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Published March 29, 2023 | Version v1
Software Open

Quantification of Giant Unilamellar Vesicle Fusion Products by High-Throughput Image Analysis - software

  • 1. Laboratory of Biology and Information Science, School of Life Sciences, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China; Laboratory for Artificial Biology, Department of Cellular, Computational and Integrative Biology (CIBIO), University of Trento, Polo Scientifico e Tecnologico Fabio Ferrari, Polo B, Via Sommarive 9, Povo, 38123, Trentino Alto-Adige, Italy
  • 2. Laboratory for Artificial Biology, Department of Cellular, Computational and Integrative Biology (CIBIO), University of Trento, Polo Scientifico e Tecnologico Fabio Ferrari, Polo B, Via Sommarive 9, Povo, 38123, Trentino Alto-Adige, Italy
  • 3. Laboratory of Biology and Information Science, School of Life Sciences, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China;


Scripts developed for the analysis of vesicles fusion experiments by high-throughput image analysis for "Quantification of Giant Unilamellar Vesicle Fusion Products by High-Throughput Image Analysis".

-  Quick User Guide for GUV fusion Analysis.pdf is a short manual detailing the main steps to complete the analisys of imaging data by our system

- GUVfusion_Analysis.ijm is the ImageJ macro used to segment GUVs

- GUVfusion_AnalysisTemplate.R is the R template script for data elaboration and visualization. It makes use of the other two R scripts included

- GUVfusion_dataElabFunctions.R contains data elaboration functions to import raw csv and tiff data in R

-GUVfusion_plotFunctions.R contains data visualization functions.


Quick User Guide for GUV fusion analysis.pdf

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