi Vlaanderen vzw;BE;BE,RU,NL,IL;20.078,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-LV01-KA101-022513;;;R_gas 34. vidusskolas pedago_isk_ person_la kompetences pilnveide integr_t_ priek_meta un valodas m_c__anas ievie_anai.;During the two years of the Erasmus+ project in Riga Secondary School 34, there were organized not only four teacher training mobility activities but also the seminar for teachers of Riga Secondar...;Teaching and learning of foreign languages, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;Rigas 34 vidusskola;LV;LV;10.229,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2017;2017-1-HR01-KA102-034990;;;SIPS mobility;Mechanical Engineering and Traffic School (SIPS) facilitated the transition from secondary education to the labour market to its students in their final year of studies by enabling them a two-week...;International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;Strojarska i prometna skola;HR;HR,PT,FI,IT,DE;87.517,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2016;2016-2-BG01-KA105-023907;;;Radio Blog E-volution: Network Challenge;Radio blog E-volution is youth on line media / project that explores the topics and problems from the nowadays life. It aims to develop civic awareness among the young peop...;Social dialogue, Creativity and culture, EU Citizenship ...;;"Sdruzhenie ""Blyan za romantika, cvetya i kosmos""";BG;BG,HU,PT,IT;22.012,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2015;2015-2-CZ01-KA105-014119;;;Be (e-) active!;The project Be (e-) active! aimed to provide a long-term learning opportunity to two young Europeans who spent one year at the international office of IYNF in Prague, Czech Republic. The selected ...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Youth (Participation, Youth Work ...;;NATURFREUNDEJUGEND INTERNATIONALE ZS;CZ;CZ,IT,FR;14.847,34;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-SI01-KA101-021477;;;Kulturna _ola - evropska _ola;The aim of the project was to explore the various possibilities of including cultural and artistic contents in education. Our school has demonstrated a variety of cultural activities over the last...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Pedagogy and didactics, Creativity and culture;;Osnovna sola Sencur;SI;SI;9.107,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-SK01-KA101-035235;;;Inovcia a modernizcia metd a ich implementcia vo vyu_ovan, zefektvnenie odborn_ch kompetenci zamestnancov.;"The aim of the project is ""Innovation and Modernization of the Methods and their Implementation in the Classroom, Streamlining the Professional Competencies of the Employees."" was to enable educat...";Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Creativity and culture;;Zakladna skola sv. Vincenta;SK;SK;9.015,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-SK01-KA101-035268;;;All for joyful learning;The Primary School of Jozef Ignc Bajza is a regional, fully-organized state school. 171 pupils attend the school, there are 9 classes and 2 school-club classes. The School Education Programme t...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;Zakladna skola Jozefa Ignaca Bajzu;SK;SK,UK;6.010,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-SK01-KA101-035009;;;Zlep_ovanm kvality u_ite_ov k zv__eniu kvality vyu_ovania.;Our organization is Connected School with two departments: Secondary Technical School and Business School. There are 817 students in seven fields: engineering, technical lyceum, mechatronics, ele...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Access for disadvantaged;;Stredna priemyselna skola informacnych technologii;SK;SK,UK,MT;25.275,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2016;2016-1-IT01-KA102-005334;;;Work based learning (WBL) nella formazione professionale (VET) per l'accoglienza turistica e lhotel management in Europa ;"The Mobility Project ""Welcome.WBL@vet.eU - Work-based Learning (WBL) in VET for Tourism and Hotel Management in Europe"" is realized by a National Consortium that includes: 1) Hotel Institute IPSS...";Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Recognition (non-formal and informal learning/credits), Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;Istituto professionale di stato per i servizi alberghieri della ristorazione e turistici;IT;IT,ES,BG,UK,EL,MT,CY,DE;546.638,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2015;2015-1-IT01-KA102-004350;;;HOTEL@WBL-VET WORK BASED LEARNING ( WBL) IN VOCATIONAL TRAINING FOR CATERING AND HOTEL MANAGEMENT;"ERASMUS PLUS Key Action 1: Learning Mobility of Individuals MOBILITY PROJECT FOR VET LEARNERS AND STAFF HOTEL@WBL-VET . WORK BASED LEARNING ( WBL) IN VOCATIONAL TRAINING FOR CATERING AND...";Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Recognition (non-formal and informal learning/credits), Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education;;Istituto professionale di stato per i servizi alberghieri della ristorazione e turistici;IT;IT,EL,ES,DE,UK,BG;482.467,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-UK01-KA101-023470;;;Spanish Language Professional Development;Irvine Royal Academy is a non-denominational secondary school for pupils aged 11-17 serving the area of Irvine West, one of the most deprived areas in Scotland.In order to enhance its provision of...;International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;Irvine Royal Academy;UK;UK;3.677,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2017;2017-1-SK02-KA105-001297;;;Animated Education;Our training course provided the answer regarding the utility of applying digital graphical facilitation to support a learning group in all projects under E+ in a non-formal learning context with ...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Obciansky spolok;SK;SK,PL,BG,IT,HR,FR,LT,LV,RO;34.865,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-LT01-KA104-000346;;;Darbuotoj_ kvalifikacijos tobulinimas turizmo inovacij_ srityje;"One of the main aim of Public Enterprise "Education, Research & Consultancy Center" (ERCC) is to propagate Lithuanian culture and traditions, spread information about social and econ...";Creativity and culture, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;"Viesoji istaiga ""Svietimo, tyrimu ir konsultaciju centras""";LT;LT,IT,BG;15.130,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2017;2017-1-HR01-KA102-035207;;;Znanjem za bolje sutra;"Project ""With knowledge to a better tomorrow"" was a project of a consortium of three Croatian agriculture, veterinary and hospitality schools. Schools that made up the consortium were Srednja _kol...";Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, International cooperation, international relations ...;;"Srednja skola ""Arboretum Opeka""";HR;HR,SI,NL,DE,IT,PL;161.608,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-IS01-KA104-017051;;;Digital Information Technology in Teaching DIG-ITT;The main goal of Starfsmennt operation is to assist staff, managers and institutions to meet the fast growing demands of societal/work related changes and diversities. Starfsmennt aims to update ...;Pedagogy and didactics, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Open and distance learning;;Fraedslusetrid Starfsmennt;IS;IS;5.010,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-HU01-KA101-035532;;;j oktatsi mdszerek az FM KASZK-ban;"The projects first aim was to include participants who can gain international experience, knowledge and skills that are capable of developing students to achieve long-term impacts. 11 colleagues...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;FM Kzp-magyarorszgi Agrr-szakkpz Kzpont, Bercsnyi Mikls lelmiszeripari Szakgimnzium, Szakkzpiskola s Kollgium;HU;HU;29.350,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2017;2017-2-RO01-KA105-037582;;;Get Empowered. Get Employed!;Young people all around Europe are facing the challenge of transition from education to employment. This is correlated by statistical facts that confirm that in 2015, 8.7 million young people aged...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment;;ASOCIATIA YOUNG EUROPE SOCIETY;RO;RO,BG,EE,IT,PL,MK,SK,LT,HU,CZ;26.665,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2017;2017-1-LT02-KA105-005121;;;Intercultural Education and Youth Work for More Inclusive Europe;Conflicts, wars, persecution and poverty have driven more than one million people to seek safety in Europe only in 2015. The current refugee crisis that has unfolded in Europe created division bet...;EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning ...;;Jaunimo jaunimui iniciatyva;LT;LT,UA,RO,AM,DE,PL,MD,RS,IT,SE,BY,MK,CZ,EE,GE,PT;50.903,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2016;2016-1-IE01-KA105-016761;;;Mask of Conflict II;The project context started by the completion of a previous project called CONTEST, a multilateral GRUNDTVIG that brought together partners from several European countries in the development of ne...;Social dialogue, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Inclusion - equity;;Eolas Soileir;IE;IE,SI,ES,RS,DK,EE,CZ,BE,AT,IT,EL;25.326,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2016;2016-2-IE01-KA105-016937;;;Bantry & Dunmanway School Completion Programme Activity Assiatants;The SCP programme was set up to combat educational disadvantage. By supporting young people at risk of leaving school early to get the most from their education we are helping to fight against You...;Inclusion - equity, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education;;Bantry & Dunmanway School Completion Programme;IE;IE,FR,ES,RU,DE;32.599,49;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2016;2016-2-ES01-KA102-035108;;;EUROPEN WORK TRAINING EXPERIENCE;"The Erasmus + project ""European Work Training Experience"" has been carried out according to the guidelines established in the application. PREVIOUS PHASE: INFORMATION AND DISCLOSURE OF THE PROJEC...";Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;IES San Juan de la Rambla;ES;ES,IT;19.100,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-FR01-KA101-022829;;;Mobilits vers une pdagogie efficiente europenne;Le projet de mobilits de notre quipe ducative a rempli pleinement les objectifs fixs en amenant plusieurs enseignants de matires diffrentes dans des coles anglaises, espagnoles, finlandaise...;International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;Collge Boris VIAN;FR;FR,FI,ES,RO,PT,UK;30.876,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-CZ01-KA101-023179;;; Mnohojazy_nost - cl odbornk_;"1. Project goal: Main school intension is to become a seat of learning - to support the modernisation of teaching and training systems at secondary veterinary schools. 2. Formation of a projec...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Pedagogy and didactics, International cooperation ...;;Tauferova stredni odborna skola veterinarni Kromeriz;CZ;CZ;5.674,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2015;2015-1-MT01-KA105-003629;;;Out of the Box;Out of the Box is a training course on creating and developing new projects within Erasmus+ whilst learning best practices on how to maintain a project and give it life. SPYS has a main aim to d...;Creativity and culture, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education;;Salesian Pastoral Youth Service;MT;MT,NL,UK,BE,ES,SI,CZ,DE,IT,AT,SK;21.755,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2015;2015-3-AT02-KA105-001343;;;eljub Europische Literatur-Jugendbegegnung 2016;The eljub E-Book week 2016 (European literature youth meetings 2016) are open to young people from seven different Central European countries to promote networking and interaction. The focus is on...;Disabilities - special needs, Youth (Participation, Youth Work ...;;pilgern & surfen melk;AT;AT,PL,DE,RO,BG,HU,CZ;24.408,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-BE02-KA101-000034;;;Van kwaliteit op school naar een lerende organisatie;As part of the school management plan HIVSET stimulate staff members and teachers in participating at European learning to improve the competences in their professional profile in a sustainable wa...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;Hoger Instituut voor Verpleegkunde Sint Elisabeth;BE;BE,RO,CZ,FR,SI;22.175,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2017;2017-1-DK01-KA105-034002;;;Shokkin Therapy: Building Youth Future Together;Shokkin Therapy was a contact making event held in Rdvig, Denmark including 26 participants from 11 different countries (Estonia, Norway, Denmark, Italy, Romania, Cyprus, Spain, Portugal, Sweden,...;International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;Shokkin Group Denmark;DK;DK,NL,SE,EE,IT,NO,PT,ES,RO,CY,TR;20.662,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2016;2016-3-CY02-KA105-000858;;;Turn into powerful youth worker through media technology;The project ''Turn into powerful youth worker through media technology aimed to increase awareness on how media technology through NFL can enhance youth workers to discover their potentials and t...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Youth (Participation, Youth Work ...;;Network for European Citizenship and Identity;CY;CY,BG,ES,IT,EL,MK,MT,RO;19.886,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-PT01-KA101-012608;;;T.E.C.E.M.O.S - Tecer Espaos Criativos e Motivacionais Olhando o Sucesso;The project TECEMOS came out due to the necessity of creating a more stimulating educational context for our students, that is TECEMOS Tecer Espaos Criativos e Motivacionais Olhando o Sucesso...;Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Creativity and culture, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Agrupamento de Escolas Dr. Guilherme Correia de Carvalho, Seia;PT;PT,DE;59.684,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA104-002639;;;FORMACIN DE PROFESORADO;"Context of the project Through the framework programme Erasmus+ and within the Key Action 1 (KA1) of people's mobility for learning purposes and, more specifically, of staff mobility for adult...";Pedagogy and didactics, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;EOI GANDIA;ES;ES;11.060,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-RO01-KA101-024076;;;Asigurarea egalitatii de sanse elevilor aflati in situatie de risc pentru prevenirea abandonului scolar, prin dezvoltarea retelei de profesionisti implicati in educatie;The problem of early school leave and school failure is a complex reality of the contemporary society, but also a challenge for all the factors involved in education. Starting from the fact that e...;Access for disadvantaged, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;Scoala Gimnaziala Ion Simionescu;RO;RO;28.775,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-RO01-KA101-001074;;; I.N-T.I.M.E. (Institutional Needs-Training, Innovation, Mobility, Energy);"The project was developed between 01.09.2014 and 31.08.2015.It supposed the training of 15 teachers from Liceul Tehnologic ""Ion Mincu"", Vaslui to meet the needs of the institution on reducing sch...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;"Liceul Tehnologic ""Ion Mincu""";RO;RO,MT,CZ,BG;38.340,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2016;2016-1-AT02-KA105-001519;;;LevelUp!;"Dreher et al. describes in the ""Bericht zur Lage der Jugend in sterreich"" (Youthreport Austria), that the development stages are marked with instability and crises. During that time, different ch...";Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy) ...;;Therapeutische Gemeinschaft Betriebs Gmbh;AT;AT,NL;8.735,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-RO01-KA104-001098;;;Improving Performance through Learning Transfer ;Improving Performance through Learning Transfer is an ERASMUS + KA1 Moblity project, promoted by Asociatia CEDRU Centrul de Excelenta pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane (CEDRU Centre of Exc...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Creativity and culture, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;Asociatia CEDRU - Centrul de Excelenta pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane;RO;RO,NL,CZ;8.095,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-MT01-KA101-003696;;;Improving the Quality of the Services offered by the Gozo College through Exposure to Professional Development at the European Level;The activities of the three (3) courses being attended by the three (3) officials from the office of of the College Principal include both theoretical as well as practical sessions as detailed in ...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;Gozo College - Education Office;MT;MT,BE,BG;12.120,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2017;2017-1-PT02-KA105-004099;;;Multiculturality in Europe;We find that young people with social, geographical, economic and educational difficulties have far fewer opportunities compared to their peers. The M(i)E project aims to be an opportunity for som...;Creativity and culture, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Inclusion - equity;;Associao Sjovem das Saibreiras;PT;PT,FR,TR,ES;14.610,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2015;2015-3-PL01-KA105-023084;;;EVS for Future;"The ""EVS for FUTURE"" project is a series of activities prepared for young people with fewer opportunities that, like their peers, would like to actively participate in the life of Europe and the p...";Access for disadvantaged, Disabilities - special needs, Youth (Participation ...;;"Fundacja ""RA i DO"" Miedzynarodowe Centrum Wsparcia Mlodziezy i Doroslych";PL;PL,IT,CY,EL,SI,EE,ES,FR,HU;42.893,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2015;2015-1-PT01-KA102-012514;;;Learning by Doing in Europe;INSIGNARE is a non-profit association which owns two EU level IV VET schools: Ourm Professional School and Ftima Hospitality School. As additional areas, simultaneously internal and external, it...;Enterprise, industry and SMEs (incl. entrepreneurship), Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment ...;;INSIGNARE - Associacao de Ensino e Formacao;PT;PT,ES,IT,EE,UK,DE;300.315,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-IT02-KA104-013365;;;Solidarity+. In Spagna per apprendere e insegnare sul sociale.;"CONTEXT BACKGROUND AND GOALS The three Italian entities in the consortium for the collaboration project, Cooperativa Artemide, Associazione Nuovi Linguaggi e Istituto Sorelle Ministre dell...";Inclusion - equity, International cooperation, international relations ...;;Cooperativa Sociale Artemide;IT;IT,ES;59.969,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2014;2014-1-ES02-KA105-000014;;; Environmental Activities in Legambiente Campania;"Project context : European Voluntary framed in an environmental project for 4 young people with intellectual disabilities and 2 youth with educational difficulty . Objectives: To give young peopl...";Environment and climate change, Inclusion - equity;;INTER EUROPA RIOJA: JVENES EUROPEOS INTERCAMBIANDO EUROPA;ES;ES,IT;10.250,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2014;2014-3-ES02-KA105-005091;;;Promoting Youth Participation and Solidarity in Europe;"The project Young Citizens of Armeniaaims at promoting autonomy, initiative taking and critical awareness in young Armenians within the over-arching goal of creating a stronger and more parti...";EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, ICT - new technologies - digital competences ...;;FUNDACION RAMON REY ARDID;ES;ES,AM;2.774,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-PL01-KA101-015242;;;LEPIEJ ZROZUMIE_, BY LEPIEJ POMC - wyzwania wychowawcze dla nauczyciela 2015-2016;The project Understand better to help better-dealing with pupil behavioural challenges in 2015-2016 lasted 12 months and was directed to the to the teaching staff of Zesp_ Szk_ Technicznych i ...;Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;Zespol Szkol Technicznych i Licealnych;PL;PL,IT;24.784,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-SK01-KA101-000374;;;Alternatva spoza hranc;Teaching staff who attended the Mobile works with children with intellectual disabilities who come from socially disadvantaged backgrounds. Some pupils are in primary intellectual disabilities and...;Access for disadvantaged, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Pedagogy and didactics;;Spojena skola internatna;SK;SK,IT;38.280,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-2-NO01-KA101-013004;;;Exchange of good practice in mathematics, science and ICT;The background for this project is the PISA-results in Finland and Norway.We want to learn from Finland and Finnish schools with good results because of their results in mathematics and science in...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;Nannestad videregende skole;NO;NO,FI;3.555,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2017;2017-2-PT02-KA105-004445;;;DAR(t)E - Doing ART as Education;DAR(t)E, Doing Art as education, will be a multilateral youth exchange, taking place in So Jacinto, Matosinhos, Porto and Aveiro Portugal. Young people coming from five different countries in Eu...;Creativity and culture, Access for disadvantaged, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education;;ASSOCIACAO PARA A EDUCACAO DE SEGUNDA OPORTUNIDADE;PT;PT,HU,DE,BG,ES;19.927,34;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA101-015266;;;Mejora de la competencia matemtica y su metodologas a travs de las nuevas tecnologas;"CONTEXT Our project is the result of our interest in developing methodological strategies in the area of Mathematics through new technologies, aiming to improve the academic results of our pupi...";Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Pedagogy and didactics, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;CEIP EL GRECO;ES;ES,FI;14.236,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2014;2014-1-EE01-KA102-000032;;;Skills from Mobility;The main objective of the project is to provide for 48 trainees of Tallinn Construction School (20 finishers, 12 stone and concrete builders, 12 carpenters, 4 joiners) a possibility to improve the...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;Tallinna Ehituskool;EE;EE,FI,MT,DE;105.144,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2017;2017-1-DE02-KA102-003698;;;Fremdsprachenassistenten und Industriekaufleute EU - Kompetenzen fr Europa;For many years the Robert-Schuman-Berufskolleg in Essen has been offering, among others, a two and three-year course to become a State-qualified Commercial Assistant with Languages. The two-year...;Teaching and learning of foreign languages, EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy ...;;Robert-Schuman-BK-Essen;DE;DE,UK;90.985,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-PL01-KA104-025492;;;"""Odkurzamy Dom Kultury""";"The aim of the project ""Dusting the cultural centre"" was training by job shadowing for chosen members of the stuff of Poleski Art Centre (POS) during mobility to the partner institution, VHS in ...";Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Creativity and culture, Access for disadvantaged;;Poleski Osrodek Sztuki;PL;PL,AT;7.391,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-ES01-KA101-024366;;;Camins Oberts;We are asking for an Erasmus+ Ka1 grant with the intention of improving or introducing new skills, proficiencies or abilities , at our high school daily life, to improve our pedagogic offer and ma...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;IES Guillem Colom Casasnoves;ES;ES;9.244,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA101-014510;;;"APRENDIENDO DE EUROPA, TRANSFORMANDO LA ESCUELA, COMPARTIENDO EXPERIENCIA (ADETECE) ";"Verge dels Desemparats is a state Primary School conveniently placed in the coastal town of Oliva, in the region of Valencia, Spain. We are a team of 28 teachers and employees, with 242 stude...";Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Teaching and learning of foreign languages, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;VERGE DELS DESEMPARATS;ES;ES,DK,IT;10.752,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2014;2014-1-SI02-KA105-000068;;;Youth Banks on the Move;The project Youth Banks on the Move consisted of two youth exchanges which included youth who participated in Youth Bank Maribor project and other interested youth from Maribor, and youth active i...;EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, International cooperation ...;;Mladinski kulturni center Maribor;SI;SI,RO;13.788,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2016;2016-1-UK01-KA102-023144;;;Oyster Project 5;Oyster project 5 was a two week mobility project to Spain, Tarragona. This project developed participants skills sets, including enhancing vocational competence with pan European techniques and t...;Creativity and culture;;ISA Training Ltd;UK;UK,ES;16.517,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2014;2014-1-ES02-KA105-000274;;;Building links;""Building links" is a project promoted by two youth organizations, La Rotllana and Autonomia e Descoberta CRL, respectively from Spain and Portugal, that from their cooperation in a yout...";Inclusion - equity, Youth (Participation, Youth Work ...;;Asociacin La Rotllana;ES;ES,PT;1.375,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-HR01-KA101-022012;;;Gubec- our window to the world;With importance of lifelong learning and our schools distinctiveness in mind we strive for continuous progress in the educational process with students in its focus. Erasmus+ was seen as a good o...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Inclusion - equity;;Osnovna skola Matije Gupca;HR;HR;16.518,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-EL01-KA104-013818;;;_______ ___ __________ ___ ________ ___ ___ ______________ __ ____ ___ _________________ __________ ___ ____ _______ ___ _____________.;The program of Second Chance Schools (SC S) aims at the successful reconnection of individuals, who have dropped out from basic education, with the educational process, as well as the development ...;Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education;;IDRIMA NEOLAIAS KAI DIA BIOU MATHISIS;EL;EL;15.498,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-PL01-KA101-000650;;;Efektywne wykorzystanie nowoczesnych narz_dzi ICT na zaj_ciach szkolnych;Our project 'Effective usage of modern ICT Tools during lessons' was written for teachers of general school subjects in our school, Zesp? Szk? im. T. Ko?ciuszki w ?arkach. The selection criteria...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Pedagogy and didactics;;Zespol Szkol im. Tadeusza Kosciuszki w Zarkach;PL;PL;18.010,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2016;2016-2-SK02-KA105-001021;;;POWER ON THE SPOT! - an international training course on local actions to enable young people to discover their potential, in order to participate in a diverse, connected and inclusive Europe;POWER ON THE SPOT! is a 6-day residential training course to take place from October 26 to October 31 of 2016 in Slovakia, in which 28 youth workers from 15 countries will take part. The trainin...;Reaching the policy level/dialogue with decision makers, Youth (Participation, Youth Work ...;;Rada mladeze Zilinskeho kraja;SK;SK,AT,BG,EE,CY,CZ,BE,ES,RO,IT,PT,NL,TR,EL,LT;19.605,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-IT02-KA104-014671;;;Learning from changing times;ASA Onlus is an institution, specialized in international adoptions, working on regional (where it has its own headquarters) and national (where it has separate branches) territory. Asa boasts a s...;Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, International cooperation, international relations ...;;ASA Onlus;IT;IT;5.749,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2017;2017-1-NO02-KA105-000905;;;YE - Outdoor Society for Gender Equality;"Due to the fact that Gender equality is still a burning issue in European countries, ""DRH""(Norway) together with partners ""YWIV""(Georgia) initiated the project ""Outdoor Society for Gender Equalit...";Gender equality / equal opportunities, Inclusion - equity, Healthy lifestyle ...;;STIFTELSEN DEN REISENDE HGSKOLE;NO;NO,CZ,LT,PL,GE,BY,UA,AM;29.070,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2015;2015-1-LT02-KA105-003931;;;H.O.T.E.L. - How do the Online Tools Empower Learning;The seminar gathered 30 trainers and facilitators from 13 countries, including 3 neighboring EU regions: Western Balkans, Eastern partnership region and Russia. Seminar took place in Lithuania 28....;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Youth (Participation ...;;"Viesoji istaiga ""Nectarus""";LT;LT,BG,AT,IT,RU,ME,LV,MD,NL,GE,AM,PT,RO,TR,RS;19.274,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-MT01-KA101-000029;;;"""Tap - Swipe - Pinch"" - iPad, Android and Windows tablets changing the ways to learn and teach IMPROVING DIGITAL LITERACY IN OUR SCHOOL";"Tap-Swipe-Pinch : This course was about the use of tablets in the classroom and new pedagogy which helps to take full advantage of these new learning tools. Mr. Scerri (who attended the course...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, International cooperation, international relations ...;;Gozo College Girls' Secondary School;MT;MT;4.065,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-TR01-KA101-003843;;;FIND ME,BRIGHTEN ME!;"Title: Find me, brighten me! The 1/3 of our students are living under hard socio-economical conditions. 2/3 of those students have low marks and any of them doesn't have enough social skills. Reg...";Access for disadvantaged, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal);;BOR MEHMET AKIF ERSOY ORTAOKULU;TR;TR;6.600,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2016;2016-1-CY01-KA102-017215;;;FROM THEORY TO PRACTICE;Our school aims to establish a solid cooperation with European Vocational organizations, this will raise the image of our School,promote staff competence, improve students learning, help students ...;Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education;;A TECHNICAL SCHOOL OF NICOSIA;CY;CY,PT,IT,LV;65.680,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-BE02-KA104-000069;;;Een performante digitale leeromgeving professioneel uitbouwen;The aim of this project was to immerse ourselves in new methods and techniques in order to optimize our existing learning platform. Our former digital learning environment (Chamilo) was fairly sta...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;CVO Kortrijk Menen Tielt;BE;BE;5.346,55;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-FR01-KA101-023515;;;"Des ""Projets Europens Scolaires Inclusifs""? Observation de la pratique";"Inclusive European School Projects? Observation of the practice Education systems are aware of the complexity and importance of opening up education to all and have developed different strategi...";Inclusion - equity, Disabilities - special needs, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education;;OGEC de l'Institution du Sacr-Coeur;FR;FR,IT,IE;11.000,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA101-014482;;;IES CUEVA SANTA : PROYECTO PARA LA MEJORA DE LA CALIDAD EDUCATIVA EN UN CENTRO PLURILINGE;"'Cueva Santa ' Secondary School is a state institution located in Segorbe, in the inlands of Castellon, a traditionally rural area. 'Cueva Santa' Secondary School has belonged to the Multiling...";Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Teaching and learning of foreign languages, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;INSTITUTO DE EDUCACIN SECUNDARIA CUEVA SANTA;ES;ES,DE;11.692,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA101-014912;;;PLAN DE MEJORA DE LAS COMPETENCIAS LINGSTICAS Y DIDCTICAS DE LOS PROFESORES DE LA SECCIN BILINGE;Our project has been a Program for the Improvement of Language and Teaching Skills, aimed at the training of Institute Fray Pedro de Urbina Bilingual Section teachers. This section is composed of ...;Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;IES FRAY PEDRO DE URBINA;ES;ES;16.942,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA104-013398;;;Horizonte 2020: Internacionalizacin de la EOI de Gijn ;Horizon 2020: Internationalization of the Official School of Languages of Gijn (EOI Gijn) is a KA1 Erasmus+ project that covers the ongoing training of the teachers in the EOI Gijn, a public, ...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Gijn;ES;ES;19.176,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-EL01-KA104-013773;;;__________ ____________ ___ __ __________ ___ __________ ______ ___ _________ ____ _________ ________;EEPEK (Epistimoniki Enosi gia tin Proothisi tis Ekpaideftikis Kainotomias), i.e. Scientific Association for the Promotion of Innovation in Education, is a Greek not-for-profit organization, whose ...;Open and distance learning, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;Epistimoniki Enosi Gia Tin Proothisi tis Ekpaideftikis Kainotomias;EL;EL;38.129,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-SK01-KA104-000229;;;Kontinulne vzdelvanie u_ite_ov ako k__ modernizcie vzdelvacieho procesu;"Project summary The participants of the project work for the educational institution J_ Progres whose main goal since it was established in 1996 has been a modern teaching focused on gaining lang...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;Mgr. Daniela Kocajdova Jazykova skola Progres;SK;SK,UK;17.610,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA101-001046;;;"Proyecto de Movilidad Europea del IES Rafael Alberti""";"KA1 Staff mobility in IES "" Rafael Alberti "", Cadiz ( Spain ) SCHOOL SITUATION IES Rafael Alberti provides Secondary Education, High School, Vocational education and mainly a Bil...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;IES Rafael Alberti;ES;ES;24.833,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA101-002342;;;Let 's Work and Innovate Together;The project starts at one of the 15 Innovative Technological Secondary School Miguel de Cervantes in Mstoles, Madrid. It arises from the need to know, exchange and disseminate new methodologi...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;IES MIGUEL DE CERVANTES;ES;ES,PL,HU,SE,PT,LV,CZ,IT;38.635,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA101-002561;;;CLIL: gestin y organizacin, nuevos enfoques metodolgicos para asegurar una mejora en la enseanza/aprendizaje de idiomas en particular, y de otras disciplinas en general.;The IES Mara de Molina is a High School offering a vast and diverse education modalities, covering a wide range of approaches and ages. Two new programms are soon going to be implemented: Researc...;EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, Quality Assurance ...;;IES MARIA DE MOLINA;ES;ES,FI,AT;29.965,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA101-002755;;;European Exchange of Education Experiences (E4);The CEIP La Jurada is located in San Isidro, in Granadilla de Abona, Tenerife ( Spain ). It is a recently established school , initiating the teaching activity in 2009 /2010. It has new facilities...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;CEIP La Jurada;ES;ES,IT,SK,TR;13.290,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA101-001374;;;LET'S CLIL TOGETHER;Colegio Hernndez with the application for this project pretends to face the current training needs of its teaching stafft. All the teaching staff, 30 teachers have taken part in the design of our...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;COLEGIO HERNNDEZ S.L;ES;ES;13.190,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA101-002648;;;EUROPEZATE por CANTABRIA;1) CONTEXT:IES Cantabria participates in this project within the European Development Plant to improve the quality and internationalization of the school, expand the European Dimension, promote mo...;EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, ICT - new technologies - digital competences ...;;"INSTITUTO DE EDUCACION SECUNDARIA ""CANTABRIA""";ES;ES;28.490,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA101-002460;;;European Technology and CLIL Methodology Inputs;"Project Title: 'European Technology and CLIL Methodology Inputs'. Project context: The project will be carrying out in Antonio Machado Primary School; it's a Nursery...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Pedagogy and didactics, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;COLEGIO ANTONIO MACHADO;ES;ES;5.410,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA101-002571;;;Nuevas metodologas para la mejora de la calidad de la enseanza plurilinge en Eurpa;"Taquigrafo Mart CEIP belongs to the network of public and multilingual centers in Valencia. Our school has a faculty with a large number of definitive and highly motivated teachers. We are awar...";Inclusion - equity, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;CEIP TAQUIGRAFO MART;ES;ES;25.250,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA101-002603;;;LLEDO`S PLATFORM;"LLEDO' S PLATFORM Who are we?Our High School is a Secondary School situated in the North area of Toledo (La Sagra county) in the center of Spain. Due to the special characteristic of our enviro...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;"IES "" PROFESOR EMILIO LLEDO""";ES;ES;9.000,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA101-001342;;;Mejora de la competencia lingstica en ingls, mediante la aplicacin del CLIL en las aulas de primaria.;"Cristo de la Paz is a Primary and Pre- primary School very interested in improving the speaking and communicative skills of its students in the English Language. It belongs to the "Red de C...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Pedagogy and didactics, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;CEIP CRISTO DE LA PAZ;ES;ES;2.765,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA101-002811;;;LEARNING, LEADERING AND CREATING;The current project has represented an essential tool for the purpose of achieving many of the assigned objectives within our improvement plan, assuming such plan as the base for the acquisition o...;Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;COLEGIO FLIX RODRGUEZ DE LA FUENTE;ES;ES,IT;18.323,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA101-002324;;;Contigo somos +;"Title: "Contigo somos +" TASKS 1. Embedding European citizenship and an international dimension in the curriculum and ethos of our school. We want to achieve something which ma...";EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, Energy and resources ...;;"Colegio ""Virgen del Carmen""";ES;ES,UK,LV,IT;4.925,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-ES01-KA101-024561;;;"La prevencin del abandono temprano y la mejora de la convivencia en el IES ""Caada de la Encina"" a travs de su internacionalizacin y apertura a Europa.";"The prevention of early school leavning and the improvement of the personal relationships in IES ""Caada de la Encina"" through the internationalization and openess to Europe will be a training pr...";Social dialogue, Disabilities - special needs, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education;;INSTITUTO DE ENSEANZA SECUNDARIA CAADA DE LA ENCINA;ES;ES;3.120,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-ES01-KA101-024671;;;Ludus. Comunicacin oral en una clase bien dinamizada.;ContextSecondary school of about 500 students from 12 to 18 years old, where there are about 40 teachers. The town has got 38,900 inhabitants whose main economy is based on agriculture and small b...;Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, Reaching the policy level/dialogue with decision makers;;Instituto de Enseanza Secundaria Eladio Cabaero;ES;ES;12.748,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA101-014826;;;"""eVal2TransForm: Transformative Learning Through Evaluation with 2.0 Transfolios""";Institut Nou de Sant Gregori is a newly created public school that opened its doors in the academic year 2014-2015. As of today, there is a total of 45 students in our school, and we expect an inc...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, International cooperation ...;;Institut Nou de Sant Gregori;ES;ES,AT;2.524,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA101-014047;;; LA INNOVACION Y LA INTERNACIONALIZACION PARA UNA ESCUELA CREATIVA: PARRAINNOVA;"Our teacher training project is called PARRAINNOVA: ""Innovation and Internationalization for a Creative School"". It's a project born from the necessity for innovation inside the classroom, the nee...";Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Pedagogy and didactics;;IES Jos Mara Parra;ES;ES,DK;25.378,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA101-014414;;;Motivacin en el aula plurilinge;"SUMMARY OF THE PROJECT CONTEXT Our High School is engaged in a Multilingual Project. Currently we have started a Strategic Plan which is focused on the implementation of multilingu...";EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, Creativity and culture ...;;Institut Pons d'Icart;ES;ES;9.990,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA101-014389;;;PLURILINGISMO Y EXCELENCIA: DOS CAMINOS PARA LA INTERNACIONALIZACIN DEL IES RAMN GIRALDO.;Our project originated in Ramn Giraldo High School which is situated in an economically deprived area called El Campo de Montiel. There are not many opportunities for our students to meet teena...;Creativity and culture, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;IES RAMN GIRALDO;ES;ES;12.598,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA101-014228;;;TRANSFORMANDO NUESTRO CENTRO CON EUROPA;"The Project ""Transformando nuestro centro con Europa"" (Changing our school with Europe) arises from the real need defiined in our European Development Plan to become a successful school whose ...";Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;COLEGIO DIOCESANO SAN ATN;ES;ES,FI,PL;10.282,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA101-015410;;;EDUCA +;Paidos , Primary and Secondary School,is located in the town of Denia in the north of the province of Alicante. It has two groups in each level. Besides, it has a pre-school associated centre ,...;Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;Paidos;ES;ES,DK,FI;11.635,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA101-014765;;;Derribando barreras lingsticas ;" The school C.E.I.P Santa Mara Magdalena is a public centre that depends of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport of the JCCM. There are 540 students and 32 teachers. This present year...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;CEIP SANTA MARIA MAGDALENA;ES;ES;8.343,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA101-014058;;;CUENCA WELCOMES EUROPE;"CUENCA WELCOMES EUROPE CONTEXT OF THE PROJECT Alfonso VIII High School was created in 1844. Presently, it holds 934 students and 67 teachers in different educational courses. They are as fo...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Creativity and culture;;IES ALFONSO VIII;ES;ES;6.411,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA101-015274;;;FORMACION SIN FRONTERAS;This Project was born within the framework of new teaching situations at schools teachers need to gain and use effectively new digital and language skills and approaches , especially those teach...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;IES UNIVERSIDAD LABORAL DE TOLEDO;ES;ES;5.380,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA101-014415;;;UN CORTOMEGRAJE PARA EL FESTIVAL DE CINE DE L'ALFS DEL PI: EL USO DE LAS TIC EN EL AULA PARA LA MEJORA DE LAS COMPETENCIAS BSICAS;The pre-primary and primary school Veles e Vents has a great interest in improving the quality and efficiency of education, an objective which is included in the Europe 2020. With this purpose, an...;EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, ICT - new technologies - digital competences ...;;COLLEGI PUBLIC E INFANTIL I PRIMARIA NUM.3 DE ALFAZ DEL PI;ES;ES;4.498,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA101-014246;;;Aprender idiomas, idiomas para aprender;"LEARNING LANGUAGES, LANGUAGES TO LEARN The nature of our centre is undoubtedly the best reference when summarizing the meaning of this project, as it cares for the needs identified to achieve t...";Creativity and culture, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;IES BRBARA DE BRAGANZA;ES;ES,FI;9.909,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-ES01-KA104-024081;;;Technology Assisted Language Learning;1. Background and justification of the project:The area of activity of CEPA Buitrago del Lozoya corresponds to the North Mountain range in the Autonomous Region of Madrid. In general terms, we con...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;CEPA BUITRAGO DEL LOZOYA;ES;ES,UK;2.677,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-ES01-KA101-024773;;;APOSTAMOS POR EL BILINGISMO. APOSTAMOS POR EUROPA.;The Project, unanimously approved by the Teaching Staff and the School Board, is contextualized in the High School SABINA MORA, in the village of Roldn (Torre Pacheco, Region of Murcia). This sch...;EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development) ...;;IES SABINA MORA;ES;ES;9.125,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-ES01-KA101-024260;;;LET'S SHARE TEACHING! (JOB SHADOWING);Compulsory and Post compulsory Secondary School created in 1996, which belongs to the Experimental Multilingual Group (GEP), a project that emphasizes the cross curricular treatment of languages a...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;EL CASTELL;ES;ES,NO;5.024,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-ES01-KA101-022964;;;Using E-Learning in the classroom.;This Project tries to improve the knowledge, motivation and teaching quality of our students.IES Juan del Villar is a secondary school which is placed in a small village with 3000 inhabitants who ...;Teaching and learning of foreign languages, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;INSTITUTO DE EDUCACIN SECUNDARIA JUAN DEL VILLAR;ES;ES,CZ;1.521,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-ES01-KA101-024204;;;Innovaciones metodolgicas para el aula del nuevo siglo;METHODOLOGICAL INNOVATIONS FOR THE THE NEW CENTURY CLASSROOM The nature of our school undoubtedly summarizes the aim of this project, as it takes into account the individual needs of our students ...;Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;IES BRBARA DE BRAGANZA;ES;ES,DE;3.354,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA101-014199;;;Effective teacher training: getting closer to Europe.;"Our Project ,"" Effective Teacher Training : getting closer to Europe"", arises due to the need of acquiring new methodological techniques, bringing Europe closer to our school and improving teache...";EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, ICT - new technologies - digital competences ...;;IES Manuel de Gngora;ES;ES;16.082,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2016;2016-1-HR01-KA102-021797;;;VET4 MORT: Vocational Education and Training for Morticians;The Croatian Chamber of Trades and Crafts (HOK) is an institution authorized to promote, coordinate and represent the common interests of tradesmen and craftsmen. Fast economic changes put even la...;Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Enterprise ...;;HRVATSKA OBRTNICKA KOMORA;HR;HR,DE;17.953,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2014;2014-3-HR01-KA105-012508;;;Plant a Tree;The Youth exchange Plant a tree was implemented in Murter, Croatia in the period between 16 - 24 May 2015. 49 participants from Croatia, Macedonia, Norway, Spain, Portugal, Poland and Romania ha...;Creativity and culture, Environment and climate change, Healthy lifestyle ...;;"Udruga za zastitu prirode i okolisa te promicanje odrzivog razvoja ""Argonauta""";HR;HR,PT,MK,RO,PL,NO,ES;23.990,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2014;2014-1-HR01-KA105-000414;;;AAA citizens finding;"AAA actors finding is our Youth Exchange, organized by the Croatian NGO ""Association of the Deaf and hard of hearing"", supported by the new Euopean Program for Education, Sport and Youth, Erasmus ...";EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, Creativity and culture;;Udruga gluhih i nagluhih Nova Gradiska;HR;HR,SK,TR,ES,RO,IT;17.483,66;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-HR01-KA101-012993;;;Inovativnost, kreativnost, otvorenost - znanje za budu_nost;PROJECT: Innovation, creativity, openness - knowledge for the future is a project of the bra_e Radi_a primary school, a small school with a status of the school with difficult conditions for work ...;Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Teaching and learning of foreign languages, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;OS brace Radica Bracevic;HR;HR;17.425,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2016;2016-1-LT02-KA105-004606;;;Hope is real;"Name of the project - H.O.P.E is R.E.A.L Type of the project International Youth Exchange. Target group Youth with intellectual disabilities. Application Organisation - Panev__io ""_viesos...";Disabilities - special needs, Creativity and culture;;Panevezio Sviesos specialiojo ugdymo centras;LT;LT,ES,PL,MT;14.592,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-HR01-KA101-000444;;;Pove_ajmo UM - unutarnju motivaciju;The project Pove_ajmo UM-unutarnju motivaciju was created because our teachers realised that they needed new teaching methods and ways of using modern technology in the classroom to make their les...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;Osnovna skola Nikole Tesle;HR;HR;42.590,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2016;2016-1-LT02-KA105-004565;;;Let's Digitalise Youth Organisations!;Nowadays the world is facing huge technology progress leading to effective ways for communication. However, there is still an evident knowledge gap among youth workers on how to successfully use d...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Youth (Participation ...;;"Asociacija ""Aktyvus Jaunimas""";LT;LT,PL,IT,RO,LV;16.562,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2015;2015-2-LT02-KA105-004132;;;Languages - the Opportunity to Beat Youth Unemployment;The European societies are currently facing a lot of social problems, yet we all all know that youth unemployment is one of the biggest issues of today. As a result of this, youth often gets socia...;Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, International cooperation, international relations ...;;"Asociacija ""Aktyvus Jaunimas""";LT;LT,TR,RO,ES,EL,IT;34.161,44;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-FI01-KA104-008848;;;Pkaupunkiseudun aikuisten perusopetuksen kehittminen;"The background of the project and participants: The adult basic education development project of Helsinki metropolitan area started from network cooperation that aims to develop and coordinate...";International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;Tln yhteiskoulu Osakeyhti;FI;FI;12.669,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2015;2015-3-NO02-KA105-000616;;;"YW - ""Think, love, move, do!""";"The background of ""Think, love, move, do!"" was the need to address social inclusion of youth with physical and mental disabilities, as well as social obstacles, in rural areas. The overall aim of ...";Rural development and urbanisation, Disabilities - special needs, Inclusion - equity;;4H Norge;NO;NO,DE,LV,UK,IE,EE,DK,HU,FI,AT,PL,SI,SE;27.788,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2014;2014-3-EE01-KA105-013115;;;Bringing Corporate Social Responsibility & Youth Work together with Erasmus+;The topic of the training course is the role of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) in youth work within the Erasmus+: Youth Programme. It aims to explore the cross-connection between youth wor...;Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy) ;;MT Shokkin group;EE;EE,IT,DK,PL,ES,TR,DE,HR;18.811,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-BE02-KA101-012211;;;Formacom Plus - nascholingsproject leerkrachten Frans SO;"Project background In 2001 the Formacom project was initiated in Flanders, its main aim being the continuous professional development (CPD) of French language teachers and the training of compete...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Pedagogy and didactics, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;Belgische Vereniging Leraren Frans vzw - Vlaamse Gemeenschap;BE;BE;32.840,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2016;2016-2-CY02-KA105-000786;;;HOW TO TURN ARTISTIC STRENGTHS INTO ENTERPENEURIAL STRENGTHS;"The project How to turn ARtistic strengths into ENtrepreneurial strengths ""AR-EN"" is a Youth Exchange which is financed by the European Comission through Erasmus+ programme (2014-2020), Key Acti...";Creativity and culture, Youth (Participation, Youth Work ...;;"""GRANAZI"" TECHNOCHOROS";CY;CY,RO,BG,EL,LT,IT,ES;17.630,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2016;2016-2-CY02-KA105-000783;;;ARTrepreneurship;CONTEXT & BACKGROUND With ARTrepreneurship we are seeking to address the issue of Youth Unemployment and to promote Entrepreneurship Education as a way out of it. The project is a continuation of ...;Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Youth (Participation ...;;CYPRUS ORGANISATION FOR SUSTAINABLE EDUCATION AND ACTIVE LEARNING- SEAL CYPRUS;CY;CY,AL,IT,AZ,EE,UK,UA,SK,LT,CZ;26.146,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2016;2016-3-HU02-KA105-002007;;;Naturally empowered: Activate yourself;A Naturally Empowered: Activate others cm_ kpzs 2017. mjus 11-18. kztt valsult meg Lajosmizsn. A kpzsi program clja ifjsgi munksok kompetenciinak a fejlesztse, mely kpess teszi _...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Youth (Participation, Youth Work ...;;Magyar Cserkszlny Szvetsg;HU;HU,PT,UK,TR,IT,CZ;18.015,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-RO01-KA101-014870;;;Scoala - mediu activ de manifestare a competentelor elevilor;"A. CONTEXT: Aim-fulfiling the mission: an environment based on moral values, in which everybody can benefit the chance of developing as person and personality, favourable for forming/exercising s...";Pedagogy and didactics, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills;;"Scoala Gimnaziala ""Mihai Viteazul""";RO;RO,MT,CZ;12.575,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2016;2016-1-HU02-KA105-001616;;;SEE BEYOND training and coaching entrepreneurship skills in youth organisations;SEE BEYOND training and coaching entrepreneurship skills in youth organisations is a series of 2 interrelated training courses, taking place in Hollk_, Hungary and Ommen, the Netherlands, with ...;Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy) ...;;Egyesek Youth Association;HU;HU,LT,EL,FR,NL,IT,EE,BG,LV,PT,ES,RO;62.787,50;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-DE02-KA104-002248;;;Fit for European E-Training (FEET);The world of learning is changing and classroom teaching is increasingly being supplemented and replaced by E-learning, blended learning and virtual learning. Transitioning from old-style, brick a...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;English at Work GmbH;DE;DE;59.080,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-UK01-KA101-002175;;;Re-energising Spanish Excellence;"Re-energising Spanish Excellence The Federated Schools of St. Cuthberts and St. Sebastians Catholic Primary Schools were designated Centres of Excellence for Spanish teaching by Liverpool A...";Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;St Cuthbert's Catholic Primary School;UK;UK;46.195,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-CY01-KA101-000077;;;Staff development:Integrating ICT effectively in teaching;The introduction of innovations is always a challenge within an institution. Our primary school, Engomi A (KA) Primary School in Nicosia, has taken this challenge for the academic year 2014-15, in...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Pedagogy and didactics;;DIMOTIKO SCHOLEIO EGKOMIS 1 (KA);CY;CY;9.315,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2014;2014-1-RO01-KA102-000782;;;One Step Closer to the European Labour Market ;The project One Step Closer to the European labor Market implemented by CTEU answered the need for development, transfer, validation and recognition of competences and professional, social and p...;Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, International cooperation ...;;Colegiul Tehnic Emanuil Ungureanu;RO;RO,PT,DE;230.429,76;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2015;2015-1-PL01-KA102-015800;;;iCARE. Jako__ opieki=Jako__ _ycia ;The project met general and specific objectives of E +, referred to the Europe 2020 strategy, ET 2020, implemented the assumptions of the Lisbon Treaty concerning the improvement of the life quali...;Health and wellbeing, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Healthy lifestyle ...;;"Fundacja ""ProIdea""";PL;PL,IT,PT,ES;48.406,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-SE01-KA104-012003;;;Sharing and Learning;Jamtli Foundation in stersund, Sweden, is a museum organisation that focuses on lifelong learning. The main establishment is a museum that is also named Jamtli and has approx. 200 000 visits eve...;Pedagogy and didactics, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Creativity and culture;;Stiftelsen Jamtli;SE;SE,UK;18.975,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-UK01-KA101-023367;;;Language Training;At Clentry Nursery we are in the very early stages of implementing the 1+2 strategy. The training offered by this immersion course will equip the applicant with the latest skills and competences t...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, International cooperation, international relations ...;;Clentry Nursery School;UK;UK;2.005,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2015;2015-3-CY02-KA105-000568;;;We can do it: On the way to Social Entrepreneurship;The project ''We can do it: On the way to Social Entrepreneurship'' is a shared project idea among partner organizations and came up as a result of several months discussions between partner organ...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Creativity and culture, Inclusion - equity;;Network for European Citizenship and Identity;CY;CY,RO,LT,ES,MT,TR,EE,BG,PL;18.425,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2016;2016-2-NL02-KA105-001350;;;From Prejudice to Discrimination: how to take the step backwards and learn from European cultural diversity?;The project aims at raising awareness on the issue of discrimination among European youngsters. Participants with various European backgrounds will come together in an informal environment, learni...;Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy) ...;;Foundation Netherlands-Romania;NL;NL,IS,PL,RO,RU;31.394,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-AT01-KA101-004778;;;Go International 2015;"Go International 2015 Project background and objectives The AHS Rahlgasse linked the present project with the process successfully launched last year: QIR (Quality development and Internationa...";International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;GRg6, Rahlgasse;AT;AT,NO;11.058,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-UK01-KA101-013108;;;French Language Immersion;- 4 teachers training in language and methodology to embed French into school, teachers have experience of almost 60 years between them. Staff range from 30 years teaching to probationary teacher....;International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;St Mary's Alexandria;UK;UK;6.980,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2015;2015-1-IS01-KA102-013123;;;Icelandic Apprentices in Europe II;As stated in application our reason for us wanting to carry out this project is to support VET-providers in creating sustainable European partnerships and give an added value to the companies thr...;International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;IDAN FRAEDSLUSETUR EHF;IS;IS,BE,UK,DK,FR,FI,DE;153.698,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2015;2015-1-IT01-KA102-004355;;;Empowerment in Social Utilities and Skills for Young;"The project ""E-SUSY"" intends to support significantly the acquisition of professionalism about the technical competences, pedagogical and social skills of the two identified targets: students and ...";Recognition, transparency, certification ...;;So&Co Consorzio per la cooperazione e la solidariet-Consorzio di cooperative sociali;IT;IT,MT,UK,ES,FR,PT;334.192,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-UK01-KA101-013277;;;Language Training;Leanne Mannering and Lisa Littlewood are keen and enthusiastic primary teachers who are permanent to Alexandra Parade Primary School in Glasgow. We aim to undertake a high quality one week immers...;International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;Alexandra Parade Primary School;UK;UK;4.010,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-EL01-KA104-013555;;;TAP-SWIPE-PINCH.TABLETS CHANGING THE WAYS TO TEACH AND LEARN;Background of the project:We require our staff to widen their knowledge and current key competences and skills required in ICT, in particular the use of and access to tablets for instruction and ...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;EN.O GREECE;EL;EL;6.238,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-FR01-KA101-001692;;;Dvelopper les comptences en anglais pour un enseignement et une communication plus efficaces dans un environnement de travail ducatif l'chelle europenne.;"The main aims of this application are to develop the linguistic and cultural competences of the teachers of Marie Soboul School who attend each mobility. - The immediate impact of these proposed ...";EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, Pedagogy and didactics ...;;ECOLE MARIE SOBOUL;FR;FR;29.810,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2014;2014-3-HU02-KA105-000485;;;Fusion for Creativity - sharing and exploring methods of dance and coaching to support the growth of youth entrepreneurship;Fusion for Creativity - sharing and exploring methods of dance and coaching to support the growth of youth entrepreneurshipis realisedby a partnership of 8 NGOs form 8 countries: Bulgaria, Czech...;Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Youth (Participation, Youth Work ...;;Egyesek Youth Association;HU;HU,CZ,NL,EL,RO,LV,BG,TR,LT;35.020,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2015;2015-3-PT02-KA105-002695;;;MISSO SVE: BIO, JUSTA E LOCAL;"The project ""MISSO SVE: BIO, JUSTA E LOCAL will be a Learning Mobility activity for a group of individuals (European Voluntary Service - EVS) involving 5 volunteers from Finland, Italy, Romania,...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Youth (Participation, Youth Work ...;;Equao, Cooperativa de Comrcio Justo, Crl;PT;PT,RO,IT,PL,HU,FI;44.868,35;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-UK01-KA101-013313;;;School European Professional Development ;" At Notre Dame RC Girls' School we currently offer Spanish, German and French at KS3 and KS4 level and Portuguese and Italian (usually to native speakers) only at KS4. We also offer Spanish and...";International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;Notre Dame RC Girls' School;UK;UK;24.720,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-HU01-KA101-022739;;;NAVIGARE NECESSE EST;"SUMMARYThe following chapter entails a brief summary of 2016 Erasmus+ project entitled ""NAVIGARE NECESSE EST to be realized by the project team of jpesti Krolyi Istvn ltalnos Iskola s Gimn...";Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Inclusion - equity;;Ujpesti Karolyi Istvan Altalanos Iskola s Gimnazium;HU;HU,DK;30.986,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-CY01-KA104-011777;;;____ ___________ ____ _________ ________- ___ ___ ________ _______ _______;The project for which this application is made aims in improving the performance and the practices of our Organization. This is of paramount importance, since the institution of Evening Schools in...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;ESPERINO GYMNASIO KAI LYKEIO LARNAKAS;CY;CY;6.245,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-UK01-KA101-012914;;;French Language and Cross Curricular Development Project;" As a school, St Elphin's (Fairfield) C E V A Primary are passionate about providing the very best teaching and learning experiences for all. We understand that children learn best when they ar...";Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Pedagogy and didactics, Creativity and culture;;St Elphin's (Fairfield) CE VA Primary School;UK;UK;9.220,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2014;2014-1-DE02-KA102-000222;;;Lernen in Europa / ADHOGA IV;"Mobility activities of Stiftung Bildung & Handwerk (SBH- Education and Crafts Foundation) are realized in the EU Programme Erasmus+ (2014 2020) in the framework of mobility for learners ...";;;Stiftung Bildung & Handwerk;DE;DE,UK,BG,IT,IE,HU,FI,ES;54.423,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2015;2015-3-PT02-KA105-002696;;;COMPROMISSO SVE: PESSOAL, SOCIAL E AMBIENTAL;"""COMPROMISSO SVE: PESSOAL, SOCIAL E AMBIENTAL"" is a Group EVS project with 1 Coordinating Organisation (AMC from Portugal) and other 5 Host Organisations from Portugal and 6 volunteers (1 per coun...";Healthy lifestyle, active ageing, Youth (Participation ...;;Aventura Maro Clube;PT;PT,ES,LV,SI,EL,FI,RO;44.688,35;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-TR01-KA101-018198;;;Dikkat Eksikli_ine Dikkat;"ABSTRACT: Recently, improper and unconscious use of technology has increased the ratio of the lack of attention. So this increase has led us to do this project. Therefore as teachers, families an...";Access for disadvantaged, Disabilities - special needs;;CAKMAK SEHIT MAHMUT COSKUNSU ORTAOKULU;TR;TR;18.271,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-UK01-KA104-023938;;;SOUTHERN EUROPEAN MIGRANT DILEMMAS: BETTER INTEGRATION METHODS;"A) Context/background of project; This one-week project will help all the participants gain a greater understanding of issues that affect non-EU migrants and people with disadvantaged backgrounds ...";Social dialogue, Inclusion - equity, International cooperation ...;;Kairos Europe Limited;UK;UK,IT;35.345,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-CZ01-KA101-013442;;;Angli_tina plus;The project was based on the state school analysis, particularly with regard to teaching English at the school, the school self evaluation and the school needs to respond to the latest trends in...;International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;Zkladn skola, Hradec Krlov, tr. SNP 694;CZ;CZ;18.627,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-FR01-KA101-014014;;;"""Savoir grer son stress et celui des lves par l'Approche Neurocognitive et Comportementale (ANC)"" (acronyme: ""nEuroscol"")";To face the multiple socio-environmental challenges, the recent neuroscientific researches underline that any human being has the power to exit compartmentalization to face serenely any new situat...;Pedagogy and didactics, Health and wellbeing, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education;;Lyce Saint-Exupry;FR;FR,BE;69.263,49;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-BG01-KA101-013771;;;___________________ __ 21 ___ _ ______________ ________;"1. Context of the project Name of the project - 21st century challenges in language learning The students who study at Konstantin Velichkov Mathematical High School take interest in Engli...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;"Profilirana matematicheska gymnasia ""Konstantin Velichkov""";BG;BG;10.950,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2015;2015-1-RO01-KA102-014171;;;New Skills Through a European Mobility;"The mobility project with no.2015-1-RO01-KA102-014171 for the professional training of 24 participants and called ""New Skills Through a European Mobility (New STEM)"", implemented by the Liceul Teh...";Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Energy and resources, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills;;Liceul Tehnologic Voinesti;RO;RO,UK;74.544,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2014;2014-1-DE02-KA102-000569;;;Computerbetrug und Gegenmanahmen;"Context / Background: - perpetrators are becoming more and more professional, while security awareness and knowledge of data security stagnate. Important qualification aspects for post-graduate t...";EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, Teaching and learning of foreign languages ...;;Staatliche Berufsschule 2 Landshut;DE;DE,UK;59.298,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2015;2015-1-DE02-KA102-002166;;;Werbekampagne Non-Profit Sdtirol;Our mobility project is the subsequent result of a long-term internalization strategy undergone by our vocational school step by step during the last years. Thus this new exchange, planned for thr...;EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, Creativity and culture ...;;Staatliche Berufsschule II Bamberg;DE;DE,IT;57.840,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2016;2016-1-HR01-KA102-021815;;;Idemo u Europu! 4;Extremely successfully realized previous projects We are going to Europe! and excellent cooperation with our partners from Milan in Italy, motivated Vocational school, Savska street 23 from Zagr...;Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Youth (Participation ...;;Obrtnicka skola za osobne usluge;HR;HR,IT;197.328,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2014;2014-1-SI01-KA102-000130;;;Dru_bene in gospodarske spremembe narekujejo potrebo po novih poklicnih znanjih ;With the project Social and economic changes dictate the need for new professional knowledge, within the program Erasmus + (KA1), we achieved 27 mobilities of students and 23 mobilities of teach...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal);;Srednja poklicna in strokovna sola Bezigrad - Ljubljana;SI;SI,FI,DK,EE,DE,ES;73.394,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2015;2015-1-EL01-KA102-013388;;;Competences, Development, Perspective;Since 2006, our school has been activating for the design and implementation of various European projects. These projects have a great affect to our students by creating and developing a modern ed...;Agriculture, forestry and fisheries, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;1st EPAGELMATIKO LYKEIO KATO ACHAIAS;EL;EL,ES;41.130,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-HU01-KA101-013185;;;"Tanrakadmia. Egy megjul ""Mez_suli"" terve.";The main aim of our project was to let the experience of the teachers being involved in the mobility courses of the project be helpful in realizing demands and needs of our school called Dr Mez_ ...;Teaching and learning of foreign languages, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills;;Dr Mez Ferenc Altalanos Iskola;HU;HU;26.434,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2015;2015-2-SK02-KA105-000579;;;Graphical Facilitation;Graphical Facilitation was KA1 Mobility of young people- Training Course project financed by European Commission under Erasmus+ programme that took place between 30.10.2015 08.11.2015 in Obruc...;Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;Obciansky spolok;SK;SK,IT,MK,FR,LT,RO,DE,BG,CZ,PL;39.205,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2016;2016-2-EL02-KA105-002405;;;Mask of Conflict III;The project context of Mask of Conflict III started by the completion of a previous project called CONTEST, a multilateral GRUNDTVIG that brought together partners from several European countries ...;Social dialogue, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Inclusion - equity;;Creative YouthLand-CYouLand;EL;EL,DK,SI,RS,HR,EE,IT,ES,CZ,IE,TR;22.036,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2015;2015-3-SI02-KA105-013286;;;Stepping into someone else`s shoes;International youth exchange Stepping into someone else`s shoes involved sport and took place in the summer 2016. Partner organizations/informal group of young people came from Slovenia (Dru_tvo _...;Inclusion - equity, EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy ...;;Drustvo sirjenja uporabnih znanj;SI;SI,CZ,ES,MK;12.548,25;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2015;2015-3-DE04-KA105-013314;;;Training, Communicating, Networking, Motivating;"Training, Communicating, Networking, Motivating- TCNM "" is a project that aimed to tackle the theme of training and adult education in the setting of non-formal education across Europe. TCNM manag...";Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy) ...;;Bundesamt Sankt Georg e.V.;DE;DE,MT,BE,PT,CZ,LT,RO,IT,FI,ES,EL,FR,IS,BG,NL,EE,SI,SE,MK,NO;17.301,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-DE03-KA101-000542;;;Teachers in Search of Excellence;In search of excellence, 10 teachers for mathematics, IT and foreign languages are being sent to our partner schools in Poland, Italy and Spain. There mission is to find out how Poland managed to ...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, International cooperation, international relations ...;;Kaufmnnische Schule Bad Mergentheim;DE;DE,IT,ES,PL;14.282,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-PT01-KA101-000252;;;Dimenso Europeia e Qualidade do Ensino - DEQUE;"Project background: The project designed was based on an accurate analysis of the needs of our Agrupamento having in mind the achievement of High quality of education. We also took into considera...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, International cooperation, international relations ...;;Agrupamento de Escolas de Miranda do Corvo;PT;PT;36.894,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-TR01-KA101-017148;;;Gelece_in Snflarn Ters-Yz Ediyoruz;The studies in our school aiming to increase academic success of students have shown that improving the Professional skills of teacher contributes to students sucess to a large extent.New methodol...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;BORUSAN ASIM KOCABIYIK MESLEKI VE TEKNIK ANADOLU LISESI;TR;TR;32.240,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-DE03-KA101-000569;;;Noch mehr Europa wagen: Manahmen zur weiteren Internationalisierung und Qualittsentwicklung der Fachoberschule Frth;In the past two years of the project (24 months) our school has continued on the path of internationalization. This happened not just because of the European grants regarding Erasmus + Key Action ...;Teaching and learning of foreign languages, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;Staatliche Fachoberschule Frth;DE;DE,FR,HU,IT,ES,CZ;21.605,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2016;2016-1-PT02-KA105-003218;;;" ""Youth for all...all for Humanity""";After the Arabic Spring lot of countries lost their stability in Asia and Northern Africa. Also climate change causing the lack of clean water and land to cultivate, a huge number of migrants star...;Home and justice affairs (human rights & rule of law), Inclusion - equity, Youth (Participation ...;;"""H2O""-Associao de Jovens de Arrouquelas";PT;PT,RO,EL,TR,SK,ES,EE,FR,BG,MT,MK,PL,CZ,HU;29.075,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2014;2014-1-IT01-KA102-002173;;;TWITTASTIC;The idea of applying for one project both for VET learners and staff came from the need to train professionals with transversal skills for employment entrepreneurship, digital skills and multili...;Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment;;IIS EINSTEIN-NEBBIA;IT;IT,UK,IE,ES,PT;226.802,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2016;2016-1-UK01-KA105-023278;;;Media Retreat: Western Hideout;PROJECT TITKE: Media Retreat: Western Hideout TYPE OF ACTIVITY: KA1 youth workers mobility - training course VENUE: Worcester, UKDATE: 30.08 - 7.08.2016 NO. And PROFILE OF PAX: 34 participants, ...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;CONSILIUM DEVELOPMENT AND TRAINING LTD;UK;UK,HR,EE,ES,SK,EL,RO,PL,LV,SI,IT,LT,DE;26.233,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-UK01-KA101-002154;;;Welcoming Europe into the Class;With the evolution of technology it is now possible for us to have the whole of Europe at the touch of a button in our classrooms. The possibilities are endless, blogging, webinairs, electronic le...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;St Mary's Primary School;UK;UK,IE,ES,IT,EL,FI;45.145,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-MK01-KA101-002789;;;" ICC ""Innovation - Connection - Collegiality""";"In its 60 years of existence, ""Orce Nikolov"" High School is secondary state school which is leader of high quality teaching standards and innovative and progressive ideas in educational procesess...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, International cooperation, international relations ...;;SUGS Gimnazija Orce Nikolov;MK;MK;29.685,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2015;2015-2-BE05-KA105-001698;;;Long term coaching training for youth workers - step 2;Coaching is partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential (definition by the International Coach fede...;Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;Take Initiative vzw;BE;BE,FR,DE,IE,NO,NL,IT,IS;13.090,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2015;2015-1-RO01-KA102-014155;;;Dezvoltarea competentelor europene pentru elevi surzi in profesia pedagog de recuperare ;"The Special Technology High School ""Beethoven"" Craiova was the recipient of the ""European Competence development in deaf students teacher profession recovery"" for a period between May 6 to June 9,...";Disabilities - special needs, Gender equality / equal opportunities, Inclusion - equity;;"Liceul Tehnologic Special ""Beethoven""";RO;RO,IT;92.083,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2014;2014-1-PT01-KA102-000288;;;EPTOEUROPA IV;The EPTOLIVA Escola Profissional de Oliveira do Hospital, Tbua e Arganil, was founded in 1991 in order to respond to socio-economic needs of the region in this sense, it develops its activity i...;Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Inclusion - equity;;Associao para o desenvolvimento do ensino profissional dos concelhos de Tbua, Oliveira do Hospital e Arganil;PT;PT,ES,UK,IT;51.842,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-UK01-KA101-002168;;;Training in methodology and pedagogy of Spanish and German teaching in a vocational and traditional context.;The overall aims are to enhance language learning, to explore other cultures in a wide range of areas, to broaden knowledge of technologies, to support vocational courses and to broaden the appeal...;Enterprise, industry and SMEs (incl. entrepreneurship), Teaching and learning of foreign languages ...;;Sackville School;UK;UK;23.335,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-TR01-KA101-005766;;;Hedefimiz E_itimde Kalite;Our school has a team of training personnel which has written many national and international EU projects since 2008 and conducted a three-partnered Comenius project and also a national youth pro...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;Afyonkarahisar Kocatepe Anatolian High School;TR;TR;19.266,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2015;2015-1-RO01-KA102-014590;;;From webdesign to web-business;The project of Nicu Gane National College, as an Erasmus+ VET mobility stage in May 2016 (2-20) adressed the training needs identified among highschool students specialized in Math-IT, following...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education;;Colegiul National Nicu Gane;RO;RO,DE;38.296,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-DE02-KA104-000708;;;LivE - Lernen in und von Europa. Internationale Fortbildungsangebote fr Beschftigte in der Erwachsenenbildung;"""LivE - Lernen in und von Europa"" was an international qualification programme for adult education staff. During the two years of the project, 86 staff members of different adtult education instit...";Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Reaching the policy level/dialogue with decision makers, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;Volkshochschulverband Baden-Wrttemberg e.V.;DE;DE;140.560,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2015;2015-1-BE05-KA105-001597;;;Images to reflect, activate and transform.;"Image to reflect, activate and transform. From the 1st till the 11th of August 2015, 23 youth workers from the Russian Federation (Chechnya), Belgium, The Netherlands and Israel (including P...";Creativity and culture, Social dialogue;;Pax Christi Vlaanderen vzw;BE;BE,IL,NL,RU;20.789,05;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2015;2015-1-RO01-KA102-014245;;;Specializare europeana in formarea viitorilor tehnicieni in constructii ;The target group of the project entitled European Specialisation for Developing the Future Techniques in Constructions was represented by 32 eleventh graders of the Ploie_ti Toma Socolescu Tec...;International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;"Colegiul Tehnic ""Toma N. Socolescu""";RO;RO,PT,ES;77.592,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-LV01-KA101-013197;;;Using IT in new teaching methods for European dimension school;One of the goals of Rujiena secondary school is to transform the traditional directive teaching and learning into innovative, creative process, to develop the school as a platform for more effici...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;Rujienas vidusskola;LV;LV,SE;4.331,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2014;2014-1-PT01-KA102-000202;;;Cidadania ativa aps leso cerebral;"The project ""Active citizenship after brain injury is related with the qualification and socio-professional inclusion of people with disabilities, particularly those persons who after an acquired...";Disabilities - special needs, Access for disadvantaged;;CRPG - CENTRO DE REABILITACAO PROFISSIONAL DE GAIA;PT;PT,FR;9.480,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-UK01-KA104-013240;;;Improving teaching Italian with and through Glottodrama, Multimedia & Technology;Vivere litaliano Ltd., founded in 2009, is an Italian language and cultural school for adults based in London. The school's philosophy is to use methods which will increase the potential of learn...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Creativity and culture, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;Vivere l'italiano Ltd.;UK;UK,IT,CZ;5.230,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-HU01-KA101-013437;;;Drama Techniques for the English Language Classrom, Les outils de thtre dans la classe de langue;Our school, which is close to the city centre, is a popular educational institute, has been functioning for more than one century. Our institute supports both students and teachers (including...;Creativity and culture, Access for disadvantaged, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;Budapest XIII. Kerleti Grdonyi Gza ltalnos Iskola;HU;HU;6.010,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2015;2015-2-PT02-KA105-002629;;;Absence of war is not peace;"""Absense of war is not peace"" was a training course (TC) co-financed by the Erasmus + Programme, that took place in Setbal, Portugal, from 3 to 9 May 2016. This TC was inspired in a project idea ...";EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, Home and justice affairs (human rights & rule of law) ...;;Ananda Cooperativa Multissetorial CRL;PT;PT,PL,TR,GE,IT,LU,RU,SE,ES,AM,MD,EG;25.612,48;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2015;2015-3-LU02-KA105-000206;;;Youth Information Knowledge Multipliers - Trainers' Seminar;"The aim of the project ""Youth Information Knowledge Multipliers - Trainers' Seminar"" was to enable sharing of knowledge and development of youth information (YI) training in Europe, as well as YI ...";Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Youth (Participation ...;;AGENCE EUROPEENNE POUR L'INFORMATION ET LE CONSEIL DES JEUNES ASBL;LU;LU,BE,SI,HR,LT,EE,UK,FI;13.142,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-TR01-KA101-021000;;;_renme Srelerinde Motivasyon ile Yaratcl_n ve Yeni Fikirlerin Desteklenmesi;There have been many revisions to increase the ability of students and their academic level in the Turkish education system in recent years. The new system emphasizes the incorporation of new ide...;Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;ODTU Gelistirme Vakfi Ozel Mersin Ortaokulu;TR;TR;11.316,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-UK01-KA101-012980;;;Improving Teaching and Learning Methods Through European Professional Opportunities ;The TBAP Multi Academy Trust, managing all academies within this consortium, is committed to improving outcomes for learners who have not been able to engage in learning in a mainstream school env...;Access for disadvantaged, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;TBAP CSS;UK;UK;17.985,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2015;2015-1-HR01-KA102-012799;;;STEPs 4 Learning Innovation for Education ;Project Steps 4 Learning Innovation for Education (STEP 4 LIFE) is a project from the Consortium in which the coordinator role has Vocational School Gospic in partnership with the Vocational Schoo...;Energy and resources, Environment and climate change;;Strukovna skola Gospic;HR;HR,DE,ES;104.919,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-CZ01-KA101-001530;;;Zv__en metodologick_ch dovednost;The project was created in line with long-term plans of the school. The intent of the school is divided into several stages. This project is the first phase of the whole set of innovations that SS...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;Stredni skola rybarska a vodohospodarska Jakuba Krcina, Trebon, Taboritska 941;CZ;CZ;14.670,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-UK01-KA101-013367;;;Language course ;The objectives of this project are to develop a European dimension and links in our school, to gain new resources and teaching methods, therefore improving the learning and teaching of languages i...;International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;Allerton Church of England Primary School;UK;UK;4.010,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-UK01-KA101-013354;;;Spanish Language Training;In compliance with the Scottish Government's 1+2 strategy, this school year we started to deliver West Dunbartonshire's Spanish programme to all classes throughout the school. Our school improvem...;International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;Clydemuir Primary;UK;UK;16.040,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-RO01-KA101-001047;;;Abordarea europeana a pred_rii - garan_ie a calit__ii _i succesului profesional;"The project ""The European approach of teaching quality guarantee and professional succes"" followed the modernization of teaching strategies in order to create an attractive and motivating learni...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;"Liceul Tehnologic ""Nicolae Teclu"" Copsa Mica";RO;RO,FI;28.090,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-UK01-KA101-013306;;;1+2 Language Training;"The main aim of this immersion course is to further the linguistic knowledge and understanding of the the 23 teachers and support staff within their set language. Our team have all previously com...";Creativity and culture, Enterprise, industry and SMEs (incl. entrepreneurship) ...;;Inverclyde Council;UK;UK;51.000,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-UK01-KA101-013166;;;French Language and Culture Training;It has recently become National Policy for Scottish primary schools to adopt the European 1+2 approach to language learning. As well as teaching the mother language English schools are to teach a ...;International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;Harestanes Primary School;UK;UK;4.330,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2014;2014-1-DE02-KA102-000626;;;European Vocational Competencies Through Work Based Learning;The District Government of Dsseldorf is responsible for 78 public vocational colleges with about 7700 teachers and roughly 167000 students from all vocational sectors of which about 93000 are app...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Recognition ...;;Geschftsstelle fr EU-Projekte und berufliche Qualifizierung der Bezirksregierung Dsseldorf;DE;DE,UK,FI,ES,NL,FR,TR;118.152,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-PL01-KA101-000892;;;ICT w nauczaniu j_zykw obcych;The Jadwiga Dziubinska Group of Schools Agricultural Education Centre in Stary Brzesc is a school with a long tradition. For more than 90 years it has been educating and preparing young people to ...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;Zespol Szkol Centrum Ksztalcenia Rolniczego im. Jadwigi Dziubinskiej;PL;PL;8.468,58;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-IS01-KA101-013109;;;ICT training Hlidaskoli;ICT and digital teaching in schools is ever increasing. Hlidaskoli wants to participate in that development as it occurs. In order for that to become reality, we will have to train and increase te...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Pedagogy and didactics;;Hlidaskoli;IS;IS;4.110,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-FR01-KA101-013610;;;LAnglais : porte ouverte sur lEurope et sur le monde.;We are Primary school teachers of the Elementary school Belbeze-Les-Toulouse. We are introducing a mobility project for 4 women teachers of the school in order to benefit from a European grant. W...;Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;Ecole Elmentaire Publique Belbze-Les-Toulouse;FR;FR;14.260,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-CY01-KA101-011796;;;Staff development: Integrating ICT effectively in teaching;A_ Engomis Primary school in Nicosia, Cyprus, has developed a strategic plan on the development of teaching tools for all subject areas, in relation to ICT and interactive boards in particular. T...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Pedagogy and didactics;;DIMOTIKO SCHOLEIO EGKOMIS 1 (KA);CY;CY;4.045,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-HR01-KA101-012767;;;"Centar za osobni rast i razvoj ""Usudi se misliti""";"GOALS The school wants to improve all areas of the school curriculum, especially personal and social development, human resources management, language and communication skills, natural scie...";Creativity and culture, Environment and climate change, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;Osnovna skola Podmurvice;HR;HR,TR;7.871,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-DE03-KA101-000578;;;Outdoor Learning und Umwelterziehung als moderner Profilbaustein der gebundenen Ganztagsschule;"The Eugen-Papst-Schule (a public remedial school) has already been rewarded several times for its innovative projects in the area of ""outdoor learning"" and environmental education. The aim of thes...";Disabilities - special needs, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Recognition (non-formal and informal learning/credits);;Eugen-Papst-Schule Sonderpdagogisches Frderzentrum Germering;DE;DE;9.540,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-DE03-KA101-000664;;;Kultivierung der interkulturellen Kompetenzen und der Projektmanagementkompetenzen zur europischen Ausrichtung des Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-Gymnsaiums Wertheim;During the training course intercultural competences as well as project management competences of our school were improved significantly. We are now better able to prepare our students for Europe ...;EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, Recognition (non-formal and informal learning/credits) ...;;Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-Gymnasium Wertheim;DE;DE;3.412,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2014;2014-3-DE04-KA105-001301;;;Heart, Head, Hand social and political movements in the EU;Young people between 15-17 years from each of the countries Spain, Italy, Poland and Germany got together at the area of Kulturkosmos Mritz e. V. The area in the middle of the Mecklenburg Lake Di...;EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, Creativity and culture ...;;Soziale Bildung e.V.;DE;DE,IT,ES,PL;30.521,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2015;2015-1-AT01-KA102-004564;;;CHS all around Europe;"CHS, Centrum Humanberuflicher Schulen des Bundes Villach, is a secondary vocational school providing higher education entrance qualification and comprises the following specializations: - Hhere...";Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, International cooperation, international relations ...;;Elternverein CHS Villach;AT;AT,UK,MT,IT,BE,NO,DE,RO;60.760,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2015;2015-1-HU02-KA105-000753;;;Creative Inclusion;Summary of the project: Social exclusion is a serious problem that affects many people all over Europe. It can be connected to social class, educational status, minority and disability. We would l...;Creativity and culture, Access for disadvantaged;;Motivci Oktatsi Egyeslet;HU;HU,RO,IT,TR,PT;9.621,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-BE02-KA101-000035;;;Van hokjesdenken naar samenhokken? Het initialiseren en implementeren van teamteaching in de organisatie van school en team. ;"With our new project ( Van hokjesdenken naar samenhokken?) "Building bridges instead of walls" we hope to meet a grinding need in our school. We provide a highly qualified education tha...";Disabilities - special needs, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;Onze-Lieve-Vrouw-Hemelvaartinstituut 1;BE;BE;4.860,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2014;2014-2-RO01-KA105-002548;;;EVStart Paying Forward;The context of the project is presented from multiple points of view : a) Young people feel the lack of promotion on a local level on a large scale regarding the European Voluntary Service and of ...;Creativity and culture, Environment and climate change, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;Asociatia pentru Copii si Tineri 4 U;RO;RO,IT,ES,DE;10.990,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2014;2014-1-RO01-KA105-000902;;;Learn to get Involved, Volunteer in Europe;""Learn to get Involved, Volunteer in Europe" LIVE is an EVS mobility, developped during 16 months, between 15th July 2014- 15th November 2015. The projects main activity, mobility of...";Creativity and culture, International cooperation, international relations ...;;"Asociatia de Tineret Cultura si Educatie ""Speranta Ramniceana""";RO;RO,TR,IT;20.305,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2014;2014-1-EL02-KA105-000543;;;Balkan(re)vision;"To s??d?? ?at??t?s?? """"Balkan(re)vision"""" ?d?se t?? e??a???a se 32 ????? youth workers, ?????a? 18-30 et?? ap? 13 ???e? t?? ?a??a???? ?a? t?? ????p?? (??a??a, ?G??, ?????a??a, ???a??a, S??a??a,...";Creativity and culture, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Combat violence and tackle racism ...;;United Societies of Balkans;EL;EL,RO,ES,SK,HU,BA,HR,TR,AL,CY,BG,MK,IT;29.410,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2015;2015-1-CZ01-KA105-012741;;;",,Vliv tane_nho studia na osobn a profesn rozvoj mlad_ch lid "" ,, An influence of a dance studio on personal and professional development of young people";There are 60 children from age 13 to 30 years involved in the project ,, An influence of a dance studio on personal and professional development of young people?. They are from the czech dance gr...;Access for disadvantaged, Youth (Participation, Youth Work ...;;Spolek deti a mladeze DUHOVY SVET;CZ;CZ,UK,NO,BE,ES;36.792,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2014;2014-3-ES02-KA105-005164;;;Connecting with Nature;"EN ESPAOL: (ENGLISH BELOW) CONTEXTO: Cada vez ms personas viven en las ciudades (ms del 70% de Europeos, segn el Departamento de Asuntos Econmicos y Sociales de la ONU) y cada vez las ciu...";Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Environment and climate change, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;Asociacin Biodiversa;ES;ES,PT,DE,AT,AM,RS,LV,AL,RO,MD;21.624,78;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-BE02-KA101-000197;;;A school where teachers don't learn (a language) isn't a school;"A school where teachers do not learn Is not a school . This statement is known and we have painted it in our school on the wall . Teachers must be constantly willing to learn. From a variety of ...";International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;KORH - Basisschool Scharrel;BE;BE,IT,EL,FI,EE;13.785,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2014;2014-1-TR01-KA102-001432;;;_stihdam Odakl Kaynaklk E_itimi;"1 - Project content / history ; Our project content, the most general terms, our school enough to practice the possibility can not find our students in Germany and Italy source application to mak...";EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses ...;;Batman Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi;TR;TR,DE,IT;81.007,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2014;2014-1-AT01-KA102-000399;;;Work Placement in Ireland 2014;Work Placement in Ireland is a thriving programme composed of twenty students who attend seminars on marketing, international business and cultural awareness at the vocational college BHAK Bregenz...;Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Recognition, transparency ...;;Bundeshandelsakademie und Bundeshandelsschule Bregenz;AT;AT,IE;21.615,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-CZ01-KA104-000552;;;Na_i hv_zd_i za vzd_lvacmi programy planetri a science center v Evrop_;"According to its motto ""Astronomy for public, Europe for astronomers"" the target of our project is to increase competence of educators of Brno Observatory and Planetarium working on lifelong and i...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;Hvezdarna a planetarium Brno, p. o.;CZ;CZ,PL,FR,TR,SK;29.534,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-SK01-KA101-000108;;;Profesijn_ rozvoj pedaggov Zkladnej _koly nr. um. _. Podjavorinskej s M_ Bzince pod Javorinou;The project is based on the analysis of the results and the defined goals of education of Elementary school nr. um . _. Podjavorinskej with kindergarten Bzince pod Javorinou. Needs of the school ...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;Zakladna skola nar. um. L. Podjavorinskej s MS Bzince pod Javorinou;SK;SK,CZ;7.600,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-SK01-KA101-000390;;;Talking in English is easy;Elementary School Predmier is a state primary school, it is a small school with a small number of pupils. The focus of our school: JA (language) - PO (computers, motion) - NEC (learn ecologically ...;Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;Zakladna skola Predmier;SK;SK,UK;3.005,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-IS01-KA101-000075;;;Web 2.0 tools for effective teaching and project wor;The project is intended as an IT course for general teachers and its aim is to strengthen our school's international connections and to make new contacts with schools in Europe by using eTwinning ...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, International cooperation, international relations ...;;Fjlbrautaskli Vesturlands;IS;IS;4.860,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-HU01-KA101-000341;;;Lpst tartunk a vltoz vilggal;"In the European Development Project of our institute, called ""Keeping Up With The Changing World"" two applicants are involved: Frank Emlia, a language teacher and Soltsz Viktria, the deputy he...";EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education ...;;Budapest IX. Kerleti Levey Klra Gimnzium s Szakkzpiskola;HU;HU;5.326,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2014;2014-1-AT01-KA102-000185;;;CHS explores Europe;"CHS, Centrum Humanberuflicher Schulen des Bundes Villach, is a secondary vocational school providing higher education entrance qualification and comprises the following specializations: - Hhere...";Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, International cooperation, international relations ...;;Elternverein CHS Villach;AT;AT,UK,DE,IT,MT;53.958,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-SE01-KA104-000225;;;ka IKT-, sprk- och ledarkunskaper fr vuxenutbildningspersonalen;The background to the project is a long-standing partnership between the Blekinge municipalities (Grnslst) where there is an agreement to cooperate between them, for example, if Karlshamn munici...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Pedagogy and didactics, Open and distance learning;;Vgga Vuxenutbildning;SE;SE;12.290,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-FR01-KA101-001958;;;Building partnerships between European catering highschools;This project is the result of the good relationships that the teachers of English from France, Poland, Italy and the headmaster from Turkey have settled during their Study Visits in Turkey and Pol...;EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, Inclusion - equity ...;;Lyce professionnel htelier La Renaissance;FR;FR,IT,PL,TR;20.460,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-DE03-KA101-000503;;;Europische Mastbe setzen und Job shadowing;"European Benchmarking and Job Shadowing This project was createt in order to meet the requirements of the comprehensive school (Gemeinschaftsschule) by creating new structures and process optimi...";Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;Gemeinschaftsschule Moerikeschule Backnang;DE;DE;10.078,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-FR01-KA101-000407;;;Sensibilisation des lves d'cole maternelle langlais parl et dcouverte dune culture europenne diffrente, travers des comptines, des jeux, des changes entre classes, grce une marionnette voyageuse et sa valise mystrieuse.;The infant school which applies for an Erasmus + grant is situated in a small town . It has got 4 classes. It works with other schools of the area, with the townhall council and with parents asso...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Pedagogy and didactics, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;Ecole maternelle Paul Eluard;FR;FR;9.735,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2018;2018-3-BE05-KA105-002585;;;Sustainable Impact of Training - Training for Trainers;"The training course Sustainable Impact of Training Training for Trainers will take place from the 27th of October till the 4th of November 2019 in Denmark (exact venue still to be defined). ...";Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy) ...;;EUROPEAN FEDERATION FOR INTERCULTURAL LEARNING;BE;BE,ES,BA,SK,NL,AT,LV,SE,NO,IS,PL,TR,DE,DK,HU,RU,RS,IT,SI,FI,FR,PT,BG;20.109,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2015;2015-1-SE01-KA219-012285;;;MY WAY, YOUR WAY, OUR SHARED CULTURAL IDENTITIES;"""My Way, Your Way, Our Shared Cultural Identities"" is an innovative inter-cultural communication project involving schools from Bulgaria, Italy, Spain and Sweden. Its rationale is based on the und...";Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;LUNDS KOMMUN;SE;SE,IT,BG,ES;163.595,20;Yes;Yes Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-HR01-KA201-007149;;;Pollution! Find a STEM sollution!;Pollution! Find a STEM solution! is a two year long cross-curricular project that grew out of indentified need for further development of STEM and ICT skills. Pisa 2012 results make evident that s...;Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, Natural sciences, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Osnovna skola Pantovcak;HR;HR,FR,PL,CZ,ES;119.825,00;Yes;Yes Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-EE01-KA219-017328;;;From The Forest To The Sea!;"Project: ""From The Forest To The Sea!"" From this project took part 4 basic educational institutions from 4 different European countries - Estonia, Portugal, Romania and Belgium. They all teach ch...";Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, Creativity and culture, Pedagogy and didactics;;PIRITA LASTEAED;EE;EE,BE,RO,PT,SE;60.545,00;Yes;Yes Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-PL01-KA201-002906;;;Creative minds;'Creative minds' is a project concerning robotics and modern computer technologies. By its implementation the partner schools make changes in teaching science subjects, incorporate the elements of...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;Zespol Szkol Gimnazjum Nr 6 Szkola Podstawowa Nr 13 w Zawierciu;PL;PL,CY;93.100,00;Yes;Yes Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2015;2015-1-PT01-KA201-013059;;;Managing for @ School of Success;The state education decentralization project, approved by DL n 30/2015, of 12 February, placed the emphasis on local capacities to stimulate education of quality, with greater autonomy and decent...;Economic and financial affairs (incl. funding issues), Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Research and innovation;;Agrupamento de Escolas de Mangualde;PT;PT,UK,PL,IT,NL,ES;247.576,26;Yes;Yes Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-CZ01-KA202-024034;;;Teachers training to the inclusion of the children of foreigners;Project Teacher's training to the inclusion of the children of foreigners (TTI) was submitted by the National Institute for Further Education NIDV) of the Czech Republic. It is twenty month long ...;Inclusion - equity, Integration of refugees;;NARODNI INSTITUT PRO DALSI VZDELAVANI (ZARIZENI PRO DALSI VZDELAVANI PEDAGOGICKYCH PRACOVNIKU);CZ;CZ,IT,EL,SK;48.000,00;Yes;Yes Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-PL01-KA219-026128;;;Science 4 all;The Science 4 all project was focused on an exchange of good practice in teaching and learning science subjects and mathematics, and its coincidence with the labour market and entrepreneurship. ...;Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Natural sciences, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills;;Publiczne Gimnazjum Nr 1 z Oddzialami Dwujezycznymi im. Jana Pawla II w Krempachach;PL;PL,FR,EE,PT;112.065,00;Yes;Yes Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-FR01-KA219-024139;;;A second chance of environment;"A. Project context: ""A second chance of environment"" is a project on the theme of the environment reflected and developed by 6 schools. Our schools have common points: - strong desire to advanc...";Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Environment and climate change;;Collge Pierre et Marie Curie;FR;FR,EL,UK,PL,PT,TR;113.994,00;Yes;Yes Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2014;2014-1-PL01-KA202-003383;;;MENTEE: MEntoring, Networking and Training for European Entrepreneurs;In the Europe2020 perspective, entrepreneurship is a pillar and fostering entrepreneurial spirit is considered a priority to deliver smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. In the recent crisis, ...;Economic and financial affairs (incl. funding issues), Enterprise, industry and SMEs (incl. entrepreneurship) ...;;INnCREASE Sp z o.o.;PL;PL,PT,EL,UK,IT;234.360,00;Yes;Yes Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-LT01-KA219-023136;;;Entrepreneurship: a step to the future;"The Erasmus+ project ""Entrepreneurship: a step to the future"" with the students and teachers from six countries; Lithuania, Portugal, Italy, Romania, Greece and Turkey had the new possibilities to...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Economic and financial affairs (incl. funding issues), Early School Leaving / combating failure in education;;Kretingos Marijono Daujoto progimnazija;LT;LT,RO,PT,TR,EL,IT;82.640,00;Yes;Yes Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-IT01-KA202-004733;;;Innovation in the Cloud bridging Universities and Businesses;Cloud computing is now defining the future in ICT, facilitating new corporate and entrepreneurship models at all levels. It is a breakthrough paradigm that, applied to companies, public administra...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;UNIVERSITA TELEMATICA INTERNAZIONALE-UNINETTUNO;IT;IT,PT,DE,EL,ES,UK;299.397,00;Yes;Yes Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2014;2014-1-BG01-KA204-001560;;;PROmoting Management and Entrepreneurial THinking among the career counselors and guidance practitioners in the EU Societies;There is an old story about the three stonecutters. Once upon a time, a traveler came across them and asked what they were doing. The first replied sadly saying that he has the hardest job in the ...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, International cooperation ...;;Business Foundation for Education;BG;BG,UK,IE,IT,AT,EL;244.725,87;Yes;Yes Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-BG01-KA202-014258;;;Strategic partnership for competence based training in Bio-fertilizers;Innovations in agricultural sector of economy are a core topic of EU 2020 strategy, which promotes the elaboration of products and processes that contribute to sustainable development of the socie...;Recognition, transparency, certification ...;;BULGAP Ltd.;BG;BG,EL,CY;236.836,60;Yes;Yes Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2015;2015-1-BG01-KA201-014198;;;Active, Attractive And Interactive eU Mathematics;Designing the project, the partners have focused their efforts in meeting some EC priorities and requirements, as if: fostering innovative approaches to teaching in technology-rich environment wit...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, International cooperation ...;;"SOU ""Sveti Sedmochislenitsi""";BG;BG,PT,ES,EE,IT,DE,LT,HR;154.932,94;Yes;Yes Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2015;2015-1-DK01-KA201-004340;;;Inclusion in Europe through Knowledge and Technology;Throughout the EU, accommodating the educational needs of the blind, partially sighted and dyslexic are at different stages of evolution. Some countries abandoned segregation more than 30 years ag...;Disabilities - special needs, Inclusion - equity, Pedagogy and didactics;;Synscenter Refsnaes - National Centre for Blind and Partially Sighted Children and Youth of Denmark;DK;DK,HU,IT,BG,CY,RO;261.636,52;Yes;Yes Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2015;2015-1-IE01-KA204-008633;;;Home Based Care - Home Based Education;Context: The population of Europe is getting older. As the propensity to be diagnosed with Alzheimer's or other dementias increases with age, the number of people who will be diagnosed with Alzhe...;Open and distance learning;;The Alzheimer Society of Ireland;IE;IE,NO,BE;54.613,00;Yes;Yes Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2015;2015-1-LT01-KA204-013404;;;Developing Adult Educators' Competences to Promote Learners' Life Style Entrepreneurship;The project Developing Adult Educators Competences to Promote Learners Lifestyle entrepreneurship (ACE) has aimed to solve two main problems: high unemployment of people, especially from disad...;Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Inclusion - equity;;Kauno rajono svietimo centras;LT;LT,UK,PL,CY,BG;213.976,83;Yes;Yes Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-AT01-KA201-000909;;;Ecological, what else? Sustainable schools on the fast lane in Europe!;"""Ecological, what else? Sustainable schools on the fast lane in Europe"" is the titel of a two year multilatereal schoolpartnership between Austria, Czech Republic, Italy, Portugal, Slovakia and Tu...";Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Health and wellbeing, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;BHAK/BHAS Gnserndorf;AT;AT,SK,CZ,IT,PT,TR;260.295,00;Yes;Yes Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-RO01-KA202-024578;;;Training in 3D Printing To Foster EU Innovation & Creativity;3D printing (3D-P) has a large effect on creativity and innovation and it has been identified by EU as one of the technologies that will boost the development of future products and services. The ...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal), New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;SC Ludor Engineering SRL;RO;RO,MT,LT,ES,IT,PL;224.052,00;Yes;Yes Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2015;2015-1-DE03-KA201-013592;;;The Language Magician;"The Language Magician Language learning in schools in the EU has been showing ever more dramatic differences between member states. This has been particularly true for the United Kingdom where ...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;GOETHE-INSTITUT EV;DE;DE,UK,ES,IT;263.171,00;Yes;Yes Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA204-004808;;;Recycled & re-used clothing design through peer learning and social media;"Previously loved items deserve a second chance to inspire us again; people with mental health problems deserve a second chance to take control of their life. In today's throw-away society it seems...";Disabilities - special needs, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Inclusion - equity;;FUNDACION INTRAS;ES;ES,SI,DE,EL,LT;184.233,74;Yes;Yes Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2015;2015-1-UK01-KA204-013882;;;Validation and Motivation for (in)formal Learning in Prison;The Validation and Motivation for Informal and Non-formal Learning in Prisons (VALMOPRIS), set out to facilitate the recognition and validation of non-formal and informal learning through the desi...;Reaching the policy level/dialogue with decision makers, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, Recognition (non-formal and informal learning/credits);;New College Lanarkshire;UK;UK,DE,RO,AT,NL,FR,LV;255.227,05;Yes;Yes Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for youth;2014;2014-2-RO01-KA205-013607;;;The suitcase, the map and the voyage of a youth worker;The idea of this project, The suitcase, the map and the voyage of a youth worker, came from the necessities identified in the field of youth work by the coordinating team: no structure in Europ...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Youth (Participation, Youth Work ...;;S.C. PREDICT CSD CONSULTING S.R.L.;RO;RO,CY,PL,IT,UK,ES;139.917,00;Yes;Yes Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA201-003351;;;WOMEN AS SPIRITUS MOVENS TOWARDS EQUALITY IN THE EUROPEAN CITIZENSHIP;"The project ""Women as Spiritus Movens towards equality in the European citizenship"" has far exceeded our expectations. It has been recognized in Spain as an example of perfect transition from Come...";Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy ...;;COLEGIO DIOCESANO SAN ATN;ES;ES,IT,FR,TR,PL,FI;187.240,00;Yes;Yes Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-BG01-KA201-001435;;;Choose Your Future;Choose Your Future is a project focused on cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices between schools. The project covers a variety of topics which link to: labor market issues...;Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education;;General Secondary School Angel Karaliychev;BG;BG,EE,RO,LV,TR,DK,PL;257.280,00;Yes;Yes Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-RO01-KA201-002899;;;Wellbeing and Inclusion for New Educational Resources;The challenge of migration is a challenge for European Union. The EU Law of migration recognizes the particular interests of children especially in terms of their access to education, school and s...;Health and wellbeing, Inclusion - equity, Regional dimension and cooperation;;Inspectoratul Scolar Judetean Vaslui;RO;RO,IT;68.200,00;Yes;Yes Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-IT02-KA201-003985;;;School&Work;"Context European educational systems are facing a common issue: the persistent high rate of youngsters leaving school before having achieved a certification that helps them to be competitive on t...";Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills;;CIPAT;IT;IT,BE,ES,RO,LT,FR;281.618,00;Yes;Yes Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-EL01-KA201-001294;;;Safe Internet For All ;Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has become very useful for everyday activity, communication, commerce, entertainment, etc. Especially the Internet has a tremendous potential and a l...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Pedagogy and didactics;;2nd Lyceum of Kos;EL;EL,PL,NO,SE,AT;135.980,00;Yes;Yes Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2015;2015-1-RO01-KA204-015071;;;Being Deaf in an Inclusive Europe;The beneficiaries of Being Deaf in an Inclusive Europe Project are deaf adult people. The success of their social and professional integration depends on education, on access to information and al...;Access for disadvantaged, Disabilities - special needs, Inclusion - equity;;Asociatia Nationala a Profesorilor pentru Elevi cu Deficiente de Auz Virgil Florea;RO;RO,PL,TR,SK,DE;199.898,82;Yes;Yes Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2014;2014-1-DE02-KA202-001610;;;A European Guidance Counselling Concept for International Youth Mobility;Europe's future depends on its youth. However, due to crises in many European countries, young people in particular are struggling with unemployment and lack of prospects. At the same time, accord...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment;;HOCHSCHULE DER BUNDESAGENTUR FUER ARBEIT;DE;DE,ES,PL,CZ,LT;297.015,00;Yes;Yes Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2014;2014-1-BG01-KA202-001544;;;Quality of youth career guidance and nowadays media literacy ;"The slogan could summarize the project main idea: ""FROM CAREER GUIDENCE TO SELF-GUIDENCE SKILLS"" Context of the project: Nowadays, the youth career guidance format undergoes rapid changes. Mor...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Quality Assurance;;Student Computer Art Society / Studentsko obshtestvo za kompyutarno izkustvo;BG;BG,TR,LT,AT;223.975,24;Yes;Yes Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-FR01-KA202-015381;;;"Vocational Itinerary in Training and Education in Agriculture VITiculture and Education for All types of learners Vocational Itinerary in Training and Education in Agriculture";VITEA educative project (2015-2017) focused on vine pruning: core business activity of wine grower's job. The competent vine pruner is able to realise the whole jobs in the vineyard. European emp...;Recognition, transparency, certification ...;;ETABLISSEMENT PUBLIC LOCAL ENSEIGNEMENT FORMATION PROFESSIONNELLE AGRICOLES DU PERIGORD;FR;FR,IT,HU,ES,SI,PT,AT;277.560,90;Yes;Yes Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-FR01-KA201-002415;;;J'ai ma place au collge;"This project is complementary to the Multilateral Comenius School Partnership "" Viv (r) e my college "" which ends in July 2014 , it aims to fight against school dropout by acting on a number of le...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Gender equality / equal opportunities, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education;;Collge de Salviac;FR;FR,ES,IT,PT,RO,PL,EL;308.646,00;Yes;Yes Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2015;2015-1-HR01-KA204-013111;;;COMPetences for Agencies for Sustainable Site conversion ;"CONTEXT: The increasingly worrying convergence of different crises in EU requires our society to reconsider our production and consumption models: it is urgent to foster the creation of synergies...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education;;DRUSTVO ZA OBLIKOVANJE ODRZIVOG RAZVOJA;HR;HR,IT,BG,DE,RO;220.214,85;Yes;Yes Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2014;2014-1-EL01-KA202-001658;;;ENRICHING FISHERS' KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND COMPETENCES;The main aim of the SeaofSkills project was the contribution towards the improvement of the quality and attractiveness of Continuing VET for fishers, to address existing needs of both the fisherie...;Agriculture, forestry and fisheries, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;"""MARIA TSAKOS"" PUBLIC BENEFIT FOUNDATION-INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR MARITIME RESEARCH AND TRADITION";EL;EL,TR,ES,IE,MT;347.162,00;Yes;Yes Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2014;2014-1-FR01-KA203-002425;;;DigiTal Resources As a New Strategical Factor for a Renovation of Modernization in higher education;As part of an in-depth reflection on the modernization of universities in Europe, the D-TRANSFORM project is the first attempt of its kind to set up, at the European level, a program of Leadership...;Open and distance learning, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;FONDATION MAISON DES SCIENCES DE L'HOMME;FR;FR,IT,UK,HU,ES;417.356,00;Yes;Yes Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2014;2014-1-AT01-KA202-000975;;;New didactical models for initial VET training of young disadvantaged persons to reduce drop out;In their efforts to promote equity, social cohesion and active citizenship (one of the four core objectives of the ET2020 strategy), the EU member states also need to ensure equal opportunities re...;Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Inclusion - equity, Pedagogy and didactics;;JUGEND AM WERK STEIERMARK GMBH;AT;AT,IT,TR,DK,DE,IE,SI;225.039,49;Yes;Yes Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2018;2018-1-EE01-KA204-047080;;;Digital Skills 4 All;The digital age is expanding into all areas of our lives, and it is not just those who work in IT that will need to be alert of the digital transformation, said Mariya Gabriel, EU Commissioner f...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;RAAMA NOORTE UHING NOORUS MTU;EE;EE,BG,PT,IT;73.847,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for youth;2017;2017-3-CY02-KA205-001117;;;"Crafting Career Roadmaps ";"Context/background The project CURSOR- Crafting Career Roadmaps addressed the issue of youth unemployment which was 17,7% (3.905 million young persons) in EU in February 2017 while during 201...";Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Access for disadvantaged, Inclusion - equity;;CYPRUS ORGANIZATION FOR SUSTAINABLE EDUCATION AND ACTIVE LEARNING (S.E.A.L CYPRUS);CY;CY,RO,IE,PL;85.245,50;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-FI01-KA202-034710;;;WorkSafe - Developing and implementing a WorkSafe Toolbox and WorkSafe Online Training Course to be used within work based learning within the fields of metal work and construction;WorkSafe was a 28 month long strategic partnership that developed & implemented tools that makes work based learning (WBL) within metalwork and construction more transparent and safe. The partner...;International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;Axxell Utbildning AB;FI;FI,ES,NL,NO,FR;223.107,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-PL01-KA219-038323;;;Smarter...Greener...Safer...;The project SmarterGreenerSafer was to increase practical scientific and entrepreneurial skills of students and equip teachers with innovative and effective teaching methods to support scient...;Energy and resources, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Natural sciences;;I Spoleczna Szkola Podstawowa im. Unii Europejskiej w Zamosciu;PL;PL,IT,PT,FI,HR;127.165,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2017;2017-1-PT01-KA201-035847;;;Education in Mathematics in Game-based Immersive Contexts;E-MaGIC was a project that gathered teachers, programmers and researchers from Portugal, Germany, Greece and Italy, sponsored by the Portuguese Erasmus+ Education and Training National Agency. Thi...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills;;Direo Regional de Educao;PT;PT,DE,EL,IT;228.821,50;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2014;2014-1-IT01-KA202-002467;;;Mobile and Gaming for Long Distance Drivers;The C95-Challenge project introduces new training methodologies for long distance drivers in Europe, involved in initial and continuous training according to the EU Directive 2003/59. If on one ha...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Transport and mobility, Open and distance learning;;CNA Associazione Provinciale di Pesaro e Urbino;IT;IT,AT,PL,ES;236.956,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2017;2017-1-IE01-KA201-025692;;; Intercultural Education in Primary Schools, ;Education shall be directed to the full development of human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. (UNESCO, Intercultural Education).There are ...;Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Inclusion - equity;;The Gaiety School of Acting, The National Theatre School of Ireland;IE;IE,DE,FR;242.321,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-IT01-KA202-006243;;;Valuing informal learning and transversal competences experienced in the voluntary service to increase employability, social responsibility and mobility;How can we evaluate competences such as empathy, flexibility, and problem solving? How can we develop them? How can we make them visible in the interest of job recruiters, employers, trainers, and...;Recognition, transparency, certification ...;;FONDAZIONE POLITECNICO DI MILANO;IT;IT,ES,BE,NL,PL;337.488,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-EL01-KA201-001644;;;Creativity in Early Years Science Education;Creativity and innovation are recognised as important in European education policy in the last years, and their strengthening in and through education as one of the main objectives of the EU strat...;Creativity and culture, Pedagogy and didactics, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;ELLINOGERMANIKI AGOGI SCHOLI PANAGEA SAVVA AE;EL;EL,UK,RO,BE;409.695,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for youth;2017;2017-1-UK01-KA205-035400;;;Early School Leavers: Drop-in;Early school leaving (ESL) is often seen as the fault of young people. This is seen as a consequence of disengagement towards the formal education system, mistrust in the ability of education for...;Inclusion - equity, Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;INDEPENDENT ACADEMIC RESEARCH STUDIES INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE;UK;UK,RO,EL,IT,CY;142.387,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2015;2015-1-UK01-KA219-013372;;;Raising standards by sharing our Myths and Legends;The project is aimed at supporting pupils to explore past and present book making and use these to learn about the stories, cultures, and traditions of our own and partner countries. Through staf...;Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, Creativity and culture, Pedagogy and didactics;;Coryton Primary School;UK;UK,IT,IE,IS,FR,FI;86.240,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2017;2017-1-UK01-KA204-036605;;;Health Points - A game based approach for Health Promotion;Various studies on European and national level prove that there is a crucial need to improve health literacy among young adults, especially those who are disadvantaged. Many serious diseases in ad...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Health and wellbeing, Access for disadvantaged;;RINOVA LIMITED;UK;UK,IT,CY,DK,AT,HU,DE;273.363,59;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2017;2017-1-UK01-KA204-036747;;;Developing the competences of educators / professionals for the promotIoN of Social Entrepreneurship to adults with migRanT background;The INSERT project was a collaboration of 6 European Organisations highly motivated in exploiting the future INSERT outputs and results. The partnership developed innovative tools in order to exte...;Migrants' issues, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Open and distance learning;;Point Europa Ltd;UK;UK,EL,IT,AT,FR;202.340,66;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-UK01-KA202-036681;;;CREUS - Developing and nurturing the vocational transversal skills of disadvantaged young people through creative, non-formal learning in unconventional spaces;The CREUS project developed and applied new, innovative ways for young people who are disadvantaged and NEET to develop transferable and transversal key competences for the labour market by engage...;Access for disadvantaged, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Creativity and culture;;COLLAGE ARTS;UK;UK,CY,IT,EL,NL;251.902,23;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2017;2017-1-UK01-KA203-036607;;;Internationalising Trading for Social Enterprise Sustainability and Education;"Project Summary intsense aims to support the development of innovative practices in the education and training of individuals who are either seeking to expand their expertise in relation to the i...";Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Enterprise ...;;GLYNDWR UNIVERSITY/PRIFYSGOL GLYNDWR;UK;UK,LT,IE,DE,IT,EL,LV;245.029,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-PL01-KA202-038652;;;Preparation and training of human dog teams in Dog Assisted Education and Therapy;Animal-assisted therapy and education, especially with dogs, becomes increasingly popular forms of support for those in need in Europe. Dogs support people with disabilities, seniors, children in ...;Recognition, transparency, certification ...;;Stowarzyszenie Zwierzeta Ludziom;PL;PL,NL,NO;212.965,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2017;2017-1-HR01-KA201-035396;;;Multilingualism Accelerator - A method to boost foreign language learning and raise language awareness;The Multilingualism Accelerator is a curriculum which enables children to learn foreign languages faster and to become more confident in their language-learning abilities. It was based on the prop...;Pedagogy and didactics, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;IZVORI DRUSTVO S OGRANICENOM ODGOVORNOSCU ZA NAKLADNICKU DIELATNOST;HR;HR,SI,BG,DE,DK,SK;246.450,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-PL01-KA202-038850;;;Methods and tools for efficient use of existing resources and for support of development of effective training content by VET Teachers;Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) provide great opportunities both for school education and for training and thus contribute to their quality, attractiveness and effectiveness. ICT...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;INSTYTUT TECHNIKI GORNICZEJ KOMAG;PL;PL,FI,LV;287.972,12;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for youth;2016;2016-2-TR01-KA205-036191;;;Social Entrepreneurship for Young Community Media Makers;The SEYMM project idea is to develop new educational modules for young members of local communities in the area of community media technical skills, entrepreneurship skills, management of the coll...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;EGE UNIVERSITY;TR;TR,PT,BG;210.284,64;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2017;2017-1-AT01-KA203-034984;;;Future-proof your classroom: teaching skills 2030;Education in 2030 will undergo huge changes with generation Z in the classroom. The real digital natives will influence economic structures as well as the educational system due to their modifie...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Pedagogy and didactics, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;FACHHOCHSCHULE BURGENLAND GMBH;AT;AT,SI,MK,ES,HR,HU,PT,IT;310.204,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-PL01-KA219-038835;;;STEM For Everyone;"The authors of the project have determined that each institution has a large group of students who have problems achieving specific competences: a) mathematical competence - the ability to use ba...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, Natural sciences;;Szkola Podstawowa nr 88 w Poznaniu;PL;PL,PT,EL;49.110,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2016;2016-1-PL01-KA203-026321;;;Advanced Learning and Inclusive EnviroNment for Higher Education through greater knowledge and understanding of migration processes;The ALIEN was an interdisciplinary project on migration, funded by Erasmus+, which developed innovative educational tools for educators that draw from inquiry-based learning and human centred desi...;Inclusion - equity, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Migrants' issues;;POLSKO JAPONSKA AKADEMIA TECHNIK KOMPUTEROWYCH PJWSTK;PL;PL,EL,UK,FI;387.315,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-TR01-KA202-046790;;;IMPROVEMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL NOISE MANAGEMENT SKILLS IN AUDITS;"The project ""Improvement of Environmental Noise Management Skills in Audits"" shortly as ""Noise Training Project (NTP)"" explores practices and training programs on environmental noise management (E...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal), International cooperation ...;;PROVINCIAL DIRECTORATE OF MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND URBANIZATION;TR;TR,ES,IT;174.238,75;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2016;2016-1-BG01-KA203-023754;;;OPEN MIND - gamified platform and open online course in Social Entrepreneurship for female learners and students from diverse fields of study ;The OPEN MIND project aimed to enhance access to entrepreneurial education and create equal opportunities in the labour market for groups which are disadvantaged and under-represented in entrepren...;Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Gender equality / equal opportunities, Open and distance learning;;HIGHER INSTITUTE OF INSURANCE AND FINANCE;BG;BG,PL,EL,UK,RO;251.596,90;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2017;2017-1-PL01-KA201-038540;;;Stalag: live and die in a German prisoner-of-war camp during the World War II;Learning about the history of the II World War in Poland, France and Germany is a very difficult subject which students consider to be not very interesting, as usually about II World War they find...;Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;Centrum Polsko-Francuskie Ctes d'Armor-Warmia i Mazury w Olsztynie;PL;PL,FR,DE;147.865,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-PL01-KA219-038664;;;New Paths in Math - innovative methods in math for engineering students;"The project ""New Paths in Math - innovative methods in mathematics for engineering students"" was carried out for a period of 25 months in five secondary schools from Poland, Bulgaria, Italy, Cypru...";Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills;;Zespol Szkol Elektronicznych i Licealnych;PL;PL,PT,IT,BG,CY;139.075,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2015;2015-1-PL01-KA203-016474;;;Formative Assessment Benchmarking for Foreign Language Learning&Teaching in Higher Education;The FAB project (Formative Assessment Benchmarking for Foreign Language Learning & Teaching in Higher Education within the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme, Key Action 2 Cooperation for Innov...;Quality and Relevance of Higher Education in Partner Countries, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;UNIWERSYTET WARSZAWSKI;PL;PL,FI,HU,LT;86.073,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2015;2015-1-FR01-KA219-014886;;;Future, Ambitions and Challenges for Europe;Students aged between 12 and 16 from six schools situated in France, Germany, Norway, Sweden and Turkey, have carried out a three-year project turned towards the future of Europe and entitled F.A....;Enterprise, industry and SMEs (incl. entrepreneurship), Environment and climate change ...;;OGEC Notre-Dame;FR;FR,SE,TR,NO,DE,ES;273.350,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-EL01-KA219-023557;;;"""ROLLING STONE"" Traveler in the environment through Geomythology viewing sustainability ";Geomythology is the scientific field which interprets mythology in relation to natural environment and climate during the mythological period. During the long pre-historical times geo-environmen...;Environment and climate change, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;4DIMOTIKO SXOLEIO LAMIAS;EL;EL,PT,IT,RO,TR,HU,LV,PL;186.848,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-LI01-KA202-000087;;;Principles for effective Learning Analytics in Augmented Reality learning applications for professional education;Augmented Reality (AR) has the potential to support effective learning in informal and non-formal learning environments, in school or higher education and in professional education. Especially in ...;Research and innovation, International cooperation, international relations ...;;i-smARt Trust reg.;LI;LI,UK,DK,DE,BE;296.980,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-UK01-KA202-024286;;;Migrapreneurs - Entrepreneurial and Intrapreneurial Mindset Development for Highly Skilled Migrants in Europe;Migrapreneurs is a consortium of 5 partners from the UK, France, Turkey & Spain, all committed to promoting entrepreneurship and employability skills and with a specific interest in supporting mig...;Migrants' issues, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education;;THE UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD;UK;UK,FR,TR,ES;301.878,92;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-DE03-KA219-035471;;;Digital Empathy;The purpose of the partnership was to learn about other cultures, especially the immigrants in our countries and compare them with our own culture, to improve ICT competences and foreign languages...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Migrants' issues, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;Mittelschule Lindau (Bodensee);DE;DE,ES,IT,PL,TR,PT,NL;152.790,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-AT01-KA219-034993;;;Let's Build Europe Together!;"Context/background of project In recent years, violent extremism and terrorist attacks have surged across Europe and are posing a threat to the safety of its citizens and to its fundamental value...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Home and justice affairs (human rights & rule of law), EU Citizenship ...;;ffentliches Stiftsgymnasium der Benediktiner in St. Paul;AT;AT,EL,IT,HR,ES;121.110,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-NL01-KA219-022990;;;Water Equals Hundreds of Opportunities;The aim of the 'Water Equals Hundreds of Opportunities' project is to make students, partner institutions and their local communities more aware of the importance of water in everyday life. It wil...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Christelijk College Schaersvoorde;NL;NL,HU,TR,ES,PL,UK,FR,IT;185.960,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2014;2014-1-PL01-KA202-003566;;;Rapid e-Learning Master;The aim of the project is to develop methodology and guide for the effective realization of rapid learning courses in SMEs and big companies. It addresses a problem of the efficient use of e-learn...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Research and innovation;;Nowoczesna Firma S.A.;PL;PL,SK,HU;313.120,65;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-ES01-KA219-038105;;;take the e+train;We are six European Schools from Spain, Poland, Italy, Slovakia, Lithuania and Greece that have joined together in the Erasmus + project Take the e-Train. Using the theme of trains we have linked ...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, International cooperation, international relations ...;;Escola Joan Sanpera i Torras;ES;ES,EL,SK,IT,PL,LT;98.930,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-EL01-KA219-036202;;;"""Flying with the wings of Mythology through time and space""";"Our strategic partnership aimed at the cooperation for the exchange and development of good practices. The main objective was to make school more attractive for students and schooling more eff...";Integration of refugees, Inclusion - equity, Access for disadvantaged;;EPAGGELMATIKO LYKEIO AGRIAS;EL;EL,FI,IT,PL,LV,ES,IS;160.010,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2017;2017-1-EL01-KA204-036274;;;Popular University in Community Psychology: well being through art;POPULART project, using ART as a vehicle offered unique pathways to adult education for active citizenship, personal development and fulfillment. POPULART promotes human development by self-motiv...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Inclusion - equity, Health and wellbeing;;DIMOS NEAS SMYRNI;EL;EL,ES,CY,UK;251.853,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-EE01-KA202-017347;;;Designstem: integrated design + STEM education;"Design-intensive industries play a vital role in the EU economy. The European Commission aims to increase the use of design for innovation and growth across Europe; raise awareness of how design-d...";Open and distance learning, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;Kuressaare Ametikool;EE;EE,IT,NL,SI,UK,EL,FI,PT,DE;352.080,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2017;2017-1-FI01-KA204-034732;;;Kaleidoscope: supporting female migrant entrepreneurs;Migrants experience higher unemployment and under-employed rates in EU countries than their native citizens (OECD 2013). An especially vulnerable group is migrant women who are subjects of a doubl...;Gender equality / equal opportunities, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Inclusion - equity;;OY VAASAN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU - VASAYRKESHOGSKOLA AB;FI;FI,IT,FR,UK;203.045,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2017;2017-1-PL01-KA204-038433;;;Boost competences for a responsible use of online identity ;"DIGIT ""Boost competences for a responsible use of online identity"" is strongly based on the need of adult citizens to easily understand concepts related to the digital identity, i.e. the image and...";Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;INNCREASE SP ZOO;PL;PL,UK,EL,SI,ES,IT,BE;262.973,59;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2015;2015-1-SE01-KA203-012307;;;Nordic Particle Accelerator Program;"Background Europe are investing large sums on particle accelerators in order for Europe to be innovative and competitive in material sciences, biomedicine, health care, physics and chemistry. A c...";Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, International cooperation ...;;LUNDS UNIVERSITET;SE;SE,FI,DK,NO;313.499,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2017;2017-1-AT01-KA204-035073;;;Promoting Intercultural Science Education for Adults;The two-year-project Promoting Intercultural Science Education for Adults (PISEA) aimed at promoting intercultural awareness and competences in adult science education in informal science educat...;Integration of refugees, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;SCIENCE CENTER NETZWERK;AT;AT,EL,SE,FR,IT;208.147,66;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-DE03-KA219-035558;;;Young creative European artists: Re-defining and shaping their own world exploring Romeo and Juliet;"The Erasmus+ School Project Young Creative European Artists: Re-defining and shaping their own world exploring ""Romeo and Juliet (YEA!), for a widely heterogeneous group of students, aged 14 to1...";Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Inclusion - equity, Creativity and culture;;Integrierte Gesamtschule Hannover-Linden;DE;DE,PL,ES;85.440,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2015;2015-1-RO01-KA219-015164;;;SELFY - Save Earth Life for Youth;"This project is designed as informal learning on the topic of the SAVE EARTH LIFE FOR YOUTH. The coming few decades the active professional lives of todays pupils and students will mark some...";Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Environment and climate change;;COLEGIUL NATIONAL CALISTRAT HOGAS;RO;RO,DE,TR,LV,FR,PT,IT,EL;253.867,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-PL01-KA202-038756;;;Improving the Employability of People with Hearing Impairments;The situation of people with disabilities is high on the EU social inclusion agenda, as through the adoption and implementation of the European Commission's European Disability Strategy 2010-2020,...;Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal), Access for disadvantaged;;SPOLECZNA AKADEMIA NAUK;PL;PL,LT,BG,IS;227.455,50;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-DE03-KA219-035703;;;E-teach the teacher;"""e-teach the teachers"" (abbreviated with the acronym e-ttt) is a school partnership that has developed the didactics for mobile learning with mobile devices (smartphones, tablets). All three proje...";Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Rennbuckel Realschule Karlsruhe;DE;DE,NL,UK;34.190,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-DE03-KA219-023022;;;Confederation of Europia;The multilateral Erasmus+ partnership Confederation of Europia comprised a team of schools: Collge Vouziers (F), Bodmin College (UK), I.E.S. La Rocha, Telde (ES) and Oberschule Bederkesa, Geest...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, EU Citizenship ...;;Oberschule Bederkesa Schule an der Mhle;DE;DE,UK,ES,FR;131.290,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2017;2017-1-SI01-KA204-035545;;;Boosting Educators' Competences to do Quality Blended Learning ;In the Quality Blended Learning project, we developed a Handbook named Introduction to Blended Learning for Adult Educators and an E-platform with learning materials supporting the contents of the...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Open and distance learning, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;UPI - ljudska univerza Zalec;SI;SI,EL,IT,ES,IE,DE;201.059,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-LV01-KA219-022656;;;ICT for minimizing dropout;According to the latest research, one of the most important reasons of dropouts in education is the lack of lifelong learning skills in the field of ICT. Improving these skills is not only a good ...;Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, International cooperation, international relations ...;;Ventspils 6.vidusskola;LV;LV,RO,LT,TR,IT,DK;127.105,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-DE03-KA201-001563;;;Die Jugend prgt Europa - Fertigung einer Mnzpresse zum Prgen einer Europamnze;"Summary: From the topic of the project ""The youth stamps /influences Europe -the stamping of a European coin with the help of a hand-made coin press the main focuses of this project could be r...";Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Open and distance learning;;Berufliche Oberschule Regensburg;DE;DE,PL,BE,TR,HU;214.395,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-IT02-KA201-003207;;;Sport as a mean to foster healthy behaviours and allowing equal opportunities;"The project ""Sport as a mean to foster healthy behaviours and allowing equal opportunities"" was prepared by a partnership including six secondary schools belonging to Italy, Poland, Lithuania, Un...";Inclusion - equity, Health and wellbeing, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education;;Istituto Comprensivo di Nole;IT;IT,LT,PT,PL,UK,ES;276.430,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-HR01-KA219-035417;;;A magical dream: Animal assisted therapy for disabled students;"""A magical dream:Animal assisted therapy for disabled students"" project has been carry out in the coordination of Croatia,and in partnership of schools from Turkey,Hungary,North Macedonia and Ital...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Disabilities - special needs, Health and wellbeing;;Osnovna skola Josipa Matosa;HR;HR,IT,TR,MK,HU;110.130,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-PL01-KA202-026279;;;Training and certification model for photovoltaic trainers with the use of ECVET system;The idea of EU-PV-Trainer project was tightly connected to the EU directions targeting creation of instruments for practical and flexible learning paths, as a way to improve the quality of profess...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Recognition, transparency ...;;SIEC BADAWCZA LUKASIEWICZ - INSTYTUT TECHNOLOGII EKSPLOATACJI;PL;PL,CY,RO,ES;382.059,60;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-RO01-KA202-037477;;;Interdisciplinary cooperation in rehabilitation of children and youth with aquired brain damage;"Context/background of the project: Pediatric neurology, neuro-physiology and neuro-pedagogical rehabilitation of children and young people with acquired brain damage is a small domain in all EU ...";Open and distance learning, Disabilities - special needs, Health and wellbeing;;"Centrul National Clinic de Recuperare Neuropsihomotorie Copii "" Dr. Nicolae Robanescu""";RO;RO,FR,DK;213.078,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for youth;2016;2016-3-IE01-KA205-025494;;;Youth Work eLearning Partnership;"The Project The Youth Work eLearning Partnership [YWeLP], is an Erasmus+ funded KA2 strategic partnership across five countries (Ireland, Finland, Estonia, Northern Ireland and Australia) during ...";Open and distance learning, Youth (Participation, Youth Work ...;;NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF IRELAND MAYNOOTH;IE;IE,EE,AU,UK,FI;189.107,88;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-IT01-KA202-006108;;;A Valueable Network;"CONTEXT OF THE PROJECT IDENTIFIED NEEDS 0,1% of European citizens are now living with ID (prevalence of people with Down Syndrome is 1/2000). Average life expectancy of these individual...";Access for disadvantaged, Inclusion - equity, Disabilities - special needs;;Associazione italiana persone down onlus;IT;IT,DE,PT,HU,ES,TR;166.964,69;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-EL01-KA219-036155;;;Lifeboats full of hopes;"Final summary The project titled Lifeboats full of hopes was proposed and actualized having as a main purpose to develop and cultivate intercultural skills and competencies of students and teac...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Inclusion - equity, Integration of refugees;;5th nipiagogio Farsala;EL;EL,PT,CY,PL,NL,EE;121.964,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2016;2016-1-UK01-KA203-024648;;;Certificate in University Social Responsibility Auditing ;The European Students Sustainability Auditing (ESSA) project is a response to the developing commitment of higher education institutions and the growing interest of students in University Social R...;Recognition (non-formal and informal learning/credits), New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Recognition ...;;NATIONAL UNION OF STUDENTS (UNITED KINGDOM);UK;UK,BE,LT,PT;259.712,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2016;2016-1-UK01-KA203-024452;;;Promoting excellence in employability and transversal skills;"Context/Background PEETS - Promoting Excellence in Employability and Transversal Skills (skills which are readily transferable and flexible) is our international 4-partner collaboration. PEETS c...";Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal), Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;THE GLASGOW CALEDONIAN UNIVERSITY;UK;UK,NL,FI;244.476,36;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2017;2017-1-LT01-KA204-035219;;;Improving the Integration of Low-Skilled Adults Through Developing Mathematical Skills and Community Support;"The project contributes to achieve Europe 2020 benchmarks: to decrease number of low-skilled adults in mathematical skills up to 15%, to increase employment rate by 75%; to raise participation of ...";Migrants' issues, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills;;SOCIALINIU INOVACIJU FONDAS;LT;LT,CY,PL,IT,AT;291.145,18;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-UK01-KA202-036686;;;Forget-me-not;This two-year project addressed the problem of insufficient training provision in the field of adult care and the related outdated provision of care to dementia sufferers. It built a partnership o...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Health and wellbeing, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;edEUcation ltd;UK;UK,FR,CY,DE,PL;172.241,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-LT01-KA202-035218;;;The Ability advisor: improving the tourism for all market by VET;Tourism impacts on a wide range of policy areas - including competitiveness, social policy and inclusion (tourism for all) - while the continued globalisation opens new opportunities and creates i...;Disabilities - special needs, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Enterprise ...;;Panevezio darbo rinkos mokymo centras;LT;LT,BE,IT,PT;195.115,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2018;2018-1-LV01-KA201-046972;;;Restarting adult learning skills through new teaching methods;Restarting adult learning skills through new teaching methods. The topic of the project is trending today and will be of great importance tomorrow as we are all living in the world where IT plays ...;Pedagogy and didactics, Open and distance learning, International cooperation ...;;Jelgava District Correspondence School;LV;LV,IT,EE;18.860,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-RO01-KA202-037357;;;"Modern mountain guide occupation and training for enhancing competitiveness of European mountain tourism and increase workforce mobility of the sector ";Context/background of the project:Our project mainly started from current situation and needs:1. Different mountain guide occupational standard in different countries and the need to align these s...;Recognition, transparency, certification ...;;Asociatia Ghizilor Montani din Romania;RO;RO,IT,BG;162.888,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-DE03-KA219-022924;;;KIDS CONQUERING CASTLES;Entrepreneurship (E.) is an essential but rather neglected part of education in Europe, especially at primary school level. It is essential as it encompasses a set of attitudes, skills and behavio...;Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Creativity and culture, Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal);;Otto Wels Grundschule;DE;DE,ES,EL,IT,AT,UK;173.961,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2017;2017-1-FR01-KA201-037433;;;"OPEN-SIGN, socio-educational e-magazine for European deaf children ";Worldwide, one in every 1,000 children is deaf, in Europe-28 that represents close to 500,000 deaf people who are trying to gain access to knowledge and employment. However, this community suffers...;Access for disadvantaged, Disabilities - special needs, Inclusion - equity;;Les Apprimeurs;FR;FR,BE,DE,IT,RO;334.715,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-SI01-KA219-035496;;;A cup of creativity in educational process;The project A Cup of Creativity in Educational Process brought together schools of secondary education from four European countries: Slovenia, Italy, Greece and Portugal. All the schools observed ...;Creativity and culture, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Gimnazija Ptuj;SI;SI,PT,EL,IT;105.425,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;School Exchange Partnerships;2018;2018-1-AT01-KA229-039284;;;Experience Austria and Italy First-Hand;The project Experience Italy and Austria First-Hand was commonly initiated by the Tourism School Bad Hofgastein and the I.P.S.S.A.R. Pietro DAbano. The focus was on a student exchange program b...;Creativity and culture, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;Tourismusschulen Salzburg GmbH;AT;AT,IT;18.410,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-LV01-KA219-022637;;;ICT in Active Learning & Teaching-Inspiring, Challenging, Terrific;Technological advances have affected many areas of our lives: the way we communicate, collaborate, learn, and, of course, teach. But what does being a 21st-century teacher really mean and what and...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Pedagogy and didactics;;Jelgavas Valsts gimnazija;LV;LV,PT,BE,TR,IT,NL,PL;180.950,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for youth;2018;2018-1-SK02-KA205-001754;;;Handbook of non-formal education;The project was strategic partnership lasting 10 months between slovak organization YouthWatch and ANEV from Czech republic. The project reflected on the need that nowadays doesnt exist any metho...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;YOUTHWATCH;SK;SK,CZ;39.183,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2016;2016-1-EE01-KA203-017339;;;Multilingual Higher Education: Cooperation for Innovation and Exchange of Good Practices;" Context/background of the project Migration inside Europe as well as into Europe has changed drastically, including various forms of migration, but the education systems are often with homogeno...";Quality and Relevance of Higher Education in Partner Countries, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;TARTU ULIKOOL;EE;EE,IT,SI,DE;186.189,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-CY01-KA202-017367;;;Educating Social Partners Towards Ethnic Diversity in SMEs ;Ethnic diversity management and migrants integration in the labour force constitutes a major challenge for the EU. The increasing flow of TCNs (immigrants and refugees), which is rising due the r...;Migrants' issues, Enterprise, industry and SMEs (incl. entrepreneurship) ...;;INSTITOUTO ERGASIAS KYPROU PAGKYPRIAS ERGATIKIS OMOSPONDIAS IDRYMA;CY;CY,EL,IT,FR,DK;361.480,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-DE03-KA219-035534;;;A Healthy Dose of Social Media;"The project was titled ""A Healthy Dose of Social Media. The idea came from daily life, when we observed our own children and students at school. There is no doubt that Social Media have become an...";International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;Gesamtschule der Stadt Hemer;DE;DE,EL,LT,PT,PL;131.705,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-PL01-KA219-038706;;;Healthy human in the healthy environment ;Our schools started the project owing to a common interest in human beings impact on the Earth and vice versa. Thinking about the future we decided to make the students aware of the fact that i...;Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Health and wellbeing, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace im. Janka Bytnara;PL;PL,IT,PT,RO;122.320,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-ES01-KA202-038128;;;Sustainable Tourism through Networking and Collaboration;There is a new sense of urgency about improving sustainability of the tourism sector. Europe is becoming more and more popular tourist destination, commanding a market share of the world tourism i...;Enterprise, industry and SMEs (incl. entrepreneurship), New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;UNIVERSITAT AUTONOMA DE BARCELONA;ES;ES,IT,BG,HU,PT,UK;272.102,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2017;2017-1-ES01-KA204-038271;;;INNOVATIVE CURRICULUM FOR ADULT LEARNERS ON SOFT SKILLS;ICARO project main objective is to improve the employability of long-term unemployed adult learners through the development of a global methodology, based on an innovative online curriculum on sof...;Open and distance learning, Recognition (non-formal and informal learning/credits), New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;SERVICIO REGIONAL DE EMPLEO Y FORMACION DE LA REGION DE MURCIA;ES;ES,LT,BE,EL,DE,IE;204.841,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-PL01-KA202-038301;;;Utilization of Renewable Energy Sources in Agricultural Vocational Education;"Project URESA has been focused on the topics related to producing green energy from renewable resources available in rural areas and possible to acquire from agricultural production. In Europe, t...";Energy and resources, Agriculture, forestry and fisheries;;Malopolski Osrodek Doradztwa Rolniczego w Karniowicach;PL;PL,TR,SK,BG;248.667,04;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-ES01-KA219-038260;;;"""RADIO, TEENS AND NEWS. A PROJECT FOR INCLUSIVE IN EUROPE""";In this Project have been involved 5 high schools of different European countries: France, Romania, Bulgary, Hungary and Spain (coordinator). Spanish has been the chosen language to develop the ac...;Teaching and learning of foreign languages, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Inclusion - equity;;IES SCILIS;ES;ES,HU,RO,BG,FR;114.295,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-EL01-KA219-036151;;;EUROPEAN PATH (e)MOTION;The European Path (e)Motion is a project whose aim is the approach and the promotion of the European paths, that cross our continent, through different views. First of all, the project's objective...;Health and wellbeing, Environment and climate change, Integration of refugees;;Senior High School of Thesprotiko;EL;EL,IT,RO;72.819,75;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-FR01-KA202-037338;;;Improving Mentoring of People with Mental Health Issues in Training and Work;People who face mental health problems (PMH) have one of the lowest employment rates in Europe (20%-30% /UE stats-2015). Mental illness still carries a heavy stigma and a significant portion of so...;Disabilities - special needs, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Inclusion - equity;;Institut Regional d'Insertion Professionnelle et Sociale;FR;FR,ES,EL,IT,DE;246.142,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-IS01-KA202-017095;;;Safe Climbing;The idea for applying for an Erasmus+ grant came up quickly as the opportune way to transfer knowledge and skills between countries when the Agricultural university of Iceland (AUI) and University...;Open and distance learning, Agriculture, forestry and fisheries ...;;LANDBUNADARHASKOLI ISLANDS;IS;IS,SI,DK;289.356,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-BE02-KA202-017356;;;Talent in Biodiversity. Innovative education and new skills to increase engagement in Science.;The EU 2020 Strategy aims to create smart, sustainable and inclusive growth designed to develop a high employment economy, while addressing major environmental challenges, including biodiversity l...;Environment and climate change, Open and distance learning, Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment;;INSTITUT ROYAL DES SCIENCES NATURELLES DE BELGIQUE;BE;BE,EL,PT,HU;226.941,48;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2016;2016-1-PL01-KA201-026422;;;HANDS ON MEDIA LITERACY ;Today, the young generation is under the influence of the media. Over the last decade, there has been a drastic increase in the amount of time children and young people spend on-line. This has pos...;Research and innovation, EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy ...;;Zespol Szkol Nr 2 im. Grzegorza z Sanoka w Sanoku;PL;PL,CZ,LV,TR,BG,RO;137.850,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-UK01-KA202-024244;;;Partnership for more effective WBL in VET ;"Annex attached: Full Promote WBL final report. European challenges need to be tackled with a European approach with expertise from different stakeholders of different countries, with different ...";Enterprise, industry and SMEs (incl. entrepreneurship), New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses ...;;The West Midlands Creative Alliance Ltd;UK;UK,HR,BE,IT,PL,ES,EL;233.494,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-PL01-KA202-038380;;;Care Activities Raising Employment and Training on Farm Adaptation to Responsible and Mental-health Services ;The idea of social agriculture is based on the multifunctional approach to rural development. It is connected with an educational approach, which assumes that combining agriculture and social serv...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Access for disadvantaged, Disabilities - special needs;;Centrum Doradztwa Rolniczego w Brwinowie Oddzial w Krakowie;PL;PL,IT,BE,TR,ES;276.161,08;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2017;2017-1-IT02-KA204-036520;;;Creation of a EUropean e-platform of MENTORing and coaching for promoting migrant women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics;"EUMentorSTEM was designed to address three critical phenomena in Europe: the increasing influx of migrants; the gender gap in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) sectors; and t...";Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Migrants' issues;;ALMA MATER STUDIORUM - UNIVERSITA DI BOLOGNA;IT;IT,UK,SE,EL,HU;283.529,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-ES01-KA202-038057;;;RURAL BIOENERGY: Training Plan on Bioenergy for the agri-food sector;The Project Training Plan on Bioenergy for the Agri-food Sectors-RURAL BIOENERGY is a project of cooperation for innovation of a partnership strategy for vocation education and training among 6 ...;Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Energy and resources, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;MANCOMUNIDAD ALTA SANABRIA;ES;ES,PT,SK,BG,IT;279.301,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2017;2017-1-IE01-KA204-025696;;;Ethical Media for Active Citizens;The proliferation of mass media and new technologies has brought about decisive changes in human communication processes and behaviour. This fact has been recognised by global and European institu...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Social dialogue, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Dublin North East Community Communications Cooperative Society Ltd;IE;IE,DE,AT,ES,BE;85.306,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-LT01-KA219-035176;;;Universe - an odyssey of space and time;The poor interest in STEAM subjects at schools determines the low rate of entrants and the lack of potential specialists in the job market. The education mostly includes the nature science and mat...;Research and innovation, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universiteto inzinerijos licejus;LT;LT,ES,NL,PT,UK;111.310,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-SK01-KA202-035388;;;Education for Local Development of Rural Areas;The project ELDORA - Education for Local Development of Rural Areas was prepared and implemented by a partnership of 5 organizations from 4 EU countries. The project also wanted to address the cha...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Rural development and urbanisation;;AGENTURA NA PODPORU REGIONALNEHO ROZVOJA KOSICE NO;SK;SK,IT,PL,HU;199.966,26;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-DE03-KA219-023032;;;Literary Heroes;This project was conceived in the context of a recognition by the participating schools of a need to boost literacy and strengthen its status in their curricula. The EU journal (2012) states that ...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, Creativity and culture;;Herzog-Christian-August-Gymnasium;DE;DE,ES,IE,PL,NO;110.400,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-ES01-KA219-037870;;;The development of competencies through a project-based work;Six european nursery and elementary schools (Spain, Italy, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Portugal and France) participated in this project aiming to put project based learning at the service of the acqui...;Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills;;CEIP CERVANTES;ES;ES,PT,IT,LT,BG,FR;131.713,29;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-PL01-KA202-038280;;;Micro-enterprise Learning Partnerships;The ME2ME project has been aimed at development of bespoke peer-to-peer learning networks in real and virtual environments where micro-enterprise owners share their knowledge and skills. During 24...;Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Enterprise, industry and SMEs (incl. entrepreneurship) ...;;OSRODEK SZKOLENIOWO-BADAWCZY INNEO;PL;PL,UK,HU,CZ,IE,FI,RO,LT;265.065,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2016;2016-1-CY01-KA201-017315;;;The Living Book - Augmenting Reading For Life;Poor reading performance combined with a general disinterest for reading has long-term consequences for both individuals and society. However, the percentage of low achievers in reading at the EU ...;Inclusion - equity, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills;;EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY CYPRUS;CY;CY,IT,PT,EE,RO,UK;373.428,55;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2017;2017-1-DK01-KA204-034254;;;Sowing the seeds for the digital agricultral worker;"Over the project-period all objectives and activities described in the application have been undertaken according the application. The aim of this 24 months project was to develop a digital too...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;Fagligt flles forbund;DK;DK,AT,PL,DE;223.465,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2016;2016-1-PT01-KA201-022898;;;New European Settings for Teachers and Teaching;European challenges, such as the promotion of common values of equality, democracy and citizenship, bring very demanding tasks for education as they require a (re) consideration of the role of sch...;Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Inclusion - equity, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;CASA DO PROFESSOR;PT;PT,PL,RO,BE;264.490,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-PL01-KA219-026303;;;Moving forward with key competences;Our main motivation for starting an Erasmus + project entitled Moving forward with key competences in cooperation with schools from Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland and Turkey was increasing the ...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Natural sciences, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills;;Zespol Szkol Ogolnoksztalcacych nr 2 w Bytomiu;PL;PL,IT,DE,TR,HU;104.800,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-LT01-KA219-035158;;;Refugees Matter: from Challenges to Opportunities;The constant influx of refugees caused dramatic and fundamental changes in socio cultural, political, economic as well as educational landscape of the European Union. Therefore, European values s...;Migrants' issues;;Kauno jezuitu gimnazija;LT;LT,IT,ES,TR,EL,NL;121.115,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-LV01-KA219-035418;;;Digital and media literacy for sustainable life learning;According to EU Committee`s priorities 2017, AGENDA 2030 and the Project of Education Ministry of Latvia in the changes of curriculum, the goals of the Project was to develop teachers` knowledge a...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;Ludzas pilsetas gimnazija;LV;LV,BG,IT,RO,TR,FR;113.171,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-EE01-KA219-034916;;;Minds on Hands on STEM Goes on;The number of reports on science education indicated that in many EU countries, unlike the number of young people entering universities is increasing, studying in the scientific field is decreasin...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, Gender equality / equal opportunities;;Juhan Liivi nim Alatskivi Kool;EE;EE,BG,SI,TR,PT;128.035,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-HU01-KA219-035913;;;Move Yourself - Do it Yourself;"CONTEXT AND ACTIVITIES In this project we addressed the issues of learning/teaching to/from each other about creating teaching materials by using different programmes. We were exploring methods a...";Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;Nyregyhzi SZC Sipkay Barna Kereskedelmi, Vendgltipari, Idegenforgalmi Kzpiskolja, Szakiskolja s Kollgiuma;HU;HU,IT,TR,RO,FR;85.550,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-ES01-KA202-025686;;;Development of a Training Program on Advanced ICT Tools for enhancing Manufacturing Process Planning competences in Plastic Industries SMEs ;The motivation of the project is the confirmation that ICT is an important factor to maintain competitiveness, since not only do they facilitate the design and development of new efficient product...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Open and distance learning, Research and innovation;;ASOCIACION VALENCIANA DE EMPRESARIOS DE PLASTICOS - AVEP;ES;ES,SI,FR,PT,IT;198.465,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-DE03-KA219-035489;;;Job Market 4.0 - Challenges for European Work and Life;"Context/background of the project In recent years the European world of work and consequently also the European job market have been influenced by new challenges such as globalization, youth ...";Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal), ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment;;Leonore Goldschmidt-Schule - IGS Mhlenberg;DE;DE,IT,FR,HR,BG;111.870,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-CZ01-KA219-035416;;;Digital teaching in natural scientific subjects;The goal of the project Digital teaching in natural scientific subjects was to focus on the use of smartphones and tablet computers (not only as displaying devices but also as measuring or votin...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Natural sciences;;Stredni odborna skola a Gymnazium Stare Mesto;CZ;CZ,IT,PT,RO,SE;122.310,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2015;2015-1-PL01-KA203-016860;;;Creating international semester regarding military education needs for future officers in Europe;Current geopolitical situation creates a challenge for national and international security systems. A constant growing number of armed conflicts, as well as an escalation of political disputes jus...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, International cooperation, international relations ...;;AKADEMIA WOJSK LADOWYCH imienia generala Tadeusza Kosciuszki;PL;PL,HU,RO,CZ,AT;253.649,55;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for youth;2017;2017-2-CY02-KA205-001073;;;Boosting the skills of youth to deal with stress at work;"CONTEXT Work-related stress is often cited as a major concern for managers in health and social welfare. The legislation of the EU [Framework Directive, on the introduction of measures to encoura...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Youth (Participation ...;;CENTRE FOR ADVANCEMENT OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT IN EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY LTD-CARDET;CY;CY,ES,IE;135.324,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-IT02-KA201-003368;;;A Virtual Intertextual Tour across Ancient Entrepreneurship;AVITAE was born out of our shared need to provide teachers and students with an entrepreneurial mindset, which means: an ability to tackle challenges in life, learning to focus and to work in team...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Creativity and culture;;Istituto di Istruzione Superiore N.Machiavelli;IT;IT,DK,CY,EL,FI,SK,ES;256.856,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2014;2014-1-SK01-KA202-000495;;;Flash Electro;"The FLASH project was implemented under the programme Erasmus +. The aim of the FLASH project was to support teaching of foreign languages in a professional context. Its main tangible output are ...";Open and distance learning, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;CENTRE FOR MODERN EDUCATION (SK), S.R.O.;SK;SK,CZ,FI,UK;283.894,32;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2015;2015-1-SK01-KA201-008937;;;Transnational exchange of good CLIL practice among European Educational Institutions;The project was proposed in accordance with Education and Training in Europe 2020 document highlighting that Foreign languages skills can enhance the employability of young people. This initiati...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Research and innovation, International cooperation ...;;UNIVERZITA KONSTANTINA FILOZOFA V NITRE;SK;SK,IT,LT,SE,LV;128.225,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2017;2017-1-BG01-KA201-036220;;;Math and Motivation;The EUs plan for tackling early school leaving aims to reduce the average drop-out rate to below 10% by 2020. To give their contribution to this ambitious goal, 8 organisations (schools and train...;Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Pedagogy and didactics, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills;;REGIONALNO UPRAVLENIE NA OBRAZOVANIETO SOFIA GRAD;BG;BG,RO,IT,ES,PT,HR,PL;218.125,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-PL01-KA202-026055;;;Work-based Entrepreneurship Training for People with Disabilities ;The projects idea came from analysis of the situation in the area of employment and particularly employment of people with disabilities. According to OECD, in 2014 there were about 4 million jobs...;Inclusion - equity, Disabilities - special needs, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education;;STOWARZYSZENIE CENTRUM WSPIERANIA EDUKACJI I PRZEDSIEBIORCZOSCI;PL;PL,FR,IT,ES;201.680,48;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-PL01-KA202-026615;;;MultIcultural Care in European Intensive Care Units;Already in 2003 the Swiss Forum for Migration and Population Studies (2003) and lately scientists from London`s Global University (2011) noticed, that the cultural diversity will be one of the mos...;Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Ethics, religion and philosophy (incl. Inter-religious dialogue) ...;;Polskie Towarzystwo Pielegniarek Anastezjologicznych i intensywnej opieki;PL;PL,DE,SI,NL,CZ;254.792,77;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-AT01-KA219-034997;;;INTERFACE - Exploring interfaces and artistic pathways in Arts and Design in higher secondary vocational education;The situation of European schools offering higher secondary vocational education in Arts and Design can be called special in many ways. These schools usually cater for students aged 14 to 19, some...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Creativity and culture;;HTBLVA Graz - Ortweinschule;AT;AT,DE,PL,IT;103.804,81;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2016;2016-1-PL01-KA203-026232;;;SURE: Sustainable Urban Rehabilitation in Europe;The AIM OF the PROJECT was improving quality and increasing adequacy of educational offer of EU Higher Education Institutions to the needs of society through the development of multidisciplinary j...;International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;POLITECHNIKA LUBELSKA;PL;PL,IT,ES,LT;363.762,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2017;2017-1-EL01-KA204-036253;;;Healthnic: Healthy and ethnic diet for inclusion;"Food is a great vehicle for sharing culture with people from different backgrounds. The Erasmus+ project Healthnic: Healthy and ethnic diet for inclusion"" (2017-1-EL01-KA204-036253) created th...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Integration of refugees;;Vardakeios School of indigent children;EL;EL,PL,UK,IT,IE;213.282,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2016;2016-1-EL01-KA204-023548;;;iDance - support innovative practices in inclusive dance education ;iDance was a strategic partnership co-funded by the European programme Erasmus+ which aimed to bolster skills and to facilitate the development, transfer and implementation of innovative practices...;Inclusion - equity, Disabilities - special needs, Creativity and culture;;ARIONA HELLAS AE;EL;EL,SE,NL,UK;196.884,70;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-ES01-KA219-038003;;;safe.netizens@eu;The project partnership is composed of five schools from Finland, Hungary, Italy, Slovenia plus the coordinating school from Spain and the project itself was designed to raise awareness about the ...;EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, Teaching and learning of foreign languages ...;;IES SANTIAGO APSTOL;ES;ES,HU,FI,IT,SI;133.180,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-ES01-KA219-025526;;;Researching Innovation in Special Needs;In the context of the Erasmus Plus Project, k219, Turkey, Poland, Bulgaria and Spain worked according to a monthly calendar of activities on a project related to students with special educational ...;Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Disabilities - special needs;;CEIP Carmelo Corts;ES;ES,BG,TR,PL;54.030,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2016;2016-1-PL01-KA204-026151;;;Train the Trainers- Edukacja dla w__czenia spo_ecznego i zawodowego osb z zaburzeniami ze spektrum autyzmu (ASD);"The Train the Trainers- Education for social and vocational inclusion of people with autism spectrum disorders (ASD)"" project was implemented by The SYNAPSIS Foundation (the leader), and two part...";Inclusion - equity, Disabilities - special needs, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;Fundacja Synapsis;PL;PL,LV,UK;108.424,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-FI01-KA202-022729;;;Education and training for migrants and refugees - RESHAPE the future;Education and training is the most important way to active citizenship, better life and self-fulfilment. Migrants and refugees should integrate as soon as possible into our societies. This means n...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Integration of refugees, Migrants' issues;;Keski-Uudenmaan koulutuskuntayhtym;FI;FI,SI,DK,IT,SE,NL;195.038,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2016;2016-1-TR01-KA203-034710;;;Exploring the Field of Interaction in Architectural Design Education;"Context Architecture as an education needs to strengthen its knowledge-transfer infrastructure and breed an interactive, flexible learning environment to absorb ever-changing needs and objective...";Quality and Relevance of Higher Education in Partner Countries, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;TOBB EKONOMI VE TEKNOLOJI UNIVERSITESI;TR;TR,PT,NL,BE,FR,HR;205.175,29;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for youth;2016;2016-2-EL02-KA205-002486;;;E___________ ________ ___ _________ _________________ ___ _____ (Social entrepreneurship and educational practices for young people);"Context The last decade, two unexpected things happened in Europe: a financial crisis and a significant rising of unemployment (especially in youth). In this context social entrepreneurship was r...";Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;UNIVERSITY OF MACEDONIA;EL;EL,UK,AT,PL,PT;100.074,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2017;2017-1-DE02-KA204-004204;;;BADGES for quality learning approaches and validation of non-formal learning in cultural/heritage contexts ;"The project BADGES has aimed at valorising the huge lifelong learning potential of European cultural and natural heritage sites. Nowadays the concept of lifelong learning is strictly connected ...";Recognition, transparency, certification ...;;LANDKREIS KASSEL;DE;DE,BE,PL,IT,PT,NL;276.527,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2016;2016-1-RO01-KA203-024476;;;Innovative Solution for enhancing social responsibility education and civic skills in creating sustainable businesses;There is a strongly need to deliver innovation and entrepreneurship competences to students by making the cooperation between universities and business normal features, since the Europe 2020 prod...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;UNIVERSITATEA POLITEHNICA DIN BUCURESTI;RO;RO,BG,SI;141.631,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2016;2016-1-EL01-KA201-023513;;;Teaching European Signed Languages as a First Language ;The project: Teaching Signed Languages as a First Language (SIGN FIRST) is based on the principles of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Universal Design for Learnin...;Access for disadvantaged, Disabilities - special needs, Inclusion - equity;;INSTITOUTO EKPEDEFTIKIS POLITIKIS;EL;EL,CY,NL,CH;243.850,75;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2016;2016-1-IT02-KA203-024406;;;Teaching Partnership Addressed to Refugees' Instances Strengthening;PARIS project is a Strategic Partnership made up of seven organizations, geographically located in 3 different European countries, specifically in Italy, Romania and Spain. The partnership is made...;Integration of refugees, Open and distance learning, Migrants' issues;;CONSORZIO TARTARUGA;IT;IT,RO,ES;397.631,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-HU01-KA202-023044;;;Grandis XXI. - Vocational Education for Interprofessional Elderly Care in the 21st century;"Introduction Twenty-first century Europe is experiencing an uplift in the health of its population, with adults living longer, healthier lives than ever before. This has an impact on the demogr...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Health and wellbeing, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;PROMPT-H Szmtstechnikai Oktatsi, Kereskedelmi s Szolgltat Kft.;HU;HU,ES,FR,IE,UK;345.091,52;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-FR01-KA219-037198;;;My hero, your hero, our heroes;"The main objective of the project ""My hero, your hero, our heroes"" was to confront the cultures of the five partner countries to highlight among the heroes of each country, common values __that ce...";EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills ...;;OGEC des coles du Bon Sauveur;FR;FR,IT,EL,HU,RO;125.040,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-DE03-KA219-022995;;;Es ist Zeit fr mehr Nachhaltigkeit;"The term ""Education for Sustainable Development"" (ESD) was used at the UN conference on environment in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. It describes education that empowers people, to design the future ac...";Energy and resources, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;Gemeinschaftsschule Campus Efeuweg;DE;DE,BE,FR;97.375,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2017;2017-1-TR01-KA201-045815;;;STEM FOR ALL ;STEM FOR ALL aimed to encourage our new generations to find solution of globalized world's problems by motivating teachers to keep up the date and enriching their professional skills because we be...;International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;SARIYER ILCE MILLI EGITIM MUDURLUGU;TR;TR,RO,SE,PT,IT,EL;151.895,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-PT01-KA219-035912;;;Hands On CLIL;"Hands On CLIL aimed to promote the professional development of educational staff within CLIL and bilingual education, namely by comparing teaching methods in different European countries; develop ...";International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;Agrupamento de Escolas de Marco de Canaveses;PT;PT,ES,IT,SK,EL,TR;73.559,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-PL01-KA219-038424;;;Developing teaching methods and strategies on the basis of key competences and MI;The difficulties the teachers face in the schools with the recognition of students' competences and the ways they use them to study and achieve educational success, the issue of routine and decre...;International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;Szkola Podstawowa nr 6 im.Karola Palicy;PL;PL,PT,HU,ES;117.730,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-PL01-KA219-026296;;;RADWAN - Rado__ Ambasadorem Dzieci, Wiedza Azymutem Nowoczesno_ci.;"The implementation of the ""RADWAN: The joy as an ambassador of children, the knowledge as the azimuth of modernity project is to improve the conditions of education of schools from Croatia, Spai...";Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Zespol Szkol im. Ziemi Kujawskiej - Gimnazjum;PL;PL,TR,HR,ES;124.380,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-RO01-KA202-037344;;;Flip your classes through multimedia enriched apprenticeship simulations and develop e-skills for VET teachers and students to enhance youth employability;E-Classes Project focused on developing the professional and pedagogical competences among teachers and trainers enhancing ICT uptake in teaching and learning, through the support of learning and ...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment;;Liceul Tehnologic de Mecatronica si Automatizari;RO;RO,BG,ES,IT;197.050,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for youth;2017;2017-3-CY02-KA205-001169;;;European youth Network for dIversity and TolerancE ;For the E-UNITE project, a competent consortium was established consisting of a University, three NGOs and two Research Institutes that combined efforts to deliver the E-UNITE network an interna...;Social dialogue, Creativity and culture, Youth (Participation ...;;EDEX - EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE CORPORATION LIMITED;CY;CY,EL,BG,SI,RO,XK;99.133,75;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-SK01-KA219-035422;;;European Olypics Games;The project is the reaction to the necessity of development students key competences via active learning. It provides an exchange of good practices in the field of experience-based learning and c...;Environment and climate change, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education;;Stredna odborna skola chemicka, Vlcie hrdlo 50, Bratislava;SK;SK,CZ,AT,HU;24.000,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships addressing more than one field;2014;2014-1-SK01-KA200-000491;;;Russian Online;The project Russian Online has focused on the Russian language, which has a vital economic importance with significant trading partners and there is an increasing demand within EU countries for le...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;E@I;SK;SK,PL,BG,DE,LT,CZ,SI;291.019,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2015;2015-1-SK01-KA219-008985;;;For Learners Around the Globe;The contemporary education of children at primary and elementary schools focuses on the social and cultural adaptation of children, which includes the cultural traditions and folklore of their own...;Creativity and culture, EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy ...;;Materska skola Juhoslovanska 4 Kosice;SK;SK,IT,BG,PL,HR,UK,FR;88.868,36;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2016;2016-1-SK01-KA204-022518;;;Managing Migration and Diversity through Local Government Capacity Building ;In contemporary globalization, migrations to Europe have accelerated in speed and scale. Between 2010 and 2013, around 1.4 million non-EU nationals, excluding asylum seekers and refugees, immigrat...;Migrants' issues, Integration of refugees, Inclusion - equity;;ASTRA - ZDRUZENIE PRE INOVACIE A ROZVOJ;SK;SK,EL,HU;197.994,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-LV01-KA219-022636;;;Environmentally Friendly Cranberries and Innovative Tablets;"""Environmentally Friendly Cranberries and Innovative Tablets"" was an innovative transnational project for the students aged 13 - 16 and teachers from 5 different countries: Latvia (Rigas Igau_u pa...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Recognition (non-formal and informal learning/credits), International cooperation ...;;Rigas Igaunu pamatskola;LV;LV,FI,PL,IT,EE;90.540,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2016;2016-1-NL01-KA203-022893;;;Homo'poly;Homo'poly seeks to promote understanding and acceptance of diversity, especially homosexuality.Because sustained gender specific inequalities in education and upbringing have been exposed in numer...;Migrants' issues, Inclusion - equity, Gender equality / equal opportunities;;UNIVERSITEIT MAASTRICHT;NL;NL,DE,ES,BE,HU,UK,PL,TR;373.858,69;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2016;2016-1-NL01-KA203-023013;;;European Network for Advancement of Business and Landscape Education ;Healthy landscapes and ecosystems are the basis of our life and economy. However, a quarter of the worlds land mass is seriously degraded from centuries of human activity. Degradation of land is ...;Environment and climate change, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Social dialogue;;ERASMUS UNIVERSITEIT ROTTERDAM;NL;NL,PT,IS,ES;435.193,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2017;2017-1-EL01-KA204-036189;;;"Developing Skills in Dealing with Emergencies: Civil protection for people ";Preparedness to hazards, such as extreme weather conditions and flooding, fires, earthquakes, industrial accidents, etc., could help to reduce the impact of such events on livelihoods and communit...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Gender equality / equal opportunities;;OIKOLOGIKOS POLITISTIKOS SYLLOGOS CHAIDARIOU;EL;EL,GE,IT,TR;59.409,71;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2016;2016-1-DE02-KA204-003278;;;Educitizens - Educate to Particpate;"To participate is one of the core skills in the nowadays digital society. Participation means to be in the position to gather information, reflect them and articulate opinion. Participation inhe...";Pedagogy and didactics, EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy ...;;COMPARATIVE RESEARCH NETWORK EV;DE;DE,PT,TR,FI,NL,PL,IT;108.800,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for youth;2016;2016-3-AT02-KA205-001739;;;Supporting Innovative models for Deaf youth Empowerment ;In Europe, about 900.000 people are deaf or hard of hearing and struggle with negative preconceptions of the hearing society. Consequently, they encounter a variety of barriers during their formal...;Disabilities - special needs, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Open and distance learning;;Auxilium pro Regionibus Europae in Rebus Culturalibus;AT;AT,CY,IT,SK;186.598,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-HU01-KA202-013561;;;Szvetsg az Eurpai Megjul Energetikai Szakkpzsrt;The project was aimed at further developing the innovative VET curricula in renewable energetics created by the SEE-REUSE project (LEONARDO Innovation Transfer), as well as to extend and strenghte...;Energy and resources, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Environment and climate change;;Vlgy Hangja Fejlesztsi Trsasg Kzhaszn Egyeslet;HU;HU,SI,AT;285.000,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2017;2017-1-BE01-KA204-024783;;;Upskilling Pathways for Adults through ICT and social media;The UPA project fits into the context of increasing the employability of adults. One of the key priorities of the Europe 2020 Strategy is indeed to raise Europes employment rate ensuring more a...;Enterprise, industry and SMEs (incl. entrepreneurship), ICT - new technologies - digital competences ...;;ALPHABET FORMATION;BE;BE,PT,PL,IT,ES;59.410,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2016;2016-1-SK01-KA204-022541;;;Social Growth on Trafficking and Immigration;SOGTIM - Social Growth on Trafficking and Immigration is a training and incubation platform for existing and future sustainable nonprofits and prospective social entrepreneurs in acquiring the req...;Integration of refugees, Inclusion - equity, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education;;PEDAL CONSULTING SRO;SK;SK,EL,IT,ES,RO,PL;246.525,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2017;2017-1-RO01-KA204-037448;;;Parenting Education and Awareness of Community to Enable Social Inclusion of Teens Exposed to the risk of becoming parents;The main objective of PEACE SITE project was to allow organizations from Romania and from the other partners countries to exchange ideas, practices and methods regarding the education of parents...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Inclusion - equity, Open and distance learning;;Asociatia de Educatie Prenatala din Romania;RO;RO,EL,BE,IT,LV,CY;236.450,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-AT01-KA202-034994;;;Mobile learning for light commercial vehicles drivers;Light Commercial Vehicles (LCV) under 3.5 tons are an important part of the vehicle fleet and over the past years have taken over a consistently increasing portion of the transport capacity in Eur...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Transport and mobility, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;Mag Prenner & Partner GmbH;AT;AT,IE,IT,ES,FI;236.305,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-DE02-KA202-004129;;;Motivating young Europeans;"As part of the ""Young Europeans* Move"" project, vocational schools from Liepaja/Latvia, Plock/Poland, Brescia/Italy and Darmstadt/Germany have joined forces with the industrial and training compan...";Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Pedagogy and didactics, International cooperation ...;;Heinrich-Emanuel-Merck-Schule;DE;DE,IT,PL,LV;129.965,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-IT01-KA202-005461;;;IWBLabs - Internationalisation of Work Base Learning in the AgriBusiness Sector;"Context/background of the project The IWB-Labs project focus on the agribusiness sector and, with the purpose to increase students motivation, proposes the application of a Work-based learning (...";Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Agriculture, forestry and fisheries ...;;FONDAZIONE ITS - ISTITUTO TECNICO SUPERIORE NUOVE TECNOLOGIE PER IL MADE IN ITALY - SISTEMA AGROALIMENTARE E SISTEMA MODA;IT;IT,SK,LV,ES;274.437,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-IT01-KA202-004621;;;Digital Storytelling for Spreading and Promoting Entrepreneurship;The main contexts in which DIST project evolved, are the increase of the Sense of Initiative and Entrepreneurship (SIE) and the Digital Storytelling. In Europe, a serious attention to the developm...;Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Open and distance learning;;AGENZIA PER LO SVILUPPO DELL'EMPOLESE VALDELSA;IT;IT,RO,ES,PL;330.666,34;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2016;2016-1-IT02-KA201-024125;;;Below 10;"""Below 10"" is a three-year project promoted by a Partnership of nine Organisations in six different EU countries. The Partners comprise schools and school networks, NGOs, and University research ...";Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Social dialogue;;ProgettoMondo Mlal Onlus;IT;IT,FR,RO,HR,PT,UK;426.044,83;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-IE01-KA202-025699;;;Pop-Up Shop Helper;The PUSH PROJECT is designed with the aim of developing a unique innovative entrepreneurial training product to help those in the creative/artistic sector to make the transition from creativity to...;Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Creativity and culture, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education;;MULLINGAR EMPLOYMENT ACTION GROUP;IE;IE,PL,ES,LT,EL;209.943,17;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2015;2015-1-BE01-KA203-013200;;;Integrated urban design E-studio for XXIst century sustainable metropolitan region ;This strategic partnership is to unfold an innovative transnational and cross-cultural educational programme based on the idea of the E-studio in urban design. This project will develop a transdis...;Rural development and urbanisation, Environment and climate change, Energy and resources;;UNIVERSITE LIBRE DE BRUXELLES;BE;BE,IT,ES;96.966,20;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-BE02-KA202-017345;;;Strengthening capacities for caregivers to choose a valid lifting technique at daily practice;"Short summary of the eUlift project There is a high prevalence of spine related absenteeism within caregivers. Use of the right lifting technique could prevent spine related injuries. But lif...";Health and wellbeing;;KATHOLIEKE HOGESCHOOL VIVES NOORD;BE;BE,ES,FI,NL,HU;320.564,46;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2016;2016-1-BE02-KA204-017362;;;The Future Teacher 3.0 as a bridge to accessible and customised adult education ;"Digital competence is a Key Competence for Lifelong Learning. Content creation is a dimension of the European Digital Competence Framework for Citizens. The aim of our project ""The future teacher ...";Open and distance learning, Pedagogy and didactics, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Provinciaal Onderwijs Vlaanderen Pedagogische Ondersteuning;BE;BE,NO,UK,NL;259.048,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2017;2017-1-HR01-KA203-035359;;;INSPIRED - Innovative Solutions for Practicality and Impact in Refugee and Migration Oriented Education ;INSPIRED (Innovative Solutions for Practicality and Impact in Refugee and Migration Oriented Education) responds to the need for a specific, multidisciplinary curriculum that would allow specialis...;Migrants' issues, Open and distance learning, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;SVEUCILISTE JOSIPA JURJA STROSSMAYERA U OSIJEKU;HR;HR,UK,HU,LT,NL;200.385,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2015;2015-1-PL01-KA201-016817;;;Camouflage and Safety in the Virtual World;The aim of Camouflage and Safety in the Virtual World was to create awareness about cyberbullying and the need of Internet safety which are the major issues of digital age. We were watching as i...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, International cooperation ...;;Szkola Podstawowa w Pobiedziskach;PL;PL,CY,EL,PT,TR,BG;132.510,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2015;2015-1-IT02-KA203-015386;;;European cooperative framework for Dual LEarning;EuroDuaLE had pursued the objective of developing and testing an original transnational Dual Learning framework. 13 partners participated in the project, namely Centre for Studies in Law, Economy,...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Quality and Relevance of Higher Education in Partner Countries, Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal);;UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI MODENA E REGGIO EMILIA;IT;IT,DE,ES,NL,UK,BE;416.575,24;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2016;2016-1-NO01-KA204-022090;;;Advenus;In 2016, more than 700 000 refugees were granted asylum in Europe. These people face challenges gaining new knowledge and new skills, in a new country. Successful integration requires learning re...;Integration of refugees, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills;;HOGSKOLEN I LILLEHAMMER;NO;NO,PT,MK,IT;109.502,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2015;2015-1-BE01-KA204-013197;;;VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE IN CLIL;To stimulate the economic growth and fight unemployment, the European Commission considers workers and citizens free mobility as one of the most important rights to encourage, because it is an e...;Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Open and distance learning, Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment;;INITIATIVES POUR UNE FORMATION EFFICACE ASBL;BE;BE,IT,UK,AT,ES;246.723,75;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-IT02-KA219-024220;;;PersOnalized teaChing: the Key to success in EducaTion - Tools;"The project ""Personalized teaching: the Key to success in education - Tools"" has been implemented by the High School ""M. Buratti"" in partnership with 6 schools from the Netherlands, Spain, Turkey,...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal), Early School Leaving / combating failure in education;;"LICEO GINNASIO STATALE "" M. BURATTI """;IT;IT,MT,HU,TR,PT,ES,NL;176.205,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-DE03-KA219-035459;;;Fun And Curriculum oriented Exercises for: Information Technology;The goal of the project was the preparation, organization and creation of a mobile phone app for an international quiz of knowledge taught at all schools as well as general and civic knowledge. Th...;Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Staatliche Wirtschaftsschule Dinkelsbhl;DE;DE,EL,PL,NL,ES;89.560,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for youth;2016;2016-1-PT02-KA205-003182;;;Summer e-CHALLENGE: Acquiring Soft & Digital Skills Through Non-formal Free-time Practices;According to the 2015 Eurydice Report, the average summer holidays in Portugal, Bulgaria, Cyprus and Greece was about 11-13 weeks. Could this non-working period be occupied in a useful and product...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Access for disadvantaged, Youth (Participation ...;;MAKE IT BETTER ASSOCIACAO PARA A INOVACAO E ECONOMIA SOCIAL ASSOCIACAODE DIREITO PRIVADO;PT;PT,CY,BG,EL;103.400,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2017;2017-1-ES01-KA204-037935;;; INTEGRATION THROUGH BLENDED LEARNING;The project arose from the detection by the Spanish partners of difficulties experienced by teachers and students of the blended learning modality who use a Moodle platform adapted by the Junta de...;Access for disadvantaged, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Open and distance learning;;Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Fuengirola;ES;ES,AT,IT,EL;64.253,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2015;2015-1-BE02-KA219-012293;;;English through entrepreneurship;"PROJECT SUMMARY ""ENGLISH THROUGH ENTREPRENEURSHIP"" This projects was led through a cooperation of five secondary schools from Belgium, Croatia, Norway, Romania and Turkey. All of the partners b...";Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Pedagogy and didactics;;GO! atheneum Irishof Kapellen;BE;BE,NO,HR,RO,TR;190.780,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-UK01-KA219-036536;;;Dream a Little Dream: Developing reading skills and inspiring readers in an ever increasingly technological world.;Our project, entitled 'Dream a Little Dream: Developing reading skills and inspiring readers in an ever increasing technological world', aimed to do exactly this! Inspiration for the project came...;Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, Pedagogy and didactics, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;Branston Junior Academy;UK;UK,PL,ES;40.350,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-LV01-KA219-022683;;;Effective Methods for Strengthening the Learning Process in Teaching Science;During 2016-2018, partner schools from Latvia, Lithuania, Portugal, Italy and Turkey implemented the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership for Schools Project Effective Methods for Strengthening the Lea...;Access for disadvantaged, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), International cooperation ...;;Balvu Valsts gimnazija;LV;LV,TR,IT,PT,LT;93.910,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2016;2016-1-SE01-KA203-022102;;;Making Internationalisation a Reality for Occupational Therapy Students;"Context/background of the project; The project was informed by a previous pilot in 2012 between Lund University (LU) and University of Southampton (UoS). Here, students participated in a programm...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;LUNDS UNIVERSITET;SE;SE,UK,IE;193.412,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2015;2015-1-PT01-KA204-013062;;;Radicalization Prevention in Prisons ;Prisons are often described as breeding grounds for radicalisation and violent extremism, since they are highly unsettling environments in which individuals are more likely than elsewhere to exp...;EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses ...;;UNIVERSIDADE DA BEIRA INTERIOR;PT;PT,RO,NL,BE,TR,NO;326.039,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2016;2016-1-SI01-KA203-021558;;;DigiLing: Trans-European e-Learning Hub for Digital Linguistics;DigiLing created a transnational e-learning hub for Digital Linguistics containing online core modules covering the essential skills and competencies as identified through the labour market survey...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Inclusion - equity, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI;SI;SI,DE,HR,CZ,UK;224.749,99;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-FR01-KA219-037109;;;Open your minds through games;"Our project entitled ""Open your mind by the game"" lasted two years (2017/2019) and concerned alll children without discrimination of age, handicap or a social environment, of the seven nursery sch...";Inclusion - equity, Pedagogy and didactics, Creativity and culture;;Ecole Maternelle;FR;FR,EE,EL,PT,BG,TR,IT;137.570,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2017;2017-1-TR01-KA203-046818;;;Timeline Travel: An Alternative Tool for Architectural History Learning and Teaching;Architectural history classes are usually described as one of the least enjoyable courses by undergraduate architecture students. Most of them feel themselves forced to learn the histories of th...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Creativity and culture, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;GAZIANTEP UNIVERSITESI;TR;TR,PL,IT;180.075,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2016;2016-1-PL01-KA203-026471;;;Innovative Open Education on IoT: improving higher education for European digital global competitiveness;IOT-OPEN.EU project was aimed at the proposal stage as a way of bridging the gap between what higher education offers and what the European labour market needs in the field of Internet of Things. ...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;POLITECHNIKA SLASKA;PL;PL,EE,RU,LV,IT;332.559,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2016;2016-1-UK01-KA201-024386;;;Stereotypes: Tackling Adverse representations in School;Each of the schools is located in a ethnically homogenous, economically underperforming and culturally traditional region and many of our students do not have experience of encounter individuals ...;EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education ...;;academy at shotton hall;UK;UK,HR,FI,PT,MT;172.460,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2016;2016-1-LI01-KA204-000072;;;NeoCraft Transfer;"The strategic partnership titled ""NeoCraft Transfer - New approaches to regional apprenticing companies"" (2016-1-LI01-KA204-000072) has focused over the 2 years of project duration on transferring...";Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;Sytem Design Consulting Prospero AG;LI;LI,TR,DE,AT,PT,BG;79.335,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;School Exchange Partnerships;2018;2018-1-SE01-KA229-039041;;;Friendship through language and culture - A bilingual exchange;"Context After perceiving with despair, the growing winds of nationalism, intolerance and hatred throughout Europe and the rest of the world, the initiators of this Erasmus+ project wanted to c...";Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Cultural heritage/European Year of Cultural Heritage;;Europaskolan Strngns AB;SE;SE,ES;30.260,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2017;2017-1-SK01-KA204-035370;;;SILVER;Given the prolongation of life expectancy and retirement age and the aging population, a group of citizens over 50 is becoming very important in several aspects of the EU national economy. However...;Inclusion - equity, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal);;TREXIMA Bratislava, spol. s r.o.;SK;SK,HU,FR,NL;196.883,61;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-DE03-KA219-035723;;;Challenges of 21st century: globalisation and sustainability;"Various national and European studies - like ""Developing Key Competences at School in Europe"" and ""Science Education in Europe"" of the Eurydice network - show that basic key competences (languages...";Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal), ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Environment and climate change;;Gymnasium Lneburger Heide;DE;DE,LV,PT,ES;96.595,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2016;2016-1-CZ01-KA204-024029;;;Bright@EU;PROJECT BACKGROUND & INTENDED IMPACTS:The overarching goal of the project is in line with two priorities of the Europe 2020 strategy: SMART & INCLUSIVE GROWTH. The priorities shall be supported by...;Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Home and justice affairs (human rights & rule of law);;bit cz training, s.r.o.;CZ;CZ,DE,IT,CY,ES;173.138,59;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-SK01-KA219-035396;;;Czechoslovak reciprocity in crafts;"Strategic partnership ""Czechoslovak reciprocity in crafts"" was created by a common determination of participated schools. They decided to cooperate in developing vocational education and trainin...";Recognition, transparency, certification ...;;Sukromna skola umeleckho priemyslu;SK;SK,CZ;71.660,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-AT01-KA202-035009;;;From e-learning to e in learning: Quality improvement, professionalization and modernisation of VET training for young low skilled learners through modern ICT use;VET training especially for low-skilled young learners and people with socio-economic disadvantages is a European VET priority and, as such, is certainly seen as one of the most important factors ...;Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;JUGEND AM WERK STEIERMARK GMBH;AT;AT,IT,CY,ES,IE,FI;262.974,18;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2016;2016-1-IE01-KA201-016868;;;LearnIng Together To Live togEther: Teachers leading Ethical Education for an Inclusive society;"Context/Background of the project The LITTLE project set out to target primary and second-level teachers in four European countries who are engaged directly in Ethical Education or values based s...";Ethics, religion and philosophy (incl. Inter-religious dialogue), EU Citizenship ...;;Educate Together;IE;IE,SI,IT,HR;279.877,26;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2014;2014-1-DE02-KA202-001593;;;Learning e-Mobility Plus - Innovative Methoden und Strategien zum gemeinsamen Lernen in Kooperation von Berufsschule, Hochschule und Unternehmen - am Beispiel der Zukunftstechnologie Elektromobilitt ;BACKGROUND: Starting point for our project Learning e-Mobility Plus were the increasing requirements on vocational training in handling new technologies. The digital change and the entry of inno...;Enterprise, industry and SMEs (incl. entrepreneurship), New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses ...;;BGZ Berliner Gesellschaft fr internationale Zusammenarbeit mbH;DE;DE,IT,PL;285.403,50;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-PL01-KA202-026462;;;CULTURE PRO. Creative path of development.;Culture is a driver and enabler of human development. It reflects business relations and professional life, being a source of many crucial competences. Art and culture are brilliant educational in...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Inclusion - equity, Creativity and culture;;ORANGE HILL Sp. z o.o.;PL;PL,AT,HU;237.802,62;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for youth;2016;2016-3-CY02-KA205-000876;;;Competence development of youth workers & youth trainers who work towards the social inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities;With the project ARTSQUAD we want to offer to the target- group of youth professionals (youth workers and youth trainers) an opportunity for professional development along with innovative tools to...;Inclusion - equity, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Youth (Participation ...;;CYPRUS ORGANIZATION FOR SUSTAINABLE EDUCATION AND ACTIVE LEARNING (S.E.A.L CYPRUS);CY;CY,IE,RO,EE;86.488,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for youth;2016;2016-2-CY02-KA205-000760;;;Society Profits ;In the present period of severe economic crisis and economic recession, social entrepreneurship is one of the main issues at a European and national public policy level. The European Commission st...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;C.I.P. CITIZENS IN POWER;CY;CY,EL,PT;58.225,50;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2017;2017-1-BG01-KA204-036351;;;e-OpenSpace - European Innovative Open Platform for Electronic Networking and Sustainable Provision of Adult Centred Education in Privacy and Personal Data Protection;The proposed project aims at the establishment of a sustainable and long-term Strategic Partnership between national supervisory authorities, academia and civil society organisations for the deliv...;International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;KOMISIYA ZA ZASHTITA NA LICHNITE DANNI;BG;BG,IT,PL,HR;174.809,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2015;2015-1-FR01-KA219-015184;;;ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP FOR SUSTAINABLE LEARNING;Active Citizenship for Sustainable Learning is a three-year ERASMUS+ strategic school partnership. It involved eight secondary schools from Croatia, England, France, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Pola...;Teaching and learning of foreign languages, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education;;COLLEGE GEORGES POMPIDOU;FR;FR,UK,ES,LT,IT,EL,PL,HR;410.909,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2017;2017-1-LT01-KA203-035275;;;Experiential Live Project Enhancemet;The project Experiential Live Project Enhancement (ELPE) will develop and create a new model for live projects, whereby consultancy groups will comprise of students from different countries acting...;International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;Utenos kolegija;LT;LT,ES,IT,FI;207.365,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-DK01-KA202-022334;;;Technology for helping older people remaining active and fully integrated into society. ;It is a fact that people live longer than they did only few decades ago and that the share of elderly people of the population in Europe is growing. In order for our societies to avoid that this c...;Health and wellbeing, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;SOSU OSTJYLLAND;DK;DK,EL,ES,BE,UK;232.067,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-TR01-KA219-034227;;;Innovation starts with action! STEAM ;Occupations of the future have been changing rapidly and the knowledge and skills acquired today are not foreseen to be sufficient while preparing our students for life. According to the researche...;Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Environment and climate change, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education;;MERSIN BILIM VE SANAT MERKEZI;TR;TR,IT,MK,RO,PT,ES,UK;127.215,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2016;2016-1-CZ01-KA201-023997;;;Water - a phenomenon in the life of mankind and a common component of European pre-primary and primary education;This project followed a Comenius Regio project which was realized in the years 2012-2014. The project partners wanted to continue successful cooperation which was started thanks to that project an...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Environment and climate change, Inclusion - equity;;Obec Solenice;CZ;CZ,DE;127.750,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for youth;2017;2017-1-TR01-KA205-039233;;;Enhancing YOUTH (18-26) Employability in Bakery Sector;High rate of unemployment is the biggest challenge for youth in EU countries and Turkey. The main reason for unemployment in youth( 21.4% in EU countries and 18.4% in Turkey) is low competence, hi...;Open and distance learning, Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Youth (Participation ...;;Bursa Buyuksehir Belediyesi, Bursa Ekmek ve Besin Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S.;TR;TR,RO,EE;142.101,18;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2017;2017-1-SK01-KA204-035360;;;"Our Strength is Experience innovative training program for Experts by Experience";One of the objectives in terms of employment in all European countries is a special support to the employment of persons with disabilities (PWDs). Although there are different employment support s...;Access for disadvantaged, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Disabilities - special needs;;Spolupracou pre lepsiu buducnost - Velky Meder;SK;SK,RO,TR,HU;80.814,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-TR01-KA202-034059;;;Integrated Management of Pesticides and Liable Exposure with Machinery Executing Needed Treatments;The IMPLEMENT project aims at disseminating good and innovative practices for European farmers on the use of pesticides and other plant protection chemicals, also in comparison with similar standa...;Energy and resources, Agriculture, forestry and fisheries ...;;ONDOKUZ MAYIS UNIVERSITESI;TR;TR,ES,IT;165.004,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2016;2016-1-IT02-KA201-024610;;;Enhance self-awareness and balance the personalized learning in ESL prevention through a Smart Learning Environment;Enable project aims at reducing the number of early school leavers by developing career-oriented soft skills, enhanced in a technological environment. The European Union has set the goal of reduci...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Open and distance learning, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education;;ISTITUTO DI ISTRUZIONE SUPERIORE FEDERICO CAFFE';IT;IT,LT,RO,SE;392.294,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2016;2016-1-FR01-KA201-023921;;;CAP sur l'Ecole Inclusive en Europe ;HEADING FOR INCLUSIVE SCHOOL IN EUROPEThe project Heading for Inclusive School in Europe was born from the widely shared observation that teacher training was too often unsuited to pupils with...;Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Inclusion - equity, Disabilities - special needs;;APAJH SASI;FR;FR,PL,RO,IT,BE,EL,PT;302.282,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-AT01-KA219-016746;;;Robotic goes Europe;The future of our young people will be characterized by the use of the computer and the robot. To meet these challenges, it is absolutely necessary to be able to understand and apply the essence o...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education;;NMS Telfs Weissenbach;AT;AT,ES,TR,LV;115.063,17;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-AT01-KA219-016660;;;Journeys of hope: Educational pathways to social inclusion and tolerance;"Context/background of project Europe is facing the greatest refugee crisis since the World War II. About 1 million refugees and migrants arrived in the EU in 2015, Europol estimates, 27% of these...";Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, Migrants' issues, Integration of refugees;;ffentliches Stiftsgymnasium der Benediktiner zu St. Paul;AT;AT,ES,TR,EL,IT;124.920,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2014;2014-1-LV01-KA202-000487;;;Strat__isk_ partner_ba ang_u valodas m_c_bu l_dzek_a izstr_d_ robe_sargiem (Strategic partnership for the development of English language training tool for border guards);According to the European Parliament and of the Council Regulation No 562/2006 Article 15 Member States shall encourage border guards to learn languages, in particular those necessary for carrying...;Open and distance learning, Home and justice affairs (human rights & rule of law), Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;State Border Guard College;LV;LV,LT,EE,PL;123.925,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-IT02-KA219-024133;;;Antiquit, Recherche, Sauvegarde;"CONTEXT AND BACKGROUND OF THE PROJECT The Coordinator school works in the outskirts of Palermo, in a socially and economically disadvantaged district, where the risk of the school dropout and th...";International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;ICS Maredolce;IT;IT,FR,ES,PL,TR,RO;131.265,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-PL01-KA202-026679;;;SME's tool to prevent burnout ;The aim of the project was to prevent burnout at work and raise resilience by developing toolkits for SMEs staff, management staff, SME owners to help them to forecast burnout ( develop coaching...;Health and wellbeing, Open and distance learning;;Globalnet sp. z o.o.;PL;PL,UK,PT,IT,BE;236.927,14;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2017;2017-1-ES01-KA204-038304;;;Get ConNEcteT to the job market;"CONTEXT The Europe 2020 Strategy has defined among others, one key priority that is to raise ""Europes employment rate more and better jobs, especially for women, young people and older worker...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Inclusion - equity, Enterprise ...;;Xano Channel asociacin para el desarrollo comunitario;ES;ES,DE,IT,EL,RO;59.130,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for youth;2016;2016-2-BE05-KA205-001982;;;Empowering for Critical Citizenship;Many young people feel that they lack the tools or capacities to claim a voice in political and public debate and that they cannot affect the actions of the power-holders. At the same time, young ...;Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy) ...;;Vredesactie vzw;BE;BE,NL,UK;55.700,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA203-004782;;;Transforming European Learner Language into Learning Opportunities;Mientras que las innovaciones pedaggicas en el campo de las TIC han fomentado la implementacin de una gran cantidad de experiencias de e-learning de aprendizaje de idiomas, la explotacin de la ...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Open and distance learning, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;UNIVERSIDAD DE MURCIA;ES;ES,UK,TR,DE,BE;263.804,25;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA203-016056;;;CReativity in Action to promote YOung eNtrepreneurShip;"CONTEXT According to some of the EU publications and reports (EU Skills Panorama 2014, EURYDICE 2012 study Developing Key Competences at School in Europe, amongst others) show that Higher Educa...";Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;FLORIDA CENTRE DE FORMACION SOCIEDAD COOPERATIVA;ES;ES,NL,EL,RO,MK;197.606,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA203-004740;;;Innovative Practices in Renewable Energies to Improve Rural Employability;"CONTEXT Renewable energies (RES) play a key role in moving towards a low carbon economy, being one of the strategic priorities of EU, who urges European countries to obtain 20% of energy from r...";Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Enterprise, industry and SMEs (incl. entrepreneurship) ...;;UNIVERSITAT JAUME I DE CASTELLON;ES;ES,HU,RO;238.336,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-PT01-KA202-022909;;;Film: ECOLOGICAL AND SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF THE SHELLFISH HARVESTING ON FOOT;"Context: The shellfishing activity is very important for social, cultural and economic reasons, with a strong impact in the coastal zones. However, this activity is usually done in important an...";Environment and climate change, Agriculture, forestry and fisheries ...;;Liga para a Proteco da Natureza;PT;PT,ES,TR,IT;266.675,64;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-PT01-KA202-012971;;;Give me a Sign;"Sign Language is not a universal medium; on the contrary, each one has developed naturally over the years within its local community, exactly like oral languages. While there are in fact a number ...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Access for disadvantaged, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;Centro Europeu de Lnguas;PT;PT,UK,AT,TR;135.644,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-SK01-KA202-022502;;;FEAL: multifunctional Farming for the sustainability of European Agricultural Landscapes;Small farms make a considerable contribution to territorial development, they provide specialised local and regional products as well as support social, cultural, and environmental services. Farmi...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Rural development and urbanisation, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education;;TECHNICKA UNIVERZITA VO ZVOLENE;SK;SK,DE,SI,ES,BE,IT;368.515,50;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2016;2016-1-MK01-KA204-021653;;;Train Brain Soft - Development of standardized curriculum and e-tool for soft skills for private security personnel;Despite the growing global need of private security personnel, there is evident practice of early leave of employees and big turnover which alludes on systematic problem in this sector. Several in...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal);;Chamber of Republic of Macedonia for private security;MK;MK,SI,HR,RO,NO;183.447,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for youth;2016;2016-2-IT03-KA205-009012;;;EaSY_ Evaluate Soft skills in international Youth volunteering;EaSY_ Evaluate Soft skills in International Youth volunteering is a 24 months project managed by FOCSIV to foster the assessment of transversal skills acquired upon non formal learning experiences...;Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy) ...;;FEDERAZIONE ORGANISMI CRISTIANI SERVIZIO INTERNAZIONALE VOLONTARIO - VOLONTARI NEL MONDO;IT;IT,PT,FR;242.639,78;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA219-016152;;;Sustainability as a resource;Sustainability as a Resource is the name chosen for our project which is aimed to contribute to the improvement of the situations our schools and areas are facing: disadvantage students, special...;Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;I.E.S. MARA CEGARRA SALCEDO;ES;ES,IT,DE,TR,HR,FI;168.292,08;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2016;2016-1-LT01-KA203-023177;;;Health Information Systems training and certification implementation for higher education;Health Information Systems training and certification implementation for higher education (HIS4HE) project addresses the education and labour market needs of medicine students in higher education ...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Quality Assurance, Recognition (non-formal and informal learning/credits);;KAUNO TECHNOLOGIJOS UNIVERSITETAS;LT;LT,LV,DE;192.698,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2015;2015-1-LV01-KA203-013401;;;Transversal Skills in Dentistry: Content and Language Integrated Learning Approach;"In the context of the project, it was crucial to bridge the gap between higher education offer and labour market demand in terms of the acquisition of transversal skills in dentistry. The objecti...";Health and wellbeing, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;LATVIJAS UNIVERSITATE;LV;LV,PT,NL;71.992,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2015;2015-1-NL01-KA203-008986;;;Competency-based COurse on Translational Research and MEdiciNes Development for PhDs and Post-docs;"Background Translational research and medicines development refers to the translation of basic scientific discoveries into clinical applications such as new therapeutic, diagnostic or preventive ...";Recognition (non-formal and informal learning/credits), Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Health and wellbeing;;EATRIS ERIC;NL;NL,DE,AT,SE;256.483,86;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-LV01-KA219-022676;;;Sports formula;"Participants from five countries: Croatia, France, Italy, Poland and Latvia (coordinator) participated in the ""Sport Formula"" project. This included high school students aged 14 to 19, who are stu...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Natural sciences;;Jelgavas 4.vidusskola;LV;LV,FR,HR,PL,IT;102.870,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2014;2014-1-DE01-KA203-000619;;;Mobilising Agro-Food Expertise;The agro-food industry plays an important role in the European Union (EU) economy and is an important sector involved in the achievement of the goals set out by the Europe 2020 growth strategy. ...;Agriculture, forestry and fisheries, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning ...;;TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITAET MUENCHEN;DE;DE,IT,UK,IE,NL;200.828,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2017;2017-1-PL01-KA204-038688;;;E-citizen - effective inclusion through e-governance services ;The project concerned the exchange of practices in the field of effective citizens inclusion into the process of designing and developing e-services by the local and regional administration. In th...;Inclusion - equity, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;"Fundacja Laboratorium Badan i Dzialan Spolecznych ""SocLab""";PL;PL,TR,CZ,ES;47.120,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2015;2015-1-IT02-KA201-015417;;;Developing and Evaluating Skills for Creativity and Innovation;"DESCI was aimed at developing a methodological pattern for Alternating Training (AT) in secondary schools: - improving connections between school, research, enterprise and territory - creating a...";Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Recognition ...;;CONSIGLIO NAZIONALE DELLE RICERCHE;IT;IT,EL,ES;445.527,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2015;2015-1-IT02-KA201-015190;;;"Pedagogia della cittadinanza e formazione degli insegnanti: un'alleanza tra scuola e territorio (Citizenship pedagogy and teacher education: an alliance between school, territory, community)";The STEP project (School Teacher Education Environment Program) Citizenship pedagogy and teacher education: an alliance between school and territory is based upon transectorial orizontal priorit...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal), EU Citizenship ...;;UNIVERSITA' DEGLI STUDI DI MILANO-BICOCCA;IT;IT,ES,FR;329.698,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-FI01-KA201-000798;;;Seek and Find Nature;The main aim of the project is to develop teachers professional competence and operational models of pedagogical activities. In practice, we arrange interdisciplinary learning situations combini...;Energy and resources, Environment and climate change;;Keslahden koulu, Kiteen kaupunki;FI;FI,SI,HU,ES,CZ,DE;138.965,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2015;2015-1-DE02-KA204-002418;;;Well-being and Healthy Choices for Older Adults and Their Carers WHOLE;Benefits of exercise have been shown in various populations of older adults: healthy and frail, with multimorbidity or specific diseases such as dementia and depression, and those who experience m...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Health and wellbeing;;WESTFAELISCHE WILHELMS-UNIVERSITAET MUENSTER;DE;DE,IE,IL,AT,BG,EL;401.123,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-DE02-KA202-002520;;;Intercultural Competences in Vocational Training. Transnational Strategic Partnership;Intercultural competences are getting more and more important due to the increasing internationalization of the economy, the integration of the European labor market and the resulting mobility of ...;Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;WEQUA GmbH;DE;DE,CZ,EL,IT,RO,PT,TR,AT;249.385,25;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2015;2015-1-DE03-KA219-013618;;;Europischer Berufswahlpass;"The basic idea of the Erasmus-Partnership arose during the last mobility activity within our project "" Sport doesnt know limits- crisscrossing Europe"" and was developed by teachers and students. ...";Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Disabilities - special needs, Inclusion - equity;;Staaliches regionales Frderzentrum Johann-Heinrich-Pestalozzi Rudolstadt;DE;DE,LU,HR,PL,CZ;248.275,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for youth;2014;2014-2-CY02-KA205-000406;;;ECO FOR LIFE;In recent years a number of important changes have been taking place in the Mediterranean and Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. In the southern Mediterranean, the economic crisis has had...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Creativity and culture, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;CYPRUS COMMUNITY MEDIA CENTER CCMC;CY;CY,PS,MA,FR,PT;264.102,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for youth;2017;2017-1-CY02-KA205-000998;;;Digital Security for Young Entrepreneurs;The DiFens partnership had united 1 University, 2 NGOs, 1 Youth Centre and 1 Public Body for the development of a collaborative online platform, where the groups of the project, potential young en...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Youth (Participation, Youth Work ...;;UNIVERSITY OF CYPRUS;CY;CY,PL,SI,EL,BG;119.669,98;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2015;2015-1-NL01-KA219-008877;;;Europe 2100: A Sustainable Future for European Youth;Our starting point is a high-impact topic: the need to make our lifestyles sustainable within the next few decades. According to IPCC by the year 2100 Europes emissions of greenhouse gasses shou...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Energy and resources, Environment and climate change;;Stichting voor Voortgezet Onderwijs Kennemerland;NL;NL,LT,FR,IT;167.042,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-IT02-KA201-003651;;;Mutual Open and Online Skills ;The MOOS (Mutual Open and Online Skills) project has seen the ideation, implementation and experimentation of a transnational, digital, educational platform and related instruments (Open Educatio...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Open and distance learning;;"Liceo scientifico statale ""Galileo Galilei"" - Pescara";IT;IT,UK,DE,SE,PL,FI,ES;315.940,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-IE01-KA202-016891;;;Technology Enhanced Learning Mentoring Support;Technology offers significant opportunities for VET providers but also presents challenges, as by its very nature it changes at a fast pace. In order to maximise the potential technology can have ...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Pedagogy and didactics;;H2 LEARNING LTD;IE;IE,SI,IT,UK;237.648,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2014;2014-1-TR01-KA203-011611;;;Effective Use of the EPOSTL by Student Teachers of English;"In Europe there is a special effort to improve the efficiency of education and training systems. The European Commission states that ""Education and training systems need to be modernized and be mo...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Pedagogy and didactics, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;HACETTEPE UNIVERSITESI;TR;TR,PL,LV,HR,SK;208.320,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2016;2016-1-PL01-KA203-026152;;;Virtual and Intensive Course Developing Practical Skills of Future Engineers;VIPSKILLS project responds to an increasing need for changes in the higher education system due to developments in the construction sector, availability of ICT technologies, need for higher mobili...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Open and distance learning, Energy and resources;;POLITECHNIKA BIALOSTOCKA;PL;PL,ES,LT;283.653,11;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-ES01-KA202-025304;;;SMART PLUS;SMART PLUS aims to develop an innovative system that allows the identification of the mismatch between the needs in terms of competences required by the tourism industry labour market and the trai...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal), Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills;;ESTUDIOS UNIVERSITARIOS Y SUPERIORES DE ANDALUCIA SL;ES;ES,IT,UK,HU;142.157,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2015;2015-1-PL01-KA201-016963;;;Multicultural Schools - Enhancing Cultural and Linguistic Treasure of Europe through Teachers;EU is founded on unity in diversity: diversity of cultures, religions, custom, beliefs and languages. According to Eurostat, from 2016, over 35 million of people living in EU Member States wer...;Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;SPOLECZNA AKADEMIA NAUK;PL;PL,ES,IT,EL,BE;268.293,06;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-CZ01-KA219-023857;;;YOU ON MY MIND;Our project called YOU ON MY MIND was conducted by six middle schools from the Czech Republic, Poland, Finland, Greece, Croatia and Germany. We established this project group thanks to our contact...;Migrants' issues, EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy ...;;Gymnazium, Obchodni akademie a Jazykova skola s pravem statni jazykove zkousky Hodonin, prispevkova organizace;CZ;CZ,DE,FI,EL,PL,HR;117.960,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for youth;2017;2017-2-DK01-KA205-034323;;;Radical Online Education ;ROE's main objective was to provide youth workers all the necessary knowledge and tools to help young people develop their critical thinking skills as many of them are exposed to radical propagand...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Youth (Participation, Youth Work ...;;DANISH YOUTH TEAM;DK;DK,BG,AT,ES;59.296,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-RO01-KA202-014982;;;"""One Minute may save a Life""";"Itself the title of the project ""One minute may save a Life"" shows the importance of this project. The rationale of developing this project arose from the actuality of this European problem. The a...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal);;ZIVAC GROUP CENTRAL SRL;RO;RO,UK,CY,IT;178.952,86;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for youth;2016;2016-3-PL01-KA205-035320;;;NAURU GAME for Active Citizenship of Youth;The project NAURU GAME for Active Citizenship of Youth was developed to equip educators with an interactive Internet game (New Shors a Game For Democracy) for increasing participation of youth i...;Open and distance learning, EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy ...;;STOWARZYSZENIE CENTRUM ROZWIAZAN SYSTEMOWYCH;PL;PL,SK,HU;87.810,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for youth;2016;2016-1-LU02-KA205-000232;;;RAISE VOLUNTEERS IN TECH;"RAIVOTECH aims to improve the quality of volunteerism in youth work in the field of digital education and digital youth work. Promoting digital literacy for youth, as well as for all citizens, ...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Youth (Participation ...;;Women in Digital Initiatives Luxembourg Asbl;LU;LU,CY,EL,IT;45.541,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-PL01-KA219-026076;;;Through artistic abilities to developed basic skills;Many of the pupils, in each involved in the project school, showed a low level of basic literacy and mathematics skills in the initial diagnosis (120 pupils out of 245 diagnosed had various diffic...;Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, Creativity and culture;;Gimnazjum im. ks. Jana Twardowskiego w Zespole Szkol w Rozogach;PL;PL,SI,HR,EL;106.000,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-PL01-KA202-026752;;;Extended Learning Support System;Studies on implementation of newly acquired skills show that without support mechanisms, learning itself does not result in knowledge & new skills being used in the workplace. A research conducted...;Research and innovation, Open and distance learning, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;PAIZ Konsulting Sp. z o.o.;PL;PL,IT,EL;197.978,87;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2015;2015-1-IE02-KA203-000421;;;MedInvent: educating for innovation and standards in medical device design and integration using novel online tools;The Horizon 2020 growth strategy states that the competitiveness and innovation potential of European enterprises relies on fostering and harnessing new skills in innovation and creativity in the ...;Research and innovation, Enterprise, industry and SMEs (incl. entrepreneurship) ...;;UNIVERSITY COLLEGE CORK - NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF IRELAND, CORK;IE;IE,BE,ES;212.234,50;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2015;2015-1-UK01-KA203-013461;;;Development of innovative e-learning and teaching through strategic partnerships in Global Health Education;The 2013 Communication on Opening Up Education identified the expansion of online delivery as a priority for education within the EU. Provision of online higher education within Europe is under-de...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Open and distance learning, Access for disadvantaged;;QUEEN MARGARET UNIVERSITY, EDINBURGH;UK;UK,NL,NO;351.621,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-PL01-KA202-026754;;;"""AGRO e-learning"" - rolnictwo precyzyjne z elementami geoinformatyki";The idea of __the project resulted from dynamically developing technologies supporting agriculture and prepared to implement in the near future requirements for modern agriculture, which necessita...;Open and distance learning, Agriculture, forestry and fisheries ...;;Akademickie Centrum Informacji i Edukacji Europejskiej;PL;PL,CY,EL,SK;210.869,12;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-CZ01-KA202-023871;;;The Cooperating Tourism Spider;In order to achieve the maximum use of the potential of tourism it is necessary to understand tourism as a complex of fields that complement each other and that relate to the local specifics of in...;Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;Gymnazium a Stredni odborna skola, Plasy;CZ;CZ,LV,AT,SK;171.926,05;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships addressing more than one field;2014;2014-1-UK01-KA200-001652;;;EU Specific Learning Disabilities (Sp.L.D.) Policy and Roadmap and Sp.L.D. Teacher & Adult Learner Training;The Project follows on from a Grundtvig Project completed in 2013 (Specific Learning Disabilities [Sp.L.D.] Roadmap for teacher and adult learner training) which established that Sp.L.D. consists ...;Inclusion - equity, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Disabilities - special needs;;Lancashire Centre for Specific Learning Difficulties;UK;UK,EL,EE,SI,RO,PL,TR,DE,IT;245.974,11;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-FR01-KA219-024085;;;"Living and working together - ""Sharing and Caring"".";This project took place over 2 school years and involved 3 schools: in Sweden, Spain and our school in France. The Swedish school is 20 kms south of Gothenburg and has about 350 pupils from kinder...;EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, Teaching and learning of foreign languages ...;;COLLEGE JEAN CLAUDE DAUPHIN;FR;FR,ES,SE;101.644,68;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2015;2015-1-FR01-KA204-015334;;;e-Coaching et Apprentissage des Langues;Self-directed learning has been described as a process where learners are responsible owners and managers of their own learning process. Self-directed learning integrates self-management (manageme...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;Cooprative pour le Dveloppement de l'emploi dans les mtiers du patrimoine;FR;FR,IT,PL,AT,UK;338.039,50;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-SK01-KA201-000431;;;Bags to do in your city;Culture can be defined as the characteristics, the habits, traditions, and the beliefs of a country, religion, cuisine, music and arts of society, or a particular group of people. Cities have many...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Creativity and culture, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;Zakladna skola Dr. J.Derera;SK;SK,ES,PL,DK,PT,IT,TR;184.600,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2015;2015-1-LV01-KA219-013417;;; Learning platform Young people Entrepreneurial skill development possibilities;"Nowadays, it is essential to find a transition from learning facts to acquiring real life skills which will prepare young people for life and motivate to study. The schools involved in the proje...";Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education;;Valkas Janis Cimze gimnazija;LV;LV,RO,TR,ES,HR;117.770,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2015;2015-1-SK01-KA219-008924;;;Vesel e-kniha angli_tiny pre deti /Lively English book for children;A priority for all education programmes of European countries is a necessity of learning foreign languages. Different countries use various methods to form an independent and capable human being w...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;Zakladna skola Andreja Bagara;SK;SK,CZ,PL,TR,IT,RO;76.500,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2016;2016-1-DE02-KA204-003275;;;Beyond Retirement - A Migrant Integration Resource ;The BRAMIR project addressed two important European concerns: The ageing of the population and an increasing dependence on immigration to meet current and future labour-force requirements. While t...;Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Migrants' issues, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;Jugendfrderverein Parchim/Lbz e.V.;DE;DE,FI,IE,FR,RO,CY,IT,AT;289.478,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-ES01-KA202-025640;;;Open Educational Resources for development of an innovative MOOC on advanced textile quality control;LEARNINGTEX MOOC aims to support textile companies through employees training and skills updating. A need on the sector has been detected and textile companies demand more experienced and trained ...;Enterprise, industry and SMEs (incl. entrepreneurship), New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses ...;;ASOCIACION DE INVESTIGACION DE LA INDUSTRIA TEXTIL;ES;ES,AT,PT;148.267,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-PL01-KA219-026290;;;SCIENCE IN OUR LITTLE HANDS;Thisproject was carried out in order to fulfill the EuropeanCommission's 2020 strategy. Fourprimaryschools from Poland, Turkey, Greece, Italy and one kindergarten from Estonia cooperated with the ...;Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Szkola Podstawowa Nr 12 z Oddzialami Integracyjnymi;PL;PL,EL,TR,IT,EE;117.635,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-NL01-KA201-001125;;;Under the Same Sky, open minds and equal rights for all;"The project ""Under the same sky"" was teachers and students cooperation of 6 primary schools from 6 countries (Poland, Netherlands, Turkey, Slovakia, Italy and Spain) in order to spread the idea ...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Gender equality / equal opportunities, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;PCBS De Regenboog;NL;NL,PL,SK,ES,TR,IT;185.615,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2015;2015-1-DE01-KA203-002161;;;Social Entrepreneurship for Local Change;"Social Entrepreneurship for Local Change The objective of this strategic partnership was to develop a study module on social entrepreneurship with a scope of up to 15 ECTS. The format of delive...";Open and distance learning, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education;;HOCHSCHULE FUER WIRTSCHAFT UND UMWELT NUERTINGEN-GEISLINGEN;DE;DE,EE,RO,NL;316.435,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2016;2016-1-PL01-KA203-026652;;;Innovative Education towards Sustainable Food Systems;"Context/background of the project We are facing nowadays a global population growth causing increasing natural resources limitations and environmental problems. Loss of biodiversity and pollut...";International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;SZKOLA GLOWNA GOSPODARSTWA WIEJSKIEGO;PL;PL,FR,DE,IT,ES,EE,DK;254.331,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-EL01-KA202-023538;;;Intercultural Competences for Healthcare Professionals;Assuming a lifelong learning perspective, this project aims to increase the intercultural competences of healthcare professionals in Europe, through non-formal training. According to EU SKILLS PAN...;Health and wellbeing, Integration of refugees, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;IASIS;EL;EL,IT,ES,AT,FR;244.650,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for youth;2015;2015-2-BE05-KA205-001708;;;"Reaching Further - Exploring the healing effects of Adventure Education and Experiential Learning, a methodology to increase the quality of youth work for European youngsters with fewer opportunities ";Mental health issues amongst youngsters are a tremendous challenge for our society. The number of youngsters dealing with socio-emotional problems like depression or anxiety and other related ment...;International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;NATURE;BE;BE,IS,PT,NL,IT,DE,ES,HU;61.550,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2015;2015-1-DE03-KA219-013784;;;"Get infected to be protected - Developing e-learning materials and Prevention-Units about infectious diseases to enhance the integration of digital media in learning, teaching and training ";The main topic infectious diseases of the Erasmus+ project Be infected to be protected is corresponding with the aims of the EU Health Programme of 2014 and a result of the Comenius project N...;Health and wellbeing, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Gymnasium Donauwrth;DE;DE,IT,LV,NO,NL,ES;110.215,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2014;2014-1-NL01-KA203-001090;;;Towards a European Framework of Reference for the Education and Training of Literary Translators ;PETRA-E aims to set up a European infrastructure for the education and training of literary translators. A Framework of Reference which describes competences of literary translators is the first s...;Recognition (non-formal and informal learning/credits), Recognition, transparency ...;;UNIVERSITEIT UTRECHT;NL;NL,DE,BE,UK,HU,IT;277.482,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-RO01-KA219-024638;;;FLIP: Finding Learning Innovative Paths;The new social, economic and technological context stresses a fundamental transformation of education in order to address new skills. The schools' answer to the challenges of nowadays society is u...;Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;"Scoala Gimnaziala ""Constantin Parfene""";RO;RO,UK,IT,HR,EL;92.210,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-HU01-KA219-022976;;;Green Skills for Social Agriculture;The Partnership consisted of six schools from different European countries: Hungary, Spain, Bulgaria, Greece, Romania and Italy. Most of the partner schools had previous experience in European pro...;Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Disdi Etvs Jzsef Nmet Nemzetisgi ltalnos Iskola s Alapfok Muvszeti Iskola;HU;HU,EL,IT,BG,ES,RO;142.195,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2015;2015-1-NL01-KA201-009021;;;Digital Innovation in Cultural and Heritage Education in the light of 21st century learning;"Context & background Integrating the necessary skills to deal with complex 21st century realities in primary school education, such as the 4Cs Critical thinking, Creativity, Communication and Col...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Creativity and culture, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;Stichting Protestants Christelijk Hoger Beroepsonderwijs Utrecht, Marnix Academie;NL;NL,BE,IT,UK;287.831,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2015;2015-1-NL01-KA201-008903;;;Healthy Body, Sustainable World;In this project countries of greatly diverse cultural and ethnic diversity come together to address unhealthy diets of our learners and their families. Thus adressing obesity and obesity related d...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Health and wellbeing;;Friesland College Stichting voor Algemeen Voortgezet Onderwijs, Beroepsonderwijs en Volwasseneneducatie;NL;NL,TR,EL,BG,PL,FR,IT;354.113,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA201-003540;;;Social Media and Education: Threats and Opportunities.;This is a strategic partnership of five European High Schools to achieve best practices in the usage of social media, especially within an educational context. Furthermore, it aims at avoiding a m...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;IES SANTA CATALINA DE ALEJANDRIA;ES;ES,UK,NL,DE,CZ;154.900,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-HU01-KA219-023046;;;ExpertICTize (Becoming Experts of Digital Technology in Secondary Education);"Project background: It has now become a commonplace to talk about the transition and shift from rote-learning to developing 21st century skills in education worldwide. Three years ago, however,...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;Neumann Jnos Kzpiskola s Kollgium;HU;HU,FR,NL,TR,EL;77.240,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA201-003342;;;INTERNATIONAL TEAMWORK AS A METHOD TO MAKE OUR SCHOOLS INCLUSIVE OF DIVERSITY;Our society of knowledge demands high quality training and education for everybody, which leads to a revision of our organizational and teaching methods at school, paying special attention to the ...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Inclusion - equity, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education;;IESO QUERCUS;ES;ES,NL,IT;75.920,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships addressing more than one field;2014;2014-1-NL01-KA200-001313;;;Innovating History Education for All ;Innovating History Education for All aims to promote high-quality history, heritage, and citizenship education in Europe by enabling educators to create their own online learning activities and ...;Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;EUROCLIO-DE EUROPESE VERENIGING VOOR GESCHIEDENISONDERWIJSGEVENDEN;NL;NL,PL,UK,DE;366.280,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA201-003564;;;Innovation, Research and Science at school;Present trends in education state that DESIGNING AND CARRYING OUT A RESEARCH OR INNOVATION PROJECT in Baccaularate could be an important tool aimed at INCREASING THE INTEREST OF STUDENTS IN SCIEN...;Research and innovation, Natural sciences, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;IES RAMIRO DE MAEZTU;ES;ES,SE,IT,NL,DE;146.470,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2015;2015-1-UK01-KA203-013720;;;A Rounder Sense of Purpose: Integrating ESD educator competences into educator training;This project arose from a vision of smart, sustainable economic development, in line with the Europe 2020 Strategy. Championing a socially and environmentally sustainable form of development has i...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Quality and Relevance of Higher Education in Partner Countries, Pedagogy and didactics;;UNIVERSITY OF GLOUCESTERSHIRE;UK;UK,HU,EE,IT,CY,NL;398.669,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2015;2015-1-DE03-KA219-013826;;;EUse your brain-Challenge your talent for science;"EUse your brain - challenge your talent for science. Five ambitious secondary schools from Recklinghausen (DE), Dordrecht (NL), Pamplona (ES), Copenhagen (DK) and Split (HR), which have been invo...";Natural sciences, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education;;Wolfgang Borchert Gesamtschule;DE;DE,HR,ES,NL,DK;109.750,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2015;2015-1-FR01-KA201-015318;;;EdUCATe - EUropean nonviolent Conflict management for educators : Advocacy and Training;"Context of the project The EdUCATe project was born from the observation that, most of the time in Europe, conflict situations are not sufficiently taken into account at school and that some of t...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;Coordination pour l'ducation la non-violence et la paix;FR;FR,BE,HR,IT,SE,ES;174.334,44;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-PL01-KA202-026285;;;Rozwj kompetencji mechanikw osobowych pojazdw samochodowych z zakresu profesjonalnej obs_ugi klienta jako element wzrostu konkurencyjno_ci na lokalnym rynku us_ug.;E-learning trainings in the field of customer service for car workshops, developed under the project entitled:Development of competence mechanics passenger vehicles with professional customer ser...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;INTER CARS S.A;PL;PL,LV,LT;149.978,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2015;2015-1-FI01-KA219-009101;;;Arctic wind and Southern sun - Sustainable Entrepreneurship Education in Finland and Portugal;The project Arctic Wind and Southern Sun - Sustainable Entrepreneurship Education in Finland and Portugal was a bilateral European school project between two general secondary high schools situate...;Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Environment and climate change;;Kauhajoen lukio, Kauhajoen kaupunki;FI;FI,PT;65.280,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-FI01-KA201-000714;;;Your Entrepreneurial Skills - Y.E.S for Future;In this project we focused on developing the students entrepreneurial skills and introduced them to the world of labour. The teachers were also able to revise and strengthen their teaching profes...;Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Loimaan lukio;FI;FI,SI,HU,ES;130.040,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for youth;2015;2015-2-BE05-KA205-001716;;;The c.i.p.h.e.r: The community international progressing Hip Hop evolutions and revolutions;'The c.i.p.h.e.r.' (The community international progressing hip hop evolutions & revolutions) is a yearlong program and a lifelong network for youth between 13 and 30 years old that facilitates an...;International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;The c.i.p.h.e.r crew;BE;BE,NL,DE;28.125,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-PL01-KA202-016875;;;Geometrical Product Specification and Verification as toolbox to meet up-to-date technical requirements ;The ISO standards for the Geometrical Product Specification and Verification (GPS) define an internationally uniform symbol language, that allows expressing unambiguously and completely all requir...;Open and distance learning, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;AKADEMIA TECHNICZNO-HUMANISTYCZNA W BIELSKU-BIALEJ;PL;PL,FR,DE,CH,UK,RO,IT;383.879,43;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2015;2015-1-CY01-KA219-011849;;;ARTS@CREATIVITY.EU;Our collaborative project consisted of 8 schools (England withdrew). Our partners included experienced international collaborators and first timers! All partners asserted that their students exhi...;Creativity and culture, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;Dimotiko Scholeio Frenarou;CY;CY,IT,UK,EL,LT,SK,PT,PL,EE;223.640,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-DE02-KA202-003273;;;Fit for E-Commerce;Since the late 2000s e-commerce has been booming. This sector has seen remarkable growth rates, however it has not played a big role in commercial education so far. In 2016 the vocational schools ...;Enterprise, industry and SMEs (incl. entrepreneurship), ICT - new technologies - digital competences ...;;Staatliche Berufsschule II Bayreuth;DE;DE,CZ,IT;80.034,72;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA204-004905;;;ARACNE: Training, empowerment and entrepreneurship;"Context / background The consequences of the economic crisis and unemployment are causing large segments of Europes population, especially in the South, to experience extreme situations and soci...";Access for disadvantaged, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education;;FAM Y LIAS. Recursos para la diversidad. Sociedad Cooperativa;ES;ES,IT,AT;98.387,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-ES01-KA219-025075;;;We are cooperARTive;Our Project has been based on a reflection and analysis of our school specific needs for the purpose to improve our student basic skills, who face new challenges in the 21st century society. We wa...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Creativity and culture, Research and innovation;;CEIP GUERNICA;ES;ES,IT,SK,EE,PL;74.565,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-SK01-KA219-022523;;;Fantastic Four;Fantastic Four was a strategic partnership whose main objective was exchange of good practises on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) methodologies among 4 European primary and se...;Natural sciences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills;;Zakladna skola Nam. L. Novomeskeho 2, Kosice;SK;SK,SE,PT,ES;103.930,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2015;2015-1-PL01-KA204-016518;;;Deaf learning;"""Deaf learning"" project was implemented from September 2015 to August 2018 in partnership with 5 organization from 5 European countries: Polish Deaf Association Lodz Department (Poland), Doncaster...";Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, Disabilities - special needs;;Polski Zwiazek Gluchych Oddzial Lodzki;PL;PL,UK,IT,LT,AT;318.677,93;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2015;2015-1-LT01-KA219-013406;;;Creative European School : C.L.I.C.K.;The project Creative European School : C.L.I.C.K. was initiated by six schools from Lithuania, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Romania and Spain in response to the most common problems identified in a...;Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal), EU Citizenship ...;;Mazeikiu Ventos progimnazija;LT;LT,PT,RO,EL,ES,IT;107.555,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for youth;2014;2014-2-TR01-KA205-014247;;;Young Social Enterprises with Young Entrepreneurs;Young Social Enterprises with Young Entrepreneurs (YoSE) project is a research based project which aims to contribute development of new social enterprises and increasing institutional and financi...;International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;Pendik Belediyesi;TR;TR,DE,FR,CZ;228.752,21;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2015;2015-1-CZ01-KA219-013851;;;Lets get school outdoor;The project joined the schools of a similar size and character - small village schools. The partner schools were from the Czech Republic, Finland, Poland, Sweden and Spain. They live and work in s...;Environment and climate change, Recognition (non-formal and informal learning/credits), Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills;;Zakladni skola a materska skola, Okna, okres Ceska Lipa, prispevkova organizace;CZ;CZ,PL,FI,ES,SE;131.094,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2016;2016-1-ES01-KA201-025145;;;Evaluation environment for fostering intercultural mentoring tools and practices at school;Tackling early school leaving is a stepping stone towards improving the opportunities of young people and for supporting smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. Young people with a migration back...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Migrants' issues;;UNIVERSIDAD DE SALAMANCA;ES;ES,IT,CY,PL,IE;121.994,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2015;2015-1-IE01-KA201-008664;;; Towards a plurilingual whole school policy in European schools ;This is a follow-on project from the ECML project PlurCur (2012-2015, The projects aims are to develop further the plurilingual, inclusive and intercultural whole school pol...;Teaching and learning of foreign languages, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY TRALEE;IE;IE,DE,FI,TR,IT,AT,PL;243.202,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2016;2016-1-LT01-KA204-023223;;;Improving the initial education of adult immigrants;Immigrants, especially in their first year of life in the host country, have language problems what makes it difficult to offer them any educational programs (with the exception of language learni...;Migrants' issues, Inclusion - equity;;KLAIPEDOS UNIVERSITETAS;LT;LT,IT,RO,LV,BG,BE;174.738,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2014;2014-1-LT01-KA204-000617;;;Choose a job not a dole;The Project offers innovative ICT-based solutions to foster integration of people with disadvantaged background and fewer opportunities into the labour market by 1) upgrading their low soft skills...;Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Access for disadvantaged, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;SOCIALINIU INOVACIJU FONDAS;LT;LT,ES,UK,IT,LV;280.373,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-UK01-KA202-013436;;;Training staff in the use of the Arts for the Benefit of patients with LOng-term conditions;Chronic diseases are a worldwide burden, causing 36 million deaths each year (World Health Organization, 2013). They are long-lasting conditions, which require regular treatment, administration, m...;Health and wellbeing, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust;UK;UK,DK,ES,RO,IT,SI,CY;252.054,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2016;2016-1-LT01-KA201-023166;;;ABA - our new view in special education;The elements of ABA science can be used not only in children with autism education, but also wide applicability in working with children with mental retardation, with social, emotional and behavi...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Disabilities - special needs;;"Siauliu r. Kursenu lopselis-darzelis ""Eglute""";LT;LT,IT,EL,BG,ES,TR;177.398,25;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships addressing more than one field;2014;2014-1-BE01-KA200-000900;;;e-Media Education Lab : un laboratoire en ligne sur le dveloppement des comptences en ducation aux mdias pour les enseignants en formation initiale et continue;"e-Media Education lab : an online laboratory for the development of media literacy skills for teachers in initial and in-service training. Media literacy has become a key competence in our mode...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;SERVICE MEDIA - ANIMATION;BE;BE,PT,FI,UK,FR,IT;356.181,86;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-SK01-KA202-022599;;;Innovative development of entrepreneurial skills of youth ;One of the groups most affected by crisis are the young people, to whom we should pay special attention. Increasing the willingness of career starters and young people to venture and the support o...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Open and distance learning, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education;;TREXIMA Bratislava, spol. s r.o.;SK;SK,NL,FR,HU;165.539,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-FR01-KA219-024120;;;The Opportunities of Migration to Multicultural Europe;"4 schools took part in this project : - Erftgymnasium - Europaschule der Kreisstadt General Education - in Bergheim in Germany - Istituto Statale di Istruzione Secondaria Superiore E. AMA...";EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, Migrants' issues ...;;LYCEE PROFESSIONNEL PRIVE SAINT-MICHEL;FR;FR,IT,DE,LT;99.215,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for youth;2016;2016-1-CY02-KA205-000749;;;Supporting the Transition from Education to Employment of youth at Risk;The primary objective of the STEER (Supporting the Transition from Education to Employment for Youth at Risk) project was to design, develop, deliver, and test a comprehensive training programme f...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Youth (Participation, Youth Work ...;;INNOVADE LI LTD;CY;CY,BG,PT,SI,EL,IT;223.978,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2015;2015-1-IS01-KA204-013171;;;Female Rural Enterprise Empowerment;Business support in rural areas is more often focused in traditional rural business then new businesses, meaning many entrepreneurs in these areas face an obstacle to accessing training which can ...;Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Gender equality / equal opportunities, Enterprise ...;;VINNUMALASTOFNUN;IS;IS,UK,BG,LT,HR;286.557,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2015;2015-1-IT02-KA204-015070;;;SKILLS FOR FREEDOM Artistic paths to develop the professional skills of prisoners;Skills for Freedom nasce per dare risposta a esigenze riscontrate da alcuni partner di progetto, durante il proprio operare in carcere. Stimolati dal positivo lavoro svolto attraverso POST. Priso...;Recognition (non-formal and informal learning/credits), Access for disadvantaged, Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal);;Arci Liguria;IT;IT,TR,ES,CY,PL,BG,DE,BE;395.943,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2015;2015-1-CZ01-KA219-013921;;;Let's Walk and Learn - Education viaTourist Paths in Europe;While creating our project we proceeded from finding out that todays youth mostly have a patchy knowledge of their environment, they do not realise enough its value, and neither do they understan...;Environment and climate change, International cooperation, international relations ...;;Gymnazium Rajec-Jestrebi, o. p. s.;CZ;CZ,SK,FR;92.348,87;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA201-016210;;;DESARROLLO DE COMPETENCIAS A TRAVES DEL ARTE Y LA INTELIGENCIA EMOCIONAL, PARA MEJORAR LOS APRENDIZAJES Y LAS SITUACIONES DE EXCLUSION SOCIAL.;INTEGR-ARTE (Integration & Arts) was aimed to create a strong network of educational cooperation between the 4 European municipalities of Rome, Badajoz, vora and Paterna, enabling the exchange of...;Romas and/or other minorities, Creativity and culture, Inclusion - equity;;FUNDACION YEHUDI MENUHIN ESPAA;ES;ES,IT,PT;111.721,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-PL01-KA219-026777;;;My Europe, My Life, My Future;"""My Europe, My Life, My Future"" is a project whose main goal was not only to develop language and information skills but also key competencies by implementing activities related to sports, music, ...";Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;Zespol Szkol Zawodowych Nr 1 im. mjr. Henryka Dobrzanskiego;PL;PL,PT,RO,EL,HR,BG;128.235,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2016;2016-1-TR01-KA203-035231;;;Innovative Women Entrepreneurs of the Future ;"""Statistical Data on Women Entrepreneurs in Europe"" (European Comission, September 2014) show that women entrepreneurs constituted 31% of all entrepreneurs in European Union. These statistics pers...";Gender equality / equal opportunities, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education;;Bursa Teknik Universitesi;TR;TR,IT,PL;157.174,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2016;2016-1-TR01-KA203-035063;;;European School for TRaining in Ortopaedics ;"Background: In Europe, thousands of orthopaedic and traumatology residents complete their training in hundreds of different organizations and institutions: the schools heterogeneity, differenc...";International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;HACETTEPE UNIVERSITESI;TR;TR,IT,AT,FR;154.212,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2015;2015-1-IT02-KA201-015133;;;E-Learning from Nature;"Context The project rationale is deeply rooted in the long lasting effort of European policies in addressing the underachievement in basic skills as far as scientific issues are concerned. The ""...";Natural sciences, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;"ISTITUTO STATALE DI ISTRUZIONE SECONDARIA SUPERIORE ""FEDERICO ENRIQUES""";IT;IT,RO,BE,EL,PT,IE,LT;214.807,97;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-UK01-KA202-024636;;;Exploring Blended Learning approaches for VET;There is a growing realisation that digital technology has a role to play within VET programmes and services. Many see such technologies as having the potential to enhance existing learning provis...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Open and distance learning;;BELFAST METROPOLITAN COLLEGE;UK;UK,EE,NL,IE,ES;238.680,87;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2015;2015-1-IT02-KA201-014777;;;MEDIA AND HISTORY. From cinema to the web. Studying, representing and teaching European History in the digital era;Digital integration in teaching and learning is a necessary step for European schools, especially when it comes to the teaching of History. Actually, despite the majority of European students bein...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Creativity and culture;;Istituto per la Storia e le Memorie del '900 Parri;IT;IT,NL,HU,PL,SI,ES,UK;447.150,03;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2015;2015-1-BG01-KA201-014219;;;E-Tools for E-Schools ;E-tools for E-schools project targets common problems for the educational systems of EU countries such as the existing gap between available technologies and their application in teaching process....;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Open and distance learning;;"Sdruzhenie ""Centar za obrazovatelni initsiativi""";BG;BG,IT,EL;204.692,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-PL01-KA202-016464;;;Logistics Language Open Training;"The 'Logistics Language Open Training' - LLOT project was carried out in 2015-2018 by a consortium whose leader was the Higher School of Logistics based in Pozna_. The aim of the LLOT project was...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;WYZSZA SZKOLA LOGISTYKI Z SIEDZIBA W POZNANIU;PL;PL,DE,IT,UK;356.791,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-DE02-KA202-003245;;;THERAPY 2.0 - Counselling and Therapeutic Interactions with Digital Natives;The integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in counselling and therapy is yet an incomplete process. The only activities pursued up to now in this area have been related in...;Health and wellbeing, Integration of refugees, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;media k GmbH;DE;DE,HR,SI,EL,PT,IS,AT;247.624,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2015;2015-1-BE02-KA204-012282;;;European Mentoring In Social Care;De-institutionalisation and the increasing personalisation of services are changing the skills and attitudes support staff need in the EU care sector. Social care employers across the EU see that ...;Disabilities - special needs, Recognition (non-formal and informal learning/credits), New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION OF SERVICE PROVIDERS FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES;BE;BE,BG,UK,SI,CY,HU,RO,PT;333.164,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-SE01-KA219-022105;;;ON THE ROAD;Skype contacts between pupils at the Antelopenskolan in Klippan, Sweden and OS Ive Andrica, Zagreb, Croatia, prompted teachers from both schools to start discussions on school development issues. ...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Pedagogy and didactics, Inclusion - equity;;Antilopenskolan;SE;SE,HR;53.637,50;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA219-015944;;;Finding our roots;FOR (Finding Our Roots) project emerges out of a previous collaborative work between three state high schools located in greatly depressed economic areas: IES Urbi (Basauri / Spain), Liceo Classic...;Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills;;IES URBI BHI;ES;ES,EL,IT;74.000,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA219-016336;;;LAS MUJERES DE MI FAMILIA;THE WOMEN OF MY FAMILY project was born to analyze the reality of women today in different areas, based on a working hypothesis: We wanted to check if there was a greater empowerment of women and ...;Gender equality / equal opportunities, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Creativity and culture;;INSTITUTO DE EDUCACIN SECUNDARIA PABLO MONTESINO;ES;ES,FR,IT;56.590,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA219-015673;;;EUROPA EN GUERRA: UNA APROXIMACIN PARA EL APRENDIZAJE DE LOS ESTUDIANTES SOBRE COMO EVITAR CONFLICTOS. USAR LA PALABRA Y NO LA ESPADA. APRENDIENDO DE LA HISTORIA.;This project is the result of a multilateral school association with the aims of elaborating, investigating, teaching and exchanging knowledge on the topics such as, tolerance, gender equality and...;EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, Post-conflict/post-disaster rehabilitation ...;;IES MIGUEL DE CERVANTES;ES;ES,TR,UK,NO,IT,CZ;136.580,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2016;2016-1-IT02-KA204-024678;;;Learning methods in TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) and Yangsheng: towards excellence in adult education;Background and partnership: The Learning methods in TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) and Yangsheng: towards excellence in adult education project, born from the joint efforts of four different...;Health and wellbeing, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education;;ASSOCIAZIONE OPERATORI TUINA QIGONG E TECNICHE ORIENTALI;IT;IT,DE,ES,EE;51.710,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2015;2015-1-IT02-KA204-015472;;;Senior Plus;Senior Plus is a 2 year strategic partnership project involving 6 organisations from 5 different European countries: Cemea del Mezzogiorno (ITALY) as applicant and coordinator, Pistes Solidaires (...;Inclusion - equity, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;Cemea del Mezzogiorno;IT;IT,UK,LV,PT,FR;237.391,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2015;2015-1-IT02-KA204-015181;;;i-DIGital Stories Stories Educational Learning Facilities ;The project evolved from the needs of junctioning the adult and youth education with IT: as the trainees spend a big amount of time in Internet 2.0 environments, there was a lack of educational to...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;Diciannove Societ Cooperativa;IT;IT,PL,EL,HU,UK;273.065,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-DE02-KA202-002472;;;Prevention of early dropout of VET through inclusive strategies for migrants and Roma;In the EU, 6 million young people between 18 and 24 do not have a finished VET or another secondary school. Consequently, these youngsters face deprivation and unemployment, which in turn influenc...;Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Romas and/or other minorities;;GOTTFRIED WILHELM LEIBNIZ UNIVERSITAET HANNOVER;DE;DE,AT,RO,SI,IT;321.333,25;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2015;2015-1-FR01-KA219-015252;;;Bien dans ma peau, bien dans ma tte, bien dans mon avenir;The objective of this project called A healthy perspective on myself, my mental health, and my future was to tackle issues that had been red flagged in our various schools (Realschule+ Neustadt ...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Enterprise, industry and SMEs (incl. entrepreneurship) ...;;Collge Charles de Gaulle;FR;FR,DE,IE,ES,RO;178.407,89;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA204-015523;;;Formacin y capacitacin en metodologas de intervencin socio-educativa a travs del Arte a profesionales del mbito educativo para mejorar la equidad, la diversidad, la inclusin y la motivacin;"Coordinator: Fundacin Yehudi Menuhin Espaa (Spain). Participating entities: International Yehudi Menuhin Foundation (Belgium), Assciaao Menuhin Portugal (Portugal), MUS-E Deutschland (Germany)...";Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Recognition (non-formal and informal learning/credits), Creativity and culture;;FUNDACION YEHUDI MENUHIN ESPAA;ES;ES,PT,BE,HU,DE,AT,NL;94.546,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2016;2016-1-PL01-KA204-026383;;;CULTURE LAB - innowacyjny program szkolenia edukatorw kulturowych;"CULTURE LAB - Innovative Training Programme of Cultural Educators is a project within the Erasmus+, Action 2 Strategic partnerships for adult education. The project was created in response to the...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Creativity and culture, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;Lubelska Regionalna Organizacja Turystyczna;PL;PL,ES,DE;177.580,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-BG01-KA202-023686;;;Blended learning in Bioinformatics - The SMEs Instrument for Biotech Innovations;The BIOTECH-GO background is linked with circle economy approach and boosts innovations development as implementation of Bioinformatics in Biotechnology. The latter is an interdisciplinary field o...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Enterprise ...;;GST Corporation;BG;BG,TR,EL;222.212,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2015;2015-1-BG01-KA203-014358;;;Seeding Life;"Based on the ETPOD -European Training Program on Organ Donation- a successful Training program that improves the Organ Donation (Transpl Int 2013 Apr; 26(4):373-84), SeeLife project aims to improv...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, International cooperation, international relations ...;;MULTIPROFILE HOSPITAL FOR ACTIVE TREATMENT AND EMERGENCY MEDECINE PIROGOV;BG;BG,LV,ES;279.090,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for youth;2016;2016-2-CY02-KA205-000819;;;CODING AND YOUTH: AN INNOVATIVE PROGRAMME IN THE DIGITAL ERA;The importance of digital skills for both social inclusion and employability has been made a high priority by the EC, hence several initiatives such as the EU Digital Agenda, the Grand Coalition f...;Recognition (non-formal and informal learning/credits), New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;CYPRUS COMPUTER SOCIETY;CY;CY,EL,DE,IT;141.490,10;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2015;2015-1-LU01-KA219-001339;;;Un partenariat intergnrationnel au service de la russite scolaire;"We have established contacts between our five schools and old peoples homes as well as other partners (theaters ...) to motivate students to do better at school. The partnership between the gene...";Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Creativity and culture, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;Deutsch Luxemburgisches Schengen Lyzeum;LU;LU,ES,BG,FR,IT;109.950,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2015;2015-1-PL01-KA219-016656;;;Boost your future career opportunities through managing fictitious companies on the international market;The project was a new approach to preparing students for their future professional career: it combined theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of economics, foreign languages and cultural...;Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;Zespol Szkol Ekonomicznych nr 1;PL;PL,IE,ES,IT;131.324,03;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2015;2015-1-IE01-KA204-008632;;; Socio-drama Tackling Ageism, Preventing abuse;Ageism constructs older adults as 'different', and can result in violations of their rights. Particularly vulnerable are older people dependent on others for care and support. Their right to lead ...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;Age Action Ireland Ltd;IE;IE,IT,RO,FI;236.733,07;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2014;2014-1-LI01-KA203-000025;;;CRAFTING THE FACADE: Reuse, Reinvent, Reactivate;" The strategic partnership CRAFTING THE FACADE: Reuse, Reinvent, Reactivate"" is directed and coordinated by the University of Liechtenstein, Prof. Urs Meister and DI Carmen Rist-Stadelmann. Th...";Creativity and culture, Energy and resources, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;UNIVERSITAT LIECHTENSTEIN;LI;LI,NL,UK;338.949,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2015;2015-1-RO01-KA219-014963;;;Comics in teaching languages/La BD en classe de langues;Nowadays the design, the caricature, the comics are considered as anchoring points of the freedom of speech and of expression and alternative ways to educate and to transmit cultural messages. New...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;"Liceul Teoretic ""Mihail Kogalniceanu"" Vaslui";RO;RO,IT,ES,PT,CY,TR;84.110,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2015;2015-1-LT01-KA219-013425;;;Do It Yourself;Not everyone can be good at science but almost everyone is able to develop one's creative abilities. In order to help youngsters find their place in this consumerist society and changing labor mar...;Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Creativity and culture, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Rokiskio Juozo Tumo- Vaizganto gimnazija;LT;LT,HR,PT,IT;95.805,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2014;2014-1-SI01-KA203-000685;;;Healthy lifestyle for aging well;Population ageing is a long-term trend, which began several decades ago in the EU. As a result, the EU will, in the coming decades, face a number of challenges associated with an ageing society, w...;Health and wellbeing, International cooperation, international relations ...;;Visoka zdravstvena sola v Celju;SI;SI,FI,PT,PL;114.356,25;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-HU01-KA202-013555;;;Flip IT! Flipped Classroom in the European Vocational Education;Experiments are being run all over the world about how best to introduce new, innovative teaching, learning methods that meet the requirements of the 21st century. One of these methods is the Fl...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal), New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;iTStudy Hungary Szmtstechnikai Oktat- s Kutatkzpont Kft.;HU;HU,CZ,IE,ES,UK;338.819,75;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for youth;2016;2016-2-CZ01-KA205-024360;;;Community building lab;The project aims to respond to the numerous initiatives of young people who are involved in building of communities, in the creation of an inclusive environment, engaging marginalized groups and a...;Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy) ...;;NESEHNUTI;CZ;CZ,SK;122.366,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for youth;2015;2015-2-CZ01-KA205-014071;;;ROJEN - SWARMING;"ROJEN SWARMING The whole world, the European Union as well as the Czech Republic deals with the loss of irreplaceable plant pollinators bees. This global problem could be solved only by incr...";International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;VCELI STRAZ pri CSV o. s.;CZ;CZ,PL,SK,KZ,LT,UK,DE,NL;193.616,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships addressing more than one field;2014;2014-1-EE01-KA200-000485;;;Robotics for Schools;Robotics for Schools (RFS) is a project that is aimed for filling the gap between teaching five-year-olds the basics of coding and the skills and knowledge needed for basic entry level VET. Mistak...;Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;NPO Robootika;EE;EE,FI,UK,SE;240.509,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-EL01-KA202-013970;;;Skills for Future Farmers;"(relevant information is also provided in the Executive Summary and the various Project Managmenent reports, uploaded to the Erasmus+ Dissemination Platform) CONTEXT - RATIONALE Future farmers...";Agriculture, forestry and fisheries, Open and distance learning ...;;INSTITOUTO TECHNOLOGIAS YPOLOGISTONKAI EKDOSEON DIOFANTOS;EL;EL,NL,TR,LT;291.253,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-EL01-KA202-023491;;;Innovative Integrated Training in Healing Plants Business;Farming is important for the EU's natural environment, as around half the EU's land is farmed (82.2% in Greece, 81 % in Bulgaria, 87% in Romania, and 80% in Spain). The economic importance of the ...;Open and distance learning, Rural development and urbanisation, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;PANEPISTIMIO THESSALIAS;EL;EL,ES,BG,PL;233.954,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-PL01-KA202-026638;;;Rozwijanie profesjonalizmu.;Developing professionalism project assumed bidirectional exchange of good practices in vocational subjects taught in every partner school, the partner schools are institutions of education at th...;International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation;;Medyczno-Spoleczne Centrum Ksztalcenia Zawodowego i Ustawicznego w Rzeszowie;PL;PL,IT,ES;57.085,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-PL01-KA202-017080;;;"Increasing the labour market relevance of VET provision and reducing skills mismatches and shortages in the new booming ""Sharing Economy"" sector";The aim of the project was to increase the degree of matching of provided vocational education and training systems to the needs of the labor market and to reduce skills shortages and skills misma...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal);;DOLNOSLASKA AGENCJA ROZWOJU REGIONALNEGO SA;PL;PL,IT,EL,PT,DE;203.933,38;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-PL01-KA219-026118;;;School companies ;The basis of the project was that according to schools curriculum analysis in all four schools children were learning entrepreneurship but in some schools this subject was part of curriculum (Aus...;Enterprise, industry and SMEs (incl. entrepreneurship), Creativity and culture ...;;Samorzadowy Zespol Szkol w Kostkowie;PL;PL,AT,DE,RO;88.500,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2015;2015-1-DE03-KA219-013890;;;Feel the Spirit of a Modern Europe-Bringing Entrepreneurship into Schools;As schools in a unified Europe, we have an education mandate to prepare our students for the life of learning and working in Europe. Our project intended to create in teachers and students a funda...;Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, International cooperation ...;;Dr.-Max-Josef-Metzger-Schule Staatl. Realschule Meitingen;DE;DE,IT,FR,PL,CZ;76.300,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2015;2015-1-FR01-KA204-015377;;;Greening the Business: Green Business Management Trainings;Systematic and integral training and tools towards green business management excellence and best practice are among priorities of EU strategy for sustainable growth and jobs which puts innovation ...;Enterprise, industry and SMEs (incl. entrepreneurship), New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;CHAMBRE DE COMMERCE ITALIENNE DE LYON;FR;FR,LT,BG,IT,SI;287.486,56;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-FR01-KA201-008734;;;Adaptive Learning System;ALS project Adaptive Learning System aims at providing children presenting learning disabilities with adaptive learning approach, allowing a better inclusion and easier access to education and...;Disabilities - special needs, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Inclusion - equity;;haikara;FR;FR,UK,IE;355.221,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-DE02-KA202-002496;;;ERASMUS3D+: Training material for developing 3D printers.;"CONTEXT In a world where socio-economic divisions and the demand for job positions are very important issues that require a response, the need to train workers in order to improve and increase th...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Enterprise, industry and SMEs (incl. entrepreneurship) ...;;KARLSRUHER INSTITUT FUER TECHNOLOGIE;DE;DE,SI,ES,IT;238.212,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for youth;2014;2014-2-DE04-KA205-001363;;;Digitally Competent Youth;In todays world, where the need for lifelong learning has been accepted and new technologies have taken on a significant role in increasing employability among young people, there is no other opt...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Open and distance learning;;VOLKSHOCHSCHULE IM LANDKREIS CHAM EV;DE;DE,UK,ES,PL;255.805,76;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2015;2015-1-IT02-KA201-014883;;;Coaching schOols to fAce Change aHead;Education & Training 2020 and the Communication Rethinking Education highlight the need of continuous professional development for teachers . Standards and levels of achievement in education shoul...;Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;Liceo Scientifico Statale Augusto Righi;IT;IT,NO,UK,AT,TR,RO,LT;286.330,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-EL01-KA202-013922;;;Experiential Training in 3D Virtual;The regulatory changes which led to the liberalization of the EU Postal Market and increased competition in the provision of high-quality and diversified mail, parcel and financial services have l...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, International cooperation, international relations ...;;SQLEARN ES KIOU LERN EFARMOGES HLEKTRONIKHS EKPAIDEFSIS EPE;EL;EL,FR,LV,CY,PT,RO;325.928,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2015;2015-1-IT02-KA201-014774;;;Science and Global Education beyond the barriers of learning difficulties;"The project aims to respond to two of the main challenges faced by modern societies: 1) The rapid obsolescence of all technical and scientific knowledge which makes it difficult to teach s...";Disabilities - special needs, Research and innovation, Environment and climate change;;IST. D'ISTRUZ. SUPERIORE ALDINI VALERIANI - SIRANI;IT;IT,TR,PL;160.700,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-FR01-KA202-015100;;;"Enseigner produire autrement sur les territoires Transition vers lagro-cologie et consquences pour les systmes de formation";"Project context: The Europe 2020 strategy which was initiated in 2010 aims, among other things, at promoting a sustainable growth and therefore at protecting the environment and natural resources...";Agriculture, forestry and fisheries, Environment and climate change ...;;Centre d'Enseignement Zootechnique;FR;FR,SI,LT,IT,AT;282.588,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships addressing more than one field;2014;2014-1-PL01-KA200-003341;;;Strategic Partnership for Creativity and Entrepreneurship;Project Strategic Partnership for Creativity and Entrepreneurship (acronym SP4CE) addressed directly aims and needs on enhanced European cooperation in vocational education and training. Project a...;Enterprise, industry and SMEs (incl. entrepreneurship), ICT - new technologies - digital competences ...;;PRZEMYSLOWY INSTYTUT AUTOMATYKI I POMIAROW PIAP;PL;PL,EL,HU,SK;376.410,70;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2014;2014-1-CY01-KA202-000274;;;Infusing entrepreneurial skills in the corporate ICT environment - Intraprise;In todays increasingly competitive environment, companies need to find that added extra to stay competitive to retain existing customers and attract new customers. One way to do this is to enco...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Enterprise ...;;TECHNOLOGIKO PANEPISTIMIO KYPROU;CY;CY,ES,EL,RO,IT,BE;357.488,42;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2016;2016-1-SK01-KA204-022514;;;Tajomstvo n_ho spechu - inovatvne cesty k rozvjaniu kompetenci ob_anov so zdravotn_m postihnutm pre trh prce;Employment challenges for persons with disabilities (PWDs) have been an important issue all over the EU. The most common barriers to their integration include their long-term unemployment, age, in...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Disabilities - special needs;;Spolupracou pre lepsiu buducnost - Velky Meder;SK;SK,RO,HU,CZ;54.150,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2015;2015-1-CY01-KA201-011845;;;Differentiation of instruction for teacher professional Development and students' Success;The DiDeSu project aimed to empower teachers develop focused interventions in terms of instructional methodology in order to help all students to improve and experience happiness and success. ...;Pedagogy and didactics, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;PAIDAGOGIKO INSTITOUTO KYPROU;CY;CY,SI,RO,ES;134.314,17;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-EL01-KA202-014119;;;Cultural Awareness and Social Skills Key Competences in Tourism;The European Parliament and the Council of 18.12.2006 recommended a European Framework for Key Competences for Lifelong Learning. This European Reference Framework (ERF) identifies and defines for...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Creativity and culture;;DIMITRA EKPAIDITIKI SIMVILITIKI AE;EL;EL,ES,SE,UK,CY;315.112,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2014;2014-1-TR01-KA203-011254;;;Undergraduate curriculum and e-course on Evidence-Based Dentistry;Harmonizing dental education and mutual recognition of dental degrees has always been on the agenda of dental associations since the EEC Directives in 1978. Besides the increase in the numbers of ...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;GAZI UNIVERSITESI;TR;TR,BE,NL,FR,NO;133.284,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2015;2015-1-HR01-KA203-013080;;;Student Business e-Academy;SBeA project has produced a high-quality, personalized e-learning program, along with the other outputs, for young entrepreneurs/students interested in entrepreneurship, which provide them with ne...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;SVEUCILISTE U SPLITU;HR;HR,ES,UK;222.821,84;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2015;2015-1-DE03-KA219-013721;;;Young Tourism: be sustainable. be entrepreneurial. be creative.;With regard to an extremely difficult economic situation in Europe (high unemployment rate in particular of youngsters e.g. in Spain) and to the lack of professional orientation in secondary schoo...;Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Creativity and culture, Environment and climate change;;Ursulinenschule Fritzlar;DE;DE,ES,SE,PL,TR;106.070,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-FR01-KA202-014954;;;NetMe-In;The employment situation for young people in Europe remains very worrying, especially for young NEETs. Many initiatives exist and it is important that the actors involved in these actions can exch...;Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Open and distance learning;;FONDATION DES REGIONS EUROPEENNES POUR LA RECHERCHE EN EDUCATION ET ENFORMATION;BE;BE,IT,FR,ES,TR,NL,HR;391.440,40;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-RO01-KA201-002775;;;Cross-curricular educational approach endeavor in a border-less Europe;The general objective proposed and achieved has been the implementation of cross-curricular approach into didactic process of primary&secondary educational level, in order to enhance students mot...;Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, International cooperation, international relations ...;;INSPECTORATUL SCOLAR JUDETEAN MARAMURES;RO;RO,TR;87.810,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-UK01-KA202-013619;;;Developing life and employability competences through mobility;This project aims to contribute to Europe 2020 Strategy, Rethinking Education and the Youth Guarantee by helping to address high rates of youth unemployment and skills gaps. Through the developme...;Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal), Recognition (non-formal and informal learning/credits);;BRIDGWATER AND TAUNTON COLLEGE;UK;UK,ES,SI,FI,NL;354.716,65;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-FI01-KA201-000773;;;FEEL - Finding Emotions and Equality with Literature;"Background: Emotional and social skills play an important role in building one's self-awareness, sef-esteem and identity. Pupils with special needs tend to have challenges particularly in these ...";Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Inclusion - equity, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;Kajaanintullin koulu;FI;FI,TR,RO,PL;104.480,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-UK01-KA202-013818;;;Art and Furniture Strategic Partnership ;The European furniture sector is a key driver of sustainable growth with a significant contribution to Europes overall economic health, competitiveness, creativity, innovation, employment and exp...;Creativity and culture, Open and distance learning, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;BUCKINGHAMSHIRE NEW UNIVERSITY;UK;UK,EL,ES;361.636,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-EL01-KA202-023714;;;A VET course for Cultural Mediators to address the refugee crisis skills needs;"CONTENT & BACKGROUND With thousands of adults & children, legally defined as refugees and asylum seekers on their way to a destination country within the EU, trying to integrate in a new host soc...";Integration of refugees, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Open and distance learning;;ETHNIKO KENTRO KOINONIKON EREVNON;EL;EL,UK,ES,IT;223.674,29;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2015;2015-1-RO01-KA203-015198;;;Knowledge Platform for Transferring Research and Innovation in Footwear Manufacturing;Knowledge 4Foot (K4F) project has contributed at fostering the excellence in training for footwear manufacturing by linking the three areas of education, research, and business-oriented innovation...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Research and innovation, Open and distance learning;;UNIVERSITATEA TEHNICA GHEORGHE ASACHI DIN IASI;RO;RO,PT,ES,HR,BE,EL;229.576,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-RO01-KA202-015091;;;Novel learning approach for ERGOnomic principles for deSIGNers working in the upholstery and sleep sectors by using Virtual Reality.;The European furniture and sleep sectors are key drivers of sustainable growth with a significant contribution to economic health, competitiveness, creativity, innovation, employment and export. E...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Open and distance learning, Enterprise ...;;ASOCIATIA PRODUCATORILOR DE MOBILA DIN ROMANIA;RO;RO,SI,PL,ES;124.130,86;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-DE03-KA219-022831;;;;Students well-being and its associated motivation determine performance at school decisively. In the 21st century students are facing ever more complex challenges which go beyond accumulation of ...;Health and wellbeing, Social dialogue, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Niederschsisches Internatsgymnasium Esens;DE;DE,IT,LT,PL;81.230,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2015;2015-1-TR01-KA204-022101;;;REINFORCING ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN ADULTS;The goal of the REAL project is to contribute to the integration of unemployed graduates into the labor market by enhancing their entrepreneurship skills and competencies. The project focused on ...;International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;UNIVERSITY OF USAK;TR;TR,CY,IT,ES,BG,SE,EL,DE;234.425,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-FR01-KA202-015329;;;Training ProgrAmme TO improve GrapEviNe virus knowledge and management;Wine production is one of the most historic and emblematic sector of European economy involving thousands of workers in the whole sector. Europe is the largest vine producing region in the world a...;Agriculture, forestry and fisheries, Open and distance learning ...;;INSTITUT FRANCAIS DE LA VIGNE ET DU VIN ;FR;FR,IT,ES;449.740,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for youth;2015;2015-2-LI02-KA205-000021;;;kuska;Within the framework of the project kuska, materials are being developed on the questions currently facing international development cooperation. They will be uploaded onto a website for anyone ...;Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, International cooperation ...;;Verein Kipu;LI;LI,IT,DE;73.576,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2015;2015-1-FR01-KA203-015209;;;EUropean CERamic MATerials;The EUCERMAT strategic partnership is an educational programme promoting the science of ceramics in Europe by sharing, developing and transferring innovative practices among universities and enhan...;Open and distance learning, Research and innovation, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;UNIVERSITE DE LIMOGES;FR;FR,IT,BE,PT,ES,PL,DE,IE;316.357,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2014;2014-1-FI01-KA202-000849;;;Promoting Mental wellbeing in VET;Learning mental health knowledge and skills will be an essential component of VET in the future since the number of students with mental health challenges is increasing rapidly. Cedefop (2016) has...;Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Health and wellbeing, International cooperation ...;;Invalidisti;FI;FI,LT,DK,ES,BE,NL;173.914,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA204-015718;;;Adult training on handicraft production of medicinal and aromatic plants;In the Mediterranean area there are plenty of small-scale farms due to the land distribution by legacy and to geographical aspects characterized by mountainous areas. Many entrepreneurs have seen ...;Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Recognition (non-formal and informal learning/credits);;CONSORCI CENTRE DE CIENCIA I TECNOLOGIA FORESTAL DE CATALUNYA;ES;ES,FR,PT,IT;186.885,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2016;2016-1-DE03-KA219-022876;;;Digital literacy for data security and digital identity;This project aimed at enhancing students digital literacy and intercultural competences. In addition, the project focused on an interdisciplinary approach to learning and teaching foreign languag...;Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Bergisches Berufskolleg Wipperfrth und Wermelskirchen;DE;DE,EE;23.765,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships addressing more than one field;2014;2014-1-HR01-KA200-007171;;;Boys Reading;Engaged readers have a much greater chance of staying in school, expanding career and life options, and maturing into selfactualized adults (Brozo, 2010). The Boys Reading project aims to make re...;Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills;;SVEUCILISTE U SPLITU, FILOZOFSKI FAKULTET;HR;HR,AT,CY,EL,PT,RO,PL;231.336,50;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-AT01-KA201-000900;;;Eine sterreichisch-kroatische Freundschaft: verbunden durch Natur und Garten ;"The project ""Austrian - Croatian Friendship: connected through nature and garden"" was supposed to improve relations the pupils had had to the foreign culture, as well as to the culture of their ow...";Health and wellbeing, Creativity and culture;;NMS Hollabrunn;AT;AT,HR;70.220,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2014;2014-1-AT01-KA203-000965;;;International Learning Platform for Accountancy ;Graduates of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) with a specialisation in accountancy need specific competencies (e.g. technical knowledge, pervasive skills, values, professional ethics and attit...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment;;UNIVERSITAET INNSBRUCK;AT;AT,EL,UK,DE,RO,ES,HU,FR,PT,LT;301.244,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships addressing more than one field;2014;2014-1-DK01-KA200-000763;;;e-Learning for the prevention, preparedness and response to natural disasters;Climate change is occurring in Europe, with the European land temperature over the past decade on average 1,3C higher than in the pre-industrial era, making it the warmest decade on record (Sourc...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Environment and climate change, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;FREDERIKSBORG BRAND OG REDNING;DK;DK,ES,RO,LT,EE,UK;158.192,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-IT02-KA201-003545;;;Playing together in our European dream city;"The project ""Playing together in our European dream city"" involved 6 primary schools from Italy, Germany, Belgium, Crete, Spain and Finland that used ICT and Social Media, innovative practices and...";Creativity and culture, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, EU Citizenship ...;;Istituto Comprensivo Anzio I;IT;IT,BE,FI,DE,ES,EL;131.205,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2016;2016-1-HU01-KA202-023003;;;PRomoting European Social economy Strategies and social entrepreneurship for inclusion of disadvantaged women in labour market;"With ""Europe 2020"", the EU has set a number of goals to be achieved by 2020 in the fields of education, employment and social inclusion, and the aims of the PRESS project were to contribute to the...";Inclusion - equity, Romas and/or other minorities, Gender equality / equal opportunities;;Galileo Progetti Nonprofit Korltolt Felelssg Trsasg;HU;HU,BE,ES,IT,PT,HR;129.150,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2014;2014-1-HR01-KA202-007148;;;Learning E-Mobility;Until recently, the electric vehicles were considered as one among many alternative fuel vehicles. In recent times, due to a high oil prices and environmental concerns, the awareness of the need ...;Transport and mobility, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Open and distance learning;;Skola za cestovni promet;HR;HR,SI,FI,ES;260.217,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA202-004368;;;Training on Safety Assessment and Management for New and Innovative Childrens Products ;The safety of childrens products is essential when it comes to items intended for babies and children aged between 0 and 14, as they are vulnerable consumers. The level of safety of the products ...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Enterprise ...;;ASOCIACION DE INVESTIGACION DE LA INDUSTRIA DEL JUGUETE, CONEXAS Y AFINES;ES;ES,BE,CZ,IT;149.433,75;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2015;2015-1-IE01-KA201-008625;;;Lifelong Readers 2.0 ;A lifelong learner is first and foremost a lifelong reader. The project dispels the widespread notion (especially amongst parents and educators) that technology is the enemy of reading. LiRe2.0 is...;Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;LOUTH AND MEATH EDUCATION AND TRAINING BOARD;IE;IE,IT,CY,RO,PT,EL;264.029,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships addressing more than one field;2014;2014-1-HR01-KA200-007181;;;EH-CMap: Advanced Training on Energy Efficiency in Historic Heritage;The proposal is for the preparation of a knowledge tool and start-up of an advanced training path on the subject of energy efficiency in historic buildings. The training process envisaged focuses ...;Energy and resources, Environment and climate change;;IRENA-Istarska Regionalna Energetska Agencija za energetske djelatnosti d.o.o.;HR;HR,ES,MT,IT,PT;248.711,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2015;2015-1-SK01-KA204-008958;;;Vzdelvanie pre trvalo udr_ate_n_ rozvoj vidieckych oblast na Slovensku, v Loty_sku, Nemecku, _vdsku a Dnsku;Project idea came into being by Church organizations in Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Latvia and Slovakia and its main goal was to build on good practices from further cooperation on the project in pr...;Rural development and urbanisation, Environment and climate change, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;Evanjelick cirkev augsburskho vyznania na Slovensku;SK;SK,LV,DK,SE,DE;156.074,25;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-MT01-KA202-003744;;;Co-operating for Leadership in Tourism ;"The Co-operating for Leadership in Tourism (CoLead) project will establish a ""Strategic Partnership for Innovative Leadership in Tourism"" to develop and test existing professional trainings and to...";International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;UNIVERSITA TA MALTA;MT;MT,BG,UK,BE;138.325,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA201-004362;;;OENOLOGICAL PROJECT;We present this project carried out by the schools of Agrupamento Vertical de Escolas de Cristelo (Portugal), the scuola immacolata de novara (italy), the collge du plantaurel in Cazres (Franc...;Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Agriculture, forestry and fisheries ...;;Colegio Aurelio Gmez;ES;ES,FR,IT,PT;69.600,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-SK01-KA202-008890;;;Rozvoj dulneho vzdelvania v mal_ch a stredn_ch podnikoch (Enhancing the dual education system in small and medium size enterprises);"Project was implemented since September 2015 till the end of February 2018 and was implemented by all project partners. Aim of the project was to help to bridge the disparity between basic and cr...";Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal), New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;EkoFond, n.f.;SK;SK,AT,CZ;212.510,50;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-IT02-KA201-003537;;;Numbers become Art;"The project 'Numbers become Art' (acronym Be.Art) is an experimentation on flexible and innovative education and the use of ICT. It develops a pedagogical pathway by taking into account a proble...";Pedagogy and didactics, Creativity and culture, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;ISTITUTO OMNICOMPRENSIVO POLOVALBOITE;IT;IT,HU,ES,EE,FR,LT;87.775,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-AT01-KA201-000923;;;European Entrepreneurship - your way to be a responsible leader;The motivation for the project was to develop the concept of international student minicompanies in the European economic surroundings as a pedagogical method, supporting young people to develop t...;Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy ...;;Bundeshandelsakademie Hallein;AT;AT,IT,SE,ES,LT;135.980,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-EL01-KA201-001323;;;" : Youth of Europe connect to a "" Right"" net";This project was implemented within the Erasmus+ programme and was on the education of pupils with learning difficulties and/ or students with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND). This...;International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;"1o GENIKO LYKEIO PALLINIS ""Pierre de Coubertin""";EL;EL,RO,HU,PL,TR,BG,ES,IT;230.073,45;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2015;2015-1-FR01-KA219-015195;;;Access to School for Everyone;"Context and background: The OECD spread during CERI (Conference on Innovation, Governance and Reform in Education-Paris, 2014) evidence on how schools have to cope with diversity in the future. T...";Creativity and culture, Inclusion - equity, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education;;"Collge ""La Sologne""";FR;FR,IT,PL,RO,EL;148.166,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2014;2014-1-PL01-KA204-003326;;;TAP-Razem przeciw ubstwu;TAP-Razem Przeciw Ubstwu (TAP-Together Against Poverty) project was realised under the program Erasmus+ Strategic partnership for adult education. Project implementation period covered 24 mo...;Social dialogue, Inclusion - equity, Access for disadvantaged;;STOWARZYSZENIE CENTRUM WSPIERANIA EDUKACJI I PRZEDSIEBIORCZOSCI;PL;PL,IT,NL,RO,ES,EE;292.735,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2014;2014-1-BG01-KA204-001645;;; Multi-purpose center for adult education in clean environment;Adult learning opportunities are essential to ensure economic and social progress, as well as personal fulfilment of individuals. The EU Strategic Framework for Cooperation in Education & Training...;Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Natural sciences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;SOFIISKI UNIVERSITET SVETI KLIMENT OHRIDSKI;BG;BG,TR,CY,DE;263.140,74;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships addressing more than one field;2014;2014-1-DK01-KA200-000766;;;Framework for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Support in Open Higher Education;The contextual distance between formal education and the complex, ill-structured domain of professionals has always been challenging for young people trying to take their first steps into the job ...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;AARHUS UNIVERSITET;DK;DK,PT,AT,EL;349.731,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships addressing more than one field;2014;2014-1-NO01-KA200-000424;;;Aramaic-Online Project;Within the framework of the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership Programme, Aramaic-Online Project (2014-2017) has developed the first online course in Surayt-Aramaic (also known as Turoyo), which is th...;Open and distance learning, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;UNIVERSITETET I BERGEN;NO;NO,NL,DE,UK;450.000,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-RO01-KA202-015230;;;Collaborative learning for enhancing practical skills for patient-focused interventions in gait rehabilitation after orthopedic surgery;The Recommendation of the EU Parliament and of the Council of the Establishment of ECVET are taking place in a framework in which there is a serious need of complementarity between vocational trai...;Health and wellbeing, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Open and distance learning;;SPITALUL CLINIC DE URGENTA BUCURESTI;RO;RO,DK,TR,EL,BG;203.701,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2014;2014-1-IT01-KA202-002448;;;Growing Levels of Employability/Entrepreneurship in Agriculture for NEETs;Context/background of the project. There are currently 14 million young people not in employment, education or training (NEETs) in Europe, costing an a huge amount in economic loss to society, and...;Agriculture, forestry and fisheries, Access for disadvantaged ...;;CENTRO STUDI ANALISI DI PSICOLOGIA E SOCIOLOGIA APPLICATE;IT;IT,ES,EL;295.656,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for youth;2016;2016-2-ES02-KA205-008304;;;E4SPORT 2.0;"CONTEXT: The E4SPORT 2.0 program has focused on the promotion of sports entrepreneurship through young people. Currently, the area of __sport as a business is in continuous growth, offering multi...";Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, International cooperation, international relations ...;;AGAXEDE;ES;ES,PT;58.000,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA201-003699;;;"""European Contest: a Bilingual Challenge""";"""EUROPEAN CONTEST: A BILINGUAL CHALLENGE"" It was the title of an ambitious and successful project which has included aspects such as: - It was ""EUROPEAN"" because we are students and teachers from...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;CEIP Isaac Albniz;ES;ES,FR,CZ,IT,DE,TR,PL;158.943,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships addressing more than one field;2014;2014-1-IT02-KA200-003660;;;Robotics Opportunities (to foster) STEM Education;The ROSE partnership has been conceived against the background of the current crisis and the lack of growth and youths unemployment that have been upsetting strongly Europes society in the last ...;Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, Gender equality / equal opportunities;;UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI FIRENZE;IT;IT,TR,PT,EE,AT;318.102,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2014;2014-1-MT01-KA202-000539;;;Intergenerational Learning Partnership Over 55 ;"Context The Lisbon Strategy of March 2000, takes note of the relationship between demographic factors, employment and economic growth in the European countries. The ageing population in Europe is...";Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal), Recognition, transparency ...;;MALTA COLLEGE OF ARTS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY;MT;MT,IT,RO,NL,SK,ES;445.004,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2014;2014-1-BE02-KA202-000431;;;Nutrition for elderly : Crossectoral approach for training and coaching;"Background: The number of elderly people in the EU is growing rapidly and will increase even more in future. Elderly people are prone to inadequate nutritional status and therefore are at risk...";Health and wellbeing, Enterprise, industry and SMEs (incl. entrepreneurship) ...;;KATHOLIEKE HOGESCHOOL VIVES ZUID;BE;BE,NL,DE,FR,BG;225.938,63;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-SK01-KA202-008909;;;"""STEP AHEAD"" - The support of Professional development of VET teachers and trainers in following of New trends in Automotive Industry";In Slovak republic, car industry is an important part of Slovak economy that creates approximately 200 000 work places (9% of the total employment rate). The above numbers affect also vocational e...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Pedagogy and didactics, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;STREDNA ODBORNA SKOLA AUTOMOBILOVA;SK;SK,UK,CZ;190.451,95;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2015;2015-1-BE02-KA204-012356;;;Teaching coding and mobile devices in telecentres;"Context/background: This project was based on the long-standing experience of the participating organisations in developing training courses for end users and training e-facilitators, as well as ...";Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal), New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;TELECENTRE-EUROPE AISBL;BE;BE,DE,ES,HU,HR;240.292,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA201-003520;;;Local & Global: entrepreneurship developing and innovation methodologies in school education. Working in projects with a CLIL methodology.;Our project LOCAL & GLOBAL: DEVELOPING ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND CONNECTING SUBJECTS began as an idea of joining European students with similar characteristics, but living in different countries. In ...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education;;Salesianos Inspectoria de San Juan Bosco Comunidad Nuestra Seora Del Pilar;ES;ES,MT,IT,UK;77.660,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA204-016046;;;Digital Competences Framework in Practice;Digital competence has been acknowledged as one of the 8 key competences for Lifelong Learning by the European Union and it involves the confident and critical use of information society technolog...;Recognition, transparency, certification ...;;Integra Consultoria Corua SL;ES;ES,UK,TR,DE,IT,EL;169.744,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA202-015962;;;LINK-Inc. Fostering equity and inclusion in Work-based Learning by equipping trainers and mentors with innovative approaches to address cultural and ethnic diversity in VET;In today's highly competitive labour markets, the experience gained through Work-based Learning (WBL) opens doors to later jobs. Youth unemployment rates in European countries with a strong tradit...;Inclusion - equity, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;Instituto para el fomento del desarrollo y la formacin S.L;ES;ES,AT,FR,IT,PT,BG;155.165,60;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-UK01-KA201-000327;;;Maths is Everywhere;Four state-maintained mainstream schools and one state special school from different European countries participated in this project. All schools were situated in socially disadvantaged and econom...;Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Creativity and culture;;Pendle Community High School;UK;UK,TR,PL,RO,IT;129.975,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2014;2014-1-AT01-KA204-000973;;;Casebook for Career Guidance Practitioners working with migrants;"The project ""CASEBOOK Career Guidance Practitioners"" working with migrants wanted to ease the process of insertion of adult low skilled migrants by developing a Casebook on career guidance deliver...";Romas and/or other minorities, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment;;VEREIN MULTIKULTURELL;AT;AT,FR,DE,TR,UK,IT;277.026,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA202-003617;;;Electric Urban Mobility;"The EUmob project has been successful in offering a more attractive education and training programme; by creating awareness in the younger generation and society about the importance of the new ef...";Transport and mobility, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Environment and climate change;;Centro San Viator;ES;ES,UK,DK;347.850,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-RO01-KA201-002736;;;Hard-Soft Skilling-Charting your career path;Equipping students with high transferable skills to help them in everyday life and labor market permanent challenges is becoming imperative due to the socio-economic conditions nowadays. As a resu...;Open and distance learning, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment;;Liceul Charles Laugier;RO;RO,ES,IT,FR,DE,BG,PT,TR;218.943,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA201-004346;;;"Teachers Continuing Professional Development:Qualified Teachers = Successful Learners""";There is, a wide recognition across Europe of the need for education transformation, and the transformative potential of ICT integration. At the same time, it is widely perceived that there has be...;Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;CONSELLERIA DE CULTURA, EDUCACION E ORDENACION UNIVERSITARIA;ES;ES,LT,IE,UK;227.863,54;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA201-003346;;;City + City= Our Europe;"This Project is the continuation of a Multilateral Comenius Partnership My City +Your City = Our Europe"" in which I.E.S. DIEGO DE SILO and COLLEGE LEO FERRE worked with four more countries (Belg...";Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;IES Diego de Silo;ES;ES,FR;23.320,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-TR01-KA201-013003;;;EUapps4us;New technologies have made the world of Education change, teachers need new tools to motivate students to make learning more appealing and avoid early school leaving.;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education;;ELAZIG ATATURK ANADOLU LISESI;TR;TR,NO,LT,ES;117.744,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-IT02-KA201-003415;;;Effective Teaching of Mathematics;The results come up by the last international researches (i.e. OCSE PISA and TIMSS) put in evidence big problems in mathematic and in the basic concepts of science and of technology by European ...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills;;Nuova Direzione Didattica Vasto;IT;IT,RO,FR,ES,PL,TR;88.000,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA201-003578;;;Intercambio de materiales, experiencias pedaggicas y metodologas entre centros con Bachilleratos Internacionales;This is a project of two schools with similar features. On the one hand, the French school, the Lyce Ronarc'h Amiral , has had an International Spanish Section for years and has always prepared s...;Research and innovation, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;IES BLAS INFANTE;ES;ES,FR;10.400,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-IT02-KA201-003617;;;Tourism for Teenagers;"TOURISM FOR TEENAGERS Ours is a pupil-centred project and it aims at involving students of five different schools, making them aware of the importance of their cultural and historical heritage. W...";Creativity and culture, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education;;Liceo scientifico statale Giuseppe Peano;IT;IT,EL,PL,ES,CZ;160.860,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-LT01-KA202-013399;;;E-KITour;The project proposal aims at launching a transnational training program devoted to European rural tourism providers. It is, an online self-learning program which can help SMEs to achieve more ef...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;LIETUVOS KAIMO TURIZMO ASOCIACIJA;LT;LT,EL,FR,IT,UK;260.244,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2015;2015-1-BE02-KA203-012317;;;Visualisation Tools and Analytics to monitor Online Language Learning & Teaching;Although most HE institutions have embraced the potential of e-learning methods and have invested in technology-enhanced learning environments and tools, we do not have a clear picture of students...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Pedagogy and didactics;;UNIVERSITEIT HASSELT;BE;BE,UK,NL;268.803,83;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-IT02-KA201-003357;;;EXCHANGING GOOD PRACTICES TO PREVENT EARLY SCHOOL LEAVING;The idea of the project comes from the growing awareness that today classes are more complex and more demanding. Always more often students are faced with difficult family background, life circum...;Access for disadvantaged, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Early School Leaving / combating failure in education;;Istituto Comprensivo F.lli Casetti;IT;IT,DK;55.600,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2015;2015-1-FR01-KA219-015010;;;Ready, Steady... Life! A Healthy Lifestyle Programme;First of all, it is important to highlight that this project, entitled Ready, emerged from the relationship among different schools from France, Spain, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latv...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Health and wellbeing;;Lyce htelier Biarritz Atlantique;FR;FR,PL,ES,IT,LV,EL,HU;124.440,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships addressing more than one field;2014;2014-1-CZ01-KA200-002019;;;Financial Literacy for You;The economic crisis revealed serious gaps in financial literacy of citizens of the EU. Countries as well as individuals executing poor financial management steps contribute to global economic inst...;Economic and financial affairs (incl. funding issues), New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal);;Valero s.r.o.;CZ;CZ,UK,AT,BG,IT,RO;217.875,09;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2015;2015-1-MK01-KA204-002834;;; Professional Development Courses for Engineering Management and Leadership Skills;"Professional Development Courses for Engineering Management and Leadership Skills The wider objective of the project was to improve Macedonian engineering managers performance through improvem...";Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal), Open and distance learning, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;Institute for Research in Environment, Civil Engineering and Energy;MK;MK,AT,PL;137.440,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2014;2014-1-AT01-KA203-000887;;;Academic Writing Online;According to the European Agenda 2020 only one third of the students between 25 and 31years graduate at European universities while in the USA 40% and in Japan even 50% of the students succeed. Th...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Pedagogy and didactics, Open and distance learning;;FACHHOCHSCHULE BURGENLAND GMBH;AT;AT,HR,SI,SK,CZ,HU;201.128,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-DE03-KA201-001361;;;Images of young people in the future Europe;"Our multinational project ""Images of young people in the future Europe"" was supposed to meet todays growing demand of having better educated people and the basic need of lifelong learning. Duri...";EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment;;Gymnasium Carolinum;DE;DE,FI,FR,IT,LV,PL;223.875,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2014;2014-1-PL01-KA202-003496;;;Rational Livestock Nutrition in Rural Areas;LiveNutrition project was realised under Erasmus+ programme - Strategic Partnerships for Vocational Education and Training KA202 in years 2014-2016. Assumption of this project was statement that m...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Agriculture, forestry and fisheries ...;;UNIWERSYTET PRZYRODNICZY WE WROCLAWIU;PL;PL,HU,TR,IT,RO;247.304,98;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2014;2014-1-FR01-KA204-008548;;;Recueil de Cas pratiques pour Conseillers en Insertion professionnelle des Travailleurs Handicaps;One in six people in the European Union (EU) has a disability (LFS AHM 2002) that ranges from mild to severe making around 80 million who are often prevented from taking part fully in society and...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Disabilities - special needs, Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment;;Association pour le Dveloppement de la Pdagogie de l'Individualisation;FR;FR,IT,PL,ES,SE,BG;311.335,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2014;2014-1-FR01-KA203-008540;;;International Creative Soundtrack Studies : partenariat stratgique pour le dveloppement d'un programme conjoint europen pour la composition de musique pour l'audiovisuel;ICSS (International Creative Soundtrack Studies) is a strategic partnership with the aim to develop an international programme in music composition for the audio-visual named InMICS (International...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Creativity and culture;;Conservatoire national suprieur de musique et de danse de Lyon;FR;FR,BE,IT,CA;446.850,40;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships addressing more than one field;2014;2014-1-LV01-KA200-000483;;;Introducing Online collaboration methods and tools in education;Introducing Online collaboration methods and tools in education (Online4EDU) project addresses the education and labor market needs of teachers in primary and secondary schools, VET specialists a...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Recognition ...;;LATVIJAS INFORMACIJAS UN KOMUNIKACIJAS TEHNOLOGIJAS ASOCIACIJA;LV;LV,IE,DE,LT,EE;285.416,94;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-CZ01-KA201-001695;;;Wie war es damals? Oma, Opa erzhlt mal.;The project called How was it by then? Grandma, grandpa tell us. is based on the so-called reminiscence therapy, which is founded on the assumption that recollection is very important not only ...;Health and wellbeing, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;Zakladni skola nemecko-ceskeho porozumeni a Gymnazium Thomase Manna, o.p.s.;CZ;CZ,AT,DE;118.740,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-PL01-KA201-002813;;;A Good Command of English as a Modern Lingua Franca : Our Gateway to Future Professional Careers;The 2 year long project 'A Good Command of English as a Modern Lingua Franca : Our Gateway to Future Professional Careers' will concern 30 students of two 13/14 year old language oriented classes,...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, International cooperation, international relations ...;;Gimnazjum nr 56 w Poznaniu;PL;PL,FR;70.725,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2014;2014-1-DE02-KA202-001635;;;ENEX - Expert in Nanotechnology Exploitation;The project 'ENEX - Expert in Nanotechnology Exploitation' developed a short-cycle vocational qualification at graduate level in accordance with the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) focused...;Research and innovation, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;Internationale Agentur fr Marketing und Technologietransfer GmbH;DE;DE,IT,NL,RO,PL;325.192,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2014;2014-1-CZ01-KA204-002011;;;Family Training to Support their Marginalized and Disadvantaged Members;"In the past decades, the philosophy of the European welfare state included the objective to help people in need, in which a common attitude was to take over responsibilities of people in need whe...";Open and distance learning, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills;;KTP - Spolecnost pro kvalifikaci na trhu prace;CZ;CZ,SI,IT,EL,CY,AT,SK;244.743,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships addressing more than one field;2014;2014-1-SK01-KA200-000489;;;Skills Training for Effective Practice;Current activities promoting employment in many EU countries are insufficient. ALMP expenses in eastern Europe are low compared with other countries. In many countries, programmes do not increase ...;Inclusion - equity, Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Open and distance learning;;TREXIMA Bratislava, spol. s r.o.;SK;SK,PL,CY,UK,HU;323.813,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships addressing more than one field;2014;2014-1-UK01-KA200-001821;;;Interactive Teaching in Languages with Technology;"Context/background of the project This professional development project supports interactive approaches to language teaching with technology. It took a collaborative action research approach wit...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;CARDIFF METROPOLITAN UNIVERSITY;UK;UK,FR,NL,TR,BE,DE;278.252,42;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-FI01-KA201-000718;;;Hooked on books - Motivating students to enhance their literacy skills through reading fiction for pleasure;Literacy is one of the fundamental basic skills. It is a key to learning, personal development, satisfaction in one's everyday life and success in working life. Literacy skills are needed continua...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;Juankosken koulu;FI;FI,RO,HU;63.350,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-EL01-KA201-001331;;;TRAVELLING WORDS;This project has been chosen as we are aware of the influence between languages and cultures which are strongly connected with our students learning process and the effectiveness and quality of th...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Pedagogy and didactics, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;3rd GYMNASIO of KALAMARIA;EL;EL,RO,BG,TR;76.000,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-SK01-KA201-000500;;;Bezpe_n energia - energia pre budcnos_;The project Safe Energy the Energy for the Future is the next challenge for the Secondary Vocational School Handlova. In addition, this project provides an opportunity to continue the European...;Environment and climate change, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Energy and resources;;Stredna odborna skola, Lipova 8, Handlova;SK;SK,CZ,TR,BG;89.850,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2014;2014-1-RO01-KA202-002909;;;E-learning course for innovative textile fields;The strong competition in the textile industry on international level, imposes a better flexibility of the industry as well as the investment in education and the adaptation of new skills for youn...;Enterprise, industry and SMEs (incl. entrepreneurship), Natural sciences ...;;INSTITUTUL NATIONAL DE CERCETARE-DEZVOLTARE PENTRU TEXTILE SI PIELARIE;RO;RO,CZ,SI,PT;224.074,59;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-EL01-KA201-001286;;;TECHNOLOGY FOR LIFE;Society changes, life changes and education is something dynamic and needs constant feedback to follow equally these changes in order to prepare our students to be responsible European citizens. ...;EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, Research and innovation ...;;15 DIMOTIKO SCHOLEIO PATRAS;EL;EL,PL,SK,SE,IT,TR;101.934,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-BG01-KA201-001730;;;Pensiero e Azione 2: il dibattito storico-filosofico tra XIX e XX secolo;"The strategic partnership project ""Pensiero e Azione 2: il dibattito storico-filosofico tra XIX e XX secolo"" between the Liceum M. Gorky from Sofia (Bulgaria) and the Liceum G.B. Vico from Chieti ...";Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy ...;;"36 SOU ""MaksimGorki""";BG;BG,IT;81.976,05;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2014;2014-1-TR01-KA204-012939;;;ICT in Daily Life and E-Learning in Adult Education;In the Project, different type of organizations in the European Union collaborated to fight digital illiteracy among adults and youth who are not able to use or unaware about ICT in daily life and...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Inclusion - equity, Access for disadvantaged;;Sincan Halk Egitim Merkezi ve ASO;TR;TR,RO,PL,DE,SE,ES,NO;236.442,60;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-DE03-KA201-001472;;;Local Traces of Jewish Life in Europe;"The project ""Traces of Jewish life in Europe"" is a project for learning and critical thinking on the historic topic of the treatment, life and cultural influence of Jews in 5 European regions: Ge...";Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Romas and/or other minorities;;Regiomontanus-Gymnasium;DE;DE,PT,RO,EL,PL;137.075,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-UK01-KA201-000353;;;Convenience food and health implications - a peer tutoring approach involving action-orientated work in the lab;In both countries there is the need for more people with science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) skills in the workplace in order to maintain economic growth and momentum in innova...;Early School Leaving / combating failure in education, Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Natural sciences;;Salford City College;UK;UK,DE;44.000,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2014;2014-1-UK01-KA203-001819;;;Interprofessional experiential learning (IPE) solutions: equipping the qualified dementia workforce to champion evidence informed improvement to advanced dementia care and family caring (Palliare).;In 2008 the estimated cost of dementia within Europe (EU27) was 160.3 billion, equivalent to 22,194 per person with dementia. Between one third and a half of people living with dementia in Europ...;Health and wellbeing, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;UNIVERSITY OF THE WEST OF SCOTLAND;UK;UK,ES,SE,SI,PT,CZ,FI;290.808,75;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for youth;2014;2014-1-SK02-KA205-000269;;;Simultor pracovn_ch pohovorov;"Slovak Republic is listed among EU member states with the highest youth unemployment (aged 15-24). By the end of 2013, the youth unemployment rate reached 33,5%. Experts agree that one of the rea...";Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment, Youth (Participation, Youth Work ...;;NEZISKOVA ORGANIZACIA EPIC;SK;SK,UK,ES;204.521,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2014;2014-1-PL01-KA203-003629;;;Promocja uczenia si_ przez ca_e _ycie w szko_ach wy_szych przez wdro_enie innowacyjnych praktyk w zakresie uznawalno_ci efektw uczenia si_ uzyskanych poza edukacj_ formaln_;"Promoting LLL in HE by implementing innovative practices in RPL - EDUPRO Higher education institutions and lifelong learning education keep searching for new ways of coexistence and cooperat...";Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Recognition (non-formal and informal learning/credits), Gender equality / equal opportunities;;DOLNOSLASKA SZKOLA WYZSZA;PL;PL,UK,PT;111.837,83;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-EL01-KA201-001545;;;Youth DOCs: recording critical glances on personal identity, youth culture and contemporary reality;"""Youth DOCs: recording critical glances on personal identity, youth culture and contemporary reality"" Key words: youth culture, social identity, critical viewing, documentary video and and docu...";Creativity and culture, Social dialogue, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;Diefthinsi Defterovathmias Ekpedefsis Anatolikis Attikis;EL;EL,TR;142.827,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2014;2014-1-DE02-KA202-001571;;;Sinbad - a journey to promote key competences in early childhood education through storytelling;The Sinbad project aimed at promoting storytelling and the use of storytelling techniques in pre-school and primary school education in order to enhance the key competences acquisition of children...;Creativity and culture, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, Pedagogy and didactics;;wisamar Bildungsgesellschaft gemeinnuetzige GmbH;DE;DE,NL,EL,UK,TR,LT;251.642,71;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2014;2014-1-FR01-KA202-008778;;;Training Railway Agents on INclusion in Stations;Since 2008, the twelve railway companies members of the European Charter for development of social initiatives in stations have shared concerns regarding persons living in highly precarious cir...;Access for disadvantaged, Social dialogue, Inclusion - equity;;Agence nouvelle des solidarits actives;FR;FR,BG,IT,LU;185.553,11;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for youth;2014;2014-1-LU02-KA205-000060;;;Veni Vidi Comedi : The Cooking Europe Project;"Rationale of the project Thousands of society members in different regions of Europe, especially young people on the move, have to solve their daily issues with alimentation. Erasmus students, y...";Health and wellbeing, Research and innovation, Youth (Participation ...;;Lieu d'initiatives et de services aux tudiants au Luxembourg;LU;LU,LV,EL,IT;35.540,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for youth;2014;2014-1-BG01-KA205-001549;;;Mobile games in youth work;"Context of the project: Rapidly, last few years, smart mobile phones and tablets invaded the market and especially the world of the youngsters. The youngsters are more and more addicted to their ...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Youth (Participation, Youth Work ...;;National Student Information and Career Center / Natsionalen studentski informatsionen i karieren tsentar;BG;BG,IT,SI,PL,DE;117.545,39;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-CZ01-KA202-035560;;;Digital Training Toolbox for Entrepreneurial Training in Augmented Reality ;The AROMA project was motivated by the EUs Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan and in particular by the need to amplify Europe's entrepreneurial potential. A survey, which was one of the project ou...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;UNIVERZITA PALACKEHO V OLOMOUCI;CZ;CZ,EL,BE,SE,RO,MT,ES;257.750,75;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-CY01-KA101-046783;;;"""Horizon 2020"": Responding to the Challenges - Integrating Information and Communication Technology (ICT) into Language Teaching.";Radical developments in ICT and its wide use by the modern citizen have established it as a dynamic tool in the teaching process which can be used by teachers and students almost in every lesson a...;Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), Pedagogy and didactics, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND CULTURE, CYPRUS;CY;CY;16.660,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2018;2018-1-MT01-KA102-038397;;;DIGITAL BUSINESS AND DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP IN MALTA: ENHANCING THE DRIVING FORCE WITHIN THE DIGITAL SKILLS OF THE TOURISM SECTOR ;"The TOURISM_DIG_SKILLS_IN_MALT Project is an Erasmus Plus KA1 Project for VET Staff dedicated to 51 members. The participants of this project are the key people from businesses within the To...";International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation ...;;MALTA TOURISM AUTHORITY;MT;MT,IT;83.760,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for youth;2016;2016-3-TR01-KA205-036984;;;Practical Learning for Action and Networking via an Educational Tool, Inspiring Study of Environment;Planetbook game is a methodology developed and successfully implemented across Greece by KEAN, aimed at increasing youth awareness of the environment at local, regional, national and global lev...;Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy) ...;;ATATURK UNIVERSITY;TR;TR,EL,IT,DE,RO,PT;312.516,21;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-FR01-KA202-037259;;;Blockchain skills for ICT professionals;Blockchain is a technological innovation that has recently gained substantial prominence in most EU sectors. Consequently the provision of relevant VET offerings is insufficient in quality and qua...;Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal), Open and distance learning, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;UNIVERSITE LYON 1 CLAUDE BERNARD;FR;FR,BE,IT,EL,EE,BG;360.625,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-IT01-KA202-006158;;;"CERASMUS+ Ceramics E+KA2 project for networking, heritage and innovation";"CONTEXT CERASMUS is placed in the context of VET education and training efforts for the European ceramic industry sector, characterised by micro-enterprises and self-employed artisans. The proje...";Enterprise, industry and SMEs (incl. entrepreneurship), Creativity and culture ...;;TIBER UMBRIA COMETT EDUCATION PROGRAMME;IT;IT,ES,CZ,HU,FI,PL;299.535,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2017;2017-1-PT01-KA103-035450;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;Universidade Aberta (UAb), the Portuguese public distance education university, participates in the Erasmus Programme since its inception. All projects have been fully achieved over the years and ...;;;UNIVERSIDADE ABERTA;PT;PT;23.630,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2017;2017-1-SE01-KA104-034425;;;Internationalisation and Didactics in Practice;In today's global world and in our multicultural society, it is important that internationalization in some form is always included in our studies. We live in a constantly changing world where man...;Pedagogy and didactics;;Uddevalla Vuxenutbildning;SE;SE,UK;29.241,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2018;2018-2-LU01-KA105-037355;;;Youth Information Knowledge Multipliers - Trainers' Seminar;"The aim of the project ""Youth Information Knowledge Multiplliers - Trainers' Seminar"" was to enable sharing of knowledge and development of youth information (YI) training in Europe, as well as YI...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Youth (Participation ...;;AGENCE EUROPEENNE POUR L'INFORMATION ET LE CONSEIL DES JEUNES ASBL;LU;LU,MK,EE,MT,LT,SI,AT,PT,FI,HR,ES;15.017,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-IE01-KA101-000169;;;Inspiring Science Education/Programme as part of the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme.;"Context/background of project; Colaiste Bride is one of 21 Irish Schools partaking in the Inspiring Science Education (ISE) Project. The aim of the course is to support school innovation and to...";EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, ICT - new technologies - digital competences ...;;Colaiste Bride;IE;IE;8.230,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-SE01-KA101-000185;;;Elevers delaktighet i sitt lrande ;Dalaskolan is a socio- economically and culturally homogenous school which in the current situation has few contacts with the outside world. Creating connections with educators in Europe could lea...;EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, ICT - new technologies - digital competences ...;;Dalaskolan;SE;SE;38.487,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-IE01-KA101-000037;;;IBSE - Loreto Balbriggan;Loreto Secondary School, Balbriggan, is attempting to incorporate new teaching and learning strategies across the curriculum. As part of this initiative, the science department will pilot an Inqui...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Natural sciences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;Loreto Secondary School;IE;IE;16.160,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-RO01-KA104-001578;;;"Formatori Open Blended Learning de competente cheie validate in mobilitati transnationale - How to make your school more international; Best Practices Benchmarking; Social Media Master Class for education in semantic web 3.0; DigitalExtraUK-eLearning";The Open Blended Learning Trainers of Key Competences Approved by Transnational Mobitities is a project of adult education staff mobility developed through the Erasmus Programme, key Action 1 A...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, International cooperation, international relations ...;;Casa Corpului Didactic Mehedinti;RO;RO,SE,FI;30.780,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-MT01-KA101-000028;;;Tap-Swipe-Pinch: iPad, Android, and Windows tablets changing the way to learn and teach ;During this project, the eLearning Department within the Ministry of Education was conducting a pilot study on the use of tablets in education. Knowledge and expertise about the usability and acce...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Pedagogy and didactics, Open and distance learning;;Gozo College - Education Office;MT;MT,FI;3.390,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2016;2016-1-CY01-KA104-017258;;;__.__.__ ___ _____ (________ ________ ___ ______ ___ _____);The project idea is to promote many different places of cultural interest of the city of Nicosia and as a result to reveal the cultural identity and dimension of the city. Regarding the background...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Creativity and culture;;POLITISTIKO ERGASTIRI AYION OMOLOYITON;CY;CY;2.460,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-RO01-KA101-000484;;;"Stiintele si tehnologia in ""Societatea Cunoasterii""";"The ""Science and technology in Knowledge Society"" project was based on the analysis of our school students' interest in science and technology and on the finding that students are not motivated to...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Natural sciences, Research and innovation;;"Liceul Teoretic ""Carmen Sylva""";RO;RO;11.830,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-RO01-KA101-014129;;;Bilingv 15-18 - Reformarea curricular_ institu_ional_ prin ameliorarea competen_elor lingvistice _i de specialitate ale profesorilor de la clasele cu profil bilingv;"The necessity of the KA1 project implemented in 2015-2017 came from school's particularity-single institution in Vaslui County specialized in bilingual-French/English teaching;it came from a need ...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;"Liceul Teoretic ""Mihail Kogalniceanu"" Vaslui";RO;RO,FR,MT;37.000,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-DE03-KA101-000256;;;Pdagogische Weiterentwicklung der Schule in Bezug auf individualisierten und schleraktivierenden Unterricht;"Pedagogical advancement of our school concerning individualized and student-activating teaching as well as eLearning This two-year school education staff project aimed at improving the pedagogi...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Pedagogy and didactics, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;Gymnasium Ernestinum;DE;DE,NO,SE;13.538,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2015;2015-1-FR01-KA101-013382;;;English Challenge;Our primary school is located in an educational priority zone , known as an ECLAIR zone (coles, collges et lyces pour l'ambition, l'innovation et la russite / Primary schools, Secondary scho...;EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, Pedagogy and didactics ...;;ECOLE PERGAUD PREVERT;FR;FR;10.695,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-UK01-KA202-013678;;;Streetfood: Opportunities for Regions;"Context/background of the project The instigators of the SFOFR partnership were motivated to come together to development an Erasmus + Strategic Partnership to enable integrated action among ent...";Regional dimension and cooperation, Enterprise, industry and SMEs (incl. entrepreneurship) ...;;Trade Management Services Ltd;UK;UK,NL,IE,DE;298.005,50;Yes;Yes Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-ES01-KA202-016010;;;CO-GAME Collaborative cultural heritage video game creation;Videogames have started to be used in the classroom with learning aims beyond fun and entertainment: they are not only tools to teach advanced logics, strategy, design, storytelling or programming...;Creativity and culture, Inclusion - equity, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;ASSOCIACI PER A LA CREACI D'ESTUDIS I PROJECTES SOCIALS;ES;ES,HU,AT,BE,IT;154.539,00;Yes;Yes Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-UK01-KA202-013692;;;Food Incubators Transforming Regions ;"CONTEXT /BACKGROUND Across Europe, boosting the growth of food SMEs is a key part of entrepreneurship and agri diversification policy. On closer inspection, the UK government strategy Food 2030 e...";Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, Regional dimension and cooperation, Enterprise ...;;Banbridge District Enterprises Ltd;UK;UK,IE,SK,NL;285.905,50;Yes;Yes Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2014;2014-1-RO01-KA203-002940;;;Massive open online courses with videos for palliative clinical field and intercultural and multilingual medical communication ;The project came out as a practical answer to the context of the ageing population in EU. The needs of the beneficiaries targeted and then involved in the project showed that qualified medical ass...;Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;UNIVERSITATEA DE MEDICINA SI FARMACIE GRIGORE T.POPA IASI;RO;RO,BE,ES,IT;303.806,09;Yes;Yes Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-FI01-KA202-034774;;;YOUNG TALENTS - CREATING NEW MULTICULTURAL BRANDS;"CONTEXT AND BACKGROUND OF THE PROJECT VET schools has fulfilled most of its goals if students learn necessary skills and knowhow of particular profession, graduate on time and become employed aft...";Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Pedagogy and didactics;;Kauppiaitten Kauppaoppilaitos Oy;FI;FI,ES,NL;236.128,06;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2017;2017-1-UK01-KA204-036623;;;Weight Matters: Strengths-based Coaching for Weight Literacy;Weight Matters is a consortium of 5 partners from UK, Malta, Italy & Greece which brings together experts in mentoring, coaching and nutrition, to share expertise and best practice to improve meth...;Health and wellbeing;;INOVA CONSULTANCY LTD;UK;UK,EL,IT,MT;229.362,50;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2017;2017-1-UK01-KA201-036731;;;Learn English Through Signs;The project Learn English Through Signs (LETS) has developed and tested tools and methodologies for Teaching and Learning English through using signs, symbolic gestures and music for children b...;Inclusion - equity, Migrants' issues, Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;Language in Your Hands Ltd;UK;UK,SI,PL;106.825,81;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2017;2017-1-IE02-KA203-000545;;;Disablist Bullying - Experience into Change, providing the right support services ;Disablist bullying is a complex and layered issue that crosses from child to adult level, often because ID/SEN individuals have not been sufficiently prepared to cope with such issues as marginali...;Disabilities - special needs, Inclusion - equity;;DUBLIN CITY UNIVERSITY;IE;IE,IT,PT,ES;251.542,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2016;2016-1-EL01-KA201-023575;;;Networked European School Web Radio;The NEStOR project was planned for two years and was finally accepted by I.K.Y. ,the national Agent of ERASMUS +, in August 2016 with very high grade. It was designed to exploit the experience of ...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning, Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal);;DIATHEMATIKO, DIAPOLITISMIKO RADIOFWNO THS EKPAIDEYTIKHS KOINOTHTAS, ASTIKI MH KERDOSKOPIKH ETAIRIA ME DIAKRITIKO TITLO EUROPEAN SCHOOL RADIO;EL;EL,LT,CY,DK;170.480,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-AT01-KA219-035046;;;"Youth feature film project ""Freund - Prijatelj II""";The project Freund Prijatelj II as a follow-up arised out of conviction that film projects, which crossing the borders and on which the schools, teachers and other experts from two or more dif...;Regional dimension and cooperation, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Creativity and culture;;Praxis-Handelsakademie Vlkermarkt;AT;AT,SI;41.870,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2015;2015-1-PL01-KA201-016743;;;Learn more with ICT and outdoor.;Learning inside a classroom is the main method of organising schooling. However, teachers and learners value other opportunities for learning that can take place outside the classroom. Through th...;Pedagogy and didactics, Inclusion - equity, ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Gmina Stanin;PL;PL,SE;97.140,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2016;2016-1-NL01-KA201-022931;;;i-Express myself;Persons with MDVI are facing major challenges in expressing themselves, in communication and learning. Experience and knowledge in how assistive devices could help this target group is starting to...;Inclusion - equity, ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Access for disadvantaged;;Koninklijke Visio;NL;NL,IS,ES,HU;43.833,91;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2015;2015-1-CY01-KA201-011863;;;Teachers Assessment Literacy Enhancement;There is evidence that Language Testing and Assessment (LTA) can have a strong impact on the quality of the learning outcomes. Yet, English Language Teachers (ELTs) cannot deliver professional res...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Teaching and learning of foreign languages, Pedagogy and didactics;;UNIVERSITY OF CYPRUS;CY;CY,UK,HU,EL,DE,NO;268.884,13;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-AT01-KA201-000892;;;"Lnderbergreifendes Jugend-Filmprojekt ""Freund - Prijatelj""";The project Freund Prijatelj (friend to friend) arise out of conviction that the film projects, which crossing the borders and on which the schools, teachers and other experts from two or mo...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Creativity and culture, Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;Praxis-Handelsakademie Vlkermarkt;AT;AT,SI;77.630,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2015;2015-1-PL01-KA202-016439;;;Count me in too! VET for people with disabilites through cultural institutions.;The Count Me In Too! (CMI2) project originated from the partners' conviction that no European citizen should be disadvantaged in education or in the workplace because of his/her disability. The pa...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences, Access for disadvantaged, Disabilities - special needs;;"BIELSKIE STOWARZYSZENIE ARTYSTYCZNE ""TEATR GRODZKI""";PL;PL,SE,AT,HU,DK,UK;295.231,83;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2014;2014-1-PT01-KA204-001056;;;Developing Financial Competencies for EU Citizens Utilizing Online Learning and Digital Literacy;In the current times of economic turbulence and market shortcoming, where the majority of EU citizens are struggling to manage the financial challenges they face, a real life need for the developm...;Open and distance learning, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;INSTITUTO POLITECNICO DO PORTO;PT;PT,ES,SI,CY,IT,SK,AT;231.931,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-AT01-KA101-038940;;;European dimension and language initiative LSR O - Promoting professionalism in teachers;"European dimension and language initiative LSR O - Promoting professionalism in teachers Focussing on the European dimension in the Upper Austrian school development is enourmously important fo...";Pedagogy and didactics, Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development), EU Citizenship ...;;Bildungsdirektion Obersterreich;AT;AT;281.150,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-IE01-KA101-000089;;;Scoil an Spioraid Naoimh Upskilling in Europe;We strive to promote a policy of inclusion at our mainstream primary school in Ireland. With almost one third of our pupils attending learning support at our school and having recently added an au...;EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy, ICT - new technologies - digital competences ...;;Scoil An Spioraid Naoimh;IE;IE;19.380,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2014;2014-1-NL01-KA101-000355;;;Docentenmobiliteit Gymnasium Socrates;"Teacher training project in France - Institute: CAVILAM in Vichy - Name of training: Stages intensifs pour professeurs de franais langue trangre : Methodology of teach...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences, New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Pedagogy and didactics;;Gymnasium Socrates;NL;NL;7.955,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2014;2014-1-ES01-KA201-004908;;;Maths Understanding with help of Science and Technology;Over the last decade, the education sector has invested heavily in digital technology, but there is not evidence that such investment has yet resulted in radical improvements to educational attain...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses, Open and distance learning, Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) - basic skills;;IES MEDITERRANIA;ES;ES,PL,SI,RO;101.736,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Capacity Building for youth in ACP countries, Latin America and Asia;2014;554276-EPP-1-2014-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBY-ACPALA;;;PRESET Participation, Resilienz and Employability through Sustainability, Entrepreneurship and Training;Youth unemployment is an acute problem both in developed and developing countries and constitutes the predominant reason for social exclusion and poverty. Moreover, climate change and environmenta...;;;STARKMACHER EV;DE;DE;149.945,41;Yes;Yes Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for adult education;2017;2017-1-CZ01-KA204-035438;;;Inclusive Senior Education through Virtual U3A;The project stems from long-standing experience of partner organisations, or their staff, with the education of seniors and from the effort to integrate good practice in individual countries into ...;Inclusion - equity|ICT - new technologies - digital competences|New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;OSTRAVSKA UNIVERZITA;CZ;CZ,PT,IT;194.921,45;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for youth;2017;2017-2-ES02-KA205-009971;;;Non formal Training development for mentors to boost the Women Creativity Spirit to start Social Entrepreneurship;El proyecto WOMCA nace como respuesta a la necesidad de fortalecer la presencia de las mujeres jvenes en el ecosistema de emprendimiento social. Para ello, el proyecto ha desarrollado un programa...;Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy) |Gender equality / equal opportunities|Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education;;DRAMBLYS;ES;ES,LT,AT,NL;113.027,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Jean Monnet Activities;Jean Monnet Chairs;2014;553463-EPP-1-2014-1-NL-EPPJMO-CHAIR;;;European integration and Health law;"The aim of JM CHAIR is twofold: 1. Developing an unique EU health law teaching course, based on a mix of innovative methods (problem-based learning, testing knowledge and skills), and novel tool...";Health and wellbeing|New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses|Open and distance learning;;ERASMUS UNIVERSITEIT ROTTERDAM;NL;NL;44.550,00;Yes;Yes Erasmus+;Jean Monnet Activities;Jean Monnet Projects;2014;553414-EPP-1-2014-1-BE-EPPJMO-PROJECT;;;Europa in de klas;"In Flanders there is a major need for students in teacher training to strengthen their knowledge and skills as future teachers; teachers experience new challenges in their profession, e.g. less mo...";EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy|ICT - new technologies - digital competences|Pedagogy and didactics;;RYCKEVELDE;BE;BE;60.000,00;Yes;Yes Erasmus+;Jean Monnet Activities;Jean Monnet Projects;2014;553328-EPP-1-2014-1-IT-EPPJMO-PROJECT;;;From Italian teachers to European teachers;The main aims of this project are improving the ability of school teachers to explain the EU at school. There will be organized different forms of training course. The first training phase will be...;EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy|Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning|New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;ALMA MATER STUDIORUM - UNIVERSITA DI BOLOGNA;IT;IT;60.000,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Capacity Building for youth in ACP countries, Latin America and Asia;2016;573098-EPP-1-2016-1-MK-EPPKA2-CBY-ACPALA;;;Youth Marketing Policy Makers for Sustainable Development;The main project aim was to develop the capabilities of participating organizations through gaining creative marketing knowledge for increasing the awareness especially of public authorities and b...;;;ASSOCIATION FOR RESEARCH EDUCATION AND DEVELOPMENT MARKETING GATE SKOPJE;MK;MK,SI,PL,BG,RO,SK,NP,CZ,KG,HR,GH;59.720,83;Yes;Yes Erasmus+;Sport;Collaborative Partnerships;2016;572813-EPP-1-2016-1-UK-SPO-SCP;;;Watersports Enhanced Together;The overall aim of the project was to encourage increased health enhancing physical activity especially for those at risk of social and economic isolation through the use of water based sports and...;;;THE SPORTS COUNCIL FOR NORTHERN IRELAND;UK;UK,PT,BG,FI,ES;148.500,00;Yes;Yes Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Capacity Building for youth in ACP countries, Latin America and Asia;2015;570025-EPP-1-2015-2-IT-EPPKA2-CBY-ACPALA;;;Community Mediation for Youth;CoMedY - Community Mediation for Youth is a project funded by the Erasmus+ Programme Key Action 2, Capacity Building in the Field of Youth of the European Commission coordinated by P.E.CO. Pr...;Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy) ;;P.E.CO. - PROGETTI EUROPEI DI COOPERAZIONE;IT;IT;149.798,80;Yes;Yes Erasmus+;Sport;Collaborative Partnerships;2014;557109-EPP-1-2014-1-EL-SPO-SCP;;;Innovative learning Resources to foster equal participation In grassroots Sports dealing with discrimination, racism and violence incidents;IRIS-Innovative learning Resources to foster equal participation In grassroots Sports dealing with discrimination, racism and violence incidents,is submitted under the Erasmus+ Programme with the ...;;;PERIFEREIA DYTIKI ELLADA;EL;EL,HU,FI,ES,BG;472.792,00;Yes;Yes Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Capacity Building for youth in ACP countries, Latin America and Asia;2015;565813-EPP-1-2015-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBY-ACPALA;;;Volunteers as the Interface between formal and non-formal education;Global socio-cultural trends and the pressure of economic competitiveness have created their own learning needs that require the reinforcement of links between formal and non-formal education. Non...;Early School Leaving / combating failure in education;;FDERATION DER NATIONALKOMITEES IM INTERNATIONALEN KULTURELLEN JUGENDAUSTAUSCH - ICYE E.V.;DE;DE;140.319,59;Yes;Yes Erasmus+;Support for policy reform;Dialogue between young people and policy makers;2017;2017-3-UK01-KA347-046494;;;Lumos' Youth Participation Project;Lumoss Youth Participation Project brought 30 young people from Moldova, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, the Ukraine and the UK together to share experiences of living in residential institutions or al...;Disabilities - special needs|Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy) |Reaching the policy level/dialogue with decision makers;;LUMOS FOUNDATION;UK;UK,BG,CZ,MD;35.674,90;Yes;No Erasmus+;Support for policy reform;Dialogue between young people and policy makers;2018;2018-3-IE01-KA347-051167;;;Whats new in the EU? ;This project is youth led, bringing together 30 young people from 12 different national youth councils, different backgrounds, including those with fewer opportunities, from throughout Europe for ...;Reaching the policy level/dialogue with decision makers|Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy) |EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy;;NATIONAL YOUTH COUNCIL OF IRELAND;IE;IE,UK,BE,HU,PL,DE,CZ,AT,LU,SK,NL;12.139,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Support for policy reform;Dialogue between young people and policy makers;2015;2015-1-LT02-KA347-003964;;;Time to Act!;Statistics and research say that youth is very passive when it comes to participation in politics/civic life. This results in weakening democratic values and principles, which in itself is an alar...;EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy|Reaching the policy level/dialogue with decision makers|Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy) ;;"Asociacija ""Aktyvus Jaunimas""";LT;LT,PL,LV,ES,IT;14.434,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Support for policy reform;Dialogue between young people and policy makers;2014;2014-2-LT02-KA347-003780;;;Democracy through Dialogue not Conflict;War in Ukraine, ?frozen? conflicts in Moldova and Georgia are a concern not only for politicians and journalists, but also youth. There are numerous problems to which young people and their work c...;EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy|International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation|Reaching the policy level/dialogue with decision makers;;"Asociacija ""Aktyvus Jaunimas""";LT;LT,UA,SK,MD,IT,GE;16.936,64;Yes;No Erasmus+;Support for policy reform;Dialogue between young people and policy makers;2015;2015-3-SI02-KA347-013343;;;Moje prvo stanovanje;According to Eurostat data from 2011, home of nearly 40% of Slovenians is in overcrowded. Individual countries resolve housing problems by residential programs where a key measure is constructio...;EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy|Reaching the policy level/dialogue with decision makers|Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy) ;;Nepremicnine Celje, upravljanje, gospodarjenje in trgovanje z nepremicninami d.o.o.;SI;SI;7.038,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for youth;2019;2019-1-BE04-KA205-002502;;;STUN - Social Transitory Use Network;"[Context] Cities across Europe are packed with vacant and unused buildings. Instead of seeing them as issues, we consider them as opportunities to support all types of initiatives carried out by ...";Social entrepreneurship / social innovation|Inclusion - equity;;Communa asbl;BE;BE,AT,FR,LV,DK,UK,DE;47.500,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-CZ01-KA219-035520;;;Together with nature;The realized project was focused on environmental issues, the protection of nature and equally promoted the international cooperation and the development of communication skills in a foreign langu...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences|Environment and climate change|Natural sciences;;Gymnazium, Trutnov, Jiraskovo namest 325;CZ;CZ,UK;52.380,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2018;2018-1-FR01-KA202-048228;;;Diversity;"Context In today's European context, one of the priorities for a prosperous, tolerant and inclusive society is to ensure that newcomers have the opportunity to learn, work and contribute in Membe...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses|EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy|Migrants' issues;;EUROCIRCLE ASSOCIATION;FR;FR,CY,IT,NL,PL;177.629,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-AT01-KA202-035095;;;EUROPA-MEISTER - Towards a European quality label for the crafts;The main purpose of EUROPA-MEISTER has been to describe the knowledge, skills and competences of Master craftsmen in the Painting/Decorating sector at level 6 of the European Qualifications Framew...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses|International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation|Recognition, transparency, certification;;GEMEINNUTZIGER VEREIN D.FORD.D.MALERHANDWERKS U. SEINER BILDUNGSSTATTEN;AT;AT,NO,BE,LU,SI,DE;331.936,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for youth;2017;2017-2-RO01-KA205-037767;;;Online Training Courses for E+ Youth Workers;Online Training Courses for E+ Youth Workers started from a small research we made, showing that some organisations have a very specific challenge: there are no proper tools available to train y...;Open and distance learning|New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses|ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;S.C. PREDICT CSD CONSULTING S.R.L.;RO;RO,IT,ES,UK;182.852,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-LV01-KA202-035432;;;PONICS VET: Hydroponics Agricultural Technician;"CONTEXTS Hydroculture has a key role to play in food provision and tackling global challenges such as water scarcity, food security, urbanization and reductions in energy use and food miles. The...";Agriculture, forestry and fisheries|Environment and climate change|Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education;;LATVIJAS LAUKSAIMNIECIBAS UNIVERSITATE;LV;LV,BE,EL,BG,IT;234.582,77;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for higher education;2016;2016-1-NL01-KA203-022911;;;Education for Democratic Intercultural Citizenship+;"In this evaluation we review the list of outcomes we presented in our application. 1. The joint development of a curriculum for Education for Democratic Intercultural Citizenship (EDIC+), a netwo...";EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy|Ethics, religion and philosophy (incl. Inter-religious dialogue)|Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;STICHTING UNIVERSITEIT VOOR HUMANISTIEK;NL;NL,EL,EE,ES,CZ,FI,UK;339.620,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-ES01-KA202-037932;;;PBL Training for managers to face the Foundry 4.0 challenges ;Industry is a key element for country development and for employment quality: it provides more qualified and stable jobs than other economic sectors and it has a big multiplier impact being strict...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences|New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses|Research and innovation;;ASOCIACION DE FUNDIDORES DEL PAIS VASCO Y NAVARRA;ES;ES,PT,RO,IT;196.380,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for youth;2017;2017-2-HU01-KA205-036198;;;i-Prepare: creation of an on-line EVS pre-departure preparation tool;The international volunteering schemes of the EU (ESC and the former EVS/E+) involve the transnational mobility of thousands of young people/year. Our project targeted these volunteers and their s...;Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning|Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy) |ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;EGYESEK IFJUSAGI EGYESULET;HU;HU,IT,CZ;67.327,32;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for school education;2016;2016-1-PL01-KA201-026443;;;Kompetencje mi_dzykulturowe nauczycieli w wielokulturowych miastach Warszawa-Berlin;Project title: 'The Intercutural Teachers' Competences in Multicultural Cities Warsaw-Berlin'Programme: ERASMUS+, Action KA2 Strategic Partnerships for School Education - Exchanges of PracticesTar...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses|Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning|Integration of refugees;;Miasto Stoleczne Warszawa;PL;PL,DE;119.120,55;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-ES01-KA202-038232;;;E-commerce of safe children's products: a common view for SMEs, consumers and authorities;The ability to buy and sell products online offers many opportunities for companies and consumers: consumers benefit from a broader range of products at competitive prices, and smaller businesses ...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences|Enterprise, industry and SMEs (incl. entrepreneurship);;ASOCIACION DE INVESTIGACION DE LA INDUSTRIA DEL JUGUETE CONEXAS Y AFINES;ES;ES,IT,CZ,PT;211.026,52;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only;2017;2017-1-SK01-KA219-035392;;;Spielend neues lernen;The Spielend neues lernen project was a continuation of the successful implementation of the eTwinning project, which was awarded the European Quality Label and got also an award for the best Germ...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences|Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;Zakladna skola, Wolkerova v Bardejove;SK;SK,PL,TR,IT,EL;106.755,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;2017;2017-1-FR01-KA202-037407;;;An online training resource for cluster managers towards a smart industry ;Cluster organisations role is to facilitate industry competitiveness of geographicaly concentrated companies and players of a same industry sector by connecting them together and fostering collab...;Overcoming skills mismatches (basic/transversal)|Enterprise, industry and SMEs (incl. entrepreneurship)|New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;POLE SOLUTIONS COMMUNICANTES SECURISEES;FR;FR,HU,ES;338.592,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for youth;2017;2017-3-SI02-KA205-014412;;;Personal growth as a tool in Youth work;"In EU adolescents face a lot of mental distress, disorders and diagnosed mental health problems. Project Partner countries are at the top at the suicide rate; Slovenia is second, Belgium and Polan...";Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy) ;;Drustvo SMC Maribor;SI;SI,PL,BE;72.850,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices;Strategic Partnerships for youth;2017;2017-2-ES02-KA205-010093;;;"TURN ONline: practices and tools of digital transformation and online activism for youth organizations promoting peace and human rights ";The project TURN ONline is dedicated to promotion of the idea of the Digital Transformation of the youth NGOs, working in the field of peace building and Human Rights. Digital Transfromation of th...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences|International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation;;;ES;ES,PL,BG,HU,EL,RO;99.526,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2019;2019-1-IT02-KA101-061987;;;Go Across Borders;Isabella d'Este High school in Tivoli is a high school with a long training tradition having been active in the area for several decades. In the recent few years, three different forms of educatio...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses|Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development)|Inclusion - equity;;LICEO LINGUISTICO E DELLE SCIENZE UMANE ISABELLA D'ESTE;IT;IT;15.085,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2018;2018-1-SE01-KA102-038819;;;Workplace-based learning Dublin 2018;"Context/Background of the project Bruksgymnasiet has a long tradition and positive experiences of international co-operation and exchange. However, the students from the Business and Administrat...";International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation|Cooperation between educational institutions and business;;Bruksgymnasiet;SE;SE,IE;12.190,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2019;2019-1-IT02-KA101-061636;;;Service Learning: a way to build bridges towards an empowered life;"This project titled ""Service Learning: a way to build bridges towards an empowered life, is a 12-month initiative designed to give the opportunity of applying the ""Service learning"" methodology f...";Social entrepreneurship / social innovation|Civic engagement / responsible citizenship|Inclusion - equity;;ISTITUTO GESU' NAZARENO DELLE SALESIANE DI DON BOSCO - SCUOLA MARIA AUSILIATRICE;IT;IT;21.490,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-IT02-KA101-047232;;;TEAM UP!;Context: Vittorio Emanuele II Ruffini is a multi-faceted school with different courses (high school, technical, vocational) and different kinds of students (adolescents, adults, prisoners in the...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences|Inclusion - equity|Pedagogy and didactics;;INSTITUTO DI ISTRUZIONE SECONDARIA SUPERIORE VITTORIO EMANUELE II - RUFFINI;IT;IT;24.995,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-ES01-KA101-049644;;;" EDUCATIONAL INCLUSION AND EDUCATIONAL ACTIONS OF SUCCESS IN A SECONDARY SCHOOL ";"CONTEXT IES Veles e Vents is a secondary school located on Gandia beach (Valencia) that began its journey in September 2003. Currently the school teaches 1008 pupils of 23 different nationaliti...";Civic engagement / responsible citizenship|Early School Leaving / combating failure in education|Inclusion - equity;;INSTITUT D'EDUCACI SECUNDRIA VELES E VENTS;ES;ES,NO,IT,UK,PT;22.968,86;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-HR01-KA101-046950;;;Let's grow in learning and teaching;Erasmus + KA 1 project WE GROW IN LEARNING AND TEACHING was carried out by the teachers of Elementary school Matija Gupac Gornja Stubica, thus raising the quality of work of their school in the fo...;Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning|Early School Leaving / combating failure in education|Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;Osnovna skola Matije Gupca;HR;HR,IE;13.515,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2019;2019-1-PL01-KA102-063445;;;Designing A European Professional Future;Zesp_ Szk_ Rolniczych (The Cooperation of Agricultural Schools) in Grzybno prepared the Erasmus + project after establishing cooperation with the Spanish intermediary organization euroMind Proje...;Teaching and learning of foreign languages|Rural development and urbanisation|Recognition, transparency, certification;;Zespol Szkol Rolniczych w Grzybnie;PL;PL;31.344,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2019;2019-1-HU01-KA105-060612;;;The Difference Between;"[Motivation] The Difference Between (TDB) aims to improve the quality of international youth exchanges and TCs, by focusing on the on the capacity of youth workers for leading and facilitating gr...";Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy) |New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;EGYESEK IFJUSAGI EGYESULET;HU;HU,TR,LT,EL,BG,FR,PT,EE;14.570,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2019;2019-2-CY02-KA105-001569;;;"""Sharing Different History, Shaping Common Future""";"The project ""Sharing different history, Shaping Common Future"" is designed by 16 youths from our partnership and aims to bring 40 youths and 8 leaders from Cyprus, Bulgaria, Armenia, Belarus, Ukra...";International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation|Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning|Inclusion - equity;;Network for European Citizenship and Identity;CY;CY,EL,BG,TR,BY,MD,UA,AM;29.494,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2019;2019-2-PT02-KA105-006070;;;Yes - Young European Speak;"Juventude Vila Fonche held the encounter ""Entre Arcos e Barca"" which brought together 24 young people from 2 municipalities (Arcos de Valdevez and Ponte da Barca) to present its work, opportunitie...";EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy|Social dialogue|Civic engagement / responsible citizenship;;ASSOCIACAO SOCIAL RECREATIVA JUVENTUDE VILA FONCHE;PT;PT,RO,ES,IE;13.188,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2019;2019-1-IE01-KA101-051220;;;Language Training;Scoil Mhuire Naofa, Rhode, Co. Offaly, is educating children from Ireland, The United Kingdom, Poland, Lithuania and Romania. There is a need for the training and upskilling of our staff in the ar...;Pedagogy and didactics|Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development)|Teaching and learning of foreign languages;;Scoil Mhuire Naofa;IE;IE;2.095,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-PT01-KA101-046957;;;European innovative Learning environments;The European Innovative Learning Environments project was designed by the school named Agrupamento de Escolas Beira Douro, which is located 20 kilometres away from Oporto. The school has 970 stu...;Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development)|ICT - new technologies - digital competences|Early School Leaving / combating failure in education;;Agrupamento de Escolas Beira Douro - Medas;PT;PT;55.233,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility with VET mobility charter;2019;2019-1-SK01-KA116-060441;;;Students of Spojen _kola Detva for international mobility;Within the project submitted we plan to implement mobilities of 28 students and 4 accompanying persons during four work placements in the range of 2-3 weeks. We also plan 2 mobility for teachers i...;;;Spojena skola;SK;SK;59.654,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2019;2019-1-DE04-KA105-017535;;;Active Citizens for Reconciliation II - Building Peace Through People-to-People Approaches;The project idea was developed against the background of diverse societal challenges across Europe, as many European societies struggle with different forms of radicalisation and increasing polari...;Civic engagement / responsible citizenship|Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy) |New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;European Intercultural Forum e. V.;DE;DE,AM,ES,AZ,GE,HU,UA,TR;38.791,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-FI01-KA101-046859;;;SMART - Sensitive, Motivated & Active - Ready to Learn;Sotkamon lukio is a high school with 21 teachers, 15 coaches, about 300 students, and is a part of the Vuokatti-Ruka Sports Academy. Our school plays a significant role as one of the sports high s...;Pedagogy and didactics|Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development)|New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;Sotkamon lukio;FI;FI;31.598,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2019;2019-1-ES01-KA101-062015;;;Challenge 2020: A School open to Europe;"1. CONTEXTUALIZATION. Fernando III Secondary School is located in the south of Spain in the town of Martos (Jan). The economy is largely based in agriculture and farming industry; besides plas...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences|Research and innovation|Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development);;IES FERNANDO III;ES;ES;11.894,99;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2019;2019-1-ES01-KA104-062886;;;ICT INNOVATION, LEARNING SPACES AND LEADERSHIP THROUGH AN EUROPEAN DIMENSION.;"""ICT INNOVATION, LEARNING SPACES AND LEADERSHIP THROUGH AN EUROPEAN DIMENSION."" is the project title that the Teacher Training Centre (CFIE) of Ponferrada is submitting to participate in KA104 Era...";Research and innovation|ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;CFIE Ponferrada;ES;ES;2.658,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2019;2019-1-HU01-KA101-060301;;;Let's get motivated by using 21st century technics to make teaching and learning an experience;"Let's get motivated by using 21st century technics to make teaching and learning an experience is a project of Vci Madch Imre Gimnzium. At the very heart of the project we would like to o...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences|Early School Leaving / combating failure in education|Natural sciences;;Vci Madch Imre Gimnzium;HU;HU;40.117,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2019;2019-1-HU01-KA102-060578;;;Improving professional competences of VET staff;"Our project ""Improving professional competences of VET staff"" is an important milestone in the internationalization efforts of rd Vocational Training Centers Ks Kroly Vocational Secondary Scho...";International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation|New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses|Pedagogy and didactics;;rdi SZC Ks Kroly Szakgimnziuma s Szakkzpiskolja;HU;HU;13.750,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2019;2019-2-CY02-KA105-001593;;;Login to your Development;The project ''Login to your development'' aims to empower 29 youth workers (yw), from Cyprus,Poland, Spain, Romania, Lithuania, Greece, Slovenia, Turkey, Bulgaria, to look deeper into themselves, ...;Inclusion - equity|ICT - new technologies - digital competences|Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education;;Network for European Citizenship and Identity;CY;CY,TR,LT,SI,ES,RO,PL,EL,BG;22.961,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2019;2019-2-CY02-KA105-001574;;;Get on the Stage for Social Inclusion;"The project ""Get on the Stage for Social Inclusion"" meets the needs of 26 youthworkers and their NGOs (from Cyprus, Bulgaria, Romania, Czech R., Greece, Turkey, Poland, Spain). The importance of t...";Inclusion - equity|Integration of refugees|New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;Network for European Citizenship and Identity;CY;CY,EL,PL,TR,ES,CZ,RO,BG;22.373,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2019;2019-2-LV02-KA105-002684;;;Gamification as a Tool for Learning Engagement;"Project idea: Nowadays different games are available in almost all the youth centers, but in most of the cases they are used for leisure and entertainment. The authors of the project believe that...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses|Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning|Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy) ;;Izglitojoso spelu un metozu asociacija;LV;LV,HU,ES,BG,EE,TR,IT;20.688,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries;2017;2017-1-ES01-KA103-035882;;;Higher education student and staff mobility project;This Project arises in the context of the UHU community, involving all its members, greatly impacting on city and province, as well as further afield at national and international level. Our offic...;;;UNIVERSIDAD DE HUELVA;ES;ES;673.751,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2018;2018-3-HU01-KA105-059999;;;Picture This;"Background Picture This was a project dedicated to young people that reunited four programme countries: Hungary, Romania, Slovakia and Czech Republic. The project constituted of 2 youth exchanges...";ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Lgramlat Nonprofit Kft.;HU;HU,RO,CZ,SK;55.156,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2019;2019-1-HU01-KA105-060692;;;Me & You ;"Organisational development goals set up by the outcomes of researches: We will plan 32 local youth work activities based on the needs of our target groups through inter-ethnic conflict resolution...";Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning|Inclusion - equity|Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy) ;;Gyermek-Mosoly Gyermek s Ifjsgi Egyeslet;HU;HU,RS,ES,PL,SK,MK,IT,BG,HR,LT,RO;26.125,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2019;2019-1-HU01-KA105-060336;;;Save Our Money;"Context The current project started from the initiative of 4 young people from Debrecen (HU) at end of a previous YE Our Dances when noticed that encountered difficulties in managing their budg...";Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education;;Lgramlat Nonprofit Kft.;HU;HU,LT,RO,BG;29.935,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2018;2018-1-CZ01-KA102-047227;;;Get experience in Europe II;The project 'Zskej zku_enosti v Evrop_ - Get Experience in EU - GEEII' was created on the basis of our previous excellent cooperation with our project partners from Luxembourg, Austria and Irelan...;Transport and mobility|Economic and financial affairs (incl. funding issues)|ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Obchodni akademie a Stredni odborna skola logisticka, Opava, prispevkova organizace;CZ;CZ,IE,ES,LU,AT;150.067,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2019;2019-1-HR01-KA102-060621;;;Intelligent solutions for Digital Europe;"Mobility project for students of the Electrical Engineering School entitled ""Intelligent solutions for Digital Europe"" encompasses the participation of 27 students and 3 accompanied teachers by t...";Cooperation between educational institutions and business|International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation|ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Elektrotehnicka skola;HR;HR;69.177,47;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2019;2019-1-CY02-KA105-001483;;;Think before you Drink - Prevention;"The project ""Think before you Drink-Prevention"" [TDP] is a result of a cooperation between youths from partners coming from Cyprus, Moldova, Romania, Lithuania, Ukraine, Turkey, Belarus, Serbia, A...";Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning|Health and wellbeing|Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy) ;;Network for European Citizenship and Identity;CY;CY,TR,MD,BY,RO,RS,GE,AM,LT,UA;29.537,93;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-DE03-KA101-047094;;;On the Way to be a School of the 21. century ;"The BBZ wants to develop as a school and a good school needs a high quality of teaching. We plan to start with a special teacher training and then would like to go on with school partnerships. ...";Recognition, transparency, certification|ICT - new technologies - digital competences|EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy;;Marie Curie Schule Berufsbildungszentrum Vlklingen;DE;DE;20.070,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Adult education staff mobility;2019;2019-1-PL01-KA104-064542;;;English language learning as the key to providing equal opportunities and developing cultural intelligence - language education for adults;"The project entitled ""English language learning as the key to providing equal opportunities and developing cultural intelligence - language education for adults"" was created in order to increase l...";New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses|Teaching and learning of foreign languages|Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;Mabila English Spolka z ograniczona odpowiedzialnoscia;PL;PL;5.926,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;VET learner and staff mobility;2018;2018-1-DE02-KA102-004555;;;Discovering the OT-world in Europe;"The project ""Discovering OT-worlds in Europe (DOT Europe)"" has been developed by the School for Occupational Therapy (Bildungsakademie Gesundheit Nord Bremen) based on the need for professionaliza...";Social dialogue|New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses|International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation;;Gesundheit Nord - Klinikverbund Bremen gGmbH;DE;DE,RO,BE;31.907,40;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;School education staff mobility;2018;2018-1-CZ01-KA101-047212;;;The modern school;We started our project Modern school because we have been dealing with the possibilities how to improve the professional growth of the pedagogical employees at our school and how to improve teachi...;Disabilities - special needs|Pedagogy and didactics|ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;Zakladni skola Kojetin, Svatopluka Cecha 586, okres Prerov;CZ;CZ,PL,ES,EL;13.877,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2019;2019-2-BE04-KA105-002529;;;Projects adapted to visual impairement - focus on ESC;" ""Projects adapted to visual impairement - focus on ESC"" is the title of this job shadowing. Through non-formal learning methods, this project aims to provide skills for hosting volunteer project...";Inclusion - equity|Disabilities - special needs;;VISUALLY IMPAIRED EDUCATION AND WORK SUPPORT INTERNATIONAL AISBL;BE;BE,IT;2.300,20;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2019;2019-2-IE01-KA105-051596;;;Visualise the Invisible;The Erasmus+: Mobility for Youth Workers Training Course 'Visualise the Invisible' is based on the current societal need to empower young people to upgrade their inclusion. For this process the r...;New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses|Inclusion - equity|Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy) ;;Waterford and South Tipperary Community Youth Service Ltd;IE;IE,CZ,RO,DE,AM,ES,JO,BE,EE;21.724,64;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2019;2019-1-PT02-KA105-005881;;;Roads of Democracy;"CONTEXT Nowadays European youth understands democracy as a given state, the standard form of government, as dictatorship or any other form of oppressive ruling is part of a distant past or takes ...";Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning|EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy|Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy) ;;Centro Cultural e Recreativo de Aguada de Baixo;PT;PT,BG,MK,RO;22.664,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2019;2019-2-DE04-KA105-018313;;;Volunteering for Eco Employment;"Volunteering for Eco Employment training project was developed in order to respond to two main insights: a) There are many organizations in Europe working with young volunteers on everyday basi...";Social entrepreneurship / social innovation|Rural development and urbanisation|New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses;;THINKCAMP GEM EG;DE;DE,LT,IE,TR,RO,PL,MK,BG;18.482,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Volunteering Projects;2018;2018-2-HR01-KA125-047613;;;Total Eco Dalmatia;Association Sunce is a non-profit organisation from Split, committed to the protection of nature and environment in Croatia. Our aim is conservation of nature and environment as fundamental values...;Environment and climate change|Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy) ;;Udruga za prirodu, okolis i odrzivi razvoj Sunce;HR;HR,MK;17.202,97;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2019;2019-2-BE05-KA105-002697;;;The Power of Human Rights;"The necessity for this project comes from the reality of the problems/challenges that are now very present in the European Union: violations of Human Rights. The training course ""The Power of Huma...";Home and justice affairs (human rights & rule of law)|Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy) ;;over grenzen vzw;BE;BE,IT,MK,RO,SK,DE,BG,ES,PT,EL,FI,LT;14.520,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2019;2019-2-EE01-KA105-051770;;;Action Fairies;By implementing the project we want to foster the inclusion and acceptance of the young people that face the risk of marginalisation & exclusion, such as migrants/refugees/IDPs and other represent...;Civic engagement / responsible citizenship|Migrants' issues|Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education;;Watergratt Pirita MT;EE;EE,PL,CZ,GE,RO,UA;24.950,05;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2019;2019-1-DE04-KA105-017926;;;ICT Entrepreneurship Skills for Youth Employment ;Youth unemployment is a pressing and global problem. ILO estimates that, on global level, over 600 million new jobs need to be created by 2030, just to keep pace with the growth of the global work...;ICT - new technologies - digital competences|Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education|Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment;;OUTREACH HANNOVER EV;DE;DE,UK,RS,AL,BA,SE,MK,SI;19.834,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2019;2019-1-DK01-KA105-060102;;;Green Education for a GREEN generation;According to the IPCCs Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5C which examined more than 6,000 studies, we are on track to exceed 1.5 degrees C warming between 2030 and 2052 if we continue on ...;Energy and resources|Environment and climate change|ICT - new technologies - digital competences;;People of 2050;DK;DK,RO,PT,IT,ES,AT,BG,SE,LT,UK;28.386,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2019;2019-2-MT01-KA105-051280;;;Make it Count: Coaching for Inclusion;During our previous training course, our members have received added skills and knowledge about inter-cultural dialogue and discrimination and this has greatly helped us in the work we carry out w...;Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy) |Inclusion - equity|Access for disadvantaged;;JCI Malta;MT;MT,EE,UK,IE,CY;23.470,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2019;2019-1-NL02-KA105-002445;;;Breaking Barriers through Football ;Football & sport in general, is increasingly becoming recognised & used as a valid tool for community development & for addressing social issues. Football for development programmes are providing ...;Inclusion - equity|Social dialogue|Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning;;STICHTING EUROPEAN FOOTBALL FOR DEVELOPMENT NETWORK;NL;NL,IL,PT,DE;20.470,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Youth mobility;2019;2019-1-NL02-KA105-002395;;;Natural Communication;NATURAL COMMUNICATION ', is a project for 24 young people who stammer (YPWS) in the age of 20 until 30. The project consists of a youth exchange and an advance planning visit. The project aims at...;Disabilities - special needs|Health and wellbeing|Creativity and culture;;Stichting Anatta Foundation;NL;NL,EE,PT,FI,IT,SE;26.259,61;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Volunteering Projects;2018;2018-2-FI01-KA125-047349;;;Volunteering in Janakkala;Janakkalan Youth Services together with the German organisation Sfb Brehmen, the Turkish organisation Gencturi, the Kiipula Vocational College and the various departments of the municipality will...;Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy) ;;Janakkalan kunta sivistystoimi;FI;FI,DE,TR;23.669,27;Yes;No Erasmus+;Learning Mobility of Individuals;Volunteering Projects;2018;2018-2-EE01-KA125-047252;;;Active youth work in Valga County;The aim of the project Active youth work in Valga County is to enrich and diversify the life of local youth and active citizenship, to develop intercultural tolerance and to improve the possibil...;Recognition (non-formal and informal learning/credits)|Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy) |Social dialogue;;NGO Valga county youth work center Tankla;EE;EE,AT,ES;15.469,00;Yes;No Erasmus+;Sport;Collaborative Partnerships;2016;572870-EPP-1-2016-1-EL-SPO-SCP;;;Promotion of social integration through the training of the coaches and sport clubs;ATHLISI project had as a main aim to promote the social inclusion of children from disadvantaged target groups (Roma immigrants, children from low socioeconomic background) through their increased...;;;NPDD KOINONIKHS ALLILEGGYIS ATHLITISMOY IRODOROS DIMOY MEGAREON;EL;EL,CY,MT,SI,BG,IT;149.322,34;Yes;No Erasmus+;Sport;Collaborative Partnerships;2015;567140-EPP-1-2015-2-RO-SPO-SCP;;;Regional Center for Dual Career Policy and Advocacy;"WP1.1 Kick-off meeting (Bucharest, January 20-21, 2016). Project presentation, work plan, budget, financial regulations, templates for reporting. WP1.2 EU guidelines translation. Each partner tr...";;;INSTITUTUL NATIONAL DE CERCETARE PENTRU SPORT;RO;RO,EL,BG,SI,SK,HU,IT;319.768,50;Yes;No Erasmus+;Sport;Collaborative Partnerships;2014;557302-EPP-1-2014-1-IT-SPO-SCP;;;Physical activity in patients with CHD: a collaborative partnership to identify and share good practices among European countries;"According to the ERASMUS+ SPORT programme, TAKE HEART project objectives were: promote social inclusion, equal opportunities and awareness of the importance of health-enhancing ph...";;;CONI SERVIZI SPA;IT;IT,AT,NO,RO,HU;446.065,00;Yes;No