The code of this library is stored in the file Gfer.f08 in the form of Fortran 2008 source. This file can be compiled using GFortran free compiler or other alternatives. For Linux operating systems, it is usually simpler to install the compiler from the official distribution repository. The code has been designed to not require further dependency and can be compiled using the command line reported in the source code.
Alternatively, the library is distributed in the form of compiled shared library Gfer.dll and for Windows™ 64 bit and Linux 64 bit operative systems. A 32 bit version is available only for Windows™.
The name of the functions, exposed by the library, are reported in the List of function session. It has been chosen to use the "C" format for the compiled code so that the functions can be called by almost all the development environment and software for numerical analysis.
All the quantities are represented using double precision floating point with a length of 8 bytes while integer indexes, when necessary, are implemented using signed integer of 4 bytes. Arrays are pointers to double.
All values are passed by reference in the form of pointers.
For a sake of testing, a LabView™ 16 bit library has been implemented to link Gfer functions in a form of a set of virtual instruments. LabView™ Library is contained in the Gfer.llb file. A Maple™ 16 bit version is already available if requested.
It has been chosen to leave to the end user the freedom to provide the properties needed to calculate the corrections.
Sometimes corrections depend on mechanical dimensions of the resonator, ducts, tubes and so on. These quantities are expressed in millimeters while thermodynamic quantities are expressed in SI fundamental units. Internally, the conversion from millimeters to meters is applied when necessary.
An implementation for the Bessel function, optimized for the corrections applied to radial modes, has been included in the library and are called internally when necessary. In this way, Gfer library doesn’t depend from external math libraries.
Please check the terms of use described in the license before installing this software.
Gfer library is not provided with an automatic installer because its installation depends on the choices of the end-user. For LabView™, the shared library, being Gfer.dll or, should be saved in the same folder of the Gfer.llb file. Other development platforms and software for numerical analysis might request to save libraries in determined places. Please refer to the manual of the software connecting to the Gfer libraries to get the necessary information.
For 32 bits platforms (only Windows™), it is possible use Gfer_32bit.dll. To this end, rename the file to Gfer.dll before using.
Acoustic modes
The following functions will consider only radial acoustic modes with n<11. Modes are labeled as (0,n) with n=2,3,… 10.
Ideal frequencies
f_id(n, w, req)
n |
Integer(4) |
none |
Index of the acoustic mode |
w |
Real(8) |
m/s |
Speed of sound |
Req |
Real(8) |
mm |
Radius of the equivalent sphere |
Return |
Real(8) |
Hz |
Frequency of the mode |
J. B. Mehl, M. R. Moldover and L. Pitre, Designing quasi-spherical resonators for acoustic thermometry, Metrologia 41 (2004) 295–304;
Boundary layer
Thermal penetration length: d_t
d_t(K, rho, cp, f)
K |
Real(8) |
W/(m K) |
Thermal conductivity of the gas |
rho |
Real(8) |
kg/m3 |
Density of the gas |
cp |
Real(8) |
J/(kg K) |
Constant pressure specific heat capacity of the gas |
f |
Real(8) |
Hz |
Frequency of the acoustic mode |
Return |
Real(8) |
m |
Thermal penetration length |
M. R. Moldover, J. B. Mehl and M. Greenspan, Gas-filled spherical resonators: Theory and experiment, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 79 (2}, February 1986;
Viscous penetration length: d_v
d_v(Nu, rho, f)
Nu |
Real(8) |
Pa s |
Viscosity of the gas |
rho |
Real(8) |
kg/m3 |
Density of the gas |
f |
Real(8) |
Hz |
Frequency of the acoustic mode |
Return |
Real(8) |
m |
Viscous penetration length |
M. R. Moldover, J. B. Mehl and M. Greenspan, Gas-filled spherical resonators: Theory and experiment, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 79 (2}, February 1986;
Thermal accommodation length: I_t
I_t(T, p, cv, K, m, h)
T |
Real(8) |
K |
Temperature of the gas |
p |
Real(8) |
kPa |
Pressure of the gas |
cv |
Real(8) |
J/(kg K) |
Specific heat capacity of the gas |
K |
Real(8) |
W/(m K) |
Thermal conductivity of the gas |
m |
Real(8) |
kg/mol |
Molar mass of the gas |
h |
Real(8) |
none |
Accommodation coefficient |
Return |
Real(8) |
m |
Thermal accommodation length |
G. Benedetto, R. M. Gavioso, R. Spagnolo, P. Marcarino and A. Merlone, Acoustic measurements of the thermodynamic temperature between the triple point of mercury and 380 K, Metrologia 41, 2004, 74–98;
Frequency shift
Thermal boundary layer frequency shift
df_th(g, dt, dt_Cu, I_t, K, K_Cu, Req, f)
g |
Real(8) |
cp/cv |
Specific heat capacities ratio |
dt |
Real(8) |
m |
Thermal penetration length of the gas |
dt_Cu |
Real(8) |
m |
Thermal penetration length of the copper |
I_t |
Real(8) |
m |
Thermal accommodation length |
K |
Real(8) |
W/(m K) |
Thermal conductivity of the gas |
K_Cu |
Real(8) |
W/(m K) |
Thermal conductivity of the copper |
Req |
Real(8) |
mm |
Radius of the equivalent sphere |
f |
Real(8) |
Hz |
Frequency of the acoustic mode |
Return |
Real(8) |
Hz |
Shift of the resonant frequency |
L. Pitre, M. R. Moldover and W. L. Tew, Acoustic thermometry: new results from 273 K to 77 K and progress towards 4 K, Metrologia 43 (2006) 142–162;
Separated contributions
Next three functions reproduce the three terms used to calculate df_th. Sometimes researchers prefer to keep the contributions separated to investigate them.
Frequency shift by d_t
df_dth(g, Req, d_t)
g |
Real(8) |
cp/cv |
Specific heat capacities ratio |
Req |
Real(8) |
mm |
Radius of the equivalent sphere |
d_t |
Real(8) |
m |
Thermal penetration length of the gas |
Return |
Real(8) |
df/f |
Shift of the resonant frequency |
Frequency shift by I_t
df_Ith(g, Req, I_t)
g |
Real(8) |
cp/cv |
Specific heat capacities ratio |
Req |
Real(8) |
mm |
Radius of the equivalent sphere |
I_t |
Real(8) |
m |
Thermal accommodation length of the gas |
Return |
Real(8) |
df/f |
Shift of the resonant frequency |
Frequency shift by shell-gas coupling
df_CuTh(g, Req, dt_Cu, K, K_Cu)
g |
Real(8) |
cp/cv |
Specific heat capacities ratio |
Req |
Real(8) |
mm |
Radius of the equivalent sphere |
dt_Cu |
Real(8) |
m |
Thermal penetration length of the copper |
K |
Real(8) |
W/(m K) |
Thermal conductivity of the gas |
K_Cu |
Real(8) |
W/(m K) |
Thermal conductivity of the copper |
Return |
Real(8) |
df/f |
Shift of the resonant frequency |
df_ducts(r, L, N, rho, cp,w, g, K, Nu, Req, f, n, df_f, dg_g)
r |
Array[Real(8)] |
mm |
Radius of the tube sections starting from the resonator |
L |
Array(Real(8)] |
mm |
Length of the tube sections starting from the resonator |
N |
Integer(4) |
none |
Number of sections loaded in the arrays |
rho |
Real(8) |
kg/m3 |
Density of the gas |
cp |
Real(8) |
J/(kg K) |
Constant pressure specific heat capacity of the gas |
w |
Real(8) |
m/s |
speed of sound of the gas |
g |
Real(8) |
cp/cv |
Specific heat capacities ratio |
K |
Real(8) |
W/(m K) |
Thermal conductivity of the gas |
Nu |
Real(8) |
Ps s |
Viscosity of the gas |
Req |
Real(8) |
mm |
Radius of the equivalent sphere |
f |
Real(8) |
Hz |
frequency of the acoustic mode |
n |
Integer(4) |
none |
Index of the acoustic mode |
df_f |
Real(8) |
df/f |
Return the relative frequency shift caused by ducts |
dg_f |
Real(8) |
dg/f |
Return the relative half-width increasing of the acoustic mode caused by ducts |
J. B. Mehl, M. R. Moldover and L. Pitre, Designing quasi-spherical resonators for acoustic thermometry, Metrologia 41 (2004) 295–304;
df_mic(r, Req, rho w)
r |
Real(8) |
mm |
radius of the microphone |
Req |
Real(8) |
mm |
radius of the equivalent sphere |
rho |
Real(8) |
kg/m3 |
Density of the gas |
w |
Real(8) |
m/s |
Speed of sound in the gas |
Return |
Real(8) |
df/f |
Frequency shift of the acoustic mode |
J. B. Mehl, M. R. Moldover and L. Pitre, Designing quasi-spherical resonators for acoustic thermometry, Metrologia 41 (2004) 295–304;
Radial modes eigenvalues correction for triaxial-Ellipsoids
O2dZ2AC(Eps, n)
Eps |
Array[Real(8)] |
none |
Values of epsilon_1 and epsilon_2 encapsulated in an array |
n |
Integer(4) |
none |
Index of the acoustic mode |
Return |
Real(8) |
dz2/z2 |
Shift of the square of the eigenvalue dz2/z2 |
J. B. Mehl, Acoustic Eigenvalues of a Quasispherical Resonator: Second Order Shape Perturbation Theory for Arbitrary Modes, J. Res. Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol. 112, 163-173 (2007);
Half-width of the acoustic modes
Half-width of radial acoustic modes
g_t(T, p,g, dt, dt_Cu, K, K_Cu, Req, f)
T |
Real(8) |
K |
Temperature of the gas |
p |
Real(8) |
kPa |
Pressure of the gas |
g |
Real(8) |
cp/cv |
Specific heat capacities ratio |
dt |
Real(8) |
m |
Thermal penetration length of the gas |
dt_Cu |
Real(8) |
m |
Thermal penetration length of the copper |
K |
Real(8) |
W/(m K) |
Thermal conductivity of the gas |
K_Cu |
Real(8) |
W/(m K) |
Thermal conductivity of the copper |
Req |
Real(8) |
mm |
Radius of the equivalent sphere |
f |
Real(8) |
Hz |
Frequency of the acoustic mode |
Return |
Real(8) |
Hz |
Increment of the half-with for thermal boundary layer |
K. A. Gillis, I. I. Shinder and M. R. Moldover, Phys. Rev. E 70 021201 (2004);
Separated contributions
Next three functions calculate the separated contributions included in g_t.
Half-width increase by thermal boundary layer (first order)
g_th(g, Req, d_th)
g |
Real(8) |
cp/cv |
Specific heat capacities ratio |
Req |
Real(8) |
mm |
Radius of the equivalent sphere |
dt |
Real(8) |
m |
Thermal penetration length of the gas |
Return |
Real(8) |
dg/f |
Half-with for thermal boundary layer |
Half-width increase by thermal boundary layer (second order)
g_thO2(g, Req, d_th)
g |
Real(8) |
cp/cv |
Specific heat capacities ratio |
Req |
Real(8) |
mm |
Radius of the equivalent sphere |
dt |
Real(8) |
m |
Thermal penetration length of the gas |
Return |
Real(8) |
dg/f |
Half-with for thermal boundary layer |
Half-width increase by shell-gas coupling
g_Cu(g, Req, dt_Cu, K, K_Cu)
g |
Real(8) |
cp/cv |
Specific heat capacities ratio |
Req |
Real(8) |
mm |
Radius of the equivalent sphere |
dt_Cu |
Real(8) |
m |
Thermal penetration length of the copper |
K |
Real(8) |
W/(m K) |
Thermal conductivity of the gas |
K_Cu |
Real(8) |
m |
Thermal conductivity of the copper |
Return |
Real(8) |
dg/f |
Half-with for thermal boundary layer |
Half-width by bulk attenuation
g_b(T, p, g, dv, dt, f)
T |
Real(8) |
K |
Temperature of the gas |
p |
Real(8) |
kPa |
Pressure of the gas |
g |
Real(8) |
cp/cv |
Specific heat capacities ratio |
dv |
Real(8) |
m |
Viscous penetration length of the gas |
dt |
Real(8) |
m |
Thermal penetration length of the gas |
f |
Real(8) |
Hz |
Frequency of the acoustic mode |
Return |
Real(8) |
Hz |
Increment of the half-with |
M. R. Moldover, J. B. Mehl and M. Greenspan, Gas-filled spherical resonators: Theory and experiment, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 79 (2}, February 1986;
Electromagnetic modes
Skin effect
Depth penetration of electromagnetic waves
d_sk(mu_r, s, f)
mu_r |
Real(8) |
none |
Relative magnetic permeability of copper |
s |
Real(8) |
S / m |
Electric conductivity of the copper |
f |
Real(8) |
Hz |
Frequency of the electromagnetic mode |
Return |
Real(8) |
m |
Penetration length in the copper |
E. F. May, L. Pitre, J.B. Mehl, M. R. Moldover and J. W. Schmidt, Quasi-spherical cavity resonators for metrology based on the relative dielectric permittivity of gases, Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 75, No. 10, October 2004;
TE frequency and half-width perturbation
df_skTE(d_sk, R_Eq, df_f dg_f)
d_sk |
Real(8) |
m |
Penetration length in the copper |
Req |
Real(8) |
mm |
Radius of the equivalent sphere |
df_f |
Real(8) |
df/f |
Return shift of the TE mode |
dg_f |
Real(8) |
dg/f |
Return half-width of the TE mode |
E. F. May, L. Pitre, J.B. Mehl, M. R. Moldover and J. W. Schmidt, Quasi-spherical cavity resonators for metrology based on the relative dielectric permittivity of gases, Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 75, No. 10, October 2004;
TM1n frequency and half-width perturbation
df_skTM1n(d_sk, R_Eq, n, df_f dg_f)
d_sk |
Real(8) |
m |
Penetration length in the copper |
Req |
Real(8) |
mm |
Radius of the equivalent sphere |
n |
Integer(4) |
none |
Index of the TM1n mode |
df_f |
Real(8) |
df/f |
Return relative shift of the TM1n mode |
dg_f |
Real(8) |
dg/f |
Return relative increase of the half-width of the TM1n mode |
E. F. May, L. Pitre, J.B. Mehl, M. R. Moldover and J. W. Schmidt, Quasi-spherical cavity resonators for metrology based on the relative dielectric permittivity of gases, Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol. 75, No. 10, October 2004;
TE modes frequency perturbation
df_dcTE(r, R_Eq)
r |
Real(8) |
mm |
Radius of the duct |
Req |
Real(8) |
mm |
Radius of the equivalent sphere |
Return |
Real(8) |
df/f |
Shift of the TE modes due to a duct |
R. J. Underwood, J. B. Mehl, L. Pitre, G. Edwards, G. Sutton and M. de Podesta, Waveguide effects on quasispherical microwave cavity resonators, Meas. Sci. Technol. 21 (2010) 075103;
TM1n modes frequency perturbation
df_dcTM1n(r, R_Eq, n)
r |
Real(8) |
mm |
Radius of the duct |
Req |
Real(8) |
mm |
Radius of the equivalent sphere |
n |
Integer(4) |
none |
Index of the TM1n mode |
Return |
Real(8) |
df/f |
Shift of the TM1n modes due to a duct |
R. J. Underwood, J. B. Mehl, L. Pitre, G. Edwards, G. Sutton and M. de Podesta, Waveguide effects on quasispherical microwave cavity resonators, Meas. Sci. Technol. 21 (2010) 075103;
Epsilon calculations
Using TM1n first order approximation model
Eps_TM1n(f1, f2, f3, n, ep1, ep2)
f1 |
Real(8) |
Hz |
Frequency of the first component of the TM1n mode |
f2 |
Real(8) |
Hz |
Frequency of the second component of the TM1n mode |
f3 |
Real(8) |
Hz |
Frequency of the third component of the TM1n mode |
n |
Integer(4) |
none |
Index of the TM1n mode |
ep1 |
Real(8) |
1-Rx/Rz |
Return value of epsilon_1 of the ellipsoidal resonator |
ep2 |
Real(8) |
1-Ry/Rz |
Return value of epsilon_2 of the ellipsoidal resonator |
J. B. Mehl, Second-order electromagnetic eigenfrequencies of a triaxial ellipsoid, Metrologia 46 (2009) 554–559;
Using TE1n first order approximation model
Eps_TE1n(f1, f2, f3, n, ep1, ep2)
f1 |
Real(8) |
Hz |
Frequency of the first component of the TE1n mode |
f2 |
Real(8) |
Hz |
Frequency of the second component of the TE1n mode |
f3 |
Real(8) |
Hz |
Frequency of the third component of the TE1n mode |
n |
Integer(4) |
none |
Index of the TM1n mode |
ep1 |
Real(8) |
1-Rx/Rz |
Return value of epsilon_1 of the ellipsoidal resonator |
ep2 |
Real(8) |
1-Ry/Rz |
Return value of epsilon_2 of the ellipsoidal resonator |
J. B. Mehl, Second-order electromagnetic eigenfrequencies of a triaxial ellipsoid, Metrologia 46 (2009) 554–559;
Second order shape perturbations (applied to the mean value)
TM1n perturbed eigen values
dzm2_zTM1n( ep1, ep2, n)
ep1 |
Real(8) |
none |
Value of epsilon_1 of the ellipsoidal resonator |
ep2 |
Real(8) |
none |
Value of epsilon_2 of the ellipsoidal resonator |
n |
Integer(4) |
none |
Index of the TM1n mode |
Return |
Real(8) |
dz2/z2 |
Shift of the square of the eigenvalue dz2/z2 for the mode TE1n |
J. B. Mehl, Second-order electromagnetic eigenfrequencies of a triaxial ellipsoid, Metrologia 46 (2009) 554–559;
TE1n perturbed eigen values
dzm2_zTE1n( ep1, ep2, n)
ep1 |
Real(8) |
none |
Value of epsilon_1 of the ellipsoidal resonator |
ep2 |
Real(8) |
none |
Value of epsilon_2 of the ellipsoidal resonator |
n |
Integer(4) |
none |
Index of the TE1n mode |
Return |
Real(8) |
dz2/z2 |
Shift of the square of the eigenvalue dz2/z2 for the mode TE1n |
J. B. Mehl, Second-order electromagnetic eigenfrequencies of a triaxial ellipsoid, Metrologia 46 (2009) 554–559;
Copper properties
Constant pressure specific heat capacity
T |
Real(8) |
K |
Temperature of the copper |
Return |
Real(8) |
J/(kg K) |
Constant pressure specific heat capacity of the copper |
Thermal conductivity
k_cu(T, RRR)
T |
Real(8) |
K |
Temperature of the copper |
Real(8) |
none |
Residual resistance ratio of the copper |
Return |
Real(8) |
W/(m K) |
Thermal conductivity of the copper |
This project (18SIB02-RMG1) has received funding from the EMPIR programme co-financed by the Participating States and from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.
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The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
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