Published March 31, 2023 | Version v1
Project milestone Open

Four deliberative exercises to identify acceptable normative practices within a progressive interpretation of the legal framework (MS3 - Workshop Report)

  • 1. UGLA
  • 2. UvA


As part of reCreating Europe's WP4 (on the Creative Industries), four online deliberative workshops were undertaken, one for each community of documentary filmmakers and of curators and creators of immersive experiences in the two jurisdictions under consideration. During these workshops, participants deliberated on the most pressing copyright issues they face when making documentary films or creating immersive experiences, respectively.

This Report describes the methodology of the Workshops. 


870626_MS3_ Four deliberative exercises to identify acceptable normative practices.pdf

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European Commission
reCreating Europe – Rethinking digital copyright law for a culturally diverse, accessible, creative Europe 870626